FEBRUARY 2015 Newsletter


FEBRUARY 2015 Newsletter
February 2015
Volume 1, Issue 5
One Hour Early Dismissal on February 10th and 11th.
No School for students on February 12th and 13th.
From the Desk of the Principal
Parent/Teacher Conferences
This semester, Elkhorn Grandview Middle School will hold student/parent/teacher conferences on
February 10 and 11. We will again utilize the Student-Led Conference format. We are requesting last
names beginning with M-Z attend conferences on February 10 and last names beginning with A-L
attend on February 11. If you have a conflict with those dates, feel free to attend the opposite evening.
If you have any questions about conferences, please contact a team teacher. On the evening of
conferences, please stop at the information table in the Commons to pick up your child’s progress
report before heading to the gym to begin your conference. Don’t forget to visit the Book Fair!!
Changes Coming for Middle School Registration Requirements
The Curriculum Committee of the Elkhorn School Board has approved a change in registration requirements for all Elkhorn middle schools beginning next year. Our current requirements allow for
students in the 7th and 8th grades to opt out of all elective classes which results in students having
excess study halls. The four middle school principals, along with the administrators at the central
office, believe that students having more than one study hall per day is not a high quality use of instructional time and if our requirements allow for that, then changes are necessary. Beginning in the
2015-16 school year, 7th graders will only be allowed to register for one study hall per day. As a result, students not in Reading Support or Math Support will be required to register for either band, chorus or Spanish. We know that research clearly supports the advantages of students participating in
fine arts classes and World Language instruction. This change will affect a very small number of students as almost 94% of our current student population already meet this requirement. This change
will extend to the 8th grade in the 2016-17 school year. Any questions or concerns can be directed to
either the EGMS principal or counselor.
2015 Standardized Testing Window
All EGMS students will be taking state tests (NeSA-RMS) during
the months of March and April and 6th and 7th Graders will take
a second administration of the MAP test during May. All students
in the district take these yearly. It gives teachers and administrators another means to measure student achievement. These are
very important tests for your students and our school. We want to
encourage students to do their best and show their capabilities.
Please limit late arrivals, early dismissals, vacations, appointments, etc. during testing days.
Inside this issue:
Spring Photos/School Play/
Holiday Hurrah Thank You
Booster Club Notes/ 8th
Grade Celebration/Spelling
Grade Level News
March 30—April 24 NeSA Reading, Math, and Science
April 27—May 8 MAP
EHS Registration for 8th
Band News
Counselor’s Corner
Tech Savvy Tips/Book Fair
Page 2
EGMS Booster Club Meeting & Parent
Communication Meeting
Please join us at 6:30 on February 5th
in the EGMS Library for the Booster Club meeting followed immediately by the Parent Communication Meeting. Thank you in advance for
joining us.
Mark your calendar for the remaining
Booster Club/Parent Communication dates:
March 5 - due to a concert on the first Tue.
April 7
May – no meeting
Come to the Show!!
Thanks to the Elkhorn Public School’s
Foundation, Elkhorn Grandview Middle School
is preparing for the first annual play production. The cast and crew will present a highly
entertaining and interactive melodramatic production of “The Baron’s Revenge” which will be
filled with cheers, boos, hisses and even popcorn throwing! Students are busy rehearsing,
creating costumes, focusing lights, constructing
props and more. We hope you’ll join in on the
fun February 27th at 7:30pm and February
28th at 5pm at Elkhorn Middle School
(Commons). Admission is FREE. See you there!
Holiday Hurrah Thank You From
EGMS Staff
The entire EGMS Faculty &
Staff would like to take this opportunity to thank all the EGMS families
that donated to the Holiday Hurrah
project. We appreciate your Hurrah
gifts, the delicious pizza lunch , and all
your warm holiday wishes
We espe-
Spring Pictures
Spring pictures are scheduled for Tuesday, February 24 at 8:30 a.m. Your child will
have their picture taken but will not be required
to pay or purchase them unless you choose.
EGMS gets a kickback from Life Touch for every
picture taken, so……….SMILE and SAY CHEESE!
cially want to thank you for all the
support given throughout the year.
Web Link for Activities
6th grade Fun Night
***Parents – When you are looking for
information regarding sports activities please
check the following website :
You can click on any of the district schools for
Sixth Grade Fun Night will take place on
February 6th from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at EGMS. The
cost is $3 per student. EMS 6th grade students
are invited to participate in games and activities.
Snacks, music and a fun time will be shared by
Lunch Reminder
Please remind your
students to drop off lunch
money before school to the
Taher staff in the lunchroom.
It creates a slow down in the
lunch line when it is turned in
during lunch time. Thanks for
your help!
2015 Washington DC Trip
The 2015 Washington DC Trip is
scheduled for October 8-9-10, 2015. It's not
too late to sign up but spots are filling up fast!
Contact Mr. Glover (dglover@epsne.org) for
more information.
Appropriate Cold Weather Dress
Please remind your child to make sure
they have appropriate clothing on when going
to or from the school building. This includes,
coats, gloves, hats, long pants and appropriate
Page 3
Electronic Devices Policy
We understand that cell phones and
other electronic devices are a part of today's
society. We do, however, discourage these devices at school if at all possible. If your child
needs to carry a phone, we ask that it be turned
off during school hours and kept secure. Please
be mindful that all communication with your child during school
hours should be through the office. Our policy with iPods, tablets
and MP3 players is much the
same. These devices can be distracting and risk being lost, stolen, or broken here at school. Additionally, with
their popularity on the rise, we understand that
more of our students are opting to use electronic readers rather than paper copy books. We
ask that parents and students be thoughtful
about using e-readers at school. Any electronic
device that creates a distraction to the learning
environment may be confiscated with the expectation that it will be returned to a parent rather
than the student.
We are looking for volunteers to
work the concession stands for the girls basketball games. There is a big window that
gives you a perfect view of the court so you
don’t even have to miss the game. Here is
the link to sign up:
From the 8th Grade Celebration Parent
Plans are in the works for the Class of
2019’s 8th Grade Celebration. This is a parentsponsored event that was a tradition at EMS
and we are excited to be starting it here at
EGMS. This is a celebration for the entire class
so we are hoping for 100% participation. The
celebration is scheduled for Saturday, April
18th, from 7—10 p.m. at the school.
To be able to put this event on we will
need parent help with the following: Planning
committee, set-up and take down (day and night
of event), chaperones, and parent funding
(amount to come soon).
In the next couple of weeks, please look
for the invite coming home with your child. Also,
we will be doing a fun event with baby pictures,
more details to come soon.
If you would like to be a part of the planning the next meeting is scheduled for Monday,
2/2, at 6:30 p.m. in the EGMS commons. For
questions or more information please contact
Kelli Mull at jmull10@cox.net. Thank you!
Thank you to the following people
who have helped with concession stands
during basketball: Kris, Macumber, Gretchen
Coghill, Kyle Swartzendruber, Austin Pfeil,
Michele Rinn, Mercedes Isaacson-Cover,
Ryan Savage, Paula Breese, Nicole Urzendowski.
Parent/Teacher Conferences are
February 10th and 11th. The Kindness Committee will be asking EGMS parents to help
provide dinner for the teachers each day. If
you are interested in helping please contact
Lisa Pollan at lcpollan@gmail.com.
Thank you to each and every EGMS
family, student, and parent volunteer who
came together for the EGMS staff. Thanks to
your generosity we were able to present each
staff member with a monetary gift. Cards
were delivered to teachers and staff along
with a Holiday Hurrah luncheon sponsored
by the Booster Club.
The EGMS Booster Club is now enrolled in TAGG (Together a Greater Good). A
new, free, way to support our school. Please
see the flyer attached to this newsletter for
more information. Thanks for your support!
District Spelling Bee
Recently we had grade level spelling
bees at EGMS. Each grade level sent two
students to the district-wide competition.
The district Spelling Bee was held at Elkhorn
Ridge Middle School on January 15th. Representing 6th grade were Torin O’Rourke and
Kayli Pham, 7th graders were Elaina Franzen
and Logan Hybner, and for 8th grade it was
Liberty Donahoe and Marisa Sutton.
Page 4
6th Grade News
Mrs. Blomenkamp, Mrs. Eikmeier, Mr. Lucks, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Sullivan,
Mrs. White
Math 6 students will be working on the operations of fractions. The Pre-Concept class
will be focusing on writing and
solving single and multi-step
In Reading, students will be
studying sensory language,
imagery, and style this quarter, along with more Greek
and Latin roots, prefixes, and
suffixes. Their AR reading
goal is due on March 5th.
Please sign your student’s
reading log each week and
make sure they bring it to
school on Monday’s.
Social studies will be completing an Economics Unit by discussing Banking and Taxes.
We will be beginning a Geography Unit in February.
Science students will be studying viruses, bacteria, and
protists. These concepts will
wrap up the third quarter.
In Language Arts, the students will be putting their efforts into a biography writing.
Please be prepared to work
with your child on the project.
7th Grade News
Mr. Bluhm, Mrs. Bodyfield, Ms. Eikmeier, Mrs. Haak, Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Kudrna, Mrs.
Marshall, Mrs. Pilkington
“To catch the
reader's attention,
place an interesting
sentence or quote
from the story
In Science, 7th graders are
just beginning the Human
Biology and Health unit. In
this unit, we discuss how the
body is organized (cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems) and then discuss each
of the body systems in detail.
We will focus a lot of our discussion on the interdependence of these organ systems
and what we can do to keep
our bodies healthy. Students
can expect to have weekly
quizzes on most Fridays as we
go through this unit. These
weekly quizzes will cover only
the topics covered the previous week and are used to
check for understanding.
In Language Arts we will continue our unit on persuasive
writing. In February we will be
researching and preparing for
the “Living Legends” project,
which will conclude with a
debate. Each student will
choose a living legend to research and write about and
then will debate with their
classmates to determine
which living legend is the
most legendary.
In World History, we will be
studying the Middle Ages.~
We will be learning about social structures, knights, castles, etc. of Western Europe.~
The students really seem to
enjoy learning about this time
period, as many of them already know bits and pieces
about the topics we study!
In reading, we are currently
finishing our discussion of
nonfiction organizational patterns in preparation for the
District Common Assessment
in early February. Next, we will
be studying figurative language and preparing for the
NeSA-Reading test. AR goals
for 3rd quarter are due on
March 6th.
Math classes are in the middle
of a unit that includes Linear
Equations and Inequalities. We
will have several quizzes
throughout this unit prior to our
end of the unit test. PreAlgebra classes are in the middle of the Geometry unit, which
includes the Pythagorean Theorem, lines, angles, area of twodimensional figures, and volume of three-dimensional figures. Students will take three
district common assessments
during this unit, and then will
begin our unit on Probability.
Page 5
8th Grade News
Mrs. Banks, Mrs. Bloom, Ms. Everly, Mrs. Haak, Ms. Krambeck, Ms. Moran
February is a busy month for
us. Student Led Conferences
will be held February 10th and
11th. We hope you all attend
and see what your students
have been doing. Mid-term
reports will be given at that
time. Our current exploratory
rotation, Health, will end February 18thh. Students will
then have Speech and Drama
and Computers for their last
two rotations.
In Language Arts we will be
focusing on research.
In Science we will be studying
heredity and genetics.
In History, we will be studying
the Civil War.
In Pre-Algebra we will be starting geometry. In Algebra we
will be solving quadratic equations.
In Reading we will be covering
poetry and figurative language.
In Health students will be covering nutrition.
Important Registration Information from Elkhorn High School Counselors
February 25, 2015: High School Counselors Visit Middle School
Information for
Current 8th
High School Counselors will travel to Elkhorn Grandview Middle School to distribute 9 th grade
registration materials. Students will receive a copy of their registration sheet outlining courses
offered to prospective ninth graders and specific course recommendations. (Recommendations are
based upon advice from middle school and high school teachers and counselors, and test scores.) They
will also receive a copy of the Curriculum Guide. This guide includes information on curriculum,
academic planning, and activities. Parents are encouraged to discuss the 9th grade course
recommendations and elective courses (if applicable) with their 8th grader before March 2.
March 2, 2015: 8th Grade Registration/Parent Night, 6:00 pm EHS Auditorium
(Please bring the registration sheet your student receives February 25 to this meeting.)
Parents and 8th graders are invited to Elkhorn High School on March 3th at 6:00 pm. Parents will pick
up additional registration materials at the door and then proceed to the auditorium. At that time,
Counselors will present an 8th grade orientation and curriculum PowerPoint. After the presentation,
parents will be asked to complete course selections and sign the registration form to verify course
selections. Forms will be collected at the end of the evening.
Save the Dates for the BACK TO SCHOOL process: Students will pick up a registration
packet during a day July 27-29. Students will return packet on July 30 during the hours
12:00-6:00. On this day, students can pick up class schedule, take a tour, get school picture
taken, put money in lunch account, hand in athletic forms and more. Watch for details in a
summer mailing.
Page 6
Band News
Mr. Johnson
February 3 Concert – On Thursday, February 3, the EMS 7 th grade band and choir, as well as the Jazz
Band and Show Choir will be performing their 2nd concert of the year. The concert will take place in
the EGMS gym starting at 7:00 PM. Students will need to report to the gym by 6:30 for warm-ups.
Dress for this and all other concerts is black shoes, black socks, black pants, and their black EGMS
Music Polo shirt (tucked in!)
February 17 Concert – On Tuesday, February 17, the 8th grade band will be performing in concert at
EHS. In addition to performing their own music, the 8 th grade band will combine with the high school
band on a selection. The concert will take place in the EHS auditorium and will start at 7:30 PM.
Band students will need to report to the EHS music area at 7:00 for warm-ups. Dress for this and all
other concerts is black shoes, black socks, black pants, and their black EGMS Music Polo shirt
(tucked in!)
March 3 Concert – On Tuesday, March 3, the EMS 6th grade band and chorus students, as well as the
Show Choir and Jazz Band, will be performing their 2nd concert of the year. Joining us for this performance will be the 5th grade students from Manchester, Sagewood, and West Dodge Station elementary schools playing their recorders. The concert will take place in the EGMS gym. Students will need
to report to the gym by 6:30. Dress for this and all other concerts is black shoes, black socks, black
pants, and their black EGMS Music Polo shirt (tucked in!)
March 12 - EMC Middle School Band Festival – On Thursday, March 12, the 7th and 8th grade bands
will be traveling to Waverly for the 5th annual Eastern Midlands Conference Band Contest. Performance times are not currently known, but students should plan to be report by 7:00 AM and be gone
all of the school day. Students will be transported on school transportation. Dress for this and all
other concerts is black shoes, black socks, black pants, and their black EGMS Music Polo shirt
(tucked in!)
Blair Middle School Honor Band – The Blair Honor Band is one of the premier honor bands for middle
school students in this state. This year’s event will take place on Saturday, March 28 at Otte-Blair
Middle School in Blair, Nebraska. The event consists of over 200 band students from over 40
schools divided into 2 concert bands. They rehearse all day and then give a performance at 4:00 PM.
Students are selected through nominations from their directors and are usually based on instrumentation needs. We have nominated a long list of 8th grade students for this event and look forward to
seeing who gets accepted. In the past, we have usually had 4-7 students accepted and participating.
Private Lessons – At Elkhorn Grandview Middle School, we try to provide every student with as much
time and individual attention as possible to make them the best musicians they can be. However, for
those students that either desire more intense musical pursuits or need that extra attention to continue improving their skills, seeking a private instructor for your student is an excellent option. Besides
guaranteed one-on-one instruction on a regular basis, usually weekly, private instructors are experts
on their individual instruments and can bring that professional expertise to your student. While most
private instructors teach out of a studio at a music store or their home, some will drive to your home
to provide the lessons. There are many private teachers available with varying personalities, areas of
emphasis, and years of experience so matching your student with the right teacher is very important.
If you are interested in private instruction for your student, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Johnson at any time.
Page 7
Counselor’s Corner
Kyle Peterson, EGMS Counselor
Below is information about upcoming events, potential opportunities, and resources available for
Elkhorn Grandview families.
Are you looking to expose your child to different career options? If so, check out EXPLORING “Real
World Career Experiences” 2014-2015
What is Exploring? Exploring is a career education program, sponsored by area businesses that
help young adults make a more informed decision about future careers and determine if a particular career is the right one for them. Exploring is about gaining practical experience in a career field.
The result is a program of activities that help youth pursue their special interests, grow and develop.
The link below will be able to provide you more information about the specific programs and when
they meet.
For more information and to register, please visit http://www.omahaexploring.org/
Arbor Family Services- Elkhorn Public Schools partners with Arbor Family Services to serve students
and their families. Arbor Family provides two free sessions with a counselor regarding a specific
issue. Arbor Family works with students and their families on a variety of issues such as, wellness,
stress, divorce, parenting/children, eating disorders, school problems, work problems, managing
change, depression/anxiety, relationships, trauma, drug/alcohol abuse and more. If you would like
more information, please contact Arbor Family at 402-330-0960 or your school counselor.
Partners in Education- Partners in Education is a program that pairs students with adults from the
community. The program is designed with an academic focus to provide adult support for student
success. Mentors help students with homework, assigned readings and aid them in test taking
techniques and time management. Mentors can have a huge impact on student success. If you or
someone you know may be interested in becoming a mentor and receiving more information about
the program, please call 402-289-2579, log-on to www.elkhornweb.org and click on “Mentoring
Partners” under “District Programs” or contact your school counselor.
*Nebraska Family Helpline- (1-888-866-8660)
*Boys Town National Hotline-24/7 Help (1-800-448-3000)
Page 8
Understanding “The Cloud”
Most have heard of “the cloud,” but many are unsure what exactly that means. The cloud refers to any
type of service or software that runs on the Internet instead of your device. This means users can store
videos, photos, documents, games and software in a cyber warehouse that can be accessed from anywhere. Dropbox, iCloud, Netflix and Google Drive are all popular cloud services.
Popular Apps—Photo Vaults and Secret Folders
Several free (or low-cost) apps allow users to hide information, photos and videos on electronic devices.
Apps such as KYMS (Keep Your Media Safe), Vaulty, PhotoVault, Private Photo Vault and Gallery Lock store
media in password protected folders, which can even be disguised as other applications, such as a calculator. Similar applications, like Secret Folder, allow users to store apps and media under a folder labeled as
My Utilities.
PowerSchool—the app
PowerSchool is portable! The PowerSchool for Parents app is available for download from the Apple App
Store and Google Play. Parents can easily view each child’s progress in a single feed to check grades, review assignments and more. After downloading the app, enter 68022 for the zip code and choose search.
Select Elkhorn Public Schools and then log in using your PowerSchool parent access login. This app is only
available for parents of students in grades 4-12.
February 2015
7GBB vs Platteview
4:15 pm
7th Band/7th Choir/
8GBB @. Platteview Jazz Band/Show
Choir Concert 7pm
ELkhorn Grandview
Middle School
17801 Grand Avenue
Omaha, NE 68116
Phone: 402-289-9399
7GBB vs Waverly
4:15 pm
8GBB @ Waverly
School Board
Meeting 6:30 pm
Fax: 402-289-9499
4:15 pm
3:45 pm
7GBB @ Norris
4:15 pm
8GBB vs Norris
7GBB @ Plattsmouth 6th Grade Activity
4:15 pm
Night 7-9 pm
8GBB vs Plattsmouth
4:15 pm
Booster Club Meeting
6:30 pm
Parent Communication Meeting 7 pm
One Hour Early
4:30-8:30 pm
One Hour Early
4:30-8:30 pm
No School
Teacher In-Service
No School
EHS/EMS 8th Grade
Band Concert @ EHS
EHS/EMS 8th Grade
Vocal Concert @
EHS 7:00pm
7GBB @ Gretna
8GBB vs Gretna
7:30 p.m.
7GBB @ Bennington
4:15 pm
8GBB vs Bennington
7GBB vs NE City
4:15 pm
8GBB @ NE City
4:15 pm
5:00 p.m.
EHS Cheer Tryouts
2015-2016 season
Elkhorn High School Cheerleading tryouts are just around the corner! The
information below will help prepare you for the tryout process.
*Current 8th grade students are eligible to tryout*
A mandatory meeting will be held for all parents and interested students
(currently in 8th-11th grade) on Sunday, March 8th at 4:00 p.m. in the EHS lecture
hall. If your parents can not attend, but you would still like to try out please speak with Barb Schmidt.
Tryout prep clinics will be March 23rd through 26th, with tryouts on Friday, March 27th at 4:00 p.m. All tryout clinics will be held in
the wrestling room. Please see practice schedule below:
Monday, March 23rd:
Tuesday, March 24th:
Wednesday, March 25th:
Thursday, March 26th:
Friday, March 27th:
6:30-7:30 a.m. AND 3:45-5:15 p.m.
3:45-5:15 p.m.
3:45-5:15 p.m.
3:45-5:15 p.m.
Tryouts begin at 4:00 p.m., please arrive at
Feel free to call Barb Schmidt at 402-289-4239 with any questions. We are very excited
about the upcoming season and hope to see you cheering on the Antlers!
Barb Schmidt & Anna Strohm, Elkhorn High School Cheer Coaches
Dear Parents of Elkhorn Students:
The Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation will be hosting its 3rd annual “Bids 4
Kids” fundraiser on April 9, 2015. The proceeds from this event have been
designated for our Classroom Grant Program and Intervention Programs. For the
2014-2015 school year, the Foundation purchased and installed 12 Smart Light
Raise Projectors in classrooms at the elementary, middle and high school levels!
The high school Art departments benefited with a new GoPro and digital cameras.
The Foundation also purchased 9 digital video recorders for all elementary music
instructors, chemistry equipment, books for media centers, robotics equipment,
and much more! We are also excited to offer Math Intervention in addition to
Reading Intervention at all of the elementary schools. Our Intervention Programs
provide funding for additional instructional time before and after school to help
students one on one or in small group settings to increase their reading and math
Are you looking for a way to give back to the Elkhorn Public Schools? We have a
great opportunity for you! We are in the process of collecting auction and goody
bag donations for our Bids 4 Kids fundraiser. Your tax deductible donation to
support Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation programs would be very much
Please consider a tax deductible donation to support the continued work of the
Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation! You can reach us by calling, e-mailing, or
stopping by our Foundation office between 8:00 am - 4:00 pm, Monday through
Friday. Thank you so much for your consideration!
Stacey L. Falk
EPSF Executive Director
The Elkhorn Public Schools Foundation (Tax ID #36-3226778) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
20214 Veterans Drive, Suite 400, Elkhorn Nebraska 68022
www.elkhornfoundation.org 402.289.1727
Donations in Action!
Foundation Classroom Grant “Reading Can’t
Take a Vacation” at Westridge Elementary
Foundation Classroom Grant “Inches and
Miles” at Sagewood Elementary
Foundation Classroom Grant “Growing a Book
Room” at West Bay Elementary
Foundation Classroom Grant “Supporting
Language and Life Skills” at Skyline Elementary
Elkhorn South High School Scholarship Recipients
Elkhorn High School Scholarship Recipients
Thank you for your consideration!
New Way to Support
Our School!
We know how busy families are, so we want to tell you about a way you
can support the school on your own time...without spending any extra money.
1) Download the free app: Together A Greater Good
2) Visit participating businesses. Tap the TAGG My Purchase button on the app and
enter the amount. Tell the server/cashier, pay as usual and they will provide a card for
the app to scan to complete the TAGG.
3) Choose our school. The business will donate 5% of your purchase to us!
It’s FREE for you, and we raise money. (It’s like every day is a dine out day!)
Just a few of TAGG’s 75+ businesses on the app:
Blue Sushi Sake Grill
Fat Brain Toys
YoZone Yogurt
Famous Daves
Gigi’s Cupcakes
Vic’s Popcorn
Grand China Buffet
Golf USA
Roja Mexican Grill
Ragazzi’s Pizza
Coldstone Creamery
Stories Coffeehouse
Newman’s Pasta Cafe
YoYo Berri
Dave & Buster’s
Chick Market
B&G Tasty Foods
Download the app today!
Search for: Together A Greater Good
Businesses on TAGG as of 1/22/15
A+ Buffet & Mongolian
B&G Tasty Foods
Beyond Golf
Blatt Beer & Table
Block 16
Blue Sushi Sake Grill
Brewsky’s Food &
Cantina Laredo
Coldstone Creamery
The Cookie Company
(Westroads Mall)
Dave & Busters
El Vallarta Mexican
Famous Daves
Fusion BBQ
Garden Cafe
Gigi’s Cupcakes
Grand China Buffet
HopHouse Bar & Grill
La Rue Coffee &
Mockingbird Cupcakes
Newman’s Pasta Cafe
Phoenix Food & Spirits
Plank Seafood Provisions
Ragazzi’s Pizza
Railcar Modern American
Roja Mexican Grill
Saints Pub + Patio
Sam & Louie’s
(156th & Dodge only)
SMEJ’s Snacks & More
Stories Coffeehouse
Sunrize Donuts
(180th & Q only)
Toppers Pizza
V Mertz
Vic’s Corn Popper
Vino Mas
Yo Yo Berri
Zemog’s Mexican
Bounce U
Canvas & Cabernet
Dave & Busters
Defy Gravity
Jumpin Jax
Papio Bowl
Papio Fun Park
Pump It Up
Lynn Klein Massage &
Nails R Us
Parlour 1887
Rave Salon
Salon Charisma
Golf USA
Learning HQ
Paperdoll Vintage
Red Dirt Running Company
Sugar Bakers
West Omaha Jewelers &
E3 Learning Academy
Happy Daze Design
MAK Images
My Oil Guy
Paw Spa Pet Resort
West Maple Chiropractic
& Wellness
West Omaha Jewelers &
(Maple St. & CB locations only)
Beyond Golf
Blocks and Bricks
Adventure Learning
Boulder Creek
Bellissimo Salon & Spa
Bikram Yoga
Baby Junk
BelAir Fashions
Cartridge World
Chick Market
Fat Brain Toys
Andy’s Appliance Repair
Athletes’ Training
Attention to Detail
Brush & Roll Painting
Christian Brothers
*Coming Soon
Download the app for free. Search Together A Greater Good on Google Play or the App Store.

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