SMARTr improving training
SMARTr improving training
A Better Training Better Care Pilot What is SMARTr “Its not the hours you put in It’s what you put in the hours” (Elmer G Letmann) •The SMART rota (SMARTr) takes what currently happens anyway (service) and does it SMART(e)r producing quality training and better patient care. Currently adhoc activities DUMBr WPBAs SMARTr blocks similar colours togeter Elective Post DSU/RAC Intra EPAGU Ante GOPD HFH Theatre SMARTphone Definition: a cell phone that includes additional software functions SMARTrota Definition: a rota of blocks that include additional functions mapped to curriculum Module Read WPBA Audit Course Forum Diary Traine Present Duties r EPAGU Block Modules to sign off Core module 16: early preg TAS early preg (8-12) Basic Clinical Skills Service/ how achieved EGU ERPC list A&E Knowledge WPBAs Time given to complete knowledge component Miscarriage – StratOG medical, Pre- and OSAT - USS surgical, Pro-test conservative Ectopic OSAT - lap Audit eg MVA medical, A&E forum OSAT surgical, ERPC conservative Trophoblastic disease Weekly specific CBD/ CEX Read and present guidelines Intrapartum Block Module sign Service/ how off achieved CM 10: Mgt Labour Ward of labour CM 11: Mgt of delivery Basic Clinical Skills Caesarean list HFH Activities WPBAs Pre-test Pro-test FBS Opening and closing Perineal repair Guideline dept/ RCOG Time given to complete Knowledge component StratOG module MROP Audit Weekly CBD/ Presentation CEX Audit Levels • Level 1 - basic or observation - understand principles including indication and common complications • Level 2 - intermediate or direct supervision perform under supervision • Level 3 - advanced or independent practice ability and confidence to perform GPVTS vs FT vs StR same phone but different colours/ apps Proformas Building evidence into practice Detailed teaching proformas Based on guidelines Cut consultation time SMARTr portfolio Objective Challenges Objective Solutions • outcome based quality management; • support initiatives to support excellence. • bring service and education closer together; • training seen as “a privilege and not a right”, • centres of excellence will be rewarded, and training will be withdrawn from providers where training or clinical care are judged to be poor. • The overall aim of this reorganisation of postgraduate medical education is: Specific • In nature and content of blocks which matches curricula • Progressive vs regressive training • Activities allow not just competence but excellence Measurable • Inherent qualitative and quantitative metrics to judge provision and quality of training • Measurable framework for ownership of responsibility for training Aligned with • Clinical leadership and trainee engagement as trainee involved in mapping opportunities and tailoring blocks under supervision on educationalists Relationships • Strengthens relationships needed to integrate service with training • Multi-professional trainers • Interprofessional training and learning Patient Relationships ignorant NOT stupid • recent BMA discussion paper (BMA, 2008) need for a shift in the relationship between doctor, learner and patient towards patientcentered learning, a more active role for patients and involving patients as partners in the education process. Feedback, shadowing, lectures Time • Time for training • Time for assessments Why we are confident it is SMART We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. ~ Aristotle I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. ~ Confucius (Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will surely learn). Teaching (spoon fed) Learning (getting stuck in) planned/prepared opportunist trainer-led trainee specific Didactic interactive lecturing small group teaching one to one away from work situation patient based • a design principle, says, “Repetition means keeping design for similar themes consistent….It reinforces communication and ultimately helps the reader understand.” • Repetition is most effective when it is not over done. You can try repeating visual elements through out your work. Millers triangle, 1990 • ‘knows’ level -assessed using simple knowledge tests, e.g. (MCQs). • ‘knows how’ level -assessed using unfolding patient management problems (PMPs) or essay questions. • ‘shows how’ level - Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs IT IS THE DOES WHICH IS DIFFICULT TO ASSESS in professional practice & refers to performance in context. SMARTr ethos Neurobiology connections, memory, schema hypothesis Kolb • theorized that four processes (to make up a learning cycle) must be present for learning to occur – SMARTr aim Want not just solved cube = competence Training for excellence world leader, cutting edge, pioneer Campaign for SMARTr training
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