Blue Prints Childcare
Blue Prints Childcare
Leave the Kids to us! Blue Prints Convention & Events Childcare Phi Beta Sigma, Centennial Childcare Registration It’s A Family Celebration! Bring the whole family & we’ll keep the kids! Registration for child care Child care for ages 3-18 will with limited availability. be provided during the 2014 Child care will be provided Centennial celebration Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, by Blue Prints Convention & Incorporated Centennial Events Childcare within the Celebration to be held July 16- host hotel, The Wardman 20, 2014 in Washington, DC. Park, Marriott. All forms and documents Please view details below. Pre-registration is necessary and is first come, first served . Celebrate with your family! View our program activities, registration schedule, fee schedule, and additional information below. will open for registered attendees, Monday March 24, 2014 and ends May 10, 2014. will be available online at You can also reach registration via the Phi Beta Sigma, Centennial website at Fees A Blue Prints’ experience More than a childcare provider Our child care program is “camp style” and full of fun activities & workshops. We have something for every age group and every area of interest. You will be able to register your child for a specific workshop or fieldtrip depending on availability. Our activities include but are Historical Tours Phi Beta Sigma fraternity, Inc. IHQ Tour Arts & Crafts Social Media Do’s & Don’t Scavenger hunt (Workshop & Fieldtrip) Woodley Park-Zoo Talent Within (Fieldtrip) (workshop/ talent show) Our special rate for this occasion is a daily fee of $25.14 per child for the day session (7am-5pm) and $50.00 for the evening events (7pm-1am) plus $10.00 registration fee. This rate is for Pre-Registered attendees only. For all drop in children please see the attached fee schedule. not limited to the following: BLUE PRINTS CONVENTION & EVENTS CHILDCARE 8667652620 \ \ 1 Registration and Fee Schedule Blue Prints Convention & Events Child Care Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated Centennial Celebration July 16, 2014- July 20, 2014 Wardman Park , Marriot - Washington, DC Day session 7am-5pm Wednesday-Saturday 9am-2:30pm Sunday Registration status Registered Pre-registered Late After April 24, 2014 Walk-Ins (4 hour min) Subject to availability Ages 3-18 $25.14 Daily $35.14 Daily $9.14 Hourly Registration Fee Refund $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 100% 50% No Refund All pre-registered attendees must pay for all days at time of registration Source: BPCEC Management Pre- Registered Attendees Must register before April 24, 2014 Late Registered Attendees who register after April 24th but prior to cutoff May 10, 2014 Walk Ins with No registration •Total one time payment of $135.70 due at time of registration. •Childcare from 7am-5pm Wednesday-Sunday. •T-shirt •Activities Folder •Name Badge •Admission to talent show •Historical Tour Trip pass •Daily Meals •Snacks/beverages •Total one time payment of $190.70 due at time of registration •Childcare from 7am-5pm Wednesday-Sunday. •T-shirt •Activities Folder •Name Badge •Admission talent show •Historical Tourpass •Daily Meals •Snacks/beverages •Hourly rate $9.14 due at time of drop off. You may reserve an amout of hours to be used throughout your stay. Subject to availability. •One time registration fee of $20.00 due at initial drop off. •Daily Meals •Snacks/beverages •Historical Tour Trip pass •Activities Folder 4 hour minumum Our programs are managed by professionals with backgrounds in education, family and social services, counseling, youth coaching, and childcare. Many of our staff have worked in their fields for years, and are all experienced care providers or youth leaders. Everyone on our staff, including management, has been background checked. We can provide a wide variety of certifications and qualifications, as well as bilingual program staff. BLUE PRINTS CONVENTION & EVENTS CHILDCARE 8667652620 \ \ 1 Registration and Fee Schedule Blue Prints Convention & Events Child Care Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated Centennial Celebration July 16, 2014- July 20, 2014 Wardman Park , Marriot - Washington, DC Evening session 6pm-12am Wednesday 7pm-1am Thursday-Saturday Registration status Registered Ages 3-18 $50.00 Daily Register Walk-Ins (3 hour min)Subject availability $9.14 Hourly Registration Fee Refund $10.00(Does not apply to children who are registered for day sessions) 100% $20.00 No Refund Evening events must be reserved per day at the daily rate. Space is limited. Source: BPCEC Management Register for childcare during the evening event of your choice. Registered Attendees who register prior to cut off May 10, 2014 Walk Ins with No registration •Select the evening event that you will attend, reserve your childcare. •Childcare from 6pm12am Wednesday. •Childcare from 7pm-1am Thursday-Saturday •Snacks/beverages •Hourly rate $9.14 due at time of drop off. You may reserve an amout of hours to be used throughout your stay. Subject to availability. •One time registration fee of $20.00 due at initial drop off. •Snacks/beverages 3 hour minumum . •Opening Ceremony & Gospel Concert featuring Pastor Shirley Ceasar & Dr. Bobby Jones •Centennial Step Show Competition/Concerts •MAZE featuring Frankie Beverly Concert •Centennial Grand Orchid Blue-Tie Ball Our evening programs will consist of movies, activity hour, team building, and free play. We’ve got the entertainment, games, and activities 100% dialed in for every age group. The kids are going to have as much fun as the adult guests, and they’re not going to want to leave! BLUE PRINTS CONVENTION & EVENTS CHILDCARE 8667652620 \ \ 1 Blue Prints Convention & Event Child Care July 16-July 20, 2014 REGISTRATION FORM PARTICIPANT INFORMATION Last Name: Gender: Female First Name: Male Sigma Beta: Yes No (circle) Age: _ ___________ T-Shirt Size____________ Hotel where you are staying:_________________________ Rm. #________________ Parent email: Please list ADA Accommodations needed: ______ Parent name(s): __________________________________________ Available number during the day: Alternate number: ___________ May we text you: Yes No (circle) Person’s Authorized to pick up child:________________________________________________ (Please provide a copy of their ID) Other Dismissal Arrangements______________________________________________________________________ Emergency contact*: _______Relationship: Phone: Specify any of your child’s health problems: Is your child on any medication? No Yes If so, please specify: Payments: Tuition may be paid credit card, money order, paypal, or chapter check only. NO personal checks. Make the check payable to: BPCEC, LLC. In the memo line put child’s name (individual) or chapter name of Sigma Beta club (group) Mail Payments to: BPCEC, LLC. P.O. Box 44944 Fort Washington, MD 20749 Registration status Registered(Ages 3-18) Registration Fee Refund Pre-registered (before 4.24.14) $25.14 Daily* $10.00 100% Late Registration (after 4.24.14) $35.14 Daily* $15.00 50% Walk-Ins (4 hour min) $9.14 Hourly* $20.00 No Refund All pre-registered attendees must pay for all days at time of registration. *Per child Refunds: Requests have to made in writing via email to by June 1, 2014 for consideration. Contact Information For more information, contact Nicole Butler-Talley, Registration Coordinator at 1-866-765-2620 ext. 6 Email: SIGNATURE OF PARENT OR GUARDIAN DATE DROP OFF AND PICK UP TIMES Drop off time: 7:00am for all pre-registered children 7:30am to 9:00am drop-in window Pick up time: 5:00pm for all children 4 hours after drop off for drop-in children (unless extra hours arranged) A $1 fee will be charged for every minute late after a 10 minute courtesy wait. Pay in cash only DROP-OFF SERVICE (EVENING HOURS) Times: 6:00pm to Midnight on 7/16/14; 7:00pm to 1:00am on 7/17-19/14 Hourly rate without pre-registration; 3 hour minimum Pre-register; $50 per event/child; Savings of 5% for each event! Snacks and Activities are included Space subject to availability REQUIRES PARENT’S SIGNATURE: You have our permission, in the event of an emergency and in case we are unavailable, to authorize any physician, nurse practitioner or medical personnel to examine, interview, test and if necessary, treat my child(ren)_______________________________________________ as they may deem advisable. Parent/Legal guardian Signature_____________________________________________Date_______________ Student Allergies________________________________________________________________ Student Medical Problems_______________________________________________________________ Doctor______________________________Phone number____________________________________ Insurance carrier______________________Policy number______________________________________ I hereby give permission to Blue Prints Convention & Event Child Care LLC., to photograph and/or videotape the child(ren) for educational or promotional purposes. ________ (Initial) PARENT STATEMENT I hereby state that (child(ren) name(s)) ________________________________________________________ is in good mental and physical health condition to participate in the activities provided by BPCEC LLC. I am fully aware that any activity involving motion, height or athletic activity creates the possibility of serious injury. I hereby release BPCEC LLC., its employee and its staff from liability to the above named child(ren), of the person claiming through him/her, arising from injury to the person or property of the above named child(ren) occurring in the premises of BPCEC LLC., and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., including any event sponsored or sanctioned by BPCEC LLC., and or travel to and from such activities. I understand that BPCEC LLC., has the right to deny admittance to any student not meeting the standards of the program as it sees fit. I also agree not to hold these parties responsible in the event that my son/daughter/child engages in inappropriate conduct (including, but not limited to disruptive or volatile behavior in or out of camp, etc.) or becomes involved in any activity or with any persons not associated with BPCEC LLC., or its scheduled program and that BPCEC LLC., has the right to send him/her home for inappropriate conduct. I further attest that the information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. In addition, I have agreed to the policy and fee statement and agree to comply. Parent Signature_____________________________________________Date___________ Authorization for Credit Card Use PRINT AND COMPLETE THIS AUTHORIZATION AND RETURN TO: Blue Prints Convention & Event Childcare, LLC. P.O. Box 44944 Fort Washington, MD 20749 Or Fax: 1-866-233-4447 Name on Card: ___________________________________________ Billing Address: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Credit Card Type: _____ Visa _____ Mastercard ____ Discover ____ AmEx Credit Card Number: _______________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ___________________________________________ Card Identification Number: ______ (last 3 digits located on the back of the credit card) Amount to Charge: $ ________________ (USD) *Please refer to fee schedule I authorize Blue Prints Convention & Event Child Care, LLC. to charge the amount listed above to the credit card provided herein. I agree to pay for this purchase in accordance with the issuing bank cardholder agreement. Cardholder – Please Sign and Date Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________ Print Name: ___________________________________________ (866)-765-2620 Hours of Operation Office Hours Daily from 10:00am to 12:00 noon & 3:00pm to 4:00pm Wednesday July 16, 2014 Thursday July 17, 2014 7:00 am-Open for preregistrant check-in 7:00 am-Open for preregistrant check-in 7:30am-9:00am Open for drop-in care 7:30am-9:00am Open for drop-in care 4:30pm-5:00pm- Pick up for all 4:30pm-5:00pm- Pick for all 5:00pm-5:45pm closed 5:00pm-6:45pm closed 6:00pm-Open for evening drop-in care 7:00pm-Open for evening drop-in care 12midnight- Closed 1:00am- Closed Friday July 18, 2014 7:00 am-Open for pre-registrant checkin 7:30am-9:00am Open for drop-in care 4:30pm-5:00pm- Pick for all 5:00pm-6:45pm closed 7:00pm-Open for evening drop-in care Saturday July 19, 2014 Sunday July 20, 2014 7:00 am-Open for preregistrant check-in 9:00 am-Open for preregistrant check-in 7:30am-9:00am Open for drop-in care 9:30am-10:00am Open for drop-in care 4:30pm-5:00pm-Pick for all 1:30pm-2:30pm- Pick for all 5:00pm-6:45pm closed 2:30pm closed 7:00pm-Open for evening drop-in care 1:00am- Closed 1:00am- Closed Daily schedule At-A-Glance 7:30am 8:00am-10:00am 8:00am-9:00am 9:05am-9:15am 9:15am-10:15am 10:20am-12:00noon 12:00noon-1:00pm 1:00pm-3:00pm 3:00pm-3:10pm 3:15pm-4:00pm 4:00pm-5:00pm 5:00pm-5:30pm 5:30pm-6:00pm 6:00pm-7:00pm 7:00pm Open for pre-registrants Open for drop-in care Breakfast Bathroom Break Arts/Crafts Games/Free play/Outside Lunch/Bathroom Field Trip/Off-site Bathroom Break Step Clinic practice/Dance practice/Athletic Activity Free Play/Off-site Dinner Parent Pickup Closed Open for evening service *Schedule is subject to flexibility of Centennial Events 8660765-2620 REGI STRATI ON FEEFORPREREGI STERED ATTENDEESONLY.LATEREGI STRANTS,PLEASESEETHEFEESCHEDULEAT: