Assessment of UV Excilamps for Wound Sterilization - Columbia
Assessment of UV Excilamps for Wound Sterilization - Columbia
Assessment of UV Excilamps for Wound Sterilization Hamin Jeon Emory University Mentors: Alan Bigelow and Gerhard Randers-Pehrson Radiological Research Accelerator Facility (RARAF) Summer of 2011 The Outline Background information (why excilamps?) The spectra of KrBr and KrCl excilamps The filter selection process Light attenuation through different media Cell inactivation with unfiltered KrCl excilamp The Outline Background information (why excilamps?) The spectra of KrBr and KrCl excilamps The filter selection process Light attenuation through different media Cell inactivation with unfiltered KrCl excilamp Surgical Site Infections A major cause of illness Among about 27 million surgical procedures, the infections number around 500,000 per year (˜2%) Sources are: airborne bacteria, contaminated operating room surfaces, contaminated instruments, organisms from a surgical team in an operating room Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation is proven to be effective for preventing infections Low-Pressure Mercury Lamps vs. Excilamps Mercury lamps Typically used for UV irradiation procedures Emit UV light in a wide range of wavelengths: UVA (320 to 400 nm), UVB (290 to 320 nm), UVC (220 to 290 nm), etc UVA: can cause sunburn on human skin and cataracts in eyes UVB: can cause damage to DNA Need UV protective gear: expensive, cumbersome Excilamps UV produced from an excited molecule complex Emit UV light of single primary peak wavelength KrBr (206nm) KrCl (222nm) High Wavelength vs. Low Wavelength UV light of higher wavelengths are more penetrating than that of lower wavelengths A bacterial cell diameter: normally less than 1µm A human cell diameter: between 10 to 30 µm So, Why KrBr and KrCl Excilamps? Emit UV light of low wavelength High enough wavelength to kill bacteria, but low enough wavelength to not damage human cells Possibly much safer to use excilamps than to use mercury lamps, but also as effective The Outline Background information (why excilamps?) The spectra of KrBr and KrCl excilamps The filter selection process Light attenuation through different media Cell inactivation with unfiltered KrCl excilamp KrBr and KrCl Spectra from the Manufacturer’s Manual The spectrum of KrBr excilamp The spectrum of KrCl excilamp Ozone Production Can smell ozone when the excilamps are turned on Ozone is produced the most around 184 nm Emission of light of below 200nm wavelength? A Spectrometer & a Nitrogen Purge Use the spectrometer specifically ordered to: detect any signal below 200nm and verify the spectra of KrBr and KrCl excilamps Light of wavelengths below 200nm may get absorbed by moisture or oxygen in air A nitrogen purge may be applied to get a better signal below 200nm KrBr and KrCl Excilamps Spectra Without a Nitrogen Purge and with Optical Fiber The spectrum of KrBr excilamp Oh, no…. The spectrum of KrCl excilamp KrBr Excilamp Spectrum Without Fiber Optics but with a Nitrogen Purge “Zoomed-in” KrBr and KrCl Excilamps Spectra The spectrum of KrBr excilamp The spectrum of KrCl excilamp Summary of Problems & Possible Solutions Problems: KrBr excilamp spectrum obtained with the spectrometer different from the one from the manufacturer Insignificant signal below 200nm Possible solutions Communications with the excilamp and spectrometer manufacturers Using a calibration mercury lamp (THE TIEBREAKER!) KrBr and KrCl Excilamps’ Power Density Measurement for Different Distances The Outline Background information (why excilamps?) The spectra of KrBr and KrCl excilamps The filter selection process Light attenuation through different media Cell inactivation with unfiltered KrCl excilamp Short- and Long-Pass Filters vs. a Bandpass Filter Filters from Omega Optical, Inc. For KrBr A combination of short-pass (210 SP) and long-pass (218DCLP) filters vs. bandpass (206NB6) filter For KrCl A combination of short-pass (220AF10) and long-pass (233DCLP) filters vs. bandpass (222NB7) filter KrBr, A Combination of 210 SP and 218DCLP Filters vs. 206NB6 Filter 210 SP and 218 DCLP, transmittance vs. wavelength 206 NB6, transmittance vs. wavelength 16 25 14 20 Transmittance (%) Transmitance (%) 12 10 8 6 15 10 4 5 2 0 0 150 170 190 210 230 250 Wavelength (nm) 270 290 310 170 180 190 200 210 220 Wavelength (nm) 230 240 250 KrCl, A Combination of 220AF10 and 233DCLP Filters vs. 222NB7 Filter 222NB7, transmittance vs. wavelength 30 30 25 25 20 20 Transmittance (%) Transmittance (%) 220AF10 and 233DCLP, transmittance vs. wavelength 15 10 5 15 10 5 0 0 200 220 240 260 Wavelength (nm) 280 300 200 210 220 230 Wavelength (nm) 240 250 208NB6 & 224NB7 Bandpass Filters Chose the dish diameter of 3cm and the distance between the lamp and the dish as 4cm Maximum angle of incidence (AOI) of about 20 degrees The performance varies at different AOI Peak wavelengths with a half cone 20 degrees AOI are around 203.6nm and 219.6nm Requested filters that transmit light of 2nm higher peak wavelengths at normal incidence Intensity [AU] Intensity [AU] Expected Performance YAY! YAY! Quartz Dish Quartz coverslip No fluorescence, low absorption (˜6% attenuation) Quartz dish inner diameter: 12.51mm inner area: 1.229 cm2 height of the dish: 18.76 mm inner volume of the dish: 2.306 cm3 0.2 ml of volume increment used The Outline Background information (why excilamps?) The spectra of KrBr and KrCl excilamps The filter selection process Light attenuation through different media Cell inactivation with unfiltered KrCl excilamp The Experimental Setup Light Attenuation Through Distilled Water Light Attenuation Through Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) Light Attenuation Through Small Airway Basal Medium (SABM) The Outline Background information (why excilamps?) The spectra of KrBr and KrCl excilamps The filter selection process Light attenuation through different media Cell inactivation with unfiltered KrCl excilamp Irradiation and Incubation Total of 7 cell dishes irradiated for 0 s (two dishes), 2 s, 5 s, 15 s, 30 s, 60 s, but placed under the excilamp for total of 60s Cells were not placed in SABM during irradiation After the irradiation, put in an incubator for two days The Experimental Setup Hemocytometry (Initial Assay Attempt) After incubation, trypsin and trypan blue dye applied to one 0 s dish and 60 s dish Dead cells: fully stained Cell counting with hemocytometer: # of fully stained cells vs. # of unstained cells 0s cells: no fully stained cells, cells were alive 60s cells: did not detach from the dish, which was not good Microscopy (Final Assay) Cell fixing with methanol Observation of cell morphology after irradiation Hoffman modulation contrast imaging: enhances the contrast in unstained biological specimen by varying light intensity DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole): Fluorescent stain that binds to DNAs, allows for nuclei detection Images of Cells Obtained by Using Hoffman Modulation Contrast Imaging Cells irradiated for 0 s Cells irradiated for 2 s Cells irradiated for 15 s Cells irradiated for 5 s Cells irradiated for 30 s Images of Cells Obtained by Using Fluorescence Microscopy with DAPI Stain Cells irradiated for 0 s Cells irradiated for 2 s Cells irradiated for 15 s Cells irradiated for 5 s Cells irradiated for 30 s Analysis of the Images Round and small structures indicate compact cell nuclei which might be related to cell death Ruptured cell nuclei also might be related to cell death Without using a filter, the excilamp could kill the cells Need the filter, with which we could kill bacteria but not damage human cell deaths Acknowledgements Alan W. Bigelow: for overseeing and supporting the progresses I have made Gerhard Randers-Pehrson: for providing extensive advice in any physical analysis Charles R. Geard: for overseeing and supporting any biological setups and procedures Brian Ponnaiya: for helping any biological assessments Bo Zhang: for preparing cells for us Stephen Marino: the RARAF manager John Parsons: for providing me with the opportunity to work at Nevis Lab this Summer! References 1. "DAPI Nuclear Counterstain." 2. Nichols, Ronald L. "Preventing Surgical Site Infections: A Surgeon's Perspective." March 05, 2009. eid/vol7no2/nichols.htm 3. Fitzwater, Janet. "Bacteriological Effect of Ultraviolet Light on a Surgical Instrument Table.” Public Health Rep. 76. 2 (1961), 97, PMC1929616/ 4. Zeman, Gary. "Ultraviolet Radiation." July 06, 2011. 5. Allen, Jeannie. "Ultraviolet Radiation: How It Affects Life on Earth." September 6, 2001. Features/UVB/ 6. "bacteria." March 15, 2008. 7. Machalek, Alisa Z. 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"Infected wound model development of an in vitro biomaterialprotected wound infection model to study microbial activity and antimicrobial treatment through microdialysis.” Adv Skin Wound Care 23. 8 (2010), 358-64, Backup slides 206NB6 Spectral Calculation 222NB7 Spectral Calculation Future Objectives To obtain the expected filtered spectra from both KrBr and KrCl excilamps To design a safer UV box with enclosed front Tests with in-vitro 3-D human skin system, in-vitro wound infection model and in-vivo nude mouse model Clinical trials