High in G -- r+ Medium in Eb ~ediam in F r+ Price, 50 cents Low in Db ',.. i * . 4 1' , . ;..i ,cr, . \n ,., C ,:, ' t . CHORAL v~~S;lb)js O c t a No. ~ : 6890 For Men's Voims (4-part) lOO7 " Mixed . ,. , ;. :'' : . I ,.: . ,: " Prke. 90 cents , ' 9, For Soprano and Tenor .SO " Atto and Baritone .SO " Soprano and Baritone (or Alto) .50 VIOLIN & PIANO . (4- " ) VOCAL DUETS ' ,.." , . , 1.: ' .I#:'. 1, ., A-,; : " Price .I5 .I5 I , ! f : 'I BAND &ORCHESTRA Kuy of F For Band .75 Key of G (With "Morning" by Speaks) S. O., $1.25 F. 0.. $1.75 CORNET & PIANO Price,50 cents PIANO SOLO Price. 50 cents ' % 1 Pries e 4 - d ~ It. i '1 & ". s. h G. SCHIRMER, INC NEW Y O R K R iJ ,-z 3 Sylvia. . . , ", ...? .:., 8~ Oley Speaks Clinton ScoUard . voice Andantino wpressivo - - I 1 II 1 I - ,.I 1 I I I Piano for mirad mices, B Y No,f005 lScenb, P u b l i h d also= Part-song Tor men'a voices, 8VP No.6890,15 cents, mmen'8 roxoes, EYIP NO.m08,fd.mts, Copgright,f9f4, by Cf. &&rmr, In%. Rimed IU the U. 8. A. 1 e au-tumn I fills the All the love - ki - n OLEY SPEAKS - 1 . . ' . ,. , i .I. .8 ,, i : \ : . :> ;: ., ' .I , Complete List of Vocal Compositions Faad Low, Q nUlrIeg NQEt a** Lwzt. Qu9ity. ........m& [ar M d ~ t )Wenowd You. $Id&, d$*,m ................F&,Lara ~*,Lw a m i . t y . ...............Ei&, .......... RJ&, Em Mlofthekwk ........ Hi&.LBeF FOPa Day. ............. Hi&, Idw .. a*&, AP&, Lm Ear Lore of Tlree.. . . H i @ , . .W , M * , L a % A G M d c n I &I...... .... B ~ , L mThe Qnler Road.. ...... Eigd, Low He3 Rosa. ............. .Hi&,L m a a w ~........ ~ E~ ~ A.rscc , The ot %wn ...... E T i $ h , h R e a b t f o m . ... X*h, X&&w, Law %Pi&, Low .............. EW,IMU When the B o p Gome Home Says of Sane.. Hie, L w W w - W . ............Hi&, Law Nigh, Loev H** H&m, Low The Lana hr Wrzlree. ,WW,Leav e. .............. El& Low W'kere Yea, Beloved, Are ..... a i g 6 . h The I h w Best. . B@, Law ASoqgof Gb Hi& %*,farcl w s ' k r i l @ h t . . a*, M&alLm,low Songof G-... ..... .Xdgk,hs Your smile. ...His& M d u t n , L1M ... ~~ .......... Came 6pMt of the L M n ............. - i;od I wew m Day i e 0 v e SACRED SONGS H' B, Mirwa,Loov O. ~ n s t e rt . e r ~ %aik e with Thm Sw, DeyhmIntheWe8A ' High, L&# Tha Evening Hour.. . . . .Hi&,faw Gently, Lord, Olg, I h e h of Bbpe..Pi@,Mud, Lau, FXark.)Hark, My 9aul High, dpmlim,Lopar light at EvmirsgEms Long Wfft Thou w e t Me? The Little Chist is Oonrine Down B s h . His%acnz.h rs? X e a m l f Love &id8 h - ....: tf*. & 3 i M ~z t, o l u ;!:"I . . . ," . - t Day... . some k [ - CHORUS W O W S A C m ~ bitar16*.srs41 j TheheaBtrrrpof O~~...II@,L~Y Tbre'r a Itl the ~ f (Ghrbr mas) .......Bi&, Medim, Low TlrouWMKsepHtminPBttc@t P a c e ..... Rkk, MaEim, Lim IkBi@tDawn.. ....... Bipk, Loert Warn's V O W At Starli&t-Time (3-po~f~ g t " t l s pavrwrlbjohrur The Bells' of Youth p-parr) (ABMt) (ClriZZfia) G,t-wtj1c- { G h ) To Yea (3*j VhearYleBoyaClorne Home (3.pvn hfw's V O I W Marnins W k3tmxuR MIED * B19 9013 -1 7T107 9a37 8yWa AdapM fm s h a d s~ ~St~njdaatrrj 4EB W b m the Bow Come Home F'&rn) f M y IfMneland (Cd*) STsrr-Ityes t&ddPuln) &* To You The Vagabond ( G a k ) wed%I K h & ( G d w ) When thg Bays Come Home (Bar* Sbbj
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