Voted Missoula`s Best Festival


Voted Missoula`s Best Festival
Missoula Hempfest Magazine
Vol. 1 - 2008
Printed with soy inks
on 95% recycled newsprint
Montana Hemp Council
Montana Hemp Council is a 501(c)(3)
organization dedicated to promoting
education and dispelling myths regarding industrial hemp.
We want Montanans to know the benefits, history, uses, and politics of agricultural and industrial hemp.
MHC is working to expedite the creation of administrative rules for the
production of hemp in Montana. We
advocate that the U.S. Congress amend
the Controlled Substance Act to
exclude hemp.
PO Box 8431
Missoula MT 59807
Content compiled by
Unrivaled hemp information site
Table Of Contents
Hemp History
Hemp Economics
Hemp Food
Hemp Is Not Marijuana
Hemp Basic Information
State Hemp Legislation
Advertising Index
Voted Missoula’s Best Festival
Authentic Creations - pg 16
Craig Shannon - pg 4
Good Food Store – pg 2
Hemp Industries Assn. - pg 6
Hemp Traders - pg 12
Independent – pg 2
Kent Bros. Automotive - pg 5
Kettle House - pg 16
KGBA - pg 14
Meadowsweet Herbs - pg 7 - pg 11
Nutiva - pg 13
Trail 103 - pg 15
West Coast Hemp - pg 5
For Western Montanans
who want more from
their local newspaper
Free thinking
Missoula Hempfest 2008
Chronology of Hemp use and
politics throughout history
There is no doubt in our minds that,
from the beginning of human existence until 1937, hemp was the most
important crop that man used. Food,
fuel, clothing, shelter -- all available
in a package the size of a peppercorn, which will grow anywhere man
can live. When the US politicians
regain some sanity, the queen of
crops will return from exile.
Earliest History
10,000 BC: In Taiwan, the earliest
know hemp relic in existence.
8000 BC: In China, the earliest
known cloth fabric is woven from
8000 BC: Early records show
hemp remains in Catal Huyuk in
Middle East.
5500 BC: Earliest known depiction
of hemp in existence from
Kyushu Island, Japan
4500 BC: China: Hemp
is used for rope and
4000 BC: China uses
hemp foods.
c. BC: Hemp rope was
used in the construction
of the pyramids
because its great
strength was ideal for
working with large
blocks of stone.
2800 BC: China makes first rope
from hemp fiber.
2700 BC: China: Hemp was used
for fiber, oil, and as a medicine.
Examples of each were purposefully left in tombs with bodies.
1000 BC: Hemp is cultivated in
2800 BC: Lu Shi (500 AD) mentions an Emperor who taught people to use hemp.
1200 BC: Hemp cloth found in
tomb of Pharaoh Alchanaten at El
amarona. Records of apothecary
form the time of Ramses III suggest hemp's use for an ophthalmic
c. 1100 BC: City of Carthage uses
hemp to dominate Mediterranean
Sea as hemp is used in ships,
rope, and as medicine.
650 BC: Hemp is mentioned in
cuneiform tablets.
450 BC: Greek
exclaims that
"hemp garments
are as fine as
linen." From Asia
to Afghanistan to
Egypt, hemp was
widely cultivated
for its fiber.
c. 400 BC: Buddha
was nourished with
300 BC: A
Carthaginian galley sank near
Sicily was found with hemp
onboard that was still identifiable
after 2,300 years of salt water
200 BC: Greek Moschion wrote of
hemp ropes used in the flagship
Syracusi, and other ships of the
fleet of Hiero II.
2nd Century BC: Roman writer
Pausanaius noted hemp was
grown in Elide.
100 BC: Chinese make paper (oldest surviving piece) from hemp
and mulberry.
1st Century AD: Pliny recommends
hemp from Alabanda, a city of
Cairn, in Asia Minor as the best
1st Century AD: Lucius Columella
writing during the time of
Agustus put forward hemp cultivation methods.
70: Hemp cultivated for the first
time in England. By 400, hemp
was a well-established crop.
3rd Century: Sample of
hemp paper with
Sanskrit characters in
500-1000: Hemp cultivation spreads throughout
600: Germans, Franks,
Vikings, etc. make
paper, sails, rope, etc.
from Hemp.
6th century: A hempreinforced bridge is
built in France. The bridge actually petrified and is still strong
716: Shoes are constructed from
hemp in Europe.
8th Century: Vikings use hemp’s
strength as rope, sails, and rigging to ravage Europe for centuries.
7th Century: First known mention
of hemp as a medicine in work of
Suskota in India.
8th Century: Arabs
conquer Chinese
craftsman and learn
to make paper from
8th Century: Japan
Princess Shotoku
sponsored the first
recorded printing in her country
using hemp. Japan continued to
use hemp throughout thier history. Shinto priests, and royal family wore special hempen
10th Century: A treatise on
hunting by Syrian Sid
Mohammed El Mangali
records hemp's use for
game netting, and hemp
seeds for bird lime. Hemp
was used in these times in
the mid-east as food, lamp
oil, paper and medicine.
1000: Europe introduces
hemp butter.
1000: The English word 'Hempe'
first listed in a dictionary.
1150: Moslems use Hemp to start
Europe's first paper mill. Most
paper is made from hemp for next
850 years.
Middle Ages: Knights drank hemp
1215: Magna Charta was printed
on Hemp paper.
14-15th Century: Renaissance
artists committed their masterpieces to hemp canvas.
1456: Guttenberg Bible printed on
hemp paper.
1492: Hemp sails and ropes make
Columbus's trip to America possible (other fibers would have
Missoula Hempfest 2008
Craig Shannon
Exclusively Criminal Defense
Missoula, Montana
decayed somewhere in midAtlantic).
1494: Hemp papermaking starts in
1535: Henry VIII passes an act
stating that all landowners must
sow 1/4 acre, or be fined.
1537: Hemp receives the name
Cannabis Sativa, the scientific
name that stands today.
1563: Queen Elizabeth I decrees
that land owners with 60 acres or
more must grow hemp or else
face a £5 fine.
1564: King Philip of Spain follows
lead of Queen Elizabeth and
orders hemp to be grown
throughout his Empire from modern-day Argentina to Oregon.
16th Century: Hemp has wide cultivation in Europe for its fiber
and its seed, which was cooked
with barley and other grains and
c. 1600: Galileo's scientific observation notes written on hemp
16th-18th Century: Hemp was a
major fiber crop in Russia,
Europe and North America.
Ropes and sails were made of
hemp because of its great strength
and its resistance to rotting.
Hemp's other historical uses were
of course paper (bibles, government documents, bank notes) and
textiles (paper, canvas), but also
paint, printing inks, varnishes,
and building materials. Hemp
was a major crop until the 1920's,
supplying the world with its main
supply of food and fiber (80% of
clothing was made from Hemp).
17th Century: Dutch Masters, such
as Van Gogh and Rembrandt,
painted on hemp canvas. In fact
the word canvas derives from the
word "cannabis".
1807: Napoleon signs
a Treaty with
Russia, which cuts
off all legal Russian
hemp trade with
Britain. Then The
Czar refuses to
enforce the Treaty
and turns a blind eye
to Britain's illegal
trade in Hemp.
Russian hemp was
known to be superior for maritime use because it was water
retted, not dew retted as in the
rest of the world.
1812 -- 24th June: Napoleon
invades Russia aiming to put an
end to Britain's main supply of
Hemp. By the end of the year the
Russian winter and army had
destroyed most of Napoleon's
invading forces. The Royal Navy
depended on the Russian hemp to
stay afloat during their war with
the U.S., the War of 1812.
The Americas
1545: Hemp was introduced into
Chile, then in 1554 to Peru.
1606: French Botanist Louis
Hebert planted the first hemp
crop in North America in Port
Royal, Acadia (present-day Nova
1611: British start cultivating hemp
in Virginia.
1631: Hemp used for bartering
throughout American Colonies.
1619: It became illegal in
Jamestown, Virginia not to grow
hemp because it was such a vital
resource. Massachusetts and
Connecticut passed similar laws
in 1631, and 1632.
17-18th Century: Hemp was legal
tender in most of the Americas. It
was even
used to
pay taxes,
to encourage farmers to
more, to
1715, 1726 and 1730: Pro-hemp
acts were signed to cut European
imports, to help the struggling
colonies, who spun hemp cloth,
and printed bibles and maps on
hemp paper, drive for self-sufficiency.
1720 - 1870: Every township in
Lancaster County
Pennsylvania grew
hemp, flourishing
just before the
Revolution. There
were more than 100
mills that processed
hemp fiber.
1775: Hemp was first
grown in Kentucky.
18th Century:
Benjamin Franklin
started the first
Hemp paper mill.
This allowed America to have its
own supply of paper (not from
England) for the colonial press.
Thomas Paine's patriotic literature, which helped spark the revolution, was printed on hemp.
1776: Declaration of Independence
drafted on Hemp paper. The U.S.
Constitution was also printed on
hemp paper fourteen years later.
18th Century: Betsy Ross sews
first American flag out of hemp.
1791: President Washington sets
duties on
Hemp to
grew hemp on their plantations.
“Make the most of the hemp
seed. Sow it everywhere.” -George Washington
“Hemp is of first necessity to the
wealth and prosperity of the
nation.” -- Thomas Jefferson
1801: Canada, on behalf of the
King of England, distributed
hemp seed free to farmers.
19th Century: Hemp became the
first crop to be subsidized in
1802: Two extensive ropewalks
were built in Lexington
Kentucky. There was also
announced a machine that could
break "eight thousand weight of
hemp per day" a huge quantity
for the time.
1812: War of: Sailors outfitted and
propelled the U.S. frigate
Constitution "Old Ironsides" with
more than 60 tons of hempen
rope and sail.
Early 19th Century: The advent of
steam and oil powered ships
reduced demand for hempen rigging.
19th Century: Center of hemp production shifted to the Midwest.
1835: Hemp spreads to Missouri.
Hemp grown at Californian missions.
1850: The United States Census
counted 8,327 hemp plantations
growing it for cloth, canvas, and
other necessities.
After 1850: Hemp lost ground to
cheaper products made of cotton,
jute, sisal and petroleum. Hemp
was processed by hand, which
was very labor intensive and costly, not lending itself towards
modern commercial production.
1863: Abraham Lincoln wrote the
Missoula Hempfest 2008
Emancipation Proclamation under
light of hemp oil lamp.
1875: Hemp is introduced to
Champaign IL, Minnesota by
1880, Nebraska by 1887,
California by 1912, and
Wisconsin and Iowa by the early
Late 19th Century: The American
west was tamed with hemp lassos
and hemp canvas covered wagons. Hemp oil was used extensively in lighting oil, paints, and
Late 19th & early 20th centuries:
Increasing labor costs encouraged
a gradual shift away from hemp
to cotton, jute, and tropical fibers
which were less labor intensive.
Hemp was used
only for cordage,
bagging cotton,
and specialty
products like
birdseed and
1892: Rudolph
Diesel invented
diesel engine,
intended especially for vegetable and seed
1915: California
1916: Recognizing
that timber supplies are finite,
USDA Bulletin 404 calls for new
program of expansion of Hemp to
replace uses of timber by industry.
1917: American George W.
Schlichten patented a new
machine for separating the fiber
from the internal woody core
("hurds"), reducing labor costs by
over 90% and increasing fiber
yield by 600%. That, combined
with new technology to fashion
paper and plastics from hempderived cellulose, gradually
breathed new life into the industry.
1919: Texas outlaws cannabis.
1920-1940: Economic power is
consolidated in hands of small
number of steel, oil and muni-
tions companies, such as Dupont,
which became the US's primary
munitions manufacturer. Dupont
developed and patented fuel additives such as tetraethyl lead and
other petroleum based products
like nylon, cellophane and plastics during this time. Mexican
rebels seize prime timberland
from land belonging to newspaper magnate, paper and timber
baron, William Randolph Hearst.
1920-1970: Oil Barons Rockefeller,
Standard Oil, and Rothschild of
Shell, etc., realized the possibilities of Henry Ford's vision of
cheap methanol fuel, so they kept
oil prices at between one dollar
and four dollars a barrel (almost
42 gallons in a
barrel), so that
no other energy
source could
compete with it,
until 1970, after
all competition
was erased,
when the price
of oil jumped to
almost $40/barrel over the next
10 years.
1931: Andrew
Mellon, The
Secretary, and
Head of Bank of
which lent
Dupont 80% of its money,
appoints his niece's husband,
Harry J. Anslinger, to head newly
formed Federal Bureau of
Narcotics (later becoming the
1930s: Following action by the
Federal Bureau of Narcotics and
a campaign by William Randolph
Hearst, propaganda is created
against hemp from companies
with vested interest in the new
petroleum-based synthetic textiles. Even though hemp reinvented itself, thanks to new technology that eased processing and
expanded its use, the timber
(Hearst) and oil interests
(Dupont, Anslinger, Mellon)
crushed competition from plant-
West Coast Hemp
a green company
Highest quality hemp and organic fiber
clothing, backpacks, travel bags
and other outdoor gear
Complete Haybale Home plans.
To-code eco-friendly, very fire resistant,
solar or traditional power-ready,
cost-efficient "green homes"
Orb landscape and individual photos
based cellulose by demonizing
marijuana, and paralleling its use
to Mexican immigrants and later
Black jazz musicians. The effects
of marijuana are demonized with
such movies as "Marijuana:
assassin of youth," Devil's weed,"
and "Reefer Madness."
Throughout this assault hemp's
link to marijuana is exaggerated.
1937: DuPont Corporation patents
processes for making plastics
from oil and coal. The Marijuana
Tax Act is passed, a prohibitive
tax on hemp in the USA, effectively destroying the industry.
Anslinger testifies to congress
that 'Marijuana' is the most violence causing drug known to
man. The objections by the
American Medical Association
(The AMA only realized that
'Marijuana' was in fact Cannabis
or Hemp two days before the start
of hearing) and the National Oil
Seed Institute are rejected.
1937 - late 60s: US government
understood and acknowledged
that Industrial Hemp and marijuana were not the same plant.
1938: Popular Mechanics magazine, nearly at the same time as
the Marijuana tax act goes into
effect, touts hemp as first "billion
dollar crop" and lists over 25,000
In 1938: Canada prohibits marijuana, and thus hemp production,
under the Opium and Narcotics
Control Act.
1940: World production of hemp
peaked at about 832,000 tons of
1941: Popular Mechanics
Magazine reveals details of
Henry Ford's plastic car made
using hemp and fueled from
hemp. Henry Ford continued to
illegally grow hemp for some
years after the Federal ban, hoping to become independent of the
petroleum industry.
1941-1945: Hemp for Victory
During World War II, Japan cut
off our supplies of vital hemp and
coarse fibers. The hemp was
needed for making, among other
things, rope, webbing, and canvas, to be used on navy ships. So
a program was started to grow
Missoula Hempfest 2008
the infrastructure to realize the
current potential for industry.
1996: Canada makes industrial
hemp a legal crop.
1996: Pine Ridge Indian
Reservation legalized hemp.
hemp for military use under the
banner of "Hemp For Victory".
After the war, licenses were subsequently revoked; concurrent
with the last hemp crops being
grown in the U.K.
The U. S. Department of
Agriculture released an educational film called "Hemp for
Victory", which showed farmers
how to grow and harvest industrial hemp. Hemp harvesting
machinery was made available at
low or no cost. From 1942 to
1945, farmers who agreed to
grow hemp were waived from
serving in the military, along with
their sons; that's how vitally
important hemp was to America
during World War II. The fields
of hemp were termed victory gardens, as were the backyard vegetable gardens also urged by the
1942: Patriotic farmers plant
36,000 acres of seed hemp, an
increase of several thousand percent from the previous year.
1943: Both the US and German
governments urge their patriotic
farmers to grow hemp for the war
effort. The US shows farmers a
short film - 'Hemp for Victory'
which the government later pretends never existed. The United
States government has published
numerous reports and other documents on hemp dating back to the
beginnings of our country.
1945: The war ends and so does
"Hemp for Victory". Feral hemp,
"ditch weed", still lines the back
roads, waterways, and irrigation
ditches of most Midwestern
states, 60 years descended from
"Hemp for Victory!"
1961: UN treaty allows for the cultivation of industrial hemp.
1968: The last legal hemp crop is
grown in Minnesota.
1970: The Controlled Substances
Act (CSA) of 1970 recognizes
Roulac, John: Hemp Horizons
Schoenrock Ruth, Hemp in
Minnesota During the Wartime
Stratford, Peter. Psychedelics
Encyclopedia (ISBN 0-911417151-8)
Yearbook of the Dept of
Agriculture, 1913
US Dept of Agriculture, Bureau of
Plant Industry,
Bulletin #153,
Resources for Hemp Chronology
industrial hemp as marijuana,
Abel, Ernest. Marijuana, The First
despite the fact that a specific
12,000 Years (Plenum Press, New
exemption for hemp was included
York 1980)
in the CSA under the definition of
marijuana. "Marijuana Transfer
Tax" declared unconstitutional by
the US Supreme Court.
Lifeline to
The following
1971: In Canada, cannabis, thus
book is a
industrial hemp, became caught
must-read for
up in the politics of the Opiate
anyone who
laws and became classed as a
wants to know
restricted plant under the misuse
a detailed hisof drugs act.
Herer, Jack:
tory of hemp.
1970s: 'Spinning Jenny' is invented
over again.
and cotton prices fall dramatical(©1985
ly, making hemp's demise in the
Nuys CA)
Victory. Whitaker Publishing,
Americas complete.
London. 2006.
Early 1990s: Global hemp producWest of the Alleghenies, 1805
tion sank to its lowest level.
Brent. A study of the past,
Hemp's Revival
and future of the
1991: Hempcore become the first
hemp industry in Kentucky, 1905
British company to obtain a
Bob, "Dr. Hemp", experlicense to grow hemp.
U. of MN 1960-1968
Since 1992: France, the
Netherlands, England,
Switzerland, Spain, and
Germany have passed legislation allowing for the commercial cultivation of low-THC
hemp. In fact, the E.U. has
recently been promoting hemp
cultivation by providing subsidies of approximately $1400
per hectare to grow hemp.
1992: 124,000 tonnes of hemp
fiber are produced by mainly
India, China, Russia, Korea
and Romania, countries where
the cultivation of hemp has
never been prohibited.
1994: 1 license granted to
Canadian company, Hempline
Inc., to grow low-THC hemp
under the strict supervision of
the authorities, for research
purposes only. President
Clinton included hemp as a
strategic food source in an
executive order.
1995: In England, The Cornish
Henry Ford demonstrates the dent-resistance qualities of the hemp-composite car body
Hemp Company Ltd was set
he built in 1941. Ford believed that we could grow much of our manufacturing material in
up to produce hemp and set up hemp fields and forests.
Missoula Hempfest 2008
Hemp Will Make
American Farmers
Good Money
Hemp Markets Are Growing
Hemp food sales grew by 55% from Dec.
2006 to Dec. 2007, or by $3.4 million, to a
total of $9.7 million in ‘07. The sales data,
collected by the market research firm
SPINS, was obtained from natural food
stores only, excluding Whole Foods
Market and mass-market food and pharmacy stores, and thus under-represents actual
sales by a factor of two to three. The total
hemp foods market is estimated to be $2030 million.
CanAgriculture, Agri-Food
Canada and Statistics Canada data all show
that the quantity of hemp seed exports
increased 300%, and hemp oil exports
increased 85% from 2006 to 2007.
The data on annual retail sales of
hemp food compiled by Leson & Associates shows a 50% increase, from an estimated $8 million during the 12-month reference period in 2003/04 to almost $12
million in 2004/05. During the same period, retail sales of hemp body care products
grew by 15% from $35 million to about
$40 million. Market wide data on the much
larger sales of hemp fiber-based products
such as clothing, paper and auto parts was
not part of this new research.
U.S. Retail Hemp Sales Are Estimated
At $300 Million/year
It is unfair that trucks full of Canadian
hemp can deliver industrial hemp to
American markets, while American farmers miss out on this $300 million market.
Hemp Is Being Used In Millions Of
Cars In N. America!
Industrial hemp is used in the natural fiber
composites that have rapidly replaced
fiberglass as the material of choice for
Hemp Seed and Oil Are Very
Hempseed food products have significantly more of all 8 Essential Amino Acids
(EAAs) than its closest competitors. That
is, hemp foods have more luecine, lysine,
threonine, phen+tyro, valine, isoleucine,
and tryptophan than eggs, tofu, human
milk, and cow’s milk, while providing the
types and amount of amino acids the body
needs to make serum albumin, and serum
globulins, two other essential amino acids.
Essential means that the body needs to
ingest these things because it can’t make
them itself. Hemp protein contains all 20
know amino acids.
vehicle interiors. Hemp hurds, the interior
woody core of the hemp stalk surrounded
by the fiber, is over 50% cellulose, the
building block of paper, plastics, and biocomposites. European plants are making
hemp auto panels that are biodegradable,
half the weight, more durable, and safer
than fiberglass counterparts. At least three
million cars in North America already have
hemp-based components in them!
Canadian Hemp Cultivation Continues
To Grow
Hemp cultivation exceeds 50,000 acres in
Canada, compared to 24,000 acres in 2005,
4,000 acres in 2002. Europe hemp cultivation is now estimated at 40,000 acres.
Canadian Farmers Reporting Net
Profits Of $200 - $250 Per Acre
Saskatchewan Hemp Association holds that
the hemp market is vulnerable to price
fluctuations dependent in part on supply.
Successful hemp farmers in Saskatchewan
have emphasized quality, and created
enduring relationships with buyers. In 2005
production was contracted at $0.45/ib for
conventional, and $0.85/ib for certified
organic hemp seed. A good yield is about
800-900 lbs an acre, but average yields of
500-600 lbs. are more common.
.85 x 900 = $765/acre is the top end.
.45 x 500 = $225/acre as the low end.
According to Shaun Crew of
Hemp Oil Canada and Mike Fata of
Manitoba Harvest, in 2004 the average
yield was 750-900 ibs of seed per acre.
45 lbs of seed are needed to produce
1 gallon of oil.
750 ib = 16.6 gallons. 900 ib = 20 gallons.
The average price of hemp oil was
$40/gallon in 2004.
16.6 x $40 = $664/acre.
20 x $40 = $800/acre.
The production costs per acre were estimated at $200 per acre. Thus profits
would average between $434-600/acre.
Add to this whatever a producer can get
for the hemp stalks.
With over 31% total protein, hemp
comes in second only to soy in total protein
of any food source. 65% of the proteins in
hemp foods are globulin edistin ( Greek
“edestos,” for
edible). Edistin
is considered to
be the most easily digestible
protein. 35% of
the protein in
hemp is albumin, another of
the most easily
digestible proteins. Soy protein, on the
other hand con-
Yield Expectations
Hemp grain yields over the years have
been variable. Yields in Canada have been
reported from 100 to 1,100 pounds per
acre. New growers should expect 300-400
lbs/acre grain yield (clean, dry basis),
while the experienced farmer using the
best of current varieties could be in excess
of 600 lbs/acre (clean, dry basis). Check
out for yearly yield data from
Canada (source Health Canada).
Hemp Is The Ultimate Green Crop
Hemp is the ideal green cop because it can
produce food, fiber, pulp, and cellulose for
thousand of industries without using toxic
pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or even
fertilizer if grown in a proper crop rotation.
Hemp amazingly doesn’t need toxic chemicals in its processing either. Because it
doesn’t require toxic crop chemicals it
lends itself to the explosion of organic food
market, and the organic clothing markets.
Hemp Is Tops In Cellulosic Biomass
In Midwest
In Montana, and in the Midwest,
agricultural hemp would produce the most
cellulosic biomass of any plant, which
would make farmers the most possible
money per acre. Cellulose is the building
blocks of paper, plastics, and bio-composites (auto panels). Biomass is plant matter.
The more plant matter a crop produces per
acre, the more money the farmer gets. The
higher that biomass is in cellulose, the
more money the farmer generates.
that processing and manufacturing facilities be within a 200-500 mile radius to be
cost effective. This would create several
green local and regional transportation,
processing, and manufacturing facilities
that would be built up around the reemergence of agricultural hemp.
Hemp Is The Ideal Crop For The 21st
Hemp farming is ideal because it distributes money from the bottom up starting
with the farmer, who stands to make much
more money if hemp were legal. Next in
line are the local and regional transportation, processing, and manufacturing industries that would be created if hemp were
legal. Hemp farming could help bridge the
gap between the rich and the poor and
make the American farming industry viable
again, and all without harming the environment.
There Are 1000’s of American Hemp
Companies Already
American and Montanan hemp businesses
could greatly benefit from state/U.S. grown
hemp. In Montana there are several businesses that sell hemp, many are sponsors
of the Missoula hempfest, including: The
Kettle House, Authentic Creations, The
Good Food Store, etc. The hemp industry
is clearly ready to expand. It is fast becoming a part of a brighter tomorrow.
Hemp Farming Would Build Up New
Green Montana Industries
Hemp’s biomass is very bulky and requires
Huge Corporations Want Hemp
Interface, Inc., a $1.2 billion carpet business, has researched and tested hemp as a
fabric for its carpets, and wants to use
domestically-cultivated industrial hemp in
its productions.
tains tryspin inhibitors that block protein
absorption, and oligosaccharides, which
cause upset stomach and gas. Hemp protein
is more easily digested, making it the best
source of protein on the planet, especially
considering that hemp seed is the only food
source that contains all 10 EAAs and all 4
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). Wow!
Missoula Hempfest 2008
Hemp is not
seeds. This in itself should make hemp’s
production in America legal.
There is no good reason why
hemp is illegal.
• Both industrial hemp and marijuana
are from the same genus and species,
Cannabis sativa, but each has evolved
over thousands of years of cultivation into
completely different plants. It is like comparing a St. Bernard to a Chihuahua, both
Canis familiaris, different varieties of the
same species, but obviously different.
• Let’s face it; hemp remains illegal
because people are confused. If the vast
majority of Americans realized that hemp
was not marijuana it would be taxed and
regulated like everything else.
Barring hemp production in the U.S.
based on the assumption that its association with marijuana would confuse children, or send the wrong message to them
is illogical and absurd. Just look at poppy
seed farming.
• Comparing hemp to marijuana is like
comparing field corn to sweet corn. When
alcohol prohibition was started no one
suggested the idea of banning corn, which
is made into whisky and alcohol, because
reason tells us that it is not the plant, but
what you do with it that is important.
• Poppy seed plants are related to
opium plants that produce heroin. When
people started failing drug tests because of
poppy seed ingestion, the government did
a rational thing and raised the level of opiates allowable in one’s system. It did not
outlaw poppy seeds. Hemp should be a
viable crop for Americans, as are poppies.
Of course, hemp
is much more
Essential amino acid comparison
nutritious than
poppy seeds, and
Graph courtesy Hempoil Canada
heroin is much
more dangerous
than pot, which is
the safest therapeutic substance
know to man.
• The buds of the marijuana plant are
what a person uses to get “high,” not the
parts that are useful in hemp farming:
Seeds, oil, fiber, cellulose pulp, etc.
Different parts of the cannabis plant are
expressly allowed under the Controlled
Substance Art of 1970 – the fiber and
milligrams per gram
Hemp Nut
Egg Whites
Tofu, regular
Human Milk
Cow’s Milk, whole
Hemp Nut
Egg Whites
Tofu, regular
Human Milk
Cow’s Milk, whole
Hemp Nut
Egg Whites
Tofu, regular
Human Milk
Cow’s Milk, whole
Hemp Nut
Egg Whites
Tofu, regular
Human Milk
Cow’s Milk, whole
Hemp Nut
Egg Whites
Tofu, regular
Human Milk
Cow’s Milk, whole
Hemp Nut
Egg Whites
Tofu, regular
Human Milk
Cow’s Milk, whole
Hemp Nut
Egg Whites
Tofu, regular
Human Milk
Cow’s Milk, whole
Hemp Nut
Egg Whites
Tofu, regular
Human Milk
Cow’s Milk, whole
Hemp provides significantly more of all 8 EAAs than its closest competitors, while
providing the types and amount of amino acids the body needs to make serum albumin and serum globulins, two other amino acids essential to life. Hemp protein contains all 20 known amino acids.
Comparison of protein
content of various foods
Graph courtesy Hempoil Canada
Over 35 Countries allow hemp
production including: Australia,
Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile,
China, Czech Republic, Estonia,
Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France,
Germany, Ireland, Great Britain,
Hungary, India, Italy, Latvia, Korea,
Netherlands New Zealand, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Russia,
Slovakia, South Africa, Slovenia,
Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey,
Ukraine, Uruguay, Vietnam, Laos,
and Cameroon.
• Agricultural or industrial hemp typically contains around .03% THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, which has a typical content of 3 to 20%. Hemp can’t get a person
“high” because of its low THC content
and it contains CBD, a different cannabinoid that blocks the effects of THC.
65% of the proteins in hemp foods are in the form of globulin edistin (the word edistin comes from the Greek word "edestos," which means edible). Edistin is considered by many to be the most easily digestible protein, but more research needs to be
done. The other 35% is albumin, one of the most easily digested proteins. Soy has
more protein (35%), but soy protein contains tryspin inhibitors that block protein
absorption, and oligosaccharides, which cause upset stomach and gas. Hemp protein is more easily digested making it the best source for protein on the planet.
America is the only industrialized nation on Earth
that does not allow hemp cultivation!
Upon research, one easily ascertains that the “marijuana” policy put
forth by the government has no basis.
• “Marijuana” is the number one cash
crop in the U.S. annually.
• “Marijuana” is the only illegal drug
that a person can’t O.D. on, and it doesn’t create a physical addiction like other
• An estimated 10% of Americans use
pot regularly.
• “Marijuana” makes life bearable for
tens of thousands of people with AIDS,
(Hemp Food Continued)
Hemp seeds have over 30% oil,
of which over 80% is essential fatty
acids, the highest content of any
food source. Hemp seed foods offer
a complete source of EFAs with
optimal amounts of Omega-6,
Omega-3, Omega-9, and GLA. EFAs
must be obtained from the diet, and
hemp foods have the a 3-to-1 ration
of Omega-6-to-Omega-3 that health
experts recommend.
EFAs support the immune system
and guard against viral infections,
like cancer and AIDS. EFAs are also
anti-mutagenic, anti-bacterial, and
anti-fungal. They are required for the
structure and function of every cell
in the body. EFAs are essential to tissue growth, cell membrane development, and metabolism. EFAs aid in
cardiovascular health, lower serum
cholesterol, and blood pressure, help
diabetes, arthritis, skin conditions,
such as eczema, and psoriasis, help
improve brain function, and are crucial to infant development. EFAs
also help organ muscles to contract,
undergoing cancer therapy, with painful
neural condition, and for a wider variety
of patients with a wider variety of medical conditions than does any known palliative.
• “Marijuana” has been used religiously for thousands of years.
• None of the other nation on that
grow industrial hemp have any problem
enforcing pot laws due to hemp cultivation.
• It is baffling that we in America
can use a failed drug policy to justify a
bad farm policy!
regulate stomach acid, maintain
body temperature, and regulate hormone levels, while aiding in fat
transportation and metabolism.
EFAs aid in the following conditions: addiction, arthritis, attention
deficit disorder, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, constipation, diabetes,
diarrhea, earache, edema, fatigue,
immune deficiency, menopause,
PMS, MS, neurodermatitis, arthritis,
atopic eczema, psoriasis, rheumatoid
arthritis, ulcers, coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. EFA’s also
help guard against brittle and dull
hair and nails, dandruff, allergies,
and possibly dermatitis.
The other basic components of
food, beyond protein and fat, are carbohydrates, which provide energy,
and fiber, which promotes regularity,
of which hemp has a good amount of
each. The typical composition of the
hulled hemp seed is as follows: 44%
fat, 33% protein, 12% carbohydrates,
of which 79% is dietary fiber, 5%
ash, and 5% moisture. Hemp seed
also contains good amounts of
Vitamin A, B1, and B2, phosphorus,
magnesium, and calcium, as well as
some iron, zinc, Vitamin B6, E, D,
and C.
The easiest way to get hemp
foods into your diet is to add soft
hemp or hulled hemp (hemp seeds
with the shell removed) to foods you
already eat. The newest easiest way
to ingest hemp is to buy hemp milk.
It is an ideal way to obtain all 10
EAAs and all 4 EFAs, and it is available at most health food stores
across the country.
Hemp can be eaten as oil by
adding it to pastas or salad dressings
or simply taking a shot of the
healthy goodness. Pressed seed cake,
or hemp meal, is what remains after
the oil has been pressed out. Hemp
meal can be made into a powder or
flour and baked with at low temperatures, and fed to livestock.
Don’t fry, or cook any hemp seed
food product at temperatures above
100 degrees because it causes the
fatty acids to change into oils that
are very bad for your health.
Missoula Hempfest 2008
Food: Hemp seed provides nearly complete nutrition with all 10
essential amino acids, all 4 essential fatty acids (EFAs) in the
ratio recommended by health experts, and over 30% protein in
its most easily digestible forms, making hemp the ideal protein,
and ideal food for human consumption.
Feed: Hemp meal provides all the essential protein that livestock
requires, yet doesn’t require any antibiotics to digest. When
cows eat corn they cannot digest it, needing antibiotics to keep
from being sick, which makes the antibiotics less effective on
the humans that consume the beef. Hemp is also an excellent
animal bedding for horses.
Body Care: Because of hemp oils high EFA content, especially
GLA, hemp helps cells to communicate to rebuild cell membranes, which keeps the skin from getting dry by enabling skin
cells to hold onto moisture in their natural lipid layers.
Oil: Hemp oil can be made into non-toxic paints, varnishes, lubricants, and sealants. The paints last longer, and the sealants
are better absorbed by wood.
Fuel: Hemp biomass can produce electricity from sulfur-free charcoal, as well as ethanol, yet these industries will be the last to
develop due to the high value of hemp food. Hemp can easily
be made into biodiesel fuel as well.
Cars: European plants are making auto panels from hemp based
composites that are biodegradable, half the weight of, more
durable, and safer than fiberglass counterparts.
Plastics: Hemp hurds and fiber have over 50% cellulose, the
building blocks of plastics. Biodegradable hemp plastics could
reduce landfill waste and display unique strength characteristics. Oil based plastics produce biproducts of sulfur and carbon
monoxide and do not biodegrade.
Paper: Hemp pulp paper doesn’t require toxic bleaching chemicals
and lasts hundreds of years longer than paper made from
trees. It is stronger, and can be recycled many more times than
tree paper. An acre of hemp can produce as much pulp as an
acre of trees over a 20 year growing cycle!
Homes: Hempcrete homes, a mixture of hemp and lime, are fire,
water, and rodent proof, with excellent elasticity, strength and
breathability, which cuts energy costs. Washington State Univ.
found hemp board to be three times stronger than plywood.
Clothes: Hemp is among the longest, strongest, most elastic, and
most durable fibers in nature. Hemp is stronger, more durable,
softer, more UV protective, warmer, and won’t mildew or rot like
cotton fiber, which requires 25% of the worlds crop chemicals.
State Legislation in
Half of all States in America, twentyeight, have introduced hemp legislation, fifteen have passed legislation;
and eight (Hawaii, Kentucky, Maine,
Maryland, Montana, North Dakota,
Vermont and West Virginia) have
removed barriers to its production or
1. Hawaii: On July 7, 1999, Governor
Cayetano signed Senate Bill 1248 into law,
requiring the University of Hawaii to study
industrial hemp. On December 14, 1999,
the first hemp seeds were planted at the
research facility that was funded with a
$200,000 grant from hair care company
Alterna. HI is the only state to ever get a
DEA test plot. The plot was operated from
’99 to ’04 under Dr. David West. The plot
was not renewed by the DEA due to lack
of investment funds.
2. North Dakota: ND, one of the first
states to pass industrial hemp legislation,
leads the way in terms of hemp legislation.
North Dakota is now issuing licenses to
farmers to grow hemp under existing state
law and North Dakota Department of
Agriculture rules.
North Dakota's first hemp law, passed in
1997, HB 1305, directed the State
University Agriculture Experiment Station
to do a study of industrial hemp production. In 1999 HCR 3033, and HB 1428
were passed, one a resolution urging
Congress to acknowledge the difference
between the agricultural crop known as
industrial hemp and its drug-type relative,
the second authorizing the production of
industrial hemp, and removing it from the
noxious weeds list. In 2001, HCR 3033
passed, another resolution similar to the
1999 resolution, and in 2005 HB 1492 was
passed allowing for feral hemp seed collection and breeding at NDSU.
In 2007 five hemp bills were passed
unanimously. SB 2099 clarifies that, in
addition to farmers, processors can seek a
state license to handle industrial hemp. HB
1490 allows anyone with a state license to
import and resell certified industrial hemp.
HB 1020 is the state's agricultural research
appropriations bill, included $300,000 for
the main research center to procure hemp
seed and produce a study by August 1,
2008. HCR 3028 again urges Congress to
recognize the multiple benefits of industrial hemp and to facilitate the growing of
industrial hemp and the expansion of
industries reliant on industrial hemp-based
products. HCR 3042 urges Congress to
direct the DEA to differentiate between
industrial hemp and marijuana.
Missoula Hempfest 2008
3. Maryland: Governor Parris
Glendening signed House Bill 1250 into
law on May 18, 2000. The law creates the
Industrial Hemp Pilot Program, authorizing
state agriculture official to design a program to grow hemp on state owned land
for research purposes.
4. Kentucky: Kentucky Gov. Paul Patton
signed House Bill 100 into law in 2001.
HB 100 establishes an Industrial Hemp
Commission, and requires the Kentucky
Agriculture Department and one of the
state's research universities to grow industrial hemp for study, and to explore the
economic benefits of hemp production.
5. Montana: SB 261 was passed into law
and signed by Gov. Martz on April 23,
2001. The bill authorizes the production of
industrial hemp as an agricultural crop, sets
up the licensing process; and requires the
department of agriculture to request a
change in federal law. However the creation of administrative rules for the production of hemp has not been set up as
charged by the Montana Legislature.
On February 17, 1999, the Montana
House passed House Resolution 2, urging
an end to federal prohibition of hemp.
6. West Virginia: In 2002, The Industrial
Hemp Development Act, which proclaims
that the use of industrial hemp can serve to
improve the state's economy and agricultural vitality, was passed into law. SB 447
permits the development of a regulated
industrial hemp industry while maintaining
strict control of marijuana.
7. Maine: Governor John Baldacci
signed bill LD 53 into law in 2003, which
allows experimentation in the cultivation
of industrial hemp by the Maine
Agriculture Center at the University of
8. Vermont: On May 29, 2008 the Hemp
For Vermont Bill was signed into law.
Vermont Governor Douglas allowed H
267, which permits the development of an
industrial hemp industry in Vermont, to
become law without his signature, according to the Attorney General's office and
Secretary of State.
VT has had hemp bills on the docket 8 of
the last 13 years, including the passage of a
hemp research bill (H 783) in ’96, and two
bills in ’98 (JRH 149) and ’00 (JRS 98)
that urge U.S. Congress to allow hemp
farming in the U.S.
The following states have also passed
hemp legislation:
9. California: In 2007, AB 684, would
have made California the 9th state to eliminate its barriers to state hemp production,
and the 2nd state (ND) to eliminate the
DEA from the regulating and licensing of
industrial hemp farming process, but it was
vetoed again by Gov. Schwarzenegger on
Oct. 11th, 2007, as was as similar bill, AB
1147, on Sept. 30th, 2006. In 2008, the
state legislature is considering the
Governor's veto.
In 1999, California Assemblywoman
Virginia Strom-Martin introduced HR 32.
The resolution declared, among other findings, that the legislature should consider
action to allow industrial hemp production
in California as an agricultural and industrial crop. The Assembly passed HR 32 the
following month. Then Assemblywoman
Strom-Martin introduced AB 448 in 2001
to license industrial hemp for commercial
purposes. The bill died in committee. In
2002, Assemblywoman Strom-Martin
introduced AB 388, requesting that the
University of California conduct an assessment of industrial hemp among other
crops. AB 388 ultimately passed the legislature but was vetoed by Governor Gray
Davis later that year.
10. Minnesota: On May 25, 1999,
Governor Jessie Ventura signed House File
878, the House Omnibus State Government
Finance Bill, which included an amendment requiring state officials to submit an
application for federal permits to grow
"experimental and demonstration plots of
industrial hemp." The bill was overturned
when Ventura left office after 2002.
11. New Mexico passed and signed a
hemp study memorial and Congressional
resolution urging Congress to allow hemp
production, HM 49, on March 6th, 2007.
A bill in 1998 that would have
given $50,000 to Univ. of NM for study
was vetoed by Gov. Johnson, which is puzzling considering he is an avid cannabis
12. Arkansas: In 1999 SR 13 was signed
into law requesting the Division of
Agriculture along with the Univ. of AR to
study the potential uses, and feasibility of
industrial hemp and Kenaf, including an
analysis of required soils and growing conditions, seed availability, harvest methods
and environmental benefits. The report was
requested by December 31, 2000.
13. Illinois: In March or 1999 SR 49 &
HR 168 were passed, forming a task force
to study the economic viability of industrial hemp production in IL, identify any
legal obstacles, and return recommendations by January 1, 2000.
In 2000, HR 553 was passed, urging congress to repeal restriction of hemp
In 2002, SB 1397 & HB 3377 passed,
requiring the University of Illinois and
Southern Illinois University to study the
feasibility and desirability of industrial
hemp production in Illinois. Gov. George
Ryan’s vetoed the measure twice, despite
changes to meet his objections upon his
first veto.
14. North Carolina: H 1723 & S 1572
were passed, and signed into law by Gov.
Easley on Aug. 16th 2006, which Creates
an independent commission to study the
beneficial uses of industrial hemp.
15. Virginia: HJ 605 passed in 2001,
which Requests the Commission on Rural
Prosperity to consider the growth and production of industrial hemp in VA as a
means to promote rural prosperity.
In 1998 HJ 94 passed, which
Memorializes the Secretary of Agriculture,
the Director of the DEA, and the Director
of the Office of National Drug Control
Policy to permit the controlled, experimental cultivation of industrial hemp in VA.
16. South Dakota: A committee rejected
plan to legalize growth of hemp in 2001.
In 2002, Initiated Measure One, which
would have eliminated state barriers to
hemp production, was voted down by SD
voters on the general ballot getting 39% of
the vote.
17. Nevada: Did not introduce a bill in
2008, but did add term industrial hemp to
definition of biomass in NV revised
18. South Carolina: H 3305, which permit development of industrial hemp industry was referred to Committee on Judiciary
on Jan. 10th 2008, and is still in committee
for consideration.
The following states have introduced
hemp legislation, but the bills were not
19. Arizona: ’01 (Vetoed by Gov.) ’02
20. New Hampshire: ’98, ’00, ’01, ’02,
’03, ’07, ’08
21. Oregon: ’97, ’01, ’03, ’06, ’07
22. Iowa: ’03, ’01, ’00, ’99
23. Wisconsin: ’02, ’07, and ‘08
24. Missouri: ’96, ’97, ’98
25. Idaho: ’01, ‘07
26. Colorado: ’95, ‘96
27. Nebraska: ’00
28. Kansas: ‘98
29. Tennessee: ’99
For more information
on state legislation,
Missoula Hempfest 2008
American Farm Bureau Drops Opposition
To Hemp
Delegates for the American Farm Bureau
Federation again adopted language endorsing
research and domestic cultivation of industrial
The AFB passed a resolution to “encourage research into the viability and economic
potential of industrial hemp production in the
US, including planting test plots using modern techniques.”
The AFB said they dropped their opposition to hemp because
farmers are in need of
alternative crops.
Hawaii Experimenting
with Hemp as Crop
Dec. 1999: DEA permits Hawaii to plant
industrial hemp. State
Rep. Cynthia Thielen, an
Oahu Republican, sponsored the bill creating the
Alex White Plume
university research project. The research project
received $200,000 from Alterna, a hair care
company that uses hemp seeds in products.
The project was created to attempt to develop
an agricultural hemp plant suited for Hawaii’s
The test plot was surrounded by a 12foot-high fence and infrared surveillance in
accordance with DEA rules, which allowed a
strict two-year permit. The DEA and the
White House’s Office of National Drug
Control Policy previously held that permitting
hemp farming would send the wrong signal to
young people and would allow marijuana
farmers to hide their crops with industrial
hemp plants.
Joe American Horse speaks
On April 14, Joe American Horse
announced on KILI Radio that to be sovereign the tribe must act
sovereign, so accordingly,
he will plant industrial
hemp seeds on April 29,
2000 to advance the
authority of the Oglala
Sioux Tribe in the matter
of jurisdiction over tribal
White Plume Hemp
Saga Begins
Woody Harrelson
Federal agents seized
at least 2,000 marijuana
plants from land on the Pine Ridge Indian
Reservation, with helicopters and machine
guns, costing taxpayers an estimated
$200,000. The contradictory nature of the
drug war came home to Pine Ridge August
24, 2000, as federal agents cut down and
seized the one-acre field of hemp plants
growing at Alex White Plume’s home near
Manderson, SD.
The landowner, Alex White Plume, called
them industrial-grade hemp plants and said
the Oglala Sioux Tribe allowed him to grow
the crop. The Tribal Council removed barriers
to industrial hemp production in 1998.
Former Governor Nunn (KT)
Delivers Hemp to Pine Ridge
A trailer full of Canadian
hemp was sent to the Pine Ridge
Indian Reservation, courtesy of the
Kentucky Hemp Growers
Cooperative Association and the
Madison Hemp & Flax Company.
The hemp replaced thousands
of plants seized by
federal authorities in
August from two
test plots on the
reservation. The
crop was to be used
for hemp bricks and
other building materials. Former Gov.
Nunn of Kentucky
turned over the trailer load of industrial
hemp to Milo
Yellowhair at Pine
Navajo Nation Goes Hemp
The Navajo Nation Council
approved amendments to Navajo
law, which distinguish between
industrial hemp and marijuana.
Harrelson Acquitted of Drug
On August 25, 2000, in
Beattyville, Kentucky, a Lee
County jury acquitted actor
Woody Harrelson on a misdemeanor charge of marijuana possession, ending his four-year court
battle to get the state to differentiate between hemp and marijuana.
Harrelson could have been sentenced to a year in jail and fined
$500 if convicted.
"I had the opportunity to talk to some
of the jurors afterward, and, regardless
of what the Supreme
Court says and regardless of what the legislators say, those people don't think it's
right that someone
should go to jail for
growing industrial
hemp," Harrelson said.
He planted four
hemp seeds in June, 1996, knowing he would be arrested, to challenge the law outlawing possession of any part of the cannabis
plant. The planting was videotaped
and shown to the jurors.
Through three courts, he had
argued that the statute is unconstitutional
because it does not distinguish between marijuana and hemp.
Former Gov. Louie Nunn, who was on
Harrelson's defense team, said he had expected the verdict. "Now it's time to start promoting the growth of hemp so we can have a
great economic future in Kentucky," Nunn
Hemp was one of the state's leading crops
throughout the 1800s.
Nader Campaigns For Industrial Hemp
Green Party presidential candidate Ralph
Nader criticizes federal agencies for making it
difficult for farmers to grow the crop. Nader
also spoke out against the raid on a South
Dakota Indian reservation in which federal
agents seized at least 2,000 plants described
as industrial-grade hemp plants by the crop’s
Anita Roddick Sends Letter to the DEA
Backing Hemp Bill In Kentucky
“My company, The Body Shop, has been
an international pioneer in the renaissance of
industrial hemp. We campaign so passionately
on its behalf not only because hempseed oil
has proved so successful for us—our hemp
range of skin care products will account for
almost 4 per cent of total sales in 2000 (our
annual sales in 1999 were $996 million)—but
also because we believe its countless applications make industrial hemp equally promising
for other businesses.”
Hemp Paper Sold At Staples
On Earth Day (April 22, 2001) more than
1,000 Staples Superstores across the country
offer reams of Vanguard Recycled Plus, a
90% post-consumer waste, 10% hemp paper
manufactured by Living Tree Paper Company,
from Eugene, Oregon. An acre of hemp crops
can produce as much paper as an acre of trees
over a 20 year growing cycle.
Italian Designer Giorgio Armani Starts
Cultivating Hemp in Italy
His company will take part in a consortium of farmers, seed producers and industrialists. This consortium will restart the hemp
cultivation in the Italian countryside forgotten
for decades.
So. Dak. Industrial Hemp Council Gets
Hemp Bill On State Ballot – Plants Hemp
In State Capitol Flower Bed
“We kicked off the petition drive by
planting hemp seeds at the Custer County
Court House a year ago. We’ll end it by planting hemp seeds at the state capitol building in
Pierre,” said Bob Newland, Founder of the
South Dakota Industrial Hemp Council,
whom adjourned to the base of the Capitol
steps facing Capitol Avenue in Pierre. There,
in a long, narrow flower bed about 20 feet
from the base of the steps, the group planted
more than 500 hemp seeds. Although SDIHC
Missoula Hempfest 2008
had notified both law enforcement and the
press of its intentions, there were no representatives of either law enforcement or the press
at the scene.
On April 16th, 2003, the Ninth Circuit
Court granted the hemp industry’s Motion
to Stay, putting the brakes on the DEA’s
rule that would ban the sale of hemp foods
within the United States. The new "Final
Rule," issued on March 21, 2003, is virtually identical to an "Interpretive Rule"
issued on October 9, 2001 that never went
into effect because of a Ninth Circuit Stay
issued on March 7, 2002. On March 28,
2003 the Hemp Industries Association
(HIA), as well as the Organic Consumers
Association petitioned the Ninth Circuit to
once again prevent the DEA from ending
the legal sale of hemp seed and oil products in the U.S. Hemp advocates say that
the public and Congress need to hear from
outraged citizens.
Teacher Fired For Promoting Hemp Gets
$70,000 Settlement
In Frankfort, KT, a former teacher will
$70,000 from the Shelby County
Hemp Powered Car Tours US, Canada
School District to settle a lawsuit she filed
An auto that ran on hemp bio-diesel
claiming she was wrongfully fired for protoured North America in the summer of 2001.
moting the legalization of hemp.
The tour completed 13,000 miles, 50 cities,
Cockrel's decision to end the 1995-96
92 days, 462 interviews, 600 gallons of hemp
year with a project entitled "Saving the
fuel, and 8782 photos. Through international
in which the use of industrial hemp
media outlets the hempcar was seen by over
fibers as a possible alternative to wood pulp
150,000,000 people. The diesel engine was
was to be discussed, Cockrel was contacted
originally designed to run on vegetable oil.
by a representative of the Cable News
Hemp retails for over $40 a gallon as a food
Network and asked if she would permit
oil though, so don’t expect hemp to be turned
CNN's cameras to film her class presentation
into fuel in the near future because of its
for use in a larger program on tree conservavalue as a food crop.
In early May 1996, Joe Hickey, president
Nutritious hemp oil is emerging
of the Kentucky Hemp
as alternative to toxin-tainted
Growers Association,
informed Cockrel that
Although consumption of fish
Woody Harrelson
is widely touted by medical and
might visit Kentucky
nutrition experts as good for the
with CNN, and that
heart and overall health, in large
Harrelson might also
part due to its content of essential
visit her classroom.
fatty acids, more and more medCockrel informed
ical studies are raising concerns
Principal Slate of the
GreenKrete’s structural hempcrete
due to levels of mercury in fish.
block (
impending visit, and he
There is a healthy alternative to
agreed to allow it.
provide the essential fatty acids
Harrelson made two trips to the
and other key nutrients that is becoming
Simpsonville school in 1996 and 1997.
widely available in the U.S.: organic
School officials approved both visits. In July
hempseed oil.
of 1997, the school board fired Cockrel. The
suit was filed in 1997, and was finally settled
in Summer of 2003. Cockrel now teaches in
Court Places Injunction On White Plume's
After Alex White Plume's second hemp
crop was destroyed again in 2001 by the feds,
he again planted in 2002. This time he presold his crop to Madison Hemp and Flax of
Lexington, KT. As he harvested in Aug., he
was served with an injunction, signed by
Judge Battey, prohibiting him (or his "agents,
assigns, heirs, family, or employees") from so
much as touching his hemp crop without
being held in contempt of court and jailed
without so much as a trial or a jury. The
White Plumes took the case to court.
on the CD is made of hemp stone – an amazing new material made using just hemp and
Hemp Bale Building At Hempola Valley
In the village of Dalston in Canada,
Hempola Valley Farms constructed an octagon ‘round house’ using hemp straw bales.
Unique in its design and numerous details
focused on environmental responsibility, the
structure is deemed the first hemp straw
building in North America, maybe the world.
The ‘bale raising’ happened in May, and it
was occupied on Sept. 12th, 2003.
Hemphasis harvest hemp on Pine Ridge
From Aug 25th to 29th, 2004, thirty hemp
enthusiasts from all over the country publicly
harvested and manufactured hemp on the Pine
Ridge Res. in accordance with the 1970
Controlled Substance Act, at the 3rd Annual
Lakota Hemp Days.
Researching eco-friendly brake pads
Scientists at the Univ. of Exeter, in Devon,
UK, will spend 400,000 pounds on a research
project aimed at making brake pads from natural fibers such as jute, hemp, nettle, and flax
to replace the Kevlar, lead, and antimony used
in brakes today.
Hemp Being Made Into Cow Feed
David Wise of Hemp Fed Beef Company
uses 400 pounds of soybean, 200 pounds of
distiller’s grain, and 100 pounds of hemp,
which acts as a nutritional uptake catalyst, as
feed for his cattle, which enables the cattle to
gain lean muscle mass. The high protein
(30+%) and big essential fatty acid feed has
made Wise’s cattle healthier, happier, and
heftier. Craig Lee, of Madison Hemp and Flax
Company, who says Hemp-fed cows taste better, gets Wise his 1200 pounds of hemp meal
at $1.10 per pound from Canada. Lee added,
“Because of the high oil content and the fatty
acids, the animals actually utilize more of
their feed.” “They digest more of it, which
means the farmer is getting more out of his
feed.” Hemp Fed Beef Company’s feed are
ASH (antibiotic, steroid, and hormone) free.
Making the mold: Local company uses natural products for vehicle interiors
Composite America, an upstart Fargo, ND
is operating a plant that molds fabWorld’s First Hemp Plastic CD Project
hemp, flax, and jute into intePaul Benhaim, one of
rior panels for machinthe founders of the modern
ery, vehicles, and airhemp industry revival, has
planes. After learning
created a CD entitled
that natural fibers are
‘Fields of Green.’ The CD
starting to be used by
insert is made of hemp
U.S. automakers for car
paper and believe it or not
interiors, and that BMW,
the CD tray is made of
Mercedes, Volvo, and
hemp plastic – a revolutionAudi, have been using
ary new eco alternative to
the fibers for more than a
petrochemical plastics and a
decade, Scott Greelis,
commercial first. This CD
president, put together a
is a showcase of the amazteam of investors to
ing versatility of the hemp
develop the company.
plant. The didgeridoo heard
One of many Body Shop hemp
They found that industriproducts
Missoula Hempfest 2008
al-grade hemp is sought by industries because
of the strength of the long fibers.
Composite America searched for niche markets, rather than aiming at automotive industries, because the overhead to produce at
Detroit-production volumes would be
extremely costly.
Composite America purchased a thermoforming press machine from a German company and now has inked contracts with
Bobcat, of Gwinner, N.D, to make interior
panels for its skid-steer loaders and for its
new Tool Cat vehicles in production in
Bismarck, ND, and with Arctic Cat, of Thief
River Falls, Minn., and Polaris, of Roseau,
Minn., to make engine hood liners for snowmobiles.
Composite America also creates panels for
the cockpits of Cirrus airplanes, which have
manufacturing facilities in Duluth, Minn. and
an assembly plant in Grand Forks, N.D.
Cirrus will produce 550 airplanes in 2004.
Court agreed to re-hear its decision that the DEA cannot ban
foods containing hemp. The court
did not reverse its original decision on rehearing, and the DEA let
its deadline pass for appealing the
case to the United States Supreme
Court. Three years after it was
proposed, the hemp foods ban is
Ruling under the Equal Access
to Justice Act (EAJA), the Ninth
Circuit Court of Appeals has
ordered the DEA to pay $21,265
to Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps to
compensate them for a portion of
their legal fees in HIA v. DEA.
"The EAJA allows an award of attorneys
fees in this situation only where the court
finds the Government's position was not 'substantially justified,'" said Joe Sandler, HIA's
counsel in the case. "By making this award,
the Court has basically decided that DEA's
attempt to outlaw hemp foods never had any
real legal merit."
Air Force Says Hemp Skin Care Products
Not Prohibited
The Indoor Tanning
Association representing
thousands of businesses
and the Hemp Industries
Billions of Wild Drug-Free
Association's 200 member
Hemp Plants Eradicated by
companies received clarifiDEA in Effort to Confiscate
cation from the United
Cultivated Marijuana Since
States Air Force Surgeon
General's Office that hemp
The DEA has funded the
skin care products are "not
destruction of 4.7 billion nonprohibited" under a policy
psychoactive industrial hemp
dating back to 2001 that
plants (also called "ditchweed")
bans ingestion of hemp
since 1984. This massive annual
foods by Air Force personeradication effort stands in sharp
contrast to farmers across the
Hemp seeds from White Plume crop
The North American
globe continuing to legally protrade groups sought clarifiduce industrial hemp for export
cation of the Air Force policy on hemp sun
to the United States.
block and other personal care products that
According to data collected by the DEA's
contain hemp seed oil after reports first pubDomestic Cannabis Eradication / Suppression
lished April 23rd in Mach Meter, the Online
Program, 218.6 million ditchweed plants were
Publication of Cannon Air Force Base, raised
eradicated nationwide in 2005 versus only 4.2
concerns that items could cause false positive
million marijuana plants. This means that
drug tests.
98.1% of all cannabis plants eradicated in
The false story was picked up by the
2005 were actually industrial hemp. The
Associated Press and then reported on at least
ditchweed is primarily being eradicated in
27 local and cable TV stations in May 2004,
mid-western states where it was once grown
damaging various American body care busito support WWII efforts with the encouragenesses. The reports misled the general public
ment of the federal government.
into thinking they should not use hemp oil
The massive ditchweed eradication prosunblock and tanning lotions because they
gram has cost federal and state governments
allegedly could cause positive drug tests for
at least $175 million since 1984. The DEA
marijuana and trigger drug sniffing dogs,
spent $11 million in 2005 on DCE/SP grants
which is untrue.
to state police alone.
How the DEA collects their own data on
ditchweed, which is sometimes referred to as
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled
feral hemp, is puzzling because officials at the
in February 2004 that foods made with hemp
DEA regularly state there is no difference
cannot be regulated by the DEA. The threebetween hemp and marijuana. Nevertheless,
judge panel concluded that, since "non-psytheir own statistics clearly differentiate
choactive hemp products" are not on the
between ditchweed and "cultivated marijuana"
DEA’s list of dangerous drugs, the
plants that are destroyed.
Administration has no jurisdiction over their
The late summer timing and removal
sale. The Ninth Circuit ruled that the DEA
methods cause countless ripe seeds to fall to
ignored the specific Congressional exemption
the ground where they will sprout again the
in the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) that
following year.
excludes hemp fiber, seed and oil from conA nationwide leader, Indiana has eradicattrol. In June 2004, though, the Ninth Circuit
ed, on average, 65 million wild hemp plants
per year from 1984 through 2005, compared
to the eradication of 114,699 cultivated marijuana plants per year in the same time period.
Marijuana eradication requires that state
police work overtime during the summer and
wasted nearly 31,000 hours of officer's time
in each of 2003 and 2004, for example,
accounting for 8.9% of the criminal related
hours for the state police during those years.
Ironically, FlexForm, an Indiana manufacturer whose hemp-content materials are found
in an estimated 3 million vehicles in North
America today, uses approximately 250,000
pounds of hemp fiber per year, which it must
import from Canada and Europe.
Lakota Nation and the U.S.
Nevertheless, the U.S. government maintains that its asserted "trust responsibility"
gives it the final authority to decide appropriate uses of reservation lands.
The DEA sought a permanent injunction
to prevent the White Plumes from growing
industrial hemp without federal permission
because the DEA has placed a de facto ban on
non-psychoactive industrial hemp farming in
the U.S. by treating it as if the crop were the
same as drug/medical marijuana. Late last
December, the court granted the government's
motion for summary judgment, which led to
the appeal to the Eighth Circuit Court of
The Eight Circuit ruled that the White
Plume family could not cultivate hemp, and
that congress should ultimately decide.
Federal Judge Calls DEA's Views on Hemp
Farming 'Asinine' in Case Over Industrial
Hemp & Tribal Sovereignty
In St. Louis on Dec. 12, lawyers Bruce
Ellison and David Frankel, representing Alex
Green Krete Starts Work on Hemp Block
White Plume and his family of the Lakota
Home’s in Iowa
Nation who live on the Pine Ridge
Green Krete, a company in Fairfield,
Reservation, made oral arguments in the
Iowa, builds hemp blocks that are a mixture
Eighth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in front
of hemp and ceramic cements, similar to
of a three-judge panel to reverse efforts by the building material used in Europe for 1000
DEA to place an injunction preventing the
years. These load-bearing and natural hempWhite Plumes from growing industrial hemp.
fiber blocks can be drilled, sawed, nailed or
Judge Kermit Bye and Judge Arlen Beam
screwed; plus channels are routered for elecwere focused on two issues: (1) the irrationaltrical and plumbing. Thin set mortar is
ity of allowing the exempt parts of the plant
applied with notched trowels. Finishes can
to be imported into the U.S.,
include plaster, stucco, sidbut not allowing industrial
ing or brick veneer, etc.
hemp to be grown in the U.S.
The hemp blocks’ high
and (2) the lack of any rationthermal-mass capacity stores
al permitting process by the
energy and releases it graduDEA. Judge Beam comally integrates allowing the
mented, "It seems asinine to
home to remain cool in summe that they can bring in the
mer, yet warm in winter
Canadian stuff and use it but
Green Krete’s hemp
can't grow it." Beam also
block method allows for
suggested that it did not make
excellent sound insulation,
sense that Congress would try
fire-resistant, resistant to
to make the economy of
rodents, termites, insects,
Native American tribes more
and resistant to fungi, mold
enhanced by casino gamand mildew. Check them out
bling, but not allow industrial
hemp cultivation.
The White Plumes assert
Industrial Hemp Farming
their right to raise non-psyAct
choactive industrial hemp as
Some members of
an exercise of their sovereign
Congress are trying to
rights pursuant to an Oglala
change the federal ban in
Sioux Tribal ordinance enact- Enamore’s shift dress is made
order to allow states to regued to secure rights guaranteed from hemp and tencel blend fealate hemp farming, which
turing vintage print bust detail.
by the Treaties of 1851 and
marks a major milestone for
1868 signed between the
the hemp movement in
America. H.R. 3037, the Industrial Hemp
Farming Act of 2005, was introduced in the
summer of ‘05. At a Capitol Hill lunch on
June 23 about 100 congressional staff feasted
on Bahama Hempnut Crusted Wild Salmon
and Fuji Fennel Hempseed Salad. Executive
Chef Denis Cicero of the New York Citybased Galaxy Global Eatery prepared the
five-course gourmet hemp meal.
Chief sponsor Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX)
wrote the bill with the help of Vote Hemp,
and it garnered 11 additional co-sponsors. The
bill defined industrial hemp and assigned
authority over it to the states, allowing laws in
those states regulating the growing and processing of industrial hemp to take effect.
"It is unfortunate that the federal government has stood in the way of American farmers, including many who are struggling to
make ends meet, competing in the global
industrial hemp market," said Dr. Paul.
"Indeed the founders of our nation, some of
whom grew hemp, surely would find that federal restrictions on farmers growing a safe
and profitable crop on their own land are
inconsistent with the constitutional guarantee
of a limited, restrained federal government.
Therefore, I urge my colleagues to stand up
for American farmers and co-sponsor the
Industrial Hemp Farming Act." Dr. Paul was
joined by five original co-sponsors, including
Reps. Sam Farr (D-CA), Pete Stark (D-CA),
Jim McDermott (D-WA), George Miller (DCA) and Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ). The bill may
be viewed here.
At the luncheon consumer advocate Ralph
Nader called the U.S. ban on hemp farming
"bureaucratic medievalism" because over 30
industrialized countries are growing hemp and
the U.S. is the number one importer of the
crop, but won't allow domestic cultivation.
Hemcrete Brewery Completed in England
Adnams, the Suffolk-based brewer, has
completed one of the most energy-efficient
breweries ever built in September 2006. The
£6 million building utilizes materials and concepts which have been developed and applied
in Europe by Lhoist for over a decade, and its
knowledge of lime based building products,
Lime Technology Ltd developed Tradical®
Hemcrete® as a sustainable alternative to traditional masonry.
Missoula Hempfest 2008
The walls are diaphragm structures built
using 100,000 compressed, lime blocks and
infilled with Tradical® Hemcrete®. 150 tones
of CO2 has been locked up in the Tradical®
Hemcrete® infill of the walls, which is equivalent to 1.5 million miles worth of emissions
from a Ford Escort or sixty times around the
The walls of a conventional building of
the same size would have been responsible
for up to 600 tones of CO2 emissions and
therefore, the Adnams warehouse has made a
potential saving of up to 750 tones of CO2,
by using the
Tradical® Hemp
Lime technology
in its construction.
The project also
uses Lime
Technology’s lime
mortar, plaster and
The combination of patented
air-lime based
binders and the
woody core of the
industrial hemp plant results in the capture of
significant amounts of carbon from the atmosphere. Hemp, in common with all similar
plants, transforms carbon dioxide during its
rapid growth and captures the carbon, releasing the oxygen to atmosphere.
This has an immediate positive effect in
achieving the sequestration of the principal
greenhouse gas and furthermore, this captured
carbon is then locked into the fabric of the
buildings constructed. Finally, when the airlime based binder sets, even more carbon
dioxide absorption occurs which all contributes to reversing the carbon debt.
High insulating properties of the Hemp
Lime walls means that the 4,400m2 distribution centre has the ability to maintain the
internal temperature at 11-13 degrees centigrade without any mechanical cooling or
heating system. The ability to store the thousands of bottles of beer and wine in these conditions is due to the outstanding thermal performance of the Tradical® Hemcrete® filled
diaphragm block walls.
This kind of technology saves thousands
of pounds in energy costs.
North Dakota's Agriculture Commissioner
Roger Johnson accepts first application
from a farmer for a state industrial hemp
ND’s Ag. Commissioner Roger Johnson
formally proposed rules to license farmers in
ND to grow industrial hemp under existing
state law.
North Dakota's rules require farmers to
secure a permit from DEA, the farmers would
have to undergo criminal background checks,
the planted hemp must contain less than .03%
THC, and the GPS coordinates of the field
must be provided.
The license will go to farmer and North
Dakota Assistant House Majority Leader
David Monson ten years after the first hemp
bill was passed in the state. Farmers will
make history, as North Dakota is the first state
to grant commercial hemp farming licenses in
the United States in fifty years.
"I submitted my application for an industrial hemp license with the state Department
of Agriculture earlier today," said
Representative David Monson, R-Osnabrock.
"I expect that the state will grant me a
hemp farming license, but I'm not sure that
the $3,440 non-refundable registration fee I
will send to the DEA with my application for
manufacturing and importing will get me anything.”
Burton Johnson, an agronomist and professor at North Dakota
State University
(NDSU), has submitted at least two applications with the DEA
since 1999, but has
never received a
license in those seven
years," says Monson.
Johnson sent a letter to
DEA administrator
Karen Tandy asking
that the DEA waive individual registration
fees for newly-licensed industrial hemp producers in North Dakota and that the DEA
work with the Agriculture Department so
farmers can plant the historic first industrial
hemp crop this spring.
Hemp Milk Hits The Shelves
Two new non-dairy hemp "milk" beverages, Living Harvest Hempmilk™ and
Manitoba Harvest Hemp Bliss™ made their
public debuts in January of 2007. The newly
developed crop of hemp milks, packing a
powerhouse punch of omega-3 essential fatty
acids and protein are the latest entries in the
continually-growing hemp food market. Both
brands come in original, vanilla and chocolate
Never sold before commercially, hemp
milk is high in protein like soy milk, but
hemp does not contain the phytic acid and
trypsin inhibitors that soy does. Hemp milk is
a good source of balanced omega-3 and
omega-6 fatty acids, unlike rice milk, and it
also contains a wide range of naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin
E, Folic Acid, Iron, Niacin, Magnesium,
Phosphorus, Potassium, Thiamin and Zinc.
Hemp milk is a refreshing alternative to
nut- and grain-based beverages as well as
dairy beverages. Grain-based beverages are
often lacking in essential fatty acids (EFAs),
protein and minerals, unless they are fortified.
Nut-based milks and dairy beverages are
nutritionally better, but more and more people, especially children, are developing allergies to tree nuts and dairy products.
Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2007
Introduced in Congress by Ron Paul Again
On February 13, 2007 Rep. Ron Paul
introduced H.R. 1009, the "Industrial Hemp
Farming Act of 2007," with nine original cosponsors: Representatives Tammy Baldwin
(D-WI), Barney Frank (D-MA), Raúl Grijalva
(D-AZ), Maurice Hinchey (D-NY), Dennis
Kucinich (D-OH), Jim McDermott (D-WA),
George Miller (D-CA), Pete Stark (D-CA),
and Lynn Woolsey (D-CA). The bill would
have clarified a state's right to grow hemp.
The bill excludes industrial hemp from the
definition of "marihuana" in the Controlled
Substances Act and gives states the exclusive
authority to regulate the growing and processing of industrial hemp under state law.
"It is indefensible that the United States
government prevents American farmers from
growing this crop. The prohibition subsidizes
farmers in countries from Canada to Romania
by eliminating American competition and
encourages jobs in industries such as food,
auto parts and clothing that utilize industrial
hemp to be located overseas instead of in the
United States," said Dr. Paul. "By passing the
Industrial Hemp Farming Act the House of
Representatives can help American farmers
and reduce the trade deficit — all without
spending a single taxpayer dollar."
The National Association of State
Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) "supports revisions to the federal rules and regulations authorizing commercial production of
industrial hemp." The National Conference of
State Legislatures (NCSL) has also passed a
pro-hemp resolution.
NoDak Farmers File Appeal in Eighth
On June 18, 2007 the two North Dakota
farmers granted state hemp farming licenses,
Rep. David Monson and Wayne Hauge, filed
a lawsuit in U.S. District Court to end the
U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's
Jeremy Brigs, center, trowels second coat of lime plaster onto
the Hemcrete® house at Manderson SD, June 2008
Missoula Hempfest 2008
obstruction of commercial hemp farming in
main supplier of hemp fabrics from China for
the US.
years. They now own and operate their busiMonson and Hauge applied for their ness inside the old Immanuel Baptist Church
permits to cultivate hemp in January 2007
in Glenwood Springs, CO. Owner Barbara
from the DEA after proper background checks Fillipone is generally regarded as a hemp fabwere made. The cost per farmer to apply was
ric and textile expert in North America.
$3,440, which is non-refundable. The DEA
The HIA estimates that the North
did not respond in time for spring planting,
American retail market for hemp
which prompted ND legislature to pass a law
textiles and fabrics exceeded $100
that removed the DEA from the licensing
million in 2007 and is growing
process. This led to this issue being heard in
around 10% per year, about the
the Eighth Circuit Court.
same rate as the general hemp
The court declared that Congress be the
market. Hemp is better for the
proper venue for this discussion, thus washing environment because it does not
its hands of observing the criminality of the
require pesticides and improves
soil quality. Unfortunately, makers
The DEA has banned hemp farming for
of hemp clothing must import their
50 years by
raw materials
from overseas
hemp and
because U.S.
marijuana on
farmers are not
no legal basis
allowed to grow
while imports
industrial hemp.
of hemp fiber,
seed and oil
are allowed.
Structure Built
Adnams Brewery, Suffolk, UK; built with Hemcrete®
With North
Near Wounded
Dakota reguKnee
lating industrial hemp, there is no reasonable
From May 12th until the end
threat farmers would be able to grow
of June 2008, at Kiza Park, near
marijuana without being caught.
Manderson SD, on the Pine Ridge
Indian Reservation in southwestern
Governor Schwarzenegger Vetoes
South Dakota, a hemcrete projIndustrial Hemp Bill Again
ect/workshop was held in which a
Schwarzenegger vetoed AB 684, The
community center was built for the
California Industrial Hemp Farming Act,
White Plume Tiospaye. Jeremy
rejecting the will of the majority of
Briggs organized this event along
Californians, who supported the landmark, bi- with American Limetec, a Chicago
partisan legislation, which would have folcompany (US Heritage) that has
lowed North Dakota in establishing guidelines teamed up with Limetec for the
for the farming of industrial hemp.
UK to bring hemcrete homes to
California businesses spend millions of
the US.
dollars each year importing hemp from
On December 20, 2007, The
Canada, China and Europe. Demand for hemp family homestead of Alex and
products has been growing rapidly in recent
Debra White Plume burned to the
years. The North American hemp market now
ground as the result of an electrical
exceeds an estimated $300 million in annual
fire. Many irreplaceable artifacts,
retail sales. Every mainstream grocery and
ceremonial items, and records
natural food store's aisles will have stacks of
from their lifetime of work in
hemp food in the coming decade.
human and indigenous rights are
now gone.
The project was to start a
home and community that demonHemp Fabric Goes High Fashion As Top
strates the potential of hemp to the
Designers Show Off Hemp Eco-Fabrics To
Open New York Fashion Week
Hempcrete is a building mateA week before the official opening of
rial formed by combining air-lime
New York Fashion Week, on the evening of
based binders with the chopped
January 31 in the elegant sophistication of
core of the hemp plant stem. It can
New York's Gotham Hall, two dozen internabe poured into a form and tamped,
tionally-recognized designers displayed their
or spray-applied. Hempcrete
latest creations to a waiting high-powered
homes are lightweight, fire, water,
audience at the Earth Pledge eco-fashion
earthquake, and rodent resistant,
show FutureFashion. The fabric supplied by
It has excellent thermal mass
Hemp Industries Association (HIA) member
and insulation characteristics that
EnviroTextiles, designers like Donatella
allows the homes to breath, which
Versace, Behnaz Sarafpour, Ralph Lauren,
saves money on heating and coolDonna Karan International, Isabel Toledo,
ing costs, has high sound insulaCalvin Klein, and Doo Ri wove their magic
tion, and good flexibility. Building
with everything from hemp/organic cotton jer- with Hemcrete® provides one the
sey knits to hemp/silk charmeuse.
best-value materials for lowEnvirotextiles, a sustainable and
impact, sustainable and commerbiodegradable textile business, has been the
cially viable construction
Most hemcrete camp attendees are
helpers, workers, or regulars to the annual
Hemp Hoe Down. The 8th annual Hemp Hoe
Down (May 8-10, 2008) at the Elkview
Campground near Sturgis, SD, was held as a
benefit to fund this green structure.
The Roman aqueducts were most likely
built using lime and hemp, as were still active
bridges in France dating to the sixth century.
Homes such as these have been being built in
Europe for quite some stime.
Check out:;;;; &