3442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply


3442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Ancora, Address: PO Box 13671, City: Chandler, State: AZ, Zip Code: 85248-0045, Contact
Person: Loui Perez, Title: Member, Phone: 323-583-7000, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business:
Mail Sorting Service
County of Los Angeles, Address: PO Box 25, City: Acton, State: CA, Zip Code: 93510-0025,
Contact Person: Ms Suzanna Kassinger, Title: Administrator, Phone: 661-269-0062, Fax: 661-2694507661-269-4507, Internet: www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Specialty Hospital Admn Public
Health Pgm Residential Care Service
O'Linn Executive Security Svcs, Address: 30423 Canwood St Ste 133, City: Agoura, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91301-4315, Contact Person: Mr Richard O'Linn, Title: President, Phone: 818-707-4597,
Fax: 818-707-8693818-707-8693, Internet: , Line of Business: Security Guard And Security
Systems Services
Ownit Mortgage Solutions Inc, Address: 27349 Agoura Rd Ste 100, City: Agoura, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91301-2413, Contact Person: Mr Bill Dallas, Title: President, Phone: 818-595-0200, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Mortgage Bankers & Loan Correspondents Loan Broker
Employers Direct Insurance Co, Address: 30301 Agoura Rd, City: Agoura Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91301-2096, Contact Person: Mr Ronald Groden, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-5758500, Fax: , Internet: www.edicwc.com, Line of Business: Insurance Carrier
Endocrine Sciences, Address: 4301 Lost Hills Rd, City: Agoura Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913015358, Contact Person: Mr Darrel Mayes, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-880-8040, Fax:
818-880-8541818-880-8541, Internet: , Line of Business: Medical laboratory; manufactures
industrial organic chemicals
National Everclean Services, Address: 28632 Roadside Dr Ste 275, City: Agoura Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91301-6052, Contact Person: Mr John McShane, Title: President, Phone: 877-532-5326,
Fax: , Internet: www.evercleanservices.com, Line of Business: Testing Laboratory
PNC Arcs LLC, Address: 26901 Agoura Rd Ste 200, City: Agoura Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913015109, Contact Person: Mr Timothy White, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-880-3300,
Fax: 818-676-3200818-676-3200, Internet: www.askarcs.com, Line of Business: Mortgage
Progressive Health Care System, Address: 30125 Agoura Rd Ste 200, City: Agoura Hills, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91301-4322, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 818-707-9603, Fax: , Internet:
www.msophs.com, Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Quality Home Loans, Address: 27001 Agoura Rd Ste 200, City: Agoura Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91301-5357, Contact Person: Mr John Gaiser, Title: President, Phone: 818-206-6600, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Mortgage Bankers And Loan Correspondents
S N T L Litigation Trust, Address: 30101 Agoura Ct Ste 123, City: Agoura Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91301-4301, Contact Person: Chris Seaman, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-597-0042, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Trust Management
Santa Monica Mountains Trails, Address: PO Box 345, City: Agoura Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91376-0345, Contact Person: Ms Ruth Gerson, Title: President, Phone: 818-222-4531, Fax: ,
Internet: www.smmtc.org, Line of Business: Civic/Social Association
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Spirent Communications Inc, Address: 27349 Agoura Rd, City: Agoura Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91301-2463, Contact Person: Mr Barry Phelps, Title: President, Phone: 818-595-3204, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures radio & television communications equipment;
manufactures measuring & controlling devices; manufactures electricity measuring instruments
Teradyne Inc, Address: 30701 Agoura Rd, City: Agoura Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 91301-5928,
Contact Person: Mr James Prestridge, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-991-2900, Fax: 818-7062321818-706-2321, Internet: www.teradyne.com, Line of Business: Manufactures electronic
THQ Inc, Address: 29903 Agoura Rd, City: Agoura Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 91301-2513, Contact
Person: Mr Brian Farrell, Title: President, Phone: 818-871-5000, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Home entertainment software publishing
Wood Ranch Agoura Hills, Address: 30423 Canwood St Ste 123, City: Agoura Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91301-4314, Contact Person: Mr Ted Champlain, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-597-0227,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Alhambra Hsptl Mdcl Cntr LP, Address: 100 S Raymond Ave, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code:
91801-3166, Contact Person: Mr David Chu, Title: Partner, Phone: 626-570-1606, Fax: 626-4584779626-458-4779, Internet: www.alhambrahospital.com, Line of Business: General Hospital
Alhambra Unified School Dist, Address: PO Box 110, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code: 918022110, Contact Person: Mr Gary Gonzalez, Title: Superintendent, Phone: 626-308-2212, Fax: 626281-4020626-281-4020, Internet: www.alhambra.k12.ca.us, Line of Business:
Elementary/Secondary School
Allen Bewley Cadillac, Address: PO Box 151, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code: 91802-0151,
Contact Person: Mr John Allen, Title: Partner, Phone: 626-289-5203, Fax: , Internet:
www.bewleyallen.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles Ret Used Automobiles
Passenger Car Leasing
Amcor Sunclipse North America, Address: 3201 W Mission Rd, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code:
91803-1113, Contact Person: Mr Brian McMahon, Title: Controller, Phone: 626-308-0691, Fax:
626-289-0546626-289-0546, Internet: www.amcor.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
corrugated boxes; wholesales corrugated & solid fiber boxes
Atherton Baptist Homes, Address: 214 S Atlantic Blvd, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code: 918016311, Contact Person: Mr Dennis McFadden, Title: President, Phone: 626-289-4178, Fax: 626-5760857626-576-0857, Internet: www.abh.org, Line of Business: Ccrc
Bob Wondries Ford, Address: PO Box 1131, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code: 91802-1131,
Contact Person: Mr Bob Wondries, Title: President, Phone: 626-289-3591, Fax: 626-284-7052626284-7052, Internet: www.bobwondriesford.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles Ret
Used Automobiles
Costco Wholesale Corp, Address: 2207 W Commonwealth Ave, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code:
91803-1302, Contact Person: Mr Richard Quinones, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-289-7164,
Fax: , Internet: www.costco.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc General Merchandise Whol
County of Los Angeles, Address: PO Box 1460, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code: 91802-2460,
Contact Person: Mr Peter Lee, Title: Engineer, Phone: 626-458-3126, Fax: , Internet:
www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Water Supply Service Air/Water/Waste Mgmt Irrigation Systems
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
County of Los Angeles, Address: 1000 S Fremont Ave, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code: 918038800, Contact Person: Tracie Howell, Title: Member, Phone: 626-299-5300, Fax: , Internet:
www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Hospital/Medical Service Plan Administrative Public Health
Eastern Los Angeles Regional, Address: PO Box 7916, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code: 918027916, Contact Person: Ms Ana Young, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 626-299-4700, Fax: 626221-9631626-221-9631, Internet: www.elarc.org, Line of Business: Individual & Family Services
Front Porch Communities & Svcs, Address: 2400 S Fremont Ave, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91803-4319, Contact Person: Herlinda Ortega, Title: Human Resource Director, Phone:
626-289-6211, Fax: 626-570-5254626-570-5254, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal
Care Apartment Building Operator
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 500 S Marengo Ave, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code: 918031614, Contact Person: Mr Scott Musgrove, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-458-9800, Fax: 626-2937416626-293-7416, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials
International Extrusion Corp, Address: 1000 S Meridian Ave, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code:
91803-1215, Contact Person: Mr Cornelius Vanderstar, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626576-2424, Fax: , Internet: www.intlextrusion.com, Line of Business: Manufactures extruded
aluminum products; anodizing service
Interviewing Service of Amer, Address: 200 S Garfield Ave Ste 302, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91801-3874, Contact Person: Kelly Simmoms, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-979-4140, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Research
Mervyn's LLC, Address: 150 E Main St, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code: 91801-3515, Contact
Person: Ms Sheila Lalshatti, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-300-0888, Fax: 626-300-0888626-3000888, Internet: www.mervyns.com, Line of Business: Department Store
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 2400 W Commonwealth Ave, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code:
91803-1305, Contact Person: Mr David Reisto, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-293-7100, Fax: 626576-4245626-576-4245, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 1000 E Valley Blvd, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code: 918015232, Contact Person: Mr Mike Willoemsz, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-281-2028, Fax:
626-281-4109626-281-4109, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Supermarket
Northeast Community Clinic, Address: 2550 W Main St Ste 301, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91801-7003, Contact Person: Ms Monica Saldate, Title: Physician, Phone: 626-457-6900,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Ortel Corp, Address: 2015 Chestnut St, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code: 91803-1542, Contact
Person: Mr Stephen Rizzone, Title: President, Phone: 626-293-3400, Fax: 626-281-8231626-2818231, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures radio & television communications equipment
Pacific Ventures Ltd, Address: 2200 W Valley Blvd, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code: 918031928, Contact Person: Mr William Tilley, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-576-0737, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Management Services Open-End Management Investment
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Rice Garden Inc, Address: 2121 W Mission Rd Ste 301, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code:
91803-1434, Contact Person: Hon Siu, Title: Vice President, Phone: 626-281-2392, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Riedon Inc, Address: 300 Cypress Ave, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code: 91801-3001, Contact
Person: Mr Michael Zoeller, Title: President, Phone: 626-284-9901, Fax: 626-284-1704626-2841704, Internet: www.riedon.com, Line of Business: Manufactures electronic resistors
Southern California Edison Co, Address: 501 S Marengo Ave, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code:
91803-1640, Contact Person: Mr Ross King, Title: Principal, Phone: 626-302-0429, Fax: ,
Internet: www.sce.com, Line of Business: Electric Utility
Southwest Administrators Inc, Address: 1000 S Fremont Ave # 11, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91803-8839, Contact Person: Mr Michael Uranga, Title: President, Phone: 626-284-4792,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Administrator Of Pension Health And Welfare Funds
Target Corp, Address: 2120 W Main St, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip Code: 91801-1856, Contact
Person: Ms Maryann Bescker, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-308-3290, Fax: 626-2849834626-284-9834, Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Department Store
Tarzana Regional Medical Ctr, Address: 1000 S Fremont Ave Unit 2, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91803-8834, Contact Person: Ms Dawn Castro, Title: Director, Phone: 626-300-3530, Fax:
626-281-1163626-281-1163, Internet: , Line of Business: Real Estate Agent/Manager General
Tenet Healthsystem Medical Inc, Address: 1000 S Fremont Ave Unit 1, City: Alhambra, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91803-8801, Contact Person: Ms Joy Davis, Title: Director, Phone: 626-300-5500, Fax:
, Internet: www.tenethealth.com, Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Tennant Health Systems, Address: 1000 S Fremont Ave Unit 2, City: Alhambra, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91803-8834, Contact Person: Ms Dawn Castro, Title: Director, Phone: 626-300-3500, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office Accounting/Auditing/Bookkeeping
Scripps Home, Address: 2212 El Molino Ave, City: Altadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91001-3036,
Contact Person: Mr Allan Munnecke, Title: Vice President, Phone: 626-798-0934, Fax: 626-3989601626-398-9601, Internet: , Line of Business: Residential Care Services
Tom Sawyer Camps Inc, Address: 707 W Woodbury Rd Ste F, City: Altadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91001-5386, Contact Person: Mr Michael Horner, Title: President, Phone: 626-794-1156, Fax:
626-794-1401626-794-1401, Internet: www.daycampjobs.com, Line of Business: Day Camp And
After School Child Care
Ingenue Inc, Address: PO Box 17238, City: Anaheim, State: CA, Zip Code: 92817-7238, Contact
Person: Mr Nick Macis, Title: President, Phone: 562-494-4649, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Poultry Hatchery Whol Poultry/Products
Beverly Enterprises-California, Address: 400 W Huntington Dr, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91007-3470, Contact Person: Ms Melissa Nelson, Title: Executive Director, Phone: 626-445-2421,
Fax: , Internet: www.beverlynet.com, Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care Skilled Nursing Care
Community Home Care, Address: 255 E Santa Clara St, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code: 910067226, Contact Person: Ms Jeannine Fitzgerald, Title: Partner, Phone: 626-574-7913, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Home Health Care
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Community Housing Options, Address: 135 E Live Oak Ave 104, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91006-5254, Contact Person: Mr Jerry Tuillus, Title: Treasurer, Phone: 626-447-5477, Fax: 626447-5855626-447-5855, Internet: , Line of Business: Individual/Family Services
Ego Inc, Address: 444 E Huntington Dr Ste 300, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91006-6258,
Contact Person: Del Brault, Title: President, Phone: 626-447-1644, Fax: 626-447-6036626-4476036, Internet: www.emergencygroupsoffice.com, Line of Business:
Gmri Inc, Address: 430 E Huntington Dr, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91006-3748, Contact
Person: Mr John Tendergast, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-821-0636, Fax: 626-821-1054626-8211054, Internet: www.redlobster.com, Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
JC Penney Corp Inc, Address: 400 S Baldwin Ave Lowr, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code: 910071909, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Paige, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-445-6454, Fax: 626-4454708626-445-4708, Internet: www.jcpenneyinc.com, Line of Business: Department Store Beauty
Joico Laboratories Inc, Address: 488 E Santa Clara St # 301, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91006-7230, Contact Person: Akira Mochizuki, Title: Executive Vice President, Phone: 626-3214100, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures hair care products
JT Posey Co, Address: 5635 Peck Rd, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91006-5851, Contact
Person: Mr John Posey, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626-443-3143, Fax: 626-4435014626-443-5014, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures surgical appliances & supplies;
wholesales medical & hospital equipment
Long Dragon Realty Group Inc, Address: 2633 S Baldwin Ave, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91007-8325, Contact Person: Mr Robert Ho, Title: President, Phone: 626-309-7999, Fax: 626-3097977626-309-7977, Internet: www.longdragonrealty.com, Line of Business: Real Estate
Agent/Manager Loan Broker Investor
Los Angeles Turf Club Inc, Address: PO Box 60014, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code: 910666014, Contact Person: Mr Jim McAlpine, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-574-7223, Fax:
626-574-5074626-574-5074, Internet: www.santaanita.com, Line of Business: Racing Or Track
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 400 S Baldwin Ave, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91007-1900, Contact Person: Mr Nick Lustig, Title: Engineer, Phone: 626-445-5711, Fax: ,
Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department Store
Methodist Hospital of Southern, Address: 300 W Huntington Dr, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91007-3402, Contact Person: Mr Dennis Lee, Title: President, Phone: 626-445-4441, Fax: 626574-3712626-574-3712, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital
MWH Global Inc, Address: 618 Michillinda Ave # 200, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code: 910071625, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 626-796-9141, Fax: , Internet: www.mwh-inc.com, Line
of Business: Engineering Services
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 298 E Live Oak Ave, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91006-5629,
Contact Person: Mr Richard Sage, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-446-1416, Fax: 626-4460792626-446-0792, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Supermarket
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Nordstrom Inc, Address: 400 S Baldwin Ave # 200, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code: 910071998, Contact Person: Ms Lisa Brooks, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-821-6363, Fax: 626-2942705626-294-2705, Internet: www.nordstrom.com, Line of Business: Ret Family Clothing Ret
Shoes Department Store
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 211 E Foothill Blvd, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91006-2509,
Contact Person: Mr Jerry Suszczynski, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-357-1942, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Grocery Store
Star Home Health Resources, Address: 411 E Huntington Dr Ste 308, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91006-3790, Contact Person: Ms Elena Star, Title: President, Phone: 626-447-3277, Fax:
626-447-4631626-447-4631, Internet: , Line of Business: Home Health Care Services
Tawa Supermarket Inc, Address: 1300 S Golden West Ave, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91007-7878, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 626-445-7899, Fax: 626-445-1787626-445-1787,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Venue Management Services Inc, Address: 500 N 1st Ave # 4, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91006-2898, Contact Person: Mr Charles McIntyre, Title: President, Phone: 626-445-6000, Fax:
626-445-6150626-445-6150, Internet: , Line of Business: Professional Employers Organization
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 745 W Naomi Ave, City: Arcadia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91007-7517,
Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 626-446-9483, Fax: 626-446-3808626-446-3808, Internet:
www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Supermarket
Baldwin Park Unified School, Address: 3699 Holly Ave, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91706-5327, Contact Person: Ms Christine Dennis, Title: Superintendent, Phone: 626-962-3311,
Fax: 626-856-4901626-856-4901, Internet: www.bpace.k12.ca.us, Line of Business:
Elementary/Secondary School
Baldwin Park Unified School, Address: 4640 Maine Ave, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91706-2555, Contact Person: Mr Robert Benbow, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-939-4456,
Fax: 626-939-4384626-939-4384, Internet: www.bpace.k12.ca.us, Line of Business:
School/Educational Services
Bavarian Specialty Foods LLC, Address: PO Box 1653, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91706-7653, Contact Person: Mr Richard Tan, Title: Member, Phone: 818-768-8100, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Commercial bakery
C B Richard Ellis Inc, Address: 4900 Rivergrade Rd A110, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91706-1403, Contact Person: Shashi Panat, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-814-7900, Fax: 626-9607107626-960-7107, Internet: www.cbre.com, Line of Business: Real Estate Agent/Manager
Cedarwood-Young Co, Address: 14618 Arrow Hwy, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 917061796, Contact Person: Ms Suzanne Hutchinson, Title: Purchasing Agent, Phone: 626-962-4047,
Fax: 626-962-7611626-962-7611, Internet: www.allancompany.com, Line of Business: Wholesales
recyclable scrap & waste materials; pulp mill
County of Los Angeles, Address: 14747 Ramona Blvd, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91706-3435, Contact Person: Mr David Diotalabi, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-337-1277, Fax: ,
Internet: www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Engineering Services Air/Water/Waste Management
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
D W Mc Casland Inc, Address: 5350 Irwindale Ave, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 917062086, Contact Person: Mr Donald Casland, Title: President, Phone: 626-813-9680, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Carpentry Contractor
Davis Wire Corp, Address: PO Box 2145, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 91706-1097,
Contact Person: Mr Michael Heisley, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626-969-7651, Fax:
626-334-4780626-334-4780, Internet: www.daviswire.com, Line of Business: Manufactures ferrous
or iron wire
Durham School Services L P, Address: 5127 Heintz St, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91706-1820, Contact Person: Ms Dolores Bolanos, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-962-7091,
Fax: 626-337-2391626-337-2391, Internet: , Line of Business: School Bus Service
Freudenberg-Nok General, Address: 5050 Rivergrade Rd, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91706-1405, Contact Person: Mr Graham Lynggard, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-814-9684,
Fax: , Internet: www.freudenberg-nok.com, Line of Business: Manufactures injection molded
plastic products
Golden State Habilitation, Address: 1758 Big Dalton Ave, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91706-5998, Contact Person: Ms Eden Salceda, Title: President, Phone: 626-962-3274, Fax: 626337-2969626-337-2969, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility Residential Care
Services Intermediate Care Facility
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 3200 Puente Ave, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 917065526, Contact Person: Mr Chip Dazies, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-813-7131, Fax: 626480-7417626-480-7417, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials Equipment
Kal-Cameron Manufacturing Corp, Address: 4265 Puente Ave, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91706-3420, Contact Person: Mr John Toshima, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626338-7308, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures mechanics' hand tools
Mountain Gear Corp, Address: 4889 4th St, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 91706-2194,
Contact Person: Mr Daniel Tsai, Title: President, Phone: 626-851-2488, Fax: 626-851-2489626851-2489, Internet: www.trimountain.com, Line of Business: Whol Men's/Boy's Clothing
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 14433 Ramona Blvd, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91706-3320, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 626-337-0818, Fax: , Internet:
www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Oreco Duct Systems Inc, Address: PO Box 1460, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 917067460, Contact Person: Robert Havai, Title: President, Phone: 626-337-8832, Fax: , Internet:
www.orecoduct.com, Line of Business: Sheet metal fabricator
Pacific Award Metals Inc, Address: PO Box 7865, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 917067865, Contact Person: Brent Taylor, Title: President, Phone: 626-814-4410, Fax: 626-3380318626-338-0318, Internet: www.awardmetals.com, Line of Business: Sheet metal fabricator;
steel mill
Pacon Inc, Address: 4249 Puente Ave, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 91706-3420,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Austin, Title: President, Phone: 626-814-4654, Fax: 626-814-1260626814-1260, Internet: www.pacon.com, Line of Business: Manufactures extruded plastic products
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Pepsico Inc, Address: 4415 Azusa Canyon Rd, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 917062741, Contact Person: Mr Kip Zaughan, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-338-5531, Fax: , Internet:
www.pepsico.com, Line of Business: Wholesales confectionery products; manufactures nonalcoholic
carbonated beverages
Philips Electronics North Amer, Address: 13700 Live Oak Ave, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91706-1319, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Purtell, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-4800755, Fax: , Internet: www.usa.philips.com, Line of Business: Manufactures optical standard light
sources; manufactures electric lamps
Steiny & Co Inc, Address: 12907 Garvey Ave, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 91706-4531,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Owens, Title: Vice President, Phone: 626-962-1055, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Electrical Contractor
Target Corp, Address: 3100 Baldwin Park Blvd, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 917064703, Contact Person: Mr James Wofford, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-851-9404, Fax: , Internet:
www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Touchdown Technologies Inc, Address: 5188 Commerce Dr, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91706-1450, Contact Person: Mr Patrick Flynn, Title: President, Phone: 626-472-6732, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures semiconductor diodes & rectifiers
Unical Aviation Inc, Address: 4775 Irwindale Ave, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 917062175, Contact Person: Han Tan, Title: President, Phone: 626-813-1901, Fax: 626-813-1908626813-1908, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Transportation Equipment
United Parcel Service Inc, Address: 1100 Baldwin Park Blvd, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91706-5895, Contact Person: Lero Stamply, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-814-6216, Fax: ,
Internet: www.ups.com, Line of Business: Courier Service Air Courier Services
Upm Inc, Address: 13245 Los Angeles St, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 91706-2244,
Contact Person: Ray Dowling, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626-962-4001, Fax: 626-9607166626-960-7166, Internet: www.upminc.com, Line of Business: Manufactures injection molded
plastic products; manufactures tools, dies, jigs & fixtures
Vista Specialty Hospital of, Address: 14148 Francisquito Ave, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91706-6120, Contact Person: Mr Marc Ferrell, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626388-2700, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital
Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Address: 3250 Big Dalton Ave, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91706-5107, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 626-814-2235, Fax: , Internet:
www.walmartstores.com, Line of Business: Discount Department/Grocery Store
Waste Management Collection, Address: PO Box 7814, City: Baldwin Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91706-7814, Contact Person: Mr Rick Depaiba, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 626-960-7551,
Fax: , Internet: www.wm.com, Line of Business: Refuse System Local Trucking Operator
Affiliated Temporary Help, Address: PO Box 124, City: Bell, State: CA, Zip Code: 90201-0124,
Contact Person: Mr John Carbett, Title: President, Phone: 323-771-1383, Fax: 323-771-8300323771-8300, Internet: , Line of Business: Help Supply Services Individual/Family Services
Del Rio Sanitarium Inc, Address: 7002 Gage Ave, City: Bell, State: CA, Zip Code: 90201-2014,
Contact Person: Ms Joy Thune, Title: President, Phone: 562-927-6586, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
El Tapatio Markets Inc, Address: 6039 Florence Ave, City: Bell, State: CA, Zip Code: 90201-4727,
Contact Person: Mr Lorenzo Flores, Title: Owner, Phone: 323-773-1950, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Ret Groceries Ret Drugs/Sundries
Enterprise Products Inc, Address: 6875 Suva St, City: Bell, State: CA, Zip Code: 90201-1937,
Contact Person: Ronnie Spicer, Title: President, Phone: 562-927-2515, Fax: 562-927-8413562927-8413, Internet: www.enterpriseproductsinc.com, Line of Business: Manufactures wire & wire
products; manufactures signs & advertising specialties; sheet metal fabricator; manufactures display
Individual Sanitary Service Co, Address: 5496 Lindbergh Ln, City: Bell, State: CA, Zip Code: 902016409, Contact Person: Onnie Benchetrit, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-981-2800,
Fax: , Internet: www.fergadis.com, Line of Business: Whol Indstl/Svc Paper
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Address: 7825 Atlantic Ave, City: Bell, State: CA, Zip Code: 902015022, Contact Person: Ms Karen Warren, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-562-6459, Fax: , Internet:
www.kaiserpermanente.org, Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Mailing House Inc, Address: 5600 Bandini Blvd, City: Bell, State: CA, Zip Code: 90201-6407,
Contact Person: Mr David Willock, Title: President, Phone: 323-262-6000, Fax: 323-262-6622323262-6622, Internet: www.mailinghouse.net, Line of Business: Data processing service; mailing
services; commercial printing
Metal Surfaces Inc, Address: PO Box 5001, City: Bell, State: CA, Zip Code: 90202-5001, Contact
Person: Mr Charles Bell, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 562-927-1331, Fax: 562-9275114562-927-5114, Internet: www.metalsurfaces.com, Line of Business: Metal finishing services
Northgate Market No 10, Address: 6801 Atlantic Ave, City: Bell, State: CA, Zip Code: 90201-3644,
Contact Person: Mr Oscar Gonzalez, Title: Owner, Phone: 323-562-2163, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Retail Groceries
Pearlman Industries Inc, Address: PO Box 31, City: Bell, State: CA, Zip Code: 90201-0031,
Contact Person: Mr Gordon Pearlman, Title: President, Phone: 562-927-5561, Fax: , Internet:
www.harbourgroup.com, Line of Business: Whol Industrial Supplies
Bell Gardens Bicycle Club, Address: 7301 Eastern Ave, City: Bell Gardens, State: CA, Zip Code:
90201-4503, Contact Person: Mr George Hardie, Title: President, Phone: 562-806-4646, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Amusement/Recreation Services Eating Place
Briarcrest Nursing Center Inc, Address: 5648 Gotham St, City: Bell Gardens, State: CA, Zip Code:
90201-5413, Contact Person: Mr Jack Silverman, Title: President, Phone: 562-927-2641, Fax:
562-927-4639562-927-4639, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Certi-Fresh Foods Inc, Address: 7410 Scout Ave, City: Bell Gardens, State: CA, Zip Code: 902014932, Contact Person: Mr Antonino Palma, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 562-806-1100,
Fax: , Internet: www.certi-fresh.com, Line of Business: Fresh or frozen fish & seafood processing;
wholesales fish & seafood
W A Rasic Construction Co Inc, Address: 7314 Scout Ave, City: Bell Gardens, State: CA, Zip Code:
90201-4904, Contact Person: Mr Walter Rasic, Title: President, Phone: 562-928-6111, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Water/Sewer/Utility Construction
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Wei-Chuan USA Inc, Address: 6655 Garfield Ave, City: Bell Gardens, State: CA, Zip Code: 902011807, Contact Person: Mr Robert Huang, Title: President, Phone: 562-927-6681, Fax: 562-9270780562-927-0780, Internet: , Line of Business: Wholesales packaged frozen foods; manufactures
frozen packaged dinners
Academy Of Motion Picture Arts, Address: 8949 Wilshire Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90211-1907, Contact Person: Mr Arthur Hamilton, Title: Vice Chairman, Phone: 310-2473000, Fax: 310-859-9351310-859-9351, Internet: www.oscars.org, Line of Business: Professional
Organization Motion Picture Services Business Association
Advance Building Maintenance, Address: 9601 Wilshire Blvd GL5, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90210-5213, Contact Person: Forrest Nolin, Title: President, Phone: 310-247-0077, Fax:
310-271-4790310-271-4790, Internet: www.advancemaintenance.com, Line of Business: Building
Maintenance Services
Alamo Pharmaceuticals LLC, Address: 8501 Wlshre Blvd Ste 318, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90211-3118, Contact Person: Mr Eric Brandt, Title: President, Phone: 310-859-7799, Fax: ,
Internet: www.avanir.com, Line of Business: Manufactures pharmaceutical preparations
American International, Address: 9903 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90212-1606, Contact Person: Mr Michael Framer, Title: Member, Phone: 800-600-6151, Fax: ,
Internet: www.aitelephone.com, Line of Business: Telephone Communications
Amplified Holdings Inc, Address: 345 N Maple Dr Ste 300, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90210-6116, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-858-0147, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Ret Compact Discs
B M G Music Publishing Na Inc, Address: 8750 Wilshire Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90211-2713, Contact Person: Mr Scott Francis, Title: President, Phone: 310-358-4700, Fax:
, Internet: www.vivendiuniversal.com, Line of Business: Sheet music publishing
B W Hotel LLC, Address: 9500 Wilshire Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 90212-2405,
Contact Person: Radha Arora, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-275-5200, Fax: 310-2739212310-273-9212, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Eating Place
Barneys New York Inc, Address: 9570 Wilshire Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90212-2420, Contact Person: Elani Zaseliades, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-276-4400,
Fax: , Internet: www.jny.com, Line of Business: Men's & Women's Clothing
Beck Group, Address: 9641 Sunset Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 90210-2938,
Contact Person: Mr Richard Click, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-281-2980, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Industrial Building Construction Nonresidential Construction
Bertelsmann Music Group Inc, Address: 8750 Wilshire Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90211-2713, Contact Person: Dr Michael Dornemann, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310358-4000, Fax: , Internet: www.bertelsmann.com, Line of Business: Entertainer/Entertainment
Beverly Hills BMW Ltd, Address: 8825 Wilshire Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90211-2605, Contact Person: Mr Seth Waskow, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-358-7800,
Fax: 310-657-0811310-657-0811, Internet: www.beverlyhillsbmw.com, Line of Business: Land
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Beverly Hills Police Officers, Address: PO Box 301, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 902130301, Contact Person: Mr Joe Chirillo, Title: President, Phone: 310-288-1755, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Professional Organization Management Consulting Services
Beverly Holdings Inc, Address: 9876 Wilshire Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 902103115, Contact Person: Beny Alagem, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-274-7777, Fax:
310-285-1313310-285-1313, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Gifts/Novelties Drinking Place Eating
Place Hotel/Motel Operation
California Clinical Trials Med, Address: 8501 Wilshire Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90211-3101, Contact Person: Mr Murry Rosenthal, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-8544949, Fax: 310-854-4921310-854-4921, Internet: www.lifemax.com, Line of Business:
Health/Allied Services Medical Doctor's Office
Canyon Capital Management, LP, Address: 9665 Wilshire Blvd # 888, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90212-2342, Contact Person: Jush Sriedman, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone:
310-247-2700, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Closed-End Investment Office
Casden Properties Inc, Address: PO Box 5602, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 902095602, Contact Person: Alan Casden, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-274-5553, Fax:
310-276-6486310-276-6486, Internet: , Line of Business: Subdivider/Developer Real Estate
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Address: 250 N Robertson Blvd # 101, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90211-1767, Contact Person: Mr Tom Gordon, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone:
310-385-3400, Fax: 310-278-3692310-278-3692, Internet: www.cshs.org, Line of Business:
Medical Doctor's Office
CG Investments Inc, Address: 435 N Beverly Dr, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 902104601, Contact Person: Behzad Cohan, Title: President, Phone: 310-858-8494, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Eating Place
Cheesecake Factory Restaurants, Address: 364 N Beverly Dr, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90210-4701, Contact Person: Ms Debbie Arrowsmith, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-278-7270,
Fax: 310-278-3589310-278-3589, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
City National Bank, Address: 400 N Roxbury Dr, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 902105021, Contact Person: Mr Russell Goldsmith, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-888-6000,
Fax: 310-888-6940310-888-6940, Internet: www.cnb.com, Line of Business: National Commercial
Bank State Commercial Bank
City of Beverly Hills, Address: 342 Foothill Rd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 90210-3608,
Contact Person: Mr Dan Pack, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-285-2552, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Automobile Parking Executive Office
City of Beverly Hills, Address: 444 N Rexford Dr, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 902104891, Contact Person: Ms Beverley Simmons, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-288-2201, Fax: 310278-3387310-278-3387, Internet: , Line of Business: Library Executive Office
Concord Music Group Inc, Address: 100 N Crescent Dr Ste 275, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90210-5412, Contact Person: Mr Hal Gaba, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-3854455, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Wholesales video & audio equipment; manufactures
prerecorded records & tapes; business support services; music licensing & royalties
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Dedicated Net Access, Address: 405 S Beverly Dr Fl 4, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90212-4418, Contact Person: Mr John Moshay, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-7881900, Fax: 310-951-4962310-951-4962, Internet: www.dnastudio.com, Line of Business:
Interactive Agency
El Torito Restaurants Inc, Address: 9595 Wilshire Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90212-2512, Contact Person: Mr Frederick Wolfe, Title: President, Phone: 310-550-1599, Fax:
310-550-1311310-550-1311, Internet: www.cardinalpacific.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
Misc Personal Services
Endeavor Agency LLC, Address: 9601 Wilshire Blvd Fl 3, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90210-5204, Contact Person: Mr Jason Spitz, Title: Member, Phone: 310-248-2000, Fax: 310-2482020310-248-2020, Internet: , Line of Business: Theatrical Producers/Services
Florica Inc, Address: 100 N Crescent Dr # 100, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 902105447, Contact Person: Mr Wolfgang Puck, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-432-1500,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Wholesales frozen dinners; café; manufactures frozen food
Fox Broadcasting Co Inc, Address: PO Box 900, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 902130900, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-369-6000, Fax: 310-369-3704310-369-3704,
Internet: www.superbowlonfox.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
Fox Inc, Address: PO Box 900, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 90213-0900, Contact
Person: Rupert Murdoch, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-369-1000, Fax: , Internet:
www.fox.com, Line of Business: Television Station Motion Picture/Video Production
Gersh Agency Inc, Address: PO Box 5617, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 90209-5617,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Gersh, Title: President, Phone: 310-274-6611, Fax: 310-274-4035310274-4035, Internet: www.gershagency.com, Line of Business: Theatrical Producers/Services
Harrah's Operating Co Inc, Address: 9399 Wilshire Blvd # 100, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90210-5420, Contact Person: Mr Stephen Seppsie, Title: Executive Director, Phone: 310278-6688, Fax: , Internet: www.harrahs.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Hillel Hebrew Academy, Address: 9120 W Olympic Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90212-3508, Contact Person: Mr Benjamin Adler, Title: President, Phone: 310-276-6135, Fax:
310-276-6134310-276-6134, Internet: , Line of Business: Academy
Hilton Hotels Corp, Address: 9336 Civic Center Dr, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 902103604, Contact Person: Mr Christopher Nassetta, Title: President, Phone: 310-278-4321, Fax: 310205-3670310-205-3670, Internet: www.hilton.com, Line of Business: Owns Manages & Franchises
IL Fornaio Corp, Address: 301 N Beverly Dr, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 90210-4713,
Contact Person: Ms Mary Gaylork, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-550-8330, Fax: 310-5506183310-550-6183, Internet: www.ilfornaio.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
International Creative Mgt, Address: 8942 Wilshire Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90211-1934, Contact Person: Mr Robert Broder, Title: Vice Chairman, Phone: 310-550-4000, Fax:
310-550-4100310-550-4100, Internet: www.icmtalent.com, Line of Business: Talent Agency
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Kennedy-Wilson Inc, Address: 9601 Wlshre Blvd Ste 220, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90210-5205, Contact Person: Mr William Morrow, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-8876400, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Real Estate Agent/Manager Investor
L F P Inc, Address: 8484 Wilshire Blvd 900, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 90211-3221,
Contact Person: Mr Jim Kohls, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-651-5400, Fax: 323-6513525323-651-3525, Internet: www.larryflynt.com, Line of Business: Publishes & prints magazines
Lawry's Restaurants Inc, Address: 100 N La Cienega Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90211-2207, Contact Person: Mr Todd Johnson, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-652-2827, Fax: 310657-5463310-657-5463, Internet: , Line of Business: Steak Restaurant
Live Nation Inc, Address: 9348 Civic Center Dr, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 902103624, Contact Person: Mr Nathan Hubbard, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-867-7000,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Live Entertainment Producers & Promoters
L'Maj Inc, Address: 8350 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 200, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90211, Contact Person: Mr Edward Collins, Title: President, Phone: 877-826-0672, Fax: , 877-8260679, Internet: www.lmajinc.com, Line of Business: Ret Cosmetics
Miller-Dm Inc, Address: PO Box 5597, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 90209-5597,
Contact Person: Mr Dave Hutton, Title: President, Phone: 310-659-2980, Fax: , Internet:
www.bhbenz.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles Whol Autos/Motor Vehicles
ML Stern & Co LLC, Address: 8350 Wilshire Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 902112327, Contact Person: Mr Luis Castaneda, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 323-658-4400, Fax: ,
Internet: www.swst.com, Line of Business: Security Broker/Dealer
Morgan Stanley & Co Inc, Address: 335 N Maple Dr Ste 150, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90210-3877, Contact Person: Mr Barry Speyers, Title: Senior Vice President, Phone: 310285-4800, Fax: 310-859-7245310-859-7245, Internet: www.msdw.org, Line of Business: Security
Neiman Marcus Group Inc, Address: 9700 Wilshire Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90212-2027, Contact Person: Mr John Martens, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-550-5900, Fax: 310858-8208310-858-8208, Internet: www.neimanmarcus.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores NonDisc
Paul Davril Inc, Address: 9966 Sunset Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 90210-3010,
Contact Person: Michel Harouche, Title: President, Phone: 323-588-5338, Fax: 323-588-5660323588-5660, Internet: www.pauldavril.com, Line of Business: Whol Men's/Boy's Clothing
Product Partners LLC, Address: 8383 Wilshire Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 902112412, Contact Person: Mr Jon Congdon, Title: Partner, Phone: 323-904-5600, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Advertising Representative
Project Rhodes Holding Corp, Address: 360 N Crescent Dr, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90210-6820, Contact Person: Mr Tom Gores, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-712-1850,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures motor vehicle parts & accessories
Radnet Inc, Address: 8750 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 902112703, Contact Person: Ms Taryn Dartz, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-549-3000, Fax: 323655-3211323-655-3211, Internet: , Line of Business: Accounting/Auditing/Bookkeeping
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Raffles L'Ermitage Beverly, Address: 9291 Burton Way, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90210-3709, Contact Person: Mr Jack Naderkhani, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-278-3344,
Fax: 310-278-8247310-278-8247, Internet: www.rafflescityhotels.com, Line of Business: Hotel &
Motel Operation Drinking Place Eating Place
S & B Surgery Center, Address: 120 S Spalding Dr Ste 301, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90212-1841, Contact Person: Theordore Goldstrein, Title: President, Phone: 310-385-7755, Fax:
310-385-0874310-385-0874, Internet: www.snbsurgery.com, Line of Business: Medical Doctor's
Sajahtera Inc, Address: 9641 Sunset Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 90210-2938,
Contact Person: Dr Kamaludin Yussoff, Title: President, Phone: 310-276-2251, Fax: 310-8872887310-887-2887, Internet: www.beverlyhillshotel.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Saks & Co, Address: 9600 Wilshire Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 90212-2307,
Contact Person: Mr Larry Bruce, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-275-4211, Fax: 310-2754224310-275-4224, Internet: www.saksfifthavenue.com, Line of Business: Department Store
Senior Firm Management Inc, Address: 9465 Wilshire Blvd, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90212-2612, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Kwatinetz, Title: President, Phone: 310-246-9000, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Management Services
Shapell Industries Inc, Address: 8383 Wilshire Blvd # 700, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90211-2406, Contact Person: Mr Nathan Shapell, Title: President, Phone: 323-655-7330, Fax: ,
Internet: www.shapellnc.com, Line of Business: Operative Builders Mortgage
Banker/Correspondent Real Estate Agent/Manager
Shelton Nelson & Associates, Address: 355 N Canon Dr, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90210-4704, Contact Person: Mr Mark Shelton, Title: Vice President, Phone: 310-271-2229, Fax: ,
Internet: www.jeffmarkell.com, Line of Business: Real Estate Brokers And Agents
Spark Networks PLC, Address: 8383 Wlshre Blvd Ste 800, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90211-3140, Contact Person: Mr David Siminoff, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-8363000, Fax: , Internet: www.spark.net, Line of Business: Misc Personal Services
Starpoint Property Management, Address: 450 N Roxbury Dr Ste 1050, City: Beverly Hills, State:
CA, Zip Code: 90210-4235, Contact Person: Mr Rob Budman, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-2470550, Fax: , Internet: www.starpointproperties.com, Line of Business: Real Estate Agent/Manager
Temple Emanuel Center Inc of, Address: 8844 Burton Way, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90211-1724, Contact Person: Lee Greenberg, Title: Director, Phone: 310-274-6388, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Synagogue
UBS Financial Services Inc, Address: 131 S Rodeo Dr # 200, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90212-2428, Contact Person: Mr Chad Sasaki, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-2748441, Fax: 310-281-4644310-281-4644, Internet: www.painewebber.com, Line of Business:
Stocks Bonds And Securities Broker
United Talent Agency Inc, Address: 9560 Wilshire Blvd L5, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
90212-2427, Contact Person: Mr James Berkus, Title: President, Phone: 310-273-6700, Fax: 310247-1111310-247-1111, Internet: www.unitedtalentagency.com, Line of Business: Theatrical
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Warner Films LLC, Address: 468 N Camden Dr, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 902104507, Contact Person: Mr Jon Divens, Title: Member, Phone: 310-601-3184, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
West Coast Valet Parking LLC, Address: 489 S Robertson Blvd # 207, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90211-3637, Contact Person: Mr Brad Saltzman, Title: Member, Phone: 310-550-7090,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Misc Personal Services
Whole Foods Market California, Address: 239 N Crescent Dr, City: Beverly Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90210-4821, Contact Person: Ms Lynda Gutierrez, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-274-3360,
Fax: 310-274-8149310-274-8149, Internet: www.wholefoods.com, Line of Business:
Supermarkets Chain
ABC Cable Networks Group, Address: 3800 W Alameda Ave Ste 500, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91505-4300, Contact Person: Mr John Cooke, Title: President, Phone: 818-569-7500, Fax:
818-566-1518818-566-1518, Internet: www.corporate.disney.go.com, Line of Business: Radio
Broadcast Station Television Station
ABC Cable Networks Group, Address: 500 S Buena Vista St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91521-0001, Contact Person: Mr Stephen McPherson, Title: President, Phone: 818-460-7178, Fax:
, Internet: www.corporate.disney.go.com, Line of Business: Televison Broadcasting Produces Cable
Tv Programs
Access Hollywood, Address: 3000 W Alameda Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915230001, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Zaker, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-840-4444, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Television Station
Ace Industrial Supply Inc, Address: 7535 N San Fernando Rd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91505-1044, Contact Person: Mr Tim Stearns, Title: President, Phone: 818-252-1981, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Single-Family House Construction
Aircraft Service International, Address: 2627 N Hollywood Way, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91505-1062, Contact Person: Mr Tom Greer, Title: Director, Phone: 818-972-1592, Fax: ,
Internet: www.asig.com, Line of Business: Airport/Airport Services Commercial Nonphysical
Akorn Construction Inc, Address: 859 N Hollywood Way, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91505-2814, Contact Person: Mr Ade Agbalaya, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-5671427, Fax: , Internet: www.akornconstruction.com, Line of Business: Architectural Services
Nonresidential Construction Residential Construction
America West Airlines Inc, Address: 2627 N Hollywood Way, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91505-1062, Contact Person: Mr Harel Magaritz, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-841-0103, Fax: ,
Internet: www.americawest.com, Line of Business: Airline Field Station
Ameriflight LLC, Address: 4700 W Empire Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91505-1048,
Contact Person: Mr Eddie Mayenschein, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-847-0000, Fax: 818-9805105818-980-5105, Internet: www.ameriflight.com, Line of Business: Scheduled Air Transportation
Freight Transportation Arrangement Nonscheduled Air Transportation
ARAMARK Uniform & Career, Address: PO Box 7891, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915107891, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Vozzo, Title: President, Phone: 818-973-3700, Fax: 818-9733722818-973-3722, Internet: www.aramark-uniform.com, Line of Business: Industrial Launderer
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Area Trade Bindery Co, Address: 157 W Providencia Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91502-2120, Contact Person: Ray Ahlich, Title: President, Phone: 818-846-5581, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Pamphlet binding service
Art Disney Editions Inc, Address: 500 S Buena Vista St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915210001, Contact Person: Mr Barton Boyd, Title: President, Phone: 818-560-5151, Fax: , Internet:
www.corporate.disney.go.com, Line of Business: Creates The Background Art Work For Animation
Ascent Media Group LLC, Address: 2820 W Olive Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915054533, Contact Person: Mr Ken Williams, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-526-3600, Fax: ,
Internet: www.ascentmedia.com, Line of Business: Sound Studio
Avance Tech Solutions Inc, Address: 145 S Glenoaks Blvd # 450, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91502-1315, Contact Person: Mr Armen Avanessian, Title: President, Phone: 818-548-8868,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Computer Related Services
Barry Wright Corp, Address: PO Box 7710, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91510-7710,
Contact Person: Mr Norbert Langlouis, Title: President, Phone: 818-843-1000, Fax: 818-8450926818-845-0926, Internet: www.barrycontrols.com, Line of Business: Manufactures molded
rubber products; aircraft servicing & repairing; manufactures motor vehicle parts & accessories;
manufactures measuring & controlling devices; manufactures household audio & video equipment
Benci, Joann Demonstration Svc, Address: 914 S Victory Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91502-2429, Contact Person: Ms Joann Matthews, Title: President, Phone: 818-843-2666, Fax: ,
Internet: www.demonstrationservices.com, Line of Business: Demonstration Service
Best Buy Co Inc, Address: 1501 N Victory Pl, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91502-1647,
Contact Person: Mr Chad Everett, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-260-1015, Fax: , Internet:
www.bestbuy.com, Line of Business: Ret Household Appliances
BHW Thinkwell Design & Prdtn, Address: 695 S Glenwood Pl, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91506-2819, Contact Person: Mr Cliff Warner, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-333-3444,
Fax: , Internet: www.thinkwelldesign.com, Line of Business: Theatrical Producers/Services
Boulevard Entertainment Inc, Address: PO Box 1188, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915071188, Contact Person: Mr Scott Jacobson, Title: President, Phone: 818-840-6969, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Service/Information Provider 1-800/1-900 Telephone Numbers
Boulevard Patrol, Address: 4000 W Magnolia Blvd I, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915052827, Contact Person: Mr Howard Katz, Title: President, Phone: 818-567-1279, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
Buena Vista Games Inc, Address: 500 S Buena Vista St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91521-0001, Contact Person: Mr Dan Adler, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-553-5000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.buenavistagames.net, Line of Business: Adjustment/Collection Services
Buena Vista Television, Address: 500 S Buena Vista St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915210001, Contact Person: Mr Lloyd Braun, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-560-1878, Fax:
818-563-2601818-563-2601, Internet: , Line of Business: News Syndicate
Buena Vista Theatrical Group, Address: 500 S Buena Vista St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91521-0001, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Schumacher, Title: President, Phone: 818-553-5312,
Fax: , Internet: www.corporate.disney.go.com, Line of Business: Business Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Burbank Dental Laboratory Sply, Address: 2101 Floyd St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91504-3411, Contact Person: Mr Anatoly Sedler, Title: President, Phone: 818-841-2256, Fax: 818841-8643818-841-8643, Internet: www.burbankdental.com, Line of Business: Dental Laboratory
Burbank Unified School Dist, Address: 1900 W Olive Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91506-2438, Contact Person: Ms Janet Britz, Title: Superintendent, Phone: 818-729-4400, Fax:
818-729-4550818-729-4550, Internet: www.burbank.acityline.com, Line of Business:
Elementary/Secondary Sch
Callan Management Corp, Address: 2919 W Burbank Blvd # C, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91505-2351, Contact Person: Mr Michael Butler, Title: President, Phone: 818-846-2215, Fax: 818846-8748818-846-8748, Internet: , Line of Business: Security Systems Services
Detective/Armored Car Services
Cartoon Network LP Lllp, Address: 300 N 3rd St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91502-1107,
Contact Person: Bo Benigo, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-729-4000, Fax: , Internet:
www.aoltimewarner.com, Line of Business: Television Production
Cast & Crew Payroll LLC, Address: 100 E Tujunga Ave Fl 2, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91502-1929, Contact Person: Mr William Davis, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-8486022, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Accounting/Auditing/Bookkeeping
Charles Stein & Associates Inc, Address: 4712 W Magnolia Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91505-2732, Contact Person: Mr Charles Stein, Title: President, Phone: 818-367-1707, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
City of Burbank, Address: 1811 N Ontario St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91505-1565,
Contact Person: Mr Fred Lantz, Title: General Manager, Phone: 818-238-3550, Fax: 818-2383560818-238-3560, Internet: www.starlightbowl.com, Line of Business: Electric/Other Services
Water Supply Service Executive Office Electric Services
Columbia Pictures Industries, Address: 3400 W Riverside Dr Fl 10, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91505-4639, Contact Person: Mr Michael Zucker, Title: Senior Vice President, Phone: 818972-7000, Fax: 818-280-1544818-280-1544, Internet: www.columbiapictures.com, Line of
Business: Motion picture production & distribution service; manufactures coin operated amusement
Corday Productions Inc, Address: 3500 W Olive Ave Ste 1500, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91505-4630, Contact Person: Mr Kenneth Corday, Title: President, Phone: 818-295-2820, Fax: ,
Internet: www.dool.net, Line of Business: Television Film Production
Costco Wholesale Corp, Address: 1051 W Burbank Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91506-1421, Contact Person: Mr Scott Sherber, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-557-3783,
Fax: , Internet: www.costco.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc General Merchandise
Crane Aerospace & Electronics, Address: 3000 Winona Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91504-2540, Contact Person: Mr Gregory Ward, Title: President, Phone: 818-526-2600, Fax: 818842-6117818-842-6117, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures defense systems & equipment
Crush Creative, Address: 1919 W Empire Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91504-3404,
Contact Person: Mr Guy Claudy, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-842-1121, Fax: ,
Internet: www.crushcreative.com, Line of Business: Photofinishing Laboratory
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Cw Network LLC, Address: 3300 W Olive Ave Fl 3, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91505-4643,
Contact Person: Mr John Maata, Title: Chief Operating Officer, Phone: 818-977-2500, Fax: ,
Internet: www.cwtv.com, Line of Business: Television Station
Detection Logic Fire, Address: 7605 N San Fernando Rd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91505-1073, Contact Person: Siamak Katal, Title: President, Phone: 818-683-1500, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Electrical Contractor
Diamond Contract Services Inc, Address: PO Box 10746, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91510-0746, Contact Person: Mr Derek Smith, Title: President, Phone: 818-565-3554, Fax: ,
Internet: www.diamondcontract.com, Line of Business: Building Maintenance Services Business
Consulting Services
Dic Entertainment Corp, Address: 4100 W Alameda Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91505-4195, Contact Person: Mr Andy Heyward, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-9555400, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production Theatrical
Disc Payroll Services Group, Address: 2835 N Naomi St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91504-2024, Contact Person: Mr Robert Draney, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-9556000, Fax: 818-729-8216818-729-8216, Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture Services
Diskeeper Corp, Address: 7590 N Glenoaks Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91504-1052,
Contact Person: Mr Craig Jensen, Title: President, Phone: 818-771-1600, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Software publisher; retails business & non-game software
Disney Inc, Address: 500 S Buena Vista St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91521-0001,
Contact Person: Mr Sanford Litvack, Title: President, Phone: 818-265-3435, Fax: , Internet:
www.wdwnews.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
E D P Medical Group Inc, Address: 2550 N Hollywood Way # 209, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91505-5019, Contact Person: Mr Phillip Fagan, Title: President, Phone: 818-557-0135, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Professional Organization
Emmis Communications Corp, Address: 2600 W Olive Ave Fl 8, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91505-4553, Contact Person: Mr Gary Kaseff, Title: Executive Vice President, Phone: 818-9534200, Fax: , Internet: www.emmis.com, Line of Business: Management Consulting Services
Emmis Radio LLC, Address: 2600 W Olive Ave Fl 8, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915054553, Contact Person: Val Maki, Title: Member, Phone: 818-525-5000, Fax: , Internet:
www.kzla.com, Line of Business: Radio Broadcast Station
Equilon Enterprises L L C, Address: PO Box 7833, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91510-7833,
Contact Person: Mr Wilson Berry, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-505-2000, Fax: , Internet:
www.shellus.com, Line of Business: Gasoline Service Station
Evolution Film & Tape Inc, Address: 3310 W Vanowen St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91505-1239, Contact Person: Mr Douglas Ross, Title: President, Phone: 818-260-0300, Fax: ,
Internet: www.evolutionusa.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
First Mate Productions Inc, Address: 500 S Buena Vista St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91521-0001, Contact Person: Mr Steven Ransohoff, Title: President, Phone: 818-560-2400, Fax: ,
Internet: www.firstmateproductions.net, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Foto-Kem Industries Inc, Address: 2801 W Alameda Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91505-4405, Contact Person: Mr William Brodersen, Title: President, Phone: 818-846-3101, Fax: ,
Internet: www.fotokem.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture Services
Fountainview Convalescent Hosp, Address: 2600 W Magnolia Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91505-3031, Contact Person: Mr Robert Snukal, Title: President, Phone: 949-282-5800,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Front Porch Communities & Svcs, Address: 303 N Glenoaks Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91502-1116, Contact Person: Mr Mort Swales, Title: Co-President, Phone: 818-729-8100,
Fax: 818-729-9163818-729-9163, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care Skilled
Nursing Care Facility
Fry's Electronics Inc, Address: 2311 N Hollywood Way, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915051125, Contact Person: Castillo Melchandani, Title: President, Phone: 818-526-8100, Fax: 818526-8118818-526-8118, Internet: www.frys.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc Merchandise Ret
Computers/Software Ret Radio/Tv/Electronics
G K N Aerospace Bandy Mchg, Address: PO Box 7716, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915107716, Contact Person: Mr Tom Fulton, Title: President, Phone: 818-846-9020, Fax: 818-8460621818-846-0621, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures aircraft parts & equipment
Gordon Biersch Brewery Rest, Address: 145 S San Fernando Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91502-1322, Contact Person: Mr Allen Corey, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818569-5240, Fax: 818-569-5214818-569-5214, Internet: www.bigrivergrille.com, Line of Business:
Whol Industrial Equipment Eating Place
Guardsmark LLC, Address: 101 S 1st St # 408, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91502-1938,
Contact Person: Mr Seth Rapaport, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-841-0288, Fax: 818-841-0185818841-0185, Internet: www.guardsmark.com, Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
Haskel International Inc, Address: 100 E Graham Pl, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915022027, Contact Person: Mr Alain Wald, Title: General Manager, Phone: 818-843-4000, Fax: 818841-4291818-841-4291, Internet: www.haskel.com, Line of Business: Manufactures pumps &
pumping equipment; wholesales industrial hydraulic systems equipment & supplies; wholesales
industrial hose, belting & packing; manufactures electrical equipment & supplies; manufactures fluid
power pumps
Hoffman Travel Service Inc, Address: 40 E Verdugo Ave 1st Fl, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91502-1931, Contact Person: Ms Carol Dunn-Thompkins, Title: President, Phone: 818-238-4400,
Fax: 818-238-4490818-238-4490, Internet: , Line of Business: Travel Management Company
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 1200 S Flower St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91502-2023,
Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 818-556-1563, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business:
Lumberother Bdg Mats
Hydra-Electric Co, Address: PO Box 7724, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91510-7724,
Contact Person: Mr Henry Acuff, Title: President, Phone: 818-843-6211, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Manufactures electric power snaps
Ikea Holding Us Inc, Address: 600 N San Fernando Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91502-1020, Contact Person: Mr Gary Ternes, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-842-4532, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Furniture Ret Lumber/Building Materials
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
IKEA Trading Services Inc, Address: 600 N San Fernando Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91502-1020, Contact Person: Mr Chris Maynard, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-841-3500, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Management Services Accounting/Auditing/Bookkeeping Ret Furniture
Johnston & Washer, Address: 1001 W Riverside Dr, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915063212, Contact Person: Mr Edward Stavert, Title: President, Phone: 818-845-5300, Fax: 818-8466424818-846-6424, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place Bowling Center
Amusement/Recreation Svc Drinking Place Nonresdentl Bldg Operatr
Kan-Di-Ki Inc, Address: 2820 N Ontario St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91504-2015,
Contact Person: Mr Donald Goldberg, Title: President, Phone: 818-549-1880, Fax: 818-5491891818-549-1891, Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Laboratory
Lbi Holdings I Inc, Address: 1845 W Empire Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91504-3402,
Contact Person: Mr Jose Liberman, Title: President, Phone: 818-563-5722, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Radio Broadcast Station
Lockheed Federal Credit Union, Address: PO Box 6759, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915106759, Contact Person: Mr David Styler, Title: President, Phone: 818-565-2000, Fax: 818-8406855818-840-6855, Internet: www.lockheedfcu.org, Line of Business: Federal Credit Union
Lowe's Home Centers Inc, Address: 2000 W Empire Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91504-3434, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 818-557-2300, Fax: , Internet: www.lowes.com,
Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Mtrl Whol Lumber/Plywd/Millwk Ret Household Appliances
Whol Appliances/Tv/Radio
Macy's Retail Holdings Inc, Address: 200 E Cypress Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91502-1149, Contact Person: Mr Robert Armenta, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-841-2100,
Fax: , Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department Store
Mel Bernie & Co Inc, Address: PO Box 7761, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91510-7761,
Contact Person: Mr Melvyn Bernie, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-841-1928, Fax: 818972-3912818-972-3912, Internet: www.1928jewelrycompany.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
fashion & costume jewelry
Mervyn's LLC, Address: 245 E Magnolia Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91502-1130,
Contact Person: Mr Mark Yaxley, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-840-9200, Fax: , Internet:
www.mervyns.com, Line of Business: Ret Department Store
Modern Videofilm Inc, Address: 4411 W Olive Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915054219, Contact Person: Mr Moshe Barkat, Title: President, Phone: 818-840-1700, Fax: 818-8401718818-840-1718, Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture Services
NBC 4, Address: 3000 W Alameda Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91523-0002, Contact
Person: Ms Paula Madison, Title: Owner, Phone: 818-840-3425, Fax: 818-840-3379818-840-3379,
Internet: , Line of Business: News Syndicate
NBC Studios Inc, Address: 330 Bob Hope Dr, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91523-0001,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Wright, Title: President, Phone: 818-840-7500, Fax: , Internet:
www.nbcstudios.com, Line of Business: Theatrical Producers/Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
NBC Universal Inc, Address: 3000 W Alameda Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915230001, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 818-526-7000, Fax: , Internet: www.ge.com, Line of
Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
NCR Corp, Address: 3015 Winona Ave Ste 100, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91504-2541,
Contact Person: Ms Jennifer Caruthers, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-567-2811, Fax: 818559-4634818-559-4634, Internet: www.ncr.com, Line of Business: Whol And Service Computers
And Point Of Sale Terminals
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 3830 W Verdugo Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915053441, Contact Person: Nicky Graham, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 818-954-0817, Fax: 818954-8739818-954-8739, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Norman Industrial Materials, Address: PO Box 6189, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915106189, Contact Person: Mr Norman Sherman, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-394-3188,
Fax: 818-729-3334818-729-3334, Internet: www.imsmetals.com, Line of Business: Metals Service
Center Ret Jewelry
Original Productions Inc, Address: 308 W Verdugo Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915022340, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Beers, Title: President, Phone: 818-295-6966, Fax: , Internet:
www.originalproductions.com, Line of Business: Television Production
Outback Steakhouse of Florida, Address: 1761 N Victory Pl, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91502-1646, Contact Person: Lee Kan, Title: Owner, Phone: 818-567-2717, Fax: , Internet:
www.outback.com, Line of Business: Steak Restaurant
P Murphy & Associates Inc, Address: 4405 W Riverside Dr Ste 105, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91505-4050, Contact Person: Ms Phyliss Murphy, Title: President, Phone: 818-841-2002,
Fax: 818-841-2122818-841-2122, Internet: , Line of Business: Computer Related Services
Employment Agency Help Supply Services
Pacific Sales Kitchen & Bath, Address: 530 N Victory Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91502-1736, Contact Person: Mr Guy Robles, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-843-2800, Fax: ,
Internet: www.bestbuy.com, Line of Business: Retails Household Appliances
Partnerships To Uplift, Address: 111 N 1st St Ste 100, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915021851, Contact Person: Ref Rodriguez, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-559-7699, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Business Consulting Services
PHF II Burbank LLC, Address: 2500 N Hollywood Way, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915051019, Contact Person: Connie Tejeira, Title: Controller, Phone: 818-843-6000, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Point 360, Address: 2777 N Ontario St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91504-2517, Contact
Person: Haig Bagerdjian, Title: President, Phone: 818-565-1400, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Post Production And Video Duplication & Distribution
Providence Health, Address: 501 S Buena Vista St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915054809, Contact Person: Mr Boyd Flinders, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 818-843-5111, Fax:
818-841-2307818-841-2307, Internet: www.prov-serv.com, Line of Business: General Hospital
Specialty Hospital Medical Doctors Office Local Passenger Trans
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Reprise Records Inc, Address: 3300 Warner Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91505-4632,
Contact Person: Mr Howie Klein, Title: President, Phone: 818-846-9090, Fax: 818-953-3276818953-3276, Internet: www.repriserecords.com, Line of Business: Ret Records/Cd's/Tapes
Residential Funding Corp, Address: 2255 N Ontario St # 400, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91504-3120, Contact Person: Ms Adriana Goad, Title: Human Resource Manager, Phone: 818-2601400, Fax: , Internet: www.gmacfs.com, Line of Business: Mortgage Securities Broker
Rgis LLC, Address: 500 E Olive Ave Ste 240, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91501-2171,
Contact Person: Mr Bruce Hemingway, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-303-0045, Fax: ,
Internet: www.rgisinv.com, Line of Business: Business Services
Same Day Transportation Svc, Address: PO Box 10969, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915100969, Contact Person: Mr Elisha Gilboa, Title: Member, Phone: 323-732-0308, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Courier Service And Management Consulting
Saturn Fasteners Inc, Address: 425 S Varney St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91502-2125,
Contact Person: Ms Laura Barker, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-846-7145, Fax: 818846-7306818-846-7306, Internet: www.saturnfasteners.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
metal fasteners; wholesales industrial supplies; wholesales bolts, nuts & screws; manufactures bolts,
nuts, rivets & washers
Senior Operations LLC, Address: 2980 N San Fernando Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91504-2522, Contact Person: Ms Griselda Lopez, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 818-260-2900,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures aircraft parts & equipment; manufactures bellows
Shield Security Inc, Address: 3123 W Burbank Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915052314, Contact Person: Mr Kenneth Klosterman, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-239-5800, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
Southland Title, Address: 7530 N Glenoaks Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91504-1052,
Contact Person: Mr David Cronenbold, Title: President, Phone: 818-767-2000, Fax: 818-7687581818-768-7581, Internet: , Line of Business: Holding Company Title Insurance Carrier
Southwest Airlines Co, Address: 4209 W Empire Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915051108, Contact Person: Ms Kathy Johnson, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-841-4348, Fax: , Internet:
www.southwest.com, Line of Business: Scheduled Air Transportation Air Courier Services
Specialty Restaurants Corp, Address: 1250 E Harvard Rd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91501-1002, Contact Person: Saeed Fazeli, Title: General Manager, Phone: 818-848-6691, Fax:
818-848-3915818-848-3915, Internet: www.specialtyrestaurants.com, Line of Business: Eating
Place Misc Personal Services
Sport Chalet Inc, Address: 201 E Magnolia Blvd Ste 145, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91502-1117, Contact Person: Ajeo Duran, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-558-3500, Fax: 818-5672020818-567-2020, Internet: www.sportchalet.com, Line of Business: Ret Sporting Goods/Bicycles
Steve's Plating Corp, Address: 3111 N San Fernando Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91504-2527, Contact Person: Terry Knezevich, Title: President, Phone: 818-842-2184, Fax: 818842-4032818-842-4032, Internet: www.stevesplating.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
nonwood store fixtures; manufactures metal ladders for permanent installation; fabricates pipes &
fittings; manufactures metal household furniture; plating service; welding service
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Target Corp, Address: 1800 W Empire Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91504-3403,
Contact Person: Ms Amy Hsu, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-238-0132, Fax: , Internet:
www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Taurus West Inc, Address: 1903 W Empire Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91504-3433,
Contact Person: Mr Gary Burkhartsmeier, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-954-0202,
Fax: 818-954-8695818-954-8695, Internet: www.biolabs.net, Line of Business: Medical Laboratory
Technicolor Thomson Group Inc, Address: 2255 N Ontario St Ste 100, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91504-3194, Contact Person: Mr Kevin Spickler, Title: Engineer, Phone: 818-260-3600,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Motion picture film processing, editing & titling service;
commercial printing
Time Warner Entertainment Co, Address: 3300 Warner Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91505-4632, Contact Person: Mr Thomas McLean, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-953-3283,
Fax: , Internet: www.timewarner.com, Line of Business: Manufactures blankbook record albums
Time Warner Entertainment Co, Address: 4400 Warner Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91505, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 818-954-5113, Fax: , Internet: www.timewarner.com,
Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
Vista Federal Credit Union, Address: 100 N 1st St Ste 400, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91502-1818, Contact Person: Mr John Janclaes, Title: President, Phone: 818-601-1808, Fax: 818558-4567818-558-4567, Internet: , Line of Business: Federal Credit Union
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 301 N Pass Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91505-3859, Contact
Person: Mr Robert Miranda, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-848-9542, Fax: 818-842-5833818-8425833, Internet: www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries Ret Florist Mfg Bread/Related
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 1110 W Alameda Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91506-2806,
Contact Person: Mr Chris Glover, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-567-0257, Fax: 818-567-4124818567-4124, Internet: www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries Ret Florist Ret
Drugs/Sundries Retail Bakery
Walt Disney Co, Address: 500 S Buena Vista St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91521-0001,
Contact Person: Mr Paul Yanover, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 818-623-3200, Fax: ,
Internet: www.corporate.disney.go.com, Line of Business: Telephone Communications
Walt Disney Co, Address: 500 S Buena Vista St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91521-0001,
Contact Person: Mr Ed Catmull, Title: President, Phone: 818-560-1000, Fax: , Internet:
www.corporate.disney.go.com, Line of Business: Television broadcasting station; cable television
services; resort hotel; publishes books without printing; motion picture & video production services;
amusement park
Walt Disney Co, Address: 500 S Buena Vista St # 71, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915210006, Contact Person: Mr Anthony Orefice, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-560-1268, Fax: ,
Internet: www.corporate.disney.go.com, Line of Business: Whol Photo Equipment/Supplies
Walt Disney Co, Address: 500 S Buena Vista St, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 91521-0007,
Contact Person: Sylvian Goessens, Title: Director, Phone: 818-553-7333, Fax: , Internet:
www.corporate.disney.go.com, Line of Business: Misc Personal Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Warner Bros Consumer Products, Address: 4001 W Olive Ave, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91505-4272, Contact Person: Mr Dan Romanelli, Title: President, Phone: 818-954-7980, Fax: ,
Internet: www.timewarner.com, Line of Business: Patent Owner/Lessor Ret Mail-Order House
Warner Bros Entertainment Inc, Address: 4000 Warner Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91522-0002, Contact Person: Mr Ron Stansberry, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-954-1817, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Photofinishing Laboratory
Warner Bros Entertainment Inc, Address: 4000 Warner Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91522-0002, Contact Person: Mr Barry Meyer, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-954-6000,
Fax: , Internet: www.aoltimewarner.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
Warner Bros Entertainment Inc, Address: 4000 Warner Blvd Bldg 137, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91522-0002, Contact Person: Mr Henry Johnson, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-9547065, Fax: , Internet: www.aoltimewarner.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
Warner Bros Entertainment Inc, Address: 411 N Hollywood Way 109, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91505-3440, Contact Person: Mr Russell Wyckoff, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-9777716, Fax: , Internet: www.aoltimewarner.com, Line of Business: Television Film Production
Warner Bros Entertainment Inc, Address: 4000 W Alameda Ave Fl 3, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91505-4346, Contact Person: Mr Peter Roch, Title: President, Phone: 818-954-7232, Fax: ,
Internet: www.aoltimewarner.com, Line of Business: Legal Services
Warner Bros Records Inc, Address: 3300 W Riverside Dr, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91505-4701, Contact Person: Mr Phil Quartararo, Title: President, Phone: 818-953-3378, Fax:
818-953-3664818-953-3664, Internet: www.builttospill.com, Line of Business: Business Services
Woodbury University, Address: 7500 N Glenoaks Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915041052, Contact Person: Mr Kenneth Nielsen, Title: President, Phone: 818-767-0888, Fax: 818-5049320818-504-9320, Internet: www.woodburyu.edu, Line of Business: College/University
Workway Inc, Address: 2401 W Olive Ave Ste 200, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code: 915062666, Contact Person: Mr Matt Johnston, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-333-1777, Fax:
818-955-8079818-955-8079, Internet: , Line of Business: Employment Agency
Young Men's Christian Assn, Address: 321 E Magnolia Blvd, City: Burbank, State: CA, Zip Code:
91502-1132, Contact Person: JC Holt, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-845-8551, Fax:
818-845-0785818-845-0785, Internet: www.burbankymca.org, Line of Business: Civic/Social
Able Cable Inc, Address: 5115 Douglas Fir Rd # A, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip Code: 913022588, Contact Person: Mr Russell Ramas, Title: President, Phone: 818-223-3600, Fax: 818-5913637818-591-3637, Internet: www.acicommunications.com, Line of Business: Electrical Repair
Electrical Contractor Telephone Communications
Apex Development Inc, Address: 23679 Calabasas Rd # 764, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip Code:
91302-1502, Contact Person: Mr Anthony Nowaid, Title: President, Phone: 818-887-0400, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Residential Construction Single-Family House Cnst Industrial Bldg
Cnstn Nonresidential Cnstn Highway/Street Cnstn
Assignment Ready Inc, Address: 26651 Agoura Rd, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip Code: 913021888, Contact Person: Mr Peter Dameris, Title: President, Phone: 818-878-7900, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Help Supply Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Atlas Database Software Corp, Address: 26679 Agoura Rd Ste 200, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91302-3812, Contact Person: Mr Robert Atlas, Title: President, Phone: 818-340-7080, Fax:
, Internet: www.atlasdev.com, Line of Business: Ret Computers & Computer Software
Calabasas Mine Shaft, Address: 23527 Calabasas Rd, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip Code: 913021311, Contact Person: Mr Robert McCord, Title: President, Phone: 818-222-6062, Fax: 818-2224642818-222-4642, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
Cheesecake Factory Inc, Address: 26901 Malibu Hills Rd, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip Code:
91301-5354, Contact Person: Mr David Overton, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-8713000, Fax: , Internet: www.thecheesecakefactory.com, Line of Business: Restaurants
Coldwell Banker Residential, Address: 23647 Calabasas Rd, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip Code:
91302-1502, Contact Person: Bobby Miller, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-222-0023, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Rl Este Agntresidntl
Crown Media United States LLC, Address: 3745 Calle Joaquin, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip Code:
91302-3041, Contact Person: Mr David Evans, Title: Member, Phone: 818-755-2400, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Cable/Pay Television Service
Davis Research LLC, Address: 23801 Calabasas Rd # 1036, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip Code:
91302-3319, Contact Person: Mr Jack Berger, Title: Accountant, Phone: 818-591-2408, Fax: 818591-2488818-591-2488, Internet: , Line of Business: Commercial Nonphysical Research
Digital Insight Corp, Address: 26025 Mureau Rd, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip Code: 913023103, Contact Person: Mr Jeffrey Stiefler, Title: President, Phone: 818-344-4674, Fax: 818-8787630818-878-7630, Internet: www.digitalinsight.com, Line of Business: Information retrieval
services; computer programming service; software publisher
Grant & Weber, Address: PO Box 8669, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip Code: 91372-8669, Contact
Person: Mr Ronald Grossblatt, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-878-7700, Fax: 818-8787777818-878-7777, Internet: www.grantweber.com, Line of Business: Adjustment/Collection
Informa Research Services Inc, Address: 26565 Agoura Rd Ste 300, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91302-1942, Contact Person: Mr Michael Adler, Title: President, Phone: 818-880-8877, Fax:
818-880-8448818-880-8448, Internet: www.informars.com, Line of Business: Management
Consulting Services
Innovative Merchant Solutions, Address: 26541 Agoura Rd Ste 200, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91302-2094, Contact Person: Mr Tim Jochner, Title: Member, Phone: 818-936-7800, Fax: ,
Internet: www.intuit.com, Line of Business: Management Consulting Services
IXIA, Address: 26601 Agoura Rd, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip Code: 91302-1959, Contact
Person: Mr Errol Ginsberg, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-871-1800, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Manufactures network analyzers
Las Virgenes Municipal Water, Address: 4232 Las Virgenes Rd Lbby, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91302-3594, Contact Person: Mr Joseph Bowman, Title: President, Phone: 818-251-2100,
Fax: 818-880-9077818-880-9077, Internet: www.lvmwd.com, Line of Business: Water Supply
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Line 6 Inc, Address: 26580 Agoura Rd, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip Code: 91302-1921, Contact
Person: Mr Mike Muench, Title: President, Phone: 818-575-3600, Fax: , Internet: www.line6.com,
Line of Business: Manufactures musical instruments; manufactures pens & mechanical pencils
Manugistics Western Data Systs, Address: 26707 Agoura Rd Ste 200, City: Calabasas, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91302-3830, Contact Person: Stephen Heinrichs, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone:
818-737-7600, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Computer software development; computer
system consulting services; computer & office machine maintenance & repair services; software
Marmalade LLC, Address: 4783 Commons Way, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip Code: 91302-3368,
Contact Person: Mr Scott Cuir, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-225-9092, Fax: , Internet:
www.marmalade.com, Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
Mercedes Benz Authorized Svc, Address: 24181 Calabasas Rd, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91302-1512, Contact Person: Ms Trisha Travis, Title: President, Phone: 818-591-2377, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: General Auto Repair
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 26521 Agoura Rd, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip Code: 913021958, Contact Person: Mr Ed McKillop, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-880-9080, Fax: , Internet:
www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Supermarket
Ryland Group Inc, Address: 24025 Park Sorrento, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip Code: 913024018, Contact Person: Chad Dreier, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-223-7500, Fax: ,
Internet: www.ryland.com, Line of Business: Operative Builders And Mortgage Banker
Sedgwick Claims Management, Address: 24025 Park Sorrento # 200, City: Calabasas, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91302-4007, Contact Person: Mr John Koval, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-5919444, Fax: , Internet: www.sedgwickcms.com, Line of Business: Third Party Administrator For
Disability Claims
Triad Systems International, Address: 23801 Calabasas Rd Ste 2022, City: Calabasas, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91302-1568, Contact Person: Mr Cyril Cianflone, Title: President, Phone: 818-222-6811,
Fax: 818-222-0116818-222-0116, Internet: www.ladyface.com, Line of Business: Business
Consulting Services Engineering Services
University Restaurant Group, Address: 4798 Commons Way, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip Code:
91302-3363, Contact Person: Mr Adam Bassuk, Title: Partner, Phone: 818-225-1979, Fax: ,
Internet: www.icugini.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
Valleycrest Co's, Address: 24151 Ventura Blvd, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip Code: 91302-1449,
Contact Person: Mr Burton Sperber, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-223-8500, Fax: ,
Internet: www.valleycrest.com, Line of Business: Heavy Construction Lawn/Garden Services
Landscape Services
Viewpoint Educational Fndtn, Address: 23620 Mulholland Hwy, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91302-2060, Contact Person: Ms Donna Levy, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 818-3402901, Fax: 818-591-1016818-591-1016, Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary
Western General Holding Co, Address: 5230 Las Virgenes Rd # 100, City: Calabasas, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91302-3447, Contact Person: Mr Daniel Mallut, Title: President, Phone: 818-880-9070, Fax:
, Internet: www.westerngeneral.com, Line of Business: Holding Company Fire/Casualty Insurance
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Helmet House Inc, Address: 26855 Malibu Hills Rd, City: Calabasas Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91301-5100, Contact Person: Mr Robert Miller, Title: President, Phone: 818-880-0000, Fax: 818880-4550818-880-4550, Internet: www.helmethouse.com, Line of Business: Whol Motorcycle
American Landscape Inc, Address: 7949 Deering Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91304-5009, Contact Person: Mr Murray Strauss, Title: President, Phone: 818-999-2041, Fax:
818-999-2056818-999-2056, Internet: , Line of Business: Landscape Services
Avm Industries LLC, Address: 8245 Remmet Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 913044133, Contact Person: Mr Amir Rudyan, Title: Member, Phone: 818-888-0050, Fax: , Internet:
www.avmindustries.com, Line of Business: Trade Contractor Single-Family House Construction
Berberian Enterprises Inc, Address: 20151 Roscoe Blvd, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91306-1627, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Totneri, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-576-0477, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries Ret Alcoholic Beverages
Best Buy Co Inc, Address: 21601 Victory Blvd, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 913032702, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 818-713-1007, Fax: , Internet: www.bestbuy.com, Line
of Business: Consumer Electronics & Household Appliance Store
Boeing Co, Address: 8531 Fallbrook Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 91304-3232,
Contact Person: Mr Roger Watkins, Title: Director, Phone: 256-461-3621, Fax: , Internet:
www.boeing.com, Line of Business: Manufactures aircraft; manufactures motor vehicle parts &
accessories; manufactures guided missiles & space vehicles; manufactures space propulsion units &
parts; manufactures printing machinery
C & L Connecticut Restaurants, Address: 6800 Owensmouth Ave # 380, City: Canoga Park, State:
CA, Zip Code: 91303-4244, Contact Person: Mr Roger LI, Title: President, Phone: 818-703-0767,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Fast-Food Rest Chain
C B Richard Ellis Inc, Address: 8413 Fallbrook Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 913043226, Contact Person: Mr Robert Ruth, Title: President, Phone: 818-610-8400, Fax: , Internet:
www.trammellcrow.com, Line of Business: Investor Nonresidential Building Operator
Ca Inc, Address: 8511 Fallbrook Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 91304-3244,
Contact Person: Mr Guy Dilella, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-593-0300, Fax: , Internet:
www.cai.com, Line of Business: Management Consulting Services
Chili's Inc, Address: 6775 Fallbrook Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 91307-3544,
Contact Person: Isreal Williams, Title: Agent, Phone: 818-704-9537, Fax: 818-704-9780818-7049780, Internet: www.chilis.com, Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
Costco Wholesale Corp, Address: 21300 Roscoe Blvd, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91304-4213, Contact Person: Ms Jill Whittaker, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-884-9099, Fax:
818-884-9368818-884-9368, Internet: www.costco.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc General Goods
Whol Appliances/Tv/Radio Whol Groceries Whol Wine/Distilled Bev Whol Tobacco Products
Da Vinci Dental Studios Inc, Address: 22135 Roscoe Blvd, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91304-3885, Contact Person: Mr Dan Materdomini, Title: President, Phone: 818-703-5100, Fax: ,
Internet: www.davincilab.com, Line of Business: Dental Laboratory & Whol Dental Equipment
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
E Z Buy E Z Sell Recycler Corp, Address: 8413 Fallbrook Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91304-3226, Contact Person: Niki Ruokosuo, Title: President, Phone: 800-300-2777, Fax: ,
Internet: www.recycler.com, Line of Business: Publishes newspapers without printing; publisher
Evergreen Pharmaceutical of CA, Address: 8220 Remmet Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91304-4156, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Schleigh, Title: President, Phone: 888-452-4808,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Drugs/Sundries
Faber Enterprises Inc, Address: 6606 Variel Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 913032808, Contact Person: Ms Esther Faber, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-999-1300, Fax:
818-712-0512818-712-0512, Internet: www.faberent.com, Line of Business: Manufactures aircraft
parts & equipment; manufactures fluid power valves & hose fittings
Golden State West Valley, Address: 7057 Shoup Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91307-2335, Contact Person: Ms Miriam Weiss, Title: President, Phone: 818-348-8422, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Facility
Green Thumb International Inc, Address: 21812 Sherman Way, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91303-1940, Contact Person: Del Berquist, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-340-6400,
Fax: 818-340-8598818-340-8598, Internet: www.greenthumbinternational.com, Line of Business:
Whol Flowers/Florist Sup Ret Nursery/Garden Supp Lawn/Garden Services Ornamental Nursery
HMI Associates Inc, Address: 6800 Owensmouth Ave # 330, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91303-4254, Contact Person: Mr Andrew Heider, Title: President, Phone: 818-887-6800,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 21218 Roscoe Blvd, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 913044203, Contact Person: Mr Danny Brown, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-348-9400, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Lumberother Bdg Mats
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 22855 Victory Blvd, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 913073531, Contact Person: Mr Greg Szete, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-887-7083, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials Equipment Rental/Leasing
Interactive Audiotext Services, Address: 8053 Deering Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91304-5011, Contact Person: Mr Frank Montelione, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-5981570, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Service Bureau For 800 Numbers
Kohl's Department Stores Inc, Address: 6651 Fallbrook Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91307-3520, Contact Person: Mr Fernando Rubio, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-251-9850,
Fax: , Internet: www.kohls.com, Line of Business: Department Store
Laidlaw International Inc, Address: 8039 Canoga Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91304-4101, Contact Person: Ms Sue Wagnon, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-226-3767, Fax:
818-226-6388818-226-6388, Internet: , Line of Business: School Bus Service
Lowe's Home Centers Inc, Address: 8383 Topanga Canyon Blvd, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91304-2343, Contact Person: Mr Pete Reed, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-610-1960,
Fax: , Internet: www.lowes.com, Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Mtrl Whol
Lumber/Plywd/Millwk Ret Household Appliances Whol Appliances/Tv/Radio
Mark Land Electric Inc, Address: 7876 Deering Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 913045005, Contact Person: Mr Lloyd Saitman, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-883-5110,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Electrical Contractor
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 7224 Mason Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 913062820, Contact Person: Mr Morris Burmester, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-346-8785, Fax: 818-3467358818-346-7358, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Supermarket
Nordstrom Inc, Address: 21725 Victory Blvd, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 91303-2604,
Contact Person: Marcio Hughes, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-884-7900, Fax: 818-592-4795818592-4795, Internet: www.nordstrom.com, Line of Business: Ret Family Clothing
One Lambda Inc, Address: 21001 Kittridge St, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 913032801, Contact Person: Mr George Ayoub, Title: President, Phone: 818-702-0042, Fax: 818-7026904818-702-6904, Internet: www.onelambda.com, Line of Business: Manufactures medicinal &
botanical pharmaceutical products
P S Development Corp, Address: 7760 Deering Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91304-5652, Contact Person: Mr Adam Saitman, Title: President, Phone: 818-340-0965, Fax: ,
Internet: www.cometelectric.com, Line of Business: Electrical Contractor
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 22333 Sherman Way, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 913031050, Contact Person: Lala Kuni, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-883-1230, Fax: 818-8831218818-883-1218, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries Ret Drugs/Sundries
Renaissance Caterers Inc, Address: 20825 Sherman Way, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91306-2706, Contact Person: Mr Michael Prudhomme, Title: President, Phone: 818-999-0990, Fax:
818-999-2990818-999-2990, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Rte Enterprises Inc, Address: 21530 Roscoe Blvd, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 913044144, Contact Person: Mr Ron Evenhaim, Title: President, Phone: 818-999-5300, Fax: 818-9995651818-999-5651, Internet: , Line of Business: Painting/Paper Hanging Contractor
Drywall/Insulating Contractor
Sears, Roebuck & Co, Address: 21851 Victory Blvd, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 913032668, Contact Person: Ms Stephanie Comparas, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-316-2300, Fax: ,
Internet: www.sears.com, Line of Business: Department Store
Sears, Roebuck & Co, Address: 6433 Fallbrook Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 913073543, Contact Person: Mr Jack Downes, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-316-2300, Fax: ,
Internet: www.sears.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Non-Disc
Software Dynamics Inc, Address: 8501 Fallbrook Ave Ste 200, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91304-3235, Contact Person: Mr Matthew Hale, Title: President, Phone: 818-992-3299,
Fax: 818-992-3398818-992-3398, Internet: www.s1.com, Line of Business: Computer Systems
Analysis And Design And Computer Software Development
Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Address: 6433 Fallbrook Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 913073543, Contact Person: Ms Jennifer Antolin, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-719-8602, Fax:
818-884-3416818-884-3416, Internet: www.walmartstores.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores
Well Care Pharmacy Inc, Address: 8220 Remmet Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91304-4156, Contact Person: Mr Gary Rudolph, Title: President, Phone: 818-746-9800, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Commercial Pharmacy
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Wellpoint Pharmacy Management, Address: 8407 Fallbrook Ave, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91304-3226, Contact Person: Mr Leonard Schaeffer, Title: President, Phone: 818-313-5127,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Insurance Agent/Broker Hospital/Medical Service Plan
Accident/Health Insurance Carrier
Zixta Enterprises Inc, Address: 21208 Sherman Way, City: Canoga Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91303-1512, Contact Person: Mr Luis Gonzalez, Title: President, Phone: 818-346-1665, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Evans Framing Corp, Address: 27936 Lost Canyon Rd # 201, City: Canyon Country, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91387-3219, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Evans, Title: President, Phone: 661-299-4886,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Single-Family House Construction
Jyg Concrete Construction Inc, Address: 17029 Sierra Hwy, City: Canyon Country, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91351-1616, Contact Person: Mr John Stich, Title: President, Phone: 661-607-0337, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Concrete Contractor
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 18571 Soledad Cyn, City: Canyon Country, State: CA, Zip Code:
91351-3700, Contact Person: Ms Cynthia Braddy, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 661-298-0219,
Fax: , Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Premier Accessories of Florida, Address: PO Box 4599, City: Carlsbad, State: CA, Zip Code: 920184599, Contact Person: Mr Douglas Freed, Title: President, Phone: 818-837-6211, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Manufactures tailored suits & formal jackets; manufactures men's & boys' dress
shirts; manufactures men's & boys' bow ties made from purchased materials; manufactures men's &
boys' trousers & slacks
Smith, H D Wholesale Drug Co, Address: PO Box 6231, City: Carson, State: CA, Zip Code: 907496231, Contact Person: Ms Angela Grande, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-641-1885, Fax:
310-649-3206310-649-3206, Internet: www.hdsmith.com, Line of Business: Whol Drugs/Sundries
Whol Medical/Hospital Equipment
McDermott, Will & Emery LLP, Address: 2049 Century Park E # 3400, City: Century City, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90067-3208, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Lemkin, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-277-4110,
Fax: 310-277-4730310-277-4730, Internet: www.mwe.com, Line of Business: Law Office
Pivotal Century Plaza Hotel, Address: 2025 Avenue Of The Stars, City: Century City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-4701, Contact Person: Mr Bruno Brunner, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-2772000, Fax: 310-551-3334310-551-3334, Internet: www.pivotalgroup.com, Line of Business:
Hotel/Motel Operation
A & S Mold & Die Corp, Address: 9705 Eton Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913114306, Contact Person: Mr Hugo Adlhoch, Title: President, Phone: 818-341-5393, Fax: 818-3413824818-341-3824, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures injection molded plastic products;
manufactures tools, dies, jigs & fixtures
Acme Laundry Products Inc, Address: 21600 Lassen St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-4121, Contact Person: Jan Rome, Title: President, Phone: 818-341-0700, Fax: 818-3411043818-341-1043, Internet: www.peerless-acme.com, Line of Business: Manufactures men's &
boys' industrial garments; manufactures laundry bags made from purchased materials
ADCO Products Inc, Address: 9655 Irondale Ave Ste A, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-5015, Contact Person: Mr Alan Ein, Title: President, Phone: 818-998-6655, Fax: 818-7750026818-775-0026, Internet: www.adcoprod.com, Line of Business: Manufactures textile bags
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
ADT Security Services Inc, Address: 9131 Oakdale Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-6502, Contact Person: Mr Carlo Alarc, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-947-5200, Fax: ,
Internet: www.adt.com, Line of Business: Security Systems Service
Advanced Digital Media LLC, Address: 21329 Nordhoff St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-5819, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 818-882-3095, Fax: , Internet:
www.admdvd.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture Services
American Copak Corp, Address: 9175 Eton Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913115806, Contact Person: Mr Steven Brooker, Title: President, Phone: 818-576-1000, Fax: 818-8821637818-882-1637, Internet: www.americancopak.com, Line of Business: Business Services
Aware Products, L L C, Address: 9250 Mason Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913116005, Contact Person: Mr Joe Pender, Title: Member, Phone: 818-993-7215, Fax: 818-7721642818-772-1642, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures hair care products
Barazani Pave Stone Inc, Address: 9701 Mason Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913115208, Contact Person: Yuval Barazani, Title: President, Phone: 818-701-6977, Fax: 818-7013002818-701-3002, Internet: , Line of Business: Masonry/Stone Contractor Concrete Contractor
Highway/Street Construction
Brendan Tours, Address: 21625 Prairie St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 91311-5833,
Contact Person: Mr James Murphy, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-428-6000, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Tour Operator
Canoga Perkins Corp, Address: 20600 Prairie St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913116008, Contact Person: Mr Tim Champion, Title: President, Phone: 818-718-6300, Fax: 818-7186312818-718-6312, Internet: www.canoga.com, Line of Business: Manufactures modems;
marketing consulting service; wholesales computers, peripherals & software; manufactures test
equipment for electronic & electric measurement; communication signal enhancement network
Capstone Turbine Corp, Address: 21211 Nordhoff St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913115844, Contact Person: Mr Eliot Protsch, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-734-5300, Fax: ,
Internet: www.capstoneturbine.com, Line of Business: Manufactures turbines & turbine generator
Cerwin-Vega Inc, Address: 9340 De Soto Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 91311-4926,
Contact Person: Mr Dave Froker, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-534-1500, Fax: ,
Internet: www.cerwinvega.com, Line of Business: Manufactures speaker systems
Chatsworth Products Inc, Address: 9353 Winnetka Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-6033, Contact Person: Mr Wesley Gass, Title: General Manager, Phone: 818-882-8595,
Fax: 818-718-0473818-718-0473, Internet: www.chatsworth.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
machinery bases; manufactures partitions & fixtures
Child Care Resource Center Inc, Address: 20001 Prairie St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-6508, Contact Person: Mr Casey Quinn, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 818-717-1000,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Individual/Family Services
Classic Cosmetics Inc, Address: 9601 Irondale Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913115009, Contact Person: Ms Ida Csiszar, Title: President, Phone: 818-773-9042, Fax: 818-773-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
9029818-773-9029, Internet: www.classiccosmetics.com, Line of Business: Manufactures cosmetic
Cohr Inc, Address: 21540 Plummer St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 91311-4103,
Contact Person: Mr David Winn, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-734-8357, Fax: 818341-9820818-341-9820, Internet: www.masterplan-inc.com, Line of Business: Business Services
Repair Services
Craggy View Convalescent Hosp, Address: 21820 Craggy View St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91311-2909, Contact Person: Mr David Weiss, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818882-8233, Fax: 818-882-3711818-882-3711, Internet: www.goldenstatecarecenter.com, Line of
Business: Nursing/Personal Care
Custom Control Sensors Intl, Address: PO Box 2516, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913132516, Contact Person: Mr Allen Davis, Title: President, Phone: 818-341-4610, Fax: 818-7090426818-709-0426, Internet: www.ccsdualsnap.com, Line of Business: Manufactures electric
power snaps; manufactures relays & industrial controls; manufactures current carrying wiring devices
Delta Hi-Tech, Address: 9600 De Soto Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 91311-5012,
Contact Person: Mr Joe Ostrowsky, Title: President, Phone: 818-407-4000, Fax: 818-4074007818-407-4007, Internet: www.deltahitech.com, Line of Business: Machine shop, jobbing &
repair services
Delta Tau Data Systems Inc of, Address: 21314 Lassen St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-4254, Contact Person: Mr Davis Gentry, Title: Regional Manager, Phone: 818-998-2095,
Fax: 818-998-7807818-998-7807, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures assembly line robots;
manufactures relays & industrial controls; manufactures computer peripheral equipment; software
Deluxe Corp, Address: PO Box 2137, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 91313-2137, Contact
Person: Mr Bob Richter, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-407-4255, Fax: 818-407-4294818-4074294, Internet: www.dlx.com, Line of Business: Checkbook printing
E Alko Inc, Address: 20364 Plummer St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 91311-5371,
Contact Person: Eyal Alkoby, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-587-9700, Fax: 818-5876775818-587-6775, Internet: www.laserimaging.com, Line of Business: Manufactures print
cartridges for laser & other computer printers; photographic equipment & supplies
Eldercare Inclusive Foundation, Address: 21825 Nordhoff St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-5712, Contact Person: Ms Victoria Lien, Title: President, Phone: 818-998-5061, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Non-Profit Agency
Electro Adapter Inc, Address: 20640 Nordhoff St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913116114, Contact Person: Ray Fish, Title: President, Phone: 818-998-1198, Fax: , Internet:
www.electro-adapter.com, Line of Business: Manufactures electric connectors
Excelline Food Products LLC, Address: 20232 Sunburst St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-6218, Contact Person: Ms Silvia Donahue, Title: Member, Phone: 818-701-7710, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Food & beverage consultant; manufactures frozen ethnic foods
F B Productions Inc, Address: 9450 Topanga Canyon Blvd, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-5730, Contact Person: Mr David Wohl, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-773-9337,
Fax: , Internet: www.fbonline.com, Line of Business: Manufactures die-cut paper & board; offset
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Fadal Machining Centers LLC, Address: 20701 Plummer St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-5002, Contact Person: Mr Peter Mosher, Title: President, Phone: 818-407-1400, Fax: 818407-0020818-407-0020, Internet: www.maxcor.com, Line of Business: Manufactures metal cutting
type machine tool replacement & repair parts
General Ribbon Corp, Address: 20650 Prairie St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913116008, Contact Person: Mr Robert Daggs, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-709-1234, Fax:
818-700-1209818-700-1209, Internet: www.printgrc.com, Line of Business: Manufactures ribbons;
photographic equipment & supplies
Gmri Inc, Address: 19724 Nordhoff Pl, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 91311-6605,
Contact Person: Tony Ross, Title: General Manager, Phone: 818-772-6090, Fax: 818-7720926818-772-0926, Internet: www.redlobster.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
Hallmark Manufacturing Co Inc, Address: PO Box 2313, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91313-2313, Contact Person: Mr Brad Senet, Title: President, Phone: 818-885-5010, Fax: 818885-5013818-885-5013, Internet: www.hallmarklighting.com, Line of Business: Manufactures wall
lamps; manufactures electric lamps
Hart Electronic Assembly Inc, Address: 21726 Lassen St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-3623, Contact Person: Lanell Allen, Title: Owner, Phone: 818-709-2761, Fax: , Internet:
www.hartelectronic.com, Line of Business: Manufactures electronic circuits; manufactures printed
circuit boards; steel fabricator
Hydraulics International Inc, Address: 9201 Independence Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91311-5905, Contact Person: Hormoz Ghaemmaghami, Title: Owner, Phone: 818-7182462, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Mfg Space Vehicle Equipment
Hydraulics International Inc, Address: 9201 Independence Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91311-5905, Contact Person: Nicky Ghaemmaghami, Title: President, Phone: 818-9981231, Fax: , Internet: www.hiifsu.com, Line of Business: Manufactures measuring & controlling
Image Entertainment Inc, Address: 20525 Nordhoff St Ste 200, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91311-6100, Contact Person: David Borshell, Title: President, Phone: 818-407-9100, Fax:
818-407-9151818-407-9151, Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture/Tape Distribution
Impress Communications Inc, Address: 9320 Lurline Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-6041, Contact Person: Mr Paul Marino, Title: President, Phone: 818-701-8800, Fax: ,
Internet: www.impress1.com, Line of Business: Lithographic Coml Print Coml Art/Graphic Design
Commercial Photography Advertising Services
Intermedia Video Products LLC, Address: 21329 Nordock St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311, Contact Person: Mr Stephen Erickson, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-882-3073, Fax:
818-772-1171818-772-1171, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures blank video recording tape
J M R Electronics Inc, Address: 8968 Fullbright Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913116123, Contact Person: Mr Josef Rabinovitz, Title: President, Phone: 818-993-4801, Fax: 818-7272248818-727-2248, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures computer storage devices
Lamps Plus Inc, Address: 20250 Plummer St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 91311-5449,
Contact Person: Mr Dennis Swanson, Title: President, Phone: 818-886-5267, Fax: 818-886-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
4712818-886-4712, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Misc Homefurnishings Whol Electrical
Los Angeles Times Comms, Address: 8966 Comanche Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-6205, Contact Person: Mr Wayne Bean, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 818-772-3600,
Fax: 818-772-3614818-772-3614, Internet: www.latimes.com, Line of Business: Newspaper
Luminentoic Inc, Address: 20550 Nordhoff St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 91311-6113,
Contact Person: Mr Noah Lotan, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-773-9044, Fax: 818576-9456818-576-9456, Internet: www.luminentoic.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
semiconductors & related devices
Moog Inc, Address: 21339 Nordhoff St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 91311-5819,
Contact Person: Mr Jay Hennig, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 818-341-5156, Fax: , Internet:
www.moog.com, Line of Business: Manufactures electronic totalizing counters for aircraft control
systems; manufactures process control instruments
MRV Communications Inc, Address: 20415 Nordhoff St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-6112, Contact Person: Dr Shlomo Margalit, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-7730900, Fax: 818-773-0906818-773-0906, Internet: www.mrv.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
semiconductors & related devices; wholesales optical goods
N N A Services, Address: PO Box 2402, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 91313-2402,
Contact Person: Mr Milton Valera, Title: President, Phone: 818-739-4000, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Ret Notary And Corporate Seals And Products & Notary Insurance
Natel Engineering Co Inc, Address: 9340 Owensmouth Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-6915, Contact Person: Sudesh Arora, Title: President, Phone: 818-734-6500, Fax: ,
Internet: www.natelengr.com, Line of Business: Manufactures hybrid integrated circuits
Natrol Inc, Address: 21411 Prairie St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 91311-5829, Contact
Person: Mr Wayne Bos, Title: President, Phone: 818-739-6000, Fax: 818-739-6061818-739-6061,
Internet: www.natrol.com, Line of Business: Manufactures vitamins, supplements & nutraceuticals;
manufactures medicinal & botanical pharmaceutical products
New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Address: PO Box 2515, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91313-2515, Contact Person: Mr Gary Yomantas, Title: President, Phone: 818-407-9300, Fax:
818-709-0387818-709-0387, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures ball bearings & parts;
manufactures mechanical power transmission equipment
O'Bryant Electric Inc, Address: 20417 Nordhoff St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913116112, Contact Person: Ms Cathy O'Bryant, Title: President, Phone: 818-407-1986, Fax: ,
Internet: www.obryantelectric.com, Line of Business: Electrical Contractor
Optical Access Inc, Address: 20415 Nordhoff St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913116112, Contact Person: Mr Guy Avidan, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-407-1801, Fax:
818-407-1895818-407-1895, Internet: www.mrv.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
semiconductors & related devices
Pacific Coast Lighting Inc, Address: 20238 Plummer St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-5449, Contact Person: Mr Clark Linstone, Title: President, Phone: 818-886-9751, Fax: ,
Internet: www.pacificcoastlighting.com, Line of Business: Manufactures lighting equipment; retails
lighting fixtures; manufactures electric lamps
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Pemco Aviation Group Inc, Address: 9200 Deering Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-5803, Contact Person: Mr Will Johnston, Title: Division President, Phone: 818-407-5600,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures industrial trucks & tractors; manufactures screw
machine products; manufactures wire springs; manufactures metal stampings
Pentacon Inc, Address: 21123 Nordhoff St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 91311-5816,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Ruck, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-727-8000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.pentacon-inc.com, Line of Business: Whol Industrial Supplies Whol Electrical Equip
Performance Automotive Whsle, Address: 20235 Nordhoff St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91311-6213, Contact Person: Mr Keith Harvie, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818678-4978, Fax: , Internet: www.perf-auto.com, Line of Business: Ret Mail-Order House Whol Auto
Parts/Supplies Ret Auto/Home Supplies
Pioneer Photo Albums Inc, Address: PO Box 2497, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913132497, Contact Person: Mr Jason Reubens, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-882-2161,
Fax: 818-882-6239818-882-6239, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures albums
Pipedream Products Inc, Address: 21350 Lassen St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913114254, Contact Person: Mr Robert Feldman, Title: President, Phone: 818-772-0100, Fax: 818-8850800818-885-0800, Internet: www.pipedreamproducts.com, Line of Business: Whol Nondurable
Goods Whol Durable Goods
Portion Pac Inc, Address: 9140 Lurline Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 91311-5923,
Contact Person: Ms Tina Lindsey, Title: Controller, Phone: 818-407-2100, Fax: 818-407-2138818407-2138, Internet: www.portionpac.com, Line of Business: Manufactures pickles, sauces & salad
Premier America Credit Union, Address: PO Box 2178, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91313-2178, Contact Person: Mr John Merlo, Title: President, Phone: 818-772-4000, Fax: 818772-4101818-772-4101, Internet: , Line of Business: State Credit Union Loan Broker
Primerica Financial Services, Address: 21818 Craggy View St Ste 101, City: Chatsworth, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91311-2952, Contact Person: Mr Curtis Cooper, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-773-0057,
Fax: 818-407-1801818-407-1801, Internet: www.pfsnet.com, Line of Business: Insurance
Printing Technology Inc, Address: 21001 Nordhoff St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-5911, Contact Person: Mr Peter Salay, Title: President, Phone: 818-576-9220, Fax: ,
Internet: www.ptiimaging.com, Line of Business: Whol Industrial Supplies Whol Printing/Writing
Paper Whol Industrial Equipment
Quality Fabrication, Address: 9631 Irondale Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913115009, Contact Person: Pradeep Kumar, Title: President, Phone: 818-709-8505, Fax: 818-7094530818-709-4530, Internet: www.quality-fab.com, Line of Business: Sheet metal fabricator
Rancho San Antonio, Address: 21000 Plummer St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913114903, Contact Person: Mr Brian Yabu, Title: Human Resource Director, Phone: 818-882-6400, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Boy's Home
Rexam Beverage Can Americas, Address: 20730 Prairie St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-6010, Contact Person: Ms Nancy Delgado, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 818-998-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
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(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
8333, Fax: 818-700-0856818-700-0856, Internet: www.rexam.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures metal cans
RGIS Inventory Specialists, Address: 21039 Devonshire St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-2315, Contact Person: Ms Carol Kelley, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-727-7132, Fax:
, Internet: www.rgisinv.com, Line of Business: Inventory Computer Service
Ronco Inventions LLC, Address: 21344 Superior St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913114312, Contact Person: Mr Ronald Popeil, Title: Member, Phone: 818-775-4602, Fax: , Internet:
www.ronco.com, Line of Business: Wholesales kitchenware; manufactures small electric household
appliances; retails kitchenware; manufactures food products machinery
Sanyo North America Corp, Address: PO Box 2329, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913132329, Contact Person: Hiromoto Sekino, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 818-998-7322, Fax: ,
Internet: www.sanyo.co.jp, Line of Business: Wholesales electrical major appliances; wholesales
office equipment; manufactures household audio & video equipment
Sears, Roebuck & Co, Address: 9332 De Soto Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913114926, Contact Person: Ms Rita Schneider, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-885-3000, Fax: , Internet:
www.sears.com, Line of Business: Department Store
Sensor Systems Inc, Address: 8929 Fullbright Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913116124, Contact Person: Ms Mary Bazar, Title: President, Phone: 818-341-5366, Fax: 818-3419059818-341-9059, Internet: www.sensorantennas.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
transmitting & communications antennas
Sierra Canyon Inc, Address: 11052 Independence Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-1562, Contact Person: Mr Howard Wang, Title: President, Phone: 818-882-8121, Fax: 818882-2818818-882-2818, Internet: www.sierracanyon.com, Line of Business:
Elementary/Secondary School Amusement/Recreation Services
Southern California Gas Co, Address: PO Box 2300, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913132300, Contact Person: Ms Cathy Maguire, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-701-2592, Fax: ,
Internet: www.socalgas.com, Line of Business: Natural Gas Transmission Gas
Specialty International Inc, Address: 20730 Dearborn St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-5912, Contact Person: Mr Anthony Magnone, Title: President, Phone: 818-349-0810, Fax: ,
Internet: www.specialtyinternational.com, Line of Business: Manufactures metal stampings
Strategic Partners Inc, Address: 9800 De Soto Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913114411, Contact Person: Mr Michael Singer, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-671-2102,
Fax: , Internet: www.strategicpartners.net, Line of Business: Manufactures work uniforms;
manufactures women's, misses' & juniors' non athletic uniforms; wholesales shoes; retails uniforms &
work clothing; manufactures men's footwear; manufactures women's footwear
Sycamore Solutions Ltd, Address: 22860 Hialeah Way, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-8613, Contact Person: Sanjeev Kuwadekar, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-3321727, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Custom Computer Programing
Thibiant International Inc, Address: 20320 Prairie St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-6026, Contact Person: Mr Patrick Thibiant, Title: President, Phone: 818-709-1345, Fax:
818-709-4157818-709-4157, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures cosmetic preparations
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Triumph Structures-Los Angeles, Address: RR 9301 Mason Ave, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91311, Contact Person: Mr George Lodwick, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-341-1314,
Fax: , Internet: www.triumphgrp.com, Line of Business: Machine shop
Tuttle Family Enterprises Inc, Address: 21020 Superior St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-4321, Contact Person: Mr George Tuttle, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-8340297, Fax: 818-834-9478818-834-9478, Internet: , Line of Business: Building Maintenance
United Cerebral Palsy Assn, Address: 11051 Old Santa Susana Pass Rd, City: Chatsworth, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91311-1206, Contact Person: Ms Norma Deehan, Title: Administrator, Phone: 818-9988755, Fax: 818-998-7796818-998-7796, Internet: , Line of Business: Residential Care Services
Individual/Family Services
United Medical Staffing Svcs, Address: 21405 Devonshire St # 218, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91311-2941, Contact Person: Ms Susie Vu, Title: President, Phone: 805-557-0655, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Employment Agency
US Interstate Distributing Inc, Address: 21621 Nordhoff St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-5825, Contact Person: Mr Russel Leventhal, Title: President, Phone: 818-678-4500, Fax:
818-329-4141818-329-4141, Internet: , Line of Business: Telephone Communications
Vast Resources Inc, Address: PO Box 2488, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 91313-2488,
Contact Person: Mr Scott Tucker, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-332-4600, Fax: ,
Internet: www.topco-sales.com, Line of Business: Whol Durable Goods Whol Drugs/Sundries Patent
Washington Mutual Bank, Address: 19809 Prairie St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913116504, Contact Person: Ms Patrica Benninger, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-775-4263, Fax: ,
Internet: www.wamu.com, Line of Business: Payroll And Personnel Management
Washington Mutual Bank, Address: 19850 Plummer St 1, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-5652, Contact Person: Ms Colleen Hamm, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-775-2001, Fax:
, Internet: www.wamu.com, Line of Business: Federal Savings Institution
Washington Mutual Bank, Address: 9200 Oakdale Ave Fl 1, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-6519, Contact Person: Mr Carl Woodyard, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-775-4104, Fax: ,
Internet: www.wamu.com, Line of Business: Federal Savings Institution Management Consulting
Wis International, Address: 21354 Nordhoff St Ste 108, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code:
91311-6910, Contact Person: Ms Mary Booher, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-772-4969, Fax:
, Internet: www.wisusa.com, Line of Business: Inventory Computing Service
Wright Graphics Inc, Address: 21800 Nordhoff St, City: Chatsworth, State: CA, Zip Code: 913115711, Contact Person: Ms Deborah Wright, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-882-4172,
Fax: 818-882-3873818-882-3873, Internet: , Line of Business: Promotional lithographic printing
Lucky Sportwear Inc, Address: PO Box 905, City: Chino Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 91709-0031,
Contact Person: Mr David Yi, Title: President, Phone: 310-366-5800, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Manufactures men's & boys' athletic & sportswear; manufactures women's sportswear;
sewing contractor
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Asco Sintering Co, Address: 2750 Garfield Ave, City: City Of Commerce, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-2610, Contact Person: Mr Hugh Jenkins, Title: President, Phone: 323-725-3550, Fax: 323888-9968323-888-9968, Internet: www.ascosintering.com, Line of Business: Manufactures motor
vehicle parts & accessories; manufactures speed changers, drives & gears; manufactures hardware
Bookbinders Co, Address: 2808 Vail Ave, City: City Of Commerce, State: CA, Zip Code: 900402614, Contact Person: Mr Jeffrey Samson, Title: President, Phone: 323-838-8900, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Book binding service
California Commerce Club Inc, Address: 6131 Telegraph Rd, City: City Of Commerce, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90040-2501, Contact Person: Mr George Tumanjan, Title: President, Phone: 323-721-2100,
Fax: , Internet: www.commercecasino.com, Line of Business: Amusement/Recreation Services
Eating Place
Columbia Aluminum Products LLC, Address: 7020 E Slauson Ave, City: City Of Commerce, State:
CA, Zip Code: 90040-3621, Contact Person: Drew Mumford, Title: Vice President, Phone: 323728-7361, Fax: 323-724-9146323-724-9146, Internet: www.columbiaaluminumproductsllc.com,
Line of Business: Manufactures extruded aluminum products
Fedex National Ltl Inc, Address: 4500 Bandini Blvd, City: City Of Commerce, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-2009, Contact Person: Mr Bob Tillett, Title: Terminal Manager, Phone: 323-269-9800, Fax:
323-269-7004323-269-7004, Internet: www.watkins.com, Line of Business: Trucking OperatorNonlocal Truck Terminal Facility
G-L Veneer Co Inc, Address: 6525 Flotilla St, City: City Of Commerce, State: CA, Zip Code: 900401713, Contact Person: Leslie Levin, Title: Principal, Phone: 323-721-3341, Fax: , Internet:
www.glveneer.com, Line of Business: Manufactures hardwood veneer & plywood
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 7015 Telegraph Rd, City: City Of Commerce, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-3225, Contact Person: Mr Robert Alenjandre, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-727-9600, Fax:
323-890-1485323-890-1485, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials
Equipment Rental/Leasing
Acorn Engineering Co, Address: PO Box 3527, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code: 917440527, Contact Person: Mr Donald Morris, Title: President, Phone: 626-336-4561, Fax: 626-9612200626-961-2200, Internet: www.whitehallmfg.com, Line of Business: Manufactures portable
prefabricated metal buildings; manufactures enameled iron, cast iron, or pressed metal plumbing
fixtures; manufactures metal doors, sash & trim; manufactures artificial surgical grafts
Aerosol Services Co Inc, Address: 425 S 9th Ave, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code:
91746-3314, Contact Person: Mr Walter Lim, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626-968-8536,
Fax: 626-330-9464626-330-9464, Internet: www.osghq.com, Line of Business: Business Services
Packing/Crating Service
American Waste Industries, Address: PO Box 60009, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code:
91716-0009, Contact Person: Mr George Agajanian, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-768-1492,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Local Trucking Operator
Athens Disposal Co Inc, Address: PO Box 60009, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code:
91716-0009, Contact Person: Mr Ron Arakelian, Title: President, Phone: 626-336-3636, Fax: 626330-4686626-330-4686, Internet: , Line of Business: Refuse System
Bentley Prince Street Inc, Address: 14641 Don Julian Rd, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91746-3106, Contact Person: Mr Daniel Hendrix, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
333-4585, Fax: 626-333-7233626-333-7233, Internet: www.interfaceinc.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures textile fiber carpets
Best Overnite Express Inc, Address: PO Box 90816, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code:
91715-0816, Contact Person: Mr William Applebee, Title: President, Phone: 626-256-0550, Fax:
626-256-0568626-256-0568, Internet: , Line of Business: Local Trucking Operator Local TruckingWith Storage
Classic Distributing, Address: 120 Puente Ave, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code: 917462301, Contact Person: Mr Joseph Sanchez, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-934-3700,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Beer/Ale
Custom Alloy Sales Inc, Address: 13329 Ector St, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code:
91746-1506, Contact Person: Mr Kenneth Cox, Title: President, Phone: 626-369-3641, Fax: 626336-8312626-336-8312, Internet: , Line of Business: Wholesales zinc; manufactures secondary
nonferrous metals
Edward Service LLC, Address: 14500 Proctor Ave, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code:
91746-2911, Contact Person: Mr Richard Sant, Title: Chief Operating Officer, Phone: 626-8558188, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Electrical Repair Radio/Television Repair
Frito-Lay Inc, Address: 14600 Proctor Ave, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code: 917463249, Contact Person: Mr Marty McFadden, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-855-1300, Fax: ,
Internet: www.fritolay.com, Line of Business: Whol Confectionery
Fry's Electronics Inc, Address: 13401 Crossroads Pkwy N, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91746-3482, Contact Person: Mr Todd Smith, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 562-463-2400,
Fax: , Internet: www.frys.com, Line of Business: Ret Computers/Software Ret Radio/Tv/Electronics
Golden State Foods Corp, Address: 640 S 6th Ave, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code:
91746-3025, Contact Person: Mr Richard Moretti, Title: Assistant Vice President, Phone: 626-9686431, Fax: 626-333-3804626-333-3804, Internet: www.goldenstatefoods.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures frozen food products; commercial bakery; manufactures flavoring extracts & syrups;
manufactures fluid milk
House Of Packaging Inc, Address: PO Box 90305, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code:
91715-0305, Contact Person: Mr Jack Franck, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-369-3371,
Fax: 626-333-6115626-333-6115, Internet: www.hopbox.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
set-up paperboard boxes; manufactures folding paperboard boxes; manufactures plastics sheet
packing materials
Johnson Machinery Co, Address: PO Box 60007, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code: 917160007, Contact Person: Mr William Kinley, Title: Division Head, Phone: 562-692-9311, Fax: 562699-6306562-699-6306, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures forklift trucks; wholesales
industrial machinery & equipment
Jon Brooks Inc, Address: 14400 Lomitas Ave, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code: 917463018, Contact Person: Mr Jon Brooks, Title: President, Phone: 626-330-0631, Fax: , Internet:
www.jonbrooks.com, Line of Business: Mfg Minerals-Ground/Treated Whol Industrial Supplies
Kellwood Co, Address: 1307 E Temple Ave, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code: 91746,
Contact Person: Mr Arthur Gordon, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-934-4133, Fax: , Internet:
www.kellwoodco.com, Line of Business: Whol Men's/Boy's Clothing Whol Women's/Child's Clothing
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Kellwood Co, Address: 13071 Temple Ave, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code: 91746-1418,
Contact Person: Mr Arthur Gordon, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-934-4122, Fax: , Internet:
www.kellwoodco.com, Line of Business: Wholesales men's & boys' clothing; manufactures dresses
Kik Aerosol Socal LLC, Address: 425 S 9th Ave, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code: 917463314, Contact Person: Doodnauth Kishun, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-363-6200, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures aerosols
Marquez Brothers Enterprises, Address: 15480 Valley Blvd, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91746-3325, Contact Person: Mr Gustavo Marquez, Title: President, Phone: 626-330-3310,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Whol General Groceries
Maxim Lighting, Address: 253 Vineland Ave, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code: 917462319, Contact Person: Mr Jacob Sperling, Title: President, Phone: 626-964-7500, Fax: , Internet:
www.maximlighting.com, Line of Business: Manufactures residential lighting fixtures
Mercury Plastics Inc, Address: 14825 Salt Lake Ave, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code:
91746-3131, Contact Person: Mr Benjamin Deutsch, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626961-0165, Fax: 626-333-4513626-333-4513, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures plastic
bags made from purchased materials; plastic bag printing service; manufactures plastic containers
Mike Campbell & Associates Ltd, Address: 13000 Temple Ave, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91746-1416, Contact Person: Mr Michael Campbell, Title: President, Phone: 626-369-3981,
Fax: 626-369-6602626-369-6602, Internet: , Line of Business: Local Trucking Operator General
Warehse/Storage Truck Operator-Nonlocal Local Truck-With Storage
Orange County Container Corp, Address: PO Box 3310, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code:
91744-0310, Contact Person: Mr Michael Feterik, Title: President, Phone: 626-333-6363, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures corrugated boxes; manufactures folding paperboard
boxes; manufactures paper packaging materials
Pactiv Corp, Address: 14505 Proctor Ave, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code: 91746-2912,
Contact Person: Mr Chris Berard, Title: Research & Development Engr, Phone: 626-968-3801, Fax:
626-330-2975626-330-2975, Internet: www.pactiv.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
thermoformed plastic products
Performance Sheets LLC, Address: 440 Baldwin Park Blvd, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91746-1407, Contact Person: Mr Mike Crosson, Title: President, Phone: 626-333-9494, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures corrugated boxes, partitions, display items, sheets &
Physicians Formula Cosmetics, Address: 230 S 9th Ave, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code:
91746-3309, Contact Person: Mr Richard Kirchhoff, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-330-4516,
Fax: 626-369-5479626-369-5479, Internet: www.physiciansformula.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures cosmetic preparations
Public Health Foundation, Address: 13200 Crossroads Pkwy N, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91746-3420, Contact Person: Mr Azhar Qureshi, Title: Chairman, Phone: 562-699-7320,
Fax: 562-699-8856562-699-8856, Internet: www.phfe.org, Line of Business: Management
Quemetco Inc, Address: 720 S 7th Ave, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code: 91746-3124,
Contact Person: Mr Bob Finn, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-330-2294, Fax: , Internet: ,
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Line of Business: Secondary lead smelting & refining; manufactures chemical products; refuse
systems services; steel mill
Rapid Rack Industries Inc, Address: 14421 Bonelli St, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code:
91746-3021, Contact Person: Mr Vaughn Sucevich, Title: President, Phone: 626-333-7225, Fax:
626-333-3301626-333-3301, Internet: www.rapidrack.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
partitions & fixtures
Rice Field Corp, Address: 14500 Valley Blvd, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code: 917462918, Contact Person: Mr Derek Lee, Title: President, Phone: 626-968-6917, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Meat processing
Sayco Container Inc, Address: 13400 Nelson Ave, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code:
91746-2331, Contact Person: Mr Michael Feterik, Title: President, Phone: 619-440-4411, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures corrugated & solid fiber containers; manufactures plastic
containers; manufactures plastic foam products
Sonoco Products Co, Address: 166 Baldwin Park Blvd, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code:
91746-1401, Contact Person: Mr Andrew Green, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-369-6927,
Fax: 626-968-3848626-968-3848, Internet: www.sonoco.com, Line of Business: Paperboard mill;
pulp mill
Topocean Consolidation Service, Address: 2727 Workman Mill Rd, City: City Of Industry, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90601-1452, Contact Person: Mr Robert Wang, Title: President, Phone: 562-908-1688,
Fax: , Internet: www.topocean.com, Line of Business: Freight Transportation Arrangement
Willdan Engineering, Address: 13191 Crossroads Pkwy N, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91746-3421, Contact Person: Mr Bill Pagett, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 562-908-6200,
Fax: , Internet: www.willdan.com, Line of Business: Civil Engineering Management Consulting
Williamhouse Inc, Address: 705 Baldwin Park Blvd, City: City Of Industry, State: CA, Zip Code:
91746-1504, Contact Person: Mr Brian Archer, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-369-4921, Fax: 626369-3532626-369-3532, Internet: www.nationalenvelope.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
Allegro Mfg Inc, Address: 7250 Oxford Way, City: Commerce, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040-3643,
Contact Person: Mr Scott Friedman, Title: President, Phone: 323-724-0101, Fax: , Internet:
www.celebritys.org, Line of Business: Manufactures leather cosmetic bags; manufactures carrying
Orlandini Enterprises Pacific, Address: 6155 S Eastern Ave, City: Commerce, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-3401, Contact Person: Mr Vincent Orlandini, Title: President, Phone: 323-725-1332, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures nonferrous machinery castings; manufactures aluminum
die castings
PCI Industries Inc, Address: 6501 Potello St, City: Commerce, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040,
Contact Person: Mr Greg Skilley, Title: Vice President, Phone: 323-728-0004, Fax: , Internet:
www.airmanagers.com, Line of Business: Manufactures air filters
Precise Fit Limited One LLC, Address: 5801 E Slauson Ave # 170, City: Commerce, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90040-3046, Contact Person: Mr Carlos Valdes, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-824-1800, Fax:
, Internet: www.precisefit.com, Line of Business: Employment Agency
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Precision Wire Products Inc, Address: 6150 Sheila St, City: Commerce, State: CA, Zip Code: 900402407, Contact Person: Mr John Ondrasik, Title: President, Phone: 323-890-9100, Fax: 323-8909113323-890-9113, Internet: www.precisionwireproducts.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
wire & wire products
Shims Bargain Inc, Address: 7030 E Slauson Ave, City: Commerce, State: CA, Zip Code: 900403621, Contact Person: Mr Andy Kim, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-726-8800, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Warehouse
Bowman Plating Co Inc, Address: PO Box 3105, City: Compton, State: CA, Zip Code: 90223-3105,
Contact Person: Mac Esfandi, Title: President, Phone: 310-639-4343, Fax: 310-639-3577310-6393577, Internet: www.bowmanplating.com, Line of Business: Plating service; manufactures air &
gas compressors
De Menno-Kerdoon Trading Co, Address: 2000 N Alameda St, City: Compton, State: CA, Zip Code:
90222-2702, Contact Person: Mr Bernard Roth, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-5377100, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Petroleum Refiner
Kraco Enterprises Inc, Address: 505 E Euclid Ave, City: Compton, State: CA, Zip Code: 902222811, Contact Person: Mr Lawrence Kraines, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-639-0666,
Fax: 310-603-2260310-603-2260, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures rubber mats &
M Metal Polishing Inc, Address: 3007 N Santa Fe Ave, City: Compton, State: CA, Zip Code: 902221423, Contact Person: Mr Guadalupe Moreno, Title: President, Phone: 310-604-8149, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Plating & polishing service
Owens Corning Sales Inc, Address: PO Box 5665, City: Compton, State: CA, Zip Code: 90224-5665,
Contact Person: Ms Margarita Rogers, Title: Human Resource Manager, Phone: 310-631-5131,
Fax: 310-631-9681310-631-9681, Internet: www.owenscorning.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures roofing felts, cements or coatings; roofing, siding & sheet metal work; manufactures
asphalt paving mixtures & blocks
Waste Management Inc, Address: 407 E El Segundo Blvd, City: Compton, State: CA, Zip Code:
90222-2316, Contact Person: Mr Steve Tucker, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-763-8500,
Fax: , Internet: www.wm.com, Line of Business: Refuse System Local Trucking Operator
Azteca Production Intl, Address: 5804 E Slauson Ave, City: Cty Of Cmmrce, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-3018, Contact Person: Mr Hubert Guez, Title: President, Phone: 323-890-9660, Fax: 323890-9680323-890-9680, Internet: , Line of Business: Wholesales men's & boys' trousers;
manufactures men's, youths' & boys' jeans; manufactures women's, misses' & juniors' jeans;
wholesales women's & children's clothing
Consolidated Foundries Inc, Address: PO Box 1099, City: Cudahy, State: CA, Zip Code: 902017099, Contact Person: Prab Pasi, Title: Vice President, Phone: 323-773-2363, Fax: 323-5623174323-562-3174, Internet: , Line of Business: Aluminum foundry; steel investment foundry
Kmart Corp, Address: 8017 Atlantic Ave, City: Cudahy, State: CA, Zip Code: 90201-5712, Contact
Person: Mr Ben Masceda, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-771-9500, Fax: , Internet: www.kmart.com,
Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Super Center Concepts Inc, Address: 7300 Atlantic Ave, City: Cudahy, State: CA, Zip Code: 902014305, Contact Person: Mr Peter Buyn, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-562-8980, Fax: 323-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
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(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
562-8989323-562-8989, Internet: , Line of Business: Retail independent grocery store; commercial
bakery; retail bakery; manufactures cookies & crackers; miniwarehouse; meat & fish market
Acceleration Productions Inc, Address: 9336 Wash Blvd Bldg K, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90232-2628, Contact Person: Mr Joseph Santaniello, Title: President, Phone: 310-202-3512,
Fax: , Internet: www.corporate.disney.go.com, Line of Business: Manufactures motion picture film
Bally Total Fitness Corp, Address: 3827 Overland Ave, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90232-3306, Contact Person: Ector McClendon, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-204-2030, Fax: ,
Internet: www.ballyfitness.com, Line of Business: Health Club
Best Buy Co Inc, Address: 10799 Washington Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 902323364, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-815-3776, Fax: , Internet: www.bestbuy.com, Line
of Business: Ret Household Appliances
Bidzcom Inc, Address: 3562 Eastham Dr, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 90232-2409,
Contact Person: Mr David Zinberg, Title: President, Phone: 310-280-7373, Fax: , Internet:
www.bidz.com, Line of Business: Online Retailer Of Jewelry
Bleu Products Inc, Address: 8741 Washington Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 902322344, Contact Person: Mr Joseph Agi, Title: President, Phone: 310-280-9850, Fax: , Internet:
www.bleuproducts.com, Line of Business: Wholesales women's & children's clothing; manufactures
women's & misses' athletic clothing & sportswear
Brotman Medical Center Inc, Address: 3828 Delmas Ter, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90232-2713, Contact Person: Mr Michael Lane, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-8367000, Fax: 310-202-4141310-202-4141, Internet: www.brotmanmedicalcenter.com, Line of
Business: General Hospital
California Clinical Trials, Address: 3828 Delmas Ter 2, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90232-2713, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-854-4949, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Insurance Agent/Broker Commercial Physical Research
Caraway & Cuckler Engineerings, Address: 5855 Uplander Way Ste F, City: Culver City, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90230-6646, Contact Person: Mr Art Caraway, Title: President, Phone: 310-670-1985,
Fax: , Internet: www.caraway-cuckler.com, Line of Business: Help Supply Services
Celestino Drago Enterprises, Address: 3828 Willat Ave, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90232-2307, Contact Person: Celestino Drago, Title: President, Phone: 310-280-0130, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Characters Kids Love Inc, Address: 3975 Landmark St, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90232-2315, Contact Person: Mr Brad Lipshy, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-815-2440,
Fax: 310-815-2454310-815-2454, Internet: , Line of Business: Entertainer/Entertainment Group
Eating Place Ret Gifts/Novelties
Citicorp North America Inc, Address: 5860 Uplander Way, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90230-6608, Contact Person: Mr Dave Delude, Title: Regional Manager, Phone: 213-239-2099,
Fax: , Internet: www.citigroup.com, Line of Business: Natl Commercial Banks
Cmts Inc, Address: 5995 Sepulveda Blvd # 206, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 902306415, Contact Person: Hezekiah Harris, Title: President, Phone: 310-390-9558, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Management Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Comcast Cable Communications, Address: 5901 Green Valley Cir, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90230-6938, Contact Person: Mr Bill Greer, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-993-8130,
Fax: , Internet: www.comcast.com, Line of Business: Cable/Pay Television Service Telephone
Communications Information Retrieval Services
D K Fortune & Associates Inc, Address: 5240 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90230-5214, Contact Person: Ms Diana Fortune, Title: President, Phone: 310-391-7266,
Fax: 310-397-4998310-397-4998, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care Skilled
Nursing Care Facility
Decaux, J L USA, Address: 200 Corporate Pointe Ste 460, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90230-7645, Contact Person: Mr Jean-Luc Deaux, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-2422032, Fax: 310-215-3722310-215-3722, Internet: , Line of Business: Outdoor Advertising Services
Dreamworks LLC, Address: 5900 Blackwelder St, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 902327306, Contact Person: Mr Steven Spiehlberg, Title: Member, Phone: 310-558-1706, Fax: ,
Internet: www.dreamworks.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
Educational Resource & Service, Address: 5350 Machado Ln, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90230-8800, Contact Person: Ms Suzanne Kayne, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-7379393, Fax: 310-838-1860310-838-1860, Internet: www.kayneeras.org, Line of Business:
Elementary/Secondary School
Event Rentals Inc, Address: 8476 Steller Dr, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 90232-2425,
Contact Person: Mr Mike Bjornstad, Title: President, Phone: 310-202-0011, Fax: , Internet:
www.eventrentals.com, Line of Business: Equipment Rental/Leasing
Exceptional Childrens Foundtn, Address: 8740 Washington Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90232-2322, Contact Person: Mr Scott Bowling, Title: President, Phone: 310-204-3300,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Job Training/Related Services
Exigen Inc, Address: 6101 W Centinela Ave # 150, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 902306351, Contact Person: Mr Jim Kucharczyk, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-743-8001, Fax: ,
Internet: www.exigengroup.com, Line of Business: Custom Computer Programing
Fortune Casuals LLC, Address: 10119 Jefferson Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 902323519, Contact Person: Mr Michael Henschel, Title: Executive Vice President, Phone: 310-733-2100,
Fax: , Internet: www.fortunecasuals.com, Line of Business: Manufactures women's & girls' T-shirts
& tops; manufactures shirts; manufactures women's, misses' & juniors' slacks
Genex, Address: 9905 Jefferson Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 90232-3505, Contact
Person: Mr Walter Schild, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-736-2000, Fax: 310-7362001310-736-2001, Internet: www.genex.com, Line of Business: Custom Computer Programing
Computer Related Services Telephone Communications
Global Nurses Online Inc, Address: 5601 W Slauson Ave # 234, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90230-3402, Contact Person: Ms Dorika Mamboleo, Title: President, Phone: 310-590-1690,
Fax: , Internet: www.globalnursesonline.com, Line of Business: Employment Agency
Goldrich & Kest Industries LLC, Address: PO Box 3623, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90231-3623, Contact Person: Raffi Huverserian, Title: Vice President, Phone: 310-204-2050, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Subdivider/Developer
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Address: 9530 Jefferson Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90232-2918, Contact Person: Jan Harmon, Title: VP Human Resources, Phone: 310-8389555, Fax: 310-838-9586310-838-9586, Internet: , Line of Business: Architectural And
Hirsch Didi Psychiatric Svc, Address: 4760 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90230-4820, Contact Person: Kita Curry, Title: President, Phone: 310-390-6612, Fax: 310-3985690310-398-5690, Internet: www.didihirsch.org, Line of Business: Individual/Family Services
Specialty Outpatient Clinic
Hooman Pontiac GMC Buick Inc, Address: 6101 W Slauson Ave, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90230-6419, Contact Person: Hooman Nissani, Title: President, Phone: 310-636-4800,
Fax: 310-636-4830310-636-4830, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Autos/Motor Vehicles Ret
New/Used Automobiles
Investment Technology Group, Address: 400 Corporate Pointe Ste 855, City: Culver City, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90230-7673, Contact Person: Mr Richard White, Title: VP Operations, Phone: 310-2166777, Fax: 310-216-0933310-216-0933, Internet: www.itginc.com, Line of Business: Security
Broker/Dealer Custom Computer Programing
JC Penney Corp Inc, Address: 6000 Hannum Ave, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 902306504, Contact Person: Mr William Estrada, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-390-8966, Fax: , Internet:
www.jcpenneyinc.com, Line of Business: Department Store
Jeopardy Productions Inc, Address: 10202 Washington Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90232-3119, Contact Person: Mr Rocky Schmitt, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-2448855, Fax: 310-244-1513310-244-1513, Internet: www.sonypictures.com, Line of Business:
Television Production
Karl Storz Endoscopy-America, Address: 600 Corporate Pointe Fl 5, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90230-7600, Contact Person: Mr Charles Wilhelm, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone:
310-338-8100, Fax: , Internet: www.storz.net, Line of Business: Wholesales medical equipment &
supplies; manufactures medical instruments; manufactures electromedical endoscopic equipment
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 6200 W Slauson Ave, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90230-6414, Contact Person: Ms Millie Crespo, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-3908911, Fax: 310-915-6295310-915-6295, Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business:
Department Store
Macy's Retail Holdings Inc, Address: 6050 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90230-6410, Contact Person: Mr Richard Epstein, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-390-8811,
Fax: , Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department Store
Magnet Sales & Manufacturing, Address: 11248 Playa Ct, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90230-6127, Contact Person: Anil Nanji, Title: President, Phone: 310-391-7213, Fax: 310-3904357310-390-4357, Internet: www.magnetsales.com, Line of Business: Manufactures permanent
magnets; manufactures magnets
Miracle Greens Inc, Address: 8477 Steller Dr, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 90232-2424,
Contact Person: Mr Michael Dave, Title: President, Phone: 800-521-5867, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Manufactures dairy & non-dairy based dietary supplements
Moldex-Metric Inc, Address: 10111 Jefferson Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 902323509, Contact Person: Mr Mark Magidson, Title: President, Phone: 310-837-6500, Fax: 310-837-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
9563310-837-9563, Internet: www.moldex.com, Line of Business: Manufactures personal safety
Otx Corp, Address: 10567 Jefferson Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 90232-3513,
Contact Person: Shelley Zalis, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-736-3400, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Management Consulting Services
Pacific National Security Inc, Address: 3719 Robertson Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90232-2304, Contact Person: Mr Joe Ramirez, Title: President, Phone: 310-842-7073, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Provides Detective Guard Specializing In Security Guard Services (100
Pacifica Hotel & Conference, Address: 6161 W Centinela Ave, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90230-6306, Contact Person: Mr Jim Collins, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-649-1776, Fax: 310-6494411310-649-4411, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Nonresdentl Bldg Operatr
Eating Place Business Services
Paychex Inc, Address: 300 Corporate Pointe # 150, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 902307699, Contact Person: Ms Debbie Woods, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-338-7900, Fax: 310-3387960310-338-7960, Internet: www.paychex.com, Line of Business: Computerized Payroll Svc
Prestige Security, Address: 5855 Green Valley Cir 207, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90230-6968, Contact Person: Mr George Bernaba, Title: Owner, Phone: 310-670-5999, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Security Guard Service
Primary Color Systems Corp, Address: 5750 Hannum Ave, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90230-6501, Contact Person: Ms Margaret Pomce, Title: Sales Manager, Phone: 310-841-0250,
Fax: , Internet: www.assetlibrary.com, Line of Business: Photographic & movie film color
separation; commercial printing; book printer; commercial lithographic printing
Prospect Medical Holdings Inc, Address: 400 Corporate Pointe # 525, City: Culver City, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90230-7615, Contact Person: Mr Samuel Lee, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310338-8677, Fax: 310-338-1109310-338-1109, Internet: www.prospectmedicalholdings.com, Line of
Business: Business Management Services
Q-Tech Corp, Address: 10150 Jefferson Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 90232-3510,
Contact Person: Kouros Sariri, Title: President, Phone: 310-836-7900, Fax: 310-836-2157310836-2157, Internet: www.q-tech.com, Line of Business: Manufactures oscillators
Quadra Productions Inc, Address: 10202 Washington Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90232-3119, Contact Person: Mr Harry Friedman, Title: President, Phone: 310-244-1234, Fax: ,
Internet: www.jeopardy.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 3827 Culver Ctr, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 90232-3365,
Contact Person: Ms Mary Acosta, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-558-4026, Fax: 310-558-7049310558-7049, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries Retail Bakery
Rock & Republic Enterprise Inc, Address: 3523 Eastham Dr, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90232-2440, Contact Person: Mr Michael Ball, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-839-3330,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures men's & boys' work clothing; manufactures
women's & misses' athletic clothing & sportswear
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Rydek Eletronics LLC, Address: 100 Corporate Pointe Ste 280, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90230-8759, Contact Person: Mr Doug Browning, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-641-9800,
Fax: , Internet: www.rydek.com, Line of Business: Employment Agency
Security Industry Specialist, Address: 6071 Bristol Pkwy Ste 200, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90230-4896, Contact Person: Mr John Spesak, Title: President, Phone: 310-215-5100, Fax:
, Internet: www.securityindustryspecialists.com, Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
Sheldon's of Oceanside Inc, Address: PO Box 3750, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 902313750, Contact Person: Mr Larry Sherwood, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-665-2100, Fax: , Internet:
www.danielsjewelers.com, Line of Business: Ret Jewelry
Smashbox Beauty Cosmetics, Address: 8549 Higuera St, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90232-2521, Contact Person: Mr Dean Factor, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-558-1460,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Drugs/Sundries
Smashbox Beauty Cosmetics Inc, Address: 8538 Warner Dr, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90232-2431, Contact Person: Mr Dean Factor, Title: President, Phone: 310-558-1490, Fax: ,
Internet: www.smashbox.com, Line of Business: Manufactures cosmetic preparations
Sony Pictures Entertainment, Address: 10202 Washington Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90232-3119, Contact Person: Mr Michael Lynton, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310244-4000, Fax: 310-244-2626310-244-2626, Internet: www.sonypictures.com, Line of Business:
Motion Pict/Video Prodtn Motion Pict/Tape Distr Motion Picture Theater
Sony Pictures Television Inc, Address: 10202 Washington Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90232-3119, Contact Person: Mr Steve Mosko, Title: President, Phone: 310-244-8964, Fax:
, Internet: www.sonypictures.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
State Farm Mutual Automobile, Address: 200 Corporate Pointe # 210, City: Culver City, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90230-8700, Contact Person: Mr Pete Falcone, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-568-5824,
Fax: 310-568-5313310-568-5313, Internet: www.statefarm.com, Line of Business: Life Insurance
Carrier Accident/Health Insurance Carrier
Sunny Television Productions, Address: 8660 Hayden Pl Fl 2, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90232-2902, Contact Person: Mr Michael Rotenberg, Title: President, Phone: 310-840-7440, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
Surgical Staff North Inc, Address: 6167 Bristol Pkwy Ste 440, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90230-6621, Contact Person: Pat Culver, Title: Director, Phone: 310-570-0092, Fax: 310570-0090310-570-0090, Internet: , Line of Business: Help Supply Services Employment Agency
Target Corp, Address: 10820 Jefferson Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 90230-4935,
Contact Person: Mr Jim Phillips, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-839-5200, Fax: 310-839-0676310839-0676, Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Trader Joe's Co, Address: 9290 Culver Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 90232-2636,
Contact Person: Mr Joe Trader, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-202-1108, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Specialty Grocery Store
U S Private Protection, Address: 5555 Inglewood Blvd # 205, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90230-6250, Contact Person: Mr Dave Solomon, Title: President, Phone: 310-301-0032,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
US Searchcom Inc, Address: 600 Corporate Pointe Ste 220, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90230-7616, Contact Person: Mr Jeffrey Pullen, Title: President, Phone: 310-302-6300, Fax: 310348-9381310-348-9381, Internet: www.firstam.com, Line of Business: Misc Personal Services
Valet Parking Service, A CA, Address: 10555 Jefferson Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90232-3513, Contact Person: Mr Anthony Policella, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-8363388, Fax: 310-836-5178310-836-5178, Internet: www.valetparkingservice.com, Line of Business:
Parking Lots And Valet Parking Service
Virgin Fish Inc, Address: 600 Corporate Pointe Ste 200, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code:
90230-7658, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Brush, Title: President, Phone: 310-391-6161, Fax: 310-3918017310-391-8017, Internet: , Line of Business: Local Passenger Transportation
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 11030 Jefferson Blvd, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 90230-5520,
Contact Person: Jaime Prager, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-398-1945, Fax: , Internet:
www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries Photofinish Laboratory Ret Florist Ret
Drugs/Sundries Mfg Bread/Related Prdts
Westside Packaging Inc, Address: 8550 Higuera St, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 902322522, Contact Person: Mr Scott Mejia, Title: President, Phone: 909-947-8181, Fax: , Internet:
www.discusdental.com, Line of Business: Packing/Crating Service
Zoic Inc, Address: 3582 Eastham Dr, City: Culver City, State: CA, Zip Code: 90232-2409, Contact
Person: Loni Peristere, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-838-0770, Fax: 310-8377733310-837-7733, Internet: www.zoicstudios.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video
All American Home Center Inc, Address: 7201 Firestone Blvd, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90241-4106, Contact Person: Mr Leonard Gertler, Title: President, Phone: 562-927-8666, Fax:
562-928-0633562-928-0633, Internet: www.aahc.com, Line of Business: Ret Hardware
Best Buy Co Inc, Address: 12118 Lakewood Blvd, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code: 90242-2658,
Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 562-401-5916, Fax: , Internet: www.bestbuy.com, Line of
Business: Ret Radio/Tv/Electronics
Can Lines Engineering Inc, Address: 9839 Downey Norwalk Rd, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90241-5502, Contact Person: Mr Donald Koplien, Title: President, Phone: 562-861-2996, Fax:
562-869-5293562-869-5293, Internet: www.canlines.com, Line of Business: Manufactures food
canning machinery; manufactures conveyors & conveying equipment; manufactures food products
Christian Calvary School, Address: 12808 Woodruff Ave, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90242-5055, Contact Person: Mr Glenn Valuet, Title: Principal, Phone: 562-803-6556, Fax: 562803-3939562-803-3939, Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School
County of Los Angeles, Address: PO Box 7011, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code: 90241-7011,
Contact Person: Ms Priscilla Jubliado, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 562-940-8400, Fax: 562803-3032562-803-3032, Internet: www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Library Administrative
Educational Programs
Daiohs USA Inc, Address: PO Box 2069, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code: 90242-0069, Contact
Person: Mr Hiroshi Ohkubo, Title: President, Phone: 562-940-9401, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Business Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Downey Community Health Center, Address: PO Box 340, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90241-0340, Contact Person: Mr Stanley Diller, Title: Partner, Phone: 562-862-6506, Fax: 562869-1346562-869-1346, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Downey Unified School District, Address: PO Box 7017, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code: 902417017, Contact Person: Ms Elizabeth Gonzalez, Title: Publisher, Phone: 562-904-3500, Fax: 562923-4690562-923-4690, Internet: www.dusd.net, Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School
Downey Unified School District, Address: 12340 Woodruff Ave, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90241-5610, Contact Person: Ms Kathy Cooper, Title: Publisher, Phone: 562-940-6200, Fax: 562940-6221562-940-6221, Internet: www.dusd.net, Line of Business: Business/Secretarial Sch
School/Educational Svcs Elementary/Secondary Sch Vocational School
Duray Inc, Address: 9301 Stewart And Gray Rd, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code: 90241-5315,
Contact Person: Mr Johnny Wong, Title: President, Phone: 562-862-4269, Fax: 562-862-9042562862-9042, Internet: www.duray.com, Line of Business: Manufactures food products machinery;
manufactures commercial cooking equipment
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 7121 Firestone Blvd, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code: 902414104, Contact Person: Mr Max Hernandez, Title: Manager, Phone: 562-776-2200, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials Equipment Rental/Leasing
Los Angeles County Suptschools, Address: 9300 Imperial Hwy, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90242-2813, Contact Person: Ms Darline Robeles, Title: Superintendent, Phone: 562-922-6111,
Fax: 562-922-6768562-922-6768, Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 9066 Stonewood St, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90241, Contact Person: Gaby Enright, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 562-862-2880, Fax: ,
Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department Store
Macy's Retail Holdings Inc, Address: 500 Stonewood St, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code: 902413920, Contact Person: Ms Audrey Lehman, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 562-923-9331, Fax: ,
Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department Store
Mental Health Convelescent, Address: 12023 Lakewood Blvd, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90242-2635, Contact Person: Mr Daniel Zilafro, Title: President, Phone: 562-869-0978, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Mervyn's LLC, Address: 300 Stonewood St, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code: 90241-3909,
Contact Person: Katelin Waterlond, Title: Manager, Phone: 562-869-0911, Fax: 562-8690911562-869-0911, Internet: www.mervyns.com, Line of Business: Ret Department Store
Omniteam Inc, Address: 9300 Hall Rd, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code: 90241-5309, Contact
Person: Mr Hans Haasis, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 562-923-9660, Fax: , Internet:
www.omniteam.com, Line of Business: Wholesales refrigeration equipment & supplies;
manufactures porcelain enameled kitchen fixtures & equipment
P T Automotive Inc, Address: 9136 Firestone Blvd, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code: 90241-5319,
Contact Person: Mr Roger Penske, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 562-861-3300, Fax: 562904-5689562-904-5689, Internet: www.pensketoyota.com, Line of Business: Ret Auto/Home
Supplies Ret New/Used Automobiles
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Parking Co of America, Address: 11101 Lakewood Blvd, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code: 902413810, Contact Person: Mr Alex Chaves, Title: President, Phone: 562-862-2118, Fax: 562-8624409562-862-4409, Internet: , Line of Business: Automobile Parking
Promus Operating Co Inc, Address: 8425 Firestone Blvd, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90241-3843, Contact Person: Ms Kathee Richards, Title: Data Processing Manager, Phone: 562861-1900, Fax: , Internet: www.hilton.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Drinking Place
Eating Place
Rockview Dairies Inc, Address: PO Box 668, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code: 90241-0668,
Contact Person: Mr Egbert Groot, Title: President, Phone: 562-927-5511, Fax: 562-928-9866562928-9866, Internet: www.rockviewfarms.com, Line of Business: Whol Dairy Products Whol
Sonic - Massey Chevrolet Inc, Address: 10700 Studebaker Rd, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90241-3154, Contact Person: Bruton Smith, Title: Principal, Phone: 562-868-9931, Fax: 562-8684416562-868-4416, Internet: www.sonicautomotive.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used
Automobiles General Auto Repair Passenger Car Leasing
Transcontinental Direct USA, Address: 7300 Flores St, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code: 902424010, Contact Person: Mr Benoit Martin, Title: Controller, Phone: 562-658-2020, Fax: 562-8812194562-881-2194, Internet: , Line of Business: Direct Mail Advertising
U S F Reddaway Inc, Address: 11937 Regentview Ave, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code: 902415515, Contact Person: Mr Sal Leal, Title: Manager, Phone: 562-923-5060, Fax: 562-869-0003562869-0003, Internet: www.usfreightways.com, Line of Business: Trucking Operator-Nonlocal
United California Corp, Address: PO Box 4250, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code: 90241-1250,
Contact Person: Dale Bethke, Title: President, Phone: 562-923-9701, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Mfg Dies/Tools/Jigs/Fixtures
United Drill Bushing Corp, Address: PO Box 4250, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code: 90241-1250,
Contact Person: Dale Bethke, Title: President, Phone: 562-803-1521, Fax: 562-803-6898562803-6898, Internet: www.ucc-udb.com, Line of Business: Manufactures machine tool drill bushings
or drilling jigs; manufactures tools, dies, jigs & fixtures
Universal Molding Extrusion Co, Address: 9151 Imperial Hwy, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90242-2808, Contact Person: Mr Dominick Baione, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 562-9400300, Fax: , Internet: www.umextrude.com, Line of Business: Manufactures extruded aluminum
Volt Management Corp, Address: 7431 Florence Ave, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code: 902403608, Contact Person: Mr Richard Varela, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 562-806-3381, Fax: ,
Internet: www.volt.com, Line of Business: Temporary Help Service
Young Men's Christian Assn, Address: 11531 Downey Ave, City: Downey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90241-4936, Contact Person: Mr George Saikali, Title: Executive Director, Phone: 562-862-4201,
Fax: 562-861-1700562-861-1700, Internet: , Line of Business: Individual/Family Services
Membership Sport/Recreation Club
Bershtel Enterprises LLC, Address: 2745 Huntington Dr, City: Duarte, State: CA, Zip Code: 910102302, Contact Person: Mr Jack Bershtel, Title: President, Phone: 626-301-9214, Fax: , Internet:
www.wepackitall.com, Line of Business: Business Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Carmax Auto Superstores West, Address: 1131 Central Ave, City: Duarte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91010-2425, Contact Person: Mr Ric Starnes, Title: Principal, Phone: 626-357-9972, Fax: ,
Internet: www.carmax.com, Line of Business: Ret Used & New Cars & Light Trucks
City of Hope National Medical, Address: 1500 Duarte Rd, City: Duarte, State: CA, Zip Code: 910103012, Contact Person: Mr James Miser, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-359-8111, Fax:
626-301-8468626-301-8468, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital
Comm Con Connectors Inc, Address: 1855 Business Center Dr, City: Duarte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91010-2902, Contact Person: Mr Robert Farnum, Title: President, Phone: 626-301-4200, Fax:
626-301-4212626-301-4212, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures electronic connectors;
manufactures electric connectors
Community Care Center Inc, Address: 2335 Mountain Ave, City: Duarte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91010-3559, Contact Person: Mr Peter Bennett, Title: President, Phone: 626-357-3207, Fax: 626303-1116626-303-1116, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care
Delafield Corp, Address: 1540 Flower Ave, City: Duarte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91010-2925, Contact
Person: Nik Ray, Title: President, Phone: 626-303-0740, Fax: 626-359-7109626-359-7109,
Internet: www.dftcorp.com, Line of Business: Manufactures flexible metal hose; manufactures
rubber & plastic hoses & beltings; wholesales industrial valves, pistons & fittings; manufactures fluid
power valves & hose fittings; manufactures plumbing fixtures; tube fabricator
GE Aviations Systems LLC, Address: 1700 Business Center Dr, City: Duarte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91010-2859, Contact Person: Mr Richard Berg, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-359-9211,
Fax: 626-357-0069626-357-0069, Internet: www.smithsind-aerospace.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures aircraft parts & equipment; manufactures fluid power pumps & motors
General Electric Co, Address: 1303 Bloomdale St, City: Duarte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91010-2501,
Contact Person: Mr Edward Tabin, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-359-7988, Fax: , Internet:
www.ge.com, Line of Business: Repairs Computers
Gpi Ca-Niii Inc, Address: PO Box 1500, City: Duarte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91009-4500, Contact
Person: Mr Frank Bachman, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-305-3000, Fax: , Internet:
www.group1auto.com, Line of Business: Automotive Repair Ret New/Used Automobiles General Auto
Repair Passenger Car Leasing Ret Auto/Home Supplies
O S F International Inc, Address: 1431 Buena Vista St, City: Duarte, State: CA, Zip Code: 910102458, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 626-358-2115, Fax: 626-358-4175626-358-4175,
Internet: www.osf.com, Line of Business: Eating Place Misc Personal Services Drinking Place
Pacific Scientific Co, Address: 1800 Highland Ave, City: Duarte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91010-2837,
Contact Person: Mr Richard Knoblock, Title: President, Phone: 626-359-9317, Fax: 626-3597013626-359-7013, Internet: www.pacsci.com, Line of Business: Business Consulting Services
Pacific Systems Interiors Inc, Address: 2392 Bateman Ave, City: Duarte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91010-3312, Contact Person: Mr Jonathan Miasnik, Title: President, Phone: 626-357-4411, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Drywall/Insulating Contractor
Santa Teresita Medical Center, Address: 819 Buena Vista St, City: Duarte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91010-1703, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Aaker, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 626-359-3243, Fax:
626-932-3447626-932-3447, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital Skilled Nursing Care
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Southern California, Address: 1763 Royal Oaks Dr Ofc, City: Duarte, State: CA, Zip Code: 910101989, Contact Person: Ms Jacqueline Williams, Title: Vice President, Phone: 626-357-1632, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Retirement Community
Target Corp, Address: 1050 Huntington Dr, City: Duarte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91010-2475,
Contact Person: Imelda Boyash, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-303-8858, Fax: 626-303-8858626303-8858, Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Address: 1600 Mountain Ave, City: Duarte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91010-2744,
Contact Person: Mr John Kocharian, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-359-7708, Fax: 626-3597267626-359-7267, Internet: www.walmartstores.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 7311 N Figueroa St, City: Eagle Rock, State: CA, Zip Code: 90041-2512,
Contact Person: Ray Ortiz, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-254-5716, Fax: 323-254-6232323-2546232, Internet: www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries Ret Drugs/Sundries
All New Stamping Co, Address: PO Box 5948, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91734-1948,
Contact Person: Mr Nicolas Kopinga, Title: President, Phone: 800-877-7775, Fax: , Internet:
www.allnewstamping.com, Line of Business: Manufactures sheet metal specialties; stamps metal for
the trade; steel fabricator; welding service
American Reliance Inc, Address: 3445 Fletcher Ave, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917313001, Contact Person: Mr Edward Chen, Title: President, Phone: 626-443-6818, Fax: , Internet:
www.amrel.com, Line of Business: Manufactures computers
Amtech Lighting Services Co, Address: 1627 Chico Ave, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917332939, Contact Person: Mr Alan Ernstoff, Title: Project Manager, Phone: 626-442-0886, Fax: 626442-2319626-442-2319, Internet: www.abm.com, Line of Business: Building Maintenance Services
Electrical Contractor Highway/Street Construction
Andari Fashion Inc, Address: 9626 Telstar Ave, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91731-3004,
Contact Person: Ms Lillian Wang, Title: President, Phone: 626-575-2759, Fax: 626-575-3629626575-3629, Internet: www.andari.com, Line of Business: Manufactures men's & boys' sweaters;
manufactures knit sweaters & sweater coats; manufactures women's & misses' outerwear; wholesales
knit goods
Anitsa Inc, Address: 11312 Orchard St, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91731-2706, Contact
Person: Ms Mary Soussa, Title: President, Phone: 213-243-2005, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Power Laundry Management Consulting Services
Anzon Co, Address: PO Box 4458, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91734-0458, Contact
Person: Mr Greg Betzler, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-443-8861, Fax: 626-4447005626-444-7005, Internet: , Line of Business: Mfg Industrial Machinery Mfg Surgical
Appliances/Supplies Mfg Surgical/Medical Instruments
Bali Construction Inc, Address: 9852 Joe Vargas Way, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917333108, Contact Person: Mr Ted Polich, Title: President, Phone: 626-442-8003, Fax: 626-4428315626-442-8315, Internet: , Line of Business: Contractor - Water Sewer & Utility Construction
Brown Jordan Co, Address: 9860 Gidley St, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91731-1138,
Contact Person: Mr Frank Taff, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-443-8971, Fax: 626-5750126626-575-0126, Internet: www.bji.com, Line of Business: Manufactures metal lawn & garden
furniture; manufactures outdoor wooden furniture
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Cal State Maintenance Inc, Address: 11738 Valley Blvd, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91732-3038, Contact Person: Boo Penn, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-652-0820, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Building Maintenance Services
Crawford's Markets Inc, Address: 11850 Valley Blvd # 2, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91732-3056, Contact Person: Mr Dan Sullivan, Title: President, Phone: 626-444-7741, Fax: 626444-0300626-444-0300, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Crown City Plating Co, Address: 4350 Temple City Blvd, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91731-1010, Contact Person: Mr Robert Coombes, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626-4449291, Fax: 626-448-6915626-448-6915, Internet: , Line of Business: Plating service;
manufactures injection molded plastic products
Driftwood Dairy Acquisition, Address: PO Box 5508, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917341508, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Dolan, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-444-9591,
Fax: 626-448-7649626-448-7649, Internet: www.driftwooddairy.com, Line of Business: Processes,
pasteurizes, homogenizes & bottles milk
El Monte Automotive Group Inc, Address: 3530 Peck Rd, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91731-3526, Contact Person: Mr Greg Penske, Title: President, Phone: 626-580-6200, Fax: 626580-6299626-580-6299, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles Auto Body
Repair/Paint Passenger Car Leasing Ret Used Automobiles Truck Rental/Leasing
Foundation For Early Childhood, Address: 3360 Flair Dr # 100, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91731-2833, Contact Person: Jaleh Hazian, Title: Director, Phone: 626-572-3916, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Non Profit Foundation
Georgia Atkison Snf LLC, Address: 3825 Durfee Ave, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917322505, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 626-444-2535, Fax: 626-444-6428626-444-6428,
Internet: www.alliancenursingrehab.com, Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Intermediate Care Facility
Gibralter Convalescent Hosp, Address: 2720 Nevada Ave, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91733-2391, Contact Person: Mr Marcel Morales, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-443-9425, Fax: 626444-3315626-444-3315, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care Skilled Nursing Care
Gregg Industries Inc, Address: 10460 Hickson St, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91731-1938,
Contact Person: Mr David Call, Title: President, Phone: 626-575-7664, Fax: , Internet:
www.greggind.com, Line of Business: Gray & ductile iron foundry
Gunderson Auto Group LLC, Address: PO Box 4100, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917340100, Contact Person: Mr Scott Gunderson, Title: Member, Phone: 626-350-3200, Fax: 626-4423926626-442-3926, Internet: www.scottgmc.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles
Haralambos Beverage Co, Address: PO Box 6005, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91734-2005,
Contact Person: H Haralambos, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 562-347-4300, Fax: 562463-7850562-463-7850, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Beer/Ale Whol Groceries
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 9700 Lower Azusa Rd, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917311024, Contact Person: Mr Paolo Vixen, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-443-2100, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials Equipment Rental/Leasing
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Hope House For The, Address: 4215 Peck Rd, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91732-2113,
Contact Person: Ms Rita Grable, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-443-1313, Fax: 626-443-1134626443-1134, Internet: , Line of Business: Residential Care Services
International Institute of Los, Address: 11100 Valley Blvd Ste 105, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91731-2533, Contact Person: Ms Alicia Molina, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-4529421, Fax: 626-452-8520626-452-8520, Internet: www.iilosangeles.org, Line of Business:
Individual/Family Services Legal Services Office
Jetworld Inc, Address: 2547 Strozier Ave, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91733-2019,
Contact Person: Mr Leo Lea Young Lee, Title: President, Phone: 626-448-0150, Fax: 626-4482816626-448-2816, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Auto/Motor Vehicles Whol Electronic Parts
Whol Electrical Equip Ret Misc Merchandise Whol Auto Parts/Supplies
Kmart Corp, Address: 3610 Peck Rd, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91731-3529, Contact
Person: Tony Hannah, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-442-0530, Fax: , Internet: www.kmart.com,
Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
L A Web Offset Printing Inc, Address: 9639 Telstar Ave, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917313003, Contact Person: Mr Walter Chang, Title: President, Phone: 626-453-8700, Fax: , Internet:
www.laweboffset.com, Line of Business: Prints newspapers; offset printing
Laidlaw International Inc, Address: 4337 Rowland Ave, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917311119, Contact Person: Ms Heidi Miller, Title: Project Manager, Phone: 626-448-9446, Fax: 626448-9519626-448-9519, Internet: , Line of Business: Local/Suburban Transportation Local
Passenger Transportation
Lawrence Equipment Inc, Address: 2034 Peck Rd, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91733-3727,
Contact Person: Mr John Lawrence, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-442-2894, Fax: 626350-5181626-350-5181, Internet: www.lawrenceequipment.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
food products machinery
M C Gill Corp, Address: 4056 Easy St, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91731-1002, Contact
Person: Mr Kenneth Boudreau, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-443-6094, Fax: 626-3505880626-350-5880, Internet: www.mcgillcorp.com, Line of Business: Manufactures advanced
plastic composites
Mercado Latino Inc, Address: PO Box 6168, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91734-6168,
Contact Person: Graciliano Rodriguez, Title: President, Phone: 626-333-6862, Fax: 626-3335088626-333-5088, Internet: www.mercadolatinoinc.com, Line of Business: Whol General
Groceries Whol Fruits/Vegetables
Miller Dial LLC, Address: PO Box 5868, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91734-1868, Contact
Person: Mr Jim Kaldem, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-444-4555, Fax: 626-443-3267626443-3267, Internet: www.millerdial.com, Line of Business: Manufactures nameplates; decal
printing service; manufactures special dies & tools; manufactures electronic applications switches;
commercial lithographic printing; manufactures synthetic rubber
Nestle Waters North America, Address: 4250 Baldwin Ave, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91731-1102, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 626-443-3236, Fax: , Internet: www.nestle.com,
Line of Business: Whol Bottled Mineral & Spring Water
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Penske Automotive Group Inc, Address: 3534 Peck Rd, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917313526, Contact Person: Mr Greg Penske, Title: President, Phone: 626-580-6000, Fax: , Internet:
www.penskeautomotive.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles
Plastic Dress-Up Co, Address: PO Box 3897, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91733-0897,
Contact Person: Mr Myron Funk, Title: President, Phone: 626-442-7711, Fax: , Internet:
www.pdu.com, Line of Business: Manufactures plastic novelties
PR Pernecky Management Corp, Address: 9966 Valley Blvd, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91731-1015, Contact Person: Mr Paul Pernecky, Title: President, Phone: 626-744-1188, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Fast-Food Rest Chain
Precision Coil Spring Co Inc, Address: 10107 Rose Ave, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917311801, Contact Person: Mr Albert Goering, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-444-0561,
Fax: 626-444-3712626-444-3712, Internet: www.pcspring.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
wire springs
Ramona Care Center Inc, Address: 11900 Ramona Blvd, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91732-2394, Contact Person: Mr John Sorensen, Title: Vice President, Phone: 626-442-5721, Fax:
626-444-9884626-444-9884, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Center
San Gabriel Transit Inc, Address: 3650 Rockwell Ave, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917312322, Contact Person: Mr Tim Mardirossian, Title: President, Phone: 626-289-7433, Fax: ,
Internet: www.sgtransit.com, Line of Business: Taxicab Service
Sargent Fletcher Inc, Address: 9400 Flair Dr, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91731-2909,
Contact Person: Mr Gregory Catrambone, Title: President, Phone: 626-443-7171, Fax: 626-5799183626-579-9183, Internet: www.sargentfletcher.com, Line of Business: Manufactures aircraft
fuel tanks
Sbicca Of California, Address: 2312 Edwards Ave, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91733-2042,
Contact Person: Mr Arthur Sbicca, Title: President, Phone: 626-443-2281, Fax: 626-579-7243626579-7243, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures women's footwear
Southland Transit Inc, Address: 3650 Rockwell Ave, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917312322, Contact Person: Mr Dave Daley, Title: President, Phone: 805-782-0231, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Local Passenger Transportation
Super Center Concepts Inc, Address: 1954 Durfee Ave, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917333711, Contact Person: Ms Rhonda Wall, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-453-0887, Fax: 626453-3519626-453-3519, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Utility Investment Co, Address: PO Box 6010, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91734-2010,
Contact Person: R Nicholson, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626-448-6183, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Holding Company For Public Water Utility
Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Address: 4901 Santa Anita Ave, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917311415, Contact Person: Mr Sean Santos, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-575-0973, Fax: 626-5758156626-575-8156, Internet: www.walmartstores.com, Line of Business: Warehouse Club Store
Wells Fargo Bank, Address: 9000 Flair Dr 3rd FL, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91735-0001,
Contact Person: Mr Joseph Cianciminio, Title: Vice President, Phone: 626-312-3006, Fax: 626-2803844626-280-3844, Internet: , Line of Business: National Commercial Bank
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Wgg Enterprises Inc, Address: 11340 Stewart St, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91731-2747,
Contact Person: Mr Weldon Gainer, Title: President, Phone: 626-442-5493, Fax: 626-4424515626-442-4515, Internet: , Line of Business: Drywall/Insulating Contractor
Zacky Farms, Address: PO Box 8014, City: El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91734-2314, Contact
Person: Mr Robert Zacky, Title: President, Phone: 562-641-2020, Fax: , Internet: www.zacky.com,
Line of Business: Whol Poultry/Products Whol Fish/Seafoods Poultry Processing Turkey/Turkey Egg
Accenture LLP, Address: 2141 Rosecrans Ave # 3100, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-4733, Contact Person: Mr James Meono, Title: Development Manager, Phone: 310-7262700, Fax: , Internet: www.accenture.com, Line of Business: Management Consulting Services
Air New Zealand Limited, Address: 1960 E Grand Ave Ste 300, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90245-5000, Contact Person: Mr Gerard Gilmore, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-6487000, Fax: 310-648-7188310-648-7188, Internet: , Line of Business: Scheduled Air Transportation
Best Buy Co Inc, Address: 740 S Sepulveda Blvd, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 902454717, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-335-6816, Fax: , Internet: www.bestbuy.com, Line
of Business: Ret Radio/Tv/Electronics
Big 5 Sporting Goods Corp, Address: 2525 E El Segundo Blvd, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90245-4632, Contact Person: Mr Steven Miller, Title: President, Phone: 310-536-0611, Fax:
310-297-7592310-297-7592, Internet: , Line of Business: Retails Sporting Goods
Boeing Satellite Systems Intl, Address: 2000 E El Segundo Blvd, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90245-4501, Contact Person: Mr Randy Brinkley, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-6629000, Fax: , Internet: www.boeing.com, Line of Business: Wholesales Staellite Equipment &
Provides Satellite Support
Cathay Pacific Airways Limited, Address: 1960 E Grand Ave Ste 540, City: El Segundo, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90245-5069, Contact Person: Mr John Slosar, Title: Chief Operating Officer, Phone:
310-615-1113, Fax: 310-615-0042310-615-0042, Internet: www.cathaypacific.com, Line of
Business: Passenger Transportation Arrangement Scheduled Air Transportation
Chevron USA Inc, Address: PO Box 97, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245-0097,
Contact Person: Mr Mike Holmes, Title: Division Head, Phone: 310-615-5000, Fax: 310-6155332310-615-5332, Internet: www.chevron.com, Line of Business: Petroleum refining
Chipton-Ross Inc, Address: 343 Mn St, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245, Contact
Person: Ms Sharon King, Title: President, Phone: 310-414-7800, Fax: , Internet:
www.chiptonross.com, Line of Business: Employment Agency
City National Bank, Address: 2100 Park Pl Ste 150, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 902454714, Contact Person: Mr Don Spano, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 310-297-6606, Fax: ,
Internet: www.cnb.com, Line of Business: National Bank
City of El Segundo, Address: 405 Sheldon St, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245-4013,
Contact Person: Mr Jim Fauk, Title: Director, Phone: 310-322-6139, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Individual/Family Services
Classic Party Rentals Inc, Address: 2310 E Imperial Hwy, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-2813, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-535-3660, Fax: , Internet:
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
www.eventrentals.com, Line of Business: Amusement/Recreation Services Equipment
Cls Transportation Los Angeles, Address: 600 S Allied Way, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-4727, Contact Person: Mr William Minich, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 310-4148189, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Local Passenger Transportation
Com Dev USA LLC, Address: 2333 Utah Ave, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245-4818,
Contact Person: Mr Dan White, Title: Member, Phone: 424-456-8000, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Manufactures microwave components; engineering services
Comcast Cable Communications, Address: 550 Continental Blvd 250, City: El Segundo, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90245-5051, Contact Person: Mr Bill Gross, Title: Member, Phone: 310-647-3000, Fax:
, Internet: www.comcast.com, Line of Business: Cable/Pay Tv Services Telephone Communications
Communication Services Information Retrieval Sv Radiotelephone Commun
Computer Sciences Corp, Address: 300 Continental Blvd B360, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90245-5042, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-563-2000, Fax: , Internet:
www.csc.com, Line of Business: Computer Consulting/Systems Integration
Connexus Corp, Address: 2141 Rosecrans Ave # 2020, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-4733, Contact Person: Mr Art Shaw, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-647-1588,
Fax: , Internet: www.vendaremedia.com, Line of Business: Theatrical Producers/Services
Continental Graphics Corp, Address: 222 N Sepulveda Blvd # 300, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90245-5615, Contact Person: Mr Mike Parven, Title: Senior Vice President, Phone: 310-6622307, Fax: , Internet: www.boeing.com, Line of Business: Promotional lithographic printing
service; graphic arts & related design service
Continental Graphics Corp, Address: 222 N Sepulveda Blvd, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-5648, Contact Person: Mr David Malmo, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-6622300, Fax: , Internet: www.cdgnow.com, Line of Business: Custom Computer Programing
Prepackaged Software Services Data Processing/Preparation
Cruz Bay Publishing Inc, Address: 300 Continental Blvd # 650, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90245-5067, Contact Person: Mr Efrem Zimbalisdiii, Title: President, Phone: 310-356-4100,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Publishes magazines without printing
DaVita Inc, Address: 601 Hawaii St, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245-4814, Contact
Person: Mr Kent Thiry, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-536-2400, Fax: , Internet:
www.davita.com, Line of Business: Kidney Dialysis Centers
DAZ Systems Inc, Address: 880 Apollo St # 201, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 902454753, Contact Person: Mr Walt Zipperman, Title: President, Phone: 310-640-1300, Fax: 310-6409900310-640-9900, Internet: , Line of Business: Computer software development & applications;
software publisher
Directv Enterprises Inc, Address: 2230 E Imperial Hwy Fl 10, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-3504, Contact Person: Mr Eddy Hartenstein, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-5355000, Fax: , Internet: www.hughes.com, Line of Business: Cable/Pay Television Service
Directv Group Inc, Address: 2230 E Imperial Hwy, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 902453531, Contact Person: Mr John Malone, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-964-5000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.hughes.com, Line of Business: Communication Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Directv Group Inc, Address: PO Box 956, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245-0956,
Contact Person: Mr Michael Smith, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-662-9966, Fax: , Internet:
www.hughes.com, Line of Business: Satellite Communication Services
Directv International Inc, Address: 2230 E Imperial Hwy Fl 10, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90245-3504, Contact Person: Mr Kevin McGrath, Title: President, Phone: 310-964-6460,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: International Marketing
Directv Operations LLC, Address: 2230 E Imperial Hwy, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-3531, Contact Person: Chase Carey, Title: Member, Phone: 310-964-8384, Fax: ,
Internet: www.hughes.com, Line of Business: Television Station
Douglas Furniture of CA, Address: 400 Continental Blvd # 250, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90245-5072, Contact Person: Mr Richard Parker, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310643-7200, Fax: 310-536-0626310-536-0626, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures metal
dinette sets; manufactures upholstered recliners on wood frames
Dva Renal Healthcare Inc, Address: 601 Hawaii St, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 902454814, Contact Person: Mr Larry Buckelew, Title: President, Phone: 310-297-2699, Fax: , Internet:
www.davita.com, Line of Business: Kidney Dialysis Centers
Exel PLC, Address: 2265 E El Segundo Blvd, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245-4608,
Contact Person: Dev Hoss, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-524-1000, Fax: 310-524-1099310524-1099, Internet: www.dhl.com, Line of Business: Freight Forwarder & Customs Broker
Federal Express Corp, Address: 101 N Sepulveda Blvd Fl 3, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-4318, Contact Person: Mr William Wacht, Title: VP Management, Phone: 310-563-4176,
Fax: , Internet: www.federalexpress.com, Line of Business: Business Services
Flipside Inc, Address: 2101 Rosecrans Ave # 2000, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 902454780, Contact Person: Mr Art Schaw, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-647-6000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.flipsidecom.com, Line of Business: On-Line Gaming
Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Mkt, Address: 2120 Park Pl Ste 200, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90245-4741, Contact Person: Mr Tim Mason, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-3411200, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Glovia International Inc, Address: 1940 E Mariposa Ave, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-3457, Contact Person: Yuji Nakasu, Title: President, Phone: 310-563-7000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.fujitsu.com, Line of Business: Computer software development; software publisher
Health Care Microsystems Inc, Address: 200 N Sepulveda Blvd 600, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90245-4378, Contact Person: Mr Robert Nagelhout, Title: President, Phone: 310-563-3200,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Computer Related Services Whol Computers/Peripherals
Henry Co, Address: 909 N Sepulveda Blvd, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245-2724,
Contact Person: Mr Michael Kenny, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-955-9200, Fax: ,
Internet: www.henry.com, Line of Business: Manufactures asphalt, fibrous or plastic roof cement;
manufactures sealants; manufactures polyurethane resins
Honeywell International Inc, Address: 300 Continental Blvd, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-5042, Contact Person: D Macgowan, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-335-0535, Fax: ,
Internet: www.honeywell.com, Line of Business: Repair & Overhaul Flight System Instruments
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Ignited Minds LLC, Address: 2221 Park Pl, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245-4909,
Contact Person: Mr John Truscott, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-754-3200, Fax: 310-6439086310-643-9086, Internet: , Line of Business: Advertising Agency
Infonet Services Corp, Address: PO Box 1022, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245-1022,
Contact Person: Mr Jose Collazo, Title: President, Phone: 310-335-2600, Fax: , Internet:
www.infonet.com, Line of Business: Telephone Communications Computer Systems Design
Information Retrieval Services
Integrated Data Services Inc, Address: 4151 Rosecrans Blvd Ste 2, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90245, Contact Person: Mr Jerry Murray, Title: President, Phone: 310-416-9898, Fax: ,
Internet: www.get-integrated.com, Line of Business: Custom Computer Programing
International Rectifier Corp, Address: 233 Kansas St, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 902454316, Contact Person: Mr Richard Dahl, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-726-8000, Fax:
, Internet: www.irf.com, Line of Business: Manufactures semiconductors & related devices
Jag Professional Services Inc, Address: PO Box 3007, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-8107, Contact Person: Ms Judith Hinkley, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-9455648, Fax: , Internet: www.jagprof.com, Line of Business: Business Consulting Services
Jetabout North America Inc, Address: 300 Continental Blvd, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-5042, Contact Person: Mr Ross Webster, Title: President, Phone: 310-535-1000, Fax: 310535-1057310-535-1057, Internet: www.drivedownunder.com, Line of Business: Travel Agency
Konami Digital Entertainment, Address: 2381 Rosecrans Ave # 200, City: El Segundo, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90245-4922, Contact Person: Kazumi Kitaue, Title: President, Phone: 310-228-1573,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Home entertainment software publishing
Malaysian Airline System, Address: 100 N Sepulveda Blvd # 400, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90245-5651, Contact Person: Mr Abdul Khan, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-5359288, Fax: 310-535-9088310-535-9088, Internet: , Line of Business: Passenger Transportation
Arrangement Airport/Airport Services
Mattel Inc, Address: 333 Continental Blvd, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245-5032,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Eckert, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-252-2000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.mattel.com, Line of Business: Manufactures toys; manufactures dolls; manufactures
sporting goods
McCormick & Schmick Restaurant, Address: 2101 Rosecrans Ave, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90245-4749, Contact Person: Mr Joe Garcia, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-416-1123, Fax: ,
Internet: www.mccormickandschmicks.com, Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
Merl West Coast Inc, Address: 400 Continental Blvd Fl 6, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-5074, Contact Person: Mr Eric Newman, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-4262904, Fax: , Internet: www.merlwestcoast.com, Line of Business: Mortgage Broker Commercial
Real Estate Agent
Morrison Express Corp, Address: 2000 S Hughes Way, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-4730, Contact Person: Mr Danny Chiu, Title: President, Phone: 310-322-8999, Fax: 310322-6688310-322-6688, Internet: , Line of Business: Freight Transportation Arrangement
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Murad Skin Research Labs, Address: 2121 Rosecrans Ave Fl 5, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90245-4745, Contact Person: Dr Howard Murad, Title: President, Phone: 310-726-0600,
Fax: 310-726-3515310-726-3515, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Drugs/Sundries
National Air Cargo Inc, Address: 222 N Sepulveda Blvd # 2000, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90245-5616, Contact Person: Ray Macchlowski, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-662-4766,
Fax: , Internet: www.nationalaircargo.com, Line of Business: Freight Transportation Arrangement
NCH Corp, Address: 360 N Sepulveda Blvd 20, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245-4460,
Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-416-9918, Fax: , Internet: www.nch.com, Line of
Business: Building Maintenance Services
Nippon Express USA Inc, Address: 2233 E Grand Ave, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-2814, Contact Person: Toshio Miyake, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 310-535-7200, Fax:
310-335-4886310-335-4886, Internet: www.nittsu.co.jp, Line of Business: Freight Transportation
Northrop Grumman Systems Corp, Address: 1 Hornet Way, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-2804, Contact Person: Ms Loreen Sunday, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-332-1000,
Fax: 310-332-2223310-332-2223, Internet: www.northropgrumman.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures aircraft
Osata Enterprises Inc, Address: 225 S Aviation Blvd, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 902454604, Contact Person: Mr Gary Valentine, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-297-1550, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Whol Footwear
Peerless Systems Corp, Address: 2381 Rosecrans Ave # 400, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90245-4919, Contact Person: Mr William Neil, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310536-0908, Fax: 310-536-0058310-536-0058, Internet: www.peerless.com, Line of Business:
Computer programming service; software publisher
Raytheon Co, Address: PO Box 902, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245-0902, Contact
Person: Ms Christine Combs, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-647-9438, Fax: , Internet:
www.raytheon.com, Line of Business: Manufactures search & navigation systems
Raytheon Co, Address: PO Box 92426, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245, Contact
Person: Mr Jon Jonwa, Title: VP Administration, Phone: 310-647-1000, Fax: , Internet:
www.raytheon.com, Line of Business: Manufactures radar systems & equipment
Satco Inc, Address: 1601 E El Segundo Blvd, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245-4334,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Looker, Title: President, Phone: 310-322-4719, Fax: 310-322-1480310322-1480, Internet: www.satco-inc.com, Line of Business: Manufactures wood & metal
combination cargo containers
Spectrum Club Inc, Address: 2250 Park Pl, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245-4908,
Contact Person: Mr Michael Neitzke, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-643-6878, Fax: 310-6437425310-643-7425, Internet: , Line of Business: Physical Fitness Faclty Membership Sports Club
Drinking Place Eating Place
Square Enix Inc, Address: 999 N Sepulveda Blvd, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 902452714, Contact Person: Mr John Yamamoto, Title: President, Phone: 310-846-0400, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Computers/Peripherals
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Teledyne Technologies Inc, Address: 501 Continental Blvd, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-5036, Contact Person: Masood Hassan, Title: Vice President, Phone: 310-765-3600, Fax: ,
Internet: www.teledyne.com, Line of Business: Manufactures electronic circuits; commercial
physical research laboratory; manufactures search & navigation systems
Telenet Voip Inc, Address: 850 Parkview Dr N, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245,
Contact Person: Asghar Ghassemy, Title: President, Phone: 310-253-9000, Fax: 310-2539000310-253-9000, Internet: www.telenetusa.net, Line of Business: Electrical Repair Computer
Related Services Security Systems Services
Tri-Star Electronics Intl, Address: 2201 Rosecrans Ave, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code:
90245-4910, Contact Person: Mr Mark Silk, Title: President, Phone: 310-536-0444, Fax: 310-5369322310-536-9322, Internet: www.tri-starelectronics.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
electrical contacts; manufactures electronic connectors
Wyle Laboratories Inc, Address: 128 Maryland St, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 902454115, Contact Person: Mr Tom Stinson, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-322-1763, Fax: 310640-6826310-640-6826, Internet: www.wylelabs.com, Line of Business: Scientific Testing Research
& Development
Xerox Corp, Address: 555 S Aviation Blvd, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245-4802,
Contact Person: Mr Luis Ashelford, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-333-4660, Fax: , Internet:
www.xerox.com, Line of Business: Photographic equipment & supplies
Xerox Corp, Address: 737 Hawaii St, City: El Segundo, State: CA, Zip Code: 90245-4816, Contact
Person: Mr Jesse Mathes, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-333-9491, Fax: , Internet: www.xerox.com,
Line of Business: Whol Office Equipment
American Nursing Home Mgt, Address: 17000 Ventura Blvd Ste 212, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91316-4154, Contact Person: Mr Arnold Friedman, Title: President, Phone: 818-789-0691,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Business Consulting Service
California Gold Mortgage Inc, Address: 16661 Ventura Blvd Ste 100, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91436-1922, Contact Person: Vahab Aghai, Title: President, Phone: 818-783-3527, Fax:
818-783-5840818-783-5840, Internet: , Line of Business: Mortgage Brokers
Cartel Marketing Inc, Address: 16501 Ventura Blvd Ste 300, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code:
91436-2067, Contact Person: Mr Robert Humphreys, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818907-7200, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Insurance Agent/Broker
Encino Tarzana Regional Med, Address: 16237 Ventura Blvd, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code:
91436-2201, Contact Person: Ms Judy Curdy, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 818-995-5000, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital
First Interstate Security Inc, Address: 16200 Ventura Blvd # 209, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91436-4641, Contact Person: Mr Mike Ahmed, Title: President, Phone: 818-995-6664, Fax:
818-995-6855818-995-6855, Internet: , Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
Gelson's Markets, Address: PO Box 1802, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code: 91426-2802, Contact
Person: Mr Steve Thompson, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-906-6228, Fax: , Internet:
www.gelsonsvillage.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Gelson's Markets, Address: 16450 Ventura Blvd, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code: 91436-2118,
Contact Person: Mr Adam Reagal, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 818-906-5780, Fax: 818-9907877818-990-7877, Internet: www.gelsonsvillage.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
IQ Backoffice LLC, Address: 15821 Ventura Blvd # 500, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code: 914362945, Contact Person: Mr Phil Jablonski, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-933-2932, Fax: , Internet:
www.iqbackoffice.com, Line of Business: Business Services
K S L Media Inc, Address: 16255 Ventura Blvd, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code: 91436-2302,
Contact Person: Mr Kalman Liebowitz, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-461-5900, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Advertising Services Management Consulting Services
Life Alert Emergency Response, Address: 16027 Ventura Blvd Ste 400, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91436-2747, Contact Person: Mr Isaac Shepher, Title: President, Phone: 818-700-7000,
Fax: , Internet: www.lifealert.com, Line of Business: Security Systems Services Ret
Lmno Productions Inc, Address: 15821 Ventura Blvd Ste 320, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code:
91436-2928, Contact Person: Mr Eric Schotz, Title: President, Phone: 818-380-8000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.lmnotv.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production Insurance
Max MR Imaging Inc, Address: 17530 Ventura Blvd # 105, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code:
91316-3883, Contact Person: Javad Ahmadian, Title: President, Phone: 818-382-2220, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Laboratory
National Cement Co of CA, Address: 15821 Ventura Blvd # 475, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code:
91436-4778, Contact Person: Mr Don Unmacht, Title: President, Phone: 818-788-4228, Fax: 818788-0615818-788-0615, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures Portland cement
Price Law Group, APC, Address: 15760 Ventura Blvd 1100, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code:
91436-3044, Contact Person: Mr Stuart Price, Title: President, Phone: 818-995-4540, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 17840 Ventura Blvd, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code: 91316-3615,
Contact Person: Mr Jim Sanders, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-345-6882, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: General Warehouse/Storage
Republic Indemnity Co Of Amer, Address: PO Box 20036, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code: 914160036, Contact Person: Mr Dwayne Marioni, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-990-9860,
Fax: 818-986-6559818-986-6559, Internet: www.amfnl.com, Line of Business: Fire/Casualty
Insurance Carrier
Shalom Valley Beth, Address: 15739 Ventura Blvd, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code: 91436-2903,
Contact Person: Cirel Blitz, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 818-788-2199, Fax: 818-9950526818-995-0526, Internet: , Line of Business: Religious Organization
Starlite Catering Inc, Address: 15739 Ventura Blvd, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code: 91436-2903,
Contact Person: Mr Steve Cohen, Title: President, Phone: 818-789-7588, Fax: 818-501-0395818501-0395, Internet: www.starlitecaterers.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
Tenet Healthsystem Medical Inc, Address: 16030 Ventura Blvd, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code:
91436-2731, Contact Person: Ms Sherril Chavis, Title: Controller, Phone: 818-461-5033, Fax: ,
Internet: www.tenethealth.com, Line of Business: General Hospital
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Uniworld River Cruises Inc, Address: 17323 Ventura Blvd # 300, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code:
91316-3964, Contact Person: Mr Guy Young, Title: President, Phone: 818-382-7820, Fax: 818382-7854818-382-7854, Internet: www.uniworldrivercruises.com, Line of Business: Tour Operator
W D I International, Address: 16575 Ventura Blvd, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code: 91436-2001,
Contact Person: Mitsuru Kurota, Title: President, Phone: 818-461-8400, Fax: 818-461-8404818461-8404, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
WF Cinema Holdings LP, Address: 16530 Ventura Blvd # 500, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code:
91436-4552, Contact Person: Mr John Watterman, Title: Partner, Phone: 818-784-6266, Fax: ,
Internet: www.aoltimewarner.com, Line of Business: Operator Of Motion Picture Theaters
Worldtech Computers Inc, Address: 16161 Ventura Blvd Ste C, City: Encino, State: CA, Zip Code:
91436-2523, Contact Person: Mr John Jones, Title: President, Phone: 818-990-1659, Fax: ,
Internet: www.worldtechcomputers.com, Line of Business: Whol Stationery/Office Supplies
American Cruiser Inc, Address: PO Box 5192, City: Fullerton, State: CA, Zip Code: 92838-0192,
Contact Person: Mr Mohammad Rezazadeh-Seila, Title: President, Phone: 323-278-9200, Fax: ,
Internet: www.americancruiser.net, Line of Business: Manufactures women's & misses' outerwear
Administrative Services Co-op, Address: 2129 W Rosecrans Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90249-2933, Contact Person: Mr William Rouse, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-7151968, Fax: 310-327-7975310-327-7975, Internet: , Line of Business: Management Consulting
Ahf-Ducommun Inc, Address: PO Box 2310, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90247-0310,
Contact Person: Ms Missy Wiess, Title: President, Phone: 310-380-5390, Fax: 310-380-5238310380-5238, Internet: www.ducommun.com, Line of Business: Manufactures aircraft body & wing
assemblies & parts; manufactures space vehicle equipment; manufactures search & navigation
systems; manufactures metal stampings
American Pneumatic Tools Inc, Address: 14710 S Maple Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90248-1934, Contact Person: Mr John Burks, Title: President, Phone: 310-538-2600, Fax: 310323-6656310-323-6656, Internet: www.apt-tools.com, Line of Business: Manufactures metal
forming machine tools; manufactures metal cutting machine tools; manufactures mining machinery;
manufactures hand tools; manufactures power hand tools
Aqua Pro Properties Vii, LP, Address: 2000 W 135th St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902492456, Contact Person: Mr Robert Kershaw, Title: President, Phone: 310-516-9911, Fax: 310-5383048310-538-3048, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures desalination equipment
Arena Painting Contractors Inc, Address: 525 E Alondra Blvd, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90248-2903, Contact Person: Mr Guy Grant, Title: President, Phone: 310-856-0120, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Painting/Paper Hanging Contractor
Asiana Cuisine Enterprises Inc, Address: 1447 W 178th St Ste 303, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90248-3201, Contact Person: Mr Harlan Chin, Title: President, Phone: 310-327-2233, Fax:
310-327-9193310-327-9193, Internet: www.acesushi.com, Line of Business: Manufactures readyto-eat meals, salads & sandwiches; fast food restaurant; management services
Atlas Spring Mfgcorp, Address: 150 E 157th St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-2509,
Contact Person: Mr Melvin Bayer, Title: President, Phone: 310-660-0150, Fax: 310-532-7338310532-7338, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures unassembled upholstery springs
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Best Contracting Services Inc, Address: 19027 S Hamilton Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90248-4408, Contact Person: Mr Sean Tabazadeh, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-3286969, Fax: , Internet: www.bestcontracting.com, Line of Business: Roofing/Siding Contractor
Big Strike Inc, Address: 151 W Rosecrans Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-1829,
Contact Person: Mr Kevin Talbot, Title: President, Phone: 310-851-4772, Fax: , Internet:
www.bigstrike.com, Line of Business: Manufactures dresses; manufactures women's & misses'
athletic clothing & sportswear
Brown Rubber Co Inc, Address: 137 E Alondra Blvd, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902482805, Contact Person: Mr Robert Brown, Title: President, Phone: 310-532-2980, Fax: 310-3299123310-329-9123, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures hard rubber molded rubber
Caitac Garment Processing Inc, Address: 14725 S Broadway St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90248-1813, Contact Person: Muneyuki Ishii, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310217-9888, Fax: 310-217-9151310-217-9151, Internet: www.caitacgarment.com, Line of Business:
Cotton broadwoven textile finishing; manufactures women's & misses' outerwear; manufactures men's
& boys' trousers & slacks; retails jeans
California Waste Services LLC, Address: 621 W 152nd St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90247-2732, Contact Person: Mr Eric Casper, Title: President, Phone: 310-538-5998, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Refuse System
Cardinal Transportation Group, Address: 14800 S Avalon Blvd, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90248-2012, Contact Person: Mr Roy Weber, Title: President, Phone: 310-769-2400, Fax: 310715-6578310-715-6578, Internet: , Line of Business: School Bus Service
Charles E Thomas Co Inc, Address: 13701 Alma Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902492513, Contact Person: Mr Jerry Thomas, Title: President, Phone: 310-323-6730, Fax: 310-3234433310-323-4433, Internet: www.cethomas.net, Line of Business: Whol Industrial Equipment
Nonresidential Construction Repair Services
Chromalloy Gas Turbine Corp, Address: PO Box 1067, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902490067, Contact Person: Mr Frank Goodwater, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 310-532-6100, Fax:
310-329-2228310-329-2228, Internet: www.chromalloysatx.com, Line of Business: Engine repair &
replacement service, non-automotive; manufactures aircraft engines & parts; painting, coating & hot
dipping services
Cleanstreet, Address: 1937 W 169th St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90247-5253, Contact
Person: Mr Jere Costello, Title: President, Phone: 310-538-5888, Fax: , Internet:
www.cleanstreet.com, Line of Business: Sanitary Services
Clegg Industries Inc, Address: 19032 S Vermont Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902484412, Contact Person: Mr Peter Barbaresi, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-225-3800,
Fax: , Internet: www.cleggonline.com, Line of Business: Manufactures advertising novelties;
manufactures partitions & fixtures; manufactures lighting equipment
CM Laundry LLC, Address: 14919 S Figueroa St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-1720,
Contact Person: Mr Ernesto Munoz, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 323-923-1272, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Laundry
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Columbia Holding Corp, Address: 14400 S San Pedro St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90248-2027, Contact Person: Daryl McCollend, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-3279300, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Mfg Metal Doors/Sash/Trim Mfg Millwork Mfg Structural
Wood Members
Commercial Protective Services, Address: 436 W Walnut St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90248-3137, Contact Person: Mr Christopher Coffey, Title: President, Phone: 310-515-5290, Fax:
310-818-1061310-818-1061, Internet: , Line of Business: Security Guard Services
Consolidated Smart Systems LLC, Address: 620 W 135th St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90248-1508, Contact Person: Mr Daniel Terheggen, Title: President, Phone: 310-515-0533, Fax:
310-715-6490310-715-6490, Internet: www.consolidatedsmart.com, Line of Business: CoinOperated Laundry Misc Personal Services
Continental Binder & Specialty, Address: 407 W Compton Blvd, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90248-1703, Contact Person: Mr Andrew Lisardi, Title: President, Phone: 310-324-8227, Fax: 310715-6740310-715-6740, Internet: www.continentalbinder.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
looseleaf binders & devices; manufactures die-cut paper & board; commercial printing; manufactures
trimming fabrics
Coretco Inc, Address: 547 W 140th St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-1509, Contact
Person: Mr John Colich, Title: Partner, Phone: 323-770-2920, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business:
Water/Sewer/Utility Construction Engineering Services
Cosco Fire Protection Inc, Address: 321 E Gardena Blvd, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90248-2815, Contact Person: Mr Micheal Yount, Title: President, Phone: 323-321-5155, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Plumbing/Heating/Air Cond Contractor Electrical Contractor Ret Misc
Counseling & Research Assocs, Address: PO Box 47001, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90247-6801, Contact Person: Mr John Macola, Title: Accounts Manager, Phone: 310-715-2020,
Fax: 310-323-5565310-323-5565, Internet: , Line of Business: Residential Care Services
Dasol Inc, Address: PO Box 2065, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90247-0065, Contact
Person: Mr Sol Smith, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-327-6700, Fax: 310-532-8092310532-8092, Internet: www.coronetlighting.com, Line of Business: Manufactures electric lamps &
parts for generalized applications; manufactures residential lighting fixtures
Del Mar Industries, Address: 12901 S Western Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902491917, Contact Person: Mr Douglas Taylor, Title: President, Phone: 323-321-0600, Fax: 323-3271951323-327-1951, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures zinc die-cast products; plating
Del-Jen Inc, Address: 879 W 190th St Ste 1000, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-4255,
Contact Person: Mr Kent Smith, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-544-2299, Fax: 310541-5630310-541-5630, Internet: www.del-jen.com, Line of Business: Facilities Support Srvcs
Dependable Auto Shippers, Address: 18004 S Broadway St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90248-3538, Contact Person: Mr Bob London, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-719-9915, Fax:
310-719-9643310-719-9643, Internet: , Line of Business: Trucking Operator-Nonlocal
Dl Industries, LP, Address: 15821 S Broadway St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-2403,
Contact Person: Ray Stiles, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-538-2822, Fax: 310-538-9877310-538-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
9877, Internet: www.danloc.com, Line of Business: Manufactures gaskets & sealing devices;
manufactures bolts, nuts, rivets & washers
El Dorado Enterprises Inc, Address: 1000 W Redondo Beach Blvd, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90247-4192, Contact Person: Mr Larry Flint, Title: President, Phone: 310-719-9800, Fax:
310-515-0293310-515-0293, Internet: www.hustlercasino.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel
En Pointe Technologies Inc, Address: 18701 S Figueroa St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90248-4506, Contact Person: Mansoor Shah, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-337-5200,
Fax: , Internet: www.enpointe.com, Line of Business: Reseller Of Information Technology Products
& Value Added Services
Fashion Life Inc, Address: 18455 S Figueroa St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-4503,
Contact Person: Tony Kim, Title: President, Phone: 310-808-9922, Fax: , Internet: www.fangfashion.com, Line of Business: Manufactures women's & girls' blouses
Fastener Innovation Technology, Address: PO Box 3399, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90247-7099, Contact Person: Mr James Spiropoulos, Title: President, Phone: 310-538-1111, Fax:
310-324-7602310-324-7602, Internet: www.fitfastener.com, Line of Business: Manufactures screw
machine products; manufactures aircraft parts & equipment; manufactures bolts, nuts, rivets &
washers; manufactures hardware
Fedex Freight West Inc, Address: 15200 S Main St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902481957, Contact Person: Mr Robert Painter, Title: Operations Manager, Phone: 310-532-7948, Fax: ,
Internet: www.fedexfreight.fedex.com, Line of Business: Trucking Operator-Nonlocal Courier
Service Freight Transportation Arrangement
First Student Inc, Address: 15730 S Figueroa St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-2429,
Contact Person: Ms Maria Jenkins, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-851-6728, Fax: , Internet:
www.firststudentinc.com, Line of Business: Truck Rental/Leasing
Health Care Investments Inc, Address: 1140 W Rosecrans Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90247-2664, Contact Person: Mr Pompeyo Rosales, Title: President, Phone: 310-323-3194, Fax:
310-323-8869310-323-8869, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Hitco Carbon Composites Inc, Address: PO Box 1097, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902490097, Contact Person: Mr Peter Hoffman, Title: President, Phone: 310-527-0700, Fax: 310-5165745310-516-5745, Internet: www.sglcarbon.com, Line of Business: Manufactures space vehicle
equipment; manufactures aircraft brakes; fabric coating mill
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 740 W 182nd St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-3433,
Contact Person: Ganny Brown, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-324-7100, Fax: 310-354-7396310354-7396, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials Equipment Rental/Leasing
International Business, Address: 879 W 190th St Ste 400, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90248-4223, Contact Person: Mr Mark Cangian, Title: Consultant, Phone: 310-768-4614, Fax:
310-768-4669310-768-4669, Internet: www.ibm.com, Line of Business: Whol Office Equipment
Public Relations Services
IPS Corp, Address: PO Box 379, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-0379, Contact
Person: Mr Wat Tyler, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-898-3300, Fax: 310-323-4412310323-4412, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures plastic adhesives
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
J H Bryant Jr Inc, Address: 17217 S Broadway St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-3117,
Contact Person: Mr John Bryant, Title: President, Phone: 310-532-1840, Fax: 310-327-1458310327-1458, Internet: www.jhbryant.com, Line of Business: Nonresidential Construction Electrical
Contractor Industrial Building Construction
Jonathan Louis International, Address: 544 W 130th St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902481502, Contact Person: Mr John Valle, Title: President, Phone: 323-770-3330, Fax: 323-7703466323-770-3466, Internet: www.jonathanlouis.net, Line of Business: Manufactures upholstered
household furniture
Knk Apparel Inc, Address: 223 W Rosecrans Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-1831,
Contact Person: Mr John Kang, Title: President, Phone: 310-768-3333, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Manufactures men's & boys' work clothing; manufactures women's & misses' outerwear
L L L Sales Co LLC, Address: 15541 S Western Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902494320, Contact Person: Shauwai Lam, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-515-5700, Fax: 310-3298947310-329-8947, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles General Auto Repair
M G E UPS Systems Inc, Address: 17115 S Western Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90247-5223, Contact Person: Mr Bill McKitmon, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-217-2606, Fax: ,
Internet: www.mgeups.com, Line of Business: Manufactures power & distribution transformers
Martin Brattrud Inc, Address: 1224 W 132nd St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90247-1506,
Contact Person: Mr Allan Stratford, Title: President, Phone: 323-770-4171, Fax: 323-7704503323-770-4503, Internet: www.martinbrattrud.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
upholstered household furniture; manufactures wooden household tables
Martin Bros Marcowall Inc, Address: PO Box 2089, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902470089, Contact Person: Mr Richard Martin, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-532-5335,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Drywall/Insulating Contractor
Marukai Corp, Address: 1740 W Artesia Blvd Ste A, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902483238, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-660-6300, Fax: , Internet:
www.marukaihawaii.com, Line of Business: Travel Agency
Matsui International Co Inc, Address: 1501 W 178th St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902483203, Contact Person: Masahiko Matsui, Title: President, Phone: 310-767-7812, Fax: 310-7677836310-767-7836, Internet: www.matsui-color.com, Line of Business: Manufactures ink or writing
Memorial Hospital Of Gardena, Address: 1145 W Redondo Beach Blvd, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90247-3528, Contact Person: Ms Linda Macasero, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 310532-4200, Fax: 310-532-7561310-532-7561, Internet: www.mhglax.com, Line of Business:
General Hospital
Merge Left Inc, Address: 13147 S Western Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90249-1921,
Contact Person: Mr Jon Saferstein, Title: President, Phone: 310-856-3899, Fax: , Internet:
www.mergeleft.com, Line of Business: Wholesales men's & boys' clothing; embroidering service;
wholesales women's & children's clothing
Michael L Murphy Enterprises, Address: 1421 W 132nd St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90249-2105, Contact Person: Mr Michael Murphy, Title: President, Phone: 310-327-4970, Fax:
310-515-4718310-515-4718, Internet: , Line of Business: Concrete Contractor Masonry/Stone
Contractor Industrial Bldg Cnstn Residential Construction
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Nasco Aircraft Brake Inc, Address: 13300 Estrella Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902481519, Contact Person: Mr Daniel Aron, Title: President, Phone: 310-532-4430, Fax: , Internet:
www.nascoaircraft.com, Line of Business: Manufactures aircraft brakes
National Stores Inc, Address: 15001 S Figueroa St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902481721, Contact Person: Mr Joseph Fallas, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-324-9962, Fax:
, Internet: www.nationalstoresinc.com, Line of Business: Ret Family Clothing
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 1735 W Artesia Blvd, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902483220, Contact Person: Mr Eric Chase, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-380-4620, Fax: 310-3804632310-380-4632, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Nissin Foods Co Inc, Address: 2001 W Rosecrans Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902492931, Contact Person: Mr Ken Sasahara, Title: President, Phone: 323-321-6453, Fax: 323-5153751323-515-3751, Internet: www.nissinfoods.com, Line of Business: Manufactures dry egg, plain
or water noodles; manufactures frozen ethnic foods
Normandie Club, LP, Address: 1045 W Rosecrans Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902472601, Contact Person: Mr Greg Miller, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-352-3400, Fax: , Internet:
www.normandiecasino.com, Line of Business: Amusement/Recreation Services Eating Place
Ohline Corp, Address: 1930 W 139th St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90249-2408, Contact
Person: Mr William Conn, Title: President, Phone: 310-327-4630, Fax: 310-538-5742310-5385742, Internet: www.ohline.com, Line of Business: Manufactures wooden door shutters
Paul R Briles Inc, Address: 1700 W 132nd St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90249-2008,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Briles, Title: President, Phone: 310-323-6222, Fax: , Internet:
www.pbfasteners.com, Line of Business: Manufactures bolts, nuts, rivets & washers
Prime Wheel Corp, Address: 17705 S Main St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-3516,
Contact Person: Mr Henry Chan, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-516-9126, Fax: 310516-7452310-516-7452, Internet: www.primewheel.com, Line of Business: Manufactures motor
vehicle wheels
Quad R Tech, Address: 521 W Rosecrans Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-1514,
Contact Person: Vlademmer Reil, Title: President, Phone: 310-851-6161, Fax: , Internet:
www.quadrtech.com, Line of Business: Manufactures precious metal earrings
Quadrtech Corp, Address: 521 W Rosecrans Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-1514,
Contact Person: Mr Vladimir Reil, Title: President, Phone: 310-523-1697, Fax: 310-530-7252310530-7252, Internet: , Line of Business: Mfg Hand/Edge Tools Mfg Jewelers' Materials
Qual-Pro Corp, Address: 18510 S Figueroa St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-4519,
Contact Person: Mr Brian Shane, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-329-7535, Fax: 310329-0201310-329-0201, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures television & radio printed
circuit boards
Radiant Services Corp, Address: 651 W Knox St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-4409,
Contact Person: Shahrokh Keywanfar, Title: President, Phone: 310-327-6300, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Power Laundry Drycleaning Plant
Ramona's Mexican Food Prdtsinc, Address: PO Box 1275, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90249-0275, Contact Person: Ms Romana Banuelos, Title: President, Phone: 310-323-1950, Fax:
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
310-323-4210310-323-4210, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures food preparations;
Republic Services Inc, Address: 1449 W Rosecrans Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902492639, Contact Person: Mr James Castro, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-527-6980, Fax: 310527-2987310-527-2987, Internet: www.republicservices.com, Line of Business: Refuse System
Rotonics Manufacturing Inc, Address: 17038 S Figueroa St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90248-3019, Contact Person: Mr Jon Streeter, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-327-5401, Fax:
310-323-9567310-323-9567, Internet: www.rotocast.com, Line of Business: Manufactures plastic
Rotor Exchange, Address: 14124 S Western Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90249-3010,
Contact Person: Mr Lou Mucciolo, Title: President, Phone: 310-323-5710, Fax: 310-217-9872310217-9872, Internet: , Line of Business: Wholesales used automotive parts & supplies;
manufactures relays & industrial controls; manufactures electrical equipment for engines
Rubbercraft Corp Of California, Address: 15627 S Broadway St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90248-2210, Contact Person: Mr Eric Sanders, Title: President, Phone: 310-328-5402, Fax: 310618-1832310-618-1832, Internet: www.rubbercraft.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
mechanical appliance rubber products
Salem Houston Inc, Address: 217 E 157th St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-2510,
Contact Person: Hadi Salem, Title: President, Phone: 310-719-7004, Fax: 310-719-9894310-7199894, Internet: www.bhcompany.com, Line of Business: Whol Men's/Boy's Clothing Whol
Women's/Child's Clothing
Saman Inc, Address: 1628 W 139th St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90249-3003, Contact
Person: Mr Simon Khazani, Title: President, Phone: 310-515-1477, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Manufactures motor vehicle air conditioning; automotive air conditioning repair shop;
fabricates pipes & fittings
SeaChrome Corp, Address: 344 W 157th St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-2135,
Contact Person: Mr Sam Longo, Title: President, Phone: 310-354-1200, Fax: , Internet:
www.seachrome.com, Line of Business: Manufactures bathroom fixtures, including sinks; wholesales
builders' hardware; manufactures hardware; manufactures surgical appliances & supplies
South Bay Toyota, Address: 18416 S Western Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902483823, Contact Person: Mr David Wilson, Title: President, Phone: 310-323-7800, Fax: 310-3270116310-327-0116, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles General Auto Repair
Passenger Car Leasing
Southern California Permanent, Address: 15446 S Western Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90249-4319, Contact Person: Ms Lisa Montes, Title: Physician, Phone: 310-217-5444, Fax:
310-217-5333310-217-5333, Internet: , Line of Business: Hospital/Medical Service Plan
Accident/Health Insurance Carrier
Southwest Offset Printing Co, Address: 13650 Gramercy Pl, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90249-2453, Contact Person: Mr Greg McDonald, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-3230112, Fax: 310-323-6927310-323-6927, Internet: , Line of Business: Offset printing
Spectrum Laboratory Products, Address: 14422 S San Pedro St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90248-2027, Contact Person: Mr Gary Thurner, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-5168000, Fax: 310-516-9843310-516-9843, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures chemical
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
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(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
products; manufactures organic laboratory chemicals; manufactures inorganic chemicals;
manufactures medical instruments; manufactures laboratory apparatus & furniture; manufactures
pharmaceutical preparations
Stone Etc Inc, Address: 14815 S Broadway St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-1815,
Contact Person: Yizhak Maman, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-747-3333, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials
Sushi Boy Inc, Address: 17830 S Western Ave Ste A, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902483620, Contact Person: Yoshi Yokota, Title: President, Phone: 310-527-7777, Fax: , Internet:
www.sushiboy.net, Line of Business: Eating Place
Target Corp, Address: 2169 W Redondo Beach Blvd, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902473625, Contact Person: Mr Randy Yee, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-327-0762, Fax: 310327-0762310-327-0762, Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
TIRECO Inc, Address: 500 W 190th St Fl 6, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-4265,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Liu, Title: President, Phone: 310-604-8760, Fax: , Internet:
www.tireco.com, Line of Business: Whol Tires/Tubes Whol Auto Parts/Supplies Metals Service Center
U P S Supply Chain Solutions, Address: 1515 W 190th St Ste 300, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90248-4925, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-630-6000, Fax: , Internet: www.upsscs.com, Line of Business: Freight Transportation Arrangement General Warehouse/Storage
United Parcel Service Inc, Address: 17111 S Western Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90247-5223, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-217-2646, Fax: , Internet: www.ups.com,
Line of Business: Courier Service Air Courier Services
US Foods International LLC, Address: 500 W 140th St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902481510, Contact Person: Mr James Cho, Title: Purchasing Manager, Phone: 310-768-1937, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Whol General Groceries
Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Address: 1399 W Artesia Blvd, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902483363, Contact Person: Mr Brian Rees, Title: Business Manager, Phone: 310-532-5332, Fax: ,
Internet: www.walmartstores.com, Line of Business: Warehouse Club Store
Washington Ornamental Iron, Address: PO Box 460, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902470846, Contact Person: Mr Daniel Welsh, Title: President, Phone: 310-327-8660, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Fabricates architectural metalwork; ornamental metal work contractor
Weiss Sheet Metal Co, Address: PO Box 1605, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90249-0605,
Contact Person: Mr Andre Sarai, Title: President, Phone: 310-354-2700, Fax: 310-523-5805310523-5805, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures flat skylight glass; skylight installation service
Windline Marine, Address: 234 W 146th St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 90248-1804,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Barbour, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-516-9812, Fax:
310-516-9824310-516-9824, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures marine hardware
Workstream USA Inc, Address: 15100 S Figueroa St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902481724, Contact Person: Mr Rich Melaur, Title: President, Phone: 310-217-1554, Fax: 310-2171747310-217-1747, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures wood office furniture
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
World Service West LA Inflight, Address: 14105 S Normandie Ave, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90249-2615, Contact Person: Mr Marty Tautrim, Title: Personnel Manager, Phone: 310-5387000, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Airport/Airport Services
XCEL Mechanical Systems Inc, Address: 1710 W 130th St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code:
90249-2004, Contact Person: Mr Kevin Michel, Title: President, Phone: 310-660-0090, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Plumbing/Heating/Air Cond Contractor
Yellow Transportation Inc, Address: 15400 S Main St, City: Gardena, State: CA, Zip Code: 902482215, Contact Person: Terry Denoewer, Title: Terminal Manager, Phone: 310-323-1281, Fax:
310-217-0222310-217-0222, Internet: www.exactair.com, Line of Business: Trucking Terminal
24 Hour Fitness USA Inc, Address: 450 N Brand Blvd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912032347, Contact Person: Mr Luke Gaellegos, Title: Operations Manager, Phone: 818-247-4334, Fax: ,
Internet: www.24hourfitness.com, Line of Business: Physical Fitness Facility
4 Over Inc, Address: 5900 San Fernando Rd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91202-2765,
Contact Person: Ms Tina Hartounian, Title: President, Phone: 818-246-1170, Fax: , Internet:
www.4over.com, Line of Business: Commercial printing; commercial art & graphic design services
ABC Holding Co Inc, Address: 500 Circle Seven Dr, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912012331, Contact Person: Mr John Lechuga, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 818-863-7777, Fax: ,
Internet: www.abc.com, Line of Business: Television Broadcasting
Abercrombie & Fitch Co, Address: 2151 Glendale Galleria # 6, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91210-2101, Contact Person: Jenn Rupert, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-550-7492, Fax: ,
Internet: www.abercrombie.com, Line of Business: Ret Men's And Women's Clothing
Acapulco Restaurants Inc, Address: 722 N Pacific Ave, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912031026, Contact Person: Joige Deloloei, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-246-8175, Fax: , Internet:
www.suncappart.com, Line of Business: Eating Place Misc Personal Services
Acco Engineered Systems Inc, Address: 6265 San Fernando Rd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91201-2214, Contact Person: Mr Peter Narbonne, Title: Executive Vice President, Phone:
818-291-6500, Fax: , Internet: www.accoes.com, Line of Business: Service & Maintain Air
Arthur J Gallagher & Co, Address: 505 N Brand Blvd Ste 600, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91203-3944, Contact Person: Ms Char McKinney, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 818-539-2300,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Insurance Broker
Atkinson-Baker Inc, Address: PO Box 29054, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91209-9054,
Contact Person: Mr Alan Baker, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-551-7300, Fax: ,
Internet: www.atkinsonbaker.com, Line of Business: Secretarial/Court Reporting
Audio-Digest Foundation, Address: 1577 E Chevy Chase Dr, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91206-4107, Contact Person: Mr Gordon Clark, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-2407500, Fax: 818-241-1253818-241-1253, Internet: www.audio-digest.org, Line of Business:
Manufactures prerecorded magnetic audio tape; mental health physicians' office & clinic
Berberian Enterprises Inc, Address: 1717 W Glenoaks Blvd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91201-1815, Contact Person: Raffi Karayan, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-244-8206, Fax: 818-2448231818-244-8231, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries Ret Alcoholic Beverages
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
California Credit Union, Address: PO Box 29100, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91209-9100,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Alm, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-291-6700, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: State Credit Union Federal Credit Union
California Insurance Guarantee, Address: PO Box 29066, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91209-9066, Contact Person: Mr Richard Herd, Title: Finance Manager, Phone: 818-844-4300,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Business Association
California Offset Printers Inc, Address: 620 W Elk Ave, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912041404, Contact Person: Mr John Hedlund, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-291-1100, Fax:
, Internet: www.copprints.com, Line of Business: Offset printing; publisher; periodical publisher
Cimm's Inc, Address: 620 N Brand Blvd Fl 6, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91203-4208,
Contact Person: Mr Ralph Cimmarusti, Title: President, Phone: 818-244-8237, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Fast-Food Rest Chain
Cinovation Inc, Address: 6527 San Fernando Rd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91201-2108,
Contact Person: Mr Rick Baker, Title: President, Phone: 818-246-3160, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Motion Picture Production
City Of Glendale, Address: 141 N Glendale Ave, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91206-4975,
Contact Person: Mr Glen Steiger, Title: General Manager, Phone: 818-548-3247, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Marketing Of Power
Commonwealth Land Title Insce, Address: 655 N Central Ave # 2200, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91203-1444, Contact Person: Ms Lorna Freeman, Title: Human Resource Manager, Phone:
818-552-7000, Fax: 818-549-0389818-549-0389, Internet: www.landam.com, Line of Business:
Title Insurance Comp
Compensation Insurance Fund, Address: 655 N Central Ave Ste 200, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91203-1424, Contact Person: Ms Linda Hoban, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-291-7000, Fax:
, Internet: www.state.ca.us, Line of Business: Fire/Casualty Insurance Rgltn Misc Coml Sectors
Accident/Hlth Insurance
Compspec Inc, Address: 425 E Colorado St Ste 410, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912051675, Contact Person: Nabil Haddad, Title: President, Phone: 818-551-4200, Fax: , Internet:
www.compspecinc.com, Line of Business: Management Consulting Services Misc Personal Services
Countrywide Home Loans Inc, Address: 801 N Brand Blvd Ste 750, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91203-3218, Contact Person: Ms Lynda Martinlawley, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-550-8700,
Fax: , Internet: www.countrywide.com, Line of Business: Mortgage Banker/Correspondent
Dma Claims Inc, Address: PO Box 26004, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91222-6004,
Contact Person: Mr Thomas Reitze, Title: President, Phone: 323-342-6800, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Insurance Claims Services
Employers Compensation Insce, Address: 500 N Brand Blvd Ste 800, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91203-4707, Contact Person: Mr Douglas Dirks, Title: President, Phone: 818-549-4600,
Fax: 818-549-4628818-549-4628, Internet: www.eicn.com, Line of Business: Insurance
EZ Staffing Inc, Address: 601 E Glenoaks Blvd # 100, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912071759, Contact Person: Mr Abraham ABI-Rafeh, Title: President, Phone: 818-845-2500, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Employment Agency
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Facilities Support Services, Address: 1802 Victory Blvd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912012530, Contact Person: Mr Robert Broughton, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-848-8024,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Building Maintenance Svc Lawn/Garden Services Help Supply
Service Mgmt Consulting Svcs Whol Svc Estblshmt Equip
Finchey Corp of California, Address: 800 S Brand Blvd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912042106, Contact Person: Mr David Ho, Title: President, Phone: 818-246-5600, Fax: 818-5485170818-548-5170, Internet: www.pacificbmw.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles
First American Title Co Inc, Address: 520 N Central Ave Fl 1, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91203-1907, Contact Person: Mr Robert Schott, Title: President, Phone: 818-242-5800, Fax: 818242-0196818-242-0196, Internet: www.fatcola.com, Line of Business: Title Insurance Carrier
Ford Los Feliz Inc, Address: 900 S Brand Blvd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91204-2108,
Contact Person: Mr Edmund Jussen, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-956-0977, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles Passenger Car Leasing
Forest Lawn Memorial Park Assn, Address: PO Box 1151, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91209-1151, Contact Person: Mr John Llewellyn, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-2543131, Fax: , Internet: www.forestlawn.com, Line of Business: Ret Florist Cemetery
Subdivider/Developer Funeral Service/Crematory
Gfgtt Holdings Inc, Address: 100 W Broadway Ste 900, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912101208, Contact Person: Mr John Hansen, Title: President, Phone: 818-409-0115, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Real Estate Agent/Manager Security Broker/Dealer
Glendale Adventist Medical Ctr, Address: 1509 Wilson Ter, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91206-4007, Contact Person: Mr Frank Dupper, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-4098000, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital Specialty Outpatient Clinic Medical
Doctor's Office
Glendale Association For The, Address: 6512 San Fernando Rd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91201-2109, Contact Person: Mr Richard Slavett, Title: President, Phone: 818-242-2434, Fax:
818-242-3010818-242-3010, Internet: , Line of Business: Job Training/Related Svc Ret
Gifts/Novelties Individual/Family Svcs Business Services Direct Mail Ad Svcs
Glendale Community College, Address: 1500 N Verdugo Rd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91208-2809, Contact Person: Ms Audre Levy, Title: President, Phone: 818-240-1000, Fax: 818551-5169818-551-5169, Internet: www.glendale.cc.ca.us, Line of Business: Junior College
Glendale Galleria, Address: 2148 Glendale Galleria, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912102101, Contact Person: Ms Joan Brosi, Title: General Manager, Phone: 818-246-6737, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Property Operation Retail Establishment
Glendale Nissan-Infiniti Inc, Address: 828 S Brand Blvd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91204-2106, Contact Person: Mr Morris Schrage, Title: President, Phone: 818-543-5000, Fax:
818-543-5001818-543-5001, Internet: www.sageauto.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used
Automobiles Passenger Car Rental
Glendale Unified School Dist, Address: 223 N Jackson St, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91206-4334, Contact Person: Mr John Garcia, Title: Superintendent, Phone: 818-241-3111, Fax:
818-548-9041818-548-9041, Internet: www.glendale.k12.ca.us, Line of Business:
Elementary/Secondary Sch
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
GMPH Corp, Address: 630 W Broadway, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91204-1008, Contact
Person: Mr Larry Mercado, Title: Administrator, Phone: 818-247-3395, Fax: 818-246-1149818-2461149, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Gmri Inc, Address: 101 N Brand Blvd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91203-2639, Contact
Person: Mr Ernie Uribe, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-240-7119, Fax: 818-240-5292818-240-5292,
Internet: www.redlobster.com, Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
H L Moe Co Inc, Address: 614 W Colorado St, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91204-1104,
Contact Person: Ms Martha Tennyson, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-240-2040, Fax:
818-240-1844818-240-1844, Internet: www.hlmoeco.com, Line of Business: Plumbing Contractor
Helmsman Management Services, Address: 225 W Broadway Ste 500, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91204-1331, Contact Person: Ms Jenny Bennett, Title: Human Resource Manager, Phone:
818-240-1234, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Management Services
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 5040 San Fernando Rd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912041114, Contact Person: Mr Greg Zusfin, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-246-9600, Fax: 818-9567296818-956-7296, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials
Howroyd-Wright Employment Agcy, Address: 327 W Broadway, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91204-1301, Contact Person: Ms Janice Howroyd, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-2408688, Fax: 818-240-9958818-240-9958, Internet: www.appleone.com, Line of Business:
Employment Agency
Ignition Entertainment Ltd, Address: 500 N Central Ave Ste 930, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91203-3341, Contact Person: Mr Ajay Chadha, Title: President, Phone: 818-502-9613, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Amusement Device Operator
Imperial Capital Bank, Address: 500 N Brand Blvd Ste 2300, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91203-3302, Contact Person: Mr Don Hinton, Title: District Manager, Phone: 818-254-2300, Fax: ,
Internet: www.imperialcapitalbank.com, Line of Business: Mortgage Banker/Correspondent
International House of, Address: 450 N Brand Blvd Fl 7, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91203-2346, Contact Person: Ms Julia Stewart, Title: President, Phone: 818-240-6055, Fax: ,
Internet: www.ihop.com, Line of Business: Eating Place Patent Owner/Lessor
Interstate Brands West Corp, Address: 6801 San Fernando Rd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91201-1606, Contact Person: Mr Bart Selsted, Title: Plant Manager, Phone: 818-848-2544, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Commercial bakery
Interstate Rehabilitation Svcs, Address: 333 E Glenoaks Blvd 204, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91207-2098, Contact Person: Ms Kathy Mitchell, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 818244-5656, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Health Practitioner's Office
JC Penney Corp Inc, Address: 333 E Colorado St, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91205-1632,
Contact Person: Mr Jeff Paige, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-240-8700, Fax: , Internet:
www.jcpenneyinc.com, Line of Business: Department Store
Kaza Azteca America Inc, Address: 1139 Grand Central Ave, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91201-2423, Contact Person: Mr Eduardo Urdiola, Title: President, Phone: 818-241-5400, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Television Station
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Lakeside Health Services Inc, Address: 777 Flower St # A, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91201-3000, Contact Person: Mr Francesco Fenerico, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818637-2000, Fax: 818-637-2770818-637-2770, Internet: , Line of Business: Management Services
Management Consulting Services Insurance Agent/Broker
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 2100 Glendale Galleria, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91210-2101, Contact Person: Ms Amy Pierce, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-240-8411, Fax: ,
Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department Store
Mader News Inc, Address: 913 Ruberta Ave, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91201-2346,
Contact Person: Mr Richard Mader, Title: President, Phone: 818-551-5000, Fax: , Internet:
www.madernews.com, Line of Business: Whol Books/Newspapers
Mariner Health Care Inc, Address: 430 N Glendale Ave, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912063309, Contact Person: Jenik Akopian, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-246-5677, Fax: , Internet:
www.marinerhealth.com, Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Mervyn's LLC, Address: 101 S Brand Blvd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91210-1200,
Contact Person: Ms Christine Hillyard, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-502-9900, Fax: , Internet:
www.mervyns.com, Line of Business: Retail Department Stores Gen Merchandise
Modern VideoFilm Inc, Address: 1733 Flower St, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91201-2022,
Contact Person: Mr Mark Smirnoff, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-637-6800, Fax: 818-637-6895818637-6895, Internet: , Line of Business: Provides Motion Picture Services Specializing In Video Tape
Or Disk Reproduction Editing And Tv Tape Services
Modis Inc, Address: 801 N Brand Blvd Ste 250, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91203-3251,
Contact Person: Mr Chris Sellers, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 818-546-2848, Fax: , Internet:
www.modisit.com, Line of Business: Custom Computer Programing
MSC Software Corp, Address: 101 N Brand Blvd Ste 900, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91203-2621, Contact Person: Mr Luis Greco, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 323-258-9111,
Fax: , Internet: www.mscsoftware.com, Line of Business: Wholesales computer software;
computer programming service; software publisher
National Teleconsultants Inc, Address: 550 N Brand Blvd Fl 17, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91203-1944, Contact Person: Mr Eliot Graham, Title: President, Phone: 818-265-4400, Fax: ,
Internet: www.ntc.com, Line of Business: Engineering Srvcs
New Albertson'S Inc, Address: 1000 S Central Ave, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912042211, Contact Person: Mr Jack Evans, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-246-5679, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Nordstrom Inc, Address: 200 W Broadway, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91210-1204,
Contact Person: Ms Cindy O'Brian, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-502-9922, Fax: 818-502-0109818502-0109, Internet: www.nordstrom.com, Line of Business: Ret Family Clothing Ret Shoes
Department Store
Oakmont Country Club, Address: 3100 Country Club Dr, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91208-1714, Contact Person: Mr George Reyes, Title: President, Phone: 818-542-4260, Fax: 818248-5157818-248-5157, Internet: , Line of Business: Membership Sport/Recreation Club
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Old Republic Title Co, Address: 450 N Brand Blvd Ste 800, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91203-2379, Contact Person: Mr Bob Elliott, Title: President, Phone: 818-247-2917, Fax: ,
Internet: www.oldrepublictitle.com, Line of Business: Title Insurance Carrier
Palladeo, Address: 900 Western Ave, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91201-2353, Contact
Person: Mr Robert Bautista, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-241-5656, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Business Services Nonresidential Construction
Powerbar Inc, Address: 800 N Brand Blvd Fl 19, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91203-1231,
Contact Person: Mr Brian Maxwell, Title: President, Phone: 818-549-6000, Fax: , Internet:
www.powerbar.com, Line of Business: Manufactures candy & other confectionery products
PRC - Desoto International Inc, Address: PO Box 1800, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912091800, Contact Person: Ms Fabrice Neguin, Title: Business Manager, Phone: 818-240-2061, Fax:
818-549-7627818-549-7627, Internet: www.ppg.com, Line of Business: Manufactures synthetic
rubber or plastic sealing compounds; manufactures plastic containers
PRC - Desoto International Inc, Address: PO Box 1800, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912091800, Contact Person: Mr Mike Moldenhauer, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-549-7979, Fax: ,
Internet: www.ppg.com, Line of Business: Mfg Paints/Allied Products
Public Storage, Address: 701 Western Ave, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91201-2349,
Contact Person: Wayne Hughes, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-244-8080, Fax: 818553-2376818-553-2376, Internet: www.publicstorage.com, Line of Business: Real Estate
Investment Trust Operating Public Storage Warehouses
Public Storage Properties Vii, Address: 600 N Brand Blvd Ste 300, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91203-4207, Contact Person: Mr Harvey Lankin, Title: President, Phone: 818-244-8080,
Fax: 818-244-0581818-244-0581, Internet: , Line of Business: General Warehouse/Storage
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 1200 N Central Ave, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91202-1808,
Contact Person: Mr Michael Eaton, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-246-1751, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Supermarket
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 1416 E Colorado St, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91205-1512,
Contact Person: Mr Mark Heredia, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-548-0945, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Ret Groceries Retail Bakery
Rgis LLC, Address: 331 Arden Ave, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91203-4059, Contact
Person: , Title: , Phone: 818-500-1737, Fax: , Internet: www.rgisinv.com, Line of Business:
Business Service
Safeco Insurance Co of America, Address: 330 N Brand Blvd Ste 680, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91203-2385, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Hills, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-956-4250, Fax: 818956-4331818-956-4331, Internet: www.safeco.com, Line of Business: Fire/Casualty Insurance
Salem Communications Corp, Address: PO Box 29023, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912099023, Contact Person: Ms Kristy Chefley, Title: Finance Manager, Phone: 818-956-5552, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Radio Broadcasting Station
Simplexgrinnell LP, Address: 900 Allen Ave, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91201-2020,
Contact Person: Mr Ron Mayle, Title: Engineer, Phone: 818-247-1199, Fax: 818-247-0999818-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
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(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
247-0999, Internet: www.simplexgrinnell.com, Line of Business: Electrical Contractor Security
Systems Services Plumbing/Heating/Air Cond Contractor
Software Management Conslnts, Address: 500 N Brand Blvd # 1090, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91203-3942, Contact Person: Mr Spencer Karpf, Title: President, Phone: 818-240-3177,
Fax: 818-240-7189818-240-7189, Internet: , Line of Business: Computer Related Services
Employment Agency
Southern California, Address: 1230 E Windsor Rd Ofc, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912052674, Contact Person: Mr Bill Bautista, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 818-244-7219, Fax:
818-240-3887818-240-3887, Internet: , Line of Business: Apartment Building Operator
Stewart Title of California, Address: 525 N Brand Blvd Ste 200, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91203-3993, Contact Person: Ms Sally Leimbach, Title: President, Phone: 818-502-2700, Fax:
818-500-6226818-500-6226, Internet: www.stewart.com, Line of Business: Title Insurance Carrier
Technicolor Creative Services, Address: 1631 Gardena Ave, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91204-2713, Contact Person: Mr Richard Andrews, Title: President, Phone: 818-500-9090, Fax:
818-500-4099818-500-4099, Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture Services
Tele-Interpreters LLC, Address: 500 N Brand Blvd Ste 1700, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91203-3309, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 800-811-7881, Fax: , Internet:
www.teleinterpreters.com, Line of Business: Business Services
Time Warner Entertainment Co, Address: 505 Granada St, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91205-2218, Contact Person: Mr Jim Nonnan, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-977-7900,
Fax: , Internet: www.timewarner.com, Line of Business: Web Internet
Tobinworld, Address: 920 E Broadway, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91205-1204, Contact
Person: Mr Jake Demestre, Title: Controller, Phone: 818-247-7474, Fax: 818-247-6516818-2476516, Internet: www.tobinworld.org, Line of Business: Special Education School
Trueblue Inc, Address: 1608 W Glenoaks Blvd B, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91201-1814,
Contact Person: Mr Mel Novicoff, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-240-0059, Fax: , Internet:
www.laborready.com, Line of Business: Temporary Labor Service
T-Tops Sportswear Inc, Address: PO Box 9280, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91226-0280,
Contact Person: Akop Danayan, Title: President, Phone: 323-254-9474, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Business Services
TTT West Coast Inc, Address: 1840 Victory Blvd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91201-2558,
Contact Person: Mr Jim Paratore, Title: President, Phone: 818-972-0500, Fax: , Internet:
www.time.com, Line of Business: Television Production
Unitedhealth Group Inc, Address: 505 N Brand Blvd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912031906, Contact Person: Vinioca Lozen, Title: Administrator, Phone: 818-484-9078, Fax: ,
Internet: www.unitedhealthgroup.com, Line of Business: Medical/Life Insurance
Univision Communications Inc, Address: 655 N Central Ave # 2500, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91203-1447, Contact Person: Mr Thomas McSweeney, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818500-4500, Fax: , Internet: www.univision.com, Line of Business: Radio Station
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Verdugo Hills Hospital, Address: 1812 Verdugo Blvd, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912081407, Contact Person: Mr Leonard Labella, Title: President, Phone: 818-790-7100, Fax: 818-9523597818-952-3597, Internet: www.verdugohillshospital.org, Line of Business: General Hospital
Verdugo Hills Psychtherapy Ctr, Address: 410 Arden Ave Ste 203, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91203-4007, Contact Person: Mr Ira Heilveil, Title: President, Phone: 818-241-6780, Fax:
818-241-6853818-241-6853, Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Walt Disney Co, Address: 601 Circle Seven Dr, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91201-2332,
Contact Person: Mr Graham Hopper, Title: Senior Vice President, Phone: 818-553-4222, Fax: 818637-2869818-637-2869, Internet: www.corporate.disney.go.com, Line of Business: Educational
Walt Disney Imagineering Res, Address: PO Box 25020, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91221-5020, Contact Person: Mr Martin Sklar, Title: Vice Chairman, Phone: 818-544-6500, Fax:
818-544-7845818-544-7845, Internet: www.corporate.disney.go.com, Line of Business: Business
Services Architectural Services Nonresidential Cnstn Management Services
Whole Foods Market Inc, Address: 331 N Glendale Ave, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912063759, Contact Person: Mr David Abersole, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-548-3695, Fax: ,
Internet: www.wholefoods.com, Line of Business: Natural Foods Supermarket
Yellowpagescom LLC, Address: 611 N Brand Blvd Fl 5, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 912033288, Contact Person: Mr Charles Stubbs, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-937-5500,
Fax: , Internet: www.yellowpages.com, Line of Business: Business Services
YMCA, Address: 140 N Louise St, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91206-4226, Contact
Person: Mr John Thomas, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-240-4130, Fax: 818-5001737818-500-1737, Internet: , Line of Business: Physical Fitness Facility
Zurich North American Insce, Address: 801 N Brand Blvd 13th, City: Glendale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91203-1237, Contact Person: Lindy Hardman, Title: Regional Manager, Phone: 818-500-4700,
Fax: 818-500-4770818-500-4770, Internet: www.zurichna.com, Line of Business: Casualty
Beating Wall Street Inc, Address: 10915 Danube Ave, City: Granada Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91344-5413, Contact Person: Hamed Khorsand, Title: President, Phone: 818-332-9696, Fax: ,
Internet: www.beatingwallstreet.com, Line of Business: Financial Consultant
Granada Hills Sr High School, Address: 10535 Zelzah Ave, City: Granada Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91344-5902, Contact Person: Ms Helen Miller, Title: Administrator, Phone: 818-360-2361, Fax:
818-363-9504818-363-9504, Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School Business
Consulting Services
Longwood Management Corp, Address: 17922 San Fernando Missin Blvd, City: Granada Hills, State:
CA, Zip Code: 91344-4043, Contact Person: Ojijoji Gervacio, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-3601864, Fax: 818-831-0599818-831-0599, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Prellis Group Inc, Address: PO Box 33755, City: Granada Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 91394-3755,
Contact Person: Mr Ron Prechtl, Title: President, Phone: 818-363-1717, Fax: , Internet:
www.movesfv.com, Line of Business: Real Estate Agent/Mgr Mortgage Banker/Corspdnt Loan Broker
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
PS National Inc, Address: 17645 Chatsworth St, City: Granada Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913445602, Contact Person: Lee Leatherman, Title: President, Phone: 818-366-1300, Fax: , Internet:
www.psnational.com, Line of Business: Employment Agency Help Supply Services
Specialty Restaurants Corp, Address: 15600 Odyssey Dr, City: Granada Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91344-3205, Contact Person: Mr Andy Pappas, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-366-6444, Fax: 818831-2175818-831-2175, Internet: www.specialtyrestaurants.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
Misc Personal Services Drinking Place
Target Corp, Address: 11133 Balboa Blvd, City: Granada Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 91344-4204,
Contact Person: Mr Kenneth Armstrong, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-360-2999, Fax: , Internet:
www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
ADT Security Services Inc, Address: 5400 W Rosecrans Ave, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code:
90250-6609, Contact Person: Ms Julie Castaneda, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-725-2523, Fax:
310-725-1335310-725-1335, Internet: www.adt.com, Line of Business: Security Systems Service
Advanced Engine Management Inc, Address: 2205 W 126th St # A, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90250-3367, Contact Person: Mr Peter Neuwirth, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310484-2322, Fax: 310-258-0036310-258-0036, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures motor
vehicle engines & parts
American Apparel Dyeing, Address: 12537 Cerise Ave, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code:
90250-4801, Contact Person: Sang Lim, Title: President, Phone: 310-355-1909, Fax: , Internet:
www.americanapparel.net, Line of Business: Dyeing & finishing of wool or similar fibers
Ancra International LLC, Address: 4880 W Rosecrans Ave, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code:
90250-6614, Contact Person: Mr Steve Frediani, Title: President, Phone: 310-973-5000, Fax: 310973-1138310-973-1138, Internet: www.ancra-llc.com, Line of Business: Manufactures metal air
cargo containers
Best Buy Co Inc, Address: 5000 W 147th St, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code: 90250-6709,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Zander, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-644-9312, Fax: , Internet:
www.bestbuy.com, Line of Business: Ret Household Appliances
Costco Wholesale Corp, Address: 14501 Hindry Ave, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code: 902506748, Contact Person: Mr Graig Carter, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-727-0403, Fax: , Internet:
www.costco.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc General Merchandise Whol Tires/Tubes
Eng Textiles, Address: 12537 Cerise Ave, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code: 90250-4801,
Contact Person: Mr James Kim, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-644-4001, Fax: 310827-0027310-827-0027, Internet: www.tuc.net, Line of Business: Dyeing & finishing circular knit
fabrics; manmade, fiber & silk textile finishing plant; textile finishing
Evergreen International, Address: 12900 Simms Ave, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code: 902505533, Contact Person: Ms Pleasant Freeman, Title: Operations Manager, Phone: 310-646-9860,
Fax: 310-670-1779310-670-1779, Internet: www.evergreenairlines.com, Line of Business:
Nonscheduled Air Trans Management Services Freight Trans Arrangmt Scheduled Air Transport Special
Federal Aviation Admin, Address: 15000 Aviation Blvd, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code:
90250, Contact Person: Mr William Withycombe, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-725-3800, Fax: ,
Internet: www.faa.gov, Line of Business: Regulation/Administrative Transportation
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Federal Aviation Admin, Address: 15000 Aviation Blvd, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code:
90250, Contact Person: Mr William Withycombe, Title: Regional Manager, Phone: 310-725-3580,
Fax: , Internet: www.faa.gov, Line of Business: Public Affairs Office
Federal Express Corp, Address: 12600 Prairie Ave, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code: 902504685, Contact Person: Mr Ted Strong, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-263-4628, Fax: ,
Internet: www.federalexpress.com, Line of Business: Air Courier Services Courier Service
First Class Foods Inc, Address: PO Box 2397, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code: 90251-2397,
Contact Person: Mr Salomon Benzimra, Title: President, Phone: 310-676-2500, Fax: 310-6762800310-676-2800, Internet: , Line of Business: Meat packing plant; wholesales meat & meat
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 14603 Ocean Gate Ave, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code:
90250-6744, Contact Person: Mr Tom Robinson, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-644-9600, Fax: 310644-0640310-644-0640, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials Equipment
Lithographix Inc, Address: 12250 Crenshaw Blvd, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code: 902503332, Contact Person: Mr Herbert Zebrack, Title: President, Phone: 323-770-1000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.lithographix.com, Line of Business: Commercial printing; commercial lithographic
Longwood Management Corp, Address: 11834 Inglewood Ave, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90250-0107, Contact Person: Ms Pamela Junge, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-679-1461, Fax:
310-676-8633310-676-8633, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Longwood Management Corp, Address: 11834 Inglewood Ave, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90250-0107, Contact Person: Ms Marilyn Grainger, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-772-2985,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Convalescent Hospital
Lowe's Home Centers Inc, Address: 2800 W 120th St, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code:
90250-3338, Contact Person: Mr Mike Bryant, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-327-4000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.lowes.com, Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Mtrl Whol Lumber/Plywd/Millwk
Ret Household Appliances Whol Appliances/Tv/Radio
Major Protective Services Inc, Address: 4901 W Rosecrans Ave, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90250-6615, Contact Person: Mr Martin Benom, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310219-3272, Fax: , Internet: www.commandguards.com, Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 12630 Hawthorne Blvd, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code:
90250-3907, Contact Person: Mr Ron Spurlock, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-675-9494, Fax:
, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Supermarket
OSI Systems Inc, Address: 12525 Chadron Ave, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code: 902504807, Contact Person: Deepak Chopra, Title: President, Phone: 310-978-0516, Fax: 310-6447213310-644-7213, Internet: www.osi-systems.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
photoconductive cells; manufactures X-ray equipment & tubes; manufactures electromedical
South Bay Ford Inc, Address: PO Box 1550, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code: 90251-1550,
Contact Person: Mr Gary Premeaux, Title: President, Phone: 310-706-6000, Fax: , Internet:
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
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www.southbayford.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles Ret Auto/Home Supplies
General Auto Repair Ret Used Automobiles
Space Exploration Technologies, Address: 1 Rocket Rd, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code:
90250, Contact Person: Mr Elon Musk, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-363-6000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.spacex.com, Line of Business: Manufactures rockets
Teledyne Technologies Inc, Address: 12525 Daphne Ave, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code:
90250-3308, Contact Person: Mr John Kuelbs, Title: Senior Vice President, Phone: 323-777-0077,
Fax: 323-242-1924323-242-1924, Internet: , Line of Business: Mfg Relays/Industrial Controls Mfg
Semiconductors/Related Devices Mfg Lighting Equipment
Textile Unlimited Corp, Address: 12524 Cerise Ave, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code: 902504802, Contact Person: Mr James Kim, Title: President, Phone: 310-263-7400, Fax: , Internet:
www.tuc.net, Line of Business: Manufactures shirts; manufactures women's & girls' blouses;
manufactures women's & misses' athletic clothing & sportswear; manufactures men's & boys' athletic
Tricor America Inc, Address: 12441 Eucalyptus Ave 7, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code:
90250-4208, Contact Person: Mr Collin Johnson, Title: Accounts Manager, Phone: 310-215-5600,
Fax: 310-973-1565310-973-1565, Internet: www.tricor.com, Line of Business: Courier Service
Trident Labs Inc, Address: 12000 Aviation Blvd, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code: 902503438, Contact Person: Mr Laurence Fishman, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-915-9121,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Dental Laboratory
Westmed Ambulance Inc, Address: 13933 Crenshaw Blvd, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code:
90250-7815, Contact Person: Mr Richard Roesch, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-2191779, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Local Passenger Transportation
Wilshire Foundation Inc, Address: 11630 Grevillea Ave, City: Hawthorne, State: CA, Zip Code:
90250-2231, Contact Person: Mr Bill Kite, Title: Director, Phone: 310-679-9732, Fax: 310-6793672310-679-3672, Internet: www.wilshirefoundation.org, Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care
Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Capitol Records, Address: 1750 Vine St, City: Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90028-5209,
Contact Person: Mr Roy Lott, Title: President, Phone: 323-462-6252, Fax: 323-469-0384323-4690384, Internet: www.capitolrecords.com, Line of Business: Manufactures prerecorded compact
laser discs
HKM Productions Inc, Address: 1641 Ivar Ave, City: Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90028-6304,
Contact Person: Mr Mike Karbelnikoff, Title: President, Phone: 323-465-9494, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production Motion Picture Services
Hollywood Roosevelt LLC, Address: 7000 Hollywood Blvd, City: Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90028-6003, Contact Person: Mr Brett Blass, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-466-7000, Fax:
323-466-9376323-466-9376, Internet: www.hollywoodroosevelt.com, Line of Business:
Hotel/Motel Operation Drinking Place Eating Place
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 5600 W Sunset Blvd, City: Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 900288524, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Retire, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-461-3303, Fax: 323-8603416323-860-3416, Internet: , Line of Business: Lumberother Bdg Mats
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Musicians Institute Inc, Address: 1655 N McCadden Pl, City: Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90028-6115, Contact Person: Hisatake Shibuya, Title: President, Phone: 323-462-1384, Fax: ,
Internet: www.musiciansinstitute.net, Line of Business: School/Educational Services
Post Group Inc, Address: 6335 Homewood Ave, City: Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90028-8105,
Contact Person: Mr Vincent Lyons, Title: President, Phone: 323-462-2300, Fax: 323-462-0836323462-0836, Internet: www.postgroup.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture Services Motion
Pict/Video Prodtn
Post Logic Studios Inc, Address: 1800 Vine St # 100, City: Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 900285249, Contact Person: Mr Larry Birstock, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-461-7887, Fax:
323-461-9828323-461-9828, Internet: www.postlogic.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 727 Vine St, City: Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90038-3713, Contact
Person: , Title: , Phone: 323-461-4167, Fax: 323-461-7589323-461-7589, Internet:
www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries Ret Florist Ret Drugs/Sundries Retail Bakery
Citizens of Humanity LLC, Address: 5715 Bickett St, City: Huntington Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
90255-2624, Contact Person: Tony Millar, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 323-923-1240,
Fax: , Internet: www.citizensofhumanity.com, Line of Business: Manufactures women's, misses' &
juniors' jeans
Covenant Care California Inc, Address: 6425 Miles Ave, City: Huntington Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
90255-4315, Contact Person: Ms Letty Saenz, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-589-5941, Fax: 323589-0123323-589-0123, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing
Crown Poly Inc, Address: 5700 Bickett St, City: Huntington Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 90255-2625,
Contact Person: Mr Abraham Simhaee, Title: President, Phone: 323-585-5522, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Manufactures plastic bags made from purchased materials
Disorderly Kids LLC, Address: 6900 Alameda St, City: Huntington Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 902553619, Contact Person: Mr Elliot Schutzer, Title: Member, Phone: 323-581-3511, Fax: 323-5814778323-581-4778, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures girls, children & infants' dresses
El Gallo Giro Corp, Address: 7148 Pacific Blvd, City: Huntington Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 902554720, Contact Person: Mr Ramon Soriano, Title: District Manager, Phone: 323-585-4433, Fax: ,
Internet: www.gallogiro.com, Line of Business: Eating Place & Ret Bakery
Flowserve Corp, Address: 5715 Bickett St, City: Huntington Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 90255-2624,
Contact Person: Mr Mark Stlaurent, Title: Technical Manager, Phone: 323-588-2201, Fax: ,
Internet: www.flowserve.com, Line of Business: Manufactures pumps & pumping equipment
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 3040 E Slauson Ave, City: Huntington Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
90255-3138, Contact Person: Mr Ross Manzo, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-587-5520, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials Equipment Rental/Leasing
International Education Corp, Address: 6812 Pacific Blvd Ste 217, City: Huntington Park, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90255-4166, Contact Person: Van Nuys, Title: Publisher, Phone: 323-277-8000, Fax:
323-588-5484323-588-5484, Internet: , Line of Business: Vocational School
Karykeion Inc, Address: 2623 E Slauson Ave, City: Huntington Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 902552926, Contact Person: Dr Edward Rubin, Title: President, Phone: 323-583-1931, Fax: 323-5828179323-582-8179, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Lido Veal & Lamb Inc, Address: PO Box 2224, City: Huntington Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 902551524, Contact Person: Mr Frank Selvaggio, Title: President, Phone: 323-585-1591, Fax: ,
Internet: www.lidovealandlamb.com, Line of Business: Whol Meats/Products
Plycraft Industries Inc, Address: 2100 E Slauson Ave, City: Huntington Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
90255-2727, Contact Person: Mr Nathan Joffe, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-5878101, Fax: 323-587-8220323-587-8220, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures hardwood or
hardwood faced plywood
Saroyan Lumber Co Inc, Address: 6230 Alameda St, City: Huntington Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
90255-3503, Contact Person: Mr Richard Saroyan, Title: President, Phone: 323-589-5704, Fax:
323-589-2028323-589-2028, Internet: www.saroyanlumber.com, Line of Business: Whol
Super Center Concepts Inc, Address: 6010 Pacific Blvd, City: Huntington Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
90255-2931, Contact Person: Ganzalo Enriquez, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-277-0950,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Vision Express Inc, Address: 2315 Nadeau St, City: Huntington Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 902555603, Contact Person: Mr Leonard Emrick, Title: President, Phone: 323-586-9700, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Freight Transportation Arrangement
Aero Port Services Inc, Address: 216 W Florence Ave, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 903011213, Contact Person: Mr Chris Paik, Title: President, Phone: 310-623-8230, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Security Systems Services
Alamo Rental Inc, Address: 9020 Aviation Blvd, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90301-2907,
Contact Person: Mr Cesar Saurez, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-649-2242, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Automobile Rental
American Commercial Security, Address: 9920 S La Cienega Blvd Flr 7, City: Inglewood, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90301-4423, Contact Person: Ms Sarah Knight, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-792-9878,
Fax: , Internet: www.abm.com, Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
American Service Industries, Address: PO Box 5427, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 903105427, Contact Person: Mr Stephen Kulp, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-779-4000, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Provide Security Service And Janitorial Services
Avaya Inc, Address: 1033 Mc Carthy Blvd, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90305, Contact
Person: Lue Deambrosio, Title: President, Phone: 408-577-7134, Fax: , Internet:
www.avaya.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc Merchandise
Carmax Inc, Address: 8611 S La Cienega Blvd, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90301-2118,
Contact Person: Mr Craig Meekh, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-568-9272, Fax: 310-670-3814310670-3814, Internet: www.carmax.com, Line of Business: Automobile Dealership
Centinela Valley Care Center, Address: 950 S Flower St, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90301-4186, Contact Person: Mr William Nelson, Title: President, Phone: 310-674-3216, Fax: 310674-3219310-674-3219, Internet: , Line of Business: Residential Care Services Nursing/Personal
Century Gaming Management Inc, Address: 3883 W Century Blvd, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90303-1003, Contact Person: Mr Leo Chu, Title: President, Phone: 310-330-2800, Fax:
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
310-677-1343310-677-1343, Internet: www.playhpc.com, Line of Business: Hotels & Motels
Drinking Places
Cfhs Holdings Inc, Address: 555 E Hardy St, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90301-4011,
Contact Person: Mr Joseph Kwiatkowski, Title: Technical Manager, Phone: 310-673-4660, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Hospital
Churchill Downs California Co, Address: PO Box 369, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 903060369, Contact Person: Mr Frederick Baedeker, Title: President, Phone: 310-419-1500, Fax: 310671-4460310-671-4460, Internet: , Line of Business: Racing Or Track Operation
Costco Wholesale Corp, Address: 3560 W Century Blvd, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90303-1201, Contact Person: Mr John Weaver, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-242-2777, Fax: ,
Internet: www.costco.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc General Merchandise Whol Tires/Tubes
Doorking Inc, Address: 120 S Glasgow Ave, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90301-1502,
Contact Person: Mr Tom Richmond, Title: President, Phone: 310-645-0023, Fax: 310-6457431310-645-7431, Internet: www.dkaccess.com, Line of Business: Manufactures security control
equipment & systems; wholesales security control equipment & systems; manufactures measuring &
controlling devices
Goodman Food Products, Address: 200 E Beach Ave, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 903023404, Contact Person: Mr Larry Goodman, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-674-3180,
Fax: 310-673-7008310-673-7008, Internet: www.donleefarms.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures frozen food products; eating place
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 8801 S La Cienega Blvd, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90301-2120, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-417-9051, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Lumberother Bdg Mats
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 3363 W Century Blvd, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 903031366, Contact Person: Kim Dixon, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-677-1944, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials Equipment Rental/Leasing
Inglewood Park Cemetery, Address: PO Box 6042, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 903126042, Contact Person: Mr Daniel Villa, Title: President, Phone: 310-412-6500, Fax: 310-6719440310-671-9440, Internet: , Line of Business: Cemetery Subdivider/Developer
Ito Inc, Address: 431 Isis Ave, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90301-2009, Contact
Person: Tonny Soesanto, Title: President, Phone: 310-410-1151, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Eating Place
J Robert Scott Inc, Address: 500 N Oak St, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90302-2942,
Contact Person: Mr Andrew Frumovitz, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-680-4300, Fax:
310-672-3710310-672-3710, Internet: www.jrobertscott.com, Line of Business: Wholesales woven
textiles; manufactures upholstered household furniture; manufactures wood household furniture
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Address: 110 N La Brea Ave, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90301-1708, Contact Person: Mr Victor Ahaiwe, Title: President, Phone: 310-419-3303, Fax: 310419-3370310-419-3370, Internet: www.kaiserpermanente.org, Line of Business: General Hospital
Marvin Engineering Co Inc, Address: 261 W Beach Ave, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90302-2904, Contact Person: Mr Jerry Freedman, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-6745030, Fax: 310-673-9472310-673-9472, Internet: www.marvineng.com, Line of Business:
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Manufactures aircraft parts & equipment; manufactures current carrying wiring devices; manufactures
electricity measuring instruments
New World Service Inc, Address: 1050 S Prairie Ave, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 903014120, Contact Person: Mr Charles Yim, Title: President, Phone: 310-419-6200, Fax: , Internet:
www.newworldservice.net, Line of Business: Building Maintenance Services
Oplv Inc, Address: 301 Centinela Ave, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90302-3231, Contact
Person: Mr Christopher Arias, Title: Administrator, Phone: 310-672-1012, Fax: 310-672-1215310672-1215, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Royal Airline Linen Inc, Address: 125 N Ash Ave, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 903011648, Contact Person: Mr Norman Magidow, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-677-9885,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Power Laundry Industrial Launderer Linen Supply Services
Signature Eyewear Inc, Address: 498 N Oak St, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90302-3315,
Contact Person: Mr Michael Prince, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-330-2700, Fax: 310330-2765310-330-2765, Internet: www.secollections.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
ophthalmic products
Smith & Sons Enterprises Inc, Address: 1227 S La Brea Ave, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90301-3821, Contact Person: Mr John Baer, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-846-4000,
Fax: , Internet: www.aptambulance.com, Line of Business: Management Consulting Services Local
Passenger Transportation
Target Corp, Address: 3471 W Century Blvd, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90303-1218,
Contact Person: Ms Yolanda Cadilla, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-677-2436, Fax: ,
Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Ttm Technologies Inc, Address: 8636 Aviation Blvd, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 903012002, Contact Person: Mr Richard Suminski, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-649-2411, Fax: ,
Internet: www.ttmtechnologies.com, Line of Business: Manufactures printed circuit boards
Watts Health Systems Inc, Address: 3405 W Imperial Hwy, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90303-2253, Contact Person: Mr Clyde Oden, Title: President, Phone: 310-671-3465, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Health Management Services
Wattshealth Foundation Inc, Address: PO Box 5127, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 903105127, Contact Person: Ms Jennifer Stapalding, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-424-2220,
Fax: 310-673-9176310-673-9176, Internet: , Line of Business: Intermediate Care Facility Medical
Doctor's Office Management Services
Wimbledon Industries Inc, Address: 260 W Beach Ave, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90302-2903, Contact Person: Mr Marvin Guessman, Title: President, Phone: 310-677-8131, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Mfg Metal Stampings Mfg Sporting/Athletic Goods
Zephyr Manufacturing Inc, Address: 201 Hindry Ave, City: Inglewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 903011519, Contact Person: Mr Bernard Kersulis, Title: President, Phone: 310-410-4907, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures power hand tools; machine tools & accessories;
manufactures hand tools
Bepc Limited, Address: 15761 Tapia St, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91706-2177, Contact
Person: Mr Paul Hui, Title: President, Phone: 626-804-2100, Fax: , Internet: www.bemg.com,
Line of Business: Whol Women's/Child's Clothing Management Consulting Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Bonneville Steel Inc, Address: PO Box 2265, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91706-1148,
Contact Person: Mr Joe Wigginton, Title: President, Phone: 626-303-1002, Fax: 626-969-3869626969-3869, Internet: , Line of Business: Structural Steel Erection
California Community News Corp, Address: 5091 4th St, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91706-2173, Contact Person: Mr Mark Kurtich, Title: President, Phone: 626-472-5297, Fax: ,
Internet: www.latimes.com, Line of Business: Newspaper publisher
Charter Communications, Address: 4781 Irwindale Ave, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91706-2175, Contact Person: Mr Mike Welsh, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-430-3533, Fax: ,
Internet: www.chartercom.com, Line of Business: Business Services
Church & Larsen Inc, Address: 1438 Arrow Hwy Ste C, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip Code: 917061338, Contact Person: Ray Larsen, Title: President, Phone: 626-303-8741, Fax: 626-3031977626-303-1977, Internet: , Line of Business: Drywall/Insulating Contractor
Ds Waters of America Inc, Address: 4548 Azusa Canyon Rd, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91706-2742, Contact Person: Ms Linda Gonzales, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-472-7201, Fax: ,
Internet: www.suntorywatergroup.com, Line of Business: Whol Groceries Direct Retail Sales
Hanson Structural Precast, Address: 13131 Los Angeles St, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91706-2242, Contact Person: Mr Ed Wopschall, Title: President, Phone: 626-962-8751, Fax: 626962-8752626-962-8752, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures ready-mixed concrete;
manufactures concrete products
Harrison-Nichols Co Ltd, Address: 5265 4th St, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91706-2079,
Contact Person: Mr Kenneth Harrison, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-962-2455, Fax:
626-338-1610626-338-1610, Internet: , Line of Business: Local Trucking-With Storage Local
Trucking Operator
Jacmar Co's, Address: 12761 Schabarum Ave, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91706-6807,
Contact Person: Mr Frank Visvikis, Title: President, Phone: 626-430-9082, Fax: 626-430-2342626430-2342, Internet: , Line of Business: Promotion services; manufactures men's & boys' uniforms;
restaurant equipment repair service; wholesales groceries
Johnson & Johnson, Address: 15715 Arrow Hwy, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91706-2006,
Contact Person: Ms Cathy Somalis, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 909-839-8650, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Mfg Surgical Appliances/Supplies
Mariposa Horticultural Entrprs, Address: 15529 Arrow Hwy, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91706-2002, Contact Person: Terry Noriega, Title: President, Phone: 626-960-0196, Fax: 626960-8477626-960-8477, Internet: www.mariposahorticultural.com, Line of Business: Lawn/Garden
M-Audio LLC, Address: 5795 Martin Rd, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91706-6211, Contact
Person: , Title: , Phone: 949-425-8479, Fax: , Internet: www.avid.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures electronic loads & power supplies; business consulting services; manufactures computer
peripheral equipment; manufactures household audio & video equipment
Nellson Nutraceutical Inc, Address: 5801 Ayala Ave, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip Code: 917066216, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Moran, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-812-6522, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures food preparations; manufactures candy bars & chocolate
covered candy bars
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Ready Pac Produce Inc, Address: 4401 Foxdale St, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip Code: 917062196, Contact Person: Mr Dennis Gertmenian, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-856-8686,
Fax: 626-856-0088626-856-0088, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures salads; wholesales
fresh fruits & vegetables
Securitas Security Services, Address: 4981 Irwindale Ave # 900, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91706-2189, Contact Person: Mr Jorge Moreno, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-4805000, Fax: , Internet: www.securitasinc.com, Line of Business: Security Guard Service
Superior Communications Inc, Address: 5027 Irwindale Ave 900, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91706-2187, Contact Person: Mr Solomon Chen, Title: President, Phone: 626-856-6020,
Fax: , Internet: www.scp4me.com, Line of Business: Wholesales electrical telephone & telegraphic
equipment; retails mobile telephones & equipment; manufactures telecommunication systems &
Valley Light Industries Inc, Address: 5358 Irwindale Ave # B, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip Code:
91706-2086, Contact Person: Ms Pamela Hayes, Title: President, Phone: 626-337-6200, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Job Training/Related Services
Yrc Logistics, Address: 600 Live Oak Ave, City: Irwindale, State: CA, Zip Code: 91706-1344,
Contact Person: Tony Ranbaud, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-359-4500, Fax: 626-3599736626-359-9736, Internet: www.yellowcorp.com, Line of Business: Trucking Operator-Nonlocal
Local Trucking Operator
Atlas Care Enterprises Inc, Address: 2258 Foothill Blvd, City: La Canada, State: CA, Zip Code:
91011-1457, Contact Person: Mr Luz Mondonedo, Title: President, Phone: 323-261-8108, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Care Nursing Home
Child Educational Center, Address: 140 Foothill Blvd, City: La Canada, State: CA, Zip Code: 910113727, Contact Person: Ms Elyssa Nelson, Title: Director, Phone: 818-354-3418, Fax: 818-3934243818-393-4243, Internet: www.ceconline.org, Line of Business: Child Care Service
Crescenta-Canada YMCA, Address: 1930 Foothill Blvd, City: La Canada, State: CA, Zip Code:
91011-1933, Contact Person: Mr Larry Hall, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-790-0123,
Fax: 818-952-3359818-952-3359, Internet: , Line of Business: Civic/Social Association
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 521 Foothill Blvd, City: La Canada, State: CA, Zip Code: 91011-3507,
Contact Person: Mr Micheal Salbama, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-790-0584, Fax: 818-7906705818-790-6705, Internet: , Line of Business: Supermarket
County of Los Angeles, Address: 14445 Olive View Dr 2 B, City: La Canada Flintridge, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91011, Contact Person: Ms Melinda Anderson, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818364-1555, Fax: , Internet: www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Hospital & Medical Center
Sport Chalet Inc, Address: 1 Sport Chalet Dr, City: La Canada Flintridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91011-3314, Contact Person: Mr Craig Levra, Title: President, Phone: 818-949-5300, Fax: ,
Internet: www.sportchalet.com, Line of Business: Retails Sporting Goods & Sports Apparel
E A M Enterprises Inc, Address: 4005 Foothill Blvd, City: La Crescenta, State: CA, Zip Code: 912141623, Contact Person: Razmik Mirzakhanian, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-248-9100,
Fax: 818-248-9295818-248-9295, Internet: , Line of Business: Real Estate Agent/Manager
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Orchard Supply Hardware Corp, Address: 3100 Foothill Blvd, City: La Crescenta, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91214-2630, Contact Person: Mr Craig McBride, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-541-7075, Fax:
818-541-7060818-541-7060, Internet: www.sears.com, Line of Business: Ret Hardware Ret
Nursery/Garden Supplies
Cacique Inc, Address: 14940 Proctor Ave, City: La Puente, State: CA, Zip Code: 91746-3219,
Contact Person: Mr Gilbert De Cardenas, Title: President, Phone: 626-961-3399, Fax: 626-3695780626-369-5780, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures cheese; manufactures aerated
cream; meat processing
Commercial Lumber & Pallet Co, Address: 135 Long Ln, City: La Puente, State: CA, Zip Code:
91746-2633, Contact Person: Mr Raymond Gutierrez, Title: President, Phone: 626-968-0631, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures wooden pallets; wholesales rough, dressed & finished
Fritzi California Inc, Address: 13071 Temple Ave, City: La Puente, State: CA, Zip Code: 917461418, Contact Person: Mr Hal Upbin, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626-934-4166, Fax: ,
Internet: www.kellwoodco.com, Line of Business: Manufactures women's & juniors' blouses made
from purchased material; manufactures paper, cut & sewn dresses; manufactures girls, children &
infants' blouses; manufactures children's & girls' clothing; manufactures skirts
Lee Kum Kee Foods Inc, Address: 14455 Don Julian Rd, City: La Puente, State: CA, Zip Code:
91746-3102, Contact Person: Mr David Lee, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-336-3886,
Fax: 626-336-9593626-336-9593, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures seasonings & spices
Magdesian Bros Inc, Address: 730 S 5th Ave, City: La Puente, State: CA, Zip Code: 91746-3012,
Contact Person: Wahram Magdesian, Title: President, Phone: 626-330-3384, Fax: 626-3336026626-333-6026, Internet: www.magdesian.com, Line of Business: Manufactures women's
National Envelope Corp, Address: PO Box 92436, City: La Puente, State: CA, Zip Code: 91746,
Contact Person: Mr Tom Marshall, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-369-0969, Fax: 626-9686893626-968-6893, Internet: www.nationalenvelope.com, Line of Business: Whol Stationery/Office
Pocino Foods Co, Address: PO Box 2219, City: La Puente, State: CA, Zip Code: 91746-0219,
Contact Person: Mr Frank Pocino, Title: President, Phone: 626-968-8000, Fax: 626-968-0196626968-0196, Internet: www.pocino.com, Line of Business: Manufactures sausages from purchased
Teknor Apex Co, Address: PO Box 2307, City: La Puente, State: CA, Zip Code: 91746-0307,
Contact Person: Mr Victor Baxt, Title: Executive Vice President, Phone: 626-968-4656, Fax: 626968-4040626-968-4040, Internet: www.teknorapex.com, Line of Business: Manufactures vinyl
resins; manufactures unsupported plastics film & sheet; manufactures processed plastics
Tracy Industries Inc, Address: PO Box 1260, City: La Puente, State: CA, Zip Code: 91749-1260,
Contact Person: Mr Thomas Tracy, Title: President, Phone: 562-692-9033, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Manufactures internal combustion engines; automotive engine rebuilding service
Ventura Foods LLC, Address: 14970 Don Julian Rd, City: La Puente, State: CA, Zip Code: 917463111, Contact Person: Rosie Padilla, Title: Human Resource Director, Phone: 626-961-8911, Fax:
626-333-5921626-333-5921, Internet: www.venturafoods.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
margarine & imitation margarine; commercial bakery; manufactures pickles, sauces & salad dressings
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Yale-Chase Materials Handling, Address: PO Box 1231, City: La Puente, State: CA, Zip Code:
91749-1231, Contact Person: Mr Roger Ketelsleger, Title: President, Phone: 562-463-8000, Fax:
562-692-6678562-692-6678, Internet: www.yalechase.com, Line of Business: Whol Industrial
Equipment Repair Services Equipment Rental/Leasing
Sylmark Inc, Address: 7821 Orion Ave Ste 200, City: Lake Balboa, State: CA, Zip Code: 914062032, Contact Person: Mr Mark Bess, Title: President, Phone: 818-217-2000, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Management Services
Superior Gunite, Address: 12306 Van Nuys Blvd, City: Lake View Terrace, State: CA, Zip Code:
91342-6049, Contact Person: Mr Anthony Federico, Title: President, Phone: 818-896-9199, Fax:
818-896-6699818-896-6699, Internet: www.shotcrete.com, Line of Business: Concrete Contractor
Lorber Industries Of CA, Address: PO Box 4372, City: Lakewood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90711-4372,
Contact Person: Mr Tom Lorber, Title: President, Phone: 310-275-1812, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Screen printing of cotton broadwoven fabric; screen printing of manmade fiber & silk
broadwoven fabric; manufactures knit outerwear; weft & circular knit fabric mill
Lavida Medical Group Inc, Address: 4161 Redondo Beach Blvd 201, City: Lawndale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90260-3306, Contact Person: Dr Christopher Chidi, Title: President, Phone: 310-214-8677,
Fax: 310-542-1176310-542-1176, Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
McCarthy Framing Construction, Address: 15133 Grevillea Ave, City: Lawndale, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90260-2017, Contact Person: Mr Patrick McCarthy, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-219-3038,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Carpentry Contractor
Wells Fargo Bank, National, Address: PO Box 20160, City: Long Beach, State: CA, Zip Code: 908013160, Contact Person: Ms Melanie McGehee, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-285-5817, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Commercial Bank
2th LLC, Address: 3457 S La Cienega Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90016-4409,
Contact Person: Mr Richard Titus, Title: Member, Phone: 310-202-2900, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Data Processing/Preparation
550 Flower Street Operations, Address: 550 S Flower St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90071-2501, Contact Person: Mr Andre Balaz, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-892-8080, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Drinking Place Eating Place
711 Hope LP, Address: 711 S Hope St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90017-3803,
Contact Person: Pat Birgham, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-488-3500, Fax: , Internet:
www.sheratonlosangeles.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
99 Cents Only Stores, Address: 4000 Union Pacific Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-3202, Contact Person: Mr Eric Schiffer, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-980-8145,
Fax: 323-980-8162323-980-8162, Internet: www.99only.com, Line of Business: Limited Price
Variety Stores
A & A Amalgamated Printing, Address: 3550 Tyburn St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90065-1427, Contact Person: Mr Luke Westlake, Title: President, Phone: 323-460-4115, Fax: 323460-6876323-460-6876, Internet: www.andersonprepress.com, Line of Business: Commercial
lithographic printing; letterpress printing
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
A C Nielsen Co Inc, Address: 6255 W Sunset Blvd Fl 19, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90028-7420, Contact Person: Mr Howard Balen, Title: President, Phone: 323-860-4600, Fax: ,
Internet: www.acnielsen.com, Line of Business: Business Media And Consumer Research
A New Approach Music & Entrtn, Address: 8812 W Pico Blvd Ste 211, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90035-5200, Contact Person: Mr Calvin Sanders, Title: President, Phone: 310-7248963, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Music Publishing Marketing And Advertisi
Aaa Flag & Banner Mfg Co Inc, Address: 8966 National Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90034-3308, Contact Person: Mr Howard Furst, Title: President, Phone: 310-836-3341, Fax: 310836-7253310-836-7253, Internet: , Line of Business: Mfg Fabricated Textile Products Mfg
Signs/Advertising Specialties
AAA Flag & Banner Mfg Co Inc, Address: 8955 National Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90034-3307, Contact Person: Mr Howard Furst, Title: President, Phone: 310-276-1178,
Fax: , Internet: www.aaaflag.com, Line of Business: Retails banners, flags, decals & posters;
manufactures flags, pennants & banners
AAA Glass Corp, Address: 2800 E 12th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90023-3622,
Contact Person: Ms Sharon Simon, Title: President, Phone: 323-263-2177, Fax: 323-2654844323-265-4844, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures cut, engraved or other decorated
glass, from purchased glass; manufactures glass containers
Aaron Corp, Address: 1820 E 41st St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-1534,
Contact Person: Mr Paul Shechet, Title: President, Phone: 323-235-5959, Fax: 323-747-7725323747-7725, Internet: www.jpsportswear.net, Line of Business: Manufactures women's & misses'
athletic clothing & sportswear
ABM Security Services Inc, Address: 3580 Wilshire Blvd 1130, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90010-2546, Contact Person: Mr Alan Marshall, Title: Regional Manager, Phone: 213-3840600, Fax: , Internet: www.abm.com, Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
Abraxis Bioscience Inc, Address: 11755 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-1506, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-883-0000, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Manufactures pharmaceutical preparations
Abraxis Bioscience Inc, Address: 11755 Wilshire Blvd Ste 2, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-1506, Contact Person: Mr Patrick Soon-Shiong, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310883-1300, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures pharmaceutical preparations
AC Home Health Agency Inc, Address: 3870 Crnshaw Blvd Ste 205, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90008-1815, Contact Person: Ms Amelia Campbell, Title: President, Phone: 323-2945189, Fax: 323-294-5102323-294-5102, Internet: , Line of Business: Home Health Care Services
Employment Agency
Academy Tent & Canvas Inc, Address: 5035 Gifford Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-2725, Contact Person: Mr Tom Shapiro, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-2778368, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Tent & tarpaulin rental service; manufactures fabric
awnings made from purchased materials
Accru Fashion Inc, Address: 327 S Detroit St 14, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900363461, Contact Person: Mr Martin Kim, Title: President, Phone: 323-234-9165, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Ret Women's Clothing
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Accurate Services Inc, Address: PO Box 931521, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900931521, Contact Person: Ms Ester Fishman, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-906-1000,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Business Services
Ace Holdings Inc, Address: 650 S Hill St Ste 510, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900141753, Contact Person: Mr John Arzoian, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-626-6966, Fax:
213-972-2148213-972-2148, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures precious metal jewelry
Aci International, Address: 844 Moraga Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90049-1632,
Contact Person: Mr Steve Jackson, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-889-3400, Fax: ,
Internet: www.aciinternational.com, Line of Business: Whol Footwear
Active Supply Co, Address: PO Box 39125, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90039-0125,
Contact Person: Mr Michael Schoenfeld, Title: President, Phone: 323-245-5185, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Mfg Metal Doors/Sash/Trim
Activision Inc, Address: 6080 Center Dr Fl 10, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90045-9205,
Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-431-4000, Fax: , Internet: www.activision.com, Line of
Business: Home entertainment software publishing
Adeste Program Co, Address: 1531 James M Wood Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90015-1112, Contact Person: Mr James Bathker, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 213-2513551, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Child Day Care Services
Adir International LLC, Address: 1605 W Olympic Blvd Ste 6, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90015-3808, Contact Person: Mr Ron Azarkman, Title: President, Phone: 213-386-4412,
Fax: 213-386-2601213-386-2601, Internet: www.lacuracao.com, Line of Business: Department
Adlink Cable Advertising LLC, Address: 11150 Santa Monica Blvd # 1000, City: Los Angeles, State:
CA, Zip Code: 90025-3392, Contact Person: Mr Paul Jaffe, Title: Vice President, Phone: 310-4773994, Fax: 310-477-8139310-477-8139, Internet: www.adlink.com, Line of Business: Advertising
ADT Security Services Inc, Address: 4203 S Hoover St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90037-2502, Contact Person: Mr Carlos Oliviera, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-232-4333,
Fax: , Internet: www.adt.com, Line of Business: Security Systems Services
Advance Paper Box Co, Address: 6100 S Gramercy Pl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90047-1303, Contact Person: Mr Martin Gardner, Title: President, Phone: 323-750-2550, Fax:
323-752-8133323-752-8133, Internet: www.advancepaperbox.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures corrugated boxes; manufactures unsupported plastics profile shapes
Advance Paper Box Co, Address: 1900 W 62nd St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900471343, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 323-758-0210, Fax: , Internet:
www.advancepaperbox.com, Line of Business: Warehousing & storage services; manufactures
corrugated boxes
Advanced Building Group Inc, Address: 3951 Medford St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90063-1608, Contact Person: Mr Jon Murga, Title: President, Phone: 323-265-9073, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Management Consulting Srvcs
Aerospace Corp, Address: PO Box 92957, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90009-2957,
Contact Person: Dr Wanda Austin, Title: President, Phone: 310-336-5874, Fax: 310-336-1433310-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
336-1433, Internet: www.aero.org, Line of Business: Noncommercial Research Organization
Commercial Physical Research Engineering Services
Aerotransporte De Carge Union, Address: 5932 W Century Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90045-5425, Contact Person: Mr Luis Ramo, Title: President, Phone: 310-649-0069, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Scheduled Air Transportation
AG Facilities Operations LLC, Address: 6380 Wilshire Blvd # 800, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90048-5017, Contact Person: Mr Jacob Winter, Title: Member, Phone: 323-651-1808, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing Homes
AIDS Project Los Angeles, Address: 3550 Wlshre Blvd Ste 300, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90010-2404, Contact Person: Mr James Pickett, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-201-1600, Fax:
213-201-1598213-201-1598, Internet: www.apla.org, Line of Business: Individual/Family Services
Air Express International USA, Address: PO Box 90817, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90009-0817, Contact Person: Kim Bordet, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-338-2400, Fax: , Internet:
www.danzasaei.com, Line of Business: Custom House Brokers & Freight Forwarders
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, Address: 2029 Cntry Park E Ste 24, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90067-2901, Contact Person: Mr David Allen, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 310-2291000, Fax: , Internet: www.akingump.com, Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Alaska Airlines Inc, Address: 300 World Way, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90045-5856,
Contact Person: Mr William Boser, Title: President, Phone: 310-342-4401, Fax: , Internet:
www.alaskaair.com, Line of Business: Scheduled Passenger & Cargo Airline
Alcan Global Pharmaceutical, Address: 5416 Union Pacific Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90022-5117, Contact Person: Ms ERA Ulitskaya, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-7216777, Fax: , Internet: www.alcan.com, Line of Business: Manufactures plastic blister or bubble
formed packaging; manufactures packaging machinery
Alexandria Care Center LLC, Address: 1515 N Alexandria Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90027-5203, Contact Person: Mr Robert Snukal, Title: President, Phone: 323-660-1800,
Fax: 323-660-0023323-660-0023, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care Skilled
Nursing Care Facility
All Area Plumbing Inc, Address: 5745 Venice Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900195015, Contact Person: Mr Robert Felix, Title: President, Phone: 323-939-9990, Fax: 323-9399262323-939-9262, Internet: www.allareaco.com, Line of Business: Plumbing Contractor
All City Management Services, Address: 1749 S La Cienega Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90035-4601, Contact Person: Mr Baron Farwell, Title: President, Phone: 310-202-8284,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Business Consulting Services
Allen, Matkins, Leck, Gamble, Address: 515 S Figueroa St Ste 700, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-3304, Contact Person: Mr Jeffrey Chine, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-622-5555, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Allhealth Inc, Address: 515 S Figueroa St 1300, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900713300, Contact Person: Mr John Cochran, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-538-0762, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures computers; security guard service
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Allied Security LLC, Address: 4601 Wilshire Blvd # 215, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90010-3894, Contact Person: Veroin Higbee, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-937-4016, Fax: 323937-5893323-937-5893, Internet: www.macandrewsandforbes.com, Line of Business: Detective
Armored Car Services
Along Came Mary Inc, Address: 5265 W Pico Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900194043, Contact Person: Ms Mary Micucci, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-931-9082, Fax:
323-936-8249323-936-8249, Internet: www.alongcamemary.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
Alpha Entrepreneur & Health, Address: 3655 Ruthelen St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90018-4417, Contact Person: Mr Greg Witman, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-7350873, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: General Medical & Surgical Hospital
Alsco Inc, Address: PO Box 38757, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90038-0757, Contact
Person: Mr Frank Abella, Title: Engineer, Phone: 323-465-5111, Fax: 323-465-5420323-465-5420,
Internet: www.amlinen.com, Line of Business: Linen & Uniform Supply
Alta Healthcare System LLC, Address: 4081 E Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-3330, Contact Person: Nia Tabor, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 323-881-2649, Fax:
323-265-9883323-265-9883, Internet: www.prospectmedicalholdings.com, Line of Business:
General Hospital
Altamed Health Services Corp, Address: 500 Citadel Dr Ste 490, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90040-1572, Contact Person: Castulo De La Rocha, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone:
323-725-8751, Fax: 323-889-7399323-889-7399, Internet: www.altamed.com, Line of Business:
Medical Doctors Office Health/Allied Services
Altour International Inc, Address: 12100 W Olympic Blvd # 300, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90064-1048, Contact Person: Ms Julie Valentine, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-5716000, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Travel Agency
Altrio Communications Inc, Address: 2702 Media Center Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90065-1733, Contact Person: Mr David Rozzelle, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-9081300, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures network analyzers; manufactures radio &
television communications equipment
Amada Enterprises Inc, Address: 12619 Avalon Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90061-2727, Contact Person: Dr Shedrick Jones, Title: President, Phone: 323-757-1881, Fax: 323757-0601323-757-0601, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Facility
Amberwood Convalescent Hosp, Address: 6071 York Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90042-3503, Contact Person: Mr Ben Garrett, Title: President, Phone: 323-254-3407, Fax: 323254-7580323-254-7580, Internet: , Line of Business: Convalescent Home
Ambumed Corp, Address: 150 W Jefferson Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900074123, Contact Person: Avetis Avesyan, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-749-9850, Fax: ,
Internet: www.ambumed.net, Line of Business: Whol Ambulances
Amcor Pet Packaging USA Inc, Address: 2110 Yates Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-1912, Contact Person: Mr James Stewart, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-838-6300,
Fax: 323-838-6309323-838-6309, Internet: www.slpcamericas.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures plastic containers
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
America West Airlines Inc, Address: 100 World Way, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900455854, Contact Person: Mr Ken Cook, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-348-7902, Fax: , Internet:
www.americawest.com, Line of Business: Airline Field Station
America West Airlines Inc, Address: 5720 Avion Dr C, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-5620, Contact Person: Mr Mark Williams, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-215-4321, Fax: 310215-4295310-215-4295, Internet: www.americawest.com, Line of Business: Scheduled Air
Transport Air Courier Service Airport/Airport Services
American Airlines Inc, Address: 5908 Avion Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900455622, Contact Person: Pat Carr, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-646-4566, Fax: , Internet:
www.aa.com, Line of Business: Scheduled Air Transportation
American Airlines Inc, Address: 1543 Shatto St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900171718, Contact Person: Ms Cathy Berg, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 213-413-7221, Fax: ,
Internet: www.aa.com, Line of Business: Passenger Air Transportation
American Apparel LLC, Address: 747 Warehouse St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900211106, Contact Person: Ms Joyce Crucillo, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 213-488-0226, Fax: ,
Internet: www.americanapparel.net, Line of Business: Manufactures knit t-shirts & tops
American Building Maintenance, Address: 5200 S Eastern Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90040-2940, Contact Person: Mr Jim Clure, Title: President, Phone: 323-720-4020, Fax:
323-727-7493323-727-7493, Internet: www.abm.com, Line of Business: Building Maintenance
American Contractors Indemnity, Address: 9841 Airport Blvd Ste 1414, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90045-5428, Contact Person: Mr Adam Pessin, Title: President, Phone: 310-649-0990,
Fax: , Internet: www.hcch.com, Line of Business: Insurance Agent/Broker
American Driver Leasing Inc, Address: 1925 E Vernon Ave Ste 2, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90058-1600, Contact Person: Mr Douglas Williams, Title: President, Phone: 323-235-7600,
Fax: 323-235-7642323-235-7642, Internet: www.americandriver.com, Line of Business:
Employment Agency Help Supply Services
American Express Travel, Address: PO Box 1, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90096-8000,
Contact Person: Mr Steve Darden, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-338-3600, Fax: , Internet:
www.americanexpress.com, Line of Business: Credit Card Services & Payment Processing Center
American Film Institute, Address: 2021 N Western Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90027-1625, Contact Person: Jean Firstenberg, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-8567690, Fax: , Internet: www.afi.com, Line of Business: School/Educational Services
American Golf Corp, Address: 12445 Mountain Gate Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90049, Contact Person: Terry Angrin, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-476-6215, Fax: 310476-8145310-476-8145, Internet: www.americangolf.com, Line of Business: Membership
Sport/Recreation Club
American International Inds, Address: 2220 Gaspar Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-1516, Contact Person: Ms Theresa Cooper, Title: Partner, Phone: 323-728-2999, Fax: ,
Internet: www.aiibeauty.com, Line of Business: Wholesales cosmetics; manufactures cosmetics &
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
American Red Cross Los Angeles, Address: 11355 Ohio Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-3266, Contact Person: Mr Roger Dixon, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-444-3294,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Social Services
American Reprographics Co LLC, Address: 934 Venice Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90015-3230, Contact Person: Laurie Williams, Title: Vice President, Phone: 213-745-3145, Fax:
213-745-3160213-745-3160, Internet: , Line of Business: Photocopying Services Commercial
Art/Graphic Design Data Processing/Preparation
American Textile Maintenance, Address: 1664 W Washington Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90007-1115, Contact Person: Mr Steve Jones, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-7351661, Fax: 323-733-5697323-733-5697, Internet: , Line of Business: Linen Towel & Uniform
Rental Service
American Vanguard Corp, Address: 4100 E Washington Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90023-4406, Contact Person: Mr Eric Gwintemute, Title: President, Phone: 323-264-3910,
Fax: 323-476-9303323-476-9303, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Industrial Equipment
American West Worldwide, Address: 2503 W Rosecrans Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90059-3566, Contact Person: Mr Josh Cowley, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-7644842, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Local Nonlocal Trucking
American-De Rosa Lamparts LLC, Address: 1945 S Tubeway Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90040-1611, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 323-728-6300, Fax: 323-269-6580323269-6580, Internet: , Line of Business: Wholesales lighting fixtures; manufactures brass & bronze
die-cast products
Ancillary Care Management Inc, Address: 800 S Figueroa St Ste 600, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90017-2537, Contact Person: Mr David Willcutts, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone:
213-213-2400, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Management Consulting Services
Anderson Associates Staffing, Address: 6310 San Vicente Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90048-5426, Contact Person: Mr Tom Anderson, Title: President, Phone: 323-930-3170,
Fax: , Internet: www.andersonstaff.com, Line of Business: Staffing Service
Andre Collection Inc, Address: PO Box 58164, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-0164,
Contact Person: Mr Boris Boguslauski, Title: President, Phone: 323-588-3759, Fax: 323-5881863323-588-1863, Internet: www.andrecollection.com, Line of Business: Manufactures plumbing
Angeles Home Health Care Inc, Address: 3435 Wlshre Blvd Ste 500, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90010-1906, Contact Person: Ms Rita Doll, Title: President, Phone: 213-487-5131, Fax:
213-387-8733213-387-8733, Internet: , Line of Business: Home Health Care Services
Angelus Holding Co Inc, Address: PO Box 76890, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900760890, Contact Person: Ms Mina Nelson, Title: President, Phone: 323-934-3515, Fax: 323-9659882323-965-9882, Internet: , Line of Business: Residential Personal Care Facilities
Anhausner Inc, Address: 6701 Wilson Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90001-2165,
Contact Person: Ms Josephine Lin, Title: President, Phone: 323-277-1111, Fax: 323-277-1150323277-1150, Internet: www.superioranhausnerfoods.com, Line of Business: Whol General Groceries
Anjana Software Solutions Inc, Address: 5455 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90036-4201, Contact Person: Saravana Kumarasamy, Title: President, Phone: 323-525-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
1766, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Custom Computer Software Systems Analysis & Design
An's Liquor Market, Address: 1196 S Lorena St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900232928, Contact Person: Kook Chan, Title: Partner, Phone: 323-264-7884, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Ret Groceries Ret Alcoholic Beverages
Ant Farm LLC, Address: 110 S Fairfax Ave Ste 200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900362174, Contact Person: Ms Barbara Glazier, Title: Member, Phone: 323-850-0700, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Motion Picture Services
Antik Denim LLC, Address: 5804 E Slauson Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900403018, Contact Person: Ms Isabella Kwan, Title: Accountant, Phone: 323-278-6668, Fax: ,
Internet: www.antikdenim.com, Line of Business: Business Services Whol Men's/Boy's Clothing
Whol Women's/Child's Clothing
AON Albert G Ruben Insurance, Address: 10880 Wilshire Blvd 700, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90024-4101, Contact Person: Mr Mark Borkovec, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-2346800, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Insurance Brokers
AON Risk Services Inc of Sthn, Address: 707 Wlshire Blvd Ste 6000, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90017-3543, Contact Person: Mr Todd Walsh, Title: Chief, Phone: 213-630-3200, Fax:
213-689-4450213-689-4450, Internet: , Line of Business: Insurance Agent/Broker Fire/Casualty
Insurance Carrier
Apparel Ventures Inc, Address: 13809 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90061-1025, Contact Person: Mr Marvin Goodman, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-5384980, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures women's & misses' swimwear
Aptium Oncology Inc, Address: 8201 Beverly Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900484505, Contact Person: Mr Peter Jessup, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-966-3400, Fax: ,
Internet: www.aptiumoncology.com, Line of Business: Specialty Outpatient Fac Kidney Dialysis
Centers Home Health Care Service Whol Med/Hospital Equip Whol Drugs/Sundries
Aramark Corp, Address: 1201 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90015-1308,
Contact Person: Cosmas Hanson, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-765-4615, Fax: 213-765-4552213765-4552, Internet: , Line of Business: Food Catering Service
Aramark Facility Services Inc, Address: 941 W 35th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90007-4002, Contact Person: Mr Ron Cote, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-740-8968, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Building Maintenance Services
ARAMARK Uniform & Career, Address: 4422 Dunham St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-4113, Contact Person: Ms Alice Stewart, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-266-0555,
Fax: 323-261-2749323-261-2749, Internet: www.aramark-uniform.com, Line of Business:
Industrial Launderer
Aramark Uniform Services Inc, Address: 1405 E 58th Pl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90001-1207, Contact Person: Mr Barry Eastill, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-587-7661, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Laundry/Garment Services Industrial Launderer
Arc Mid-Cities Inc, Address: 14208 Towne Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900612653, Contact Person: Ms Lena Dennis, Title: President, Phone: 310-329-9272, Fax: , Internet:
www.arcmidcities.org, Line of Business: Job Training/Related Services Individual/Family Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Archer School For Girls Inc, Address: 11725 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90049-2918, Contact Person: Ms Arlene Hogan, Title: Headmaster, Phone: 310-873-7000, Fax:
310-230-1358310-230-1358, Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School
Archipelago Inc, Address: 1834 E 22nd St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-1034,
Contact Person: Mr David Klass, Title: President, Phone: 213-743-9200, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Manufactures cosmetics & toiletries; manufactures candles
Arclight Cinema Co, Address: 6360 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900287323, Contact Person: Mr Christopher Forman, Title: President, Phone: 323-464-4226, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture Theater
Arden Realty LP, Address: 11601 Wilshire Blvd Fl 4, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900250509, Contact Person: Mr Victor Coleman, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-966-2600, Fax: , Internet:
www.ardenrealty.com, Line of Business: Nonresidential Building Operator
Ares Capital Management LLC, Address: 1999 Avenue Of The Stars, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90067-6022, Contact Person: Mr Jeffrey Serota, Title: Senior Partner, Phone: 310-2014100, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Management Services
Armand Hammer Museum of Art, Address: 10899 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90024-4343, Contact Person: Ms Maggie Sarkissian, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-443-7000,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Museum/Art Gallery
Asian Pacific Health Care, Address: 1530 Hillhurst Ave 200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90027-5516, Contact Person: Kazue Shibata, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-644-3880,
Fax: , Internet: www.aphcv.org, Line of Business: Social Services
Asiana Airlines Inc, Address: 3530 Wilshire Blvd Ste 17, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90010-2328, Contact Person: Mr Chan Park, Title: President, Phone: 213-365-2000, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Scheduled Air Transportation
Assi Super Inc, Address: 3525 W 8th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90005-2903,
Contact Person: Sung Lee, Title: President, Phone: 213-388-0900, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Ret Groceries
Associated Students UCLa, Address: 308 Westwood Plz, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90095-8355, Contact Person: Mr Robert Williams, Title: Member, Phone: 310-825-4321, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Social Services Ret Books
At Systems West Inc, Address: PO Box 15060, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90015-0060,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Irvin, Title: President, Phone: 213-383-3611, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
Atc Services Inc, Address: 515 S Flower St Fl 8, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900712201, Contact Person: Mr Glenn Boles, Title: Engineer, Phone: 213-593-8111, Fax: , Internet:
www.aecom.com, Line of Business: Architectural Services
Atlas Carpet Mills Inc, Address: 2200 Saybrook Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900401720, Contact Person: Mr James Horwich, Title: President, Phone: 323-724-9000, Fax: 323-7244526323-724-4526, Internet: www.atlascarpetmills.com, Line of Business: Manufactures tufted
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Attorneys, Executive Office, Address: 300 N Los Angeles St # 7516, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90012-3308, Contact Person: Mr Leon Wheidman, Title: Chief, Phone: 213-894-0397,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Authorized Cellular Service, Address: 8808 S Sepulveda Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90045-4810, Contact Person: Ray Diab, Title: Owner, Phone: 310-641-5000, Fax: 310641-6921310-641-6921, Internet: , Line of Business: Electrical Repair Ret Misc Merchandise
Autry Museum of Western, Address: 4700 Western Heritage Way, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90027-1462, Contact Person: Mr John Gray, Title: President, Phone: 323-667-2000, Fax:
323-660-5721323-660-5721, Internet: , Line of Business: Museum/Art Gallery Ret Gifts/Novelties
Eating Place Nonresdentl Bldg Operatr
Avery Group Inc, Address: 11645 Montana Ave Apt 316, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90049-4657, Contact Person: Leatora Jefferson, Title: President, Phone: 310-472-4941, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Direct Retail Sales Building Maintenance Services
Aviva Family & Childrens Svcs, Address: 1701 Camino Palmero St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90046-2902, Contact Person: Mr Ira Kruskol, Title: Director, Phone: 323-876-0550, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Individual/Family Services
B Boston & Associates, Address: 2945 E 12th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900233623, Contact Person: Mr Ram Kundani, Title: President, Phone: 323-264-3915, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Whol Women's/Child's Clothing
B L S Limousine Service of Los, Address: 2860 Fletcher Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90039-2452, Contact Person: Mr Michael Kushner, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-644-7166, Fax:
323-566-1804323-566-1804, Internet: www.blslimo.com, Line of Business: Local Passenger
B P Corp North America Inc, Address: 333 S Hope St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90071-1406, Contact Person: Mr John Thompson, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-576-8086, Fax: ,
Internet: www.bpamoco.com, Line of Business: Refined petroleum pipeline; wholesales petroleum
products; petroleum refining
Bae Systems Aircraft Controls, Address: PO Box 56901, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90056-0901, Contact Person: Mr Jim Scallon, Title: President, Phone: 323-298-6300, Fax: ,
Internet: www.aircraftcontrols.com, Line of Business: Manufactures search & navigation systems;
wholesales aircraft & parts; manufactures relays & industrial controls
Baker & Hostetler LLP, Address: 12100 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-7120, Contact Person: Mr Peter James, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 310-820-8800,
Fax: , Internet: www.bakerlaw.com, Line of Business: Law Office
Baker Commodities Inc, Address: 4020 Bandini Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-4605, Contact Person: Mr James Andreoli, Title: President, Phone: 323-268-2801, Fax:
323-268-5166323-268-5166, Internet: www.bakercommodities.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures rendered inedible tallow products; manufactures poultry feeds
Baker, Silberberg & Keener, Address: 633 W 5th St Ste 5400, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-2060, Contact Person: Mr Marshall Silberberg, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-241-0900,
Fax: , Internet: www.bknlawyers.com, Line of Business: Attorney's Office
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Bally Total Fitness Corp, Address: 8612 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90069-4110, Contact Person: Mr Anthony Dibeneditto, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-652-7440, Fax:
, Internet: www.ballyfitness.com, Line of Business: Health Club
Bally Total Fitness Corp, Address: 1628 N El Centro Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90028-6413, Contact Person: Mr Juan Ramirez, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-461-0227,
Fax: 323-461-9106323-461-9106, Internet: www.ballyfitness.com, Line of Business: Health Club
Banamex USA Bancorp, Address: 2029 Century Park E Fl 42, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-2901, Contact Person: Mr Salvador Villar, Title: President, Phone: 310-203-3440,
Fax: , Internet: www.banamex.com, Line of Business: Bank Holding Company Commercial Bank
State Commercial Bank
Bank of America, Address: 333 S Hope St Ste 2400, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900711494, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 213-312-9000, Fax: 213-345-1749213-345-1749,
Internet: www.bofa.com, Line of Business: National Commercial Bank
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi Ufj, Address: 777 S Figueroa St # 600, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90017-5806, Contact Person: Mr Hiroshi Jinza, Title: General Manager, Phone: 213-4883700, Fax: 213-488-3875213-488-3875, Internet: www.btm.co.jp, Line of Business: Commercial
Barksdale Inc, Address: PO Box 58843, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-0843,
Contact Person: Ian Dodd, Title: President, Phone: 323-589-6181, Fax: 323-589-3463323-5893463, Internet: www.barksdale.net, Line of Business: Manufactures measuring & controlling
devices; manufactures current carrying wiring devices; manufactures process control instruments;
manufactures industrial valves
Barlow Group, Address: 2000 Stadium Way, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90026-2606,
Contact Person: Ms Margaret Crane, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-250-4789, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Holding Company
Barlow Respiratory Hospital, Address: 2000 Stadium Way, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90026-2606, Contact Person: Mr Hans Einstein, Title: Vice Chairman, Phone: 213-250-4200, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Specialty Hospital
Barthco International Inc, Address: 9323 Bellanca Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-4711, Contact Person: Ms Sandra Coty, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-568-9200, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Freight Forwarders
Baxter Healthcare Corp, Address: 4501 Colorado Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90039-1103, Contact Person: Ms Lily Wall, Title: Human Resource Director, Phone: 818-240-5600,
Fax: 818-507-8680818-507-8680, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures pharmaceutical
BCI Coca-Cola Bottling Co of, Address: 1334 S Central Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90021-2210, Contact Person: Kam Patel, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 213-746-5555, Fax:
213-748-2836213-748-2836, Internet: www.cokecce.com, Line of Business: Manufactures bottled
& canned soft drinks
Bdo Seidman, LLP, Address: 1900 Ave Of Stars Fl 11, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-4301, Contact Person: Ms Caroline Galbraith, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-5570300, Fax: 310-557-1777310-557-1777, Internet: www.bdo.com, Line of Business: Accounting
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Bear, Stearns Securities Corp, Address: 1999 Avenue Of The Stars, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90067-6022, Contact Person: Mr David Jean, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-2013900, Fax: 310-201-2755310-201-2755, Internet: www.bsamonline.com, Line of Business:
Security Broker And Dealer
Bebe Studio Inc, Address: 10345 W Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900642581, Contact Person: Mr Greg Scott, Title: President, Phone: 213-362-2323, Fax: , Internet:
www.bebe.com, Line of Business: Ret Women's Clothing
Bed Bath & Beyond Inc, Address: 11801 W Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90064-1114, Contact Person: Mr Billy Alhandy, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-478-5767, Fax: 310478-5668310-478-5668, Internet: www.bedbathandbeyond.com, Line of Business: Ret
Domestics/Home Furnishings
Bedford Group, Address: 6100 Center Dr Ste 1200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900459200, Contact Person: Mr Charles Quarles, Title: President, Phone: 310-568-8500, Fax: 310-5681021310-568-1021, Internet: www.thebedfordgroup.net, Line of Business: Hotel / Motel & MultiFamily Home Construction Contractor & Real Estate Manager
Beeperman Research, Address: 1900 Avenue Of The Stars # 1550, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-4301, Contact Person: Mr Dave Sackman, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310552-7423, Fax: 310-553-1608310-553-1608, Internet: , Line of Business: Commercial Nonphysical
Bel-Air Country Club, Address: 10768 Bellagio Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900773730, Contact Person: Mr Joseph Wagner, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-472-9563, Fax:
310-472-7044310-472-7044, Internet: , Line of Business: Membership Sport/Recreation Club Ret
Sporting Goods/Bicycles
Ben Myerson Candy Co Inc, Address: PO Box 910900, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90091, Contact Person: Mr James Myerson, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-724-1700,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Wine/Distilled Beverages Whol Homefurnishings
Bender Machine Inc, Address: 2150 E 37th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-1417,
Contact Person: Mr Tom Antony, Title: President, Phone: 323-232-2371, Fax: 323-232-6456323232-6456, Internet: www.bendermachine.com, Line of Business: Machine shop, jobbing & repair
Bergelectric Corp, Address: 5650 W Centinela Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900451501, Contact Person: Mr John Briscoe, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-337-1377, Fax:
310-337-2663310-337-2663, Internet: www.bergelectric.com, Line of Business: Electrical
Best Buy Co Inc, Address: 11301 W Pico Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90064-1703,
Contact Person: Mr Kevin Lorash, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-500-4675, Fax: , Internet:
www.bestbuy.com, Line of Business: Ret Household Appliances
Best Buy Co Inc, Address: 10861 Weyburn Ave Ste 202, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90024-2922, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-443-9912, Fax: , Internet:
www.bestbuy.com, Line of Business: Ret Household Appliances
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Best Buy Co Inc, Address: 2909 Los Feliz Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900391502, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 323-912-9288, Fax: , Internet: www.bestbuy.com, Line
of Business: Ret Household Appliances
Best Buy Co Inc, Address: 1015 N La Brea Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900382323, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 323-883-0219, Fax: , Internet: www.bestbuy.com, Line
of Business: Ret Household Appliances
Best Buy Co Inc, Address: 1951 E Brenon, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90011, Contact
Person: Mr Ben Avee, Title: President, Phone: 323-232-6404, Fax: , Internet: www.bestbuy.com,
Line of Business: Ret Household Appliances
Beverly Blvd Leaseco LLC, Address: 8555 Beverly Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90048-3303, Contact Person: Mr Gunther Zweimuller, Title: Member, Phone: 310-278-5444, Fax: ,
Internet: www.staystudio6.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Bingham McCutchen LLP, Address: 355 S Grand Ave Ste 4400, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-3106, Contact Person: Ms Lauren Robinson, Title: Marketing Manager, Phone: 213680-6400, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Law Firm
Bingham McCutchen LLP, Address: 300 S Grand Ave Fl 29, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90071-3109, Contact Person: Mr Richard Welch, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-629-4824, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Law Firm
Blackstone Consulting Inc, Address: 11726 San Vicente Blvd # 550, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90049-5044, Contact Person: Mr Ronald Blackstone, Title: President, Phone: 310-8264389, Fax: 310-826-7269310-826-7269, Internet: www.blackstone-consulting.com, Line of
Business: Management Consulting Services
Bloomingdale's Inc, Address: 8500 Beverly Blvd 699A, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90048-6204, Contact Person: Mr Wiley Barcine, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-360-2700, Fax: ,
Internet: www.bloomingdales.com, Line of Business: Department Store
Blue Light Inc, Address: 12233 W Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900641034, Contact Person: Mr Michael Mann, Title: President, Phone: 310-477-3924, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Film Production
Bny Western Trust Co Inc, Address: 234 Brook Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90017,
Contact Person: Mr James Birdeel, Title: President, Phone: 213-630-6400, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: State Commercial Bank
Bodega Latina Corp, Address: 5646 Whittier Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900224106, Contact Person: Mr Adolfo Lopez, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-720-5061, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Retail Groceries
Bon Appetit Danish Inc, Address: 4525 District Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900582711, Contact Person: Mr Rick Mashoon, Title: President, Phone: 323-584-9500, Fax: 323-5849404323-584-9404, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures partially cooked fresh bakery
Bonded Fiberloft Inc, Address: 2748 Tanager Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900402721, Contact Person: Mr Mark Bidner, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-726-7820, Fax:
323-726-2805323-726-2805, Internet: , Line of Business: Broadwoven cotton fabric mill;
manufactures batts & batting; manufactures cellulosic manmade fiber products
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Bonne, Bridges, Mueller, Address: 3699 Wilshire Blvd Fl 10, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90010-2766, Contact Person: Mr David O'Keefe, Title: President, Phone: 213-480-1900, Fax: 213738-5888213-738-5888, Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Book City News Inc, Address: 6655 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90038-1311, Contact Person: Mr Eugene Lapietra, Title: President, Phone: 323-462-1291, Fax:
323-957-1332323-957-1332, Internet: www.circusdisco.com, Line of Business: Disco Nightclub
Booz & Co Inc, Address: 5220 Pacific Concourse Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900456277, Contact Person: Mr Sam Trogess, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-297-2100, Fax: 310297-2179310-297-2179, Internet: www.bah.com, Line of Business: Management Consulting
Borg Produce Sales LLC, Address: PO Box 21008, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900210008, Contact Person: Ms Linda Chen, Title: Member, Phone: 213-688-9388, Fax: 213-6889381213-688-9381, Internet: www.borgproduce.com, Line of Business: Whol Fruits/Vegetables
Bovard Auditorium, Address: Student Union B 7, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900890001, Contact Person: Mr Brandon Operchuck, Title: Director, Phone: 213-740-4211, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Nonresidential Building Operator
Bovis Lend Lease Inc, Address: 800 W 6th St Ste 1600, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-2719, Contact Person: Mr Todd Pennington, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-430-4660,
Fax: , Internet: www.bovis.com, Line of Business: Management Services Mgmt Consulting Svcs
Industrial Bldg Cnstn Nonresidential Cnstn
Braille Institute of America, Address: 741 N Vermont Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90029-3514, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Burton, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-6631111, Fax: 323-666-5881323-666-5881, Internet: www.braillelibrary.org, Line of Business:
Individual & family social services; textbook publishing & printing; commercial printing; specialized
Brentwood Biomedical Research, Address: 11301 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90073-1003, Contact Person: Thoyd Ellis, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 310-3121554, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Noncommercial Research Organization
Brentwood School, Address: 100 S Barrington Pl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900493306, Contact Person: Mr Mark Tobenkin, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-476-9633, Fax:
310-476-4087310-476-4087, Internet: www.brentwoodschool.net, Line of Business:
Elementary/Secondary School
Brillstein Entertainment, Address: 9150 Wlshire Blvd Ste 350, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90025, Contact Person: Mr Shawn Davis, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-275-6135, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Television Production Program
Brink's Inc, Address: 1120 Venice Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90015-3214,
Contact Person: Mr Richard Alstead, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-763-4000, Fax: 213-7478205213-747-8205, Internet: www.brinksinc.com, Line of Business: Armored Car Service
Broad Beach Films Inc, Address: 1438 N Gower St Ste 48, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90028-8362, Contact Person: Malek Akkad, Title: President, Phone: 323-468-5120, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Commercial Art/Graphic Design
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Brush Research Manufacturing, Address: 4642 Floral Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90022-1244, Contact Person: Ms Tara Rands, Title: President, Phone: 323-261-2193, Fax: 323268-6587323-268-6587, Internet: www.brushresearch.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
household or industrial brushes
Buchalter Nemer PC, Address: 1000 Wilshire Blvd # 1500, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-1730, Contact Person: Mr Stewart Buchalter, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-8910700, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Bullet Freight Systems Inc, Address: 4501 E Wash Blvd 100, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90040-1022, Contact Person: Mr Erik McCully, Title: Vice President, Phone: 323-354-3100,
Fax: 323-980-1820323-980-1820, Internet: www.bulletfreight.com, Line of Business: Trucking
Operator-Nonlocal Truck Terminal Facility
Bun & Thigh Roller LLC, Address: 4929 Wilshire Blvd # 500, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90010-3820, Contact Person: Mr Mark Bess, Title: President, Phone: 323-938-9200, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Sporting Goods/Bicycles
Burlington Convalescent Hosp, Address: 845 S Burlington Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90057-4207, Contact Person: Mr Jacob Friedman, Title: President, Phone: 213-381-5585,
Fax: 213-384-1710213-384-1710, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Care Nursing Home
C R Laurence Co Inc, Address: PO Box 58923, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-0923,
Contact Person: Mr Bernard Harris, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-588-1281, Fax: 323581-6522323-581-6522, Internet: , Line of Business: Wholesales hand tools; manufactures motor
vehicle sunroofs
CA Associates Inc, Address: 263 S Muirfield Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900043730, Contact Person: Leonor Mulholland, Title: President, Phone: 323-890-8061, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Sewing contractor; manufactures children's & girls' clothing
Cabana Club, Address: 6714 Hollywood Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90028-4605,
Contact Person: Mr Alan Hajjar, Title: Owner, Phone: 323-463-0004, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Restaurant
Cal Allright Inc, Address: 626 Wlshre Pl Ste 1050, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900053983, Contact Person: Mr Roger Schneider, Title: President, Phone: 213-627-5481, Fax: ,
Internet: www.parking.com, Line of Business: Owner/Operator Of Parking Lots
Cali-Fame Of Los Angeles Inc, Address: 2800 E 11th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-3406, Contact Person: Mr Michael Kennedy, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-2683187, Fax: 323-269-7969323-269-7969, Internet: www.califame.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures uniform hats & caps
California Cancer Specialists, Address: PO Box 51133, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90051-5433, Contact Person: Mr Larry Wueiss, Title: President, Phone: 626-775-3200, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School
California Chicken Cafe Inc, Address: 6805 Melrose Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90038-3303, Contact Person: Mr Andre Demontesquiou, Title: President, Phone: 323-935-5877,
Fax: , Internet: www.californiachickencafe.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
California Club, Address: 538 S Flower St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90071-2501,
Contact Person: Mr Harry Richter, Title: General Manager, Phone: 213-622-1391, Fax: 213-624-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
7093213-624-7093, Internet: www.californiaclub.org, Line of Business: Civic/Social Association
Membership-Basis Lodging
California Endowment, Address: 1000 N Alameda St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90012-1804, Contact Person: Dr Robert Ross, Title: President, Phone: 818-703-3311, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Social Services
California Fashion Industries, Address: 4505 Bandini Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-5408, Contact Person: Mr Leonard Rabinowitz, Title: President, Phone: 323-881-3200, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures skirts; manufactures women's & juniors' blouses made
from purchased material; manufactures paper, cut & sewn dresses
California Hospital Medical, Address: 1401 S Grand Ave Ste 302, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90015-3010, Contact Person: Mr Mark Meyers, Title: President, Phone: 213-742-5866, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital Medical Doctor's Office
California Hospital Medical, Address: 1401 S Grand Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90015-3010, Contact Person: Mr Mark Meyers, Title: President, Phone: 213-748-2411, Fax: 213742-5725213-742-5725, Internet: www.chw.edu, Line of Business: General Hospital
California Mart LLC, Address: 110 E 9th St Ste A727, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90079-1727, Contact Person: Mr Judah Hertz, Title: Member, Phone: 213-630-3600, Fax: 213624-9872213-624-9872, Internet: www.californiamarketcenter.com, Line of Business:
Nonresidential Building Operator Automobile Parking
California Pizza Kitchen Inc, Address: 6801 Hollywood Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90028-6136, Contact Person: Mr Raul Moldalano, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-460-2080, Fax: ,
Internet: www.cpk.com, Line of Business: Pizza Restaurant
California Pizza Kitchen Inc, Address: 6053 W Century Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-6430, Contact Person: Mr Larry Flax, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-342-5000,
Fax: , Internet: www.cpk.com, Line of Business: Casual Dining & Pizza Restaurants & Franchises
California Ribbon & Carbon Co, Address: 4720 S Eastern Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90040-2913, Contact Person: Mr Robert Picou, Title: President, Phone: 323-724-9100, Fax:
323-724-9218323-724-9218, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures ribbons
California Science Center, Address: 700 State Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900371210, Contact Person: Mr Jeffrey Rudolph, Title: President, Phone: 213-744-7488, Fax: 213-7447433213-744-7433, Internet: www.californiasciencecenter.org, Line of Business: Museum & Art
Gallery Motion Picture Theater Ret Gifts & Novelties
California State University, Address: 5151 State University Dr Ge314, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90032-4226, Contact Person: Dean Calvo, Title: Executive Director, Phone: 323-3432531, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Management Services Ret Books Ret Family Clothing
Eating Place
Calmat Co, Address: PO Box 2950, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90051-0950, Contact
Person: Mr James Smack, Title: President, Phone: 323-258-2777, Fax: , Internet:
www.vulcanmaterials.com, Line of Business: Manufactures asphalt & asphalt products; crushed &
broken igneous rock quarrying; manufactures ready-mixed concrete; operators of commercial &
industrial buildings; residential land subdividers & developers; construction sand & gravel mining
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Camino Real Foods Inc, Address: 2638 E Vernon Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-1825, Contact Person: Ms Evelyn Jareno, Title: Controller, Phone: 323-585-6599, Fax: 323585-5420323-585-5420, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures frozen ethnic foods
Canon Communications LLC, Address: 11444 W Olympic Blvd # 900, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90064-1555, Contact Person: Mr Jon Katz, Title: Editor, Phone: 310-445-4200, Fax:
310-445-4299310-445-4299, Internet: www.cancom.com, Line of Business: Publishes magazines
without printing; trade show arrangement service
Canton Food Co Inc, Address: 750 S Alameda St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900211624, Contact Person: Shui Kwan, Title: President, Phone: 213-688-7707, Fax: 213-6881121213-688-1121, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol General Groceries Whol Fish/Seafoods Ret
Groceries Ret Meat/Fish Whol Groceries
Capital Group Co's Inc, Address: 333 S Hope St Fl 55, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90071-1406, Contact Person: David Fisher, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-486-9200,
Fax: 213-486-9217213-486-9217, Internet: www.capgroup.org, Line of Business: Investment
Advisory Svcs Nondeposit Trust Faclty Open-End Mgmt Investment & Management Services
Capitol Records, Address: 5750 Wlshire Blvd Ste 300, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90036-3640, Contact Person: Eli Okun, Title: President, Phone: 323-692-1221, Fax: , Internet:
www.capitolrecords.com, Line of Business: Whol Durable Goods
CAP-MPT, Address: 333 S Hope St 8th Fl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90071-3001,
Contact Person: Mr Jim Weidner, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-473-8600, Fax: ,
Internet: www.cap-mpt.com, Line of Business: Surety Insurance Carrier
Career Group Inc, Address: 10100 Santa Monica Blvd # 9, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-4003, Contact Person: Mr Michael Levine, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-2778188, Fax: 310-277-8329310-277-8329, Internet: www.careergroupinc.com, Line of Business:
Employment Agencies
Carmichael International Svc, Address: 533 Glendale Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90026-5013, Contact Person: Mr Enrico Salvo, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-353-0810,
Fax: 213-250-0710213-250-0710, Internet: www.carmnet.com, Line of Business: Freight
Transportation Arrangement
Caruso Management Co Ltd, Address: 101 The Grove Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90036-6221, Contact Person: Mr Rick Caruso, Title: President, Phone: 323-900-8100, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Real Estate Agent/Manager
Cathay Bank, Address: 800 W 6th St Ste 200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90017-2705,
Contact Person: Ms Maureen Storch, Title: Operations Manager, Phone: 213-972-4222, Fax: ,
Internet: www.cathaybank.com, Line of Business: State Commercial Bank Foreign
Trade/International Bank
Cathay Bank, Address: PO Box 862666, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90086-2666,
Contact Person: Dunson Cheng, Title: President, Phone: 213-625-4700, Fax: , Internet:
www.cathaybank.com, Line of Business: State Commercial Bank
Cathay Bank, Address: 777 N Broadway, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90012-2819,
Contact Person: Dunson Cheng, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-625-4749, Fax: ,
Internet: www.cathaybank.com, Line of Business: Commercial Bank
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Catholic Charities of Los, Address: PO Box 15095, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900150095, Contact Person: Mnsgnr Cox, Title: Executive Director, Phone: 213-251-3400, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Noncommercial Research Organization
CB Richard Ellis Group Inc, Address: 11150 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90025-3380, Contact Person: Mr Richard Blum, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310405-8900, Fax: , Internet: www.cbre.com/, Line of Business: Commercial Real Estate Services
CB Richard Ellis Inc, Address: 11150 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-3380, Contact Person: Mr Brett White, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-606-4700,
Fax: , Internet: www.cbre.com, Line of Business: Real Estate Agent/Mgr Mortgage
CB Richard Ellis Strategic, Address: 865 S Figueroa St # 3500, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90017-5512, Contact Person: Mr Richard Pink, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 213-6834200, Fax: , Internet: www.cbre.com/, Line of Business: Nonresidential Building Operator
CB Richard Ellis Strategic, Address: 515 S Flower St Ste 3000, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-2232, Contact Person: Mr Vance Maddocks, Title: President, Phone: 213-683-4200,
Fax: , Internet: www.cbreinvestors.com, Line of Business: Management Consulting Services
Cbiz, Duitch, Franklin, Parks, Address: 11601 Wlshre Blvd Ste 2300, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90025-1759, Contact Person: Mr James Parks, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 310207-2777, Fax: 310-207-1731310-207-1731, Internet: , Line of Business: Accounting & Financial
CBS Corp, Address: 6121 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90028-6423,
Contact Person: Ms Laura Diaz, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-467-9999, Fax: , Internet:
www.cbscorporation.com, Line of Business: Television Broadcasting
CBS Outdoor Inc, Address: PO Box 513159, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90051-1159,
Contact Person: Ms Doreen Roberts, Title: Division Manager, Phone: 323-222-7171, Fax: 323-2250247323-225-0247, Internet: www.cbscorporation.com, Line of Business: Outdoor advertising
services; manufactures signs & advertising specialties
CBS Radio, Address: 5901 Venice Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90034-1708,
Contact Person: Mr Kevin Weatherly, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-930-1067, Fax: ,
Internet: www.infinityradio.com, Line of Business: Radio Broadcasting Station
CCL Tube Inc, Address: 2501 W Rosecrans Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900593566, Contact Person: Andreas Iseli, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-635-4444, Fax: ,
Internet: www.cclind.com, Line of Business: Manufactures finished injection molded plastic
Center Theatre Group of Los, Address: 601 W Temple St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90012-2621, Contact Person: Mr Michael Ritchie, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-9727344, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Theatrical Producers
Central Financial Acceptance, Address: PO Box 54288, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90054-0288, Contact Person: Mr Gary Cypress, Title: President, Phone: 323-720-8600, Fax: 323720-8717323-720-8717, Internet: , Line of Business: Consumer Finance Company
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Century Fast Foods Inc, Address: 10350 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-5055, Contact Person: Mr Robert Brunson, Title: President, Phone: 310-203-8404, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Cenveo Inc, Address: 3217 Garfield Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040-3219,
Contact Person: Mr Alan Pemberton, Title: Executive Vice President, Phone: 323-727-7767, Fax:
323-722-2328323-722-2328, Internet: www.mail-well.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
envelopes; label & seal printing service; commercial lithographic printing
Cha Hollywood Medical Center, Address: 1300 N Vermont Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90027-6005, Contact Person: Mr Shawn Bolouki, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213413-3000, Fax: , Internet: www.hollywoodpresbyterian.com, Line of Business: General Hospital
Child Day Care Services
Chambers Belt Co, Address: 5445 Jillson St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040-2117,
Contact Person: Mr Franklin Dominquez, Title: VP Operations, Phone: 323-726-2109, Fax: ,
Internet: www.danielgreenco.com, Line of Business: Manufactures belts
Charles Drew University of Med, Address: 1731 E 120th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90059-3051, Contact Person: Ms Susan Kelly, Title: President, Phone: 323-563-4800, Fax: 323569-0597323-569-0597, Internet: www.cdrewu.edu, Line of Business: College/University
Charles Dunn Co Inc, Address: 800 W 6th St Fl 5, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900172704, Contact Person: Mr Walter Conn, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-481-1800, Fax: ,
Internet: www.charlesdunn.com, Line of Business: Real Estate Agent/Manager
Cheesecake Factory Inc, Address: 11647 San Vicente Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90049-5105, Contact Person: Mr Rick Anderson, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-826-7111, Fax: 310820-3472310-820-3472, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
Chevron Corp, Address: 13707 S Broadway, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90061-1011,
Contact Person: Mr Mike Caldwell, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-538-7600, Fax: , Internet:
www.chevrontexaco.com, Line of Business: Petroleum refining; local trucking without storage
services; over the road trucking
Children's Bureau of Southern, Address: 1910 Magnolia Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90007-1220, Contact Person: Mr Alex Morales, Title: President, Phone: 213-342-0100, Fax:
, Internet: www.all4kids.org, Line of Business: Residential Care Services
Childrens Institute Inc, Address: 711 S New Hampshire Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90005-1831, Contact Person: Ms Mary Emmons, Title: President, Phone: 213-385-5100,
Fax: 213-383-1820213-383-1820, Internet: , Line of Business: Individual/Family Services
China Town Service Center, Address: 767 N Hill St # 400, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90012-2381, Contact Person: Ms Julie Yeh, Title: Human Resource Director, Phone: 213-808-1700,
Fax: 213-680-0787213-680-0787, Internet: www.cscla.org, Line of Business: Job Training/Related
Services Individual/Family Services Medical Doctor's Office
Christian Crenshaw Center, Address: PO Box 4444, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900512444, Contact Person: Mr Frederick Price, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-758-3777,
Fax: 323-778-5545323-778-5545, Internet: , Line of Business: Religious Organization Motion
Picture/Video Production
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Church of Scientology Intl, Address: 6331 Hollywood Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90028-6321, Contact Person: Rev Heber Jentzsch, Title: President, Phone: 323-960-3500, Fax: ,
Internet: www.scientology.org, Line of Business: Religious Organization
Cinesite Inc, Address: 1017 N Las Palmas Ave 300, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900382400, Contact Person: Mr Colin Brown, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-468-4400, Fax:
323-468-4485323-468-4485, Internet: www.kodak.com, Line of Business: Visual Effects Production
Cisco Bros Corp, Address: 1933 W 60th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90047-1338,
Contact Person: Mr Francisco Pinedo, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-778-8612, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures upholstered household furniture
Citibank, Address: PO Box 30886, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90030-0886, Contact
Person: Mr Manuel Lugo, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-203-3400, Fax: , Internet:
www.ccbusa.com, Line of Business: State Commercial Bank
Citigroup Global Markets Inc, Address: PO Box 30367, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90030-0367, Contact Person: Mr Gregory Laetsch, Title: Division Head, Phone: 213-486-8811,
Fax: 213-680-2685213-680-2685, Internet: www.salomonsmithbarney.com, Line of Business:
Security Broker/Dealer
City Of Commerce, Address: 2535 Commerce Way, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900401410, Contact Person: Mr Jim Jimenez, Title: Director, Phone: 323-722-4805, Fax: 323-8886841323-888-6841, Internet: , Line of Business: Amusement/Recreation Services Physical Fitness
City Of Los Angeles, Address: 2513 E 24th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-1205,
Contact Person: Mr John Ferris, Title: Superintendent, Phone: 213-485-4981, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Bus Terminal/Service Facility
City Of Los Angeles, Address: 2222 E 7th St Bldg B, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900231003, Contact Person: Ms Norma Alexander, Title: Administrator, Phone: 213-485-4952, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Bus Terminal/Service Facility Regulation/Administrative Transportation
City of Los Angeles, Address: 1394 S Sepulveda Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-3457, Contact Person: Mr Frederick Puglia, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 800-342-5397,
Fax: , Internet: www.lacity.org, Line of Business: Water And Power Utility
City Of Los Angeles, Address: 200 N Main St Ste 800, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90012-4133, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 213-978-8100, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: City Attorney's Office
City of Los Angeles, Address: 4818 Klamath Pl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900323237, Contact Person: Louz Davidson, Title: Director, Phone: 323-222-2040, Fax: , Internet:
www.lacity.org, Line of Business: Individual/Family Services
City Of Los Angeles, Address: 600 S Spring St 200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900141901, Contact Person: Ms Deborah Weignard, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-978-0259, Fax: ,
Internet: www.lacity.org, Line of Business: Engineering Services Executive Office
Classic Party Rentals Inc, Address: 11766 Wilshire Blvd # 350, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90025-6544, Contact Person: Mr John Campanelli, Title: President, Phone: 310-966-4900,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Equipment Rental/Leasing
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Clougherty Packing LLC, Address: PO Box 58870, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900580870, Contact Person: Mr Joseph Clougherty, Title: President, Phone: 323-583-4621, Fax: 323584-1699323-584-1699, Internet: www.hormel.com, Line of Business: Meat packing plant; meat
Coast Citrus Distributors, Address: 1601 E Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90021-1936, Contact Person: Mr Richard Macedoni, Title: Warehouse Manager, Phone: 213-9553444, Fax: 213-892-8250213-892-8250, Internet: www.coastcitrus.com, Line of Business: Whol
Fruits & Vegatable
Coding Source LLC, Address: 11150 W Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90064-1817, Contact Person: Mr Greg Sinaiko, Title: Member, Phone: 310-622-1001, Fax: ,
Internet: www.thecodingsource.com, Line of Business: Medical Coding Outsourcing Training
Staffing & Auditing
Colburn School, Address: 200 S Grand Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90012-3007,
Contact Person: Mr Miguel Corzo, Title: President, Phone: 213-621-2200, Fax: 213-621-2110213621-2110, Internet: www.zipperhall.com, Line of Business: Theatrical Producers/Services
Colorfast Dye & Print House, Address: 5075 Pacific Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-2215, Contact Person: Mr Enrique Ruiz, Title: President, Phone: 323-581-1656, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Commercial lithographic printing; dyeing of raw stock, yarn & narrow
fabric; screen printing on fabric
Comak Trading Inc, A CA, Address: 2550 S Soto St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900234213, Contact Person: Myung Cho, Title: President, Phone: 323-261-3404, Fax: 323-2617297323-261-7297, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Women's/Child's Clothing Whol Men's/Boy's
Clothing Whol Footwear
Come Land Maintenance Service, Address: 4917 Melrose Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90029-3731, Contact Person: Ms Grace Lee, Title: President, Phone: 323-957-7715, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Building Maintenance Services
Command Security Corp, Address: 2450 S Atl Blvd Ste 207, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040, Contact Person: Mr Myron Davis, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-980-4100, Fax: ,
Internet: www.cscny.com, Line of Business: Security Guard And Aviation Services
Command Security Corp, Address: 8939 S Sepulveda Blvd # 201, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90045-3648, Contact Person: Noemi Delgadillo, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-3370642, Fax: , Internet: www.cscny.com, Line of Business: Security Systems Services
Community Television of Sthn, Address: 4401 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90027-6017, Contact Person: Mr James Rothenberg, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone:
323-666-6500, Fax: , Internet: www.kcet.org, Line of Business: Television Station
Compensation Insurance Fund, Address: PO Box 910932, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90091-0932, Contact Person: Ms Cathy Bruich, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-727-5600, Fax:
323-727-5710323-727-5710, Internet: www.state.ca.us, Line of Business: Fire/Casualty Insurance
Compensation Insurance Fund, Address: PO Box 92622, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90009-2622, Contact Person: Mr Richard Whiting, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-266-5000, Fax:
323-574-2674323-574-2674, Internet: www.state.ca.us, Line of Business: Workmens'
Compensation Insurance
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Complete Post-Production Ctr, Address: 6087 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90028-6434, Contact Person: Mr Mike Doggett, Title: President, Phone: 323-467-1244, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Post Production Service For Television
Comprehensive Cancer Centers, Address: 8700 Beverly Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90048-1804, Contact Person: Ms Vanessa Booker, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 310423-8030, Fax: 310-659-3332310-659-3332, Internet: www.aptiumoncology.com, Line of
Business: Specialty Outpatient Clinic
Conference Direct LLC, Address: PO Box 69777, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900690777, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Muehl, Title: Member, Phone: 323-655-3848, Fax: 323-6551884323-655-1884, Internet: www.conferencedirect.com, Line of Business: Business Services
Consolidated Fabricators Corp, Address: 4600 S Santa Fe Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90058-2128, Contact Person: Mr Michael Melideo, Title: President, Phone: 323-586-4500,
Fax: , Internet: www.con-fab.com, Line of Business: Manufactures garbage dumpsters;
manufactures sheet metal studs & joists; wholesales steel
Consumer Resource Network LLC, Address: 5757 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90036-5810, Contact Person: Mr Greg Hall, Title: Member, Phone: 323-900-4600, Fax: ,
Internet: www.consumerresourcenetwork.net, Line of Business: Management Consulting Services
Contessa Premium Foods Inc, Address: 3340 Fruitland Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-3714, Contact Person: Mr Dan Halford, Title: Operations Manager, Phone: 323-586-5000,
Fax: 323-586-5010323-586-5010, Internet: , Line of Business: Wholesales Seafood & Vegetables
Continental Airlines Inc, Address: 7300 World Way W Rm 144, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90045-5829, Contact Person: Mr Ken Jaminson, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-2583319, Fax: 310-646-4835310-646-4835, Internet: www.continental.com, Line of Business:
Scheduled Air Transportation
Con-Way Freight Inc, Address: 1955 E Washington Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90021-3206, Contact Person: Mr Paul Styers, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 213-744-0664,
Fax: 213-744-1069213-744-1069, Internet: www.con-way.com, Line of Business: Trucking
Operator-Nonlocal Local Trucking Operator Freight Transportation Arrangement
Core-Mark International Inc, Address: 2311 E 48th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-2007, Contact Person: Mr John Lira, Title: Controller, Phone: 323-583-6531, Fax: 323-5891828323-589-1828, Internet: www.core-mark.com, Line of Business: Whol Groceries Whol Tobacco
Products Whol Confectionery
Corp of The President of The, Address: 2720 E 11th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-3404, Contact Person: Terry Hutchens, Title: Controller, Phone: 323-268-7281, Fax: 323268-6663323-268-6663, Internet: www.lds.org, Line of Business: Reupholstery/Furn Repair Ret
Used Merchandise Electrical Repair Job Training/Related Svc
Corporate Building Services, Address: 3325 Wilshire Blvd # 1240, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90010-1728, Contact Person: Mr Bruce Kim, Title: President, Phone: 213-252-0999, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Building Maintenance Services
Costco Wholesale Corp, Address: 2901 Los Feliz Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90039-1502, Contact Person: Mr Kevin Greene, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-644-5201,
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Fax: 323-661-0898323-661-0898, Internet: www.costco.com, Line of Business: General
Warehouse/Storage Whol General Groceries Whol Tires/Tubes
Country Villa Imperial LLC, Address: 3002 Rowena Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90039-2005, Contact Person: Mr Stephen Reissman, Title: Member, Phone: 323-666-1544, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Home
Country Villa Service Corp, Address: 3233 W Pico Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90019-3640, Contact Person: Mr Mike Demchuck, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-734-9122, Fax:
323-734-1427323-734-1427, Internet: www.countryvillahealth.com, Line of Business: Skilled
Nursing Facility
Country Villa Service Corp, Address: 2415 S Western Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90018-2608, Contact Person: Phadra Johnson, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-734-1101, Fax: 323734-3872323-734-3872, Internet: www.countryvillahealth.com, Line of Business: Nursing/Personal
Care Skilled Nursing Care Facility Medical Doctor's Office
County of Los Angeles, Address: 1525 Alcazar St Bldg 1, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90033-1001, Contact Person: Mr Robert Scharf, Title: Director, Phone: 626-458-1700, Fax: ,
Internet: www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Highway/Street Construction Air/Water/Waste
County Of Los Angeles, Address: 441 Bauchet St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900122906, Contact Person: Mr Michael Ford, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-974-4561, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Transportation Services Regulation/Administrative Transportation
County of Los Angeles, Address: PO Box 90012, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900090012, Contact Person: Mr Roger Snoball, Title: Owner, Phone: 213-922-6210, Fax: , Internet:
www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Commercial Art/Graphic Design Regulation/Administrative
County of Los Angeles, Address: 1100 N Eastern Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90063-3200, Contact Person: Mr Garrett Mayer, Title: Division Manager, Phone: 323-267-2771,
Fax: , Internet: www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Business Services Regulation/Administrative
County of Los Angeles, Address: 2829 S Grand Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900073304, Contact Person: Ms Carolyn Clark, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-744-3677, Fax: , Internet:
www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Medical Doctors Office Admn Public Health Pgm Specialty
Outpatient Fac
County Of Los Angeles, Address: 3834 S Western Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90062-1104, Contact Person: Mr Bernard Wilite, Title: Administrator, Phone: 323-730-3502, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctors Office Admn Public Health Pgm Osteopathic Phys
County of Los Angeles, Address: 1900 Zonal Ave DOC1, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90033-1033, Contact Person: Ms Toni Lu, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-226-6056, Fax: , Internet:
www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office Administrative Public Health Programs
County of Los Angeles, Address: PO Box 59910, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900590910, Contact Person: Mr David Runke, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-668-4321, Fax: 310764-4778310-764-4778, Internet: www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: General Hospital
Administrative Public Health Programs
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
County of Los Angeles, Address: 1100 N Mission Rd Rm 236, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90033-1017, Contact Person: Mr Scott Drewgan, Title: Director, Phone: 323-226-6021,
Fax: , Internet: www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: General Hospital Administrative Public Health
County of Los Angeles, Address: 1200 N State St Rm 1205, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90033-1029, Contact Person: Mr Raul Caro, Title: Vice President, Phone: 323-226-5566, Fax: ,
Internet: www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Psychiatric Hospital Administrative Public Health
County Of Los Angeles, Address: 1240 N Mission Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90033-1019, Contact Person: Mr Anthony Hernandez, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 323-2263468, Fax: 323-226-3424323-226-3424, Internet: , Line of Business: Specialty Hospital Admn
Public Health Pgm General Hospital
County of Los Angeles, Address: 245 S Fetterly Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900221605, Contact Person: Ms Julie Palomarez, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 323-780-2373, Fax:
323-780-9752323-780-9752, Internet: www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Home Health Care
Service Admn Public Health Pgm Medical Doctors Office
County of Los Angeles, Address: 5850 S Main St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900031215, Contact Person: Floretta Taylor, Title: Administrative Director, Phone: 323-846-4122, Fax:
323-234-6518323-234-6518, Internet: www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Specialty Outpatient Fac
Admn Public Health Pgm Medical Doctors Office
County of Los Angeles, Address: 5205 Melrose Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900383144, Contact Person: Joon Yoon, Title: Research Manager, Phone: 323-769-7800, Fax: 323-4670891323-467-0891, Internet: www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Specialty Outpatient Clinic
Administrative Public Health Programs
County Of Los Angeles, Address: 210 W Temple St Fl 18, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90012-3229, Contact Person: Mr Steve Cooley, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-974-3512, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office Legal Counsel/Prosecution
County of Los Angeles, Address: 501 Shatto Pl Ste 301, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90020-1749, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 213-351-6483, Fax: , Internet: www.co.la.ca.us,
Line of Business: Individual/Family Services Executive Office
County of Los Angeles, Address: 5770 S Eastern Ave Fl 4, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-2924, Contact Person: Mr Philip Browning, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-889-3415, Fax: ,
Internet: www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Individual/Family Services Administrative
Social/Manpower Programs
County of Los Angeles, Address: 1740 E Gage Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900011814, Contact Person: Ms Olga Miranda, Title: Director, Phone: 323-586-7218, Fax: , Internet:
www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Individual/Family Services
County of Los Angeles, Address: 425 Shatto Pl Fl 6, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900201754, Contact Person: Mr David Samders, Title: Director, Phone: 213-351-5600, Fax: , Internet:
www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Child Day Care Services
County of Los Angeles, Address: 5905 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900364504, Contact Person: Mr Michael Govan, Title: Director, Phone: 323-857-6142, Fax: 323-936-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
5755323-936-5755, Internet: www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Museum/Art Gallery
Administrative Educational Programs
County of Los Angeles, Address: 5905 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900364504, Contact Person: Ms Andrea Rich, Title: President, Phone: 323-857-6000, Fax: , Internet:
www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Museum/Art Gallery Administrative Educational Programs
Covenant House California, Address: 1325 N Western Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90027-5615, Contact Person: Mr Luz Buan, Title: Controller, Phone: 323-957-7400, Fax: 323-9572464323-957-2464, Internet: www.covenanthouseca.org, Line of Business: Residential Care
Cr Services, Address: 1517 Beverly Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90026-5704,
Contact Person: Quan Tran, Title: President, Phone: 213-787-8600, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Courier Service
Credit Suisse Securities LLC, Address: 2121 Ave Of Stars # 3000, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-5058, Contact Person: Mr Scott Kaplan, Title: Vice President, Phone: 310-282-5000,
Fax: , Internet: www.csfb.com, Line of Business: Security Broker/Dealer
Crew Creative Advertising LLC, Address: 5700 Wilshire Blvd # 500, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90036-3767, Contact Person: Mr John Cain, Title: Chief Operating Officer, Phone: 323-4683636, Fax: , Internet: www.crewcreative.com, Line of Business: Advertising Agency
Crowell, Weedon & Co, Address: 1 Wilshire Blvd Fl 26, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-3876, Contact Person: Mr Steven Brixey, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 213-620-1850,
Fax: 213-680-3450213-680-3450, Internet: , Line of Business: Security Broker/Dealer Investment
Advisory Service
Crown Energy Services Inc, Address: 2601 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90007-3254, Contact Person: Mr Paul Boschetto, Title: President, Phone: 213-765-7800, Fax: 213763-0509213-763-0509, Internet: www.ableserve.com, Line of Business: Provides Engineering
Crowne Plaza Lax LLC, Address: 5985 W Century Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-5477, Contact Person: Mr Nelson Zager, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-258-1321, Fax: ,
Internet: www.crownplaza.com, Line of Business: Hotel
Crystal Cruises Inc, Address: 2049 Cntry Park E Ste 14, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-3101, Contact Person: Mitsuhiko Takahashi, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-7859300, Fax: 310-785-0011310-785-0011, Internet: www.crystalcruises.com, Line of Business: Deep
Sea Passenger Transportation Travel Agency
Crystal Stairs Inc, Address: PO Box 92222, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90009-2222,
Contact Person: Ms Holly Mitchell, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-299-8998, Fax: ,
Internet: www.crystalstairs.com, Line of Business: Social Services
Curtin Security Co Inc, Address: 619 S Westlake Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90057-3501, Contact Person: Mr Richard Curtin, Title: President, Phone: 213-483-3301, Fax: 213483-2773213-483-2773, Internet: , Line of Business: Protection And Security Services
Curtis School Foundation, Address: 15871 Mulholland Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90049-1118, Contact Person: Ms Diane Diaz, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 310-476-1251,
Fax: 310-476-1542310-476-1542, Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Cushman & Wakefield, Address: 601 S Figueroa St Fl 47, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-5704, Contact Person: Mr John Cushman, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-6274700, Fax: 213-688-4928213-688-4928, Internet: , Line of Business: Real Estate Agent/Manager
D L Ryan Co's Ltd, Address: 12121 Wilshire Blvd # 100, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-1166, Contact Person: Mr David Ryan, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-571-0804, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Sales Promotion & Marketing Service
D S D Trucking Inc, Address: PO Box 15292, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90015-0292,
Contact Person: Mr Dan Cuevas, Title: President, Phone: 310-338-1210, Fax: 310-338-0329310338-0329, Internet: , Line of Business: Airport/Airport Services
Daily Journal Corp, Address: 915 E 1st St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90012-4050,
Contact Person: Mr Charles Munger, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-229-5300, Fax: ,
Internet: www.dailyjournal.com, Line of Business: Newspaper publisher; newspaper advertising
representative; software publisher
Darfield Industries Inc, Address: 4626 Sperry St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900391018, Contact Person: Ms Rosanne Kusar, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-247-8350,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures extruded aluminum products
Dart International, A Corp, Address: PO Box 23944, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900230944, Contact Person: Mr Paul Martin, Title: President, Phone: 323-981-8225, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Local Trucking-With Storage
Dart Warehouse Corp, Address: PO Box 23931, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900230931, Contact Person: Raoul Dedeaux, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-981-8205, Fax:
323-264-8267323-264-8267, Internet: www.dartentities.com, Line of Business: General
Davalan Sales Inc, Address: 1601 E Olympic Blvd 325, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90021-1957, Contact Person: Mr Alan Frick, Title: President, Phone: 213-623-2500, Fax: 213-6226234213-622-6234, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Fruits/Vegetables
Daviselen Advertising Inc, Address: 865 S Figueroa St Ste 1200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90017-2596, Contact Person: Mr Mark Davis, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-6887000, Fax: 213-688-7288213-688-7288, Internet: www.daviselen.com, Line of Business:
Advertising Agency
Dearden's, Address: 700 S Main St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90014-2013, Contact
Person: Ms Raquel Bensimon, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-362-9600, Fax: 213-6240683213-624-0683, Internet: , Line of Business: Furniture Stores Electric & Gas Household
Appliances Radio Television And Electronic Stores And Jewelry Stores
Decron Properties Corp, Address: 6222 Wilshire Blvd # 400, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90048-5100, Contact Person: Mr Jack Nagel, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-556-6600,
Fax: , Internet: www.decronpropertiescorporation.com, Line of Business: Real Estate
Agent/Manager Subdivider/Developer Nonresidential Construction
Decurion Corp, Address: 120 N Robertson Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900483115, Contact Person: Mr Michael Forman, Title: President, Phone: 310-657-8420, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture Theater Drive-In Theater
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Dekar Industries Inc, Address: 1801 Beverly Blvd 100, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90057-2501, Contact Person: Mr Pete Nguyen, Title: Operations Manager, Phone: 213-353-0500,
Fax: 213-353-9173213-353-9173, Internet: , Line of Business: Building Maintenance Services
Detective/Armored Car Services
Delaware North Co's Travel, Address: 209 World Way, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-5807, Contact Person: Mr Kurt Clausen, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-215-5147, Fax:
, Internet: www.delawarenorth.com, Line of Business: Concessionaire Gift Shops Newsstands &
Deloitte & Touche LLP, Address: 2029 Century Park E 130, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-2901, Contact Person: Mr Gary Dickey, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-551-6700, Fax:
, Internet: www.deloitte.com, Line of Business: Certified Public Accountanting Firm
Deloitte & Touche LLP, Address: 350 S Grand Ave Ste 200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90071-3469, Contact Person: Mr David Bowen, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-688-0800, Fax: 213688-0100213-688-0100, Internet: www.deloitte.com, Line of Business: Accounting/Audit/Bookkpg
Delta Floral Distributors Inc, Address: PO Box 431802, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90043-8802, Contact Person: Mr Archie Defterios, Title: President, Phone: 323-751-8116, Fax:
323-751-5873323-751-5873, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Flowers/Florist Supplies
Deluxe Laboratories Inc, Address: 1377 N Serrano Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90027-5623, Contact Person: Mr Cyril Drabinsky, Title: President, Phone: 323-462-6171, Fax:
323-461-0608323-461-0608, Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture Services
Denim-Tech LLC, Address: 2300 E 52nd St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-3444,
Contact Person: Shinzo Suzuki, Title: President, Phone: 323-277-8998, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Manufactures commercial laundry equipment
Dependable Highway Express Inc, Address: PO Box 58047, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-0047, Contact Person: Mr Ronald Massman, Title: President, Phone: 323-526-2222, Fax:
323-526-2252323-526-2252, Internet: , Line of Business: Trucking Operator-Nonlocal General
Deutsch Co Inc, Address: PO Box 61188, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90061-0188,
Contact Person: Mr Walter Waterbury, Title: Personnel Manager, Phone: 310-323-6200, Fax: 310329-2505310-329-2505, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures pipe fittings; manufactures
space vehicle equipment; wholesales aircraft equipment & supplies; manufactures noncurrent carrying
wiring devices
Deutsch LA Inc, Address: 5454 Beethoven St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90066-7017,
Contact Person: Mr Donald Deutsch, Title: President, Phone: 310-862-3000, Fax: 310-4480482310-448-0482, Internet: www.interpublic.com, Line of Business: Advertising Agency
Deutsche Bank AG, Address: 300 S Grand Ave Fl 41, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90071-3109, Contact Person: Tony Hass, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-620-8118, Fax: 213625-3211213-625-3211, Internet: , Line of Business: Commercial Bank
Deutsche Bank National Trust, Address: 300 S Grand Ave Ste 3950, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90071-3175, Contact Person: Mr Julio Moran, Title: Executive Director, Phone: 213-6208200, Fax: , Internet: www.db.com, Line of Business: Federal Credit Agency
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Dewey Ballantine LLP, Address: 333 S Grand Ave Ste 2600, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90071-1530, Contact Person: Mr Coty Tucker, Title: Finance Manager, Phone: 213-621-6000, Fax:
213-621-6100213-621-6100, Internet: www.deweyballantine.com, Line of Business: Attorneys
Dhk Construction, Address: 700 S Flower St Ste 3200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-4219, Contact Person: Mr Sean Hanzaki, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-6226260, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Residential Construction Nonresidential Construction
Diagnostic Research Inc, Address: 7474 N Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90041-1710, Contact Person: Meggy Taylor, Title: President, Phone: 323-254-4326, Fax: 323254-8756323-254-8756, Internet: , Line of Business: Management Consulting Services
Directors Guild of America Inc, Address: 7920 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90046-3300, Contact Person: Mr Michael Apted, Title: President, Phone: 310-289-2000,
Fax: 310-289-5340310-289-5340, Internet: www.dga.org, Line of Business: Motion Picture
Services Labor Organization
Directv Group Inc, Address: 12800 Culver Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900666706, Contact Person: Eli Siliga, Title: Technical Manager, Phone: 310-964-8384, Fax: , Internet:
www.hughes.com, Line of Business: Broadcast Center
Distinctive Industries, Address: 2930 Vail Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040-2616,
Contact Person: Mr Dwight Forrister, Title: President, Phone: 323-889-5766, Fax: 323-8895771323-889-5771, Internet: www.distinctiveindustries.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
automotive fabric trimmings; manufactures plastic foam products
Diversified RE-Packaging Corp, Address: 1118 S La Cienega Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90035-2519, Contact Person: Mr Jeffrie Green, Title: President, Phone: 310-855-1946, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Business Consulting Services
Dla Piper US LLP, Address: 1999 Avenue Of The Stars 400, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-6023, Contact Person: Ms Shona Agoston, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-595-3000,
Fax: , Internet: www.dlapiper.com, Line of Business: Law Firm
Dmjm H&N Inc, Address: 515 S Flower St Fl 8, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900712201, Contact Person: Mr Raymond Landy, Title: President, Phone: 213-593-8100, Fax: ,
Internet: www.aecom.com, Line of Business: Architectural Services Engineering Services
Management Services
Donald B Shaul MD A Prof Corp, Address: 4650 W Snset Blvd Ste 100, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90027-6062, Contact Person: Dr Donald Shaul, Title: President, Phone: 323-669-2276,
Fax: 323-666-8396323-666-8396, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital
DOT Green Public Schools, Address: 350 S Figueroa St Ste 213, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-1102, Contact Person: Mr Steve Barr, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-6210276, Fax: , Internet: www.greendotpublicschools.org, Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary
Douglas Steel Supply Inc, Address: 5764 Alcoa Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900583727, Contact Person: Mr Douglas Stein, Title: President, Phone: 323-587-7676, Fax: 323-5872982323-587-2982, Internet: www.douglassteelsupply.com, Line of Business: Metals Service
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Downtown L A Motors Mercedes, Address: 1801 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90015-3421, Contact Person: Mr Nicholas Shammas, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-748-8951,
Fax: 213-749-2713213-749-2713, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles
Drew Child Development Corp, Address: 1770 E 118th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90059-2518, Contact Person: Mr Michael Jackson, Title: President, Phone: 323-249-2950, Fax:
323-249-2905323-249-2905, Internet: www.drewcdc.org, Line of Business: Individual/Family
Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream Inc, Address: 5743 Smithway St Ste 101, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90040-1548, Contact Person: Mr Wendell Skelton, Title: Quality Control Director,
Phone: 323-725-7150, Fax: , Internet: www.dreyersinc.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
frozen desserts & novelties
Du Par's Restaurants, Address: 6333 W 3rd St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900363109, Contact Person: Ms Shirley Kaufmann, Title: President, Phone: 323-933-8446, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Groceries
Duncan Security Consultants, Address: 11726 San Vicente Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90049-5044, Contact Person: Ms Sharon Duncan, Title: President, Phone: 310-826-8422,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Security Investigative & Consulting Services
Dunn-Edwards Corp, Address: PO Box 30389, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90030-0389,
Contact Person: Mr Michael Badar, Title: President, Phone: 323-771-3330, Fax: 323-771-4440323771-4440, Internet: www.dunnedwards.com, Line of Business: Mfg Paints/Allied Prdts Ret
Dynaflex Products, Address: 6466 Gayhart St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040-2506,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Govern, Title: President, Phone: 323-724-1555, Fax: 323-7242999323-724-2999, Internet: www.dynaflexproducts.com, Line of Business: Manufactures motor
vehicle parts & accessories; fabricates pipes & fittings; manufactures truck & bus bodies
E J Gallo Winery Inc, Address: 2650 Commerce Way, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-1413, Contact Person: Mr Robert Rogers, Title: Marketing Manager, Phone: 323-720-6400,
Fax: , Internet: www.gallo.com, Line of Business: Whol Wine/Distilled Beverages
EA Mobile, Address: 5510 Lincoln Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90094-2211,
Contact Person: Mr Mitch Lasky, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-754-7125, Fax: ,
Internet: www.ea.com, Line of Business: Radiotelephone Communication
East Los Angeles Doctors Hosp, Address: 4060 Whittier Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90023-2526, Contact Person: Mr Hector Hernandez, Title: Chief Operating Officer, Phone:
323-268-5514, Fax: 323-266-1145323-266-1145, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital
Eaton Corp, Address: 4690 Colorado Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90039-1106,
Contact Person: Ms Cindy Gordon, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-409-0200, Fax: 818-241-3772818241-3772, Internet: www.eaton.com, Line of Business: Manufactures hydraulic & pneumatic
aircraft control valves
Edmund A Gray Co, Address: 2277 E 15th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90021-2841,
Contact Person: Mr Lawrence Gray, Title: President, Phone: 213-625-2723, Fax: 213-6255734213-625-5734, Internet: www.eagray.com, Line of Business: Manufactures fabricated pipe
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
El Cholo Inc, Address: 1121 S Western Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90006-2314,
Contact Person: Mr Ronald Salisbury, Title: President, Phone: 323-734-2773, Fax: 323-7347565323-734-7565, Internet: www.elcholo.com, Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
El Clasificado, Address: 1125 Goodrich Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90022-5104,
Contact Person: Ms Martha Delatorre, Title: President, Phone: 323-278-5310, Fax: 323-2639801323-263-9801, Internet: www.elclasificado.com, Line of Business: Shopping news publishing
El Coyote Mexican Foods, Address: 7312 Beverly Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90036-2535, Contact Person: Ms Grace Salisbury, Title: President, Phone: 323-939-2255, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Eating & Drinking Place
El Tapatio Market, Address: 310 E Florence Ave # 2, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900032232, Contact Person: Mr Larry Flores, Title: Owner, Phone: 323-751-1330, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Manufactures tortillas
Elkay Plastics Co Inc, Address: 6000 Sheila St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040-2405,
Contact Person: Mr Louis Chertkow, Title: President, Phone: 323-722-7073, Fax: 323-2630059323-263-0059, Internet: www.elkayplastics.com, Line of Business: Manufactures coated or
laminated plastic film for packaging; manufactures plastic bags; manufactures unsupported plastics
film & sheet; wholesales paper & disposable plastic bags
Elogic Corp, Address: 12910 Culver Blvd Ste E, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900666709, Contact Person: Mr Bill O'Brien, Title: President, Phone: 310-577-7100, Fax: , Internet:
www.lexis-nexis.com, Line of Business: Custom Computer Programing Information Retrieval
Emak Worldwide Inc, Address: 6330 San Vicente Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90048-5425, Contact Person: Mr Brian Kristofek, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-9324300, Fax: , Internet: www.equity-marketing.com, Line of Business: Strategy-Based Marketing
Empress Pavillion Partners LLC, Address: 988 N Hill St Ste 201, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90012-1750, Contact Person: Mr Johnny Wu, Title: Member, Phone: 213-617-9898, Fax:
213-617-8114213-617-8114, Internet: , Line of Business: Chinese Restaurant
Emser Tile & Natural Stone LLC, Address: PO Box 69339, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90069-0339, Contact Person: Mr Dennis Olson, Title: Controller, Phone: 323-650-2000, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Brick/Stone Material
Enmex, Corp, Address: 5933 W Century Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90045-5471,
Contact Person: Shogik Bludyan, Title: President, Phone: 310-216-7757, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Whol Petroleum Products
Entravision Communications, Address: 5700 Wilshire Blvd # 250, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90036-3647, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Liberman, Title: President, Phone: 805-648-2807,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Radio Broadcast Station
Ernest Packaging, Address: 5777 Smithway St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900401507, Contact Person: Mr Charles Wilson, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-583-6561,
Fax: 323-588-1049323-588-1049, Internet: www.ernestpaper.com, Line of Business: Whol
Industrial/Service Paper
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Ernst & Young LLP, Address: 725 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900175524, Contact Person: Mr Anthony Anderson, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-977-3200, Fax: 213-9773229213-977-3229, Internet: www.ey.com, Line of Business: Accounting/Audit/Bookkpg Mgmt
Consulting Svcs Tax Return Prep Service
E-Times Corp, Address: 601 S Figueroa St Fl 50, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900175704, Contact Person: Chiharu Nakahara, Title: President, Phone: 213-452-6720, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: It Service Web Design Administrative Outsource Services
Eurostar Inc, Address: 13425 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90061-1143,
Contact Person: Mr Eric Alon, Title: President, Phone: 310-715-9300, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Ret Shoes
Evy Of California Inc, Address: PO Box 58207, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-0207,
Contact Person: Mr Kurt Krieser, Title: President, Phone: 213-746-4647, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Manufactures girls, children & infants' dresses; manufactures girls' & children's warm-up,
jogging & sweat suits
Excalibur Limousine Service, Address: PO Box 87, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900780087, Contact Person: Kim Voeller, Title: President, Phone: 310-277-6600, Fax: 310-2074744310-207-4744, Internet: , Line of Business: Local Passenger Transportation
Expeditors International Of WA, Address: 5200 W Century Blvd 6th Fl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90045-5939, Contact Person: Mr Matthew Heimer, Title: Regional Manager, Phone: 310343-6200, Fax: 310-649-1995310-649-1995, Internet: www.expd.com, Line of Business: Freight
F Gavina & Sons Inc, Address: 2700 Fruitland Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900583608, Contact Person: Mr Pedro Gavina, Title: President, Phone: 323-582-0671, Fax: 323-5811127323-581-1127, Internet: , Line of Business: Coffee roasting
Facter Direct Ltd, Address: 4751 Wlshre Blvd Ste 140, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90010-3838, Contact Person: Mr Larry Keefer, Title: Controller, Phone: 323-634-1999, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Business Services Management Consulting Services
Fairfax Canter's, Address: 419 N Fairfax Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90036-1716,
Contact Person: Mr Harold Price, Title: President, Phone: 323-651-2030, Fax: 323-651-2835323651-2835, Internet: , Line of Business: Bakery Restaurant And Deli
Fantasy Activewear Inc, Address: 4212 E 26th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900234603, Contact Person: Mr Anwar Gajiani, Title: President, Phone: 714-751-5844, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Manufactures knit t-shirts & tops; manufactures women's & girls' blouses;
manufactures shirts
Fantasy Dyeing & Finishing Inc, Address: 4212 E 26th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-4603, Contact Person: Mr Anwar Gajinani, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-4156868, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Dyeing & finishing knit outerwear
Far East Home Care Inc, Address: 3407 W 6th St Ste 710, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90020-2554, Contact Person: Rosendo Labadlabad, Title: President, Phone: 213-386-8297, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Home Health Care Services Individual/Family Services
Far East National Bank, Address: PO Box 54198, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900540198, Contact Person: Mr Paul Lo, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-687-1260, Fax: ,
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Internet: www.fareastnationalbank.com, Line of Business: National Commercial Bank Management
Farmers Insurance Exchange, Address: 4680 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90010-3807, Contact Person: Mr Martin Feinstein, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-9323200, Fax: 323-937-8914323-937-8914, Internet: , Line of Business: Fire/Casualty Insurance
Fashion Institute of Design, Address: 919 S Grand Ave Ste 220F, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90015-1421, Contact Person: Mr John Bonholtzer, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone:
213-624-1200, Fax: 213-624-4777213-624-4777, Internet: www.fidm.com, Line of Business:
Vocational School
Federal Express Corp, Address: 3333 S Grand Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900074116, Contact Person: Mr David Pickett, Title: General Manager, Phone: 213-687-9767, Fax: ,
Internet: www.federalexpress.com, Line of Business: Trucking Operator-Nonlocal
Federal Reserve Bank of San, Address: PO Box 512077, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90051-0077, Contact Person: Ms Rachael Romero, Title: Vice President, Phone: 213-683-2300,
Fax: 213-683-2499213-683-2499, Internet: , Line of Business: Federal Reserve Bank
Felbro Inc, Address: 3666 E Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90023-3146,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Feldner, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-263-8686, Fax: 323263-8874323-263-8874, Internet: www.felbroinc.com, Line of Business: Manufactures display
Felix Chevrolet Co, A Cal LP, Address: 3330 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90007-3740, Contact Person: Mr Nicholas Shammas, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-748-6141, Fax:
213-746-9091213-746-9091, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles General Auto
Repair Auto Body Repair/Paint Ret Auto/Home Supplies Passenger Car Leasing
Fidelity Guard Services Inc, Address: 3450 Wilshire Blvd 1010, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90010-2217, Contact Person: Obaid Aman, Title: President, Phone: 213-487-1124, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Security Guard Services
Film Payroll Services Inc, Address: 500 S Sepulveda Blvd Fl 4, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90049-3540, Contact Person: Mr Greg Pickert, Title: President, Phone: 310-471-9300, Fax:
, Internet: www.media-services.com, Line of Business: Accounting/Auditing/Bookkeeping
First Fire Systems Inc, Address: 5947 Burchard Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90034-1701, Contact Person: Juda Roshanzamir, Title: President, Phone: 323-965-9300, Fax: ,
Internet: www.firstfiresystems.com, Line of Business: Electrical Contractor
Fisherman's Pride Processors, Address: 4510 S Alameda St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-2011, Contact Person: Mr Howard Choi, Title: President, Phone: 323-232-8300, Fax: 323232-8833323-232-8833, Internet: www.neptunefoods.com, Line of Business: Fresh or frozen fish &
seafood processing
Fitzgerald Cantor L P, Address: 1840 Century Park E Fl 9, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-2101, Contact Person: Mr Carlos Moran, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 310-282-6300,
Fax: 310-282-6582310-282-6582, Internet: , Line of Business: Investment Security Brokers
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Flagship Facility Services Inc, Address: 7001 World Way W Fl 3, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90045-5822, Contact Person: Josue Silva, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-417-8234,
Fax: 310-417-4081310-417-4081, Internet: , Line of Business: Building Maintenance Services
Flexus Enterprises Corp, Address: 3007 S Central Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90011-2028, Contact Person: Mr John Johnson, Title: President, Phone: 213-747-1333, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures rubber footwear materials
Flowserve Corp, Address: 2300 E Vernon Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-1609,
Contact Person: Mr Bernard Rethore, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-587-6171, Fax: ,
Internet: www.flowserve.com, Line of Business: Manufactures pumps & pumping equipment
Flying Food Group LLC, Address: 5807 W 98th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900455605, Contact Person: Mr Roy Ostrovitz, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-670-3944, Fax: 310670-3557310-670-3557, Internet: www.flyingfood.com, Line of Business: Airline Catering
Focus Psycho Educational, Address: 1427 N La Brea Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90028-7505, Contact Person: Ms Susan Brown, Title: Director, Phone: 323-851-4577, Fax: 323878-0443323-878-0443, Internet: , Line of Business: Noncommercial Research Organization
Foley & Lardner LLP, Address: 2029 Century Park E # 35, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-2901, Contact Person: Ms Deborah Wasson, Title: Regional Manager, Phone: 310-277-2223,
Fax: , Internet: www.foley.com, Line of Business: Legal Service
Ford Motor Co, Address: 4940 Sheila St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040-1112,
Contact Person: Thilit Coleman, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-267-6122, Fax: , Internet:
www.ford.com, Line of Business: Manufactures motor vehicle parts & accessories; wholesales motor
Ford Motor Co, Address: 4940 Sheila St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040-1112,
Contact Person: Mr Tom Carlson, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-267-6104, Fax: , Internet:
www.ford.com, Line of Business: General Warehouse/Storage Whol Auto Parts/Supplies
Forest Lawn Memorial Park Assn, Address: 6300 Forest Lawn Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90068-1018, Contact Person: Ms Wilma Joanis, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 800-2043131, Fax: , Internet: www.forestlawn.com, Line of Business: Cemetery Subdivider/Developer
Funeral Service/Crematory
Forever 21 Inc, Address: 2001 S Alameda St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-1015,
Contact Person: Do Chang, Title: President, Phone: 213-741-5100, Fax: , Internet:
www.forever21.com, Line of Business: Retail Women's Clothing Accessories And Shoes
Fortuna Enterprises L P, Address: 5711 W Century Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-5672, Contact Person: Ms Christine Hsu, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-410-4000, Fax: 310410-6250310-410-6250, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Eating Place Drinking
Fortune Fashions Industries, Address: PO Box 910945, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90091-0945, Contact Person: Mr Andy Feshbach, Title: Member, Phone: 323-277-7740, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Screen printing of cotton broadwoven fabric; manufactures embroidery
& art needlework
Fountainview Convalescent Hosp, Address: 5154 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90027-5708, Contact Person: Ms Monica Urena, Title: Administrator, Phone: 323-663-3951,
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Fax: 323-663-0346323-663-0346, Internet: www.skilledhealthcaregroup.com, Line of Business:
Convalescent Hospital
Fountainview Convalescent Hosp, Address: 5310 Fountain Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90029-1005, Contact Person: Ms Monette Roque, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 323-4619961, Fax: 323-461-6854323-461-6854, Internet: www.skilledhealthcaregroup.com, Line of
Business: Nursing/Personal Care Skilled Nursing Care Facility Specialty Hospital
Fox Animation Studios Inc, Address: 5700 Wilshire Blvd 325, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90036-3634, Contact Person: Mr John McKenna, Title: President, Phone: 323-857-8800,
Fax: , Internet: www.foxmovies.com, Line of Business: Animated Film Production
Fox Entertainment Group Inc, Address: 2120 Avenue Of The Stars, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-5601, Contact Person: Rupert Murdoch, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310369-1000, Fax: , Internet: www.newscorp.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
Fox Hills Auto Inc, Address: 5880 W Centinela Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900451504, Contact Person: Mr Norris Bishton, Title: President, Phone: 310-649-3673, Fax: 310-6490519310-649-0519, Internet: www.airportmarinaford.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used
Automobiles General Auto Repair Ret Auto/Home Supplies Ret Used Automobiles
Fox Television Stations Inc, Address: 1999 S Bundy Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-5203, Contact Person: Mr Roger Ailes, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-584-2000,
Fax: 310-584-2023310-584-2023, Internet: www.fox.com, Line of Business: Television Station
Frandeli Group LLC, Address: 811 Wilshire Blvd # 1000, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-2636, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 213-622-7007, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Patent Owner/Lessor
Frederick's of Hollywood, Address: 6255 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90028-7403, Contact Person: Ms Terri Patterson, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-4665151, Fax: , Internet: www.fredericks.com, Line of Business: Ret Women's Clothing Ret Women's
French Quarter Ltd, Address: 7985 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90046-5074, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Simms, Title: Partner, Phone: 323-654-0898, Fax: 323656-7898323-656-7898, Internet: , Line of Business: Non-Residential Building Operator/ Eating
Frick Paper Co, Address: 5361 Alexander St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040-3062,
Contact Person: Mr John Frick, Title: Partner, Phone: 323-726-8200, Fax: 323-726-1126323-7261126, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Industrial Packaging Paper
Frisco Baking Co Inc, Address: 621 W Avenue 26, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900651017, Contact Person: Mr James Pricco, Title: President, Phone: 323-225-6111, Fax: 323-2253554323-225-3554, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures fresh or frozen bread
Front Porch Communities & Svcs, Address: 1055 N Kingsley Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90029-1242, Contact Person: Ms Cindy Gonzales, Title: Principal, Phone: 323-661-1128,
Fax: 323-660-4091323-660-4091, Internet: , Line of Business: Retirement Home With Health Care
Fryer, Samuel A Yavneh Academy, Address: 5353 W 3rd St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90020-4801, Contact Person: Rabbi Mark Dear, Title: Headmaster, Phone: 323-931-5808, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School Religious Organization
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Fuji Bank Ltd, Address: 350 S Grand Ave Ste 1500, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900713471, Contact Person: Kenji Wantabe, Title: General Manager, Phone: 213-243-4500, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Bank
G F I Energy Ventures LLC, Address: 11611 San Vicente Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90049-5106, Contact Person: Ole Melberg, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 310-442-0542,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Investor
Gai Klass, Address: 6801 Hollywood Blvd Ste 5, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900286136, Contact Person: Gai Klass, Title: Owner, Phone: 310-559-6774, Fax: , Internet:
www.gaiklass.com, Line of Business: Caterer
Galleria Market, LP, Address: 3250 W Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900062367, Contact Person: Ik OH, Title: Partner, Phone: 323-733-3800, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Ret Groceries
Gamefly Inc, Address: 5870 W Jefferson Blvd J, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900163109, Contact Person: Mr David Hodess, Title: President, Phone: 310-664-6400, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Computer Related Services
Garment Industry Laundry, Address: 710 W 58th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90037-4034, Contact Person: Mr Lyle Foreman, Title: President, Phone: 323-752-8335, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Industrial Launderer Power Laundry
Gate Gourmet U S Inc, Address: 6701 W Imperial Hwy, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-6310, Contact Person: Mr Chris Kinscella, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-670-1749,
Fax: , Internet: www.ml.com, Line of Business: Airline Caterer
Gateway's Hospital & Mental, Address: 1891 Effie St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90026-1711, Contact Person: Ms Mara Pelsman, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-6442000, Fax: 323-644-2793323-644-2793, Internet: www.gatewayshospital.org, Line of Business:
Specialty Outpatient Clinic Psychiatric Hospital
Gehr Industries Inc, Address: 7400 E Slauson Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900403308, Contact Person: Mr Norbert Gehr, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-728-5558, Fax:
323-725-0451323-725-0451, Internet: , Line of Business: Nonferrous wiredrawing & insulating;
wholesales electrical apparatus & equipment; wholesales hardware; nonresidential building operator;
wholesales industrial supplies; apartment building operator
Gehry Partners, LLP, Address: 12541 Beatrice St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900667001, Contact Person: Ms Inga Estes, Title: Senior Partner, Phone: 310-482-3000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.gehrytechnologies.com, Line of Business: Architectural Services
Gelfand, Rennert & Feldman, Address: 1880 Century Park E # 1600, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90067-1661, Contact Person: Mr Marshall Gelfand, Title: President, Phone: 310-5531707, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Accounting/Auditing/Bookkeeping
Gelson's Markets, Address: 2725 Hyperion Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900273001, Contact Person: Mr Aldo Malesci, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-660-0387, Fax: 323-6616855323-661-6855, Internet: www.gelsonsvillage.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries Ret Florist
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Gelson's Markets, Address: 10250 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-6501, Contact Person: Ms Vicki Caitlin, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-277-4288, Fax: 310277-6447310-277-6447, Internet: www.gelsonsvillage.com, Line of Business: Supermarket
Gene's Plating Works Inc, Address: 3498 E 14th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900233819, Contact Person: Mr Harry Levy, Title: President, Phone: 323-269-8748, Fax: 323-2695390323-269-5390, Internet: www.genesplating.com, Line of Business: Plating service
Genzyme Corp, Address: 5300 McConnell Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90066-7026,
Contact Person: Mr Richard Adleson, Title: President, Phone: 310-482-5000, Fax: , Internet:
www.genzyme.com, Line of Business: Testing Laboratory Commercial Physical Research
George Industries, Address: 4116 Whiteside St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900631619, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Briggs, Title: President, Phone: 323-264-6660, Fax: 323-2639342323-263-9342, Internet: www.valmont.com, Line of Business: Anodizing service; metal
product aluminum coating service
Getty Images Inc, Address: 6300 Wilshire Blvd Fl 16, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90048-5204, Contact Person: Ms Anne Marion, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-998-2500, Fax: ,
Internet: www.getty-images.com, Line of Business: Photography Broker
Giant Merchandising, Address: PO Box 911150, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900911150, Contact Person: Mr Jeffrey Kaplan, Title: President, Phone: 323-887-3300, Fax: 323-8873345323-887-3345, Internet: www.cinram.com, Line of Business: Letterpress printing
Gibson Overseas Inc, Address: 2410 Yates Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900401918, Contact Person: Mr Darioush Gabbay, Title: President, Phone: 323-832-8900, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Homefurnishings
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, Address: 333 S Grand Ave # 4400, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-1548, Contact Person: Mr Wayne Smith, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213229-7000, Fax: , Internet: www.gibsondunn.com, Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Gilbert, Kelly, Crowley, Address: 1055 W 7th St Ste 2000, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-2546, Contact Person: Mr Frank Cannizzaro, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 213-615-7074,
Fax: 213-580-7100213-580-7100, Internet: www.gilbertkelly.com, Line of Business: Legal
Services Office
Girardi & Keefe, Address: 1126 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90017-1904,
Contact Person: Mr Bob Keefe, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-489-5330, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Commercial Property Operation
Giroux Glass Inc, Address: 850 W Washington Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900153359, Contact Person: Anne-Merelie Murrell, Title: President, Phone: 213-747-7406, Fax: 213747-8778213-747-8778, Internet: www.girouxglass.com, Line of Business: Glass/Glazing
Contractor Whol Lumber/Plywood/Millwork
Glaser, Weil, Fink, Jacobs, Address: 10250 Constellation Blvd 19, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-6219, Contact Person: Terry Christensen, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 310-5533000, Fax: 310-556-2920310-556-2920, Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Glasswerks LA Inc, Address: 8764 Crocker St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90003-3548,
Contact Person: Mr Randy Steinberg, Title: President, Phone: 323-789-7800, Fax: 323-789-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
7820323-789-7820, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures mirrored glass made from
purchased glass; manufactures flat glass
Global Horizons Inc, Address: 11111 Santa Monica Blvd # 1440, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90025-3348, Contact Person: Mr Mordechai Orian, Title: President, Phone: 310-234-8475,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Employment Agency
Global Management Co LLC, Address: 3150 E Pico Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-3632, Contact Person: Ms Sandra Berg, Title: Member, Phone: 323-261-8114, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Management Consulting Services
Globe Iron Foundry Inc, Address: 5649 Randolph St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-3404, Contact Person: Mr John Pratto, Title: President, Phone: 323-723-8983, Fax: ,
Internet: www.globeiron.com, Line of Business: Manufactures gray iron castings; nonferrous
foundry; manufactures industrial patterns
Goldberg & Solovy Foods Inc, Address: PO Box 58007, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-0007, Contact Person: Mr Earl Goldberg, Title: President, Phone: 323-581-6161, Fax: 323583-8629323-583-8629, Internet: www.gsfoods.com, Line of Business: Whol General Groceries
Whol Groceries Whol Commercial Equip Whol Chemicals/Products
Golden State Mutual Life Insce, Address: 1999 W Adams Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90018-3500, Contact Person: Larkin Teasley, Title: President, Phone: 323-731-1131, Fax: ,
Internet: www.gsmlife.com, Line of Business: Life Insurance Carrier
Golden West Trading Inc, Address: PO Box 58168, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900580168, Contact Person: Mr Levi Litmanovich, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-581-3663,
Fax: , Internet: www.gwtinc.com, Line of Business: Whol Packaged Frozen Goods Whol
Goldman, Sachs & Co, Address: 2121 Avenue Of The Stars, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-5010, Contact Person: Gene Sykes, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-407-5700, Fax: ,
Internet: www.gs.com, Line of Business: Investment Banker
Golf Apparel Brands Inc, Address: 13301 S Main St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900611611, Contact Person: Mr Edward Kahn, Title: President, Phone: 310-327-5188, Fax: 310-2171451310-217-1451, Internet: www.golf-apparel-brands.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
women's & misses' outerwear
Gonzalez Inc, Address: 1901 Blake Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90039-3807,
Contact Person: Mr Antonio Gonzalez, Title: President, Phone: 323-661-2495, Fax: 323-6619895323-661-9895, Internet: , Line of Business: Local Bus Charter Service
Goodwill Industries of Sthn, Address: 342 N San Fernando Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90031-1730, Contact Person: Mr Douglas Barr, Title: President, Phone: 323-223-1211, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Variety Store Job Training/Related Svc
Gorilla Nation Media LLC, Address: 5140 W Goldleaf Cir, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90056-1268, Contact Person: Ms Sharon Reese, Title: President, Phone: 310-449-1890, Fax: ,
Internet: www.gorillanation.com, Line of Business: Telephone Communications
Grace Building Maintenance Co, Address: 3580 Wilshire Blvd # 1420, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90010-2520, Contact Person: Mr David Jeong, Title: President, Phone: 213-386-2003,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Building Maintenance Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Granada North America Beverly, Address: 465 S La Cienega Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90048-4001, Contact Person: Mr Robert Riley, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310247-0400, Fax: 310-246-2094310-246-2094, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Grand Lux Cafe LLC, Address: 121 N La Cienega Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90048-3309, Contact Person: Mr John Kulacki, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-855-1122, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Grand Packaging Inc, Address: 3840 E 26th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900234507, Contact Person: Mr Pete Grande, Title: President, Phone: 323-260-4800, Fax: 323-2607047323-260-7047, Internet: www.commandbags.com, Line of Business: Manufactures coated or
laminated plastic film for packaging; manufactures plastic bags; packaging & labeling services
Grand Park Convalescent Hosp, Address: 2312 W 8th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90057-3906, Contact Person: Mr Barry Kohn, Title: President, Phone: 213-382-7315, Fax: 213382-0595213-382-0595, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Care Nursing Home
Graphic Press Inc, Address: 6100 S Malt Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040-3508,
Contact Person: Mr John Zamora, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-726-6100, Fax: ,
Internet: www.nogalesinvestors.com, Line of Business: Commercial lithographic printing
Great American Custom Insce, Address: 725 S Figueroa St Ste 3400, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90017-5434, Contact Person: Mr Neil Bethel, Title: President, Phone: 213-430-4300,
Fax: , Internet: www.greatamericaninsurance.com, Line of Business: Fire/Casualty Insurance
Great American Insurance Co, Address: 5750 Wilshire Blvd 360, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90036-3697, Contact Person: Mr Bob Nagaishi, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-9378600, Fax: 323-937-9707323-937-9707, Internet: www.greatamericaninsurance.com, Line of
Business: Insurance Agent/Broker
Great Spring Waters of America, Address: 1544 E Washington Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90021-3130, Contact Person: Mr Manuel Chaidez, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-7631380, Fax: , Internet: www.nestle.com, Line of Business: Whol Groceries
Greater Los Angeles Zoo Assn, Address: 5333 Zoo Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90027-1451, Contact Person: Connie Morgan, Title: President, Phone: 323-644-6400, Fax: 323662-6879323-662-6879, Internet: , Line of Business: Social Services Amusement/Recreation
Green Farms Inc, Address: 1661 McGarry St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90021-3116,
Contact Person: Ghulam Abbas, Title: President, Phone: 213-747-4411, Fax: , Internet:
www.worldwideproduce.com, Line of Business: Whol Fruits/Vegetables
Greenberg, Glusker, Fields, Address: 1900 Avenue Of The Stars, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-4301, Contact Person: Ms Jill Cossman, Title: President, Phone: 310-553-3610, Fax:
310-729-8012310-729-8012, Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Greyhound Lines Inc, Address: 1716 E 7th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90021-1202,
Contact Person: Mr Mark Jacobson, Title: Principal, Phone: 213-629-8400, Fax: 213-489-7849213489-7849, Internet: www.greyhound.com, Line of Business: Bus Terminal/Service Facility
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Grifols Biologicals Inc, Address: 5555 Valley Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900323520, Contact Person: Mr Greg Rich, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-225-2221, Fax:
323-227-9053323-227-9053, Internet: www.alphather.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
plasmas; manufactures pharmaceutical preparations
Gruma Corp, Address: 5505 E Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90022-5129,
Contact Person: Mr Bob Solano, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-725-0403, Fax: , Internet:
www.missionfoods.com, Line of Business: Manufactures tortilla chips
Guard Force Security Inc, Address: 3450 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90010-2208, Contact Person: Obaid Aman, Title: President, Phone: 213-487-8392, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Guard Srvcs
Guardian Eagle Security Inc, Address: 4311 Wilshire Blvd # 419, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90010-3713, Contact Person: Mr Hassan Galal, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 888990-0002, Fax: , Internet: www.ges.net, Line of Business: Security Guard Services
Guardsmark LLC, Address: 3701 Wilshire Blvd # 418, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90010-2811, Contact Person: Mr Bob Carpenter, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-480-1090, Fax: 213480-4881213-480-4881, Internet: www.guardsmark.com, Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car
Services Security Systems Services
Guess Inc, Address: 1444 S Alameda St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90021-2433,
Contact Person: Mr Paul Marciano, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-765-3100, Fax: ,
Internet: www.guess.com, Line of Business: Manufactures men's & boys' jeans; manufactures
women's & misses' outerwear; retails men's & boys' sportswear; retails women's sportswear; retails
children's & infants' clothing
Guitar Center Inc, Address: 7425 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900463403, Contact Person: Mr Charles Cummack, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-874-1060, Fax:
323-969-9783323-969-9783, Internet: www.guitarcenter.com, Line of Business: Ret Muscial
GWI Corporate Services, Address: 9080 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90069-5521, Contact Person: Mr John Mezin, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-216-0600,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures signs & advertising specialties; advertising
H & H Catering, LP, Address: 333 S Hope St Fl 18, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900711406, Contact Person: Mr Wolfgang Puck, Title: Partner, Phone: 323-491-1250, Fax: , Internet:
www.wolfgangpuckcatering.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
H & N Foods International Inc, Address: PO Box 58626, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-0626, Contact Person: Hua Ngo, Title: President, Phone: 323-586-9388, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Whol Fish/Seafood Eating Place
H D Window Fashions Inc, Address: PO Box 512678, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900510678, Contact Person: Dominique Yeung, Title: General Manager, Phone: 213-749-6333, Fax: ,
Internet: www.hunterdouglas.com, Line of Business: Manufactures mini blinds
H R Industries Inc, Address: 5055 Wlshire Blvd Ste 600, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90036-6103, Contact Person: Mr Robert Dowling, Title: President, Phone: 323-525-2000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.hollywoodhollywood.com, Line of Business: Publishes & prints magazines
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Hacor Inc, Address: 8506 Osage Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90045-4421, Contact
Person: N Cho, Title: President, Phone: 310-645-9011, Fax: 310-645-9110310-645-9110,
Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Haight, Brown & Bonesteel, Address: 6080 Center Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-9209, Contact Person: Mr Dennis Wheeler, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 310-215-7100,
Fax: , Internet: www.hbblaw.com, Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Hallmark Aviation Services LP, Address: 5757 W Century Blvd # 860, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90045-6404, Contact Person: Mr Philipp Huber, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-215-0701,
Fax: 310-215-9073310-215-9073, Internet: www.hallmark-aviation.com, Line of Business: Help
Supply Services/Facilities Support Services/Scheduled Air Transportation
Hanjin International Corp, Address: 930 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-3400, Contact Person: Yang Cho, Title: President, Phone: 213-688-7777, Fax: 213-6923915213-692-3915, Internet: www.seouljung.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Hankook Super Corp, Address: 124 N Western Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900044106, Contact Person: Ik OH, Title: President, Phone: 323-469-8934, Fax: 323-469-0674323469-0674, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Hanmi Bank, Address: 3660 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90010-2756,
Contact Person: Mr Chung Youk, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-382-2200, Fax: 213384-8608213-384-8608, Internet: , Line of Business: State Commercial Bank
Hannam Chain USA Inc, Address: 2740 W Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90006-2633, Contact Person: Kee Ha, Title: President, Phone: 213-382-2922, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Whol Commercial Equipment Ret Groceries
Hannibal Material Handling Inc, Address: 2230 E 38th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-1629, Contact Person: Mr Blanton Bartlett, Title: President, Phone: 323-587-4060, Fax:
323-857-4061323-857-4061, Internet: www.hannibalindustries.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures partitions & fixtures
Hard Rock Cafe International, Address: 8600 Beverly Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90048-3302, Contact Person: Mr Dave Jarzyniecky, Title: Assistant Vice President, Phone: 310276-7605, Fax: 310-652-7341310-652-7341, Internet: www.hardrock-casino.com, Line of
Business: Specialty Restaurant/Bar
Harley Ellis Devereaux Corp, Address: 601 Suth Fgroa St Ste 500, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90017, Contact Person: Marian Yumori, Title: Controller, Phone: 213-542-4500, Fax: ,
Internet: www.harleyellis.com, Line of Business: Architectural Services
Harris Dmjm Inc, Address: 515 S Flower St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90071-2201,
Contact Person: Mr Tom Joldersma, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 213-595-8100, Fax: ,
Internet: www.dmjmharris.com, Line of Business: Engineering Services
Hasina LLC, Address: 535 S Grand Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90071-2601,
Contact Person: Mr Dean Wolfe, Title: General Manager, Phone: 213-624-0000, Fax: 213-6240021213-624-0021, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel
Health Research Association, Address: 1640 Marengo St 7th Fl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90033-1057, Contact Person: Ms Elizabeth Pratt, Title: President, Phone: 323-223-4091,
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Fax: , Internet: www.health-research.org, Line of Business: Noncommercial Research Organization
Medical Doctor's Office Commercial Physical Research
Healthcare Partners LLC, Address: 1025 W Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90015-1329, Contact Person: Mr Robert Margous, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-623-3065,
Fax: 213-861-5859213-861-5859, Internet: , Line of Business: Specialty Outpatient Clinic Medical
Doctor's Office
Hehr International Inc, Address: 3333 Casitas Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900392207, Contact Person: Mr David Utick, Title: President, Phone: 323-663-1261, Fax: 323-6662372323-666-2372, Internet: www.hehrintl.com, Line of Business: Manufactures window & door
Heller Ehrman LLP, Address: 333 S Hope Bnk Amerca, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90071, Contact Person: Ms Peggy Kopet, Title: Personnel Manager, Phone: 213-689-0200, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Law Firm
Herbalife International of, Address: 1800 Century Park E, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-1501, Contact Person: Mr Michael Johnson, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-4109600, Fax: , Internet: www.herbalifefamily.com, Line of Business: Whol Drugs/Sundries
Herbalife Ltd Inc, Address: PO Box 80210, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90080-0210,
Contact Person: Mr Michael Johnson, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-410-9600, Fax: ,
Internet: www.herbalife.com, Line of Business: Whol Chemicals/Products
Hertz Corp, Address: 9029 Airport Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90009-4801,
Contact Person: Mr Myles Kropf, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-568-4861, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Rent-A-Car Service
Hickory Springs of Calif Inc, Address: PO Box 910922, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90091-0922, Contact Person: Mr Jim Packer, Title: Personnel Manager, Phone: 323-266-0422,
Fax: 323-262-2788323-262-2788, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures foamed plastic
insulation & cushioning products
High Rise Goodies Restaurant, Address: 1875 Century Park E, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-2501, Contact Person: Bijan Yadegar, Title: President, Phone: 310-772-2829, Fax:
310-772-2782310-772-2782, Internet: , Line of Business: Patent Owner/Lessor
Highland Plating Co, Address: PO Box 38941, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90038-0941,
Contact Person: Mr Max Faeth, Title: President, Phone: 323-850-1020, Fax: 323-850-0470323850-0470, Internet: , Line of Business: Electroplating service
Hill, Farrer & Burrill, Address: 300 S Grand Ave Ste 3700, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90071-3147, Contact Person: Mr Scott Gilmore, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-6200460, Fax: 213-624-4840213-624-4840, Internet: www.hillfarrer.com, Line of Business: Law Firm
Hillcrest Country Club, Address: 10000 W Pico Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900643417, Contact Person: Mr John Jameson, Title: President, Phone: 310-553-8911, Fax: , Internet:
www.hcc-la.com, Line of Business: Membership Sport/Recreation Club
Hillstone Restaurant Group Inc, Address: 10250 Santa Monica D, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-6536, Contact Person: Mr Rob McClein, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-5571285, Fax: 310-557-1734310-557-1734, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Historical Society of, Address: 7634 Midfield Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900453234, Contact Person: Mr Leonard Utter, Title: President, Phone: 310-649-6272, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Museum/Art Gallery
HMS Host Corp, Address: 201 World Way, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90045-5807,
Contact Person: Mr Bruce Fish, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-646-4476, Fax: , Internet:
www.hmshost.com, Line of Business: Whol Food &Beverages
Hob Entertainment Inc, Address: 6255 W Sunset Blvd Fl 18, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90028-7419, Contact Person: Mr Greg Trojan, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-769-4600,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Restaurant Music Hall Ret Apparel Banquet Hall
Holland & Knight LLP, Address: 633 W 5th St Ste 2100, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90071-2017, Contact Person: Maita Prout, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-896-2400, Fax:
213-896-2450213-896-2450, Internet: , Line of Business: Law Firm
Hollander Home Fashions Corp, Address: 4553 Seville Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-2307, Contact Person: Ms Corrine Durand, Title: Human Resource Director, Phone: 323585-7555, Fax: 323-585-0832323-585-0832, Internet: www.hollanderhomefashions.com, Line of
Business: Manufactures bed pillows made from purchased materials; retails sheets, blankets, spreads
& pillows
Hollenbeck Home, Address: 573 S Boyle Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90033-3816,
Contact Person: Mr William Heideman, Title: President, Phone: 323-263-6195, Fax: 323-2646955323-264-6955, Internet: www.hollenbeckhome.com, Line of Business: Residential Care
Hollywood Athletic Club Corp, Address: 6525 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90028-7212, Contact Person: Mr Jay Boland, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-4626262, Fax: 323-962-9914323-962-9914, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating & Drinking Place &
Recreation Services
Hollywood Community Hospital, Address: 6245 De Longpre Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90028-8253, Contact Person: Mr Ron Messenger, Title: President, Phone: 323-462-2271,
Fax: , Internet: www.clarenthospital.com, Line of Business: General Hospital
Hollywood Motor Cars LLC, Address: 6000 Hollywood Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90028-5412, Contact Person: Tony Chapman, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-467-6161, Fax:
323-860-5619323-860-5619, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 1675 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900171610, Contact Person: Mr Joe Martinez, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-273-8464, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Lumberother Bdg Mats
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 4925 W Slauson Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90056-1638, Contact Person: Mr Brad Litchfield, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-298-4610, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Lumberother Bdg Mats
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 2055 N Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900651021, Contact Person: Laud Ashbar, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-342-9495, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials Equipment Rental/Leasing
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 12975 W Jefferson Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90066-7023, Contact Person: BJ Powers, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-822-3330, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials Equipment Rental/Leasing
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 1830 W Slauson Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90047-1126, Contact Person: Mr John Cruz, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-292-1397, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials Equipment Rental/Leasing
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 10861 Weyburn Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90024-2909, Contact Person: Mr Bob Moorman, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-824-8400,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Design Center
Home Instead Senior Care, Address: 5770 Melrose Ave Ste 205, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90038-3873, Contact Person: Mr John Mooser, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323466-2345, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Home Health Care Services
Honeywell International Inc, Address: 6201 W Imperial Hwy, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90045-6306, Contact Person: Mr Harvey Ticlo, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-568-3700, Fax: ,
Internet: www.honeywell.com, Line of Business: Research & development on aircraft engines &
parts by the manufacturer
Horwath & Co Inc, Address: 2590 Harriet St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-1222,
Contact Person: Mr Patrick Horwath, Title: President, Phone: 213-627-3055, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Whol Tomatoes
Hospital of The Good Samaritan, Address: 616 Witmer St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-2308, Contact Person: Mr Charles Munger, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-9772121, Fax: 213-482-2777213-482-2777, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital
Host Hotels & Resorts, LP, Address: 5400 W Century Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-5975, Contact Person: Mr Glenn Sampert, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-216-5858,
Fax: 310-417-4597310-417-4597, Internet: www.hosthotels.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel
Hot Kiss Inc, Address: 1475 Long Beach Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90021-2737,
Contact Person: Mr Moshe Tsabag, Title: President, Phone: 213-488-8400, Fax: 213-488-8450213488-8450, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Women's/Child's Clothing
Hotchkis & Wiley Capital Mgt, Address: 725 S Figueroa St Fl 39, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90017-5524, Contact Person: Cima Clarke, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 213-430-1000,
Fax: , Internet: www.hwcm.com, Line of Business: Management Services Security Broker/Dealer
Hotel Bel-Air, Address: 701 Stone Canyon Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90077-2909,
Contact Person: Mr Carlos Lopes, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-472-1211, Fax: , Internet:
www.hotelbelair.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Houlihan, Lokey, Howard, Address: 1930 Century Park W, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-6803, Contact Person: Mr Scott Beiser, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-553-8871,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Security Broker/Dealer
House Ear Institute, Address: 2100 W 3rd St Fl 5, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900571944, Contact Person: Mr James Boswell, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-353-7012,
Fax: 213-483-8789213-483-8789, Internet: , Line of Business: Noncommercial Research
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
House of Blues Cambridge Rest, Address: 6255 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90028-7403, Contact Person: Mr Isaac Tigrett, Title: President, Phone: 323-650-1602, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Restaurant & Night Club
House of Blues Concerts Inc, Address: 6255 W Sunset Blvd Fl 18, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90028-7419, Contact Person: Mr Joe Kazoworski, Title: President, Phone: 323-769-4977,
Fax: , Internet: www.hob.com, Line of Business: Theatrical Producers/Services
Entertainer/Entertainment Group
Howrey LLP, Address: 550 S Hope St Ste 1100, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900712636, Contact Person: Mr John Schuster, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 213-892-1800, Fax:
213-892-1900213-892-1900, Internet: www.howrey.com, Line of Business: Law Firm
HPM Stadco Inc, Address: 1931 N Broadway, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90031-2526,
Contact Person: Mr Neil Kadisha, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-227-8888, Fax: 323222-9507323-222-9507, Internet: , Line of Business: Machine shop; manufactures die casting
machines; manufactures plastic working machinery
Huc-Skirball Cultural Center, Address: 2701 N Sepulveda Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90049-6833, Contact Person: Mr Uri Herscher, Title: President, Phone: 310-440-4500, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Membership Organization
Huhtamaki Consumer, Address: 4209 Noakes St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900234024, Contact Person: Mr Bill Gislason, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-269-0151, Fax: 323269-3566323-269-3566, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures foamed plastics cups & plates;
manufactures folding paperboard boxes; wholesales disposable plates, cups, napkins & eating
utensils; manufactures plastic containers; manufactures sanitary food containers; paperboard mill
Hyatt Regency Century Plaza, Address: 2025 Avenue Of The Stars, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-4701, Contact Person: Mr David Horowitz, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-2281234, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Idearc Media Corp, Address: 1115 S Boyle Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900232109, Contact Person: Mr Lloyd James, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-265-6700, Fax: 323265-6875323-265-6875, Internet: www.verizon.superpages.com, Line of Business: Commercial
lithographic printing; publisher
Impaxx Inc, Address: 1635 E 22nd St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90011-1322,
Contact Person: Ms Merry Campbell, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-749-4381, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Mfg Folding Paper Boxes
Imperial Parking Industries, Address: 6420 Wilshire Blvd # 210, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90048-5532, Contact Person: Ali Yeganeh, Title: President, Phone: 323-651-5588, Fax:
323-651-5546323-651-5546, Internet: , Line of Business: Parking Management
Imperial Toy LLC, Address: PO Box 21068, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90021-0068,
Contact Person: Mr Steven Kort, Title: Chief, Phone: 818-536-6500, Fax: , Internet:
www.imperialtoy.com, Line of Business: Manufactures toys
Infant & Nutritional Products, Address: 2040 Hawkins Cir, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90001-2200, Contact Person: Mr Peter Zamani, Title: President, Phone: 323-589-2244, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Dairy Products
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Ing Bank Fsb, Address: 11175 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900253330, Contact Person: Mr Brian Zdeblick, Title: Sales Manager, Phone: 310-914-6555, Fax: ,
Internet: www.savekidsnow.org, Line of Business: Chartered Savings Bank
Inland Medical Enterprises, Address: 3551 W Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90019-3504, Contact Person: Mr Irving Bauman, Title: President, Phone: 323-737-2000, Fax: 323734-3234323-734-3234, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Innova Azteca Apparel Inc, Address: 5804 E Slauson Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-3018, Contact Person: Mr Jay Furrow, Title: President, Phone: 323-725-5516, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Apparel
Innovative Tax Relief, Address: 3599 Cahuenga Blvd W, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90068-1397, Contact Person: Ms Susana Garcia, Title: Owner, Phone: 323-785-1140, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Tax Return Preparation Services And Tax Negotiation
Institute For Applied Behavior, Address: 5777 W Century Blvd 675, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90045-5687, Contact Person: Dr Gary Lavigna, Title: President, Phone: 310-649-0499, Fax:
310-649-3109310-649-3109, Internet: www.iaba.com, Line of Business: Health Practitioner's
Office Management Services Specialty Outpatient Clinic
Interactive Media Group Inc, Address: 12540 Beatrice St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90066-7059, Contact Person: Mr Richard Dorfman, Title: President, Phone: 310-301-4190, Fax:
310-301-4197310-301-4197, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Stationery Ret Computers/Software
Intercare Health Systems Inc, Address: 1711 W Temple St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90026-5421, Contact Person: Mr Robert Bourseau, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-9896100, Fax: , Internet: www.cofamc.org, Line of Business: Psychiatric Hospital
Intercare Therapy Inc, Address: 6360 Wilshire Blvd # 300, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90048-5606, Contact Person: Ms Naomi Heller, Title: President, Phone: 323-866-1880, Fax: 323866-1881323-866-1881, Internet: www.intercaretherapy.com, Line of Business: Behaviroal
International Church of The, Address: 1910 W Sunset Blvd # 200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90026-3295, Contact Person: Mr Paul Risser, Title: President, Phone: 213-989-4234, Fax:
213-413-3824213-413-3824, Internet: , Line of Business: Religious Organization Nonresdentl Bldg
Operatr Radio Broadcast Station Sport/Recreation Camp Elementary/Secondary Sch
International Coffee & Tea LLC, Address: PO Box 34011, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90034-0011, Contact Person: Mr Joe Ponciano, Title: Regional Manager, Phone: 310-237-2326,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Coffee
International Microcell Comms, Address: 2425 S Eastern Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90040-1414, Contact Person: Mr David Safai, Title: President, Phone: 323-935-1819, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Electronic Parts/Equipment
International Paper Co, Address: 3030 S Atlantic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-5407, Contact Person: Mr Bruce Korman, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-981-8911,
Fax: 323-981-8930323-981-8930, Internet: www.ipaper.com, Line of Business: Paper mill
International Protective Svcs, Address: 1801 Beverly Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90057-2501, Contact Person: Mr Pete Nguyen, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-346-9204, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
International Service Corp, Address: 1801 Beverly Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90057-2501, Contact Person: Mr Sam Karawai, Title: President, Phone: 213-353-0400, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
Interstate Brands Corp, Address: 2330 Ripple St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900392826, Contact Person: Mr Jim Duffy, Title: Operations Manager, Phone: 323-660-4455, Fax: 323662-2835323-662-2835, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures fresh bakery cakes
Interstate Brands Corp, Address: 6007 S St Andrews Pl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90047-1310, Contact Person: Ms Diana Gonzalez, Title: Personnel Manager, Phone: 323-753-3521,
Fax: 323-778-3694323-778-3694, Internet: , Line of Business: Wholesale or wholesale & retail
combined bakery
Interstate Brands West Corp, Address: 5849 Crocker St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90003-1311, Contact Person: Mr Mark Hallopoff, Title: Chief Engineer, Phone: 323-231-4392, Fax:
323-233-1044323-233-1044, Internet: www.interstatebakeriescorp.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures fresh or frozen bread
Interstate Hotels & Resorts, Address: 333 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90071-1001, Contact Person: Mr William Worcester, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-617-1133, Fax:
213-617-6042213-617-6042, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel
Interstate Meat & Provision, Address: 6114 Scott Way, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-3518, Contact Person: Mr Jim Asher, Title: President, Phone: 323-838-9400, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Meats/Products Whol Packaged Frozen Goods
Interstate Poultry Inc, Address: 3050A E 11th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900233606, Contact Person: Mr Carlos Velasco, Title: President, Phone: 323-264-4024, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Whol Poultry/Products
Investor's Business Daily, Address: 12655 Beatrice St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90066-7300, Contact Person: Mr William O'Neil, Title: President, Phone: 310-448-6000, Fax: 310577-7350310-577-7350, Internet: , Line of Business: Publishes & prints newspapers
Irell & Manella LLP, Address: 1800 Avenue Of The Stars, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-4212, Contact Person: Morgan Chu, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 310-277-1010, Fax:
310-203-7199310-203-7199, Internet: www.irell.com, Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Irp Lax Hotel LLC, Address: 9750 Airport Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90045,
Contact Person: Mr Phil Baxter, Title: Member, Phone: 310-645-4600, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Italee Optics Inc, Address: 2641 W Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900062810, Contact Person: Jong Kim, Title: President, Phone: 213-385-8805, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Whol Ophthalmic Goods
Ivy Hill Corp, Address: 4800 S Santa Fe Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-2104,
Contact Person: Ms Maria Marquez, Title: Quality Control Manager, Phone: 323-587-3131, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Graphic arts & related design service; manufactures signs &
advertising specialties; manufactures folding paperboard boxes; general warehousing
J F C International Inc, Address: PO Box 875349, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900870449, Contact Person: Kochi Inagaki, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-587-3900, Fax: 323-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
587-3344323-587-3344, Internet: www.jfc.com, Line of Business: General Warehouse/Storage
Whol Groceries
J Pacific Inc, Address: 13930 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90061-1028,
Contact Person: Mr James Kim, Title: President, Phone: 310-352-4222, Fax: 310-352-4223310352-4223, Internet: , Line of Business: Dyeing cotton broadwoven fabric
J Paul Getty Trust, Address: 1200 Getty Center Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900491657, Contact Person: Mr David Jurado, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 310-440-6519, Fax: ,
Internet: www.laconsorcio.org, Line of Business: Grants For The Arts
J2 Global Communications Inc, Address: 6922 Hollywood Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90028-6117, Contact Person: Nehemia Zucker, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323860-9200, Fax: , Internet: www.efaxcorporate.com, Line of Business: Provides Outsourced ValueAdded Messaging And Communications Services
Jackoway Tyerman Wertheimer, Address: 1925 Century Park E # 1500, City: Los Angeles, State:
CA, Zip Code: 90067-2716, Contact Person: Mr Barry Hirsch, Title: President, Phone: 310-5530305, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Jackson Lewis LLP, Address: 725 S Figueroa St Ste 2500, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-5408, Contact Person: Mr Josh Sable, Title: Attorney, Phone: 213-689-0404, Fax: ,
Internet: www.jacksonlewis.com, Line of Business: Law Office
Jayasinghe Medical Group Inc, Address: 1930 Wilshire Blvd # 410, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90057-3614, Contact Person: Dr Walter Jayasinghe, Title: President, Phone: 213-483-9900,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Jay-Cee Blouse Co Inc, Address: 823 Maple Ave Ste 200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90014-2232, Contact Person: Mr Stephen Roseman, Title: President, Phone: 213-622-0116, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures women's & juniors' blouses made from purchased
material; manufactures dresses
Jean Mart Inc, Address: 6700 Avalon Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90003-1920,
Contact Person: Ms Helen Yi, Title: President, Phone: 323-752-7775, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Whol Women's/Child's Clothing Business Services
Jeffer, Mangels, Butler, Address: 1900 Avenue Of The Stars, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-4301, Contact Person: Mr Bruce Jeffer, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 310-203-8080, Fax:
310-203-0567310-203-0567, Internet: www.jmbm.com, Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Jefferies & Co Inc, Address: 11100 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-3384, Contact Person: Mr George Hutchinson, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-4451199, Fax: 310-914-1014310-914-1014, Internet: www.jefco.com, Line of Business: Security
Jefferson Trading Co, Address: 6310 San Vicente Blvd Ste 360, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90048-5448, Contact Person: Mr Robert Aschkenasy, Title: President, Phone: 213-9656600, Fax: , Internet: www.jeffersontrading.com, Line of Business: Wholesales Men's/Boy's
Jetro Cash & Carry Enterprises, Address: 5333 W Jefferson Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90016-3713, Contact Person: Mr Enrique Gallard, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-648-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
1500, Fax: , Internet: www.jetro.com, Line of Business: Whol Groceries Frozen Foods Fresh Meats
Beer & Tobacco Products
Jewish Federation Council of, Address: 6505 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90048-4906, Contact Person: Mr John Fishel, Title: President, Phone: 323-761-8000, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Civic/Social Association Religious Organization
Jewish Student Union, Address: 9831 W Pico Blvd Ste 101, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90035-4712, Contact Person: Mr Jason Ciment, Title: President, Phone: 310-229-9006, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: General Counseling Services
Jodi Kristopher Inc, Address: 6015 Bandini Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900402904, Contact Person: Mr Ira Rosenberg, Title: President, Phone: 323-890-8000, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Manufactures dresses
John Boyd Designs Inc, Address: 8711 Mettler Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900033534, Contact Person: Mr John Boyd, Title: President, Phone: 323-752-2800, Fax: 323-7529121323-752-9121, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures wooden bedroom furniture
Johnson La Follette, Address: 865 S Figueroa St Ste 3100, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-2578, Contact Person: Mr Daren Johnson, Title: President, Phone: 213-426-3600, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Jonathan Club, Address: 545 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90071-1704,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Johnson, Title: General Manager, Phone: 213-624-0881, Fax: 213-4881425213-488-1425, Internet: www.jc.org, Line of Business: Civic/Social Association Eating Place
Automobile Parking Physical Fitness Faclty Membership-Basis Lodging
Jones Day, Address: 555 S Flower St Fl 50, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90071-2300,
Contact Person: Mr Rick McKnight, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 213-489-3939, Fax: ,
Internet: www.jonesday.com, Line of Business: Law Firm
Joong-Ang Daily News CA, Address: 690 Wilshire Pl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900053930, Contact Person: In Park, Title: President, Phone: 213-368-2500, Fax: 213-389-6196213389-6196, Internet: , Line of Business: Publishes & prints newspapers
Jrd Holdings Inc, Address: 2300 E 57th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-3412,
Contact Person: Mr Ruben Delvalle, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-583-0800, Fax: 323-5830925323-583-0925, Internet: , Line of Business: Wholesale Groceries Frozen Foods Fresh Meats
Beer & Tobacco Products
Jrd Holdings Inc, Address: 5333 W Jefferson Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900163713, Contact Person: Mr Enrique Gallard, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-964-1220, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Wholesale Groceries Frozen Foods Fresh Meats Beer & Tobacco
JSL Foods Inc, Address: 3550 Pasadena Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90031-1946,
Contact Person: Mr Frank Kawana, Title: President, Phone: 323-223-2484, Fax: 323-223-9882323223-9882, Internet: www.jslfoods.com, Line of Business: Manufactures uncooked pasta packaged
with other ingredients; manufactures cookies; wholesales packaged frozen foods
Just For Wraps Inc, Address: 5815 Smithway St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900401605, Contact Person: Mr Roger Tonin, Title: President, Phone: 213-239-0503, Fax: , Internet: ,
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Line of Business: Manufactures women's sportswear; manufactures women's, misses' & juniors' suits
& coats; manufactures dresses
Jwmcc LP, Address: 2151 Avenue Of The Stars, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900675004, Contact Person: Mr Ulrich Samietz, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-277-1234, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Eating Place
JWT Specialized Communications, Address: 5200 W Century Blvd 310, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90045-5923, Contact Person: Mr Rob Quish, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310665-8700, Fax: , Internet: www.jwtworld.com, Line of Business: Advertising Agency Business
Consulting Services Public Relations Services
K A Associates Inc, Address: 1800 Ave Of Stars Fl 2, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-4212, Contact Person: Mr Richard Kayne, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-5562721, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Security Broker/Dealer
K F C Western Inc, Address: 340 N Western Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900042602, Contact Person: Mr John Wilke, Title: President, Phone: 323-467-7421, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Fast-Food Rest Chain
K P F F Inc, Address: 6080 Center Dr Ste 300, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90045-1591,
Contact Person: Mr Jeff Ascher, Title: President, Phone: 310-665-1536, Fax: , Internet:
www.kpff.com, Line of Business: Engineering Services
Kaiser Aluminum Fabricated, Address: PO Box 22100, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90022-0100, Contact Person: D Smith, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-722-7151, Fax: 323887-0763323-887-0763, Internet: www.kaiseral.com, Line of Business: Manufactures extruded
aluminum products
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Address: 1550 N Edgemont St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90027-5210, Contact Person: Mr Barry Wolfman, Title: Vice President, Phone: 323-783-8442, Fax:
, Internet: www.kaiserpermanente.org, Line of Business: General Medical And Surgical Hospital
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Address: 6041 Cadillac Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90034-1702, Contact Person: Mr Troy Taylor, Title: Member, Phone: 323-857-2000, Fax: 323-8572138323-857-2138, Internet: www.kaiserpermanente.org, Line of Business: General Hospital
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Address: 765 W College St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90012-1181, Contact Person: Mr James Mills, Title: Maintenance Manager, Phone: 213-580-7200,
Fax: 213-580-7308213-580-7308, Internet: www.kaiserpermanente.org, Line of Business:
Psychiatric Hosp
Karen Kane Inc, Address: 2275 E 37th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-1427,
Contact Person: Mr Lonnie Kane, Title: President, Phone: 323-588-0000, Fax: 323-584-5955323584-5955, Internet: www.karenkane.com, Line of Business: Manufactures women's sportswear;
retails women's clothing
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP, Address: 2029 Century Park E # 2600, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90067-3012, Contact Person: Ms Donna Frances, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-788-4400,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Law Office
Kaye Scholer LLP, Address: 1999 Avenue Of The Stars, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-6022, Contact Person: Mr Barry Lawrence, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 310-788-1000,
Fax: 310-788-1200310-788-1200, Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
KB Home, Address: 10990 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90024-3913,
Contact Person: Mr Stephen Bollenbach, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-231-4000, Fax:
, Internet: www.kbhome.com, Line of Business: Builds Residential Family Homes
Keane Inc, Address: 5933 W Century Blvd Fl 5, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900455458, Contact Person: Mr Walter Kaczor, Title: Vice President, Phone: 310-348-9300, Fax: 310417-3260310-417-3260, Internet: www.keane.com, Line of Business: Computer Systems Design
Custom Computer Programing
Kedren Community Health Center, Address: 4211 Avalon Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90011-5622, Contact Person: Ms Gloria Nabrit, Title: President, Phone: 323-233-0425, Fax:
323-233-5015323-233-5015, Internet: , Line of Business: Psychiatric Hospital Specialty Outpatient
Keiro Nursing Home, Address: 2221 Lincoln Park Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90031-2920, Contact Person: Ms Janie Teshima, Title: Administrator, Phone: 323-276-5700, Fax:
323-225-7267323-225-7267, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital Intermediate Care
Facility Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Keiro Services, Address: 325 S Boyle Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90033-3812,
Contact Person: Mr Shawn Miyake, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-263-1007, Fax: ,
Internet: www.keiro.org, Line of Business: Management Services
Kellwood Co, Address: 6330 Chalet Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040-3706,
Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-928-4622, Fax: , Internet: www.kellwoodco.com, Line of
Business: Wholesales men's & boys' clothing; manufactures dresses
Kenny, Shea Traylor Frontier, Address: 2155 E 7th St Ste 175, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90023-1274, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 323-261-0444, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Bridge/Tunnel Construction
Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clin, Address: 6801 Park Ter # 500, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90045-1543, Contact Person: Dr Stephen Lombardo, Title: President, Phone: 310-6657200, Fax: 310-665-7296310-665-7296, Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Kilroy Realty LP, Address: 12200 W Olympic Blvd 20, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90064-1041, Contact Person: Mr John Kilroy, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-563-5560, Fax: ,
Internet: www.kilroyrealty.com, Line of Business: Commercial Real Estate
Kindred Healthcare Operating, Address: 5525 W Slauson Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90056-1047, Contact Person: Mr Robert Moynihan, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone:
310-642-0325, Fax: 310-642-0338310-642-0338, Internet: www.kindredhealthcare.com, Line of
Business: General Hospital
Kirkland & Ellis LLP, Address: 777 S Figueroa St # 3400, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-5834, Contact Person: Mr Ben Braunstein, Title: General Manager, Phone: 213-680-8400,
Fax: , Internet: www.kirkland.com, Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Kitchen Connection Inc, Address: 13700 S Broadway, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90061-1012, Contact Person: Mr George Steinkamp, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310715-6301, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Carpentry Contractor
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Kl Cutting Service Inc, Address: 2250 Maple Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900111043, Contact Person: Mr Mark Feldman, Title: President, Phone: 323-588-2404, Fax: 323-5882008323-588-2008, Internet: , Line of Business: Garment Cutters
Kmart Corp, Address: 5704 Whittier Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90022-4223,
Contact Person: Rau Cristpell, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-724-2750, Fax: , Internet:
www.kmart.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Kmart Corp, Address: 5850 S Vermont Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90044-3712,
Contact Person: Mr Ben Mosqueto, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-753-1464, Fax: , Internet:
www.kmart.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Kmart Corp, Address: 6310 W 3rd St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90036-3155,
Contact Person: Mr Ed Bravo, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-933-7306, Fax: , Internet:
www.kmart.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Kmart Corp, Address: 11507 S Western Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90047-5004,
Contact Person: Mr Brad Johnson, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-756-9167, Fax: 323-779-0302323779-0302, Internet: www.kmart.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
K-Micro Inc, Address: 2050 S Westgate Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90025-6119,
Contact Person: Mr Michael Sabourian, Title: President, Phone: 310-442-3200, Fax: 310-4442013310-444-2013, Internet: www.corpinfo.com, Line of Business: Whol Computer/Peripheral
Computer Maint/Repair Computer Systems Design Computer Programming Svc
Knit Creations Inc, Address: 1213 E 14th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90021-2215,
Contact Person: Mr Jack Chang, Title: President, Phone: 213-688-9790, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Manufactures men's, youths' & boys' shirt & slack suits; manufactures dresses
Knit Industries Inc, Address: 2906 E 54th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-3604,
Contact Person: Mr Yves Atlan, Title: President, Phone: 323-581-8527, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Business Services
Korea Technolgy & Comms, Address: 3240 Wilshire Blvd # 501, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90010-1504, Contact Person: H Kwon, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-381-0061,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures security devices
Korean Airlines Co Ltd, Address: 6101 W Imperial Hwy, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-6305, Contact Person: Suk Kim, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-410-2000, Fax: 310337-0762310-337-0762, Internet: , Line of Business: Scheduled Air Transportation Air Courier
Korean Airlines Co Ltd, Address: 1813 Wilshire Blvd 4th Fl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90057-3607, Contact Person: Mr Ken Han, Title: Engineer, Phone: 310-417-5200, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Scheduled Air Transportation Passenger Transportation Arrangement
Korean Institute of Southern, Address: 4900 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90010-3805, Contact Person: Jin Suh, Title: Business Manager, Phone: 323-937-2083, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: School
Korn Ferry International, Address: 1900 Avenue Of The Stars, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-4301, Contact Person: Ms Ana Dutra, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-5521834, Fax: 310-553-6452310-553-6452, Internet: www.kornferry.com, Line of Business:
Management Consulting Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
KPMG LLP, Address: 355 S Grand Ave Ste 2000, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900711568, Contact Person: Mr Joshua Hinrichs, Title: Accounting Director, Phone: 213-972-4000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.us.kpmg.com, Line of Business: Accounting Service
Krav Maga Worldwide Inc, Address: 11500 W Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90064-1524, Contact Person: Mr Bruce Mallen, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-4779977, Fax: , Internet: www.kravmaga.com, Line of Business: Self-Defense School
Ktla Inc, Address: 5800 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90028-6607,
Contact Person: Mr Vinnie Malcolm, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-460-5500, Fax: 323-4605405323-460-5405, Internet: www.tribune.com, Line of Business: Television Station
L A Desserts Inc, Address: 113 N Robertson Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900483101, Contact Person: Mr Richard Irving, Title: President, Phone: 310-273-5537, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Retail Bakery Eating Place
L A Koreana Inc, Address: 3515 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90010-2306,
Contact Person: Yung Kim, Title: President, Phone: 213-381-7411, Fax: 213-386-7379213-3867379, Internet: www.koreanahotel.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Eating Place
Drinking Place
L A Partners, Address: 3084 Motor Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90064-4746,
Contact Person: Gene Axelrod, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-836-4400, Fax: 310-836-4651310-8364651, Internet: www.beverlyhillscc.com, Line of Business: Subdivider/Developer Real Estate
Agent/Manager Membership Sport/Recreation Club
L B Fragrance LLC, Address: 5233 Alcoa Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-3709,
Contact Person: Gene Montesano, Title: Member, Phone: 323-282-4100, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Manufactures sheep-lined garments
L' Koral LLC, Address: 5175 S Soto St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-3620,
Contact Person: Ms Jane Siskin, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-584-3500, Fax: 323581-0436323-581-0436, Internet: , Line of Business: Laundry/Garment Services
La Belle Fashions Inc, Address: 555 E Jefferson Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90011-2430, Contact Person: Mr Ben Kashanian, Title: President, Phone: 323-235-2001, Fax: 323235-1018323-235-1018, Internet: www.labellefashions.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
La Brea Bakery, Address: 624 S La Brea Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90036-3568,
Contact Person: Mr Lawrence Silverton, Title: Partner, Phone: 323-938-1447, Fax: 323-9385840323-938-5840, Internet: www.campanilerestaurant.com, Line of Business: Whol Groceries
Eating Place
La Dodgers Concession, Address: 1000 Elysian Park Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90012-1112, Contact Person: Mr Frank McCourt, Title: Owner, Phone: 323-224-1576, Fax: 323224-1359323-224-1359, Internet: www.losanglesdodgers.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
La Gloria Foods Corp, Address: 3455 E 1st St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90063-2945,
Contact Person: Ms Antonia Behar, Title: President, Phone: 323-262-0410, Fax: 323-2637781323-263-7781, Internet: , Line of Business: Retails bread; manufactures tortillas
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
La Opinion, LP, Address: 210 E Washington Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900153603, Contact Person: Mr Carlos Marina, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-896-2345, Fax: , Internet:
www.laopinion.com, Line of Business: Publishes & prints newspapers
La Opinion, LP, Address: PO Box 15093, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90015-0093,
Contact Person: Ms Monica Lozano, Title: Publisher, Phone: 213-622-8332, Fax: 213-8962144213-896-2144, Internet: www.laopinion.com, Line of Business: Publishes & prints newspapers
La Reina Inc, Address: 316 N Ford Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90022-1121,
Contact Person: Mr Ricardo Robles, Title: President, Phone: 323-268-2791, Fax: 323-2654295323-265-4295, Internet: www.lareinainc.com, Line of Business: Manufactures tortillas
LA Weekly, Address: 6715 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90028-7107,
Contact Person: Mr Mike Sigman, Title: President, Phone: 323-465-9909, Fax: 323-993-3689323993-3689, Internet: www.laweekly.com, Line of Business: Publishes & prints newspapers
Laaco Ltd, Address: 431 W 7th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90014-1601, Contact
Person: Ms Karen Hathaway, Title: President, Phone: 213-625-2211, Fax: 213-689-1194213-6891194, Internet: www.storagewest.com, Line of Business: Real Property Lessor Membership Sports
Club Hotel Motel Operation
Labeltex Mills Inc, Address: 6100 Wilmington Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900011826, Contact Person: Torag Pourshamtobi, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-582-0228,
Fax: , Internet: www.labeltexusa.com, Line of Business: Manufactures woven labels
Lady Godiva, Address: 5601 W Century Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90045-5611,
Contact Person: Mr Howard White, Title: Owner, Phone: 310-670-8308, Fax: , Internet:
www.ladygodiva.com, Line of Business: Drinking Place
Latham & Watkins LLP, Address: 355 S Grand Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900711560, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 213-485-1234, Fax: , Internet: www.lw.com, Line of
Business: Legal Services
Lazar Industries LLC, Address: PO Box 11397, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90011-0397,
Contact Person: Mr David Sowinski, Title: Member, Phone: 323-232-7170, Fax: 323-232-6366323232-6366, Internet: www.lazarind.com, Line of Business: Manufactures upholstered household
Legal Service Industries Inc, Address: 850 Venice Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90015-3228, Contact Person: Mr Michael Buter, Title: President, Phone: 213-747-3322, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Aid Services
Lenexa Hotel, LP, Address: 10740 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900244493, Contact Person: Mr Stephen Bohjalian, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-475-8711, Fax:
310-475-5220310-475-5220, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Eating Place
Levy R & H LP, Address: 1111 S Figueroa St Ste 1600, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90015-1346, Contact Person: Mr Guy Cirinelli, Title: Production Manager, Phone: 213-742-7885,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Operates Restaurants
Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard, Address: 221 N Figueroa St Ste 1200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90012-2639, Contact Person: Mr Bob Smith, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 213-250-1800,
Fax: 213-250-7900213-250-7900, Internet: www.lbbslaw.com, Line of Business: Legal Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Lexicon Marketing Inc, Address: 640 S San Vicente Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90048-4618, Contact Person: Mr Brian Archibald, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-7828282, Fax: 323-782-7537323-782-7537, Internet: www.lexiconmarketing.com, Line of Business:
Whol Professional Equipment Ret Misc Merchandise
Liaw Inc, Address: 750 N Hill St Ste A, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90012-2383,
Contact Person: Mr Andy Liaw, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-687-3088, Fax: 213-6878549213-687-8549, Internet: www.oceansf.com, Line of Business: Chinese Restaurant
Liborio Market Inc, Address: 864 S Vermont Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900051523, Contact Person: Mr Enrique Alejo, Title: President, Phone: 213-386-1458, Fax: 213-3864395213-386-4395, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Lieberman Research Worldwide, Address: 1900 Avenue Of The Stars, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90067-4301, Contact Person: Mr Arnold Fishman, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone:
310-553-0550, Fax: , Internet: www.lrwonline.com, Line of Business: Commercial Nonphysical
Liner Yankelevitz Sunshine, Address: 1100 Glendon Ave Fl 14, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90024-3518, Contact Person: Steware Liner, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 310-5003500, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Linquest Corp, Address: 5140 W Goldleaf Cir, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90056-1299,
Contact Person: Mr Leon Biederman, Title: President, Phone: 323-924-1600, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Aviation Or Aeronautical Engineering Srvcs
Little Citizens Schools Inc, Address: 3666 7th Ave 72, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90018-4106, Contact Person: Ms Doris Evans, Title: President, Phone: 323-732-1212, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Child Day Care Services Elementary/Secondary School
Live Nation Worldwide Inc, Address: 6500 Wilshire Blvd # 200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90048-4919, Contact Person: Terry Dreher, Title: Principal, Phone: 323-966-5066, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Television Station Advertising Representative
LivHome Inc, Address: 5900 Wlshire Blvd Ste 705, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900365013, Contact Person: Mr Mike Nicholson, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-932-1300,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Individual/Family Services
Local Initiative Health Auth, Address: 555 W Fifth St Fl 18, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90013-1054, Contact Person: Mr Howard Kahn, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-6941250, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Hospital/Medical Service Plan
Lockton Insurance Brokers Inc, Address: 725 S Figueroa St Fl 35, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90017-5524, Contact Person: Mr Timothy Noonan, Title: President, Phone: 213-689-0514,
Fax: , Internet: www.lockton.com, Line of Business: Insurance Agent/Broker
Loeb & Loeb, LLP, Address: 10100 Santa Monica Blvd 2200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-4120, Contact Person: Mr Ron Yano, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-282-2000,
Fax: 310-282-2192310-282-2192, Internet: www.loeb.com, Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Longwood Manor, Address: 4853 W Washington Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90016-1501, Contact Person: Mr Jacob Friedman, Title: President, Phone: 323-935-1157, Fax:
323-933-4106323-933-4106, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Los Angeles Child Guidance, Address: 3031 S Vermont Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90007-3033, Contact Person: Ms Elizabeth Pfromm, Title: President, Phone: 323-766-2360, Fax: ,
Internet: www.lacgc.net, Line of Business: Individual/Family Services
Los Angeles Community College, Address: 770 Wilshire Blvd Fl 9, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90017-3856, Contact Person: Mr Peter Landsberger, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone:
213-891-2000, Fax: 213-891-2304213-891-2304, Internet: www.laccd.edu, Line of Business:
Junior College
Los Angeles Community Design, Address: 701 E 3rd St Ste 400, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90013-1865, Contact Person: Ms Anne Miller, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 213-6292702, Fax: 213-627-6407213-627-6407, Internet: , Line of Business: Architectural Services
Engineering Services
Los Angeles Conservation Corps, Address: PO Box 15868, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90015-0868, Contact Person: Ms Janet Karatz, Title: President, Phone: 213-747-1872, Fax: 213362-7958213-362-7958, Internet: , Line of Business: Help Supply Services
Los Angeles Convention, Address: 1201 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90015-1308, Contact Person: Mr George Rakis, Title: President, Phone: 213-741-1151, Fax: 213765-4440213-765-4440, Internet: www.laconventioninn.com, Line of Business: Nonresidential
Building Operator
Los Angeles Country Club, Address: 10101 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90024-4703, Contact Person: Mr Kirk Reese, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-276-6104, Fax:
310-276-4429310-276-4429, Internet: , Line of Business: Membership Sport/Recreation Club
Los Angeles County, Address: 1130 E 6th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90021-1108,
Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 213-922-6301, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business:
Local/Suburban Transportation Legal Services Office
Los Angeles County, Address: 1 Gateway Plz, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90012-2952,
Contact Person: Mr Roger Snoble, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-922-2556, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Local/Suburban Transportation
Los Angeles County, Address: 8800 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90069-4536, Contact Person: Mr Grant Myers, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-922-6207,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Regulation/Administrative Transportation
Los Angeles County, Address: 3303 Wilshire Blvd Fl 700, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90010-4000, Contact Person: Ms Karen Chacana, Title: Human Resource Director, Phone: 213383-1300, Fax: 213-381-1383213-381-1383, Internet: , Line of Business: Health/Allied Services
Individual/Family Svcs Social Service Specialty Outpatient Fac
Los Angeles Ctr Educ Rsch, Address: PO Box 26963, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900260958, Contact Person: Ms Katie Moore, Title: Treasurer, Phone: 323-957-6481, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School
Los Angeles Department of, Address: PO Box 51111, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90051-5700, Contact Person: David Nahai, Title: General Manager, Phone: 213-367-1320, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Electric Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Los Angeles Dodgers Inc, Address: 1000 Elysian Park Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90012-1112, Contact Person: Jamie McCourt, Title: President, Phone: 323-224-1500, Fax: 323225-6514323-225-6514, Internet: www.fox.com, Line of Business: Sports Club/Manager/Promoter
Los Angeles Federal Credit, Address: PO Box 53032, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900530032, Contact Person: Mr Steven Mc Diffett, Title: President, Phone: 818-242-8640, Fax: 818-5521103818-552-1103, Internet: www.lafcu.org, Line of Business: Federal Credit Union
Los Angeles Firemen's Credit, Address: PO Box 60890, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90060-0890, Contact Person: Mr Mike Mastro, Title: President, Phone: 323-254-1700, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: State Credit Union
Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Com, Address: 1625 Schrader Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90028-6213, Contact Person: Ms Lori Jeans, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-9937400, Fax: 323-993-7699323-993-7699, Internet: , Line of Business: Social Services
Los Angeles International, Address: 3731 Wilshire Blvd # 800, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90010-2850, Contact Person: Mr Bruce Williams, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213385-5434, Fax: 213-385-5854213-385-5854, Internet: , Line of Business: Religious Organization
Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, Address: 3939 S Figueroa St Ste A, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90037-1226, Contact Person: Pat Lynch, Title: General Manager, Phone: 213-7477111, Fax: 213-746-9346213-746-9346, Internet: , Line of Business: Sports
Los Angeles Mission Inc, Address: 303 E 5th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900131505, Contact Person: Mr Herb Smith, Title: President, Phone: 213-629-1227, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Residential Care Services
Los Angeles Orphans Home Soc, Address: 815 N El Centro Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90038-3805, Contact Person: Mr Darrell Evora, Title: President, Phone: 323-463-2119, Fax:
323-463-7033323-463-7033, Internet: , Line of Business: Residential Care Services
Los Angeles Paper Box-Board, Address: PO Box 60830, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90060-0830, Contact Person: Mr William Kewell, Title: President, Phone: 323-685-8900, Fax: 323724-2181323-724-2181, Internet: www.lapb.com, Line of Business: Manufactures folding
boxboard; manufactures corrugated boxes; manufactures set-up paperboard boxes; manufactures
folding paperboard boxes; wholesales industrial & personal service paper
Los Angeles Philharmonic Assn, Address: 151 S Grand Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90012-3034, Contact Person: Ms Deborah Borda, Title: President, Phone: 213-972-7300, Fax:
213-617-3065213-617-3065, Internet: www.laphil.com, Line of Business: Entertainer &
Entertainment Group
Los Angeles Poultry Co Inc, Address: PO Box 58107, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900580107, Contact Person: Mr David Dahan, Title: President, Phone: 323-232-1619, Fax: 323-2349777323-234-9777, Internet: www.lapoultry.com, Line of Business: Poultry slaughtering &
Los Angeles Times Comms, Address: 1245 S Longwood Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90019-1759, Contact Person: Mr John Madigan, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-2377203, Fax: , Internet: www.latimes.com, Line of Business: Newspaper publisher
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Los Angeles Times Comms, Address: 2000 E 8th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900212474, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 213-237-5691, Fax: , Internet: www.latimes.com, Line
of Business: Newspaper publisher
Los Angeles Times Comms, Address: 202 W 1st St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900124105, Contact Person: Mr David Hiller, Title: President, Phone: 213-237-3700, Fax: , Internet:
www.latimes.com, Line of Business: Publishes & prints newspapers
Los Angeles Universal, Address: 750 N Alameda St Ste 200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90012-4398, Contact Person: Graciela Thomas, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-4161200, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Child Day Care Services
Lotus Interworks Inc, Address: 11833 Miss Ave Ste 200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-6136, Contact Person: Dr Bhaskarpilai Gopinath, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310442-3330, Fax: , Internet: www.lotusinterworks.com, Line of Business: Software Development For
Louise's Catering, Address: 4500 Los Feliz Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900272006, Contact Person: Ms Michelle Turner, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-667-0783, Fax: ,
Internet: www.louisescatering.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
Lowcom LLC, Address: 818 W 7th St Ste 700, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90017-3430,
Contact Person: Mr Lawrence Ng, Title: Member, Phone: 213-408-0080, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Advertising Agency
Lowe Enterprises Inc, Address: 11777 San Vicente Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90049-5011, Contact Person: Mr Robert Lowe, Title: President, Phone: 310-820-6661, Fax: ,
Internet: www.ccpavilion.com, Line of Business: Real Estate Agent/Manager Subdivider/Developer
Loyola High School of Los, Address: 1901 Venice Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90006-4401, Contact Person: Robert Walsh, Title: President, Phone: 213-381-5121, Fax: 213387-0321213-387-0321, Internet: www.loyolahs.net, Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary
Loyola Marymount University, Address: 1 Lmu Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900452623, Contact Person: Ms Paige Edley, Title: Member, Phone: 310-338-2866, Fax: , Internet:
www.lmu.edu, Line of Business: Radio Broadcast Station
Loyola Marymount University, Address: 1 Lmu Dr University Hl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90045, Contact Person: Dr Robert Lawton, Title: President, Phone: 310-338-2738, Fax:
310-338-5970310-338-5970, Internet: www.lmu.edu, Line of Business: College/University
Lrn Corp, Address: 1100 Glendon Ave Ste 700, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900243503, Contact Person: Mr Dov Seidman, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-209-5400, Fax:
310-209-5401310-209-5401, Internet: www.lrn.com, Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Lucas Design International Inc, Address: 2520 W 6th St Ste 300, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90057-3175, Contact Person: Mr Leon Landver, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213387-4444, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Jewelry/Precious Stones
M & S Acquisition Corp, Address: 707 Wilshire Blvd # 5200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-3614, Contact Person: Mr Mark Santarsiero, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-3851515, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Appraisers
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
M A B Services Inc, Address: 2121 W Temple St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900264915, Contact Person: Mr Richard Cassel, Title: President, Phone: 213-413-2121, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Vending Machine Operator
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 4005 Crenshaw Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90008-2534, Contact Person: Ray Beaufrene, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-2987541, Fax: , Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: General Mechandise
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 2828 Colorado Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90041-1010, Contact Person: Mr Andre Stepanian, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-258-8303,
Fax: , Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department Store
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 10730 W Pico Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90064-2215, Contact Person: Mr Michael Mailman, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-475-4911, Fax: ,
Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department Store
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 8500 Beverly Blvd 655a, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90048-6201, Contact Person: Ms Elaine Pasternack, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310854-6655, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Department Store
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 10250 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-6501, Contact Person: Ms Babara McCoy, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-5561611, Fax: , Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department Store
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 3880 N Mission Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90031-3138, Contact Person: Mr Tom Loera, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-227-3506, Fax: ,
Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Ret Misc General Merchandise
Macy's Inc, Address: 3880 N Mission Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90031-3138,
Contact Person: Mr Steve Kurtis, Title: Vice President, Phone: 323-227-2650, Fax: , Internet:
www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Distribution Center
Madison Graham Colorgraphics, Address: 150 N Myers St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90033-2109, Contact Person: Mr Christopher Madison, Title: President, Phone: 323-261-7171,
Fax: 323-260-4639323-260-4639, Internet: www.mail-well.com, Line of Business: Commercial
lithographic printing; graphic arts & related design service; plate making services
Madison Industries, Address: 1900 E 64th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90001-2104,
Contact Person: Mr John Frey, Title: President, Phone: 323-583-4061, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Commercial & institutional building construction; manufactures prefabricated metal
buildings & components; steel fabricator
Magic Castle, Address: 7001 Franklin Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90028-8603,
Contact Person: Mr Ron Wilson, Title: President, Phone: 323-851-3313, Fax: , Internet:
www.magiccastle.org, Line of Business: Eating Place Membership Sport/Recreation Club Physical
Fitness Facility
Malaysian Airline Systems, Address: 5621 W Imperial Hwy, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-6316, Contact Person: Mr Kenny Wong, Title: Purchasing Manager, Phone: 818-701-7366,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Scheduled Air Transportation
Mandalay Sports Entertainment, Address: 4751 Wilshire Blvd # 300, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90010-3896, Contact Person: Mr Ken Stickney, Title: Member, Phone: 323-549-4300,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Sports Club/Manager/Promoter
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Manning & Marder, Kass, Address: 801 S Figueroa St Fl 15, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-5504, Contact Person: Mr John Marder, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 213-624-6900,
Fax: 213-624-6999213-624-6999, Internet: www.mmker.com, Line of Business: Legal Services
Manufacturers Bank, Address: 515 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900713301, Contact Person: Yoshinori Tsutsumi, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-489-6200,
Fax: 213-489-6254213-489-6254, Internet: www.manubank.com, Line of Business: State
Commercial Bank
Mariner Health Care Inc, Address: 3032 Rowena Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90039-2005, Contact Person: Ms Kathleen Glass, Title: Administrator, Phone: 323-665-1185, Fax:
323-913-0796323-913-0796, Internet: www.marinerhealth.com, Line of Business: Skilled Nursing
Care Facility
Marlborough School, Address: 250 S Rossmore Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900043739, Contact Person: Ms Julia Yzaguirre, Title: Finance Director, Phone: 323-935-1147, Fax: 323933-0542323-933-0542, Internet: www.marlboroughschool.org, Line of Business:
Elementary/Secondary School
Marmalade LLC, Address: 6333 W 3rd St Ste E17, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900363183, Contact Person: Mr Russel Farreli, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-954-0088, Fax: ,
Internet: www.marmalade.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
Marriott International Inc, Address: 5855 W Century Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-5614, Contact Person: Mr Jim Burns, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-641-5700, Fax: ,
Internet: www.marriott.com, Line of Business: Hotels And Motels
Marsh Risk & Insurance Svcs, Address: 777 S Figueroa St # 2200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90017-5820, Contact Person: Mr Paul Gibbs, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 213-6245555, Fax: 213-346-5928213-346-5928, Internet: www.marshmac.com, Line of Business:
Insurance Agent/Broker
Marshall & Swift Boeckh LLC, Address: 350 S Grand Ave Ste 3400, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-3427, Contact Person: Mr Jim Thornton, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213683-9000, Fax: , Internet: www.marshallswift.com, Line of Business: Pamphlet publishing &
printing; publisher
Martin AC Partners Inc, Address: 444 S Flower St Ste 1200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90071-2913, Contact Person: Mr Christopher Martin, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213683-1900, Fax: 213-614-6002213-614-6002, Internet: www.acmartin.com, Line of Business:
Architectural Services
Martin Associates Group Inc, Address: 1212 S Flower St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90015-2123, Contact Person: Mr John Martin, Title: President, Phone: 213-483-6490, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Structural Engineers
Martin Cadillac Co Inc, Address: 12101 W Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90064-1017, Contact Person: Dana Martin, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-820-3611,
Fax: 310-820-9710310-820-9710, Internet: www.martinisuzu.com, Line of Business: Ret
New/Used Automobiles
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Marymount High School, Address: 10643 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90077-3623, Contact Person: Ms Mary Gozdecki, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 310-4721205, Fax: 310-476-0910310-476-0910, Internet: , Line of Business: Single Sex Secondary School
Mascorro Leather Inc, Address: 1303 S Gerhart Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90022-4256, Contact Person: Mr Antonio Mascorro, Title: President, Phone: 323-724-1439, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures personal leather goods
Matchmaster Dyeing & Finishing, Address: 3700 S Broadway, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90007-4434, Contact Person: Mr William Tenenblatt, Title: President, Phone: 323-233-4281,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Textile finishing
Matrix Building Maintenance, Address: 3010 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90010-1146, Contact Person: Mr Timothy Pak, Title: President, Phone: 213-383-1849, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Janitorial Srvcs
Maxim Healthcare Services Inc, Address: 4221 Wilshire Blvd # 130, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90010-3538, Contact Person: David Coats, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-9379410, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Help Supply Service
Mayer Brown Rowe & Maw, LLP, Address: 350 S Grand Ave Ste 2500, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90071-3486, Contact Person: Mr Pierre Vogelenzang, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-2299500, Fax: 213-625-0248213-625-0248, Internet: www.mayerbrown.com, Line of Business: Law
Maytag Corp, Address: 7355 E Slauson Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040-3626,
Contact Person: Mr Edwin Hovespian, Title: Manager, Phone: 714-961-2400, Fax: , Internet:
www.maytagcorp.com, Line of Business: Manufactures household laundry equipment
McCann's Engineering & Mfg, Address: PO Box 39100, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90039-0100, Contact Person: Mr Gerald McCann, Title: President, Phone: 818-637-7200, Fax:
818-240-9956818-240-9956, Internet: www.mccannseng.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
beverage machinery; manufactures refrigeration & heating equipment; manufactures measuring &
dispensing pumps; manufactures vending machines & parts
McCormick & Schmick Restaurant, Address: 633 W 5th St Fl 4, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-3515, Contact Person: Mr Paul Roohani, Title: General Manager, Phone: 213-6291929, Fax: 213-629-0997213-629-0997, Internet: www.mccormickandschmicks.com, Line of
Business: Eating Place
McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP, Address: 444 S Flower St Ste 800, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-2962, Contact Person: Mr Frank Rapoport, Title: Senior Partner, Phone: 213-6881000, Fax: 213-688-6330213-688-6330, Internet: www.mckennalong.com, Line of Business: Legal
Services Office
Medical Support Services, Address: 6660 W Sunset Blvd Ste J, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90028-7161, Contact Person: Raynoldo Fernandez, Title: President, Phone: 323-860-7994,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Help Supply Services Employment Agency
Mellon 1st Business Corp, Address: 601 W 5th St Lbby, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90071-2018, Contact Person: Mr David Misch, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-489-1000,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Bank Holding Company
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Mercedes-Benz USA LLC, Address: PO Box 93637, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900930637, Contact Person: Mr Bob Wills, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-468-3000, Fax: 323-4683001323-468-3001, Internet: www.mercedes-benz-usa.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used
Mercer Investment Consulting, Address: 777 S Figueroa St # 1900, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90017-5817, Contact Person: Ms Nancy McClean, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-346-2200,
Fax: , Internet: www.mercerhr.com, Line of Business: Investment Advice
Merchants Building Maintenance, Address: 1190 Monterey Pass Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90065, Contact Person: Ms Veronica Corona, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 800-560-6700,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Janitorial Service
Mercury Air Cargo Inc, Address: 6040 Avion Dr Ste 200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-5654, Contact Person: Mr Paul Martins, Title: Chief Operating Officer, Phone: 310-2586100, Fax: 310-568-0336310-568-0336, Internet: www.mercuryaircargo.com, Line of Business:
Nonscheduled Air Transportation Airport/Airport Services Scheduled Air Transportation
Mercury General Corp, Address: 4484 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900103710, Contact Person: Mr George Joseph, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-937-1060,
Fax: , Internet: www.mercuryinsurance.com, Line of Business: Fire Marine & Casualty Insurance
Merle Norman Cosmetics Inc, Address: 9130 Bellanca Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-4710, Contact Person: J Nethercutt, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-641-3000,
Fax: 310-641-7144310-641-7144, Internet: www.merlenorman.com, Line of Business: Retails
cosmetics; manufactures cosmetic preparations
Mermel Of California, Address: 2529 Chambers St Ste A, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-2107, Contact Person: Hee Chai, Title: President, Phone: 323-582-0301, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Manufactures dresses; manufactures women's & misses' outerwear; manufactures
men's & boys' trousers & slacks
Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner, Address: 2049 Century Park E Fl 11, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-3101, Contact Person: Mr Alex Shahidi, Title: Director, Phone: 310-407-3900, Fax: ,
Internet: www.ml.com, Line of Business: Security Broker/Dealer
Mervyn's LLC, Address: 8736 S Sepulveda Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900454004, Contact Person: Mr Kelvin Miller, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-568-1600, Fax: 310-5681600310-568-1600, Internet: www.mervyns.com, Line of Business: Department Store
Metro Networks Inc, Address: 6420 Wilshire Blvd Fl 4, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90048-5522, Contact Person: Mr Robert Winston, Title: Vice President, Phone: 323-782-6100, Fax:
323-782-6199323-782-6199, Internet: www.metronetworks.com, Line of Business: Business
Consulting Services News Syndicate
Metropolitan Water District of, Address: PO Box 54153, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90054-0153, Contact Person: Mr Ronald Gastelum, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-2176667, Fax: , Internet: www.mwdh2o.com, Line of Business: Water Service
MGM Apparel Inc, Address: 1560 N San Fernando Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90065-1225, Contact Person: Ms Maria Macias, Title: President, Phone: 323-225-2165, Fax: 323225-7365323-225-7365, Internet: , Line of Business: Sewing Contractor
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
MGM Transformer Co, Address: 5701 Smithway St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900401507, Contact Person: Mr Al Googerchian, Title: President, Phone: 323-726-0888, Fax: 323-7266229323-726-6229, Internet: www.mgmtransformer.com, Line of Business: Manufactures electric
power transformers; wholesales electrical apparatus & equipment
MGT Industries Inc, Address: 13889 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900611025, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Mirvis, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-516-5900, Fax:
310-538-1343310-538-1343, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures women's & children's
sleeping garments
Mighty Fine, Address: 2010 E 15th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90021-2823,
Contact Person: Stacy Kitchin, Title: President, Phone: 213-627-2498, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Whol Women's/Child's Clothing
Milano Design Concept Inc, Address: 1700 E 58th Pl Ste 1, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90001-1439, Contact Person: In Kim, Title: President, Phone: 323-277-3550, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Screen printing of cotton broadwoven fabric; commercial & industrial design
Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy, Address: 601 S Figueroa St Ste 3000, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90017-5735, Contact Person: Ms Annabelle Abundo, Title: Accounting Manager, Phone:
213-892-4000, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Mission Beverage Co, Address: PO Box 33256, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90033-0256,
Contact Person: Mr John Anderson, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-266-6238, Fax: 323266-6559323-266-6559, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Beer/Ale Whol Groceries
Mitchell Silberberg & Knupp, Address: 11377 W Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90064-1625, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Lambert, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 310312-3223, Fax: 310-312-3200310-312-3200, Internet: www.msk.com, Line of Business: Legal
Services Office
Mitratech Holdings Inc, Address: 5900 Wilshire Blvd # 1500, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90036-5013, Contact Person: Ladan Behnia, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-9001700, Fax: , Internet: www.mitratech.com, Line of Business: Custom Computer Programing Ret
M-N-Z Janitorial Services Inc, Address: 3575 Cahuenga Blvd W # 310, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90068-1342, Contact Person: Zorina Kroop, Title: President, Phone: 323-851-4115,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Building Maintenance & Construction Cleanup
MO Industries Inc, Address: 3751 S Hill St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90007-4339,
Contact Person: Mr Moise Emquies, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-747-7002, Fax: ,
Internet: www.moindustries.com, Line of Business: Manufactures women's & misses' outerwear
Modern Videofilm Inc, Address: 5432 W 102nd St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900456005, Contact Person: Mr Steve Malin, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-665-8300, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Video tape or disk reproduction service; manufactures prerecorded records & tapes
Mojave Foods Corp, Address: 6200 E Slauson Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900403012, Contact Person: Mr Joe Nibali, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-890-8900, Fax: 323-8900910323-890-0910, Internet: www.mccormick.com, Line of Business: Manufactures renovated &
processed butter
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Monique Lhuillier Inc, Address: 1201 S Grand Ave Fl 3, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90015-2156, Contact Person: Mr Tom Bugbee, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-7478811, Fax: , Internet: www.moniquelhuillier.com, Line of Business: Manufactures bridal & formal
Monogram Aerospace Fasteners, Address: PO Box 6847, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90022-0547, Contact Person: Mr Ralph Sewell, Title: Vice President, Phone: 323-722-4760, Fax:
323-721-1851323-721-1851, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures metal fasteners;
manufactures metal bolts
Morgan Services Inc, Address: 905 Yale St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90012-1724,
Contact Person: Mr Mark Smith, Title: Controller, Phone: 213-485-9666, Fax: 213-621-3199213621-3199, Internet: , Line of Business: Linen Supply Services Industrial Launderer
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP, Address: 300 S Grand Ave Ste 2200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-3132, Contact Person: Mr John Hartigan, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 213-6122500, Fax: , Internet: www.morganlewis.com, Line of Business: Attorney
Morris Polich & Purdy LLP, Address: 1055 W 7th St Ste 2400, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90017-2550, Contact Person: Mr Gerald Schneeweis, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-891-9100,
Fax: 213-488-1178213-488-1178, Internet: www.mpplaw.com, Line of Business: Legal Services
Morrison & Foerster LLP, Address: 555 W 5th St Ste 3500, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90013-1080, Contact Person: Mr Max Olsen, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 213-892-5200, Fax:
213-892-5303213-892-5303, Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Mortgage Store Financial Inc, Address: 707 Wilshire Blvd # 4000, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90017-3623, Contact Person: Mr Raymond Eshaghian, Title: President, Phone: 213-2342400, Fax: , Internet: www.tmsfholdings.com, Line of Business: Mortgage Banker/Correspondent
Moss Adams LLP, Address: 11766 Wilshire Blvd 900, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900256548, Contact Person: Mr Rod Green, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-477-1178, Fax: , Internet:
www.mossadams.com, Line of Business: Accounting/Auditing/Bookkeeping
Mount St Mary's College, Address: 12001 Chalon Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90049-1526, Contact Person: Ms Jacqueline Doud, Title: President, Phone: 310-954-4000, Fax:
310-440-3257310-440-3257, Internet: www.msmc.la.edu, Line of Business: College/University
Mpower Holding Corp, Address: 515 S Flower St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900712201, Contact Person: Mr Richard Jalkut, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-213-3000, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Telephone Communications And Internet Service Providers
Mullintbg Insurance Agency, Address: 2029 Century Park E # 3720, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90067-3023, Contact Person: Mr Michael Shute, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone:
310-203-8770, Fax: , Internet: www.prudential.com, Line of Business: Insurance Agent/Broker
Munger Tolles & Olson Fndtn, Address: 355 S Grand Ave Ste 3500, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-1592, Contact Person: Mr Steven Weisburd, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-683-9100,
Fax: , Internet: www.mto.com, Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Murchison & Cumming LLP, Address: PO Box 17927, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900170927, Contact Person: Mr Dan Speaks, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-623-7400, Fax: 213-6236336213-623-6336, Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Museum of Contemporary Art, Address: 250 S Grand Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90012-3007, Contact Person: Mr Jack Wiant, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 213-621-2766,
Fax: 213-620-8674213-620-8674, Internet: www.artparkla.com, Line of Business: Museum/Art
Musick, Peeler & Garrett LLP, Address: 624 S Grand Ave # 2000, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90017-3321, Contact Person: Mr Joseph Bryin, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 213-6297600, Fax: , Internet: www.mpgweb.com, Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Mutual Trading Co Inc, Address: 431 Crocker St 1926, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90013-2114, Contact Person: Noritoshi Kanai, Title: President, Phone: 213-626-9458, Fax: ,
Internet: www.lamtc.com, Line of Business: Whol Homefurnishings Whol General Groceries Whol
N Watch Communications Inc, Address: 729 N Hudson Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90038-3607, Contact Person: Mr Curt Knoppel, Title: President, Phone: 323-464-4843, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Television Station
Nadel Architects Inc, Address: 1990 S Bundy Dr Ste 400, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-5245, Contact Person: Mr Herbert Nadel, Title: President, Phone: 310-826-2100, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Architectural Services
Nara Bank, Address: 3731 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90010-2830,
Contact Person: Ki Park, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-639-1700, Fax: 213-3802240213-380-2240, Internet: www.narabank.com, Line of Business: National Commercial Bank
National Corset Supply House, Address: 3240 E 26th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-4208, Contact Person: Mr Jon Schlobohm, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-2610265, Fax: , Internet: www.shirleyofhollywood.com, Line of Business: Manufactures women's,
misses' & juniors' undergarments; wholesales women's corsets
National Dyeing, Address: 2522 E 37th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-1725,
Contact Person: Geun Cha, Title: President, Phone: 323-277-0470, Fax: 323-277-0464323-2770464, Internet: , Line of Business: Cotton broadwoven textile finishing; manmade, fiber & silk
textile finishing plant; textile finishing
National Film Laboratories, Address: PO Box 38100, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900380100, Contact Person: Mr Roy Brubaker, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-466-0624, Fax: 323-4625039323-462-5039, Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture Services Motion Picture Distribution
National Film Laboratories, Address: 6721 Romaine St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90038-2425, Contact Person: Mr Robert Friedman, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-860-1309,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Audio & Video Digital Editing And Mastering
National Genetics Institute, Address: 2440 S Sepulveda Blvd 130, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90064-1744, Contact Person: Mr Mike Aicher, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310996-6610, Fax: , Internet: www.ngi.com, Line of Business: Gene Testing
National Wire & Cable Corp, Address: PO Box 31307, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90031-0307, Contact Person: Mr James Willey, Title: President, Phone: 323-225-5611, Fax: 323223-7456323-223-7456, Internet: www.nationalwire.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
insulated or armored steel cable; wholesales molding constructed of all materials
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Navigant Consulting Inc, Address: 300 S Grand Ave Ste 3850, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-3174, Contact Person: Mr Mike Wallace, Title: Vice President, Phone: 213-670-3200,
Fax: , Internet: www.navigantconsulting.com, Line of Business: Business Management Service
Navy Exchange Service Command, Address: 401 E 11th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90015-2337, Contact Person: Mr Richard Ginman, Title: Owner, Phone: 213-742-6699, Fax: 213765-5246213-765-5246, Internet: www.defenselink.mil, Line of Business: Library
Nelson Nameplate Co, Address: 2800 Casitas Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900392942, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Cassutt, Title: Co-President, Phone: 323-663-3971, Fax: 323661-2137323-661-2137, Internet: www.nelsonusa.com, Line of Business: Commercial screen
printing service; manufactures signs & advertising specialties; manufactures engraved or etched name
plates; plate making services
Neutrogena Corp, Address: PO Box 45036, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90045-0036,
Contact Person: E McNamara, Title: President, Phone: 310-642-1150, Fax: 310-337-5537310337-5537, Internet: www.neutrogena.com, Line of Business: Manufactures cosmetics & toiletries;
manufactures dermatologicals; manufactures crude or refined glycerin from fat
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 3901 Crenshaw Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900082522, Contact Person: Mr Roy Harris, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-295-1919, Fax: 323-2950974323-295-0974, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Supermarket
New Crew Production Corp, Address: 900 E 29th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900112034, Contact Person: Mr Kris Park, Title: President, Phone: 323-234-8880, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Business Services
New Line Cinema Corp, Address: 116 N Robertson Blvd 20, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90048-3103, Contact Person: Mr Robert Shaye, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-8545811, Fax: 310-967-6701310-967-6701, Internet: www.newline.com, Line of Business: Motion
Picture/Video Production Motion Picture/Tape Distribution
New Otani America, Address: 120 S Los Angeles St # 11, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90012-3718, Contact Person: Mr Chester Ikei, Title: President, Phone: 213-629-1200, Fax: 213253-9236213-253-9236, Internet: www.newotani.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Eating Place Drinking Place
New Vista Health Services Inc, Address: 1516 Sawtelle Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90025-3207, Contact Person: Mr Rick Kimball, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-477-5501, Fax:
310-473-8363310-473-8363, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Newark Group Inc, Address: 6001 S Eastern Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900403413, Contact Person: Mr Jay Decker, Title: Controller, Phone: 323-685-5180, Fax: 323-7247525323-724-7525, Internet: www.newarkgroup.com, Line of Business: Paperboard mill;
wholesales boxes & containers
Newsways Services Inc, Address: 3700 Eagle Rock Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90065-3623, Contact Person: Mr John Dorman, Title: President, Phone: 323-258-6000, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Books/Newspapers
Nick Alexander Imports, Address: 6333 S Alameda St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90001-1812, Contact Person: Ms Elizabeth Alexander, Title: President, Phone: 323-583-1901, Fax:
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
323-588-9985323-588-9985, Internet: www.alexanderbmw.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used
Automobiles Automotive Services
Nielsen National Research Grp, Address: 6255 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90028-7403, Contact Person: Mr Andrew Wing, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323817-2000, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Commercial Nonphysical Research
Nikabar Inc, Address: PO Box 58105, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-0105, Contact
Person: Mr Leonard Amato, Title: President, Phone: 323-846-8400, Fax: , Internet:
www.goldstarfoods.com, Line of Business: Whol Packaged Frozen Goods
Nikko Inflight Catering Co Ltd, Address: 6751 W Imperial Hwy, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90045-6310, Contact Person: Takeshi Kobayashi, Title: President, Phone: 310-338-0358,
Fax: 310-338-0432310-338-0432, Internet: www.jal.co.jp, Line of Business: Airline Catering
Norcal Waste Services Inc, Address: PO Box 30010, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900300010, Contact Person: Mr John Harabedian, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-357-8666, Fax: ,
Internet: www.norcalwasteservices.com, Line of Business: Rubbish Collection & Disposal
Norcal Waste Systems Inc, Address: 3514 Emery St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-3908, Contact Person: Mr John Harabedian, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-260-8016,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Refuse Collection & Disposal
Nordstrom Inc, Address: 10830 W Pico Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90064-2106,
Contact Person: Regine Beauvoir, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-470-6155, Fax: 310-254-2595310254-2595, Internet: www.nordstrom.com, Line of Business: Ret Family Clothing
Nordstrom Inc, Address: 189 The Grove Dr Ste P80, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900366229, Contact Person: Kandice Colkart, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-930-2230, Fax: , Internet:
www.nordstrom.com, Line of Business: Family Clothng Stores
North American Security Inc, Address: 4201 Wilshire Blvd # 440, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90010-3601, Contact Person: Mr Arthur Lopez, Title: President, Phone: 562-961-0404, Fax:
, Internet: www.northamericansecurity.com, Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
Northrop Grumman Corp, Address: 1840 Century Park E, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-2101, Contact Person: Mr Ronald Sugar, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-5536262, Fax: , Internet: www.northropgrumman.com, Line of Business: Manufactures search &
detection systems & instruments; aircraft servicing & repairing; manufactures fixed or rotary wing
airplanes; computer integrated systems design services; manufactures guided missiles; manufactures
Northwest Airlines Inc, Address: 200 World Way Ste 1P, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-5844, Contact Person: Mr Roger Harvey, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-646-3805,
Fax: , Internet: www.nwairlines.com, Line of Business: Passenger Transportation Arrangement
Numero Uno Market Inc, Address: 700 E Jefferson Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90011-2435, Contact Person: Mr George Torres, Title: President, Phone: 323-846-5015, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
O & K Inc, Address: 2121 E 37th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-1416, Contact
Person: Seongeun Kim, Title: President, Phone: 323-846-5700, Fax: 323-846-5799323-846-5799,
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Internet: www.oneclothing.com, Line of Business: Wholesales women's & children's clothing;
manufactures children's & girls' clothing; manufactures women's & misses' outerwear
Oak Paper Products Co Inc, Address: PO Box 23965, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900230965, Contact Person: Mr David Weissberg, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-268-0507,
Fax: 323-262-8517323-262-8517, Internet: www.oakdistribution.com, Line of Business:
Wholesales shipping supplies; wholesales packaging materials; manufactures corrugated & solid fiber
containers; wholesales janitorial equipment & supplies
Oakhurst Industries, Address: PO Box 911457, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900911238, Contact Person: Mr James Freund, Title: President, Phone: 323-724-3000, Fax: 323-7248196323-724-8196, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures fresh or frozen bread type buns;
wholesales groceries
Oaktree Capital Management, LP, Address: 333 S Grand Ave Fl 28, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071, Contact Person: D Masson, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-830-6300, Fax: , Internet:
www.oaktreecapital.com, Line of Business: Investment Advisory Service Open-End Management
Investment Security Broker/Dealer
Occidental College, Address: 1600 Campus Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900413314, Contact Person: Mr Theodore Mitchell, Title: President, Phone: 323-259-2500, Fax: 323259-2907323-259-2907, Internet: www.oxy.edu, Line of Business: College/University
Occidental Petroleum Corp of, Address: 10889 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90024-4201, Contact Person: Dr Ray Irani, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-2088800, Fax: , Internet: www.oxy.com, Line of Business: Crude petroleum production; manufactures
potassium compounds or salts; manufactures ethylene; manufactures chlorine; gas & oil field
exploration services
Ocean Beauty Seafoods LLC, Address: PO Box 53236, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90053-0236, Contact Person: Mr Mark Palmer, Title: President, Phone: 213-624-2101, Fax: 213624-2369213-624-2369, Internet: www.oceanbeauty.com, Line of Business: Processes smoked
fish; wholesales chocolate
Ocean Beauty Seafoods LLC, Address: PO Box 53236, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90053-0236, Contact Person: Mr Danny Alva, Title: Sales Manager, Phone: 213-622-0724, Fax:
213-614-8857213-614-8857, Internet: www.oceanbeauty.com, Line of Business: Processes
smoked fish; fresh or frozen fish & seafood processing
Oldcastle Glass Inc, Address: PO Box 22243, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90022-0243,
Contact Person: Mr Luis Soto, Title: Principal, Phone: 323-887-6000, Fax: 323-888-2215323-8882215, Internet: www.oldcastleglass.com, Line of Business: Wholesales glass construction
materials; manufactures flat tempered glass; manufactures mirrored glass made from purchased glass
Olive Seville Co, Address: 663 S Anderson St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90023-1110,
Contact Person: Mr Louis Pavlic, Title: President, Phone: 323-261-2218, Fax: 323-261-1026323261-1026, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures packaged olives
Olympia Convalescent Hospital, Address: 1100 S Alvarado St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90006-4110, Contact Person: Mr Sam Lidell, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-487-3000, Fax:
213-487-1909213-487-1909, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care Skilled Nursing
Care Facility
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Olympia Health Care LLC, Address: 5900 W Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90036-4671, Contact Person: Jhon Valderone, Title: Member, Phone: 323-938-3161, Fax: ,
Internet: www.tenethealth.com, Line of Business: General Hospital
Olympia Medical Center LLC, Address: 5900 W Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90036-4671, Contact Person: Mr John Calderon, Title: Member, Phone: 310-657-5900, Fax:
, Internet: www.olympiamc.com, Line of Business: Hospital
O'Melveny & Myers LLP, Address: 1999 Avenue Of The Stars, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-6022, Contact Person: Jod Yamada, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-553-6700, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Attorneys
O'Melveny & Myers LLP, Address: 400 S Hope St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900712801, Contact Person: Mr Arthur Culvahouse, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-430-6000,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Law Firm
O'Melveny & Myers LLP, Address: 400 S Hope St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900712801, Contact Person: Mr Mark Feinstein, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-430-7274, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Omni Hotels Corp, Address: 251 S Olive St Fl 1, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900123002, Contact Person: Mr Dan Piotrowski, Title: General Manager, Phone: 213-617-3300, Fax:
213-617-3399213-617-3399, Internet: www.omnihotels.com, Line of Business: Hotel
O-Nami Corp, Address: 411 W 7th St Ste 811, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90014-3616,
Contact Person: Mr Alex Hung, Title: President, Phone: 213-627-3032, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Fish And Seafood Restaurant
O'Neil Data Systems Inc, Address: 12655 Beatrice St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90066-7300, Contact Person: Mr William O'Neil, Title: President, Phone: 310-448-6400, Fax: 310577-7482310-577-7482, Internet: www.oneildata.com, Line of Business: Prints gravure catalogs
without publishing on-site; book printer; publisher; newspaper publisher
Ontario Aircraft Service Inc, Address: 5761 W Imperial Hwy, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90045-6321, Contact Person: Mr Michael Higgins, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-6413424, Fax: 310-641-0781310-641-0781, Internet: www.asig.com, Line of Business: Airport/Airport
Services Whol Transportation Equipment
Ore Cal Corp, Address: 634 Crocker St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90021-1002,
Contact Person: Mr William Shinbane, Title: President, Phone: 213-623-8493, Fax: 213-6293326213-629-3326, Internet: www.ore-cal.com, Line of Business: Whol Packaged Frozen Goods
Whol Fish/Seafood Eating Place
Orrick, Herrington, Sutcliffe, Address: 777 S Figueroa St Ste 3200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90017-5830, Contact Person: Mr William Oxley, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-629-2020, Fax:
213-612-2499213-612-2499, Internet: www.orrick.com, Line of Business: General Practice
Attorney Lawyer
Os Cox, Castle & Nicholson, Address: 2049 Century Park E # 2800, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-3203, Contact Person: Mr Arthur Spaulding, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-277-4222,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Otis Arts Institute Inc, Address: 9045 Lincoln Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900453505, Contact Person: Mr Samuel Hoi, Title: President, Phone: 310-665-6800, Fax: 310-6656821310-665-6821, Internet: www.otisart.edu, Line of Business: Vocational School
Otx Corp, Address: 1024 N Orange Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90038-2318,
Contact Person: Shelly Valis, Title: Owner, Phone: 323-308-3689, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Commercial Nonphysical Research
Overhill Farms Inc, Address: PO Box 806, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90078-0806,
Contact Person: Cruz Quirod, Title: Superintendent, Phone: 323-587-5985, Fax: , Internet:
www.overhillfarms.com, Line of Business: Processes frozen poultry; meat processing
Overhill Farms Inc, Address: PO Box 58806, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-0806,
Contact Person: Mr James Rudis, Title: President, Phone: 323-587-5985, Fax: , Internet:
www.overhillfarms.com, Line of Business: Manufactures frozen food products; manufactures food
preparations; poultry slaughtering & processing; testing laboratory
Overland Real Estate LP, Address: 5750 Wilshire Blvd # 500, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90036-3635, Contact Person: Mr Alberto Andrare, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-642-4846,
Fax: 310-642-4859310-642-4859, Internet: www.edgemastery.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel
Overseenet, Address: 515 S Flower St Ste 4400, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900712219, Contact Person: Mr Lawrence Ng, Title: President, Phone: 213-408-0080, Fax: , Internet:
www.oversee.net, Line of Business: Advertising Agency
P & C Poultry Distributors Inc, Address: 1457 N Main St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90012-1914, Contact Person: Mr Michael Bennish, Title: President, Phone: 323-441-1200, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Poultry/Products
P A E Government Services Inc, Address: 888 S Figueroa St Ste 1760, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90017-5466, Contact Person: Mr Allen Shay, Title: President, Phone: 213-593-3200,
Fax: , Internet: www.paechl.com, Line of Business: Engineering Services
P&Y T-Shirts & Silk Screening, Address: PO Box 58742, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-0742, Contact Person: Yossi Zaga, Title: President, Phone: 323-585-4604, Fax: 323-5882938323-588-2938, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures silk screens for textile industry;
wholesales men's & boys' shirts
Pacific American Fish Co Inc, Address: PO Box 58508, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-0508, Contact Person: Mr Peter Huh, Title: President, Phone: 323-319-1551, Fax: 323-5823424323-582-3424, Internet: www.pafco.net, Line of Business: Whol Fish/Seafood
Pacific Asian Consortium In, Address: 1055 Wilshire Blvd # 1475, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90017-2454, Contact Person: Kerry Doi, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-989-3228,
Fax: , Internet: www.pacela.org, Line of Business: Individual/Family Services
Pacific Asian Consortium In, Address: 1541 Wilshire Blvd # 502, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90017-2296, Contact Person: Kerry Doy, Title: President, Phone: 213-353-1677, Fax: ,
Internet: www.pacela.org, Line of Business: Job Training/Related Services
Pacific Asian Consortium In, Address: 1055 Wilshire Blvd Ste 14, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90017-2431, Contact Person: Kerry Doi, Title: Executive Director, Phone: 213-353-3982,
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
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Fax: , Internet: www.pacela.org, Line of Business: Job Training/Related Svc Individual/Family Svcs
Employment Agency Single-Family House Cnst
Pacific Aviation Corp, Address: 380 World Way Ste S31, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-5898, Contact Person: Mr Phil Shah, Title: President, Phone: 310-646-4015, Fax: 310-6464016310-646-4016, Internet: www.pacificaviation.com, Line of Business: Airport/Airport Services
Pacific City Bank, Address: 3701 Wlshre Blvd Ste 100, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90010-2832, Contact Person: J Chang, Title: President, Phone: 213-210-2000, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: National Commercial Bank
Pacific Concept Laundry Inc, Address: 1370 Esperanza St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-3912, Contact Person: Moohan Bae, Title: President, Phone: 323-980-3800, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Laundry Services
Pacific Die Casting Corp, Address: 6155 S Eastern Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-3401, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Orlandini, Title: President, Phone: 323-725-1308, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures dies & die holders for metal cutting, forming, die casting
Pacific Indemnity Co, Address: 801 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900172573, Contact Person: Mr John Fennigan, Title: President, Phone: 213-612-0880, Fax: 213-6125731213-612-5731, Internet: www.chubb.com, Line of Business: Accident/Health Insurance Carrier
Fire/Casualty Insurance Carrier Surety Insurance Carrier
Pacific Title & Arts Studio, Address: 6350 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90038-1620, Contact Person: Mr Phil Feiner, Title: President, Phone: 323-436-3850, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Special Effects Photography
Pacific Video Inc, Address: 809 N Cahuenga Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900383703, Contact Person: Mr Robert Seidenglanz, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-462-6266,
Fax: 323-464-3233323-464-3233, Internet: www.laserpacific.com, Line of Business: Film And
Video Tape Post Production
Packaging Corp Of America, Address: 4240 Bandini Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-4207, Contact Person: Mr Larry Bissonnette, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-263-7581,
Fax: 323-263-7580323-263-7580, Internet: www.packagingcorp.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures corrugated & solid fiber containers
Pali-Lincoln LLC, Address: 8639 Lincoln Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90045-2463,
Contact Person: Mr Bruno Vergeynst, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-645-0400, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel
Paltex Inc, Address: 6818 Avalon Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90003-1922,
Contact Person: Mr Michael Turner, Title: President, Phone: 323-759-4903, Fax: , Internet:
www.paltex.com, Line of Business: Manufactures bonded-fiber fabric; manufactures bed pillows
made from purchased materials; manmade broadwoven fabric mill
Pamc Ltd, Address: 531 W College St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90012-2315,
Contact Person: Mr John Edwards, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-624-8411, Fax: 213617-7562213-617-7562, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital
Panasonic Corp of North Amer, Address: 3330 Cahuenga Blvd W, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90068-1354, Contact Person: Mr Russ Walker, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-436-3500, Fax:
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
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323-436-3615323-436-3615, Internet: www.panasonic.com, Line of Business: Whol
Pandelco Inc, Address: 13812 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90061-1026,
Contact Person: Mr Andy Liggett, Title: President, Phone: 310-965-7700, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Manufactures women's sportswear
Pandemic Studios LLC, Address: 1100 Glendon Ave Fl 19, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90024-3523, Contact Person: Mr Joshua Resnick, Title: Vice President, Phone: 310-450-5199, Fax:
, Internet: www.ea.com, Line of Business: Custom Computer Programing
Para Los Ninos, Address: 500 Lucas Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90017-2002,
Contact Person: Miki Jordan, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-239-6605, Fax: , Internet:
www.paralosninos.org, Line of Business: Children And Family Services/Education
Paramount Fitness Corp, Address: 6450 Bandini Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-3118, Contact Person: Mr James Trisler, Title: President, Phone: 323-721-2121, Fax: 323721-8841323-721-8841, Internet: www.paramountfitness.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
exercise equipment
Paramount Pictures Corp, Address: 5555 Melrose Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90038-3112, Contact Person: Mr Brad Grey, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-956-5000,
Fax: , Internet: www.paramount.com, Line of Business: Motion Pict/Video Prodtn Whol Durable
Goods Television Station Motion Picture Distr Svc
Pardee Homes, Address: 10880 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90024-4101,
Contact Person: Mr Michael McGee, Title: President, Phone: 310-475-3525, Fax: 310-4461295310-446-1295, Internet: www.pardeehomeloans.com, Line of Business: Subdivider/Developer
Operative Builders
Park Hancock Convalescent Hosp, Address: 505 N La Brea Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90036-2015, Contact Person: Mr Aaron Robin, Title: VP Operations, Phone: 323-937-4860,
Fax: 323-937-2807323-937-2807, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Home
Parking Network Inc, Address: 350 S Figueroa St Ste 420, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90071-1203, Contact Person: Mr Frank Zelaya, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-6131500, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Trade Contractor Business Consulting Services
Patina Group LLC, Address: 700 W 5th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90071-2026,
Contact Person: Mr Paul Pilson, Title: General Manager, Phone: 213-239-6500, Fax: 213-2396514213-239-6514, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Paul, Hastings, Janofsky, Address: 515 S Flower St Fl 25, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90071-2201, Contact Person: Mr Mark Eagan, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-683-6000,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Payden & Rygel, Address: 333 S Grand Ave Fl 32, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900711504, Contact Person: Ms Joan Payden, Title: President, Phone: 213-625-1900, Fax: 213-6251943213-625-1943, Internet: www.payden.com, Line of Business: Investment Advisory Service
Security Broker/Dealer
Peach Inc, Address: PO Box 69673, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90069-0673, Contact
Person: Mr Arthur Ruben, Title: President, Phone: 323-654-2333, Fax: , Internet:
www.actionmessenger.com, Line of Business: Courier Service Business Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Pechiney Cast Plate, Address: PO Box 58447, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-0447,
Contact Person: Mr Tom Reynolds, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-584-1900, Fax: 323-5841910323-584-1910, Internet: www.alcanrolledproducts.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
aluminum plates
Pediatric & Family Medical Ctr, Address: 1530 S Olive St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90015-3023, Contact Person: Mr Michael Horner, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-7475542, Fax: 213-746-9379213-746-9379, Internet: , Line of Business: Outpatient Medical & Dental
Pep Boys Manny Moe & Jack of, Address: 2640 E 45th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-2202, Contact Person: Mr Mike Roma, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-585-1291, Fax: ,
Internet: www.apdnow.com, Line of Business: Warehouse
Performing Arts Center of Los, Address: PO Box 2237, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90051-0237, Contact Person: Ms Andrea Van De Kamp, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213972-7200, Fax: 213-972-7474213-972-7474, Internet: www.skylineterraceapts.com, Line of
Business: Real Estate Agent/Mgr Theatrical Producer/Svcs
Perkins & Will Group Inc, Address: 617 W 7th St Ste 1200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-3830, Contact Person: Ms Phyllis Dubinsky, Title: Principal, Phone: 213-270-8400, Fax: ,
Internet: www.ip3.net, Line of Business: Architectural Services
Pillsbury Co, Address: 5469 Ferguson Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90022-5118,
Contact Person: Ms Brenda Buehler, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-721-2522, Fax: 323-7279586323-727-9586, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures food preparations; manufactures
flour mixes & doughs
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw, Address: 725 S Figueroa St 2800, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-5406, Contact Person: Mr David Wynn, Title: Technical Manager, Phone: 213-488-7100,
Fax: , Internet: www.pillsburylaw.com, Line of Business: Law Firm
Plasma Collection Centers Inc, Address: 2410 Lillyvale Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90032-3514, Contact Person: Mr David Bell, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-441-7720,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Health Or Allied Service
Playboy Entertainment Group, Address: 2706 Media Center Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90065-1733, Contact Person: Mr James Griffiths, Title: President, Phone: 323-276-4000,
Fax: 323-246-4050323-246-4050, Internet: www.playboy.com, Line of Business: Motion
Picture/Video Production
Poly Pak America Inc, Address: 2939 E Washington Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-4218, Contact Person: Mr Richard Gurewitz, Title: President, Phone: 323-264-2400, Fax:
323-264-2407323-264-2407, Internet: www.polypakamerica.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
polyethylene film; manufactures envelopes
Premier Building Maintenance, Address: 4055 Wlshre Blvd Ste 257, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90010-3448, Contact Person: Kim Bryant, Title: Owner, Phone: 213-386-2552, Fax: 213386-2546213-386-2546, Internet: , Line of Business: Building Maintenance Services
Premiere Valet Service Inc, Address: 6601 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90038-1311, Contact Person: Mr David Smith, Title: President, Phone: 310-652-4647, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Automobile Parking
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Prg Parking Century LLC, Address: 5701 W Century Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-5629, Contact Person: Mr Geoffrey Okamoto, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-6420947, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Parking Garage
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Address: 350 S Grand Ave Fl 49, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-3406, Contact Person: Mr Carl Leong, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 213-3566000, Fax: 213-356-6363213-356-6363, Internet: www.pwcglobal.com, Line of Business:
Prime Media, Address: 6420 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90048-4901,
Contact Person: Mr Tom Moloney, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-782-2000, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Publishes magazines without printing; equipment rental & leasing
services; advertising, promotional & trade show service
Professional Circle Staffing, Address: 5750 Wilshire Blvd # 610, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90036-3677, Contact Person: Mr Michael Delance, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone:
323-930-2333, Fax: 323-930-2366323-930-2366, Internet: www.creativecircle.com, Line of
Business: Employment Agency
Professional Security Conslnts, Address: 11454 San Vicente Blvd Fl 2, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90049-6208, Contact Person: Mr Moshe Alon, Title: President, Phone: 310-207-7729,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services Security Systems Services
Management Consulting Services
Progressive Produce Corp, Address: 5790 Peachtree St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-4000, Contact Person: Mr Jim Leimkuhler, Title: President, Phone: 323-890-8100, Fax: ,
Internet: www.progressiveproduce.com, Line of Business: Whol Fruits/Vegetables Local Trucking
Operator Truck Operator-Nonlocal
Promise Hospital of East Los, Address: 443 S Soto St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90033-4315, Contact Person: Mr Brian Wise, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 323-261-0432,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Hospital/Medical Service Plan
Property ID of California Inc, Address: 1001 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-2415, Contact Person: Mr Carlos Siderman, Title: President, Phone: 213-625-0100, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Real Estate Agent/Manager Management Consulting Services
Property Management Associates, Address: 5120 W Goldleaf Cir Ste 3, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90056-1292, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Spear, Title: President, Phone: 323-295-2000,
Fax: , Internet: www.wemanageproperties.com, Line of Business: Real Estate Agent/Manager
Proskauer Rose LLP, Address: 2049 Century Park E # 32, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-3101, Contact Person: Mr Alan Jaffe, Title: President, Phone: 310-284-5689, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Prospect Enterprises Inc, Address: 625 Kohler St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900211023, Contact Person: Mr Ernest Doizaki, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-612-0350,
Fax: 213-489-3891213-489-3891, Internet: , Line of Business: Wholesales fresh fish; fresh or
frozen fish & seafood processing
Prospect Enterprises Inc, Address: 2900 Ayers Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900234700, Contact Person: Mr Paul Morris, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-268-0629, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Import Seafoods
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Protiviti Inc, Address: 400 S Hope St Ste 900, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90071-2808,
Contact Person: Mr Paul Sacks, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-327-1400, Fax: , Internet:
www.rhii.com, Line of Business: Risk Consultants
Prudential Lighting Corp, Address: PO Box 58736, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900580736, Contact Person: Mr Stanley Ellis, Title: President, Phone: 213-746-0360, Fax: 213-7468838213-746-8838, Internet: www.prulite.com, Line of Business: Manufactures commercial
fluorescent lighting fixtures
Prudential Overall Supply, Address: 6920 Bandini Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-3326, Contact Person: Mr Chris Walter, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-724-4888, Fax:
323-726-7251323-726-7251, Internet: www.pos-clean.com, Line of Business: Industrial Launderer
Linen Supply Services Whol Service Establishment Equipment
PSOMAS, Address: 555 S Flower St Ste 4400, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90071-2416,
Contact Person: Mr Blake Murillo, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-223-1400, Fax: ,
Internet: www.psomas.com, Line of Business: Surveying Srvcs Engineering Srvcs
Public Communications Services, Address: 11859 Wilshire Blvd # 600, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90025-6621, Contact Person: Mr Paul Jennings, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone:
310-231-1000, Fax: , Internet: www.pcstelcom.com, Line of Business: Telephone Communications
Public Motors Los Angeles LLC, Address: 6085 Venice Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90034-2237, Contact Person: Mr Richard Cowan, Title: Member, Phone: 323-937-8500, Fax: ,
Internet: www.publicmotorsla.com, Line of Business: Used Car Dealership
Pvh Superba Insignia Neckwear, Address: PO Box 21805, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90021-0805, Contact Person: Mr Mervyn Mandelbaum, Title: President, Phone: 213-688-7970,
Fax: 213-623-3226213-623-3226, Internet: www.superba.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
Pwp Industries Inc, Address: 3751 Seville Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900581741, Contact Person: Mr Ira Maroofion, Title: President, Phone: 323-513-9000, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Manufactures plastics materials & resins
Quake City Casuals Inc, Address: PO Box 79459, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900790459, Contact Person: Mr John Glucksman, Title: President, Phone: 213-746-0540, Fax: 213-7471028213-747-1028, Internet: www.quakecitycaps.com, Line of Business: Manufactures baseball
Quality Embroidery Inc, Address: 2823 S Olive St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900073339, Contact Person: Mr Asher Peretz, Title: President, Phone: 213-746-6363, Fax: 213-7469110213-746-9110, Internet: , Line of Business: Pleating & stitching service; manufactures
trimming fabrics
Quinn Power Systems Associates, Address: PO Box 227044, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90022-0744, Contact Person: Mr Blake Quinn, Title: President, Phone: 562-463-6000, Fax: 562699-8614562-699-8614, Internet: www.quinnengines.com, Line of Business: Wholesales industrial
diesel engines & parts; retails engine & motor equipment & supplies; manufactures internal
combustion engines; manufactures motors or generators
R J Acquisition Corp, Address: 3260 E 26th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90023-4208,
Contact Person: Mr Roger Keech, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-981-8941, Fax: 323-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
980-0515323-980-0515, Internet: www.adartco.com, Line of Business: Letterpress & screen
printing service
R R T Enterprises LP, Address: 3515 Overland Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900345521, Contact Person: Ms Dorothea Garcia, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-839-5201, Fax:
310-839-2834310-839-2834, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing Facility
R&B Realty Group, Address: 3600 Barham Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900681106, Contact Person: Mr Talbot Almquist, Title: Regional Manager, Phone: 323-851-3450, Fax:
323-876-9447323-876-9447, Internet: www.oakwood.com, Line of Business: Apartment Complex
Rachel Ashwell Designs Inc, Address: 6330 Arizona Cir, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-1202, Contact Person: Mr Ron Beegle, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-258-0660,
Fax: 310-258-0661310-258-0661, Internet: www.shabbychic.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
wood household furniture
Radisson At Usc, Address: 3540 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90007-4313,
Contact Person: Ms Jennie Chai, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-748-4141, Fax: , Internet:
www.radisson-midtown.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Drinking Place Eating Place
Physical Fitness Faclty
Radlax Gateway Hotel LLC, Address: 6225 W Century Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-5311, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-670-9000, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Hotels And Motels
Radnet Inc, Address: 1510 Cotner Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90025-3303,
Contact Person: Dr Howard Berger, Title: President, Phone: 310-478-7808, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Medical Laboratory
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 11727 W Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90064-1202, Contact Person: El Corio, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-473-5238, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Whol General Groceries
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 4760 W Pico Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900194235, Contact Person: Mr John McNemany, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-937-4107, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Supermarket
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 9040 Beverly Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900482418, Contact Person: Ms Linda Aparicio, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-278-1351, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 10861 Weyburn Ave Ste 201, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90024-2922, Contact Person: Mr Barry Traub, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-824-5994, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 8824 Sepulveda Westway, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-4006, Contact Person: Mr Kevin Fisher, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-645-2035, Fax: 310645-4312310-645-4312, Internet: , Line of Business: Grocery Store
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 5420 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900275614, Contact Person: Mr Richard Rosales, Title: Director, Phone: 323-871-8011, Fax: 323-8718778323-871-8778, Internet: , Line of Business: Grocery store; commercial bakery
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 12057 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900251201, Contact Person: Mr Jim Banostrans, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-477-8746, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Grocery store; commercial bakery; florist
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 3410 W 3rd St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90020-1622,
Contact Person: Mr Angel Hdrrera, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-480-1421, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Grocery store; commercial bakery; florist; pharmacy & drug store
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 2716 N San Fernando Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90065-1319, Contact Person: Mr Joel Mitchell, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-225-5127, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 11361 National Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900643726, Contact Person: Mr Chris Rose, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-473-7538, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 670 S Western Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900053024, Contact Person: Tony Khoury, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-383-5058, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Supermarket Chain
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 5601 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900363701, Contact Person: Mr Mike Walter, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-936-4954, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Retail supermarket chain; commercial bakery; pharmacy & drug store
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 3670 Crenshaw Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900164851, Contact Person: Ray Sum, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-293-8218, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Supermarket
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 3300 W Slauson Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900432563, Contact Person: Mr Tully Farris, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-293-0171, Fax: 323-2999427323-299-9427, Internet: , Line of Business: Supermarket
Rancho Foods Inc, Address: PO Box 58504, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-0504,
Contact Person: Ms Annette Donald, Title: President, Phone: 323-585-0503, Fax: 323-5853848323-585-3848, Internet: , Line of Business: Wholesales meat & meat products; meat
Randall Foods Inc, Address: 2905 E 50th St Bldg 12, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-2919, Contact Person: Mr Ron Totin, Title: Vice President, Phone: 323-587-2383, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Poultry & Fresh Meat
Razor Gator Inc, Address: 11150 Santa Monica Blvd # 500, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-0480, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Lappin, Title: President, Phone: 310-481-3400, Fax: ,
Internet: www.razorgator.com, Line of Business: Amusement/Recreation Services
Reed Smith LLP, Address: 355 S Grand Ave # 2900, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900711514, Contact Person: Mr Peter Kennedy, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-457-8000, Fax: , Internet:
www.reedsmith.com, Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Regent Parking Inc, Address: 1122 S Robertson Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90035-1454, Contact Person: Mr Brad Saltzman, Title: President, Phone: 310-278-2020, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Automobile Parking
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Rehab Centre of Beverly Hills, Address: 580 S San Vicente Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90048-4621, Contact Person: Mr Cary Buchman, Title: President, Phone: 323-782-1500,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Rehrig Pacific Co, Address: 4010 E 26th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90023-4601,
Contact Person: Mr William Rehrig, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-262-5145, Fax: 323269-8506323-269-8506, Internet: www.rehrigpacific.com, Line of Business: Manufactures plastic
cases; manufactures plasticizers
Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co, Address: 2537 E 27th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-1227, Contact Person: Mr John Becknell, Title: Division Manager, Phone: 323-583-6111,
Fax: 323-581-1254323-581-1254, Internet: www.rsac.com, Line of Business: Metal Service Center
Renaissance Hotel Holdings Inc, Address: 9620 Airport Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-5402, Contact Person: Ms Lauren Geller, Title: Operations Manager, Phone: 310-337-2800,
Fax: , Internet: www.marriott.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Drinking Place Eating
Rer Enterprises Inc, Address: 1739 Albion St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90031-2510,
Contact Person: Mr Richard Ross, Title: President, Phone: 323-225-2448, Fax: 323-225-8229323225-8229, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Dairy Products
Richard Hall, Address: 3111 S Wstrn Ave Fl 2, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90018-3408,
Contact Person: Mr Richard Hall, Title: Owner, Phone: 323-735-0275, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Security Guard Services
Richards, Watson & Gershon, A, Address: 355 S Grand Ave Ste 4550, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90071-3115, Contact Person: Mr Gregory Stepanicich, Title: Chairman of the Board,
Phone: 213-626-8484, Fax: , Internet: www.rwglaw.com, Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Right Start Aquisition, Address: 10323 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-5056, Contact Person: Mr Brian McDermott, Title: President, Phone: 310-553-5550, Fax: ,
Internet: www.hpcap.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc Merchandise
Roadway Express Inc, Address: 4700 S Eastern Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-2913, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Narvett, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-869-0092,
Fax: 323-588-6304323-588-6304, Internet: www.yellowcorp.com, Line of Business: Trucking
Operator-Nonlocal Local Trucking Operator
Robert Kaufman Co Inc, Address: PO Box 59266, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900590266, Contact Person: Mr Saul Kaufman, Title: President, Phone: 310-538-3482, Fax: , Internet:
www.robertkaufman.com, Line of Business: Whol Piece Goods/Notions
Roland Corp US, Address: 5100 S Eastern Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900402938, Contact Person: Katsuyoshi Dan, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-890-3700, Fax:
, Internet: www.rolandus.com, Line of Business: Wholesales musical instruments; wholesales
computer peripheral equipment; manufactures musical organs
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of, Address: 3424 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90010-2202, Contact Person: Mr Roger Mahony, Title: Cardinal, Phone: 213-637-7000, Fax:
, Internet: www.bede.org, Line of Business: Religious Organization
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Ron Herman Inc, Address: 8100 Melrose Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90046-7012,
Contact Person: Mr Ron Herman, Title: President, Phone: 323-653-3221, Fax: 323-651-3772323651-3772, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Women's Clothing Ret Men's/Boy's Clothing
Rose & Shore Inc, Address: PO Box 58225, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-0225,
Contact Person: Mr Irwin Miller, Title: President, Phone: 323-826-2155, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Whol Meats/Products
Ross Stores Inc, Address: 6298 W 3rd St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90036-3157,
Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 323-936-2864, Fax: , Internet: www.rossstores.com, Line of
Business: Department Store
Rostami, Nejat Medical Group, Address: 2007 Wlshire Blvd Ste 215, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90057-3506, Contact Person: Nejat Rostami, Title: President, Phone: 213-413-2700,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Rosti Restaurants, Address: PO Box 642840, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90064-7178,
Contact Person: Mr John Coffman, Title: Owner, Phone: 310-234-8210, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Restaurant
Royal Health Institute Inc, Address: 3200 Wilshire Blvd # 305, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90010-1307, Contact Person: Dr Michael Lam, Title: President, Phone: 213-383-6353, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Rpd Hotels 18 LLC, Address: 5933 W Century Blvd 200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-5461, Contact Person: Mr Juan Llaca, Title: Member, Phone: 310-410-5700, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel Chain
Rsv Sport Lei, Address: 6001 Rickenbacker Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900403031, Contact Person: Mr Melvin Geliebter, Title: President, Phone: 323-728-0500, Fax: 323-7281129323-728-1129, Internet: www.jny.com, Line of Business: Manufactures women's, misses' &
juniors' jeans
RTKL Associates Inc, Address: 333 S Hope St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90071-1406,
Contact Person: Ms Barbara Proano, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-633-6000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.rtkl.com, Line of Business: Architectural Services Engineering Services Commercial
Art/Graphic Design
Rutherford Co Inc, Address: 2905 Allesandro St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900393406, Contact Person: Mr Paul Rutherford, Title: President, Phone: 323-666-5284, Fax: 323-6650328323-665-0328, Internet: www.rutherfordco.net, Line of Business: Drywall/Insulating
S B B Roofing Inc, Address: 3310 Verdugo Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90065-2845,
Contact Person: Mr Bruce Radenbaugh, Title: President, Phone: 323-254-2888, Fax: 323-2543000323-254-3000, Internet: www.biltwell.com, Line of Business: Roofing/Siding Contractor
S Mister Inc, Address: 4501 E 49th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-3203,
Contact Person: Mr Phillip Sutton, Title: President, Phone: 323-587-0777, Fax: 323-587-2115323587-2115, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures artificial trees & flowers
Safeway Inc, Address: 3415 Boxford Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040-3003,
Contact Person: Mr Ed Boone, Title: Manufacturing Supervisor, Phone: 323-889-4240, Fax: ,
Internet: www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Warehouse
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Saint Gobain Container LLC, Address: 4855 E 52nd Pl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-2807, Contact Person: Mr James Nolan, Title: Accounting Director, Phone: 323-562-5100,
Fax: 323-560-4165323-560-4165, Internet: www.sgcontainers.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures glass packers' ware
Saint Mary Coptic Catholic, Address: 2701 Newell St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90039-3815, Contact Person: Bishio Hanna, Title: Pastor, Phone: 323-669-2822, Fax: 323-6661156323-666-1156, Internet: , Line of Business: Religious Organization
Salsbury Industries Inc, Address: 1010 E 62nd St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900011510, Contact Person: Mr Dennis Fraher, Title: President, Phone: 323-846-6700, Fax: 323-8466800323-846-6800, Internet: www.mailboxes.com, Line of Business: Manufactures postal lock
boxes, mail racks & related products
Salter Co Inc, Address: 1849 Sawtelle Blvd # 600, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900257013, Contact Person: Mr Norman Salter, Title: President, Phone: 310-473-9925, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Residential Construction
Saltzburg, Ray & Bergman LLP, Address: 12121 Wilshire Blvd 600, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90025-1188, Contact Person: Mr David Ray, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-481-6700, Fax:
310-444-6420310-444-6420, Internet: , Line of Business: Law Office & Attorney Messenger
Samson Products Inc, Address: 6285 Randolph St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900403514, Contact Person: Mr Richard Namara, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-726-9070,
Fax: 323-726-9068323-726-9068, Internet: www.activar.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
show, display, or storages cabinets
San Antonio Winery Inc, Address: 737 Lamar St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900312514, Contact Person: Mr Steve Riboli, Title: President, Phone: 323-223-1401, Fax: 323-2217261323-221-7261, Internet: www.sanantoniowinery.com, Line of Business: Winery; wholesales
wine; eating place
Sanchez Family Corp, Address: 5234 Via San Delarro St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90022-2123, Contact Person: Mr Frank Sanchez, Title: President, Phone: 323-727-0747, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Fast-Food Rest Chain
Sandberg Furniture Mfg, Address: PO Box 58291, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900580291, Contact Person: Mr Phil Sweet, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-582-0711, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Manufactures wood household furniture
Sandberg Furniture Mfg, Address: PO Box 58291, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900580291, Contact Person: Mr John Sandberg, Title: President, Phone: 323-214-2029, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Manufactures wooden bedroom furniture
Sap Labs Los Angeles, Address: 1925 Century Park E # 255, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-2702, Contact Person: Ms Ariel Hazi, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-2862220, Fax: , Internet: www.a2i.com, Line of Business: Software publisher
Sara Lee Fresh Inc, Address: 5200 S Alameda St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900583420, Contact Person: Mr Barry Horner, Title: President, Phone: 323-583-9841, Fax: 323-5856638323-585-6638, Internet: www.saralee.com, Line of Business: Manufactures fresh or frozen
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Sav-On-Drugs Inc, Address: 6360 W 3rd St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90036-3155,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Howard, Title: Vice President, Phone: 323-937-3019, Fax: 323-9387997323-938-7997, Internet: www.luckystores.com, Line of Business: Drug Stores
Schaefer Ambulance Service Inc, Address: PO Box 74609, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90004-0609, Contact Person: Mr James McNeal, Title: President, Phone: 800-229-4727, Fax: ,
Internet: www.schaeferamb.com, Line of Business: Local Passenger Transportation
Schawk Inc, Address: 3116 W Avenue 32, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90065-2317,
Contact Person: Mr Carl Taylor, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-258-4111, Fax: 323-2568600323-256-8600, Internet: www.schawk.com, Line of Business: Lithographic plate services
Scpie Management Co, Address: 1888 Century Park E # 800, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-1737, Contact Person: Dr Mitchell Karlan, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310551-5900, Fax: , Internet: www.scpie.com, Line of Business: Attorney-In-Fact For Insurance
Scripps Networks Inc, Address: 5757 Wlshire Blvd Ste 220, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90036-5807, Contact Person: Mr Edward Spray, Title: President, Phone: 310-228-4500, Fax: ,
Internet: www.fineliving.com, Line of Business: Cable Network
Sears, Roebuck & Co, Address: 4121 Valley Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900323631, Contact Person: Mr Nick Bayes, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-223-3171, Fax: , Internet:
www.sears.com, Line of Business: Department Store
Sears, Roebuck & Co, Address: 3755 Santa Rosalia Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90008-3603, Contact Person: Ray Diaz, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-290-7200, Fax: ,
Internet: www.sears.com, Line of Business: Department Store General Auto Repair Ret Auto/Home
Sears, Roebuck & Co, Address: 5667 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90038-2903, Contact Person: Mr Dave Goodman, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-769-2695,
Fax: , Internet: www.sears.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Non-Disc
Seattle Airport Hospitality, Address: 170 N Church Ln, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90049-2044, Contact Person: Mr Robert Buescher, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-476-6411,
Fax: 310-472-1157310-472-1157, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Drinking
Place Eating Place
Sectran Security Inc, Address: PO Box 7267, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90022-0967,
Contact Person: Mr Fred Kunik, Title: President, Phone: 562-948-1446, Fax: , Internet:
www.sectransecurity.com, Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
Secure Nursing Service Inc, Address: 3333 Wilshire Blvd # 625, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90010-4106, Contact Person: Haesook Kim, Title: President, Phone: 213-736-6771, Fax: ,
Internet: www.securenursing.com, Line of Business: Employment Agency
Securitech Security Services, Address: 3550 Wilshire Blvd # 920, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90010-2410, Contact Person: Mr Serge Tachdjian, Title: President, Phone: 213-387-5050,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Security Systems Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Sedgwick, Detert, Moran, Address: 801 S Figueroa St Fl 19, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-5504, Contact Person: Mr Michael Davisson, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 213-426-6900,
Fax: 213-426-6921213-426-6921, Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
See's Candy Shops Inc, Address: 3431 S La Cienega Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90016-4401, Contact Person: Mr Michael Baran, Title: Quality Control Director, Phone: 310-5594919, Fax: 310-287-2658310-287-2658, Internet: www.sees.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
candy & other confectionery products; manufactures chocolate & cocoa products
Seven For All Mankind LLC, Address: 4440 E 26th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-4718, Contact Person: Mr Mike Egeck, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-584-3552,
Fax: , Internet: www.vfc.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc Apparel/Accessories
Seven-Up Rc Bottling Co of, Address: 3220 E 26th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-4208, Contact Person: Mr Peter Gerry, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-268-7779,
Fax: 323-267-6226323-267-6226, Internet: www.dpsubg.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
bottled & canned soft drinks
Seyfarth Shaw LLP, Address: 2029 Century Park E # 3300, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-3019, Contact Person: Mr George Preonas, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 310-277-7200,
Fax: 310-201-5219310-201-5219, Internet: www.seyfarth.com, Line of Business: Legal Services
Sffi Co Inc, Address: 4383 Exchange Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-2619,
Contact Person: Mr William Sander, Title: President, Phone: 323-586-0000, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Mfg Canned Fruits/Vegetables
Shalhevet School, Address: 910 S Fairfax Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90036-4419,
Contact Person: Nathanal Reynolds, Title: Principal, Phone: 323-930-9333, Fax: 323-9542280323-954-2280, Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School
Shapiro-Gilman-Shandler Co, Address: 739 Decatur St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90021-1639, Contact Person: Mr Morris Shandler, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-5931200, Fax: , Internet: www.sgsproduce.com, Line of Business: Whol Fruits/Vegetables
Sharp Guard Services Inc, Address: 3450 Wilshire Blvd # 735, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90010-2215, Contact Person: Ilham Chaouir, Title: President, Phone: 213-739-1900, Fax: ,
Internet: www.sharpgs.com, Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
Shason Inc, Address: 4940B Triggs St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90022-4832,
Contact Person: Barok Shahery, Title: President, Phone: 323-232-5888, Fax: , Internet:
www.shasoninc.com, Line of Business: Whol Piece Goods/Notions
Sheppard, Mullin, Richter, Address: 333 S Hope St Ste 4700, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-3056, Contact Person: Mr Aaron Malo, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-620-1780, Fax:
213-620-1398213-620-1398, Internet: www.sheppardmullin.com, Line of Business: Legal Services
Sheraton Corp, Address: 6101 W Century Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900455310, Contact Person: Mr Jack Ward, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-642-1111, Fax: 310-6424878310-642-4878, Internet: www.starwoodhotels.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Drinking Place Eating Place
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Shoji Tadashi & Associates Inc, Address: 3016 E 44th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-2428, Contact Person: Mr Tadashi Shoji, Title: President, Phone: 213-627-7145, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures dresses
Shopzilla Inc, Address: 12200 W Olympic Blvd # 300, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90064-1057, Contact Person: Farhad Mohit, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-571-1235,
Fax: , Internet: www.shopzilla.com, Line of Business: Telephone Communications News Syndicate
Shriners Hospitals For, Address: 3160 Geneva St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900201117, Contact Person: Mr Terence Cunningham, Title: Principal, Phone: 213-388-3151, Fax: 213387-7528213-387-7528, Internet: www.shrinershq.org, Line of Business: Specialty Hospital
General Hospital
Shubert Organization Inc, Address: 2020 Avenue Of The Stars, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067, Contact Person: Mr Lawerence O'Conner, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-2011500, Fax: 310-788-7878310-788-7878, Internet: , Line of Business: Theatrical
Siemens Communications Inc, Address: 355 S Grand Ave Fl 12, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-1560, Contact Person: Mr Bill Ferrato, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-617-5600, Fax: ,
Internet: www.icn.siemens.com, Line of Business: Whol Electronic Parts/Equipment Electrical
Repair Radio/Television Repair
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Address: 5210 Pacific Concourse Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90045-6900, Contact Person: Mr Jim Reid-Anderson, Title: President, Phone: 310-6458200, Fax: 310-645-9999310-645-9999, Internet: www.dpcweb.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures diagnostic substances; forensic laboratory
Singapore Airlines Limited, Address: 5670 Wilshire Blvd 1800, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90036-5679, Contact Person: Mr Michael Tan, Title: Executive Vice President, Phone: 323934-8833, Fax: 323-934-0141323-934-0141, Internet: www.singaporeair.com, Line of Business:
International Airline
Singer, Lewak, Greenbaum, Address: 10960 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90024-3702, Contact Person: Mr David Krajanowski, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 310-4773924, Fax: 310-478-6070310-478-6070, Internet: www.slgg.com, Line of Business:
Accounting/Auditing/Bookkeeping Management Consulting Services
Sisters of Nazareth of Los, Address: 3333 Manning Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90064-4804, Contact Person: Ms Margarette Brody, Title: Administrator, Phone: 310-839-2361,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Geriatric Residential Care
Sisters of St Joseph In CA, Address: 11999 Chalon Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90049-1524, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-889-2100, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Religious Organization
Six Continents Hotels Inc, Address: 5985 W Century Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-5477, Contact Person: Mr Michael Payton, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-642-7500, Fax: 310417-3608310-417-3608, Internet: www.sixcontinenthotels.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel
Operation Eating Place Drinking Place
Six Continents Hotels Inc, Address: 1020 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90015-1305, Contact Person: Mr Emerson Glazer, Title: President, Phone: 213-748-1291, Fax: ,
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Internet: www.sixcontinenthotels.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Eating Place
Drinking Place
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher, Address: 300 S Grand Ave # 3400, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90071-3137, Contact Person: Rand April, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 213-6875000, Fax: 213-687-5600213-687-5600, Internet: www.skadden.com, Line of Business: Legal
Services Office
Sky Chefs Inc, Address: 7000 World Way W Ste B, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900457502, Contact Person: Mr James Anderson, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-665-7800, Fax:
310-641-6344310-641-6344, Internet: www.lsg-skychefs.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
Sky Security, Address: 3699 Wilshire Blvd # 540, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900102723, Contact Person: Mr Keith Leedom, Title: President, Phone: 323-931-6000, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Private Security Services
Smart & Final Holdings LLC, Address: 10205 Constellation Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-6201, Contact Person: Mr George Golleher, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone:
310-843-1900, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Whol General Groceries Ret Groceries
Smart & Final Stores Corp, Address: PO Box 512377, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90051-0377, Contact Person: Mr Ross Roeder, Title: President, Phone: 323-869-7500, Fax: 323584-9866323-584-9866, Internet: www.smartandfinal.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
SMS Transportation Services, Address: 915 Wilshire Blvd # 1820, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90017-2660, Contact Person: Mr John Harris, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213489-5367, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Local/Suburban Transportation
Sodexo Inc, Address: PO Box 241590, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90024-9390,
Contact Person: Ms Cindy Cieslak, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-479-9164, Fax: , Internet:
www.sodexhousa.com, Line of Business: Industrial Launderer
Soex West USA LLC, Address: 3294 E 26th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90023-4208,
Contact Person: Mannie Massengale, Title: Vice President, Phone: 323-264-8300, Fax: , Internet:
www.chamlian.com, Line of Business: Whol Scraps And Waste Materials
Soft Gel Technologies Inc, Address: 6982 Bandini Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-3326, Contact Person: Satomi Tseuchibe, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-7260700, Fax: 323-726-7065323-726-7065, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures capsule or
ampule medicines
Solheim Lutheran Home, Address: 2236 Merton Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90041-1915, Contact Person: Ms Joanne Carter, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 323-257-7518,
Fax: 323-257-7461323-257-7461, Internet: www.solheimlh.org, Line of Business: Residential Care
Sonnenschein, Nath, Address: 601 S Figueroa St # 2500, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-5709, Contact Person: Mr Robert Scoular, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 213-623-9300,
Fax: 213-623-9924213-623-9924, Internet: www.sonnenschein.com, Line of Business: Law Office
Sony Pictures Studios Inc, Address: 1250 S Beverly Glen Blvd # 112, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90024-5216, Contact Person: Mr Jack Kindberg, Title: President, Phone: 310-244-4000,
Fax: , Internet: www.sonypictures.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Sony Pictures Television Inc, Address: 1440 N Gower St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90028-8318, Contact Person: Mr Scott Seigler, Title: President, Phone: 323-464-5000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.sonypictures.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
South Central Health & Rehab, Address: 1055 Wilshire Blvd 1600, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90017-2499, Contact Person: Ms Rita Floyd, Title: President, Phone: 213-250-0025, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
South Central Los Angeles, Address: 650 W Adams Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90007-2580, Contact Person: Mr Dexter Henderson, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-7637800, Fax: , Internet: www.sclarc.org, Line of Business: Social Services Individual/Family Services
Southern Ca Regional Rail, Address: 700 S Flower St Lowr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-4100, Contact Person: Mr David Solow, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-452-0257,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Local/Suburban Transportation
Southern California Assn, Address: 818 W 7th St Ste 1100, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-3461, Contact Person: Ms Toni Young, Title: President, Phone: 213-236-1800, Fax: 213236-1825213-236-1825, Internet: , Line of Business: Quasi-Governmental Non-Profit Planning
Southern California Gas Co, Address: 555 W 5th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900131010, Contact Person: Ms Debra Reed, Title: President, Phone: 213-244-1200, Fax: 213-2448020213-244-8020, Internet: www.socalgas.com, Line of Business: Natural Gas Distribution
Transportation Storage And Sale
Southern California Institute, Address: 960 E 3rd St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90013-1822, Contact Person: Mr Neil Denari, Title: President, Phone: 310-574-1123, Fax: ,
Internet: www.sciarc.edu, Line of Business: College/University
Southern California Permanent, Address: 1505 N Edgemont St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90027-5209, Contact Person: Dr Thomas Godfrey, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-7832555, Fax: 323-783-6908323-783-6908, Internet: , Line of Business: Family Physician
Southern California Regional, Address: 700 S Flower St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-4101, Contact Person: Mr David Solow, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-452-0200,
Fax: , Internet: www.metrolinkfun.com, Line of Business: Local/Suburban Transportation
Southwestern Law School, Address: 675 S Westmoreland Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90005-3905, Contact Person: Leigh Taylor, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-7386700, Fax: 213-738-5792213-738-5792, Internet: www.swlaw.edu, Line of Business:
Southwind Foods LLC, Address: 2900 Ayers Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900234700, Contact Person: Mr Ernest Doizak, Title: Member, Phone: 323-262-8222, Fax: 323-2644541323-264-4541, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Fish/Seafood Whol Meats/Products
Spanish Broadcasting System of, Address: 10281 W Pico Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90064-2674, Contact Person: Mr Raul Alarcon, Title: President, Phone: 310-203-0900, Fax:
310-203-8989310-203-8989, Internet: , Line of Business: Radio Broadcast Station Advertising
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Special Service For Groups Inc, Address: 605 W Olympic Blvd Rm 600, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90015-1475, Contact Person: Mr Herbert Hatanaka, Title: Executive Director, Phone:
213-553-1817, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Social Services
Spilo World Wide Inc, Address: 585 S Santa Fe Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900132232, Contact Person: Mr Marc Spilo, Title: President, Phone: 213-687-8600, Fax: 213-6201297213-620-1297, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Service Establishment Equipment
Sport Chalet Inc, Address: 100 N La Cienega Blvd 2, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900483310, Contact Person: Mr Norman Neofotist, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-657-3210, Fax: 310-6572201310-657-2201, Internet: www.sportchalet.com, Line of Business: Ret Sporting Goods/Bicycles
Ret Misc Apparel/Accessories Whol Sporting/Recreational Goods
Square-H Brands Inc, Address: 2731 S Soto St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900234226, Contact Person: Mr Henry Haskell, Title: President, Phone: 323-267-4600, Fax: , Internet:
www.squarehbrands.com, Line of Business: Meat processing
Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP, Address: 555 S Flower St Fl 31, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-2300, Contact Person: Mr Robert Matia, Title: President, Phone: 213-624-2500, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
St Anne's Maternity Home, Address: 155 N Occidental Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90026-4641, Contact Person: Tony Walker, Title: President, Phone: 213-381-2931, Fax: 213-3817804213-381-7804, Internet: www.stannes.org, Line of Business: Residential Care Services
St Vincent Medical Center, Address: PO Box 57992, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900570992, Contact Person: Ms Kathy Fickes, Title: President, Phone: 213-484-7111, Fax: 213-4847092213-484-7092, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital
Stampscom Inc, Address: 12959 Coral Tree Pl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900667020, Contact Person: Mr Kenneth McBride, Title: President, Phone: 310-482-5800, Fax: ,
Internet: www.stamps.com, Line of Business: Online Mailing Service
Standard Homeopathic Co, Address: PO Box 61067, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900610067, Contact Person: Mr John Borneman, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-768-0700,
Fax: , Internet: www.hylands.com, Line of Business: Manufactures pharmaceutical preparations;
drug store
Starving Students Inc, Address: 1850 Sawtelle Blvd Ste 300, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90025-7085, Contact Person: Mr Bear Barns, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-6943351, Fax: , Internet: www.ssmovers.com, Line of Business: Local Trucking-With Storage Trucking
State Farm Mutual Automobile, Address: 12122 S Halldale Ave # 200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90047-5320, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-568-5297, Fax: 310-568-2962310568-2962, Internet: www.statefarm.com, Line of Business: Ins Agnts And Brkrs
Stic Adhesive Products Co Inc, Address: 3950 Medford St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90063-1609, Contact Person: Junho Suh, Title: President, Phone: 323-268-2956, Fax: 323-2686480323-268-6480, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures adhesives
Stjohn of God Rtrmnt & Care, Address: 2035 W Adams Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90018-2025, Contact Person: Mr John Williams, Title: Administrator, Phone: 323-731-0641,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility Intermediate Care Facility
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Stone Blue Inc, Address: 2501 E 28th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-1429,
Contact Person: Ms Judy OH, Title: President, Phone: 323-277-0008, Fax: 323-588-4330323-5884330, Internet: , Line of Business: Industrial Launderer
Stony Apparel Corp, Address: 1500 S Evergreen Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-3618, Contact Person: Tony Litman, Title: President, Phone: 323-981-9080, Fax: 323-2639543323-263-9543, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures women's & misses' athletic clothing
& sportswear
Storybook Production Inc, Address: 120 S Hewitt St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90012-4308, Contact Person: Mr Jim Procanik, Title: President, Phone: 213-972-0123, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Television Production
Storybook Productions Inc, Address: 6230 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90028-8701, Contact Person: Siovhan Hagarty, Title: Accountant, Phone: 323-468-5050, Fax: ,
Internet: www.storybookproductions.com, Line of Business: Television Production
Stroock & Stroock &LAvan LLP, Address: 2029 Cntry Park E Ste 18, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90067-2901, Contact Person: Ms Elizabeth Reddington, Title: Corporate Secretary,
Phone: 310-556-5800, Fax: 310-556-5959310-556-5959, Internet: www.stroock.com, Line of
Business: Legal Services Office
Stuart F Cooper Co, Address: PO Box 11306, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90011-0306,
Contact Person: Mr Monte Justesen, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-747-7141, Fax:
213-747-3035213-747-3035, Internet: , Line of Business: Prints gravure announcements
Sugar Foods Corp, Address: 6190 E Slauson Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900403010, Contact Person: Mr John Guilman, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-727-8290, Fax: , Internet:
www.sugarfoods.com, Line of Business: Commercial bakery; manufactures cookies & crackers;
manufactures food preparations
SunAmerica Life Insurance Co, Address: 1 Sun America Ctr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-6100, Contact Person: Mr Jay Wintrob, Title: President, Phone: 310-772-6000, Fax: 310772-6565310-772-6565, Internet: www.aig.com, Line of Business: Life Insurance Carrier
SunCoast Merchandise Corp, Address: 6315 Bandini Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90040-3115, Contact Person: Kumar Bhavnani, Title: President, Phone: 323-720-9700, Fax: 323720-1988323-720-1988, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Nondurable Goods Whol
Sunset Conglomerate, Address: 8371 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90069-1515, Contact Person: Mr Larry Pollack, Title: President, Phone: 323-656-2007, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Sunstone Hotel Investors LLC, Address: 9801 Airport Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-5407, Contact Person: Mr Paul Verduin, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-215-1000,
Fax: 310-215-1952310-215-1952, Internet: www.sunstonehotels.com, Line of Business:
Hotel/Motel Operation Physical Fitness Faclty Nonresdentl Bldg Operatr Eating Place Courier Service
Super Center Concepts Inc, Address: 10211 Avalon Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90003-4819, Contact Person: Mr Mat Kovacs, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-241-6788, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Retail independent supermarkets; commercial bakery; retail bakery;
limited service carry-out only restaurant
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Super Center Concepts Inc, Address: 7316 Compton Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90001-2532, Contact Person: Mr Joaquin Perduvco, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-581-9158,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Groceries
Super Center Concepts Inc, Address: 8811 S Western Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90047-3329, Contact Person: Valery Baily, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-750-1575, Fax:
323-750-1060323-750-1060, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Survival Insurance Inc, Address: PO Box 4394, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900784394, Contact Person: Mr Richard Acunto, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-957-8200,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Insurance Agent & Broker
Swiss Port Corp, Address: 7007 W Imperial Hwy, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900456313, Contact Person: Mr Armen Unternaegrer, Title: Vice President, Phone: 310-417-0258, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Facilities Support Services Airport/Airport Services
Swissport Cargo Services Inc, Address: 5781 W Imperial Hwy, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90045-6301, Contact Person: Mr Dick Stump, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-417-0368,
Fax: 310-417-3525310-417-3525, Internet: , Line of Business: Freight Services
Swisstex California Inc, Address: 13660 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90061-1023, Contact Person: Mr Henry Bassett, Title: President, Phone: 310-516-6800, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Business Services
Swwc Services Inc, Address: 624 S Grand Ave Ste 2900, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-3881, Contact Person: Mr Mark Swatek, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-9291800, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Water Supply Services
T C R LP, Address: 5440 W Century Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90045-5912,
Contact Person: Mr Brett Thomas, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-645-1881, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Rent-A-Car Service
Target Corp, Address: 2626 Colorado Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90041-1070,
Contact Person: Ms Christine Tram, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-258-1355, Fax: ,
Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Target Corp, Address: 3535 S La Cienega Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900164407, Contact Person: Mr Andy King, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-895-1134, Fax: ,
Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Target Corp, Address: 5600 Whittier Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90022, Contact
Person: Ms Martha Tashjian, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-725-1121, Fax: 323-726-0232323-7260232, Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Tarrant Apparel Group, Address: 3151 E Washington Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-4223, Contact Person: Mr Gerard Guez, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-7808250, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures women's, misses' & juniors' jeans;
manufactures women's & girls' blouses; manufactures dresses; manufactures skirts
Tavistock Restaurants LLC, Address: 1100 Glendon Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90024-3503, Contact Person: Dana Caskey, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-824-3322, Fax: ,
Internet: www.tavistockrestaurants.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
TCW Group Inc, Address: 865 S Figueroa St Ste 1800, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-2593, Contact Person: Mr Robert Day, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-244-0000,
Fax: 213-244-0755213-244-0755, Internet: www.socgen.com, Line of Business: State Commercial
Bank Investment Advisory Service Security Broker/Dealer
Team-One Employment, Address: 2999 Overland Ave Ste 116, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90064-4256, Contact Person: Mr Raymond Barajas, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310815-3530, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Employment Agency
Tectrans Inc, Address: 6053 W Century Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90045-6430,
Contact Person: Mr Craig Smedman, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-981-9500, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Passenger Transportation & Call Center
Telaflora LLC, Address: 11444 W Olympic Blvd Fl 4, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900641546, Contact Person: Ms Lynda Resnick, Title: Member, Phone: 310-231-9199, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Wholesale Floral Supplies
Teledyne Reynolds Inc, Address: PO Box 92062, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900092062, Contact Person: Mr Albert Andry, Title: President, Phone: 310-823-5491, Fax: 310-8228046310-822-8046, Internet: www.teledynereynolds.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
electronic connectors; manufactures explosives; manufactures current carrying wiring devices;
manufactures electronic capacitors; manufactures ordnance
Teledyne Technologies Inc, Address: 12964 Panama St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90066-6534, Contact Person: Mr Sam Calvillo, Title: Vice President, Phone: 310-822-8229, Fax:
310-822-5036310-822-5036, Internet: www.teledyne.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
telecommunication systems & equipment
Teledyne Technologies Inc, Address: 12964 Panama St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90066-6534, Contact Person: Mr Bruce Gecks, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-574-2014, Fax: ,
Internet: www.teledyne.com, Line of Business: Manufactures semiconductors & related devices;
manufactures aircraft engines & parts; manufactures internal combustion engines; manufactures
search & navigation systems
Temple Hospital Corp, Address: 235 N Hoover St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900043627, Contact Person: Mr Herbert Needman, Title: President, Phone: 213-382-7252, Fax: 213389-4559213-389-4559, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital
Temple Sinai, Address: 5950 Forest Lawn Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90068-1010,
Contact Person: Mr Leonard Lawerence, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-469-6000, Fax: 323469-2372323-469-2372, Internet: www.sinaiakiba.org, Line of Business: Funeral
Service/Crematory Cemetery Subdivider/Developer
Temple Sinai, Address: 10400 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90024-4602,
Contact Person: Ms Lisa Silverman, Title: Librarian, Phone: 310-474-1518, Fax: 310-4746801310-474-6801, Internet: www.sinaiakiba.org, Line of Business: Synagogue Mortuary & Gift
Tempo Industries Inc, Address: 2137 E 55th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900583439, Contact Person: Mr Arnold Epel, Title: President, Phone: 323-583-2423, Fax: 323-5814837323-581-4837, Internet: www.tempofurniture.com, Line of Business: Manufactures sleep
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Tenenblatt Corp, Address: 3750 Broadway Pl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90007-4400,
Contact Person: Mr William Tenenblatt, Title: President, Phone: 323-232-2061, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Weft & circular knit fabric mill
Tenet Health Systems Norris, Address: 1441 Eastlake Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90033, Contact Person: Ms Debbie Walsh, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-865-3000,
Fax: 323-342-2442323-342-2442, Internet: , Line of Business: Hospital
Tenet Healthsystem Medical Inc, Address: 1500 San Pablo St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90089-0113, Contact Person: Mr Michael Patzakis, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 323442-8500, Fax: 323-442-8909323-442-8909, Internet: www.tenethealth.com, Line of Business:
General Hospital Medical Doctor's Office
Theatrical Entertainment Svcs, Address: 3619 Motor Ave Ste 300, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90034-5738, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Perakos, Title: President, Phone: 310-840-5800,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Auditing
Thelen Reid Brown Raysman, Address: 333 S Hope St Ste 2900, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-3048, Contact Person: Ms Tammy Swarbrick, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 213576-8082, Fax: , Internet: www.thelen.com, Line of Business: Legal Services
Thomson Elite Corp, Address: 5100 W Goldleaf Cir, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900561271, Contact Person: Mr Christopher Poole, Title: President, Phone: 323-642-5200, Fax: ,
Internet: www.eliteis.com, Line of Business: Ret Computers/Software
Thoreau Janitorial Services, Address: 5301 Beethoven St Ste 101, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90066-7066, Contact Person: Ms Nicki Frank, Title: President, Phone: 310-822-8017, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Commercial Janitorial Service
Tianello Inc, Address: 3701 S Broadway, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90007-4435,
Contact Person: Mr Steven Barraza, Title: President, Phone: 323-231-0599, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Manufactures women's & girls' blouses; manufactures women's & misses'
outerwear; retails women's clothing
Ticketmaster Corp, Address: 3701 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900102804, Contact Person: Mr Paul Allen, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-381-2000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.usanetworks.com, Line of Business: Amusement/Recreation Services Theatrical
Time Inc, Address: 11766 Wilshire Blvd # 1700, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900256556, Contact Person: Mr Corliss Duncan, Title: Division Head, Phone: 310-268-7200, Fax: 310268-7203310-268-7203, Internet: www.time.com, Line of Business: Advertising Representative
Time Warner Cable Inc, Address: 900 N Cahuenga Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90038-2615, Contact Person: Ms Debbie Piccolio, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-993-8000,
Fax: , Internet: www.timewarner.com, Line of Business: Cable Television Service
Time Warner Entertainment Co, Address: 1438 N Gower St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90028-8383, Contact Person: Mr Richard Battaglia, Title: President, Phone: 323-993-7076, Fax: ,
Internet: www.timewarner.com, Line of Business: Cable/Pay Television Service
Tin Inc, Address: PO Box 22010, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90022-0010, Contact
Person: Mr Willie Leon, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-724-5010, Fax: 323-720-6202323-7206202, Internet: www.tin.com, Line of Business: Manufactures corrugated boxes
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Today's IV, Address: 404 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90071-1710,
Contact Person: Mr Peter Zen, Title: President, Phone: 213-624-1000, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Drinking Place Eating Place
Tomco Auto Products Inc, Address: PO Box 15478, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900150478, Contact Person: Mr Donald Maltzman, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-268-4830,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures carburetors, pistons, piston rings & valves;
general automotive repair services; manufactures motor vehicle parts & accessories; manufactures
electrical equipment for engines
Topa Management Co, Address: 1800 Avenue Of The Stars, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-4201, Contact Person: Mr John Anderson, Title: President, Phone: 310-203-9199, Fax: ,
Internet: www.1900avenue.com, Line of Business: Nonresidential Building Operator
Total Enterprises Inc, Address: 3700 Broadway Pl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900074427, Contact Person: Mr Max Javadi, Title: President, Phone: 323-846-3800, Fax: 323-8463399323-846-3399, Internet: , Line of Business: Commercial printing; manufactures trimming
fabrics; manmade, fiber & silk textile finishing plant
Total Professional Network Inc, Address: 3275 Wilshire Blvd # 100, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90010-1407, Contact Person: Ms Elizabeth Poe, Title: President, Phone: 213-382-5550,
Fax: , Internet: www.coremedstaff.com, Line of Business: Nurse Registry
Towers Perrin Forster & Crosby, Address: 1925 Cntry Park E Ste 13, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90067-2701, Contact Person: Mr Raymond Bille, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-551-5600,
Fax: 310-551-5757310-551-5757, Internet: www.towers.com, Line of Business: Management
Consulting & Reinsurance Brokers
Toyota Central & Scion Central, Address: PO Box 15328, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90015-0328, Contact Person: Mr George Call, Title: President, Phone: 213-748-8301, Fax: 213746-5349213-746-5349, Internet: www.toyotacentralla.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used
Automobiles Ret Auto/Home Supplies General Auto Repair Ret Used Automobiles
Trader Joe's Co, Address: 2738 Hyperion Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90027-3002,
Contact Person: Tony Hales, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-665-6774, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Ret Groceries Insurance Agent/Broker
Trailer Park Inc, Address: 1741 Ivar Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90028-5105,
Contact Person: Mr Tim Nett, Title: President, Phone: 323-461-4232, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Advertising Agency Motion Picture/Tape Distribution
Transamerica Life Insurance, Address: PO Box 54178, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90054-0178, Contact Person: Mr Larry Norman, Title: President, Phone: 213-742-3111, Fax: ,
Internet: www.aegonins.com, Line of Business: Pension/Health/Welfare Fund Life Insurance Carrier
Transamerica Occidental Life, Address: 1150 S Olive St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90015-2211, Contact Person: Mr Ronald Wagley, Title: President, Phone: 213-742-2111, Fax: 213741-7939213-741-7939, Internet: www.transamerica.com, Line of Business: Life Insurance Carrier
Pension/Hlth/Wlfare Fund
Transdigm Inc, Address: PO Box 22228, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90022-0228,
Contact Person: Ms Cindy Terakawa, Title: Controller, Phone: 323-269-9181, Fax: 323-269-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
3759323-269-3759, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures aircraft parts & equipment;
manufactures aluminum aerospace castings
Tree of Life Inc, Address: 5560 E Slauson Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040-2921,
Contact Person: Mr Bill Dyer, Title: Principal, Phone: 323-722-2100, Fax: 323-890-3870323-8903870, Internet: www.treeoflife.com, Line of Business: Whol General Groceries Whol Groceries
Triangle Brass Mfg Co Inc, Address: PO Box 23277, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900230277, Contact Person: Mr Martin Simon, Title: President, Phone: 323-262-4191, Fax: 323-2647214323-264-7214, Internet: www.trimcobbw.com, Line of Business: Manufactures door opening &
closing devices
Tribune Broadcasting Co, Address: 5800 W Sunset Blvd 308, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90028-6607, Contact Person: Mr Clark Morehouse, Title: Executive Vice President, Phone:
323-460-3840, Fax: 323-460-3960323-460-3960, Internet: www.tribune.com, Line of Business:
Television Station
Trizechahn Hollywood Hotel, Address: 1755 N Highland Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90028-4403, Contact Person: Mr James Forsell, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 323-856-1200,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Tryan Inc, Address: 11819 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900256619, Contact Person: Mr Steve Ginsberg, Title: President, Phone: 310-444-1813, Fax: 310-4441812310-444-1812, Internet: www.subwaymyway.com, Line of Business: Sandwichessubmarines
TSF Wholesale & T-Shirt Ptg, Address: 3400 S Mn St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90007, Contact Person: Mr Nickolas Woo, Title: Accounts Manager, Phone: 323-235-1555, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Misc Apparel/Accessories
Twelve Signs Inc, Address: PO Box 34069, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90034-0069,
Contact Person: Mr Richard Housman, Title: President, Phone: 310-553-8000, Fax: 310-8360110310-836-0110, Internet: www.astromatch.com, Line of Business: Publishes magazines
without printing
Twentieth Century Fox Home, Address: 10201 W Pico Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90064-2606, Contact Person: Rupert Murdoch, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-3691000, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Television Station
Tykasa Inc, Address: 3440 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1212, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900102123, Contact Person: Bobby Johnson, Title: President, Phone: 213-388-7288, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Eating Place
U C L A Foundation, Address: 10920 Wilshire Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900246502, Contact Person: Mr Neal Axelrod, Title: Treasurer, Phone: 310-794-3193, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Nonprofit Trust Management
U C L A Medical Group, Address: 10833 Le Conte Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90095-3075, Contact Person: Ms Kathy Dezeeuw, Title: Office Manager, Phone: 310-825-4686,
Fax: 310-206-8660310-206-8660, Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
U S I Services Corp, Address: 660 S Figueroa St 2000, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90017-3442, Contact Person: Mr Tom O'Neil, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-627-9203,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Insurance Broker
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
U S Metro Group Inc, Address: 605 S Wilton Pl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900053220, Contact Person: Mr Charles Kim, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-382-7310, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Building Maintenance Srvcs
U S Trust Co, Address: 515 S Flower St # 2700, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900712216, Contact Person: Mr Tim Leach, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-861-5000, Fax:
213-489-3371213-489-3371, Internet: www.ustrust.com, Line of Business: Investment Advisory
Service State Commercial Bank
UBS Financial Services Inc, Address: 2029 Century Park E # 3000, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-3016, Contact Person: Ms Lois Cox, Title: Vice President, Phone: 310-772-7000,
Fax: 310-772-8060310-772-8060, Internet: www.painewebber.com, Line of Business: Security
UBS Financial Services Inc, Address: PO Box 90051, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900090051, Contact Person: Ms Jessica Lagos, Title: Human Resource Manager, Phone: 213-972-1511,
Fax: , Internet: www.painewebber.com, Line of Business: Brokerage Firm
Ucl Inc, Address: 2030 Ross St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-1419, Contact
Person: Mr Chris Chang, Title: President, Phone: 323-235-0099, Fax: 323-235-0515323-235-0515,
Internet: , Line of Business: Trucking Operator Nonlocal
Ucla, Address: 308 Westwood Plz Ste 118, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90024-5000,
Contact Person: Mr Tyson Evans, Title: Editor, Phone: 310-825-2787, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Publishes newspapers without printing; publisher; periodical publisher
Ucla Neuropsychiatric Inst, Address: 760 Westwood Plz, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90024-5055, Contact Person: Mr Peter Whybrow, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-2061233, Fax: 310-825-3942310-825-3942, Internet: , Line of Business: Psychiatric Hospital Medical
Doctor's Office
Ucla SC of Theater Film & TV, Address: 102 East Melnitz, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90095-0001, Contact Person: Mr Bill McDonalds, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-8256165, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Radio/Television Repair
Ultra Pro Corp, Address: 6049 E Slauson Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040-3007,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Shipp, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-725-1975, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures packing materials
Unger Fabrik LLC, Address: 1515 E 15th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90021-2711,
Contact Person: Mr Fabian Oberfeld, Title: Member, Phone: 213-748-2443, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Manufactures women's & misses' athletic clothing & sportswear
Uni Hosiery Co Inc, Address: 3829 S Broadway, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900371411, Contact Person: Ha Chung, Title: President, Phone: 323-846-9900, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Whol Men's & Boy's Clothing
Unified Western Grocers Inc, Address: PO Box 60753, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90060-0753, Contact Person: Mr Alfred Plamann, Title: President, Phone: 323-264-5200, Fax:
323-264-0320323-264-0320, Internet: , Line of Business: Grocery Wholesaler & General
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Unified Western Grocers Inc, Address: 3626 11th Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90018-3601, Contact Person: Mr John Bedrosian, Title: President, Phone: 323-731-8223, Fax:
323-731-4476323-731-4476, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Groceries & General Merchandise
Union Bank of California Fndtn, Address: 445 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90071-1602, Contact Person: Mr John Harrigan, Title: President, Phone: 213-236-5000, Fax: 213236-5115213-236-5115, Internet: www.btm.co.jp, Line of Business: State Commercial Bank
Union Rescue Mission, Address: 545 S San Pedro St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90013-2101, Contact Person: Mr Andy Bales, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 213-347-6300,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Religious Organization
Uniserve Facilities Services, Address: 550 S Hope St Ste T200, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90071-2627, Contact Person: Mr Sam Hwang, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 888676-1000, Fax: , Internet: www.uniservecorp.com, Line of Business: Building Maintenance
Unisource Worldwide Inc, Address: PO Box 61126, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900610126, Contact Person: Ms Naomi Dallob, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 310-527-3000, Fax:
310-538-1023310-538-1023, Internet: www.unisourcelink.com, Line of Business: Whol
Industrial/Service Paper
Unisource Worldwide Inc, Address: PO Box 910907, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900910907, Contact Person: Jackie Triebold, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 323-725-3700, Fax:
323-720-6798323-720-6798, Internet: www.unisourcelink.com, Line of Business: Whol
Industrial/Service Paper
United Artists Productions Inc, Address: 10250 Constellation Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90067-6200, Contact Person: Mr Christopher McGurk, Title: President, Phone: 310-4493000, Fax: , Internet: www.unitedartists.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture And Tape
United Food Group LLC, Address: PO Box 58506, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900580506, Contact Person: Mr Gary Waldman, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 323-826-3236, Fax:
323-588-9284323-588-9284, Internet: , Line of Business: Meat packing plant; restaurant & food
services consultants
United Medical Imaging Inc, Address: 1762 Westwood Blvd # 230, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90024-5648, Contact Person: Mr Nasser Hiekali, Title: President, Phone: 714-620-8200,
Fax: 714-741-0222714-741-0222, Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
United Parcel Service Inc, Address: 1201 W Olympic Blvd Fl 3, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90015-3905, Contact Person: Mr Tim Robinson, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-612-1754, Fax:
213-626-6196213-626-6196, Internet: www.ups.com, Line of Business: Courier Service
United Parcel Service Inc, Address: 3000 E Washington Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90023-4220, Contact Person: Mr Art Nakamoto, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-7296762, Fax: , Internet: www.ups.com, Line of Business: Courier Service
United Parcel Service Inc, Address: 1200 W 9th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900151252, Contact Person: Mr Vito Rizzi, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-626-1551, Fax: ,
Internet: www.ups.com, Line of Business: Parcel Delivery Service
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
United Parcel Service Inc, Address: 3333 S Downey Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-4516, Contact Person: Tony Peralta, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-260-8957, Fax: ,
Internet: www.ups.com, Line of Business: Business Services Air Courier Services Courier Service
United States Aluminum Corp, Address: 3663 Bandini Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-4514, Contact Person: Mr Cornelius Vanderstar, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323268-4230, Fax: 323-266-1549323-266-1549, Internet: www.usalum.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures prefabricated metal store fronts
United States Can Co, Address: 5650 Grace Pl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900224119, Contact Person: Mr William Whitehead, Title: Finance Manager, Phone: 323-267-5946, Fax:
323-888-8965323-888-8965, Internet: www.ball.com, Line of Business: Manufactures tin cans;
wholesales aerosols
United Way Inc, Address: 523 W 6th St Ste 345, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900141235, Contact Person: Ms Elise Buik, Title: President, Phone: 213-630-2100, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Management Consulting
Unity Courier Service Inc, Address: 3231 Fletcher Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90065-2919, Contact Person: Ali Sharifi, Title: President, Phone: 323-255-9800, Fax: 323-2559910323-255-9910, Internet: www.unitycourier.com, Line of Business: Courier Service
Univar USA Inc, Address: PO Box 512062, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90051-0062,
Contact Person: Mr Brian Rinheart, Title: Vice President, Phone: 323-727-7005, Fax: , Internet:
www.univarusa.com, Line of Business: Chemicals & Allied Products
Universal Dyeing & Printing, Address: 2303 E 11th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90021-2846, Contact Person: Kee Hwang, Title: President, Phone: 213-746-0818, Fax: 213-7469064213-746-9064, Internet: , Line of Business: Printing of manmade fiber & silk broadwoven
Universal Studios Inc, Address: 2440 S Sepulveda Blvd Ste 100, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90064-1744, Contact Person: Mr David Renzer, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-235-4749, Fax:
, Internet: www.universalstudios.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
University Credit Union, Address: 1500 S Sepulveda Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-3312, Contact Person: Mr Charles Bumbarger, Title: President, Phone: 310-477-6628, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: State Credit Union
University of California, Los, Address: 11334 Young Research Lib, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90095-0001, Contact Person: Mr Jerry Strong, Title: Director, Phone: 310-825-7143, Fax: ,
Internet: www.state.ca.us, Line of Business: University Library
University of Southern CA, Address: 835 W 36th Pl, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900890081, Contact Person: Mr Lawrence Rogers, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-740-5200, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Bookstore
University Of Southern CA, Address: 1020 W Jefferson Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90089-0029, Contact Person: Mr Larry Bliss, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 213-740-2957,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Data Processing/Preparation
University of Southern CA, Address: University Grdns Ste 203, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90089-0001, Contact Person: Mr Steven Sample, Title: President, Phone: 213-740-2311,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: College/University Medical Laboratory
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
University of Southern CA, Address: 3550 Trousdale Pkwy, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90089-0007, Contact Person: Ms Jane Diaz, Title: Human Resource Director, Phone: 213-7407612, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Library
University of Southern CA, Address: 2250 Alcazar St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90033-1004, Contact Person: Mr Ed Vaynman, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-442-3204, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Business/Secretarial School
University of Southern CA, Address: 840 W 34th St Ste 403, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90089-0851, Contact Person: Mr Robert Cutietta, Title: Dean, Phone: 213-740-6935, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Music School
University Restaurant Group, Address: 544 S Grand Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90071-2602, Contact Person: Ms Barbara Marie, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-891-0900, Fax: 213629-1891213-629-1891, Internet: www.icugini.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
University Student Union Inc, Address: 5151 State University Dr, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90032-4226, Contact Person: Ms Sarah Figueroa, Title: Executive Director, Phone: 323-3432450, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Student Union
Univision Television Group Inc, Address: 6701 Center Dr W Ste 750, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90045-1558, Contact Person: Augustine Martinez, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310216-3434, Fax: 310-348-3493310-348-3493, Internet: www.univision.com, Line of Business:
Television Station
UPS Freight Inc, Address: 2747 Vail Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040-2611,
Contact Person: Mr Steven Hill, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-721-8089, Fax: 323-728-9413323728-9413, Internet: www.overnite.com, Line of Business: Trucking Operator-Nonlocal
URS Corp, Address: 915 Wilshire Blvd Ste 800, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900173488, Contact Person: Mr Jim Noble, Title: Engineer, Phone: 213-996-2200, Fax: , Internet:
www.urscorp.com, Line of Business: Business Consulting Services Insurance Agent/Broker
US Airways Inc, Address: 7183 World Way W, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90045-5824,
Contact Person: Mr George Knoblock, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-646-3013, Fax: ,
Internet: www.usair.com, Line of Business: Airline/Maintenance
US Airways Inc, Address: 100 World Way Ste D, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900455854, Contact Person: Mendy Lewis, Title: Office Manager, Phone: 310-646-0093, Fax: ,
Internet: www.usair.com, Line of Business: Airline/Airport Services
US Army Corps of Engineers, Address: PO Box 532711, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90053-2325, Contact Person: Mr Mark Durham, Title: Chief, Phone: 213-452-3967, Fax: ,
Internet: www.army.mil, Line of Business: Engineering Services
US Growers Cold Storage Inc, Address: 3141 E 44th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-2405, Contact Person: Mr Angelo Antoci, Title: President, Phone: 323-583-3163, Fax: 323583-8965323-583-8965, Internet: , Line of Business: Refrigeration Warehouse/Storage
Usc Shoah Foundation Institite, Address: 650 W 35th St Ste 114, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90089-0033, Contact Person: Mr Doug Greenberg, Title: Executive Director, Phone: 213740-6001, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Membership Organization
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Usc Surgeons Inc, Address: 1510 San Pablo St Ste 514, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90033-5324, Contact Person: Dr Tom Demeester, Title: President, Phone: 323-442-5910, Fax:
323-442-5735323-442-5735, Internet: www.livertransplant.org, Line of Business: Medical Doctor's
USCB Inc, Address: 3333 Wilshire Blvd 7, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90010-4101,
Contact Person: Mr Melvin Shaw, Title: President, Phone: 213-985-2111, Fax: 213-739-7630213739-7630, Internet: www.uscbinc.com, Line of Business: Adjustment/Collection Services
Vahe Enterprises Inc, Address: 750 E Slauson Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900115236, Contact Person: Vahe Karapetian, Title: President, Phone: 323-235-6650, Fax: 323-2356656323-235-6656, Internet: www.aacatertruck.com, Line of Business: Manufactures truck & bus
bodies; truck leasing service, without drivers
Valley Forge Life Insurance Co, Address: PO Box 30105, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90030-0105, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 213-252-7000, Fax: , Internet:
www.continentalcasualtycompany.com, Line of Business: Accident/Health Insurance Carrier Life
Insurance Carrier
Ventura Foods LLC, Address: 633 S Mission Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900231010, Contact Person: Ms Myrna Faustino, Title: Controller, Phone: 323-265-4300, Fax: 323-2696330323-269-6330, Internet: www.venturafoods.com, Line of Business: Manufactures butter;
manufactures raw & cooked salad dressings; manufactures edible fats & oils; wholesales animal or
vegetable oils
Veolia Transportation Services, Address: 700 S Flower St Ste 2730, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90017-4214, Contact Person: Mr Glen Charles, Title: Vice President, Phone: 213-2360137, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Transportation
Vernon Truck Wash Inc, Address: 3308 Bandini Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90023-4513, Contact Person: Mr Armen Keshishyan, Title: President, Phone: 323-267-0706, Fax:
323-267-0433323-267-0433, Internet: , Line of Business: Truck Wash
Vest Inc, Address: PO Box 58827, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-0827, Contact
Person: Iwaki Sugimoto, Title: President, Phone: 323-581-8823, Fax: 323-581-3465323-5813465, Internet: www.vestinc.com, Line of Business: Manufactures wrought welded or lock joint
Vicar Operating Inc, Address: 12401 W Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90064-1022, Contact Person: Mr Robert Antin, Title: President, Phone: 310-571-6500, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Veterinary Services
Victor Martin Inc, Address: PO Box 58647, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-0647,
Contact Person: Mr Martin Perfit, Title: President, Phone: 323-587-3101, Fax: 323-589-2769323589-2769, Internet: www.victormartin.com, Line of Business: Manufactures metal household
Virgil Sanitarium, Address: 975 N Virgil Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90029-2944,
Contact Person: Ms Miriam Weiss, Title: President, Phone: 323-665-5793, Fax: 323-665-2683323665-2683, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Virgin Entertainment Group Inc, Address: 5757 Wlshire Blvd Ste 300, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90036-3683, Contact Person: Mr Simon Wright, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone:
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
323-935-1500, Fax: 323-937-1416323-937-1416, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret
Records/Cd's/Tapes Ret Computers/Software Ret Family Clothing Ret Books Eating Place
Virgin Entertainment Group Inc, Address: 4751 Wilshire Blvd # 300, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90010-3896, Contact Person: Mr Dean Edouarde, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323935-1500, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Music Store
Virtel Inc, Address: 2150 E 37th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-1417, Contact
Person: Mr Thomas Erwin, Title: President, Phone: 310-639-3523, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Repair Services Electrical Repair
Vista Del Mar Child & Family, Address: 3200 Motor Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90034-3710, Contact Person: Dr Elias Lefferman, Title: President, Phone: 310-836-1223, Fax:
310-839-4158310-839-4158, Internet: www.vistadelmar.org, Line of Business: Residential Care
Services Individual/Family Services
Visual Image Concepts Inc, Address: 615 E 61st St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900011020, Contact Person: Mr Marc Johnson, Title: President, Phone: 323-846-1831, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Ret Women's Clothing
Volkswagen of Downtown LA Inc, Address: 3330 S Figueroa St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90007-3740, Contact Person: Mr Nicholas Shammas, Title: President, Phone: 213-7487231, Fax: 213-746-9091213-746-9091, Internet: www.vwofdtla.com, Line of Business: Ret
New/Used Automobiles Auto Body Repair/Painting
Volt Management Corp, Address: 3055 Wilshire Blvd # 880, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90010-1137, Contact Person: Ms Lori Ludwig, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-388-3271, Fax: 213487-0186213-487-0186, Internet: www.volt.com, Line of Business: Help Supply Services
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 3461 W 3rd St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90020-1604,
Contact Person: Epi Villegas, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-384-6552, Fax: 213-384-8681213-3848681, Internet: www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 3361 Boxford Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90040-3001,
Contact Person: Mr Boris Reznik, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-889-4200, Fax: 323-7246056323-724-6056, Internet: www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Vons Co's Inc, Address: PO Box 513338, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90051-1338,
Contact Person: Mr Tom Keller, Title: President, Phone: 626-821-7000, Fax: 626-821-7985626821-7985, Internet: www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Retail supermarket chain; manufactures
frozen ice cream novelties; drug store; manufactures fluid milk
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 1430 S Fairfax Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90019-3745,
Contact Person: Mr Gus Vallejo, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-939-9335, Fax: 323-935-7654323935-7654, Internet: www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Supermarket
W Los Angeles, Address: 930 Hilgard Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90024-3009,
Contact Person: George Rosenthal, Title: President, Phone: 310-208-8765, Fax: 310-8240355310-824-0355, Internet: www.raleighenterprises.com, Line of Business: Hotel
Wachovia Securities LLC, Address: PO Box 2840, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900510840, Contact Person: Mr Peter Drake, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-552-3535, Fax: 310552-5698310-552-5698, Internet: www.wachoviasec.com, Line of Business: Security
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Wackenhut Corp, Address: 4929 Wlshre Blvd Ste 610, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90010-3820, Contact Person: Naphaniel Webb, Title: Operations Manager, Phone: 323-938-9100,
Fax: 323-938-9944323-938-9944, Internet: www.wackenhut.com, Line of Business: Security
Walker Motor Co, Address: 11800 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-2202, Contact Person: Mr John Buerge, Title: President, Phone: 310-820-2631, Fax: 310820-9638310-820-9638, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles Ret Used
Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Address: 4101 Crenshaw Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900082501, Contact Person: Mr Michael Hardaway, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-299-8014, Fax: ,
Internet: www.walmartstores.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Warner Chappell Music Inc, Address: 10585 Sta Mon Blvd 3, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-4921, Contact Person: Leslie Bider, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-441-8600,
Fax: , Internet: www.wmg.com/, Line of Business: Music book & sheet music publishing
Wasserman Sports LLC, Address: 12100 W Olympic Blvd # 400, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90064-1052, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-788-7733, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Holding Company
Watts Healthcare Corp, Address: 10300 Compton Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90002-3628, Contact Person: Mr William Hobson, Title: President, Phone: 323-568-3059, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Wattshealth Foundation Inc, Address: 10300 Compton Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90002-3628, Contact Person: Carroll McNeely, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 323-564-4331,
Fax: 323-563-6378323-563-6378, Internet: , Line of Business: Specialty Hospital
Individual/Family Services Medical Doctor's Office
Wedbush Morgan Securities Inc, Address: PO Box 30014, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90030-0014, Contact Person: Mr Edward Wedbush, Title: President, Phone: 213-688-8000, Fax:
213-688-6655213-688-6655, Internet: www.einvestmentbank.com, Line of Business: Security
Weingart Center Association, Address: 566 S San Pedro St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90013-2102, Contact Person: Mr David Furman, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 213-6279000, Fax: 213-627-4031213-627-4031, Internet: www.weingart.org, Line of Business:
Individual/Family Services
Wesley Allen Inc, Address: 1001 E 60th St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90001-1018,
Contact Person: Mr Victor Sawan, Title: President, Phone: 323-231-4275, Fax: 323-235-2910323235-2910, Internet: www.wesleyallen.com, Line of Business: Manufactures metal household
furniture; manufactures mattresses & bedsprings
West Central Produce Inc, Address: RR 21331, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90021,
Contact Person: Mr Chester Frangipani, Title: President, Phone: 213-629-3600, Fax: 213-4850514213-485-0514, Internet: www.westcentralproduce.com, Line of Business: Whol
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
West Side Rehab Corp, Address: 1755 E Martin Lthr Kng Jr Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90058-1522, Contact Person: Mr Dean Foley, Title: President, Phone: 323-231-4174, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Property Remodeling & Management
Western Federal Credit Union, Address: 9323 Bellanca Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90045-4711, Contact Person: Mr Edward Carpenter, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 310-3812300, Fax: 310-338-0326310-338-0326, Internet: , Line of Business: Federal Credit Union
Western Territorial Of The, Address: PO Box 15899, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900150899, Contact Person: Mr Joe Wambugo, Title: Finance Director, Phone: 213-896-9160, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Individual/Family Services
Westfield America Inc, Address: 11601 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90025-1770, Contact Person: Mr Richard Green, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-4784456, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Nonresidential Building Operator Subdivider/Developer
Westlake Services Inc, Address: 4751 Wlshre Blvd Ste 100, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90010-3847, Contact Person: Mr Don Hankey, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-692-8800,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Misc Business Credit Institutions Personal Credit Institution
Westmont Hospitality Group Inc, Address: 9901 S La Cienega Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90045-5915, Contact Person: Shahid Kayani, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-6495151, Fax: 310-568-0143310-568-0143, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotels And Motels
Weston Benshoof Rochefort, Address: PO Box 513736, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90051-3736, Contact Person: Mr Edward Casey, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 213-576-1000,
Fax: , Internet: www.wbcounsel.com, Line of Business: Legal Services Office
Westside Jewish Center, Address: 5877 San Vicente Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90019-6623, Contact Person: Westside Center, Title: Owner, Phone: 323-857-0463, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Apartment Building Operator
White & Case LLP, Address: 633 W 5th St # 1900, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900712087, Contact Person: Mr Richard Smith, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 213-620-7700, Fax:
213-687-0758213-687-0758, Internet: www.whitecase.com, Line of Business: Law Firm
White Memorial Medical Center, Address: 1720 E Cesar E Chavez Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90033-2414, Contact Person: Ms Beth Zachary, Title: President, Phone: 323-268-5000,
Fax: 323-881-8752323-881-8752, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital
Whole Foods Market California, Address: 6350 W 3rd St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90036-3155, Contact Person: Mr George Khoury, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-964-6800, Fax: ,
Internet: www.wholefoods.com, Line of Business: Supermarkets Chain
Whole Foods Market California, Address: 7871 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90046-5344, Contact Person: Mr John Jury, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-848-4200, Fax: ,
Internet: www.wholefoods.com, Line of Business: Supermarkets Chain
Whole Foods Market California, Address: 11737 San Vicente Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90049-5005, Contact Person: Mr David Gonzalez, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-826-4433,
Fax: 310-826-6653310-826-6653, Internet: www.wholefoods.com, Line of Business:
Supermarkets Chain
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Whole Foods Market California, Address: 1050 Gayley Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90024-3402, Contact Person: Mr Michael Wisconsin, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-824-0858, Fax: ,
Internet: www.wholefoods.com, Line of Business: Supermarkets Chain
William O'Neil & Co Inc, Address: 12655 Beatrice St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90066-7300, Contact Person: Mr William O'Neil, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-4486800, Fax: , Internet: www.williamoneil.com, Line of Business: Security Broker/Dealer
Windsor Quality Food Co Ltd, Address: 6711 S Alameda St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90001-2123, Contact Person: Jean Lee, Title: President, Phone: 323-582-2872, Fax: 323-5821027323-582-1027, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures frozen ethnic foods
Windstar Capital LLC, Address: 10940 Wilshire Blvd 1600, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90024-3915, Contact Person: Mr Jack Risko, Title: President, Phone: 310-443-4242, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Investment Advisory Service
Wireless Capital Partners LLC, Address: 11900 W Olympic Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90064-1151, Contact Person: Mr Richard Grimes, Title: Executive Vice President, Phone:
310-481-8700, Fax: , Internet: www.wirelesscapital.com, Line of Business: Management
Consulting Services
World Variety Produce Inc, Address: PO Box 21127, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900210127, Contact Person: Mr Joe Hernandez, Title: President, Phone: 323-588-0151, Fax: 323-5887753323-588-7753, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Fruits/Vegetables
Worldwide Security Associates, Address: 10311 S La Cienega Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90045-6109, Contact Person: Mr Andres Martinez, Title: President, Phone: 310-743-3000,
Fax: 310-743-3005310-743-3005, Internet: www.wsainc.net, Line of Business: Security Service
Writers Guild of America West, Address: 7000 W 3rd St, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90048-4329, Contact Person: Mr Patric Verrone, Title: President, Phone: 323-951-4000, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Labor Organization
X Lvl Co, Address: 1501 W Washington Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90007-1258,
Contact Person: Mr Dunstan Lee, Title: President, Phone: 213-741-2110, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Ret Women's Clothing
Xerox Corp, Address: 2029 Century Park E Ste 7, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900672901, Contact Person: Ms Suzi Good, Title: Vice President, Phone: 310-203-7417, Fax: , Internet:
www.xerox.com, Line of Business: Whol Office Equipment Electrical Repair Equipment
Rental/Leasing Whol Electronic Parts
Xerox Corp, Address: 700 S Flower St # 700, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 90017-4109,
Contact Person: Ms Suzi Good, Title: Vice President, Phone: 213-627-4300, Fax: 213-6140292213-614-0292, Internet: www.xerox.com, Line of Business: Whol Office Equipment
Yamashiro Inc, Address: 1999 N Sycamore Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900683782, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Glover, Title: President, Phone: 323-466-5125, Fax: 323-4624523323-462-4523, Internet: www.yamashirorestaurant.com, Line of Business: Drinking Place
Eating Place Misc Personal Services
Yeshiva Rau Isacsohn Academy, Address: 540 N La Brea Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90036-2016, Contact Person: Mr Charles Abbott, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
549-3180, Fax: 323-938-5232323-938-5232, Internet: , Line of Business: Child Day Care Services
Elementary/Secondary School
Young's Market Co LLC, Address: 500 S Central Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90013-1715, Contact Person: Mr Mark Sneed, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-629-5571, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Wine/Distilled Beverages
Yucaipa Co's LLC, Address: 9130 W Sunset Blvd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900693110, Contact Person: Mr Ronald Burkle, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 310-789-7200, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Holding Company Business Consulting Services
Z Valet Inc, Address: 4221 Wilshire Blvd 170-11, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code: 900103519, Contact Person: Mr Daniel Ziv, Title: President, Phone: 213-736-9800, Fax: , Internet:
www.zvalet.com, Line of Business: Valet And Shuttle Service Also Parking Management And
Zahid Abdou MD, Address: 1701 E Cesar E Chavez Ave, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90033-2464, Contact Person: Dr Zahid Abdou, Title: Owner, Phone: 323-343-1362, Fax: 323-3431361323-343-1361, Internet: , Line of Business: Health/Allied Services
Zastrow Construction Inc, Address: 3267 Verdugo Rd, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90065-2035, Contact Person: Mr Mark Zastrow, Title: President, Phone: 323-478-1956, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Residential Construction
Ziffren Brittenham Branca, Address: 1801 Century Park E, City: Los Angeles, State: CA, Zip Code:
90067-2302, Contact Person: Ms Melanie Cook, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-552-3388, Fax: 310553-7068310-553-7068, Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
L T Acquisition Corp, Address: 4500 Los Feliz Blvd, City: Los Feliz, State: CA, Zip Code: 900272006, Contact Person: Mr Marc Buckhantz, Title: Marketing Director, Phone: 323-667-0777, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Ace Machine Shop Inc, Address: 11200 Wright Rd, City: Lynwood, State: CA, Zip Code: 902623124, Contact Person: Mr Pedro Gallinucci, Title: President, Phone: 310-608-2277, Fax: 310-6086011310-608-6011, Internet: , Line of Business: Machine shop, jobbing & repair services
Eastside Group Corp, Address: PO Box 531, City: Lynwood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90262-0531,
Contact Person: Mr Fernando Gonzales, Title: President, Phone: 213-368-9777, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Security Guard
Lennox Hearth Products, Address: 2520 Industry Way, City: Lynwood, State: CA, Zip Code: 902624015, Contact Person: Ms Susan Herndon, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-564-3201,
Fax: 323-563-8143323-563-8143, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures fireplace equipment
& accessories
Lynwood Unified School Dist, Address: 11321 Bullis Rd, City: Lynwood, State: CA, Zip Code: 902623600, Contact Person: Ms Jacquelyn Carr, Title: Superintendent, Phone: 310-886-1600, Fax: 310608-7483310-608-7483, Internet: www.lynwood.k12.ca.us, Line of Business:
Elementary/Secondary School
Lynwood Unified School Dist, Address: 12124 Bullis Rd, City: Lynwood, State: CA, Zip Code: 902625106, Contact Person: Dr Anim Mener, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-603-1466, Fax: 310-6376894310-637-6894, Internet: www.lynwood.k12.ca.us, Line of Business: School And Educational
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Marlinda Management Inc, Address: 3351 E Imperial Hwy, City: Lynwood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90262-3305, Contact Person: Ms Martha Lang, Title: President, Phone: 310-638-6691, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care
Midas Express Los Angeles Inc, Address: 11854 Alameda St, City: Lynwood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90262-4019, Contact Person: Mr Jack Wu, Title: President, Phone: 310-609-0366, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Special Warehse/Storage General Warehse/Storage Freight Trans
Pacer Stacktrain Inc, Address: 2700 E Imperial Hwy, City: Lynwood, State: CA, Zip Code: 902624017, Contact Person: Mr Dave Boul, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-661-4000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.pacer-international.com, Line of Business: Freight Transportation Arrangement
Sherman Allen Inc, Address: 2828 Butler Ave, City: Lynwood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90262-4006,
Contact Person: Mr Irwin Allen, Title: President, Phone: 323-235-2828, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Manufactures wood household furniture
Sierra Wire & Cable Inc, Address: 10846 Stanford Ave, City: Lynwood, State: CA, Zip Code: 902621838, Contact Person: Mr Gerald Clifford, Title: President, Phone: 310-603-1178, Fax: 310-6039797310-603-9797, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures electronic cable & wire harness
St Francis Medical Center, Address: 3630 E Imperial Hwy, City: Lynwood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90262-2609, Contact Person: Mr Gerald Kozai, Title: President, Phone: 310-900-8900, Fax: 310604-0864310-604-0864, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital
Super Center Concepts Inc, Address: 3831 Martin Luther Kng Jr Blvd, City: Lynwood, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90262-3601, Contact Person: Mr Rick Fry, Title: Vice President, Phone: 310-637-9451, Fax:
310-637-3321310-637-3321, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Taylor Desk Co, Address: 11020 Santa Fe Ave, City: Lynwood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90262-1737,
Contact Person: Mr Alan Paull, Title: President, Phone: 310-631-6727, Fax: 310-604-3338310604-3338, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures wooden office chairs
Universal Molding Co, Address: 10807 Stanford Ave, City: Lynwood, State: CA, Zip Code: 902621837, Contact Person: Mr Dominick Baione, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-886-1750,
Fax: , Internet: www.universalmold.com, Line of Business: Nonferrous Rollng/Drawng Mfg Alumnm
Extrded Prdts Mfg Prefab Metal Bldgs Plating/Polishing Svcs Coating/Engraving Svcs
Pepperdine University, Address: 24255 Pacific Coast Hwy # 5000, City: Malibu, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90263-4999, Contact Person: Dr Andrew Benton, Title: President, Phone: 310-506-4000,
Fax: 310-506-4227310-506-4227, Internet: , Line of Business: College/University
Sodexo Inc, Address: 24255 Pacific Coast Hwy, City: Malibu, State: CA, Zip Code: 90263-3999,
Contact Person: Mr Eugene Perkins, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-506-6368, Fax: , Internet:
www.sodexhousa.com, Line of Business: Food Service Facility
1334 Partners, LP, Address: 1330 Park View Ave, City: Manhattan Beach, State: CA, Zip Code:
90266-3722, Contact Person: Mr Keith Brackpool, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-546-5656, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Membership Sports Club Nonresdentl Bldg Operatr Physical Fitness
Faclty Drinking Place Eating Place
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Bristol Farms, Address: 1570 Rosecrans Ave Ste H, City: Manhattan Beach, State: CA, Zip Code:
90266-3797, Contact Person: Mr Mark Taylor, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-643-5229, Fax: 310643-5258310-643-5258, Internet: www.bristolfarms.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc Foods
Fry's Electronics Inc, Address: 3600 N Sepulveda Blvd, City: Manhattan Beach, State: CA, Zip Code:
90266-3633, Contact Person: Mr Joel Byer, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-364-3797, Fax: ,
Internet: www.frys.com, Line of Business: Whol Computers/Peripherals Ret Radio/Tv/Electronics
Hillstone Restaurant Group Inc, Address: 1550 Rosecrans Ave # A, City: Manhattan Beach, State:
CA, Zip Code: 90266-3724, Contact Person: Ms Lisa Ignari, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310643-7211, Fax: 310-643-7478310-643-7478, Internet: , Line of Business: Restaurant
HMC Interstate Manhattan Beach, Address: 1400 Park View Ave, City: Manhattan Beach, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90266-3714, Contact Person: Ms Lucie Manley, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310546-7511, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Eating Place Drinking Place
Kinecta Federal Credit Union, Address: PO Box 10003, City: Manhattan Beach, State: CA, Zip Code:
90267-7503, Contact Person: Ms Simone Lagomarsino, Title: President, Phone: 310-643-5400,
Fax: 310-643-5411310-643-5411, Internet: , Line of Business: Federal Credit Agency Federal
Credit Union
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 3400 N Sepulveda Blvd, City: Manhattan Beach, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90266-3629, Contact Person: Ms Cathy Cook, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-5465525, Fax: 310-546-5525310-546-5525, Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business:
Department Store
Pacific Security Systems Inc, Address: 1600 Rosecrans Ave 3-2B, City: Manhattan Beach, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90266-3708, Contact Person: Mr Robert Early, Title: President, Phone: 310-727-3323,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 2700 N Sepulveda Blvd, City: Manhattan Beach, State: CA, Zip Code:
90266-2726, Contact Person: Mr Mike Marco, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-546-2471, Fax:
310-545-7311310-545-7311, Internet: , Line of Business: Supermarket
Re Max Beach Cities Realty, Address: 400 S Sepulveda Blvd # 100, City: Manhattan Beach, State:
CA, Zip Code: 90266-6814, Contact Person: Mr Robert Todd, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-3762225, Fax: 310-545-5348310-545-5348, Internet: , Line of Business: Real Estate Agent/Manager
Recreational Equipment Inc, Address: 1800 Rosecrans Ave Ste E, City: Manhattan Beach, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90266-3778, Contact Person: Ms Anne Maleady, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310727-0728, Fax: 310-727-0735310-727-0735, Internet: www.rei.com, Line of Business: Ret
Sporting Goods/Bicycles
Target Corp, Address: 1200 N Sepulveda Blvd, City: Manhattan Beach, State: CA, Zip Code: 902665104, Contact Person: Mr Al Duclos, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-546-5601, Fax: 310-5462481310-546-2481, Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Tecolote Research Inc, Address: 3601 Avi Blvd Ste 1600, City: Manhattan Beach, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90266, Contact Person: Lee Atkins, Title: Vice President, Phone: 310-536-0011, Fax: 310536-9922310-536-9922, Internet: www.tecolote.com, Line of Business: Management Consulting
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Al Anwa USA Inc, Address: 4200 Admiralty Way, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip Code: 902925422, Contact Person: Mr Mohammed Khan, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-301-2000, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Boardwalk Realty By Steve, Address: 124 Washington Blvd, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90292-5126, Contact Person: Mr Steve Aguilar, Title: President, Phone: 310-306-6525,
Fax: 310-306-6526310-306-6526, Internet: www.bobferrol.com, Line of Business: Real Estate
Cfhs Holdings Inc, Address: 4650 Lincoln Blvd, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip Code: 902926306, Contact Person: Ms Deborah Ettinger, Title: VP Administration, Phone: 310-823-8911, Fax:
310-574-4535310-574-4535, Internet: , Line of Business: Hospital
Cheesecake Factory Inc, Address: 4142 Via Marina, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90292-5301, Contact Person: Mr Scott Thomas, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-306-3344, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
Cookingcom Inc, Address: 4086 Del Rey Ave, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip Code: 902925602, Contact Person: Tracy Randall, Title: President, Phone: 310-450-3270, Fax: , Internet:
www.cooking.com, Line of Business: Ret And Whol Cooking Goods And Wares
Costco Wholesale Corp, Address: 13463 Washington Blvd, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90292-5658, Contact Person: Mr Humberto Yniguez, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310754-2003, Fax: , Internet: www.costco.com, Line of Business: Club Membership
Frontbridge Technologies Inc, Address: 4640 Admiralty Way # 600, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90292-6638, Contact Person: Mr Steve Jillings, Title: President, Phone: 310-302-0500,
Fax: , Internet: www.microsoft.com, Line of Business: Custom Computer Programing
Gelson's Markets, Address: 13455 Maxella Ave, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip Code: 902925682, Contact Person: Romel Montero, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-306-3192, Fax: 310306-3546310-306-3546, Internet: www.gelsonsvillage.com, Line of Business: Grocery store;
commercial bakery; retail bakery
Host Hotels & Resorts, LP, Address: 4100 Admiralty Way, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90292-6207, Contact Person: Mr Murray Lowe, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-7541961, Fax: , Internet: www.hosthotels.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Eating Place
Infosearch Media Inc, Address: 4086 Del Rey Ave, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90292-5602, Contact Person: Mr Claudio Pinkus, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-4377380, Fax: , Internet: www.trafficlogic.com, Line of Business: Telephone Communications
Interstate Hotels & Resorts, Address: 13480 Maxella Ave, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90292-5620, Contact Person: Mr Victor Randall, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-8228555, Fax: 310-823-2996310-823-2996, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Islands Restaurants LP, Address: 404 Washington Blvd, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90292-5214, Contact Person: Ms Kimberly Brown, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-822-3939,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Hamburger Restaurant
Laaco Inc, Address: 4469 Admiralty Way, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip Code: 90292-5415,
Contact Person: Mr Eric Gregory, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-823-4567, Fax: , Internet:
www.storagewest.com, Line of Business: Membership Sport/Recreation Club Marina Operation
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Marina City Club, LP, A CA, Address: 4333 Admiralty Way, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90292-5469, Contact Person: Mr Milton Swimmer, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-822-0611,
Fax: 310-822-1696310-822-1696, Internet: , Line of Business: Apartment Building Operator
Membership Sport/Recreation Club Marina Operation
Marina Del Rey Hotel, Address: 13534 Bali Way, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip Code: 902926953, Contact Person: New Overnight, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-301-1000, Fax: , Internet:
www.marinadelreyhotel.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Eating Place
Marina Ucla Center, Address: 14001 Fiji Way, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip Code: 902926955, Contact Person: Ms Nora Lee, Title: Director, Phone: 310-823-0048, Fax: 310-3051587310-305-1587, Internet: , Line of Business: Membership Sport/Recreation Club
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 13401 Washington Blvd, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90292-5658, Contact Person: Mr Brian Haarmon, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-574-0606,
Fax: 310-578-7218310-578-7218, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Supermarket
Parking Concepts Inc, Address: 14110 Palawan Way, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90292-6231, Contact Person: Mr Frank Vargas, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-821-1081,
Fax: , Internet: www.parkingconcepts.net, Line of Business: Automobile Parking Management
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 4311 Lincoln Blvd, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip Code: 902928814, Contact Person: Mr Joe Martinez, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-574-0909, Fax: 310574-0990310-574-0990, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries Ret Florist Ret Drugs/Sundries
Retail Bakery
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 4700 Admiralty Way, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90292-6905, Contact Person: Mr Jack Davis, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-823-4684, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Retail supermarket chain; commercial bakery; retail bakery
Specialty Restaurants Corp, Address: 13813 Fiji Way Unit 2, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90292-6910, Contact Person: Parvis Gerami, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-823-4522, Fax:
310-821-1656310-821-1656, Internet: www.specialtyrestaurants.com, Line of Business: Eating
Sport Chalet Inc, Address: 13455 Maxella Ave Ste 138, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90292-8810, Contact Person: Mr Daniel Mora, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-821-9400, Fax: 310823-0485310-823-0485, Internet: www.sportchalet.com, Line of Business: Ret Sporting
Tavistock Restaurants LLC, Address: 4451 Admiralty Way, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90292-5415, Contact Person: Mr Michael Morrisette, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310823-6395, Fax: , Internet: www.tavistockrestaurants.com, Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking
Tempus LLC, Address: 4640 Admiralty Way # 600, City: Marina Del Rey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90292-6638, Contact Person: Mr Mark Stagen, Title: Member, Phone: 310-593-8050, Fax: ,
Internet: www.emeraldhs.com, Line of Business: Employment Agency
R G Canning Enterprises, Address: PO Box 400, City: Maywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90270-0400,
Contact Person: Mr Richard Canning, Title: President, Phone: 323-560-7469, Fax: , Internet:
www.rgcshows.com, Line of Business: Promoters Of Flea Markets Exotic Car Shows And Specialty
Shows & Attractions
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
American Protection Agency Inc, Address: 11100-8 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Mission Hills, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91345-1101, Contact Person: Mr Anthony Brown, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone:
818-361-8433, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Security Systems Services Detective/Armored
Car Services
Ararat Home of Los Angeles Inc, Address: 15099 Mission Hills Rd, City: Mission Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91345-1102, Contact Person: Evieny Janbazian, Title: VP Marketing, Phone: 818-837-1800,
Fax: 818-898-2224818-898-2224, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing Home
Facey Medical Foundation, Address: 11211 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Mission Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91345-1115, Contact Person: Mr William Gregor, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 818-8375677, Fax: 818-363-7569818-363-7569, Internet: www.unihealthfoundation.org, Line of Business:
Medical Doctor's Office Optometrist's Office
Facey Medical Foundation, Address: 15451 San Fernando Missio, City: Mission Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91345-1368, Contact Person: Ms Teresa David, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-365-9531,
Fax: , Internet: www.facey.com, Line of Business: Medical Services Organization
Hamer Toyota Inc, Address: 11041 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Mission Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913451413, Contact Person: Leland Hamer, Title: President, Phone: 818-365-9621, Fax: 818-8376910818-837-6910, Internet: www.hamertoyota.com, Line of Business: Retail New/Used
Pharmavite LLC, Address: PO Box 9606, City: Mission Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 91346-9606,
Contact Person: Mr Kenneth Rosenberg, Title: Member, Phone: 818-221-6200, Fax: , Internet:
www.pharmavite.com, Line of Business: Manufactures bulk uncompounded natural or synthetic
vitamins; manufactures pharmaceutical preparations
Prescott Communications Inc, Address: 10640 Sepulveda Blvd # 1, City: Mission Hills, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91345-1919, Contact Person: Lynn Prescott, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818898-2352, Fax: 818-898-9186818-898-9186, Internet: www.cableeng.com, Line of Business:
Business Consulting Services
Providence Health, Address: 15031 Rinaldi St, City: Mission Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 91345-1207,
Contact Person: Terry Carmondy, Title: Administrator, Phone: 818-898-4530, Fax: , Internet:
www.prov-serv.com, Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Providence Health, Address: 15031 Rinaldi St, City: Mission Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 91345-1207,
Contact Person: Kerry Carmody, Title: Administrator, Phone: 818-898-4561, Fax: , Internet:
www.prov-serv.com, Line of Business: General Hospital Religious Organization
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 10400 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Mission Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91345-2424, Contact Person: Mr Paul Marshall, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-365-3296, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries Ret Florist Retail Bakery
3M Unitek Corp, Address: 2724 Peck Rd, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91016-5005,
Contact Person: Mr Richard Iverson, Title: Division Manager, Phone: 626-574-4000, Fax: 626-5744793626-574-4793, Internet: www.mmm.com, Line of Business: Manufactures orthodontic
Assael Automotive Inc, Address: PO Box 540, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91017-0540,
Contact Person: Mr Dennis Assael, Title: President, Phone: 626-358-4269, Fax: 626-303-4253626303-4253, Internet: www.sonicautomotive.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
AV Wind Energy II Inc, Address: 825 S Myrtle Ave, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 910163424, Contact Person: Mr Paul Mac Cready, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626-357-9983,
Fax: , Internet: www.avinc.com, Line of Business: Engineering Services
Burnett & Son Meat Co Inc, Address: 1420 S Myrtle Ave, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91016-4153, Contact Person: Mr Donald Burnett, Title: President, Phone: 626-357-2165, Fax:
626-357-7115626-357-7115, Internet: www.burnettandson.com, Line of Business: Meat packing
California Business Bureau Inc, Address: PO Box 5010, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 910177110, Contact Person: Mr Michael Sigal, Title: President, Phone: 626-303-1515, Fax: 626-3017958626-301-7958, Internet: www.cbbinc.com, Line of Business: Adjustment/Collection Services
Claim Jumper, Address: 820 W Huntington Dr, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91016-3145,
Contact Person: Mr Craig Nicholoff, Title: Partner, Phone: 626-359-0463, Fax: 626-359-0143626359-0143, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Currie Medical Specilaties Inc, Address: PO Box 1940, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 910175940, Contact Person: Mr David Currie, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626-303-3521, Fax:
626-303-5067626-303-5067, Internet: www.curriemedical.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
orthopedic appliances
Decore-Ative Specialties, Address: 2772 Peck Rd, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91016-5005,
Contact Person: Mr Bill Mize, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-254-9191, Fax: , Internet:
www.decore.com, Line of Business: Manufactures wooden doors
Decore-Ative Specialties, Address: 2772 Peck Rd, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91016-5005,
Contact Person: Mr Jack Lansford, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-960-7731, Fax: ,
Internet: www.decore.com, Line of Business: Manufactures wooden doors
DOT Green Corp, Address: PO Box 1187, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91017-1187,
Contact Person: Mr Steve Streit, Title: President, Phone: 626-775-3400, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Business Services
Ducommun Aerostructures Inc, Address: 801 Royal Oaks Dr, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91016-3630, Contact Person: Mr Bradley Spahr, Title: President, Phone: 626-305-3200, Fax: ,
Internet: www.ducommun.com, Line of Business: Manufactures aircraft engines & parts;
manufactures aircraft parts & equipment; manufactures search & navigation systems
Futurenet Technologies Corp, Address: 222 E Huntington Dr, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91016-8006, Contact Person: Mr Tom Liu, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-358-7912,
Fax: , Internet: www.futurenet-tech.com, Line of Business: Computer Software Development
Haynes Building Service Inc, Address: 125 W Maple Ave, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91016-3420, Contact Person: Mr John Scharler, Title: President, Phone: 626-359-6100, Fax: ,
Internet: www.haynesservices.com, Line of Business: Janitorial Srvcs
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 1625 S Mountain Ave, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 910164205, Contact Person: Mr Mike Cunningham, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-256-0580, Fax:
626-256-0216626-256-0216, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials
Equipment Rental/Leasing
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 407 W Huntington Dr, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 910163201, Contact Person: Mako Kapaska, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-599-3400, Fax: 626301-9457626-301-9457, Internet: , Line of Business: Design Center
ITT Corp, Address: 1400 S Shamrock Ave, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91016-4267,
Contact Person: Raffi Garabu, Title: Vice President, Phone: 626-584-4527, Fax: , Internet:
www.ittind.com, Line of Business: Manufactures communication satellites
J A M Fire Protection Inc, Address: 1930 S Myrtle Ave, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 910164835, Contact Person: Mr John Mongillo, Title: President, Phone: 626-256-4400, Fax: , Internet:
www.jamfire.com, Line of Business: Electrical Contractor
Loopnet Inc, Address: 181 W Huntington Dr # 208, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 910163495, Contact Person: Mr Eric Transue, Title: Engineer, Phone: 626-803-5105, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Online Real Estate Listing Service
M T M & M Inc, Address: 3333 Peck Rd, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91016-5001, Contact
Person: Mr Thomas Hutton, Title: President, Phone: 626-445-2922, Fax: , Internet:
www.pickapart.com, Line of Business: Heavy Construction Equipment Rental Whol Scrap/Waste
Mervyn's LLC, Address: 504 W Huntington Dr, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91016-3204,
Contact Person: Ms Andrea Jimenez, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-303-1555, Fax: , Internet:
www.mervyns.com, Line of Business: Soft Line Retailer
Miyachi Unitek Corp, Address: 1820 S Myrtle Ave, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 910164833, Contact Person: Mr Jack Lantz, Title: President, Phone: 626-303-5676, Fax: , Internet:
www.umiltd.com, Line of Business: Manufactures measuring & controlling devices; manufactures
lasers welding, drilling & cutting equipment; manufactures electrical soldering equipment
Modern Healthcare Inc, Address: 110 E Huntington Dr, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 910163415, Contact Person: Mr Richard Katz, Title: President, Phone: 626-932-1600, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Mt Sierra College Inc, Address: 101 E Huntington Dr, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 910163863, Contact Person: Mr Vaughn Hartunian, Title: President, Phone: 626-873-2144, Fax: 626359-5528626-359-5528, Internet: www.mtsierra.com, Line of Business: Junior College
MWH Americas Inc, Address: 750 Royal Oaks Dr Ste 100, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91016-3629, Contact Person: Ms Mona Alteri, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 626-386-1100,
Fax: , Internet: www.mwh-inc.com, Line of Business: Testing Laboratory
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 725 E Huntington Dr, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 910163613, Contact Person: Mr Joe Tosha, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-305-4231, Fax: , Internet:
www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Pinnacle Data Systems Inc, Address: 555 E Huntington Dr, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91016-6345, Contact Person: Mr Gary Jaeger, Title: Vice President, Phone: 626-305-8484, Fax: ,
Internet: www.pinnacle.com, Line of Business: Computer Integrated Systems Desingn
Sage Hospitality Resources LLC, Address: 700 W Huntington Dr, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91016-3104, Contact Person: Ms Nicole Guie, Title: Controller, Phone: 626-357-5211, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Misc Personal Service Drinking Place Eating
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Staar Surgical Co, Address: 1911 Walker Ave, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91016-4846,
Contact Person: Mr Don Bailey, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626-303-7902, Fax: 626358-9187626-358-9187, Internet: www.staar.com, Line of Business: Manufactures ophthalmic
Sun Microsystems Inc, Address: 800 Royal Oaks Dr, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 910166347, Contact Person: Mr James Demetriades, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-471-6000,
Fax: , Internet: www.seebeyond.com, Line of Business: Business & professional software
TACT Holding Inc, Address: PO Box 5049, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91017-7149,
Contact Person: Mr David Yoda, Title: President, Phone: 626-441-1177, Fax: 626-441-9573626441-9573, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Telscape Communications, Address: 606 E Huntington Dr, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91016-3637, Contact Person: Ms Mirjana Cvjeticanin, Title: President, Phone: 626-415-1000, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Telephone Communications
Vinyl Technology Inc, Address: PO Box 1910, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91017-5910,
Contact Person: Mr Carlos Mollura, Title: President, Phone: 626-443-5257, Fax: , Internet:
www.vinyltechnology.com, Line of Business: Manufactures coated or laminated plastic film for
packaging; sewing contractor
World Vision International Inc, Address: 800 W Chestnut Ave, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91016-3106, Contact Person: Dr Valdir Steuernagel, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626303-8811, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Membership Organization
Xerox Corp, Address: 1218 S 5th Ave, City: Monrovia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91016-3805, Contact
Person: Ms Theresa Klemme, Title: Vice President, Phone: 626-294-3754, Fax: , Internet:
www.xerox.com, Line of Business: Computer Systems Design
All Access Apparel Inc, Address: 1515 Gage Rd, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 90640-6613,
Contact Person: Mr Richard Clareman, Title: President, Phone: 323-889-4300, Fax: , Internet:
www.selfesteemclothing.com, Line of Business: Manufactures cotton apparel & outerwear fabric
BCI Coca-Cola Bottling Co of, Address: 666 Union St, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 906406624, Contact Person: Mr Berry Drees, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-278-2600, Fax: 323890-2664323-890-2664, Internet: www.cokecce.com, Line of Business: Whol Groceries
Beverly Community Hospital, Address: 309 W Beverly Blvd, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code:
90640-4308, Contact Person: Mr Gary Kiff, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-726-1222,
Fax: 323-889-2406323-889-2406, Internet: www.beverly.org, Line of Business: General Hospital
Calmet Inc, Address: 900 S Maple Ave, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 90640-5412,
Contact Person: Mr Thomas Blackman, Title: President, Phone: 323-725-7801, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Refuse System Local Trucking Operator
Cfp Holdings Inc, Address: 1117 W Olympic Blvd, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 906405123, Contact Person: Mr Eric Ek, Title: President, Phone: 323-727-0900, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Holding Company
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Completely Fresh Foods Inc, Address: PO Box 1739, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 906407739, Contact Person: Mr Josh Solovy, Title: President, Phone: 323-722-9136, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Further Processing Plant & Whol Processed Food
Costco Wholesale Corp, Address: 1345 N Montebello Blvd, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code:
90640-2585, Contact Person: Mr Jay Doughty, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-890-1904, Fax:
323-890-2969323-890-2969, Internet: www.costco.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc General
Merchandise Whol Tires/Tubes
Eastwestproto Inc, Address: 1120 S Maple Ave Fl 2, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 906406008, Contact Person: Genady Gorin, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-832-0760, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Local Passenger Transportation
Entenmann's Inc, Address: 480 S Vail Ave, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 90640-4900,
Contact Person: Mr Edgar Jaramillo, Title: Operations Manager, Phone: 323-720-6000, Fax: 323720-6015323-720-6015, Internet: www.englishmuffin.com, Line of Business: Commercial bakery;
wholesales bakery products
Ford Motor Co, Address: 812 Union St, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 90640-6523,
Contact Person: Mr Helmut Nittman, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-267-6121, Fax: , Internet:
www.ford.com, Line of Business: General Warehouse/Storage
Ford of Montebello Inc, Address: 2747 Via Campo, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 906401701, Contact Person: Mr Jim Ross, Title: President, Phone: 323-838-6920, Fax: 323-8386911323-838-6911, Internet: , Line of Business: Autos Newused
Healthcare Partners LLC, Address: 2601 Via Campo, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 906401807, Contact Person: Ms Maria Ortega, Title: Office Manager, Phone: 323-720-1144, Fax: 323728-1381323-728-1381, Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Industrial Container Services, Address: PO Box 2067, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 906401467, Contact Person: Mr Alain Magnan, Title: Member, Phone: 323-724-8500, Fax: 323-7216632323-721-6632, Internet: www.iconserv.com, Line of Business: Plate metal fabricator;
manufactures metal cans; manufactures metal containers
JC Penney Corp Inc, Address: 1600 Montebello Town Ctr, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code:
90640-2160, Contact Person: Mr Alan Rogers, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-727-7833, Fax: ,
Internet: www.jcpenneyinc.com, Line of Business: Department Store
Katzkin Leather Inc, Address: 6868 W Acco St, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 90640-5441,
Contact Person: Mr Mitch Katz, Title: President, Phone: 323-725-1243, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Wholesales leather & cut stock; manufactures automobile seats
Kent H Landsberg Co of Atlanta, Address: 1640 S Greenwood Ave, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90640-6538, Contact Person: Mr John Gage, Title: Division Manager, Phone: 323-726-7776,
Fax: 323-721-0190323-721-0190, Internet: www.amcor.com, Line of Business: Whol
Industrial/Service Paper
Komar Apparel Supply Co LLC, Address: PO Box 2015, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code:
90640-0106, Contact Person: Mr Jonathan Feldman, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 323-8903000, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Piece Goods/Notions
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Le Pafe Inc, Address: 7547 Telegraph Rd, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 90640-6516,
Contact Person: Mr Jonathan Lau, Title: President, Phone: 323-726-3262, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Commercial bakery; café
Mervyn's LLC, Address: 1800 Montebello Town Ctr, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 906402166, Contact Person: Ms Linda Roche, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-724-0001, Fax: ,
Internet: www.mervyns.com, Line of Business: Ret Department Store
Mexican American Opportunity, Address: 401 N Garfield Ave, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code:
90640-2901, Contact Person: Mr Martin Castro, Title: President, Phone: 323-890-9600, Fax: ,
Internet: www.maof.org, Line of Business: Individual/Family Services
Minson Corp, Address: 1 Minson Way, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 90640-6744, Contact
Person: Ms Jennifer Chen, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-513-1041, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Manufactures metal lawn furniture; manufactures wood upholstered chairs &
Montebello Transit, Address: 400 S Taylor Ave, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 90640-5057,
Contact Person: Mr Allan Pollock, Title: Director, Phone: 323-887-4600, Fax: 323-887-4643323887-4643, Internet: , Line of Business: Local And Suburban Transportation Services
Montebello Unified School Dist, Address: 123 S Montebello Blvd, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90640-4729, Contact Person: Ms Pamela Johnson, Title: Superintendent, Phone: 323-8877900, Fax: 323-887-5890323-887-5890, Internet: www.montebello.k12.ca.us, Line of Business:
Elementary/Secondary School
Old Dominion Freight Line Inc, Address: 1225 Washington Blvd, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90640-6013, Contact Person: Ms Alicia Chavez, Title: Human Resource Manager, Phone:
323-725-3400, Fax: 323-728-8206323-728-8206, Internet: www.odfl.com, Line of Business:
Trucking Operator-Nonlocal Local Trucking Operator
Quiet Cannon Montebello Inc, Address: 901 Via San Clemente, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90640-1610, Contact Person: MO Dianat, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-724-9284,
Fax: 323-724-4470323-724-4470, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place Misc
Personal Service Nonresdentl Bldg Operatr
Rio Hondo Subacute & Nursing, Address: 273 E Beverly Blvd, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code:
90640-3775, Contact Person: Mr Jose Dominguez, Title: Maintenance Supervisor, Phone: 323-7245100, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Center
Royal Paper Box Co of CA, Address: PO Box 458, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 906400458, Contact Person: Mr James Hodges, Title: President, Phone: 323-728-7041, Fax: 323-7222646323-722-2646, Internet: www.royalpaperbox.com, Line of Business: Manufactures folding
paperboard boxes
Sew Forth, Address: 1075 S Vail Ave, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 90640-6019, Contact
Person: Mr Joel Esmond, Title: President, Phone: 323-725-3500, Fax: , Internet:
www.sewforthinc.com, Line of Business: Business Services
Specialty Enterprises Co, Address: 6909 Washington Blvd, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code:
90640-5425, Contact Person: Mr Charles Heras, Title: President, Phone: 323-726-9721, Fax: ,
Internet: www.seco-ind.com, Line of Business: Manufactures plastic foam products; manufactures
packaging machinery
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Super Center Concepts Inc, Address: 1201 W Whittier Blvd, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code:
90640-4642, Contact Person: Mr Scott Donaldson, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-278-9837,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
TEAC America Inc, Address: 7733 Telegraph Rd, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 906406537, Contact Person: Koichiro Nakamura, Title: President, Phone: 323-726-0303, Fax: 323-7277652323-727-7652, Internet: www.teac.com, Line of Business: Wholesales electrical entertainment
equipment; wholesales computer peripheral equipment; wholesales magnetic recording tape;
manufactures household audio & video equipment
United Parcel Service Inc, Address: 7803 Telegraph Rd Ste A, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90640-6530, Contact Person: Mr George Bradburn, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 213-6121766, Fax: , Internet: www.ups.com, Line of Business: Credit Reporting Service
US Polymers Inc, Address: 1057 S Vail Ave, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 90640-6019,
Contact Person: Viken Ohanesian, Title: President, Phone: 323-728-3023, Fax: , Internet:
www.uspolymersinc.com, Line of Business: Manufactures metal door & window shutters;
manufactures plastic fencing accessories; manufactures plastic pipe
Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Address: 1045 S Greenwood Ave, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code:
90640-6001, Contact Person: Mr Bill Fenegan, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-890-1915, Fax: ,
Internet: www.walmartstores.com, Line of Business: Distribution Center
Walnut Investment Corp, Address: 1620 S Maple Ave, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code:
90640-6510, Contact Person: Mr Alan Shimamoto, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-219-9011,
Fax: , Internet: www.a-m-s.com, Line of Business: Distribution Of Building Material
Wilbur Curtis Co Inc, Address: 6913 W Acco St, City: Montebello, State: CA, Zip Code: 90640-5403,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Curtis, Title: President, Phone: 323-837-2300, Fax: 323-890-0856323890-0856, Internet: www.wilburcurtis.com, Line of Business: Manufactures coffee brewing
equipment; manufactures small electric household appliances
Architectural Woodworking Co, Address: 582 Monterey Pass Rd, City: Monterey Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91754-2417, Contact Person: Mr John Heydorff, Title: President, Phone: 626-570-4125,
Fax: 626-570-0404626-570-0404, Internet: www.architecturalwoodwork.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures wood office fixtures; carpentry contractor
Care 1st Health Plan, Address: 601 Potrero Grande Dr # 2, City: Monterey Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91755-7430, Contact Person: Ms Maureen Tyson, Title: President, Phone: 323-889-6638,
Fax: , Internet: www.care1st.com, Line of Business: Health/Allied Services
Cathay Bank, Address: 250 S Atlantic Blvd, City: Monterey Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 91754-2712,
Contact Person: Mr Frank Chen, Title: Principal, Phone: 626-281-8808, Fax: 626-281-2956626281-2956, Internet: www.cathaybank.com, Line of Business: State Commercial Bank National
Commercial Bank
Children's Law Center Of Los, Address: 201 Centre Plaza Dr, City: Monterey Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91754-2142, Contact Person: Leslie Heimov, Title: Director, Phone: 323-980-1700, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Legal Services Office
City of Monterey Park, Address: 320 W Newmark Ave Fl 1, City: Monterey Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91754-2818, Contact Person: Mr Harry Panagiotes, Title: Director, Phone: 626-307-1388,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Amusement/Recreation Services Executive Office
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Collection Technology Inc, Address: PO Box 2017, City: Monterey Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91754-0917, Contact Person: Mr Paul Dellen, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-446-0630,
Fax: , Internet: www.collectiontechnology.com, Line of Business: Adjustment/Collection Services
Daily Chinese News Inc, Address: PO Box 2032, City: Monterey Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 917548932, Contact Person: PI Wang, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-268-4982, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Publishes newspapers without printing
Garfield Medical Center Inc, Address: 525 N Garfield Ave, City: Monterey Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91754-1202, Contact Person: Mr Philip Cohen, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-307-2130,
Fax: 626-573-9057626-573-9057, Internet: www.garfieldmedicalcenter.com, Line of Business:
Management Services Skilled Nursing Care Facility
La Colonial Tortilla Products, Address: 543 Monterey Pass Rd, City: Monterey Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91754-2416, Contact Person: Mr Daniel Robles, Title: President, Phone: 323-283-0193,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures tortillas
Monterey Park Hospital, A CA, Address: 900 S Atlantic Blvd, City: Monterey Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91754, Contact Person: Mr Robert Dubbs, Title: President, Phone: 626-570-9000, Fax: 626281-4719626-281-4719, Internet: www.montereyparkhosp.com, Line of Business: General Hospital
NBC Seafood Restaurant Inc, Address: 404 S Atlantic Blvd Ste A, City: Monterey Park, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91754-3232, Contact Person: Mr Robert Lee, Title: President, Phone: 626-282-2323,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Network Management Group Inc, Address: 901 Corporate Center Dr # 524, City: Monterey Park,
State: CA, Zip Code: 91754-7665, Contact Person: Mr John Park, Title: President, Phone: 323263-2632, Fax: , Internet: www.networkm.com, Line of Business: Management Services
Management Consulting Services
New Donghai Textile USA Inc, Address: 939 S Atlantic Blvd # 217, City: Monterey Park, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91754-1065, Contact Person: Xu Cong, Title: President, Phone: 626-576-4390, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Home Textile
Odona Central Security Corp, Address: 273 E Pomona Blvd, City: Monterey Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91755-7237, Contact Person: Mr Mike Galos, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-7288818, Fax: 323-890-0088323-890-0088, Internet: www.odona.com, Line of Business:
Detective/Armored Car Services Legal Services Office
Prolease Pacific Inc, Address: 1000 Corporate Center Dr # 350, City: Monterey Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91754-7629, Contact Person: Ms Sylvia Yang, Title: President, Phone: 323-263-3388, Fax:
323-263-6688323-263-6688, Internet: www.paystaff.com, Line of Business:
Accounting/Auditing/Bookkeeping Management Consulting Services
SBC Advance Solution Inc, Address: Cubicle 46, City: Monterey Park, State: CA, Zip Code: 91754,
Contact Person: Kim Nguyen, Title: General Manager, Phone: 925-560-4896, Fax: , Internet:
www.prodigy.com, Line of Business: Telephone Communications
Southern California Gas Co, Address: 1801 S Atlantic Blvd, City: Monterey Park, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91754-5207, Contact Person: Mr Warren Mitchell, Title: President, Phone: 213-244-1200,
Fax: , Internet: www.socalgas.com, Line of Business: Gas Utility
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Tawa Supermarket Inc, Address: 771 W Garvey Ave, City: Monterey Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91754-2707, Contact Person: Mr Howard Quach, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-458-3399, Fax: 626284-3399626-284-3399, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Union Bank of California, Address: 1980 Saturn St, City: Monterey Park, State: CA, Zip Code:
91755-7417, Contact Person: Mr Charles Pedersen, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 323-720-2125,
Fax: , Internet: www.btm.co.jp, Line of Business: National Commercial Bank
California Fast Foods Services, Address: 2223 Honolulu Ave, City: Montrose, State: CA, Zip Code:
91020-1635, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Williams, Title: President, Phone: 818-957-8400, Fax: 818957-3330818-957-3330, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Great Western Convalescent, Address: 2635 Honolulu Ave, City: Montrose, State: CA, Zip Code:
91020-1706, Contact Person: Ishkhan Khatchadurian, Title: President, Phone: 818-248-6856,
Fax: 818-957-2575818-957-2575, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care Residential
Care Services Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Sara Enterprises Inc, Address: 2343 Honolulu Ave, City: Montrose, State: CA, Zip Code: 910201821, Contact Person: Mr Joseph McClure, Title: President, Phone: 818-553-3210, Fax: 818-2483379818-248-3379, Internet: www.montrosetravel.com, Line of Business: Travel Agency
Shriners Hospitals For, Address: 3160 Genieva St, City: Montrose, State: CA, Zip Code: 91020,
Contact Person: Mr Frank Labonte, Title: Director, Phone: 213-368-3302, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Specialty Hospital General Hospital
Grounds Control, Address: 23236 Lyons Ave # 209, City: Newhall, State: CA, Zip Code: 913215033, Contact Person: Mr James Blumel, Title: President, Phone: 661-259-9067, Fax: 661-2558192661-255-8192, Internet: , Line of Business: Lawn/Garden Services Ret Nursery/Garden
Realty Executive Valencia Inc, Address: 24106 Lyons Ave, City: Newhall, State: CA, Zip Code:
91321-2442, Contact Person: Mr James Tanner, Title: President, Phone: 661-286-8600, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Real Estate
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 24160 Lyons Ave, City: Newhall, State: CA, Zip Code: 91321-2442,
Contact Person: Mr Phil Nakamura, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-259-9214, Fax: 661-259-2086661259-2086, Internet: www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Retail supermarket chain; commercial
bakery; drug store
Wood Ranch Valencia LLC, Address: 25580 The Old Rd, City: Newhall, State: CA, Zip Code: 913811705, Contact Person: Mr Eric Anders, Title: Member, Phone: 661-222-9494, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Restaurant
Galpin Motors Inc, Address: 15505 Roscoe Blvd, City: North Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913436503, Contact Person: Mr Mel Schafer, Title: Advertising Director, Phone: 818-891-1751, Fax: ,
Internet: www.gogalpin.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles
Galpin Motors Inc, Address: 15505 Roscoe Blvd, City: North Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913436503, Contact Person: H Boeckmann, Title: President, Phone: 818-787-3800, Fax: 818-8927367818-892-7367, Internet: www.gogalpin.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles Ret
Used Automobiles General Auto Repair Passenger Car Leasing Passenger Car Rental
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Home Improvement King Inc, Address: 16760 Schoenborn St, City: North Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91343-6108, Contact Person: Mr David Alan, Title: President, Phone: 818-756-5040, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Carpentry Contractor
Oakridge Landscape Inc, Address: 8618 Haskell Ave, City: North Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913435811, Contact Person: Mr Jeffrey Myers, Title: President, Phone: 818-891-0468, Fax: 818-8929273818-892-9273, Internet: , Line of Business: Crops-Planting/Protecting Landscape Services
Penny Lane Centers Inc, Address: PO Box 2548, City: North Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913932548, Contact Person: Mr Arthur Barr, Title: President, Phone: 818-892-3423, Fax: , Internet:
www.pennylane.org, Line of Business: Social Service Agency
Saturn of The Valley Inc, Address: 15505 Roscoe Blvd, City: North Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91343-6503, Contact Person: H Boeckmann, Title: President, Phone: 818-895-3800, Fax: ,
Internet: www.saturnofthevalley.com, Line of Business: Autos Newused
Staff Assistance Inc, Address: 16909 Parthenia St # 206, City: North Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91343-4557, Contact Person: Mr Bill Donley, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-894-7879,
Fax: 818-894-8707818-894-8707, Internet: , Line of Business: Nurse Registry
Abex Display Systems Inc, Address: 7101 Fair Ave, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91605-6304, Contact Person: Ms Robbie Blumenfeld, Title: President, Phone: 818-503-0999, Fax: ,
Internet: www.abex.com, Line of Business: Manufactures solid fiber display items made from
purchased materials; manufactures wood show, display & storage cabinets & cases
Alliance Motion Pictures, Address: 3760 Cahuenga Blvd Frnt, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91604-3578, Contact Person: Mr Ivan Swartz, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-5060399, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture Production
Americh Corp, Address: 13212 Saticoy St, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 916053404, Contact Person: Mr Edward Richmond, Title: President, Phone: 818-982-1711, Fax: ,
Internet: www.americh.com, Line of Business: Manufactures hydrotherapy whirlpool baths;
manufactures metal sanitary ware; manufactures plumbing fixtures; manufactures vitreous plumbing
Avibank Mfg Inc, Address: PO Box 9909, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 91609-1909,
Contact Person: Mr Dan Welter, Title: President, Phone: 818-392-2100, Fax: , Internet:
www.spst.com, Line of Business: Manufactures bolts, nuts, rivets & washers; manufactures
Boyd & Associates, Address: 6319 Colfax Ave, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 916063409, Contact Person: Mr Raymond Boyd, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-752-1888,
Fax: 818-985-7442818-985-7442, Internet: www.boydsecurity.com, Line of Business:
Detective/Armored Car Services Security Systems Services
Brink's Inc, Address: 12730 Raymer St B, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 91605-4207,
Contact Person: Mr Jeff Hill, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-503-8630, Fax: 818-5039655818-503-9655, Internet: www.brinksinc.com, Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car
Campbell Hall, Address: PO Box 4036, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 91617-4036,
Contact Person: Rev Thomas Clarke, Title: President, Phone: 818-980-7280, Fax: 818-5055319818-505-5319, Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School Religious
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Caravan Fashion Enterprises, Address: 11800 Sherman Way, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91605-3722, Contact Person: Mr AVI Levy, Title: President, Phone: 818-503-4550, Fax:
818-503-4402818-503-4402, Internet: , Line of Business: Cleaning & dyeing plant; commercial
screen printing service
Castec Inc, Address: 7531 Coldwater Canyon Ave, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91605-2007, Contact Person: Mr Gerald Castellaw, Title: President, Phone: 818-503-8300, Fax: ,
Internet: www.castec.com, Line of Business: Manufactures window shades
Cats USA Inc, Address: PO Box 151, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 91603-0151,
Contact Person: Hirotaka Otomo, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-506-1000, Fax: 818506-4973818-506-4973, Internet: , Line of Business: Disinfecting/Pest Services
Chapman Leonard Studio Eqpt, Address: 12950 Raymer St, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91605-4211, Contact Person: Mr Leonard Chapman, Title: President, Phone: 818-764-6726,
Fax: , Internet: www.chapman-leonard.com, Line of Business: Rents Motion Picture & Studio
Gelson's Markets, Address: 4738 Laurel Canyon Blvd, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91607-3912, Contact Person: Mr Chuck Mayhugh, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-877-1369, Fax: ,
Internet: www.gelsonsvillage.com, Line of Business: Supermarket
Harvard-Westlake School, Address: PO Box 1037, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91614-0037, Contact Person: Mr Robert Buyer, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-9806692, Fax: 818-769-1743818-769-1743, Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary
Hd Supply Repair & Remodel LLC, Address: 7250 Laurel Canyon Blvd, City: North Hollywood, State:
CA, Zip Code: 91605-3708, Contact Person: Mr Joseph Kim, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818764-0703, Fax: , Internet: www.mwh.com, Line of Business: Home Improvement Supplies
Hillsdale Group L P, Address: 12750 Riverside Dr, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91607-3319, Contact Person: Mr Rich Terrell, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-623-2170, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care Skilled Nursing Facility Specialty Outpatient Fac
Medical Doctors Office
Hilton Los Angeles Universal, Address: 555 Universal Hollywood Dr, City: North Hollywood, State:
CA, Zip Code: 91608-1001, Contact Person: Mr Juan Aquinde, Title: General Manager, Phone:
818-506-2500, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 11600 Sherman Way, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91605-5831, Contact Person: Mr Marc Esposito, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-764-9600,
Fax: 818-759-5430818-759-5430, Internet: , Line of Business: Lumberother Bdg Mats
IPC The Hospitalist Co Inc, Address: 4605 Lankershim Blvd, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91602-1818, Contact Person: Dr Adam Singer, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818766-3502, Fax: 818-766-9781818-766-9781, Internet: www.ipcm.com, Line of Business:
Hospitalist Medical Services
Klune Industries Inc, Address: 7323 Coldwater Canyon Ave, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91605-4206, Contact Person: Mr James Clune, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818503-8100, Fax: 818-982-7419818-982-7419, Internet: , Line of Business: Machine shop, jobbing
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
& repair services; manufactures aircraft; sheet metal fabricator; manufactures sheet metal working
machines; welding service
Kmart Corp, Address: 13007 Sherman Way, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 916054956, Contact Person: Mr Kirk Hays, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-764-0250, Fax: 818-7641266818-764-1266, Internet: www.kmart.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Kramer-Wilson Corp, Address: PO Box 3999, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 916090599, Contact Person: Mr Weldon Wilson, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-760-0880,
Fax: , Internet: www.cnico.com, Line of Business: Fire/Casualty Insurance Carrier
Lafitte Productions, Address: 7333 Radford Ave, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91605-3715, Contact Person: Mr Cliff Rogers, Title: Production Manager, Phone: 818-255-0234,
Fax: , Internet: www.columbiapictures.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Tape Distribution
Laidlaw International Inc, Address: 6950 Tujunga Ave, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91605-6212, Contact Person: Ms Maria Jenkins, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-763-6291,
Fax: 818-763-1512818-763-1512, Internet: , Line of Business: Bus Terminal/Service Facility
School Bus Service
Los Angeles County, Address: 11900 Frankfort Ave, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91605, Contact Person: Mr Serge Haddad, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-768-8315, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Local/Suburban Transportation
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 320 Laurel Cyn Blvd C 2, City: North Hollywood, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91606, Contact Person: Mr Rich Epstein, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-766-4111, Fax:
818-509-4465818-509-4465, Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department
Mariner Health Care Inc, Address: 13000 Victory Blvd, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91606-2926, Contact Person: Ms Suzanne Garcia, Title: Office Manager, Phone: 818-985-5990,
Fax: 818-505-1947818-505-1947, Internet: www.marinerhealth.com, Line of Business: Skilled
Nursing Care Facility
Messenger Express, Address: 5503 Cahuenga Blvd 100, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91601-2920, Contact Person: Mr Gilbert Kort, Title: President, Phone: 310-390-4433, Fax: ,
Internet: www.messengerexpress.net, Line of Business: Courier Service Business Services Local
Trucking Operator
Mulholland Security & Patrol, Address: 5435 Cahuenga Blvd Ste B, City: North Hollywood, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91601-2948, Contact Person: Mr David Rosenberg, Title: President, Phone: 818-7550202, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Protective Guard Srvcs
N G P Motors Inc, Address: 5500 Lankershim Blvd, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91601-2724, Contact Person: Mr Robert Burncati, Title: President, Phone: 818-980-9800, Fax:
818-985-5379818-985-5379, Internet: www.metroford.net, Line of Business: Ret New/Used
Automobiles Automotive Repair
Onnik Shoe Co Inc, Address: 11443 Chandler Blvd, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91601-2617, Contact Person: Vartan Vartanian, Title: President, Phone: 818-985-1474, Fax: 818765-1860818-765-1860, Internet: www.sergioshoes.com, Line of Business: Manufactures women's
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
OPI Products Inc, Address: 13034 Saticoy St, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 916053510, Contact Person: Mr George Schaeffer, Title: President, Phone: 818-759-2400, Fax: 818-7595770818-759-5770, Internet: www.opi.com, Line of Business: Manufactures cosmetics & toiletries;
wholesales beauty parlor equipment & supplies
Pie Town Productions Inc, Address: 5433 Laurel Canyon Blvd, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91607-2114, Contact Person: Ms Tara Sandler, Title: President, Phone: 323-851-2333, Fax:
, Internet: www.pietownproductions.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
R H I Inc, Address: 5841 Lankershim Blvd, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 916011035, Contact Person: Mr Jack Robertson, Title: President, Phone: 818-508-3800, Fax: 818-5083843818-508-3843, Internet: www.robertsonhonda.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used
Automobiles/General Auto Repair/Auto Body Repair/Paint/Ret Auto/Home Supplies
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 10900 Magnolia Blvd, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91601-3903, Contact Person: Mr Leonard Effors, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-760-4148, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries Ret Drugs/Sundries
Rio Vista Development Co, Address: 4222 Vineland Ave, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91602-3318, Contact Person: Ms Beverly Garland, Title: President, Phone: 818-980-8000,
Fax: 818-766-5230818-766-5230, Internet: www.beverlygarland.com, Line of Business: Hotels
And Motels
Sears, Roebuck & Co, Address: 12121 Victory Blvd, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91606-3204, Contact Person: Mr Mike Morgan, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-754-2200, Fax:
818-754-2247818-754-2247, Internet: www.sears.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Non-Disc
T M P Inc, Address: 13222 Saticoy St, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 91605-3404,
Contact Person: Mr Humberto Carlos, Title: President, Phone: 818-718-1222, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Whol Men's/Boy's Clothing Whol Women's/Child's Clothing Whol Industrial Supplies
Target Corp, Address: 11051 Victory Blvd, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 916063719, Contact Person: Mr Dean Robinson, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-761-3083, Fax: 818761-3112818-761-3112, Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Technicolor Inc, Address: 4050 Lankershim Blvd, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91604-3420, Contact Person: Mr Joe Berchtold, Title: President, Phone: 818-769-8500, Fax: 818761-4835818-761-4835, Internet: , Line of Business: Photofinishing Laboratory
Thomson Inc, Address: 4050 Lankershim Blvd, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 916043420, Contact Person: Mr John Suh, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 818-260-3839, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture Services
Trinity Health Systems, Address: 13400 Sherman Way, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91605-4415, Contact Person: Haydee Paras, Title: Human Resource Director, Phone: 818-9830103, Fax: 818-982-4007818-982-4007, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care
Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Universal Studios Inc, Address: 4123 Lankershim Blvd, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91602-2828, Contact Person: Mr George Smith, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-753-0000,
Fax: , Internet: www.universalstudios.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
Valley Community Clinic, Address: 6801 Coldwater Canyon Ave, City: North Hollywood, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91605-5162, Contact Person: Ms Paula Wilson, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone:
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
818-763-8836, Fax: 818-763-7231818-763-7231, Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's
Whittaker Controls Inc, Address: 12838 Saticoy St, City: North Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
91605-3505, Contact Person: Mr Leroy Smith, Title: Partner, Phone: 818-765-8160, Fax: 818-7592190818-759-2190, Internet: www.whittakercontrols.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
industrial valves
3M Co, Address: 19901 Nordhoff St, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 91324-3213, Contact
Person: Ms Dena Robertson, Title: General Manager, Phone: 818-341-1300, Fax: 818-7093305818-709-3305, Internet: www.mmm.com, Line of Business: Manufactures pharmaceutical
Apex Group, Address: 17101 Superior St, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 91325-1961,
Contact Person: Mr Damon Zumwalt, Title: President, Phone: 818-885-0513, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Management Services Accounting/Auditing/Bookkeeping
Arden Group Inc, Address: 19500 Plummer St, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 91324-2144,
Contact Person: Mr Greg Hansen, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-377-4133, Fax: , Internet:
www.gelsonsvillage.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Assisted Home Recovery Inc, Address: 16909 Parthenia St Ste 201, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91343-4557, Contact Person: Mr Bill Donley, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-8948117, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Nurse Registry
Best Buy Co Inc, Address: 10800 Reseda Blvd, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 91326-3135,
Contact Person: Mr Allen Weiss, Title: Owner, Phone: 818-360-8448, Fax: , Internet:
www.bestbuy.com, Line of Business: Ret Household Appliances
Child & Family Guidance Center, Address: 9650 Zelzah Ave, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91325-2003, Contact Person: Mr Russell Jones, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-9939311, Fax: 818-993-8206818-993-8206, Internet: , Line of Business: Specialty Outpatient Clinic
City of Los Angeles, Address: 10250 Etiwanda Ave, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 913251015, Contact Person: Mr Joseph Curreri, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-756-8285, Fax: , Internet:
www.lacity.org, Line of Business: Police Protection
Costco Wholesale Corp, Address: 8810 Tampa Ave, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 913243519, Contact Person: Mr John Dejoseph, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-775-1860, Fax: ,
Internet: www.costco.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc General Merchandise
Harman International Inds, Address: 8500 Balboa Blvd, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91329-0001, Contact Person: Mr Bernard Girod, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-830-8777, Fax: ,
Internet: www.harman.com, Line of Business: Manufactures household audio & video equipment
Harman-Kardon Inc, Address: PO Box 2200, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 91329-0001,
Contact Person: Mr Tom McLoughlin, Title: President, Phone: 818-895-8734, Fax: 818-8930029818-893-0029, Internet: www.harman.com, Line of Business: Wholesales high fidelity
equipment; manufactures household audio & video equipment
Hollywood Rentals Production, Address: 19731 Nordhoff St, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91324-3330, Contact Person: Ms Judy Stover, Title: General Manager, Phone: 818-407-7800, Fax:
, Internet: www.hollywoodrentals.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Instrument Bearing Factory USA, Address: 19360 Rinaldi St, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91326-1607, Contact Person: Mr Ron Foster, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-989-5052,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures metal bolts; wholesales industrial supplies
Jbl Inc, Address: 8500 Balboa Blvd, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 91329-0002, Contact
Person: Mr Mark Terry, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-894-8850, Fax: , Internet:
www.jblpro.com, Line of Business: Manufactures household audio components
JC Penney Corp Inc, Address: 9301 Tampa Ave, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 91324-2503,
Contact Person: Mr Jeff Paige, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-885-1464, Fax: 818-7170896818-717-0896, Internet: www.jcpenneyinc.com, Line of Business: Department Store
Kmart Corp, Address: 19600 Plummer St, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 91324-2139,
Contact Person: Ms Linda Cazares, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-886-9400, Fax: 818-8867643818-886-7643, Internet: www.kmart.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Lowe's Home Centers Inc, Address: 19601 Nordhoff St, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91324-2422, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 818-477-9022, Fax: , Internet: www.lowes.com,
Line of Business: Ret & Whol Building Materials And Home Appliances
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 9301 Tampa Ave Unit 2000, City: Northridge, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91324-5619, Contact Person: Gail Bakshi, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-8856611, Fax: , Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department Store
Macy's Retail Holdings Inc, Address: 2500 Northridge Fashion Ctr, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91324, Contact Person: Mr John Mazurak, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-885-7377,
Fax: , Internet: www.federated-fds.com, Line of Business: Department Store
Medical Research Group Inc, Address: 18000 Devonshire St, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91325-1219, Contact Person: Mr Alfred Mann, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-362-8084,
Fax: , Internet: www.medicalresearchgroup.com, Line of Business: Manufactures electromedical
Medtronic MiniMed Inc, Address: 18000 Devonshire St, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91325-1219, Contact Person: Mr Robert Guezuaraga, Title: President, Phone: 818-362-5958, Fax:
, Internet: www.minimed.com, Line of Business: Manufactures electromedical equipment
Mervyn's LLC, Address: 8800 Corbin Ave, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 91324-3309,
Contact Person: Ms Jeannette Grodsky, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-701-7860, Fax: ,
Internet: www.mervyns.com, Line of Business: Ret Department Stores
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 9022 Balboa Blvd, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 913252610, Contact Person: Mr Francis Bargas, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-894-6415, Fax: 818-8913041818-891-3041, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 18555 Devonshire St, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 913241308, Contact Person: Ms Millie Miller, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-368-3694, Fax: 818-3688183818-368-8183, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
New Start Home Health Care Inc, Address: 9221 Corbin Ave # 100, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91324-2481, Contact Person: Ms Mary Williams, Title: President, Phone: 818-341-5597,
Fax: , Internet: www.newstarthc.com, Line of Business: Individual/Family Services Home Health
Care Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Northridge Hospital Medical, Address: 18300 Roscoe Blvd, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91325-4105, Contact Person: Mr Michael Wall, Title: President, Phone: 818-885-8500, Fax: 818885-5439818-885-5439, Internet: www.chw.edu, Line of Business: General Hospital
Northridge Toyota, Address: 19550 Nordhoff St, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 913242419, Contact Person: Mr Frederick Hitchcock, Title: President, Phone: 818-734-5600, Fax: ,
Internet: www.northridgetoyota.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles
Numotech Inc, Address: 9420 Reseda Blvd 504, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 91324-2932,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Felton, Title: President, Phone: 818-772-1579, Fax: 818-772-1602818772-1602, Internet: www.numotech.com, Line of Business: Manufactures blood & bone work
medical instruments & equipment
Pinecrest Elementary School, Address: 17081 Devonshire St, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91325-1616, Contact Person: Ms Janice Rudd, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-368-7241, Fax: 818363-9768818-363-9768, Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School
Pinnacle Estate Properties Inc, Address: 9137 Reseda Blvd, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91324-3031, Contact Person: Dana Potter, Title: President, Phone: 818-993-7370, Fax: 818-7724695818-772-4695, Internet: www.billparent.com, Line of Business: Real Estate Agent/Manager
Porter Valley Country Club, Address: 19216 Singing Hills Dr, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91326-1716, Contact Person: Mr Robert Dedman, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-3601071, Fax: 818-360-1076818-360-1076, Internet: www.portervalley.com, Line of Business:
Private Country Club Restaurant & Pro Shop
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 19781 Rinaldi St, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 91326-4143,
Contact Person: Mr Larry Arcos, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-832-5955, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Groceries
Regal Medical Group Inc, Address: 8510 Balboa Blvd Ste 275, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91325-3548, Contact Person: Mr Richard Merkin, Title: President, Phone: 818-654-3400,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Professional Organization
Richmond American Homes of CA, Address: 8510 Balboa Blvd Ste 150, City: Northridge, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91325-5802, Contact Person: Mr John Sasaki, Title: Division President, Phone: 818-8954400, Fax: , Internet: www.richmondamerican.com, Line of Business: Single Family Home
San Fernando Valley Automotive, Address: 18600 Devonshire St, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91324-1309, Contact Person: Mr Dean Foster, Title: General Manager, Phone: 818-8321600, Fax: 818-832-1690818-832-1690, Internet: www.gm.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used
Automobiles General Auto Repair Auto Body Repair/Painting
Sears, Roebuck & Co, Address: 1000 Northridge Fashion Ctr, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91324, Contact Person: Mr Ed Tiritilli, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-885-7272, Fax: , Internet:
www.sears.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Non-Disc
Target Corp, Address: 8840 Corbin Ave, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 91324-3309,
Contact Person: Mr Al Reynolds, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-772-0494, Fax: 818-7279571818-727-9571, Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Department Store
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Tiffany Home Care Inc, Address: 9700 Reseda Blvd Ste 105, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91324-5516, Contact Person: Mr Larry Spaeter, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-8861602, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care
University Corp, Address: 18111 Nordhoff St, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 91330-0001,
Contact Person: Mr Tom McCarron, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-677-5298, Fax: , Internet:
www.csunalumni.com, Line of Business: Ret Books Computer & Software Eating Places
University Student Union Inc, Address: 18111 Nordhoff St, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91330-0001, Contact Person: Ms Jolene Koester, Title: President, Phone: 818-677-2491, Fax: 818677-3807818-677-3807, Internet: , Line of Business: Civic/Social Association
Walnut Grove Delicatessen Inc, Address: 9012 Tampa Ave, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91324-3523, Contact Person: Kaduri Shem-Tov, Title: President, Phone: 818-349-3055, Fax: 818349-9725818-349-9725, Internet: www.rosiesbbq.com, Line of Business: Restaurant
West Coast Detectives, Address: 8550 Balboa Blvd, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code: 913253562, Contact Person: Mr Philip Little, Title: President, Phone: 818-831-3337, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Detective Agency & Protective Services
Whole Foods Market California, Address: 19340 Rinaldi St, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91326-1607, Contact Person: Ms Linda Gutierrez, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-363-3933,
Fax: , Internet: www.wholefoods.com, Line of Business: Supermarkets Chain
Wood Ranch Northridge LLC, Address: 9301 Tampa Ave, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91324-2503, Contact Person: Mr Ofer Shemtov, Title: Member, Phone: 818-886-6464, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Restaurant
World Private Security Inc, Address: 16921 Parthenia St 201, City: Northridge, State: CA, Zip Code:
91343-4568, Contact Person: Ms Jeannette Youssif, Title: Owner, Phone: 818-894-1800, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
EAC Turkey International, Address: 15200 W Sunset Blvd Ste 211, City: Pacific Palisades, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90272-3621, Contact Person: Kaya Tuncer, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-454-5166, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Industrial Building Construction Concrete Contractor
Frontrange Solutions USA Inc, Address: 17383 W Sunset Blvd # 301, City: Pacific Palisades, State:
CA, Zip Code: 90272-4181, Contact Person: Mr Timmothy Pfeifer, Title: Branch Manager, Phone:
310-230-6207, Fax: , Internet: www.frontrange.com, Line of Business: Computer software
development; wholesales computer software; software publisher
Gelson's Markets, Address: 15424 W Sunset Blvd, City: Pacific Palisades, State: CA, Zip Code:
90272-3539, Contact Person: Ray Stockton, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-459-4483, Fax: 310-4594423310-459-4423, Internet: www.gelsonsvillage.com, Line of Business: Supermarket
Gelson's Markets, Address: 15424 W Sunset Blvd, City: Pacific Palisades, State: CA, Zip Code:
90272-3539, Contact Person: Ray Stockcon, Title: Director, Phone: 310-573-9653, Fax: ,
Internet: www.gelsonsvillage.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
Palisades Charter High School, Address: 15777 Bowdoin St, City: Pacific Palisades, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90272-3523, Contact Person: Ms Gloria Martinez, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-454-0611,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 15120 W Sunset Blvd, City: Pacific Palisades, State: CA, Zip Code:
90272-3720, Contact Person: Mr Mark Strauch, Title: Director, Phone: 310-454-3001, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries Ret Alcoholic Beverages Ret Misc Foods Mgmt Consulting
Santa Monica Bay Physcians, Address: 881 Alma Real Dr Ste 214, City: Pacific Palisades, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90272-3750, Contact Person: Mr Mark Needham, Title: President, Phone: 310-4592363, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
AAA Electrical & Comms, Address: 10319 Norris Ave, City: Pacoima, State: CA, Zip Code: 913312220, Contact Person: Ms Joann Katinos, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-897-7800, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Commercial Elecrical Work & Property Service
American Range Corp, Address: 13592 Desmond St, City: Pacoima, State: CA, Zip Code: 913312315, Contact Person: Shane Demirjian, Title: President, Phone: 818-897-0808, Fax: 818-8971670818-897-1670, Internet: www.americanrange.com, Line of Business: Manufactures sheet
metal range hoods; manufactures major household cooking appliances; wholesales electric ranges
ARC Machines Inc, Address: 10500 Orbital Way, City: Pacoima, State: CA, Zip Code: 91331-7129,
Contact Person: Mindaugas Gedgaudas, Title: President, Phone: 818-896-9556, Fax: 818-8903724818-890-3724, Internet: www.arcmachines.com, Line of Business: Manufactures welding &
cutting apparatus & accessories; manufactures speed changers, drives & gears; manufactures motors
or generators
Brice Manufacturing Co Inc, Address: 10262 Norris Ave, City: Pacoima, State: CA, Zip Code: 913312217, Contact Person: Mr Richard Ortiz, Title: President, Phone: 818-896-2938, Fax: 818-8973748818-897-3748, Internet: www.timco.aero, Line of Business: Manufactures aircraft parts &
equipment; furniture repair & maintenance service
Con-Way Freight Inc, Address: 12466 Montague St, City: Pacoima, State: CA, Zip Code: 913312105, Contact Person: Mr Todd Williams, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-890-2095, Fax: 818-8972626818-897-2626, Internet: www.con-way.com, Line of Business: Trucking Operator-Nonlocal
Local Trucking-With Storage
Dojer Corp, Address: 13020 Pierce St, City: Pacoima, State: CA, Zip Code: 91331-2528, Contact
Person: Mr Donald Oken, Title: President, Phone: 818-899-3503, Fax: , Internet:
www.californiasample.com, Line of Business: Swatch & sample mounting service; book publisher
Energy Club Inc, Address: 12950 Pierce St, City: Pacoima, State: CA, Zip Code: 91331-2526,
Contact Person: Mr Arnold Zane, Title: President, Phone: 818-834-8222, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Wholesales confectionery products; manufactures food preparations
G B D Graphics Inc, Address: 12450 Montague St, City: Pacoima, State: CA, Zip Code: 91331-2121,
Contact Person: Mr Albert Gold, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-899-1183, Fax: 818899-2430818-899-2430, Internet: www.goldgraphics.com, Line of Business: Manufactures window
& lobby displays & cutouts; manufactures trimming fabrics
Golden State Banner Co, Address: 12450 Montague St, City: Pacoima, State: CA, Zip Code: 913312121, Contact Person: Mr Albert Gold, Title: Owner, Phone: 818-899-1184, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Commercial screen printing service; display advertising services
Northeast Valley Health Corp, Address: 12756 Van Nuys Blvd, City: Pacoima, State: CA, Zip Code:
91331-1626, Contact Person: Ms Ana Saldana, Title: Office Manager, Phone: 818-896-0531, Fax:
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
818-896-5850818-896-5850, Internet: www.nevhc.org, Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Medical Laboratory
Pacoima Charter School, Address: 11016 Norris Ave, City: Pacoima, State: CA, Zip Code: 913312569, Contact Person: Ms Irene Smerigan, Title: Director, Phone: 818-899-0201, Fax: 818-8903812818-890-3812, Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School
S D I Industries Inc, Address: 13000 Pierce St, City: Pacoima, State: CA, Zip Code: 91331-2528,
Contact Person: Mr Donald Sanctis, Title: President, Phone: 818-890-6002, Fax: 818-8902858818-890-2858, Internet: www.sdiindustries.com, Line of Business: Manufactures conveyors &
conveying equipment; machinery installation service; business consulting services; manufactures
industrial trucks & tractors; engineering services
Target Corp, Address: 9725 Laurel Canyon Blvd, City: Pacoima, State: CA, Zip Code: 91331-4100,
Contact Person: Mr Steven Kiggins, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-896-8214, Fax: 818-8969300818-896-9300, Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Vita-Juice Corp, Address: 10725 Sutter Ave, City: Pacoima, State: CA, Zip Code: 91331-2553,
Contact Person: Mr Fred Farago, Title: President, Phone: 818-899-1195, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Manufactures canned concentrated fruit juices
Anderson-Barrows Metals Corp, Address: 2800 Watts Ave, City: Palmdale, State: CA, Zip Code:
93550-3108, Contact Person: Mr Patrick O'Keefe, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 661-2724600, Fax: 661-272-4649661-272-4649, Internet: www.wattsind.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures plumbers' brass goods including drain cocks, faucets & spigots
Boeing Co, Address: 1500 E Avenue M, City: Palmdale, State: CA, Zip Code: 93550-1501, Contact
Person: Mr Tom Burlson, Title: Controller, Phone: 661-272-4240, Fax: 661-272-4401661-2724401, Internet: www.boeing.com, Line of Business: Manufactures space vehicle guidance systems
& equipment; manufactures guided missiles & space vehicles
City Of Palmdale, Address: 39101 3rd St E, City: Palmdale, State: CA, Zip Code: 93550-3209,
Contact Person: Mr Michael Gass, Title: Director, Phone: 661-267-5338, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Building Maintenance Services Executive Office
County of Los Angeles, Address: 38126 Sierra Hwy, City: Palmdale, State: CA, Zip Code: 935504607, Contact Person: Mr Mark Caddick, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 661-947-7173, Fax: 661947-0754661-947-0754, Internet: www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Highway/Street Construction
Regulation/Administrative Transportation
Crissair Inc, Address: PO Box 4000, City: Palmdale, State: CA, Zip Code: 93590-4000, Contact
Person: Ms Linda Bradley, Title: President, Phone: 661-273-5411, Fax: 661-273-1280661-2731280, Internet: www.crissair.com, Line of Business: Manufactures pneumatic motors;
manufactures fluid power valves & hose fittings
Fenceworks Inc, Address: 35656 Sierra Hwy, City: Palmdale, State: CA, Zip Code: 93550-9335,
Contact Person: Mr Pete Schank, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-265-0082, Fax: 661-265-0179661265-0179, Internet: , Line of Business: Fence Contractor
Northrop Grumman Systems Corp, Address: 3520 E Avenue M, City: Palmdale, State: CA, Zip Code:
93550-7401, Contact Person: Mr Scott Seymour, Title: Vice President, Phone: 661-272-7000, Fax:
, Internet: www.northropgrumman.com, Line of Business: Manufactures aircraft; manufactures
guided missiles & space vehicles; manufactures search & navigation systems
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Palmdale School District, Address: 39139 10th St E 49, City: Palmdale, State: CA, Zip Code: 935503419, Contact Person: Ms Carolyn Hanson, Title: Personnel Manager, Phone: 661-947-7191, Fax:
661-272-0515661-272-0515, Internet: www.psd.k12.ca.us, Line of Business:
Elementary/Secondary School
Pyramid Services Inc, Address: 2501 E Avenue P, City: Palmdale, State: CA, Zip Code: 93550-2112,
Contact Person: Mr Victor Hudson, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-272-6660, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Facilities Support Services
Stater Brosmarkets Inc, Address: 2535 E Avenue S, City: Palmdale, State: CA, Zip Code: 935506402, Contact Person: Ms Brenda Porter, Title: Operations Manager, Phone: 661-266-1076, Fax:
661-266-1831661-266-1831, Internet: www.staterbros.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 2616 E Palmdale Blvd, City: Palmdale, State: CA, Zip Code: 93550-4914,
Contact Person: Ms Ginger Sujishige, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-273-3780, Fax: 661-2738478661-273-8478, Internet: www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries Ret Florist Ret
Drugs/Sundries Mfg Bread/Related Prdts Eating Place
Bodega Latina Corp, Address: 14620 Parthenia St, City: Panorama City, State: CA, Zip Code:
91402-2988, Contact Person: Mr Jorge Rivera, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-830-5725, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Retail Groceries
Ensign Group Inc, Address: 9541 Van Nuys Blvd, City: Panorama City, State: CA, Zip Code: 914021315, Contact Person: Kim Truong, Title: Human Resource Director, Phone: 818-893-6385, Fax: ,
Internet: www.theensigngroup.com, Line of Business: Living Care Facilities
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 7870 Van Nuys Blvd, City: Panorama City, State: CA, Zip Code:
91402-6069, Contact Person: Mr Randy Kimbel, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-373-0046, Fax: 818947-5816818-947-5816, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Address: 13652 Cantara St Ste 330, City: Panorama City, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91402-5423, Contact Person: Ms Joan Luis, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-8327200, Fax: , Internet: www.kaiserpermanente.org, Line of Business: General Hospital
Ricon Corp, Address: 7900 Nelson Rd, City: Panorama City, State: CA, Zip Code: 91402-6090,
Contact Person: Mr William Baldwin, Title: President, Phone: 818-267-3000, Fax: , Internet:
www.riconcorp.com, Line of Business: Manufactures wheelchair lifts
San Fernando Community Hosp, Address: 14850 Roscoe Blvd, City: Panorama City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91402-4618, Contact Person: Ms Heidi Lennartz, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818787-2222, Fax: , Internet: www.mchonline.org, Line of Business: Psychiatric Hospital General
Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Address: 8333 Van Nuys Blvd, City: Panorama City, State: CA, Zip Code:
91402-3607, Contact Person: Mr George Lopez, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-830-0350,
Fax: , Internet: www.walmartstores.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Annandale Golf Club, Address: 1 N San Rafael Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 911051247, Contact Person: Mr Christoff Granger, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-796-6125, Fax:
626-577-9643626-577-9643, Internet: , Line of Business: Membership Sport/Recreation Club
Art Center College of Design, Address: 1700 Lida St, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 911031924, Contact Person: Mr Richard Koshalek, Title: President, Phone: 626-396-2200, Fax: 626-4059104626-405-9104, Internet: www.artcenter.edu, Line of Business: College/University
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Aurora Las Encinas LLC, Address: 2900 E Del Mar Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91107-4375, Contact Person: Ms Linda Peery, Title: Business Manager, Phone: 626-795-9901,
Fax: 626-356-2776626-356-2776, Internet: www.lasencinashospital.com, Line of Business:
Psychiatric Hospital Specialty Hospital
Avery Dennison Corp, Address: 2900 Bradley St, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91107-1560,
Contact Person: Mr David Edwards, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 626-398-2500, Fax: 626-3982540626-398-2540, Internet: www.avery.com, Line of Business: Manufactures adhesive paper
products; manufactures paper label from purchased materials
Avery Dennison Corp, Address: 150 N Orange Grove Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91103-3534, Contact Person: Mr Dean Scarborough, Title: President, Phone: 626-304-2000, Fax:
626-884-0470626-884-0470, Internet: www.avery.com, Line of Business: Manufactures adhesive
paper products; manufactures notebooks made from purchased paper; manufactures unsupported
plastics film & sheet; manufactures metal foil & leaf
Avon Products Inc, Address: 2940 E Foothill Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 911210002, Contact Person: Mr John Fleming, Title: Vice President, Phone: 626-578-8000, Fax: 626578-8283626-578-8283, Internet: www.avon.com, Line of Business: Ret Mail-Order House Whol
B Jacqueline & Associates Inc, Address: PO Box 40340, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91114-7340, Contact Person: Ms Jacqueline Buickians, Title: President, Phone: 626-844-1400,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Custom Computer Programing Computer Related Services
Best Buy Co Inc, Address: 3415 E Foothill Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91107-6024,
Contact Person: Mr Marc Vigil, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-351-0269, Fax: , Internet:
www.bestbuy.com, Line of Business: Ret Household Appliances
Brighton Convalescent Center, Address: 1836 N Fair Oaks Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91103-1619, Contact Person: Ms Rose Wilson, Title: Controller, Phone: 626-798-9124, Fax:
626-794-3183626-794-3183, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care Skilled Nursing
Care Facility
Bristol Farms, Address: 606 N Fair Oaks Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91103-3307,
Contact Person: Mr Bill Veeder, Title: Director, Phone: 626-441-5450, Fax: , Internet:
www.bristolfarms.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc Foods Ret Florist Retail Bakery Ret Groceries
School/Educational Svcs
California Institute of Tech, Address: 1200 E California Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91125-0001, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 626-395-6024, Fax: , Internet: www.caltech.edu,
Line of Business: Chemical Dept
California Institute of Tech, Address: 1200 E California Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91125-0001, Contact Person: Mr Kent Kresa, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626-395-6811,
Fax: 626-795-1547626-795-1547, Internet: www.caltech.edu, Line of Business: Noncommercial
Research Organization
California Institute Research, Address: 1300 San Pasqual, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91106, Contact Person: Mr Andre Mallie, Title: Director, Phone: 626-395-3388, Fax: , Internet:
www.caltech.edu, Line of Business: Eating Place
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Carnegie Institution of WA, Address: 813 Santa Barbara St, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-1232, Contact Person: Mr Augustus Oemler, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-577-1122,
Fax: 626-795-8136626-795-8136, Internet: , Line of Business: Non-Profit Research Organization
Cheesecake Factory Restaurants, Address: 2 W Colorado Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91105-1923, Contact Person: Mr Frank Harris, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-584-6000, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Circuit City Stores West Coast, Address: 39 N Rosemead Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91107-3805, Contact Person: Mr Mark Coleman, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-796-4444, Fax: 626796-2929626-796-2929, Internet: www.circuitcity.com, Line of Business: Ret Radio/Tv/Electronics
Ret Computers/Software
City of Pasadena, Address: 285 E Walnut St, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91101-1556,
Contact Person: Mr Bryan Sands, Title: Technical Manager, Phone: 626-744-4052, Fax: 626-4492165626-449-2165, Internet: www.cityofpasadena.net, Line of Business: Library Executive Office
City of Pasadena, Address: PO Box 7115, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91109-7215,
Contact Person: Mr CHI Mui, Title: Mayor, Phone: 626-744-4000, Fax: , Internet:
www.cityofpasadena.net, Line of Business: Individual/Family Services
Cogent Inc, Address: 639 N Rosemead Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91107, Contact
Person: Ming Hsieh, Title: President, Phone: 626-799-8090, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business:
Computer Software & Hardware Development
Countrywide Securities Corp, Address: PO Box 7137, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 911097137, Contact Person: Mr Angelo Mozilo, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-225-3000, Fax:
, Internet: www.countrywide.com, Line of Business: Security Broker/Dealer
Ds Waters of America Inc, Address: 465 N Halstead St # 150, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91107-6017, Contact Person: Ms Jeanie Caldwell, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 323-351-7820,
Fax: , Internet: www.suntorywatergroup.com, Line of Business: Accounting/Auditing/Bookkeeping
Direct Retail Sales
Earthlink Inc, Address: 3100 New York Dr, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91107-1501,
Contact Person: Mr Steve Dean, Title: Principal, Phone: 626-296-2400, Fax: 626-296-2470626296-2470, Internet: www.earthlink.com, Line of Business: Internet Service Provider
East West Bank, Address: 135 N Los Robles Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91101-1758,
Contact Person: Mr Donald Chow, Title: President, Phone: 626-768-6000, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: State Commercial Bank
Eharmonycom, Address: 888 E Walnut St, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91101-5646,
Contact Person: Mr Gregory Waldorf, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-795-4814, Fax: ,
Internet: www.eharmony.com, Line of Business: Misc Personal Services
El Cholo Cafe, Address: 958 S Fair Oaks Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91105-2626,
Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 626-441-4353, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Eating
Place Drinking Place
Esperanza Villa Services, Address: 2116 E Villa St, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 911072435, Contact Person: Ms Dottie Nelsen, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-449-2919, Fax:
626-449-3141626-449-3141, Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Foothill Family Service Inc, Address: 118 S Oak Knoll Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-2611, Contact Person: Ms Helen Morran-Wolf, Title: Executive Director, Phone: 626-7956907, Fax: 626-795-7080626-795-7080, Internet: www.foothillfamily.org, Line of Business:
Individual/Family Services
Foothill Workshop For The, Address: 789 N Fair Oaks Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91103-3045, Contact Person: Ms Deborah Davis, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 626-449-0218,
Fax: 626-449-4802626-449-4802, Internet: www.foothillvoc.org, Line of Business: Job
Training/Related Services
Front Porch Communities & Svcs, Address: 842 E Villa St Ofc, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-1279, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Sianko, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-796-8162,
Fax: 626-793-9971626-793-9971, Internet: , Line of Business: Teachers Retirement Home
Fuller Theological Seminary, Address: 135 N Oakland Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91182-0002, Contact Person: Mr Richard Mouw, Title: President, Phone: 626-584-5461, Fax: 626584-5672626-584-5672, Internet: www.fuller.edu, Line of Business: Theological Seminary
Garden Fresh Restaurant Corp, Address: 201 S Lake Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-3004, Contact Person: Mr Michael Sullivan, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-577-4798,
Fax: 626-577-4613626-577-4613, Internet: www.souplantation.com, Line of Business: Restaurant
Gsg Associates Inc, Address: 46 W Dayton St, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91105-2002,
Contact Person: Ms Glenda Garrard, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-585-1808, Fax: ,
Internet: www.gsga.net, Line of Business: Management Services
Guidance Software Inc, Address: 215 N Marengo Ave Ste 250, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-1532, Contact Person: Mr John Colbert, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-2299191, Fax: 626-229-9199626-229-9199, Internet: www.guidancesoftware.com, Line of Business:
Software publisher
Hathaway-Sycamores Child, Address: 210 S De Lacey Ave # 110, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91105-2074, Contact Person: Mr Joe Corona, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626-3957100, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Residential Care Services Specialty Outpatient Clinic
HDR Engineering Inc, Address: 251 S Lake Ave Ste 1000, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-3020, Contact Person: Mr Al Korth, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-584-1700, Fax: , Internet:
www.landfillsitingstudy.com, Line of Business: Management Consulting Services Engineering
Hillsides, Address: 940 Avenue 64, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91105-2711, Contact
Person: Mr John Sterner, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 323-254-2274, Fax: 323-2540598323-254-0598, Internet: www.hillsides.org, Line of Business: Residential Care Services
Hillstone Restaurant Group Inc, Address: 320 S Arroyo Pkwy, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91105-2516, Contact Person: CB Gersch, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-577-6001, Fax: 626-5776086626-577-6086, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Idealab Inc, Address: 130 W Union St, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91103-3628, Contact
Person: Mr Bill Gross, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-585-6900, Fax: 626-535-2701626535-2701, Internet: www.idealab.com, Line of Business: Closed-End Investment Office Ret
New/Used Automobiles
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
IndyMac Bancorp Inc, Address: 888 E Walnut St, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91101-5646,
Contact Person: Mr Michael Perry, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 800-669-2300, Fax: ,
Internet: www.indymac.com, Line of Business: Federal Savings Institution
Inter-Con Security Systems Inc, Address: 210 S De Lacey Ave Ste 200, City: Pasadena, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91105-2079, Contact Person: Mr Enrique Hernandez, Title: President, Phone: 626-5352200, Fax: 626-535-9111626-535-9111, Internet: www.icsecurity.com, Line of Business:
Detective/Armored Car Services
International Theological Univ, Address: PO Box 70018, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91117-7018, Contact Person: Ms Mary Eagle, Title: President, Phone: 626-795-8133, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: College/University
Islands Restaurants, LP, Address: 330 E Colorado Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-2204, Contact Person: Ray Puckett, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-304-9050, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc, Address: PO Box 7084, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 911097084, Contact Person: Noel Watson, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626-578-3500, Fax: ,
Internet: www.jacobs.com, Line of Business: Heavy Construction Contractor Engineering Services
Plant Maintenance Services
Jacobs International Ltd Inc, Address: PO Box 7084, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 911097084, Contact Person: Mr Craig Martin, Title: President, Phone: 626-449-2171, Fax: , Internet:
www.jacobs.com, Line of Business: Engineering
Jrd Holdings Inc, Address: 180 N San Gabriel Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 911073426, Contact Person: Mr Dan Mihal, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-744-0204, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Wholesale Groceries Frozen Foods Fresh Meats Beer & Tobacco Products
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Address: 393 E Walnut St, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91188-0002, Contact Person: Ms Kate Ho, Title: Chief Information Officer, Phone: 626-405-5000,
Fax: , Internet: www.kaiserpermanente.org, Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Lake Avenue Congregational, Address: 393 N Lake Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-1213, Contact Person: Ms Julia Cushman, Title: VP Marketing, Phone: 626-795-7221, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Religious Organization
Law School Financial Inc, Address: 175 S Lake Ave Unit 200, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-2629, Contact Person: Mr Harrison Barnes, Title: President, Phone: 626-243-1800, Fax: ,
Internet: www.lawschoolloans.com, Line of Business: Student Loan Marketing Association
Lawyers Title Co, Address: 800 E Colorado Blvd Ste 2, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 911012103, Contact Person: Sidney Phair, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-304-2700, Fax: 626795-2620626-795-2620, Internet: www.landam.com, Line of Business: Title Insurance Carrier
Leon Max Inc, Address: PO Box 70879, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91117-7879, Contact
Person: Mr Leon Max, Title: President, Phone: 626-797-6886, Fax: 626-797-8555626-797-8555,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures women's sportswear; retails apparel accessories
Los Angeles County Employees, Address: 300 N Lake Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-4109, Contact Person: Ms Marsha Richter, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-5646000, Fax: 626-564-6150626-564-6150, Internet: , Line of Business: Pension/Health/Welfare Fund
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 400 E Colorado Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-2205, Contact Person: Phillip Huber, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-796-0411, Fax:
626-683-6095626-683-6095, Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Ret
Department Store
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 401 S Lake Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-3509, Contact Person: Mellie Crefpo, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-792-0211, Fax: 626-7924611626-792-4611, Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department Store
Materials Marketing, Address: 120 W Bellevue Dr Ste 10, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91105-2537, Contact Person: Mr John Cina, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-584-6172, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Management Consulting Services
MI Piace LLP, Address: 25 E Colo Blvd Ste 205, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91105,
Contact Person: Takis Markoutsis, Title: Partner, Phone: 626-795-7529, Fax: 626-795-9698626795-9698, Internet: , Line of Business: Italian Resturant
MWH Americas Inc, Address: 250 N Madison Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 911011639, Contact Person: Murli Tolaney, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-568-6310, Fax: ,
Internet: www.mwh-inc.com, Line of Business: Environmental Engineers
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 3841 E Sierra Madre Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91107-1948, Contact Person: Mr Shawn Note, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 626-351-0076,
Fax: 626-351-9519626-351-9519, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Northrop Grumman Information, Address: 320 N Halstead St Ste 170, City: Pasadena, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91107-3169, Contact Person: Robert Hanley, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626351-1116, Fax: , Internet: www.logicon.com, Line of Business: Computer Programming Svc
Computer Related Svcs Data Processing/Prep Electrical Contractor
Norton Simon Museum of Art At, Address: 411 W Colorado Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91105-1825, Contact Person: Ms Jennifer Simon, Title: President, Phone: 626-449-6840,
Fax: 626-796-4978626-796-4978, Internet: www.nortonsimon.org, Line of Business: Museum/Art
Operating Engineers Funds Inc, Address: PO Box 7063, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91109-7063, Contact Person: Ms Linda Hughes, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 626-356-1000,
Fax: , Internet: www.oefunds.com, Line of Business: Trust Management
Orchard Supply Hardware Corp, Address: 3425 E Colorado Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91107-3862, Contact Person: Mr Jim Anderson, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-4496537, Fax: 626-395-7118626-395-7118, Internet: www.sears.com, Line of Business: Ret
Hardware Ret Nursery/Garden Supplies
Overture Services Inc, Address: 74 N Pasadena Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 911033600, Contact Person: Mr Ted Meisel, Title: President, Phone: 626-685-5600, Fax: , Internet:
www.overture.com, Line of Business: Telephone Communications Information Retrieval Services
Parsons Infrastructure & Tech, Address: 100 W Walnut St, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91124-0001, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Roell, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-4402000, Fax: , Internet: www.parsons.com, Line of Business: Engineering Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Pasadena Area Community Col, Address: 1570 E Colorado Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91106-2003, Contact Person: Ms Paulette Perfumo, Title: President, Phone: 626-585-7716,
Fax: 626-585-7912626-585-7912, Internet: www.paccd.cc.ca.us, Line of Business: Junior College
Pasadena Center Operating Co, Address: 300 E Green St, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-2308, Contact Person: Mr Micheal Ross, Title: President, Phone: 626-793-2122, Fax: 626793-8014626-793-8014, Internet: , Line of Business: Management Services
Pasadena Cyto Pathology Lab, Address: 100 W Calif. Blvd Fl 3, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91105-3010, Contact Person: Dr Susan Murakami, Title: President, Phone: 626-397-8616, Fax:
626-397-2187626-397-2187, Internet: , Line of Business: Pathological Laboratory
Pasadena Hospital Association, Address: PO Box 7013, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 911097013, Contact Person: Mr Stephen Ralph, Title: President, Phone: 626-397-5000, Fax: 626-3972070626-397-2070, Internet: www.huntingtonhospital.com, Line of Business: General Hospital
Skilled Nursing Care Facility Psychiatric Hospital
Pasadena Newspapers Inc, Address: 911 E Colo Blvd Ste 100, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91106, Contact Person: Mr Dean Singleton, Title: President, Phone: 626-578-6300, Fax: 626-4325247626-432-5247, Internet: , Line of Business: Provides commercial printing & newspaper
publishing combined services; newspaper advertising representative
Pasadena Unified School Dist, Address: 740 W Woodbury Rd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91104, Contact Person: Ms Joan Fauvre, Title: Executive Director, Phone: 626-798-9171, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Building Maintenance Services
Pasadena Unified School Dist, Address: 351 S Hudson Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-3507, Contact Person: Ms Vera Vignes, Title: Superintendent, Phone: 626-795-6981, Fax:
626-795-5309626-795-5309, Internet: www.pasadena.k12.ca.us, Line of Business:
Elementary/Secondary Sch
Physician Associates of, Address: PO Box 6026, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91102-6026,
Contact Person: Dr Barton Wald, Title: President, Phone: 626-817-8300, Fax: 626-817-8596626817-8596, Internet: , Line of Business: Hospital/Medical Service Plan
Polytechnic School, Address: 1030 E California Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 911064042, Contact Person: Ms Wendy Munger, Title: President, Phone: 626-792-2147, Fax: 626-7962249626-796-2249, Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School Child Day Care
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 160 N Lake Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91101-1836,
Contact Person: Mr Chuck Hamman, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-793-7420, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: General Warehouse/Storage
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 3601 E Foothill Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 911073121, Contact Person: Ms Carol Havick, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 626-351-8806, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Raytheon Technical Services Co, Address: 299 N Euclid Ave Ste 500, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91101-1544, Contact Person: Mr Paul Thompson, Title: Director, Phone: 626-744-5400,
Fax: , Internet: www.raytheon.com, Line of Business: Electrical Repair
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Ready Pac, Address: 180 S Lake Ave 405, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91101-2663,
Contact Person: Mr James Hoffman, Title: Member, Phone: 626-856-8686, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Manufactures salads; wholesales fresh vegetables
Rogerson Kratos, Address: 403 S Raymond Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91105-2609,
Contact Person: Mr Michael Rogerson, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-449-3090, Fax:
626-795-0322626-795-0322, Internet: www.rogersonkratos.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
aircraft flight instruments; manufactures electrical equipment & supplies; manufactures electricity
measuring instruments
Rosemary Children's Services, Address: 36 S Kinneloa Ave 200, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91107-3853, Contact Person: Mr Richard Drake, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 626844-3033, Fax: 626-844-3034626-844-3034, Internet: www.rosemarychildren.org, Line of
Business: Residential Care Services
Rt Pasad Hotel Partners LP, Address: 180 N Fair Oaks Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91103-3614, Contact Person: Mr Timothy Bristol, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-403-7600,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Hotels And Motels
Schaumbond Group Inc, Address: 225 S Lake Ave Ste 300, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-3009, Contact Person: Baohua Zheng, Title: President, Phone: 626-215-4998, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Financial And Real Estate Investment
Sears, Roebuck & Co, Address: 3801 E Foothill Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 911072225, Contact Person: Ms Pamela Brown, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-351-3400, Fax: , Internet:
www.sears.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Non-Disc
Seating International Inc, Address: 1737 E Washngtn Blvd # 5, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91104-2772, Contact Person: Mr Jack Shnorhavorian, Title: President, Phone: 323-5893892, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures household metal chairs
Serra Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Inc, Address: PO Box 5020, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91117-0020, Contact Person: Mr Dan Gaby, Title: President, Phone: 626-449-3333, Fax: 626-7951786626-795-1786, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles Ret Used Automobiles
Southern California School of, Address: 521 E Green St, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-5221, Contact Person: Mr Anthony Bondi, Title: President, Phone: 626-403-8490, Fax: 626403-8494626-403-8494, Internet: , Line of Business: School/Educational Services
Standard Chartered Bank, Address: 790 E Colo Blvd Ste 808, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101, Contact Person: Mr Jim Cabe, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-639-8000, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: State Commercial Bank Investment Advisory Service Commercial Bank
Symtech Industries Inc, Address: 800 E Colorado Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-2103, Contact Person: Mr Cole Harris, Title: President, Phone: 626-683-7555, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Management Services
Target Corp, Address: 3121 E Colorado Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91107-3814,
Contact Person: Mr Jose Rodriguez, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-584-2931, Fax: , Internet:
www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Target Corp, Address: 777 E Colorado Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91101-2104,
Contact Person: Mr John Favilla, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-584-1606, Fax: 626-432-7459626432-7459, Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Tenrox Inc, Address: 3452 E Foothill Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91107-3142,
Contact Person: Mr Rudolf Melik, Title: President, Phone: 626-796-6640, Fax: , Internet:
www.tenrox.com, Line of Business: Custom Computer Programing Business Consulting Services
Tetra Tech Executive Services, Address: 3475 E Foothill Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91107-6024, Contact Person: Mr Patrick Haun, Title: Vice President, Phone: 626-470-2400, Fax: ,
Internet: www.tetratech.com, Line of Business: Employment Agency
Tmad Engineers Inc, Address: 320 N Halstead St Ste 200, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91107-3151, Contact Person: Zareh Astourian, Title: President, Phone: 626-351-8881, Fax: ,
Internet: www.tmadengineers.com, Line of Business: Engineering Services
Tokio Marine Management Inc, Address: PO Box 7127, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 911097127, Contact Person: Mr Kaz Takashima, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-568-7600, Fax: 626796-7766626-796-7766, Internet: , Line of Business: Insurance Agent/Broker Fire/Casualty
Insurance Carrier Accident/Health Insurance Carrier
Twin Palms Pasadena, Address: 101 W Green St, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91105-2027,
Contact Person: Mr Victor Ciulla, Title: Partner, Phone: 626-449-3566, Fax: 626-577-1306626577-1306, Internet: www.twin-palms.com, Line of Business: Restaurant
Two Palms Nursing Center, Address: 150 Bellefontaine St, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91105-3102, Contact Person: Marthann Demchuk, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-681-4615, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
United Couriers Inc, Address: 301 N Lake Ave Ste 600, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-5129, Contact Person: Mr Richard Irvin, Title: President, Phone: 626-564-4284, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Scheduled Air Transport Courier Service Local Trucking Operator
Detective/Armor Car Svcs Freight Trans Arrangmt
Ur Foods Inc, Address: 216 Arlington Dr, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91105-3332,
Contact Person: Uzma Rafik, Title: President, Phone: 213-626-7400, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Eating Place
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 2355 E Colorado Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91107-3644,
Contact Person: Mr Ernie Avina, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-449-4338, Fax: 626-449-6801626449-6801, Internet: www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 155 W California Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91105-3005,
Contact Person: Mr Rick Diton, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-577-7149, Fax: 626-5772236626-577-2236, Internet: www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries Ret Florist Ret
Drugs/Sundries Retail Bakery
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 1390 N Allen Ave, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 91104-1617,
Contact Person: Mr Tim Saller, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-798-7603, Fax: 626-7890764626-789-0764, Internet: www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Retail supermarket chain;
commercial bakery; drug store; florist
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Wescom Central Credit Union, Address: PO Box 7058, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 911097058, Contact Person: Mr Darren Williams, Title: President, Phone: 626-535-1000, Fax: 626-5780561626-578-0561, Internet: , Line of Business: State Credit Union
Western Territorial of The, Address: 56 W Del Mar Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91105-2506, Contact Person: Mr David Yardley, Title: Administrator, Phone: 626-795-8075, Fax:
626-795-7294626-795-7294, Internet: www.salvationarmy.usawest.org, Line of Business: Drug
And Alcohol Rehabilitation Center
Whole Foods Market California, Address: 3751 E Foothill Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91107-2202, Contact Person: Mr David Lane, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-351-5994, Fax: 626351-8485626-351-8485, Internet: www.wholefoods.com, Line of Business: Supermarkets Chain
William Carey International, Address: 1539 E Howard St, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91104-2635, Contact Person: Mr Tim Lewis, Title: President, Phone: 626-398-2141, Fax: 626-3982260626-398-2260, Internet: www.wciu.edu, Line of Business: College/University
William Linden Optometry, Address: 477 E Colorado Blvd, City: Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91101-2024, Contact Person: Mr Allan Linfat, Title: President, Phone: 626-796-1191, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Optometrist's Office
ABF Freight System Inc, Address: 8001 Telegraph Rd, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code:
90660-4822, Contact Person: Mr Matt Turrieta, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-773-2580, Fax: ,
Internet: www.abfs.com, Line of Business: Trucking Operator-Nonlocal
Aurora World Inc, Address: 8820 Mercury Ln, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code: 90660-6706,
Contact Person: Heui-Yul Noh, Title: President, Phone: 562-205-1222, Fax: , Internet:
www.auroragift.com, Line of Business: Whol Toys/Hobby Goods
Bakemark USA LLC, Address: 7351 Crider Ave, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code: 90660-3705,
Contact Person: Tony Lotito, Title: General Manager, Phone: 562-949-1054, Fax: 562-9491257562-949-1257, Internet: www.bakemark.com, Line of Business: Manufactures flour & flour
mixes from purchased flour; manufactures food preparations; manufactures food products machinery;
wholesales bakery products
Bay Cities Container Corp, Address: 5138 Industry Ave, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code:
90660-2504, Contact Person: Mr Greg Tucker, Title: President, Phone: 562-948-3751, Fax: 562948-1503562-948-1503, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures corrugated boxes;
manufactures signs & advertising specialties; wholesales corrugated & solid fiber boxes
Central Freight Lines Inc, Address: 7925 Rosemead Blvd, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code:
90660-4605, Contact Person: Freddie Lopez, Title: Operations Manager, Phone: 562-942-8445,
Fax: , Internet: www.centralfreight.com, Line of Business: Regional Trucking Without Storage
Cintas Corp, Address: 7735 Paramount Blvd, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code: 90660-4308,
Contact Person: Mr Brian Huskey, Title: Sales Manager, Phone: 562-949-0812, Fax: 562-9420532562-942-0532, Internet: www.cintas-corp.com, Line of Business: Uniform supply service;
manufactures women's & misses' outerwear; manufactures men's & boys' work clothing; retails
uniforms & work clothing; industrial laundry service
Clarklift of Los Angeles Inc, Address: 8314 Slauson Ave, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code:
90660-4323, Contact Person: Homan Moore, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 562-949-1006,
Fax: 562-949-5984562-949-5984, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Industrial Equipment
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Feit Electric Co Inc, Address: 4901 Gregg Rd, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code: 90660-2108,
Contact Person: Mr Aaron Feit, Title: President, Phone: 562-463-2852, Fax: 562-908-6360562908-6360, Internet: www.feit.com, Line of Business: Manufactures residential lighting fixtures;
wholesales electrical apparatus & equipment; manufactures pressed & blown glass; manufactures
complete electric light bulbs; wholesales home furnishings
GE Mobile Water Inc, Address: 7777 Industry Ave, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code: 906604303, Contact Person: Mr Linwood Dawley, Title: Plant Manager, Phone: 562-942-2200, Fax: 562948-4640562-948-4640, Internet: www.ionics.com, Line of Business: Manufactures sewage &
water treatment equipment
Gigante USA Inc, Address: 9100 Whittier Blvd, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code: 90660-2444,
Contact Person: Mr Rick Torres, Title: Director, Phone: 562-948-5900, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Grocery store; commercial bakery; manufactures cookies & crackers
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 9200 Whittier Blvd, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code: 906602446, Contact Person: Mr Max Hernandez, Title: Manager, Phone: 562-949-7772, Fax: 562-9495943562-949-5943, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials
JJJ Floor Covering Inc, Address: 4831 Passons Blvd Ste A, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code:
90660-2110, Contact Person: Ms Maria Gutierrez, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 562-6929008, Fax: 562-692-5979562-692-5979, Internet: www.jjjfloorcovering.com, Line of Business:
Floor Laying Contractor Whol Homefurnishings
Lowe's Home Centers Inc, Address: 8600 Washington Blvd, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code:
90660-3790, Contact Person: Mr Henry Lozano, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 562-942-9909,
Fax: , Internet: www.lowes.com, Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Mtrl Whol
Lumber/Plywd/Millwk Ret Household Appliances Whol Appliances/Tv/Radio
Lubricating Specialties Co, Address: 8015 Paramount Blvd, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code:
90660-4811, Contact Person: Mr Steve Milam, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 562-776-4000,
Fax: 562-928-1428562-928-1428, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures lubricating oils &
Mariner Health Care Inc, Address: 8925 Mines Ave, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code: 906603006, Contact Person: Mr Richard Widerynski, Title: Sales & Marketing Manager, Phone: 562-9427019, Fax: 562-801-0254562-801-0254, Internet: www.marinerhealth.com, Line of Business:
Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Motor Cargo, Address: 7754 Paramount Blvd, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code: 90660-4309,
Contact Person: Mr David Weida, Title: Sales Manager, Phone: 562-948-2110, Fax: , Internet:
www.overnite.com, Line of Business: Trucking Operator-Nonlocal Local Trucking Operator
Pacific Coast Feather Co, Address: 8500 Rex Rd, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code: 906603779, Contact Person: Mr Rudy Garza, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 562-222-5560, Fax: ,
Internet: www.pacificcoast.com, Line of Business: Manufactures household furnishings
Pacific Coast Feather Cushion, Address: 7600 Industry Ave, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code:
90660-4302, Contact Person: Mr Neil Puro, Title: President, Phone: 562-801-9995, Fax: 562-8011167562-801-1167, Internet: www.pcfcushion.com, Line of Business: Manufactures cushions &
pillows; manufactures down feathers
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Picnic Services LLC, Address: 3737 San Gabriel River Pkwy, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code:
90660-1404, Contact Person: Ms Sharon Patapoff, Title: Member, Phone: 562-568-5000, Fax:
562-568-5004562-568-5004, Internet: www.picnicservices.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
Quality Papers Fibers Inc, Address: PO Box 6814, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code: 906616814, Contact Person: Mr Dan Samarin, Title: President, Phone: 562-948-3888, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Manufactures pressed fiber & molded pulp products; pulp mill
Reeve Store Equipment Co, Address: PO Box 276, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code: 906600276, Contact Person: Mr John Frackelton, Title: President, Phone: 562-949-2535, Fax: 562-9493862562-949-3862, Internet: www.reeveco.com, Line of Business: Manufactures nonwood
counters or counter display cases; electroplating service
Riviera Nursing & Convalescent, Address: 8203 Telegraph Rd, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90660-4905, Contact Person: Mr Morris Weiss, Title: President, Phone: 562-806-2576, Fax:
562-806-2799562-806-2799, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Home
Southern California Material, Address: 8314 Slauson Ave, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code:
90660-4323, Contact Person: Mr Tim Cleary, Title: President, Phone: 562-949-1000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.mcfa.com, Line of Business: Whol Industrial Equipment
Studio RTA, Address: 7255 Rosemead Blvd, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code: 90660-4047,
Contact Person: Mr Kevin Sauder, Title: President, Phone: 562-446-2255, Fax: , Internet:
www.sauder.com, Line of Business: Whol Furniture
Unisource Solutions Inc, Address: 8350 Rex Rd, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code: 906603719, Contact Person: Mr Jim Kastner, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 562-949-1111, Fax:
562-949-7110562-949-7110, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Furniture
United Pacific Waste, Address: 4334 San Gabriel River Pkwy, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code:
90660-1837, Contact Person: Mr Michael Kandilian, Title: President, Phone: 562-699-7600, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Refuse System Trucking Operator-Nonlocal
Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Address: 8500 Washington Blvd, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code:
90660-3788, Contact Person: Mr Alfred Galvan, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 562-801-2413,
Fax: , Internet: www.walmartstores.com, Line of Business: Discount Department/Grocery Store
Withrow Pharmaceutical, Address: 8616 Slauson Ave, City: Pico Rivera, State: CA, Zip Code:
90660-4435, Contact Person: Mr Sergio Quinones, Title: President, Phone: 562-942-1126, Fax: ,
Internet: www.withrow-pharm.com, Line of Business: Whol Drugs/Sundries Beauty Shop
Freeman Centinela Community, Address: PO Box 5301, City: Playa Del Rey, State: CA, Zip Code:
90296-5301, Contact Person: Ms Claudette Parnell, Title: President, Phone: 310-674-7050, Fax:
310-419-8257310-419-8257, Internet: , Line of Business: Business Services Health/Allied Services
Ret Gifts/Novelties
Pangea Complete Document Soln, Address: 322 Culver Blvd, City: Playa Del Rey, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90293-7704, Contact Person: Mr Gary Edelman, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310545-4842, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Advertising Representative
Paramount Inc, Address: 19300 Rinaldi St, City: Porter Ranch, State: CA, Zip Code: 91326-1651,
Contact Person: Sydney Leibovitch, Title: President, Phone: 818-363-4997, Fax: 818-3605282818-360-5282, Internet: www.jennifer4homes.com, Line of Business: Real Estate Brokers &
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Address: 19821 Rinaldi St, City: Porter Ranch, State: CA, Zip Code: 913264145, Contact Person: Mr Dean Gussler, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-832-0643, Fax: , Internet:
www.walmartstores.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Brownstone Co's Inc, Address: 2613 Manhattan Beach Blvd, City: Redondo Beach, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90278-1604, Contact Person: Mr Randy Bragg, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310297-3605, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Holding Company
Comerica Bank, Address: 2015 Manhattan Beach Blvd, City: Redondo Beach, State: CA, Zip Code:
90278-1205, Contact Person: Mr Bill Capps, Title: President, Phone: 310-725-4101, Fax: 310-7254248310-725-4248, Internet: www.comerica.com, Line of Business: Natl Commercial Banks
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 1519 Hawthorne Blvd, City: Redondo Beach, State: CA, Zip Code:
90278-3924, Contact Person: Ms Anne Webster, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-921-1400,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Design Center
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 1801 Hawthorne Blvd, City: Redondo Beach, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90278-3411, Contact Person: Breana Jones, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-370-2511, Fax: ,
Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department Store
Mervyn's LLC, Address: 1799 Hawthorne Blvd, City: Redondo Beach, State: CA, Zip Code: 902783428, Contact Person: Ms Jessica Jucick, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-542-3805, Fax: , Internet:
www.mervyns.com, Line of Business: Department Stores
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 2115 Artesia Blvd, City: Redondo Beach, State: CA, Zip Code:
90278-3013, Contact Person: Mr Mark Drieling, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-542-2122, Fax: 310542-8712310-542-8712, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Supermarket
Nordstrom Inc, Address: 1835 Hawthorne Blvd, City: Redondo Beach, State: CA, Zip Code: 902783411, Contact Person: Ms Mariah Judy, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-542-9440, Fax: 310-2147795310-214-7795, Internet: www.nordstrom.com, Line of Business: Ret Family Clothing
Northrop Grumman Space, Address: 1 Space Park Blvd, City: Redondo Beach, State: CA, Zip Code:
90278-1001, Contact Person: Ms Christine Shu, Title: Engineer, Phone: 310-812-4321, Fax: 310814-4507310-814-4507, Internet: www.trw.com, Line of Business: Manufactures airborne radio
communications equipment; manufactures household satellite antennas; manufactures navigational
systems & instruments; manufactures semiconductors & related devices; manufactures guided
missiles & space vehicles
Park Towne Apartments Inc, Address: PO Box 2537, City: Redondo Beach, State: CA, Zip Code:
90278-7937, Contact Person: Mr Wayne Anastasi, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-3768077, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Apartment Building Operator
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 1413 Hawthorne Blvd, City: Redondo Beach, State: CA, Zip Code:
90278-3923, Contact Person: Mr Bob Russell, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-370-9446, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Grocery store; commercial bakery
Transtar Metals Corp, Address: 2600 Marine Ave, City: Redondo Beach, State: CA, Zip Code:
90278-1105, Contact Person: Mr Ken Hoffman, Title: Vice President, Phone: 310-676-0184, Fax:
310-679-0223310-679-0223, Internet: www.amcastle.com, Line of Business: Whol Aluminum
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Web Service Co LLC, Address: 3690 Redondo Beach Ave, City: Redondo Beach, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90278-1107, Contact Person: Mr Jonathan Wilson, Title: Editor, Phone: 310-643-8491, Fax:
310-643-6958310-643-6958, Internet: www.weblaundry.com, Line of Business: Coin-Operated
Laundries & Cleaning
Chase Group L L C, Address: 6740 Wilbur Ave, City: Reseda, State: CA, Zip Code: 91335-5179,
Contact Person: Mr Phil Chase, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-708-3533, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Nursing/Personal Care
Kolbe Inc, Address: 7514 Reseda Blvd, City: Reseda, State: CA, Zip Code: 91335-2820, Contact
Person: Mr Andrew Kolbe, Title: President, Phone: 818-345-7616, Fax: 818-344-2749818-3442749, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret New And Used Automobiles
Los Angeles Jewish Home For, Address: 7150 Tampa Ave, City: Reseda, State: CA, Zip Code:
91335-3700, Contact Person: Ms Molly Forrest, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-7743000, Fax: 818-996-4867818-996-4867, Internet: www.jha.org, Line of Business: Skilled Nursing
Care Facility Residential Care Services
Mid Valley Racquetball, Address: 18420 Hart St, City: Reseda, State: CA, Zip Code: 91335-4317,
Contact Person: Ray Haizlip, Title: President, Phone: 818-705-6500, Fax: 818-705-6269818-7056269, Internet: , Line of Business: Membership Sport/Recreation Club Physical Fitness Facility
Modern Concept Marketing Inc, Address: 7154 Reseda Blvd, City: Reseda, State: CA, Zip Code:
91335-4210, Contact Person: Mr Joseph Moaddeb, Title: President, Phone: 818-342-5151, Fax:
818-342-5804818-342-5804, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Stationery/Office Supplies Ret
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 19307 Saticoy St, City: Reseda, State: CA, Zip Code: 91335-2330,
Contact Person: Ms Susan Safahi, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-772-0010, Fax: 818-772-0012818772-0012, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Skilled Healthcare Group Inc, Address: 7120 Corbin Ave, City: Reseda, State: CA, Zip Code: 913353618, Contact Person: Melia Magpitang, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 818-881-4540, Fax:
818-881-0039818-881-0039, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care Skilled Nursing
Care Facility
West Valley Family YMCA, Address: 18810 Vanowen St, City: Reseda, State: CA, Zip Code: 913355213, Contact Person: Shane Ruffin, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-774-2840, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Child Day Care Services Individual/Family Services
Chicago Title Co, Address: 1717 Walnut Grove Ave, City: Rosemead, State: CA, Zip Code: 917703712, Contact Person: Ms Martha Novak, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-307-7000, Fax: 626307-7015626-307-7015, Internet: , Line of Business: Title Insurance
Don Bosco Technical Institute, Address: 1151 San Gabriel Blvd, City: Rosemead, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91770-4251, Contact Person: Mr Terence Lynch, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626940-2000, Fax: 626-280-9316626-280-9316, Internet: www.boscotech.tec.ca.us, Line of
Business: Elementary/Secondary School Junior College
Durham School Services L P, Address: 2713 River Ave, City: Rosemead, State: CA, Zip Code:
91770-3303, Contact Person: Mr Allan Weisman, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-573-0208,
Fax: 626-280-4408626-280-4408, Internet: , Line of Business: School Bus Service
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Hermetic Seal Corp, Address: 4232 Temple City Blvd, City: Rosemead, State: CA, Zip Code: 917701552, Contact Person: Mr Andrew Goldfarb, Title: President, Phone: 626-443-8931, Fax: ,
Internet: www.hccmachining.com, Line of Business: Manufactures hermetic seals for electronics;
manufactures metal stampings
Irish Communication Co Inc, Address: PO Box 457, City: Rosemead, State: CA, Zip Code: 917700457, Contact Person: Mr Gregory Warde, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-288-6170,
Fax: , Internet: www.irishconstruction.com, Line of Business: Water/Sewer/Utility Construction
Business Consulting Services Electrical Contractor
Irish Construction, Address: PO Box 579, City: Rosemead, State: CA, Zip Code: 91770-0579,
Contact Person: Mr Gregory Warde, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-288-8530, Fax: 626573-5136626-573-5136, Internet: www.irishconstruction.com, Line of Business:
Water/Sewer/Utility Construction
JYM Enterprises Inc, Address: 4216 Rosemead Blvd, City: Rosemead, State: CA, Zip Code: 917704403, Contact Person: Mr John Maki, Title: President, Phone: 626-568-1943, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Fast-Food Rest Chain
Longwood Management Corp, Address: 1267 San Gabriel Blvd, City: Rosemead, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91770-4237, Contact Person: Ms Caren Fugate, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-280-3220, Fax:
626-280-1896626-280-1896, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Longwood Management Corp, Address: 8035 Hill Dr, City: Rosemead, State: CA, Zip Code: 917704116, Contact Person: Ms Hilda Chwa, Title: Development Manager, Phone: 626-280-4820, Fax:
626-280-3084626-280-3084, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Manheim Auctions Inc, Address: PO Box 8001, City: Rosemead, State: CA, Zip Code: 91770-1001,
Contact Person: Mr Ed Pullen, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-573-8001, Fax: 626-3071791626-307-1791, Internet: www.coxenterprises.com, Line of Business: Whol Autos/Motor
Vehicles Ret Used Automobiles Business Services
Maryvale Day Care Center, Address: PO Box 1039, City: Rosemead, State: CA, Zip Code: 917701000, Contact Person: Ms Linda Cahill, Title: President, Phone: 626-280-6510, Fax: 626-2888903626-288-8903, Internet: , Line of Business: Child Day Care Services & Residential Day Care
Panda Express Inc, Address: 1683 Walnut Grove Ave, City: Rosemead, State: CA, Zip Code: 917703711, Contact Person: Ms Peggy Cherng, Title: President, Phone: 626-799-9898, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Eating Place
Psychiatric Solutions Inc, Address: PO Box 369, City: Rosemead, State: CA, Zip Code: 91770-0369,
Contact Person: Mr William Rutherford, Title: Chief Operating Officer, Phone: 626-286-1191, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Psychiatric Hospital Residential Care Services Specialty Outpatient
Southern California Edison Co, Address: PO Box 976, City: Rosemead, State: CA, Zip Code: 917700976, Contact Person: Mr Alan Fohrer, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-302-1212, Fax:
626-302-4775626-302-4775, Internet: www.sce.com, Line of Business: Electric Utility
Sunshine Inn A California LP, Address: 888 Montebello Blvd, City: Rosemead, State: CA, Zip Code:
91770-4303, Contact Person: Mr Steve Huang, Title: Human Resource Manager, Phone: 323-7228800, Fax: 323-721-8028323-721-8028, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotels And Motels
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Target Corp, Address: 3600 Rosemead Blvd, City: Rosemead, State: CA, Zip Code: 91770-2066,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Dominguez, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 626-280-8024, Fax: ,
Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
AA Gonzalez Inc, Address: PO Box 408, City: San Fernando, State: CA, Zip Code: 91341-0408,
Contact Person: Mr Albert Gonzales, Title: President, Phone: 818-367-2242, Fax: 818-3648760818-364-8760, Internet: , Line of Business: Plastering/Insulating Contractor
Bernards Bros Investment Co, Address: 610 Ilex St, City: San Fernando, State: CA, Zip Code:
91340-3403, Contact Person: Mr Douglas Bernards, Title: Partner, Phone: 818-365-9573, Fax:
818-361-9208818-361-9208, Internet: , Line of Business: Nonresidential Building Operator
Nonresidential Construction
First Student Inc, Address: 11233 San Fernando Rd, City: San Fernando, State: CA, Zip Code:
91340-3409, Contact Person: Mr Mark Gillingham, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-896-0333,
Fax: , Internet: www.firststudentinc.com, Line of Business: Truck Rental/Leasing
Future Graphics LLC, Address: PO Box 151, City: San Fernando, State: CA, Zip Code: 91341-0151,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Goldstein, Title: Member, Phone: 818-837-8100, Fax: , Internet:
www.futuregraphicsllc.com, Line of Business: Manufactures laser systems & equipment; wholesales
office equipment
Imagination Works, Address: 600 San Fernando Rd, City: San Fernando, State: CA, Zip Code:
91340-3405, Contact Person: Mr Edward Noigal, Title: Owner, Phone: 818-837-6482, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Business Services
J B Britches Inc, Address: 1014 Griswold Ave, City: San Fernando, State: CA, Zip Code: 913401455, Contact Person: Asdghik Bedrosian, Title: President, Phone: 818-898-4046, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures men's & boys' trousers & slacks
Jem Sportswear Inc, Address: 459 Park Ave, City: San Fernando, State: CA, Zip Code: 91340-2525,
Contact Person: Mr Jeffrey Marine, Title: President, Phone: 818-365-9361, Fax: 818-361-8055818361-8055, Internet: www.jemsportswear.com, Line of Business: Manufactures men's & boys' dress
shirts; manufactures men's & boys' athletic & sportswear
Kmart Corp, Address: 14701 Rinaldi St, City: San Fernando, State: CA, Zip Code: 91340-4138,
Contact Person: Kim McGuire, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-365-3121, Fax: 818-361-4784818-3614784, Internet: www.kmart.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Pepsi-Cola Metropolitan Btlng, Address: 1200 Arroyo St, City: San Fernando, State: CA, Zip Code:
91340-1545, Contact Person: Mr Bob Simpson, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-838-1201, Fax:
, Internet: www.pepsico.com, Line of Business: Wholesales soft drinks; manufactures bottled &
canned soft drinks
Pharmavite LLC, Address: 1150 Aviation Pl, City: San Fernando, State: CA, Zip Code: 91340-1460,
Contact Person: Mr Jim Jordan, Title: Executive Vice President, Phone: 818-365-1000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.pharmavite.com, Line of Business: Manufactures bulk uncompounded natural or
synthetic vitamins
PureTek Corp, Address: 1145 Arroyo St # D, City: San Fernando, State: CA, Zip Code: 91340-1820,
Contact Person: Mr Barry Pressman, Title: President, Phone: 818-898-2109, Fax: 818-8379121818-837-9121, Internet: www.pharmapure.net, Line of Business: Manufactures cosmetics &
toiletries; manufactures pharmaceutical preparations
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Samco Scientific Corp, Address: 1050 Arroyo St, City: San Fernando, State: CA, Zip Code: 913401822, Contact Person: Ms Karen Gonzalez, Title: Director, Phone: 818-838-2400, Fax: 818-3614059818-361-4059, Internet: www.samcosci.com, Line of Business: Manufactures plastic bottles
Santana Formal Accessories Inc, Address: 429 Jessie St, City: San Fernando, State: CA, Zip Code:
91340-2541, Contact Person: Ms Delores Tennant, Title: President, Phone: 800-831-7711, Fax: ,
Internet: www.santanaapparel.com, Line of Business: Manufactures men's & boys' vests;
manufactures men's & boys' bow ties made from purchased materials; manufactures cummerbunds;
manufactures women's & misses' outerwear
Seven-Up Rc Bottling Co Inc, Address: 1166 Arroyo St, City: San Fernando, State: CA, Zip Code:
91340-1824, Contact Person: Mr Jon Wunderlin, Title: Operations Manager, Phone: 818-898-1471,
Fax: 818-361-5616818-361-5616, Internet: www.dpsubg.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
bottled & canned soft drinks; wholesales soft drinks
Sigue Corp of Delaware, Address: 1518 San Fernando Rd, City: San Fernando, State: CA, Zip Code:
91340-3113, Contact Person: Mr Bill Ve La Vina, Title: President, Phone: 818-837-5939, Fax: ,
Internet: www.sigue.com, Line of Business: Depository Banking Services
Sterling Collection Inc, Address: 1730 1st St, City: San Fernando, State: CA, Zip Code: 913402711, Contact Person: Mr Floyd Irvin, Title: President, Phone: 818-837-4680, Fax: , Internet:
www.sterling-collection.com, Line of Business: Whol Furniture Reupholstery/Furniture Repair
Vaughn Learning Center, Address: 13330 Vaughn St, City: San Fernando, State: CA, Zip Code:
91340-2216, Contact Person: Mr Evan Chan, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-869-7461, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Child Day Care Services
JFC International Inc, Address: PO Box 7251, City: San Francisco, State: CA, Zip Code: 941207251, Contact Person: Nobuyuki Enokido, Title: President, Phone: 650-873-8400, Fax: ,
Internet: www.jfc.com, Line of Business: Whol Groceries
Clearman's North Wood Inn Inc, Address: 7247 Rosemead Blvd, City: San Gabriel, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91775-1315, Contact Person: Mr John Clearman, Title: President, Phone: 626-286-8284,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Restaurant
Hawaii Supermarket Inc, Address: 120 E Valley Blvd Frnt, City: San Gabriel, State: CA, Zip Code:
91776-3593, Contact Person: Buong Duong, Title: President, Phone: 626-307-0062, Fax: 626307-9088626-307-9088, Internet: www.hawaiisupermarket.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Information & Referral, Address: 526 W Las Tunas Dr, City: San Gabriel, State: CA, Zip Code:
91776-1111, Contact Person: Mr Steve Collins, Title: Chief Operating Officer, Phone: 626-3501841, Fax: 626-442-6940626-442-6940, Internet: www.211-la.net, Line of Business: Misc
Personal Services
Longwood Management Corp, Address: 537 W Live Oak St, City: San Gabriel, State: CA, Zip Code:
91776-1149, Contact Person: Ms Ranita Phan, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-289-3763, Fax: 626289-9484626-289-9484, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care Skilled Nursing Care
Marco's Auto Body Inc, Address: 600 E Las Tunas Dr, City: San Gabriel, State: CA, Zip Code:
91776-1546, Contact Person: Mr Marco Maimone, Title: President, Phone: 626-309-9100, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Auto Body Repair/Painting Automotive Repair
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
San Gabriel Valley Medical Ctr, Address: PO Box 1507, City: San Gabriel, State: CA, Zip Code:
91778-1507, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Mone, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-2895454, Fax: , Internet: www.sgvmc.com, Line of Business: General Hospital
Tawa Supermarket Inc, Address: 140 W Valley Blvd, City: San Gabriel, State: CA, Zip Code: 917763760, Contact Person: Mr Bob Chang, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 626-307-8899, Fax: 626307-0679626-307-0679, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Huntington, Henry E Library, Address: 1151 Oxford Rd, City: San Marino, State: CA, Zip Code:
91108-1218, Contact Person: Mr Robert Erburu, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 626-4052100, Fax: 626-405-0225626-405-0225, Internet: www.34thparallel.org, Line of Business: Library
Museum/Art Gallery Botanical/Zoological Garden
Nrt Commercial Utah Inc, Address: 2065 Huntington Dr, City: San Marino, State: CA, Zip Code:
91108-2023, Contact Person: Ms Natalie Oginz, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 626-449-5222,
Fax: 626-449-8481626-449-8481, Internet: , Line of Business: Rl Este Agntresidntl
Tricor Entertainment Inc, Address: 1613 Chelsea Rd, City: San Marino, State: CA, Zip Code: 911082419, Contact Person: Mr Craig Darian, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-282-5184, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture Production And International Film Distribution &
Automobile Club of Southern CA, Address: PO Box 25001, City: Santa Ana, State: CA, Zip Code:
92799-5001, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Mc, Title: President, Phone: 213-741-3111, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Insurance Agent/Broker Membership Organization
Advanced Cleanup Technologies, Address: 26000 Springbrook Ave, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91350-2590, Contact Person: Mr Mark Hawley, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 661-2544779, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Local Trucking Withous Storage Refuse Systems
Alfred Mann Foundation, Address: PO Box 905, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code: 913809005, Contact Person: Mr Joseph Schulman, Title: President, Phone: 661-702-6700, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Noncommercial Research Organization
B & B Manufacturing Co, Address: 27940 Beale Ct, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code: 913551210, Contact Person: Mr Ken Gentry, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 661-257-2161, Fax:
661-257-8072661-257-8072, Internet: www.bbmfg.com, Line of Business: Machine shop, jobbing
& repair services
Bayless Engineering, Address: 26100 Avenue Hall, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code: 913554808, Contact Person: Mr Earl Bayless, Title: President, Phone: 661-257-3373, Fax: 661-2573522661-257-3522, Internet: www.baylessengineering.com, Line of Business: Machine shop,
jobbing & repair services; sheet metal fabricator
Best Buy Co Inc, Address: 26531 Bouquet Canyon Rd, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code:
91350-2377, Contact Person: Mr Roger Young, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 661-297-1247, Fax:
, Internet: www.bestbuy.com, Line of Business: Ret Household Appliances
Blue Cross Laboratories Inc, Address: 20950 Centre Pointe Pkwy, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91350-2975, Contact Person: Mr Darrell Mahler, Title: President, Phone: 661-255-0955,
Fax: 661-255-3628661-255-3628, Internet: www.bc-labs.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
cleaning & polishing preparations; manufactures cosmetics & toiletries
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Bocchi Laboratories Inc, Address: 26321 Serry Ct, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code: 91350,
Contact Person: Mr Allen Roessig, Title: General Manager, Phone: 661-252-3807, Fax: 661-2523987661-252-3987, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures cosmetics & toiletries
Cardinal Health Inc, Address: PO Box 801480, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code: 913801480, Contact Person: Mr Rick Williams, Title: Regional Manager, Phone: 661-295-6100, Fax: 661294-8218661-294-8218, Internet: www.cardinal.com, Line of Business: Wholesale Pharmecueticals
Child & Family Center, Address: 21545 Centre Pointe Pkwy, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91350-2947, Contact Person: Ms Elizabeth Seipel, Title: Executive Director, Phone: 661259-9439, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Individual/Family Svcs Health/Allied Services
Specialty Outpatient Fac Health Practitioners Ofc
Chili's Inc, Address: 25970 The Old Rd, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code: 91381-1712,
Contact Person: Kelly Gleghorn, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-260-3620, Fax: 661-260-3611661260-3611, Internet: www.chilis.com, Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
City of Santa Clarita, Address: 28250 Constellation Rd, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-5000, Contact Person: Mr Mike Hynes, Title: Director, Phone: 661-294-1287, Fax: 661-2942530661-294-2530, Internet: www.santa-clarita.com, Line of Business: Intercity/Rural Bus Line
Executive Office
City of Santa Clarita, Address: 23920 Valencia Blvd # 300, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-5316, Contact Person: Mr Carl Newton, Title: Attorney, Phone: 661-284-1423, Fax: 661287-3529661-287-3529, Internet: www.santa-clarita.com, Line of Business:
Amusement/Recreation Services
Costco Wholesale Corp, Address: 18649 Via Princessa, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code:
91387-4935, Contact Person: Mr Craig Stevenson, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 661-250-2818,
Fax: , Internet: www.costco.com, Line of Business: Membership Warehouse Club
Cottrell, Paul Enterprises LLC, Address: 16654 Soledad Canyon Rd, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91387-3217, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 661-251-3479, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
Del West Engineering Inc, Address: 28128 Livingston Ave, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-4115, Contact Person: Mr Al Sommer, Title: President, Phone: 661-295-5700, Fax: ,
Internet: www.delwest.org, Line of Business: Manufactures motor vehicle parts & accessories
Forrest Machining Inc, Address: 27756 Avenue Mentry, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-3453, Contact Person: Ms Joanne Butler, Title: President, Phone: 661-257-0231, Fax: 661257-4338661-257-4338, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures aircraft parts & equipment
Global Building Services Inc, Address: 25600 Rye Canyon Rd # 201, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91355-1166, Contact Person: Mr Julio Belloso, Title: President, Phone: 661-295-5065,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Building Maintenance Services
Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial, Address: 23845 McBean Pkwy, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91355-2001, Contact Person: Ms Elizabeth Hopp, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 661253-8011, Fax: , Internet: www.henrymayo.com, Line of Business: General Hospital
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 20642 Golden Triangle Rd, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code:
91351-2418, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Rogers, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-252-7800, Fax: 661-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
250-4416661-250-4416, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials Equipment
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 28033 Newhall Ranch Rd, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-4046, Contact Person: Mr Brian Marino, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-702-9925, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials
Hr Textron Inc, Address: 25200 Rye Canyon Rd, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code: 913551204, Contact Person: Mr Ron Delaete, Title: General Manager, Phone: 661-294-6000, Fax: 661259-9622661-259-9622, Internet: www.textron.com, Line of Business: Manufactures industrial
actuators; manufactures metal electrohydraulic servo valves
JC Penney Corp Inc, Address: 24140 Magic Mountain Pkwy, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91355-3914, Contact Person: Laurie Dahl, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-255-9864, Fax: ,
Internet: www.jcpenneyinc.com, Line of Business: Department Store
Lamsco West Inc, Address: PO Box 802050, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code: 91380-2050,
Contact Person: Glad Baldwin, Title: President, Phone: 661-295-8620, Fax: 661-295-8626661295-8626, Internet: www.lamscowest.com, Line of Business: Manufactures laminated plastics;
manufactures metal stampings
Lowe's Home Centers Inc, Address: 26415 Bouquet Canyon Rd, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91350-2396, Contact Person: Mr Alex Almarez, Title: Regional Manager, Phone: 661-2971400, Fax: , Internet: www.lowes.com, Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Mtrl Whol
Lumber/Plywd/Millwk Ret Household Appliances Whol Appliances/Tv/Radio
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 26450 McBean Pkwy, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91355-2063, Contact Person: Mr Jay Johnston, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-287-5911, Fax:
, Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department Store
Magic Plastics Inc, Address: 25215 Avenue Stanford, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-1213, Contact Person: Mr John Sarno, Title: President, Phone: 661-257-4485, Fax: 661257-1911661-257-1911, Internet: www.magicplastics.com, Line of Business: Manufactures plastic
& fiberglass hot tubs; manufactures processed plastics; manufactures tools, dies, jigs & fixtures
Marathon Industries Inc, Address: PO Box 800279, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code: 913800279, Contact Person: Mr Roger Hess, Title: President, Phone: 661-286-1520, Fax: 661-2861533661-286-1533, Internet: www.marathontruckbody.com, Line of Business: Manufactures truck
& bus bodies; wholesales motor vehicles
Master's College & Seminary, Address: 21726 Placerita Canyon Rd, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91321-1235, Contact Person: Mr John Arthur Litt, Title: President, Phone: 661-2593540, Fax: 661-254-1998661-254-1998, Internet: www.masters.edu, Line of Business:
Morris Multimedia Inc, Address: PO Box 801870, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code: 913801870, Contact Person: Mr Jay Harn, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 661-259-1234, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Publishes newspapers without printing
Morton Grinding Inc, Address: 17341 Sierra Hwy, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code: 913511625, Contact Person: Ms Yolanda Morton, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 661-298-0895,
Fax: 661-298-1162661-298-1162, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures fasteners;
manufactures space vehicle equipment; manufactures bolts, nuts, rivets & washers
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Princess Cruise Lines Ltd, Address: 24844 Ave Rockefeller, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-3467, Contact Person: Mr Peter Ratcliffe, Title: President, Phone: 661-753-0000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.princess.com, Line of Business: Deep Sea Passenger Transportation Hotel/Motel
Operation Tour Operator
Robinson Ranch Golf LLC, Address: 27734 Sand Canyon Rd, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91387-3639, Contact Person: Mr Bill McNair, Title: Member, Phone: 661-252-8484, Fax:
661-252-7666661-252-7666, Internet: www.robinsonranchgolf.com, Line of Business: Public Golf
Course Membership Sport/Recreation Club
Santa Barbara Transportation, Address: 21429 Centre Pointe Pkwy, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91350-2684, Contact Person: Mr Richard Varner, Title: Director, Phone: 661-259-7285,
Fax: 661-259-0840661-259-0840, Internet: www.ridesta.com, Line of Business: Intercity/Rural
Bus Line School Bus Service
Santa Clarita Community Col, Address: 26455 Rockwell Canyon Rd, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91355-1803, Contact Person: Dr Diane Hook, Title: President, Phone: 661-259-7800,
Fax: 661-259-8302661-259-8302, Internet: www.coc.cc.ca.us, Line of Business: Junior College
Santa Clarita Valley Builders, Address: 24307 Magic Mountain Pkwy 1, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91355-3402, Contact Person: Mr Mike Spigno, Title: President, Phone: 661-259-6722,
Fax: 661-255-0124661-255-0124, Internet: , Line of Business: Carpentry Contractor Business
Services Specializing In Interior Design Services
S-Curve Technologies, Address: 25050 Avenue Kearny 114B, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91355-1256, Contact Person: Mr Jim Mullin, Title: Owner, Phone: 661-294-9619, Fax: 661294-8380661-294-8380, Internet: www.s-curve.com, Line of Business: Manufactures plastic
Semco Instruments Inc, Address: 25700 Rye Canyon Rd, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-1134, Contact Person: M Moore, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 661-257-2000, Fax:
661-295-0044661-295-0044, Internet: www.semcoinstruments.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures thermometers & temperature sensors; manufactures insulated fiber optic cable
Spectrum Apple Partners Inc, Address: 23626 Valencia Blvd, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91355-1760, Contact Person: Mr Robert Morales, Title: General Manager, Phone: 661-2547001, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
Vista Controls Inc, Address: 28965 Avenue Penn, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code: 913554185, Contact Person: Mr Tom Quinley, Title: President, Phone: 661-257-4430, Fax: 661-2574782661-257-4782, Internet: www.curtisswright.com, Line of Business: Engineering services;
manufactures space vehicle equipment; manufactures relays & industrial controls; commercial
physical research laboratory
Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Address: 26471 Carl Boyer Dr, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code:
91350-2996, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 661-259-0863, Fax: , Internet:
www.walmartstores.com, Line of Business: Department Store Ret Groceries
Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Address: 27931 Kelly Johnson Pkwy, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 661-294-5211, Fax: , Internet:
www.walmartstores.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Address: 26468 Carl Boyer Dr, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code:
91350-2995, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 661-222-7408, Fax: , Internet:
www.walmartstores.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc General Merchandise
Wesco Aircraft Hardware Corp, Address: PO Box 802020, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA, Zip Code:
91380-2020, Contact Person: Mr Randy Snyder, Title: President, Phone: 661-775-7200, Fax: ,
Internet: www.wescoaircraft.com, Line of Business: Whol Hardware
William S Hart Union High Sch, Address: 21515 Centre Pointe Pkwy, City: Santa Clarita, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91350-2947, Contact Person: Jaime Castellanos, Title: Executive Director, Phone: 661259-0033, Fax: , Internet: www.hart.k12.ca.us, Line of Business: Elementary Schools
Abercrombie & Fitch Co, Address: 1343 3rd Street Promenade, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90401-1309, Contact Person: Kinder Kirkpatrick, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-899-2966,
Fax: , Internet: www.abercrombie.com, Line of Business: Ret Men's And Women's Clothing
Activision Blizzard Inc, Address: 3100 Ocean Park Blvd Fl 1, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90405-3068, Contact Person: Mr Robert Kotick, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310255-2000, Fax: , Internet: www.activision.com, Line of Business: Home entertainment software
ADT Security Services Inc, Address: 2230 Michigan Ave, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90404-3906, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-478-0301, Fax: 310-453-7750310-453-7750,
Internet: www.adt.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc Merchandise Security Systems Services Repair
Agensys Inc, Address: 2225 Colorado Ave, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 90404-3505,
Contact Person: Dr Donald Rice, Title: President, Phone: 310-314-8786, Fax: , Internet:
www.urogenesys.com, Line of Business: Noncommercial Research Organization
American Golf Corp, Address: 2951 28th St, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 90405-2961,
Contact Person: Mr Tom Ferguson, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-664-4000, Fax: 310664-6160310-664-6160, Internet: www.americangolf.com, Line of Business: Membership Sports
Club Amusement/Recreation Svc Eating Place Ret Sport Goods/Bicycles
Art Institute of Los Angeles, Address: 2900 31st St, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90405-3035, Contact Person: Mr Gregory Strick, Title: President, Phone: 310-752-4700, Fax: 310752-4708310-752-4708, Internet: , Line of Business: College/University
Ascent Media Group LLC, Address: 702 Arizona Ave, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90401-1702, Contact Person: Mr David Burden, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-434-6000,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
Banana Republic LLC, Address: 1202 3rd Street Promenade, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90401-1308, Contact Person: Ms Melissa Silver, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-3947740, Fax: , Internet: www.gapinc.com, Line of Business: Men's & Women's Clothing
Berlitz International Inc, Address: 525 Broadway Ste 300, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90401-2419, Contact Person: Ms Pearl Davenport, Title: Executive Director, Phone: 408-371-4816,
Fax: , Internet: www.berlitz.com, Line of Business: School/Educational Services Business Services
Blind Decker Productions Inc, Address: 3000 Olympic Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90404-5073, Contact Person: Mr Kevin Hyman, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 310-2644247, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture Production
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Broadway Deli Ltd A California, Address: 1457 3rd Street Promenade, City: Santa Monica, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90401-2321, Contact Person: Mr Bruce Marter, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 310451-0616, Fax: 310-451-0438310-451-0438, Internet: www.broadwaydeli.com, Line of Business:
Eating Place Ret Misc Foods Ret Alcoholic Beverages Drinking Place
Bryan Cave LLP, Address: 120 Broadway Ste 300, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 904012386, Contact Person: Mr Jeffrey Modistt, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 310-576-2100, Fax:
310-576-2200310-576-2200, Internet: www.bryancave.com, Line of Business: Legal Services
Carat USA Inc, Address: 2450 Colorado Ave Ste 300, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90404-3575, Contact Person: Mr Michael Soh, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-255-1000, Fax:
310-255-1050310-255-1050, Internet: , Line of Business: Advertising Representative
Casestack Inc, Address: 2850 Ocean Park Blvd 10, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 904052955, Contact Person: Mr Daniel Sanker, Title: President, Phone: 310-473-8885, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Freight Transportation Arrangement General Warehouse/Storage
City of Santa Monica, Address: 1660 7th St, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 90401-3324,
Contact Person: Ms Stephanie Megriff, Title: Director, Phone: 310-451-5444, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Local/Suburban Transportation Executive Office
City of Santa Monica, Address: 601 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90401-2501, Contact Person: Mr Dan Stern, Title: Vice Chairman, Phone: 310-458-8600, Fax:
310-394-8951310-394-8951, Internet: , Line of Business: Library Executive Office
Cornerstone On Demand Inc, Address: 1601 Cloverfield Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90404-4082, Contact Person: Mr Adam Miller, Title: President, Phone: 310-752-0200, Fax: ,
Internet: www.cornerstoneondemand.com, Line of Business: Job Training & Related Services
Crossroads School For Arts, Address: 1714 21st St, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90404-3917, Contact Person: Mr Peter Norton, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-8297391, Fax: 310-828-5636310-828-5636, Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary
Cwgp LP, Address: 1740 Ocean Ave, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 90401-3214,
Contact Person: Sig Otloff, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-395-9700, Fax: , Internet:
www.lemerigotbeachhotel.com, Line of Business: Resort/Hotel
Del Montell Motors Limited, Address: 1127 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90401-3001, Contact Person: Dellis Montell, Title: President, Phone: 310-829-3535, Fax:
310-449-9126310-449-9126, Internet: www.smbmw.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used
Dimensional Fund Advisors Inc, Address: 1299 Ocean Ave Ste 1100, City: Santa Monica, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90401-1062, Contact Person: Mr David Booth, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone:
310-395-8005, Fax: , Internet: www.dfaus.com, Line of Business: Open-End Management
Dtrs Santa Monica LLC, Address: 1700 Ocean Ave, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 904013233, Contact Person: Mr John Thaeker, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-458-6700, Fax: 310458-6761310-458-6761, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Edmunds Holding Co, Address: 1620 26th St Ste 400S, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90404-4063, Contact Person: Mr Jeremy Anwyl, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-3096300, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Information Retrieval Services
El Cholo Inc, Address: 1025 Wilshire Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 90401-1906,
Contact Person: Mr Mike Mininsky, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-899-1106, Fax: 310-8991185310-899-1185, Internet: www.elcholo.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
Epochcom LLC, Address: 2644 30th St Fl 2, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 90405-3061,
Contact Person: Mr Clay Andrews, Title: Member, Phone: 310-664-5700, Fax: 310-452-9809310452-9809, Internet: , Line of Business: Data Processing/Preparation
Et Whitehall Seascape LLC, Address: 1910 Ocean Way, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90405-1010, Contact Person: Tanisha Chambers, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 310-5815533, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Eating Place
Fairmont Hotel Management Co, Address: 101 Wilshire Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90401-1106, Contact Person: Mr Karl Buchta, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-3193122, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel
First Federal Bank Of CA, Address: 401 Wilshire Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90401-1416, Contact Person: Ms Babette Heimbuch, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310319-6000, Fax: 310-319-6091310-319-6091, Internet: , Line of Business: Federal Savings
Foothill Group Inc, Address: 2450 Colo Ave Ste 3000, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90404, Contact Person: Mr John Nickoll, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-453-7300, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: National Commercial Bank Misc Business Credit Institutions
Investment Advisory Service
Game Show Network LLC, Address: 2150 Colorado Ave Ste 100, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90404-5514, Contact Person: Mr Frank Cartwright, Title: President, Phone: 310-255-6800,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Cable/Pay Television Service
Geek Squad Inc, Address: 2800 Wilshire Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 904034802, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-309-4467, Fax: , Internet: www.geeksquad.com,
Line of Business: Computer Related Services
Golden State Health Centers, Address: 1340 15th St, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90404-1802, Contact Person: Ms Dina Rn, Title: Director, Phone: 310-451-9706, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Goldline International Inc, Address: 1601 Cloverfield Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90404-4082, Contact Person: Mr Mark Albarian, Title: President, Phone: 800-827-4653, Fax: 310319-0265310-319-0265, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Misc Merchandise
Holthouse Carlin Van Trigt LLP, Address: 1601 Cloverfield Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90404-4082, Contact Person: Mr Greg Hutchins, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-477-5551, Fax:
, Internet: www.hcvt.com, Line of Business: Accounting/Auditing/Bookkeeping
Home Box Office Inc, Address: 2400 Broadway Ste 400, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90404-3030, Contact Person: Ms Nancy Lesser, Title: Senior Vice President, Phone: 310-382-3000,
Fax: , Internet: www.hbo.com, Line of Business: Cable Services & Film Production
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Hooter's Santa Monica, Address: 321 Santa Monica Blvd # 1, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90401-2228, Contact Person: Mr Fred Glick, Title: Owner, Phone: 310-458-7555, Fax: 310458-9733310-458-9733, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
Hornburg Jaguar Inc, Address: 3300 Olympic Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 904045005, Contact Person: Mr Glen Waldron, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-453-3377, Fax: 310-3157217310-315-7217, Internet: www.hornburg.com, Line of Business: Import Auto Repair
Imagestat Corp, Address: 2951 28th St # 2005, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 904052993, Contact Person: Mr Robert Milne, Title: President, Phone: 310-392-1100, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Out-Sourcing Services Computers Software Services
John Wayne Institute For CTR, Address: 2200 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90404-2302, Contact Person: Mr Patrick Wayne, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310449-5253, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Noncommercial Research Organization
Kingworld C B S Enterprises, Address: 2401 Colorado Ave Ste 110, City: Santa Monica, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90404-3577, Contact Person: Mr Roger King, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310264-3300, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Television Station Radio Broadcast Station Motion
Pict/Video Prodtn Motion Pict/Tape Distr
Kor Hotel Group LLC, Address: 530 Pico Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 904051223, Contact Person: Kazuo Hirata, Title: Treasurer, Phone: 310-399-9344, Fax: , Internet:
www.korhotelgroup.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Lions Gate Films Inc, Address: 2700 Colorado Ave Ste 200, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90404-5502, Contact Person: Mr Jon Feltheimer, Title: President, Phone: 310-449-9200,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
Los Angeles Times Comms, Address: 1717 4th St Ste 100, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90401-3319, Contact Person: Mr Gregg Dittoe, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-450-6666,
Fax: 310-450-4675310-450-4675, Internet: www.latimes.com, Line of Business: Newspaper
Lowermybills Inc, Address: 2401 Colorado Ave Ste 200, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90404-3595, Contact Person: Mr Matt Coffin, Title: President, Phone: 310-998-6900, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Information Retrieval Services
M Arthur Gensler Jr & Assocs, Address: 2500 Broadway # 300, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90404-3061, Contact Person: Mr Kevin Schaeffer, Title: Vice President, Phone: 310-4495600, Fax: 310-449-5850310-449-5850, Internet: www.gensler.com, Line of Business:
Architectural Services Business Services
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 315 Colorado Ave, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90401-2366, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-393-1441, Fax: , Internet:
www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department Store
Maxx Marketing Inc, Address: 2425 Olympic Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 904044030, Contact Person: Mr Michael Kwan, Title: President, Phone: 310-309-8190, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Management Consulting Services
MCA Records Inc, Address: 2220 Colorado Ave, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 904043574, Contact Person: Mr Doug Morris, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-865-4000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.vivendiuniversal.com, Line of Business: Manufactures prerecorded records & tapes
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Media Launch Inc, Address: 2700 Penn Ave Frnt, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 904044066, Contact Person: Mr David Goldberg, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-526-4300,
Fax: 310-526-4400310-526-4400, Internet: www.yahoo.com, Line of Business: Telephone
Milken Family Foundation, Address: 1250 4th St Fl 1, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90401-1418, Contact Person: Mr Lowell Milken, Title: President, Phone: 310-570-4800, Fax: 310998-2828310-998-2828, Internet: , Line of Business: Non-Profit Organization
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 2627 Lincoln Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 904054619, Contact Person: Ms Elena Rodriguez, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-452-3811, Fax:
310-452-3522310-452-3522, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
New York Times Co, Address: 520 Broadway Ste 230, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90401-2444, Contact Person: Ms Jacqueline Joyce, Title: Editor, Phone: 310-576-1929, Fax: ,
Internet: www.nytco.com, Line of Business: Publishes & prints newspapers
Ocean Avenue LLC, Address: 101 Wilshire Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 904011106, Contact Person: Mr Paul OHM, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-576-7777, Fax: 310-3193139310-319-3139, Internet: , Line of Business: Misc Personal Services Hotel/Motel Operation
Ocean Park Community Center, Address: 1453 16th St, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90404-2715, Contact Person: Mr Jeffrey Rennell, Title: Finance Director, Phone: 310-264-6646,
Fax: 310-264-6647310-264-6647, Internet: , Line of Business: Individual/Family Services
Ollie Inc, Address: 1001 Colorado Ave, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 90401-2809,
Contact Person: Mr Gary Smith, Title: President, Phone: 323-871-1200, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
P F Chang's China Bistro Inc, Address: 326 Wilshire Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90401-1312, Contact Person: Mr Adam Payne, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-395-1912, Fax:
, Internet: www.pfcb.com, Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
Portraits of Hope, Address: 2118 Wilshire Blvd # 527, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90403-5704, Contact Person: Ms Susan Nassberg, Title: Director, Phone: 310-573-9811, Fax: ,
Internet: www.portraitsofhope.com, Line of Business: Therapy
Raleigh Enterprises Inc, Address: 100 Wilshire Blvd Fl 8, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90401-1110, Contact Person: George Rosenthal, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-8998900, Fax: , Internet: www.raleighenterprises.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Motion
Picture Services Nonresdentl Bldg Operatr Architectural Services
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 1644 Cloverfield Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90404-4006, Contact Person: Mr Brad Bower, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-582-3900, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Regis Properties LLC, Address: 530 Pico Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 904051223, Contact Person: Kare Altice-Montees, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-309-8066, Fax: ,
Internet: www.regisproperties.com, Line of Business: Hotel
Richard Cantrell, Address: 1661 9th St, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 90404-3703,
Contact Person: Mr Richard Cantrell, Title: Owner, Phone: 310-399-5511, Fax: , Internet:
www.hardtail.com, Line of Business: Whol Women's/Child's Clothing Whol Men's/Boy's Clothing
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Rubin Postaer & Associates Inc, Address: 2525 Colorado Ave, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90404-3552, Contact Person: Mr Gerrold Rubin, Title: President, Phone: 310-394-4000,
Fax: 310-917-2490310-917-2490, Internet: , Line of Business: Advertising Agency
Saint John's Hospital & Health, Address: 2200 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90404-2302, Contact Person: Mr Ethan Wayne, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-315-6111, Fax:
310-998-3963310-998-3963, Internet: www.stjohns.org, Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Commercial Physical Research
Saint John's Hospital & Health, Address: 2020 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90404-2023, Contact Person: Mr George Dix, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-829-8970, Fax: ,
Internet: www.stjohns.org, Line of Business: General Hospital
Santa Monica Amusements LLC, Address: 380 Santa Monica Pier, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90401-3128, Contact Person: Mr Richard Olshansky, Title: Member, Phone: 310-260-8744,
Fax: 310-260-8748310-260-8748, Internet: www.pacpark.com, Line of Business: Amusement Park
Santa Monica Big Blue Bus, Address: 1660 7th St, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 904013324, Contact Person: Ms Mabel Borja, Title: Accounting Manager, Phone: 310-395-6024, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Bus Charter Services Except Local
Santa Monica College Bookstore, Address: 1900 Pico Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90405-1628, Contact Person: Mr David Dever, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-434-4258, Fax: ,
Internet: www.smc.edu, Line of Business: Ret Books
Santa Monica Community College, Address: 1900 Pico Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90405-1628, Contact Person: Mr Tom Donner, Title: President, Phone: 310-434-4000, Fax:
310-434-3645310-434-3645, Internet: www.smconline.org, Line of Business: Junior College
Santa Monica Hsr LP, A CA, Address: 1707 4th St, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 904013301, Contact Person: Mr Joe Topper, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-395-3332, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Eating Place
Sears, Roebuck & Co, Address: 302 Colorado Ave, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 904012318, Contact Person: Mr David Goodman, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-576-2800, Fax: ,
Internet: www.sears.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Non-Disc
Second Street Corp, Address: 1111 2nd St, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 90403-5003,
Contact Person: Sohrab Sassounian, Title: President, Phone: 310-394-5454, Fax: 310-4589776310-458-9776, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Eating Place
Softscript Inc, Address: 2444 Wilshire Blvd # 280, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code: 904035800, Contact Person: Mr Howard Wisnicki, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-451-2110,
Fax: , Internet: www.softscript.com, Line of Business: Secretarial/Court Reporting
Sony Bmg Music Entertainment, Address: 2100 Colorado Ave, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90404-3504, Contact Person: Ms Dora Wren, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 310-4492100, Fax: 310-449-2230310-449-2230, Internet: www.sonymusic.com, Line of Business: Record
Sullivan Motor Cars LLC, Address: 801 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90401-2702, Contact Person: Mr Michael Sullivan, Title: Member, Phone: 310-829-1889, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret New And Used Automobiles
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Universal City Studios Inc, Address: 2220 Colorado Ave, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90404-3574, Contact Person: Darcey Graver, Title: Principal, Phone: 310-865-5000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.universalstudios.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
Universal Music Group Inc, Address: 2220 Colorado Ave, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90404-3506, Contact Person: Mr David Benjamin, Title: Senior Vice President, Phone: 818-6795726, Fax: , Internet: www.vivendiuniversal.com, Line of Business: Business Services
University Restaurant Group, Address: 1501 Ocean Ave, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90401-2118, Contact Person: Samuel King, Title: President, Phone: 310-451-4595, Fax: 310-4519026310-451-9026, Internet: www.icugini.com, Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
Volkswagen Santa Monica, Address: 2450 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90404-2039, Contact Person: Mr Joe Simpkins, Title: General Manager, Phone: 310-4539900, Fax: 310-829-7568310-829-7568, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles
Volkswagen Santa Monica Inc, Address: 2440 Santa Monica Blvd, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90404-2039, Contact Person: Mr Wilfred Sullivan, Title: President, Phone: 310-829-1888,
Fax: 310-453-9055310-453-9055, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles Auto
Body Repair/Painting General Auto Repair
Wells Fargo Century Inc, Address: 2450 Colorado Ave, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip Code:
90404-3575, Contact Person: Mr Dave Hilton, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-453-7212, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Short-Term Business Credit Institution Ret Used Merchandise
William Warren Properties Inc, Address: 201 Wilshire Blvd Ste 102, City: Santa Monica, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90401-1220, Contact Person: Mr William Hobin, Title: President, Phone: 310-451-2130,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Apartment Building Operator
Wilshire Associates Inc, Address: 1299 Ocean Ave Ste 700, City: Santa Monica, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90401-1061, Contact Person: Mr Dennis Tito, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310451-3051, Fax: 310-458-0520310-458-0520, Internet: www.wilshire.com, Line of Business:
Management Consulting Services
Los Angeles Retarded Citizens, Address: 29890 Bouquet Canyon Rd, City: Saugus, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91390-1136, Contact Person: Mr Wayne Wright, Title: Controller, Phone: 661-296-8636,
Fax: , Internet: www.larcfoundation.org, Line of Business: Residential Care Services
Individual/Family Services Skilled Nursing Care Facility
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 27631 Bouquet Canyon Rd, City: Saugus, State: CA, Zip Code:
91350-1793, Contact Person: Mr Joe Ferrara, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-296-9655, Fax: ,
Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 26518 Bouquet Canyon Rd, City: Saugus, State: CA, Zip Code: 913502353, Contact Person: Mr Bob Cosgrove, Title: President, Phone: 805-296-8682, Fax: , Internet:
www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Country Villa East LP, Address: 9655 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Sepulveda, State: CA, Zip Code: 913433307, Contact Person: Mr Steve Reissmann, Title: Partner, Phone: 818-892-8665, Fax: 818-8911208818-891-1208, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care Skilled Nursing Care
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Joya Food Enterprises Inc, Address: 9136 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Sepulveda, State: CA, Zip Code:
91343-3921, Contact Person: Mr Luis Gonzalez, Title: President, Phone: 818-892-0923, Fax: 818892-2055818-892-2055, Internet: , Line of Business: Retail Grocery Store
San Fernando Valley Assn, Address: 15725 Parthenia St, City: Sepulveda, State: CA, Zip Code:
91343-4913, Contact Person: SRI RAO, Title: Controller, Phone: 818-894-9301, Fax: 818-8913267818-891-3267, Internet: , Line of Business: Job Training/Related Services
Abercrombie & Fitch Co, Address: 14006 Riverside Dr 243A, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91423-1945, Contact Person: Ms Jennifer Wakefield, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818789-2181, Fax: , Internet: www.abercrombie.com, Line of Business: Ret Men's And Women's
Alchemy Worldwide LLC, Address: 15250 Ventura Blvd # 300, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91403-3214, Contact Person: Mr Brady Caverly, Title: Member, Phone: 818-377-2800, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Advertising Agency
Blh Construction Co, Address: 15303 Ventura Blvd # 100, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91403-3180, Contact Person: Mr Charles Brumbaugh, Title: President, Phone: 818-9052430, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Residential Construction
Body Conqueror Inc, Address: 4570 Van Nuys Blvd Ste 278, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91403-2913, Contact Person: Mr Gregory Gunn, Title: President, Phone: 310-651-0387,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Specialty Outpatient Clinic
Buckley School, Address: PO Box 5949, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip Code: 91413-5949,
Contact Person: Ms Valerie Benzimra, Title: Vice Chairman, Phone: 818-783-1610, Fax: 818-4616714818-461-6714, Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School
Coldwell Banker Sherman Oaks, Address: 15490 Ventura Blvd, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91403-3016, Contact Person: Mr Philip Boroda, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-728-3944, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Real Estate Manager
Delta Media Group Inc, Address: 4570 Van Nuys Blvd, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip Code:
91403-2913, Contact Person: Shahram Hashemizadeh, Title: President, Phone: 818-887-9000,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Radio Broadcast Station Television Station
Dynamic Home Care Service Inc, Address: 14260 Ventura Blvd Ste 301, City: Sherman Oaks, State:
CA, Zip Code: 91423-2734, Contact Person: Mr Nissan Pardo, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone:
818-981-4446, Fax: , Internet: www.dynamicnursing.com, Line of Business: Home Health Care
Filmquest Pictures Corp, Address: 15331 Stonewood Ter, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip Code:
91403-4917, Contact Person: Mr Eric Stahl, Title: President, Phone: 818-905-1006, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Video Production
Help Group West, Address: 13130 Burbank Blvd, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip Code: 914016037, Contact Person: Ms Barbara Firestone, Title: President, Phone: 818-781-0360, Fax: 818779-5291818-779-5291, Internet: , Line of Business: Specialty Outpatient Clinic
Highpoint Productions Inc, Address: 13400 Riverside Dr Ste 300, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91423-2546, Contact Person: Mr Gary Benz, Title: President, Phone: 818-728-7600,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Los Angeles West Taco Inc, Address: 14431 Ventura Blvd 263, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91423-2606, Contact Person: Mr Nader Ashoori, Title: President, Phone: 310-991-9650,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 14000 Riverside Dr, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91423-1918, Contact Person: Ms Valarie Lardner, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-7888350, Fax: , Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department Store
Metrocities Mortgage LLC, Address: 15301 Ventura Blvd D300, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91403-6631, Contact Person: Mr Richard Powers, Title: President, Phone: 818-981-0606,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Mortgage Broker
Motion Picture Association of, Address: 15301 Ventura Blvd Bldg E, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91403-5885, Contact Person: Ms Melissa Patack, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-995-6600,
Fax: , Internet: www.mpaa.org, Line of Business: Business Association Nonresidential Building
New School For Child Devpt, Address: 13130 Burbank Blvd, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91401-6037, Contact Person: Ms Barbara Firestone, Title: President, Phone: 818-779-5262,
Fax: 818-779-5294818-779-5294, Internet: , Line of Business: School For Children With
Psychological Learning Disabilities & Developmentally Handicapped
Notre Dame High School of, Address: 13645 Riverside Dr, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91423-2407, Contact Person: Mr William Nick, Title: President, Phone: 818-501-2300, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Catholic High School
Pinecrest Schools Northridge, Address: 15244 Magnolia Blvd, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91403-1103, Contact Person: Mr Don Dye, Title: President, Phone: 818-986-2470, Fax:
818-363-9768818-363-9768, Internet: www.pinecrestschools.com, Line of Business: Private
Premiere Radio Network Inc, Address: 15260 Ventura Blvd Ste 500, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91403-5339, Contact Person: Mr Kraig Kitchin, Title: President, Phone: 818-377-5354,
Fax: 818-377-5333818-377-5333, Internet: www.premrad.com, Line of Business: Theatrical
Producers/Services Business Services Radio Broadcast Station
Prime Healthcare Services II, Address: 4929 Van Nuys Blvd, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91403-1702, Contact Person: Prem Reddy, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-9817111, Fax: 818-907-4527818-907-4527, Internet: , Line of Business: Owns/Manages Hospitals
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 14049 Ventura Blvd, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip Code:
91423-5234, Contact Person: Mr Steve Endo, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-784-2674, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Grocery Store
RGI-So Inc, Address: 14016 Ventura Blvd, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip Code: 91423-3512,
Contact Person: Mr Jonathan Rogers, Title: President, Phone: 818-386-9398, Fax: 818-9865550818-986-5550, Internet: www.cafebizou.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
Trader Joe's Co, Address: 14119 Riverside Dr, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip Code: 914232312, Contact Person: Mr Dave Hymes, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-789-2771, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Ret Groceries
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Twistbox Entertainment Inc, Address: 14242 Ventura Blvd # 300, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91423-2757, Contact Person: Mr Ian Aaron, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818301-6200, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Business Consulting Services
Westside Jewish Community Ctr, Address: 13164 Burbank Blvd, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91401-6037, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Rouss, Title: Executive Director, Phone: 323-9382531, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Social Services Civic/Social Association Individual/Family
White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Address: 14455 Ventura Blvd Fl 3, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91423-2606, Contact Person: Mr Paul White, Title: Managing Partner, Phone: 818-9814226, Fax: 818-981-4278818-981-4278, Internet: , Line of Business:
Whole Foods Market California, Address: 12905 Riverside Dr, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91423-2209, Contact Person: Kim Kalinouski, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-762-5548, Fax:
818-762-0406818-762-0406, Internet: www.wholefoods.com, Line of Business: Supermarkets
Whole Foods Market California, Address: 4520 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91403-4046, Contact Person: Mr Mark Swanson, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-382-3700,
Fax: 818-382-3710818-382-3710, Internet: www.wholefoods.com, Line of Business:
Supermarkets Chain
Worldwide Restaurant Concepts, Address: 15301 Ventura Blvd Ste 300, City: Sherman Oaks, State:
CA, Zip Code: 91403-6602, Contact Person: Mr Robert Holden, Title: Chief Executive Officer,
Phone: 310-846-8750, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place Patent Owner/Lessor
X-Prt Medical Imaging Inc, Address: 15335 Morrison St Ste 135, City: Sherman Oaks, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91403-6712, Contact Person: Haideh Salehi, Title: President, Phone: 818-380-0066, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Employment Agency
3M Co, Address: 4201 Guardian St, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 93063-3372, Contact
Person: , Title: , Phone: 805-520-5800, Fax: , Internet: www.mmm.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures abrasive products
Adventist Media Center Inc, Address: 101 W Cochran St, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
93065-6217, Contact Person: Mr Kermit Netterburg, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 805955-7777, Fax: 805-955-7702805-955-7702, Internet: www.bibleschools.com, Line of Business:
Television Station Radio Broadcast Station
Air Cargo Equipment Corp, Address: 4175 Guardian St, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
93063-3382, Contact Person: Mr Shanon Shepherd, Title: Controller, Phone: 805-578-7301, Fax: ,
Internet: www.telair.com, Line of Business: Manufactures metal plate bomb shipping containers
American Vision Windows Inc, Address: 2125 N Madera Rd Ste A, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 93065-7709, Contact Person: Mr William Herren, Title: President, Phone: 805-582-1833,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Repair Services Trade Contractor Whol
American Whole Foods Inc, Address: 67 W Easy St Ste 125, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
93065-6204, Contact Person: Flemming Larson, Title: President, Phone: 805-582-1700, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Best Buy Co Inc, Address: 1173 Simi Town Center Way, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
93065-0512, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 805-579-5475, Fax: 805-527-1637805-527-1637,
Internet: www.bestbuy.com, Line of Business: Ret Radio/Tv/Electronics
Big Sky Country Club LLC, Address: 3301 Lost Canyon Dr, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
93063-7168, Contact Person: Mr Jay Colliatie, Title: General Manager, Phone: 805-522-4653, Fax:
805-522-1389805-522-1389, Internet: , Line of Business: Public Golf Course Ret Sporting
Goods/Bicycles Eating Place
California Kidney Medical Grp, Address: 2950 Sycamore Dr Ste 100, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 93065-1210, Contact Person: Kant Tucker, Title: President, Phone: 805-497-7775, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Cardservice International Inc, Address: 4565 Industrial St Ste 7K, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 93063-3464, Contact Person: Mr Chuck Burtzloft, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 805-5826550, Fax: , Internet: www.cardserviceinternational.com, Line of Business: Business Services
Custom Computer Programing Short-Term Business Credit Institution
Chase Group L L C, Address: 5270 E Los Angeles Ave, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
93063-4137, Contact Person: Mr Phil Chase, Title: Manager, Phone: 805-522-9155, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Commercial Nonphysical Research
Chili's Inc, Address: 25 W Cochran St, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 93065-6216, Contact
Person: Ms Marie Fraffand, Title: General Manager, Phone: 805-527-0377, Fax: 805-527-1046805527-1046, Internet: www.chilis.com, Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
Cinram Inc, Address: 2280 Ward Ave, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 93065-1859, Contact
Person: Ms Linda Radashaw, Title: Advertising Director, Phone: 805-579-1200, Fax: 805-5791438805-579-1438, Internet: www.cinram.com, Line of Business: Whol Durable Goods
Cobalt Construction Co, Address: 2259 Ward Ave, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 930651880, Contact Person: Mr Darin Kruse, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 805-577-6222, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Contractor - Nonresidential Construction Residential Construction
Single Family Housing Engineering Services
Computer Parts Unlimited Inc, Address: 3949 Heritage Oak Ct, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 93063-6711, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 805-306-2500, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Whol Computers/Peripherals
Computerized Management Svcs, Address: PO Box 190, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
93062-0190, Contact Person: Daryl Favale, Title: President, Phone: 805-522-5940, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Management Services
Countrywide Home Loans Inc, Address: PO Box 5070, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
93062-5070, Contact Person: Mr Richard Deleo, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-316-8101,
Fax: , Internet: www.countrywide.com, Line of Business: Mortgage Bankers
Expert Building Maintenance, Address: 1871 Tapo St, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
93063-3457, Contact Person: Mr Alberto Duarte, Title: Member, Phone: 805-520-1580, Fax: 805520-7432805-520-7432, Internet: , Line of Business: Building Janitorial Service
Farmers Group Inc, Address: PO Box 9075, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 93065, Contact
Person: Mr Philip Moore, Title: Vice President, Phone: 805-583-7400, Fax: 805-582-6191805-5826191, Internet: www.farmers.com, Line of Business: Ins Agnts And Brkrs
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Freedom Designs Inc, Address: 2241 N Madera Rd, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 930651762, Contact Person: Mr Robert Gardner, Title: General Manager, Phone: 805-582-0077, Fax:
805-582-1509805-582-1509, Internet: www.freedomdesigns.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 575 Cochran St, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 930656279, Contact Person: Pat Cosley, Title: Manager, Phone: 805-577-1825, Fax: 805-582-3416805582-3416, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials
Home Instead Senior Care, Address: 1720 E Los Angeles Ave # 201, City: Simi Valley, State: CA,
Zip Code: 93065-2090, Contact Person: Mr Don Reed, Title: Owner, Phone: 805-577-0926, Fax:
805-577-0926805-577-0926, Internet: , Line of Business: Home Health Care Services
Hughey & Phillips Inc, Address: 4420 Shopping Ln, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 930633451, Contact Person: Mr Larry Bossidy, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 805-581-5591, Fax:
805-581-5032805-581-5032, Internet: www.honeywell.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
airport lighting fixtures
It Is Written, Address: 101 W Cochran St, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 93065-6217,
Contact Person: Mr Mark Finley, Title: Director, Phone: 805-955-7733, Fax: , Internet:
www.itiswritten.com, Line of Business: International Television
Kidney Center Inc, Address: PO Box 941330, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 93094-1330,
Contact Person: Ushakant Thakkar, Title: President, Phone: 805-433-7777, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Kidney Dialysis Centers
Kmart Corp, Address: 51 Tierra Rejada Rd, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 93065-2902,
Contact Person: Ms Susan Wallace, Title: Manager, Phone: 805-527-7900, Fax: 805-527-2010805527-2010, Internet: www.kmart.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Kohl's Department Stores Inc, Address: 2950 Tapo Canyon Rd, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 93063-2171, Contact Person: Mr Brian Wikoff, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 805-5268580, Fax: , Internet: www.kohls.com, Line of Business: Department Store
L-3 Services Inc, Address: 200 W Los Angeles Ave, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 930651650, Contact Person: Mr Melvin Flanigan, Title: Executive Vice President, Phone: 805-584-1717,
Fax: 805-526-3690805-526-3690, Internet: www.titan.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
communication satellites
Lenny Dykstra's Car Wash, Corp, Address: 1144 E Los Angeles Ave, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 93065-2802, Contact Person: Mr Lenny Dykstra, Title: Owner, Phone: 805-581-9300, Fax:
805-581-9380805-581-9380, Internet: , Line of Business: Carwash Oil & Lube Service
Lowe's Home Centers Inc, Address: 1275 Simi Town Center Way, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 93065-0513, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 805-426-2780, Fax: , Internet:
www.lowes.com, Line of Business: Retails And Wholesales Building Materials And Home Appliances
Meggitt Safety Systems Inc, Address: 1915 Voyager Ave, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
93063, Contact Person: Mr Grant Hintez, Title: President, Phone: 805-584-4100, Fax: , Internet:
www.meggittsafety.com, Line of Business: Manufactures betatrons
Meggitt-America Inc, Address: 1955 Surveyor Ave, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 930633369, Contact Person: Mr Mike Stacey, Title: President, Phone: 805-526-5700, Fax: , Internet: ,
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Line of Business: Manufactures aircraft parts & equipment; manufactures radio & television
communications equipment; systems integration service; nonferrous wiredrawing & insulating;
manufactures fire detection systems; manufactures valves & pipe fittings
Mervyn's LLC, Address: 2801 Cochran St, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 93065-2775,
Contact Person: Mr Kent Westday, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 805-527-8800, Fax: 805-5278800805-527-8800, Internet: www.mervyns.com, Line of Business: Department Store
Mike Rovner Construction Inc, Address: 1916 Duncan St, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
93065-3414, Contact Person: Mr Michael Rovner, Title: President, Phone: 805-584-1213, Fax:
805-584-0412805-584-0412, Internet: www.rovnerconstruction.com, Line of Business: SingleFamily House Construction
Milgard Manufacturing Inc, Address: 355 E Easy St, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 930651801, Contact Person: Mr Wayne Ramay, Title: General Manager, Phone: 805-581-6325, Fax: 805581-0912805-581-0912, Internet: www.milgard.com, Line of Business: Manufactures glass
products; manufactures metal doors, sash & trim; wholesales metal doors, sash & trim
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 2800 Cochran St, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 930652780, Contact Person: Mr Bill Cloonan, Title: General Manager, Phone: 805-522-9000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 1268 Madera Rd, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 930654002, Contact Person: Ms Veda Heinz, Title: Manager, Phone: 805-520-9306, Fax: , Internet:
www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 5135 E Los Angeles Ave, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
93063-3431, Contact Person: Mr Roger Powell, Title: Manager, Phone: 805-520-9293, Fax: 805520-9233805-520-9233, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Official Police Garage Assn, Address: 67 W Boulder Creek Rd, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 93065-7362, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 805-624-0572, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Towing Services
Poly-Tainer Inc, Address: 450 W Los Angeles Ave, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 930651646, Contact Person: Mr Paul Strong, Title: President, Phone: 805-526-3424, Fax: , Internet:
www.polytainer.com, Line of Business: Manufactures plastic bottles
Rand Medical Billing Inc, Address: 1633 Erringer Rd Fl 1, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
93065-3557, Contact Person: Mr Marvin Retsky, Title: President, Phone: 805-578-8300, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Billing Service
Rexnord Industries LLC, Address: 2175 Union Pl, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 930651661, Contact Person: Mr Anthony Grugan, Title: General Manager, Phone: 805-583-5514, Fax:
805-583-4284805-583-4284, Internet: www.rexnord.com, Line of Business: Manufactures food
products machinery; manufactures shaft couplings
Ricoh Printing Systems America, Address: 2390 Ward Ave Ste A, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 93065-1897, Contact Person: Mr Bradley Fletcher, Title: Executive Vice President, Phone:
805-578-4102, Fax: , Internet: www.hitachi-printingsolutions.us, Line of Business: Manufactures
computer printers; wholesales industrial machinery & equipment
Ricoh Printing Systems America, Address: 2390 Ward Ave Ste A, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 93065-1897, Contact Person: Osamu Namikawa, Title: President, Phone: 805-581-8066,
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Fax: , Internet: www.hitachi-printingsolutions.us, Line of Business: Manufactures computer
printers; manufactures prepared photographic toners, not made in chemical plants; manufactures
Shopper Inc, Address: 3987 Heritage Oak Ct, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 93063-6711,
Contact Person: Mr Bill Bieda, Title: President, Phone: 805-583-8500, Fax: , Internet:
www.shopperinc.com, Line of Business: Mfg Store Fixtures & Display Equipment
Simi Valley Unified School, Address: 875 Cochran St, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 930651934, Contact Person: Mr Cary Dirtz, Title: Superintendent, Phone: 805-306-4576, Fax: 805-5206520805-520-6520, Internet: www.simi.k12.ca.us, Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School
Specialty Merchandise Corp, Address: 996 Flower Glen St, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
93065-1900, Contact Person: Mr Mark Schwartz, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 805-5785500, Fax: , Internet: www.smcorp.com, Line of Business: Whol Nondurable Goods
Target Corp, Address: 2907 Cochran St, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 93065-2773,
Contact Person: Mr Dick Rogers, Title: Manager, Phone: 805-583-8933, Fax: 805-581-5830805581-5830, Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Telair International, Address: 4175 Guardian St, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 930633382, Contact Person: Mr John Suddarth, Title: President, Phone: 805-306-8066, Fax: , Internet:
www.telair.com, Line of Business: Manufactures conveyors & conveying equipment; manufactures
fluid power cylinders & actuators
Total Airport Services Inc, Address: 1985 Yosemite Ave Ste 230, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 93063-5200, Contact Person: Mr William Evans, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 805522-3565, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Transportation Services
Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Address: 255 Cochran St, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 93065-6276,
Contact Person: Mr Carlos Gomes, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 805-581-1666, Fax: , Internet:
www.walmartstores.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Waste Management G I Inds, Address: PO Box 940430, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
93094-0430, Contact Person: Mr Michael Smith, Title: Senior Vice President, Phone: 805-5229400, Fax: , Internet: www.wm.com, Line of Business: Refuse System Local Trucking Operator
Xmultiple Technologies Inc, Address: 1420 E Los Angeles Ave, City: Simi Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 93065-2848, Contact Person: Mr Alan Pocrass, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 805579-1100, Fax: , Internet: www.xmultiple.com, Line of Business: Manufactures connectors &
terminals for electrical devices
AHM Gemch Inc, Address: 1701 Santa Anita Ave, City: South El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91733-3482, Contact Person: Mr Philip Cohen, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-579-7777,
Fax: 626-448-0485626-448-0485, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital
Cardinal Industrial Finishes, Address: PO Box 9296, City: South El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91733-0965, Contact Person: Mr Stanley Ekstrom, Title: President, Phone: 626-444-9274, Fax:
626-444-0382626-444-0382, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures industrial paints, powder,
polyurethane & protective coatings, baking enamels, lacquers
Gallo's Nursery, Address: PO Box 3367, City: South El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91733-0367,
Contact Person: Mr Ramon Gallo, Title: Owner, Phone: 626-279-2540, Fax: 626-279-2544626-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
279-2544, Internet: www.gallosnursery.com, Line of Business: Whol Flowers/Florist Supplies Ret
Nursery/Garden Supplies
Hanson Distributing Co, Address: 10802 Rush St, City: South El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91733-3436, Contact Person: Mr Daniel Hanson, Title: President, Phone: 626-448-4683, Fax: 626579-4053626-579-4053, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Auto Parts/Supplies
Insul Acoustics Inc, Address: 1432 Chico Ave, City: South El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917332995, Contact Person: Mr Roy Tonks, Title: President, Phone: 626-575-1973, Fax: 626-4434152626-443-4152, Internet: www.insulacoustics.com, Line of Business: Drywall/Insulating
International Medication Systs, Address: 1886 Santa Anita Ave, City: South El Monte, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91733-3414, Contact Person: Mr Jack Zhang, Title: President, Phone: 626-442-6757, Fax:
626-443-2481626-443-2481, Internet: www.ims-limited.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
drugs acting on the central nervous system & sense organs; manufactures bulk form anesthetics;
manufactures medical instruments
Leader Industries Inc, Address: 10941 Weaver Ave, City: South El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91733-2752, Contact Person: Mr Garry Hunter, Title: President, Phone: 626-575-0880, Fax: ,
Internet: www.leader-ambulance.com, Line of Business: Local passenger transportation service;
manufactures motor vehicles & car bodies; wholesales commercial equipment
Mdct Corp, Address: 2103 Santa Anita Ave, City: South El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 91733-3419,
Contact Person: Mr Rick Tang, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 626-279-1899, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Wholesale And Retail Mens And Womens Clothing
Triple Rallye Fashion Inc, Address: 10355 Vacco St, City: South El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code:
91733-3315, Contact Person: Mr James Lee, Title: President, Phone: 626-452-1891, Fax: 626452-1892626-452-1892, Internet: www.trallye.com, Line of Business: Manufactures men's & boys'
athletic & sportswear; manufactures women's & misses' athletic clothing & sportswear; sewing
Vacco Industries, Address: 10350 Vacco St, City: South El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917333316, Contact Person: Mr Antonio Gonzalez, Title: President, Phone: 626-450-6444, Fax: ,
Internet: www.vacco.com, Line of Business: Manufactures valves & pipe fittings
Vacco Industries, Address: 10350 Vacco St, City: South El Monte, State: CA, Zip Code: 917333399, Contact Person: Mr Antonio Gonzalez, Title: President, Phone: 626-443-7121, Fax: 626-4426943626-442-6943, Internet: www.vacco.com, Line of Business: Manufactures valves & pipe
fittings; manufactures aircraft parts & equipment; manufactures fluid power valves & hose fittings
Adult & Childrens Dental Group, Address: 4444 Tweedy Blvd, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90280-6304, Contact Person: Mr Scott Jacks, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323564-2444, Fax: 323-249-7565323-249-7565, Internet: , Line of Business: Dentist's Office
Atlantic Richfield Co, Address: 8601 Garfield Ave, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip Code: 902803709, Contact Person: Mr Dan Robinson, Title: Manager, Phone: 562-806-4171, Fax: , Internet:
www.richfieldco.com, Line of Business: Gasoline Service Station Truck Terminal Facility Truck
Operator-Nonlocal Local Trucking Operator
County of Los Angeles, Address: 5525 Imperial Hwy, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip Code: 902807417, Contact Person: Mr Phil Doudar, Title: Manager, Phone: 562-861-0316, Fax: , Internet:
www.co.la.ca.us, Line of Business: Health/Allied Services Executive Office
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Gonzales Automotive Group Inc, Address: 5800 Firestone Blvd, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90280-3706, Contact Person: Silvestre Gonzales, Title: President, Phone: 562-776-2330,
Fax: , Internet: www.casadegonzales.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles Ret
Auto/Home Supplies Ret Used Automobiles
Hi-Tech Seating Products Inc, Address: 8990 Atlantic Ave, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip Code:
90280-3505, Contact Person: Ms Janice Belk, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-564-4481,
Fax: 323-564-5754323-564-5754, Internet: www.kustomfit.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
furniture fabric trimmings
Hni Corp, Address: 2323 Firestone Blvd, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip Code: 90280-2646,
Contact Person: Ms Nancy Caron, Title: Human Resource Director, Phone: 323-582-5206, Fax:
323-586-3375323-586-3375, Internet: www.honi.com, Line of Business: Manufactures office
Interior Removal Specialist, Address: 9309 Rayo Ave, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip Code:
90280-3612, Contact Person: Mr Carlos Herrera, Title: President, Phone: 323-357-6900, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Wrecking/Demolition Contractor
International Window Corp, Address: 5625 Firestone Blvd, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip Code:
90280-3701, Contact Person: Mr Cornelius Vanderstar, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 562928-6411, Fax: 562-928-3492562-928-3492, Internet: www.intlalum.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures window & door frames; retails building products & materials; manufactures glass
Kids Line LLC, Address: 2601 Sequoia Dr, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip Code: 90280-5554,
Contact Person: Mr Neville Levin, Title: Member, Phone: 323-660-0110, Fax: , Internet:
www.russberrie.com, Line of Business: Manufactures cotton sheets, bedding & table cloths
Koos Manufacturing Inc, Address: 2741 Seminole Ave, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip Code:
90280-5550, Contact Person: Yul Ku, Title: President, Phone: 323-564-2100, Fax: 323-5678340323-567-8340, Internet: , Line of Business: Business Services
Liberty Container Co, Address: PO Box 71, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip Code: 90280-0071,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Watts, Title: President, Phone: 323-564-4211, Fax: 323-564-5127323564-5127, Internet: www.keycontainer.com, Line of Business: Manufactures corrugated & solid
fiber containers
Lunday-Thagard Co, Address: PO Box 1519, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip Code: 90280-1519,
Contact Person: Mr Bernard Roth, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 562-928-7000, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures asphalt, fibrous or plastic roof cement; manufactures
asphalt paving mixtures & blocks; petroleum refining
Mass Electric Construction Co, Address: 11151 Palmer Ave, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip Code:
90280-7409, Contact Person: Richard Case, Title: Regional Manager, Phone: 562-904-3601, Fax:
562-923-2661562-923-2661, Internet: www.masselec.com, Line of Business: Electrical Contractor
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 4155 Tweedy Blvd, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip Code: 902806158, Contact Person: Mr Bill Allen, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-569-1588, Fax: 323-5692439323-569-2439, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Packaging Corp Of America, Address: 9700 E Frontage Rd Ste 20, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90280-5421, Contact Person: Mr Bill Hackett, Title: General Manager, Phone: 562-927-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
7741, Fax: 562-927-7752562-927-7752, Internet: www.packagingcorp.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures corrugated & solid fiber containers
Royal Rubber & Manufacturing, Address: 5951 Firestone Blvd, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90280-3707, Contact Person: Mr Wayne Fethke, Title: President, Phone: 562-928-3381,
Fax: 562-928-7080562-928-7080, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures rubber mats &
matting; carpet & rug mill; manufactures rubber products for mechanical use
Saputo Cheese USA Inc, Address: PO Box 3005, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip Code: 902808905, Contact Person: Mr Enrique Espeleta, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 562-862-7686, Fax:
562-861-4265562-861-4265, Internet: www.saputo.com, Line of Business: Manufactures cheese;
wholesales cheese
Sealy Mattress Manufacturing, Address: 4361 Firestone Blvd, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90280-3340, Contact Person: Elhamy Tanios, Title: Controller, Phone: 323-567-7781, Fax:
323-566-4313323-566-4313, Internet: www.sealy.com, Line of Business: Manufactures felt, foam
rubber or urethane mattresses
Shultz Steel Co, Address: 5321 Firestone Blvd, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip Code: 90280-3629,
Contact Person: Mr Stephen Shultz, Title: President, Phone: 323-357-3242, Fax: , Internet:
www.shultzsteel.com, Line of Business: Manufactures nonferrous forgings; manufactures iron or
steel forgings
Target Corp, Address: 5700 Firestone Blvd, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip Code: 90280-3704,
Contact Person: Mr Leo Padron, Title: Manager, Phone: 562-806-2911, Fax: 562-927-5823562927-5823, Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Address: 5871 Firestone Blvd, City: South Gate, State: CA, Zip Code: 902803705, Contact Person: Mr Javier Pena, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 562-928-1514, Fax: 562928-2843562-928-2843, Internet: www.walmartstores.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc General
Abbott Laboratories, Address: 820 Mission St, City: South Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 910303142, Contact Person: Mr Eddie Thomas, Title: General Manager, Phone: 626-440-0700, Fax: 626440-0746626-440-0746, Internet: www.abbott.com, Line of Business: Manufactures diagnostic
substances; manufactures chemical products
DHE South Pasadena, Address: 904 Mission St, City: South Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 910303144, Contact Person: Mr Roger Gross, Title: President, Phone: 626-799-9571, Fax: 626-7998763626-799-8763, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care Skilled Nursing Care
Total Education Solutions, Address: 625 S Oaks Ave St 200, City: South Pasadena, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91030, Contact Person: Ms Nancy Lavelle, Title: President, Phone: 323-344-4269, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Special Education Services
UNI-Star Industries Inc, Address: 306 Pasadena Ave, City: South Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code:
91030-2905, Contact Person: Mr Robert Streiter, Title: President, Phone: 626-799-9171, Fax: 626799-2439626-799-2439, Internet: www.microdotconnectors.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
electronic connectors; manufactures electric power switches; manufactures current carrying wiring
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 1129 Fair Oaks Ave, City: South Pasadena, State: CA, Zip Code: 910303311, Contact Person: Mr Lou Sanibel, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-441-3898, Fax: 626-4412346626-441-2346, Internet: www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Supermarket
Claim Jumper Restaurants, Address: 25740 The Old Rd, City: Stevenson Ranch, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91381-1709, Contact Person: Mr Andy Torvell, Title: General Manager, Phone: 661-2542628, Fax: 661-254-1908661-254-1908, Internet: www.claimjumper.com, Line of Business: Eating
Outback Steakhouse of Florida, Address: 25261 The Old Rd, City: Stevenson Ranch, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91381-2246, Contact Person: Sixto Rodriguez, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-287-9630, Fax:
661-287-9661661-287-9661, Internet: www.outback.com, Line of Business: Steak Restaurant
Sport Chalet Inc, Address: 25560 The Old Rd, City: Stevenson Ranch, State: CA, Zip Code: 913811705, Contact Person: Mr George Giorgio, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 661-253-3883, Fax: 661254-0361661-254-0361, Internet: www.sportchalet.com, Line of Business: Ret Sporting
Goods/Bicycles Ret Misc Apparel/Accessories Whol Sporting/Recreational Goods
Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Address: 25450 The Old Rd, City: Stevenson Ranch, State: CA, Zip Code:
91381-1704, Contact Person: Mr Steve Higbee, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-253-1911, Fax: ,
Internet: www.walmartstores.com, Line of Business: Department Store
Bistro Garden At Coldwater Inc, Address: 12950 Ventura Blvd, City: Studio City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91604-2234, Contact Person: Ms Carolyn Niklas, Title: President, Phone: 818-501-0202,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Carsey-Werner Co LLC, Address: 4024 Radford Ave Bldg 3, City: Studio City, State: CA, Zip Code:
91604-2101, Contact Person: Mr Tom Werner, Title: Member, Phone: 818-655-5598, Fax: 818655-6067818-655-6067, Internet: www.3rdrock.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video
Production Motion Picture/Tape Distribution
CBS Broadcasting Inc, Address: 4200 Radford Ave, City: Studio City, State: CA, Zip Code: 916042189, Contact Person: Mr Paul Latham, Title: Controller, Phone: 818-655-2000, Fax: , Internet:
www.cbscorporation.com, Line of Business: Television Station
Commercial Programming Systems, Address: 4400 Coldwater Canyon Ave, City: Studio City, State:
CA, Zip Code: 91604-1480, Contact Person: Mr Alan Strong, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone:
323-851-2681, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Computer Related Services
Crown Media Holdings Inc, Address: 12700 Ventura Blvd # 200, City: Studio City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91604-2469, Contact Person: Mr Henry Schleiff, Title: President, Phone: 818-755-2400,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Own And Operate Pay Television Channels
Fish Construction Co, Address: 11331 Ventura Blvd # 300, City: Studio City, State: CA, Zip Code:
91604-3147, Contact Person: Mr Emil Fish, Title: President, Phone: 818-487-1000, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: General Contractor Of Single Multi Family Homes And Commercial
Girl On Top Inc, Address: 4024 Radford Ave Bldg 3, City: Studio City, State: CA, Zip Code: 916042101, Contact Person: Ms Debra Owens, Title: President, Phone: 818-655-7350, Fax: , Internet:
www.hbo.com, Line of Business: Tv Production
Longwood Management Corp, Address: 11429 Ventura Blvd, City: Studio City, State: CA, Zip Code:
91604-3143, Contact Person: Mr Marlin Deguzman, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-766-9551, Fax:
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
818-763-5032818-763-5032, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care Skilled Nursing
Care Facility
Motion Picture Health, Address: PO Box 1999, City: Studio City, State: CA, Zip Code: 91614-0999,
Contact Person: Theodre Friesen, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 818-769-0007, Fax: 818769-1793818-769-1793, Internet: , Line of Business: Union Welfare Benefit And Health Fund
Motion Picture Industry, Address: PO Box 1999, City: Studio City, State: CA, Zip Code: 916140999, Contact Person: Mr Michael Messina, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 310-769-0007, Fax:
, Internet: www.mpiphp.org, Line of Business: Pension/Health/Welfare Fund
Radford Studio Center Inc, Address: 4024 Radford Ave, City: Studio City, State: CA, Zip Code:
91604-2101, Contact Person: Mr Michael Klausman, Title: President, Phone: 818-655-5000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.cbscorporation.com, Line of Business: Theatrical Producers/Services Nonresidential
Building Operator Amusement/Recreation Services
Sportsmen's Lodge Hotel LLC, Address: 12825 Ventura Blvd, City: Studio City, State: CA, Zip Code:
91604-2368, Contact Person: Mr Michael Spencer, Title: General Manager, Phone: 818-769-4700,
Fax: 818-877-3898818-877-3898, Internet: www.slhotel.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel
Operation Eating Place Drinking Place
Sportsmens Lodge Restaurant, Address: 12833 Ventura Blvd, City: Studio City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91604-2368, Contact Person: Mr Patrick Holleran, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818755-5000, Fax: 818-508-6137818-508-6137, Internet: www.sportsmenslodge.com, Line of
Business: Eating Place Misc Personal Services Drinking Place
Stitches Inc, Address: PO Box 1086, City: Studio City, State: CA, Zip Code: 91614-0086, Contact
Person: Mr Robert Reed, Title: President, Phone: 323-622-0175, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Sewing Contractor
Termite Art Productions, Address: 11846 Ventura Blvd Ste 204, City: Studio City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91604-2620, Contact Person: Mr Erik Nelson, Title: President, Phone: 818-763-2862, Fax:
818-763-2485818-763-2485, Internet: , Line of Business: Theatrical Producers/Services Motion
Picture/Video Production
Bbu Inc, Address: 9501 El Dorado Ave, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 91352-1340,
Contact Person: Mr John Hart, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-252-1575, Fax: 818-7689316818-768-9316, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures tortillas
California Plastering Inc, Address: 10932 Tuxford St, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 913522625, Contact Person: Mr Roger Gackenbach, Title: President, Phone: 818-394-2003, Fax: 818767-3646818-767-3646, Internet: www.californiaplastering.com, Line of Business:
Drywall/Insulating Contractor
Cosmetic Group USA Inc, Address: 11312 Penrose St, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
91352-3108, Contact Person: Mr Alfred Booth, Title: President, Phone: 818-767-2889, Fax: ,
Internet: www.colorfactoryla.com, Line of Business: Manufactures cosmetics & toiletries
Crown Disposal Co Inc, Address: PO Box 1081, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 91353-1081,
Contact Person: Mr Thomas Fry, Title: President, Phone: 323-875-0587, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Refuse System
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Fathers of St Charles, Address: 10631 Vinedale St, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 913522825, Contact Person: Ardy Afshar, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-768-6500, Fax: 818-7671410818-767-1410, Internet: , Line of Business: Retirement Center & Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Federal Express Corp, Address: 11340 Sherman Way, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 913524944, Contact Person: Mr Rus Bronson, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-764-0815, Fax: , Internet:
www.federalexpress.com, Line of Business: Scheduled Air Transportation Air Courier Services
Courier Service
Grace Community Church of The, Address: 13248 Roscoe Blvd, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91352-3739, Contact Person: Mr John Arthur, Title: Pastor, Phone: 818-909-5611, Fax:
818-909-5667818-909-5667, Internet: www.gbibooks.com, Line of Business: Religious
Organization Ret Books Elementary/Secondary School
Hawker Pacific Aerospace, Address: 11240 Sherman Way, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
91352-4942, Contact Person: Mr August Henningsen, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818765-6201, Fax: 818-765-8073818-765-8073, Internet: www.hawker.com, Line of Business: Repair
Services Whol Transportation Equipment
Hollywood Film Co, Address: 9265 Borden Ave, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 91352-2034,
Contact Person: Mr Vincent Carabello, Title: President, Phone: 818-683-1130, Fax: , Internet:
www.hollywoodfilmco.com, Line of Business: Manufactures motion picture editing equipment
including viewers & splicers; motion picture production allied services
Illume Candles Inc, Address: 8531 Lankershim Blvd, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 913523127, Contact Person: Cory Vanbuskirk, Title: President, Phone: 818-504-3600, Fax: 818-5042890818-504-2890, Internet: www.illumecandles.com, Line of Business: Ret Mail-Order House
Light & Sound Design Inc, Address: 9111 Sunland Blvd, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
91352-2053, Contact Person: Mr Nick Jackson, Title: President, Phone: 818-260-6260, Fax: ,
Internet: www.prg.com, Line of Business: Theatrical Producers/Services
Los Angeles County, Address: 11900 Branford St, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 913521003, Contact Person: Mr Gary Stivack, Title: Manager, Phone: 213-922-6215, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Local/Suburban Transportation
Macy's Retail Holdings Inc, Address: 8501 Laurel Canyon Blvd, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91352-3858, Contact Person: Ms Natalie Thorpe, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 818-7681322, Fax: , Internet: www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department Store
Mountain View Child Care Inc, Address: 10716 La Tuna Canyon Rd, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91352-2130, Contact Person: Mr Doug Padgett, Title: President, Phone: 818-252-5863,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Child Day Care Services
Nicola International Inc, Address: 11119 Dora St, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 913523339, Contact Person: Ms Nicola Khachatoorian, Title: President, Phone: 818-767-1133, Fax: ,
Internet: www.nicolainternational.com, Line of Business: Whol Fruits/Vegetables Whol Groceries
NUPLA Corp, Address: 11912 Sheldon St, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 91352-1509,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Perret, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-768-6800, Fax: 818504-9620818-504-9620, Internet: www.nuplacorp.com, Line of Business: Manufactures plastic
brush or tool handles; manufactures hand tools
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Okami Inc, Address: 11019 Penrose St, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 91352-2722,
Contact Person: Ms Laura Ellis, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-252-6833, Fax: ,
Internet: www.okamifoods.com, Line of Business: Meat packing plant
Pacifica of The Valley Corp, Address: 9449 San Fernando Rd, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
91352-1421, Contact Person: Mr Paul Tuft, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-767-3310,
Fax: 818-252-2439818-252-2439, Internet: www.doctorscommunity.com, Line of Business:
General Hospital
Precor Inc, Address: 12660 Branford St, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 91352, Contact
Person: Mr Richard Wallace, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-897-3001, Fax: 818-897-2202818-8972202, Internet: www.precor.com, Line of Business: Manufactures gymnasium equipment
REM Optical Co Inc, Address: 10941 La Tuna Canyon Rd, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
91352-2012, Contact Person: Mr Gerald Hundert, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-5043950, Fax: , Internet: www.remeyewear.com, Line of Business: Whol Professional Equipment
Rico Corp, Address: PO Box 487, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 91353-0487, Contact
Person: Mr James Addario, Title: President, Phone: 818-767-7030, Fax: , Internet:
www.ricoreeds.com, Line of Business: Manufactures reeds for musical instruments; wholesales
musical instruments
Rico Holdings Inc, Address: 8484 San Fernando Rd, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 913523227, Contact Person: Mr William Carpenter, Title: President, Phone: 818-394-2700, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures reeds for musical instruments; wholesales musical
Security Paving Co Inc, Address: PO Box 1489, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 91353-1489,
Contact Person: Mr Albert Mattivi, Title: President, Phone: 818-767-8418, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Highway/Street Construction
Serra Community Medical Clinic, Address: 9375 San Fernando Rd, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91352-1418, Contact Person: Sadayapa Durairaj, Title: President, Phone: 818-504-4700,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Sugar Foods Corp, Address: PO Box 1220, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 91353-1220,
Contact Person: Mr Stephen Odell, Title: Partner, Phone: 818-768-7900, Fax: , Internet:
www.sugarfoods.com, Line of Business: Packaging & labeling services; manufactures food
preparations; sugar cane refining
Sugar Foods Corp, Address: PO Box 1220, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 91353-1220,
Contact Person: Mr Steven Odell, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-768-8007, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Business Services
Tempco Engineering Inc, Address: 8866 Laurel Canyon Blvd A, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91352-2920, Contact Person: Mr Mark Rodriguez, Title: General Manager, Phone: 818-7672326, Fax: , Internet: www.lmiaerospace.com, Line of Business: Manufactures aircraft engines &
Trabon Realty Corp, Address: 11113 Penrose St, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 913522725, Contact Person: Mr William Troy, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 323-875-2069, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Linen Supply Services Industrial Launderer
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Village Christian Schools, Address: 8930 Village Ave, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 913522129, Contact Person: Mr Ronald Sipus, Title: Superintendent, Phone: 818-768-5540, Fax: 818768-5618818-768-5618, Internet: www.villagechristian.org, Line of Business:
Elementary/Secondary School
Walker & Zanger Inc, Address: 8963 Bradley Ave, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code: 913522602, Contact Person: Mr James Meier, Title: Administrator, Phone: 818-252-4133, Fax: 818-5042226818-504-2226, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Brick/Stone Material
Waste Management Of California, Address: 9081 Tujunga Ave, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91352-1516, Contact Person: Mr David Steiner, Title: President, Phone: 818-767-7153,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Refuse System
Waste Management Recycling, Address: 9081 Tujunga Ave, City: Sun Valley, State: CA, Zip Code:
91352-1516, Contact Person: Mr David Steiner, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-7676180, Fax: 818-252-3249818-252-3249, Internet: www.wm.com, Line of Business: Local Trucking
Operator Refuse System
New Vista Health Services Inc, Address: 8647 Fenwick St, City: Sunland, State: CA, Zip Code:
91040-1957, Contact Person: Mr Robert Craig, Title: President, Phone: 818-352-1421, Fax: 818352-8961818-352-8961, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
All Direct Mail Services Inc, Address: 15392 Cobalt St, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 913422729, Contact Person: Mr Dennis Zetting, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-833-7333,
Fax: 818-364-1259818-364-1259, Internet: www.admsi.com, Line of Business: Direct Mail
Advertising Services
Allied Beverages Inc, Address: 13287 Ralston Ave, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91342-1255,
Contact Person: Ms Mary Williams, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-362-9333, Fax: 818362-7180818-362-7180, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Beer
Anheuser-Busch Inc, Address: 15420 Cobalt St, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91342-2731,
Contact Person: Mr Kevin Fry, Title: Controller, Phone: 818-367-2193, Fax: 818-364-6590818364-6590, Internet: www.anheuser-busch.com, Line of Business: Whol Beer/Ale
Anthony Inc, Address: 12812 Arroyo St, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91342-5301, Contact
Person: Ms May Thorton, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 818-365-9451, Fax: 818-3619611818-361-9611, Internet: www.anthonydoors.com, Line of Business: Manufactures glass doors;
wholesales refrigerated display cases; manufactures heat transfer equipment evaporative condensers
Anthony Inc, Address: 12391 Montero Ave, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91342-5370,
Contact Person: Mr Jeffrey Clark, Title: President, Phone: 800-772-0900, Fax: , Internet:
www.anthonydoors.com, Line of Business: Manufactures refrigeration & heating equipment
ARAMARK Uniform & Career, Address: PO Box 922139, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 913922139, Contact Person: Mr Phil Nolen, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-364-8272, Fax: 818-3648280818-364-8280, Internet: www.aramark-uniform.com, Line of Business: Industrial Launderer
Linen Supply Service
Astoria Convalescent Hospital, Address: 14040 Astoria St, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code:
91342-2949, Contact Person: Ms Juliette Pagayatan, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 818-3675881, Fax: 818-362-1350818-362-1350, Internet: , Line of Business: Convalescent Hospital
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Boston Scientific, Address: 12740 San Fernando Rd, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 913423728, Contact Person: Mr Jeffrey Goldberg, Title: Senior Vice President, Phone: 818-362-7588,
Fax: , Internet: www.bsci.com, Line of Business: Manufactures hearing aids
Cordova Labs, Address: PO Box 922079, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91392-2079, Contact
Person: Mr Sam Cordova, Title: Partner, Phone: 818-361-7724, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Manufactures insecticides; manufactures industrial, denatured, non beverage alcohols
Culligan Water Technologies, Address: 15580 Roxford St, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code:
91342-1263, Contact Person: Mr David Eldridge, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-367-1059,
Fax: , Internet: www.cdr-inc.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc Merchandise Direct Retail Sales Whol
Plumbing Equipment/Supplies
Ember Care Corp, Address: 12831 Maclay St, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91342-4934,
Contact Person: Mr Emmanuel Bernabe, Title: President, Phone: 818-361-4455, Fax: 818-8371180818-837-1180, Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Facility & Convalescent Home
Esterline Mason Electric Co, Address: 13955 Balboa Blvd, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 913421084, Contact Person: Mr Phillip Davis, Title: President, Phone: 818-361-3366, Fax: , Internet:
www.mason-electric.com, Line of Business: Mfg Aircraft Parts/Equipment
Fenton Avenue Charter School, Address: 11828 Gain St, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 913427132, Contact Person: Ms Maria Fernandez, Title: Business Manager, Phone: 818-896-7482, Fax:
818-890-9986818-890-9986, Internet: , Line of Business: Elementary/Secondary School
Gonzales Food Enterprises Inc, Address: 13820 Foothill Blvd, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code:
91342-3012, Contact Person: Mr Enrique Gonzales, Title: President, Phone: 818-362-7577, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Gty Industries, Address: 12881 Bradley Ave, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91342-3828,
Contact Person: Mr Frank Tranzow, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-362-9465, Fax: 818362-6548818-362-6548, Internet: www.hydrel.com, Line of Business: Manufactures outdoor
lighting equipment; manufactures electric garden, patio, walkway & yard lighting fixtures;
manufactures industrial & commercial lighting fixtures; manufactures electric lamps
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 12960 Foothill Blvd, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 913424928, Contact Person: Mr Chuck Freni, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-365-7662, Fax: 818-3650202818-365-0202, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials Equipment
J Fletcher Creamer & Son Inc, Address: 12874 San Fernando Rd A, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91342-3781, Contact Person: Mr Fred Wussow, Title: Area Manager, Phone: 818-367-9748,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Heavy Construction Water/Sewer/Utility Construction Electrical
Johanson Technology Inc, Address: PO Box 923697, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 913923697, Contact Person: Eric Johanson, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-364-9800, Fax:
818-364-6100818-364-6100, Internet: www.johanson-caps.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
electronic capacitors
Kandy Kiss Of California Inc, Address: 13931 Balboa Blvd, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code:
91342-1084, Contact Person: Mr David Friedland, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-8336360, Fax: , Internet: www.kandykiss.com, Line of Business: Manufactures women's & misses'
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
L-3 Communications Corp, Address: 15825 Roxford St, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 913423537, Contact Person: Mr John Fox, Title: President, Phone: 818-367-0111, Fax: 818-3641436818-364-1436, Internet: www.l-3com.com, Line of Business: Manufactures telemetering
Landco, Address: 16251 Filbert St, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91342-1040, Contact
Person: Mr Martin Stowell, Title: Owner, Phone: 818-362-7115, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Lawn/Garden Services
Llamas Plastics Inc, Address: 12970 Bradley Ave, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91342-3829,
Contact Person: Mr Oswald Llamas, Title: President, Phone: 818-362-0371, Fax: 818-3629780818-362-9780, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures aircraft parts & equipment;
manufactures plastic containers; manufactures laminated plastics
M S Aerospace Inc, Address: 13928 Balboa Blvd, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91342-1086,
Contact Person: Michel Szostak, Title: President, Phone: 818-833-9095, Fax: , Internet:
www.msaerospace.com, Line of Business: Manufactures bolts, nuts, rivets & washers; manufactures
aircraft parts & equipment
Marfred Industries, Address: 12450 Foothill Blvd, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91342-6004,
Contact Person: Mr Fred Finster, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-896-3449, Fax: 818-8972376818-897-2376, Internet: www.marfred.com, Line of Business: Display advertising services;
manufactures signs & advertising specialties; wholesales chemicals & allied products; wholesales
corrugated & solid fiber boxes; manufactures corrugated & solid fiber containers
Merle Norman Cosmetics Inc, Address: 15180 Bledsoe St, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code:
91342-2709, Contact Person: Mr Rick Delao, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-367-1085, Fax: ,
Internet: www.merlenorman.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc Merchandise Whol Drugs/Sundries
Metcraft Enterprises, Address: 12960 Bradley Ave, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91342-3829,
Contact Person: Mr Robert Metcalf, Title: President, Phone: 818-362-6430, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Manufactures marine hardware
Olive View Ucla Medical Center, Address: 14445 Olive View Dr, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code:
91342-1437, Contact Person: Ms Lori Saillant, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 818-364-3366,
Fax: 818-364-3011818-364-3011, Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Pacesetter Inc, Address: PO Box 9221, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91392-9221, Contact
Person: Mr Ronald Matricaria, Title: President, Phone: 818-362-6822, Fax: 818-362-4687818-3624687, Internet: www.sjm.com, Line of Business: Manufactures electromedical equipment
Parcel Corp of America, Address: PO Box 920606, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91392-0606,
Contact Person: Mr Ted Slavin, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-361-0369, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Freight Transportation Arrangement
Pearson Dental Supplies Inc, Address: 13161 Telfair Ave, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 913423574, Contact Person: Keyhan Kashfian, Title: President, Phone: 818-362-2600, Fax: 818-8337747818-833-7747, Internet: www.pearsondental.com, Line of Business: Whol Medical/Hospital
Precision Dynamics Corp, Address: PO Box 9201, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91392-9201,
Contact Person: Mr Gary Hutchinson, Title: President, Phone: 818-897-1111, Fax: , Internet:
www.pdcorp.com, Line of Business: Manufactures molded plastic products
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Schindler Elevator Corp, Address: 16450 Foothill Blvd Ste 200, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code:
91342-1088, Contact Person: Mr Lance Howard, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-336-3000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.us.schindler.com, Line of Business: Manufactures elevators, escalators & moving
Sierracin Corp, Address: 12780 San Fernando Rd, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91342-3728,
Contact Person: Mr Tom Spies, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 818-362-6711, Fax: 818-3675927818-367-5927, Internet: www.sierracin.com, Line of Business: Manufactures glass windshields
made from purchased glass; manufactures aircraft parts & equipment; manufactures plastic
windshields; manufactures stamped or pressed metal machine parts; manufactures tachometer
Spears Manufacturing Co, Address: PO Box 9203, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91392-9203,
Contact Person: Mr Wayne Spears, Title: President, Phone: 818-364-1611, Fax: , Internet:
www.spearsmfg.com, Line of Business: Manufactures finished injection molded plastic products;
manufactures valves & pipe fittings
Spectrolab Inc, Address: 12500 Gladstone Ave, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91342-5322,
Contact Person: Mr David Lillington, Title: President, Phone: 818-365-4611, Fax: 818-3615102818-361-5102, Internet: www.spectrolab.com, Line of Business: Manufactures solar cells;
manufactures all types of static power supplies
Stl Enterprises Inc, Address: 15148 Bledsoe St, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91342-2709,
Contact Person: Mr William Windette, Title: President, Phone: 818-362-5665, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Wholesales aircraft & parts; aircraft servicing & repairing; manufactures aircraft
parts & equipment
Sylmar Health & Rehabilitation, Address: 12220 Foothill Blvd, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code:
91342-6001, Contact Person: Mr Marty Weiss, Title: President, Phone: 818-834-5082, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Facility
Tri-Signal Integration Inc, Address: 12701 Encinitas Ave, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 913423517, Contact Person: Mr Robert McKibben, Title: President, Phone: 818-566-8558, Fax: ,
Internet: www.tri-signal.com, Line of Business: Electrical Contractor
Tutor-Saliba Corp, Address: 15901 Olden St, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91342-1051,
Contact Person: Mr Ronald Tutor, Title: President, Phone: 818-362-8391, Fax: 818-362-2677818362-2677, Internet: www.tutorsaliba.com, Line of Business: Contractor - Commercial & Office
Building New Construction Subway Construction Heavy Construction Equipment Rental Srvcs
Valley-Todeco Inc, Address: PO Box 9205, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91392-9205, Contact
Person: Mr William White, Title: President, Phone: 818-367-2261, Fax: 818-364-6036818-3646036, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures bolts, nuts, rivets & washers; wholesales
industrial fasteners including nuts, bolts, screws, etc; manufactures mechanical power transmission
Wal-Mart Stores Inc, Address: 12920 Foothill Blvd, City: Sylmar, State: CA, Zip Code: 91342-4928,
Contact Person: Mr Daniel Parks, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-365-7710, Fax: 818-365-0690818365-0690, Internet: www.walmartstores.com, Line of Business: Ret Misc General Merchandise
Advanced Medical Placement, Address: 18401 Burbank Blvd # 201, City: Tarzana, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91356-6601, Contact Person: Mr David Kim, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-9969812, Fax: , Internet: www.ampnurses.com, Line of Business: Social Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Amisub of California Inc, Address: 18321 Clark St, City: Tarzana, State: CA, Zip Code: 91356-3501,
Contact Person: Dale Surowitz, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-881-0800, Fax: ,
Internet: www.tenethealth.com, Line of Business: General Hospital
Braemar Country Club Inc, Address: PO Box 570217, City: Tarzana, State: CA, Zip Code: 913570217, Contact Person: Mr James Hinckley, Title: President, Phone: 818-345-6520, Fax: 818-3430482818-343-0482, Internet: www.braemarclub.com, Line of Business: Membership Country Club
Center For Autism & Related, Address: 19019 Ventura Blvd, City: Tarzana, State: CA, Zip Code:
91356-3253, Contact Person: Mr Mark Keller, Title: Controller, Phone: 818-345-2345, Fax: ,
Internet: www.centerforautism.com, Line of Business: Health Practitioner's Office
El Caballero Country Club, Address: PO Box 570338, City: Tarzana, State: CA, Zip Code: 913570338, Contact Person: Mr Bary West, Title: President, Phone: 818-654-3000, Fax: 818-6543014818-654-3014, Internet: , Line of Business: Membership Sport/Recreation Club Public Golf
Course Eating Place
Five Star Quality Care Inc, Address: 5650 Reseda Blvd # 91356, City: Tarzana, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91356-2230, Contact Person: Mr Raymond Metcap, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-881-4261,
Fax: 818-996-9219818-996-9219, Internet: www.fivestarqualitycare.com, Line of Business: Skilled
Nursing Care Facility Residential Care Services
Gelson's Markets, Address: 5500 Reseda Blvd, City: Tarzana, State: CA, Zip Code: 91356-2608,
Contact Person: Mr Justin Ross, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 818-906-5752, Fax: 818-3426234818-342-6234, Internet: www.gelsonsvillage.com, Line of Business: Supermarket
J M J Enterprises Inc, Address: 5973 Reseda Blvd, City: Tarzana, State: CA, Zip Code: 91356-1505,
Contact Person: Ms Joann Roth, Title: President, Phone: 818-343-5151, Fax: 818-343-1140818343-1140, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place Misc Personal Services
Janitorial Management Services, Address: 6011 Reseda Blvd, City: Tarzana, State: CA, Zip Code:
91356-6751, Contact Person: Mr Joseph Carotenuto, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818996-5121, Fax: , Internet: www.aboutjms.com, Line of Business: Building Maintenance Services
M P M & Associates Inc, Address: 19625 Ventura Blvd Ste 100, City: Tarzana, State: CA, Zip Code:
91356-7111, Contact Person: Parviz Danesh, Title: President, Phone: 818-708-9676, Fax: ,
Internet: www.mpmassociates.com, Line of Business: Waterproofing Exterior Wall & Deck Coating
Metal Maintenance Window Washing Building Services Etc
National Private Security Inc, Address: 19659 Ventura Blvd, City: Tarzana, State: CA, Zip Code:
91356-2918, Contact Person: Mr Michael Soliman, Title: President, Phone: 818-345-9686, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
Tarzana Treatment Center Inc, Address: 18646 Oxnard St, City: Tarzana, State: CA, Zip Code:
91356-1411, Contact Person: Mr Scott Taylor, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-996-1051,
Fax: 818-345-3778818-345-3778, Internet: www.tarzanatc.com, Line of Business: Psychiatric
Hospital Individual/Family Services
Kmart Corp, Address: 5665 Rosemead Blvd, City: Temple City, State: CA, Zip Code: 91780-1804,
Contact Person: Ms Michelle Valenzuela, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-287-9646, Fax: , Internet:
www.kmart.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 5595 Rosemead Blvd, City: Temple City, State: CA, Zip Code:
91780-1802, Contact Person: Ms Sherry Anderson, Title: Manager, Phone: 626-287-0907, Fax:
626-287-1807626-287-1807, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Santa Anita Convalescent Hosp, Address: 5522 Gracewood Ave, City: Temple City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91780, Contact Person: Ms Miriam Weiss, Title: President, Phone: 626-579-0310, Fax: 626579-0680626-579-0680, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care
Gemini Moving Specialists, Address: 4367 Clybourn Ave, City: Toluca Lake, State: CA, Zip Code:
91602-2906, Contact Person: Mr Eugene Luni, Title: Owner, Phone: 818-765-3521, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Local Trucking Without Storage
El Camino Community College, Address: 16007 Crenshaw Blvd, City: Torrance, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90506-0001, Contact Person: Ms Donna Manno, Title: Business Manager, Phone: 310-6606502, Fax: 310-715-3327310-715-3327, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Books
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 6240 Foothill Blvd, City: Tujunga, State: CA, Zip Code: 91042-2724,
Contact Person: Mr Danny Almada, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-248-6945, Fax: , Internet:
www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Sun Mar Management Services, Address: 7660 Wyngate St, City: Tujunga, State: CA, Zip Code:
91042-1736, Contact Person: Ms Katherine Rodriguez, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-352-1454, Fax:
818-951-4250818-951-4250, Internet: , Line of Business: Nursing/Personal Care
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 7789 Foothill Blvd, City: Tujunga, State: CA, Zip Code: 91042-2137,
Contact Person: Mr Kevin Micalles, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-353-4917, Fax: 818-352-4847818352-4847, Internet: www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Retail supermarket chain; commercial
bakery; drug store; florist
Focus Features LLC, Address: 100 Universal City Plz, City: Universal City, State: CA, Zip Code:
91608-1002, Contact Person: Mr Andrew Carpen, Title: President, Phone: 818-777-7373, Fax: ,
Internet: www.focusfeatures.net, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
Grill Concepts Inc, Address: 1000 Universal Studios Blvd 22, City: Universal City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91608-1008, Contact Person: Alonza Cudds, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-760-4448, Fax:
818-760-4454818-760-4454, Internet: www.dailygrill.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
Hard Rock Cafe International, Address: 1000 Universal Center Dr, City: Universal City, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91608-1008, Contact Person: Mr Peter Carbone, Title: General Manager, Phone: 818622-7625, Fax: , Internet: www.hardrock-casino.com, Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking
Lh Universal Operating LLC, Address: 333 Universal Hollywood Dr, City: Universal City, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91608-1001, Contact Person: Mr Robert Lowe, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone:
818-980-1212, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Sea Star Productions Inc, Address: 100 Universal City Plz, City: Universal City, State: CA, Zip Code:
91608-1002, Contact Person: Mr Kirk Schroeder, Title: President, Phone: 818-777-4497, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Film Production
Studio USA, Address: 100 Universal City Plz, City: Universal City, State: CA, Zip Code: 91608-1002,
Contact Person: Mr Bob Flemming, Title: President, Phone: 310-360-2300, Fax: , Internet:
www.studiousa.com, Line of Business: Television Broadcasting System
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Universal Studios Inc, Address: 1000 Universal Studios Blvd 2, City: Universal City, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91608-1008, Contact Person: Mr James Warren, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-622-4455,
Fax: , Internet: www.universalstudios.com, Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
Universal Studios Inc, Address: 100 Universal City Plz, City: Universal City, State: CA, Zip Code:
91608-1002, Contact Person: Mr Ron Meyer, Title: President, Phone: 818-777-1000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.universalstudios.com, Line of Business: Motion picture production & distribution
service; retail gift shop; retail mail-order gift items; jewelry store; manufactures prerecorded
phonograph records; sheet music publisher
Advanced Tech Security, Address: 27959 Smyth Dr, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913554034, Contact Person: Mr Randy Andrews, Title: President, Phone: 661-775-8400, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
Advantage Media Services Inc, Address: 29120 Commerce Unit 2, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91355, Contact Person: Mr Ken Wiseman, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 661-7750611, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Packaging And Forwarding Services
Aerospace Dynamics Intl, Address: 25540 Rye Canyon Rd, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-1109, Contact Person: Mr John Cave, Title: President, Phone: 661-257-3535, Fax: 661257-2143661-257-2143, Internet: www.adi-aero.com, Line of Business: Manufactures aircraft
parts & equipment
Amerisourcebergen Corp, Address: 24903 Avenue Kearny, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-1252, Contact Person: Mr Michael Sehambuger, Title: Technical Manager, Phone: 661-2576400, Fax: 661-257-6191661-257-6191, Internet: www.amerisourcebergen.net, Line of Business:
Whol Drugs/Sundries
B V S Entertainment Inc, Address: 26030 Avenue Hall Ste 3, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-3400, Contact Person: Mr Shawn Tarkington, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-294-1912, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture Production
Bertelsmann Inc, Address: 28680 Braxton Ave, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91355-4163,
Contact Person: Ms Janet Adams, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-775-6324, Fax: , Internet:
www.bertelsmann.com, Line of Business: Book publisher
Bioness Inc, Address: 25103 Rye Canyon Loop, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91355-5004,
Contact Person: Mr Alfred Mann, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 661-362-4871, Fax: ,
Internet: www.bioness.com, Line of Business: Manufactures TENS units or transcutaneous electrical
nerve stimulators; wholesales medical & hospital equipment
Boston Scientific, Address: 25129 Rye Canyon Loop, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913555004, Contact Person: Mr Jeff Greiner, Title: President, Phone: 661-362-1589, Fax: , Internet:
www.bsci.com, Line of Business: Manufactures hearing aids; manufactures surgical equipment
California Institute of The, Address: 24700 McBean Pkwy, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-2340, Contact Person: Mr Steven Lavine, Title: President, Phone: 661-255-1050, Fax: ,
Internet: www.calarts.edu, Line of Business: School/Educational Services
Centex Homes, Address: 27200 Tourney Rd Ste 200, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913554910, Contact Person: Mr Travis Fuentez, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 661-288-5777, Fax: 661288-5770661-288-5770, Internet: www.centexhomes.com, Line of Business: Single-Family House
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Chocolates A La Carte Inc, Address: 28455 Livingston Ave, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-4173, Contact Person: Mr Richard Pocrass, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 661-2573700, Fax: , Internet: www.chocolaterecipes.com, Line of Business: Manufactures hollow chocolate
candy; manufactures chocolate & cocoa products
Creations Garden Natural Prdts, Address: 24849 Anza Dr, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-1259, Contact Person: Mr Dino Guglielmelli, Title: President, Phone: 661-775-5933, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Misc Foods
Da-Pro Rubber Inc, Address: 28635 Braxton Ave, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91355-4112,
Contact Person: Ms Gretchen Brauninger, Title: Executive Vice President, Phone: 661-775-6290,
Fax: , Internet: www.daprorubber.com, Line of Business: Manufactures molded rubber products;
manufactures rubber products for mechanical use
Delta Printing Solutions Inc, Address: 28210 Avenue Stanford, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-3983, Contact Person: Tony Richardson, Title: President, Phone: 661-257-0584, Fax: 661257-1986661-257-1986, Internet: www.deltaprintingsolutions.com, Line of Business: Commercial
lithographic printing
Dharma Ventures Group Inc, Address: 24700 Avenue Rockefeller, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91355-3465, Contact Person: Mr Jim Snell, Title: President, Phone: 661-294-4200, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Holding Company
Fanfare Media Works Inc, Address: 25300 Rye Canyon Rd, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-1209, Contact Person: Mr Tom Rice, Title: President, Phone: 661-257-1224, Fax: ,
Internet: www.fanfaremedia.com, Line of Business: Publishes & prints magazines; prints
advertising literature; outdoor advertising services; publisher
Fmw Graphics Inc, Address: 25300 Rye Canyon Rd, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913551209, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Daniel, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 661-257-4000,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Periodicals-Publishing/Printing
G G Distributing & Development, Address: 28545 Livingston Ave, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91355-4166, Contact Person: Mr John Gedney, Title: President, Phone: 661-257-5700, Fax:
661-257-1024661-257-1024, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures plumbing & heating
valves; manufactures plastic plumbing fixtures
Gothic Landscaping Inc, Address: 27502 Avenue Scott Ste A, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-3968, Contact Person: Mr Mike Georgio, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 661-2571266, Fax: 661-257-7749661-257-7749, Internet: www.gothiclandscape.com, Line of Business:
Lawn/Garden Services
Gruber Systems Inc, Address: 25636 Avenue Stanford, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913551117, Contact Person: Mr Louis Garasi, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 661-257-4060, Fax:
661-257-4791661-257-4791, Internet: www.gruber-systems.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
industrial molds; manufactures hydrotherapy whirlpool baths; manufactures industrial trucks &
tractors; manufactures construction machinery
Heritage Golf Group LLC, Address: 27330 Tourney Rd, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913551806, Contact Person: Mr Jim Fitzsimmons, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 661-254-4401, Fax: ,
Internet: www.gtcr.com, Line of Business: Public Golf Course
Honda Performance Devpmt Inc, Address: 25145 Anza Dr, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-3416, Contact Person: Mr Robert Clark, Title: President, Phone: 661-294-7300, Fax: ,
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Internet: www.honda.com, Line of Business: Wholesales automotive engines & engine parts;
manufactures motor vehicle engines & parts
Hyatt Hotels Corp, Address: 24500 Town Center Dr, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913551322, Contact Person: Tony Eichers, Title: General Manager, Phone: 661-799-1234, Fax: 661799-1233661-799-1233, Internet: www.hyattvacations.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel
Operation Misc Personal Services Eating Place
ITT Corp, Address: 28150 Industry Dr, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91355-4100, Contact
Person: Mr Robert Briggs, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 661-295-4000, Fax: , Internet:
www.ittind.com, Line of Business: Manufactures process control instruments
J T Wimsatt Contracting Co Inc, Address: 28064 Avenue Stanford B, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91355-1160, Contact Person: Mr John Wimsatt, Title: President, Phone: 661-775-8090,
Fax: 661-775-8081661-775-8081, Internet: www.jtwimsatt.com, Line of Business: Concrete
King Bros Enterprises LLC, Address: 29101 The Old Rd, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913551014, Contact Person: Ms Jennifer Sanchez, Title: Accounts Manager, Phone: 661-257-3262, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures plastic plumbing fixtures
Kirkhill-TA Co, Address: 28065 Franklin Pkwy, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91355-4117,
Contact Person: Mr Jim Sweeney, Title: President, Phone: 661-775-1100, Fax: , Internet:
www.kirkhill.com, Line of Business: Manufactures elastomers; manufactures metal clamps
Kmart Corp, Address: 23222 Valencia Blvd, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91355-1714,
Contact Person: Mr Dean Ward, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-255-7610, Fax: 661-255-7512661255-7512, Internet: www.kmart.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Kohl's Department Stores Inc, Address: 24200 Valencia Blvd, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-5391, Contact Person: Kim Gaudio, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 661-260-1205, Fax: ,
Internet: www.kohls.com, Line of Business: Department Store
Landscape Development Inc, Address: 28447 Witherspoon Pkwy, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91355-4174, Contact Person: Mr Gary Horton, Title: President, Phone: 661-295-1970, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Lawn/Garden Services Whol Construction Materials
Leiner Health Products Inc, Address: 27655B Avenue Hopkins, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-3493, Contact Person: Mr Bob Taketani, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-775-1422, Fax: ,
Internet: www.leiner.com, Line of Business: Manufactures vitamin preparations
Lockwood Industries Inc, Address: 28525 Industry Dr, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913555424, Contact Person: Mr Scott Tucker, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 661-702-6999, Fax: ,
Internet: www.fralock.com, Line of Business: Manufactures electrical insulators & insulation
Magic Acquisition Corp, Address: 23920 Creekside Rd, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913551701, Contact Person: Mr Gary Pilikyan, Title: General Manager, Phone: 661-255-6600, Fax: ,
Internet: www.powerford.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles General Auto Repair
Ret Auto/Home Supplies
Maly's Of California Inc, Address: 28145 W Harrison Pkwy, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-4165, Contact Person: Mr John Maly, Title: President, Phone: 661-295-8317, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Service Establishment Equipment
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Mervyn's LLC, Address: 24235 Magic Mountain Pkwy, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913553401, Contact Person: Mr Lane Bill, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 661-254-8834, Fax: 661-2548834661-254-8834, Internet: www.mervyns.com, Line of Business: Department Store
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 26850 The Old Rd, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91381-0661,
Contact Person: Ms Cynthia Braddy, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 661-799-8516, Fax: ,
Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 23449 Lyons Ave, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91355-3028,
Contact Person: Ms Michelle McCloud, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-259-3342, Fax: 661-2598174661-259-8174, Internet: www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Supermarket
Nexus Is Inc, Address: 27202 Turnberry Ln, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91355-1022,
Contact Person: Mr Jon Jensen, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 661-257-1500, Fax: ,
Internet: www.nexusis.com, Line of Business: Communication Services
Novacap Inc, Address: 25136 Anza Dr, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91355-3415, Contact
Person: Mr Andre Galliath, Title: President, Phone: 661-295-5920, Fax: , Internet:
www.novacap.com, Line of Business: Manufactures electronic capacitors; wholesales electronic parts
& equipment
Pacific Coast Mines Inc, Address: 26877 Tourney Rd, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913551846, Contact Person: Mr Preston Chiaro, Title: President, Phone: 661-287-5400, Fax: 661-2875495661-287-5495, Internet: www.boraxfr.com, Line of Business: Natural borate compounds
mining; nonmetallic mineral mine exploration service
Parkway Oldsmobile-Cadillac, Address: 24075 Magic Mountain Pkwy, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91355-0950, Contact Person: Mr Bob Bakshi, Title: President, Phone: 661-253-4441, Fax:
661-253-1324661-253-1324, Internet: www.parkwayhummer.com, Line of Business: Ret
New/Used Automobiles Auto/Home Supplies
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 25930 McBean Pkwy, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913552006, Contact Person: Mr John Kauzor, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-254-3440, Fax: 661-2548676661-254-8676, Internet: , Line of Business: Grocery store; commercial bakery; liquor store
Realty Executives, Address: 26650 The Old Rd Ste 300, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913810754, Contact Person: Mr Jim Tanner, Title: President, Phone: 661-286-8600, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Rl Este Agntresidntl
Remo Inc, Address: 28101 Industry Dr, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91355-4102, Contact
Person: Remo Belli, Title: President, Phone: 661-294-5600, Fax: 661-294-5788661-294-5788,
Internet: www.remo.com, Line of Business: Manufactures drum heads
Salt Creek Grill, Address: 24415 Town Center Dr Ste 115, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-4817, Contact Person: Mr Greg Amsler, Title: Owner, Phone: 661-222-9999, Fax: 661-2229981661-222-9981, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Santa Clarita Valley School, Address: 25210 Anza Dr, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913553496, Contact Person: Ms Karla Bartel, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 661-295-1574, Fax:
661-295-0981661-295-0981, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place Direct Retail Sales
SGL Technic Inc, Address: 28176 Avenue Stanford, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913551119, Contact Person: B Schramm, Title: President, Phone: 661-257-0500, Fax: 661-257-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
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(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
2755661-257-2755, Internet: www.polycarbon.com, Line of Business: Manufactures ground,
pulverized, refined or blended natural graphite; manufactures carbon & graphite products
Shield-Calif Health Care Ctr, Address: 24700 Ave Rockefeller, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-3465, Contact Person: Mr Jim Snell, Title: President, Phone: 661-294-6616, Fax: 661-2941042661-294-1042, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Misc Merchandise
Silgan Plastics Corp, Address: 27801 Avenue Scott, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913551221, Contact Person: Mr Steve Holliday, Title: Controller, Phone: 661-775-9700, Fax: 661-7759800661-775-9800, Internet: www.silganplastics.com, Line of Business: Manufactures blow molded
plastic products
Six Flags Inc, Address: PO Box 5500, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91385-5500, Contact
Person: Del Holland, Title: General Manager, Phone: 661-255-4100, Fax: 661-255-8780661-2558780, Internet: www.sixflags.com, Line of Business: Amusement Park Theatrical
Solid Concepts Inc, Address: 28309 Avenue Crocker, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913551251, Contact Person: Mr Joe Allison, Title: President, Phone: 661-257-9300, Fax: 661-2579311661-257-9311, Internet: www.solidview.com, Line of Business: Computer software
development; wholesales computers, peripherals & software; manufactures plastics materials &
resins; manufactures models; software publisher
Specialty Laboratories Inc, Address: 27027 Tourney Rd, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913555386, Contact Person: Keith Laughman, Title: President, Phone: 661-799-6543, Fax: , Internet:
www.specialtylabs.com, Line of Business: Reference Testing Laboratory
Stoll Metalcraft Inc, Address: 24808 Anza Dr, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91355-1258,
Contact Person: Mr Gunter Stoll, Title: President, Phone: 661-295-0401, Fax: 661-295-0719661295-0719, Internet: www.stoll-metalcraft.com, Line of Business: Sheet metal fabricator
Sunshine Day Camp Inc, Address: 23720 Wiley Canyon Rd, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-2900, Contact Person: Mr Timothy Borruel, Title: President, Phone: 661-254-6855, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Child Day Care Services Elementary/Secondary School
Swh Corp, Address: 24201 Magic Mountain Pkwy, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91355-3401,
Contact Person: Mr Greg Sieple, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-255-5520, Fax: 661-255-7166661255-7166, Internet: www.mimiscafe.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
Target Corp, Address: 24425 Magic Mountain Pkwy, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913553403, Contact Person: Ms Jane Favero, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 661-254-8001, Fax: 661255-8180661-255-8180, Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Terry York Motor Cars Ltd, Address: 23551 Magic Mountain Pkwy, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91355-1361, Contact Person: Terry York, Title: President, Phone: 661-255-5551, Fax: 661259-0850661-259-0850, Internet: www.autonation.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used
Triumph Actuation Systems, Address: 28150 Harrison Pkwy, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code:
91355-4109, Contact Person: Ms Lea Black, Title: President, Phone: 661-295-1015, Fax: 661-2951058661-295-1058, Internet: www.triumphgrp.com, Line of Business: Manufactures process
control instruments
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Weslar Inc, Address: 28310 Constellation Rd, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 91355-5078,
Contact Person: Mr Larry Kern, Title: President, Phone: 661-702-1362, Fax: , Internet:
www.weslarinc.com, Line of Business: Carpentry Contractor
Western Filter Corp, Address: 26235 Technology Dr, City: Valencia, State: CA, Zip Code: 913551147, Contact Person: Paul Akian, Title: President, Phone: 661-295-0800, Fax: , Internet:
www.westernfilter.com, Line of Business: Manufactures filters
Westwood One Radio Networks, Address: 25060 Avenue Stanford Ste 100, City: Valencia, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91355-3992, Contact Person: Mr Charlie Cook, Title: President, Phone: 661-294-9000,
Fax: 661-294-9382661-294-9382, Internet: www.westwoodone.com, Line of Business: Radio
Broadcasting Network
ARI Adat El, Address: 12020 Burbank Blvd, City: Valley Village, State: CA, Zip Code: 91607-1811,
Contact Person: Ms Joanne Klein, Title: Executive Director, Phone: 818-766-4992, Fax: 818-7661436818-766-1436, Internet: , Line of Business: Private Non-Profit Elementary School A Temple An
Early Childhood Center Religious School And A Judaica Shop
1-800-4-insure Insurance Svcs, Address: PO Box 8097, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91409-8097, Contact Person: Ms Amy Kong, Title: President, Phone: 818-701-3733, Fax: ,
Internet: www.lowcostinsurance.com, Line of Business: Insurance Agent/Broker
7410 Woodman Avenue LLC, Address: 13655 Victory Blvd # 202, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91401-1754, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 818-501-8656, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Apartment Building Operator
A&D Building Maintenance Inc, Address: 16527 Arminta St, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91406-1745, Contact Person: Ms Dory Florea, Title: President, Phone: 818-782-2323, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Building Maintenance Services
Al & Ed's Corp, Address: 6855 Hayvenhurst Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91406-4718,
Contact Person: Gabi Mashal, Title: President, Phone: 818-908-5700, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Ret Misc Merchandise Ret Radio/Tv/Electronics Automotive Repair
Alfred Publishing Co Inc, Address: PO Box 10003, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914100003, Contact Person: Mr Steven Manus, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-891-5999, Fax:
818-893-5560818-893-5560, Internet: , Line of Business: Book music publishing & printing
Alta Hollywood Community Hosp, Address: 14433 Emelita St, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91401-4213, Contact Person: Mr Irving Loube, Title: President, Phone: 818-787-1511, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Psychiatric Hospital
American Reprographics Co, Address: 15013 Califa St, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914113003, Contact Person: Jairo Giraldo, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-908-0222, Fax: 818-7859352818-785-9352, Internet: , Line of Business: Photocopying Services
Anheuser-Busch Inc, Address: 15800 Roscoe Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914061350, Contact Person: Mr Gary Lee, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-989-5300, Fax: , Internet:
www.anheuser-busch.com, Line of Business: Brewery
Avad LLC, Address: 16333 Raymer St, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91406-1212, Contact
Person: Mr Robert Gartland, Title: President, Phone: 818-781-4434, Fax: , Internet:
www.ingrammicro.com, Line of Business: Whol Electronic Parts/Equipment
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Baby Dica Inc, Address: 14501 Calvert St, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91411-2806,
Contact Person: Mr Jay Polan, Title: President, Phone: 818-988-0671, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Motion Picture Production
Berkley Valley Convalescent, Address: 6600 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91411-1203, Contact Person: Mr Sol Galper, Title: President, Phone: 818-786-0020, Fax: 818766-9534818-766-9534, Internet: , Line of Business: Residential Care Services Skilled Nursing
Care Facility
Beverly Enterprises-California, Address: 6700 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91411-1248, Contact Person: Ms Sara Dauglash, Title: Office Manager, Phone: 818-988-2501,
Fax: 818-988-0508818-988-0508, Internet: www.beverlynet.com, Line of Business: Home Health
Care Services
Bunim-Murray Productions, Address: 6007 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91411-2502, Contact Person: Mr Joseph Carson, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-7565150, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture/Video Production
California Survey Research, Address: 15350 Sherman Way # 480, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91406-4268, Contact Person: Mr William Kaplan, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818780-2777, Fax: 818-780-0329818-780-0329, Internet: www.calsurvey.com, Line of Business:
Marketing Research & Data Processing Services
City of Los Angeles, Address: 16461 Sherman Way Ste 210, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91406-3841, Contact Person: Ms Selena Birk, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 818-908-5950, Fax:
818-908-5963818-908-5963, Internet: www.lacity.org, Line of Business: Airport/Airport Services
Rgltn/Admn Transport Real Estate Agent/Mgr
Clay Lacy Aviation Inc, Address: 7435 Valjean Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914062901, Contact Person: Mr Clay Lacy, Title: President, Phone: 818-989-2900, Fax: , Internet:
www.claylacy.com, Line of Business: Airport/Airport Services Commercial Photography
Coastal Tile Inc, Address: 14728 Keswick St, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91405-1205,
Contact Person: Ronig Yemini, Title: President, Phone: 818-988-6134, Fax: 818-988-9691818988-9691, Internet: , Line of Business: Tile & Marble Installation
Costco Wholesale Corp, Address: 6100 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91411-2503, Contact Person: Mr Kevin Green, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-989-5132, Fax:
, Internet: www.costco.com, Line of Business: Whol Nondurable Goods Ret Drugs/Sundries
Easton Sports Inc, Address: 7855 Haskell Ave Ste 200, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91406-1935, Contact Person: Mr Anthony Palma, Title: President, Phone: 818-782-6445, Fax: ,
Internet: www.eastonbike.com, Line of Business: Whol Sporting/Recreational Goods
Eberhard, Address: 15220 Raymer St, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91405-1016, Contact
Person: Mr Brian Mowatt, Title: President, Phone: 818-782-4604, Fax: 818-782-5099818-7825099, Internet: www.eberhardco.com, Line of Business: Roofing/Siding Contractor Trade
Electro Rent Corp, Address: 6060 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914112512, Contact Person: Mr Daniel Greenberg, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-787-2100,
Fax: 818-374-6397818-374-6397, Internet: www.electrorent.com, Line of Business: Rents Leases
& Electronic Equipment
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Elite Aviation LLC, Address: 7426 Hayvenhurst Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914062803, Contact Person: Mr Chris Kearns, Title: General Manager, Phone: 818-780-3990, Fax: 818988-2111818-988-2111, Internet: www.eliteaviation.com, Line of Business: Nonscheduled Air
Transportation Airport/Airport Services
Factory Mutual Insurance Co, Address: PO Box 9270, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914099270, Contact Person: Malene Jimenez, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-227-2200, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Fire Casualty Insurance Carrier
First American Home Buyers, Address: PO Box 10180, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914100180, Contact Person: Mr Martin Wool, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-781-5050, Fax:
818-780-3225818-780-3225, Internet: www.fatc.com, Line of Business: Surety Insurance Carrier
Four Wheel Drive Hardware LLC, Address: 8000 Haskell Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91406-1321, Contact Person: Mr Steven Yarnell, Title: Chief Financial Officer, Phone: 818-7877500, Fax: 818-787-2396818-787-2396, Internet: www.4wd.com, Line of Business: Retails
automotive parts; manufactures motor vehicle parts & accessories; manufactures truck & bus bodies;
wholesales automotive supplies & parts
Galpin Jaguar Lincoln-Mercury, Address: 15500 Roscoe Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91406-1347, Contact Person: H Boeckmann, Title: President, Phone: 818-892-3800, Fax: 818778-2579818-778-2579, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles
Gary's Operating Inc, Address: 6711 Odessa Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914065747, Contact Person: Hilliard Gordon, Title: Member, Phone: 818-997-0711, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Misc Personal Services Ret Misc Apparel/Accessories Ret Men's/Boy's Clothing
Golden Acquisition Corp, Address: 14823 Califa St, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914113108, Contact Person: Mr Robert Golden, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-786-1017,
Fax: , Internet: www.efswest.com, Line of Business: Engineering & Construction Services
Health Enterprises Life Long, Address: 5805 Sepulvda Blvd # 740, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91411-2549, Contact Person: Mr Johnathan Istrin, Title: President, Phone: 818-654-0330,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Home Health Care Services
Health Net of California Inc, Address: PO Box 9103, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914099103, Contact Person: Mr Barry Averill, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-676-5603, Fax: ,
Internet: www.healthnet.com, Line of Business: Hospital/Medical Service Plan
Health Net of California Inc, Address: PO Box 9103, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914099103, Contact Person: Mr Jay Gellert, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-676-6775, Fax: ,
Internet: www.healthnet.com, Line of Business: Medical Doctors Office General Hospital Life
Insurance Carrier Accident/Hlth Insurance
Hewlett-Packard Co, Address: PO Box 10236, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91411, Contact
Person: Ms Ava Silver, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-786-5800, Fax: 818-779-2350818-7792350, Internet: www.hp.com, Line of Business: Management Services Whol Electronic Parts Whol
Computer/Peripheral Whol Office Equipment
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 16800 Roscoe Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914061105, Contact Person: Mr John Cruz, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-780-5448, Fax: 818-7863849818-786-3849, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials Equipment
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Industrial Electronic Engrs, Address: 7740 Lemona Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91405-1136, Contact Person: Mr Richard Pleasant, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-7870311, Fax: 818-901-9046818-901-9046, Internet: www.ieeinc.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures graphic displays; manufactures computer & office machine keyboards
Industrial Janitor Service Inc, Address: 7124 De Celis Pl # A, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91406-7005, Contact Person: Ms Darla Artura, Title: President, Phone: 818-782-5658, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Building Maintenance Services
Interprint LLC, Address: 7111 Hayvenhurst Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91406-3807,
Contact Person: Mr Jason Elk, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-989-3600, Fax: ,
Internet: www.interprintusa.com, Line of Business: Commercial lithographic printing; data
processing service
Interviewing Service of Amer, Address: 15400 Sherman Way # 400, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91406-4211, Contact Person: Mr Michael Halberstam, Title: President, Phone: 818-9891044, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Commercial Nonphysical Research
Ionic Pro LLC, Address: 7821 Orion Ave Ste 200, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91406-2027,
Contact Person: Mr Andrew Barkin, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-217-2574, Fax: , Internet:
www.ionicpro.com, Line of Business: Direct Retail Sales
ITT Corp, Address: PO Box 7713, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91409-7713, Contact
Person: Mr William Devlin, Title: Executive Officer, Phone: 818-901-2491, Fax: 818-901-2435818901-2435, Internet: www.ittind.com, Line of Business: Manufactures radar systems & equipment;
engineering services
Jerry Leigh of California Inc, Address: 7860 Nelson Rd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914026044, Contact Person: Mr Jerry Leigh, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-909-6200, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures women's, misses' & juniors' shorts
Joerns LLC, Address: 7027 Hayvenhurst Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91406-3802,
Contact Person: Terry Cox, Title: District Manager, Phone: 818-779-7250, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Whol Medical/Hospital Equipment
Jrd Holdings Inc, Address: 15853 Strathern St, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91406-1310,
Contact Person: Mr Dan Mihal, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-376-7687, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Wholesale Groceries Frozen Foods Fresh Meats Beer & Tobacco Products
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Address: 13652 Cantara St, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91402-5423, Contact Person: Raji Rykert, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 818-375-2000, Fax:
818-375-2053818-375-2053, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital Medical Doctor's Office
Keylex Inc, Address: 5905 Van Nuys Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91401-3624,
Contact Person: Mr Howard Keyes, Title: President, Phone: 818-379-4000, Fax: 818-3773322818-377-3322, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles General Auto Repair
Passenger Car Leasing Ret Auto/Home Supplies
Kincaid & Decker Inc, Address: 15920 Arminta St, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914061806, Contact Person: Mr Richard Decker, Title: President, Phone: 818-785-1528, Fax: 818-9949663818-994-9663, Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Homefurnishings
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
L A Party Rents Inc, Address: 13520 Saticoy St, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91402-6428,
Contact Person: Mr Gerome Nehus, Title: President, Phone: 818-989-4300, Fax: 818-9893593818-989-3593, Internet: www.lapartyrents.com, Line of Business: Equipment Rental/Leasing
La Brea Bakery Cafe Inc, Address: PO Box 7537, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91409-7537,
Contact Person: Mr John Yamin, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-742-4242, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures fresh or frozen bread
Lee's Maintenance Services Inc, Address: 14740 Keswick St, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91405-1205, Contact Person: Mr Tyrone Ingram, Title: President, Phone: 818-988-6644, Fax: 818988-7922818-988-7922, Internet: , Line of Business: Building Maintenance Services
Los Angeles Police Credit, Address: PO Box 10188, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914990001, Contact Person: Mr Tyler Izen, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-787-6520, Fax:
818-786-9508818-786-9508, Internet: , Line of Business: State Credit Union Federal Credit Union
M V Transportation, Address: 16738 Stagg St, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91406-1635,
Contact Person: Ms Denise Burgess, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-374-9145, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Intercity/Rural Bus Line
Merabi & Sons LLC, Address: 14545 Friar St Ste 101, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914112357, Contact Person: Mr Tamir Oheb, Title: Manager, Phone: 310-817-0006, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Real Estate Investment Trust
Mesa Energy Systems Inc, Address: 16130 Sherman Way, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91406-3907, Contact Person: Mr Craig Lacko, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-756-0500, Fax: 818756-1090818-756-1090, Internet: www.emcorgroup.com, Line of Business: Heating And Air
Conditioning Contractor
MGA Entertainment Inc, Address: 16300 Roscoe Blvd Ste 100, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91406-1244, Contact Person: Metatia Larian, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-894-2525,
Fax: , Internet: www.mgae.com, Line of Business: Whol Toys/Hobby Goods
Miller Automotive Group Inc, Address: 5425 Van Nuys Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91401-5628, Contact Person: Mr Fred Miller, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-787-8400,
Fax: 818-756-6517818-756-6517, Internet: www.millernissan.com, Line of Business: Ret
New/Used Automobiles General Auto Repair Ret Used Automobiles
Moulton Logistics Management, Address: PO Box 8191, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91409-8191, Contact Person: Mr Lawrence Moulton, Title: President, Phone: 818-997-1800, Fax: ,
Internet: www.moultonlogistics.com, Line of Business: Business Services Telegraph
Nagy, John H Personal, Address: 7277 Hayvenhurst Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91406-2860, Contact Person: Mr John Nagy, Title: President, Phone: 818-787-3946, Fax: ,
Internet: www.nagyprotectionservices.com, Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
New Albertson's Inc, Address: 7227 Van Nuys Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914052256, Contact Person: Mr Charlie Ruben, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-787-8035, Fax: , Internet:
www.supervalu.com, Line of Business: Supermarket
North La County Regional Ctr, Address: 15400 Sherman Way Ste 170, City: Van Nuys, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91406-4272, Contact Person: Ms Donna Milota, Title: Corporate Secretary, Phone: 818-
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
778-1900, Fax: 818-756-6140818-756-6140, Internet: www.nlacrc.org, Line of Business: Business
Consulting Services
Pacific Jet Inc, Address: 16644 Roscoe Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91406-1103,
Contact Person: Mr Tim Prero, Title: President, Phone: 818-989-4700, Fax: 818-989-4664818989-4664, Internet: www.pacificjet.net, Line of Business: Manufactures aircraft; air ambulance
services; aircraft rental service
Pyramid Biological Corp, Address: 6454 Van Nuys Blvd Ste 111, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91401-1445, Contact Person: Ms Barbara Westenhagen, Title: Chief Executive Officer,
Phone: 818-785-1898, Fax: 818-997-3235818-997-3235, Internet: , Line of Business:
Health/Allied Services
Quest Diagnostics Clinical, Address: 7600 Tyrone Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914051449, Contact Person: Mr Greg Clark, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 818-989-2520, Fax: ,
Internet: www.questdiagnostics.com, Line of Business: Medical Laboratory
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 12921 Magnolia Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914231618, Contact Person: Mr Angelo Devito, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-986-2292, Fax: 818-9862582818-986-2582, Internet: , Line of Business: Supermarket
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 7221 Woodman Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914052621, Contact Person: Mr Peter Wayne, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-785-3162, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Ret Groceries
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 14440 Burbank Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914014823, Contact Person: Mr Rick Foley, Title: Managing Director, Phone: 818-989-5640, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Retail independent supermarkets; commercial bakery; retail bakery
Regency Enterprises Inc, Address: 16665 Arminta St, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914061611, Contact Person: Mr Ron Regenstreif, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-901-0255,
Fax: 818-901-0118818-901-0118, Internet: www.regencylighting.com, Line of Business: Whol
Electrical Equipment
Rent A Wheel, Address: 15350 Sherman Way Ste 260, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914064282, Contact Person: Mr John Bowlin, Title: President, Phone: 818-786-7906, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Rent To Own Wheels And Tires
Rsa Lighting, Address: 7945 Orion Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91406-2000, Contact
Person: Perrie Roberts, Title: Human Resource Manager, Phone: 818-349-3030, Fax: , Internet:
www.rsalighting.com, Line of Business: Electrical Contractor
San Fernando Valley Automotive, Address: PO Box 2189, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91404-2189, Contact Person: Mr Jim Lynch, Title: President, Phone: 818-817-4666, Fax: ,
Internet: www.gm.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles Ret Used Automobiles
Passenger Car Leasing
Securitas Security Services, Address: 16136 Sherman Way, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91406-3907, Contact Person: Ms Catherine Frazier, Title: Human Resource Manager, Phone: 818782-6184, Fax: 818-782-5521818-782-5521, Internet: www.securitasinc.com, Line of Business:
Detective/Armored Car Services Management Consulting Services Management Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Snf Management Co Inc, Address: 7447 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91405-1631, Contact Person: Mr Daniel Wintler, Title: Administrator, Phone: 818-787-3400, Fax: ,
Internet: www.snfmgt.com, Line of Business: Skilled Nursing Care Facility
Southern California Orthopedic, Address: 6815 Noble Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91405-3796, Contact Person: Mr Mark Friedman, Title: Partner, Phone: 818-901-6600, Fax: 818901-6684818-901-6684, Internet: , Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office Vocational School
Southwestern Bell Telephone, Address: 16201 Raymer St, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91406-1210, Contact Person: Laurie Tossie, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-997-5998, Fax: ,
Internet: www.swbell.com, Line of Business: Business Consulting Services
Strike Force Protective Svcs, Address: 8001 Langdon Ave Ste 1, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91406-1421, Contact Person: Mr Stuart Horwitz, Title: President, Phone: 818-787-6295,
Fax: 818-787-6480818-787-6480, Internet: www.strikeforceprotectiveservices.com, Line of
Business: Security Guard Services
Sunkist Growers Inc, Address: PO Box 7888, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91409-7888,
Contact Person: Mr Timothy Lindgren, Title: President, Phone: 818-986-4800, Fax: 818-7840112818-784-0112, Internet: www.sunkist.com, Line of Business: Wholesales fresh fruits;
manufactures frozen fruit juice concentrates; manufactures edible lemon oil; wholesales display
equipment; copyright buying & licensing; manufactures fruit juices
Superior Industries Intl, Address: 7800 Woodley Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914061722, Contact Person: Mr Steven Borick, Title: President, Phone: 818-781-4973, Fax: 818-7803500818-780-3500, Internet: www.superiorindustries.com, Line of Business: Manufactures motor
vehicle parts & accessories; manufactures safety belts; manufactures automobile springs; wholesales
automotive supplies & parts
Target Corp, Address: 5711 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91411-2918,
Contact Person: Mr Arnold Luna, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-779-0163, Fax: , Internet:
www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Tawa Supermarket Inc, Address: 6450 Sepulveda Blvd Ste B, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91411-1300, Contact Person: Mr Willie Loai, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-988-7899, Fax: 818-9886678818-988-6678, Internet: , Line of Business: Supermarket
Thermoview Industries Inc of, Address: 6625 Valjean Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91406-5817, Contact Person: Mr Rick Grifman, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-285-4700, Fax:
818-285-4712818-285-4712, Internet: , Line of Business: Single-Family House Construction
Residential Construction
Touch-Up Inc, Address: 7116 Valjean Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91406-3901,
Contact Person: Hagai Rapaport, Title: President, Phone: 818-994-6166, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Painting And Drywall Contractor
Valley Presbyterian Hospital, Address: PO Box 9102, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 914099102, Contact Person: Mr Steven Norom, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-782-6600,
Fax: 818-902-5171818-902-5171, Internet: www.valleypres.org, Line of Business: General
Volkswagen of Van Nuys Inc, Address: 6115 Van Nuys Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91401-3306, Contact Person: Mr Ludwig Pflock, Title: President, Phone: 818-785-7111, Fax: ,
Internet: www.vwvannuys.com, Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles General Auto Repair
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Wazana Brothers International, Address: 8201 Woodley Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91406-1231, Contact Person: Mr AVI Wazana, Title: President, Phone: 818-407-7500, Fax: ,
Internet: www.gotink.com, Line of Business: Manufactures prepared photographic toners, not
made in chemical plants
Western Bagel Baking Corp, Address: 7814 Sepulveda Blvd, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code:
91405-1020, Contact Person: Mr Steven Ustin, Title: President, Phone: 818-786-5847, Fax: 818787-3221818-787-3221, Internet: www.westernbagel.com, Line of Business: Manufactures fresh or
frozen bagels; retails bagels
Westrim Inc, Address: PO Box 7381, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91409-7381, Contact
Person: Mr Ron Cooper, Title: President, Phone: 818-988-8280, Fax: , Internet:
www.westrimcrafts.com, Line of Business: Whol Stationery/Office Supplies
Wolfe Trucking Inc, Address: 7131 Valjean Ave, City: Van Nuys, State: CA, Zip Code: 91406-3917,
Contact Person: Mr Jack Wolfe, Title: President, Phone: 818-376-6963, Fax: , Internet:
www.wolfetrucking.com, Line of Business: Trucking Operator-Nonlocal
DDB Worldwide Communications, Address: 340 Main St, City: Venice, State: CA, Zip Code: 902912524, Contact Person: Mr Rick Carpenter, Title: President, Phone: 310-907-1500, Fax: , Internet:
www.ddbwm.com, Line of Business: Advertising Agency
Digital Domain Inc, Address: 300 Rose Ave, City: Venice, State: CA, Zip Code: 90291-2628,
Contact Person: Mr Carl Stork, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-314-2800, Fax: 310-3142888310-314-2888, Internet: www.digitaldomain.com, Line of Business: Motion Pict/Video Prodtn
Motion Picture Services
Host Hotels & Resorts, LP, Address: 4375 Admiralty Way, City: Venice, State: CA, Zip Code: 902925400, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 310-823-1700, Fax: 310-670-4053310-670-4053,
Internet: www.hosthotels.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Los Angeles County, Address: 100 Sunset Ave, City: Venice, State: CA, Zip Code: 90291-2517,
Contact Person: Mr John Adams, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 310-392-8636, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Local Bus Service
Trg Inc, Address: PO Box 837, City: Venice, State: CA, Zip Code: 90294-0837, Contact Person: R
Rosenthal, Title: President, Phone: 310-392-5404, Fax: , Internet: www.trgnational.com, Line of
Business: Real Estate Lidigation Consulting
Venice Family Clinic, Address: 604 Rose Ave, City: Venice, State: CA, Zip Code: 90291-2767,
Contact Person: Mr Raymond Schultze, Title: President, Phone: 310-392-8630, Fax: 310-3927875310-392-7875, Internet: www.venicefamilyclinic.org, Line of Business: Medical Doctor's Office
Bcbg Max Azria Group Inc, Address: PO Box 58085, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code: 900580085, Contact Person: Mr Max Azria, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-589-2224, Fax:
323-584-2550323-584-2550, Internet: www.bcbg.com, Line of Business: Manufactures dresses;
manufactures women's & girls' blouses; manufactures women's, misses' & juniors' suits & coats;
manufactures women's & misses' outerwear; manufactures women's footwear; wholesales women's &
children's clothing
Bicara Ltd, Address: 4215 Exchange Ave, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-2604, Contact
Person: Mr William Hughes, Title: President, Phone: 323-582-7401, Fax: , Internet:
www.bicara.net, Line of Business: Whol Meats/Products Whol Fish/Seafood Whol General Groceries
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
E & C Fashion Inc, Address: 2425 E 30th St, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-1431,
Contact Person: Moo Bae, Title: President, Phone: 323-582-0099, Fax: 323-587-0371323-5870371, Internet: www.encfashion.com, Line of Business: Business Services
Hannibal Industries Inc, Address: 3851 S Santa Fe Ave, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code: 900581712, Contact Person: Mr Blanton Bartlett, Title: President, Phone: 323-588-4261, Fax: 323-5895640323-589-5640, Internet: www.hannibalindustries.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
seamless steel tubes
Harkham Industries Inc, Address: 4890 S Alameda St, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code: 900582806, Contact Person: Mr Uri Harkham, Title: President, Phone: 323-586-4600, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Manufactures women's & juniors' blouses made from purchased material;
manufactures dresses; manufactures women's & misses' outerwear; manufactures skirts
Hollander Home Fashions Corp, Address: 5008 S Boyle Ave, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-3904, Contact Person: Tony Escobar, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-584-8217, Fax:
323-584-1114323-584-1114, Internet: www.hollanderhomefashions.com, Line of Business:
Wholesales decorative home furnishings & supplies; manufactures household furnishings;
manufactures draperies & curtains
Huxtable's Kitchens Inc, Address: PO Box 58467, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-0467,
Contact Person: Mr Kenneth Hayes, Title: President, Phone: 323-584-7880, Fax: 323-5890305323-589-0305, Internet: www.huxtables.com, Line of Business: Eating place; manufactures
ready-to-eat meals, salads & sandwiches; meat processing; poultry slaughtering & processing
J & J Snack Foods Corpof Calif, Address: 5353 S Downey Rd, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-3725, Contact Person: Mr Gerald Shreiber, Title: President, Phone: 323-581-0171, Fax:
323-583-4732323-583-4732, Internet: www.jjsnack.com, Line of Business: Manufactures pretzels;
manufactures frozen bakery products; wholesales pretzels; wholesales cookies; manufactures food
Owens-Brockway Glass Container, Address: 2901 Fruitland Ave, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-3628, Contact Person: Mr Kevin Yachecko, Title: Controller, Phone: 323-586-4200, Fax: ,
Internet: www.owens-brockway.com, Line of Business: Manufactures glass packers' ware;
manufactures pressed & blown glass
Ozoo Inc, Address: 4662 E 49th St, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-3226, Contact
Person: Mr Felix Chavez, Title: President, Phone: 323-585-4383, Fax: , Internet: www.ozoo.net,
Line of Business: Business Services
Red Chamber Co, Address: 1912 E Vernon Ave, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-1611,
Contact Person: Shan Kou, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 323-234-9000, Fax: 323-2318888323-231-8888, Internet: www.redchamber.com, Line of Business: Whol Fish/Seafood Whol
Service Establishment Equipment
Reynaldo's Mexican Food Co LLC, Address: 3301 E Vernon Ave, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code:
90058-1809, Contact Person: Mr Gilbert Cardenas, Title: Member, Phone: 562-803-3188, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures canned Mexican foods
Saia Motor Freight Line LLC, Address: 2550 E 28th St, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code: 900581430, Contact Person: Mr Ralph Velasques, Title: Terminal Manager, Phone: 323-277-2880, Fax:
323-588-1580323-588-1580, Internet: www.saia.com, Line of Business: Trucking OperatorNonlocal
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
SK Textile Inc, Address: 2938 E 54th St, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-3604, Contact
Person: Mr Stanley Kassap, Title: President, Phone: 323-581-8986, Fax: 323-588-2891323-5882891, Internet: www.sktextile.com, Line of Business: Manufactures draperies & curtains;
manufactures cotton bedspreads
Tagtime USA Inc, Address: 4601 District Blvd, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-2731,
Contact Person: Mr Cort Johnson, Title: President, Phone: 323-587-1555, Fax: , Internet:
www.tagtimeusa.com, Line of Business: Manufactures paper label from purchased materials
Trinity Sports Inc, Address: 2067 E 55th St, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-3441,
Contact Person: Sangyun Lee, Title: President, Phone: 323-277-9288, Fax: 323-583-2199323583-2199, Internet: www.trinitysportsinc.com, Line of Business: Manufactures dresses;
manufactures women's & misses' outerwear; manufactures men's & boys' trousers & slacks
V & L Produce Inc, Address: 2550 E 25th St, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-1211,
Contact Person: Mr Victor Mendoza, Title: President, Phone: 323-589-2135, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Whol Fruits/Vegetables
Value Meats, Address: PO Box 58204, City: Vernon, State: CA, Zip Code: 90058-0204, Contact
Person: Mr Charles Dickman, Title: President, Phone: 323-587-0620, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Manufactures cooked meats from purchased meat
Unilab Corp, Address: 8401 Fallbrook Ave, City: West Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 91304-3226,
Contact Person: Surya Mohapatra, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-737-6000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.unilab.com, Line of Business: Medical Laboratory
West Hills Hospital & Medical, Address: 7300 Medical Center Dr, City: West Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91307-1902, Contact Person: Ms Beverly Gilmore, Title: President, Phone: 818-884-7060,
Fax: 818-704-3880818-704-3880, Internet: www.westhillshospital.com, Line of Business: General
Hospital Skilled Nursing Care Facility Home Health Care Services
Dailey & Associates, Address: 8687 Melrose Ave Ste G300, City: West Hollywood, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90069-5705, Contact Person: Mr Bruce Miller, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310360-3100, Fax: 310-360-0810310-360-0810, Internet: www.daileyads.com, Line of Business:
Advertising Agency
Hmbl LLC, Address: 8400 W Sunset Blvd Ste 3A, City: West Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90069-1934, Contact Person: Mr Robert Jackson, Title: Member, Phone: 323-656-8090, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel
Hob Entertainment Inc, Address: 8430 W Sunset Blvd, City: West Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90069-1910, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 323-848-5100, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: House Of Blues Branded Clubs
Hollywood Standard LLC, Address: 8300 W Sunset Blvd, City: West Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90069-1516, Contact Person: Ms Amy Kowallis, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-650-9090,
Fax: 323-654-0793323-654-0793, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel
Hyatt Corp, Address: 8401 W Sunset Blvd, City: West Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90069-1909,
Contact Person: Mr Tim Flodin, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-656-1234, Fax: 323-650-7024323650-7024, Internet: www.hyatt.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Eating Place Drinking
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
K K H G Management LLC, Address: 8358 W Sunset Blvd, City: West Hollywood, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90069-1516, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 323-654-7100, Fax: 323-654-0276323654-0276, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Mondrian Holdings LLC, Address: 8440 W Sunset Blvd, City: West Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90069-1912, Contact Person: Pill Doak, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-650-8999, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
New Line Cinema Corp, Address: 825 N San Vicente Blvd, City: West Hollywood, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90069-4505, Contact Person: Mr Robert Shaye, Title: President, Phone: 310-967-6700,
Fax: , Internet: www.newline.com, Line of Business: Accounting/Auditing/Bookkeeping Motion
Picture/Video Production
Outrigger Lodging Services LP, Address: 733 W Knoll Dr, City: West Hollywood, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90069-5207, Contact Person: Mr Sam Ebeid, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 310-8558888, Fax: 310-659-7812310-659-7812, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation
Management Services Eating Place
Point360, Address: 1220 N Highland Ave, City: West Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 90038-1207,
Contact Person: Mr Chris Pemberton, Title: General Manager, Phone: 323-957-5500, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Motion Picture Services
SC Club LP, Address: 9039 W Sunset Blvd, City: West Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 900691828, Contact Person: Mr Keith Pressman, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-274-5800, Fax: 310-7861705310-786-1705, Internet: www.keyclub.com, Line of Business: Eating Place Drinking Place
Suissa Miller Advertising LLC, Address: 8687 Melrose Ave, City: West Hollywood, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90069-5701, Contact Person: Mr David Suissa, Title: Member, Phone: 310-392-9666, Fax: ,
Internet: www.interpublic.com, Line of Business: Advertising Agency
Sunset Restaurant LLC, Address: 8440 W Sunset Blvd, City: West Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90069-1938, Contact Person: Mr Howard Gilson, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-848-6002, Fax: 323650-1849323-650-1849, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Target Corp, Address: 7100 Santa Monica Blvd # 201, City: West Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code:
90046-5896, Contact Person: Ms Hilda Doushgounian, Title: Manager, Phone: 323-603-0004, Fax:
, Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
Ticketmaster, Address: 8800 W Sunset Blvd, City: West Hollywood, State: CA, Zip Code: 900692117, Contact Person: Mr Barry Diller, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 310-360-3300, Fax: ,
Internet: www.usanetworks.com, Line of Business: Live Entertainment Ticketing And Marketing
Wyndham Bel Age Hotel L P, Address: 1020 N San Vicente Blvd, City: West Hollywood, State: CA,
Zip Code: 90069-3802, Contact Person: Ms Diane Lake, Title: Partner, Phone: 310-854-1111,
Fax: 310-854-0926310-854-0926, Internet: www.wyndham.com, Line of Business: Hotel/Motel
Cal-Air Inc, Address: 12393 Slauson Ave, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code: 90606-2824, Contact
Person: Mr Charles Middleton, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 562-698-8301, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Refrigeration Service/Repair Plumbing/Heating/Air Cond Contractor
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
California Dept of Trans, Address: 1940 Workman Mill Rd, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code:
90601-1414, Contact Person: Mr John Janton, Title: Manager, Phone: 562-692-0823, Fax: ,
Internet: www.state.ca.us, Line of Business: Maintenance Station
Cameron Technologies US Inc, Address: 4040 Capitol Ave, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code:
90601-1735, Contact Person: Mr Victor Hart, Title: Plant Manager, Phone: 562-222-8440, Fax:
562-463-7784562-463-7784, Internet: www.coopercameron.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
industrial flow & liquid measuring instruments
Cintas Corp, Address: 2829 Workman Mill Rd, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code: 90601-1549,
Contact Person: Mr Richard Skaggs, Title: General Manager, Phone: 562-692-8741, Fax: 562-6954780562-695-4780, Internet: www.cintas-corp.com, Line of Business: Linen Supply Services
Industrial Launderer
Closets By Design Inc, Address: 3860 Capitol Ave, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code: 90601-1733,
Contact Person: Mr Frank Melkonian, Title: President, Phone: 562-699-9945, Fax: , Internet:
www.closetworld.com, Line of Business: Manufactures wood nonrefrigerated lockers; manufactures
wooden filing cabinets & bookcases
Fedex Freight West Inc, Address: 3200 Workman Mill Rd, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code:
90601-1550, Contact Person: Mr Jeffrey White, Title: Engineer, Phone: 562-695-5010, Fax: 562692-4576562-692-4576, Internet: www.fedexfreight.fedex.com, Line of Business: Truck Terminal
Facility Motor Freight Fixed Facility Trucking Operator-Nonlocal
Gruma Corp, Address: 2825 Pellissier Pl, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code: 90601-1512, Contact
Person: Mr Tom Brunner, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 562-692-9502, Fax: 562-692-6955562692-6955, Internet: www.missionfoods.com, Line of Business: Manufactures fresh or frozen bread;
manufactures food preparations
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 12322 Washington Blvd, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code: 906062503, Contact Person: Mr Ben Deardudin, Title: Manager, Phone: 562-789-4121, Fax: , Internet:
, Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials Equipment Rental/Leasing
K D K Investments, Address: PO Box 4667, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code: 90607-4667,
Contact Person: Mr Ken Kirkpatrick, Title: Owner, Phone: 562-948-3666, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Fast-Food Rest Chain
Miller Castings Inc, Address: 2503 Pacific Park Dr, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code: 90601-1610,
Contact Person: Mr Ralph Miller, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 562-695-0461, Fax: 562692-4164562-692-4164, Internet: www.millercastings.com, Line of Business: Steel investment
Ms & Es Inc, Address: 10830 Whittier Blvd, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code: 90606-1402,
Contact Person: Mr Mike Sullivan, Title: President, Phone: 562-695-0711, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Janitorial Service
National Council of Young, Address: 12510 Hadley St, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code: 906013942, Contact Person: Mr Robert Warnock, Title: Vice President, Phone: 562-907-6530, Fax: 562907-6527562-907-6527, Internet: , Line of Business: Non-Profit Organization For Athletic And
Travel Programs
Quaker City Plating, Address: PO Box 2406, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code: 90610-2406,
Contact Person: Mr Michael Crain, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 562-945-3721, Fax: 562945-8099562-945-8099, Internet: www.quakercityplating.com, Line of Business: Plating service
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Rio Hondo Community College, Address: 3600 Workman Mill Rd, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip
Code: 90601-1616, Contact Person: Voiza Arnold, Title: President, Phone: 562-692-0921, Fax:
562-699-7386562-699-7386, Internet: www.rh.cc.ca.us, Line of Business: Junior College
Rose Hills Holding Corp, Address: PO Box 110, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code: 90608-0110,
Contact Person: Mr Kenton Woods, Title: Principal, Phone: 562-699-0921, Fax: , Internet: , Line
of Business: Cemetery & Mortuary
Russ Bassett Corp, Address: 8189 Byron Rd, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code: 90606-2615,
Contact Person: Mr Mike Dressendorfer, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 562-945-2445, Fax:
562-698-8972562-698-8972, Internet: www.russbassett.com, Line of Business: Manufactures
office desks
Rutland Tool & Supply Co, Address: 2225 Workman Mill Rd, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code:
90601-1437, Contact Person: Mr Andrew Verey, Title: President, Phone: 562-566-5000, Fax: 562566-5011562-566-5011, Internet: www.lawsonproducts.com, Line of Business: Ret Hardware Whol
Industrial Supplies
Sanitation Districts of Los, Address: PO Box 4998, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code: 90607-4998,
Contact Person: Mr James Stahl, Title: General Manager, Phone: 562-699-7315, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Refuse System
Washington Tools Inc, Address: 2225 Workman Mill Rd, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code: 906011437, Contact Person: Mr Robert Skidmore, Title: President, Phone: 562-566-5057, Fax: ,
Internet: www.airgas.com, Line of Business: Whol Industrial Supplies Whol Industrial Equipment
Whittier College, A Corp, Address: PO Box 634, City: Whittier, State: CA, Zip Code: 90608-0634,
Contact Person: Mr Richard Gilchrist, Title: President, Phone: 562-907-4200, Fax: 562-9074870562-907-4870, Internet: www.whittier.edu, Line of Business: College/University
Arete Associates, Address: PO Box 2607, City: Winnetka, State: CA, Zip Code: 91396-2607,
Contact Person: Mr John McLean, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-885-2200, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Commercial Physical Research
Extreme Telecom Inc, Address: 20847 Sherman Way, City: Winnetka, State: CA, Zip Code: 913062706, Contact Person: Mr ARI Ramezani, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-902-4821, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Telephone Communications
21st Century Insurance Co, Address: 6301 Owensmouth Ave, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91367-2216, Contact Person: Mr Bruce Marlow, Title: President, Phone: 818-704-3700,
Fax: , Internet: www.aig.com, Line of Business: Fire/Casualty Insurance Carrier
3 Com Corp, Address: 6320 Canoga Ave Ste 1500, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91367-2563, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 818-227-5033, Fax: , Internet: www.3com.com,
Line of Business: Computer Networking Systems
Ace USA Inc, Address: PO Box 3500, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 91365-3500,
Contact Person: Ms Denise Geisseir, Title: Human Resource Manager, Phone: 818-712-6200, Fax:
818-712-6221818-712-6221, Internet: , Line of Business: Property & Casualty Insurance Claims
All Pro Realty, Address: 19900 Ventura Blvd Fl 2, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913642689, Contact Person: Mr Ron Karno, Title: Partner, Phone: 818-345-6533, Fax: , Internet:
www.allprorealty.com, Line of Business: Rl Este Agntresidntl
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
American Plastic Card Co, Address: 21550 Oxnard St # 300, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91367-7109, Contact Person: Mr Jim Akbar, Title: President, Phone: 818-784-4224, Fax: ,
Internet: www.apcci.com, Line of Business: Manufactures plastic identification cards; commercial
Amerilend Inc, Address: 20750 Ventura Blvd, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913642338, Contact Person: Mr Marlon Tate, Title: President, Phone: 818-990-1341, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Financial Consulting Srvcs
Andwin Corp, Address: PO Box 689, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 91365-0689,
Contact Person: Ms Natalie Sarraf, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-999-2828, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Wholesales industrial & personal service paper; manufactures
diagnostic substances; wholesales hospital equipment & furniture; wholesales packaging materials;
wholesales janitorial equipment & supplies; manufactures surgical appliances & supplies
Aph USA Inc, Address: PO Box 4277, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 91365-4277,
Contact Person: Mr Philip Asherian, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-887-0700, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Electronic Parts/Equipment
California Physicians Service, Address: 6300 Canoga Ave, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91367-2555, Contact Person: Mr Mark Gastinau, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-598-8000, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Hospital/Medical Service Plan
Catalina Yachts Inc, Address: 21200 Victory Blvd, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913672522, Contact Person: Mr Frank Butler, Title: President, Phone: 818-884-7700, Fax: 818-8843810818-884-3810, Internet: www.catalinayachts.com, Line of Business: Builds & repairs
sailboats; boat dealer
Cheesecake Factory Restaurants, Address: 6324 Canoga Ave, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91367-2501, Contact Person: Mr John Berry, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-883-9900,
Fax: 818-883-0077818-883-0077, Internet: , Line of Business: Eating Place
Circuit City Stores West Coast, Address: 6401 Canoga Ave, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91367-2408, Contact Person: Mr Alfred Antione, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-888-1212,
Fax: , Internet: www.circuitcity.com, Line of Business: Ret Radio/Tv/Electronics Ret Household
Classmates Media Corp, Address: 21301 Burbank Blvd, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91367-6679, Contact Person: Mr Mark Goldston, Title: President, Phone: 818-287-3600, Fax: ,
Internet: www.unitedonline.net, Line of Business: Online Social Network And Loyalty Marketing
Compensation Insurance Fund, Address: 21300 Victory Blvd # 600, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91367-8031, Contact Person: Ms Mary Powers, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-8884750, Fax: 818-713-2475818-713-2475, Internet: www.state.ca.us, Line of Business:
Fire/Casualty Insurance Carrier Regulation Misc Commercial Sector
Creative Events Enterprises, Address: 4872 Topanga Canyon Blvd # 406, City: Woodland Hills,
State: CA, Zip Code: 91364-4229, Contact Person: Mr Frank Biedka, Title: President, Phone: 818610-7000, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Management Consulting Services Business Services
Amusement/Recreation Services
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Deloitte & Touche LLP, Address: 21550 Oxnard St Ste 800, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91367-7114, Contact Person: Mr Anthony Buzzelli, Title: Partner, Phone: 213-996-5800,
Fax: , Internet: www.deloitte.com, Line of Business: Cpa
Dunn & Berger Inc, Address: 5955 De Soto Ave Ste 160, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91367-5101, Contact Person: Mr Barry Berger, Title: President, Phone: 818-986-1234, Fax: 818808-0629818-808-0629, Internet: , Line of Business: Home Health Care Services
E & S International Entrprs, Address: PO Box 4277, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91365-4277, Contact Person: Farzad Asherian, Title: President, Phone: 818-887-0700, Fax: ,
Internet: www.esintl.com, Line of Business: Whol Appliances/Tv/Radio
Equitable Life Ins Co Inc, Address: 21700 Oxnard St Ste 1100, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91367-7574, Contact Person: Mr Derry Bishop, Title: President, Phone: 818-703-7800, Fax:
818-992-6134818-992-6134, Internet: , Line of Business: Ins Agnts And Brkrs
Flo Baron The Collection, Address: 20251 Ventura Blvd Ste E, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91364-2572, Contact Person: Ms Flo Baron, Title: President, Phone: 818-896-3575, Fax:
818-504-3580818-504-3580, Internet: www.barada.com, Line of Business: Whol Home Furnishings
Galaxy Building Systems Inc, Address: 22110 Clarendon St Ste 102, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91367-6337, Contact Person: Mr Gerald Baggett, Title: President, Phone: 818-3406557, Fax: 818-340-7800818-340-7800, Internet: , Line of Business: Building Maintenance
Health Net Inc, Address: 21281 Burbank Blvd, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913676607, Contact Person: Mr Roger Greaves, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-676-6000,
Fax: 818-719-6933818-719-6933, Internet: www.healthnet.com, Line of Business:
Hospital/Medical Service Plans
Hilton Woodland Hills & Towers, Address: 6360 Canoga Ave, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91367-2501, Contact Person: Mr Ed Debries, Title: General Manager, Phone: 818-595-1000,
Fax: 818-595-1090818-595-1090, Internet: , Line of Business: Hotel/Motel Operation Drinking
Place Eating Place
Home Depot USA Inc, Address: 6345 Variel Ave, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913672515, Contact Person: Tony Fernandez, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-716-9141, Fax: 818-2272477818-227-2477, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Lumber/Building Materials Equipment
IKON Office Solutions Inc, Address: 6330 Variel Ave, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91367-2543, Contact Person: Mr Steve Smith, Title: Executive Vice President, Phone: 213-6291838, Fax: , Internet: www.ikon.com, Line of Business: Whol Photocopying Machines
Ing Life Insurance & Annuity, Address: PO Box 4003, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91365-4003, Contact Person: Mr Peter Kassebaum, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-592-3700, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Life Insurance Carrier
Input 1 LLC, Address: 21820 Burbank Blvd, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 91367-6476,
Contact Person: Mr Andrew Bare, Title: VP Finance, Phone: 818-676-2133, Fax: , Internet:
www.input1.com, Line of Business: S-Term Bus Credit Instn Computer Programming Svc Insurance
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
International Laser Group Inc, Address: PO Box 686, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91365-0686, Contact Person: Ms Cindy Michaels, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-8880400, Fax: 818-888-0331818-888-0331, Internet: www.ilglaser.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures prepared photographic toners, not made in chemical plants; wholesales computers,
peripherals & software; manufactures laser systems & equipment
Investors Capital Management, Address: PO Box 6629, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91365-6629, Contact Person: Mr Edward Lindor, Title: President, Phone: 310-553-5175, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Restaurant Management Real Estate Investment Commercial Leasing
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Address: 5601 De Soto Ave, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91367-6701, Contact Person: Mr Michael Callier, Title: Director, Phone: 818-719-2660, Fax: 818366-4557818-366-4557, Internet: www.kaiserpermanente.org, Line of Business: General Hospital
Lifecare Assurance Co Inc, Address: 21600 Oxnard St Fl 16, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91367-7842, Contact Person: Mr James Glickman, Title: President, Phone: 818-887-4436,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Accident/Health Reinsurer
Macy's Department Stores Inc, Address: 6100 Topanga Canyon Blvd, City: Woodland Hills, State:
CA, Zip Code: 91367-3627, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 818-313-8844, Fax: , Internet:
www.macysinc.com/retail/, Line of Business: Department Store
Magnolia Audio Video, Address: 21603 Victory Blvd, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91303-2702, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 818-251-3540, Fax: , Internet:
www.magnoliahifi.com, Line of Business: Ret Radio/Tv/Electronics
Mastro's Restaurants LLC, Address: 6300 Canoga Ave Ste 1100, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91367-8042, Contact Person: , Title: , Phone: 818-598-5656, Fax: , Internet: , Line of
Business: Eating Place
Mc Graw-Hill Co's Inc, Address: 21600 Oxnard St # 500, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91367-4947, Contact Person: Pat McKee, Title: Vice President, Phone: 818-615-2600, Fax: 818365-5489818-365-5489, Internet: www.mcgraw-hill.com, Line of Business: Book publisher
Medianews Group Inc, Address: PO Box 4200, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913654200, Contact Person: Gene Janski, Title: Manager, Phone: 661-257-5200, Fax: 661-2575262661-257-5262, Internet: , Line of Business: Newspaper publisher; commercial lithographic
Medianews Group Inc, Address: PO Box 4200, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913654200, Contact Person: Tracy Rafter, Title: Publisher, Phone: 818-713-3800, Fax: 818-7130058818-713-0058, Internet: , Line of Business: Newspaper publisher
Mediscan Diagnostic Services, Address: 21050 Califa St 100, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91367-5103, Contact Person: Val Serebryany, Title: President, Phone: 818-758-4224, Fax:
818-906-3860818-906-3860, Internet: www.mediscan.net, Line of Business: Health/Allied Services
Mediscan Inc, Address: 21050 Califa St # 100, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913675103, Contact Person: Val Serebryany, Title: President, Phone: 818-462-0000, Fax: , Internet:
www.mediscan.net, Line of Business: Health/Allied Services
Men's Apparel Guild In CA, Address: 6200 Canoga Ave Fl 12, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91367-2450, Contact Person: Mr Joe Loggia, Title: Chief Operating Officer, Phone: 818-5935000, Fax: 818-593-5020818-593-5020, Internet: , Line of Business: Trade Association
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Motion Picture & Television, Address: 23388 Mulholland Dr, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91364-2733, Contact Person: Mr Frank Mancuso, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818876-1888, Fax: 818-876-1446818-876-1446, Internet: , Line of Business: General Hospital Skilled
Nursing Facility Medical Doctors Office Child Day Care Services Individual/Family Svcs
Network Telephone Services Inc, Address: 21135 Erwin St, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91367-3713, Contact Person: Mr Joseph Preston, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818992-4300, Fax: 818-340-6067818-340-6067, Internet: www.nts.net, Line of Business: Business
Netzero Inc, Address: PO Box 5004, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 91365-5004,
Contact Person: Mr Mark Goldston, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 805-418-2000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.netzero.net, Line of Business: Custom Computer Programing
Nordstrom Inc, Address: 21490 Victory Blvd, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913672422, Contact Person: Ms Gia Goluck, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-884-6771, Fax: 818884-5417818-884-5417, Internet: www.nordstrom.com, Line of Business: Ret Family Clothing
Northrop Grumman Systems Corp, Address: 21240 Burbank Blvd, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA,
Zip Code: 91367-6675, Contact Person: Ms Helen Tanabe, Title: Partner, Phone: 818-715-4040,
Fax: 818-598-3318818-598-3318, Internet: www.northropgrumman.com, Line of Business:
Manufactures fixed or rotary wing airplanes
Pacific Lodge Youth Services, Address: PO Box 308, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91365-0308, Contact Person: Ms Lisa Alegria, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-347-1577,
Fax: , Internet: www.plys.org, Line of Business: Residential Care For Teenage Boys Ages 13-18
Pacific Protection Services, Address: 22144 Clarendon St # 110, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91367-8201, Contact Person: Mr Steven Frye, Title: President, Phone: 818-313-9369, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Detective/Armored Car Services
Panavision Inc, Address: 6219 De Soto Ave, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913672602, Contact Person: Mr Ronald Perelman, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-316-1000,
Fax: 818-316-1101818-316-1101, Internet: www.panastore.com, Line of Business: Equipment
Rental/Leasing Mfg Photo Equip/Supplies Mfg Lighting Equipment Whol Electrical Equip
PF Changs China Bistro Inc, Address: 21821 Oxnard St, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91367-3620, Contact Person: Mr Peter Cheung, Title: General Manager, Phone: 818-340-0491,
Fax: , Internet: www.pfcb.com, Line of Business: Eating Place
Ralphs Grocery Co, Address: 20060 Ventura Blvd, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91364-2637, Contact Person: Mr Eric Scanland, Title: Sales & Marketing Manager, Phone: 818-8837551, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Ret Groceries Ret Florist Retail Bakery
Ronan Engineering Co, Address: PO Box 1275, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913651275, Contact Person: Mr John Hewitson, Title: President, Phone: 818-883-5211, Fax: 818-9926435818-992-6435, Internet: , Line of Business: Manufactures electric measuring instruments &
meters; manufactures process control instruments
Shapp International Trading, Address: PO Box 893, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91365-0893, Contact Person: Mr Allen Shapiro, Title: President, Phone: 818-776-9000, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Lumber/Plywd/Millwk Whol Appliances/Tv/Radio Whol
Stationery/Offc Sup Whol Furniture
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Silgan Containers Corp, Address: 21800 Oxnard St Ste 600, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91367-3654, Contact Person: Mr Thomas Snyder, Title: President, Phone: 818-348-3700,
Fax: , Internet: www.silgancontainers.com, Line of Business: Mfg Metal Cans
Spirent Communications Inc, Address: 26750 Agoura Rd, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91302-3596, Contact Person: Mr Glen Chagnot, Title: Principal, Phone: 818-700-5100, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Whol Electronic Parts/Equipment
SunAmerica Inc, Address: 21650 Oxnard St Ste 800, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91367-4997, Contact Person: Ms Eleanor Arbeene, Title: Senior Vice President, Phone: 818-6734000, Fax: , Internet: www.aig.com, Line of Business: Investment Advisory Service
Target Corp, Address: 20801 Ventura Blvd, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 91364-2319,
Contact Person: Mr Warren Hyde, Title: Branch Manager, Phone: 818-713-2707, Fax: 818-8889754818-888-9754, Internet: www.target.com, Line of Business: Dept Stores Discount
United Online Inc, Address: 21301 Burbank Blvd Fl 3, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code:
91367-6697, Contact Person: Mr Mark Goldston, Title: President, Phone: 818-287-3000, Fax: ,
Internet: www.unitedonline.net, Line of Business: Internet Service Provider
Vertseek Inc, Address: 20866 Collins St, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 91367-6709,
Contact Person: Mr Michael Wines, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 866-918-0782, Fax: ,
Internet: www.vortalinteractive.com, Line of Business: Internet Marketing
Vista Ford Inc, Address: 21501 Ventura Blvd, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913641920, Contact Person: Mr Steve Schuken, Title: President, Phone: 818-884-7600, Fax: 818-3481446818-348-1446, Internet: , Line of Business: Ret New/Used Automobiles
Voit Development Co Inc, Address: 21700 Oxnard St Ste 350, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91367-7531, Contact Person: Mr Robert Voit, Title: President, Phone: 818-593-6330, Fax: ,
Internet: , Line of Business: Subdivider/Developer
Vons Co's Inc, Address: 23381 Mulholland Dr, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913642734, Contact Person: Mr John Logan, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-223-3221, Fax: 818-2239430818-223-9430, Internet: www.safeway.com, Line of Business: Ret Groceries Ret Florist Mfg
Bread/Related Products
Weider Leasing Inc, Address: 21100 Erwin St, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913673712, Contact Person: Mr Joseph Weider, Title: Chairman of the Board, Phone: 818-884-6800,
Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Publishes & prints magazines
Wells Fargo Bank, Address: 20642 Ventura Blvd, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip Code: 913642314, Contact Person: Rafeek Raheem, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-673-1858, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: National Commercial Bank
West Valley Area Squad Club, Address: 5825 De Soto Ave, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91367-5202, Contact Person: Mr Brian Denike, Title: President, Phone: 818-888-0980, Fax:
, Internet: , Line of Business: Membership Organization
Whitehawk Ranch At Hubbard, Address: 6303 Owensmouth Ave Fl 10, City: Woodland Hills, State:
CA, Zip Code: 91367-2262, Contact Person: Mr Joe Labadoor, Title: President, Phone: 310-4990230, Fax: , Internet: , Line of Business: Civic/Social Association
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com
3,442 Companies for Industrial Metal Supply Company
Sorted by City and Name
Whole Foods Market California, Address: 21347 Ventura Blvd, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91364-2007, Contact Person: Mr John Loomis, Title: Manager, Phone: 818-610-0000, Fax:
818-610-0040818-610-0040, Internet: www.wholefoods.com, Line of Business: Supermarkets
Zenith National Insurance Corp, Address: 21255 Califa St, City: Woodland Hills, State: CA, Zip
Code: 91367-5005, Contact Person: Mr Stanley Zax, Title: President, Phone: 818-713-1000, Fax:
818-592-0265818-592-0265, Internet: www.znic.com, Line of Business: Engaged In Worker's
Compensation Insurance Business
Aurora National Life Assurance, Address: PO Box 4490, City: Hartford, State: CT, Zip Code: 061474490, Contact Person: Mr Steven Turner, Title: President, Phone: 661-253-1688, Fax: , Internet:
www.auroralife.com, Line of Business: Life Insurance Carrier
Allianz Global Risks US Insce, Address: PO Box 5160, City: Westport, State: CT, Zip Code: 068815160, Contact Person: Mr Wolfgang Schatz, Title: Chief Executive Officer, Phone: 818-260-7500,
Fax: , Internet: www.firemansfund.com, Line of Business: Fire/Casualty Insurance Carrier
West Valley Cablevision Inds, Address: PO Box 311, City: Liberty, State: NY, Zip Code: 127540311, Contact Person: Mr Alan Gerry, Title: President, Phone: 818-700-0551, Fax: , Internet:
www.aoltimewarner.com, Line of Business: Cable/Pay Television Service
BDK Holdings Inc, Address: PO Box 100, City: Lake Oswego, State: OR, Zip Code: 97034-0100,
Contact Person: Mr Warren Munday, Title: President, Phone: 818-260-4800, Fax: , Internet: ,
Line of Business: Holding Company
Triumph Processing Inc, Address: PO Box 642323, City: Pittsburgh, State: PA, Zip Code: 152642323, Contact Person: Mr Peter La Barbera, Title: President, Phone: 323-563-1338, Fax: ,
Internet: www.triumphgrp.com, Line of Business: Anodizing service; nonferrous rolling & drawing;
metal heat treating services
Cigna HealthCare of California, Address: PO Box 188045, City: Chattanooga, State: TN, Zip Code:
37422-8045, Contact Person: Mr Leroy Volberding, Title: President, Phone: 818-500-6262, Fax: ,
Internet: www.cigna.com, Line of Business: Health Maintenance Organization
© Peter K. Studner Associates 2009, All Rights Reserved
Peter K. Studner Associates, Post Office Box 241957, Los Angeles, CA 90024-9757
(310) 470-6688, FAX (310) 470-8106, e-mail: SuperSearch@pobox.com

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