Direct Solenoid Series NVS
Direct Solenoid Series NVS
lnc. SMCPneumatics Direct SolenoidSeriesNVS 3105, 4014/402/3/ 4/ 54 , . , , , , , , 4 : , . t. , r " . , , , . ' r.i''r ' r' 't;"iii:l:lr:'ir'i' .llllll:r':].l:'.:ri:]"r''irr':''i "i . "" ,,,,,,.it:.i:ur,,r':.,'l:.,t:i:rr'].i:,i::.!t'.:.,i,l.:a,,l'.::ra,'.i,," " r'i l ,,,.:,:].::.i::.::rl::]rr:,;,:::t,:,,,t,.i:.i:t.:fi:l':,rill..ia,iiiit,"l'-'.:l:...:', ,']i:ri:t,:i;:i.:i:.,'i:r':::l'.'rt:ail.:r'.,t'...':.':r:'ir . j..iriir',:.,,, I . ,,,lri:,,j:li:.l'..i.,i',i.].'..i'1.'rt...i.i.1,.j,.: :i : .:t::;il..: li:aj;Ir:'ri.iii:r:l..::.::..l:lai,l.''.'''rr' DIRECTIONALAIR VALVE DIRECT SOLENOID OPERATED N\E 3 Ufay 2-7 N\6 4 Way/sFort(Class1) NVS4 Way/sFort(Class2-5) 8-14 SPECIFICATIONS &&* twg l'lt5 CHARACTERISTICS ELECTRICru lnrush(Amps) 11t50 120/@ 115r'50 120160 Holding(Amps) Min.Voltageto Operaie (on 60 cycles) a,fL r--\--r-r---t--_,_ \^1,\l/.2--l 15-24 TYA 3',tiE o.75 0.80 0.14 0.19 0.17 o.20 8090 77% .52 xv8 lt:F SUP EXH ANSlSvmbol (Asa normallyclosed+way) tva 3t'15 0.92 3.8 0.96 4.0 0.19 0.51 0.20 0.51 B70h 86p6 13.2 13.2 DC RESFO SE Timeto Energizq(S€conds) Timeto De-€nergize: (Seconds) 1r5/50 1n/@ 115/50 120r'@ 0.012 0.015 0.0r7 0.012 0.015 0.016 0.018 0.025 0.023 0.018 0.025 0.023 0.018 0.017 0.025 withsolenoids at 70"F(21"C),1m% tim€sarem6asur6d Not€:Ftesgonse by All timesweremeasured voltageand the valvecleanand lubricated. anddeenergizing at thezeropointol thesinewave. energizing OPEFATING: MaximumCycleRateOp€ration: Continuous (cyclesperminute) MaximumAmtient Temperature (At maximumcyclerateand run.Forslou/er continuous cyde ratesandintermittent duty,consultfactory) In (mml SPOOLSTROKE: tt€dr: Opg.ltng PrEsluEr Leakrge: il.t€rld!: 115/50 12U.5o 11v50 a 12U60 1200 360 1200 360 140.F (60pc) 360 360 150 150 1 1 5F " (46"C) 0.126 0.177 0.197 0.386 (3.2) (4.s) (5.0) (s.8) DESIGN This deslgn concepi consisls of a Matchcround "SPOOL & This assembly whichcontrolslhe mainvalvingfunctionsSLEEVE" match{round fit cr€at€san "Air Bearing"elfect for extendedand efficientoperationand eliminatesthe ne€dfor resilientseals.Large capacity air flows are achievedby applicalionof the SMC U.S. to lhis type ol valve.Shouldthe valverequire Patentsapplicable the Spooland Sleeveshouldbe retain_ disassomblytor maintenance edasa unit. GENERAL: Heavyduty air valvesbuilt to complywith J lC andall industrialstan' dards.Constructionis dust.light and splash-proof.Recessednon_ locking manualoperatoravailableon all models.OptionalRubber "Solenoid-Access"plug allows manual operalion ol the valve withoutnec€ssilyot rcmovingplugs. OPERA'ED: OIRECTSOLEI{OIO The solenoidoperatestho spool directly,and a spring returnsthe spoolandsolenoidplungerwhenthesolenoidis de-en€rgized so pressure ThesOoolhasno seals,and i3 balancedto air pressur€s, hasnoeffecton the operationOtthevalve. RATEOSOLENOIO: CONTINUOUSLY NVS3115 Ytithin Thesolenoidls a heavyduty pushtype\^lithcoil encapsulated an aluminum housing for exlernal proteclion and contanuously rated.Maybe energizedindetinit€lywilhoul damage. NVS3125,3135,3145 push_type withmold_ C_lrame Th€solenoidls a heavydutyindustrial ed encapsulaledcoil and continuouslyral€d.Maybe h€ldenergized withoutdamage. indelinitely iiOUNTIiIG: for loot mounting or arellghtenoughto hangin a pipeline Inlended Maybe mountedin any posllion. FLOWPATTEBN: MULII.PURPOSE True multi-purposevalv€. Any port may be pressurized,back_ pressured,or pluggedwlthoul atlectingthe operatjonof lhe spool May be us€dwilhout modificalionas a normallyopen or normally closed 3-wayor 2-way.simply by plplng and plugginglhe ap' propriateports,Mayalsobe pipedasa selectoror a dlvertor. Air (lubricated or oiFftee), any non-tla$mable notF loxic, non-coarosive gases, except oxygen. APPLICATIONS T|lULTI'PURPOSE FOFUSEAS: 28" vacuum to 300 PSIG.(2oKgtcflf) Port to port (internal)not to exceed0.007cubic feet p€r minde at t(D PSIG.(6.7 Kg7clr'|,'l All housing parts aluminum die castings, gpool and sleeve 440F stainless, gassivated and heat treated to 58-62 Rockwoll C. Sleeve Grings Buna N. Spacer d6lrin.shock oad ur€thanerubber. P O R T ' A ' PORT"P" PORT"E'' 2-WayNormallyClosed O!tlet Supply Plug 2.WayNormallyOp€n Outlet Plug SLrpply &WayNormally Closed Outlet Supply Exhausl SWayNormallyOpen Outlet Exhaust Supply DiverlBt Supply Two-pressur€ selector Outlet Supply1 Supply2 Outlet Outlel DIRECTIOXALAIR VALVE DIRECTSOLENOIDOPERATED SERIES NVS3115,3125 NVS3135,3145 HOWTOORDER This modelnumb€ri8 a codednumb€rwhlchdescribesallavailableopiions. FIFI -r-r I ValvoSlr€ 1 = C l a $I I L-Opllonal P = ExternalElectricalPlugIn p5= "DlN"Connector(with6'Cord Assy.) E = 48'SolsnoidLeads(24'STD) e = MountingB€s (AXT33&11) I I I I II t[ounllng Style Valveunlt only- Manifoldmounled Footmounting,plpetap in body I I F..tur"" Portlng D = Recessednon-lockingmanualoperator F = Becessednon-lockingmanualoperatorand etectricatindicatorlight.' K = Recessedlocking manualoperator J = Recessedlocking manualoperatorand electricalindicatorlight.' L = Rubber"SolenoidAccess"plug and electrical indicatorlight' O = Rubber"SolenoidAccess"plug. 'AC Only 00 = Maniiold Mounting(N\6 3114,see pg 7) 01 = 1/8" NPIF (Cv 0.8) 02 = 1/4" NPTF(Cv1.1) SolanoldType 07 = 24 VAG60Hz = 115/120V60Hzor 100/110V 50Hz 1 0 = 230/240V60Hzot 2OOl220vso Hz 49 = 12 VAC50 Hz = 12 VDC 52 = 24YDC' availablefor "D" and "O" HOWTOORDER Thls modelnumb€risa codednumbarwhichd€scribesall availableoptions. NVS3r Fealuro3 D = Recessed non-locking manualoperator K = Recessed lockingmanualoperator(AConly) "Solenoid plug(AConly) O = Rubb€r Acc€ss" Valvo 2 = Class2 3 = Cla883 4 = Class4 ttounllng 5 = Mounting,pipetap In body 03= 0 4 = 220V50Hz O 7 = 24 VAC60Hz 0 9 = ll5/120V60Hzor 100/110V 50Hz 1 0 = 23O|24OV sotlz a0qzot 2OO/22OV 4@V 60t'z 4 9 = 12Vrc 50Hz 12VDC 24 VDC (DCnotavailable on NVS3125) 48 VDC Poitlng 01 = 1/8"NPTF(NVS3125only)Cv069 02 = 1/4' NPTF(NVS3125only)Cv0.8i! (x} = 3/8"NPTF(NVs3135only)Cv 2.58 04 = 1/2' NPIF(N\'s3135,3145only)3135= Cv2.58;3145= Cv4.17 06 = 3/4'NPTF(tlVS3145only)Cv4.50 REPLACEMENT SOLENOIDASSEMBLIES tws 3t5 & 3135 110/120V 50/60t€ NVS 3145 11ry50F8 a/@l+ 11ry50H2 22u@Hz 24VAC 5d60Hz 4ry60Flz A653 INVS3125) 12 VDC,2a VDC 24VOC 12VOC 24qfitNrla 40ry6oHz A652 (NVS3125) 40G51 {NVS3125) DC not available@ NVS 3125 2A-03 2A-05 A0&53 24VOC l2VOC 408-52 a0&51 DIRECTIOI{AL AIR YALYES DIMENSIONS/PARTS LIST SERIES NVS3115,3125 NVS3135,3145 NVS 3115 o DIMENSIONS c B A 4 . 1 9 3.50 0.75 ( 1 0 7 ) (89) { 1 9 ) D E F H G K M N o P R 0.91 1 . 0 6 0.50 0.94 0.88 0 . 1 3 2.00 1.38 1.06 0.56 0 . 1 6 (23) 127) (57) \12.71124.8) 122.41 (33) (50.8) (35.r) (26.9) 114.2) (4) Millimetersin PARTSLIST O.ldl R.l, 1. 1 1s€l 1 1 1 '/b- Eooy ,l3l€nt|y- r.rdudos body and (2) rodd|€ pltls. v.' Body AlBafiUy - lrr|r|dr€ bodv *rd 12) bqd.n dns. $!ool A Sb€r€ As€,y. Spdn9 -!sqp!r q!!!o 1 I I c. tl, 13, 15. 16. I A,ICI338€ arr$&5 Spec6r arr338.l Sol.Ga3k€t 115'120 V 5ffi0 Hz 220/2{0 V glto Hz z v 50to Ha Sol.CapArsy.(Rut$€racc68sptug) 4xT33314 a@t{}9 am1-r0 aml{7 7 9. \,4 $!5 Eody a,rl3s&s Sol. Cap A3sy. {Rac€B€d nontock op6r.) Sol.CepA3sy.(Rubb€rptugand ttghi) 2 2 Sol. Cap Ar!y. (R6c. nonnocr op€.. md flsht) C.jtlvo Scr€ws S6ll frpplng ScrGws 2 MenualOp€Etor Mo(rntlngBas€ Mounlhg 8a€ Scl€ws txT33+19 axT3337.10 PBOl01 MT33&rl M5x10 DIRECTIOIIAL AIR VALVES DIMENSIONS/PARTS LIST SEFIES NVS3115,3125 NVS 31 3145 NVS3125 5 FOOTrOUa{T[{c Prlmarymountlngm€lhodls fool mountlngon the €ndof th6 body.Th6valvomayba mountod ln any po€ltlon In space, trut ll ll lB mounted wllh th€ €xhauslpon polnllngup we r€com. m6od lhat you prot€ct rh8 op€n porr wlih a mufflor or an elbow fittin0. Marlmum l€r|gth mountiog scr6wls 1" ovsrallIncludl.qhsad, - ALL PORTS 11/16DtA. X 3/32OEEP C AOFE FOR APR566. 112O.FING 21SDtA E) MTGHOLES (CLEARANCE FOF t1G32SCREI/V) uaNrFoLDuounr|t{o Gnng counterbor€s on allport! allowm6ntlold mountingon any llat surl*€, Scr€whole8arc cleaBncohol€€for a f10 scr€w bul oan b€ roamedoui lo cl€ff a 1ll" 8crew. ln plannlngyour mounllngnot6 that th6 con. dult conn€clionwlll come oo1on€ sld6.Th€ cov6rcannotb€rotabd on iha bodv, OBINGMANIFOLD MOUNTING PATTEBN PIPETAPIS 1/4"NPTF I/E'NPTFOT ASSPECINED BYMODEL NUMgER DIMENSIONS D A B c E 5.4 2.40 1.77 0.94 0.24 (128) (61) (4s) (211 (6) H K G J M N P R s o.a1 228 0.8:l 2.13 o.a7 1.06 0.98 0.39 0.79 0.98 (8) (58) (211 (54) (221 (25) (10) (20) (25) F en MillimetersIn Parentheses PARTSLIST O.ldl n t rYa 316 Noi.qt 1 EodyAl3rnbly-ri€' Eody Asdnbly-l/a. NPTFp.n!. Includ6 bodyand(2)locklng9tns. NF IF p.rt!. Inctuda body .nd (2) tocktno ths. AXT0r&4 xmosl0 sprir|oS€t Spnig-spool rotlm of!!L-!!9qtq 1 1 1 1 4RP568414 5'OoolA s|e€rDAas,y Galket-aol€nold cov.r spac.r cav€rasldnbly-a"c. 3ol6nold.cnmB|3 ol cov.r, rec€s€d no}tocking oplralor, and{4)dot, 12, Cdor a!.mt,y-A,C. tol.|lold, wltioul manualop€rrtor,andNith oo€rator mounllnghol. pl!09€d. Mmod oP€ralora$omuy wlti Orln! Faoltcrir*rl coll-A-c. solanold 10 12 't3 120t60 ta aa)a) Solanoldstr. n!|y-4"C. compbla wllh coll. C&llYe ac|.w i lock l|.lh.r thock pd AXT!1&5 P80601 l lli/1m V 3y60 Ha. Nt@ '| xTot1€{l 120i80 240t60 JEOAO qIA{S c01ar0 qIA.11 aola{)g 401A.r0 NXTO1012 XTOlG2i NXTO1010 NXrOl t3 DIRECTIOI{ALAIR VALVE DIMENSIONS/PARTS LIST SERIES N V S3 1 1 5 , 3 1 2 5 NVS3135,3145 NVS3135 NVS3145 DIMENSIONS ValveSlzs A 5.98 (152) 8.46 NVS3135 Pr5) NVS3145 B D E F c 2.56 2.01 0.75 0.35 1.38 (65) (s1) (19) (s) (35) 3.46 2.80 1.38 o.47 2.09 (88) (71) (35) (121 .s3) G H J 1.77 2.56 2.52 {45) (65) (64) 2.56 3 . 1 9 2.68 (65) (81) (68) K 1.97 (50) 2.05 (52) M N P 0.98 0.98 (25) (s0) (25) 1.02 2.60 1.30 (26) (66) (33) (82) Millimetersin Parenthes€s PARTSLIST trvs31t5 D.blln.t. 1 3 I Sodysr.rnbly. InoluO3 OoOyandC) locklng pln3 I xTol9€ I xmiGtS xT1{13.4 xT106-5 AFPSI6E{18 ARPt6&119 1 6 1 1 E Soool A Sb€'re A6€'y. Spacer Gaskst-Solgnold Covor xr019192 xTo133't-2 xr@l.r2 NXTO3OS Cov€ra$€mbly-Ac. solonold.Can3islsof cov€r,r€c€Bs€d non.locklng filanueloosralorard {4)6tall 1A I 1 Coy€r BB€mbly-A.C. sol€oold, wltnod msnual opdEtor, and with'.. rbuntlno hol6 oluoo€d. Mtrual op€ralor ass€mbly $llh Odng 1Al€0 Raplac€dr3nl coll only-4.C. sol6nold 10 I Sol6noi, aBs€mbly-4,C. conplst€ wllh coll, 1l '| aot@ 1€O/@ 12 13 llvs3145 1 @t|vo scr6w .nd locl wa5hsr 120/ao 24(m0 a€0,t0 PA0@1 @14O9 @ta-10 cora-1t NXT01010 NXTO1G12 xTt)10-21 PBO{01 cl2A{9 cl2A-10 cl2A.1t At2A{9 412A,10 NXT0307.3 NXTO1G12 xT010.21 o DIRECTIONALAIR YALVE MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY SERIES NVS3115,3125 NVS3135,3145 NVS3114 An optionalmanifotdmounteddeslgnis availabletor the NVS3115valves,Theblock13aluminumbar Etockwith commonsupplyand exhaust aswellaaan individualoutletport on the side. !- HOWTOORDER Nvs3114. oo[oel. - r T[Dl l L_J l I Reterto Std Howto Order Page2 Includesmounlingscrewsandgaskets withyal\,/e unils. HolddownboltrXT012-25D-1 FACTORY ASSEMBLED MANIFOLDS ORDERING EXAMPLE: 1 PCE-FOURSTATIONMANIFOLD DIMENSIONS A D E H K tl N P B BBf c F G 4.61 2.56 3.58 1.22 1.50 0.26 3.29 3.23 '1.42 2.50 1 . 1 0 0.59 1 . 5 7 ( 11 7 ) (65) ( 9 1 ) ( 3 1 ) (38) (6.5)(83.5)(82) (36) (52) (28) ( 1 5 ) (40) DCSolenoidis Used Millimelersin Parenthesos Lr 1.MA3m4 WHEI{ ORDERINGIIAI{IFOLD MANIFOLD DIMENSIONS -T=---------r L' ASSEMBLY COMPRISING: STATION 1:NVS3114{009F STATION 2:NVS31 14{0520 STATION 3:NVS3114.0(xx)D STATION 4:NVS3I 14{O0SK 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3.43 4.92 6.42 7.91 9.41 10.91'12.4013.9015.39 (87) (125) (163) (201) (239) (2771 (31s) (353) (391) 3.94 5.4, 8.43 9.92 't1.42 12.9111.1'l 't5.91 (100) (138) (176) tz't4l t2521 (290) (328) (366) (404) Millimetersin Parenthes€8 MA3OO-"XX" XX = 2 through l0 stalions' rMdimuD t0 sbtiont BLANKSTATIONKIT AXT33&17A DIRECTIONAL AIR VALVE DIRECTSOLENOIDOPERATED SERIES NVS4@14 ^,1\\ i / l-n ETlTTrn-; DESIGN Thisdesignconceptconsists ot a Match-Ground'SPOOL & SLEEVE" assemblywhichcontrolslhe main valvinglunctions.This matchgroundfit createsan "AirBearing"effecttor extendedandatlicignt lhe ne€df,orresilientseals.Largecapacity operationand elminates by application of theSMCU.S.Patentsapplic' airflowsareachiev€d lor ableto thislyp€of valve.Shouldthe valverequiredisassembly maintenance the Spooland Slseveshouldbe retainedas a unit. NVS 4314 & NVS ,t414 SPECIFICATIONS CHARACTENISTICS Volts HerE NvS4114&'t2t4l{VS /|ill4 & {41 4 trc AC ELECTRICAL: 115i50 120/60 AC DC 0.5,1 0.52 0.57 6t o.17 Single Solenold S ing Betwn Solenoidoperatesthespooldirectly,anda springreturnsbo|hspool andsolenoidplungerwhende-energized. Irou s Solerroid. Dablnaed 0,014 0.014 Solenoids operalethe spooldirectly.A mechanical detentholdsthe spoolsecurely ineitherspoolposition whenthesolenoids aredeenergized, as requi.edby major automolivesatety standards.Thus a pulseto eithersolenoidwillshittthe spool,and momentary electrical the detentwill hqldthe spoolin the shiftsdpositionuntilthe olher to shiftthe spoolback. solenoidis energized Iroub,A Sotenotd- g Posltlon Sp//ingCen'€red Minihm voi.!€toopdato: RESPONSE: nn€ b Endgiz6: (S€con!.) 115/00 120/60 0.012 0.012 liho lo Dedr.rgiz€: (S@nds) 115/60 120/60 0.014 0_014 .011 0,01s 0.018 tLts: R.9or'6€ liir'.6 et€ r|easur€dwith solsoid5 al 70'F (21iC.), 10o%voltags, srtd tr vstu€cl€aned lobd€tod. At tin6s ft€ mGU€d by m€izirE ar rhe 160 ooint m f|o sm waw. OPENATI]{G: cond.@s o!.Erio: (cyct s arinun anbjonr T€opoElrre: (Atnainrn ctd. rat€5.n co.rti|llq6 run. Fo.srorr cycL9 d.6 ad iitomitbntdutyontull SPOOLSTROKE: F!|.tE: b.bF: h.Ll.: 1200 11t60 120/60 hold whiletwocentering Solenoids ope.alelhgspooldiaectly, spJings th€spoolin thec€nt6rpositionwhenthesolenoids aredeen€rgizsd. Notethateaci springcenterslhe spoolby meansof a springseat which s€als lirmly againsl tfie end of the sleeve.Thus the spool The centering sp,ingsdo not buckeach alyvays cenlersaccurately. otheras in somespringcenteredvalves. 3@ FLOWPATTERN: MULTI.PURPOSE (ooc) o.1ft' (3.2mm) o.N Ar (|lbdcai6d or oiF 16), ay Nn{ammabh rcn"toxic, rDrco.rciv€ gale6, qc6pl oiygen. kbr rbnlr: 21" vscuum @ PS|G (20 Kgvcnf) 2e v@m 3OOPs|G (2OKgt/.m1 Pon io po.r {inrdr'6D nor ro qc€€d 0,007 d$rc i6.r por minutg d 1@ PslG (6.9 Ba.l. All h@sirg p.rr3 glunlrun di€ dri.gB, sp@l a.d ses 4:loF st hr€6s, passival€d ud n6t FdrEd b na€2 Rrd$dl C. Sb€vo Oing. BUB N, spaa d€ldn, sho.* p€d tl|s[!li6 4!bd. ' UL 429 TesliN P.oeduc t ",xl " DEcco=" sole.oid. 19.3 lrlrArls. stanHeavydutyaf valvesbuiltto complywithJIC andall induslrial is dust-tighland splash-proot. dards.Construction Recesgsdnonlockingmanualoperatoravaihbleon all models.OplionalRubber "SolenoidAccess"plugallqwsmanualoperalion of thevalvewithout necessity of removingplugs. OPEBATED: DIRESTSOLENOID 115/00 1m/60 11160 120160 GENERAL: valves.Any porlmaybe pressurized, Truemulli-pu.pose back-pressured,or pluggedwilhoutaffeclingthe spoolaction.Nomiallyused as a singleinlet4-waylo conlroldoubleactingrylindErs.Mayalso as a dual pressur€ be usedwithoutmodification 4-way,3-way,or 2-way. BATEDSOLENOID: CONTINUOUSLY Thesolenoidis heavydutywithcoilencapsulated andconlinuously rat€d. mayb€energlzed indefinitely withoutdamage. Thesol€noid MOUNTING: Intended forsuFplateor manifoldmounting. El€ct.icalwires exitfrom baseo( the valveinto manifoldor individualsub-plalejunclionboxes for simplification & proteclion of wi.ingconnections. Maybemounted in anyposilion. Cy RATINGS: Cv ratingsvarywiththe pipesizewhichfeedsthe valve.ActualCv are as follgws: ratingson vaJioussub-plates th" Cv 0.8 1/."Cv 1.0 eh"Cv 1.O DIRECTIOIIAL AIR VALVE DIRECTSOLENOIDOPERATED SERIES NVS 4€!14 HOWTO ORDER Thismodelnumb€ris a codednumborwhichdescribesall available oplions. T Nvs 4 Ll 1 4- Optlonal Type of acluallon E = M = P = P1 = P5 = P6 = +Fl : tF2 = +R3 = tR4 = T = 1 - sjngr€sol-/+ring r€turnI 2 - oouble sol,/dat€ntsdt 3- OoubleSol,/sprhgcenlded t (alr Fds block€din ndbau 4. DoubloSol./sPdngc6ntsr€dt (cy'- por6 op€n io exhausi in n6uttaD. Portlng = m / no base lndicat€svalveunironlv {tndudes sub-plale gasket & hold down bolts) = Mounredon individualsubrlale - %'NPT side pods(5) - dualexhaust 011 %"NPTSid€pods(5)- dualexhausl 0 2 1 ' 4 2 = Mount€don individual$tpla!€ ml "43 = Mounredon individual$b'plat€- %'NPT side and botkrmports(10)- dualexhausl = Mounredon individualslb-plale- %" NPTBottompo.ts(5) dualexhausl '1t5 = Mdnredonindividualsub-plate-ryo'NPTsidepons(5)-doale$€usl o5l 1 1 ' 1 2 = Mornred on Stacking ManiJdd Block %'NPT - sirle pons (2J 1 3 ' 1 4 = Mdrned on Stacking Manilold Slock v.' NPT - side and bottom Ports (4) 1 5 ' , 1 6 - Mo{rn€d on Stacking Meiiold Block %" NPT - Side (2i and bonom (5) ports 'Us€ rhe* subplat€s and manifolds with valves lsing top oullet (T) or oin conn€clot lP) '41 tThb Prcductis Lisl€dby UndeM tds Laboatoii6 lhc. andBeaBtheMalk: 44" Elecrrical L6ads hlerla@ speed conlrol Di. quS-inConnecior Din Top$lh light lnor a€ilable clas 2-5) Din w/6ll. prewned cord Oln Top w^ighi and 6 tt. prewned cord sPF0101 InlerlEe R€9.{/s6ews SPR0102 Ooubl€ Inlerlace Feg. w/icfsws SPF0101SinSlehlerlac€ Reg.w/98u9€0-60 PSI SPRo101Sinsl€InterlaceFeg. Vqauge G160 PSI Topwie oudel Feature3 Dt= F = L, = Or= R€cs€d noftlo.king manuql op€ralor F€c6.66d norFkEklng me$l op€rator and €lectic€l Indcdtor ligtn"' Rubbd "Sol€ndd Acc€63"plug and €l&lical indicalcr light"' 'soldoid Acc€3€"pluO Rubbs Solenold Type ' 07 = ogt 1 O t= 'rtg = 51 = usTtD 24VAC50/60Hz 115n2ov.60Hzd1oct11ov.50Hz 2 3 0V 6 0B z o r 2 o o v5 0H z 12VAC50/@HZ I2VOC 'Th* and olh€r Vdiagotlz FaiingB arc available by SFcial On €f, " Orly a/dlsbl€ * "D or'O osrion and 2 Dosition. fwhsn ;ou.t6d on subplat opton M must b€ r€.d. SUBPLATESAND MANIFOLDS (To order valves mountedon subplatesor maniloldsins€rt'XX" intovalve No.) ExamplerNVS 4114-")(X"09D Subplales Pa No, Portlng sP0101 sP0102 sP0103 sP0104 sP0105 AXT333-21 l,d NPTFSidE No.of Ports %"NPTF Side %"NPTFSide& Bottom 7."NPTFBottom 10 %,,NPTFSidE TerminalBlockSubolate 5 'xx" M 8 4 0 1 1 - 0 2 7a"NPTF Side: Y.r"Bottom A & B % Botlom(5) MB4210-02 %"NPTFSid€(2); No.of Ports ME40l LR Left and Fighi end plales-lncludes (4) NXT010-11 screws Includes (3) Ojings AFP 565-015; Pluq AXT 336-9 rpr ME4OISLR Lell and Right end plates-Shorl w/o conduil NPT threads.Includes(3)O-ringsAFP 568-015 1pr. 04 AXT336-5j Ti+ Rods- Indudes(2)M6X25screwsp€rrod 2 NXT336-4-' Conduitcover Note:Not reouiredit usinoME401 SLRend olates Gall€rvblockinoDisc Blankslationkit SlopValve(SV-1) InlerfaceSoeedConlrol(useadder'M') I Subplates.(OptionsT&POnly) ParlNo, Portin9 sP0112 sPot13 %,,NPTFSidE %"NPTFSidE /s' NPTFSidLe(5); %"NPTF Ebtlom sP0114 sP0115 3,6"N PTFSide sP01'r1 Ya"NPTFBottom 'xx" ll 7 No.of Ports 5 Pcs. Req. Oescriplion 01 02 Manifolds Poriing PartNo. M84010-02 Ta"NPTFSide ACCESSORIES Pan Number AXT3(]6-6 AXT33G7A AXT3S5 sP0100 AXT622-5A T€minalBlock 13 t5 "xx" 41 42 10 43 5 5 44 45 Manifolds *(OptionsT& P Only) PartNo. Poding MBA4010-02 Y." NPTF Side MBA40rr -02 %" NPTFSid€; 7." Bottom MBA4210-02%" NPTFSide(2);7." Bottom(s] No.of Ports "xx" 2 12 7 14 16 DIRECTIONAL AIR VALVE DIMENSIONS/PARTS LIST SERIES NVS4€$14 NVS 4l14.{!0 "XX" D Erd phrs sl ECO101 lincrd€ dot 5 & (2)del6) xTo11.t5 3 sl€46asst ddste olsp@l a de@ (rEi.+Ed seQ 5 10!6uret€d-a.c. 11t120v.60 Hr 2301210V.@H. pluodor 15, Sol€mldc.pc y - indud€6cap,(1)rutb€re3 (r ) d€r19,(2)(h 13,(2)dn 14,dnd(1)d.r 7 solonokl*!. sordrdrdc€p*3y. - t'dud6€p, (r) rss$d i@roddng t6. 0 ) &l 1q (2)del 13,(2) d.l 14, -d 11| d.r 7lv5tv€rvd'l{1 (1).ubod a@ds plusrb| r 5, Solmidc4 s y. - hdud€e, (1)irdi@ro.ligna$nbry dor17& 13,(1)drr 19,(2)d€r13, 12)d6r 14.andlrl dat7 (b,vo lve 1"1 sdendd..p s y. - itrdu.r* 6p,{r) res$dtsLdi.O oF .td d 16,(1)indaaiorrigtrtGdrbry.b r 7 a 18, (1)d.t 19, (21dsi 13, l2l (H 121. andO )dol7 {valw tvDe'F1 t2B 16 a oao) K E 4.aa 3.25 t122) (43) 136) L0a (23) en 1.09 (23) 1.63 06j 13 2 15 15 11 1 l9 I sc@01 s6602 AXT333-16 axl3i,t12-2 0€) 136) 2 l|xT33-17 Holdddn bollsr'd bd(waBlm I&s2 ! 1.v.') Millim.l€G in Paqfi656 NVS421,1-00 "XX" D 2 3 Sl€E a35y. condiBieol s9.ol l3l.€vo (h.tch€d 0€t)! (6)O rings 5 axl$3n0 Sdmd.$ y.6i.tsil.i.d - r15/1mV6OH2 aoP'lov60 H: So|mdceps! - hd'd.3€p,(1)nat'€r@. duodell l (1)d.r1s,(2)d.r9,{2)rbr10,&0 ).r€r 3 6B - indLd6ep, (1) 6*.drcn-l@kir'9 &l4ilc€pssy opoErord6rr2, (r ) d6rr 5, {2) d6r9, {2}d6t 10,& 6C &lsFrd ep *Ey - indude. c.p, (1) ruhb€r.c.* plugd.l 11, 11)hdr.iorrishtsl. dst 13a 14,(1)(h 1s,{2).bi 9, l2) d.t 10.& d ) de13tld@tvos t"t M]oding So|mij ep aEy. - indld6 @p,(l ) Eesd @3r6io.<i€r12,(1)indicltor fuans y. r,€t13& 14,o ) d.l 1s, t2ldde 12)ddl0 &11).bi3(vtt lta'Pl b b.dv caoriw rctus - c& lt s.hil a0 13 t197) 065) (34) E (36) 1.06 (27' K (23) Gsk6r 1.63 o6) Mi{het.6 o3l in PtEitt.6 sc 0@3.)o( sc @t-)o( aJfi303-i6 't2 o sc@02 AXT39+7-10 10 I sc0001 - varv. io sub{lai6 DIREGTIOI{ALAIR VALVE LIST DIMENSIONS/PARTS CONTROL SPEED INTERFACE SEFIES NVS4*'14 "xx" D NVS431411414.{Xl or lpodsdd srrd6 **n6ry€nsbi. rndfu dr.nd rd onnos d€rar6 d€sw T, 1@/110v$tts *r8d.sirt-a c.2dt20v 50ti.d262.0v @rt Edr&d - iiclur,.66p, i1) F.I'b.t sor.,Frd@asb{ ( )&..1 13,ialhd 1qe) aEsptus dBi.ir13. v.t€TG'cF &r.dd.!p.ssbly{iga.Brd - irclud€ dp, (1) FG..d r,€rrl 14, o) d.rul 15 (2}doial 1?, VdEIwO' 6.r€.rid.-+.smbry - iEru<k!c!p, (1)ru&or hdE bi|Eme$nbr! @$prugd.Err 13,11) d.bir21,0 )d€1.rl s, t4 13,(2)d.'ratr t, .d..ddrloddrg s.hod@entrv-i"dti*,t[ly .p€'ab. dorail14, (1)i'ddq d€rai21,11'dsriir 15,(2)dd*rjl13,12)d.blr 17, l'L_t e€*d6u.rwrr'o Rocs€dM.bdd.g 15 E 8.56 {216) 3.59 3.63 ( 9 1 ) (93) e D (36) H 1.08 2.94 128) (75) 0.64 {16) 1.63 (41) J 0.72 (18) Mod oFdde ortE d€lajl (var€Tr"o"&'f', x (36) rndkd lghr.smdy(varsTyF'F &'L] MillimeteE in Pareniheses INTERFACESPEEDCONTROLf'SPOIOO') GENEBAL Thi6SpeedControlis an Aluminumdie cast IntsrfacePlatehaving on its uppersurfacea mountingpatternwtlichacceptsall SMC Class l solenoidand air op€ratedvalvesand with a lower surface to these applicable whichmountsontoall subplalesand manitolds Class1 valves. INSTALLATION and ThisSpeedControlis mountedb€tweenthe subplate/manifold the valveby utilizing%" longerboltsin placeof the standardvalve Hold Bownbolts.lray bs field instdlledwithoutsystemor piping modilications. i I i TO ORDERFORFIELDFEPLACEMENT Comprising KitNumber 1 - # AXT392SpeedControlBlock. sP0100 1 - # AXT335-12-2Gasket HoldDownBolts(# 8-32x 27.") 2 - j! NXT333-17-1 FEATURES 1. Eliminatesexpenseof "External"FlowControlsand necessary pprng. piping. 2. Simplifies installation by eliminating flow adjustments from Zeroto 90% of 3. Providesfor "Bleed-Out" valves'FullFlowcapacify. 4. lmprovessystemappearan@. OPERATIOI'I conlrolledby adjustment of Cylinderspeedsmaybe independenlly the needlevalvesinthe"EA"& "EB"portsolthe speedcontrolblock. Theseneedlevalvescontrolflowsol oxhaustair frotn the valveand design. are "Vibrationproof" andol 'Non-Rising" 'l,hf- H n u ASS'Y TO ONDERAS PARTOF VALVE/MANIFOLD ADDSuffix"M"to partnumber. - A # NVS 4114-0009D ParlNumber Example: # NVS4114-0209DM valvemountedon #SP0102 subplalewith a #SP 0100 IntertaceSpeedControlbetween. DIBECTIONAL AIF VALVE VALVE SUBPLATES SERIES NVS4@)14 General: Sub-plat€s are heavyduty aluminumdie castings.All porb are markedwith identificationin accordancewith AmericanNational Standards Inslitutestiandard ANSIB93.9l969,,Svmbots for Marking EleciricalLeadsand Portson FluidPowerVives." Subplale ilodelNo. r sP0101/sP01r Electrictl Conn€cllons: sPot0zsP0112 Class1 suFplatesprovideaccessof alectri(Elsolenoidleadsfrom sP01m/sP0113 thevatuebassinlotheconduitcavitywithinthe sub-platediecasting. sPoto4/sP0114 A removableconduil box cover allows amole room for makino electricalconnections and is heldcaptiveto the suFptatewilh ; sPor05/sP011s provided retainerchain. Two 7r' NPT ports are cavitytor optionalassemblyof conduittubing. into th€ conduit NPTF P A 1/B s S 1/6 9B PodLocallon B EA EB S 1/. la S S/B S/B s/B B B B S S S/B VALVEMOUNTING DIMENSIONS Subplatemounted4-wayvalves SPol0 "X" Standard Subplale A$ombly "FOOTPRINT" SPoti "X" T & P Option,Short Subplate 1 12 Millimetersin Parsnth€ass DIRECTIOIIAL AIR VALVE MANIFOLDASSEMBLY SERIES NVS 4€)14 Gcnard: ALL SMC Clas! | In achitionto mountingon individualsub"plat€s, Sol€noid Valves may b9 "Clos€-Mounl€d'in Bank6 ol fiom two (2) lo sixteen (16) vaves on "Stachno' manitoldass€mblies.This areng6ment greatly reducss space requiremenband simdifes piping layouts. A cohmon Prc68ure Gallery (P) snd two comrnon Exhaud Gallerbs (EA & EB) interconn€ctwith thg prgssureand exhawt ltods of all dl€ valves within lha assembly. Pr€ssue and Exhawl seNic€ connoc{bns are loc€t€dat eitherend of the manaiold. Eloctrlcel: Wr€sfromthe solenoids€xi!lrom lhe beseof the valves,throughth6 bbcks, intoa cornmonwkingclEmb€lonthe sideot th€manilold.A r9tlovabl6corduli covortacilitaleseledricalinslallationsnd assur€sprol€clionof witinocom€ctions. Corduit tube conn€cbrpons (Nt T) aro local€dal eith€r6M ol lh€ manilold, Porting; To providemaxknumverEatilitylor sy6iemsdesign,thGe gtandardmanifold blocksare ollered: #11 Btock- cyt.Port6(2)Side%NPT. Press.& Exh.Po.ts- Gallerl€d. #13 Btock- CylPorts(4)Side& Botom % NPT. Pres6.& Exh.Po.ts- Galleried #15 Block- Cyl.Ports(,1)SidE& Boliom%NPT. Pr€6s. & Exh.Ports- Galleded Plus (3)ponsBottom% NPT. Whenspecifying#15blockil maybe nec€ssary to installgall€ryBlocking and Erhaustpons Discs#AxT336€lor th€purpopeof isolalingPr€ssure Thisblockang the O Ringb€twe€n lromthecommongalleries. discrepiaces in anyof thethreegallerios. lhe individualblocks t--I-;] I r--r< t--!----:------- H# | E l.-----k"l r-\--i---i----, I E l+' l--l-{-----ll r-F# t+# Appllcrtion: Normallythis maniloldarangeme is us€dfor SingleprossurQ four way vaMs circuilry where pres$re is applied to the (P) commongallery and exhauststhroughth€dual (EA & EB)commongalleri€s.Hory€verhany olh6r ciroit capabilitiesare easilyobtainedby the int€mixingol lhe ditfergd lypgs of SMCMulli.purpos€ SohnoidandAir Pilotedvalvesin comLinalionwithth€i basicmanifbldunits.lh6 useot GalleryBlockingDi6cswilhinth€ass€mbly fur66r expand6systamcapabilities.Sidecrindgr pods "4" & €" are localed on lhE "B' solenoidsideol the manifoldand"Station"id€ntilicalionis obtain€d by numbeingfromlefllo rightas viewedlromthe'B'soleno*l6id€. To Specify"Factory Bult" Valve/llanifoldAssembly: L Eslablish lhe number ol slalions requir€d. 2. Select ths typ€ ol vave rcquired on each slalion. 3. Choo6e ManffoldBlock porling desired.e.g. # 11, # rg or # 15. 4. To specifya valve hountsd on a manitoldblo,ck- Inlen maniloldnumb€r into valv€ numb€r i.e. NVS 411+tt09D b a NVS 4114-0O0gDvalv6 ,nount6d oo a # 11 blc'*,. 5. Ass€mblyKil short/long r'XX" To Order "Factory Bullt" Valve/ilanitoldAssembly: Four StationManiloldAssy Comprising: NVS4I1,|-1109O Stalion1. NVS4214n109O Station2. NVS4(!14-11OgF Station3. (1) BlockingDiscin PressureGall€ry. Statjon4. MB4O1G02Manitold Block and Blank Station Kir (axT336-7A) 1 - ME401LR-4AssemblyKit st. I 2 3 5 6 I 9 10 ExMol.: NVS4llan509o (Siinglo$l€noid/$rlng oi a meilord block) 12 r€bm vals mounr€< I . r I : l 't4 16 ln. 4.06 5.55 7.O4 8.54 10.04 11.54 13.03 14.53 16.02 17.52 19.02 20.51 22.ol ?3,51 ?5.00 (103) 0.1) (179) (214 (255) (2S3) (331) (369) 1407) {445) (4&3) {521) {s59) {597) {635) 4.72 6.22 6.65 9_?1 10.71 12.20 13.70 15.19 16.69 19,69 21.18 22.68 24,17 25.67 (120) 058) 069) (234) (n2) (310) (348) (3€6) (424) (462) (500) (538) (s76) {614) {652} TERMINAICLIP. A Bst: Axt 3!$n &1 OPTIONAI TEFMINAIILOC( nel: AXT 622 5rl Moontlng Scr.rc Inclu&d (2'ls 4r8) 13 DIRECTIO}IAL AIR VALVE INTERFACE REGULATORS STOPVALVE&DCSOLENOID SERIES NVS4€,14 Intertace Regulalors Op€ratlon: OE|lEAAL C-ylnclff p€€€ur€ is contloll€d by rn€ adjustned knob loctl€d on fia .€gl.llalor block, S€l6ct tha rcquircd prcs. surc and push tlla knob unlil il locks. To chang€ pressllo: pull oul and readjust. The inlarlac€ unn is dosigned 1os€peratsly contol the t'.€ssura ol one valv€ and sul m€inlajn a cn nmon manildd pro5surc. This unir coilrols prc€lurc to cyiind€r sPaoror FEATUNES: 1. Eliminal€s ti6 n6€d lo. oxlonal regulalors on n€n- sPRO101 2. Sinplif€s plphg arang6it'€nls. 3, FullraEeol F€ssur€ r€gula oN ttom 7 io 120 PSl, 4. Allow r€gulation ol individ0al valv€ pr€l€uG and rtill maiilain a coin,mn supdy F35s!l€ lo( coriprec sPFOl@ @i 1*..t @ 5. Inprovss syEl€n appea.anca. 6. May aEo b€ used with i.t.rlac6 3p€€d @drc|. aPR)ltn IN$TALLANOX: Th€ inl€rf€ca r€gulalor is moo.led bstv€€n lhe meitold and vd$ unirs as show. in lh€ illuslrarth. xot,l{rnG sP010x,01rx N O { 1 ' MB BLK. 11.13.15 MB,ABLX. 12,14,16 F.g.Only YES YES(2) vEs{2) (1) Cidbel).w*h,tqubb (3' Comn dhardnqh€a xot : N\is ,ula d.or YES YES cd 7.375 (i87.3) 1.375 (34.9) L50 (3€.1) MiNimelds io Par€.lh€s6 .fr[.-'l. 'l '-: "flllff-ml.E, f- Rog.wSPol00 N O( 1 ) YES 1.50 (3€.r) G!ug.!: (ForusswirhsPR0101only) PanNo. optlon PslG sPn0ro2{3) F.g. Only SUBPLATES c 1.375 (34.9) Hold.Dosn8ol!a (sfo) valw & R€ Manitold: NxT3+17-2 (rnorud€d in Kit)&32x 3v. " NXT33317.3 Conlrollo Manitoldr loptional)Valv€/F€g./Sps€d (Ord6rsopa|aisly)&32x 394" SINGLEINTERFACEAEO. TIOT'BLENTEBFACE AEG. sP80l0l B 5 (127) IEFI lt r,---'-r li. m h.iore Y rlr-l.l^ .T-| l^ lii Y ^ : ^l Yl I;lFlliffi: K20$/Frtrinss ff r:" BE G3o D o u b ba 6 e u l . ! o r : tloie lr is n€cess€ry io us€sa6rGr* AXr 33t12 on lh6 rop andbodo.nsuftco to properlys€ar. pdr t u..d h slu'r.ton !,xh ts .Lub .ts|l.L. (SPR0102) l"rt SlopvslveAxY 395(SullixAddorSV.'l) Thisunitallowsa singlevalveunitto haveils pressureshuloft tor r€pair pressureto othermanifoldstations. or replacement whilemaintaining To shut otf Dressurelo lhe valvgtum screDdriverslot on eitherend ot valve 90P. @l D ENSIONS A 2.66 (67.5) B 2.42 (61.5) c (14) D E F 0.28 0 . 1 6 1.42 (36) (4) 17', Millimeters in Parentheses il ,ltrF------l r- DIN"Electricrl Connector" 'AC" Vottageonly D C Solsnoid ml--l "*---l----l lI .f;T. I tr+l -+ | Fr---l ,1"[- ^J DIMENSIONS A B qn' c 4114 2.95 1.64 o.72 (74.s|(41.6) 0 8 ) 2 . 1 2 3.41 0.67 Dll{Connector (54) (86.6) ( 1 7 ) fromvalv€canterto measur€ment DCSolenold Thisunitis boltedto the manifold#MB 4010{2-1 andrequirestwo(2)holddownbolts#NXT33Gl 7-1. Screwsfor: SV-1 and "M" = NXT333-17-7 SV-1and REG: NXT333_17-3 SV-1 and [4/REG= N/A 4214 A B 6.26 4.01 4.05 (102.9) (158.e)( 1 0 1 . 9 ) Millimetersin Parentheses DIRECTPilALAIRVALVES DIRECTSOLENOIDOPERATED SERIES NVS4e24,4 NVS SPECIFICATIONS 0.47 oa7 1 . 2 0 1 . 2 0 0.92 o.g2 0.ts 0.19 0,21) o.m 0,20 0,20 Minihum Vollag. lo OP6nl€: 3.a 3,6 3,4 0.5t) 0.50 5.0 5.1 o-56 o,56 0,56 15% to + t0q6 ol Fating 115f' TimeloEnd9l2el6eoi6l 0.92 1.29 3.4 3a 0.96 1 , 3 2 1.32 0.51 0.51 o56 0.012 0.019 0.0r5 0.0120.0170.017 0_013 0.020 0_020 0.015 0,017 o0l6 o.o1? 0.010 0.0190 . 0 1 70.020 o.@ o.o20 Tim€ ro D6€.ergl4 lkordo 0.025 0.024 0.v23 0026 0.025 0.026 o.o21 0.024 0,026 o026 0.025 0.026 0.02,1 t{.r.:R6po.serrm€saB maufid *ith.ot6notd8al70.F,i21.C.)i100%vorta!.,.nd th€vdv€ct.rnandlubrtcat€d. All tim6swsrofr pointonlh.3rnomvo. Contln!oN 360 Opd.tion: it60 131) 360 130 360 150 1 3 0 150 $'q i 0,177 0.39,1 (4.5) t'r.5) (10) ool (5) (5) d 0ll.16}, .nd non.flflm.blo mn.torlci non{orcs!. r5n 1 1 0 150 0346 op.Btins PEssubs: 28" vacuum 0 PStc {20 Kgt/cnf)' 28" vacullll 3@ r€lc {20 Kgrcnti) Irort lo pon (nt.maD not to .xce.d 0.005coblc f€€lp€rhinut€ at 1@ PstG (6.7toam) Mel4islr: 0.543 03.31 03.q €.€)19.81 air {lub.i*td L€akage: 150 150 (46.C) M6di4 Pr€ssureFanoe: NVS42-4 o.s, NVS/tl|-4 ercept dyo6.. all houshc !6n. atumhum d|6 cas|ngg $oor arld stc@ a40F 61atnt6r. p.5rlvated ad hdtJoai.d lo 5a52 FE*wdl c 96* orlnot Blra N, sp&.r end d€ hou3in! .btdn, snock pds ur€lh.n., d.t.nt batb .nd spnn03$atnter. 3tet. NVS44-4 'uL 429T.sringft oceduc. DESIGN This d€sign conc€pt consisls of a Matchcround "SPOOL & SLEEVE"assemblywhlch controls th€ maln valvlng tunctlons. This match{round tlt creal$ an "Air Bearing"ellect lor €xtended and Bttlclentoperatlonand ellmlnatesthe needfor resilientseals. Largecapacllyalr flows are achleysdby appllcatlonof the SMC U.S.Patentsappllcableto this type ot valve.Shouldthe valverequire dissss3mbly for maintenenos lhe Spool and Sleeve should be rstaln€das a unit. GENERAL: Heavyduty alr valvesbullt to comply with JIC and all industrial slandards.Conslructlonls dusi-tightand splash-proot,Recessed non-lockingmanual operator availabloon all models. Optional Rubber"Solenoid.Access"plug allowa manual op€rationof the valvewlthoui necessityof remoylngplugs. DIRECTSOLENOID OPEhAT€D Slngle SolenoldS ing Retum Solenoidoperatssthe spool dlr€ctly,and a sprlng returns both spooland solenoldplungerwhsnde€nergized. I V Double So,enoldDetent Solenoldsoperatethg spool dirsctly. A m€chanlcald€J€ntholds the spool securelyIn eitherspool positlonwhen the solgnoldsare as requl€d by maior automoiivesalety standards. deenerglz€d, Thusa momentaryeloctricalpulseto elth€rsolenoidwill shitt the spool, and the d€tenl wlll hold the spool In the shitt€d positlon until the oth€rsolenoldls sn€rglzedto shltt the spool back. Double Solenoid3 Posltion Sp ng @ntercd Solenoldsopsrateth€ spool dlrsctly,whllo two cenierlngsprtngs hold the spool in ihe cent€rposltionwhen the solenoldsare de enarglzed.NotBthat each sprlngc€nlersths spool by maansol a springseat whlch seatsllrmly agalnstthe end ot the sleeve.Thus lh€ spoolalwayscentersaccuratsly.Tho cent€ringspringedo not buck eachother as in somespringcenleredyalves. TULTI.PURPOSE FLOWPATTEN: True mulli.purpos€valves.Any port may be pressurlzed,backpressured,or plugg8dwithout 8ft€cllngths spoolacflon.Normally us€d as a singfs lolet A-wayto conttol double ac ng cylinders. May also !|e us€dwithout modltlcationas a dual pressurs4-way, }way, or 2-way. CONTII{UOUSLY RATEDSOLENOIDS: Solenoidsare heavyduty Industrialpush-typ€C-tramesolenolds with molded,encapsulat€d coilsandarecontinuouslyrated.Maybs h€lden€rgiz6dindetlnlielywlthoul damage.However,caremuet bs laken to arange your controls so that you nev€renerglz€both solenoldssimultan€ously. lf bolh solenoidsareen€rglz€d, solenold wlll burnout. MOUNTING: Int€nd€dfor sub-plateor manlfoldmoun ng. May bo mount€din any posltlonwherethe longltudlnaiaxis ot sDoolls horizontal.In" lerchangeabl€ wlth certalncompe ve valvegon th€lrsub.Dlal€s. CV RATINOS: C] ratlngsvarywith the plpesizs which teedsthe valve.ActualCv ratlngson varlousaub.platesar3as followE: NVStto24 114"Cv 1.47 38' Cv 1.61 NVS4034 38" Cv 2.39 112'Cv 2.72 ws 4044 'll2' 6t 3.78 314' 6t 4.44 NVS4054 3/,1'6.00 1'6.50 15 SERIES NVS NVS DIRECTIONALAIBVALVES DIRECTSOLENOI D OPERATED 4Osa 4a)54 HOWTOORDER This modelnumberis acodednumberwhichdoscrlb€sallavailableopiions. 4 . Typeol Acluallon 1 = SingleSol./SpringRetum 2 = DoubleSol./Detented 3 = DoubleSol./SpringCsntored(Allports blockedin neutral) '4 = DoubleSol./SpringCentered(CylindBrportsopen to dual supplyin neutral) Sorlo3lq, 1 . 6 1t 2.721 4.44 4 Fgalurts nonlocking manualoperalor Dt = R€c€ssed F"= R€cess€d noF.lockingmanualoperatorand elecirical o.a, 5 ' TL OPTIONS M = Interface SpeedControl (4024,4034 onlyl P = DINConnector pt = OINWithLiSht(AC& DC) Not avaibble for class 5- ot= t r'r. p.oa'"t," ti"t.o oy uxoairftlEn3 tatc Df,ta3lts, .nd 8.66 rh. M.rk: tI$TED Portlng m = ValveOnlyw/casket Set) NVSS24 01 = Mountedon IndivldualSubplate- l/4'NPTF Slde Ports(5) 02 = Mountedon IndivldualSubplate- 3/8' Hetf diae eorts 1q 03 = Mountedon IndividualSubplate- l/4" NFrF Bottom Ports(5) 06= Mountedon IndlvldualSubplale- 1i4" NPTFBottom Ports(5)& Side Ports(1) 21 = Mountedon Stackinglranilold Block- 3/8' NPTFSid€Ports(il) 23 = Mountedon StackingManifoldBlock- 3/8" NPTFSld€Ports(4),BottomPods (a 28= Mountedon StacklngManifoldBlock- 3r8" NPTFSide Ports(6),BottomPorts(5) 4t = Mountedon SlacklngManifotdBlock- l/2" NPTFSide Ports(4) ilvs/o34 01 = Mountadon IndividualSubplat€. 3/8' NPTFSlde Porrs(5) 02 = Mountadon lMi\ridualSubplate. 1,2' NPIF Side Pons (5) m = Mountedon IndivldualSubplate. 3/8" NPIF Side Ports(5)& Eottom Poris(5) 31 = Mount8don StacklngManlloldBlock- 3/8' NPTFSide Ports(4) 33 = Mountedon StackingManlfoldBlock- 3/8' NPTFSide Ports(4),BottomPorts(2) 38 = Mountedon StacklngManitoldBlock- 3/8" NPTFSlde Ports(6),BottomPorts(5) 51 = Mountedon StackingManlloldBlock- 1/2' NPTFSlde Portg(4) NVS4(X4,/(}54 01 = Mountedon IndlvidualSubplate- 1/2'NPTFSldePorts(5) 02 = Mountedon IndlvidualSubplate- 3,/,1'NPTFSide Ports(5) 03 = Mountedon IndivldualSubplate- 1/2" NPTFSlde Ports(5),BottomPorts(5) - 3rl' NPTFSlde Ports(5),BottomPorts(5) (X = Mountedon IndividualSubDlat€ 05 = Mountedoo IndividualSubplate- 1'NPTFSidsPorts(5) 06 = Mountedon lndividualSubplate- 3/4" NPTFSide Ports(5) indicatorlight' R€cess€dlocking manual operatort' Recss€d locking manual operator and electrical indicatorlight' Rubber'SolenoidAcc€ss' plug and electrical indicatorlight' Rubber'Solenoid Access plugi. "Not availablelor cla8€4 & 5. "AC Only "' Not aveilableWDC Sol€nold Typo NVS4024,'m34 03 = 1'r0v50Hz U = 2mV fiHz 07 = 24VACffiHz t09 = t10 = 11 = 49 = 51 = 52 = 53 = 6OHz100/110V 115/120V 5OHz 60Hz?0ol2,oV fiHz 23o/21t0V ilSOV60Hz 12VAC50Hz 12Y96 24 VDC ,r8 VDC NVS4044,/m54 03 = 110V50Hz M = 22OVSOHZ 07 = 24 VAC60Hz 0g = 115/120 60Hz 10 = 2 12406OHz 11 = ,180V6OHz DIRECTIO}IALAIR VALVES DIMENSIONS/PARTS LIST NVS4€24, NVS | *u, orro, 41.*,41M t!. Fry] Dr EflStO S: D 6,41 ia3, (1221e4 i9 2.13 5.16 (13r1 e4 (10) tfil 9,69 2.43 3.t0 4.77 2.U 12161tf4 tE9 {rt2} (3t) 114 t64 irrrrrn€r.Ein P!6inh.$3 0021 NVS4154 PABIAUsT c.nlr Ftu-ru.otro. !.r.or.r ar..r rtr-codrr. or .r.or ..d i.s DIMENSIONS a o E F o It 10.872.8i, 494 7.m 1.22 0.47 2.90 2.88 (2781(4 (r00) (197) (31) 0a 06) (88) lllllln€l€rs ln Fbronlhoacs (r.r.h.a {il.'!n l.| 0 riiqr DIRECTIO]IAL AIR VALVES DIMENSIONS/PARTS LIST SERIES NVS4€)24,4C34 NVS4O44,4€54 NVS4?4,42 4,424p TI * !..l -) \ L[\ t t t e e'--l | | | DluEnators D 9.57 2 , 1 3 3_n o.3s2 . 1 3 (3s) (9' i5.) {5,t} 112l 3.31 5.16 0.49 @ (6r) (3.1 lar) en oo) r1|l{l 213 3,C) 'tf2l 1 . 1 8 (30) o2) 1352t tf4 lsgl Mirrrm.t€6in P.r.nrh.$r PABTS IIST sld. DtitENsrolrs 6. y.-C.Era. ol lpel .nd dstnd.t.d -odd a o dns! DTRECTIOXALAIRVALVES LIST DIMENSIONS/PARTS D.C.SOLENOIDS SERIES NVS NVS NVS4324,43U,4iJ44 vs4424,443/',4444 PAR18UAT -'@ D - r_19 o r1.35 (289) o 325 32.5) 2.52 3 3 1 6,02 (34) 033) t30al t6,rl 2.43 4.50 {,42n} (t4 (le) t2r6) g (24 (9) 2,52 2.42 ell oo) t€.) 't.22 2,') (31t 114 i?t) Mllllh.r*1. P...irh.g D.C.sotENorDs Gsnaral: D.C.solenoidsare availablelor all NVS4024,4034,4044 sub-plate mounted4-u/ays.The vah€smay be orderedfrom the factorywith the D.C.solenoidsinstalled,or they maybe convertedin the lield. The D.C.solanoldls a sslt-conlalnedassemblywhich replacesth€ A.C. solenoid,the solenoid cover assembly,and the four hold. down is equlppedwlth a r€cessednon-lockingoperator sealedby a synthqtlcrubberdlaphragm,and ls splash-proof,oillight,anddust-tiohl. Perl t (13.2WEtts) PowarConaumptlon: D.C.solenoidEalwaF drawthe sameamountof powsr,regardless of th6 posltlonof the plunger,so the inruahand holdlngamperage ar€ idenlical.Becauseof thls, lt ls usualto state the powerdrEN,v of th€ solenold In watts. To det€rmlneth€ amp€rag6,dlvlde the wattsby the vollage. Roplacemonl Coll8: Becauselhe powerdraw ls constantregardl€ssol lhe positlonof the solenold plunger. D.C. solenoids do not burn oul whan blocksdopen as A.C,solenoids.Th€refore,D.C.solenoldcoils are considereda replacemenlltem. /-t Nns4024 ilVS /1034 l'll/S 4044 2 PGition 3 Podtoo 2 Posilion 3 Po€ition 2 Po€ition 1121.42244324,4424 r13,,42344334, 4/|i|{ 4144,4244 12 VDC A06-51 AO9-51 A07-51 A10-51 A08-51 24 VDC A06-52 409-52 A07-52 A10-52 A08-52 48 VDC A06-53 A09-53 A07-53 A10-53 A08-53 Dlmenslona: D.C.solenoidsare slightly longer lhan their correspondingA.C. yersion,and €aahsolonod adds the lollowlng amount to the length dimenalonsshownon the valvedlmensions. NVS{t24 NVS{034 2 Position:Add 0.52'(13mm)per solenoid 3 Posltlon:Sameas A,C,solenold 2 Poslllon:Add 0.52"(l3mm)per solenoid 3 Posltion:Subtract0.039'(lmm) per solenoid v 19 DIRECTIOI{ALAIR VALVES MANIFOLD ASSEMBLY SERIES NVS4tt24,4€134 OENENAL In addltlonto mountingon Indlvlduatsubptat€e, Alt SMCNVS4024 & 4{84Valws m8yb€'qo€eMount€d" on ',Stacklng,,manlloldassam. Uies. lf requlrsd,Solsnold,Solonold/Pllot Op€ratodand Alr piloted valvesmay be Inlermlxed,wlihout modlflcation,on any glvenvalve manllold.This arrangsmantgrsatly r€duc6 spacs requlr€m€nts aod slmplifiesplplng layouts.A commonPregsuroGallery(P)and lwo @mmon ExhaustGall€rlesGA A EB) Intorconnectwith th8 pr€aaureand sxhaustports of all lhe vdwe wlthin th3 assembly. Prassuroend Exhaugtsgrvlcs conngctlonsarg located at €lther snd of lhe manlfold.Pllot Air ports(PA& PB)arealso standardon all manlfold blocks to allow Alr Pllotedvalws, mounted on ths rnenltold,to b€ opsraledby m€ansof pllot alr supplledlhrough the manlfold'spllot alr supplyports. oo sTnugfloN Eachof the manltoldblocks and ths manlfoldEnd Platesaro aftlx€dto its adjacenlblock by a unlqu€pair ot "V" Clamp Platss h6ld togetherby two bolts and nuts. Addltlonalblocks may be addEdto an oxistingmanifoldas3embly,wlthout modlflcatlonot lhe a$6mbly or havlngto dlsturb the piplng other thefl the Prossure and Exhaustservlceconnecilons, TO SPECIFY"FACTORYBUILT" VALVE'ITIANIFOLD ASSEMBLY 1. Establlshthe numb€rot stationsreouired. 2 Sslgclthe typs and slz€of valverequiredat eachatation. 3. ChooseManltoldBlock portlngdeslred. 4. To spsclfy a Valva mounled on a manifold block-lnsert manifold block numbsr Into vdw numb6r, e.g. # NVS 412+21OgD ls a NVS 412i|-m(xlD valv€mounted on a#21 Manilotd Btock. IO ONDER "FACIORYBUIL?' VALVE'TSANIFOLD ASSEMBLY Exlmpla 1 pce.FlveStationManifoldAss'yoomprtstng: Slatlont. NVS,fi2+2to9D Slatlon2. NVS423,t3109O Stallon 3. NVS4434.31090 Statlon4. NVSA4124-41N (3)Blockingdlscsin P, EA& EBgaltert€s Station5. NVSA423438N 1 Pc. ME4O3LR-5AssembtyKit. TOORDER II{DIYIOUAL CO PONE TS: Ral. Pca. l{o. P..t l{o. Rag. Oa!cdptlon MB4020S #11 Manitold glock MB102044 1g *41 Manitold glock 1C MS4021.6 *'23Manifold Block 1D M542.& ir28 Manitold Block H$?,lii""iibl*""t lE 1F rG rH MB 10i X)3 MB ,t030{.1 MB,tO31{3 MB 4232{3 Nvs4oz4 (rncrud's (1)Bor6' (4) verves' - #31 Manllold Block #51 Manllold Block *33 Manlfold Block #38 Manltold Elock l{oL: Uae tor mountlng NVS 4034valves. l{ola: All above Manifold Blocks Include (2, R6f.4, (2) Rel.5, and (3) R€t. 9. /.=r: EJ R.t, t{o 2E3 Part |{o. ME403LF 4 ,xT *3 MOx80 MA4032 14 7 ffi) 10 11 n:H" 3 otv. 1 NXTOAG14A NXTOIG}1 1 PM AJ(I&44 NXT0rG17'4 D.acrlplbn BiohtE Lett EndBlocks.Incl.(a R€t.4,(4 Rel.Sand(3)Ret.g. Tooor Bottom"V'' ClamoPlat6s. Soll and nut for "\r'ChrnD Plates. NVS4024toNVS4034mounting. AdaptorPtete. Bolts,AdaptorPlal6.1/4.20x5/8. Ga6ket,AdaptorPlate. O Ring,ManifoldBiockgallerles. BlockingDlsc.Gall€ry. Pin,ManifoldBlockalignmont. Nec€saary tor essefibliesovsr 4 &ait 12,34 t5,et 21,t6 2a.12 n.€ g!4) DritENsroNs l,loB thln 8 rtrtlo.n ?f21 31t1 @itact t€ctoP. A B D c E F G H J K lul N o P R s T u 3.43 2.43 1.89 2.61 3.54 1 . 7 3 1.81 3.54 1.97 0.79 0.35 5.12 4.$l 1.38 o.67 o.71 't.34 1 . 1 8 (84 (72) (48) {67) {so) (44) (46) (90) (s0) (20) (91 (130) (1r0) (35) (n (r8) (34) (30) Mllllmotersin Parenthos€s 20 DIRECTIONALAIR VALVES SUBPLATES SERIES NVS4et24,4oB4 NVSIO24SUBPLATES Gonaral; Sub.platesare heaw duty aluminumdle castings.All ports are markedwith identiticatlonin accordancewlth AmericanNational "Symbolsfor MarkStandardsInstltutestandardANSI 893.9-1969 ing ElectricalLeadsand Portson Fluid PowerValves." Slandardsub-platesdo nol providefor pilot presaureconnections throughthe sub-Plale, ,^"".","-,."*,I - tf-ffiA--n | B = BOTTOM \r ll 9B-SIOE&BOTTOM NVS4034SUBPLATES Gonofal: Sub-platesare heavyduty aluminumdie castlngs. All ports are maftsd vrith ldentificatlonin accordancewith AmericanNational StandardsInstilute standardANSI BgiI$1969"Symbolsfor Marking ElsctrlcalLeadsand Portson Fluld PdwerValves." I a B = AOTTOM SrB = SIDE & SOTTOM ,^,oi-nx"i.rk6 DIRECTIOIIAL AIR YALYES SUBPLATES SERIES NVS@44,4€'54 NVS4(X4SUBPLATES Goner8l: Sub.platesare heavy duiy aluminumdis castings,All are markedwith idontlllcallonin accordancewith AmericanNatlonal StandardsInstltute standard 893.9.1969"Symbols for Marking ElectricalLeadsand Portson Fluid PolverValves," Pllol Conn€ctlonsIn Sub.Plats: All modelshavetwo 1/8" NPTFpllot ports in the ends of the subplale which interconneclwith pilot passagesin lhe mountingsurface ol NVSAvalves. ReferSP0403,0404. All sld€and bottom port sub-plaleeare shipped wllh (5)loosesocket headflush pips plugsto plug the unused T l ili F- ; pons. a r Bortor 3B-S|OEtEoTro$ Not€: NVS4044 valvesmay bs us€don NVS4054 Subplat€s NVSir{)3tSUBPLATES G€noral: Sub.platesar3 heavyduty aluminumdl€ castings,All porls ars maft€d !, lth identificatlonIn accordancewlth AmericanNatlonal StandardsInstllute standsrd 893.9-1969"Symbols tor Marking ElectrlcalLeadsand Portson Fluid PowerValves." Dlrtr.|olll trrtEtl.lrro SUB.PLATES MODELNO. 'TF sP050r sP0502 314 22 PORTTOCATIONS P A I EA EB s S U S s s Nole:NVS4044 valvesmay be usodon NVS4054 Subplates DIRECTIO}IALAIR YALYE SPEEDCONTROL INTERFACE BLOCK PORTRELOCATION SERIES NVS4€y24,4@4 INTERFACE SPEEDCONTROL OENEFAL Thl3 Spe€dContrcl ls an Alumlnum dloc'st Int€rfac€nalo havlng on lls upp6rsudaco a mountlng patt€rn whlch acc€prs sMc Nvs 4?0e4or Nvs t()34 sol€nold op€mt€d valv€s and with a low6r 6urlac6 whlch mounls onto all subplalss and manifolds applicablo to lhsss INSTALLATIOI{ Thls Sp€€dConkol ls mount€d b€tw€€nths subplate/m6niJoldand ths valve by ulilizinq 1" long€r bolrs in placo of !h6 standard valvs Hold Down bolls. May be lield Insialled without sydom or plplng modlflcatlons. FEATURES 1. Ellminat€s€xp€ns€ ol "Exl€mal" Aos' Controls and neoossarypiplng. 2. Shplllles Inslallatlonby ellmlnallng plplng. 3. Provldss for "Bl€sd-Our" llow adjustm€nls rrcm Zero to 90% ol valves Full Flow 4. hProvss syslem appeafanc€. OPEAATION cyllnderspeeds may be independenlly controlled by rdjushent ol the needle valves in lhe "EA" & "EB" oorts ol lhs sD€edconlrol block. Ttr€ss ns€dle valves conlrol flows ol exhausl alr lrom lh6 valve and are "Vlbrationprool" and oi "Non-Bising" deeign. l{vs /r@il r . ffi . ' a ; ' 1 -, - . o rffl t I N l t Lo i . H6IH 'rffi{ffi H DIMENSIONS TOORDEiFORFIELDREPLACEISENT xltltumbd Comprldno 1 - # AXr 394Spe.d Con8P 02!n !rclBlock 1-l NXI010'14Gask€l 3 - # N X T 0 1 0 n 6H nord DownBolt3i10.24x1 D E A B c 4.01 2 . 1 3 0.98 o.47 0.31 002) (54) (25) (121 (8) Millimetersln Parentheses TOONDEFASPARTOF vaLvEt[Ati tFoto ass'Y ADOSuftix"M"to parl numb€r. Et3molo:Parl, NVS4124{209DM.A'NVS 4124€0€0 muni€d on a fSP02@ 8ubplaio wlth AISP02O0lnt€rlacd sp€€d . I L TOOFOEBFORFIEIDBEPI.ACEMEI{f Kit Number 1 - li AXT393SpssdConSP3m lrolBlock 1-*XT016.3Gasket 4 - | N X T 0 2 0 - 1 4H-ol t d DownEolls(r Y1.2Gx1%') : 1 ftlf ] DIMENSIONS A B c D E 4.41 2.68 0.98 0.47 0.31 0 1 2 ) (68) (2s) 112l (8) TOOFOERAAPARTOF VALVEMAI{IFOLD ASS'Y A D D S u t t i"xM " t o p a ( n u m b 6 r Etampl6: Part Number * NVS 4134valve 02099M = A il NvS a13aO009D mounrgdon il sP 0302subprarawith ail S P 0 3 0 0 I n t s r J a c €S p e s d C o n t r o l Millimeters in Pareniheses PORTRELOCATION BLOCK Th€ cyllnd€rport r€locatlon block is an aluminum die casl sandwlch plal€ whi.h mounls b€twaenth€ valv6 uoit and ll provid8s two sels ol cylind€r port3 omeruing al dght angl63 to lhs supply porl (out u n d e r t h e e n d s o ft h e v a l v e . ) This usefulacc6s3ory can b€ used to 6ase plplng problsms In thos€ iighl places where there is Blmply no room lor piplng out the normal cyllnder ports in tio sub plale. ll also provides addltlonal cylinder po(3lor those situations wh€rc tho valvs ssrvss more than one cylind€r. orwh€r€ prsssura lndlcatols musl be mountad In the on.0oing Nol.: Each cylinder port rslocatlon block lsshippod compl€tewith the necessary exira. long hold.down boli!, one 3ub.plate 0ask6t, and lwo tlush pipe plugsio pluglhe unussd cvlind8rDorts ln the block- | -rc lBt=-+l - I-xTl tvt. ORDEBITq PANT O. SP O2('5 (1'{' NPIF PORTg ORDERII{G PART NO. SP O30' (3,l . NPTF PO RTS) |l{ct-uDEs 1 BlockXI 01t2 Porl Felocalion Block INCLUDES 1-Elock XT01&2 4-Soc Hd S..ews NxT02G10 11l4.2Ot2\ 2-Flush Plugs 3/8 " NPT 3 Soc Hd Sc.€ws NXT010.19A (1G24X1%1 1 Gaskol NXT010.14 2 Fltlsh Plugs r/4"NPT DIMENSIONS A F H B c D E G 1.47 1.36 0.874 1 . 1 0 0.51 0.43i1 o.42 0.31 137) (34.5)(22.2:)127.91112.9)(10.9) 110.4 (7,9) Millimetersin Parentheses DIMENSIONS A B c D E F G H '1.75 1.25 0.995 1 . 1 4 0.75 0.47 0.56 144.4) (31.7)(25.3)(28.9) (19.1)( 16.0) 0 . 1 9 ) ('t4.21 Millimgters in Parentheses 23 SERIES NVS NVS DIREGTIONALAIR YALVES ACCESSORIES i83i INDICATOR LIGHTASSYS HOW TO OROER Ihe SMC pilol ishl as$mbry is a spoc al lunchon box c!ftyrng.irh.ron6 or iM Dohis, d.p€ndina on f,herher rhd varye s . t'nsie sdl.noid oradoub e soleno'dva Ye. rh€.mbs enses are rocared iusr above rhe sore^oid they seae on oppos16 ends or lho lhe.€ is .o Dos3ib! !y or co.rus'on as io whrch sor6noid is eneroize, 6r somerim€s happens 'n rhe.ase ot ishls havin0 a sinsle rensbur trobulbs.lhe Ens€s p.o1rudes '€htry so rhey may b€ sn rh.ougn e-loTl -I comp|ereas*mbry co^sistsatiuncrion bot co€r (housrnsr,w rh pior lishr drli0hrs nsiarred. (4).apt,ve 3c'.wsand llrqasker Pilor Ahrs are a toubreshoorinq a'd and aG conneded In p3r4&l wirh rh€ sorenoid coi 3oihey riqhr when rhe sorenod ooirreads aG JcloZloal. -r-T- bil t-t t Vrlv.s1u.---------------02 = NVSa024 03 = NvS403a 04 = NVSi044,NVS{05a Numhr.rlEftl. 0d onel'grr I | I I L:r.aa-ro'.-" 11 = For NVS tol|'|. 4!64 LEl.cttlc.lch.rc!.&tlct 0S=rr0/l2OV6C}{r 10-26n40v&tu r' = 460/130 v 6OHz 5r r?\bh D.c' 52 2. \e{ DC. 5.r1 rr3lbn o ( - 'Nol ,r = a60/aov6oHz 51= 12\hi Dc' 52= 2a\bftoc' avairable:Cass 4 5 LensesaGsealsd by a sp€cialo rin! and dusl liohl 6uibs *€ *.rr wn burbs red ihrollh a bui\ 'n m,00o,000 cydes Ac rishls may be used on e'lher 50 or 60 cycle seR'ce spec'a sl?E cFoss.sEcTtoN.FrJLL LIGHTASSY CLASS3OOUBLE oPTtot{8 0P,KP,OP DINCOI{NECTOR OINCAP PARTI NLl Th. DIN connetorgdid.! proo,.ribrny . oprro^t|n.on risnt3mouni.d in junclion . on S0r. or Dbl. sl..ord liLy b. B.d ' Topm b€olll.dany.f apo3i1i6. . cold Br.lnd dy b€ 6m.@d.nd @nduiltrf,ybtlub3lllut d &" DIMENSIONS H 5,a7 5.00 NVS4024 (r391 lt2t' 5.49 5.@ NVS4034 t 39.5 112f.5 NVS40,1a, 6_79| 6.32 NVSarEr Mittimetgrc in Par€nlh€s6s JOYCONNECTORS ADAPTERPLATEFOR NVS4024VALVEUNITS (SPOm4) TO NUI{ATTCS SA JR.SUB.PLATES 6D'.\ 3.ndrich tlar6 b..rrno on n3 00P.. .urt.c. . noonnn9 &c.pls .ll NvS a024 v.lvos. ad rilh a [o F Nuh;rios sa Jr subiraio. '* DlfrlENSlONS a c tl F tl K D E 1 . 4 6 1.36 1.06 0.87 0.31 0.51 0.39 o.22 0.25 o.44 0.81 tm.6) |.37\ (35) |.27\ (22) {7.9){12.9) (9.9) (5.6) (6.4) Mllllmelers In Parenthes€s 6sl,E' 8M11/94 3 POLE 1.Graen 2.8lack 3.Whate \9-l @) 5 POLE l,Whire 2. R.d 3. Grcen 4. Or.69c 5.8lack A @epiacrs fd 'duir oe€nins in rh. iunctlon cov.r. Th6 qulck d.l*h Joy C{.necror ptulde por6r ro th€ sor.n (21 valva. r*o typ€s ot Joy oid(s, on rhe ConBlors{'rabr€: tor.in0l6 $r€hA th.€€ i3)wrE.!$mbry old .nd a livo (5) wi4 as*mbly lor douor€sor.noid valves To Ordor: (tl 3 9613.3 9614.3 5 9613.5 9614.5 Inc. SMCPneumatiqs IN 46226 3Ol1N. FranklinRd.' PO.Box26640' Indianapolis, ' fele* 27-2184 ' FAXr317-899-3102 Phone:317-899-4440 SDecilicationssubject to change without notice WorldWideQS\E Support... (762-7621) North American Branch Offices Fora branchofficenearyoucall:1-800-SMC-SMC1 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Atlanta) 1440 Lakes Parkway,Suite 600 Lawrenceville,GA 30043 Tel: (770) 624-1940 FAX: (770) 624-1943 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Cleveland) 2305 EastAurora Rd., Unit A-3 Twinsburg,OH 44087 Tel: (330) 963-2727 FAX:(330) 963-2730 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Milwaukee) 16850W. Victor Road New Berlin.Wl 53151 Tel: (414) 827-0080 FAX: (414) 827-OO92 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Richmond) 5377 Glen Alden Drive Richmond,VA 23231 Tel: (804) 222-2762 FAX: (80a) 222-5221 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Austin) 2324-D Ridgepoint Drive Austin,TX 78754 Tel: (512) 926-2646 FAX: (512) 926-7055 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Columbus) 3687 Corporate Drive Columbus,OH 43231 Tel: (614) 895-9765 FAX: (614) 895-9780 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Mnpls.) 990 Lone Oak Road, Suite 162 Eagan,MN 55121 Tel: (651) 688-3490 FAX:(651)688-9013 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Rochester) 245 Summit Point Drive Henrietta,NY 14467 Tel:(716)321-1300 FAX:(716)321-1865 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Boston) Zero CentennialDrive Peabody,MA01960 Tel: (978) 326-3600 Fax: (978) 326-3700 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Dallas) Ste.815 12801N. StemmonsFrutry, Dallas,TX 75234 rel: (972\ 406-0082 FAX: (972) 406-9904 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Nashville) 5000 LinbarDrive,Suite 297 TN 37211 Nashville, Tel:(615)331-0020 FAX:(615)331-9950 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (S.F.) 85 NicholsonLane San Jose,CA 95134 Tel: (408) 943-9600 FAX: (408) 943-9111 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Charlotte) 5029-8 West W.T.Hanis Blvd. Charlotte,NC 28269 Tel: (704) 597-9292 FAX: (704)596-9561 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Detroit) 2990 TechnologyDrive RochesterHills,Ml 48309 Tel: (248) 299-O2O2 FAX: (2a8) 293-3333 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Newark) 3434 US Hwy.22 West, Ste. 110 Somerville,NJ 08876 Tel: (908) 253-3241 FAX: (908) 253-3452 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (St. Louis) 4130 RiderTrail North Earth City, MO 63045 Tel: (314)209-0080 FAX: (314) 209-0085 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Chicago) 27725 Diehl Road Warrenville,lL 60555 Tel: (630) 393-0080 FAX: (630)393-0084 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Houston) 9001Jameel,Suite180 Houston,TX77O4O Tel: (713) 460-0762 FAX:(713)460-1510 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Phoenix) 2001 W. MelindaLane Phoenix,AZ85027 Tel: (623)492-0908 FAX: (623) 492-9493 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Tampa) 8507-HBenjaminRoad Tampa,FL 33634 Tel: (813)243-8350 FAX: (813) 243-8621 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Cincinnati) 4598 OlympicBlvd. Erlanger,KY 41018 Tel: (606) 647-5600 FAX: (606) 647-5609 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (L.A.) 14191MyfordRoad Tustin.CA 92780 Tel: (714\ 669-1701 FAX:(714)669-1715 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Portland) 14107N.E.AirportWay Portland,OR 97230 Tel: (503) 252-9299 FAX: (503) 252-9253 SMG Pneumatics Inc. (Tulsa) 10203A East 61st Street Tulsa.OK 74146 Tel: (918) 2s2-782O FAX: (918) 252-9511 Europe ENGLAND SMC Pneumatics(U.K.) Ltd. GERMANY SMC Pneumatik GmbH ITALY SMC ltalia SpA FRANCE SMC PneumatiqueSA HOLLAND SMC Controls Bv SWEDEN SMC Pneumatics Sweden AB SWITZERLAND SMC PneumatikAG AUSTRIA SMC Pneumatik GmbH SPAIN SMC Espafra,S.A. IRETAND SMC Pneumatics (lreland) Ltd. Asia JAPAN SMC Corporation KOBEA SMC Pneumatics Korea Co., Ltd. CHINA SMC (China) Co., Ltd. HONG KONG SMC Pneumatics (Hong Kong) Ltd. SINGAPORE SMC Pneumatics (S.E.A.)Pte. Ltd. PHILIPPINES SMC Pneumatics (Philippines),Inc. MALAYSIA SMC Pneumatics (S.E.A.)Sdn. Bhd. TAIWAN SMG Pneumatics (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. THAILAND SMC Thailand Ltd. INDIA SMC Pneumatics (lndia) Pvt., Ltd. North America CANADA SMC Pneumatics (Canada) Ltd. MEXICO SMC Pneumatics (Mexico) S.A. de C.V. South America AFGENTINA SMC Argentina S.A. CHILE SMC Pneumatics (Chile) Ltda. Oceania AUSTRALIA SMC Pneumatics (Australia) Pty. Ltd. NEW ZEALAND SMC Pneumatics (N.2.) Ltd. SMCoffers the samequality and engineeringexpertisein many other pneumaticcomponents Valves DirectionalControlValves ManualValves Mufflers ExhaustCleaners Quick ExhaustValves Valves ProoortionalValves MechanicalValves MiniatureValves FluidValves Cylinders/Actuators CompactCylinders MiniatureCylinders RodlessCylinders RotaryActuators PneumaticGrippers Vacuum VacuumEjectors VacuumAccessories Instrumentation Pneumatic Positioners Pneumatic Transducers SMC PneumaticsInc. P.O.Box 26640, Indianapolis,lN 46226 Tel:(317)899-4440.FAX:(317)899-3102 O 1978-1999SMC Pneumatics,Inc.All RightsReserved. RevisedOctober1999 Air PreparationEquipment Filters-Regulators-Lubricators Coalescing Filters MicroMistSeDarators Fittings Air Fiftings
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