Processing Lines - Primetals Technologies Japan, Ltd.
Processing Lines - Primetals Technologies Japan, Ltd.
Primetals Technologies Japan, Ltd. A joint venture of Siemens, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Partners Tokyo office: Shintamachi Bldg. 34-6, Shiba 5-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014, Japan Phone: +81-3-5765-5231 Hiroshima Works: 6-22, Kanonshin-Machi, 4-Chome, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima 733-8553, Japan Phone: +81-82-291-2181 Brochure No. : June 2015/T08-0-N071-L4-P-V1-EN Printed in Japan © 2015 Primetals Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved. PROCESSING LINES The information (including, e.g., figures and numbers) provided in this document contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of performance based on estimates and assumptions which have not been verified. It is no representation, does not constitute and/or evidence a contract or an offer to enter into a contract to any extent and is not binding upon the parties. Any obligation to provide and/or demonstrate respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of the contract. These estimates and assumptions have to be analyzed on a caseto-case basis and might change as a result of further product development. Primetals Technologies excludes any liability whatsoever under or in connection with any provided information, estimates and assumptions. The provided information, estimates and assumptions shall be without prejudice to any possible future offer and/or contract. Any use of information provided by Primetals Technologies to the recipient shall be subject to applicable confidentiality obligations and for the own convenience of and of the sole risk of the recipient. A MHMM Rolling Technology Printed by Fuji Xerox Service Link Co., Ltd. CONTINUOUS PROCESSING LINES CREATIVELY FLEXIBLE TECHNOLOGIES PTJ’s processing lines 1. Continuous pickling line (PL) R i BoxO pickling tank Jet pickling tank Shallow bath pickling tank 2. Continuous galvanizing line (CGL) High quality CGL for automobile application Small or middle range compact CGL 3. Continuous annealing line (CAL) High speed tin plate CAL Sheet CAL Double duty CAL for tin and sheet 4. Annealing and pickling line for stainless steel Combination of : Salt bath tank, ... to increase product quality, conserve energy, Neutral salt electrical pickling tank, reduce labor costs, boost output, Nitric acid electrolytic pickling tank, achieve greater efficiency and raise overall productivity. Mix acid pickling tank Over the past 50 years, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Hitachi, have individually worked with the world’s steel industry supplying advanced technologies, increasing production and improving quality. In the face of increased global competition, the steel industry divisions of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Hitachi joined on October 2, 2000 and established a joint venture to provide superior service and products. Primetals Technologies Japan, Ltd. (PTJ) has massive experience in the processing lines. PTJ’s processing lines meet various customers’ requirements for product quality, energy savings, automation, etc. 1 2 CONTINUOUS PICKLING LINE (PL) TECHNOLOGIES Suppliy Capabilities and Features - Primetals Technologies Japan, Ltd. (PTJ) has supplied a total 76 continuous pickling lines since 1955 to customers worldwide. R pickling tank serves the - 37-KDVVHYHUDOW\SHVRISLFNOLQJWDQNVWRPHHWFXVWRPHU VUHTXLUHPHQWV6SHFL´FDOO\WKHQHZHVWiBoxO same pickling performance as jet tank, and saves energy without a ciruclation pump. - Reliable equipment achieves stable operation. PTJ has numerous patented and original equipment as the following. Loop Car i BoxOR Tank Automatic Coil Charging System Jet Tank Side Trimmer Pay-off Reel Coil Opener Processor Rinse Tank Polypropylene Pickling Tank Entry Section Equipment Tension Leveller 3 Flying Shear Delivery Equipment 4 PICKLING TANK TECHNOLOGIES 1. Introduction 3. Various PTJ pickling tank technologies In the ´HOGV of DXWRPRELOHV DQG HOHFWULFDO KRXVHKROGDSSOLDQFHV 3.1 Shallow bath pickling tank Main Stream Low & HCI High concentration & HCI concentration distribution 1) HCL aqueous Solution & FRVWVEHFDXVHRILWVLQWDQNKHDWH[FKDQJHUWKDWGRHVQRWUHTXLUH YLHZSRLQWRITXDOLW\DQGSURGXFWLYLW\7RPHHWWKLVWUHQG DFLUFXODWLRQKHDWLQJV\VWHP7KHERXQGDU\´OPVRIWKHDFLG VWHHOPDNHUVDUHH[SDQGLQJWKHSURGXFWLRQRIXOWUDORZFDUERQ VROXWLRQRQWKHVWULSVXUIDFHVDUHEURNHQE\WKHLQWHUPHGLDWH VWHHORUKLJKWHQVLOHVWHHOEXWVLQFHWKLVVWHHOUHTXLUHVSLFNOLQJ ZHLUVDQGUROOVUHVXOWLQJLQLPSURYHGSLFNOLQJHIIHFW 3.2 Jet pickling tank HIIHFWLVRSHUDWLRQVVORZHGWRWR+HQFHLWKDVEHHQ 3) Fe3O4+Fe2++8HCl̔4FeCl2+4H2O Fe3 O4 7KH37-6KDOORZEDWKWDQNUHGXFHVUXQQLQJDQGPDLQWHQDQFH VWHHORUKLJKWHQVLOHVWHHOZLWKH[FHOOHQWSURFHVVDELOLW\IURPWKH JHQHUDOVWHHOLQWKHFRQYHQWLRQDOGHHSEDWKSLFNOLQJWDQNWKH Boundary Layer σ Scale Layer VWULSVUHFHQWO\WKHUHLVLQFUHDVLQJGHPDQGIRUXOWUDORZFDUERQ WLPHGHVFDOLQJWLPHRIDERXWWZRRUWKUHHWLPHVWKDWRI 2) C' ZKLFKKDYHEHHQWKHSULQFLSDOFRQVXPHUVRIFROGUROOHGVWHHO Fe3 O4 Fe3 O4 GLI´FXOWWRLQFUHDVHSURGXFWLRQRXWSXW 7KH37--HWSLFNOLQJWDQNFDQUHGXFHWKHSLFNOLQJWLPH 7R VROYH WKLV SUREOHP in UHSODFLQJ the FRQYHQWLRQDO SLFNOLQJ GHVFDOLQJWLPHE\WRRIWKHFRQYHQWLRQDO PHWKRG it LV QHFHVVDU\ to GHYHORS a new PHWKRG that GHHSEDWKSLFNOLQJWDQN7KHDFLGVROXWLRQLV´OOHGLQWR HIIHFWLYHO\ to VKRUWHQV the SLFNOLQJ time DQG LV FDSDEOH of WKHER[DUHDE\WKHMHWVHDOQR]]OHVZKHUHDUHEHIRUH WUHDWLQJ VWULSV at KLJK VSHHG 7R meet WKLV UHTXLUHPHQW DQGDIWHUER[DUHD,QWKHER[DUHDWKHERXQGDU\OD\HU 3ULPHWDOV7HFKQRORJLHV-DSDQ/WG37-GHYHORSHGQHZER[ LVWKLQQHUWKDQVKDOORZEDWKWDQN SLFNOLQJWDQNV\VWHPV 7RPHHWRXUFXVWRPHU’VUHTXLUHPHQW37- Base Metal Fe %DVH0DWHULDO)H FDQRIIHUWKUHHW\SHVSLFNOLQJWDQNV Fe̔Fe2++2e2H++2e-̔H2̓ )H2+&O̔)H&O+2 )H2)H+&,̔)H&,+2 )LJ3LFNOLQJUHDFWLRQDQG+&,FRQFHQWUDWLRQGLVWULEXWLRQ 2. Pickling theory R pickling tank 3.3 i BoxO 2.1 Dominant factors in pickling section R 7KH37-iBoxO WDQNLVWKHQHZHVWDQGPRVWDGYDQFHGER[SLFNOLQJ 5HIHULQJ´UVWWRWKHSLFNOLQJUHDFWLRQUHDFWLRQWKHRU\LVH[SODLQHGEHORZE\VKRZLQJDW\SLFDOFDVHRISLFNOLQJLQ+&ODTXHRXVVROXWLRQ WDQN(YHQLIDFLUFXODWLRQKHDWLQJV\VWHPLVQRWLQVWDOOHGWKH 7KHSLFNOLQJUHDFWLRQPD\EHFRQVLGHUHGWREHFRPSRVHGRIWKHIROORZLQJWKUHHSURFHVVHVDVVKRZQLQ)LJ SLFNOLQJHIIHFWLVVLPLODUWRWKH37--HWSLFNOLQJWDQN 6XSSO\RI+&OIURPWKHPDLQVWUHDPRI+&ODTXHRXVVROXWLRQLQWKHSLFNOLQJWDQNLQWRWKHERXQGDU\OD\HU R FDQEHLQVWDOOHGLQDFRQYHQWLRQDOGHHSEDWKWDQNE\ $QGWKH iBoxO 6XSSO\RI+&ORQWRWKHVFDOHVXUIDFHDQGLQWRFUDFNVWKURXJKWKHERXQGDU\OD\HUE\PROHFXODUGLIIXVLRQ VLPSOHPRGL´FDWLRQ7KHUHIRUHWKHWDQNLVVXLWDEOHIRUWKH &KHPLFDOUHDFWLRQDWWKHVFDOHLQWHUIDFH PRGL´FDWLRQRIH[LVWLQJSLFNOLQJWDQNV &RPSDULQJWKHVHFRQGDQGWKHWKLUGSURFHVVWKHUHDFWLRQUDWHLVVXI´FLHQWO\IDVWWKHPDVVWUDQVIHUDWWKHERXQGDU\OD\HULQWKHVHFRQG SURFHVVPDLQO\GRPLQDWHVWKHSLFNOLQJUHDFWLRQ 200 2.2 Promoting a means for pickling reaction Conventional deep bath pickling tank 6LQFHLWLVDPDVVGLIIXVLRQSURFHVVWKURXJKWKHERXQGDU\OD\HU IRUPHGRQWKHVWHHOVWULSVXUIDFHRIWKHWUHDWHGPDWHULDOWKDW PTJ Shallow bath pickling tank PDLQO\GRPLQDWHVWKHSLFNOLQJUHDFWLRQWRSURPRWHWKHSLFNOLQJ SURFHVV 7RHQFRXUDJHWKHUHDFWLRQWKHERXQGDU\OD\HUWKLFNQHVVPXVW EHUHGXFHG37-LQGHSHQGHQWO\GHYHORSHGWKHWKUHHW\SHVRI SLFNOLQJWDQNV7KHERXQGDU\OD\HUWKLFNQHVVDFKLHYHGE\HDFK WDQNLVVKRZQLQ)LJDQGLWLQFUHDVHVLQWKHFRQYHQWLRQDO GHHSEDWKPHWKRGDVWKHVWULSSDVVHVWKURXJKWKHWDQN Boundary Layer Thickness σ [mm] UHDFWLRQLWLVQHFHVVDU\WRDFFHOHUDWHWKHPDVVWUDQVIHULQWKLV 150 R PTJ i BoxO pickling tank PTJ Jet pickling tank R pickling tank (modification from an existing conventional deep-bath tank) 3.4 i BoxO R 7KHi BoxO SLFNOLQJWDQNLVVXLWDEOHIRUPRGL´FDWLRQRIH[LVWLQJ 100 FRQYHQWLRQDOGHHSEDWKWDQNV7KLVVLPSOHPRGL´FDWLRQFDQ DFKLHYHDQLPSURYHPHQWRISLFNOLQJVSHHG 50 +RZHYHUVLQFHWKH37-VKDOORZEDWKW\SHHPSOR\VGDPVDQG Strip UROOVWKHWKLFNQHVVRIWKHERXQGDU\OD\HUGRHVQRWLQFUHDVHDV Upper cover (new) Roll (new) Lower cover (new) R W\SHDQG-HWSLFNOLQJ PXFKDVLQWKHGHHSEDWKOLQH,QWKH iBoxO W\SHWKHWKLFNQHVVRIWKHERXQGDU\OD\HULVGHWHUPLQHGE\WKH JDSYDOXHRIWKHGDPDQGUHPDLQVDOPRVWFRQVWDQWDQGGRHV QRWLQFUHDVH 0 0 5 10 15 20 Distance from Entrance of Bath L [m] )LJ%RXQGDU\OD\HUWKLFNQHVVIRUHDFKW\SHRISLFNOLQJWDQN 5 No.1 Acid tank No.2 Acid tank No.3 Acid tank No.4 Acid tank Skid (new) 6 CONTINUOUS GALVANIZING LINE TECHNOLOGIES Capabilities and Features - Primetals Technologies Japan, Ltd. (PTJ) has supplied a total 49 CGLs since 1955 for customers in Japan, Korea, Taiwan and the United States. - PTJ is one of a few steel plant manufacturers in the world which performs in-house design and manufacturing of all processing components which construct a continuous galvanizing line, such as the entry section, furnace, galvanizing system, skin-pass mill, tension leveller, chemical treatment, and exit section. - PTJZLOOSURSRVHµH[LEOHFRQ´JXUDWLRQVDQGHTXLSPHQWVSHFL´FDWLRQVLQRUGHUWRSURYLGHWKHRSWLPDOV\VWHPVWKDWZLOOPHHWFXVWRPHUV GHPDQGV - )OH[LELOLW\LQ/LQHDQG(TXLSPHQW'HVLJQ ,QKRXVHHQJLQHHULQJZRUNIRUFXVWRPGHVLJQHGHTXLSPHQWHQDEOHVµH[LEOHOLQHDUUDQJHPHQWDQGHTXLSPHQWGHVLJQWRPHHWFXVWRPHUV QHHGVDQG H[SHFWRUDYDLODEOHZLWKHLWKHU9HUWLFDORU+RUL]RQWDO/RRSHUV9HUWLFDORU+RUL]RQWDO&OHDQLQJ7DQNV9HUWLFDORU+RUL]RQWDO$QQHDOLQJ)XUQDFH +LJK'HJUHHRI/LQH$XWRPDWLRQ $XWRPDWHGFRLODQGVWULSKDQGOLQJ/RRSHUFRQWURO3UHFOHDQHUFRQWURO$QQHDOLQJIXUQDFHFRQWURO&RDWLQJZHLJKWFRQWURO&RROLQJFRQWURO Skin Pass Mill 6NLQSDVVPLOOUROOLQJIRUFHFRQWURO7HQVLRQOHYHOOHUHORQJDWLRQFRQWURO5ROOFRDWHUFRQWURO6LGHWULPPHUFRQWURO(OHFWURVWDWLFRLOLQJFRQWURO Horizontal Roll Coaters Instrumentation and more. Vertical Roll Coaters After Pot Cooling Radiant Tube Burners in Heating Section Tension Leveller GFG Roll Coater Side Trimmer Scrap Baller Cooling Equipment Entry Section "Y" Equipment "G" Equipment Strip Stabilizer-Air Knife Tension Reel (Carrousel Type) GFG Oiler Vertical Furnace 7 L-Shaped Furnace Zinc Pot Pot (YG) Equipment ("Y": Air Wiper, "G": Pot Rolls) 8 PTJ’S FURNACE TECHNOLOGIES A Long-time Furnace Supplier to the Steel industry Cooling Technology For more than 40 years, PTJ has supplied vertical and horizontal furnaces to the steel Accelerated gas jet cooling equipment utilizing slit-type gas-jet industry, responding to customer requests for higher production capacity, greater energy nozzles realizes uniform and rapid cooling of the steel strip in the savings, extended equipment lifetime, etc. furnace. Recently, higher cooling speeds (˫/s) have become necessary as Heating and cooling are key technologies for furnace equipment. the production of high-tensile steel increases to meet Also, thanks to the long-term experience supplying furnaces, environmental demands. PTJ has accumulated know-how to handle high-temperature steel strip in the furnace. PTJ has supplied: 22 furnaces for Continuous Annealing Line (CAL) 6 furnaces for Continuous Galvanizing Line (CGL) Accelerated Gas Jet Cooling Equipment 20 furnaces for other lines, such as APL, annealing line for silicone steel, etc. Type of furnaces PTJ has supplied are: Other cooling equipment can also be applied in accordance - Vertical Furnace with the process requirement: - Horizontal Furnace L-Shaped Annealing Furnace - L-shaped Furnace, which is a combination of vertical and horizontal - Roll Cooling Equipment - Rotary Hearth Furnace - Roll and Gas Jet Combined Cooling Equipment (Cooling roll and auxiliary gas jet) - Conventional Gas Jet Cooling Equipment - Fog Cooling Equipment Heating Technology - Water Cooling Equipment For most annealing furnaces for steel strip, indirect heating is utilized to prevent oxidization of the strip surface during the heating process. For this purpose, the radiant-tube heating furnace has been our choice. Design and selection of radiant-tube materials and also radiant-tube burners are Auxiliary Gas Jet for Roll Cooling FDUHIXOO\SHUIRUPHGE\37-FRQVLGHULQJHQHUJ\HI´FLHQF\LQLWLDOFRVWDQGOLIHWLPH DVZHOODVHQYLURQPHQWDOUHTXLUHPHQWVVXFKDV12[HPLVVLRQOHYHOVLQWKHµXHJDV Other features for furnace design, strip transportation, etc. Modular design of the furnace Radiant Tube Heating Vertical Furnace can be applied as needed, Strip transportation in the furnace is another key for easy installation aspect of the furnace design. at the site. 3URSHUSUR´OHGHVLJQIRUVWDEOHRSHUDWLRQZLOOEH applied to furnace rolls. )RUVSHFLDOSXUSRVHDSSOLFDWLRQVµRDWHUVZLOOEH For the purpose of Direct Firing of the steel strip, MID* burner has been applied to transfer strip without contacting the rolls. developed by PTJ. 7KHEXUQHUµDPHDQGKLJKWHPSHUDWXUHµXHJDVZLOOGLUHFWO\LPSLQJH the strip without oxidizing the surface realizing high speed heating compared to the indirect heating method. *: PTJ impinging Deoxidizing Burner Modular design for Horizontal furnace MID Burner and the Burner Flame Floater for strip transportation without rolls 9 10 PTJ NON-CONTACT STRIP STABILIZER PTJ Non-Contact type Strip Stabilizer is an electro magnetic damping system for reduction of the strip vibration amplitude and Performance Features simultaneous correction of the strip shape, such as cross-bow, with high processing speed, resulting in improvement of uniformity of zinc coating weight in hot-dip galvanizing lines. Reduce Strip Vibration Amplitude 37-1RQ&RQWDFW6WULS6WDELOL]HUDOORZVWKHµH[LEOHGHVLJQIRULQVWDOODWLRQRQWKHH[LVWLQJZLSLQJXQLWZLWKWKHPLQRUPRGL´FDWLRQLQ The left actual measured data on the left shows addition to complete integrated unit with PTJ wiping unit. dramatic reduction of the strip vibration amplitude GRZQWROHVVWKDQPPLQVWHDGRIDSSUR[ Electromagnets on both sides of the strip, installed in two (2) separate housings, are the core of the Strip Stabilizer. 7mm before application of stabilizer. Accordingly the gap between the running strip and wiping nozzle can be continuously stabilized and Wiping Unit minimized, resulting to light zinc coating weight at Typical Application 1) Strip Thickness 2) Strip Width 3) Material 4) Process Speed 5) Strip Tension : : : : : higher process strip speed. 0.3 to 4.5mm 600 to 1,850mm Zn, Al gal. steel Up to 200mpm 0.6 to 2.5 kgf/mm2 Strip Stabilizer Correct Strip Shape Function Principle The actual measured data on the right shows The strip positioning is implemented by individual control of the attractive force of each electromagnet according to the measured distance using a distance sensor. dramatic correction of the strip cross-bow down to less than +/-1.0mmP-P from +/-6.0mmP-P. Accordingly, easy and safety adjustment of pot Two (2) units, consisting each of two (2) electromagnets sandwiching the distance VHQVRUDQGSRVLWLRQHGRQRSSRVLWHVLGHRIWKHVWULSFRPSRVHD[LV %\ORFDWLQJSOXUDOD[HVWKHUHGXFWLRQRIVWULSYLEUDWLRQDQGFRUUHFWLRQRIFURVVERZDUH rolls and wiping unit can be implemented, and longer maintenance intervals of the pot equipment can be realized. implemented at the same time. Electromagnet Strip Stabilizer “OFF” Control Uniformity of Zinc Coating Weight Actual measured record shows “Improvement of zinc coating deviation of 2g/m2 at 1-sigma”for target coating weight of 49g/m2 instead of the previous Strip Stabilizer “ON” deviation of 6։8g/m2. Dramatic improvement of zinc coating uniformity and Anti-Heat Protector Function Capability 11 Distance Sensor reduced zinc consumption are possible in accordance with this function. P-P Stable Strip Vibration 5HGXFHGGRZQOHVVWKDQRI0D[PP Correct Strip Shape $OORZDEOHFURVVERZYDOXHIRUFRUUHFWLRQRIPPDWWKLFNPP[ZLGWKPP Force of Magnet : 15 kgf/each (at thick 0.8mm) 12 PTJ SIDE TRIMMER PTJ TENSION LEVELLER Turret Side trimmer Tension Leveller FEATURES Typical PTJ tension levellers have the capability for shape High Accuracy correction and improvement of strip surface condition after - High-stiffness trimmer housing and knife support hot-dipped galvanizing, and PTJ scale break levellers have the - Trimmer entry dual steering rolls FDSDELOLW\RIVXI´FLHQWVFDOHEUHDNLQJIRUDFFHOHUDWLQJSLFNOLQJ - Precision knife lap and clearance setting time in addition to shape correction for hot rolled strip in the High Quality Production pickling process. - Automatic knife lap and clearance setting (Pre-set by Level-2) Ease and safe of Maintenance - Quick knife changing operation at non-trimming side Individual Driving System PTJ provides excellent elongation control accuracy by using an individual driving system for the bridle rolls, resulting in reduction of running costs FWC (Flying width change) Side trimmer and improvement of maintainability by means of the developed electrical equipment and elongation control. FEATURES In addition to the Basic Features of Turret Head Side Trimmers, Flying Width Change Function Tension Leveller (Scale Breaker) for PL - Automatically changes trimmed width while line is running Line Stop for Width Change is NOT required! Circular knives trim strip of different widths smoothly as the trimmer housings rotate and traverse to the new trimmed width. Thus FWC Side Trimmer can change the trimming width without line stop. Pattern1 Tension Leveller for CGL Pattern3 Typical Change of Trimming Width Tension Leveller Typical Configuration Change from Untrimmed Strip to Trimmed Strip only for spindle drive type PTJ tension leveller upper roll cassettes have unique function to rotate the upper cassette using the lever for Roll Changing Device Upper Cassette Turning Device roll changing. After pulling upper cassette by roll changing car, operator can rotate any upper cassette using the lever Weld Point Weld Point and change work rolls easily and safely without other tools. Pattern2 Pattern4 Change from Trimmed Strip to Untrimmed Strip only for Trimming along Notched Portion spindle drive type Tension Leveller Roll Cassette Change Weld Point 13 Weld Point 14