Speaking Up - Cornwall Rural Community Charity


Speaking Up - Cornwall Rural Community Charity
Health and Wellbeing Service
The voice of people with emotional and mental health issues,
and their carers, across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
Summer 2015
Front cover: painting by Ann Grimes
CRCC’s Health and Wellbeing Service is an independent service,
commissioned by NHS Kernow to be the voice of people in Cornwall with
emotional and mental health issues.
We help people to have a say about their care, treatment and quality of life when
receiving public-funded health and social care services. We listen to people’s
experiences of these services and use this to influence improvements in service
provision. Much of our work utilises the skills and experiences of our volunteers
to collect this feedback.
In this issue...
Health and Wellbeing Service
2 Princes Street
Tel: 01872 243532
Email: healthandwellbeing@cornwallrcc.org.uk
Web: www.cornwallrcc.org.uk/health-wellbeing
We hope you like the changes we’ve
made - by all means please tell us if
there’s anything else you’d like to see
featured or if we can do more to
improve its overall look. If you’d like
to comment, our survey is available at:
We’ve also listened to feedback from w w w . s u r v e y m o n k e y . c o m / r /
our readers who asked for softer speakingupmagazine
text, information on mental health or contact us using the details above.
campaigns, and information on
If you’d like to contribute an article,
different mental health diagnoses.
photo, story, etc, for our December
We have also added details of carers issue, please can we have submissions
groups to our self-help and support by Friday 6 November 2015
group pages, which we hope will be
useful to some of you.
We’ve made some changes to our
Speaking Up magazine to reflect the
need to make it clearer who we are
now that the magazine is available
more widely than before.
Updates on our work p4-13
Carers Week events p14
Healthwatch Cornwall report p16
Promas courses p19, 35, 46
Hear Our Voice p20
Mental health campaigns p34
DC’s Trek West p36
Body Dysmorphic Disorder p40
Speaking Up magazine is produced
by CRCC’s Health and Wellbeing
Service and printed by Polpentre
Print, Liskeard.
H4C Community Club p44
Editor: Nicki Sweeney
“We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails” Anon
Health and Wellbeing Service - Volunteers and Mental Health
Service User and Carer Engagement Work
The Health and Wellbeing Service
at CRCC is commissioned by NHS
Kernow to be the voice of people with
emotional and mental health issues
and their carers across Cornwall and
the Isles of Scilly.
We work in a unique way across
the county, supporting a network of
volunteers who often offer a ‘lived
experience’ perspective on a range of
issues. Our volunteers can represent
the wider mental health patient
community and their carers and can
influence the development of key
pieces of work undertaken by health
This quarter we have welcomed three
new volunteers to the service, secured
volunteer places on 22 different
training events and our volunteers
have contributed a mighty 154 hours
Below are some examples of our
volunteer work:
External Strategy Group
involvement in strategic meetings
with both Cornwall Partnership NHS
Foundation Trust (CFT) and NHS
Kernow, including the Mental Health
Board, the Expert Reference Group
(and its sub-group on physical health),
the External Stakeholder Group and
the Mental Health Provider Forum.
Mental Health Training
Volunteers have also delivered some
mental health awareness training to
medical staff at RCHT and we have
plans in place to develop further
training for CFT work experience
students in July 2015. Feedback on
training has so far been very positive
and this is an area that we are hoping
to develop further.
External Recruitment
We are also working closely with
CFT to expand service user and
carer involvement in recruitment (and
recruitment training) within the trust.
This will involve developing training
for our volunteers in recruitment,
participating in the design and delivery
of training for current CFT staff on the
value and role of engaging service
users and carers and commenting
on CFT’s draft policy for this effect.
We recently supported one of our
volunteers at an all-day CFT team
recruitment event. Feedback from
CFT and the volunteers was extremely
positive and we are working hard to
develop this further.
Zero Suicide Collaborative
At the invitation of CFT, we have also
been supporting our volunteers to
take part in the South West Strategic
Clinical Networks (SWSCN) Zero
events in both Bristol and Truro,
feedback to our involvement so far
has been extremely positive and we
are hoping that CRCC will continue to
really impact on the local collaborative.
For more information or to follow the
work of the collaborative: http://www.
Smoking and Mental Health Summit
Three people from the Health
and Wellbeing Service attended
the Smoking and Mental Health
Summit held at Bridgwater on the
24th February. The event was very
interesting and videos shown on the
day are available at:
Smoking and Mental Health Summit
Volunteering with us
Our volunteers really are at the heart
of our service and are involved in
many more areas such as inpatient
visiting, training, mental health and
carer grant panels, to name a few. If
you would like to know more about
volunteering with us please contact
Jane Yeomans, Volunteer Lead on
07715 799395 for an informal chat or
look at our website to find out more and
download an application form: http://
Health and Wellbeing Grants
Grant: for year April 2014-March
Individual Empowerment Grant
Mental Health Group Grant
Carers Group Grant
Carers Wellbeing Grant (Orgs)
Dementia Group Grant
No of successful
Total amount
Dementia Service Grant (Orgs)
Individual Carers Grant
Grants available
Group Carers Time Out Grant
This grant enables new or established
self-help groups to apply for up to
£1000 to pay for group running costs
e.g. venue hire, guest speakers or
Grants of up to £750 are available
to groups of unpaid, informal carers
to pay for an activity that gives them
a break from their caring role, e.g.
spa day, trip to a local National Trust
Garden or a trip to the theatre.
Groups must consist of and directly
benefit people with emotional and/
or mental health issues, have a
minimum of 4 members and be based
in Cornwall.
Groups must have a minimum of 2
people, can include the cared-for and
the activity must take place in Cornwall.
Application deadlines are:
22 May 2015
14 August 2015
23 October 2015
15 January 2016
22 May 2015
14 August 2015
13 November 2015
22 January 2016
Application deadlines are:
Individual Carers Grant
Grants of between £50 and £150
are available to people who care
for another person, unpaid, to pay
for activities that help give them a
break from their caring role. Amounts
awarded vary according to level of
care provided by the individual.
Carers Wellbeing Grant
that may have members or clients
who are unpaid carers can apply for
up to £3000 per application, maximum
£5000 per year to pay for an activity
that gives carers a break from their
caring role.
There is no application deadline, Organisations or community groups
might be, for example, sports clubs,
applications are processed ongoing.
support or advice organisations, CICs,
Memory Café/Dementia Support
etc. The activity must benefit at least
Group Grant
12 carers and take place in Cornwall.
This grant enables Memory Cafés or
Dementia Support Groups in Cornwall
to apply for up to £600 to help pay
for running costs, training events or
activities that help promote the health
and wellbeing of people with dementia.
New groups can apply for an additional
£500 start-up fund too.
Application deadlines are:
22 May 2015
14 August 2015
23 October 2015
15 January 2016
Application deadlines are:
Any organisation that can provide a
service, activity or training event to
at least 10 memory cafés/dementia
support groups can apply for a grant
of up to £3000 to pay for this provision.
29 May 2015
31 July 2015
30 September 2015
13 November 2015
7 January 2016
19 February 2016
Dementia Provision Grant
The service or activity must help boost
the health and wellbeing of groups of
people with dementia in Cornwall and
Any organisation or community group organisations must not already be
Health and Wellbeing Service - Get FI+T
commissioned to provide this service.
Application deadlines are:
Carers Grant feedback
‘It was a tremendous benefit to us
both because it got us away from
what is a very stressful house at the
moment. Sadly Richard is in a very
critical mental state at the moment and
is being monitored. John is also very
stressed dealing with this pain in his
head since November, and I find it very
For all grants, application forms can be difficult to see him in pain. Something
completed online at www.cornwallrcc. I now appreciate, he has had to do for
the last 45 years with me though I do
try hard not to let it show.
You can also call our Grants
team on 01872 243532 or email ‘As you know we didn’t really feel we
grants@cornwallrcc.org.uk if you need qualified at first but now realise how
much the treat meant to us and our
an application form posted to you.
expectations were more than met. It
was just so lovely to have a massage
Individual Empowerment Grant because I would never have spent that
much money on myself and it made
CRCC regrets to advise that the me feel so relaxed, something no-one
Individual Empowerment Grant (IEG) has achieved before.
is currently suspended whilst NHS
Kernow consider how the grant fits with ‘John said he hadn’t been sure he
their personalisation agenda. At this wanted to go but admitted afterwards
point, as the current allocation of the that he had thoroughly enjoyed himself
grant money for April, May and June and he, too, very much appreciated the
has been apportioned, we are unable day. It allowed us to go home relaxed
to accept any further applications. We and pain free for a day, ready to carry
hope that by mid-June we will have a on our caring role
clearer picture of the future of the grant
‘Thank you again for a special time’
and will feed this out.
29 May 2015
31 July 2015
30 September 2015
13 November 2015
7 January 2016
19 February 2016
What a fantastic day at the Carnon them.
Downs Get Fit workshop on the 10th
I also used my culinary skills and
baked comic relief cakes and we
Amanda from Cornish Mutual arrived raised £35.00 for comic relief.
at 10.00 and was due to stay the
morning but asked if she could come If you would like to find out more,
back in the afternoon because she had please contact Jane Morgan at jane.
such a great morning she was bowled morgan@cornwallrcc.org.uk
over by the enthusiasm of the class or visit our website www.cornwallrcc.
and our help and patience in helping org.uk/getfit/
I had the pleasure of attending two computer training sessions held at the Hall on Tuesday, 10 March.
I was made most welcome and the atmosphere was amazing. Lots of smiling faces eager for the next stage
of their learning journey. I asked the ages of those that attend and was advised between 55 and 90!
Today’s sessions concentrated on emails; creating email addresses, sending and receiving. First of all to
support Comic Relief they had a bit of fun surfing the web looking at various videos clips and the history of
Comic Relief.
I was able to get very ‘hands on’ and help Jane and Jay but I must say at times I was challenged as they
were all using different software and devices but what an experience! I loved it.
Sue Felton, Chair CDVH Committee of Trustees is very keen to be able to continue to support
the valuable IT session and is currently looking at ways in which this can be achieved. It would
clearly be missed by all those that attend not only for the help in IT but also the friendships they
have built.
I left feeling very proud to have been invited to share a day with the team and knowing the little bit
of time I spent there made a difference so for Jane & Jay it must always be very rewarding. Well done!
Health and Wellbeing Service - Community Outreach
Conversations with families who
have been bereaved by suicide have
indicated that they would like more
support (e.g. counselling, GP support)
for much longer than is currently
available. Outlook South West offer
a Suicide Liaison Service (see p18 )
but this is only available for friends and
families up to 2 years after a person
Here are some of the main issues takes their life.
we’ve heard about.
Lots of comments across the county
Discharge from community mental from people who say they are
health services: lots of comments experiencing frequent changes of CPN
that people were discharged without (Community Psychiatric Nurse) due to
warning, the decision was taken staff sickness.
without their involvement and no
information was given about where Some people are saying they would like
else to get help or what to do if they to access respite care, e.g. Oakleigh
House, but this requires a referral from
became unwell again.
Cornwall Partnership NHS foundation a Community Mental Health Team.
Trust (CFT) have since put together If you’re not with a CMHT then this
a Discharge Information Pack and respite is not available.
created a support and information
session for people leaving their CFT’s Out of Hours service – some
suggestions (e.g. advising a female to
Some people who have attempted go for a walk late at night), not calling
suicide have said there was no follow- people back. One lady reported the
up support after discharge from person she spoke to complaining
about their job!
Healthwatch Cornwall are doing more
research around this topic to find out Several people said their GP surgery
if others have experienced the same operates a triage system whereby
to have a same-day appointment,
The Health and Wellbeing Service
has been out and about over the
last few months, visiting groups and
speaking with individuals about their
experiences of mental health services.
All feedback has been submitted to
Healthwatch Cornwall to help inform
their work.
you have to agree to a telephone
appointment first. If you happen to
miss the call you have to wait until the
following day before you can try again.
“My wife had counselling from Outlook
South West, which was brilliant.
However, she could only have six
sessions and this wasn’t enough, she
would have preferred a few more.
Although you can re-refer after 3
“I’ve been told that the GP will only try months or go to BeMe, there’s no
calling me back once, which is really continuity doing this and you have to
stressful...it can be hard getting to start over each time.” Penzance
speak to him.”Callington
“I’ve not been offered any support
“My GP has been wonderful. In my or help since being diagnosed with
caring role, the GP has been great. My Tourette’s. There doesn’t seem to
granddaughter has bipolar. I can get be anything available on the NHS.”
hold of my named GP any time easily. Penzance
The GP will offer long appointments
with my granddaughter and she can If you would like to comment on
really talk to him - he makes time. My mental health services, you can do
husband was depressed recently and so in the following ways:
he had a good chat with the surgery.
The GP is really knowledgeable and Email: healthandwellbeing@
supportive about mental health and is cornwallrcc.org.uk
working with my granddaughter to get
Facebook: Health and Wellbeing
help.” Torpoint
“My daughter suffered mental health
problems 2 years ago...As a parent I Twitter: @CornwallrccHWBS
was given little or no information on
how to support my daughter. I did not Or write to:
know whether to insist she got out of Health and Wellbeing Service
bed, whether to agree with some of CRCC, 2 Princes Street, Truro
her skewed thoughts or to take a no- TR1 2ES
nonsense approach. To have a child
threatening suicide is a very difficult, Phone: 01872 243532
lonely thing.”
Health and Wellbeing Service - Independent Inpatient Visiting
Service (IVS)
About the IVS Service
that with a full staff team, Garner can
now offer activities from 9:00am to
The Independent Inpatient Visitors 9:00pm 7 days per week! Fletcher’s
Scheme (IVS) acts as a confidential activity worker can also cover some
and independent listening ear and to evening sessions on the ward.
support patients in having a collective
say about their care, treatment and Cornwall College is now going in to
quality of life during their stay in Harvest ward to do gardening, arts &
hospital. We are not there to problem craft and literacy. This appears to be
solve but to give people time, support, really valued by both staff and patients
to help raise issues and signpost on Harvest. We often get great patient
feedback to Cornwall College staff
people to other helpful services.
both in Harvest and Fletcher ward
Visitors attend both Longreach and where college staff lead photography
Bodmin Hospitals psychiatric inpatient and crafts.
units to meet with patients to hear about
their experiences of ward life. We can • Ward staff
support people to talk to ward staff with Patient feedback to staff attitudes
any queries or concerns if they want remains positive, with a number of
to or we can raise collective issues at staff been mentioned throughout all
a higher level where they affect the wards as exceptional in their attitude
inpatient service as a whole. Visitors and helpfulness. CFT suggest that
are often volunteers, some of whom when locum staff are used they try
have experience of mental distress as much as possible to use regular,
Patients across all
themselves or have been carers, but familiar staff.
all are committed to ensuring that wards frequently comment that they
really value a stable staff team. In
people in hospital have a voice.
addition we are pleased to report that
a full time Clinical Psychologist is now
Current issues
employed on Fletcher ward:
• Activities
Activities continue to be an issue on
many of the wards. Recently, additional • Fletcher Ward Garden
Activity Workers have been employed We will continue to monitor patient
on Fletcher and Garner. This means feedback on the garden on Fletcher
ward. Plans were underway to • Longreach: Alternate Wednesdays,
completely refurbish the garden earlier
this year although after starting work in • Garner: Third Thursday of the
month, 3:00-4:00pm
clearing the site, it was decided to delay
the refurbishment so that patients may • Fettle House: last Wednesday of
every month, 3:30-4:30pm
use the garden this summer.
• Bowman: last Thursday of every
month, 3:30-4:30pm
• CQC visit
All inpatient services were inspected
by the Care Quality Commission If you would like to comment on IVS
(CQC) in April 2015. The public report or have any questions please contact
Jane Yeomans, Volunteer Lead on
is due to be available in July.
jane.yeomans@cornwallrcc.org.uk or
• Garner CRCC Carers Tea and Talk call 07715 799395.
Unfortunately, it has been decided We are always looking for additional
that the ‘Carers Tea and Talk’ sessions volunteers to visit the wards. We offer
that we began on Garner ward back full training, support and supervision to
in September 2014 have finished visitors. If you would like to know more
because of low take up. Along with please contact me using the details
Garner ward staff, we tried a number above.
of ways to get more carers involved
but we were just unable to sustain
interest in a regular carers meeting.
We continue to go into the ward each
month to speak with patients and
carers that would like to speak with us.
See below for our visiting times.
As a reminder our scheduled ward visit
times are:
• Harvest: each Monday morning,
• Fletcher: fourth Thursday of the
month, 3:00-4:00pm
Keynote Speaker: Jane Grierson
Author of ‘Knickers in the Fridge’
With an informative talk on the Care Act
and its impact on Carers
8-14th JUNE
Join us for for events
that are taking place
around the county
Building carer
8-14th JUNE
13th JUNE
Join us for events
that are taking place
around the county
10:30am - 1:30pm
Time Out
details of events will be found AT
+ local press and radio
Regal Theatre, Redruth
Car parking nearby, good public transport links
Please RSVP AT
or PHONE 01872 243534
Urgent care pressure spurs
investigation by patient group
Concerns relating to urgent care
services in Cornwall, heard by the
county’s health and social care
services watchdog, have led it to call
for a number of improvements.
research into what people understood
about, and how they accessed,
urgent care support, with the findings
indicating that more needs to be done
around awareness of the services
and the most appropriate times to use
Chief Executive of Healthwatch
Cornwall Debbie Pritchard said: “Due
to the amount of patient feedback,
professional statements and the
rapidly changing picture of urgent care
in the county, we felt an investigation
into people’s understanding of when to
use urgent care services in Cornwall,
how they would like to access GPs and
what services they would be happy to
receive at a pharmacy was needed.
“We know a huge amount of positive
work, including Choose Better and
providers and commissioners own
awareness-raising campaigns have
taken place, but our recommendations,
based on the responses of more than
600 people include the need for the
South Western Ambulance Service
Foundation Trust (SWASFT) to further
improve awareness of when to use 999
and 111 appropriately to help prevent
inappropriate calls to 999.
“We hope this will be a long-term
commitment and will transfer to the
new provider of a 111 service post
March 2016.”
commissioners and Public Health to
further increase public awareness of
the severity of certain health conditions
to ensure the right service is accessed,
and to consider the future role of
pharmacies to provide more nonurgent care services across Cornwall.”
NHS Kernow, the commissioners of
the NHS 111 service in Cornwall, said
the length of time before the contract
ends would be ample to ensure a
new high quality service is in place,
supporting its ambition to create an
integrated healthcare system.
NHS Kernow Governing Body member
Dr Iain Chorlton said: “The public is not
affected by this decision and should
continue to call 111 for 24-hour urgent
healthcare advice, and we would like to
thank SWASFT for its commitment to
providing the NHS 111 non-emergency
medical help service.”
The report also requests that the
findings are noted by GP leads in
their locality and are disseminated to
practice managers and new GP out-ofhours’ providers.
Healthwatch Cornwall has learnt that
SWASFT has given notice on its NHS
111 provision for Cornwall and will no
longer deliver the contract after March
31, 2016.
Ms Pritchard added: “Our report
includes formal recommendations
that commissioners and providers
must respond to in 20 working days
and it is anticipated that Healthwatch
Cornwall will work with the ambulance
service before the end of its contract
to address the request for more public
awareness raising of the 111 service.
Who is Healthwatch Cornwall?
Healthwatch Cornwall has been
created in response to the Health
and Social Care Act 2012. It is part of
the 152 local Healthwatch collective
that feeds into Healthwatch England,
potentially influencing national policy,
advice and guidance. Although
funded by the Department of Health
and commissioned through Cornwall
Council it has complete independence
in its work.
developed and set up by people in
Cornwall for people in Cornwall. It has
Community Interest Company status.
It will work with those who plan and
run health and social care services
to reflect local issues, ask questions
about the way services are provided
and suggest ways for things to change
for the better.
It is supported by legislation that gives
it a statutory right to be listened to by
service providers, while also having
the opportunity to review services
directly through Enter and View.
It works in partnership with Age UK
Cornwall, Cornwall Rural Community
Charity, Disability Cornwall and
Young People Cornwall and can also
commission research around specific
topics, such as social inclusion, when
identified as necessary. It is supported
directors, Steering Group members,
Enter and View Visitors and community
Call 0800 0381 281 or visit
www.healthwatchcornwall.co.uk to
have your say, read the full Urgent
Care report and find out more.
Suicide Liaison Service
For those who are left behind
This is a specialist service developed
to support people who have been
bereaved by suicide. The NHS in
Cornwall has commissioned us to
provide it across the county.
We have trained professionals
with expert knowledge, skills and
experience in helping those who have
been bereaved in this way. The type
of support they provide includes:
face-to-face contact with those who
are left behind (family, loved ones or
friends), information, practical support
and guidance about the sorting out of
personal affairs, as well as liaison with
the Coroner's Office, the Police, media
or faith groups where necessary.
NHS England
Mental Health
Taskforce Survey
NHS England has announced a new
Mental Health Taskforce which will
develop a five year national strategy
for mental health, covering all ages.
The strategy will be published in the
summer and will be aligned with NHS
England's Five Year Forward View for
the whole NHS.
It is crucial that the strategy is informed
by a wide range of lived experience
and professional expertise and your
help is welcomed. Rethink Mental
Illness and Mind are members of the
Taskforce and they want to ensure
they contribute what is important to
you. Any answers you give will be
shared anonymously with the Mental
Health Taskforce.
The service also runs 8-week The survey will take approximately 20
bereavement by suicide courses/ minutes to complete but your answers
will be saved so you can come back to
groups across Cornwall.
it at any time. You can write as little or
It is open to anyone who has been as much as you would like in response
affected by suicide. If you or someone to this survey.
you know would like to access this free
service you can call us direct on 01208 You can access the survey at
871905, or referrals can be made by www.surveymonkey.com/s/mh2020
your GP/health professional.
With thanks to Be Involved Devon for
this information
Help is at Hand booklet:
Pencil This In
Caring for Carers
Are you caring for someone experiencing
mental health issues
Do you want to learn skills to
help in your caring role in a creative environment
We are running a free 2 day course in venues across
Cornwall on;
Saltash – 21st and 22nd of April 2015
Penzance – 21st and 22nd of July 2015
St Austell – 20th and 21st of October 2015
Truro – 26th and 27th of January 2016
We provide lunch
and travel costs
Phone us or download an
applica�on for� fro� the website
Did you know...?
Hear Our Voice
We work with 11-25 year olds across
the county, offering a shoulder to lean
on and a safe, confidential space to
talk about any issues young people
might be facing. It’s all about making
sure they’re comfortable and free
to share, without being judged – so
that together we can discover how
they’re feeling and how to help. By
simply being there to listen and steer
conversations, Hear Our Voice builds
young people’s emotional resilience,
step by step – until each individual is
ready and equipped to move on.
Through one-to-one sessions and
group work, we offer up to 12 hours
of support, before working out what’s
next. This could be providing relevant
up-to-date information, bringing in
the right experts to talk to, or simply
giving them the boost to jump the next
hurdle – perhaps booking a doctor’s
appointment or helping them navigate
the different services out there, to find
the one that suits them.
We have active links and partnerships
with organisations, services and
charities across the South West
including fostering teams, schools and
community nurses, specialist referral
units and local authority locality
managers so we can make sure young
people have access to the best care
and support when they’re ready.
encouraging young people to seek
support in the way that’s right for them.
From hosting a space where they can
make friends and get used to normal
life, to holding practical workshops that
deal with common issues, our expert
team understands what’s needed,
what works and why. They’re all
dedicated to exploring and providing
the best opportunities for young people
to find their feet, until they’re strong,
confident and ready to fly.
Beard hair grows at twice its usual
rate when you’re in a plane.
Women blink nearly twice as much
as men.
Humans share nearly 1/3 of their
DNA with lettuce.
If you mouth the word ‘colourful’ to
someone, it looks like you’re saying
“I love you”. My niece says saying
‘elephant poo’ also has the same
If you look after someone,
we are here for you.
01872 266383
Kermit the Frog is left-handed.
Your heart beats over 100,000 times
a day.
In 1386, a pig in France was executed
for the murder of a child.
Quote from a carer speaking to a
Healthwatch Cornwall champion:
Like fingerprints, everyone’s tongue
print is different.
“Cornwall Carers Service is helping
with financial help and form filling
for my mother. The impact of having
someone there that I can speak to
is really helpful. Benefits are being
checked and help with day centre
costs looked at. The form filling is so
complicated. It will be good to know
what help is out there and how to get
help. I feel that I should have gone to
them sooner.”
The placement of a donkey’s eyes in
its head enable it to see all four feet
at all times.
Some worms will eat themselves if
they can’t find any food.
Thanks to the Speaking Up reader
who sent in a magazine clipping of
these gems!
Do you
look after
Local Self-Help and Support Groups
East Cornwall
Bude Knit and Natter Group
Every Friday 1.30-4.30pm
Tourist Info Centre
Support for people wanting to reduce Call Anne on 01288 350067
or come off Benzodiazepines
Call 07788 572908
Bude Women’s Group
Thursdays 10am-12pm
Freedom OCD Group
Bude Tourist Info Centre
Every last Thursday of the month, Call Anne on 07918 727 031
10.30am - 1pm, Truro
Call Penny on 07831 295007 CAMEO (Come and Meet Each
Every other Tuesday afternoon, Bude
Pink Umbrella LGBT Group
British Legion
Gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans support
Email: cameoselfhelp@gmail.com
Every 3rd Friday of the month, 1-3pm,
2 Princes St, Truro
Bude Mental Health Carers Group
Call Fran on 07542 477302 or email 3rd Wednesday of every month, 2-4pm
Bude Tourist Information Centre
Call Kirsty on 07720 680 619
Suicide Bereavement Support Group
Last Wednesday of the month, 7-9pm
The Old Coach House Gardening
in Truro
Call 07952 410637
Weds 11am-1pm
Trevillis House, Liskeard
Call: Richard on 07957 537776
Liskeard Bipolar UK Support Group
4th Tuesday of the month 1.00 – 3.00 pm
Stuart House, Barras Street, Liskeard.
Please contact 01270 230260 for
details or visit Bipolar UK website
Fibromyalgia/ME/CFS Support
Alternate Mondays 2-4.30pm
Betty Fisher Centre, Southern Way,
Call 01208 815676
Camel Club
Fridays 9.30-1.00pm
Trelil Court, Bodmin
Call 07788 572908
Hearing Voices Group
Wednesdays 2.30-4.00pm
Call 07807 813996
Soil to Soup Wellbeing Garden
Wednesdays, 10-12 (Winter)
Call Mary on 07407785520 or the
office 01208 892855
• Art for Wellbeing
• Knit & Natter Plus
• Yoga for Wellbeing
• Yoga for Wellbeing Beginners
All meet at The Wellbeing Centre,
2A Hamley Court, Dennison Road,
Fitness to Wellbeing
Dragon Leisure Centre, Bodmin
for more info on all these groups, call
Restormel Mind on 01208 892855
Newquay Bipolar UK Support
Group – this group is currently on
hold. If you would like to help us to relaunch this group please call Group
Development on 01270 230260 or
email groupdevelopment@bipolaruk.
Roswyth Men’s Group
Fridays 11.30am-1.30pm
Roswyth Mental Health Resource
Call 01637 873122
Restormel Mind groups:
• Innate Health & Wellbeing
Centre, St Michael’s Road
• Newquay
Craft Coffee & Chat Group
The Newquay Centre
Weds 10am-12.30 pm
Methodist Chapel, St Dennis
• Out ‘n’ About Group (activity group)
Call Margaret on 01726 890512
Thursdays 10am-12pm, Various
The Friday Group
community centres
Every Friday 10am-12.30pm
• St
Penwithick Community Hall
Fridays 10am-1pm, St John’s
Methodist Church, Bodmin Road
Take-a-Craft Break - St Stephen
Tuesdays 1-4pm
• St Columb Minor Coffee Corner
Brannel Rooms, St Stephen (see
Thursdays 10am-12.30pm, The
Memorial Hall
Take-a-Craft Break - Nanpean
Mondays 1pm-4pm
For more information call Jodie
Nanpean AFC Social Club
Roberts on 01637 851155
For both groups, call Marie High 01637 OTHER NORTH & EAST CORNWALL
or email
Rethink groups:
Restormel Mind groups:
• Wadebridge - Cornwall College
courses, Friday morning group,
• Patchwork Group
nature/photography group (Camel
Mondays 9.30am-12pm, The
Trail), Cafe Chat group
Pavilion Workshop, Mount Wise
Car Park, Newquay
• St Austell Cafe chat groups
• Newquay
Mondays 10am-1pm,
Group • Liskeard OCD group, Cafe Chat
Bodmin Fishing group
Bude Womens’ Group (see below)
Carers’ Group
Various locations WRAP (Wellness
Recovery & Action Plan) Groups
Helston We Can Yoga
Fridays 10am-12pm
St Michael’s Church
Contact Pam 01736 364454
For more information call Rethink on
01208 815676
West Cornwall
Penzance Bipolar UK Support
3rd Wednesday of every month
2.00pm - 4.00pm at The Healing Star,
Please contact 01270 230260 for
details or visit Bipolar UK website
West Cornwall Hearing Voices
Tuesdays 1.30-3.30pm
The Healing Star, Causewayhead,
Call Lesley on 07570 103595
St Just Swings and Roundabouts
1st Weds of the month, times vary
St Just Central Cafe
All Saints Church Community
Centre - Self Help Groups:
• Rendezvous
Thursdays 3pm-5pm, Saturdays
• Go Forward Social Club: Fridays
All Saints Church Community Centre,
Church View Road, Camborne
Tel: 01209 610937 - Gill or Treve
Falmouth Recovery Support Group
Weekly peer support group for people
in recovery from mental health
Mondays, 3-5pm, Killigrew Street,
Call Jon on 07551 202269 for more
Falmouth & Penryn Bipolar Group
1st Weds of every month 7.30-9pm
Falmouth Recovery Centre
Sunshine and Showers
Bowling group
Every other Thursday, 1.30-3.30pm
Email: claire@sunshineandshowers.
Falmouth Mindful Arts
Mondays, Dracaena Centre
Perranporth Art and Wellbeing
Every Weds 8am till 1pm
Perranporth Memorial Hall - WI annexe
Karen 07867 648409 or email
Olive Branch Community Cafe
Community cafe with workshops &
Mondays, 10am-2pm
St Gluvias Parish Hall, West Street,
Tel: Jane 07903 073440 or Liz 07407
email: olivebranchpenryn@gmail.com
Carrick Mind groups:
• Falmouth Coffee Corner
Thursdays 10.30am-12.30pm,
St Mary’s Church Hall, Killigrew
Perranporth Coffee Corner
• Truro Coffee Corner
Wednesdays 10.30am - 1pm
Tuesdays 10am-12pm, Carrick
Upstairs in the Conservative Club, St
Sports & Recreation Hall
Piran’s Road
Betty 01872 572546 or Carolyn 01872 • 18-30 Social Support & Wellbeing
Wednesdays 10.30 am -12.30 pm,
St Agnes Self Help Group
Different locations (specifically for
Mondays 10.30am-12pm
those aged 18-30). Please ring the
Coffee Lounge, St Agnes Methodist
office for details.
Church, British Road
Call 07969 175316
Referral required from a GP or
other health professional. For more
information about the Carrick Mind Roswyth, Cheltenham Place
groups, please call 01872 222469
Contact Pauline Ruddlesden on 01637
St Austell Carers Group
Carers Groups
4th Tuesday of month
Mount Charles Social Club
Contact Alison May 07968 605326 or
email mail@sonilam.plus.com
Bodmin Carers Support Group
(for family members of people with
memory problems)
2-4.30pm, 4th Thursday of month
Bodmin Christian Fellowship Church
Contact Brenda Keen 01208 77586
Email brendakeen44@yahoo.co.uk
St Blazey - Cornwall Down
Syndrome Support Group
1.30-3.30pm 3rd Friday of month
Email info@cdssg.org.uk
Stoke Climsland Carers Group
2pm, 3rd Friday of the month
Old School, Stoke Climsland
Bodmin - Cornwall Downs Syndrome Caroline & Peter 01579 370474
Support Group
10am-12pm, last Thurs of month
Email info@cdssg.org.uk
Bude Carers Group (for all carers)
Camborne - Cornwall Down
2-4pm, 1st Wednesday of the month
Syndrome Support Group
Neetside Community Centre
10am-12pm, 2nd Friday of month
Contact Kirsty Luxton 07720 680619
Email info@cdssg.org.uk
Bude Carers Group (Mental Health)
3rd Wednesday of the month
Bude Tourist Information Centre
Contact Kirsty Luxton 07720 680619
Newquay Carers Group
10.30am - 12.30pm
3rd Monday of the month
Camborne & District Mental Health
Every 1st Weds of month
Boundervean Day Centre, Pendarves
Call Rita 07732 458390
National Autistic Society-West
6.30-9.00pm, 3rd Weds in every month
Contact NAS on 07901 103351 or
email westcornwall@nas.org.uk
Parents & Friends of Murdoch
Carnon Carers
Trevithick Centre - Carers Group
3rd Tuesday every month at Falmouth 4 times a year at Murdoch & Trevithick
Centre, Redruth
Call Sandra 01326 376208
Call Joy on 01209 719483
Email stregidgo123@btinternet.com
Penzance Carers Group
Dementia Carers Support Group
3rd Friday of the month
2nd Thursday of the month
Hanover Court, Penzance
Kea Community Centre, Playing Place Contact Wendy Gauntlett 01736
Contact Marie McDermott on 01872 366699
or email wendy.gauntlett@yahoo.
or email mariemacdee@msn.com
Friends of Pencalenick School
(for family of children who attend
Pencalenick School)
Meets monthly
Contact Marie Griffin 01872 510126 or
email bhindbikinis@hotmail.com
St Ives Carers Group
10am-12pm, last Thurs of the month
Carbis Bay
Contact Dinky on 07814 574438 or
Jeremy on 07836 606464
or email dinkykennedy@hotmail.com
Malabar Carers Group
(For family of disabled children)
3rd Wednesday of the month
Malabar Children’s Centre, Truro
Contact Marie Hewitt on 01872 262121
or email leehewitt5@aol.com
Treloweth Dads
(for dads of children with disabilities)
New group so please call ‘Treloweth
Dads’ on 01209 210597 or email
Contact Jenny on 01720 422663
Troon Carers Group
(parents of disabled children)
Mullion Memory Café
Tuesdays 1-2.30pm
Mullion Methodist Chapel
Troon Children’s Centre
Call Leanne on 07929 354169/ or Every 1st and 3rd Friday from 2 - 4pm
Contact Lillian Watson on 01326
01209 697794
or email codyjaxon1@gmail.com
Young Adult Carers
(for carers aged 17+ who care for a
parent or sibling)
Meets once a month, various venues
Contact Anne Phillips 07968 605324
Cornwall Memory Café Network
West Cornwall Memory Cafés
Penzance Memory Café
Committee Rm 1, Penzance One Stop
Every 2nd & 4th Thursday from 2 - 4pm
Contact Margaret on 07974 728435 /
Chris on 07851 111496
Redruth Memory Café
Community Centre, Foundry Row
Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 1.30 3.30 pm
Contact Alzheimer’s Society on 01872
Camborne Memory Café
All Saints Church Community Centre
Church View Road, Tuckingmill
Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday 1.30-3.30 St Ives Memory Café
Contact Alzheimer’s Society on 01872 Memorial Hall, Trencrom Lane, Carbis
Every 1st and 3rd Thursday from 2 4pm
Helston Memory Café
Hens Horn Court, Station Road, Contact Margaret on 07974 728435 /
Chris on 07851 111496
1st & 3rd Tuesday, 2 - 4pm
Contact - Margaret on 07974 728435 St Just Memory Café
Royal British Legion
1st and 3rd Friday from 2-4 pm
Isles of Scilly Memory Café
Contact Dawn 01736 786043 or Joyce
Carn Gwaval, St. Mary’s.
01736 786067 or Chris 07851 111496
Wednesdays & Fridays 2.00-4.30pm
Mid Cornwall Memory Cafés
Carnon Downs Memory Café
Carnon Downs Village hall, Carnon
Downs, TR3 6JQ
Every 1st and 3rd Thursday, from
Contact Teresa Sampson on 07795
Newquay St Michael’s Memory Café
St Michael’s Church Hall, St Michael’s
Road, Newquay
Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 2-4pm
Contact Eileen on 01637 873463
Perranporth Memory Café
St Michael’s Church Hall,
Crantock Memory Café
St Michael’s Road, Perranporth
Crantock Village Hall, Crantock
Every 2nd Monday, from 2 - 4pm
Every 1st Monday 2.00-4.00 pm
Contact Dilys on 01637 830681
Contact Joan on 01637 831347
Perranwell Memory Café
Website: http://crantockmemorycafe. Perranwell Village Hall, Perranwell,
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 2.00Falmouth Memory Café
4.00 pm
Emmanuel Baptist Church, Western Contact Sue Short on 01872 864726
Terrace, Falmouth
Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 2pm- 4pm Probus Memory Café
on Village Hall
visit Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 2.30 www.falmouthmemorycafe.org.uk
4.30 pm
Contact Mike Durose 01726 884598 or
Fowey Memory Café
via promem@btinternet.com
Fowey One Stop Shop, Fowey Library
Every other Thursday
St Austell Memory Café
Contact Fowey Library 0300 1234 111 Cuddra WI Hall, Bucklers Lane
Every 1st and 3rd Monday, 2-4pm.
Newquay Memory Café
Contact Mike 01726 64734
St. Columb Minor Church Hall
St. Columb Minor.
St Day Memory Café
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, 2-4pm
Parkhenver, West End, Redruth
Contact Keith Dynan on 07968 960 Every other Tuesday, 6.30-8.30 pm
Contact Angela Downing on 01209
Truro Memory Café
All Saints Church Hall, Highertown
Every 2nd & 4th Friday, from 1.30
East Cornwall Memory Cafés
Bodmin Memory Café
Berdekesa Court, Robartes Road
Alternate Mondays, 10am-12pm
Tel: 07855 305577
Bude Memory Café
Parkhouse Centre, Bude
Every 1st & 3rd Friday from 2pm-4pm
Contact Kim Tresidder 01288 356060
Every 2nd & 4th Thursday, 2-4 pm
Contact Penny on 01752 849236 or
Heather 01503 250381
Launceston Memory Café
Launceston Methodist Church
Every other Saturday from 2pm-4pm
Contact - Cym Downing Tel: 01566
Liskeard Memory Café
Liskeard Methodist Church, Wesley
House, Bay Tree Hill
First Friday of every month, 2pm-4pm
Contact 07787 096482
Lostwithiel Memory Café
Liddicoat Road, Lostwithiel PL22 0HE
Every alternate Thursday, 2-4 pm
Contact Jo Hague on 01208 871196
Callington Memory Café
Callington Town Hall
Padstow Memory Café
Every other Saturday, 2-4 pm
Contact Rick on 01579 382705 or Nick St John’s Church, Padstow
Alternate Tuesdays 1.30-3.30pm
on 01579 351888
Camelford Memory Café
Anvil Court, Anvil Court Road
Every 2nd & 4th Monday from 2pm4pm
Contact - Margaret Lovell on 07867
Pensilva Memory Café
St John’s Church, Higher Road,
4th Thursday every month, 2-4pm
Contact Carolyn 01579 362698
Downderry Memory Café
The Zone, Downderry, nr Looe
Polperro Memory Café
If you want support
to do any of these,
then you
are one of us.
The Methodist
Make a ‘no dig’ garden
plants in a from
Every 3rd
2 - 4pm
general garden tasks
Meet others and share cake.
Wadebridge Memory Café
St. Breock School, Tremarren Road
Every 2nd & 4th Saturday from 2 - 4pm
‘The Community Grants programme is funded through the European Social Fund
the Skills Funding Agency.’
Contact andMargaret
on 07867 783728
Loaves & Fishes
Community Café
at The Basement, Wadebridge
Join us for a free hot meal & company
Fridays 1st, 15th, 29th May (and
every other Friday)
12 noon – 2pm
The Basement at The Exchange (top
of Molesworth Street, opp Police
Typical menu:
Homemade Vegetable Soup, Turkey
Casserole/ Vegetarian Chilli Con
Carne, Ice Cream & Fruit
Contact Richard Hamm on 01208
813593 for more information
Ten Pin Bowling every other Thursday at Truro
Bowling Alley 1.30 ~ 3.30pm
Tuesday afternoons
Dont mind filling in a form.
mention the cakes didn’t I?
SaltashI did
Gain confidence
Church, Liskeard
Learn about growing flowers
Road, Saltash
Increase your physical and emotional strength
Every 2nd
& 4th
Wednesday 2- 4pm
Help plan
Contact Alzheimers Society 01872
Head towards Par Market. Opposite st Austell Garden Centre is the
to Tregrehan. Go past the playing fields then turn right into the
277963 road
Brookside drive or park safely along the road.
Mind Restormel is
A new
Self Help Peer Support Group for Service Users and their Carers, Wheel Chair
Friendly & Parking
Garden Group
Make new friends and have some time out
Share information around recovery skills & illness
For people wanting to meet others, gain confidence and learn skills in volunteering
At Brookside Flower Farm Tregrehan Mills nr Par Market
Taxis/Travel paid from Bodmin St Austell + Newquay.
This project is funded by the Community Grants Programme
Ask for Support or help from other members
Details from Mary 07407785520
Jodie ( RBS)
0 1637 851155
Maureen ( Office) 01208 892855
Want to know more then contact the team by emailing:
If you want support to do any of these, then you are one of us.
Mind Restormel is
Make a ‘no dig’ garden
Raise plants in a polytunnel
Share general garden tasks
Meet others and share cake.
Dont mind filling in a form.
I did mention the cakes didn’t I?
Gain confidence
Learn about growing flowers
Learn volunteering skills
Increase your physical and emotional strength
Help plan events.
Head towards Par Market. Opposite st Austell Garden Centre is the
road to Tregrehan. Go past the playing fields then turn right into the
Brookside drive or park safely along the road.
‘The Community Grants programme is funded through the European Social Fund
and the Skills Funding Agency.’
Or by visiting:
Tuesday afternoons
A new
Garden Group
8 January 2015
19 February 2015
2 April
For people wanting to meet others, gain confidence and learn skills in volunteering
14 May 2015
25 June
At Brookside Flower Farm Tregrehan
Mills nr
Par Market
Taxis/Travel paid from Bodmin St6Austell
This project is funded by the Community
Programme 2015
29 October 2015
Details from Mary 07407785520
Jodie ( RBS)
0 1637
Maureen ( Office) 01208
subject to change
22 January 2015
5 March 2015
16 April 2015
29 May 2015
9 July 2015
20 August 2015
1 October 2015
12 November 2015
5 February 2015
19 March 2015
30 April 2015
11 June 2015
23 July 2015
3 September 2015
15 October 2015
26 November
£2.50 Per session including a
soft drink.
Meet in the café area from
1pm Bowling at 2pm finish
about 3pm.
Facilitators are Claire Jones, Karen Sheldon plus member helpers on the day to help people be
included in the game should they be affected by any mobility issues. Wheelchair friendly and
parking at the alley, Oak Way Truro. Contact Admin@sunshineandshowers.co.uk or phone
07507 259479 and leave a message or send a text and we will call you back.
National Mental Health Campaigns
2015 National Autistic Society Young
Based on their experiences of using
The election is done and dusted and, mental health services in the UK, the
for better or worse, we now have a Young Campaigners have developed
Conservative government. If you would a charter to tell decision-makers what
like to still read Mind’s ‘Take Action for they think needs to change to improve
Better Mental Health’ manifesto, go mental health services for children and
to www.mind.org.uk/media/1081517/ young people with autism. Go to www.
For other Mind campaigns, such as f o r - c h a n g e / e n g l a n d - c a m p a i g n s ‘Access to Talking Therapies’ and landing/young-campaigners-group/
‘Crisis Care’, go to www.mind.org.uk/ mental-health-campaign.aspx
Rethink Mental Illness
The national charity also runs
Time To Change
campaigns that might be of interest,
TTC is a collaboration between e.g. ‘Unfair WCA’, ‘A Manifesto for
Rethink and Mind and their aim is to Better Mental Health’. Go to www.
end discrimination against people with rethink.org/get-involved/campaigns
mental health issues through a variety
of initiatives that you can get involved
in. Go to www.time-to-change.org.uk/
Mind’s General
Liskeard - May
St Austell - July
Penzance -September
5th, 6th, 7th
7th, 8th, 9th
22nd, 23rd, 24th
We have more courses coming: contact us or check
our website
Student Minds
The UK’s student mental health charity
runs campaigns across the country to
improve student mental health. To find
out more go to
PEaT Project
Trek West
Every Journey Starts with a Single Step…
Do you live in the West Cornwall area?
Have an illness or condition that affects your life?
Want to make changes to improve your life but don’t know where to
What can we offer?
 A professional, friendly guide who will support you one to one
through your journey
 Your own personal plan to get you where you want to be and
support to make it happen
 Help to maximise your household income
 Training shaped around you and your needs
Limited places so don’t miss out!
Your journey starts with Eleanor:
01736 759500
Email: trekwest@disabilitycornwall.org.uk
Spring is truly sprung! What fabulous
weather we’ve been having, not our
normal March /April at all. Down at
the PEAT site everything is moving
on apace. Our growing areas are all
manured and dug ready for planting,
our fruit bushes are now sporting a
‘homegrown’ fruit cage (ingenuity with
bamboos,blue alkathene water pipe
and netting), and we’ve got a sea of
wonderful blue forget-me-nots dotted
around the site, not to mention the
daffodils that we’ve had and the tulips.
Our polytunnel is fairly well crammed
with all sorts of seedlings in various
stages of growth. Lots of things nearly
ready to plant out, some already
planted out, and still some more to
be sown. But all very ordered and
Seeds to sow now :Tomatoes (still not too late), cucumber,
aubergines, peppers, melons, (for
growing under cover) Beans (Broad,
French and Runners plus any other
variety), broccoli, brussel sprouts,
beetroot, cauliflower, chard, celery,
celeriac, cabbage (summer and
winter), fennel, kale, land cress,
lettuce, onions, parsnips (direct sow
outside), radish (outside), salad
leaves, spinach, spring onions, turnip
and just about everything else really!
To plant now :Asparagus, onions/shallots, second
earlies and maincrop potatoes,
artichokes – various.
Harvesting : Down at PEAT we’ve been
harvesting kale, chard, spinach, leeks
and salad leaves plus herbs – all of
which have been picked right through
the winter months.
Recently we have had radio interviews
: Pirate 2 and Penwith Radio, and
an interview with BBC TV Spotlight
programme in respect of our Comic
Relief funding (which was also trailed
extensively on Radio Cornwall on
Comic Relief Day!). Lionel Roberts,
one of our volunteers, was interviewed
in respect of what the PEAT project
means to him, and he did a fantastic
job. Feeling quite overcome with the
media promotion!
Bird Watch
Green woodpecker on site 16th
Polly Rowe - Personal Story
I grew up in a good family, from a good
background, in a lovely area. I had
plenty of friends, I loved school and I
had a good education. I was a normal,
slightly chubby, shy child and no one
could have guessed what was in store
for me.
stop drinking once I started (which led
to me being raped one night) but I still
thought that this drug was the answer.
Bulimia is very persuasive.
It worked for a while... And then it
spiralled. Not only could I not stop the
drugs, I also couldn’t stop the bulimia
Mental health doesn’t discriminate which I had so desperately tried to blot
and at the age of thirteen, my eating out.
disorder took hold. I would starve for
days on end. Any comments, positive So by the age of 19, I’d been to rehab,
or negative, just fuelled the situation I had no money, I’d dropped out of uni,
and made it worse. My eating disorder my mental health was still off kilter but
was secretive, manipulative and I thought I’d be fine. I didn’t have a clue
what I wanted to do with the rest of my
life, so I got a job and travelled for a
My mood lowered more and more, few years.
I’d self harm out of exasperation and
frustration with my extreme emotions The real recovery has definitely
or be totally apathetic and unmoved by started since leaving treatment for the
life. I wanted to disappear and be done second time. I was in for three months
with it all. Depression plagued me and and celebrated my 24th birthday in
thankfully at some point I was put on hospital. It sucked.
I now work on myself daily, I see a
Eventually, starving turned into community mental health nurse once
which a week, and I am back living near my
morphed into bulimia. Due to my family again. I value life. I have my
insatiable appetite, I decided it would own business in the fitness industry,
be a grand idea to start taking cocaine I’m back socialising once more and I’m
at the age of seventeen. This was practising what I preach by leading a
definitely (shock horror) a bad move. healthy moderate lifestyle.
I’d already given up alcohol because of
a) the calories and b) the fact I couldn’t Some of the most interesting, creative
and loving people I’ve ever been lucky
enough to meet have had mental
health issues, so as dreadful as it
can feel sometimes, I also think we’re
kind of lucky. We think in a different
way to the norm, which, when used
to our advantage, can be brilliant. We
experience pain that shapes our lives
and how we treat other people. We
have empathy. When we get through
our troubles, we have gratitude.
My only word of advice would be to
never, ever give up. It took me years
to get through my hellish journey, but
I’ve done it. And if I can do it, anyone
For more info on me and what I do, or
to read regular blog posts, visit www.
fitnesspolly.com or www.facebook.
The dewdrops on every blade of grass
are so much like silver drops that I
am obliged to stoop down as I walk
to see if they are pearls, and those
sprinkled on the ivy-woven beds of
primroses underneath the hazels,
whitethorns, and maples are so like
gold beads that I stooped down to
feel if they were hard, but they melted
from my finger. And where the dew
lies on the primrose, the violet and the
whitethorn leaves, they are emerald
and beryl, yet nothing more than the
dews of the morning on the budding
leaves; nay, the road grasses are
covered with gold and silver beads,
and the further we go the brighter
they seem to shine, like solid gold
and silver. It is nothing more than the
sun’s light and shade upon them in
the dewy morning; every thorn-point
and every bramble-spear has its
trembling ornament: till the wind gets
a little brisker, and then all is shaken
off, and all the shining jewelry passes
away into a common spring morning
full of budding leaves, primroses,
violets, vernal speedwell, bluebell and
orchids, and commonplace objects.
John Clare (1973-1864) Written in
Northampton Asylum
Sent in by a Speaking Up reader.
Thank you!
What is....?
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is an
anxiety disorder related to body image.
If you have BDD, you experience
concerns about your appearance that
cause you significant anxiety. You may
also develop routines and habits, such
as excessive use of mirrors or picking
your skin, to deal with the worries you
have about the way you look. These
habits usually have a significant
impact on your ability to carry on with
your day-to-day life.
It may also cause other problems such
• feelings of shame, guilt and
• isolating yourself to avoid situations
that cause you anxiety or discomfort
• depression or anxiety
• misuse of alcohol or other drugs
• self-harm
• suicidal thoughts.
Many people with BDD do not seek
help as they are worried that people
will judge them, or think they are vain.
This means that many people are
likely to experience BDD for a long
time before seeking help.
If you have BDD, you have obsessions
that cause you significant anxiety
and may also develop compulsive
behaviours, or routines, to deal with
this. In this way, BDD is closely related
to obsessive-compulsive disorder
(OCD). Although everyone has their
own experience of BDD, there are
some common signs.
Obsessive worries about the body
If you have BDD, you will often spend
several hours a day thinking negatively
about your appearance. You may be
concerned about one specific area of
the body or you may be worried about
several different areas.Common areas
of anxiety include:
• facial features, such as the nose,
eyes, hair, chin, skin or lips
• particular areas of the body, such
as the breasts or genitals
• feeling that your body is unbalanced
or lacking symmetry
• feeling that one of your features is
out of proportion to the rest of the
• feeling too fat or too skinny.
Common compulsive behaviours
You may also develop compulsive
behaviours and routines to deal
with the anxiety you feel about your
appearance. Common compulsive
behaviours include:
• using heavy make-up when out in
• obsessively
appearance in mirrors or avoiding
them completely
• changing your posture or wearing
heavy clothes to disguise your
• seeking constant reassurance
about your appearance
• checking yourself regularly by
feeling your skin with your fingers,
particularly around areas you
dislike the appearance of
• constantly comparing yourself with
models in magazines or people in
the street
• seeking cosmetic surgery or having
other types of medical treatment to
change the area of concern.
If you have a
diagnosis of
BDD, your
GP should
according to
the National
Institute of Health and Care Excellence
(NICE) guidelines.
The NICE guidelines on the treatment
of BDD recommend:
• cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
– with self-help materials such as
books or computer programs, via a
telephone, or a series of sessions
with a therapist
• medication – either on its own or
combined with cognitive behaviour
• specialist support for BDD, if other
treatments do not work.
What causes BDD?
It is difficult to say exactly what
causes BDD. However, research has
suggested that there are a number of
different risk factors that could mean
you are more likely to experience it.
• Abuse or bullying
• Low self-esteem
However, the treatments
• Fear of being alone or isolated
• Perfectionism or competing with recommended by NICE do not always
work for everyone. You may also find
other talking treatments or self-help
techniques helpful, either on their own
What treatments are available?
If you are concerned that you or as well as other treatments.
have BDD, and you want to seek
professional help, the first step would taken from www.mind.org.uk ‘Types of
Mental Health Problems’
normally be to visit your GP.
Dr Rant
We often criticise the NHS for its
failings and we think of all the doctors
and nurses and other NHS workers
who are the faces of a system we
sometimes feel is letting us down.
How horrified were we to hear that
Treliske Hospital had been on Black
Alert twice this year? We make many
assumptions about health services
and the professionals that work within
them, often accusing them of no longer
caring about their patients.
have left at 2am before). My 'part time'
5 session (ie 20h) is approaching three
times that in reality.
Why do you think we're running late?
(Genuine question - I'm interested to
know what people think we're doing.)
It's because people come with lists. It's
because 10 minutes isn't enough.
It's because people use appointments
that they don't need when actually selfcare and time and patience will do the
The following is a post on Facebook, job perfectly well. The human body is
written by a doctor. It has honestly designed to cure a lot of things itself,
changed my perception of GPs and especially infections.
other healthcare professionals - I hope
It's because we're interrupted, quite
it gives you pause for thought too.
legitimately, by phone calls from
palliative care nurses wanting to
Nicki Sweeney
discuss medication urgently for the
dying patient; by ambulance crews
called inappropriately who are asking
"Unhappy with your GP?
us to take responsibility for patients
Write to your MP.
not being taken to hospital; by the
There is absolutely nothing we can do coroner asking us for information to try
to prevent a bereaved family having
about this at a practice level.
to wait for a postmortem before they
can arrange a funeral; by nurses who
We cannot recruit any more GPs.
need us to give a second opinion
on something that they're already
We cannot fund any additional staff.
gallantly managing beyond their duty;
We cannot work any longer hours by urgent prescriptions that need
and be safe (bet you didn't know that signing because the patient didn't plan
I often leave work around 11pm and properly (we all make mistakes). I
could go on.
We get brought tea because otherwise
we wouldn’t drink anything for 5h at a
time - morning surgery typically is 4.55h, with patients every 10 minutes.
No one wants to do it because it’s a
draining job, very heavy on workload,
and we are demoralised and constantly
berated by the press and portrayed as
lazy and money grabbing.
If you have ideas on how it could
be done better then please share.
Genuinely. We are all out.”
Each patient is not just a symptom.
They are people with problems, with
lives and responsibilities, and we try to From the Facebook page ‘Dr Rant’
treat them holistically. In 10 minutes.
It takes the frail old lady 2 minutes w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / D r R a n t /
to undress so we can examine her, posts/1003737216318155
another minute to get up onto the
couch, another couple to put herself
back together again. That’s half the
appointment gone.
We could do longer appointments, but
would have fewer.
I really do understand the frustrations
of the general public - remember I
have a family too, who occasionally
need to see a doctor.
But. We are working flat out. There is a
reason that there is a shortage of GPs.
There is a reason that no one wants to
train as a GP.
If we were genuinely working 9-5 on
>£100k then why would there be a
recruitment problem?
Who can access this scheme?
Have you been to Hall For Cornwall before?
If not, we want to hear from you!
Hall For Cornwall is inviting community leaders to come forward and
nominate their group to enjoy a FREE first time visit to see a show.
Hall For Cornwall is your theatre and we want everyone to enjoy it!
No pressure, no hidden agenda - just the chance to widen horizons
and enjoy a brand new experience.
How does it work?
Once you contact us, we will arrange for your group to come and see a show
of its choice, subject to availability.
Is there a catch?
No catch! All we ask in return for the free ticket offer is that you join in a relaxed chat
over tea and biscuits to hear your views on how we can encourage more people to
come and see our shows. Your feedback can help us make a difference.
How is HFC able to offer this opportunity?
Hall For Cornwall has been awarded a grant from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation to
support first time visits to the theatre for those previously unable to attend. The
funding allows HFC’s Community Club to help bring groups to see shows, as well as
offer a range of exciting opportunities such as free workshops and backstage tours.
What should I do next?
To find out more about this project and discuss if your group is eligible, please
contact HFC Community Co-ordinator’s Liz or Rachael on 01872 262843 or
email clubcard@hallforcornwall.org.uk
Hall For Cornwall Community Club is supported by
The Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Helpful Holidays
If you would like more details about HFC Community Club
please contact us on hello@hallforcornwall.org.uk or 01872 262 843
yo ini
u ng
to u
a p
on cce wil
go ss l a
in s ls
g om o a
fe e g llow
rs re
Community groups with members of all ages who
have never been to Hall For Cornwall before
Offers a wonderful opportunity for you to
explore yourself, build your confidence, be
creative and become more whole.
- April
- July
- July
- October
- 14th and 15th
- 2nd and 3rd
- 30th and 31st
- 15th and 16th
There is friendly help, guidance and healing
- April
- 14th and 15th 2015
from our experienced staff and therapists.
- July
- 2nd and 3rd 2015
- July
- 30th and 31st 2015
Space for you is a place for you to meet
- October - 15th and 16th 2015
others in a safe supportive, and nurturing
We hope to see you soon
Tel: 01736 786111
www. spaceforyou.biz
Useful Telephone Numbers
Health & Wellbeing Service
main office no - 01872 243532
Get F+IT team: 01872 243557
email: healthandwellbeing@cornwallrcc.org.uk
Health & Wellbeing Grants
email: grants: grants@cornwallrcc.org.uk
Nightlink - 0808 8000 306
Nightlink Emotional Support Text service - 07717 989021
Samaritans - 01872 277277
Carers Helpline - 01872 266383
GP Out of Hours Service - 0845 2000 227 (6.30pm-8.00am Mon - Fri. Weekends
& Bank Holidays - 24 hours)
Shelter - 01209 314844
Cornwall Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre - 01872 262100
SEAP Mental Health Advocacy (mainland) - 0330 343 5706
SEAP Mental Health Advocacy (IoS) - 0330 343 5713
Disability Cornwall - 01736 756655
Healthwatch Cornwall - 0800 0381 281
Community Mental Health Teams
East Cornwall (Trevillis House, Liskeard) - 01579 373737
North Cornwall (Banham House, Bodmin) - 01208 834300
Restormel (Alexandra House, St Austell) - 01726 873377
Carrick (Pydar Street, Truro) - 01872 221000
Kerrier (Trengweath, Redruth) - 01209 881888
Penwith (Bolitho House, Penzance) - 01736 571000
Out of Hours (Bodmin Hospital switchboard) - 01208 251300
Single Point of Access (self-referrals) - 0845 207 7711
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this magazine and the services described are not
necessarily shared or endorsed by the Health and Wellbeing Service or CRCC
Cornwall Rural Community Charity (registered as Cornwall Community Development Ltd.) Charity no: 1087550,
Company no: 4144745, VAT no: 557448996. Main office: 2 Princes Street, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 2ES.