Pages 33-64 - Midwest Stud Ram Sale


Pages 33-64 - Midwest Stud Ram Sale
LOCATION: Missouri State Fairgrounds, Sedalia, Missouri. Sedalia is located on
US 65 and US 50, 18 miles south of Interstate 70. The fairgrounds is bounded
on the east by US 65 (Limit Ave); on the north by 16th St; and on the west by
Clarendon Rd. North of 16th St, Clarendon Rd is called Thompson Blvd. For UPS
or Fed-Ex purposes only, the physical address of the fairgrounds is 2503 W 16th
St, Sedalia, MO 65301.
Sheep will be penned, shown and sold in both the Sheep Barn and Swine Pavilion
with easy access from Clarendon Rd.
ACCOMMODATIONS: Sedalia Chamber of Commerce maintains for lodging information. For other lodging options, click
on “linked here” at
AIRPORT: Sedalia is located about 2 ½ hours from Kansas City International Airport served by most major airlines.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Sale is managed by Heartland Livestock Services, LLC.
Contact them at or through the Midwest Stud
Ram Sale Facebook page. You can also contact Curt Overcash, Managing Partner
815/210-7000 or Bret Oelke, Public Relations 320/986-2877. Paperwork needed during the sale can be scanned and emailed to midweststudramsale@gmail.
com or can be faxed to 888/371-3363.
During the week of the sale, use contact numbers on page 1 of this catalog to reach
any of the Midwest Sale staff. Contact can still also be made by email or Facebook.
EMERGENCY CONTACT DURING SALE: Emergency calls will be handled by the
following: 660/ 827-8159 (State Fair, Daytime) and 606/530-5612 (State Fair,
Evenings) or the Midwest Sale Staff (see page 1 for numbers). Every attempt will
be made to get messages to consignors and buyers.
SHOW AND SALE TIMES: The first show or sale each day will have a designated
start time. Breeds will sell in the order listed on that day’s schedule with only a
5 minute break between breeds. Typically, it takes approximately one minute to
sell each lot.
ONLINE VIEWING OF SHOWS & SALES: All shows and sales will be live streamed
on You will need to set up an account on the site to view the live
stream. You can also register to purchase animals during the sales.
REGISTRATION PAPERS: If consigning registered animals, please make sure to
have your registration papers for entries for Check-in. If registration papers are
not provided prior to sale, NEW - fee of $10.00 per registration will be billed or
deducted and your consignor check will be held until papers are provided. All
sheep in classes requiring registration papers will be transferred to purchasers at
consignor’s expense (Classes not requiring registration papers are: Crossbred,
Natural Colored, & Speckle-faced Wether Sires & Dams and Club lambs).
TERMS: Cash, check, or credit card payment on Sale Day. A convenience fee
will be charged for credit card payment. Non-US buyers must pay in US funds.
A 10% surcharge will be assessed to any insufficient funds checks issued. The
auctioneer’s decision will be final on any dispute as to bids. Substitute entries will
be designated with a bar under the lot numbers. All animals are at purchasers
risk as soon as sold.
MAIL BIDS: Those buyers unable to attend the sale who wish to buy sheep by
“mail bid” or “phone bid” may do so by contacting the person of their choice
associated with the sale. Among those able to assist in this regard are ringmen,
auctioneers, consignors, and some Midwest Sale staff (see staff pages and listings for phone numbers). Please contact them in advance of the sale, or early
enough during the sale that they can assist with your bid in a timely manner.
SPECIAL HEALTH REQUESTS: All animals consigned to this show and sale must
be accompanied by an official health certificate with the following information
written on the certificate:
1) The sheep and flock of origin were examined 30 days prior to movement and
found to be free of contagious or infectious diseases and exposures thereto.
2) Breeding males were individually examined and found free of gross lesions
or ram epididymitis. All yearling and fall-born rams must have a negative B-Ovis
Elisa test of ram epididymitis.
HAULING OR DELIVERY: Standard hauling and delivery services of animals purchased in the sale can be made to most anywhere in the country. Each hauler will
set their own fee with the animal purchaser. Sale management can assist in this
regard if contacted in a timely manner.
1) Every male and female sold will be guaranteed as a breeder if properly handled. It shall be the responsibility of the buyer to return a non-breeder to the
seller in acceptable breeding condition. The seller, after a fair trial and the animal
is found to be a non-breeder, shall have the privilege of replacing the male or
female with one of equal value to the satisfaction of the buyer and seller, or
refunding the purchase price. This guarantee shall not apply to any animals that
are shown subsequent to the date of the sale, for the year shown.
2) Notification of non-breeder males must be made to the seller prior to January
1st following the sale. Notification of non-breeder females must be made to the
seller prior to April 1st following the sale.
3) Any animals that drop their lamb teeth prior to 12 months of age as determined by their registration papers, shall be replaced with an animal of equal
quality to the satisfaction of the buyer and seller within a reasonable amount of
time, or the consignor shall refund the purchase price of the animal promptly
with all fees and percentages levied against such animal retained by the sale. It
shall be the responsibility of the buyer to notify the consignor, and then the sale
manager, if such a problem occurs. Any consignor failing to comply with this rule
shall automatically be barred from consigning any animals to the following sale.
4) Neither the sale managers nor the sponsoring organization can or will assume
any responsibility as to the authenticity of the pedigrees or bloodline information provided in the sale catalog, on pen cards, or otherwise, and the subsequent
genetic performance of any animals purchased. All such information must be
accepted at face value. Any special guarantees or claims offered by individual
consignors is strictly between the consignor and buyer, and will not be enforced
by the sale management or the sponsoring organization.
5) This guarantee shall constitute a contract between the buyer and the seller
only, and no other parties assume any liability, legal or otherwise, expressed or
US BUYERS: Your local or state veterinarian should be able to update you concerning any special regulations concerning the health requirements for animals
entering your state. The sale veterinarian will prepare standard, interstate health papers for transportation between states, but it is the buyer’s responsibility to
be cognizant of and adhere to the entrance requirements for his own state. While entry permits can be obtained from you state office from while in Sedalia, this
can often be done prior to your arrival at the sale.
CANADIAN BUYERS: Please contact a federal veterinarian for a detailed list of requirements for importation of sheep into Canada. You will need to be familiar
with the health requirements for entry of animals purchased through public auction. Canadian buyers will have to make arrangements to have any animals
purchased tested for Blue Tongue and Brucella Ovis. Cost for federal health papers, any tests beyond the normal sale tests and shipping arrangements will be at
the buyers expense. Sale management can provide assistance with these test and shipping arrangements.
MEXICAN BUYERS: Please contact a federal veterinarian for a detailed list of requirements for importation of sheep into Mexico. You will need to be familiar
with the health requirements for entry of animals purchased through public auction. Cost for federal health papers, any tests beyond the normal sale tests and
shipping arrangements will be at the buyers expense. Sale management can provide assistance with these test and shipping arrangements.
TRANSIT ANIMALS: Animals not consigned in the Midwest Sale are not allowed to be housed in the Sheep and Swine barns. Instead, they are considered transit animals and
should be held in the horse barn stalls. Stalls for transit animals will now be accounted for by Midwest Sale staff. All stalls will be locked prior to sale week and can then be rented
by consignors/non-consignors through sale staff in the FFA Building. Stall rent will cost $5.00 per pen per day for consignors, and $15 per pen per day for non-consignors. All rentals
must be paid up front and will pay rent through Sunday following the sale. We will require renter name, address, phone number, number of sheep penned, and a brief description of
animals upon pen rental. If renter chooses to empty the pen prior to Sunday, they may return to the FFA Building for a refund of days not used, allowing the pen to again be locked by
sale staff. Refunds will be allowed for the day staff is informed of the empty pen through Sunday. Renters wishing to lock their transit pens will be required to furnish their own locks
for this purpose. Otherwise transit animals are to be held in personal trailers, at no responsibility to the Midwest Sale or its staff. ALL TRANSIT ANIMALS MUST ALSO HAVE HEALTH
PAPERS available for inspection in accordance with Missouri health standards and rules and federal law. Please put transit animals on separate health papers from sale entries.
--- Page 33 ---
25- Yearling Ewe
Consigned By
Henry & Becky Shultz
6219 Audrain Rd 125 - Centralia, MO 65240
(573) 682-7127
18- Fall Ram Lamb
Champion Katahdin Ram, 1st Yearling from Dosch's
TMD Katahdins sold to Maryland at $2,900.
Consigned By
Clifford Spraberry
20969 FM 2755 - Royce City, TX 75189
(469) 576-7620
11- January Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
12- February Ram Lamb
13- February Ram Lamb
14- January Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
15- February Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
16- March Ewe Lamb
Consigned By
c/o Sarah Gehring
6219 Audrain Rd 125 - Centralia, MO 65240
(573) 819-0806
17- February Ram Lamb
CAG 004 RR
B: 2/5/2016
S: SHU 3586 Pistol 113593
D: SHU 3611 Misty 104720
Cooper had Reserve Champion Ewe on Misty
at Kennedy Family Show at Louisville 2014.
Pistol was first February Ram Lamb at 2015
National Show.
SHU 3729 RR 120990
B: 9/18/2015 Single
S: SHU 3485 96773
D: SHU 674 064782
Pictures will be on our website after June 1st.
19- Fall Ram Lamb
SHU 3715 RR 120998
B: 9/5/2015 Twin
S: SHU 3485 96773
D: SPL 11-126 88311
A full brother to Sparkle, the 2014 and 2015 National Champion Ewe.
20- January Ram Lamb
SHU 3629 RR
B: 1/24/2016 Single
S: SHU 3586 Pistol 113593
D: SHU 3648 112109
Pistol was first February Ram Lamb at 2015 National Show. Dam is from our best mother line.
60-day adj wt. 66 lbs.
21- January Ram Lamb
SHU 3754 RR
B: 1/27/2016 Single
S: RGA 610 Rebel 107143
D: SHU 3380 96762
Rebel has sired Champion Ram and Reserve Junior Champion at 2015 National Show. 60 day
adj. wt. 61 lbs.
22- February Ram Lamb
SHU 3776 RR
B: 2/11/2016 Twin
S: RGA 610 Rebel 107143
D: SHU 3636 104726
60-day adj. wt. 80 lb.
23- February Ram Lamb
SHU 3867
B: 2/1/2016 Twin
S: SHU 3476 Vision 107093
D: SHU 2134 81387
Vision is Resch ram at National Show in 2014.
60-day adj. wt. 64 lb.
24- March Ram Lamb
SHU 3829 RR
B: 3/1/2016 Triplet
S: RGA 610 Rebel 107143
D: SHU 3663 112116
Refer to our ad in the Midwest catalog for full
details of our entries.
--- Page 34 ---
SHU 3674 RR
B: 1/26/2015
S: Shu 3485 96773
D: Shy 3521 96763
Both of our yearling ewe entries were in our
2015 show flock.
26- Yearling Ewe
SHU 3675 RR B: 1/27/2015 Single
S: SHU 3485 96773
D: SHU 3526 96767
SHU 3716 RR 27- Fall Ewe Lamb
B: 9/5/2015 Twin
S: SHU 3485 96773
D: SPL 11-126 88311
Twin to our Fall Ram Lamb entry. This is the
only ewe we have sold out of this ewe family.
28- Fall Ewe Lamb
SHU 3710 QR B: 9/4/2015
S: SHU 3485 96773
D: LU 09-096 063725
SHU 3712 RR 29- Fall Ewe Lamb
B: 9/4/2015 Twin
S: SHU 3485 96773
D: SHU 3331 87714
SHU 3713 RR 30- Fall Ewe Lamb
B: 9/4/2015 Twin
S: SHU 3485 96773
D: SHU 3331 87714
SHU 3861 QR
31- January Ewe Lamb
B: 1/26/2016 Triplet
S: SHU 3476 Vision 107093
D: SHU 3511 986758
60-day adj. wt. 70 lb.
32- January Ewe Lamb
SHU 3755 QR
B: 1/27/2016 Twin
S: RGA 610 Rebel 107143
D: SHU 3380 96762
60-day adj. wt. 69 lb.
33- February Ewe Lamb
SHU 3865 QR
S: SHU 3476 Vision 107093
D: SHU 3526 96767
60-day adj. wt. 80 lb.
34- February Ewe Lamb
SHU 3771
S: RGA 610 Rebel 107143
D: SHU 3377 96741
60-day adj. wt. 68 lb.
35- March Ewe Lamb
SHU 3828
S: RGA 610 Rebel 107143
D: SHU 3663 112116
Consigned By
Todd Bauer
3020 Hwy 56 - Windom, KS 67491
(620) 245-1884
36- Yearling Ram
TRB 318 RR
B: 5/1/2015 Triplet
S: POY 44 75004
D: BAG 2385 107046
This ram lamb is on the younger side of the
yearlings, 13 months old. Very correct top to bottom. He is a beautiful Katahdin. His sire was the
Champion at the 2011 Midwest Stud Ram Sale.
37- January Ram Lamb
TRB 398 RR
B: 1/3/2016 Twin
S: Diesel BAB 1725 88866
D: POY 81 80543
My pick from day one. He is the biggest and
most correct January ram lamb I have ever
raised. Stop by our pens and check him out
for yourself. His twin brother is just as nice, he
will be showing and selling also. His dam was
1st in her class in the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram
Sale and his sire is the all-time great Diesel the
Champion Ram at the 2012 Midwest Sale.
38- January Ram Lamb
TRB 399 RR
B: 1/3/2016 Twin
S: Diesel BAG 1725 88866
D: POY 81 80543
This ram lamb is awesome. He will make
someone a ram to be proud of. He is a meat
sheep. Very correct. He and his twin brother are two of the nicest January ram lambs I
have ever raised. His dam was 1st in class at
the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram Sale and his sire
Diesel was the Champion Ram in the 2012
Midwest Stud Ram Sale.
39- February Ram Lamb
TRB 396 RR
B: 2/11/2016 Twin
S: Millionaire TMD 1379 97325
D: BAG 2341 107040
This young ram is awesome. His dam is one
of my top ewes on the ranch. For a February
lamb you will be impressed. Cannot wait to
see him as a yearling. His sire is Millionaire
the high selling Ram at the 2014 Expo Sale.
Millionaire is a tremendous ram, he makes
meat sheep that can win the ring.
40- February Ram Lamb
45- February Ewe Lamb
B: 2/20/2016 Triplet
S: Millionaire TMD 1379 97325
D: TRB 214 104014
This young man is going to make someone a
nice honest ram to be proud of. His dam was
my best ewe lamb in 2014. His sire Millionaire
was the high selling Ram at 2014 Expo Sale.
His grandsire is Diesel the Champion Ram at
the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram Sale.
TRB 340 RR
41- February Ram Lamb
TRB 343 RR
B: 2/21/2016 Triplet
S: Millionaire TMD 1379 97325
D: BAG 2383 107044
Another super ram lamb. He keeps getting better every day I see him. His dam has done great
things at our ranch. His sire Millionaire was the
high selling Ram at the 2014 Expo sale.
42- Fall Ewe Lamb
TRB 257 RR
B: 12/10/2015 Twin
S: Diesel BAG 1725 88866
D: BAG 2156 107034
This girl is a beautiful ewe lamb. Her dam is
one of my best ewes on the ranch and has
made some super lambs. This lamb is very
fancy and correct in all ways. Stop by our pens
and check her out. Her sire Diesel was the
Champion Ram at the 2012 Midwest Sale.
43- Fall Ewe Lamb
TRB 320
B: 10/29/2015 Triplet
S: Diesel BAG1725 88866
D: BAG2190 107032
This lamb is the best fall ewe lamb I think
I have ever raised. Her dam is the best-producing ewe I have. Her full brother was our
high-selling fall ram at the 2015 Midwest Stud
Ram Sale. Her sire was the Champion Ram at
the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram Sale. If you want
to see a beautiful ewe, stop by our pens and
check her out. If you know where I can find
better, let me know and I will buy them. These
are the ones that make doing chores fun.
44- Fall Ewe Lamb
TRB 326 RR
B: 11/20/2015 Triplet
S: Diesel BAG 1725 88866
D: BAG 2167 107037
Another super ewe lamb. She is everything
you need in a ewe to produce some great Katahdins. Very correct in all ways. All our sheep
have super hair coats. They stand on their feet
like they are supposed to. Her dam is one of
my best and her sire was the Champion Ram
at the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram Sale.
--- Page 35 ---
TRB 335 RR
B: 2/1/2016 Twin
S: Millionaire TMD 1379 97325
D: TRB 202 104008
This girl is beautiful. Very fancy. She is one of
the best bred Katahdins in the country. Her
dam is a super stud ewe. Her sire was the
high selling ram at the 2014 Expo Sale. Her
grandsire was the Champion Ram at the 2012
Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Her grand dam is the
dam of TRB 398 and TRB 399 which we are
also selling. Check them out and you will see a
pattern here anyone would want in their flock.
Her grand sire was the Champion Ram at the
2011 Midwest Sale.
46- February Ewe Lamb
TRB 349 RR
B: 2/10/2016 Twin
S: Diesel BAG 1725 88866
D: VJ 1055 83258
Here is a lamb that I believe will grow into a stud
ewe. Her Dam was a super stud ewe at buckeye
Acres for many years and produced Ron some
great sheep. Her Sire was the Champion Ram
at the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram Sale.
47- February Ewe Lamb
TRB 350 RR
B: 3/21/2016 Triplet
S: Millionaire TMD 1379 97325
D: BAG 2383 107044
Here is an all-around nice ewe lamb. She is one
of those sheep that look better and better every
time I see her. Her twin brother TRB 343 is also
selling. Stop by our pens and see what kind of
job their mother did for her second time. Her sire
was the high selling Ram at the 2014 Expo Sale.
48- March Ewe Lamb
TRB 342 RR
B: 3/3/2016 Triplet
S: Millionaire TMD 1379 97325
D: JAG 256 106309
This is another nice ewe lamb. She again is one
those sheep I like more and more every time I
see her. She is a fancy lamb that should do well
any direction you take her. Her sire was the
high-selling ram at the 2014 Expo Sale.
Sale Reminders and Information
Check out Page 72
Consigned By
Irma & Jay Greenstone
2472 McClures Chapel Rd - Rose Hill, VA 24281
(276) 346-7235 (276) 229-3666
Consigned By
James Proffitt
38208 Brady Ck Rd - Richmond, MO 64085
(816) 225-6032
49- February Ram Lamb
PLF 637 121577
B: 2/18/2016 Twin
S: DOC P1429 106121
D: PLF 2297 109552
Pipestone 1429 was our pick of the yearlings
at the Stud Ram Sale. He has added growth
and thickness to his lambs. Dam is a top
daughter of the Dosch ram that won at Missouri State Fair.
50- February Ewe Lamb
Consigned By
Virginia Street
11610 N 151 St W - Sedgwick, KS 67135
(316) 651-6725 (316) 796-0659
51- Yearling Ram
MDW 1501 UNO RR/AA 114225
B: 5/4/2015 Single
S: KRK 2103 88961
D: HLB 2443 80760
UNO was the fastest growing ram at our farm
in 2015. At 65 days weight 87.8 lbs; at 132 days
weight 143.6 lbs. Average gain per week 6.89 lbs.
63- Yearling Ram
Information Sale Day
B: 3/7/2015 Single
S: Aspen Spirit Bear MT 60-0035 108711
D: LLL 810 066712
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Aspen Dream Catcher
MT 60-0063 RR 118302
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
53- Fall Ram Lamb
54- Fall Ram Lamb
55- January Ram Lamb
56- Fall Ewe Lamb
57- Fall Ewe Lamb
58- Fall Ewe Lamb
59- January Ewe Lamb
Aspen Reign Beau
MT 60-0079 RR 118304
64- Yearling Ram
B: 3/18/2015 Twin
S: COR 09-68 062004
D: LLL 721 056307
Full brother to our co-high-selling yearling ram at
this sale in 2015.
65- Yearling Ram
Aspen Knight
MT 60-0077 Aspen Magesty
MT 60-0075 RR 118305
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
66- Yearling Ram
Information Sale Day
60- January Ewe Lamb
61- February Ewe Lamb
Consigned By
Mark Dennis
9706 Lake Peigneur Rd - New Iberia, LA 70560
(337) 967-0422
62- Yearling Ram
MCD Meat/COR 15-38 RR
Insight 113200
B: 4/7/2015 Twin
S: MCD Meat/COR 14-44 Concept 105355
D: COR 13-35 95819
Great grandson of MCD Deep South Meat Maker COR 11-22 (377 lbs) Super Katahdin breeding
ram, ready for work, proven genetic potential for
meat and milk (not shown) weight at 12 mo. 207
lbs. Coat grade A, semen tested. MCD New-Generation bloodlines top & bottom, heavy-boned,
long & growth, lots of muscle. All vaccinations
and health record history provided.
B: 3/17/2015 Twin
S: COR 09-68 062004
D: ADS 0021 054017
PLF 662 121585
B: 2/20/2016 Twin
S: DOC P1429 106121
D: PLF 366 98593
Same sire as our February ram lamb entry. Out
of a top ewe that was sired by the Load Wagon
son that we sold to Steve Landreth.
Aileen Scott
2462 Telegraph Gulch Rd - Butte, MT 59701
(406) 782-9357
Facebook Aspen Mountain Katahdins
Information Sale Day
52- Yearling Ram
Reserve Champion Katahdin Ram, 1st January from
Julian & Moore Sheep Co. sold to Virginia at $900.
Consigned By
B: 4/3/2015 Twin
S: Aspen Monarch MT60-0045 112338
D: LLL 622 052675
Sire was co-high-selling ram at this sale in 2015.
67- Yearling Ewe
MT 60-0076 B: 3/17/2015 Twin
S: COR 09-68 062004
D: ADS 0021 054017
MT 60-0078 68- Yearling Ewe
B: 3/6/2015 Single
S: COR 09-68 062004
D: ADS 0086 77928
MT 60-0074 69- Yearling Ewe
B: 4/3/2015 Twin
S: Aspen Monarch MT60-0045 112338
D: LLL 622 052675
Sale Reminders and Information
Check out Page 72
--- Page 36 ---
Consigned By
Ed & Cindy DeOrnellis
301 Luzon Ln - Bonnots Mill, MO 65016
(573) 291-0591 (573) 897-2479
70- February Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
71- February Ewe Lamb
Consigned By
Matthew Craig
45565 40th St - Paw Paw, MI 49079
(269) 599-3719
72- January Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
73- February Ram Lamb
74- March Ram Lamb
75- January Ewe Lamb
76- January Ewe Lamb
77- February Ewe Lamb
Consigned By
Justin Fruechte
2344 30th Ave - Ward, SD 57026
(605) 690-3309
78- Yearling Ram
STU C40 RR 120137
80- Yearling Ewe
81- January Ewe Lamb
B: 1/2/2016 Twin
S: JOS 1334 104484
D: FSH 174 84687
Our top ram lamb from day 1. He has the look
of a true stud, wide square head, massive foot
work, and expressive muscle. The real deal.
B: 1/5/2016 Twin
S: JOS 1334 104484
D: HND 14-27 110115
Here is a flashy one with extension style. She
would be a logical choice for a youth show
project this summer.
82- January Ewe Lamb
B: 1/7/2016 Single
S: KDJ 1525 113733
D: HND 14-26 110114
The broodiest, thickest ewe lamb of our entries. Dam was our pick from Jessee Farms
at this sale last year. He has matured into a
square-topped massive ram.
83- February Ewe Lamb
B: 2/3/2016 Twin
S: JOS 1334 104484
D: HND 156 110112
Full sib to the 2015 2nd place March ewe lamb
at this sale. She exemplifies exactly what the
Katahdin breed is best known for; low maintenance and hardy, with super ewe potential.
84- February Ewe Lamb
B: 2/4/2016 Twin
S: KDJ 1525 113733
D: HND 14-28 110116
The most unique one born on the farm this
year. Really cool color pattern, level hip and
Consigned By
Adam & Trena Harker
12402 Valley View Rd
Mountain Grove, MO 65711
(417) 254-1731
79- January Ram Lamb
B: 5/2/2015 Twin
S: JOS 1334 104484
D: FSH 118 84690
This girl is a beast. She is very big-ribbed and
wide made, but has a beautiful feminine Katahdin head.
B: 5/2/2015 Twin
S: JOS 1334 120137
D: 84690 FSH 118
Dam FSH 118 is a stud ewe, you will see this guy
is a twin to our yearling ewe entry. C40 will be
young in class, but there will not be a more structurally sound, complete ram.
STU C41 RR _______________________
85- February Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
S: POY 140 95754
D: KDJ 1481 105880
--- Page 37 ---
Consigned By
Karen & Gerrit Voshel
56 Lone Oak Trail - Long Lane, MO 65590
(970) 689-5699
86- Yearling Ram
RMF 65 RR 114021
B: 3/14/2015 Twin
S: DOC P788 101825
D: RMF 12 101609
Held this ram back for a year and were not
disappointed. Long body with a deep chest he
will make a great addition for any flock.
87- Fall Ram Lamb
RMF 71 RR 121343
B: 12/20/2015 Twin
S: DOC P788 101825
D: RMF 7 101606
Outstanding fall ram. Sire is a son of “First
Ever,” DOC P297.
88- Fall Ram Lamb
RMF 73 RR 121345
B: 12/28/2015 Triplet
S: SCD 3304 110072
D: RMF 13 101610
Colored ram born in late December. This lamb
will be one of the youngest entries in the fall
ram class. His sire, from D & J Smith Katahdins, was 4th at 2014 NAILE. Lots of potential
for this youngster.
89- January Ram Lamb
RMF 75 RR 101347
B: 1/1/2016 Twin
S: SCD 3304 110072
D: SPL 1613 104405
With speckled legs and face this lamb has
great length with a long loin.
90- January Ram Lamb
RMF 78 RR 101350
B: 1/16/2016 Single
S: SCD 3304 110072
D: WKS 158 83309
Well balanced polled lamb with a broad chest
and correct confirmation.
91- February Ram Lamb
B: 2/1/2016 Single
S: SCD 3304 110072
D: RMF 43 111045
A flashy colored ram that will catch your eye.
Consigned By
303 E Nursery - Butler, MO 64730
(660) 200-5695
95- February Ram Lamb
Champion Katahdin Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from
Julian & Moore Sheep Co. sold to Kansas at $2,400.
Consigned By
Ed and Helen Julian
3009 St Rt 44 - Rootstown, OH 44272
(330) 931-2986 (330) 325-9150
92- Fall Ram Lamb
EHJ 566 RR 121494
B: 9/11/2015 Quad
S: SHU 3320 Centralia 87730
D: SPL 1305 97048
An excellent opportunity. This quad RR ram lamb
by Centralia and out of Landreth SPL 1305. Both
winners at NAILE. 566 is a full brother to 2015
Champion Ewe at the Midwest Sale; National
Reserve Senior Champion Ewe 2015; Reserve
Champion Ram at National Show last year and
first place January Ewe Lamb at National Show.
He is straight, thick, long and correct. Definitely
a stud ram. Adjusted 60-day weight 76.5 lbs.
93- Fall Ram Lamb
EHJ 568 QR 121496
B: 9/18/2015 Twin
S: SHU 3320 Centralia 87730
D: SPL 1602 103482
Sired by Centralia and out of another top Landreth
ewe. This twin offers excellent growth with tremendous thickness. He has been an eye-catcher
since birth. Adjusted 60-day weight 75 lbs.
94- January Ram Lamb
EHJ 611 RR 121509
B: 1/21/2016 Twin
S: EHJ 425 107292
D: EHJ 348 97571
A really long and thick RR twin. Sire is by EHJ
350, Champion Ram at 2014 Midwest Sale.
Dam is a large correct ewe that produces
large twins each year. Lots of color. Adjusted
60 day weight 67 lbs.
EHJ 617
B: 2/2/2016 Triplet
S: SHU 3320 Centralia 87730
D: BLD 244 93381
A triplet full brother to 2015 National Reserve
Champion Ewe. Another Centralia son whose
dam produces winners every year. 617 is dark
red offering an outstanding opportunity to
add top genetics to your flock. He has excellent length and is very correct. Adjusted 60day weight 70 lbs.
103- March Ram Lamb
96- March Ram Lamb
EHJ 555 RR B: 7/3/2015 Twin
S: EHJ 425 107292
D: ZWT 6437 98057
Twin to 556 below.
98- Yearling Ewe
EHJ 556 RR 99- Fall Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
105- March Ewe Lamb
106- Pen of Ewe Lambs
Information Sale Day
Pen of Ewe Lambs will be March-born.
B: 9/9/2015 Twin
S: SHU 3320 Centralia 87730
D: ZWT 6303 98051
A sweetheart RR twin. A full sister to the 2015 popular Reserve Champion Ram at the Midwest Sale.
A Centralia daughter out of one of our best Tally
ewes. She is extremely long, straight and correct.
She is dark red. Adjusted 60 day weight 68 lbs.
104- March Ram Lamb
Consigned By
B: 7/3/2015 Twin
S: EHJ 425 107292
D: ZWT 6437 98057
Twins 555 and 556 are both RR. They are very, very
young. Will not be a year old until July. Both exposed to Centralia for September lambs. This is the
only time we have offered ewes exposed to Centralia. They have excellent growth for their age. They
are very fancy with color and should continue to
develop into strong ewes. Adjusted 60 day weight
for 555 was 64 lbs. For 556 it was 59.5 lbs.
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
97- Yearling Ewe
Howard & Lavonne Brown
8362 NS 3550 Rd - Prague, OK 74864
(405) 567-5178 (405) 567-2559
107- Yearling Ram
HLB 725 RR 115009
B: 1/19/2015 Twin
S: HLB Avalanch 95466
D: HLV 209 95108
HLB 727 RR 108- Yearling Ram
B: 1/20/2015 Twin
S: HLB Avalanch 95466
D: HLB 205 95105
HLB 1002 RR 109- Fall Ram Lamb
B: 9/5/2015 Twin
S: HLB Avalanch 95466
D: HLB 1743 063470
HLB 1003 RR 110- Fall Ewe Lamb
B: 9/5/2015 Single
S: HLB 480 TNT 111067
D: HLB 1402 059302
HLB 1012 RR 100- January Ewe Lamb
111- January Ewe Lamb
101- February Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
102- March Ewe Lamb
HLB 1013 RR 112- January Ewe Lamb
--- Page 38 ---
B: 1/2/2016 Twin
S: HLB White Thunder 95471
D: HLB 2367 80740
B: 1/2/2016 Twin
S: HLB White Thunder 95471
D: HLB 2367 80740
Consigned By
Mistie Lee
16845 CRNS 218 - Tipton, OK 73570
(330) 819-7014 (580) 563-6506
113- Yearling Ram
LMF 36
B: 2/11/2015 Twin
S: HLB 61 Julius Caesar 86938
D: LMF 34-G X104797
114- January Ram Lamb
LMF 80
Consigned By
Douglas Brewer
2147 Woodbine Rd - Woodbine, MD 21797
(240) 674-7131 (410) 489-9671
Information Sale Day
S: BAG 2209
Sire produces structurally correct sheep with muscle.
119- February Ram Lamb
LMF 98
120- February Ram Lamb
115- March Ram Lamb
B: 3/3/2016 Twin
S: HLB 277 Nero 95486
D: MDW 1406 106033
LMF 17-P
116- Yearling Ewe
B: 2/27/2015 Twin
S: HLB 61 Julius Caesar 86938
D: LMF 36-G X104800
117- March Ewe Lamb
LMF 79-P
B: 3/31/2016 Single
S: COR 15-04 Augustus Meatmaker 113171
D: LMF 17-P X112715
Information Sale Day
TMD 1470 was the Grand Champion and cohigh-selling ram at the 2015 Midwest Sale.
Information Sale Day
121- March Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
All lambs sired by TMD 1470 or BAG 2209.
122- Yearling Ewe
Information Sale Day
S: BAG 2209
Sire was one of the top rams at the Nebraska
Katahdin Expo.
123- February Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
124- February Ewe Lamb
125- February Ewe Lamb
126- February Ewe Lamb
127- March Ewe Lamb
Sale Reminders and Information
Check out Page 72
Ron & Carla Young
12282 Harrison Willshire Rd
Van Wert, OH 45891
(419) 203-6389 (419) 495-2993
118- Yearling Ram
B: 1/10/2016 Single
S: LMF 36 X119978
D: DW14-34 106162
Consigned By
Information Sale Day
Our ewes will be sired by TMD-1470, the Grand
Champion Ram at the 2015 Midwest Sale or
BAG-2209 one of the top rams at the Clay Center,
Nebraska Katahdin Expo.
Consigned By
Aly Francis
17292 Monroe Rd 735 - Paris, MO 65275
(573) 721-1683 (660) 327-4049
128- Fall Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
129- January Ewe Lamb
130- February Ewe Lamb
131- March Ewe Lamb
--- Page 39 ---
132- January Ram Lamb
Buckeye Acres 2786
B: 1/22/2016 Twin
S: SHU 3664 112125
D: Buckeye Acres 2305 111536
We purchased 3664 at the 2015 Midwest Stud
Ram Sale as an October 9th fall ram lamb. We
were amazed that he was as big as most of the
yearling rams at that sale. At that point we knew
we needed to add him to our stud ram lineup.
We have named him Juice. If you like to show,
add a son or daughter of Juice. if you want to be
at the head of the class.
133- February Ram Lamb
Buckeye Acres 2858
B: 2/15/2016 Twin
S: BUL 15203 115651
D: Buckeye Acres 1973 97832
BUL 15203 is a son of Tank, a high selling
ram in our 2014 Internet Sale. We purchased
15203 at the 2015 Katahdin Expo Sale. A portion of our Katahdins are grass raised. We like
15203\’s lambs for their ability to grow fast
whether grain fed or grass fed. 2858 is wide
based, thick, straight and very correct.
134- January Ewe Lamb
Buckeye Acres 2791
B: 1/27/2016 Twin
S: Buckeye Acres 2463 111499
D: Buckeye Acres 2121 97858
2463 is our keeper ram from our 2014 lamb
crop. He is truly different. If you have not seen
him, check him out in our ad in the Hairald or
on our website He is
naturally thick and massive while being raised
on grass. Check out this daughter of 2463, she
has both thickness and style.
135- February Ewe Lamb
Buckeye Acres 2850
B: 2/14/2016 Twin
S: SHU 3664 112125
D: Buckeye Acres 2010 97837
We do not have a lot of daughters of 3664,
as he was very proficient at siring sons. 2850,
even though very young, will grow into a top
show prospect.
149- Yearling Ewe
141- Yearling Ram
DOC P1577
B: 1/2/2015 Twin
S: SHU 3616 104724
D: DOC R231 OX104843
DOC P1902
142- Fall Ram Lamb
B: 9/5/2015 Single
S: SHU 3581 104713
D: DOC P1497 110702
Sire is a ram we like a lot. John Dyer purchased
an outstanding son at NAILE.
Reserve Champion Katahdin Ewe, 1st January
from Prairie Lane Farms sold to Kansas at $2,200.
Consigned By
GF & Deb Kennedy
966 61st St - Pipestone, MN 56164
(507) 215-0487
136- Yearling Ram
DOC P1704
144- Fall Ram Lamb
DOC P1928
B: 9/12/2015 Single
S: DOC P1498 106120
D: DOC P519 104855
Sire is the other ram lamb we used and was
purchased by Mike Nelsh.
145- Fall Ram Lamb
DOC P1911
B: 9/4/2015 Single
S: SHU 3581 104713
D: DOC P1357 112980
DOC P1574 114958
B: 1/18/2015 Twin
S: DOC P297 First Ever 88343
D: DOC P348 92080
Placed well at NAILE as a lamb.
139- Yearling Ram
DOC P1521 112919
B: 9/20/2014 Twin
S: DOC P753 104884
D: DOC P367 96519
Second place Fall Ram Lamb at NAILE.
140- Yearling Ram
DOC P1686 B: 2/28/2015 Twin
S: ADS 0105 81784
D: DOC P696 101827
Dam was a show ewe.
DOC P1707
DOC P1637
B: 3/28/2015 Twin
S: DOC P1371 110092
D: DOC P1325 110161
B: 3/9/2015 Triplet
S: ADS 0105 81784
D: DOC P609 104198
B: 2/1/2015 Twin
S: DOC P664 96607
D: DOC P679 104848
DOC P1738
DOC P1595
DOC P1672
DOC P1913
B: 9/7/2015 Single
S: SHU 3581 104713
D: DOC P1366 110706
DOC P1661 147- Yearling Ewe
DOC P1718 B: 4/6/2015 Twin
S: SHU 3581 104713
D: DOC P174 88353
B: 4/9/2015 Twin
S: DOC P617 93481
D: DOC P426 104856
B: 1/24/2015 Twin
S: DOC P297 First Ever 88343
D: DOC P459 95230
B: 2/27/2015 Twin
S: ADS 0105 81784
D: DOC P1130 104888
DOC P1926
B: 9/11/2015 Single
S: DOC P1429 106121
D: DOC P779 104078
Sire was consigned as a yearling last year. We
bred a few ewes for Fall lambs--best ram and
ewe are sired by him.
153- Fall Ewe Lamb
148- Yearling Ewe
B: 2/4/2015 Single
S: DOC P297 First Ever 88343
D: DOC P233 88896
152- Fall Ewe Lamb
146- Fall Ram Lamb
138- Yearling Ram
DOC P1711
151- Pen of Yearling Ewes
DOC P1962
B: 4/15/2015 Single
S: SDL 3333 106981
D: DOC P1459 110186
First ram offered for sale sired by our Smith ram.
150- Pen of Yearling Ewes
B: 9/18/2015 Triplet
S: DOC P1429 106121
D: DOC P545 104098
Good black ram. Sire was one of two ram
lambs we held back for breeding.
137- Yearling Ram
DOC P1769
143- Fall Ram Lamb
B: 3/5/2015 Triplet
S: ADS 0105 81784
D: DOC R762 OX9524
Full brother to Second Coming, who was second at NAILE as a fall lamb and as a yearling.
Maternal half-brother to First Ever, Champion
Ram at 2012 NAILE.
DOC P1598 B: 1/25/2015 Twin
S: DOC P664 96607
D: DOC R238 OX104854
DOC P1957
B: 9/15/2015 Twin
S: DOC P1429 106121
D: DOC P509 104065
DOC P1944
154- Fall Ewe Lamb
B: 9/14/2015 Twin
S: DOC P1429 106121
D: DOC P493 104076
DOC P2104
155- February Ewe Lamb
B: 2/10/2016 Twin
S: SCD 3333 106981
D: DOC P1433 110171
Information Sale Day
156- February Ewe Lamb
--- Page 40 ---
Consigned By
Tom & Maria Dosch
PO Box 517 - Frederick, SD 57441
(605) 329-7928 (605) 329-2478
Consigned By
John, Judy & Scott Dyer
834 E Co Rd 1250 N - Chrisney, IN 47611
(812) 457-0320 (812) 362-8012
157- Yearling Ram
TMD 1525 RR 113127
B: 1/26/2015 Single
S: ADS 0129 89401
D: TMD 1331 98518
A correct, growthy, good shedding full brother
to last years Champion ram TMD 1470. Born
to a second time lamber who raised twins as
a ewe lamb.
161- February Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Will be of show quality.
158- Yearling Ram
TMD 1553 RR 113149
B: 3/3/2015 Twin
S: TMD 1412 105710
D: TMD 1453 105017
Twin born to a ewe lamb, who had a ADG of
1.19 pounds per day at weaning. Codon RR
by parentage.
159- Yearling Ewe
TMD 1559 RR 113151
B: 3/6/2015 Triplet
S: TMD 1470 105028
D: TMD 1426 105707
A white triplet out of a ewe lamb; sired by last
years Champion ram TMD 1470. She is correct, early shedding and had a 1.0# ADG at
weaning. Codon RR by parentage.
Information Sale Day
Will be a stud ram and good one!
162- March Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Will be a ram of stud quality.
163- February Ewe Lamb
164- February Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Will be a show and brood ewe.
165- March Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Several to choose from. Will be good.
166- March Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Will be a fancy one.
Consigned By
Mike & Leslie Nelsh
2834 Kennard-Kingscreek Rd
Cable, OH 43009
937-244-2673 937-471-5682
160- Yearling Ewe
TMD 1566 RR 113154
B: 3/10/2015 Single
S: TMD 1470 105028
D: TMD 1445 105705
A black ewe out of a top ewe family; sired by last
years Champion ram TMD 1470, out of a ewe
lamb. ADG of 1.23# at weaning. Correct with a
good coat. Codon RR by parentage.
167- Fall Ram Lamb
RIV 706(34) RR 120483
169- January Ram Lamb
170- February Ram Lamb
171- Fall Ewe Lamb
RIV 711(31) RR 129475
B: 9/15/2015Twin
S: SHU 3545 104686
D: SCD 3350 109000
Very stylish ram, great top. We have bred several ewes to him for Fall Lambs. We believe he
will be a great female sire!
--- Page 41 ---
RIV 713 (1) QR 120473
B: 9/15/2015 Twin
S: SHU 3545 104686
D: MVF 1429 116454
One of our biggest ewe lambs and she has a
great mother. We will keep her twin sister.
Dam just had a super set of twin ewe lambs in
April that we will keep.
172- Fall Ewe Lamb
RIV 717 (32) RR 120478
B: 11/5/2015 Single
S: DOC P1498 106120
D: SCD 3374 109002
Big volume lamb with super feet and legs. The
only daughter of P1498 we will sell this year!
173- January Ewe Lamb
RIV 722 (2) RR
B: 1/5/2016 Triplet
S: DOC P1498 106120
D: MVF 1431 116449
Triplet sister to our January Ram Lamb. DAM
MVF 1431 is a great mother and believe she could
raise 5 lambs. We really hate selling this female.
Consigned By
Jake, Petrea, Carlson & Katlyn Stiplh
7235 NW Gospel Rd - Amity, MO 64422
(660) 541-2986
168- Fall Ram Lamb
Sale Reminders and Information
Check out Page 72
RIV 724 (23) RR
B: 2/10/2016 Twin
S: SHU 3545 104686
D: DOC P1522 112944
Good pattern and great structure. Dam is a Fall
ewe lamb we purchased from Doc last Fall.
B: 9/10/2015 Single
S: SHU 3545 104686
D: SCD 3397 109004
Big rugged, up-headed ram. Our pick of Fall
lambs. We have bred several ewes to him for
Fall lambs. We think he has a great future!
RIV 721 (2) RR
B: 1/5/2016 Triplet
S: DOC P1498 106120
D: MVF 1431 116449
Triplet brother to our January ewe lamb entry.
174- Yearling Ram
Information Sale Day
S: POY99
Due to cold weather spring, shedding is a little late
this year & we are up in the air as to which ram
we will bring. The first is what you have come to
expect of our sheep, while the other is extreme in
length. Both are sons of POY99, making them half
siblings of the 2014 National Champion.
186- Fall Ram Lamb
Consigned By
M. Jane Phillips
2762 180th St - Galesburg, IL 61401
(309) 344-1138
181- January Ewe Lamb
1st March Katahdin Ewe Lamb, from
Prairie Lane Farms sold to Missouri at $1,500.
Consigned By
David & Jane Smith
3985 N 300 W - Earl Park, IN 47942
(765) 366-7050 (219) 474-3216
175- Fall Ram Lamb
SCD 4200 QR
B: 10/23/2015 Triplet
S: SCD 2945 105487
D: SCD 2216 91277
Very nice, structurally correct, naturally born
fall ram lamb.
176- January Ram Lamb
SCD 4340
B: 1/22/2016 Single
S: SWP 07-145 052714
D: HCK 1709 81980
177- March Ram Lamb
SCD 4460
B: 3/2/2016 Twin
S: TMD 1523 113125
D: SCD 3622 114253
This is a flashy black and white ram lamb sired
by our new Dosch ram, Black Bart.
182- January Ewe Lamb
183- January Ewe Lamb
179- January Ewe Lamb
SCD 4277
B: 1/17/2016 Twin
S: SWP 12-118 96701
D: SCD 3179 112374
Information Sale Day
180- March Ewe Lamb
MJP 90 QR or RR
B: 1/25/2016 Single
S: MBS 10 Hawk 109974
D: MJP 50 Eeky 96934
Always stood out from birth. Dam production:
2013 - Twins; 2014 - Twins; 2015 -Triplets
184- February Ewe Lamb
MJP 91 QR or RR
B: 2/9/2016 Twin
S: SCD 3324 106979
D: MJP 38 Diva 88258
Raised as twin, keeping twin. Dam production:
2012-Single; 2013-Twins; 2014-Twins; 2015-Twins.
Has produced all ewe lambs. Plenty of milk.
Consigned By
Jeff & Jan Poynter
12709 E 750th Rd - Paris, IL 61944
(217) 251-9984 (217) 466-4880
SCD 4088
B: 10/9/2015 Twin
S: BAG 2261 106263
D: SCD 2756 105529
A really nice naturally born fall ewe lamb.
MJP 89 QR or RR
B: 1/22/2016 Quad
S: MBS 10 Hawk 109974
D: MJP 61 Flame 108080
Quad born, raised as twin--good gaining rate.
Dam production: 2014 - Twin; 2015 - Twin; 2016
- Quads but two died at birth.
178- Fall Ewe Lamb
MJP 88 QR or RR
B: 1/21/2016 Twin
S: MBS 10 Hawk 109974
D: PMF 1339 Falana 103031
Twin born raised as twin. Big thick ewe. Dam
production: 2014 - Twin; 2015 - Single
185- Yearling Ram
POY 233 RR 113932
B: 3/19/2015 Twin
S: POY 134 Red Haute 95750
D: POY 83 80545
Once in a Lifetime. Sire was National Champion
2014. Dam was National Champion 2012. Can
I say more! We are keeping his twin brother.
--- Page 42 ---
Poy 252 RR 118374
B: 9/4/2015 Twin
S: SHU 3541 104682
D: POY 141 95755
Sire was 2015 Champion Ram at Indiana State
Fair. Dam will never leave the farm.
187- Yearling Ewe
POY 203 QR 112069
B: 9/3/2014 Twin
S: Poy 134 Red Haute 95750
D: POY 43 75005
Big thick red ewe that had a nice set of twin
lambs this Spring.
188- Yearling Ewe
POY 224 RR 112089
B: 2/16/2015 Twin
S: SHU 3541 104682
D: POY 48 75010
Large-framed red ewe. She will show well this
189- Yearling Ewe
POY 227 RR 112092
B: 3/3/2015 Twin
S: SHU 3541 104682
D: POY 187 105084
Twin sister to our future stud ram. Her brother
was 1st place March Ram Lamb at 2015 Indiana State Fair and has grown into something
190- Fall Ewe Lamb
POY 251 RR 118373
B: 9/3/2015 Twin
S: POY 134 Red Haute 95750
D: POY 196 105094
Guernsey-colored lamb I liked from day one.
191- Fall Ewe Lamb
POY 249 RR 118371
B: 9/5/2015 Twin
S: POY 134 Red Haute 95750
D: POY 148 95764
Long-bodied white lamb. We are selling all of
our Fall ewe lambs except two for show.
192- February Ewe Lamb
POY 275 RR B: 2/26/2016
S: SHU 3541 104682
D: POY 48 75010
Dam is a big thick red ewe.
193- March Ewe Lamb
POY 272 RR 120843
B: 3/2/2016 Twin
S: SHU 3541 104682
D: ZWT 5275 054667
A lamb we should not sell. Dam is the oldest ewe
on the farm and always produces a good one.
Consigned By
Bob Shauck
69 Greystone Rd - Eldon, MO 65026
(417) 207-5649
Consigned By
1776 110th St - Joy, IL 61260
(563) 260-6161 (309) 537-3313
194- January Ram Lamb
SHA 1600 QR 120691
B: 1/30/2016 Twin
S: PBB 1264 063769
D: SHA 1005 QR 75868
A tall, growthy ram lamb.
195- February Ram Lamb
SHA 1605 RR 120694
B: 2/1/2016 Twin
S: PBB 1264 063769
D: SHA 9004 RR 063958
SHA 1620 RR
196- March Ram Lamb
B: 3/6/2016 Triplet
S: PBB 1264 063769
D: SHA 1008 78449
Consigned By
Bruce Shanks
1201 Chestnut St - Jefferson City, MO 65101
(573) 578-3945 (573) 681-5382
199- Yearling Ewe
B: 2/22/2015 Twin
S: DJK1424 112584
D: PMF1419 108525
Really nice spotted ewe by a grandson of Centralia.
200- Yearling Ewe
B: 1/2/2015 Twin
S: TMD1232 88470
D: DOC P642 97113
Good red ewe out of a daughter of Poy 44 and
by a Dosch ram.
201- Yearling Ewe
B: 1/9/2015 Twin
S: TMD1232 88470
D: PMF1216 91074
Big pretty red ewe out of one of my best ewes
from Kathy Agan and by our Dosch ram.
LU 15-3 113914
B: 1/26/2015 Twin
S: SHU 3486 96774
D: LU 11-053 81083
Best ewe from the 2015 set of lambs.
LeRoy Boyd Katahdin
Junior Show
Sheep Barn Show Ring
Judge: Cruz Nichols
Tuesday, June 21st, 8am
Katahdin Show
Sheep Barn Show Ring
Judge: Dr. Jeff Held
Wednesday, June 22nd, Noon
gather at the Sheep Barn
Katahdin Pens for convoy to the
Hair Coat
Inspection Training
Adam Kilmer Farm
Versailles, MO
Midwest Katahdin
Hair Sheep Assoc
Annual Meeting
198- Yearling Ewe
Monday, June 20th, 9am
Return by 3pm
June 22nd, 4:30pm
LU 15-2 113913
B: 1/17/2015 Twin
S: SHU 3486 96774
D: LU 12-157 113911
This ram was our #1 choice out of the 2015
lamb crop.
co-sponsored by KHSI & MWKHSA
197- Yearling Ram
Dr. Taylor Woods Youth Center,
Reception Hall
Wednesday, June 22nd, 7:30pm
Ice Cream Social
Sheep Barn Katahdin Pens
sponsored by MWKHSA
Thursday, June 23rd, 6:30am
Coffee, Donuts
& Bagels
Sheep Barn Katahdin Pens
Thursday, June 23rd, 8am
Katahdin Sale
Sale Reminders and Information
Check out Page 72
Sheep Barn Sale Ring
--- Page 43 ---
Consigned By
John & David Coers
202 N Logan - New Holland, IL 62671
(217) 737-5674
Consigned By
Patty Abell
PO Box 64 - Aurora, OR 97002
(503) 201-6904
257- February Ram Lamb
Champion Montadale Ram, Senior Champion,
1st Fall from Jacobsen Ranch sold to Illinois at $1,500.
Consigned By
Craig Fleck
47289 Hwy 324 - Brookings, SD 57006
(814) 441-0980
Facebook My Montadales
251- January Ram Lamb
Fleck P-25
B: 1/23/2016 Single
S: Terrell & Fleck N-28 172803
D: Fleck 904 167057
Terrell & Fleck P-35
252- February Ram Lamb
B: 2/5/2016 Twin
S: Terrell & Fleck N-28 172803
D: Ferguson 0951 171523
Fleck O-19 253- Yearling Ewe
Fleck P-07
254- January Ewe Lamb
B: 1/1/2016 Twin
S: Fleck N-49 173012
D: Fleck 1004 167440
Terrell & Fleck P-38
255- February Ewe Lamb
B: 2/12/2016 Twin
S: Terrell & Fleck N-28 172803
D: Ferguson 0943 171527
Fleck P- 46
256- March Ewe Lamb
B: 3/1/2016 Twin
S: Fleck N-13 172802
D: Fleck FN-02 172278
This is the best total consignment we have ever
brought to the National. All but 2 are sired by our
Senior Champion Ram at Louisville last year (Cornelius Pumperdickel) See pictures, videos DNA
and more info on Facebook at My Montadales.
Abell-Murdock F334
B: 2/23/2016 Twin
S: Temple 994 171304
D: Abell-Murdock LB111 171512
This is a full brother to the popular ram lamb
we sold last year. He is a little younger, but still
has lots of growth left in him. We lost his mom
this year, so this will be the last chance to pick
up this popular genetic combo.
258- February Ewe Lamb
Abell F339
B: 2/27/2016 Single
S: Temple 994 171304
D: Rhoades 684 166617
A really nice, complete ewe lamb. Temple 994
has sired a lot of ewe lambs for us the past
two years and this is an example of his consistency as a ewe producer. She will have a lot of
growth left in her.
Consigned By
Greg Miller
20145 462nd Ave - Bruce, SD 57220
(605) 690-4399 (605) 627-5247
B: 2/6/2015 Single
S: Terrell & Fleck N-28 172803
D: Fleck 1244 170624
259- Yearling Ram
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
260- January Ram Lamb
261- February Ram Lamb
266- February Ram Lamb
3J Coers 819
B: 2/3/2016 Single
S: Nelson 9 172841
D: Stumpe 541 171645
If you need bone and thickness, here you go.
Out of our new Nelson ram. His sire goes back
to Crowned Up, KB Jr, 38 special, & Wild Thing.
Dam goes back to Barnfire, Locomotion, and
Roy 68. Definitely check this guy out.
267- Yearling Ewe
3J Coers 798 173274
B: 2/16/2015 Triplet
S: Smith 13-00 171092
D: McGrew 668 161290
This is one pretty lady. She has the length of
body and extension to catch your eye. Her sire
is by Extra Rare and her Dam goes back to Royal
Magnum and Prophet.
268- February Ewe Lamb
3J Coers 820
B: 2/3/2016 Twin
S: Benjamin 1426 172900
D: Clayman 14139 172190
They do not get any prettier than this little lady.
She has great length, depth, and extension. Her
sire goes back to Triple Nickel, Locomotion, and
Lexus. Her dam goes back to Wild Thing, Black
Jack, and John Wayne.
269- March Ewe Lamb
3J Coers 836
B: 3/3/2016 Twin
S: Marshall 477 172620
D: Shiloh 0380 171295
We hope everything goes well so this little girl
can make her debut. We have had her picture in
our ad and on Facebook. She has excited us since
her birth. Her daddy goes back to Triple Nickel
and Locomotion. Her mommy is out of Flight (by
Simmba) Do not miss this one.
Consigned By
262- January Ewe Lamb
263- February Ewe Lamb
202 N Logan - New Holland, IL 62671
(217) 737-5674 John
264- February Ewe Lamb
270- January Ewe Lamb
265- March Ewe Lamb
--- Page 44 ---
Austin 64
B: 1/24/2016 Single
S: Abell LB 114-149 171517
D: Austin 51 172577
A very balanced young lady. Her sire is by a
Salfner ram that goes back to Terrell, Cramton
and Geiman. Her dam goes back to Fire Power on both sides, Jacobsen, Kuykendall.
Consigned By
Tom & Sandy Clayman
7314 S Halstead - Hutchinson, KS 67501
(620) 727-3567 (620) 663-4064
Consigned By
Kent & Angie Moenter
590 W Nimisila Rd - Akron, OH 44319
(330) 704-6368
271- Fall Ram Lamb
Clayman 1612 RR
B: 10/7/2015 Single
S: Mahler 1337 171582
D: Clayman 1355 171932
Very up-headed with lots of eye-appeal.
272- January Ram Lamb
Clayman 1637 RR
B: 1/12/2016 Triplet
S: Burns 1385 171406
D: Clayman 1250 172166
Retaining brother to use at home. Well-marked
and heavy-boned.
273- February Ram Lamb
Clayman 1662 RR
B: 2/6/2016 Twin
S: Salfner 163YP 173026
D: Clayman 1348 172174
Clayman 1583 RR
274- Yearling Ewe
B: 2/9/2015 Twin
S: Ekern 156 169237
D: Clayman 1149 169536
Clayman 1587 RR
275- Yearling Ewe
B: 2/12/2015 Twin
S: Rhoades 1246 171380
D: Clayman 933 167014
Clayman 1621 RR
276- Fall Ewe Lamb
B: 10/12/2015 Twin
S: Ekern 156 169237
D: Clayman 1195 169619
Clayman 1650 QR
277- January Ewe Lamb
B: 1/21/2016 Single
S: Ekern 156 169237
D: Clayman 887 165226
She is pretty and well-made.
278- January Ewe Lamb
Clayman 1646 RR
B: 1/19/2016 Twin
S: Mahler 1337 171582
D: Clayman 14127 172183
Clayman 1665 QR
279- February Ewe Lamb
B: 2/10/2016 Twin
S: Salfner 163YP 173026
D: Clayman 1437 172313
280- Yearling Ewe
Moenter 1555 173758
B: 3/19/2015 Twin
S: Moenter 1418 172655
D: Moenter 2971 167248
Really nice yearling ewe. She will compete for
you. Sire was in our show flock for 2 years. He
wasn’t the biggest ram, but full of Red meat and
a great top. The Dam 2971 is a good producing
female that pumps our nice lambs every year.
She was just sold to the Melvin Family as we
wean down our flock.
Reserve Champion Montadale Ram,
Reserve Senior Champion, 1st Yearling from
Poppen Montadales sold to Indiana at $2,200.
Consigned By
Dan Rhoades
8771 E Ball Rd - Centralia, MO 65240
(573) 289-7769
281- Yearling Ewe
Moenter 1526 173756
B: 2/26/2015 Twin
S: Miller 13-151 171376
D: Burgett 11-12 168768
If you are looking for a ewe to have market lambs,
this is your female. Really nice top ewe with lots of
red meat. This ewe will not be your biggest ewe in
the barn, but maybe the most powerful. I bought
the last of the Burgett ewes in 2013 as they sold
out. These ewes are great producers.
285- February Ram Lamb
282- January Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
286- Yearling Ewe
287- Fall Ewe Lamb
288- February Ewe Lamb
Moenter 1600
B: 1/7/2016 Single
S: Moenter 1418 172655
D: Moenter 1421 172759
Since this maybe our last National Sale we wanted to bring our best ewe lamb. This combo of
1418 and 1421 was planned and what a great
ewe lamb. They bred right after the Ohio State
Fair last Aug. 1418 was sired by Ekern 303 x Wild
Child and 1421 was by Poppen 036 that goes
back to Urban Triple Nickle. I don’t think I ever
sold a ewe lamb at the Nationals as nice as this
female. She will do very well in the show ring and
as well in the lambing barn.
Consigned By
2002 J Rd - Garfield, KS 67529
(620) 569-2413
289- Fall Ewe Lamb
Van Horn 1615 RR
B: 10/10/2015 Twin
S: Burns 1385 171406
D: HaWaaboo 1210 170331
Will be Futurity nominated. Daughter of HaWaaboo 1210 was top Futurity lamb in 2015.
283- February Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
284- March Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Both of the Feb and March ewe lambs will be
sired by Miller 13-285. We bought him at the
2013 National Sale where he was a crowd favorite. Late last fall he was Sold to the Randall
Shull Family of Ohio, and we faze out of the
sheep business.
Sale Reminders and Information
Check out Page 72
--- Page 45 ---
Consigned By
Bill & Roxana Poppen
20535 434th Ave - DeSmet, SD 57231
(605) 203-0451 (605) 854-3497
Facebook Poppen Montadales
295- January Ram Lamb
Champion Montadale Ewe, Junior Champion,
1st March Ewe Lamb from Ekern
Montadales sold to Missouri at $1,400.
Consigned By
Tom Terrell
2710 W CR 200 N - New Castle, IN 47362
(765) 785-2309
290- February Ram Lamb
T&A P27-Y35 291- January Ewe Lamb
T&A P21-OY9 174006
B: 1/15/2016 Single
S: Poppen D412 172906
D: Hawaaboo 1005 168063
You do not sell stud ewes very often and this is
one of them! She is big, full of capacity and style.
Consigned By
Larry & Mary Ellen Dunn
752 Hwy 161 - Middletown, MO 63359
(573) 220-7330 (573) 549-2967
292- Yearling Ram
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
293- Yearling Ewe
294- March Ewe Lamb
Mumm 1528 RR 173310
B: 3/11/2015 Twin
S: Mumm 1410 RR 172828
D: Mumm 1319 RR 171346
Mumm 1534 RR
303- Fall Ewe Lamb
B: 9/30/2015 Single
S: Mumm 1410 RR 172828
D: Mumm 1405 RR 172824
Sire is a home-bred stud out of a top ewe line.
304- March Ewe Lamb
Mumm 1617
B: 1/4/2016 Triplet
S: Ekern 318 171496
D: Poppen 626 166998
B: 3/1/2016 Twin
S: Jacobsen 1413 RR 172232
D: Rhoades 1410 QR 172547
Sire was top-selling ram lamb at 2014 National
Sale. Rhoades 1410 from 2015 Midwest Sale.
Poppen E539 173784
296- Yearling Ewe
B: 2/19/2016 Single
S: Ekern 318 171496
D: Poppen 0022 168362
Poppen E62
Consigned By
Kirk Ekern
1354 Audrain Rd - Mexico, MO 65265
(573) 473-6738 (573) 581-5172
297- January Ewe Lamb
B: 2/16/2016 Single
S: Poppen D412 172906
D: Terrell & Allart B80-W16 171035
A very smooth buck lamb with style. Dam is a
daughter of one of our National Champion Ewes.
She carries American Idol breeding on both sides
of her pedigree along with Good Time & Jumping
Poppen E61
302- Yearling Ewe
B: 1/4/2016 Triplet
S: Ekern 318 171496
D: Poppen 626 166998
305- January Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
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Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Consigned By
Richard Mumm
82 CR 1300 N - White Heath, IL 61884
(217) 493-4780
298- Yearling Ram
Mumm 1526 RR 173314
B: 3/6/2015 Twin
S: Jacobsen 1413 RR 172232
D: Ekern 251 RR 170531
A big correct ram, clean white head and legs
and standing on good feet. He was 4th March
ram at 2015 NAILE. Sire was high-selling ram
lamb at 2014 National Sale. This is the ram
we call Hitchhiker.
299- Fall Ram Lamb
Mumm 1532
B: 9/28/2015 Single
S: Jacobsen 1413 RR 172232
D: Ross 43 172240
Mumm 1601 RR
300- January Ram Lamb
B: 1/8/2016 Twin
S: Jacobsen 1413 RR 172232
D: Mumm 1003 RR 167648
Dam is the start of our best ewe line.
306- January Ram Lamb
307- February Ram Lamb
308- February Ewe Lamb
309- February Ewe Lamb
Consigned By
Ryan Gann
11578 N Mt Morris Rd - Leaf River, IL 61047
(815) 979-3117 (815) 738-2320
310- February Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
311 February Ewe Lamb
312- March Ewe Lamb
301- Yearling Ewe
Mumm 1522 RR 173522
B: 3/2/2015 Twin
S: Jacobsen 1413 RR 172232
D: Mumm 1305 RR 171337
4th place March ewe lamb at 2015 NAILE.
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Sale Reminders and Information
Check out Page 72
Consigned By
Chad & Annie Marshall
1824 Knoll Dr - Monticello, IL 61856
(217) 367-2199
313- January Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Watch Facebook for consignment pictures and
information the closer we get to the sale.
314- February Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
315- January Ewe Lamb
316- February Ewe Lamb
Consigned By
Rosemary Petefish
1953 IL Rt 78 - Virginia, IL 62691
(217) 452-7569
317- Fall Ram Lamb
Petefish 1511
B: 10/12/2015 Twin
S: Petefish 1247 172926
D: MM1208 169918
Petefish 1512
318- Fall Ewe Lamb
B: 10/13/2015 Twin
S: Petefish 1247 172926
D: Petefish 9037 167338
Petefish 1503
319- Fall Ewe Lamb
B: 10/12/2015 Twin
S: Petefish 1247 172926
D: Petefish 864 169731
Petefish 1603
320- March Ewe Lamb
B: 3/3/2016 Twin
S: Reisburg K1405 172779
D: Petefish 1117 170921
Reserve Champion Montadale Ewe,
Senior Champion, 1st Yearling from Poppen
Montadales sold to Missouri at $1,200.
Monday, June 20th,
National Montadale
Junior Show
Sheep Barn Show Ring
Judge: Cruz Nichols
Monday, June 20th, 6pm
Welcome Reception
Sheep Barn, Montadale Pens
hosted by Kent & Angie Moenter
All breeders invited.
Tuesday, June 21st,
Montadale Show
Sheep Barn, North Show Ring
Judge: Dr. Jeff Held
Tuesday, June 22nd, 1pm
Montadale Banquet
& Annual Meeting
Dr. Taylor Woods Youth Center,
Reception Hall
hosted by Montadale Sheep Breeders Assn
Luncheon and Junior Charity Auction.
Thursday, June 23rd,
National Montadale Sale
Sheep Barn Sale Ring
--- Page 47 ---
Consigned By
Jim Klingbeil, Owner
Eric Bruns, Shepherd
1000 W Powell Rd - Powell, OH 43065
(614) 885-6268 (614) 403-1436
Consigned By
Kevin & Kelly Paul
1608 E Hwy 136 - Albany, MO 64402
(816) 392-0048 (660) 726-5115
409- Yearling Ram
Champion Dorper Ram, 1st Yearling Ram
from HiJo Dorpers sold to Texas at $3,000.
Consigned By
HIJO Dorpers
Antonio Juarez
11800 McCann Rd - Amity, OR 97101
(971) 237-3603 (503) 843-2190
401- Yearling Ram
Missouri Dorpers 5009
Information Sale Day
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Information Sale Day
B: 9/2/2014 Single
S: Powell Ranch 2244 RF079640
D: Crane Creek 80109 EF059739
A big ram out of one of best Crane Creek ewes..
411- Yearling Ewe
Missouri Dorpers 5037
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
405- Yearling Ewe
412- Yearling Ewe
406- January Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Consigned By
Tim Lobdell
4543 N Henderson Rd - Freeport, IL 61032
(815) 238-1750 (815) 563-4543
408- Yearling Ram
Lobdell 15006 QR RF096926
B: 4/1/2015 Single
S: Riverwood 6063 RF086804
D: Lobdell 11007 EF066768
A big framed ram with loads of length and muscle shape. You want a Fullblood that will add
some size ... here he is! See his photo on the
Lobdell Oxfords and Dorpers Facebook page in
early June.
Information Sale Day
Missouri Dorpers 4162
407- February Ewe Lamb
410- Yearling Ram
B: 1/15/2015 Twin
S: Powell Ranch 2244 RF079640
D: RF 5664 EF067260
A nice cross of our Powell sire and a Riverwood
ewe. Sells exposed to our new flock sire RF 6291
to lamb starting Sept. 1.
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
415- Yearling Ram
404- Yearling Ewe
Information Sale Day
416- Fall Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
403- January Ram Lamb
B: 1/2/2015 Twin
S: Powell Ranch 2244 RF079640
D: Anuagen 663 EF064166
A stout son of our older flock sire “Johnny” and from
a ewe that always produces the heaviest lambs.
402- Yearling Ram
414- Yearling Ram
Missouri Dorpers 5050
B: 3/25/2015 Twin
S: HC 6 2515 RF086560
D: Missouri Dorpers 1011 EF072598
Our stoutest ewe from our lamb crop of last
Spring. She is exposed to RF 6291 for a September lamb.
417- Fall Ram Lamb
418- January Ram Lamb
419- Yearling Ewe
420- Yearling Ewe
421- Yearling Ewe
422- Yearling Ewe
423- Fall Ewe Lamb
424- Fall Ewe Lamb
425- January Ewe Lamb
426- January Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
We will be bringing an even better than usual
Consigned By
413- Fall Ewe Lamb
B: 9/27/2015 Single
S: HC 6 2515 RF086560
D: Missouri Dorpers 2095 EF081787
Combines Half Circle 6, Riverwood, and Crane
Creek genetics in this unique pedigree. Exposed
to RF 6291 for a September lamb.
Missouri Dorpers 5132
Jessica Jean Larrick
1621 Hamilton Rd - Leesburg, OH 45135
(740) 572-2639 (937) 780-4173
427- Fall Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
428- February Ram Lamb
429- Yearling Ewe
430- Yearling Ewe
Sale Reminders and Information
Check out Page 72
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431- March Ewe Lamb
Consigned By
James Averill
2415 Elm Road-Webberville, MI 48892
(517) 927-6399
Tuesday, June 21st, Mid-Day
National Dorper &
White Dorper Show
432- Fall Ram Lamb
WCF 027 RP101214
B: 9/12/2015 Twin
S: Outback, HC6 2563 RF090955
D: Deer Run Ranch 1210 EP079680
Outback was Reserve Champion Ram at Ft.
Worth in 2016. These are genetics from Australia.
Champion Dorper Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from
HiJo Dorpers sold to Utah at $2,000.
433- Fall Ram Lamb
WCF 029 RF101215
B: 9/13/2015 Triplet
S: Maximus, HC6 2581 RF090954
D: Dry Creek Dorpers 0519 EF074009
Maximus was a class winner as a lamb at the
2015 Ft. Worth show. His genetics are from
Consigned By
Sharon Holman
205 Edgemont Rd - Sonora, TX 76950
(325) 226-1973 (325) 387-7046
Consigned By
Keeland Nix
9379 Hwy FF - Mountain Grove, MO 65711
(417) 259-2567
437- Yearling Ram
Deer Run II 1520 RF094423
B: 2/1/2015 Twin
S: Wilson Ranch G44 RF068183
D: Deer Run II 1036 EF067438
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
438- February Ram Lamb
439- Yearling Ewe
434- Fall Ram Lamb
440- January Ewe Lamb
441- February Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
S: Powell Ranch 4638 RF089264
435- Fall Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
S: Powell Ranch 4638 RF089264
436- Fall Ewe Lamb
442- March Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
S: Powell Ranch 4638 RF089264
Judge: Philip Glass
Tuesday, June 21st,
Dorper & White Dorper
Sheep Barn Show Ring
Judge: Philip Glass
Wednesday, June 22nd, 6pm
Larry Mead Supreme
Champion Event
Swine Barn Show Ring
June 23rd, 7:30am
Dorper Sheep
Breeders Society
Breakfast & Annual
Consigned By
Dr. Taylor Woods Youth Center,
Reception Hall
Marie Iiams
13177 FR 1195 - Jenkins, MO 65605
(417) 846-6835
Thursday, June 23rd,
443- Yearling Ram
CMI 5026G
B: 2/3/2015 Single
S: Circle H Livestock 444 RF088846
D: CMI 3039B EX081096
Pure blood Ram.
Sheep Barn Show Ring
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National Dorper &
White Dorper Sale
Sheep Barn Sale Ring
Consigned By
Kevin & Kelly Paul
1608 E Hwy 136 - Albany, MO 64402
(816) 392-0048 (660) 726-5115
Consigned By
Ron & Carla Young
12282 Harrison Willshire Rd
Van Wert, OH 45891
(419) 203-6389 (419) 495-2993
510- Fall Ram Lamb
Champion White Dorper Ram, 1st Yearling Ram
from HiJo Dorpers sold to Texas at $5,000.
Consigned By
HIJO Dorpers
Antonio Juarez
11800 McCann Rd - Amity, OR 97101
(971) 237-3603 (503) 843-2190
501- Yearling Ram
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
502- Yearling Ram
503- January Ram Lamb
504- Yearling Ewe
505- Yearling Ewe
506- January Ewe Lamb
507- February Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Consigned By
Kayla Flinn & Luke Inbody
6563 TR 28 - Jenera, OH 45841
(419) 306-2451 (419) 889-5324
L & K Sheep Co
508- January Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
S: Baylees Rockin N 1033
White Lightning RP
509- March Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
S: Baylees Rockin N 1033
White Lightning RP
Both by White Lightning, who has added width
and length of body to our program.
Buckeye Acres 2703 QR
B: 11/19/2015 Twin
S: Buckeye Acres 2183 RP 092692
D: Buckeye Acres 1723 EP 092660
2183 is sired by Lewis 110041, the high selling
White Dorper ram at the 2012 Midwest Stud
Ram Sale. We sold 2 yearling sons at the 2015
Midwest Sale for $1750 and $1100. 2703 is a
very correct, straight, massive, muscular October fall ram lamb. Do not miss this stud ram
511- Fall Ram Lamb
Buckeye Acres 2779 QR
B: 11/7/2015 Single
S: Buckeye Acres 2183 RP 092692
D: Buckeye Acres 2100 EP 084178
Dam of 2100, Broadmeade 1082C, was Grand
Champion White Dorper Ewe at the 2012 Midwest Stud Ram Sale. 1082C was carrying 2100,
sired by Grant 8F038, when we purchased her.
2779 is a very long, straight, correct, muscular
prospect. Check for photos of our White Dorper
entries on our website,
512- Fall Ewe Lamb
Buckeye Acres 2763
B: 10/28/2015 Twin
S: Buckeye Acres 2183 RP 092692
D: Buckeye Acres 1913 EP 092663
Dams of all of our Fall Ewe Lambs are excellent
mothers with mass and muscle.
513- Fall Ewe Lamb
Buckeye Acres 2770
B: 10/25/2015 Triplet
S: Buckeye Acres 2183 RP 092692
D: Buckeye Acres 1407 EP 094605
2770 is going to make a big massive ewe. She is
very wide-topped and deep-ribbed.
514- Fall Ewe Lamb
Buckeye Acres 2774
B: 10/30/2015 Twin
S: Buckeye Acres 2183 RP 092692
D: Buckeye Acres 1549 EP 094606
Another excellent White Dorper female.
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515- Yearling Ram
Missouri Dorper 5086
B: 4/6/2015 Twin
S: HSS 3816 RF084166
D: S Bar T Livestock g281 EF087106
A nice fullblood ram from an S Bar T ewe and
a Hamilton Ram we bought here a couple of
years ago. You will like his length and girth.
516- Yearling Ram
Missouri Dorpers 5054
B: 3/26/2015 Twin
S: HSS 3816 RF084166
D: Speck Ranch 3015 EP068504
Large ram for a March, by our Flock Sire Big AL.
517- Yearling Ewe
Missouri Dorpers 5025
B: 1/4/2015 Twin
S: HSS 3816 RF084166
D: Missouri Dorpers 1206 EP080554
A twin sister to the Grand Champion Ewe at
2015 Midwest Stud Ram Sale. Bred to our newest flock sire, Jimmy, HC 6 2768. He is an all
Austrailian outcross pedigree and a son of the
Terraweena ewe now at Coyote Creek.
518- Yearling Ewe
Missouri Dorpers 5065
B: 4/1/2015 Single
S: HSS 3816 RF084166
D: Missouri Dorpers 2086 EF080934
A nice Fullblood that has a pedigree worth looking up. Exposed to Jimm, HC 6 2768 for a September lamb.
519- Fall Ewe Lamb
Missouri Dorpers 5135
B: 9/29/2015 Twin
S: HSS 3816 RF084166
D: HSS 1633 EF050898
All Hamilton Sheep Station breeding from one of
our oldest fullblood ewes. Exposed to HC 6 2768
Jimmy for a September lamb.
520- January Ewe Lamb
Missouri Dorpers 6001
B: 1/1/2016 Single
S: HSS 3816 RF084166
D: Speck Ranch 3122 EF068487
A young fullblood ewe lamb. Sired by Big Al and
out of our 3122 ewe that is an ET daughter of
Specks RF 5024.
Consigned By
Paul Lewis
12661 E Langell Valley Rd-Bonanza, OR 97623
(541) 591-2510
Consigned By
Jim Klingbeil, Owner
Eric Bruns, Shepherd
1000 W Powell Rd - Powell, OH 43065
(614) 885-6268 (614) 403-1436
521- Yearling Ram
LWD 150137
B: 3/29/2015 AI
S: Etiwanda Outback E5195 RFE 5195AU
D: 130078 EP089778
This ram is a trait leader on Lambplan for
Weaning Wt, Post Weaning Wt, Eye Muscle
Depth and Carcass Plus.
530- Yearling Ram
532- January Ram Lamb
522- Yearling Ram
LWD 150073
B: 3/25/2015 AI
S: Ida Vale 112227 RF112227AU
D: LWD110346 EP089739
This ram has an 11.6 Post weaning EBV.
523- Yearling Ram
LWD 150153
B: 3/30/2015 AI
S: Ida Vale 112227 RF112227AU
D: LWD090246 EP062015
This ram has an 11.1 PWWT and 126.89 SRC
on lambplan.
524- Yearling Ram
Lewis 150081
B: 3/26/2015 AI
S: Nonning 100044 RF100044AU.
D: LWD 140159 EP095830
He is a trait leader with 2.5 PEMD and Carcass+ of 172.
525- Yearling Ram
Lewis 150076
B: 3/25/2015 AI
S: Nonning 100044 RF100044AU
D: LWD100071 EP068374
Another slick coated 44 son with 9.0 PWWT
and a 1.3 PEMD.
526- Yearling Ewe
Information Sale Day
527- Yearling Ewe
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
528- Pen of Yearling Ewes
529- Pen of Yearling Ewes
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Consigned By
533- Yearling Ewe
Matt Nippert
58115 710 Rd-Diller, NE 68342
(402) 239-0407 (402) 793-5910
534- Yearling Ewe
535- Fall Ewe Lamb
540- Yearling Ram
536- January Ewe Lamb
537- January Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
We will be bringing an even better than usual
Consigned By
Andrew Freemyer
21901 St Hwy E - Ravenswood, MO 64479
(660) 254-3717 (660) 254-4413
538- Yearling Ram
Red Raven Acres 1412 RP093694
B: 12/7/2014 Twin
S: RF5702 RF067285
D: Red Raven Acres 123 EP07388
A long bodied, heavy muscled ram we were
tempted to keep for ourselves so we call him
Temptation. He is out of a heavy milking ewe
and a Riverwood ram we leased from Missouri
539- Yearling Ram
B: 3/21/2015 Single
S: RF5702 RF067285
D: Missouri Dorpers 2005 EF072607
This ram is extremely thick with a good tight
front end. Should add muscle to any herd. See
our Red Raven Acres Facebook page for pictures
of our entries.
--- Page 51 ---
Pleasant View Farm 5V06 QR
B: 1/12/2015 Single
S: Grant 545 RF087997
D: Glenn Land Farm B129 EP077659
We used this ram on fifteen ewes late last fall
and his lambs are showing a nice increase in
length and style.
Information Sale Day
Red Raven Acres 0152
Sale Reminders and Information
Check out Page 72
Reserve Champion White Dorper Ram,
2nd Yearling Ram from HiJo Dorpers
sold to Texas at $5,000.
531- Fall Ram Lamb
541- Yearling Ram
Pleasant View Farm 5M10 RP103534
B: 2/6/2015 Single
S: Yucca Lily S0483 RF069185
D: Pleasant View Farm 2308QR
We used this half-brother to our 2015 Res National Champion on a few young ewes last fall
and were very pleased with the results.
542- Yearling Ram
Pleasant View Farm 5D42 QR
B: 2/20/2015 Single
S: Yucca Lily S0540 RF069190
D: Glenn Laand Dorper B111
A grandson of MS16 going back to Tien Jordaan
Y. He is very muscular and of good Dorper type.
543- Yearling Ewe
Pleasant View Farm 5M02
B: 1/7/2015 Twin
S: Yucca Lily S0483 RF069185
D: Glenn Land Dorper B278 EP077671
Deep bodied ewe with decent size and balance.
544- Yearling Ewe
Information Sale Day
553- Fall Ram Lamb
Consigned By
Marie Iiams
13177 FR 1195 - Jenkins, MO 65605
(417) 846-6835
548- Yearling Ram
Consigned By
Thomas & Roxanna Teafatiller
20750 Keith Pearson Rd
Siloam Springs, AR 72761
(479) 427-9410 (479) 790-3159
545- Fall Ram Lamb
Coyote Creek Farms 5041 RP101519
B: 11/24/2015 Twin
S: Twin County Dorpers 0573 RF092429
D: HSS 3775 EP082596
Sired by 2015 National Champion White Dorper
Ram. Sire was designated as a high Type 5 ram
by Mr. Adrian Veitch of Kaya Dorpers a major
producer in Australia.
546- Fall Ram Lamb
Coyote Creek Farms 5039 RP101517
B: 10/16/2015 Twin
S: HC6 2666 RF091005
D: ARROF313 Red Oaks Farm 432Y
Sire is an ET ram from Australia, grand Sire is African D555.
547- Fall Ewe Lamb
549- Pen of Yearling Ewes
CMI 5012R CMI 5016R EF102476
CMI 5058R EF103371
B: 4/13/2015 Twin
S: CMI 4026R RF093533
D: EF 054707 Lazy J 14-OR
CMI 5014R EF103379
CMI 5046R EF103376
B: 4/12/2015 Twin
S: CMI 4026R RF093533
D: Lazy J 23-OR EF054820
CMI 5049R Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
555- Yearling Ewe
556- Pen of Yearling Ewes
557- Fall Ewe Lamb
558- Fall Ewe Lamb
559- Pen of Ewe Lambs
Consigned By
Baylee Nix
1988 Hwy EE - Mansfield, MO 65704
560- Yearling Ram
Consigned By
Sharon Holman
205 Edgemont Rd - Sonora, TX 76950
(325) 226-1973 (325) 387-7046
551- Yearling Ram
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
552- Fall Ram Lamb
--- Page 52 ---
Baylees Rockin N 0107 RP 096937
B: 3/30/2015 Twin
S: JBJ Livestock 516 RP 087582
D: Baylees Rockin N 1019 EP 087290
Purebred ram, very good genetics in his pedigree.
561- Yearling Ewe
Baylees Rockin N 0043 EF 096935
B: 1/2/2015 Twin
S: Baylees Rockin N 1002 RF 076915
D: Baylees Rockin N 1020 EF 079437
Great Full blood ewe.
Consigned By
Jared Frieze
12140 N FR 119 - Brighton, MO 65617
(417) 597-0854 (417) 742-4228
Coyote Creek Farms 5035 RP101511
Information Sale Day
B: 5/15/2015 Twin
S: CHB 2299B RF091092
D: Lazy J 25-OR EF058240
B: 5/30/2015 Twin
S: CHB 2299B RF091092
D: CMI 16GR EF078716
All full-bloods. Sire was proven high-worm tolerance by OK State. All exposed to CMI 5013W
March 15th to present.
554- Yearling Ewe
550- Pen of Yearling Ewes
Information Sale Day
B: 2/10/2015 Twin
S: CHB 2299B RF091092
D: CMI 3018R EF092785
B: 4/13/2015 Twin
S: CMI 4026R RF093533
D: CMI 4036R EF093098
All full-bloods. Sire was proven high-worm tolerance by OK State. All exposed to CMI 5013W
March 15th to present.
B: 10/14/2015 Single
S: HC6 2666 RF091005
D: HSS 3765 EP082586
Sire is an ET ram from Australia, grand sire is African D555.
B: 5/25/2015 Single
S: CHB 2299B RF091092
D: CMI 3039R EF092783
Heavily muscled full blood, good temperament.
Champion White Dorper Ewe, 1st January from
Missouri Dorpers sold to Illinois at $1,100.
CMI 5057R 562- Fall Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Will be sired by Riverwood 5767 who has sired a
nice set of Falls for us 2 years in a row now! Good
chance this entry will codon test RR.
563- March Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
564- March Ram Lamb
565- March Ewe Lamb
566- Pen of Ewe Lambs
Information Sale Day
Exposed Fall Born ewe lambs.
Consigned By
Tom & Karin Watson
32450 Baxter Rd - Hermiston, OR 97838
(541) 561-7312 (541) 567-5905
608- February Ewe Lamb
Taylor 16-12 QR 16038
B: 4/20/2015 Twin
S: Fisher K9 RR Twin 14128
D: Silverdale BL 8011 Twin 12088
B: 2/14/2016 Twin
S: Fisher N78 QR SG 15289
D: Taylor 1104 SG 15388
Thick set of ewe lambs. We kept her sister to
add to herd. Grand sire of Dam sire on the
bottom was Lonestar 403, sire of Bulldog, the
ram that went to Fishers. The dam and Fisher
sire are thick rumped.
Silverdale Pink 15026 QR 15906
601- Yearling Ram
Silverdale Pink 15021 RR 15898
602- Yearling Ewe
B: 3/29/2015 Single
S: Fisher K9 RR twin 14128
D: Silverdale 10003 twin 12872
Silverdale Pink 15028 QR 15907
609- March Ewe Lamb
Consigned By
B: 3/28/2015 Twin
S: Fisher K9 RR twin 14128
D: Silverdale HH 12018 triplet 14103
Austin Brown
17527 Maple Dr - Saegertown, PA 16433
(814) 431-8133 (814) 763-3140
Consigned By
Bret Taylor
1633 250th Ave - Osceola, IA 50213
(641) 203-2110 (641) 342-3364
604- February Ram Lamb
Taylor 16-10 RR 16034
610- Yearling Ram
605- February Ram Lamb
Taylor 16-11 QR 16035
B: 2/13/2016 Twin
S: Portland Prairie 0349 AI SG 14696
D: Taylor 9307 QR TW 16033
Full brother to 16-10.
606- March Ram Lamb
Taylor 16-18 QR 16036
B: 3/14/2016 Twin
S: Portland Prairie 0349 AI SG 14696
D: Fisher H79 QR SG 12935
Taylor 16-21 RR 16940
607- February Ewe Lamb
B: 2/16/2016 Twin
S: Portland Prairie 0349 14696
D: Fisher H123 QR SG 12704
Clay-Nob 1524 15446
B: 2/7/2015 Single
S: Clay-Nob 1481 Protege 14816
D: 14078 A. Brown 1201
The sire was our best ram from the 2012 National Champion.
B: 2/13/2016 Twin
S: Portland Prairie 0349 AI SG 14696
D: Taylor 9307 QR TW 16033
Thick rumped, solid built. Sired by Portland
Prairie 0349, 2014 Res Champion Ram. Dam
born in 2013, and is medium sized. This is her
3rd set of twins.
B: 3/11/2016 Twin
S: Portland Prairie 0349 AI SG 14696
D: Taylor 968 SG 14206
603- Yearling Ewe
Consigned By
Ronald Wilcox
1416 W Fitchburg Rd - Leslie, MI 49251
(734) 260-0109
611- February Ram Lamb
Wilcox 157 Green RR
B: 2/13/2016 Single
S: Bokelman 0085 14920
D: Wilcox 575 WH 14053
This ram has been an eye catcher since birth.
He has a wide topline. Deep long loin. Deep
wide chest. Legs set wide and square.
Champion Texel Ram, 1st Yearling Ram from
Pine Knob Farm sold to Idaho at $9,000.
Taylor 16-08 QR 16041
613- Yearling Ewe
Wilcox 492 Yellow 15264
B: 2/20/2015 Twin
S: Round Barn 12-32 13841
D: Wilcox 201 PK 13528
Nice well balanced ewe. Her sire and grand
dam produced our 2015 Reserve Champion
ewe at Midwest Sale.
614- Yearling Ewe
Wilcox 488 Yellow 15259
B: 2/17/2015 Twin
S: Round Barn 12-32 13841
D: Wilcox 204 PK 13530
Excellent maternal line. Multiple generations
of twin producers.
615- February Ewe Lamb
Wilcox 506 Yellow RR
B: 2/16/2016 Triplet
S: Round Barn 12-32 13841
D: Wilcox 208 PK 13534
Strong maternal line. Dam has produced triplets past 2 years.
616- February Ewe Lamb
Wilcox 503 Yellow RR
B: 2/15/2016 Twin
S: Round Barn 12-32 13841
D: Wilcox 443 YE 13479
Nice well balanced lamb. Good growth and
muscle pattern.
612- February Ram Lamb
Wilcox 510 Yellow RR
B: 2/19/2016 Twin
S: Round Barn 12-32 13841
D: Wilcox 595 WH 15266
Nice growing lamb. Long deep loin. Straight
well placed legs. Smooth strong top.
Sale Reminders and Information
Check out Page 72
--- Page 53 ---
627- January Ewe Lamb
621- January Ram Lamb
Champion Texel Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe
from Fisher Texels sold to Indiana at $1,350.
Consigned By
Niki Fisher
2275 N Grays Creek Rd - Indian Valley, ID 83632
(208) 315-5659 (208) 256-4426
617- Yearling Ram
Fisher N76 RR 16030
B: 2/3/2015 Twin
S: Portland Prairie 0209 ET ET 14156
D: Fisher J96 RR 13885
N76 and N77, full brothers, sired by the 2012
National Sale 3rd place ram who scanned a
4.32 inch loin.
618- Yearling Ram
Fisher N77 RR 16031
B: 2/3/2015 Twin
S: Portland Prairie 0209 ET ET 14156
D: Fisher J96 RR 13885
N76 & N77 are also 1/2 brothers to the 2015
Reserve Champion Ram. Rams from Richardson, Taylors Bulldog and Davis Muscleman are
on the dame side of the pedigree.
619- January Ram Lamb
Fisher P23 QR
B: 1/26/2016 Single
S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749
D: Fisher D112QR 13454
Pedigree of dam features the first Portland
Prairie ram that we purchased in 2008, along
with rams from Weaver and Hess.
620- January Ram Lamb
Fisher P3 QR
B: 1/19/2016 Twin
S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749
D: Fisher D126 QR 13423
All of our ram and ewe lambs are sired by the
Pine Knob ram we call Jacob. On the maternal side, P3 has breeding from our AI program
and can be traced back to a Hess ram.
Fisher P1 RR
B: 1/13/2016 Single
S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749
D: Fisher H121 RR 12946
Even though this ram lamb is a single, do not
let that stop you. His dam is a twin; grand
dam was a quad; and great-grand dam was a
twin. His sire was the 2015 Grand Champion
ram and Best of Breed for Texels, scanning a
5.01 inch loin.
622- January Ram Lamb
Fisher P16 RR
B: 1/26/2016 Single
S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749
D: Fisher K147 RR 14416
A nice ram lamb whose maternal side features
Richardson, Portland Prairie and Taylors Bulldog.
623- Brood Ewe
Fisher L15 RR 15168
B: 1/28/2014 Twin
S: Portland Prairie 0223 AI 14158
D: Fisher 105A QR 11823
L15 has proven to be a nice brood ewe with
great mothering instincts. Her sire was the
2012 Reserve Champion Texel Ram at the
National Show, scanning a 4.56 inch loin. On
her maternal side she features Taylors Bulldog
and Hess rams.
624- Brood Ewe
Fisher L31 RR 15177
B: 1/31/2014 Twin
S: Portland Prairie 0065 AI 13051
D: Fisher D75 RR 13445
L31 sire was the high-selling ram at the 2001
National Sale. His loin scan was a 4.63 inch.
On the maternal side, L31 goes all the way
back to Moe-Ekin and Hess rams with some
Australian thrown in from our AI program.
625- Yearling Ewe
Fisher N171 RR 15739
B: 3/14/2015 Twin
S: Portland Prairie 0209 ET ET 14156
D: Fisher J29 RR 13868
In 2015 at the National Show, her dam was
1st brood ewe. This yearling ewe would make
a great addition to any flock.
626- Yearling Ewe
Fisher N180 RR 15747
B: 3/21/2015 Single
S: Portland Prairie 0209 ET ET 14156
D: Fisher J139 RR 13900
Another nice yearling ewe who is also a 1/2
sister to the 2015 Reserve Champion Ram.
She will make a great addition to your flock.
--- Page 54 ---
Fisher P15 QR
B: 1/25/2016 Twin
S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749
D: Fisher K128 QR 14413
Along with the excellent breeding from her
sire, P15 has some old names in the Texel
breed in her background. Tomorrow Valley,
Dunn and USMARC.
628- January Ewe Lamb
Fisher P38 RR
B: 1/28/2016 Single
S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749
D: Fisher K95 RR 14389
This girl combines both British and New Zealand genetics which will add a little something
extra to your breeding program.
629- January Ewe Lamb
Fisher P51 RR
B: 1/30/2016 Single
S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749
D: Fisher 0139B RR 12258
Out of one of our older ewes, P51 has a nice
mixture of genetics in her background, both
on her sire and dam side.
630- January Ewe Lamb
Fisher P54 RR
B: 1/30/2016 Twin
S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749
D: Fisher J74 RR 13882
This ewe lamb caught my eye early in my search
for Sedalia entries. She is a well put-together
ewe and has grown well. She also has a nice
mix of British, Australian and English genetics.
Consigned By
Peter Tausanovitch
655 River Rd - Lyme, NH 03768
(603) 667-7024
631- Yearling Ram
Epic Acres 716124
B: 4/16/2015 Twin
S: Pine Knob Farm 1205 13762
D: Pine Knob Farm 1207 13763
Epic Acres 716129
632- Yearling Ram
B: 4/14/2015 Single
S: Pine Knob Farm 1205 13762
D: Pine Knob Farm 1315 TW 14631
Consigned By
Don & Betsy Heller
9019 60th Ave NW - Pine Island, MN 55963
(507) 367-2199
Consigned By
Rachael Gately
126 Pioneer Heights - Somers, CT 06071
(860) 202-4490
633- Yearling Ram
Information Sale Day
634- Yearling Ram
Information Sale Day
Both yearling rams are ready to work for you,
RR, OPP free Calipyge free, and footrot free.
From MN20 scrapie free flock.
Consigned By
Charles & Deborah Wray
11636 Snake Point Dr - Caledonia, MN 55921
(507) 495-0515 (507) 495-3265
635- Yearling Ram
Portland Prairie 0518-ET RR 16014
B: 2/14/2015 Twin
S: Handbank Jack The Lad
PRH03014 11735
D: Portland Prairie 0339 14490
This massive, long ram is loaded with muscle.
Check our website for photos and more information.
636- Yearling Ram
Portland Prairie 529-ET RR 15835
B: 3/26/2015 Single
S: Cambwell Laird LTC05507 93097
D: Portland Prairie 0347 14493
This eye appealing ram is very well put together. His growth rate potential is impressive since
his one-teated recipient dam was treated for
mastitis when he was 50 days old, yet he continued to grow on pasture without creep. Check
our website for photos and more information.
Consigned By
4944 N Co Rd 200 E-Greensburg, IN 47240
(812) 614-4391
637- Yearling Ram
Bokelman 527 RR
B: 1/28/2015 Twin
S: Bokelman 11821 13178
D: Adams 2704 11620
638- Yearling Ram
Pine Knob Farm 1527 QR 15323
B: 3/10/2015 Twin
S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749
D: Pine Knob Farm 1303 14630
Up-headed and pretty fronted, but does not
disappoint from behind either. He looks like
his sire, who was the 2015 National Champion
Ram. PKF 1303 is twin to the 2014 National
Champion Ram. Callipyge NN.
639- Yearling Ram
Pine Knob Farm 1532 RR 15328
B: 3/24/2015 Twin
S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749
D: Pine Knob Farm 1318 14633
This ram is young, but has the potential to be
a rugged stud buck. PKF 1318 is twin to the
2014 Reserve National Champion Ewe. Callipyge NN.
640- Fall Ram Lamb
Pine Knob Farm 1603 QR
B: 10/8/2015 Single
S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749
D: Pine Knob Farm 1115 13758
Extremely muscular and complete ram. PKF
1115 is also the dam of PKF 1512 Black Hawk,
who we have retained as a stud buck. This
ram lamb will be the last one we sell sired by
PKF 1408. Callipyge NN.
641- February Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Will be sired by Clay-Nob Protege or PKF Black
Hawk. Remaining Callipyge results are pending but will be posted at the sale.
642- Yearling Ewe
Pine Knob Farm 1530 R 15523
B: 3/13/2015 Twin
Reserve Champion Texel Ewe, 1st Spring from
Wilcox Club Lambs sold to Virginia at $2,000.
643- Yearling Ewe
Pine Knob Farm 1533 RR
B: 3/24/2015 Twin
S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749
D: Pine Knob Farm 1318 14633
Long-sided, pretty ewe. She has champion genetics on both sides of her pedigree; sure to be
a great addition to any flock.
644- February Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Sired by Clay-Nob Protege or PKF Black Hawk.
Monday, June 20th, Early-Afternoon
National Texel
Junior Show
Sheep Barn Show Ring
Judge: Cruz Nichols
Texel Sheep Breeders
Society Annual
Meeting & Banquet
Best Western, State Fair Inn
Tuesday, June 21st, Late-Morning
S: Pine Knob Farm 1408 14749
D: Pine Knob Farm 1116 13759
We should not be selling this one, but we are
committed to offering our best. PKF 1116 has
never missed; she is the dam of our 2014 National Champion Ewe. Be sure to check her out!
Sheep Barn, North Show Ring
Sale Reminders and Information
Check out Page 72
Sheep Barn Sale Ring
--- Page 55 ---
Texel Show
Judge: Philip Glass
Thursday, June 23rd,
National Texel Sale
Consigned By
Consigned By
202 N Logan - New Holland, IL 62671
(217) 737-5674 John
704- Yearling Ewe
Consigned By
Consigned By
Peyton Fair
10976 Hwy 59 W - Gilt Edge, TN 38015
(901) 568-3168
(901) 296-5182
705-Fall Ram Lamb
701- February Ram Lamb
Tri-Star 1601
B: 2/2/2016 Single
S: Schambow 495 35792
D: JET 14021 35259
1601 is the perfect combination of natural
thickness, performance, and style. His sire, Gentleman Jack, is a Big Ten son whose twin brother
Helix stood 2nd in his class at NAILE in 2015 and
dam was 3rd in her class the year before. His
dam, 14021, is an Alternative daughter who we
showed slick shorn because she is so thick and
good topped! DNA information will be available
by sale day, but he will be QR or better.
Consigned By
David and Sandra Rock
590 Montgomery Rd - Hillsborough, NJ 08844
(908) 938-1921 (908) 938-1920
Facebook RQL Farms
702- February Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
703- March Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
B: 2/28/2015 Twin
S: J Coers 3 32175
D: Schultz 0106 32563
A very well balanced ewe. She is composed of
triples, Brawn (Willie), Bruns, Kleman, and Lawthea bloodlines.
Champion Tunis Ram, 1st Fall Ram from Riverwood Farms sold to Pennsylvania at $850.
J Coers 24 Don & Jane Craft
307 West Columbia St - Flora, IN 46929
(765) 490-6619 (574) 967-3091
Craft 15-36
B: 10/9/2015 Twin
S: Shambow 442 34483
D: Anderson 229
This ram has class! Sire was Champion Ram
at Indiana State Fair in 2015. His granddad
was National Champion for Schambows of
706-January Ram Lamb
Craft 16-3
B: 1/28/2016 Twin
S: Stumpe 567
D: Craft 14-33 30435
Goes back to the great Razor ram. He is very
correct with lots of meat and bone. Ge will
grow big and will be put together very well.
Nick and Mackenzie Stumpe
5982 Audrain Rd #427 - Mexico, MO 65265
(573) 473-1814 (573) 581-1200
710- February Ram Lamb
711- Yearling Ewe
712- January Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Sire will most likely be RRoberto, MJM 1113.
We have an outstanding set of lambs from
him this year. Scrapie DNA available sale day.
We will Futurity nominate this ewe lamb.
Consigned By
Matthew & Jennifer Maag
13360 Rd 12 - Ottawa, OH 45875
(419) 303-6059 (419) 538-6535
Craft 16-27
B: 2/8/2016 Triplet
S: Schambow 442 34483
D: Craft 13-23 33425
Super on his feet and very correct. Long neck
and high-headed. Sire was Champion at 2015
Indiana State Fair and Reserve as a lamb.
Stumpe 466-OR E 2003
B: 2/10/2015 Twin
S: Stumpe 13-45 R 2001
D: Stumpe 333-OR E 2002
Another one of our top yearling ewes. Her dam
was one of our show ewes that stood up next
to Uptown Little Sister at the 2013 MO State
Fair. Look this one up. Scrapie DNA available
sale day.
707-February Ram Lamb
Stumpe 506-OR
B: 2/9/2016 Twin
S: MJM 1113 29907
D: Stumpe 417-OR 1427 E
This ram lamb is built right and has the predictable pedigree also. He is bred the same way as
our lead yearling ram for this summer (2nd at
MO State fair last year). From our Triple S 700
ewe family his mother is same mating as the
dam to our yearling ewe which sold for $1000
at the 2015 sale. Make sure you look this one
up. Scrapie DNA available sale day.
713- February Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
708-Yearling Ewe
Information Sale Day
This ewe will be sired by either Schambow 442
or Schambow 434.
709-February Ewe Lamb
Craft 16-33
B: 2/10/2016 Twin
S: Schambow 442 34483
D: Stumpe 529 34529
Sire is same as above and the dam has Mayes
breeding in the pedigree.
--- Page 56 ---
Sale Reminders and Information
Check out Page 72
Consigned By
Linda Cook
1725 W CR 450 N - 9Muncie, IN 47303
(765) 729-0262 (765) 288-7829
Consigned By
Kelly Stumpe
8922 Clibourn Rd - Russellville, MO 65074
(636) 357-8227
714- Yearling Ewe
Triangle Farms 15143 RR 35933
B: 1/21/2015 Twin
S: Schambow 373 Bo 31639
D: Triangle Farms 13119 33005
Bo has provided us great level-topped ewes
with style.
715- Yearling Ewe
Triangle Farms 15145 RR 35935
B: 3/17/2015 Single
S: Schambow 373 Bo 31639
D: Triangle Farms 12117 31529
Bo gives our ewes not only great style but correct on their feet and legs.
720- March Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
721- Yearling Ewe
722- March Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Since we will not be showing this year our
consignment will include our best lambs that
would normally be kept back for our show flock.
Consigned By
716- Yearling Ewe
Lynn Murry
125 NE 1150th Rd - Higginsville, MO 64037
(816) 263-2464 (816) 263-5234
Triangle Farms 15148 RR 35938
B: 2/17/2015 Twin
S: Triangle Farms 12111 LT2 31523
D: Wise 1217 31700
Most of our brood ewes and show ewes are
sired by LT2.
717-February Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
B: 1/1/2016
S: RQL Farms 1416
Sweet Red Ale 146R
We are impressed by the offspring by our new
sire Sweet Red Ale from RQL Farms. DNA
pending on this January born ewe lamb.
Consigned By
723- Yearling Ram
724- March Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
725- February Ewe Lamb
Jim Klingbeil, Owner
Eric Bruns, Shepherd
1000 W Powell Rd - Powell, OH 43065
(614) 885-6268 (614) 403-1436
718- Yearling Ewe
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
719- February Ewe Lamb
Murry 21506 30207
B: 2/24/2015 Single
S: Schambow 379 32061
D: Craft 11-50 30711
Fifth place ram in Louisville in the open and Junior Show. Grand Champion Ram in 4-H Show
at Missouri State Fair.
Consigned By
Clint Garey
2039 1100th Ave-Chestnut, IL 62518
(309) 275-9189
726- January Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Champion Tunis Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from
Riverwood Farms sold to Minnesota at $1,500.
Tuesday, June 21st,
Tunis Show
Sheep Barn, South Show Ring
Judge: Steve Paash
Wednesday, June 22nd, 6pm
Larry Mead Supreme
Champion Event
Swine Barn Show Ring
Thursday, June 23rd, 8am
Coffee & Donuts
Sheep Barn Tunis Pens
sponsored by Midwest Tunis Assoc.
Thursday, June 23rd, 11am
Light Lunch
Sheep Barn Tunis Pens
sponsored by Midwest Tunis Assoc.
Thursday, June 23rd
Tunis Sale
Sheep Barn Sale Ring
--- Page 57 ---
Consigned By
Bob and Deb Schroth
5899 S Co Rd 157 - Strasburg, CO 80136
(303) 622-4617
756- January Ram Lamb
B: 1/5/2016 Single
S: ML Bandt 1082 573900
D: Schroth 530 568030
Correct and stylish with good breed character.
Sired by the 2014 Junior Champion Ram.
Champion Corriedale Ram, 1st January Ram Lamb
from Dew Drop Farms sold to Ohio at $1,675.
Consigned By
Leah Beth Faulkner
4707 Jack Douglas Rd - Union City, TN 38261
(731) 479-3686 (731) 885-7053
751- February Ram Lamb
Faulkner 1261 TN 0103 575805
757- Yearling Ewe
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
759- Fall Ewe Lamb
760- January Ewe Lamb
Consigned By
The Baucks
38118 510th Ave - New York Mills, MN 56567
(218) 639-8484 Darin
640-7800 Duane
752- Fall Ewe Lamb
B: 12/16/2015 Single
S: GSC21 572140
D: Faulkner 111 570359
753- February Ewe Lamb
Faulkner 1262 TN 0102 575806
B: 2/29/2016 Twin
S: GSC21 572140
D: Faulkner 37 572783
Consigned By
Rodney, Cathy, Cody Morris
7938 E CR 250 N - Lerna, IL 62440
(217) 272-5299
754- March Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Sired by North Star Friesz 346. The popular Junior Champion Ram in 2013 at Louisville.
755- March Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Sired by Why Not, the 2015 National Show
Champion Ram from the Hoffman Family.
Information Sale Day
758- Yearling Ewe
B: 2/29/2016 Twin
S: GSC21 572140
D: Faulkner 37 572783
Faulkner 1260 TN 0136
Schroth 1079
761- Yearling Ram
DDF 5-03 574822
B: 1/20/2015 Twin
S: DDF 0-95 New Frontier
D: DDF 3-51
One of the sweeter fronted rams we have sold.
0-95 needs no introduction to the breed. His two
half-brothers were Champion Centennial ram
and North American Champion in 2014. Has a
great head, will have used him for fall lambs.
762- Fall Ram Lamb
Bauck 5-82
B: 9/15/2015 Twin
S: Bauck 4-20
D: Bauck 4-47
Bauck 4-20 was Sr. Champion ram at the 2015
North American. A little out cross on the bottom side, as 4-47 is sired by the Owl Ridge ram,
and dammed by a Luzon ewe.
763- Fall Ram Lamb
DDF 5-88
B: 9/19/2015 Twin
S: DDF I-90
D: DDF 0-47
A little classier ram here. DDF I-90 was the
heaviest ram at the 2013 National. Half-brother was the 1st fall ram at the National Sale.
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764- Yearling Ewe
DDF 4-86 574818
B: 10/20/2014 Twin
S: DDF 3-16 Reflection
D: DDF -38
Reflection was our lead ram for the centennial
sale. 4-86 is a ewe with a lot of volume that has
great bone and foot work. Think this ewe has
some potential.
765- Yearling Ewe
DDF 5-57 574831
B: 3/7/2015 Twin
S: DDF I-90
D: Thoma 138
DDF I-90 sired the crowd favorite National
Champion ewe for Wolfs last year. A later developing ewe out of one of the bigger Thoma
ewes when bought their flock out.
766- Fall Ewe Lamb
DDF 5-72
B: 10/1/2015 Twin
S: DDF I-90
D: DDF 4-55
DDF I-90 was Reserve Ram at the 2013 North
767- Fall Ewe Lamb
DDF 5-78
B: 10/3/2015
S: DDF 4-20
D: DDF O-85
DDF 4-20 was Sr. Champion ram at the 2015
North American and Reserve Jr. Champion at
the 2014 North American.
768- February Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Will be sired by DDF 4-20.
Sale Reminders and Information
Check out Page 72
Consigned By
Nick Miniter
PO Box 729 - Sherborn, MA 01770
(774) 244-2543
Consigned By
Joana Friesz
PO Box 67 - New Salem, ND 58563
(701) 400-8744 (701) 843-8750
769- Fall Ram Lamb
LRF 1610 575816
B: 9/12/2015 Single
S: Craig 1307 572708
D: LRF 1313 572432
A very correct ram with excellent breed character and the bold fleece we strive to produce. He
is super thick topped and heavy boned.
770- Yearling Ewe
LRF 1539 575587
B: 2/20/2015 Single
S: Craig 1307 572708
D: LRF 1202 571576
771- Yearling Ewe
LRF 1506 574983
B: 1/6/2015 Twin
S: Craig 1307 572708
D: LRF 1042 569683
We have what I think is our best set of yearling
ewes ever this year. These two ewes will make
great brood ewes. They are structurally sound
with our trademark fleeces and excellent breed
772- Fall Ewe Lamb
LRF 1618 575813
B: 9/30/2015 Single
S: Craig 1307 572708
D: LRF 1035 569682
Consigned By
Jim Kin
12831 TH 87 - Forest, OH 45843
(419) 273-3221
773- Fall Ram Lamb
Kin 963
B: 9/10/2015 Twin
S: Lightning Ridge Farm 1320 572438
D: Wolf 013 571564
Information Sale Day
774- Yearling Ewe
775- Fall Ewe Lamb
Kin 964
B: 9/17/2015 Twin
S: Lightning Ridge Farm 1320 572438
D: Kin 861 573543
Excellent breed type and fleece.
776- Yearling Ram
Friesz 547 574969
B: 2/6/2015 Twin
S: Friesz 047 569113
D: Friesz 148 570064
Photos and more info will be on our Facebook
Page - Friesz Livestock and our website closer
to sale day.
Champion Corriedale Ewe, 1st January from
Phillippi Corriedales sold to North Dakota at $1,000.
Consigned By
777- Yearling Ram
Bryan & Gina Vining
1900 Co Rd 219 - Cheyenne, WY 82009
(307) 421-0945 (307) 634-6304
Friesz 554 575411
B: 2/6/2015 Twin
S: Friesz 047 569113
D: FC 1893 572862
778- January Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
We will be bringing a real nice set of lambs to
Sedalia - most of our lambs are sired by Friesz 316
- 2014 ND State Fair Supreme Champion Ram.
788- Yearling Ram
FC 2052 575249
Information Sale Day
B: 2/1/2015 Single
S: KHC 86 569130
D: FC 1678 569337
The complete package. Excellent breed character, beautiful fleece, length and lots of bone.
Information Sale Day
779- February Ram Lamb
780- February Ram Lamb
789- Yearling Ewe
781- Yearling Ewe
Information Sale Day
Photos and more info will be on our facebook
page and website closer to sale day.
782- Yearling Ewe
Information Sale Day
Friesz 601
783- January Ewe Lamb
B: 1/18/2016 Twin
S: Friesz 316 572529
D: Wolf 035 574152
Dam is 2015 National Champion Corriedale
Sale Ewe- had a very nice set of ewe lambs - we
will be offering one of them to you.
784- February Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
785- February Ewe Lamb
786- February Ewe Lamb
787- March Ewe Lamb
--- Page 59 ---
FC 2077 575630
B: 2/5/2015 Single
S: KHC 86 569130
D: FC 1787 575630
Excellent breed character and beautiful fleece.
790- Yearling Ewe
VIN 58 575637
B: 2/13/2015 Twin
S: VIN 26 571528
D: FC 1712 575637
Beautiful up-headed ewe with excellent fleece
and breed character.
791- February Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Had a nice set of lambs to pick from this spring.
We will pick a couple nice ones to choose from.
792- February Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Consigned By
Gary & Joyce Heibertshausen
411 Black Point Ln - Alazada, MT 59311
(567) 224-9002 (406) 828-4071
793- Yearling Ram
HEIB 470 574726
B: 1/24/2015 Twin
S: HEIB 324 571073
D: HEIB 315 571088
HEIB 517
794- January Ram Lamb
B: 1/14/2016 Single
S: HEIB 324 571073
D: HEIB 288 572015
HEIB 496
795- February Ram Lamb
B: 2/4/2016 Single
S: HEIB 324 571073
D: RC 212 572999
HEIB 488
796- January Ewe Lamb
B: 1/21/2016 Single
S: HEIB 324 571073
D: HEIB 392 574677
797- January Ewe Lamb
HEIB 493
B: 1/24/2016 Single
S: HEIB 324 571073
D: FC 1503 567650
HEIB 516
798- February Ewe Lamb
B: 2/1/2016 Single
S: HEIB 365 573994
D: HEIB 419 574703
799- February Ewe Lamb
Consigned By
HEIB 523
B: 2/4/2016 Twin
S: HEIB 365 573994
D: HEIB 287 572014
Consigned By
Alex & Kody Wolf
9561 Twp Hwy 29 - Upper Sandusky, OH 43351
(419) 310-9153 (419) 310-1336
800- Yearling Ewe
Wolf 049 RR 575221
B: 1/17/2015 Single
S: Bandt 1007 Bandit 572408
D: Peters 1305 572630
We are bringing our two best yearling ewes!
This one is straight out of our show flock and
will certainly be a force in the ring. Her mother was best fleece at OSF and NAILE as a lamb.
Bandit sired 3 banner winners at NAILE last fall!
801- Yearling Ewe
Wolf 051 QR 575223
B: 2/16/2015 Single
S: Bandt 1007 Bandit 572408
D: Seals 181 572591
Straight out of our show flock where she was
second at OSF. Her mother was Champion Ewe
at OSF in 2014. Only Bandit daughters to sell so
do not miss this opportunity!
802- Fall Ewe Lamb
Wolf 054
B: 9/13/2015 Single
S: Wolf 022 Jetliner II 572643
D: Friesz 126
Maternal sister to the 2015 National Sale
Champion Ewe! Her mother was Reserve Senior Champion Ewe at NAILE in 2012 and was
the maternal sister to the 2011 National Sale
Champion Ewe. STUD EWE DELUXE! Sired by
the 2014 NAILE Champion Ram.
803- Fall Ewe Lamb
Wolf 057
B: 10/5/2015 Twin
S: Wolf 022 Jetliner II 572643
D: Wolf 011
Twin to a keeper ewe lamb that will be in our
show flock this year. Mother was a triplet out of
the 2010 NAILE Champion Ewe and 2011 Champion Ram at OSF. This will be your last chance to
own a daughter of the great Jetliner II!
Sale Reminders and Information
Check out Page 72
--- Page 60 ---
Lester and Renetta Phillippi
2421 Hammond Rd - Hammond, MT 59332
(406) 925-1352 (406) 427-5280
Facebook Phillippi Corriedales
804- Yearling Ram
Phillippi 5-6 575424
B: 1/26/2015 Twin
S: Owl Ridge Farm RF 1228
Humphrey 572563
D: PHillippi 3-1398 575414
A very complete ram that was Champion Ram
at the Wyoming State Fair in 2015, he sired a
fancy January ewe lamb with a paternal 1/2 sister that we are keeping for our show flock.
805- February Ram Lamb
MEG 601
B: 2/3/2016 Twin
S: Phillippi 006 569485
D: MEG 201 573984
The stand out ram lamb of the 2016 lamb crop.
806- Yearling Ewe
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
807- February Ewe Lamb
808- February Ewe Lamb
809- March Ewe Lamb
Consigned By
Jenny Milligan Bradley
49022 Locust Hill St - Novelty, MO 63460
(816) 284-3205 (660) 739-4050
810- Fall Ewe Lamb
Milligan JM x 635
B: 10/16/2015 Twin
S: Jesse 64 571589
D: JMX 473 569735
Consigned By
Bruce Hoffman & Family
36231 US Hwy 212 - Rockham, SD 57470
(605) 472-0856 (605) 460-2681
811- Yearling Ram
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
812- Fall Ram Lamb
813- Fall Ram Lamb
814- January Ram Lamb
815- Yearling Ewe
Information Sale Day
816- Yearling Ewe
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
817- Fall Ewe Lamb
818- Fall Ewe Lamb
819- Fall Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
820- January Ewe Lamb
Consigned By
Consigned By
Douglas Brewer
2147 Woodbine Rd - Woodbine, MD 21797
(240) 674-7131 (410) 489-9671
Christine Humphrey
665 Hardwick Rd - New Braintree, MA 01531
(508) 864-1800 (508) 867-9113
823- February Ram Lamb
828- Yearling Ram
Information Sale Day
S: Friesz 336 572547
Both February Ram Lambs will be sired by the
Friesz ram purchased in the 2014 Sale.
824- February Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
S: Friesz 336 572547
825- Yearling Ewe
Information Sale Day
S: Friesz 336 572547
Both Yearling Ewes will be sired by the Friesz
ram we purchased in 2014. This ewe will be
correct in structure and have great wool.
Information Sale Day
D: ORF 901
Dam was Champion Ewe at the 2009 NAILE.
829- Fall Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
830- Fall Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
We are bringing our best two fall ram lambs
born between Oct 20 - Nov 7.
831- February Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Long, tall and ready for the show ring.
826- Yearling Ewe
832- Yearling Ewe
833- Yearling Ewe
Information Sale Day
S: Friesz 336 572547
Consigned By
821- February Ewe Lamb
822- February Ewe Lamb
952 E 2100 N Rd - Assumption, IL 62510
827- Yearling Ram
Information Sale Day
B: 1/15/2015
Young ram, eye-appealing, mother was Champion Ewe at Illinois State Fair. Had him turned
in with our ewes. Take a good look at this entry.
Information Sale Day
Sarah says bring the best. These ewes will be
special! Check out their great fleeces.
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
834- Fall Ewe Lamb
835- Fall Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
2 for 2 you pick which one is your favorite to
complete your show flock.
836- February Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
Futurity here we come!
We are bringing a great set of sheep from Owl
Ridge Farm. All are by our Yokyo son one of the
last from the Waddington family of California.
Terrific breed type, be sure to check them out.
Consigned By
Ryan Gann
11578 N Mt Morris Rd - Leaf River, IL 61047
(815) 979-3117 (815) 738-2320
837- February Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
838- March Ewe Lamb
--- Page 61 ---
Consigned By
Mike Bandt
1650 Sandy Rock Rd - Hollandale, WI
(608) 387-5789
839- Fall Ram Lamb
Bandt 1103 575777
B: 11/28/2015 Twin
S: BWH 3580 573431
D: Bandt 980 563060
A great late lamb. Stamped black nose with an
excellent fleece.
840- January Ram Lamb
Bandt 1104
B: 1/28/2016 Twin
S: BWH 3580 573431
D: Bandt 1090 574529
A very stylish, extremely correct lamb.
841- February Ram Lamb
Bandt 1115
B: 2/28/2016 Twin
S: BHW 3580 573431
D: Bandt 1088 574526
He has bone, length and correctness and will get big!
842- Yearling Ewe
Bandt 1092 B: 4/16/2015 Twin
S: Friesz 405 573817
D: Bandt 941 559014
Corriedale all the way!
843- Yearling Ewe
B: 4/16/2015 Twin
S: Friesz 405 573817
D: Bandt 941 559014
Best headed candidate. Should not be selling
these twins.
844- Fall Ewe Lamb
Bandt 1102 575776
B: 11/25/2015 Single
S: BWH 3580 573431
D: Dandt 965 560982
Very correct, beautiful fleeced late Fall lamb.
845- January Ewe Lamb
Bandt 1105
B: 1/17/2016 Single
S: BHW 3580 573431
D: Bandt 920 5586298
Very straight, hard-topped fancy ewe lamb with
an awesome fleece.
846- February Ewe Lamb
Bandt 1109
B: 2/13/2016 Twin
S: Friesz 405 573817
D: DDF 3-40 572649
Long and correct, a pretty lamb.
847- February Ewe Lamb
Bandt 1112
B: 2/17/2016 Twin
S: BHW 3580 573431
D: Bandt 966 560983
Beautiful head, awesome fleece. Her brother
will be staying home.
Monday, June 20th,
National Corriedale
Junior Show
Sheep Barn Show Ring
Judge: Jenny Milligan
Tuesday, June 21st,
Corriedale Show
Sheep Barn Show Ring
Judge: Larry McDaniel
Wednesday, June 22nd, 6pm
Larry Mead Supreme
Champion Event
Swine Barn Show Ring
June 22nd, 6:30pm
American Corriedale
Assoc Banquet
Celebration Center,
First United Methodist Church
Thursday, June 23rd,
Corriedale Sale
Sheep Barn Sale Ring
--- Page 62 ---
Consigned By
Daniel Kuehne
16649 Nystrom Ave - Reading, MN 56165
(507) 360-8179 (507) 372-7997
Consigned By
The Baucks
38118 510th Ave - New York Mills, MN 56567
(218) 639-8484 Darin
(218) 640-7800 Duane
901- Fall Ram Lamb
Kuehne 1563 RR Y11464
B: 9/21/2015 Triplet
S: Bauck I-90 Canyon U20675
D: Kuehne 1003 RR U16759
Canyon was champion ram in the National
Junior Show in Bloomington. He puts a lot of
bone on his lambs. This guy is full of bone.
902- Fall Ewe Lamb
Kuehne 1565 RR Y11466
B: 9/23/2015 Twin
S: Bauck 2-93 Hocus Pocus U22025
D: Kuehne 1109 RR U18459
Hocus Pocus was champion ram in the National Junior Show in Tooele, UT.
903- Fall Ewe Lamb
Kuehne 1566 QR Y11467
B: 9/23/2015 Single
S: Bauck 2-93 Hocus Pocus U22025
D: Kuehne 1216 QR U20288
Hocus Pocus lambs are up-fronted and feminine.
904- February Ewe Lamb
Kuehne 1612 RR Y11666
B: 2/1/2016 Twin
S: Kuehne 1462 RR Hitch Hiker Y10143
D: Bauck 4-44 U23493
Hitch Hiker is a top Canyon son. Bauck 4-44 is
a Closer daughter. She also was part of the National Champion pair at Fairmont last year.
906- Fall Ram Lamb
Information Sale Day
Will be sired by Ace - Bauck 3-24. He was
the 2014 North American Champion Ram.
We plan on bringing one similar to the 2015
Champion that sold to the Brandts of CA.
907- Yearling Ewe
908- Fall Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
We might let go of one sired by Bauck 3-88
one of the more popular rams at the 2014 National Junior Show. He was also high selling at
the 2015 National Sale going to Keys of Montana. He went on to win Supreme ram at the
Montana State Fair. Remember behind every
Big Buck is a foundation female!
B: 2/6/2016 Twin
S: Kuehne 1462 RR Hitch Hiker Y10143
D: Worm 235 QR U20708
Another good Hitch Hiker lamb. Dam was purchased at a past National.
914- Yearling Ram
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
Information Sale Day
915- Yearling Ram
916- Yearling Ram
917- Yearling Ram
919- February Ram Lamb
909- Fall Ram Lamb
Borcher 513
B: 10/14/2015 Single
S: Kuehne 1365 Big Country U22846
D: Borcher RD 13-23 U23026
Borcher B5167 Y11117
910- Yearling Ewe
Thomas Key
140 Russell Ranch Ln - Great Falls, MT 59405
(406) 564-6542 (406) 736-5860
Weston Borcher
1330 Lane 10 - Powell, WY 82435
(307) 272-5285
918- January Ram Lamb
Sale Reminders and Information
Check out Page 72
Consigned By
Consigned By
Kuehne 1620 RR Y11669
B: 3/19/2015 Single
S: Bauck 3-24 Ace
D: Lynsey Frey 3-7
Real elegant female here. Frey 3-7 was top
selling Feb ewe at the 2013 National where she
was 2nd at the comeback show in Utah. If you
want a classy female 5-56 would fit the bill.
905- February Ewe Lamb
Bauck 5-56 Champion Columbia Ram, 1st Fall Ram Lamb from
Dew Drop Farms sold to California at $1,500.
B: 2/20/2015 Twin
S: Kuehne 1365 Big Country U22846
D: Lynesy Frey 0-5 U16645
911- February Ewe Lamb
920- March Ram Lamb
921- Yearling Ewe
922- Yearling Ewe
923- Yearling Ewe
924- Yearling Ewe
925- Fall Ewe Lamb
926- January Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
927- January Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
928- February Ewe Lamb
Information Sale Day
929- March Ewe Lamb
912- February Ewe Lamb
913- March Ewe Lamb
--- Page 63 ---
Consigned By
Don Wissmann
5783 Hwy H - Leasburg, MO 65535
(573) 245-6851
932- Fall Ram Lamb
Champion Columbia Ewe, 1st Yearling Ewe from
Borcher Sheep Co sold to Illinois at $850.
Consigned By
Bruce Nickel
30799 CSAH 34 - Litchfield, MN 55355
(320) 894-7367 (320) 693-2428
RMF 300 RR 933- February Ewe Lamb
B: 2/9/2016
S: Peterson 7241-1481 Y10360
D: RMF 272 U22952
Consigned By
Oak Meadow 903
82189 420th Ave - Lakefield, MN 56150
(507) 360-2160
B: 1/29/2016 Single
S: Oak Meadow 493 Y10004
D: Oak Meadow 492 Y10003
This is a late January lamb that is growing nicely.
Both his sire and dam by the same sire. Take him
home and grow him out. You will like the result.
B: 11/9/2015 Twin
S: Worm 236 U20711
D: Worm 734 U20704
Worm 624
930- January Ram Lamb
RMF 291 QR B: 11/25/2015 Single
S: Peterson 7241-1481 Y10360
D: RMF 256 U21633
934- Fall Ram Lamb
Worm 623
931- Yearling Ewe
B: 2/26/2015 Twin
S: Thiesen 585 U21080
D: Oak Meadow 703 U19919
At Oak Meadow, we have been breeding Columbias for 17 years. Our sheep are adequately
framed but would not be considered extreme.
However, they are attractive in the show ring,
and have performed well for us. I bred this ewe,
but transferred it in dam to a young man I am
working with, Jackson Rasmusson. It was born
at his place, and I received it back as part of
our arrangement. It is an attractive ewe, and
should be a prolific mother as well. Please visit
our facebook page. I will post pictures later.
935- Fall Ewe Lamb
Rasmusson 878 Y11416
B: 11/9/2015 Twin
S: Worm 236 U20711
D: Worm 734 U20704
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