Winter 2013 - Willow Tree Hospice


Winter 2013 - Willow Tree Hospice
from the
Winter-Spring 2013
Message from Christine
We moved into our new space and are quickly integrating with the surrounding
community; many folks see our new sign and just stop in to say 'hi' or to ask
questions. We are always glad to see visitors and there is always time for a
friendly chat.
We, at Willow Tree, are working on several initiatives this winter including,
but not limited to, the development of a “Dementia Program” . Our staff is
working in conjunction with the Alzheimer's Association to set up “memory
loss” support groups and to educate our hospice aides on techniques for managing problematic behaviors sometimes associated with severe memory loss.
We have established a formalized safety committee to address safety issues for
both our staff and families. One good idea arising from this committee is for
the staff to carry salt in plastic containers. This insures that they have a mechanism to dislodge a tire entrapped in ice or snow or to sprinkle on a slippery
Christine Coll RN, BS
walkway. Willow Tree also assesses each patient’s home on admission and will
supply smoke detectors, fans, blankets or any other items related to comfort and safety.
We have identified the need to increase our Memorial Services from annually to two times a year; our next service
is slated for April, 2013. These services often bring closure to families and our staff and are appreciated by both.
Willow Tree feels honored that our Chester County Community recognizes the supportive services we provide;
our staff is experienced, capable, and tremendously caring. Please do not hesitate to contact us at 610-444-8733 if
you or someone you know could use supportive care or if you have questions about eligibility for hospice services.
The Kennett Square Community Welcomes us with Roses
Kennett Florist, located at
405 West State Street in Kennett
Square has welcomed us into the
community with
“open arms” full of roses!
Through their generous donation to
our hospice, we are able to deliver
beautiful roses to our patients
throughout the year.
Such a wonderful way to brighten
the day of a patient or their caregiver.
Our Thanks to
Kennett Florist!!
Safety in the Workplace
Willow Tree Hospice has formed a workplace safety committee. The purpose of the safety committee is to bring workers and management together
in a cooperative effort to promote safety and health in the workplace.
While Willow Tree Hospice has always been committed to the safety of our
employees, the new committee has formalized the process and empowers
employees to make changes that improve the quality of their working environment. Even though we are still in the early stages of program development, we have already made numerous improvements including:
Improving our building exterior lighting
Adding anti-slip strips to our wheel-chair ramp
Providing all employees with salt for winter/ice conditions
Updating our distracted driving policy
We look forward to continuing this important program which protects
our organization’s most valuable asset, our employees.
Emergency Disaster Planning
Old Man Winter has treated us very kindly so far in 2013, but 2012 offered it’s share of inclement weather in
our area.
From a Spring Nor’easter in April 2012 to excessive summer heat waves to Hurricane Sandy, Chester County
and its residents have seen their fair share of weather emergencies.
Living in a region of the United States that is lucky enough to enjoy all four seasons, we also have the opportunity to see many different types of inclement weather.
Because of this, it is important to be prepared. Below is a list of ways Willow Tree Hospice ensures that their
patients are prepared in the event of a weather emergency.
Our RN Case Manager:
 Ensures that each patient has adequate medication and back up oxygen, if necessary.
 Ensures adequate amounts of water and no-cook food is on hand.
 Discusses with patient and family a back up plan to temporarily relocate the patient, in the event the
emergency will cause power outage, etc. or will last for an extended period of time.
 Recommends locating flashlights with adequate batteries, a radio and plenty of blankets and storing them
in an easily accessible location.
 Recommends filling the bath tub with water if there is a possibility electricity will be lost.
 Encourages patient/patient’s family to secure access to a generator, especially for patients using oxygen.
 In the event of a health emergency during a storm, Willow Tree Hospice would help to navigate emergency personnel to the patient’s home.
Many of these scenarios pertain primarily to our home patients, but the needs of all Willow Tree patients are
evaluated in the event of an impending weather emergency.
Healing Touch at Willow Tree
Healing Touch is an energy therapy in which practitioners consciously use their hands in a heartcentered and intentional way to enhance, support and facilitate physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. It is an energy-based approach to health and healing using touch to influence the human
system. It is based on a heart-centered, caring relationship in which the practitioner and client come
together energetically to facilitate a person’s health and healing. The goal of Healing Touch is to restore balance and harmony in the energy system. Healing Touch compliments conventional health
care and collaborates with other approaches to health and healing.
Healing Touch provides many benefits to hospice patients and their caregivers:
*Reduces pain
*Reduces anxiety
*Relieves stress & depression
*Provides support during chemotherapy
*Strengthens the immune system
*Creates a sense of well-being
*Reduces effects of trauma and chronic pain
*Enhances recovery from surgery
*Deepens spiritual connection
*Supports the dying process
Michalah Hoffman, LGSW, HTCP, is a Healing Touch Certified Practitioner
and is Willow Tree’s Healing Touch Coordinator. She provides Healing
Touch sessions for our patients, caregivers and facility staff in a nursing or
care facility. Michalah also offers Healing Touch during the final hours, as
patients enter the dying process. It can help ease the dying process by promoting a higher level of relaxation, reducing pain, and relieving anxiety for
both the patient and the family members who are surrounding their loved
If you have questions or would
like to schedule a time to meet
with Michalah,
contact her at 443-655-2464 or
Healing Touch is an
accredited organization, able to
provide continuing education
credits from the
American Nurses Credentialing
Michalah can provide agencies
and nursing homes 1 or 3 hour
presentations on Healing Touch
for CEUs.
The Power of Music…...
Music has the ability to calm and the ability to excite the soul. Music gives the elderly the ability to
remember, reminisce and find quiet sanctuary. The Music Program at Willow Tree Hospice continues to grow, offering bedside music to our patients and a variety of musical offerings to care facilities. If you have a suggestion of how our music volunteers can benefit someone you know or the
residents at any nursing or care facility, please contact our Community Liaison, Beth Adams at 610444-8733 or
If you have a musical
talent that you would like
to share, please contact
our Volunteer Coordinator, Betsy Beehler at 610444-8733 or
Christmas at Willow Tree Hospice
Staff and Volunteers deliver Holiday cheer to all our
patients during the holiday season