A word from DANNAH GRESH


A word from DANNAH GRESH
A word from DANNAH GRESH
Body image issues are literally devouring our Christian teen
girls, along with boy-craziness that often results in broken
hearts, at the very least. Sexual pain, at the very worst. We don’t
really want to think that our girls could fall on the wrong side of
the stats. I know I don’t. But the fact is, I ended up on the wrong
side of the stats. I was left with a heart broken by sexual pain
despite, ironically, my incredible love for Christ. Thankfully, His
love rebuilt my heart and set it free so that today I pass on hope
and healing.
I’ve spent the last twelve years on the front lines of the battle for sexual purity, which has planted
me squarely on the front lines of the issues of modesty and true beauty for tween girls aged 8-12.
The research indicates that if we can firmly implant the values of modesty, (age-appropriate)
purity, and true beauty in girls when they are younger, we build a great defense for them. Secret
Keeper Girl has offered resources to over 100,000 moms and daughters and live events for tens of
thousands. (Last year alone, 600 Secret Keeper Girl event attendees came to know Christ for the
first time.) This ministry has experienced tremendous growth and blessing during the past two
years due to the fact that it touches the hot button issues moms want to find answers for. But
what happens when their daughter turns 13?
Aside from the presence of God’s Spirit in a teen girls life, the greatest protection against impurity
and body image issues is a mom who stays engaged! After a great deal of prayer and waiting
on God for confirmation, I feel called to offer a 3-hour “next step” event for moms and their teen
daughters that we’ll simply call Pure Freedom. I hope you’ll want to be a part of it.
In His Love
Dannah Gresh
Founder, Pure Freedom
3006 Research Drive, State College, PA 16801 • 814-234-6072 • www.purefreedom.org