Picture - John Calvin Presbyterian Church


Picture - John Calvin Presbyterian Church
Together with God all things are possible—Matthew 19:26
Worship Sundays - 9:05 am Traditional
11:05 am Praise
Summer Sermon Series:
The Be-Attitudes
June 5 Blessed Are
June 12 The Poor in Spirit
June 19 Those Who Mourn
June 26 The Meek
Staff Peter Haas, Interim Pastor
Lisa Ringler, Office Manager
Amy Oxley, Director of Music
Gordon Ringler, Director of Music
Linda Wilson, Pianist
Edward Esparza II, Campus Tech
Contact John Calvin Presbyterian Church
8102 Midcrown Drive
San Antonio, TX 78239
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm
June 2016
Dear Friends:
An Episcopalian priest once told me that he often begins his wedding ceremonies with this
slightly off-center joke: First, there is the engagement ring. Next, comes the wedding ring.
And then comes the suffering!
Now although I can be authentically honest, that is not something I would have the courage to say publicly anymore! What the Episcopalian Priest realized is that there is some
truth to his home-spun saying. Maybe that difference also explains why the anagram for
Presbyterian is "Best in Prayer," while the anagram for Episcopalian is merely "Pepsi Cola!"
Jokes aside, this is the time of year when many remember their own wedding vows and
when some of our friends and family may even be getting married. I also know that can be
a poignant time - some grieving their loved one who has passed on, and others hurt by the
pain of divorce or disappointment. Life is a journey for all of us, and there are great times
and tough times, and through it all we learn how to love. With that in mind, Shannon and I
are grateful for all your well wishes at the announcement of our Engagement. Many of
you have asked when the wedding date is, and I assure you that when we work those details out, we will gladly share them with the church community.
As for relationships, marriage or otherwise, one of the most important tools I have come
across for helping us navigate our relationships with our spouses, children, friends and coworkers is the personality inventory called the "Enneagram," which comes from the Greek
word for the number nine "Enea." In this system, there are Nine Personality types. I invite
you to join me on Sunday mornings at 10:10am to 11:00am in the Hospitality Hall for a
study of the Enneagram. Our study begins on Sunday, June 5th and will continue through
August 28th. I look forward to growing deeper together in our wisdom of responding to
each other with the increased understanding the Enneagram provides. While no personality inventory is perfect or completely describes the majesty and complexity of a person,
the Enneagram has been very illuminating for me and I hope to share with you some of its
profound and useful insights.
I am also excited to be focusing this Summer on the Beatitudes of Jesus recorded in
Matthew chapter five. Starting June 5th through August 28th the sermons will explore
each beatitude in depth, for the purpose of helping us live for the glory of God and for our
increasing joy in life, in work, and in our relationships.
Finally, we often think of wedding vows as limited just to the
person we marry. But, actually, we can use the wedding
vows for our own spiritual deepening in our relationship with
God. Ponder this creative adaptation of the traditional wedding vows, and consider using them yourself in your ongoing
journey deeper into God's love this Summer. You might step
outside under the moonlight of the Summer solstice, June
21st, and on this longest day of the year, when the Sun
shows itself the most to us, speak your heart-vows to the
Son of God:
Lord Jesus Christ,
I take you as my Beloved,
and I promise to be your loving and faithful disciple;
in plenty and in want;
in joy and in sorrow;
in sickness and in health;
Now and into Eternity.
2016 Summer Sermon Series
“The Be- Attitudes”
Summer Sunday school
with Pastor Peter
The Enneagram: A Tool for Exploring
Your Personality Type
Ever blessing in God's Love,
Pastor Peter, Interim
June 5
Blessed Are
June 12
The Poor in Spirit
June 19
Those Who Mourn
June 5
Introduction to the Enneagram, Part 1
June 26
The Meek
June 12
Introduction to the Enneagram, Part 2
July 3
Those Who Hunger & Thirst for
Righteousness, Part 1
June 19
Exploring Enneagram Type #1
June 26
Exploring Enneagram Type #2
July 10
Those Who Hunger & Thirst for
Righteousness, Part 2
July 3
July 10
Enneagram Video Presentation
Exploring Enneagram Type #3
July 17
The Merciful
July 17
Exploring Enneagram Type #4
July 24
The Pure in Heart, Part 1
July 24
Exploring Enneagram Type #5
July 31
The Pure in Heart, Part 2
July 31
Exploring Enneagram Type #6
August 7
The Pure in Heart, Part 3
August 7
Exploring Enneagram Type #7
August 14
Those Who Are Persecuted for My Sake
August 21
Living the Be-Attitudes
August 14
August 21
Exploring Enneagram Type #8
Exploring Enneagram Type #9
August 28
Becoming the Be-Attitudes
August 28
Living the Enneagram
Sunday Mornings at 9:00 am & 11:05 am
Sunday Mornings at 10:10 am in the
Hospitality Hall
In the life of JCPC ...
Meet Your New Session Members:
From PCUSA—Presbyterian Mission Agency:
Elders in the Bible
The Bible portrays various forms of church government,
or polity, among the earliest Christians. There are virtues
as well as limitations to every human form of government. While Presbyterian polity is not the only one suggested by biblical patterns, it does have strong biblical
In the first five books of the Bible elders are always mentioned in connection with Moses. In Exodus 3:16–18 God
directs Moses to “assemble the elders” and lay out a plan
that would free the Israelites after years of bondage.
Numbers 11 says
elders were chosen
after Moses complained to God that
he needed help leading the people. The
role of the elder
takes various forms
throughout the Old
are responsible for
carrying out legislative and administrative functions.
They also are responsible for leading the community
by teaching and living out models of obedience to
the law.
In the New Testament, God calls to leadership wise, dedicated and mature persons of faith. All members of Christ’s
body, the church, are endowed with unique gifts for the
purpose of service. “Elder” can refer to one who shares in
corporate leadership for a cluster of Christian assemblies or
churches, or to one who has leadership over a particular
congregation. The term does not so much confer a title as
describe a function or role in the community.
Elders are called to be spiritual leaders, strengthening and
nurturing the faith and life of the congregation committed
to their charge. In the Constitution of the Presbyterian
Church (U.S.A.) elders are instructed to engage members in
the mission of the church and to provide opportunities for
evangelism, pastoral care, worship, education and stewardship (Book of Order, G-10.0100).
At a called meeting of the congregation on Sunday, May
8th, the following individuals were unanimously elected to
serve on the JCPC session
LEON BUTLER JR (3-year term, class of 2019) joined the
family of JCPC in April 2009 along with his wife, Stephanie,
and sons Leon III, and Jordan. Leon is a retired USAF Pilot,
& served active duty for 20 years. He now works as a Civilian Program Manager at Randolph AFB, TX. Leon grew up
as a member of the Berean Presbyterian Church in New
Orleans, LA. In June 1991, he married the former Stephanie Keyes, and together, they have been members of Presbyterian Churches in Louisiana, New Jersey, Oklahoma and
now Texas. Leon has served three terms as an active elder, at several churches over the years and most recently
here at JCPC. Leon is a graduate of the U.S. Air Force
Academy with a B.S. in Social Science and has also studied
Finance (MBA) at the University of Texas – San Antonio.
Currently, Leon enrolled as an M. Div. student at Fuller
Theological Seminary – Texas and is working towards ordination as a Teaching Elder. He enjoys spending time with
his family, music, reading, target shooting and is an avid
football fan (GEAUX SAINTS, GEAUX Tigers, & Hook ‘em
BRIAN FINK (3-year term,
class of 2019) was born in
Corpus Christi and grew
up in Austin, San Antonio,
and mostly Houston, Texas. He graduated from
Trinity University in San
Antonio with a B.S. in Business Administration (’70) and an M.S. in Health Care Administration (’72). In 1971 he married Sharon Downum
after dating five years. He served two years in the Army
Medical Service Corps. Brian and Sharon have lived in Colorado Springs, CO, Tacoma, WA, Seattle, WA, and Orange
County, CA. prior to returning to Texas via Austin and retiring in San Antonio. Brian became a Christian at age 42 and
was blessed with a nurturing church and personal mentor
while living in Austin. He is an Ordained Deacon in the Baptist Church and has served in various leadership capacities.
He and Sharon began attending John Calvin in early 2012
and joined in early 2014.
BEVERLY SPITZNAGEL (1-year term, class of 2017) was
born in CA into an Air Force family and grew up moving
around the country, fostering a lifelong love of travel. She
In the life of JCPC ...
Meet Your New Session Members: (con’t)
attended Texas A&M, majoring in Education and taught elementary school in Houston before joining the DoD to teach
overseas. She met her husband, Robert Spitznagel, in the
Philippines; they spent the next 26 years in the Air Force in
assignments across the world. Beverly spent those years as
general manager of house and home, raising two children,
Katherine and Cameron, and volunteering in many different
organizations. The family settled in San Antonio in 2010, retiring from the military in 2014. Beverly, a lifelong Presbyterian, has served in a variety of roles over the years, as a deacon, Sunday School teacher, and general volunteer. She has
been a member of JCPC since 2010.
CAMERON SPITZNAGEL (1-year term as youth elder, class
of 2017) was born in 1999 in Santa Maria, CA. Like his mother he was born into an Air Force family. He grew up with an
older sister, Katherine, traveling across the United States,
Europe and Asia, and so has developed an avid interest in
travel and history. His father retired in 2014, when he was a
freshman at Samuel Clemens High School, in Schertz. He is
currently finishing his junior year, and looking forward to being a senior. He has been in band since the 6th grade, and is
now an accomplished trumpet player in the marching band.
He is active in various school clubs, as well as Boy Scouts; he
is currently working on his Eagle Scout rank. He plans to major in cybersecurity in college. Cameron has been brought up
in the Presbyterian faith, although attended quite a few general Protestant chapels while overseas. He was confirmed at
JCPC in 2015, and is active in the youth group. He will be part
of the group from JCPC attending Triennium this summer.
er. They have a daughter, Jennifer (age 19). Michelle has
served as an elder previously. She enjoys spending time
with her family and working on genealogy.
ANN ZEIGLER (3-year term, class of 2019) has a been a
JCPC member since 1978. She served as JCPC’s Certified
Christian Educator from 1987 to 2001 and previously
served three terms as elder under different pastors. Ann
was an adult Sunday School teacher for many years and
continues to co-lead the prayer team, keeping in contact
with the entire membership. In addition, she has participated in Book Club for its entire 15 years, attends a small
group, and formerly served on the CCDC Board. Ann was
married to Mike for over 52 years, is the mother of three
and grandmother to six.
The new elders along with the current session participated
in an elder retreat led by Pastor Peter on Saturday, May
14th. In addition to prayer, training and planning, outgoing elders were recognized for their faithful three years
on session. Many thanks to those individuals: Ernest Bernard, Jon Lewis, Lisa McDougle, Sue Shehane, Michelle
Birthday Offering
Having a birthday this month? Consider making an extra-giving gift to the JCPC Birthday
Fund as a way to say “thank-you” to God for
the blessing of another year of life. This fund
was established a few years ago and is used to
purchase items beneficial to the whole congregation that
may not be part of the operating budget. Simply make a
donation in the amount of your age.
MICHELLE WALTER (3-year term, class of 2019)has been a
member of JCPC since 2000 and is married to Mack Walt-
Men’s Breakfast
The Men’s Breakfast group is taking a break over the summer. Coordinator Bob Lorenc said the group will resume in
the fall. Watch for dates in your bulletin & the newsletter.
Summer Church Office Hours
The church office will be closed on Wednesdays during
the summer. Office hours will be extended
from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm for the other days of
the week. IF you have an emergency or need
Pastor Peter, please contact him on his cell at
Helping the Homeless
We often give extra thought to folk who are homeless during
the winter. We remember jackets, hats, gloves and blankets
as a helping hand for protection from the elements.
The long hot summers in San Antonio present a whole new
set of challenges as temperatures soar into the 90’s and
often above 100°. Health risks include dehydration, heat
stroke and severe sunburn.
Even the heavy rainy season that our yards have enjoyed this
spring is not welcomed in the homeless community. Makeshift camps are flooded, bedding is wet, clothing is soaked
and foot care is a heightened concern.
How can you help? Next time you’re in the Hospitality Hall,
stop by the Welcome Center and look for the posterboard
with the apple tree on it. Each apple has an item that will
help with needed supplies for Lunch ‘n
Love. Simply pick an apple and purchase the item(s) listed on that apple
and leave that item in the church office.
You might want to consider rounding up
a few friends or neighbors and sign up
to help prepare and serve a meal for
Lunch ‘n Love. Or maybe just drop by
the Fellowship Hall (gym) on the last Saturday of each
month about 10:30 am to provide a helping hand in prepping, serving (begins at 11:00 am), clean up or to fellowship
with our guests. Thank you for your prayers and support of
this vital ministry.
Prayer Group on Break
The Tuesday morning and Tuesday evening prayer groups
are on break for the summer. While they will not formally
meet, they will still be in prayer for you and available to you
in many ways:
 Fill out a yellow prayer card located in the pew racks (the
You can help John Calvin Presbyterian Church’s commitment
to the many homeless folk in our community by taking a little
time this summer and help out at Lunch ’n Love. Lunch ‘n
Love was started several years ago under the direction of
JCPC member and elder, Luanne Perkins. It continues to be
a primary focus and vital outreach for JCPC with occasional
support from other organizations in the Windcrest area looking to care for the homeless in this community.
Lunch ’n Love is always held the last Saturday of each month
beginning at 11:00 am. A nutritious hot meal is provided as
are fresh undergarments and the opportunity to shower with
provided toiletries and linens. Recognizing that foot care is
a major concern for people
who are homeless, extended
efforts have been made to
provide clean dry socks and a
partner program with Payless
Shoe Store was started to purchase new shoes for those in
need. Books, gently used tote
bags and snack type to-go bags
have been added during the
last couple of years.
concerns on the cards are passed along to Pastor Peter
and the prayer teams)
 Email the church office: jcpresbyterian@sbcglobal.net
(prayer concerns are shared with Pastor Peter, the prayer
team and a larger group of prayer warriors—unless otherwise requested to remain confidential)
 Call the church office: 210-657-4441 (prayer concerns are
shared with Pastor Peter, the prayer team and a larger
group of prayer warriors—unless otherwise requested)
 Via the Web-site www.johncalvinpresbyterian.org/
contact.html (prayer concerns are shared as noted in your
prayer concern)
 If you need to visit with Pastor Peter about a prayer concern, you can call his cell phone at 512-633-2636
Can You Help?
The Christian Education &
Youth Ministry is looking for
one or two persons to lead our
youth Sunday School class beginning in the fall. Might this
be where God is calling you?
For more information, contact
Christian Education Chair Barbara Froebel at metro 830-9804439 or 210-649-8547 or cinnamontwist32@yahoo.com
Esther Scholarship Recipients
The 2016-2017 Esther Scholarship awards were presented by
Committee Chairperson, Jane Young to:
Meghanne Dunn. Meghanne is the granddaughter of Nelson & Zola Dunn and attends
University of Texas at San Antonio.
Jennifer Walter. Jennifer
Walter is the daughter of
Mack & Michelle Walter and attends Sam
Houston University.
Ministry Updates ...
Evangelism & Missions:
Stefan Wagar. Stefan is the son of Suzanne
Kneupper and attends the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Congratulations to Meghanne, Jennifer &
Stefan on their fine accomplishments. Many
thanks to Esther Scholarship Chairperson Jane Young for her
twenty years of service in managing the scholarship process.
Jane has decided to step down as chairperson which creates
an opportunity for someone who has a heart for young people’s education and a general knowledge of financial record
keeping in managing the scholarship program. Might this be
you? Contact Pastor Peter or Lisa in the church office.
Silbia Esparza, E&M Chair
The Agape Ministry and San Antonio Time Dollar Community
Connections were honored by the San Antonio Food Bank on
March 31, 2016 at their Golden Apple Awards. Agape received the Client Services Partner of the Year and Time Dollar
received the Nutrition Partner of the Year.
Mission Presbytery has a new Facebook page. It is a small but
vital way we can start connecting about our individual and
collective mission in Christ’s name.
L-R Agape
Ministry with
Eric Cooper,
Lalo Peña,
Board Vice
President and
Nursery Volunteers Needed
We’re looking for a few people
to volunteer in the church
nursery on Sunday mornings.
Available childcare is sometimes
needed by our young families
not only during worship times,
but also during the Sunday
School hour. In addition, freeing
up a parent during the Sunday
School hour might enable them
to lead a class. Maybe you could commit to one Sunday per
month or for a whole month of Sundays. Maybe just during
the Sunday School hour or maybe for the summer. Another
opportunity to consider where God might be calling. Let’s
talk! Contact Pastor Peter or Lisa in the church office.
Time Dollar,
Edward &
Silbia Esparza,
Eric Cooper,
Time Dollar
Hunger Fighter
Finance Ministry:
Lorry Houtman, Finance Chair
Thank you for your faithful pledges and donations! First
quarter numbers were encouraging. JCPC's total contributions are often decreased during the summer, when more
members vacation and travel. Unfortunately, expenses often
increase during the summer, especially when it gets REALLY
hot! Please continue to remember the needs of the church
throughout the summer months!
Triennium participants (pictured l-r) Nic Pepi, Cameron
Spitznagel, Liz McDougle and Jordan Butler will be commissioned at the June 4th meeting of Presbytery in Austin at
Covenant Presbyterian Church. Triennium takes place at Purdue University July 19-23.
Cherished Child Development Center:
Barbara Froebel, Board Member
In May our enrollment was 21 full time
students, 6 part time students for a
total of 27. We lost 3 children due to a
family move to Austin, but gained 5 infants,
due to the Episcopal Church day care stopping
their infant & toddler part of their program. Two
more children will start in June and October. Our
infant and toddler rooms are full. Additional staff
will be needed and Director Susan Moore’s office will once
again become a “Wobbler” room.
The Board approved 2 new additions to the CCDC curriculum;
a visiting teacher to conduct a Music and Movement class,
and incorporating Spanish instruction with a very affordable
DVD series called “Hop, Skip, Sing!” This will be available for
the 2, 3 and 4 year old classes.
On May 4, board members honored the CCDC staff with a
luncheon. The children of the CCDC enjoyed a Luau Day on
Wednesday, May 25th which featured a yummy lunch of fruit
and meat kabobs. Fun water “splash” days begin in June.
Please keep this valuable ministry in your prayers. The school
is doing very well under Director Susan’s Moore’s guidance.
We deeply appreciate our fine staff, Susan’s hard work and
also that of Bev Spitznagel who served as Chairman of the
Board for the past 2 years. The new co-chairs of the CCDC
Board Are Nancy Rushing and Barbara Shelton. Many thanks
to all for their dedication to this fine ministry.
Christian Education & Youth Ministry:
Barbara Froebel, Board Member
Wednesday Night Youth Group and Small Group Bible Studies are taking a break over the summer: Both the Youth
Group and small groups will resume in the fall. If there is a
topic you would like to see a small group explore, or you
need more information, please call Barbara Froebel at
830/980-4439 (toll free) or 210-649-8547.
Wasn’t Youth Sunday fabulous?? Our grateful
thanks to Nic Pepi, Cameron Spitznagel and Liz
McDougle for leading us in worship to God and
for the willingness of Sandy and Tom Delk to
volunteer their time to lead our Youth Group.
Keep in Prayer ...
Remember in prayer our United States Armed Forces
men & women, especially those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan: Christine Brown, Michael Delk, Richard Delk, Tyler Franco, Robert Grazulis, Ashton Kaminski, Ed Keen, Aaron
Pray for: Dan Mason, Clyde Gordon, Carol Groves, Jo
Tippett, Lisa McDougle, Charmaine Posson.
Continue to remember our church family who cannot
worship with us on a regular basis: Joe Brooks, Helene Christley, James Dowdy, Jean Gass, Marjorie
Green, Bob & Marge Hammerlee, Jane McNeil, Renee
Morris, Gini Neighbors, Bill Sansing.
The Purpose is a monthly publication of John Calvin Presbyterian
Church, San Antonio, Texas. If you have information to submit for
the newsletter, a change of address, or if you would like to receive
this newsletter electronically, please contact:
John Calvin Presbyterian Church
Attn: Office Manager
8102 Midcrown Dr.,
San Antonio, TX 78239
Or e-mail to: jcpresbyterian@sbcglobal.net
Church Office Closed 7 PM Jarrett
1:00 PM Small Group Bball
6:30 PM Jarrett BBall
6:30 PM Praise Team
7:30 PM Sanctuary
choir rehearsal
6:30 PM Jarrett
4:00 PM Jarrett
7 PM Patrick BBall
9:00 AM Traditional
10:05 AM Sunday
School Classes
11:05 AM Contemp
4 PM Jarrett BBall
7 PM Patrick BBall
6:30 PM Bridge
7 PM Jarrett Bball
2:00 PM Staff
6:30 PM Jarrett
Church Office Closed 7 PM Jarrett
1:00 PM Small Group Bball
6:30 PM Jarrett BBall
6:30 PM Praise Team
7:30 PM Sanctuary
choir rehearsal
6:30 PM Jarrett
7 AM Men's Breakfast
4:00 PM Jarrett
7 PM Patrick BBall
9:00 AM Traditional
10:05 AM Sunday
School Classes
11:05 AM Contemp
4PM Jarrett BBall
7 PM Patrick BBall
6:30 PM Bridge
7 PM Jarrett Bball
2:00 PM Staff
6 PM Scottish Society
6:30 PM Jarrett
Church Office Closed 7 PM Jarrett
Newsletter Deadline Bball
1:00 PM Small Group
6:30 PM Jarrett BBall
6:30 PM Praise Team
7:30 PM Sanctuary
choir rehearsal
6:30 PM Jarrett
4:00 PM Jarrett
7 PM Patrick BBall
9:00 AM Traditional
10:05 AM Sunday
School Classes
11:05 AM Contemp
4PM Jarrett BBall
7 PM Patrick BBall
6:30 PM Bridge
7 PM Jarrett Bball
2:00 PM Staff
6:30 PM Jarrett
7 PM Session
Church Office Closed 7 PM Jarrett
1:00 PM Small Group Bball
6:30 PM Jarrett BBall
6:30 PM Praise Team
7:30 PM Sanctuary
choir rehearsal
6:30 PM Jarrett
11:00 AM Lunch n
9:00 AM Traditional
10:05 AM Sunday
School Classes
11:05 AM Contemp
6 PM POPS Concert
6:30 PM Bridge
7 PM Jarrett Bball
2:00 PM Staff
6:30 PM Jarrett
Church Office Closed 7 PM Jarrett
1:00 PM Small Group Bball
6:30 PM Jarrett BBall
6:30 PM Praise Team
7:30 PM Sanctuary
choir rehearsal
Mack, Michelle & Jennifer Walter kicked off
summer a bit early with
a trip to Port Aransas.
Here, Mack is pictured
at the Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center with
one of two resident alligators, Boots … or maybe it’s his pal, Bags. Be
careful, Mack!
Bill Roberts recently returned from Washington DC. Bill
was among 26 World War II and Korean War veterans chosen to fly out of San Antonio on May 20th on an Honor
Flight to Washington DC. In an interview with local TV Station, KSAT, Bill said “It’s just a real honor to get to go.”
Honor Flight, a non-profit organization, sponsors these special two-day trips as a small way of saying thank you to
those who put their life on the line to protect our country.
The Honor Flight attendees visited Arlington National Cemetery, the Air Force Memorial, the Navy Memorial, the two
Jima Marines Memorials and the World War II Memorial.
Bill is pictured below at the World War II Memorial.
Congratulations to Hannah Ringler.
Hannah graduated with a Master’s
Degree in Rhetoric from Carnegie
Mellon University on May 14th.
She was selected as one of three
students accepted into the Rhetoric PhD program at Carnegie
Mellon and will begin the five year
program in the fall. Hannah is doing research for a University wide
effort this summer and—in addition to working on her PhD—will
be teaching an undergraduate
writing class in the fall. “Professor
Ringler’s” proud parents Gordon &
Lisa Ringler were blessed to be
with her on graduation day.
Grandparents extraordinaire Ben
& Lynn Catalina enjoyed having
grandchildren Haley & Braden stay
the night with them earlier in
May. This was the first time Haley
& Braden had been away from
mom and dad overnight. It looks
like they’re having a great time
with Grandpa Ben at the Witte
Haley &
Braden will be staying
with Ben & Lynn for 5
days later in June while
their parents vacation in
Grandma’s &
Grandpa’s are such a
8102 Midcrown Drive, San Antonio, TX 78239