Super Baldy Ranch , LLC
Super Baldy Ranch , LLC
ALTENBURG Super Baldy Ranch , LLC 1:oo pm • Saturday, March 21st, 2015 Centennial Livestock Auction • Simmental & Angus Fort Collins, Colorado • Black & Red 2 Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! Progressive CattlemenWelcome to our 23rd Annual Super Baldy Bull Sale! Many years ago a cowboy (who many of you saw at the sale last year), Gary Jacobsen of Cheyenne, Wyoming said to me, “the Simmental X Angus crossbred cow is just better in every way than the Black Baldy. She’s a Super Baldy.” And that phrase has stuck with me and is the reason for calling our sale the Super Baldy Sale. It’s Simple— Because you want more pounds, more muscle, more productive crossbred cows and you want it in an acceptable calving ease package. And we can provide it! Now more than ever, Simmental and Angus, have the genetics to do that in combination. With the use of the advanced genetic evaluation, and the use of the A.I. industries best sires, we can provide bulls in quantity. We are proud of our offering!. 1-Use Simmental to add muscle and yield, while still maintaining maternal traits. Use on English based cows, Angus and Black baldy cows. 2-Use SimAngus™/Super Baldy to add just a little Continental muscle to a crossbreeding program. Or use it to maintain a portion of hybrid vigor to an existing crossbreeding program of SimAngus cows. We’ve developed some of these SimAngus bulls with enough calving ease to use on heifers. 3-Use Black/Red Angus or calving ease SimAngus bulls for calving ease on heifers and to cross on Simmental cross cows. Please refer to our genetic trends (inside front cover). Simmental has shown great trends in calving ease, lowering birth weights, while improving growth traits, carcass merit and maternal economic traits. I am so proud of our breed! I am also proud of the Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch progress. we have kept up to breed trends .... often surpassing them! Take a look .... come be a part of the Simmental SimAngus .... Super Baldy explosion!! PAP – Simmental work well at altitude. To indicate how well they work, several years ago, we decided to test all our bulls. On February 2nd, 2015, Dr. Tim Holt of Colorado State University tested our bulls at the ranch at 5,426 feet elevation. Our attempt is to show you which bulls are better risks to take to the “high country” and perform well. Those scores are provided on each bull. Please note over the past three years the Simmental bulls score the best (39 average), SimAngus next (42 average), and Angus (50 average). Simmental and SimAngus can help solve your PAP - Brisket problems! We are selling at Centennial Livestock Auction in Fort Collins!! Centennial Livestock Auction is a great facilities, and Wayne Kruse and his crew provides excellent service. New this year, we will be selling via both on Superior Livestock Auction and the this year. Please register ahead of time to assure proper bidding on sale day. The sale starts at 1:00 P.M., so come early so you can view the bulls and join us for a 11:30 AM complimentary lunch. Thank you to Northern Feed and Bean, Bob Pemberton, and Paul Hill of Purina Mills and Accuration for helping sponsor our complimentary lunch … come enjoy and thank them. Also let me or Russ help you with your selection and mating decisions. We know these cow families extremely well and would like to spend time helping you make your decisions to match your environment and cowherd. So come early, eat lunch and talk bulls! We look forward to seeing you at the sale, Saturday, March 21, 2015. Please call if you have any questions regarding the sale offering or leave a bid on a bull. Remember, this is not just another sale . . . this is a crossbreeding program. ALTENBURG Super Sharon and Willie Altenburg 570 East County Road 64 Fort Collins, CO 80524 970.568.7792 Baldy RANCH, LLC Sale Day Cell Phones 970.481.2570, Willie Altenburg 256 254 9042, Russ Princ, Manager 307.315.8054, Ryan Altenburg email: Simmental Staff on hand on sale day will be Simmental Field Staff Rep, Nathan Smith 620.546.4839 and AGR- Allied Genetics Resource Staff, Marty Ropp, 406.581.7835 and Garrett Thomas 936.714.4591 Hotels: Sleep Inn 970.484.5515 - 3808 East Mulberry Street - Fort Collins $72.75 w/ Tax Days Inn 970.568.0444 – 7860 6th Street – Wellington $69.00 + Tax Storm Sale Date – Monday, March 23rd, 2015, Centennial Auction, 970 482 6207 Fort Collins, CO Selling 120 Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Guts!!! Super Baldy RANCH ANNUAL BULL SALE “LIVE” over the Internet through We are pleased to offer the ALTENBURG Please pre-register at and get approved ... prior to sale day! Bidding is live. No extra commission is required. Payment is made directly to Centennial Livestock Auction. Please call Centennial Livestock Auction (970) 482 6207, prior to sale day, if you need assistance getting pre-registered. Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 1 Sale Terms & Conditions 1... Cattle will be sold by Public Auction to the highest bidder. Payment terms are cash or check on sale day. 2... Cattle will be sold under the Terms and Conditions of the American Simmental Association and copies will be available sale day. 3... At the buyers option and risk, we will feed the bulls until April 15th at no expense to the buyer. Or Take your bull home the day of the sale and we will deduct $75 from the selling price!! 4... Bulls were developed on Purina Accuration, hay & silage with 3.25 ADG goal on 100+ day test. 5...Bulls will be semen tested by John Schenk, Fort Collins, and are guaranteed breeders. Scrotal circumference and semen test results will be available on sale day. Some bulls (due to their age) may require additional time and be retested in 30 days. Those bulls will be designated on sale day. We will keep those bulls and retest them and guarantee as breeders. Bull Performance Data WW YW ADG WDA Ratio MB REA FAT Hip Ht 205 adjusted weaning weight of the animal, adjusted for the age of dam. 365 day adjusted yearling weight of the animal. Average Daily Gain for 100 day feed test. Weight per Day of Age equals weight divided by the days of age A measure of a bulls relative performance to contemporaries. 100 is average. Marbling EPD or actual ultrasound scan data Rib Eye Area EPD or actual ultrasound scan data Rib Fat EPD or actual ultrasound scan data Hip Height taken at semen testing, approximately one year of age. Frame scores are then calculated. q desirable. 9.6 is average Sc Cir Docility Score - the difference in temperament with higher scores more Hip Ht Hip Height taken at semen testing, approximately one year of age. Frame scores will be calculated and available sale day. one year of age. Available sale day. Sc Cir Scrotal circumference in centimeters taken at semen testing, approximately 6... All Bulls were tested negative for PI-BVD. All bulls are free of known genetic defects, AM and NH free. Bull EPDs – Expected Progeny Differences 7... New this Year! The majority of the bulls were DNA tested with the new 30K test to add to accuracy. See articles on pages 4 and 5. Several “herdsire prospects” will be tested for 50K DNA, color and homozygous polled status. If interested before sale day, please call the week prior to the sale or go to our website. Calving Ease is expressed for heifers in percent increase or decrease of unassisted births. Positive calving ease scores indicate less calving difficulty on heifers. WW Weaning Weight of an animals progeny expressed in pounds. YW Yearling Weight of an animals progeny expressed in pounds. 8... Papers on registered bulls will be MCE Maternal Calving Ease is expressed for the daughters of a bull based on the heifers ability to calve easier or harder than average. Positive numbers indicate easier calving. MM Maternal Milk is a measure of the amount of extra weaning weight attributed to the milking ability of a bulls daughter. Milk EPDs are expressed in pounds of calf. transferred within 45 days of the sale 9... Announcements made on sale day will take precedence over printed material in the sale catalog. 10... Some of these bulls may develop into a herdsire of which we may want to collect semen in the future. Therefore, we would like to maintain a “1/3 semen interest” in each bull in the sale. This could mean collecting semen in your “off season”, at our expense. This will not interfere with ownership of the bull or salvage value. On the “right” bull, it could be valuable for both parties. 11... Bulls were PAP tested by Dr. Tim Holt, CSU, on February 2nd, 2015 at 5,426 feet elevation. PAP scores are provided to indicate differences between bulls and how they may work at higher elevations. 12... Neither Altenburgs or Centennial CE MWW Maternal Weaning Weight is a measure of the ability of a sire to transmit milk and growth through his daughters. MWW is expressed in pounds of calf. API All Purpose Index for use on entire cowherd, daughters retained, steers on feed and sold grade & yield. TI Terminal Index for use on mature cows with all offspring put on feed and sold grade & yield. Calving Ease Ratings which are an estimate of a bull’s predicted calving ease. Ratings are based on birth weight, birth weight ratios, and Calving Ease & Birth Weight EPDS ** A bull who should be used on cows with minimal assists expected * * * A bull who can be used on heifers with minimal assists expected * * * * A bull who is an excellent candidate to be used on heifers with minimal assists expected due to the combination of bulls calving ease, birth weight, ratio and EPDs Livestock Auction are responsible for Sale Day accidents. 2 Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! Reference Sires Spring Creek Lotto W/C Wide Track WS Beef King Hook Shear Force Triple C Singletary High Roller RCR Augustus ASR Augustus Z2165 ASR Longevity Y184 SAV Net Worth SAV Resource ASR Bando T763 Simmental Sires 2015 Spring EPDs ASA# CE BWWWYWMCEMilk MWWStayCW YGMarbBFREAAPITI ASR LONGEVITY Y184 25988988.7 1.8 68.5109.79.0 17.651.819.238.1-0.400.07-0.0511.19119.869.3 RCR AUGUSTUS R54 23109698.8 3.2 70.2118.3 8.3 5.1 40.2 21.9 45.6-0.150.17-0.0230.73128.168.8 ASR AUGUSTUS Z2165 “JR” 2653966 16.1-3.0 60 99.6 12 14.744.725.825.2-0.350.24-0.0301.04157.5 75 WC WIDE TRACK 25882507.6 3.8 74.2113.18.5 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 2081939 22.4-3.654.573.112.833.660.928.213.7-0.570.55-0.0441.39183.582.1 TRIPLE C SINGLETARY 23416453.4 3.8 79.9123.98.7 26.566.525.749.1-0.350.78-0.0391.26 165 90.0 WS BEEF KING 249958913.7 1.1 89.5118.517.4 11.7 56.4 21.8 40.6-0.450.42-0.0721.21156.290.5 HSF HIGH ROLLER 12T 2408113 18.9-2.165.392.216.337.4 70 26.513.6-0.360.11-0.0390.94152.675.3 SPRING CREEK LOTTO 26371973.7 4.1 66 91.7 9.6 25.558.418.530.2-0.180.03-0.0260.62100.161.5 ASR/GLS Pacesetter x ASR Showcase ESNK31 X KS Baxter RCR Augustus x Shear Force Right Track x Liberty Nichols Legacy X C&D Tracy Hooks Shear Force x Lucas Josie 19K Beef Maker x Dream On TJ The Gambler x Fortune 500 KOP Crosby x Spring Creek Tank Angus 2015 Spring EPDs SAV NET WORTH 4200 Traveler 004 x Bando 5175 A home raised blaze faced sire that has hit a home run! A bull we purchased as a 6 year old from Rock Creek Ranch, Kansas. Just sold him … love the daughters!! A calving ease Augustus son. The calves are young, were born after the AI calves, but ratioed 106 for BW and 101 for WW. 20 sons will sell in this sale. We used this muscle and power growth bull very heavy. The calving ease “king”! Semen is limited, so these calving ease sons are becoming rare. A homozygous black and polled Shear Force son who can add muscle. His females are some of our best. The most popular red Simmental bull in America! Used on our Red Angus cows to make SimAngus - Super Baldies One of the female making sires. Calving ease combined with high maternal. One of the female making sires. Calving ease combined with high maternal. AAA# CED BW WW YW SCRCEMMM MB REA FAT $F $G $B 14739204 3 SAV RESOURCE 17016597 1 ASR BANDO T763 15794249 Rito 707 x Traveler 004 Bando 9074 X Future Direction 4.7 58 107 97 8 27 0.82 0.58 0.042 53.79 34.17118.10 We used “sexed male semen” to produce this set of SimAngus bulls by Net Worth. He as the growth and power we wanted. 4.0 75 130 1.39 2 32 0.10 0.92 0.067 92.56 6.82 110.88 The absolute leader in the Angus breed for muscle, soundness, and soft sided cattle. The perfect cross for Simmental. 6 7 38 72 10 0.71 0.28 0.029 20.13 37.41 72.30 A big, deep bodied son of Bando 9074 we use a herdsire. He will leave outstanding daughters. Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 3 4 Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 5 ASR Longevity Y184 Sire Group ASA# 2598898 Simmental Reference Sire EPDS %Rank CE 8.7 Hooks Pacesetter 8P BW 1.8 ASR/GLS Pacesetter U862 WW 68.5 YW 109.7 GLS S82 MCE 9 ASR Showcase K053 Milk 17.6 ASR Miss Primrose M231 MWW 51.8 ASR Miss Fanfare G720 DOC 7.9 • A home raised bull. An example of why we retain an interest Marb 0.07 in these bulls … to use them ourselves. These are his second BF -0.051 REA 1.19 crop of sons to sell and will start the sale. • He sold to Rains Black Simmental, KS in 2012, our high selling API 119.8 TI 69.3 bull that year. 50 50 30 15 55 85 65 80 70 55 2 55 40 • His mother is 13 years old, we sold his productive grandam a year ago at 14 years old … hence the name, ASR Longevity! • You hope you will appreciate his sons in the sale, whether half-bloods or purebreds … I know you will love the daughters! • Homozygous Polled, Homozygous Black 1 ASR Super Baldy B453 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoBblz ASR Longevity Y184 ASA# 2891883 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B453 ASR/GLS Pacesetter U862 Born: 2/12/14 EPDS%Rank 11.7 40 0.1 45 54.9 75 H 87.4 65 A Camp Lucy 304N 8.3 50 L 24.5 35 F MWW 52 60 B 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.6 65 L X 635 831 2.91 3.226.0 41 *** Marb 0.31 60 O ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.045 35 O REA 0.64 45 D 3.09 102 0.18 86 15.89107 API 123 50 • Starting the Longevity offering with a SimAngus, blaze TI 65.5 65 faced Super Baldy calving ease bull • This one is out of a good New Design 878 daughter obtained from Bruce German 2 ASR Codes H = Horned P = Polled HoP = Homozygous Polled P/S = Polled/Scurred ET = Embryo Transfer AR = Red Angus AN = Angus 2B = Double Black 3 Color: HoB ASR Longevity Y184 ASR Ms Lakina U802 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B472 ASR/GLS Pacesetter U862 Born: 4 2/14/14 EPDS%Rank 14.5 -1.7 59.9 93.6 8.4 20.1 MWW 50.1 DOC 9.1 Marb 0.44 BF -0.024 REA 0.71 API 142.6 TI 73.5 CE ASR Miss Primrose M231 BW WW S A V Final Answer 0035 YW MCE Milk LCOC Lakina RG755 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease X 650 1053 3.01 2.996.75 37 *** ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio 3.68 121 0.21 100 13.7393 • A good PAP scoring, calving ease Super Baldy. • ASR U802 is the grand dam of lot 2 15 15 55 50 45 75 70 70 35 65 30 25 35 H A L F B L O O D Tattoo: B4164 ASR/GLS Pacesetter U862 Born: 3/8/14 EPDS%Rank 15 20 60 55 35 60 60 55 25 90 3 20 30 H A L F B L O O D ASR Sterling B451 PB SM Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2891881 H/P: P Tattoo: B451 ASR/GLS Pacesetter U862 ASR Longevity Y184 ASR Miss Primrose M231 Born: contemporary group Nice PAP score and homozygous black Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 2/12/14 EPDS%Rank CE 8.8 BW 1.8 WW 76.5 ASR Dakota S656 YW 112.8 ASR Dream Jessie U8152 MCE 9 ASR Ms Dream Jessie R522 Milk 20.4 MWW 58.7 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.6 X 782 1201 3.01 3.346.5 40 ** Marb 0 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.044 REA 0.9 2.09 69 0.24 114 14.99101 API 117.5 • This bull ranked #2 at weaning in a large 50+ TI 71.4 • 6 ASA# 2891993 H/P: HoP CE 14.5 -1.4 ASR Miss Primrose M231 BW WW 59 Connealy Thunder YW 91.8 ASR Ms Thunder X060 MCE 9.5 Milk 21.9 ASR Ms Lakina U802 MWW 51.4 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 10.2 X 698 1009 1.21 2.895.5 43 *** Marb 0.52 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.003 REA 1.01 3.72 123 0.26 124 16.89115 API 147.7 • A calving ease Longevity out of a very maternal TI 75.1 Thunder daughter ASA# 2891902 HoB ASR Longevity Y184 ASR Super Baldy B472 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull ASR Super Baldy B4164 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: Br = Black and red gene HoB = Homozygous Black blz = Blazed Faced str = Star R = Red Rnd = Red Non Diluter * = DNA Tested for Trait CE ASR Miss Primrose M231 BW WW Bon View New Design 878 YW MCE Milk V N A R Lucy 695 331H 50 50 10 10 55 65 20 50 85 75 30 60 30 P U R E B R E D 5 AJA Longtime B943 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull HoB Color: ASA# 2908391 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B943 Ellingson Legacy M229 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B Born: 1/24/14 EPDS%Rank CE 8.5 BW 1.3 WW 63 YW 86.4 V943 MCE 4.9 Milk 22.8 MWW 54.2 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC X 688 1099 2.41 3.096.0 35 ** Marb 0.44 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.118 REA 0.8 3.27 100 0.14 100 17.39100 API 117.7 • Andy Azcarraga, Collbran, brought a really good one TI 71.8 70 65 45 65 85 50 45 35 1 20 60 40 that PAPed well at 35 Homozygous black and polled … and good! H A L F B L O O D • 6 ASR Cheyenne B483 PB SM Bull HoB Color: ASR Longevity Y184 ASA# 2891913 H/P: P Tattoo: B483 ASR/GLS Pacesetter U862 Born: 2/15/14 EPDS%Rank CE 9.1 1.8 ASR Miss Primrose M231 BW WW 60.3 TNT Hummer H3 R360 YW 93.1 ASR Ms Lapelle U8126 MCE 9.9 Milk 21.1 ASR Lapelle K039 MWW 51.3 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 8.3 X 649 1135 3.29 3.076.75 39 ** Marb 0.11 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.076 REA 0.99 3.14 104 0.14 67 15.44104 API 124 • A blaze faced Super Baldy purebred TI 65.5 • This backed by productive cow family 7 P U R E B R E D Willie in Western Australia, with Mike and Rob Introvigne of Bonnydale Simmental, surrounded by ASR genetics. ASR sends embryos to Bonnydale each year and enjoys the visits to see the cattle. ASR Laramie B441 PB SM Bull Color: 2B ASR Longevity Y184 ASA# 2891871 H/P: P Tattoo: B441 ASR/GLS Pacesetter U862 Born: 2/11/14 EPDS%Rank 11.5 0.4 58.1 89.8 9.6 18.9 MWW 47.9 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11 X 524 1092 3.99 2.845.5 40 *** Marb 0.07 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.077 REA 1.08 3.05 101 0.14 67 15.98108 API 120.6 • A 113 BW ratio. Everything points to calving ease here TI 65.2 • A top gaining 3.99 ADG on test CE ASR Miss Primrose M231 BW WW ASR Little Bear L126 YW ASR Ms Little Leah R5100 MCE Milk ASR Fine Art L132 9 45 50 65 50 45 60 65 75 60 15 15 45 65 25 25 75 60 50 75 85 30 70 15 10 50 65 P U R E B R E D 8 ASR Mile High B485 PB SM Bull Color: Br* ASR Longevity Y184 ASA# 2891915 H/P: P/s Tattoo: B485 ASR/GLS Pacesetter U862 Born: 2/15/14 EPDS%Rank CE 9.7 1.3 ASR Miss Primrose M231 BW WW 65 ASR Little Bear L126 YW 92.9 ASR Ms Jessie T7171 MCE 9.1 Milk 16.6 ASR Miss Jessie M269 MWW 49.1 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 10.4 X 688 1147 4.01 3.146.25 38 ** Marb 0.08 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.064 REA 0.87 3.18 105 0.19 90 14.5498 API 117.7 • Nice gain at 4.01. PAP of 38 TI 67 • A 103 for weaning ratio 40 40 45 50 55 90 80 40 65 35 35 60 55 P U R E B R E D ASR Laramie B4100 PB SM Bull Color: HoB ASR Longevity Y184 ASA# 2891930 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4100 ASR/GLS Pacesetter U862 Born: 2/18/14 EPDS%Rank CE 9.2 2 ASR Miss Primrose M231 BW WW 61 HSF Better Than Ever YW 88 ASR Black Miranda Y198 MCE 7.1 ASR Black Miranda W993 Milk 16.7 MWW 47.3 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 10.2 X 623 1117 2.76 2.916.0 38 ** Marb -0.01 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.063 REA 0.93 2.67 88 0.15 71 15.09102 API 113.8 • Out of a young cow we have started to flush. TI 61.6 • Homozygous black and polled. PAP of 38 45 55 60 65 80 90 90 40 85 35 25 70 85 P U R E B R E D Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! ASR Black MIranda Y198 dam of Lot 9 7 Spring Creek Lotto 52Y Sire Group Simmental Reference Sire KOP Crosby 137W ASA# 2637197 Muirhead Live Wire 95R KOP Ms Bengie 6P Springcreek Tank 63P Springcreek BLK Tess 25T Springcreek Linne71P Lotto is a Canadian bred bull we used for his thickness, softness and muscle. This is our second crop and love the performance, muscle and middle. • Outcross pedigree. Has the red and black gene …. Is homozygous polled. • Homozygous Polled, Heterozygous black • EPDS CE 3.7 BW 4.1 WW 66 YW 91.7 MCE 9.6 Milk 25.5 MWW 58.4 DOC 13.3 Marb 0.03 BF -0.026 REA 0.62 API 100.1 TI 61.5 %Rank 95 90 40 55 50 25 25 10 80 99 85 90 85 10 ASR Country Legend B484 PB SM Bull Color: Br* ASA# 2891914 H/P: HoP* Tattoo: B484 Born: KOP Crosby 137W Springcreek Lotto 52Y CE 8.1 2.3 Springcreek Blk Tess 25T BW WW 72.5 HC Hummer 12M YW 108.1 ASR Ms Black Molly T7120 MCE 11 Milk 22 ASR Black Molly K087 MWW 58.3 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9 X 719 1225 3.75 3.366.75 38 ** Marb 0.04 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.032 REA 0.82 2.75 91 0.21 100 15.24103 API 110.7 • This one is special! The cow makes the difference here. TI 69.3 • Ratio of 103 for weaning. Wait until you see him! 2/15/14 EPDS%Rank 11 60 60 15 15 30 55 25 60 75 90 45 75 40 ASR Gunnison B4234 PB SM Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2892035 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4234 Born: 2/3/14 EPDS%Rank KOP Crosby 137W Springcreek Lotto 52Y CE 7.9 60 2.9 70 Springcreek Blk Tess 25T BW WW 69.7 25 HC Hummer 12M YW 103.7 25 ASR Fine Art U838 MCE 12.1 20 Milk 23.8 40 ASR Fine Art L132 MWW 58.6 25 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.9 20 X 676 1393 4.85 3.666.75 43 ** Marb 0.12 55 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.01 99 REA 0.99 15 2.52 103 0.29 161 16.85110 API 114.9 65 • A flush of Lotto’s x ASR U838 by Hummer. TI 69.1 40 • This one is homozygous black. And a good one! Complimentary Lunch Come join us for Complimentary Lunch and Refreshments Starts at 11:30 AM Provided by... Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch, LLC Sharon & Willie Altenburg Northern Feed & Bean Bob Pemberton 970-302-0067 Purina Mills Paul Hill 719-676-2241 These are our valued feed suppliers! 8 12 P U R E B R E D P U R E B R E D ASR Trinidad B4235 PB SM Bull Color: Br* ASA# 2892036 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4235 Born: 2/4/14 EPDS%Rank KOP Crosby 137W Springcreek Lotto 52Y CE 8.2 60 2.7 70 Springcreek Blk Tess 25T BW WW 68.5 30 HC Hummer 12M YW 100.1 30 ASR Fine Art U838 MCE 12 20 Milk 25.6 25 ASR Fine Art L132 MWW 59.8 15 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.9 20 X 715 1266 3.77 3.417.0 40 ** Marb 0.12 55 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.034 90 REA 0.81 45 2.92 120 0.21 117 15.0698 API 115.5 65 • Another flush brother, this one is black with the red TI 68.7 45 gene. • Nice PAP score, nice gain, …. Nice bull! Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! P U R E B R E D 13 ASR Bloodline B4236 PB SM Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2892037 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4236 Born: 2/5/14 EPDS%Rank KOP Crosby 137W Springcreek Lotto 52Y CE 8 60 3.2 75 Springcreek Blk Tess 25T BW WW 68.3 30 HC Hummer 12M YW 101.5 30 ASR Fine Art U838 MCE 11.9 20 Milk 24.1 35 ASR Fine Art L132 MWW 58.3 25 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.9 20 X 759 1147 3.14 3.185.75 39 ** Marb 0.06 70 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.034 90 REA 0.83 45 1.83 75 0.21 117 15.78103 API 110.4 75 • Another one , this one with a 39 PAP. TI 66.2 60 • Probably the most moderate framed one of the flush. 14 P U R E B R E D PI-BVD Negative, AM and NH Free... All 2014 born bulls and heifers were tested negative for PI-BVD. All bulls and heifers are AM, NH and DD Genetic Defect Free. ASR Durango B4240 PB SM Bull Color: Br* ASA# 2892040 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4240 Born: 2/7/14 KOP Crosby 137W Springcreek Lotto 52Y CE 8 2.8 Springcreek Blk Tess 25T BW WW 68.9 HC Hummer 12M YW 100.8 ASR Fine Art U838 MCE 11.8 Milk 25 ASR Fine Art L132 MWW 59.5 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.9 X 719 1179 3.15 3.226.5 41 ** Marb 0.03 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.055 REA 0.79 2.14 88 0.14 78 14.4194 API 107.9 • One after another! All of them in one pen. TI 66.6 • I’ll be surpised if you don’t like them EPDS%Rank 15 60 70 30 30 20 30 20 20 80 55 50 80 55 Soapstone Ranch Managers, Brenda and Jon Barkley, with Lexi ASR Lajunta B439 PB SM Bull Color: Br* ASA# 2891869 H/P: P Tattoo: B439 Born: 2/11/14 EPDS%Rank KOP Crosby 137W Springcreek Lotto 52Y CE 7 70 2.5 65 Springcreek Blk Tess 25T BW WW 65.8 40 Remington Red Label HR YW 90.8 55 ASR Dream Glory W991 MCE 9.2 55 ASR Dream Glory P4105 Milk 21.4 60 MWW 54.4 45 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.9 20 X 627 1182 3.70 3.145.5 40 ** Marb -0.02 85 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.048 75 REA 0.78 55 2.57 85 0.20 95 15.38104 API 105.8 85 • This is bred just a little different. Out of a good TI 63.2 75 Remington Red Label Cow • A 3.70 ADG and a 40 PAP 16 P U R E B R E D Take your bull home today... Take your bull home on Sale Day and P U R E B R E D deduct $75.00 from the Selling Price!! ASR Lotto A3203 PB SM Bull Color: Rnd ASA# 2877582 H/P: P Tattoo: A3203 Born: 9/5/13 EPDS%Rank KOP CROSBY 137W Springcreek Lotto 52Y CE 7.7 65 1.7 45 Springcreek Blk Tess 25T BW WW 70.1 25 ASR Little Bear L126 YW 97.5 40 ASR Ms Captiva R528 MCE 11.1 30 Milk 20.4 65 ASR Ms Captiva N325 MWW 55.5 40 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.9 20 X 689 998 2.475.5 40 ** Marb -0.1 95 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.045 75 REA 0.82 45 API 108 80 • A solid red 18 month old age advantage bull. TI 64.5 70 • An older bull like this can breed a lot of cows! P U R E B R E D Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 9 S A V Resource 1441 Sire Group ASA# 2736444 Angus Reference Sire EPDS %Rank CE 7.2 R R Rito 707 BW 1.4 RITO 707 Or Ideal 3407 7075 WW 88 YW 146.6 Ideal 3407 Of 1418 076 MCE 1.2 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Milk 29.5 S A V Blackcap May 4136 MWW 73.4 S A V May 2397 DOC 10.7 Marb 0.3 0.03 • He may be the most popular Angus growth bull in the U.S. BF REA 0.4 today API 78.2 • Resource transmits muscle, mass, middle in a moderate TI 71.9 package with good feet. These half bloods are exceptional … we’ll make more! • Angus 80 65 1 1 99 10 1 45 60 99 85 99 40 • 17 ASR Super Baldy B489 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2891919 H/P: P Tattoo: B489 Born: 2/16/14 RITO 707 Of Ideal 3407 7075 EPDS%Rank S A V Resource 1441 CE 6.1 90 BW 3.3 90 S A V Blackcap May 4136 WW 84.7 1 ASR Top Shelf T7109 YW 134.2 1 ASR Precious Dream W9122 MCE -0.3 99 ASR Precious Dream N340 Milk 23.8 45 MWW 66.1 2 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 10.1 55 X 670 1343 4.65 3.636.0 52 ** Marb 0.33 55 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF 0.008 95 REA 0.76 25 3.52 116 0.28 133 16.96114 API 98.6 85 • A solid, big nutted, big ribbed, sound footed, Resource son. TI 77.9 20 • Lots of bull to like here. 18 Take your bull home today... Color: Br* H/P: P ASA# 2891888 Tattoo: B458 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V Net Worth 4200 S A V May 2410 Born: Worth, but DNA found him to be a Resource! Good for all of us … DNA testing …. Amazing stuff!! • 10 2/12/14 EPDS%Rank CE 10.2 BW 1.4 WW 70.5 HC Hummer 12M YW 108.1 ASR Ms Larrye U822 MCE 8.4 ASR Miss Red Larrye S683 Milk 26.2 MWW 61.4 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.8 X 723 0 2.85 3.426.5 42 ** Marb 0.64 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF 0.005 REA 0.67 4.18 138 0.27 129 14.99101 API 138.2 • Out of sale order because we thought he was a Net TI 80.5 ASA# 2891891 H/P: P Tattoo: B461 Born: 55 65 20 20 45 25 10 60 10 95 40 30 15 H A L F B L O O D • A 5.17 ADG bull … one of our tops on test! Homozygous polled and homozygous black 19 2/13/14 EPDS%Rank CE 12.3 BW -0.1 WW 73 Hooks Shear Force 38K YW 121.8 ASR Ms Madison W9134 MCE 4.4 Milk 28.2 ASR Ms Madison T7134 MWW 64.8 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.3 X 635 1361 5.17 3.645.5 40 *** Marb 0.4 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.006 REA 0.82 2.96 98 0.21 100 16.21109 API 129.2 • And another one, this one of a young Shear Force cow. TI 79.3 ASR Super Baldy B458 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull HoB* RITO 707 Of Ideal 3407 7075 S A V Resource 1441 S A V Blackcap May 4136 • 69 ASR Ms Super Baldy B461 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: Take your bull home on Sale Day and deduct $75.00 from the Selling Price!! H A L F B L O O D 35 40 15 5 90 15 4 35 45 90 15 40 15 H A L F B L O O D ASR Super Baldy B4165 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB H/P: P ASA# 2891994 Tattoo: B4165 Born: 3/9/14 RITO 707 Of Ideal 3407 7075 EPDS%Rank S A V Resource 1441 CE 11.9 35 BW -1.4 20 S A V Blackcap May 4136 WW 51.6 85 ASR/GLS Pacesetter U862 YW 81.8 75 ASR Claybasket Y163 MCE 4.5 90 Milk 28.6 10 ASR Claybasket K063 MWW 54.4 45 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 8.9 75 X 621 1096 2.53 2.995.25 36 *** Marb 0.39 45 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF 0.022 99 REA 0.7 35 3.54 117 0.26 124 15.60105 API 123.9 50 • A 36 PAP TI 67 60 • An ASR Little Bear daughter spells maternal Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! H A L F B L O O D Hooks Shear Force 38K Sire Group ASA# 2081939 Simmental Reference Sire EPDS %Rank CE 22.4 Nichols Blk Denstiy D12 BW -3.6 Nichols Legacy G151 WW 54.5 YW 73.1 Nichols Debra D81 MCE 12.8 Circle S Leachman 600U Milk 33.6 C&D Tracy MWW 60.9 Betsy DOC 13.7 Marb 0.55 BF -0.044 • Shear Force (now deceased) will go down in history as the king of All Purpose Index (API) due to his combination of REA 1.39 API 183.5 calving ease, high maternal and superior carcass merit. TI 82.1 Shear Force is the sire of CCR Singletary. This father and son fit together. • Homozygous Polled, Heterozygous black • 20 1 1 85 90 15 1 15 4 1 75 1 1 2 ASR Super Baldy B414 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: Br* ASA# 2891844 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B414 Nichols Legacy G151 Hooks Shear Force 38K C&D Tracy Born: 2/3/14 EPDS%Rank CE 19.3 BW -2.9 WW 61.2 Connealy Freightliner YW 96.7 ASR Ms Freightliner Z232 MCE 8.9 Milk 26.4 ASR Ms Lakina U802 MWW 57 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.8 X 600 1273 4.28 3.224.75 36 **** Marb 0.56 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF 0.004 REA 0.78 2.58 90 0.24 104 12.9597 API 164.9 • Calving ease plus gain , plus low PAP, nice EPD + API TI 79.8 package. Out of a two year old heifer and a 102 WW and 106 YW ratio. 2 10 50 45 40 25 30 30 20 95 20 5 15 H A L F B L O O D • 22 ASR Shear Force A3196 PB SM Bull Color: HoB Tattoo: A3196 Nichols Legacy G151 Hooks Shear Force 38K C&D Tracy Born: Excellent calving ease and can cover a lot of heifers this spring. • HoB Tattoo: A3207 H/P: P Tattoo: 485B Nichols Legacy G151 Hooks Shear Force 38K C&D Tracy STF Ecstasy X853 STF Shocking Dream SJ14 WBF Enchantment U853 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease X 607 1020 2.90 2.695.0 38 **** ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio 3.71 118 0.18 100 14.33105 • 4 checks for calving ease on this homozygous black, low PAP bull • From the Ahlberg family, Longmont. • Homozygous polled and homozygous black Born: 1/14/14 EPDS%Rank CE 19.4 BW -2.1 WW 49.8 YW 67.8 MCE 9.3 Milk 27.8 MWW 52.7 DOC 13.9 Marb 0.37 BF -0.053 REA 1.05 API 162.9 TI 72.1 1 2 95 95 55 15 60 3 10 55 10 1 25 P U R E B R E D 8/22/13 2 1 80 75 4 10 30 10 40 55 1 3 25 P U R E B R E D Not that far from home. Born: 9/6/13 EPDS%Rank CE 14.3 BW -0.6 WW 67.9 TNT Tanker U263 YW 94.6 ASR Fine Art Y1192 MCE 14.5 Milk 29.7 ASR Fine Art U8114 MWW 63.6 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 12.4 X 670 925 2.145.0 36 *** Marb 0.26 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.056 REA 1.32 API 150.2 • An 18 month old, age advantage bull. TI 78.1 Check out his PAP of 36 Homozygous polled and homozygous black ASA# 2896581 HoB ASA# 2877572 H/P: P Nichols Legacy G151 Hooks Shear Force 38K C&D Tracy • Color: ASR Shear Force A3207 PB SM Bull Color: • PB SM Bull EPDS%Rank CE 15.9 BW -2.5 WW 56.5 TNT Tanker U263 YW 82.8 ASR Ms Captiva Y1190 MCE 14.8 Milk 29.1 ASR Ms Captiva R528 MWW 57.4 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 12.8 X 574 889 2.164.75 40 *** Marb 0.19 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.055 REA 1.3 API 151.6 • An 18 month old, age advantage bull. TI 72.5 23 AHLB Mr Shear Force 485B ASA# 2877578 H/P: P 21 10 10 30 45 4 10 5 15 25 55 1 4 10 P U R E B R E D Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 11 24 ASR Super Baldy B411 1/2 SM 3/8 AR 1/8 AN Bull Color: Rnd H/P: HoP Nichols Legacy G151 Hooks Shear Force 38K C&D Tracy • ASR Super Baldy B4127 1/2 SM 1/2 AR Bull Color: Rnd H/P: HoP Born: Tattoo: B4127 Born: 2/24/14 EPDS%Rank CE 18.2 BW -3.8 WW 53.1 Messmer Packer S008 YW 76.7 ASR Ms Packer Z284 MCE 9 Milk 24.2 ASR Ms B Lancer T799 MWW 50.8 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 12.9 X 665 1037 2.63 2.985.0 38 **** Marb 0.58 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.02 REA 0.92 4.53 100 0.19 100 13.89100 API 163.4 • Solid red, calving ease, low PAP, lots in this package! TI 76.5 Hooks Shear Force … so popular for so many years! 3 3 80 85 40 40 65 15 20 65 10 5 25 H A L F B L O O D 2B Hooks Pacesetter 8P Tattoo: B732 Hooks Shear Force 38K Born: Hooks Meah 22M Br P U R E B R E D ASA# 2891952 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4123 Born: 2/23/14 EPDS%Rank CE 7.4 BW 1.6 WW 74 ASR Little Bear L126 YW 108.1 ASR Little Molly P441 MCE 11.1 Milk 27.5 ASR Black Molly K087 MWW 64.5 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.1 X 671 1325 4.21 3.555.75 40 ** Marb 0.31 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.035 REA 1.12 3.53 109 0.19 100 15.07106 API 135 • A pair of flush ET brothers from our P441 cow who TI 78.6 has 6 at 116 WW ratio 4.21 on gain test 65 45 15 15 30 15 4 30 15 90 4 20 5 P U R E B R E D • 28 Tell A Friend... ASR Uncharted B469 PB SM Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2891899 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B469 Hooks Shear Force 38K Triple C Singletary S3H Lucas Josie 19K Born: PAP of 36 Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 2/14/14 EPDS%Rank CE 6.7 BW 2.2 WW 72.5 ASR Little Bear L126 YW 109.4 ASR Little Molly P441 MCE 10.7 Milk 27.6 ASR Black Molly K087 MWW 63.9 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.1 X 683 1145 2.74 3.136.0 36 ** Marb 0.29 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.03 REA 1.04 3.48 107 0.20 105 14.63103 API 134.7 • Flush bother to lot 27. This one homozygous black TI 76.4 • 12 15 45 50 50 30 55 50 65 85 75 20 40 70 ASR Pound Maker B4123 PB SM Bull Hooks Shear Force 38K Triple C Singletary S3H Lucas Josie 19K If you like our bulls, tell a friend. If you don’t , tell us! We are the only one who can make it right! 3/2/14 EPDS%Rank This one form Andy Azcarraga, Colbran Color: Wayne Kruse, Centennial Livestock Auction, selling a set of Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch sired calves during the annual November Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch special feeder calf sale. H A L F B L O O D ASA# 2909292 H/P: P/s CE 12.6 BW 1.5 WW 63.6 CNS Dream On L186 YW 92.6 Bridle Bit Miss S617 MCE 11 Milk 21.9 Bridle Bit Miss F619 MWW 53.7 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 8.8 X 0 0 2.76 2.626.5 44 ** Marb -0.01 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.046 REA 0.96 1.34 0.14 13.98 API 126.8 • Hooks Pacesetter is a Hooks Shear Force son. TI 64.6 27 1 2 90 90 60 25 60 15 10 80 15 3 25 AJA Pacesetter B732 PB SM Bull Color: • 2/2/14 EPDS%Rank Calving ease deluxe which helps his high API score. 26 ASA# 2891956 Nichols Legacy G151 Hooks Shear Force 38K C&D Tracy • CE 20.1 BW -3.9 WW 49.9 LJC Lancer 806 YW 72.2 ASR Ms LJ 806 Z270 MCE 7.5 ASR Ms F Direction T758 Milk 26.5 MWW 51.4 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 13.3 X 582 1118 3.61 3.055.75 40 **** Marb 0.65 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.019 REA 0.85 3.14 110 0.21 91 13.73103 API 169.1 • A solid red 18 month old age advantage bull. TI 76.7 Sis, Boss of all! 25 ASA# 2891841 Tattoo: B411 75 60 15 15 35 15 5 30 20 90 10 20 10 P U R E B R E D W/C Wide Track 694Y Sire Group ASA# 2588250 Simmental Reference Sire EPDS %Rank CE 7.6 HRM Right On T08 BW 3.8 3C W/C Right Track W9462 WW 74.2 YW 113.1 3C Stevie S6509 B MCE 8.5 PVF-SSH 1L10 Liberty Milk 21.1 Miss Werning 694S MWW 58.2 Miss Werning 294M DOC 10 Marb 0.19 • A power bull … made for cows. Outstanding muscle, feet BF -0.048 REA 0.86 and structure. API 125.9 • Use for growth. A pedigree that can be used anywhere. TI 72.5 • • We have used him on some of our best cows. Homozygous Polled, Homozygous Black 29 ASR 2nd Amendment B464 PB SM Bull Color: Br* ASA# 2891894 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B464 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S Born: A truly great opportunity here for a great sire! 30 PB SM Bull HoB P U R E B R E D ASA# 2877568 H/P: HoP Tattoo: A3200 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S Born: 9/1/13 EPDS%Rank CE 6 BW 4.3 WW 72.2 HC Hummer 12M YW 113.4 GLS S82 MCE 12 Milk 21.9 SSE Josie MWW 58 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.4 X 594 974 2.395.25 38 ** Marb 0.1 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.053 REA 0.98 API 109.7 • Full brother to lot 29, this one homozygous black. TI 68.6 Low PAP score on this 18 month old bull. 31 75 85 25 15 20 55 30 55 55 55 20 75 45 ASR Wide Track A3200 Color: • 2/13/14 EPDS%Rank CE 6.8 BW 3.7 WW 70.1 HC Hummer 12M YW 108.2 GLS S82 MCE 12.1 Milk 21.8 SSE Josie MWW 56.8 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.4 X 669 1139 2.60 3.105.5 42 ** Marb 0.12 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.053 REA 0.96 2.36 100 0.12 100 15.91100 API 110.9 • An embryo transfer bull out of our donor GLS S82. TI 68.6 • 65 85 15 10 65 60 25 45 40 75 35 40 25 80 90 20 10 20 55 25 55 60 55 15 75 45 P U R E B R E D ASR On Track B462 PB SM Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2891892 H/P: HetP* Tattoo: B462 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S Born: 2/13/14 EPDS%Rank CE 9.3 BW 2.4 WW 78.7 ASR New Posse W9115 YW 125.7 ASR Little Dessi Y1134 MCE 11.1 Milk 23.8 ASR Little Dessi P420 MWW 63.2 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.8 X 753 1469 4.60 3.806.5 45 ** Marb 0.03 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.043 REA 0.88 2.37 78 0.25 119 15.41104 API 117.8 • A powerful start to lead off the Wide Track sons. A TI 73.5 4.6 ADG. • Great spread to his birth ot YW EPDs and homozygous black 45 60 5 2 30 40 10 50 80 75 30 60 20 P U R E B R E D Doug and Dareth Smialek and their three boys, who do a great job raising our embryo calves! Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 13 32 ASR Mountain Man B4114 PB SM Bull Color: Br ASA# 2891944 H/P: P Tattoo: B4114 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S Born: CE 5 BW 4.4 WW 68.9 BF 0K34 Daytona YW 107.3 ASR Camille P458 MCE 8 Milk 18.9 ASR Camille J937 MWW 53.3 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9 X 659 1224 3.95 3.285.5 40 ** Marb -0.02 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.03 REA 0.82 2.5 83 0.28 133 15.34104 API 107 • Bigg butted and soft sided, with a big REA. TI 62.3 • Out of an 11 year old cow that never let’s us down. 33 HoB Tattoo: B4244 Born: All homozygous polled and black! PB SM Bull HoB Tattoo: B4243 Born: Color: HoB ASA# 2892042 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4242 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S Born: EPDS%Rank CE 9.9 BW 1.8 WW 69.8 HC Hummer 12M YW 105.8 ASR Ms Desi U8154 MCE 10.8 Milk 19.2 MLC Dessy K53 MWW 54.1 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.3 X 710 1183 2.49 3.226.5 37 ** Marb 0.15 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.057 REA 0.91 2.97 122 0.18 100 15.2399 API 122.2 • A really low PAPing flushmate at 37 score. TI 71.6 • 14 A ratio of 122 for marbling 2/8/14 40 50 25 20 35 75 50 25 50 55 25 50 30 P U R E B R E D A 34 for PAP, one of our very lowest bulls 36 2/9/14 EPDS%Rank CE 9.6 BW 2.2 WW 67 HC Hummer 12M YW 100.9 ASR Ms Desi U8154 MCE 10.3 Milk 17.7 MLC Dessy K53 MWW 51.2 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.3 X 678 1054 2.03 2.915.0 34 ** Marb 0.11 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.05 REA 0.87 2.59 106 0.20 111 14.5495 API 117.3 • This one was 106 for marbling TI 68.2 ASR Wheelhorse B4242 P U R E B R E D ASA# 2892043 H/P: HoP 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S PB SM Bull 45 55 30 25 40 85 60 25 80 35 20 70 55 ASR Black Iron B4243 Color: 35 2/9/14 EPDS%Rank CE 9.4 BW 2.1 WW 69 HC Hummer 12M YW 103 ASR Ms Desi U8154 MCE 10.4 Milk 18 MLC Dessy K53 MWW 52.5 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.3 X 737 1107 2.64 3.086.25 40 ** Marb 0.01 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.06 REA 0.97 1.91 78 0.17 94 15.94104 API 114.1 • It is hard to pick the start of this 6 full brother flush! TI 67.1 • P U R E B R E D ASA# 2892044 H/P: HoP 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S 34 90 95 30 15 70 75 55 60 85 90 45 80 80 ASR Big Iron B4244 PB SM Bull Color: • 2/21/14 EPDS%Rank 40 60 35 30 40 85 70 25 60 55 35 60 50 P U R E B R E D ASR Colorado B424 PB SM Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2891854 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B424 Born: 2/7/14 3C W/C Right Track W9462 EPDS%Rank W/C Wide Track 694Y CE 9.5 45 BW 1.6 45 Miss Werning 694S WW 70.3 25 WHF Desperado 212G YW 105.2 20 ASR Black Carlene P421 MCE 7.5 75 Milk 20.5 65 ASR Red Appeal K071 MWW 55.6 40 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 4 99 X 710 1210 2.02 3.316.0 38 ** Marb 0.09 65 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.06 35 REA 0.87 35 2.08 100 0.18 100 17.71100 API 120 55 • A natural calf out of our ASR Black Carlene P421 TI 70.5 35 donor dam • He had nearly an 18 inch ribeye! Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! P U R E B R E D GW Premium Beef 021TS Sire Group %Rank ASA# 2370545 EPDS CE 20.9 1 G A R Precision 1680 BW -3 5 G A R US Premium Beef WW 52.6 80 YW 95.3 45 G A R EXT 2928 MCE 10.9 20 GW Lucky Charm 665K Milk 20.2 75 GW Miss Lucky Charm 410P MWW 46.5 85 GW Miss Lucky Strike 242 DOC 16.3 1 Marb 0.58 20 BF -0.034 50 • A SimAngus halfblood bull recognized as the premium REA 0.75 25 calving ease, and outstanding carcass merit. API 170.8 3 • He does it all, CE, plus growth, plus carcass merit and his TI 76 25 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Reference Sire daughters are small teated with snug udders Homozygous Polled, Homozygous Black • 37 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2878521 H/P: P Tattoo: B401 Born: 2/5/14 EPDS%Rank G A R US Premium Beef GW Premium Beef 021TS CE 15.5 10 -1.4 20 GW Miss Lucky Charm 410P BW WW 58 65 ASR FF Kaboom S6173 YW 108.4 20 ASR Ms Super Baldy W9131 MCE 8.9 40 Milk 20.7 70 ASR Miss Tom Boy S6130 MWW 49.6 70 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 14.4 5 X 571 1164 3.28 3.146.25 62 **** Marb 0.51 25 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.006 90 REA 0.8 20 3.01 85 0.27 129 16.68113 API 148 15 • Looking for calving ease? Here is a top SimAngus TI 75.1 30 candidate! • From cooperator, Jack Whittier • Homozygous polled and homozygous black 38 Complimentary Lunch ASR/JCW Premium B401 H A L F B L O O D Come join us for Complimentary Lunch and Refreshments Starts at 11:30 AM Provided by... Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch, LLC Sharon & Willie Altenburg Northern Feed & Bean Bob Pemberton 970-302-0067 Purina Mills Paul Hill 719-676-2241 These are our valued feed suppliers! ASR/JCW Premium B408 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB H/P: P ASA# 2878525 Tattoo: B408 G A R US Premium Beef GW Premium Beef 021TS GW Miss Lucky Charm 410P Born: EPDS%Rank CE 14.1 BW 0 WW 56.9 ASR FF Kaboom S6173 YW 94.9 ASR Ms Super Baldy W9162 MCE 8 Milk 16.3 ASR Lapelle K039 MWW 44.7 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 14.3 X 650 1133 3.12 3.006.75 38 *** Marb 0.54 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.039 REA 0.62 3.6 102 0.15 71 14.66100 API 141.3 • The Premium Beef’s are so complete, all across the TI 72 board Nice PAP here …. 38 2/16/14 20 40 65 50 50 95 95 5 20 50 50 25 40 H A L F B L O O D Joe Spanel and Russ Princ • Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 15 RCR Augustus R54 Sire Group ASA# 2310969 Simmental Reference Sire EPDS %Rank CE 8.8 SRS J914 Preferred Beef BW 3.2 ESNK31 WW 70.2 YW 118.3 ESK31 MCE 8.3 KS Baxter L791 Milk 5.1 RCR Nicole N32 MWW 40.2 RCR Miss HA L335 DOC 14.2 Marb 0.17 BF -0.023 • A bull we acquired at an advanced age from Rock Creek REA 0.73 Ranch, Kansas. API 128.1 • He has left many outstanding daughters, his best traits are TI 68.8 his females. His sons can grow and generally have a little extra frame and stretch. • Homozygous Polled, Homozygous Black 50 75 25 4 65 99 99 3 45 99 65 35 45 • 39 ASR Augustus B4174 PB SM Bull Color: Br RCR Augustus R54 H/P: P Tattoo: B4174 ESNK31 Born: Nice gainer with a 39 PAP 41 HoB RCR Augustus R54 H/P: P Tattoo: B4182 ESNK31 Born: RCR Nicole N32 42 HoB H/P: P Tattoo: B480 ESNK31 Born: CE 7.8 BW 3.3 RCR Nicole N32 WW 65.8 ASR Showcase K053 YW 101.4 ASR Miss Primrose M231 MCE 7.9 Milk 8.9 ASR Miss Fanfare G720 MWW 41.8 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.7 X 649 1155 3.58 3.106.0 40 ** Marb 0.03 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.03 REA 0.67 2.72 90 0.28 133 14.1495 API 119.5 • An Augustus out of ASR Longevity’s dam TI 62.3 ASR M231 is 13 years old and just calved on 2/8/15 with her 11th calf. P U R E B R E D 3/27/14 25 45 35 30 55 85 65 10 60 75 65 30 45 RCR Nicole N32 Tattoo: B4176 ESNK31 Born: 3/13/14 EPDS%Rank 20 15 90 75 40 99 99 40 75 55 85 40 85 RCR Nicole N32 P U R E B R E D ASR Junior B4166 PB SM Bull Color: HoB ASR Augustus Z2165 ASA# 2891995 H/P: HoP* Tattoo: B4166 RCR Augustus R54 Born: ASR Ms Jordan W916 A true calving ease sire with a 38 PAP Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 3/9/14 EPDS%Rank CE 13.8 BW -2.7 WW 57.2 TNT Tanker U263 YW 85.5 ASR Ms Lapelle Z251 MCE 13.9 Milk 21.6 ASR Ms Lapelle U8126 MWW 50.2 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 12.3 X 682 1141 2.61 2.955.5 38 **** Marb 0.1 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.049 REA 1.16 2.88 94 0.19 106 15.00100 API 143.2 • Our first ASR Augustus Z2165 “Jr” calf on offer for sale TI 69.4 • P U R E B R E D ASA# 2892005 H/P: P Still plenty of growth and a 39 PAP 44 2/15/14 60 80 40 30 70 99 99 20 80 90 75 55 80 Born: EPDS%Rank CE 11.8 BW -0.4 WW 52.7 ASR/GLS Pacesetter U862 YW 82.5 ASR Ms Captiva X058 MCE 10.2 Milk 12.1 ASR Ms Captiva N325 MWW 38.5 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 10.2 X 627 1042 2.58 2.845.5 39 *** Marb 0.04 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.057 REA 0.63 2.99 99 0.16 76 11.8680 API 125.1 • A calving ease package here TI 60.8 • EPDS%Rank HoB RCR Augustus R54 ASA# 2891910 ESNK31 ASR Justified B4176 PB SM Bull Color: ASR Law and Order B480 PB SM Bull RCR Augustus R54 16 P U R E B R E D Tattoo: B4188 Homozygous black with a 37 PAP 3/20/14 40 65 15 2 35 99 90 10 50 99 60 20 30 ASA# 2892017 H/P: P CE 11.5 BW 1.5 WW 66.8 Hooks Shear Force 38K YW 101.1 ASR Ms Thumper W903 MCE 9.2 Milk 17.9 ASR Ms Thumper T756 MWW 51.3 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 13 X 746 0 4.61 3.857.5 37 ** Marb 0.11 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.045 REA 0.72 API 131.5 • A bit younger bull, but a top gaining bull TI 68.9 • EPDS%Rank Homozygous black with a 36 PAP Color: • P U R E B R E D HoB RCR Augustus R54 ASA# 2892011 CE 9.9 BW 2.6 WW 73.6 HTP SVF In Dew Time YW 122.5 ASR Ms Lapelle X017 MCE 10.6 Milk 10.1 ASR Ms Lapelle U8126 MWW 46.9 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 12.6 X 698 1398 5.42 3.776.75 36 ** Marb 0.15 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.024 REA 0.75 2.82 93 0.26 124 14.5798 API 136.1 • One of our top gaining bulls TI 71.9 43 65 75 25 10 70 99 85 25 85 90 60 60 65 ASR Mishawaka B4188 PB SM Bull Color: ASR Augustus B4192 PB SM Bull Color: • 3/12/14 EPDS%Rank CE 7.4 BW 3.1 RCR Nicole N32 WW 70.2 Remington Red Label HR YW 112.5 ASR Brown Sugar X097 MCE 8 Milk 12.6 ASR Brown Sugar H838 MWW 47.7 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.4 X 709 1379 4.83 3.707.5 41 ** Marb 0 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.036 REA 0.74 2.82 93 0.23 110 15.14102 API 117.2 • RCR Augustus has been siring good ones for rmany years TI 65.2 • 40 ASA# 2892003 10 1 75 70 10 55 75 15 60 75 2 10 40 P U R E B R E D ASR Augustus Z2165 Sire Group ASA# 2653966 Simmental Reference Sire RCR Augustus R54 ESNK31 ASR Ms Jordan W916 Hooks Shear Force 38K EPDS RCR Nicole N32 ASR Ms Jordan T734 Augustus was the $29,750 valuation bull sold in 2014. He is a heifer bull, with the majority of our heifers bred to him this year. • Homozygous Polled, Homozygous Black • • 45 ASA# 2891939 Br* RCR Augustus R54 H/P: P Tattoo: B4109 ESNK31 Born: RCR Nicole N32 Measured a 119 REA ratio HoB RCR Augustus R54 Tattoo: B4185 ESNK31 Born: 3/22/14 EPDS%Rank RCR Nicole N32 Out a young but good Hooks Shear Force daughter 20 25 65 60 45 99 95 10 10 75 15 3 20 P U R E B R E D Office View ASR Saguache B4187 PB SM Bull Color: Br* RCR Augustus R54 H/P: P 48 ASA# 2892016 Tattoo: B4187 ESNK31 Born: 3/25/14 EPDS%Rank CE 7.4 BW 4.4 RCR Nicole N32 WW 69.4 Remington Red Label HR YW 100.2 ASR Ms Thumper X0116 MCE 5.9 Milk 10.7 ASR Ms Thumper T756 MWW 45.4 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.9 X 706 1181 3.34 3.246.75 43 ** Marb 0.13 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF 0 REA 0.55 3.17 105 0.32 152 13.2589 API 123.1 • Augustus with very nice gain and WDA TI 64.8 Out of a beautiful uddered black Remington Red Label daughter • P U R E B R E D ASA# 2892014 H/P: P CE 12 BW 0.5 WW 60.8 Hooks Shear Force 38K YW 88.8 ASR Ms Desi X015 MCE 10 Milk 13.7 ASR Miss Dessi U808 MWW 44.1 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 13.1 X 679 1114 2.16 3.065.5 38 *** Marb 0.37 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.047 REA 1.01 4.57 151 0.19 90 15.00101 API 152.9 • Calving ease plus good PAP score of 38. TI 73.1 47 35 25 75 35 80 99 99 15 75 99 50 35 75 ASR Steamboat B4185 PB SM Bull Color: • 2/20/14 EPDS%Rank CE 10.4 BW 0.4 WW 57.8 SVF/NJC Mo Better M217 YW 98.2 ASR Ms Black Molly X092 MCE 7.1 ASR Ms Black Molly T7120 Milk 12.8 MWW 41.7 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 12.2 X 615 1142 3.67 3.035.75 40 *** Marb 0.05 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.029 REA 0.79 2.23 74 0.25 119 14.7299 API 128 • A good gaining 3.67 ADG, calving ease bull TI 63.1 46 2 1 65 35 20 95 95 10 25 90 10 2 15 ASR Cimmarron B4109 PB SM Bull Color: • %Rank CE 16.1 BW -3 WW 60 YW 99.6 MCE 12 Milk 14.7 MWW 44.7 DOC 13.2 Marb 0.24 BF -0.03 REA 1.04 API 157.5 TI 75 65 95 25 30 90 99 95 20 55 99 95 45 70 P U R E B R E D AJA Augustus B718 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB ASR Augustus Z279 ASA# 2908389 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B718 RCR Augustus R54 Born: EPDS%Rank CE 12.8 BW -0.4 WW 51.1 YW 73.5 728 MCE 6.7 Milk 18.4 MWW 43.9 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC X 686 1123 3.28 3.205.5 36 *** Marb 0.26 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.041 REA 0.29 2.2 80 0.25 147 13.2188 API 120.4 • Out of an Augustus son cooperator Andy Azcarraga TI 60.9 ASR Ms Blackbird W925 purchased from us Raised near Collbran, high altitude, and PAPed a 36 3/10/14 30 35 85 90 70 85 95 65 35 95 55 80 H A L F B L O O D • Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 17 49 AHLB Mr Broker 433B 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB Mr HOC Broker ASA# 2896582 H/P: HoP Tattoo: 433B SVF Steel Force S701 Born: 2/5/14 EPDS%Rank CE 5.6 BW 0.8 WW 52.4 B C Lookout 7024 YW 81.4 Sedgwicks Erica U332 MCE 8.5 Milk 20.4 Sedgwicks Erica S3321 MWW 46.5 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 6.8 X 739 1233 3.84 3.456.5 36 ** Marb 0.32 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.038 REA 0.62 2.19 100 0.19 100 15.88100 API 105 • Broker son, out of the famous Sedgewick BC Lookout TI 61.5 90 55 80 75 45 70 85 95 55 50 50 75 80 JM BF H25 daughter owned by the Ahlberg family This fellow has the look, gain, and PAP score H A L F B L O O D • 50 AJA Explode B161 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2908388 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B161 Ellingson Legacy M229 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 Ms NLC Mojo S6119 B 51 • Color: HoB H/P: HoP Tattoo: B717 Born: 1/25/14 STF Mr Momentum H508 EPDS%Rank SVF/NJC Mo Better M217 CE 4.6 95 1.6 70 NJC SVF Antoinette K205 BW WW 64.4 40 WMR Super X 948 YW 111.8 15 WRR 736 of Super X MCE 2.7 99 Bairds Juanada Envy L42 Milk 12.8 99 MWW 45 90 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 12.2 25 X 744 1337 4.12 3.686.25 39 ** Marb 0.29 60 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.001 90 REA 0.5 70 2.82 103 0.27 159 16.90112 API 93.8 90 • A powerful, top gaining son of Mo Better with a 39 TI 65.9 65 PAP • From Andy Azcarraga, Collbran From Andy Azcarraga, Collbran 52 ASA# 2908375 H A L F B L O O D 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull 2Bblz 3C Macho M450 BZ Tattoo: B4259 Meyer Ranch 734 50 1 10 70 30 H A L F B L O O D Born: 1/30/14 EPDS%Rank 3C Crocus H112 B 99 75 50 75 60 70 60 75 35 75 90 80 H A L F B L O O D AJA Absolute B276 1/4 SM 3/4 AN Bull HoB H/P: HoP ASA# 2908379 Tattoo: B276 S A V Final Answer 0035 K C F Bennett Absolute Thomas Miss Lucy 5152 18 From Brian Jacobsen, Cheyenne Color: Born: From Andy Azcarraga, Collbran Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 1/6/14 EPDS%Rank CE 12.6 BW -1.5 WW 55.9 SVF/NJC Mo Better M217 YW 96.9 AJA Mo Better Z276 MCE 8.7 Milk 20 WRR 736 of Super X MWW 47.9 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.4 X 668 1047 2.26 2.785.25 38 *** Marb 0.72 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.022 REA 0.45 3.33 122 0.08 47 13.6090 API 145.7 • Calving ease, low PAP, high marbling. TI 76.9 • 80 80 15 35 90 70 30 ASA# 2941648 H/P: P/s CE 3.4 BW 2.1 WW 61.5 YW 83.4 534 MCE 7.3 Milk 20.8 MWW 51.5 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 0 0 3.27 2.845.0 60 ** Marb 0.21 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.042 REA 0.46 3.2 0.14 14.88 API 92.4 • A blaze faced Super Baldy SimAngus TI 61.4 • 1/16/14 JRI Macho 741 Color: 53 Joe Spanel, always good help Born: EPDS%Rank CE 7.6 BW 2.2 WW 71.7 YW 100.2 AJA Miss Lead On Y161 MCE 4.8 Milk 20.7 MWW 56.5 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC X 783 1213 3.15 3.336.75 43 ** Marb 0.37 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.131 REA 0.89 2.63 96 0.08 47 16.66110 API 112 • Lot 50 measured nearly a 17 inch ribeye TI 73.8 AJA Longman B717 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull 30 20 70 45 45 1/4 75 B 80 L 35 O 10 O 65 D 80 20 20 WS Beef King W107 Sire Group ASA# 2499589 Simmental Reference Sire WS Beef Maker R13 EPDS %Rank CE 13.7 BW 1.1 WW 89.5 YW 118.5 MCE 17.4 Milk 11.7 MWW 56.4 DOC 8.6 Marb 0.42 BF -0.072 REA 1.21 API 156.2 TI 90.5 Hooks Shear Force38K DCR Ms Ribeye N72 CNS Dream On L186 WS Miss Deramboat T17 WS Miss Full Load P176 One of the most well proven and popular red bulls in the Simmental breed. • We used him primarily to make Red SimAngus - Super Baldies. • I think you will agree, this set of bulls are nice. Sound, moderate with lots of muscle. • Homozygous Polled, Red nondiluter • 54 10 35 1 4 1 99 35 70 3 15 1 2 1 ASR Super Baldy B4113 3/4 SM 1/4 AR Bull Color: Rnd WS Beef King W107 ASA# 2891943 H/P: P Tattoo: B4113 WS Beef Maker R13 Born: 2/21/14 EPDS%Rank CE 11.9 BW -0.8 WW 71.7 Red Six Mile Sakic 832S YW 97.5 ASR Ms Super Baldy W979 MCE 12.8 Milk 21 ASR Ms Redbird N339 MWW 56.9 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.5 X 750 1222 3.71 3.515.25 36 *** Marb 0.19 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.053 REA 1.04 2.76 89 0.20 118 17.40118 API 135.9 • A kick off to a big string of red SimAngus halfbloods TI 73.9 WS Miss Dreamboat T17 by Beef King Potential heifer bull here, with a complete package of numbers. 35 30 15 40 3/4 10 70 B 30 L 65 O 75 O 25 D 2 30 30 • 55 ASR Super Baldy B4126 1/2 SM 1/2 AR Bull Color: Rnd WS Beef King W107 ASA# 2891955 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4126 WS Beef Maker R13 Born: WS Miss Dreamboat T17 These Beef Kings are hard to come by, semen has been in short supply • 70 70 1 3 60 99 25 70 35 35 55 45 10 H A L F B L O O D 1/2 SM 1/2 AR Bull Rnd WS Beef King W107 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B475 WS Beef Maker R13 Born: CE 13.4 BW -0.8 WW 70.3 Feddes Big Sky R9 YW 89.2 ASR Ms Big Sky Y103 MCE 9.7 Milk 17.8 ASR Ms Sakic W901 MWW 53 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.8 X 677 1001 2.05 2.895.75 44 *** Marb 0.56 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.013 REA 0.49 3.58 115 0.26 153 12.6486 API 149.4 • Calving ease potential, helped by his Big Sky dam TI 79.6 Ratio of 115 for marbling WS Miss Dreamboat T17 H A L F B L O O D ASA# 2891925 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B495 WS Beef Maker R13 Born: WS Miss Dreamboat T17 40 45 10 30 30 99 55 75 15 80 40 20 10 H A L F B L O O D ASR Super Baldy B477 1/2 SM 1/2 AR Bull Color: Rnd WS Beef King W107 H/P: HoP ASA# 2891907 Tattoo: B477 WS Beef Maker R13 Born: WS Miss Dreamboat T17 Nice set of carcass numbers Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 2/15/14 EPDS%Rank CE 11.6 BW 0.6 WW 74.2 Brown Vacation H7106 YW 96.5 ASR Ms B Vacation W905 MCE 8.9 Milk 13 ASR Ms B Lancer T799 MWW 50.2 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.4 X 771 1118 3.12 3.235.75 37 ** Marb 0.57 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.051 REA 0.8 4.02 129 0.13 76 15.94108 API 142.5 • A 37 PAP so can safely go the high country TI 80.5 • 2/17/14 EPDS%Rank Out of a very moderate Sakic daughter. 58 2/15/14 25 30 20 60 30 90 50 60 20 80 70 15 15 Rnd CE 11.8 BW 0.2 WW 74.4 Red Six Mile Sakic 832S YW 102.2 ASR Ms Sakic W901 MCE 9.7 Milk 15.2 ASR Ms B Lancer T771 MWW 52.4 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 8.9 X 661 1152 2.93 3.225.25 39 *** Marb 0.62 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.018 REA 0.65 4.64 153 0.26 124 16.17109 API 147.3 • A 39 PAP calving ease sire. TI 82.4 • EPDS%Rank 1/2 SM 1/2 AR Bull WS Beef King W107 ASA# 2891905 ASR Super Baldy B495 Color: ASR Super Baldy B475 Color: • 2/24/14 EPDS%Rank CE 8.6 BW 1.7 WW 87.8 WEBR Doc Holliday 2N YW 126.2 ASR Ms Doc Holiday X0152 MCE 7.3 Milk 13.8 655 MWW 57.7 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.1 X 792 1264 3.98 3.596.5 44 ** Marb 0.46 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.04 REA 0.58 3.12 100 0.14 82 15.39104 API 127.7 • Big ribeye, big gain, little more frame TI 84.1 57 56 40 50 10 45 40 99 70 65 20 25 20 25 15 H A L F B L O O D 19 59 ASR Super Baldy B479 1/2 SM 1/2 AR Bull Color: Rnd WS Beef King W107 ASA# 2891909 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B479 WS Beef Maker R13 Born: WS Miss Dreamboat T17 Nice set of carcass ratios and EPD numbers 61 45 75 1 10 45 99 65 90 25 15 15 30 10 H A L F B L O O D Rnd WS Beef King W107 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B491 WS Beef Maker R13 Born: CE 12.3 -0.6 WS Miss Dreamboat T17 BW WW 69.7 Red Six Mile Sakic 832S YW 94.2 ASR Ms Sakic W944 MCE 10 MMN Boxelder Ashley L25 Milk 15.5 MWW 50.4 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 10.3 X 616 1113 2.70 3.104.75 42 ** Marb 0.4 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.06 REA 0.75 3.25 105 0.14 82 15.96108 API 138.1 • Lots of bull in a smaller framed package TI 75.9 Nicely positive for his scan data H A L F B L O O D ASA# 2891957 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4128 WS Beef Maker R13 Born: 62 2/24/14 EPDS%Rank WS Miss Dreamboat T17 Nicely balanced set of numbers here 2/16/14 35 30 20 50 25 95 70 50 45 15 25 30 25 Rnd CE 12 BW 0.1 WW 83 Feddes Big Sky R9 YW 117.9 ASR Big Sky X011 MCE 9.2 Milk 18.1 ASR Ms Mission U832 MWW 59.6 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 10.7 X 742 1240 3.38 3.506.0 41 *** Marb 0.31 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.046 REA 0.71 2.37 76 0.20 118 14.2997 API 133.8 • Calving ease combination of Beef King and Big Sky TI 80.8 • EPDS%Rank 1/2 SM 1/2 AR Bull WS Beef King W107 ASA# 2891921 ASR Super Baldy B4128 Color: ASR Super Baldy B491 1/2 SM 1/2 AR Bull Color: • 2/15/14 EPDS%Rank CE 11.2 BW 2 WW 84.6 Beckton Lancer F442 T YW 121 ASR Ms B Lancer T771 MCE 8.7 Milk 8.4 Ms Geometric 307 MWW 50.7 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 7.3 X 706 1259 3.71 3.506.75 44 ** Marb 0.51 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.066 REA 0.85 3.47 112 0.08 47 16.14109 API 138.5 • Nice gaining red SimAngus bull. TI 83.9 • 60 35 45 2 10 35 85 15 45 60 35 30 35 15 H A L F B L O O D ASR Super Baldy B488 1/2 SM 1/2 AR Bull Color: Rnd ASA# 2891918 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B488 WS Beef Maker R13 WS Beef King W107 WS Miss Dreamboat T17 Born: 2/16/14 EPDS%Rank CE 11.8 BW 1.2 WW 74 Mushrushimpressivecau236 YW 98.6 ASR Ms Impressive Y193 MCE 7.1 Milk 9.8 ASR Ms B Lancer T771 MWW 46.8 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.4 X 641 1062 2.63 3.005.75 41 ** Marb 0.47 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.053 REA 0.73 3.57 115 0.10 59 14.6699 API 133.7 • A Beef King out of a young Impressive daughter TI 76.9 Impressive’s have beautiful udders, are moderate … going to make nice cows • 40 60 10 40 65 99 85 65 30 25 30 35 20 H A L F B L O O D ASR Second Chance W928 Sire Group Simmental Reference Sire ASA# 2496941 Nichols Legacy G151 Hooks Shear Force 38K C&D Tracy ASR Ms Larrye T7146 HTP SVF In Dew Time WHF Larrye 21F EPDS CE 18 BW -2.1 WW 56.1 YW 77.1 MCE 14.1 Milk 26.4 MWW 54.4 DOC 12.9 Marb 0.24 BF -0.042 REA 1.15 API 152.3 TI 72 %Rank 1 2 80 85 10 20 45 10 25 75 3 3 25 Purchased out of the 2000 sale by Jim & Gail Ligon, Tennessee, for use on their heifers. • He worked so well for them, we used semen back on our heifers. All of the bulls in the sale are the results of first calf heifers. • You should see the heifer mates in the replacement pen … they are exciting!! • Homozygous Polled, Homozygous Black • 63 ASR Second Chance B404 PB SM Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2891834 H/P: P Tattoo: B404 Hooks Shear Force 38K ASR Second Chance W928 ASR Ms Larrye T7146 Russ and Willie 20 Born: CE 15.1 BW -0.7 WW 61.3 RCR Augustus R54 YW 92.5 ASR Black Kitty Z283 MCE 13 Milk 21.6 ASR Black Kitty U840 MWW 52.2 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.8 X 668 1240 3.26 3.096.0 37 **** Marb 0.05 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.062 REA 0.98 2.41 79 0.11 61 15.37102 API 132.7 • ASR Second Chance has done a great job on first calf heifers TI 68.3 • B404 has excellent calving ease, EPDs, and a low PAP score Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 1/29/14 EPDS%Rank 4 10 60 50 15 55 60 20 75 35 15 25 45 P U R E B R E D 64 ASR Second Chance B421 PB SM Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2891851 H/P: P Tattoo: B421 Hooks Shear Force 38K ASR Second Chance W928 ASR Ms Larrye T7146 Born: CE 12.5 BW 0.7 WW 77.7 CCR Red Line 5338U YW 119.4 ASR Black Desi Z2147 MCE 11.9 Milk 21.4 ASR Black Desi W9149 MWW 60.2 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 12 X 666 1404 4.47 3.476.0 41 *** Marb 0.14 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.052 REA 1.15 3.41 112 0.15 83 16.78111 API 137.4 • Top gaining bull, again out a first calf heifer TI 78.3 • B421 has both good marbling and REA scans 65 2/5/14 EPDS%Rank 15 30 10 4 20 60 15 15 50 55 3 20 10 P U R E B R E D ASR Second Chance B429 PB SM Bull Color: HoBwf ASA# 2891859 H/P: P Tattoo: B429 Hooks Shear Force 38K ASR Second Chance W928 ASR Ms Larrye T7146 Born: 2/8/14 EPDS%Rank CE 13.6 BW 0.1 WW 63.7 RCR Augustus R54 YW 90.6 ASR Ms Madison Z234 MCE 10.7 ASR Miss Madison M283 Milk 20.1 MWW 52 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 12.4 X 686 1233 3.51 3.125.25 40 *** Marb 0.08 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.03 REA 0.77 API 132.5 • B429 has a white blaze face, plus a set of calving TI 68.2 ease EPDs Out of one of our good,young RCR Augustus daughters 10 20 50 55 35 70 65 15 65 90 55 25 50 P U R E B R E D ASR Second Chance B425 PB SM Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2891855 H/P: P Tattoo: B425 Hooks Shear Force 38K ASR Second Chance W928 ASR Ms Larrye T7146 Born: • 2/7/14 EPDS%Rank CE 11.7 BW 0.2 WW 69.5 TNT Tanker U263 YW 104 ASR Ms Fine Art Z2109 MCE 15 ASR Ms Blackbird T7103 Milk 26.3 MWW 61 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 12.2 X 726 1303 3.91 3.315.5 44 *** Marb 0.23 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.064 REA 1.08 4.05 133 0.14 78 14.8198 API 140.1 • Nice gains for this heifer prospect TI 76.6 • • 67 66 Maternally backed by a two year old Tanker daughter Homozygous polled and homozygous black 20 20 25 25 3 20 15 15 30 35 10 15 10 P U R E B R E D ASR Second Chance B417 PB SM Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2891847 H/P: P Tattoo: B417 Hooks Shear Force 38K ASR Second Chance W928 ASR Ms Larrye T7146 Born: 2/3/14 EPDS%Rank CE 10.1 BW 2 WW 74.7 TNT Tanker U263 YW 110.7 ASR Ms Primrose Z233 MCE 14.1 ASR Miss Primrose M231 Milk 20.5 MWW 57.9 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 12.3 X 662 1279 4.27 3.195.75 35 ** Marb -0.04 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.067 REA 1.32 2.42 79 0.14 78 17.35115 API 125.7 • An ASR Second Chance, who was one of the top TI 70.4 gainers at 4.27. Low PAP score of 35 Out of a deep sided Tanker daughter 35 55 10 15 10 65 25 15 90 35 1 40 35 P U R E B R E D ASR Codes H = Horned P = Polled HoP = Homozygous Polled P/S = Polled/Surred ET = Embryo Transfer AR = Red Angus AN = Angus 2B = Double Black Br = Black and red gene HoB = Homozygous Black blz = Blazed Faced str = Star R = Red Rnd = Red Non Diluter * = DNA Tested for Trait • Australian visitors, summer of 2014 Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! Pre weaning 21 S A V Net Worth 4200 Sire Group ASA# 2373652 Angus Reference Sire EPDS SITZ Traveler 8180 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 BOYD Forever Lady 8003 S A V May 2410 S A F 598 Bando 5175 S A V May 6269 Net Worth is the muscle bull of the Angus breed! Compliments Simmental well. You will like these an outstanding set of SimAngus - Super baldy bulls. • Makes outstanding females - real brood cows! Several heifers will sell in the open heifer offering. • Angus • • %Rank CE 9.8 BW 1.7 WW 73.9 YW 131.5 MCE 5.7 Milk 30.8 MWW 67.7 DOC 8.4 Marb 1.03 BF 0.044 REA 0.64 API 125.2 TI 82.6 60 70 10 2 80 4 2 80 1 99 45 45 10 68 ASR Super Baldy B443 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB S A V Net Worth 4200 HoB • 22 Very moderate calving ease numbers 72 ASA# 2891908 Tattoo: B478 Born: Tattoo: B476 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Born: 2/15/14 EPDS%Rank S A V May 2410 70 70 20 15 75 80 50 85 45 35 10 60 35 H A L F B L O O D 45 45 90 90 95 65 90 80 45 65 70 65 75 ASR Super Baldy B467 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: 2/15/14 HoB S A V Net Worth 4200 EPDS%Rank CE 11 BW 0.2 WW 48.7 TNT On Target J94 YW 74.5 ASR Ms Dessi R549 MCE 3.3 Milk 21.4 ASR Black Dessi M280 MWW 45.8 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 8.3 X 539 1079 3.16 2.935.5 40 ** Marb 0.38 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.025 REA 0.5 1.99 66 0.21 100 13.9494 API 115.3 • Nice gains in a very moderate package TI 62.3 S A V May 2410 H A L F B L O O D ASA# 2891906 H/P: P definitely an eye catcher! His 12 year dam wouldn’t be around if she didn’t do a good job S A V 8180 Traveler 004 75 90 2 1 75 30 3 85 20 80 50 50 10 • ASR Super Baldy B478 S A V Net Worth 4200 2/11/14 ASR Super Baldy B476 CE 8.5 BW 1.8 WW 69.3 ASR Showcase K053 YW 111.9 ASR Ms Captiva N325 MCE 6 Milk 19 MLC Dessy K53 MWW 53.6 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 8.2 X 648 1170 2.68 3.205.75 42 ** Marb 0.39 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.04 REA 0.89 2.78 92 0.15 71 16.44111 API 116.1 • Fancy, with an extra splash of whit on his side … TI 73.1 John Schenk evaluating semen. H/P: P S A V May 2410 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull S A V Net Worth 4200 HoB Born: EPDS%Rank impressive Net Worth son Homozygous black Color: Color: S A V 8180 Traveler 004 • 70 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Tattoo: B443 CE 7.9 BW 3.4 WW 80.8 HC Hummer 12M YW 135.1 ASR Black Desi U8107 MCE 6.3 ASR Ms Black Desi R541 Milk 25.3 MWW 65.7 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 8.2 X 747 1324 3.16 3.667.0 49 ** Marb 0.56 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.019 REA 0.62 3.35 111 0.20 95 12.9888 API 123.7 • Absolutely some extra stretch and frame in this TI 82.4 John and Brenda Barkley, Soapstone summer ranch managers 71 ASA# 2891873 H/P: P H A L F B L O O D ASA# 2891896 H/P: P Tattoo: B466 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Born: CE 8.9 BW 2.3 WW 60.4 HC Hummer 12M YW 97.6 ASR Black Whisper U884 MCE 8.6 ASR Black Whisper L130 Milk 25.1 MWW 55.3 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 8.4 X 568 1097 3.41 3.006.0 41 ** Marb 0.49 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.024 REA 0.58 2.88 95 0.15 71 13.2189 API 122.1 • Again, nice gains on this Net Worth son TI 69.7 S A V May 2410 Those picking for homozygous black can look at this nice bull • Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 2/13/14 EPDS%Rank 65 80 55 40 45 35 40 80 30 65 55 50 50 H A L F B L O O D ASR Hummer Z2216 Sire Group ASA# 2654099 Simmental Reference Sire EPDS %Rank CE 11.3 WLE Power Stroke BW 1.5 HC Hummer 12M WW 67.4 YW 99.3 LBR Destinys Dream K830 MCE 10.9 WHF Desperado 212G Milk 21 ASR Black Carelene P421 MWW 54.7 ASR Red Appeal K071 DOC 9 Marb 0.11 • A Hummer son out of the ASR P421 donor used on Ryan & BF -0.063 REA 0.84 Rikki Altenburg’s Angus cows API 120.8 • He produced a really nice set of half blood SimAngus sons TI 69.8 25 45 35 35 30 60 45 60 60 35 40 50 40 for the sale. We may use him heavier in the future. We have liked what we see. • Homozygous Polled, Homozygous Black • 73 ALL Super Baldy B410 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB ASR Hummer Z2216 ASA# 2935190 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B410 HC Hummer 12M Born: CE 13.7 BW 0.1 WW 60.7 Bluegrass Direction 402 YW 97.5 Paintrock Direction 48-6 MCE 10.6 Forever of Paintrock 144 Milk 22.1 MWW 52.5 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 8.8 731 1157 2.53 3.306.5 38 ** Marb 0.14 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.025 REA 0.82 2.53 71 0.19 95 16.73112 API 124.1 • A set of 5 ASR Hummer Z2216 sons from Ryan & Rikki TI 64.7 ASR Black Carlene P421 Altenburg, Casper • This one has a top WDA and low PAP of 38. 74 H A L F B L O O D Lot 74 HoB H/P: HoP Tattoo: B411 Born: 3/7/14 EPDS%Rank CE 11.6 BW 0.3 WW 55.8 Paintrock Right Time 262-6 YW 85.1 Elba of Paintrock 136-8 MCE 8.2 Milk 20 Elba of Paintrock 80-3 MWW 47.9 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 711 1089 3.26 3.135.75 37 ** Marb 0.35 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.004 REA 0.53 3.85 109 0.26 130 15.26102 API 124.4 • A top gainer and low PAP bull TI 65.4 ASR Huumer Z2216 is out of our ASR P421 donor dam, Homozygous polled and black • 40 45 70 70 50 75 80 50 90 65 50 65 H A L F B L O O D Color: HoB H/P: HoP Tattoo: B414 HC Hummer 12M ASR Hummer Z2216 ASR Black Carlene P421 Born: complete Scanned 111 on his IMF scan 3/17/14 EPDS%Rank CE 10.1 BW 1.5 WW 56.1 Paintrock Right Time 103-6 YW 81.1 TP Lady Ext of PR 46-8 MCE 7.6 Milk 19.9 TP Lady Ext of PR 187-6 MWW 48 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 725 1057 2.50 3.076.5 41 ** Marb 0.36 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.05 REA 0.3 3.94 111 0.11 55 13.2288 API 117.7 • a little bigger on his frame, still very sound and TI 64 55 70 70 75 55 75 80 50 25 95 60 70 Color: HoB ASA# 2935189 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B408 HC Hummer 12M ASR Hummer Z2216 ASR Black Carlene P421 Born: CE 11.7 BW 0.2 WW 55.8 Paintrock Right Time 262-6 YW 80.5 Lady Diane Forever of PR 908 MCE 8.2 Lady Diane Forever of PR 102 Milk 19.1 MWW 47 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 749 1049 2.47 3.066.25 42 ** Marb 0.28 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.021 REA 0.51 3.51 99 0.21 105 15.12101 API 121.3 • Very solid across the board TI 63.6 H A L F B L O O D 77 2/20/14 EPDS%Rank All these half bothers are homzygous black and homozygous polled ASA# 2935193 ALL Super Baldy B408 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull • ALL Super Baldy B414 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull 75 ASA# 2935191 HC Hummer 12M ASR Hummer Z2216 ASR Black Carlene P421 • 25 45 50 40 20 60 55 75 85 65 15 50 70 ALL Super Baldy B411 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: 76 2/27/14 EPDS%Rank 40 45 70 80 50 80 85 65 65 70 55 75 H A L F B L O O D ALL Super Baldy B413 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2935192 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B413 HC Hummer 12M ASR Hummer Z2216 ASR Black Carlene P421 Paintrock New Design 208-975 Blackbird of Paintrock 245-8 Blackbird of Paintrock 2022 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease 738 1070 2.72 3.115.75 38 ** ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio 3.85 109 0.22 110 14.5997 • Moderate framed and another complete ASR Hummer calf • Good scan data + a 38 PAP Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! Born: 3/15/14 EPDS%Rank CE 12.3 BW 0.2 WW 56.5 YW 79.4 MCE 7.8 Milk 24.3 MWW 52.5 DOC 6.3 Marb 0.38 BF -0.022 REA 0.48 API 127.7 TI 66.9 35 45 70 80 55 40 55 99 45 65 75 45 60 H A L F B L O O D 23 Sand Ranch Hand Sire Group ASA# 2290140 Simmental Reference Sire Wheatland Bull 131L Nichols Blk Denstiy D12 SAND Lucky Charmer LCHMAN Lucky Buck 7049C Wheatland Lady 908J B55 Long time AI sire know for calving ease and customer satisfaction • Sires power and eye appeal • Homozygous Polled, Homozygous Black • EPDS %Rank CE 14.8 BW -1.7 WW 52.8 YW 80.2 MCE 14.4 Milk 21 MWW 47.4 DOC 9.8 Marb 0.21 BF -0.108 REA 0.88 API 136 TI 68.9 4 3 90 80 5 60 85 50 35 1 30 20 45 78 JRI Ranch Hand 245 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: 2B Sand Ranch Hand ASA# 2941640 H/P: P Tattoo: B4255 Born: Wheatland Bull 131L 1/12/14 EPDS%Rank CE 13.7 BW -1.5 WW 55.8 YW 81.2 699 MCE 9.1 Milk 22.2 MWW 50.1 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 643 0 2.83 2.575.0 36 *** Marb 0.31 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.045 REA 0.55 2.76 100 0.14 100 13.59100 API 133 • Calving ease prospect from Brian Jacobsen of TI 67.4 Sand Lucky Charmer Cheyenne Four hand picked Ranch Hands for 25 bulls 25 20 70 75 40 55 70 60 35 60 35 60 H A L F B L O O D • 79 JRI Ranch Hand 249 1/2 SM 3/8 AN 1/8 CS Bull Color: 2B Sand Ranch Hand H/P: P Tattoo: B4256 Born: Wheatland Bull 131L 1/13/14 EPDS%Rank CE 13.7 BW -1.6 Sand Lucky Charmer WW 55.7 YW 80.1 325 MCE 10.2 Milk 22.3 MWW 50.2 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 0 0 2.84 2.605.0 41 *** Marb 0.24 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.069 REA 0.55 3.58 0.19 14.41 API 131.1 • Ranch Hand makes nice body type, calving ease bulls TI 65.9 • 80 ASA# 2941642 Calving ease prospect here 25 20 70 80 25 55 70 70 15 60 40 65 H A L F B L O O D Color: deduct $75.00 from the Selling Price!! 2B Sand Ranch Hand • ASA# 2941644 Tattoo: B4257 Wheatland Bull 131L Born: 81 1/15/14 EPDS%Rank Sand Lucky Charmer Super marbling score, one of the tops in the sale 55 70 35 50 40 75 55 60 35 65 55 55 H A L F B L O O D JRI Ranch Hand 287 1/2 SM 1/4 AN 1/4 CS Bull Color: 2Bblz Sand Ranch Hand H/P: P ASA# 2941646 Tattoo: B4258 Born: Wheatland Bull 131L Jacobsen, Cheyenne A 16.5 inch ribeye Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! Sand Lucky Charmer 1/17/14 EPDS%Rank CE 10.5 BW 1.4 WW 63.7 YW 91.5 226 MCE 11.3 Milk 20.6 MWW 52.5 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 0 0 4.43 2.995.25 41 ** Marb 0.16 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.089 REA 0.56 2.23 0.18 16.57 API 121.7 • A top gaining 3/4 blood blaze faced from Brian TI 65.7 • 24 H/P: P CE 10.3 BW 1.8 WW 64.5 YW 94.4 585 MCE 9.1 Milk 20.3 MWW 52.5 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 0 0 3.76 3.066.25 42 ** Marb 0.31 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.049 REA 0.54 4.36 0.26 15.44 API 119.8 • A top gainer TI 67.8 Take your bull home today... Take your bull home on Sale Day and JRI Ranch Hand 262 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull 50 65 40 55 15 70 55 80 3 60 50 65 H A L F B L O O D ASR Bando 9074 T763 Sire Group ASA# 2483566 Angus Reference Sire EPDS %Rank CE 12.7 S A F 598 Bando 5175 BW -2 L T 598 Bando 9074 WW 43.7 YW 74.6 MILL Coulee Barbara K 323 MCE 9.8 C A Future Direction 5321 Milk 26 ASR Ms Direction R5161 MWW 47.8 C D L Tawanda 306 DOC 14.9 Marb 0.78 BF 0.029 • Now 8 years old and still covers a full pasture of cows 0.41 • He is calving ease, but adds some extra rib and dimension REA API 124.5 to his cattle TI 62.3 • Angus 30 15 99 90 30 25 80 3 3 99 85 50 75 Younger photo of T763 82 ASR Ms Super Baldy B4147 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2891976 H/P: P Tattoo: B4147 L T 598 Bando 9074 ASR Bando 9074 T763 ASR Ms Direction R5161 Born: 3/3/14 EPDS%Rank CE 13.8 BW -0.9 WW 54.4 HTP SVF In Dew Time YW 81.5 ASR Miss Dessi U808 MCE 5.2 Milk 20.2 ASR Miss Dessi S628 MWW 47.4 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 12.9 X 668 1156 3.60 3.265.5 37 *** Marb 0.41 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF 0.008 REA 0.32 2.81 93 0.31 148 10.9074 API 130.7 • A super set of numbers plus gain + PAP Score TI 67.3 • • 20 25 75 75 85 75 85 15 40 95 95 40 60 Calving ease from both sides of this pedigree. Homozygous polled and homozygous black 84 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull HoB H/P: P Tattoo: B4152 Born: Ratios of IMF 117 and REA 105 GCF Mr Amigo Rnd H/P: HoP Tattoo: A3206 CNS Dream On L186 Born: NHC positive. Not a problem if not bred to NHC positive females. NHC very low frequency in black Angus, not Red Angus. 15 10 60 80 55 99 99 15 40 65 30 20 45 Born: 2/18/14 EPDS%Rank 25 15 99 95 70 15 75 70 65 80 65 50 85 H A L F B L O O D Complimentary Lunch Come join us for Complimentary Lunch and Refreshments Starts at 11:30 AM Provided by... Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch, LLC Sharon & Willie Altenburg Northern Feed & Bean Bob Pemberton 970-302-0067 Purina Mills Paul Hill 719-676-2241 86 9/6/13 EPDS%Rank CE 15.3 BW -2.2 GCF Miss Mt-Zel WW 58.8 ASR Game Time T754 YW 80.1 ASR Ms Game Time W926 MCE 7.6 5.8 ASR Ms F Direction T790 Milk MWW 35.2 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 12.9 557 867 2.505.0 44 **** Marb 0.42 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.02 REA 0.73 API 143.2 • “Bet the Ranch” calving ease here. 18 month old bull TI 70.9 Tattoo: B4103 These are our valued feed suppliers! ASA# 2877584 ASA# 2891933 H/P: P ASR K063’s last calf at 15 years of age H A L F B L O O D ASR Super Baldy A3206 1/2 SM 3/8 AR 1/8 AN Bull Color: • • EPDS%Rank 65 75 35 15 65 75 50 45 35 65 15 55 35 2B CE 13.3 BW -2.1 WW 42.1 Nichols Blk Destiny D12 YW 65 ASR Claybasket K063 MCE 6.7 Milk 28.4 ASR Miss Pasque F645 MWW 49.5 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.1 X 655 928 2.10 2.686.0 39 *** Marb 0.28 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.012 REA 0.54 2.54 100 0.21 100 14.39100 API 123.7 • Calving ease for use on heifers TI 59.7 3/5/14 CE 8.9 BW 2.1 WW 65.6 Kappes Unique P27 YW 112.2 ASR Miss Lucinda S6129 MCE 6.8 ASR Black Lucinda P450 Milk 20.3 MWW 53.1 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 10.7 X 648 1371 4.77 3.766.5 48 ** Marb 0.46 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.025 REA 0.82 3.56 117 0.24 114 15.63105 API 120.2 • 4.77 ADG TI 72.7 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull L T 598 Bando 9074 ASR Bando 9074 T763 ASR Ms Direction R5161 ASA# 2891981 L T 598 Bando 9074 ASR Bando 9074 T763 ASR Ms Direction R5161 85 H A L F B L O O D ASR Super Baldy B4103 Color: ASR Super Baldy B4152 Color: • 83 H A L F B L O O D ASR Super Baldy A3209 1/2 SM 3/8 AR 1/8 AN Bull Color: Rnd GCF Mr Amigo H/P: HoP ASA# 2877583 Tattoo: A3209 CNS Dream On L186 Born: CE 10.1 BW 0.6 WW 58.5 ASR Game Time T754 YW 65.3 ASR Ms Game Time W908 MCE 4.9 5.9 ASR Ms F Direction T7115 Milk MWW 35.2 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 10.6 X 528 899 2.355.0 40 *** Marb 0.23 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.065 REA 0.64 API 110.6 • Calving ease, 18 month old red SimAngus Super TI 61.6 Baldy Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! GCF Miss Mt-Zel 9/8/13 EPDS%Rank 55 50 60 95 85 99 99 45 70 15 45 70 80 H A L F B L O O D 25 ASR Gunner Z2217 Sire Group ASA# 2654100 Simmental Reference Sire TNT Gunner N208 RC Stinger 072K TNT Miss Honey L9 CNS Dream On L186 CCR Reflections Dream 53 CCR Dalias Refleciton 135K A bull resulting from an embryo we purchased from Cow Camp Ranch, Kansas in a Wild Wild West sale • We used him on a set of Red Angus cows, the red SimAngus are outstanding. • Homozygous Polled, Red nondiluter • 87 EPDS Rnd ASR Gunner Z2217 ASA# 2891967 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4138 TNT Gunner N208 Born: Out of a 15 year old brood cow matron!! 40 50 65 75 70 80 80 15 60 90 95 55 70 H A L F B L O O D ASR Super Baldy B4150 1/2 SM 1/2 AR Bull Color: Rnd ASR Gunner Z2217 ASA# 2891979 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4150 TNT Gunner N208 Born: 11.5 0.1 61.4 88.9 8.3 19.1 MWW 49.8 DOC 12.7 Marb 0.41 BF 0.009 REA 0.33 API 128.8 TI 69.4 40 45 50 60 50 80 70 20 40 95 90 40 50 H A L F B L O O D ASR Super Baldy B4168 1/2 SM 1/2 AR Bull Color: Rnd ASR Gunner Z2217 ASA# 2891997 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4168 TNT Gunner N208 90 3/10/14 10.1 0.8 70.7 106.6 6 23.3 MWW 58.6 DOC 15.6 Marb 0.39 BF -0.016 REA 0.45 API 122.5 TI 74.5 55 55 20 25 75 50 20 2 45 80 80 50 30 H A L F B L O O D ASR Super Baldy B4139 1/2 SM 1/2 AR Bull Color: Rnd ASR Gunner Z2217 ASA# 2891968 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4139 TNT Gunner N208 Born: 2/28/14 EPDS%Rank 12.2 -1.5 50.4 72.4 8.2 22.7 MWW 47.9 DOC 13.3 Marb 0.24 BF 0.021 REA 0.29 API 121.4 TI 60.9 CE CCR Reflections Dream 53 BW WW Beckton Lancer F442 T YW ASR Miss Lancer S637 MCE Milk Ms Geometric 924 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease X 617 1056 2.86 2.996.5 39 *** ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio 2.62 84 0.27 159 14.0595 • A calving ease Gunner • With a 39 PAP score 35 20 90 90 50 55 80 15 70 99 95 55 80 H A L F B L O O D ASR Super Baldy B4129 1/2 SM 1/2 AR Bull Color: Rnd ASR Gunner Z2217 ASA# 2891958 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4129 TNT Gunner N208 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease X 552 906 2.52 2.595.0 52 *** ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio 2.4 77 0.16 94 12.1082 • Another calving ease bull, by Gunner • Smaller framed and thick Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! Born: 2/25/14 EPDS%Rank 15.2 -1.6 39.9 53.6 8.8 20.7 MWW 40.6 DOC 11.9 Marb 0.23 BF -0.032 REA 0.17 API 127.3 TI 55.2 CE CCR Reflections Dream 53 BW WW Beckton Lancer F442 T YW ASR Ms B Lancer T787 MCE Milk Ms Geometric 303 26 Born: EPDS%Rank 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease X 722 1316 4.28 3.695.75 39 ** ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio 4.1 135 0.20 95 15.41104 • A super set of IMF and REA scans + PAP score • Out of a 10 year old Malor League daughter who is about as wide as she is tall 91 ASR Pick up CE CCR Reflections Dream 53 BW WW LCC Major League A502M YW ASR Ms Major League R516 MCE Milk 10 3/4/14 EPDS%Rank CE CCR Reflections Dream 53 BW WW Beckton Lancer F442 T YW ASR Ms B Lancer T799 MCE Milk 766 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease X 715 1207 3.66 3.416.75 NA ** ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio 3.9 125 0.26 153 14.2296 • A little bigger framed calf who gained well 88 2/28/14 EPDS%Rank CE 11.8 0.6 CCR Reflections Dream 53 BW WW 57.4 Holden Hi Ho 574 YW 83.5 PWA Miss Hi Day M210 MCE 6.5 Milk 19.5 Ms Geometric 804 MWW 48.2 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 12.8 X 628 1082 3.10 3.065.0 42 ** Marb 0.3 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.006 REA 0.3 API 119.5 • Smaller framed but a thick one TI 64.1 89 10 30 70 75 5 15 30 1 90 99 85 60 75 ASR Super Baldy B4138 1/2 SM 1/2 AR Bull Color: • %Rank CE 13.2 BW 0.7 WW 58.8 YW 82.7 MCE 14.4 Milk 27.4 MWW 56.7 DOC 16.8 Marb -0.03 BF -0.022 REA 0.62 API 118.3 TI 63 15 20 99 99 40 70 99 25 70 50 99 45 95 H A L F B L O O D 92 ALL B406 AAA# 17965713 PB AN Bull Color: AN H/P: HoP Tattoo: B406 Born: 2/10/14 LCC New Standard Cherry Crk Higher Standard CED 7 1.9 Ms CCR Dianna 3257 5372 M BW WW 45 Boyd New Day 8005 YW 94 ASR Ms B Lancer T787 CEM 7 Milk 30 Craft 1483 S Cap 1018-735 Marb 0.25 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease REA 0.25 X 711 14414.36 3.416.25 42 ** FAT 0.057 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio $W 33.48 $F 46.14 3.63 99 0.63 14714.3103 $G 12.84 • A purebred Angus bull by Higher Standard x an 11 $B 72.52 year old New Day • Top gaining, from Ryan & Rikki Altenburg, Casper EPDS%Rank 93 P U R E B R E D ALL B402 AAA# 17860014 PB AN Bull Color: AN H/P: HoP Tattoo: Connealy Consensus 7229 MA Consensus 2101 Mc Elaina Anne 0110 B402 Born: 1/31/14 EPDS%Rank CED 9 BW 1.5 WW 45 V D A R Right Time 3045 YW 72 MA Right Time Lucy 186 CEM 8 Milk 25 M A EXT Lucy 536 Marb 0.52 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease REA 0.46 698 11753.68 3.026.0 48 *** FAT 0.019 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio $W 39.87 $F 16.08 3.69 101 0.2251 13.496 $G 32.17 • Calving ease Angus sire for use on heifers $B 89.38 • P U R E B R E D Dr. Tim Holt, Colorado State University, PAP Testing. He still gained with the Simmies 95 AJA B051 Color: AN AJA NFocus Y838 H/P: HoP AJA Mr NFocus 901 Tattoo: B051 Born: 2/7/14 EPDS%Rank CED 10 BW 0.4 G A R Objective 498S WW 55 S S Objective T510 0T26 YW 95 AJA Miss Objective 1407 W051 CEM 10 24 G A R 1407 New Design 1634 Milk Marb 0.50 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease REA 0.47 784 1060 2.99 2.966.25 41 *** FAT-0.013 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio $W 42.96 $F 45.55 $G 36.18 • A 76 pound birth weight Angus bull out of a first calf $B 83.43 heifer 96 AAA# 18002901 PB AN Bull P U R E B R E D ASR Super Baldy A3202 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB S A V Pioneer 7301 ASA# 2877580 H/P: P Tattoo: A3202 S A V Final Answer 0035 Born: CE 7 BW 2.2 WW 53.5 TNT on Target J94 YW 82.5 ASR Ms Fine Art R570 MCE 8 Milk 27.5 ASR Fine Art L142 MWW 54.2 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 10.9 X 537 872 2.295.0 46 ** Marb 0.42 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.004 REA 0.78 API 110.9 • An 18 month old age advantage Pioneer son TI 63.8 • S A V Blackbird 5297 Homozygous black, very moderate framed Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 9/4/13 EPDS%Rank 80 80 80 75 50 15 45 40 40 90 20 70 70 H A L F B L O O D 27 TNT Tuition U238 Sire Group %Rank ASA# 2470582 EPDS CE 8.4 70 SITZ Traveler 8180 BW 0.9 55 S A V Final Answer 0035 WW 74 10 YW 118.1 10 S A V Emulous 8145 MCE 2.9 99 TNT Hemi N267 Milk 16.3 95 TNT Miss S68 MWW 53.3 50 TNT Miss Angela N39 DOC 5.9 99 Marb 0.67 10 BF -0.018 80 • A Final Answer SimAngus sire. Final Answer, the most REA 0.72 30 popular Angus bull for the past decade. API 129.5 40 • Tuition will add an extra dimension of body, muscle, and TI 83.2 10 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Reference Sire power to his sons Homozygous Polled, Homozygous Black • 97 ASR/JCW Tuition B404 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB TNT Tuition U238 ASA# 2878524 H/P: P Tattoo: B404 S A V Final Answer 0035 Born: 2/9/14 EPDS%Rank CE 11.9 BW -1.2 WW 63.5 ASR FF Kaboom S6173 YW 107.1 ASR Ms Super Baldy X0130 MCE 4.1 Milk 15.6 ASR Black Fiesta N324 MWW 47.3 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 8.5 X 568 1137 3.73 3.055.5 37 *** Marb 0.64 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.023 REA 0.5 3.97 112 0.21 100 12.8487 API 139.8 • These good second generation SimAngus result from TI 79.4 TNT Miss S68 females we sold to Jack Whittier Nice calving ease tabulation bred in here. Low PAP, raised at Laramie. 35 25 40 25 95 95 85 80 10 65 70 25 15 H A L F B L O O D • 98 ASR/JCW Tuition B403 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB TNT Tuition U238 ASA# 2878532 H/P: P Tattoo: B403 S A V Final Answer 0035 Born: EPDS%Rank CE 8.7 BW 0.7 WW 59.5 ASR Bando 9074 T763 YW 95.1 ASR Ms Super Baldy X0134 MCE 5.4 Milk 19.5 ASR Ms Jordan R540 MWW 49.3 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 8.6 X 567 1097 3.67 2.966.0 38 *** Marb 0.58 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.022 REA 0.56 4.38 100 0.19 100 12.53100 API 124.8 • A 4.38 marbling, great calving ease, 37 PAP. TI 72.7 TNT Miss S68 Maternal is from the old ASR Bando bull, still alive and well, and influential in this program • Tell A Friend... If you like our bulls, tell a friend. If you don’t , tell us! We are the only one who can make it right! 99 28 70 55 55 45 85 80 75 80 20 65 60 50 35 H A L F B L O O D ASR/JCW Tuition B407 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB TNT Tuition U238 H/P: P ASA# 2878526 Tattoo: B407 S A V Final Answer 0035 Born: Jack Whittier, consignor Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! TNT Miss S68 2/14/14 EPDS%Rank CE 9.6 BW 0.7 WW 64.4 ASR FF Kaboom S6173 YW 108.3 ASR Ms Super Baldy W9158 MCE 4.1 Milk 15.7 ASR Miss Jessie M269 MWW 47.9 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.4 X 532 1048 3.64 2.836.0 40 *** Marb 0.6 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.023 REA 0.63 3.04 100 0.21 100 13.53100 API 128.1 • Calving ease prospect here TI 76.5 • 2/8/14 60 55 40 20 95 95 80 65 15 65 45 40 25 H A L F B L O O D W/C Wide Track 694Y Sire Group ASA# 2588250 Simmental Reference Sire EPDS %Rank CE 7.6 HRM Right On T08 BW 3.8 3C W/C Right Track W9462 WW 74.2 YW 113.1 3C Stevie S6509 B MCE 8.5 PVF-SSH 1L10 Liberty Milk 21.1 Miss Werning 694S MWW 58.2 Miss Werning 294M DOC 10 Marb 0.19 • A power bull … made for cows. Outstanding muscle, feet BF -0.048 REA 0.86 and structure. API 125.9 • Use for growth. A pedigree that can be used anywhere. TI 72.5 • • 65 85 15 10 65 60 25 45 40 75 35 40 25 We have used him on some of our best cows. Homozygous Polled, Homozygous Black 100 ASR Call of Duty B481 PB SM Bull Color: Br* ASA# 2891911 H/P: P Tattoo: B481 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S Born: CE 10.3 BW 1.4 WW 64.9 HTP SVF In Dew Time YW 96.3 ASR Ms Presley T796 MCE 10.7 Milk 20.1 THSR Presley P413 MWW 52.5 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 10.7 X 669 1224 4.92 3.306.0 40 ** Marb 0.03 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.05 REA 0.92 2.59 85 0.21 100 16.34110 API 117.5 • A top gaining bull to start off the next section of Wide TI 66.1 Tracks 101 2/15/14 EPDS%Rank 35 40 45 40 35 70 60 35 80 55 25 60 60 P U R E B R E D ASR Big Tracks B448 PB SM Bull Color: Br H/P: P/s 102 ASA# 2891878 Tattoo: B448 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S Born: 2/12/14 EPDS%Rank CE 11.2 BW 1.2 WW 64.6 ASR New Posse W9115 YW 91.3 ASR Ms Thumper Y1179 MCE 9.7 Milk 24.6 ASR Miss Thumper F605 MWW 56.9 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.3 X 725 1193 2.88 3.176.5 39 ** Marb 0.37 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.024 REA 0.75 4.51 149 0.25 119 15.29103 API 133.1 • A growthy Wide Track x New Posse x ASR Little Bear TI 74.5 female A 149 IMF, 103 ribeye, and a 39 PAP 25 35 45 55 50 30 30 55 10 99 60 25 15 P U R E B R E D ASR Alamosa B452 PB SM Bull Color: Br* ASA# 2891882 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B452 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S Born: CE 9 BW 2.9 WW 69.1 GW Lucky Strike 147G YW 106.5 ASR Fine Art L132 MCE 9.8 Milk 20 ASR Red Leah J988 MWW 54.6 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.8 X 610 1155 4.07 3.086.0 75 ** Marb 0.15 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.049 REA 0.83 2.72 84 0.18 95 12.9991 API 120 • A 4 pound gainer TI 69.6 • A spring ET son our of ASR L132 2/12/14 EPDS%Rank 50 70 30 20 45 70 45 20 50 75 45 55 40 P U R E B R E D • 103 ASR Wide Track A3204 PB SM Bull Color: Br* ASA# 2877567 H/P: HoP Tattoo: A3204 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S Born: EPDS%Rank CE 7.3 BW 3.9 WW 65.2 GW Lucky Strike 147G YW 98.9 ASR Fine Art L132 MCE 9.6 Milk 20 ASR Red Leah J988 MWW 52.6 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.8 X 546 856 2.455.25 38 ** Marb 0.16 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.057 REA 1 API 114.6 • An 18 month age advantage bull TI 66.4 • A maternal brother to lot 102 8/5/13 65 85 45 35 50 70 60 20 45 55 15 65 60 P U R E B R E D Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 29 104 ASR Wide Track A3213 PB SM Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2877571 H/P: P Tattoo: A3213 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S Born: CE 11.1 BW 1.3 WW 66.7 HC Hummer 12M YW 103 ASR Camille U876 MCE 10 Milk 20.4 ASR Camille J937 MWW 53.7 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.5 X 416 942 2.485.75 38 ** Marb 0.17 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.052 REA 0.7 API 124.6 • An 18 month age advantage bull TI 71 • Homozygous black with a low PAP score 105 9/23/13 EPDS%Rank 25 40 35 25 45 65 50 55 45 55 70 45 30 P U R E B R E D ASR Code West B460 PB SM Bull Color: HoBblz ASA# 2891890 H/P: P Tattoo: B460 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S Born: 2/13/14 EPDS%Rank CE 11.7 BW 1.1 WW 69.8 HTP SVF In Dew Time YW 104.8 ASR Black Kitten W924 MCE 10.9 Milk 18 ASR Ms Black Kitten T759 MWW 52.9 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 10.4 X 636 1205 3.57 3.206.0 39 ** Marb 0.19 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.05 REA 0.64 2.68 88 0.17 81 12.3183 API 129.2 • A blaze faced marking with good gains. A low PAP TI 72.9 score Out of a smaller, In Dew Time cow 20 35 25 20 30 85 55 40 40 55 80 30 25 P U R E B R E D • 106 ASR Freight Train B498 PB SM Bull Color: Br* H/P: P 107 ASA# 2891928 Tattoo: B498 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S Born: 2/18/14 EPDS%Rank CE 10.9 BW 1.5 WW 66.6 HTP SVF In Dew Time YW 90.8 ASR Little Molly U835 MCE 9.8 Milk 18.8 ASR Little Molly S668 MWW 52.1 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.3 X 696 1109 2.90 3.066.0 42 ** Marb 0.17 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.046 REA 0.62 3.19 105 0.20 95 12.3984 API 126.2 • Ratioed 104 for weaning out of this moderate In Dew TI 69.6 Time cow Wide Track x In Dew Time cross seems to have worked well 30 45 35 55 45 80 60 25 45 75 85 40 40 P U R E B R E D ASR Power Track B474 PB SM Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2891904 H/P: P Tattoo: B474 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S Born: CE 8.3 BW 3.1 WW 69.7 HC Hummer 12M YW 101.4 ASR Ms Black Kitten T759 MCE 11.3 Milk 17.7 ASR Black Kitten P428 MWW 52.5 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.4 X 692 1173 3.40 3.206.75 39 ** Marb 0.09 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.073 REA 1 2.54 84 0.17 81 16.73113 API 117.2 • Some extra “gas in the tank” on this one TI 68.2 • 2/14/14 EPDS%Rank Gain plus PAP scores adds up to a nice combination 55 75 25 30 30 85 60 55 65 15 15 60 50 P U R E B R E D • 108 ASR Swagger B4238 PB SM Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2892038 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4238 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S Born: CE 8.6 BW 2.7 WW 72.1 HC Hummer 12M YW 108.5 ASR Ms Desi U8154 MCE 10.1 Milk 18.7 MLC Dessy K53 MWW 54.7 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.3 X 668 1149 2.59 3.116.5 39 ** Marb 0.21 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.069 REA 0.8 3.14 129 0.14 78 13.8090 API 122.4 • A start to another set of full brothers out of the ASR TI 73.1 Ms Desi U8154 cow A 129 ratio for marbling. 39 PAP • 30 Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 2/6/14 EPDS%Rank 55 70 20 15 40 80 45 25 35 35 50 50 20 P U R E B R E D 109 ASR Unleashed B4241 PB SM Bull Color: HoB H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4241 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S Born: 2/8/14 EPDS%Rank CE 9.6 BW 2.4 WW 69.1 HC Hummer 12M YW 104.8 ASR Ms Desi U8154 MCE 10.4 Milk 19.4 MLC Dessy K53 MWW 53.9 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.3 X 692 1027 2.12 2.865.75 43 ** Marb 0.02 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.078 REA 1.05 2.06 84 0.11 61 16.53108 API 113.9 • More moderation of frame in ASR B4241 TI 67.5 • 110 ASA# 2892041 A ratio of 108 for ribeye 40 60 30 20 40 75 50 25 80 15 10 70 50 P U R E B R E D ASR Wide Body B4230 PB SM Bull Color: ASA# 2892031 HoB H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4230 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S Born: 1/30/14 EPDS%Rank CE 9.4 BW 2.3 WW 68.5 HC Hummer 12M YW 105.2 ASR Ms Desi U8154 MCE 10.1 Milk 18.7 MLC Dessy K53 MWW 52.9 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.3 X 719 1015 1.93 2.856.25 39 ** Marb 0.04 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.064 REA 0.96 2.3 94 0.16 89 15.58101 API 113.5 • All these full brothers are homozygous polled and TI 67.5 black Great on the PAP, and ribeye scan 45 60 30 20 40 80 55 25 75 35 20 70 50 P U R E B R E D • 111 ASR Crown Point B486 PB SM Bull Color: Br*blz ASA# 2891916 H/P: P Tattoo: B486 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S Born: 2/16/14 EPDS%Rank CE 9.1 BW 2.7 WW 73.8 HC Hummer 12M YW 114.9 ASR Black Kitty U840 MCE 11.1 Milk 20.9 ASR Black Kitty J976 MWW 57.7 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 8.3 X 690 1235 4.04 3.346.0 41 ** Marb 0.18 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.061 REA 1 3.13 103 0.17 81 16.06108 API 125.5 • A blaze faced top gainer, alos out of a HC Hummer TI 73.9 bred female A 4 pound gainer 45 70 15 10 30 60 25 75 40 35 15 40 20 P U R E B R E D Color: Rnd STF Addiction W152 ASA# 2896591 H/P: P Tattoo: 422B STF High Dollar NH486 Born: 2/7/14 EPDS%Rank CE 14.4 BW -1.1 STF Desmarque SL57 WW 55 STF Shocking Dream SJ14 YW 80.2 AHLB Crystal Eye MCE 6.8 Milk 18.6 STF Miss XT25 MWW 46.1 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 6.7 X 607 1147 3.16 2.825.5 35 *** Marb 0.06 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.051 REA 0.43 2.57 82 0.19 106 12.9195 API 121.6 • Ahlberg’s of Longmont brought a nice red calving TI 63.8 ease prospect in 422B PAP of 35 10 10 85 80 85 80 90 90 70 55 99 50 75 PB SM Bull Color: ASA# 2891929 2Bwf H/P: P Tattoo: B499 3C W/C Right Track W9462 W/C Wide Track 694Y Miss Werning 694S P U R E B R E D Born: 2/18/14 EPDS%Rank CE 7.1 BW 3.7 WW 55 SS Goldmine L42 YW 69.7 BDK Miss Golf Sky MCE 7.1 Milk 22.7 ASR Miss Red Sky J993 MWW 50.2 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.2 X 604 986 1.85 2.675.25 43 ** Marb -0.01 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.049 REA 0.84 2.12 70 0.21 100 16.09109 API 99.6 • Nice bull with a bit of extra color TI 55.5 Out of a cow we purchased form Bruce & Donna German AHLB Mr Addiction 422B PB SM Bull ASR All American B499 • • 113 112 70 85 85 95 80 45 75 25 85 75 40 90 99 P U R E B R E D ASR Codes H = Horned P = Polled HoP = Homozygous Polled P/S = Polled/Surred ET = Embryo Transfer AR = Red Angus AN = Angus 2B = Double Black Br = Black and red gene HoB = Homozygous Black blz = Blazed Faced str = Star R = Red Rnd = Red Non Diluter * = DNA Tested for Trait • 114 ASR Super Baldy B4130 PB SM Bull Color: Rnd ASR Gunner Z2217 ASA# 2891959 H/P: P Tattoo: B4130 TNT Gunner N208 Born: 2/25/14 EPDS%Rank 9.5 2 63.3 92.8 10.8 24.9 MWW 56.5 DOC 13.6 Marb -0.1 BF -0.046 REA 0.61 API 115.3 TI 61 CE CCR Reflections Dream 53 BW WW Remington Red Label HR YW ASR Miss Red Larrye S683 MCE Milk WHF Larrye 21F 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease X 648 1214 3.97 3.295.0 39 ** ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio 2.22 71 0.13 76 14.2096 • 4 pound gainer, 39 PAP • Not many red purebreds in the sale. Nice one here 45 55 50 50 35 30 35 4 95 75 85 65 85 P U R E B R E D Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! ASR Gunner Z2217 - reference sire 31 HSF High Roller 12T Sire Group ASA# 2408113 Simmental Reference Sire EPDS %Rank CE 18.9 HARTS Black Casino B408 BW -2.1 TJ 57J The Gambler WW 65.3 YW 92.2 TJ Nellie 56C MCE 16.3 SRS Fortune 500 Milk 37.4 HSF Red Fortunes Sis 33 MWW 70 BOZ Miss C397 DOC 13.6 Marb 0.11 BF -0.039 • A calving ease and maternal sire 0.94 • High Roller will make sons that will grow and females you REA API 152.6 will love to own. TI 75.3 • 115 ASR High Roller B410 PB SM Bull Color: Rnd HSF High Roller 12T H/P: HoP Tattoo: B410 TJ 57J The Gambler Born: 2/1/14 EPDS%Rank Once again, note ASR Little Bear in the maternal pedigree of these good bulls • 15 30 20 20 3 1 1 10 99 2 15 50 40 P U R E B R E D PB SM Bull Br* HSF High Roller 12T Tattoo: B423 TJ 57J The Gambler Born: CE 10.4 BW 1.9 WW 67.5 Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 YW 92.8 ASR Black Rain Z269 MCE 11.1 Milk 28.1 ASR Black Rain W9104 MWW 61.8 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.9 X 638 1196 2.80 2.996.0 42 ** Marb 0.26 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.021 REA 1.01 3.69 121 0.30 167 14.5196 API 138.1 • A nicely numbered bull out of a two year old Upgrade TI 73 daughter. A big IMF score!! P U R E B R E D Color: Br* HSF High Roller 12T H/P: P Tattoo: B412 TJ 57J The Gambler Born: 32 PAP of 38 HSF Red Fortunes Sis 33 PB SM Bull Rnd Tattoo: B419 Born: We flushed this two year old AP daughter for Australia … very nice. EPDS%Rank P U R E B R E D P U R E B R E D 2/3/14 10 20 65 70 30 3 15 15 60 75 35 20 50 P U R E B R E D ASR High Roller B409 PB SM Bull Color: Br* HSF High Roller 12T ASA# 2891839 H/P: P Tattoo: B409 TJ 57J The Gambler Born: PAP of 36 Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! HSF Red Fortunes Sis 33 2/1/14 EPDS%Rank CE 15.4 BW -1.2 WW 55.7 RCR Augustus R54 YW 78.2 ASR Fine Art Z2142 MCE 13.5 Milk 24.3 ASR Ms Fine Art T7101 MWW 52.2 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 13.4 X 632 1158 2.03 2.886.5 36 *** Marb 0.09 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.001 REA 0.92 2.94 96 0.32 178 16.32108 API 137.5 • Excellent Calving Ease EPDs and ratio of 108 for REA TI 65.9 • 4 20 45 55 20 15 20 10 60 75 25 10 35 EPDS%Rank CE 13.2 BW 0.3 WW 59.8 ASR/GLS Pacesetter U862 YW 84.4 ASR Ms Red Larrye Z2101 MCE 11.2 ASR Miss Red Larrye S683 Milk 31.3 MWW 61.2 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 12.1 X 707 1131 2.51 2.906.0 49 *** Marb 0.1 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.043 REA 0.86 3.57 110 0.16 89 14.2592 API 135.2 • A red purebred bull known to be homozygous polled TI 67.5 120 2/20/14 ASA# 2891849 H/P: HoP TJ 57J The Gambler HSF High Roller 12T HSF Red Fortunes Sis 33 2/3/14 4 10 65 85 10 10 20 10 35 99 70 10 30 Born: EPDS%Rank ASR Red Arrow B419 Color: ASA# 2891842 CE 15.2 -1 HSF Red Fortunes Sis 33 BW WW 60.7 CCR Red Line 5338U YW 78.5 ASR Black Kitten Z2140 MCE 13.9 Milk 28.6 ASR Black Kitten W924 MWW 59 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 13.3 X 660 1164 2.45 2.935.25 38 *** Marb 0.2 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.027 REA 0.71 3.65 120 0.23 128 14.1594 API 143.5 • Calving ease prospect here TI 71.2 • 118 ASR High Roller B412 TJ 57J The Gambler • • PB SM Bull Tattoo: B4111 CE 14.9 BW 0.2 WW 64.6 RCR Augustus R54 YW 91.4 ASR Ms Thumper Z2144 MCE 11.8 Milk 27.4 ASR Ms Thumper W903 MWW 59.7 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 13.2 X 670 1192 2.63 3.036.0 39 *** Marb 0.11 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.048 REA 0.93 2.87 94 0.1689 15.52103 API 143.3 • Our young RCR Augustus daughters are TI 70.7 2/7/14 35 50 35 50 30 10 10 20 25 99 15 15 25 ASA# 2891941 H/P: P everything we had hoped for, are what we saw at Rock Creek Ranch in Kansas • A 39 PAP score + nice WDA out of a first calf heifer EPDS%Rank HSF Red Fortunes Sis 33 Br* HSF High Roller 12T ASA# 2891853 H/P: HoP ASR Commissioner B4111 PB SM Bull Color: ASR High Valley B423 Color: 119 116 ASA# 2891840 CE 12.9 0.8 HSF Red Fortunes Sis 33 BW WW 71.8 ASR Little Bear L126 YW 106 ASR Ms Fiala Z2211 MCE 14.9 Milk 35 HH Fiala MWW 70.9 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 13.3 X 756 1337 2.89 3.386.75 58 ** Marb -0.15 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.092 REA 0.99 1.54 50 0.06 33 216.22108 API 122.3 • A red, growthy sire with a bit more frame TI 69.1 117 Homozygous Polled, Heterozygous black 1 2 45 50 1 1 1 4 60 90 20 3 15 3 5 80 85 10 35 60 5 65 99 25 20 60 P U R E B R E D YCC Net Worth 941 Sire Group ASA# 2741361 Angus Reference Sire EPDS %Rank CE 9.2 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 BW 0.3 S A V Net Worth 4200 WW 51 YW 96.1 S A V May 2410 MCE 5.8 YCC 054 Rito 032 Milk 29 YCC Primrose Lady 33 MWW 54.5 YCC Primrose Lady 866 DOC 9 Marb 0.77 • A Net Worth son purchased from Yearous Cattle Company BF 0.043 0.36 • A bit more calving ease than his sire, but the same muscle REA API 110.2 pattern TI 63.8 65 45 85 45 80 10 45 70 4 99 90 70 70 Duane tells me this cow is full of maternal strength. Expect the daughters to do the same. • Angus • 121 ASR Super Baldy B4171 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB YCC Net Worth 941 H/P: P 122 ASA# 2892000 Tattoo: B4171 S A V Net Worth 4200 Born: 3/11/14 EPDS%Rank CE 7.8 BW 3 YCC Primrose Lady 33 WW 61 HC Hummer 12M YW 104.9 ASR Black Fiesta U885 MCE 6.6 Milk 22.8 ASR Black Fiesta N324 MWW 53.3 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 8.2 X 620 1201 3.62 3.365.25 44 ** Marb 0.46 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.005 REA 0.52 3.16 104 0.19 90 14.7399 API 113.2 • Net Worth 941 son, a bull acquired from Yearous TI 68 Cattle Co, Ft Morgan Extra muscle, but not extra frame 75 90 50 25 70 50 50 85 35 90 65 65 55 H A L F B L O O D ASR Ms Super Baldy B4184 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB YCC Net Worth 941 ASA# 2892013 H/P: P Tattoo: B4184 S A V Net Worth 4200 Born: CE 10.1 BW 1.3 WW 60.6 HC Hummer 12M YW 102 ASR Ms Autumn U898 MCE 8.4 Milk 25.8 ASR Ms Autumn R531 MWW 56.1 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.2 X 647 1185 4.03 3.365.25 40 ** Marb 0.54 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.013 REA 0.64 2.86 94 0.16 76 15.29103 API 129.7 • A top gaining Net Worth 941 son TI 72.8 • 3/21/14 EPDS%Rank YCC Primrose Lady 33 Nice gain, with only a 40 PAP 55 65 55 35 45 25 35 70 20 80 45 40 35 H A L F B L O O D • 123 ASR Super Baldy B4155 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: HoB YCC Net Worth 941 H/P: P Tattoo: B4155 S A V Net Worth 4200 Born: YCC Primrose Lady 33 Smaller framed, muscle and good gain 3/5/14 EPDS%Rank CE 11 BW 0.1 WW 51 ASR Little Bear L126 YW 85.9 ASR Little Aimee P403 MCE 6.1 Milk 23.9 ASR Miss Jessie M269 MWW 49.4 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 10.9 X 568 1070 3.40 2.965.0 45 ** Marb 0.49 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.03 REA 0.53 3.23 107 0.16 76 13.9394 API 125.7 • Out a of a very maternal ASR Little Bear daughter TI 67.2 • 124 ASA# 2891984 45 45 85 70 75 40 75 40 30 50 65 45 60 H A L F B L O O D ASR Super Baldy B4161 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: Br* YCC Net Worth 941 H/P: P ASA# 2891990 Tattoo: B4161 S A V Net Worth 4200 Born: CE 10.5 BW -0.1 WW 48.2 ASR Showcase K053 YW 75.9 ASR Black Fiesta N324 MCE 3.6 Milk 19 ASR Red Appeal K071 MWW 43.1 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 7.5 X 564 1028 3.21 2.866.25 35 *** Marb 0.31 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.006 REA 0.4 2.09 69 0.20 95 13.2689 API 110.8 • Calving ease prospect TI 60 • YCC Primrose Lady 33 PAP of 35 Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 3/7/14 EPDS%Rank 50 40 90 85 95 80 95 90 60 90 85 70 85 H A L F B L O O D 33 ASR New Posse W9115 Sire Group ASA# 2496854 Simmental Reference Sire HC Hummer 12M WLE Power Stroke ASR Little Molly P441 ASR Little Bear L126 LBR Destinys Dream K830 ASR Black Molly K087 EPDS %Rank CE 11.2 BW 1.6 WW 66.4 YW 95.7 MCE 15.7 Milk 26.9 MWW 60 DOC 7.2 Marb 0.12 BF -0.039 REA 0.94 API 116.7 TI 70.6 Out of one of the best producing cows we own, sired by ASR Little Bear. • She has had 6 calves with a 116 weaning ratio. She is now in ET. • New Posse is a bull that does it all, growth, muscle and beautiful females. • Homozygous Polled, Heterozygous black • 125 ASR Super Baldy B4167 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: Br* H/P: HoP ASA# 2891996 Tattoo: B4167 HC Hummer 12M ASR New Posse W9115 ASR Little Molly P441 Born: Pap of 36 3/10/14 EPDS%Rank CE 9 BW 0.8 WW 54.9 Hunts Calculator 2720 YW 85.2 ASR Ms Calculator 451 MCE 9.2 FF Sensational Lady M214 Milk 27.4 MWW 54.9 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.5 X 677 1151 3.48 3.245.5 36 ** Marb 0.45 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.009 REA 0.5 3.89 128 0.26 124 14.5198 API 122.8 • A longevity, 11 year old Hunts Calculator cow TI 67.2 • 126 65 55 75 70 35 20 40 65 35 90 70 50 60 H A L F B L O O D 25 45 40 40 2 20 15 85 55 90 20 60 35 ASR New Posse B4146 PB SM Bull Color: Br* ASA# 2891975 H/P: P Tattoo: B4146 HC Hummer 12M ASR New Posse W9115 ASR Little Molly P441 Born: 3/3/14 EPDS%Rank CE 8 BW 4.2 WW 74.1 ES Dakota NK68 YW 109.9 ASR Black Fiesta S6125 MCE 7.6 Milk 18.4 ASR Black Fiesta N324 MWW 55.4 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 7.7 X 720 1230 4.20 3.386.75 40 ** Marb -0.05 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.085 REA 0.81 2.1 69 0.11 52 14.1095 API 107.4 • A top gaining bull by ASR New Posse probably coming TI 65.9 from the ES Dakota daughter, bred for performance Nice PAP score too 60 90 15 15 75 80 40 80 90 10 45 80 60 P U R E B R E D • 127 ASR New Posse B4169 PB SM Bull Color: HoB ASA# 2891998 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4169 HC Hummer 12M ASR New Posse W9115 ASR Little Molly P441 Born: CE 9.5 BW 2.1 WW 62.5 Sunny Valley Sargent 24S YW 87.7 TTU Ava U858 MCE 11.3 Milk 28.3 TTU Black Sabrina 489 MWW 59.5 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 8.9 X 621 1079 3.05 2.985.25 36 ** Marb -0.03 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.056 REA 0.77 2.91 100 0.22 100 14.01100 API 97 • Out of a Fleckveih influence cow TI 62.6 • Was a twin. PAP of 39 128 45 55 55 65 30 10 20 65 90 55 55 95 80 P U R E B R E D ASR Black Diego B4246 PB SM Bull Color: Br TNT Tanker U263 ASA# 2892046 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4246 Mr NLC Superior S6018 Born: TNT Miss S17 ASR Black Carlene P421 is our donor who passes on growth and ribeye • Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 2/21/14 EPDS%Rank CE 5 BW 3 WW 79.2 WHF Desperado 212G YW 121.8 ASR Black Carlene P421 MCE 12.4 Milk 21.5 ASR Red Appeal K071 MWW 61.2 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 6 X 662 1293 4.67 3.396.0 42 ** Marb -0.03 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.055 REA 1.24 2.36 109 0.23 128 15.04104 API 111.8 • A top gaining Tanker son, with the red gene TI 71.2 34 3/10/14 EPDS%Rank 90 75 4 3 15 55 15 95 90 55 1 75 30 P U R E B R E D 129 ASR Black Diesel B4247 PB SM Bull Color: HoB TNT Tanker U263 130 ASA# 2892047 H/P: HoP Tattoo: B4247 Mr NLC Superior S6018 Born: 2/22/14 EPDS%Rank CE 5.7 BW 2 TNT Miss S17 WW 78.6 WHF Desperado 212G YW 120.4 ASR Black Carlene P421 MCE 12.7 Milk 22.2 ASR Red Appeal K071 MWW 61.5 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 6 X 555 1029 2.39 2.725.0 39 ** Marb -0.1 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.085 REA 1.12 1.95 90 0.13 72 13.7595 API 111.5 • This one is homozygous black, with an extremely TI 70.5 low PAP Maternal brother to lots 36 and 128 85 55 5 3 15 50 10 95 95 10 4 75 35 P U R E B R E D ASR Milestone A3195 PB SM Bull Color: HoB JF Milestone 999W ASA# 2877566 H/P: HoP Tattoo: A3195 TNT Top Gun R244 Born: CE 8.4 BW 1.7 WW 78.6 ASR Little Bear L126 YW 114.2 ASR Little Molly P441 MCE 10.4 Milk 19 ASR Black Molly K087 MWW 58.3 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11.2 X 567 1001 3.005.0 40 ** Marb -0.02 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.034 REA 0.83 API 115.5 • Fall born, 18 month old TI 71.6 • Ms Maxie Lou M112S Maternal brother to lots 27 and 28 8/14/13 EPDS%Rank 55 45 5 10 40 75 25 25 85 90 45 65 30 P U R E B R E D • 131 ASR Milestone A3201 PB SM Bull Color: JF Milestone 999W ASA# 2877579 HoB H/P: P Tattoo: A3201 TNT Top Gun R244 Born: EPDS%Rank CE 9.4 BW 2.1 WW 84.7 Kappes Trailblazer S516 YW 123.2 ASR Ms Appeal X0194 MCE 11.3 Milk 12.4 ASR Ms Appeal T784 MWW 54.7 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 4.6 X 662 1043 2.605.75 43 ** Marb -0.02 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.059 REA 0.82 API 123.9 • An older bull, fall born, direct son of Milestone TI 74.6 • 9/3/13 Ms Maxie Lou M112S A nice long bull with a good set of EPDs 45 55 1 2 30 99 45 99 85 55 45 45 15 P U R E B R E D WHF Black Granite 002Y Sire Group ASA# 2637353 Simmental Reference Sire JF Milestone 999W TNT Top Gun R244 WHF Sierra 245S CNS Dream On L186 Ms Maxie Lou M112S WHF Black Jasime 240J A Milestone son acquired from Wayward Hills Farms, Kentucky • Out of their high valued Sierra cow flush cow. These are our first sons to sell • Homozygous Polled, Heterozygous black • 132 EPDS 60 75 1 10 55 99 60 45 80 55 50 45 20 ASR Old School B4158 PB SM Bull Color: Br* ASA# 2891987 H/P: P JF Milestone 999W WHF Black Granite 002Y WHF Sierra 245S Tattoo: B4158 Born: Wayward Hills Farms, Kentucky Super gainer with a low PAP 3/6/14 EPDS%Rank CE 7.6 BW 4 WW 81.2 ASR Colorado Stretch 408 YW 110.9 ASR Miss Lucinda Y1109 MCE 5.8 ASR Miss Lucinda S6129 Milk 20.3 MWW 60.9 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.2 X 877 1303 3.70 3.557.5 39 ** Marb 0.03 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.045 REA 0.88 2.63 87 0.17 81 16.85114 API 110.2 • Black Granite sons! A Milestone son obtained from TI 71.5 • %Rank CE 8.1 BW 3 WW 83.9 YW 114.4 MCE 9.2 Milk 10.2 MWW 52.2 DOC 9.9 Marb 0.03 BF -0.056 REA 0.8 API 122.8 TI 73.3 65 90 3 15 90 65 15 60 80 75 30 75 30 P U R E B R E D PI-BVD Negative, AM and NH Free... All 2014 born bulls and heifers were tested negative for PI-BVD. All bulls and heifers are AM, NH and DD Genetic Defect Free. Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 35 133 ASR Red Granite B4177 PB SM Bull Color: Rndblz H/P: P Tattoo: B4177 JF Milestone 999W WHF Black Granite 002Y WHF Sierra 245S Born: Nice gain and low PAP 135 PB SM Bull Br* Tattoo: B4191 Born: This cow raised one of our high sellers last year going to Gary Bogott and Jeff Flesch, Montana • PB SM Bull HoB Tattoo: B4159 Born: CE 7.1 BW 4.3 WW 67.8 DRS J91 Winchester 714T YW 93.2 ASR Black Kitty Y1156 MCE 10.1 Milk 16.2 ASR Black Kitty J976 MWW 50.1 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 8.6 X 634 1145 2.87 3.026.5 53 ** Marb -0.01 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.058 REA 0.78 2.79 92 0.17 81 14.96101 API 105.7 • A homozygous black bull with a nice marbling scan TI 61.9 Out of a nice young cow P U R E B R E D Color: 2B O C C Legend 616L H/P: P Tattoo: B4248 O C C Emblazon 854E Born: CE 15.8 BW -0.8 WW 49.4 WLE Power Stroke YW 73.1 SS Rhapsody MCE 5.6 Milk 12.8 ER Miss Redline 42B MWW 37.5 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 10.8 X 582 0 3.75 2.855.0 41 ** Marb 0.37 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.011 REA 0.57 2.71 93 0.26113 13.1699 API 133.3 • Two embryo full ET brothers obtained from Sloup TI 63.4 Simmental, Nebraska O C C Blackbird 632J 2/16/15 EPDS%Rank 10 30 90 90 80 99 99 45 50 80 55 35 75 H A L F B L O O D Tattoo: B4160 PB SM Bull Born: Br*blz 3/7/14 35 40 50 65 35 99 99 30 65 90 40 50 65 P U R E B R E D ASA# 2891963 H/P: P Tattoo: B4134 Born: 2/26/14 EPDS%Rank A low PAP score of 39 40 35 65 90 45 95 95 45 90 10 30 70 85 P U R E B R E D ASR/SS Super Baldy B4249 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Color: 2B O C C Legend 616L H/P: P ASA# 2936880 Tattoo: B4249 O C C Emblazon 854E Born: O C C Blackbird 632J Very nice ultra sound scans with low PAP scores Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 2/16/15 EPDS%Rank CE 15.2 BW 0 WW 53.3 WLE Power Stroke YW 78.4 SS Rhapsody MCE 5.4 Milk 11.8 ER Miss Redline 42B MWW 38.4 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 10.8 X 557 0 3.21 2.755.0 36 ** Marb 0.42 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.032 REA 0.6 3.12 107 0.19 83 13.46101 API 133.6 • Phenotype is very similar on these two bulls TI 65.9 • P U R E B R E D EPDS%Rank CE 9.8 BW 1.2 WW 60.4 SAS Top Dawg K220 YW 76.5 Rains Black 152N MCE 9.9 Milk 14.8 Rains Black 452L MWW 45 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.9 X 663 969 1.37 2.686.0 39 ** Marb -0.04 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.081 REA 0.88 2.56 100 0.22 100 13.12100 API 114 • A blaze faced son of Black Granite TI 61.1 140 25 25 30 50 30 90 75 40 65 55 15 40 35 ASA# 2891989 H/P: P JF Milestone 999W WHF Black Granite 002Y WHF Sierra 245S • 3/4/14 ASR Super Baldy B4134 Color: ASA# 2936879 Br PAP of 39 138 ASR/SS Super Baldy B4248 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull PB SM Bull CE 10.2 BW 1.4 WW 63.8 Gibbs 8148U SM Blackout YW 87.8 ASR Miss Camille Y141 MCE 10.8 Milk 10.6 ASR Miss Camille S641 MWW 42.5 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 11 X 618 1117 3.55 2.946.25 39 ** Marb 0.09 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.032 REA 0.85 2.97 98 0.20 95 13.9694 API 122.4 • Tested black with the red gene TI 65.2 3/7/14 70 90 35 50 40 90 75 70 85 55 55 85 80 Born: EPDS%Rank JF Milestone 999W WHF Black Granite 002Y WHF Sierra 245S • EPDS%Rank ASR Prarie King B4160 Color: ASA# 2891988 H/P: P JF Milestone 999W WHF Black Granite 002Y WHF Sierra 245S 36 136 ASR Blk Reputation B4159 Color: • P U R E B R E D Tattoo: B4149 Moderate framed and thick 3/27/14 40 40 20 30 95 90 60 40 60 99 10 55 35 H/P: P CE 11.3 BW 0.4 WW 68.3 ASR/GLS Pacesetter U862 YW 92.3 ASR Ms Presley Y171 MCE 11.3 Milk 16.2 ASR Ms Presley T796 MWW 50.3 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 10.4 X 759 1167 3.01 3.155.25 43 ** Marb 0.08 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.052 REA 0.98 3.3 109 0.16 76 16.02108 API 125.1 • Solid red, non diluter bull TI 70.2 • EPDS%Rank CE 9.8 BW 1.4 WW 71.6 ASR/GLS Pacesetter U862 YW 101 ASR Miss Addison Y1124 MCE 5.3 ASR Miss Addison M281 Milk 16.8 MWW 52.6 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 10.2 X 678 1219 3.21 3.275.5 40 ** Marb 0.1 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.018 REA 1.06 3.33 110 0.27 129 16.49111 API 120.3 • Top scanning young bull TI 70.8 139 P U R E B R E D ASA# 2891978 Rnd JF Milestone 999W WHF Black Granite 002Y WHF Sierra 245S ASA# 2892020 H/P: P JF Milestone 999W WHF Black Granite 002Y WHF Sierra 245S • 70 95 10 20 45 85 45 60 95 35 55 80 70 ASR Versailles B4149 PB SM Bull Color: ASR Kentucky B4191 Color: 137 3/14/14 EPDS%Rank CE 6.9 BW 4.7 WW 75.4 Drs J91 Winchester 714T YW 106.8 ASR Ms Kayla Y1129 MCE 9.9 Milk 17.3 ASR Ms Kayla T769 MWW 55 30K WW YW ADG WDA FS PAP Score Calving Ease DOC 9.1 X 689 1270 3.51 3.376.5 39 ** Marb -0.06 ADJ IMF IMF Ratio ADJ BF BF Ratio ADJ REA REA Ratio BF -0.06 REA 0.77 1.79 59 0.11 52 14.78100 API 108.4 • A unique blazed face, red bull TI 64.8 • 134 ASA# 2892006 15 40 80 80 85 99 99 45 40 50 50 35 65 H A L F B L O O D Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 37 Open Heifers These heifers will be sorted into groups of 3 to 5, with buyers choice! Lot 142 Lot 144 These are all SimAngus™ and Simmental heifers & papers will be transferred. Heifer Number Reg Number Birth Date Wean Wt. Color P H Breed Sire Code Heifer’s Sire 141 B4112 2891942 2/21/14 625 2B P 1/2 SM 1/2 AN NW Net Worth 142 B4115 2891945 2/21/14 631 2B P 1/2 SM 1/2 AN NW Net Worth 143 B4118 2891948 2/22/14 614 2B P 1/2 SM 1/2 AN NW Net Worth 144 B455 2891885 2/12/14 633 2B P 1/2 SM 1/2 AN NW Net Worth 145 B465 2891895 2/13/14 636 2B P 1/2 SM 1/2 AN NW Net Worth 146 B471 2891901 2/14/14 621 2Bblz P 1/2 SM 1/2 AN NW Net Worth 147 B482 2891912 2/15/14 625 2Bblz P 1/2 SM 1/2 AN NW Net Worth 148 B4131 2891960 2/25/14 473 2B P 1/2 SM 1/2 AN N9 Net Worth 941 149 B4140 2891969 2/28/14 622 2B P 1/2 SM 1/2 AN N9 Net Worth 941 150 B4141 2891970 2/28/14 497 2B P 3/8 SM 9/16 AN 1/16 HH N9 Net Worth 941 151 B4143 2891972 3/1/14 473 2B P 1/2 SM 1/2 AN N9 Net Worth 941 152 B4179 2892008 3/15/14 495 2B P 1/2 SM 1/2 AN N9 Net Worth 941 153 B457 2891887 2/12/14 572 HoB 154 B4124 2891953 2/24/14 547 2B P 1/2 SM 1/2 AN T7 Bando 155 B4136 2891965 2/27/14 583 2B P 1/2 SM 1/2 AN T7 Bando 156 B4148 2891977 3/4/14 562 2B P 3/8 SM 5/8 AN T7 Bando 157 B4197 2892026 4/9/14 487 2B P 1/2 SM 1/2 AN T7 Bando 158 B4198 2892027 4/11/14 471 2Bblz P 1/2 SM 1/2 AN T7 Bando 159 B4199 2892028 4/12/14 617 2B HoP 1/2 SM 1/2 AN T7 Bando 160 B435 2891865 2/10/14 423 Rnd HoP 1/2 SM 1/2 AR BK Beef King 161 B4156 2891985 3/6/14 583 Rnd HoP 1/2 SM 1/2 AR BK Beef King 162 B4157 2891986 3/6/14 598 Rnd HoP 1/2 SM 1/2 AR BK Beef King 163 B463 2891893 2/13/14 503 Rnd P 3/4 SM 1/4 AR BK Beef King Lot # Purebred Simmental Open Heifers 38 HoP 1/2 SM 1/4 AN 1/4 AR LG Longevity 164 B468 2891898 2/14/14 552 Rndblz P PB SM LO Lotto 165 B4151 2891980 3/5/14 655 2B P PB SM BG Black Granite 166 B4154 2891983 3/5/14 770 Rnd P PB SM BG Black Granite 167 B4190 2892019 3/27/14 751 2B P PB SM BG Black Granite Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! Lot 153 Lot 161 Lot 167 All heifers were treated just as our replacements. They were poured with Promectin and given Preg Guard Gold In February. Cow’s No. EPDs Dam’s Sire Dam’s No. MGS Kappes Unique U835 In Dew Time X0171 Better Than Ever M277 X054 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW API TI 12.7 -0.6 64.2 102.4 8.4 26.6 58.7 144.3 78.7 ASR Draft Pick 9.5 2.2 69.3 107.8 24.7 59.4 128.5 76.7 7 R541 On Target K53 Desperado 6.5 3.7 70.2 114.6 2.3 23.4 58.5 N319 Black Joker L174 Black Evolution 6.1 2.7 65.2 105.3 3.1 28.6 61.2 109.8 72.7 U8104 Hummer R559 On Target 10.8 1.1 65.3 105.9 10.6 25.2 57.8 142.1 78.2 P428 Desperado J976 Blue Chip 9.9 0.4 71.6 115.5 7.2 20.6 56.4 130.4 78.8 U895 Hummer P476 Grand Slam 9.3 1.8 68.7 110.2 9.8 27.4 61.8 136.5 79.1 U852 Pacesetter R542 GFI Magnum 9.6 0.3 48.6 80.6 7.8 27.1 51.4 118.8 63.4 R523 Lucky Break N321 Black Joker 6.7 2.3 56.2 93.6 6.3 27.9 56 102.2 62.6 P476 Grand Slam C310 Incumbent 8.1 0 47.3 74.7 8.4 26.1 49.8 116.7 63.3 W975 Hummer R531 Showcase 9.8 1.3 47.7 80 8.4 26.5 50.4 125.6 65.1 W994 Remington R549 On Target 8 1.5 43.5 68.2 5.4 22.5 44.3 108.8 58.4 T7115 Future Direction 102 Make My Day 13.5 -1.2 53.6 85.9 8.2 22.5 49.3 140.4 71.3 W9118 Top Shelf S628 Kappes Unique 11.4 -0.4 57 87.1 8.1 24.3 52.8 W993 Top Shelf P459 Little Bear 10.9 0.1 56.5 80.7 7.4 22 50.3 123.6 66.8 M277 ASR Draft Pick C319 Incumbent 11.8 -0.4 47.3 66.9 9.2 22.1 45.7 128.2 63.8 U8150 ASR Dakota S656 R5118 Little Bear 13.2 -2.7 40.5 64.4 8 27.8 48 133.1 62.9 T7134 Hummer M283 Showcase -0.8 38.3 60.3 8.8 26.6 45.8 127.2 59.4 R559 On Target D242 600U 10.7 -0.4 46.8 69.8 10.9 23.1 46.5 129.9 63.6 T755 Beckton Lancer 772 No Equal 10.5 -0.3 55.4 75.3 9.3 12.6 40.3 125.5 65.3 S677 Beckton Lancer 2 Heavenly 11.3 -1.1 65.4 87.7 9.8 17.1 49.8 134.1 73.3 S677 Beckton Lancer 2 Heavenly 11.3 -1.1 65.4 87.7 9.8 17.1 49.8 134.1 73.3 W9138 Game Time T7171 Little Bear 15.8 -1.4 63.2 89.9 12.6 12.2 43.8 158.2 75.8 P429 Grand Slam G725 Tom Cat 5.1 2.5 59.9 88.7 11.2 23.6 53.5 106.7 61.3 Y136 Blackout U840 Hummer 9.1 2.8 77.5 112.2 10.2 12.4 51.1 126.9 73.8 Y1164 Winchester M268 Body Builder 5.8 5.7 90.8 128.3 7.5 17.2 62.6 117.8 75.5 Y111 H Pacesetter W986 Top Shelf 6.4 3.8 11.4 48.9 12 75 121.7 5.9 Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! 105 128 132 72.5 69 70.8 39 40 Super Baldy Bulls with Nuts, Butts and Gutts!!! ALTENBURG Super Baldy RANCH Willie & Sharon Altenburg 570 East County Road 64 Fort Collins, CO 80524 970.568.7792 • 970-481-2570 Russ Princ, manager • 256.254.9042 Email: First Class Time Dated Material Please bring this sale book to the sale! Lot 1 Lot 10 Lot 11 Selling 120 Bulls with Nuts, Butts, and Guts!! Lot 30 Lot 54 Lot 142 Selling 30 Open SimAngus Open Heifers! Sale Time... 1:00 PM • Lunch Starts at...11:30 AM Saturday • March 21st, 2015 Location... Centennial Livestock Auction - Fort Collins, Colorado Sale available on Superior Livestock Auctions and
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ALTENBURG Super Baldy Ranch LLC
excellent service. We will be selling via the this year. Please register ahead of time to assure proper bidding on sale day.
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