Alaska Assay Laboratories
Alaska Assay Laboratories
Alaska Assay Laboratories Independent Geochemical Laboratory Services A Member of the AHK Group Services Schedule 2009 Contents Introduction 3 Sample Preparation, Storage & Disposal 4 Fire Assay & Precious Metal Testing 5 AAS Packages 6 Multi-Element ICP Packages 7-8 Whole Rock & LECO Analysis 9 Quality Control & Data Management 10 Administration 11 Sample Submittal Form 12 Standard Terms and Conditions 14-15 Introduction Alaska Assay Laboratories (AAL) situated in Fairbanks, the heart of the precious and base metal exploration and mining districts of Alaska, is an independent facility providing geochemical laboratory services to the mining sector, fully accredited to ISO 17025. AAL forms part of the Alfred H. Knight (AHK) group. AHK is a private company established for over 125 years, renowned for providing reliable inspection, analytical and general support services to the mineral and metal industries worldwide. Our services in Alaska cover sample preparation, analysis and metallurgical testing of soil, sediment, rock chip as well as reverse circulation and drill core samples. Through our modern customised Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) we are able to collect, monitor and report results directly to our clients in various data formats, as requested. Other services on offer include satellite sample preparation facilities, mine-site laboratory development and/or management. We guarantee our customers an exceptional standard of service, providing reliable yet prompt results. Alaska Assay Laboratories Sample Preparation, Storage & Disposal Rock Chips, RC & Drill Core Price / sample US $ Sample size Description Code < 25 Ibs / 11.5kg Dry, Jaw crush to 70% -10 mesh, riffle split 250 grams & pulverize to 90% -150 mesh STD PREP 12.00 OVER-WT 0.25 per lb LG-PREP 15.00 > 25 Ibs > 25 Ibs Soils, Streams & Sediments Sample size Price / sample US $ Description Code - Dry, sieve to 80 mesh SCR-80 8.50 - Dry, sieve to 150 mesh SCR-150 10.50 Description Code Pulverising Sample size > 250 g > 500 g Price / sample US $ PULV-250 included PULV-500 Add 2.50 PULV-1000 Add 5.00 Quartz Pass CLEANOUT 1.00 Sorting and homogenising samples received as pulps BLEND 1.00 Pulverize to - 150 mesh > 1000 g Clean Out Pulp Blending - Compositing Charges Sample size Pulp Reject Description Combine and homogenise Code Price / sample US $ COMP-P 1.50 COMP-R 3.00 Storage & Disposal – (retained for 3 months free of charge) Sample size Pulp Rejects Description Code Returned (RTRN); Stored (STOR-P); Discarded (DISP-P) Returned (RTRN); Stored (STOR-P); Discarded (DISP-P) Price / sample US $ 0.25 / 6 months 0.25 / 6 months Customised Sample Preparation We understand that each organization may have certain individual sample preparation requirements and as such we can develop and implement specialized protocols to meet any specific needs. Fire Assay & Precious Metal Testing Fire Assay Sample Description size 30 g AA Finish 30 g Gravimetric 30 g Detection Limit 10 ppb >10,000 ppb Element Code Price / sample US $ Au FA-30Au 12.00 0.005 oz/ton Au FAG-30Au 13.00 AA / Grav 10 ppb/ 0.100 oz/ton Au/Ag FA-30Au/Ag 14.00 30 g Gravimetric 0.100 oz/ton Ag FAG-30Ag 13.50 50 g AA Finish 10 ppb >10,000 ppb Au FA-50Au 13.50 50 g Gravimetric 0.005 oz/ton Au FAG-50Au 14.50 50 g AA / Grav 10 ppb/0.100 oz/ton Au/Ag FA-50Au/Ag 15.00 50 g Gravimetric 0.100 oz/ton Ag FAG-50Ag 14.50 FA-150Au 25.00 5 Assay Gravimetric Ton 5 Assay Gravimetric Ton 0.001 oz/ton Au 0.001 - 0.100 oz/ton Au/Ag FA-150Au/Ag 30.00 30 g ICP Finish 0.001 oz/ton Pt /Pd FA-30Pt/Pd 20.00 50 g ICP Finish 0.001 oz/ton Pt /Pd FA-50Pt/Pd 25.00 30 g ICP Finish 0.001 oz/ton Au/Pt/Pd FA-30PGM 30.00 50 g ICP Finish 0.001 oz/ton Au/Pt/Pd FA-50PGM 35.00 Metallic Sieve Analysis Sample Description size Element Pulp is sieved through a 150 mesh screen. The entire plus fraction is fire assayed plus one 1000 g assay ton of homogenized minus 150 fraction. 250 g Code Price / sample US $ Au MSR-250 35.00 Au MSR-1000 50.00 Ore Grade Assays (Over limit assay >10,000 ppb Au) Sample Description size Gravimetric - AA/Dilution * This price includes extra sample preparation, two fire assays & calculations for both fractions and weighted average. Detection Limit 0.005 oz/ton 34,290 ppb Element Code Au AAG-30Au Au AA-Dil Price / sample US $* 13.00 2.50 Alaska Assay Laboratories AAS Packages Elemental Analysis by AAS Element Lower Detection Limit Upper Detection Limit Ag 2 ppm 10,000 ppm Co 2 ppm 10,000 ppm Cu 2 ppm 10,000 ppm Mo 2 ppm 10,000 ppm Ni 2 ppm 10,000 ppm Pb 2 ppm 10,000 ppm Zn 2 ppm Description 10,000 ppm Price US$ Packages (1st Element) AAS is used following an Aqua Regia hot leach on a 0.2 - 0.5 g portion of the sample AAS-2A 7.50 AAS is used following a Multi- Acid hot leach on a 0.2 - 0.5 g portion of the sample AAS-3A 8.50 AAS is used following a Total Digest on a 0.2 - 0.5 g portion of the sample AAS-4A 10.50 Additional Elements ( All Packages ) AAS-ADD 1.00 Sulphuric Acid Cold Leach Copper (0.5 g) AAS-ASCu 10.50 Cyanide Shake Test Sample size 30 g 30 g Description Element Code Pulp is combined with hot NaCn (1%) solution and agitated for one hour at a constant temperature. Gold and Silver are determined by AAS. Roasting and Preg-Rob are available on request. Au Au/Ag Price / sample US $ CN-30Au 9.50 CN-30Au/Ag 12.00 Cyanide Solution Analysis Sample size - Description Element Code Analysis by AAS Au Au/Ag Price / sample US $ CNSOL-Au 5.00 CNSOL-Au/Ag 7.50 Multi-Element ICP Packages ICP-OES Element Ag Al As Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Co Cr Cu Fe Ga K La Mg Mn Mo Na Ni P Pb Sb Sc Sr Te Ti V W Zn Lower Detection Limit 2 ppm 0.01% 5 ppm 10 ppm 2 ppm 3 ppm 0.01% 1 ppm 2 ppm 2 ppm 2 ppm 0.01% 5 ppm 0.01% 5 ppm 0.01% 10 ppm 2 ppm 0.01% 2 ppm 0.01% 2 ppm 2 ppm 5 ppm 2 ppm 2 ppm 0.01% 2 ppm 2 ppm 2 ppm Description Upper Detection Limit 100 ppm 10% 10000 ppm 10000 ppm 10000 ppm 2000 ppm 40% 2000 ppm 10000 ppm 10000 ppm 10000 ppm 40% 1000 ppm 10% 10000 ppm 30% 10000 ppm 10000 ppm 10% 10000 ppm 2.5% 10000 ppm 2000 ppm 1000 ppm 10000 ppm 2000 ppm 10% 10000 ppm 100 ppm 10000 ppm Packages ICP-OES is used following a hot leach on a 0.2 - 0.5g portion of sample. ( 2A - Aqua Regia; 3A Multi-Acid; 4A Total Digest) Price / sample US $ ICP-2A (30) 10.50 ICP-3A (30) 11.50 ICP-4A (30) 12.50 ORE Grade Assays - Over Limit Assays > 1% (10,000ppm) Elements Code Detection Limit Base Metals OVER-ICP 0.1% Price / sample US $ 12.50 Alaska Assay Laboratories Multi-Element ICP Packages ICP-MS Element Ag Al As Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Ce Co Cr Cu Fe Hf K La Li Mg Mn Mo Na Nb Ni P Pb Rb S Sb Sc Sn Sr Ta Th Ti U V W Y Zn Zr Lower Detection Limit 0.1 ppm 0.01% 1 ppm 1 ppm 1 ppm 0.1 ppm 0.01% 0.1 ppm 1 ppm 0.2 ppm 1 ppm 0.1 ppm 0.01% 0.1 ppm 0.01% 0.1 ppm 0.1 ppm 0.01% 1 ppm 0.1 ppm 0.001% 0.1 ppm 0.1 ppm 0.001% 0.1 ppm 0.1 ppm 0.1% 0.1 ppm 1 ppm 0.1 ppm 1 ppm 0.1 ppm 0.1 ppm 0.001% 0.1 ppm 1 ppm 0.1 ppm 0.1 ppm 1 ppm 0.1 ppm Description ICP-MS is used following a hot leach on a 0.2 - 0.5g portion of sample. ( 2A - Aqua Regia; 3A Multi-Acid; 4A Total Digest) Upper Detection Limit Packages 200 ppm 20% 10000 ppm 10000 ppm 1000 ppm 4000 ppm 40% 4000 ppm 2000 ppm 4000 ppm 10000 ppm 10000 ppm 60% 1000 ppm 10% 2000 ppm 2000 ppm 30% 10000 ppm 4000 ppm 10% 2000 ppm 10000 ppm 5% 10000 ppm 2000 ppm 10% 400 ppm 200 ppm 2000 ppm 10000 ppm 2000 ppm 4000 ppm 10% 4000 ppm 10000 ppm 200 ppm 2000 ppm 10000 ppm 2000 ppm Price / sample US $ ICP-MS-2A (40) 12.50 ICP-MS-3A (40) 17.50 ICP-MS-4A (40) 21.50 Whole Rock & Leco Analysis Whole Rock Sample size 0.1 g Determination SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO Na2O K2O MnO TiO2 P2O5 Cr2O3 LOI C S Be Ni Sc Sr Y Zr Detection 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.002 0.1 0.01 0.01 5 20 1 2 3 5 % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm Upper Limit 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 5000 1000 1000 5000 5000 5000 % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm Description Price / sample US $ 35.00 Code A combination XRF, ICP and Leco is utilised to yield a comprehensive rock characterisation which includes the major oxides and some minor elements. Loss on ignition (LOI) is determined following ignition at 1000OC W-ROCK LECO Sample size Description Element 2g 2g 2g A unique service of Carbon and Sulphur analysis by Leco is also available Code Price / sample US $ C LECO-C 15.00 S LECO-S 15.00 C/S LECO-C/S 25.00 Alaska Assay Laboratories 10 Quality Control & Data Management Quality Control We place the utmost importance on Quality Assurance throughout our entire process, from sample preparation through to reporting of our results, operating according to ISO 9001:2000 / 17025 guidelines. Our Quality Control system includes strict chain of custody, sample recording, preparation product particle size monitoring, preparation blanks, regular calibration and maintenance of balances, equipment and instrumentation, inclusion of certified reference materials, duplicates and blanks within given sample batches, statistical evaluation of all QC data, final review by highly qualified personnel and reporting of all QC data. Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) As part of the AHK group, our clients benefit from the experience, longevity and reputation of one of the longest standing business in the industry. This, coupled with constantly upgrading technology has enabled us to stay at the forefront of the industry. Over the last few years AHK has introduced an advanced LIMS system, Labcreate, a user friendly, custom made, software program which combines all the essential criteria for capturing, monitoring and reporting data. The system has an added custom fit element for individual organisations. Labcreate has been integrated into our Alaskan laboratory allowing us to provide a more customer focused package for data reporting and direct client electronic sample submittals. All original Certificates of Analysis are sent by mail. Flexibility of data access is provided by our AssayTrac, a web-based data retrieval system which allows you to track your samples as they are processed through the laboratory and provides secure access to your results at your convenience. Administration 11 Requesting Analysis Miscellaneous Charges Analysis requests can be made by completing the attached Sample Request Form, or by contacting us directly. A setup charge of $25.00 per job (SETUP), a login charge of $0.50 per sample (LOGIN), an environmental charge of $0.50 per sample (ENV) and a minimum charge of $250 (MIN) per invoice will apply to samples submitted at Alaska Assay Laboratories. Sample Collection Alaska Assay Laboratories offer a sample collection service in the vicinity of the city of Fairbanks free of charge within a 10 mile radius. A minimal charge of $0.75 per mile applies for collection outside this area. For all International shipments Alfred H Knight provides sample reception points at a number of offices worldwide. Please refer to the AHK website or inquire within. Packaging All samples should be securely packaged ensuring that each sample is labelled clearly with a sample number. Any highgrade samples must be identified to reduce the risk of cross contamination. Shipping & Handling A nominal charge of $1.50 per sample is charged for shipping, packaging & weighing cost. Account Payment All invoices are due upon receipt. Payments: Payments can be made by check, bank draft or wire transfer. Standard Turnaround Times At Alaska Assay Laboratories we understand our clients’ need for fast turn around time (TAT). With this in mind we offer competitive turnaround times with a choice of priorities for our customer’s convenience. TAT Gold ICP (business days) Premium Standard 15 30 - Priority 7 15 x 1.5 Rush 3 5 x 2.0 Terms & Conditions All work undertaken is subject to our Standard Terms and Conditions (pg 14-15). Alaska Assay Laboratories 12 AHK Alaska Assay Laboratories SAMPLE SUBMITTAL FORM Company 1921 Sanduri Ave Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 Phone (907)479 3110 Fax (907)479 3112 Contact Billing Address Project Company P.O. Telephone Fax Date Submitted AAL Received Released by Accepted by SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Date/Time TYPE # ANALYSIS REQUESTED TOTAL NUMBER OF SAMPLES TYPE CODES DATA OUTPUT RECIPIENTS Concentrate C Drill Core D Liquid L Pulp P Rock R Reverse Circulation Soils S Vegetation V Coal CL Petroleum PT RC TURN AROUND (Business Days) Priority Standard 3 days 7 days 15 days E-mail file (4 ) REPORT UNITS (Circle) ppm oz/ton g/t % lbs Phone Fax Rush ppb Hard Copy kg PULPS ( Stored free of charge for 3 months) ( 4) xls txt pdf acquire xml Other COARSE REJECTS (Discarded after 3 months) (4 ) Discard after one month Return COD after analysis complete Return COD after one month Other (Specify) PAYMENT TERMS – Invoice due on Receipt ALL WORK IS UNDERTAKEN SUBJECT TO OUR STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS, COPIES AVAILABLE ON REQUEST Other Notes 13 Alaska Assay Laboratories 14 Standard Terms and Conditions 1. Unless otherwise specifically agreed in writing Alfred H Knight Alaska, Inc d/b/a Alaska Assay Laboratories (hereinafter called “the Company”) only undertakes services in accordance with these Terms and Conditions of Business (hereinafter called “General Conditions”) and no others. Accordingly all offers or tenders of service are made subject to these General Conditions and the Company gives notice of objection to inconsistent or additional terms that may be contained in the terms of business of other documents of a “Client” (defined later). All resulting contracts, agreements or other arrangements will in all respects be governed by these General Conditions, except only to the extent that the law of the place where such arrangements or contracts are made or carried out shall preclude any of the General Conditions and in such case such local law shall prevail wherever, but only to the extent that, it is at variance with these General Conditions. 8. Reports and Certificates 2.The Company is an enterprise engaged in the trade of inspection and testing. As such, it : 2.1.carries out such standard services as are referred to in General Condition 6. 2.2.renders advisory and special services as may be agreed by the Company and as referred to in General Condition 7. 2.3.issues reports and/or certificates as referred to in General Condition 8. 3.The Company acts for the persons or bodies from whom the instructions to act have originated (hereinafter called “the Client”). No other party is entitled to give instructions, particularly on the scope of inspection or delivery of report or certificate, unless so authorized by the Client and agreed by the Company. The Company will however be deemed irrevocably authorized to deliver at its discretion the report or the certificate to a third party if following instructions by the Client a promise in this sense had been given to this third party or such a promise implicitly follows from circumstances, trade custom, usage or practice. 4. The Company will provide services in accordance with: 4.1. the Client’s specific instructions as confirmed by the Company; 4.2.the terms of the Company’s Standard Order Form and/or Standard Specification Sheet if used; 4.3. any relevant trade custom, usage or practice; 4.4.such methods as the Company shall consider appropriate on technical, operational and/or financial grounds. 5. Information and Documentation 5.1.All inquiries and orders for the supply of services must be accompanied by sufficient information, specifications and instructions to enable the Company to evaluate and/or perform the services required. 5.2.Documents reflecting engagements contracted between the Client and third parties, or third parties’ documents, such as copies of contracts of sale, letters of credit, bills of lading, etc. are (if received by the Company) considered to be for information only, without extending or restricting the instructions or obligations accepted by the Company. 6.The Company’s standard services may include all or any of the following: 6.1. quantitative and/or qualitative inspection; 6.2.inspection of goods, plant, equipment, packing, tanks, containers and means of transport; 6.3. laboratory analysis or other testing; 6.4. inspection of loading or discharging; 6.5. sampling; 6.6. surveys and audits. 7.Special services where the same exceed the scope of standard services as referred to in General Condition 6 will only be undertaken by the Company by particular arrangement. Such special services are illustratively not exhaustively: 7.1. qualitative and/or quantitative guarantees; 7.2. tank calibration, meter calibration and meter proving; 7.3. supply of technicians and other personnel; 7.4.pre-shipment inspection under government mandated import or customs schemes; 7.5.supervision of complete industrial project schemes, including engineering review, expediting and progress reporting; 7.6. advry services. 8.1.Subject to the Client’s instructions as accepted by the Company, the Company will issue written reports and certificates made with due care within the limitation of instructions received but the Company is under no obligation to refer to or report upon any facts or circumstances which are outside the specific instructions received. 8.2.Reports or certificates issued following testing or analysis of samples contain the Company’s results on those samples only but do not express any opinion upon the bulk from which the samples were drawn. If testing or analysis of the bulk is requested special arrangements must be made in advance with the Company for the inspection and sampling of the bulk. 9. The Client will: 9.1.ensure that all instructions, inquiries, orders etc. to the Company or changes to those instructions and sufficient information are given in due time and in writing in the English language to enable the required services to be performed effectively; 9.2.procure all necessary access for the Company’s representatives to enable the required services to be performed effectively;, if required, any special equipment and personnel necessary for the performance of the required services; 9.4.ensure that all necessary measures are taken for safety and security of working conditions, sites and installations during the performance of services and will not rely, in this respect, on the Company’s advice whether requested or not; 9.5.take all necessary steps to eliminate or remedy any obstruction to or interruptions in the performance of the required services; 9.6.inform the Company in writing in advance of any known hazards or dangers, actual or potential, associated with any order or samples or testing including, for example, but not restricted to, presence or risk of radiation, toxic or noxious or explosive elements or materials, environmental pollution or pons; and supply, where applicable, the appropriate MSDS. 9.7.fully exercise all its rights and discharge all its liabilities under any related contract of sale whether or not a report or certificate has been issued by the Company, failing which the Company shall be under no obligation to the Client. 10.Unless the Client specifically, in writing, instructs otherwise, the Company shall be entitled at its discretion to delegate the performance of the whole or any part of the services contracted for with the Client to any agent or subcontractor. 11.If the requirements of the Client necessitate the analysis of samples by the Client’s or by any third party’s laboratory the Company will pass on the result of the analysis but without responsibility for its accuracy. Likewise where the Company is only able to witness an analysis by the Client’s or by any third party’s laboratory the Company will provide confirmation that the correct sample has been analyzed but will not otherwise be responsible for the accuracy of any analysis or results. 12.If the sample or the service is or is potentially the subject of legal proceedings this fact must be notified to the Company in writing before the work is carried out. If that fact is not disclosed to the Company at that stage the Company shall not be obliged or prepared to provide expert testimony. 13.Any samples used by the Company for any tests will be retained by the Company for a period of 3 (three) months after the date of the tests and thereafter disposed of unless the Client instructs otherwise. If the Client requires the sample to be returned then the Company reserves the right to make a charge for this service. (See company policy “Sample Return/Environ-mental Fee”) 14. The Company’s Liabilities 14.1.The Company undertakes to exercise due care and skill in the performance of its services. 14.2.The liability of the Company in respect of any claims for loss, damage or expense of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising in respect of any breach of contract and/or any failure to exercise due skill and care by the Company shall in no circumstances exceed a total aggregate sum equal to 8 (eight) times the amount of the fee or commission payable in respect of the specific service required under the particular contract with the Company provided, however, that the Company shall have no liability in respect of any claims for indirect or consequential loss including loss of profit and/or loss of future business and/or loss of production and/or cancellation of contracts entered into by the Client. Where the fees or commission payable relate to a number of services and a claim arises in respect of one of those services the fee or commission shall be apportioned for the purposes of this paragraph by reference to the estimated time involved in the performance of each service. 15 15.The Client shall guarantee, hold harmless and indemnify the Company and its shareholders, directors, officers, employees, agents or subcontractors against all claims made by any third party for loss, damage or expense of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising relating to the performance, purported performance or nonperformance of any services. The client’s indemnity shall include all of the reasonable attorneys’ fees and court costs incurred by the Company in defending any such third party claim and/or in enforcing this indemnification. 16.Every shareholder, director, officer, employee, agent or subcontractor of the Company shall have the benefit of the limitation of compensation and the indemnity contained in these General Conditions and so far as relates to such limitations any contract entered into by the Company is entered into not only on its own behalf but also as agent and trustee for every such person as aforesaid. 17.In the event that any unforeseen problems or expenditure arise in the course of carrying out any of the contracted services the Company shall be entitled to make additional charges to cover additional time and cost necessarily incurred to complete the service. 18.Payment 18.1.The Client will timely pay the Company’s invoices within 30 (thirty) days after the relevant invoice date or within such other period as may have been agreed in writing by the Company. The Client will pay service or interest charges on past due invoices at the rate of 3.0 (three) per cent higher than the prime rate then posted by Bank of America, provided that such charges shall not exceed the highest rate permitted by law. 18.2.The Client shall not be entitled to retain or defer payment of any sums due to the Company on account of any dispute, cross claim or set off which it may allege against the Company. 18.3.In the event of any suspension of payment, arrangement with creditors, bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or cessation of business by the Client the Company shall be entitled to suspend all further performance of its services forthwith and without liability. 18.4.The Client shall pay court costs and, if attorneys are utilized by the Company, reasonable attorneys’ fees, incurred by the Company in the collection of payments from the Client or in the successful defense, in whole or in part, of any attempt by the Client to assert any cross claim or set-off against the Company. 19.In the event of the Company being prevented by reason of any cause whatsoever outside the Company’s control from performing or completing any service for which an order has been given or an agreement made, the Client will pay to the Company 19.1.the amount of all abortive expenditure actually made or incurred; 19.2.a proportion of the agreed fee or commission equal to the proportion (if any) of the service actually carried out; and the Company shall be relieved of all responsibility whatsoever for the partial or total non-performance of the required service. The Company shall not be liable to the Client or be deemed to be in breach of any contract to which these General Conditions relate by reason of any delay in performing or any failure to perform any of the Company’s obligations if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond the Company’s reasonable control. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the following shall be regarded as causes beyond the Company’s reasonable control: Act of God, explosion, flood, tempest, fire or accident; War or threat of war, sabotage, insurrection, civil disturbance, or requisition; acts, restrictions, regulations, bylaws, prohibitions, or measures of any kind on the part of any federal, state, or local or other governmental authority; import or export regulations or embargoes; strikes, lock-outs, or other industrial actions or trade disputes (whether involving employees of the Company or of a third party); difficulties in obtaining raw materials, labor, fuel, parts, or machinery; power failure or breakdown in machinery. 21.The validity, construction, and performance of any contract to which these General Conditions apply shall be governed by the laws of the State of Alaska. Any disputes related to these provisions or the performance of the contract to which the General Conditions relate shall be brought in any state or federal court of competent jurisdiction within the State of Alaska. The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts of the State of Alaska. The Company and the Client each consent to the service of process by any means authorized by federal law or the laws of the State of Alaska. The Company and the Client each agree that the exclusive choice of forum set out in this General Condition 21 does not prohibit the enforcement of any judgement obtained in that forum or any other appropriate forum. 22.Any notice given by either party to the other under these General Conditions or any contract to which they apply shall be in writing addressed to that other party at its principal place of business, registered agent, registered office or such other address as may have been notified at the relevant time pursuant to the party giving the notice. No waiver by the Company of any breach of any contract by the Client shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision. If any provision of these General Conditions is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, the validity of the other provisions of these General Conditions and the remainder of the provisions in question shall not be affected thereby. The Client may assign any contract to which these General Conditions relate only with the Company’s prior written consent. Any fees and commissions due the Company shall be exclusive of sales and use tax and all other (if any) taxes, levies, duties, and charges which may be imposed on the Company’s services, which taxes, etc. shall be the sole responsibility of the Client and which shall be paid at the same time and in the same manner as the Company’s fees and commissions. The Client agrees to and shall indemnify and reimburse the Company in full for all reasonable attorneys’ fees and court costs incurred by the Company in collecting, or attempting to collect, any payment due the Company for services rendered and/or incurred in prosecuting any other breach by the Client of the contract to which these General Conditions relate, whether such prosecution is seeking money damages and/or injunctive relief. Any payments made to the Company shall be made in U.S. dollars. The Company shall be entitled to immediately terminate any contract to which these General Conditions apply upon the Client’s breach of said contract or any provisions of these General Conditions or upon the occurrence of any events specified in Condition 18.3. January 2008 20.All results and data contained in an e-mail or fax are valid only when supported by the original document on the Company’s file. Alaska Assay Laboratories Alaska Assay Laboratories 1921 Sanduri Ave. Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 Phone (907) 479 - 3110 Fax (907) 479 - 3112