May 26 2016 - New Town Primary School


May 26 2016 - New Town Primary School
New Town Primary School
26 May 2016
From the Principal……………….
Dear Parents & Carers,
It has been an exciting week of fitness with our Cross Country Carnival and Jump Rope launch. Also
contributing to wellbeing, daily fitness has been more than just basic activities thanks to the creative energy of
Mrs Oates’s Grade 5/6 class. Class members have planned for and lead the rest of the school through a series
of fun and challenging activities, such as logic maze, bowls, parachute, mindfulness and boot camp, just to
name a few. These activities will continue throughout the term.
Mrs Tarbath’s Prep class have been having fun and enriching their literacy lessons with sound boxes. The
boxes record 10 seconds of voice, allowing the children to take turns telling a story and to play the story back
in its correct sequence. They add an interactive element to traditional tales. The Preps had fun enjoying Hattie
and the Fox in this way. The sound boxes are also used creatively in other ways such as to remind children of
instructions at activity centres.
Last week we had a lock-down practice. It is important to have such drills to ensure everybody knows what
to do in an emergency situation. The drill ran very smoothly and calmly. Please see me if you would like more
information about our lock-down procedures.
Thank you to parents for ensuring that students are dressed in full school uniform. It was not only school
photo days that this was apparent but pride in wearing the uniform is reflected every day of the school year.
Please note however, that our Lost Property box has been filling up, so please ensure uniform items are
named so that they can easily be retrieved.
Larissa Brenner
New Town Primary School
Department of Education
SCHOOL ASSOCIATION - Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 7th June at 7.00 in Mrs Smith’s 5-6 classroom. If you
have any ideas about the school you'd like to share, or would like to see what happens at meetings, please feel free to come along.
We are very friendly!
DISCO - The Disco is on THIS FRIDAY! Kinder – 2 will be from 5.00-6.30pm - entry for the first disco will be by gold coin
donation at the door, and parents are reminded to stay with children at this event. Grades 3-6 will be from 6.45-8.15pm.
Permission forms must be completed and returned with gold coin prior to the disco so a ticket can be issued. No
ticket will be issued until permission form is returned and must have a contact phone number. Party bags will be available for
purchase ($5) at both discos
ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS – Reminder notes have been sent home this week. If you don’t wish to purchase
the book, please return to the office as soon as possible. If you do wish to purchase, please complete the payment
sheet in the envelope or pay online.
CANTEEN - We are still trying to get the canteen back up and running, but are currently still short on volunteers. If you didn’t
attend one of the meetings held or provided your email address if interested, but are still interested in helping, please leave your
name and contact details at the School Office.
COMEDY NIGHT - The School Association has organised New Town Primary's first ever Comedy Night - Woo Hoo! A great
night for parents/carers/friends to socialise and have some laughs. We will have the comedic stylings of Ben Payne, Steve
McNees, Tracey Cosgrove and Gavin Baskerville! It will be held in the School Hall on Friday 17th June (not long away
now!) with doors opening at 7.00pm, and the show running from 7.30pm - 10.00pm. Cost of tickets will be $15.00, and
are available for purchase from the School Office shortly. Nibbles and alcohol will be for sale on the night to fill your
tummy. Please note - the event is for 18 years and over.
Open Invitation to Parents
The event co-ordinators Garth & Sarah invite you to be part of the School Community by becoming a friend of the New Town
School Association - that simply means that we can put out a call for volunteers for the day of an event and you may be available to
- if you are interested in becoming a New Town Primary Friend please send an email to and Garth will put
you on the email list.
- if you would like to be on the Events Co-ordination Facebook page so you can track what we are up to just say so in the email.
- you are also welcome to be part of the core team overseeing all the events - just say so in the email. We can always use more of
those folks.
Finally, you are always welcome to join the School Association and be part of guiding the future of the school. Come to a School
Association meeting. The first Tuesday of each month.
Thanks for your time. Garth and Sarah
27 May Playful Parrots - Kinder Room 9.30am - 11.00am
ASSEMBLY - 2.00pm - hosted by Gr5 with presentations by PrepA, Gr2 and Gr2-3A
Tues 31May Excursion - Gr1-2A and Gr1 to Transport Museum
Exursion - Kinders A and B to the Sorell School Farm
3 Jun
7 Jun Ogilvie Concert Band performance
School Association meeting - 7.00pm start
8 Jun Maths Olympiad
9 Jun Newsletter Day
Risdon Brook Dam - Grades Prep - 6
10 Jun Playful Parrots - 9.30am - 11.00am
ASSEMBLY - 2.00pm - hosted by Gr5-6B with presentations by Gr1, Gr3 and Gr4
Tues 14 Jun SPSSA Championships - Lindisfarne North Primary School
Thur 16 Jun Excursion - Preps A and B to the Museum
17 Jun
Playful Parrots - 9.30am - 11.00am
Biggest Morning Tea
Chicken Pox
The school has been advised that one of our students is home with Chickenpox - parents are asked to carefully read the
information below and keep an eye on their child/ren for any symptoms:
- an infection starting with a cold, headache and temperature.
- small red pimples appear on the body first, then on the limbs changing to yellow blisters that then scab and drop off
after about 12 days. Incubation period is from 2 to 3 weeks, commonly 13 to 17 days.
- students with chickenpox are excluded from school, pre-school and childcare until all blisters have dried - usually
about 5 days
Chickenpox is mostly a mild illness, but can be dangerous for non-immune pregnant women, newborn babies and people with
altered immunity, and is highly contagious
Our school is holding a Scholastic “Monster Book Fair: Reading
is so much fun, it will give you goosebumps!” from the 20th –
23rd June. The Book Fair is a great opportunity to stock up
on new books for the home library with hundreds of titles
kids want to read.
Students will have the opportunity to view the Book Fair
during their library time the week before the Book Fair and
may purchase items the following week at recess, lunchtime
or after school. Parents wishing to view or purchase items
may do so Monday 20th – Thursday 23rd June before school
8.30am - 8.55am or after school from 2.45pm - 3.15pm.
Commission from the sales will be used to purchase new
books for our school library. Any parents who would like to
help with the Book Fair please see Sue Wells in the library.
To promote the Book Fair we are running a colouring in
competition with one prize each for Kinder - Prep, Grades 1
- 2, Grades 3 - 4 and Grades 5 - 6.
Entries need to be handed in to the library by Thursday 16th
June. The book prizes have been donated by Scholastic.
Sue Wells, Library
Validation Forms - Thank you to the parents who have returned their 2016 Validation Forms and Student
Emergency cards. Further forms have been sent home - if you have received an envelope this week, please complete
the form and purple Emergancy Contact card and return both items to the School Office immediately.
Punctuality - Music is played at 8:55 am for students to be in class and ready to start their day at 9:00 am. It is
hard for teachers to explain the day’s program to late students once their classmates have already started their work
for the day. It is of the utmost importance for students to be in class ready when teachers explain the lessons to
them. If your child is late to school, please remember that they need to be signed in at the school office.
Please Note - if parents wish to collect their child early from school, please send a note to your child’s
teacher advising them of same. If parents are collecting their child on a Friday Assembly day, please organise
to collect your child prior to 2.00pm, so that the Assemblies can continue uninterrupted.
Student Absences - For security purposes, parents are asked to advise the school office each day by phone with
your child/ren’s absences prior to 9:00 am or by email to
Please note Uniform Sales are available from the office at the following times ONLY:
8:30 am - 9:15 am MONDAYS and 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm FRIDAYS
Uniforms may be pre-ordered at other times, for collection during opening times.
From Ms Leitch…………...
New Town Primary Cross Country
On Tuesday 24th May, our Grade 3 - 6 students braved very wintry conditions to participate in our school Cross Country. I was
very impressed with the student’s running, attitude and determination. Unfortunately we had to cancel the Grade 2, 1 and Preps
due to the poor weather conditions. Congratulations to those students who have been invited to compete in the SPSSA Cross
Country at Lindisfarne North Primary School on Tuesday 14th June from 11.00 am – 1.30 pm.
Grade 6 Girls - Amy Smith, Ellie McDonald, Nina Duggan, Lara Upton, Grace Harris, Mahnaz Jawadi,
Grade 6 Boys - Jack Knowles, Saboor Ghulami, Leif Joyce, Benjamin Strong, William Jones, Jamison Ohl,
Reserves - Louise Patterson and Charlie Pilkington
Grade 5 Girls - Anisah Johnson, Harriet Wilson, Meghan Goscombe, Samara Novak-Pearson, Ella Ruddock, Razia Fazelli,
Grade 5 Boys - Ashton Kopper, Jack Callinan, Noah Von Gehr, Solomon Sisay, Connor Johnson, Mathew O’Connor
Reserves - Sarah North and Mohammed Hossain Barbari
Grade 4 Girls - Sophie Strong, Stella Ziegler, Monica El Mudir, Evie Csendes, Shanayah Tonner, Lakshanaa Ganesh
Grade 4 Boys - Tiger Campbell, Jack Lovell, Dylan Burdon, James Baker, Brayden Horswell, Ned Bell
Reserves - Isabelle Huxley and Liam Steele
Grade 3 Girls - Indigo Sherwin, Rebekah Csendes, Anna Bickerstaff, Sarah Heynes, Montana Fewkes, Torie Wilson
Grade 3 Boys - Remy Ziegler, Mohammad Madhi Barbari, Ethan Conallin, Isaac Saxon, William Hickey, Abisan Rajkumar
Reserves - Grace Debnam and Timothy Aboud
Jump Rope For Heart
Amandeep Bajwa launched our schools Jump Rope for Heart campaign at an assembly on Tuesday afternoon and also took a
skipping workshop for Grade 5/6 S and 5/6O. I have seen a fantastic improvement in our students skipping skills over the past few
weeks and hope we can continue to improve our fitness and skills ready for our jump Off on Tuesday 28 June.
Jump Rope for Heart is a great way to encourage children to get involved in our community and support Australia’s
leading heart health charity, the Heart Foundation. The Jump Rope team provides us with lots of resources and support to
implement the program and in return we ask that students help by seeking sponsorship for their involvement.
Sponsorship is easy – simply go online to or
jumprope2016/?group=New-Town-Primary-School-NEW-TOWN-TAS-116513 and register your child today! Each Prep – Grade
6 child has been given a brochure with instructions for online sponsorship - a secure fundraising page will be created as soon as
you register; and then you are encouraged to share this link with as many people as possible. This is an easy, safe way for your
child to monitor their progress, receive bonus prizes and even receive sponsorship from family and friends who are further afield.
Risdon Brook Dam
On Friday June 3rd, students in Prep - Grade 6 will be involved in an excursion to Risdon Brook Dam for the day. This event also
supports our Cross Country team as an opportunity to run the course in preparation for the Inter-School Cross-Country.
Students will require a warm jacket to wear after the walk, appropriate footwear, school sports uniform, a packed lunch and
drink/s (all labelled).
We will leave the school just after the start of the day - Preps will return at 1.00pm, and Grades 1 - 6 will return at 2.00pm.
Please note - this event will be weather dependent - if cancelled, we will organise another date later in the year.
Denise Tanner AST
Move Well Eat Well Competition:
A big Thank You to all who entered the Move Well Eat Well competition! There were some extremely creative entries, and it was
very hard to judge. The winners received a lunch pack set and a smoothie cup, and everyone who entered received a pack of fruit
Winning entries were:
Kinder - Prep: Layla Jurd and Poppy Wilson
Grades 1 - 2: Selby Targett and Shona Negi
Grades 3 - 4: William Crane
Grades 5 - 6: Jasmine Heynes
In English work in 4 PW, we have been studying Fairy Tales. We examined the characters, plot points and
structure of some common Fairy Tales. We then made our own plays up based on the perspective of one of
the characters.
We are now recording our plays on our recordable photo albums for our buddy class. Please feel free to
drop in and take a look at our work!
Links to the Australian Curriculum:
Create literary texts by developing storylines, characters and settings (ACELT1794)
Use interaction skills such as acknowledging another’s point of view and linking students’ response to the topic,
using familiar and new vocabulary and a range of vocal effects such as tone, pace, pitch and volume to speak clearly
and coherently (ACELY1688)
Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations incorporating learned content and taking into account the particular purposes and audiences(ACELY1689)
We were pleased to have a team from the University of Tasmania called ‘Robogals’ come into our class and
run a session on how to program the Mindstorm Lego robot kits we have been using. It was fantastic to
have some experts on hand to assist the class.
Additionally, Ollie Welsh in our class has been running a ‘Coding Club’ at lunchtime (using Scratch and
Scratch Junior) to help teach the basics of coding to the class. He is doing an excellent job and spots in the
group are much sought-after.
Ana Prior
Class Teacher
New Town Primary School
36 Forster Street, New Town, Tasmania 7008
Phone 03 6228 1339