FWIW April 15, 2016 - Alpine Lake Resort
FWIW April 15, 2016 - Alpine Lake Resort
***For What It’s Worth*** Janice Nelson, Editor April 15, 2016 Editor’s Comment I truly was joking when I mentioned in the last issue that we could expect to receive a foot of snow last weekend. I should have known better! Thank goodness the snow left as quickly as it arrived! Now it’s time for some good ‘ole spring weather! There are many activities being organized for you to participate in, if you wish. Movie Night at the Boathouse is this Monday evening, and Alpine’s first PO’s Carry-In Picnic of the season is on Thursday, the 21st of this month. If you haven’t purchased your horse or horses for Kentucky Derby, please do so. That event is planned for next month. Also, there will be a traditional Seder held at the Boathouse on Sunday evening, the 24th of April. Please be sure to read about all these events and more happenings around the Lake in this issue. Until next time… The next FWIW will be issued on Friday, April 29th. Please email all articles to me, Janice Nelson, at mamaj11@yahoo.com, or use the FWIW box on the lobby counter. Please keep your article brief so we can fit all the news in each issue. Thanks for your cooperation and participation. Enjoy! TIMELY NOTICES AND REMINDERS NEXT EGG DELIVERIES by Sheila Amato James Stemple, a local farmer will deliver eggs to the Lodge at Alpine Lake every other Wednesday around 11:15 AM. Upcoming delivery dates are April 20 and May 4. He will continue this schedule until the Farmer’s Market opens up in Terra Alta; typically that happens towards the end of June. Anticipate his future deliveries of flowers to plant... he always has a wonderful selection, and his prices are very reasonable. Be on the lookout for an email message on the Friday before his delivery date to place your order. If you would like to be added to this list (or removed from it), please let me know. Jennie Kahly from Possum Tail Farms comes to the Lodge on alternate Wednesdays around 11am to sell her organic eggs and organically raised meat. You can place orders and pay her directly via her messages on the Friends of Alpine Lake Facebook page, or directly online at http://www.possumtailfarm.com/ HAPPENINGS AROUND THE LAKE & NEARBY… TRADITIONAL SEDER by Sheila Amato Please sign up this week and indicate which food item from the list provided you can bring to share. This will help me with planning... thanks. A traditional Passover Seder will be held at the Alpine Lake Boathouse on Sunday evening, April 24, 2016 (the 3rd night of Passover) starting at 5 PM. This Seder will be conducted by Rabbi Joe Hample, the spiritual leader of Congregation Tree of Life, Morgantown WV, and is a collaboration between the members of the First United Methodist Church and Alpine Lake Property Owners. 1 SHUFFLEBOARD by Bob Bayer Another Shuffleboard Season has come to an end. I have been involved in this league for 10 years now. I think Skip and Dottie Creamer started this in the early 2000's and I got involved with assisting Ron Wiles when the Creamers' took over the Strokers' responsibilities. At that time we might have had 6 or 8 teams. We have gone thru a real evolution of people that have participated in our "so called" competition. There have literally been hundreds of people who have participated over the years. I'd like to think that we've brought a substantial amount of business in during the winter months, when 1/2- 3/4 of the property owners are not here, on Thursday evenings. Thank you shuffleboarders for showing up on some ugly winter weather nights and supporting our resort. I hope I am still here and able to head this league up again next winter On 3/17, John and Kurt show up "wifeless" and consequently become Thursday night "husbands!" Kurt sported a "sympathy" sling on his right arm, forcing him to throw left handed, with a hanger for a win in the first game. I'm thinking this has been a season long "setup" and he's really left handed! Other hangers this night were thrown by Kay, Barry, and Kathy. Six point shots from Ginger and Dave. On 3/24, John and Kurt brought their wives, Dave got Kay as a Thursday night wife (who always seems to play better against me than with me.) Hanger club tonight included Barb (compliments of Jim), Curtis (in a loss), and Bob had a winning hanger knocked off by, guess who, Dave’s new Thursday night wife! We wrapped up our season on 3/31 with most of the usual suspects. It was Curtis's birthday, and he was predicting their first victory! Then when Duane announced a free case of beer to the winner, I knew it was a done deal! Lisa and Curt ran the winner’s bracket, then had to survive a "Laing attack" in the finals! Newcomers, Crystal & Willis Perrine, got a rude welcome from the Rocchis but came back to score points in their second game. Hanger’s club tonight included John and Curtis (after Jim beat Curt’s hanger and then Jim proceeded to knock his own off!?). What was he thinking? Lisa with a hanger to win it all! So here's the results: Mar. 17th 1st place: Kathy & Sam Berry (undefeated, strong showing) 2nd place: Charlotte & Bob (Charlotte back in mid-winter form, not shooting bad either) 3rd place: Ginger & Dave Tucker (finally out of 2nd place) Mar. 24th 1st place: Kay & Dave (just needed to re-wife) 2nd place: Charlotte & Bob (Thursday night wives square-off) 3rd place: Judy & Curt Engel (Really? Sympathy sling in action) Mar. 31st 1st place: Lisa & Curtis (bragging rights until next season) 2nd place: Pat & John Laing (John had 7 to force game 2) 3rd place: Sheila & Tony Amato (on the board at the end, good showing throughout the year) CALL FOR HOMES by Joyce Wachter The Annual Alpine Lake Home Tour is Sunday, June 26th from 12pm-5pm. This is the day where hospitable Alpine homeowners open their homes for a tour. There are many beautiful and unique homes in Alpine Lake to be shared with the community. If you are interested in opening your home for this event, please contact Joyce Wachter at joyceann.wachter@gmail.com or 240-383-0220. 2 ANNUAL LADIES’ SPRING LUNCHEON by Sue Aamodt Thursday, May 5th – 12pm – Seasons Restaurant. ALL ladies – golfers and others – are invited to our 10th Annual ALLGO-sponsored spring luncheon. We encourage you to sign up at the front desk or call to have your name added. We need a head count for lunch, so please be sure to get on the list ASAP (deadline is April 28th). The cost for the buffet lunch and non-alcoholic beverage is $15 per person (tax and gratuity included). Once signed up, if you cancel after the April 28th deadline, you will be required to pay the $15 because you were included in the guaranteed count. A delicious lunch menu is planned along with entertainment, a raffle and cash drawing so bring cash to get in on the fun. See the beautiful flyer towards the end of this edition for detailed information. See you there. Come and bring a friend. OF INTEREST TO OUR COMMUNITY BROADBAND SERVICE Reliable internet service has been a constant struggle here at Alpine Lake. While attending the Preston County Day at the State Legislature in Charleston, Ginger Tucker, Tom Kinsey and Linette Sines all met with Chief Technology Officer, Gale Given, to express frustrations with the lack of services available. Since that meeting, Prodigi, a Preston County based business has contacted Alpine Lake with an interest in providing Broadband services to our area. In order for this to happen, Prodigi needs 250 homes in our community to sign up for their service. Prodigi will be able to provide us with the latest and fastest technology through fiber optics. At the end of this edition of FWIW, you will find their brochure and pricing. If we can get enough owners to commit, we could have Broadband service here at Alpine Lake by the end of the year! When considering this decision, please keep in mind that with Prodigi’s services, you can eliminate your current telephone and internet service, most likely saving you money each month. The first step toward a relationship with Prodigi is surveying property owner interest. I ask that you please take the time to look over the brochure and pricing and notify Linette Sines, Interim General Manager, by May 1st if you would be willing to sign up for Prodigi’s services. You can notify Linette via email at linettesines@alpinelake.com or via phone at (304) 789-2481 ext. 149 Interested property owners will have the opportunity to attend a meeting with a Prodigi representative in the near future (date not yet determined) to have any questions answered before committing to their service. SHRINERS’ VIDALIA ONIONS Taking orders now for May delivery. Call or see Dave Wilson – (304)789-6821 – 10# - $10 BLOOD DRIVE The next blood mobile is set for May 26th. It’s Noon to 5:30pm at the Ambulance Hall. TERRA ALTA FOOD BANK There is an ongoing need to replenish supplies at our local food bank so please add your donations whenever you can to help this worthy cause. There is a box inside the front foyer of the Lodge for your convenience. Please continue to be generous in your giving. 3 IRISH ROAD BOWLING by Jim Hoadley The West Virginia Irish Road Bowling Association (wvirishroadbowling.com) is holding an Irish Road Bowling event at Coopers Rock State Forest on May 7th. I would like to get an Alpine Lake team to go and give it a try (a team is 4 people). I have some road bowling balls for a practice session prior to the Coopers Rock event. Contact me for more information. PRESTON COUNTY ELECTIONS by Jerry Pops I am calling on those living at Alpine Lake who are registered to vote in Preston County to become acquainted with and vote for our neighbor, Willis Perrine, for magistrate in Preston County (District 2). Not only are Willis and his wife Crystal true, caring, participating citizens at Alpine Lake, but Willis is highly qualified to hold the office of magistrate. Born and raised in West Virginia, Willis earned an associate degree in applied sciences at Fairmont State and then studied at and earned a criminal justice bachelor’s degree at George Mason University. He became a career law enforcement officer in Virginia and also was certified by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice to train policemen. He also owned and ran a private investigation company. He still found time to serve as a volunteer fireman. Willis Perrine is energetic, intelligent and outgoing, and dedicated to public service. I hope you will vote for him on May 10 and also urge your friends and acquaintances to do the same. To learn more about Willis, please visit his website at www.electperrine2016.com. BIG BUCKS BINGO by Kathleen Berry, Sec. of East Preston Lions Club Saturday, May 14th - $30/person. Doors open at 3pm. Early Bird Bingo starts 4pm. Held at the Terra Alta Ambulance building. Proceeds will benefit the East Preston Lions Club Sight Fund. This fund is to provide eye exams and eye glasses for the visually impaired adults and children in the Terra Alta area. COMMITTEE REPORTS BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE by Sally Rocchi and Wilma Rumble The committee will have its first meeting of the 2016 season on Wednesday, April 27th at 1pm in the Rhododendron Room at the Lodge. We have much to do this season: planting, watering, and making our community stand out from others nearby. Our big project is the house tour. Please contact Joyce Wachter at 240-383-0220 if you would like to show-off your home. (My house was on the tour last year and we had a good time—even in the rain!) Everyone is welcome to be a part of this fun committee. Come and join us! ECC by Dick Gallagher Please remember to submit permits for all exterior work, including painting/staining, tree removal, additions like garages and decks, etc. We are able to process most applications the week they are submitted (new home construction takes a while longer, and driveway paving is a two-step process that must be coordinated with the roads crew). The contractors who work in Alpine are filling their schedules rapidly, particularly the painters. If you are planning on having work done this summer, it would be a good idea to contact them as soon as possible. We are back on our weekly meeting schedule, every Thursday morning at 8am. If you would like to meet with us, but are unable to scale the heights to our office, please let us know and we will meet with you on the lobby level. 4 ALPUC NEWS by Kim Mayne, General Manager Today, April 15th, is the final day if you are interested in running for the ALPUC Board. Please contact our office or any of the following board members: Jim Wachter, Dave Tucker, Mike Kubina or Boris Nazaroff. ALPUC’s remaining public meetings for 2016 will be held in conjunction with the ALPOA meetings in June (annual meeting), September and November. The next public meeting for ALPUC is the June annual meeting and we hope to see you there. We will be including information on the annual meeting in your April billing. West Virginia Rural Water hosted a continuing education class at Alpine Lake on April 7th. There were 16 operators from the area who attended the class. We would like to thank Linette as well as Liz and Nancy for working with us to host this event. PROPERTY OWNER’S COMMITTEE by Bernie and Birgit Stock Are you ready to start saving your aluminum cans again? The bin will open (behind the golf cart area) on April 15th. Please bring aluminum cans only, properly secured. They are only bringing in 20 cents a pound right now, but we'll do our bit for the environment. Our first Road Cleanup for the year will be on Tuesday, April 19th at 10am. (Meet at the Gate.) We do Rte. 46/47 from Rte. 7 to Cranesville Road. It only takes an hour if we get a dozen or so POs to help (dress for the occasion). A couple of (older) trucks are needed. Our first Carry-In Picnic will take place this coming Thursday at 5pm at the Boathouse. Bring the usual. For those new, just ask or call the Stocks at (304) 789-2443. There will be lots to talk about, so don't just eat and run. SPRING IS HERE... NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS COMMITTEE by Boris Nazaroff The following members of ALPOA in good standing have officially announced their candidacy for the ALPOA Board: Pat Arnone Xaver Gramkow Craig Stevens Ginger Tucker We thank them for their willingness to serve and wish them well. They will be elected at the ALPOA annual meeting to be held on Saturday, June 25th, 2016, at 10am in the Lodge. More information on absentee ballot procedures will be provided after May 1st, 2016. Biographies for each candidate can be found in the Newsletter and in the Community Chat space of the Alpine Lake Website under “Nominations and Elections.” 5 KENTUCKY DERBY by Bernie and Birgit Stock The Kentucky Derby Party/Fundraiser will again be held at the Boathouse the first Saturday in May (5/7). This is always a fun time for PO’s and their guests, so mark your calendars! The Race Card for the Alpine Races (see below) will “run" before the Big Race, starting at 2:30pm. (First race at 3pm.) PO's may purchase a horse for $10 (whether you attend or not, giving all PO's an opportunity to be a part of this fundraising event). The winning horse owner gets $40 (4-1 odds). Please email us (bbstock2@frontier.com) and we'll let you know if the horse is available (two horses per family, please). Remember, if you can't make it, you can still buy a horse (11 remaining) for the Alpine Races and/or a 5/10 wager on the Blind Draw for the Derby. The food will be basically the same as last year (great!), beef or chicken w/ trimmings for $10. You can bet on it! Carry-out will also be available. Hoping to see you there. We had our Derby meeting Monday night. We still need volunteers to help things run smoothly. An hour will help let others enjoy the day as well. RACE CARD FOR ALPINE RACES 1st RACE 2nd RACE THE PRESIDENTIAL RACE 1. Donald's Rump Taken 2. Loco Ted 3. Bernie The Giver Taken 4. Hillary The Nun Taken 5. Little Marco Taken 6. Gentle Ben Taken 3rd RACE "THE MILITARY SPRINT" 1. Semper FI Taken 2. Anchors Away Taken 3. Air Race. Taken 4. Coast is clear Taken 5. Special Force. Taken 6. Ranger Danger Taken 4th RACE "BEN HUR MEMORIAL RACE" 1. Holy Moses Taken 2. Joseph's Coat 3. Noah's Zoo Taken 4. Delilah’s Hunk Taken 5. David's Aim Taken 6. Mighty Lord Taken 5th RACE "HOLLYWOOD DERBY" 1. Kane's Slut 2. Starlet Dreamer Taken 3. Directors Choice 4. SCI - FI 5. Shining Oscar Taken 6. Cast Party 6th RACE "GUYS AND DOLLS HANDICAP" "THE MAFIA SPECIAL" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. Teflon Don 2. Tony the Rat 3. Capo Prince 4. Mafia Princess 5. Gambino Gomba. 6. Sicilian Code Apple Annie Sky the Book Nathan's Lawyer Nicely, Nicely Crap Game Mindy’s Crew Taken Taken Taken Taken Taken Taken Taken 6 DRAFT OF MISSION, VISION AND CORE VALUES by Tom Kinsey Please find below the Draft Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and Core Values which are being presented by the Strategic Planning Task Force. The plan is to gather comments from now until April 15th. Then the Task Force will consider each comment as it drafts final statements. These final Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and Core Values will be part of the voting process at the Annual Meeting. If adopted, these statements will form the framework for the rest of the Strategic Plan. Please respond in the following manner: Feel free to use the Community Chat as a location for discussion about this draft. However, if you would like to have a specific comment considered by the Task Force, it needs to be either sent to the following email address: strategicplanning@alpinelake.com or as hard copy to Tom Kinsey, 700 West Alpine Drive, Terra Alta, WV 26764. While the discussion may continue, all comments must be received by April 15th. Thank you for your valued input!!!! Draft Mission, Vision and Core Values Draft Mission Statement: Alpine Lake Resort, located in West Virginia’s beautiful high country, provides a unique array of residential and recreational opportunities, within a secure community, for its homeowners, visitors, and investors. Draft Vision Statement: Alpine Lake Resort will be the preferred alpine residential and resort destination on the East Coast where people truly live their dreams. Draft Core Values: To fulfill its mission and realize the vision, Alpine Lake Resort – its Board of Directors and staff – will: 1. Provide exceptional customer service to both homeowners and visitors. 2. Ensure the safety and security of all those on the grounds of the resort. 3. Protect and improve continuously the natural physical environment and amenities of this pristine four season resort. 4. Require the highest in residential property standards. 5. Utilize best practices in all facets of the resort’s management. 6. Serve as a model corporate neighbor to the greater community outside the resort. 7. Create continuous opportunities for property owners, visitors and investors to “live their dreams.” FROM MANAGEMENT & STAFF Linette Sines – Interim General Manager The Pro Shop is now open 7 days a week from 9am - 5pm (weather permitting). Golf Memberships are available for purchase, and Darryl Simpkins, our Recreation Coordinator, is available to give golf lessons. New merchandise will be arriving soon. This year, guests and owners can purchase their golf memberships and schedule lessons online through our website. 7 The fitness center has now been relocated, and all equipment has been moved, with the exception of the leg machine. It is a larger heavy piece of equipment, and needs to be moved with a skid steer. We need to wait for the area around the lodge to dry up so we can move the machine without sinking and making a muddy mess. As we have visitors to the pool and fitness area, small items have been brought to my attention and we are working on fixing them. For example, requests have been made for hair dryers and additional hooks in the locker room - so they are on their way. You should receive your Assessment bill(s) for the 2016/17 assessment year on or around May 1st, with a payment due date of May 16th. If you choose quarterly or semiannual options, subsequent payments will be due July 15th, September 15th, and December 1st. There are still several weekend dates, and many weekday dates available at the Boathouse. If you are interested in booking the beautiful venue for family reunions, birthday parties or other events, please call our Marketing Coordinator, John Corbin, at 304-789-2481 ext 152. Community Pride Day is scheduled for Saturday, May 14th. We can use as many owners as possible to participate! We are still compiling a list of tasks for that day so signup sheets will be at the front desk soon. ALPOA BOARD NEWS PRESIDENT’S REPORT – by Ginger Tucker, President We hope you have had an opportunity to visit the pool and/or fitness center. We’ve had excellent reviews but realize tweaks are necessary as more members use both facilities. We request that all members sign in with your lot number and the number of guests so that we can keep accurate records. The Board approved the 2016 Marketing Plan and the golf committee proposal to reduce golf rates to be more competitive with local courses. We did suggest that offering specials or added packages may promote interest in our course and increase the number of golf rounds played. The Standing Committee policy and standard Charter format are now updated and Gary Cox will continue working with committee chairpersons to possibly consolidate some committees. The Strategic Planning Committee has posted the Vision, Mission and Core Value statements on community chat and in this FWIW for property owner comments through 15th April. The annual Community Pride Day is scheduled for Saturday, 14th May. As in the past, the Interim General Manager will have a signup sheet near the front desk by30th April with projects and team leads. Please volunteer to spruce up our community before the summer season starts. There has been considerable discussion about open mic night at Alpine Lake. Open mic was hosted by a paid entertainer; property owners and outside guests participated which made for an enjoyable evening. The Board is working on a proposal to host open mic at the boathouse twice a month. There may be a cover charge to offset the cost of the evening. More to come as we finalize this effort. 8 FREE CLASSIFIED ADS – “A Service for our Community” Editor’s Note: Ads will run in 4 issues, and then be deleted, unless new ones are resubmitted. This will be accomplished by inserting the date the ad was first run, with new ads at the top of the listing. Remember to notify me if your item is no longer available, too. Thank you. Home for Sale: I would like to sell my big, beautiful house at Alpine Lake (397 Betony Lane) and buy a small cabin here. If you are interested in seeing my house, or you have a small house to sell at Alpine, please call Marilyn at (304) 789-3134. (4/15) Insurance: Carrie See Insurance, located on Alpine Lake Rd. We offer great rates on homeowners and automobile insurance, annuities and investments, life insurance, and business operations coverage. Give us a call for a free quote! (304) 789-5585 or email carrieseeinsurance@gmail.com. (4/15)* Tax Services: Dorinda Kisner, CPA, and staff providing professional services for individuals, businesses, estates and trusts. Tax planning, compliance, estimated payments, consulting and accounting services locally in Terra Alta. Contact us at (304) 789-6082 or email at questions@kisnercpa.com (4/15)* Handyman Services – White Oak Works LLC ~ Property Maintenance, Lawn Care, & more! Call (304) 698-7710 (4/15)* Support your community! – Vote Kris Liller for Preston County Assessor- LillerForPrestonAssessor.com Wanted: Reliable contractor to complete various projects at my Alpine Lake home. Projects range from painting, pantry shelves, drywall repair and deck staining to new kitchen, deck expansion, new shed and bathroom remodel. Looking to complete some of the priority projects before the summer rental season. Phone: (412) 400-9240 (4/15) Needed: A slightly used kayak or canoe for sale. We are new to Alpine and want to get started on the waterways. Budget around $300. Let me know if you are moving or just don't use the kayak/canoe anymore. Contact Robin Turner-Grimshaw 678 Bluebell Drive (703) 623-1690 (4/1) In House Sale: Tools, ladders, furniture, gas grill & much more. Phone (304) 789-6391. (4/1) Handyman Services: By an Alpine Lake resident. 25 years experience. Specializing in custom wood work, carpentry, plumbing, electric, drywall, painting, power washing, yard work, odd jobs, and furniture repair. $15 an hour or priced per project. Call Ron (304) 698-9798. References available. (3/18) New: Faux Wood 2" Window Blinds, Brown. Sizes: 32 3/4" X 55 1/4" and 35 1/4" X 60 1/2" (2 qty). $10 apiece. Call Joyce (240) 383-0220 (3/18) Paintball Gun & Balls: New, never used CARVER ONE .68 CALIBER MARKER and paint balls. The US Army Carver One is a great value for the entry player, and provides a firm platform for players to build on as their experience develops. Just $50 (originally $99.99). Call Joyce (240) 383-0220 (3/18) For Sale: Aluminum Fishing Boat, Bass Tracker 12 foot Tadpole with trailer, trailer dolly, 2 pedestal padded seats, battery & charger, MinnKota 45# thrust motor, fish finder, 2 Cabela brand oars, new marine grade carpet on deck, anchor, voltage protector, battery meter, & 2 personal flotation jackets. Price $1200, contact (304) 789-2721. (3/18) For Sale: Ladies Right Handed Delta 11 club set, 1 Top Flite putter, Acuity bag with coordinating Acuity shoe bag, supply of golf balls & tees. Price: $70. Contact (304) 789-2721 (3/18) 9 For Sale: Men’s Golf Club Set - Men’s Right Handed Knight Tour Distance 16 piece set with bag and the following additional clubs: Momentus Swing Trainer, Knight Black Velvet Putter, Dunlop Goliath Driver, 60 degree Knight Power Spin wedge, ball retriever, a supply new and used golf balls. Price $105. (304) 789-2721 (3/18) Odd Jobs: Joe Heath, Jr. (Security Guard) (304) 789-6838 or (304) 698-2584 - Weed eating, lawn work, painting, gutters & lots cleaned, snow removal or house sitting. Anything else, just ask. HAVE TRUCK WILL TRAVEL. (3/18) Pet Sitting & House Checks. Call Kay Bayer (304) 789-2111 House Rental: Retired couple would like to rent a place in Alpine for the month of August 2016. Internet service would be nice; definitely want a washer/dryer. Alpine resident happy to recommend the couple. If interested in renting your place, call Don or Judy at (352) 391-5540. (3/4) New in Box: Empire NON VENTED 24" log set 34,000 BTU WITH remote control, easy hookup. $550. Call Pat (304) 789-6520. (3/4) ALPINE LAKE LODGE HOURS EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY (NOTE CHANGES) FRONT DESK SEASONS LOUNGE Mondays – Fridays: 4pm – 9pm Mondays – Saturdays: 8am-4pm Saturday & Sunday: 12pm-9pm Sundays: 8am-3pm FITNESS CENTER POOL OPEN DAILY from 7am – 10pm OPEN DAILY from 8am-9pm PRO SHOP OPEN DAILY from 9am-5pm 10 DATES TO REMEMBER (A handy summary of dates to put on your calendar now) Please note that the following events occur weekly on the day and time noted: Mon., Wed. & Fri. 9am -10am – FUN-FIT Aerobics Classes, Lodge, Allegheny Room Mondays 10am - 3pm – Sew Together, Rhododendron Room, Lodge Wednesdays 10am – Needlework Club - Rhododendron Room, Lunch Follows 6 -7 pm - Jammers – Rhododendron Room (except the first Wed. of each month) 7pm – Property Owners Game Night, Boathouse Thursdays 10am - Noon – Braille Workshop – Rhododendron Room Note: Dump Open: Tues/Thurs 7am – 4pm & Saturdays 7am-4pm T.A. Recycling Plant Open: Tues/Weds/Thurs 8am –4pm, and Saturdays 8am ‘til Noon Also – monthly events: 2nd Sunday of each month – 7am – 1pm – Kingwood VFD Breakfast 3rd Saturday of each month – 9am – ALPUC Board Meeting (meets March, June’s annual mtg., Sept., Nov.) ALPOA WORKSHOP & POA BOARD MEETINGS Saturday, April 16th POA Mtg. @ 10am May 14 Workshop - May 21 POA Meeting (All @ 10am) Please continue to email Board Members w/questions, suggestions (addresses are on website) OR use Comment Box in Lobby COMING EVENTS (Please put on your calendar now – don’t miss a thing – watch for details): Sat., April 16th – Mon., April 18th Sun., April 24th – Fri., April 29th – Thurs., May 5th Sat., May 7th Sat., May 7th Sat., May 14th – Mon., May 16th Thurs., May 26th - Terra Alta Community Ambulance Gun Give-away @Kingwood Civic Ctr. 5pm – Movie Night at the Boathouse 5pm – Passover Seder at the Boathouse Next FWIW published – submit articles by Wednesday, April 27th 12pm – Annual Ladies’ Spring Luncheon – Seasons 2:30pm -? Kentucky Derby @ Boathouse Irish Road Bowling @ Cooper’s Rock State Forest Community Pride Day Assessments payment due Blood mobile drive @ Noon - 5:30pm at Ambulance Hall 11 12 13 14 15 16
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