How important is true quantification to your in vivo imaging results?
How important is true quantification to your in vivo imaging results?
How important is true quantification to your in vivo imaging results? True quantification to the picomole with FMT 3D in vivo imaging... because biology doesn’t happen in two dimensions. Cardiovascular Pulmonary The FMT 2500 LX quantitative tomography system with VisEn’s suite of fluorescent agents provides the leading fluorescence tomographic imaging solution for true quantification of deep tissue targets in vivo. Using one or multiple of VisEn’s targeted, activatable and vascular agents and labels (for multiplexed results), a researcher can quantify a broad range of biologic targets, pathways and processes in vivo. In addition, the FMT is specifically developed for robust multi-modality imaging, allowing for the easy fusion of FMT with PET, MRI, CT and SPECT data sets. Whether you are imaging a particular biomarker, disease pathway or monitoring therapeutic efficacy, the FMT is easy to learn, fast to incorporate into a high-throughput workflow and quickly produces unmatched results. CNS Oncology Bone and Skeletal Disease Inflammation Infectious Disease Infected 2D Planar 0.30 0.34 Co-registered FMT-MRI imaging data of proteolytic activities validating splenic deployment of monocytes to the heart following myocardial infarction.* 0.38 counts/energy 3D FMT 0.41 0.45 100 325 550 nM 775 1000 Eosinophil cathepsin activity quantified with FMT and ProSense in an ovalbumin-induced asthma model (right); not visible with planar fluorescence (left). 300 350 400 450 FMT tomographic imaging in brain for EAE disease severity. Quantification of AngioSense. nM 500 2D Planar 0.01 counts/energy 3D FMT 1.0 50 FMT quantitative cancer metastasis ProSense (right); planar fluorescence nM 2000 imaging of breast to the lung, using not visible with (left). Control Mouse 100 375 650 nM 925 1200 CAIA Mouse 100 375 650 nM 925 1200 FMT quantitative imaging of arthritis using ProSense to quantify arthritic inflammation in vivo in CAIA mice. Side View 0.00 943.85 Front View 1887.70 2831.55 nM 3775.39 FMT quantification of acute edema and cellular inflammatory response. Quantification of AngioSense. 0.00 211.32 422.64 633.95 nM 845.25 FMT quantitative imaging of Schistosomiasis using ProSense showing infection of liver and lower gastrointestinal tract. *Image courtesy of Swirski et al, Science, 31 July 2009 Vol 325, pp. 612 2 VISEN MEDICAL // OVERVIEW OF APPLICATIONS 3 FMT = 3D Quantitative Fluorescence Results of Deep Tissue Molecular Targets ™ Quantification of VisEn VivoTag agent in a Lymphoma Model showing lymph nodes and lung metastasis Quantified with the FMT 2500™ to the Picomole by: nM 2205.18 1880.67 1556.17 1231.66 1907.15 Based on our proprietary FMT (Fluorescence Molecular Tomography) technology, the FMT 2500 LX in vivo imaging system provides non-invasive, whole body, deep tissue quantitative in vivo imaging for preclinical applications. ™ True quantification to the picomole with FMT 3D in vivo imaging and agents…. …because biology doesn’t happen in two dimensions. ™ • • • • • • • Easily and efficiently obtain quantitative data in your animal models of disease Measure and monitor multiple biological processes simultaneously Generate 3D, information-rich results Integrate FMT in vivo data with in vitro readouts from microscopy and cell-based imaging Co-register data with CT, SPECT, PET or MR images Use Reflectance mode for baseline comparison Use Quantitative Tomography mode for data quantification and 3D image generation Quantitative Tomography combined with VisEn’s suite of fluorescent in vivo imaging agents and dyes enables scientists to: • • • • • • 4 VISEN MEDICAL // OVERVIEW OF APPLICATIONS Measure, monitor and quantify biological targets, processes and pathways in vivo Deepen their understanding of disease mechanisms, disease progression and therapeutic responses Use tomographic reconstructions to generate data sets from defined ROIs within the subject Obtain functional and biological data to enhance data and decision-making in research and drug development projects Monitor disease progression and therapeutic response in longitudinal studies Integrate in vitro and in vivo data sets from profiling through translational research VISEN MEDICAL // OVERVIEW 5 Quick to learn. Fast to image. Easy to quantify. FMT for True Quantification: 3 Steps to Generate Quantitative Tomographic Data In Vivo STEP 1 // FMT Data Generation x • • Transillumination: FMT transillumination of animal using powerful 80 mW lasers. Creating Baseline Absorption Profiles: Baseline absorption profiles of each mouse’s biological composition are measured by a laser-light raster scan. Paired absorption and fluorescence data maps generated from 10,000 – 100,000 source detector laser projections. y CCD Camera Lens Filter Wheel Mouse Immobilized in Imaging Cassette Mouse (to scale) Laser Scanning: 2 - 4 Distinct Lasers (80mW NIR laser) X-Y Stage FMT laser-driven transillumination generates paired absorption and fluorescence data maps throughout the animal Fiducial wells for co-registration with other modules The anesthetized mouse is comfortably placed in VisEn’s portable Animal Imaging Cassette. Imaging sessions are rapid (2-3 minutes per animal), animal handling is simple and the mouse remains stable and immobilized for consistent, repetitive imaging results. STEP 2 // FMT Normalization • • • Normalized fluorescence measurements generated by processing all paired absorption and fluorescence acquisition data. FMT minimizes the distorting effects of in vivo tissue heterogeneity, taking into account surface boundaries, tissue spectral characteristics and wave-guiding effects to correct and normalize each fluorescent measurement. Data normalized by FMT algorithmic models of photon transport in tissue. A A. Scan field B B. Excitation scan image C C. Fluorescence scan image Inserting the Animal Imaging Cassette into the FMT 2500 Easily position the anesthetized animal in the Imaging Cassette within the heated imaging chamber. Gas anesthesia is maintained. STEP 3 // FMT Reconstruction • • • • • • 6 Fluorescence quantified to the picomole at each point in the subject including deep tissue targets Fluorescence measurements calculated throughout the user-selected regions of Interest (ROI) Data provided in universal formats for analysis (including DICOM), database building, and decision-making Easily create animated movies including dynamic presentation of quantification data for presentation Data and images easily exported for multi-modality image fusion Quantification is performed on all animals at any depth with equal accuracy and without the need for an artificial image atlas for referential quantification. VISEN MEDICAL // OVERVIEW OF APPLICATIONS 3D ROI analysis measuring protease activity in the lungs Easy Experiment Set-Up Quick Tomographic Scan Quantitative Analysis VISEN MEDICAL // FMT WORKFLOW 7 Multi-Modality Imaging: Simple Image Fusion, Powerful In Vivo Results STEP Anesthetize Animal in Imaging Cassette 1 Because one modality does not answer all biological questions, the FMT has been designed to easily integrate its molecular tomographic data with other functional and anatomical modalities like CT, MRI, SPECT and PET. One can therefore best leverage a core facility’s instrumentation and investments to gather more robust, multi-variant biological insights using the FMT. Animals are anesthetized and secured in the Animal Cassette for imaging. Fiducial markers on the side of the Cassette allow for co-registration using FMT and a secondary modality. STEP Select a Multi-Modality Adaptor 2 Bruker MRI Multi-Modality Adaptor Gamma Medica CT Multi-Modality Adaptor Siemens Inveon CT/PET/SPECT Multi-Modality Adaptor Quantified In Vivo Readouts of Disease Progression and Therapeutic Response Angiogenesis Arthritis Asthma and COPD Biodistribution Bone Remodeling Cardiology CNS Disorders Drug Development Fibrosis Infectious Disease Inflammation Neurobiology Oncology Respiratory Disease Skeletal Disease Stem Cell Toxicology Vascular Biology The FMT imaging system is perfect for quantifying a broad range of in vivo imaging biomarkers, disease pathways and therapeutic response levels. As an integrated part of any research facility focusing on a single application area, or for a core imaging facility serving multiple departments, the FMT is quickly learned, fast to implement and easily provides quantifiable, insightful data. GE CT Multi-Modality Adaptor VisEn has 4 models of its Multi-Modality Adaptor available for imaging with CT, MRI, SPECT and PET. STEP STEP 3 4 The Animal Cassette is then placed inside the MultiModality Adaptor. The animal remains immobilized for easy multi-modality imaging. ProSense750 Size: 170 voxels, 172.9 mm3 (9-307-19 10-14) Threshold: 80.0 nM Min: 80.1 nM Max: 277.22 nM Mean: 138.51 nM StdDev: 47.94 nM Total: 23.94 pmol The Multi-Modality Adaptor is placed in the second modality and the animal is imaged. The fiducial markers allow for easy alignment of images between the two modalities. ProSense750 4T1 Co-Reg: 2-2 30.00 45.01 60.02 75.03 nM 90.04 MMPSense680 4T1 Co-Reg: 2-1 19.75 41.27 62.79 84.31 nM 105.84 Multiplexed quantification of MMPs and cathepsins in 4T1 mammary fat pad tumors. Quantification of ProSense 750 (red) and MMPSense 680 (green). Lung Metastasis Size: 87 voxels, 86.0 mm3 Threshold: 250.0 nM Min: 251.55 nM Max: 1097.0 nM Mean: 436.08 nM Total: 37.52 pmol AngioSense 680 Size: 358 voxels, 346.9 mm3 Min: 10.03 nM Max: 33.42 nM Mean: 18.37 nM Total: 6.37 pmol AngioSense680 #3 Brain Tumor 1:1-1 10.00 17.50 25.00 32.50 nM 40.00 VivoTag-S750-conjugate 250.00 437.50 625.00 812.50 nM 1000.00 Quantification of AngioSense 680 for Quantification of VivoTag 750 in a tumor vascularity in model of brain model of lung metastasis. glioblastoma. Lymph Nodes FMT Slices STEP Generation of Fused Multi-Modality Images and Data Sets 5 Ovarian Tumor Model Quantification: 14.2 pmol ProSense Fluorescence Volume: 163 mm3 MRI 8 FMT MRI-FMT Fusion Image Multi-modality FMT – CT imaging of atherosclerotic plaque. Quantification of ProSense in ApoE -/- mice. Multi-modality FMT – CT imaging of lung carcinoma in adult mouse. Quantification of AngioSense (green) for tumor vascularity and ProSense (red) for cathepsin activity. Combined MRI and FMT in mouse brain in a study of glioma response to chemotherapy. Image courtesy of Nahrendorf et al, ATVB, Jul 16, 2009. Sequence courtesy of Weissleder, R., Nature 2008;452:580-589 Sequence courtesy of J. Chen, NeuroImage, 45 (2009) 360–369. VISEN MEDICAL // MULTI-MODALITY IMAGING WITH FMT Lung Metastasis Bone Metastasis Quantification in Spontaneous 0.00 11.41 22.82 34.23 Quantification of spontaneous ovarian tumor model using ProSense. The range of colors represent the heterogeneity of the tumor-specific signal. PS750 ApoE Group 2:1-1 nM 45.65 0.00 Quantification of IntegriSense 750 as a biomarker for integrin activity in bone metastasis, lung metastasis and inflammation in the upper lymph nodes. 50.00 100.00 150.00 nM 200.00 FMT tomography using ProSense to quantify atherosclerotic plaque in 30 week ApoE-/- mice. VISEN MEDICAL // RANGE OF APPLICATIONS 9 Application Example: FMT Quantitative Imaging of Respiratory Disease Quantifying Deep Tissue Biomarkers In Vivo Multiplexing for Simultaneous Biomarker Measurements In Vivo With FMT, multiple agents can be imaged and quantified simultaneously for multiplexing analysis to evaluate a number of biomarkers or pathways relating to a biological question. With the FMT 2500 LX, up to four different agents can be imaged in the four separate channels, allowing for a 4-dimensional analysis of a particular application. The ability to perform deep tissue imaging is essential for understanding the full extent of a disease pathway, for evaluating the true nature of disease progression such as metastasis for confirming target biomarker expression, and for truly measuring therapeutic effect. Such insights are not possible with planar fluorescent systems and are easily achievable with FMT. The following examples show some of the possibilities within respiratory disease. 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 375.00 375.00 375.00 375.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 635 nm 670 nm 745 nm 785 nm dye: 1-4 dye: 1-3 dye: 1-2 dye: 1-1 With the FMT 2500 LX, four agents can be imaged simultaneously to allow for the quantification of four separate biomarkers relating to a particular application.This image (left) illustrates this capability with agents imaged in the 635 nm, 670 nm, 745 nm and 785 nm channels. Image courtesy of Waterman, P and Nahrendorf, M, MGH/Harvard. 2D planar reflectance not capturing deep tissue information (left). FMT 3D tomography quantifying deep-seeded fluorescence in the lung (right) to the picomole. Avastin Vehicle 80 IntegriSense 70 60 50 ProSense Tumor Fluorescence (pmoles) 0.17 0.35 Counts/Energy 0.45 2D Planar 0 500 1000 5,000,000 4,000,000 80 550 750 nM 1000 ProSenseFluorescence (pmol) 325 Total Fluorescence (pmol) 100 Control 3,500,000 p < 0.1 60 40 p < 0.02 p < 0.009 20 0 0 0.03 0.3 3 Control Dexamethasone Dose (mg/mouse) 100 rfu 3900 In Vivo FMT Tomography AngioSense Total Cells 4,500,000 100 Asthma+ Dex 3mg 3,000,000 Eocinophils + Macrophages + T cells 2,500,000 +/- statins 2,000,000 + 1,500,000 ProSense MMPSense + + + + + + Vehicle Avastin Vehicle Avastin IntegriSense ProSense Integri- OsteoSense Sense + + + + + Cat K Measureable Biomarker, Pathway or Process + Plaque burden and profile + Measurement of vulnerable plaques + Identification of calcified plaques + Measurement of therapeutic response Detection of aortic aneurysm 500,000 0 0 0.03 0.3 3 Control Dexamethasone Dose (mg/mouse) Multiplexing for Oncology BAL Cell Counts VisEn Fluorescent Agents Agent AngioSense ProSense MMPSense + +/- anti-angiogenic + + Integri- OsteoSense Sense Cat K Measureable Biomarker, Pathway or Process + Changes in neovasculature + Viable tumor assessment versus effect of anti-angiognesis treatment + + + + + + + + + + + + + VISEN MEDICAL // RESPIRATORY APPLICATION EXAMPLE 0 1,000,000 FMT quantification of ProSense in vivo of lungs following Dex dose response. FMT results align well with postmortem lung fluorescence reflectance assessment (above) and to BAL cell counts (far right). 10 10 VisEn Fluorescent Agents 120 Asthma+ Dex 0.3mg 20 Multiplexing for Cardiovascular Applications Agent Asthma+ Dex 0.03mg 30 In this sequence, IntegriSense and ProSense are imaged simultaneously to evaluate the effect of Avastin on a tumor. Representative isosurface renderings of a mouse treated with Avastin and a mouse treated with vehicle are shown. Note the differential localization of IntegriSense (blue), highlighting integrin presence, and ProSense (red), quantifying cathepsin activity within the same tumor. In addition, treatment with Avastin showed quantitative changes in integrin imaging with as little as 1 week of treatment. The following charts provide a review of the select cardiovascular and oncology biomarkers that can be evaluated simultaneously using 2 (duplex), 3 (triplex) or 4 (quadplex) VisEn agents simultaneously: 3D FMT Tomography Longitudinal Quantification of Disease Progression and Therapeutic Efficacy In Vivo Asthma 40 Multiplexed Imaging of IntegiSense and ProSense FMT Quantitative Tomography Imaging nM 1500 Tomographic Quantification Viable tumor assessment with estimate of immunologic contribution to mass + Early response to anti-angiogenic treatment + Identification of bone and/or soft tissue metastasis sites Measurement of therapeutic response VISEN MEDICAL // MULTIPLEXED RESULTS 11 The Flexibility of FMT Quantitative Imaging: Select either the FMT 1500 or the FMT 2500 LX for your unique quantitative in vivo imaging needs. ™ ™ ™ More Channels. More Multiplexing. More Applications. Whatever your needs, VisEn has a quantitative FMT platform to provide deeper insights to your biological questions. Select the FMT 1500 for quantitative imaging in individual laboratories, in smaller facilities or for single applications. The 4-channel FMT 2500 LX is available for laboratories requiring a broader range of applications and extensive multi-modality capabilities. The FMT Platform is now available to quantify in vivo fluorescence in two offerings — the FMT 1500 Model (two wavelengths ™ FMT 1500 FMT 2500 LX Feature Quantitative Tomography In Vivo Imaging System Quantitative Tomography In Vivo Imaging System Number of Quantitative FMT Channels A two laser system operating at A four laser system operating at 635 nm, 670 nm, 670 nm and 745 nm (excitation) 745 nm, and 785 nm (excitation) Included Included ™ Quantitative Tomography using ™ FMT for true quantification of deep Wavelength FMT Model Easily Upgradable. Should a lab with a FMT™ Channel Excitation Emmision Range 635 (New) 635 nm 650 – 670 nm 2500 LX 680 670 nm 690 – 740 nm 1500 / 2500 LX 750 745 nm 770 – 800 nm 1500 / 2500 LX 790 (New) 785 nm 805+ 2500 LX fluorescence to the picomole EPI Fluorescence for Rapid Screening Included (2-Channel) Included (4-Channel) of Superficial fluorescence Simultaneous Multiplexing of Included at 670 nm and 745 nm) or the FMT 2500 LX model (operating at four wavelengths – 635 nm, 670 nm, 745 nm and 785 nm). Four FMT channels allow researchers to span a broader spectral fluorescence range (from 650 – 850 nm) allowing greater imaging and fluorescence quantification capability in vivo. In addition, researchers will now be able to multiplex existing and new agents and dyes providing even greater flexibility and quantitative utility to the FMT 2500 LX. FMT 1500 model want to expand its capability to four wavelengths, the system is easily upgradable. There are also a variety of additional expansion modules available. This is all part of VisEn’s approach to providing open access and flexibility to the unique and innovative needs of the modern academic or pharmaceutical laboratory. Included. Triplexing and quadplexing of 3 and 4 agents simultaneously also available with Two Imaging Agents the 4-channel FMT 2500 LX. Multi-Modality Enabled Includes DICOM image export. Includes one (1) of the 4 available Multi-Modality Imaging Adaptors and extended FMT DICOM Export Tools Integrate Isoflurane-Based Anesthesia RC2+ Integrated Isoflurane-based anesthesia RC2+ Integrated Isoflurane-based anesthesia not included. included. Designed and fully optimized for use with Open Architecture For Easy Data Access The FMT is based on open data standards that enables everyone from the research scientist to global pharmaceutical company to easily configure, network, access, share and integrate FMT quantification data to suit their workflow. the FMT platform. Next-Generation “Fast Recon” _ Next-generation optimized algorithm enabling lightning-fast image reconstruction Agent Activation Package Includes $5,000 of VisEn agents Includes $10,000 of VisEn Agents Number of TrueQuant Software Seats 1 (Host PC) + 1 additional Remote Software Seat 1 (Host PC) + 4 additional Remote Software Seats Customer Activation 2 Days (On site) 2 Days (On site) + 3 additional days of ™ custom training available over 12 months Training Session (excluding travel) Imaging Reporting Tools _ Extensive tool kit for exporting experimental set-up including study protocols, images and associated quantification data TrueQuant 3D software including Included Movie-Making functionality 12 VISEN MEDICAL // FMT 1500 AND FMT 2500 LX PRODUCT FEATURES Included Standard Data Formats: Data from the FMT 2500 can be easily exported as DICOM files for multimodality image fusion and analysis. Networked Instrumentation: Multiple FMT instruments can be networked across multiple sites with image data stored centrally. Open Architecture: Data from both FMT 2500s and FMT 1500s can be equally stored and accessed across a laboratory’s network. Remote Analysis: For high-throughput, multi-user environments, researchers can analyze their data on the FMT PCs or remotely with FMT remote licenses. VISEN MEDICAL // OPEN FMT ARCHITECTURE 13 VisEn’s Suite of Fluorescent Imaging Agents and Dyes: Enabling more insightful in vivo and in vitro imaging results. Unparalleled Range of Fluorescent Agents for Imaging Multiple Disease Pathways and Biomarkers Activatable Fluorescence Agents Activatable agents are optically silent upon injection but are activated by interaction with specific protease biomarkers of disease. Benefits include biologically-specific read-outs and high signal-to-noise at the target biology. VisEn’s portfolio of fluorescent imaging agents utilize optimized in vivo and in vitro chemistries and diverse mechanisms of action to deliver breakthrough imaging data on biological targets, pathways, biomarkers and processes in animal models. Agent Function FAST Platform The FAST platform represents the next generation of agents from VisEn. Utilizing a novel small molecule design, the FAST agents offer improved specificity, phamacokinetic profile and earlier imaging timepoints. MMPSense 680 and 750 FAST Imaging of MMP (Metalloproteinase) activity as involved in many disease-related phenomena including cancer propagation, invasion and metastasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and areas of cardiovascular disease. ProSense 680 and 750 Imaging of changes in Cathepsin–based protease activity as seen in a number of pathological states and disease-related events including rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, atherosclerosis, angiogenesis and cardiovascular disease. Cat K 680 FAST Imaging of Cathepsin K activity in oncology applications involving metastasis to the bone as well as a broad range of bone applications including bone loss, tumor-induced osteolysis, and bone changes following arthritis. ProSense Control 680 and 750 ProSense Control VisEn’s agents allow: • • • Monitoring of disease progression and therapeutic response in vivo Use of multiple agents simultaneously for multiplexed analysis of multiple pathways True quantification to the picomole when imaged on the VisEn FMT, but able to be imaged on all fluorescent imaging and IVM systems VisEn’s fluorescent imaging agents also have the following attributes: • • • • Synthetic, biocompatible chemistries for imaging specific target biologies Injected intravenously (not engineered cells) Activated, targeted and vascular Biologically targeted agents (not dyes) for specificity of read-outs Targeted Fluorescence Agents Specially designed agents that actively target and bind to specific biomarkers. Benefits include the agents’ highly specific targeting to key biologies. Near Infrared Agents for Translatable In Vivo and In Vitro Results Agent Target Validate your results using VisEn’s agents in your in vitro imaging and then correlate those biomarkers in vivo using the FMT platform. As VisEn’s agents operate primarily in the near infrared range — also known as the medical range, the results derived are translatable from preclinical research to clinical insights. OsteoSense 680 and 750 Hydroxyapatite IntegriSense 680 and 750 Targets αvβ3 expressed in oncology, atherosclerosis and angiogenesis disease models. Annexin-Vivo 750 In vivo targeting of membrane bound phosphatidyl exposed during the early stages of apoptosis. Insightful Results In Vivo with Multiple Animal Models VisEn’s agents are tested and optimized for use with murine models but are also used widely in other animal research models including rats and rabbits. Vascular Fluorescence Agents Vascular agents are a range of highly fluorescent in vivo imaging macromolecules that remain localized in the vasculature for various periods of time to enable imaging of disease vasculature, vascular permeability and angiogenesis. 14 VISEN MEDICAL // INTRODUCTION TO VISEN’S FLUORESCENT IMAGING AGENTS Agent Function AngioSPARK 680 and 750 Imaging of vascularity, perfusion, and vascular permeability; long pharmacokinetic profile. Superhance 680 Imaging of vascularity, perfusion, and vascular permeability; Short pharmacokinetic profile. AngioSense 680 and 750 Imaging of vascularity, perfusion, and vascular permeability. VISEN MEDICAL // LISTING OF VISEN FLUORESCENT AGENTS 15 NIR In Vivo Labels and Nanoparticles AminoSPARK nanoparticles and VivoTag fluorochromes enable development of novel superbright NIR fluorescent imaging agents with properties that are ideal for extended use in in vivo or in vitro imaging. Agent Function VivoTag 680 Small molecule fluorochrome to label a target ligand. Optimized for high-density loading. VivoTag-S 680 and 750 Small molecule fluorochrome to label a target ligand. Optimized for single molecule loading. AminoSPARK 680 and 750 Nanoparticle fluorescent label for a target ligand. Superbright with extended pharmacokinetic profile and the ability for multi-valent ligand coupling. State-Of-The-Art Facilities to Develop Leading Quantitative Imaging Systems and Fluorescent Agents 1 day post MI + Spleen Quantifying Multiple Biomarkers and Pathways Simultaneously Using Application-Specific VisEn Fluorescent Imaging Agents With a multitude of target-specific fluorescent agents and dyes, researchers can quantify multiple disease pathways and biomarkers for the same biological question. In addition, using multiplexing, multiple agents can be imaged simultaneously to generate multi-variable results and insights into disease biologies in vivo. The following examples show some of the possibilities with oncology applications. FMT Imaging of AngioSense, IntegriSense and ProSense in a Model of Tumor Metastasis Quantifying Cathepsin Activity Control 4T1 – Injected 300 Lung Fluorescence (pmol) Quantifying Vascular Activity VisEn is dedicated to developing the industry’s top quantitative imaging systems and fluorescent imaging agents. With this leading objective, we have built a state-of-the-art facility and developed robust technology and development processes that include extensive 325 550 nM 775 1000 chemistry, biochemistry, receptor-binding, and microscopy-based labs, animal vivariums, and in vitro-in vivo testing labs to enable robust development and product performance. VisEn’s R&D teams also work with new and existing customers in our FMT in vivo demonstration and teaching suite. Our Applied Biology and Field Application Scientist teams assist in experimental design, data analysis and in helping our customers optimize their studies in their labs and access key research areas. The Highest In Vivo Imaging Agent QC and Manufacturing Processes for Reliable, Reproducible Results High Cell Transfer 350 ProSense 100 – Spleen 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 10 14 Low Cell Transfer 70 60 Lung Fluorescence (pmol) AngioSense Quantifying Integrin Biomarkers Cathepsin 50 Vascular 40 Integrin 30 20 10 IntegriSense Simultaneous imaging of 3 different disease biologies can be performed in vivo and in real time using the FMT to quantify AngioSense, IntegriSense and ProSense. Annexin-Vivo Annexin-Vivo agent quantified as a biomarker for apoptosis in two mice, one (left) having received Cyclophosphomide treatment that induces apoptosis in tumors and the second (right) without the treatment. 0 0 14 18 Quantifying Apoptotic Activity [nM] Cyclophosphamlde: 1-1 -25 68.75 112.50 156.25 200.00 [nM] Controls: 2-1 -25 68.75 112.50 156.25 200.00 Quantifying MMP Activity 50 40 16 -25 68.75 112.50 156.25 200.00 -25 68.75 VISEN MEDICAL // VISEN FLUORESCENT LABELS AND NANOPARTICLES 112.50 156.25 200.00 Lung Fluorescence (pmol) MMPSense 30 20 10 p=0.0042 0 Vehicle FMT quantification of tumor fluorescence (pmoles) using FMT showing MMP expression in a tumor-bearing mouse (left) and a significant decrease in MMPSense 750 FAST signal by NAC+panMMPi (88%, right). VisEn’s agents are manufactured and tested in our state-of-the-art facility and under strict quality standards. This process is followed throughout each of the new agent development stages — from synthesis of prototypes and test agents, In vitro testing, receptor binding, selectivity profiling, through to in vivo testing, ex vivo validation, fluorescence microscopy and stability testing — to ensure our finished agents perform to the highest specifications and provide the most reliable, reproducible results. NAC/Pan-MMPi VISEN MEDICAL // EQUIPPED AND STAFFED TO ENSURE QUALITY RESULTS 17 FMT 1500 and FMT 2500 LX: System Specifications ™ ™ FMT System In Vivo Imaging Parameters • Two Imaging modes: Reflectance Imaging and Quantitative Tomography Currently available laser wavelengths: • • • • • The FMT 1500 includes TrueQuant 3D software, two Imaging Cassettes, and an 8-processor CPU for performing quantitative tomography. • FMT 1500: 670 nm Channel (Excitation), Emission range = 690 – 740 nm 745 nm Channel (Excitation), Emission range = 770 – 800 nm FMT 2500 LX: 635 nm Channel (Excitation), Emission range = 650 – 670 nm 670 nm Channel (Excitation), Emission range = 690 – 740 nm 745 nm Channel (Excitation), Emission range = 770 – 800 nm 790 nm Channel (Excitation), Emission range = 805+ nm Animal Handling • • • Portable animal imaging cassette; multi-modality compatible Integrated isoflurane-based gas anesthesia capability Heated internal animal imaging chamber System Dimensions • • W × D × H: 46 cm (18") × 48 cm (19") × 89 cm (35") Weight: 89 kg (195 lbs) FMT 1500 & 2500 LX Imaging Systems • Delivered with computer, screen and pre-installed software. TrueQuant Software • • The FMT 2500 LX includes TrueQuant 3D software, two Imaging Cassettes, RC2+ Integrated Anesthesia, a Multi-Modality Adaptor, Fast Reconstruction software, and an 8-processor CPU for performing quantitative tomography. One integrated application provides system control, data acquisition, tomographic reconstruction, multiplexing capability, quantitative image analysis, data export, and movie creation. FMT 2500 LX includes advance Reporting Options, extended Multi-Modality DICOM functionality and Fast Reconstruction software. Optional Accessories • • • • Additional Animal Imaging Cassettes Multi-Modality Adapters (one included with the FMT 2500 LX); models available for use with CT, MR, PET, and SPECT multi-modality imaging and data co-registration RC2+ Integrated Isoflurane-Based Anesthesia System (included with the FMT 2500 LX) Additional TrueQuant Software Site Licenses ™ VisEn biocompatible fluorescence agents and labels 18 The FMT 1500 and 2500 LX systems are optimized for use in combination with VisEn fluorescence imaging agents and labels for in vivo fluorescence imaging. Both FMT systems are fully compatible with the complete range of VisEn fluorescence imaging agents and labels. Choose from ready-to-use activatable, targeted or vascular agents or design your own imaging agents with VisEn’s VivoTag and NanoSpark optimized in vivo labels. ™ ™ Real-time 3D tomographic quantification to the picomole3 of metastases, angiogenesis, apoptosis, therapeutic efficacy, an disease progression. VisEn has pioneered fluorescence-base Quantitative Tomography for in vivo imaging research. Imagin systems based on VisEn’s proprietary FMT technology provid non-invasive, whole body, deep tissue imaging in small anim models and generate 3D, information-rich results. These sys are used for research in oncology as well as inflammatory, pulmonary, cardiovascular and skeletal disease. Biological ta and pathways can be monitored and quantified in real time – adeeper understanding of the biology underlying disease me and therapeutic response. Real-time 3D tomographic quantifi to the picomole of metastases, angiogenesis, apoptosis, ther efficacy, and disease progression. VisEn has pioneered fluore based Quantitative Tomography for in vivo imaging research. systems based on VisEn’s proprietary FMT technology provid invasive, whole body, deep tissue imaging in small animal m and generate 3D, information-rich results. These systems are used for research in oncology as well as inflammatory, pulmo cardiovascular and skeletal disease. Biological targets and p can be monitored and quantified in real time – giving a deep understanding of the biology underlying disease mechanisms therapeutic response. Real-time 3D tomographic quantificati the picomole of metastases, angiogenesis, apoptosis, therap efficacy, and disease progression. VisEn has pioneered fluorescence-based Quantitative Tomography. These systems used for research in oncology as well as inflammatory, pulmo cardiovascular and skeletal disease. Biological targets and p VISEN MEDICAL // OVERVIEW OF SERVICES 19 True quantification to the picomole VisEn’s FMT In Vivo Imaging System and Fluorescent Imaging Agent Solutions VisEn Medical Inc. 45 Wiggins Avenue Bedford, MA 01730 T. 781.430.5400 F. 781.938.7136 E. © 2009. The VisEn logo, MMPSense™, IntergriSense™, FMT 2500™ LX, FMT 1500™, TrueQuant™ and FMT™ are trademarks of VisEn Medical Inc. AngioSense®, VisEn®, OsteoSense®, AngioSpark®, NanoSpark®, VivoTag® and ProSense® are registered trademarks of VisEn Medical Inc. All third party trademarks are the property of their respective owners. VisEn’s fluorescent agents and labels and FMT system are covered under several issued and pending US and international patents. VisEn products are not available for resale or other commercial use without a specific agreement. 20 VISEN MEDICAL // OVERVIEW OF APPLICATIONS VisEn Medical products may be used for a wide range of different imaging applications. Some applications may require a license from a third party. Users are advised to consult with counsel to determine whether such a license from a third party may be required in order to perform a particular imaging application. VisEn Medical disclaims any and all responsibility for, or liability with respect to, any patents or other intellectual property rights of third parties.