[of] the ancillary system for hydraulic hybrid vehicle
[of] the ancillary system for hydraulic hybrid vehicle
The University of Toledo The University of Toledo Digital Repository Theses and Dissertations 2010 Design and control [of ] the ancillary system for hydraulic hybrid vehicle (HHV) Mohamed E. Abdelgayed The University of Toledo Follow this and additional works at: http://utdr.utoledo.edu/theses-dissertations Recommended Citation Abdelgayed, Mohamed E., "Design and control [of] the ancillary system for hydraulic hybrid vehicle (HHV)" (2010). Theses and Dissertations. Paper 771. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by The University of Toledo Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of The University of Toledo Digital Repository. For more information, please see the repository's About page. A Thesis entitled Design and Control the Ancillary System For the Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicle (HHV) by Mohamed E Abdelgayed Submitted to the Graduate Faculty as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering ________________________________ Dr. Walter W. Olson, Committee Chair ________________________________ Dr. Cyril Masiulaniec, Committee Member ________________________________ Dr. Sorin Cioc, Committee Member ________________________________ Dr. Patricia Komuniecki, Dean College of Graduate Studies The University of Toledo August 2010 Copyright © 2010, Mohamed Ezzat Abdelgayed This Document is copyrighted material. Under copyright law, no parts of this document may be reproduced without the expressed permission of the author. An Abstract of Design and Control the Ancillary System For the Hydraulic Hybrid Vehicle (HHV) by Mohamed E Abdelgayed Submitted to the Graduate Faculty as partial fulfillment of the requirements Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering The University of Toledo August 2010 The hybrid hydraulic vehicle (HHV) is a new technology that uses hydraulic power in conjunction with the conventional vehicle internal combustion engine (ICE) in order to improve fuel economy for road vehicles propulsion. In addition to propulsion, a portion of the hydraulic power can be used to drive hydraulic accessories, through a power take-off point. A power take-off method with HHV decreases the cost of implementation on the vehicle as the main power source is readily available. The transferred power, with the appropriate interface using controlled hydraulic circuit, drives the accessories system. This research preliminary analysis investigates three proposed systems: hydraulic intensifier, hydraulic transformer, and pump/motor configuration or hydrostatic system. The research studies the systems efficiencies and the impact of these systems on the main hydraulic circuit. The impact is measured by the system ability to isolate the hydraulic accessories fluid from the main circuit fluid in order to maintain the main circuit iii performance. The hydraulic intensifier and the hydraulic transformer do not isolate the main source fluid from the load fluid effectively. The estimated efficiency is around 55% for the hydraulic intensifier while it is around 90% for the hydraulic transformer. Accordingly, both of them are not suitable for the application. A hydrostatic transmission or the pump/motor configuration provides complete isolation as the load fluid is separated from the source fluid. In addition efficiency expected to be in range of 80% to 90%. Consequently, the hydrostatic transmission system design is used in this application. A comprehensive analysis is performed on the hydrostatic transmission. The analysis starts by defining two pressure working ranges from hydraulic tools manufacturer’s datasheets; the low pressure at 2,000 psi and the high pressure at 10,000 psi. After selection of loading pressure, the design of the driving pumps, and hydraulic motor with the control valve is performed. The analysis includes controller design to the system in order to maintain the load demand. The hydrostatic transmission system design is modeled and then simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The model simulation incorporates several loading cases in order to define the time required to drive the hydraulic accessories efficiently. The model result reports the maximum operating time and the input power consumption rate for each load case. The input power consumption rates and the assumed efficiencies are verified by comparing to the manufacturer’s datasheet values and to the model output efficiencies. Conclusions and recommendations are provided at the end of this research. iv To my father who left this world, my lovely mother, my brothers: Mostafa and Mo’men, and my uncle Yeheya. Without my family members’ love, support, belief and hope I would not reach this point in my life. ii Acknowledgements First, I would like to thank god for the family I have, people I met, and the knowledge I gained. I am very grateful to Dr. Walter Olson for letting me working under his supervision. Dr. Olson supervision and guidance boost the qualities of my engineering and research skills. Without his guidance and persistent help, this dissertation would not have been possible. I am lucky to be one of his students. Special thanks to the distinguished faculty members who served on my committee: Dr. Sorin Cioc and Dr. Cyril Masiulaniec. In addition, I would like to thank Dr. Mohamed Samir Hefzy, Dr. Munir Nazzal, Dr. Eman Mohamed, Dr. Mohamed Abu Haiba, Dr. Mingwei Shan, Dr. Matthew witte, and Dr. Amr Zaky for their continuous support, encouragement, and useful suggestions. I am also grateful for the support and friendship of the members of the hydraulic hybrid vehicle group Boya, Chao, and Zach. vii Table of Contents Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... iii Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................ vii Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... viii List of Tables ................................................................................................................................... x List of Figures ................................................................................................................................. xi Nomenclature .................................................................................................................................xiii Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 2 1-1 Research background ............................................................................................................. 2 1-2 Problem statement ................................................................................................................. 4 1-3 Work outline .......................................................................................................................... 4 Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................................................. 6 2-1 Hydraulic hybrid vehicle ....................................................................................................... 6 2-1-1 Hydraulic accumulator ................................................................................................... 8 2-2 Accessories power system ..................................................................................................... 8 2-2-1 Hydraulic intensifier:.................................................................................................... 10 2-2-2 Hydraulic transformer: ................................................................................................. 15 2-2-3 Pump/Motor configuration: .......................................................................................... 22 2-2-3-1 Pumps .................................................................................................................... 23 2-2-3-2 Hydraulic motors .................................................................................................. 25 2-3 Hydraulic tools .................................................................................................................... 26 Chapter 3 THEORETICAL ANALYSIS ....................................................................................... 28 3-1 Hydraulic Load .................................................................................................................... 31 3-1-1 Pole chainsaw ............................................................................................................... 31 3-1-2 Single acting cylinder ................................................................................................... 33 3-2 Hydrostatic transmission ..................................................................................................... 35 viii 3-2-1 Pump............................................................................................................................. 35 3-2-2 Hydraulic motor ........................................................................................................... 38 3-3 Hydraulic accumulator ........................................................................................................ 40 3-4 System steady state analysis ................................................................................................ 41 3-5 Controller ............................................................................................................................. 46 Chapter 4 SIMULATION MODEL ............................................................................................... 54 Chapter 5 SIMULATION RESULTS ............................................................................................ 61 5-1 Simulation results for case 1 ................................................................................................ 61 5-2 Simulation results for case 2 ................................................................................................ 65 5-3 Summary.............................................................................................................................. 72 Chapter 6 SUMMARY AND FUTURE WORK ........................................................................... 73 6-1 Summary.............................................................................................................................. 73 6-2 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 74 6-3 Future work ......................................................................................................................... 75 References ...................................................................................................................................... 76 Appendix A .................................................................................................................................... 79 Appendix B .................................................................................................................................... 81 ix List of Tables Table 3- 1 Pumps and loads coefficients ..................................................................... 46 Table 3- 2 Pumps controller coefficients ..................................................................... 53 Table 5- 1 Simulation summary................................................................................... 72 Table A- 1 Maximum operating time for different cases ............................................ 79 Table B- 1 Hydraulic tools input power requirement .................................................. 81 x List of Figures Figure 1- 1 Propulsion system configuration a) Conventional b) Series Hydraulic Hybrid (SHH) configuration .............................................................................................. 3 Figure 2- 1 HHV power take-off overall system configuration ..................................... 6 Figure 2- 2 Series hydraulic hybrid (SHH) vehicle configuration ................................ 7 Figure 2- 3 Maxtor Jet hydraulic intensifier schematic circuit ................................... 11 Figure 2- 4 Modified hydraulic intensifier internal structure ...................................... 12 Figure 2- 5 Hydraulic intensifier circuit ...................................................................... 13 Figure 2- 6 Hydraulic intensifier circuit- case (1) ....................................................... 14 Figure 2- 7 Hydraulic intensifier circuit- case (2) ....................................................... 14 Figure 2- 8 Hydraulic transformer principle Vs. throttling ......................................... 16 Figure 2- 9 Hydraulic transformer external structure ................................................. 17 Figure 2- 10 Hydraulic transformer internal structure ................................................ 18 Figure 2- 11 Hydraulic transformer internal structure section A-A ........................... 18 Figure 2- 12 Hydraulic transformer operation ............................................................ 20 Figure 2- 13 Open loop hydrostatic transmission ........................................................ 22 Figure 2- 14 Gear pump .............................................................................................. 24 Figure 2- 15 Swash plate piston pump ........................................................................ 24 Figure 2- 16 Variable displacement axial piston bent axis pump ............................... 25 Figure 2- 17 Hydrostatic transmission for HHV accessories....................................... 26 Figure 2- 18 Hydraulic tools a) 12 ton Remote Compression C-Head, Huskie Tools b) General purpose cylinders Rc-Series, Enerpac .................................................... 27 Figure 3- 1 Schematic drawing of hydraulic accessories driving circuit ..................... 29 Figure 3- 2 Pole chainsaw C25 ................................................................................... 31 Figure 3- 3 Single acting cylinder ................................................................................ 33 Figure 3- 4 Eaton series 26 gear pumps ...................................................................... 36 Figure 3- 5 Series 26 gear pump [0.4 in3/rev] ............................................................ 37 Figure 3- 6 Enerpac ZE-3 pumps ................................................................................ 38 Figure 3- 7 Overall system simulation model .............................................................. 47 Figure 3- 8 Circuit operation flow chart ...................................................................... 48 Figure 3-9 Motor controller block diagram ................................................................. 50 xi Figure 3- 10 Motor circuit block diagram.................................................................... 51 Figure 3- 11 Low pressure pump control circuit ......................................................... 51 Figure 3- 12 ENERPAC pump control circuit ............................................................. 52 Figure 4- 1 Overall system simulation model .............................................................. 54 Figure 4- 2 Low-pressure pump 2,000 psi simulation model ...................................... 55 Figure 4- 3 ENERPAC pump simulation model.......................................................... 55 Figure 4- 4 Quick extend stage pump 1,500 Psi simulation model ............................. 55 Figure 4- 5 High-pressure pump 10,000 pump simulation model ............................... 56 Figure 4- 6 Hydraulic motor simulation model ........................................................... 56 Figure 4- 7 Hydraulic accumulator simulation model ................................................. 57 Figure 4- 8 Load torque simulation model .................................................................. 57 Figure 4- 9 Control valve simulation model ................................................................ 58 Figure 4- 10 Controller simulation model ................................................................... 58 Figure 4- 11 Low-pressure pump 2,000 psi controller simulation model.................... 59 Figure 4- 12 ENERPAC pump 1,500/10,000 psi controller simulation model ........... 59 Figure 4- 13 RPM controller simulation model ........................................................... 60 Figure 5- 1 Output pressure VS. motor speed for case 1 ............................................. 62 Figure 5- 2 Control valve input current and output swash plate angle case 1 ............. 63 Figure 5- 3 Motor output torque and pumps input torque case 1................................. 64 Figure 5- 4 Accumulator outputs case 1 ...................................................................... 65 Figure 5- 5 Accumulator final state case 1 .................................................................. 65 Figure 5- 6 Output pressure VS. motor speed for case 2 ............................................. 66 Figure 5- 7 Control valve input current and output swash plate angle case 2 ............. 67 Figure 5- 8 Motor output torque and pumps input torque case 2................................. 67 Figure 5- 9 Accumulator outputs case 2 ...................................................................... 69 Figure 5- 10 Accumulator final state case 2 ................................................................ 69 Figure A- 1 Loading pressure Vs. maximum operating time for Eaton pump ............ 80 xii Nomenclature AL Load orifice area AP Piston area Ar Rod area Cd Discharge coefficient Cs Laminar leakage flow Cst Turbulent leakage flow Cv Viscous loss coefficient Cv Viscous loss coefficient Dm Motor volumetric displacement DP Pump volumetric displacement FL Load applied force Fo Spring initial force FP Piston force Fr Rod force HHV Hydraulic Hybrid vehicle i Control signal current k Spring constant Kc Pressure flow coefficient xiii kg Gas specific heat ratio Kq Flow gain coefficient l Length of the conduit M Number of loads n Polytropic coefficient P Pressure PHH Parallel Hydraulic Hybrid PTO Power Take Off Pg Gas pressure Pm Motor suction pressure Qa Actual pump/motor flow rate Qi Ideal flow rate QL Load flow rate Qleakage Leakage flow rate Qo nominal flow rate Qs Supply flow rate R Case drain port radius s Laplace transform S Sommerfeld number SHH Series Hydraulic Hybrid Ta Actual pump/motor torque Ti Ideal torque Tload Load torque xiv Tm Motor theoretical toque V Fluid volume Va Air volume Ve Effective volume Vg Gas volume VP Piston velocity α Swash plate angle αm Motor angular acceleration βa Air bulk modulus βc Container bulk modulus βe Effective bulk modulus βl Fluid bulk modulus ηf Piston force efficiency μ Viscosity ρ Fluid density σ Dimensionless number p Pump shaft rotational speed in rpm t _ motor Motor torque efficiency v _ motor Motor volumetric efficiency t _ pump Pump torque efficiency v _ pump Pump volumetric efficiency xv Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION An accessories system on a vehicle is any system that is not included in the propulsion system. The variety of components used depends on the vehicle type. For commercial vehicles, accessories include but are not limited to the steering system, braking system, lighting, and windshield wiper. Trucks and special vehicle accessory systems may include power tools and power take-off (PTO) devices. The type of the accessories used depends on the application itself. Examples of these tools are nut splitter, hydraulic wrench, and hydraulic rams. 1-1 Research background Hydraulic accessory systems can be powered either manually (hand pumps), or by a separate system installed on the vehicle (hydraulic crane system), or by power take-off. Power take-off is a method in which portion of the main power system is used to drive the auxiliary system, or in this case, the accessory system. Power take off can be mechanical, electrical, or hydraulic depending on the main power source outputs. Hydraulic power take-off uses the available hydraulic power source in the form of pressure and flow rate. The transferred power, with the appropriate interface using 2 controlled hydraulic circuit, drives the accessories system. The main power source in this research is the hydraulic hybrid vehicle (HHV) power source. HHV is a new model that uses hydraulic power as the main source for driving the vehicle; it has two configurations, parallel hydraulic hybrid model (PHH) and series hydraulic hybrid model (SHH). HHV models have shown a great potential regarding high fuel economy and flexibility in engine control, especially SHH [1] [33] [13]. Figure 1-1 shows configuration for both conventional vehicle and series hydraulic hybrid vehicle Figure 1- 1 Propulsion system configuration a) Conventional b) Series Hydraulic Hybrid (SHH) configuration [1] In the SHH there is not any mechanical link between the engine and the wheels. This gives the advantage of operating the engine at the best efficiency point achievable regardless the speed of the vehicle or the road friction forces. SHH uses hydraulic power in conjunction with an internal combustion engine (ICE) to drive the vehicle. 3 Introduction of the hydraulic power to the main power increases the systems overall efficiency [1]. Power take off method with HHV decreases the cost of implementation on the vehicle as the main power source is readily available. Consequently, this method reduces the number of components used; hence increasing the overall efficiency. In contrast, the volumetric efficiency decreases as more hydraulic components are added to the system. 1-2 Problem statement The main objective of this research is to investigate the available driving systems that can power the HHV accessories through the power take off. In addition, study the impact of these systems on the main power source. The impact is measured by the amount of power drawn, the effect on the performance, and the overall efficiency. The investigation started with a preliminary study of the available systems then a comprehensive analysis and design of the most efficient system were conducted. After studying the selected system, a simulation model was presented using Matlab/Simulink version R2008b to show the impact on the main power source. The simulation model included the main power system, the driving system, and the hydraulic tools. 1-3 Work outline Chapter two presents the literature review. This includes a preliminary study for the suggested systems. Chapter three presents the circuit analysis, considerations that were taken when designing the circuit, and design assumptions. Chapter four presents the simulation model using Matlab/Simulink software. 4 Chapter five presents and discusses the simulation results including the power used, the operation cycle time, and the impact on the main system. Chapter six is the conclusion of the model results. In addition, it presents the future research work in order to improve the accessory system. 5 Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW Accessories power system is a hydraulic circuit that uses HHV power system through power take-off to operate hydraulic accessories, or hydraulic tools. The process should be performed in a highly efficient manner with the least impact on HHV power system. Figure 2-1 shows the overall system configuration. Figure 2- 1 HHV power take-off overall system configuration 2-1 Hydraulic hybrid vehicle HHV power is the main power source to drive the hydraulic tools. To illustrate the operation of HHV, figure 2-2 shows the configuration of the SHH. 6 Figure 2- 2 Series hydraulic hybrid (SHH) vehicle configuration [1] SHH model consists of a high pressure accumulator, low pressure accumulator, pump/motor on each axle, and a pump/motor that is connected to the internal combustion engine (ICE). The operation of the SHH starts with, when there is sufficient pressure in the accumulator, the pressurized fluid is directed to operate both pumps mounted on the axles; the engine is in off mode. Once the pressure falls to a predefined limit, the fluid is directed to start the engine through the pump/motor unit (P/M) as it works as a motor at this stage. Once the engine starts, the pump/motor returns to pump mode to drive the axles and charge the accumulator. When the accumulator is charged, the cycle is repeated and the accumulator becomes the driving source. SHH is designed to capture energy, when braking, which is limited by capacity of the accumulator; this energy is referred to as regenerative braking energy. Several researches were devoted to implement the HHV models; with engine off mode, regenerative braking energy, and sophisticated control techniques SHH showed more reduction in fuel consumption compared to the conventional vehicle, up to 70% [15][13][33][1]. 7 2-1-1 Hydraulic accumulator Hydraulic accumulator is categorized as a hydraulic accessory; it is used to store hydraulic energy. It is characterized by high energy density and accepting high rates of charging and discharging [1]. There are different types of accumulators; examples are gas charged, spring loaded, and gas over bladder. All accumulators’ pressure decreases as fluid discharges except weight-loaded accumulator. Weight loaded accumulator maintains pressure until all oil is used [35]. Hydraulic accumulators are used in many applications such as supplementing pump flow in circuits with medium to long delays between cycles, or hold pressure in a cylinder while the pump is unloading or stopped. Also, they can be used as a ready supply of pressurized fluid in case of power failure, or reduce shock in high velocity flow lines or at the outlet of pulsating piston pumps. High pressure hydraulic accumulator is the source for the hydraulic power in HHV. The power used by the hydraulic accessories system cannot exceed the available power by the high pressure accumulator. Also, the time for using this power should be within the time taken to discharge the accumulator at a given pressure and flow rate [35] [10]. In this research, hydraulic accessories system is used to discharge the high-pressure accumulator; the HHV main circuit is responsible for charging the accumulator. 2-2 Accessories power system Accessories power system is the system that uses the HHV vehicle power, through the power take off point and with appropriate control system, to drive the hydraulic tools. There are two types of controlled hydraulic system; valve controlled hydraulic systems and pump controlled hydraulic systems [11] [2]. 8 Valve controlled hydraulic systems use valves to transmit power from the power source, or the power take off, to the load which is the hydraulic tools. The type of valve used depends on the application, system requirements such as stability, efficiency, and type of load. Load, or actuator, can be either translational as a piston cylinder or rotational as a hydraulic motor. Valve controlled systems are used when the requirements are either quick response, less bulky systems, or when using multiple loads from one source at a time [11] [2]. The disadvantages of these systems are low efficiency, and their higher cost. The high cost stems from the additional components required for heat exchanging to dissipate energy wasted; the heat is generated when the pressure drop across the valve becomes high. Example of this system is hydraulic intensifier. Pump controlled systems use the pump to drive the load, or the hydraulic tools; the pump power source is a mechanical power source to drive the pump shaft. Pumps can be either fixed displacement or variable displacement pump. For the fixed displacement pump, the output power is controlled by controlling the shaft speed only. In the variable displacement pump, the output power is controlled either by controlling the shaft speed, the pump volumetric displacement, or both, which gives more capabilities to operate different load requirements. Pump controlled systems are characterized with high efficiency and higher power outputs ranges. The disadvantages of these systems are slower response than valve controlled systems, more space to operate for most applications, and a single pump cannot be used to operate different loads from the same power source [11][2]. Example of this system is hydrostatic transmission. Hydraulic Transformer is another system that has the characteristics of both systems, pump controlled systems and valve controlled systems. It has the combination of 9 the pump and the valve [28] [34]. A Hydraulic Transformer has the advantages of the two systems and some of their disadvantages. It is characterized with high efficiency and quick response but it cannot operate different loads from the same input power source. 2-2-1 Hydraulic intensifier: Hydraulic Intensifier is a hydraulic valve used to amplify pressure with a ratio equal to the reduction in area according to Pascal’s law (Eq. 2-1, 2-2). The internal bore has differential diameter where the large end is connected to the source pressure and the output is connected to the output circuit or in this case, the hydraulic tool [22]. F P* A (2-1) Pr AP PP Ar (2-2) Maxtor Jet Company [21] uses this principle to increase the pressure of a water source. The intensifier then pumps the pressurized water into the user’s facilities. Figure 2-3 shows schematic drawing of their circuit. 10 Figure 2- 3 Maxtor Jet hydraulic intensifier schematic circuit [21] Maxtor Jet’s intensifier uses the hydraulic circuit input pressure and amplifies it with ratio equals to the piston differential area. The output pressurized fluid then is pumped into the accumulator that feed the load. The accumulator is used to smoothen the load input flow and isolate it from pulsating flow that is caused by the intensifier reciprocating action. As mentioned the main points to evaluate the intensifier adequacy to the HHV circuit are the impact on the main circuit and intensifier efficiency. When the fluid used to drive the hydraulic tools is the same as the hydraulic units, the possibility of contaminating the fluid is high; in turn, this affects the performance of the accessories circuits and accordingly affects the main power circuit efficiency. The contamination may include solid particles or entrained air. Entrained air has the effect of reducing the fluid capability to transmit power. It can also wear the hydraulic component 11 internal structure or cavitation, which has damaging effects on components [11] [36]. Based on this analysis, modifications should be made to ensure isolation. There are two possible ways to ensure isolation, either by modify the intensifier structure, or by modifying the hydraulic circuit. The problems with the latter option are, the modification will include adding more components for isolation and this will decrease the volumetric efficiency. The second reason is the economic perspective; with the increased number of components the system will be more expensive; so modification to the intensifier structure is more favorable. To isolate the main source from the load, the load (auxiliary) fluid source should be different, or isolated, from the main circuit fluid source. Moreover, the intensifier has to separate both fluids when it is working; so internal and external isolations are required. For internal isolation, a modification is made to the intensifier internal structure; Figure 2-4 shows the modified intensifier internal structure. Figure 2- 4 Modified hydraulic intensifier internal structure In the modified intensifier, there are two leakage ports: one for the vehicle fluid source which is close to the power side and the other for the output fluid that is close to the load side. Each fluid leakage source is captured in a separate compartment and then 12 rerouted to a different tank; these compartments are separated by the middle compartment, in case of contamination, not to return back to either source. To show external isolation figures 2-5, 2-6, and 2-7 show the hydraulic intensifier circuit at idle and working cases in both sides respectively. Each of the HHV fluid sources is different from the accessories load to ensure isolation. Figure 2- 5 Hydraulic intensifier circuit 13 Figure 2- 6 Hydraulic intensifier circuit- case (1) Figure 2- 7 Hydraulic intensifier circuit- case (2) To illustrate the hydraulic intensifier operation, the intensifier working case (1), figure 2-6, is discussed in detail. Starting from HHV power source, the fluid discharges to intensifier inlet port through the directional control valve (DCV). The pressurized fluid acts on the larger piston area causing the piston to move to the left. Meanwhile, this action results in suction of the accessories oil from the accessories source tank due to the 14 movement of the smaller piston from the right side through the check valve (D). On the left side, the other small piston tends to pressurize the accessories fluid and pumps it to the accumulator using the check valve (A). The output from the accumulator supplies the hydraulic tools or accessories and the low pressure fluid from the accessory returns back to the accessories tank. In this case, the check valves (B and C) are closed. The same cycle is repeated, as shown in case (2), in the reverse direction using the DCV to change the flow direction. In case (2) the check valves (A and D) are closed. After studying adequacy and modifying the intensifier structure to reduce the impact on the main circuit, the next criterion, to evaluate the intensifier, is efficiency. To estimate the efficiency, a comprehensive study has to be conducted on the intensifier which is not necessary in this preliminary analysis. With the aid of reports from several intensifier manufacturers [23] [24] [25], the efficiency range reported is from 25% to 95%. These values depend on the working condition, the higher pressure working condition the higher the intensifier efficiency. These reports didn’t include the DCV effect on efficiency. If a 4 way open centered DCV with rectangular port geometry with load pressure designed as PL=Ps/2 is used, the efficiency is 0.125, with the load port opening one quarter of the maximum opening. (PL is load pressure and Ps is supply pressure ) [11]. 2-2-2 Hydraulic transformer: Hydraulic Transformer is a hydraulic device that transforms fluid hydraulic power, in form of pressure and flow rate, into a different pressure and flow rate with minimum power loss. Figure 2-8 shows the principle of the hydraulic transformer. 15 Figure 2- 8 Hydraulic transformer principle Vs. throttling [29] Power transformation minimizes the power losses; as the pressure is transformed to a lower level with increase in the flow rate, a third flow connection QT is added, to balance the flow equation. In contrast, throttling the fluid results to energy loss as the pressure decreased for the same flow rate; the pressure decreases due to friction. Starting the transformer operation with the transformer connections, figure 2-9 shows the transformer external structure. The transformer has three ports; one is connected to the high-pressure line PH, the second port is connected to the load PN, and the third is connected to the low-pressure line PL. 16 Figure 2- 9 Hydraulic transformer external structure [34] Hydraulic transformer consists of a rotating shaft that is connected to the piston block through splines. The piston block contains nine pistons that are placed symmetrically around the piston block center. Each piston is connected to the swash plate by which its angle determines the piston stroke. The input ports: high pressure, low pressure, and load port are connected to the piston block through the stationary sealing plate, face plate, and rotating sealing plate. The face plate is mounted on the shaft through bearing. The face plate angular position determines the load output pressure. The adjusting mechanism, that is connected to the face plate with pinion gears, changes the face plate angular position. The rotating plate is connected to the shaft through splines; as the shaft rotates, the rotating sealing plate rotates. The transformer internal structure and section A-A are shown in figures 2-10 and 2-11 respectively. 17 Figure 2- 10 Hydraulic transformer internal structure [34] Figure 2- 11 Hydraulic transformer internal structure section A-A [34] The hydraulic transformer is effectively both a motor and a pump. As with conventional swash plate hydraulic motors, high-pressure hydraulic fluid is used to 18 produce shaft rotation. In turn, this shaft rotation is used to pump hydraulic fluid (at a lower pressure than that used to motor) into hydraulic load circuit. Thus, the hydraulic transformer is very efficient pressure divider. This is accomplished by multi-partitioned valve plate. On a conventional swash plate hydraulic pump or motor, the valve plate consists of two kidney shaped orifices: one for suction and the other for discharge. In a hydraulic transformer, the valve is sectioned into three or more orifices: one for suction, one for discharge, and the remaining for orifices connected to the hydraulic load(s). Figure 2-12 (directly from [34] figure 4-9) shows a three section valve plate with respect to piston locations and swash plate position. The swash plate fixed to the transformer body forces a sinusoidal height on the pistons over one complete rotation of the barrel assembly. The valve plate is adjustable with respect to the swash plate but once adjusted is fixed in location with respect to the body. As in a hydraulic motor, rotation of the barrel assembly is caused by applying high-pressure fluid (PH) into the piston cylinder when it approaches the top dead center. This causes a force vector tangent to the barrel cross section at the pitch circle of the pistons producing a torque on the barrel. 19 Figure 2- 12 Hydraulic transformer operation [34] As shown in Figure 2-12 a, the barrel with the pistons rotate under high pressure (PH) opening occurs near 0º shaft angle and closes near 120º (the total opening is somewhat less to allow full valve closure). It is assumed that valve opening are of equal length and that the valve ribs or unopened parts are sufficient to achieve full valve shut off without cross porting. After the high-pressure fluid is shut off, the further rotation of the barrel causes the pistons to slide under the low-pressure (PL) opening of the valve plate and discharges oil until the rotation of the shaft at angle near 240º. Because there is 20 remaining volume of fluid in the piston cavity, further rotation passes the remaining fluid under the load opening of the valve plate and the upward force caused by the piston exhausts oil under an externally controlled demand pressure (PN). Near a shaft rotation angle of 360º, the barrel rotation rotates the piston opening away from the load to the high-pressure port repeating the cycle. Figure 2-12 a shows the valve plate angle at 60º where high pressure oil is entered the piston cavity at the top dead center accompanying a shaft rotation angle of 0º. As a result, the demand oil pressure (PN) and flow can be maintained nearly equal to the high pressure PH and transformer suction flow with minimal losses. Figure 2-12 b shows the valve angle shifted 30º thereby causing high-pressure fluid to enter the piston cavity before top dead center. This causes the load pressure PN to be less than the high pressure PH. However, the flow is greater as makeup oil is brought in from the transformer discharge port. In the most extreme case shown in figure 2-12 c, the valve plate is rotated to position 0º (60º away from the position at figure 2-12 a). Accordingly, the highpressure port has little effect on the transformer. The demand oil pressure P N and flow is nearly the same as the low pressure PL on the transformer discharge side. To evaluate the hydraulic transformer, the impact on the main circuit and the efficiency will be discussed. Hydraulic transformer does not provide isolation between the main circuit and load as the source and the load ports are directly connected in one device. However, this problem can be solved by using a separate circuit of a reservoir and pump/motor configuration to drive the transformer but this is not the main goal of the research plus adding more components reduces the efficiency. 21 Hydraulic transformer has high efficiency up to 90% as reported by Innovative associates INNAS [28]. However, it is not practical for driving multiple loads from the same source as it will require an input pressure and flow-rate variations at each load. As a result, driving rotary loads requires fast and expensive actuators for changing swash-plate angle. 2-2-3 Pump/Motor configuration: The last proposed system is pump and motor configuration or hydrostatic transmission. Figure 2-18 shows a schematic drawing of open loop hydrostatic transmission circuit where pump, when the shaft rotates, drives the hydraulic motor. The directional control valve (DCV) is used to control the motor direction. The solenoid is used to shift the DCV from its default position which is set by the spring. The relief valve is used to limit the pressure in the circuit to the pressure set for the pump [8] [17]. Figure 2- 13 Open loop hydrostatic transmission 22 Hydrostatic transmission circuits can be high efficiency circuits if proper components are selected for each task. 2-2-3-1 Pumps There are two types of pumps according to energy addition classification, dynamic and positive displacement [36]. Dynamic pumps are characterized that energy is continuously added to the liquid to increase its velocity, hence the flow rate; the bestknown example are centrifugal pumps. Positive displacement pumps, such as piston pumps, are the ones that energy is added periodically by the direct force acting on the moving element and it is independent of the applied pressure. Positive displacement pumps are recommended over dynamic pumps when the application requires high-pressure load, high efficiency, or constant flow with variable pressure system [11] [2] [36]. For this research as high efficiency, high pressure, and variable pressure is required, positive displacement pumps will be used. Examples of positive displacement pumps are gear pumps, bent axis piston pump, and axial piston swash plate pumps. Gear pump, figure 2-14, has two gears meshed together and as they rotate the inlet fluid is pressurized due to squeeze action. Gear pumps efficiencies are in the range of 80% to 90% [11]. 23 Figure 2- 14 Gear pump [30] Axial piston swash plate pumps, figure 2-15, consist of several pistons in a cylinder block; the output flow rate is controlled by the swash plate angle, which is controlled by another mechanism, usually a servo-valve. Efficiencies are in the ranges of 85% to 95% [11] [35]. CYLINDER BLOCK SWASHPLATE SHOE PLATE VALVE PLATE ROTATING SHAFT INLET PORT OUTLET PORT PISTON RETRACTER SPRING PISTON SHOE Figure 2- 15 Swash plate piston pump [31] Bent axis piston pumps, figure 2-16, consist of a cylinder block that is at an angle to the drive shaft, it is connected to the drive shaft with universal joint. The cylinder 24 block angle is controlled by variable position mechanism. Efficiencies are in the ranges of 85% to 98%; however the pump design is the most complex pump design and the unit is expensive comparing to other pumps. CYLINDER BLOCK VALVE PLATE THRUST PLATE ROTATING SHAFT UNIVERSAL JOINT VARIABLE POSITION MECHANISM PISTON Figure 2- 16 Variable displacement axial piston bent axis pump [31] 2-2-3-2 Hydraulic motors Usually most of the positive displacement pumps can work as a hydraulic motor with little to no modifications. It is preferable to use swash plate piston type as they have low starting torque [11] [2] [17]. Based on the previous comparison, piston type pumps and motors show high efficiency comparing to the other type pumps; consequently, these will be included into the proposed circuit. 25 Before evaluation the hydrostatic transmission circuit impact on the main system, the proposed circuit should be introduced. Figure 2-18 shows the proposed circuit to drive the hydraulic tools. Figure 2- 17 Hydrostatic transmission for HHV accessories In the proposed circuit, the high-pressure fluid from the HHV side is used to drive the variable displacement swash piston motor. The motor shaft drives both the highpressure and low-pressure pumps. Each pump is used to drive its counterpart load. The fluid returns back to a separate reservoir. The proposed circuit isolates the hydraulic accessories fluid source from the main hydraulic circuit. Also with proper selection to the hydraulic motor and pumps, efficiency is expected to be high comparing to other systems. 2-3 Hydraulic tools Hydraulic tools represent the load in this research; the type of the tools considered defines the working condition. Appendix B shows a comprehensive database for the available tools that can be installed on a vehicle. From the database, the range of pressure 26 required is from 1500 psi to 10,000 psi. Figure 2-7 shows samples of these tools to be used . (a) (b) Figure 2- 18 Hydraulic tools a) 12 ton Remote Compression C-Head, Huskie Tools b) General purpose cylinders Rc-Series, Enerpac [19] [20] 27 Chapter 3 THEORETICAL ANALYSIS The literature reviewed three different systems that can be used to drive the accessories system on HHV equipped with power take-off. These systems are hydraulic intensifier, hydraulic transformer, and pump/motor configuration. The hydraulic intensifier did not isolate the main source fluid from the load fluid; however, the problem can be solved with a different internal structure. The modified internal structure provides isolation, but the structure proposed needs frequent maintenance to prevent leakage. Intensifier efficiency is up to 95% at working pressure around 150,000 psi [24]. From the manufacturer’s datasheets, the estimated efficiency is near 55% for the anticipated working conditions; therefore, it is not suitable for this application. Hydraulic transformer’s efficiency is up to 90%, however it requires a separate circuit that provides isolation as the source and the load ports are directly connected in one device. Accordingly, it cannot be used in this application. Hydrostatic transmission or the pump/motor configuration provides complete isolation as the load fluid is separated from the source fluid. In addition, with proper design for each component, efficiency expected to be in range of 80% to 90%. Consequently, the hydrostatic transmission system design is the most adequate system that can be used to drive the hydraulic accessories. 28 The next step was to design, simulate and control the system that operates the hydraulic tool from the power take off source using the hydrostatic transmission. The study reported the amount of power required from the main power source, the maximum operation cycle time for several cases using the available power source, and the overall efficiency for the proposed system. In this chapter, detailed analysis for the proposed circuit will be presented. Figure 3-1 shows a schematic drawing for the circuit. Figure 3- 1 Schematic drawing of hydraulic accessories driving circuit As shown in the figure, the circuit connects the vehicle side-the power sourcewith the tool side-the output load. The high-pressure accumulator on the vehicle side provides high-pressure fluid to the accessories circuit. The flow of the fluid is controlled by the control valve no.1. In case valve no. 1 is opened, the pressurized fluid drives the variable displacement hydraulic motor, M. The motor maximum output torque depends on the available pressure of the high-pressure accumulator fluid. The low-pressure output is directed back to the vehicle tank or the low-pressure accumulator. The hydraulic motor shaft is connected to both fixed displacement pumps P1 and P2 through coupling and 29 reduction gear. The reduction gear is used to operate the high-pressure pump P2 at a speed lower than the hydraulic motor and low-pressure pump P1 speed. Pump P1 has the capabilities to supply pressure to the hydraulic tools in range up to 2,000 psi, and pump P2 is used in ranges up to 10,000 psi. The circuit is supported with filter, safety relief valves, and unloading valves no. 2 and 3. The unloading valves are used to reroute the fluid to the reservoir in case of unloading in order to minimize the power consumption. The controller, with three inputs and four outputs, operates the system to meet the load requirement. The inputs are motor shaft speed from tachometer (speed), low-pressure pump discharge pressure, and high-pressure pump discharge pressure. The outputs are the control signals to the control valve, the unloading valves, and the hydraulic motor swash plate angle positioning solenoid. Pumps circuit for the PTO system has a separate tank to supply both pumps with fluid. The size of the tank must be large enough to provide the flow demand and avoid fluid shortage on the suction side. The analysis started by applying two different hydraulic loads, one with pressure in range of 10,000 psi and the other with pressure in range of 2,000 psi. From the load analysis, the pumps minimum requirements and the operation cycle time were determined. After studying the load, both pumps variables were specified based on load requirements. The next step was to design the hydraulic motor parameters to operate both pumps efficiently within the hydraulic accumulator capabilities. After designing all components, the controller design was conducted. 30 3-1 Hydraulic Load Hydraulic tools analysis includes two components: pole chain saw as a tool that requires 2,000 psi and general purpose single acting cylinder as a tool that requires 10,000 psi. 3-1-1 Pole chainsaw Pole chain saw is a hydraulic tool used in tree pruning and brush cleaning. Figure 3-2 shows model C25 pole chain saw, STANELY hydraulics [16]. Figure 3- 2 Pole chainsaw C25 [16] As shown, it consists of three parts quick coupler, extension bar, and chainsaw blade. Quick coupler is used to connect the chainsaw with hydraulic power source. Extension bar is used to increase the range of using the chainsaw. The chainsaw blade performs the chainsaw main function. 31 Based on the manufacturer data sheet, the chainsaw requires fluid with pressure 2,000 psi and flow rate from 4 to 6 gpm. The designed flow rate is 4 gpm. To model the chainsaw a fixed area orifice equation is used [11] [2] QL AL * C d 2 (3-1) *P The linearized equation for the orifice flow equation using Taylor series Q 1 Qo K q x K c P 2 Kq Q A A x Kc Q P o o Cd 2 (3-2) p (3-3) ACd 2 P (3-4) For fixed orifice area Kq =0, so the equation becomes 1 Q Qo K c P 2 (3-5) Pressure rise equation in varying closed volume is used to determine the relationship between the pressure and the flow rate in the chainsaw [11] [2] P e (Qs QL ) t V (3-6) 32 3-1-2 Single acting cylinder Single acting cylinder is a linear actuator that uses hydraulic power to move a load. The capacity of the cylinder depends on the material, geometry of the cylinder. Figure 3-3 shows the single acting cylinder. Figure 3- 3 Single acting cylinder As shown, the cylinder consists of inlet port, piston, spring, and rod. The pressurized fluid enters the cylinder from the inlet port; as the pressurized fluid is acting on the piston area the cylinder extends. The cylinder rod is connected to the load to transmit the mechanical force that is generated by the pressurized fluid acting on the piston. The spring is used to retract the piston when there is no pressurized fluid acting upon it. 33 The single acting cylinder used is ENERPAC RC-1006 [20], Based on the manufacturer data sheet, the cylinder requires fluid with pressure no more than10, 000 psi with maximum force 100 ton and effective piston area 20.63 in2. The flow rate requirement is based on the application and piston speed requirements. The flow rate is determined by the equation QL AP *V p (3-7) The operation of the single acting cylinder consists of two stages; in the first stage, the cylinder extends rapidly as there is no load acting upon the cylinder other than the piston-rod weight and the spring force. It is characterized by high flow rate and low pressure. In the second stage, the piston starts to act upon the load using the pressurized fluid acting on the piston. This stage is characterized by low flow rates and high pressure. The load requirement in this research in term of piston speed and pressure is as follows: for first stage, the designed piston speed is 9 in/min and maximum pressure 1500 psi; for the second stage, the designed piston speed is 1 in/min at maximum pressure 8,500 psi. From eq. 3-7, the required flow rate is 0.8 gpm for the first stage and 0.089 gpm for the second stage. The required pressure, in stage one, is determined by Newton second’s law equation f PA mg kx Fo (3-8) In stage two, the equation becomes 34 f PA mg F kx Fo (3-9) The spring forces and piston-rod weight are neglected comparing to the applied force and pressure in the second stage as it is used only for piston retraction. The inlet port acts as a fixed area orifice with the same equation (3-3, 3-4, and 35) with different coefficients as the pressure and flow rate are different. Also, the pressure rise equation is the same as (3-6). 3-2 Hydrostatic transmission Hydrostatic transmission circuit consists of two pumps and a variable displacement hydraulic motor. The variable displacement motor uses the hydraulic power through the power take off point and drives the two pumps; these pumps drive their counterpart load. 3-2-1 Pump There are two different fixed displacement pumps used to drive the load, one with pressure up to 2,000 psi and the other with pressure up to 10,000 psi. For the fixed displacement pump, as the speed changes the theoretical output flow rate changes according to the equation [11] [37] Qi P * DP (3-10) 35 Both pumps have different volumetric and overall efficiencies depending on the type of the pump, operating point in terms of speed and pressure. The pump leakage is determined by Poiseuille’s equation [11] [2] [8]: Qleakage= R 4 p R 4 1 or Qleakage= kp , k= 8 l 8 l (3-11) For the 2,000 psi pump, Eaton gear pump was incorporated into the model to evaluate the power required by the pump [27]. Figures 3-4 and 3-5 show the different model for series 26 gear pumps and the power input power required for the gear pump with volumetric displacement 0.401 in3/rev. Figure 3- 4 Eaton series 26 gear pumps [27] 36 Figure 3- 5 Series 26 gear pump [0.4 in3/rev] [27] The gear pump with volumetric displacement 0.401 in3/rev was selected for many reasons. It can pump more than the required flow rate which is 4 gpm at 3000 RPM with a low required input power. In addition, the pump efficiency is higher than other pumps efficiency with higher volumetric displacement operates at a lower speed. For the pump with pressure range of 10,000 psi, the same procedure was followed. ENERPAC, the manufacturer of the single acting cylinder, recommends the same brand pump to operate the cylinder. Figure 3-7 shows the characteristic of ENERPAC ZE-3 pump. 37 Figure 3- 6 Enerpac ZE-3 pumps [38] The unit has two integrated pumps that operates at 1750 rpm and input power 1 hp; one is a fixed displacement gear pump with volumetric displacement 0.142 in3/rev and the other is a fixed displacement piston pump with volumetric displacement 0.024 in3/rev. The gear pump operates at the first stage with output flow 250 in3/rev and maximum pressure 1500 psi with total efficiency up to 80%. The piston pump operates at the second stage with output flow rate 42 in3/rev at 1750 rpm and maximum pressure 8500 psi with total efficiency up to 90%. A lift check valve piston type [38] separates the first and second stage pumps outputs. At high-pressure load, the piston check valve closes the first stage pump discharge port and open the second stage pump discharge port [3]. 3-2-2 Hydraulic motor The hydraulic motor is hydraulic actuator that uses HHV power source through the power take off to drive both pumps and consequently the load. It has to produce 38 enough power to drive the circuit. The circuit requirements depends on the pumps requirements which depend on their counterpart load. Axial piston swash plate motor is characterized with high total efficiency up to 90%. The governing equations for the hydraulic motor [11] [2] [12] I m Tm Tload (3-12) Tm * Dm * Pm max (3-13) Tload M DP * Pp (3-14) Swash plate angle controls the volumetric displacement and consequently the flow rate. It depends on the geometry and the motor size. In this research, the maximum value is 21º. To consider the swash plate angle effect, the swash plate angle was expressed in term of the maximum swash plate angle as it was scaled from 0 to 1. Electro-hydraulic Servo valve is used to control the swash plate angle based on the controller output control signal. This control signal energizes the valve solenoid that control the valve spool displacement and consequently the swash plate angle. To include the valve into the model, the valve gain and the time constant have to be evaluated. Based on Bosh Rexroth models [18] for electro-servo valves, the settling time was selected to be 12ms. As a first order system, the time constant became 3ms. To select the gain, Gain = Max output/Max input. The maximum output, which is the swash plate angle ratio, was 39 1. For a maximum input current of 3A in order to reach this output, the gain became 0.25. Based on these values, the valve transfer function was i 0.25 0.003S 1 (3-15) To incorporate the hydraulic motor into the model, Eaton axial piston swash motor was incorporated with the following specifications: variable displacement swash plate piston motor, max power input 25 hp, volumetric displacement 0.561 in3/rev, moment of inertia 1.2 lb.in2, and Maximum pressure 5000 psi. 3-3 Hydraulic accumulator The hydraulic accumulator represents the hydraulic power source; it is mounted on the HHV side. Charging the accumulator is performed from the HHV circuit not the PTO circuit; PTO operation depends only on the state of charge of the accumulator. The accumulator selected was a hydro-pneumatic accumulator model, which consists of a precharged inert gas chamber, and a fluid chamber connected to a hydraulic system. A bladder with elastomeric foams in the gas-side to reduce heat loss separates the chambers. The dynamic accumulator model is based on the following equation: kg PgVg C (3-16) In this model, the accumulator capacity used is 100 liters. The maximum fluid capacity is 68.3 liters. The maximum pressure is 5000 psi and the minimum pressure, no 40 fluid case, is 1000 psi. The discharge flow rate is determined by the motor requirements [13]. 3-4 System steady state analysis Steady state analysis evaluates the system ability to perform what is designed for, i.e. hydraulic motor is able to drive both pumps and they are capable of operating their load effectively. This analysis is important before studying system dynamics and controller design. Before steady state analysis, some considerations should be addressed; these considerations include bulk modulus, systems efficiencies, and the hydraulic accessories system reservoir. Bulk modulus (β) is a fluid property that indicates fluid elasticity or compressibility; it is the measure of the change of the pressure with respect to the change of the volume comparing to the original value (Eq. 3-20). Bulk modulus affects system performance, dynamics, and the efficiency considerably. [11] [2] P P Or V V V V (3-17) The negative sign reflects that the fluid is compressed and the final volume is less than the initial one. Entrained air existence in the fluid reduces the effective fluid bulk modulus. This effect can be illustrated from the following equation [11] [14]: 41 1 e 1 l Va 1 1 Ve a c (3-18) To show the effect of the entrained air more clearly, a numerical example is introduced. If the oil used is SAE-30 with bulk modulus 1500 MPa [26]; this oil is transported into hoses with bulk modulus 2005 MPa [11] [9], and the volume of the entrained air of bulk modulus 0.142 MPa [9] is 0.02 to the effective volume then by substituting in the previous equation, the effective bulk modulus equals 7.04 MPa. Therefore, the existence of 2% of air in the fluid reduces the bulk modulus to 0.46% of the fluid bulk modulus original value. The effect of the bulk modulus on the system performance is illustrated in pressure rise equation. [11] [2] [6] P V (Q ) t V t (3-19) If there is no leakage, at constant flow rate, the pressure rise is function of the bulk modulus; the greater the bulk modulus, the faster the pressure rise in the system according to the equations P V Qt P V (3-20) Q *t (3-21) From the previous equations, the bulk modulus value affects the time needed to reach the applied pressure. At high bulk modulus values, the pressure reaches its final value nearly instantaneously. 42 The pressure rise can be assumed instantly if the fluid volume V is very low or the load response time is much higher than the driver time constant. The load response time, for example the single acting cylinder, is in range of seconds while the pumps response time is in ranges of milliseconds. The fluid volume is considerably small if the hoses are short or the driving system is close to the load. The effect of the bulk modulus on components efficiency is demonstrated from the following equation [7]: v _ pump Qa Cs P Cst 1 Qi xS x v _ motor Qi Qa S P , (3-22) 1 P C C 1 s st xS x D1 3 12 P 2 , x (3-23) sin sin max (3-24) As shown, as the bulk modulus decreased, the pressure term increased causing the volumetric efficiency to decrease considerably; this is true for both pump and motor. Driving system and hydraulic tools efficiencies determine the system performance. The efficiency depends on the operating point; it is not constant for all points. Pumps and motors volumetric and torque efficiencies can be determined from the equations [7]: v _ pump Qa Cs P Cst 1 Qi xS x (3-25) 43 t _ pump v _ motor t _ motor S P , Ti Ta Qi Qa 1 1 Cf Cv S C h x 2 2 x x 1 P C C 1 s st xS x (3-27) Cv S C f Ti 1 Ch x 2 2 Ta x x (3-26) D1 3 12 P 2 , x sin sin max (3-28) (3-29) To obtain efficiencies for any operating point, the previous equations coefficients should be determined for each unit. To determine these coefficients either a complete unit data in term of pressure and speed should be available or testing each unit experimentally over the operating range should be conducted. To put the efficiency into the model, the system will be tested on the maximum operating point to obtain the maximum power drawn from the main system and the efficiency included will be the value at this operating point only, i.e. efficiency is constant. This assumption is valid with the positive displacement pumps or motors as the efficiency curve is almost flat around the maximum efficiency and the difference between the maximum and minimum efficiency is around 5%. The reservoir size is critical in circuit performance as it supplies oil to two pumps, high pressure and low-pressure pump simultaneously. The fluid should be available whenever the pumps are in operation. The common practice for the reservoir size is [37] 44 Reservoir size (gal) = 3 X pump flow rate (gpm) (3-30) As there are two pumps, the first has a maximum flow rate of 5.2 gpm and the second has a maximum flow rate of 1.21 gpm then the reservoir size has to be, at least, 20 gallon. In addition to the reservoir size, some factor should be considered when selecting the reservoir; it must allow the air to escape and dirt to settle. Moreover, it must be able to capture all the drained oil and the oil returned from the system. In addition, the oil level must be high enough to avoid the entrained air getting into the system, which affects the overall performance, and cause wear to the pumps. Lastly, it should have a large surface area to allow system heat dissipation. After discussing these considerations, the governing equations for pumps, motor, and the load become as following. For each load and its counterpart pump, the governing equation becomes Q pump Qleakage Qload (3-31) Q pump Qleakage volD (3-32) 1 Qload Qo K c P 2 P (3-33) 1 1 volD Qo Kc 2 (3-34) 45 After calculating coefficient for each pump, table 3-1 shows the coefficients summary Table 3- 1 Pumps and loads coefficients Gear Pump 2,000 Gear Pump Piston Pump psi 1,500 psi 10,000 psi 0.85 0.85 1010,00010,000 0.95 1010,00010,000 0.8 0.8 Psi 0.9 Psi 3000 1750 1750 rpm 0.401 0.142 0.024 in3/rev Kc 1.2133e-3 3.429e-4 1.5e-5 Qo 4 0.8 0.089 gpm psi gpm Volumetric efficiency Total efficiency nominal speed volumetric displacement units 3-5 Controller After steady state system analysis, system dynamics and controller should be introduced. Controller is a set of components used to bound system dynamics within certain limits depending on the operation requirements; these components type can be either mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, or a combination of them. Before designing the controller, the complete model and the operation procedure should be introduced. Figure 3-8 and 3-9 show the system model and the circuit operation flow chart. 46 Figure 3- 7 Overall system simulation model 47 Figure 3- 8 Circuit operation flow chart The circuit starts with checking the main control valve status (power take off valve). In case the valve is open, the controller check both pumps loading status; if one or both of pump are not loaded, the controller open the unloading valve associated with the unloaded pump to minimize the consumed power. Once the pump is loaded, the controller estimates the required pump speed based on the pressure difference, consequently two required speed associated each pump are generated. Because both of 48 pumps speeds are related to each other with the gear reduction, only one signal has to be adjusted at a time. The controller selects the signal from the pump that has higher deviation from the required pressure. Based on the actual motor speed, the controller produces a control signal to the control valve solenoid to change the motor swash plate angle, and accordingly changing the motor shaft speed. The sequence is repeated until one of the following cases is presented: the main control valve is closed, the highpressure accumulator pressure is low, or the accumulator available pressure cannot operate the circuit with the motor at maximum volumetric displacement. Once the circuit is stopped, the controller closes the main control valve and opens the unloading valves. The controller consists of two smaller controllers, the first is to produce the desired speed based on the pressure difference and the other is to produce the input current to the control valve based on the input speed. The first one cannot work properly unless the second one is already tuned, as the swash plate angle reflects the speed output, hence the pressure. Based on this introduction, the second controller will be designed first. For the first controller, figure 3-10 shows the construction of the motor controller block diagram. The desired speed ωd is the input to the system and the difference ε is fed to the controller that generates input current i based on the input. This current is fed to the control valve’s solenoid that produces an equivalent swash angle α to control the motor speed ω. 49 Figure 3- 9 Motor controller block diagram The characteristic equation of the system is 1 Gs 0 (3-35) Where Gs C1C2 K e S Ti C1C2 S 3 S 2 S 3 S 2 C1C2 K e S Ti C1C2 0 as 1 (3-36) The equation becomes of second order where n 2 Ti C1C 2 , 2n C1C2 K e (3-37) By selecting appropriate values for , n ; n 25rad sec and 1 The natural frequency selected value is low because high frequencies can create irritating noise problems and premature failures of vibrating parts. The damping ratio is selected of a value 1 to ensure that there is no overshoot; as high values of either currents or pressure can cause damage to the operating systems if they pass the allowed values [11]. 50 After calculations Ti 3e 3 and K e 2.5e 4. Figure 3-11 shows the motor circuit block diagram. Figure 3- 10 Motor circuit block diagram The second step is to design the controller for generating the speed signal based on the pressure difference. This part of the controller will consist of two smaller controllers for each pump. For the previous circuit, a block reduction method should be conducted [5]; figures 3-12 and 3-13 shows the overview of the circuit including the controller for the low pressure pump and ENERPAC pump respectively. Figure 3- 11 Low pressure pump control circuit 51 Figure 3- 12 ENERPAC pump control circuit PID controller design has several methods like pole placement, root locus, and optimization using linear quadratic [4], however PID controller design is difficult in design and it is used when PI controller cannot operate the circuit properly in term of stability and response. PI controller was tested first then stability was checked for the closed loop function using MATLAB SISO tool and if PI controller caused stability problems, PID controller would be used. The transfer function of the system with the PI controller is P ke S ki Pd S C1 S 2 C 2 3 2 C3 S S C 4 S C5 ke S 1 ki C1 S 2 C 2 P or ki S C3 S 3 S 2 C 4 S C5 Pd (3-38) The closed loop transfer function becomes C3 S 4 1 k e C2 S 3 ( K i C1 C4 ) S 2 (C5 K e C2 ) S K i C2 (3-39) Where C1= 58.819, C2=705.834, C3=3e-3, C4=48.366, C5=580.39 for the low pressure pump C1= 73.69, C2=884.323, C3=3e-3, C4=48.366, C5=580.39 for the first stage pump 52 C1= 318.252, C2=3819.016, C3=3e-3, C4=48.366, C5=580.39 for the high pressure pump After using SISO tool, PI controller showed stability and met the system requirements. Table 3-2 shows the PI coefficient for each pump to work properly. Table 3- 2 Pumps controller coefficients Gear Pump 2,000 psi Piston Pump 10,000 psi Gear Pump 1,500 psi Ke 0.636 0.084375 1 Ki 3.18 0.54 4.55 After system analysis, steady state analysis, system dynamics, and controller design the cycle time has to be determined. The cycle time was determined by the load requirements. The single acting cylinder and the pole chainsaw represented the load; both of them operated for 60 seconds. For the single acting cylinder, it operated in the first stage for 29 sec and in the second stage 31 sec. For the pole chainsaw, there were two cases to consider, the first case at which the pole chainsaw operated for one minute and the second case at which it operated for 20 seconds every one minute. 53 Chapter 4 SIMULATION MODEL In this chapter, the model for hydrostatic transmission driving the accessories tool using power take-off in MATLAB/SIMULINK version R2008b is presented. Figure 4-1 shows the complete simulation model overview, the model has five blocks: controller, control valve, hydraulic motor, 2,000 Psi pump, and 10,000 Psi pump or ENERPAC pump. Figure 4- 1 Overall system simulation model Starting from the loads and their counterpart pumps figures 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, and 4-5 shows the low pressure pump, ENEPRAC PUMP, quick extend pump, and high-pressure pump models with their counterpart load respectively. 54 Figure 4- 2 Low-pressure pump 2,000 psi simulation model Figure 4- 3 ENERPAC pump simulation model Figure 4- 4 Quick extend stage pump 1,500 Psi simulation model 55 Figure 4- 5 High-pressure pump 10,000 pump simulation model As the pumps shafts are driven by hydraulic motor, figure 4-6 shows the hydraulic motor model. Figure 4- 6 Hydraulic motor simulation model The accumulator model represented the power source, in form of pressure, from the vehicle side; the motor volumetric displacement determines the flow rate. Based on the accumulator available pressure and the motor volumetric displacement, that is determined by the swash plate angle, the motor output toque changes. The hydraulic accumulator output pressure changes as its fluid volume changes, figure 4-7 shows the hydraulic accumulator model. 56 Figure 4- 7 Hydraulic accumulator simulation model As the motor drives the pumps, the load torque changes depending on the pump output pressure, accordingly changes the motor output speed. Figure 4-8 shows the load torque model. Figure 4- 8 Load torque simulation model The motor swash plate angle changes depending on the control valve output. Figure 4-9 shows the control valve model. 57 Figure 4- 9 Control valve simulation model As shown, the control valve output depends on the input current. The input current depends on the controller signal. Figure 4-10 shows the controller model. Figure 4- 10 Controller simulation model The controller has 3 blocks; low pressure controller, ENERPAC pressure controller, and RPM controller. The controller measures the pressure difference from both pumps and based on that difference it generates the required output speed in RPM. The speed is compared with the actual speed of the controller and based on the difference 58 it generates the required current to be fed to the control valve. In addition, the controller generates control signal to control the unloading valves and the power take off valve based on the loads signals. Figure 4-11, 4-12, and 4-13 show the low-pressure pump, ENERPAC pump, and RPM controller model respectively. Figure 4- 11 Low-pressure pump 2,000 psi controller simulation model Figure 4- 12 ENERPAC pump 1,500/10,000 psi controller simulation model 59 Figure 4- 13 RPM controller simulation model This chapter discussed in details the complete model, details of each component, and the operation procedure. 60 Chapter 5 SIMULATION RESULTS In this chapter, simulation results are presented and discussed. The results included pressure change for each pump, accumulator status in term of pressure and flow rate, Total power drawn during the cycle time, control valve solenoid input current, and swash plate angle for the two cases. The first case is when the pole chainsaw is operated for the whole operation cycle time-one minute, the quick extend stage operates for 29 sec, and the high-pressure stage for 31 sec and it is referred to as case 1. The second case at which the pole chainsaw is operated for 20 seconds every one minute for quick extend and high-pressure stages period and it is referred to as case 2. The discussion included model results verification with the manufacturer’s datasheet. Pressure was expressed in psi, flow rate in gallon per minute (gpm), torque in N.m, power in horsepower (hp), and current in Ampere (amp). 5-1 Simulation results for case 1 For the pumps pressure output with the motor speed, figure 5-1 shows the output pressures for case 1. 61 Figure 5- 1 Output pressure VS. motor speed for case 1 The high-pressure pump has two stages, quick extend at low pressure and highpressure stage. At the end of the quick extend period and the beginning of high-pressure application, because of small change in the load torque 0.15 N.m, the motor experiences small change in the speed. The controller changes the swash plate angle to match new load toque based on the accumulator available pressure. Figures 5-2 and 5-3 show the change in the input current and the swash plate angle for case 1 and the change in the torque respectively. 62 Figure 5- 2 Control valve input current and output swash plate angle case 1 63 Figure 5- 3 Motor output torque and pumps input torque case 1 As the high-pressure accumulator is the main hydraulic power source for the accessories power system, the power required within the driving cycle has to be within the accumulator capabilities. Figure 5-3 and 5-4 show the status of the accumulator within the driving cycle with the motor input power and the final status of the accumulator respectively. 64 Figure 5- 4 Accumulator outputs case 1 Figure 5- 5 Accumulator final state case 1 The total fluid drawn from the accumulator in case 1 is 3.57 gallon and the final pressure of the accumulator is 3055 psi while the total power used is 490.3 hp in one minute. 5-2 Simulation results for case 2 For the pumps pressure output with the motor speed, figure 5-6 shows the output pressures for case 2. 65 Figure 5- 6 Output pressure VS. motor speed for case 2 As shown, at the end of the pole chainsaw supply period, the pump output pressure is directed to the tank and become zero gauge pressure. Because of changing the load torque significantly, the motor experiences a change in the speed before changing the swash plate angle to match new load toque using the available pressure; figures 5-7 and 5-8 show the change in the input current and the swash plate angle for case 2 and the change in the torque respectively. 66 Figure 5- 7 Control valve input current and output swash plate angle case 2 Figure 5- 8 Motor output torque and pumps input torque case 2 67 From the previous figures, by the end of the low-pressure pump period, the decrease in load torque making the controller to decease the required swash plate angle with decreasing the input current. As presented, after 20 seconds there is a spike in motor speed; this is because of the great change in the load torque that is much less than the motor torque and this difference is converted into speed. In the high pressure stage, the decrease in speed is because the required torque is more than provided by the motor and this causes an instantaneous decrease in motor output speed. The next Figures 5-9 and 5-10 show the status of the accumulator within the driving cycle with the motor input power and the final status of the accumulator respectively. 68 Figure 5- 9 Accumulator outputs case 2 Figure 5- 10 Accumulator final state case 2 The total fluid drawn from the accumulator in case 2 is less than the first case 1.295 gallon and the final pressure of the accumulator is 4109 psi while the total power used is 206.5 hp in one minute. To test accumulator capabilities to drive the system with the available hydraulic motor, other cases were conducted. The results for the these cases were as following: 69 The accumulator can operate the low pressure pump with 2,000 psi alone for 159 seconds with input power consumption rate 7.085 hp/sec and overall efficiency 72.64% The accumulator can operate the ENERPAC pump alone with 29 seconds for quick extend and the rest as high pressure stage for 1322 seconds with input power consumption rate 1.058 hp/sec and overall efficiency 80.98%. The accumulator can operate the ENERPAC pump alone in quick extend stage only for 1128 seconds with input power consumption rate 1.241 hp/sec and overall efficiency 72.65%. The accumulator can operate the ENERPAC pump alone in high pressure stage only for 1333 seconds with input power consumption rate 1.05 hp/sec and overall efficiency 81.19%. The accumulator can operate case 1 for 120.3 seconds with input power consumption rate 8.168 hp/sec and overall efficiency 73.48%. The accumulator can operate case 2 for 240.9 seconds with input power consumption rate 3.447 hp/sec and overall efficiency 74.94%. The following equation represents the available accumulator capabilities to operate the circuit with the available hydraulic motor 1.241* t quick _ extend 1.05 * t high_ pressure 7.085 * tlow_ pressure 1399 hp t quick _ extend 1128 Where t high_ pressure 1327 tlow_ pressure 159 70 (5-1) All time values are in seconds. In addition to the previous loading cases, More loading cases are included in Appendix A with different loading pressures. Model verification is based on three criteria: analyze the model performance based on what was designed for in term of final speed and pressure, test the component assumed efficiencies reflection on the output, and compare the input power consumption rate to the values on the manufacturer’s datasheet. From the previous figures, the system reaches the required pressure for different cases. Also the system reflects the accumulator status in different time ranges and loads. The results overall efficienies reflected the assumed efficiency for both pumps and hydraulic motor. For example, for low pressure pump as the overall efficiency was 80% and the motor overall effeciency was 90%, the efficiency has to be around 72 %. The efficency reported was 72.64 %. For the input power consumption rate, from the datasheet the low pressure pump at pressure 2000 psi, and input speed 3000 RPM, the required input was 7.5 hp which is equal to (7.5/0.8=9.375) hp after excluding the pump total efficiency. The low pressure pump consumed power reported was 9.8402 with error 4.96% from the datasheet value. For ENEPRAC pump, the error in quick extend stage was 10.22%; for the high pressure stage, the error was 5.5%. This error was due to propagation of small error in converting pressure, torque, and speed units. Also, due to the components assumed efficiecnies, this propagation error increased at lower efficiencies. The error was higher in case of ENERPAC pump than the low pressure pump, with the same assumed efficiencies, 71 becuase the first pump operated for 1128 seconds while the other worked for 159 seconds only. 5-3 Summary In this chapter, outputs from each pump to its counterpart load, accumulator power used, and controller outputs were presented. Case 1 represented the output at which the system at full load with both pumps in operation for one minute. Case 2 represented the output at which the pole chainsaw pump work in a portion of the cycle time. Table 5-1 shows the comparison between two cases in term of power used, final pressure in the accumulator, and the total fluid drawn. Table 5- 1 Simulation summary Case 1 Case 2 units Accumulator final pressure 3055 4109 Psi Total fluid used 3.57 1.295 gpm Total power used 490.3 206.5 hp 72 Chapter 6 SUMMARY AND FUTURE WORK 6-1 Summary This research provided a comprehensive study for hydraulic systems that can be used to drive the hydraulic accessories from the power take off for HHV. Three hydraulic driving systems were proposed: hydraulic intensifier, hydraulic transformer, and hydrostatic transmission system. Preliminary analysis was conducted on the proposed systems to select the most efficient operating system for the hydraulic tools with the least impact on the main power source. The hydraulic intensifier new design satisfied the isolation test, however it required intensive maintenance to ensure complete isolation. Moreover, the efficiency in the working condition was low, 55%; therefore, it was not suitable for this application. Hydraulic transformer has high efficiency. In addition, the isolation could be attained by installing a separate driving system not with using the power source directly from the power take off point and this is not the scope of this research. The hydrostatic transmission has the least impact on the HHV as it isolated the HHV power source from the PTO system. The motor converted the hydraulic energy into mechanical energy to drive pumps with separate tanks. In addition, using axial piston 73 variable displacement motor improved the system efficiency. Accordingly, the hydrostatic system was analyzed and designed then simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK to operate the hydraulic load properly. The analysis started with defining the pressure working ranges, then the design of the pumps, and hydraulic motor with the control valve. The system model included hydraulic accumulator as the main power source from the HHV into the model. The model included components data from manufacturer’s datasheets so that the model outputs represented real application output values. It was operated at the maximum operating point and the components efficiencies are the values at this point. The result included several cases in order to define the system capabilities. For each case, it provided the total power consumption rate and the maximum operation time cycle for the system using the available main circuit power. The model was verified by comparing the consumed power to the manufacturer’s datasheet values and comparing the assumed efficiencies to the model output efficiencies. 6-2 Conclusion The model presented the operation of the hydrostatic transmissions system to drive the hydraulic accessories using HHV power through power take-off. Swash plate piston pumps should be used over gear pumps because of high efficiency. However, these pumps are expensive comparing to gear pumps. Therefore, the economic perspective of the proposed system versus their performance should also be evaluated via experimental research. 74 The reduction gear relates both pumps speeds which decreases the degree of freedom. It must be selected so that both designed operating points require the same motor shaft speed. The operated pumps should be close in volumetric displacement so that unloading one of them does not break the other pump’s shaft due to the instantaneous high motor torque. This effect will increase with on-off cycles. 6-3 Future work This research represents the foundation for the accessories system for the HHV as it provides a comprehensive study of driving systems for the hydraulic accessories. Experimental tests should be conducted on the hydrostatic transmission in order to verify the proposed mathematical model. With experiment, the complete analysis of the pumps’ and hydraulic motor’s efficiencies will 75 increase the model accuracy. References [1] Filipi, K. Y. 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n/a 8-10 gpm Horizontal Grinder StanelyHydraulic n/a 8-10 gpm n/a 5-10 gpm Cut-off Saw Crowder Hydraulic 81 Flow Tools Cut-off Saw Crowder Hydraulic Tools n/a 5-8 gpm Hydraulic Drills StanelyHydraulic n/a 5.8-13 gpm Hydraulic Drills StanelyHydraulic n/a 12 gpm Hydraulic Drills StanelyHydraulic n/a 3-9 gpm Hydraulic Drills StanelyHydraulic n/a 7-9 gpm Hydraulic Drills StanelyHydraulic n/a 7-9 gpm Hydraulic Drills StanelyHydraulic n/a 7-9 gpm Hydraulic Drills StanelyHydraulic n/a 7-9 gpm Hydraulic Rock Drill Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1450-2000 psi 5.3-6.6 gpm Core Drill Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1160-2500 psi 5.3 gpm Core Drill Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1160-2500 psi 5.3 gpm Rock Drill Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1450-2000 psi 5.3-6.6 gpm Pick Hammer Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1000-1300 psi 5.3 gpm Rod Driver Crowder Hydraulic Tools 2000 psi 5-8 gpm 82 Rod Driver Crowder Hydraulic Tools 2000 psi 5-8 gpm Hydraulic Breaker StanelyHydraulic 1500-2000 7-9 gpm Hydraulic Breaker Sunrise 1280-1850 3-7 Hydraulic Breaker Sunrise 1140-1700 5-8 Hydraulic Chipper StanelyHydraulic 1000-2000 8 gpm Hydraulic Chipper StanelyHydraulic 1000-2000 8 gpm Hydraulic Chipper StanelyHydraulic 1000-2000 5 gpm Hydraulic Chipper StanelyHydraulic 1000-2000 5 gpm Hydraulic Chipper StanelyHydraulic 1000-2000 4-6 gpm Hydraulic Digger StanelyHydraulic 1000-2000 7-9 gpm Diamond Chain Saw StanelyHydraulic n/a 4-6 gpm Diamond Chain Saw StanelyHydraulic n/a 7-9 gpm Diamond Chain Saw StanelyHydraulic n/a 7-9 gpm Diamond Chain Saw StanelyHydraulic n/a 12 Earth Auger StanelyHydraulic n/a 7-9 gpm Earth Auger StanelyHydraulic n/a 7-9 gpm Ground Rod Driver StanelyHydraulic n/a 7-9 gpm n/a 7-9 gpm Ground Rod Driver Stanely- 83 Hydraulic Ground Dod Driver StanelyHydraulic n/a 5-9 gpm Ground Dod Driver StanelyHydraulic n/a 5-9 gpm Post Puller StanelyHydraulic n/a 7-9 gpm Post Puller StanelyHydraulic n/a 7-9 gpm Post Puller StanelyHydraulic n/a 7-9 gpm Post Puller StanelyHydraulic n/a 3-9 gpm Post Driver Crowder Hydraulic Tools 400 5-8 gpm Post Driver Crowder Hydraulic Tools 400 5-8 gpm Post Driver Crowder Hydraulic Tools 200 5-8 gpm Post Driver Crowder Hydraulic Tools 150 5-8 gpm Impact wrenches StanelyHydraulic n/a 4-12 gpm Impact wrenches StanelyHydraulic n/a 4-12 gpm Impact wrenches StanelyHydraulic n/a 4-12 gpm Impact wrenches StanelyHydraulic n/a 4-12 gpm Impact wrenches StanelyHydraulic N/A 4-12 gpm 84 Impact wrenches StanelyHydraulic N/A Impact wrenches StanelyHydraulic N/A Impact wrenches StanelyHydraulic N/A Impact wrenches StanelyHydraulic N/A Impact wrenches StanelyHydraulic N/A Chainsaw Sunrise 1000-2000 5-8 Chainsaw Sunrise 1000-2000 5-8 Chainsaw Sunrise 1000-2000 4-6 Chainsaw Sunrise 1000-2000 4-8 Chainsaw Sunrise 1000-2000 4-8 Chainsaw Sunrise 1000-2000 4-6 Chain Saw Stanley Hydraulic Tools 1000-2000 7-9 gpm Circular Saw for tree trimming Stanley Hydraulic Tools 1000-2000 5-7 Pole Chainsaw Stanley Hydraulic Tools 1000-2000 4-6 Pole Chainsaw Stanley Hydraulic Tools 1000-2000 4-6 Pole Chainsaw Stanley Hydraulic Tools 1000-2000 4-6 Pole Chainsaw Stanley Hydraulic Tools 1000-2000 7-9 4-12 gpm 7-12 gpm 7-12 gpm 7-12 gpm 7-12 gpm 85 Pole Chainsaw Stanley Hydraulic Tools 1000-2000 7-9 Pole Chainsaw Stanley Hydraulic Tools 1000-2000 7-9 Pruner Stanley Hydraulic Tools 1000-2000 3-9 Pruner Stanley Hydraulic Tools 1000-2000 3-9 Extende Prunner (Scissor Style) Stanley Hydraulic Tools 1000-2000 N/A Abrasive cut off saw StanelyHydraulic 1100-2150 5.3-10.6 Post Hole Borer Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1300-1600 5.3 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1300-1600 5.3 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1300-1600 5.3 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1500-1800 7.9 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1500-1800 7.9 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1500-1800 7.9 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1500-1800 7.9 86 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1500-1800 7.9 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1300-1600 5.3 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1300-1600 5.3 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1300-1600 5.3 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1500-1800 7.9 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1500-1800 7.9 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1500-1800 7.9 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1500-1800 7.9 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1500-1800 7.9 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1500-1800 7.9 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools 1500-1800 7.9 Paving BreaKers Crowder Hydraulic Tools N/A 31(max)-610(regulated) Oil Divider Crowder Hydraulic up to 2000 7-9 gpm 87 Tools Auger (Post Hole Digger) Stanley Hydraulic Tools up to 2000 7-9 gpm Self-Contained Hydraulic Cutters Enerpac Max. 10,000 N/A Self-Contained Hydraulic Cutters Enerpac Max. 10,000 N/A Self-Contained Hydraulic Cutters Enerpac Max. 10,000 N/A Self-Contained Hydraulic Cutters Enerpac Max. 10,000 N/A Self-Contained Hydraulic Cutters Enerpac Max. 10,000 N/A Self-Contained Hydraulic Cutters Enerpac Max. 10,000 N/A Self-Contained Hydraulic Cutters Enerpac Max. 10,000 N/A Jack, Hydraulic Toe Enerpac Max. 10,000 N/A Jack, Hydraulic Toe Enerpac Max. 10,000 N/A Hydraulic Machine Lifts Enerpac Max. 10,000 N/A Hydraulic Machine Lifts Enerpac Max. 10,000 N/A PMU Series Torque Wrench Pump Enerpac 700(1st stage)-10,000(2nd stage) 200 in3/min(1st stage)-20 in3/min(2nd stage) PMU Series Torque Wrench Pump Enerpac 700(1st stage)-10,000(2nd stage) 200 in3/min(1st stage)-20 in3/min(2nd stage) PMU Series Torque Wrench Pump Enerpac 700(1st stage)-11,600(2nd stage) 200 in3/min(1st stage)-20 in3/min(2nd stage) PMU Series Torque Wrench Pump Enerpac 700(1st stage)-11,600(2nd stage) 88 200 in3/min(1st stage)-20 in3/min(2nd stage) S Series Square Drive Torque Wrenchs Enerpac max. 10,000 psi N/A S Series Square Drive Torque Wrenchs Enerpac max. 10,000 psi N/A S Series Square Drive Torque Wrenchs Enerpac max. 10,000 psi N/A S Series Square Drive Torque Wrenchs Enerpac max. 10,000 psi N/A S Series Square Drive Torque Wrenchs Enerpac max. 10,000 psi N/A Flow Control Valves Enerpac rated for 10,000 psi N/A Flow Control Valves Enerpac rated for 10,000 psi N/A Flow Control Valves Enerpac rated for 10,000 psi N/A Flow Control Valves Enerpac rated for 10,000 psi N/A Flow Control Valves Enerpac rated for 10,000 psi N/A Flow Control Valves Enerpac rated for 10,000 psi N/A Flow Control Valves Enerpac rated for 10,000 psi N/A Flow Control Valves Enerpac rated for 10,000 psi N/A 3-Way Directional Control Valves Enerpac max. 10,000 psi Flow Capcaity 4.5 gal/min 3-Way Directional Control Valves Enerpac max. 10,000 psi Flow Capcaity 4.5 gal/min 3-Way Directional Control Valves Enerpac max. 10,000 psi Flow Capcaity 4.5 gal/min 3-Way Directional Control Valves Enerpac max. 10,000 psi Flow Capcaity 4.5 gal/min 3-Way Directional Enerpac max. 10,000 psi Flow Capcaity 4.5 89 Control Valves gal/min 3-Way Directional Control Valves Enerpac max. 10,000 psi Flow Capcaity 4.5 gal/min 3-Way Directional Control Valves Enerpac max. 10,000 psi Flow Capcaity 4.5 gal/min 3-Way Directional Control Valves Enerpac max. 10,000 psi Flow Capcaity 4.5 gal/min 4-Way Directional Control Valves Enerpac max. 10,000 psi Flow Capcaity 4.5 gal/min 4-Way Directional Control Valves Enerpac max. 10,000 psi Flow Capcaity 4.5 gal/min 4-Way Directional Control Valves Enerpac max. 10,000 psi Flow Capcaity 4.5 gal/min 4-Way Directional Control Valves Enerpac max. 10,000 psi Flow Capcaity 4.5 gal/min 4-Way Directional Control Valves Enerpac max. 10,000 psi Flow Capcaity 4.5 gal/min 4-Way Directional Control Valves Enerpac max. 10,000 psi Flow Capcaity 4.5 gal/min 4-Way Directional Control Valves Enerpac max. 10,000 psi Flow Capcaity 4.5 gal/min Grease Control Valves Heavy Duty High Pressure Lincoln max 7500 psi n/a Grease Control Valves Heavy Duty High Pressure Lincoln max 7500 psi n/a 6 Ton Remote Compression CHead w/Rubber Boot( page 52 ) 6.2 Ton Dieless Remote Crimping Head with Rubber Boot – .9” Jaw Opening (page 53) n/a Huskie tools 10,000 n/a Huskie tools 10,000 90 6.2 Ton Flip-Top Dieless Remote Crimping Head – 1.5” Jaw Opening 12 Ton Remote Compression CHead with Rubber Boot – 1” Jaw Opening 12 Ton Remote Titanium Compression CHead – 1” Jaw Opening ( page 54 ) 12 Ton Remote Compression CHead with Rubber Boot – 1-3/16” Jaw Opening (page 55) 12 Ton Remote Compression CHead with Rubber Boot – 1.65” Jaw Opening ( page 55) 12 Ton Remote Compression CHead with Rubber Boot – 1.5” Jaw Opening ( page 56) n/a Huskie tools 10,000 n/a Huskie tools 10,000 n/a Huskie tools 10,000 n/a Huskie tools 10,000 n/a Huskie tools 10,000 n/a Huskie tools 10,000 15 Ton Remote Compression CHead – 2” Jaw Opening (page 56) n/a Huskie tools 10,000 60 Ton Compression Head Huskie tools 10,000 60 Ton Compression Head Huskie tools 10,000 60 Ton Double Acting Compression Head Huskie tools 10,000 n/a n/a n/a 91 60 Ton Double Acting Compression Head Huskie tools 10,000 100 Ton Compression Heads Huskie tools 10,000 200 Ton Compression Heads Huskie tools 10,000 Hydraulic Scissor Cutter and Remote Head ( page 74) Huskie tools 10,000 Hydraulic Scissor Cutter and Remote Head ( page 75) Huskie tools 10,000 Hydraulic Scissor Cutter and Remote Head ( page 76) Huskie tools 10,000 Hydraulic Scissor Cutter and Remote Head ( page 76) Huskie tools 10,000 Hydraulic Low Pressure 4” Cable Cutter Huskie tools 2,500 35 Ton Hydraulic Steel Punch Huskie tools 10,000 6 Ton Remote Compression CHead w/Rubber Boot( page 52 ) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Huskie tools 10,000 6.2 Ton Dieless Remote Crimping Head with Rubber Boot – .9” Jaw Opening (page 53) Huskie tools 10,000 SH-70A Hydraulic Power Puncher Kudos 700 bar 82 CC Kudos 700 bar 87.4 cc Hydraulic Flange Spreaders & Pipe n/a 92 Bender Bus Bar Cutter Kudos 700 bar 116 cc Bus Bar Bender Kudos 700 bar 124 cc Hydraulic Flange Puller FastorQ 10,000 Hydraulic Flange Puller FastorQ 10,000 Chipping Hammer Fairmont 1,400 - 1,700 PSI 5 GPM Breaker Fairmont 1,280 - 1,850 PSI 3 - 7 GPM Breaker Fairmont 1,140 - 1,700 PSI 5 - 8 GPM Breaker Fairmont 5 - 8 GPM Breaker Fairmont 5 - 8 GPM Breaker Fairmont 7 - 9 GPM Pistol-Grip Chain Saw Fairmont 1,000 - 2,000 PSI 4 - 8 GPM Standard Chain Saw Fairmont 1,000 - 2,000 PSI 4 - 8 GPM Long Reach Chain Saw Fairmont 1,000 - 2,000 PSI 5 - 8 GPM Crimping Tool Fairmont 1,400 - 2,500 PSI 3 - 9 GPM Crimping Tool Fairmont 1,500 - 2,500 PSI 3 - 9 GPM Crimping Tool Fairmont 1,500 - 2,500 PSI 3 - 9 GPM Dieless Crimping Tool Fairmont 1,400 - 2,500 PSI 3 - 9 GPM Crimping Tool Fairmont 1,500 - 2,500 PSI 3 - 9 GPM Crimping Tool Fairmont 1,500 - 2,500 PSI 3 - 9 GPM Crimping Tool Fairmont 10,000 PSI Cut-Off Saw Fairmont 1,000 - 2,000 PSI 5 - 8 GPM Overhead Circular Saw Fairmont 1,000 - 2,000 PSI 4 - 6 GPM 93 n/a n/a Drill Fairmont 1,000 - 2,000 PSI 4 - 8 GPM Hammer Drill Fairmont 1,000 - 2,000 PSI 5 - 10 GPM Rock Drill Fairmont 1,275 - 1,700 PSI 5 - 7 GPM Ground Rod Driver Fairmont 2,000 PSI Max 5 - 8 GPM Impact Wrench Fairmont 1,000 - 2,500 PSI 4 - 10 GPM Impact Wrench Fairmont 1,000 - 2,500 PSI 4 - 10 GPM Impact Wrench Fairmont 1,000 - 2,500 PSI 4 - 10 GPM Impact Wrench Fairmont 1,000 - 2,500 PSI 4 - 10 GPM Impact Wrench Fairmont 1,000 - 2,500 PSI 4 - 10 GPM Impact Wrench Fairmont 1,000 - 2,500 PSI 4 - 10 GPM Sign Post Puller Fairmont 1,000 - 2,000 PSI 4 - 6 GPM Pole Puller Fairmont 300 - 2,800 PSI 4 - 15 GPM Pole Tamper Fairmont 1,000 - 2,000 PSI 4 - 6 GPM Pole Tamper Fairmont 1,000 - 2,000 PSI 4 - 6 GPM Utility Pruner Fairmont 1,000 - 2,000 PSI 4 - 6 GPM Orchard and Shade Tree Pruner Fairmont 1,000 - 2,000 PSI 4 - 6 GPM 2" Submersible Pump Fairmont 0 - 2,000 PSI 5 - 8 GPM 2.5" Submersible Pump Fairmont 0 - 2,000 PSI 4 - 8 GPM 3" Submersible Pump Fairmont up to 2,500 PSI 7 - 10 GPM 3" Submersible Trash Pump Fairmont up to 2,500 PSI 7 - 10 GPM 4" Submersible Pump Fairmont 0 - 2,000 PSI 5 - 9 GPM Rotamag Rail Drill Racine Railroad Products 2,000 PSI 10 GPM 94 Rail Profile Grinder Racine Railroad Products 2,000 PSI 10 GPM Bull Nose Grinder Racine Railroad Products 2,000 PSI 5 GPM Rail Wled Shear Racine Railroad Products 2,000 PSI 5 - GPM Saw Slotter Racine Railroad Products 2,000 PSI 5 GPM Rail Puller Racine Railroad Products 2,000 PSI 10 GPM Back Handle Grinder Racine Railroad Products 2,000 PSI 5 - 10 GPM Tie Tamper Racine Railroad Products 2,000 PSI 10 GPM Spike Driver Racine Railroad Products 2,000 PSI 10 GPM Spike Puller Racine Railroad Products 2,000 PSI 5 - 10 GPM Impact Drill Racine Railroad Products 1,000 - 2,000 PSI 5 GPM Right Angle Grinder Racine Railroad Products 2,000 PSI 5 GPM Cup Stone Grinder Racine Railroad Products 2,000 PSI 10 GPM Sprint Saw Racine Railroad 2,000 PSI 10 GPM 95 Products Stand-Up Web Grinder Racine Railroad Products 2,000 PSI 10 GPM 1" Impact Wrench Racine Railroad Products 2,000 PSI 10 GPM Concrete Chain Saw Reimann & Georger Corp 2,000 - 2,500 PSI 8 GPM Circular Saw (Hydrasaw) Reimann & Georger Corp 2,000 - 2,500 PSI 5 - 8 GPM Core Drill Reimann & Georger Corp 2,000 - 2,500 PSI 8 - 15 GPM Hydra Breaker Reimann & Georger Corp 2,000 PSI 5 - GPM Post Driver Reimann & Georger Corp 2,000 PSI 5 - 8 GPM Hydra Pump Reimann & Georger Corp 2,000 - 2,500 PSI 5 - 8 GPM Post Puller Reimann & Georger Corp 2,500 PSI 2 - 10 GPM Hand Chain Saw Reimann & Georger Corp 1,000 - 2,000 PSI 4 - 8 GPM Pole Saw Reimann & Georger Corp 1,000 - 2,000 PSI 5 - 8 and 4 - 6 GPM Impact Wrench Reimann & Georger Corp 1,000 - 2,500 PSI 4 - 12 GPM 96 Atlas Copco LH 11 Hydraulic Pick Hammer Ohio Power Tool 1,000 - 1,300 PSI 5.3 GPM Atlas Copco LH 18 Lightweight Breaker Ohio Power Tool 1,300 - 1,600 PSI 5.3 GPM Atlas Copco LH 22 Medium Breaker Ohio Power Tool 1,500 - 1,800 PSI 5 - 8 GPM Atlas Copco LH 27 Heavy-duty Breaker Ohio Power Tool 1,500 - 1,800 PSI 5 - 8 GPM Atlas Copco LH 39 Super Heavy-duty Breaker Ohio Power Tool 1,500 - 1,800 PSI 8 - 10 GPM Atlas Copco LHD 23 M Hydraulic Rock Drill Ohio Power Tool 1,450 - 2,000 PSI 5.3 - 6.6 GPM Atlas Copco LCD 1500 Hydraulic Core Drill Ohio Power Tool 2,200 PSI 5.8 GPM Atlas Copco LCD 500 Hydraulic Core Drill Ohio Power Tool 2,200 PSI 5.8 GPM Atlas Copco LS 14 Hydraulic Cut-Off Saw Ohio Power Tool 2,500 PSI 5 - 8 GPM Atlas Copco LS 16 Hydraulic Cut-Off Saw Ohio Power Tool 2,500 PSI 5 - 10 GPM Atlas Copco LTP 3 Hydraulic Water Pump Ohio Power Tool 2,000 - 4,200 PSI 6.9 - 10.1 GPM Atlas Copco LWP 2 Hydraulic Water Pump Ohio Power Tool 1,500 - 4,000 PSI 4.8 - 6.4 GPM 97