RANT LTHY - Fort Wayne Trails
RANT LTHY - Fort Wayne Trails
HUR Payton County Park . W. R VE RI A N SP OR TA R E . R RD OE .J ST . RD .J OE H R IVER S T. ST EP TON .J ST E. AV NT CE ES CR D. KERRIGAN MA ’S LE R S V IL M AY AVE . ELL YSV ILL ER D. OS CLIN S T. TON CLIN PARNELL . AV E RUN SPY PAR N BROADWAY VER EDGERTON RD. LINCO LN HWY GREEN RD. RD RUF US ST. KE DOY LE RD. RI Moser Park HARTZE LL RD. DIC L AND IN RD. 930 E MAUME 469 CE ADAM S CENTE R RD. E TR A HESSE N CASSE L RD. MEYER RD. W AY N McMillen Park 30 Six Mile Creek Trail PAUL DING RD. HANNA ST. T R A I L - F R I E N D LY B U S I N E S S E S Special thanksTILLM toANthese business for supporting RD. our 2014 Trail Maps! Get more information and special offers for trail users at FWTrails.org/maps/businesses. TILLM AN RD. RD. 8 Southtown Centre 9 27 ST. MA S TILLM AN RD. MAPL ES RD. A Hall’s Restaurants CA RY MAPL ES RD. DE RD. TU multiple locations D. VE B Summit City Bikes & Fitness RR RI R AB OI TE RD . RICKER RD. R DR. W. HA MI LT ON RD . PAGE RD. SCH WA RTZ RD. MEIJE ROSE AVE. 8 R D. PAUL DING RD. TER WEST CO 69 . N. RIV ER RD. R D. V ER 7 CHES WIN TERS RD. (260) 427-6228 or greenways@cityoffortwayne.org. I N. R NEW HAVEN AVE. ANTHO N Y BLVD. PETTIT AVE. WIN Contact the City of Fort Wayne’s Greenways Department: Date: WH EEL OCK RD. S ER . RI V PARROT RD. RIV ERGREEN WAY MCKINNIE AVE. HANNA ST. 6 BLUFF TON RD. DownedKRESS tree? RD.Damaged trail? SMITH RD. KRESS RD. N 6 4 MAU MEE AVE. 24 Kreager Park . 7 CE OXFORD ST. W. Foster Park GTON GRAND FOREST 5 See reverse for downtown Weisser E. PONTIAC ST. Park TIPPERARY MEYER RD. Bowser Park RA WH EEL OCK RD. ET SHORDON ASHER DR. GREY THOR YN WELLSHIRE 3 E. Memorial Park LO NG RD . WA L AHM E YER RD. R AV ER MAP LEC RES T RD. NGE MAP LEC RES T RD. REE D RD. HOB SON RD. IV R Reservoir Park L AFAYE T TE ST. RD . AIRPOR T EXPY DWE L A K E AV E MAUMEE PATHWAY DAVE. CREIGH TON Tillman Park Fort Wayne International Airport E USPS CALHO UN ST. BL UF F TO N . GLASGOW L AFAYE T TE ST. CLINTO N ST. RIVER AV E . R ON RD Daryl B. Cobin Memorial Park MAUMEE AVE. Fox Island Park INGT HUNT 930 Georgetown Square MOEL LER RD. Foster Park H U N T IN E. STAT E BLVD. MAUME 2 Maysville Pointe PARENT RD. E. STAT E BLVD. VANCE AVE. GLENCAIRN LAKE AVE. RUDISILL BLVD. RIV ERGREEN WAY LOW ER Parkview Hospital Indiana Tech HAR RISO N ST. YS FAIR FIEL D AVE. ST. MAR 4 Lakeside Park 1 Parkview Field T STELL HORN RD. TRIER RD. TRIER RD. C Galecki Financial Management FERG USON RD. TRAIL MAINTENANCE: INC S STELL HORN RD. DYMCA multiple locations E 816 Pint & Slice Signature: U IV ACT 37 INWOO D E. STAT E BLVD. HANNA ST. St. Joe Hospital Northside DODG E Park D VICTO RIA A A E FAIRLAWN VANCE AVE. ANT HON Y BLV D. 2 R G FLOR IDA ED ST. MARYS PATHWAY LOWE Ivy Tech BUENA VISTA ST. IEM VESEY A K LY N 3) Registration is non-refundable due to cancellation or carelessness on part of the person named in this waiver. ARDMO RE AVE. Eagle Marsh XPY A IR P O R T E 2) I grant permission to all the organizers/ persons of this event to use any photographs, motion picture, or recordings for promotional purposes. BROO NUTTMA N AVE. Towpath Trail YOHNE RD. SAND RIDGE J TAYLOR ST. JULIETTE ST. ER TH TAYLOR ST. FREEMA N FF SMITH RD. DIN MAIN ST. BROWN ST. 3 Lutheran Hospital HOMES TE AD RD. RED . G RD BLV D. GE TZ RD. AMBER RD. 24 SHE RMA N HADLE Y RD. A ELLISON RD. Ronald G. Repka Memorial Park is under the age of 18. A separate form is required for each participant, regardless of age. More forms at FWTrails.org. 1) In consideration of the acceptance of my entry, I for myself, my executors, administrators, and assignees, do hereby discharge the City of Fort Wayne, Dave DeVoe, Fort Wayne Trails, Inc. and all of the sponsors and persons connected with this event for all claims of damages, demands, actions whatsoever in any manner arising or growing out of my participation in said athletic event. I attest and verify that I have full knowledge of the risks involved in this event, and I am physically fit and sufficiently trained to participate in this event. JE H F Rockhill Park Time COVING TON RD. D . Corners V L NB SO Headwaters Park Northwood Plaza STELL HORN RD. IPFW Lawton Park 1 ENGLE RD. I S S ST. JOE CENT ER RD. ST. JOE CENT ER RD. 3 1 Science Central 5 Village at Coventry LIBERT Y MILLS RD. This waiver must be signed. A legal guardian must sign if participant Jefferson Pointe C Fort Wayne, IN 46802 RACE WAIVER DELL COVE DR. Indian Trails Park COVENTRY LN. 300 E. Main Street U. of Saint Francis Swinney Park TAYLOR ST. K STONE CREEK RUN YMCA Van Hoozen Park IL ROTHMAN RD. ELW OOD . ST. JOSEPH PATHWAY Lindenwood Nature Preserve INVERNESS LAKES DR. COPPER HILL RUN Auer Center for Arts & Culture D ABOITE CENTER RD. 2 RIV ERGREEN WAY Buckner Park LADUE LN. BLUE WATER TR. Fort Wayne Trails, Inc. COVING TON RD. WEL LS RD 1.0 . FW Children’s Zoo SPRING ST. STAGE COACH DR. Glenbrook Square B E. SHOR E DR. Ivy Tech Johnny Appleseed Park Coliseum W. STATE BLVD. RD. ILLINOI S RD. A EVAR D RD. ST. JOE RD. D. RD EN ER RG SH RIV MILES BU GO 0 ES Franke Park Shoaff Park UPPER ST. JOE COLISEUM BLVD. 930 HILLEGAS RD. LOW TIMBERLAKE TR. SCOT T RD. HOMES TE AD RD. ABOITE CENTER RD. W. HAMILT ON RD. WEST COUNT Y RD. EGGEMAN RD. REGISTRATION AR LE carsons.com/fortwayne Vann Family Trail LIM @FortWayneTrails ILLINOI S RD. Shoppes at Scott Rd. Aboite Trails B2 69 30 T WITTER: SCOT T RD. 14 COLD WAT ER RD. Facebook.com/FortWayneTrails Chestnut Plaza Glenbrook Square 3. Enclose a check with your payment and send to: Pufferbelly Trail BASS RD. Trail Blazer 5k/10k 2. Read and sign the waiver below. Smith Field Sharing pics or tweeting about the trails? Use #FWTrails in your tweet, or include our twitter handle. YEL R 469 WASHINGTON CENTER RD. 81 miles of trails & still growing JOIN US FOR OUR ANNUAL RACES! 1. Fill out the registration on the back of this panel. 33 FACEBOOK: ARCOLA RD. FWTRAILS.ORG/GET-INVOLVED/DONATE Pufferbelly 5k FWTR AILS.ORG FL AUGH RD. Fort Wayne Trails is a 501c3 non-profit. Donations are tax deductible. We accept debit and credit cards and PayPal transactions. RD E Mile Markers Trailheads are trail access points LEE SBU with designated parking areas. RG R D Most trailheads have kiosks with trail . maps and information. T Beckett’s Run Trail HUGUENARD RD. CALL (260) 969-0079 TO PLEDGE OR SEND A DONATION USING THE FORM ON BACK. N WALLEN RD. Landmarks Future Trails represent major projects that are under way, will be started in coming years, or are partially funded. More trails are planned, but they aren’t shown on this map. Visit FWTrails.org/maps or contact us to learn more. E WALLEN RD. COOK RD. Give at FWTrails.org NOTES TINE RD. W AY 1 TILL RD. COLD WAT ER RD. Trailhead Dupont Hospital TILL RD. Parks N MAYHEW RD. Bike Route / Sharrow H DUPONT RD. YMCA (see key at bottom-right) R LTE Trail-Friendly Business D . R D. ANTW ERP RD. HA Bike Lane on Street DUPONT RD. ST EP BILL CLAY ST. Future Trails Boat Ramp 3 Salomon Farm Park 1 Parkview Regional Medical Center S JO W FORT Segment of Trail on Street Automobile Parking DIEBO LD RD. Public Restroom AUBU RN RD. Sidewalk or Narrower Trail LIMA RD. If everyone gave just $1 each time they used the trails, we’d have almost $500,000 or more every year to build more trails near you! Water Fountain FRITZ RD. A2 COMMUNITY Trail Metea Park UNION CHAPEL RD. COLD WAT ER RD. G R E AT E R F O R T WAY N E , I N D . D. 69 HATHAWAY RD. BE THEL RD. INVEST IN A V IBR A N T HEALTHY GR A TONK EL RD. TRAIL MAP SH R G The Health Food Shoppe H Fort Wayne Outfitters I Aspire Plastic Surgery JDash-In K Human Motor Works F Fort Wayne’s Famous Coney Island WIN TERS RD. 27 PRINTED APRIL 2014 | REVISION 3.0 | ©2014 Fort Wayne Trails, Inc. Reproductions of this map are not allowed with the permission of Fort Wayne Trails. 33 24 United States Post Office 13 Auer Center for Arts & Culture ↘ Fort Wayne Trails, Inc. HQ 25 University of Saint Francis FWTrails.org/maps/businesses about these businesses at A Hall’s Restaurants multiple locations 4 Headwaters East Pavilion 17 Allen County Public Library DYMCA multiple locations 5 Historic Old Fort 18 Grand Wayne Convention Center Bike Route / Sharrow 6 St. Joseph Hospital 19 Fort Wayne Visitors Center Bike Lane On Street 7 USF Performing Arts Center 20 Indiana Tech Trailhead 8 Fort Wayne Community Center 21 Parkview Field HANNA ST. OA DW AY ST. JOS EPH RIV ER ST M ARY S RI VE LTA W OL DE G R IS R D. . B LV D DR KENS ING TON BLVD . PEMB ERTO N DR. ANTH ONY BLVD . F ORES T PARK BLVD . FLORI DA DR. IVE HR OS CALIF ORNIA AVE. Facebook.com/FortWayneTrails Twitter: @FortWayneTrails 260 969-0079 FWTrails.org Fort Wayne Trails, Inc. Auer Center for Arts & Culture 300 East Main St. Fort Wayne, IN 46802 receiving no annual tax contributions. We are completely funded by community donations, by developing an ever-expanding network of trails. with a mission to enhance our vibrant, healthy community Fort Wayne Trails, Inc. is a non-proft organization }} No motorized equipment except official and emergency vehicles and motorized wheelchairs. F W TR A ILS.ORG }} Never, ever litter. }} Animal waste must be removed from the trail. }} Keep pets on short leashes. }} Ring a bell or call out “on your left” prior to passing. RULES OF THE TR AIL MAP TR AIL 2 014 /15 F O R T W A Y N E Trek the Trails EVERYONE September 2, 2014 SWINNEY PARK W TRAILHEAD Meet at the parking lot near the Conklin Pavilion on the south side of the park — near 6401 St. Joe Rd. 9 miles September 9,2014 INDIAN TRAILS PARK TRAILHEAD ROCKHILL PARK TRAILHEAD Complete information about each race is online at FWTrails.org. Race Registration(s) Annual Fundraising Races Saturday, August 9, 2014 Parkview YMCA 10001 Dawsons Creek Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN 46825 Meet at the Towpath Trailhead on Engle Rd at Statesmans Way. Overflow parking will be available at Eagle Marsh on their gravel frontage drive at 6801 Engle Rd. 9 miles July 15, 2014 TILLMAN PARK Meet it the parking lot near the softball diamonds — near 7500 S. Hanna St. • 8 miles Sign-in at 7 am , race starts at 8:00 am . Glenbrook Square Sponsored by Fort Wayne Pediatrics & Carson’s Fort Wayne carsons.com/fortwayne About you Name: Address: City: StateZIP Email: Age On Race Day Saturday Long Trail Rides Trail Blazer 5k/10k Longer rides on Saturday mornings at 9:00 am June 14, 2014 July 29, 2014 MOSER PARK TRAILHEAD Meet in the elementary school parking lot at 1515 S. Scott Rd. 8 miles Meet in the trailhead parking lot near the baseball diamonds — near 601 W. Main St, New Haven, Ind. 8 miles SHOAFF PARK LAWTON PARK TRAILHEAD Sunday October 19, 2014 Summit Middle School August 9, 2014 LAWTON PARK TRAILHEAD FOSTER PARK TRAILHEAD Meet at the gravel parking lot on the south side of 4th Street — near 250 E. 4th Street • 15 miles Meet at the gravel parking lot on the south side of 4th Street — near 250 E. 4th Street • 8 miles 4509 Homestead Rd Fort Wayne, IN 46814 Meet at the trailhead parking lot at the end of the main park drive near Pavilion #1 — near 3900 Old Mill Rd. • 17 miles July 12,2014 Sign-in begins at 11:30 am , race starts at 2 pm . September 13, 2014 INDIAN TRAILS PARK Meet at the parking lot near the Conklin Pavilion on the south side of the park — near 6401 St. Joe Rd. 8 miles June 10, 2014 Twitter Handle Preferred Phone July 22, 2014 DEER RIDGE ELEM. SCHOOL LAWTON PARK TRAILHEAD Meet in the parking lot for Deer Ridge Elementary School at 1515 S. Scott Rd. • 7 miles Meet at the gravel parking lot on the south side of 4th Street — near 250 E. 4th Street. • 8 miles May 27, 2014 DEER RIDGE ELEMENTARY August 5, 2014 June 3, 2014 August 12, 2014 FOSTER PARK TRAILHEAD Sponsored by Lutheran Hospital. LAWTON PARK TRAILHEAD Meet at the back of Indian Trails Park — near 10300 Aboite Center Rd. • 16 miles Meet at the gravel parking lot on the south side of 4th Street — near 250 E. 4th Street. • 19 miles Shirt Size: Gender: S B1 M L XL XXL YS* Trail Mixers Meet in the trailhead parking lot near the baseball diamonds — near 601 W. Main St, New Haven, Ind. 8 miles SWINNEY PARK September 20 & 21 at Johnny Appleseed Park May 17 at Freimann Square Johnny Appleseed Festival Fort4Fitness Spring Cycle Buskerfest June 28 at One Summit Square Food by New Haven Parks and Recreation. Sponsored by Summit City Bicycles and Fitness. Did you know? We park more bikes at Johnny Appleseed Festival than any other event all year. This year, leave the car in the garage and take your bikes. The fun begins as soon as you start pedaling. Taste of the Arts August 23 at Freimann Square Fort Wayne Regional Maker Faire – Powered by TekVenture September 9 at Indian Trails Park Food by JumBy’s Joint Food Truck. Sponsored by Summit City Bicycles and Fitness. September 13 & 14 at Headwaters East ¡ male ¡ female YL* YXL* Trailblazer 5k/10k ADULTS By August 15 After August 15 Race Day $20 $25 $30 $35 $40 14 & under by July 18th after July 18th Bike Valet Events We will be offering bike valet at the following events this year. Skip traffic and parking hassles and take your bike! Bike valet is free. July 8 at Rockhill Park Food by JumBy’s Joint Food Truck. Sponsored by Summit City Bicycles and Fitness and Visit Fort Wayne. August 12 at Moser Park Food by Hall’s Catering Services. Sponsored by Carson’s and Summit City Bicycles and Fitness. June 10 at Foster Park Trail Mixer Food by Ragin Cajun Food Truck. Sponsored by 3 Rivers Velo Sport and Summit City Bicycles and Fitness. Meet at the tank on H.W. Baals Drive near Coliseum Blvd. 8 miles YM* *youth sizes available for Pufferbelly race only Team name (if applicable): Fees Pufferbelly 5k ADULTS By July 18 After July 18 YOUTH thru race day $10 EX TR AS Performance Race T-shirt YOUTH - 15 & UNDER MOSER PARK Meet at the trailhead parking lot at the end of the main park drive near Pavilion #1 — near 3900 Old Mill Rd. • 8 miles June 17, 2014 Trail Mixers are back! Join us the second Tuesday rides (except May 6th). Details about sponsors and food trucks are outlined below: August 19, 2014 INDIAN TRAILS PARK TRAILHEAD May 6 at Trek the Trails Kickoff Event at Salomon Farm Meet at the parking lot near the old swimming pool in Swinney Park West — near 2200 W. Jefferson Blvd. • 8 miles Meet at the back of Indian Trails Park near the gazebo — near 10300 Aboite Center Rd. • 8 miles June 24, 2014 August 26, 2014 NORTH RIVER RD. TRAILHEAD JOHNNY APPLESEED PARK TRAILHEAD Meet at the North River Rd Trailhead, commonly known as the “boat launch” west of Kreager Park — near 7300 N. River Rd. 8 miles A1 You can sign up for one or both of our races using this form! Enter your personal information, add up the fees that apply to you, and mail us this form with your payment. Please only one entrant per form. If you need more forms, head to FWTrails.org. Pufferbelly 5k September 30,2014 LAWTON PARK Meet at the gravel parking lot on the south side of 4th Street — near 250 E. 4th Street. • 8 miles September 16, 2014 Meet at the trailhead parking lot near 1400 Catalpa St. • 9 miles ROCKHILL PARK TRAILHEAD Meet at the trailhead in Rockhill Park near 1400 Catalpa St, which is just east of the intersection of W. Jefferson Blvd and Freeman St. • 9 miles May 20, 2014 SHOAFF PARK Meet at the Towpath Trailhead in Rockhill Park. • 8 miles July 1, 2014 SALOMON FARM PARK Meet at the parking lot near the old swimming pool in Swinney Park West — near 2200 W. Jefferson Blvd. • 8 miles Meet at the back of Indian Trails Park near the gazebo — near 10300 Aboite Center Rd. • 8 miles July 8, 2014 May 13, 2014 2006 - before trails GOOD FOR COMMUNITY. GOOD FOR BUSINESS. GOOD FOR YOU! Trails provide safe and healthy forms of recreation and transportation. Meandering along rivers and weaving through forests and grasslands, our trails connect us to each other and put us in touch with the natural beauty of our region. Little wonder, then that our trails attract visitors, promote business investment and raise property values. Please donate today at FWTrails.org. Septemver 23,2014 ROCKHILL PARK TRAILHEAD Tuesdays this summer at 6:00 pm May 6, 2014 CA N U S E T H E Meet at the Salomon Farm parking lot at 817 W. Dupont Rd by the trailhead kiosk in the first parking lot of W. Dupont Rd. Additional parking is available behind the historic barn. • 8 miles TRAILS FOR FREE but T R A I L S D O CO S T MONEY TO BUILD (about $125 per foot!) Fort Wayne already has 81 miles of trails, but there are more community centers to connect. Will you help us? Now is the perfect time to get involved. D O N AT E T O DAY AT: FWTrails.org today - after trails or call (260) 969-0079 . GARF IELD ST. MORT ON ST. ANTH ONY BLVD . . ST ED R 20 }} Yield to slower trail users. L AKE AVE. Be safe. Be kind. Be respectful. .J ST CRESC ENT AVE. KENTU CKY AVE. BR LILL IE ST. . BERRY ST. AY PATH W M A U M EEN EW H AV EN TO COCHRA N ST. ER }} Keep to the right, pass on the left. LV D . B AYER AVE. IEM RIV SEPH B S T. J O TH EE E. E. Lakeside Park KENS ING TON BLVD . T AV ER AV E. E. . VE TENNE SSEE AVE. VERMO NT AVE. EP ST MAR YS RIVE R COOMBS ST. M AU WA IA AV EH GE KE DA MS RM AV ET OO CU . VE MW TE T. ES RE ST RN DE AVENUE SPY RUN AVE ANTH ONY BLVD . MEE MCC ULLO CH ST. CEDA R ST. OHIO ST. CHUT E ST. DIVI SION ST. E S T. MAU MONRO T. C L AY S BO CALHO ST . HARM AR ST. E L I Z A ST. FRAN CIS ST. B R AC K E N R I D G E HANNA ST. H U G H ST. AR U N S T. D O U G L A S AV E . M ED C OL B UM LA RI EL T E N N E S S E E AV E . R I V E R S I D E AV E . L A W TO N P L . ELIZ ABET H ST. }} Stop for cross traffic. }} Obey traffic signals and signage. W AYNE ST. 16 ST. S T. ON H A R R IS L E W I S ST. D 13 12 A N D E R S O N AV E . CL IN TO N D AV E. CO RT L AN H Fort Wayne Outfitters & Bike Depot F Fort Wayne’s Famous Coney Island E 816 Pint & Slice Downtown area only, see more on full map T R A I L -F R I E N D LY BUSINESSES H AY D E N ST. L E W I S ST. O N S T. M A D IS . Freimann Square 11 CALHOUN ST. HARRISON ST. CA SS ST. ANDREW ST. SHERMAN ST. OAKL AND ST. ST MARYS AVE. FRANKLIN AVE. JESSIE AVE. U.S. Post Office 24 L A FAY E T T E S T. 23 22 19 Indiana Tech . W A S H I N G TO N B LV D 15 Arts Campus 10 4 LAFORT . WELLS ST. EE OK ER CH E 14 T GS IN EW ST MARYS AVE. . ST D. EL D S R FA IR FI HIGHL ANDS BLVD. T YLER AVE. STEUP AVE. . D N B LV INGTO WASH 18 17 J IO R S T. A 3 Zeis Park 5 Water Filtration Plant W AG N E R ST. 2 Lawton Park Science Central 1 ST. JOSEPH PATHWAY TO IPFW R W AY N S T. FU LT O BROAD B LV D RSON JEFFE 21 7 CLINTON ST. BAKER ST. CALHOU N ST. FAIRFIE LD AVE. S T. S T. 8 . B A R R ST E SHERMAN ST. SCHILLIN G AVE. RUMSEY AVE. RUNNION AVE. T YLER AVE. U R EN VA N B S T. O N S T. U N IO N JA C K S IL L S T. C O LL EG CENTER ST. MECHANI C ST. ROCKH E S T. RUNNION AVE. LEESB URG RD. IEM BRACKENRIDGE ST. Parkview Field St. Joseph Hospital TH S T. W AY N E . DR BERRY 6 H I G H ST. H Headwaters Park P RO S P E C T AV E . H U F F M A N ST. P U T N A M ST. A RC H E R AV E . LO Future Trails Segment of Trail on Street LINDENW OOD AVE. Let’s create a vibrant, healthy community together! Want more trails? Use this form to send us a donation so we can buld more! $ time gift in the amount of: I would like to make a one- Business / Organization $ I would like to pledge: Neighborhood PLEDGE DURATION: 1-year 2-year 3-year 4-year 5-year Address BILL ME: annually semi-annually TitleName State City To pay with a credit card, 12 Fort Wayne Museum of Art Get more information 16 Hall Community Arts Center D. FUTURE “PUFFERBELLY TRAIL” TO ZOO, DUPONT ROAD & BEYOND J ACO B S AV E . T H A N K Y O U TO O U R C O M M U N I T Y PA R T N E R S Trail-friendly business Headwaters West Pavilion D. B LV F LO R E N C E AV E . PRINTED APRIL 2014 | REVISION 3.0 Automobile Parking 11 Arts United Center JDash-In 3 B LV AN M A RGA R E T AV E . PEMB ERTO N DR. Landmarks Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory 15 The History Center SON IN M AI N ST . T. M A IN S 9 F SUPER Guldlin Park Bloomingdale Park S I N C L A I R ST. 3 R D ST. 3 R D ST. 4 T H ST. S P R I N G ST. FM G R E E N L A W N AV E . VE. OSE A RAND ALLIA DR. Water Fountain 23 14 Citizens Square Lawton Skate Park L OC AT ION K E Y ST. MARYS PATHWAY TO FOSTER PARK FER Swinney Park FUTURE “COUGAR TRAIL” TO USF MA . ST MAIN ST. BOONE ST. OSAGE ST. Tear off this form and return it in an envelope. ZIP Parks 22 The Embassy Theatre 10 Edwin J. Rousseau Centre Science Central 2 Sidewalk or Narrower Trail Enclose a check, payable to E-mail Preferred Phone "Fort Wayne Trails", with this form and send to: visit our website to pay securely with a credit card or paypal account: Contact me about volunteer opportunities. Send me the e-newsletter. www. FWTrails.org Fort Wayne Trails, Inc. 300 E. Main Street Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Public Restroom 9Courthouse 1 Trail MAP LEGEND TR AI L TO W PATHTE TO AB OI ` Rockhill Park JEF W T ES 2,000 FEET LINDENWOOD N AT U R E P R E S E RV E B U RG E S S ST. R I C H A R D S O N ST. H I G H ST. UNIVERSIT Y OF SAINT FRANCIS 25 4 T H ST. S P R I N G ST. FORT WAY NE, IND. H A M I LTO N PA R K DOWNTOWN HUF MELR $10 $15 $20 1-MILE KIDS’ FUN RUN 11 & under $5 Includes ribbon 1-MILE KIDS’ FUN RUN 11 & under $5 Includes ribbon and t-shirt Add It Up Pufferbelly fees: Trailblazer fees: Total Enclosed: Additional donation: You’re not done yet! Sign waiver on opposite side . 18 Grand Wayne Convention Center 5 Historic Old Fort 17 Allen County Public Library 4 Headwaters East Pavilion Future Trails 16 Hall Community Arts Center Headwaters West Pavilion 3 Lawton Skate Park 2 Science Central 1 TENNE SSEE AVE. R I V E R S I D E AV E . L A W TO N P L . ELIZ ABET H ST. Lakeside Park L AKE AVE. VERMO NT AVE. NORTH RIVER RD. TRAILHEAD August 26, 2014 Meet at the North River Rd Trailhead, commonly known as the “boat launch” west of Kreager Park — near 7300 N. River Rd. 8 miles Meet at the tank on H.W. Baals Drive near Coliseum Blvd. 8 miles JOHNNY APPLESEED PARK TRAILHEAD State E-mail www. FWTrails.org City Address Neighborhood Business / Organization $ TitleName Preferred Phone Fort Wayne Trails, Inc. 300 E. Main Street Fort Wayne, IN 46802 . RULES OF THE TR AIL Meet at the parking lot near the old swimming pool in Swinney Park West — near 2200 W. Jefferson Blvd. • 8 miles visit our website to pay securely with a credit card or paypal account: VE E. Meet at the back of Indian Trails Park near the gazebo — near 10300 Aboite Center Rd. • 8 miles SWINNEY PARK To pay with a credit card, DA E. }} Ring a bell or call out “on your left” prior to passing. }} Keep to the right, pass on the left. E. August 19, 2014 Enclose a check, payable to OO AV ER E. INDIAN TRAILS PARK TRAILHEAD "Fort Wayne Trails", with this form and send to: MW ET AV AY PATH W M A U M EEN EW H AV EN TO COCHRA N ST. Meet in the trailhead parking lot near the baseball diamonds — near 601 W. Main St, New Haven, Ind. 8 miles $ Race Registration(s) Complete information about each race is online at FWTrails.org. You can sign up for one or both of our races using this form! Enter your personal information, add up the fees that apply to you, and mail us this form with your payment. Please only one entrant per form. If you need more forms, head to FWTrails.org. Pufferbelly 5k September 30,2014 LAWTON PARK About you Saturday, August 9, 2014 Parkview YMCA Meet at the gravel parking lot on the south side of 4th Street — near 250 E. 4th Street. • 8 miles Name: 10001 Dawsons Creek Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN 46825 Meet at the Towpath Trailhead on Engle Rd at Statesmans Way. Overflow parking will be available at Eagle Marsh on their gravel frontage drive at 6801 Engle Rd. 9 miles Address: City: Sign-in at 7 am , race starts at 8:00 am . Glenbrook Square carsons.com/fortwayne StateZIP Email: Sponsored by Fort Wayne Pediatrics & Carson’s Fort Wayne Twitter Handle Preferred Phone Age On Race Day Saturday Long Trail Rides Longer rides on Saturday mornings at 9:00 am June 14, 2014 August 9, 2014 LAWTON PARK TRAILHEAD FOSTER PARK TRAILHEAD Meet at the gravel parking lot on the south side of 4th Street — near 250 E. 4th Street • 15 miles Meet at the trailhead parking lot at the end of the main park drive near Pavilion #1 — near 3900 Old Mill Rd. • 17 miles July 12,2014 INDIAN TRAILS PARK Meet at the back of Indian Trails Park — near 10300 Aboite Center Rd. • 16 miles Shirt Size: Sunday October 19, 2014 Summit Middle School Team name (if applicable): S M B1 L XL XXL Fees Pufferbelly 5k Sign-in begins at 11:30 am , race starts at 2 pm . ADULTS Sponsored by Lutheran Hospital. LAWTON PARK TRAILHEAD Meet at the gravel parking lot on the south side of 4th Street — near 250 E. 4th Street. • 19 miles Performance Race T-shirt $20 $25 EX TR AS May 6 at Trek the Trails Kickoff Event at Salomon Farm by July 18th after July 18th Bike Valet Events July 8 at Rockhill Park Food by JumBy’s Joint Food Truck. Sponsored by Summit City Bicycles and Fitness and Visit Fort Wayne. $10 August 12 at Moser Park Food by Hall’s Catering Services. Sponsored by Carson’s and Summit City Bicycles and Fitness. Food by New Haven Parks and Recreation. Sponsored by Summit City Bicycles and Fitness. June 10 at Foster Park Trail Mixer September 9 at Indian Trails Park Food by Ragin Cajun Food Truck. Sponsored by 3 Rivers Velo Sport and Summit City Bicycles and Fitness. Food by JumBy’s Joint Food Truck. Sponsored by Summit City Bicycles and Fitness. Johnny Appleseed Festival May 17 at Freimann Square September 20 & 21 at Johnny Appleseed Park Buskerfest June 28 at One Summit Square Taste of the Arts August 23 at Freimann Square Fort Wayne Regional Maker Faire – Powered by TekVenture September 13 & 14 at Headwaters East Did you know? We park more bikes at Johnny Appleseed Festival than any other event all year. This year, leave the car in the garage and take your bikes. The fun begins as soon as you start pedaling. YXL* 11 & under Includes ribbon and t-shirt By August 15 After August 15 Race Day $10 $15 Includes ribbon Add It Up Pufferbelly fees: Trailblazer fees: Additional donation: Total Enclosed: $20 1-MILE KIDS’ FUN RUN 11 & under $5 $30 $35 $40 YOUTH thru race day 14 & under 1-MILE KIDS’ FUN RUN We will be offering bike valet at the following events this year. Skip traffic and parking hassles and take your bike! Bike valet is free. Fort4Fitness Spring Cycle YL* Trailblazer 5k/10k YOUTH - 15 & UNDER Trail Mixers are back! Join us the second Tuesday rides (except May 6th). Details about sponsors and food trucks are outlined below: YM* ADULTS By July 18 After July 18 Trail Mixers YS* ¡ male ¡ female *youth sizes available for Pufferbelly race only 4509 Homestead Rd Fort Wayne, IN 46814 September 13, 2014 Gender: Trail Blazer 5k/10k August 12, 2014 MOSER PARK BILL ME: annually semi-annually STEUP AVE. T YLER AVE. HIGHL ANDS BLVD. FA IR FI C EL RM AV V RA RIV Meet at the parking lot near the Conklin Pavilion on the south side of the park — near 6401 St. Joe Rd. 8 miles PLEDGE DURATION: 1-year 2-year 3-year 4-year 5-year D. EL D S R OK R HE FRANKLIN AVE. JESSIE AVE. ST MARYS AVE. OAKL AND ST. ANDREW ST. SHERMAN ST. VE IA TE EE Meet at the gravel parking lot on the south side of 4th Street — near 250 E. 4th Street • 8 miles I would like to pledge: T YLER AVE. RUNNION AVE. RUMSEY AVE. SCHILLIN G AVE. . ST EE D AV E. CO RT L AN RI KE UM }} Yield to slower trail users. SHOAFF PARK time gift in the amount of: RUNNION AVE. LEESB URG RD. OSAGE ST. ST MARYS AVE. SHERMAN ST. S T. ON H A R R IS LINDENW OOD AVE. MECHANI C ST. CENTER ST. IN WELLS ST. CA SS ST. MB WA BERRY ST. LAWTON PARK TRAILHEAD I would like to make a one- E S T. C O LL EG IL L S T. ROCKH O N S T. S T. U N IO N JA C K S S T. U R EN VA N B W AY BROAD N S T. FU LT O T GS . CLINTON ST. L A FAY E T T E S T. T. C L AY S E S T. MONRO LAFORT CALHOU N ST. CALHOUN ST. HARRISON ST. HANNA ST. HARM AR ST. CHUT E ST. OHIO ST. DIVI SION ST. . B A R R ST ST. JOSEPH PATHWAY TO IPFW LU LA T E N N E S S E E AV E . AVENUE SPY RUN 1 CEDA R ST. FRAN CIS ST. RE S T. LHOUN J ACO B S AV E . LO CA F LO R E N C E AV E . Science Central FUTURE “PUFFERBELLY TRAIL” TO ZOO, DUPONT ROAD & BEYOND . ST EW M A RGA R E T AV E . A N D E R S O N AV E . Lawton Park ST . CL IN TO N VE. OSE A G R E E N L A W N AV E . 2 }} Stop for cross traffic. Be safe. Be kind. Be respectful. MAP TR AIL 2 014 /15 F O R T W A Y N E .J ST MELR A RC H E R AV E . E P RO S P E C T AV E . R D. P U T N A M ST. W AG N E R ST. VE DOWNTOWN H U F F M A N ST. CO DE Headwaters Park RI H A M I LTO N PA R K Water E OS FORT WAY NE, IND. ST. 5 PH 4 T H ST. 4 T H ST. Zeis Filtration Plant Park MA GE D. 3 R D ST. 3 R D ST. MCC ULLO CH ST. FAIRFIE LD AVE. HANNA ST. 4 . 3 N H ED ST A OR H I G H ST. 20 }} Keep pets on short leashes. }} Obey traffic signals and signage. 12 E P H B LV S P R I N G ST. HU Freimann Square 11 . W AYNE ST. 16 S S T. J O S I N C L A I R ST. 10 13 B AR Bloomingdale Park IO R S T. Arts Campus AVE }} Animal waste must be removed from the trail. . W A S H I N G TO N B LV D 15 9 F SUPER Guldlin Park S P R I N G ST. NB LV 14 AUM EE F W TR A ILS.ORG }} Never, ever litter. Indiana Tech B AYER AVE. B U RG E S S ST. FFM A J 8 M EH 7 19 MS S T. E S T. O N S T. CU BERRY T. M A IN S H I G H ST. 25 6 . D TE BOONE ST. R I C H A R D S O N ST. UNIVERSIT Y OF SAINT FRANCIS W AY N E R. ED M A D IS KENTU CKY AVE. LINDENWOOD N AT U R E P R E S E RV E IEM M AI N ST . . COOMBS ST. MAIN ST. 17 B LV D D N B LV INGTO 18 L E W I S ST. L E W I S ST. . ST . WASH 23 22 CRESC ENT AVE. ST RSON 21 CALIF ORNIA AVE. IN TH JEFFE H U G H ST. D O U G L A S AV E . FLORI DA DR. MA St. Joseph Hospital 24 MORT ON ST. T Parkview Field F ORES T PARK BLVD . FUTURE “COUGAR TRAIL” TO USF BRACKENRIDGE ST. LILL IE ST. Swinney Park GARF IELD ST. D. ANTH ONY BLVD . 2,000 FEET ES N B LV E L I Z A ST. B R AC K E N R I D G E ANTH ONY BLVD . W RSO H AY D E N ST. U.S. Post Office ANTH ONY BLVD . BAKER ST. }} No motorized equipment except official and emergency vehicles and motorized wheelchairs. KENS ING TON BLVD . JEF FE T R A I L -F R I E N D LY BUSINESSES PEMB ERTO N DR. ` Rockhill Park Fort Wayne Trails, Inc. is a non-proft organization Downtown area only, see more on full map 14 Citizens Square ST. MARYS PATHWAY TO FOSTER PARK with a mission to enhance our vibrant, healthy community August 5, 2014 DEER RIDGE ELEMENTARY Want more trails? Use this form to send us a donation so we can buld more! 15 The History Center L OC AT ION K E Y AI L by developing an ever-expanding network of trails. A Hall’s Restaurants multiple locations KENS ING TON BLVD . MAP LEGEND We are completely funded by community donations, DYMCA multiple locations PEMB ERTO N DR. Trail receiving no annual tax contributions. E 816 Pint & Slice RAND ALLIA DR. Sidewalk or Narrower Trail F Fort Wayne’s Famous Coney Island 19 Fort Wayne Visitors Center June 3, 2014 June 17, 2014 Segment of Trail on Street H Fort Wayne Outfitters & Bike Depot 20 Indiana Tech Meet in the elementary school parking lot at 1515 S. Scott Rd. 8 miles Meet at the trailhead parking lot at the end of the main park drive near Pavilion #1 — near 3900 Old Mill Rd. • 8 miles September 16, 2014 Contact me about volunteer opportunities. Send me the e-newsletter. St. Joseph Hospital 6 Bike Route / Sharrow 21 Parkview Field Meet at the gravel parking lot on the south side of 4th Street — near 250 E. 4th Street. • 8 miles Meet in the trailhead parking lot near the baseball diamonds — near 601 W. Main St, New Haven, Ind. 8 miles FOSTER PARK TRAILHEAD Meet at the back of Indian Trails Park near the gazebo — near 10300 Aboite Center Rd. • 8 miles ZIP USF Performing Arts Center 7 Bike Lane On Street LAWTON PARK TRAILHEAD July 29, 2014 June 10, 2014 INDIAN TRAILS PARK TRAILHEAD Annual Fundraising Races July 22, 2014 MOSER PARK TRAILHEAD June 24, 2014 PRINTED APRIL 2014 | REVISION 3.0 Meet it the parking lot near the softball diamonds — near 7500 S. Hanna St. • 8 miles Tear off this form and return it in an envelope. 8 Trailhead Fort Wayne Community Center Fort Wayne Trails, Inc. Auer Center for Arts & Culture 300 East Main St. Fort Wayne, IN 46802 JDash-In today - after trails May 27, 2014 TILLMAN PARK Let’s create a vibrant, healthy community together! 22 The Embassy Theatre 9Courthouse Please donate today at FWTrails.org. DEER RIDGE ELEM. SCHOOL July 15, 2014 TR TO W PATHTE TO AB OI 23 10 Edwin J. Rousseau Centre 260 969-0079 FWTrails.org Get more information Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory T H A N K Y O U TO O U R C O M M U N I T Y PA R T N E R S September 9,2014 Meet in the parking lot for Deer Ridge Elementary School at 1515 S. Scott Rd. • 7 miles Parks 11 Arts United Center about these businesses at or call (260) 969-0079 Meet at the parking lot near the old swimming pool in Swinney Park West — near 2200 W. Jefferson Blvd. • 8 miles May 20, 2014 Public Restroom 24 United States Post Office 12 Fort Wayne Museum of Art Facebook.com/FortWayneTrails Twitter: @FortWayneTrails FWTrails.org/maps/businesses FWTrails.org Meet at the Salomon Farm parking lot at 817 W. Dupont Rd by the trailhead kiosk in the first parking lot of W. Dupont Rd. Additional parking is available behind the historic barn. • 8 miles Meet at the trailhead in Rockhill Park near 1400 Catalpa St, which is just east of the intersection of W. Jefferson Blvd and Freeman St. • 9 miles ST MAR YS RIVE R Fort Wayne already has 81 miles of trails, but there are more community centers to connect. Will you help us? Now is the perfect time to get involved. D O N AT E T O DAY AT: SWINNEY PARK W TRAILHEAD Meet at the trailhead parking lot near 1400 Catalpa St. • 9 miles . (about $125 per foot!) Meet at the parking lot near the Conklin Pavilion on the south side of the park — near 6401 St. Joe Rd. 9 miles July 1, 2014 ROCKHILL PARK TRAILHEAD ED R T R A I L S D O CO S T MONEY TO BUILD Trails provide safe and healthy forms of recreation and transportation. Meandering along rivers and weaving through forests and grasslands, our trails connect us to each other and put us in touch with the natural beauty of our region. Little wonder, then that our trails attract visitors, promote business investment and raise property values. SHOAFF PARK SALOMON FARM PARK ROCKHILL PARK TRAILHEAD IEM . but GOOD FOR COMMUNITY. GOOD FOR BUSINESS. GOOD FOR YOU! Septemver 23,2014 ROCKHILL PARK TRAILHEAD May 6, 2014 July 8, 2014 TH D DR FREE 2006 - before trails September 2, 2014 Meet at the Towpath Trailhead in Rockhill Park. • 8 miles May 13, 2014 Landmarks AY R W OL D. TRAILS FOR Water Fountain 25 University of Saint Francis 13 Auer Center for Arts & Culture ↘ Fort Wayne Trails, Inc. HQ DW YS R IVE G R IS B LV Tuesdays this summer at 6:00 pm CA N U S E T H E Trail-friendly business OA ER ST M AR RIV LTA EVERYONE Automobile Parking BR ST. J OSE PH DE Trek the Trails A1 You’re not done yet! Sign waiver on opposite side . $5