Saint Barnabas Roman Catholic Church


Saint Barnabas Roman Catholic Church
Saint Barnabas Roman Catholic Church
“St. Barnabas Roman Catholic parish,
a welcoming and diverse Eucharistic community of faith and
stewardship, empowered by the Holy Spirit and in response to
Christ’s call to love and serve one another, seeks to bring all people
to the knowledge of and union with God our Father.”
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 21, 2016
Saint Barnabas Roman Catholic Church
109 Crescent Hill Drive
PO Box 39, Arden, NC 28704
Telephone: (828) 684‐6098
Fax: (828) 684‐6152
Front Office Hours:
Mon, Thur, Fri: 9:30 am ‐ noon and 1 pm ‐ 4 pm
Tues: 9:30 am ‐ noon and 1 pm ‐ 2 pm
Wed: Closed
Diocese of Charlo e
Most Reverend Peter J. Jugis, J.C.D., Bishop
Father Adrian Porras, Pastor
Rev. Mr. Mike Stout, Deacon
Rev. Mr. Rudy Triana, Deacon
Saturday 4:00 pm ‐ 5:00 pm
7:30 am ‐ 8:00 am
Saturday 5:30 pm, Vigil Mass in English
Saturday 7:15 pm, Vigil Mass in Spanish
8:30 am & 11:00 am in English
Vigil and Holy Days
(See inside of bulle n)
(Check bulle n and web for changes)
Monday, Thursday, Friday:
Morning Prayer (Lauds)
8:45 am
9:00 am
Rosary a er Mass
(Distribu on of Holy Communion) 9:00 am
Evening Prayer (Vespers)
5:45 pm
6:00 pm
Benedic on of the
Blessed Sacrament
6:45 pm
Monday thru Friday 7 am un l 10 pm
7 am un l 4 pm
1 pm un l 10 pm
Wednesday in the Church at 6:45 pm
New Parishioners are welcomed
and invited to join in our worship and many activities. Please
register after Sunday Masses or
stop by the office. Parishioners
who move are asked to notify
the office so we can say a fond farewell and assure you of
our continued prayers.
St. Barnabas Catholic Church · Arden, NC · August 21, 2016
Commissions and Council Heads
St. Barnabas Staff & Contact Informa on
Buildings and Facili es
Community Ministries &
Peace and Social Jus ce
Educa on and Forma on
Evangeliza on/Communica on
Liturgy and Worship
Parish Life
Finance Council
Pastoral Council
828‐684‐6098 (p) ‐ 828‐684‐6152 (f)
Fr. Adrian Porras
Ext. 301
De. Mike Stout
Ext. 373
De. Rudy Triana
Ext. 314
Ms. Sheryl Peyton Director of Religious Education
Ext. 302
Mr. Simeon Willis
Director of Youth Ministry
Ext. 303
Ms. Tiffany Gallozzi Director of Music
Ext. 310
Mr. John Psychas
Ms. Suzanne Daley Secretary of Special Projects/Events
Ext. 307
Mr. Dan Alvarez
Receptionist (Habla Español) ‐ M/Tu
Ms. Mary Ogle
Receptionist ‐ Th/Fr
Ext. 311
Mr. José González Tribunal Advocate (annulments)
Ext. 305
St. Vincent de Paul Society or Compassionate Callers
Ext. 308
Grand Knight:
Jim Ellis ‐ 828‐772‐9063 ‐ The Knights
meet the 2nd Tuesday evening of each
month in JXXIII.
4th Degree: Arthur Carder,
Faithful Navigator ‐ 828‐398‐9689
Susan Chitwood
Donna James
Rob Girardi
Kerry Jambon
Ken Marino
Chris Messino
THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM ‐ Bap sms are celebrated on Sundays a er
the 11:00 am Mass. Parents must be registered in the Parish and have
a ended a Bap smal Prepara on Class, held the 1st Tuesday of each month
at 7:00 pm in the Oscar Romero room, D Hall. Pre‐registra on for this class
required. Call the church office to register. Bap sm should be conferred in
the first few weeks a er the birth of a child. Godparents must be prac cing
COMMUNION ‐ Second grade is the normal me. One year prior Religious
Educa on is required.
THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS ‐ Men should call the parish priest or
the Diocesan Voca on Director to help them discern their call to the Diaco‐
nate or Priesthood.
THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY ‐ Couples should make an appoint‐
ment with the priest or deacon at the me of engagement and at least six
months in advance of any wedding date to begin prepara ons. No date
should be set before that mee ng so all canonical requirements are met.
One party must be registered and an ac ve Catholic. All weddings take
place inside the Church.
can be administered to anyone suffering from a serious or chronic illness.
Please call the church office to make arrangements to be anointed. In an
emergency, please use ext. 1, leave a message with your name and phone
number. You will be contacted as soon as possible.
HOLY COMMUNION AT HOME ‐ Please call the Church office to make
Mrs. Marilyn Jensen Business Manager
Ext. 312
Knights Corner Council 8923
Larry Schmi
Saint Barnabas Couples Club
The Saint Barnabas Couples Club is a social organiza on that meets the
first Tuesday of the month between 7:00 and 7:30 pm in the Saint John
the XXIII conference room (followed by refreshments in the social hall).
The purpose of the organiza on is for Couples that are members of Saint
Barnabas to join together socially at different venues. If interested in
joining the Club or ge ng more informa on contact John and Carol
Nagle, this year’s presidents, at 828‐684‐5729 or at
5:30 pm
8:30 am
11:00 am
Lectors: Paul Pajak, Michael Miller
Lectors: Eduardo Palermo,Mary Ann Wendel
Altar Servers: Cheryl Calder, Bill Carter,
Ken Marino, Ron Wild
Altar Servers: Isaac Dellinger, Ma y Gates,
Joe Gates, Nathan Gates, Aldric McMahan,
Thomas Miller
Greeters: Walt Kozacki, Margi Alvarez,
Cathie Osada, Robert Riffle
Greeters: Rob Girardi, Joshua Gates, Kathy
Miller, George Moody, Janet Prui
Altar Servers: Chase Dymond, O'Brien
Gibbs, Henry Gibbs, Abigail Kramer, Jesse
Kramer, Nicholas Kramer
Greeters: Frank Dezzu o, Caryl Dean, Pat
James, 2 Not Filled
Lectors: Angie Dorsey,
Rey Romualdo (sub req.)
E. O. Ministers: Phyllis Boller, Margie Riffle, E. O. Ministers: Becky Franco, Catherine
Marylyn Seyler, Cathie Stout, Dave Cypcar,
Holzworth, Diana Rothweiler, Bob Spicuzza,
Jennifer Westbrook
Wendy Bates (sub req.), Claudia McMahan,
Bob Rothweiler, NOT FILLED
Sacristan: Ann Mercer
Hospitality: Jack LeBeau
E. O. Ministers: Doug Huth, Donna James,
Jill Micelle, Mary Palermo, Maureen Carder,
Arthur Carder, Kerry Jambon, Yong Sun
Sacristan: Joan Pajak
Sacristan: Dana & Paule e Wardwell
Hospitality: Marilyn Jensen, Roy Jensen
Hospitality: Helen Brugo, Robert Brugo
Saint Barnabas Ac vi es This Week Liturgical Schedule We encourage those who request Mass Inten ons
(Vigil and Sunday Morning) to present the Offertory
Gi s at that Mass. Please sign in at the Liturgical
Ministers’ (round) table and let a Greeter know you
would like to bring up the Gi s.
Sat ‐ 08/20
5:30 PM
7:15 PM
† Eleanor & Anthony Christopher
(by the Mercer family)
For the Hispanic Community
Sun ‐ 08/21
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
For our parishioners
Int. of Richard Thompson
(by Yongsun Thompson)
Mon ‐ 08/22
9:00 AM
The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
† Jackie Lewis (by Mary Ann Poli)
Tues ‐ 08/23
9:00 AM
Saint Rose of Lima, Virgin
* For our parishioners
Wed ‐ 08/24
6:00 PM
Saint Bartholomew, Apostle
Int. of JoAnne Daywalt
Thur ‐ 08/25
9:00 AM
Saint Louis; Saint Joseph Calasanz, Priest
† Noreen Wenz (by Toni & David Urbanski)
Fri ‐ 08/26
9:00 AM
Weekday in Ordinary Time
† Beulah Springer (by the Edwards family)
Sat ‐ 08/27
5:30 PM
7:15 PM
† Mary & Raymond John Snedeker
(by Cheryl Snedeker Calder
For the Hispanic Community
Sun ‐ 08/28
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
Int. of Richard M Deluga (by Mary Deluga)
For our Parishioners
* Indicates a change to the normal schedule
The Miraculous Medal Novena prayed each Mon. a er Mass
Sunday: Is 66:18‐21; Ps 117:1, 2;
Heb 12:5‐7, 11‐13; Lk 13:22‐30
Monday: 2 Thes 1:1‐5, 11‐12; Ps 96:1‐5; Mt 23:13‐22
Tuesday: 2 Thes 2:1‐3a, 14‐17; Ps 96:10‐13; Mt 23:23‐26
Wednesday: Rv 21:9b‐14; Ps 145:10‐13, 17‐18;
Jn 1:45‐51
1 Cor 1:1‐9; Ps 145:2‐7; Mt 24:42‐51
Friday: 1 Cor 1:17‐25; Ps 33:1‐2, 4‐5, 10‐11;
Mt 25:1‐13
1 Cor 1:26‐31; Ps 33:12‐13, 18‐21;
Mt 25:14‐30
Sunday: Sir 3:17‐18, 20, 28‐29; Ps 68:4‐7, 10‐11;
Heb 12:18‐19, 22‐24a; Lk 14:1, 7‐14
07:30 AM » Confession » Church
08:30 AM » Mass (English) » Church
10:00 AM » Gregorian Chant Choir Prac ce » D2
10:00 AM » MPower Q&A » JXXIII
11:00 AM » Mass (English) » Church
12:30 PM » Minstrels Prac ce » D4
07:00 PM » MS Youth Ministry Kick‐Off » JXXIII, SH, K1
08:45 AM » Morning Prayer » Church
Mon 09:00 AM » Mass (English) » Church
Aug 09:30 AM » Charity Kni ng & Crochet Group » LB
10:00 AM » The Divine Will Studies » JXXIII
04:00 PM » St. Vincent de Paul » D4
Tues 09:00 AM » Mass » Church
09:30 AM » Day of Reflec on » SH, K1
05:45 PM » Evening Prayer » Church
Wed 06:00 PM » Mass, Benedic on » Church
07:00 PM » Sacred Choir Prac ce » D2
07:00 PM » Sign Language Class ‐ Offsite » N/A
08:45 AM » Morning Prayer » Church
Thur 09:00 AM » Mass (English) » Church
06:00 PM » Cub Scout Troop Mee ng » B3, B2, B4
07:00 PM » Boy Scout Troop Mee ng » SH, PV, D5
08:00 AM » Angelus Homeschool Fellowship »
B Hall, D4, D5, JXXIII, SH, PV, K1
08:45 AM » Morning Prayer » Church
09:00 AM » Mass (English) » Church
09:00 AM » Hispanic Mee ng » C3
11:00 AM » Charity Kni ng & Crochet Group » LB
06:00 PM » Hispanic Women's Mtg. » B Hall, SH, K1
07:30 PM » Sons & Daughters of Holy Mary » JXXIII
09:00 AM » Hispanic Women's Mee ng » B1, B2
10:00 AM » Ci zens CPR Class » JXXIII
02:00 PM » Catechist Mee ng » JXXIII
04:00 PM » Confession » Church
04:00 PM » Marriage Mentoring Prep Interviews,
Spanish » B Hall
05:00 PM » ESOL Class » C3, C4
05:15 PM » Hispanic Youth Group » JXXIII
05:30 PM » Vigil Mass in English » Church
07:00 PM » Hispanic Choir Prac ce » Church
07:15 PM » Vigil Mass in Spanish » Church
Bookstore Open
07:30 AM » Confession » Church
A er Masses
08:30 AM » Mass (English) » Church
10:00 AM » Gregorian Chant Choir Prac ce » D2
11:00 AM » Mass (English) » Church
12:30 PM » Minstrels Prac ce » D4
07:00 PM » HS Ministry Kick‐Off Party » JXXIII, SH, K1
Parish Life Bookstore & Gi
St. Barnabas Catholic Church · Arden, NC · August 21, 2016
Shop Schedule
The store, located on the C Hall, will be
open a er all English Masses the week‐
end of August 27/28.
Day of Reflec on Tue, Aug. 23
Mass will be celebrated at 9 am (no Communion) and
you are welcome to a end the Mass even if you are not
coming to the program.
DSA Collec on Next Weekend
There is one quarter le in 2016, and we have not yet
met our DSA assessment for the year. As you probably
know, any shor all must be paid by the parish out of our
opera ng income, and we don’t budget for a DSA
shor all! We are currently at 88% of our goal, a full 10%
behind the diocesan average. Next week we will have a
second collec on to try to make up this shor all. Please
take a moment to review the informa on later in this
bulle n about many of the programs that rely on DSA
funds. It is temp ng to say, “Well that doesn’t affect my
life.” But it actually does. The more we empower our
brothers and sisters in Christ to be er manage their lives
and take advantage of opportuni es we provide them,
the stronger our faith communi es will become, thus
enriching all of us.
Annual Parish Picnic Needs You!
Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 25
a er the 11:00 am Mass. It is me for us to come
together as a parish and fellowship with an a er‐
noon of food and fun. We are looking for volun‐
teers to help with set up, food prep, food prep,
food serving, face‐pain ng, ac vi es, and cleanup.
We also are looking for individuals who may have
connec ons to the use of a snow cone machine
and/or a dunking booth. Please sign up in the so‐
cial hall to volunteer, a end, and bring a dessert
and/or large side dish. Contact Bridget Babcock at
(828) 702‐6763 or Jo
Landreth at (8282) 231‐6940) for
informa on or with ques ons.
Our Prayers
St. Barnabas prays for... Our Parishioners
Karen Jambon, Nancy Torres, Carol Mullen, Bill Lilly,
Marcus Lanthier, Sally Lanthier, Gail Davison, Helen
Rice, Brad Owens, Tiager Raywood, Sharon Bales,
Mike Grier, Susie Kramers‐Bondy, Bruce Campbell,
Gianna Janecek, Madeleine Dempsey‐Rymer, Herb Reith, James Win‐
burn, Emily Tunstall, José González, Tony Costan no, Dolores Costan‐
no, Bri any Bresnahan, Ruth Carson, Barbara Carter, Terry Degnan,
Barbara Brady, Larry Schmi .
Our Friends & Loved Ones Carol Pi man, Arezou Petrie, All who serve in the Police or Military,
Darren Stout, Malachi Siltzer, Elizabeth Pantas, Mark Buske, Bernice
McAdoo, Kent Fleischmann, Chris an Fleischmann, Paul Revelson,
Becky Westall, Dina Adams, Tracey Pucci, Mikaela Lambert, Mark
Thornton, Hilde Ivanov, Barbara Conard, Sue Babcock, Ashley Festa,
Paula Travaglin, Ted Ivanov, Leo Laubengeiger, Anne Laubengeiger,
Daniel Christopher Barber, Carmen Pastora, Howard Vaughter, G.
[sic], Ka e Corish, Molly Vonloh, Stella Konopka, Mary Starnes, Jeff
Sachs, Sherry Cowan, Charlene Blake, Ivy Bertuzzi, Baby Ella Zibung,
Joey Travaglini, Roy Mull, Stephanie Harrison, Chris an Fleischmann,
Tim Kilcoyne, Regina Thornton.
Loved ones in the military Christopher Balot (Bill & Mary Smith grandson)
Charles Barrett, Army (John & Emily Barrett son)
Andrew Patrick Beard, Jr. , Army (Grandson of Charlotte and
Andrew Beard)
Tom Davis (Osmer grandson)
Brianna and Ben Dermody, USAF
(Daughter and son‐in‐law of Paul and Joan Pajak)
Jason Decker, USAF, deployment to Middle East (nephew of
Tiffany Gallozzi)
Michael Franco, USMC, (son of Emil & Becky Franco)
Zachary Grasberger, Air Force (grandson of Nick and Marlene Gras‐
Matthew Gray, National Guard (grandson of
Charlotte and Andrew Beard
Jacob Greco, Army (grandson of Larry Greco) Les Jarvis, Navy (career), computer engineer,
Citadel Grad (son of Deborah Carson, grandson of Ruth Carson)
Erik Klueber (nephew Chris & Theresa Beck)
Thomas Liebel (Bill & Mary Smith grandson)
Billy Moody, US Army (son of George and Mary Jo Moody)
Jason Moore, US Navy (grandson of Joe & Paula Bolick)
Jacob & Jamie Naber, AF (grandson and wife of Ted
and Mary Naber)
Joseph Naber AF (grandson of Ted and Mary Naber)
Aaron Ridolf, Coast Guard (grandson of Grace Ridolf)
Gregory Wardwell, Army (Dana & Paulette Wardwell son)
Michael Wright, USAF (Son of Dave and Mary Wright)
Loved ones and friends discerning religious voca ons
Seminarians: Peter Ascik, Christopher Beale
Aaron Huber (entering St. Joseph College Seminary)
Diaconate: Frank and Madonna Moyer
Ma hew Bradley (nephew of Sue Konopka)
Young Church St. Barnabas Youth
by Simeon Willis
Registra on Clarifica on:
Youth Ministry is Only in the Evening
The registra on form is for all grades. The
younger grades (preK‐6) have two op ons:
Sunday morning (standard) or Sunday evening
(Mpower). The youth program (7th‐12th) is from
6:30‐8:15 pm. There is no morning op on for
youth ministry . Sorry for any confusion!
Kick‐Off Par es for Youth Ministry
Come get to know those who will be with you
this year in the youth group!
All middle school youth (7‐8th grade) are invited
to the August 21st kick‐off party at
7‐8:30 pm.
All high school youth (9‐12th grade) are invited
to the August 28th kick‐off party at
Garage Sale, Saturday, October 15th
from 8 am‐noon. You can rent a table from
Religious Educa on
n recent decades, a en on has shi ed away from headgear
as a symbol of a bishop’s authority to a more substan al
symbol: the chair, called the cathedra. The word comes
from the La n word for a chair with armrests. It is exactly
the reason why dining room sets were marketed in this
country a few years ago with only one chair with armrests,
the captain’s chair. In many rectories of a certain vintage, you will see
only one chair with arms at the dining table, a sign to the assis ng priests
of their proper place in the constella on. For us, as with most Anglicans
and some Lutherans, the cathedra is a sign of the teaching authority of
the bishop. We inherited the symbolism of the chair from Roman civil life
in the fourth century. A church that houses a cathedra is called a cathe‐
dral, and the chair may be used only by the bishop of that diocese.
Priests who preside at liturgy there must use a different presiden al
You may find the cathedra in its most tradi onal place at the head of
the apse, or against a side wall as was favored in medieval mes, but
increasingly bishops are loca ng the cathedra in the midst of the assem‐
bly of the faithful. In the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, visitors will
find no barrier to their trying out the cathedra, an expression of hospital‐
ity that helps the archbishop be mindful of those whom he serves.
Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
the youth group to sell your things using the
forms in the social hall.
Please read the interview with Andrew Torres
in the bulle n. Andrew was one of our parish
pilgrims who a ended World Youth Day in
RCIA Classes to begin
Our first class will be Thursday, Sept. 1 and
the topic will be: "God's Call". Join us at
6:00 p.m. in the Mar n de Porres Classroom
for class. Catholic Catechisms and Bibles will
be available.
DECOLORES! All Cursillistas, their spouses and
friends, or anyone who wants to come,you are
26, 2016 at 6:30 pm there will be a potluck din‐
ner, so bring your favorite dish or drink to share.
Meet old friends and make new ones. The Ultreya
starts at 7:00pm..** PLEASE NOTE THAT In AU‐
SO please come and join us ,bring a friend or fam‐
ily member.
For more info call Dave at (828) 808 3358.
Reflec ons
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 21, 2016
Strengthen your drooping hands
and your weak knees.
Make straight paths for your feet,
that what is lame may not be disjointed
but healed.
‐ Hebrews 12:12‐13
t is no accident that the words “disciple” and “discipline” are
nearly iden cal. Their rela onship in Chris an faith and life, how‐
ever, has fallen somewhat out of favor in the past genera on, as
certain prescribed Church rules and regula ons have been reduced and
relaxed. These rules were o en referred to as “disciplines.” We are mis‐
taken, however, to think that it no longer takes discipline to follow
Christ. The Le er to the Hebrews assures us of that today. Our discipline
is more like that of an athlete pursuing a victory or a personal best, or a
musician striving for a concert career or to master a new piece of music.
This discipline comes from desire, not from regula ons. It was the desire
to do the will of God that led Jesus on the path to his cross. It is that
same desire he encourages in us today: to strive to enter through the
narrow gate, to find ourselves in the kingdom with a surprising assort‐
ment of people who are there not because of mere observa on of rules,
but out of a genuine desire to recline at the table of the heavenly ban‐
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Parish Life Offertory
Collec ons and Financials
Weekend of August 13 & 14, 2016
207 Families using envelopes (of 1,037 registered families)
Collec on
Weekly Offering
Totals for August 13 & 14
Envelopes and Checks
Electronic Giving
Youth Envelopes
Non‐Envelopes & Visitors
Holy Day
Offertory Total
Building & Facili es
Total A endance for weekend: 1,148
+ or ‐
to Offertory Budget
This month a por on of the above will be donated to:  Catholic
Chari es
of Charlo e, Asheville
 Vicariate Hispanic Ministry
 St. Barnabas Charity Fund
 St. Vincent de Paul
 Habitat for Humanity
 Buncombe County Council on Aging
 Diocese
2016 DSA Pledge Progress Report:
August 15, 2016
Amount Pledged:
Pledges Paid:
Pledge Balance:
Diocesan‐Wide % to Goal: 99%
St. Barnabas % to Goal: 88% (10% below avg.)
Protec ng God’s Children Workshop
"Protec ng God's Children" is a required program for all volunteers at St. Barnabas. Upcoming classes:
Saturday, August 27, 2016 at Sacred Heart Church in Brevard. English. 9:30 am. (new)
Saturday, September 3, 2016 at St. Lawrence Basilica in Asheville. English. 9 am.
Pre‐registra on is required for all workshops. Register online at Click "registra on" on le
Stewardship &
Parish Life
August 21, 2016 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Stewardship is planned giving and does not
leave giving to chance. It challenges us to
plan. It asks us to appraise – deliberately –
what we are doing with our me, our talent
and our treasure.
Upda ng Military Addresses
As the holidays will soon be approaching,
we think of family members that we can't
be with. We would like to update our cur‐
rent list of family members deployed with
the Armed Forces. Please submit mailing
addresses for cards and packages to Walt
and Marge Kozacki or drop them in the box
in the social hall.
First Call! Please enter your ‘can’t
serve’ dates in the online scheduler
for the next schedule which will
cover the last quarter of 2016.
Suzanne: 684‐6098, ext. 307
and follow prompts.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
There are so many things we take for granted.
When we go into the bathroom we know we will
have soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, and so
These are not items that can be purchased with food stamps.
It would be nice if we could offer these items to our clients, espe‐
cially to, for example, the widows whose husbands did not have
pensions. One such widow gets $16 per month in food stamps,
which buys precious li le of these kinds of items. Add in toilet pa‐
per and laundry detergent and you can see that $16 simply doesn't
stretch that far.
We normally don't ask you to bring in items except during our St.
Joseph's Table food collec on and our paper and cash drive in Octo‐
ber for our holiday food baskets.
May we ask you now for some help with these toilet goods and laundry supplies? We and our clients would greatly appreciate
your generosity.
We were able to loan a wheelchair to a parishioner to help make
her life a li le easier. And we s ll have one more to loan out to any‐
one in need.
Please know that we are so thankful for the help you give us to help
support our work. You are such faithful partners, and again, we
couldn't do what we do without you.
‐ Your Vincen ans
Day of Reflec on to be led by Fr. Joseph Koterski on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 from 9 am‐2:30 pm at
St. Barnabas Catholic Church.
North Carolina Chapter of Catholic Commi ee of Appalachia ‐ Anyone concerned about environmental,
immigra on and other social jus ce issues is invited to a end a mee ng of the North Carolina Chapter of
Catholic Commi ee of Appalachia on Tuesday, August 23 from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm at St. Eugene Catholic
Church in Asheville including a potluck lunch. For more info, contact Bruce Cahoon at or Mary Herr at 828‐497‐9498 or
The Prophet & The Messiah Conference ‐ August 26 & 27, 2016 at St. Mary's Catholic Church Greenville,
SC . What do Muslim’s believe? How similar are Chris anity and Islam? Where did radical Islam come
from? What are the prospects for true dialogue and ecumenism? What are successful strategies for
preaching the Gospel to Muslims? $50/person. Register and info at
St. Barnabas Night at the Asheville Tourists! Join the St. Barnabas parish family in enjoying the Asheville
Tourists play at 7:05 PM on Friday, September 2. This will be a great way to kickoff your Labor Day week‐
end. It is $1 hot dog night, and there will be postgame fireworks. Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for
Senior Ci zens and children 12 and under. Children under 5 who do not need a seat don't require a cket.
Sign up will be available a er Masses the weekends of August 6/7, 13/14, and 20/21. You can also call
(231‐6940) or email ( ) Jo Landreth to sign up. Money must be paid by
August 21 in order for your ckets and seats to be secured. Let's go Tourists!
Habitat for Humanity St. Barnabas Work Days ‐ St. Barnabas has been scheduled for three build days:
Tuesday, September 6, 8:15 AM – 3:30 PM: Floor framing, 2 people
Friday, October 7 (half day beginning at 8:15 am): Porch framing, 2 people
Saturday, November 5, 8:15 AM – 3:30 PM: Pain ng and flooring, 2 people
Please contact Suzanne at the church office if you would like to sign up for a shi
More informa on and Waiver Forms here: h p://
SAVE THE DATE! Our Charlo e Diocese Eucharis c Congress will take place on Friday and Saturday, Sep‐
tember 9 & 10. This spiritually unifying event brings together thousands of Catholics from across the
diocese and southeast for spiritual talks, music, prayer, and fellowship ‐ all centered around the Most
Blessed Sacrament. All ages welcome!
The WNC Mountain State Fair will be this September 9th through the 18th. St. Barnabas Catholic
Church will be sponsoring a Catholic Apologe cs Booth and a Pro‐Life Booth. Your help is needed to staff
both. Please sign up a er Mass. For informa on about the Apologe cs booth please contact
Rob Girardi. For informa on about the Pro‐Life booth please contact Simeon Willis.
St. Barnabas Parish Picnic ‐ Save the date and watch your bulle n for details!
The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are: Sep 30‐Oct 2, 2016 in Myrtle Beach, SC and Nov
4‐6, 2016 in Atlan c Beach, NC. Early sign up is recommended. For more informa on visit our website at: or contact us at 704‐315‐2144.
Life Chain ‐ On the first Sunday of October, thousands of people across this na on and Canada will stand
alongside city streets holding messages for life, unified in a silent prayer chain. The loca on in Henderson‐
ville is along US 25 (Asheville Highway) at the entrance to Pa on Park on Clairmont Ave from 2‐3 pm. Con‐
tact is Sharon Asbury at 697‐6188. Another loca on is in Brevard on Broad Street near the courthouse
from 2:30 ‐ 3:30 pm. Contact is Janice Castevens at 273‐0275. Signs will be provided. For more info go to
Room At The Inn 17th Annual Benefit Banquet will be on Thursday, October 13th ‐ featuring speaker Im‐
maculée Ilibagiza. We are currently looking for people interested in hos ng a table or sponsoring the
event. If you are interested, please contact Marianne Donadio (336) 391‐6299 or
Christmas Cra Bazaar at St. Barnabas ‐ Saturday, Nov. 19 from 8 am to 2 pm ‐ Volunteers needed to
help plan, chair booths, help make items, set up, and more. The first year’s proceeds will go towards ex‐
panding and improving the picnic area at St. Barnabas. Contact Mary Valliere, Willie Hinkel,
Margie Riffle, or Anita Kryzwicki for details.
Please note: This page is for ‘special’ events at St. Barnabas and in the community, not regularly scheduled events, which you can find on the
Events Schedule page elsewhere in the bulle n and on the web. Events will be listed un l the event has passed. Inclusion is subject to space
available and first preference will go to St. Barnabas events. Deadline for inclusion on this page is Monday at noon for the weekend of print.
You may submit a bulle n request online at » Pubs/Policies » Bulle ns.
The li le saying of Pope Francis stayed with
me, such as: “Lord, help us to jump into the
adventure of mercy” and “Without mercy, we
can do nothing.” Mercy shows us challenges
and sufferings are true gi s, and chances to
show mercy. The goal is to be joyful in trials
and tribula ons. “God is calling me closer to
Him and other, to spread His mercy more and
more. It is seeing the purpose of suffering for
the greater glory of God.”
World Youth Day Krakow 2016:
Andrew Torres Interview
What were you most looking forward to about World Youth Day,
and did it meet your expecta ons?
Pope St. John Paul II is my favorite saint. Being in his homeland, walk‐
ing the streets where he walked, and being physically in his footsteps
was what I was most looking forward to. The actually experience of
this exceeded my expecta ons. I got to see Poland and Polish culture
through his eyes, and how he was influenced by it. I saw the bap s‐
mal font where he was bap zed, and a clock he looked at every day
during breakfast that had a quote which heavily influenced him while
he grew up. It said: “Time flies, eternity dwells.” This shows how
much culture affects us as individuals.
What were other favorite moments on the pilgrimage?
Travelling to see Pope Francis! We saw him many mes very close.
Travelling to Prague was also a favorite, including the absolutely
beau ful church of Sts. Cyril and Methodius. The beauty inside and
out was amazing! It was most stunning.
What was the main importance of World Youth Day for you?
Experiencing culture is “super cri cal”. No cing how culture and lan‐
guage influence how they [Polish] worship and live the Faith in their
daily lives. It is crucial to no ce how culture impacts our faith every‐
where. Reading Gaudium et Spes beforehand shows the influence of
Polish culture on Pope St. John Paul II.
What were your experiences of Polish culture?
Driving through Polish neighborhoods showed Catholicism: there
were shrines on every corner and the people were excited to wel‐
come us. It was quite hot at mes and residents were ready to cool
hot pilgrims down with a hose, or to give drinks. They were very wel‐
How has World Youth Day impacted your outlook on life and your
What would you tell other youth about
World Youth Day?
World Youth Day is an incredible experience
of one of the four marks of the Church: our
catholic/universality: to experience universali‐
ty on a physical level. It shows that there are
many, many millions of Catholics out there
and encouraged me to spread the message of
the Gospel. It is definitely worth inves ng in.
Would you like to learn more about a
Christ centered program where
volunteers visit the women that are
incarcerated at Swannanoa Correc onal?
Come join us on Friday, September 23rd
from 6‐8 pm at St. Eugene’s Catholic
Church in Asheville.
We will be serving a spaghe dinner and
the evening includes informa on
about the KAIROS program, ways you can
help and we will even have some Swan‐
nanoa Correc onal residents speaking
about their experience in the program.
More informa on on KAIROS can be
found at
If you would like to a end
or call Mary Ke er at 919‐215‐8143.
Habitat for Humanity
Interfaith House Build Dates
Habitat for Humanity is almost ready to start construc on on
this year’s Interfaith House. The build will take place from Sep‐
tember through November.
St. Barnabas is scheduled to help out on the following dates:
‐ Tuesday, Sept. 6, 8:15 AM – 3:30 PM: Floor framing, 2 people (filled, thank you!)
‐ Friday, October 7 (half day beginning at 8:15 am): Porch framing, 2 people
‐ Saturday, November 5, 8:15 AM – 3:30 PM: Pain ng and flooring, 2 people (one reg. so far)
Experience is NOT needed! If you would like to help on one of those days, please sign up on the bulle n board by the library.
Or, go to our website at and click on the Habitat link under Recent News on the right. Volun‐
teers are welcome to a end the “Kick‐Off” celebra on on Friday, August 12. See the Event Page for more informa on.
Comments about the Interfaith and Presbyterian House Kick‐off Even on August 12
I went to the Kick‐Off event so that I could see the people who will be ge ng these homes and meet some folks from Habitat that
we are in contact with as a result of our par cipa on in the program. I was very impressed by how many people are involved, and
especially by how many volunteer year a er year. There was one man there that is 102 years old!
Watching the (first) wall being raised was exci ng. And we all were encouraged to write on the inside of that unfinished wall, and
we did so, expressing good wishes for the family who will be moving into the house when it is finished.
‐ Suzanne Daley
Sign‐up in the Social Hall or contact Suzanne at the office
FAQ’s and informa onal videos are available at: h p://‐involved/volunteer/construc on
Altar Server Training
Saturday, October 1, 2016
at 10 am
Followed by Lunch
Servers must have received the Sacraments of
First Penance and First Holy Communion and
must be in at least 5th grade.
Please sign up on the sign‐up sheet in the so‐
cial hall if you will a end. For new and exis ng
School Supplies Drive
Now through Oct. 1
Catholic Chari es Dio‐
cese of Charlo e Ashe‐
ville office, in partnership
with the USCCB, is
se ling up to 26 refugee
families from Ukraine,
Moldova and Belarus with their family members who
already live in the Asheville area.
Many of these families have school‐aged children
with no money to purchase school supplies. Needed
are new school supplies and backpacks for these chil‐
dren. We’re looking for new backpacks as well as the
basic items most children are required to have.
Please put your dona ons in the box that will be in
the social hall beginning next weekend.
Parish Pictorial Directory
St. Barnabas is embarking on the major project of upda ng our
parish directory. Since the last directory four years ago we have
had many new parishioners register in our parish as well as a
number of old friends move away. We have contracted with
Lifetouch to come to St. Barnabas to photograph all
current parishioners. for our directory.
How to Sign Up:
In the social hall a er Masses
un l photo appointments begin in September.
Online at the following link, available noon Mondays
through noon Fridays:
h p://
Having your photograph taken en tles you to one free printed
directory and one free 8X10 photograph. There is no obliga on
to purchase addi onal photos and different poses, but if you do
decide to do so there are
many discounts available:
$10 Coupon just for scheduling a photo appointment
20% Discount to Seniors over 60, Veterans, Military, Police, Fire,
or other Emergency Personnel
 $5 Discount if you bring four cans of fruits or
vegetables for our St. Vincent de Paul Society
St. Barnabas Night at the
Asheville Tourists
Friday, September 2,
2016 at 7:05 PM
The deadline to sign up and pay is this
weekend! See the sign‐in sheets
in the social hall
Belle Nuit
Opera Stars Sing to Benefit
The Catherine McAuley Mercy Founda on
Friday, September 9, 2016 • 7:30 PM
This special concert features favorite
vocal selec ons from opera, Broad‐
way, and more performed by profes‐
sional musicians with na onal and in‐
terna onal acclaim, including some
who currently live in Asheville. Pro‐
ceeds from this event go directly to
the Catherine McAuley Mercy Founda‐
on, the fundraising body of Sisters of
Mercy Urgent Care, to support local
medical work and interna onal medi‐
cal relief efforts.
h p://
for ckets and info