© J.S. P AL UCH COMP ANY , INC. M adonna with G rape (detail), P


© J.S. P AL UCH COMP ANY , INC. M adonna with G rape (detail), P
Madonna with Grape (detail), Pierre Mignard, Photo © Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY, All Rights Reserved
89 overlook drive
mastic beach, ny 11951
phone: 631-281-5743
Roman Catholic
Shrine Church of
St. Jude
fax: 631-395-5786
“To the Greater Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls.”
Seventh Sunday in Easter - Mother’s Day - May 12, 2013
Rev. Gregory Yacyshyn
In Residence
Sacrament of
Anointing of the
Senior Priest
Available in danger of
death or whenever
there is a personal need,
call the rectory for an
Sacrament of
Msgr. John Heinlein
Rev. James Leone
Thomas Gillen
Kenneth Geoghan
Mark Herrmann
Joseph Simeone
Useful Numbers
Parish Outreach
Religious Education
Nursery School
Queen of Apostles
St. Vincent Depaul
Parish Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday, &
FRIDAY & Saturday
4:00–4:45pm also by
2:00–2:45pm and by
Sacrament of
Couples wishing to be
married should contact
the rectory at least
one year in advance to
meet with one of the
priests to make wedding
arrangements. Pre-Cana is
required for all couples.
Sacrament of
Celebrated on most
Sundays throughout
the year. Please contact
the rectory to set up
an appointment with a
member of the staff to
arrange for the Baptismal
preparation session and
to set a date for Baptism.
Parish Outreach
Last WED. of the
month 5:00–7:00pm
Closed Fri, SAT, SUN
And Holidays
Faith Formation
Confirmation Rehearsals: Monday, May 20th from 6–8PM, in
our church. Sponsor (or parent if sponsor unable to attend) must attend.
All Faith Formation Classes have ended: All student
books along with the Mass Changes Card must be turned in at the Faith
Formation Office, Monday–Thursday from 9–5:30PM. Office is closed
Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Registration for the 2013-14 school year: Begins June 4th.
You must download forms from St. Jude website, stjudemb.org, complete
and return to Faith Formation office during hours, or mail. Please include
the check for tuition. If you are registering a 1st grade student, please
come into the office with your child’s original baptism certificate, the
registration form and a check for tuition. Any questions please call the
office at 281–2835. The office does not close for the summer, we will be
there. Thank you.
St. Vincent de Paul
As we celebrated the feast of the Ascension we are reminded that Christ’s
saving work on earth continues through his disciples… and now through
us. When we give to the poor, God indeed pours his love, peace and joy
into our hearts, into our lives and into the hearts of those who are poor.
If you have any questions or need help, please call 631-219-3542 and ask
to speak with Deacon Ken.
Wear Something Red
Next Sunday, May 19th is Pentcost Sunday, The Feast of the Hoily Spirit!
The traditional color for the Holy Spirit is red. Why not show your
devotion to the paraclete and wear red to Mass on that day.
Fatima Day at Our Lady of the Island
This Monday, May 13th at the ‘Shrine of Our Lady of the Island’ in Manorville
10AM—Stations of the Cross; 11:30AM—Holy Mass; 12:30PM—Lunch;
1:30PM—“The Triumph” Powerful Movie! The Triumph features a rare
glimpse into the life of the visionary Mirjana, who was chosen by Our
Lady to release the ten prophetic secrets of Medjugorje to the world;
William Floyd School Budget Vote
This is a reminder to everyone about the importance of voting on your
school budget Tuesday, May 21st, at William Floyd High School from 7AM–
9PM. The importance of voting in a school budget cannot be overstated.
Every vote has significance, every vote counts.
St. Jude Golf Outing
The golf outing has been rescheduled for Thursday, May 23rd. The outing
was postponed due to rain. If anyone is still interested in attending, please
contact Tom Gross 921-6793 or Ron Gross 255-0339.
he Other Mother’s Day
By Kathy Coffey - Excerpts from St. Anthony Messenger
Sure, I’m a sucker for Mother’s Day. What’s not to like—the pampering, the unaccustomed leisure, the meals
I don’t prepare, the kids trying to cook, gift, charm and repair the brain damage caused the previous year?
The media sing mom’s praises and the advertisers woo us with perfume, jewelry and lingerie. It’s a lovely
custom, well timed in spring as lilacs bud, grass greens and warmth returns.
But lately I’ve been thinking about the other side of Mother’s Day: the heartbreak. For too many people, this
day doesn’t mean corsages, brunches and presents. Within my immediate circle are seven teenagers whose moms have died and
two moms whose sons have died, tragically young. Broaden this to all whose mothers or children have died recently. That’s a lot
of people whose throats tighten when they see the impossibly attractive models in the newspaper or TV ads.
Imagine those whose mothers or children are serving in the military, or are incarcerated, institutionalized or alienated. Many
women yearn to be mothers, but even the expensive ordeal of fertility treatments hasn’t filled their empty arms. Then there are moms
who’ve given up a child for adoption or abortion, whose hearts harbor questions and whose hands long to tousle a toddler’s hair, even
to know what color it is. Women who’ve had a recent miscarriage or a stillbirth—how must they feel?
Some might argue that the sorrow of some shouldn’t overshadow the joy of many. True enough. Let the celebration of moms continue
full force—with a heightened sensitivity. If we are truly members of one mystical body in Christ, then for us, “when one cries, the other
tastes the salt.” If one person delights in health, it doesn’t diminish compassion for another who is ill. So too for Mother’s Day. Emphasis
on the “perfect” relationship (which no one has) worsens the heartache for those who feel distant from it.
We’re not out to reform the media here, a task like teaching a pig to sing—an annoying waste of time for both parties. Once again, we
take a countercultural stance. Within the Catholic community, we should discover ways to make this holiday less painful for those who
don’t fit the prefabricated mold.
The mother figure most central to the Catholic tradition is Mary. We do her a great disservice by pretending that her life was idyllic. Some
statues suggest that she did nothing but gaze piously at the sky or look vapidly at the lilies. Instead, she suffered the same push-pull all
mothers do, delighting in her child’s growth yet knowing that every day brought her closer to his departure.
Mary’s tension was magnified by knowing that her son’s integrity would surely set him in conflict with both political and religious
authorities. All moms have dreams for their offspring; surely, she never imagined that her kind, sensitive boy would die hanging naked, a
criminal crucified between two thieves.
Because Mary lost her child, the Mothers of the Disappeared feel close to her. So did an Italian mother whose sorrow for her dead son
was so intense, she could only rock, whispering, “Madonna capisce” (“the Mother understands”).
Because Mary was fully human, she endured bewilderment, confusion, disappointment and pain. No stranger to excruciating loss, she
embraces those to whom Mother’s Day brings only nightmares. We can turn to her when we’re waiting tensely in the principal’s office,
the ER or the jail.
Even after Jesus’ death, she played a decisive role in the squabbles of the early Church. Because she tried to keep the first Christians
faithful to Jesus’ vision, she’s the patron for moms who bring peace to warring families.
The first, best teaching occurs at home. Children who are already making or buying gifts for their mom should be encouraged to think
beyond their immediate family. The elderly neighbor would surely appreciate a bouquet, too.
Telling stories or talking at meals about those who may not have a mom to celebrate sows the seeds of understanding. Could a childless
aunt or lonely friend be included in a dinner invitation?
Too often, people don’t know what to say to the recently bereaved, so they abandon them to a solitary grief. At home, we model that
even a bumbling attempt is welcome: a call or e-mail simply to say, “I was thinking about you today.”
Our rituals have always expressed—with more power than language—our core beliefs. If Catholics value life, we should ritualize it. We
believe the fetus is fully human: then why so few rituals for a miscarriage? Why do we never pray publicly for the mom who’s placed her
baby for adoption? Many people think she’s done the right thing, but support for her seems thin and silent.
We are learning more about grief; surely, naming it and holding it in prayer long after the funeral is a necessary step toward healing. Many
parishes give mothers a flower or say a blessing over them. Those efforts could be expanded by inviting those who mourn mothers or
children to participate, too.
Have a Blessed Mother’s Day!
Masses for the Week
Saturday, May 11, 2013
5:00pm Parishioners of St. Jude
7:30pm Mother’s Day Remembrance
Sunday, May 12, 2013
8:00amMother’s Day Remembrance
9:30am Mother’s Day Remembrance
11:30am Mother’s Day Remembrance
5:00pm Mother’s Day Remembrance
MONDAY, May 13, 2013
9:00amCatherine Hooley †
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
9:00am Carmen & Vincent Pitaro †
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
9:00amSt. Jude Guild:
Deacon Joseph Weynard †,
Angela Bisconti †,
Carmella (Lolly) Pecoraro †,
Gloria DeTomaso †,
Intentions of Gloria Fusco
12:00pm Agnes Eckert †
Thursday, May 16, 2013
9:00am Joseph Gioia †
Friday, May 17, 2013
9:00amAnthony Narducci †
Saturday, May 18, 2013
8:30am Pasquale Pulsonetti †
5:00pmIntentions of Bob Vecchio
(Happy Birthday)
7:30pm Parishioners of St. Jude
Sunday, May 19, 2013
8:00amVito GeMalva †
9:30amDeacon Galvin Murphy †
11:30am Marianne Gries †
5:00pmIntentions for Nancy and Family
† Denotes Mass is for deceased
Mass Correction: We apologize for the following Vigil
Mass intention not printed in the bulletin of May 5th,
the intention was for Edgar Michaud † 7:30pm on
Wednesday, May 8th.
For the Sick: Lynn Allen, Catherine Stella
Ales, Debbie Anderson, Benjamin Archer, Suzanne
Beneventano, Eileen Boyce, Padraic Buckley, Francis X.
Buttler, Jean Capuano, John Cole, Anna Calendrillo,
Anna Campagna, Doug Corrigan, Edward Corrigan,
Neghesty Dailey, Jim Daly, JoAnn Dillman, Baby Elijah,
Rayme Farmer, Robert Fitzgibbon, Chris Fitharric,
Stephanie Frigano, Bob & Jo Gamberale, Jack Gannon,
Nora Getchell, Frances Gibilarco, Frank Giorando,
Steve Heerbrandt, Zoraida Hernandez, Florence
Herrmann, Larry Hewson, Clova Hill, Jeffery Hughes,
Agnes Janssen, Lawrence Katz, Don King, Dennis
Knapp, Josephine Lampe, Carmine Linsalata, Joseph
V. Mosca Jr., Leslie P., Joan Passaro, Eileen Riboni,
Pakee Ristine, Justina Rodriguez, Eugene Russo, Grace
Schramm, Chad Senior, Matthew Stanzione, Joseph
Stellato, John Thomas, Richard Thomas, Catherine
Timlin, Eileen Vincench, Ronald Wagner, Mary Whaley
For the DECEASED: Suzanne E. Fennessy,
Letterio (Lou) Zuccaro, Dorothy F. Dowd, Robert J.
Breasett, Frances Cellamare, Diane Collins
For the Military: John Abel, Matt Corica,
Michael Cuervo, Daniel Engo, Kyle Christopher Gray,
Jeffrey Holmes, Steven Kay, Richard Kruger, Chris
Manakides, John Maresca, Richard McLaughlin Joe
Occhineri, Anthony Ochoa Jr., Katherine M. Onorato,
Ramon Ortiz, Matthew Parenti, Rich Pinckney,
Tory Pinckney, Kerri-Anne Plilgo, Gerard Posillico,
John Redding, Jr., Eric Reilly, Vinnie Riveria, Curtis
Sammarco, Randy Sanchez, Steven Schloesser, Carl
Seaman, Don Skelton, Arlise A. Smith, Bobby Sosa,
Timothy Weisner
St. Gianna Mass for Couples Struggling with
Infertility & Recurrent Miscarriage
This Thursday, May 16th at 6:30PM at ‘St. Catherine of Siena Church’ 411 East
68th Street (between York & First Ave.) in Manhattan. Mass will be offered for
the intentions of those struggling with infertility and pregnancy-related difficulties.
Time for veneration of the relics of St. Gianna will be made available. A light wine
and cheese reception will follow at which Dr. Anne Nolte from the ‘Gianna Center’
and additional ‘Creighton Fertility Care’ practitioners will be on hand to speak with
anyone who is interested. The event is open to the public and all are invited to attend.
For more information contact the ‘Diocese of Rockville Centre Respect Life Office’
at 516-678-5800, ext 626.
Musical—Children of Eden
A joyous moving and inspirational musical by Stephen Schwartz and John Caird.
Freely based on the story of Genesis with a cast of characters including the Father,
Adam, Eve, Noah, Cain and Abel. This musical features a talented cast with strong
vocals, a live pit orchestra and is a frank, heartfelt and often humorous examination
of the age-old conflict between parents, children and faith. A special one night only
presentation by: Productions Over the Rainbow (POTR). Friday, May 17th at 7:30PM
at the ‘Church of the Good Shepherd’ in Holbrook. Tickets are $10. Call POTR at
631-696-6817 for further information.
Women at the Well
Come together with other women as we look at the stories of the Women in the
Bible, as well as other women in our church history. Tuesday, May 21st 7–9PM Room
7 in the Church Auditorium at ‘Mary Immaculate Church’ in Bellport. Facilitator:
Sister Grace. We will be discussing: Defender of the Poor, Dorothy Stang.
Lighthouse Catholic Media
Pray Like a Saint - Matthew Leonard In this presentation, Matthew
Leonard defines and discusses the three traditional stages of prayer. According to
scripture, every one of us is called to “be perfect” and to “pray without ceasing”.
Prayer is the path to God, and we’ve been saying prayers all our lives. But are we
really praying? Matthew lays out the practical steps to achieve union with God
through deep prayer, even in the midst of this busy world.
Blood Drive at St. Jude
‘Squirettes of Mary, St. Theresa Circlette’ of the ‘J. V. Kavanaugh Council’ will be
hosting a “Save a Life Blood Drive” on Sunday, May 26th here at ‘St. Jude’ in the
parish center from 8AM–2PM. Volunteers will be taking pledges after all Masses the
weekend of May 18th & 19th. Please sign up at that time. If that is not possible, you
can sign up online at www.nybloodcenter.org or call S. Donahue at 729-3711. Please
consider giving the “Gift of Life”.
Bunco Night
Don’t forget the next St. Vincent DePaul fundraiser is BUNCO Night on May 31st.
Watch for us at the Mass on the weekend of May 18th & 19th get your admission
tickets early $10pp. We also have 2 LARGE raffles (1st & 2nd Prizes) that everyone
can purchase even if you can’t be at BUNCO Game Night. How about a brand new
‘Charbroil Gas Grill’ to start your summer? Or, on a rainy day you can stay inside and
watch a good movie on a brand new 32” Flat Screen TV by ‘Westinghouse’! Raffles
tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. Both admission & raffle tickets can also be purchased
at the rectory beginning this Monday, May 8th. These are great prizes and your
purchase of this raffle will help ‘St. Vincent de Paul’ help the needy in our community.
Thank you and God bless you all!
Bulletin Reflection
Today’s reading contains the somber warning that Jesus is coming soon and will bring to
each person the reward that his or her conduct deserves. Has my stewardship of the
blessings entrusted to me been such that I could respond joyfully, Amen!
Tri-Hamlet Community Day
Saturday, June 1st from 10–4PM (rain date June 2)* Parking at sites is extremely
limited so an air-conditioned bus service will run all day from the ‘William Floyd
Elementary School’ parking lot. Celebrate our community’s heritage, history, and
character. Family-friendly events will be held at the ‘William Floyd Estate’, the
‘Manor of St. George’, the ‘Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge’, the ‘Incorporated
Village of Mastic Beach’, and ‘National Woodhull Cemetery’. “Like” ‘Tri-Hamlet
Community Day Celebration’ on Facebook for updates, or call the ‘Community
Summit’ at 631-399-2639 for more information.
You Can Help Heal Your Marriage Are you frustrated or angry with each other?
Do you argue or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking
about it only make it worse? ‘Retrouvaille’ helps couples through difficult times
in their marriages. This program has helped thousands of couples worldwide
experiencing ALL TYPES of marital difficulties. For confidential information about
the ‘Retrouvaille’ program, or to register for the upcoming weekend that begins
on Friday, June 7th at the ‘Seminary of the Immaculate Conception’ in Huntington.
Please call 1-800-470-2230 and you will be connected directly and confidentially
to a couple from ‘Long Island/Metro Retrouvaille’ who can help.
Free-Pre-K at St. Jude
‘St. Jude Pre-K’ offers a Free NYS Pre-K program through the ‘William Floyd
Union Free School District’. If you or someone you know has a child that will be 4
years old on or before December 1, 2013 please contact the rectory at 281–5743
to receive an application for the upcoming school year 2013/2014. The program
is a five day a week, 2 ½ hour session program that is free to anyone who resides
in our community.
Tabor Retreat Center Save the Date!
On Saturday, June 15th is the ‘Franciscan Day of Recollection’ sponsored by ‘Our
Lady of the Atonement & Blessed Raymond Lull Fraternities’ St. Anthony’s Church
in Oceanside from 9AM–3:30PM Mass at 9AM followed by a ‘Day of Recollection’
at the Retreat Center located at 60 Anchor Avenue in Oceanside. The presenter
is Fr. Kevin Cronin, OFM- Franciscan Ministry of the Word and he will be speaking
about: The Challenge and Secret of St. Francis: What is the Franciscan style. This day is
for professed Franciscans and anyone who has an interest in St. Francis of Assisi.
This is a golden opportunity to know and share his spirit and live it! The cost of the
day is $25 per person. A light breakfast will be served; please bring your lunch. To
register and for more information please call Eileen Ostendorf 516-432-5563 or
Louise Sandberg 516-318-7798.
Living Stewardship
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish whose giving—whether of
aims or of service-will be an expression of gratitude for what the Father has given
Pentecost: Town Hall with Bishop William Murphy
On Pentecost Sunday, May 19th, Bishop William Murphy will host a live 2 hour
program that celebrates the ‘Year of Faith’, and our commitment to Belong More
Deeply through the New Evangelization! The program will air LIVE from 7–9PM
followed by Mass from Rome with His Holiness Pope Francis.
Join parishes and people throughout the ‘Diocese of Rockville Centre’ with live
remotes, special guests, entertainment, and the ability to call or email a question
to the Bishop! We encourage parishes to watch together in groups and at home
on ‘Cablevision’ channel 29 /137 or ‘Verizon FiOS’ channel 296 The live program
will also be available at ‘TelecareTV.org’. Questions can be emailed ahead of time
to: info@telecaretv.org
Mass Attendance
5pm 7:30 8am 9:30 11:30 5pm Total
Apr. 14 256 160 210 327 505 211 1669
Apr. 21 301 120
222 273 440 183 1539
Apr. 28 242 110
218 282 340 173 1365
279 142
223 369 330 193 1536
May 5
Weekly Collections
May 5th
Catholic Elementary School $9,907.05
Catholic Ministries Appeal
We have surpassed our goal. We are now at 112%!
Thank you for all who pledged!!
Scripture Readings
MONDAY, May 13, 2013 Easter Weekday
Acts 19:1-8/Jn 16:29-33
Tuesday, May 14, 2013 Saint Matthias, Apostle
Acts 1:15-17, 20-26/Jn 15:9-17
Wednesday, May 15, 2013 Easter Weekday
Acts 20:28-38/Jn 17:11b-19
Thursday, May 16, 2013 Easter Weekday
Acts 22:30; 23:6-11/Jn 17:20-26
FRIDAY, May 17, 2013 Easter Weekday
Acts 25:13b-21/Jn 21:15-19
Saturday, May 18, 2013 Easter Weekday
Acts 28:16-20, 30-31/Jn 21:20-25
Sunday, May 19, 2013 Pentecost Sunday
Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez
37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39
Extended Vigil: Gn 11:1-9/Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b/
Ez 37:1-14/Jl 3:1-5/Rom 8:22-27/Jn 7:37-39
Day: Acts 2:1-11/1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or
Rom 8:8-17/Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26
Altar Flowers
The altar flowers for the weekend of
May 11th & 12th:
Donated In Honor of
Our Blessed Mother Mary
Available dates: June 23rd, July 14th & 28th
and all weekends open in August & September
Altar Bread and Wine
The altar bread and wine for the week of
May 13th is donated by:
In memory of Joseph Gioia
Wedding Banns
III. Joseph Raymond Graney/
Kristen Ann Crawford
I. Garrett Daniel Ferguson/
Lucia Prepelicova
Maryn Alexandria Orig, Nicholas James Merkel
May God Bless them and their families!
Chaminade: Summer Camp
All camps are held rain or shine. Drinks
and snacks are included. Insurance is
included in camp fee.
Available to boys entering 8th, 9th and
10th grade. June 25–29th. Sessions,
Tuesday–Saturday: 8AM–2:30PM. Camp
fee is$425.
Science Camp: Available to boys and
girls entering 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grade.
July 8th–July 12th, Monday-Friday 9AM–
1PM. Camp fee is $350.
Civil War Camp : Available to boys
entering 7th, 8th and 9th grade. July
1st–July 5th, Monday–Thursday 9AM–
2:30PM. Friday 6AM–10:30PM. Camp
fee is $450.
Writing Workshops : Available to
boys and girls entering 10th, 11th and
12th grade. July 8th–July 12th, 8:30AM–
1:30PM. Camp fee is $300
Also available to boys & girls entering
8th and 9th grade. July 15th–July19th,
8:30AM–11:30AM. Camp fee is $300.
Theatre Workshops and
Long Island Culture Camp
High School: Available to boys and
girls entering 10th,11th, and 12th grad.e
June 24th–June 28th or July 1st–July 5th
both sessions 12:30PM–3:30PM. Camp
fee is $350 for one session or $650 for
two sessions.
Middle School: Available to boys and
girls entering 7th, 8th and 9th grade. June
24th–June 28, or July 1st–July 5th both
sessions 9AM–12PM. Camp fee is $350
for one session or $650 for two sessions.
Registration for all sessions is done online
at www.chaminade-hs.org.
Rachel’s Vineyard
Retreat Weekend
Catholic Charities: Sandy
Do you know someone who is hurting
from an abortion? The ‘Life Center of
Long Island’ invites you to attend our next
‘Rachel’s Vineyard Healing Retreat’ on the
weekend of June 21-23th. It begins Friday
evening and concludes Sunday afternoon.
This retreat is conducted in English and
Spanish. For more information contact:
Deacon Frank Gariboldi at (516)523-0586
or e-mail: fgariboldi@optonline.net All
communication is strictly confidential.To
learn more about Rachel’s Vineyard look
online at: www.rachelsvineyard.org
Year of Faith Celebration
The ‘Diocese of Rockville Centre’
offers this pilgrimage to the ‘Basilica of
the National Shrine of the Immaculate
Conception’ in Washington, D.C. Please
save the date and join us, together with
faithful from all across our diocese, on
Saturday, September 28th for a daylong experience filled with opportunities
for prayer, reflection, reconciliation
and fellowship. More information will
be coming soon from the ‘Office of the
Bishop and the Office of Worship’, you
can visit the diocesan website www.drvc.
org for details as they develop.
Hurt by Hurricane Sandy? Call TodayHelp is Here. Whether you applied for
FEMA or not- even if you were not eligible
or were denied assistance. Residents
of Nassau & Suffolk counties who were
impacted by Super-storm Sandy are
eligible. Non-Catholics & Catholics alike
are served by this program. There are
no income requirements for the case
management program. There may be local
resources available for you. A trained,
compassionate case manager can work
one-on-one with you to: Answer your
questions about recovery, develop a plan
to address your needs, connect you with
appropriate community resources, and
determine what financial assistance may
be available to you or advocate on your
behalf with service and benefit providers.
Call ‘Catholic Charities, Disaster Case
Management Program’ 631-608-8882 or
8883. Or call the ‘Catholic Charities Sandy
Referral’ line 855-258-0483. ‘The New
York State Disaster Case Management
Program’ is operated by ‘Catholic Charities
Community Services’, ‘Archdiocese of
New York’ under the auspices of the
‘New York State Division of Homeland
Security and Emergency Services’, ‘Office
of Emergency Management and Agency’
“Love the Virgin Mary. She is our tender
confidant in difficulty. Mary is the mother who
cannot ignore our requests.”
—St. Gianna Beretta Molla
A Mother’s Prayer
A Mother’s Heart
Help me guide them and teach them through example
to lead lives of wisdom and strong, loving faith.
With love for her children
Please let them learn to serve You always in thought
and deed.
With a never ending prayer
And remind me, Lord, to always be there for my family
as You are always there for me.
That God will protect them from harm
Thank you, Lord for bringing my children into my life.
A Mother’s heart is always filled
With hopes and dreams for them
That God blesses them with happiness
That God cares for them in her absence
A mother’s heart is always filled
With love for her children and love for God.
St. Vincent de Paul CONFERENCE AT ST. JUDE
IS happy to announce our
Saturday, June 1st
From 8AM to 3PM
(Rain date June 8th)
It’s time to clean out your attic, basement and garage.
Get rid of all those new and old items that you just don’t use!
Put them all in the trunk of your car and sell them right from the trunk at St. Jude!
If you would rather just shop please come on down
and get an eyeful there is sure to be something for everyone!
All GUESTS: To reserve a spot at the Yard Sale, please call 631-395-5761
NO LATER than May 27th. A $25 fee will pay for 1 parking spot. Reservations preferred please.
You keep your profit from your sales
while the fee for RESERVED PARKING SPOTS will benefit ‘St. Vincent de Paul’
100% will go to help the needy in our community… DIRECTLY!
Please help ‘St. Vincent de Paul’—help others!
Vacation Bible School - Registration Time Is Here!
The camp will take place, Monday August 5th thru Friday August 9th, from 9AM–12 NOON in the Parish Center
for children entering grades K–6, Junior volunteers entering grades 7th–8th, Senior volunteers entering grades
9th–12th, and Adult volunteers 18 and over with Virtus Training. (Junior and Senior Volunteers can earn community
service hours.)
The fee is $30 for the week which includes a T-shirt, iron on decal, music CD, lesson materials daily snack, daily
crafts, daily give-away and an end of the week party.
Registration forms with payments can be returned to the rectory during business hours or place this form with
payment in an envelope and drop in the collection basket. Register in person after Mass the weekend of June 8th &
9th. The deadline for registration is July 8th. We are looking forward to seeing your children there!
Vacation Bible School 2013
Camper Name: Grade in September:
Date of Birth:
Street Address:
Parent/Guardian Name:
Emergency Contact:
Special Needs or Alerts: (ex. Allergies):
Circle one T- shirt size: Kids Medium
Kids Large Adult Medium
Paid: cash /check #:
Adult Large
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Fax 281-6435
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485950 St Jude Church (B)
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
A-OK Lawn Maintenance, Inc.
Richard M. Davin - Dir.
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A man wakes up after sleeping
under an ADVERTISED blanket
on an ADVERTISED mattress
and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas
bathes in an ADVERTISED shower
shaves with an ADVERTISED razor
brushes his teeth
with ADVERTISED toothpaste
washes with ADVERTISED soap
puts on ADVERTISED clothes
drinks a cup
of ADVERTISED coffee
drives to work
in an ADVERTISED car
and then . . . .
refuses to ADVERTISE
believing it doesn’t pay.
Later if business is poor
he ADVERTISES it for sale.
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485950 St Jude Church (A)
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263