Volume XVI, Issue 3—Post Lucem, Winter 2015
Volume XVI, Issue 3—Post Lucem, Winter 2015
POST LUCEM 2015 N EWSLETTER C FOR THE F RIENDS AND B ENEFACTORS OF THE C ANONS R EGULAR OF S T . J OHN C ANTIUS OO RDI NATI NG COUNCIL Rev. C. Frank Phillips, C.R. Superior General Rev. Brendan Gibson, S.J.C. Council Member Rev. James Isaacson, S.J.C. Council Member Rev. Dennis Kolinski, S.J.C. Council Member Rev. Scott Thelander, S.J.C. Council Member Rev. Albert Tremari, S.J.C. Council Member F OUN DI NG BISHOP † Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. BOARD OF SPIRITUAL D I RECT ORS AN D ADVISERS Members of the Chicago Police Department stand guard by the relics of St. Maria Goretti while over 15 thousand people made their way to venerate this Saint of Mercy H.E. Raymond Cardinal Burke Most Rev. Basil Meeking Bishop Emeritus of Christchurch, New Zealand Most Reverend Joseph Perry Archdiocese of Chicago Rev. Regis Barwig Dr. James Hitchcock Rev. Brian Mullady, O.P. Rev. Thomas Nelson, O.Praem. Msgr. James Turro C ONTA CT U S Rev. C. Frank Phillips, C.R. 825 N. Carpenter Street Chicago, Illinois 60642 pastor@cantius.org Phone 312-243-7373 Fax 312-243-4545 www.canons-regular.org WINTER 2015 As we enter this Year of Mercy, the Members of the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius extend to you Christmas Greetings, our prayers and best wishes in the New Year. As you will read in this newsletter, much has happened with the Canons in these past few months. For your meditation, I wish to include an inscription which is on the inside door in the Lubeck Cathedral Germany (1173 A.D). "Ye call Me Master and obey me not, Ye call Me Light and see Me not, Ye call Me Way and walk not, Ye call Me Life and desire Me not, Ye call Me wise and follow Me not, Ye call Me fair and love Me not, Ye call Me rich and ask Me not, Ye call Me eternal and seek Me not, Ye call Me gracious and trust Me not, Ye call Me noble and serve Me not, Ye call Me mighty and honor Me not, Ye call Me just and fear Me not, If I condemn you, blame me not". At this time of year when there is darkness all around us, let us seek Christ, our true Master. Let us follow His Way and let His light fill our own darkness. VOL. XVI I S S U E III O 2015 A NNUAL B ENEFIT D INNER n Sunday, September 27th, 2015, more than two-hundred friends of the Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius gathered with priests and brothers of the order for an elegant meal, lively entertainment, and one another’s company all with the cause of supporting the mission of “Restoring the Sacred”. The event was held at the beautiful English-gothic style Cathedral room at the University Club of Chicago overlooking Chicago’s lakefront. This year’s event marked the record for highest attendance at the Annual Benefit Dinner. Father Regis N. Barwig led the prayer of blessing at the beginning of the dinner. Then Father C. Frank Phillips, C.R. spoke about the exciting new endeavors and developments for the community. Also in attendance were the order’s three seminarians who are studying at Mundelein Seminary, together with the vicerector, Fr. James Presta. On behalf of all the members of the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius, Father Phillips thanks those in attendance for their ongoing support as well as those whose efforts made the evening a success, especially the benefit committee, Ms. Delphine Michalik, Mrs. Barb Caruso, and Mr. Mark Scheurell. Special thanks to Ms. Lois Loumis, Esther Jula of EsteeG Photography and Mr. Justin Sheffield of Ashland Addison Florists for their assistance in making this event a success. J UBILEE Y EAR OF M ERCY H OLY D OOR AT S T . P ETER ’ S IN V OLO On Gaudete Sunday, December 13, 2015, the west front door of St. Peter Church was blessed by Fr. Nathan Caswell, SJC as a “Holy Door”. St. Peter is one of 31 sites throughout the Archdiocese that will have a designated and blessed door which when entered, a plenary indulgence (removing all punishing due to sin) can be granted for oneself or for the souls in purgatory by going through that door and fulfilling the means to obtaining an indulgence; that is, being in the state of grace before entering the door, make a sacramental confession, receive the Eucharist at Mass, make a profession of faith and offer prayers for the Holy Father. Pope Francis opened the Holy Door at St. Peter’s in Rome on December 8, 2015. Before the event he said, “I will have the joy of opening the Holy Door on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. On that day, the Holy Door will become a Door of Mercy through which anyone who enters will experience the love of God who consoles, pardons, and instills hope…Going through the Holy Door is the sign of our faith in the Lord Jesus, who didn’t come to judge us, but to save us.” Beginning last week, an estimated 10,000 holy doors were opened in Catholic churches around the world. S T . M ARIA G ORETTI V ISITS S T . J OHN ’ S Monday, October 12th (Columbus Day) was an historic day in the City of Chicago—as we welcomed the body of St. Maria Goretti to St. John Cantius Church. St. John’s in Chicago’s River West neighborhood was the first location in Illinois and the only location within the city to host the remains of this immensely popular saint. The glass-sided casket with her skeletal remains encased in wax was on display for a full 24 hours. Along with the over 15, 000 individuals who came to pay a visit to this great Saint, we also welcomed both state and local Police, local media outlets, and other Catholic groups. The 11-year-old Maria Goretti died July 6, 1902, after being stabbed 14 times in an attempted rape. Her last words on her deathbed were of mercy towards her 20-year-old attacker: “I forgive Alessandro Serenelli…and I want him with me in heaven forever.” The unrepentant Serenelli famously reported receiving an apparition of his victim within his prison cell, some 6 years into his 30-year sentence. That occasion began his dramatic transformation from a violent and ruthless brute to that of a gentle and renewed soul intent on spreading devotion to God and his saintly victim. In his words, “Maria’s forgiveness saved me.” A Pontifical High Mass was celebrated by Most Reverend Joseph N. Perry Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago to commemorate this event in honor of St. Maria. C ANONS R EGULAR B EGIN N EW A POSTOLATE IN S PRINGFIELD , IL At the invitation of Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki, three priests of the Canons Regular will serve in Springfield, Illinois. With the blessing of Fr. C. Frank Phillips, CR, Rev. James Isaacson, SJC, Rev. Scott Thelander, SJC, and Rev. Kevin Mann, SJC left for Springfield. Bishop Paprocki said the priests could inject “new energy and new direction” into St. Katharine Drexel while respecting the different communities that make up the parish. “They’re eager to take on the challenge,” he said. St. Katharine Drexel is a culturally diverse parish that currently counts 316 families, including African-American and Hispanic Catholics. The Spanish Mass will continue to be offered. Two of the three priests coming to Springfield speak Spanish and have helped out at Spanish Masses in parishes in Chicago. The Canons Regular will be able to share the riches of the Catholic Liturgy in both its forms for the good of the faithful. Please keep our community and especially Fr. Thelander, Fr. Isaacson, and Fr. Mann in your prayers as they take on this new assignment. WHO ARE THE CANONS REGULAR OF SAINT JOHN CANTIUS? Help Us Restore the Sacred SPIRITUALLY ore than anything else, we need your prayers. Please keep all the priests, seminarians, and brothers in your prayer intentions, and also pray for future vocations, that more men may devote their lives to Christ and His Church. Know that we are praying for your intentions, as we remember all our benefactors in our daily Rosary. M T he Canons Regular of St. John Cantius is a Public Association of the Christian Faithful—a new, growing religious community of men, established with the approval of Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I., and the Congregation of the Resurrection. Founded in 1998 by Fr. C. Frank Phillips, C.R., their mission is the Restoration of the Sacred— Instaurare Sacra—in the context of parish ministry through solemn liturgies, devotions, sacred music and art, instruction in our Church heritage, Catholic culture, and catechesis. VIA SACRA FINANCIALLY We could not exist without the financial support of generous friends who value the importance of preserving and cultivating our sacred traditions. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution or even remembering us in your Estate planning. 2 0 1 6 L I T U RG I C A L C A L E N DA R Order our 2016 Liturgical Calendar. Includes both the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms of the Roman Rite. Only $9.99. To order: QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER FOR THE CANONS REGULAR OF ST. JOHN CANTIUS 825 N Carpenter St Chicago, IL 60642 -5405 M OV I N G ? If you are planning to move, or you are receiving more than one copy, please let us know by phone or email at canons@cantius.org. This helps postage costs and you will not miss an issue of the Via Sacra. 1-800-345-6665 www.birettabooks.com
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