County Board Packets
County Board Packets
County Board Packets Packet Packe January 2001 COUNTY BOARD MEETING January 17, 2001 7:30 p.m. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section A. Planning and Regulations Committee A - 1.) Ordinance 2001-03: Greenwood Cemetery Association Special Use Section B. Public Infrastructure and Development Committee B - 1.) Resolution: 2001 General County Letting B - 2.) Resolution: Bid Award for a 1998 or newer 4x4 Plow Truck B - 3.) Resolution: I.D.O.T. Policy - Reappointment of the County Engineer B - 4.) Resolution: Supporting the Improvement to the Route 64 and Route 23 Intersection B - 5.) Ordinance 2001-04: No Parking on Shabbona Road Section C. This Section Omitted Section D. This Section Omitted Section E. Administrative Services Committee E - 1.) Resolution: Treasurer=s Authorized Depositories E - 2.) Resolution: Amendment to the E-Mail Policy E - 3.) Resolution: Amendment to the Flex Spending Plan E - 4.) Claims E - 5.) Reports of County Officials a.) Cash & Investments in County Banks for December 2000 b.) Planning & Regulations Building Report for December 2000 (attached to the Planning & Regulations Minutes) c.) Nursing Home Admission & Discharge Report for December 2000 Section F. This Section Omitted Section G. This Section Omitted Section H. Standing Committees Minutes Section I. Forest Preserve District I - 1.) Claims s:bdagendatableofcontents.wpd COUNTY BOARD COMMITTEE AGENDAS January 15 - 18, 2001 MONDAY - 01/15/01 MARTIN LUTHER KING==S BIRTHDAY! COUNTY OFFICES CLOSED TUESDAY - 01/16/01 Forest Preserve 6:00P.M. 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of the Minutes 3. Approval of the Agenda 4. General Discussion EXECUTIVE SESSION: 5. Land Acquisition 6. Adjournment LOCATION: Chief Shabbona Forest Preserve Shelter #3 Food and Refreshments will be served. WEDNESDAY - 01/17/01 DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center Operating Board 7:00a.m. LOCATION: Multi-Purpose Room @ the Nursing Home ______________________________ Public Infrastructure & Development 7:00P.M. **SPECIAL MEETING** 1. No Parking On Shabbona Road LOCATION: Co. Courthouse Ante Room off of 1st Floor Courtroom ______________________________ County Board Meeting 7:30P.M. LOCATION: Co. Courthouse 1st Floor Courtroom THURSDAY - 01/18/01 DEKALB COUNTY BOARD COMMITTEE CALENDAR FEBRUARY, 2001 ****UPDATED**** SUNDAY 4 MONDAY 5 Public Services 6:30P.M. TUESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 20 Forest Preserve 6:00P.M. 21 County Board Meeting 7:30P.M. 22 23 24 27 28 6 WEDNESDAY 7 Administrative Services *7:00P.M.* Public Infrastructure & Development 7:00P.M. *Please note the new change in the time.* 11 13 12 Lincoln==s Birthday Executive 7:00P.M. COUNTY OFFICES CLOSED 18 19 Washington==s Birthday COUNTY OFFICES CLOSED 25 26 Public Policy **6:30P.M.** **Please note the change in the time for this meeting.** Planning & Regulations 7:30P.M. **County Board Workshop** 8:30a.m.-12:00noon @ Russell Woods Natural Resource Center - Genoa, IL SECTION A. PLANNING & REGULATIONS COMMITTEE STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF DEKALB ) )SS ) ORDINANCE 2001-03 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE GREENWOOD CEMETERY ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF SOMONAUK ROAD IN SQUAW GROVE TOWNSHIP WHEREAS, the Greenwood Cemetery Association has filed an application for an Amendment to a Special Use Permit to permit an expansion of the area of the cemetery by adding a 2.4-acre parcel, adjacent to the west side of the cemetery, which is located on the west side of Somonauk Road, approximately 3,100 feet south of Burlington Northern Railroad crossing in Squaw Grove Township, and the area to be added to the cemetery is legally described as shown in Exhibit A, attached hereto; and WHEREAS, following due and proper notice by publication in the Daily Chronicle not less than fifteen (15) nor more than thirty (30) days prior thereto, and by mailing notice to all owners of property abutting the subject property at least ten (10) days prior thereto, the DeKalb County Hearing Officer conducted a public hearing on November 30, 2000, at which the petitioners presented evidence, testimony, and exhibits in support of the requested Amendment to the Special Use Permit, and no persons testified in favor and none in opposition thereto; and WHEREAS, based on the evidence, testimony and exhibits, the Hearing Officer has made his findings of fact and recommended that the Amendment to the Special Use Permit be granted, as set forth in the Findings of Fact and Recommendation of the DeKalb County Hearing Officer, dated November 30, 2000, a copy of which is appended hereto as Exhibit "B"; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Regulations Committee of the DeKalb County Board has reviewed the exhibits presented at the afore stated public hearing and has considered the findings of fact and recommendations of the Hearing Officer, and has forwarded to the DeKalb County Board a recommendation of approval of an ordinance to grant the Amendment to the Special Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the DeKalb County Board has considered the recommendation of the Planning and Regulations Committee and the findings of fact and recommendation of the Hearing Officer, and the DeKalb County Board has determined that granting the Amendment to the Special Use Permit to allow the expansion of the cemetery on to the subject property is consistent with the requirements established by Section 9.01.B.3. of the DeKalb County Zoning Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNTY BOARD OF DEKALB 1 COUNTY, ILLINOIS, as follows: SECTION ONE: The Findings of Fact and Recommendation of the DeKalb County Hearing Officer, Exhibit "B" attached hereto, is hereby accepted, and the findings of fact set forth therein are hereby adopted as the findings of fact and conclusions of the DeKalb County Board. SECTION TWO: Based on the findings of fact of the Hearing Officer, an Amendment to the Special Use Permit previously granted to the Greenwood Cemetery is hereby approved to allow the expansion of the cemetery on to a 2.4-acre parcel adjacent to the west side of the cemetery and legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto. SECTION THREE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption by the County Board of DeKalb County, Illinois. PASSED BY THE COUNTY BOARD THIS 17TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2001, A.D. Chairman, DeKalb County Board ATTEST: County Clerk 2 Exhibit A Legal Description of Subject Property THAT PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 38 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER: THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER, 1519.86 FEET; THENCE WESTERLY, AT AN ANGLE OF 91E 03'03", MEASURED COUNTER-CLOCKWISE FROM THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, 1324.60 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY, AT AN ANGLE OF 89E 19'12", MEASURED CLOCKWISE FROM THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, 203.93 FEET; THENCE WESTERLY, AT AN ANGLE OF 89E 06'26" MEASURED CLOCKWISE FROM THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, 515.98 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING WESTERLY ALONG THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, 200.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY, AT AN ANGLE OF 92E 22'08" MEASURED CLOCKWISE FROM THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, 528.49 FEET THENCE, EASTERLY, AT AN ANGLE OF 86E 43'58" MEASURED CLOCKWISE FROM THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, 200.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY, AT AN ANGLE OF 93E 17'03" MEASURED CLOCKWISE FROM THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, 525.36 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 2.416 ACRES, ALL IN SQUAW GROVE TOWNSHIP, DEKALB COUNTY, ILLINOIS. P.I.N.: 15-22-100-008. 3 DE KALB COUNTY PLANNING/ZONING/BUILDING DEPARTMENT 110 E. Sycamore Sycamore, IL 60178-1497 (815) 895-7188 FAX: (815) 895-1669 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Regulations Committee FROM: Paul R. Miller, AICP Planning Director DATE: December 13, 2000 SUBJECT: Greenwood Cemetery Amendment to Special Use Petition SQ-00-24 TheThe Greenwood CemeteryThe Greenwood Cemetery Association hasThe Greenwood Cemetery Association has toto allow for to allow for the expansionto allow for the expansion of Greenwood Cemetery. The cemetery is l SomonaukSomonauk Road, approximatelySomonauk Road, approximately 3,100 feet south of the BurlingtonSom SqSquawSquaw Grove Township. The property is zoned A-1, Agricultural, with a Special Squaw Grove Tow allowallow for the operation of a cemetery. The proposal wouldallow for the operation of a cemetery. The propos the cemetery. DeKalbDeKalb County Hearing Officer Dave Dockus conducted a public hearing on the request on NovemberNovember 30, 2000. November 30, 2000. The petitioner presented evidence and testimony inNovemb Amendment. No members of the public spoke at the hearing. TheThe Hearing Officer has forwarded his Report and Recommendation, andThe Hearing Officer has forwarded h thethe Amendment to the Special Use. The Planning anthe Amendment to the Special Use. The Planning considerconsider the application and the recommendation of consider the application and the recomm recommendationrecommendation to the full County Board for action by ordinance. The Committee mayrecommend approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the request. cc: Greenwood Cemetery Association PRM:prm C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GreenwoodCem.SQ-00-24.wpd SECTION B. PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE PLANNING AND REGULATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES January 24, 2001 The Planning and Regulations Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on January 24, 2001 at 7:30 p.m. in the DeKalb County Administration Building, Conference Room East. In attendance were Committee Members Robert Hutcheson, Marlene Allen, James Barr, Howard Lyle, Clifford Simonson, Thomas Smith, Roger Steimel, and Veronica Casella, and County staff Paul Miller and Marcellus Anderson. Audience members included Richard Schmack, Greg Milburg, Albert and Elwanda Ebel, and Diane Strand. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mrs. Allen moved to approve the minutes of the December 27, 2001 meeting of the Planning and Regulations Committee, seconded by Mr. Lyle, and the motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mr. Smith moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Mrs. Allen, and the motion carried unanimously. INTERIM SPECIAL USE - - Request of Albert and Elwanda Ebel for an Interim Special Use to allow a self-storage business on property at 34621 New Lebanon Road in Genoa Township, Petition GE-00-25 Mr. Miller stated that an Interim Special Use may be sought to use land or existing buildings that are not currently in use. Interim Special Uses are intended to be for a short period of time until a permanent permitted or special use can be obtained for the property. The petitioners have requested permission to use a portion of their property at 34621 New Lebanon Road, Genoa Township, for commercial storage units for personal property in three existing buildings, and an exterior, concrete are for storage of privately-owned recreational vehicles (RV=s). The 6.48-acre parcel is zoned A-1, Agricultural District. Mr. Miller said that no one spoke at the hearing for or against the petition. The Hearing Officer recommended approval only of use of the three existing buildings self-storage space, and no new buildings be allowed to be built on the property for the storage use. He added that his recommendation is for two (2) years instead of seven (7) years as requested by the petitioners. Finally, the Hearing Officer recommended that the request for the outside storage be denied. Mr. Hutcheson asked for discussion from the Committee. He noted that Committee members had received a letter from the petitioner=s attorney, Mr. Schmack, requesting that the petition be returned for further hearing by the Hearing Officer. In the letter, it was indicated that the petitioners would like to present the idea of screening the outside storage of RV=s by erecting a fence along the south property line, and then demonstrating with photos that the RV=s would not be visually offensive. Mr. Hutcheson indicated that the Committee should discuss or ask questions related to the petition as heard by the Hearing Officer first, but then could subsequently decide whether or not the letter contain sufficient reason to refer the matter back to the Hearing Officer. Mr. Hutcheson then stated that the Ebel=s request for using their property for self-storage may be the first such request, but there are other property owners who would like to do the same thing who are waiting to see the outcome of the Ebel=s petition. He noted that the decision will set a precedent. Mr. Miller suggested that, if the Committee decides to forward the matter to the County Board rather than refer it back to the Hearing Officer for further review, the Committee should restrict it=s reasons to items set forth in the Hearing Officer=s report rather than the letter received subsequently from the petitioner. However, there is nothing that precludes the Committee from discussing the merits of the request to return the matter to the Hearing Officer. Mr. Steimel asked what is the ceiling clearance to the barn. Mr. Ebel said that it was eight (8) feet. Mrs. Allen asked what would be stored. Mr. Miller pointed out that the request is to allow people to rent storage space where any personal property could be stored inside the buildings. The outside storage would be for RV=s. Mr. Lyle asked if he understood that inside storage is the subject of the discussion. Mr. Hutcheson answered both the inside and outside storage proposals are under consideration, but noted that the Hearing Officer recommended that only the inside storage be approved. The Committee should decide whether it wants to go along with the recommendation of the Hearing Officer. Mr. Steimel asked what would be the procedure if the matter is referred back to the Hearing Officer. Mr. Miller answered that the petition can go back to the Hearing Officer without a public notice in the newspaper, since it would be the continuation of a process that has already included public notification, but that staff would notify the surrounding property owners. Mr. Lyle asked what would be the height of the proposed fence? Mr. Schmack answered that details would be discussed before the Hearing Officer if the matter is referred back. Mr. Hutcheson said that he would be opposed to RV=s being stored outside, but would be okay with the proposed inside storage. He said that he would not like to see a trend of outside storage in the rural portions of the County. Mr. Simonson quoted the Staff Report to Committee, and noted that commercial use in agricultural zoning is not consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that the increased traffic would be a problem, that only the petitioner would benefit, and the use would not enhance the surrounding area. He said that he would worry about the domino effect. He felt it would be difficult to monitor activities if the use were approved. Mr. Simonson said that barns are for agricultural use and add to the County=s landscape, but not storage facilities. Mrs. Casella said that she did not think RV=s should be allowed to be stored outside because the County has had problems with that before, and she agreed that they would detract from the appearance of the area. She was not sure about storage inside the farm buildings and expressed mixed feelings. She stated that she understood the petitioners= economic need, but was not sure about the commercial use being allowed in agricultural district. Mr. Lyle agreed. Mr. Miller suggested that, when the Committee has discussed the request to return the matter to the Hearing Officer, a motion might be in order to establish a record of the Committee=s decision. Mrs. Casella moved to send the petition back to the Hearing Officer, seconded by Mrs. Allen. The motion carried on a vote of five (5) yes and three (3) no. Mrs. Casella said that the Committee should give the petitioners every opportunity to prove their case. Mr. Simonson said that he thought it was a waste of the Hearing Officer=s time. ADJOURNMENT Mrs. Casella moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Allen, and the motion carried unanimously. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Robert Hutcheson Planning and Regulations Committee Chairman P:\Zoning\P&RCommittee\Minutes\2001Minutes\P&RJan.01.wpd DEKALB COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT - REPORT OF CONSTRUCTION TO DATE FISCAL YEAR 2001 MONTH OF DECEMBER RESIDENTIAL--NEW CONSTRUCTION JURISDICTION # OF PRMTS P F RESIDENTIAL/AG ALTERATIONS VALUE OF CONST AFTON TWP CLINTON TWP CORTLAND TWP DEKALB TWP FRANKLIN TWP GENOA TWP KINGSTON TWP MALTA TWP MAYFIELD TWP MILAN TWP PAW PAW TWP PIERCE TWP SANDWICH TWP SHABBONA TWP SOMONAUK TWP SO GROVE TWP SQ GROVE TWP SYCAMORE TWP VICTOR TWP TOTALS # OF PRMTS P F VALUE OF CONST COMM/INDUSTRIAL NEW & ALTERATION # OF VALUE OF PRMTS CONST 1 1 0 VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: DECEMBER 2001 $0 $118,475 1 $500 1 $22,000 3 # OF PRMTS VALUE OF CONST OTHER ACCESSORY # OF PRMTS P F VALUE OF CONST $5,275 $300 1 0 COMM/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY 0 $22,800 2 1 1 $10,400 1 1 $5,000 2 2 $15,400 $75,000 $80,275 0 $0 VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION DECEMBER 00: $930,100 CUMMULATIVE TOTALS THRU DECEMBER, FY 2001 VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: $118,475 PERMITS ISSUED: 7 FARM : 2 FEES RECEIVED: P = TOTAL PERMITS F = NO. THAT ARE FARM PERMITS $958 CUMMULATIVE TOTALS THRU DECEMBER, FY 00: VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION: PERMITS ISSUED: FARM: FEES RECEIVED: $930,100 18 7 $2,354 SECTION B. PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE RESOLUTION WHEREAS, quotes have been invited for the County of DeKalb for the provision of certain, specified materials, and WHEREAS, the following vendors have submitted bids meeting specifications: Elmer Larson, LLC of Sycamore, Illinois: Agg.Surf.Cse.,Ty B CA-6 (Cr.Stone) Agg.Surf.Cse.,Ty B CA-6 (Gravel) Seal Coat Agg., CA-16 (Chips) Seal Coat Agg., CA-16 (Pea Gravel) Ice Control Abrasives Porous Granular Backfill $ $ $ $ $ $ Macklin Incorporated of Rochelle, Illinois: Agg.Surf.Cse.,Ty B CA-6 (Cr.Stone) Seal Coat Agg. CA-16 (Chips) Porous Granular Backfill $ 4.00/ton $ 5.25/ton $ 4.85/ton Charles F. Lee & Sons of Kirkland, Illinois: Agg.Surf.Cse.,Ty B CA-6 (Cr.Stone) Agg.Surf.Cse.,Ty B CA-6 (Gravel) Seal Coat Agg.CA-16 (Chips) Seal Coat Agg.CA-16 (Pea Gravel) Ice Control Abrasives Porous Granular Backfill Bituminous Patching Mixture Bit.Mixture Complete $ 4.20/ton $ 3.00/ton $ 6.20/ton $ 7.20/ton $ 7.20/ton $ 6.20/ton $32.00/ton $30.00/ton Curran Contracting Company of DeKalb, Illinois: Bituminous Matls. (Prime Coat) Bituminous Matls. (Seal Coat) HFE-150 Bituminous Matls. (Seal Coat) AC 2.5 Bit.Mixture Complete UPM Patch Mix $ 1.30/gal. $ 1.05/gal. $ 1.05/gal. $27.00/ton $78.00/ton Vulcan Materials of Lombard, IL: Agg.Surf.Cse.,Ty B-CA-6 (Cr.Stone) Seal Coat Agg.CA-16(Chips) Porous Granular Backfill $ 3.85/ton $ 6.50/ton $ 6.00/ton Rockford Blacktop, Inc. of Loves Park, IL: Agg.Surf.Cse., Ty B(CA-6) (Cr.Stone) Seal Ct.Agg.CA-16(Chips) Seal Ct.Agg.CA-16 (Pea Gravel) Ice Control Abrasives Porous Granular Backfill $ $ $ $ $ 4.65/ton 4.65/ton 7.25/ton 6.70/ton 7.60/ton 6.75/ton 4.35/ton 6.20/ton 6.00/ton 6.60/ton 4.90/ton Feltes Sand and Gravel of Elburn, IL: Agg.Surf.Cse.,Ty B(CA-6) Gravel Seal Ct.Agg.,CA-16(Pea Gravel) Porous Granular Backfill Peter Baker & Son of Lake Bluff, IL: Bit.Mixture Complete Sicalco, Ltd. of Alsip, IL: Liq.Calcium Chloride $ 6.10/ton $ 5.30/ton $ 5.30/ton $23.70/ton $165.83/fl.ton NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the DeKalb County Board that it does approve awards to the companies named hereinabove for the provision of certain, specified maintenance materials to the County of DeKalb and its several road districts. PASSED AT SYCAMORE, ILLINOIS THIS 17TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2001 A.D. _____________________________________ Chairman, DeKalb County Board ATTEST: _______________________________ County Clerk RESOLUTION WHEREAS, bids have been invited by the County of DeKalb for the provision of one 1998 or newer 4x4 tandem truck as specified, and WHEREAS, Temco of Aurora, Illinois has submitted the low bid, meeting specifications, for the provision of said item; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the DeKalb County Board that it does approve an award in the low bid submitted by the aforementioned dealer for the provision of the specified piece of equipment. TEMCO: A) Provision of a 1998 4X4 tandem truck as specified in the amount of one hundred eleven thousand five hundred dollars and no cents ($111,500.00) PASSED BY THE DEKALB COUNTY BOARD ON THE 17TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2001. A.D. Chairman, DeKalb County Board ATTEST: County Clerk Illinois Department Of Transportation Resolution Requesting Consent of the Department of Transportation to the Reappointment of the Incumbent as County Engineer WHEREAS, on DeKalb June 24, 2001 , a vacancy will exist in the office of County Engineer of County, said vacancy being caused by the expiration of the six-year term of office, and WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 5-201 of the Illinois Highway Code, the County Board must request the consent of the Department of Transportation before the reappointment of the present incumbent can be made: DeKalb County do and hereby THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of does request the consent of the Department of Transportation, of the State of Illinois, to the reappointment of William G. Lorence as County Engineer, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the clerk is hereby directed to transmit two (2) certified copies of this resolution to the Dixon , Illinois. Department of Transportation, through its district engineer=s office at STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF DeKalb ) ) SS ) I, Sharon Holmes , County Clerk in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, and keeper of the records and files thereof, as provided by statute, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a DeKalb County Board at its regular meeting held at resolution adopted by the on 1/17/01 . Sycamore, Illinois IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the County at my office in in said County this day of , A.D. Sycamore, Illinois County Clerk (SEAL) BLR 4141 ( Rev.2/97) RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the intersection of Route 23 and Route 64 in the City of Sycamore serves not only the residents of Sycamore, but all citizens of DeKalb County as well as a considerable segment of the general traveling public, and WHEREAS, in order to promote better traffic movements and a safer intersection at this site, and WHEREAS, the City of Sycamore has requested the Illinois Department of Transportation t o address this intersection and, the DeKalb County Board concurs with Sycamore s findings and concerns, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the DeKalb County Board does hereby encourage the Illinois Department of Transportation to include the intersection of Route 23 and Route 64 in its five year program to receive improvement s in the form of additional signalization and a southbound, left turn lane. PASSED AT SYCAMORE, ILLINOIS THIS 17TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2001 A.D. Chairman, DeKalb County Board ATTEST: County Clerk ORDINANCE 2001-04 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF DEKALB PROVIDING RESTRICTIONS AS TO PARKING FOLLOWING A 2" SNOW FALL ON CERTAIN COUNTY HIGHWAYS WHEREAS, it has been determined that a safety issue impacting the maintenance of Shabbona Road (CH6) within the Village of Shabbona exists , and WHEREAS, the DeKalb County Board hereby agrees that to resolve this issue a parking ordinance shall be instituted prohibiting parking on the public right-of-way for Shabbona Road (County Highway 6) following a 2" snowfall during snow removal operations in the Village of Shabbona, and, therefore, the following shall apply: a) It shall be unlawful for any person to park a motor vehicle or, if parked, to allow a motor vehicle to remain parked or standing on the public right-of-way of Shabbona Road according to the below listed limits, during or after a snowfall in which there is an accumulation of two (2) inches of snow or more. This prohibition shall remain in effect until such time as the road has been plowed or the snow has been removed therefrom. The road shall not be deemed to have been plowed until the entire width of the street has been substantially cleared of snow or ice. b) To enforce this ordinance this area shall also be declared a tow away zone c) Whenever a police officer of the County finds a vehicle parked in violation of this subsection, the police officer may cause the immediate removal of such vehicle to a place of safety during snow removal. Storage and towing costs shall be paid by the owner or operator of the vehicle. d) This ordinance shall be in effect upon its passage and upon the placement of the proper signing and shall remain in effect until rescinded. Definitions: Public Right-of-Way: Those areas existing or acquired by dedication or by fee simple for highway purposes. Prohibited Area: All public right-of-way on Shabbona Road (CH6) lying from the northerly Village limits to the southerly Village limits. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to park on Shabbona Road right-of-way beginning at the northerly Village Limits of Shabbona to the southerly Village Limits of Shabbona following 2" of snowfall, and THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the above specified area shall also be declared a tow away zone following 2" of snowfall and the DeKalb County Sheriff s Department is authorized to proceed to enforce this ordinance. PASSED BY THE DEKALB COUNTY BOARD ON JANUARY 17, 2001 A.D. Chairman, DeKalb County Board ATTEST: County Clerk PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE January 4, 2001 The regular monthly meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Thursday, January 4, 2001, at 7:00PM at the East Conference Room of the Public Administration Building. Chairman Wilson called the meeting to order. Committee members present were Chairman Wilson, Mrs Casella, Mr. Sands, Mr. Smith, Mr. Hoffman, Ms. LaVigne and Mr. McLaughlin. Mr. Guehler was absent. Also attending were William Lorence, County Engineer and Ray Bockman, County Administrator. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Smith moved to approve the minutes of the December 7, 2000 meeting, Mrs. Casella seconded. Motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion to approve the agenda as printed and distributed was made and seconded. Mr. Lorence asked for an Executive Session to be added to the agenda for Land Acquisition. Motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Mr. McLaughlin, seconded by Mrs. LaVigne. Motion carried unanimously. LETTING RESULTS: The General County Letting was held on Tuesday, January 2, 2001, for bids to provide aggregate and bituminous materials, FOB, to the County and the Road Districts. Mr. Lorence explained that all quotes are excepted and the material is ordered from the closest pit/quarry or plant with the lowest on road cost. This bidding then meets the requirements established for both the County and Road Districts by the State of Illinois purchasing act. Bids were also accepted for liquid calcium chloride with Sicalco being the only bidder. Mr. Lorence recommended acceptance of all bids received including Sicalco s low bid for liquid calcium chloride. A copy of all bids is attached to and made a part of these minutes. Motion to appro ve the resolution as presented for bid award for materials was made by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Sands. Motion carried unanimo usly. Following Committee discussion last month, bids were taken for the provision of a 1998 or newer 4x4 truck last Tuesday. Mr. Lorence recommended award to Temco, the low bidder. Motion to appro ve the award o f the bid to Temco was made by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Casella. Mo tion carried unanimously. IDOT POLICY PROCEDURE: Request for Reappointment of County Engineer Chairman Wilson explained that the Illinois Code provides specific instructions as to the steps taken in the hiring and rehiring of the County Engineer. The resolution before the Committee, which is required by that Code, simply seeks approval from IDOT for the County Board to consider the reappointment of the incumbent. Mr. Hoffman indicated he felt this action should be discussed in Executive Session under Personnel. The Committee agreed to delay discussion of this resolution until the Committee adjourned for Executive Session, scheduled for later on the agenda. COMMITTEE OBJECTIVES A handout was distributed which provides additional information regarding the objectives and responsibilities of the Public Infrastructure & Development Committee. Chairman Wilson reviewed this handout with Committee members, particularly the new members of the Committee. He encouraged all members to keep this brochure and, if any members of t he Committee should have questions regarding the various aspects and funds of the County Highway Department to please feel free to contact either Mr. Lorence or Jan Hoadley for answers and/or explanations. COUNTY ENGINEER S MONTHLY COMMENTS: Mr. Lorence reviewed the Transportation Improvement Program with Committee members. Some projects discussed were: Both Malta and Kirkland Road Structures will be let on January 30th. The Highway Department building is progressing and a March move-in date is st ill anticipated. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mr. Hoffman moved to adjourn into Execut ive Session for the purposes of Land Acquisition and Personnel, Mr. Smith seconded. Mot ion carried unanimously upon a roll call vote being taken. Mr. Hoffman moved t o go back int o regular session, Mrs. Casella seconded. Upon a roll call vote being taken, motion carried and the Committee so returned to regular session. Following the Executive Session, motion was made by Mr. Sands, seconded by Mrs. LaVigne to support the improvement of the Route 23/Route 64 intersection to facilitate t he movement of southbound, left turn traffic. Motion carried unanimo usly. Motion by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Casella to request the consent from IDOT for consideration of reappointment of incumbent engineer. Six members voted aye, Mr. Hoffman voted nay. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Mrs. Casella to adjourn, seconded by Mr. McLaughlin. Motion carried unanimously and the January 4, 2001 meeting of the Public Infrastructure and Development Committee so adjourned. Respectfully submitted, John A. Wilson Chairman SECTION C. PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE PUBLIC SERVICES COMMITTEE Minutes January 8, 2001 The Public Services Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Monday, January 8 2001, at 6:30 p.m. at the Administration Building's Conference Room East. Chairman Sue Leifheit called the meeting to order. Members present were Marlene Allen, Dr. Soyna Conway, Eileen Dubin, Michael Haines and Robert Pritchard. Mr. Brown was absent. Others present were Margaret Whitwell, Mary Olson, Margi Gilmour, Kenneth Johnson, Greg Millburg and Jill Olson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Ms. Allen, seconded by Mr. Haines,and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from November 6, 2000. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chairman Leifheit asked to have Community Service moved to the second item on the agenda and to include CASA=s Introduction. Moved by Ms. Dubin, seconded by Ms. Allen, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda. ELECTION OF A VICE-CHAIRMAN Moved by Mr. Haines, seconded by Ms. Dubin, to nominate Ms. Allen for ViceChairman of the Public Services Committee. Moved by Ms. Dubin , seconded by Mr. Haines, to close the nomination. The motion to elect Ms. Allen as ViceChairman was carried unanimously. MEETING DATE AND TIME The committee members agreed to continue meeting on the first Monday of every month and to keep the time the same as now which is 6:30p.m. SUPERVISOR OF ASSESSMENTS INTRODUCTION Chairman Leifheit explained to the committee that because there are new board members on our committee that she had sent a memo out to all the department heads that report to our committee asking them to do a brief introduction for the new members. Therefore, she introduced Margaret Whitwell, DeKalb County Supervisor of Assessments as the first one to do her report. Ms. Whitwell stated that she has worked for the county for over nine years and prior to coming here she was a Township Supervisor for Sycamore, and she was a teacher. She continued by stating that she supervises all of the township supervisors in the county. She also is the Clerk of the Board of Review. She maintains all exemptions for the county. Owner occupied, seniors, freeze, disabled veterans, etc. She said that we lose approximately $80 million a year in assessed value because of all of these exemptions. She also stated that her mapping department maintains any document that is filed in the Recorder=s Office that has anything to do with ownership change or legal description changes. The mapping staff also does farm assessments. She stated that she has 6 people in her department, including herself. Three work in the outer office that have most of the public contact and 2 work in the mapping division. She also stated that she has an extremely efficient and knowledgeable group of people, all of whom, except one, have their Certified Illinois Assessing Office Designation. The one person that doesn=t have it yet, will be done at the end of this year. Ms. Whitwell presented a one-page handout which shows the growth in our county regarding assessed values. This year, which we are not completely finished, shows that we are at one billion, three hundred and sixty four. We have also had over $40 million (in assessed value) in new construction which is the biggest amount since she=s been here. Ms. Whitwell also informed the committee that she has a new property tax program of which her department is a partner in it. It also involves the Treasurer=s Department and Redemption and was a multi-year project. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT INTRODUCTION Ms. Mary Olson, Director of the Community Services Department, briefly did an introduction of herself and what her department does. She stated that the funds for her department come from State and Federal grants. Her department=s mission is to alleviate poverty in our county. Her largest grant is the Community Services Block Grant which was about $180,000.00 for this year. Her department also administers the Senior Tax Levy for the county. That means this committee is involved in making those decisions on the senior tax levy dollars. It is time, once again, to send out the bid request to all agencies that deal with senior services. She sends them to every agency that has applied for it in the past. She also publishes it in the newspapers, she announces it at the Senior Providers Meeting and it also appears in their newsletter. It needs to be approved by the June County Board Meeting so that is why we hold the hearings in March. If the committee cannot make a decision the evening of the hearings then you would be able to push that over until the April meeting and still make the June County Board Meeting for approval. Ms. Olson also handed out a one-page report showing bills paid for services that occurred in December of 2000. These are bills that will be paid in the January 2001 claims. It shows that half of the year is gone and several of the agencies are close to using fifty percent of their funds. Ms. Olson pointed out to the committee that we are purchasing services that will prevent premature institutionalization of seniors. If those agencies do not provide that service, we don=t pay their invoices, said Chairman Leifheit. She asked the committee if the bid request packages were fine with the committee and if so she would mail them out tomorrow for them to be returned to her department by February 26, 2001. The committee approved the bid request packets and approved her mailing them out tomorrow. PUBLIC DEFENDER==S INTRODUCTION AND MONTHLY REPORT Mr. Ken Johnson, DeKalb County=s Public Defender, introduced himself to the committee and briefly described what he and his department does. He stated that anyone charged with a crime that is facing a possibility of any type of jail, per the State Constitution and the Federal Constitution mandates that counsel be provided. Any county with a population of over 35,000 must have a public defender. There is pending legislation where 2/3rds of the public defender=s budget may be paid by the State. The only problem is a population problem. Right now, he believes, that the population qualification is 100,000 and we are not there yet, that he knows of. The committee agreed that this is a subject that possibly the Public Policy Committee could take a look at. He continued by stating that he has one felony assistant, two misdemeanor assistants, one administrative assistant, one receptionist/secretary and one investigator in his office. He goes to court everyday and handles half of the felony caseload. He will do murder cases down to traffic violations, as well as, Capital cases. Each attorney in his office handles 640 cases a year for misdemeanors and the recommenced amount is 430 cases a year. His assistant attorneys also do the full-time juvenile call, as well as, DUI cases, driving while license suspended, batteries, domestic batteries. COURT SERVICES INTRODUCTION AND MONTHLY REPORT Ms. Margi Gilmour, the Director of Court Services Department, ADJOURNMENT Moved by Mr. adjourn the meeting. , seconded by Mr. , and it was carried unanimously to Respectfully submitted, _________________________________ Sue Leifheit, Chairman Mary C. Supple, Secretary s:committe\publicservices\10801.wpd.DOC ____________________________ SECTION D. PUBLIC POLICY COMMITTEE SECTION E. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES COMMITTEE RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the DeKalb County Treasurer has come before the Administrative Services Committee seeking County Board approval of an updated list of banks and credit unions as depositories of public funds, and WHEREAS, the institutions listed below were recommended for approval by the Administrative Services Committee: Burlington Bank Castle Bank in DeKalb/Sycamore American National Bank of DeKalb County National Bank of Earlville Citizens First National Bank Associated Bank Old Kent/Fifth Third The Belvidere National Bank LNB National Bank Resource Bank Kane County Bank Castle Bank-Sandwich Farmers and Traders State Bank Farmers State Bank of Somonauk The National Bank and Trust Company Waterman State Bank Union Bank Financial Investors Trust Illinois Community Credit Union Firstar Bank Illinois Funds (Illinois Public Treasurers’ Investment Pool) Burlington, IL DeKalb, IL Sycamore, IL Earlville, IL Genoa, IL DeKalb, IL Hinckley/DeKalb IL Kirkland, IL Leland, IL DeKalb, IL Maple Park, IL Sandwich, IL Shabbona, IL Somonauk, IL Sycamore, IL Waterman, IL Sandwich, IL Schaumburg, IL Sycamore, IL Springfield, IL Springfield, IL NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the DeKalb County Board does approve the banks and credit unions listed above as depositories of public funds, in the custody of the DeKalb County Treasurer. PASSED AT SYCAMORE, ILLINOIS, THIS 17TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2001 A.D. _______________________________________ Chairman, DeKalb County Board ATTEST: __________________________ County Clerk RESOLUTION WHEREAS, on March 18, 1998, the County Board adopted a Policy on employee usage of the County=s Electronic Mail (e-mail) system; and WHEREAS, the Policy was designed to define parameters of employees= use of the system; and WHEREAS, all County employees for whom access to the e-mail system has been enabled, have signed the E-Mail Policy stating they have reviewed, understand and agree to comply with the Policy; and WHEREAS, the inclusion of the Public Defender=s office in the County=s wide-area computer network prompted a request by the Public Defender to amend Paragraph 7 of the e-mail Policy to clarify that an examination of e-mail messages by law enforcement officials in the course of an on-going investigation of civil or criminal activity, applies to internal investigations of County employees; and WHEREAS, a change in the text of Paragraph 7 as follows will enable the County=s e-mail system to be inclusive of all employees... Nothing in this policy shall prohibit law enforcement officials from examining any E-Mail messages in the course of an ongoing internal investigation of civil or criminal activity for alleged use or misuse by a County employee. The County reserves the right to disclose any E-Mail messages to law enforcement officials, but will notify the State's Attorney's Office prior to any investigation being initiated. ; and WHEREAS, the State=s Attorney reviewed and approved this change; and WHEREAS, the Administrative Services Committee reviewed and approved this change; and WHEREAS, all employees who previously signed an E-Mail Policy were sent a notice, via e-mail, detailing the text change; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the DeKalb County Board, that the text underlined above be inserted into the County=s E-Mail Policy, as attached, be hereby approved. PASSED THIS 17TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2001 in SYCAMORE, ILLINOIS __________________________ Chairman, DeKalb County Board ATTEST: ___________________ County Clerk DEKALB COUNTY GOVERNMENT E-MAIL USAGE POLICY (Adopted March 18, 1998; Paragraph 7 Amended January 17, 2001) 1. The County provides E-Mail (electronic mail) to employees for their use to transact County business. 2. The County recognizes that employees have substantial interest in, and reasonable expectations of, privacy with regard to the E-Mail messages they send or receive. However, the County can make no guarantees that absolute privacy of e-mail messages will be experienced. 3. Time spent on E-Mail messages, which are personal, is expected to be either incidental in nature, or confined to time periods which are not a part of the employee's paid work hours. 4. Employees are expected to refrain from sending, or encouraging the receipt of, messages for which the content would be considered offensive by community standards, except where such messages are necessary for the execution of County business. 5. The County reserves the right to access and disclose the contents of E-Mail messages, but will do so only when it has a legitimate business need, or when the urgency of the need is sufficiently strong to offset the County's commitment to honor the employee's interest in privacy. 6. The County will not monitor E-Mail messages as a routine matter. There may be a need, however, for the County to occasionally review E-Mail content for a specific reason. 7. Nothing in this policy shall prohibit law enforcement officials from examining any E-Mail messages in the course of an ongoing internal investigation of civil or criminal activity for alleged use or misuse by a County employee. The County reserves the right to disclose any E-Mail messages to law enforcement officials, but will notify the State's Attorney's Office prior to any investigation being initiated. 8. In case of termination or extended absence, work-related E-Mail messages may be forwarded to the most appropriate employee. 9. The unauthorized viewing and/or retrieval of another person's E-Mail messages, and other forms of electronic snooping trespassing, are prohibited. 10. The State's Attorney, the County Administrator, and the Deputy County Administrator, will review any request for access to the contents of E-Mail messages. Such requests must be approved in advance by a majority, and any access undertaken without such approval, is a breach of County policy for which there may be disciplinary action. 11. Any conduct which violates this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 12. The County reserves the right to change this policy at anytime, with such prior notice, if any, as may be reasonable under the circumstances. 13. No one shall receive authorized access to the E-Mail system until he or she has received, reviewed, and agreed, in writing, to comply with this policy. Such documentation shall be retained in the employee's personnel file. I have reviewed, understand, and agree to comply with the above policy. Employee Signature:_______________________________ Date: _______________________________ Please return to Joan D. Berkes, Information Management Office Director RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County adopted its current Cafeteria Plan (Flexible Benefits Program) that was effective January 1, 1997 and which was a restatement of a Plan originally effective on January 1, 1990, and WHEREAS, from time to time changes are made in the Federal Tax Code which necessitate an amendment to the Cafeteria Plan, and WHEREAS, the County s consultants for the Cafeteria Plan, Sikich Gardner & Company of Aurora, Illinois has recommended an amendment to the Plan, and WHEREAS, the Administrative Services Committee has reviewed the recommended wording change and has det ermined that it is appropriate for the County to amend the Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the DeKalb County Board adopts the attached Amendment Number 1 to the DeKalb County Cafeteria Plan effective January 1, 2001 and that the proper officers of the County are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the Administrator of the Plan the Amendment Number 1. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Deputy County Administrator shall act as soon as possible to not ify employees of the County of the adoption of the Amendment Number 1 to the DeKalb County Cafeteria Plan by delivering to each employee a copy of the summary description of the changes t o the Plan in the form of the Summary Plan Description - Material Modification presented to this meeting, which form is hereby approved. PASSED AT SYCAMORE, ILLINOIS, THIS 17TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2001, A. ____________________________ Chairman, DeKalb County Board ATTEST: _________________________ County Clerk DeKalb County Cafeteria Plan SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION MATERIAL MODIFICATIONS I INTRODUCTION DeKalb County has amended your Cafeteria Plan as of January 1, 2001. This is merely a summary of the most important changes to the Plan. If you have any questions, contact your Plan's Administrator. A copy of the Plan, including this amendment, is available for your inspection. If there is any discrepancy between the terms of the Plan or the amendment itself and this summary of material modifications, the provisions of the Plan, as amended, will control. II GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR PLAN There is certain general information, which you may need to know about Amendment Number 1 to your Plan. This information has been summarized for you in this Section. 1. General Plan Information The amended provisions of your Plan become effective on January 1, 2001. 2. Employer Information Your Employer's name, address and identification number are: DeKalb County 110 E. Sycamore St. Sycamore, IL 60178 36-6006548 3. Plan Administrator Information The name, address and business telephone number of your Plan's Administrator are: DeKalb County 110 E. Sycamore St. Sycamore, IL 60178 (815) 895-7127 Your Plan's Administrator keeps the records for the Plan and is responsible for the administration of the Plan. The Administrator will also answer any questions you may have about your Plan. III SUMMARY OF CHANGES 1. Change in Elections Generally, you cannot change the elections you have made after the beginning of the Plan Year. However, there are certain limited situations when you can change your elections. You are permitted to change elections if you have a "change in status" and you make an election change that is consistent with the "change in status." Currently, Federal law considers the following events to be "changes in status": -- Marriage, divorce, death of a spouse, legal separation or annulment; -- Change in the number of dependents, including birth, adoption, placement for adoption, or death of a dependent; -- Any of the following events for you, your spouse or dependent: termination or commencement of employment, a strike or lockout, commencement or return from an unpaid leave of absence, a change in worksite, or any other change in employment status that affects eligibility for benefits; -- One of your dependents satisfies or ceases to satisfy the requirements for coverage due to change in age, student status, or any similar circumstance; and -- A change in the place of residence of you, your spouse or dependent. In addition, if you are participating in the Dependent Care Assistance Program, then there is a "change in status" if your dependent no longer meets the qualifications to be eligible for dependent care. There are detailed rules on when a change in election is deemed to be consistent with a "change in status." In addition, there are laws that give you rights to change accident and health coverage for you, your spouse, or your dependents. If you change coverage due to rights you have under the law, then you can make a corresponding change in your elections under the Plan. If any of these conditions apply to you, you should contact the Administrator. If the cost of a benefit provided under the Plan increases or decreases during a Plan Year, then we will automatically increase or decrease, as the case may be, your salary redirection election. If the cost increases significantly, you will be permitted to either make corresponding changes in your payments or revoke your election and obtain coverage under another benefit package option with similar coverage. If the coverage under a Benefit is significantly curtailed or ceases during a Plan Year, then you may revoke your elections and elect to receive on a prospective basis coverage under another plan with similar coverage. In addition, if we add a new coverage option or eliminate an existing option, you may elect the newly-added option (or elect another option if an option has been eliminated) and make corresponding election changes to other options providing similar coverage. There are also certain situations when you may be able to change your elections on account of a change under the plan of your spouse's, former spouse's or dependent's employer. You may not change your election under the Dependent Care Assistance Program if the cost change is imposed by a dependent care provider who is your relative. However, with respect to the Health Care Reimbursement Plan, you may only increase your benefit election as the result of a change in family status. 2. What Happens if I Terminate Employment? Under Federal law, you, your spouse, and/or your covered dependents lose coverage under this Plan. You, your spouse, and/or your covered dependents may be entitled to continuation of health care coverage. The Administrator will inform you of these rights if you lose coverage for any reason other than divorce, legal separation or a covered dependent ceasing to be a dependent. Generally, if we (and any related companies) employed twenty (20) or more employees "on a typical business day" in the preceding calendar year, health plan continuation must be made available for a period not to exceed eighteen (18) months if a loss of benefits occurs because of your termination of employment or reduction of hours, or for a period not to exceed three (3) years for any of the other reasons given in (b) and (c) below. Under certain circumstances, persons who are disabled at the time of termination of employment or reduction in hours and/or within the first 60 days of COBRA coverage may be eligible for continuation of coverage for a total of 29 months (rather than 18). You should check with the Administrator for more details regarding this extended coverage. However, in certain circumstances, this continuation coverage may be terminated for reasons such as failure to pay continuation coverage cost, coverage under another employer's plan (whether as an employee or otherwise, provided the other employer's health plan does not contain any exclusion or limitation with respect to any pre-existing condition of the beneficiary unless the pre-existing condition limit does not apply to, or is satisfied by, the qualified beneficiary by reason of the group health plan portability, access and renewability requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, ERISA or the Public Health Services Act), termination of our health plan, a "for cause" termination of coverage for reasons such as fraud, or you (or the person entitled to continued coverage) become enrolled in Medicare. However, if you become enrolled in Medicare, your covered dependents may still qualify for continuation coverage. The cost of continuation coverage must be paid by the individual choosing such coverage; however, the cost may not exceed 102% of the cost of the same coverage for a "similarly situated" employee or family member. When the continuation coverage for a disabled person is extended from 18 months to 29 months, the disabled person may be charged 150% (rather than 102%) of the cost of the coverage after expiration of the initial 18-month period. (a) If you would otherwise lose your health plan coverage under this Plan because of a termination of employment or a reduction in hours, you may continue the health plan coverage provided under this Plan. However, this will not be a tax-deductible expense to you, absent unusual circumstances. (b) Your spouse may choose continuation coverage for himself or herself if he or she loses group health coverage for any of the following reasons: (1) your death; (2) your divorce or legal separation; or (3) you become enrolled in Medicare. (c) Your dependent children, including a child born to or placed for adoption with the Participant during the period of COBRA coverage, may choose continuation coverage for themselves if they lose group health coverage for any of the following reasons: (1) death of a parent; (2) your divorce or legal separation; (3) you become enrolled in Medicare; or (4) your dependent ceases to be a dependent child under the Plan. It is your responsibility to notify the Plan Administrator of a divorce, legal separation or other change in marital status, change in a spouse's address, or a child losing dependent status under the plan, within sixty (60) days of the event. It is our responsibility to notify the Plan Administrator of your death, termination of employment or reduction in hours, the Employer's bankruptcy, or Medicare eligibility. You can elect to continue your participation in the Health Care Reimbursement Plan for the remainder of the Plan Year, subject to the following conditions. You may only continue to receive reimbursements if you have contributed more money than you have taken out in claims. For example, if you elected $500 and by the day you terminate, you have contributed $300, but only claimed $150, you may continue to receive your health care reimbursements up to the $500. However, you must continue to pay into your account, just as the money has been taken out of your paycheck, but on an after-tax basis. The Plan can also charge you an extra amount to provide this benefit. See your Plan Administrator for details. AMENDMENT NUMBER 1 TO THE DeKalb County Cafeteria Plan BY THIS AGREEMENT, DeKalb County Cafeteria Plan (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") is hereby amended as follows, effective as of January 1, 2001: 1. The last paragraph of Section 2.1 is deleted. 2. The Section in Article V entitled "Change in Elections" is replaced in its entirety as follows: (a) Any Participant may change a Benefit election after the Plan Year (to which such election relates) has commenced and make new elections with respect to the remainder of such Plan Year if, under the facts and circumstances, the changes are necessitated by and are consistent with a change in status which is acceptable under rules and regulations adopted by the Department of the Treasury, the provisions of which are incorporated by reference. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, if the rules and regulations conflict, then such rules and regulations shall control. In general, a change in election is not consistent if the change in status is the Participant's divorce, annulment or legal separation from a spouse, the death of a spouse or dependent, or a dependent ceasing to satisfy the eligibility requirements for coverage, and the Participant's election under the Plan is to cancel accident or health insurance coverage for any individual other than the one involved in such an event. In addition, if the Participant, spouse or dependent gains eligibility for coverage under a family member plan as a result of a change in marital status or a change in employment status, then a Participant's election under the Plan to cease or decrease coverage for that individual under the Plan corresponds with that change in status only if coverage for that individual becomes applicable or is increased under the family member plan. If the change in status is a change in the Participant’s marital status under (1) below or a change in employment status of the Participant’s spouse or dependents under (3) below, an election to increase, or an election to decrease, [group-term life] [or] [disability] coverage corresponds with that change in status. Regardless of the consistency requirement, if the individual, the individual’s spouse, or dependent becomes eligible for continuation coverage under the Employer’s group health plan as provided in Code Section 4980B or any similar state law, then the individual may elect to increase payments under this Plan in order to pay for the continuation coverage. Any new election shall be effective at such time as the Administrator shall prescribe, but not earlier than the first pay period beginning after the election form is completed and returned to the Administrator. For the purposes of this subsection, a change in status shall only include the following events or other events permitted by Treasury regulations: (1) Legal Marital Status: events that change a Participant's legal marital status, including marriage, divorce, death of a spouse, legal separation or annulment; (2) Number of Dependents: Events that change a Participant's number of dependents, including birth, adoption, placement for adoption, or death of a dependent; (3) Employment Status: Any of the following events that change the employment status of the Participant, spouse, or dependent: termination or commencement of employment, a strike or lockout, commencement or return from an unpaid leave of absence, or a change in worksite. In addition, if the eligibility conditions of this Plan or other employee benefit plan of the Employer of the Participant, spouse, or dependent depend on the employment status of that individual and there is a change in that individual's employment status with the consequence that the individual becomes (or ceases to be) eligible under the plan, then that change constitutes a change in employment under this subsection; (4) Dependent satisfies or ceases to satisfy the eligibility requirements: an event that causes the Participant's dependent to satisfy or cease to satisfy the requirements for coverage due to attainment of age, student status, or any similar circumstance; and (5) Residency: A change in the place of residence of the Participant, spouse or dependent. For the Dependent Care Assistance Program, a dependent becoming or ceasing to be a "Qualifying Dependent" as defined under Code Section 21(b) shall also qualify as a change in status. (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), Participants may change an election for accident or health coverage during a Plan Year and make a new election that corresponds with the special enrollment rights provided in Code Section 9801(f). (c) Notwithstanding subsection (a), in the event of a judgment, decree, or order ("order") resulting from a divorce, legal separation, annulment, or change in legal custody (including a qualified medical child support order defined in ERISA Section 609) which requires accident or health coverage for a Participant's child: (1) The Plan may change an election to provide coverage for the child if the order requires coverage under the Participant's plan; or (2) The Participant shall be permitted to change an election to cancel coverage for the child if the order requires the former spouse to provide coverage for such child. (d) Notwithstanding subsection (a), Participants may change elections to cancel accident or health coverage for the Participant or the Participant's spouse or dependent if the Participant or the Participant's spouse or dependent is enrolled in the accident or health coverage of the Employer and becomes entitled to coverage (i.e., enrolled) under Part A or Part B of the Title XVIII of the Social Security Act (Medicare) or Title XIX of the Social Security Act (Medicaid), other than coverage consisting solely of benefits under section 1928 of the Social Security Act (the program for distribution of pediatric vaccines). (e) A Participant may only increase Benefit elections under the Health Care Reimbursement Fund in the event of a change in family status. (f) If the cost of a Benefit provided under the Plan increases or decreases during a Plan Year, then the Plan shall automatically increase or decrease, as the case may be, the Salary Redirections of all affected Participants for such Benefit. Alternatively, if the cost of a benefit package option increases significantly, the Administrator shall permit the affected Participants to either make corresponding changes in their payments or revoke their elections and, in lieu thereof, receive on a prospective basis coverage under another benefit package option with similar coverage. If the coverage under a Benefit is significantly curtailed or ceases during a Plan Year, affected Participants may revoke their elections of such Benefit and, in lieu thereof, elect to receive on a prospective basis coverage under another plan with similar coverage. If, during the period of coverage, a new benefit package option or other coverage option is added (or an existing benefit package option or other coverage option is eliminated), then the affected Participants may elect the newly-added option (or elect another option if an option has been eliminated) prospectively and make corresponding election changes with respect to other benefit package options providing similar coverage. A Participant may make a prospective election change that is on account of and corresponds with a change made under the plan of a spouse's, former spouse's or dependent's employer if (1) the cafeteria plan or other benefits plan of the spouse's, former spouse's or dependent's employer permits its participants to make a change; or (2) the cafeteria plan permits participants to make an election for a period of coverage that is different from the period of coverage under the cafeteria plan of a spouse's, former spouse's or dependent's employer. A cost change is allowable in the Dependent Care Assistance Program only if the cost change is imposed by a dependent care provider who is not related to the Participant, as defined in Code Section 152(a)(1) through (8). A Participant shall not be permitted to change an election to the Health Care Reimbursement Plan as a result of a cost or coverage change under this subsection. (g) With regard to the 401(k) Plan Benefit specified in Article IV, a Participant who has elected to make elective contributions under such arrangement may modify or revoke the election, provided such change is permitted by such 401(k) Plan and is consistent with Code Section 401(k) and the Treasury regulations thereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Amendment has been executed this ___ day of ________________, 2000. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: DeKalb County By __________________________ EMPLOYER MONTHLY CLAIMS LIST January 17, 2001 Agenda Item: A. Current Month s Claims 1. 2. 3. B. Administrative Services Committee - Approval of Claims Date: Pages: Amount: January 17, 2001 $ 1-20 1,894,990.68 Payroll & Emergency Claims from Prior Months 1. 2. 3. Date: Pages: Amount: December 1-31, 2000 21-23 $ 1,746,266.28 January 4, 2001 Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board: The following claims have been presented for payment as of this da te: NAME OF CLAIMANT GENERAL FUND: COUNTY BOARD Allen, Marlene Barr, James Brown, Edward Casella, Veronica Conway, Sonya Daugherty, George Dlabal, John Dubin, Eileen Guehler, John Haines, Michael Hoffman, Albert Hutcheson, Robert Lavigne, Patricia Leifheit, Sue Lyle, Howard McLaughlin, Gary Metzger, Jeffrey Morreale, John Pauling, David Pritchard, Robert Sands, Dennis Simonson, Clifford Smith, Thomas Steimel, Roger Tobias, Ruth Anne Underwood, Richard Wiegand, Joseph Wilson, John FOR WHAT Bockman, Ray Castle Bank Visa DeKalb County Treasurer s Petty Cash Federal Express Corporation Highway Fund J.P. Cooke Co. NACA Offiserve, Inc. Pritchard, Robert Reimbursable Services Travel Travel & Supplies Supplies & Posta ge Postage Fuel Supplies Conference Supplies Phone & Cellular Service Printing & Postage January, 2001 $ 1 Per Diem 100.00 50.00 50.00 150.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 250.00 150.00 200.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 150.00 50.00 200.00 150.00 150.00 200.00 200.00 150.00 50.00 50.00 250.00 AMOUNT OF CLAIM $ Travel 35.10 5.20 5.85 11.70 5.20 5.20 11.70 14.63 31.20 22.43 5.85 39.00 17.55 1.30 9.10 2.60 0.00 0.00 3.90 40.30 65.00 15.60 15.60 19.50 20.48 17.55 11.05 0.00 $ 105.40 287.94 85.00 16.90 60.38 61.10 85.00 64.97 67.26 469.97 NAME OF CLAIMANT FOR WHAT Verizon Wireless Voluntary Action Center Cellular Service Catering AMOUNT OF CLAIM $ FINANCE Beazley, Deborah John P. Pearl & Assoc. LTD. Reimbursable Services Sungard Pentamation Inc U.S. Cellular .Woodin, Cris Travel Services Postage, Printing & Supplies Maintenance & Support Cellular Service Travel $ $ NON-DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES AT & T History Room Law Library Nathan Winston Services NIB Computing Nursing Home Fund Roger Kyler Photography Sikich Gardner & Co. Special Projects Fund Verizon Wireless Services Contr ibution Per Budget Contr ibution Per Budget Supplies Services Gas & Electrical Services Services Contr ibution Per Budget Cellular Service $ $ INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Castle Bank Visa NIB Computing Reimbursable Services Sanderson, Lisa Sentinel Technologies, Inc. Verizon Wireless Travel & Supplies Supply Postage Travel Services & Equipment Cellular Service $ $ SUPERVISOR OF ASSESSMENTS Castle Bank Visa DeKalb County Treasurer s Petty Cash IAAO J.P. Cooke Co. Landgraf s LTD. Offiserve Reimbursable Services Printer, Tra vel & Supplies Travel & Supplies Membership Supplies Work Sta tion Supplies Printing, Postage & Supplies $ $ COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER DeKalb County Treasurer s Petty Cash Illinois Time Recorder MTM, Inc. January, 2001 Travel Supplies Supplies 2 $ 105.78 125.00 1,534.70 14.30 376.00 525.70 6,683.62 50.00 23.57 7,673.19 295.00 6,000.00 20,000.00 7.50 299.00 3,541.76 417.50 5,675.00 300,000.00 2,727.26 338,963.02 1,400.24 12.00 16.00 17.08 764.14 140.15 2,349.61 1,608.50 113.77 45.00 33.95 1,717.00 59.98 239.53 3,817.73 77.55 198.02 75.30 NAME OF CLAIMANT National Bank & Tr ust Co. Offiserve Reimbursable Services Spectra Assoc. Inc. Vesco FOR WHAT Safe Deposit Box Rent Supplies Postage & Printing Supplies Supplies AMOUNT OF CLAIM 25.00 101.82 895.08 49.00 244.86 $ 1,666.63 ELECTIONS DeKalb County Treasurer s Petty Cash Governmental Business Systems, Inc. Offiserve Reimbursable Services Supplies Service Agreement Supplies Postage & Printing $ $ PLANNING & ZONING American Planning Association Building Officials & Code Administrators Castle Bank Visa Daily Chronicle DeKalb County Treasurer s Petty Cash Dockus, David Gorecki, Miles Highway Fund J.P. Cooke Co. Klein, Ron Quinlan Publishing Group Offiserve Reimbursable Services Reliable Corporation Secretary of State Special Projects Fund Supervisor of Assessments Suburban Building Officials Verizon Wireless Membership & Publication Membership Computers and Travel Legal Notice Supplies Services Refund Fuel Supply Services Publication Supplies Printing & Postage Supplies Notary Bond Vehicles Per Budget Maps Membership Cellular Service $ $ REGIONAL SUPT. OF SCHOOLS AT & T GFC Leasing Company IASA Kishwaukee Division Illinois School News Service Sycamore Comm. School Dist. Verizon Weber, Thomas Services Equipment Lease Membership Subscription Rent Telephone Services Travel $ $ TREASURER Castle Bank Visa DeKalb Co. Treasurer s Petty Cash January, 2001 Furniture & Travel Travel, Postage & Supplies 3 $ 20.86 3,340.00 99.99 3,336.66 6,797.51 834.00 180.00 3,763.50 82.35 9.99 357.80 648.00 86.47 32.95 569.20 88.00 44.10 171.89 504.77 10.00 6,000.00 17.00 40.00 45.07 13,485.09 60.49 168.00 25.00 260.00 702.96 269.98 83.15 1,569.58 1,200.89 97.96 NAME OF CLAIMANT K & S Printing Services Offiserve FOR WHAT Supplies Supplies Reimbursable Services Postage & Copies AMOUNT OF CLAIM 101.00 378.73 $ JUDICIARY Blickem, Ron Gallagher & Brady Jim Laben & Associates Office Max Centegra Horizons Behavioral Health Reimbursable Services State Treasurer of IL Sy Force, Inc. Transcripts Services Services Supplies Services Printing & Postage Salary Reimbursement Computer Equipment $ 194.42 1,973.00 $ 144.00 1,900.00 384.45 355.30 260.00 54.00 2,770.36 977.25 6,845.36 JURY COMMISSION Reimbursable Services Postage & Printing $ $ 262.10 262.10 CIRCUIT CLERK Automated Forms & Graphics Castle Bank Visa Coover, Phillip Daily Chronicle Dartek Computer Supply Corp. Gordon Flesch Co. Johnson, Kimberly Offiserve, Inc. Reimbursable Services Supplies Travel Travel Subscription Supplies Maintenance Agreement Travel Supplies Postage, Printing & Supplies $ 237.40 807.82 13.65 114.35 462.86 400.46 72.46 252.15 1,376.15 3,737.30 $ CORONER Blum, L.W. MD. Castle Bank Visa Communications 2000, Inc. Forensic Pathology Great Lakes Fire & Safety MTS Safety Products, Inc. Reimbursable Services Special Projects Fund St. Louis Univ. School of Medicine Stericycle, Inc. Verizon Wireless Viking Office Products ESDA Highway Fund January, 2001 Autopsy Travel Services Training Supply Supplies Postage & Printing Vehicles Per Budget Services Supplies Cellular Services Supplies Fuel 4 $ $ 550.00 278.07 60.00 625.00 67.02 201.52 33.98 5,000.00 125.00 116.73 49.27 75.26 7,181.85 $ 84.47 NAME OF CLAIMANT Reimbursable Services FOR WHAT Postage & Printing AMOUNT OF CLAIM 9.47 $ 93.94 SHERIFF A to Z Towing AT & T Auto Bath Badger Uniforms Barnaby Inc. Bob Barker Company Bowen, Judy Castle Bank Visa Commonwealth Edison Communications 2000 Dixon Otta wa Communications Duval , Jackie Federal Express Gall s Incor porated Garrett Electronics Genoa Automotive Repair George s Aquarium Grubbs, Jeremy Guardian Medical Car e Gustafson, Glenn Health Fund Helsley Supply Company Highway Fund Hintzsche Oil-Pacific Pr ide Hobart Corporation Holiday, John Illinois Sheriff s Association Justice Research Institute Kale Uniforms Klein-Munch, Joyce Lehan s Lovell s Tire Lovett s Rite-Way Rebuilders, Inc. MABAS Mike Mooney s Chevy Olds Moore Medical Corp. Newby Oil Newby, Al Parkside Photos Now Pomp s Tire Service, Inc. Price, T om Road Service Services Car Washes Uniforms Services Supplies Travel Equipment, Travel & Supplies Services Services & Equipment Services Clothing Postage Supplies Services Vehicle Maintenance Canine Supplies Clothing Medical Services Supplies Services Supplies Fuel Fuel Supplies Travel Membership & Conference Publication Uniforms Clothing Services Vehicle Maintenance Road Service Service Vehicle Maintenance Supplies Fuel Supplies Uniforms Services Vehicle Maintenance Clothing $ January, 2001 5 50.00 1,843.70 131.50 1,182.58 80.00 424.74 10.00 1,383.32 24.23 3,111.95 390.00 51.32 57.10 102.93 90.25 64.00 255.76 32.67 8,333.33 24.75 40.00 910.27 4,556.02 510.65 362.00 219.91 335.00 27.65 860.04 78.06 170.74 107.66 296.00 150.00 3,940.24 914.78 591.79 42.75 1,037.16 23.25 176.00 320.35 NAME OF CLAIMANT R.W. Brown Electronics Ray O Herron Compa ny Reimbursable Services Schultz, Jason Special Projects Fund Starved Rock Communications State Police Services Fund Sycamore Auto Center T.J. Conevera s, Inc. Trans Union Corporation Transcor America, Inc. Tri County K-9, Inc. USPCA-Region 16 Verizon Wireless Viking Office Products Voluntary Action Center Wal Mart FOR WHAT Services Supplies Postage & Printing Clothing Vehicles Per Budget Services Training Vehicle Maintenance Supplies Services Services Services Membership Cellular Service Supplies Food Service Supplies AMOUNT OF CLAIM 233.00 506.27 1,085.54 83.18 205,000.00 4,071.40 1,832.12 39.90 3,716.00 20.45 1,034.93 450.00 40.00 880.89 813.69 12,625.53 87.30 $ 265,834.65 SHERIFF S AUXILIARY Public Personnel Services $ $ 365.00 365.00 STATE S ATTORNEY Blickem, Ron Chronicle Newspapers Communications Revolving Fund D & S Communications Daily Chronicle DeKalb County Treasurer Hull, Clint IL State Bar Association Johnson, Diane Lemanski Local Government Law Weekly Matekaitis, Ronald National Center for Juvenile Justice Offiserve Pedersen, Joseph Reimbursable Services Siebrasse Publications West Group Verizon Wireless Transcripts Advertising Services Equipment Advertising Travel Membership Supplies Transcripts Subscription Travel Publication Supplies Cellular Phone Postage & Printing Legal Notices Publications Cellular Service $ 110.25 120.00 425.00 270.22 360.95 300.00 180.00 108.00 211.00 75.00 228.82 23.00 279.37 15.37 1,238.04 291.90 63.00 39.83 4,339.75 $ PUBLIC DEFENDER Ace Trust AT & T Blickem, Ron January, 2001 Rent Services Transcripts 6 $ 2,057.00 88.60 39.60 NAME OF CLAIMANT Dell Marketing LP Efficiency Reporting Services Jim Laben & Associates Johnson, Diane Lemanski NIB NICOR Reimbursable Services Verizon West Group FOR WHAT Computers Transcripts Services Transcripts Services Gas Printing & Postage Telephone Service Publications AMOUNT OF CLAIM 4,623.00 169.00 705.74 69.00 21.00 87.85 220.37 437.31 166.00 $ 8,684.47 COURT SERVICES Arrowhead Ranch Cook, Debbie Copy Service DuKane Clinic Gilmour, Margi Hensen, Arlene Illinois Probation & Court Services Johnson, Christi Kingsbury Printing Morales, Tony Newsom, Donna Onarga Academy Plapp, Susie Reimbursable Services Verizon Wireless Youth Farm Zank, Chris Board & Care Travel Supplies Services Travel Travel Memberships Travel Supplies Travel Travel Board & Care Travel Printing & Postage Cellular Service Board & Care Travel $ ***GENERAL FUND GRAND TOTAL CENTRAL PLANT Accurate Document Destruction, Aramark AT & T B & B Beepers Blumen Gardens, Inc. C.S.R. Bobcat, Inc. Castle Bank Visa Cochrane Compressor Company Commonwealth Edison Competitive Edge Crescent Electric Supply January, 2001 Services Services Services Services Services Supplies Printer & Supplies Services Services Services Supplies 7 $ 2,504.49 177.13 203.53 300.00 40.30 95.53 320.00 127.78 78.00 92.23 9.00 6,285.30 34.43 338.12 15.58 2,836.32 31.82 13,489.56 $ 690,664.04 $ 169.80 412.08 3,823.01 76.55 819.20 2,853.41 638.93 357.95 7,396.73 95.00 39.60 D & S Communications DeKalb County Treasurer s Petty Cash Ecolab Fastenal Company General Fund Global Equipment Company Janco Supply Lowes s NAME OF CLAIMANT Marsden Flooring NICOMM, Inc Nicor Energy Nicor Gas Offiserve Office Works Postmaster Punk s Ltd. Randy s Cleaning Service Reimbursable Services Reimbursable Services Safety-Kleen Corp. Soft Water City True Value Unicom Energy, Inc. Verizon Verizon North Verizon Wireless W.W. Grainger, Inc. Waste Management West Equipment Travel Services Equipment Charge Back Equipment Supplies Supplies FOR WHAT Services Services Services Services Supplies Supplies Permit Vehicle Maintenance Services Postage Contr ibution Per Budget Supplies Services Supplies Services Telephone Service Telephone Cellular Service Supplies Services COMMUNITY SERVICES AT & T Castle Bank Visa Collins, Jess Offiserve Olson, Mary Mini Storage of DeKalb Retirement Fund Tort Fund Verizon Zimmer, Joy Services Travel Travel Supplies Postage Rent FICA & IMRF Work Comp Telephone Service Travel 271.18 16.50 102.90 172.23 4,000.00 246.16 4,360.68 36.93 AMOUNT OF CLAIM 397.95 1,155.60 3,288.20 223.02 50.89 231.00 100.00 102.00 7,348.17 23.71 55,000.00 228.95 94.00 589.99 24,319.84 320.00 3,647.73 33.11 831.30 1,555.66 $ 125,429.96 $ $ 25.68 427.83 77.05 159.25 13.20 214.00 3,718.47 75.00 67.64 74.05 4,852.17 CHILD SUPPORT Pitney Bowes Supplies $ $ 112.85 112.85 COURT AUTOMATION Kane County Information Technology Neisendorf, Peg NIB Computing Maintenance Agreement Travel Equipment & Service $ 2,590.00 80.37 85.00 January, 2001 8 NAME OF CLAIMANT Sentinel Technologies, Inc. FOR WHAT Maintenance Agreement COURT SECURITY Castle Bank Visa Kale Uniforms Supplies Uniforms AMOUNT OF CLAIM 100.00 $ 2,855.37 $ 68.45 431.95 500.40 Services $ $ 1,200.00 1,200.00 DOCUMENT STORAGE RK Dixon Company Supplies $ $ 406.50 406.50 GIS-DEVELOPMENT Castle Bank Visa NIB Computing Computer & Supplies Equipment & Services $ 2,565.03 10,098.00 12,663.03 DEBT SERVICE Bank One $ $ HISTORY ROOM Castle Bank Visa Xerox Supplies Equipment Rental $ $ LAW LIBRARY Aspen Publishers Lexis/Michie West Group Publications Publications Publications $ $ MENTAL HEALTH AT & T Ben Gordon Center Consumer Advocacy Council of DeKalb Elderly Car e Services Epilepsy Assoc. of No. Central IL Family Service Agency General Fund Lane, Jerry Open Door Opportunity House Quill Corporation Safe Passage Sycamore School District Verizon Voluntary Action Center Youth Service Bureau MEDICAL INSURANCE AT & T January, 2001 Services Grants Grants Grant Grant Grants Charge Back Travel Grant Grant Supplies Grant Rent Telephone Services Grant Grant Services 9 $ 23.80 17.00 40.80 277.76 884.47 2,679.20 3,841.43 $ 40.39 49,383.84 127.00 1,916.00 1,865.00 4,039.96 5,000.00 17.55 3,089.00 9,900.00 65.38 5,825.00 506.93 96.22 1,333.00 2,996.00 86,201.27 $ 148.92 NAME OF CLAIMANT FOR WHAT MICROGRAPHICS Governmental Business Systems KMB Computing Inc Service Agreement Supplies AMOUNT OF CLAIM 148.92 $ $ 3,250.00 394.00 3,644.00 PROBATION SERVICES BI Incorporated Equipment Rental $ $ 1,312.74 1,312.74 PUBLIC BUILDING COMMISSION LEASE General Fund Charge Back $ $ 4,000.00 4,000.00 REIMBURSABLE SERVICES GFC Leasing Gordon Flesch Midland Paper Xpedx Xerox Equipment Lease Service Agreement Supplies Supplies Equipment Rental $ $ 3,994.15 1,484.25 2,500.60 478.88 29.28 8,487.16 RETIREMENT General Fund Charge Back $ $ 4,000.00 4,000.00 SENIOR SERVICES Family Service Agency Fox Valley Older Adult Services Voluntary Action Center Services Services Services $ 11,345.63 2,016.08 10,253.25 23,614.96 $ SPECIAL PROJECTS Chicago Title Columbia Pipe & Supply General Fund Micrographics Sentinel Technologies, Inc. Wal-Mart Land Acquisition Supplies Database Program Salary Reimbursement Software Support Supplies $ $ TORT & LIABILITY General Fund Ottosen Trevarthen Britz Kelly & Cooper State Treasurer Total Health & Safety Inc. Charge Back Services Work Comp Assessment Supplies $ $ January, 2001 10 91,000.00 79.74 40,000.00 1,730.99 20,715.00 85.54 153,611.27 4,000.00 179.40 248.42 354.20 4,782.02 The following claims have been paid during the period from December 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000: NAME OF CLAIMANT GENERAL FUND: NON-DEPARTMENTAL SERVICES DeKalb County Government DeKalb County Government Illinois Department of Revenue Medical Insurance Fund PUBLIC DEFENDER Ace Trust FOR WHAT AMOUNT OF CLAIM December Payroll January Insurance Revenue Stamps Loan $ Rent ***GENERAL FUND GRAND TOTAL $ 564,106.36 55,045.50 35,000.00 50,000.00 704,151.86 $ $ 2,057.00 2,057.00 $ 706,208.86 AID TO BRIDGES DeKalb County Government December Payroll $ $ 2,987.80 2,987.80 CENTRAL PLANT DeKalb County Government DeKalb County Government December Payroll January Insurance $ 20,447.99 2,561.91 23,009.90 $ CHILD SUPPORT DeKalb County Government DeKalb County Government December Payroll January Insurance $ $ COMMUNITY SERVICES DeKalb County Government DeKalb County Government COUNTY MOTOR FUEL DeKalb County Government COURT AUTOMATION DeKalb County Government Josh, Maureen December Payroll January Insurance $ $ 8,951.69 721.42 9,673.11 December Payroll $ $ 29,721.71 29,721.71 December Payroll Travel $ 738.73 928.40 1,667.13 $ COURT SECURITY DeKalb County Government DeKalb County Government 3,189.00 711.00 3,900.00 December Payroll January Insurance $ $ 7,339.27 447.00 7,786.27 DOCUMENT STORAGE DeKalb County Government December Payroll $ $ 5,607.85 5,607.85 ENGINEERING DeKalb County Government December Payroll $ $ 9,243.60 9,243.60 January, 2001 NAME OF CLAIMANT FOR WHAT AMOUNT OF CLAIM GIS-DEVELOPMENT DeKalb County Government DeKalb County Government December Payroll January Insurance $ $ HEALTH DEPARTMENT DeKalb County Government DeKalb County Government December Payroll January Insurance $ $ HIGHWAY DeKalb County Government DeKalb County Government December Payroll January Insurance $ 2,234.85 418.50 2,653.35 170,681.17 14,059.85 184,741.02 $ 34,965.44 7,825.00 42,790.44 HISTORY ROOM DeKalb County Government December Payroll $ $ 300.00 300.00 MEDICAL INSURANCE DeKalb County Government EBC IOA Re Medical Excess Insurance Services Met Life Insurance Services Premium Premium Premium $ 292.50 3,616.38 16,259.65 20,306.05 3,814.80 44,289.38 $ MENTAL HEALTH DeKalb County Government DeKalb County Government December Payroll January Insurance $ $ 6,598.64 711.00 7,309.64 MICROGRAPHICS DeKalb County Government December Payroll $ $ 1,703.98 1,703.98 NURSING HOME DeKalb County Government DeKalb County Government Landside Resources S.I.U. Wellspring Innovative Solutions December Payroll January Insurance Services Testing Software $ $ 309,525.17 34,204.55 2,500.00 50.00 16,000.00 362,279.72 RETIREMENT DeKalb County Government Employer Contribution $ $ 180,606.49 180,606.49 SOLID WASTE DeKalb County Government DeKalb County Government December Payroll January Insurance $ $ 2,365.50 240.50 2,606.00 $ $ 92,000.00 92,000.00 SPECIAL PROJECTS Joan & Stanley Hallaran January, 2001 Land Acquisition NAME OF CLAIMANT FOR WHAT AMOUNT OF CLAIM TORT & LIABILITY DeKalb County Government Insurance $ $ 180.03 180.03 WORKING CASH Medical Insurance Loan $ $ 25,000.00 25,000.00 Having reviewed the claims listed above, I recommend that payment for them be approved. Sincerely, Gary H. Hanson Deputy County Administrator January, 2001 DEKALB COUNTY TREASURER CASH & INVESTMENTS IN COUNTY BANKS DECEMBER 31, 2001 CASH IN NOW ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS NATIONAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY, SYCAMORE COMMUNITY SERVICES 66,677.69 COMMUNITY SERVICES REVOLVING LOAN 14,069.57 COUNTY MOTOR FUEL 5,000.00 COURT AUTOMATION 5,000.00 1,533,314.15 82,587.76 DOCUMENT STORAGE 540,000.00 ENGINEERING 5,000.00 36,322.66 FEDERAL AID MATCHING 5,000.00 1,500,940.89 GENERAL FUND 5,000.00 3,367,450.52 HEALTH DEPARTMENT 5,000.00 548,698.56 IMRF 5,000.00 569,622.02 15,000.00 137,279.22 INSURANCE CLEARING MICROGRAPHIC 5,000.00 42,240.22 REHAB & NURSING CENTER 5,000.00 2,657,500.23 REHAB & NURSING CENTER-BACKGROUND CHECKS 989.04 SENIOR SERVICES LEVY 224,635.60 TAX INDEMNITY 230,612.34 TORT JUDGMENT & LIABILITY 5,000.00 TOWNSHIP BRIDGE 5,000.00 22,764.85 TOWNSHIP MOTOR FUEL 5,000.00 815,371.36 TREASURER'S SPECIAL 306,597.96 5,000.00 TOTAL $ 192,394.95 80,000.00 COLLATERAL TOTAL 12,890,069.59 $ 15,028,620.00 CASTLE BANK, DEKALB FOREST PRESERVE 10,945.68 GOVERNMENT 389,309.90 295,016.62 HIGHWAY 250,188.60 MENTAL HEALTH 259,092.14 600,000.00 HEALTH 558,353.92 PROBATION SERVICES 246,751.61 REHAB & NURSING 1,015,070.36 SPECIAL DRAINAGE 10,602.78 911 - EMERGENCY SERVICES 96,435.25 29,142.92 GENERAL 868,935.97 TOTAL $ 1,169,032.68 COLLATERAL TOTAL 3,460,813.07 $ 10,755,905.00 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, DEKALB AID TO BRIDGES 1,015,988.49 CHILD SUPPORT 67,535.93 DOCUMENT STORAGE FEE 19,464.30 WORKER'S COMP 15,875.83 WORKING CASH 22,393.77 TOTAL $ 15,875.83 COLLATERAL TOTAL 1,125,382.49 3,889,953.00 ILLINOIS COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION, SYCAMORE GENERAL FUND 23,590.01 TOTAL $ 23,590.01 DEKALB COUNTY TREASURER CASH & INVESTMENTS IN COUNTY BANKS DECEMBER 31, 2001 CASH IN NOW ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS CITIZENS FIRST NATIONAL BANK, GENOA ANIMAL CONTROL 36,387.19 GENERAL 254,157.33 911 ETSB 204,850.20 TOTAL $ 36,387.19 COLLATERAL TOTAL 459,007.53 $ 1,111,457.99 RESOURCE BANK, MALTA MENTAL HEALTH 945,820.87 HEALTH 208,587.75 TORT 250,000.00 IMRF 350,000.00 911 ETSB 266,740.73 TOTAL $ 2,021,149.35 COLLATERAL TOTAL $ 2,513,305.50 UNION BANK, SANDWICH IMRF 208,842.52 TOTAL $ 208,842.52 COLLATERAL TOTAL $ 1,635,928.00 FARMERS & TRADERS, SHABBONA SALE IN ERROR 100,096.74 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 48,553.24 BOND PROCEEDS 248,202.89 COUNTY FARM PROCEEDS 197,800.68 TORT 544,947.98 TOTAL $ COLLATERAL TOTAL 148,649.98 990,951.55 $ 2,100,000.00 LNB NATIONAL BANK, DEKALB GENERAL FUND 614,740.28 TORT 171,874.98 TOTAL $ COLLATERAL TOTAL 786,615.26 $ 3,393,164.08 FARMERS STATE BANK, SOMONAUK GENERAL 1,358,260.99 WORKING CASH 152,770.48 COUNTY FARM PROCEEDS 952,933.90 TOTAL $ COLLATERAL TOTAL 2,463,965.37 $ 2,865,284.88 FIT GENERAL 653,495.58 TOTAL $ NO COLLATERAL REQUIRED 653,495.58 DEKALB COUNTY REHAB. & NURSING CENTER DECEMBER 2000 ADMISSIONS Madison, Marie Devine, Mary McClelland, Fay Curlin, Arlene Sims, Dolores Drake, Lucille Quinlan, Lydia Bouland, Evis TOWNSHIP DATE Sycamore Cortland DeKalb DeKalb DeKalb Mayfield DeKalb None 12/1/00 12/5/00 12/6/00 12/15/00 12/22/00 12/27/00 12/28/00 12/29/00 Sycamore DeKalb DeKalb Sycamore Cortland Sycamore DeKalb 12/2/00 12/17/00 12/17/00 12/18/00 12/22/00 12/29/00 12/30/00 DeKalb Cortland DeKalb DeKalb DeKalb None Cortland Malta 12/6/00 12/12/00 12/13/00 12/15/00 12/24/00 12/25/00 12/30/00 12/30/00 DISCHARGED Weeks, Fred Roberts, Mary Roeske, Clement Percy Lidia Devine, Mary Madison, Marie Truckenbrod, Gloria EXPIRED Gardner, John Swingley, Verla Hanson, Victoria Schaub, Harriett Halstead, Selma Ernest, Thomas Bingham, Arlyle Gilliam, James SECTION F. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Minutes January 9, 2001 The Executive Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Wednesday, January 9, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. at the Administration Building=s Conference Room East. Chairman Robert Pritchard called the meeting to order. Members present were Robert Hutcheson, Sue Leifheit, John Morreale, Roger Steimel and John Wilson. Ms. Tobias was absent. Others present were Ray Bockman, Gary Hanson, Greg Millburg, Veronica Casella, Dr. Sonya Conway, Dennis Sands, and Diane Strand. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Pritchard made three minor corrections on the third page under the county board agenda review, second paragraph, second line to read his attention that we may have..... and in the third sentence to read ......members cannot serve more than 6 years or more than one committee.... The last change is in the last sentence of the 2nd paragraph that should read ...the rules simply because they haven==t been here....... Moved by Ms. Leifheit, seconded by Mr. Morreale, and it was carried unanimously to accept the minutes of the last meeting as amended. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was carried unanimously to approve the amended agenda. APPOINTMENTS Chairman Pritchard recommended the following appointments: DeKalb County Nursing Home Foundation Board: Ms. Betty Powell, to fill the unexpired term of Joseph Neylon, until 12/1/2002. Board of Health: Community Mental Health Board 708: Mr. Michael Groark, appointment for a term of 3 years, until 1/01/2004. Mr. Dennis Sands, appointment for a term of 4 years, until 1/01/2005. Moved by Ms. Leifheit, seconded by Mr. Morreale, and it was carried unanimously to approve the appointments as presented by Chairman Pritchard, and to forward them onto the full board for approval. Chairman Pritchard also thanked Ms. Casella for her many years of service on both the Health Department and Mental Health Board. DISCUSSION ON BOARD RULES Chairman Pritchard stated that this issue is being brought forward from last month=s meeting. The first issue is dealing with our policy that states that we can serve unlimited number of years on one committee and only 6 consecutive years on a second committee. The discussion at our last meeting brought forth that the Executive Committee would be covered under that and he is now opening it up for discussion with the committee. Mr. Morreale suggested that we rename the Executive Committee as an Ad Hoc Committee and remove it from the list of standing committees. Ms. Conway suggested that all that we needed to do is say with the exception of the Executive Committee. Mr. Hutcheson said that there is another issue that we need to talk about also which involves the change of the committee focuses and what they are responsible for. He feels that we need to discuss that too. Chairman Pritchard said that it is a different issue and that we would discuss that as a separate issue. Moved by Mr. Steimel, seconded by Mr. Morreale, and it was carried unanimously to modify our policy to add with the exception of the Executive Committee to the county board=s rules. The second issue is, have the committees changed in more ways than just a name change? Chairman Pritchard said that there was some discussion over this issue last month and Mr. Hanson had shared with him a further comparison of the changes in particular with regards to the administrative services committee. Mr. Hanson stated that the finance office was the only department that reported to the old finance committee. The new administrative services committee has four departments, the Treasurer=s, Central Plant, Finance and IMO. Ms. Leifheit stated that the public services committee is a combination of the old government operations committee and safety and law committee so now we have about 20 departments that report to the public services committee. Mr. Morreale said that every time a responsibility changes for a committee it is not the intent of this rule that it is sort of a new clock each time. Mr. Hutcheson submitted a comparison page of the old finance committee and the new administrative services committee for the members to review and stated that it does show that it has changed tremendously. Mr. Morreale than suggested another change for housekeeping is that is says in our rules that there are 6 commissioners for the forest preserve ..... and then it would read the President appoints commissioners to serve ........ Mr. Bockman said that that is out of the Year Book and the problem here is that we have two different things going on here, while I am looking at the county code for our rules and it is the law. Mr. Bockman further explained that in the Year Book it is the County Clerk=s summary of the county board rules. He will check on it and bring it back to this committee next month. Mr. Morreale also questioned that the administrative services committee picked a vice-chairman and as he reviews the rules, he is concerned on how this committee could be represented on the executive committee. An example would be the landfill expansion came to the executive committee to vote for and he was newly elected as vice-chairman of the forest preserve committee. It was a pretty significant vote for the executive committee. He brings up a point with administrative services as, what are we going to do if that same occassion would come up again and if you look at our rules, basically states that there is no rule and we look then to robert=s rules and that clearly says that it allows the vice chairman to serve or chairman. The problem that he sees is that we are consolidating everything and not incorporating enough people. What would we do? Mr. Hutcheson said that in the past if he and his vice-chairman were both going to be gone for a meeting at the same time that he would appoint someone to attend in his place from his committee. Ms. Conway said that we need to get people involved in a leadership role where it might be good where people who are chairman of one committee would not be the vice-chairman of another committee. In that way other people will gain experience in a leadership role. Ms. Leifheit stated that she doesn=t see anywhere in our rules that it states to spread the leadership role around? Ms. Conway that if most of the people are the chairman of one committee and the vicechairman of another committee then how are other people going to gain experience in a leadership role? I am just making a suggestion, she further commented. Mr. Sands stated that he agreed with Ms. Conway and that we need diversity and include as many people as we can. Mr. Steimel suggested that the chairman of the committee could designate a person to represent them at the executive committee if the vice-chairman is not there. Mr. Bockman stated that he would need to research this further and would bring back recommended language to the committee for next month. COUNTY BOARD AGENDA REVIEW Mr. Ray Bockman, County Administrator, reviewed the Board Agenda for the January 17, 2001 meeting. Moved by Ms. Leifheit, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was carried unanimously accept the county board agenda as presented by Mr. Bockman. GENERAL DISCUSSION Mr. Wilson, Chairman of the Public Infrastructure & Development Committee, stated that item #E. - no parking on Shabbona Road - on the board agenda was recommended by the County Sheriff and the County Engineer and is only in town. The garage portion of the new highway building is being used and in March/April they hope the be moving the office over. Mr. Steimel, Chairman of the Administrative Services Committee, stated that their date is the same but their meeting time has been moved up to 7:00p.m. They also had four orientations from the Treasurer, Mr. Hanson, Ms. Berkes and Mr. Campbell. He was very impressed by our new facilities manager, Mr. Campbell and his presentation. Mr. Morreale, Chairman of the Forest Preserve Committee, stated that their meeting is the same day and time and that they had an oreintation by Mr. Hannan for all committee members. Ms. Leifheit, Chairman of the Public Services Committee, said that their time and date was the same and that they had introductions from Margaret Whitwell, Ken Johnson, Margi Gilmour, Mary Olson and Jill Olson from CASA. Chairman Pritchard stated that our county is a member of three different organizations and one of them is the Metro Counties consisting of eight different counties. Some of those being, Tazewell, Madison, St. Clair, ourselves, and Winnebago. We have been members for a number of years with them and that they are very good at keeping us informed about legislation. They highlighted 5 legislative agenda priorities that they would be backing to push for consideration as follows: 1.) The Treasurer=s reform of the mobile home tax issue; 2.) Internet Accessibility and charge for services; 3.) Storm water management and regulations; 4.) Nursing home support for medicaid; and 5.) Increasing Law Libraries fees. They are limiting the legislative agenda to about 5 items because it was reported that the leadership of the House and the Senate has put a limit of 2-3 bills per legislators in the attempt to keep the business manageable and have all accomplished by May 21, 2001. He=ll have some things to share with the public policy committee in terms of what the legislative agenda of some of the others counties were. Chairman Pritchard then informed the committee about our workshop in February and hopes to get send out a memo this Friday as to what date and place it will be held. He has also asked for input from department heads especially if they have some long-range issues that they would like the board to think about. He also reminded the members to think about ways to ask their various committees to look at goals that you hope to accomplish over the next two years as a committee. Challenge the committee to look forward and not just deal with the housekeeping issues. Mr. Morreale asked Chairman Pritchard if this committee would discuss the redistricting issue? Chairman Pritchard stated that we had an intern last time to help us and he has spoken to IMO to look at census numbers, layering of population, voters, etc. The thought is that the census numbers have to be available by April, but may be available in February. When we get those numbers we will be better able to see what kind of modifications we may need to make. He also said that in conversations with Ms. Holmes, County Clerk and Recorder, she has identified three areas of growth as Cortland, Sycamore and DeKalb. She is proposing and will bring to this committee recommendations on realigning a couple of precincts and also creating, I believe, two new precincts. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and it was voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, _________________________________ Robert W. Pritchard, Chairman _______________________________ Mary C. Supple, Secretary s:commite\executiv\121200.wpd SECTION G. AD HOC COMMITTEE SECTION H. OTHER COMMITTEES’ MINUTES Minutes of the Board Meeting of December 6, 2000 Board members present: Chairman Polarek, Vice Chair Olson, Feithen, Grandgeorge, Hanson, Pettit, Probasco, Riddle, and Suppeland. Guests Present: Larry Maddox, DeKalb Police Department, Chief Kevin Hickey, DeKalb County Sheriff's Police; Lt. Al Newby, DeKalb County Sheriff's Police; Sheriff Roger Scott, DeKalb County Sheriff's Police; Jim Feyerherm, Starved Rock Communications. Also Present: Christine Johnson, DeKalb County Treasurer; Charles Kross, Coordinator Chairman Polarek called the meeting to order at 7:33 AM AGENDA The Chairman asked for any additions to the agenda. Kross asked to add a training video request, and a Paw Paw Fire Protection District request. Polarek added a reassignment of 911 jurisdiction, a Personnel Committee report, and a Map Committee report. A motion to approve the amended agenda was made by Olson and seconded by Feithen. There was no discussion. The motion passed. MINUTES Kross asked to amend the minutes of November, by including the total amounts approved. A motion to approve the amended minutes of the November meeting was made by Hanson and seconded by Pettit. The motion passed. OLD BUSINESS: ♦ Treasurer’s Report: Johnson reported that a Certificate of Deposit was maturing on December 8, for $262,295.21. A motion was made by made by Riddle and seconded by Feithen, to roll the entire CD over into on which would mature in March. A roll call vote was taken. Feithen Y Grandgeorge Y Hanson Y Pettit Y Probasco Y Riddle Y Suppeland Y Olson Y Polarek Y. A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was made by Hanson and seconded by Probasco. The motion passed. ♦ Bills: Charles Kross - postage Charles Kross - office expense $ 62.92 1710.00 Minutes of the DeKalb County ETSB of December 6, 2000 Page 2 of 4 Verizon 28.82 Verizon 366.57 Verizon 28.78 Verizon 8497.26 Verizon 76.80 Verizon 135.51 Sprint 12.34 NENA - Kross dues 75.00 DeKalb County Housing Authority 300.00 NICOMM- Sycamore 80.00 NICOMM - Sycamore 80.00 Starved Rock Communications - fire radio 350.00 Communications 2000 - Waterman 935.00 NIU - Map copying 232.10 NICOMM - Sycamore 71.24 NICOMM - Sycamore 586.00 NICOMM - Sycamore 585.00 NICOMM - Sycamore 64.00 Dixon/Ottawa Communications 417.95 Total $14695.29 A motion to pay the bills was made by Suppeland and seconded by Olson. A roll call vote was taken: Feithen Y Grandgeorge Y Hanson Y Pettit Y Probasco Y Riddle Y Suppeland Y Olson Y Polarek Y. The motion passed unanimously. ♦ Somonauk Tower/County Fire Radio Report - Feyerherm reported that the equipment should be installed by the Board's February meeting. The microwave dishes are not in yet. Kross said that Bob Brown called to say that we might now be able to go to a higher wattage at the DeKalb High Rise. Feyerherm said that with the tower in Somonauk, that additional expense probably would not be necessary. He recommended the Board wait until the Somonauk site is up and running before we make any decision on wattage upgrades. NEW BUSINESS ♦ Coordinator Benefit Package Approval - A motion was made by Olson to go into closed session to discuss the Coordinator's Pay/Benefit package. Feithen seconded the motion. The motion passes. The Board went into closed session at 7:53 AM. The Board exited the closed session at 7:57 AM, based upon a motion made by Suppeland and seconded by Olson. Polarek reported that the Committee recommended a 4% increase in pay, bringing the hourly rate to $15.40, and a $10 per month increase in office expenses, bringing the total to $295 per month. A motion was made by Olson and seconded by Suppeland to approve the committee's recommendation for the Coordinators pay and benefit package. A roll call vote was taken. Feithen Y Grandgeorge Y Hanson Y Pettit Y Probasco Y Riddle Y Suppeland Y Olson Y Polarek Y ♦ PSAP Protocol Approval - Larry Maddox presented the updated PSAP operating protocols as developed by the PSAP Administrators. Minutes of the DeKalb County ETSB of December 6, 2000 Page 3 of 4 A motion was made by Olson and seconded by Feithen to adopt the PSAP Operating Protocols. The motion passed unanimously. ♦ PSAP Administrators Committee Report - Maddox reported that DeKalb PSAP's backup move to the DeKalb County Sheriff's Police, would be completed by the next Board meeting. ♦ Reassignment of 911 jurisdiction. Polarek reported that by agreement with the property owner, the City of DeKalb will assume all responsibility for fire and emergency medical services to the property located at 3331 Pleasant Street. The Cortland Fire Protection District will no longer provide such services. The DeKalb County Sheriff's Police will still supply police service to the property. ♦ Training request - Kross made a presentation regarding the use of video training for Telecommunicators. With the recent hires throughout the County, the videos, produced by APCO, would be a cost-effective training addition for all PSAPs. The videos would be made available to all PSAP's and other participating agencies as well. The series of 6 tapes is called The Art of Public Safety Dispatching. Topic include Dispatcher skill building, telephone techniques for dispatchers, radio-dispatching guidelines, how to train public safety dispatchers, hazardous material awareness for dispatchers, and stress and the dispatcher - a deadly combination. The cost of the videos is $1500 plus shipping. A motion was made by Suppeland and seconded by Riddle to purchase the video package. The motion passed unanimously. ♦ Map Committee Report - The Committee said that they had not met. Polarek discussed the importance of the committee moving forward in order to meet the May deadline of deciding how to deal with mapping next year. He directed the Coordinator to make the Committee report a regular agenda item. ♦ Paw Paw Fire Protection District equipment request - The Paw Paw Fire Protection District submitted a request to purchase 2 Motorola minitor pagers at a cost of $698. A motion was made by Olson and seconded by Grandgeorge to approve the purchase. The motion passed unanimously. ♦ Persons to be heard from the floor 1. Chief Kevin Hickey reported to the Board on the renovation of the DeKalb County Sheriff's Police Communications Center. He said that the Department had planned to have 6 Telecommunicator positions at the outset and had used that figure in discussions with Board members regarding Board funding of the project. The number was later reduced to 5 due to financial constraints, but was taken back to 6 this summer. Polarek said that he felt that the Board approval last month, was justified and within the earlier agreement. There was no other discussion of the topic. Hickey offered a tour of the new facility to the Board after the February meeting. It was decided to hold the February 7th meeting at the Conference Room East of the County Administration Building. 2. Treasurer Christine Johnson reported that the contract for auditing the Board books with Sikitch /Gardner will soon be due. A motion was made by Suppeland and seconded Minutes of the DeKalb County ETSB of December 6, 2000 Page 4 of 4 by Probasco, to approve a contract not to exceed $2315. There was no discussion. The motion passed unanimously. ♦ Coordinator’s report - Kross distributed copies of the PSAP monthly activity report. He emphasized that wireless 911 calls continue to increase significantly. The system currently is only receiving calls from Verizon Wireless, on 2 wireless 911 trunks. With the advent of Phase I and Phase II service, wireless 911 is anticipated to increase at an even greater rate. This may, in the future, require the Board to purchase additional wireless 911 trunks. Kross also reported that Voice Stream Wireless has requested to enter an agreement with the Board to allow their customers DeKalb County 911 access. This will be Phase 0 service, just as currently provided by Verizon. They do plan to offer Phase I as soon as possible. Kross also reported that the Paw Paw Fire Protection District no longer uses the DeKalb County 911 printer, since the Lee Co. Sheriff's Department now dispatches them. Polarek directed that they should make a written request for removal. Kross will contact them. ADJOURNMENT Pettit moved to adjourn the meeting, and was seconded by Suppeland. The motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:31 A.M. Respectfully submitted, - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - Charles Kross, Coordinator SECTION I. FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT COMMITTEE FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT PROCEEDINGS December 13, 2000 TheThe DeKalb County ForesThe DeKalb County Forest PreservThe DeKalb County Forest Preserve Comm Wednesday, December 13, 2000. Wednesday, December 13, 2000. President PilchardWednesday, December 13, calledcalled the roll. Those Commissioners present were Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Tobcalled the roll. Those Commiss Smith,Smith, Mr. Simon son, Mr. Sands,Smith, Mr. Simon son, Mr. Sands, Mr. Marila, Mr. Lyle, Mrs.Smith, Mr. Sim Mr.Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Haines, Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Dlabal and President Pilchard. Those Commissioners absentabsent wereabsent were Mr.absent were Mr. Metzger, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Guehler, Dr. Conway, Mrs. Casel Barr and Mrs. Allen. Sixteen Members were present and eight Members were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion Mr.Mr. Simonson moved to approve the Minutes of the November 15th meetin meeting meeting an December 4th, 2000 Reorganizational meeting. Mr. Hutcheson seconded the mot ion. Voice Vote The President called for a voice vote on the ap The President called for a voice vo te on the approva T present voted yea. Motion carried unanimo usly. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion Mrs. Leifheit moved t o approve t he agenda and Mr. Lyle seconded the motion. Voice Vote TheThe President called for a voice vote on the approval of the aThe President called for a voice vo te present voted yea. Motion carried unanimo usly. BUSINESS Claims Mr.Mr. Morreale moved to approve t heMr. Morreale moved to approve t he currentMr. Morreale moved to PayrollPayroll & Emergency ClaimPayroll & Emergency Claims paid fPayroll & Emergency Claims p LaVigne seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote TheThe President calledThe President called for a roll call vot e on the Claims. Those Commissioners vot ingT Mr.Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Tobias,Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. Stamboul, Mr.Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Tobias, Mr. Sta Mr.Mr. Lyle, Mrs. Leifheit, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Hutcheson, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. HainMr. Lyle, Mrs. Lei Dubin,Dubin, Dubin, Mr. Dlabal and President Pilchard. All Commissioners present voted yea. MotDub carried unanimously. Page 3 OLD BUSINESS / NEW BUSINESS There were no items of new or old business for this meeting. ADJOURNMENT Motion Mr. Smith moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Hutcheson seconded the mot ion. Voice Vote TheThe PresidentThe President called for a voice vote on the motion toThe President called for a voice vo vot ed yea. Motion carried unanimously. ____________________________________ DeKalb County Forest Preserve President ATTEST: ___________________________ DeKalb County Clerk Page 4 Forest Preserve Committee December 19, 2000 The DeKalb County Forest Preserve Committee met Tuesday, December 19, 2000 at the DeKalb County Administration Building, East Conference Room, at 6:00p.m. Chairman John Morreale called the meeting to order with Mr. Dlabal, Mr. Guehler, Mr. Haines, Mr. Lyle, Mr. Metzger, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Sands, and Mr. Simonson present. Mr. Hannan was also present. The new members to the Forest Preserve Committee are Michael Haines, Jeffrey Metzger, and Dennis Sands. Mr. Pritchard, Carl Heinisch, and Diane Strand of the Midweek Newspaper were also present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Moved by Mr. Dlabal, seconded by Mr. Lyle, and it was carried unanimously with a voice vote to approve the minutes for November. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Mr. McLaughlin, seconded by Mr. Simonson, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda. AWARD PRESENTATION FROM I.D.N.R. Mr. Hannan explained that Sue Eubanks, from the Department of Natural Resources, had intended to come to the meeting tonight to present a special award to the DeKalb County Forest Preserve District, however, due to poor road conditions was unable to attend. Ms. Eubanks sent the award to Mr. Hannan with a letter explaining that the DeKalb County Forest Preserve District was honored for the DeKalb/Sycamore Trail project. Mr. Hannan was praised for his collaboration with neighboring government entities, private land owners, and receiving grants for this project.(see attached) Mr. Hannan presented the award to Mr. Morreale, on behalf of the Forest Preserve Committee. Mr. Carl Heinisch, from the Kishwaukee Kiwanis Club, gave a brief history of the DeKalb/Sycamore Trail project. WELCOME TO NEW FOREST PRESERVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mr. Hannan welcomed the three new Forest Preserve Committee members. He also thanked the returning members for their continued interest and support. Mr. Hannan showed a slide show presentation, including year round pictures of the various forest preserves. Mr. Hannan distributed a packet to the new members giving an overview on what the Forest Preserve District provides. Mr. Hannan explained the wetland bank structure for wetland mitigations and the accounting theory behind it. Mr. Hannan gave an overview of the ongoing projects for the Forest Preserve District, including the streambank stabilization at Sannauk Forest Preserve, the moving of Pierce Town Hall to Merritt Prairie, Guardian Pipeline plans, and others. Mr. Hannan also explained the various grants that have been applied for and awarded, and the benefits obtained by the Forest Preserve District from these grants. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN Moved by Mr. Simonson, seconded by Mr. Dlabal, it was carried unanimously to appoint Mr. John Guehler as the Vice Chairman for the Forest Preserve Committee. MEETING DATE After a brief discussion, it was decided that the Forest Preserve Committee would continue to meet every third Tuesday at 6 p.m. Mr. Simonson moved to keep the same meeting time and place, seconded by Mr. Dlabal and it was carried unanimously by a voice vote. GENERAL DISCUSSION Mr. Morreale opened the general discussion with some priorities he has set as Chairman of the Forest Preserve Committee. Mr. Morreale stated that he will continue to seek opportunities for land acquisition of open land space, and create a plan that supports it. Mr. Morreale also stated that he is interested in additional land space for the continuation of the existing bike trails within the Great Western Trail stucture. Mr. Morreale explained that he would like to see the volunteer organization better formalized. Mr. Hannan gave a positive report on the firewood lottery at Chief Shabbona Forest Preserve. Mr. Hannan stated that all twelve permits were used and everything went as planned. ADJOURNMENT Mr.Dlabal moved, Mr. Lyle seconded, to adjourn the meeting and the motion passed with a unanimous voice vote. ______________________________ Chairman, John Morreale MONTHLY CLAIMS LIST January 17, 2001 Agenda Item: A. Current Month s Claims 1. 2. 3. B. Forest Preserve Committee - Approval of Claims Date: Pages Amount: January 17, 2001 1-2 $ 13,844.49 Payroll & Emergency Claims from Prior Months 1. 2. 3. Date: Page: Amount: December 1-31, 2000 $ 2 17,929.37 January 4, 2001 Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board: The following claims have been presented for payment as of this da te: NAME OF CLAIMANT FOREST PRESERVE Dlabal, John Guehler, John Haines, Michael Lyle, Howard McLaughlin, Gary Metzger, Jeffrey Morreale, John Sands, Dennis Simonson, Clifford AT & T Barker Building Supply C.S.R. Bobcat, Inc. Charles F. Lee & Sons, Inc. Commonwealth Edison Culligan DeKalb County Auto Parts DeKalb County Treasurer Petty Cash DeKalb Implement Company Doty & Sons Concrete Products G.F. French General Fund General Fund Gordon Hardware H.I. Stone & Sons, Inc. Hardware Hank Hensler Nursery Inc. Highway Fund Kelley Williamson Co. Kirkland Quick Stop Lowe s Mark s Machine Shop Menard s Nextel Communications Punk s Reimbursable Services Retirement Fund Sikich Gardner & Co., LLP January, 2001 FOR WHAT Per Diem 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Services Supplies Equipment Services Services Services Supplies Supplies Supplies Bench Supplies Salary Reimbursement Charge Back Supplies Services Supplies Trees Fuel Fuel Fuel Supplies Supplies Supplies Cellular Service Vehicle Maintenance Postage FICA & IMRF Services AMOUNT OF CLAIM Travel 5.85 15.60 4.88 4.55 2.60 0.00 0.00 16.25 5.20 $ 23.68 115.90 179.95 112.50 372.04 15.50 28.56 160.64 47.86 354.00 82.02 710.27 1,200.00 68.31 187.90 5.29 360.00 303.48 31.06 225.23 312.32 137.52 368.14 197.95 156.56 47.87 7,100.14 450.00 NAME OF CLAIMANT Verizon Verizon Wireless Waste Management FOR WHAT Telephone Service Cellular Service Services AMOUNT OF CLAIM 198.53 48.45 242.82 $ January, 2001 13,844.49 The following claims have been paid during the period from December 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000: NAME OF CLAIMANT FOR WHAT AMOUNT OF CLAIM December Payroll January Insurance Premium $ 14,617.15 1,423.32 1,888.90 $ 17,929.37 FOREST PRESERVE DeKalb County Government DeKalb County Government Kingston Mutual Insurance Co. Having reviewed the claims listed above, I recommend that payment for them be approved. Sincerely, Gary H. Hanson Deputy County Administrator January , 2001