I N S TA L L AT I O N G U I D E DOORBELL INTERFACE DBI-1 DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 1 11/14/08 11:33:24 AM CONGRATULATIONS! Thank you for choosing DBI-1 Doorbell Interface from Niles. With proper installation and operation, you should enjoy years of trouble-free use. Niles manufactures the industry’s most complete line of custom installation components and accessories for audio/video systems. To see the complete Niles product assortment, visit us on the Internet at: DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 2 11/14/08 11:33:24 AM TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 2 Features and Benefits 3 Parts Guide 4 Operation Overview 5 Description 6 Installation Considerations 8 Installation 9 Installation Settings 12 Specifications 15 Limited Warranty 16 Warranty Registration 17 NILES AUDIO CORPORATION – 1-800-BUY-HIFI – 1-305-238-4373 DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 3 1 11/14/08 11:33:24 AM INTRODUCTION The DBI-1 Doorbell Interface provides realistic doorbell chimes throughout a home installed with a Niles MultiZone System. External contact closure and voltage triggers (for both a front and rear door) are combined with a programmable trigger tone/delay to integrate with many Niles MultiZone Control Systems. The DBI-1 includes a choice of four pre-recorded and one recordable custom chime to provide the appropriate doorbell chime for any home. A UL-listed, universal voltage power supply is included for convenience. 2 DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 4 11/14/08 11:33:24 AM FEATURES AND BENEFITS t 1SPWJEFTEPPSCFMMDIJNFTUP/JMFT.VMUJ;POFDPOUSPMMFST t 'PVSTFMFDUBCMFQSFQSPHSBNNFEDIJNFTBOEPOFVTFSSFDPSEFETPVOEPQUJPO t 5XPEPPSCFMMJOQVUTGSPOUBOESFBSUSJHHFSFECZWPMUBHFBOEDPOUBDUDMPTVSFWJB TDSFXMFTTUXPQJFDFDPOOFDUPS t %PPSCFMMJOQVUOVNCFSPOF POMZXJMMTVQQPSUB-JHIUFE%PPSCFMM#VUUPOBOEUIF%#* XJMMQSPWJEFUIF7PMUBHFUPJMMVNJOBUFUIFEPPSCFMMCVUUPO t 4FQBSBUFMFWFMBEKVTUNFOUTQSPWJEFEGPSDIJNFBOEQBHFQBTTUISPVHI t 0OFHPMEQMBUFENPOPBVEJPTFOTJOHJOQVU t 0OFHPMEQMBUFENPOPBVEJPPVUQVU t 6-MJTUFEJOMJOFQPXFSTVQQMZXJUIVOJWFSTBMWPMUBHFDBQBCJMJUZ t 5XPZFBSMJNJUFEXBSSBOUZ NILES AUDIO CORPORATION – 1-800-BUY-HIFI – 1-305-238-4373 DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 5 3 11/14/08 11:33:24 AM PARTS GUIDE The DBI-1 package includes the following parts: t 0OF %#*%PPSCFMM*OUFSGBDF t 0OF 4FUPG3VCCFS'FFU t 0OF 6OJWFSTBM7PMUBHF1PXFS4VQQMZ t 0OF *OTUBMMBUJPO(VJEF After unpacking and before installation, the installer should carefully inspect the contents. If any damage is discovered due to shipping, the installer should contact Niles Audio for assistance (see back cover contact information). 4 DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 6 11/14/08 11:33:25 AM OPERATION OVERVIEW t 5IF%#*JTPQFSBUFECZUIFEPPSCFMMTXJUDIFTBOEBVUPNBUJPOTZTUFNTUIBUDPOOFDUUP UIFDPOUBDUDMPTVSFBOEWPMUBHFUSJHHFSJOQVUT5SJHHFSTGPSUXPJOEJWJEVBMDIJNFT$IJNF 4FMFDUJPO$IJNF4FMFDUJPO BSFQSPWJEFEGPSBGSPOUBOESFBSEPPS t 1MBDJOHUIF%#*JOUP-JHIUFE%PPSCFMM.PEFUIF%#*XJMMQSPWJEFUIF7PMUBHFUPJM MVNJOBUFBTJOHMFMJHIUFEEPPSCFMMCVUUPO NILES AUDIO CORPORATION – 1-800-BUY-HIFI – 1-305-238-4373 DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 7 5 11/14/08 11:33:25 AM DESCRIPTION a Screw Holes for Mounting (screws not included) b DC Power Jack and red LED Power Indicator c (1) 12V DC 150mA Voltage Trigger Output when Chime is Activated d Chime Output Level Adjustment e RCA Audio Input f RCA Audio Output g Trigger Tone and Delay Settings h Audio Output Level Adjustment i Chime Selection 2 DIP Switches j Chime 1 and 2 Voltage Triggers k Chime 1 and 2 Contact Closure Triggers l Chime Selection 1 DIP Switches (2) Continuous Voltage provided when in Lighted Doorbell Mode m Custom Chime Record Button and Record Indicator n Rubber Feet for Table Top Mounting o UL-listed, Universal Voltage Power Supply 6 DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 8 11/14/08 11:33:25 AM DESCRIPTION (Continued) Figure 1 c b d e f g h a a i m l k j o n NILES AUDIO CORPORATION – 1-800-BUY-HIFI – 1-305-238-4373 DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 9 7 11/14/08 11:33:26 AM INSTALLATION CONSIDERATIONS t *ODMVEFENPVOUJOHXJOHTBOESVCCFSGFFUQSPWJEFGPSFJUIFSUBCMFUPQPSTDSFXEPXO NPVOUJOHTFFFigure 1POQBHF t 5 IFJODMVEFE6-MJTUFEVOJWFSTBMWPMUBHFQPXFSTVQQMZQSPWJEFTQPXFSUPUIF%#* TFFFigure 2POQBHF t 5IF%#*DPOOFDUTUPUIF1BHJOH*OQVUPGB/JMFT.VMUJ;POF$POUSPM4ZTUFNVTJOHB TUBOEBSEBVEJPDBCMFXJUINBMF3$"DPOOFDUPSTTFFFigure 2POQBHF t "QBHJOHTZTUFNDPOOFDUTUPUIF"VEJP*OQVUPGUIF%#*VTJOHBO3$"BVEJPDBCMF TFFFigure 2POQBHF t %PPSCFMMNPNFOUBSZDPOUBDUDMPTVSFBOENPNFOUBSZWPMUBHFUSJHHFSTDPOOFDUUPUIF %#*VTJOHUXPDPOEVDUPSXJSFTFFFigure 2POQBHF t "TJOHMFDPOTUBOU7PMUBHF5SJHHFS*OQVUUPTVQQPSUB-JHIUFE%PPSCFMM#VUUPO TFFFigure 3POQBHF 8 DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 10 11/14/08 11:33:26 AM INSTALLATION MOUNTING THE DBI-1 Once you have decided on the location for the DBI-1 (generally near the location of the Niles MultiZone Control System), make sure that the 12V DC power adapter and all cables are disconnected while mounting. The DBI-1 can be either mounted on the back of a cabinet or on a wall using screws (not included). Also, it can be placed on a shelf using the included adhesive rubber feet (see Figure 1 on page 7). CONNECTING THE DBI-1 $POOFDUUIF"VEJP0VUQVUPGUIF%#*UPUIF1BHJOH*OQVUPGBDPNQBUJCMF/JMFT.VMUJ;POF 4ZTUFNTFFFigure 2POQBHF 0QUJPOBM $POOFDUUIF"VEJP0VUQVUPGBQBHJOHTZTUFNUPUIF"VEJP*OQVUPGUIF%#* TFFFigure 2POQBHF $POOFDUUIFWPMUBHFBOEPSDPOUBDUDMPTVSFUSJHHFSDBCMFTUPUIF$IJNF5SJHHFST TFFFigure 2POQBHF B 0QUJPOBM $POOFDUUIF7%$7PMUBHF5SJHHFS0VUQVUUPBWPMUBHFBDUJWBUFEEFWJDF TFFFigure 2POQBHF C $POOFDUUIF7%$7PMUBHF5SJHHFS0VUQVUUP%PPSOVNCFSPOFT 7PMUBHF5SJHHFS*OQVUJO QBSBMMFMXJUIUIFUXPDPOEVDUPSTUIBUBSFUPQPXFSUIF-JHIUFE%PPSCFMM#VUUPO $POOFDUUIFJODMVEFE7%$JOMJOFQPXFSBEBQUFSTWPMUBHFPVUQVUQMVHJOUPUIF%#*TQPXFS KBDLBOEUIFOQMVHJUT"$QPXFSDPSEJOUPBOVOTXJUDIFE"$PVUMFUTFFFigure 1 POQBHF 5IFSFE-&%QPXFSJOEJDBUPSXJMMJMMVNJOBUFUPDPOGJSNQSPQFSQPXFSDPOOFDUJPO $0/5*/6&%0//&951"(& NILES AUDIO CORPORATION – 1-800-BUY-HIFI – 1-305-238-4373 DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 11 9 11/14/08 11:33:26 AM Figure 2 10 DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 12 11/14/08 11:33:28 AM Figure 3 Lighted Button NILES AUDIO CORPORATION – 1-800-BUY-HIFI – 1-305-238-4373 DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 13 11 11/14/08 11:33:29 AM INSTALLATION SETTINGS Contact Closure Triggers - Contact closure trigger inputs provide for two independent chime triggers. When triggered, the selectable trigger tone, assigned delay and chime are executed. 3V-30V Voltage Triggers - Voltage trigger inputs provide for two independent chime triggers. When triggered, the selectable trigger tone, assigned delay and chime are executed. When in Lighted Doorbell Mode the DBI-1’s door number one input requires a constant Voltage and the collapse of that voltage initiates the chime. Use the DBI-1’s Trigger output to provide voltage to illuminate a single Lighted Doorbell Button. 4FFFigure 3POQBHF Lighted Doorbell Mode - Press and hold the Record Button for 10-15 seconds, the Record LED will blink three (3) times. This will indicate door number one (1) has been placed in Lighted doorbell Button Mode. The Voltage Trigger output will now be outputting a continuous voltage that will provide the 12V to illuminate the button and Door number one’s (1) Voltage Input. NOTE: 1. DO NOT USE THE AC POWER DISTRIBUTION IN AN EXISTING DOORBELL SYSTEM. 2. PRESS AND HOLD THE RECORD BUTTON FOR 10-15 SECONDS, THE RECORD LED WILL BLINK TWO (2) TIMES AND THIS WILL RESTORE THE DBI-1 TO ITS ORIGINAL SETTINGS. NOTE: VOLTAGE TRIGGERS ARE NOT POLARITY DEPENDENT. Chime and Audio Level Adjustments - Adjustable output level for the selected chime and the connected paging system. NOTE: THE AUDIO LEVEL ADJUSTMENT DOES NOT AFFECT AN AUDIO INPUT SIGNAL THAT IS BEING RECORDED FOR A CUSTOM CHIME. THE CUSTOM CHIME RECORD LEVEL MUST BE ADJUSTED EXTERNAL AT THE AUDIO SOURCE. *MPORTANT: LOWERING THE CHIME AND AUDIO LEVEL WILL PREVENT SOUND DISTORTION. 12 DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 14 11/14/08 11:33:29 AM INSTALLATION SETTINGS (Continued) Setting the Tone/Delay - Four DIP switches provide a selectable trigger tone and various delays between when a chime is triggered and when the chime is actually generated. Turning switch 1 ON enables a trigger tone that activates the audio sensing of the Paging Input of a Niles MultiZone System. Switches 2, 3 and 4 ON enable delay times. The delay time provided for each switch is indicated in the table below. Delay times are summed together when multiple switches are selected (e.g. 2 and 3 = 3 seconds). There is no delay included if none of these DIP switches are selected. NOTES: 1. THE CHIME CONTACT AND VOLTAGE TRIGGERS ARE IGNORED DURING A CHIME. 2. A TRIGGERED CHIME IS DELAYED 8 SECONDS AFTER THE COMPLETION OF A CHIME WHEN A TRIGGER TONE OR ANY AMOUNT OF DELAY IS SELECTED. RECOMMENDED TONE/DELAY SETTINGS Niles MultiZone System Recommended Setting Niles ZR-4 Tone On (1) no delay Niles ZR-6 Tone On (1) no delay IntelliControl ICS GXR2 Tone On (1) no delay ® $0/5*/6&%0//&951"(& NILES AUDIO CORPORATION – 1-800-BUY-HIFI – 1-305-238-4373 DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 15 13 11/14/08 11:33:29 AM INSTALLATION SETTINGS (Continued) Chime Selection - Two banks of DIP switches (Chime Selection 1 and Chime selection 2) provide independent selection of all the available chimes. The lowest number DIP switch takes priority if more than one switch is selected. The table below identifies the selectable chime for each DIP switch. Switch Chime 1 Standard Chime Recommended for a Front Door 2 Westminster Chime Recommended for a Front Door 3 Standard Chime Recommended for a Rear Door 4 Westminster Chime Recommended for a Rear Door None Recorded Custom Chime Recording a Custom Chime - A mono analog audio signal can be recorded by the DBI-1 to create a Custom Chime. Analog audio signals to be recorded connect to the Audio Input. Stereo audio signals can be adapted to mono using an RCA “Y” Adapter Cable. The DBI-1 was designed to record a Custom Chime at the same volume as the selectable chimes when recording the output of a typical CD player (@ 2V RMS). The record level for a Custom Chime must be adjusted externally at the audio source. Some trial and error will be required to obtain an exact volume match between a recordable Custom Chime and a selectable chime. 14 DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 16 11/14/08 11:33:29 AM INSTALLATION SETTINGS (Continued) RECORDING AN ACTIVE AUDIO SIGNAL 1SFTTUIFSFDPSECVUUPOUPCFHJOSFDPSEJOHUIFBVEJPTJHOBMUIFSFDPSEJOHTUBSUT JNNFEJBUFMZBOEUIFSFDPSE-&%GMBTIFTSFE 5IFSFDPSEJOHQSPDFTTXJMMFOEBGUFSTFDPOETXIFOJUJTDPNQMFUFUIFSFDPSE-&% UVSOTPGG 1SFTTJOHUIFSFDPSECVUUPOBOZUJNFCFGPSFUIFTFDPOETIBWFFMBQTFE BMTPFOETUIFSFDPSEJOHUIFSFDPSE-&%UVSOTPGG RECORDING A PAUSED AUDIO SIGNAL 1SFTTUIFSFDPSECVUUPOXIJMFUIFSFJTOPBVEJPTJHOBMQSFTFOUBUUIFBVEJPJOQVU5IJT DBVTFTUIF%#*UPHPJOUPBSFDPSETUBOECZNPEFUIFSFDPSE-&%MJHIUTTPMJESFE "DUJWBUFUIFBVEJPJOQVUTJHOBM5IFSFDPSEJOHXJMMCFHJOUIFNPNFOUBOBVEJPTJHOBMJT TFOTFEUIFSFDPSE-&%GMBTIFTSFE 5IFSFDPSEJOHQSPDFTTXJMMFOEBGUFSTFDPOETXIFOJUJTDPNQMFUFUIFSFDPSE-&% UVSOTPGG 1SFTTJOHUIFSFDPSECVUUPOBOZUJNFCFGPSFUIFTFDPOETIBWFFMBQTFE BMTPFOETUIFSFDPSEJOHUIFSFDPSE-&%UVSOTPGG SPECIFICATIONS Audio Chime: 100Hz ~ 3kHz, +/- 3dB Audio Pass Through: 10Hz ~ 50kHz, +/- 0.5dB Power Supply Input: 100-240V AC 50-60Hz 40W Output: 12V DC 1.2 A Trigger Inputs Voltage Trigger Input: 3V-30V AC/DC Contact Closure Inputs: < 100 ohms Unit Dimensions 7-7/8" W x 1-1/8" H x 4-1/8" D 20 cm W x 2.9 cm H x 10.5 cm D NILES AUDIO CORPORATION – 1-800-BUY-HIFI – 1-305-238-4373 DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 17 15 11/14/08 11:33:30 AM /*-&4"6%*0$03103"5*0/i/*-&4w 8"33"/54*54"$5*7&130%6$54505)&03*(*/"-163$)"4&350#&'3&&0' ."/6'"$563*/(%&'&$54*/."5&3*"-"/%803,."/4)*1'03"1&3*0%0'580:&"34'30.%"5&0'163$)"4& 5)*4 8"33"/5: *4 46#+&$5 50 5)& '0--08*/( "%%*5*0/"- $0/%*5*0/4 "/% -*.*5"5*0/4 5)& 8"33"/5: *4 70*% "/% */"11-*$"#-& *' /*-&4 %&&.4 5)"5 5)& 130%6$5 )"4 #&&/ 64&% 03 )"/%-&% 05)&3 5)"/ */ "$$03%"/$& 8*5) 5)& */4536$5*0/41307*%&%#:5)&."/6'"$563&3*/$-6%*/(#65/05-*.*5&%50%"."(&$"64&%#:"$$*%&/5.*4)"/%-*/( *.1301&3*/45"--"5*0/"#64&/&(-*(&/$&03/03."-8&"3"/%5&"303"/:%&'&$5$"64&%#:3&1"*3505)&130%6$5 #:"/:0/&05)&35)"//*-&403"/"65)03*;&%/*-&4%&"-&3 500#5"*/8"33"/5:4&37*$&5",&5)&6/*5505)&/&"3&45"65)03*;&%/*-&4%&"-&38)08*--5&455)&130%6$5"/%*' /&$&44"3:'038"3%*550/*-&4'034&37*$&*'5)&3&"3&/0"65)03*;&%/*-&4%&"-&34*/:063"3&":06.64583*5&50 /*-&4"/%*/$-6%&:063/".&.0%&-"/%4&3*"-/6.#&30':0636/*5"-0/(8*5)"#3*&'%&4$3*15*0/0'5)&130#-&. 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P.O. BOX 160818 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33116-0818 LIMITED WARRANTY DETACH HERE AND RETURN TO: NILES AUDIO CORPORATION WARRANTY REGISTRATION DEPT. P.O. BOX 160818 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33116-0818 WARRANTY REGISTRATION CARD Model Purchased __________________________________ Serial Number _________________________________ Date Purchased (month/day/year) ______________________ Dealer Name and Location ________________________ NDr. NMiss NMr. NMrs. NMs. Name ____________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City _______________________________State __________Zip ___________ Tel ( )_________________ Please take a moment to fill out our warranty registration card. The information helps us to get to know you better and develop the products you want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indd 19 11/14/08 11:33:31 AM BLENDING HIGH FIDELITY AND ARCHITECTURE® Niles Audio Corporation 1 2 3 3 1 S . W. 1 3 0 S t r e e t M i a m i , F l o r i d a 3 3 1 8 6 1-305-238-4373 1 - 8 0 0 - B U Y- H I F I – w w w. n i l e s a u d i o . c o m © 2 0 0 8 N i l e s Audio Corporation. A ll rights reser ved. N iles, the Nile s l o g o s , B l e n d i n g Hi g h Fi d e l i t y a n d Archi t e ct ure , Mi cro Flasher and IntelliC ontrol are registered trademarks o f N i l e s Au d i o C o r p o r a t i o n . D e c o r a i s a re gi st e re d t rade mark of Leviton. All other trademarks are the property o f th e i r r e s p e cti ve o wn e r s. D S 0 0 3 6 4 E DS00364E-0 DBI-1.indd 20 11/14/08 11:33:31 AM
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