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September 2016 USTANG EXPRESS Corporation Monthly Newsletter for the School Town of Munster The Art of Schooling In this issue: Back to School News Alumni Hall of Fame Super Chat Corporation Contact information As I contemplate the beginning of another year, I am reminded how quickly Dr. Jeff Hendrix Superintendent the year passes for me as an adult, but for some children, the school year seems like an eternity. Many of us have vivid memories of school. Some days were better than others. Success is the desire, but failure felt like the end of the world. Each day can bring joy and it can bring disappointment, but there is one constant that greets every child at the schoolhouse door, and that is his or her teacher. As an individual who has attended public school all of my life, I have reflected upon those days many times. I am still amazed by the people who greeted me at their classroom door every day. Most of us can remember the names of many of our former teachers. There are reasons for these memories. The first is that our experience was not very good. We got into trouble a lot. We did an embarrassing thing. We broke up with a friend. Somehow, our teachers were there to get us through that tough time. As we get older, we share those stories as though they are badges on our chest. For all those negative experiences, if we think back, we can also remember many happier experiences. Those childhood friends that we walked to school with each day or sat on the bus with every day. We shared stories about our family and our vacation. We talked about “crushes”. We gathered on the playground to partake in games of kickball, tag, and jump rope. We remember our band playing days, the school plays, and those speeches in front of everyone in school. We recall the glory days on the court, the diamond and the gridiron. We think about those projects and presentations in class. We even remember our trips to the pumpkin patch, the zoo or to the nation’s capital. Throughout all of those memories, we somehow thought we had life figured out. We didn’t realize who was there helping us through it all. TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 2 The Art of Schooling, continued…. If we remember back to all those days, we should be thanking a teacher. It was a teacher who planned our days, provided the freedom to learn, and supervised our time on the playground. It was a teacher who spent hours after school to coach, sponsor and direct us through our playing and performing. It was also the teacher who took the time to ask us about our lives, what we wanted to do when we grew up. They wanted to know our interests because they really cared about us. So is there an art to schooling? The answer is yes! The artists, painters, sculptors and directors are the teachers. They work with the unformed clay, blank canvasses and untrained voices of each student. They teach, mold and form each child so that child will begin to believe in his or her abilities to be successful. This is an art. There is no prescription for success. The success comes from providing a learning experience that ensures a rigorous curriculum is being taught, and that the curriculum and instruction are relevant to each child. The real key to the success of every child is impacted by the relationship that the teacher has with students. If we think back to our favorite memories, many of them involve our relationship with our teachers. This school year it is my hope that every child in the School Town of Munster will have the opportunity to make “happy memories” through experiencing a rigorous and relevant curriculum. More importantly, I hope that every child will have the opportunity to develop a positive relationship with his or her teacher. That will make the difference. I wish you all a great school year. Dr. Jeff Hendrix Super Chat with Dr. Jeff Hendrix Super Chat with Dr. Jeff Hendrix is a monthly podcast program for the School Town of Munster hosted on the corporation website at The program is designed to provide corporation and school information on events, issues and information that is pertinent to the School Town of Munster community. Topics for this monthly program will range from finance/budgeting, academic programs, curriculum, assessment, and instructional practices to student organizations, extracurricular activities and sports. The program this month will feature our PTO Presidents, sharing information about their Parent Teacher Organizations and up coming events this school year. The show is hosted by Gary Puckett, a national talk show host and writer. To access the show from the STM website, the listener must click onto the FlyPod logo, where the listener will be redirected to the podcast page and player. There is also a comment section on the FlyPod page for community feedback. We look forward to our community’s responses and ideas for future shows. TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 3 Assessment Assessment windows for School Town of Munster have been established and are published online at under the Academics, then Assessment tab. For your convenience, a copy of the 20162017 Assessment Calendar is included. Upcoming Assessment Windows NWEA Fall Window (Grades K-8) August 22-September 12, 2016 ISTAR, Part 1 October 3-November 4, 2016 Accuplacer, Part 1 October 3-November 23, 2016 PSAT October 19, 2016 High Ability The third annual High Ability Summit was held on June 1, 2016 in order to review current practices in high ability identification, processes and procedures. Changes include: High ability identification in kindergarten will include scores from both CogAT and winter NWEA. High ability identification in grades 2, 5 and 8 will include scores from InView and the winter window of NWEA. Students identified for high ability math for the first time as 5th graders will be placed in AdvanceMath in 6th grade and upon successful completion (B- each semester) will be placed in Honors Pre-Algebra in 7th grade. This will provide transitional instruction for these students who have not previously been receiving accelerated and compacted curriculum. There is a possibility that these students will be moved into Honors Math 6 during the year based on performance in Advanced Math 6. High Ability Identification Schedule 2016-2017 January 18, 2017 InView testing, Grade 8. January 17-27, 2017 CogAT testing in kindergarten classes; InView testing in grades 2 and 5. March 24, 2017 High Ability assessment information and preliminary placement determinations for grades K, 2, 5, 8 and students new to the district will be mailed home to parents. This mailing will include the Scales for Identifying Gifted Students (SIGS) for students who score within the Standard Error of Measure (SEM Window). April 7, 2017 Deadline for SIGS to be returned to child’s school. No late submissions will be accepted. April 10-13, 2017 Elementary and Middle School placement letters for students scoring within the SEM window sent to parents. April 13, 2017 Honors requests determination meeting at Munster High School for students currently in grades 9, 10 and 11. April 18-28, 2017 Elementary and Middle School appeal submissions due. No late submissions will be accepted. Munster High School determination notification letters mailed to parents. All determinations are final. May 1-12, 2017 Elementary and Middle School Placement committees review and rule on appeals. May 15-19, 2017 Parents notified of appeal status. All appeals are final. TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 4 2016-2017 Assessment Calendar Name of Assessment Window Begins Window Ends Indiana Statewide Testing of Educational Progress Plus (ISTEP+; Grades 3-8 and Grade 10) ISTEP+ Part 1 February 27, 2017 March 10, 2017 ISTEP+ Part 2 April 17, 2017 May 5, 2017 Indiana Reading And Evaluation Determination (IREAD; Grade 3) IREAD-3 March 13, 2017 March 17, 2017 ISTEP+ End of Course Assessments Algebra I and English 10 (ECAs; Grades 10-12) ISTEP ECA Algebra I and English 10 (Winter) December 5, 2016 December 16, 2016 ISTEP ECA Algebra I and English 10 (Spring) April 24, 2017 May 26, 2017 Indiana Standards Tool for Alternate Reporting (ISTAR; Determined by Individual Education Plans) ISTAR Part 1 October 3, 2016 November 4, 2016 ISTAR Part 2 January 9, 2017 February 3, 2017 ISTAR Part 3 April 10, 2017 May 19, 2017 NWEA MAP Testing (Grades K-8) Fall Window August 22, 2016 September 12, 2016 Winter Window November 28, 2016 December 16, 2016 Spring Window March 20, 2017 April 17, 2017 World-Class Instructional Design and Assessments (WIDA) for English Language Learners WIDA ACCESS Annual Assessment January 9, 2017 February 24, 2017 Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT; Kindergarten) CogAT January 17, 2017 January 27, 2017 InView (Grades 2, 5 and 8) Inview – Grades 2 and 5 January 17, 2017 Inview – Grade 8 January 18, 2017 January 27, 2017 Accuplacer (Grades 11 and 12) Accuplacer Part 1 October 3, 2016 November 23, 2016 Accuplacer Part 2 February 13, 2017 March 31, 2017 Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT)/ PSAT (Grades 8, 9, 10, 11) National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) October 19, 2016 Advanced Placement Testing (College Board; Grades 9-12) AP Window May 1, 2017 TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW May 12, 2017 Page 5 Munster Police Department News REMINDERS FOR PARENTS AS THE SCHOOL YEAR BEGINS Parents are asked to remember the following safety tips as we begin our new school year: Please follow the proper drop-off and pick-up procedures for your child's school to ensure a smoother process for everyone. Never leave your vehicle parked along the curb or in the pick-up line, and do not pick up or drop off your child in unauthorized areas. Please be aware of children and parents who are crossing at intersections or walking out from behind vehicles. Slow down in school zones (20mph speed limit) and always yield to pedestrians. Please speak with children who walk to school about strangers and about how to react if they are approached or if they get lost. Always make sure to accompany small children to school for their safety. Be aware that you MUST stop for school bus stop arms, unless there is an unimproved median or barrier in the center of the street. Even on multi-lane streets such as Ridge Road, you MUST stop for the safety of the children boarding or departing from the bus. School bus drivers have been trained to report violators to the Munster Police Department. The Munster Police Department maintains directed school zone patrols during arrival and dismissal and will issue citations for individuals who are speeding or disregarding crossing guards, stop signs, or other signage. Make sure to avoid parking in handicapped zones, which is punishable by a fine. Please leave these spaces for people who need to use them. Please report individuals who are driving recklessly in the school zones immediately by calling 911 along with a description of the vehicle and/or license plate. Any ongoing safety issues should be reported to your child's principal or the appropriate school resource officer (Officer James Ghrist, elementary schools, 219-836-6639, or Officer Joe Pacheco, middle/high schools, 219-836-6629). RED RIBBON WEEK POSTER CONTEST FOR GRADES K-12 The Munster Police Department and Choice Community Council invite all Munster students, grades K-12, to participate in their annual Red Ribbon Week Poster Contest, which begins on Monday, September 19th. On that date, homeroom teachers will be instructed to provide information to their students about the contest, which is held to promote awareness about drug prevention and to encourage students to make positive choices. Any student wishing to participate must complete a poster on a standard 8 X 11 sheet of paper (nothing larger please) and include the words "Munster" and "Red Ribbon" somewhere in the poster design. All entries must be turned in to the main office of your child's school (not their teacher) no later than Wednesday, October 5th at the end of the school day. A grand prize winner will receive a $50 gift card, and additional individual winners representing each of the individual schools and will receive $25 gift cards sponsored by the Choice Community Council of Munster. The winners will be announced later in October in time for Red Ribbon Week. Please encourage your children to participate in our poster contest this year. For more information, please contact Munster Police Officer James Ghrist at 219-836-6639 or TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 6 YOU’RE INVITED Please join us for a series of meetings the future of our Munster Find out more about our and finances. All meetings will be held at _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Thursday, Frank H. Hammond Elementary Monday, October Wilbur Wright Middle Monday, October Munster High For more and to let us know you plan to attend, please TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 7 Eads Elementary School Eads Elementary Celebrating Indiana……200 Years! Eads Elementary School is celebrating Indiana’s Bicentennial all year long. Our lobby features 12 famous Hoosiers in our Hoosier Gallery along with a life skill that each person personifies. Each month the students will learn about a famous Hoosier as well as the character trait. In September, we are honoring Abraham Lincoln and learning about honesty. Students can earn brag tags from their eachers for being honest in the classroom and around the school. We are very excited to spend the year learning more about our State! Eads kicked off the school year with a ‘splashtastic’ pool party at the Munster pool. Our PTO hosted families at a back-to-school get together. New families were welcomed in to the Eads school family. Students enjoyed the warm water and the fast flowing water slides. Our PTO will also be hosting our annual Back-to-School BBQ on September 15th. Parents will be grillin’ up hot dogs and hamburgers as a D.J. spins tunes for the students to dance along with. As August comes to an end, I am pleased to say the school routines and schedules are coming together. During the first few weeks of school, the teachers have spent time establishing procedures, routines and classroom rules while the students are learning to work together. We have completed our Fall NWEA Assessment. The NWEA data allows us to get a good handle on how students are coming along during the year in Language Arts and Mathematics. Happy New School Year! Splish Splash Bash 2016 September Life Skill-Honesty Famous Hoosier- Abe Lincoln Linda Bevil Principal, Eads Elementary School TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 8 Elliott Elementary School Elliott Happenings…….. Welcome back to a new school year!! We have had a very busy start to the school year. 4th grade classes have received their chrome books. The 5th graders received their laptops the second week of school. They were so excited! We had a great turn out at the Back to School Bash. Thank you to the PTO Board and all of the parents that volunteered their time. The children had a great time watching the staff members in the dunk tank. We now have over 200 families that joined the PTO. Thank you for your continued support. TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 9 Elliott Elementary School cont. Elliott instituted a Summer Math Program to promote practice with Math fact fluency over the summer. Students that participated were recognized and placed into a drawing for different prizes. The main prize was a Chrome Book. Seamus Riley won the Chrome Book. There were also drawings for t-shirts and Dairy Queen gift cards. We are continuing with the Community Reader program this year. If you are interested in participating as a Community Reader, please contact the school office. We are all looking forward to a great school year! Ms. Nicole Guernsey Elliott Elementary Principal TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 10 Frank Hammond Elementary Notes FAQ: “What do you do all summer?” – FHH getting ready for 2016-17 The 2016-17 school year is off to a very successful start. But none of this would be possible without the efforts of many staff members who put in summer hours to make sure we are ready for that first week of school! While students enjoy their well-deserved summer break, administration, teachers, and staff are busy getting ready for the next school year. Staff members moved to new classrooms; we added a kindergarten classroom; and all classrooms were cleaned top to bottom. The office was kept busy with welcoming new enrollments, creating class lists and schedules, and ordering all the supplies and materials that we need to have an awesome school year! The FHH website gets updated so parents can find all the important information they need for the new school year like Arrival/Dismissal maps, Parent Information Guide, Student Handbook, supply lists and much more! Teachers spend many hours of their summers thinking about school and planning too! Many of them are involved in a variety of professional development activities including online courses, research, and grade level meetings. They are preparing lessons using the new social studies materials. Some spent preparation time learning about new and exciting programs like Everyday Math and Blackboard that they are “piloting” this year. Many of their sun-tanned faces show up in the building all summer long to start organizing books, collaborating with peers, and getting their classrooms ready for the first day of school. Summers are also spent interviewing to find the very best teachers to invite to join the FHH staff. This year we are very excited to welcome three new faces to our faculty: Melissa Strohl in Grade 5 Megan Zyglowicz in Grade 3 and Staci Choros in Kindergarten Each of them brings some very special new talents to our already awesome staff! TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 12 Frank Hammond Elementary Notes cont. FHH PTO parent volunteers gave up some of their summer fun to help out too! Parent volunteers were ready and willing to help out with many of the activities that get our year started such as Registration Day, Orientation Days, New Family Walk Through, Picture Day, and the beautification of our outdoor property, just to name a few. Our Back to School Bash swim event at the Munster Pool on Saturday, August 27th was a huge success with over 900 in attendance! A perfect summer night for swimming along with great food and activities. PTO has also already wrapped up a Cookbook publishing project and Spirit Wear orders! Looking ahead, parents will be assisting with our Curriculum Day for students in November that will focus on STEM activities! And as always, their help and expertise is so greatly appreciated! Also thanks for the awesome attendance we had at our August PTO meeting… not only a big crowd, but a very positive and enthusiastic one as well! Our next meeting will be at 9:15 AM on September 21, and will include a presentation by Officer Ghrist on School Safety. Mrs. Nancy Ellis, Principal, Frank Hammond Elementary TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 11 Wilbur Wright Middle School Structured learning class sells school supply kits The students and teachers in the structured learning program took on a new project this year, the creation, sale, and delivery of school supply kits for middle school students. These kits included a host of general supplies all placed in a handy and reusable Wilbur Wright cinch bag. The kits were on display at registration so parents could view them and decide if they’d like to purchase one for their child. The kits were then assembled and delivered to teachers’ classrooms so that students would have them on the first day of school. All of the proceeds from this project will be used by the structured learning class to attend a variety of field trips to local destinations such as the apple orchard and the performing arts center. Thanks to Mrs. Stork and the students in the structured learning class for providing a wonderful service to the school. New faces around Wilbur Wright: Several educators join the staff at Wilbur Wright in a variety of capacities. Mrs. Gretchen Peluso joins the science department to teach 8th grade science. Mrs. Peluso has relocated to the area with her family after a successful teaching career in the state of Texas. Ms. Brenna Giazzon joins the music staff to teach middle school band. Ms. Giazzon is a proud graduate of Butler University and is excited to also work with the MHS marching band. Dr. Andy Sargent joins the administrative team as principal. Dr. Sargent was a classroom teacher at Crown Point High School and has served the past eight years as the assistant principal at Ben Franklin Middle School in Valparaiso. He has a Bachelor’s degree in biology from Indiana University in Bloomington, a Master’s degree in secondary school administration from Purdue University Calumet and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Purdue University in West Lafayette. Dr. Sargent has been married for 16 years to his wife Liza and they have three elementary-aged children. TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 13 Wilbur Wright Middle School School Safety is Priority #1! Each summer the Wilbur Wright administrative staff reviews safety and security policies for the building to ensure every protocol is current and we are following best practices to be sure that our building is as safe as possible for students and staff. A few reminders for parents regarding the process are as follows: 1. Any adult coming to Wilbur Wright must press the buzzer outside of the main doors and speak with a secretary regarding the nature of their business at school. The secretary will then buzz in the parent who must report to the main office immediately. 2. We do conduct numerous emergency drills throughout the school year so that we can prepare students in the event that there was a true emergency. These drills will include weather, fire, and lockdown drills. 3. Student drop off and pick up is a very busy time for traffic around our schools. We ask all parents to please be patient with us as we get all cars into the flow of traffic that we designed to keep all students safe as they enter and exit the building. Also please be reminded that the main circle drive in front of Wilbur Wright is not used for drop off and pick up and should only be used when visiting the school or to pick up a student who is leaving early during the day. We very much appreciate your cooperation in helping to keep our school a safe and secure learning environment! Beautification – a work in progress A special thank you goes out to the Wilbur Wright PTO and Beautification committee chairperson Mrs. Arzumanian who are continuing to work on improving the landscaping around Wilbur Wright. Recently, many over grown bushes as well as dead trees were removed in preparation for new grass and some better landscaping. Additionally, the front entrance areas received a fresh layer of mulch right before the first day of school and it looks amazing! Thanks to everyone on the PTO as well as the volunteers who come out to help establish and maintain our landscaping improvements! Dr. Andy Sargent Principal, Wilbur Wright Middle School TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 14 Munster High School News It seems as if each summer seems to move faster than the previous one. I hope everyone has had a chance to enjoy time with family and friends over the last couple of months. Shortly, we will be embarking on a new school year that will present new opportunities for our students and school. Our second Alumni Hall of Fame and inaugural Faculty and Staff Hall of Fame induction took place on August 26st, 2016. Our ten inductees will visit the school, participate in an all-school assembly, be inducted into the Hall of Fame at the Center for Visual and Performing Arts, and they will be introduced during halftime of the football game that evening. The brief biographies for each individual is listed below: Faculty and Staff Hall of Fame Helen Engstrom Munster High School 1965-1995 After three years of teaching at Arlington High School in Indianapolis, Helen Engstrom began a storied career as an English teacher and Forensics coach at Munster High School. For 30 years, Mrs. Engstrom taught English and developed Munster’s Speech and Debate team into the nationally recognized program that it is today. Mrs. Engstrom has coached two National Speech Tournament Champions and many state and national finalists. Under Mrs. Engstrom’s leadership, Munster High School has earned several state titles and twice has been named a “Team of Excellence” at the national finals. She has been honored twice nationally as a speech coach of the year, and has been granted the five-diamond coaching award from the National Speech and Debate Association. Engstrom has been elected to both the state and national Speech and Debate Hall of Fames. In 2016, Helen Engstrom was awarded the Sagamore of the Wabash by the State of Indiana and was honored by Alpha Chi Omega Society as an inductee to their inaugural class of “Strong Women of Distinction.” Helen Engstrom remains a valued part of Munster High School’s Speech and Debate program, mentoring its newest director and serving as a volunteer coach. TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 15 Munster High School News cont. from page 14…. Munster High School 1972 - 2010 Nancy Hastings For 38 years, Nancy Hastings developed Munster High School’s journalism program as Publications Director for the Paragon yearbook and Crier newspaper. In addition to managing her teaching responsibilities, Mrs. Hastings served on the School Improvement Committee and the National Honor Society Selection Committee and sponsored the Munster’s Journalism Honors Society Quill and Scroll. Under Mrs. Hastings’ leadership, the Munster High School journalism program was honored by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association with Gold and Silver Crowns, by the National Scholastic Press Association with Pacemaker Awards, by Quill and Scroll with Gallup Awards, and by the Indiana High School Press Association as a Hoosier Star. Nancy Hastings has been honored as the Inland Steel Outstanding Teacher of the Year, The Journalism Educator Association National Yearbook Advisor of the Year, and the Ella Sengenberger Indiana Journalism Teacher of the Year. She was awarded Ball State University’s Marilyn Weaver Excellence in Journalism Education. Nancy Hastings has been inducted into Ball State University’s Journalism Hall of Fame and received the Journalism Education Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2010. Currently, Nancy Hastings continues to teach students and teacher at summer journalism workshops and conferences across the country and serves as Indiana’s Journalism Education Association state director. Pat Premetz Munster High School 1979-2015 Earning Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees at Purdue University, Patricia (Pat) Premetz devoted 43 years to her teaching career. After seven years of teaching at Morton High School, Mrs. Premetz served 36 years in Munster High School’s Math Department, becoming the Department Chair in 1997. Throughout her career, Mrs. Premetz taught students of every ability level and devoted herself to expanding pedagogical knowledge for herself and her colleagues. Mrs. Premetz mentored student teachers and served on a host of committees, including the Gifted and Talented Committee, Textbook Adoption Committee, and the Faculty Committee on Grades. Mrs. Premetz was a member of Munster’s first School Improvement Team in 1990 and remained committed to its work throughout her tenure, chairing the committee in 2005 and leading its Data Team until retirement. Mrs. Premetz’s commitment to expanding pedagogical knowledge is evident in the sheer number of workshops that she attended and then led, including: Dual Credit workshops with Purdue North Central, Cooperative and Collaborative learning workshops with Purdue Calumet, Common Core and State Standards workshops with Valparaiso University, Mathematics and pedagogical conferences with the Northwest Indiana Educational Service Center, and many more with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Indiana Department of Education. For 36 years at Munster High, Pat Premetz worked tirelessly to improve instruction and was extremely successful in her efforts. TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 16 Munster High School News cont. from page 15…. Jack Yerkes Munster High School 1969- 1995 After seven years of teaching English in Hammond, Indiana, Jack Yerkes devoted the next 26 years of his professional life to the students of Munster High School. Mr. Yerkes led in both the classroom and the athletic field. He twice chaired the English Department, sponsored several classes for student government, helped create Munster High School’s first computer writing lab, and redesigned a coherent writing program for the Munster students’ grades 9-12. Mr. Yerkes, along with fellow inductee Mrs. Mary Yorke, created Munster High School’s Summer Reading Program. Outside the classroom, Mr. Yerkes coached eight seasons of both basketball and football for the 7th, 8th and 9th grade teams before serving as the high school’s varsity basketball head coach from 1979-1982. Mr. Yerkes has been honored as the State Middle School Representative for language arts (1967-1969), and as the Inland-Ryerson Teacher of the Year (1995). In addition to his contributions to the school community, Mr. Yerkes has served as a longtime member of the Munster Lions Club and as an educational leader at the First United Methodist Church. He works with the Children of Abraham – a pan-religious cooperative that has raised over $100 million to provide school and medical supplies to the neediest countries around the world. Mr. Yerkes served as admissions associate at his alma mater, Wabash College, and as a board member of Campagna Academy. During his retirement, Mr. Yerkes twice returned to Munster High School to cover fellow teachers’ maternity leaves and has chaired the referendum committee of 2013. Mary Yorke Munster High School 1970 – 2005 Graduating from of Marquette University in 1963 and Purdue University in 1975, Mary Yorke has shared her knowledge and passion for language and learning as a teacher and leader for the School Town of Munster for over four decades. Mrs. Yorke served as a Munster High School English teacher for 35 years in which she chaired the English Department, helped create the Munster High School Student Writing Handbook, and, with fellow inductee Mr. Jack Yerkes, developed the school’s Summer Reading Program. Mrs. Yorke served as a longtime coach for the Speech and Debate team, for which she was honored nationally as a Diamond Coach and inducted as a member of the Indiana State Speech and Debate Coach Hall of Fame. After retiring from her teaching position in 2005, Mary was elected and reelected to the Munster School Board, serving for 8 years. During this time, she helped develop the Teacher of Merit Award. Mrs. Yorke returns to Munster High School frequently, as she continues to guide and volunteer speech and debate students as a guest judge and coach. TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 17 Munster High School News cont. from page 16…. Alumni Hall of Fame Munster Class of 1999 Christine Nzinga Blake After graduating with highest honors from the UCLA school of Film, Television and Digital Media in 2003, Ms. Nzinga Blake has served as a producer, writer, actor, and TV host with a true penchant for social activism and human rights. She has hosted TV shows, including Culture Click, shown recently on ABC, and the Cartoon Network’s Fridays, in which she was one of the first live humans to be broadcast on the predominantly animated network. She has been a correspondent on various television networks including BET, TV Guide, and Network 10, an Australian / ABC affiliate. Ms. Blake has co-starred on the TV Pilot, He Said, She Said and has guest starred on Showtime’s Barbershop, and ABC’s What about Brian. Ms. Nzinga Blake was part of the 2007 Emmy winning team as a writer, host, and producer for Current TV. Her most recent projects include producing and co-directing World AIDS Day Public Service Announcements for the United Nations International Labor Organization and the writing and directing of “End Ebola Now,” a PSA that has aired all over West Africa in an effort to help educate and inform the public about the Ebola crisis. In conjunction with Doctors Without Borders and UNICEF, the End Ebola Now PSA has resulted in a #ShakeEbollaOff viral campaign that is helping to fund the only fully functioning hospital in Sierra Leone. Ms. Nzinga Blake continues to promote youth empowerment in Africa and other developing nations through entertainment, media and the arts. Munster High School 1973 Todd Neil Donoho Todd Donoho graduated from the University of Missouri in 1977 and has gone on to a storied carrier in sports journalism. Working as a sports anchor and reporter Mr. Donoho has been the play-by-play voice for NBC’s radio coverage of the NFL, college football, basketball as well as major and minor league baseball. In the 1980’s Mr. Donoho become nationally recognized for a critically acclaimed syndicated televised sports trivia show called “Time out for Trivia” in which he was featured in Sports Illustrated magazine. Mr. Donoho went on to become the sports voice of the nationally syndicated “Mark and Brian” radio program and LA’s “Monday Night Live” an NFL postgame show that was the highest rated local program in LA. In 2004 Mr. Donoho added author to his resume as he wrote and published three University of Missouri affiliated books: a coffee table book, MizzouRah! Memorable Moments in Missouri Tiger Football History, a children’s book, Hello Truman! about University of Missouri Mascot Truman the Tiger, and its sequel, Hello, Truman: Show Me Missouri! in which he has Truman the Tiger showing popular tourist attractions throughout the state of Missouri. Currently Mr. Donoho hosts a University of Missouri Basketball postgame show on the statewide Tiger Radio Network, while serving as the sports voice on both the Los Angeles KLOS radio “Heidi and Frank Show,” and weekday morning drive time program “McIntyre in the Morning.” Mr. Donoho has been married to his college sweetheart, Paula, for 35 years and lives in Missouri. They have three sons Kevin, Jeff and Scott, a daughter-in-law Lauren and two wonderful grandchildren Meghan and Nolan. TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 18 Munster High School News cont. from page 17…. Munster class 1967 Phil Lengyel Phil Lengyel was part of the first graduating class of Munster High School. After earning a Bachelor’s degree in telecommunications at Ball State, he has gone on to become a leader in branding and marketing for Walt Disney, the Indianapolis Speedway, and Dick Cook Studios. While working with Walt Disney World, Mr. Lengyel rose from publicist, to promotions manager, to Director of Marketing and in 1999 Vice President of Alliances. During his 23 year tenure with Disney, he led the Walt Disney World marketing organization domestically to two new theme parks, 5000 new resort hotel rooms, three new convention facilities, and dozens of new attractions. Internationally he led the worldwide marketing strategies team to open global marketing offices in London, Toronto, Paris, Tokyo and Munich setting the stage for Disney theme park expansion around the world. In 2005 Mr. Lengyel joined Indianapolis Motor Speedway as their Executive Vice President of Marketing, providing brand leadership and strategic counsel for the Indy Racing League that attracted new sponsors and a multiyear television agreement. Most recently in 2014, Mr. Lengyel became the Executive Vice President of Marketing for Dick Cook Studios a California based international media content company that focuses on commercial multi-generational family entertainment where he continues to find ways to expand brand awareness. and market availability. Mr. Lengyel lives in California with his wife Jana. They have four children Lauren, Shane, Kelly and Will. Munster class of 1969 Lieutenant General Jeff Sorenson Graduating from the United States Military Academy of West Point (1973) and earning an MBA from Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management (1983) Lieutenant General Sorenson served in the United States Army for 38 years using his knowledge in defense acquisitions and rising to the position of Army’s Chief Information Officer before partnering with ATKearney in 2011 where he continues to provide expertise as a consultant for clients at the federal, state, and local levels. Lieutenant General Sorenson successfully developed, procured, and delivered over 30 different military systems including systems that improved communication for battlefield intelligence, field tested night vision reconnaissance googles, tracked systems for tactical missile use, and provided soldiers and their vehicles with lifesaving body armor. He has worked with Congress, the Department of Defense, and private sector contractors to re-program and re-direct over $3 billion in resources and work contracts to accelerate delivery of body armor for soldiers in the field and armor packages for their vehicles. Lieutenant General Sorenson has been interviewed and quoted by several esteemed publications including Defense System, Government Computer News, and Federal Computer Week. He has been honored with Distinguished Service Medals, Meritorious Service Medals, and an Army Commendation in addition to being named the Program Manager of the Year in 1998. Lieutenant General Sorenson lives in Mystic, Connecticut with his wife Katherine of 45 years. They have three wonderful boys Brad, Erik and Marc. TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 19 Munster High School News cont. from page 18…. Andrew Yerkes Munster Class of 1982 Earning a bachelor’s degree in Literature and Letters from Ball State (1986) and a Master’s degree in creative writing from New York University (1988) Andrew has gone on to become a proficient writer of television programing, short stories, and theater. He has headed the development of over 500 television program episodes that have appeared all over the world including Allegra’s Window for Nickelodeon, The High Life for HBO, The Book of Pooh for the Disney Channel, and Word World for PBS. He has been the lead writer for over 100 such programs including episodes of PBS’s Space Racers and Arthur, Disney Channel’s Jojo’s Circus and Stanley, Mama Mirabelle’s Home Movies and Nickelodeon’s Gullah Gullah Island. In addition to his TV work Mr. Yerkes has published several short stories including “First Steps” and “Mayonnaise,” and produced plays such as “Henry David Thoreau Visits His Mother for Lunch” that has been performed in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. Mr. Yerkes has been nominated for six Emmys including three for Bear in the Big Blue House a wonderful children’s show that teaches children important social skills such as sharing and cooperation. Andrew Yerkes is the son of two Munster teachers Sue Yerkes (retired Eads 4th grade) and Jack Yerkes (Fellow inductee and retired MHS teacher). He currently resides in New York. We are looking forward to another great year at MHS! Go MUSTANGS!! Mike Wells Principal, MHS TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW Page 20 Student Nutrition & Food Services “Feeding the Future One Bite At A Time” Our Mission: The School Town of Munster Nutrition Team is dedicated to offer every student the highest quality meals that are healthy, nutritious and enjoyable. These meals are served by a friendly staff while meeting or exceeding USDA and Health Department expectations which enhance and support student educational achievements and wellness goals for lifelong success. We offer delicious and nutritious meals that will provide “fuel for learning” that students need to make the most of their school experience. Serving Fresh and Nutritional Options Daily Did you KNOW Research shows that students who skip breakfast have shorter attention spans and don’t do as well on test. Make sure your child gets up in time to have a nutritious breakfast BREAKFAST Served daily!!! 8:30am and 9:00am (Thursday) – All Elementary Schools 7:15am and 7:30am (Thursday) – Wilbur Wright 7:10am (M,W,F) and 7:30am (Tues & Thurs) – High School Students have many fresh and nutritional options at all schools at all grade levels School Town of Munster Student Nutrition Services Website It is our goal to keep parents as informed as possible. One avenue of communication is the School Town of Munster Student Nutrition Webpage. The webpage can be easily accessed at or by visiting the school website at; choose the department’s tab and click on the Nutrition and Food Services home page. A wealth of valuable information can be accessed here. Find the newest and most up to date menus, nutrition and fitness education resources, payment information, policies, contact information and much more . TEACHING TODAY for TOMORROW before school lets out! Munster Education Foundation can make your gift giving easier! Give that special educator an apple! Make a contribution to the Munster Education Foundation, and an individual of your choice, affiliated with the Munster schools, will be honored. He/she will receive a specially designed card, with your name, special greetings, and a gold apple pin. Complete the form below and send your check payable to: Munster Education Foundation, P.O. Box 3046, Munster, IN 46321 All donors will receive an acknowledgement with receipt for a tax-deductible gift. Forms and donations must be in the Foundation box by Friday, May 22 in order for honoree to receive gift before Summer Vacation. ________________________________________________________ Please submit one form per honoree NAME of Person Being Honored _____________________________________________ School/Building/Bus # ____________________________________________________ Donor Name ______________________________________ Phone ___________________ (Name, as you want it to appear on gift card) Address _______________________________________________________________________ Email Address ____________________________ Donation Amount Enclosed _______________ Include your special message on a separate piece of paper! It will be enclosed with the gift card & apple pin. Suggested donation: $15.00 or more Vision All School Town of Munster students have the skills necessary to participate successfully in a global society. Mission The School Town of Munster, in partnership with all stakeholders, implements equitable and challenging learning experiences that provide the foundation for independent and innovative thinking. Beliefs The success of our school system depends on the collaboration and commitment of all students, parents, and staff to high quality standards, expectations and performances. Addressing unique learning styles and needs enables all students to learn. A safe and supportive learning environment enables continuous learning opportunities for all students and staff. Students will solve real world problems through the development of creativity, critical thinking, and communication skills. The curriculum is aligned both horizontally and vertically with national, state and local standards and includes a variety of assessment strategies that provide feedback about learning to students, parents and staff. Data is used to drive instructional practices and monitor program effectiveness. Professional development is an integral part of our ongoing plan for continuous improvement in the use of research based instructional practices. Diversity enriches our school system through the recognition of various ideas, values and cultures. Access to and utilization of current technology is necessary for success in an ever-changing world. All stakeholders have a voice and the opportunity to participate in the educational process. School Contact Information Administration Offices: 219.836.9111 8616 Columbia Avenue, Munster, IN 46321 Munster High School Office: 219.836.3200 8808 Columbia Ave, Munster, IN 46321 Wilbur Wright Middle School Office: 219.836.6260 8650 Columbia Ave, Munster, IN 46321 James B. Eads Elementary School Office: 219.836.8635 8000 Jackson St., Munster, IN 46321 Ernest R. Elliott Elementary School Office: 219.838.5250 8718 White Oak Ave, Munster, IN 46321 Frank H. Hammond Elementary School Office: 1301 Fran Lin Pky, Munster, IN 46321 219.838.2060