Gamebreaker+ Guide


Gamebreaker+ Guide
Everything you need to know about
Performance Analysis
LFE is a partnership
between The Football
League and The
Professional Footballers’
Using a Mac
Hints & Tips
Keyboard Shortcuts
Capturing Video Footage
Coding Video Footage
Exporting Analysed Footage/Clips
Building a Template
Player Database and E-Scout
Goal of the Month – Process
Goal of the Month – Timings
Presenting & Sharing
Presenting on the Mac screen
Presenting Using a Projector
Sharing Using iWeb
Sharing Using iPods and iPhones
Sharing Using iDVD and iMovie
Uploading to the E-Scout server
E-Scout Video Exchange
Goal of the Month
Transferring Evidence to LFE’s E-portfolio
Performance Analysis Qualifications
Additional Hardware and Software
Utilising the Development Fund
The Support Process
Remote Support
Accessing HE/FE Support
Support Contact Details
Glossary of Terms
32 Terms and Conditions
League Football Education (LFE) continuously strives to
improve the ASE programme in terms of outcomes for Clubs
and Apprentices, including achieving a positive destination
upon completion of the programme.
As well as this LFE seeks to enhance the overall
experience the Apprentice has across the two years,
aspiring to make it an unbelievable experience. All
of this is underpinned by a desire to improve the
processes through which the framework is delivered
and assessed. Performance Analysis was identified
by LFE as a powerful tool through which to achieve
improvements in all three areas; outcomes,
processes and experience.
LFE’s successful bid to the learning innovation grant,
coupled with significant investment of its own, has
made it possible for all interested Clubs and
therefore Apprentices to benefit from an entire
Performance Analysis programme.
3. The creation of an on-line football CV for players
Built over two years this increases their chances of
finding employment as a player in the UK and / or
abroad if not successful in gaining professional
terms with the Club they completed their
This guide provides all the necessary information to
successfully implement the performance analysis
programme. The terms and conditions of the
programme can be found in the terms and
conditions section of this guide.
Video analysis hardware and software has been
purchased and distributed, training and support
from our partner E-Scout has been provided directly
and will continue remotely on an ongoing basis.
A performance analysis qualification is being devised
with Northumbria University which will allow Staff
and Apprentices to gain a formal qualification in this
discipline. Most importantly, these tools provide the
basis for:
1. Improving the development of players through
individual analysis
2. Allowing paperless evidence gathering for
the NVQ
Using a Mac
Hints & Tips
Below is a brief outline of things to note if you are a new Mac user. This is not exhaustive but should enable
you to get started.
The Mac HD folder (highlighted top right in the above graphic) is the ‘brains’ of
the Mac and it is advised that your folders / files / videos are NOT saved in here
as if something is accidentally deleted this could cause serious issues.
The ‘Dock’ which will either be hidden on the left hand side or the bottom of
the desktop is the shortcut dock to all your favourite applications including
Gamebreaker +, here you will also find Safari (which is a web browser), mail,
iCal etc.
When looking at organising your workspace on the Mac it is advised that you
use Folders, this can be found when in Finder Mode.
Click File > New Folder, then name it e.g. “Footage 2010 / 2011”.
Tip: You might want to have folders for training videos, player self
reflection video evidence etc.
To open Gamebreaker + click on the GB icon from the Dock, this will now load
the application.
Tip: Please note that if you click on the desktop you will be back in Finder
Mode so you must click the GB icon again to bring Gamebreaker+ back
into action.
Using a Mac
Keyboard Shortcuts
There are a number of timesaving shortcuts made possible by the use of certain keyboard combinations.
These relate to Mac use in general as well as when using the Gamebreaker+ application. Again this is
intended to offer hints and tips for those new to the Mac computer. For instance, did you know it was
possible to replicate the “right click” function on a PC within a Mac? Just hit the COMMAND button (⌘) and
then the SPACE BAR. Below are some more that you may find useful:
Menu Item - Function
← →↑↓
fn↑ fn↓
Open all timelines in folder
⌥ ⌘O
Save as
Combine timeline windows
Select all
Cut movie segment
Copy movie segment
Paste movie segment
Delete movie segment
⌃⌘ ⌫
Instance edit
Instance trim
Nudge all instances left
Using a Mac
Keyboard Shortcuts cont.
Nudge all instances right
Find and replace
⌥ ⌘F
Nudge sound track left
⌃ ⌥ ⌘L
Nudge sound track right
⌃ ⌥ ⌘R
Contract sound track
⌥ ⌘L
Expand sound track
⌥ ⌘R
Delete drawing items
⌃⌘ ⌫
Edit timeline note
⌥ ⌘E
Present movie (full screen)
Make movie
⌥ ⌘M
Full screen coding
Stop movie
Play movie
Stack instance movies
Overlay movies
⌥ ⌘Y
Reduce movie size
⌘< (Use , for <)
Increase movie size
⌘> (Use , for >)
Reduce transparency
Increase transparency
Close all instance movies
Close window
Quit full screen presentation
Measurement > Angle
^ ^
Measurement > Line
Hide / show drawing tool bar
^ ^
Play backwards
Add row
Using a Mac
Keyboard Shortcuts cont.
Open capture window
Quickstart capture
⌃ ⌘R
Stop capture
⌘. (Period / Full stop)
Pause / Resume capture
Play / Stop
Play / Stop
Space bar
Slow motion forward play
Hold down →
Smooth rewind play
Hold down ←
Fast forward play (1/10 sec steps)
⌘ →
Fast rewind play (1/10 sec steps)
⌘ ←
Faster rewind play (1/4 sec steps)
^ ^
Faster forward play (1/4 sec steps)
Fastest forward play (1 sec steps)
Fastest rewind play (1 sec steps)
Turbo forward play (10 sec steps)
Turbo rewind play (10 sec steps)
Play stack movie angle full screen
Move movie angle in stack
& Drag
Select segment of instance movie
& Drag instance movie playhead
on movie angle
Create an instance in selected row
Create an instance in any row
Extend ot shorten instance
Duplicate instance
& Drag from instance to other row
& Drag from a button
& Drag instance movie playhead
& Drag
& Drag on leading or trailing edge of instance
Duplicate button
Capturing Video
This section covers the basic process of capturing the video footage.
Before capturing can start you need to make sure you have the right equipment. Capturing directly to GB+
requires a FireWire connection from the Camera. This is a Mini DV out on the camera so the cable needed is a
400-600 FireWire.
Once your FireWire is connected choose
Capture > Open Capture Window.
This will open the capture window and will look for
a video source. This might default to the iSight
camera (the built in WebCam the MacBook has).
In order to switch to the external camera select the
Video Source drop down menu and choose the
Camera which is connected through the FireWire.
The next menu along is the built in compression.
This means that you can choose a codec to
compress the video as its being captured from its
Device Native and Apple Intermediate options will
give best possible quality but will result in greater
than 20GB file sizes for one game. This is not
practical when clubs play many games and want to
look at trends and create player databases.
E-Scouts recommendation is to use H.264 SD or
MPEG-4 SD both will give much smaller file sizes but
maintain enough quality in the footage.
The set up above will allow Live capture but if your
camera does not have a DV out then the recorded
footage will have to be transferred at a later date
from the Camera to the Mac. If you are using a
camera which saves to an SD card then the card will
enable you to drag that video file from the SD card
to the desktop and open with GB+.(Tip: Sanyo
Xacti’s are recommended for an SD card capture
Capturing Video
The Red Capture Button triggers off the start of
the capture process.
This then opens the ‘Save’ box - asking you to Name
the video package (i.e Huddersfield v Leeds 10th
October 2010) and where you want to save it.
You can now choose the folder you want to save it
in by clicking the small blue triangle to the right of
the name box. This allows you to search for your
Tip: You may want to set up specific folders in
FINDER prior to starting any capturing.
Other key info in the save box is the Disk info.
This shows how much space is available on your
Mac in terms of gigabytes and hours.
Once you hit save the capture process will begin.
Once you then press the Stop Capture button this
will create a Gamebreaker+ movie package.
The icon to the left represents the movie package
you have just created. Double clicking it opens the
movie and the timeline.
If you have captured to an SD card, use a USB
connection to connect your camera to the Mac, the
SD card or Camera icon should appear on the
desktop. Locate the movie you have just filmed and
drag and drop the movie to the Mac desktop.
In Gamebreaker go File > New > Timeline, then the
option appears to link this new timeline to the
movie you dragged to your desktop to “wrap it” in
the GB Package. This is the recommended approach.
Coding Video
Coding is the main element to the analysis process; it is the area where “labels” for specific pieces of action
are created. The Coding Window is where you as a coach put your coaching knowledge in to the design of a
template (please also see the Template section of this guide) in order to create your own Key Performance
Indicators (i.e. the areas of the game or of the play that you want to focus on and analyse).
The Code Window is found under File > New >
Code Window. This will now open a blank code
window in Edit Mode (green highlight indicates edit
Drag and Drop a button down into the main area of
the Code Window.
The Button is what you will press when you see the
particular activity happening in the footage you have
taken/are watching.
When first created the button will name and
number itself automatically so to edit the buttons
properties just Double Click the button.
Coding Video
Code buttons allow you to make instances (“Clips”) in the timeline, specific to what you are looking for i.e.
Use the Lead time to add a period of build up to your main piece of clip action and a lag time to close the
clip off a certain number of seconds after you press the code button.
In the above edit window you can change the Name / Colour / Font Size and add Hot Keys.
To edit the length of a clip highlight the clip in the
timeline then go Edit > Instance Edit...
This then bring up the instance with the edit options
along the top.
The arrows to the left are to set the Mark In points
(adjust the start of the clip) and on the right are the
Mark Out points (adjust the end time of the clip).
Analysed Footage / Clips
Once the capture and coding process has been worked through you will have a number of instances or
“Clips” which you may want to save to a DVD or format to play on another Mac or pc. If this is something
you want to do you will need to “Export” them.
You can either export the whole timeline movie (i.e. the whole Huddersfield v Leeds game) or a selection
of clips (i.e. all the crosses that were made in the game).
In the example below a set (or row) of clips labelled “Set Pieces” has been chosen for export as a
quicktime movie.
Click File > Export > Movies > Convert Movie...
Firstly change the name of the file to what you want the movie to be called (e.g Set Pieces) and then choose
the location where you want it to be saved (e.g. Desktop).
Within the EXPORT drop down menu are various other preset movie exports such as iPhone ready, use these
if you want to be able to share and view your clips on an iPhone / iPad / iPod touch. Once saved in these
formats they are ready for players and staff to view on these devices. Please also see the Presenting and
Sharing section of this Guide.
If you choose to create a DVD please ensure you click OPTIONS from the right of the Export drop down
menu and then select the H.264 video setting (see below). Using these settings will give you good quality but
will allow it to fit onto a DVD.
Please see the Support section of this Guide if you need to contact anyone with help in this area.
As mentioned in the Coding section of this Guide, the design of a template is where you as a coach can
bring your own knowledge into capturing what is needed to be analysed. This section provides some further
detail on this element of the Gamebreaker+ Software.
Building a Template
To start building your template(s) choose:
File > New > Code Window.
This will bring up the code window as a blank
canvas. To begin building your template drag and
drop “Buttons” into the blank space. You can then
edit each button by double clicking on it. From there
you can rename it, give it different colours and alter
the all important lead and lag times.
Here is an example template. The buttons are
completely customisable and can be used to capture
anything you as a coach deem important. In the
example to the left the white buttons are capturing
defensive situations for scrutiny.
• Set pieces against
• Corners against
• Goal attempts against
• Goals against
• Crosses against
Player Database and E-Scout
As part of the LFE Performance Analysis programme
a condition of receiving the equipment is to make
player footage available to E-Scout so if the player
completes his Apprenticeship and is released an
online CV of his 2 years can be supplied to
prospective Clubs and Universities.
A great way to ensure that every player gets enough
‘video time’ is to set up your template as your
formation (please see opposite) with relevant names
in each position or playing numbers. This format is
perfect for the Player Databases that you will build
for each players Development and it is also a format
which E-Scout will accept the footage in to to add
to their Master Database.
Goal of the Month - Process
As a way to further highlight the talent across the football league and to engage the Apprentices with each
other on a wider scale LFE has introduced a Goal of the Month award.
To ensure this footage is captured we recommend that you insert a “Highlight” button into your template.
The lead time on the button needs to be 15 seconds and the lag time needs to be 5 seconds.
Internally you will need to decide which goal you are putting forward each month. Once you have decided it
then need to be transferred to E-Scout. To do this:
1. Select the clip (open it)
2. Click File > Save as - then choose MoviePlayer standalone movie and save it to your desktop, naming the
clip as Player Surname, number and club (e.g. Barton9Liverpool).
In order to upload this Click Finder > Go > iDisk > Other User’s Public Folder then enter ‘’ then
drag and drop the movie into that area, this will upload it so it can be judged for the monthly competition.
Goal of the Month - Timings
The submission are to be made within the 1st week of the commencement of the following calendar month
(e.g. October’s goal of the month submission uploaded by 7th November). LFE will then review this footage
and post the best 8 onto LFE TV for the beginning of the 2nd week of the following calendar month (e.g.
Tuesday 9th November). LFE’s website poll will allow votes to be cast against each of the goals featured and
the goal with the most votes over a one week period will be selected as goal of the month.
Please also see the Terms and Conditions section of this Guide to ensure all of the necessary permissions are
in place for you to submit this footage.
Presenting & Sharing
Having captured and coded the video footage the final stage is to share the
analysed footage with players and staff. There are a number of different ways to
do this depending on your preferred methods as well as access to equipment.
The below section offers guidance on some of the ways to present and share
your footage and clips.
Presenting on the Mac screen
To present an instance (clip) in the timeline simply double click it.
Use the clapperboard icon to present in full screen or use ‘cmd ⌘ + m’ keystroke.
Press ‘Esc’ to exit full screen.
To present a row of clips for example ‘Corners’ double click the row name
‘Corners’ this will play each clip in sequence.
Space Bar = Play and Pause
Left Arrow = Rewind Frame by Frame
Right Arrow = Forward Frame by Frame
Shift + L/R Arrow = Fast - Rewind / Forward
Presenting Using a Projector
To connect the Mac up to a Projector you require a DVI - VGA adaptor.
Then once connected go to System Preferences.
Select displays > then choose ‘Detect Displays’.
You can put a shortcut to this detect displays into your top bar near your clock,
simply tick show displays in menu bar.
It will then appear at the top bar.
Now the Mac is linked up to a projector your analysis can be presented to the
manager and team by going through the same process as described above in
“Presenting on the Mac screen.
Presenting & Sharing
Sharing using iWeb
iWeb is an apple product that comes with your Mac, it is part of the iLife suite of products. This product
allows you to create your own website full of Clips. The advantage of this is that as long as your players/staff
have access to the internet they can view anything that is published on this site whenever they choose.
You will however require a MobileMe membership which costs £60per month but you get 2 months free.
Once you have purchased this and you enter your details to the MobileMe preferences in “System
Preferences” then you are ready to begin.
First open iWeb from your applications folder.
You then need to select the template for your site,
here you can have a page for training clips /
nutrition / schedule and of course Match Footage.
To get your footage in the right format for your
iWeb site go back to your game file in GameBreaker
• Select the clip(s) you want to put on the
websitei.e. all of Joe Bloggs clips by double
clicking the row.
• Then go File > Export > Movies > Convert iPhone
movie to iTunes
This file is now ready and waiting in iTunes.
Go back to iWeb and on the left hand side click
Movies and select iTunes library.
Drag and Drop your exported clips from the iTunes
library to the middle of the Webpage, you can
stretch the movie out to the size you want.
Presenting & Sharing
If you want to create a multi-page website click Add Page and choose from the
templates available.
Publish Site tab allows you to upload your iWeb to a fully working webpage
available to any browser.
To make your site private simply click on the website name on the left.
And then tick ‘make my published site private’ then enter a User Name and
Password for your players/staff to use when they log in.
Other features include adding a personal domain name and adding AuthPro (which is a multi-user account
login page). Please visit and for further detail.
Presenting & Sharing
Sharing Using iPhones and iPods
Again select the clips you want to share and go
File > Export > Movies > Convert movie.
Then where it says Export: choose ‘Movie to iPhone’
name it and save it to the desktop.
You can use iTunes to sync the Device or if you
don’t want to do that then you can use apps like Air
Sharing from the app store (£2.99) and wirelessly
send the clips to the device.
Make sure the iPod and Mac are both connected to
the same wifi network. Then open airsharing on the
devices and find the IP address it gives you.
Now on the Mac click the desktop then click Go >
Connect to Server and type in the IP address of the
device i.e. and click connect.
This will then mount the device on your desktop as
a drive. Simply drag and drop the saved .m4v file to
the device and this sends it over.
Tip: It is possible to share clips to other
smartphones but you will need to determine
what format you need to export to.
Presenting & Sharing
Uploading to the E-Scout Server
Firstly on your Mac go to the apple icon and run
Software Update - this will make sure that Java is up
to date. If your using a PC to upload then make sure
JAVA is installed -
If your capturing using H.264 codec then you can
upload that file direct to the exchange if not follow
the steps below.
Open your game file then go:
File > Export > Movies > Convert Movie
Set the Export drop down (at the bottom) to ‘Movie
to QuickTime Movie’ then click ‘Options’
Then enter the following settings.
Compression Type = H.264
Frame Rate = 25
Key Frames = 5
Data Rate = Restrict to 6400
Click OK then name the file (xxxx vs xxxx) and save it
to the desktop.
Presenting & Sharing
This will then begin the compression and it will save
a Quicktime movie to the desktop. Once this has
completed you will need to link a timeline to it.
On the original game package right click on it (ctrl &
click) and choose ‘Show Package Contents’
Then on the .TLCodes file inside the package right
click on it and choose ‘duplicate’
Then with the .TLCodes copy drag and drop it to the
desktop. Once on the desktop double click it and it
will open the game file. Now go:
File > Link Movie to Timeline window
It will say that there is already a movie linked do you
want to re-link to another - Hit YES
Then navigate and choose the compressed H.264
movie and click link.
When prompted press YES to placing the movie
inside a package.
Presenting & Sharing
Now you are ready to upload to the exchange. The only rule on uploading is to try and upload all your
home games.
Go to the following website;
Username = Your email address
Password = 123
Once you are logged in click ‘My Schedule’ and click your relevant tournament. In this case the tournament
is the ‘North East’.
Then select the relevant match by clicking it.
Click ‘Upload Videos’ at the bottom right. Give the file a name and then click browse and navigate to the
Gamebreaker Package and click upload. Team Sheets are required you can upload those here using the
Upload Files tab at the bottom left this is the same process as uploading video.
Presenting & Sharing
Sharing using iDVD and iMovie
Within the Macbook there are various utilities such
as iDVD and iMovie which can help you produce
Movies for DVD production.
Each comes with a video tutorial which is the most
effective way of learning about their uses.
Goal of the Month
The process and timings for sharing the Goal of the Month footage can be found in the Template section
of this Guide.
Transferring Evidence
to LFE’s E-Portfolio
A further benefit to video analysis is the ability to capture electronic NVQ evidence and attach this to LFE’s
E-Portfolio. This involves the use of Quicktime Screen Recording using the Macbook’s inbuilt WebCam along
with GB+ clips.
To add a voice over to a gamebreaker
analysis file
• Open photobooth
• Move camera shot over to the right (without
losing the image of the person recording)
• Open Quicktime (from the dock)
• Select FILE
• New Screen recording
• Record
• Click on the individual clips and the recorder can
talk through what is happening in each individual
• Stop recording (top bar next to help button).
• A pop up screen will appear with the recording on
so this can be checked
• Click back on FILE and SAVE AS (select file name)
• Save onto desktop
• Save as Quicktime movie
Tip: When conducting a Quicktime screen
recording make sure the volume of Gamebreaker
File is turned down sufficiently to allow for the
‘speaker’ to be heard when recording. The sound
can be adjusted once in the package by clicking
speaker icon just beneath ‘File’.
Tip: When setting up a recording ensure that the
screens are positioned as follows . Video Window
(positioned left), the Timeline (positioned bottom)
and the Photo Booth ‘window’ (positioned right).
This will allow for a clear recording.
Tip: To compress a file click on to Apple
Intermediate and select H2645D from the drop
down menu.
Transferring Evidence
to LFE’s E-Portfolio
Load onto VLE e-portfolio
1. Logon to the VLE from the main LFE website
2. Select ‘List Portfolio’s’ from the list on the left &
choose a Club
3. Find the apprentice and click on the Add Evidence
icon to the right of the screen
4. Select ‘Video’ & browse for the video file you
wish to upload. Finally click on the green tick to
upload the file.
LFE and Northumbria University have partnered up to devise and deliver a Performance Analysis qualification.
The qualification will be at Level 4 and will carry with it 20 UCAS points. Currently being piloted it will then
be rolled out nationally pending any issues identified in the pilot scheme.
This qualification will formerly recognise competence in Performance Analysis and not only help staff to
enhance their skills but also provide another qualification for any interested Apprentices, aiding their
transition into employment or education upon completing their Apprenticeship.
If you are interested in learning more about this qualification please contact Dan Jolley whose details can be
found in the “Support” section of this guide.
Additional Hardware
and Software
Each Club’s requirements and resources will be different so it is recommended that staff contact Chris Barton
from E-Scout by email with your requirements or queries around additional hardware of software. Chris’
contact details can be found in the Support section of this guide.
As a starting point however here are some products for consideration:
• Cameras
• External Hard Drives
• Macbooks
• Tripods
Endzone Tripods – 25-30ft Extendable Tripod, giving
you the perfect vantage point for your camera.
E-Scout has an extensive supplier list for all of the
above (including the Endzone Tripod).
Support Software
• DVD ‘ripping’ software
• Handbrake
• Visual Hub (please contact Chris for details)
E-Scout can be contacted with any specific requirements and the Development Fund can be utilised to
procure equipment.
Additional Hardware
and Software
A list of relevant items and links to each suggested products website can be found below. E-Scout uses a
number of different suppliers to try achieve the best price in all circumstances.
Elgato Turbo Stick for speedier compression
to H264.
Storage Drives to keep all your games in one place
over the course of a season.
E-Scout recommends 1TB or 2TB drives. If you buy
the Elgato above then 1TB is quite sufficient.
Additional Hardware
and Software
Additional Software and Updates
Gamebreaker Plus is the entry level software within the Sportstec family of products.
If you wish to find out about other software and methods currently being used by Senior Teams in Football
and Sport in general, then please contact E-Scout for more details. These include mobile coding using an
iPhone / iPod / iPad. Similarly, if you require additional Gamebreaker Plus licences then please let E-Scout
know and they will endeavour to obtain these at a discounted price.
Updates for the Macbook
There is a constant set of updates available for the
Macbook (free of charge) which keep the Machine
running quickly and smoothly. To access these for
the Macbook;
Click on the apple icon at the top left of your
screen, then click Software Update. This will
automatically check for updates after which it will
prompt you to authorise the updates.
Updates for Gamebreaker Plus
Similarly to the Macbook Gamebreaker+ also has
regular updates. Please visit
Once at the Homepage please click hover over the
Support tab, then click DOWNLOADS.
there please click through the Installation process.
Utilising the
Development Fund
LFE maintains and manages a development fund which is accrued by Clubs based on the number of
successful frameworks achieved by their Apprentices. This fund exists to help Clubs develop and enhance the
delivery of the AASE programme. Building on the performance analysis equipment, software and training
already provided by LFE can be done by utilising development funds. This includes all of the equipment
described in the Additional Hardware and Software section of this guide.
For more information on the development fund please contact your LFE Regional Officer.
The Support Process
E-Scout are LFE’s official training and support partner in this project so in the event of any queries please contact
Chris Barton. The most effective method is e-mail which not only allows E-Scout to manage their workload but it
also provides the basis for a FAQ document to be created and communicated throughout the season.
Remote Support
iChat is also a crucial method of support, this allows
E-Scout to quickly diagnose any issues and find a
The most effective method of E-Scout us being able to
support you ‘remotely’ is through iChat. If you haven’t
already done so please get yourself an account by
Please name your account with reference to the Club,
ie OrientYouth.
Detailed Product Help
The advice you find in this manual for Gamebreaker
Plus can be found in more detail within the package.To
find this please click Help on the top bar of the
package and select “Open Manual”.
Likewise, with all the other products and services we
use, a specific and detailed user guide can be found
in the same area. If you do not feel comfortable with
certain elements then please take the time to
go through the tutorial or manual.
Once you have got your iChat account you can open
from the dock by clicking iChat icon.
Accessing HE/FE Support
LFE and E-Scout have an extensive network of partners
which can be utilised to form partnerships around
performance analysis. If you are interested in being put
in touch with a local University please contact Chris
Barton or Dan Jolley whose details can both be found
Support Contact Details
Chris Barton
iChat: cbescout
M: 07545 697033
Dan Jolley (Project Manager, LFE)
T. 0870 458 9250
M. 07876 500350
Steve Jenkinson
Sportstec is also available on:
M: 07771 538249
Glossary of Terms
Format of the video footage (effects quality and
storage size of footage)
Lag Time
Set length of time after the particular game element
finishes i.e. distribution after a tackle is made
A visual representation of the time elapsed in the
footage and where game labelled game elements/
instances sit
Code Buttons
Labelled buttons which when pressed identify the
particular game element i.e. Button labelled “Shots”
is pressed every time a player takes a shot
GB+ Movie Package
Gamebreaker+ file containing a particular set of
analysed video footage
Collection of Code Buttons to capture all elements
of the game as defined by the coach
Video Clips
Hot Key
Keys on the keyboard which are associated with
Code Buttons i.e. The key ‘S’ is assigned to “Shots”
so every time a shot is seen the ‘S’ key can be
pressed instead of using the mouse
Row of Instances
Set of Video Clips
Lead Time
Set length of time before the particular game
element occurs i.e. build up play to a shot
Terms & Conditions
In order to be part of the LFE Performance Analysis programme the following terms and conditions were
signed upon receipt of the Macbook loaded with Gamebreaker+ software. This was distributed either at the
training events or in subsequent one to one training delivered by E-Scout. LFE would like to take this
opportunity to remind Clubs of these terms.
The equipment is intended for use by the youth department for the benefit of LFE apprentices in terms of
both improving performance during their apprenticeship and enhancing opportunities after it. LFE will
conduct random audits to ensure the equipment is available to the youth department for these purposes
If the club does not use the equipment, or it is not made available to the youth department, the cost of the
equipment will be recharged to the club.
Video footage shot during the apprenticeship programme must be made available to E-Scout for those
apprentices that are not kept on, in order to support them in finding another club.
LFE recommends that Clubs follow The FA’s guidance on the use of images and video footage of players
Under the Age of 18. By submitting footage you agree to LFE’s terms and conditions, which require:
• That the submitting Club have written consent from the parents of all players under the age of 18 years
that participate in Youth Alliance or Academy League matches to be filmed and that they agree to your
Club submitting their footage to LFE for broadcast on
• That the submitting Club agree not to copy, reproduce, republish, display, or distribute in any way other
material that is owned by another football club without their express/written permission
• That the submitting Club has the express permission of other member football league clubs to submit
video that includes footage of their players i.e. goals scored against them
• That the submitting Club is the copyright holder of any footage that is submitted to LFE including, but not
restricted to, the Goal of the Month competition footage
Please note:
That where you are invited to submit any contribution to (including any text, photographs,
graphics, video or audio) you agree, by submitting your contribution, to grant LFE a perpetual, royalty-free,
non-exclusive, sub-licensable right and licence to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create
derivative works from, distribute, perform, play, make available to the public, and exercise all copyright and
publicity rights with respect to your contribution worldwide and/or to incorporate your contribution in other
works in any media now known or later developed for the full term of any rights that may exist in your
contribution, and in accordance with privacy restrictions set out in LFE’s Privacy Policy.
If you do not want to grant LFE the rights set out above, please do not submit your contribution to Goal of
the Month and contact Daniel Jolley to discuss (Daniel Jolley’s contact details can be found in the Support
section of this Guide).