May 2016 - King Farm
May 2016 - King Farm
Chronicle Published by the King Farm Citizens Assembly Volume 16, Issue 5 Pool Season What’s News New Restaurant Coming Soon Turn to page 8 to find out which new food experience will be opening soon. Is Here BBQ Anyone? The Screamin’ Geese Swim Team will host a BBQ, check out page 11 to find out the where, when and how to resgister. 4th of July Celebration The City will be bringing back the fireworks to King Farm, check out page 13 to learn more. PRSRT-STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Gaithersburg, MD Permit #2666 Pool Bound? Be sure to turn to page 4 to find out what you need to know about hitting the pools this summer in King Farm. King Farm Pools Open Saturday, May 28 By Andrea Escher he countdown has now begun till the official start of the summer season and that means the official first day the pools open in King Farm. So mark your calendars and get the bathing suits ready for Saturday, May 28. If you are a King Farm homeowner and have not yet received your Key Fobs, please visit the on-site management office as soon as possible to fill out the required pool pass application. You will not be able to enter the pools if you do not have a Key Fob. If you already received your Key Fobs last year, you do not need to do anything this summer. Key FOB distribution is available during normal business hours Monday-Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The swimming lesson program will be hosted by the pool management company RSV Pools. Information about the swim program will be available at the pools. The swim team will be busy practicing during the morning and evening hours, and will be hosting several home swim meets during select Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. The Saddle Ridge Circle pool will be closed during swim meets; however, the Bailey’s Commons pool will be open. A complete schedule for the Screamin’ Geese can be found on page 9. The pools are sure to be happening places this summer with special activities and events, swim meets and more. Keep reading the King Farm Chronicle each month for all the details and remember to register your family at to receive weekly activities and events e-mail announcements. T Screamin’ Geese Splash into New Division This Season First Day of Practice Starts May 31 By Kate Myers Return Address: 300 Saddle Ridge Circle • Rockville, MD 20850 O n Tuesday, May 31, the King Farm Screamin’ Geese officially dive into a new swim team season! Judging from current registration numbers, Swim Team President Tracy Jackson anticipates a slightly larger roster of about 150 swimmers this year, which she says could make the difference in close meets. “Other pools we compete against are not limited by geographic boundaries like we are. If we don’t have enough eight and under boys or older swimmers, which was the case last year, we can’t go outside the neighborhood to find them,” says Jackson. Head coach Ryan Yuen returns for a fourth year, along with veteran assistant coaches Michelle Nguyen, Maura Fries and Henri Morel. (Fries will serve as preteam head coach.) Matt Nguyen will do double duty competing in his last season for the Screamin’ Geese and serving as an assistant coach. Yuen and his team expect big performances this summer from returning swimmers Jase Ashkin, Joanna swim team Continues on page 9... May 2016 King Farm Residents Start “Go Fund Me” Drive to Support King Farm Teen Battling Cancer By Andrea Escher B ack in November, the King Farm Chronicle introduced you to King Farm teenager Daniel Garcia, the 13-yearold King Farm resident who is battling osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer for almost two years. Since his diagnosis in September 2014, Daniel has undergone more than 13 surgeries, 20 rounds of chemotherapy and more stays in the hospital that can be counted. Last summer Daniel was finally declared cancer free, unfortunately a short time later his cancer returned to both his leg and lung. Since our story about Daniel in November, he has had his leg amputated and has undergone unsuccessful If you would like to donate please visit LoveForDaniel experimental drug trials. The drug trials has left him weak, malnourished and batting healing issues on his amputated leg. He has also developed an inoperable tumor and there are few options left. Through the course of this ordeal, Daniel’s mother Theresa has been able to rely on health insurance and personal funds to cover treatments, lost work time, travel, other medical needs and basic living expenses for Daniel, her daughter Sara and herself. Now, they are in need of the community’s support. A group of King Farm residents have started a “go fund me” page for assist the family. All funds donated will be used to provide Daniel and his family with medication, food and general living expenses. These caring neighbors hope enough funds can be raised to help Theresa continue to be there as Daniel’s caregiver and provide the medical support he needs. To date, the fund has raised $18,000. If you would like to donate please visit https://www.gofundme. com/LoveForDaniel The King Farm community will continue to keep Daniel and his family in their thoughts and prayers and thanks everyone for their support. 2 King Farm Chronicle May 2016 May 2016 ’s t en d i es er, r P rnrman ns CoGail Shme Citizeident King Farm Chronicle May 2016 A s I start my second term as president of King Farm Citizens Assembly, I was trying to think about what to focus on in this column. It is spring and the flowers and trees are blooming (along with allergies and pollen) and we are workBy g Far Pres ing on pool repairs to be ready for opening Kin embly day – which isn’t so far off; concrete repairs Ass and landscaping issues – much of what is normal and some that occurred during snow cleanup this past winter. So, I thought I would focus on the importance of staying aware of what is happening in the City, that may not directly affect King Farm in the immediate future, but can going forward. The City is currently conducting public meetings on the 2040 Master Plan – the first session was held on April 19 and the remaining three will be held on May 10, 24 and June 14. These sessions are still open to City residents and you can register to participate by emailing . What happens in these sessions will most likely determine what our City will look like in the next 25 years and this does include the King Farm Neighborhood planning district. Also in discussion is the Rockville Neighborhood Pike Plan, transmitted in early April to the Mayor and Council by the Planning Commission. Public hearings on this Plan are in progress – the second scheduled in May. While the Pike Plan covers the area of the Pike from Twinbrook to Town Center, what happens on the Pike will impact those of us to the north – negatively or positively depending on your views. More immediate is the County’s plan to relocate the school bus depot that was on Crabbs Branch to Manakee Street at Rt. 355. This will include housing at least 100 school buses that can potentially impact traffic on Rt 355 and the local neighborhoods. No action has been taken to date nor do we know if the City can have any impact on the County’s decision. Stay tuned. Also, Redland Corporate Center is proposing an additional two commercial buildings on their site on Gaither Road. I believe that this project comes before the Planning Commission in June. And the County is sponsoring open houses on the proposed Bus Rapid Transit System – the session closest to King Farm will be held at Gaithersburg High School on May 3 at 6:30. This proposal includes incorporation of the CCT into this effort. This meeting is open to all. I will try to periodically provide information on City issues that may impact King Farm at some point. And our newly constituted External Affairs Committee will be staying abreast of these issues as well. Happy Spring! King Farm 3 Calendar of Events for MAY May 9 King Farm Board of Code Compliance Meeting, 7:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. May 10 Aging in Place in King Farm Meeting, 1:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. May 11 King Farm Architectural Design Trust, 7:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. May 12 Baileys Commons Condominium I, 7:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. May 13 King Farm Movie Night on the Lawn, 8:00 p.m. on the Saddle Ridge Lawn, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. May 18 Board of Trustees Meeting, 7:30 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. May 21 King Farm Concert on the Lawn, 6:30 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. May 23 King Farm Village Center II Condominium, 7:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. May 25 Deadline for submissions of articles and advertisements for the June King Farm Chronicle. Contact Andrea Escher at May 14 King Farm Yard Sale, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at King Farm Park May 26 King Farm Village Center III Condominium, 7:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. May 17 Bailey’s Commons II Condominium, 7:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. May 30 King Farm Screamin’ Geese BBQ at the Pool 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saddle Ridge Pool. To see a full list of events and to interactively download items to your calendar, go to and click on News and Events, Calendar of Events. 4 King Farm Chronicle ’s r e erre, Manag rn mo Gil er o r e C Jennif l Manag By era n Ge SPRING IS IN THE AIR Each year, King Farm Citizens Assembly inspects the exterior of every home and notifies the residents of maintenance or compliance issues that need to be addressed. The purpose of this inspection is not to create additional work for you. Instead, it is intended to protect the market value of your home and the overall appearance of the King Farm community by ensuring that residents maintain their property and are in compliance with the Design Guidelines. Some of the things we focus on during inspections include: • Is there any peeling paint or rotted wood trim? • Are your door and window screens in good condition? • Are your shutters faded, cracked, chipped or missing? • How does the siding on your home look? Is it moldy, should it be power washed? • Do your steps or sidewalk need to be cleaned or repaired? • Is the landscaping of your yard being maintained properly? (i.e., is there any dead plant, tree, or shrub material, are there any overgrown shrubs, trees, bushes, are the planting beds edged and mulched, is there any excessive weedy or bare areas of your lawn turf area) If any part of your property has been damaged over the winter, and you don’t want to receive a “friendly reminder” or “Annual Inspection Notice” from the Management office, contact us and let us know you’re aware of the damage and that you are taking the appropriate steps to repair it. Even if it’s something small or trivial, it’s a good idea to keep management in the loop as to your plan of action. Let’s take pride in keeping King Farm Citizens Assembly looking the best it can be. Please visit our website at to download and view the Community Design Guidelines in its entirety. Click under Documents>Citizens Assembly>Resolutions>Equity and click on Equity Resolution No. 6. Please keep in mind that before you start on any exterior modification to your home you need to check to make sure whether or not approval from the King Farm Community Architect and the King Farm Architectural Design Trust (ADT) is required. The documents of the King Farm Citizens Assembly Equity, Resolution No. 1 are posted on online at Many changes are routine in nature and require no approval, but please check first to make sure before tackling a large project. Also, if you’ve done work in the past and didn’t get approval, you’ll need to obtain retroactive approval, so make sure you fill out that application! If you have questions about the process or want to find out if your installation needs approval, feel free to contact the Community Manager’s office by phone, email, or in person; remember, we’re here to help you out. POOL INFORMATION The swimming pools (Saddle Ridge & Baileys Commons) will open on Saturday, May 28, 2016 for the season. We want to remind everyone that you must have a Key Fob to access the pools. For those of you that have already received a fob you do not need to do anything as your information has already been entered into our system. If you don’t have a key fob then you will need to follow the instructions that you received in the mail at the end of March. KING FARM REMINDERS: ALLEY LIGHTS Remember to check your alley lights for burnt out bulbs or any damage to your fixture. Inspections of alley lights are done on a monthly basis. We appreciate your cooperation on this matter. PICK UP AFTER YOUR PET If you see an area that has a lot of feces please let management know and we will have Community Landscape clean the area. And when you pick up your pet waste do not throw it in a sewer drain. Management has had to clean out several sewer drains with bags of pet feces. Please keep in mind that when pet waste is disposed of improperly, water quality isn’t the only thing that suffers — your health may be at risk, too. Adults working in their gardens, children playing outside and family pets are the most at risk for infection from some of the bacteria and parasites found in pet waste. New King Farm Website The NEW King Farm website has been up and running now for a little almost 4 months now. In that time, 975 of you have registered. THANK YOU! Way to go and let’s keep the registrations coming. To those that have not registered, please take a moment to do so. You don’t want to miss out on any important King Farm info. It’s easy! All residents must register for a login for new password in order to continue to receive the bi-weekly e-mail blasts from the management office and to be able to access the website Just visit and click on “Request Login”. We will shoot you a password right away during business hours and if after hours the very next day the office is open. Thank you again to those that have already registered! VEHICLE PARKING VIOLATION Management has received several complaints from concerned residents about parking of commercial vehicles and vehicles not parking in valid parking spots. Management is constantly out in the Community patrolling the area and looking for vehicles that are not parked in a valid parking spots, unauthorized type, expired or No License plate, not operational, and missing essential components. Management has contacted the City of Rockville about the oversized vehicles and they have asked that we encourage residents to call them directly in the future to report this at the Police non-emergency number at 240-314-8900. May 2016 SAFETY Children who are riding bikes or rollerblading also need to be cautious; parents, remind your kids to slow down at intersections and blind corners and follow the old rule of “look both ways before you cross the street.” Simple safety measures like this will help keep everyone’s recreational activities danger-free. COMMUNITY FACILITIES Titleholders and tenants of titleholders are allowed to rent the Community Center; rental hours are 9am to 2pm and 6pm to 11pm Saturday and Sunday and 6pm to 11pm Monday - Friday (reservations are first come, first served, so be sure to contact management well in advance of the event to determine availability) The Community Center rental fee is $350 and a $350 deposit. The Community Center can hold up to 120 guests and has 10 tables and 80 chairs. For more information about the rental of the Community Center, please contact us at 301-987-0122 or via email at Chronicle King Farm Citizens Assembly President Gail Sherman Board of Trustees Tom Curtis Paul Stankus Bruce Cox Mel Willis Stan Schwartzbart General Manager Jennifer Gilmore 301-987-0122 x4 Administrative Assistant Liz Shipe 301-987-0122 x1 King Farm Chronicle Staff Editor & Advertising Manager Andrea Escher 301-296-6767 Staff Writer Kate Myers Graphic Design Cristina Strigel Staff Photographer Kathy McKee The King Farm Chronicle© is the monthly means of communicating information of interest to King Farm residents. The paper is published by the King Farm Citizens Assembly, Inc., which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The newspaper addresses items of legitimate interest to the citizens of King Farm. It does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service. Articles and letters may be edited for length and content. The opinions contained in published letters are not intended to express the opinions of this newspaper. Letters will be published, or not, in the discretion of this newspaper. Writers should include their names, addresses, and telephone numbers, and may include email addresses as well. This newspaper reserves the right not to print letters, or parts of letters, which, in its sole judgment it deems to be inappropriate for publication. Articles relating to either health or finance issues reflect only the views and opinions of the authors and are for informational purposes only. These articles should not be construed as offering medical or financial advice. Neither, the King Farm Chronicle, nor the King Farm Citizens Assembly, Inc. endorse the products or services advertised therein, nor are they responsible for any claims made by the advertisers. The deadline for submissions for the next edition of the King Farm Chronicle is May 25, 2016. May 2016 King Farm Chronicle 5 6 Activities and Events By Andrea Escher King Farm Movie Night “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” It rained on the original date so the King Farm Movie Night will be held on Friday, May 13, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. Bring a blanket or a lawn chair and come enjoy the super blockbuster feature “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” playing on the big movie screen on the Saddle Ridge Circle lawn area adjacent to the Saddle Ridge Community Center. This movie is rated PG-13 and will be shown in closed caption. We hope to see you there! King Farm Annual Yard Sale This Month Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 14, 2016 for the Annual King Farm Community Yard Sale. Come sell or shop for treasures from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at King Farm Park. A rain date of Sunday, May 15 has been arranged. There will not be a registration process and no fee to participate. Tables will not be provided. This will be the only yard sale held in 2016. Set-up time for residents will begin at 7:00 a.m. along Trotter Farm Drive and you must bring your own tables. Residents will be asked to set up their tables along the sidewalk on the grass areas on Trotter Farm Drive. Spaces are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. There will be no assigned sale spaces. You must take all unsold items and trash with you after the event is over. No items should be left in the Park. This Yard Sale will be advertised on Craig’s List. For questions, please contact King Farm Summer Concert Series Returns The Summer Concert Series returns to King Farm on Saturday, May 21, 2016 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Saddle King Farm Chronicle Ridge Community Center lawn area, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle. The Regal Beagles will kick off the summer sounds with the smooth sounds of the 70’s and 80’s and those one hit wonders you’ll be singing all night long! We can’t wait to welcome the Regal Beagles to King Farm for their debut performance!! Be sure to pack a picnic dinner, some cocktails, lawn chairs and the whole family as we celebrate the kickoff of summer and the return of concerts in King Farm! King Farm Hawaiian Luau On the Lawn An authentic Hawaiian Luau is returning to King Farm. So come dressed in your Hawaiian best as King Farm prepares to bring that Hawaiian island magic back to the Saddle Ridge Community Center lawn on Saturday, June 11, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Come enjoy a live luau show as we welcome back Tuika and his Polynesian Island family show, including Polynesian dancers, hula fun and the much anticipated Samoan Fire Dance at dusk. The show also includes interactive segments where both adults and kids will be able to come on stage and learn to hula with the best. So be sure to practice those hip-shaking moves guys and girls! Portions of Saddle Ridge Circle will be shut down by police to allow for pedestrian safety. You are encouraged to walk to the event. Our friends at Dogfish Head Alehouse will be selling food and beverages (both non-alcoholic and alcoholic) starting at 6:30 p.m. So be sure to come hungry and thirsty and support our friends at Dogfish Head. Be sure to bring your blankets and lawn chairs and come enjoy the show. May 2016 2016 King Farm Calendar of Events May Movie Night on the Lawn.................................. 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m....................... Friday, May 13 King Farm Annual Yard Sale............................... 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m....................... Saturday, May 14 (Park) Concert on the Lawn......................................... 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m......................... Saturday, May 21 June Hawaiian Luau on the Lawn.............................. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m......................... Saturday, June 11 Concert on the Lawn ........................................ 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m......................... Saturday, June 25 July 4th of July Parade & Carnival ........................... 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m....................... Monday, July 4 Concert on the Lawn ........................................ 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m......................... Saturday, July 16 August National Night Out Lawn Party....................... 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m......................... Tuesday, August 2 Back to School Pool Party................................. 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m......................... Saturday, August 27 Concert on the Lawn ........................................ 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m......................... Saturday, August 27 September Movie Night on the Lawn.................................. 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. ..................... Saturday, September 3 BBQ & Brew Fest................................................ 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m....................... Saturday, September 17 Fall Festival ........................................................... 12:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m............................ Saturday, September 25 October Halloween Adult Happy Hour ......................... 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m....................... Saturday, October 29 Halloween Magic Show & Parade.................... 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m......................... Sunday, October 30 November Wine & Chocolate Happy Hour .................... 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m....................... Saturday, November 5 December Volunteer Appreciation Dinner........................ 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m......................... Friday, December 2 NYC Holiday Bus Trip........................................ ALL DAY.............................................. Saturday, December 3 Toy Drive Holiday Party ................................... 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m..................... Saturday, December 10 May 2016 King Farm Chronicle What’s Happening with King Farm Community Service? By Josh Cheatwood K ing Farm Community Service is happy to start another great year of service to our friends and neighbors in Rockville. We have many exciting things coming up this summer and the rest of the year. Please check back to the Chronicle for updates of our going on’s and as always please come to our monthly meetings! The next one will be Monday May 16. All friends and neighbors are encouraged to come and offer any ideas they may have. See you soon! JSSA Volunteers Needed JSSA’s serving people throughout life’s transitions, is seeking volunteers to be a part of a number of growing volunteer-driven programs. The Meals on Wheels program brings kosher meals to homebound seniors, and is built on the service of volunteer drivers who can make a weekly commitment, as well as back-up drivers who fill in on short notice. Himmelfarb Mobile University brings volunteer instructors to area nursing homes and assisted living facilities to teach courses to seniors. Courses are designed by instructors and can be on just about any subject of choice. JSSA Hospice and Transitions volunteers provide companionship for the ill and terminally ill and respite for family members. Therapy dogs, massage therapists, and Reiki practitioners round out the interdisciplinary hospice team of doctors, nurses, social workers, and trained volunteers. Through a new partnership with Nourish Now Food Bank in Rockville, we are looking for volunteers to pick up and deliver food to seniors at their homes. We are also looking for volunteers to help enrich the lives of seniors who need support to stay engaged with everyday experiences. Some need a ride to the beauty parlor, someone to help them read and sort mail, support to use technology, or someone to pick up and help put away groceries. In particular, we’re seeking volunteers with daytime availability (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). We provide training specific to each of these volunteer opportunities and all volunteers have a staff coordinator to support their volunteer experience. All volunteers are required to have an in-person interview, submit 3 character references, and share information for JSSA to conduct a background check. Please be in touch with Elana Premack Sandler, Director of Volunteer Engagement, to find out more or request an application, 301.610.8395 or Manna Food Warehouse On the third Saturday of every month we package boxes of food for needy families. Volunteers begin working 9:00 a.m. and are usually finished by 11:00 a.m. depending on the number of volunteers. The warehouse is located at 9311 Gaither Road, Gaithersburg, MD 20877. This is a great opportunity for graduating seniors to fulfill their service credits! New volunteers are always encouraged and welcomed. Please contact Gail Singer at or call 301-990-1808 for more information. Interfaith Clothing Center (ICC) The ICC is a popular community service project. The center distributes new or gently used, clean clothing and household goods to low-income families. Our volunteers help one day a month putting items on hangers, neatly displaying items and assisting shoppers. We are always in need of volunteers who are at least 12 years of age (ages 1215 must have a parent or guardian present). Students can receive community service credits if needed. The ICC is located at 751 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD 20851. Anyone interested in partaking in this project should contact Ira at or call 301-990-1808. 7 Calling All 2016 Graduates Calling all preschool, kindergarten, elementary, middle, high school and college graduates! The Chronicle would like to feature your 2016 graduate in the June Neighbors in the News graduates segment. Send us a photo of your graduate and all the details to or drop off your graduate’s announcement at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, 300 Saddle Ridge Circle, attention King Farm Chronicle by May 25, 2016. 8 King Farm Chronicle May 2016 Tapas-Fusion Restaurant To Open Late May in King Farm By Kate Myers B otanero, a tapas-fusion restaurant and wine bar, will open later this month in the space formerly occupied by Dough Roller in the King Farm Village Center. In Mexico, a “botanero” refers to a neighborhood tavern that serves “botanas,” or appetizers and small plates, to its beer-drinking guests, explains co-owner Ken Skidmore. Botanero in King Farm will feature moderately priced Latin and New American dishes prepared with fresh, local ingredients, along with a rotating selection of unique wines and craft beers. Jaime Vela, formerly of Magnolia’s at the Mill, a farm-to-table concept restaurant in Purcellville, Virginia, will serve as head chef. Though the menu is still being finalized, Skidmore says diners can expect an assortment of flatbreads, fresh salads, vegetable dishes and savory meat and seafood selections like garlic-sautéed shrimp, herb-crusted lamb chops and grilled scallops over pork belly. Botanero’s menu will change frequently to highlight seasonal ingredients and customer preferences. A kid’s menu is also in the works. Skidmore and his three partners—including Jaime Sorto, owner of La Malinche in Silver Spring—are busy remodeling the space to give it a rustic-modern look and feel with seating for about 50 in the main dining room and 15 to 20 in the bar area. The team scouted potential locations for months before leasing the King Farm space. “We didn’t want to open in a strip mall on Rockville Pike…we wanted a residential feel, something fairly small and intimate,” he explains. Skidmore says the decision to open a tapas restaurant was not arbitrary, but rather reflective of his team’s overall business philosophy. “Life is best when shared,” he says. “In our restaurant, sharing small plates encourages connections with others. Our employees will share in decision-making, and our customers will share in the continual evolution of our menus and offerings.” Botanero’s logo also features a backwards letter “r,” which Skidmore says symbolizes the importance of giving back and sharing one’s good fortune with others. Botanero will be open for dinner only with plans to add lunch and brunch service at a later date. In the coming weeks, Skidmore hopes to organize a friends and family event and a menu preview night. For more information, visit or follow “Botanero-Rockville” on Facebook. May 2016 King Farm Chronicle KFST 2016 Swim Season Visit us at Join us on Facebook: KING FARM SCREAMIN’ GEESE Team Suits: Available at Aardvark in Wintergreen Plaza, 831-D Rockville Pike (301) 3093660. Ask Aardvark staff for correct King Farm suit and they will discount the cost of the suit as well. Any racing style suit may be worn for practice – save your team suit for meets. Pre-team is encouraged to wait on suit purchases until after evaluation acceptance! Practice: Wear racing suit, cap, goggles, and sunscreen to practice – bring a towel & bottle of water too! On cold or rainy days when the pool is open, bring workout gear for on deck workouts (sneakers, etc.). Website: Be sure to log into your family account and go through the verification process for your e-mail addresses at Meet Signups: The coaches need to know which kids are in town and available for each meet. Please log into the website and go to EVENTS. Click on each meet’s “ATTEND/ DECLINE” button. Select swimmer and indicate YES or NO for each meet and each child. ALL REGULAR TEAM SWIMMERS MUST DO THIS FOR EACH MEET! PRETEAM ONLY HAS TO DO THIS FOR 7/21/16 MINI-MEET. If a swimmer does not COMMIT to the meet, he/she will not be entered to swim. Coaches will choose the events for each swimmer. No deck entries! swim team Continued from page 1... Ge, Ella Myers, Ashton Sun, Eleanor Sun, Grace Wu and Joyce Wu. Recognizing that the season can be an intense, highly competitive eight-week period for swimmers, Jackson and her fellow Board members have planned several teambuilding events to boost morale and lighten the mood. Bowling, laser tag, miniature golf and pep rallies are back by popular demand, as well as pizza parties and personal best Fridays, where swimmers are honored for achieving their best times. On Saturday, May 28, the Screamin’ Geese will host a Memorial Day picnic fundraiser from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge pool. Hot dogs and hamburgers, snacks and refreshments will be available for purchase with all proceeds benefiting the team. Practice starts Tuesday, May 31, and pre-team tryouts will be held on Sunday, June 12 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Parents are needed throughout the season to fill many volunteer slots. (According to Jackson, over 1,000 hours of volunteer time is necessary to support the team and ensure practices and meets run smoothly.) For more information, including the 2016 meet schedule on this page of the Chronicle, an online registration link and a list of volunteer opportunities can be found on the team’s website by visiting 9 Volunteers: KFST is run on volunteer power – please follow the “job signup” link on the EVENTS listed on the calendar and sign up to work at a meet or other event. Family volunteering will be carefully monitored so that full participation is verified. Weather: Pool closures for weather and other issues are at the discretion of the pool staff, not the coaches! We will attempt to e-mail as early as possible in case of pool closures. If the weather is questionable, please check email before leaving home for practice. 2016 Schedule Highlights 5/28 KFST Community Picnic 5/31.......First day of Practice for REGULAR team * 6/11.......Time Trials – REGULAR TEAM 9 a.m. 6/12.......Pre-Team Evaluations – 10-11 a.m. 6/13.......First day of practice PRE-TEAM 6/18.......A Meet – HOME vs. Franklin Knolls 6/20.......Morning Practices Begin ** 6/22.......B Meet – HOME vs Washingtonian Woods 6/24.......Team Pictures & Sponsor Appreciation Night 6/25.......A Meet – AWAY at Damascus 6/29.......B Meet – AWAY at Tanterra 7/2..........A Meet –HOME vs Stonebridge 7/4..........KFST Concessions after Parade 7/6..........B Meet – AWAY at Potomac Glen 7/9..........A Meet – AWAY at Rock Creek 7/10.......A Division Relay Carnival at Damascus 7/11.......Rain date A Divisional Relay Carnival 7/12.......Coaches’ Invitational Long Course RMSC 7/13.......B Meet – AWAY at Woodley Gardens 7/16.......A Meet - HOME vs Mohican 7/17.......B Relay Carnival at King Farm 7/20.......B Meet – HOME vs Manor Woods 7/21.......KFST Mini Meet at King Farm 7/23.......A Divisionals @ KF & Team Banquet & Awards * Beginning 5/31 to 6/10, practices in afternoon only: 13-18 yr. olds 4:30 to 5:30 8 & Unders 5:30-6:15 9-12 yr. olds 6:15-7:15 * From 6/13to 6/17, afternoon practices only: Pre-team 4:30-5:00 11-18 yr. olds 5:00-6:00 10 & Unders 6:00-7:00 ** Beginning 6/20, choose between am or pm practices: 11-18 yr. olds 8:00-9:00am or 5:00-6:00pm Starting June 17th Friday PM only practice: 5:00-5:45: 11-18 Year Olds 10 & Unders 9:30-10:30am or 6:00-7:00 pm Starting June 17th Friday PM only practice 5:45-6:30: 10 and unders Pre-team 9:00-9:30am or 4:30-5:00 pm Starting June 17, afternoon FRIDAY practices are adjusted so Spirit and Pep Rally activities can start at 6:30. Note: some evenings excluded due to meets & other events – see practice calendar for details. A Meets begin at 9:00 a.m. (arrive earlier per coach’s instructions for warm-ups) B Meets begin at 6:00 p.m. (arrive earlier per coach’s instructions for warm-ups). Pre-Team kickboard races at all HOME B Meets. 7/13 Meet will start at 5:30 p.m. 10 King Farm Chronicle May 2016 Loan Programs I Offer a Wide Variety of Mortgage Options for my Clients • Conventional, 30, 20, 15 Year Fixed Rate Products up to $417,000 • Conforming/Jumbo Loan Programs up to $625,500 • Jumbo Loan Programs • VA Fixed Rate Mortgage Products • • Products Refinancing Options – Rate Reduction – Cash Out – Debt Consolidation Home Equity Loans up to 90% CLTV!! • FHA Fixed & Adjustable Rate Mortgage Jason Zamoiski Vice President/Asst. Branch Manager NMLS #204705 Vice President/Asst. Branch Manager 1st Portfolio Lending Direct: 301.917.2225 Cell: 301.536.6976 E-Fax: 301.917.2245 Email: Email: Website: State of North Carolina Offi ce of the Commissioner of Banks: L-152918 Virginia State Corporation Commission MC-4367 Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation #16309 Government of District of Columbia DISB #7098 State of Delaware Offi ce of the State Bank Commissioner #011730 State of Florida Offi ce of Financial Regulation #MLD739 Your Neighborhood’s Lender of Choice For more details and CURRENT RATES, call me today!! May 2016 King Farm Chronicle 11 King Farm Swim Team Are Summer Projects On the Horizon For Your Hosts Memorial Day BBQ Picnic Fundraiser King Farm Home? P By Andrea Escher W hat better way to celebrate the start of summer and Memorial Day weekend with a BBQ! This year the Screamin’ Geese Swim Team will host a community BBQ Picnic fundraiser on Saturday, May 28, 2016 from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Food will be set up and served on the pool deck of the Saddle Ridge pool. For those hungry BBQ goers, a traditional picnic of hotdogs, hamburgers, chips, desert and a drink will be sold via ticket purchases. Tickets will be sold for $9.00 per person for ages 10 & up, $6.00 per person for ages 4-9 and children ages 3 and under will eat free. This event is open to all King Farm residents, not just swim team families. A registration form is found on this page. Please fill out and mail to the address listed on the form along with payment. Residents will be required to check in at the reservation desk starting at 11:45 a.m. to receive their food tickets. For questions about the Memorial Day BBQ, please contact anne@kingfarm King Farm Screamin’ Geese Memorial Day BBQ Saturday, May 28, 2015 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saddle Ridge Pool Deck Choice of freshly grilled hamburger/cheeseburger, hotdog, or veggie burger; bag of chips; salad; watermelon; cookie; and drink will be provided by the KING FARM SCREAMIN’ GEESE SWIM TEAM! Support our swimmers’ fundraising efforts and enjoy a great lunch! YOU MUST RETURN THIS RESERVATION FORM to pre-purchase food. (There is a $2.00/per person surcharge to purchase food the day of the event.) As always, you are welcome to bring your own food and simply join the pool party. THIS IS A RAIN OR SHINE EVENT. FOOD WILL BE SERVED REGARDLESS OF WEATHER! ---- REGISTRATION FORM ---Name:________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ E-mail: (please print clearly)________________________________________ Indicate # of meals in each category: Age 10 & up: ___________ Age 4-9: __________ Under 3:__________ ($9 per person) ($6 per person) (No Charge) Total $: ____________________________ (Number Veggie Burgers: ______) Please make checks payable to: KFST Please mail registration form and payment to: 217 Watkins Circle, Rockville MD, 20850 If dropping registration off, please do not put it in the mailbox. There will be an envelope under the front mat.You will be contacted via email once your registration is received. Questions? lease keep in mind that before you start on any exterior modification to your home you need to check to make sure whether or not approval from the King Farm Community Architect and the King Farm Architectural Design Trust (ADT) is required. Small flower installations, repainting your house the same color, lawn edging, accent lights and synthetic porch railing replacements that conform to the guidelines found in the design guide at are some examples of things that do not need approval by the Architectural Design Trust. But if you’ve done work in the past on a greater scale, such as adding a deck, fence, etc., and didn’t get approval, you’ll need to obtain retroactive approval, so make sure you fill out that application! If you have questions about the process or want to find out if your installation needs approval, feel free to contact the Community Manager’s office by phone at 301-987-0122 or via e-mail at Remember, we’re here to help you out. In addition, the documents of the King Farm Citizens Assembly Equity, Resolution No. 1 are posted on online at Many changes are routine in nature and require no approval, but please check first to make sure before tackling a large project. Community Garden Plots Available For One Season The King Farm Community Garden at the Homestead site typically has a long wait list, taking years to get a plot. Unfortunately, two gardeners are not able to garden this season and are looking to sublet their plots for one growing season only. The cost is $35.00 and those chosen will be placed at the top of the rolling waiting list for their own plot next year. If you are interested, please contact 12 King Farm Chronicle May 2016 We have everything your pet needs right here! We are also an AAHA accredited practice. Doggie Daycare Dog & Cat Boarding Summer Pool Play Spacious and comfortable amenities for your pet Vet Appointments Laser Surgery Dentistry Digital X-rays Ultrasound K-Laser Therapy May 2016 King Farm Chronicle e plac m in ingng far ag kiSilva inBob By T he King Farm Aging in Place group meet on April 12, 2016, below are detailed notes about their meeting. Gail Sherman reported that the budget request for a Rockville Villages Facilitator was presented to the Mayor & Council. The matter has been referred to the Acting City Manager for further analysis and recommendations. The line of questions suggested that the request is not being favorably viewed at this time. The next budget meeting is Monday, May 2, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. Supporters are encouraged to attend the meeting or e-mail MayorandCouncil@ Three new attendees attended to the meeting bringing the total number to 42 people, who have either attended a meeting or sent a request to receive updates. Nancy Kaelber reported on a discussion she had with a friend in Kentlands where a Villages movement is active and about 9 months or so ahead of us. They did a survey of residents and received a decent response but were surprised by the priority of services wanted by the respondents. The first priority was for listings of verified vendors, it was expected that transportation would be the main priority issue. Ms. Fran Randolph from the Kentlands will be attending the May meeting. Thanks to Nancy for making this introduction. There was a discussion on the need to develop by-laws for the group. Three volunteers, Linda Grabel, Esmail Tehran and Marion Silva, will report on their progress of developing the bylaws at the May meeting. There was a lively discussion on a variety of topics ranging from ways to elicit The City’s Independence Day Celebration Returns to King Farm M ake plans to cap off the July Fourth holiday weekend with family and friends as the city’s annual Independence Day celebration returns to Mattie J.T. Stepanek Park, 1800 Piccard Drive in King Farm, on Monday, July 4. The party begins at 7:00 p.m. with music by The Nighthawks and the Rockville Concert Band, followed by a fabulous 20-minute-long fireworks display beginning at 9:15 p.m. The rain date is Tuesday, July 5. Rockville’s July Fourth celebration moved last year to the 26-acre Mattie J.T. Stepanek Park after being held at Montgomery College Rockville for many years. The new location offers free, easy access and ample parking, with convenient exits, as well as close proximity to the Shady Grove Metro station, all within a short walk of the fireworks viewing areas. Find details about parking and more information at www.rockvillemd. gov/independenceday, email special or call 240-314-8620. more members to the group, to ADA compliance at the Community Center, to develop a list of various vendor resources, to establish a list serve for seniors and the importance of socialization being incorporated into our mission. It was acknowledged that all the ideas have merit but that we are at an embryonic stage; more people will need to become more actively involved if we are to realize out potential. A discussion ensued on how far “aging in place,” should go in the scheme of people being able to stay in their homes while receiving whatever assistance is required for them to be able to do so. No definitive answers resulted as it was acknowledged that this is a very personal discussion and this is dependent on a myriad of individual considerations and resources. Nonetheless it was a worthwhile discussion. The next meeting will be held on May 10, 2016 at 1:00 p.m. at the Saddle Ridge Community Center, come bring a friend. 13 CITY News&Events Hometown Holidays Rockville’s Biggest Memorial Day Weekend Party Returns! Start your summer off with a Rockville tradition this Memorial Day weekend, as entertainers from around the country descend on Rockville for the city’s 28th annual Hometown Holidays. The festival will feature performances by more than 30 groups on four stages on Saturday, May 28 and Sunday, May 29. Visitors will enjoy blues, rock, reggae, folk, Americana, pop and country music throughout the festival. The weekend also features the Taste of Rockville, with food from local restaurants, kids amusements (including the return of “the beach” sand pile) and the 72nd annual Memorial Day Ceremony and Parade on Monday, May 30. Learn more at www. Hometown Holiday Highlights Taste of Rockville: noon10 p.m. Located along Maryland Avenue and Courthouse Square. Tickets are $1.25 and can be purchased at a Taste of Rockville ticket booth. Sponsored by and benefiting the Rockville Chamber of Commerce and Community Ministries of Rockville. Enjoy tastes from American Tap Room, Apollo, Armand’s Pizzeria and Grill, Bonchon Chicken, Buffalo Wild Wings, Carmen’s Italian Ice, Dawson’s Market, Ev & Maddy’s, La Tasca, Matt’s House of Kabob, Mellow Mushroom, Miller’s Ale House, Paladar, Potomac Pizza, Quench, Rockland Barbeque and Grilling Company, Saffron Indian Cuisine, Savvy Treats, city News Continues on page 14... 14 city News Continued from page 13... Seasons 52, Spice Xing, Stanford Grill, The Bean Bag Deli and Trapazaria. Community Partners: 2-8 p.m. Located along East Montgomery Avenue. Visit with organizations that are doing great work in our community. Kids Activities: 2-10 p.m. Located in the parking lot at East Montgomery Avenue and Monroe Street. Enjoy amusements for children of all ages, provided by Rockville based Talk of the Town. Fee for activities. Kids Performances: Don’t miss a variety of kid-friendly performances on the Town Square Stage on Maryland Avenue, including singers, dancers and more. Hometown Holidays Mug: Makes a great souvenir! Purchase a HTH mug at any beverage booth and your first beverage is included. Mugs are $10. Booths accept cash and credit. The Beach: Located near the Bud Light King Farm Chronicle Beach Stage. Build a sand castle or enjoy a drink with your feet in the sand at the beach. Rockville Environment Commission Booth: (Saturday only) Test your knowledge of city recycling, learn about water sheds, city sustainability and energy-efficient actions, and learn how much solar energy your home can generate. City of Rockville Booth: Located along Maryland Avenue. Visit the City of Rockville booth for giveaways and information about city programs and services. Rockville Recreation and Parks Booth: Located near the Bud Light Beach Stage. Stop by for fun giveaways and activities and learn about the city’s recreation offerings and parks. Gear Up for Bike to Work Day with Rockville 11 Biking is fun and can make life simple. Why not take your foot off the gas pedal for a day and pedal away for Bike to Work Day, from 6:30-9 a.m. on Friday, May 20. The city will celebrate with pit stops in Rockville Town Square and Fallsgrove. Learn more in the Bike Month events listings on this page. In recent years, Rockville has marked Bike to Work Day by stoking a friendly rivalry with the City of Frederick, to see which city can draw more bike riders. This year the rivalry ratchets up a notch as the two cities try to top each other at getting the word out about the benefits of biking. Check out Rockville’s entry, a Rockville 11-produced promo that will get you geared up and ready to ride, by visiting the city’s YouTube channel at www.rockvillemd. gov/youtube and searching “Bike to Work Day.” Then, support the city’s entry by following the link to cast your vote at bikemonth. The YouTube channel also offers a new series of safety tips for bicyclists, pedestrians and motorists. Find them by searching “safety May 2016 tips,” or catch them throughout May on Rockville 11. Learn more about Bike to Work Day, Bike Month in May and bicycling and pedestrian safety at and www. rockvillemd. gov/pedestriansafety Fresh Produce Returns with Farmers Market Opening The Rockville Farmers Market returns Saturday, May 14 to give shoppers their pick of fruits and vegetables, bedding plants, cut flowers, preserves, honey, herbs, baked goods, and more from regional growers and producers. This year’s market will feature 19 returning vendors and four new vendors, offering an expanded selection, including local beers, pickled veggies and soaps. The market will be open from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturdays, through Nov. 19 in the jury park- ing lot at the corner of Route 28 (E. Jefferson Street) and Monroe Street in Rockville Town Center. The market participates in the Maryland Market Money Program. The program is intended to be an incentive for participants in federal nutrition benefit programs – the Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FMNP), the Fruit and Vegetable Check Program (FVC) and the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) – to spend their benefits at the farmers market. Participants’ benefits are matched up to $5 per market visit while funds are available. Organizations or individuals wishing to contribute to the Maryland Market Money program can email Visit farmers for more information, including a list of participating vendors, approximate harvest dates for select fruits and vegetables, and a photo gallery. For more information, call 240-314-8620. Want business? Contact to learn more about advertising today! May 2016 King Farm Chronicle 15 16 King Farm Chronicle May 2016 King Farm Realty Living and Selling in King Farm FOR SALE Martin Green Associate Broker RE/MAX Realty Services 15245 Shady Grove Rd., Suite 100 Rockville, MD 20850 Over 7,000 Offices and 117,000 Associates NEW LISTING Completely updated, 4-level Mitchel & Best home. Enjoy beautiful private garden with patio. End-unit townhome with gleaming hardwoods. Asking $555,000 Asking $829,000 1011 hAVENCREST STREET SOLD Martin: Wow! 4 days! I am so grateful to you for your guidance re staging and pricing, calm manner, and professionalism. 306 Ridgemont JUST SOLD $545,000 It was a terrific outcome for everyone. If ever I have another house to sell, you’d be the one I would turn to! 207 CREEK VALLEY LANE - $650,000 SOLD 305 Redland Blvd. 201 SOLD 801 Reserve Champion Dr. 102 315 Ridgemont Ave. SOLD 1106 Pleasant Circle 301.802.4841 (Direct) • 240.403. 0400 (Main Office) 15245 Shady Grove Rd., Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20850 For photos and tours on each of these listings go to