august 2014
august 2014
AUSTRALIAN SPORTING CAR CLUB INC Est 1930 NEWSLETTER AUGUST 2014 ISSUE # 130 MEMBERS BEING PROVIDED WITH INFORMATION ON ESBANK HOUSE JULY MIDWEEK MEANDER It's the cars that bring us together, but the cars owners that "keep" us together! "FT" AUSTRALIAN SPORTING CAR CLUB INC Est 1930 PO Box 1937 ORANGE NSW 2800 AUSTRALIA Email: CLUB DIRECTORY 2014 PRESIDENT: Charles Stammers 6365 1351 SECRETARY: Chris Olson 6331. 5757 VICE PRESIDENT: John Donohoe 6362 3911 TREASURER: Alan Mitchell 6362. 8998 (ASCC Direct Payment details: Bank- NAB; BSB-082-774; Account No-75-231-2103) PUBLIC OFFICER: C. Stammers 6365 1351 & A Mitchell 6362 8998 ( joint custodians.) LIBRARIAN: P Skulander 6362 1426 CONDITIONAL PLATE REGISTRAR: C. Stammers 6365 1351 REGALIA OFFICER: S Blowes 6366 5154 SOCIAL SECRETARY: Dave Smedley 6362 6026 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Rod Wykes 6360 0444 Cherill Burrey 6331 4502 Michael Burrey 6331 4502 Brant Wiely 6362 4723 Richard Gardoll 6362 8437 Bono Marinovic 0428 163629 EVENT CO-ORDINATORS Peter Harper 6334 2554 Mick Buckler 6365 6188 MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Paul Hingston 6362. 4094 NEWSLETTER EDITOR: P Moras 6331 1013 REGIONAL LIAISON OFFICERS: BATHURST: Peter Harper 6334 2554: DUBBO: Jim Mather 6884 6316 & Barry Young. 6882 5212: MUDGEE: vacant Parkes: John Riley 6864 3263 Trangie: Vacant Young: Vacant ACT: Geoff Barrett: Cowra: Vacant. Lithgow: Rod Rossi. 6351 4044: Oberon: Ken Wilcox. 6336 1616 Sydney: Bob Dabbs 9774 3100 Wellington: Vacant Grenfell: Justyn Armstrong. 6343 1283 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Firstly, I have the pleasant duty of welcoming new members, Rollo and Dianne Smith, Donald Young and Sandy Collins, Paul and Shirley Challiner, and Grahame and Colleen Evans; to each of you we extend a very sincere and warm welcome. We trust your time with us is a happy and rewarding one, and we look forward to your company on those of our events when possible. ASCC News 2 What a month we have had with the weather during July, spasmodic short periods of sunlight, but cloudy and showery most days, temperatures in the low single figures, further exaggerated by the chill factor from the icy winds. Doesn’t sound very inviting for an outing with the Club, but on the contrary, most outings have been well patronised, just goes to show we are a keen and resilient group. Following on from the action filled report in the last Newsletter, by contrast, July has been an exceedingly quiet month, with only two events to report, the first being the Brass Monkey Run to Mudgee for breakfast. The conditions on the day would have been ideal for this type of run. I believe that only three members attended, and not being one of them, I am unable to report on the activities, but I’m sure Mick will have something to say somewhere in this Newsletter. After 25 years, this event is the last to be staged by the Healey Owners Club. It is one that has always been a highlight on the motoring calendar, and there is a big possibility that another group will continue the tradition. On Thursday, 10 July, the mid-week outing journeyed to Lithgow, to visit the historic Esbank House and surroundings, then to adjourn to the Lithgow Workman’s Club for lunch. On one of those mornings described above, I went to the Orange meeting point at Cook Park. With no sign of other members, and being early for once, I was convinced there was no way they could have already departed. Waiting until the nominated departure time and as I was about to leave, Rod and Leonie Wykes arrived, so we set off to join the Bathurst area contingent, later to be joined by Stewart and Kerrie Blowes, at the Crago Mill Coffee Shop. After an extended morning tea, Peter Moras, deputizing for the organiser, Peter Harper, led us on to Lithgow, first stop being Esbank House. We had an enjoyable hour or so at Esbank, firstly being given a conducted tour and informative tour by the staff, then being let loose to wander through the house, outbuildings, and gardens as we choose. Peter then announced it was time to head to the car park and make our way to the Workman’s Club for the lunch, this again being the usual relaxed affair with the usual banter and camaraderie. As is always the case on these outings, the time for the homeward journey arrived all too quickly. On Sunday, 20 July, the Management Meeting held the bi-monthly meeting at the Orange Ex-Services Country Club in Orange, and to keep members informed of the happenings in the Club, Secretary Chris will have a précis of the business conducted in this Newsletter. While, as can be seen with the above events, July has been a fairly quite month. August commences with the mid-week outing to Molong for lunch at the Telegraph Hotel, but not before we head to the foot of Mount Canobolas and Miss Daisy’s (previously the Mountain Tea House) for morning tea. Later in the month, on Sunday, 17, the annual Shannons Display day at Eastern Creek, and the following weekend, the overnight run to Penrith and on to the All British Day at the Kings School, Parramatta the next morning. Following on from these there are a number of events listed on the inside back page of the Newsletter, including the ever popular Spring Tour; it being so popular that it was booked out well in advance of being announced. Until next month, keep cool, smooth roads, and happy and safe motoring Charles Stammers DATES FOR FUTURE ACTIVITIES August 14th Thursday – Mid week meander lunch at the Telegraph Hotel Molong (Contact is Peter Harper) Bathurst members should leave the Tourist Info car park at 8.30am to meet the Orange contingent at Cook Park at 9.30am before going out to the Mountain Tea House for morning tea. We will then make our way to Molong for lunch at the Telegraph Hotel. August 17th – Shannons Classic Car Show August 24st - Sunday –All British Day at Kings School Parramatta (Contact Mick Buckler) This has been organised as an overnight event with accommodation at Nepean Shores and dinner on the Nepean Belle on the Saturday before heading down to the Kings School on the Sunday morning. The cost of the accommodation is $120 a double (special club rate) and the dinner on the Nepean Belle is $65 PP including a three course meal whilst enjoying a three hour cruise. IF YOU WISH TO JOIN IN, YOU NEED TO ADVISE MICK BY THE 7TH JULY SO FINAL NUMBERS CAN BE SUPPLIED FOR THE ACCOMODATIONL AND DINNER COMPANIES. On Saturday, it is planned that members leave Cooke park at 10.00am to meet at Bathurst Tourist Information Centre at 11.00am before travelling on for lunch in the Blue Mountains. On the Sunday, it planned to leave Penrith at 8.00am to go to the Kings School at Parramatta ASCC News 3 September 21st Sunday – A run to Dubbo to take in some of the local attractions. (Contact is Mick Buckler) There will be more details in next months news letter. November 2014 Spring Tour (Contact is Peter Harper) This year the tour will be over six days leaving Sunday 9th November and returning on Friday 14th November. We will be heading south and following the Murray River to Euchuca. At present there is only a waiting list as the event is currently fully booked. PLEASE NOTE: All ASCC Club activities and other activities of interest organised by other clubs, are shown on an ASCC Letterhead schedule within this Newsletter. That page should be carried in vehicles on Conditional Registration Plates as proof of an approved activity for the purposes of their plates use, should they be stopped by the Authorities. REPORTS ON THE MONTHS ACTIVITIES July 6th Sunday - Austin Healey Owners Club Brass Monkey Run Probably due to the very poor weather conditions, there were only three vehicles braved it to attend what was said to be the very last of the “Brass Monkey Run” by the Austin Healey Owners club. It is rumoured that a Mazda club may take up the tradition started by the Healey club sometime in the future. Those attending were: Stewart Blowes and Mick Buckler – Nissan 300Z (I’m told with no heater), Alan and Cherylin Mitchell – Triumph TR4, and David and Amanda Dyson-Holland – BMW Z3 July 10th Thursday – Mid week meander visit Eskbank House at Lithgow. (Report by Peter Moras) With the Thursday dawning to be a better day than what was forecasted on the previous day, it was still a cold winters day that had six vehicles arrive at the Crago Mill Cafe for morning tea. After some warmth from the heating and the coffee and a little chatting it was off to Lithgow for our tour of Eskbank House and Museum. We were made most welcome on arrival and given a very informative insight into the history of the house, its owners over the years gone by and of the donation of the property and the significant collection and furniture by well known Lithgow business man Mr. Eric Bracey. Following this introduction, we left to wander the surrounding gardens that are thought to have been established by a Thomas Brown in the 1850’s which also contain a blacksmith area, a pottery collection, a coach house, some industrial machinery and an old Lithgow Ironworks saddle tank locomotive. By then it was lunch time and we headed down to the Workmen’s Club to enjoy the warmth and sustenance on offer before departing our separate ways for home. Those attending on the day were: Rod and Leonie Wykes – Nissan 300Z, Stewart and Kerrie Blowes with Granddaughter – Modern, Janet and John Townsend with Jack Flynn – Jaguar XJC, Jim and Ginny Mather – Jaguar XJS, Charles Stammers _ Modern, Peter Moras and Michael Tuckey _ Modern. ASCC News Photos by Ginny Mather, Charles Stammers & Peter Moras 4 Summary of Decisions from ASCC Management Committee Meeting held 20th July 2014 Charles Stammers extended a warm welcome back home to those members who had been travelling abroad. He added that considering we have not been enjoying the best of weather lately, the events have been well patronized, no doubt due to the interesting and varied venues chosen, and on behalf of the Club, thank you to those members for your continuing support. For the second half of the year, our Events Organizers again have a number and variety of events coming up, the Shannons Display Day, the Terribly British Day, and in November, the Spring Tour, in addition to our usual events each month, so we have plenty to look forward to. Rod Wykes’ new email address is Paul Hingston reported an influx of new members. Currently we have 159 financial members with 18 new members for this year. Charles Stammers reported that at this time there are 20 vehicles in the Club on Historic Registration (Club Plates). We have gained 2 cars and dropped 2 cars due to members not renewing their membership. Peter Moras reported he has a self imposed deadline to have the newsletter out to members. His deadline for the newsletter is to be to the printers on the Tuesday of the week before the mid week run, to be on the internet and in the mail by no later than the Wednesday of the week before the mid week run. The deadline for articles and reports from members for inclusion in the newsletter remains the Wednesday of the week prior to the Wednesday that the newsletter goes out. A decision was made to move in 2015 to the Management Committee meeting every three months instead of meeting every two months. A decision was made to recommend to members at the 2015 Annual General Meeting a limit to the number of positions on the ASCC Management Committee. Each person elected to the 2015 Management Committee will have a defined role to fulfill as stated in our Constitution. Your Management Committee has purchased the two Cabanas mentioned in my last report, to provide shelter to members at ASCC events. Alan Mitchell tabled a comprehensive series of scenarios detailing potential Public Liability Insurance (PLI) options for the ASCC to consider. He also tabled legal advice with regard to the need for the ASCC to have Public Liability insurance from a variety of sources. Committee members were asked to carefully consider this information prior to an informed decision being made on PLI at the September Management Committee Meeting. The next Meeting of the ASCC Management Committee will be held at the Bathurst Light Car Clubrooms at 10.00am on Sunday, 21.9. 2014 Chris Olson - Secretary MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY REPORT Paul Hingston - Membership Secretary Firstly this month I must make a couple of apologies. In my haste to get last month’s report to the Editor I failed to carry out a check of my typing efforts. Our new members Rollo and Diane Smith hale from the beautiful Blue Mountains location of Wentworth Falls and not Wentworthville. In addition, I unfortunately misspelled the surname of one of our other new members. The correct spelling is Paul and Shirley Challinor. Again, apologies for these inaccuracies. This month, we sincerely welcome into the Club, Grahame and Colleen Evans, Milperra, MGB, MGTF We welcome these new members and look forward to sharing their company when and wherever possible. We now have 160 financial members. ASCC Yahoo Groups site is: Remember that club renewals or new members fees can be done via Bank Deposit to our club account – NAB - BSB 082-774; Account 75-231-2103. INSURED BY SHANNONS SHARE THE PASSION Shannons are great supporters of the Classic Car fraternity through the Shannon’s Eastern Creek Classic Car Show and involvement with Historic Car Racing. This support is most appreciated by this Club. It certainly helps to spread the development and the enjoyment of our classic sporting car fraternity in the Central Western area of New South Wales. For all your insurance needs - support the company that supports us. So if you have any insurance needs for your classic car, your house or its contents, contact Harold Upston Regional Development Officer on 0432 758 169 / Email or give Shannons a call 13 46 46 and get an obligation free quote from them. The comments, views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the club ASCC News 5 G Midget Versus Honda S800 - Classic andINFORMATION Sports Car May 2003 ASCC LIBRARY UPDATE Librarian Peter Skulander, My 1970 Jaguar E-TYPE Peter Skulander This is my story about realising one of my teenage dreams to own one the best looking (according to Enso Ferrari) and performing sports cars ever produced. It took almost forty six years for that dream to come true. I looked at quite a few models from 1966 to the 1970’s V12 cars. I spoke to owners and was able to get a feel of what was a reasonable price and what to look for. I decided not to get the V12 although they are a nice car the V12 engine is quite complex and high maintenance. I did some research for almost two years before pouncing on the opportunity to buy a local car. Out of the blue, reading the local paper on the Friday, low and behold there was an E-Type coming up for auction in Orange. It was advertised as a V12 with a five speed gearbox and thought to be a 1968 model. None of which made sense to me. I went along in the morning before the auction and there it was a faded red 2+2 with crap inside and out. I lifted the bonnet and was pleasantly surprised to see a 4.2 litre 6 cylinder with the triple HD8 SU carburettors. The body was pretty straight and the fridge magnet showed very little sign of bog in the sills. I pulled up the carpets and to my surprise the cabin floors and boot floor were all still painted in the original navy blue. The wire wheels were covered in dirt and grease. The motor ran, but only just. I could see that fuel wasn’t getting to all the cylinders and that to me wasn’t a real problem. It was a 100% complete car. The odometer showed 51656 miles. Apparently it was brought from Sydney in the mid 70’s to Forbes. It was last registered in 1985 and spent most of it’s life in a shed. Other than that there wasn’t much history from the auctioneer. I joined in with the auction and to cut a longer story short, managed to win the car within my budget. It was December 2008, during the GFC. I got the car home and began fiddling. The exhaust system was replaced as well as all the ignition components. I had an optical electronic ignition system fitted by Swank’s Auto Electrical. I strongly recommend that update for these old motors. I replaced all three needle and seats, cleaned out the blocked overflow pipes and internals. I adjusted the three mixture screws on each carburettor as per the manual and got them all hissing at a similar pitch. The engine was up and running sweetly as it should. I didn’t have a key for the glove box and so I had to undo the screws on the hinges to get inside. There inside were papers showing that the car was imported into Sydney by Bryson in 1970 and delivered to the new owner on 17 th July 1970. The engine, chassis and gearbox numbers listed in the papers all matched those items on the car. The next step was to replace the tie rods and the upper and lower ball joints post rego inspection. I replaced the front shocks, but the new rear ones are still in the box waiting for me. The compression test showed all cylinders with pretty much identical compression. The engine was a little Smokey and fumed, however talking to a fellow from Peninsular Jaguar in QLD, he advised me to use Penrite 50 oil and that should fix it. Yes, no more fumes or smoke and the oil pressure is back near normal after replacing the oil pressure sensor. The chrome wire wheels cleaned up beautifully. A bit of cut and polish with bright red Turtle Wax and a clean inside and it looked a different car. The car is rated at 265bhp (198kw) and weighs 1340kg and is a pleasure to drive for it’s vintage. Needles to say I am as pleased as punch. Send in your story for us to share. OFFICIALS WANTED ON SEPTEMBER 22nd The Bathurst Light Car Club has asked if we would like to help with volunteer course marshals. The Club is conducting a round of the Sports Classic Spring Rally Round of NSW Development Rally Series and Hyundai Excel Rally Series that is also open to all comers. There are no special requirements to help on this Cams permitted Event - First car starts 1.00pm Volunteers would be required for all day at various points on the course. If you would like to be involved please contact Mick Buckler on 0418 869 833 or Gwyn Mulholland on 0429 620 769 This might be an opportunity to repay the kindness of the Light Car Club for making their club rooms available for our committee meetings. Stew Blowes was prepared for the worst in the weather on the recent mid week meander to Eskbank House event with the 4X4 Rodeo sports model from the Blowes’ family of fine Cars ASCC News 6 FOR SALE/ WANTED/ HELP DEPARTMENT. For the interest of the increasing new as well as longer-term members of the Club, it is advised that a free service is available, through sale of cars and parts, wanted cars and parts, as well as help wanted with any technical advice etc. required. However, no responsibility will be accepted for the accuracy of such description or condition of cars or parts involved. Any purchaser must make their own inspection and enquiries regarding condition, miles covered, or suitability for their intended use. Please advise the Editor of any items you would like to include in this section of the newsletter. FOR SALE 1957 Austin Healey 100/6 BN4 Engine completely reconditioned including block and head chemically cleaned and Loctite treated bored to 2912 cc running standard 3lt Healey pistons. Twelve port head has been ported and has hot seats and stainless valves to run on premium unleaded fuel. Camshaft re-profiled and brakes re-sleeved. Crankshaft re-machined to take Commodore 5lt rear main oil seal (no leaks) Less than 5,000 kilometres since engine rebuild Dayton 72 spoke wheels. Soft top and tonneau. New aluminium rocker cover (not fitted) Offers in the vicinity of $45,000 (Unregistered) Contact Mike Burrey 02 6331 4502 (Bathurst) FOR SALE 2002 MGTF Trophy 160 Only travelled 84,000 kms Has had head gasket replaced Fitted with suspension upgrade $14,000 ONO Contact Bono Marinovic 0428163629 (Car located in Bathurst) FOR SALE: XJ6 JAGUAR 1970, 4.2 litre motor Motor travelled less than 5,000 km after total rebuild, New upholstered seats, new head lining, new brakes Good condition Historic rego not transferable Too many cars. $4,000 ONO Ph Jim Mather 02 68846316 or 042884631 Lot 7 Shepherd Drive Mullion Creek Phone (02) 6365 8729 Mobile 0417 437 223 Email ASCC News 7 ASCC News 8 ORANGE DISTRICT ANTIQUE MOTOR CLUB Inc. PRESIDENT’S RUN TO HILL END 25TH AND 26TH October, 2014 This is an invitation to all members and friends to the President’s Run in October to the historic gold mining town of Hill End. For those in the Orange District we will leave Cook Park at 9.00 AM on Saturday, 25 th, travel to Bathurst on the Mitchell highway to Berry Park in Bathurst to meet with those who live in the Blayney area. This will be a morning tea stop. We will travel to Sofala for a lunch stop where you can purchase lunch from the café or bring your own. We understand there is no fuel here. Bathurst to Sofala 44 klms and Sofala to hill End 38 klmn; fuel is available at Hill End. It will take approximately one hour to travel from Sofala to Hill End. Attractions (Optional) (See booking form) Village Tours, $2.50 per head. Bald Hill Underground Mine, $9.50 per head. Ackermann Cottage, $3.00 per head. Museum, $2.50 per head. Saturday Night Ghost Tour $23.00 per head (limited to groups of ten). Sunday Morning, go to History Hill, $10.00 per head entry, or $33.00 per head for entry, morning tea, and smorgasbord lunch. Accommodation The Royal Hotel. 6 double rooms @ $85.00 including continental breakfast. 2 rooms with double and 2 single beds, $120.00 with continental breakfast. 2 single rooms @ $55.00 with continental breakfast. The Hill End Lodge Motel. 10 doubles @ $110.00 including continental breakfast. Extra person $20.00 Disabled rooms available. Hill End Ranch Trams 4 train units – doubles with ensuite, $99.00 per night Miners Cottage – 2 bedroom, 1 double, 2 single, bathrooms and kitchen. 2 people $99.00 per night, 3 or 4, $110.00 per night. There is other accommodation available at this venue SATURDAY EVENING MEAL. Three course meal $38.00 per person, this venue has disabled access. Please fill out booking form for accommodation with $30.00 deposit, also indicate numbers for tours so bookings can be made. ASCC News 9 BOOKING FORM FOR PRESIDENT’S RUN Accommodation. (single, twin, or double) Royal Hotel ………………………………………. Room Number of people Hill End Lodge Motel …………………………… Room Number of People Hill End Ranch …………………………………… Room Number of People Attractions Number of People Village Tour @ $2.50 per head …………………………………………….. Bald Hill Underground Mine @ $9.50 per head…………………………… Ackermann Cottage @ $3.00 per head……………………………………… Museum @ $2.50 per head …………………………………………………… Saturday Night Ghost Tour …………………………………………………… Sunday Morning History Hill (entry only) @$10.00 per head ……………… Sunday Morning History Hill (entry, morning tea, and ……………………… smorgasbord lunch @ $30.00 per head Saturday Evening Meal, @ $38.00 per head ………………………………… For more information, please contact Keith Packham, President, phone 6366 8015 NAME ……………………………………………………………………….. Phone Number …………………………………………………………….. Deposit of $30.00 for accommodations Postal Address; Keith & Nancy Packham 231 Packham Drive Molong NSW 2866 ASCC News 10 AUSTRALIAN SPORTING CAR CLUB INC Est 1930 PO Box 1937 ORANGE NSW 2800 AUSTRALIA Email: ASCC ACTIVITIES CALENDAR 2014 ASCC Conditional Registration vehicles are approved to attend the activities listed below Month June 2014 July 2014 Meeting 20.7.14 Orange Aug 2014 Sept 2014 21.9.14 - Bathurst Oct 2014 Nov 2014 Thurs 10th visit Eskbank House at Lithgow 16.11.14 –Orange Sun 17th Shannons Eastern Creek Sat/Sun 23rd & 24th Nepean Dinner Cruise & All British Day Kings School Parramatta Thurs 9th Sun 7th Cootamundra Swap meet 12th 14th MMGCC Gathering of Faithful Wagga Sat/Sun 13th 14th Rydal Daffodil Festival Sun 21st Trip to Dubbo local attractions Sat/Sun 27th 18th Wakefield HSRCA Meet Sun 28th Narromine Show & Shine Sun 5th Forbes Motor Show Sat 11th Shannons take your top off Canberra Sat/Sun 11th 12th Bathurst 1000 V8 Supercars Sun 19th Parkes Swap meet & Show Sun 19th Mountain Cruisers Show Lithgow 24th-26th Motor Classica Melbourne Sun 9th Gulgong Swap Meet & Show Sat/Sun 8th 9th Surf to Summit Cooma Area 9th- 14th ASCC Spring Tour Sun 16th Bathurst Swap meet & Show Sat/Sun 29th 30th Eastern Creek HRSCA Historic Meet Terribly British Day ASCC Christmas Party Abercrombie Caves Thurs 13th Thurs 12th 11.1.15 - AGM Orange 18.1.15 -Bathurst Weekend Run Sat/Sun 7th 8th Wombat Swap Meet Sun 8th Grenfell Car Show Sat/Sun 10th 11th Wakefield GEAR Meeting Sun 15th Movies at Manildra Sun 15th Gosford Swap meeting Sun 22nd Combined run with ODAMC Sun 6th Brass Monkey Run Mudgee Sat/Sun 12th 13th Wakfield V8 Supercars Thurs 14th Lunch at a hotel in Molong Thurs 10th Dec 2014 Jan 2015 Mid-week Meander Thurs 12th Lunch at Cowra Thurs 8th 26th Australia Day ASCC CLUB EVENTS All ASCC Club activities (shown with a “smiley” at the end of the line) and other activities of interest organised by other clubs, are shown on this ASCC Activities Calendar that has been included in the newsletter. This page or a Permission to Move from the Club Registrar should be carried in vehicles on Conditional Registration Plates as proof of an approved activity for the purposes of their plates use, should they be stopped by Police ASCC News 11 6361 1699 65 SUMMER STREET ORANGE 2424 Hrs 0429 311 1013 77DAYS HRS 0429311013 DAYS DON’T FORGET TO SUPPORT THESE SPONSORS THAT SUPPORT YOUR CLUB ASCC News 12
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It is suggested that members meet at the junction of the Mitchell hwy and the Millthorpe road at East Guyong road at 5.30 pm