The Eastern Province Khronical - Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity


The Eastern Province Khronical - Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity
The Eastern Province Khronical
Official Eastern Province News Letter
ISSUE May 2015
Eastern Province Reporter Keshon Kelly
27th Eastern Province Polemarch Linwood J. Smith, Jr.
Danville (VA) Alumni Chapter
Spring 2015 Issue
90th Eastern Province Council
Reminders & Updates
2015 Eastern Province Spring Cluster
Moving towards the 82nd Conclave
Reporter’s Note:
I am honored to serve as your Eastern Province Reporter and I
am proud to bring you the first edition of the Eastern Province
Khronical for this fraternal year. I hope that you enjoy the recap
of the 90th Eastern Province Council and our 2015 Spring Cluster.
I would like to thank all contributors of this edition for their time
and efforts. As you read this publication, if you have any
questions, comments, or concerns, please email them to me at This has been a very trying
fraternal year we have had here in the Eastern Province. With
that in mind, “are you doing all that you can for Kappa?” Only we know our limitations
and level of effort that we personally contribute to our fraternity!
Yours in the Bond
Keshon Kelly
2-Time National William L. Crump History Awardee
Eastern Province Reporter
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Message from the 90th Eastern
Province Council Host Chapter:
The Brothers of Dulles-Leesburg (VA)
Alumni Chapter (DLAC) was honored to
serve as Host Chapter for the 90th
Anniversary of the Eastern Province of
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. It was
also a pleasure working with members of
the Province Council Planning
Committee (PCPC) and leadership of the
Eastern Province on the common goal of
ensuring a successful and enjoyable 90th
Province Council.
As we celebrate the
90th anniversary of
the Eastern
Province, I ask you
to reflect on the
brothers who came
before us and whose singular actions helped
to establish the “Flagship Province.” We owe
our past province Polemarchs a special debt
of gratitude, and we salute them for their
contributions to the fraternity, your province
leadership team is committed to serving our
alumni and undergraduate members as well
as renewing Kappa’s fundamental purpose.
“Achievement in Every Field of Human
As we prepare for the 82nd Grand Chapter
Meeting, which will be held this August in
New Orleans, LA, I ask each brother of the
Eastern Province to get on board our
“Flagship” as we prepare to bid farewell to
the 32nd Administration and welcome the
33rd Administration. As a loyal Kappa son of
the Eastern Province, I thank you for your
commitment to our youth and the
communities we serve. Remember that we
can make a significant difference in the lives
of others! Our continuing goal is “One
Team, One Voice, ONE KAPPA!”
Yours in the Bond,
Linwood J. Smith, Jr. “Smitty”
27th Eastern Province Polemarch
90th Eastern Province Council April 2015
The Eastern Province Council started off with the opening business session on Friday
morning April 17, 2015. The session was presided over by the 27th Eastern Province
Polemarch Linwood J. Smith, Jr. Dignitaries such as the 29th Grand Polemarch Howard
L. Tutman Jr., Sr. Grand Vice Polemarch Thomas L. Battles, Jr., Grand Jr. Vice
Polemarch Eddie Scott and Grand Board Member Alvin L. Hill (Petersburg (VA)
Alumni Chapter) were all present. Province Officers and Dignitaries were also
recognized as the session and day continued. The day also consisted of the
Achievements and Awards Luncheon, a reception to celebrate the 90th Anniversary of
the Eastern Province, the Public Meeting and the evening concluded with a party held
by the Dulles-Leesburg (VA) Alumni Chapter.
Province Council Public Meeting
The Public Meeting for the 90th Anniversary of the Eastern Province was a grand affair
with dignitaries including Kristen Umstead,
Mayor of Leesburg, Howard L. Tutman, Jr. the
29th Grand Polemarch, Senior Grand Vice
Polemarch Thomas L. Battles Jr., Junior Grand
Vice Polemarch Eddie D. Scott, and Undergrad
Grand Board Member Alvin L. Hill. Master of
Ceremonies Kamonte McCray introduced Host
Chapter Polemarch Paul L. Robinson of DullesLeesburg (VA) Alumni Chapter whom awarded
Community Service Awards to Chief Executive
Officer of AARP, Mrs. Jo Ann Jenkins; Owner of
Coleman Primary Care, Dr. Linda E. Coleman;
and Janet Wiggins, Douglas Community Center
and NAACP Board Member. The 27th Eastern
Province Polemarch, Linwood J. Smith,
Jr. then provided a timely speech before
being greeted by representatives from
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., and Zeta Phi
Beta Sorority, Inc. Regional Director
Diane Surgeon, Esq. During the Public
Meeting it is customary that the Eastern
Province bestows it’s highest award the
Pillar of the Province to deserving
brothers. This year the Pillar of the
Province was conferred to Brother Rawle Andrews, Jr.
of the Washington (DC) Alumni Chapter who
service’s as Director of Risk Management for the
Eastern Province and to Brother Danny Giles of the
Petersburg (VA) Alumni Chapter who services as
Vice Chairman of the Province Council Planning
Student of the Year Pageant
The Eastern Province Student of the
Year Competition culminated during
the Public Meeting of the 90th
Anniversary Eastern Province Council
Public Meeting on Friday, April 17,
2015. There were
two contestants; Jordan Smith,
representing the Silver Spring (MD)
Alumni Chapter and Uriel Gray,
representing the Baltimore (MD)
Alumni Chapter.
The contestants were judged on six
different categories: Scholarship,
Awareness, Community
Involvement, Career Preparation,
Poise/Appearance and
Talent. Jordan recited a
poem and Uriel played a trumpet solo
during the program as
demonstrations of their talent.
Following a compilation of
scores, Uriel Gray was named
Eastern Province Student of the Year.
He received a $500.00 cash award and
the honor of representing the Eastern
Province at our Grand Chapter
Meeting in
New Orleans. Jordan received a
$300.00 cash award as runner-up.
Brothers Darrell Hairston and Fred
Kirby of the Martinsville (VA) Alumni
Chapter along with Brother Burns of
the Fort Lee (VA) Alumni Chapter
served as judges for this year.
William Thomas Carter Alumni Chapters of
the Year Award
Large Alumni Chapter of the Year Baltimore (MD) Alumni –
First Place
Alexandria-Fairfax (VA) Alumni Second place
Medium Alumni Chapter of the Year –
Petersburg (VA) Alumni
Small Alumni Chapter of the Year –
Danville (VA) Alumni
Petersburg (VA) Alumni Chapter Receiving Chapter
of the Year - Medium Size
I.W.E. Taylor Undergraduate Chapters of
the Year Award
Large Undergraduate Chapter –
Epsilon Zeta, Norfolk State Univ.
Washington (DC) Alumni Receiving 1st Place Guide
Right Program of the Year - Large Chapter
Meritorious Service Awardees
Robert Brown – The Dulles /Leesburg (VA)
Marvin Carr – The Baltimore (MD) Alumni
Rawle Andrews –The Washington (DC) Alumni
David Childs – The Baltimore (MD) Alumni
DeAndre Howard – The Danville (VA) Alumni
Keshon Kelly – The Danville (VA) Alumni
Rodney Perkins – The Silver Spring (MD) Alum
Small Undergraduate Chapter –
Mu Mu, George Mason University
Linwood C. Hardmon Chapter Advisor of the Year
James Smith Jr., Chesapeake-Virginia Beach (VA)
Alumni, Epsilon Zeta Advisor
Donald G. Murphy Military Service Award
Major General Cedric T. Wins,
Hampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni
William L. Crump History Award
Edward Thomas, Danville (VA) Alumni
James Overton Academic Achievement Award
Jamison A. Hicks, Mu Mu,
George Mason University – First Place
Warren Mckinley Beatty Jr., Mu Mu,
George Mason University – Second Place
William Henry Green Undergraduate Chapter
Achievement Award
Mu Mu, George Mason University – First Place
Danville (VA) Alumni Chapter Receiving Chapter of
the Year - Small Size
Silver Spring (MD) Alumni Chapter Receiving Guide
Right Program of the Year – Medium Chapter
Polemarch’s Awardees
Robert Jenkins - Washington (DC)
Alumni Chapter
Keshon Kelly - Danville (VA) Alumni
Michael Edwards – Fort Lee (VA) Alumni Chapter
Kevin Clark – Baltimore (MD) Alumni
Charles Exum – Bowie – Mitchellville
(MD) Alumni Chapter
2015 Eastern Province
Guide Right Awardees
Bert V. Wadkins Award (Most Outstanding Alumni Guide
Right Advisor)
Small Chapter Category
1st Place – Edward Thomas, Danville
Epsilon Zeta Chapter Receiving Chapter of the
(VA) Alumni Chapter
Year Undergraduate - Large Size
Jay Crosby Award (Most Outstanding Guide Right Program)
Large Chapter Category
1st Place – Washington (DC) Alumni Chapter
Medium Chapter Category
1st Place – Silver Spring (MD) Alumni Chapter
Small Chapter Category
1st Place – Danville (VA) Alumni Chapter
Leon W. Steward Award (Most Outstanding Guide Right Member· 1st Place –
Mr. James J. Davis, sponsored by the Washington (DC) Alumni Chapter
Sean James – Alpha Phi Chapter
Brandon Damon – XI Chapter
James Pointer – Rho Theta Chapter
Ralph Williams – The Baltimore (MD)
Alumni Chapter
Elton Burton – The Petersburg (VA)
Alumni Chapter
Robert L. Jenkins, Jr. Receiving the Province
Polemarch Award
Province Council Events
On Saturday May 18, 2015 the Province Council continued with the 3rd Business
Session which was presided over by Province Sr. Vice Polemarch Robert L. Jenkins, Jr.
Esq. Committee Chairman presented reports on actions and progress by their specific
committees. The 27th Eastern Province Polemarch
Linwood J. Smith, Jr. presented the state of the
Province Address to the body. The session concluded with brothers being directed to the polls to
cast their votes for the officers running for elections
at this years Province Council. The day continued on with the Undergraduate Luncheon which
was presided over by Brother Joshua Crockett the past Eastern Province Jr. Vice Polemarch. A
very moving keynote speech was given by Sr. Province Vice Polemarch Robert L. Jenkins, Jr.
Esq. Among those in attendance at the luncheon were the 29th Grand Polemarch Howard L.
Tutman, Jr., Sr. Grand Vice Polemarch Thomas Battles, Jr., Undergrad Grand Board Member
Alvin L. Hill, Chief Administrative Assistant to the 32nd Grand Polemarch Ron Julian, 22nd
Eastern Province Polemarch Lt. Col. Rufus Fl. Clanzy, 26th Eastern Province Polemarch Cornelius “Neil” Hudgins, IV, as well as a host of other dignitaries and Province Officers and Officials.
Also during the day there were several other activities that took place such as committee
meetings, balloting, the
Silhouettes meetings and
activities, the Health Fair put
on by Brother Rodney Perkins
the Province Health and Wellness Chairman along with students
from Howard University Medical School. The Quiz Bowl also
took place and was moderated by Brother Josh Crockett of the
Washington (DC) Alumni Chapter. Also during the afternoon
session there was an overview from the National MOIP Task Force
given by Brother Dr. D. Jason DeSousa. Brother DeSousa discussed
the data that had been collected and the direction the Task Force
was going with revamping the MOIP Process totally. The afternoon continued with Vendors, Brothers fellowshipping and
hospitality. As everyone was preparing for the closed Banquet and evening entertainment.
This year’s Province Council was very successful with over
250 Brothers registered and in attendance. Brothers of the
East will continue to build leading to the 82nd Grand
Chapter Meeting in New Orleans, LA.
Closed Banquet
On Saturday, April 18, 2015 at approximate 7:00 PM, the Eastern Province Council held its Closed
Banquet at the Hilton McLean/Tysons Corner. The Processional was announced and the
dignitaries took their seats on the dais. The 29th Grand Polemarch Howard L. Tutman, Jr. as
well as Grand Board Member Alvin Hill were in attendance with approximately 200 Brothers of
the Eastern Province. Brother Hill delivered the keynote address , points of his message were
how we need to get back to being brotherly and stop with the hidden agendas and tearing
brothers down and not picking them up. How we need to
heal as a province and how we need to begin to build for
the future.. Also, during the closed Banquet the Province
Resolutions Chairman Rawle Andrews gave the Resolutions Report from the weekend which included resolutions to support our US Armed Forces and to Support our Brothers in the Clergy.
The Eastern Province Elections Chairman, Charles Gilbert gave the results of the elections that were held
earlier in the day and the following are the results and the elected Eastern Province Officers for the 20152016. Province Polemarch, Linwood Smith (Hampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni Chapter), Sr. Vice
Province Polemarch, Robert L. Jenkins, Jr. Esq. (Washington, DC Alumni Chapter), Jr. Vice Province
Polemarch, Josh Regis (The Norfolk State Univ. Chapter Epsilon Zeta), Keeper of the Exchequer, Robert
Greene (Dulles- Leesburg (VA) Alumni Chapter), Keeper of Records, Gayatachew Dorsainville
(Washington (DC) Alumni Chapter), Strategus, Andrew Melton (The Howard Univ. Chapter the Xi), Lt.
Strategus, Jeremiah Regis (The Norfolk State Univ. Chapter Epsilon Zeta), Historian, Ralph Williams
(Baltimore (MD) Alumni Chapter), Reporter, Keshon Kelly (Danville (VA) Alumni Chapter), Region 1
Alumni Board Member, Bruce Wharton (Salisbury (MD) Alumni Chapter), Region 1 Undergraduate Board
Member, Michael Barnett (The UMES Chapter the Pi Nu), Region 2 Alumni Board Member, Paul Robinson
(Dulles- Leesburg (VA) Alumni), Region 2 Undergraduate Board Member, Akiel Pyant (The Univ. of MD
Chapter the Theta Theta), Region 3 Alumni Board Member, Xavier Richardson (Fredericksburg (VA) Alumni Chapter), Region 3
Undergraduate Board Member, Donald Lesley (The VA State Univ. Chapter the Alpha Phi), Region 4 Alumni Board Member, Edward Thomas
(Danville (VA) Alumni Chapter), Region 4 Undergraduate Board Member, Darian Dixon (The Radford Univ. Chapter the Rho Theta), Region 5
Alumni Board Member, Kenneth Madison (Hampton-Newport News (VA) Alumni Chapter),
Region 5 Undergraduate Board Member, Kam Nedd (The Old Dominion Univ. Chapter the Eta
Omega), Grand Chapter Eastern Province Rep. Alumni, Joshua Crockett (Washington (DC)
Alumni Chapter), Grand Chapter Eastern Province Rep Undergraduate, Edward Taylor (The
Howard Univ. Chapter the Xi), Nominations Committee Chair, Daniel Wilson (College
Park- Sandy Spring (MD) Alumni Chapter), Eastern Province Alumni Rep. to the National
Nominating Committee, Daniel Wilson (College Park- Sandy Spring (MD) Alumni Chapter),
Eastern Province Undergraduate Rep. to the National Nominations Committee, Darian Dixon
The Radford Univ. Chapter the Rho Theta). The 29th Grand Polemarch Howard L. Tutman,
Jr., installed the newly elected officers.
Rho Theta (Radford Univ.) 2015 Eastern Province
Quiz Bowl Champions
The Province Quiz Bowl Chairman, Joshua
Crockett announced the results of the Quiz
Bowl which was held earlier in the day.
The following chapters competed for the
distinct honor of being named the 2015
Quiz Bowl Champion: Rho Theta (Radford
University), Xi (Howard University), Beta
Chi (Hampton University), and the Zeta
Gamma (Coppin State University). In their
first Kappa Quiz Bowl appearance Rho
Theta (Radford Univ..) emerged as the
winner and received a $300.00 cash prize for
their chapter’s exchequer.
Province PCPC Chairman Floyd Taliaferro presenting last
year’s Local Chapter Chairman Craig Dean, with an award
The Beta Chi sponsored team
finished in second place and
received a $200.00 cash prize
for their chapter’s exchequer.
The Xi chapter rounded out the
top three and received a
$100.00 cash prize for their
chapter’s exchequer. Moving
forward, a consolidated team
consisting of the brothers from
the first, second, and third
place teams will be
representing the Eastern
Province at the 82nd Grand
Chapter Meeting. It should be
noted that the brothers of
Dulles-Leesburg Alumni
Chapter provided a tremendous amount of support before, during, and after the Quiz
Bowl in order to make the event a success.
Reminders and Updates
Woodbridge (VA) Alumni Chapter - 7th Annual NUPE Madness 5 on 5 Basketball Tournament
Saturday, May 30, 2015 @ Potomac Sr. High School in Woodbridge, VA
Entry: $250 per team (25 game tickets are included)
Contact Brother J.N. Coleman for more information Ph: (540) 435-3463 Em:,
82nd Grand Chapter Meeting Souvenir Journal Extension
Deadline Sunday, May 31, 2015/ 11:59PM
Electronic & US mail
Hampton-Newport News Alumni Chapter Annual Kasino Night 2015 "All White VI" event
June 6 2015, at the Hampton Roads Convention Center, 1610 Coliseum Drive, Hampton, VA 23666.
Tickets can be purchased via the chapters website at
Announcing the 20th Year of KAPPA KAMP
June 7-19th, 2015
Paul Quinn College in Dallas Texas
Silver Spring (MD) Alumni Chapter Black & White Gala
Date: Friday, June 12, 8:00 PM
Location: Martins Crosswinds, 7500 Greenbelt Center Drive, Greenbelt, MD 20770
Tickets: $100 - Available via PayPal:
Dress: Formal Attire
College Park-Sandy Spring (MD) Alumni 9th Annual Kappa Cruise on Saturday, June 13, 2015.
For more information or to purchase tickets visit If you have additional questions, please contact Craig
Dean at (202) 412-3456 or Rodney Witherspoon at (240) 375-0060.
Reminders and Updates Continued...
39th Chartering Day of The Alexandria-Fairfax (VA) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
A/F Chapter will celebrate its 39th Chartering Day on Saturday June 13th, 2015. You can purchase your ticket at http://
KAΨ Activity: Sr. Grand Vice Polemarch Thomas L. Battles Jr. Reception...June 14, 2015
The members of Dulles-Leesburg (VA) Alumni Chapter are honored to host Sr. Grand Vice Polemarch Thomas L. Battles Jr. for an
intimate conversation about his vision for the Fraternity and our Province.
The event is open to all members and free of charge. However we ask that brothers register at our website so we may prepare accordingly (food & beverage).
Location: BMW of Sterling, 21710 Auto World Cir, Sterling, VA 20166
If you have any questions/comments contact Paul Robinson, PolemarchDulles-Leesburg (VA) Alumni Chapter Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. 703-679-7006 Mobile
Danville (VA) Alumni Chapter - 14th Annual Kappa Kookout
Saturday June 20, 2015 3:00 pm until 7:00 pm at Dan Daniel Park - 302 River Park Drive, Danville, VA 24540
For Information: Contact Chapter Polemarch Keshon Kelly at
Howard County Maryland Pan-Hellenic Council – Greek Stroll Off Day Party
Saturday June 27, Patapsco Valley State Park, 1101 Hilton Ave. Catonsville, MD 21228
$10.00 admission 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm For advanced ticket purchase
Alumni Chapter Officers Reports Due June 30, 2015
All Alumni Chapter Officers Reports are Due to the Province Keeper of Records, Province Polemarch and Grand Chapter no later
than June 30, 2015. Any reports received after June 30, 2015 are subject to a fine.
Dulles-Leesburg (VA) Alumni - Chartered Bus Trip to Atlanta, GA (ATL) October 9 – 11, 2015
for the Washington Redskins vs. Atlanta Falcons football game. Deposits can be paid at,
All questions, please contact Brother Emerson V. Steele at (703) 209-3881 or
All Chapters that have events/activities you would like reported, please contact Keshon Kelly
( Eastern Province Reporter to get direction on how to submit your articles for publication in the
Eastern Province Khronical!
UMES Hall of Famer Michael Casey Earns Prestigious Alumni Honor
University of Maryland Eastern Shore Hall of Famer and member of the storied National Invitational Tournament Team,
Dr. Michael D. Casey (The Alexandria-Fairfax (VA) Alumni Chapter), was recognized recently by the school's National Alumni
Association as they inducted him into the UMES Hall of Excellence. The HOE ceremony was held on campus as part of the school's
annual Homecoming celebration and is a bi-annual event that takes place on the years opposite the school's Athletic Hall of Fame
2015 Spring Cluster
On the weekend of May 15-16, 2015 the Eastern Province held our Spring
2015 MOIP Cluster. This was the first Eastern Province Cluster since the
Moratorium on Intake was instituted by our Grand Polemarch, Randy Bates
in September of 2014. No undergraduate chapters were present as the Moratorium on Intake still applies to them. The 2015 Spring
Cluster was the first Cluster under the 27th Eastern Province
Polemarch Linwood J. Smith, Jr. Six chapters participated in the
Cluster, Fredericksburg (VA) Alumni, Aberdeen (MD) Alumni, Silver
Spring (MD) Alumni, Fort Lee (VA) Alumni, Fredrick (MD) Alumni
and Danville (VA) Alumni. There were a total of 25 candidates that
went through the Cluster. The Cluster took place at Prince George’s
County Community College in Largo, MD.
The Cluster was planned and coordinated by Eastern Province MOIP
Chairman Brother Willie Wright. Brothers Malverse Nicholson (Bowie
-Mitchellville (MD) Alumni Chapter) and Keshon Kelly (Danville (VA)
Alumni Chapter & Eastern Province Reporter) facilitated the
classroom reviews and administered the test for the candidates. Also
members of the Province MOIP Committee were on hand to
assist with the initiation ceremony as well as the pinning ceremony.
Also in attendance were Province Board of Directors Members Edward
Thomas (Region 4), Xavier Richardson (Region 3), Province Keeper or
Records Guy Dorsainville along with many other Brothers from the
participating chapters and from around the Province.
MOIP Chairman Willie Wright and Vice Chairman Norman Storrs
wants to personally thank the members of the Eastern Province MOIP
Rho Theta (Radford Univ.) 2015 Eastern Province
Quiz Bowl Champions
Committee, the Province Keeper of Exchequer (Robert “Bob” Greene
and Eastern Province Keeper of Records (Gayatachew “Guy”
Dorsainville) who worked tirelessly behind the scene in support of
the Clusters along with all the chapters and chapter MOIP
Chairman that participated and made this event a success.
2015 Spring Cluster Pinning Ceremony
Aberdeen (MD) Alumni Chapter
Ft. Lee (VA) Alumni Chapter
Danville (VA) Alumni Chapter
Proud Son Pins His Father
Proud Father Pins His Son
D.V.A Neo
Fredericksburg (VA) Alumni
Silver Spring (MD) Alumni Chapter
Fredrick (MD) Alumni Chapter
82 Grand Chapter Meeting Information
Registration Ends
June 30, 2015
Conclave will be held at
900 Convention Center
New Orleans, LA 70130
New Orleans, Louisiana
August 11-16 2015
Conclave Highlights
The 82nd Grand Chapter Meeting will be an exciting event held in one of the country's most culturally enriched cities New Orleans, Louisiana
What to Expect:
A memorable occasion for
Brothers and their families
Networking with Nupes from
around the country, corporate
partners, and sponsors
New Orleans Alumni Chapter will
be hosting a variety of events and
The list goes on.
82 Grand Chapter Meeting Information
Hotel Accommodations
Hilton New Orleans Riverside - Host
 Embassy Suites New Orleans
 New Orleans Marriott Downtown
 Courtyard New Orleans Downtown
 Springhill Suite by Marriott
Hilton New Orleans Riverside, the Headquarters Hotel
The Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel is the headquarters hotel and the main hotel for the Kappa Seniors. It is listed as being
4-blocks from the convention center, separated by a large parking lot. There will be a shuttle provided between the Hilton Hotel
and the Convention Center, for those seniors desiring to use this mode of transportation. Keep in mind the 'Riverwalk' is an
enclosed, air-conditioned covered walkway that connects the Hilton Hotel to the convention center as well, and has 70+ shops
and restaurants. No reservations can be made by phone with the Housing Bureau!
Daytime Events
Hurricane Katrina 10th Anniversary Ceremony - Sunday August 9, 2015
Grand Polemarch's Golf Outing - Monday August 10, 2015
Shotgun start at a prestigious golf club. All invited to attend.
Golf Tournament - Tuesday August 11, 2015
Shotgun start at a prestigious golf club. All invited to attend.
Public Meeting - Tuesday August 11, 2015
Family & friends are invited to see and hear Kappa in action. Public recognition and awards will be granted.
Foundation Luncheon - Wednesday August 12, 2015
with Keynote address by Captain Ronald Johnson (with the Missouri State Patrol)
Fellowship Breakfast & Undergraduate Luncheon - Thursday August 13, 2015
Family Picnic & Student of the Year Competition - Friday August 14, 2015
Devotional Breakfast & Senior Kappa Workshop &
Achievement Academy Luncheon & Kappa Choir in Concert - Saturday August 15, 2015
Grand Board Meeting - Sunday August 16, 2015
Vendors & Exhibitors Display- (Tues-Sat)