De Blinkerd Fase II
De Blinkerd Fase II
De Blinkerd Fase II Datum: 16-01-2013 - Projectnummer : 34901 - Referentienummer. : 003898079/A/SPR This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Totaal overzicht T 072 515 16 44 - - or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. 2 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Keuken T 072 515 16 44 - - or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. 3 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Keuken or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. Keuken ca. 60m2 De keuken met bijbehorende ruimte wordt conform de huidige eisen gerenoveerd T 072 515 16 44 - - 4 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Zalen & Restaurant T 072 515 16 44 - - or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. 5 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Zalen & Restaurant or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. Foyer (oppervlakte als bestaand) Ruimte opwaarderen Bar Café / Dansvloer (oppervlaket als bestaand) Ruimte opwaarderen Restaurant ca. 160m2 Ruimte opwaarderen T 072 515 16 44 - - 6 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Hal + Gangenstructuur T 072 515 16 44 - - or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. 7 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Hal + Gangenstructuur or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. Toiletgroepen De bestaande toiletgroep wordt vernieuwd en aan de andere zijden van de gang gesitueerd. Centrale Hal De centrale hal wordt aan de bestaande zijden gerenoveerd Meterkasten De meterkast wordt volgens de voorschriften van de nutsbedrijven aan de voorgevel geplaatst. De huidige W- en E-installatie worden aangepast. T 072 515 16 44 - - 8 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Bibliotheek T 072 515 16 44 - - or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. 9 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Bibliotheek or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. Digitaal centrum ca.40m2 Naast de bibliotheek komt een digitaal centrum. Bibliotheek ca. 100m2 De bibliotheek wordt naar de voorzijden verplaatst. T 072 515 16 44 - - 10 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Jongerencentrum / Huiskamer T 072 515 16 44 - - or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. 11 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Jongerencentrum / Huiskamer or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. Jongerencentrum ca.95m2 Jongerencentrum met een open verbinding naar de huiskamer in het souterrain. T 072 515 16 44 - - 12 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Jongerencentrum / Huiskamer or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. Begane grond Jongerencentrum Invalide lift langs trap Souterrain huiskamer Jongerencentrum Nieuwe toiletruimte Invalide lift langs trap Totaal ca. 95m2 T 072 515 16 44 - - 13 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Jongerencentrum / Huiskamer or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. Principe doorsnede Jogerencentrum T 072 515 16 44 - - 14 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Cursusruimte, kantoren, garderobe & overige ruimte T 072 515 16 44 - - or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. 15 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Cursusruimte, kantoren, garderobe & overige ruimte or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. Algemeen De oude bibliotheek locatie wordt volledig gerenoveerd t.b.v. cursusruimte, garderobe en een extra ruimte voor overige activiteiten. Overige ruimte Ca. 155m2 Cursusruimte III Ca. 65m2 Kantoorruimte oppervlakte als bestaand Ruimte opwaarderen Cursusruimte II Ca. 30m2 Cursusruimte I Ca. 35m2 Overige ruimte Ca. 10m2 Garderobe Ca. 20m2 T 072 515 16 44 - - 16 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Theater - toneel T 072 515 16 44 - - or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. 17 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Theater - toneel or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. Theater - Toneel ca. 330m2 Ruimte opwaarderen ZijToneel ca. 40m2 Ruimte renoveren Kantoor ca. 30m2 Ruimte renoveren T 072 515 16 44 - - 18 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Fase I (gerealiseerd) T 072 515 16 44 - - or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. 19 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Fase I (gerealiseerd) or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. Sporthal ca. 1.500m2 Gerealiseerd Vergaderruimte ca. 45m2 Gerealiseerd Toiletgroepen BG Gerealiseerd Kleedruimte Verd. Gerealiseerd Sportcafé ca. 200m2 Gerealiseerd T 072 515 16 44 - - 20 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 This document is for presentation purposes only and remains the property of Leeuwenkamp Architecten. This document contains material protected under international copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized reprint 3D IMPRESSIE NIEUWE INDELING DE BLINKERD FASE I & II or use of this document or the designs included in this document is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced Totaal beeld T 072 515 16 44 - - or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from Leeuwenkamp Architecten and would otherwise be considered copyright infringement. 21 De Blinkerd fase II te Schoorl projectnummer : 34903 - referentienummer : 003898079/A/SPR - datum : 16/01/2013 Kalkovensweg 2 - Postbus 405 - 1800 AK Alkmaar T 072 515 16 44 - -