NoR 2 - Auckland Transport
NoR 2 - Auckland Transport
6 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson, Auckland 0612 Private Bag 92250, Auckland 1142, New Zealand Ph 09 355 3553 Fax 09 355 3550 Notice of Requirement 2 (NoR 2) NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT FOR A DESIGNATION UNDER SECTION 168(2) OF THE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ACT 1991 (RMA) TO: Auckland Council FROM: Auckland Transport 6 Henderson Valley Road Henderson Private Bag 92250 Auckland AUCKLAND TRANSPORT (an Auckland Council Controlled Organisation) as Requiring Authority under section 167 of the Resource Management Act 1991 gives notice of a requirement for a designation in the Auckland Council District Plan for works being the City Rail Link (CRL or the Project) to be shown as Rail Purposes for City Rail Link (Sub-strata). 1. SUMMARY The CRL will generally comprise: an underground passenger railway approximately 3.4km long (including two tracks and three underground stations) running between Britomart Station and the North Auckland Line (NAL) in the vicinity of the existing Mount Eden station; and an additional 850m of track modifications to the rail network within and adjacent to the NAL. This Notice of Requirement (NoR 2) is to create a sub-strata designation that relates to land below the ground surface (under road reserve and private property) between Mayoral Drive and New North Road in Newton which is necessary to provide for the construction, operation and maintenance of two rail tunnels, housing of appropriate utility services within the operational tunnels (e.g. telecommunications), and ancillary activities associated with the construction, operation and maintenance of the CRL. The rail tunnels have been designed to accommodate two rail lines (one in each tunnel) for approximately 3.4km (Britomart to Mt Eden). In addition to the future operation and maintenance of these tunnels, the designation proposed by NoR 2 will provide for the construction of these tunnels where it occurs below the ground. Separate designations are being sought for those parts of the construction that will impact on the ground surface including stations. Auckland Transport’s (AT) objective is to secure the rail corridor to enable construction, operation and maintenance. In doing this, the wider objectives of the Project will also be achieved. 2. THE SITES WHICH NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT 2 APPLIES TO ARE AS FOLLOWS: NoR 2 relates to sub strata land1 within the Auckland Council District Plan beneath Council owned land (road reserve) and private property in the vicinity of Mayoral Drive, Vincent Street, Pitt Street, Greys Ave, Poynton Terrace, Beresford Square, Karangahape Road, Mercury Lane, Cross Street, Canada Street, the state highway network at Central Motorway Junction (CMJ), Upper Queen Street, St Benedicts Street, Symonds Street, Newton Road, Khyber Pass Road, Mt Eden Road and New North Road. NoR 2 proposes to designate land that is sub-strata, below the ground surface. It will create an envelope that contains the rail tunnels. The top of the proposed designation will vary in depth beneath the current natural ground surface and will sit below a further protective designation for Rail Purposes (strata) for City Rail Link (refer to NoR 3). The following plans are attached which indicate the extent of NoR 2: The extent of the proposed designation is shown on the Land Requirement Plans NoR 2, Sheets 1 to 5 attached to this NoR – land to be designated in sub-strata is shown blue on these plans; The longitudinal extent of this NoR is shown in the “NoR Overview” document contained in this Volume (Volume 1) of the CRL NoR suite of documents; and Indicative cross section views of the NoR at section 4. The legal descriptions of the land to be designated are also attached to this NoR in an associated Schedule of properties affected by NoR 2. 3. THE NATURE OF THE PROPOSED WORK IS AS FOLLOWS: NoR 2 relates to Rail Purposes for City Rail Link (Sub-strata) land below the ground surface between Mayoral Drive and New North Road which is necessary to provide for the construction, operation and maintenance of two rail tunnels, housing of appropriate utility services within the operational tunnels (e.g. telecommunications), and ancillary activities associated with the construction, operation and maintenance of the CRL. The nature of the work in relation to NoR 2 is detailed in the CRL NoR AEE: Volume 2 (particularly section 4), and the Concept Design Report2. In summary, the work includes the following activities: Construction of two tunnels including ancillary works; Construction of cross passages to provide for maintenance access and emergency exits during operation; Use of the two tunnels for operating a railway and ancillary activities including electrification, ventilation, and emergency access and egress; Use of the two tunnels to house appropriate future services (e.g. telecommunications and other utilities); and 1 Sub-strata land is defined for the purposes of NoR 2 as land starting below the strata designation to the centre of the earth (provides for the rail tunnels) 2 Appendix 13 Volume 3: CRL NoR suite of documents. Maintenance of the tunnels as required. See the plans contained in Appendix 1 and 2, Concept Design Report3. 4. THE NATURE OF THE PROPOSED CONDITIONS THAT WOULD APPLY ARE: In terms of this NoR, the land required to be designated is sub-strata land and only pertains to land below the surface. The designation will authorise the construction, operation and maintenance of the works to which the designation relates. The proposed conditions that would likely apply to NoR 2 are: Works to be undertaken in general accordance with the information provided to support NoR 2 (the CRL NoR suite of documents and any further relevant information provided through the public process associated with confirming this NoR); The preparation and implementation under the Environmental Management Framework of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) (which particularly pertains to noise and vibration, built heritage, building condition surveys and monitoring / settlement monitoring, and trees) to manage (including the avoiding, remedying and mitigating of) adverse environmental effects during the construction of the CRL; The preparation and implementation under the Environmental Management Framework of the Communications Plan to manage and implement communications and consultation during the construction of the CRL; The preparation and implementation under the Environmental Management Framework (EMF) of operational management plans. Section 176 of the RMA provides that once a designation is included in a district plan, land owners may not, without AT’s written consent, do anything on their land that would prevent or hinder the project to which the designation relates. That protection also applies in the interim as soon as the NoR is served under section 178. Above the proposed designation (NoR 2) is a related designation (proposed by NoR 3), the depth protection designation. The designation proposed under NoR 3 does not authorise any works for the project but is intended to operate in the long term to give protection to the tunnels which are authorised under the designation beneath it (NoR 2). The designation will enable AT to protect against development that proposes to penetrate into the depth protection designation which could hinder or prevent CRL being constructed, or impact the structural integrity of CRL tunnels following construction. These matters are addressed further in NoR 3 and the AEE which supports this NoR. 3 Appendix 13 Volume: 3 CRL NoR suite of documents. The figure below provides a visual representation of NoR 2 and related NoR 3. 5. THE EFFECTS THAT THE PROPOSED WORK WILL HAVE ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE WAYS IN WHICH ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS WILL BE MITIGATED ARE: An assessment of the actual and potential effects and a summary of the proposed measures to manage (including to avoid, remedy or mitigate) potential adverse effects are presented in Section 7 of the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) which supports this NoR (Volume 2 of the CRL NoR suite of documents). The CRL project will provide local and regional benefits, including: enhancing rail travel efficiency and trip reliability for users (particularly those travelling to and from the central city area to the west); increased network resilience by making Britomart a through station and enabling the CRL to connect both to the east and west on the NAL; and providing opportunity for residential and business intensification surrounding the stations. In summary adverse effects on the environment likely as a result of the works authorised by NoR 2 include: Regenerated noise during construction and operation of the two tunnels, i.e. noise generated by construction vibration sources which travels through the ground and through a building structure and is re-radiated by the building structure as noise; and Potential structural damage of buildings and structures during construction of the two tunnels as a result of vibration from the tunnelling process (including on nearby heritage buildings and structures). Through careful design, management and various mitigation measures proposed in the AEE which supports this NoR, these effects can be adequately avoided, remedied or mitigated. In particular, the following key avoidance and mitigation measures are proposed: Noise and vibration emissions during construction will be managed by developing and implementing the CEMP, to minimise and otherwise manage the potential effects of these works on owners and occupiers above or in proximity to the CRL, including; o site specific mitigation measures to be developed and agreed in consultation with the affected party/receiver; o pre-construction condition surveys of specific buildings (including heritage buildings), which may be potentially affected by construction vibration; o Monitoring of buildings, identified through the condition surveys, during construction; o Amending construction activities, or implementing measures to safeguard buildings as required during construction; and o Rectifying residual damage to buildings after construction. Potential effects on Built Heritage will be managed through the CEMP, which shall include, but not be limited to: o o Building condition surveys; o Procedures for the repair of any damage to historic buildings from the construction or operation of the CRL; o Building Recording. Under the CEMP measures to address potential effects on trees including: o Confirming the built heritage buildings that are directly affected by the CRL construction works and identifying the appropriate mitigation requirements which may include: The proposed methods to survey and monitor during construction of the two tunnels the potential effects on those trees located above the substrata designation which may be affected by groundwater drawdown. Undertaking and maintaining communication with those directly affected, affected in proximity, and the wider community through implementation of the Communications Plan which is developed under the EMF. The CRL Project will be designed and implemented in a way which recognises and responds to the actual and potential adverse effects of the project on the environment. With the proposed mitigation measures and methodology these effects will be appropriately managed. 6. ALTERNATIVE SITES AND METHODS HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED TO THE FOLLOWING EXTENT: Alternative sites, routes and methods considered are detailed in Section 3 of the AEE, the 2010 Option Evaluation Report4 and the 2012 Option Evaluation Report5. The preferred alignment for the CRL has been the result of a careful evaluation of a number of alignment options and construction methods. From mid-2009 to December 2010 investigations (including engineering design and environmental assessments) were undertaken and design and construction alternatives considered for KiwiRail and ARTA. In 2012 AT undertook further investigations, designs and alternatives have been considered which have refined the 2009 / 2010 work. In particular, the assessment of alternatives has focussed on engineering requirements, environmental impacts and technical feasibility, and cost. The CRL is restricted by a number of technical parameters (including maximum gradient for the safe operation of a railway) and physical constraints (including the topography of central Auckland). The preferred CRL alignment has been selected to minimise, to the extent practicable, impacts upon private property particularly in terms of surface requirements, while achieving consistency with the Project and AT’s objectives. The assessment of alternatives has provided AT with information which has assisted it in identifying its preferred alignment and feasible construction options for the CRL. Specifically in relation to NoR 2, a number of alternative tunnel alignments were assessed to connect the location of the proposed stations. This is further discussed in the 2010 Option Evaluation Report6 and the 2012 Option Evaluation Report7. 7. THE PROPOSED WORK AND DESIGNATION ARE REASONABLY NECESSARY FOR ACHIEVING THE OBJECTIVES OF THE REQUIRING AUTHORITY: AT’s objectives are outlined in the Statement of Intent (SOI) 2012-2015. The SOI presents AT’s overarching outcome as “Auckland’s transport system is effective and efficient, and provides for the region’s social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing”. The CRL project is identified as a key project in the SOI under integrating transport planning and investment with land development. AT’s objective in serving this NoR is to enable the construction, operation and maintenance of the CRL including a connection between Britomart and the NAL. In achieving that, AT will also enable the achievement of the Project Objectives, as set out in full in Section 1.6 of the AEE which supports this NoR. For ease of reference these are repeated below: Improve transport access into and around the city centre for a rapidly growing Auckland (a) Future proof for expected growth; Improve the efficiency and resilience of the transport network of urban Auckland 4 Appendix 11: Volume 3 of the CRL NoR suite of documents Appendix 12: Volume 3 of the CRL NoR suite of documents. 6 Appendix 11: Volume 3 of the CRL NoR suite of documents. 7 Appendix 12: Volume 3 of the CRL NoR suite of documents. 5 (a) (b) (c) Improve journey time, frequency and reliability of all transport modes Maximise the benefits of existing and proposed investment in transport Release the rail capacity constraint at Britomart Significantly contribute to lifting and shaping Auckland's economic growth (a) (b) (c) Support economic development opportunities Provide the greatest amount of benefit for cost Enable a more productive and efficient city Provide a sustainable transport solution that minimises environmental impacts (a) (b) Limit visual, air quality and noise effects Contribute to the country's carbon emission targets Contribute positively to a liveable, vibrant and safe city (a) (b) (c) Enhance the attractiveness of the city as a place to live, work and visit Protect our cultural and historic heritage for future generations Help safeguard the city and community against rising transport costs The proposed works are reasonably necessary for achieving these objectives because they: Provide for Britomart to be connected as a through station rather than a terminus station to the wider Auckland rail network thereby releasing constraints and improving the functionality of the network; Provide for a direct connection of the rail network to the NAL without the need to go via Newmarket, improving transport access into and around the city centre, network resilience, journey times and reliability for people travelling on the rail network and in particular to and from the west; Provide for a direct rail connection into the centre of the ‘mid town’ business district (around Aotea Station), enhancing the attractiveness of the city as a place to work and live while assisting to facilitate employment growth in this area; Enable additional land use and economic development benefits for the City Centre area. The proposed designation is reasonably necessary for achieving these objectives because: It enables AT to have the flexibility and ability to construct, operate and maintain the network and undertake the Project in accordance with the designation notwithstanding anything contrary within the relevant District Plans; It enables the work to be undertaken in a comprehensive and integrated manner; It achieves certainty through identifying in the District Plan the location, nature and extent of the Project and AT’s clearly intended use of that land; and It ensures the security of the rail link is maintained in respect of separation from other network utilities and the potential actions of third parties on and within (in particular) land contained within the designation footprint. As an approved Requiring Authority in terms of section 167 of the RMA via section 47(1) of the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009, AT may designate to construct, operate and maintain the CRL rail line and tunnels, rail stations, and ancillary activities. 8. OTHER RESOURCE CONSENTS NEEDED FOR THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY WHICH HAVE NOT BEEN APPLIED FOR: As summarised in Section 2.3 of the AEE which supports this NoR, resource consents in accordance with sections 9, 14 and 15 of the RMA will be required to construct the CRL (generally relating to earthworks, restrictions relating to taking, diverting or using water (such as groundwater), and the discharge of contaminants into the environment). The preparation of these resource consents is dependent upon further site investigations and detailed design being undertaken at a future date. 9. THE FOLLOWING CONSULTATION HAS BEEN UNDERTAKEN WITH PARTIES THAT ARE LIKELY TO BE AFFECTED: The consultation undertaken with parties likely to have particular interest in the CRL project is detailed in Section 5 of the AEE which supports this NoR. Discussions will be continuous and on-going. In summary, AT has consulted with: 10. Auckland Council; Waterfront Auckland; New Zealand Railways Corporation (KiwiRail); NZ Transport Agency; Directly affected Waitemata and Albert Eden Local boards as well as another 16 of the 21 Auckland Local Boards; Stakeholder Groups (notably EMA, New Zealand Planning Institute, Karangahape Road Business Association, Heart of the City, Electorate MPs Nikki Kaye and John Banks, Eden Terrace Business Group); Central Government departments (notably Ministry of Transport and Central Government - Treasury); New Zealand Historic Places Trust; Iwi (notably Ngati Maru, Ngati Paoa, Ngai Tai ki Tamaki, Ngati Te Ata, Ngati Whatua o Orakei, Te Akitai, Te Kawerau a Maki and Ngati Tamoho); Directly affected landowners; and The general public through the consultation processes associated with the Auckland Plan, the City Centre Master Plan, Auckland Long Term Plan, and Regional Land Transport Programme. AUCKLAND TRANSPORT ATTACHES THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION REQUIRED TO BE INCLUDED IN THIS NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT BY THE DISTRICT PLAN, REGIONAL PLAN, OR ANY REGULATIONS MADE UNDER THE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ACT 1991: This NoR is contained within Volume 1 of the full suite of documents that comprise the City Rail Link Notices of Requirement and supporting information. Also in that suite of documents are Volume 2 (AEE and AEE appendices) and Volume 3 (technical reports including the 2012 Concept Design Report and plans, the two option evaluation reports, technical environmental assessments). Section 2.2.11 of the AEE supporting this NoR includes the information required by Section 15.4.1 – Designations, of the Auckland Council District Plan: Central Area Section 2005 and Section 4A.3.A – Designations of the Auckland Council District Plan: Isthmus Section 1999. In addition a schedule of affected properties and a plan identifying the area covered by this NoR is attached to the NoR. 11. Extended Lapse Period Sought: Pursuant to section 184(1)(c) of the RMA, AT proposes a lapse period of 20 years for the implementation of the proposed designation as detailed in Section 2.2.7 of the AEE supporting this NoR. This period provides sufficient time for AT to give effect to the works including undertaking land purchase negotiations, detailed design and construction of the rail link itself, and allows for an appropriate period to address required resource consenting, tendering and construction processes. Signed for AT by Dr Kevin Doherty, Chief Infrastructure Office pursuant to an authority by AT Signature: Date: 15 August 2012 Address for Service: Auckland Transport 6 Henderson Valley Road Henderson Private Bag 92250 Auckland Attention: Deborah Godinet Ph: 0274308101 Schedule of Affected Properties - Auckland City Rail Link - Notice of Requirement 2 NoR NO. ON LAND REQUIREMENT PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION 2 2 2 36 37 38 Legal Road Legal Road Lot 1 DP 30906 2 39 Lot 1 DP 93877 Unit Plan 174408 2 40 Lot 1 DP 72995 NA28D/723 2 41 Lot 1 DP 75572 TITLE REFERENCE NA818/267 Unit Plan 401541 (TITLE) OWNERS TOTAL AREA (Ha) Auckland Council Auckland Council DNZ Property Fund Limited (NA107A/351) Lockhart Trustee Services Limited, Lyndal Ann Haire, Shaun Galen Haire, (NA107A/352) Gracey Investments Limited, (NA107A/355) Vincent House Limited, (NA107A/356) M P M Investments Limited, (NA107A/357) Siew Fong Chan, (NA107A/358) Marion Helen Levers, (NA107A/359) Anthony John Walker, Joseph William Gilfillan, (NA107A/360) PJ Yin Investments Limited, (NA107A/361) Kun-Lung Chiu, (NA107A/362) Shangjun Zhu, Xiran Chen, (NA125B/31) Benjamin Crowe, (NA125B/32) Dean Matthew Parker Young Men's Christian Association of Auckland Incorporated (404099) Louisa Rull, Victor Rull, (404100) Kumana Rajan Natesan, Ravi Govindaram, (404101) Laurent Frantz Taufoou Lenato, (404102) Craig James Dickson, Mary Dunne, (404103) Denise Marie McIlroy, John David McIlroy, (404104) Min Wang, (404105) Philippa Marie Shann, Simon Michael Christley, (404106) Clive Steyn, (404107) Boon Ching Koh, Siow Moy Wee, (404108) Chien Wei Lee, Saw Hoon Chua, (404109) FMK Investments Limited, (404110) Ian Christopher Makin, (404111) Anne Maxwell, David Neil Maxwell, (404112) Catherine Margaret Maher, Keith Maher, (404113) Vicki Elizabeth Catcliffe, William Frederick Catcliffe, (404114) R.T.S. Investments Limited, (404115) R.T.S. Investments Limited, (404116) GWR Investments Limited, (404117) Alain Antoine Allain, Francoise Yvonne Marcelle Allain, (404118) Christelle Saint-Marc, Thierry Jean-Louis Saint-Marc, (404119) Grant Leslie Wilkinson, Wayne Alan Guthrie, (404120) Peter Thng, Yian Leng Lee, (404121) Helen Marie Manning, (404122) Lawrange Holdings Limited, (404123) Priscilla Lay Har Ho, (404124) David Alan Homer, Deborah Homer, (404125) Archibald Adrian Howie, Merril Ann Howie, (404126) R & W Elder Limited, (404127) Khanh Hoa Luu, (404129) Philippe Flagel, (404130) Tse Shun Li¸(404131) Paul Lewis Green, (404132) Anita Elizabeth Wright, Steven Owen Wright, (404133) Pek Lin Jennifer Leong, (404134) Duncan Guy Properties Limited, (404135) Dark Star Too Limited, (404136) Lawrence Soon U Lee, (404137) Kian Ong Eng, Tang Lim Violet Tay, (404138) Century Holdings Limited, (404139) Ufarm Limited, (404140) Tian Yi Alvin Koh, (404141) Rowan Douglas Lockwood, (404142) Millar Industries NZ Limited, (404143) Elisabeth Garda Barat Epouse Prouveur, Nicolas Jean Michel Prouveur, (404144) Julie Anne Hunt, Keith John Hunt, (404145) Cher Wee Tan, Chiu Ling Lim, (404146) Bradley Robert Hinton, (404147) Oryx Properties Limited, (404148) Chew Kian Nyeo, Ching Hung Tan, (404149) Jieling Yang, Qiao Yang, (404150) Claire Lindsey Dowd, Robert John Kenny, (404151) Ngatokowaru Limited, (404152) Kathryn Grace Jones, Malcolm Murray Jones, (404153) Kathryn Grace Jones, Malcolm Murray Jones, (404154) Turu Sons and Daughter Investments Limited, (404155) Amakhaya Investments Limited, (404156) Stephen Bruce Sandford-Hill, Susan Joy Sandford-Hill, (404157) Mary Mona Diamond, Michael James Diamond, (404158) Jean-Patrice Haustien, Marylene Haustien, (404159) Leong Chuan Ong, Shurn Hwee Loh, (404160) Sokimi Holdings Limited, (404161) Poh Ling (Lan Baolin) Lam, Wei Meng Chan, (404162) Gretal Investments Limited, (404163) Stephen John O'Sullivan, Vickie Anne O'Sullivan, (404164) Century Holdings Limited, (404165) Hoon Jee Heng, Lee Leng Koh, (404166) Lai Chan Shin, (404167) Glen Stuart Hollowell, (404168) Emi Shiroki, Nicholas Allan Lion, (404169) Tracy Ann Fogg, (404170) Anne-Louise McIlroy, David Charles McIlroy, (404171) Albert Poai Te Pou, Josephine Matekohi Te Pou, LAND TAKE AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA IN SUB STRATA (Ha) ROAD NAME OTHER RELEVANT NORs 0.76 0.91 0.05 0.76 0.91 <0.01 Mayoral Drive Vincent Street 3 3 3 0.08 <0.01 3 0.08 0.01 3 0.15 0.07 3 Beca // 15 August 2012 // Page 1 4214293 // NZ1-6151072-13 0.13 NoR NO. ON LAND REQUIREMENT PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION TITLE REFERENCE (TITLE) OWNERS TOTAL AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA IN SUB STRATA (Ha) ROAD NAME OTHER RELEVANT NORs (404172) Chee Thong Ang, Mei Foong Yip, (404173) Dechelly Limited, (404174) Kelly Jay Investments Limited, (404175) England Properties Limited, (404176) K V Saumini Nair, S Sukumaran Menon, (404177) Lescot Property Limited, (404178) Gail Teresa Newton, Martin John Newton, (404179) John Henry Rust, Shirley Ruth Rust, (404180) Lachlan Alexander Sinclair Anderson, William James Campbell Anderson, (404181) Colin Heng Li Tay, (404182) Crystal Min Hsia Lee, Pearl Chee Shia Lee, Woo Sang Li, Yee Kiew Lim, (404183) PBB Investments Limited, (404184) Ai Lee Goh, Tiaw Poh Gay, (404185) Beng Kian Lee, Sock Khim Lai, (404186) Cameron Hui Qiang Joe, (404187) Denis Yves Georges Schneider, (404188) Hendricus Bernardus Maria Dirkse, Tipapa Mere Dirkse, (404189) Gail Teresa Newton, Martin John Newton¸ (404190) Kelly Jay Investments Limited¸ (404191) Derek Van Der Hulst William, (404192) G & M Robbins Limited, (404193) Dark Star Too Limited¸ (404194) Jory Properties Limited¸ (404195) Christopher John Stewart Logan, (404196) Frederick James Bracegirdle, Lynette Gillian Bracegirdle, (404197) James & Gaynor Limited¸ (404198) Keith John Robert Taylor, (404199) M & S McLellan Properties Limited¸ (404200) Beverley Anne Maconaghie, Glen Raymond Maconaghie, (404201) Eric Jean Jose Quintane, Gisele Sophie Quintane¸ (404202) Nesta Ann Devine¸ (404203) Yee Ping Tian, (404204) C Thorburn Limited¸ (404205) Nathalie Tulon, (404206) Jonathon M Te Wake, Suzanne T Te Wake, (404208) G R Futures Limited, (404209) Brian Stephen Harding, (404210) French Camel Limited¸ (404211) Chih Ai Margaret Yeo¸ (404212) PSM and H Limited, (404214) Eric Douglas Mills, Janice Heather Mills, (404215) Gaff & Thom Property Investments Limited, (404216) Sheung Ho Tsang, Wing Chuen Wong, (404217) Neil Dudley Smith, Patricia Gay Smith, (404219) Krishna Sadashiv, Nandini Sampathkumar, (404220) Paul Jeffery¸ (404221) Jennifer Anne Lucey, Robert John Lucey¸ (404222) Jennifer Anne Lucey, Robert John Lucey, (404223) Jennifer Sueh-Hung Sung¸ (404224) Joo Chai Toh, Joo Hee Louise Toh, (404225) Paul Alan Eccles, Susan Margaret Eccles, (404226) Lisa Helen Jane Cateley, Peter Murray Cateley¸ (404227) Gumanz Limited¸ (404228) Esplanade Family Investments Limited¸ (404229) Murray Joseph Pilmer, (404230) Jia Li, Na Li¸ (404231) LAARF Limited¸ (404232) Joyleen Natzke, Russell Rattray¸ (404233) Petrus Lodevicus Theron, (404234) Li Ting Wen¸ (404235) Chai Leong Choo, Devia Ardena¸ (404236) Werner Neitz¸ (404237) Bit Hwa Woo, Ling Wee Phua, (404239) Ah Moi Lee, Tong Chin¸ (404240) Cornwall Trustees 39 Limited, Steven Andrew Joe, (404241) Hian Teong Tan, Seow Mui Kew¸ (404242) Judar Properties Limited¸ (404243) Suresh Navaratnam, (404244) Pal Properties (2008) Limited¸ (404245) Werner Neitz, (404246) J Hamilton Investments Limited, (404247) David Frank Samuel Betts, Irene Rosemary Betts, Smith & Partners Trustee Co. Limited, (404248) Hemlata Himanshu Ghadiali, Himanshu Nautambhai Ghadiali, (404249) Ian Nicholas Trustee Co Limited, Melva May Martin, (404250) Min Wang, (404251) Golden View Investments Limited, (404252) May Nee Wah Wong, Meng Poo Yap, (404253) Karen Kah Geok Chew, Peng Yong Ong, (404254) David Graeme Hennessey, Wendy Elizabeth Hennessey, (404255) Kum Tong Ho, Sok Meow Chia, (404256) SJS Holdings (2009) Limited, (404257) Rachel Anne Nickerson, (404258) Claw Holdings Limited, (404259) Peter John Henley, (404260) Eloise Karin Alexander, Howard Cobb Alexander, (404261) Myra Brandt, (404262) Keet Mooi Ng, Pei Yan Goh, (404263) Soon Koon Chong¸ (404264) Pepper Enterprises Limited, (404265) Anita Catherine Brittan, Waynne Arthur Brittan, (404266) Macedameia Limited, (404267) Kwan Wai Chua, Wen See Lim, (404268) Public Trust, (404269) Snow NZ Limited, (404270) Cornwall Limited, (404271) Zagame Enterprises Limited, (404272) Oryx Properties Limited, (511420) John Ross Williamson, Robin Carol Williamson, (524912) Attlee Kuan Yew Hue, (524913) Natacha Esprit, Pascal Jack Francois Bouttier, (538382) Alastair Duncan Brown, Lockhart Trustee Services Limited¸ (538383) Ji Jiang Beca // 15 August 2012 // Page 2 4214293 // NZ1-6151072-13 0.13 NoR NO. ON LAND REQUIREMENT PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION TITLE REFERENCE (TITLE) OWNERS TOTAL AREA (Ha) 2 42 Allot 67 Sec 28 Auckland CITY NA1524/90 Young Men's Christian Association of Auckland Incorporated 0.15 0.09 3 2 43 DP 16673 NA1345/62 Young Men’s Christian Association of Auckland Incorporated 0.05 0.05 3 2 44 DP 16673 NA1345/62 Young Men’s Christian Association of Auckland Incorporated 0.07 0.07 3 2 45 Lot 1 DP 33957 NA1345/61 Young Men's Christian Association of Auckland Incorporated 0.05 0.05 3 2 46 DP 16673 NA1345/62 Young Men’s Christian Association of Auckland Incorporated 0.01 0.01 3 2 47 Allot 66 Sec 28 Auckland CITY NA1345/60 Young Men's Christian Association of Auckland Incorporated 0.03 0.03 3 2 48 Legal Road Auckland Council 0.14 0.14 (100044) Fay Margaret Austin, Redmond Trustee Company Limited, Virgil John Louis Roberts, (100045) Elaine Mary Tyrrell Spearman, Raymond Patrick Delany, (100046) Hopetoun Heeney Limited, (100047) Lindsay Joel Kerr, Paula Jolene Harrall, (100048) Lynn Christine McIntosh, Stephan Fredrick John Newman, (100049) Lionheart Properties Limited¸ (100050) Lin Tai Wong, (100051) Fiona Mary Parkin, Richard Paul Mayo-Smith, (100052) Louise Elizabeth Lamont Kinred, (100053) Lionheart Properties Limited, (100054) Noughts and Crosses Holdings Limited, (100055) Catherine Louise Hicks, (100056) Jan Barbara Miller, Wayne Robert Miller, (100057) Harley Sinclair Vickers, Sonapa Praewprai, (100058) Lion Heart Properties Limited, (100059) Alan Wilmore Webb, Bradley Wilmore Webb, (100060) Allan Young, Robyn Ting, Spencer Ting, (100061) Ben P C Chen Yuan, Ching-Chuan Lai Yuan, (100062) Lion Heart Properties Limited, (100063) Lion Heart Properties Limited, (100064) Buon Chea Tieu, Quang Luong Tieu¸ (100065) D.G. Trustee Co Limited, Glenn Mark Barrett, (100066) Adam Luke Durning, Richard Millward & Associates Trustee Company Limited, Stephanie Margaret Durning, (100067) Richard Thresher Clarke¸ (100068) Qingchao Zhou, Xiaojie Yan, (100069) David Brad Phillips, Deborah Mary Phillips, (100070) Dalveen Kaur Singh, Jaswant Kaur Singh, Joginder Singh, (100071) Trudi Margrethe Andersen¸ (100072) Grazo Holdings Limited¸ (100073) Ailie Heather Miller, (100074) LC Commercial Limited, (100075) Kevin McDonald Trustee Limited, Seamus Joseph Lyons, Stephen Paul Twomey, Susan Mary Twomey, (100076) Barbara Jean King, George Bogiatto, (100077) Mei Sum Sham, (100078) Elnem Futures Limited, (100079) GJCEE Limited, (100080) Melinda Williams, (100081) Emerald Green Investments Limited, (100082) Alfred Mackay Storey, Jennifer Anne Storey, (100083) Sarah Leigh Mah, Warren Chung-Mun Mah 0.33 0.02 Auckland Council 0.57 0.57 LAND TAKE AREA IN SUB STRATA (Ha) ROAD NAME Greys Avenue OTHER RELEVANT NORs 3 2 49 Lot 2 DP 159634 2 51 Legal Road 2 53 Lot 1 DP 159634 NA96A/178 The Order of St John Northern Region Trust Board 0.19 0.03 3 2 54 Lot 1 DP 102572 NA56C/673 New Zealand Fire Service Commission 0.67 0.23 3 2 55 Lot 1 DP 178434 NA110A/304 Life Centre Limited 0.29 0.01 4 Unit Plan 184089 (NA115A/224) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/225) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/226) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/227) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/228) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/229) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/230) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/231) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/232) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/233) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/234) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/235) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/236) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/237) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/238) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/239) Evita Holdings Limited, 0.13 0.04 3 2 56 Lot 1 DP 178433 Unit Plan 324836 LAND TAKE AREA (Ha) 3 Pitt Street 3 Beca // 15 August 2012 // Page 3 4214293 // NZ1-6151072-13 0.13 NoR NO. ON LAND REQUIREMENT PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION TITLE REFERENCE (TITLE) OWNERS TOTAL AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA IN SUB STRATA (Ha) ROAD NAME OTHER RELEVANT NORs (NA115A/240) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/241) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/242) Evita Holdings Limited, (NA115A/243) Evita Holdings Limited, 2 57 Part DP 14692 and Part DP 18068 2 58 Legal Road 2 59 Lot 2 Allot 11 Sec 45 Auckland CITY 2 60 Christine Henrietta Sue Ding, Lawson Wah Sue, Peter Sue, Pravir Attindra Tesiram, Wilson Sue 0.02 0.02 Auckland Council 0.02 0.02 Two Sisters Limited 0.02 0.02 Legal Road Auckland Council 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.06 3 NA695/187 NA572/109 3 Poynton Terrace 3 3 Beresford Square 4 2 61 Part Lot 1 DP 8696 Unit Plan 413692 (451091) 70 Pitt St Limited, (451092) 70 Pitt St Limited, (451093) 70 Pitt St Limited, (451102) Sunniva Constance Shand, (451103) 70 Pitt St Limited, (451108) 70 Pitt St Limited, (451109) 70 Pitt St Limited, (451113) 70 Pitt St Limited, (451114) Sor Gek Ong, Thiam Yew Lee, (451117) 70 Pitt St Limited, (451119) W T A INVESTMENTS LIMITED¸ (451129) Kum Fook Wong, Shirin Mei Bull, (451132) Margaret Chui Mei Low-Tremolieres, Philippe Andre Jacques Tremolieres, (451135) Lay Moy Joanna Tan, Teow Hong Chew, (451136) Huay Cheng Teresa Yeo, (480161) 70 Pitt St Limited, (541781) Boon Kwang Ang, Chee Howe Sim, (541782) Meen Faye Catherine Woon, See Hock Seah, (541783) Kin Pun Wong, Pui Har Lee, (541784) Keng Lee Terence Goh, Yuet See Monica Owyong, (541785) 70 Pitt St Limited, (541786) 70 Pitt St Limited¸(545907) 70 Pitt Street, (545908) 70 Pitt Street, (545909) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545910) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545911) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545912) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545913) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545914) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545915) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545916) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545917) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545918) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545919) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545920) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545921) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545922) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545923) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545924) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545925) Puay Khee Tan, Wah Seng Lee, (545926) Tan Veii Ting, (545927) Lyn Lee Jae Tan, Soon Theen Chin, (545928) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545929) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545930) Hui Jiuan Donna Seow, Zhen An Goh¸ (545931) Ling Qian, Mok Cheng Lee, (545932) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545933) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545934) Kee Ban Soh, Samantha Suat Yee Quah¸ (545935) Kee Ping Quah, (545936) 70 Pitt St Limited, (545937) 70 Pitt St Limited 2 62 Lot 2 Allot 11 Sec 45 Auckland CITY NA572/109 Two Sisters Limited 0.02 0.02 3 2 63 Section 1 SO Plan 67644 NA102A/260 Edward Aretino, New Zealand Trustee Services Limited 0.01 0.01 4 NA597/52 Albert Young Richardson, Cyril William Payne, Douglas Reid, Frederick Gustav Steinert, George Henry Boyce, Gordon Cowie Riddell, Harry Barnard Halstead, Herbert Stanley Crowe, Jack Knowles, James Joiner, John Whiteley McElwain, John Wisdon Shackelford, Joseph Stanton, Kenneth John Rosser, Osborne Sydney West, Robert Clarke, Sydney Gordon Atwell, William Clement Henry Elliot as Trustees under the Methodist Model Deed of New Zealand 1887 0.06 0.06 4 Auckland Council 0.18 0.18 Samson Corporation Limited <0.01 <0.01 2 64 Part Allot 34 Sec 29 Town of Auckland 2 65 Legal Road 2 66 Part Lot 16 Allot 34 of Sec 54 City of Auckland NA449/164 Pitt Street 4 4 Beca // 15 August 2012 // Page 4 4214293 // NZ1-6151072-13 0.13 NoR NO. ON LAND REQUIREMENT PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION TITLE REFERENCE (TITLE) OWNERS TOTAL AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA IN SUB STRATA (Ha) ROAD NAME OTHER RELEVANT NORs and defined on DP 19899 67 Allot 33 Sec 29 Town of Auckland NA597/52 Albert Young Richardson, Cyril William Payne, Douglas Reid, Frederick Gustav Steinert, George Henry Boyce, Gordon Cowie Riddell, Harry Barnard Halstead, Herbert Stanley Crowe, Jack Knowles, James Joiner, John Whiteley McElwain, John Wisdon Shackelford, Joseph Stanton, Kenneth John Rosser, Osborne Sydney West, Robert Clarke, Sydney Gordon Atwell, William Clement Henry Elliot as Trustees under the Methodist Model Deed of New Zealand 1887 2 68 Lot 17 Allot 34 Sec 54 City of Auckland on DP 19899 NA449/164 Samson Corporation Limited 0.02 0.02 4 2 69 Lot 1 DP 9643 NA119D/990 Barry Vaughan Clive Stafford, Penelope Jane Hansen, Rodney Harold Hansen 0.01 0.01 4 2 70 Lot 2 DP 9643 NA119D/991 Barry Vaughan Clive Stafford, Penelope Jane Hansen, Rodney Harold Hansen 0.01 0.01 4 2 72 Lot 3 Allot 34 Sec 54 City of Auckland ON dp 19899 NA449/164 Samson Corporation Limited 0.02 0.02 4 2 73 Part DP 168 NA865/281 Andrew John Davies <0.01 <0.01 4 2 74 DP 1395 NA865/281 Andrew John Davies 0.02 0.02 4 NA597/52 Albert Young Richardson, Cyril William Payne, Douglas Reid, Frederick Gustav Steinert, George Henry Boyce, Gordon Cowie Riddell, Harry Barnard Halstead, Herbert Stanley Crowe, Jack Knowles, James Joiner, John Whiteley McElwain, John Wisdon Shackelford, Joseph Stanton, Kenneth John Rosser, Osborne Sydney West, Robert Clarke, Sydney Gordon Atwell, William Clement Henry Elliot as Trustees under the Methodist Model Deed of New Zealand 1887 0.05 0.05 4 Auckland Council 0.20 0.20 2 0.04 0.04 4 2 75 Allot 32 Sec 29 Town of Auckland 2 76 Legal Road 2 77 Lot 1 DP 59384 NA14B/558 Lum Joe Ng 0.01 0.01 4 2 78 Lot 2 DP 17537 NA86D/861 L & C Holdings Limited 0.02 0.02 4 2 79 Lot 1 DP 23070 NA618/158 KIM Jang Ho 0.04 0.04 4 2 80 Lot 3 Part Allotment 8 of Section 7 Suburbs of Auckland NA55A/764 L & C Holdings Limited 0.04 0.04 4 2 81 Lot 2 DP 59384 NA14B/557 Auckland City Church 0.01 0.01 4 2 82 Lot 2 Pt Allotment 8 Sec 7 Suburbs of Auckland defined on DP 23070 (NA523/68) KIM Jang Ho, (NA523/71) Cu-Bro Holdings (N.Z.) Limited <0.01 <0.01 4 2 83 Part DP 7095 Auckland City Church 0.04 0.04 4 NA14B/557 Karangahape Road 4 Beca // 15 August 2012 // Page 5 4214293 // NZ1-6151072-13 0.13 NoR 2 NO. ON LAND REQUIREMENT PLAN 84 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 1 DP 174920 TITLE REFERENCE Unit Plan 182621 (TITLE) OWNERS (113269) Raymond Hawthorne, (131840) Lynette Joy Smart, Nicholas Anthony Smart, Nicola Jane Smart, (131841) Andrew Charles Rumbold Bowker, Peter Henry Nolan, (300438) Mt Fuji Properties Co Limited, (327159) Graham John Shirley, Julie Ann Foster, (327160) Mercury Lane Investments Limited, (434586) Rentme Limited¸ (434587) Legendary Limited, (434588) Graham John Shirley, Julie Ann Foster, (NA113D/127) Christopher Norman Lord, Cindy Li, (NA113D/130) Susan Maree Christensen, (NA113D/132) Mt Fuji Properties Co Limited¸ (NA113D/133) Derek Keith, Jennifer Margaret Walmsley, (NA113D/135) Graham John Shirley, Julie Ann Foster, (NA113D/136) Rakesh Manilal Jogia, (NA113D/137) Mercury Lane Investments Limited¸ (NA113D/138) John Anthony Francis, (NA113D/139) Stephen John Newland¸ (NA113D/140) Bridget Stella Ruxtun Wilson, (NA113D/141) Jeannette Nirmal Kaur Singh, Mohammed Yunus Mueen, (NA113D/142) Maurice John O'Brien, (NA113D/143) Mayumi Yamane, (NA113D/145) Marco Travel Limited, (NA113D/146) Jashavanti Morarji, Nimita Morarji, (NA113D/147) Toby Stuart King, (NA113D/148) Brian John Cossar, Neilsons Trustee Limited, Robyn Cossar, (NA113D/149) Mercury Lane Investments Limited, (NA113D/150) Jeffrey James Root, Lisa Anne Salmon, (NA113D/152) Boomer Investments Limited, (NA113D/153) Faramarz Beheshti, Margot Myfanwy Peacock, Simon John Scannell, (NA113D/154) Oenologist and Enologist Limited, (NA113D/155) Kate Margaret Tindall, Vincent Hoy Lum, (NA113D/156) Gumshoe Properties Limited, (NA113D/157) Christine Anne Fisher, Nikolai Gavin Blackie, (NA113D/158) Kay Christine Rennell, (NA113D/159) Gillian Mary Coumbe¸ (NA113D/160) Charlotte Ann Davies¸ (NA113D/161) Mark David Storey, (NA113D/162) Bauhaus Investments Limited, (NA113D/163) Alan John McIntyre, Kathryn Mary Roberts, Veronica Ann Lane, (NA113D/164) Anthony Francis Segedin, Robert Ian Falvey, (NA113D/165) Irene Asin, Raymond Asin, (NA113D/166) Kenneth William Scott, Lenise Edna Scott, (NA113D/167) Alicia Maree Wilkins, Stephen William Longhurst, (NA113D/168) Christopher Keith Steven, Helen Elaine Johnston, (NA113D/169) James Gerald Sanders, Natasha Kate Hutton, (NA113D/171) Ingrid Dianne Kaiser, Richard Anthony Kaiser, (NA113D/172) Nicholas Hugh George Holford, (NA113D/174) The New Zealand Guardian Trust Company Limited, (NA113D/175) Klem Trevelyan Ryan, (NA113D/176) Squirrels Loves Nuts Limited, (NA113D/177) Kevin Leslie Bryson, (NA113D/178) Georgia Sonja Del Farmer, (NA113D/179) Graham John Shirley, Julie Ann Foster, (NA113D/180) Graham John Shirley, Julie Ann Foster, (NA113D/181) Anthony Eslinger, Ronald Walton, (NA113D/183) Jacqueline Ann Underhill, (NA113D/184) Hayden Dashwood Trotter, Rachael Jane Trotter, (NA113D/186) Peter Mitchell Mytton, (NA113D/187) G and R Dunningham Trustee Limited, (NA113D/189) Jenine Margaret McGrath, (NA113D/190) Douglas George Carrie, Paul Geoffrey Neveldsen, (NA113D/191) Sandra Rose Bish, (NA113D/194) Simon John Ross Grey, (NA113D/195) Mayumi Yamane, (NA113D/196) Douglas George Carrie, Paul Geoffrey Neveldsen, (NA113D/197) Douglas George Carrie, Paul Geoffrey Neveldsen, (NA113D/198) Graham John Shirley, Julie Ann Foster, (NA113D/199) G and R Dunningham Trustee Limited, (NA113D/200) Klem Trevelyan Ryan, (NA113D/201) G and R Dunningham Trustee Limited, (NA113D/202) Graham John Shirley, Julie Ann Foster, (NA113D/203) Peter Mitchell Mytton¸ (NA113D/204) Peter Mitchell Mytton¸ (NA113D/205) Derek Keith, (NA113D/206) Derek Keith, (NA113D/207) Derek Keith¸ (NA113D/208) Sandra Rose Bish, (NA113D/209) Derek Keith, Jennifer Margaret Walmsley, (NA113D/210) Derek Keith, Jennifer Margaret Walmsley, (NA113D/211) Derek Keith, Jennifer Margaret Walmsley, (NA113D/212) Mark David Storey, (NA113D/213) Andrew Charles Rumbold Bowker, Peter Henry Nolan, (NA113D/214) Andrew Charles Rumbold Bowker, Peter Henry Nolan, (NA113D/215) Simon John Ross Grey, (NA113D/216) Andrew Charles TOTAL AREA (Ha) 0.20 LAND TAKE AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA IN SUB STRATA (Ha) 0.16 ROAD NAME OTHER RELEVANT NORs 4 Beca // 15 August 2012 // Page 6 4214293 // NZ1-6151072-13 0.13 NoR NO. ON LAND REQUIREMENT PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION TITLE REFERENCE (TITLE) OWNERS TOTAL AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA IN SUB STRATA (Ha) ROAD NAME OTHER RELEVANT NORs Rumbold Bowker, Peter Henry Nolan, (NA113D/217) Mercury Lane Investments Limited¸ (NA113D/218) Jenine Margaret McGrath¸ (NA113D/219) Kevin Leslie Bryson, (NA113D/220) Joan Frances Royal, Kerry James Royal, (NA113D/221) Christine Anne Fisher, Nikolai Gavin Blackie, (NA113D/222) Graham John Shirley, Julie Ann Foster, (NA113D/223) Bauhaus Investments Limited, (NA113D/224) Marco Travel Limited, (NA121C/978) Graham Shirley, Julie Ann Foster, (NA125B/795) Dale Richard Stevenson, (NA128C/399) Daniel Robert Jeffreston Smithwood, Lindsey Anne Smithwood, (NA131C/888) Net Power Limited, (NA131C/889) Christopher Norman Lord, Cindy Li, (NA138A/94) Graham John Shirley, Julie Ann Foster 2 85 Pt DP 7095 NA14B/557 Auckland City Church 0.04 0.04 4 2 86 Lot 1 DP 202582 NA129A/194 Charles Andrew Clay, Graeme William Halse, Virginia Mary Clay 0.01 0.01 4 2 87 Part Allot 8 Sec 7 SBRS OF Auckland Unit Plan 154712 (NA103D/291) Croucher Equities Limited, (NA103D/292) Croucher Equities Limited, (NA129A/195) Charles Andrew Clay, Graeme William Halse, Virginia Mary Clay, (NA92B/899) Benjamin Basevi, Elsa Alida Basevi, (NA92B/900) Charles Andrew Clay, Virginia Mary Clay 0.03 0.01 4 2 88 Lot 4 DP 51945 NA67C/819 Anthony Moore Andrew Ivanson, Brett David Clarke Cooper, John Alexander Gelb 0.02 0.02 4 2 89 Legal Road Auckland Council 0.03 0.03 2 90 Lot 3 DP 51945 Anthony Moore Andrew Ivanson, Brett David Clarke Cooper, John Alexander Gelb 0.05 0.04 2 91 Legal Road Auckland Council 0.26 0.26 2 92 Lot 1 DP 71575 NA43B/35 Mercury Trustees Limited 0.15 0.06 4 2 93 DP 25894 NA77D/872 Murray Rose, Rigadoon Investments Limited 0.03 0.01 4 94 Lot 56 Allotment 8 of Section 7 Suburbs of Auckland and defined on DP 19299 NA77D/871 Murray Rose, Rigadoon Investments Limited 0.04 0.04 4 96 Part Lot 57 Allotment 8 of Section 7 Suburbs of Auckland and defined on DP19299 NA77D/871 Murray Rose, Rigadoon Investments Limited 0.01 <0.01 4 2 97 Part Lot 60 Allotment 8 of Section 7 Suburbs of Auckland and defined on DP 19299 NA77D/871 Murray Rose, Rigadoon Investments Limited <0.01 <0.01 4 2 98 Lot 1 DP 63789 NA44C/53 Shirley Tang Kai Lan Chan, Wai Kwong Chan, Yau Man Chan 0.30 0.01 4 2 100 Part Lot 1 DP 82089 NA38D/205 Kit Moi Ng, Lum Joe Ng 0.24 0.16 4 2 101 Lot 1 DEEDS NA541/140 Kit Moi Ng, Lum Joe Ng 0.04 0.04 4 2 2 NA67C/819 Cross Street 4 4 Mercury Lane 4 Beca // 15 August 2012 // Page 7 4214293 // NZ1-6151072-13 0.13 NoR NO. ON LAND REQUIREMENT PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION TITLE REFERENCE (TITLE) OWNERS TOTAL AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA IN SUB STRATA (Ha) ROAD NAME OTHER RELEVANT NORs 1082 2 102 Part Lot 60 DP 1588 NA56B/876 Sterling Nominees Limited 0.01 <0.01 4 2 103 Allot 62 Sec 7 SBRS OF Auckland NA75C/630 Kit Moi Ng, Lum Joe Ng 0.07 0.07 4 2 104 Legal Road Auckland Council 0.13 0.13 2 105 Section 1 SO 426630 520307 Her Majesty the Queen <0.01 <0.01 3 2 106 Section 15 SO 426630 520316 Her Majesty the Queen <0.01 <0.01 3 2 107 Section 9 SO 426607 514778 Her Majesty the Queen <0.01 <0.01 3 2 108 Legal Road NZ Transport Agency 0.83 0.83 2 109 Section 8 SO 426607 514778 Her Majesty the Queen <0.01 <0.01 3 2 110 Section 15 SO 426607 514779 Her Majesty the Queen <0.01 <0.01 3 2 111 Section 13 SO 426607 514778 Her Majesty the Queen <0.01 <0.01 3 2 112 Legal Road Auckland Council <0.01 <0.01 2 113 Lot 1 DP 141481 NA83D/809 Parly Acquisitions Limited 0.07 <0.01 3 2 114 Lot 1 DP 113110 NA63C/646 Victoria 154 Limited 0.12 0.04 3 2 115 Lot 4 DEEDS 434 NA536/109 Sipka Holdings Limited 0.02 0.02 3 2 116 Lot 5 DEEDS 434 NA536109 Sipka Holdings Limited 0.02 0.02 3 2 117 Part Lot 5 DEEDS 434 (NA536/105) Sipka Holdings Limited, (NA536/109) Sipka Holdings Limited 0.01 0.01 3 2 118 Part Lot 33 of the Subdivision of Allotment 4 of Section 7 of the Suburbs of Auckland NA502/217 The Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Auckland <0.01 <0.01 3 2 119 Lot 6 DEEDS 434 NA536/105 Sipka Holdings Limited 0.03 0.02 3 120 Part Lot 35 of the Subdivision of Allotment 4 of the Section 7 of the Suburbs of NA46/114 Roman Catholic Bishop of Auckland 0.01 0.01 3 2 Canada Street Central Motorway Junction Ian McKinnon Drive 3 3 3 Beca // 15 August 2012 // Page 8 4214293 // NZ1-6151072-13 0.13 NoR NO. ON LAND REQUIREMENT PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION TITLE REFERENCE (TITLE) OWNERS TOTAL AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA IN SUB STRATA (Ha) ROAD NAME OTHER RELEVANT NORs NA502/217 The Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Auckland 0.0 0.02 3 NA13D/912 Upper Queen Limited 0.03 <0.01 3 Title to be determined <0.01 <0.01 3 Auckland 2 121 Part Lot 34 of the Subdivision of Allotment 4 of the Section 7 of the Suburbs of Auckland 2 122 Part Lot 1 DP 52262 2 123 Part Lot 7 Deeds 434 124 Part Lot 35 of the Subdivision of Allotment 4 of the Section 7 of the Suburbs of Auckland NA502/217 The Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Auckland 0.03 0.03 3 125 Lot 36 of the Subdivision of Allotment 4 of the Section 7 of the Suburbs of Auckland NA46/114 Roman Catholic Bishop of Auckland 0.03 0.03 3 2 126 Lot 37 of the Subdivision of Allotment 4 of the Section 7 of the Suburbs of Auckland NA46/114 Roman Catholic Bishop of Auckland 0.03 0.03 3 2 127 Lot 38 DP 12807 NA333/7 Roman Catholic Bishop of Auckland 0.03 0.02 3 2 128 Lot 2 DP 211669 NA139C/735 Carlyle Investments Limited 0.05 <0.01 3 2 129 Lot 1 DP 211669 NA139C/734 Carlyle Investments Limited 0.06 <0.01 3 2 130 Legal Road Auckland Council 0.07 0.07 2 131 Lot 23 DEEDS 1332 NA548/201 The Roman Catholic Bishop of The Diocese of Auckland 0.04 0.01 3 2 132 Lot 22 DEEDS 1332 NA548/201 The Roman Catholic Bishop of The Diocese of Auckland 0.04 0.03 3 2 133 Lot 1 DP 54236 NA41D/403 Parly Acquisitions Limited 0.03 0.03 3 2 134 Lot 2 DP 54236 NA41D/403 Parly Acquisitions Limited 0.01 0.01 3 Supplementary record sheet 375672 (334648) Richard Thomas Stuart, (334649) Philip James Haydon, (334650) Craig Hill, (334651) Rachael Elizabeth Cobham, (334652) Parly Acquisitions Limited, (334653) Sievwright Holdings Limited, (334654) Nostro Limited, (334655) Hewett Investments Limited, (334656) Panrick Enterprise Limited, (334657) Greenhorn & McFadzean Properties Limited, (334658) De Carteret Investments Limited, (334659) Whyte Properties Limited¸ (334660) Belly Up Investments Limited, (334661) B.R. Ham Company Limited, (334662) 0.19 0.12 3 2 2 2 135 Lot 1 DP 89015 St Benedicts Street 3 Beca // 15 August 2012 // Page 9 4214293 // NZ1-6151072-13 0.13 NoR NO. ON LAND REQUIREMENT PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION TITLE REFERENCE (TITLE) OWNERS TOTAL AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA IN SUB STRATA (Ha) ROAD NAME OTHER RELEVANT NORs Graeme James Johnston, Marylyn Anne Johnston, (334663) R & S Butler Holdings Limited¸ (334664) Berry Properties Limited, (334665) Ah Moi Lim, (334666) Lammas Investments Limited, (334667) Dally Investments Limited, (334668) Deborah Kaye Holmes, Harris Tate Trustees Limited, Murray Kenneth Holmes, (334669) AD Law Trustees (No.9) Limited, Paul Andrew Reid, (334670) Bigview Investments Limited, (334671) Anthony Raymond Shaw, Joanne Margaret Shaw, (334672) Richard Thomas Stuart, (334673) Philip William Limmer, (334674) Rises From The Ashes Limited, (334675) Ireland Road Limited, (334676) Arkesh Jagdish Patel, (334677) Brian & Trish Investments Limited, (334678) Delan Ren, (334679) R & S Butler Holdings Limited, (334680) Horizontal-In Investments Limited, (334681) Koretake Investments Limited, (334682) Vanconike Investments Limited, (334683) BA Taylors Holdings Limited, (334684) G & K Cowie Investments Limited, (334685) Entrusted Investments Limited, (334686) Spidar Tomcat Investments Limited, (334687) Pepperjack Investments Limited, (334688) Koretake Investments Limited, (334689) Horizontal-In Investments Limited, (334690) Qinghua Zhao, (334691) The Cope Family Holdings Limited, (334692) Ying Wang, (334693) Tyrone Limited, (334694) B & J Lang Investments Limited, (334695) Garantie Investments Limited, (334696) Marian Limited, (334697) Chi Kin Yu, (334698) GND Williams Limited, (334699) Klinac Holdings Limited, (334700) Zhao Hui Xing, (334701) Marrob Property Investments Limited, (334702) SJ & CM Hatton Enterprises Limited, (334703) Hsiao-Li Cheng, (334704) Shern Limited, (334705) Jasras Group Limited, (334706) Richard Thomas Stuart, (334707) Joma Enterprises Limited, (334708) Yu Cai, (334709) Endres Holdings Limited, (334710) Totara Drive Investments Limited¸(334711) Hiroe Yagi, Shane Couchman, (334712) Gillian Vazey, Wynyard Wood Trustee Services (Camden) Limited, (334713) Min Swee Chan, (334714) VBN Enterprises Limited¸ (334715) Gary William Lord, Janice Anne Lord, Lord Nominees Limited, (334716) Gaik Hong Ooi, (334717) Aaron Francis Bedford, Glaister Ennor Trustee Co Limited, Suzanne Maree Bedford, (334718) Kimcar Investments Limited, (334719) EXZAINNZ LIMITED, (334720) Iconicity Limited 2 136 Lot 3 DP 54236 NA41D/403 Parly Acquisitions Limited 0.04 0.03 3 2 137 Part DP 2182 NA41D/403 Parly Acquisitions Limited <0.01 <0.01 3 2 138 Lot 17 DEEDS Plan 1332 NA64B/759 Parly Acquisitions Limited 0.04 0.02 3 2 139 Part Lot 11 DP 2182 NA9B/1429 Danny Lee, Ung Wong 0.01 0.01 3 2 140 Part Lot 12 DP 2182 NA9B/1492 Danny Lee, Ung Wong 0.04 0.04 3 2 141 Part Lot 13-14 Allotment 4 Section 7 Suburbs of Auckland and Lot 16 Deeds Plan 1332 (NA50C/66) Parly Acquisitions Limited, (NA64B/760) Parly Acquisitions Limited 0.07 0.07 3 2 142 Lot 1 DP 31862 NA838/10 Parly Acquisitions Limited 0.12 0.02 3 2 143 Lot 1 DP 56046 NA10B/958 Daphne Margaret Peterken, Gary Joseph Peterken, Ian Irving Hayward 0.03 0.03 3 Lot 2 DP 56046 Supplementary Record Sheet NA132D/816 (NA132D/808) Deborah Joan Harcus, Rognvald John Harcus, (NA132D/809) MK Trustee Limited, (NA132D/810) Colour City Portraits Limited, (NA132D/811) Carol Joan Metcalfe, Paul Mervyn Collins, Richard John Metcalfe¸ (NA132D/812) Shao Investments Limited¸ (NA132D/813) Daniel 0.06 0.06 3 2 144 Beca // 15 August 2012 // Page 10 4214293 // NZ1-6151072-13 0.13 NoR NO. ON LAND REQUIREMENT PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION TITLE REFERENCE (TITLE) OWNERS TOTAL AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA IN SUB STRATA (Ha) ROAD NAME OTHER RELEVANT NORs James Gordon, Lisa Candice Gordon, (NA132D/814) Chey Buskin¸ (NA132D/815) Dawn Lois Keller, Eugene Mark Keller 2 145 Part Lot 1 DP 157 NA137/265 Sterling Nominees Limited 0.06 0.06 3 2 146 Lot 1 DP 50577 NA89C/958 Sterling Nominees Limited 0.06 0.01 3 2 147 Part Lot 1 DP 157 NA137/265 Sterling Nominees Limited <0.01 <0.01 3 2 148 Part Lot 2 DP 157 NA89C/958 Sterling Nominees Limited 0.06 0.06 3 2 149 Lot 2 DP 191974 NA122A/200 Christopher Patrick Browne, Felicity Louise Crowe, Lawrence Stephen Mayne 0.03 0.03 3 2 150 Lot 1 DP 191974 NA122A/199 Eighteen Eighteen Limited 0.04 0.04 3 2 151 Part Lot 5 DP 32276 Title to be determined <0.01 <0.01 3 2 152 Lot 1 DP 194142 NA121C/518 Peter Francis Chichester, Rekha Remalla Dayal 0.01 0.01 3 2 153 Lot 1 DP 32276 NA118B/278 Sterling Nominees Limited 0.20 0.04 3 2 154 Lot 1 DP 191033 Supplementary Record Sheet NA125C/126 (NA125C/121) David Alan Ritchie, (NA125C/122) Pacific Promotions & Productions Limited, (NA125C/123) Pamela Lim, (NA125C/124) Haitao Li, Xiaoyu Zhang, (NA125C/125) Robert Lesley Sumner, Sean Patrick Kelly, 0.05 0.05 3 2 155 Lot 1 DP 42851 NA118B/278 Sterling Nominees Limited 0.01 0.01 3 2 156 Lot 1 DP 376 NA118B/449 Ian Alexander Gemmell, Scott Douglas Gemmell, Verla Gail Alice Gemmell 0.02 0.02 3 2 157 Part Lot 5 DP 32276 Title to be determined <0.01 <0.01 3 2 158 Lot 2 DP 376 Ian Alexander Gemmell, Scott Douglas Gemmell, Verla Gail Alice Gemmell 0.02 0.02 3 2 159 Legal Road Auckland Council 0.06 0.06 2 160 Lot 3 DP 376 NA70/193 Aasish Chunilal Patel, Deepar Chunilal Patel, Gita Diar 0.02 0.02 3 2 161 Lot 4 DP 376 NA70/191 Samson Corporation Limited, Tedcastle Estates Limited 0.02 0.02 3 2 162 Lot 5 DP 376 NA70/191 Samson Corporation Limited, Tedcastle Estates Limited 0.02 0.02 3 Supplementary Record Sheet NA114A/411 (NA114A/381) Sokol Limited, (NA114A/382) Catherine Isabel Lind, (NA114A/383) Raphael Investments Limited, (NA114A/384) Outworx NZ Limited, (NA114A/385) Willis Wei HSU, (NA114A/386) Anne Shirley Reed¸ (NA114A/387) Tony Glenn Kermode, (NA114A/388) Chong Kee Chew, Sock Hoon Chew, (NA114A/389) Craig James Kilpatrick, Emma Catherine Kilpatrick, (NA114A/390) Desmond James Cutler¸ (NA114A/391) David Ronald Butler, (NA114A/392) Susan Cohen, (NA114A/393) Ping Zhang, Yifan Wu, (NA114A/394) Colleen Theresa Bowyer, Philip Thomas Bowyer, (NA114A/395) L K & L M Holdings Limited, (NA114A/396) Outworx NZ Limited, (NA114A/397) Anton William Verryt, Emily Emma Verryt, Lindsay Craig Verryt, (NA114A/398) Paton-Beverley Properties Limited, (NA114A/399) Martin John Chandler, Mary Teng Puay Chandler, (NA114A/400) Bevis Mark Hanson, Yanhong Wu¸ (NA114A/401)Michele Jann Archer, (NA114A/402) Mary Patricia Nelson, (NA114A/403) Chul Kyu Lee, (NA114A/404) Cymru Kiwi Limited, (NA114A/405) Sokol Limited, (NA114A/406) Sokol Limited, (NA114A/407) Advisory Trustees Limited, Elvon Young, Iona Young, Susan Suet-Sun Young, (NA114A/408) Juneau 0.21 0.09 3 2 163 Lot 1 DP 181717 NA118B/449 Stable Lane 3 Beca // 15 August 2012 // Page 11 4214293 // NZ1-6151072-13 0.13 NoR NO. ON LAND REQUIREMENT PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION TITLE REFERENCE (TITLE) OWNERS TOTAL AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA IN SUB STRATA (Ha) ROAD NAME OTHER RELEVANT NORs Investments Limited, (NA114A/409) Veer Mati Charan, (NA114A/410) Sarah Alice-Eva Glen, Susan Margaret Glen, William Patrick Glen 2 164 Lot 6 DP 376 NA70/190 Samson Corporation Limited 0.02 0.02 3 2 165 Lot 7 DP 376 NA675/29 Samson Corporation Limited 0.02 0.02 3 2 166 Part Lot 5 DP 32276 Title to be determined <0.01 <0.01 3 2 167 Lot 8 DP 376 NA675/29 Samson Corporation Limited 0.02 0.02 3 2 168 Lot 9 DP 376 NA72/131 Samson Corporation Limited 0.02 0.02 3 2 169 Legal Road Auckland Council 0.50 0.50 2 170 Lot 10 DP 376 Samson Corporation Limited 0.02 0.02 2 171 Legal Road Auckland Council 0.09 0.09 2 173 Lot 9 DP 4672 NA48C/693 Bradley Cameron MacCulloch 0.06 0.06 3 2 174 Part Lot 8 DP 20203 Supplementary Record Sheet NA90B/807 (NA90B/804) Michael John Smith, Neil Mullane Finn, Sharon Dawn Finn, (NA90B/805) Michael John Smith, Neil Mullane Finn, Sharon Dawn Finn, (NA90B/806) Michael John Smith, Neil Mullane Finn, Sharon Dawn Finn 0.03 0.03 3 2 175 Part Lot 8 DP 21489 Supplementary Record Sheet NA90B/807 (NA479/189) Michael John Smith, Neil Mullane Finn, Sharon Dawn Finn, (NA90B/804) Michael John Smith, Neil Mullane Finn, Sharon Dawn Finn, (NA90B/805) Michael John Smith, Neil Mullane Finn, Sharon Dawn Finn, (NA90B/806) Michael John Smith, Neil Mullane Finn, Sharon Dawn Finn 0.01 0.01 3 2 176 Part Lot 10 DP 4672 NA48C/693 Bradley Cameron MacCulloch <0.01 <0.01 3 2 177 Part Lot 10 DP 4672 NA48C/694 Urban Agenda Limited 0.04 0.04 3 2 178 Lot 1 DP 47001 NA1846/23 NZ Katabole LP 0.02 0.02 5 2 179 Lot 4 DP 47001 NA1897/68 Brian Lawrence Chappell, William Ferguson Davies 0.05 0.03 5 2 180 Lot 1 DP 192430 NA121D/614 Sang Wha Chung, Young Sim Kim 0.01 0.01 5 2 181 Lot 2 DP 192430 NA121D/615 B.L. Barrow & Co Limited 0.01 0.01 5 2 182 Lot 5 DP 47001 NA1897/68 Brian Lawrence Chappell, William Ferguson Davies 0.03 0.02 5 2 183 Lot 3 DO 47001 NA1671/72 Andrew Stewart Reid, Stewart Maxwell Reid 0.04 0.04 5 2 184 Lot 1 DP 33044 NA876/82 San Tang Yan, Tommy Ngan Fon Yan 0.02 0.02 5 2 185 Lot 1 DP 34086 NA1615/83 Schel Investments Limited 0.05 0.03 5 2 186 Lot 2 DP 33044 NA875/250 James Ross Investments Limited 0.02 0.02 5 2 187 Lot 3 DP 33044 NA875/249 Philip Michael Khouri, Raymond George Khouri, Susanne Charlotte NitzeliusKhouri 0.01 0.01 5 2 188 Lot 1 DP 34002 NA1615/83 Schel Investments Limited 0.02 0.01 5 2 189 Lot 2 DP 34002 NA906/61 Philippa Robyn Van Ryn, Rene Titus Marie Van Ryn 0.02 0.02 5 2 192 Lot 1 DP 19003 Supplementary Record Sheet NA79D/871 (NA79D/869) N.Z. Esto Development Company Limited, (NA79D/870) Susan Patricia Lafleur 0.02 0.02 5 2 193 Lot 1 DP 90076 NA47B/475 Auckland Electric Power Board 0.10 0.07 5 NA80/168 Symonds Street 3 3 Newton Road 3 Beca // 15 August 2012 // Page 12 4214293 // NZ1-6151072-13 0.13 NoR NO. ON LAND REQUIREMENT PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION TITLE REFERENCE (TITLE) OWNERS 2 194 Lot 2 DP 19003 Supplementary Record Sheet NA79D/874 (NA79D/872) Theresa Ann Morrissey, Vincent Joseph Morrissey (NA79D/873) Anastasia Linda Meredith, Kim Frances Teresa Meredith Melhuish, Kingsley Spargo Melhuish 0.02 0.02 5 2 195 Lot 3 DP 19003 NA1918/50 Lai Fong Lum 0.02 0.02 5 2 196 Lot 4 DP 19003 (NA101C/979) Kevan Cheong, Nu Du Cheong, (NA101C/980) Hong Le Ly, Thien Bao Du 0.02 0.02 5 2 197 Lot 2 DP 90076 NA47B/476 Sipka Holdings Limited 0.11 0.07 5 2 198 Part Lot 5 DP 19003 NA847/28 Roger Francis Power 0.07 0.07 5 2 199 Legal Road 2 200 Lot 1 DP 110262 2 201 Lot 1 DP 91068 2 202 2 TOTAL AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA IN SUB STRATA (Ha) ROAD NAME Symonds Street/ Mt Eden Road/ New North Road Intersection OTHER RELEVANT NORs Auckland Council 0.17 0.17 NA62A/994 Auckland Chinese Community Centre Incorporated 0.10 0.10 5 NA48B/391 Dawven Limited 0.07 0.04 5 Legal Road Auckland Council 0.02 0.02 Mount Eden Road 5 203 Legal Road Auckland Council 0.05 0.05 Basque Road 5 2 204 DP 24904 NA649/224 Mt Eden Primesite Limited 0.07 0.05 5 2 205 Lot 74 DEEDS 1333 NA546/147 Ffarington Ranulf Beresford Power 0.02 0.01 3 2 206 Lot 73 Allotment 1 of Section 7 Suburbs of Auckland NA769/213 Ffarington Ranulf Beresford Power 0.03 0.03 3 2 207 Lot 3 Sec 1 SBRS OF Auckland NA557/178 Mt Eden Primesite Limited 0.03 0.03 3 2 208 Lot 90 DEEDS 1333 NA546/203 Ffarington Ranulf Beresford Power 0.03 0.02 3 2 209 Lot 19 DP 8545 NA290/295 DJG Investments Limited 0.03 <0.01 3 2 210 Legal Road Auckland Council 0.15 0.15 2 211 Part Lot 89 Deeds Plan 1333 NA546/142 The Church of the Golden Light Incorporated 0.01 0.01 3 2 212 Lot 1 DP 46262 NA1606/55 Nelson Buildings Limited 0.19 0.16 3 2 213 Lot 1 DP 78660 NA64D/341 0.04 <0.01 3 2 214 Lot 1 DP 152392 NA91A/190 0.06 0.06 3 2 215 Lot 1 DP 49561 NA1966/24 Anne Copeland Scott, Graeme Richard Cox, Keith Andrew Scott AD Law Trustees (No.17) Limited, Gavin Noel Thompson, Helena Frances Thompson, Julia Catherine Owens, Kenneth Raymond Owens, Owens Nominees Limited Jubilee Crippled Children Foundation Trust Board 0.07 0.07 3 2 216 Lot 2 DP NA91A/191 Myoung-Sik Kim 0.06 0.06 3 New North Road 5 3 Beca // 15 August 2012 // Page 13 4214293 // NZ1-6151072-13 0.13 NoR NO. ON LAND REQUIREMENT PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION TITLE REFERENCE (TITLE) OWNERS TOTAL AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA (Ha) LAND TAKE AREA IN SUB STRATA (Ha) ROAD NAME OTHER RELEVANT NORs NA2063/54 TVWorks Limited 0.09 0.09 3 2 217 152392 Lot 2 DP 49561 2 218 Lot 1 DP 67901 NA24C/1132 Ivy Doo, Ronald Wong Doo 0.07 0.07 3 2 222 Lot 1 DP 84213 NA40B/1323 TVWorks Limited 0.22 0.22 3 2 241 Legal Road Auckland Council 0.10 2 389 Legal Road Auckland Council 0.19 0.19 392 Part Lot 16 Subdivision of Allot 34 Sec 54 City of Auckland Samson Corporation Limited 0.02 0.02 2 NA471/2 0.10 Flower Street 3 Symonds Street 5 4 Beca // 15 August 2012 // Page 14 4214293 // NZ1-6151072-13 0.13 Map contains information sourced from LINZ (Crown Copyright Reserved). This map contains data derived in part or wholly from sources other than Beca and therefore, no representations or warranties are made by Beca as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. Legend Indicative Rail Alignment Land to be Designated Sub-Strata Notice of Requirement for a designation under section 168 (2) of the Resource Management Act 1991 to be shown as "Rail Purposes for City Rail Link (Sub-Strata)". All plans subject to final survey. Parcel boundaries YE RS ST GR E M M R FEDE AL ST O AY R AL YS AVE DR 36 38 VINCENT ST 39 37 C OOK S T HOBSON ST 3 HEC 10/08/12 FINAL 2 JYG 30/07/12 FINAL FOR CLIENT REVIEW 1 HEC 20/07/12 DRAFT FOR REVIEW No. BY DATE Map intended for distribution as PDF document. Scale may be incorrect when printed. DESIGNED HEC CHECKED OK DRAWN HEC CHECKED OK APPROVED AH4 DATE - City Rail Link Scale: 1:1,250 0 12.5 25 50 m Land Requirement Plan NOR 2, Sheet 1 of 5 ± REVISIONS This drawing is confidential and shall only be used for the purposes of this project. SIZE: A3 STATUS: FINAL DRAWING NO: GIS-4214293-100-4a REV: 3 Map contains information sourced from LINZ (Crown Copyright Reserved). This map contains data derived in part or wholly from sources other than Beca and therefore, no representations or warranties are made by Beca as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. Legend Indicative Rail Alignment Land to be Designated Sub-Strata Notice of Requirement for a designation under section 168 (2) of the Resource Management Act 1991 to be shown as "Rail Purposes for City Rail Link (Sub-Strata)". All plans subject to final survey. Parcel boundaries EN 38 TS 39 T S TCE TON AV E 58 57 40 54 41 37 42 46 69 47 43 45 51 49 55 56 68 63 60 74 72 392 66 73 U PL RD T SFO PE SA M TO U RE HO N ST OA HO US EL N N ST NS YS DA UNIO WARI M BSO 53 62 59 70 SQ ST PITT HO 76 65 48 44 75 67 64 61 BE VIN C EY KARANGAHAPE RD N PO Y GR ST JAMES ST T 3 HEC 10/08/12 FINAL 2 JYG 30/07/12 FINAL FOR CLIENT REVIEW 1 HEC 20/07/12 DRAFT FOR REVIEW No. BY DATE Map intended for distribution as PDF document. Scale may be incorrect when printed. DESIGNED HEC CHECKED OK DRAWN HEC CHECKED OK APPROVED AH4 DATE - City Rail Link Scale: 1:1,250 0 12.5 25 ± REVISIONS This drawing is confidential and shall only be used for the purposes of this project. 50 m Land Requirement Plan NOR 2, Sheet 2 of 5 SIZE: A3 STATUS: FINAL DRAWING NO: GIS-4214293-100-5a REV: 3 Map contains information sourced from LINZ (Crown Copyright Reserved). This map contains data derived in part or wholly from sources other than Beca and therefore, no representations or warranties are made by Beca as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. SE R Notice of Requirement for a designation under section 168 (2) of the Resource Management Act 1991 to be shown as "Rail Purposes for City Rail Link (Sub-Strata)". All plans subject to final survey. VI CE Legend Indicative Rail Alignment LN Land to be Designated Sub-Strata S 54 58 E AV 57 61 64 67 93 75 84 47 PITT ST 59 69 62 60 70 68 63 74 77 D 56 72 392 66 98 102 107 108 91 RY LN 106 78 81 79 82 83 88 85 90 87 104 103 101 KAR 73 97 94 89 80 PE R 55 76 AHA 53 ME R C U ANG 51 49 65 96 T EY 48 92 CANADA S GR PO YNTON TCE C R OS S ST Parcel boundaries 100 105 HO BE RE SF OR D SQ 86 SA M OA PE HO TO US E ST T EA S ST T SO U UN LN H ST GA L SS ATO T DAY ST RD B OA 3 HEC 10/08/12 FINAL 2 JYG 30/07/12 FINAL FOR CLIENT REVIEW 1 HEC 20/07/12 DRAFT FOR REVIEW No. BY DATE Map intended for distribution as PDF document. Scale may be incorrect when printed. DESIGNED HEC CHECKED OK DRAWN HEC CHECKED OK APPROVED AH4 DATE - LN City Rail Link Scale: 1:1,250 0 12.5 25 ± REVISIONS This drawing is confidential and shall only be used for the purposes of this project. MA N 50 m Land Requirement Plan NOR 2, Sheet 3 of 5 SIZE: A3 STATUS: FINAL DRAWING NO: GIS-4214293-100-6a REV: 3 Map contains information sourced from LINZ (Crown Copyright Reserved). This map contains data derived in part or wholly from sources other than Beca and therefore, no representations or warranties are made by Beca as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. Legend ST 135 137 144 141 133 156 147 140 145 149 146 136 138 150 148 142 151 158 125 120 115 116 119 127 126 122 128 164 159 157 153 162 160 129 EN ED ICT SS 166 168 LN 171 T 181 178 173 177 183 180 176 174 179 175 123 DUND 112 ER PA 389 170 117 N SS R D STAB LE 155 134 167 165 163 ST B DS ST ON A LD S 182 185 T D EL 121 161 108 111 TON R VIC 124 SYM O N 154 130 118 Parcel boundaries KHYB SS EV AN AL EX 132 131 SE R Land to be Designated Sub-Strata 169 152 143 139 114 Indicative Rail Alignment H OH I PERE T Notice of Requirement for a designation under section 168 (2) of the Resource Management Act 1991 to be shown as "Rail Purposes for City Rail Link (Sub-Strata)". All plans subject to final survey. NEW 110 113 109 REVISIONS This drawing is confidential and shall only be used for the purposes of this project. 3 HEC 10/08/12 FINAL 2 JYG 30/07/12 FINAL FOR CLIENT REVIEW 1 HEC 20/07/12 DRAFT FOR REVIEW No. BY ST DATE ST ST R QU EEN S T MA C RAND AUL A Y ST OL P H ST AKA ST T UPPE N DR TS KINNO S EA KAR 100 Map intended for distribution as PDF document. Scale may be incorrect when printed. DESIGNED HEC CHECKED OK DRAWN HEC CHECKED OK APPROVED AH4 DATE - City Rail Link Scale: 1:1,500 0 12.5 25 ± 101 105 IAN M C CANADA ST 103 UT H 106 RE 104 EXM O DAC 91 108 WE MERCU RY LN ST 108 107 50 m Land Requirement Plan NOR 2, Sheet 4 of 5 SIZE: A3 STATUS: FINAL DRAWING NO: GIS-4214293-100-7a REV: 3 Map contains information sourced from LINZ (Crown Copyright Reserved). This map contains data derived in part or wholly from sources other than Beca and therefore, no representations or warranties are made by Beca as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. Legend Indicative Rail Alignment Land to be Designated Sub-Strata Notice of Requirement for a designation under section 168 (2) of the Resource Management Act 1991 to be shown as "Rail Purposes for City Rail Link (Sub-Strata)". All plans subject to final survey. Parcel boundaries A KHYBER PASS RD SH D D O C K ED EN RD ST NT M OU HOHIPERE ST 389 154 151 157 159 160 162 165 STABLE LN 163 153 155 178 170 167 168 177 173 171 183 186 180 174 195 182 214 198 200 197 185 210 206 208 201 205 188 175 241 215 203 193 179 212 217 189 176 166 216 196 194 192 207 ST 164 199 ER 161 187 204 ST W 158 184 SYMONDS ST U 211 222 218 FL O 181 156 209 202 169 152 NI KA 213 O R A R IS T NO RTH NEWTON RD K NEW RD U ST ST BENEDICTS ST BASQUE RD DUNDONALD ST 3 HEC 10/08/12 FINAL 2 JYG 30/07/12 FINAL FOR CLIENT REVIEW 1 HEC 20/07/12 DRAFT FOR REVIEW No. BY DATE Map intended for distribution as PDF document. Scale may be incorrect when printed. DESIGNED HEC CHECKED OK DRAWN HEC CHECKED OK APPROVED AH4 DATE - U R City Rail Link Scale: 1:1,250 0 12.5 25 50 m Land Requirement Plan NOR 2, Sheet 5 of 5 ± REVISIONS This drawing is confidential and shall only be used for the purposes of this project. R EXMOUTH ST SIZE: A3 STATUS: FINAL DRAWING NO: GIS-4214293-100-8a REV: 3
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