See program.


See program.
Nord-Trøndelag fylkeskommune
Levanger kommune
Links to more information:
Questions? Contact Jorunn Lilleslett.
Tel: 74 11 60 54
E-mail: or
Welcome to
the Mid-Nordic
cultural days,
September 22nd–
25th 2016
1. Levanger bibliotek, Jernbanegata 16, 7600 Levanger
2. Thon Hotel Backlund, Kirkegata 41, 7600 Levanger
3. Kafè Verden, Sjøgata 19, 7600 Levanger
4. Levanger videregående skole, Kirkegata 1, 7600 Levanger
5. Nord Universitet, Campus Levanger, Høgskolevegen 27
6. Levanger ungdomsskole, Høgskolevegen 3
Stiftelsen Falstadsenteret, Falstadvegen 59, 7624 Ekne
—about 20 min by bus/car
We do reserve the right to change the program.
September 22.nd—25. th 2016 - Mid-Nordic cultural days: Intercultural dialogue
22.—25. september 2016. MidtNordiske kulturdager: Interkulturell dialog
Thursday September 22.nd:
Kl. 16:30-18:00: Cafè Verden—dinner
Continue September 23.rd:
Kl. 16:45-18:15: How can art and own creativity help the
(Dampskipsbrygga v/Sjøparken)
intercultural dialoge and integration? Lecture (30 minutes)
and workshop (1 our). Arteducator Lotten Wallenhed
(english speaker, swedish text)
Kl. 17:45-18:00: Kveldskoret (the eveningcoir). Samme sted
Kl. 18:00-19:00: Exhibition «Freedom of expression
and comics today» . Free entrance og open exhibition
(Levanger library)
Friday September 23.rd:
Kl. 10:00-17:00: Exhibition «Freedom of expression
and comics today» . Free entrance og open exhibition
(Levanger library)
Kl. 11:00: Departure Thon Hotel Backlund to Falstadsenteret. Excursion Falstadsenteret – national centre
for the education and documentation of the history of
imprisonment in the Second World War, humanitarian
international law and human rights. Focus on intercultural dialoge
Kl. 11.30: Welcome – District adminitrator May Britt
Lagesen. Music-Sissel Vera Pettersen. Coffee/tea and
sandwiches. Guiding (english/norwegian guiding)
Kl. 13:30: Departure Sæther gård
Kl. 14:00-14:45: Lunch Sæther gård
Kl. 15:00: Departure Levanger ungdomsskole
Kl. 15:15: Opening of the Mid-Nordic culturedays –
District administrator May Britt Lagesen.
Kl. 15:30-16:30: «Could cultural activities help to re-
duce social inequalities?” Steinar Krogstad, Professor
MD, PhD. Director, HUNT Research Centre, NTNU. Consultant in Psychiatry, Levanger Hospital, NordTrøndelag Health Trust. And Odd Håpnes, general manager of the National Centre for Culture and Health.
(norwegian speaker, english text)
Kl. 18:15-19.00: Intercultural dialoge Levangeroktetten,
Mamon (Icornwriter) and Tomas (lutenist)
Kl. 19:00-20:00: Pause
Kl. 20:00-21:30: Dinner. Thon Hotel Backlund
Saturday September
Parallel sessions, Levanger ungdomsskole
Kl. 09:00-09:30: Frode
Fjellheim—saemien music
Kl. 09:30-10:15: “A
sampling of current activities bridging cultures
in Ostrobothnia”
Regional artist /
Specialist, Arts Promotion Centre Finland
Jimmy Pulli & Pia Mouazan (swedish speakers/
english text)
Kl. 10:15-10:45: Project
”Craft as young
integration” - Annso
Grahn, County handicraft, County Museum
of Västernorrland
(swedish speaker, english text)
Kl. 09:00-09:30: «To dedicate his life for freedom of
expression». Icornwriter
Mammon. The escape from
Syria (norwegian speaker,
english subtitles)
Kl. 09:30-10:15:
«Interculture dialoge in
swedish Museum» Sara
Grut, NCK (Nordic center
for heritage, Jämtland
(swedish speaker, english
Kl. 10:15-10:45: «Cultural
diversity in Jacobstad - An
aspiring writer and artist
cityProject Manager Lisen
Sundqvist (Österbotten)
(swedish speaker, englishtext)
Kl. 10:00-13:00: Exhibition
«Freedom of expression and comics today» . Free entrance og open exhibition (Levanger library)
Continue Saturday September 24th:
The Childrens World-days: kl. 11:00-15:30. Nord
universitet, Campus Levanger
Kl. 11:00: Openingconsert
Kl. 11:30-13:00: 15 workshops for children
Kl. 11:30-13:00: Mid-Nordic Committee meeting
held. Only invited guests.
Kl. 13:00-14:00: Lunch
Kl. 14:00– 15:00: «Behind the wall» consert with
Trio Namsos, Nord universitet, Nordlåna
Kl. 15:00-17:30: Pause
Kl. 18:00-20:00: Dinner & awarding ceremony of
the cultural prizes—mayor Mid-Nordic Commitee
Margareta Winberg, Levanger videregående skole.
Swedish/english speaker
Kl. 20:30-22:00: NCO Nordic Caribian Orchestra.
Open consert. Tickets
Sunday September
Kl. 10:00-12:00: Citywalking Levanger—Cittaslow.
Local cityguides (norwegian/finnish interpreter).
Thon Hotel Backlund
Kl. 12:00-13:00: Lunch—closing remarks/Mid Nordic Culture Group, Thon Hotel Backlund
(norwegian/finnish (norwegian/finnish interpreter)
Thank you for this time!
Nord-Trøndelag fylkeskommune
Tel: 74 11 60 54
E-mail: or