sG-660lsG-660V/SG-660M IJser`s Manual
sG-660lsG-660V/SG-660M IJser`s Manual
12.Onp Infrared Digital Scouting Camera sG-660lsG-660V/SG-660M IJser's Manual For making best use of all the functions of this camera, please read this user's manual carefully before you use the camera and keep it as handy reference. Accoriling tothe instruction to use SG-660V SG-660M Software keep upgrading, it will be adding featui€s, new instruction maybe a little different Version 4.0 some new i t L. 1. General Description The lmqa SG-66O Serio is desigaed developed ud prodrced ia Chiru, 2. We have patmls for it, the palent No:20O92O1312S.7r0103t5M2?2.t,20103t2U364.9. 11 is a sweillmce devie wod<ing artromati@tlyi it is a bea*ifrrl style, pretetrd colq, cmveniqrt fc mom1, ieluding digital a@ra fimctifi. It cm be triggred by ey BqverEnt of hme(tr aimals )in a eaia region of irterestrd mmilored by a highfy semitive pmsive Infra-Red molim smor(plRlad then rake higl1 quality pictlB (up to 12 rega pixels) or vid@ clipe. And rhe @ SC66OM suppoits MMS/SMS,G-miI via GPRS Ntumk. Warning I Pleae reading the user mmual crefully, before sing the dsvicg evoid trecessary lore! r If you pro&E is out of ou swi@ gwmt€e period, we easlil[ ptovide paid se(ice like repairing q paris r8ple@dts ed shipping co$b th@foE br6uglt. r SG-660 S6i6 is covwd by oe yo Lifrit d Wdmty d parts od ltibor fiom the date of miginal puchxe, md puclEes mK be made tlrogh o ulhdized dealet Th€ wu&ty coves defects io wod(mdhtt md mat€rials. I The wmty do6 not appty to uits, which tave ben dmaged m abwd intediof,ally. SG-660 Seri6 ce be usod I autmomic sweillance devie for guardiag ad rcoding mexpsted idt$i@ to homes, shops, grehouse, schmls, offlcesi tqi6, wdrksites etc. It rd also be ued * tmil earrlw for hmting or mmittritrg aimals by ecordirgthe t rces of Bild mimals, it.e be leflal@e for six months staad-byopodim time when 1tra device is pow@d by 8 AA alkaline batteris. Oioe motior in the m@it6ed ea is detected, the Trail o@m wit will be trigg@d at or@ (typically with in 1s) md rhm autmatically lale photq or vidms acctrding to previously prcgrMed I Apurchde fromindividuzls orunauthcizedintr@tsit6 void$the wumty. Tepering with tr attering the mit will rcid rhe wmly. I Fd repair the odera, plese with loel distribdor, orly send brck omm box. settings. t The trail @dd withlri a@ssories md prcki4g cmen is equipped with b-dilt-itr iifBred LEDS that function ry a laslr prcfGsiqal CMOS, so tha, it delivm clor photoF or videc (in black &ryhite) evm in the ddk; ard it cd take coloi photos or videos md€r $ffcient dayligtf ad the IR LED is of, As c()tmmicdion retwdlc resoro we @1 gu@tee MM$. I by sading ed I ey rcre tehnical supports 6 have prcbla with rhis Produet, plade feedb*k to you local distribmt we wmt b ofd best swi@ fm you If you fleod give ft is resistmt agafust waler and snow ftr outdoor ue; the heigfo away fr@ grcMd ftr placing the device shoddvary with ihe objoct size apprcpriately. Ca6a[y, 1.5-2 met6 r€ prefered. Avoiding raiostom, thuader, air outlet of the chimey ud other heat souces, prchibit use ftr swiming 100o/o success receivitrg Wien uing thie cuerq ple69 pay attdtiotr b abide by fie las md regulatioas, no itrruim of privey illegal thirgs, manltrrcnm ed diEkih$or will not take ay legai respmsibilily for this. 4. CmeraBodyDisPIay 3. Cautions Be sue the @m's power is switched or batttries. an{ Parts offbefue imerting or rmoviag SD card Cmsa Borlyl)escription The cmera SG-660 S*ies ?rovides the foLlo@1ng connedion lor Btemal dmices: LCD, Keybodd, Speaker, SD cild slot, SIM cdd pott Mc port, USB pod, TV out' AA Batery depot. dd Extanal DC power ia. It is recommded to w now high-pafmmce alkalinB AA baderigs or rechegeble batteriG, for prevent the liquid rot the battery depot. Pleae make sretLathe baltffy potarity mtches thd mtlrc baltery covr. Make sure the polritie re corect SG-660 Serieg In the test mode, lhe ceda vill shut down automatically afffi one miMe if no key is presed pleoe tm m the po*6 again if you wat to c6ti4e. PI€Ne be sre th4t tro power intempt ooc$ drriag fimure upgmde, othwise the upgnde proces coutd be bfemgted inconectly. lfey faull occm at6 improper upgrading process md the cffiqa stops fEction propedy, plede retm the device to the seller for repair Whetr the po*q switch is ON, pte6€ don't talie out the SD card, battqy remove the el'lemal DC power freqmafly. Cmra frott r shom ia fig.a; Display d thown ia fig.c, Comections fig.b; iostalling the batkries cover as shown ir fig.e IR LED PIRJ dd Wha mout the prcduct. Io 3 met6 Egim, avoiding lempeetm ud motion distmbmces ir fmt of dwiae such 6 big leaf, strap ed dother heat souces to prevst false triggering- HInoe5ot mTetal Battery life will vary with operaling temperalm dd the number ofimages taken ovo time, typically, the trail cmoa will be able to €pture reveral lhoNed images before the batteies die. if you wmt to get mue high quality audio reudhg it ir recomended to open the bottm ofthe Mic rubber cover. Outdoor, ifhave mioitrg or w61 weather, plese doq't th€ rubber covff Avoid damage inside ofthe cmoa (PCB). Itrdoor, .! Speake 'Kensifigton loek hols Inductive dwitch 'Camera lans Pr+rCafreE ,tlrBrik PowerrUod Switch - lilR.F laylshot iBh! Oowrr-/Vid6o te6urEr b. Display and Keyboard a" qamera front ilEI Th.os kinds ot waf all c{o Arcidhg tEmperdue ad motion di6tDrbdcs in frotrt of the device such tr a air-conditione4 air outlet of tlE clrmey md o&er heat souc6 md spotlight to prevent flm false triggeritrg md device's tife) md keyboad as shom in in [g d; Bottofl ae shown UEE c- tnstallingth€Eattsrle6 e. Bottom covel d, Connections 5. QuickOveriew The Aail mm us a sted&d SD (secue digital)mmory card to saE ph<to (in jpg for@t) ud / o vid€os(in .ASF f(md) Tlr srppored crd size oflte devie ie &om 8MB to 32c8, ed rhe file forrLat suppqted is FAf12 ad FATI6. H@ e some import{d noticet. you dml ned to concem abqtt the file slctem fouat of fte c,@a uules you h'e prcbtem wi& ftadi.g the SD.crd by you olher €qubDMts. If this happeoed plwe f6mt the SD.card ia the @era tr in a msprJter at firsi ed lh@ reiEert the cafd into yru ffi to make a try. lt is reoomeded to ue lbs SDosd with a qurlity-guedee. plffie iosrt the gD,cdd when tho powq witch is d OIF pGitioo befrc testing the meB. iitenal m@qy ftr qviry image or videc. If no $D+ad ie shut dow dlt@"tiBlly after a continm indicatiol sord. The oM@ hd inserl8.d, the 5L) In T6i moder Tho (mqa will slnt doe auto@ticalbr aftd one hin& if no ky is pr6sd, far wirg the battqy. Irdic{tor LEE a, lliho the pwc switch b the ON mode.ll-ive mode, tre motior indicotioa LED (grm) will blirkf,or l5s th@ qttr into live positior b. Setmod€:RedLm 5J, Powethgon(sliminfig.l) hre prepared yow trail ca@a by Fopqly e sD c{d md batrtuix c extml DC, you switalr on the powq. The trail camtra bas tir@ basic olr€atiotr modgs: onre you Instrllhg 6uld Otr'F! @a {ill TBt. Fomrttiry tte SD aand liy Birg tie tmil c@@h fomd Iumebr bef@ usiog it fq th€ frst time is Ec!)@aabd, epeoially wha a card hd been rcd in olhq alevices- The system will dolela all. iaiage or vidrfr stocd iu tle SBcad after fomdiag mate sw tbat you hrye mde ,'ba{kup of imptrt@t dda B€f@ iasqting the SD card, Plme inake sre ihe sheet Betal write-protecl of the ced is off So that it i$ Eitable. Plee suf@ ie , slight mErpirg s(md of the cad indlcatFs lhat by the wg sid€ the card will bc blocked ftr sflapping b€ plugged in only re direction crd is comected swssfirlly, io Be cetul. the SD wd cil To take or* tlE SD cdd, J.sst puh iu {re rnrd gmtly, the cad i5 rsloeed fr@ th6 ,[ot wh€n y@ hee a slighl wlpiag somd. Pcen s.r.) a T\{o melhods b d litlim Echargeable Poryer switah atOIF p6iti@ ng;f liGnu sdirrg ed TestEode Powqswi&hinthe oNpositiotr/LiveEode(LCD s(),eq isoff) you sltch on the pmr, hre dE fmm olstarting fqr sttble gtartirB the calMe system tred 5 s@nds a Who i Tst mode / Menu setting mode is mwiog the cd do foll!ffing optratim: qihh IDrer fmt cmn€{t indiceted Yoice, to the Test pcition. A. ?ammeter rettlrE: press'Menu" key for ptr@# seftiDg B. Mrtrimlly t8Hirg ptstujre and recording the videw: prss Utry'Down for mdvideo, aad ould chek the pichrE with built-in LCD. C. Play brck the picture or yidos: sel€t flayback &@ cmm mode, o key confiirie 5s. h &Ptu€ PictEe pes -OI( Ftc.2 C@ pr* the shotuut key "Up tylo (photoyDM (vid6) bsttdis, DC powo supply sowe, input 110-24tlv, 50/6oHz,odput 6Vi lA( wirh cma4 affer ptug in the scket) ed TBtmodg 5.,() mnually captw (shown in fig.Z) supply power .IFsst eeh battery wilh c@ct dre polaity, re@ends *ing elkalire AA batteris a Er1ffial ONr dom, that the frt the SD caf,d to the SD cud. sl,o! the o Do ,"'. Clpq!re photo: kr T6t mode chek tlre photo sith built- in LCD, prs OK sving the picffie to the SD cdd aubm4ti@lly i-:*:- ::; @}-f-y.t: './ /' 17 .l rloryi\ lf,rdu*e I x.irir i E : Crft. --_qga - T CaphEe lideor In Tesl mode, cm recrding the vido stop retrdif,g, saving the vid@ to tlE SD dqad m &e bday ad mercry 6d autmaticalty capability; pres eK fa 5.5J ON/Liw mode 1. Switrh OFTpciiion to ON positi*r/Livemode Avoid t{prahrc ad mcf,im distirbillces in &ont of the cmm sch as big tHf, cutain, air-cmditim6, air ottd of the chimey md oths hat sorees to pffient frim 2. false t kess fpft fim grrud fo placing the cmqa sholld vry ryiti gqml, 1.5 to 2 mctEs re prefffid. * itrto the pres sccn is rc needed or pmsible (cootrol keys no have off) !ffst, the prwioE Pictre ed Ollfa T8ke out SDcard; ffrectllr ftom SD re Ir. a) Wi& cmqa clmet b.) Cmect c.) Witllorl cma4 take 11) Rwiw 6rd: PC with SD+ard FuwzysfdHitr: cmm views. ReYlwsitb @m sme rwiew as comect with TV monitor &e Save the iruge advideos in the foldo by date, P1e6e atq *ipg: detailed for Picbue ".asf' for vide6 op@tio6 will be into l\4enu for checking all the desoritred in 'A<imced clJ'@t parmeta' 5.7) PowertngOtr {shominrightfig.4) the deyice to the PC with USB qtension cable) the dwice to the wirh voicq press Menu one tifie, aftq LCD: opqdtioN" 6ap'tcr Fb-3 Playing backrRwiwing imgelDeletiqg the photos/vid@s Th@ rcfou ways to ruiew pictre, tlre Iu mys o bellw: Right k€y fo! the nqt one, at any time Fessing the vido clipq pres UFrDom for a<tjust the selecting Delete ore d Delote all vido clips' Fm rddlaking tuE poEmets, the 5.C) Mem shom 6 right frg,3 the 1{ha rwiew C. RdiwimtEE Whe tutm or mimals flts inlo the monitring regio, the trail cmm qill take photos or vid@s antomdicalty mcrding to tlE defillt setlings or prdi@s ilstmer settings, rc saved m the SD card The cmqa has the sorDd recrdirig fiDctio, so the sond wilt te embedded in the video clb while €plxring a vid@. Once in the QN mode, oo marual c@ilols fo . Pm UD,/I]om key for blow rrp md shato the iDagq pr6s "OL' oos timq thm go bac.k to original image. Frds Mem! ed se1@t the picrre, pr* OK for sel*ting Delet& oue ol Delete all pich{e. the objet size lpprAriately. In Wh6 the pffi{ ffitch is mov€d to the top position, the cimiEa will ater ON/llw modq tlle moti@ indicator L wifl blhk grm for ab@t 15 seconds. k€y "OIC'@rninued 5s €ain willrct@ to tlG TBt mode t:iggsing The height .4.. USB rsiq: aftq take back the c@qa, $wiich OFtr' the dwice, p(mect the dwi@ to lhe PC wirh a USB exkDsioti qable a[d tltn m a aadEqcial progtm with 4 imag€ hEosq or e i@ge broreE built io the opdatim syst@ to viw imagc (or vido clip) saved ia the SLwd uilu the direoto4y of \DCtrr'f). B- Us a Tv modtor to rqdsti After taks bmk the amqa, switch t}te modc from orx'poitim io T*t pixition, continued prcs "Otrf 5s, thd can 6ter inla ,iawtr, or selEct frm lmm mode af Tvf,onitor, should be in the TEST mode) SD-cad; uE PC with SD-crd LCD direcuy viwe) Slide the pow6 swi&h to the OEtr'position to powo of the cm*a, whm you don't sti1l c6m6 cdtein need to Be it, plpffi note that wq ia the Otr'tr'mode, the trail ffia powtr at UA lw€L Thsefore, be we to take fie battsy od dthe bauery depor if the dwice will not be wd for a long time. 6, ruffi Advanced Operations ,{ier vou are laniliar uith the basic opemtion of the 1rail camera, you are rou, redy for advm@d operation, In principle. the advmced op€roti@s in this chaprr re very similar to the basic operations, onlv tlat optims ad parameters ofthe hail camqa are explained itr more dehil. ParmeteF Setting You may set paEneter \riih the guide inlbrmation shoM on the LCD or usiirg a TV makq sfiing corlonient step by step. Parameter ln order to change a p{ameter settitrg you must enler itrto the Test mode. First, s[,itch tte cme* to Test mode, press Mou mter into the parameter mode, in the cdrrso of parameter sefring some suggestive information rvill be shour on the LCD. so it is easy to do the nes step accordilg to these iof.*ation. gaemlly sp€king, oedaitr icon, whioh itrdicates wlrich val*e is effwtive. will be shown on the LCD aller finishing setling. .{ . Porvering In cmera mode, On tle top of Sdeen '0000/0000", left 't000"digits meam nwber of '!000" digits mem available spae. The limited digits: 9999. It atrect by the images. fught Memory Cdd. In video mode, On tlre top of'$0:00:00"digits, mem available space time to take fle videos. It atrect by the Mmuy Crd. The qmtity of phot6 d videos, it w6 afected by the uer's ewitomflt ed tlE photo (video)'s pmeto's setting. In the mdket tlme de many kitrds of quatity SD cild, dE omera will adomtica.lly detect md calculate tle real capability of SD cdd. B. or md tes rnode Change parmeter settiig in Testmode. Press ln order to change a paBfretq settitrg yoo fius enter into the T6t "Menu "otre time, enter into pillmets stting: mode. I Cmqa Mode Wlen pouer switch into Test positi@, Shovtr ib ,igs 2 3 4 5 Digital Captue Nmber Mdeo Size 6 Vldeo 7 Zom Image sire Lengtl Audio Recoding 8 Ifltfla1 9 Vrdeo Frmes In T6t rnode. the scrfrn as shown itr lig. detail as belolvr 10 Time Stamp I1 Set C1@k 12 Seroor Level 13 IR LED 14 Fmat l5TVout (a. Camer&Mdeo mode. b. ImageMdo Sire, c. Number of imge/vidrcs ald available spacq d. SD @rd status, e. Batlery kvel. f. DatelM@th-Day-yeaq time: Hour-Minut€-Seoond. g. Audio Recuding) 16 Lmguage lTTimq Setting I 8 Defailt Sel 19 GPRS Mode 2oGPRS Settif,g 21 SendTo u- i 22Fieq@cy SG-660M lrail crcm: GPRS s€(iDg m C. Press la3r deleie one or Del€te <. Conlinued prcss OK key 5s, thff retm to TBt mode. p€e (Dtriflg captue pictmryideo, if power int€mpt o@un or store issue, the lile will show: file wher you playbaak it.) MENU ent r ido l@u setting, (Prc UplDmn selet ,pl* OK for opemdq s folffi : uou= @f1il An enu lhltrg sttlng,pN 'Ertt" f0 mcel pl6e r*n= OBack (2) Digjtal Zoom | (2WJXJ4X) Default setting: "NO" oK=@Set In Digihl zoom mode: (l) Setlfug lhe m Mode T\to ways re available for settiag this pmeter_ One is to use the shortmt key md the othq is tltrough the M@E. Wih the rhoIiot key, y@ ce i€t @B mode to t@,, by pressing tbe Up key ud set mn modc a$ .aid@,, by prcsing the Dmn key in T6t mode_ followirg show y@ how to set Th€ value is ffi@ mode "cma-': a) In MENU of 'tucd' srate to .rvideo", provided thd the provious ils inital state is shown. prcss OK sts into cm6a aodet the value is highlig!.red. b) This pme&r hs three valu6: ..@9a- IIP/DOWN key cm switch AMONG thse DO\yN key, 'tid@" will be hightiehred,, pa,uetm. od ,blaybaak '.pressing In &is emp1e, afta pressirg d) b) c) Up/Dmto selectYe, pres "OK'key enteL Up/DNn for slect ((2X / 3X /,lX), press 'OK" for fmishiag settirg u Press Left key for cmcel sening operation wilhout my saving dd retm 10 last step. If no reed digital zoom fimction, press "NO': press OK key for fioishing stting. (3) Image Size This psmeter hd tbr* val@s: 12 mega pixels (l2M Pixel or l2MP), 8 mega pixels (8M Pixel or 8MP) md 5 mega pixels (5M Pixel or 5MP). The default value is 12 mega pixels. In Image Stue mode: a) Prss Up tr Downto sel6t Phot4 Size'. 12Ml8tr 5M" b) PrBs OKto save the cmtsetting c) Press Ifft for cmcel setting operation without my savitrg md retmto l6t d) (4) Captue Press OI( key for savitrg the Mqrt sediog or MENU key for cmceling th. settmg op@tiof, ond exiting to Test mode, if pres Left key for b@k to Mdu mod€. pleee notq you.ll quil the pm*r sltiag withord my saving md ao pmeter is ohanged if you pre the MENU key u lf,ft key at dy time tefoE pressing OK key. Afftr pressing OK key, lhe guide irfo@ti6 is c) Playbrck select "Plryb&k", theo pGs OK key, imgos or vidm om be viewed, press ' I-efrlRlght" key for select l4rnext picture or video, Up/Dwn m blowp/short€r pid@, md Feview *L.GnUght" adjust the voice. pidm, coolirE prss -Up/DovD-, ,for blowup ad shorter lhe image, prms fo mving od eview pat of image; press OKkey retm to uiginal image, aft6 press 'T,eft/R ght" seted rcxt pictq€) shom in date qd time, press ..Left/Rlghf'for select ihe vidoos, pre$ OK key fo play, *lect Up/D@tr fo, adj6t the voice.) * Delete tlE pictrre/videc, wha review pictuelvideo, pres-Melu.' ed .,OK', f6 sel@t (Review vi&c, o press st€P. Prss Mem ret@ to TBt mode. Nmber The following shows hqw 10 set pholo buBt 10 3 Photo, ID Captw Nmber mode: a) Press Up u Domlo select ll2B b) Press OKto savsthe cmetrt setting c) Press Left for cmcel setting opmim withoul d) Press Menu rem ey saving md retum to las't step. to T$t mode (5) video size This ptrmetei also h6 three values: vGA Q2ot48o) vGA (64Ox480) (320\240) . Ths default value is "720x480" (VGA). In vidm dd QVGA size mode: a) Press Up q Dorn to select Video Size * . '"720/640/320" b) Press OK to save the cMent sding c) Pr*s kfr for mcel setting opemti@ without my saviag md retrm to d) 16t step. Press Menu retmto Testmode. (6) Virlmlogrhr5s6{b. This prmaor ie effe4tive md the Live mod€. Defdh setitrg: ln m Defaull sefting: tbe a) b) c) d) Intcnrl Thi6 (o mimals) m@e to PIR d@ (PIR 10(l' ),but they di&i't srta irto (6r' ), thc cal]m stat takingptEtos,sc-660sies havebqindqied the PIR md cusa lm urgle. The m rargo is mqe width Mayt e the image lmlo like q[pty sme s ftlse triggsing. B. WIEI the hmil (q mioals) move to Cal]m vitr [ea" the cdmea stfrt reguld takirts A. Wha the devie ia the video mode for icoa I i i' hm Cdtrera view @a 5s e liiotog with hieh $dlity. The cmsa will rct react to 118 mdim of h@m {c ad'ifld9 after tley leave tle PIR rea. st6p. ;rdicarea .ryesnto- "Ye" AudloRMr{ing (8) who ttdo I*ngh mode: a) Pres Up o Dorn to sel*t a6(h b) Prcss OK to ssve the crent setting c) hess lfltforrueleedingoptrstioawithor, uysavi{gsdretmtol6t d) Pr€s MEu retutu to TeS Eode (7) Audlo Rcordhrg : '.Ye/No", rhe In adjusted qtrty modB: q Dosn io sldt ycs/No Pres OKtosavethecEmtEe#ing Pres I*ft for emel settisg operdion withod Press Up Press Maur€tmtoTestmde ey saving dd retrrm fo lasl step. : 00s-60mins, pmettr is oaly efectire in the ON&ive mode; it meds that how long pIR of tllo devioe will be disabled afia wh triggering io tte ON/Live mode. of the device will mt rea.t to the motim of tMe (or eimalg. Noll@: vtcnlhe Dwirg this riae the pIR fast Fr@ reed tlr€ piotues for refmce (pIR 100., crcra viev 62. or aalmls e&r l[io Aor B lff ffindr is aM !$e mdirg, till ttc @M rtart ttre ffi ry't@ It tr ilereca rmbcrlcSphotos For e@ple: affe. setting ioletral is 3miE, am ON th€ c@sa to be Moflitced oonditior! vhm ey movemefit of hulm (or eimk) itr a oert8in regiotr of ifeest€d mmitoed, thetr the PIR oftho device will tre dicable aboul 3miB afto erch triggeriag. Dring this time the pIR. will not react to the motion of hllru{mirals),evm the hm (mimals) is moving in A ed B pictrc Th€ below hwr lto FIR ,@Jbc Iffi srt mded lt y are EoylIg yery to take tte plstures, ft to *tup @pture Defarlt settirg: 0s ln Irtaxal rode: a) PEsUpctIrMtoselect lL60mlns b) Prcs OK to 6ave tlre cwent:setting o) Pres L€lt fu cmel ettiB op@tim withon ): my svitE imd retm to l6t step. O PesMiluretutoT€itmode (9 Vtdootr.rames;3U15fis Defrultsettirg: 30 In \nd6 fB@! a) b) c) I r fo mode: P.e$ I-p o D.,m to setect 3Ul5for Pres oKto savethe Pres teft fo cmcel *tting opmtim without dry savirg ard rettm to mtseairg lst step d) O Press Menu retM toT6t mode Def+hrettiag: '0N " Itr IR LED mode: : Time stmp oN/oFF This ptrmeter defuas whethq lhe time should b€ stdiqDqd itr the picttres ad videm clips a) b) c) d) o not. Defdlt settirg: *O]f' In Time Stampmode: a) PressUporDosntoselect ON/oFF t,) P.ess OK to save the cmfft sdif,g c) Press Ifft fq @Fl setting opeati@ without ay d) Press MenuretmtoTestmode (0 Set Clak : (morth-/date/yea) the valid yeil from 20 b) c) d) 0D Semr press UporDom b chdge Press OK b save Press Mqu retrrm to Test mode all ffient saving ad retum to l6t sbp. settingopemtimwithoutmysavingmdBtrEtolast Mem retm to TBt aode Press Biep, 86 (refiilIy when you setting this pa@eter, when yqu select Yd The entire file et6ed m ihe card will be del€tin& make sue you have domloaded brcksd up my ftles:you wdt to presfle frst Prss UP 6 DdYn to selst Ysnrao PrBs OK to sre tlte amtr1 sdling PrBs IiS for ce@l setting operari@ wilhout my savitrg dd .eftm to a) b) c) lat hour: mim d) the value. step- PJss Menu retm to TGt mode selting Ifyou Lsel : Hreh/No(msYl,w select "Yes'", after press OK, Thm display oily The user should relect the video standrd foll,ow lheir Suocess" @& Tte Default settirg: NTSC In !v Out Eodei a) PressUpuDimtolelect NTSC/PAL b) Press OK to Mv€ tho o!,@t settiag c) Press Left fff @cel setting qreation without dy higb tmperatre 6viroment. saving md rotum to Press Mmuretmto Tstmode 00 L0gunge : Ehglteh The Defauh sotting: English ay sving md ret@ 10 last #p. (I) Tlner$ettirg r dlsble md mable! PlesB [ot€ that the st4rt 4d siop time cm mly be effective when the lima is iot 4s ffablE. Thesteps@6f,ollowi[gi (3 IRLED:ON/OFF 'ON" me8 l8t step. d) Def@lt rcting: Nomal Ia Smr Loel mode: 3) Prss Up or Ddvn to sel@t Higlt/Nomylff b) PEss OK to save the cment setting c) Prcss Iaft for cm@l setting opemtim without d) Press MetrEretumto Testmode will shom in'Tormat dS TVOst r NTSCIPAL ptr@ete. deffies the sesitivity of th€ PIR, the higha degre iodicates thal lhe cmda to be t igger€d try motion, takiog @re picttres m Ecording more vid6s, it is reomended to um high sffitivity degee in ro@ or mviroffint with littl€ intefere@, ed to 6e lown seBitivity fd outdotr or ffviromenl with lots of iobrffttrc€ tike hot wind, moke, trea wisdow etc. Futhemore, the s€tritivity of the PIR is tungly Elated to the tempdatue, Highs temperatue leads t lower smsitivity- Thereftre it is suggBted to set a higher setritivity for fo ed Defauh $etting: "No" In F(md mode: This is moe Irft fd@@l Press 00 trormt:Y€dNo lG 2030, time: hou/minute) Default setting:'01:0t:2Otl 12:01" In Set CImk mode: a) Pr$s LdtqRighttoselectmoqth/daie1yff Up or Doln to sel*t ON,/Otr'F PErc OI(to save lhe cwrt setting Press IR l,ED is mable, the cm@ will work wirh IR LED whetr the light is not etrough, captre the high qualit], pichre; of Eeaos IR LED is disable, m wo*ing in tlre nighl time. Def@lt settiqg: disabte Io Ttmq setdng mode: a) b) c) d) FiFt select 'Emble", lEess L.ft or Right to select start/stoP pr6s Up q Dovn to ch0ge lhe valw. Prss Otr(to save all clmt settitrg Press Mmu retu to Te$ mode l7 :hN: EiNto Sr 7- @ I,gfuitcea!lltiyYlt Dekultsd bl6e hail eaM aigind fa.{qr. d#t_!€ff!Ei rcrfry *ffq' I[I,&[tssd.sode: Oeihutt +) PrcUpu Domtoselerfao4ee-s t) PEs,{XaroiEye atl emctt *tiirg c) PEs LaF ftr otrEt sting operdis vithoqt my evilg ed. Efirll t6 l8t ca4on Fe*tur ft this w{ii.tq r'4ue;-lhg Pqa isilicdisr tiCb tgm) will bli* fc 15* confiauorr6fir, .del ligbt iE Fff ofl fli6 Pl&Jii.irts to r,t{dr- !!flie fix up the prod[ct h ] meieJ rgEio4 4r6id. tqnpodre- md mtim dlstubam ia Eoif of devie su.h * big leaf, strep ed eth€r hed the d) P€6lt m8turtotcraede (tt! t:h. 9 7.1 .) IR Live mode, flter hto Live Eode, bof@ edsirE into tb! LIE d6, tle mofim in*lioatior.L,ED(gruiiydtr tIBk rhori Itltb ti@ l€f yu make p(€p&di@ fur @itariDgt fo gxadEl& lerrp4u r@u64Edtqq&&fq.€t trx rp tbgtrd{prrleltarv+:r 3t8p (tr.otrotu1 Geleral IlereriBion ry€s threpomeie!.lrhf L mry.ilfG{flkitrfcff0M @B to pr€ved. fabe triggffing. F!E!E So-tr ffc En. is s6sa5,. @ditir6 to rhe !4qrpaf*r{Fj Elr6[ tlE terpem&E differc beweo mvtroslhf ed objd gB6 lsgEq the rcibl€ disbtr@ is fartLer Thefsrthdst dituios whdthe PIRoo@ii6@ Ea& lse while itcs dih@h1o,6m d.t lE--Old<)ff Defarlt$irhg: OPF CIIBB a132t. (2qGPnBscffi! Defnftfi*B 'Wheu lars:m q.eni'nalr 6{ie!i4o !b€ iB@ihriirg rogiq, it wilf @e{re to thgpr4'lqrirFre€fa$Be.t 3r!0iDg. UnI- 6e@i;:-r@*eaiintenercotn ai[toistioalksdilding IP SeEiag lo.o-O.l72 Pod $irttingrS0 7.2.) File EysieF-This ca,]@ iupport AlNBet&€xw4 trc thd! of fi16 $r/rtm fmal: d {id6. prst-tr. e ord&rs FATI2 md FAfl6.rhe defruf.vd@is EATl6to se.{hqX,icsB (2llSqaTo tieihuh rettirg: Pbw 7.3) ffle f9!r61-;Thi$ r4pih qggs . SD sqd to e4ye 4e im4e* a( videe ia &e pr+gsmed \DCIM. Ead w imgc c video will be numbered inmorft[y by shooting time. The mving (2?) 'trrtetorry : 50/60illz Dee&ratbg; SEz me fn*u1lry;rmde: .!) PEis Uldlromlo,releot b) P6sOI( bw€ c) Prrqie k.t fr Jo/@IIZ snqrr€dd s€fliry dnEet i4$irg operatio{ withqd ary {ovitrg nd rdurtr ro lst I 3@. d) hs Mer[Erun & Ilat rode ;l .1 ;&:r,: , likes S.llO0OOOl.jpg c 3Y000001;aaf CmeE use SD @rd upgmde 8. Softwareupgrade derlption 9. l\iloutrdtrg tie Sc-660 Series & Softwde Upddes Softw{e is a key componqil to the fiwtion of tail cmera prcdrct. To make certaia that you have the latest softwre update for you SG-660 Stries, ple6e read below Notice: sofiwre upgmde. 2. AfiEr the upgrade is fmishe4 il wilt shlc d()m adomalica[y " 3. Sme type cuen could shue me SD cdd to Edate lhe softwre 4: SG-660V & SG-660M ca't shu€ on€ progre! lhey oorked urder diferert soffwre. 5. You could get know the soffwff9 latest veEiou via read lhe isage @pyrigl, on property. Soffw{e Updates: cud, it is re(mmended fomat the SD card, other files cu trol I. R@dy ore SD 2. onfy opy the foilowing trle to sD eril ma dlretory, be in the SD card, don't ne€d to open the file l) . spec.bin 2) . elffile off positi@. insert sD crd, cmtinw press LIP key .od switch to test md,e, titl LED blint then rel*e UP key. The red LED fl6h 10s to 20s .Then the cesa lmished 3. switch to red @t Ihsese f@r$eyto 1- Iilsert AA batt!ry or c@a@t I)C power, moke swe thot no power irtre(upt @cuE duing updare SG-660 series to use the m/live eode of lhe device in the dtd@, ruh re hmting ad m@itoring the living habits of wild aimals, you must &out the device on a ertain place SG-660 series, design with *id swtoolh, a belt hole, a steel cable hole, seority lock hole. Mdnt lhe trait cmeru usiog thos cmpcitios. When you till the Red LED go om. This cmeE is equippcd with M autofrdic upgrade fundion for you. Upgnding is soliw@ is a%ilaltle. needed only when improved 1, 2, moutrtdrerh.ell @6a Using the belt U shg a rcpe r a drel eble lck 3, Uaing abet ad astel cable lock om fmly , !'or scuity, lock the to*iog hole 4 . It is recl)@{&d to moot the &vice m atEe wtose dimeler is dout 159m. To gBt the oplimal picture quality, the Ee ce be 3- 6 edm ilry Aoo fte pl&e to be monitored, md at a height of 1.5 to 2 m€tem. lhe aimiug dietio of lens adlie movmenl direction of object should be 6thog@al. (Ii is recl)m@ded that you eourt the c@@ 4-5 ft of the grcuad with the cme6 pointed af a slight dow@d egle.) Be sre to rygid mouting the cmmfriog ea.$ a rest c the risitrg @d setting of the M could pmduce false triggqs ad over expeed images Cler all baches md oller d$ris away tm the &ont of the cmqa so 6 Eot lo blod< the cmem leos q PIR saw. You ce troid fslse triggcs, you should adjust it, degmd m 6e object o wild aimals' size, mwed speed ad distaace 10. SG-660 Series tmil eameta default scttitrg list 11: EAQ Q: Cmem tak6 conllru@s fusg6 of m sbjEt A: l.A cmtra tu what ir ktrom 6 a'false trigger" if the ME|{U Setup NO. I Default Set Camm lll 3 Distul %om Imqe 6ir 4 Cbplue Nmbc. 1 Yldm Si. m 6 Yld6I 5i 7 Audto I InbEal 2 pR re6or thintr tld thtre is motio{ ud heat in frdt of the c@m l@ when there is no subject in the irrage. Th*e "False Triggffi" @ the mult of plrciag the w io m enviroment where thee is motion dsociated with tee br@hes crealing motim in frm1 of the cmtra ff q {ea where there is high heal in the f@ground md my motion from wind could set of the cmm Setting a cffida up over water is also a potential caue fo this issE. To r@edy this sitqatiotr try moying the a@e6 to @ {ea that do6 mt have ay of these issues or t-y chmgiEa the sNr level on the o€nu s€ttings. lf the cm@ Mtinu6 to take images when there is oo subject in thenL try ptacing the cmtra in m inside trvirmd ed aiming ai a locatiotr s;here thqe is tro moti@. If the cmera cortin@s to show issue, tha there is p.obably m eleetr@ic ogoponeol issue. If tiis is the coe, plece contad ou ostodr sryico to send lhe amem brck lm repair 2. In tbe PIR od c@e6 yiew @a, if you have install timer gme feeda, during this period tlrc qimals wilt eal the food, thm the cmea will take codinEE images. Till the uimals stop fiovitg or leave t[e rea" the cmera will sto,p t khg pictws. You cd setup the cuera intefral rccqding to yoE reqEst. Q: Baticry life short m SG-660 Seri6. A: l. Expicted battlry life depends on tmperdEe md mbo of images. SG-660 Sries expects the c@eB to take sev@l thoBed images before rhe battois would die. 2. Check to mak6 sue you h6 wed new alkalie or lithim AA batteries- Recomend 8 Energizer Lithiq AA batteries in all Sc-660 Saies3. Make sure that you e using a good quaffty SD cud in your cmera. Recommd SaDiEk Bfrad SD Crds. Unfqtualely, poor quality SD cards cm make you cmem have a much shoder battery life. 4, my type of MMS cm@ ,if you sttrt Bing GPRS fisction, atso ir will have a shorter batrery life. In order to make the c@era wqkiag codinually m@ time, it is r@olmqded to use exte@l DC 6Vl1A adapter 12M kdtng Yes Or 3{lfps 13 Tlr€ SlrmD MClek Semor kel RHD t4 tr'ormd NO 15 TY Out NTSC 16 Enelirh l7 IrnguaF Tiher 18 Defadt NO l9 GPRS 20 Grcftftbs l0 11 t2 2t Yei llnzmlg .12,O*Ol NormaI Y€s NO Set oFr Md€ NO $trd To Fqu€ncy 50IIz Q: 8G-660 Seri6 stops tEking imag€s orwon't trke imagB A: rmozr the lEr:metcr setting If yqtmt to vld th@ ire w ls only effccfive ln SGJ60M cmen. ptlmettr, pleese on acst mode, pr6s tlre previous by mc You My rescf lEmeter with the gut le mem key one tlnre, infometim l. Ple6e make sue tha! lhe 8D crd is not firll. If the crd is firl! the cmaa will stop takirg image, The cmaa will shut down etomalically. 2. Check baltoies to make swe that they ae new alkalioe or Athiu AA baltai€s. See oote abod short batte.y life. 3. Make me thal the cmera powe, switch is in the "On" positim ad not in the .Of, q "Iest" modes. 4. Maks sue Lhat you Brad shdor battery life. [, e yry c@er& Recmmqd SmDisk ce make you mera have a much Ning a good qulity SD cdd in SD Cdds. Udortwatety, poor quality SD cdds 7r Short vld@ Q: SG-660 Seri$ cm't witch on A: l. Make sure thd you have insralled at lest 4 batteries in the battery cmpdtment all stocked togethil at the top of lhe cmpartrnmt. Recolm6d 8 Enqgizer Lithium AA batteries in all SG-660 Series. 2. Make sme that the battilies re iBtall€d conectly, Sre mmual. Q: Still Photo md/or\ido Quality Prcblems A: I : Night photc or vilec rplMr too dilk a Check the battxy irdicatq ion to see if battery powtr is full. The flash will ilop opemting neo the ad ofthe battery life. b. You will get the best results whetr the subject is within the ideal flmh roge, ao farther thm 62" (12m) from the cmem. Subjects may appertoo dark at greater distac6. c. Plese rotq that whetr the Captur€ Number p{meter is set higher thm "l Photcf', or with Intflal settings, some imges may apped duker thm otheN due to the quick respo$e md mpid retriggeriag of ilre cmera, allowing Iess time for t-he fldh to fully rrcharge very sholt befm lring again. 2: Daytime photos or vid@s app@rtoo dilk a. Make sue that the cmera is not aimed at the sun or other lighl souces duing the day, this @y cause lhe aldo exposue to prodwe dtrkq resulrs- a 3: Night photos or videN appear too btlght a. You will get the best rsults then the subject is within tie ideal fldh rdge, oo closet thm I 0' (3m) from the cmqa Subjects my appea too light at closer distaces. 4: Ds)'time photos or vilos appear t@ bright a. Make sue that the cmera is not aimed at the sw or olher oay caus€ the uto exposue b produce bright results. liglt somes dwing the day. This dipHot mordltrg ta the letrgth st a. Check to make ue that the SD cdd is not full. b, Make swe ihst the cmera has god batteries in iL Nw lhe ad of tbe ba6ry 16a, 16. cmea my oh@se to fe@td shorter video clips to comwe power t: Utrder dE clrcrrmtae of IR ed hlock & rhlt sometlnB? LED I, rhy dle pictuM or vldm dre @@red @lon o- This pheamrun will happ6 if photogEphy d ind@, or.t dusktime of outdoor. Due to tfte c@ iE automatically semes the brighh$ of the ligh, dd diffeFnt brighttr6s delmds on diferenl ligh inreasity ad ogle of view, we m't feel the diffeme by ou owa eye, bri the cmera is so smitive, they could ceh the diffrence, rc it respond by cot6 or bl@k & while smetiher, b. Y@ jNt c. TlE light move a littte mgte of crcra aimhg th€ tE$lt will be differfrt. of this !.eeE hG b€€tr rel ad developed per Infred sruitivity orddoor irtsNily studdd. d. Didq't ai night. recolm@d io tm on tlF IR LED d io&@, dayi@, but it must A: 1: Check the 'SgGor lEvel" (PIB. selsilivity) pmter retting. For wm etrlirmefital colditionr, set the S@or IFvel to "High'' ed for @ld wealha Ee, set the ssor fd .'lrw',. 2: Try 1.o set you @@ up iD m @a wh@ tlEre is rct a heat sorce in the cmera s line of sight 3: Ia some cces, setting the c&era ne& waler will make the cm@ take images wirh no subjeot in then. Try aimiag the cm*a ovr ground 4: Try 19 avoid s€ttitrg the a@era up m shall tH that de prcne to being moyed by saug wisds. Rmove my limba which de right itr froat of lhe cmm lens. sffi uing IR LED, in 2metec, over exposed light, the images will brcome white. 5: 5: Them rr liuzy pifrEs Qr PIR $emor LED tr'lshcrdDr,w't tr'tash Ar Under wukiog sta1u, the LED sill not fl4h d fl6h at c@eB hidda. Thm it cel be foed by people or eihals. some It will h6 fluzy pictures if people or mimals moved too quick 6: R€d1 greetr or blue color cast a. Undtr cetuin lightilg conrlitions, the sensor cu becme confused resulting in poor colo images. b. If rhis is seetr on a coNistent bais, lhea the smsor customer swice or our factory looal distributor my @ the IR LED Q! SG-660 S€rt6 drt /tim Sep not app6titrg I imsge A: Make sue thd tlre 'Tim Stalp" setting is set to "Otr" ia the Msu. Qr Photos Do Not CaptE Suhjet oflDtered b. Whetr a. tm need seruicing. Ple6e contad a shqt 1ime, ais to keep rhe Qr SG-660 Seri6 won't Btnir s€$ings A; 1- Make swe thai you have saved the ohegs thal you make duing lhe metru setup of lhe cmta. 2. If you don't solect settitgs. ad save tbBse settiqgr, the mem will revert bek to the defdh Q: SG{60 Scrls @ptured vid@ only sho the icoe dmgcd Yid@ @'t open? lrw qualily SD can4 make lhe sttrage ffd lregule power of. Whetr the balteri€s ae low ot stubbom pull out llre power supply, it is recomended that fir.t switch offthe c@eB thfl take out &e t att€ri6. Qr whether SG{60 Serls e hteml GPRS aniem htre , bad Blgnal thd ef,temal open GPRS function, the .mea will sot gd rhe or mail. 2:ln GPRS Selting mode. Please input lhe cffi siglal. Thwfore il @'t smd IUL,S to A: mbile GPRSiltm? infomd.ioo from you local commuication provido. Before cing MMS fungtion. It is recommded to use the network seryie prcvida which have wide fractim of covemge fo making high qulity signal, dd gd corect infofrdion ftm Ihen A: No, GPRS mteMa 4ipe hs inteftEl md 6xtmal. see m mobile, didn't affeot the GPRS signal, it hd etrect due to the coverage by the SIM cdd ret provider. It is recommded to use crd provider which the SIM have wide fiactio ofcovemge- Q: EG-660 Seri6 Smetlms lhe equlpmert syitem ls stopped. AlPlede resart your cm64 becaEe the powo supply or menrory card quali8 effect the system prog@ cml steady-goiflg slart *'hq you switch on., it is impGsible that SG660 will damage you SD cdd, dw 10 it is only desigf,ed for pictue or video slored. There ee many poor or fake SD cuds itr cwtrlt t@k€t series Ql On the frent or lrst weral lrnagG SG560 Series will ocsr sm€ poor hnage (f@y or too white) A: l:whil you suitch ON positiorL moeting dre the cmqa fi& then ce solve this problfl. lmea, the cmera will shake by hm4 affer 2:Enter into ON position, the c@eB have 15s for wailiog time, in tlE fr€mtime the green will wiak by m., afttr lss,theo enler i!tro the moDitored cmdition. User cm fix the cmera dring power off the cmra. finish lrting the cmera, open lhe oovet switchto oN lDsitiotr, close the @v@, leli 15s waiting tid€ for adjust the aiming mgte. 3:UsMlly mct ofpeople would like to swith on & switch oftthe camem fiom frott side, tr this my caue the auao expmrc 10 prcduce bright resulb, sugge#d from brck side or the side indicaled LED dala &cording 1o the u*r's tlmral ad the : Sritch to Test sode, setup the GPRS mode b 'ON", lh@ setup "OPRS setting" mode and "Send To" mode, Press "I*ft" key for sembing the GPRS signal. if it i6 success, it will showtr a '"Sigml seach dme". If fail, it will shown c 'signat swch fail" 3 sw th€ c@qa is successful 10 sdch tlE sigml th4 Switch to ON position(Live mode),you m we MMS fucliot md shre the pictures with your friods. 5 : Make sue you sending cmera ud receiving motrile have mough chage, md chek them ia a period oftime. 4: Make 6: Make sue sendhg mem md reeiving mobile have nomal sigoal. 7: Make src SD cryd in sendirg cmerq receiving oobile and mailbox have mough memory. 8: Avoid seriou tr6h on lhe cmm to rlo if you (fl't tlke nt the SD md SIM eil? Q:How A:To lake @t the SD or SIM card, jNt puh in the cad gedly- the ced is relgGed fiom the slot when you hee a slight smpping soud- Q: trVhy the phoio fime is dilfereDt ,ith r@ivhg time r4a email or l{1l{S in the moblle ? N@tly uith in I ss-?mitrs, you em reeive them. Sometimes it delayed For lhe Email, it eff€d by yow coDrput€r or A: irert mail setting. to perfom switch on & otr. Q:After Serie camn z@ming A: Itrcrede the pirel dea ofeach photo. the defdlt setting is fiigioal size, the user caf seled lhe '2XI3X/4X" by themeh,es. dlsplny is nof wor*ing? A: The SD cdd maybe brcken. PIesF ch6ge ore rew SD dd lry il again. It is imposible that SG660 s6i6 will datage you SD cad due to il is onty desigoed for picture @ vidm stored. There re many poor or fake SD ctrds itr clJmt m6ket Q: SG-660 Q: SG-66O SeriB view to cmect Btth TV, the image hrs shakc A: The vollage mteadiBess (this relate to you local sea powr supply.) setup the Frequ€ocy, choice 50IIz or 60H2, the Ger should check local fta polrs frequflo-v. ) QrAftar lnsrt the SIM card lnto SG{601t{. it @'t strd MMS to mobile or cmril? A: l:Before insert SIM carq make s@ that PIN of SIM wd is digabled bofore inserting the SIM card.(You can disabl€ the PIN ofa SIM c{d via you mobile phorE.) Be sEe lo open thB GPRS senioe fd troth the cmaa md your cellulat reaeiving phone- If you SIM c{d didn't SD @rd, seitch ro TEST mode, the LED is alwrys blhk ,but the Ttr"T Lf,D Q: Who y@ open lhe GPRS function, the hrtcr.I ls 3Oc hutr@ or anlmls ls movlng ln the m@llorlng reglon, but in 3(h fo 2miDqthe mem dldn't t ke my pictrc? A: BecaBe when you start G?RS fundiolL affer laken oae pichre, the men will *rch the sigtral autunalielly, io lhe meertime il Bill send the MMS to yow mail or mobile. the cmera system will spend 20s 10 2mins to compleb this pe6s. Dudng this proces, wen it have triggeriag mybe cm't capture the pidme. Qr OIm GPRS htrctioL ild stup @ptore nmber is 1 or 2 picfirru, but when we the SD card, it will have 64{}*.80 photos? 27 M.l I A:If you opm GPRS firdotim, setup crytre ilmb{ is lor 2 picnr6, the cdera will sav€ tlE ftrBt fie s 6,(}.480 image size ,md smd 10 you emil or mo,bile dw to the MMS dly ecept less thm 50K pholo. GPRS frmction, tt w€d t0p6 6{}.4&) phot6 h SD erd , butwc qly reeived photG in the moblle or mil? A: the oell phme siglal itr diffqall a@ will be diff6m1afthNgh it sr4plied by sme teleoommication operatd, taken o erople, whe! you sl4rt to have a call, initialty the signal is very well, mayb€ the sigtrsl not always stablg it witl swilch betweetr weak ed st@g on you calling smetirc you might c6't heil cltrly o heo nothing when fhe signal is Qr Opil ! 12, Epcs Display Scsen hrN the photogEphy rc, so thr, yfl odd know th€ hBt lDsido to pla@ the meE? A: At Iia! hmd holds tlr6 ceera d the deired uea you want to pd, th@ look at the TFT I-CD scen 10 get kn@ lhe photograp\r uea aIie. switch m. .-A.djut the shoting agle wti! Q! Hm to get you find the satisfactory ilgl€. Qr I u $ conftlsed rith the *ttin$ q SG.66OI4 @trIil ym plqs clarl&? A: SG-660M 6€ the SIM ced md requie s@e pffidtr to be set up corectly ia make il work. For exmple, in Atlaqt4 cA ea, with AI&T oetwdk, you *ilI need to ptmttr up a following. Difeeut regis my have diff*qrt valws, you may ooriet you local cdier for @ct value. You m eithr chagelhe sefiings. Or you the GPRS.DAr fite on SD card- Irmpe Smsor Ansle to get yow need to Maximm PIR:1fiP 12.O Mea Pirels I F:2,8i fOV<2o ;Mar Vtw 92o; Auto IR-Cut Rmove L€ns Size 14*9*6CM IR-FIash 'IR.LEI) Y6/No 0-15m (26pe) Internal memory 32MB SD order SG-560: 2n BLd. & White LCD SG-66OV : 2" Color visei LCD SG-660M: 2' Colorviqcr LCI) (MMS/SMS/E-hail via GPRS Network ) @llrlroicaiim retwqts re5ffi SG-660M @'1 gudarrte l00o/o seges by sGtrding md re@iving MMS. Like the priftciple of cell phoue, Wha you Be GPRS to browse websit€ via call photre, yw will fmd the signal is flol al*ays stable, dE to il deperds otr the local comuiatim netwod( is busy/tron buy or is ihtre @y htempt weak or bad. As Techri€l Speifr@fions Cad From 8MB to 32GB( No indudtos) Picture Slze 12MF400Ox300O / 8MF-3264I24481 S]ltrP (JPNG) Video Size 12Ox4,J,O,64/,Jx4a/J; Cmprcedfmal H.2A for SG-660M MLIS SotUng: Audio Rec PIR 3eNitivitr URIffis.ctngsIir.@ Oremtion cm edil 320xz,0 : 15 or 30frs APN*ap.cingular Triser IH)66209.rr32 Tris@rlns Int€rsl Port=E0 Sh@tinc Nmbem Yideo I 5-60sec. Q: \vlll thlr cmm worLwlth ey *hel*tretFodJertler? A: NO, It do6 r(d suppott CDMA or Nm-Sim @d telworL Atso, eva with the SIM cdd cmier, the SIM c8d size r@d 10 be the stadrd size (l5mm by 25 m), mioo SIM card (12m by 15 lm) for Iphone 4 or Ipad will trot wGk Poter Supply Stand-hv PoBer Q,Wlll SG-660 sedes comet 10 e ert m.l $l,Br or bottery porvcrd? A: Yes. s loag e the ioput {mqa 6Vl1A pwtr supply tu be, oE fetory SG-660 sffier ordtr€d to prcdwe Extra DC wire (1000CM of l80CM) €omect€d 1o solar or sbrq€ ba[q. Ct|:tgt CusMption 1-3 DmsrElmablefAvf,ilahlc) Avrilrhlel 4 or I x AA Brttcri6 or Ertemal ( No lncludtnsl < 0.3mA (<?mAh/dav) ,100 vidffi piler spply ( tength:lG, ; >Sfi) MMS(re aiAA batied6) m Interface 2592t1944 (ASF) AYailable PIR wlth 3 smitivih lsel: Hict/Nomrtn Dey/ntght 0-8-1 s {GPRS:1.2ir 00sec - 6(hnlL Dmtmmmrhle /Availehlel Tim€ - TV @t (NTSC, PAL); USB; SD card holder; 6V DC extemal (6V/1A) o f -ZO - Moreury 6al'L'islh.m tn#ffitu! (,IEEtic IIuddtE 3i%-9Wo lYaterpm(spe IPST S€rm:lti im - tlr Rope/Edti?yrhd lo.ta eoentiistLn ctiFccRrmH 1{ 13, Plrt&Ltut l. Frrttlm Oumfita Powtr Off. SGi-a;60M cPns S.{h: SiMor(urrl<rcke.d) ma*e rc yw hryc iwtt SIM .rra, SI) qt {nd Bati.rt6 4 sferml DC P@€r (6Vl[A), tsfue u]i[E Sc{i6olllft is @@idcdtout6 ae* higfuporfcnarxa alk lineAAb8ttori€s orrechargealle liftim b&rir* 2. lleme Illddolrw USB athlc TV oit cdlilc B€It UsmrEl Waruty riri(lfinnI.&n&) @die4 no elt of rhilg€ bitnq EfinDe 3. EntqintcT6,mode: eard DC PrB{ Maui ( No lnctrrdtru.Pdil.sEte) ( No b alhphy iirr snirg a Gd thm Fris U/i}Fri bdoN ro sclei* GryR$ Itr GrRS.rnod€' llrae @ firo mods: 'cloff, 'OBf l!168 vha noiiioEd @dilio& it will teep qrdiry phdc to t@ mobile/mail. b, artt st,tliri$ ofi q Prps Ut/diln f{reled If ym ned ErtB IrC ed DC *fie, de@ mlaet *tth ym locd dtlirilElo$ ed m oriaf fr'@r ff" facnorjr,. **', moile seting. ttrduitin&Pail $Et@) dr€y ON, fess OK ig on fffsviry qEBt sding. 4. Erttrido GIRB !.tto9 rhich peyi(M by the rtrutt s@ie pre*i*6 fo{ Bding 10 be ebrc4 r[e 3tEtrE i E 4 follws: 4 If SPn$re{dlg modelh* efr{r moa ttere re only inFrs fqkey ioURLSetriDg AIN Seairg, lp Si?ttit& dd Psn Silttirg. Aemlt illd paffiod(rla,t real) b. Default *ttirrg: (fht dGfrult $fdoe k tu Cth. moufe & cthr traeg@ cpRf stdr& tfym Emtb st y@hql cPRsr.ifu!, d.e a.Irte drc deftlE d&ta,) C'hlna mottle De&uff scfftrg UnL &ttitrg rEds.inanllmetqi A.PN Sstting: mwap IF Sdftlng: 1OO.0. Pdl S€i1ing:80 : t72 rrllB&b.EDdbE*ltrng l@.M&niel@m IIRL S€Cirig: APN Sottiag: Eiwap IP Settirg: 10.00-17? Pqt Soiting:S u erulile ,for mirc detdlc pl@e @ItrcJ your re onlJ. 4 pemcteE traedr to te edit d, do ilm* rotdEngeoihcrlEmetcBexlEttt@4 permetmtorvoful operod@foflure. Ptre!tr trote tlnt thfu ts @ly trdrvofk sFice FrctileB md aherc No need key ln 'ltttp.//", .ft.r tnput or IP 86ting E 193209.134.r31 Polt Sgtting :8080 3-)Io copy GPRS retting infot@llon GPRE.DAT fiIe,pl6* ched. thm,lf ,Iou hrye sp*e,otheNbe it wlu f.fl wtth sdtng MMS. The below sefiing for inl[t uy more tufomati@ or URL Setting - 6.16[ile.delwh&,tm API'I Sening =6ps,r'all.dG bLrk IP Settiag :172.28.023. 131 P6t S€tlitrg =8008 refmce: Piwida NmerO2 URL Setli4g = l.) In Fisled providernme: son@ URL Settilgffi .soamret8002 A.PN Settihg: int€mer IP $etting: A.PN IP Settio5l95. 156.25.33 Port Selting Por SEtritrg:8080 :80 In Finlad provirbr 4.In Bulgqir prqvi&r Nm: adei URL Setling DNA mtel =mc APN S€ttitrg =rc-& IP Sctting :10,150.0.33 IIRL Setlingmc.dnafi APN Crmmy provid€r Nme: TlMobile lo yoE Seting@s Pqt SdriEg:8080 IP Sti0in5l0.l.l.2 Port Setting --8080 5.In ELISA: O2 URL:ms.elisah Slovak providr URlros.o2*ort4.*j8002 APNruB APN:o2mn IP-2 IP: Port:80 Port=8080 (92O1 old SAUNAI,AHT]: URIffi smalaltri-fi :8002 phme) OXANGEprcvidd URLtus, . APNtus.s@dalti.Ii APNrys lP:62.t42.4.t97 IF-213.15 1.208.145 PorF8O80 P TELE FINLAND o*={799 (9200,-9201 old phdes) T-MOBILE providq {lRltus.s@eBnet:8002 URL=ms Af,N:telefaland APNfu IP:1 IP= PotF8O80 (9201 old phqes) Port:80 2.) In SwedeD prcvider lme: Telia URL Sesing : mss AIN s€tting : 6In kda GPRS setting Providq N@6: rogen ,_e{,: c. URIfl fL!. grir:f ogaN.cotE APN*diacm Pt€ss OK eder hto ca4h inpub sttio& Prw UpIDil4 i!ilrDc, ldcdte digb, P6 OK fc sbg cur.€d sniag,FB lte -+"(@1)d t€tteB c puctratioiE. the ilisplay to delete. aL .k6s rP:L72.$25.000.7U7 Mflu fot ilit. PorF8o Enterttrta S+[d To moile- qibrdEple ln Send To mde. th@ @ tuo iryds5 Ptmc 5. sittiq ProvidsNre:Yodm 7)Lt Both AAie.OlRS wliichthE I\EylS to besard SuggestBd to itrput 3 q mm dell phoiD nlmlF ed c-Mil box @h b ryojil aly ldugs missiag due to the mbile operdoE e ditr@! od signal is oot so s{able p6 difeent call photre, & rell I m4ilbox seiler re diff€rtd. UBJ-: miEo.iod4@4se.@e APN= itrt€tut IP: mbcrcqiiaii d EmiL Ports8o80 Phore: Phme Nimlprl 8) [nUkmircG]RSsating Opedd Kyivsttr URL:fiB.k {iystdrrel Phoe Nmber2 Phon6 Nmber3 Phone NwEb€r4 IH10-010.010.o10 ?o}tr8080 Emil: Email Adress Email URL=,mJ EmilA&es 411.6 6-66iine,u* I A&es 2 oFqdtq: B@lihb uA 3 EmailAdrcss 4 rP- Pff-to8o Thre 6e opd3b!: MIS Ulraift URL=Mg/ Ok ed6 into Pt@e or Effiil setlin& Pr6s Ui/Ddm.IlftlDo*a select the digit6, Pr6sr OK fs €aving omt $ttin&pnw lhc -e1@el)on the disptay to delel€- t.wo aalre tro input the phoe numbar ad €mil d&w: 1: Press letten Nf=@s q puchetioN. IP=192,18.010,010 Pd=8080 ?- Op@biLffi t E= Edy aoce$ lo GPRS sqiting (odit in the Fryutq) a lradthe fully chrged ba*tri* u @Gct wiihpo8dslpply. APN-1m fr= 212.5a.162.274 b:Insst SD ca.d 9[a Auinlia GPRS selting Pro{id6Nahe: oPiUs URL: trce.optB.m.u:8002 61 .88. 190. p#ao7) SIM card, pffi o ad edchg into the TEST mod€. Af,d corecl @rrptt€r with USB, Rredil the file:' GPRS.DAT" s WORD OR TXT fmal- It will show below dala md save ih€ dda anmaticrlly ir thg cm@: APN=m IP: ed setup lhe G?RS mode is ON pmilisa. .od In sffd lo Eode, prss OK eqtq into Phone Numterl o Email Addrqis i , ro ned iaprn oy w<lds, just aeed cliok Mmu br{totr f6log ost . a tew file im€d "GPRS.DAT" is reattd art@dicalb itr the 8D efit. I! .fe6t mode, md PG8080 10 URLmc.mmtemetc@ I APN=mwap 5: The Cmaa send L{MS masage treed to open GPRS seruice from IP-10.0.0-1 72 Port=80 Tel 900MHz, l800MHz, and 1900N{}Iz. 1: Tel2: 5: Be sure thal PIN of SIM cud is disabled PIN of a SIM crd via your mobile phme) T€13: Te14= Emaill: 7: Before Email2: Email3= Email4: Test SG{6OM tn ChiD,lf re key intemtionel in frcht of moblle nrmbm. Or we only key the mobile nubetwe test rsult succBsfully uith sendhg MMS. In China, no need kcy '0", for another ountry ph@e nmber setting,it is reommmded to lry both of them Bith "0" or Bithdt "0".nom.lly, only lnput moblle nmber is olr ahe1fom the process of CPRS mode, GPRS setling & sfrd to eow bffioo, on screet! it s,ill @cu cpRs hst md then the cmea will take a pimre c)cmera will seilch the cpRs sigtral adomatrcally. MMS will be sent od autoMicatty whd the signal fouDd, meanwhile it lill save the MMS in cmem autmatically with file size heiow 5oNR afltl rhe sseen wi1 sh6w ,s (ipRs lest over IS.(:PRS Noticc you sel phoDe md email both, then it will send 10 yotr phone and email troth. Reeiring MMS default settiag ieage size is 640*480.h the medtime. it will save admralically th€ picfures lvhich is yout curerd pmeter selting in your cmea memql, d SD cdd. I1' 2i For SG-660M, ifyou {m! download tlE pictures/videos via USB. 11 must be ofl Test mode. 3: h is iecomerded that please OFF the CPRS mode, if you not using the N{MS futrc1ion. will I1 save the battery power. 4: Itr mode, press l*ft key for Sem.L the sigral. Drrirg you de searchihg the sigflal, you cm't exit. If succss, then pess kft key for eit then ents into ON motritored conditior! ]ou can shae the beadiful pid@ rvith your frieilds. It wil[ save automalically in -you SD caxd also. please make sue rha GPRS 8: Please make sue that yow batteries is the SLM finrion aogh- if beEi* is @d.cra a EL p.rfdt @d t @ is low. ir will briog the satt signal failed- 9: Whea you seach the sigml. it rvilt bke 3c6()5dodjf ir is faited lmt time. cmera, md press Lefl key for serch ir agai[ plee r€ffi the mv Lad failues on sending lr{l\{S. 11: In ordq to bett€r conhl the junk \wS. ibe.e e m lioib to the nmber of MIvIS seoding per day per cell phone & also th* is sG ffiaa ir 6r GPRS florr per day a welt in sme eountries. So if exceed lhe limiraio ad< 6e GPRS fineim will be clced automtically via the syslem itr 1el€om slmEidi@ will backto nomal on ne* dav the \L\IS mt be smt out successfully' but 12: Be sure to open the GPRS sen'ice for both the carlra ad r-u t=llulrreiring 13: I{ Tixt mode, the cmera will shu do*r dMi:llraclim. Plese tm on the powtr agaiD lor oes di'B d)Pr6s Meou for exit. 1: swch the signall befe isning l0r If the signal of mobile is nol s slrorE n n dr-- lhis Be sure prc1xr GPRS neMork covemge is aEilibL, 6:GPRS llst mmually b)press .ight tiogh GPRS trfi61g e b.fG ri3lfutE F. you mjre frcrids. It srrypot fu b-: t3re- phone. rn- I Dhue *.ilhou a ke\-it l4:There might ned pay for some charges for sding \(\{S ia sft curis- aake c one exeple that it will have RMB 0.1i for seding m \L\IS in Chio (tfSD = 6-46I7RVB. 27 June 2011). Itr order to save power and money, suggd Captwe nmtber per you needed time. clcing the cpRS fiEqin ilm Eed or s.t up the 15: SG-660M is rchieved through the cSN, ri. cPl-S ro sdd lf\ts. tuE]-be trot support 3G/3.5G/4GIWCDM.d/CDNIA cotmEidin 6.qt SAI .ad cpRS smings do trot need IMEI code (15 or 18 digirs) &d us nec c ps'qd- b*:IE SG56O\{ is only a infroed digilal cmer4 not a comuoicatioo t@L Orr f8t6' r. io &e dfl'elqrnenr of fie scouif,g cmem to suppd 3C ilcMorks.