The Organic Press - Hendersonville Community Coop


The Organic Press - Hendersonville Community Coop
The Organic Press
The Newsletter of the Hendersonville Community Co-op
Volume 14 * Issue 5
November/December 2015
5 Tasty (and Tasteful) Kitchen Gifts
You can’t rush the proof... and other
lessons for growing a bakery
Organic Press November/December 2015
Table of Contents
GM Musings3
Damian Tody
Editor: Gretchen Cummins
Contributing Writers: Gretchen Cummins,
Sreve Breckheimer, Jordan Randall, Chris Beeson,
Marisa Cohn, Robert Jones, Mary Mujica, June Ellen
Bradley, Damian Tody,
We are the Hendersonville Community Co-op, a memberowned natural and organic food market and deli. We
have been serving Hendersonville and the surrounding
community since 1978 when 15 families joined together
to purchase quality food at better prices. We offer the best
in certified organic produce, groceries, herbs, bulk foods,
vitamins and supplements, cruelty-free beauty aids, wine
and beer, and items for special dietary needs. The Blue
Mountain Deli offers a delicious variety of fresh soups,
salads & more.
The co-op is open to the public and ownership is not
required to make purchases.
Everyone can shop and anyone can join.
Opinions expressed in The Organic Press are strictly
those of the writers and do not necessarily represent
an endorsement of any product or service by the
Hendersonville Community Co-op, board, management
or staff, unless specifically identified as such. The same
is true for advertisers.
Interested in advertising in The Organic Press? Over 2,500
copies of the newsletter are mailed to our owners monthly
& an additional copies distributed within our store and the
community. Space is limited and rates are reasonable.
Call 693-0505 to reserve your space today.
Submission Deadline
All submissions, including articles and advertisements,
must be received at the co-op by the 7th of the month
preceding the issue.
100% Recycled Paper
Board’s Eye View4
Steve Breckheimer
News and Views5
Gretchen Cummins
Department News6
Co-op Calendar10
Board Elections12
You can’t rush the proof... and
lessons from growing a bakery 16
Gretchen Cummins
Staff Picks
Co-op Connections20
Organic Press November/December 2015
GM Musings
his edition of the Organic Press is our last
edition for 2015. A lot has happened in 2015
with the move and expansion of the co-op. It
has been a fun year and a challenging year.
Some things have gone very smoothly and others have
taken more time to get right. All in all the transition of
the store has gone very well.
As we move in to the holiday season we have a lot to be
thankful for at the co-op. It took an enormous group
effort to get the co-op expansion to become a reality.
From the dedicated board of directors, to the talented
management and admin team, to the very hard working
and friendly staff that make everyone’s shopping
experience a great one. It also took the continued
support from all of you that became owners, purchased
shares, increased your shopping or brought your friends in
to be a part of the co-op. To all of you we are all thankful
and appreciate your continued support.
Everyone that works at the co-op is always looking for
ways to improve your shopping experience and make sure
that you are finding the products you need and want to
purchase here. We are currently running a survey for all
customers so that you can provide feedback on how the
co-op is meeting your needs and how we can improve to
meet your needs more completely. Please be on the
lookout for emails and information on how you can access
this survey so that we can get as much feedback as
possible. There is a reward for taking the time to complete
the survey. We hope that you all will take the time to
participate and give your input.
The staff are also working very hard to prepare for the
holidays. The store will have all kinds of offerings for your
holiday needs, from turkeys and hams, to Thanksgiving
sides, to fresh baked breads and treats. You can get it all at
the co-op. Don’t forget to check out all departments to see
how the coop can make your holidays delicious.
In cooperation,
First Come, First Served!
We have a limited supply, don’t miss out!
Grateful Harvest Natural Turkeys - $2.99/lb
Grateful Harvest OG Turkeys - $4.99/lb
Mary’s Natural Turkey Breast - $5.99/lb
Ask anyone here in the meat dept. how to reserve yours!
Organic Press November/December 2015
A Board’s Eye View
The landscape plantings included quite a few natives and
other vegetation appropriate for our site. However, it
lacks trees, bushes and flowers that can help feed people,
birds, animals and pollinators. We also have space behind the store to install demonstration vegetable garden
beds. I am sure you have other ideas to share. If you are
interested in exploring this project and contributing your
time and knowledge to the effort, please come to the
HCC Owner’s Meeting on November 8th from 2-4 and
then after the meeting, let’s take a walk about and discuss
possible ways to enhance and use our beautiful campus.
Hope to see you soon,
Let’s Go for a Walk
HCC Campus Landscape Gathering
Now that our new store is up and running, it’s time to go
outside and assess the new campus. The building contract contained a landscape plan that was installed about
this time last year. The contract included maintenance
and replacement of trees and shrubs for one year. The
landscape designer and installation crew did a nice job
of using many native trees and bushes and in installing
them according to the city codes. Most of the plantings
made it through the winter and dry summer and those
that did not will be replaced soon. So what do we do
now to maintain and develop our beautiful campus? We
could hire someone to do this work, but in the cooperative spirit, I would like to propose that we use the expertise and experience of our owners to not only maintain
what we have, but make it even better.
Notice of Annual Meeting
November 8, 2015
The Annual Meeting of Owners for the Hendersonville
Community Co-op will be held on Sunday, November
8th from 2:00 pm until 4:00 pm in the Hendersonville
Co-op Community room. Owners will be able to vote
for Board of Director candidates until 3 pm. Current
financials and store updates will be presented.
2015 Board Meeting Dates
Board meetings are normally held at 6:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of the month. The next two meetings will be on
November 17th and December 15th because of the holidays.
All Owners and Staff members are welcome to attend. If you would like to attend a meeting or have a concern or topic
for the board to discuss, contact Steve Breckheimer at or 828-749-9104.
Written information may also be sent to the Board of
Directors of HCC, 60 Charleston Lane, Hendersonville, NC 28792. Please include your name and contact information.
The proposed Board meeting agendas may be viewed on the HCC website and on the Bulletin Board in the store.
Organic Press November/December 2015
News and Views
from Outreach
warm house, a coat on a chilly morning, shoes to keep out the wet, and a decent meal- a hot shower, a cup of coffee, maybe even some fresh fruit. Our lives are abundant.
What do we take for granted that others may struggle to attain?
This is a reminder for us all: Don’t ever underestimate the positive impact that your actions and your generosity can
have on the quality of another person’s life. There are folks in our community who may just need something to get
them through to the next paycheck or the next day. If you can, please bring a new or gently used coat, hat, or gloves
to donate to the Interfaith Assistance Ministry this winter. Your contribution may make a big difference in someone’s quality of life this winter. Giving has a residual “feel good” effect. Just try it. You’ll see. Concern for sustainable communities has its fringe benefits.
As the cold winter months, and holiday festivities arrive – ready or not- we here at the Co-op are especially grateful
for our new building and all the amenities that come with the new size, space, aesthetics and location! I am especially
grateful for this bright sunshiny office, and the community room/ classroom. The quality of my work day is much
improved and appreciated every day.
As Outreach here, I have had an exceptional year of connectivity in our community. Over the last year, more than
ever before,I have learned much about our town, our county and the people that we serve. And from where I’m
sitting-here in this sunny office- we can look forward a fine holiday season to usher in the New Year ahead.
Gratefully yours,
Your Co-op in the community for the
season of giving
e’ll be collecting warm COATS, HATS AND
GLOVES for the cold winter months and
donating them to the Interfaith Assistance
Ministry this season. Look for a box in the front
foyer of the store. It will be tucked underneath the
Bring Your Own Bag jars. Please only new or
gently used items!
Organic Press November/December 2015
Department News
What’s In Store For You?
Deli ~ Holiday greetings from the Blue Mountain Deli staff!
This is always our favorite time of the year to make all the great
holiday recipes and share time with friends and family. This
holiday season we will be offering some new items in our deli
case as well as our grab and go that are seasonally inspired. We
would like to mention that we will be changing our hot bar
hours effective in November. We will begin closing the hot bar
at 5:30pm.
In addition to the new deli items we will also be offering special meals this year for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Many of you may remember the meals that we have
prepared in the past for Thanksgiving and we will be replicating
that this year as well. We will offer our Thanksgiving spread on
Wednesday, November 25th. We will have a signup sheet in the
deli if you would like to pre-order meals or side items by the
pound. We will also have a special spread on the hot bar that
day full of your favorites such as glazed ham, roasted turkey
breast, broccoli casserole, herb stuffing and mash potatoes with
gravy. The price will remain the same for that day so bring your
friends and load up on some good food at a great price! We
will work to have some vegan and gluten free options for this as
Our Christmas menu will be braised lamb shanks and herb
roasted turkey breast accompanied by seasonally inspired side
items. Our Christmas menu will run December 23rd-24th. We
currently do not have any plans to offer pre-ordering for the
Christmas hot bar menu.
We have several new salads in the deli case that we are
offering. The “Autumn Kaniwah” as well as the “Blue Mountain Succotash” are among a few. The “Autumn Kaniwah” is
composed of GF Kaniwah grains, roasted butternut, red bell
peppers, yellow bell peppers, grilled pineapple, butter beans,
pumpkin seeds, scallions, cilantro and lime. The “Blue Mountain Succotash” is composed of cherry tomatoes, sprouted
mung beans, massaged kale, corn, edamame, adzuki beans,
assorted bell peppers, red onion and tossed in a cumin-lime
We hope that you all have a great holiday season and spend it
with good company and good food. We look forward to serving you throughout this holiday season and wish you a Merry
Christmas and a happy new year!
~ Jordan
Holiday Happenings in Meat and Seafood: November
is Turkey Time! We are taking reservations and deposits for
fresh, natural and organic whole turkeys and turkey breasts. This year we will be offering Grateful Harvest Turkeys and Mary’s Turkey Breasts. Grateful Harvest turkeys
are humanely raised in California, with plenty of access to the
outdoors. Mary’s turkeys are also raised free-range in central
California. We will have a variety of sizes available from 8-24
Reserve yours soon to guarantee desired sizing! (See the front
end for the Turkey Book )
Need something other than turkey for your holiday
feast? Call us or stop in to order something special! We can
order a wide range of meat and seafood such as: Standing rib
roasts, pork crown roasts, lamb, duck, oysters, lobsters, whole
fish, and more!’
Produce ~
For many of us, late fall is a time of year where our
sense of smell and taste tend to be the most active. Holiday
meals and baked goods full of holiday cheer of are abundant
and too hard to resist. Comfort foods and sweets seem to
appear out of thin air, temptation at every turn. Fortunately,
you can also look forward to this time of year bringing quality
greens (kale and chard do well this time of year) and a new crop
of citrus to make up the difference, and keep you eating reasonably!
One of my favorite ingredients commonly used this
time of year, is also one of the most beneficial, is ginger. It can
be found in many of the seasonal dishes and desserts we love.
Ginger is eaten year-round by many who know it for its unique
spicy flavor or some of its many health benefits. Evidence
shows that ginger roots’ benefit nearly every area of the body.
It stimulates digestion, boosts circulation, anti-inflammatory,
remedy for motion sickness, normalizes blood pressure, supports liver function, it normalizes blood pressure, relieves headaches, and it is used to treat colds…just to name a few. There
are not many things in this world that are a beneficial to your
health as ginger. It can and should be used on a regular basis for
everyday health.
~ Robert
Grocery ~
Happy Fall holiday season from the grocery
department! We are looking forward to bringing you great foods
Organic Press November/December 2015
and ingredients for all of your holiday cooking and entertaining.
We will have all the staples for amazing and nourishing meals,
desserts and libations.
With all of the seasonal changes and different varieties
of foods that we enjoy this time of year, it is also a perfect
time to remember to balance that with a strong immune and
digestive system! You may be wondering how can I do that?
Fermented foods are an excellent source of probiotics that
support a healthy immune and digestive system!
As old as civilization, fermented foods (yogurt,
miso, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, tempeh, amasake, kimchi,
umeboshi plums, natto) have been known to be probiotic-rich
(containing lactobacilli, good flora, and an array of gut-healthy
enzymes). Fermentation predigests food to create probiotics,
which allow greater absorption of essential minerals and
Because gut flora is fed through dietary intake, when
you consume an assortment of different live ferments, you
encourage greater microbial biodiversity in your body that
can be helpful for reestablishing a stable “inner ecosystem”,
improving overall health and enhancing immune function.
Now it’s easier than ever to get your probiotics! You
don’t have to make your own sauerkraut or be a fermentation
master to incorporate these beneficial cultures as a part of a
healthy lifestyle. You only need look as far as the refrigerated
department at the co-op! We have a wide assortment of Kombucha, cultured coconut water and probiotic tonic beverages in
addition to yogurt and kefir. Inner-Eco cultured coconut water
is highly concentrated, requiring only one to two tablespoons a
day. It is delicious, dairy-free and natural living food, containing
an average of 100 billion live, health-supporting cultures per
Also, look for the Wildbrine and Farmhouse Cultures
fermented sauerkrauts and kimchi. They are delicious!
Wellness ~
by Mark Gaw, Garden of Life Educator
Hendersonville Co-op’s favorite new nutrition shake,
RAW Meal, now includes 45 superfoods, more protein per
scoop, just one gram of sugar and five grams of fiber per serving. YES, it’s still Certified USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project
Verified and contains 21 whole food vitamins and minerals!
We at Garden of Life believe that superfoods can make
a super-healthy difference in your health. That’s why we’ve
added even more to our new RAW Meal, including our organic
RAW Fruit and Vegetable Blend which now contains 24 organic
fruits and vegetables. Some of these additional fruits and veg-
gies include organic spinach, organic Baobab, organic apple,
organic beet and organic broccoli. Spinach is packed with vitamin A, K, C and folate. Organic Baobab is a nutritional powerhouse high in antioxidants, calcium, magnesium, potassium and
vitamin C. Beet provides good amounts of folate, manganese
and potassium, while organic broccoli boasts excellent amounts
of vitamin C and vitamin K.
RAW Meal offers 20 grams of organic, sprouted plant
protein per serving. We all know you should limit your intake
of added sugars, and that’s why we worked diligently to reduce the sugar content down to one gram per scoop in all four
flavors of new and improved RAW Meal, and with five grams
of fiber, you get more clean, organic nutrition from organic
Flax and Chia seed. A rich plant source of omega-3 fatty acids,
these ingredients provide both soluble and insoluble fiber and
also contain natural antioxidants and phytonutrients, have no
cholesterol and are low in saturated fat.
Even though RAW Meal is new and improved in certain ways, some things about it will never change. For example,
RAW Meal continues to be dual certified, meaning that it is
both Certified USDA Organic and Non-GMO Project Verified.
It’s also still packed with 21 whole food vitamins and minerals
as well as 1.5 billion live probiotics plus enzymes to maintain
the high-quality nutrition found in RAW Meal. Made from 13
organic sprouted grains and seeds, RAW Meal is also certified
by Vegan Action. It is gluten free, dairy free and soy free with
no added sugar, artificial flavors or sweeteners. As always, it’s
raw, because being raw ensures that RAW Meal offers quality
protein and nutrients, since heat and processing methods can
denature proteins, damage some vitamins and reduce or kill off
most probiotics.
Hendersonville Co-op Owners: try RAW Meal for 30%
off today in four delicious flavors—original, Vanilla, Vanilla
Spiced Chai and Chocolate Cacao.
Advertise in the Organic Press!
The Organic Press is distributed to more
than 1500 families in the WNC area. It can also
be found at the Visitor’s Center, the Henderson
County Public Library, and more.
For HCC Owners
For nonowners
Small $40 /issue
Small ads $50
Medium ads $60/issue
Medium ads $70
large ads $110 /issue
large ads $120
There is a 10% discount for three issues
and greater reservations.
To reserve your ad space, contact Damian Tody
at or at (828)6938557.
The deadline for ad submissions or
changes is the 7th of the month prior
to the month being published.
Organic Press November/December 2015
The Holiday Offerings from the Bakery
ie so good you will want to skip dinner!
Whenever possible, we use locally sourced organic
apples from Windy Ridge Farms, and heavy whipping
cream from Mills River Creamery.
“Hand Pick your Pies” for the Holiday by writing your
selection on our Holiday Order Book, located at the Deli
service counter
• The Great Pumpkin~ Pure pumpkin, local eggs,
organic sweetened condensed milk, and our special
blend of cinnamon, ginger, allspice, and nutmeg.
• Sweet Southern Pecan~ Loaded with premium pecans, organic corn syrup, local eggs, and is watchfully
baked for a perfect rich, dense, smooth firm filling.
• Wild About Berries~ Stuffed full of organic blueberries, raspberries, and plump blackberries.
• It’s All About that Butterscotch~ Smooth as silk from
the triple tempering of brown sugar, organic honey,
whole milk, local eggs, heavy cream, and vanilla. The
filling is carefully stirred and heated, then strained thru
a sieve before pairing with the crisp flakey crust and
fluffy white cloud of home made whippped topping.
Finally, garnished with toasted slivered almonds.
Choose Traditional or GF+Vegan Crust : Our Traditional
handmade crusts flakey, butter, melt in your mouth, made
with organic local flour, cold all natural hormone free
butter, ice cold water, a pinch of organic cane sugar, and a
dash of sea salt.
Our gluten free vegan crusts are made with a blend of
brown rice flour, tapioca, oats, chia seeds, moistened with
earth balance, ice water, and a dash of organic sugar and
sea salt.
Pumpkin Dinner Rolls are back and cuter than ever!
Baked fresh on every Wednesday and Sunday at HCC!
….and when there are Pumpkin Dinner Rolls you can
find Pumpkin Cinnamon Knots in the case next to the
coffee and seasonal muffins and scones.
We will still make room to serve your favorite Fruit Turnovers on Tuesdays and Saturdays! They will be stuffed
plump with organic local apples, organic wild berries,
organic cherries, or organic blueberries.
Returning favorites and new treats for season:
Ginger Kids
Sugar Cookie Cut Outs
Red Velvet Cupcakes
Pumpkin Logs
Salted Pumpkin Caramels
Chocolate Truffles
Pumpkin Pecan Quick breads
Also : Holiday Cookie and Brownie Platters are available
to order: $19.99 a dozen; $10.99 a half dozen
Start your morning on the sunny side with an Omega
Fuel Pump. They are Vegan!
Small packages can carry a big punch of power as you start
your day! Oats are full of fiber and protein. These pumps
are loaded with Omega-3s, calcium, and minerals. In
the Mayan language Chia means “Strength,” and also is
beneficial for their fiber, omega-3s, and antioxidant power!
Coconut milk, is vegan and rich in fiber, vitamins, iron,
and magnesium.
All you need to think about is which power fruit to pick;
mango or raspberry. They are both a boost of cleansing,
replenishing, and energizing strength.
We are full of Holiday Cheer and would be honored to
bake for your holiday! We are thankful for our customer
friends! ~Mary
Organic Press November/December 2015
Co-op Calendar
November 2015
Friday, November 6th
7:00- 8:00 am Ray Fritsch with Medical
Screening Services. Please sign up for an appointment time on
the clip board in the store.
Questions: Call Ray at 1-800-758-2387.
Thursday through Sunday –November 12, 13, 14 and 15th –
Owner Appreciation Days Owners shop any one of these four
days, and get 5% off your groceries. Make the BIG list! Check
out the sales flyer and don’t forget to Bring Your Own Bag.
Saturday, November 14th ~ Be sure to join us in the store for a
special book signing for The Ethical Meat Handbook by
Meredith Leigh~ - and special Meat Department Demonstration beginning at 11:00 am.
Sunday, November 8th at 5-6:30 pm . In the Community
Room adjacent to the Co-op.
ELECTIONS Details on page11
Thursday, November 26th~ The Co-op will be closed for the
Thanksgiving Holiday
December 2015
On Saturday, November 14th,
take advantage of this unique
opportunity to meet Meredith
Leigh: farmer, butcher,
chef, teacher, non-profit
exectutive in pursuit of
sustainable food.
She is also the author of
The Ethical Meat Handbook:
A Complete Guide
Home Butchery, Charcuterie, and
Cooking for the Conscious Omnivore.
She will be selling and signing books and offering her
expertise with a demonstration and working with
Chris Beeson, manager of our Meat Department.
Meredith has a motto: “Everything is delicious if you do
it right.” She has been dedicated to this effort for the
last 13 years. “Above all, I am committed to real, good
food, as a means to connect with people, animals, and
plants, learn new skills, create intentionally, stay inspired,
and experience deliciousness.”
Thursday through Sunday – December 10, 11, 12, and 13th –
Owner Appreciation Days Owners shop any one of these four
days, and get 5% off your groceries. Make the BIG list! Check
out the sales flyer and don’t forget to Bring Your Own Bag.
Thursday, December 24th ~ the Co-op will be closing early ~
5:00 p.m.
Friday, December 25th ~ the Co-op will be closed for a holiday
Thursday, December 31st ~ EARLY CLOSING AT 5:00 PM.
Be sure to stock up on the black eyed peas and collards before
the 1st.
Friday, January 1st ~ CLOSED and celebrating 2016! Cheers!
For more information on any of these classes or to see class fees go to upcoming events at
For pre-registration or more information on any of the events email or call 693-0505
Organic Press November/December 2015
The HCC Board of Directors
Annual Business Meeting & Autumn Assembly
Sunday Nov. 8th from 2-4pm
in the Community Room
VOTE! Meet the candidates.
Enjoy snacks, cider and raffles.
Get updates on our financial health.
Be part of the co-op conversation.
Celebrate new and departing board members.
Last year, we began holding an Annual Business Meeting instead of the 4-hour
Annual Meeting & Celebration. No need to bring a pot luck dish, just come!
Organic Press November/December 2015
5 Tasty (and Tasteful)
Kitchen Gifts Co+op
is the season of giving. And nothing feels
quite so jolly good as sharing a great gift
with a loved one. Do you have someone
on your list who loves food? Well, look no
further. No matter the level of foodie passion—beginner cook or master home chef—everyone can appreciate
a thoughtful gift that invigorates the senses and warms
the heart. Here are some tasty, tasteful kitchen gift ideas
to get you started:
1.Specialty chocolate. Add a little sweetness to your
gift repertoire with chocolate. It can be as easy as a
smooth, rich milk chocolate bar, or you can seek out an
unexpected flavor combo with oomph like dark chocolate and chili peppers. You can find many varieties of fair
chocolate bars at food co-ops, often in pretty packaging.
Wrap them in cheesecloth and twine for a perfect stocking stuffer. Or if you’re feeling more hands-on, you can
make your own chocolate treats, like these delectable
orange chocolate truffles, packaged up snugly in a candy
box or cookie tin.
2.Gourmet coffee/tea. There may be no better way to
greet a snowy morning than with a warm, earthy mug
of fair trade coffee or tea. Coffee, like other agricultural
crops, is harvested at different times of the year and in
different areas of the globe. For the freshest varieties in
this chilly season of the U.S., look for South American
coffees from Peru or Bolivia, or on the other side of
the globe, Papua New Guinea. As for tea, this time of
year, it’s easy to find festive, seasonal flavors like herbal
cranberry spice or peppermint. Or you can look to coldweather classics like Irish breakfast, Masala chai, Yunnan
black, jasmine, or a traditional Earl Grey.
If you’d like a slightly DIY gift, stop by the bulk aisle of
your local co-op and see what kind of teas are in stock.
Try making your own tea sampler with a few cute jars
and tea balls, secured with ribbons!
3.DIY mixes and treats. Nothing says happy holidays
like a homemade gift—and there are lots of DIY eats
you can whip up in the kitchen! If you’re looking for
ways to narrow your options, making a mix that will last
longer than a few days will help spread holiday cheer
throughout the season. Try making your own spices,
salts, jam or fruit preserves, or yummy herb spreads.
Consider packaging them in a handsome glass bottle that
can be reused. Or, try making a beloved holiday treat like
brittle this year and gift your creations in a unique cookie
3.Local products gift basket. Thoughtful gift baskets
can be as fun to arrange as they are to receive—let your
creativity shine. Check out our guide to crafting the
perfect personalized gift basket, with tips on packaging
categorized gift ideas.
3.Co-op Gift CardCo-op gift card. Consider including
a gift card to your local food co-op as the perfect accompaniment to any holiday greeting card or basket. Beyond
providing fresh, local, and nutritious groceries for any
age, co-ops are home to endless ideas for adventurous,
DIY creations. Does your loved one enjoy making innovative entrees or infusing their own oils, or are they
looking to start trying? Give the gift of inspiration with
this passport to culinary exploration.
A delicious, happy holiday season to you and yours
- See more at:
Organic Press November/December 2015
ingerbread cookies are lightly sweet, laced
with the flavors of molasses and spice.
Here, a bit of whole wheat flour is easily
disguised by the spices. Use your favorite
cutters to make little figures, or stars or whatever strikes
your fancy. Royal icing is traditionally made with raw egg
whites (see Notes for raw egg alternatives), which dries
to a glossy, smooth finish.
1 1/2 cups unbleached flour
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1 stick unsalted butter, softened
1/4 cup light brown sugar
1/2 cup molasses
1 large egg
Royal Icing
2 cups powdered sugar, approximately
1 large pasteurized egg white* (see Notes below), or 2
1/2 tablespoons meringue powder
1/4 teaspoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons water, approximately
In a large bowl, combine the unbleached and whole
wheat pastry flours, baking soda, baking powder, salt,
ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves.
Whisk to mix well, reserve. In a stand mixer or a large
bowl with an electric beater, cream the butter until soft.
Add the brown sugar and beat, scraping and mixing until
well-mixed. Add the molasses and beat, scrape down and
add the egg, beat again until thoroughly combined. On
low speed, stir in the flour mixture. Divide the dough
into four pieces. Form a rectangle of each and place
between sheets of parchment and roll out to 1/4-inch
thickness. Stack the dough rectangles, separated by
parchment paper, on a baking pan and wrap tightly, chill
for three hours, or up to 24 hours.
Preheat the oven to 350 F. Carefully remove the parchment from the top of each dough sheet, lay the dough
on the counter and use cookie cutters to cut shapes. Use
a thin metal spatula to transfer cut cookies to a parchment-lined baking sheet. Leave an inch of space between
the cookies. Press the scraps of dough together and roll
out again; cut cookies.
Bake for 6 minutes, then switch the position of the
pans between upper and lower oven racks and bake for
6 minutes more. These cookies are a tad thick, so you
might need another two minutes to get them crisp. When
cookies are slightly puffed and look dry, cool on racks on
the pan for five minutes, then transfer to the rack to cool
When the cookies are cool, mix the powdered sugar
with egg whites or meringue powder in a stand mixer
or a large bowl with an electric beater. Gradually mix in
lemon juice and water, a tablespoon at a time, to make
your desired consistency. To pipe on the icing, transfer to
a piping bag with a small round tip, or use a zip-top bag
with a small corner cut off, and use to draw outlines on
the cookies.
Allow icing to dry, then store, tightly covered, for four
days, or freeze for a month. If raw eggs are used, eat or
freeze within 24 hours.
Raw eggs are not recommended for pregnant women or
people with compromised immune systems, so if you
wish to avoid raw eggs, either use meringue powder in
place of the egg whites in the icing below or use the butter frosting from the Sugar Cookie Cut-Outs and Icing
recipe instead.
See more at:
Organic Press November/December 2015
with June Ellen Bradley
Fabulous Fall Herbal Adventures
and other minerals that way. I put in several different
members of the mint family, oregano, marjoram, thyme,
ell it looks like time to create some fun herbal brews and of course, some chopped ginger or a cayenne pepper.
The ginger and/or cayenne act as a catalyst in the formula
and elixirs to enjoy in the cold winter months and
in addition to adding their yummy flavor. They boost the
that is exactly what is happening in my kitchen! This is a
herbal constituents into your system sending them right
great time to make some herbal vinegars and some tasty
elixirs before the holiday season madness takes over. They where they need to go. I could tell you how, though, let’s
just say it’s magic. We need more magic in the world. If
make great gifts as well as providing your family with
you are the scientific bloodhound type, you can go look it
secret nutrition.
The thing that makes some of these products great is
time…that is why we start now so that when things are
hectic, we simply decant our deliciousness and enjoy. Unless I specify otherwise you can marinate the ingredients
in solution for anywhere from 2-8weeks. In all cases, keep
the herbs from rising above the solution…mainly we do
this by filling the jar completely, so size your jar appropriately whether you make a pint, quart or gallon. I tend not
to leave a headspace (read air) in the jar when brewing.
When time is up, simply compost your herbs and rebottle
the liquid in a clean lovely bottle.
I tend to drive folks crazy with these loosey-goosey
recipes, however, allow me to appeal to ‘ease and common sense’ when encouraging you to experiment. I don't
know your taste buds; you’ll need to adjust things so that
they work for you. I like everything super strong so most
people would balk at my volumes. The thing to remember
is that we are using food herbs. Herbs that, barring any
idiosyncratic allergic reactions, you can use every day. We
even use food…such as lemons, oranges or other fruit in
herbal recipes…why not?
A word of intent here, always be in a clear, loving space
when you make any of your preparations. Even when
you shake them up -whether daily or randomly, “if you are
angry or blue just leave alone your brew!” Your energy is
going into your potion so be sure it is of the best quality
just like your ingredients.
How about making a nice elixir…a little aperitif ? I prefer
blending fruit with brandy. I have a nice little brew going
right now with elderberries, blackberries a bit of ginger
and honey in brandy. I made some one year with
blueberries and the natural pectin in them made it quite
The first easy thing to consider making is an herbal vinegar.
For those of you who don’t have much time, you can simply toss a few Rosemary sprigs in a jar of Bragg’s Apple
Cider Vinegar (ACV) and go on your way. Yes. It is that
easy. You can simply buy the stuff and toss in whatever
herbs appeal to you, right in the very jar you bought it in.
After the requisite brew time, I would add a fresh sprig of,
say, Rosemary for our example, in a sweet little clear bottle
for gifting.
Personally, I like a little more complex vinegar, as I make
my salad dressing from it and like receiving my Calcium
cont. on page 23
Organic Press November/December 2015
International Cooperative Principles
• Voluntary and Open Membership
• Democratic Member Control
• Member Economic Participation
• Autonomy and Independence
• Education, Training and Information
• Cooperation Among Cooperatives
• Concern for Sustainable Communities
Bring Your Own Bag
Reduce, Recycle, Reuse, Donate!
Bring your own bag - canvas, paper, plastic, etc. and receive a
10 cent chip to deposit in the donation box of your choice.
At the end of the collection period HCC will donate
the collected funds to the chosen charities.
We are Currently BYO-bagging for:
Mission statement:
We are a community exercising our faith by sharing
healthy food with the children in our local community.
Chicken Rescue and Sanctuary in Western North
Carolina is a safe place where all chickens can be
free from harm—
a no-kill, no-euthanasia haven for our feathery
friends. We rescue neglected, unwanted, homeless,
abused and abandoned chickens.
Co-op Classified Ads
DOG BEHAVIORIST: Your dog is a
member of your family, but are there
some behaviors that challenge you?
Pulling when on leash, barking excessively and jumping up to greet people
are common. Or perhaps your dog is
afraid of thunder, overly reactive when
meeting new dogs or has separation
anxiety? Using non-aggressive methods,
I will come to your home and work
with you and your dog so that you can
be a great team with you as the benevolent leader. Please contact Debby at:
Body Vibration, exercise for seniors to
improve circulation, gain strength and
boost flexibility and mobility, 828-7796627.
1 Acre Lake Lot on Lake Lure $85,000, ready to build lot, quiet cove
with stream bordering one side flowing
into lake, 828-779-6627.
Pachinco Nishinijin, Vintage Arcade,
Monroe, Top-Performance, $499, 828779-6627.
Tempur-pedic Contour Rhapsody
Luxe Bed Set – Premier Ergo Base,
Twin XL adjustable base with massage,
like new w/Comfort Mark II bedding
protection, $965, 828-779-6627 Lake
Vocational Solutions of Henderson County is dedicated
to providing career and life skills training to adults with
disabilities or other vocational barriers in a safe, caring
The organization will offer programs facilitated by
qualified staff that will foster each person’s potential for
self-sufficiency and quality of life, and will engage in
income-generating business enterprises to sustain the
long-term goals of program participant employment.
Make a Difference Every
Time You Shop!
It’s a great way to reduce waste, recycle bags, and donate to worthy non-profits.
Dale Shooting Gallery 1947 Mauser
Pistol Gun Arcade machine, $995,
Miracle Greens: Local grower of flats
of Wheatgrass and Microgreens. Call
Miracle Greens at 828-692-1686 to
place your order.
Have Pain? Healing Touch Energy Sessions provide relief. Used in Hospitals.
Also, Qigong /Feng Shui Consultations. Call Linda Gardner. Cell
388.2036. ACU-NA Wellness Center
Organic Press November/December 2015
You can’t rush the proof...
growing a bakery
and other lessons for
By Gretchen Schott Cummins
y now it is common knowledge that the Co-op
carries all the elements to create healthy meals.
We are also believers in balance! True to our breed
of store, you can count on our product policy to ensure
that the ingredients are what they say they’ll be and there
won’t be anything “fake” in your food. The bakery stands
by this policy as well. The thing is, the bakery ascribes
to that edict, even while it turns out adventurous delights
designed to tempt and entice your sweet tooth. Nothing
in the rule book says we have to make food without sugar
and butter and flour! Although, there are many gluten
free, sugar free, vegan, and/or dairy free treats as well.
Throughout the store, you can find guilty pleasure food
and comfort food, if that is what you’re after. There always have been, even before we moved. But, now that the
bakery has expanded with the rest of the store, there are
even more delights to inspire your menu and to supplement your grocery list at the Co-op. Lucky for you, one
of the carry over ingredients from the old store, to the
new store, was Mary.
You may have become aquainted with Mary Mujica back
at the old store as the cheerful baker in the back: the one
in constant
motion hoisting
trays of bread
or filling bags
with house made
granola and GF
browniessmiling all the
while. She has
been the one
who always
receives requests
and fulfills baked
good dreams for
our owners and
It all started 3 ½ years ago when Mary was ready for a
career change from her long time position in a local preschool and she came to the Co-op seeking a new creative
challenge. As with all change, this one was big and scary
but worth the gamble according to Mary, “Change is scary,
and it was a big career move that I was doing for myself. I
went from hands-on working with kids, to being a baker
and working with adults. There were some challenges,
but one of the best parts was the schedule.” Surprisingly,
Mary saw the early morning hours as an opportunity to
make for more equitable participation in child care in her
own home. “My husband had to get up and take the kids
to school in morning- so that was good- it made it a better
balance in the child care!” She said with a big smile.
Still, aside from the original crazy early morning hours,
something drew Mary to the Co-op, as it was for so many
of us who choose to find work in this little store. When
Mary was asked what inspired her to come work for the
Co-op bakery, she replied enthusiastically: “I love working
here because it’s about what we stand for and it’s about
the food~ by rule, our policy determines that this is the
highest quality of food that you can get; that it is NonGMO, without chemicals and artificial color or flavors and
to source food locally as much as we can. We’re trusted to
make whatever you want as long as we meet the dietary
needs and wants of our customers. So it feels like we’re
making food for all of our big family!”
With the expanded store, and more space, there is a dedicated section of the kitchen for the bakery now. There
are certainly new wonderful aspects to managing a bigger
bakery, but as with all change, there are challenges as well.
The bakery used to be a one person show. Now that we
have grown to the point of making so many more new
items, and we have so much more room, Mary is pleased
to have the challenges she faces now as a manager of
talented bakers. She is also an organizer of schedules and
recipes “It’s working as a team,” Mary says plainly, “We
want the customers to get what they need. And we have
an expectation in the bakery that we can always give it our
Organic Press November/December 2015
Bakery cont. from pg 16
best and make it better. And I want my
staff to enjoy and have fun. I tell myself:
‘Have fun, this is what you wanted to
be. It’s a giving, loving, sharing sort of
profession.’ In our bakery, everybody [on
staff] brings a little bit of seasoning to
our product as they become a part of the
department and contribute.”
After 3 ½ years, her one woman show
is now a cast of 4! There are two parttime, and two full-time bakers. She began
to grow the department back in the old
store, but there was only room for a few
“bodies” in the kitchen at once. Mary
illustrates the size difference: “We used
to come in at 4:00 a.m. because the deli
would need counter space to cook lunch
and we had to be finished baking bread.
In fact, the whole kitchen at the old store
would fit into what is now the designated
bakery in our new kitchen. We have our
own wooden workbench, we have our
own ovens. The mixer (who we named
“Rosie“ is three times the size of the
old mixer who by the way was named
“Eddy”) It seems we have simply tripled
in size across the board- across the store.
Mary speaks affectionately of the family atmosphere inside the new kitchen
and bakery. “We don’t have the crazy
hours we used to and now we have our
own space in the kitchen. But everyone
loves being in that kitchen. These are
my family here” She says. “These are my
Our bakery has always made bread that
meets some specific wants and needs
among our customers. Mary immediately perfected spelt bread recipes then
stepped into the learning curve early on
here to figure out how to make crusty
artisanal breads as well. She set about
self educating,
Co-op Classified Ads
learning from other bakers, and utilizing
the brain trust of other cooperatives that
had already worked through the process,
and she went to work skill building. “I
had to learn about these breads and
evolve the recipes, tweak them to suit our
ovens. I was learning a whole new type
of bread.” Luckily, there is a whole dedicated oven now, for making breads- and
not one that has to be shared with the
lunch preparations.
When I asked Mary to reflect on new
store/bakery, she begins to wax philosophically about baking and life. While
claiming there is more balance in the
scheduling, and more room in the
kitchen- she is ever reaching for improvements and even perfection. She says “We
are meeting our goals! We are growing slowly and meeting our margins.”
Pleased with her accomplishments, she
adds, “I have learned- and it has become
my motto- that you can’t rush the proof.”
The analogies to baking really start to
flow now as she becomes firm in her conviction. “There is nothing that can make
that bread dough rise any faster, so I must
be patient and pay attention. A slow
steady growth is the healthiest growth.”
As for the response she is getting from
the customers and owners about the new
store: “Our spelt bread is being made
as it has been for years. People drive for
hours to get here for the spelt breads that
they have come to count on for the last
13 years:
cont. on page 23
Pyradym Sound Healing by Ann Weeks
@ the Acu-Na Wellness Center, 330 E.
1st Avenue, Hendersonville. If you’ve
never experience the amazing Pyradym
sound healing seesion now is the time!
It induces a deeply meditative state that
promotes deep tension relief, lessens
pain, boosts the immune system and
promotes emotional and spiritual
healing and growth. Call Ann Weeks
now at (828) 329-8883 or the AWC at
Nutritional annd personal health
consultations offered by Jean Snipes at
the Acu Na Wellness Center, 330 E. 1st
Ave., Hendersonville, 828-692-2440.
Please visit our website @ www.acu-na.
com for further information.
Gardener for Hire~ Free Estimates
References available upon request.
(828) 290-5000
Personal financial assistant available
to provide support to individuals and
small businesses. CPA since 2007. Call
Elizabeth of Elizabeth C. Smolski CPA,
PLLC at 674-1438.
Home repairs, and energy saving renovations by general contractor, 30 years
experience - Bill Brooks 692-6921
Therapeutic Massage Fall Special:
Ask for Complimentary Herbal Compresses with each massage by Maddy
Fountain Of Youth Day Spa 516
Kanuga Street 698-2954
Room for Rent at Lila’s Garden
Very reasonable at 375.00 monthly and
is a lovely healing atmosphere . The
room is 25 x 13 with lots of natural
light. Anyone that might be interested
can contact me at 828-606-4092 .
Located in Hendersonville,N.C. ,only
those that care about health,nutrition
and spirit,please.
5664 Old Haywood Rd (Hwy 191)
Antiques, Vintage and More~ Buy-Sell-Trade
Open 9-5 daily ( Closed Tuesdays)
Weight Loss • Health Booster
Restful Getaway • Massage Therapist Renewal
Healthy Couples • Fun & Friends
Exploring Western NC • Business Planning
Gourmet, Chef-prepared Food • Upscale Accommodations
Workout Facility • Holistic Healing Sessions
Stewardship Forest Creekside Walking Trails
(828) 894-5260 |
Columbus, NC
Organic Press November/December 2015
Staff Picks
Our knowledgeable staff have highlighted some of their
favorite products on our shelves, why not give them a try.
They’re highly recommended!
Berryman ~ Woogies Mustard with Unique Pretzels
Scott ~ Sulley’s Select Orange/Strawberry Juice ~ local & delish!
John ~ Celebration Roast ~ Vegan from Field Roast
Emily ~ Reed’s Premium Ginger Brew
Julie ~ Source Naturals~ Wellness Formula
Toby ~ Twin Labs Brewers Yeast
Nathaniel ~ Fields of Gold Gelato! Mary ~ Blue Mountain Pumpkin Dinner Rolls
Allison ~ Oskar Blues IPA
Woren ~ Blue Mountain Succotash
Dennis ~ Dale’s Pale Ale
Marcia ~ The Bakery’s Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll
Natalie ~
Tikka Chicken
Lindsay ~ Lakewood OG Pomegranate Juice
Chris ~ Hickory Nut Gap Chuck Roast
Noah ~ Tea Tree Therapy Mint toothpicks
Mark ~ Main Root Ginger Brew
Brittany ~ Shipyard Beer ~Pumpkin Head
Stephen ~ Pinner Oskar Blue IPA
Hannah ~ High Country Kombucha ~ Wild Root
Kirk ~ Sour Cream Coffee Cake
Josh ~ Alaskan Cod Cakes
Jordan ~ Pumpkin Pound Cake
RGH ~ Steaz Revel Berry
Gretchen ~ Locally grown winter squash
Co-op Classified Ads
The Massage Duo: Ready to experience the bliss of 4-Handed Massage
AND relaxing deep tissue release?!
Hendersonville. 828-698-1448.
Special Intro: $95/90 minutes. www.
House For Sale; less than 4 miles to
DuPont Forest; Jacuzzi, Hot Tub, pool,
walking trails, perennials;
3brd., 2.5 bath; $325,000.. call Laura
@ 828-329-9397
Natto: Japanese fermented beans
Made to order and made with small
sprouted red beans. (Soy free) $18.00
lb Call Toby to place your order today
(828) 713-1371
4-H Careers in Agriculture Poster
Contest for youth ages 5 - 18
Visit for
registration form and instructions.
Posters are due Sept.15 at Cooperative
Extension Office.
Classified ads are free to all HCC members. Non-members pay a 25 cent charge
per word. We accept typed or clearly
written ads only. 25 words max. No ads
will be accepted by phone. Submit ads to
the suggestion box in HCC or by email
at 828-6938557 We reserve the right to refuse or edit
ads. The deadline for classifieds is the 7th
of the month prior to the month being
published. We may remove ads after two
months if not notified of an end date.
Organic Press November/December 2015
Co-op Connections
A Co-op Owner Advantage
Alternative Health
Hendersonville Acupuncture Center: Amanda Stierwalt. 828 Fleming St., Hendersonville, NC. 828-692-9090, 20% discount.
Saluda Healing Center: Bonnie L. Williamson, DC. Chiropractic, ChiroYoga,
acupuncture, neuromuscular re-education, colonics, detoxification, psychotherapy, regression therapy and neurofeedback. 43 Pearson Falls Rd., Saluda, NC. 828-749-3875.
10% off initial visit for co-op owners.
Henderson Chiropractic: Joseph Silva 1630B Spartanburg Hwy, Hendersonville. 828696-2455. 20% discount on all services. Regular fees for individual services range from
$18 up to $250.
StayWell: Joan Kennedy.418 Village Greenway, Flat Rock 28731. 692-7282, www.
saluda/ 10% off any self-pay service.
Center for Natural Healing, 1185 Ecusta Road, Brevard. Kevin Richard and Sierra
Lamanna 862-8806. 10%  off first consultation. Consultations $70/hr
Healing Therapies, Inc, BEYOND SURGERY: Judy Lynne Ray offers Guided Imagery + Healing Touch sessions for pre and post surgical clients. 828 553 -8146. $70 fee
includes book and tape. 10% discount on initial session.
Trinity Healing Arts - Sierra Lamanna. BioEnergetic (how the biology is affected by energy) Intuitive. Specializing in matching supplements to your specific energy, therefore
addressing core imbalances. 828-862-8806 Free 20 minute
consultation to co-op members.
Acu-Na Wellness Center, 330 E. 1st Avenue (1st Ave. & Grove), Downtown Hendersonville. (828) 692-2440. Mary Houge, L.Ac., LMBT. Using a new ground breaking
system we help women with menopause symptoms naturally. We also offer acupuncture,
massage, facial rejuvenation, lymphatic treatments, Chinese herbal remedies, and natural
supplements… 15% discount on Co-op members first visit.
EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique is like acupuncture for the mind only without
the needles. Works when almost nothing else will. Freedom from fears, sadness, grief,
uncontrollable cravings, low self esteem & more. 2 hour session $20.00 off to Coop members. Carol S. Rios BCH MH EFT-Crt. 828-698-4936
Healing Path with Alice McCall - Transformational Energy Healer, Counselor, and
Author of ‘Wellness Wisdom’ inspired by her journey with cancer. Alice works at the
cellular level to source and heal the root cause of your health issues, disease, unwanted
patterns. 25% discount off first session and 15% off ongoing to Coop Owners. Cell 850-585-5496 / 828-692-5423.
Max Lowd - Vibrational Energy Work, Utilizing state of the art ‘Life System’ technology. Feel the difference that vibrational release can bring to you and your body. Call
850-375-0296 (cell); 828-692-5423; email 50% off first session;
20% off ongoing sessions to Coop Owners.
Ethereal Essences, Betty Murray, B.S., LMBT, NC#4096, Sensitive, Empath, Intuitive
Energy Healer, and Body Worker. Ethereal Essences announces another dimension in
healing inspired by God and channeled by Archangel Gabriel. Our metaphysical based
spiritual oils will clear, repair and balance your etheric body and the physical body. Coop owners 20% off. Call 828-699-4081 for your consultation or visit
Counseling Services
Conscious Choices: Roberta A. Moore, Psychotherapy Services, Downtown 828-3290431. 15% discount on 1st five sessions.
Janice Mewborne, ACSW: Private Psychotherapy Services. 714 Oakland St. 828-6920029, 10% off private pay
Joseph Howard, LCSW: Psychotherapy-body, mind and emotions approach. Downtown, 828-333-7354. - 20% off private pay for Co-op
Lella Holland, LPC: Psychotherapy, regression therapy and neurofeedback. 43 Pearson Falls Rd., Saluda, NC. 749-3875. 10% off initial visit for co-op owners.
Terri Morgan, LPC, LCAS; Psychotherapy & Substance Abuse Services, Downtown
828-458-1188. 25% off first session /10% off ongoing sessions.
Confidential Counseling: Shirley M. Nicholson, Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy
Services. Downtown office. 828-242-7806. 15% discount for co-op owners.
Joan King, BCH, NGH Board Certified Clinical and Sports Hypnotherapist, NLP
Performance expert. Since 1992 training amateur and professional athletes how to access
their peak performances, Flat Rock, 828-696-2547, For co-op owners
25% discount on first session, 10% discount for ongoing sessions.
Asheville Nutrition Therapy, your food and nutrition experts! Carol Shimberg, MHS,
RD, LDN. Individualized nutritional counseling with registered dietitians and licensed
nutritionists. Office located in South Asheville. Blue Cross BlueShield covers 6 visits per
year for members, no co-pay or deductible! Call Carol Shimberg at 828-329-3855 or
email at 20% discount to all coop members.
Coy Newton, MDiv., LPC: Integrating Christian Faith with Psychology, 431 N. Main
St. H’ville (828) 697-7768 15% off private pay for Co-op owners
Victoria Flanagan, LMFT, Flat Rock 692-8090 remarriage, stress, caregiving, families
in transition, 20% discount on 4 group sessions for co-op owners
Fitness & Spiritual Well-being
Brightwater Yoga: 506 1/2 N. Main Street, Hendersonville. (828) 698-5557, www. 10% off Yoga classes.
Steve Westin, DC, gentle adjustments, nutritional counseling, no x-rays req.d. 828551-8012 $25/visit for co-op owners, $35/visit for non-owners.
Spiritus Studio, yoga and wellness center: Arlene Riley, South Park Plaza, 110 Joel
Wright Rd, Hendersonville.. (828) 551-8545, 10% discount
given to co-op owners for yoga classes.
Joan King, BCH, NGH Board Certified Clinical and Sports Hypnotherapist, NLP
Specializing in mind-body-spirit training for golfers & others to move into “the zone”
for peak performances, Flat Rock, 828-696-2547, For co-op owners
25% discount on first session, 10% discount for ongoing sessions.
One-to-One Therapeutic Yoga Sessions: Heal and achieve your peak health through
private medical yoga. Duke Integrative Health Coaching is included to provide structure
and support for positive lifestyle changes. Leslie Morrill, Registered Yoga Therapist,
E-RYT 500, Duke-trained Integrative Health Coach. (828) 333-1537. wellbeingyoga@ Hendersonville and Brevard locations. 10% discount for Co-Op Owners.
Nia Fitness Classes with Nia instructor Lia Barth. Two Hendersonville locations: Henderson County Athletics and Activity Center, South Grove St., Mondays at 6:45pm7:45pm nd Spiritus Studio Yoga, 110 Joel Wright Rd, Saturdays 11:15am-12:15pm.
Beneficial for everyBODY, especially those with arthritis, joint or back pain. Call
828-697-7449 for more information. Your first class is Free. 10% discount on your first
8-class card for Co-op members.
The Fitness Club at Laurel Park
Two weeks FREE for Co-op members - $5.00 a day thereafter- Call: Briana - Denise (828)
Certified Therapeutic Yoga Suzanne Tindol instructs Beginner Yoga or Level 1. This
form of yoga is holistic, targeting the whole body and works well with those with limitations. Call Suzanne @ 910-308-8982 or see website at Classes
are $8 and the second class is free.
Organic Press November/December 2015
Massage & Bodywork
David Henry:Nationally Board Certified Reflexologist , Certified Quantum Energy
Practitioner, Comprehensive Reflexology Inc. 580 Upward Road, Suite 1, Flat Rock
828-778-9985.Email: $10 off first session http://davehenry.
Fountain of Youth Day Spa Hot stone massage, Swedish massage, reiki., neuromuscular
massage. 516 Kanuga St. Hendersonville. 698-2954. 10% off for co-op owners on each &
every visit
Judy Lynne Ray, LMBT, CHTP/I: Massage Therapy & Bodywork plus Healing Touch,
Energy Healing, Aromatherapy, Raindrop Therapy Technique.  828-553-8146.  10%
discount on initial session.
Jennifer Smith LMBT#1232 massage therapist specializing in pain management using
cranio-sacral, lymphatic drainage and deep tissue techniques. H’ville office 243-4942.
25% off first visit.
Deborah Angel, LMBT/Nail Tech 2 South Brown Ct. Suite A Hendersonville, NC
28791 Spa manicures and pedicures, non-surgical face lift, ear candling, en vogue gel
nails. 828-698-6634 $10 off one hour massage for first time clients.
Stoney Mountain Healing Center: Meg Reim, Hendersonville. Home-828-274-0429.
Cell- 757-274-1240 or e-mail at Wonderful healing sessions
in a octagonal dome-like structure. 25 years of experience in medicine and alternative
health. Sliding scale fees, love donations, bartering, etc.
Jill Johnson, LMBT, NMT NC#4924, #56162 Therapeutic Swedish Massage, Certified Neuromuscular Therapist. 10 years experience combining various modalities for a
unique healing experience. $5 off for Co-Op owners-ALWAYS. 244 Fifth Ave. W. #103
Grace Shen, PT offers Total Motion Release, Craniosacral Therapy, deep tissue/fascia
work, and Holographic Memory Release. Offices in Fletcher and now at Asheville
Healing Arts. (828) 545-2948 by appointment. 10% off initial visit
BodyHarmony Massage - Karen Cash LMBT I most frequently work integrating
Swedish, Neuromuscular Therapy, Trigger Point Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, and
Matrix Energetics.
25% off your first Session for coop members. 828-890-5996 or
Margaret Ellis:Licensed Aesthetician specializing in Holistic Skin Care, Body Detox
therapies, Natural Nail Care, Reflexology and the benefits of drinking Kangen Water.
ACU-NA Wellness Center, 330 E. 1st Ave., Hendersonville. 828-692-2440
Harmonic Acupuncture: Françoise Hesselink LAC uses sound vibration and Oriental
medicine to balance body, mind and spirit. Gentle yet effective; no needles. 30 years
experience; now in Hendersonville on Thursdays. (828) 255-0896 10% discount for co-op members.
Skin Care Traditions, an organic skin salon. 3754 Brevard Rd, Ste.104, Horse Shoe,
NC 28742. 828.890.9018, see us on facebook. 10% off
co-op members always.
Blue Skye Holistic Wellness Studio located within Anew Salon & Spa 578 Upward
Road, #3, Flat Rock(next to curves), Organic Holistic Spa Therapies for Natural Wellness, including Ayurveda Spa Therapies, Raindrop Therapy, Thai Yoga Massage. Grace
Singingheart, LMBT 5720 and Vicky Oxner LMBT 0415. Co-op Owners receive $10 off
first massage and $5 off on-going. 692-5977.
Anna Utter Esthetics: Local, Organic Skin Care Products, Holistic Facials and Body
Treatments, Waxing, Eyelash and Eyebrow Tinting. 233 Davis Street Hendersonville.
(828) 231-9755 25% off initial visit for coop owners.
Crystal Visions: 5426 Asheville Hwy. (Hwy 25), Naples. 828-6871193, metaphysical &
spiritual books, gifts, classes and events, 15% off regularly
priced jewelry.
The Red Arbor - Holistic Family Hair Care Clipper cuts, women and children’s styles,
peaceful atmosphere, Organic products used, Reiki sessions by appt. 551 Israel St. off
Kanuga Rd.(behind Blue Water Seafood) $1.00 off any service to Co-op members. Call:
828-329-8921 for hours
Eco-Conscious, one-of-a-kind, hand sculpted sweaters! Shop at MONA! Eclectic Artwear For You and Your Home. 308 Davis Street, Hendersonville. 828-693-1611 www. 10% discount with your Co-op Owners card.
Skeele Services, Skip Skeele, owner. 828-778-5392. Over 25 years remodeling experience and 10 years experience with solar daylighting to brighten dark rooms and solar
attic fans to help keep attics cooler. 5% discount on light tubes or attic fan installations for
Co-op owners.
Lighthouse Health and Medical Solutions, 310 7th Avenue East Hendersonville
828-692-5329 Lift-chairs, scooters, hospital beds, wheelchairs, orthotics,
diabetic shoes and all kinds of medical assist equipment. Rentals and Sales
10% Discount for all Coop Owners Anne Hansley, Owner
Mountain Dulcimers - Our cedar and mahogany hourglass shape instruments are
handcrafted in the USA exclusively for Mountain Music School in Hendersonville, NC.
Included are a deluxe hard case, music and accessories. $275 “Discover The Music In
You” with a free trial lesson and no obligation, 697-2344.
Services & Classes
Juicy Art Classes of Costanza Knight, Studio Artist. All media plus art history lessons. Ages
6-High School. Taught at The Starving Artist Arts Supply Store, 814 Kanuga Rd. www., 828-243-0084. 10% off monthly fee for four classes for Co-op owners.
Compassionate Home Care, Inc., licensed,bonded, insured, (C.N.A., LPN, RN) 6960946, 877-5906 or $1.00 off per hour for co-op owners.
Earth School -- Nature Awareness & Self Reliance. Richard Cleveland. (828) 507-1920 15% discout to co-op owners.
MAC 2 YOU, specializing in computer help and classes for beginners, women, and
seniors. Mac, iPad and iPhone. Call Elizabeth Shore @ 828-290-9140 or visit Mac2You.
biz for more info. 10% discount to co-op owners.
All Seasons Errand Service LLC Grocery and personal shopping, pet and house sitting,
meal pick-up and delivery.M.C. Gaylord 699-8418 and Tammie Bogin 699-6007 www.
AllSeasonsErrandService.com10 % off for Co-op Owners.
Persimmons Design Home Redesign, Restoration and Repair. Green Alternatives and
Consultation. 828-699-5822 Co-op owners receive 15% discount.
WEGO-4U, Mobile Notary Public and Business Services. Registered and insured. Visit for complete list of services including imaginal website design. Gary
& Linda Prichard 674-9940 or 674-9943, email $5 Off first
service for Coop members when you mention this ad.
1Site1Day Website Design- 864-335-8672 - Custom web design
for your small business or organization. See site for details. $50 off package for Coop
Carol Shimberg, MHS, RD, LDN, registered dietitian, licensed nutritionist available for nutritional counseling, disease management, weight loss and healthy lifestyle
coaching. Blue Cross Blue Shield accepted. Call Carol at 828-329-3855 or email at 10% off to all Coop members.
RBS Design Thoughtful residential and commercial design. Environmentally conscious
strategies and equipment for renovation or new building. The first consultation meeting
is free for Co-op members + 10% off. 828-817-7113 www.
The Namaste Center: Charlotte McGinnis, Spiritual Leader, 416 S. King St. Sunday
Celebrations, Yoga, Chi Gong, Namaste Enlightenment Series, A Course in Miracles,
Deeksha Blessings, Holistic Healing Expos, Alliance of Divine Love Ministerial Classes One free class for coop members! Contact Charlotte at
Discount offers are subject to change without notice.
Organic Press November/December 2015
Holiday Meal Makeover
Co+op, stronger together
celebratory dinner should be exactly that: a time
to share delicious food with family and friends.
While many people wish to serve traditional family favorites, for most, there’s still plenty of room
to liven up your holidays with a few new flavors, local foods,
and even nutritional boosters. Here are some ideas for making your holiday meals fresh, easy, and fun.
Consider a slightly new twist on the centerpiece of many a
holiday meal, the turkey, by choosing a local, heritage breed,
and/or brined turkey (these are very popular items at many
co-ops; some co-ops offer pre-ordering for customers to
ensure availability). Heritage breeds are typically moister and
more flavorful than commercial turkeys. For more information on heritage breeds and general turkey tips, check out this
turkey tutorial and turkey roasting tips.
Give that classic green bean casserole a makeover with fresh
green beans, a spritz of lemon, and a topping of toasted pine
nuts. Boost the cranberry sauce with a handful of fresh or
dried fruit and a dash of cayenne. Use brown rice or quinoa
as the basis for your turkey-day stuffing this year, and toss in
some walnuts and chopped local apples.
Instantly transform the typical fare with seasonings: spice
your eggnog with cardamom instead of (or as well as) cinnamon this year, and sprinkle tarragon on plain mashed potatoes. Or add some festive flavors to an otherwise ordinary
recipe, like these Eggnog Spiced Sugar Cookies.
Make gravy like Grandma (or your favorite cooking show
chef) if you like, but don’t feel obligated! There are some
top-notch, healthful cooking mixes available that are especially helpful this time of year. You’ll find delicious, organic
gravy mixes, dessert mixes, and seasoning blends for salad
dressings and dips at your co-op.
Bring the unexpected to the table by adding an entirely new
recipe or two to this year’s menu. Sweet Potato, Red Onion
& Fontina Tart or a Winter Squash Risotto are two great
options that use seasonal vegetables in new combinations.
Focus on just one or two “special” dishes t
to complement your main course—especially if you’re serving appetizers, a couple delicious sides are all you really need
and will allow you to spend more time with your guests.
Great dishes needn’t be complicated made-from-scratch
recipes, either. Purchase some strikingly flavorful, easy-toprepare foods to serve alongside the usual. A plate of Brie
with Orange Preserves and Almonds would be a memorable
addition to any menu.
Unless you adore kitchen duty, never refuse a guest’s offer to
bring food — and remember you can count on your grocery
store for prepared foods, too. Visit the bakery department
for lovely desserts (you may want to order pies, cheesecakes,
and other specific favorites ahead of time). While you’re
there, choose some cranberry date scones or pumpkin pecan
muffins to treat family and/or guests to special breakfast
fare. You may even consider picking up a couple of extra
quick breads to give as gifts!
If you’ll be hosting guests for more than just the main meal,
look to the deli for speedy main course items and sides (like
lasagna, smoked salmon, wheatberry salad, golden beet and
kale salad, or roasted root vegetables).
Don’t forget to stock up on some local wine and beer, too.
Pair a good beverage with an array of cheeses or cookies for
an instant party when unexpected guests arrive!
It takes just a little planning and a good source for great food
to pull off a wonderful holiday meal — something full of
tradition, genuine nourishment, and good will.
- See more at:
Organic Press November/December 2015
Bakery cont. from page 17
Energy, Spinach Cheddar Walnut, and Rosemary Parmesan. But the customer base is expanding and now whenever I have a chance to, I talk to customers and find out
what they get excited about.” Now you can find the crusty
artisanal breads like baguettes, and boules, as well as basics
like bagel, hot dog buns, and burger buns. You can find
the bread schedule easily now. All customers want consistency, and we strive to make that schedule available. Spelt
has remained popular. Mary states with conviction: “My
goal is be on the floor and available to the customer more
so that I can respond to new and old customers. And to
re-iterate the message that everything coming out of the
bakery is made here! “ Challenges simply provide an opportunity to seek balance in its ever illusive places. But it
is the process that counts and the love that goes into the
Habitual Herbalist cont. from pg 14
nce again, if you are just starting out, make some
small pint batches until you discover what works
for you. I like adding citrus peels to some of
the elixirs or even making a limoncello out of lemon rinds,
sugar and vodka. The key here is experimentation in small
batches. For a lighter beverage, soak less time or add water. Or even a nice complimentary herbal tea.
Two weeks brewing time is usually sufficient for most
potions but if you forget them don’t worry. I forgot an
elderberry/brandy concoction for a year and it was still
just wonderful!
The moral of the story, like Mary’s motto, is: “Don’t rush
the proof. Stir it just enough to get the something going
and seek balance. ‘Stir!’ Get them thinking, encourage
what is good and then stand back and see what happens.
‘Stir!’ I make sure the bakers are encouraged with purpose. And it should stay ‘fresh’. “
So you see, Mary and the bakers know through their work,
and that “you can’t rush the proof ” to be sure to “stir”
but not too much, and then, for a truly valuable experience, you must “keep it fresh.” It’s a motto that sounds
like a great recipe for life- and a recipe for some delicious,
made with love treats from the Hendersonville Community Co-op in-house bakery.
If you are feeling a little timid at this point, you can look
up all kinds of actual recipes on the internet and start
with something safe and approved. Choose a recipe by an
herbalist. It is a great thing to be able to make your own
concoctions. Not only are you absolutely sure of the best
ingredients, you have grown a new skill and you have infused your product with love over time, creating a healing
substance that is just priceless.
Perhaps we will have a class coming up soon to demonstrate some of these skills. If you are interested, email me
at and Gretchen and I will put
something together at the Coop! Thank you for being a
patron of the Hendersonville Coop and a reader of the
Habitual Herbalist column. I welcome suggestions and
critiques, so bring them on to the email listed above. If
you would like to see a column on a particular subject,
please let me know as well. Have an Awesome Autumn!
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