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Needle News Colorado Chapter EGA October 2010 Program: Twinkling Lights by Caela Conn Tyler Save The Date The October program will be a fun and bright ornament project lead by Caela Conn Tyler. Caels will have your beads ready. Next Meeting: Thurs Oct 28, 2010 9:30 am Bethany Lutheran Church 4500 E. Hampden Ave (corner of Hampden and Dahlia ) Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113 Be sure to bring: Perforated paper Needles Lunch Reservations deadline #8 Kreinik braid Wed Oct 20 Floss - Ecru/color to match perforated paper OR beads Next Months Meeting: November 25, 2010 you can see bead colors at Gold Accentuate OR DMC fine metallic Presidents Message Hi there! I am filling in for Karen (yes, I can take editorial liberties with the newsletter). First, I would like to thank Karen for filling in for the President‘s position with Gail moving south. Karen is coordinating about a million things, including being critically involved with the upcoming Regional Seminar (2011) and with the upcoming National Seminar (2012). This is all in addition to her being our Vice President in charge of Programs. We all really appreciate all that you contribute to the group, Karen! Thanks, too, goes out to Henri Jonas, Barbara Loftus, and Joanna Lord for accepting the nominations for the upcoming President, VP of Programs, and Treasurer elections next month. Without folks willing to step forward, we cannot continue as the vibrant, giving, fun group that we are! Thanks, too, to all continuing officers, coordinators, volunteers that go above and beyond to keep us rolling along. Hope you all get to enjoy some of our lovely autumn days as the lovely whites of winter quickly approach. - Jennifer Area Groups Boulder The Boulder EGA will meet on Monday Oct 18, 2010 at St. Andrews Colorado Chapter Colorado Chapter Officers & Volunteers President And 1st VP Programs Karen Race 2nd VP Membership Scottie Erikstrup Secretary Debbie Klein Treasurer Henri Jonas Region Representative Nancy Miller Newsletter Editor Jennifer Riefenberg Education Liaison Barbara Loftus Member Care Darlene Locke Historian Joanna Lord Presbyterian Church. The church is located at 3700 Baseline Rd in Boulder. The meeting starts at 9:30am. We will continue on the Beaded Nutcracker project focusing on increasing and decreasing. Join one of these groups for Helen Schmalhorst will provide refreshments friendship and stitching! South South Area meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 10:00 AM in members‘ homes. Most months we sit and stitch and then enjoy lunch. Salad by Committee is the standard lunch. Please bring one item to go in the salad prepared by the hostess. October meeting is on November2 at the home of Pat Phillips Saturday Saturday: Meetings are held at 10:00 A. M. on the fourth Saturday at All Saints Lutheran Church, 15625 E. Iliff, Aurora. Call Trudy Pohawpatchoko for directions or information. Thanks to Carolyn Burke for teaching ‗Stitching on Paper‘ at the September Meeting. October Program – Trick or Treat! We will be having a challenge on who can bring the oldest UFO, so dig through your stashes and see what you can find! Be it scary or sweet we all want to see your hidden treasures. Don‘t forget – our Holiday meeting is on Dec 4 – no meeting in November. Outreach Madonna Ousley Hospitality Beverly Bell Show Tables Janet Dean Parliamentarian/Audit Ann Pinfield Scholarship/Nominating/Webmaster Vicki Shigley Publicity/Advertising Jeanette Short The Foothills Chapter invites you to beautiful Denver, Colorado, August 4-6, 2011 for some Star Spangled Stitching, and is pleased to announce that the photographs, class descriptions and the pre-registration form for the RMR 2011 Seminar are now on the Region website at: There is something for everyone with classes on needlepoint, design, counted thread, pulled work, beading, mixed media, Temari and Silk & Metal. Learn from Marnie Ritter, Catherine Jordon, Susan Goodman, Toni Gerdes, Kay Stanis, Barbara Suess – just to name a few. Indulge in Studio Time with Caela Conn Tyler. Preregistration is open now until November 1, 2010. Remember great classes, bookstore, boutique, exhibits and great friends (old and new) await you! Future Programs By Karen Race November will feature our MAGIC items. Be finishing all of those ufos for this meeting! It is always fun to see what everyone has been working on! No December meeting/program…. Page 2 Needle News Lunch Reservations: Please contact Beverly Bell on or before the Wednesday prior to each monthly meeting under the following circumstances: * Permanent List Members ONLY if not attending; Non-Permanent List Members if you ARE attending Beverly will have the permanent list at the meeting. Henri Jonas reports a total income of $480.45 from the White Elephant Sale, $114.55 of it going into the Workshop Fund. $365.90 will be donated to EGA Colorado Chapter The Embroiderers‘ Guild of America National. Our bank accounts total $13,732, year to date expenses are $7,774, and year to date income is $8,181. Membership Meeting, August 24, 2010 Bethany Lutheran Church Member Care Meeting Minutes Karen Race, President, called the meeting to order at 9:50 a.m. Vickie Shigley moved that the August minutes be corrected to show that the slate of officers for 2011 will be voted on in October and installed in November. The slate of officers is Henri Jonas as President, Barbara Loftus as First Vice President of Programs and Joanna Lord as Treasurer. Darlene Locke moved that the minutes be approved as corrected, Janet Dean seconded the motion and the motion passed by acclamation. Programs and Education Today‘s program is Scottie‘s Halloween project. October is ―Twinkling Lights‖ taught by Caela. Ornament colors must be ordered by the end of today. Payment will collected no later than the October meeting. November is MAGIC projects. January and February will be the Colorado Sampler by Jennifer Reifenberg. The Chapter will provide the linen and we will use threads from our stashes. Seminar 2012 As a fundraiser, Caela Tyler has luggage tags for sale with the word ―stitch‖ in different languages. They are $6 each. Caela needs a PR Chair and Door Prize Chair replacement for the seminar. Membership Scottie Erikstrup reports 25 members in attendance. The new rosters are available for pick up at the desk. Treasurer Darlene Locke has sent a letter to Janice Wood on the loss of her son in a car wreck. She has also sent a card to Kay Plante, whose brother has died. Lois Kershner has been diagnosed with cancer. Hospitality Beverly thanks Joanna Lord, Nancy Miller, Vickie Shigley and Doris Niesen for bringing refreshments today. Newsletter Jennifer Riefenberg: The deadline for the October newsletter is October 10. Scholarship Vickie reports that Darlene and Henri have applied for scholarships and she urges all of us to take advantage of the fund. Scholarships are not based on need. The applicant agrees to share what they learned or some other skill with the group. Seminar 2011 For Jean DeHaven by Nancy Miller. The 2011 Seminar ―Star Spangled Stitching‖, sponsored by the Foothills Chapter, will be held August 3-6 at the Doubletree Hotel in Denver. Pre-registration ends November 1. Pictures of the classes and pre-registration forms are available today. Karen Race has nightshirts and pendants for sale as a fundraiser. Region Report Nancy Miller reports that registration for the Region sponsored Sashiko GCC, ―Plumb Blossom‖, closes September 30. The third and fourth embroidery tips handouts are available today: ―Alternatives for Threading a Needle‖ and ―Selecting Fabric for Surface Embroidery‖. Bookmark Project: National and the Region are encouraging all of us to participate in the Stitching for Literacy Bookmark program by stitching at least one bookmark. These will be donated to a school or library of our choosing during Children‘s Book Week in May 2011. Please pass on any ideas to Madonna, Barbara Loftus, or Scottie. Outreach Nancy Miller for Madonna Ousley. The board approved our Gateway Giving Program for 2011. September and October donations are any type of towel (hand, bath or dish). Thanks to all you have donated!. We now have a total of 67 ornaments. Barbara Loftus moved that the meeting be adjourned, Janet Dean seconded the motion, the motion passed by acclamation and the meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m. The nomination slate of officers for the 2011-2012 term is: President – Henri Jonas VP Programs – Barbara Loftus Treasurer – Joanna Lord We will vote at the November meeting by majority vote. Installation of officers will follow. Nominations chair, Vicki Shigley Page 3 Show Table Highlights by Janet Dean Fall is upon us and more leaves are beautiful outside and the stitching exceptional inside! Deb Klein shared four lovely items with us. The T-Shirt quilt she made for her son's H.S. graduation, Scotch-ya from Marnie Ritter, and beaded bracelet designed by An Scheer and a heart ornament she made 30 of for her church's breast cancer survivor tokens. Just beautiful and so inspiring. Darlene Locke shared her Swaroski crystals she brought back from Germany and the Saturday EGA groups Creative Embroidery on Paper that Carolyn Burke taught. Crolyn Burke shared Purple Passion, her needlepoint from Toni Gerdes' Pilot Class. Joan Hale shared a lovely Sudberry House tray with a crochet edged doily with hand embroidery that she put together out of her stash. Caela Tyler shared two of her own designs that she will be teachi8ng at ANG in San Antonio. They are Fiesta a street scene and El Mercado a native wrapped in a beqautiful blanket (serape maybe). Both are gorgeous. Vicki Shigley shared a pillow she made with a round inset designed by Lois Kershner, she is teaching this design at ANG. Show off at the monthly meetings! Joanna Lord shared her bracelet from ANG, two Sampler Guild Shaker pieces that she stitched the inserts for and she shared a lovely needleroll that members of Millrace EGA made for her that was featured in Fine Lines magazine. Scottie Erikstrup brought in a sample of the "Soldier Kissing" pillows she is making for an Outreach project. She has copies of the pattern, by Geraldine Trappey, if anyone is interested in doing some stitching for our soldiers. Thank you Scottie!! Thank you all for sharing your Fall Glories with us. Education News Scholarship Report As of this date no one has applied for a scholarship and I urge you to apply for a scholarship which can pay for all or part of class fees only, not kit fees. We have a wonderful opportunity with the 2011 RMR seminar here in Denver hosted by Foothills Chapter. The scholarship is not a needs based scholarship, our chapter has money set aside for Scholarships and it would be a great way to take a class and then share what you learned with the chapter. That is the only requirement. It doesn‘t have to be a lecture, but it could be something as simple as a show and tell about what you learned. You could write an article for our newsletter or teach a mini class. It is up to you. Scholarship chair Vicki Shigley And, more information ... PROSPECTORS A new Prospectors exhibitor registration form is now available on the RMR website. The deadline for submission to next year‘s exhibit is July 1, 2011. The form must be filled out by the exhibitor and sent to Dee Meek by the deadline date or your piece cannot be displayed. The theme for the 2011 RMR Prospectors exhibit is ―Star Spangled Designs‖. Colorado Chapter has always been well represented in this exhibit. Start thinking now about the piece you want to design and enter. Member Updates: None that I know of :) Page 4 Needle News October Refreshments Madonna Ousley Karen Race Kay Plante Jackie Rhoades Jennifer Riefenberg If you cannot attend the meeting, please make arrangements for someone else to bring goodies or trade months. Thank you ! Around the Region By Nancy Miller CONGRATULATIONS Colorado Chapter has received congratulations from Barbara Ing for being the oldest chapter in the RMR. We have been in existence 45 years this month. Thanks to all of our enthusiastic members, we are still an active chapter that is always looking ahead to the future. RMR SEMINAR 2011 Be sure to send in your ―Star Spangled Stitching‖ pre-registration form and $35 check before November 1 to insure your getting your first choice class. You can count on this seminar being one of the best. The registration form, pictures of the projects and the class descriptions are on the RMR website. RMR SPRING MEETING 2012 The Spring board meeting will be held in Santa Fe, NM April 1 & 2, 2011. All RMR members are invited to attend and look over the seminar hotel as well as participate in making favors and fundraising items for the 2012 seminar. The Buffalo Thunder resort is fabulous and will be a great place to spend a long weekend with EGA friends. Board Meetings The Board of Directors meeting date has not been scheduled for October For future meetings, please let Karen know if you cannot attend. Also, written reports for the minutes are appreciated. Outreach Thanks to all board members who so graciously give of their time and energies! by Madonna Ousley Many thanks to the members listed below that donated to our Outreach campaigns during the months of July and August. Gateway Battered Women‘s Services received a cash donation made by Gerry Daubert and Janet Dean; bath towels, hand towels, wash cloths, and dish towels from Nancy Miller, Vivian Wilson and Madonna Ousley; and toiletries were donated by Deb Klein and Vivian Wilson. The following members contributed ornaments to the Ornament Disaster Relief project:Jean DeHaven. Scottie Erikstrup, Henri Jonas, Barb Loftus, Nancy Miller, Doris Niesen, Marnie Ritter, Vickie Shigley and Vivian Wilson. Thank you all for supporting your Chapter's Outreach programs! Upcoming Gateway Donations October---Any type of towel- bath, hand, wash cloth, dish towel November--PJ‘s for women and children, and or Gift cards Henri Jonas took the Ornament Disaster Relief donations to a new level contributing 10 stitched and finished ornaments to add to our stockpile. Thank you Henri! Page 5 Advertisers—Please Support these Businesses! Thank you to our advertisers for their support. In Turn, Please support our Advertisers. Brazilian Embroidery, Inc. 4444 Morrison Road, Denver, Colorado 80219 Specializing in classes, supplies, designer prints, EdMar threads, MillHill beads, Kreinik and Rajmahal. Everything for the Brazilian Embroidery enthusiast! 303) 522-6866 (303) 934-0568 (Fax) Page 6 Needle News Don’t Forget the Disaster Ornaments—an ongoing project... Each Issue of Needle News, space permitting, will provide a new idea to stitch an ornament to help those who have lost something of meaning due to a disaster. Lets make a difference! (see project idea below…) Disaster Ornament for October (reprise) Thanks to The Caron Collection for the free patterns! Byzantine by the Caron Collection For full instructons go to: Remember, these patterns can be worked on ANY ground material ! This would work great on perforated paper OR linen OR Monaco OR …. Post Meeting Stitching Time! Please join Board members after the meeting for an afternoon of open stitching or join in with the Outreach ornament ―interest group.‖ In an effort to more quickly build up our stash of ornaments, Board members will be using this time to stitch their contributions for this worthy cause. If you need an ornament to stitch, please refer to ornaments in each of our newsletters. In addition, the Joan Thomasson Angel ornament canvases are available to stitch and Madonna will available a few kitted ornaments for you to stitch during the afternoon’s stitch-in. Finally, Marnie Ritter has designed a special ornament for Outreach; see Marnie if you would like to purchase her lovely ornament kit. $18 Don’t Forget the Upcoming Consortium Workshops! None Scheduled until January….. Caring and Sharing by Darlene Locke From out local chapter, no news is good news. We do want to send our best wishes and thoughts to Lois Kershner, a dynamite teacher and friend, who has been diagnosed with cancer. We wish her the best of luck and please keep her in your thoughts! Remembering out dear friends Page 7 Needle News Colorado Chapter EGA Scottie Erikstrup Visit our Website! EGA Mission: The Embroiders‘ Guild of America, Inc. is a not-for-profit educational organization created to foster the art of needlework and associated arts, and to encourage a high standard of design and technique in embroidery and needlepoint The Colorado Chapter website is THE place to stay informed about EGA. Star Spangled Stitching the 2011 Rocky Mountain Regional Seminar is coming up quickly. See page 2 for details: Denver, Colorado, August 4-6, 2011 Scholarships Available Would you like to go to a seminar or take a class to further your skills in the needle arts but feel you just can‘t afford the entire cost? Help is at hand! Money is available to Colorado Chapter members to give them a boost, although financial need is NOT a requirement. How? Apply for a Scholarship! Scholarships may be applied to cover the partial or full cost of a class, workshop, seminar, correspondence course (group leaders note!) or other approved activity in the amount requested, dependent upon availability of funds, number of applicants, and the approval of the scholarship committee. Funds do not cover kit fees and/or transportation. There are a few simple rules regarding the use of the funds, including an agreement to share your experience supported by your scholarship. Some ways to share, among others include: give a talk or presentation at the chapter meeting as a program, conduct a ―Back to Basics‖ program using information from the class, serve as a leader in a future group correspondence course, support and aid in future fundraising activities for the scholarship fund, write an article for any of the newsletters or EGA publications. The form is under the chapter website under ―Forms and Special‖ notices. The following forms are on the national website, under the Scholarship and Awards page. Bobby Pilling Memorial Award Marjorie Jones Scholarship Penny Evans Scholarship Mary-Dick Digges Scholarship No one has applied for a scholarship from our chapter this year! Be the first!
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