WELCOME CLUB OF HENDERSON COUNTY JULY 2016 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Hello, What beautiful warm, sometimes hot days we’ve been having. Summer is here and it’s a good time to be outside in the sunshine. Game Day is scheduled for August 10th at 11:30 AM at the Hendersonville Country Club. This will be a fun filled day with many different activities and lunch is included for $25.00. Attendance is limited so be sure to sign up early. Details are on the flyer and registration form included in this newsletter. There are many new activities reported by our Activity Chair, Ann Dice, some of which are suggested and started by new members. There is something for everyone. So get involved in whatever you are interested in. Meet new people and have a great time. Charity Matters is packed with good information about our charity, Safelight. You can support this year’s charity by donating items needed and listed in Diane Tokarski’s report. June 21 is the next Coffee and Conversation. If you haven’t signed up with Martha Rumbough, our C&C Chair, give her a call and enjoy seeing current friends and meeting new members. There are three more Coffee and Conversations this year so mark your calendars for August 16, October 18 (which includes the Annual Meeting) and December 20. Your Board is actively seeking three new Board members to start their terms in January 2017. The positions available are President, Membership Chair and Treasurer. Please consider volunteering for one of these openings or suggest a Welcome Club member. Any of the Board members going off the Board will be happy to work with you and get you acclimated. If we don’t have a full Board we won’t have a Welcome Club. The New Members Luncheon was held on Monday, June 13 at The Oaks Clubhouse. As in the past, it was a very successful event. Two attendees who were invited by a member joined Welcome Club. The food was catered by Dandelion Restaurant and enjoyed by all. This get together is meant to have new members meet the Board, learn more about Welcome Club and meet other new members as well. Stay safe and stay tuned in with www.welcomeclubhc.org Harriet JULY BIRTHDAYS 3 3 4 4 7 15 22 23 23 28 28 Anne Maliff Peggy Smith Penny Freeman Pat Hauser Peggy Cramer Sue Hatch Jane Novoselsky Meg Bresko Sharon Katanich Lucy Cumston Betsy Robson Charity Matters By Diane Tokarski Thanks to all who have contributed in some way to help those in need at Safelight. All of your donations are appreciated and mean so much to those who directly benefit from them. In addition to in-kind donations, to date, Welcome Club has provided monetary donations in the amount of $1,600.00, used to directly assist those who are currently sheltered by Safelight. Ecru Afghan Update Raffle to be held June 30th at 1 p.m. at Safelight’s Resale Store (formerly the Purple Ribbon) –There is still time to buy raffle tickets! Hurry in to the store to purchase some—you might be the lucky winner! (Winner need not be present at the raffle drawing.) All proceeds from the raffle will directly benefit Safelight in its work towards ending abuse and caring for abuse victims in Henderson County. Many thanks to Knit2gether, Welcome Club’s knitting group, for all their time and talent in producing such a lovely afghan quilt! The following items will be collected on Game Day, August 10th for Safelight. It would surely be wonderful to fill a mini-van with these: Feminine hygiene items, particularly pads (not thin) Body lotion Chap-stick Deodorant Hair Conditioner Coffee (ground) Interest groups: Please consider collecting some of the above-noted items. I would be happy to arrange a convenient time to pick them up. September 20, 2016 – Walk-a-Mile in Our Shoes – change from October, 2016 “Walk a Mile in Our Shoes” will be held Tuesday, September 20, beginning at 4 p.m. in front of Safelight, 133 Fifth Avenue West in downtown Hendersonville. Come as an individual or get your team of four together now to wear heels (men specifically) and stroll down Main Street to the Historic Courthouse! The walk will be followed by a comedic performance by Pam Stone at the Flat Rock Playhouse Downtown. More details to follow, but mark your calendars now for this fundraising and awareness event to help Safelight continue its fight against domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse. Your generosity is most appreciated. Please feel free to contact me, Diane Tokarski at: dtokarski3@gmail.com, should you have any questions. SEE A NOTICE ELSEWHERE IN THIS NEWSLETTER ABOUT NOMINATING A GROUP FOR NEXT YEAR’S CHARITY – NOMINATIONS COME FROM WELCOME CLUB MEMBERSHIP!! SAVE THE DATE! GAME DAY Scrabble Boggle BRIDGE Canasta RUMMIKUB Mah Jongg Yahtzee Mexican Train Wednesday, August 10, 2016 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Hendersonville Country Club $25 per person includes buffet lunch & games all afternoon 50/50 raffle & door prize drawings will be held. We will also sell tickets for a beautifully knitted hand-crafted quilt by one of our own members with the lucky winner to be announced at the Holiday Luncheon on December 2 (need not be present to win). Bring your favorite game with you! Come as a group Invite a neighbor Come by yourself to join a group Registration Forms will be available in July’s newsletter (which comes out mid-June) Sign up early for a day of fun!! Please call Ginny Hamson 828.692.1427 or email hamson.ginny@gmail.com with any questions. WELCOME CLUB OF HENDERSON COUNTY PLEASE JOIN US FOR GAME DAY Wednesday, August 10, 2016 11:30 a.m. Hendersonville Country Club $25 per person ** includes buffet lunch and games all afternoon 50/50 raffle & door prize drawings will be held. We will also sell tickets for a beautifully knitted hand-crafted quilt by one of our own members with the lucky winner to be announced at the Holiday Luncheon on December 2 (need not be present to win). Bring your favorite game with you - come as a group, invite a neighbor or come by yourself to join a group. Scrabble Boggle BRIDGE Canasta RUMMIKUB Mah Jongg Yahtzee Mexican Train Sign up early for an afternoon of fun … space is limited. No refunds after August 4, 2016. Please no denim dress. Please call Ginny Hamson 828.692.1427 or email hamson.ginny@gmail.com with any questions. Please complete the form below, include a check for $25.00 (payable to “Welcome Club”) and mail to: Ginny Hamson - 202 Ladys Fern Trail, Laurel Park, NC 28739 Name _____________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ Telephone __________________ Email _____________________________________ Game Preference ________________________________________________________ If you are organizing a table, please list players in your group: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ** Cash bar for wine, beer & mixed drinks HOSTESS DATE/TIME Second Tuesday Book Bugs GROUP Sue Hatch 890-0151 Penny Freeman 12 Jul 2016 10:00 am Ladies of the Evening Book Club Catherine Lynch 697-0083 Ann Christenson 18 Jul 2016 6:00 pm Page Turners Book Club Jan Scott 230-4039 Rosemary Gess 14 Jul 2016 1:30 pm Blue Ridge Readers Betsy Robson Becky Reid 595-4958 Anne Maliff No meeting in 685-2604 July or Aug Jan Kaiser, 973-219Martha 6205 Rumbough Jkkaiser06@yahoo.com Ann Janes, 941-650Zeke’s, Etowah 6770 Golf Club janesann3@gmail.com Ravenous Readers Rambling Readers R.E.D. Book Club CHAIR 27 Jul 2016 1:30 pm 1:00 pm 20 Jul 2016 1:00 pm 7 Jul 2016 12 noon BOOK/AUTHOR The Light in the Ruins Chris Bohjalian Planning Session Marriage of Opposites Alice Hoffma The Namesake Lahiri Jhumpa All Creatures Great and Small James Herriott Wide Sargasso Sea Jean Rys NEW BOOK CLUB NOW FORMING! Contact Activities Chair at annmariedice@gmail.com COFFEE AND CONVERSATIONS on the following dates in 2016 21 June 16 August 18 October* 20 December ***Please note this C&C will also be our Annual Meeting and will be held at the Historic Courthouse on Main Street COFFEE AND CONVERSATION Chair: Martha Rumbough, Martha.rumbough@gmail.com AUGUST COFFEE AND CONVERSATION DATE/TIME: PLACE: Tuesday, August 16th 10 am until 12 noon Home of Lorraine Greco 3 Shadow Brook Drive Flat Rock, NC 28731 Cell: 516-456-5790 CO-HOSTESSES: Linn Parris, Martha Rumbough, Harriet Stafford, (4th TBA) PLEASE RSVP to Martha at email (above) or by phone to 850-814-2491 no later August 14th if you can come. Directions: From Fresh Market, take Greenville Highway (Route 225) South. Pass Kenmure Development on the right. Pass Claremont Development on the left and continue past the Kingwood Development on the left. You will then pass an artist studio on the left and Seven Springs Orchard shop on the right. Immediately after is Lorraine’s development – SHADOW BROOK – on the left. Make a left onto Shadow Brook Drive. Continue on down the street until you see her home – there is a stone mailbox at the top of the driveway. The house is green with an open front porch and a 4 car red garage. You can park down the driveway or on the street, just don’t park in front of any neighbor’s driveway. FOOD AND FRIENDS This new culinary group for couples who like to cook is open for new members. Four couples gather at a member’s home four times a year for a theme dinner prepared by the members. The year culminates with a December holiday party for all. If you are interested, please contact Lynne Cigal, 828-693-3766 lcigal47@gmail.com Or Jan Hexdall, 828-696-1724 janhexdall@att.net HAND AND FOOT group CHAIR Lenore Towe, 435-1184 LOCATION TBA DATE/TIME 20 & 27 Jul/12:30 pm CAN’T MAKE THIS MEETING TIME? LET’S FORM A NEW HAND AND FOOT GROUP! Contact Activities Chair at annmariedice@gmail.com KNITTING CHAIR CONTACT DATE/TIME Jan Hexdall, 696-1724 janhexdall@att.net Jan Hexdall 20 Jul/1:00pm NEW! NEW!! NEW!!! NEW!! NEW! New group forming for our single members! Contact Iris Diaz for details at diaziris3030@yahoo.com CHAIR Vicki Leary, 904-635-8088 Vicleary7@gmail.com LOCATION TBA DATE/TIME 12 Jul 2016/11:30 am LET’S DO LUNCH CHAIR LOCATION DATE/TIME Linnette Parris, 595-2408 TBA 12 Jul 2016 1 pm LUNCHEON 8’S CHAIR HOSTESS DATE Terri Gibson, 699-5502 Does not meet in Jul or August THE DINING DIVAS CHAIR LOCATION Sherry McMakin, 214-578-1173 DATE/TIME 14 Jul/11:30 am TBA NEW LUNCHING OUT GROUPS ARE NOW FORMING! Contact Activities Chair at annmariedice@gmail.com NOTICE: We are very fortunate to have TWO members who have volunteered to teach Mah Jongg. If you are interested in learning to play this fun game, please contact the Activities Chair at annmariedice@gmail.com MAH JONGG CHAIR HOSTESS DATE/TIME Lenore Towe, 435-1184 Lenore Towe Every Tuesday, 12:30 pm Mary Boteilho 595-2769 Rotates each week Every Monday, 1:00 pm MEXICAN TRAIN CHAIR Leah Cosoi, 782-4064 LOCATION DATE/TIME Hendersonville Athletics & Activities Center 1 Jul 2016, 1:00 pm RUMMY Q CHAIR LOCATION DATE/TIME Nancy Chiarenza, griffon67@aol.com Nancy Chiarenza Hendersonville Athletics & Activities Center Hendersonville Athletics & Activities Center 8 Jul 2016,1:00 pm CHAIR HOSTESS Diane Tokarski, 674-2521 Jongo Java 28 Jul 2016, 1:00 pm DATE/TIME 5 Jul 2016 , 1:30 pm 3/13 CHAIR LOCATION DATE/TIME Lenore Towe, LMIGL19214@aol.com TBD 6 Jul 2016 12:30 pm BREAKFAST CLUB A NEW BREAKFAST CLUB IS NOW FORMING – CONTACT ACTIVITIES CHAIR AT annmariedice@gmail.com ARE YOU INTERESTED IN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING? LUNCHING IN CANASTA KNITTING BOWLING BOGGLE BRIDGE BUNCO(BUNKO) CANASTA MAH JONGG OTHERS ARE TOO!! CONTACT THE ACTIVITIES CHAIR TO FIND OUT HOW TO START A GROUP TO MEET YOUR INTERESTS! 891-5244 annmariedice@gmail.com MEMBERSHIP Membership VP: Sue Hatch, 890-0151, suehatch@morrisbb.net Please make the following additions to your new Membership Directory: Marilyn Black (Burton) 312 Summerfield Place Flat Rock, NC 28731 *685-8765 (c) 828-505-6006 DOB: 25 May Formerly: FL Marblack39@gmail.com Pat Hauser 2649 Middleton Circle Hendersonville, NC 28791 242-1723 DOB: 4 Jul pattycakesusa@yahoo.com Please make the following correction to your Membership Directory: Peggy Cramer’s correct email is: pegjoecramer@hotmail.com 2017 CHARITY NOMINATIONS – TIME FOR YOUR SUBMISSIONS The Welcome Club Board is looking towards 2017, and the process of submitting nominations for 2017 begins now. Article III, Section 7 of our Constitution, By-Laws and Standing Rules outlines this process. Our membershipat-large may submit suggestions for our Henderson County annual charity. The guidelines are as follows: Must be a charity that works solely in Henderson County Must NOT be a charity Welcome Club has supported in the past five (5) years. (Please see those charities named below.) The club member nominating the charity must include the following contact information: --The contact name at the suggested charity --Phone number and email (if available) of the contact at the charity --A brief description of what the suggested charity does in Henderson County Please submit all nominations to Diane Tokarski, Charity Liaison, via email at: dtokarski3@gmail.com or mail your information to 4 Hearthstone Lane, Flat Rock, NC 28731. The deadline for submissions (both email and snail mail) is Friday, August 12, 2016. The following charities are NOT eligible for nomination in 2017: 1. 2. 3. 4. Safelight (formerly Mainstay and The Healing Place) Only Hope WNC Feed the Kids Coalition The Rescue Mission 5. The Boys and Girls Club WELCOME CLUB MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FORM 2016 AND NEW MEMBER FORM 2016 Please PRINT all information Date First Name Last Name Mailing Address City Home Phone State Zip Cell Phone (You may list one or both numbers. If you list both, but have a preference as to which number WC members should use, please asterisk the preferred number.) Spouse’s Name Formerly From E-Mail Month/Day of Birth NEW MEMBERS ONLY At this time I am interested in: Boggle _____ Going Out to Lunch Book Clubs Luncheon 8’s Bridge Witty Knitters Rummy Q ______ Hand & Foot Coffee & Conversation Scrabble Evening Socials ______Mah Jongg ______ Mexican Train Dominoes ______ Other ______________________________ ANNUAL DUES for the calendar year are $20.00 per year. AMOUNT INCLUDED: _______________ CHECK NO. ____________DATE_____________________ NEW MEMBERS ONLY HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US? _____ Friend/Member _____Welcome Club Brochure _____Realtor _____Visitor’s Center _____Newspaper _____Other _______________________ Please complete and mail the entire form, along with your check payable to Welcome Club to: Sue Hatch 137 Warlick Road Mills River, NC 28759 Phone: 890-0151 Email: suehatch@morrisbb.net JULY 2016 SUN MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT 1 2 8 9 Mexican Train 3 4 5 Mah Jongg Scrabble 6 3/13 7 Book Club Rummy Q INDEPENDENCE DAY 10 11 Mah Jongg 17 18 Book Club Mah Jongg 24 25 Mah Jongg 31 12 Book Club Ladies Who Lunch Let’s Do Lunch Mah Jongg 19 Mah Jongg 26 Mah Jongg 13 14 Book Club Dining Divas 15 16 20 Book Club Hand & Foot Knitting 27 Book Club Hand & Foot 21 22 23 28 Rummy Q 29 30
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