Current Issue - Studio City


Current Issue - Studio City
& the
Vol. VIX No.12
Neighboring Communities of N. Hollywood, Valley Village & Tarzana
September 2016
Sunday September 11
By Marci Marks
Never Forget 15 Years Later Memorial On July 28, the Draft Environmental
Fountain, LAFD Fire Station 88, 5101 North Impact Report (DEIR) was released for
Sepulveda Blvd. Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 the Sunkist property at the southwest
corner of Riverside and Hazeltine. The
Monday September 12
controversial project, called ICON, is
from IMT, the company making a major
Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council Board imprint on Valley communities with
of Directors meeting open to the public. 8pm. large multicolored apartment buildings
Sherman Oaks Library 14245 Moorpark St. popping up on suburban streets from
Sherman Oaks. 6:30pm to 8pm.
Studio City to Encino, including the
Crowd listens at the over capacity September 8th meeting, Thompson addresses concerned neighbors, Dr. Williams deciphers the DEIR
bizarrely shaped edifice on Riverside
60 houses in the area received meeting with eight neighbors and twelve
Tuesday September 13
Drive between Whitsett and Coldwater
notification, which he believes may IMT representatives who had no answers
called IMT Sherman Village, which
Studio City Residents Association according to its website, rents a one satisfy the letter of the law but not the for critical questions.
community meeting note new venue Rio bedroom apartment starting at $2305 spirit.
Was it just a coincidence that the DEIR
In September 2014, The News ran a parking study was done in January, the
Vista Elementary School 243 Satsuma Ave monthly.
cover story, Developers Gone Wild, slowest month of the year for the Mall?
Studio City 91602. 7pm Social 7:30 program
Some Sherman Oaks residents
sparked by local residents’ concerns about Hazeltine just south of Riverside
question whether the ICON project fits
ICON and other outsized projects. experiences a large increase of traffic to
into their neighborhood, legally and
Sunday September 18
Developers purchase a property based on Fashion Square during the holidays, when
otherwise. “That property is zoned for
the market value of the property, and then a traffic cop is often required, a study in
The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End a certain kind of commercial use, but seek multiple zoning changes that January is not a good sampling of that
Alzheimer’s comes to Studio City September not this,” says Blair Thompson, a realtor increase the value of their property while intersection. It is a conflict of interest
18. Alzheimer’s Association chapters who has lived in the neighborhood for leaving neighborhoods with more traffic when a developer can choose the
provide local programs and services for fifteen years. “They are asking for seven and congestion and less affordable company to do the DEIR, says the
Alzheimer ’s and related dementias. major zoning changes, and saying they housing.
Neighborhood Integrity Initiative, which
Visit to register for the can do it by right, but that is not true.”
Neighbors of ICON felt that their recently gathered enough signatures to go
With Fashion Square Mall on one
SFV Walk or to find a walk near you!
voices were not being heard at the on the March 2017 ballot.
corner and Trader Joes on another
Scoping meetings set up to discuss
To mitigate traffic concerns, IMT
corner, and a law that requires
Wednesday September 21
environmental issues related to the proposed another access with a traffic
developers to notify residences within
project. Thompson recalled a 2014
Cont. pg. 13
SOHA monthly meeting State Senator 500 feet, Thompson estimates that only
Robert Hertzbert discusses Water, Politics by Pat Walmisley
ace Heidt Jr Holds 49th Ann
ual Luau a
att his SO Esta
and Sacramento. Elected officials will be
represented, as well as the police department. The Horace Heidt Big
Dinner is served. , 7:15 program starts, social Bands Foundation Annual
Cont. pg. 16
What’s Inside
Paul Krekorian...........................
Paul Koretz.................................
David Ryu....... ............................
Gerald Silver..............................
Bentley’s Beat..........................
Talk DVD.................................
Real Estate Corner.. ..................
Labor Day Luau Saturday
night, August 27, 2016,
was marvelous! The
weather was great! Horace
Heidt started off the
program (following a
delicious buffet) with a
trumpet solo. He played
from his heart, and it was
extraordinary. The music
trio was Brian O’Rourke’s
Band, and they were grand.
The trio backed up
vocalists Bill A. Jones and
Kae Butterfield, who each
gave great performances.
New Start...................................
Spirited Encounters......................
Running on Ventura.....................
Luau goers line up at the Estates
Heidt with his trumpet, with O’Rourke on keys
The Hawaiian performers
Experience” troupe from
Hawaii – their trio band/
singers and Polynesian
dancers. They took all on a
“journey through the Islands”
with songs and dances from
Hawaii, Tahiti, Samoa, and the
Haka from New Zealand…they
were fantastic.
The annual “Sylvi Award,”
(established about a decade
ago, by Horace Heidt, Jr., one
The Hawaiian dance troupe perform a traditional Polynesian dance
of the 2016 Nominees for the Fernando
Award), for Valley community volunteerism
was presented to Karie Purcell, Executive
Director of the Encino Chamber of
Commerce. The “Sylvi Award” was
presented to her from Matthew Vallecilla,
Field Representative for Congressman Brad
Sherman, along with Steve Fazio, David
Hernandez and Los Angeles Police Officers
Kim and Alcantar, followed with a
presentation from Mr. Vallecilla, of an
American flag flown over the United States
Capitol by Congressman Sherman.
Assemblyman Adrin Nazarian was in
attendance as well.
To be added to next year’s Luau mailing list, feel free to call (818)784-8211 or
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
After the Hawaiian
O’Rourke’s trio played for
members of the audience to
come up on stage and dance
to contemporary and rock
Proceeds from the Horace
Heidt Foundation Annual
Labor Day Luau will go to
the Valley Performing Arts
Northridge to support their
Big Band Concerts.
As the audience left, they
smiled and raved about the
Luau saying
“It was
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
The Japanese
eyewear brand,
JINS will be
opening its 2nd
Los Angeles
W e s t f i e l d
Fashion Square
S e p t e m b e r,
The JINS brand
was founded in
2001 in Japan
with the vision
stylish, highquality and innovative eyewear for
everyone at affordable prices.
This 1,800 square foot store will
feature JINS’ signature 30-minute
glasses and unique pricing from
$60-$140 featuring high-index
prescription lenses. (Prescription
lenses are included in the price of
t h e f r a m e s . ) W h a t ’s m o r e ,
customers can choose from 700
styles that are all designed in
Tokyo. That is just the kind of
innovation JINS is famous for.
JINS expects JINS SCREEN to be
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
a key product at
Fashion Square.
Introduced in
August 2015,
glasses block
the blue light
e l e c t r o n i c
d e v i c e s ,
reducing digital
eye strain.
JINS hopes to
target customers
digital eye strain
as a result of
electronic screens for hours.
The company launched its first
U.S. flagship location in 2015 in
San Francisco and will have
o p e n e d a t o ta l o f 4 s t o r e s i n
California by Fall 2016.
V i s i t w w w. j i n s . c o m f o r m o r e
information and follow information
about products at JINS U.S.
Twitter: @jinseyewear
Instagram: @jinseyewear
From the Publisher
Reject Metro’s Plan
From the Desk of CD2 By Paul Krekorian
By Gerald Silver
As most of our readers know, we first
reported on the ICON/Sunkist project
back in September 2014. In the two
years since then, citizens’ frustration
has grown with a rigged City Hall
system that routinely grants zoning
changes to some of the world’s richest
developers, changing neighborhoods
for the worse and making housing
less affordable. As evidenced by the
collection of over 100,000 signatures
for the Neighborhood Integrity
Initiative, enough to get on the March
2017 city ballot, residents are seeking
to to take back control of their
communities and make their voices
Gerald Silver points out in his
column that as long as unconstrained
new development continues, no tax
measure or new transportation project
will improve traffic.
While recipe columnist Anna Terra
is recuperating from an injury,
stepping in to fill the spot is longtime
Sherman Oaks resident Lorye Weiss,
with What’s Cooking.
Always adventurous Taste
columnist Mary Ann Skweres eats her
way across the LA County Fair and
Elizabeth Kate takes us on a tour of
Australian wines in Spirited
See you next month.
On March 24, 2016
the Los Angeles County
Authority released its Long-Range
Transportation Plan and Ballot Measure
Expenditure Plan. If this measure is
approved by voters, a new ½ cent sales
tax will go into effect in 2017. Once the
existing Measure R tax expires in 2039,
this new measure will replace it and total
one cent. There are many reasons why
voters should reject the sales tax increase
and reject the Long Range Plan itself. The
Plan utterly fails to realize one iota of long
range improvement to the transportation
problems in Los Angeles County. That is
because the Plan has virtually no binding
link between transportation and land use
To fund the Plan, Metro is considering
a November ballot measure for a new
half-cent sales tax and extension of the
horizon year for the existing half-cent
Measure R sales tax. If approved, these
could generate an estimated $120 billion
to pay for the transportation projects and
programs over the 40-year horizon of the
Plan. But it will not solve the problem.
The transportation dog will endlessly
chase its tail – it cannot catch up, unless
a new vision is in place. That vision must
include an integrated, systemic plan that
binds the region•fs population carrying
capacity, infrastructure limitations and
City Planners claim •”We have dominion
over local zoning and land use, but we
do not control county-wide transportation
spending.”•SCAG planners claim ”We
cannot limit or constrain development in
any local jurisdictions.” Metro
transportation planners claim •”...we
ADDRESS: 11333 Moorpark Street. #139
have control over the county-wide
Studio City, CA 91602
transportation budget, but do not have any
domain over local community zoning and
PHONE: 818.982.5002 (advertising)
land issues.”
And this disconnect is the reason of the
transportation and land use crisis. As long
Publisher / Editor-in-Chief : M. L. Marks as new development continues
Associate Publisher: Jim Kaplan
unconstrained in Los Angeles County, no
tax measure or new transportation project
Managing Editor / Graphics /
will improve traffic. In fact the Metro Plan
most Photos:
makes congestion worse because it
Stephen Phenow
provides new transportation resources
Website Manager: Brandan Scott
that will certainly stimulate more building
and development.
Ronen Lee
Traffic conditions worsen due to a lack
Paul Krekorian
Cyndi Newton
David Ryu
Mary Anne Skweres
of strong policies that link land use
Paul Koretz
Elizabeth Kate
approvals with traffic conditions. As new
Adrin Nazarian
Natalie Daniels
roads are built to move traffic through the
Gerald A. Silver
Lorenzo Marchessi
county and around towns, current
Bill Bentley
undeveloped lands are much more likely
Stephen Phenow
to be developed. Land use and
Trees are critical to maintaining a good
quality of life in our neighborhoods. Our
streets, sidewalks, parks and backyards are
lined with trees that create a peaceful,
attractive environment. They also
introduce birds and wildlife into urban
settings. Los Angeles is fortunate to have
pockets of trees in neighborhoods
throughout the city. One of my top
priorities as your Los Angeles City
Councilmember has always been to make
sure that areas with trees stay green and
those that need more get the landscape
upgrades they deserve.
Less than two years ago, I proudly
worked with the residents of Cantura
Street in Studio City to save a beautiful
tree canopy of 90-year-old, 100-foot high
Sycamore trees planted when the San
Fernando Valley first began to bloom.
Since then, I have worked hand in hand
with neighborhood leaders to plant
hundreds of trees in Valley Village, North
Hollywood, Sun Valley and Valley Glen.
Because I care deeply about trees and
preserving our environment, I always
strive to do more. With our citywide
sidewalk program launching soon, I
wanted to make sure that the city is doing
everything possible to preserve our urban
forest moving forward. In August, I
introduced a City Council motion to create
a proactive plan to manage and enhance
LA’s trees. The city’s Urban Forestry
Division of the Bureau of Street Services
Cont. pg. 16
SC SO ENC NEWS is published
monthly, and delivered to homes in
Sherman Oaks, Studio City, &
Encino areas.
Delivered by Great Western Adv.
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Delivery problems?
Call (213) 627-0539
All Contents Copyright 2015 BVP LLC
All Rights Reserved.
a Copies?
You can pick up The News at:
Pizza Rev 12103 Ventura Blvd.
Four’n20 4723 Laurel Canyon
Steampunk 12526 Burbank Blvd
M-Street Coffee 13251 Moorpark St.
Mobys Coffee 5668 Cahuenga Blvd NH
Libraries. SC 12511 Moorpark St.
Sherman Oaks 14245 Moorpark St.
Encino/Tarzana 18231 Ventura Blvd.
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
is responsible for maintaining and
improving street trees. They are charged
with assessing the overall health of the tree
population in Los Angeles and helping to
keep our trees healthy and alive.
Right now, there are significant challenges
that street trees face. In addition to the need
to remove some trees to complete sidewalk
repairs, new construction in neighborhoods
and disease causes us to lose hundreds of
trees yearly. Although the City Council has
mandated tree replacement and worked
diligently with city departments to address
these issues, I believe we must do even more
to ensure that our neighborhoods enjoy all
the benefits that trees provide. It is time for
us to revisit our city’s street tree policies
with a clear focus on making them better.
My motion instructs the city to take stock
of LA’s tree canopy and to report back on
how the current tree removal and
replacement policies have impacted them.
I am seeking to create a new citywide tree
management plan that will result in a more
sustainable urban forest with greater
diversity and resiliency, encourage
increased plantings in neighborhoods that
lack tree cover and grow the number of trees
planted throughout the city. My goal is to
make LA as green as possible.
Please contact me if you have any ideas or
News From CD4
The View from CD5
By David Ryu
Last month I announced a new traffic
management pilot program that began on
August 15th in Sherman Oaks. Over
several months, my office worked closely
with Sherman Oaks residents and the Los
Angeles Department of Transportation to
identify creative solutions to address
increasing traffic congestion and public
safety concerns. Taffic control officers
will be placed at the intersections of
Ventura and Sepulveda Boulevard and
Ventura and Beverly Glen to alleviate
peak hour traffic on select days and
weekends over the course of the next three
months. These efforts are important, as
the school year begins, and my pilot
program will support the development of
a much larger and more comprehensive
traffic mitigation plan for Sherman Oaks
and its surrounding neighborhoods.
On August 17, I joined Mayor Eric
Garcetti to announce that the LADWP
has replaced more than 32 miles of
deteriorating water main across the city
over the last year. The announcement was
made in Council District 4 where crews
are working to replace a 92-year-old, 4
inch pipe with a new 6 inch mainline. The
figure tops LADWP’s goal for the 201516 fiscal year by more than 20,000 feet,
marking the first step in an aggressive
effort to replace more than 520 miles of
pipe over the next decade. Water main
replacements are a critical investment
because they produce a reduction in leaks
— enabling more water conservation and
fewer service disruptions. LADWP was
able to surpass this year’s water main
replacement goal in large part
because of a sensible rate
increase package approved
earlier this year. That plan has enabled
LADWP to invest in the city’s water
system now and plan for years of future
progress. My office is working hand-inhand with LADWP on proactive and
necessary infrastructure repairs
throughout the Hillsides and San
Fernando Valley. Investing in our City’s
water system will lead to a reduction of
pipeline breaks, improved water quality
and enhanced fire protection. Taxpayer
dollars will be saved by immediately
investing in our water mainlines.
On August 31, City Council prepared to
take a vote to repeal the local standards
on secondary dwelling housing units (also
known as ‘granny flats’) and defer to state
law. I completely understand the
importance of building homes that allow
for growing and extended families to live
with one another. However, I want to
prevent loopholes that allow for
developers and real estate speculators to
take advantage of our land use laws.
I introduced a motion that successfully
pushed to stop the repeal, and instead the
City will write new code to protect singlefamily neighborhoods while complying
with state law. Additionally, a number of
families caught in the limbo in this debate,
and were in the middle of construction,
will be grandfathered in to finish their
As a member of the LA City Council, it
is my great honor to represent the people
and communities of the 5th District, and
to protect and improve the quality of life
of our local neighborhoods.
I want to give you a brief rundown of
some of the major efforts we now have
underway to benefit the 5th District and
the city as a whole. What makes these
efforts especially vital are the input and
activism of community organizations,
neighborhood groups, and involved
residents. I am always pleased by the
tremendous success of these partnerships
and shared endeavors. It’s important to
note that the drafting and full
implementation of an ordinance involves
several steps and community input before
being finalized: The Ridgeline Ordinance
is intended to protect vulnerable views
and ridges from being developed,
damaged and destroyed. We are busy
working on this with the department of
City Planning – and, of course, with the
involved community.
The Wildlife Corridor Ordinance was
authorized when a motion of mine was
approved, thanks in large part to great
community support months, and so now
we’re hard at work putting together all
the details. We want the final version of
this ordinance to be a wonderful landmark
in protecting L.A.’s natural beauty and
ecology, including areas that have always
been home to much wildlife.
The 20,000 Square Foot Home
CD 4 Councilmember David Ryu can be reached at
(818 ) 728- 9924.
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
By Paul Koretz
environmental analysis for
homes that are over that size, is
a major move forward in protecting
neighborhoods, and I am very thankful
to the community leaders who have
worked on this with me.
We’re also working on an overlay for
truck traffic in the hillsides – this will
create better coordination of oversight of
construction projects, and so we are
looking to expand that districtwide.
Baseline Mansionization Ordinance/
Baseline Hillside Ordinance or BMO/
BHO is coming back to the City Council
in October– this aims to maintain the
existing character of neighborhoods,
including by reducing out of scale
Re:code L.A is a companion to BMO/
BHO, and will provide flexibility for
neighborhoods that want either tighter
restrictions or less restrictions.
I’ve also introduced a motion to
maintain existing laws governing
accessory dwelling units. With each of
these efforts, we have made great progress
thanks to the insights, involvement and
energy of people in the community. That’s
why, anytime you want to share an idea
or an opinion, or want to voice your
concerns or your support, my staff and I
are ready to listen – that is exactly what
makes being a Councilmember so
gratifying, and it is a privilege to serve
my district and the city.
CD 5 Councilmember Paul Koretz can be reached at 213.473.7005
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
Expires 10/01/2016
Mary Ann
Frog legs and fry bread. Corn-on-the
cob and cotton candy. BBQ, beer and
everything bacon-wrapped. It might not
be gourmet, but there is plenty to taste•
at the Los Angeles County Fair, which
opened Friday September 2nd and runs
through Sunday, September 25th.
We gained free access by donating to
the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank.
Arrive between noon and 5pm on Food
Drive Fridays, bring five can goods per
person, and you too can enter the fair for
free. The donation site is set-up near the
entrance. Check the website for other
special offers to save on admission. It
was a warm afternoon, so our fair
excursion started with beer and margaritas
from a vender conveniently located just
inside the gates. TGIF!
We arrived hungry since we were going
to eat our way across the Pomona
Fairplex, I am a special fan of BBQ, so
our first food stop was for a snack of pork
ribs with a side of mac and cheese at the
Chuckwagon. The meat fell off the bone
and the creamy comfort food melted in
our mouths.
In addition to seafood, Pepes Mariscos
had delicious Agua Frescos. The
watermelon was especially refreshing.
When at the fair, I always have to treat
myself to sweet and delicious Indian Fry
Bread with powder sugar and whipped
Candyland booth. The Maple Bacon
Donut, covered with maple glaze and
topped with generous amounts of bacon
bits, is Texas-size for sharing and most like
cream. Ultimately we decided to narrow
most of our choices down to menu items
made with bacon. The hunt for bacon had
begun. It was not a hard assignment. Most
of the BBQ venders offer Turkey Legs.
Quite a few go further, wrapping the legs
in up to a pound of bacon. Although on
the pricey side at $21, these hearty and
juicy appendages can easily be shared.
For snacking, a number of stands offer
Bacon Wrapped Pickles and Bacon
Stuffed Jalapenos. The Pineapple Express
has Bacon Wrapped Shrimp, but the best
location for everything bacon is BaconA-Fair which offers Bacon Wrapped Hot
Dogs, Corndogs, Sausages, Pork Belly
and Baked Potatoes, as well as Bacon
Stuffed Cheeseburgers. And their fries are
no ordinary fries, but rather Butter Bacon
Fries and Truffle Gouda Bacon Fries.
Making my must-come-back-and eat-thisagain list were the grilled Gouda Stuffed
Mushrooms, Wrapped in Bacon. I intend
to replicate this appetizer at home. One
of the wonderful things about savory
bacon is that it can be paired with
something sweet for a special indulgence.
If you have never tried Chocolate
Covered Bacon, you have not lived. Also
on the sweet/savory side are the French
Toast Bacon Bombs that combine your
breakfast favorites all in one dish. I had
to really search for one bacon item, which
I finally found at the Texas Donuts and
having pancakes with maple syrup and
bacon for breakfast.
For more information visit http://
What’s Cooking?
“Huge Meatball and Spaghetti!
by Lorye
A bigger dinner time favorite in nearly everybody’s house
is Spaghetti and Meatballs.Here’s a way to do it with a twist!
For the pasta and sauce:
Use your favorite Pasta like Spaghetti or Angel Hair
Grab a 16ounce jar of your favorite marinara or pasta sauce
1. For the meatball:
3 pounds ground beef
1/2 yellow onion, small dice
1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped
1 teaspoon crushed garlic
2 eggs
1/2 cup Italian breadcrumbs
1. Cook pasta to your liking. Strain and set aside.
2.. Mix approximately 1 to 1 1/2 cups of sauce with pasta, until coated.
3. In a large bowl mix together all the ingredients for the Meatball
4. Remove about 1/3 of the meat and set aside. Put aluminum foil into the bottom of an
oven-safe bowl and form 2/3 of the meat into a hollow meat bowl. Make sure to keep the
sides thick enough to hold the pasta. Fill with pasta and then use the remaining meat to
cover the open top of the meatball and carefully use the bowl to help mold the meat into
a large ball. It should look like a basketball. Use the extra foil to cover the top of the
meatball, leaving an opening for a vent.
5. Preheat the oven to 350°F.
6. Bake the meatball for about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes, or until a meat
thermometer reaches 160°F.
7. Carefully remove the bowl from the oven and drain any excess liquid. Invert the meatball
onto a large platter and cover with remaining sauce
8. Add cheese topping if you like, such as Parmesan or Romano.
9. Serve warm.
Serves a HUNGRY Family of 6
Lorye Weiss is an award winning cook and mom to 4 hungry boys. Together with her husband Barry, they run Mathnasium
of Sherman Oaks. You can reach her at
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
Spirited Encounters
Quickly now! What comes to mind
when you think of Australian wine? Don’t
be shy -this is important. Did you think
“cheap wine”? I hope not but sadly, the
reputation of Australian wine has suffered
greatly since its initial surge of popularity
in the early 2000’s. This reputation for
producing low quality wine is horribly
unfair when you consider that Australia
has a history of fine winemaking dating
back to the original European settlers who
arrived in the mid-1800’s and planted the
first vines.
In fact, the world’s oldest continually
producing commercial vineyard (of shiraz
grapevines) can be found in Australia’s
Barossa Valley and is roughly 169 years
old. The Hunter Valley, just north of
Sydney, is the home of the acclaimed aged
semillon wines, nicknamed “Hunter
Valley Honey” and sought out by wine
collectors around the world. The sweet,
fortified wines of Rutherglen in
Australia’s state of Victoria have been an
international favorite for the last 150
years and have been compared to the great
Tokaji wines of Hungary. Penfolds have
been producing the world-renown
“Penfolds Grange” for decades and
commanding premium prices. What a
terrible shame that a few big brands
looking to make a quick profit were able
to cloud an entire country’s reputation.
This was because a few intrepid
Australian brands entered the US market
at the turn of the century (2000) and
offered whimsical, brightly colored labels
and fruity, accessible wines at rock
By Elizabeth Kate
bottom prices. They leaned
heavily on the Paul Hogan
and “Crocodile Dundee”
stereotype of the laid-back,
fun-loving Australian. “Throw a couple
of shrimp on the barbie, mate, and pour
yourself a tumbler of wine!”
Many American’s were new to the
concept of wine from Australia and fell
hard for the hype. By 2005, Australia
was known as a mass producer of cheap
wine. There was a profit to be made and
the bulk wine producers certainly made
it. Yellowtail still sells about 8 million
cases in the USA alone. Cheap Australian
wine, while enjoying incredible market
success, ultimately undermined the sales
of well-made and painstakingly produced
Australian wine in the US market. They
have been struggling to make a comeback
ever since.
On a recent trip to Australia, I had the
good fortune to visit several wineries and
taste a multitude of fine wines. What a
treat indeed. The shiraz wines packed a
punch with plenty of fresh fruit, earth, and
firm tannins. The pinots were extremely
well done and fairly screamed
“Burgundy!” The dry and limey Rieslings
were a favorite with their refreshingly
high acid (like fresh limeade!). The
cabernets and chardonnays impressed to
no end with their bold flavors and fine
craftsmanship. And where else in the
world can you see kangaroos hopping
through the grapevines? Australia is a
magical place. If you have ever
considered taking a wine tasting tour in
the Southern Hemisphere, Australia
should be on the top of your list. The
Aussies are just as warm and friendly as
their reputation and the wines are topnotch. You’ll have the chance to gaze at
the Southern Cross painting the sky in
heavenly diamonds and savor wines made
by people who care about quality and
excellence.So here’s where you come into
the equation. There are fine wines being
imported into the USA. Your job is, quite
simply, to find them. Groups like Wine
Australia are out there educating
Americans about the bounty of fine wine
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
coming out of Australia. Your local Valley
restaurants and wine shops need to know
there is a market for these wines. Stop by
your favorite restaurant and ask for
Australian producers like Shaw and
Smith, Eden Road, Grosset, Jansz, and
Brash Higgins. You’ll be doing a good
deed by expanding your own world of
wine and that of your neighbor and the
local community at large. I would love to
see some good Australian wine offered
locally, so from me to you, thank you!
And cheers!
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
Education Corner
On September 11, 2016, the Valley’s own
“KidsArt” will be honored at the Walt
Disney Concert Hall for its exceptional
contribution to advocacy in the arts to our
nation’s youth. That’s right. KidsArt is the
recipient of the 2016 Walt Disney Motif
Award and has been selected as one of the
top five art programs in the nation.
Accepting students ages four to adult,
KidsArt teaches fine art drawing, painting,
and clay sculpture. There are KidsArt
studios right here in the valley with
locations in Sherman Oaks, Tarzana, and
It’s all about schools and learning this
time of year and the new Woodcrest
Middle School in Tarzana has just opened
its doors. With the official ribbon cutting
on Tuesday, September 13, Woodcrest
Middle School is yet another great option
for local Valley families searching for the
right Jr High School for their child. The
Woodcrest School, located at 6043 Tampa
Avenue in Tarzana, has existed as a private
kindergarten through fifth grade since
1969. Now the Woodcrest School is
offering grades six through eight on its
lovely two and a half acre campus. Every
year Woodcrest students score in the upper
10% in the nation on standardized tests.
In addition, Woodcrest School students are
active in the Valley Interscholastic Sports
league and take part in many campaigns
for community service. This now allows
students to continue following the
By Elizabeth Kate
Woodcrest standard of
excellent all the way through
middle school. Best of all,
we as parents in the area, have yet another
choice for our children’s continuing
The hot days will be with us for a while
longer so you may want to head over to
McConnell’s Ice Cream in the SC where
the proceeds from each scoop of their
delicious “lunchtime-inspired” Peanut
Butter & Jam ice cream sold will be
donated to support the Beyond The Bell
(BTBLA) afterschool program at our
local public schools. BTBLA is a terrific
program that offers free after-school
programs for 600,000 students in the
greater LA community. Kids who might
not have the opportunity to participate in
private club sports are provided with
coaches, equipment, and uniforms to play
team sports throughout the year. It’s a
program everybody should support.
Bravo to McConnell’s for running this
promotion through the fall so be sure to
stop in and support our local schools!
McConnell’s Ice Cream is located at
12075 Ventura Place in Studio City.
Mathnasium in Sherman Oaks recently
celebrated their grand reopening under
new owners Barry and Lorye Weiss,
longtime Sherman Oaks residents.
Offering specialized math tutoring for
students of all ages, Mathnasium makes
Cont. pg. 13
Real Estate Corner
Every day 100,000 baby boomers retire
in our country, according to a recent story
in Consumer Reports. This large aging
population has an impact on the real estate
market. Some have saved for this time in
their lives and the options are plentiful.
But for those that weren’t able to put away
a sizable nest egg there are different
considerations to weigh. Many of us have
become familiar with the term
downsizing, often when the kids leave
home. To downsize can mean moving
from a 5,000 square foot home to a 2,000
square foot home with a smaller yard as
well as perhaps forgoing the pool.
Many retirees get to a point where the
house that they’ve lived in and loved feels
a bit bigger than they need. The upkeep
of a large family property can be daunting
not only on the pocketbook, but on the
daily chores of its upkeep. For those that
want to stay in their homes, the option
can be to remodel their existing home to
make it work for this next chapter of their
lives. Smart remodeling means baby
boomers can adapt their existing homes
to places where they can age comfortably.
Oftentimes that involves bathroom and
kitchen remodels, or making a room
downstairs into a bedroom to avoid
climbing stairs every day. Meeting future
needs can also be a great investment in
your home and can definitely add value
when it does come time for you to
eventually sell.
Then there are those that are done with
all the aspects of home ownership, opting
by Matt Epstein
to rent or buy a condo or
townhouse. Some people, at this
point in their lives, feel the need
for a more urban alternative where they
can walk to restaurants and shopping and
interact with the people without having
to drive everywhere.
At the other end of the spectrum, we are
seeing millennials question the value of
that expensive starter home. According
to Consumer Reports, 75% of first time
buyers are saying that they would rather
find a place that will meet their future
needs, even if it means waiting a bit longer
to buy their first house. The millennials
and baby boomers seem to be flocking to
areas that offer greater access to
restaurants, shops, and movies. Some of
the hottest neighborhoods in Sherman
Oaks, Studio City and Encino today are
those neighborhoods that are within
walking distance to commercial stores.
Homes within walking distance to
Ventura Boulevard have gone up in price
due to the demand for these
neighborhoods. Homes closer to the
Tujunga Village, homes closer to the
NOHO Arts District are all seeing a rise
in interest by those two populations.
So whatever part of this life spectrum
you are on......know that you do have
many options. If you’re considering any
of them, feel free to give me a call.
Any questions of comments please contact Matt Epstein
from Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices at or (818) 789-7408. Matt Epstein is
considered the expert for real estate sales in the South/
East San Fernando Valley.
A New Start By Ronen Lee
Over the summer, I went on a road trip
that spanned much of New England as
well as some surrounding states like New
York and New Jersey. And in New York
City, one building stood out to me like
no other. Started and completed since the
last time I visited NYC, I did not know
much about how this building would look.
But when I was there, at the top of it, I
was astounded. This building I am
speaking of, if you haven’t guessed
already, is the One World Trade Center,
the centerpiece of the new World Trade
Center Complex, as well as the tallest
building in the Western Hemisphere. And
now, this month, less than two months
after my visit, we observe the fifteenth
anniversary of possibly the most tragic
event in recent American history, the
September 11th attacks. A large domestic
issue that we face today is the divide
between the Democratic and Republican
parties that leads many people to believe
that “United” part of the United States of
America will no longer exist due to the
effects of bi-partisan politics. No matter
what your stance on this issue is, there is
something all of us must consider. The
September 11th Attacks, as well as being
a horrible tragedy, actually united
America. With nearly 3,000 American
victims of the attacks, there was so much
diversity among them. On September
12th, 2001, America was united because
everyone suffered. And while I cannot say
that all of us have experienced anything
near 9/11, I can say that people of all
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
political parties and
Democrat, Republican,
Independents, or many
others, and of all races,
religions, careers, and
financial statuses were
among those who experienced the attacks.
This is all shown on the memorial plaza’s
inverted fountains, where the names of
all the victims are inscribed, representing
all types of people. And this is what we
must remember when we think of the
division we face today. We must know
that through unity, we can recover and
grow stronger. And the best example of
this is the new World Trade Center
Complex. New, beautiful, and stronger
buildings with reinforced concrete cores
are being built, with two of them already
completed. Each one is an architectural
achievement, and it all shows that despite
the horrible catastrophe fifteen years ago,
we can become stronger and make things
better by being united.
So here, fifteen years later, we must
celebrate the United States of America
epitomized by the new World Trade
Center. Because it shows that we didn’t
just retreat in defeat, but improved and
showed what being united could do. So
whatever your political views, I hope that
this idea shared by many people besides
me can encourage some thought on the
issue and contribute to a strong and united
Ronen Lee is fifteen years old and is in the tenth grade
in the Highly Gifted Magnet at North Hollywood High.
He plays the trumpet and likes the outdoors.
Vicki Nussbaum delivers certificate from Congressman Sherman to Barry & Lorye Weiss
Cont. from pg 12
math fun for kids, so they learn it more
easily. Each child is taught individually
in a calm and caring environment. If you
child struggles in math or if they simply
want your kids to stay ahead of the curve,
Mathnasium is the place to go.
Mathnasium is located at 14452 Ventura
Blvd in Sherman Oaks.
Sunkist Report
signal on Riverside drive approximately
200 feet west of the traffic lights of
Hazeltine and Riverside Drive. Anyone
who commutes on Hazeltine knows that
the stop light allowing a left turn into the
mall parking garage is already ineffective
at controlling traffic flow. It ends up being
backed up across Riverside Drive and
blocks the entrance to Trader’s Joe market
off Hazeltine.
Conversion from a low density office
building adjacent to a low density
residential area to a 24 hour business,
retail, entertainment and high density
housing project will change a
neighborhood that is largely made up of
single and 2 story mid 1950’s
construction. The modern, metal,
monolithic structure will require the
removal of the mature trees currently in
and around the property to accommodate
the combination of 300 residential units,
40,000 sq ft of retail, 7,000 sq ft of
restaurants, and the current 120,000 sq ft
of office space. This creates the effect of
a town operating 24 hours a day and will
place a major burden on the comunity and
To let the neighborhood know about the
limited time period to comment on the
DEIR, Thompson and his wife handed out
150 flyers in the neighborhood and
enlisted the help of the Coalition to
Preserve LA to organize a meeting on
Thursday, September 8. Dr. Tom
Williams of the Citizens Coalition for a
Safe Community gave a presentation on
deciphering the DEIR, made to be hard
to understand for the average person. He
said he had requested a CD from IMT for
his presentation that evening but the disc
that was delivered to him was unreadable.
He also shared a comment letter by
CCSC to Sarah Molina-Pearson at the LA
Dept of City Planning and to
Councilmember David Ryu that states “...
the DEIR is significantly flawed and
cannot be utilized for purposes of
adequate environmental review....”
He explained how citizens can make
their voices heard and get their comments
on the record in a system that has been
twisted to favor the developers.
Jay Beeber,, the Valley co-ordinator of
Preserve LA’s Neighborhood Integrity
Initiative, helped organize the meeting
along with Preserve LA Executive
Assistant Madalyn Barber. Beeber said
that initiative will place a two year
moratorium on spot zoning and prevent
developers from being able to choose the
entity that does their project DEIR.
“IMT told the city that the community
is OK with this and that is not true,” said
The overflow crowd at the small
community center in the back parking lot
of the Westfield Fashion Square mall
agreed with him.
To learn more about the Sunkist project,
go to website Thompson created to
The deadline for public comment has
been extended from September 10 to
September 27.
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
Cathy Lind Hayes brings her awardwinning autobiographical show, “The
Beauty, The Banshee & Me,” to the
Whitefire Theatre in Sherman Oaks for
its West Coast premiere, September 15 October 23. Adopted at three months old
by celebrated entertainer Peter Lind
Hayes and his actress/singer wife Mary
Healy, Hayes embarked on a decadeslong journey to learn the truth about
where she came from and why she was
given up. Her search takes many turns as
she finds out she is the daughter of two
very different women.
Our first Labor Day Luau at the Horace
Heidt Estates is sure to turn into an annual
tradition for the Big Dude and I. The
tropical tiki bar, the roasted pig at the
centerpiece of the buffet and the Hawaiian
dancers made us feel almost as refreshed
as if we had taken a trip to the Islands.
Plus we don’t get to see Horace Heidt, Jr.
play his trumpet often enough. A
delightful surprise was singer Kae
Butterfield, a Broadway style belter
reminiscent of Ethel Merman.
At the Luau, we ran into old friend, Jeff
Rector, actor and producer of the 8
Annual Burbank International Film
Festival. Films are being screened at the
AMC 16 this weekend, closing night is
this Sunday. He was very excited to be
presenting a special 30 anniversary
Bentley’s Beat
Michael Bloomfield: The Rise and Fall
of an American Guitar Hero by Ed Ward
There are guitar heroes and then there
are guitar heroes. And while Michael
Bloomfield might have been a little off
the beaten track from the Eric Claptons,
Jeff Becks and all the other ‘60s icons, in
so many ways he was the first and the one
who actually paved the path for
everything that came after. When
Bloomfield lit the match to the fuse in the
Paul Butterfield Blues Band in 1965, few
were prepared for the kind of sonic
explosion that occurred. The young
Chicago guitarist changed the way so
many thought of the electric guitar: it soon
became an instrument with no limits, and
though he was called a blues man, in
reality Michael Bloomfield altered the
way every rock & roll guitarist played.
He opened up their musical world to a
supercharged cosmos, and made the
possibilities endless. The Butterfield
band’s 1966 song “East-West” still
reverberates among millions of psyches
as a prayerful improvisation of electric
nirvana. This amazing book by Ed Ward
is an updated version of his original 1983
tome, but it feels brand new. The
breathtaking ride to the top and the
crushing fall to the bottom of the
musician’s life is captured in full
emotional detail, and it becomes obvious
in many ways why Bloomfield never
really had a chance at success. He just
wasn’t wired for guitar guruhood and did
A young blues rock guitarist who is
making waves on the national scene, Ray
Goren, performed at the Maui Sugar Mill
in Tarzana on Monday, September 5.
Often compared to Joe Bonamassa,the
sixteen year old virtuoso has performed
with BB King, Buddy Guy and countless
others, and blown all of their minds.
Actor Jeff Garlin, father “Manny” from
the ABC hit series “The Goldbergs,” on
Ventura Blvd, in front of Freakbeat
Record Store.
At the Luau with Eddie Anderson
screening of the science fiction classic,
Aliens, followed by a Q&A with cast
member Michael Biehn and others.
With Jeff Rector
By Bill Bentley
everything he could to make sure it didn’t
happen. Bless his heart and hands. An
extra-special addition to the book is
Rolling Stone magazine founder Jann
Wenner’s 1968 interview with Michael
Bloomfield. It’s a rollercoaster ride of
information and inspiration, and one of
the very best the magazine ever did,
captured now (again) for posterity. Turn
it up.
The Fabulous Thunderbirds
Strong Like That
Forty years ago, when the Fabulous
Thunderbirds had just started heating up
dancefloors around small Austin
nightclubs, it would have been a longshot
to predict the incredible success and
impact the group would have. But in so
many ways they helped usher in a
newfound respect for American roots
music around the world, and did it with
such conviction and class that they turned
into a genre unto themselves. It was TBirds music all the way. On their latest
long-player, they reconfigure Rare Earth’s
monstro-hit “(I Know I’m) Losing You”
into their very own calling card. And
that’s just for starters. This whole album
feels like a burning return to form, and
while Kim Wilson is the sole original
member, that’s more than enough because
he fills the bill and then some. Wilson’s
voice has always been his best weapon.
Yes, he just might be the best harp player
alive, but he’s always been a singer of
devastating effect, and keeps getting
better and better. He can go from Sonny
Boy Williamson to O.V. Wright and back
again while barely breaking a sweat,
filling the lyrics with that down home
feeling of reality set ablaze. It is a wonder
to hear, and never gets old. As with every
Thunderbirds album, there are cool
covers mixed in with right-on originals,
always adding up to a powerful playlist
that gets the job done right morning, noon
and night. This is music meant to put a
glide in your stride and turn the blues into
reds. Time is marching on for the ‘Birds,
as they used to be called by their inside
fans down on Austin’s Sixth Street when
it was pleasurably sleazy with bars like
the Triple J, Green Spot and Scottie’s
Barbecue, known for serving downtown’s
transvestite lunch crowd. All night long.
Wilco Schmilco
Quite possibly the best American band
today, Wilco are always good for a
surprise even when it’s not surprising.
This time around, the band turns down
the amplifiers and lets singer-songwriter
Jeff Tweedy turn up the vocals with such
a seductive stance that it takes a moment
to adjust. But it’s worth the effort because
this new one is up there with the group’s
very best. For their tenth studio album,
Wilco has dug down deep and gone for
semi-buried journeys way down in
Tweedy’s soul, which is where he
probably likes to live. They frame the
songs with an impressionistic sound and
attitude all their own. It works like aces,
too. What’s really the thing that keeps
Wilco at the top of the list is their sense
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
of adventure. They never go so far as to
leave the universe, but there is most
assuredly a sense of intergalactic travel
in many of the band’s destinations this
time ‘round. Not to mention the subtle
touches that is the essence of all timeless
bands: they know just when to lay in and
when to lay off. At a time when the world
seems cranked up to 12 and there is no
way to predict what tomorrow may bring,
Wilco is there for us, showing a way
through the fog and holding our hand
while the twists and turns threaten to
throw us off the road. Ride with them.
Lori McKenna
The Bird & The Rifle
How a Massachusetts housewife and
mother became one of country music’s
most successful songwriters is an
American story for the history books.
McKenna started out singing in local
clubs and as her local reputation grew it
wasn’t long before Music City started
noticing her songs. Faith Hill recorded
several after McKenna began making her
own albums, and before you could say
Grand Ole Opry the world opened up for
the Northern woman with five children.
Her latest release is her best yet, a
combination of gritty love songs and lifeturned-hard anthems. Maybe that’s
because she’s never sung a false note in
her life, and clearly isn’t about to start
doing so now. This is someone who is in
it for the long haul, and makes an album
like she is writing letters home to all her
loved ones. She’s that personal. Hear her
Stephen Phenow’s
“The New Season”
“Lot’sa misses, few hits”
The Channel of “Angry Old White Men has
added little new, sticking with the tried and
“Kevin Can Wait” Mon. Sept. 19th 8:30 PM
Kevin James (“King of Queens”) returns but
this time he isa newly retired police officer
wanting to spend quality time with his wife
and three kids. James kills these kind of blue
collar comedies.
Why this will work: James is liked in this role.
Why it won’t: Fatigue factor with James.
Prediction: Big Hit.
“Man With a Plan” Monday Sept. 19th
9:00pm LeBlanc after a successful run playing
himself in Showtime’s “Episodes,” tries his
hand in a comedy about a stay-at-home dad
spending more time with his kids. Yes it
sounds as bad as it is. Matt, time for more
Why This Will Work: No Reason
Why it Won’t: Too many reasons, a script
would would be nice. Those two writers from
“Eposodes” available?
Prediction: Matt goes back to work.
“Bull” Tuesday Sept. 20th 9:PM So Michael
Weatherly didn’t want to spend more time
with the kids, he just wanted less time with
“Gunney Gibbs.” He got his wish. So now
he is the star of his own series based on the
early career of talk show host Dr. “Phil”
McGraw, “Bull” mixes psychology and hightech data to help lawyers regulate justice in
favor of their clients. What a load of “Bull.”
Why This Will Work: Weatherly’s devoted
fans and a strong slot between “NCIS” and
“New Orleans.”
Why it Won’t: Who really likes Dr. Phil and
his pop psychology?
Prediction: Time for Tony to go crawling back
to Gibbs. They replaced “Limitless” with this?
“The Great Indoors” Thursday Oct. 27th
9:30pm: This is not “Great” though kudos for
effort. Joel McHale (“Community”) is an
action reporter who becomes leader to a group
of millennials. Cast tries hard, but with no
results. With Christopher MintzPlasse (“Kickass,”) Stephen Fry, Chris
Williams, Christine Ko, Shaun Brown
and Susannah Fielding.
Why This Could Work: The writing gets
Why it Won’t: It doesn’t
Prediction: 6 episodes
“Pure Genius” Thursday Oct.27th 10pm I
really really wanted to like this. Usually
writer-producer Jason Katims (“Friday Night
Lights,” “Parenthood”) has riveting plots
about 3-d characters with great backstorys.
For some reason it doesn’t happen here.
Series is about a young Silicon Valley
Billionaire (Augustus Prew) who enlists a
surgeon (Dermot Mulroney) with a
controversial past in an effort to formulate a
“new age school” hospital. Great cast
includes Reshma Shetty (Royal Pains) Brenda
Song, Odette Annable, Ward Horton. But
formula is all we end up with. Back to the
typewriter, Katims.
Why this could work: Mulroney’s Doctor is
a character. Viewers tune in to see what he’s
up to each week.
Why it won’t: Nothing new here.
Prediction: ½ season.
“MacGyver” Friday Sept. 23rd 8pm A remake
of the of the 1985-92 ABC adventures series
with Lucas Till as the MacGyver. Why? I’m
not sure. And based on the pilot either is CBS.
Why this could work: Die hard fans.
Why it won’t: Not enough of them.
Prediction: He’s not going to get out of this
“Training Day” Sept. TBA Based on the
Antoine of the same name with
Oscar winning Denzel, this is a coarse show
following a young idealistic police officer
(Justin Cornwell) who is partnered with a
seasoned and morally bankrupt detective (Bill
Paxton) when Cornwell is appointed to an
elite squad of the LAPD. Why the remake?
Why this could work. Hawke’s character 15
years later. Don’t we want to know what’s
Why it won’t: No we don’t.
Prediction: To close to call.
“Conviction” Monday Oct. 3rd 10pm With
Hayley Atwell hanging up her red hat as
“Agent Carter” her new character drops into
a sea of deceit. However the vapid concept is
no cliff hanger. She stars as former first
daughter joining a new conviction unit led
by New York district attorney, oily liar Wayne
Wallis (Eddie Cahill). She tries hard but she
can’t save it.
Why this could work. People like her.
Why it won’t We are all angry about the
demise of “Agent Carter”
Prediction Don’t think so.
Why this could work: People like animation
and live action (Rodger Rabbit)
Why it won’t: FOX fans won’t like it.
Prediction: A gimmick, but who knows?
“Pitch” Thursday Sept 22nd 9pm. Baseball
does not do well on TV in a series. But FOX
has come up with drama/comedy that might
succeed. Kylie Bunbury is the ace on this
staff playing a young female pitcher who
becomes the first woman to play for the MLB.
Unfortunately it’s my SD Padres, so I dislike
the implication, yet this one has legs (and an
arm.) With Mark-Paul Gosselaar (“NY PD
Blue,” Ali Larter (“Heroes”) and Mark
Why this could work: Great story with an
Why it won’t: Has to suspend major disbelief.
Prediction: A home run!
“No Tomorrow” Tuesday Oct 9th 9pm. A
romantic comedy based on a Brazilian show
it stars Tori Anderson as risk-averse, orderaddicted button down controlor who adopts
a free spirit when Joshua Sasse tells her the
apocalypse is precisely eight months and 12
days away.
Why this could work: We all go crazy
Why it won’t: Another apocalypse tale? I’m
majorly bumming here.
Prediction: Quirky enough to be a hit.
(Remember “Jane the Virgin?”)
“Frequency” Wed. Oct. 5th 9pm. My old
friend Peyton List stars in this strange mix of
drama and fantasy. She plays Raimy Sullivan,
a police detective who gets radio
transmissions from the past on her father’s
long-broken ham radio. “Fringe” anyone?
List likes this one.
Why this could work: Interesting idea.
Why it won’t : Another Cop show?
Prediction: List is a winner!
“Timeless” Monday Oct 3rd 10pm. Actionadventure-fantasy drama from executive
producers Eric Kripke (“Revolution,”
“Supernatural”) and Shawn Ryan (“The
Shield”). Series clumsily follows a scientist,
a soldier and a history professor pursuing a
mysterious criminal who stole a secret time
machine. With Abigail Spencer, Matt Lanter,
Malcolm Barrett and Goran Visnjic.
Why this could work: Two excellent
Why it won’t: Slow developing stories and
uninteresting charactors.
Prediction: Next time.
“This Is Us” Tuesday Sept 20th 10pm Hokey.
Sentimental. Checks all the emotional boxes.
But the cast is why it works. Instant chemistry
With Mandy Moore (“A Walk to
Remember”), Milo Ventimiglia (“Heroes”)
and Sterling K. Brown (“The People V. O.J.
Simpson: American Crime Story”) Characters
paths cross and results are interesting.
Prediction: NBC has a big hit.
“The Good Place” Thursday Sept. 22nd
8:30pm Kristen Bell (“Veronica Mars’) is
welcomed in the afterlife by a mentor played
by Ted Danson (“Cheers,” ”CSI”). She’s in
the “The Good place,” because she was a good
and selfless person. Yet she knows she was
an incredibly selfish, self-centered person.
What the <bleep> is going on here?
Why this could work: Excellent chemistry
between Bell and Danson.
Why it won’t: It’s a Garry Marshal feel good
movie premise that cannot work week after
Prediction: To close to call.
“American Housewife” Tuesday Sept Oct.
11th 9pm. Katy Mixon stars as a
overconfident, un apologetic (read arrogant)
wife and mother of three surrounded by
“consummate” families in wealthy Westport,
Connecticut. It takes aim at the privileged
class but is a wildly uneven comedy
Why this could work. People don’t like the
wealthy class.
Why it won’t: What is it exactly? A black
comedy, or a slice of life comedy?
Prediction: Not this time. But hope to see
Mixion in something else.
“Speechless” Wed. Sept. 21st 9pm. Minnie
Driver (“The Riches”) comes through giving
this wonderful comedy an excellent chance
to make it. She’s sensational, a mother
attempting to do anything for her husband and
children. This includes finding the right
person to give her special needs eldest son a
voice. Interesting subject, yet one Driver
makes it shine.
Why this could work: Driver’s acting, and
well fleshed out secondary characters.
Why it won’t: People won’t like the subject
Prediction: Heroines always finish first.
“Son of Zorn” Sunday Sept. 25th 8:30pm
This comedy features a premise that might
be rather difficult to sustain. Jason Sudeikis
is the voice of Zorn, an animated warrior from
a Pacific island where everything and
everyone is animated. He is returning to
Orange County, California, trying to
reconnect with his wife (Cheryl Hines) and
teenage son who are real 3d people. Silly
concept makes you smile, and the pilot
episode is LoL. The concept is solid writing
needs to improve.
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
Offer Expires Sept 21, 2016
hour starts at 6:15 pm. Notre Dame High
School, Woodman @ Riverside.
School meets on Sundays at 9:30 am at
the Tarzana Community & Cultural
Center. The history, culture and traditions
of Judaism taught by Adat Chaverim,
Congregation for Humanistic Judaism.
Call 888-552-HJLA(4552) or email at for more
1st Saturday of the Month
Studio City Neighborhood Council Board
of Directors. 7:00 pm. Open to the public.
Light refreshments 6:30 pm. CBS Studio
Editorial 2, Room 6. 4024 Radford Ave.
Studio City Enter Gate A to be directed
to the meeting. 818-655-5400
Teen Knitting Program. Studio City
Branch Library – Knitting For Others.
Teens are welcome to come together and
knit scarves for those in need
Every Tuesday
Farmers Markets
Every Saturday
North Hollywood Arts District Farmers
Market. Every Saturday from 8am-2pm.
5200 Bakman Ave Between Lankershim
and Tujunga.
Every Sunday
Encino. ONEgeneration Encino Farmers
Market. Every Sunday from 8am – 1pm.
17400 Victory Blvd. (between White Oak
and Balboa) with plenty of convenient
free parking.
LIFE STORY WRITING CLASS Record your special memories and family
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techniques for remembering, reflecting
and writing about your life clearly and
vividly. Tuesdays, 1:15—4:15 p.m. and
Thursdays 1:15-3:15 at OneGeneration
Senior Center, 18255 Victory Blvd.,
Reseda 91335. Wednesdays, 2—4:30 pm
at the Simon Wiesenthal Center Library
& Archives 1399 South Roxbury Drive,
Los Angeles, 90035. (818) 702-8693 or
All You
By Cyndi Newton
You know you’re watching too much
TV… when you constantly think you’re
being followed. I was walking to Poquito
Mas and I felt someone walking behind
me, a little too close for comfort. For a
split second, my heart started racing
because I thought it was a zombie. I
turned around in fear, only to see a girl
sipping Smart Water and carrying a yoga
mat. Yes, I have been binging on “The
Walking Dead” because I’m three seasons
behind, and maybe it’s time for a break.
In addition to the “Dead”, I’m binging
on “House of Cards”. So honestly, I don’t
know what to fear more: zombies or
politicians. When you’ve been running
from zombies, or “walkers”, for six
seasons, it’s become a way of life. Kind
of like avoiding the pushy super hero
characters on Hollywood Boulevard. You
learn to get past them, and survive. As
long as there’s sexy Daryl with his sweaty
hair and crossbow, it’s all manageable.
I suspect it would be a lot harder,
especially in the DC Metro, to escape
Congressman Frank Underwood. You
just don’t know who to trust on “House
of Cards” but Underwood and Doug
Local Musicians Wanted
3rd Thursday of Each Month
Studio City. Every Sunday from 8am to
3pm the Studio City Farmers Market. On
Ventura Place.
Every Tuesday
Sherman Oaks Farmers Market from 3pm
to 8pm at Westfield Mall, 14006
Riverside Drive.
Every Saturday
TreePeople offer a friendly hour-long
guided tour through beautiful Coldwater
Canyon Park that features water
conservation techniques, examples of
native plant landscaping, an introduction
to the many benefits of trees and provides
information on TreePeople’s history and
programs available to get involved in
improving the environment of LA, which
includes workshops and volunteer
opportunities. Space is limited and
registration is required. Reserve your
space at or,
for questions regarding the tour, call 818753-4600.
Every Sunday
Want your kids to learn about their
heritage? The Joe Steinberg Cultural
Editorial Submissions
Editorial material of 400 words or less
may be sent to Big Valley Publications,
11333 Moorpark St. #139 S t u d i o
City CA 91602 or Deadline is second
week of the month. We reserves the
right to edit submissions for space
considerations and do not return editorial material.
E mail to
The Burbank African Violet Society
Meeting at 10:00a.m. at the Little White
Chapel Auditorium
1711 North
Avon Street
Burbank, CA 91505
Stamper are more frightening than any
pack of zombies. And Claire Underwood
is the only FLOTUS that I would avoid
at a state dinner, except to stare at her
wardrobe and ask for workout tips. She
can go running any time of day or night
accompanied by the Secret Service, all
while looking fabulous. When I run at
night, I have to carry a small flashlight,
ID, cell phone, put my hair in an 80’s
scrunchie, and hope I don’t end up in the
LA River.
The scariest person I’ve actually
encountered on Ventura Boulevard at
night was a smarmy “doctor” who
followed me and said he lost his cell
phone and needed money, so could I go
to the ATM and withdraw some cash for
him? I’m like, seriously? I should have
asked him what his specialty was, because
I have this pain in my neck that won’t go
away. Instead, I just said “Sorry, doc, I
can’t help you” and escaped. So back to
the TV with my take-out, and another
episode of the Dead. In addition to
zombies, the group now has to survive a
fatal virus outbreak in the prison. Maybe
I’ll save the chicken enchiladas till later.
Like Us on Facebook...
The Studio City
Sherman Oaks Encino
CALL 818-636-2950 OR
Ongoing Pet Adoptions
1st and 3rd Saturday of Each Month
Save-A-Life Dog and Cat Adoption event
every 1st and 3rd Sunday. 11am-4pm at
Moorpark Park 12061 Moorpark Avenue
Studio City corner of Laurel Canyon and
Moorpark. For info call the East Valley
Animal Shelter at 213-485-8613
Every Saturday
Chihuahuas and Other Dog Adoptions
every Saturday noon to 6pm at Book Star
12136 Ventura Blvd. Studio City for info
call 818-641-3345
Last Saturday of the Month
Friends of Studio City Branch Library
book sale featuring paperbacks,
hardcover’s, CD’s, videos, DVD’s etc.
12511 Moorpark Street 10am-2pm.
Letters to the Editor
The Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News
welcomes your letters. Letters to the Editor
should be no more than 300 words, Hand written letters are acceptable only if they are legible. Letters must contain the writer’s telephone
number and address for verification purposes.
It will not be published.
Gerald Silver
Cont. from pg 5
development in the county will continue
down its ad hoc, project-by-project path
with little consideration to cumulative
impacts on the county or its residents.
Plans that take away traffic lanes and
give them over to bicycles, force people
out of the cars by increasing traffic delays,
repurpose roadways into •gcomplete
streets•h replete with parklets and
bollards, encourage •groadway diets•h,
or spend inordinate amounts of money on
subway systems that starve bus
transportation are hardly a way to
improve traffic.
Voters should not support expanded
transit projects across the County as long
as they are not directly linked to limits
on new development, housing and
construction. Traffic and transportation
problems will never improve as long as
new building permits are issued that only
invite more transportation demand. Metro
and transportation planners ignore this
fact. Metro should take the Plan and ballot
measure back to the drawing boards and
fix them – then and only then ask for more
money and new ballot measures.
Gerald A. Silver is President of Homeowners of Encino.
He served on the Citizens Advisory Committee that
helped craft the Ventura Blvd. Specific Plan. He can be
reached at
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
10600 Ojai Santa Paula Rd. OJAI $5,495,000
Jill Krutchik 818-259-1512
Only a short car ride away, enjoy this gorgeous Upper Ojai
equestrian ranch w/ tennis court, fruit orchards, its own well
and guest house. 7 bed/6.5 bath main house & 1 bed/1 bath
guest house.
1523 3/8 N. Doheny Dr - LA - $2,595,000
Kirk Hoffman 310-890-3940
Once in a lifetime development opportunity w/ spectacular
multi-million dollar views! Former celebrity owned street
to street property w/ 180 degree views of the ocean out to
Catalina Island & sparkling city lights after dark. 3Br+3Ba,
2,038 SqFt on a 10,442 Lot
5039 Bluebell Ave - SO - $1,499,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
Amazing opportunity! Bring your handy people/contractors/
builders and investors to this fixer right in the heart of this
Magnolia Estates neighborhood. Classic Spanish styled home
on large lot with a pool and grassy yards. 3Br+3Ba Main house
in 2375 SqFt & 1Br+1Ba Guest unit in approx 1,000 SqFt on an
expansive 19,356 corner lot
220 S. Glenwood Pl -BRB -$735,000
Kirk Hoffman 310-890-3940
Investors dream, bring your handy people and contractors,
being sold for land value only, buyer to verify zoning and
number of units able to build. This Burbank gem will not
16760 Bajio Road - ENC - $4,750,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
S. of the blvd gated Modern/Cape Cod smart home in this
quiet area. Beautiful newer construction. Open & bright w/ a
great flow. Guest suite w/ own entrance. Gorgeous master
suite. Pool, Spa, BBQ and grassy yards. 6Br+6Ba in 7,200
SqFt on a 23,272 Lot
17330 Clark St - ENC - $2,990,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
Dramatic Mid-Century Modern in the desired Amestoy Estates.
Private & gated at the end of a cul-de-sac. Amazing features &
touches. Chef’s kitchen. Spa like backyard with pool, spa, BBQ,
fire pit & several grassy yards 5Br+4.5Ba in 5,177 SqFt on a
20,500 Lot
4567 Tara Drive - ENC - $2,149,995
Terry Feingold 310-592-3335
PRICE REDUCED- Beautiful gated Mediterranean in the
exclusive Clark Gable estates. Gorgeous canyon views &
peaceful, tranquil surroundings. 5 bedrooms & 6 baths, kitchen,
living room & master w/ fireplaces. Pool, spa & private deck
round out this amazing home.
3925 Woodfield Dr - SO - $2,250,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
Gated S. of the blvd trad on a corner lot. Built 20 years ago
but feels and looks like yesterday. Formal living, dining &
family rooms. Wood floors thru-out. Chefs’ kitchen w/ island
and granite. Huge master with private bath & large walk-in +
sitting area. Backyard with pool, spa, bbq and fruit trees.
4Br+5Ba in 5,794 SqFt on a 9700 Lot
4050 Madelia Ave - SO - $1,325,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
S. of the blvd modern/traditional with tons of privacy. Cherry
wood floors throughout. Living room w/ fireplace. Family
room w/ fireplace and wet bar. Both rooms with patio access.
Galley kitchen w/ granite. Large master suite. 5Br+3.25Ba
in 3,096 SqFt on a 9,630 lot
13442 Sunnyview Lane - VG - $949,000
Liz Friedman 310-743-3301
Beautifully updated house on quiet private street. Gourmet
kitchen w/ stainless appliances & granite counters. Formal
dining room. Large living room w/ fireplace. 4 bedrooms
including the master suite & an office. 4Br+3Ba in 2,236
SqFt on a 6,254 Lot
4949 Genesta Ave #210 - ENC - $529,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
5200 White Oak Ave #16 - ENC - $549,000
Nicole Fruin 310-343-3347
A rare opportunity on this townhouse w/ large patio, 24-hour
security/gate guard, pool, spa, gym, sauna, & rec room, in this
beautiful gated community. 2 marble gas fireplaces including
the living room & master suite, dual sink Baths & Jacuzzi tub in
master. Spacious kitchen w/ breakfast nook. 2 car attached garage. 2Br+3Ba in 1,633 SqFt
One of the only buildings in the valley with an actual
doorman. This sought out building is very well maintained.
Great corner unit w/ large living room, galley kitchen, patio
& 2 bedrooms including a master suite. Pool, spa gym &
recreation room. 2Br+2Ba in 1,590 SqFt
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2016
19246 Casa Place - ENC - $2,795,000
Alison G. Turner 310-600-8229
Kirk Hoffman 310-890-3940
Exquisitely remodeled Architectural Estate with 4 bedrooms,
4 ½ baths and 5,044 sq. ft. of living space on a .47 acre lot.
This private retreat has high-end designer details in every room
with open floor plan, and views to the backyard
3700 Ventura Canyon Ave - SO - $1,700,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
S. of the blvd trad on large street-to-street lot. Formal living
& dining rooms. Family room w/ French doors to the back.
Country style kitchen w/ breakfast nook. Large master suite.
Pool, BBQ, mature landscaping & grassy yards. 4Br+2.75Ba
in 2,822 SqFt on a 18,730 Lot
7308 Hart St - Lake Balboa - $799,000
Ian Reed 818-939-9692
Must see meticulously maintained Lake Balboa traditional home.
This move in ready masterpiece is being sold by the original
owners and appears as though it was built yesterday. Open floor
plan w large living & dining rooms. Gorgeous park like backyard was completely updated in the past year. 5Br+3Ba in 3,100
SqFt on a 6,838 Lot
4211 Arch Dr - SC - $499,000
Kirk Hoffman 310-890-3940
Sleek, stylish condo in sought after Studio City location right
off of Ventura Blvd! This light and airy retreat features high
ceilings, an updated kitchen with stainless steel appliances,
beautiful natural stone fireplace, three patios and a bonus loft
space + a spacious master suite. 2Br+loft+2Ba in 1,070 SqFt

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