asia`s talent gap salary and recruiting insights to bridge the
asia`s talent gap salary and recruiting insights to bridge the
ASIA’S TALENT GAP SALARY AND RECRUITING INSIGHTS TO BRIDGE THE DIVIDE The 2015 Hays Asia Salary Guide CONTENTS 4 Market Overview & Trends 5 Introduction 6 Salary Policy 12 Recruitment Trends 17 Employer Branding 19 Economic outlook 21 Salary Information 22 Accountancy & Finance 32 Banking & Financial Services 42 Insurance 47 Finance Technology 56 Information Technology 64 Life Sciences 67 Human Resources 71 Office Professionals 73 Contact Centres 74 Legal 76 Sales & Marketing 80 Supply Chain 83 Procurement 85 Education 86 Construction & Engineering 90 Architecture 92 Property 95 Manufacturing & Operations 102 Oil & Gas ASIA’S TIGHT TALENT MARKET TURNING CHALLENGES INTO OPPORTUNITIES Christine Wright – Managing Director, Asia Welcome to our 2015 Hays Asia Salary Guide. In the eighth edition of our annual Guide, we’ve again sought the input of our clients across Asia. Added to this are the insights we’ve obtained from filling permanent, temporary and contract jobs in the past year. The result is a detailed and accurate picture of salaries and recruiting trends at this point in time. One of the most insightful findings in this year’s Guide is the steady hiring expectations of employers, which persist despite the talent shortage. Employers in all five of our surveyed countries are seeing a gap – some more significant than others – between the skills that they are looking for and the skills available in the local labour market. This has not impeded recruitment plans though and hiring intentions are strong in most sectors and industries. Despite this, candidates should not expect large salary increases that reflect this level of demand. Instead employers are offering extra benefits to secure their preferred candidate. Performance-related bonuses are also used to reward top performers. For candidates, there are great opportunities presented by the current market. Savvy job seekers are taking advantage of Asia’s tight talent market to secure roles offering career progression, which longterm will ultimately lead to a higher salary. Our Guide also reveals that more employers are hiring candidates in temporary and contract roles. This method of recruitment is still young in much of Asia, but employers and candidates alike are increasingly seeing the benefits of such roles. We hope you enjoy our enclosed salary and market insights, and we look forward to working with you in future. Christine Wright Thank you We would like to express our gratitude to all those organizations who participated in the collection of data for this year’s Guide. Your contribution has ensured that we can produce an informative document to help support your business decisions. Disclaimer: The Hays Salary Guide is representative of a value added service to our clients and candidates. Whilst every care is taken in the collection and compilation of data, the guide is interpretive and indicative, not conclusive. Therefore information should be used as a guideline only and should not be reproduced in total or by section without written permission from Hays. MARKET OVERVIEW & TRENDS As part of our Hays Asia Salary Guide, every year we survey employers to gather their views on salary policy, recruitment trends and economic outlook. This year 2,361 organizations, representing 4,017,026 employees, took part in our survey. Their insights reveal an environment where 27 per cent see a more positive economic outlook on the horizon. 72 per cent expect their level of business activity to increase in the year ahead, and 64 per cent have already seen an increase in business activity in the 12 months prior to the survey. This positive environment explains why 44 per cent increased permanent staff levels in the past 12 months, and why 48 per cent expect permanent headcount to rise in the year ahead. Across Asia 43 per cent of employers increased salaries in their last review by three to six per cent. A further 21 per cent gave increases of between six to 10 per cent, and eight per cent increased above that level. At the other end of the scale, 22 per cent gave their staff increases of less than three per cent, and the final six per cent gave no increases at all. There will be little change to the extent of salary increases in the year ahead, with 41 per cent of employers intending to increase staff salaries in their next review by three to six per cent. A further 22 per cent will increase between six and 10 per cent. Country-by-country China remains the standout for salary increases, as it was last year, with 50 per cent of employers increasing salaries in their last review by between six and 10 per cent, and a further 16 per cent above that level. Looking ahead, employers will be slightly more generous, with a significant 20 per cent intending to give increases of more than 10 per cent. Malaysia also saw some impressive salary increases. In comparison salary increases in Hong Kong and Singapore were more moderate, while employers in Japan continue to show restraint when it comes to increasing salaries. The majority of employers in Asia (83 per cent) continue to give their staff benefits, with health the most popular benefit offered. Interestingly, while China leads its Asian neighbours when it comes to the extent of its salary increases, in terms of benefits it is far more restrained. Bonuses remain a popular method of rewarding staff; this year 51 per cent of employers across Asia said they will award bonuses to more than 50 per cent of their staff. In the majority of cases these bonuses are related to employee performance (80 per cent) and employer performance (73 per cent), which shows that employers are using performance-related bonuses to reward their top talent. Just 11 per cent of employers said bonuses are guaranteed. Almost one half (45 per cent) of employers said the skills shortage has the potential to hamper the effective operation of their business or department. Perhaps this is why overtime and extra hours worked have increased in 31 per cent of organizations. The demand for highly-skilled professionals is also one reason why 54 per cent of employers have utilized a flexible staffing approach in the last 12 months. The most popular approach was the use of temporary or contract staff through a recruitment consultancy. Over one quarter (26 per cent) of employers now employ temporary or contract staff on a regular, ongoing basis. Despite the focus on localizing the workforce in many countries, 65 per cent of employers will consider employing or sponsoring a qualified overseas or expatriate candidate in skill-short areas. This is indicative of Asia’s severe talent mismatch. It also suggests that employers across Asia need to continue to innovate in order to attract candidates in a tight labour market. SALARY INCREASES 1. Average % increases from last reviews across all countries: 6% 22% 43% 21% 8% MARKET OVERVIEW & TRENDS: SALARY POLICY Nil Less than 3% From 3% to 6% From 6% to 10% More than 10% By country: 8 5 16 50 21 China 4 6 13 64 13 Hong Kong 2 5 22 56 15 Japan 6 5 8 59 22 Singapore 3 9 48 Malaysia 6 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia 31 9 SALARY INCREASES 2. Intended average % increases for next reviews across all countries: 5% 24% 41% 22% 8% Nil Less than 3% From 3% to 6% From 6% to 10% More than 10% By country: 20 50 21 2 7 China 4 4 12 63 17 Hong Kong 4 20 59 14 3 Japan 5 3 10 54 28 Singapore 19 47 33 10 Malaysia 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 7 CANDIDATE SALARY EXPECTATIONS In a separate survey we also asked our candidates what their expected salary increases were: MARKET OVERVIEW & TRENDS: SALARY POLICY In your next review, what percentage increase do you expect to receive? 10% 19% 33% 19% 19% Nil Less than 3% China 3 5 Hong Kong 10 Japan 30 Singapore 5 Malaysia 2 10 10 From 3% to 6% 32 16 From 6% to 10% 50 48 17 36 30 8 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia 9 17 42 48 More than 10% 5 12 15 25 8 15 BENEFITS 3. Do you give benefits in addition to salary and bonus? 83% 17% YES NO If yes, which of the following are provided?* Across all countries: 59% 39% Health Life assurance 17% 16% Other Club/gym membership 31% 30% Car/car allowance Pension 9% 9% Tax equalisation Hardship allowance 22% Housing allowance 5% Private expenses *More than one may be applicable. 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 9 BENEFITS Benefits provided by country: China Hong Kong 50% 37% 34% 24% 14% MARKET OVERVIEW & TRENDS: SALARY POLICY 48% Life assurance Car/car allowance 12% 21% Housing allowance 14% Club/gym membership 11% 11% 14% Club/gym membership 7% Hardship allowance 4% Hardship allowance Private expenses 3% Private expenses 40% 13% 13% Other Club/gym membership 7% 4% 6% Tax equalisation Hardship allowance Private expenses 10 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia Life assurance 58% Car/car allowance Housing allowance 18% 47% Life assurance Health 16% Pension 17% Housing allowance Car/car allowance 24% Other 23% Club/gym membership 5% Tax equalisation 20% 2% Hardship allowance Private expenses Housing allowance Other Club/gym membership 18% Tax equalisation 7% 64% Pension 18% 5% Health Pension 15% Tax equalisation Malaysia 61% 37% 24% Other 9% Car/car allowance 51% Housing allowance Health Life assurance Pension Tax equalisation Singapore 25% Life assurance 8% 9% 59% Health Car/car allowance 45% Other 16% 62% Health Pension 31% Japan Hardship allowance Private expenses BONUSES 4. What percentage of staff will be awarded bonuses this year? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 12% 15% 13% 9% 51% Nil Less than 10% From 10% to 20% From 20% to 50% More than 50% 5. Are bonuses related to*: 80% 73% 11% Employee performance Employer performance Guaranteed 5% 4% Other Hours billed *More than one may be applicable. 6. What percentage of staff salary do you intend to award as a bonus? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 34% 44% 11% 11% Less than 10% From 11% to 50% From 51% to 99% 100% 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 11 STAFFING 7. Over the last 12 months, have permanent staff levels in your department... 14% 42% 44% Decreased Remained the same Increased MARKET OVERVIEW & TRENDS: RECRUITMENT TRENDS 8. In the next 12 months, do you expect permanent staff levels in your department to... 7% 45% 48% Decrease Remain the same Increase 9. In the last 12 months, have you used a flexible staffing approach? 54% 46% YES NO If yes, please specify which one is most commonly used: 25% 45% 16% 9% 5% EMPLOYMENT OF PART TIME STAFF TEMPORARY/ CONTRACTORS 12 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia CASUAL STAFF JOB SHARING OTHER STAFFING 10. How often do you employ temporary/contract staff? 31% 43% 26% Exceptional circumstances/ never Special projects/ workloads Regular ongoing basis 11. In the next 12 months, do you expect your use of temporary/contact staff to... 13% 66% 21% Decrease Remain the same Increase 12. Do skills shortage have the potential to hamper the effective operation of your business? 45% 50% 5% Yes without a doubt Yes there will be some impact No See the Hays Global Skills Index on the growing skills gap across the globe and the pressure this is putting on skilled labour markets as the global economy recovers. 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 13 STAFFING 13. In skill-short areas, would you consider employing or sponsoring a qualified overseas candidate? 65% 35% YES NO MARKET OVERVIEW & TRENDS: RECRUITMENT TRENDS 14. Does your workplace allow for flexible work practices? 58% 42% YES NO If yes, which practices do you currently offer?* 74% 46% 41% 16% Flexible working hours Flex-place 15% 14% Career breaks Job sharing *More than one may be applicable. 14 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia Part time employment 4% Phased retirement Flexible leave options STAFFING 15. For which areas have you recently found it difficult to recruit? Human Resources Junior to mid management Senior management 10% 10% Junior to mid management Senior management Operations 15% 11% Accountancy & Finance 12% 13% Distribution 4% 3% Banking & Financial Services 6% 3% Purchasing 5% 4% Sales 24% 18% IT 15% 7% Marketing 12% 12% Technical 17% 9% Engineering 19% 13% Healthcare 3% 3% Property/Facilities Management 4% 3% Research & Development 8% 8% Legal 5% 6% Other 5% 3% 16. Is it your policy to counter-offer staff when they resign? 6% 45% 49% YES SOMETIMES NO 17. Of those counter offered did they: 43% 4% 22% Stay less than 3 months Stay 3 to 12 months Stay longer than 12 months 31% Left anyway 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 15 STAFFING 18. Over the last 12 months has overtime/extra hours in your organization: MARKET OVERVIEW & TRENDS: RECRUITMENT TRENDS 13% 56% 31% DECREASED REMAINED THE SAME INCREASED 19. If increased, by how much per week: 45% 35% 20% 5 hours or less 5 to 10 hours More than 10 hours 20. Are employees paid for these additional hours? 45% 20% 35% UNPAID *e.g. time in lieu 16 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia OTHER* PAID EMPLOYER BRANDING 21. Which factors do you think have the most impact on your employer brand? Level of importance No impact Minor impact Significant impact Major impact 23 39 24 9 5 Some impact Career path/training & development 3 4 34 40 19 The company’s financial health and stability 34 38 21 2 5 The company’s products or services 26 43 24 2 5 An individual’s ‘fit’ with the company’s vision, culture and values 12 39 37 2 10 Direct/indirect experience of the company 19 46 27 2 6 Salary and benefits 4 7 30 44 15 Work/life balance 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 17 MARKET OVERVIEW & TRENDS: RECRUITMENT TRENDS & ECONOMIC OUTLOOK EMPLOYER BRANDING 22. How favourable do you think the market perception is of your organization according to these factors? Organizational perception Poor Okay Very Good Excellent 11 35 36 13 5 Good Career path/training & development 4 7 17 42 30 The company’s vision, culture and values 3 7 12 41 37 Direct/indirect experience of the company 3 9 37 41 10 Salary and benefits 4 11 38 Work/life balance 18 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia 36 11 EMPLOYER BRANDING 23. What percentage of women do you have in management positions? 29% ACROSS ALL COUNTRIES By country: 36% China 31% Hong Kong 27% 19% Japan Singapore 34% Malaysia BUSINESS ACTIVITY 24. In the past 12 months has business activity... 14% 22% 64% DECREASED REMAINED THE SAME INCREASED 25. In the next 12 months, do you envisage business activity... 7% 21% 72% DECREASING REMAINING THE SAME INCREASING 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 19 BUSINESS ACTIVITY 26. What level of impact do the following key factors have in driving your level of business? MARKET OVERVIEW & TRENDS: ECONOMIC OUTLOOK None Consumer/business confidence 5 Interest rates 27 Currency/forex rates 20 Capex investments 22 Projects driven by government 23 Current economic conditions 4 35 Ability to raise financing 23 Natural disaster restoration 30 Some 33 Significant 62 54 19 54 26 45 33 47 30 61 48 29 51 19 27. What is your perception of the general outlook for the local economy in the next 6-12 months?* $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 18% 55% 27% Weakening Static Strengthening *This data was collected during October & November 2014. 20 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia SALARY INFORMATION: SALARIES & SECTOR OVERVIEWS MONEY TALKS WIN THE RACE TO SECURE TOP TALENT ACCOUNTANCY & FINANCE The economy in China is expected to return to growth this year, which will create a range of hiring opportunities for skilled and experienced accountancy and finance professionals. An exception is the temporary market where rates are expected to rise in line with increasing recruitment activity. Higher salaries and benefits are already being used to entice the best candidates away from other temporary roles and even permanent roles. While the start of 2014 was tough for candidates looking for a new role, the seeds of a slowly recovering Chinese economy started to sprout mid-year and continued to grow into late 2014. Candidates in greatest demand in the financial services sector include Regulatory Reporting Analysts, Financial Regulatory Reporting Managers, Financial Controllers, Financial Analysts and Tax Managers. Conditions are now on track for increased recruitment activity and even salary increases this year. In the commercial sector, Financial Planning & Analysis Managers are highly sought. Employers are looking specifically for professionals with strong analytical, interpersonal and communication skills who can adapt to fast changing environments. SALARY INFORMATION: ACCOUNTANCY & FINANCE CHINA In Tier 1 cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, the recruitment focus will be on the services sector as manufacturing continues to shift to Tier 2 and 3 cities. Demand will be strong for Finance Directors, Financial Controllers, Financial Planning and Analysis Managers, Commercial Managers/Business Finance Managers and Internal Control Managers. A growing number of multinational corporations are locating their accounting shared services centre in China and are also adding to hiring activity. Candidates in particular demand include those with proven project management and process improvement skills and business process outsourcing or shared services experience. Candidates securing roles in demand can expect slight salary increases but should manage their salary expectations carefully. Despite the improving economic and recruitment conditions, organizations will continue to keep a sharp eye on costs this year. As a result, candidates with good business acumen and a solid track record of assisting organizations to improve business performance and achieve cost savings will be in greatest demand. In the banking sector, the complexity of the products is creating strong demand for Internal Auditors to work on treasury and markets audits. Recruitment demand is spread across local, regional and international banks. While permanent hiring is not expected to match the pace of temporary hiring this year, more permanent accountancy and finance roles are being created by organizations regionally headquartered in Hong Kong. This increased hiring is strongest in the retail, property and technology industries. We also expect to see a lot more candidate movement and recruitment activity in the securities, brokerage and investment management space. In addition, there is increased demand for experienced accountancy professionals to work in companies regionally headquartered in Hong Kong despite the more general trend for companies to offshore accounting support functions to low cost centres. Interestingly, we expect salary increases for accountancy and finance professionals in Tier 2 and 3 cities to pick up pace this year as employers attempt to attract experienced candidates away from Tier 1 cities. Chinese banks and financial institutions are looking to recruit highly skilled regional CFOs who are trilingual in Cantonese, English and Mandarin. As these candidates remain in short supply, professionals from Hong Kong appropriate for these roles can command premium rates. HONG KONG JAPAN Overall, Hong Kong employers are expected to take a conservative approach to salaries in 2015 as controlling costs remains a major focus. The Japanese recruitment market remains strong with the current shortage of candidates expected to continue this year. 22 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia This will place upward pressure on permanent salaries as well as rates for temporary staff. Demand is being driven by the growth of established companies increasing headcount, including creating new roles and an increasing number of new companies starting up and hiring teams. Despite this dynamic labour market and a continuing candidate shortage, employers remain highly selective when it comes to making a new hire. This cautious approach is characterized by a drawn-out and extended recruitment process as employers search for a candidate who matches a long list of requirements. DEMAND IS BEING DRIVEN BY THE GROWTH OF ESTABLISHED COMPANIES INCREASING HEADCOUNT, INCLUDING CREATING NEW ROLES In terms of staffing demand, Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A) professionals are highly sought after, especially bilingual talent. Also in demand are Financial Analysts in the early part of their career. The strongest candidates are receiving multiple offers, which in turn is driving up salary and benefit packages. Salaries for FP&A professionals are particularly competitive and we expect this to continue in the year ahead. Given the shortage of talent employers are turning to temporary placements to fill vacant roles, including permanent positions. This has made sourcing enough temporary staff a major challenge for employers in Japan. Not surprisingly this intense competition for talent has seen rates for temporary staff rise, a trend that we expect to continue in the year ahead. There is no doubt that the year ahead will be another challenging one for sourcing talent. As a result new sourcing strategies will need to be devised and employers will need to offer competitive salaries. Employers most likely to succeed will be those willing to take a more flexible approach to their search criteria while also speeding up their selection process. ACCOUNTANCY & FINANCE SINGAPORE MALAYSIA With positive hiring intentions for both permanent and temporary staff in Singapore, the salary market is set for another good year for candidates. Malaysia’s accountancy and finance recruitment market remains buoyant across all sectors, which has led to increasing base salaries for quality candidates who are changing roles. This trend will continue in the year ahead. We expect the high use of contractors and temporary staff to continue, which will keep upward pressure on rates. We have also seen more Singaporeans view temporary assignments as an attractive employment option given the higher pay rates and the quality of assignments on offer. This trend has only increased the competition for candidates who are available to fill permanent jobs. For employers, the complex labour conditions in Singapore have forced many to add more contract roles into their longterm workforce strategies. Off shoring some functions to low cost centres continues to be used too and we predict this trend will increase this year. Within professional practice, downward pressure on audit fees and the increasingly competitive nature of the market has led many firms to diversify and move into new, lucrative business areas. Salaries for roles in these new areas are on the rise. In banking and financial services, candidates in corporate governance remain in growing demand, namely Internal Audit, Financial Control and Regulatory Reporting professionals. As a result, salaries are rising for these candidates. In commerce and industry, corporate governance candidates are attracting large premiums but salaries elsewhere in the sector have remained fairly steady. Rather than raising base rates, employers are instead increasing performance related bonuses, share options and other incentives. Overall, employers will continue to favour candidates with regional and international experience. Banks in particular want new hires that can help with their plans to internationalize their organizations. Not surprisingly, candidates want to join organizations with a global company culture that offer mobility and opportunities to develop international experience. BANKS IN PARTICULAR WANT NEW HIRES THAT CAN HELP WITH THEIR PLANS TO INTERNATIONALIZE THEIR ORGANIZATIONS Best in Finance & Accounting Recruitment, Asia CFO Innovation Awards 2012, 2013 & 2014 Business-focused finance professionals will continue to be in demand this year as organizations look to develop the capabilities of their finance departments. As a result, candidates need to be able to demonstrate their commercial acumen during the recruitment process and explain how they have used their skills to add value in past roles. The continued expansion of Malaysia’s shared services sector has created growing demand for management-level accountancy and finance candidates and this will continue this year. Shared service centres are increasingly turning to the commercial arena to obtain the core finance skills required to move up the business value chain. Employers plan to further develop their technical financial processes and analytics functions by hiring more professionals with these skills. Candidates who have held roles such as Finance Manager, Finance Controller and Finance Director are in particular demand to take on senior roles and help lead these efforts. ‘In China we expect salary increases for accountancy and finance professionals in Tier 2 and 3 cities to pick up pace this year’ 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 23 SALARY INFORMATION: ACCOUNTANCY & FINANCE The race to secure the top talent this year will increase the need for employers to act quickly when they recruit. This however is a particular challenge given the candidate short market and government rules about how long an employer must search for local talent before sourcing a candidate from outside Singapore. Other factors influencing the recruitment market in Malaysia include the government’s plans to introduce a new goods and services tax in April 2015, continuing work by banks on their business and credit risk strategies linked to Basel II and Basel III, and the rollout of a new investment platform that will broaden the role of Islamic banks from credit providers to investment intermediaries. ACCOUNTANCY & FINANCE Commerce & Industry | Senior Finance FINANCE DIRECTOR/CFO SME MID MNC China 700 - 1,000 800 - 1,200 1,000 - 2,500 Hong Kong 1,000 - 1,500 1,200 - 2,000 1,400 - 3,000 Japan 10 - 15 12 - 25 15 - 30 Singapore 190 - 260 260 - 320 320 - 620 Malaysia 240 - 420 300 - 720 480 - 900 FINANCIAL CONTROLLER SME MID MNC China 450 - 700 600 - 800 600 - 1,300 Hong Kong 660 - 840 720 - 1,020 840 - 1,350 Japan 10 - 15 10 - 18 12 - 20 Singapore 155 - 185 170 - 210 190 - 250 Malaysia 180 - 240 240 - 360 360 - 600 SENIOR FINANCE MANAGER SME MID MNC China 300 - 450 450 - 600 500 - 700 Japan 10 - 12 10 - 15 12 - 18 Singapore 95 - 125 110 - 160 130 - 180 Malaysia 130 - 180 180 - 216 168 - 240 FINANCE MANAGER SME MID MNC China 200 - 350 250 - 400 350 - 550 Hong Kong 455 - 530 540 - 600 572 - 720 Japan 8 - 12 8 - 14 10 - 15 Singapore 75 - 100 95 - 115 110 - 140 Malaysia 130 - 180 144 - 180 180 - 240 ASSISTANT FINANCE MANAGER SME MID MNC China 100 - 250 180 - 340 250 - 400 Japan 6 - 10 8 - 10 8 - 12 Singapore 60 - 75 65 - 90 80 - 100 Malaysia 84 - 102 102 - 120 120 - 138 SENIOR MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT SME MID MNC China 80 - 150 110 - 160 110 - 200 Japan 6 - 10 7 - 12 8 - 12 Singapore 80 - 100 96 - 120 115 - 140 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Top of range in MNCs implies regional role • SME - Small to medium enterprise • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions • Job titles in global organizations vary greatly from European/American/North American companies • MID - Medium to large • Salaries do not include bonuses 24 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • MNC - Multinational companies ACCOUNTANCY & FINANCE Commerce & Industry | Senior Finance MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT SME MID MNC China 100 - 150 120 - 200 130 - 250 Hong Kong 264 - 384 336 - 480 360 - 540 Japan 5-8 6-8 7 - 10 Singapore 55 - 75 65 - 95 85 - 108 Malaysia 84 - 102 102 - 108 108 - 120 SENIOR FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT SME MID MNC China 130 - 180 150 - 190 160 - 250 Japan 5-8 6-8 6 - 10 Singapore 80 - 100 96 - 120 115 - 140 Malaysia N/A N/A N/A FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT SME MID MNC China 100 - 150 130 - 150 130 - 180 Hong Kong 240 - 340 250 - 360 345 - 455 Japan 5-7 5-8 6-8 Singapore 55 - 75 65 - 95 80 - 108 Malaysia 84 - 102 102 - 108 108 - 120 FP&A DIRECTOR SME MID MNC China N/A N/A 800 - 1,200 Hong Kong 840 - 1,000 960 - 1,200 1,080 - 1,500 Japan 10 - 15 10 - 18 12 - 25 Singapore 162 - 192 180 - 220 210 - 250 Malaysia N/A 216 - 264 360 - 420 FP&A MANAGER SME MID MNC China N/A N/A 300 - 600 Hong Kong 480 - 650 600 - 800 600 - 950 Japan 8 - 12 10 - 15 10 - 18 Singapore 85 - 115 110 - 135 130 - 160 Malaysia 130 - 180 120 - 192 132 - 192 FINANCIAL ANALYST SME MID MNC China 120 - 150 150 - 180 180 - 250 Hong Kong 280 - 384 360 - 480 360 - 540 Japan 5-8 6 - 10 7 - 12 Singapore 60 - 85 75 - 95 85 - 110 Malaysia 72 - 96 72 - 120 120 - 156 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Top of range in MNCs implies regional role • SME - Small to medium enterprise • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions • Job titles in global organizations vary greatly from European/American/North American companies • MID - Medium to large • MNC - Multinational companies • Salaries do not include bonuses 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 25 ACCOUNTANCY & FINANCE Commerce & Industry | Senior Finance TAX DIRECTOR/HEAD SME MID MNC China 600 - 750 700 - 900 800 - 1,500 Hong Kong 780 - 960 840 - 1,000 1,080 - 1,600 Japan N/A 12 - 16 15 - 20 Singapore 120 - 150 150 - 200 200 - 300 Malaysia N/A 200 - 240 240 - 360 TAX MANAGER SME MID MNC China 250 - 450 300 - 500 450 - 900 Hong Kong 480 - 720 620 - 840 720 - 1,080 Japan N/A 10 - 15 12 - 20 Singapore 85 - 115 110 - 135 155 - 205 Malaysia N/A 155 - 180 170 - 200 TAX ACCOUNTANT SME MID MNC China 110 - 160 130 - 210 140 - 260 Japan N/A 5-8 6 - 10 Singapore 60 - 85 75 - 95 85 - 108 Malaysia 84 - 102 102 - 120 120 - 156 HEAD OF INTERNAL AUDIT SME MID MNC China N/A 450 - 800 800 - 1,500 Hong Kong 700 - 880 720 - 1,200 1,200 - 1,600 Japan N/A 10 - 15 12 - 18 Singapore 110 - 150 135 - 185 165 - 250 Malaysia N/A 250 - 310 300 - 480 INTERNAL AUDIT MANAGER SME MID MNC China N/A 350 - 450 450 - 700 Hong Kong 480 - 600 540 - 840 650 - 840 Japan N/A 8 - 12 12 - 15 Singapore 85 - 115 110 - 135 130 - 160 Malaysia 144 - 180 150 - 200 200 - 240 INTERNAL AUDITOR SME MID MNC China N/A 200 - 350 200 - 350 Hong Kong 450 - 540 420 - 600 540 - 660 Japan N/A 6 - 10 7 - 12 Singapore 60 - 85 75 - 95 85 - 108 Malaysia 96 - 132 96 - 132 96 - 144 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Top of range in MNCs implies regional role • SME - Small to medium enterprise • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions • Job titles in global organizations vary greatly from European/American/North American companies • MID - Medium to large • Salaries do not include bonuses 26 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • MNC - Multinational companies ACCOUNTANCY & FINANCE Commerce & Industry | Senior Finance HEAD OF TREASURY/ CORPORATE TREASURER SME MID MNC China N/A N/A 600 - 1,300 Hong Kong 840 - 1,080 960 - 1,200 1,200 - 2,000 Japan N/A 12 - 16 12 - 18 Singapore 110 - 150 135 - 185 165 - 250 ASSISTANT AUDIT MANAGER SME MID MNC China N/A N/A 300 - 350 Japan N/A 6-8 7 - 10 Singapore 55 - 75 65 - 90 100 - 120 Malaysia 78 - 102 84 - 108 102 - 120 SENIOR TREASURY MANAGER SME MID MNC China N/A 450 - 600 600 - 900 Japan N/A 12 - 15 15 - 18 Singapore 90 - 120 110 - 150 140 - 170 TREASURY MANAGER SME MID MNC China 300 - 400 400 - 500 500 - 700 Hong Kong 420 - 480 480 - 650 600 - 940 Japan N/A 10 - 12 12 - 15 Singapore 75 - 95 85 - 115 110 - 130 TREASURY SPECIALIST SME MID MNC China 100 - 150 130 - 150 150 - 250 Hong Kong N/A N/A N/A Japan N/A 6-9 8 - 10 Singapore 54 - 72 64 - 85 74 - 96 TREASURY ACCOUNTANT SME MID MNC China 100 - 150 130 - 150 150 - 250 Japan N/A 5-8 7-9 Singapore 60 - 80 70 - 90 95 - 125 HEAD OF COMPLIANCE SME MID MNC China N/A 500 - 700 600 - 1,300 Hong Kong 650 - 780 680 - 960 1,100 - 1,680 Japan N/A N/A N/A Singapore 110 - 150 135 - 182 165 - 250 Malaysia N/A 250 - 310 300 - 480 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Top of range in MNCs implies regional role • SME - Small to medium enterprise • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions • Job titles in global organizations vary greatly from European/American/North American companies • MID - Medium to large • MNC - Multinational companies • Salaries do not include bonuses 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 27 ACCOUNTANCY & FINANCE Commerce & Industry | Senior Finance SENIOR COMPLIANCE MANAGER SME MID MNC China N/A 400 - 600 600 - 800 Japan N/A N/A N/A Singapore 80 - 100 100 - 120 110 - 130 Malaysia N/A N/A 200 - 240 COMPLIANCE MANAGER SME MID MNC China N/A 350 - 500 500 - 600 Hong Kong 380 - 500 420 - 600 480 - 800 Japan N/A N/A N/A Singapore 80 - 100 85 - 105 95 - 115 Malaysia N/A 120 - 150 140 - 160 COMPLIANCE SPECIALIST SME MID MNC Japan N/A N/A N/A Singapore 60 - 80 65 - 85 80 - 110 PROJECT CONTROLLER SME MID MNC China 190 - 250 250 - 400 350 - 1,300 Japan 4-6 6-8 6 - 10 Singapore 145 - 165 155 - 185 175 - 200 PROJECT FINANCE MANAGER SME MID MNC China N/A 220 - 400 350 - 600 Japan 7 - 10 8 - 12 8 - 15 Singapore 90 - 120 110 - 130 120 - 140 Malaysia 120 - 156 156 - 180 180 - 216 SHARED SERVICE CENTRE Team Lead Assistant Manager Manager Head of Shared Service Centre China 250 - 400 400 - 600 600 - 800 800 - 1,300 Hong Kong N/A N/A N/A N/A Japan N/A N/A N/A N/A Singapore 54 - 75 60 - 90 90 - 125 110 - 150 Malaysia 90 - 120 102 - 168 180 - 300 240 + NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Top of range in MNCs implies regional role • SME - Small to medium enterprise • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions • Job titles in global organizations vary greatly from European/American/North American companies • MID - Medium to large • Salaries do not include bonuses 28 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • MNC - Multinational companies ACCOUNTANCY & FINANCE Commerce & Industry | Accounting Support GRADUATES Assistant Accountant Graduate Accountant China 65 - 120 55 - 100 Japan 3-5 3-5 Singapore 45 - 65 33 - 45 Malaysia 54 - 66 42 - 48 SUPPORT Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Credit Control Bookkeepers China 40 - 65 40 - 65 40 - 55 40 - 70 Hong Kong 176 - 300 176 - 300 220 - 404 240 - 380 Japan 3-5 3-5 5-7 3-5 Singapore 38 - 60 38 - 60 40 - 60 26 - 40 Malaysia 30 - 54 30 - 54 36 - 60 N/A NOTES: • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions. • Job titles in global organizations vary greatly from European/American/North American companies • Salaries do not include bonuses Banking Industry FINANCIAL SERVICES Finance Director/CFO Financial Controller Senior Finance Manager China 1,200 - 2,000 900 - 1,600 600 - 1,000 Hong Kong 1,600 - 3,000 1,200 - 2,000 800 - 1,200 Japan 12 - 30 10 - 25 10 - 18 Singapore 300 - 500 200 - 350 150 - 275 Malaysia 420 + 240 - 390 144 - 210 Finance Manager Assistant Finance Manager Tax Director/ Head of Tax China 500 - 750 300 - 500 1,200 - 1,600 Hong Kong 650 - 950 420 - 540 1,400 - 2,200 Japan 8 - 15 7 - 12 15 - 25 Singapore 125 - 200 75 - 150 250 - 500 Malaysia 96 - 168 66 - 96 204 - 300 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions • Investment banking salaries are at the higher end of ranges stated; consumer banking at the lower 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 29 ACCOUNTANCY & FINANCE Banking Industry FINANCIAL SERVICES Tax Manager Tax Accountant Head Internal Audit Senior Audit Manager China 500 - 800 350 - 450 1,000 - 1,600 800 - 1,000 Hong Kong 650 - 1,200 400 - 600 1,700 - 2,500 800 - 1,200 Japan 10 - 18 6 - 12 12 - 25 12 - 18 Singapore 140 - 220 80 - 160 250 - 400 170 - 260 Malaysia 132 - 200 60 - 120 240 - 480 168 - 240 Audit Manager Assistant Audit Manager Dept Head Product Control Senior Product Controller China 600 - 800 350 - 500 1,200 - 1,600 800 - 1,200 Hong Kong 650 - 950 350 - 500 1,500 - 2,500 900 - 1,500 Japan 10 - 16 8 - 12 18 - 20 12 - 16 Singapore 100 - 170 70 - 110 250 - 400 150 - 250 Malaysia 120 - 180 72 - 120 252 - 360 156 - 240 Product Controller Senior Treasury Manager Treasury Manager Treasury Accountant China 650 - 900 800 - 1,000 350 - 650 150 - 350 Hong Kong 500 - 800 1,100 - 1,500 800 - 1,100 420 - 550 Japan 10 - 14 15 - 18 12 - 15 7 - 10 Singapore 75 - 150 200 - 300 150 - 225 75 - 150 Malaysia 84 - 160 216 - 350 120 - 216 72 - 120 Head of Compliance/Risk Senior Compliance/ Risk Manager Compliance/ Risk Manager China 1,000 - 1,500 650 - 900 350 - 600 Hong Kong 1,200 - 2,000 850 - 1,200 600 - 850 Japan 25 - 30 15 - 20 11 - 16 Singapore 200 + 180 - 200 150 - 180 Malaysia 300 - 480 168 - 300 72 - 168 Compliance/ Risk Specialist Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable Credit Control China 150 - 350 60 - 120 60 - 120 200 - 400 Hong Kong 350 - 480 200 - 300 200 - 300 200 - 320 Japan 8 - 12 5-8 5-8 8 - 15 Singapore 130 - 150 50 - 75 50 - 75 50 - 90 Malaysia 120 - 240 34 - 66 34 - 66 36 - 66 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions • Investment banking salaries are at the higher end of ranges stated; consumer banking at the lower 30 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia ACCOUNTANCY & FINANCE Professional Practice AUDIT Consultant Senior Associate/ Assistant Manager Hong Kong 240 - 300 320 - 470 Japan 5-8 6 - 10 Singapore 35 - 45 50 - 70 Malaysia 54 - 84 72 - 120 Manager Senior Manager Director/Partner Hong Kong 500 - 720 750 - 1,100 1,200 + Japan 9 - 12 12 - 15 15 + Singapore 75 - 100 100 - 150 180 + Malaysia 120 - 144 144 - 200 240 + ADVISORY PRACTICES Consultant Senior Associate/ Assistant Manager Hong Kong 240 - 300 320 - 560 Japan 6-8 8 - 12 Singapore 35 - 45 50 -70 Malaysia 54 - 84 72 - 120 Manager Senior Manager Director/Partner Hong Kong 570 - 920 920 - 1,200 1,200 + Japan 10 - 15 15 - 18 20 + Singapore 75 - 100 100 - 150 180 + Malaysia 108 - 144 144 - 204 240 + TAX Tax Consultant Senior Tax Consultant Hong Kong 240 - 300 320 - 560 Japan 5-8 7 - 10 Singapore 40 - 75 60 - 90 Malaysia 42 - 66 60 - 84 Tax Manager Senior Tax Manager Tax Director Hong Kong 570 - 920 920 - 1,200 1,200 + Japan 10 - 14 12 - 16 18 + Singapore 120 - 150 100 - 150 180 + Malaysia 84 - 144 144 - 204 240 + NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 31 BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES CHINA China’s banking market grew modestly over the past 12 months and salaries continue to trend upward. SALARY INFORMATION: BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES Over the year there were several peaks of staffing demand and hiring activity. The first was in retail banking. While consumers were more cautious in their spending pattern and the housing market slowed in most major cities in China, activity increased in the shadow banking market as retail investors switched to alternative investment channels. Within corporate banking, banks diversified their resources from the once booming property development sector and associated heavy industry. This created additional job opportunities for bankers with a diverse client portfolio. Chinese regulators also encouraged banks to diversify from an interest income dependent model to a model that balances interest and non-interest income. This created more job opportunities in the investment banking market. WE SAW BANKS CONTINUE TO CENTRALIZE THEIR BACK OFFICE FUNCTION IN ORDER TO IMPROVE MANAGEMENT AND SAVE COSTS In other positive trends, confidence levels remain high in the corporate client market and there are more success stories of Chinese corporate listings in overseas stock exchange centers. We also saw banks continue to centralize their back office function in order to improve management and save costs. This created more job opportunities, especially in the Tier 2 cities where labor costs are lower. Following the APEC Summit in November 2014, Chinese leaders pledged to curb corruption. As a result, we expect to see high levels of demand for compliance, AML and KYC professionals in the coming years. In addition, at both the 2014 APEC and G20 Leaders’ Summits the importance of the world’s excessive carbon emission problem was emphasized. Consequently 32 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia we expect to see demand increase for Bankers as well as private equity and venture capitalist investors who specialize in renewable and green energy. Salaries are generally trending upward, although in the year ahead the percentage increase is expected to be more modest than in previous years. remain fairly stable since companies still have strict budget constraints. Despite this, employers still expect a high quality hire and therefore the recruitment process can be lengthy as they search for a suitable candidate who matches all their criteria at the price point they can pay. JAPAN HONG KONG Corporate, retail and private banking continue to dominate Hong Kong’s recruitment market. As such, demand remains high for Relationship Managers, and in turn for risk and compliance professionals. While corporate and commercial banking, as well as transaction banking, are busy areas, the shortage of highly-skilled professionals at all levels remains a key challenge for employers. Demand is highest for candidates with both trade finance and cash management product knowledge, fluent Mandarin language skills and a specialization in China corporate. Within private banking we saw a continued increase in activity over the past year. In fact, the demand for experienced Private Bankers is so high that it now exceeds supply. As noted, in the retail banking sector the demand for experienced Relationship Managers remained strong. However employers faced not only attraction but retention issues. This put upwards pressure on salary packages as Relationship Managers looked for the best offer. Compliance remains a consistently busy area for recruitment, especially within AML/Sanctions. A new wave of fines and sanctions led to more newly created jobs in these areas. Meanwhile private banking compliance professionals remain in high demand but short supply, especially those with fluent Mandarin language skills. Market risk vacancy activity was relatively stable in 2014. Increased trade with China has led to demand for Corporate Credit Risk professionals who speak Mandarin. Growth within operational risk continued, with interesting opportunities available for professionals at all levels. Looking ahead, while candidate demand will continue to exceed supply, salaries will Demand for talent continues to outstrip supply in Japan’s active financial services market. In most demand are bilingual Japanese/English speakers, with the majority of vacancy activity concentrated at the Analyst and Associate levels. Over the past year we’ve seen US banks recruit in higher volumes than the year prior. This vacancy activity has been mostly at the Analyst and Associate levels. There were a few instances of sign-on bonuses, but these were very rare. We also saw hiring extend through the end-of-year period, which is traditionally quiet and is thus a strong indicator of the active year that 2014 was. At the senior level vacancy activity also increased. This was the result of replacing departing staff as well as upgrades. When firms recruit at this level, they offer larger salary increases as well as guarantees or sign-on bonuses to select candidates. This trend will continue in 2015 as employers look to secure highly-skilled professionals. Competition for experienced talent will remain at an all time high. Given that candidate demand now outstrips supply, employers are willing to relocate candidates from foreign countries, provided they have native level proficiency in Japanese. However they will not compete for candidates based on salary. Unless a candidate moves from a higher tier firm into a lower tier firm, they are unlikely to receive a large salary increase. Candidates do however receive multiple offers, as well as strong counter offers as firms attempt to retain key people. In 2014 this had some upward impact on salaries. Looking ahead, most employees expect to receive at least a similar total compensation package when they change jobs. BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES Like most large financial services hubs, the focus of Singapore’s jobs market is risk, compliance and controls. Consequently the key salary increases have been for controls focused professionals. Candidates who are heavily involved in credit risk, market risk, operational risk, KYC and AML, as well as those in specialist areas such as Dodd Frank, FATCA, EMIR and MAS regulatory requirements, saw their salaries increase due to the high demand for their skills. Salaries for these professionals are now marginally higher than their non-controls counterparts. Singapore’s private banking sector also continues to experience growth. The extremely strong demand for private banking Relationship Managers has resulted in a large salary increase. Given Singapore’s small pool of private banking talent, employers had to consider Relationship Managers in other areas, and thus salaries for non-private banking Relationship Managers, such as those in corporate banking, also increased. AN EXTREMELY STRONG DEMAND FOR PRIVATE BANKING RELATIONSHIP MANAGERS HAS RESULTED IN A LARGE SALARY INCREASE Within risk, Basel III preparations and the establishment of a more cohesive control in the current risk set up created high demand for dynamic Risk Analytics, MIS Credit Risk and Quantitative Risk professionals. However such professionals are in short supply. Another trend was the recognition of derivatives as a risk mitigation technique that also economises on capital adequacy requirements. As a result, most banks are expanding their derivatives products, specifically over-the-counter products, and structures. We also saw vacancy activity increase for global market roles, as these functions were migrated from other countries such as Singapore and Hong Kong. This trend has created job opportunities for local skilled professionals. Transaction management functions have also increased as a result of new changes and migrations. Another trend is the focus on growing Islamic banking arms as well as catering to more Islamic products. The Islamic financial system, comprising the Islamic banking industry, the Islamic money and capital markets, and the Takaful market, is becoming an increasingly important component in Malaysia’s financial system and in the global arena. This is also supported by the Government, which is encouraging the development of the Investment Account Platform (IAP), a new Shariah-compliant investment product in 2015. Another interesting salary trend was seen in trade finance. Given the strength of Singapore’s trade finance market, candidates usually receive a 10 to 15 per cent increase in their base salary when changing jobs. This trend is evident in both the trade finance front office as well as for supporting functions. For all other financial services roles salaries remain fairly stable, with only minimal increases for select highlyskilled professionals. MALAYSIA Malaysia’s banking industry saw exponential growth in 2014, both in terms of migrated functions as well as diversification of products. This mostly impacted risk, treasury and global market functions. ‘Corporate, retail and private banking continue to dominate Hong Kong’s recruitment market’ 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 33 SALARY INFORMATION: BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES SINGAPORE BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES Front Office CORPORATE FINANCE, M&A, ECM/DCM Analyst Associate Vice President Director China 250 - 500 500 - 750 750 - 1,200 1,200 - 2,000 1,800 + Hong Kong 480 - 720 600 - 960 960 - 1,600 1,600 - 2,000 2,000 + Japan 7.5 - 8 8.5 - 13 14 - 20 20 - 35 35 + Singapore 70 - 90 90 - 130 130 - 220 220 - 350 350 + Malaysia 36 - 60 60 - 108 108 - 168 168 - 216 216 - 300 ASSET MANAGEMENT Sales Senior Sales Head of Sales Junior Trader Trader China 240 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 900 400 - 600 600 - 800 Hong Kong 660 - 900 900 - 1,200 1,200 - 1,800 960 - 1,500 1,500 + Japan 6-9 10 - 15 15 - 20 7 - 10 10 - 15 Singapore 40 - 60 60 - 100 100 - 130 60 - 80 80 + Malaysia 42 - 78 78 - 120 120 - 180 42 - 72 72 + Research Analyst Snr Research Head of Analyst Research Assistant Fund Fund Manager Manager Chief Fund Manager China 240 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 900 400 - 700 600 - 1,000 1,000 + Hong Kong 300 - 420 480 - 720 780 - 1,200 660 - 1,020 1,020 - 1,400 1,400 - 2,100 Japan 7 - 11 10 - 16 15 - 25 8 - 12 10 - 18 18 - 25 Singapore 60 - 80 80 - 130 130 130 - 150 150 - 175 175 - 250 Malaysia 42 - 70 70 - 90 90 - 144 144 - 180 180 - 240 240 - 300 PRIVATE EQUITY Analyst Associate Vice President Director Managing Director China 250 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 1,500 1,500 - 2,500 1,800 + Hong Kong 600 - 1,020 420 - 600 1,020 - 1,400 1,400 - 2,200 2,200 + Japan 8 - 13 10 - 15 15 - 25 20 - 30 30 + Singapore 70 - 100 100 - 150 150 - 180 180 - 250 250 + Malaysia 52 - 87 87 - 100 100 - 170 170 - 216 220 + HEDGE FUND - INVESTMENT Analyst Associate VP Assistant Fund Fund Manager Manager China 250 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 800 650 - 900 1,000 + Hong Kong 500 - 700 700 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,350 1,200 - 1,500 1,500 - 3,000 Japan 8 - 12 12 - 15 15 - 25 10 - 15 20 + Singapore 80 - 110 110 - 140 140 - 180 180 - 250 250 + Malaysia 40 - 54 54 - 108 108 - 156 156 - 228 228 - 264 NOTES • Salaries are annual and represented in local currencies • Salaries do not include bonuses • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions • Typical benefits on top of salaries stated include performance based bonuses 34 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia Managing Director BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES Front Office HEDGE FUND - EXECUTION Risk Analyst Quantitative Risk Manager Analyst Snr Quantitative Analyst Trader Senior Trader China 500 - 800 800 - 1,200 1,000 + 500 - 1,000 + 500 - 800 600 - 1,000 + Hong Kong 400 - 700 720 + 1,000 + 1,500 + 400 - 800 800 + Japan 10 - 12 12 - 15 12 - 15 15 - 25 15 - 25 20 - 30 + Singapore 80 - 100 100 - 150 150 - 200 130 - 150 150 - 220 220 + Malaysia 40 - 72 72 - 114 114 - 168 168 - 216 216 - 288 288 + GLOBAL MARKETS Junior Trader Trader Senior Trader Desk Head Quantitative Analyst Quantitative VP China 250 - 400 400 - 800 800 - 1,500 300 - 500 500 - 800 1,500 + Hong Kong 300 - 540 600 - 1,200 1,200 - 2,500 2,500 + 600 + 850 + Japan 8 - 10 12 - 20 20 - 30 30 - 40 8 - 12 12 - 20 Singapore 55 - 70 80 - 180 175 - 250 250 + 130 - 150 150 - 220 Malaysia 50 - 85 85 - 150 150 - 276 276 + 120 - 150 150 - 240 Quantitative Director Quantitative MD Associate Structuring VP Structuring Director Structuring MD Structuring China 800 - 1,500 1,500 + 300 - 500 500 - 800 800 - 1500 1,500 + Hong Kong 1,200 + N/A 500 - 800 850 - 1,000 1,400 - 1,600 1,800 + Japan 20 - 30 30 + 10 - 14 15 - 22 22 - 30 30 + Singapore 220 - 300 300 + 90 - 130 130 - 220 220 - 350 350 + Malaysia 240 - 312 320 + 84 - 138 138 - 192 192 - 340 340 + FINANCIAL MARKETS SALES, INSTITUTIONAL, CORPORATE, RESEARCH, HEDGE FUNDS Associate Vice President Director Managing Director China 300 - 500 500 - 1,200 1,200 - 2,000 2,000 + Hong Kong 660 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,600 1,600 - 2,000 2,000 + Japan 10 - 14 15 - 22 22 - 30 30 + Singapore 90 - 130 140 - 220 220 - 300 300 + Malaysia 60 - 132 132 - 228 228 - 312 312 + RESEARCH/STRATEGY (FICC & EQUITY) Analyst Associate Vice President Director Managing Director China 250 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 800 800 - 1,200 1,200 + Hong Kong 360 - 600 600 - 840 840 - 1,500 1,500 - 2,100 2,100 + Japan 8 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 22 22 - 35 35 + Singapore 70 - 90 100 - 150 150 - 200 200 - 300 300 + Malaysia 48 - 72 72 - 144 144 - 180 180 - 300 300 + NOTES • Salaries are annual and represented in local currencies • Salaries do not include bonuses • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions • Typical benefits on top of salaries stated include performance based bonuses 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 35 BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES Front Office CORPORATE BANKING Assistant Relationship Manager Relationship Manager Senior Relationship Manager Team Head China 100 - 200 200 - 360 360 - 800 600 - 900 900 - 1,500 Hong Kong 200 - 300 300 - 600 600 - 900 900 - 1,300 1,300 + Japan 6-9 10 - 14 15 - 18 18 - 22 22 + Singapore 60 - 80 80 - 130 130 - 200 200 - 250 250 + Malaysia 60 - 96 96 - 144 150 - 200 200 - 288 288 + COMMERCIAL BANKING Assistant Relationship Manager Relationship Manager Senior Relationship Manager Team Head Department Head China 100 - 180 180 - 300 300 - 480 480 - 720 720 - 1,200 Hong Kong 180 - 300 300 - 550 550 - 700 700 - 1,000 1,000 + Japan 5-7 8 - 12 13 - 15 15 - 20 20 + Singapore 50 - 70 70 - 120 120 - 150 150 - 200 200 + Malaysia 38 - 60 60 - 96 96 - 126 126 - 180 180 - 240 SME BANKING Assistant Relationship Manager Relationship Manager Senior Relationship Manager Team Head Department Head China 80 - 150 150 - 240 240 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 1,000 Hong Kong 180 - 250 250 - 500 500 - 600 600 - 900 900 + Japan 5-7 8 - 11 12 - 15 14 - 18 19 + Singapore 50 - 70 70 - 120 120 - 150 150 - 200 200 + Malaysia 38 - 54 54 - 84 84 - 120 120 - 180 180 + FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS BANKING Assistant Relationship Manager Relationship Manager Senior Relationship Manager Team Head Department Head China 120 - 240 240 - 480 480 - 720 720 - 1,200 1,200 + Hong Kong 200 - 300 300 - 600 600 - 900 900 - 1,300 1,300 + Japan 6-9 10 - 14 15 - 18 18 - 22 22 + Singapore 60 - 80 80 - 130 130 - 200 200 - 250 250 + Malaysia 48 - 60 60 - 96 96 - 144 144 - 180 180 - 300 TRANSACTION BANKING (CASH MANAGEMENT, TRADE FINANCE, PROJECT & EXPORT FINANCE) Assistant Relationship Manager Relationship Manager Senior Relationship Manager Team Head Department Head China 120 - 240 240 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 1,000 1,000 + Hong Kong 200 - 300 300 - 600 600 - 900 900 - 1,300 1,300 + Japan 6-9 10 - 14 15 - 18 18 - 22 22 + Singapore 60 - 80 80 - 130 130 - 200 200 - 250 250 + Malaysia 38 - 60 60 - 120 120 - 180 180 - 216 216 + NOTES • Salaries are annual and represented in local currencies • Salaries do not include bonuses • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions • Typical benefits on top of salaries stated include performance based bonuses 36 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia Department Head BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES Front Office FINANCIAL PLANNING & WEALTH MANAGEMENT Wealth Manager Senior Wealth Manager Premier Banking Relationship Manager Private Banking Client Services Officer China 280 - 400 450 - 650 200 - 350 260 - 360 Hong Kong 300 - 480 480 - 720 360 - 600 300 - 450 Japan 7 - 11 10 - 12 8 - 12 7-9 Singapore 34 - 42 42 - 58 80 - 85 42 - 58 Malaysia 38 - 60 60 - 120 120 - 170 170 - 240 Private Banking Relationship Manager Senior Private Banking Relationship Manager Sales Manager Sales Director China 300 - 480 480 - 750 360 - 550 400 - 700 Hong Kong 500 - 1,000 1,200 - 3,000 600 - 1,200 1,200 + Japan 8 - 12 12 - 15 15 - 18 18 + Singapore 60 - 150 150 - 250 70 - 100 120 - 180 Malaysia 66 - 108 108 - 156 156 - 216 216 - 300 Middle Office CREDIT RISK Analyst Associate AVP Vice President Director China 120 - 240 240 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 1,080 1,080 + Hong Kong N/A 400 - 600 720 - 900 900 - 1,200 1,200 + Japan 7-8 8 - 10 11 - 15 15 - 20 20 + Singapore 60 - 90 90 - 100 100 - 135 135 - 220 220 + Malaysia 52 - 78 78 - 132 132 - 180 180 - 276 276 + MARKET RISK Analyst Associate AVP Vice President Director China 120 - 240 240 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 960 960 + Hong Kong 180 - 300 320 - 480 480 - 720 720 - 960 1,080 + Japan 8 - 10 10 - 12 13 - 15 15 - 20 20 + Singapore 60 - 90 90 - 100 100 - 135 135 - 220 220 + Malaysia 78 - 108 108 - 156 150 - 210 210 - 276 276 + OPERATIONAL RISK Analyst Associate AVP Vice President Director China 120 - 240 240 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 1,080 1,080 + Hong Kong 260 - 380 380 - 650 650 - 900 900 - 1,010 1,010 + Japan 6.5 - 8 8 - 10 11 - 14 15 - 20 20 + Singapore 60 - 80 80 - 110 110 - 140 150 - 220 220 + Malaysia 52 - 78 78 - 132 132 - 180 180 - 276 276 + NOTES • Salaries are annual and represented in local currencies • Salaries do not include bonuses • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions • Typical benefits on top of salaries stated include performance based bonuses 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 37 BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES Middle Office COMPLIANCE Analyst Associate AVP Vice President Director China 120 - 240 240 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 1,080 1,080 + Hong Kong 260 - 380 380 - 650 650 - 900 900 - 1,010 1,010 + Japan 7- 9 8 - 12 13 - 15 15 - 20 20 + Singapore 60 - 80 80 - 110 110 - 140 150 - 220 220 + Malaysia 60 - 80 80 - 132 132 - 180 180 - 216 216 + TRADE SUPPORT Analyst Associate AVP Vice President Director China 120 - 240 240 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 840 840 + Hong Kong N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Japan 6 - 7.5 8 - 10 10 - 14 15 - 20 20 + Singapore 50 - 70 70 - 90 90 - 120 120 - 200 200 + Malaysia 54 - 72 72 - 120 120 - 156 156 - 216 216 + COLLATERAL MANAGEMENT/ CLIENT VALUATIONS Analyst Associate AVP Vice President Director China 120 - 240 240 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 840 840 + Hong Kong N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Japan 6 - 7.5 8 - 10 10 - 14 15 - 20 20 + Singapore 50 - 70 70 - 90 90 - 130 130 - 200 200 + Malaysia 54 - 72 72 - 120 120 - 156 156 - 216 216 + CHANGE MANAGEMENT/ PROJECT MANAGEMENT Head of Project Business Analyst Project Manager Management China 120 - 360 360 - 720 720 + Hong Kong N/A N/A N/A Japan 8 - 12 13 - 18 20 + Singapore 60 - 130 130 - 200 200 + Product Manager Senior Product Manager Client Service/ Reporting Specialist Client Service/ Reporting Manager Head of Client Service/ Reporting Malaysia ASSET MANAGEMENT China N/A N/A N/A 480 - 840 840 + Hong Kong 600 - 780 780 - 960 480 - 720 720 - 960 960 + Japan 7 - 11 10 - 18 8 - 10 10 - 12 12 - 15 Singapore 80 - 130 130 - 200 80 - 130 130 - 180 200 - 220 Malaysia 60 - 120 120 - 240 120 - 156 156 - 216 216 + NOTES • Salaries are annual and represented in local currencies • Salaries do not include bonuses • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions • Typical benefits on top of salaries stated include performance based bonuses 38 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES Middle Office PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT/ INVESTMENT RISK Associate/AVP Vice President Head China 240 - 600 600 - 960 960 + Hong Kong N/A N/A N/A Japan 8 - 12 10 - 16 15 - 22 Singapore 100 - 150 150 - 200 200 - 250 Malaysia 120 - 180 180 - 300 300 + TRANSACTION BANKING CLIENT SERVICE Officer Associate AVP Vice President Director China 120 - 240 240 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 1,080 1,080 + Hong Kong 180 - 300 300 - 420 420 - 540 540 - 660 660 + Japan 6 - 7.5 8 - 10 10 - 13 13 - 18 18 + Singapore 50 - 60 60 - 90 90 - 130 130 - 200 200 + Malaysia 48 - 78 80 - 120 120 - 150 150 - 216 216 - 340 TRANSACTION BANKING IMPLEMENTATION Officer Associate AVP Vice President Director China 120 - 240 240 - 360 360 - 600 600 - 1,080 1,080 + Hong Kong 228 - 300 300 - 420 420 - 600 600 - 800 800 - 1,050 Japan 6 - 7.5 8 - 10 11 - 13 14 - 18 18 + Singapore 50 - 70 80 - 130 130 - 150 150 - 220 220 - 300 Malaysia 48 - 78 78 - 132 130 - 150 150 - 220 220 + INVESTMENT CONSULTANT Analyst Associate Manager China 240 - 360 360 - 480 500 + Hong Kong 240 - 360 360 - 480 500 - 1,200 Japan N/A N/A N/A Singapore 60 - 100 100 - 150 150 + Malaysia 54 - 72 72 - 162 162 + PRODUCT MANAGEMENT Analyst Associate Senior Associate/ Manager China 220 - 320 300 - 360 360 - 480 Hong Kong N/A N/A N/A Japan 6-7 8 - 10 10 - 11 Singapore 50 - 70 70 - 100 100 - 180 Malaysia 50 - 70 70 - 120 120 - 180 NOTES • Salaries are annual and represented in local currencies • Salaries do not include bonuses • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions • Typical benefits on top of salaries stated include performance based bonuses 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 39 BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES Back Office CORPORATE A CTIONS/SETTLEMENTS Analyst A ssociate AVP VP Director China 120 - 240 240 - 300 300 - 500 500 - 800 800 + Hong Kong 320 - 400 N/A N/A N/A 750 - 1,100 Japan 6-8 8 - 10 10 - 13 13 - 17 15 - 18 Singapore 40 - 60 60 - 80 80 - 110 110 - 180 180 + Malaysia 42 - 66 60 - 100 100 - 150 150 - 180 180 + DOCUMENTATION/KNOW YOUR CLIENT/ CLIENT O NBOARDING Analyst A ssociate AVP VP Director China 120 - 240 240 - 300 300 - 500 500 - 800 800 + Hong Kong 260 - 380 400 - 650 650 - 900 900 - 1,200 1,200 + Japan 6 - 7.5 8 - 10 10 - 13 13 - 18 18 + Singapore 50 - 70 70 - 90 90 - 120 120 - 200 200 + Malaysia 48 - 66 66 - 78 80 - 144 144 - 180 180 - 200 BANKING OPERATIONS (TREASURY OPS, MM, FX) Officer A ssociate AVP VP Director China 180 - 240 240 - 300 300 - 500 500 - 800 800 + Hong Kong N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Japan 6 - 7.5 8 - 10 10 - 13 13 - 17 18 + Singapore 40 - 60 60 - 80 80 - 120 120 - 180 180 + Malaysia 40 - 60 60 - 78 78 - 132 132 - 180 180 - 200 TRANSACTION BANKING OPERATIONS Officer A ssociate AVP VP Director China 120 - 240 240 - 300 300 - 500 500 - 800 800 + Hong Kong 180 - 300 300 - 420 420 - 540 540 - 660 660 + Japan 6 - 7.5 8 - 10 10 - 13 13 - 17 18 + Singapore 50 - 70 70 - 90 90 - 120 120 - 180 180 + Malaysia 40 - 60 60 - 78 78 - 132 132 - 180 180 + LOAN ADMINISTRATION/CREDIT OPERATION Officer A ssociate AVP VP Director China 120 - 240 240 - 300 300 - 500 500 - 800 800 + Hong Kong N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Japan 6 - 7.5 8 - 10 10 - 13 13 - 17 18 + Singapore 40 - 60 60 - 90 90 - 130 130 - 180 180 + Malaysia 36 - 60 60 - 84 84 - 120 120 - 168 168 - 325 FUND OPERATIONS Administrator Senior Administrator Manager Business Development Manager General Manager China 240 - 350 350 - 500 500 - 700 700 - 1,000 1,000 + Hong Kong 250 - 350 380 - 480 480 - 840 800 - 1,100 1,000 - 1,400 Japan 6-8 8 - 10 10 - 12 8 - 12 15 + Singapore 40 - 55 55 - 80 80 - 120 120 - 180 180 + Malaysia 40 - 60 60 - 75 75 - 145 145 - 180 180 + NOTES • Salaries are annual and represented in local currencies • Salaries do not include bonuses • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions • Typical benefits on top of salaries stated include performance based bonuses 40 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES Retail BRANCH MANAGEMENT Branch Sub Branch Manager Manager Regional/ District Manager China 360 - 480 960 - 1,500 480 - 960 Hong Kong 520 - 720 620 - 800 700 - 900 Japan N/A 9 - 12 12 + Singapore N/A 50 - 75 80 - 110 Malaysia 48 - 96 96 - 144 144 - 180 OPERATIONAL BRANCH STAFF Teller Supervisor Operations Manager China 60 - 120 120 - 240 240 - 360 Hong Kong 100 - 150 200 - 250 250 + Japan 3-4 5-8 8 - 10 Singapore 20 - 30 42 - 47 60 - 100 Malaysia N/A N/A N/A RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT Assistant Relationship Relationship Manager Manager Senior Relationship Manager Sales Manager China 120 - 240 180 - 300 240 - 480 360 - 600 Hong Kong 300 - 350 420 - 540 576 - 720 780 - 950 Japan 5-7 7 - 10 10 - 13 14 - 16 Singapore 60 - 100 100 - 150 150 - 200 180 + Malaysia 36 - 60 60 - 132 132 - 192 192 + MORTGAGE SPECIALIST Specialist Senior Specialist Team Head Region Head China 120 - 240 180 - 300 300 - 600 600 + Hong Kong 180 - 240 240 - 360 360 - 600 800 + Japan 4-6 6-8 9 - 11 12 + Singapore 60 - 80 80 - 100 120 - 150 180 + Malaysia 72 - 96 96 - 180 180 - 264 264 - 396 INSURANCE AND INVESTMENT SPECIALIST Specialist Senior Specialist Team Head Region Head China 120 - 240 180 - 300 300 - 600 600 + Hong Kong 180 - 280 360 - 500 700 - 850 1,000 + Japan 4-6 6-9 9 - 12 13 + Singapore 60 - 80 80 - 100 120 - 150 180 + Malaysia 72 - 96 96 - 180 180 - 264 264 + NOTES • Salaries are annual and represented in local currencies • Salaries do not include bonuses • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions • Typical benefits on top of salaries stated include performance based bonuses 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 41 INSURANCE CHINA Faced with slower economic growth and wider and more complex regulation, China’s insurance market is currently rebuilding itself. Unsurprisingly then, one of the biggest trends over the past year has been the upsurge in the number of M&A activities and transactions. This led to high demand for skilled candidates with solid experience in Strategy, M&A, PMO and Investment. Consequently salaries for these professionals increased. SALARY INFORMATION: INSURANCE In the sales and distribution field, particularly the traditional channels of agency, bancassurance and corporate sales, insurers are not automatically increasing salaries in line with normal incremental or inflationary raises. Instead, they are recruiting local candidates with reduced salary expectations, or limiting expatriate talent to short contracts. This trend is expected to continue, and thus salaries for senior roles will remain at current levels over the year ahead. In the middle office, Tier 1 cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are attracting more talented candidates from financial institutions and banks, and salaries are expected to increase by between 15 and 20 per cent. Salary increases will be most notable in financial risk management and regulatory compliance since good talent in this area remains in high demand and short supply. Turning to the back office, salaries in life insurance companies are expected to remain steady this year. However, we are also seeing high demand for experienced Underwriters and Insurance Brokers with sharp business sense and a proven track record. Such candidates will impress hiring managers if they can demonstrate their talent to drive business. Another trend that will impact salaries this year is the increasing number of local and international companies that are setting up operations in the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone. We expect to see a higher number of hires in this zone in Shanghai. Furthermore, using Shanghai as a benchmark, Free Trade Zones will be launched in other cities in coming years. As a result, more companies will establish operations in these zones and demand will increase for experienced general insurance 42 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia and reinsurance professionals. This will lead to salary increases as organizations seek to attract and secure the top talent. HONG KONG Hong Kong’s insurance industry continued to grow in 2014. With major European economies remaining in recovery mode, Asian markets instead attracted greater investment. While this is positive news for the local market, a huge challenge for employers remains in the form of Hong Kong’s shortage of highly-skilled professionals. As a result of this skills shortage, overseas candidates are relocating to Hong Kong to join the insurance workforce in specific functions, especially in the actuarial, accounting and finance areas. In other trends, significant regulatory updates around investment products and sales processes led to increased demand for compliance professionals. In this niche space there is a shortage of talent and thus organizations are offering above market rates for suitable candidates. Another trend of note is the growth of the High Net Worth business line. Key insurers forecast business potential in this sector, and it is seen as a solution to current challenges in the investment linked business resulting from the implementation of new regulations. As a relatively immature business line, there is a shortage of strong talent in this field, and premium salaries are being offered to the top candidates. DESPITE OVERALL GROWTH AND TALENT SHORTAGES, BASE SALARIES ARE ONLY EXPECTED TO INCREASE SLIGHTLY FOR MOST PROFESSIONALS In 2015 we will see further expansion in South East Asia’s key emerging markets. With Hong Kong a major regional hub for leading insurance companies, we will see continuous demand for candidates with solid regional experience and a wide scope of insurance knowledge. Despite overall growth and talent shortages, base salaries are only expected to increase slightly in line with inflation for most professionals. The exception will be the industry’s high performers, who will receive significant financial rewards in the form of a performance bonus. JAPAN The key trend in Japan’s insurance industry in 2014 was the polarization of salaries. Mergers and restructuring saw a number of firms, particularly foreign companies, increase salaries for highperforming employees who they wanted to retain. At the same time, employees whose productivity failed to match their salaries were made redundant. Mergers and acquisitions also led to high demand for project management, operations, and strategic/corporate planning professionals. As a result, these candidates received a slight increase in salary. Another trend of interest was the high demand for talent in both the alternative distribution and direct marketing sales channel. Companies that previously relied on insurance agents as their main sales channel changed their focus to direct marketing or mass marketing sales. As this trend continues we expect salaries to increase for highly experienced specialists in these areas. Overall salary growth remains stable, which continues the trend of recent years. We expect this to remain the case in 2015, for all bar actuaries, product development and underwriting candidates. Given the high demand and short supply of these specialists, they will be able to continue to command higher salaries than their insurance colleagues in other functions. ‘Overall salary growth in Japan remains stable, which continues the trend of recent years’ INSURANCE SINGAPORE Singapore’s insurance industry grew steadily in 2014 and we expect this to remain the case in 2015. Consequently, salaries will rise across most segments. One of the biggest trends in 2014 was the continued growth of Singapore as a regional hub. This led to increased demand for specialist and sophisticated underwriting and claims professionals in energy, construction, aviation, credit and surety. Competition will remain high for these professionals in 2015 as global and local insurers, Lloyd’s syndicates, reinsurers, and brokers all develop their business in the region from Singapore. As a result, these candidates can expect a notable salary increase in 2015. A MAJOR TREND IN 2015 WILL BE THE CONTINUED RESTRUCTURING OF THE SALES AND DISTRIBUTION LANDSCAPE IN SINGAPORE A major trend in 2015 will be the continued restructuring of the sales and distribution landscape in Singapore. Initiatives from the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s Financial Advisory Industry Review (FAIR) will impact the business operations of existing sales and distribution professionals, especially in the mass market segment. This, however, presents opportunities for professionals in both agencies and bancassurance teams with strong qualifications and experience who can conduct sophisticated and high value financial planning. Such professionals can expect their salaries to rise in response to the shortage of suitably skilled local talent. expertise as well as multi-channel, including digital, distribution. In terms of staffing demand, risk and finance strategy planning professionals are needed across the industry. In the risk segment, the entry of foreign players means there are strong intentions to advance risk management to a global standard. This will impact finance teams as the current market outlook requires them to impose a financially-aware mindset in non-financial business units within the institution. Demand for top-level finance strategy professionals as well as Finance Reporting Managers has significantly increased compared to previous years. The market is also expecting growth in the motor segment, resulting from the lifting of the motor insurance tariff in 2016. The government will allow general insurers to vary premiums based on the risk profile of individual vehicle owners. This will be supported by a strong increase in the hiring of Underwriters. In other trends, life insurance saw a hike in demand for agency distribution professionals at the senior level, while in general insurance more Business Development Managers were recruited. On the Takaful side, the Islamic Financial Service Act requirement for composite Takaful Operators (TOs) to legally separate their general and family businesses by 2018 is expected to drive consolidation in this market. This will be most evident among smaller TOs with insufficient scale to justify the additional investment in separate licenses, especially in respect to their general Takaful business. MALAYSIA Moving forward, it is expected that this will result in greater sophistication for the domestic industry through product innovation, pricing and risk-management 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 43 SALARY INFORMATION: INSURANCE Malaysia’s insurance industry witnessed dynamic changes in 2014, resulting from a number of mergers and takeovers of local insurance institutions by global insurers. INSURANCE ACTUARIAL Chief Actuary Department Head Senior Manager Manager Associate China 900 - 2,000 600 - 1,200 400 - 650 200 - 400 120 - 200 Hong Kong 900 - 2,600* 960 - 1,900 600 - 960 400 - 600 200 + Japan 20 - 30 15 - 30 13 - 20 10 - 18 5-8 Singapore 260 - 440 180 - 340 140 - 180 120 - 150 50 - 90 Malaysia 240 - 420 180 - 300 120 - 180 72 - 120 54 - 72 DISTRIBUTION Chief Distribution Chief Agency Officer Officer Head of Bancassurance Head of Alternate Distribution Head of Sales Development China 1,500 - 2,800 1,000 - 1,500 900 - 1,500 1,000 - 1,500 800 - 1,400 Hong Kong 1,500 - 2,500* 1,200 - 1,800 1,200 - 2,000 1,100 - 1,600 1,100 - 1,700 Japan 15 - 30 15 - 30 15 - 30 15 - 25 15 - 25 Singapore 270 - 450 270 - 350 200 - 280 220 - 280 220 - 280 Malaysia 280 - 360 280 - 360 192 - 264 192 - 264 192 - 264 AGENCY Agency Director Senior Manager Manager China 600 - 1,000 400 - 700 240 - 400 150 - 240 90 - 150 Hong Kong 840 - 1,200 720 - 900 480 - 600 360 - 480 300 - 360 Japan 15 - 20 12 - 18 8 - 12 7 - 10 5-8 Singapore 140 - 190 140 - 180 110 - 140 70 - 100 40 - 60 Malaysia 156 - 216 96 - 144 60 - 96 38 - 48 33 - 38 BANCASSURANCE Department Head Senior Manager Manager Assistant Manager Bancassurance Officer China 700 - 1,200 500 - 800 300 - 500 200 - 300 150 - 200 Hong Kong 900 - 1,500 720 - 900 480 - 600 360 - 480 300 - 360 Japan 15 - 20 12 - 15 10 - 12 6 - 10 5-7 Singapore 270 - 450 200 - 250 120 - 150 80 - 120 40 - 60 Malaysia 240 - 324 180 - 240 96 - 180 60 - 84 36 - 54 ALTERNATE DISTRIBUTION Channel Director Senior Manager Manager Assistant Manager China 800 - 1,500 500 - 750 300 - 450 200 - 350 Hong Kong 840 - 1,000 600 - 720 480 - 600 360 - 480 Japan 15 - 20 12 - 18 10 - 14 6 - 10 Singapore 155 - 250 120 - 150 90 - 120 70 - 80 Malaysia 168 - 240 168 - 150 72 - 108 42 - 60 FINANCE Chief Financial Financial Officer Finance Director Controller Senior Finance Manager Finance Manager China 1,000 - 2,200 700 - 1,300 600 - 1,000 500 - 800 300 - 500 Hong Kong 1,000 - 3,000* 1,100 - 1,400 900 - 1,200 600 - 900 400 - 600 Japan 15 - 30 15 - 25 15 - 20 12 - 18 10 - 16 Singapore 240 - 500 190 - 250 145 - 240 140 - 180 100 - 150 Malaysia 360 - 420 + 300 - 360 180 - 300 120 - 180 84 - 120 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 44 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries are representative of the total package value * Salaries for these job titles vary greatly due to the nature of the role and whether the remit is local or regional Assistant Manager Agency Officer INSURANCE AUDIT Chief Auditor Audit Director Senior Internal Audit Manager China 800 - 2,000 650 - 1,000 500 - 800 250 - 450 Hong Kong 900 - 2,500* 800 - 1,600* 600 - 900 400 - 600 Japan 15 - 25 15 - 18 12 - 15 10 - 14 Singapore 280 - 450 220 - 320 150 - 250 90 - 160 Malaysia 300 - 440 220 - 300 130 - 220 72 - 140 COMPLIANCE/ORM Chief Risk China 900 - 2,000 Hong Kong 1,500 - 2,600* Japan 10 - 20 Singapore 180 - 220 Malaysia 300 + UNDERWRITING LIFE Chief Underwriter Director Senior Manager Manager Assistant Manager China 700 - 900 500 - 700 350 - 550 200 - 350 150 - 300 Hong Kong 1,000 - 1,600* 900 - 1,100 700 - 850 550 - 650 300 - 450 Japan 18 - 25 15 - 20 10 - 15 8 - 12 6-8 Singapore 320 - 450 250 - 300 150 - 200 100 - 140 70 - 90 Malaysia 300 - 440 220 - 300 130 - 220 72 - 140 54 - 80 UNDERWRITING GENERAL Chief Underwriter Head of Business Line Senior Manager Manager Assistant Manager China 800 - 1,200 700 - 900 500 - 700 250 - 450 150 - 250 Hong Kong 1,000 - 1,600* 900 - 1,100 700 - 850 550 - 650 300 - 450 Japan 18 - 25 15 - 20 10 - 15 8 - 12 6-8 Singapore 320 - 450 250 - 300 150 - 200 100 - 140 70 - 90 Malaysia 300 - 384 240 - 312 156 - 240 96 - 156 66 - 96 CLAIMS LIFE Head of Claims Senior Manager Manager China 500 - 700 450 - 600 300 - 400 200 - 300 Hong Kong 800 - 1,200* 650 - 750 450 - 600 350 - 450 Japan 15 - 20 12 - 15 8 - 10 6 - 10 Singapore 220 - 320 130 - 200 125 - 190 90 - 100 Malaysia 216 - 300 120 - 216 84 - 132 54 - 84 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions Internal Audit Manager Assistant Manager • Salaries are representative of the total package value * Salaries for these job titles vary greatly due to the nature of the role and whether the remit is local or regional 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 45 INSURANCE CLAIMS GENERAL Head of Claims Head of Business Line Senior Manager Manager Assistant Manager China 600 - 1,000 500 - 600 450 - 500 300 - 400 200 - 250 Hong Kong 750 - 1,200* 700 - 800 650 - 750 500 - 650 300 - 450 Japan 18 - 25 10 - 15 8 - 12 6 - 10 5-8 Singapore 220 - 320 170 - 210 130 - 200 125 - 190 90 - 100 Malaysia 220 - 320 168 - 220 120 - 170 84 - 120 60 - 84 PROJECTS Program Head Senior Project/ Assistant Program Manager Project Manager Manager Business Analyst China 900 - 2,000 700 - 1,200 400 - 600 250 - 350 180 - 350 Hong Kong 950 - 2,500* 700 - 1,000 450 - 650 320 - 450 200 - 350 Japan 12 - 20 + 10 - 18 8 - 12 6 - 10 5 - 10 Singapore 250 + 180 - 250 140 - 180 90 - 130 60 - 80 Malaysia 300 - 420 240 - 300 156 - 240 84 - 156 56 - 132 STRATEGIC Program Head Program Manager Assistant Project Manager Manager China 1,000 - 2,500 700 - 1,000 400 - 700 240 - 350 180 - 400 Hong Kong 1,200 - 2,800* 720 - 1,200 600 - 960 360 - 540 240 - 420 Japan 12 - 20 + 10 - 18 8 - 15 6 - 10 5 - 10 Singapore 230 + 180 - 230 140 - 180 90 - 130 60 - 80 Malaysia 300 - 420 240 - 300 156 - 240 84 - 156 56 - 120 OPERATIONS COO Senior Manager Manager Assistant Manager China 1,000 - 2,500 700 - 900 300 - 500 180 - 240 Hong Kong 900 - 2,500* 700 - 950 500 - 700 300 - 450 Japan 15 - 30 10 - 15 8 - 12 6 - 10 Singapore 200 - 250 140 - 200 90 - 140 70 - 90 Malaysia 420 + 216 - 320 120 - 216 72 - 120 MARKETING Head of Products Senior Product Development Manager Product Manager Assistant Manager China 700 - 1,000 300 - 600 200 - 350 150 - 240 Hong Kong 900 - 1,400* 700 - 900 450 - 650 300 - 450 Japan 14 - 20 10 - 15 8 - 12 6 - 10 Singapore 170 - 300 120 - 150 100 - 150 70 - 80 Malaysia 180 + 120 - 168 96 - 120 72 + NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 46 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries are representative of the total package value * Salaries for these job titles vary greatly due to the nature of the role and whether the remit is local or regional Business Analyst FINANCE TECHNOLOGY HONG KONG The candidate market in China is buoyant and this year the war for talent will intensify further in key areas. We expect to see greater focus placed on salaries and benefits to help employers attract new hires and retain their existing talent pool. One of the biggest trends in Hong Kong’s finance technology jobs market is the growing demand for hybrid candidates who have both a business and technical background. As a result of cost cutting, employers are looking for candidates who can take on a role with dualresponsibilities across business and technology. This trend will continue in the year ahead. Since 2013 China has been a primary market for offshore Centre of Excellence establishments. Big brands and international investment banks have set up technology centres in China and have recruited candidates with Core Server Side C++ and Core Java. We have also seen increasing demand for System Programmers with skills in scripting languages such as Python, Perl and Shell Scripting and, amongst big brand employers, Scala. This trend will continue. Finding the right candidate will remain a challenge. This year’s Hays Salary Guide reflects the use of increased salaries as a way of attracting high calibre candidates to fill the growing number of roles on offer. As well as increasing salaries, employers will now consider candidates from overseas, including from non-Chinese language backgrounds, in order to fill their vacancies. However, as recruiting from overseas is more expensive and takes more time, candidates must meet very specific criteria including prior experience working in finance technology. Looking ahead, China’s finance sector will continue to experience consistent growth. Employers include foreign multinationals, local firms and a growing number of new comers including local and global fund management firms and trading firms. With positive hiring intentions, demand will remain high for Programmers and Quant Developers with C++ skills, strong logical thinking abilities, algorithm coding skills and the ability to build high frequency trading systems. Candidates with experience working with leading firms are being targeted and even poached, and thus employers must develop robust staff retention strategies. Demand for infrastructure technology professionals will remain stable. We will continue to see a modest increase in production support roles as more companies view this function as a cost effective move. Employers are also placing a high value on candidates who have good soft skills such as interpersonal and communication skills and who can work effectively with internal stakeholders and external clients to advise them on technical solutions. The so-called ‘through train’ stock connect scheme between Hong Kong and Shanghai has also generated demand for candidates. Java Developers were in demand in the lead up to the November 2014 launch and we expect the gradual integration of the two systems to generate additional hiring activity across development and other systems integration jobs. In other trends, Data Analysts are in increasing demand, especially those with a proven track record of analysing big data to detect patterns useful to understanding future markets. Candidates need to be adept at obtaining data from a wide variety of sources, from social media to internal business reports. Data Analysts are also helping companies achieve greater cost efficiencies. Hong Kong’s changing regulatory environment is driving demand for Business Analysts to assist financial institutions to understand and comply with new regulations as well as develop tighter internal controls of regulatory reporting and tracking. We have also seen growing demand for IT Security specialists, especially those with Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) credentials. This demand is driven by the rising volume of business carried out over the Internet and the resulting need for greater privacy protection. We have also seen a particular increase in the number of Security Consultant roles available. Candidates must have outstanding security knowledge and good interpersonal skills as roles involve a lot of client facing work, including presales consultations. JAPAN 2015 will be another good year for finance technology candidates in Japan, with demand pushing up salaries for select roles. The upgrading of IT infrastructure remains a priority for many companies in Japan, which is creating continuing demand for IT Business Analysts, Project Managers and Quality Assurance experts. BAs with strong skills analysing business processes and systems are in particularly high demand as firms strive to develop more efficient processes and assess their existing business model and how to integrate it with technology. In an interesting trend, companies that started new projects in late 2014 to enhance technology systems opted to hire local Development and Application Support candidates rather than utilize offshore options. In other trends, Japan’s stable and profitable insurance sector has been very active in hiring a range of technology candidates to carry out system upgrades to meet global standards. We have also seen candidates from the securities sector move into insurance to fill well-paid roles. Insurance firms have been willing to pay higher salaries to fill senior roles and even waive normal bilingual requirements to secure the right candidate. Candidates with relevant experience in systems development life cycle (SDLC) management and the delivery of vendor solutions will remain in high demand this year. Banks and insurance companies have also been hiring across Security, IT Risk and IT Audit for compliance projects and we expect this trend to continue. Financial institutions must meet new standards set by the Financial Services Agency and the Bank of Japan and integrate any new compliance measures with existing policies. Internal IT Support Engineers are also being hired in both permanent and temporary roles to support new IT systems and infrastructure. Candidates with strong 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 47 SALARY INFORMATION: FINANCE TECHNOLOGY CHINA FINANCE TECHNOLOGY technical support experience who can keep a cool and logical head under pressure are in highest demand. Finally, in the IT infrastructure arena Network Engineers and Voice Engineers have been in high demand and there has been some hiring of Helpdesk and Desktop Customer Support professionals. SINGAPORE IT security, digital/e-commerce and Agile development will be the key hiring hotspots for the year ahead. These three areas generated strong recruitment activity in 2014 during what was an otherwise steady year for hiring. Demand for IT security professionals has increased in line with regulators introducing higher standards for managing customer data and keeping it secure in the face of rising cyber attack threat levels. Meanwhile, fierce competition has broken out amongst employers in the retail and private banking sectors to hire the best digital and e-commerce specialists to help devise new ways to win and keep customers. This will continue in 2015. In fact a technology arms race is building as banks strive to customise products and improve the customer experience in an effort to stand out from competitors. While the pressure is intense in such workplaces the rewards for candidates include competitive salaries and the chance to work on innovative projects. SALARY INFORMATION: FINANCE TECHNOLOGY Digital and CRM/analytics specialists will also be in high demand this year to help realise plans by all the main banking groups in Asia to develop and expand their online presence. To do this, banks need staff who can master complex analytics tools that help them understand their customers better. The introduction in 2014 of the Fair Consideration Framework to promote local hiring wherever possible provided another challenge for banks in Singapore. Given the candidate short market, employers now need to balance hiring the best local talent with hiring the best candidate as quickly as possible. In contrast, offshoring remains a popular option for banks filling lower level 48 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia transactional roles. Singapore is seen as a medium cost location and any proposal to base these roles locally requires wellsupported justification. Looking ahead, Singapore will remain a key regional hub with many banks choosing to locate their headquarters and their client facing technical roles here. For this reason we expect Agile Developers building applications in C++, Java and Python to be another area of demand this year. MALAYSIA Malaysia’s finance technology industry is still booming but critical candidate shortages and government restrictions on hiring candidates from outside the country will continue to pose challenges for employers this year. Strict policies set by Malaysia’s National Bank, Bank Negara, limit the amount of international hires a financial institution can make. This has presented a number of hiring challenges including a shortage of candidates able to take on niche software development roles and a greater need for companies to look at retention strategies as local talent eye higher salary packages in other parts of Asia and the world. utilise the latest technology tools to manage large data migration projects such as Hadoop, SSIS, SSRS, Python, and R Programming. We expect demand for these skills will continue in the year ahead. Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have taken place across the financial services sector in most developed nations, including Malaysia. This includes both cross-border and domestic mergers, in both the banking and insurance industries. This activity is the result of globalization and the development of information technology, which has led to a more competitive financial systems market and organizations attempting to position themselves as major players in Southeast Asia. Looking ahead, many employers are still considering whether or not to enhance their technology systems this year or maintain their existing legacy systems instead. Upgrades will create a huge spike in demand for a range of candidates including Project Managers, Business Analysts and IT security specialists. Candidates in demand include Project Managers and Program Managers to drive projects related to banking applications and banking and insurance operations. However, there is a shortage of candidates with the necessary leadership skills and technical background. Candidates for these roles are also expected to have a good command of English and strong analytical thinking abilities. IT security specialists are sought to help financial firms devise systems to protect data with cloud and virtualisation technologies. IT security professionals are also needed to implement and monitor IT security policies. Along with IT security experts, we are also seeing strong demand for audit and compliance professionals within infrastructure Last year we saw critical candidate shortages develop, particularly in niche areas such as Cobol, SAP, Life400, POLISY400, and for candidates who can ‘The upgrading of IT infrastructure remains a priority for many companies in Japan, which is creating continuing demand’ FINANCE TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Infrastructure Manager Development Manager IT Director CIO China 400 - 800 400 - 1000 700 - 1,200 1,000 - 2,500 Hong Kong 750 - 1,500 750 - 1,400 1,000 - 1,800 2,000 - 4,000 Japan 15 - 18 15 - 25 20 - 50 25 - 70 Singapore 150 - 300 150 - 300 200 - 400 350 - 600 Malaysia 150 - 240 150 - 300 250 - 500 350 - 600 SUPPORT FUNCTIONS Application Support Team Leader FIX Connectivity Market Data Support Engineer Application Support Manager China 200 - 400 400 - 600 200 - 400 600 - 800 Hong Kong 520 - 900 600 - 900 520 - 850 420 - 750 700 - 1,200 Japan 8 - 14 14 - 18 8 - 14 8 - 14 15 - 22 Singapore 60 - 120 115 - 260 80 - 160 80 - 200 120 - 260 Malaysia 80 - 120 120 - 200 120 - 200 160 - 450 150 - 270 OTHER Quantitative Analyst IT Security/ IT Risk IT Audit BCP Manager China 300 - 600 300 - 600 300 - 500 400 - 700 Hong Kong 600 - 1,400 600 - 1,000 570 - 900 800 - 1,000 Japan 10 - 25 12 - 20 10 - 20 12 - 20 Singapore 100 - 250 80 - 350 80 - 360 100 - 300 Malaysia 140 - 200 100 - 450 120 - 300 120 - 200 300 - 400 Project Service Co-ordinators/PMO Delivery Manager Tester Test Manager China 250 - 500 500 - 900 200 - 400 400 - 600 Hong Kong 550 - 820 750 - 1,300 450 - 780 660 - 1,000 Japan 6 - 14 15 - 25 8 - 15 10 - 25 Singapore 70 - 130 100 - 220 70 - 120 150 - 250 Malaysia 80 - 130 120 - 200 80 - 120 120 - 220 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 49 FINANCE TECHNOLOGY Business Analysts CASH (ALL ASSET CLASSES) Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP ED MD China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600 Hong Kong 330 - 550 600 - 950 920 - 1,400 1,200 - 2,000 2,000 - 2,800 Japan 8 - 12 12 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 35 35 + Singapore 70 - 100 90 - 140 130 - 220 N/A N/A Malaysia 60 - 80 100 - 150 150 - 180 N/A N/A DERIVATIVES (ALL ASSET CLASSES) Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP ED MD China 150 - 250 300 - 450 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600 Hong Kong 350 - 650 550 - 950 1,000 - 1,500 1,200 - 1,600 2,000 - 3,200 Japan 8 - 12 12 - 15 15 - 22 23 - 35 35 + Singapore 90 - 120 100 - 140 130 - 200 N/A N/A Malaysia 80 - 100 110 - 150 150 - 210 N/A N/A ELECTRONIC TRADING Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP ED MD China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600 Hong Kong 520 - 700 700 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,500 1,600 - 2,200 2,200 - 3,200 Japan 8 - 12 12 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 35 35 + Singapore 90 - 120 120 - 150 150 - 240 N/A N/A Malaysia 100 - 130 130 - 170 170 - 250 N/A N/A NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 50 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia 450 - 1,000 • Salaries are representative of the total package value FINANCE TECHNOLOGY Project Management CASH (ALL ASSET CLASSES) Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP ED MD China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600 Hong Kong 520 - 650 700 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,500 1,500 - 2,200 2,200 - 2,800 Japan 8 - 14 12 - 16 14 - 22 22 - 40 40 + Singapore N/A 90 - 130 140 - 200 240 - 280 300 + Malaysia N/A 110 - 150 150 - 200 240 - 300 320 + DERIVATIVES (ALL ASSET CLASSES) Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP ED MD China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600 Hong Kong 520 - 800 650 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,500 1,500 - 2,200 2,200 - 2,800 Japan 10 - 14 12 - 16 16 - 22 22 - 40 40 + Singapore N/A 90 - 130 150 - 200 240 - 300 300 + Malaysia N/A 100 - 150 160 - 250 240 - 300 320 + ELECTRONIC TRADING Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP ED MD China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600 Hong Kong 520 - 850 750 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,500 1,500 - 2,200 2,200 - 2,800 Japan 10 - 14 12 - 16 16 - 22 22 - 40 40 + Singapore N/A 110 - 150 160 - 250 250 - 400 400 + Malaysia 80 - 100 140 - 170 180 - 270 300 - 500 450 + NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 51 FINANCE TECHNOLOGY Java CASH (ALL ASSET CLASSES) Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP ED MD China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600 Hong Kong 420 - 650 700 - 1,000 900 - 1,500 1,500 - 2,000 2,000 + Japan 8 - 12 12 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 50 40 + Singapore 60 - 80 90 - 140 175 - 220 220 - 300 280 + Malaysia 80 - 100 100 - 140 160 - 220 220 - 350 300 + DERIVATIVES (ALL ASSET CLASSES) Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP ED MD China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600 Hong Kong 450 - 680 700 - 1,000 920 - 1,500 1,500 - 2,000 2,000 + Japan 8 - 12 12 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 50 40 + Singapore 70 - 90 90 - 140 175 - 220 220 - 300 280 + Malaysia 80 - 100 100 - 150 160 - 220 220 - 330 320 + ELECTRONIC TRADING Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP ED MD China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600 Hong Kong 450 - 670 700 - 1,000 950 - 1,500 1,500 - 2,000 2,000 + Japan 8 - 12 12 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 50 40 + Singapore 80 - 100 100 - 140 175 - 220 220 - 300 280 + Malaysia 80 - 100 110 - 150 160 - 240 240 - 320 320 + NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 52 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries are representative of the total package value FINANCE TECHNOLOGY C++ CASH (ALL ASSET CLASSES) Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP ED MD China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600 Hong Kong 420 - 800 600 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,500 1,500 - 1,800 1,800 - 2,000 Japan 8 - 12 12 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 50 40 + Singapore 60 - 80 90 - 130 160 - 220 220 - 300 280 + Malaysia 70 - 90 100 - 140 150 - 220 220 - 320 300 + DERIVATIVES (ALL ASSET CLASSES) Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP ED MD China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600 Hong Kong 420 - 800 600 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,500 1,500 - 1,850 1,800 - 2,000 Japan 8 - 12 12 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 50 40 + Singapore 70 - 90 90 - 140 150 - 220 220 - 300 280 + Malaysia 80 - 100 100 - 150 160 - 220 220 - 330 320 + ELECTRONIC TRADING Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP ED MD China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600 Hong Kong 420 - 800 600 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,500 1,500 - 1,850 1,800 - 2,000 Japan 8 - 12 12 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 35 40 + Singapore 80 - 100 100 - 140 175 - 220 220 - 300 280 + Malaysia 90 - 110 110 - 150 160 - 250 240 - 330 320 + DERIVATIVES (ALL ASSET CLASSES) Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP ED MD China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600 Hong Kong 450 - 700 850 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,500 1,500 - 1,800 1,800 - 2,000 Excel/VBA/RAD Japan 7 - 10 10 - 13 13 - 20 20 - 35 40 + Singapore 60 - 90 90 - 150 150 - 220 220 - 300 N/A Malaysia 80 - 110 110 - 150 160 - 230 240 - 330 N/A NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 53 FINANCE TECHNOLOGY C# CASH (ALL ASSET CLASSES) Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP ED MD China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600 Hong Kong 450 - 700 850 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,500 1,500 - 1,800 1,800 + Japan 8 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 25 25 - 35 40 + Singapore 60 - 90 90 - 135 140 - 220 220 - 300 300 + Malaysia 70 - 100 100 - 150 150 - 230 230 - 320 320 + DERIVATIVES (ALL ASSET CLASSES) Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP ED MD China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600 Hong Kong 450 - 700 850 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,500 1,500 - 1,800 1,800 - 2,000 Japan 8 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 25 25 - 35 45 + Singapore 70 - 90 90 - 135 140 - 220 220 - 300 300 + Malaysia 80 - 100 100 - 150 150 - 230 230 - 320 320 + ELECTRONIC TRADING Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP ED MD China 150 - 250 300 - 450 450 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,300 1,300 - 1,600 Hong Kong 450 - 730 850 - 1,000 1,000 - 1,500 1,500 - 1,800 1,800 + Japan 8 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 25 25 - 35 45 + Singapore 80 - 100 100 - 140 150 - 220 220 - 300 300 + Malaysia 90 - 120 110 - 160 170 - 240 240 - 350 350 + COBOL Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP Malaysia 70 - 90 100 - 140 Mainframe, AS/400 150 - 200 ETL Informatica, Oracle PL/SQL, RDMS, Data Warehouse, SAS BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE Non-Officer (Associate) AVP Senior Associate VP Malaysia 70 - 90 100 - 140 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 54 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia 150 - 200 • Salaries are representative of the total package value FINANCE TECHNOLOGY Insurance APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT - FRONT OFFICE C++/Java/ C# Developer Excel/Visual Basic Developer Database Developer Japan 7 - 12 7 - 12 7 - 12 Application Architect/ Lead Developer Development Manager Main Frame Developer Japan 8 - 15 10 - 20 7 - 12 APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT - MIDDLE/BACK OFFICE C++/Java/ C# Developer Excel/Visual Basic Developer Database Developer Japan 6 - 12 6 - 12 6 - 12 Application Architect/ Lead Developer Development Manager Main Frame Developer Japan 8 - 15 10 - 20 7 - 12 APPLICATION SUPPORT - FRONT OFFICE Application Support Team Leader Manager Japan 6 - 10 8 - 14 8 - 15 APPLICATION SUPPORT - MIDDLE/BACK OFFICE Application Support Team Leader Manager Japan 6 - 10 8 - 12 8 - 15 OTHERS Business Analyst (Front Office) Business Analyst (Back Office) Japan 7 - 13 7 - 13 IT Security/IT Risk IT Audit BCP Manager Japan 8 - 13 8 - 15 10 - 18 Japan 7 - 15 Project Manager (Front Office) Project Manager (Back Office) Program Manager 7 - 15 12 - 25 Project Co-ordinators/PMO Service Delivery Manager Test Manager Japan 6 - 12 10 - 20 10 - 25 MANAGEMENT Infrastructure Manager Development Manager - Front Office Development Manager - Middle/Back Japan 10 - 16 15 - 25 15 - 20 IT Director CIO Application Support Manager 25 - 70 40 - 100 15 - 25 Japan NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 55 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CHINA China’s IT sector is booming as companies look to harness the latest technologies including web development, mobile, business intelligence and big data to drive expansion and help them deliver more to their growing number of consumers. SALARY INFORMATION: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY The increasing business and hiring activity is pushing up demand for IT talent and creating candidate shortages in some areas. We have also seen the break out of salary bidding wars in small pockets of the market as employers vie for the best candidates. We predict upward pressure on salaries more generally this year across a number of roles. Candidates with strong technical skills in Internet/web development and bilingual fluency in English and Mandarin will continue to be highly sought this year. Roles in strong demand include UserInterface Developers, Front-end Developers and Mobile Developers (iOS and Adroid) with the hottest skill sets being PHP, JavaScript, SaaS, Crawler, .NET, Java and UI/UX. We expect another big year ahead for cloud technologies in China as companies look for the best ways to store and then access large amounts of data. This is creating high demand for experienced Cloud Architects and Engineers. And employers have a particular interest in finding IT professionals able to help them meet the challenge of accessing data stored across multiple clouds without losing control of their information. ROLES IN STRONG DEMAND INCLUDE USER-INTERFACE DEVELOPERS, FRONT-END DEVELOPERS AND MOBILE DEVELOPERS Many organizations in China are also investing in business intelligence and big data capabilities to help inform their business decisions. While it’s still early days, companies are looking to ramp up their capabilities but only if they can find enough of the right IT talent. Sourcing candidates from inside China is challenging and consequently some 56 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia employers are now prepared to look overseas. The demand for candidates will only grow further this year, especially for those experienced in using big data technologies Hadoop, Hortonworks, Teradata and Cloudera. Meanwhile, China remains one of the world’s preferred locations for manufacturing operations with most MNCs still using SAP for ERP. We expect the strong demand for SAP candidates to continue, particularly those with project management skills coupled with good infrastructure and data centre skills. It is essential candidates have solid English language skills as most projects are regional in reach. In the wake of several high profile information security breaches over the past few years, the Chinese Government continues to favour engaging local companies in the interest of national security to work on its own projects. This focus on using Chinese IT companies will continue this year, which will lead to increased headcounts and rising demand for a range of roles. HONG KONG Hong Kong saw steady demand for IT professionals in 2014, especially those with a strong infrastructure background. This looks set to continue. Overall, salaries did not increase significantly in 2014 particularly when compared to tech salaries in the banking and finance sectors. This year however we expect some increases. Solution sales specialists continue to be in strong demand in Hong Kong although in the telecommunications and IT sectors, marquee candidates dominate and are able to command salaries significantly above market rate. Infrastructure specialists remain in strong demand too as core infrastructure operations are based in Hong Kong. Candidates in highest demand are those experienced in data centre operations, IT support and Infrastructure Analysts. We also noted an increasing number of IT development projects being outsourced to other parts of Asia, particularly to China and India as these countries build a reputation as low cost development hubs able to deliver quality services. Despite this trend, we have seen a rise in demand for Solution Architects with strong technical skills and good interpersonal skills who are able to take a consultative approach in their work. We have also seen companies specializing in systems integration outsourcing projects to Hong Kong. This has created a steady demand for Business Analysts and Project Managers with both good commercial acumen and strong technical knowledge. Candidates in both contract and permanent roles need to be able to liaise closely with the business, as migration and technology upgrade projects tend to have very tight deadlines. JAPAN Japan’s IT candidate market is expected to grow further in 2015 after a strong year in 2014. Hot roles in 2014 tipped to be in strong demand again this year include those connected with big data, software testing, network, ERP and telecoms operational support systems and business support systems (OSS/BSS). Increased salaries have followed the rising candidate demand and we have seen some roles attract significantly higher salaries. In the area of big data, Japanese businesses continue to expand the data mining capabilities of their technology teams to help their sales and marketing departments formulate strategy. As a result, Data Architects and Data Modelers are in hot demand right now and this is driving up salaries. We expect this demand and upward salary pressure to continue this year. Meanwhile, Japanese companies are making a bigger investment in the development of new technology systems generating greater demand for Software Testing. We expect already growing salaries to increase further this year in line with rising hiring demand. The infrastructure space has seen a spike in hiring amongst MNCs investing in system upgrades. Strong hiring activity and increased salaries apply to in-house roles and those in vendor organizations. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY And finally, the telecoms market has seen salary increases in line with a significant spike in demand for candidates in the OSS/ BSS space, particularly Business Analysts and Manager roles. We have also seen telecom vendors diversifying into OSS/BSS solutions and moving more into the delivery of software-related telecom technologies. SINGAPORE Continuing strong demand for skilled IT professionals in Singapore is being driven by several key factors that will have a positive impact on salaries this year. Firstly, businesses are benefiting from South East Asia’s economic growth and many MNCs are expanding their regional headquarters in Singapore as a result. In addition, Singapore is experiencing a fast growing technology start up sector, which is driving up demand for Developers with experience in Java, .Net/C#, iOS and Android. We expect those candidates moving jobs in 2015 to achieve salary increases of 10 to 15 per cent. Further intensifying the war for talent are large organizations investing in their IT capabilities to realize the cost savings and increased flexibility offered by a range of new technologies. These include cloud, virtualization, infrastructure consolidation and utility computing. Roles in demand to assist with transformation projects include Project Managers, Architects and Technical Sales Professionals. Security and mobile technology professionals are also in high demand in a number of sectors. Singapore’s tighter policies around hiring from overseas are making sourcing candidates harder in most segments and driving up salaries for local professionals in certain roles. At the lower end of the salary market such as Helpdesk Support, organizations are reacting to the candidate tight market by using outsourcing options in low cost markets, which in turn is keeping Singapore salaries for these roles stable. Singapore also has a good supply of senior management IT talent, which has curtailed the need for higher salaries or expensive expatriate options. Overall, we expect to see some salary increases this year, particularly for roles experiencing a candidate shortage. Employers who expect to win the race for talent this year should be prepared to be more flexible on remuneration and towards hiring expatriates to fill businesscritical roles. However, in the junior to mid level specialist range such as Mobile Developers and Network Engineers, restrictions on hiring from overseas is definitely creating a talent squeeze for local candidates and driving up salaries. Overall, we expect a buoyant market for IT talent this year with higher salaries for candidates in many roles. MALAYSIA The Malaysian IT talent market looks set for another year of strong growth with candidate shortages developing in certain segments. This will place pressure on employers who did not increase salaries competitively in 2014. Business conditions in a number of sectors are being strengthened by the continued government initiatives designed to nurture IT-related enterprises and bolster Malaysia’s reputation as the place to source the best talent and business solutions. For example, companies using multimedia technologies to produce and enhance their products and services can benefit from special recognition and considerations as part of the MSC Malaysia initiative. Government measures have also been implemented to establish Malaysia as a global shared services hub. Outsourcing in key verticals such as banking and financial services is attracting significant investment in data centres, development centres and other infrastructure ventures. This is creating strong demand for Network Engineers, System Engineers, Security Consultants and Server Infrastructure Engineers. We have also seen higher demand for mid to senior candidates skilled in Microsoft Networking as well as stronger hiring activity for programming experts with niche skill sets in Java, .Net, Business Intelligence tools, C++ and IOS/Android Development. ‘In Malaysia, employers who expect to win the race for talent should be prepared to be more flexible on remuneration and towards hiring expatriates’ 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 57 SALARY INFORMATION: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY In the ERP space, companies are upgrading their systems to achieve greater cost and operational efficiencies. This is driving up hiring demand in an already candidateshort market and keeping salaries on the rise. Roles in particular demand include ERP Consultants, Developers and Project Managers. We expect these conditions to continue this year. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Development ANALYST PROGRAMMER MS.Net/J2EE VB6/ASP/SQL/ Delphi/C++ Oracle Forms/ Reports China 180 - 250 150 - 220 150 - 250 Hong Kong 260 - 480 260 - 480 300 - 500 Japan 6-9 5-8 8 - 12 Singapore 52 - 68 47 - 66 45 - 65 Malaysia 60 - 80 60 - 85 60 - 85 SENIOR ANALYST PROGRAMMER MS.Net/J2EE VB6/ASP/SQL/ Delphi/C++ Oracle Forms/ Reports China 300 - 400 250 - 350 250 - 350 Hong Kong 460 - 650 350 - 550 460 - 650 Japan 8 - 12 8 - 12 8 - 13 Singapore 60 - 87 58 - 83 55 - 80 Malaysia 75 - 100 70 - 100 70 - 100 DATA SPECIALISTS Data Architect Database Administrator Data Modeller Data Warehouse Consultant Data Analyst China 300 - 480 250 - 400 250 - 350 300 - 400 200 - 330 Hong Kong 500 - 900 410 - 650 400 - 700 360 - 800 360 - 600 Japan 9 - 13 8 - 13 9 - 14 9 - 15 9 - 13 Singapore 105 - 165 85 - 150 120 - 185 100 - 175 85 - 145 Malaysia 120 - 190 100 - 170 130 - 200 100 - 180 85 - 120 MANAGEMENT ROLES Development Team Leader Development Manager China 300 - 450 400 - 600 Hong Kong 660 - 1,000 1,000 - 2,000 Japan 8 - 13 10 - 16 Singapore 105 - 180 155 - 260 Malaysia 120 - 180 180 - 240 SOFTWARE TESTING Test Analyst Senior Test Analyst QA Manager QA Director China 150 - 250 230 - 320 350 - 500 550 - 750 Hong Kong 420 - 800 600 - 1,000 600 - 850 700 - 1,100 Japan 6-8 8 - 10 9 - 13 10 - 15 Singapore 55 - 78 68 - 87 108 - 160 165 - 225 Malaysia 75 - 90 90 - 120 150 - 190 240 - 300 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 58 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries are representative of the total package value INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Infrastructure WAN Cisco Engineer Voice/ Comms Engineer Network Design Solutions & Enterprise Architect China 180 - 300 220 - 350 300 - 450 250 - 500 300 - 550 130 - 180 Hong Kong 520 - 800 560 - 1,000 560 - 1,000 710 - 1,200 900 - 1,700 450 - 600 Japan 8 - 12 7 - 11 9 - 13 10 - 15 9 - 14 4-7 Singapore 55 - 78 50 - 90 90 - 150 120 - 180 140 - 220 48 - 60 Malaysia 70 - 90 90 - 140 120 - 160 150 - 220 140 - 330 60 - 80 SYSTEMS ADM INISTRATION Unix A dmin Sybase/ Oracle/MS SQL DBA Storage Engineer Voice Engineer Network Engineer Windows (Wintel) Admin China 250 - 380 200 - 380 200 - 280 200 - 280 180 - 280 150 - 280 Hong Kong 480 - 750 470 - 800 500 - 900 550 - 1,100 480 - 900 400 - 800 Technical Architect NOC Engineer Japan 7 - 11 7 - 11 8 - 12 7 - 11 7 - 12 6 - 12 Singapore 65 - 90 70 - 150 75 - 125 45 - 85 55 - 110 55 - 90 Malaysia 70 - 120 80 - 170 120 - 230 70 - 100 55 - 115 60 - 100 TECHNICAL SPECIALIST Security Engineer Security Consultant Messaging Specialist Unix Consultant Pre Sales Engineer China 220 - 380 250 - 440 N/A N/A 250 - 400 Hong Kong 500 - 800 600 - 1,000 620 - 1,000 400 - 800 500 - 920 Japan 7 - 11 8 - 14 8 - 12 8 - 12 9 - 13 Singapore 70 - 125 110 - 155 75 - 120 80 - 140 120 - 190 Malaysia 90 - 180 120 - 230 80 - 140 90 - 160 100 - 240 MANAGEMENT ROLES Helpdesk Manager Network Manager IT Manager China 280 - 480 300 - 500 400 - 800 Hong Kong 420 - 900 520 - 1,000 800 - 1,500 Japan 8 - 12 10 - 13 10 - 15 Singapore 80 - 140 90 - 160 115 - 185 Malaysia 90 - 120 100 - 160 100 - 220 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 59 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Business ANALYSIS & PROJECT Technical Business Administration Business/ Process Analyst Systems Analyst China 250 - 380 300 - 550 200 - 350 Hong Kong 480 - 620 470 - 850 400 - 700 Japan 7 - 10 9 - 13 7 - 12 Singapore 120 - 175 110 - 150 90 - 130 Malaysia 120 - 160 100 - 150 90 - 100 Project Manager Project/ Program Director IT Audit 320 - 600 500 - 1,000 300 - 550 Hong Kong 720 - 1,100 900 - 1,500 500 - 850 Japan 8 - 14 12 - 16 8 - 13 Singapore 120 - 190 190 - 280 90 - 175 Malaysia 120 - 180 210 - 350 110 - 190 ERP/CRM PeopleSoft Technical PeopleSoft Functional Basis Administration SAP Analyst China 220 - 380 250 - 450 N/A 150 - 330 Hong Kong 550 - 850 650 - 1,100 430 - 650 500 - 1,000 Japan 9 - 12 9 - 12 6 - 10 9 - 12 Singapore 80 - 130 90 - 170 90 - 150 75 - 130 Malaysia 90 - 150 100 - 190 90 - 160 100 - 145 SAP Functional Consultant ABAP Developer Oracle Developer ERP Project Manager China 250 - 400 180 - 350 220 - 350 450 - 700 Hong Kong 520 - 1,000 500 - 800 600 - 800 1,000 - 1,450 Japan 10 - 14 9 - 12 9 - 12 10 - 15 Singapore 95 - 160 55 - 85 66 - 110 120 - 200 Malaysia 90 - 170 70 - 110 80 - 120 130 - 240 China NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 60 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries are representative of the total package value INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Business MANAGEMENT ROLES Data Centre Manager Service Delivery Manager Client Relationship Manager Professional Services Manager China 350 - 450 380 - 600 250 - 500 400 - 600 Hong Kong 650 - 1,100 700 - 1,100 700 - 900 1,000 - 1,800 Japan 12 - 15 12 - 16 12 - 16 12 - 18 Singapore 110 - 170 160 - 280 160 - 250 160 - 250 Malaysia 120 - 200 160 - 280 160 - 260 180 - 300 IT Director Chief Information Officer Project Manager Director Network Operations 600 - 1,000 1,000 - 2,000 400 - 650 500 - 700 China Hong Kong 1,500 - 2,500 1,500 - 3,500 720 - 1,200 550 - 850 Japan 12 - 18 15 - 25 8 - 15 10 - 18 Singapore 220 - 350 325 - 525 130 - 220 160 - 250 Malaysia 240 - 380 350 - 550 120 - 240 180 - 300 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Manager Senior Manager Sales Director Account Manager China 455 - 650 500 - 1,250 850 - 2,000 390 - 845 Hong Kong 750 - 1,100 1,000 - 2,000 1,500 - 1,800 620 - 830 Japan 10 - 15 12 - 18 10 - 20 10 - 20 Singapore 120 - 220 160 - 270 250 - 480 120 - 210 Malaysia 140 - 220 160 - 290 250 - 500 130 - 220 Presales Consultant Presales Manager Technical Sales Manager Industry Consultant China 250 - 500 600 - 900 520 - 780 250 - 450 Hong Kong 550 - 900 620 - 900 1,400 - 1,800 N/A Japan 10 - 18 12 - 18 N/A N/A Singapore 130 - 215 170 - 250 170 - 250 320 - 550 Malaysia 130 - 250 180 - 280 180 - 280 350 - 500 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 61 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Telecom | Development BILLING Development Integration Support Architect Business Analyst Manager Japan 7-9 6-8 5-7 8 - 12 8 - 12 8 - 12 Singapore 80 - 130 90 - 140 66 - 130 110 - 170 95 - 160 100 - 170 Malaysia 90 - 160 95 - 170 70 - 140 120 - 180 100 - 180 130 - 220 CRM Development Integration Support Architect Business Analyst Manager Japan 7-9 6-8 5-7 8 - 12 8 - 12 8 - 12 Singapore 85 - 140 95 - 160 70 - 130 120 - 200 100 - 160 120 - 210 Malaysia 90 - 150 90 - 150 60 - 120 130 - 220 110 - 180 130 - 220 SDP Development Integration Support Architect Business Analyst Manager Japan 7-9 6-8 5-7 8 - 12 8 - 12 8 - 12 Singapore 80 - 140 90 - 150 80 - 120 100 - 170 90 - 150 90 - 170 Malaysia 80 - 150 90 - 150 70 - 120 120 - 220 100 - 160 120 - 210 OSS Development Integration Support Architect Business Analyst Manager Japan 7-9 6-8 5-7 8 - 12 9 - 13 10 - 14 Singapore 80 - 140 75 - 130 70 - 130 110 - 180 90 - 150 110 - 190 Malaysia 80 - 140 80 - 140 60 - 120 120 - 220 100 - 160 120 - 200 BSS Development Integration Support Architect Business Analyst Manager Japan 7-9 6-8 5-7 8 - 12 9 - 13 10 - 14 Singapore 90 - 130 75 - 130 60 - 120 110 - 180 90 - 150 105 - 170 Malaysia 80 - 120 80 - 120 60 - 120 120 - 220 100 - 160 120 - 200 VAS Development Integration Support Architect Business Analyst Manager Japan 7-9 6-8 5-7 8 - 12 8 - 12 8 - 12 Singapore 85 - 125 75 - 120 70 - 120 100 - 170 75 - 130 90 - 170 Malaysia 80 - 130 70 - 120 70 - 130 120 - 220 80 - 145 100 - 190 EAI Development Integration Support Architect Business Analyst Manager Japan 7-9 6-8 5-7 8 - 12 8 - 12 8 - 12 Singapore 95 - 140 85 - 140 72 - 120 120 - 190 110 - 160 110 - 180 Malaysia 80 - 130 80 - 130 60 - 110 120 - 220 90 - 150 120 - 190 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 62 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries are representative of the total package value INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Telecom | Infrastructure MPLS NETWORK Engineer Integration Support Architect Presales Manager Japan 6-9 6-9 6-8 8 - 12 8 - 12 9 - 13 Singapore 70 - 120 70 - 100 60 - 100 120 - 200 140 - 210 110 - 180 Malaysia 70 - 130 75 - 110 60 - 100 120 - 200 150 - 220 120 - 190 FIXED & MOBILE NETWORK Engineer Integration Support Architect Presales Manager Japan 6-9 6-9 6-8 8 - 12 8 - 12 9 - 13 Singapore 65 - 125 70 - 100 65 - 110 110 - 190 130 - 200 110 - 180 Malaysia 70 - 120 75 - 110 60 - 110 120 - 200 140 - 210 120 - 180 BTS/MICROWAVE Field Service Senior Engineer Engineer Lead Manager Japan 5-8 7-9 8 - 10 9 - 13 Singapore 60 - 80 70 - 110 78 - 140 110 - 170 Malaysia 70 - 90 100 - 130 120 - 170 120 - 190 VAS NETWORK Engineer Senior Engineer Manager Japan 6-9 7 - 10 8 - 12 Singapore 75 - 120 90 - 120 100 - 160 Malaysia 70 - 120 100 - 130 120 - 160 Telecom | Business ANALYSIS & PROJECT Business Project Transformation Manager Project/Program Director Japan 8 - 12 8 - 12 10 - 15 Singapore 140 - 250 130 - 200 190 - 300 Malaysia 150 - 250 130 - 200 200 - 400 MANAGEMENT ROLES Service Managed Chief Solution Director Delivery Mgr Services Mgr Architect Services Japan 8 - 11 8 - 11 10 - 15 12 - 16 Singapore 140 - 275 150 - 250 190 - 310 280 - 420 Malaysia 150 - 280 170 - 280 200 - 320 300 - 450 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Senior Manager Account Manager Presales Consultant Presales Manager Technical Industry Sales Manager Consultant Japan 15 - 20 7 - 12 7 - 11 8 - 12 8 - 12 8 - 16 Singapore 160 - 250 140 - 220 140 - 210 160 - 240 160 - 250 300 - 550 Malaysia 150 - 250 140 - 250 130 - 200 130 - 220 170 - 250 300 - 500 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 63 LIFE SCIENCES CHINA China continues to attract substantial research & development (R&D) investment from the US and Europe as pharmaceutical MNCs look to contain costs. This is creating strong demand for candidates, particularly those in biometrics and early drug discovery. Despite demand, budgets are being tightly controlled. Candidates from abroad should therefore expect a reduction in their pay, although this is cushioned by the opportunity to take on senior leadership roles in R&D. In other trends, biopharmaceutical roles are on the rise. Candidates have a strong interest in working on large molecule projects, which are known around the globe for paying higher salaries. SALARY INFORMATION: LIFE SCIENCES CANDIDATES HAVE A STRONG INTEREST IN WORKING ON LARGE MOLECULE PROJECTS Pharmaceutical companies continue to outsource their clinical research projects to China, which is creating high demand for clinical quality and training candidates to work in clinical research organizations (CROs). CROs are also offering the services of Medical Science Liaisons to their clients, which is driving up demand for these candidates. In the biometrics field SAS Programmers with two or more years of experience are sought. Junior and mid-level sales and marketing candidates are also in demand to work on the rising number of product and project launches being held in China. As these candidates are in limited supply, salary levels for those with five to eight years of experience are on the rise. In a final trend, medical degrees or certifications are no longer mandatory for commercial candidates, while business acumen is now considered highly desirable in junior candidates. HONG KONG Over the past year highly skilled candidates have been in demand to work in pharmaceutical and medical technology firms. We expect solid recruitment activity this year too, 64 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia particularly for commercial talent and those with specific scientific expertise. While fewer products were released last year, pharmaceutical companies continued to hire commercial staff. Medical science liaison candidates were – and remain – in particularly strong demand. Quality assurance professionals are also sought to help pharmaceutical companies comply with increasing regulatory demands, both locally and globally. Smaller entrants to the market have been able to attract candidates who once worked for more prestigious firms. We note that the availability of roles in larger firms has declined following a burst of merger and acquisition activity. Candidates with skills in specific therapeutic disciplines remain in steady demand. Those with oncology and primary care experience combined with strong project management and interpersonal skills are in particular demand. Overall salaries have remained stable although sign-on bonuses are being used to entice top candidates out of an existing job. We have also seen employers pay a special fee to secure the early release of a preferred candidate. JAPAN Recruitment activity in Japan increased last year and we expect another strong year ahead. However salaries remained steady in 2014, with employers instead using sign-on bonuses to secure bilingual candidates. Japan’s CRO market continues to grow in size and sophistication. The ‘one-stop shop’ is giving way to CROs specialising in a specific functional area as a way of competing for market share and this will continue to shape recruitment priorities. Clinical Research Associates and Regulatory Affairs specialists will be in high demand this year due to the constant flow of new drugs and NDAs taking place across various therapeutic areas. We expect this increase in new products to result in solid recruitment activity for Marketing Product Managers, Salespeople and Medical Science Liaisons. In light of Japan’s aging population, more companies are placing a greater focus on regulatory affairs staff, especially when it comes to succession planning. Regulatory affairs is a particular priority for medical device companies expanding their product offering to maximise sales. Employers are looking for bilingual candidates for quality assurance, safety and good vigilance practice roles. Cost reduction and process improvement are primary objectives. SINGAPORE The biomanufacturing sector continues to lead the demand for talent in Singapore as new players enter the market and major existing facilities gear up for expansion. Last year three major organizations opened new facilities in Singapore, adding to the dynamic ‘biocluster’. MNCs across the sector are actively seeking candidates with technology transfer experience in process, chemistry and engineering. Competition for commercial talent is also intensifying. Singapore serves as a major hub for Asia, which is the world’s fastest growing emerging consumer market for life sciences products. We have also seen a change in the way sales professionals are renumerated due to the pressure created by Singapore’s compliance and anti-bribery policies. Companies no longer favour the traditional target-driven performance bonus paid to individual employees. The common approach now is to pay higher fixed base salaries and then calculate bonuses based on the combined performance of both an individual and his/her team. Overall salaries continue to remain stable in Singapore, with a premium placed on local talent with bilingual capabilities. We note that the mismatch in the salary expectations of candidates and employers continues, but we hope to see this align more closely in the year ahead. LIFE SCIENCES COMMERCIAL Country Manager Sales Director Medical Rep Account Manager Area Sales Manager China 2,500 - 4,000 1,200 - 2,000 100 - 280 200 - 350 350 - 500 Hong Kong 1,600 - 4,000 1,200 - 1,900 144 - 240 240 - 420 360 - 720 Japan 19 - 30 12 - 20 6 - 12 8 - 12 10 - 18 Singapore 200 - 300 180 - 250 40 - 60 70 - 90 80 - 120 Regional Sales Manager Product Manager Marketing Associate Marketing Manager Marketing Director China 500 - 800 200 - 500 120 - 250 500 - 900 900 - 1,500 Hong Kong 500 - 850 300 - 800 180 - 300 500 - 800 900 - 1,600 Japan 12 - 20 8 - 14 6 - 10 10 - 14 14 - 25 Singapore 100 - 180 75 - 100 45 - 65 75 - 95 110 - 150 Business Development Manager Business Development Director PR/Corp Comm China 400 - 800 800 - 1,500 300 - 600 Hong Kong 420 - 900 900 - 1,600 300 - 750 Japan 10 - 16 12 - 20 8 - 15 Singapore 80 - 150 145 - 200 75 - 240 SFE Specialist Medical Information MSL (commercial) China 120 - 200 120 - 350 150 - 350 Hong Kong N/A 156 - 360 180 - 360 Japan 8 - 12 5 - 12 7 - 12 6 - 9 Singapore 70 - 100 90 - 200 70 - 180 70 - 120 TECHNICAL Good Clinical Practice Manager Good Manufacturing Practice Mgr Good Laboratory Practice Manager Quality Control Manager Pharmacovigilance Manager China N/A N/A 300 - 400 300 - 400 300 - 500 Hong Kong N/A N/A N/A 360 - 540 N/A Japan 10 - 16 10 - 16 10 - 12 10 - 12 10 - 18 Singapore 125 - 160 80 - 115 65 - 95 80 - 120 80 - 120 Medical Affairs Officer Medical Affairs Manager Medical Affairs Director Drug Safety Manager Drug Safety Senior Specialist China 150 - 350 350 - 550 600 - 1,000 250 - 450 150 - 250 Hong Kong 156 - 336 420- 660 660 - 1,200 N/A N/A Japan 8 - 14 12 - 25 15 - 35 10 - 15 8 - 11 Singapore N/A 160 - 250 220 - 300 210 + 130 - 200 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies Clinical Specialist • Salaries do not include bonuses • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 65 LIFE SCIENCES TECHNICAL Regulatory Affairs Staff Regulatory Affairs Manager Regulatory Affairs Director Scientific Affairs Manager Clinical Research Associate Senior Clinical Research Associate China 140 - 280 300 - 800 600 - 1,300 N/A 60 - 150 150 - 250 Hong Kong 156 - 300 300 - 800 700 - 1,300 420 - 750 120 - 240 240 - 300 Japan 5-9 8 - 14 16 - 22 10 - 14 4-6 6-8 Singapore 60 - 90 80 - 140 150 - 240 75 - 120 50 - 70 70 - 90 Clinical Research Manager Project Manager Study Monitor Clinical Research Director Data Management Data Specialist Manager China 250 - 500 250 - 400 150 - 300 600 - 1,000 60 - 200 200 - 450 Hong Kong 300 - 550 300 - 550 180 - 300 N/A N/A N/A Japan 12 - 16 12 - 18 6-8 14 - 24 6 - 10 10 - 12 Singapore 90 - 120 90 - 140 50 - 70 150 - 200 60 - 70 70 - 90 SAS Programmer BioStatistic Manager Scientist Senior Scientist Principle Investigator Research & Development Director China 80 - 250 400 - 600 200 - 300 350 - 500 600 - 1,300 850 - 3,000 Hong Kong N/A N/A 180 - 360 360 - 500 600 - 1,300 850 - 3,000 Japan 6 - 10 7 - 12 6-8 8 - 10 12 - 17 18 - 30 Singapore 60 - 90 120 - 150 50 - 60 60 - 100 80 - 150 210 + Application Specialist Technical Support Specialist MSL (Scientific) HEOR/ Market Access Staff Physician Medical Writer China 250 - 600 150 - 350 100 - 200 100 - 300 150 - 350 250 - 400 Hong Kong 276 - 600 180 - 360 144 - 300 180 - 336 180 - 360 N/A Japan 13 - 25 6 - 12 4-9 4-8 7 - 15 5-8 Singapore 150 - 250 70 - 90 39 - 78 52 - 104 75 - 180 130 - 230 HEOR/ HEOR/ Market Access Market Access CMC Manager Director Specialist Lab Director Lab Manager Lab Staff China 400 - 700 800 - 1,200 100 - 200 500 - 800 300 - 450 100 - 300 Hong Kong 600 - 960 960 - 1,400 N/A 540 - 840 360 - 600 180 - 336 Japan 8 - 14 14 - 23 8 - 12 12 - 16 8 - 13 4-7 Singapore 230 - 300 250 + 180 - 250 104 - 156 65 - 105 39 - 65 Biology Scientist Medicinal Chemist Translational DMPK/ Services Pharmacology Scientist Scientist China 200 - 400 100 - 300 200 - 400 200 - 400 Hong Kong 240 - 500 240 - 456 N/A 240 - 456 Japan 4-8 4-8 7 - 12 7 - 12 Singapore 65 - 156 70 - 180 N/A 65 - 156 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 66 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries do not include bonuses HUMAN RESOURCES HONG KONG China’s HR jobs market was buoyant in 2014 with several key trends impacting the market. One of the biggest was the formation of a multi-dimensional HR sector as a market allocation mechanism took shape. Another was the rising number of HR professionals with a multinational corporation (MNC) background who joined private owned enterprises (POEs). This trend was most obvious at the senior level, as POEs expanding their international business hired strategic HR professionals with strong business acumen who could provide advice based on their solid and systematic MNC experience. Solid hiring activity characterized Hong Kong’s commercial sector in 2014, and this is set to continue largely due to the number of foreign-owned companies establishing operations here. This trend has created demand for both HR Business Partners as well as HR Generalists. In terms of trends by industry, the most notable has been the continued high vacancy activity in emerging industries such as Internet and e-commerce. HR vacancy activity in traditional industries such as FMCG and manufacturing remains stable, while fewer roles are available in professional services companies due to the government’s policy limitation. LOOKING AHEAD, THE OUTLOOK FOR HR PROFESSIONALS IN CHINA THIS YEAR IS VERY STRONG Looking ahead, the outlook for HR professionals in China this year is very strong. Candidates in demand include all levels of compensation & benefits functional experts, HR Business Partners, mid to senior Talent Acquisition Managers and Learning & Development Managers. Many of these new hires will secure a significant salary increase. Candidates with MNC experience remain highly valued. In fact MNCs, POEs, and even state-owned enterprises (SOEs) will offer Chinese HR professionals global transfer opportunities in order to develop their skills and add international experience to their organizations. HR professionals themselves are also openly expressing a desire to access global transfers as a way to develop their career. In contrast, the financial services sector preferred to engage HR professionals mostly on a temporary basis in 2014 and we expect this cautious approach to continue in the year ahead. We have seen shortages of compensation & benefits (C&B) professionals in Hong Kong and therefore expect C&B demand to remain. On the flip side, we expect demand for learning & development (L&D) professionals to slow since organizations instead prefer C&B as a retention tool. For Business Partners and Generalists, we predict hiring rates and salary levels will remain steady this year across both commerce and financial services. Large corporations will continue to engage contract HR Transaction Services and Shared Services candidates with only small increases in hiring. While salary levels are expected to remain steady in the year ahead for most job functions, employers will offer a higher salary in order to secure the right senior HR candidates. Employers are also placing a greater focus on retention rather than attraction, and thus they are investing in L&D. JAPAN The 2014 Hays Global Skills Index revealed that Japan’s talent mismatch, or gap between the skills businesses need and the skills available in the labour market, is the most severe in Asia Pacific. As confidence slowly returns to Japan’s recruitment market, the foundations are being laid for a real war for talent. To manage these conditions, organizations have a strong need for Talent Acquisition Specialists at the senior and junior level who can secure the right hires in an increasingly tight candidate market. Talent Acquisition Managers should have five to 10 years of experience and be prepared to hit the ground running. Employers expect Talent Acquisition Managers to have immediate impact by determining the organization’s hiring needs, mapping the recruitment market, engaging appropriate vendors and implementing a recruitment strategy while managing a team. Companies are also prepared to hire junior executives with one to three years of experience and invest in their development. The focus for these recruits is very much on providing a transactional candidate acquisition function. Lack of professional development is a key reason why employees leave their organization across a range of sectors. This has created a greater need for HR professionals able to develop effective retention strategies such as learning & development. Talent management is key to employee retention and providing individuals with a clear and structured career path is seen as the best way to demonstrate that they have a future with their employer. Talent management and development teams that were reduced in recent years are now being fully restored and tasked with linking the people and business strategies of the organization through succession planning, job grading and change management. Meanwhile, HR Business Partners remain in high demand in Japan but a shortage of candidates with soft and hard skills makes filling roles very challenging. Most companies are looking for more aggressive and commercially minded HR professionals who take a hands-on approach to translating HR strategies into measurable results. SINGAPORE HR salaries will remain strong this year as the candidate shortage continues in Singapore. We will see increased demand for both permanent and temporary/ contract HR talent thanks to a number of factors. These include the emergence of new regional hubs based here as well as an increasing number of companies moving their headquarters to Singapore. 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 67 SALARY INFORMATION: HUMAN RESOURCES CHINA HUMAN RESOURCES On top of this, HR professionals are in high demand to help employers meet the challenges posed by a broader candidate shortage. We believe employers will be open to paying a higher salary for the right person in the year ahead, but only once they have exhausted the search for a quality candidate at their original lower salary level. This approach will lead to delays in hiring and consequently employers could miss out on strong candidates. Middle management HR professionals were in particularly high demand in 2014, but by year’s end learning & development and compensation & benefits specialists were at the top of the demand list. Both specialists are seen as key to helping organizations develop employees while retaining them, especially high potential employees. A gap between operational and strategic HR Generalists at the mid to senior level is a particular challenge for companies, resulting in drawn out recruitment campaigns. However, we note that the number of roles at the senior HR Generalist level, especially regional roles within MNCs, has become a little saturated in places. strategies and build all-important succession plans. Compensation & benefits (C&B) candidates are in high demand to work hand-in-hand with the business to execute these retention strategies. Not surprisingly, we expect the salaries for C&B niche specialists to continue to rise in the year ahead. We also saw continuing strong demand for strategic HR Business Partners to support all divisions of an organization. And we have seen steady hiring activity at the executive and senior levels as well. Meanwhile, Malaysia’s shared services sector continues to grow rapidly. These organizations have a huge appetite for HR talent and we expect this to continue well into the year. Our message to employers in 2015 is to review their speed to hire. The HR market in Malaysia will continue to grow and for organizations to remain competitive they must strive to expedite their recruitment process to ensure they secure top HR talent. Meanwhile, the temporary and contract market grew strongly in 2014 and we expect to see huge growth this year as employers hold off making decisions about permanent headcount, especially within the banking sector. Other factors include the more positive regard employers and candidates have for the sector and a willingness by employers to pay benefits and bonuses to contingent staff. MALAYSIA SALARY INFORMATION: HUMAN RESOURCES We expect another year of growth for Malaysia’s HR market and salary increases for top talent. Several areas of demand will exist. Firstly, candidates with regional experience are valued by organizations moving their regional headquarters here and are thus able to command salary increases. Also, as organizations shift their focus from cost reduction to retention and engagement, we have seen a particular increase in demand for talent management and organizational development skills to strengthen retention 68 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia ‘We expect another year of growth for Malaysia’s HR market and salary increases for top talent’ HUMAN RESOURCES Regional HR Director/ Regional HR Director HR Director/Head of HR Director/ VP of HR (15+ yrs) (10+ yrs) HR (8-10+ yrs) Head of HR (<8 yrs) China 1,200 - 2,000 1,000 - 1,500 800 - 1,200 500 - 1,000 Hong Kong 1,200 - 2,000 960 - 1,500 840 - 1,200 840 - 1,200 Japan N/A N/A 15 - 22 12 - 15 Singapore 250 - 400 220 - 250 180 - 220 150 - 180 Malaysia 360 - 540 252 - 300 180 - 215 150 - 180 Regional HR Manager/ HR Manager/HRBP HRBP (10+ yrs) (10+ yrs) HR Manager/HRBP (5+ yrs) Assistant HR Manager (2+ yrs) China 400 - 800 300 - 700 200 - 400 200 - 350 Hong Kong 660 - 840 660 - 960 420 - 540 300 - 480 Japan 12 - 17 10 - 15 9 - 13 7 - 10 Singapore 150 - 185 120 - 150 80 - 120 60 - 80 Malaysia 180 - 200 120 - 180 75 - 120 48 - 54 HR Associate (5+ yrs) HR Officer (2+ yrs) Regional Talent Acquisition Director (12+ yrs) Regional Talent Acquisition Manager (10+ yrs) China 150 - 300 100 - 240 800 - 1,600 500 - 800 Hong Kong 300 - 480 150 - 360 850 - 1,300 540 - 850 Japan 6-9 5-7 N/A 15 - 20 Singapore 50 - 60 40 - 50 180 - 250 150 - 180 Malaysia 65 - 80 40 - 50 180 - 240 145 - 180 TA/Recruitment Manager (8+ yrs) TA/Recruitment Campus Recruiter Coordinator (3+ yrs) (3+ yrs) China 200 - 500 100 - 150 100 - 250 Hong Kong 360 - 600 216 - 350 280 - 600 Japan 10 - 15 4-6 5-9 Singapore 80 - 150 50 - 80 50 - 80 Malaysia 110 - 130 65 - 85 65 - 75 Regional L&D Director (10+ yrs) Regional L&D Manager (10+ yrs) L&D Manager (5+ yrs) L&D Officer (3+ yrs) China 800 - 1,200 500 - 800 200 - 650 100 - 250 Hong Kong 900 - 1,800 720 - 900 400 - 660 200 - 330 Japan N/A 13 - 17 8 - 12 6-8 Singapore 180 - 300 140 - 180 80 - 140 60 - 80 Malaysia 215 - 300 200 - 215 120 - 145 70 - 85 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 69 HUMAN RESOURCES Regional Director Compensation & Benefits (12+ yrs) Regional C&B Manager (10+ yrs) Manager Compensation & Benefits (8+ yrs) Compensation & Benefits Specialist (3+ yrs) China 800 - 1,500 600 - 1,000 300 - 600 150 - 300 Hong Kong 850 - 1.800 540 - 850 400 - 600 300 - 540 Japan 15 - 22 12 - 15 10 - 12 6 - 10 Singapore 180 - 300 150 - 180 120 - 150 80 - 120 Malaysia 200 - 220 180 - 215 90 - 150 80 - 90 HRIS Manager (8+ yrs) HRIS Administrator (3+ yrs) China 200 - 550 100 - 200 Hong Kong 420 - 600 180 - 312 Japan 8 - 12 5-8 Singapore 120 - 140 80 - 100 Malaysia 90 - 120 50 - 60 Payroll Manager (8+ yrs) Payroll Officer (3+ yrs) Shared Services Manager (8+ yrs) Organizational Development Manager (10+ yrs) China 300 - 600 100 - 180 300 - 600 400 - 1,000 Hong Kong 420 - 576 216 - 336 420 - 720 480 - 720 Japan 8 - 12 5-7 9 - 14 10 - 16 Singapore 80 - 150 50 - 90 120 - 180 150 - 250 Malaysia 90 - 120 54 - 80 180 - 216 180 - 240 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 70 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries are representative of the total package value OFFICE PROFESSIONALS In 2014 we saw a number of significant changes in China’s office professionals market that will impact salaries this year. Overall demand for Executive Assistants (EAs) and Personal Assistants (PAs) declined, which will hamper salary growth. Many Senior EAs with up to 10 years of experience were made redundant when companies that had based their headquarters in China closed or relocated to other Asian countries. We also saw many organizations split the EA role into two distinct areas of responsibility to cut costs. EAs in these roles now support both a particular senior executive as well as provide administration support to a senior management team. Salaries did not increase along with this change, and so EAs in such roles usually enter the jobs market. Interestingly, when recruiting for these roles the search criteria from employers is less rigid than it is for traditional EA roles. We also saw a dramatic increase in the demand for contract and temporary EAs and PAs. This demand will continue in the year ahead, with employers paying higher rates to attract top talent. Such candidates must be as qualified as any candidate considered for a permanent role. However, the time to hire is much faster and hours can be more flexible. Preferred candidates must also demonstrate a proven ability to multi-task without compromising quality, a stable work history, an ability to work quickly and efficiently and the skills to hit the ground running in a new role. In the banking and financial services sector, recruitment activity increased last year. By the end of 2014 we saw fairly strong levels of hiring. As always, Legal Secretaries are in demand and we expect this to continue in the year ahead, especially for junior candidates with international law, corporate law and litigation experience. Again, candidates should not expect salaries that reflect this level of demand. JAPAN In an increasingly globalized Japan, employers continue to seek bilingual candidates to fill all back office functions. Candidates are expected to be able to communicate directly and effectively with foreign co-workers and colleagues in overseas headquarters and branches. The increasing number of global companies opening offices in Japan is also driving up demand for bilingual staff. In addition, start-ups and companies headed by foreign executives want office professionals who can manage a range of tasks from secretarial and translation duties to office management. HONG KONG 2014’s steady hiring demand will continue this year across most sectors and industries, but office professionals will need to manage their salary expectations carefully. Despite demand, salary growth was lacklustre in 2014. This trend will continue, and so candidates need to be flexible in their salary demands if they want to remain competitive. At the same time, employers have high expectations when it comes to their preferred candidate. For example, a major trend in 2014 was the demand for trilingual candidates. This trend has been driven by Chinese companies looking to open offices in Hong Kong as well as by MNCs needing trilingual staff in order to work closely with organizations in China. IN AN INCREASINGLY GLOBALIZED JAPAN, EMPLOYERS CONTINUE TO SEEK BILINGUAL CANDIDATES TO FILL ALL BACK OFFICE FUNCTIONS Overall, we saw solid hiring activity for all office professional job functions in Japan in 2014 including permanent, direct contract, temporary-to-permanent and temporary roles. In the temporary sector, Sales Administrators, Assistants, Translators and Interpreters remain in greatest demand. experienced candidate at a lower salary level – a trend we expect to continue. At the other end of the scale, we expect the role of the EA to evolve. Rather than be a reactive administration role, EAs will need to be commercially aware in order to support and even partner with the executive they report to. SINGAPORE The hiring market for office professionals in Singapore is buoyant aided by a low unemployment rate. Overall, salaries remain stable with no significant increases for any roles or sectors and we expect this to continue in the year ahead. However, savvy office professionals have taken advantage of the tight candidate market to secure roles offering career progression and thus a higher salary. Employers are also prepared to offer extra benefits to secure their preferred candidate such as additional leave, medical insurance and financial allowances. Over the next 12 months we expect to see high volume recruitment in the financial services, legal services and trading industries. Due to Singapore’s position as an Asian hub, candidates with regional experience will be held in particularly high regard. Traditional roles that support a single executive remain available but we have also seen a rise in roles that support multiple managers simultaneously. During 2014 we saw high demand for experienced Executive Assistants and Team Secretaries across all industries. New start-ups were a dominant employer but we also saw solid demand from asset management and trading firms too. We expect this to continue. Lastly, we have seen an uptick in the strategic use of temporary and contract office professionals. This sector of recruitment is still young in Singapore but employers and candidates alike are increasingly seeing the benefits of the flexibility offered by contract and temporary roles and so we expect to see continued growth of such roles in the year ahead. This year, we expect salaries to stay fairly stable. However, we have seen a trend of replacing a departing employee with a less 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 71 SALARY INFORMATION: OFFICE PROFESSIONALS CHINA OFFICE PROFESSIONALS ADMINISTRATION Administration Assistant (6-12 mths) Administration Assistant (12+ mths) Project Admin Assistant (3+ yrs) China 35 - 40 40 - 80 80 - 160 200 - 500 65 - 120 Hong Kong 140 - 180 200 - 300 200 - 300 400 - 600 N/A Japan 3 - 3.5 3 - 4.5 N/A 5 - 12 4-6 Singapore 25 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 65 65 - 100 40 - 50 ADMIN/SPECIALISTS Data Entry Operator Sales Coordinator Records O fficer Medical Secretary Translator China N/A 75 - 150 N/A N/A N/A Japan 3 - 4.5 3-7 N/A N/A 4.5 - 8 Singapore 20 - 30 30 - 45 35 - 45 40 - 50 50 - 60 RECEPTION Receptionist (up to 12 mths) Receptionist (12+ mths) Receptionist/ Admin Assistant (12+ mths) China 35 - 40 40 - 80 80 - 120 Hong Kong 130 - 200 180 - 300 180 - 300 Japan 4-5 4-6 4-6 Singapore 22 - 35 30 - 40 30 - 40 SECRETARIAL Secretary (up to 12 mths) Secretary (12+ mths) Team Secretary (3+ yrs) Personal Assistant/ Team Assistant Executive Assistant (for 1 person) China 40 - 65 70 - 250 80 - 180 130 - 200 260 - 500 Hong Kong 150 - 250 200 - 400 250 - 500 400 - 700 400 - 700 Japan 3-4 4-6 4-7 4-7 4.5 - 8 Singapore 25 - 30 30 - 45 40 - 55 45 - 65 60 - 80 LEGAL SUPPORT Legal Secretary Legal Secretary Legal Secretary Legal Personal (up to 2 yrs) (2-4 yrs) (4+ yrs) Assistant China 50 - 75 80 - 130 130 - 200 N/A Hong Kong 216 - 300 300 - 350 350 - 500 400 - 500 Japan 4-5 5-6 5.5 - 7 5-7 Singapore 25 - 40 40 - 50 50 - 60 50 - 60 BANKING & F INANCE S UPPORT Secretary Senior S ecretary Personal Assistant Executive Assistant China 130 - 200 200 - 300 130 - 260 400 - 650 Hong Kong 180 - 250 250 - 500 300 - 600 300 - 600 Japan 5-7 6-8 7-9 7 - 12 Singapore 30 - 40 40 - 70 45 - 60 60 - 90 PROPERTY & CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT Project Secretary/ Site Secretary/ Administrator Administrator Facilities Administrator Contracts Administrator (Residential) Client Liaison (Residential) Japan N/A N/A 4-6 N/A N/A Singapore 35 - 50 40 - 50 30 - 40 40 - 55 40 - 45 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries do not include bonuses • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions • Typical benefits on top of salaries stated include performance based bonuses 72 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia Office Manager Project Coordinator CONTACT CENTRES The outlook for Singapore’s contact centre market this year is upbeat after a strong year of growth in 2014. Many companies are expanding their existing operations while others are moving their contact centres back to Singapore after offshore options resulted in a drop in service levels. As a major South East Asian hub, Singapore is regarded as an ideal location for contact centre operations. The city offers access to an educated, skilled and professional workforce and boasts good infrastructure, including telecommunications, as well as an attractive tax system. Malaysia is offering some competition for local contact centre businesses but we are confident that the year ahead will remain buoyant for candidates in Singapore. Trends we have observed include a higher number of quality roles becoming available and a greater focus on improving the employment experience for contact centre employees. MANY COMPANIES ARE EXPANDING THEIR EXISTING OPERATIONS WHILE OTHERS ARE MOVING THEIR CONTACT CENTRES BACK TO SINGAPORE Industries such as telecommunications, healthcare, banking and insurance continue to dominate the employment market. Hiring priorities include finding candidates able to strengthen existing teams with the goal of improving productivity levels and service levels. This employment trend is generating a steady increase in demand for Trainers, Service Quality Managers, Workforce Analysts, Workforce Management Managers and Customer Experience Managers. Experienced Team Leaders, Supervisors and Assistant Managers able to motivate team members are also highly sought. Salaries for most roles will remain competitive in line with increased competition for the best people. However, we expect any increases in the salary scale for junior agents to be modest. The only black cloud on the horizon is the need to reduce staff attrition rates but even that has a silver lining for candidates. Employers are tackling this important issue through higher monetary rewards, improving the work environment and initiatives to boost staff morale and work satisfaction rates. Employers are also more receptive than ever to developing employees along different career paths. Where career progression was once confined to more senior roles in customer service, internal opportunities are now opening up in other departments such as training, business development and operations support. BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES Telesales Customer Service Executive Client Service Executive Manager Singapore 30 - 36 30 - 42 45 - 54 90 - 120 INSURANCE Telesales Customer Service Officer/Senior Customer Service Team Leader Manager Singapore 26 - 33 24 - 32 33 - 42 72 - 100 TELECOMMUNICATIONS Customer Service Officer Team Leader Customer Service Executive Manager Singapore 24 - 32 33 - 36 40 - 55 70 - 84 OTHERS Customer Service Officer/Senior Team Leader Assistant Manager Manager/Senior Manager Singapore 25 - 35 42 - 50 54 - 66 78 - 130 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000 • Salaries do not include bonuses • Typical benefits on top of salaries stated include performance based bonuses 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 73 SALARY INFORMATION: CONTACT CENTRES SINGAPORE LEGAL CHINA China’s legal market was buoyant in 2014 and will continue to grow in the year ahead. We are seeing particularly strong hiring activity in financial services following the PRC Central Government’s successful strategy to increase China’s importance in the sector. Notably, interest rates were freed up, the RMB was pushed forward as a major global currency, and the Shanghai and Hong Kong Stock Exchanges were linked. The result for legal hiring is a need for specialists to handle various aspects of increased China-related deal flow, both in-house and private practice, including bilingual Regulatory Lawyers at VP, Senior Counsel or Senior Associate level and above. For all cross-border international legal work, the preference is for attorneys with PRC as well as common law qualifications and offshore education. In non-financial sectors, especially pharmaceuticals and professional services, the clamp down on corruption has stimulated demand for litigation and regulatory specialists. SALARY INFORMATION: LEGAL HONG KONG Law firm hiring activity in Hong Kong in 2014 was notably strong in the arbitration & dispute resolution (ADR) and capital markets (CM) practice areas. This pattern should continue this year, and we expect to see particularly high levels of competition for CM talent from firms looking for experienced fee earners. We’ll also see flow on demand for in-house CM Lawyers amongst sponsor banks. ADR specialists, across commercial litigation, arbitration and regulatory investigations, will continue to be in demand. Driven by the clamp down in mainland China, increased scrutiny over business practices will create demand for investigations specialists as well as non-contentious regulatory specialists. IN THE COMMERCIAL INHOUSE MARKET DEMAND WILL CONTINUE TO INCREASE FOR CANDIDATES WHO ARE HONG KONG-QUALIFIED WITH CHINESE LANGUAGE SKILLS 74 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia The focus on regulating traditional markets will continue to force down demand for derivatives, structured products and other investment banking specialists. However, this also means increased demand for specialist Lawyers in alternative financial areas such as fund and asset management, private banking and insurance. In the commercial in-house market demand will continue to increase for candidates who are Hong Kong-qualified with Chinese language skills. Meanwhile, Hong Kong conglomerates are increasingly receptive to junior candidates straight out of law firms to fill in-house roles, although prior in-house experience is still preferred. Higher demand is projected for Property and Construction Lawyers, as well as those with leasing and IT&T industry experience. Changes to the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance in 2014 have created more roles for listed Company Secretaries. With more firms opting to pay Hong Kong Lawyers on the New York scale, salary has become a challenge for cost-conscious in-house employers, where average increments range from three to seven per cent. JAPAN Overall, salary levels for both in-house and private practice legal professionals remained steady in 2014. The Japanese government continued to progress with monetary reform late into last year and this work is expected to continue this year. However, the depreciation of the yen has not yet led to expected gross gains for the economy and therefore high demand for imports continue to counter the effects of increased exports. Meanwhile, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics has been slow to attract a high volume of work. Therefore Japanese firms are looking outside the country for assignments, particularly the big four firms which are spearheading overseas expansion in Asian economies such as Singapore and Shanghai. International law firms continue to maintain their recruitment demand for M&A, capital markets and project finance professionals. In the commercial in-house market, Japan’s ageing population is leading to increased business activity in the life sciences sector. Growing clinical research organizations, pharmaceutical companies and medical equipment manufacturers and distributors will all recruit. The finance industry will also be active as firms fill legal roles that remained vacant last year. On the compliance side, implementing stricter compliance enforcement is a growing trend. Finally, hiring within IT&T and manufacturing will remain relatively stable. SINGAPORE One of the biggest changes to Singapore’s recruitment market in 2014 was the introduction of the Fair Consideration Framework. While this change impacted a range of industries, in the legal sector the ratio of local to foreign professionals remained virtually unchanged thanks to the seemingly endless expansion of MNCs in Singapore. As the legal gatekeepers of an MNC in a growth cycle, employers placed – and continue to place – high value on legal candidates with international experience and a solid understanding of the global business and legal arena. While such experience can be found in Singaporeans who have studied and worked abroad, the limited supply of such professionals is the reason that the bulk of candidates continue to be foreign. In terms of hiring activity, last year we saw particular growth for legal professionals in Singapore’s oil & gas, life sciences, banking and media industries. Within private practice, the hiring of foreign Lawyers, particularly from Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand, increased. This growth was mainly attributed to the expansion of Singaporean businesses into these jurisdictions, which saw legal practices react accordingly to accommodate the new needs of their clients. Looking ahead, candidates with strong Mandarin skills will be prized, while those with Chinese drafting capabilities will be sought across all industries. LEGAL PRIVATE PRACTICE Paralegal Newly qualified 1 year PQE Hong Kong (International Firm) 240 - 480 720 - 864 780 - 945 Hong Kong (NY/US Firm) 264 - 600 672 - 1,240 960 - 1,320 China (International Firm) 120 - 360 480 - 980 560 - 1,040 Japan 4 - 10 9 - 12 10 - 14 Singapore 50 - 80 70 - 90 80 - 100 2 years PQE 3 years PQE 4 years PQE Hong Kong (International Firm) 798 - 992 861 - 1,200 900 - 1,266 Hong Kong (NY/US Firm) 1,044 - 1,430 1,200 - 1,630 1,140 - 1,780 China (International Firm) 620 - 1,130 750 - 1,290 800 - 1,410 Japan 12 - 15 14 - 18 15 - 19 Singapore 90 - 150 110 - 170 120 - 200 5 years PQE 6 years PQE 7 years PQE Hong Kong (International Firm) 950 - 1,380 997 - 1,477 1,047 - 1,595 Hong Kong (NY/US Firm) 1,595 - 1,940 1,660 - 2,050 1,800 - 2,170 China (International Firm) 900 - 1,530 1,000 - 1,620 1,100 - 1,710 Japan 16 - 22 18 - 24 20 - 25 Singapore 130 - 270 180 - 300 200 - 350 8 years PQE Salaried P artner Salaried Partner Professional (Junior) (Senior) Support Lawyer Hong Kong (International Firm) 1,200 - 1,722 1,680 + 2,400 + 780 - 1,200 Hong Kong (NY/US Firm) 1,920 - 2,320 1,940 + 3,100 + 780 - 1,200 China (International Firm) 1,200 - 1,840 1,860 + 3,100 + 600 - 980 Japan 20 + 20 + 25 + 11 + Singapore 220 - 380 200 - 300 270 - 400 + 80 - 120 COMMERCIAL IN-HOUSE 0-3 PQE 4-6 PQE Legal Counsel (7-10+ PQE) Senior Counsel (10+ PQE) General Counsel China 96 - 420 192 - 750 380 - 1,500 650 - 2,000 950 – 4,000 + Hong Kong 360 - 912 600 - 1,380 850 - 1,450 1,200 – 2,200 1,560 – 3,500 + Japan 5-8 7 - 12 9 - 18 12 - 30 18 - 40 + Singapore 45 - 80 80 - 180 100 - 200 200 - 350 300 - 400 + FINANCIAL SERVICES IN-HOUSE 0-3 PQE 4-6 PQE Legal Counsel (7-10+ PQE) Senior Counsel (10+ PQE) General Counsel China 200 - 600 500 - 1,000 800 - 1,500 1,000 - 2,000 1,500 - 3,000+ Hong Kong 550 - 1,200 900 - 1,500 1,000 - 2,000 1,500 - 2,500 2,000 - 3,000+ Japan 5 - 14 9 - 18 15 - 20 15 - 32 22 - 40 + Singapore 60 - 130 100 - 220 150 - 250 220 - 350 + 320 - 400 + NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions • Private Practice Associate salaries stated are generally representative of the total package value • Typical benefits on top of In-House salaries shown include performance based bonuses 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 75 SALES & MARKETING CHINA HONG KONG product marketing or industry knowledge. Recruitment activity and salary levels remained steady in 2014 for most sales and marketing professionals, with the exception of digital marketing and ecommerce. As very active areas of recruitment, the short supply of suitable candidates placed upward pressure on salaries. Hong Kong remains the preferred location for many businesses to establish their regional headquarters. This generated healthy demand for highly skilled sales and marketing professionals in 2014. Finally, law firms favour bilingual candidates with a legal background. Business development candidates remain in short supply. SALARY INFORMATION: SALES & MARKETING We will continue to see high demand for these skills in the year ahead, especially for marketing candidates with data experience or a background in consumer insights or market research. Digital advertising and social media now account for a greater portion of marketing spend for most consumer brands and the use of big data is increasingly commonplace. As a result, marketers are expected to know how to use data to identify industry trends, understand customer behaviour, provide consumer insights and pinpoint issues. We have also seen the growth of in-house digital teams in order to create content for online campaigns and work alongside dedicated SEO and data insights teams. It has become more critical than ever for companies to understand the ROI of the marketing spend as well as where, how and when to engage with their customers. In the retail sector, store management professionals responsible for generating revenue are the priority hire for employers. Employers are keen to recruit candidates with both local and overseas experience in retail operations. China’s retail sector has been maturing in recent years with consumers prepared to take their business elsewhere if they don’t receive the service they want. As a result, candidates with solid CRM experience will remain in solid demand. Job seekers should be prepared for a lengthy process. In 2014 more complicated selection processes became commonplace. While such processes are designed to minimise the risk of a wrong hire, they also lengthen the process significantly. For example, the hiring cycle is often now between six and 10 weeks, while for a management-level role it can be up to six months. 76 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia Digital marketing experts remain in high demand but short supply. Companies are keen to develop their own digital teams and consequently candidates with technical and strategic experience in SEO, CRM, content marketing, online community management, online payment systems and mobile marketing will remain highly sought after this year. In the retail sector, Hong Kong is still the number one shopping paradise with 84 per cent of all luxury fashion retailers present here. Store Managers are in short supply, forcing employers to hire less experienced candidates and invest in their training and development. We have also seen employers promote Area Managers to meet business needs. WITHIN FINANCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, EMPLOYERS WANT CANDIDATES WITH SUPERIOR WRITING SKILLS AND INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE EXPERIENCE Given demand, seasoned Retail Managers are becoming more selective when choosing roles and will consider a brand’s sales performance before making a decision. In the FMCG sector we have seen a rise in demand for mid-level candidates, particularly by food and beverage employers. Brand Managers and Key Account Managers remain in good demand and to secure higher salaries, candidates have been favouring Principals or Distributors instead of large retailers. Within financial and professional services, employers want candidates with superior writing skills and international corporate experience. However, financial services firms will consider candidates with ‘Recruitment activity and salary levels in China remained steady in 2014 for most sales and marketing professionals, with the exception of digital marketing and ecommerce’ SALES & MARKETING As we’ve seen in other countries, the main focus from employers has been on digital marketing skills. The greatest demand is coming from companies with consumer brands, which are increasingly focused on profitable growth and are turning to digital marketing as the most effective way to join their online and offline channels to drive sales. They are recruiting social media, data, mobile and content marketing professionals. WITHIN SALES, SPECIFICALLY WITHIN THE IT&T INDUSTRY, BASE SALARIES AND INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FOR SALES PROFESSIONALS HAVE INCREASED candidates with overseas experience to help them explore business development opportunities overseas. In a final trend, salaries remained largely unaffected by the weakened yen in 2014. SINGAPORE We observed a steady flow of recruitment activity across both sales and marketing in 2014. The standout industries for activity were industrial manufacturing and retail, partly due to several new organizations and brands choosing Singapore as their regional headquarters. We expect the first half of 2015 to be very active, especially for sales, business development, brand management, and internal communications candidates. Job offers will link potential bonuses and commissions to specific business objectives and achievements. Given the shortage of digital talent, competition is fierce between employers. In some cases, we have even seen bidding wars occur at the job offer stage as employers jostle to secure a preferred candidate. As a result, digital candidates can expect bigger salary increases this year, although it must be noted that rising labour costs and shrinking margins are not sustainable long-term. A candidate-short market for niche skills remains in Singapore, but despite this employers are taking a more cautious approach to hiring. This includes making greater use of psychometric testing to ensure a potential hire is a good cultural and job fit. Reference checks for candidates are also increasingly stringent and require 360-degree feedback, including from customers and suppliers. For all other marketing roles, salaries have remained steady. In the consumer sector, global teams and categories have consolidated, resulting in potential reductions in headcount. Companies looking to hire excellent people can now do so while offering remuneration packages near parity since candidates are focusing on long-term career growth rather than a salary increase. Within sales, specifically within the IT&T industry, base salaries and incentive payments for sales professionals have increased. The highest increases have been applied to the incentive portion of remuneration packages as organizations compete more aggressively for market share. In the industrial sector the maturing of the market has created high demand for sales professionals in the early part of their careers. A dearth of bilingual salespeople with an engineering degree and experience working for an OEM remains the biggest challenge for employers looking to increase headcount. Foreign companies have a particular need for candidates with experience selling through Japan’s major engineering, procurement and construction firms. Japanese companies continue to look for bilingual MALAYSIA We saw buoyant recruitment activity for sales and marketing professionals across the board in 2014, with particularly strong demand in the IT&T, media, FMCG and manufacturing industries. In fact, vacancy activity was high throughout the entire year and we expect this to remain the case in the year ahead. A key driver of activity is South East Asia’s impressive economic growth and the fact that many companies are setting up businesses in Malaysia to be part of the action. More companies are opening in the country, ranging from start-ups to large established MNC’s that previously did not have a strong Asian focus. Despite this activity, sales and marketing salaries will remain fairly steady this year, as they have done in recent years. The Malaysian Government is currently in the process of introducing reforms to shift the entire country into high wage earning territory, but this will take time. While salaries remain steady for the most part, we will see high demand for Brand Managers, Product Managers, Sales Managers, Sales Directors and Digital Marketers. We also expect to see demand for Shopper Marketers, especially in the FMCG space where there has been a shift of focus to consumer marketing as competition gets stronger. Regional recruitment and relocation is a growing trend, with companies across South East Asia looking to Singapore for executives who can provide ‘best practice’ experience. Companies looking to fill roles in the C-suite in countries such as Cambodia and Myanmar are offering Singaporeans attractive expatriate packages to move, a previously rare practice. These senior roles tend to be in management and marketing, with a focus on new product development. 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 77 SALARY INFORMATION: SALES & MARKETING JAPAN SALES & MARKETING MARKETING Marketing Director Marketing Manager Marketing Executive China 800 - 1,800 500 - 800 200 - 400 Hong Kong 1,000 - 1,600 500 - 900 210 - 360 Japan 10 - 18 7 - 12 5-8 Singapore 160 - 300 90 - 180 35 - 60 Malaysia 360 - 600 120 - 180 36 - 60 Direct Marketing Channel Manager Manager Global Brand Manager Product/Brand Manager CRM Manager China 450 - 800 450 - 800 700 - 1,200 300 - 450 300 - 600 Hong Kong 480 - 780 550 - 700 900 - 1,500 480 - 870 400 - 800 Japan 8 - 12 6-9 12 - 18 6 - 10 8 - 10 Singapore 70 - 150 70 - 150 100 - 180 70 - 150 85 - 130 Malaysia 150 - 180 150 - 220 180 - 240 84 - 120 72 - 96 ADVERTISING Group Account Director Account Director Account Manager Account Executive Media Planner China 650 - 900 400 - 700 280 - 400 130 - 250 N/A Hong Kong 700 - 1,000 450 - 700 360 - 550 180 - 360 300 - 540 Japan 11 - 17 10 - 15 6-9 4-7 4-7 Singapore 120 - 220 100 - 160 60 - 100 40 - 60 60 - 90 Malaysia 150 - 360 120 - 180 84 - 130 48 - 84 48 - 96 Executive Creative Director Creative Director Art Director Copywriter China 1,000 - 2,000 600 - 1,000 200 - 450 150 - 250 Hong Kong N/A 540 - 720 480 - 600 240 - 600 Japan 10 - 18 7 - 12 5-8 5-8 Singapore 150 - 180 120 - 150 120 - 150 40 - 70 Malaysia N/A N/A N/A N/A COMMUNICATIONS Marketing Public Relations/ Communications Communications Internal Corporate Manager Manager Communications Communications China 220 - 420 300 - 700 N/A 300 - 350 Hong Kong 400 - 1,000 300 - 1,200 350 - 1,000 300 - 1,200 Japan 7 - 11 8 - 12 6-8 7 - 10 Singapore 70 - 150 80 - 160 80 - 160 80 - 160 Malaysia 100 - 150 84 - 120 84 - 120 100 - 150 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 78 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries are representative of the total package value SALES & MARKETING DIGITAL MARKETING Digital/Online Marketing eCommerce Manager Manager Digital Communication/ Content Manager Web Producer China N/A 156 - 260 N/A N/A Hong Kong 480 - 840 480 - 840 480 - 780 N/A Japan 8 - 12 8 - 15 6 - 10 5-7 Singapore 80 - 180 80 - 180 60 - 100 60 - 120 Malaysia 120 - 180 96 - 120 60 - 96 N/A MARKET RESEARCH Market Research/ Consumer Insights Director Market Research/ Consumer Insights Manager Market Research/ Consumer Insights Analyst China 600 - 800 300 - 600 150 - 250 Hong Kong 500 - 1,200 400 - 800 300 - 600 Japan 7 - 10 4-8 4-6 Singapore 160 - 250 100 - 180 60 - 90 Malaysia N/A 96 - 180 48 - 72 RETAIL Visual Service Merchandising Merchandising Delivery Manager Manager Manager Category Manager Customer Service Manager Retail Manager China 350 - 600 350 - 550 N/A 600 - 700 200 - 400 250 - 600 Hong Kong 480 - 750 420 - 720 380 - 540 400 - 600 360 - 480 720 - 840 Japan 5-7 5-8 6-9 8 - 10 6-9 7 - 10 Singapore 70 - 150 70 - 130 N/A 100 - 200 60 - 100 80 - 120 Malaysia 100 - 180 N/A 120 - 140 130 - 150 120 - 140 72 - 96 SALES Country Manager Regional Sales Director Sales Director Business Development Manager National Sales Manager Sales Operations Manager China 1,000 - 2,000 800 - 1,200 800 - 1,500 300 - 700 600 - 1,100 260 - 450 Hong Kong 1,050 - 1,500 1,000 - 2,500 840 - 1,200 480 - 720 800 - 1,000 480 - 720 Japan 15 - 50 15 - 25 15 - 25 6 - 14 12 - 18 6 - 10 Singapore 250 - 500 180 - 400* 150 - 300 80 - 250* 100 - 200 80 - 160 Malaysia 350 - 530* 240 - 530* 200 - 480* 90 - 120* 180 - 480* 180 - 200* Area Sales Manager Sales Manager Advertising Sales Sales Executive Sales Engineer Inside Sales China 150 - 500 100 - 230 150 - 500 N/A N/A N/A Hong Kong 480 - 720 360 - 550 N/A 200 - 350 N/A 200 - 350 Japan 8 - 12 8 - 12 5-9 5 - 10 6-9 4-7 Singapore 90 - 180 60 - 180* 40 - 100 40 - 100* 45 - 70 40 - 100 Malaysia 96 - 150 96 - 144 60 - 228* 36 - 60 84 - 120 N/A NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value * With bonus • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 79 SUPPLY CHAIN CHINA The supply chain has been a focus for many organizations in China as they look for efficiencies in the face of declining profits. This has fuelled demand for Sourcing Managers who can lead cost-down and localization projects. One of the biggest challenges for such professionals has been the need to balance cost with quality. While China is no longer considered a lowcost sourcing option due to rising wage pressure, experienced supply chain candidates do remain in strong demand and those with solid skills and experience can secure their next role. In addition, more Lean and Six Sigma approaches are being implemented into the supply chain. As a result, candidates with sound knowledge of these approaches are in high demand. SALARY INFORMATION: SUPPLY CHAIN Within the consumer segment, e-commerce remains strong, while other traditional channels face pressure from growing leasing costs. Given strong online demand, most companies are investing heavily in the distribution channel and therefore candidates with solid experience in distribution network build-up and optimization are in demand. Supply chain salaries are expected to increase slightly compared to last year. China’s growing economy and high demand for supply chain talent will contribute to increases in the year ahead. HONG KONG Hong Kong’s unique position as a sourcing and supply chain hub for companies operating within Greater China and across the wider Asia Pacific region continues to fuel an active recruitment market and high demand for a broad range of skills. In 2014 hiring activity remained consistent across the majority of sectors and this will continue this year as many industries look to increase the effectiveness of their supply chain operations. The retail, sourcing and pharmaceutical sectors will all continue to actively recruit. Meanwhile demand will rise for supply chain professionals with strong planning and forecasting skills in the manufacturing and consumer goods sectors as companies look to improve the 80 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia sophistication of their demand planning and inventory management. This year we will also see increasing demand for supply chain candidates with strong process improvement and optimization skills as organizations continue to review the overall efficiency of their end-to-end supply chain operations and systems. JAPAN Japan’s supply chain and logistics market continues to experience healthy and steady growth. The key trend is a focus on specialization as major corporations diversify their supply chains to make a clear distinction between procurement, order management and inventory control. This has resulted in the creation of more jobs and a better command of the SCM process. Another trend is the higher demand for process improvement experts to reduce operational inefficiencies and costs. External consulting companies are also establishing SCM and operations units to meet the needs of the market. As a result, candidates with qualifications in Kaizen, such as Six Sigma, LEAN, and TPS, are in high demand but short supply. We’ve also seen an abundance of warehouse and logistics roles created. This is the result of the continuous push from e-commerce and domestic retailers for countrywide, same day delivery. Overall salaries are typically now at the higher end of each range. While they are slightly higher than last year, we are yet to see a total shift in the salaries offered. The demand for higher skilled professionals will however lead to such a shift in the year ahead. SINGAPORE Singapore’s supply chain market continues to evolve as a result of the increasing need for more complex regional logistics solutions. Looking firstly at the technical industries, we’ve seen an increase in supply chain activity in life sciences and information technology, where employers looked for niche logistics solutions. In most demand have been candidates with project management and solutions based supply chain experience. We’ve also seen a growing need for candidates with project management and technology implementation skills as companies establish new operations or look at continuous business improvement. This trend was not limited to life sciences and information technology; it was also seen in manufacturing and FMCG. Within the manufacturing and life sciences industries high demand continues to exist for specialist candidates such as Process Engineers and Project Managers. As a result, salaries for these professionals have increased. The third party logistics segment is growing. Companies that lack the size or investment in South East Asia to warrant their own warehouse and transport activities are driving this demand. However given the perceived lower salaries on offer in this segment, employers find it difficult to attract and retain suitable candidates. MALAYSIA Activity levels in Malaysia’s supply chain recruitment market increased in 2014 and we expect this to continue in the year ahead. Greater competition from China and Indonesia has forced businesses with operations in Malaysia to focus on increasing efficiencies within the supply chain to save costs. This creates high demand for candidates with a strong track record working on large improvement projects (Kaizen, LEAN and Six Sigma methodologies). Another trend of note is the increased demand from service providers for logistics, warehouse and operations professionals. This is the result of both expansions and high attrition rates within the industry, which are factors that will continue throughout the year ahead. Finally, employers in the FMCG industry are unwilling to consider candidates without prior FMCG experience. As a result, the demand for such candidates is very high and salaries have increased above typical market rates for those changing jobs. SUPPLY CHAIN Operations Manager Distribution Manager Transport Manager Warehouse Supervisor China 420 - 600 400 - 500 360 - 420 180 - 240 Hong Kong 455 - 600 455 - 600 455 - 520 325 - 420 Japan 7-9 7-9 7 - 11 4.5 - 6 Singapore 65 - 91 65 - 95 60 - 90 52 - 72 Malaysia 104 - 156 130 - 234 208 - 325 52 - 78 Warehouse Manager Stock/ Inventory Controller China 240 - 360 144 - 192 Hong Kong 420 - 560 234 - 286 WAREHOUSING/DISTRIBUTION Japan 7-9 4.5 - 7 Singapore 72 - 98 24 - 43 Malaysia 104 - 195 65 - 91 THIRD PARTY LOGISTICS Operations Executive Operations Manager Sea/Ocean Freight Manager Air Freight Manager Key Account Manager China 80 - 180 180 - 350 180 - 300 180 - 300 144 - 280 Hong Kong 325 - 420 520 - 585 520 - 585 520 - 600 455 - 520 Japan 3.5 - 6 5.5 - 8 7 - 10 4-7 7 - 10 Singapore 26 - 45 65 - 91 59 - 85 65 - 85 65 - 130 Malaysia 52 - 65 91 - 130 104 - 156 104 - 156 104 - 156 TRANSPORT Operations Manager Transport Manager Transport Coordinator Fleet Manager Fleet Controller China 250 - 400 150 - 280 80 - 130 180 - 300 144 - 216 Hong Kong 455 - 600 360 - 520 260 - 338 390 - 481 338 - 390 Japan 6 - 10 6-9 4.5 - 6 5 - 7.5 4.5 - 6 Singapore 65 - 85 65 - 90 39 - 52 52 - 65 52 - 65 Malaysia 91 - 143 75 - 104 30 - 58 156 - 221 26 - 52 Import/ Export Clerk Trade Compliance Manager China 96 - 144 420 - 600 Hong Kong 195 - 234 455 - 715 Japan 3.5 - 6 7 - 10 Singapore 30 - 49 78 - 169 Malaysia 26 - 52 195 - 260 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 81 SUPPLY CHAIN SUPPLY CHAIN Supply Chain Supply Chain Analyst Manager Supply Chain Planner Order Fulfilment China 130 - 240 240 - 600 130 - 240 110 - 190 Hong Kong 264 - 360 600 - 780 325 - 455 325 - 520 Japan 6 - 10 8 - 12 6-8 4.5 - 6.5 Singapore 48 - 66 72 - 120 54 - 84 36 - 60 Malaysia 52 - 78 104 - 195 65 - 91 52 - 78 Demand Planner Materials Manager Logistics Manager Supply Chain Director China 130 - 190 240 - 500 200 - 400 600 - 1200 Hong Kong 325 - 480 390 - 520 585 - 715 740 - 975 Japan 6-9 6 - 10 8 - 12 15 - 20 Singapore 48 - 72 54 - 84 72 - 96 144 - 240 Malaysia 65 - 91 130 - 195 104 - 195 390 - 600 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 82 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries are representative of the total package value PROCUREMENT The overall picture is positive for China’s procurement jobs market. Highly-skilled direct and indirect procurement professionals are in high demand, particularly in small and medium-sized organizations that are focused on lowering costs and controlling compliance by standardizing and optimizing internal procurement process. We are also seeing increased demand for indirect procurement candidates as organizations centralize this function. Candidates with experience in various commodities and the ability to perform cost analysis are in greatest demand, and consequently we expect their salaries to increase. Although China’s economy is starting to recover, most manufacturing companies remain in a tight situation. As a result, we have seen high levels of candidate movement. Many candidates are even considering jobs in other cities or industries in order to improve their career prospects. Looking at the year ahead, we expect to see a more steady economy and active jobs market for procurement professionals. Salary increases will be given to those with strong technical skills and cost-down ability. HONG KONG In Hong Kong we have seen a tangible increase in hiring activity for midmanagement to senior level procurement professionals across both the direct and indirect disciplines. This is the result of consistently improving macro economic conditions and the continuing focus of employers on controlling costs and sourcing value-driven raw materials. Many organizations are moving towards more aggressive commodity sourcing strategies. With Hong Kong continuing to serve as a sourcing hub for the manufacturing and retail sectors, demand has increased for Procurement Managers with strong analytical and commercial skills and the ability to provide input into strategic decision making. Hong Kong has also seen a strong increase in demand for indirect procurement professionals with specific category management experience. Candidates with expertise across the IT, human resources and property/facility management categories are highly sought after. We expect the demand for talent to continue in the next 18 months. At the same time, the pool of available procurement candidates will decrease, which will lead to a moderate increase in average salaries. JAPAN Indirect procurement was the key trend in 2014, and will remain a prominent feature of Japan’s recruitment market this year. A relatively new position within the Japanese market, companies are beginning to rationalize the return on investment of a solid indirect procurement professional. It is now recognized that such a professional can minimize costs and increase the bottom line. As a result, the demand for bilingual indirect procurement specialists will remain high in all industries. At the same time, we will continue to see a decline in direct procurement hiring as manufacturers lag against international competition, especially in the semiconductor and consumer electronics space. Given the weakening yen, this impacts the purchasing power of companies. This may change if we see a positive impact from government policy and an increase in real growth, and hence production. If this occurs, there will be a significant increase in direct procurement vacancy activity. Salaries are expected to continue to grow in accordance with positive economic factors. SINGAPORE Singapore’s procurement market experienced an exciting 2014. One of the major drivers of activity was the strong uplift in the number of companies relocating their global procurement headquarters to Singapore. Another was the need for organizations to seek out and relocate global talent to Singapore. While other sectors were reducing the number of foreign hires, procurement was actively recruiting such talent. As the market moves towards more complex sourcing solutions and global models, companies are implementing effective technology solutions to manage their operations. This is most notable within the banking and financial services industry, with demand high as a result for Category Managers with experience procuring systems relating to front, middle and back office functions. The manufacturing, fast moving consumer goods and life sciences procurement areas all remained stable in 2014. Although there were fewer C-suite and senior executive roles available, the demand for experienced middle-management professionals saw salaries increase between 15 and 20 per cent for those who moved jobs. Looking ahead, given that Singapore is an affordable cost base that is close to China and other Asian countries and features an available talent pool, it will remain an attractive hub for procurement operations. MALAYSIA Malaysia’s procurement professionals are experiencing a strong market. Demand is greatest for those with international exposure. Candidates with experience working in a Shared Service Centre (SSC) are also highly sought as more international companies utilize the SSC model and choose Malaysia as their preferred location. Another trend to watch will be the increasing number of roles within technical categories. In particular demand will be candidates with experience related to the oil & gas, chemical and power industries. We have already seen an increased number of job opportunities for Buyers and with a number of large projects awarded at the end of 2014, demand will spike in early to mid 2015. Given the high demand for skilled procurement professionals, salaries will rise across the board. Having said this, employers are starting to push back by reducing the level of salary increase awarded to staff. This is in response to the high number of candidates who have moved roles frequently over a short period of time. 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 83 SALARY INFORMATION: PROCUREMENT CHINA PROCUREMENT Chief Procurement Officer/Head of Procurement Procurement Manager Category M anager Buyer China 700 - 1,200 300 - 600 250 - 400 150 - 200 Hong Kong 1,020 - 1,680 420 - 600 540 - 780 300 - 420 Japan 15 - 24 8 - 13 7 - 11 3.5 - 7 Singapore 195 - 290 70 - 110 78 - 110 39 - 65 Malaysia 260 - 520 130 - 195 104 - 156 52 - 91 Sourcing Director Sourcing Manager Purchasing Director Purchasing Manager China 700 - 1,200 300 - 600 700 - 1,200 300 - 600 Hong Kong 720 - 1,020 420 - 540 720 - 1,020 360 - 540 Japan 11 - 15 8 - 13 10 - 15 7.5 - 10 Singapore 200 - 250 78 - 110 156 - 220 70 - 90 Malaysia 390 - 650 130 - 260 260 - 390 104 - 156 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 84 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries are representative of the total package value EDUCATION China’s education sector has seen dynamic growth in recent times and this year promises to be another big one for recruitment across a wide range of roles, from teachers to business executives. The level of investment across the sector will remain high. As a result, staff will receive both competitive salary packages and development opportunities. In addition, education providers from early childhood centres to tertiary institutions and adult education centres are focused on further developing their suite of products and services to meet growing demand. While some students still seek educational opportunities abroad, China is fast becoming a preferred education destination in its own right. International K-12 school education is leading growth in the sector in line with international trends. Given the increased student demand, vacancies for foreign Teachers are forecast to rise this year. As a result, we expect the already competitive remuneration packages to increase slightly. EMPLOYERS WANT POTENTIAL HIRES TO HAVE POST GRADUATE TEACHING QUALIFICATIONS PLUS EXPERIENCE TEACHING IN A REPUTABLE SCHOOL Employers want potential hires to have post graduate teaching qualifications plus experience teaching in a reputable school. Teachers able to contribute to the development of the values and reputation of a school and its students are held in highest regard in China. Employee benefits include excellent professional development opportunities. Teachers with families can also expect to have their children’s schooling provided. Education reforms have paved the way for an increasing number of overseas academic institutions to set up joint campuses with local education providers. This development has seen the creation of a range of roles in areas from program management, admissions and student services to marketing and public relations. Despite the support for the residencybased traditional education model, many educational organizations are also investing in the online delivery of education, which is creating demand for a range of digitally savvy professionals with experience targeting a mass consumer audience. Candidates in demand include those with social media, online sales & marketing, big data and mobile applications expertise. EARLY YEARS/ KINDERGARTEN/MONTESSORI Manager/ Head Teacher Deputy Early Years Teacher Academic Principal Administrative Principal China 236 - 487 236 - 487 278 - 455 500 - 600 450 - 600 PRIMARY Academic Principal Admissions Administrative & Marketing Deputy Head Principal Mgr/Director Head Teacher Teacher China 500 - 600 450 - 600 SECONDARY Deputy Subject Head Teacher Head Teacher Head of Year Specialist Business Director Admissions & Marketing Mgr/Director China 236 - 735 200 - 630 250 - 750 320 - 500 UNIVERSITY/BUSINESS SCHOOLS Executive Director/ Dean Career Development Marketing Operations Mgr/Director Mgr/Director Director Student Program Administration Mgr/Director Mgr/Director China 600 - 1,200 300 - 600 240 - 650 300 - 600 LANGUAGE LEARNING SCHOOLS Regional Director Centre Director Business Student Development Marketing Services Vice Manager Mgr/Director Mgr/Director President China 600 - 1,000 260 - 450 300 - 700 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000 300 - 500 130 - 577 236 - 544 200 - 487 130 - 577 500 - 850 300 - 800 200 - 400 200 - 450 750 - 1,000 • Salaries are representative of the base salary only 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 85 SALARY INFORMATION: EDUCATION CHINA SALARY INFORMATION: CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING CHINA HONG KONG China’s construction jobs market was employer-led in 2014. With fewer large capital investment projects compared to previous years and more people available as projects finished, candidates were willing to accept a rate at the same level or, in some cases, a slight decrease in order to secure their next role. The time candidates spent between jobs lengthened. Qualified professionals are in demand in Hong Kong’s construction market thanks to several factors. Firstly, large civil infrastructure projects are underway and public expenditure remains buoyant to support government plans for new development areas such as the North Eastern New Territories and Tung Chung expansion. These projects have created jobs for chartered Civil Engineers with road, ground and structural backgrounds. Looking ahead, construction companies will recruit key professionals such as Project Managers, Commissioning Engineers who have strong technical skills in HVAC and automation, and Business Development Managers. The salaries for these professionals are increasing over 10 per cent. Bilingual Engineers will also see improved job opportunities, with salary increases above the average. Similarly to the construction market, China’s engineering jobs market is fairly level. In 2014 costs for capital investment projects were controlled and only limited new headcount was added to teams. THERE IS A GREATER USE OF CONTRACT AND TEMPORARY ROLES AS EMPLOYERS LOOK FOR GREATER FLEXIBILITY IN THEIR WORKFORCE Despite this, salaries for top level candidates, such as Project Directors and Senior Project Managers, increased in response to the shortage of talent with strong technical as well as communication skills. In some specific areas, such as aerospace, pharmaceutical, luxury retail and mixed-use buildings, salaries increased faster than in other areas. At the mid level, salaries stayed the same and candidates now spend a longer time between jobs. However at the entry level Engineers are receiving a salary increase of between 8 and 10 per cent and capable employees are quickly promoted. A final trend of note is the greater use of contract and temporary roles as employers look for greater flexibility in their workforce. 86 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia Another factor is the increased pressure on the government to drive the delivery of housing units. This has seen the number of invitations to tender for residential developments increase and created job opportunities in both local developers and contractors for Project Managers to help with feasibility studies and full project planning. Employers continue to offer generous salaries to candidates in demand, particularly qualified Engineers in structural design for complex buildings and infrastructure projects. Salaries for most other talent remain fairly stable. Given the high return on investment in recent years for luxury residential projects, property developers are recruiting Project Managers with architecture qualifications to plan, design, coordinate and execute large-scale property development projects. Ongoing awareness of environmental protection has led to increasing demand for green buildings. In particular demand are skilled Engineers with expertise in green building design and HK BEAM and LEED qualifications. In a final trend, BIM Engineers with previous modeling experience remain in high demand as employers look to save money by pre-empting later stage conflicts and construction difficulties. ‘In Hong Kong employers continue to offer generous salaries to candidates in demand, particularly qualified engineers in structural design for complex buildings and infrastructure projects’ CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING Many key projects kept Singapore’s construction industry active in 2014. Building and civil infrastructure projects dominated the market, and included the MRT and road works projects as well as an array of high-end residential and mixed development properties. During the first half of 2014 there was high competition for Thomson Line contracts. While prices were higher than those previously seen during the award of DTL3, there was still little room for error in tendering and those awarded contracts were predominantly Korean, Chinese and Japanese main contractors. This will result in increased recruitment activity as these companies will need to fill out their project/construction and quantity surveyor/contracts teams at all levels. In particular demand will be candidates who have MRT stations and tunnels experience. In comparison, Singapore’s building construction market has fewer MNC contractors as local main contractors have a strong presence and successfully tender and procure for projects. Some major developments were awarded in the later part of 2014, which will create demand for locally experienced Construction Managers, Project Managers and Contracts Managers. In other trends, key job opportunities continue to attract the attention of expatriates with unique site and management skills, such as TBM/Tunnel Managers and General Managers. Despite the government’s focus on employing Singaporeans, employers continue to select the best person for the job based on experience and qualifications for roles that offer a salary above $12,000. Moving to Singapore’s engineering sector, MNC design consultancies with a proven local track record in Singapore and the region have been competing for the MRT and building projects. These companies continue to add new headcount to grow their various departments. We have seen particular growth in the M&E sector, and while this resulted in greater demand for Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, strong tender competition meant that salaries remained the same. In late 2014 we also saw the water sector emerge in Singapore’s engineering market. While it is dominated by key firms it has also led to new start-ups and MNCs with successful offshore experiences establishing a presence in Singapore. This is creating demand for Water and Wastewater Engineers, particularly those with local or at least regional experience. The candidate market remains competitive and contractors and engineering consultancies need to act fast and make an attractive offer to secure the right talent. They cannot rely on their brand perception alone as candidates are aware of their market value. However we advise candidates to consider their long-term career rather than moving for short-term salary increases. Employers are now wary of candidates who do not complete their contract term or spend less than two years in a role and often reject them because of their track record. ‘Key job opportunities in Singapore continue to attract the attention of expatriates with unique site and management skills, such as TBM/Tunnel Managers and General Managers’ 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 87 SALARY INFORMATION: CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING SINGAPORE CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CIVIL Foreperson Site Engineer Project Engineer Design Manager Project Manager China N/A N/A 150 - 220 325 - 550 325 - 700 Hong Kong N/A 360 - 540 360 - 540 420 - 600 540 - 960 Singapore 50 - 80 60 - 75 65 - 80 100 - 140 105 - 145 Senior Project Manager Construction Manager Resident Technical Officer Planner Estimator China 400 - 800 240 - 550 N/A 150 - 360 150 - 480 Hong Kong 720 - 1,200 800 + N/A 480 - 840 600 - 960 Singapore 125 - 200 95 - 110 55 - 70 90 - 120 120 - 240 China Contracts Administrator/ Quantity Surveyor - Entry-level Contracts Administrator/ Quantity Surveyor - Senior 96 - 180 180 - 360 Hong Kong 240 - 360 360 - 600 Singapore 60 - 85 70 - 125 CONSTRUCTION BUILDING Foreperson Site Engineer Project Engineer Design Manager China N/A 140 - 260 140 - 260 300 - 600 Hong Kong N/A 350 - 500 500 - 600 650 - 950 Singapore 55 - 75 60 - 70 70 - 90 100 - 125 Senior Project Project Manager Manager Construction Manager Planner Estimator China 500 - 800 600 - 1,000 400 - 600 400 - 550 350 - 600 Hong Kong 590 - 840 720 - 1,000 720 - 1,200 480 - 830 390 - 840 Singapore 93 - 115 110 + 105 - 120 85 - 100 135 + Contracts Administrator/ Quantity Surveyor - Entry-level Contracts Administrator/ Quantity Surveyor - Senior China 120 - 240 300 - 600 Hong Kong 240 - 360 420 - 840 Singapore 60 - 70 70 - 85 HVAC Engineer MEP Engineer Healthcare Planner China 120 - 300 150 - 360 600 - 1,000 Hong Kong 300 - 420 300 - 420 N/A Singapore 55 - 85 60 - 90 N/A CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT Development Manager Project Manager Business Development Manager Development Director China 400 - 600 400 - 780 300 - 600 600 + Hong Kong 640 - 1,200 650 - 950 540 - 830 1,100 + Singapore 130 - 200 115 - 170 120 - 180 225 + NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000 88 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries are representative of the total package value CONSTRUCTION & ENGINEERING DESIGN CONSULTANCY - BUILDING SERVICES CAD Design Drafter CAD Manager Graduate Design Design Engineer Engineer Senior Design Engineer China N/A 220 - 500 N/A 200 - 330 300 + Hong Kong 220 - 250 350 - 530 200 - 270 290 - 470 420 - 600 Singapore 35 - 50 48 - 60 36 - 42 54 - 72 72 - 96 Principal Project Design Engineer Manager Associate/ Principal/ Senior Associate Director Resident Engineer China 370 - 450 370 - 550 600 - 900 1,000 + 320 - 550 Hong Kong 500 - 730 400 - 900 660 - 1,000 1,000 + 400 - 650 Singapore 100 + 78 - 102 100 - 126 140 + 84 - 120 DESIGN CONSULTANCY - CIVIL & STRUCTURAL CAD Design Drafter CAD Manager Graduate Design Design Engineer Engineer Senior Design Engineer China N/A 250 - 350 130 - 200 200 - 300 240 - 400 Hong Kong 220 - 420 350 - 550 200 - 280 290 - 500 450 - 600 Singapore 33 - 48 48 - 60 36 - 42 54 - 72 72 - 96 Principal Project Design Engineer Manager Associate/ Principal/ Senior Associate Director Resident Engineer China 300 - 450 350 - 600 350 - 500 400 - 650 250 - 400 Hong Kong 550 - 900 450 - 900 720 - 960 950 + 400 - 660 Singapore 108 + 90 - 108 100 - 126 150 + 84 - 120 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 89 ARCHITECTURE CHINA HONG KONG Last year’s trend of international design firms building up their teams of local designers in China continues. These firms are recruiting the headcount necessary to deliver designs from their local offices in China rather than outsource projects back to their head office abroad. As such, locally based candidates with hands-on in-China experience are sought rather than candidates who act as intermediaries between clients in China and design teams abroad. Hong Kong’s demand for Architects remained steady in 2014 although employers struggled to identify ideal candidates. This trend will continue, although firms will look for candidates with specific experience, such as Designers and Project Managers with local hands-on experience in retail, hospitality, healthcare, sports facility or research & development lab facilities. SALARY INFORMATION: ARCHITECTURE Another key trend impacting China’s architecture market is the demand for Concept Designers with extensive overseas experience who can fill director level positions. To be considered candidates must also have been working in China for at least three years. In other areas of demand, candidates with at least eight years of experience designing modern hospitals are in heavy demand as the local talent pool is very short. Senior Designers with over 10 years of experience are needed for residential projects, while Designers with experience managing both the design and construction segments of projects in China are also sought. THE HIGH SALARY INCREASES OF THE PAST HAVE COOLED AND ARCHITECTS CHANGING JOBS TYPICALLY NOW RECEIVE AN INCREASE OF APPROXIMATELY 15 PER CENT The high salary increases of the past have cooled and Architects changing jobs typically now receive an increase of approximately 15 per cent. Interior Designers’ packages are increasing in response to the high demand for candidates who can deliver designs for global retail projects. Interior design roles in the hospitality industry are also available in multiple locations across China. 90 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia One of the key trends was a preference from local practices for Mandarin speaking Architects. While in the past Cantonese was preferred, there has recently been increasing demand for Mandarin language skills as firms bid for lucrative mainland contracts. In order to attract professionally qualified and experienced candidates, firms are more open to individuals who are looking to return to Hong Kong. These candidates must possess suitable language skills as well as the required technical skills and experience. EMPLOYERS SEEKING ARCHITECTS ARE INCREASINGLY OFFERING TO BUY THEM OUT OF NOTICE PERIODS OR INCREASE ALLOWANCES with experience working across the region are highly attractive to employers. Local candidates with qualifications recognized by the BOA are in highest demand, but available candidates are in short supply. As projects become more complex with unique design elements or sustainable considerations, demand for Project Architects is also rising. Consultants, contractors and developers all look to recruit such experienced architectural candidates to ensure their projects run smoothly and the design is managed throughout the process. Looking ahead, we will see a continued focus on recruiting at the mid level as candidates look to gain more exposure to a variety of projects and employers look to bulk up their teams. At the senior level we will see rising demand for experienced candidates who have relevant specialization in the particular type of project, such as healthcare or underground train stations. A number of architectural firms have been giving their best employees salary increases above inflation since they are competing with developers in a buoyant market. Residential, corporate and retail development have all helped drive staffing demand. Employers seeking Architects are increasingly offering to buy them out of notice periods or increase allowances. They are also attracting talent by emphasizing the potential scope of their projects. Finally, we’ve seen a greater willingness to recruit candidates on a contract basis when demand outstrips the supply of suitable permanent candidates. SINGAPORE Singapore’s architecture market remains active. Driven by the public sector, we are seeing continual development ranging from healthcare buildings, schools and additional MRT lines. As a result candidates with relevant project experience are in high demand. The private sector too remains healthy, with larger employers increasingly handling regional projects from their offices in Singapore. As a result candidates ‘Looking ahead, in Singapore we will see a continued focus on recruiting at the mid level’ ARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTURE Graduate Architect Architect (2-5 yrs) Architect (5-10 yrs) Associate/ Principal/ Senior Associate Director China 65 - 104 100 - 360 250 - 600 550 - 750 850 + Hong Kong 314 - 362 362 - 485 485 - 730 730 - 930 930 - 1,900 Singapore 33 - 40 43 - 65 75 - 110 110 - 140 120 + Interior Graduate Designer Interior Designer (2-5 yrs) Interior Designer (5-10 yrs) Senior Project Interior Designer Manager 50 - 97 100 - 300 200 - 500 250 - 550 300 - 600 China Hong Kong 170 - 263 263 - 364 365 - 470 470 - 615 615 - 860 Singapore 35 + 45 - 55 65 - 100 70 - 115 65 - 90 Design Director CAD Drafter Landscape Architect (2-5 yrs) Landscape Architect (5-10 yrs) Director Of Landscape China 500 + 60 - 150 80 - 250 150 - 400 550 + Hong Kong 1,000 + 160 - 245 280 - 480 480 - 850 850 + Singapore 125 + 40 - 55 50 - 65 + 70 - 85 130 + Urban Designer (2-5 yrs) Urban Designer (5-10 yrs) Principal Urban Designer China 120 - 350 330 - 550 550 - 800 Hong Kong 240 - 400 400 - 660 660 - 980 Singapore 60 - 75 75 - 95 80 - 110 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 91 PROPERTY CHINA China’s property jobs market was very active in 2014, especially for sales and marketing and property development professionals. Both multinational and local developers continue to look for high caliber candidates in these areas with successful track records. Candidates with an existing network in China’s property industry and full project lifecycle development experience are most valued by employers and can therefore achieve a higher salary increase. Another key trend is the high number of mixed-used property development projects, which has seen demand increase for Project Managers. Given demand, employers will offer a competitive salary to talent with relevant experience. SALARY INFORMATION: PROPERTY We have also seen state-owned developers actively attempting to attract talent with multinational company work experience. Market rate salaries are offered to these candidates. In other trends, employers still prefer to hire local candidates or expatriates with local experience. Meanwhile, we have seen a rapid increase in talent needs in Tier 2 and 3 cities compared to Tier 1 cities. As a result, more candidates are now willing to consider relocation in order to achieve career advancement. HONG KONG Hong Kong’s property market remains buoyant with staffing demand evident across the board. Last year’s protests within Hong Kong failed to impact mainland visitor numbers and we continue to see significant activity across the corporate, retail and hospitality sectors. In most demand are strong corporate real estate professionals within Hong Kong. Facility Managers are sought too, and while the move towards outsourcing has limited their salary growth candidates with business continuity planning, critical systems and workplace optimization expertise are in high demand. In other trends, Heads of Corporate Real Estate are increasingly working with more than one vendor since it is more common for facility management, project 92 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia management and security to be outsourced to different service providers. CRES professionals with strong commercial acumen and an ability to control costs remain in demand. Over the coming year demand will remain steady for experts within Hong Kong’s property industry, especially for Project and Facility Managers. JAPAN Strong growth fuelled by international investment continues to be a key feature of Japan’s property market. Back in 2013 we saw the creation and revitalization of funds but despite this recruitment activity was limited. This changed in 2014, when we saw a huge increase in hiring thanks to Japan’s international reputation as a safe investment. As a result, today Japan still leads the way for many core focused investments. Given the significant increase in demand, we are seeing a massive shortage of bilingual candidates at the analyst and associate levels. This is a direct result of the lack of hiring between 2009 and 2012, which limited the number of new professionals commencing a property career. Corporate real estate continues to be an active area. As the value and price of real estate increases, this is a cost center that property organizations cannot ignore. We’ve also seen Japan slowly adapt to international standards for corporate real estate management, with both in-house and service models. This is creating demand for junior to mid level outsourced positions in facilities management and corporate services. We are also seeing some increase in the need for mid to senior level corporate real estate professionals as some companies seek to reduce the size of their property portfolio, consolidate office space, or relocate to newer more appropriately sized premises. Project and development services remain areas of growth. New brands are entering the market, leading to a large number of new fit-out projects and the drop of Tokyo’s office vacancy rate to below 5 per cent. As a result there is huge demand for talented bilingual Project Managers. Development services is also becoming more attractive and profitable as Japan’s booming construction market taxes an already talent short labor pool. This is driving up the cost of services and candidates. Salaries increased in 2014 and we expect continued increases in the year ahead as the yen weakens and the real estate market continues to expand. SINGAPORE Singapore’s property market remains active thanks to the continual development of residential and commercial properties. Many owners and tenants have also undertaken renovations and refurbishments to keep their assets modern and fresh. As a result particular attention has been given to how well these properties perform. In turn this has created demand for strong and experienced Property Managers, Building Managers, Operations Managers as well as leasing and marketing professionals from Junior Executives to Senior Managers. In contrast, the retail market has been slower. The focus has shifted from the high end and variety to malls, which are attempting to secure big anchor tenants. Given these market conditions candidates are looking to change sectors and thus there is a shortage of suitable candidates for the retail roles that are on offer. Looking ahead, we expect the development of new projects to decrease as prices in the residential market drop and foreign investment cools. Development in nearby emerging markets will instead remain active and developers based in Singapore will capitalise on activity in countries such as Myanmar and Sri Lanka. Corporate real estate will continue to grow and companies will create positions to look after their local and regional portfolios, including Real Estate Managers, Head of Facilities Management and Head of Projects and Planning. Finally, competition between service providers is intense as companies expand their scope and coverage to provide value added services to win new contracts. This will remain a key feature of the year ahead, and will fuel demand for Account Managers, Facilities Managers, Transaction Managers and Critical Service Managers. PROPERTY Manager (2-5 yrs) Manager (5-10 yrs) Senior Manager Head of Property GM Property Management Management China 240 - 300 250 - 400 600 + 600 + 700 + Hong Kong 205 - 310 350 - 488 450 - 900 900 - 1,200 1,250 - 1,850 Singapore 40 - 54 50 - 85 80 - 110 130 + 150 + Centre Manager Centre Manager Facilities Manager Facilities Manager Facilities Manager - Retail - Retail - Soft Services - Soft Services - Soft Services (5-10 yrs) (10+ yrs) (2-5 yrs) (5-10 yrs) (10+ yrs) China 300 - 500 350 - 600 150 - 240 250 - 550 420 + Hong Kong 440 - 670 670 + 220 - 350 350 - 600 600 - 880 Japan N/A N/A 6-8 8 - 11 11 - 13 Singapore 60 - 90 90 + 48 - 66 70 - 110 115 + Facilities Director Leasing Manager Leasing Manager Senior Leasing (10+ yrs) (2-5 yrs) (5-10 yrs) Manager Leasing Director China 500 + 150 - 260 260 - 450 400 - 600 700 + Hong Kong 880 + 250 - 400 400 - 650 650 - 800 800 - 1,300 + Japan 15 + 5-8 8 - 14 14 - 20 20 + Singapore 160 + 45 - 55 50 - 86 90 - 120 125 + Asset Manager (2-5 yrs) Asset Manager (5-10 yrs) Senior Asset Manager Asset Management Director/Head of China 250 + 400 - 600 700 + 800 + Hong Kong 270 - 415 450 - 750 750 - 1,200 1,200 - 2,500 + Japan 6-9 9 - 13 11 - 16 16 + Singapore 65 - 78 78 - 110 100 - 140 145 + Property Investment Analyst Property Investment Manager Property Investment Associate Property Investment Director China 300 - 450 360 - 720 750 + 900 + Hong Kong 340 - 550 550 - 900 900 - 1,250 1,250 + Japan 6-8 8 - 12 12 + 18 + NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 93 PROPERTY Acquisitions Acquisitions Senior Surveyor/ Surveyor/ Acquisitions Acquisitions Manager (2-5 yrs) Manager (5-10 yrs) Surveyor/Manager Director China 200 - 250 400 - 600 600 - 800 900 + Hong Kong 320 - 420 420 - 800 800 - 1,000 1,000 + Japan 8 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 20 20 + Quantity Surveyor Quantity Surveyor Senior Quantity Quantity Surveyor - Unqualified - Qualified Surveyor - Qualified (2-5 yrs) (5-10 yrs) - Qualified Director China 120 - 200 150 - 480 400 - 600 700 + Hong Kong 300 - 400 400 - 600 600 - 800 800 + Japan 4-6 6-9 9 - 11 N/A Singapore 45 - 65 65 - 105 95 + 135 + PROPERTY - CLIENT SIDE Project Coordinator Assistant Senior Projects Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Director China 180 - 240 180 - 300 325 - 550 600 - 800 780 + Hong Kong 220 - 360 360 - 480 480 - 720 720 - 1,200 1,200 + Japan 5 - 7.5 7.5 - 10 10 - 14 14 - 18 18 - 22 Singapore 45 - 60 70 - 95 80 - 120 110 - 200 180 + NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 94 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries are representative of the total package value MANUFACTURING & OPERATIONS China’s manufacturing and operations recruitment market remained active in 2014. Looking firstly at the FMCG industry, businesses continued to increase their market share in Tier 2 and 3 cities. To ensure they launched new products on time and won new customers, organizations restructured or enlarged their R&D departments and recruited R&D professionals with experience in packaging development and product development, as well as Process Engineers and Consumer Insight Managers and Directors. Within the electronics products market, competition between original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) became fierce. As a result, OEMs are now considering candidates from other high margin industries such as auto and aerospace in order to gain professional technical knowledge in new fields. Given low profit margins, salaries in electrical manufacturing services (EMS) are lower than in other electronics companies. This impacts the ability of EMS employers to attract good talent. In contrast, China’s general aviation market is booming due to the opening of China’s low-altitude airspace. Sales Managers and Directors in the business jet and helicopter market are in very high demand, as are sales professionals for all services and products in airports. Within the chemical and materials industries, most companies are under pressure following profit declines. As a result, they are reorganizing their staff or experiencing mergers or acquisition to optimize product portfolios. China’s heavy industries, such as steel, cement, nonferrous metals and heavy machinery, are in decline due to Chinese government policy and severe overcapacity. Turnover and redundancies remain high, which creates an oversupply of candidates in the market. Budgets are very strict, and thus salary increases are rare. However in response to declining business volumes, some companies are actively recruiting candidates to help take market share and improve sales orders. Significant hiring activity took place in the automotive industry, with staffing demand particularly high in the aftermarket. Based on a growing global car fleet and an increasing average fleet age in mature markets, a strong after sales market is also expected this year. This is driven by rapidly growing service demand in emerging markets, where new car sales have increased activity in the aftermarket. In addition, more high-end luxury cars are locally manufactured and customized for China. As a result, experienced Product Development Engineers and Product Test Engineers are in high demand. JAPAN CHINA’S GENERAL AVIATION MARKET IS BOOMING DUE TO THE OPENING OF CHINA’S LOWALTITUDE AIRSPACE In particular, we saw many job offers in the automotive industry as a result of both increased sales for Japanese auto manufacturers and the development of new projects, such as ‘active safety’, new driving support systems including selfdriving, electric vehicles and new fuels. Commercial aircraft OEMs were relatively quiet given the delay of the ARJ21 and C919 projects. Most vacancy activity was focused upon business development and sales professionals in Tier 1 cities, as well as OEM quality and engineering professionals in Tier 2 and 3 cities. Various forces are at play in Japan’s manufacturing and operations market. On one hand, continuous government easing, the weaker yen and earthquake reconstruction needs have had a positive impact on the sector. However, there were also challenges for employers in the form of the increased consumption tax, energy issues, low consumer spending due to the cold summer, and the falling GDP rate. Despite this environment, manufacturing businesses improved their earnings and invested in capital. Employment activity was also strong. skills and a solid level of experience receive several offers. Another trend is the willingness of employers to hire foreign candidates with relevant auto experience and both Japanese (above JLPT 2) and English language skills. In addition, more companies are willing to support working visas. This will continue in the year ahead. Another active industry is pharmaceuticals and medical equipment. Demand for suitable talent is high, particularly for Manufacturing Engineers with expertise in lean/improvement, quality control/quality assurance and environment health and safety (EHS). Line Operators are also needed in regional areas. The key challenge for employers is how to attract candidates through the right combination of position, benefits and salary. In terms of staffing demand, we are seeing a high need for lean/process improvement experts such as Process Engineers, Lean Managers and Process Optimization Managers. Candidates need to be able to analyze and drive improvement activities throughout the entire value chain and use Six Sigma or other methodologies to improve areas with lowered productivity. Such candidates are valued for their ability to make cost savings and improve an organization’s profit structure. As a result, they are in demand across all industries. In the year ahead, employers will focus on recruiting candidates with both English and Japanese language skills in response to the globalization of companies. The demand for higher quality results is also leading some companies to shift production to Japan, further driving the need for bilingual skills. Employers are also expected to focus on the development of their current employees, and we will continue to see an active recruitment market as new talent is secured. In most demand by Tier 1 auto manufacturers are design, analysis, technology development and quality candidates. Director and Officer level candidates are also sought. Candidates with engineering qualifications, language 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 95 SALARY INFORMATION: MANUFACTURING & OPERATIONS CHINA MANUFACTURING & OPERATIONS Automobile PRODUCTION Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 90 - 150 150 - 280 250 - 450 500 - 1,000 N/A Japan 4.5 - 6 7-9 8 - 12 12 - 25 N/A ENGINEERING Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 90 - 150 150 - 280 300 - 500 500 - 1,000 N/A Japan 4.5 - 6 7-9 8 - 12 12 - 20 N/A R&D Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 90 - 180 180 - 290 300 - 500 500 - 1,200 N/A Japan 4.5 -8 7 -9 8 -10 12 -18 N/A QUALITY Engineer Supervisor Manager Director China 90 - 150 150 - 200 300 - 500 500 - 800 Japan 4.5 - 6 7-9 8 - 12 10 - 15 SALES & MARKETING Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 90 - 150 150 - 300 300 - 500 600 - 1,200 1,000 - 2,000 Japan 4.5 - 9 N/A 8 - 12 10 - 25 N/A MANAGEMENT ROLES GM CTO COO CEO China 800 - 1,500 N/A N/A N/A Japan 15 - 25 N/A N/A N/A NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 96 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries are representative of the total package value MANUFACTURING & OPERATIONS Aviation PRODUCTION Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 90 - 220 100 - 220 200 - 550 450 - 900 900 - 2,000 ENGINEERING Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 120 - 220 150 - 280 225 - 500 500 - 1,000 900 - 2,000 R&D Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 150 - 200 180 - 250 250 - 400 400 - 800 800 - 1,600 QUALITY Engineer Supervisor Manager Director China 100 - 150 180 - 280 250 - 400 500 - 800 SALES & MARKETING Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 180 - 250 250 - 350 400 - 600 600 - 1,000 1,000 - 2,000 MANAGEMENT ROLES GM CTO COO CEO China 1,000 - 2,000 1,200 - 2,000 2,200 - 3,500 3,000 - 4,500 PRODUCTION Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 120 - 200 150 - 300 300 - 800 600 - 1,200 2,000 + ENGINEERING Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 120 - 180 150 - 300 300 - 500 500 - 1,500 2,000 + R&D Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 150 - 250 250 - 450 400 - 800 800 - 2,500 2,000 + QUALITY Engineer Supervisor Manager Director China 120 - 180 300 - 400 500 - 800 700 - 1,200 SALES & MARKETING Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 150 - 200 200 - 400 350 - 800 800 - 2,000 2,000 + MANAGEMENT ROLES GM CTO COO CEO China 800 - 2,000 1,500 - 5,000 2,500 - 4,000 4,000 + Chemicals & Materials NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 97 MANUFACTURING & OPERATIONS FMCG PRODUCTION Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 90 - 130 130 - 200 250 - 600 550 - 1,200 N/A Japan 4.5 - 6 7-9 8 - 12 12 - 25 N/A ENGINEERING Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 90 - 130 130 - 200 250 - 600 600 - 1,200 N/A Japan 4.5 - 6 7-9 8 - 12 12 - 20 N/A R&D Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 90 - 130 130 - 200 250 - 600 600 - 1,200 N/A Japan 4.5 - 6 7-9 8 - 12 12 - 20 N/A QUALITY Engineer Supervisor Manager Director China 90 - 130 130 - 200 250 - 600 600 - 1,200 Japan 4.5 - 6 7-9 8 - 12 10 - 15 MANAGEMENT ROLES GM CTO COO CEO China 800 - 1,500 N/A N/A N/A Japan 20 - 50 N/A N/A N/A NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 98 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries are representative of the total package value MANUFACTURING & OPERATIONS Heavy Industry PRODUCTION Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 100 - 150 150 - 220 250 - 400 500 - 700 800 + Japan 4.5 - 6 7-9 8 - 12 12 - 18 N/A ENGINEERING Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 100 - 150 150 - 240 300 - 500 500 - 800 N/A Japan 4.5 - 6 7-9 8 - 12 12 - 18 N/A R&D Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 120 - 180 150 - 250 300 - 500 500 - 800 800 - 1,200 Japan N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A QUALITY Engineer Supervisor Manager Director China 100 - 150 150 - 200 300 - 500 500 - 800 Japan 4.5 - 6 7-9 8 - 12 10 - 13 SALES & MARKETING Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 120 - 300 200 - 300 400 - 600 700 - 1,000 1,000 + Japan 5-9 N/A 8 - 12 10 - 15 N/A MANAGEMENT ROLES GM CTO COO CEO China 1,000 - 2,000 N/A N/A 1,000 + Japan 12 - 30 N/A N/A N/A NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 99 MANUFACTURING & OPERATIONS Electronics PRODUCTION Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 80 - 150 130 - 250 200 - 750 700 - 1,200 1,000 - 1,500 Japan 4 - 5.5 5.5 - 7 8 - 10 12 - 20 N/A ENGINEERING Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 100 - 160 150 - 300 250 - 800 750 - 1,200 1,000 - 1,800 Japan 4 - 5.5 5.5 - 7 8 - 10 10 - 15 N/A R&D Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 100 - 160 150 - 300 250 - 800 750 - 1,300 1,200 - 2,000 Japan N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A QUALITY Engineer Supervisor Manager Director China 80 - 150 140 - 230 250 - 750 700 - 1,100 Japan 4 - 5.5 5.5 - 7 8 - 10 10 - 15 SALES & MARKETING Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 100 - 160 140 - 250 200 - 850 800 - 1,500 1,000 - 2,500 Japan 5-9 N/A 8 - 12 10 - 20 N/A MANAGEMENT ROLES GM CTO COO CEO China 1,000 - 2,000 1,500 - 3,000 2,500 - 3,500 4,000 + Japan 12 - 30 N/A N/A 15 - 25 NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 100 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries are representative of the total package value MANUFACTURING & OPERATIONS Machinery/Mechanical PRODUCTION Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 80 - 150 130 - 250 200 - 750 700 - 1,200 1,000 - 1,500 Japan 4.5 - 6 7-9 8 - 12 12 - 18 N/A ENGINEERING Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 100 - 160 140 - 280 250 - 800 750 - 1,200 N/A Japan 4.5 - 6 7-9 8 - 12 12 - 18 N/A R&D Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 100 - 160 140 - 300 250 - 800 750 - 1,300 N/A Japan N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A QUALITY Engineer Supervisor Manager Director China 80 - 150 140 - 230 250 - 750 700 - 1,100 Japan 4.5 - 6 7-9 8 - 12 10 - 15 SALES & MARKETING Engineer Supervisor Manager Director Vice President China 100 - 160 140 - 250 200 - 850 800 - 1,300 1,000 - 2,500 Japan 5-9 N/A 8 - 12 10 - 15 N/A MANAGEMENT ROLES GM COO CEO China 1,000 - 1,500 2,500 - 3,500 4,000 + Japan 12 - 30 N/A N/A NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries are representative of the total package value • Typical salary range in ‘000, excluding Japan which is stated in millions 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 101 OIL & GAS CHINA China’s oil & gas industry experienced consistent growth in 2014, much of it due to Chinese government policy. In the upstream market demand for oil field service companies remained stable. While EPC and other service providing companies continue to support the industry, some have moved their core business to other industries. As a result, recruitment activity and salaries remain stable. In contrast, within the downstream market the production of bitumen and lubricants is booming and full government support for these industries is expected. Downstream salaries will remain stable this year, although employers may offer higher salaries for specialist professionals. SALARY INFORMATION: OIL & GAS We are seeing high demand from oil operation companies for sales and business development professionals at all levels. Competitive remuneration, continuous training and regional responsibility are offered to secure the top talent. Marketing professionals are also sought. Also in demand, but short supply, are experienced and skilled engineering professionals specialising in geology and reservoir with both onshore and offshore knowledge. In order to attract suitable candidates, employers are offering competitive salaries, good training programmes and career progression opportunities. Looking ahead, the market will remain active. China’s shipyards will continue to make inroads into the offshore oil & gas and marine markets, while the country’s huge unconventional reserves are a largely untapped resource and will be a sector to monitor in the years ahead. SINGAPORE Despite the global price of oil, Asia’s oil & gas market continues to grow thanks to multinational corporations targeting the region. Within Singapore specifically, we expect to see continued growth in the shipyards market as employers work on new build projects and convert offshore vessels and production facilities, such as FPSO, FSO and jack-up rigs. This will create demand for Senior Project Managers, Construction Managers and 102 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia Superintendents with experience delivering major $US150m plus value projects. In greatest demand will be those with FPSO or topside experience. Given the drive to improve efficiencies and reduce costs, we also expect original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) servicing the oil & gas industry to remain relatively strong. We would expect some products such as Downhole tools to experience growth as employers seek to maximise returns from existing assets. Continuing the recent trend, Regional Sales Managers and Business Development Managers will remain in demand as the region continues to be targeted by global OEMs to achieve ambitious growth targets. Manufacturing Operations Managers will also be needed to help achieve growth targets and capitalize on the region’s relatively low cost base, ready supply of skilled labour and opportunities in terms of oil and gas resources. THE GOVERNMENT’S NEW FAIR CONSIDERATION FRAMEWORK HAS INCREASED COMPETITION FOR LOCAL TALENT IN THE JOBS MARKET, PARTICULARLY FOR ROLES AT THE LOWER SALARY BAND In the background, the Government’s new Fair Consideration Framework has increased competition for local talent in the jobs market, particularly for roles at the lower salary band. In addition, an increasing number of visa renewals are being rejected. Consequently demand is high for Singaporeans but there is a finite pool of local candidates with the required skill set. This demand has pushed up the salary expectations of local candidates, further widening the divide between candidates and employers. This is creating immense challenges for employers. On one hand, the softening of the global oil & gas market means employers want to tightly control costs and salaries. On the other hand, local candidates are acutely aware of the demand for their skills and are intent on securing the best salary they can. As a result, we expect salaries for imported workers to remain steady, with perhaps some slight decreases, while salaries for local candidates will continue to steadily increase. MALAYSIA Malaysia has unveiled several major upstream and downstream oil and natural gas projects as part of its strategy to enhance output from existing oil and natural gas fields and advance exploration in deepwater areas. With an active market and consistently high levels of job vacancies in both upstream and downstream markets, salary pressure has increased. Local candidates in particular are acutely aware of the demand for their skills. Some employers continue to resist this pressure and therefore the gap between candidates’ salary expectations and employers’ offers has widened. The length of the recruitment process has also increased as employers wait for skilled candidates to become available within their budget. In the upstream area, operators are competing for talented local professionals at the mid to senior management level. Given the shortage of such talent, they will recruit regional or western expatriates who have been living and working in Malaysia. In most demand in the upstream market are Construction Managers, Project Directors, Senior Project Managers, Lead & Senior Discipline Engineers, Plant Managers and Head of Departments. In the downstream market there is a shortage of talented local candidates since many have been working in the Middle East. In greatest demand are experienced professionals involved in the construction phase of projects, including Construction Managers, Project Managers, Commercial Managers, QA/QC Managers and Lead Design Engineers across all disciplines. Plant Operations Managers with experience running a refinery plant are also in demand. OIL & GAS Operations & Production GEOLOGIST Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 30 - 80 100 - 200 200 - 400 400 + Singapore 39 - 55 100 - 150 180 - 220 250 + Malaysia 48 - 72 132 - 140 240 + 300 + PETROPHYSICIST Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 30 - 80 100 - 200 200 - 400 400 + Singapore 39 - 55 120 - 170 180 - 220 250 + Malaysia 48 - 72 132 - 140 240 + 300 + RESERVOIR ENGINEER Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 30 - 80 100 - 200 200 - 400 400 + Singapore 39 - 55 120 - 170 180 - 220 250 + Malaysia 48 - 72 144 - 240 288 + 300 + PETROLEUM ENGINEER Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 30 - 80 100 - 200 200 - 400 400 + Singapore 39 - 55 120 - 170 180 - 220 250 + Malaysia 48 - 72 144 - 240 264 + 300 + WELL DELIVERY Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 30 - 80 100 - 200 200 - 300 300 + Singapore 39 - 55 100 - 150 150 - 200 250 + Malaysia 48 - 72 96 + 220 + 300 + DRILLING SUPERVISOR Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 50 - 100 150 - 250 250 - 450 450 + Singapore N/A 100 - 150 150 - 200 250 + Malaysia 48 - 72 96 + 220 + 300 + PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 30 - 80 100 - 200 200 - 400 400 + Singapore 39 - 55 120 - 150 160 - 180 200 + Malaysia 48 - 72 96 + 220 + 300 + LOGISTICS Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 30 - 50 50 - 150 150 - 250 300 + Singapore 39 - 55 80 - 120 140 - 160 180 - 200 Malaysia 42 - 60 120 + 180 + 216 + NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries do not include bonuses • Typical salary range in ‘000 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 103 OIL & GAS Operations & Production QAQC Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 30 - 50 50 - 150 150 - 250 300 + Singapore 39 - 55 80 - 100 100 - 130 120 - 195 Malaysia 42 - 60 108 - 120 168 + 216 + MAINTENANCE Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 30 - 50 50 - 150 150 - 250 250 + Singapore 39 - 55 80 - 100 100 - 130 150 - 180 Malaysia 36 - 60 72 - 108 120 + 180 + PROJECT MANAGER Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 30 - 80 200 - 300 300 - 400 400 + Singapore N/A 150 - 180 200 - 240 250 - 300 Malaysia N/A 120+ 240+ 300+ PROJECT ENGINEER Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 30 - 80 120 - 200 250 - 300 300 + Singapore N/A 130 - 160 170 - 220 250 + Malaysia 36 - 60 108+ 144+ 180 + Project Development CONTRACTS ENGINEER Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 60 - 120 120 - 200 200 - 300 300 + Singapore 40 - 60 130 - 160 170 - 220 250 + Malaysia 36 - 60 84 - 120 132 - 180 216 + COMMERCIAL MANAGER Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 60 - 120 100 - 200 200 - 400 500 + Singapore N/A 160 - 200 220 - 260 280 + Malaysia 48 - 72 96 - 120 144 - 246 240 + NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000 104 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries do not include bonuses OIL & GAS Project Development COMMISSIONING ENGINEER Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 30 - 80 100 - 200 200 - 300 300 + Singapore 45 - 75 110 - 160 200 - 250 250 + Malaysia 60 + 120 + 220 + 300 + BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 60 - 120 120 - 200 200 - 400 500 + Singapore 39 - 55 80 - 130 130 - 180 160 + Malaysia 60 + 144 + 250 + 300 + PROJECT CONTROLS MANAGER Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 60 - 120 100 - 200 200 - 300 360 Singapore 39 - 55 80 - 130 130 - 180 200 + Malaysia 36 - 60 84 - 120 132 - 180 216 + ESTIMATOR Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 60 - 120 120 - 200 200 - 300 300 + Singapore 39 - 55 90 - 140 150 - 200 200 + Malaysia 36 - 60 84 - 108 114 - 156 180 + PLANNER Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 60 - 120 120 - 200 200 - 400 400 + Singapore 39 - 55 100 - 150 170 - 190 200 - 250 Malaysia 36 - 60 78 - 108 120 - 168 180 + PROCUREMENT Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 60 - 120 120 - 200 200 - 400 400 + Singapore 39 - 55 90 - 140 150 - 200 200 + Malaysia 36 - 60 84 - 114 120 - 156 180 + COST ENGINEER Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 60 - 120 120 - 200 200 - 300 300 + Singapore 39 - 55 90 - 140 150 - 200 200 + Malaysia 36 - 60 72 - 108 120 - 156 168 + BID MANAGER Graduate Senior Lead Manager Singapore 39 - 55 90 - 140 150 - 200 200 + Malaysia 48 - 72 96 - 120 168 - 192 240 + NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Salaries do not include bonuses • Typical salary range in ‘000 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia | 105 OIL & GAS Other DISCIPLINE ENGINEERS* Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 90 - 150 180 - 240 240 - 300 300 + Singapore 39 - 55 80 - 140 120 - 216 220 - 260 Malaysia 60 + 180 + 300 + 400 + SUBSEA Graduate Senior Lead Manager Singapore 39 - 55 120 - 150 150 - 180 250 + Malaysia 60 - 72 120 + 240 + 350 + PIPELINES Graduate Senior Lead Manager Singapore 39 - 55 110 - 140 140 - 216 220 + Malaysia 60 - 72 120 + 180 + 250 + MARINE/NAVAL Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 90 - 150 180 - 240 240 - 300 400 + Singapore 39 - 55 100 - 130 130 - 170 220 + Malaysia 48 - 72 120 + 180 + 300 + SAFETY ENGINEER Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 60 - 120 120 - 180 200 - 300 350 + Singapore 39 - 55 100 - 150 150 - 200 220 + Malaysia 36 - 60 96 - 108 120 + 180 + HSE Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 60 - 120 120 - 200 200 - 400 400 + Singapore 39 - 55 120 - 170 180 - 220 220 + Malaysia 48 - 72 120 + 250 + 300 + ROV MANAGEMENT Graduate Senior Lead Manager Singapore 45 - 75 200 - 250 250 - 300 220 + Malaysia 60 - 72 120 + 240 + 350 + FIELD ENGINEER Graduate Senior Lead Manager China 60 - 120 100 - 200 200 - 400 400 + Singapore 45 - 75 95 - 125 125 - 150 220 + Malaysia 36 - 60 96 - 108 120 + 180 + FIELD TECHNICIAN Graduate Senior Lead Manager Singapore 45 - 75 95 - 125 125 - 150 220 + Malaysia 34 - 48 72 - 108 108 + 120 + NOTES • Salaries are represented in local currencies • Typical salary range in ‘000 106 | 2015 Hays Salary Guide - Asia • Salaries do not include bonuses * Includes Civ/Struct/Mech/Elec/I&E RECRUITMENT OUTSOURCING SPEAK TO THE EXPERTS At Hays, we are one of the world’s leading outsourced recruitment providers, offering end to end recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) and managed service provision (MSP) services as well as modular and on demand solutions. We also offer market leading vendor management systems (VMS) through our subsidiary company, 3 Story Software. These scalable services are designed to offer our clients a competitive advantage in talent acquisition and customer experience, while also effectively controlling cost, risk and quality of hire. Integral to all of our solutions are our professional services and continuous improvement programmes. These include research, insight, market reports, process reviews, employer value proposition development and integrated social and online marketing strategies ensuring our services are continually evolving. We have been providing these services in Asia Pacific for more than 20 years and support clients across the region in a range of sectors. Hays is the region’s leading recruitment company, powering the world of work from 48 offices. For your requirements in Asia please contact Robert Moffat on +852 2525 9277 or email China Beijing 601, Tower 1, China Central Plaza, 81, Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100025 T: +86 10 5765 2688 E: Japan Head Office Izumi Garden Tower 28th Floor 1-6-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-6028, Japan T: +81 3 3560 1188 E: Shanghai Unit 3001, Wheelock Square No.1717 West Nanjing Road Shanghai, China 200040 T: +86 21 2322 9600 E: Shinjuku Sumitomo Fudosan Shinjuku Oak Tower, 14F 6-8-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-6014, Japan T: +81 3 4579 9660 E: Suzhou Unit 1506, 24th Building, Times Square Hua Chi Street, Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou, China T: +86 512 6289 0288 E: Yokohama Yokohama Landmark Tower 20F, 2-2-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 220-8120 T: +81 45 670 7070 E: Guangzhou Unit 07, 29/F Onelink Center, 230-232 Tianhe Road Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China T: +86 20 3811 0333 E: Osaka Dojima AVANZA 6F 1-6-20, Dojima, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan, 530-0003 T: +81 6 6457-7272 E: Hong Kong 5803-07, 58th Floor, The Center 99 Queen’s Road Central Hong Kong T: +852 2521 8884 E: Singapore 80 Raffles Place #27-20 UOB Plaza 2 Singapore 048624 T: +65 6223 4535 E: Our international reach operating in 33 countries Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Chile China Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Level 23, Menara 3, Petronas, Kuala Lumpur City Centre, 50088 T: +60 3 2786 8600 E: Colombia Czech Republic Denmark France Germany Hong Kong Hungary India Ireland Italy Japan Luxembourg Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Poland Portugal Russia Singapore Spain Sweden Switzerland United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States of America ©Copyright Hays Specialist Recruitment Pte Ltd (Singapore) 2015. HAYS, the Corporate and Sector H devices, Recruiting experts worldwide, the HAYS Recruiting experts worldwide logo and Powering the World of Work are trade marks of Hays plc. The Corporate and Sector H devices are original designs protected by registration in many countries. All rights are reserved. The reproduction or transmission of all or part of this work, whether by photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means or otherwise, without the written permission of the owner, is restricted. The commission of any unauthorised act in relation to the work may result in civil and/or criminal action. This guide is reproduced in full in PDF format on our websites. | | | |