Our Lady of the Lake Roman Catholic School
Our Lady of the Lake Roman Catholic School
Attention OLL Parents: Please read the attached “Parish Affiliation Categories and Definitions for Re-Registration” for an important update. Our Lady of the Lake Roman Catholic School Blue Ribbon School of Excellence TUESDAY NOTE – December 1, 2015 Principal’s Message: I hope that everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable Thanksgiving. It is hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner. This Sunday marked the beginning of Advent. Each morning during Advent, the students will meet in the Msgr. Joseph Chotin Center, and we will light the Advent wreath. For the next three weeks, we will be preparing for the birth of Christ. Let us continue to remind our children that without Christ, we would not have Christmas. Before the Thanksgiving break, our kindergarten through third grade students did an outstanding job performing Cinderella. Congratulations to our talented students, and a very special thank you to Mrs. Michelle Kennedy, Mrs. Rebecca Daigrepont, the many members of our administration, faculty, staff, and parents who contributed to the overall success of this theatrical performance. All in attendance were truly impressed. There are many exciting events scheduled over the next few weeks. On Tuesday, December 1st, Wednesday, December 2nd, and Thursday, December 3rd, the PTCC will host the annual St. Nick’s Workshop in the school library. Please see the attached schedule. On Friday, December 4th, we will have Donut Day. Also on December 4th, students may donate $1.00 or more to wear black and gold or a Saints’ t-shirt or jersey. Proceeds will go to the Children’s Museum of St. Tammany. Regular uniform skorts, skirts, or pants must be worn. Please join us for our school mass on Tuesday, December 8th, at 9:00 a.m., in the Msgr. Joseph Chotin Center. The band members from Our Lady of the Lake, Mary, Queen of Peace, and Our Lady of Lourdes will perform a Christmas concert on Wednesday, December 9th, at 7:00 p.m. at Mary, Queen of Peace. On Thursday, December 10th, from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m., our students will present A Cardinal Christmas. Our PreK Christmas Pageants will be performed on Friday, December 11th. On Saturday, December 12th, our dance team and cheerleaders will be marching in the City of Mandeville Winter on the Water parade at 4:00 p.m. on the Lakefront. The Annual Fund is underway, but we still have a way to go to reach our goal. Our goal this year is $70,000, of which $35,000 will go toward stipends for our faculty and staff. I am hoping to be able to present these stipends as a gift from you before the Christmas break. To achieve our goal, we need your help. If you have not given to the Annual Fund, there is still time to do so. Please note that a number of companies offer matching funds. You may wish to check with your employer to see if they will match your donation. Once again, we are hoping to get 100% participation; give whatever you can. We thank the following families for their contributions: PARENTS OLL CLUB: Mr. Lonnie and Mrs. Valerie Dugas PLATINUM CLUB: Anonymous GOLD CLUB: Mr. Robert Bohne OLLIE CLUB: Mr. David and Mrs. Jennifer Aupied, Mr. Jaime and Mrs. Karla Colon, Drs. John and Kathryn Oubre, Dr. William and Mrs. Pamela Schroeder, Mr. Vernice and Mrs. Charmagne Simon, Mr. James and Mrs. Stephanie South, Mr. Michael and Mrs. Christine Stanton CENTURY CLUB: Mr. Gary and Mrs. Kathleen Avenel DREAM TEAM: Mr. John and Mrs. RayeLyn Cerniglia, Anonymous, Mr. Marty and Mrs. Clair Leger, Anonymous GRANDPARENTS OLLIE CLUB: Dr. James and Mrs. Kathleen Crouch, Mrs. Eileen Seese CENTURY CLUB: Mr. Robert and Mrs. Joan Doolittle, Mr. Peter and Mrs. Geralyn Klebba, Mr. Anthony and Mrs. Marsha Sciortino, Mr. Mitchel Trepagnier, Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Velardo, Dr. Harry and Mrs. Mary Vorhaben DREAM TEAM: Mr. Brian and Mrs. Ruth Ahearn, Mr. Elwood and Mrs. Cynthia Alberts, Mr. Roland and Mrs. Joan Becnel, Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Mary Lyn Bergeron, Mr. Barton and Mrs. Judy Blanco, Mr. Louis and Mrs. Laura Broussard, Mr. Leonard and Mrs. Dianne Cassioppi, Mr. Richard and Mrs. Susan Cernich, Mrs. Janet Connell, Mr. Roger and Mrs. Jerry del Rio, Mr. Charles and Mrs. Susan Donham, Mr. Charles and Mrs. Janis Dorhauer, Mr. Bernie and Mrs. Eileen Fenger, Mr. Fenner and Mrs. Nancy Gay, Mrs. Otis Hendrix, Mr. Ernest and Mrs. Claudia Henley, Anonymous, Mr. and Mrs. David Keife, Mr. F. J. Kemker, Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Janice Keough, Mrs. Janice LeBlanc, Mrs. Cindy Marino, Mr. Harold and Mrs. Wanita Montreuil, Mrs. Lynn Nunez, Mr. and Mrs. James Perrin, Mr. Andree Planche, Mr. Ronald Risey, Drs. Thomas and Mary Ruh, Mr. David and Mrs. Cindy Tardo, Mr. Ricky and Mrs. Mary Willis As always, you and your family are in my prayers. God Bless, Frank P. Smith Principal 12/1/15 12/2/15 12/3/15 12/4/15 IMPORTANT DATES St. Nick’s Workshop St. Nick’s Workshop; 7th grade field trip St. Nick’s Workshop Black & Gold Day; Donut Day; reregistration for current Little Cardinals mailed SCHEDULING OF VACATIONS Attention Parents: We ask that vacation travel be arranged to match the school holidays. The days missed can be disruptive to your child’s academic progress. Please note that any days missed due to vacation will be counted as absences. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. COATS FOR KIDS We will be collecting coats of all sizes for the Kiwanis Club’s annual coat drive. Please drop off clean coats in good condition to the school office. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. NEWS FROM THE NEST Please continue to clip and save Box Tops and Community Coffee labels. This is an easy way to earn money for our PTCC. Your assistance is appreciated. Tomorrow, Wednesday, December 2nd, is our Ways & Means Wednesday. Please send in all Box Top sheets and Community Coffee labels. Papa John’s Pizza Night is tomorrow Wednesday, December 2nd. Take the night off from the kitchen and treat yourself to some delicious Papa John’s pizza. Don’t forget to send in your receipt from the pizza box, this is how our school receives credit. Target REDcard Rewards Program - Shopping at Target this holiday season? Register your Target REDcard today and help earn money for our school. See the attached flyer for instructions on how to get registered in the program. It’s time for our annual St. Nick Workshop! This wonderful Christmas event will be held Tuesday, December 1st - Thursday, December 3rd. The children will embrace the spirit of giving as they shop for family members. Please see the attachment for class shopping schedules. It takes many volunteers each day to make this event a success. We are looking forward to this fun time for our students, and appreciate all of our volunteers. If you would like to volunteer to assist with this event, please contact our Committee Chairpersons Ashley Eilers ashley0@aol.com or Sara Tardo starto80@gmail.com. Our OLL Christmas Service Project has begun! Please have your child return the red service form to have a “Caring Cardinal” placed on the Caring Cardinal Christmas tree display in the school cafeteria. Forms are due November 30th December 11th. Please encourage your child to participate in this wonderful project. What a great way to begin your Christmas season by serving others and serving God. This project will help us all to remember the reason for the season. A form is attached to the Tuesday Note for your convenience. This year, we are blessed once again to partner with Catholic Charities and the Covington Food Bank for our annual Christmas Family Adoption Program. Please see the letter and children’s wish list attached to this week’s Tuesday Note. Prayerfully consider buying a gift for one or more of the children on this list, and you may even consider purchasing gifts for one family. Before buying any items on the list, please contact Chairperson Sarah Bergeron at sbergeronmd@gmail.com or 504-6507886. Collection day for the items will be on Wednesday, December 9, 2015. (This event will be held as our FFD for the month of December) On collection day our children will see all of the gifts placed under a Christmas tree in the OLL sunroom before delivery to Catholic Charities. This will be a wonderful opportunity for our students to see the thoughtfulness and generosity of our school community. Show the true meaning of Christmas and support our Christmas Adoption Program. OLL PTCC is selling “Keep Christ in Your Christmas” yard signs. These beautiful full color signs are 18 X 24 and come complete with wire stakes. You can view the signs throughout the school campus. Order your sign today! Proceeds will benefit our Christmas Adoption Program. You can pick up your pre-ordered KCIC sign on Wednesday, December 2nd from 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. or 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. We will follow the no bus carline route and pick up in front of the Msgr. Joseph Chotin Center. If you are unable to make these pick up times, please contact Christine Breaux at c2breaux@bellsouth.net or 504-628-2348 to make other arrangements. There are many upcoming PTCC events, so please mark your calendar for these activities: Tuesday, December 1st - Thursday, December 3rd: St. Nick’s Workshop Wednesday, December 2nd: Ways & Means Wednesday (Box Tops due) Wednesday, December 2nd: Papa John’s Pizza Night Wednesday, December 2nd: Christmas Greens and KCIC Yard Sign pick-up (7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. or 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.) Wednesday, December 9th: Christmas Adoption Collection Day If you have any questions, please feel free to contact a PTCC Board Member. Have a great week! BOOK FAIR NEWS The Scholastic Book Fair is coming!!! The Scholastic Book Fair will be held from Monday, January 11th through Friday, January 15th in the library. If you signed up at the beginning of the year to be a Book Fair volunteer, or if you would like to work during the fair, please contact: Celeste Brown: 504-319-6693 (cell) celesteconnolly@hotmail.com Kristy Gonzales: 504-432-1960 krizzybro@yahoo.com Information about the time for your child’s class visit to the book fair, as well as selection lists, will be sent home with students on Tuesday, January 5th. The Book Fair will be open Monday through Thursday afternoons until 3:00 p.m. We will also have extended hours on Wednesday, January 13, from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Special Note: All purchases at the book fair will need to be made either by CASH or CHECK only. We will not be able to accept credit cards. We are looking forward to an exciting Book Fair! Monday, November 30 - December 11 : OLL Christmas Service Project th th BAND NEWS The Christmas Band Concert is Wednesday, December 9th at 7:00 p.m. at Mary, Queen of Peace School cafeteria. The final "combined school" practice will be held at Mary, Queen of Peace School cafeteria this Saturday, December 5th as follows: 10:00-11:00 a.m.- Beginning band members, 11:00-12:00 noon - Concert band (intermediate & advanced), 12:00-1:00 p.m.Symphonic band (advanced band members). Questions? Please contact Ward Smith at wardwellsmith@gmail.com or (504) 909-8499. Our Lady of the Lake Mother’s Rosary Group We would like to invite new OLL moms and veteran OLL moms to join us once a month and pray the Rosary with other OLL mothers. Each month, we pray for special intentions, our students, families, faculty, administration, staff and our parish. We would love for you to join us. Time: Wednesday, 7:45 - 8:30 a.m. Where: Church (in front of Mary Statue) Dates: December 9, 2015 January 13, 2016 February 17, 2016 March 10, 2016 April 13, 2016 May 11, 2016 Tuesday Note Deadline: If you wish to publish something in our Tuesday newsletter, you must first send your submission to Mr. Smith via e-mail for his approval. All submissions must be received by 3:00 p.m. on the previous Friday. No exceptions will be made to this deadline. Office Notes: Parents – We need your help! Please make sure that notes sent to the office regarding your child are on a full size sheet of paper, written in blue or black ink, and include the following: date, child’s name (first and last), homeroom, parent name and phone number, bus number or name of person picking up your child, and signature. Please do not send emails. Please be specific! Thanks for your help. Early Check Out Procedure: We ask that you make all necessary appointments for your child after school hours. However, if you need to check your child out early, you must come to the school office prior to 1:45 p.m. and sign them out. The office staff will call for your child to meet you in the office. No students will be dismissed after 1:45 p.m. This is done to ensure the safe dismissal of all students. Thank you for your cooperation. Transportation Changes: To ensure the safety of your children, changes in your child’s afternoon transportation should only be made in the event of an emergency. If an emergency occurs, please notify the school office of any transportation change no later than 1:30 p.m. Please note that play dates and after school activities do not constitute an emergency. Thank you for your cooperation. REMINDERS FROM THE SCHOOL OFFICE PowerSchool LogIn: PowerSchool can be accessed directly at the following web address: www.ollpowerschool.org It is not necessary to go to the school website first to get to the PowerSchool link. SchoolReach Broadcast System: If you are not receiving the weekly e-mail reminders regarding Tuesday Note, please send an updated e-mail address to pjohnson@ourladyofthelakeschool.org. Car Line: Please follow the car line procedures as outlined in the instructions recently distributed to the parents. TUESDAY NOTE ATTACHMENTS a. Parish Affiliation Categories and Definitions for Re-Registration; b. St. Nick’s Shopping Schedule; c. KCIC yard sign order form; d. Christmas Service Project flyer; e. Updated Christmas Adoption wish list. PARISH AFFILIATION CATEGORIES AND DEFINITIONS FOR RE-REGISTRATION At this time of year, questions always arise regarding how Parish Affiliation Status is determined. Each individual parish determines its guidelines for defining whether or not a family is considered Registered, Active and Supporting. Contact your parish for the guidelines. The categories and their definitions are below. Accumulation of dollars is based on the previous calendar year (January 1 through December 31). Please note: The parish asks that contributions be made prior to December 20, 2015. To check your RAS status, please contact the Finance Coordinator, Cheryl Emmons, at 626-5671 ext. 101, or cheryl@ollparish.info. RAS-OLL - Registered, Active, Supporting of Our Lady of the Lake Parish The school is provided with a list from the OLL Parish Administration Office listing RAS families of OLL. These families meet the requirement, set by OLL Parish, of contributing $450 to the Parish per calendar year. Support Fee: $350 per student entering K-7 RAS-OTHER-Registered, Active, Supporting of Parishes other than Our Lady of the Lake For those worshipping and supporting parishes other than Our Lady of the Lake, Parish Affiliation Vouchers, verifying that the Parent/Family is “Registered, Active, and Supporting” in their HOME PARISH, are to be acquired from your Parish Office and turned in with the registration form. One voucher per child entering K-7 is required. If the vouchers did not accompany the registration forms, they must be turned in immediately to the school office, and we will attach them to the appropriate registration forms. The deadline for accepting a voucher is March 18th. This voucher indicates the HOME PARISH agrees to provide financial support to the PARENT by paying the “Parish Support Fee” to the ATTENDING SCHOOL. Please note that each voucher must be approved and signed by the Pastor of the home parish. Support Fee: Family obtains a voucher from their Home Parish for each student. The Home Parish will be responsible to the Archdiocese for the $350 per student support fee. The voucher should be supplied to OLL School by March 18, 2016. OLL School receives the support fee directly from the Archdiocese. NON-RAS - Not listed as Registered, Active, Supporting of any Archdiocese of N.O. Parish Support Fee: Parent pays the $350 per student support fee to the school, as indicated on the school tuition financial form. NC - Not Catholic -Child is not baptized Catholic Support Fee: Parent pays the $350 per student support fee to the school, as indicated on the school tuition financial form. St. Nick’s Shop Schedule Location: Library TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2015 7:45 – 8:25 8:30 - 9:10 9:10 – 9:50 9:50 – 10:30 10:30 – 11:10 11:00 -- 11:30 12:10 – 12:50 12:50 – 1:30 1:30 – 2:10 1O 3D 4R 4H 3S PreK KP 2S 2H (during Religion) (during Spanish) (during Spanish) (during Library) (during Spanish) (with parents) (during Spanish) (during Religion) (during Library) WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2015 8:30 – 9:10 9:10 – 9:50 9:50 – 10:25 10:30 – 11:10 11:00 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:10 12:10 – 12:50 12:50 – 1:30 4J 1W 2C 3Se PreK KC KM 1S (during PE) (during Religion) (during Theatre Arts) (during PE) (with parents) (during PE) (during PE) (during Theatre Arts) THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2015 8:20 – 8:55 9:50 - 10:30 10:30 – 11:10 11:10 – 12:00 12:35 – 1:25 1:25 – 2:10 5S 5M 5B 6A/6B 6C/7A 7B/7C (during Spanish) (during PE) (during PE) (during PE and Spanish) (during Spanish and Library) (during Library and Spanish) Our Lady of the Lake School Keep Christ in Your Christmas Yard Sign 18 X 24 Yard Sign Complete with Wire Stakes Proceeds will benefit our Christmas Adoption Program Order Your Sign Today! Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Homeroom: ____________________________________________________________________ Parent Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________ $10.00 each Quantity _____ Total Price $_________ Make check payable to: OLL PTCC PTCC Use Only Check # ___________________________________________________ Delivery Date ______________________________________________ OLL Christmas Service Project We are calling all OLL students to volunteer their time in service to their family, friends and community this holy Christmas season. Truly there is no better gift to Jesus than the giving of ourselves in service to others. We are setting up a beautiful “Christmas Service Tree” for our children in the school cafeteria. Each grade will have a designated branch of the tree. For each child that participates, a Christmas “caring cardinal” will be added to our service tree. Let’s fill each branch to show that at OLL we know the true spirit of giving. Often it is only necessary to look within our families and community to find special volunteer opportunities. Some may include: Helping an elderly family member/neighbor (grocery shopping, yard work, etc.) Visiting an ill family member or friend and offering assistance Collecting food items for the Covington Food Bank Donating clothes to the Samaritan Center or other agencies Volunteering at local nursing homes Read to a sibling Please encourage your child to participate in this very meaningful and wonderful service project. Students can turn in forms to their homeroom teacher from November 30- December 16. Special thanks from the OLL PTCC. If you have any questions please contact the Christmas Service Project chairperson Megan Ronzello at mronzello@gmail.com. Student’s Name ____________________________________________ Grade/Class_____________________ Description of Service: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________ Dear parents, Our Lady of the Lake is blessed with an amazing community of generous families. It is a wonderful tradition within our community to combine our resources to provide gifts for those in need. This year, Catholic Charities/Covington Food Bank has provided us with a list of ten families in need of our assistance. During this time of celebration, it is easy to forget that there are impoverished families within our community. Please consider contributing to our Christmas Family Adoption service project in any way that is comfortable for your family. Attached is a copy of the specific needs for each family. You may purchase individual items, adopt an entire family, or make a monetary donation to be used to meet the needs of our Christmas families. Checks may be written to OLL PTCC (memo: Christmas Adoption Program). Before making a purchase, please contact Sarah Bergeron to avoid duplicating any items. All donations will be collected on Wednesday, December 9th during morning carline. Thank you for your prayerful consideration of our service project. I look forward to sharing the generosity of the OLL community with our needy families. Sincerely. Sarah Bergeron sbergeronmd@gmail.com (504) 650-7886 # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 Age Shirt Pants Gifts African)American female male male male male 11 2 9 6 adult)x4large 5T 8)or)9 6)or)7 36)/)32 3T 9 7 African)American female male male female male 15 11 9 1 youth)large youth)medium youth)large 24)months 16 14 14 24)months Anything Saints,)educational)games PS3)games,)educational)games Kindle,)educational)games baby)toys,)educational)games African)American female male female male male male male 63 13 12 10 9 3 1 youth)x4large 14 14 12)husky 5T 2T 20 14 14 12)husky 5T 18)months Anything clothes,)Kindle,)books,)Saints,)educational)games )nail)polish,)crafts,)games,)clothes,)Kindle,)jewelry Naroto,)Japan4amation,)Kindle Kindle,)clothes Batman)stuff,)baby)tablet )motorized)riding)truck African)American male male male female female 53 12 11 9 6 youth)small youth)small 14 14 youth)large 9)slim 10 7 Anything 26")bike Power)Wheels,)Barnyard)4)cartoon)animals)and)dogs 20")bike )football,)basketball Cologne/anything remote)control)car,)football,)basketball) remote)control)car,)football,)basketball) )purse,)jewerly baby)dolls)and)baby)doll)clothes African)American female female 11 8 adult)large medium 10 10 )Barbie)dolls,))drawing)stuff,)purse,)watch baby)dolls,)loves)to)color,)stuffed)animals,)purse,)jewerly,)watch boy girl 9 12 8)to)10 12)or)14 8)to)10 12)or)14 helicopter,)toys,)trucks,)cars,)electronic)games,)books Xbox)360 boy boy boy boy girl 11 10 9 5 4 adult)medium youth)medium youth)medium youth)medium small 12 10 10 7 6 Horses,)handheld)games)))(horse)toys,)calendar,)etc) Horses,)Wii)games,)handheld)games Horses,)Wii)games,)handheld)games Horses,)Wii)games,)handheld)games Baby)doll,)purse,)make)up,)jewelry girl boy girl 4 4 1 5 5 3 5 5 3 dolls,)purses play)soldier)toys Blocks,)dolls,)toys boy boy 12 10 18 14)medium 16 14 Jurassic)Park)legos,)Saints,)LSU Jurassic)Park)legos,)Saints,)LSU African)American African)American African)American Hispanic