The Original Hutterite - Hutterite Directory


The Original Hutterite - Hutterite Directory
The Original Hutterite
Telephone & Address Book
Colony 6000
• Heavy duty quality and construction
• Maintenance free inside and out
• Superior hardware and sturdy screens
• Ability to extend jamb up to 12 ½”
• PVC casings and rosettes
• Wide range of glass and brickmold options
• High performance stainless steel
hinges and hardware
• Lifetime warranty
Outstanding Quality.
Tilt & Turn
• Heavy gauge steel core designed to
meet hurricane resistance standards
• Multi-chamber profile design with
fusion welded corners for better air
and sound insulation
• Multipoint locking security hardware
• Ability to extend jamb up to 12 ½”
• PVC casings and rosettes
• Lifetime warranty
Kohltech is one of the original manufacturers of all-vinyl window
and door systems in Canada, and our products have been the
preferred choice.
We only use premium quality vinyl extrusions, heavier walled
frames, the most energy efficient insulating glass and the most
reliable hardware products. All designed to provide you with
outstanding windows and doors.
For Montana & Alberta
Contact: Fred MacLeod
(780) 222-0244
900 Door
• PVC extrusion with no rot frame
• Excellent impact and surface durability
• Maintenance free and no need for painting
• PVC casings and rosettes
• Competitive warranty
For Saskatchewan
Contact: Colin Drummond
(800) 203-7550
Kohltech Windows & Entrance Systems
7115 Girard Road
Edmonton, AB T6B 1C4
Tel: (780) 468-5722 | Toll Free: 1-800-379-5818
Client: Kohltech
Job Number: 3008 Hutterite Ad
Pub: Hutterite MapBook
Specs: 8.5” x 11” CMYK
For more information on our full line of available products, please contact:
Hutterian Brethren of North America
The Original and Authentic Hutterite Telephone and Address Book
Published by Jake Stahl
Riverview Colony
RR6 Box 21 Site 600
Saskatoon, SK. S7K 3J9
Marketing and Communication
Ph. 306-651-2317 Fax 306-978-1416
Specializing in
Pulse Crops, Wheat, Oats, Barley, Canola, Alfalfa, Etc.
Dairy, Ranching, Hogs, Sheep
Layers, Turkey, Broilers, Ducks, Geese
Stainless Steel Fabricating and Welding
Metal Roll Forming, Granite & Marble
Carpentry, Cabinet & Rafters, Shoe Shop, Saddle Shop,
Book Binding, Brooms, Bees, Vegetable Marketing and more.
Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 5: 00 pm
Visitors Welcome
Sales people by Appointments only (unless otherwise approved)
Total Colonies by Group
Page 4
Page 35
Page 73
Alberta, Sask, Montana & Wash
Alberta, Sask, & Montana
Manitoba, Dakotas & Minnesota
The asterix * in front of a number is Fax Number
The asterix * after the number is phone and fax number
Please Note: Secretary and Minister have a private line, cannot transfer, please
Hutterite Church Calendar
April 5
March 27
April 16
Ascension Day
May 14
May 5
May 25
May 24
May 15
June 4
Advertisers Index
A B Silikal Flooring....................................... 121
Northstar Gypsum........................................ 141
A W Pipe & Steel.......................................... 122
Novid Storage Tanks.................................... 142
Advanced Resturant Supply......................... 123
Novid Liquid Storage Tanks.......................... 144
Anderson Pump House................................. 124
P. Quintine & Sons........................................ 141
Aquifer Distribution Ltd. (Wigs)..................... 125
Penergetic.................................................... 143
Battleford Flooring........................................ 128
PGI Printers.................................................. 145
Bourgault Industries..................................... 126
Point Optical ................................................ 146
Bourgault Tillage Tools.................................. 127
Pumps & Preassure...................................... 147
C. & J. Sales ............................................... 129
Pure Natural Honey...................................... 120
Cameron Driving Education.......................... 129
Rocky Mountain Equipment.......................... 148
Cervus Equipment........................................ 160
Rosetown Flighting Supply........................... 149
Cervus Equipment........................................ 161
Royal LePage Bert Legault........................... 150
Davies Supply Group Ltd.............................. 130
Sand’s Drag Hose System............................ 150
Dupont Pioneer............................................ 131
Sauder’s Worship Seating............................. 151
Elliot Food Equipment................................... 132
Seed Solutions............................................. 151
Estuary Tire.................................................. 154
Texas Refinery Corp. .................................... 152
Fronteir Plumbing & Heating........................ 133
Texas Refinery Corp. .................................... 153
Great Falls Paper Supply.............................. 134
Texas Refinery Corp. ............Outside Back Cover
Gratton Coulee........................Inside Back Cover
The Sewing Machine Store ......................... 154
Heits Wholesale............................................ 134
Tofield Custom Cabinets............................... 155
HNT Trading Inc. .......................................... 135
Tofield Custom Cabinets............................... 155
Kinger Supply Corp. ..................................... 135
Western Urethane......................................... 162
Kohltech Windows.................. Inside Front Cover
Wholesale Club............................................ 156
Lilydale Inc. ................................................. 136
Wild West Steelhead..................................... 162
Martin’s Clothing.......................................... 137
Wolf Trax - Protinus Seed Nutrition............... 157
MNP............................................................. 138
Wolseley Heat Link....................................... 158
Monsanto BioAG........................................... 139
Wolseley Mechanical.................................... 159
My Skin Now................................................ 140
Secretary..........................700 Calving Shed.................... 726Essenschule................... 752
Kitchen.............................701 Chemical Shop................. 727 Feed Mill #2 / Office....... 753
Laundry............................702 Day Care.......................... 728 Grain Dryer..................... 754
Book Shop........................703 Dry Goods........................ 729 Green House................... 755
Carpentry.........................704 Duck Barn........................ 730 High School & Gym......... 756
Coffee Room....................705 Fire Truck......................... 731 Laser Shop..................... 757
Dairy Barn........................706 German School................ 732 Marble Shop................... 758
Electrical..........................707 Goose Barn...................... 733 Slat Shop........................ 759
Farm Boss / Parts.............708Hatchery.......................... 734 Seed Plant...................... 760
Feed Mill..........................709 Metal Shop....................... 735 Sheep Camp................... 761
Garden House..................710 Paint Shop........................ 736 Soil Mixing Plant............. 762
Hog Barn..........................711 Power House.................... 737 Kitchen Basement.......... 763
Layer Barn........................712 Root Cellar....................... 738 Pullet Barn...................... 764
Mechanic.........................713Scale................................ 739 Ranch / Feed Lot............ 765
Plumber...........................714 School / English............... 740 Plastic / Sponge.............. 766
Shoe Shop........................715 Colony Storage................. 741 Dam / Pump House........ 767
Slaughter House...............716Warehouse....................... 742 Leather & Glove.............. 768
Steel Fabricating .............717 Water House.................... 743 Cordless Phones ............ 769
Tractor Shop.....................718 Turkey Barn...................... 744 Windows Mfg................. 770
Truck Shop.......................719 Rafters & Sheds............... 745 Car Wash........................ 771
Welding / B. Smith............720 Sewage Plant................... 746 Batchin Plant.................. 772
Bakery..............................721Quarantine....................... 747 Geothermal Plant ........... 773
Bee House........................722Cannery........................... 748 Manure Seperator......... 774
Boiler Room.....................723 Cheese Plant.................... 749 Wine Cellar..................... 775
Broiler Barn......................724 Coal Boiler........................ 750 Canola Press Plant.......... 776
Brooms............................725 Egg Packing .................... 751 Vegetable Packing House.777
These extensions may work for all colonies in Canada and united States.
Activate today to be in effect immediately.
Colonies that have adapted to it at time of printing are listed below;
Hope your name is on that list soon.
• Earview • HairyHill • Riverview • Rosalind • Simmie •
• Springlake • Star City • Springlake • Starland •
Send any comments or changes to:
Phone: 306-651-2317 Fax: 306-978-1416
*Cover photo is an ariel view of Saskatchewan
ALBION RIDGE Sec. George Wurz 403-732-4219
Box 828 Min. Andrew Wurz 10-11-09 / Keho Lake, AB
Picture Butte, AB. T0K 1V0 Min. Martin Hofer Shop 403-732-5501 ALIX Sec. Jacob Hofer 403-747-3553 *747-2609
Box 369 Min. David Hofer 403-747-3551
Alix, AB. T0C 0B0 Min. Michael Hofer 2-22-1993
/Erskine, AB
Shop 403-747-3554
ARM RIVER Sec. Dave Hofer 306-731-2819 *731-2364
Box 570 Min. Daniel Hofer 306-731-2947 C. N. T
Lumsden, SK. S0G 3C0 Min. Joseph Hofer Ext. 224
11-8-64 / Spring Creek,AB Built - Lajord - 1979
Arm River Metal Roll Forming 306-731-2066 / *306 -731-3610
Switchboard 306-731-3560 / 2054 / 2503 Brian Barbie
278 Edward Matilda
Chris Sarah
256 George Sarah
Edna Hofer
230 Glen Miriam
D. Susie Hofer
239 James Miriam
Dan Katie
242 Joe Kathy
Dan Marie
223 Joe Katie
Darius Bertha
226 Kenneth Abigail
Darrel Branda
246 Kevin Judy
Dave Lydia
227 Leonard Mary
E. Anne
222 Levi Diane
ARROWWOOD Sec. Mike Wurz
RR1 Min. Joseph Wurz
Blackie, AB. T0L 0J0 Min. Elias Gross Jr
Shop 403-684-3629 / *403-684-3630 Electrical Mark Abigail
Paul E. Dora
PR. Dora
Ricky Sarah
Robert Christie
Sam Annie
Tim Debbie
Wayne Mary Ann
Wesly Edna
403-684-2360 *684-2363
10-25-2007 / Springvale, AB
403-684-3317 *684-6945
ATHABASCA Sec. Elias Gross 780-675-4560 *675-4560
Box 1110 Min. Ben Gross 780-675-3592
Athabasca, AB. T9S 2A9 Min. Leonard Gross Ext. 235
1962 /Rosebud, AB Built - Hughendon - 1973
Switchboard780-675-4570 / 4590
Ben Barbara
221 Frank & Dora
Albert & Betty...................237 Henry Lydia..................... 234
D. Katie............................225 Jake Rebecca................. 228
Darius Rachel...................229 John Rita......................... 231
Eli Linda...........................230 Jonathan Sarah............... 223
Eli Mary............................232 Leonard & Hilda.............. 235
Micheal & Elizabeth
Mike Katie...................... 233
P. Margaret..................... 222
Philip Julia...................... 227
Rebecca D...................... 226
Wally Dorothy................. 224
AYERS Sec. John Wm Stahl 406-428-2362 *428-2362
Box 77 Min. John Stahl SR.
Grass Range, Mt. 59032 Min. Edward Stahl 406-428-2018 *428-2368
/King Ranch, MT
Built - Turner - 1959
Fords Creek -1980
Heart River - 2000
“Those things that we do for ourselves die with us.
Those things that we do for others will live forever.”
BEAR CANYON Sec. Paul Stahl 780-595-2109 *595-2119
Box 33 Min. Joseph Tschetter 780-595-2107* Cherry Point, AB. T0H 0T0 8-20-2014 /Craigmyle, AB
Box 329 Min. Samuel Stahl
Beiseker, AB. T0M 0G0 Min. Samuel Stahl Jr
Built - Fairview -1944
403-947-2281 *947-2281
403-947-2181 *947-2189
10-24 1926 / Rosebud, AB
Built - Smokey - 1969
BELLE PLAINE Sec. Sam Tschetter Ext. 221
BEISEKER Sec. David Tschetter
Box 61 Min. Frank Tschetter Ext. 229
Belle Plaine, SK. S0G 0G0 Min. Paul Tschetter Ext. 231
/Holt, AB
Switchboard 306-345-2383 / 2544
Albert Kathy......................236 Joel Melissa.................... 294 P. Rebecca Tschetter.... 232
Dan Lydia.........................224 John Sarah...................... 239 Philip Rosemary............. 228
Edward Becky..................226 Kenny Matilda................. 238 Sam Bertha.................... 221
E. Mary Tschetter.............237 Marvin Teresa................. 250 Sammy Dora.................. 230
Frank Elizabeth.................229 Matthew Kathy................ 293 Terry Joanne................... 255
Frankie Martha.................227 P. Sarah Tschetter........... 225 Toby Bertha.................... 233
Jerry Justina....................235 Paul Kathy....................... 231 Walter Debbie................. 234
BENTLEY Sec. Chris Hofer 403-885-4971 *885-4167
RR1 Min. Joseph Hofer 403-885-5095
Blackfalds, AB. T0M 0J0 Min. Lawrence Hofer Ext. 308
6-30- 1999 / Leedale, AB
Chris Martha
300 J. Annie
311 Martin Marilyn
Darius Kathy
315 Joe Barbara
312 Peter Karen
David Judy
307 Joseph Annie
301 Rachel Hofer
Elias Sara
303 Leonard Lela
George Margaret
308 Loranz Leah
George Rachel
302 Martin Elizabeth
Sec. Jacob Stahl 403-854-2137 *854-2922
Box 9 Min. Darius Stahl Shop
Hanna, AB. T0J 1P0 Min. Andreas Stahl 1981
/ Wildwood, AB
BIG ROSE Sec. Fred Walter Ext. 241
Box 1660 Min. Dave Walter Ext. 230
Biggar, SK. S0K 0M0 Min. Johnny Walter Ext. 242
Feed Mill 239 2-1 1984 / West Bench, SK
Switchboard 306-948-2925 / 5288
Chris Marie.......................229 Henry Lena...................... 226 Leonard Lisa................... 245
Danny Clara.....................240 Herb Linda...................... 243 Mike Becky..................... 227
David Annie......................230 Jacob Sara...................... 228 Mike Lena...................... 232
David Brenda...................244 Johnny Marie.................. 233 P. Katie Walter................. 224
Fred Barbara....................221 Johnny Teresa ................ 242 Paul Rhoda..................... 241
George K. Walter...............223 Kelvin Susanna............... 237 Sarah Walter................... 225
Glen Judy.........................234 Liz Walter........................ 231
“Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.”
- John Ruskin
BIRCH HILLS Sec. Paul Walter 780-694-3017 *694-2593
Box 235 Min. Jacob Tschetter 780-694-3016
Wanham, AB. T0H 3P0 Min. Chris Tschetter
Min. George Tschetter 780-864-8909
Shop 780-694-2535 Hogs 780-694-2089 1-2-1996/ Ridge Valley,AB
BIRCH MEADOWS Sec. John Wurz 780-359-2778 *359-2862
Box 299 Min. Solomon Wurz 780-359-2771 *359-2879
Eaglesham, AB. T0H 1H0 Min. David Wurz Ext. 116
Shop 780-359-2711 12-28-2009 / Sandhills, AB
Switchboard 780-359-2903 / 3322 Ben Becky........................107 John Wurz....................... 106
Darius Ruth......................108 Leonard Mary.................. 110
David Rebecca.................116 Mark Abigail.................... 104
Gideon Evelina..................109 Micheal Kathy................. 101
J. Margaret Wurz..............102 Mike Lena....................... 113
John Michelle...................112 Peter Melissa.................. 111
Jonathan Rae Lynn
Hog Barn 780-359-2717
Simon Abby.................... 120
Simon Martha................. 105
Solomon Glenda............. 114
Solomon Rebecca........... 115
Tim Leah........................ 103
Toby Dorothy.................. 117
BLUE RIDGE Sec. Josh Wurz 403-626-2388 /*626-2394
Box 121 Min. Elias Wurz 403-626-4499
Mountain View, AB. T0K 1N0 Min. Paul Hofer 2000
/ Waterton,AB
Feed Mill 403-626-0005 / *403-626-2331
BLUE SKY Sec. Joe Stahl Ext. 221
Box 489 Min. Dave Stahl 403-364-2012 *364-2712
Drumheller, AB. T0J 0Y0 Min. Samuel Stahl Jr Ext. 229
/ Starland, AB
Switchboard 403-364-2051 / 2212
Dan Bertha.......................226 Gary Kate........................ 290 Peter Annie..................... 227
Dave S. Stahl....................231 Glen Doris....................... 251 Sam Frieda..................... 224
Eddy Lena........................234 Jacob Stahl..................... 225 Sam Lydia...................... 229
Ernie Bertha.....................228 Jason Leona.................... 293 Sam Susie...................... 230
Frank Helen......................222 Joe R. Stahl..................... 221 Steve Theresa................. 236
Frank Kathrin....................235 Michael Barbara.............. 233 Tim Lena........................ 232
Frank Margaret................289 Mike Miriam.................... 223 Walter Helen................... 252
David Josephine ................... BOX ELDER
Sec. Joshua Hofer
Box 2020 Min. Jacob Hofer
Maple Creek, SK. S0N 1N0 Min. Peter Hofer
Built - Hodgeville - 1975
403-525-4242 *525-4252
/ Pine Hill, AB
Built - Webb - 1993
M N P. 509 Metal Max Roll Forming 403-525-4247 / *525-4248
Switchboard 403-525-4241
Shop 403-525-4245
Albert Ruth.......................119 David Judy..................... 116 Jonathan Rosa................ 120
Annie JK..........................114 Elias Martha................... 110 Josh Kathryn.................. 108
Ben Rosa..........................109 Jacob Rachel.................. 106 Josh M. Hofer................. 105
Chris Mary........................124 Jerry Lydia...................... 127 Mark Edna...................... 126
Dan Dora..........................123 Joe Maria........................ 117 Peter Clara...................... 107
Darius Becky....................112 Joe Matilda..................... 122 Phillip Ida........................ 125
Darius Elizabeth...............113 John Annie...................... 118
BYEMOOR Sec. Joseph Waldner 403-579-2180 *579-2190
- 2011
Switchboard 403-579-2192 / 2590
Welding Shop *403-579-2562
Andy Martha.....................250 George Abigail................. 290 Joe Sara......................... 232
Andy Susie.......................226 George Dora.................... 228 Lorenz Janet................... 224
Ben Dorothy.....................230 George Martha................ 227 Lorenz Matilda................ 237
Ben Matilda......................239 Henry Judy...................... 225 Sam Magdalena............. 231
Elias Kathy.......................223 Jerry Helen..................... 234
Elias Rebecca...................235 Joe Mary......................... 222
CAMERON Sec. Elias Hofer 403-359-5116 *223-1600
Box 270 Min. John Hofer 403-359-5117
Turin, AB. T0K 2H0 Min. David Hofer Ext. 125
1969 /Ewelme, AB Copperfield - 2011
Coffee Shop 403-359-5118 *223-8812
Switchboard 403-359-5115 Pager 506 Wood Shop 403-359-5119
Ben Julia
130 George Kathy
110 Joseph Elva
D. Marie..........................123 Glenn Frieda.................... 108 Mark Judy ..................... 121
David Eileen.....................109 Herb Julia........................ 120 Sam S. Hofer................... 134
David Helen......................125 Hosea Pricilla.................. 113 Tim Susanna.................. 114
Ed Lena............................126 J. Susie........................... 111 Walt Lydia....................... 133
Eli Ruth.............................112 John Maria...................... 106 Willie Lana...................... 132
Gary Kristina.....................116 John Rosa....................... 128
CAMROSE Sec. Mike K. Tschetter
Box 1918 Min. Paul Tschetter
Camrose, AB. T4V-1X8 Min. Daniel Wurz
Built - Ribstone
- 1960
780-672-1553 *672-1188
780-672-1666 *672-1902
/ Springvale, AB
Built - Iron Creek - 1979
Rosewood Colony New Development Camrose, AB.
Box 116. Min. Dan Wurz 780-856-2222 *856-2223
CZAR, AB. T0B 0Z0 Kitchen
CARMANGAY Sec. John Wurz 403-643-2456 *643-2410
Box 40 Min. Jake Wurz 403-643-2415
Carmangay, AB. T0L 0N0
Min. Edward Wurz 1975
/ Waterton, AB
Built - Tofield - 1998
CAYLEY Sec. Henry Walter 403-395-2125 *395-2458
Box 25
Min. Elias Walter Ext 106
Cayley, AB. T0L 0P0 Min. Mark Hofer Ext. 131
1938 / West Raley, AB
Built - Sunshine - 1956
Holden - 1970
Sunnybend - 1991
Switchboard 403-536-2435 Shop 395-3958
Albert Brenda...................109 Fred Sarah....................... 115 Mark Rosanna................ 131
Andy Matilda....................124 George Elizabeth.............. 125 Martin Miriam................. 123
Barbara Hofer...................126 George Martha................. 117 Michael Julia.................. 116
Bill Martha........................114 Henry Marie..................... 120 Mike Martha................... 110
Darius Rachel...................108 Jake Margaret.................. 133 Pete Lena....................... 113
Dave / Sam......................121 Jake Rosa........................ 112 Randy Kerri Ann.............. 130
Don Margaret...................132 Jason Betty...................... 127 Richard Amanda............. 135
Box 70
Min. Elias Waldner 403-579-2130
Byemoor, AB. T0J 0L0 Min. Joseph Waldner Ext. 232
6-1-1986 / P. Valley, AB Built - Rosalind DARIUSLEUT 2015
Eddy Walter......................118 Jerry Magdalena.............. 122 Sam Becky..................... 111
Elias Anna........................106 Joe Doreen....................... 129
Ernie Joleen.....................128 Joel Stahl......................... 134
CLEARDALE Sec. Albert Stahl 780-685-2870 *685-2704
Box 159 Min. Elias Stahl 780-685-3304 *685-3306
Cleardale, AB. T0H 3Y0 Min. Joel Stahl
Farm Boss 685-2800 2001
/ Holden, AB
CLUNY Sec. Frank Tschetter 403-734-2481 *734-2499
Box 70
Min. Peter Tschetter 403-456-0829
Cluny, AB. T0J 0S0
Min. Johnny Tschetter 403-734-0808
/ Tschetter, AB Built - Mountain View - 1992
Satalite Phone 403-456-0### Andy Rachel
828 Jim Susan
Danny Liza Marie
SV Joe Linda
Eli Susie
812 Joel Joanna
Frank Becky
SV John Bertha
Frank Melissa
SV Joseph Dora
Gary Ruth
824 Josh Mary
J. Rebecca Tsc. 821 Leonard Abigail
James Martha
822 Martin Dorothy
Dairy Matthew Melissa
Micheal Evelina
Mike Barbara
Mike Rosa
Peter Rebecca
Peter Susanna
Rebecca Tschetter
S. Theresa Tschetter
Box 208 Min. Johnny Tschetter 780-353-2235 *353-2245
Bonanza, AB.T0H 0K0 Johnny Cell 403-542-3946
CODESSA Sec. Daniel Wipf 780-359-3022 *359-3004
Box 300 Min. Jacob Wipf 780-359-2356 *359-2440
Eaglesham, AB. T0H 1H0 Min. George Wipf 12-29-2004 / Warburg, AB
Sec. Martin Hofer 403-654-2000 *654-2611
Box 649 Min. Sam Hofer Ext. 228
Vauxall, AB T0K 2K0 Min. Marvin Hofer Ext. 423
7 - 1 - 2011 / Cameron, AB
Switchboard 403-654-2000
Alec R. Hofer....................229
Bert Lydia.........................227
D. Clara Hofer...................221
Darius R. Hofer.................232
Frank Tamara......................... Gary Leah.........................245
Hank Ruth........................429
Jake Dorothy....................222
James Vera......................224
Jerry Susie............................. Joe Susie......................... 427
Ken Martha...................... 235
Larry Susie....................... 226
Leonard Debra....................... Martin Susan.................... 230
Marvin Barbara................ 423
Mike Amanda................... 236
Mike Annie....................... 225
P. Betty Hofer.................... 422
Paul Amanda.................... 242
Paul Lena....................... 231
Pete Rachel.................... 241
Phil Abigail...................... 432
Richard Rosanna............ 244
Sam Annie...................... 223
Sam Mary....................... 228
Steve Julia...................... 246
Ted Sharon..................... 243
CRAIGMYLE Box 72 Min. James Stahl 403-665-2283 *665-2283
Craigmyle, AB. T0J 0T0 Kitchen 403-665-2233
1984 / Tschetter, AB Built - Bear Canyon -2014
“Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.”
DEERFIELD Sec. Daniel Stahl 406-538-7824 *538-7598
/ Wolf Creek, AB
1963 / Gilford
- 1974
403-883-2366 *883-2367
/ Red Willow, AB
Sec. Andy Hofer
Box 220 Min. Peter Hofer
Donalda, AB. T0B 1H0 Min. Darius Hofer
Peter Debbie................... 211
Phillip Helen................... 214
Tim Margaret.................. 212
Dan’s Office.................... 202
Eli’s Office....................... 201
DOWNIE LAKE Sec. Mike L. Hofer 306-662-3462 *662-3060
Box 1088 Min. Josh Hofer 306-662-4263 *662-2466
Maple Creek, SK. S0N 1N0 Min. Darius Hofer Ext.108 11-20 -1958/ Wolf Creek, AB
Built - Ponteix 1973 Earview - 1997
Switchboard 306-662-4571 / 4572 Mechanic 662-4573
Brian Mary Ann
109 J. Katie Stahl
101 Mike E. Hofer
Dan Justina
106 Joe Rachel
120 Mike Lydia
Darius Dora
108 Josh Bertha
103 Paul Sylvia
D. Sarah Stahl
107 Josh Esther
123 Sam Sarah
Dave Maggie
121 Josh Marie
122 Wayne Melissa
E. Annie Stahl
102 Kevin Valerie
Herbie Rhonda
104 Marvin Josie
EAGLE CREEK Sec. Jerry Wurz 306-329-4933 *329-2433
Box 280 Min. Joseph Wurz 306-329-4476
Asquith, SK. S0K 0J0
Min. Paul Wurz 1987
/ Sandhills, AB
EARVIEW * Sec. David Stahl 306-672-3516 *672-3843
Box 330 Min. Martin B. Stahl
Gull Lake, SK. S0N 1A0 Min. Jake Stahl
Switchboard 306-672-4012 / 3716
Ben Mary.........................230 George Betty................... 237
Ben Joanne......................226 Jake Annie...................... 227
Dan Bertha.......................223 J. Maggie Stahl............... 225
Dave Martha....................221 Jake Susanna................. 228
Derek Liz..........................235 Joe Ida............................ 229
Eli Esther..........................222 Joe Rebecca................... 231
David Mary.......................220 John Rebecca................. 233
Ext. 227
6-1-1997 / Downie Lake, SK
John Susie...................... 232
Larry Evelyn.................... 236
Martin Barbara............... 224
Steven Lydia .................. 234
Tim Edna........................ 239
Kenneth Lillian................ 238
EAST CARDSTON Sec. Gideon Hofer 403-653-2451 *653-2471
Box 2520 Min. David Hofer 403-653-4788 *653-1928
Cardston, AB. T0K 0K0 Min. Ben Hofer Ext. 221
1918 / Warren Ranch, MT
Built - Ewelme / 1927 -Thompson 1939 - High River - 1982
Switchboard on next page
RR3, Box 2140 Min. Elias Stahl
Lewistown, MT. 59457
Built -North Harlem - Switchboard 406-538-3504 / 3498
Brian Edna........................215 Eli Dora............................ 203
Clarence Linda.................213Elizabeth.......................... 205
Dan Matilda......................204 Joe Mary.......................... 208
Dave Mary........................206 Joseph Evelyn.................. 210
Ed Josie...........................209 Joshua K. (Andy).............. 207
Switchboard 403-653-3300 \ 2134 \ 2136
Ben Annie.........................221 Gideon Miriam................. 210 Peter Helen..................... 227
David Linda......................223 Ike Barbara..................... 212 Peter K. Hofer.................. 207
David Rebecca.................202 J. Rachel Hofer................ 220 Phil Michelle................... 225
David Rosanna.................203 James Miriam ................ 224 Phil Ruth......................... 211
E. Susie Hofer...................204 John Judy....................... 206 Rachel Kate, Dora........... 218
Gary Linda........................214 John Rachel.................... 215 Rebecca Hofer................ 213
George Clara....................205 Josh Becky..................... 219 Simon Kathy................... 226
George Susie....................217 Paul Clara........................ 222 Tom Helen...................... 228
G. Annie Hofer..................209 Paul Laura....................... 216
EAST MALTA Sec. George Hofer 406-654-2795 *654-2428
HC 65, Box 6135 Min. William Hofer 406-654-1134
Malta, MT. 59538 1981 / Turner, MT
EAST RAYMOND Sec. Herb R. Hofer 403-320-4502 *320-4513
Box 1279 Min. Jacob Wollman
Raymond, AB. T0K 2S0
Min. Josh Hofer
Switchboard 403-320-4501
Andy Barbara...................116 Glen Janet....................... 119
Annie J.& Mary................120 Herb Ruth........................ 108
D. Susanna Hofer.............126 Herbert Marilyn............... 131
Darius Matilda..................115 Jake Kathy...................... 107
Darius Rachel...................111 Joe Miriam...................... 114
Dave Esther......................185 John Katie....................... 117
Ed Lydia...........................112 Josh Susanna................. 125
George Christy..................121 Justin Tillie...................... 132
George Susie....................109 Kevin Patty...................... 123
Ext. 125
1-17-1996 /Wolf Creek,AB
ELKWATER Sec. John Hofer
Box 117
Min. Paul P. Hofer
Irvine, AB. T0J 1V0 Min. Reuben Hofer
403-525-4256 *525-4266
403-525-4257 *525-4265
Ext. 113 9-28-1979
/ S. Creek, AB
Switchboard 403-525-4255 Ben Anna..........................121 Justin Joyce.................... 135
Ben Il................................221 Kirby RuthAnn................. 233
Dan Dora..........................117 Larry Rachel.................... 125
Dennis Marlene................128 Martin Barbara................ 114
Gary Brenda.....................129 Marty Ruth...................... 109
Glen Amy..........................232 Matthew Mariam............. 133
Hans Dorothea.................130 Mike Mary....................... 111
J. Barbara Hofer...............115 Paul Anna........................ 126
James Mary Anne............118 Paul Susanna.................. 120
John Annie.......................112 Paul Susie (B).................. 116
John Rebecca..................123
Shop 403-525-2087
Pete Frieda..................... 131
Randy Rachel................. 110
Richard Sharon............... 119
Ruben Judy.................... 113
Sam Susan..................... 108
Steve Dorothy................. 134
Ted Rosie........................ 132
Tim Rita.......................... 124
Willard Miriam................ 127
Willy Mary...................... 321
Larry Julie...................... 129
Leighton Estherann......... 128
M. Rebecca Hofer........... 113
Mark Rosie..................... 130
Richard Marilyn.............. 124
Sam Sharon.................... 110
Wally C. Hofer................. 118
ENCHANT Sec. Chris Hofer 403-739-2601 *739-2225
Box 3040 Min. George Hofer 403-739-2331
Enchant, AB. T0K 0V0 Min. Joseph Hofer
4-10-1989 / Ewelme, AB
Switchboard on next page
Mark Julie...................... 217
Peter Dora...................... 213
Pete Rachel.................... 218
Ruben Dorothy................ 219
Ruben Ida....................... 207
ERSKINE Sec. George Hofer 403-742-5053 *742-4946
Box 46 Min. Andy Hofer
Erskine, AB.T0C 1G0
Min. Martin Hofer 1-12-1976 / Stahlville, AB
Built - Alix - 1993
Mechanic Shop 403-742-5052 Tow Strap Shop 4 03-323-7702
ESPANOLA Sec. William Gross Ext. 221
3610, North Wood RD Min. Sam Gross Reardon, WA. 99029 Min. Phillip Gross 1960 / Pincher Creek, AB
Switchboard 509-299-5400
Bill Rachel........................221 Eli Ashley......................... 259
Charles Kathy...................254 George Esther................. 261
Christopher Karen............256 Jake Frieda..................... 229
Conrad Esther..................263 James Julia..................... 231
Dan Judy..........................234 Lena & Margaret............. 224 David Linda......................262 Leonard Rachel............... 230
David Melissa...................233 Mark Helen..................... 225
Ed Kathy...........................228 Mary Ann Walter.............. 252
Ext. 226
Ext. 222 Built - Warden
/ 1972
Paul Tabea........................... Paul Christina................. 223
Paul Clara....................... 232
Peter Debbie................... 264
Phillip Theresa................ 222
Sam Barbara.................. 226
Sarah Gross.................... 252
Steve Johanna................ 227
ESTUARY Sec. Jake Tschetter 306-628-4116 *628-4406
Box 220 Min. Walter Tschetter
Leader, SK. S0N 1H0 Min. Fred Tschetter
1958 / Riverside, AB Switchboard 306-3655 / 4195
Albert Esther....................118 Fred Rachel..................... 120
Adrian Sarah....................107 Fred Rebecca.................. 126
Ben Lisa...........................124 G. Annie Tschetter........... 122
D. Lena Tschetter.............119 Henry Dianne.................. 106
Darius Dora......................102 J. Mary Tschetter............ 109
Darius Esther....................112 Jake Becky..................... 101
Eli Sarah...........................103 Ken Anna......................... 104
Ext. 120
Built - Star City
- 1979
M. Katie Tschetter........... 140
Matthew Judy................ 111
Mike Becky..................... 117
Phillip Esther.................. 121
Susan Tschetter.............. 123
Walter Katie.................... 108
Walter Matilda................ 105
EWELME Sec. George Hofer 403-553-2606 *553-3367
Box 250 Min. Peter Walter 403-553-3414
FT. McCleod, AB. T0L 0Z0 Min. Darius Walter Ext. 240 1927 / East Cardston, AB
Built - Cameron / 1969 - Enchant / 1989 - Raymore / 2003
Switchboard 403-553-0024 / 2791 / 2575
D. Katie Walter..................239 George Sarah................... 250 Paul Annie...................... 234
Darius Rebecca................240 Jake Annie....................... 223 Paul Elizabeth................. 238
Dave Annie Hofer..............229 John Brenda..................... 233 Paul Hofer....................... 228
Dave Hofer.......................227 John Sarah....................... 236 Peter Katherine............... 246
Eli Dora............................231 Jonathan Christina........... 252 Robert Sarah.................. 256
Eli Frieda..........................244 Ken Karan........................ 254 S. Rachel Walter............. 248
Eric Melissa......................242 Leonard Hofer.................. 226 Susie Walter................... 225
George Katie....................221 Mary Walter...................... 230 Tom Barbara................... 232
Switchboard 403-739-2672
Andy Rachel.....................210 Esther Hofer..................... 211
Chris Martha....................205 Jacob Susie..................... 202
David Susanna.................209 Jacob Serena................... 214
Elias Dora.........................215 Joe Hilda.......................... 200
George Anna.....................201 Kenny Linda..................... 212
Glen Naomi......................216 Kristopher Ruth................ 208
FAIRVIEW Sec. Peter Hofer 403-946-0550 *946-4083
RR 1 Min. Joseph Tschetter 403-946-4075
Crossfield, AB. T0M 0S0 Min. Ruben Tschetter 3-1944 / Beiseker,AB
Built - Riverview / 1956 - Grandview / 1979 - Shadylane
/ 2003
Shop 403-946-4524
FERRYBANK Sec. Edward Gross 403-754-5261 *783-2271
RR 4, Box 18, Site 3 Min. John Gross Ext. 109
Ponoka, AB. T4J 1R4 Min. Walter Wipf Ext. 123
/ Sandhills, AB
Built -Warburg /1964 - Prairie View / 1984
Switchboard 403-754-5260
A. Bertha Wurz
118 Jerrry Rebecca
119 Robert Marie
Ben Justina
114 Joey Lori
120 S. Helen Gross
Dan Susie
108 John Helen
109 Tom Julia
Eddy Bertha
122 John Mary
115 Walter Margaret
Fred Mary
125 Josh Evelena
124 Walter Rebecca
J. Annie Wurz
111 Martha Wurz
113 Wayne Linda
Jake Mary
112 Paul Becky
James AbbyGail
213 Phillip Amanda
FORDS CREEK Sec. & Min. Frank Stahl 406-428-2350 *428-2350
Box 118 Joe Stahl (Field Boss)
Grass Range, MT. 59032 Robert Stahl (G. Teacher) 406-428-2559
1980 / Ayers, MT
FORTY MILE Sec. Sam Walter 406-665-5207 *639-2039
Box 506 Min. Henry Walter 406-665-7025
Lodge Grass, MT. 59050
1980 / Spring Creek, MT
Switchboard 406-639-2088
Fred Rosanna...................105 Kathy Walter..................... 106 Ronny Dorothy................ 109
Henry Mary......................102 Mark Annamarie............... 104 Sammy Lydia.................. 100
Katie Walter......................101 Oscar / Rachel.................. 103 Kitchen 107 Shop........... 108
GADSBY Sec. Andrew R.Stahl 403-574-2402 *574-2405
Box 268 Min. John M. Stahl 403-574-2404 Ext 1
Stettler, AB. T0C 2L0
Min. Benjamin Stahl 1-10-1987
/ Veteran, AB
Mechanic 403-755-9974 W
elding 403-574-2401 Hogs / Dairy 574-3739
Box 29 403-742-6993 *742-6996
Stettler, AB. T0C 2L0
Dairy Barn 403-742-6991
GILFORD Sec. (New )Stahl 406-376-3105 *376-3221
Box 149 Min. Paul Stahl Jr. 406-376-3139
Gilford, MT. 59525 Min. David Stahl Jr. Ext. 232 10-15-1974
Switchboard on next page
‘We don’t need more, to be thankful. We just need to be more thankful.“
Shop 406-376-3126
Paul Stahl Sr................... 223
Paul Susanna.................. 251
Richard Rosa.................. 248
Ruben Dianne................. 253
Wayne Deliah................. 250
Sec. Levi Hofer 780-532-6500 *513-6558
723042 - RGE Rd. 74 Min. Jacob Hofer 780-538-1439
Grand Prairie, AB. T8X 4L1 Min. Elias Hofer Ext. 102
Min. Samuel Hofer Ext. 115
1977 / Fairview, AB
Carpenter 780-402-7340 / *402-7325 Welding 780-539-6513 / *539-5337
Switchboard 780-532-6587 / evening only 780-402-7340
Albert Roseann.................122 Jerry Katie...................... 108 Mark Michelle................ 103
Andy Kathy.......................110 Jerry Lee Rosa................ 120 Martin Margret............... 109
Andy Maggie....................106 Jerry Rachel.................... 113 Mike Mary...................... 111
Ben Rachel.......................107 Joe Sara.......................... 114 Moses Marlene............... 118
Benny AnnMarie...............116 Jonty Kate....................... 117 Phillip Dorothy............... 150
Dan Matilda......................119 Josh Justina.................... 112 Sam Debbie.................... 115
Elias Annie........................102 Levi Judy........................ 105 W. Rebecca..................... 104
Jacob Elizabeth................101 Levi Mary Ann................. 121
GRANUM Sec. Leonard Hofer 403-687-2180 *687-2185
Box 360 Min. George Tschetter
Granum, AB. T0L 1A0
Min. Daniel Hofer
Built Holt /1949 Switchboard 403-687-2963 / 2964
Andy Becky......................221 Joel Diane....................... 248
E. Annie Hofer...................233 Johnny & Mary................ 223
Arnold Rebecca................249 Jonathan Frieda.............. 243
Dan Susan........................238 Jonathan Liz................... 232
Eddy Sarah.......................235 Lena & Family................. 250
David Barbie.....................231 Leonard Lydia................. 246
Eli Susanne......................236 Lydia Walter.................... 222
George Sarah...................247 M. Rebecca Walter.......... 241
Jerry / Jake......................237 Micheal Marianne........... 227
403-687-2454 *687-2454
Ext. 238
1930 / Standoff, AB
Springpoint / 1960
Paul Judy........................ 234
Peter Annie..................... 242
Peter Sarah..................... 240
Sam & Susan.................. 224
Sam Barbara.................. 244
Tim Liz............................ 228
Walter judy..................... 226
Walter Rachel................. 239
GREEN LEAF Sec. Mike Walter 306-226-4447 *226-4447
Box 40 Min. Martin Walter Marcelin, SK. S0J 1R0
1999 / Fort Pitt, SK
HAIRY HILL @ Sec. Darius Hofer 780-768-3780 *768-2178
Box 35 Min. Mike E. Hofer
Ext. 207
Hairy Hill, AB. T0B 1S0
Min. Michael Hofer Ext. 208
1-28-1996 / Plain Lake, AB
Switchboard on next page
I want the same respect from you, that you expect from me.
I will ask for nothing more, or settle for anything less.
Al Bock Navy Veteran
Switchboard 406-376-3136 / 3141 Brian Evelyn.....................249 John Sarah...................... 227
Dave Maryann..................232 Johnny Kathy.................. 230
Dave Susanna..................225 Josh Susanna................. 220
Fred Susanna...................228 Larry Matilda................... 224
George Linda....................222 Mark Esther.................... 229
James Lydia.....................231 Paul Kathrin..................... 226
Switchboard 780-768-3770 / 3795Shop 780-768-3790
Albert Miriam...................204 Esther / Susan................. 200
Darius Mary......................215 George Ruth.................... 213
Darius Ruth......................201 George Sarah.................. 214
Dave Ruth........................210 Jake Dora....................... 217
David AbbyGail.................216 Joe Dora......................... 212
Eddie Susanna.................202 Levi Mariene................... 211
Mathew Naomi............... 209
Mike Dorothy.................. 208
Mike Esther.................... 206
Sam Judy....................... 203
HART LAND Sec. Elias M. Waldner 780-372-2057 *372-3028
RR 1 Min. Chris Waldner
Bashaw, AB. T0B 0H0 Min. David Waldner
Shop 780-372-2156 / *372-3685
5-22-2011 / Pl. Valley, AB
780-372-2155 *372-3070
HEART RIVER Sec. Daniel Wollman 701-584-3200 *584-2449
6435 60TH ST. S.W.
Min. Johnny Susanna
Elgin, ND. 58533
2000 / Ayers, MT
Switchboard 701-584-####
Daniel Esther..................3200 Jake Edna..................... 2139 Leonard Linda.............. 3202
Eli Theresa.....................3220 Johnny Susanna........... 3438 Paul Edith..................... 3254
Eli J. Wollman.................3502
HIGH RIVER Sec. David B. Hofer 403-536-2450 *536-2458
Box 5610
Min. Jacob Hofer
High River, AB. T1V 1M7 Min. Edward Hofer Switchboard 403-536-2449
Andrew Elizabeth.............109 David Barbara................. 122
Bill Debbie........................128 Edward Susie.................. 126
Chris Becky......................117 Eli Esther......................... 123
Chris Annie.......................119 Jacob Margaret............... 112
D. Katie Hofer...................115 Jake Marie...................... 121
D. Mary Hofer...................118 Jerry Bertha.................... 127
D. Rebecca Hofer.............108 John Sarah...................... 130
Dan Ruth..........................125 Larry Sandra................... 114
Ext. 106
Ext. 107
1982 / East Cardston, AB
Leonard Susanna........... 116
Magdalena Hofer............ 120
Martin Mary.................... 113
Michael Susan......................
Paul Annie...................... 110
Peter Kathy..................... 111
Rueben Judy.................. 129
Solomon Becky............... 124
Sec. Leonard Wollman 306-492-2499 *492-2466
Box 100 Min. Ben Wollman
306-492-2018 *492-2018
Dundurn, SK. S0K 1K0
7-1969 / Leask, SK
Built Lost River /2012
Switchboard 306-492-4949
Ben Helen
101 Joe Mary
108 Mike Lisa
Edward Miriam.................102 J. Mary & Mary.............. 109 Peter Christy................... 116
Eli Anna............................103 Ken Abby......................... 110 Peter Susanna................ 117
George Leah.....................104 Leonard Glorianna........... 111 Rebecca / Miriam........... 118
Henry Judianne................105 Luke Maria...................... 112 Ruben Anna.................... 119
James Sarah....................106 Martin Annie.................... 113 Samuel Rachel............... 120
Jerry Maggie....................107 Martin Melissa................ 114
A heart is not judged by how much you loved, but by how
much you are loved by others.’
HILLRIDGE Sec. Leonard Wipf 403-388-5301 *223-9333
Ext. 210
/ Lakeside, AB
Matthew Elsie.............. 222
Paul Esther................. 216
Paul Dorothy................... 210
Paul Martha.................... 206
Peter Mary...................... 208
Raymond Beverly......... 223
Wesley Kathleen........... 209
HILLSVALE Sec. Mike Wurz 306-398-2915 *398-1055
Box 518 Min. Joseph Wurz
Cutknife, SK. S0M 0N0
Min. Jonathan Wurz
Built Lakeview
306-398-2014 *398-2916
Joseph Wurz (Cell)398-7927
1961 / Springvale, AB
1973 - Sunnydale / 1990
HILLVIEW Sec. Frank Hofer 403-677-2360 *677-2463
Box 610 Min. Jacob Hofer 403-677-2473
Rosebud, AB. T0J 2T0 Min. Michael Hofer Ext. 311 4-3-1990 / Rosebud, AB
Switchboard 403-677-2588
Aaron Dorothy
115 George Sarah
214 Ruben Ruth
Danny Bertha
215 J. Barbara Hofer
216 Mark Judy
David Rebecca Jake Elizabeth
313 Mike Barbara
Eli Lena
113 Jake Mary
211 Mike Martha
Frank Lydia
315 Jason Melissa
411 P. Katie / Maria / Joe 112
Anna Hofer
213 Joe Annie
116 Peter Katie
George Lydia
111 Joshua Debbie
316 Steven Susanna
HODGEVILLE Sec. Martin Hofer 306-677-2256 *677-2724
Box 368 Min. Gideon Hofer Ext. 302
Hodgeville, SK. S0H 2B0
Min. Mike Hofer Ext. 308 12-5-1970 / Box Elder, SK Built Springlake Switchboard 306-677-2870
Ben Elizabeth...................317 James Bertha................. 319
Chris Sarah......................309 John Clara....................... 314
Dan Teresa.......................306 J. Katie Hofer.................. 305
Dave Teresa.....................307 Levi Elizabeth.................. 318
Gideon Mary.....................302 Martin Mary.................... 313
Joe Hofer..........................301 Mike Barbara.................. 308
Jake Doreen.....................310 Peter Anne...................... 316
/ 1993
Paul Elizabeth................. 315
Peter Barbara................. 304
Peter Sarah..................... 303
Ruben Katie.................... 311
Sol Miriam...................... 312
Book Shop...................... 331
HOLDEN Sec. Darius Hofer 780-688-3692 *688-3696
Box 59
Holden, AB. T0B 2C0
Min. John S. Hofer
Min. Peter Stahl
Min. Samuel Hofer
1970 / Cayley, AB
Metal Shop 780-688-3887 *688-3815
Switchboard on next page
Built Cleardale / 2001
Jonathan (FB) 780-910-3360 *401-3515
Box 181 Min. Peter Hofer
Barnwell, AB. T0K 0B0 Min. Paul Wipf Switchboard 403-388-5300
Albert Judy.......................203 John Elizabeth................ 211
Ben Cathy.........................205 Jonty Susan.................... 215
Brian Rose........................220 Josh S. Wipf.................... 212
Danny Becky Jane...........218 Len Kathy........................ 214
Dave Kathryn...................204 Leonard Martha............... 213
George Bertha................ 201 Levi Becky................... 219
James Amanda................217 Martin Betty.................... 207
Satalite Phone 780-385-#### Andy Esther 8216 or 8204 Jacob D. Hofer 910-7639
Ben Lois
8612 or 4927 James Marlene8601 or 8865
Dan Barbara 8128 or 4679 Joe Susie
0381 or 4623
Darius Barbara 8300 or 8889 John Miriam 8909 or 4835
Darius Ruthie 8819 or 8851 John Rebecca 8613 or 1815
David Susanna
5692 John Susie
8606 Eli Cathy
8619 or 5614 Jonathan Katie8825 or 1187
Eli Matilda
8616 or 4526 Joseph Melinda1381 or 5178
Elias Rachel
8930 Josh Judy
2011 or 5571
Henry Elizabeth8985 or 1219 Mike Dorothy 5661 or 5651
David Susanna 910-7060
P. Katie Stahl
P. Rebecca Hofer
Paul Dorothy 1986 or 8611
Peter Esther 8798 or 5649
Peter Kathy 8618 or 8063
Peter Margaret 8602or 5728
Rueben Melissa5644 or8609
Sam Annie 8603 or 4916
Tim Teresa 0839 or 5317
HOLT Sec. Jake Tschetter 780-754-2175 *754-2062
Box 219 Min. Tim Tschetter 780-754-2833
Irma, AB. T0B 2H0 Min. Ernie Tschetter Ext. 232
1949 / Granum, AB
Built Mixburn / 1960 - Belle Plaine / 1990
Switchboard 780-754-3023 / 3024
Ben Frieda........................227 Joe Lydia......................... 230 Moses Rachel................. 229
Calvin Bertha.......................... Jonathan Matilda............ 246 Peter Barbara................. 231
David Ann.........................224 Kevin Julia............................ Peter Clara...................... 237
Ernie Christina..................232 M. Teresa Tschetter......... 226 Tim Susie....................... 222
Gary Melinda....................225 Martin Linda.................... 236 Tom Sarah ..................... 239
Henry Matilda...................238 Mike Bertha.................... 234 Willie Michelle................ 249
Jacob S. / Kathrina...........235 Mike Judy....................... 233
Jake Lydia .......................245 Mike Sarah...................... 228
HUGHENDON Sec. George Stahl 780-856-2202 *856-2202
Box 58 Min. Mike Stahl 780-856-2216
Hughendon, AB. T0B 2E0 Min. Mark Stahl 5-7-1973 / Athabasca, AB
HUXLEY Sec. David Stahl 403-442-2488 *442-2488
RR 2 Min. Elias Stahl 403-442-2243 *442-2247
Huxley, AB. T0M 0Z0
1959 / Stahlville, AB
Built Torrington / 1971 -Stahls, WA / 1980 - Twin River / 2010
Albert Christy
Andrew Elizabeth
Andy Susan
Chris Mary Ann
Darius Judy
403-442-3717 / 3817 Shop 311
Dave Mary Ann
Eli Karen
Elias Suzy
Frank Betty
305 or 306
James Michelle
Jerry Miriam
Mark Anna Lisa
Matt Jessie
Mike Barbara
Tim Shirley
IRON CREEK Sec. Andy Hofer 780-688-3522 *688-3576
Box 64 Min. Dave Hofer
Bruce, AB. T0B 0R0 Min. Andy Hofer
Switchboard 780-628-5141
Andy Esther......................108 George Sarah.................. 113
Andy Martha.....................117 Jack Edna....................... 112
Danny Ruth......................126 John Lydia....................... 124
Dave Annie.......................106 John Martha.................... 110
Dora / Lydia......................120 Johnny Ruth................... 128
Elias Elizabeth..................111 Kenneth Diane................ 127
Ext. 106
Ext. 108
1979 / Camrose, AB Levi Maggie................... 122
P. Rachel / Rachel........... 115
Paul Esther..................... 116
Paul Rachel.................... 109
Rachel / Maria / Sarah.... 123
Sam Dora....................... 119
KILBY BUTTE Sec. Martin Stahl 406-323-3547 *323-3547
Box 17920, HWY 12 E.
Min. Steve Stahl
Roundup, MT. 59072 1992 / Fords Creek, MT
KING RANCH Sec. Walter Hofer 406-538-9835 *538-9835
Box 858 Min. George Hofer 406-538-6533
Lewistown, MT. 59457
Min. Johannes Hofer 1935 / Beadle, SD
Built Ayers 1945 Surprise Creek -1963
LAJORD Sec. Darius Hofer 306-771-4209 *771-2756
Box 514, Station Main Min. Albert Hofer
White City, SK. S4L 5B1
Min. Arnold Hofer Switchboard 306-771-4366
Albert Rachel....................229 Kurt Teresa...................... 289
Arnold Betty.....................248 J. Annie Hofer.................. 222
B. Elizabeth Hofer.............226 Jake Mary....................... 225
Ben Becky........................228 Jason Joanne.................. 249
Darius Becky....................244 Joe Elizabeth................... 223
Ed Susanna......................234 Justin Ida........................ 293
Ernie Clara........................231 Kenny Christine............... 287
Gary Karen.......................250 Levi Eileen....................... 294
306-771-4160 Ext 248
1979 / Arm River, SK
Marvin Diane.................. 247
Paul Mary....................... 227
Peter Anne...................... 232
Sam Rosa....................... 233
Stephen Eva................... 292
Terry Kristine.................. 288
Walter Esther.................. 230
LAKESIDE Sec. Joe Wipf 403-320-4508 *320-4519
Box 9 Min. Dave Wipf 403-320-4511 *320-4521
Cranford, AB. T0K 0R0
Min. Darius Wipf Ext. 131
12-10-1935 / Wolf Creek, AB
Built Pine Hill 1948 - Spring Creek 1956 - Starland 1972 - Hillridge 1994
Switchboard 403-320-4507
Andy Bertha.....................128 Jake Debbie.................... 114
D. Annie Wipf....................130 Jason maryAnn............... 120
Darius Ann........................131 Jerry Liz.......................... 124
Dave Sarah......................111 Joe Judy......................... 122
Eddie Brenda....................126 Ken Kathy........................ 116
Eddie Lizzy.......................127 Luke Karen...................... 132
Linda Wipf........................115 Lydia Wipf....................... 112
Field Boss 403-320-4512
Mark Janet..................... 119
Paul Katie....................... 110
Peter Dora...................... 108
P. Katie Wipf.................... 125
Phillip Rosa..................... 123
Tim Judy........................ 109
Wayne Debbie................ 118
LAKEVIEW Sec. Elias Wurz 306-247-4832 *247-4815
Box 69 Min. David Wurz 306-247-4832
Unity, SK. S0K 4L0 Min. David Wurz Jr 1973
/ Hillsvale, SK
Built Scott / 1997
LEASK Sec. Tim Wollman Box 280 Min. Frank Wollman
Leask, SK. S0J 1M0 Min. Levi Wollman Metal Roll Forming 888-798-3696 Built Hillcrest 17
Ext.102 *466-4740
Ext. 101
Ext. 108
4-15-1958 / Sandhills, AB
1969 / Riverbend 1996
Sec. Daniel Wurz 403-757-2353
Box 125
Min. Johannes Hofer 403-757-2359
Barons, AB. T0L 0G0 Min. Andrew Hofer 1981 / Wilson, AB
Built Albion Ridge / 2009
Shop 403-757-2330 / *757-2337
Switchboard 306-466-4907 / 2303 / 2249Ranch
Chris Bernice....................113 George Susie (J).............. 104 Levi Susanna.................. 108
Chris Katie........................111 Jacob Elisabeth............... 136 Marvin Linda.................. 109
Danny Katherine...............121 Jake Miriam.................... 117 Peter Sarah..................... 110
Darius Pauline..................116 Joe Sarah........................ 105 Ruben Kathy................... 115
David Barbara.................112 John E. Wollman.............. 119 S. Helen Wollman............ 114
F. Dora Wollman...............120 Josh Rachel.................... 122 Tim Sarah....................... 102
Frank Helen......................101 Judy Wollman................. 106
George Susie (F)..............103 Leonard Marlene............. 118
LEEDALE Sec. Eli Hofer 403-843-4485 *843-4496
RR 4 Min. George Hofer
Rimbey, AB. T0C 2J0
Min. Arnold Hofer
Shop 403-843-6635
403-588-9760 Fryers
Manufacturing 843-6615*
/ Pine Hill, AB
Built Bentley
403-843-8883 or 588-6767
LITTLE BOW Sec. Michael Hofer 403-897-3838 *897-2431
Box 1587 Min. Paul Hofer 403-897-3795
Vulcan, AB. T0L 2B0 Min. James Hofer Ext. 233
1983 / New York, AB Built Shadow Ranch 2009
Switchboard 403-897-3722 / 3724
Albert Dorothy..................221 E. Lena Hofer................... 240
Andy Ruth........................239 J. Katie Hofer.................. 236
D. Mary Hofer...................232 Jerry Barbara.................. 225
Dan Abigail.......................235 Jim Rachel...................... 233
Dan Becky........................222 John Judy....................... 223
Darius Dorothy.................230 Leonard Sara.................. 228
Mark Barbie.................... 237
Michael Debbie............... 224
Mike Annie..................... 231
Paul Ruth........................ 238
Peter Katie...................... 226
LIVINGSTONE Sec. Mike Walter 403-628-2226 *628-2203
Box 129
Min. John Walter 403-628-2943
Lundbreck, AB. T0K 1H0 Min. David Walter Ext. 109
9-5-2000 / Spring Point, AB
Switchboard 403-628-3633 / 3634 / 2943
Andrew Kathy...................104 Elias Sarah...................... 103
Andrew Sarah..................112 Gideon Betty.................... 116
Benny Rachel...................120 Jacob Justina.................. 114
D. Annie Walter.................107 Jerry Becky..................... 115
D. Barbara Walter.............105 John Elizabeth................. 101
Darius Christy...................122 John Lydia....................... 106
David Annie......................109 Jonathan Rachel............. 118
Edward Lena....................102
Martin Miriam................. 108
Mike Barbara.................. 111
Peter Christina................ 113
Peter Sarah..................... 117
Sammy Becky................ 110
Toby Melissa................... 121
Tommy Hannah.............. 119
LOMOND Sec. Joe J. Walter 403-792-2102 *792-2398
Box 220 Min. Paul S. Walter 403-792-2256
Lomond, AB. T0L 1G0
Min. Jerry Walter Ext. 411
9-15-1984 / Turin, AB
Switchboard on next page
“Those who plant blessings shall also harvest blessings.”
LORING Sec. Kurt Hofer 406-674-5227 *674-5277
6888 Turner Cut Across RD Min. Joseph Hofer
Loring, MT. 59537 Joshua Hofer
Switchboard 406-674-5581
Curtis Melisa.......................... Joe Mary......................... 103
Dave Elizabeth.................203 John Anita....................... 303
Edward Matilda................302 Josh Barbara................... 104
George Susie....................102 Kurt Kathryn.................... 101
406-674- 1-10-1982 /North Harlem, MT
406-674-5430 *674-5436
Mike Barbara.................. 202
Mike Debra..................... 301
Paul Anna....................... 204
Tim Christina.................. 304
LOST RIVER Sec. Mike Wollman 306-257-1015 *257-1016
Box 249 Min. John Wollman 306-257-1018
Allan, SK. S0K 0C0 Min. Steven Wollman Ext. 216
07-22-2012 / Hillcrest, SK
Switchboard 306-257-1017 / 1019 / 1020 / 3545
Albert Abigail....................201 Frank Patricia.................. 207 Michael Margaret........... 214
D. Becky...........................202 Frank Ruth...................... 208 Michael Miriam............... 213
Daniel Rosanna................203 Gary Ruth........................ 209 Robert Karen.................. 215
Darius Susan....................204 John Laura...................... 210 Steven Dorothy............... 216
David Rebecca.................205 John Maria...................... 211 Tobias Martha................. 217
David Rosa.......................206 Jonathan Shirley............. 212Walter............................. 218
LOUGHEED Sec. Mike Stahl 780-888-2110 *888-2118
BOX 263 Min. Chris Stahl 780-888-2130
Lougheed, AB. T0B 2V0 10-30-2011 / Veteran, AB
Hogs 780-888-3962 Shop 780-888-3965
Sec. Mike Tschetter
Box 268 Min. Peter Tschetter
Manville, AB. T0B 2W0
Min. George Tschetter
Shop 780-763-3584/ 780-763-3081 Dairy 780-763-3098
Switchboard 780-3970 / 6462 / 6449
Albert Abigail...................262
Andrew Christine..............257
Ben Becky........................251
Ben Betty.........................244
Benny Debbie...................243
Danny Abigail...................256
Darius Rachel...................264
Darius Abigail...................245
David Hannah...................259
E. Katie Tschetter.............250
Eli Rachel.........................242
780-763-3079 *763-2422
Ext. 236
1988 / Vegreville, AB
Hog 780-763-3507
Frank Martha.................. 240 Mike Katie...................... 241
George Judy.................... 236 Mike Mary...................... 237
Jacob Rebecca................ 238 Nat Teresa...................... 254
James Annie................... 249 Paul Betty....................... 260
Jason Brenda.................. 255 Peter Elizabeth................ 235
Jerry Dorothy.................. 261 Phillip Christina............... 248
John Margaret................ 246 Rachel Reed................... 239
Leonard Susie................. 247 Ruben Lois..................... 263
Levi Sharon..................... 253 Sammy Susanna............ 252
Michael Julia......................... Mark Rachel.................... 258
Switchboard 403-792-2105 / 3760
Anna Walter......................212 Jeremy Maria........................ Michael Maria................. 112
C. Barbara Walter.............513 Jerry Bertha.................... 411 P. Barbara Walter............ 214
Ed Lydia...........................511 Joe Justina..................... 512 Paul Sarah...................... 114
Frank Barbara..................412 Joe Kathryn..................... 111 Peter Rosa...................... 413
Glen Linda........................313 M. Sarah Stahl................ 113Susanna......................... 514
Henry Bertha....................211 Marvin Martha................ 314 Tim Becky...................... 312
Jake Judy.........................213 Michael Linda.................. 311
PINE MEADOWS................... NEW DEVELOPMENT .......... Mannville Colony
P. O. Box 216.......................... Min. George Tschetter........... 780-549-4620
Glendon, AB. T0A 1P0............. Meat Shop...................Phillip780-645-8650.... *635-3092
Mark...............780-646-3870George.........Rebuilding Shop 780-635-3076.... *635-3046
MARLIN ............................... Sec. Peter Gross.................... Ext. 205...... *509-345-2113
21344 Rd.18NE Min. Henry Gross
Marlin, WA. 98832 Min. Jacob Gross Ext. 222 Ext. 231
1974 / Pincher Creek, AB
Switchboard 509-345-2390 Albert Elizabeth................230 Joe Jesse........................ 221
Aaron Rachel....................217 John Betty....................... 232
Darius Margaret...............251 Karl Tabea............................. Eli Susie...........................216 Levi Kathy....................... 249
Frank Frieda.....................228 E. Rebecca & Girls ......... 219
Fred Miriam......................218 Martin Susan................... 223
George Helen...................229Mary............................... 224
Henry Martha...................222 Matt Marie...................... 236
Jake Sara.........................231 Mike Judy....................... 227
James Maria....................250 Nathaneal Donna............ 237
Jerry Christina..................253
Dairy 509-345-2395*
Paul Bertha..................... 248
Peter Esther.................... 225
Peter Sara....................... 200
Phillip Rachel.................. 252
Steven Pauline................ 235
Susie & Sara................... 220
Tim Diane....................... 234
Toby Leah....................... 201
Tom Judy........................ 254
Ruben Tammy................ 255
MAYFIELD............................ Sec. Paul K. Stahl.................. 403-666-2016 ... *666-2046
Box 527 Min. Paul S. Stahl 403-666-2124 *666-2120
Etzikom, AB. T0K 0W0
Min. Elias Stahl Ext. 105
1981 / Wildwood, AB
Switchboard 403-666-2118 / 2121 / 2129
Ben Marie.........................103 James Marilyn............... 207 Larry Frieda................... 301
Darius Mary......................107 Jerry Evelyn.................... 106 Leonard Bertha............... 203
Dave Annie.......................204 Joe Katie......................... 201 Leonard Bertha............... 203
Elias Abigail......................303 Joe Lena......................... 102 Paul Katie....................... 104
Elias Annie........................105 Josh Barbara................... 205 Paul Susie....................... 101
Jacob Katie......................202 Kevin Rosanna................ 206 Richard Lisa................... 302
MIXBURN Sec. Mark Tschetter 780-593-2100 *593-2253
Box 60 Min. James Tschetter Minburn, AB. T0B 3B0 Min. Jerry Tschetter 1960 - Holt, AB Switchboard 780-628-5147
Andy Debbie.....................125 Jerry Abigail.................... 132
Ben Mary.........................110 Joe Sara.......................... 113
C. Annie Tschetter............112 Jonty Ruth....................... 133 Darius Rachel...................127 Ken Edna......................... 129
Dave Lizzy........................121 Ken Sara......................... 128
E. Susie Tschetter.............115 Kevin Betz....................... 135
E. Ruth Tschetter..............116 Mark Dorothy.................. 105
Fred Bertha......................130 M. Barbara Tschetter....... 117
James Rachel..................124 Michael Wanda................ 122
Ext. 124
Ext 132
Built South Peace 1977
Paul Leona...................... 131
P. Susie Tschetter........... 106
Peter Tilly ....................... 134
Phillip Diana................... 118
Rueben Rita.................... 136
Sam Barbara.................. 123
Sam Linda...................... 126
Tom Evelyna................... 120
Box 700 John Rachel
Birch Hills, SK. S0J 0J0 Joel Trudy
Mixburn Colony, AB
MORINVILLE Sec. John Wurz 780-939-2118 *939-3452
Ext. 222
1-7-1971 / Sandhills, AB
Mike Edna
P. Katie Wurz
Paul Susanna
Peter Clara
Peter Ruth
Philip Matilda
Reuben Christine
Robert Linda
Ryan Kathleen
Samuel Gloria
Steven Christina
William Darlene
Box 1080
Mayerthorpe, AB. T0E 1N0
Sec. Walter Hofer
Box 2187 Min. David Tschetter
Strathmore, AB. T1P 1K2 Min. John Hofer
780-785-3208 *785-3228
403-935-4210 *935-4300
403-935-2396 403-935-4427
/ Cluny, AB
NEW YORK Sec. James Hofer 403-345-3884 / 7784 * 3855
Box 905 Min. Jacob Hofer
Lethbridge, AB. T1J 3Z8 Min. George Hofer
1924 / West Raley, AB
Built Scotford 1953 / Simmie Switchboard403-388-8580
Andy Helen
114 Jacob A. Hofer
Ben Esther
111 James Bertha
David Susanna
115 James Susanna
Eddie Mary
120 Jimmy Lisa
Eli Anna
113 John Elizabeth
George Annie
102 John Rachel
George Lisa
118 Leonard Dorothy
J. Rachel Hofer 107 Leonard Becky
Pincher Creek - 1927-1934
1964 / Little Bow 1983
Levi Dora
P. Matilda
Paul Lydia
Rachel / Joshua Sam Sara
Steve Judy
Tim Elizabeth
Michael linda
109 112
NORTH HARLEM Sec. Joseph Hofer 406-353-4617 *353-4617
Box 68, Lilac Loop 55 Min. Eli Hofer 406-353-2667 *353-4746
Harlem, MT. 59526
1963 - Deerfield, MT
Built Loring 1982
Sec. Mike E. Tschetter
Box 40 Min. David K. Hofer
Marwayne, AB T0B 2X0
Min. George Hofer
Shop 780-847-4117
1957 / Thompson, AB
780-847-4118 *847-4145
780-847-2333 *847-3065
Built - Spring Ridge 2006
PEACEVIEW Sec. Dave Hofer 250-789-3010 *789-3058
Box 194 Min. Mike Tschetter
Farmington, BC. V0C 1N0 Min. Jonathan Tschetter Ext. 227
2-15-2002 / South Peace, BC
RR 2 Min. Mike Wurz
Morinville, AB. T8R 1P5 Min. Martin Wurz
Switchboard 403-939-7414
Danny Helen
227 Jake Sarah
Darius Linda
210 James Kathy
Dave Esther
214 Joe Becky
Eddy Maryann
217 John Susanna
Edward Esther
202 Johnathan Matilda
Frank Annie
207 Johnny Martha
George Mary
219 Ken Lizzie
J. Dorothy Wurz
205 Kevin Rhoda
J. Maria Wurz
201 Levi Tammy
J. Susie Wurz
206 Mark Michelle
Jackie Martha
212 Martin Matilda
Jacob Miriam Matthew Carolyn
Switchboard 250-789-3553 / 9229 Hog Barn 250-789-3008
Dan Miriam......................225 Jonathan Dora................ 227 Tim Annie....................... 224
Dave Rachel.....................221 John Teresa..................... 237 Tim Lizzie....................... 232
Eli Adina...........................239 Mark Teresa.................... 240 Tim Sara......................... 231
George Hofter...................233 Mike Katie....................... 222 Toby Julie....................... 236
Jerry Dora........................229 Mike Teresa..................... 228 Thomas Kristy................ 241
Jesse Lisa........................230 Sam Dora........................ 238Kitchen........................... 234
Joel Sara..........................223 Steve Tschetter............... 226
PIBROCH Sec. Eli Walter 780-349-2020 *349-3838
Box 5330 Min. Joseph Walter
Westlock, AB. T7P 2P5
Min. Elias Tschetter
/ Wilson, AB
Switchboard 780-307-2469 / 3691
A. Mary Walter
239 Elias Barbara
Barbara Walter
241 Fred Julie
Ben Sara
250 George Kathy
C. Katie Walter
249 Jacob Rachel Tschetter 236
Danny SarahJean
224 Jacob Rachel
Darius Barbara
235 Jerry Ruth
Darius Joanne
233 Joel Lena
David Barbara
244 Joey Eilene
David M. Walter
254 Joseph Margaret
David Melinda Leonard Bertha
Eli Dorothy
247 M. Justina Tschetter
Eli Sarah
228 Martin Helen
Ext. 247
Built Vegreville 1970
Micheal Frieda
Mike E. Walter
Mike Lydia Stahl
Mike Lydia Walter
Paul M. Stahl
Paul Susanna
Phillip Esther
Sam R. Walter
Sara Walter
Tim Mary
Box 169 780-353-3133 *353-3135
Bonanza, AB. T0H 0K0
PINCHER CREEK 403-627-4021 *627-2077
Box 1028 Min. Leonard Gross
Pincher Creek, AB. T0K 1W0 Min. Jason Gross Built New York 1934
Switchboard 403-627-4021 /4480
Arnold Sara......................256 Jason Teresa................... 243
B. Kathryn Hofer...............229 Jeremy Krista.................. 262
Ben Edna..........................233 Jerry Maryann................. 230
Bob Barbara.....................252 Johnny Sarah.................. 259
Chris Mary........................227 Ken Christina................... 253
Christopher Martha................ Leonard Dorothy............. 238
Ed Rosie...........................231 Margaret Gross............... 224
Eli Sara.............................225 Marvin Lydia................... 239
Gary Barbara....................241 Michael Miriam............... 240
Hilda / Susan....................232 Mike Dora....................... 221
James Marlene................257 Paul Esther...................... 226
Ext. 238
1927 New York & Felger, AB
Espanola 1960 / Marlin 1974
Paul Linda....................... 235
Paul Rebecca.................. 255
Peter Katie...................... 236
Peter Rachel................... 228
Ryan Debra..................... 237
Sam Bertha.................... 234
Shannon Cheryl.............. 254
Steve Sharon.................. 260
Tim Esther...................... 242
Willy Lydia...................... 264
Box 389 Mike Dora 780-494-2568 *494-2586
Hines Creek, AB. T0H 2A0 Michael Rachel Mark Bertha
PINEHAVEN Sec. Elias Hofer 780-352-6877 *352-6805
Ext. 232
6-22-1997 / Scotford, AB
Meat Shop 780-352-6328
Switchboard 780-352-6822
Ben Esther........................235 Elias Rosanna.................. 239 Lawrence Dora .............. 227
Ben Kathy.........................234 George Matilda................ 228 Mark Elizabeth ............... 240
C. Anna Hofer...................221 J. Barbara Hofer.............. 236 Matthew Marlene........... 225
D. Susanna Hofer.............231 J. Rachel Hofer................ 229 Mike Martha................... 238
Darius Debora..................230 Joe Susanna................... 237 Sam Susanna................. 223
David Judith.....................232 John Barbara.................. 233 Tim Esther...................... 226
Elias Barbara....................222 John Sarah...................... 224
PINE HILL Sec. Sam Hofer 403-886-4626 *886-4656
RR 4 Min. Peter Hofer
Red Deer, AB. T4N 5E4
Min. John Hofer
Built Box Elder 1960 - Leedale Switchboard 403-886-2184 / 2757
Annie Hofer
106 Joe Sarah
109 Ben M. / Teresa
103 John Annie
Edward Sarah
117 Larry MaryAnn
G. Becky Hofer
104 Marvin Abigail
Jake Sarah
113 Michael Sarah Ann
112 Jason Margaret
105 Mike Marion
Ext. 116
1948 / Lakeside, AB
1972 - Rainbow 1998
Mike Maryann
Paul Esther
Peter Sarah.
Sam Mary
Toby Dora
Book Shop
PLAIN LAKE Sec. Andy Hofer 780-657-2912 *657-0060
Box 370 Min. John S. Hofer 780-657-2054 *657-2094
Two Hills, AB. T0B 4K0
Min. David Hofer 8-15-197 / Scotford, AB
Built Hairy Hill 1996
P L Machining 780-701-2557 Shop 780-657-2463
PLEASANT VALLEY Sec. Peter Waldner 403-784-3435 *784-3443
RR 1 Min. Johannes Stahl Ext. 3
Clive, AB. T0C 0Y0 Min. John Stahl Jr. 403-588-9225
6-7-1970 / Veteran, AB
Built Byemoor 1986 - Hartland - 2011
Switchboard 403-755-8518 Canola Plant 1
Kitchen 2
PONTEIX Sec. John Wollman 306-625-3652 *625-3251
Box 37 Min. George Wollman 306-625-3238 *625-3874
Ponteix, SK. S0N 1Z0
Min. George Wollman Jr. Ext. 233
12-3-1973 /Downie Lake, SK
Switchboard 306-625-3646/ 3643 / 3506
Shop Fax 306-625-3858
Andy Hofer.......................222 George Sarah.................. 332 Paul Katie....................... 235
Dan Wollman...................227 J. Elizabeth...................... 237 Paul Miranda ................. 294
Danny Linda.....................242 Jerry Esther.................... 239 Paul Susie....................... 228
Darius Bertha...................225 Joe Katie......................... 223 Richard Esther
David Glenda....................285 John Elizabeth................. 226 Tim Bertha ..................... 295
David Mary Anne..............246 Josh Justina.................... 236 Tobias Rosa.................... 248
Dora Wollman..................238 Josh Rebecca................. 231
George Linda....................233 Mike Justina................... 224
RR 2 Min. Ben Hofer
Wetaskiwin, AB. T9A 1W9 Min. David Hofer
Shop 780-352-6876 / *352-8875 Hog Barn 780-352-5078
PRAIRIE ELK Sec. Darius Walter 406-525-3330 *525-3330
1436 - 528, Montanna HWY Min. David Walter
Wolf Point, MT. 59201 1-15-2008 - SurpriCreek,MT
PRAIRIE VIEW Sec. John Wurz 403-676-2230 *676-2151
Box 9 Min. Mike Wipf
Sibbald, SK. T0J 3E0
Min. George Wurz 1984 QUILL LAKE Sec. Jonathan Tschetter
Box 636 Min. Paul Tschetter
Quill Lake, SK. S0A 3E0
Min. Tom Tschetter
Switchboard 306-383-2223 / 2941
Arnold Diane....................247 John Martha.................... 235
Carl Esther.......................239 Jonathan Linda............... 223
D. Mary Tschetter.............229 Katie Tschetter................ 228
Dave Ruth........................233 Kevin Linda..................... 251
David Mariane..................248 Leonard Debbie............... 236
George Susie....................234 Mark Julia....................... 237
Jake Esther......................231 M. Judy Tschetter........... 232
/ Ferrybank, AB
306-383-2989 *383-2251
Ext. 221
Ext. 241
4-18-1977 / Riverview, SK
Michael Judy.................. 242
Mike Dora....................... 230
Paul Lena....................... 221
Robert Frieda.................. 240
Tim Barbara.................... 238
Toby Anita....................... 250
Tom Jessie..................... 241
RAINBOW Sec. Darius Hofer 403-227-6455 *227-6405
26052 Twp RD S50 Min. Joshua Hofer 403-227-5533
Red Deere County
Min. Albert Hofer Ext. 131 Red Deere, AB. T4H DM4 12-6-1998 / Pine Hill, AB
Switchboard 403-227-6465 / 2238
Albert Christine.................131 Eli Annie.......................... 103
Andy Rachel.....................113 J. Katie Hofer.................. 112
Ben Katie..........................104 Joe Jessie....................... 107
Dan Rachel.......................129 John Bertha.................... 108
Darius Asnath...................106 Josh Barbara................... 114
Darius Matilda..................111 Josh Katie....................... 115
Dave Katie........................102 Ken Tina.......................... 134
Eddy Clara........................132 Kevin Josie...................... 127
Kurt Sara........................ 109
Melvin Bertha................. 128
Sam Katie....................... 101
Samuel Rosemary.......... 125
Tim Susanna.................. 110
Wally Abigail................... 105
RAYMORE Sec. Edward Hofer 306-524-4636 *524-4355
Box 670 Min. Joseph Hofer
Raymore, SK. S0A 3J0
/ Ewelme, AB
RED WILLOW Sec. Jacob Hofer 403-742-3988 *742-8841
Box 940 Min. Paul Hofer 403-742-5061
Stettler, AB. T0C 2L0 Min. Sam Hofer Ext. 101
/ Stahlville, AB
Built Wild Wood 1966 / Donalda 1978 / Silver Creek 2008
Switchboard 403-742-1100 / 1103 / 1132
Chris Matilda....................122 Jake Margaret................. 109
Conrad Christy..................123 Jason Marilyn.................. 116
D. Judy Hofer...................121 Joe Katie......................... 118
Dan Martha......................119 Jonathan Barbara............ 124
Dave Barbara...................113 Katie D. Hofer.................. 114
Elias Rachel......................125 Lawrence Maria.............. 117
Henry Mary......................107 Leonard Brenda.............. 120
Herman Barbara...............103 Levi Jo Ann..................... 105
Shop Fax 403-742-8842
Mark Marian................... 111
Paul Elizabeth................. 115
Sam & Barbie................. 101
Stephen Becky............... 106
Tim Glenda..................... 104
W. Barbara...................... 108
RIBSTONE Sec. Andrew Hofer 780-858-2343 *858-2342
Box 270 Min. Joshua Hofer
Edgerton, AB. T0B 1K0
Min. Paul Gross 1960
/ Camrose, AB
Built Fort Pitt 1972
RIDGE VALLEY Sec. Matthew M. Walter 780-957-2607 *957-3607
Box 90
Crooked Creek, AB. T0H 0Y0
Field Boss 780-957-2833 Min. Fred A. Walter 780-957-3909 *957-2463
Min. Frank Walter 780-957-3597 *957-3595
8-19-1977 / Spring Point, AB Built Birch Hills 1996
Machine Shop 780-957-2486 Turkey 780-957-3587
Switchboard 780-957-2617 / 3689
Albert Clara
119 George Elizabeth
Andy Katie
108 Henry Esther
Daniel Tammy
132 Ike Susie
Darius Mary
102 Jacob Dora
Eddy Margaret
111 James Sheryl
Ernie Annamarie
117 Joe Barbara
Frank Judy
104 John Esther
Fred Annie
101 John Lena
Josh Susan
Kenny Abbigail
Lorenz Helen
Margaret & Sarah
Martin Martha
Mike Esther
P. Susanna Walter
Toby Gloria
RIVERBEND Sec. Sam Gross 306-945-2106 *945-5443
Box 630 Min. Chris Gross
Waldheim, SK. S0K 4R0 Min. Phillip Gross Switchboard 306-945-2106 / 2335
Albert Esther....................222 Dennis Ruthie.................. 238
Andy Rachel.....................270 Eli Carol........................... 231
Ben Abby..........................254 Gary Karen...................... 234
Ben Rebecca....................221 Glen Evelyn..................... 236
Bill Barbara......................232 Jason Laura.................... 262
Chris Barbara...................224 Jerry Esther.................... 230
Dan Judy..........................225 Kevin Rose...................... 227
David Suzanne.................223 Mark Abby....................... 266
306-945-2335 *945-4992
Ext. 226
10-20-1996 / Leask, SK
Micheal Dora.................. 264
Paul Martha.................... 260
Philip Sara...................... 226
P. Rachel / Bertha........... 229
Randy Priscilla................ 271
Sam Elizabeth................. 228
Tom Laura...................... 268
Walter Karen................... 233
RIVERSIDE........................... Sec. Joseph L. Tschetter ...... 403-553-4055 ... *553-2827
Box 550 Min. George R. Tschetter
Ft. McCleod, AB. T0L 0Z0 Min. Albert Tschetter
1939 - Standoff
Switchboard 403-553-4055
Albert Rosanna.................130 Frank Elizabeth............... 142
Barbara P. & Judy.............161 Fred Martha.................... 126
Ben Dora..........................138 George Rachel................. 123
Dave Martha....................134 Henry Sarah.................... 139
Dorothy Tschetter.............140 Jeremy Lorraine.............. 157
Ed Rachel.........................124 Joe Lydia......................... 121
Eli Maryann......................133 Ken Carol........................ 153
Ext. 123
Ext. 130
Built Estuary - 1958
Maria Tschetter............... 141
Mike Bertha.................... 125
Paul Laura..................... 162
Sam Betty Ann................ 145
Steven Christina............. 122
Susie F........................... 129
Tom Elizabeth................. 132
RIVERVIEW @ Sec. Paul Tschetter C N T 306-249-5086 *242-3025
RR 6, Box 21, Site 600
Min. Levi Tschetter C N T 306-242-3586
Saskatoon, SK. S7K 3J9 Min. James Tschetter Ext 240
2-7-1956 / Fairview, AB Built Quill Lake
Original Hutterite Directory 306 - 651-2317 Fax 306-978-1416 Cannot Transfer
Switchboard on next page
Switchboard 306-242-5652 / 249-0175 / 0192
Brian Julia
252 Jason Krista
D. Sarah
231 Jerry Justina
Darius Susie
232 Joe Barbara
Eddie Rachel
235 Joel Eileen
Ernest Susanna
239 Levi Annie
Frank Barbara
234 M. Elizabeth George Susanna
236 M. Sarah Stahl
Jake Kathrin
227 Marvin Joanne
James Bertha
240 Michael Martha
Peter Esther
Paul Rebecca
Peter Martha
Phillip Lydia
Richard Melissa
Sam Annie
Steven Ruth
Susie / Rachel
Day Care
ROSALIND @ Sec. Jacob B. Waldner 780-375-2250 *375-2205
Box 1570 Min. Darius Stahl
Camrose, AB. T4V 1X4 Min. Albert L. Waldner
Switchboard 780-375-2206 / 2202 / 2217
Albert Lydia......................203 Dave Mary........................ 404
Chris Sarah......................202 Jacob Barbara.................. 201
Dan Margaret...................405 Jacob Mary...................... 204
Darius Esther....................402 Jake Mary........................ 401
Darius Katie......................101 Michael Leah................... 205
Ext. 203
1-10-2011 / Byemoor, AB
Martin Martha................. 105
Mike Frieda ................... 103
Paul Judy........................ 104
Susie M. ........................ 102
Ruben Abigail................. 403
ROSEBUD.............................. Sec. Dan Hofer....................... 403-533-2205.... *533-2206
Box 280.................................. Min. George Hofer.................. 403-533-2218 C N T
Rockyford, AB. T0J 2R0.......... Min. Benjamin Hofer............... Ext. 314
.............................................. .............................................. 8-15 1918.... / Tschetter, SD
Switchboard...................... 403-533-2140
Andy Esther......................115 James Esther......................... Paul Rebecca.................. 113
Arnold Martha..................414 Jim Matilda...................... 412 Phillip Laura................... 124
Ben Susie.........................314 Joe Justina....................... 214 Rebecca J. ..................... 114
Curt Barbara........................... John Matilda.................... 215 Sam Anita
Dan Lydia.........................116 Ken Lydia......................... 413 Sam Katie....................... 112
Ed Lydia..........................411 Leonard Susanna............. 213 Simon Leah.................... 323
George Esther..................211 Loenz Katie...................... 312 Solomon Esther.............. 313
George Lena.....................216 Martin Margaret............... 212 Susanna B...................... 111
George Naomi..................221 Mike Mary........................ 311
Gideon Amanda................415 Mike Rachel..................... 315
SANDHILLS Sec. Michael Wurz 403-947-2042 *947-2710
Box 249 Min. Andrew Wurz
403-947-2407 *947-3808
Beiseker, AB. T0M 0G0
Min. Steve Wurz
1936 / Springvale, AB
Built Ferrybank 1949 / L eask 1958 / Morinville1970 / Eagle Creek 1987/Birch Meadows 2009
SCHOONOVER Sec. Wally Walter 509-982-2257 *982-2797
2194 N. Schooner Rd Min. Herb Walter
Odessa, WA. 99159
1979 / Spring Creek, MT
Business Fax Line 509-982-2290
Switchboard 5
Spectrum MFG
Frank Marie..................... 245 Phillip Laura.................... 248 William Frieda................. 254
Herb Kathy...................... 247 Phillip Suzanne................ 246 Shop (Office)................... 223
John Walter..................... 244 Sheldon Sharon............... 252 Office (Wally).................. 243
Jonty Eleanor.................. 242 Wally Marie..................... 249Carpentor....................... 230
Peter Sarah..................... 251 Wesley Junia................... 253Kitchen........................... 229
SCOTFORD Sec. George Hofer 780-998-2913 *998-2944
Chicken Barn 780-998-4957 Hog Barn 780-998-3521 M
echanic 780-998-2918
Switchboard 780-998-9806 / 5076
Andy T. Hofer....................206 George Frieda.................. 249 Lydia / Bertha................. 211
Clara / Margaret...............215 George Lena.................... 201 Martin Judy.................... 218
Danny Judy......................202 Jake Rachel.................... 205 Paul Barbara................... 209
Darius Katie......................221 Jerry Hilda....................... 250 Paul Judy........................ 213
Dave Katie........................210 John Miriam.................... 204 Paul Susie....................... 212
Don Margaret...................217 John S. Hofer.................. 207 Peter Dora...................... 219
E. Mary Hofer...................222 John Susie...................... 203 Phillip Melissa................ 246
Eli Dora ...........................220 Luke Mary Ann ............... 247 Sam Lena....................... 216
SCOTT Sec. Ben M. Wurz 306-247-2145 *247-2146
Box 130 Min. Simon Wurz 306-228-1728 Scott, SK. S0K 4A0
Min. Solomon Wurz 4-6-1997 / Lakeview, SK
SHADY LANE Sec. Ben Tschetter 780-833-2491 *357-3891
Box 217
Min. Leonard Tschetter
780-833-2487 *513-6591
Wanham, AB. T0H 3P0
Min. Johnny Tschetter 780-557-9904
780-833-2487 Shop 780-694-2793* 3-1-2003 / Fairview, AB
SHADOW RANCH Sec. Edward Hofer 403-643-2485 *643-2486
Box 354 Min. John Hofer
Champion, AB. T0L 0R0
09-01-2009 / Little Bow, AB
Switchboard 403-485-1082 / 0893
Ben Leah..........................207 Jonty Sarah..................... 211
Carl Frieda........................204 Kenneth Miriam............... 209
Chris Johanna..................205 Kevin Matilda.................. 203
Ed Kathy...........................202 Matthew Helen................ 223
Edward Lisa........................... Mike Ruth....................... 206
John Sarah.......................208 P. Theresa........................ 213
Paul Mary....................... 221
Reuben Miriam............... 212
Tim Abigail ..................... 220
Tom Janet............................
Tom Lisa......................... 210
SILVERCREEK Sec. Darius Hofer 780-877-2121 *877-2100
General Delivery Min. John Hofer 780-877-2588
Ferintoch, AB. T0B 1M0
Min. Darius Hofer 8-15-2008 / Red Willow, AB
SIMMIE @ Sec. Jerry Hofer
RR 1 Min. Henry Hofer
Admiral, SK. S0N 0B0
Min. Jake Hofer
7-1-1964 / New York, AB
Switchboard 306-297-2218 / 4003
Albert MaryAnn................222 Fred Rose........................ 210
Andreas Judith.................214 George Betty................... 209
Andrew Rebecca..............206 Henry Anna..................... 201
Becky Hofer......................226 Henry Debbie.................. 223
Ben Ruth..........................227 Henry Marleen................ 215
Darius Kathrina................211 Jacob Glenda.................. 219
Darius Lena......................217 Jake Rachel.................... 202
D. Clara Hofer...................212 Jerry Susanna................. 203
Elias Rebecca...................218 John Esther..................... 216
306-297-6304 *297-2742
306-297-2254 *297-6413
Ext. 202
Built Swift Current 1978
Blacksmith 306-297-2320
Jonathan Melissa........... 220
Leonard Lydia................. 207
Paul Anna....................... 208
Peter Rachel................... 205
Phillip Carol.................... 221
S. Elizabeth Hofer........... 225
Samuel Deborah............. 213
Tim Justina..................... 224
55262 Range Road 214 Min. John Hofer 780-998-2914
Fort Sask, AB. T8L 4A3 Min. Dave Hofer 780-998-4972 Vegetables
1953 / New York, AB Built P lain Lake 1970 / Pine Haven 1997
306-297-0007 /2280
SMOKY LAKE Sec. Fred Stahl
Box 69 Min. Andrew Stahl
Smoky Lake, AB. T0A 3C0 Min. Joseph Stahl
Fred Cell:
Simmie Colony, SK.
780-656-4026 *656-2372
780-656-1102 *656-1112
Ext. 108
7-1969 / Beiseker, AB
Truck Shop 780-656-4294 / *656-4239 Dairy Barn 780-656-2597 / *656-2503
Chem Bldg.780-656-2450 - cell:656-6087
Cabinet: 780-656-4300 *656-4047
Switchboard 780-656-3967 / 4093
Andy Rhoda......................121 Eddy Rachel.................... 105
Andy Theresa...................101 Eli Clara........................... 113
Barbara / Matilda.............104 Fred Katie........................ 116
Ben Esther........................107 Jake Rebecca................. 109
Dan Rachel.......................103 Jerry Matilda................... 119
Danny Bertha...................118 Joe Linda........................ 108
Dave Diana.......................129 John D. Hofer.................. 112
Truck Shop..................... 131
John Martha................... 115
Mike Sarah..................... 117
Mike Susanna................. 106
P. Sarah Stahl................. 102
Paul Hofer....................... 110
Rachel Stahl................... 114
Timmy Marie.................. 120
SOUTH PEACE Sec. Ben Tschetter 250-782-8814 *782-8164
Box 69 Min. Peter Tschetter Farmington, BC. V0C 1N0
Min. Michael Hofer 1977 / Mixburn, AB
Built Peace View
SPRING CREEK Sec. Timothy Walter 406-538-8844 *538-8844
Box 518 Min. Tim Walter
Lewistown, MT. 59457 Kitchen 406-538-9355 1912 / Wolf Creek, SD
Moved to Stahlville 1919 / Rebuilt fr. Felger, AB.1946 / Schoonover 1979 / Forty Mile 1980
SPRING CREEK Sec. Mike Hofer 403-937-2524 *937-2073
Box 29 Min. George Hofer 403-937-2504 937-2134
Walsh, AB. T0J 3L0 Min. Jacob Hofer Ext. 222
11-14-1956 /Lakeside, AB
Built Arm River 1964 Elk Water 1979
Switchboard 403-937-3798 / 2097
Billy Naomi
310 Joe Esther
220 Mike Miriam
David Frieda
325 Joe Susanna
211 Mike Susie
Edward Rebecca
228 Joey Lea
312 P. Susie Hofer
Eli Annie
218 John Dora
224 Paul Rosanna
George Annie
219 Josh Sarah
216 Phillip Mary
George Esther
212 Kevin Kristy
250 Sol Margaret
Jake Betty
222 Levi Tina
316 Tim Roseann
Jimmy Julia
286 Michael Lisa
215 Titus Melissa
Spring Creek, AB.
Norquay, SK. Mark Sharon 306-594-1444 *594-1445
Kitchen 306-594-1446
“Live as if you were to Die Tomorrow
Learn as if you were to live forever
SPRING LAKE @ Sec. Darius A. Hofer
SPRING POINT Sec. Jake K. Walter 403-553-2284 *553-2227
Box 249 Min. Martin Walter 403-553-4368
Pincher Creek, AB. T0K 1W0 Min. Reuben Walter
Min Daniel Walter 8-1-1960
/ Granum, AB
Built White Lake 1973 / Ridge Valley 1977 / Livingston 2000
Hogs 403-553-2331 Shop 403-553-2261 Cow Camp 403-553-2353
SPRING RIDGE Sec. Daniel S. Tschetter 780-842-6181 *842-6128
Box 2929 Min. Jacob E. Tschetter
Wainwright, AB. T9W 1S8 Min. Daniel Tschetter 7-2-2006 / O.B, AB
SPRING VALLEY Sec. Joseph Waldner 403-758-3889 *758-3881
Box 47 Min. George Waldner 403-758-3885
Spring Coulee, AB. T0K 2C0 Min. Martin Waldner
4-1-1997 / West Rayley, AB
SPRING WATER Sec. Peter Stahl 306-948-1738
Box 38 Min. Joseph Stahl 306-948-1735 *948-1736
Ruthilda, SK. S0K 3S0 Min. Solomon Stahl 1982 / Valley View, AB
Metal Roll Forming 306-948-3776
SPRINGVALE Sec. Andrew Gross 403-533-2105 *533-2101
Box 248 Min. Daniel Gross
Rockyford, AB. T0J 2R0 Min. William Gross 1918 / Jamesville, SD
Built Sandhills 1936 / Camrose 1948 / Hillsvale 1961 / Willow Park 1979 / Arrow Wood 2007
Shops 533-2200 / *533-2201 Electrical
212 Mechanic
127 S&M
STAHLS Sec. John Stahl 509-659-0108 *659-0103
HC 1, Box 89 Min. Edward Stahl 509-659-4532
Ritzville, WA. 99169
10-20-1980 / Huxley, AB Built Stanfield 2008
STAHLVILLE Sec. Paul Waldner 403-533-2476 *533-0009
Box 249
Rockyford, AB. T0J 2R0
Min. Martin Waldner 403-533-2102
Min. Samuel WaLdner 1919 / Spring Creek, MT
Built Red Willow 1949 / Huxley 1959 / Torrington 1971 / Stahls 1980 / Wheatland “If you work just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you’re doing,
and you always put the customer first, success will be yours.”
Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s
306-627-3325 *627-3378
Box 35 Min. Jake Hofer 306-627-3326
Swift Current, SK. S9H 3V5 Min. Andrew Hofer Ext. 344
10-27- 91 / Hodgeville, SK
Switchboard 306-627-3324 / 3346 after 6:00 pm use 627-3765
Andrew Becky..................344 George Katie................... 444 L. Rachel....................... 422
Arnold Bertha...................522 Jacob Rachel.................. 322 Mark Karen..................... 544
Darius Annie.....................566 Jason Martha................. 533 S. Annie Hofer................. 433
Darius Susie.....................477 Joe Esther....................... 555 Samuel Sara................... 355
David Betty.......................366 John Rebecca................. 377 Steve Clara..................... 677
Evelyn & Esther................333 Jonathan Helen............... 455
Garry Miriam
666 Lawrence Martha
STANDOFF Sec. Ben Wipf 403-553-2266 *553-2728
Box 910 Min. Jerry Hofer Ext. 116
Ft. Macleod, AB. T0L 0Z0 Min. David Wipf Ext. 120
4-1918 / Spinks, SD
Built Granum 1930 / Riverside 1939 / Estuary 1958
Switchboard 403-553-0213 / 4498
Ben Rosa..........................101 James Debbie................. 134 M. Rachel Wipf............... 104
Bradley Heidi....................201 Jason Joyce.................... 200 M. Sarah Hofer............... 112
Brian Marlene...................121 Jerry Esther.................... 116 Mark Liz......................... 152
Dan Mary.........................117 Joe Margaret................... 115 Martin Becky.................. 102
David Esther.....................120 Joe Marilyn..................... 110 Martin Becky.................. 102
Darcy Elaine.....................155 J. Rachel Wipf................. 119 Mary Anne / Dianne........ 111
Duane Michelle................202 John Bertha.................... 107 Sam Clara....................... 118
Eli Rachel.........................109 Johnny Magdalena.......... 153 Sam Mary....................... 114
George Marilyn.................106 Katie / Sara..................... 113 Sam Ruth....................... 108
Greg Dorothy....................150 Larry Linda...................... 103
STANFIELD........................... Sec. Arnold Stahl .................. Ext. 0........ *541-449-3455
36345 Despain Gulch Rd Min. Andrew Stahl Ext. 226
Stanfield, OR. 97875 Min. Samuel Stahl Ext. 224
7-15-2008 Switchboard 541-449-3455 /3477
Andrew Elizabeth.......... 226 Ed Emma.......................230
Arnold Judith................. 220 Hank Susanna................227
Bill Lydia........................ 228 Herb Glenda...................222
Danny Joanne............... 231 Jake Susanna................221
/ Stahls, WA
Jeremy Carolyn............ 223
Joel Priscilla................. 229
Mark Jennifer .............. 225
Sam Rebecca............... 224
STAR CITY @ Sec. Darius Tschetter
306-863-2343 *863-2351
Box 190 Min. Peter Tschetter Ext. 112
Star City, SK. S0E 1P0 Min. David Tschetter Ext. 110
1979 / Estuary, SK
Hogs 306-863-2361 Chicken *306-863-4124 Dairy *306-863-4114
Switchboard 306-863- 2290 / 4451 Andrew Martha ...............114 J. Susie / Reba............... 117
Ben Susan........................116 Jake Rebecca ................ 122
Darius Anna......................105 Johnny Helen.................. 123
David Christina.................109 Jon Rachel ..................... 111
David Rachel....................110 Josh Elizabeth................. 103
Eli Susie...........................106 Mark Susan..................... 121
Gideon Matilda.................139 Martin Lena..................... 115
Shop 306-863-2311
Pete Dorothy................... 120
Peter Sarah..................... 112
Ruben Lena.................... 124
S. Annie.......................... 102
Sam Rebecca................. 119
Sarie / Annie................... 140
Toby Barbara ................. 118
STARLAND @ .................... Sec. John Stahl..................... 403-772-3855 ... *772-2152
Box 1720 Min. Henry Stahl Ext. 411
Drumheller, AB. T0J 0Y0 Min. James Stahl Ext. 141
1972 / Lakeside, AB
Blue Sky 1996
Switchboard 403-772-3966 / 2133Shop
Albert Hannah..................431 J. Susie........................... 351 Peter Barbara................. 331
Arnold Kathrina................111 Jake Barbara................... 521 Philip Miriam.................. 441
Ben Susanna....................311 James Frieda.................. 141 Randy Anita.................... 241
Dave Katie........................361 Jerry Katie...................... 541 Richard Glenda............... 511
Eli Esther..........................121 Joe Martha...................... 211 Ruben Elizabeth.............. 421
Elias Susanna...................221 Johnny Sarah.................. 341 Steven Lisa..................... 231
Henry Rose.......................411 Martin Susie.................... 321
306-237-4361 *237-4437
Ext. 223
Ext. 231
1990 /Hillsvale, SK
Josh Teresa.................... 233
Paul Becky Gross........... 263
Paul Dora........................ 229
Paul Judy........................ 234
Sammy Susanna............ 255
Solomon Rachel............. 232
SUNNYBEND Sec. John Walter 780-954-2636 *954-2636
RR 1 Min. Paul Walter 780-954-3867
Westlock, AB. T7P 2N9
Min. Phillip Hofer 10-20-1991 / Cayley, AB
SUNSHINE Sec. Martin Walter 403-787-2335 *787-2377
Box 92 Min. Andrew Walter
Hussar, AB. T0J 1S0
Min. Andreas Walter Jr.
/ Cayley, AB
Switchboard 403-775-1716 Andrew Rebecca.............101 Edward Debbie................ 115
Andreas Bertha...............108 Elias Lena....................... 112
Ben Anna.........................106 Elias Maria...................... 102
Benjamin Katie................117 George Debora............... 110
Daniel Frieda...................116 Jacob Anna..................... 103
David Rosa.......................118 Jeremias Bertha.............. 113
Ext. 108
Built - Wintering Hills 2000
Granite Shop403-787-2114
Joshua Maria.................. 105
John Ruth....................... 111
Martin Barbara............... 109
Martin Sarah................... 104
Michael Elizabeth........... 107
Paul Leah....................... 114
SURPRISE CREEK Sec. Jacob Hofer 406-566-2428 *566-2428
Box 310 Min. Samuel Hofer
Stanford, MT. 59479
Min. Michael Hofer 1963 / King Ranch, MT
Switchboard 406-566-2957 / 2225
Annie & Judy....................228 Jake Becky..................... 221
Dave Sally........................237 Joe Margaret................... 227
George Judy.....................222 John Beverly................... 225
George Elizabeth..............229 Ken Sarah....................... 236
J. Elizabeth.......................234 Martin Becky................... 238
J. Kathrine........................231 Marvin Linda................... 235
406-566-2669 *566-2669
Ext. 230
Built - Prairie Elk
Mike Rita........................ 230
Paul Marie...................... 224
Sam Bertha.................... 233
Sam Sarah...................... 232
Sammy Sarah................. 226
Tim Dorothy.................... 223
SWIFT CURRENT Sec. Paul Hofer 306-778-2327 *778-2327
Box 1530 Min. Jacob Hofer 306-778-2369
Swift Current, SK. S9H 4G5 Min. Leonard Hofer Ext. 215
6-6-1978 / Simmie, SK
Switchboard 306-778-0702 / 0705
Dave Sarah......................206 Joe Martha...................... 210 Paul Liz........................... 211
Ernie Tina.........................203 John Barbara.................. 218 Peter Annie..................... 201
Edward Judith.................219 Josh Debbie.................... 207 Rachel Hofer................... 202
Elias Mary........................209 Ken Esther...................... 226 Ryan Kala....................... 202
George Emma..................214 Kevin Melinda................. 216 Sam Helen...................... 205
George Marie...................208 Leonard Ruth.................. 215 Tim Marlene................... 227
Jacob R. Hofer..................217 Paul Elizabeth.................. 212
Jake Betty........................213 Paul Esther...................... 204
Sec. Johnny Wurz
Box 69 Min. Joseph Wurz
Perdue, SK. S0K 3C0
Min. Elias Wurz
Switchboard 306-237-4812
A. Rachel Wurz.................228 George Judy.................... 224
Aaron Rachel...................253 George Margaret............. 237
Ben Barbara.....................235 Jake Debbie Gross.......... 256
Ben Magdalena................230 Jake Debbie Wurz........... 236
Danny Helen.....................238 Joe A. Wurz..................... 223
David Clara......................226 Joe Matilda..................... 249
Elias Rachel......................231 John Esther..................... 225
G. Susanna Wurz..............227 Johnny Barbara............... 222
THOMPSON Sec. George C. Tschetter
Box 160 Min. John Tschetter
Fort McCleod, AB. T0L 0Z0 Min. David Tschetter
1939 / East Cardston, AB
Switchboard 403-553-2910 / 3500 Office
Ben Rachel.......................234 John Barbara.................. 239
Chris Barb........................241 Jonathan Bertha.............. 244
Conrad Leah.....................248 Kenneth Theresa............ 233
Dave Sarah......................235 Kevin Michelle................. 224
David Martha....................236 Leonard Lena.................. 249
Eddie Rachel ...................243 Marvin Ruth.................... 246
Ernie Clara........................247 Mary Esther..................... 245
George Clara....................230 Mike Annie...................... 242
403-553-3715 /3726 *3724
403-553-2050 *553-2958
Ext. 236
O.B. 1957 - Valley View 1973
George 231
John 240
Paul Betty....................... 232
Robert Susan.................. 251
Sam Susanna................. 237
Steven Anna................... 222
Tim Judy........................ 223
Toby Esther.................... 256
William Ruth................... 221
THREE HILLS......................... Sec. Samuel Wurz................. 403-443-2162.... *443-5329
Box 1720 Min. John Wurz
Three Hills, AB. T0M 2A0 Min. Chris Wurz 3-23-2006 / Wilson, AB
TOFIELD 780-662-2549 *662-0187
Box 1080 Min. Mike Stahl 780-662-3686
Tofield, AB. T0B 4J0
Min. John Stahl
6-6-1998 / Carmangay, AB
Shop Fax. 780-662-2549
Switchboard 780-809-0997 Ben Lydia
133 E. Rachel Stahl
131 Mike Elizabeth
Benji Ruth
136 Eli Teresa
132 Mike Sarah
Chris Martha
145 George Martha
122 Paul Helen
Dan Joann
142 Joe Melissa
144 Sam Lydia
Eddie Lisa
146 John Becky
141 page 160 for Countertops
Eli Christina
124 John Dora
TSCHETTER Sec. Ben Hofer 403-935-4406 *935-3461
Box 130 Min. Jacob Hofer
Irricanna, AB. T0M 1B0 Min. Andreas Stahl
Built Cluny Switchboard 403-935-4406
Andy Rachel.....................103 Edward Esther................. 105
Ben A. Hofer.....................106 Eli Elizabeth..................... 119
Benjamin Martha..............107 George Barbie ................ 114
Darius Rosa......................117 George Esther................. 108
David Rachel....................112 Jacob Sarah.................... 109
David Susanna.................113 Jake Dora....................... 102
Eddy Annie.......................104 Joe Rachel...................... 101
1948 / Rosebud, AB
1961 / Craigmyle 1984
John Katie...................... 116
John Katie (D)................. 111
Leonard Susie................ 115
Moses Edna.................... 118
Susie & Lydia.................. 110
Tommy Lisa.................... 129
TURIN Sec. Chris Waldner 403-359-5101 *738-4512
Box 207 Min. Darius Walter 403-359-5102
Turin, AB. T0K 2H0 Min. Kenneth Walter
Ext. 113
Business Fax Line 403-359-5110 1971 / West Raley, AB
Switchboard on next page
“One of the nice things about problems is: that a good many of them do not exist.”
Kenny Rosie................... 131
Leonard Abigail............... 126
Mark Christina................ 125
Martin Dorothy................ 127
Martin Judy.................... 114
Phillip Miriam................. 130
Ruben Shirley................. 121
Sam Rosanna................. 109
TURNER Sec. Jason Hofer 406-379-2340 *379-2340
Box 16 Min. Edward Hofer 406-379-2350
Turner, Mt. 59542
1959 / Ayers, MT Built East Malta TWIN RIVER Sec. Jacob Stahl780-836-3418 Box 660 Min. Johannes Stahl780-836-3383
Manning, AB. T0H 2M003-1-2010
Switchboard 780-836-3833
/ Huxley, AB
VALLEY VIEW Sec. Jonathan Stahl 403-631-2372 *631-2231
General Delivery Min. David Stahl
Torrington, AB. T0M 2B0 Min. George Stahl
/ Huxley, AB
Switchboard 403-631-2372 / 456-5824 /5825
Albert Bertha....................327 G. Mary Stahl.................. 323
Arnold Kathy....................329 George Ruth.................... 328
Ben Dora..........................317 J. Margaret Stahl............. 315
Dan Lena..........................322 Jack Martha.................... 304
Danny Sarah....................319 James Ester.................... 332
Danny Susan....................314 Jonty Linda.................... 330
Dave R. Stahl....................305 Jonathan Sarah............... 302
Ed Katrina........................310 Jonathan Sarah.............. 303
Ed Susan..........................324 M. Lydia Stahl................. 311
Eli Susan..........................307 M. Sarah Stahl................ 331
Ext. 305
Built Spring Water 1982
Martin Rachel................. 309
P. Katie & Boys............... 318
P. Katie & Justina............ 308
P. Mary Stahl................... 321
Paul Miriam.................... 316
(Ruben) Rosie Stahl........ 320
Sam Lydia...................... 301
Simon Dorthy.................. 325
Steve Mary Anne............ 326
VALLEY VIEW Sec. Sam Tschetter 780-524-2590 *524-2118
Box 1193 Min.Walter Tschetter
Valley View, AB. T0H 3N0 1973 / Thompson, AB
VEGREVILLE Sec. Henry Tschetter 780-658-2332 *658-3373
Box 549 Min. Edward Tschetter
Vegreville, AB. T9C 1R6
Min. Jonathan Tschetter 1970 / Pibroch, AB
Switchboard 780-658-3906 / 3905 or 587-790-0707 Arnold AbbyGail
253 John Annie
Bill Sara
252 Johnny Sarah
D. Barbara Tschetter
237 Jonathan Helen
Edward Linda
222 Ken Lynda
Eric Lawrence Barbara
George Katie
241 Mark Thelma
Gideon Emma
236 Martin Katie
Henry Helen
221 Martin S. Tschetter
223 J. B. Family
250 Mervin Hilda
James Rebecca
248 Mike Judy
Ext. 222
Ext. 235
Built Mannville 1988
Shop 780-658-2515 *2512
Paul Justina
Paul S. Tschetter
Peter Katie
Peter Mary
Rachel Tschetter
Sam Frieda
Steven Rosa 253
Willy Theresa
Switchboard 403-359-5111
Andrew Melissa................132 Eli Susanna..................... 108
Arnold Marie.....................129 George Irene................... 124
Ben Matilda......................118 J. Katie Walter................. 115
Bill Dora...........................111 Jake Susie...................... 123
Chris Susanna..................105 James lisa....................... 110
Darius Barbara.................120 Jason Abby..................... 133
Dave Susan......................122 Joe Rachel...................... 116
E. Annie Walter.................119 Jonty Joyce..................... 128
E. Elizabeth Waldner.........117 Ken Ruth ........................ 113
780-689-5520 /5521 *780-689-5542
VETERAN Sec. George Stahl 403-575-2169 *575-2190
Box 500 Min. Joseph Stahl 403-575-2557
Veteran, AB. T0C 2S0
Min. Martin Stahl 1956 / West Raley, AB
Built Pleasant Valley 1970 / Gadsby 1987 / Lougheed 2011
Hogs 403-575-2696 *575-2845 Shop 403-575-2694 *575-2890
VIKING Sec. John Wipf 780-336-4972 *336-4088
Box 840 Min. Joshua Wipf
Viking, AB. T0B 4N0 Min. Peter Wipf
Switchboard 780-336-0109
Andy Mary........................220 Jamie Miriam.................. 237
Andy Susanna..................203 Joe Edna......................... 217
Benny Judy......................204 John Lizzy....................... 201
Danny Amanda.................221 Josh Susie...................... 212
Darius Rebecca................235 Joshie Miriam ................ 207
David Judy.......................206 Kurt Susanna.................. 224
Eddie Dorothy...................223 Martin Barbara................ 216
George Barbara ...............205 Marvin Susan.................. 233
J. Sarah Wipf....................208 Micheal Helen................. 234
Jake Jessie......................209
Ext. 236
Ext. 211
1985 / Warburg, AB
Michel Becky.................. 219
Mike Dora....................... 214
Mike Rosa...................... 210
Moses Marie................... 213
Paul Martha.................... 202
Paul Sarah...................... 215
Paulie Evelyna................ 222
Peter Marlene................. 211
Solomon Sarah............... 218
WARBURG Sec. Frank Wipf 780-848-2272 *848-2571
Box 520 Min.Jake L. Wipf Ext. 103
Warburg, AB. T0C 2T0 Min. Chris Wipf Ext. 106
1964 / Ferrybank,AB
Built Viking 1985 / Codessa 2004
Switchboard Edmonton 780-628-7770 Calgary 403-775-6605
Aaron Linda......................105 Frank Rachel................... 112 Joshua Dorothy.............. 113
Andrew Martha................107 J. Rebecca Wipf.............. 101 Levi Debbie.................... 115
Chris Abigail.....................106 Jake Lena....................... 103 Samuel Betty.................. 104
Chris Esther......................111 Joe Miriam...................... 110 Susie J............................ 108
Eddie Clara.......................116 John Judith..................... 114
Frank Martha....................109 John Lena....................... 102
WARDEN Sec. Jacob Wollman
509-349-8045 *349-8866
1054 W. Harder Rd. Min. Walter Wollman
Warden, WA. 98857 Min. Jacob Wollman 1972
/ Espanola, WA
WATERTON Sec. John S. Wurz 403-626-3456
Box 58 Min. Johannes Hofer 403-626-3465
Hillspring, AB. T0B 1E0
Min. Johannes Hofer Jr
/ Wilson, AB
Built Carmangay 1975 / Blue Ridge 2000
WEBB Sec. Paul Hofer Jr 306-674-2236 *674-2218
Box 56 Min. Paul Hofer 306-674-2372 *674-2372
Webb, SK. S0N 2X0 Min. Martin Hofer 1993 / Box Elder, SK
“An important key to self-confidence is Preparation.”
WEST BENCH Sec. Jake Walter 306-295-4135 *295-3556
Ext. 212
Built Big Rose 1984
Shop 306-295-2622
Josh Sharon................... 219
C. Judy Walter................ 205
Len Miriam..................... 208
Ron Gloria....................... 207
Sam Betty....................... 206
Susie Walter................... 221
Wally Martha.................. 202
WEST RALEY Sec. Dave D. Waldner
403-653-2423 *653-2421
Box 2700 Min. Dave M. Waldner
Cardston, AB. T0K 0K0 Min. Daniel R. Waldner 2-20-1918
/ Beadle, SD
Built New York 1924 - Cayley 1936 - Turin 1971 - Spring Valley 1997
WHEATLAND Sec. George Waldner 403-533-2405 *533-2227
Box 360 Min. John Waldner
Rockyford, AB. T0J 2R0 Min. David Waldner
Switchboard 403-533-2212
Andrew Annie...................205 George Annie................... 102
Chris Dora........................202 J. Susie Waldner............. 103
Darius Helen.....................105 Jake Susie...................... 302
Dave Dora........................204 Jerry Matilda................... 305
Dave Rebecca..................301 Joe Barby........................ 405
Eli Lydia............................304 Joe Esther....................... 203
Frank Miriam....................401 John Annie ..................... 104
Ext. 204
1-16-1998 / Stahlville, AB
Johnny Lisa.................... 303
Johnny Miriam............... 201
Mickey Matilda............... 406
Mike Annie..................... 101
Steven Cindy.................. 404
Walter Clara.................... 402
WHITE LAKE Sec. Thomas Tschetter
403-824-3284 *824-3022
Box 360 Min. Johannes Hofer
Barons, AB. T0L 0G0
Min. Mark Tschetter
1973 / Granum, AB
Switchboard 403-824-3684 / 3507 / 3688
Ben Lena..........................246 James Leah.................... 223 Matthew Sara................. 241
Dave Kathrin....................230 Jerry Debbie................... 236 Michael Martha.............. 225
David Helen......................232 Jerry Katie...................... 238 Mike Lisa........................ 235
Edward Anita....................295 Joe Justina..................... 229 P. Lydia & Jake............... 245
Eli Dora............................239 Joel Judy........................ 294 Paul Bertha..................... 226
Frank Christy....................242 John Dora....................... 243 Rueben Barbie................ 234
George Katie....................244 John Mary....................... 240 Tim Lena........................ 227
Jacob Annie.....................233 John Rachel.................... 222 Tobias Dianne................. 237
James Dorothy.................228 Mark Judy....................... 231 Tom Ruth........................ 221
WILLOW PARK ................... Sec. John Wurz..................... 306-237-9510 *....237-9511
Box 70 Min. Johannes Wurz
Tessier, SK. S0L 3G0
1979 / Springvale, AB
Stainless Steel Shop 306-237-4522 / *306-237-4524
Box 70 Min. Darius Walter
East End, SK. S0N 0T0
Min. Darius Walter Jr
8-1-1959 /E. Cardston, AB
Switchboard 306-295-3288 /3248 Ben Lena..........................228 Frank Clara..................... 203
Brian Matilda...................217 Garry Esther.................... 204
Darius Justina..................212 J. Sarah Walter................ 220
Darius Sarah....................213 Jake Linda...................... 235
Ed Esther..........................209 Jake Lizzy....................... 227
Edwin Marilyn..................226 James Karen................... 201
Eli Margaret......................214 Joe Helen........................ 218
WILSON Sec. John Wurz 403-327-9471
Box 99 Min. Joseph Wurz 403-327-9472
Coaldale, AB. T1M 1M2 Min. Solomon Wurz 6-1918 / Richards, SD
Pibrock 1953 - Waterton 1961 - Keho Lake 1981 - Three Hills 2006
WINTERING HILLS Sec. Henry Walter 403-787-2260 *787-2207
Box 66 Min. George Walter
Hussar, AB. T0J 1S0 Min. Paul Walter 7-1-2000 / Sunshine, AB
WOLF CREEK Sec. Paul Hofer 403-756-2180 *756-2180
Box 266 Min. Lenny Hofer 403-756-2243
Stirling, AB. T0K 2E0 Min. Levi Hofer Ext. 227
7-5-1930 / Wolf Creek, SD
Lakeside 1936 - Deerefield, MT 1947 - Downie Lake 1958 - East Raymond 1996
Switchboard 403-756-2283 / 3864 / 3878
Annie & Susie...................201 Joe Janet........................ 205 Mike MaryAnne.............. 211
Eli Judy............................216 Joe Sarah........................ 200 Mike Rachel................... 224
Gary Dorothy....................229 Josh Elizabeth................. 222 P. Katie Hofer.................. 212
J. Margaret Hofer.............203 Josh Kathrina ................. 219 Paul Linda....................... 206
J. Elizabeth Hofer.............218 Leonard Esther................ 221 Robert Rebecca.............. 210
Jacob Evelyn....................215 Lenny Sara...................... 228 Ronnie Sandra................ 225
James Debbie..................202 Levi Rosa........................ 227 Ruben Betty.................... 207
James Margaret...............214 Micheal Melissa.............. 226
Jason Trina.......................213 Mike Ann......................... 208
Essential Oil Cautions
Pure essential oils are a representation of nature in one
of its most powerful forms.
Harnessed, essential oils offer a world of possibilities to the
knowledgeable user, but along with these possibilities comes
a great responsibility.
Always use the best quality essential oils, purchased from a
Reputable company . Do not apply essential oils directly to the
Skin, with the exception of Tea Tree and Lavender (still use with
Caution). Do not use essential oils if you are taking Homeopathic
Remedies without consulting with your doctor first.
Secretary..........................700 Calving Shed.................... 726Essenschule................... 752
Kitchen.............................701 Chemical Shop................. 727 Feed Mill #2 / Office....... 753
Laundry............................702 Day Care.......................... 728 Grain Dryer..................... 754
Book Shop........................703 Dry Goods........................ 729 Green House................... 755
Carpentry.........................704 Duck Barn........................ 730 High School & Gym......... 756
Coffee Room....................705 Fire Truck......................... 731 Laser Shop..................... 757
Dairy Barn........................706 German School................ 732 Marble Shop................... 758
Electrical..........................707 Goose Barn...................... 733 Slat Shop........................ 759
Farm Boss / Parts.............708Hatchery.......................... 734 Seed Plant...................... 760
Feed Mill..........................709 Metal Shop....................... 735 Sheep Camp................... 761
Garden House..................710 Paint Shop........................ 736 Soil Mixing Plant............. 762
Hog Barn..........................711 Power House.................... 737 Kitchen Basement.......... 763
Layer Barn........................712 Root Cellar....................... 738 Pullet Barn...................... 764
Mechanic.........................713Scale................................ 739 Ranch / Feed Lot............ 765
Plumber...........................714 School / English............... 740 Plastic / Sponge.............. 766
Shoe Shop........................715 Colony Storage................. 741 Dam / Pump House........ 767
Slaughter House...............716Warehouse....................... 742 Leather & Glove.............. 768
Steel Fabricating .............717 Water House.................... 743 Cordless Phones ............ 769
Tractor Shop.....................718 Turkey Barn...................... 744 Windows Mfg................. 770
Truck Shop.......................719 Rafters & Sheds............... 745 Car Wash........................ 771
Welding / B. Smith............720 Sewage Plant................... 746 Batchin Plant.................. 772
Bakery..............................721Quarantine....................... 747 Geothermal Plant ........... 773
Bee House........................722Cannery........................... 748 Manure Seperator......... 774
Boiler Room.....................723 Cheese Plant.................... 749Refreshments................. 775
Broiler Barn......................724 Coal Boiler........................ 750 Canola Press Plant.......... 776
Brooms............................725 Egg Packing .................... 751 Garden House Packaging.777
These extensions may work for all colonies in Canada and united States.
Activate today to be in effect immediately.
Colonies that have adapted to it at time of printing are listed below;
Hope your name is on that list soon.
• Abbey • Acadia • Armada • Bench • Bigstone • Birch Creek • Brant • Butte•
• Camrose • Cloverleaf • Coolspring • East End • Evergreen • Fair Haven • Hartland •
• Haven • Hilldale • Kingsbury • Kyle •
• Mialta • Midway • Milford • New Miami • Newell • Parkland • Pondera •
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• Standard • Sunrise • Vanguard • Verdant Valley • Waldeck • • Winnifred •
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Phone: 306-651-2317 Fax: 306-978-1416
Lehrerleut 2015
ABBEY @ Sec. Arnie Wipf 306-689-2265 *689-2601
Box 299
Min. Andrew Wipf
Abbey, SK. S0N 0A0
Min. Phillip Entz
Switchboard 306-689-2231/ 2267 / 2272
Andrew Mary....................223 Josh Lora........................ 243
Arnie Donna.....................236 Luke Miriam.................... 240
Jason Bertha....................244 Nathan Dora.................... 224
Ext. 223
Ext. 241
9-25-1971 / Tompkins, SK
Phil Helen....................... 241
Will Nella........................ 237
ACADIA @ Sec. David J. Entz 403-664-2414 *664-2192
Box 210 Min. John J. Mandel Ext. 111
Oyen, AB. T0J 2J0 Min. John P. Entz Ext. 105
6-15-1954 / Crystal Spring, AB
Switchboard 403-664-2406 / 3369 / 3727
Albert Linda......................113
Ben Bernice......................129
Ben Rebecca....................124
Chris Susanna..................130
Dave Ida...........................125
Dave Michelle..................104
David Lydia.......................123
Ed Rebecca......................127
Ike Susanna.....................126
Jake Evelina.................... 116
Jerry Rosa....................... 112
Joe Laura........................ 117
Joel Rachel..................... 119
John Anna....................... 110
John Ida.......................... 105
John Sara........................ 111
Jonathan Susie............... 107
Mike Anna....................... 108
Mike Judy....................... 128
Mike Martha................... 122
Paul Elizabeth................. 106
Peter Dora...................... 131
Peter Rebecca................ 120
Rueben Martha............... 114
Samuel Dorothy.............. 118
Simon Rosa.................... 109
Tom Christina................. 121
ARMADA @ Sec. Ed Mandel 403-792-2232 *792-3380
Box 267 Min. Mike Mandel Ext. 201
Lomond, AB. T0L 1G0 Min. John Hofer Ext. 107
6-30-2003 / Springview, AB
Switchboard 403-792-3388 / 2220
Andy Christina..................102 Jake Mary....................... 205 Mike Elizabeth................ 105
Ben Dorothy.....................101 Jake Rachel.................... 203 Mike Katie...................... 201
Ed Judy............................100 Jake Susanna................. 305 Paul Helen...................... 206
Ed Tammy........................307 Joe Christy...................... 104 Peter Sarah..................... 204
Enoch Leah......................108 John Martha.................... 107 Ted Lena......................... 303
Jake Elizabeth..................106 John Sarah...................... 304 Toby Rebecca................. 308
Jake Martha.....................202 Leonard Rosa.................. 306 Tom Lydia....................... 207
BAILDON Sec. Peter Hofer Ext. 303 *306-691-0208
Box 968 Min. Peter Wipf Ext. 301
Mose Jaw, SK. S6H 4P6 Min. John P. Hofer Ext. 306
3-10-1968 / Springdale, AB
Switchboard 306-693-3013 / 3046 /3016 / 3148
Andrew Esther..................402 Joe Leona....................... 405 Paul Elizabeth................. 302
David Elisabeth................204 Joe Rebecca................... 401 Paul Katie....................... 205
Don Glenda......................106 John Annie...................... 304 Paul Susie....................... 203
Fred Michelle...................206 John Annie ..................... 101 Peter Mary ..................... 303
Jacob Lena.......................403 John Katie....................... 201 Peter Mary ..................... 301
Jake Kathy.......................105 John Miriam.................... 306 Peter Rachel................... 102
Jake Rebecca...................202 Matt Pauline.................... 404 Peter Waldner................. 103
Jason Elizabeth................104 Mike Rebecca................. 406 Steve Helen.................... 305
BEECHY Sec. Dan J. Hofer 306-859-4606 *859-4499
Box 280 Min. Mike D. Hofer
Beechy, SK. S0L 0C0
Min. Will Hofer Ext. 302
1-21-1981 / Main Centre, SK
Lehrerleut 2015
SERRIA Building............. 306-297-3270 / 1330 /1331/ 2648 / 2632........Bench Colony
.............................................. 306-295-1200 / 7991 / 4177 / 3321 / 3328
BIG BEND Sec. Tim G. Gross 403-653-2484 *653-2095
Box 610 Min. Jacob Waldner
Cardston, AB. T0K 0K0 Min. Joseph Kleinsasser
Switchboard 403-653-4383 / 4344
Anna Gross.......................104 Jake Mary....................... 301
Ben Becky........................204 Jake Susie...................... 102
George Edna.....................203 Jerry Dianne................... 206
George Susie....................202 Joe Lisa.......................... 307
Henry Justina...................303 Joe Matilda..................... 403
Ike Lydia...........................201 Joel Abigail...................... 104
Jake Joane.......................208 Josh Linda...................... 101
Jake Kate.........................401 Paul Lisa......................... 105
Ext. 301
Ext. 403
1920 / New Elmspring, AB
Peter Greta..................... 304
Phillip Adina.................... 302
Rebecca / Martha........... 103
Steve Lisa ...................... 405
Ted Matilda..................... 108
Tim Kate......................... 402
Will Teresa...................... 404
BIG SKY Sec. Amos P. Wipf 406-336-3690 *336-4690
1657 Meriwether Min.Daniel E. Wipf 406-336-4300
Cut Bank, MT. 59427
Min. Edward Kleinsasser
Ext. 227
Electric 406-336-3366 6-26-1978 / Millford, MT
Switchboard 406-336-3692 / 5690
Amos Josie.......................225 Eli Helen.......................... 221 Mike Mary...................... 214
Amos Susie......................228 Elizabeth Wipf................. 216 Paul Sara........................ 218
Andrew Elizabeth.............230 Enoch Annie.................... 223 Paul Susie....................... 231
Andy Bertha.....................232 Justina Hofer................... 213 Peter Esther.................... 224
Dan Becky........................210 Ken Sara......................... 220 Sam Christina................. 219
Dan Susie.........................215 Matt Marie..................... 234 Steve Margaret............... 211
witchboard 306-859-4463 / 4464 / 4465
Andrew Susie
202 John Susie
406 Tom Donna
Dan Diane
408 Ken Anita
102 Will Rita
David Susie
108 Mike Rachel
201 Gary Linda
Elias Barbara
301 Paul Annie
402 George Julia
Jake Rebecca
105 Paul Brenda
107 Philip Laura
Joe Katie
206 Paul Lisbeth
404 Steve Susanna
Joe Mary
106 Rachel Hofer
BENCH @ Sec. Andy Wurz 306-297-3270 *297-4172
Box 118 Min. David Waldner Ext. 201
Shaunavon, SK. S0N 2M0 Min. David Wipf Ext. 106
1-1-1953 / O. Elmspring,AB
Switchboard 306-297- 2648 /2732 / 1330 / 1331 / Aaron Lisa........................406 George Mary................... 207 Levi Esther...................... 306
Andy Susanna..................407 Henry Adina..................... 102 Matt Rebecca................. 402
Clara Waldner ..................202 J. Margaret Wurz............. 307 Mike Anna...................... 105
Dan Anna.........................107 Jack Margaret................. 404 Mike Esther.................... 305
Dan Elsie..........................211 Jason Julia...................... 308 Paul Anna....................... 203
Dave Anna........................201 Joe Susie........................ 304 Ron Judy........................ 104
Dave Rita..........................405 Joe Tabitha...................... 301 Ruben Lydia.................... 208
David Rosa.......................106 Joel Martha..................... 205 Samuel Miriam............... 210
Don Anna.........................209 Ken Miriam..................... 309 Steve Diane.................... 403
Ed Debra .........................401 Larry Ronda.................... 303 Tom Karin....................... 101
George Abigail..................103 Len Pauline..................... 206 Will Ruth......................... 302
Lehrerleut 2015
Dave Esther......................222 Mike Barbara.................. 226 Toby Theresa.................. 229
Ed Amanda.......................233 Mike Hilda....................... 217 Tom Susanna.................. 212
Ed Mary............................227
@ Sec. Andrew Wurz
Box 70 Min. Jacob Wurz
Sand Coulee, MT. 59472 Min. Peter Wurz
Switchboard 406-736-5545 / 5563
Andrew Anita
325 Jake Laura
Andrew Lena
310 Joe Esther
Arnold Michelle
350 Joe Mary
Ben Wurz
317 Joe Susie
Dave Mary
331 John Justina
Ed Susie
329 John Martha
Ellias Ruth
357 Jonathan Anna
Gary Ruth
312 Michael Lydia
Gideon Delilah
313 Mike Lydia
Jacob Frieda
315 Mike Nella
406-736-5401 *736-5805
Ext. 18
406-736-5263 *736-5412
5-1-1986 /Cascade, MT
Nathan Rhoda
Peter Lydia
Peter Mary
Peter Rebecca
Ruben Sara
Ruben Tabitha
Sam Esther
Tim Sarah
W. Lisa Entz
BIRCH CREEK @ Sec. John Kleinsasser 406-823-0135 *279-3587 900 Birch Creek Colony Rd Min. Isaac Waldner Ext. 101
Valier, MT. 59486 Min. Reuben Waldner
Ext. 407
2-9-1948 / New Elmspring, AB
Switchboard 406-279-3586
Clara Kleinsasser.............106 Jacob Mary..................... 307 Michael Kleinsasser........ 302
A. Sarah Waldner.............306 Jason Anita..................... 107 Mike Clara...................... 305
Ben Emma.......................403 Jerry Laura..................... 402 Paul Julia........................ 406
C. Elizabeth Waldner.........404 Joe Brenda...................... 203 Peter Linda..................... 204
David Leona.....................308 Joe Nella......................... 408 Reuben Elizabeth............ 407
Don Dora..........................208 John Annie...................... 401 Ron Naomi...................... 405
Edward Elizabeth .............105 John June....................... 205 Sam Sarah...................... 301
G. Magdalena Waldner.....104 Julius K. Waldner............. 206 T. Rachel Waldner........... 108
Gary Lena.........................303 Justina Waldner.............. 102 Will Dorothy Waldner..... 201
George Annie....................207 Leonard Christina ........... 103 Will Dorothy KLeinsasser.304
Isaac Elizabeth.................101 Martin Elsie..................... 202
BLUEGRASS Sec. Mike Wipf 403-642-3937 *642-2479
Box 99
Min. George Mandel
Warner, AB. T0K 2L0 Min. Peter Mandel
Switchboard 403-642-2475
George Ruth.....................109 John Julia....................... 108
Henry Ruth.......................120 Joseph Katie................... 107
Jacob Dorothy..................119 Joseph Lillian.................. 112
Joe Esther........................110 Josh Sara........................ 114
Joe Marian.......................118 Judith Wipf...................... 121
John Esther......................104 Mike Katie....................... 122
Ext. 109
Ext. 113
7-7-2002 / Elmspring, AB
Peter Annie..................... 113
Peter Susie..................... 111
Phillip Becky................... 117
Sarah Wipf...................... 106
Walter Elsie..................... 105
BONE CREEK Sec. Tobias Mandel 306-297-3556 *297-4193
Box 60 Min. Andrew Mandel Ext. 301
Gull Lake, SK. S0N 1A0 Min. Darius Mandel Ext. 205
/ Tompkins, SK
Lehrerleut 2015
Switchboard 306-297-3556 / 4192 /4194
Arnie Julia........................403 Jerry Ruth....................... 303
Andy Emma......................301 Joe Ida............................ 203
Arnie Julia........................403 Joe Ida............................ 203
Ben Freida........................106 Joel Katie........................ 104
Dan Annie.........................204 Ken Sandra.................... 402
Dan Lena..........................307 Leonard Judy.................. 304
Darius Michelle................205 Lucas Lillian.................... 103
Jacob Lydia......................206 Mandel Linda.................. 305
Mike Margaret................ 201
Paul Sarah...................... 107
Peter Sarah..................... 202
Randy Vanessa.............. 401
Rueben Abigail................ 102
Steve Annie.................... 306
Terry Adinna................... 302
Toby Rhoda..................... 101
BOW CITY Sec. Jacob Hofer Ext. 100
@ Sec. Tom Mandel
Box 107
Min. Andrew J. Gross
Brant, AB. T0L 0L0 Min. John Entz
Switchboard 403-684-3126 / 3058
Andrew Katie....................102 Joe Helen........................ 402
Arnie Edna........................307 John Annie...................... 106
Darrel Elsie.......................306 John Katie....................... 104
Dave Dorothy...................404 John Linda...................... 401
Dave Sarah......................105 John Rebecca................. 303
Don Donna.......................107 Jonathan Rebecca.......... 204
Edward Judy....................101 Leonard Mary.................. 205
Jack Lizbeth.....................207 Leonard Susie................. 103
Joe Annie.........................203 Mark Debbie................... 304
Ext. 402
Ext. 305
2-3-1964 / Sunnyside, AB
Paul Rachel
Paul Susie
Paul Tabitha
Peter Anna
Peter Mary
Zach Elizabeth
403-684-3649 *684-3709
Ext. 102
Ext. 401
6-19-1968 / Rocklake, AB
Matt Christine................. 202
Paul Annie ..................... 305
Philip Annie..................... 202
Steve Lyna...................... 403
Tim Debbie..................... 302
Tom Elizabeth................. 301
Tom Lorna...................... 405
Will Brenda..................... 206
Shops refir to page.......... 36
BRITESTONE Sec. Mike B. Mandel 403-572-3046 *572-3097
Box 129 Min. Jacob P. Mandel
Carbon, AB. T0M 0L0 Min. Timotheus Entz
Switchboard 403-572-3047 / 3049
Dan Justina......................214 Jacob Rebecca................ 201
Darius Emma ..................220 Jerry Frieda..................... 204
David Anna.......................210 John Linda...................... 202
Ed Rebecca......................222 Lawrence Michelle.......... 215
Eli Ruth.............................212 Mart Rachel .................... 221
Ike Rebecca.....................218 Mike Barbara.................. 216
Jacob Annie.....................203
Ext. 201
Ext. 205
10-3-1994 / Rose Glen, AB
BUTTE @ 306-298-4445 *298-2063
306-298-2010 *298-2013
Ext. 102
6-24-1991 / Sand Lake, SK
Sec. John Wurz
Box 120
Min. Ben Kleinsasser Bracken, SK. S0N 0G0
Min. Lawrence Wurz
Mike Mary...................... 206
Mike Rosa...................... 213
Paul Annie...................... 217
Peter Barbara................. 219
Tim Annie....................... 205
Will Laura ...................... 211
Box 5, Site 2 Min. Michael Hofer Brooks, AB. T1R 1E1
Min. Jacob Hofer Switchboard 403-362-3735 /3523
Andrew Mary
202 Jake Anna
Ben Esther
403 Jake Bernice
Ben Katie
206 Jake Clara
Chris Martha
205 Jake Esther
David Rebecca
104 Jake Lillian
George Katie
401 John Justina
J. Rebecca
201 Mike Sarah
Lehrerleut 2015
Switchboard 306-298-2098 / 2112 / 2113 / 2114 / 2115
Arnold Susanna ...............304 Jason Barabara............... 202 Mike Christina................ 405
Ben Barbara.....................203 Jerry Annie...................... 103 Mike Margaret................ 101
Clara Wurz........................105 Jesse Lisa....................... 301 Paul Clara....................... 303
Dan Rebecca....................404 Joel Rita.......................... 305 Peter Annie..................... 201
Dave Ida ..........................401 John Susie...................... 104 Robert Abilgail................ 302
Esther Kleinsasser............403 Lawrence Judy............... 102 Book Shop...................... 703
Jake Susie.......................402 Mary Wurz....................... 204
CAMROSE @ Sec. John J. Waldner 406-627-2119 *627-2141
26 Camrose Colony Lane
Min. Jacob G. Waldner Ledger, MT. 59486 Min. Edward Waldner
Switchboard 406-627-2490 / 2496
Ben Sarah........................306 George Waldner............... 203
Dave Dora........................102 Jacob Rebecca................ 303
Ed Julia............................206 John Katie....................... 101
Eli Rebecca......................104 Josh Susanna................. 105
George Justina.................304 Lorenz Marlene............... 305
George Martha.................205 Matt Mary....................... 401
George Mary....................106 Martin Helen................... 204
George Sarah...................201 Mike Lena....................... 207
Ext. 303
Ext. 206
2001 / East End, MT
Pete Hofer....................... 301
Phillip Justina................. 302
TIm Freida..................... 307
Tom Judy........................ 103
Will Rebecca................... 202
Will Lydia........................ 107
Sec. Amos P. Entz C N T 306-672-3989 *672-3987
Box 759
Min. Isaac Entz Ext. 101 Cannot Transfer
Gull Lake, SK. S0N 1A0
Min. David Entz Ext. 401
1-20-1985 / Cypress, SK
Switchboard 306-672-3977 / 3978
Amos Anna.......................104 Ike Barbara..................... 101 Philip Gloria.................... 306
Anna & Mary....................201 Jason Marlene................ 204 Simon Dorothy................ 203
Arnie Anna........................305 Joe / Paul........................ 202 Theresa Entz................... 206
David Elizabeth.................401 Martin Theresa................ 301 Tim Esther...................... 402
Hardy Tabitha...................205 Peter Mary...................... 103 Tom Sara........................ 208
Henry Frieda.....................303 Peter Rachel.................... 403
CASCADE Sec. Peter G. Entz 406-264-5265 *264-5265
Box 508, Birdtail Creek Rd Min. Elias J. Entz Ext. 207
Sun River, MT. 59483
Min. Isaak Wurz Ext, 222
10-21-1969 / Glacier, MT
Switchboard 406-264-5316 / 5364
Chris Julia........................211 Glen Rita......................... 216 Mike Diane..................... 212
David Entz........................206 Ike Helen......................... 222 Paul Elisabeth................. 221
Ed Teresa.........................210 Jacob Katherine.............. 223 Paul Judy........................ 205
Elias Anna........................220 Joe Rachel...................... 219 Paul Katie....................... 204
Elias Sarah.......................207 Joe Rebecca................... 225 Paul Rosa....................... 217
Emil Freida.......................203 Joel Elsie......................... 209 Peter Lina....................... 226
George Rose.....................227 John Rosa....................... 201 Peter Ruth...................... 218
George Sarah...................208 Mark Susanna................. 202 Rachel Entz.................... 224
Sec. David J. Waldner
Box 547
Min. Peter S. Waldner
Castor, AB. T0C 0X0
Min. Paul Waldner
403-882-3305 *882-2200
Ext. 108
Ext. 103
7-19-1965 / Hutterville, AB
Lehrerleut 2015
Switchboard 403-882-2201 / 4135
Arnie Matilda....................128 Jason Lena..................... 106
Ben Loraine......................119 Joe Ida............................ 129
Chris Katie........................113 Joe Lisa.......................... 117
Dan Amanda....................130 John Justina................... 114
Dan Matilda .....................110 John Susie...................... 109
Dave Linda.......................134 Josh Glenda.................... 132
Dave Mary........................124 Len Theresa.................... 101
Don Julia..........................121 Mark Sarah..................... 123
George Frieda ..................127 Martin Ruth..................... 125
George Katie....................104 Mike Katie....................... 116
Henry Christina ................120 Mike Mary....................... 111
Jake Ida...........................118 Paul Rachel..................... 103
Peter Susie..................... 108
Phillip Sarah................... 107
Rachel Joe...................... 115
Rueben Debbie............... 126
Sam Katie....................... 131
Sam Mary....................... 102
Sam Matilda................... 105
Steven Rachel................ 135
Toby Annie...................... 133
Willie Helen ................... 122
Willie Mary..................... 112
CLEAR LAKE........................ Sec. David D. Waldner........... Ext. 136 ..... *403-625-2979
Ext. 128
Ext. 135
1-19-1982 / Rockport, AB
306-252-2813 *252-2800
Ext. 238
Ext. 223
6-28-1971 / Bench, SK
Sec. Mike Wurz
Box 130 Min. Elias Wipf
Kenaston, SK. S0G 2N0
Min. Leonard Wipf Switchboard 306-252-2010 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017
Alvin Pauline
261 J. Dorothy Wipf
Arnie Tanya 267 J. Sarah / Rueben
253 Chris Miriam
236 Jack Annie
Dan Judy
263 Jerry Susie
Dave Mary
225 Joe K. Waldner
David Frieda
256 Joe Rebecca
Eli M. Wipf
238 Joel Gloria
Gary Dorothy
233 Jonathan Annie
Hardy Donna
271 Justin Sarah
Herman Frieda
224 Ken Julia
Joseph Julia................... 135
Mart Ida.......................... 125
Paul Linda....................... 137
Paul Rita......................... 141
Peter Brenda.................. 118
Robert Susanna.............. 140
Sam Anna ...................... 120
Ted Katie........................ 127
Will Lydia........................ 126
Will Rachel..................... 138
Kevin Dorothy
Lawrence Ida
Leonard Martha
Mike Dorothy
Robert Sonya
Sam Dorothy
Steven Laureen
Tobias June
Walter Margaret
Will Ruth
CLEARVIEW Sec. Martin J. Hofer Ext. 200
Box 29
Min. Peter Waldner Ext. 105
Bassano, AB. T0J 0B0
Min. John Hofer Ext. 102
6-20-1975 / Newell, AB
Switchboard on next page
“Anytime you do something from the heart, people just know it.”
Brad Paisley
Box 2078
Min. Joseph Waldner
Claresholm, AB. T0L 0T0 Min. Joseph D. Hofer
Switchboard 403-625-3909 / 3030 / 3201
Andrew Sarah..................113 Jake Helen...................... 130
Andy Katie........................133 Jesse Rachel................... 134
Ben Rachel.......................115 J. Annie.......................... 119
Dave Mary........................136 Joe Helen........................ 139
David Sarah......................132 Joe Rachel...................... 123
David Susie......................129 Joe Sarah........................ 114
Frank Ruth.......................124 John Anna ...................... 121
Fred Ida............................112 John Annie Sr.................. 116
Ike Barbara.......................111 John Debbie ................... 131
Jake Freida......................117 Joseph Judith................. 128
Lehrerleut 2015
Switchboard 403-641-2463 / 2029 Crawling Valley Plastic
Annie & Mary...................115 Joe Annie......................... 117 Paul Dora........................ 123
Dan Ruth..........................122 Joe Esther W.................. 104 Peter Annie..................... 105
Dave Judy........................114 Joe Esther (K).................. 113 Peter Gloria..................... 108
Dave Rachel.....................116 John Elizabeth................. 118 Peter Judy...................... 120
Don Rosa..........................101 John Martha.................... 102 Peter Mary...................... 107
Ed Becky..........................110 Ken Annie....................... 124 Robert Leona ................. 127
George Lydia....................106 Larry Rita........................ 112 Rueben Nella.................. 121
Glen Brenda.....................119 Mark Justina .................. 125 Sam Mary....................... 109
Jason Susie W.................126 Martin Martha................. 100 Ted Michelle................... 111
CLOVERLEAF @................. Sec. Jacob R. Entz................. 403-364-3605.... *364-3606
Box 269 Min. John J. Entz Ext. 108
Delia, AB. T0J 0W0 Min. Will L. Entz Ext. 304
LLN -1/2 -23-31-w4 RR 18-2 3121533-31-2008 / Macmillan,AB
Switchboard 403-364-3011 / 3012 Aaron Elizabeth
101 Hardy Debbie
Andrew Delilah
305 Jake Frieda
Dave Anna
203 Jake Rebecca
Dave Debbie
103 Joe Lena
Dave Dora
307 Joe Sara
Edward Clara
301 John Elsie
Fred Lorna
205 John Judy
Gary Lina
208 John Susanna
AG Line
Leonard Matilda
Lorenz Nella
Mike Katie
Simon Lydia
Theodore Lena
Will Lorna
COOLSPRING * Sec. Peter J. Hofer 406-355-4400*355-4142
Box 246 Min. Jacob G. Waldner Ext. 201
Rudyard, MT. 59540 Min. Joshua J. Hofer Ext. 101
Switchboard 406-355-4405/4406/4407
Abe Rebecca
202 Jacob Susie
Dan Lisa
304 Jake Justina
David Anna
103 Jason Jolene
Gideon Martha
105 Jonathan Helen
Jacob Katie
204 Josh Teresa
Jacob Lydia
201 Ken Mary
Jacob Sarah
301 Mike Justina
Sec. Amos Entz
Box 519 Min. Peter J. Entz Magrath, AB. T0K 1J0
Min. Abraham Entz
1931 / New Elm, AB
Switchboard 403-758-6701 / 6727 / 9130
Abraham Ruth..................209 Henry Pauline.................. 225
Amos Annie......................217 Isaac Katie...................... 213
Arnie Lena........................229 Jacob Magdalena............ 205 Conrad Dina.....................226 Jerry Julia....................... 222
Darius Amanda.................230 John Entz........................ 203
Edward Susanna..............200 Jonathan Rosa................ 215
Esther Entz.......................201 Joseph Sarah.................. 206
Fred Rebecca...................210 Joseph Susanna.............. 211 Fritz Sara..........................232 Kenneth Helen................. 220 George Rachel..................212 Lawrence Mary............... 207
Gideon Teresa...................223 Leonard Katie.................. 208
Rockport Colony, MT
Peter Katie
Peter Rebecca
Ron Helen
Ted Mary
Walter Rosa
Ext. 221 *403-758-3797
Ext. 209
Relocated 02-18
Mark Michelle................. 224
Mike Lydia...................... 218
Peter Katie...................... 202
Ruben Christina.............. 228
Susanna Mandel............. 204
Ted Katrina..................... 231
Tobias Linda................... 214
Tobias Matilda................ 227
Walter Elizabeth.............. 216
William Dorothy............. 219
Lehrerleut 2015
CYPRESS.............................. Sec. Paul Entz....................... 306-662-3456 .. *662-2955
Box 98 Min. Arnold Entz
Maple Creek, SK. S0N 1N0 Min. Albert Entz
Switchboard 306-662-3062 / 3148 / 2852 / 2856
Albert Theresa..................122 Fred Clara....................... 101
Andrew Miriam.................121 George M. Entz................ 105
Arnie Sarah......................102 Jacob Rebecca................ 117
Barbara............................103 Jacob S........................... 109
Ben Christina....................118 Jerry Linda...................... 111
Chris Martha....................116 John Sarah...................... 106
Darrel Abigail...................107 Kevin Dianne................... 123
Eli Dorothy........................124 Lawrence Helen.............. 108
Ext. 102
Ext. 122
1953 DEERFIELD Sec. George D. Waldner
403-758-6461 *758-3184
Ext. 117
Ext. 123 1-29-1992 / Hutterville, AB
Leonard Annie................ 115
Mike Anna...................... 120
Mike Dianne................... 112
Paul Miriam.................... 114
Robert Tabitha................ 130
Sam Dorothy.................. 119
Steve Kate...................... 113
Walter Judy.................... 104
P. Dorothy
Paul Elizabeth
Paul Sara
Peter Linda
Phillip Emma
Simon Tabitha
Tim Judy
Tom Lea
George Office
DELCO Sec. Jacob Hofer 403-222-2165 *222-2167
Box 39 Min. Andrew Wurz
New Dayton, AB. T0K 1P0 Min. Benjamin Hofer
Switchboard 403-222-2197 / 2364 / 2444 / 2363
Albert Mary
101 Jacob Lisa
Andrew Christina
201 Jacob Mary
Andrew Judy
207 Joe Linda 302
Ben Susie
307 Joe Mary
Dave Clara
206 Joe Rosa
Ed Katie
303 John Hilda
Eli Julia
107 John Martha
George Barbara................105 Martin Linda.................... 205
Jason Julia
102 Mike Judy
Ext. 201
Ext. 307
7-11-2004 / Sunny Site, AB
Mike Lizzy
Mike Susie
Peter Anna
Peter Lydia
Peter Rebecca
Philip Becky
Ruben Mary
Will Leona....................... 402
DINSMORE @ Sec. Will Waldner 306-856-4702 *856-4701
Box 400
Min. Zack Hofer 306-856-4703
Dinsmore, SK. S0L 0T0
Min. Edward Hofer Ext. 202 9-28-1978 / Glidden, SK
Switchboard on next page
“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest
of the the world walks out.”
Walter Winchett
Box 67 Min. Edward J. Wurz
Magrath, AB T0K 1J0 Min. Peter Waldner
Switchboard 403-758-6461 or 388-8138
Andy Annie
119 George Dorothy
Andy Katie 107 George Judith
Andy Marie
120 George Rebecca
Dan Judy
110 J. Rebecca
Dan Sarah
109 Jason Annie
Dave Leona
128 John Debbie
Dave Susie
108 John Susie
Edward Rebecca
117 Judy / Lydia
Eli Elizabeth
126 Mark Barbara
Eli Katie
101 Mike Rosa
/ Big Bend, AB
Lehrerleut 2015
Switchboard 306-856-4704 / 4705 / 4706
Ben Christina....................201 Martin Sara..................... 304 Will Barbara.................... 401
Dave Linda.......................302Mary............................... 204 Will Judy......................... 203
Ed Helen...........................202 Paul Katie........................ 301 Will Linda........................ 102
Henry Michelle.................306 Peter Tabitha................... 403 Zackarius Lydia.............. 101
Justina.............................104 Sam Ruth........................ 402
Leonard Tabitha................303 Tobias Amanda............... 404
DUNCAN RANCH Sec. David D. Waldner
Box 248 Min. Thomas Waldner Harlowtown, Mt. 59036 Min. Henry Matilda
Switchboard 406-632-4146 / 4147
Abe Laura.........................205 Henry Matilda.................. 406
Amos Susie......................405 Ike Emma........................ 106
B. Esther Waldner.............404 Aaron Tabea.................... 206
Chris Dorothy...................105 Jason Darlene................. 305
Dan Mary.........................103 Jerry Esther.................... 107
Dave Frieda......................204 Jess Laura...................... 407
David Susie......................207 Joe Barbara.................... 401
Eli Justina.........................104 Joe Rachel...................... 101
Gary Lisa..........................303 Jona Martha.................... 302
406-632-4106 *632-4482
406-632-4132 *632-4132
5-1963 /Birch Creek, MT
Judy P. Kleinasser........... 202
Leonard Laura................ 304
Mike Elizabeth................ 402
Paul Katie....................... 102
Peter Elizabeth................ 403
Sam Barbara.................. 203
Steve Bertha................... 301
Tom Annie...................... 306
Tom Martha.................... 201
EAGLE CREEK Sec. David M. Hofer 406-432-2582 *432-2582
RR . N. Box 78 Min. John J. Wurz
Galata, MT. 59444 MT Min. Elias Hofer
Switchboard 406-432-2581 - Rotary
Andy Matilda....................101 Joe P. Elizabeth............... 114
Benjamin Martha..............128 John A. Wurz................... 124
Dan Katie.........................113 John J. Anna................... 123
Darius Lisbeth..................126 John Theresa.................. 133
David Rachel....................111 Josh Bertha..................... 125
David Rosa.......................102 Justina P. Hofer............... 109
Eli Anne............................112 Katie J. Hofer.................. 106
Eli W. Rebecca..................119 ke Barbara...................... 118
Jack Rebecca...................107 Leonard Susie................. 127
Jake JS. Sarah.................122 Martin Rachel.................. 120
Jake W. Rebecca..............121 Michael Rita.................... 129
Joe J. Martha...................115 Mike Martha.................... 105
Ext. 112
10-17-1982 / Rimrock, MT
Mike Matilda................... 110
Peter Annie..................... 135
Peter D. Teresa............... 117
Peter J. Rebecca ............ 116
Rebecca M. Hofer........... 108
Richard Leona................ 130
Robert Anita................... 131
Tim Laura....................... 134
Walter Martha................ 132
Will H. Susie................... 103
Will W. Mary.................... 104
EAST END @ Sec. Joe M. Waldner 406-398-5357 *398-5349
Box 297 Min. Peter Waldner
Havre, MT. 59501 Min. Joseph Waldner
Switchboard 406-398-5355
Darius Rosa......................203 Jake Justina.................... 104
Dave Matilda....................105 Jeremiah Susie............... 103
Dave Rachel.....................202 Joe Dorothy..................... 302
Dave Sarah......................101 Joe Matilda..................... 106
Dave Susie.......................102 Joe Ruth.......................... 303
Elias Linda........................304 Joe Susie........................ 402
J. Rebecca.......................401 John Sarah...................... 305
Ext. 201
Ext. 402
11-27-1977 / Hilldale, MT
Mark Helen..................... 107
Michael Teresa............... 204
Peter Sarah..................... 201
Ron Helen....................... 307
Sam Lydia...................... 306
Lehrerleut 2015
EATONIA Sec. Dave P. Mandel 306-967-2977 *967-2611
Box 160 Min. David D. Mandel
Eatonia, SK S0L 0Y0
Min. Michael D. Mandel Switchboard 306-967-2978 / 2315 / 2320
Albert Katie
107 Fred Barbara
Annie Mandel
109 Gary Lena 125
Ben Bara
105 Glen Lorna
David E. Mandel
101 J. Martha Mandel
David Julia
113 Jason Nella
David Katie
103 Joe Sarah
David Rebecca
112 John Tabitha 115
Dora Entz
102 Larry Adina 126
Elias Lydia
120 Leonard Susie
Elias R. Entz
116 Lorenz Mary
Ext. 103
Ext. 106
3-1-1987 ELK CREEK Sec. Elias E. Hofer
P. O. Box 627 Min. John J. Kleinsasser
Augusta, MT. 59410 Min. Paul E. Wipf Switchboard 406-562-3357 / 3359
Amos A. Wipf................ 103 John Sarah....................... 101
Amos Susanna.................106 Mart Linda........................ 105
Ed Susie..........................207 Paul Esther....................... 301 Elias Debbie.................... 303 Paul Miriam...................... 206
Jerry Elsie........................201 Paul Susie....................... 305
John Mary........................204 Peter Christina.................. 304 406-562-3537 *562-3400
Ext. 101
Ext. 305
/ Milford, MT
/ Haven, SK
Lorenz Sarah
Mark Elsie
Mike Martha
Mike Sarah
Peter Annie
Peter S. Entz
Peter Sarah
Randy R. Entz
W. Susie Mandel
ELM SPRING Sec. Andrew Wipf 403-642-2252 *642-2029
Box 300 Min. George J. Wipf 403-642-3840 *642-3620
Warner, AB T0K 2L0
Min. Benjamin Wipf Ext. 103
1929 / Elmspring, SD
Switchboard 403-642-2345
Andy Dorothy...................106 Emil Helen....................... 109 Lawrence Judy............... 114
Andy Lisa.........................107 George Susie................... 118 Matt Sarah...................... 111
Ben Ida.............................103 Hardy Annie..................... 121 Ron Debbie..................... 101
Dan Donna.......................108 Joe Pauline..................... 123 Sam Rebecca................. 116
Dan Mary.........................104 Joe Susie........................ 117 Tim Teresa...................... 110
Dave Linda.......................119 John Esther..................... 105 Tom Rosa....................... 120
Ed Gloria...........................102 John Judy....................... 115 Will Sara......................... 122
EVERGREEN @ Sec. Ben P. Hofer 403-223-1589 *223-1559
Box 4420 Min. John M. Kleinsasser Taber, AB. T1G 2C8
Min. Joseph Waldner
Sec. Office Ext. 100
Switchboard 403-223-1512 / 1553 / 1554 Ben Martha
111/112 Joe Ruth
Dave Anna
214 John Katie
Dave Frieda
114 John Rachel
Dave Helen
316 Mark Ida
Ed Anna 212 Mary G. W
George Katie
213 Mary J. K
Jerry Martha
413 Mike Sarah
Joe Linda
215 Mike Susanna
Ext. 215 11-3-2008 / Midland, AB
Ben Cell
P. Justina Hofer
Peter Christina
Peter Sarah
Peter Tabitha
Sam Ruth
Sam Susanna
Tobias Frieda
Tom Tammy
Phillip Judy..................... 104
Ted Rebecca................... 302
Tom Helen...................... 102
Will Ruth......................... 202
Will. S. Kleinsasser......... 203
Will Susanna................... 205
Lehrerleut 2015
FAIRHAVEN @ Sec. Joseph Waldner Ext. 0
Box 29, 124 Fair Haven Rd Min. Benjamin Kleinsasser 406-866-3147 *866-3139
Ulm, MT. 59485 Min. Richard Waldner Ext. 512
3-15-1980 / Duncan Ranch, MT
Switchboard 406-866-3350
Amos Kleinsasser.............505 Joseph Annie.................. 524 Phillip Julia..................... 501
Ben Hilda..........................506 Joe Glenda...................... 522 Rick Mary....................... 512
Ben Martha......................503 John Michelle.................. 513 Ted Rachel...................... 515
Caleb Emma.....................509 Magdalena / Sarah.......... 518 Tim Martha..................... 520
Dan Tabitha......................525 Mandel Freida................. 514 Tim Miriam..................... 511
Don Nella.........................523 Mark Frieda..................... 510 Tom Dianne.................... 527
Ed Esther..........................519 Lena Entz........................ 521 T. Lydia Waldner.............. 516
Eli Annie...........................504 Mart Donna..................... 508 Will Barbara .................. 528
Ike Joline..........................517 Mike Elizabeth................. 526
J. Elsie Kleinsasser...........502 Nathan Melissa............... 507
FAIRLANE Sec. Mike J. Waldner 403-222-2373 *222-2110
Box 12 Min. John G. Waldner Skiff, AB. T0K 2B0 Min. George Waldner
Switchboard 403-222-0000
Andy Esther......................244 George Katie................... 243
Andy Susie.......................240 George Lydia................... 241
Arnold Rosa......................231 George Theresa............... 251
Ben Helen........................247 Jacob Katie..................... 242
David Annie......................222 Jacob Mary..................... 233
David Martha....................223 Jacob Matilda................. 249
David Susie......................234 Jacob Susie.................... 221
Eli Tabitha.........................228 Joe G. Waldner................ 239
George Christina...............237 Joe Linda........................ 236
George Elizabeth..............230
Ext. 229
403-222-2279 *222-2297
7-15-1986 / Rosedale, AB
FAIRVILLE Sec. George Waldner
403-641-2404 641-4236*
7-25-1986 / Springside AB
403-501-1397 *641-4244
Joseph Mary................... 301
Judith Waldner............... 326
Leonard Martha.............. 314
Mike Lydia...................... 307
Paul S. Wipf.................... 315
Peter Judy...................... 304
Peter Ruth...................... 303
Rueben Matilda.............. 324
Box 1020 Min. Joseph Wipf
Bassano, AB. T0J 0B0 Min. Andrew Wipf Switchboard 403-641-2404 Granta MFG
Andrew Rebecca .............305 Jacob Magdalena............ 308
Andy Amanda...................327 Jake Esther..................... 319
Bill Tabitha........................322 Jake Lena....................... 316
Dave Melissa....................323 Jake Mary....................... 309
Eli Becky..........................325 Joe Laura........................ 317
Eli Rebecca......................311 Joe Rebecca................... 313
George Katie....................318 John Debbie.................... 312
Glenn Diane......................321 John Margaret................ 306
John Katie...................... 229
John Michelle................. 248
Jonas Rebecca............... 238
Leonard Teresa............... 246
Mike Elizabeth................ 232
Mike Linda ..................... 245
Peter Clara...................... 227
Peter Ida......................... 226
Steven Laura ................. 235
GARDEN PLANE Sec. Jacob J. Mandel 306-296-2031 *296-4476
Box 399 Min. Jacob Hofer Ext. 109
Frontier, SK. S0N 0W0 Min. Joseph Hofer Ext. 106
8-18-2002 Switchboard on next page
Please note: changes and additions
Phone number 306-651-2317 Fax number 306-978-1416
/ Jenner, AB
Lehrerleut 2015
Switchboard 306-296-4472 / 4475 / 1000 / 1001
Arnold Pauline..................114 Jacob Justina.................. 109
Daniel Matilda..................104 Jake Annie...................... 111
Dave Matilda....................123 Jake Justina.................... 108
Elias Elizabeth..................107 Jake Justina.................... 112
George Mary....................124 Joe Ida............................ 110
Gideon Pauline.................113 Joe Matilda..................... 106
J. Annie............................122 John Annie...................... 117
Jonathan Annie............... 121
Larry Tammy.................. 105
Levi Tabea...................... 103
Peter Margaret............... 115
Phil Rachel..................... 119
GLACIER Sec. Mike J. Entz 406-336-2622 / *336-2660
Ext. 109
Ext. 124
5-29-1951 / Elmspring, AB
Mike Lena
Paul Barbara
Peter Teresa
Susie & Justina Ted Mary
GLENDALE Sec. Peter J. Hofer C N T 406-336-2634 *336-2633
2151 Chalk Butte Rd. Min. Jacob P. Wipf Ext. 403
Cut Bank, MT. 59427-9101 Min. Samuel Waldner
Ext. 102
1969 / New Rockport, MT
Switchboard 406-336-2636 / 406-205-4477
Ben Mary.........................104 Joe M. Waldner............... 405 Peter Linda..................... 206
D. Susanna Wipf...............303 Annie \ Elizabeth Wipf..... 201 Sam Debbie.................... 102
David Judy.......................407 Martin Matilda................. 404 Sam Mary....................... 204
David Katie.......................305 Mike Mary....................... 101 Sam Susanna................. 402
J. Mary Hofer....................205 P. Susie Wipf.................... 301 Tim Annie....................... 401
Jacob Dorothy..................203 Paul Lydia........................ 406 Will Adina....................... 302
Jacob mary......................403 Peter Annie...................... 202
Joe Bertha........................105 Peter Katie...................... 304
GLIDDEN Sec. John Waldner 306-463-3630 *463-6093
Box 10 Min. Mike Mandel 306-463-2156 *463-2152
Glidden, SK. S0L 1H0 Min. David Mandel Ext. 113
7-1-1963 / Miami, AB
Switchboard 306-463-2130 / 3165 Handhelds like 113 is 213 etc.
Dave Helen.......................113 Josh Becky...................... 114 Tim Rebecca.................. 110
George Rebecca...............103 Larry Mary...................... 105 Tobias Elsie..................... 108
Gideon Debra...................104 Mike Margaret................ 101 Tobias Miriam................. 112
John Dorothy....................107 Phillip Lydia..................... 106 Zack Justina................... 109
John Susie.......................111 Susie / Esther.................. 102 Walter Emma.................. 115
GOLDEN VALLEY Sec. Ben Wipf 406-568-2210 *568-2301
100 Colony Lane Min. Jacob Wipf Ext. 401
Ryegate, MT. 59074 Min. Daniel Kleinsasser Ext. 402
4-26-1978 / Springdale, MT
Switchboard on next page
“It does not so much matter what happens;
it is what one does when it happens that usually counts.”
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Box 2209, Tipville Road
Min. Joseph Wurz
Cutbank, MT. 59427 Min. Jack Wurz
Switchboard 406-336-2624 / 2625
Dan Elizabeth
107 Joseph Rebecca Jr.
Dan Mary
122 Joshua Brenda
Edward Dorothy
126 Mark Martha
Jack Lois
124 Mike Barbara
Jacob Hilda
104 Mike Gloria
113 Lehrerleut 2015
Switchboard 4 06-568-2392 / 2393 / 2394 / 2395
Ben Sara
201 Jacob Mary
Dan Helen
402 Jake Martha
Darius Helen
403 Jake Ruth
Ed Clara
203 Jake Susie
Henry Emma
103 Joe June
Jacob Katie
401 John Justina
GOLDEN VIEW Sec. Tim Kleinsasser 406
Box 519 Min. Sam Kleinsasser Biggar, SK. S0K 0M0 Min. George Kleinsasser
Switchboard 306-948-3404 / 2126
Amos Annie......................115 George Sarah.................. 114
Ben Ruth..........................111 J. Sarah / Annie.............. 104
Daniel Lisbeth..................117 L. Justina Hofer............... 113
Edward Michelle...............119 Mike Marie...................... 109
Eli Lydia............................112 Mike Sarah...................... 107
George Helen...................102 P. Katie / Ann /Tillie.......... 105
Melvin Delilah
Paul Annie
Paul Matilda
Peter Ida
Rick Bara
Rueben Dora
306-948-2716 *948-2738
Ext. 101
Ext. 102
4-20-1981 / Southbend, AB
Paul Esther..................... 110
Sam Elizabeth................. 101
Tim Katie........................ 108
Tobias Judith.................. 116
Will Anna........................ 106
Will Becky....................... 118
GRASSY HILL....................... Sec. Daniel Entz ( CNT )....... 306-622-2069 .. *622-4618
Box 510 Min. Edward Entz Ext. 101
Gull Lake,SK. S0N 1A0
Min. Ronald Entz Ext. 204
07-01-2007 / Carmichael, SK
Switchboard 306-622-2235 / 2068
Andrew Judy....................104 Frank Helen..................... 207 Peter Anna...................... 301
Andy Lydia........................205 George Rosa................... 107 Randy Katherine............ 102
Dan Esther.......................201 J. Sarah Entz................... 202 Ron Rosa........................ 204
Dave Julia........................302 John Matilda................... 307 Ted Laura....................... 103
Don Susanna....................203 Jonathan Anna................ 208 Terry Linda..................... 105
Ed Debbie.........................101 Mark Elizabeth................ 304 Will Julia........................ 305
GREEN ACRES Sec. Dan Hofer 403-641-3716 *641-3719
Box 209 Min. George Hofer Ext. 309
Bassano, AB. T0J 0B0
Min. Daniel J. Hofer Ext. 307
1-13-2003 / Newell, AB
Switchboard 403-641-3761 / 3766
Andy Helen.......................304 Henry Ruth...................... 317 Paul Barbara................... 314
Dan Esther.......................313 Jake Greta...................... 305 Ruben Esther.................. 319
Dan Frieda........................320 Jake Margaret................. 308 Ted Judy......................... 315
Dan Nella.........................307 Jake Pauline.................... 311 Tim Laura....................... 306
Fred Emma.......................324 Joe Mary......................... 322 Toby Diane...................... 316
George Elizabeth..............310 Joe Susie........................ 312
George Marlene................309 Larry Debbie................... 318
GREEN WOOD Sec. Paul Gross C. N. T. 403-553-2580 *553-4793
Box 1510 Min. Peter Waldner Ext. 103
Ft. Macleod, AB. T0L 0Z0 Min. Jacob Waldner Ext. 109
4-6-1999 Switchboard on next page
/ Big Bend, AB
"The doctor of the future will give no medicines, but will interest his patients
in the care of the human frame, in diet, and the causes of disease."
-Thomas Edison
Lehrerleut 2015
Switchboard 403-553-4750 / 0068
Anna Entz.........................111 Edward Christina............. 117
Arnold Michelle...............107 Jake Susan.................... 115
Ben Lydia.........................118 Joe Adinna...................... 110
Chris Emma.....................102 Joe Anna......................... 112
Dan Anna.........................119 John Christina................. 113
Dave Sarah......................116 John Rita......................... 109
Don Linda.........................121 Leonard Ida..................... 108
Mike Judy....................... 106
Paul Christina................. 101
Peter Pauline.................. 103
Ron Sarah....................... 114
Sol Elizabeth................... 105
Tom Linda....................... 120
Walter Esther.................. 104
HANDHILL Sec. David P. Wipf 403-854-4555 *854-2833
RR 3 Min. George S. Wipf Ext. 110
Hanna, AB. T0J 1P0 Min. George C. Wipf Ext. 116
1-9-1956 / Macmillan, AB
HARTLAND * Sec. John P. Wipf 406-398-5350 *398-5351
Box 2105 Woodpile Rd
Min. John J. Waldner
Havre, MT. 59501 Min. Jacob Waldner
Switchboard 406-398-5352 / 5546 / 5347
Ben Mary.........................102 Jake Judy....................... 104 Dan Helen........................303 Jake Lydia....................... 202
David Rachel....................301 Jake Rosa....................... 302
Don Julia .........................206 Joe Ruth.......................... 103
Gary Lydia........................105 John Dorothy................... 305
Ike Mary...........................203 John Margaret................ 304
Ext. 101
Ext. 303
11-28-1999 / Hilldale, MT
406-666-3042 *666-3032
Ext. 103
Ext. 302
11-14-1967 / Acadia, AB
* Sec. Joe R. Entz
Box 310 Min. Paul A. Entz
Fox Valley, SK. S0N 0V0 Min. Jonathan Mandel
Switchboard 306-666-3003 / 3011 /3004
Arnie Judy........................307 Joe Lena......................... 206
Ben Judy..........................405 Joe Rebecca................... 303
Chris Sarah......................101 Joel Linda....................... 205
Dan J. Entz.......................402 John Lena....................... 104
David Frieda.....................207 Jonathan Dora................ 302
Jacob Susanna.................202 Joseph Susie................... 301
Jake Barbara....................404 Josh Pauline.................... 105
Jake Esther......................201 Paul A. Anna.................... 103
Joe J. Entz........................308 Paul Judy........................ 401
“Good design is good business.”
Thomas J. Watson
John Mary...................... 101
John Susan.................... 106
Ron Martha..................... 204
Sam Susie...................... 201
Walter Teresa.................. 205
700 Ext. for shops page... 36
Peter Elizabeth................ 102
Peter Mary...................... 403
Ron Rosa........................ 305
Ruben Linda................... 204
Ruth & Lydia................... 304
Steve Junia..................... 306
Ted Debbie..................... 203
Terry Nella...................... 406
Switchboard 403-854-4323/ 4326 / 587-794-4666 Cabinet Shop 403-910-2373
Amos Kate........................121 George Susie................... 110 Leonard Dorothy............. 107
Andrew Rebecca..............124 Henry Lydia..................... 126 Paul Anna....................... 109
Ben Elizabeth...................123 Jacob Lillian.................... 127 Paul Susie....................... 106
David Rebecca.................111 Jason Pauline.................. 105 Ron Adina....................... 113
Don Susanna....................114 John Amanda.................. 102 Sam Bertha.................... 119
Ed Kate.............................125 John Anna Entz............... 115 Walter Theresa............... 103
Eli Magdalena..................122 John Anna Wipf............... 112 Will Lisa.......................... 104
Enoch Ida.........................108 John Dorothy................... 117
George Christina...............116 Ken Justina..................... 118
Lehrerleut 2015
HIDDEN LAKE Sec. David D. Hofer 406-336-3695 *336-2695
100 Welsh Rd Min. Joseph Wipf Jr. Ext. 122
Cut Bank, MT. 59427 Min.David D. Hofer. Ext. 126
7-23-1996 / Big Sky, MT
Switchboard 406-336-4800 / 4801
Cornelius Jolene...............226 John Elizabeth................. 222 Paul Rachel Sr................. 322
David Anita.......................126 John Theresa.................. 325 Paul Rachel W................ 323
David Esther.....................125 Joseph Annie.................. 321 Sam Annie...................... 223
Jacob Barbara..................324 Joseph Dorothy............... 121 Ted Frieda....................... 227
Jason Martha...................326 Joseph Elizabeth............. 221 Walter Susanna............. 421
Jerry Dora........................127 Joseph Lydia................... 122 Will Elizabeth.................. 123
Joe Maria.........................327 Leonard Justina.............. 224
John Dorothy....................124 Mark Rita........................ 225
Hillcrest ............................ Sec. John M. Wipf..............406-463-2201.*463-2213
1124 Wilson Rd................... Min. Joseph S. Hofer.......... Ext. 201
Power, Mt. 59468................ Min. Tobias D. Wipf............. Ext. 302
.............................................. ............................................. 2-18-2013 .. /Springdale, Mt
Switchboard.406-463-2236 / 2246 / 2216
Daniel Elsie......................105 John Lena....................... 202 Peter Elizabeth .............. 306
Elias Christina..................103 John Susie...................... 101 Ron Becky.................... 305
Jake Linda.......................102 Paul Sarah .................... 301 Sam Magdalena............. 104
Joe Dora...........................106 Peter Annie...................... 303 Susie & Annie................ 203
Joe Elizabeth....................201 Peter Clara...................... 204 Tobias Dorothy................ 302
HILLDALE @ ...................... Sec. Andrew A. Waldner........ 406-398-5391.... *398-5392
Box 628 Min. George Kleinsasser
Havre, MT. 59501 Min. David Waldner
Switchboard 406-398-5342
Andrew Esther..................204 John Clara....................... 401
Andrew Kathrina..............314 John Rebecca................. 404
Andrew Kathrina ............301 Jonathan Barbara............ 405
David Barbara..................201 Joseph Judith................. 104
David Sarah......................303 Joseph Mary................... 102
David Theresa..................203 Josh Bara........................ 103
George Mary....................101 Kenneth Michelle............ 402
Ext. 101
Ext. 201
6-11-1963 / Rockport, MT
Leonard Esther............... 403
Mark Rosa...................... 305
Mike Martha................... 105
Peter Mary...................... 202
Phillip Martha................. 205
Sam Magdalena............. 302
Samuel Linda................. 306
HILLSIDE Sec. Mike J. Hofer 406-937-2966 *937-4966
Box 169 Min. Michael M. Wurz
Sweetgrass, MT. 59484
Min. Joseph M. Hofer
Switchboard406-937-2967 / 2968 / 2969
Ben Laura
117 Jake Dorothy
Chris Mary
107 Joe Lydia
Dave Anna
125 M. Rebecca 108
Don Tabea
120 Mike Katie
Ed Edna
116 Mike Mary
Ike Katie
102 Mike Sarah
J. Katie Hofer
109 Peter Justina
Ext. 121
Ext. 111
7-27-1951 /Sunnysite, AB
Peter Mary
Rachel J. Hofer
Rebecca P. Hofer
Tim Diane
Tim Rachel
Will Rebecca
Zach Mary
“Stay commited to your decisions - but stay flexible in your approach.”
Tony Robbins
Lehrerleut 2015
HORIZON Sec. John Wurz 406-336-2959 *336-2963
Box 819 - Horizon Rd Min. Andrew Wurz Ext. 123
Cut Bank, MT. 59427 Min. Sam J. Hofer Ext. 118
06-04-2012 / Hillside, MT
Switchboard 406-336-2961 / 2962 / 2964 /406-873-8273 /8276 /8277 /8271
Andrew Rebecca
123 Jake Martha
122 Mike Matilda
Andy Rebecca
120 Jerry Debbie
113 Paul Margaret
Dave Sara
107 John Anna
112 Peter Judy
Jack Lisa
109 John Mary
124 Rachel Wurz
Jake Hilda
104 Mary Hofer
111 Sam Rachel
Jake Linda
114 Mike Mary
105 Will Debbie
HURON Sec. Peter P. Entz Ext. 101 *306-759-2680
Ext. 104
Ext. 112
7-9-1969 / Big Bend, AB
P. Dorothy Entz
P. Kate Entz
Peter Dora
Rick Linda
Ron Rosanna
Sara, Kate, & Liz Tom Annie
Tom Esther
HUTTERVILLE Sec. Peter Waldner Ext. 300 *403-758-3979
Box 70 Min. Jacob Wipf
Magrath, AB. T0K 1J0
Min. Michael Wurz
Switchboard 403-758-3143 / 3682
Ben Rosanna....................207 Jake Rebecca WA.....201/202
Dave Katie.................306/307 Joe Nella......................... 106
Dave Mary.................106/107 Joe Susanna............405/406
Ike Susie..........................102 John Mary....................... 402
Jack Helen.......................305 Mike Rebecca..........400/404
Jake Rebecca...................308 Mike Tabitha.................... 101
/ Rockport, AB
JENNER Sec. Edward M. Hofer
403-898-3931 *898-2063
Ext. 145
Ext. 142
4 -7-1983 / Winnifred, AB
Box 269 Min. Martin M. Hofer Jenner, AB. T0J 1W0
Min. Peter J. Kleinsasser
LLL-SE-35-21-9-W4 Peter Matilda.................. 208
Peter Rebecca................ 104
Rachel D. Waldner.......... 401
Ted Edna........................ 203
Willie Elizabeth............... 103
Switchboard 4
03-898-3907 / 3908 / 3938 / 878-0844 / 2914 /4437 / 6572 /2695
Andy Mary.................126/128 Gary Pauline.................... 132 Martin Justina................ 145
Ben Lydia .................112/113 George Barbara............... 138 Mike Elizabeth................ 141
Ben Rosa..........................111 Joe Julia......................... 135 Matt Lisbeth................... 117
Chris Thelma....................125 John Margaret................ 122 Peter Susanna................ 142
Dave Debbie.....................131 John Susie...................... 121 Ron Donna...................... 147
Ed Susie...........................133 Luke Susanna................. 118 Tom Mary....................... 146
Eli Helen...........................115 Martin Amanda................ 148 Will Rebecca................... 143
Box 9 Min. Jonathan Kleinsasser Brownlee, SK. S0H 0M0 Min. Glen Waldner
Switchboard 306-759-2685 / 2687 / 2088
Amos Lydia 108 J. Annie Entz
Becky / Katie 105 Jason Justina
Ben Kate
117 John Susan
Dave Clara ( E )
103 Jonathan Tabitha
Dave Clara ( W )
110 Ken Debbie
David S. Entz
120 Leonard Rachel
Ed Justina
106 M. Kate / Linda 107
George Justina 124 Mart Emma
Glen Matilda
112 P. Mary Entz
Lehrerleut 2015
KINGSBURY @ .................. Sec. Joseph J. Wurz.............. 406-472-3330 ... *472-3379
600 Kingsbury Rd Min. Mike Kleinsasser Valier, MT. 59486 - 5461
Min. Joseph Kleinsasser
Switchboard 406-472-3302 / 3304 /3306
Andy Rosa........................253 Jason Mariann................ 231
Arnold Lila........................238 Jerry Anna....................... 246
Dan Edna.........................234 Joe Anna......................... 225
Dan Mary.........................245 Joe Elizabeth................... 222
Dave Dorothy...................227 Joe Judy......................... 224
Dave Judy........................226 Joe Michelle.................... 252
Don Katie.........................247 Joe Rebecca................... 211
Ed Esther..........................244 Joe Rebecca................... 213
Ed Susie...........................214 John Anna....................... 216
Gary Linda........................232 John Katie....................... 218
Jake Rebecca...................254 Lawrence Amanda.......... 217
Ext. 212 *406-472-3306
Ext. 213
6-16-1981 / Miller, MT
Leonard Rachel.............. 236
Mark Susanna................ 235
Mike Anna...................... 212
Mike Elizabeth................ 251
Mike Helen .................... 243
Ned Clara....................... 237
Peter Judy...................... 248
Sam Rachel.................... 233
Steven Lisa..................... 241
Tom Rebecca.................. 223
KINGS LAKE Sec. John Waldner Ext. 223 *403-867-2032
Box 40 Min. Arnold Mandel
Foremost, AB. T0K 0X0 Min. Martin Entz
Switchboard 403-867-2268
Arnie Becky......................109 John Dorothy................... 102
Ben Helen.........................113 Leonard Becky................ 120
Dave Rachel.....................104 Martin Amanda................ 117
Glen Lorna........................111 Michael Lydia.................. 105
Jason Esther....................106 Mike Mandel................... 107
Jerry Judy........................121 Mike Susie...................... 108
Joe Susie.........................103 Peter Margaret................ 115
Ext. 225
Ext. 117
3-1-1976 / Elmspring, AB
Philip Becky.................... 119
Sam Tamra..................... 118
Ted Becky....................... 110
Tim Ruth......................... 114
Toby Barbara.................. 101
Will Lena........................ 112
KINGSLAND Sec. Paul Kleinsasser 403-733-2355 *733-2236
Box 6 Min. Peter Hofer
New Dayton, AB. T0K 1P0 Min. David Hofer
Switchboard 403-733-2444 / 2248 / 3999
Barbara ...........................232 Joseph Clara................... 222
Daniel Susanna................234 Leonard Martha............... 237
David Mary.......................233 Michael Miriam............... 224
Kathrina...........................230 Paul Mary........................ 235
John Magdalena ..............236 Paul Sarah....................... 223
Ext. 221
Ext. 233
7-1-2007 / Miami, AB
Peter Anna...................... 221
Rueben Helen................. 239
Thomas Kathrina....225 John
KYLE @ Sec. Elias Hofer 306-375-5548 *375-2913
Box 250 Min. Michael Hofer Kyle, SK. S0L 1T0 Min. John Waldner
Switchboard 306-375-2910 / 5548 / 2147 / 2149
Arnold Anna......................303 Jonathan Laura............... 405
Ben Theresa.....................209 Ken Rosa........................ 408
David Lydia.......................203 Leonard Ruth.................. 404
Eli Annie...........................104 Mike Mary....................... 201
Eli Katie............................202 Mike Rebecca................. 401
Jacob Martha...................304 Mike S. Hofer.................. 402
Jake Emma......................205 Paul Sarah....................... 406
Joe Annie.........................103 Peter Esther.................... 107
Joe Lina...........................105 Peter Lydia...................... 302
Ext. 201 Ext. 403
10-25-1970 / Rosedale, AB
Ryan Amanda................. 208
Sam Linda...................... 206
Sam Lorna...................... 408
Sam Matilda................... 301
Steve Martha.................. 306
Ted Debbie..................... 307
Walter Debbie................. 207
Waldner Rebecca........... 204
Will Nella........................ 106
Lehrerleut 2015
John Bertha......................101 Peter Mary...................... 102
John Rebecca..................403 Ron Helen....................... 306
MATADOR NEW DEVELOPMENT 306-375-9129 Kyle Colony
LATHOM Sec. Jacob S. Wurz 403-641-3470 *641-3474
LONE PINE Sec. Sam S. Kleinsasser 403-742-6585 *742-3474
Box 250 Min. Jacob S. Wipf
Botha, AB. T0C 0N0 Min. Peter Entz
Switchboard 403-742-3454 / 3455 / 3462
Amos Anna.......................228 Mike Sabina.................... 234
Barbara............................233 Paul Leona...................... 222
David Clara.......................238 Paul Magdalena.............. 235
Jake Anna........................227 Peter Martha................... 237
Jake Sara.........................230 Philip Teresa.................... 223
Joe Linda.........................232Rebecca.......................... 231
Ext. 230
Ext. 237
3-7-1999 / Hand Hills, AB
Sam Katie....................... 224
Sam Mary....................... 229
Simon Sabina................. 240
Steve Glenda.................. 242
Thomas Miriam.............. 221
Tony Pauline................... 241
MACMILLAN Sec. Amos L. Entz 403-395-2221 *395-2225
RR 1 Min. Samuel S. Entz
Cayley, AB. T0L 0P0
Min. Tobias E. Waldner 1937 Switchboard 403-536-2440 Shop / Big Bend, AB
Sec. Peter Waldner Ext. 101 *306-882-2046
Box 280 Min. Joe Kleinsasser Ext. 108
Rosetown, SK. S0L 2V0 Min. Jonathan Kleinsasser Ext. 109
11-28-2011 / Glidden, SK
Switchboard 306-882-2118 / 2119 / 3047 / 3048 / 2010
Ben Judy..........................116 Jerry Lizzy....................... 112 Leonard Dorothy............. 118
Dave Dorothy...................110 Joe Lydia......................... 108 Peter Katie...................... 101
Ed Emma..........................105 Joe Sarah........................ 115 Tom Judy........................ 119
Eli Rebecca......................103 Joe Frieda....................... 106 Will Linda........................ 117
Elizabeth / Martha............102 John Elizabeth................. 111
Issac Annie.......................104 Jonathan Justina............. 109
MAIN CENTRE..................... Sec. Peter Hofer.................... 306-784-2930 .. *784-2680
Box 150 Min. Elias Wipf Ext. 266 Rush Lake, SK. S0H 3S0
Min. Tim Hofer Ext. 241
2-24-1963 / Rockport, AB
Switchboard on next page
Box 450 Min. Elias S. Wurz Ext. 102 Bassano, AB. T0J 0B0
Min. Joseph Ida Ext. 305 4-22-2003 / Bow City, AB
Switchboard 403-641-3470 / 3471 / 3473
Andy Anna........................304 Joseph Ida...................... 305 Peter Justina.................. 303
Dave Julia........................205 Leonard Judy.................. 204 Ron Lisa......................... 106
Debbie / Emma................101 Mike Bertha.................... 203 Sam Judith..................... 301
Elias Katie........................102 Mike Mary....................... 105 Will Annie....................... 201
Jake Justina.....................302 Paul Mary........................ 202 Will Debbie..................... 206
Jason Christina...............307 Paul Rosa........................ 104
Joe Diana.........................103 Pete Linda....................... 306
Lehrerleut 2015
Switchboard 306-784-3255 / 3256 / 3257
Andrew Evelyn.................259 Joe Mary......................... 257
Andrew Justina................254 Joe Rebecca................... 248
Ben Judy..........................265 John Greta...................... 260
Dennis Ida........................269 Joseph Annie.................. 245
Eli Pauline........................251 Leonard Elizabeth ........... 240
Elias Sarah.......................262 Mike Mary....................... 243
Elias Susan.......................266 Mike Rebecca................. 244
George Helen...................250 Paul Margaret................. 246
Jacob Katie......................258 Peter Annie...................... 263
Jake Lila...........................267 Peter Helen..................... 256
Peter Katie ..................... 221
Peter P. Katie.................. 249
Peter Rachel................... 264
Peter Sarah..................... 242
Sam Katie....................... 261
Steve Nella..................... 253
Ted Crystal..................... 252
Tim Matilda.................... 241
Will Teresa...................... 255
MARTINSDALE Sec. Walter J. Wipf 406-572-3329 *572-3643
Box 152 Min. Joseph Kleinsasser
Ext. 101
Martinsdale, MT. 59053 Min. Fred J. Wipf Ext. 402
9-23-1959 /New Miami, MT
Switchboard 406-572-3474
Andy Delilah.....................506 George Esther................. 405 Leonard Sarah................ 204
Arnie Kate........................303 Henry Sarah.................... 202 Mart Katie....................... 205
Ben Lena..........................105 Joe Lydia......................... 101 Rebecca Wipf................ 301
Ben Lydia.........................504 Joe Susie........................ 104 Paul Mary....................... 201
Dan Mary.........................505 Joe Susie........................ 206 Peter Dorothy................. 302
David Rebecca.................304 John Anna....................... 103 Peter Susanna................ 106
Ed Judy............................407 John Elizabeth Hofer....... 305 Phil Katie........................ 306
Ed Margaret.....................403 John Elizabeth Wipf......... 203 Steve Elsie...................... 404
Edward Dorothy................307 John Katie....................... 107 Susie J. R. Wipf.............. 308
Eli Katie............................102 John Susanna................. 406 Walter Adina................... 401
Eli Matilda........................207 Josh Rhonda................... 503 Will Ida........................... 502
Fred Frieda.......................402 Ken Esther...................... 501
McMAHON Sec. Joseph Waldner 306-627-3205 *627-3392
Box 490 Min. Michael Waldner 306-627-3647 *627-3648
Swift Current, SK. S9H 3W3 Min. Tim Waldner Ext. 305
11-23-2009 / Waldeck, SK
Switchboard 306-627-3210 / 3616 / 627-1200 / 2007
David Kathrina..................202Vacant............................. 105 Paul Teresa..................... 107
Dave Lena........................106 Joel Barbara.................... 301 Phillip Melissa................ 307
Edward Ruth....................309 John Elizabeth................. 203 Rachel Waldner.............. 204
Elias Helen.......................201 John Judith..................... 108 Steve Susan................... 308
Fred Linda........................104 Joseph Margaret............. 101 Susanna Entz.................. 102
George Barbara................304 Joseph Sarah.................. 303 Tim Diane....................... 305
George Mary....................103 Michael Mary.................. 302
Sec. Ben J. Mandel
Box 607 Min. Jacob J. Gross
Vulcan, AB. T0L 2B0
Min. Chris Gross Switchboard 403-485-6879 / 6887 / 6883
Albert Dorothy
118 George Lydia
Andy Elsie
313 Jacob Barbara
Ben E. Mandel
311 Jacob Clara
Ben Theresa
317 Jake Emma
Chris Sara
114 Jason Laura
David Lillian
413 Joe Susie
David Susie
115 John Theresa
403-485-6845 *485-6737
Ext. 111 Cannot Transfer
Ext. 114
2-15-1989 / Brant, AB
Mike Annie Jr.
Mike Annie
P. Sara / Hilda
Peter Rosa
Sam Justina
Sam Susie
Ted Karen
Lehrerleut 2015
Dennis Theresa
Eli Martha
Fred Rita
Gary Mary
Ken Esther
Mark Anna
Mart Sara
Michael Lisa
216 Tom Anna
417 Walter Elizabeth
MIAMI Sec. Willy Hofer 403-733-2131 *733-2114
Box 2128 Min. Amos P. Kleinsasser
New Dayton, AB. T0K 1P0 Min. Joseph P. Kleinsasser Switchboard 403-733-2132 / 2241 / 2336 / 2341
Amos Katie.......................413 Dave Sarah..................... 401
Amos Martha....................406 George Katie................... 201
Amos Susanna.................302 Glen Matilda.................... 204
Dan Judy..........................404 Jake Justina.................... 102
Dan Pauline......................405 Joe Mary......................... 203
Dave Annie.......................101 Peter Annie...................... 103
Ext. 302
Ext. 203
1924 / Milford, AB
Peter Judy...................... 303
Peter Sarah..................... 301
Tim Eda.......................... 105
Tim Matilda.................... 104
Will Dorothy.................... 107
Will Lydia........................ 202
Box 4120 Min. Ben D. Kleinsasser
Taber, AB. T1G 2C6
Min. William Kleinsasser
Ext. 305
Business Fax 877-310-9833 1-6-1981 / Miami, AB
Switchboard 403-223-8073 / 388-5211 / 5212 / 5213 / 5214
Ben Justina......................101 Jason Melinda................. 306 Sam Annie...................... 203
Ben Lillian........................302 Joe Judy......................... 206 William Susie.................. 305
David Esther.....................301 John Annie...................... 201 Willie Elizabeth............... 404
David Sarah......................402 John Linda...................... 303 Willie Katie...................... 104
George Rebecca...............401 Paul Julia ....................... 406
MIDWAY @ Sec. David J. Hofer CNT 406-278-5278 *278-9190
MIDLAND Sec. John J. Kleinsasser 403-223-8125 *223-8153
Box 582 Min. Joseph D. Hofer Ext. 101
6049 Healey Spring Rd. Min. Joseph J. Wipf Ext. 104
Conrad, Mt. 59425 6-16-2008 / Miller, MT
Switchboard 406-278-0173 / 9182 406-576-0205 / 0206/ 0207/ 0208/ 0209
Andy Elizabeth
302 Jacob Anna
202 Rachel / Mary
David Justina...................107 Jerry Rosanne................. 206 Sam Dora....................... 305
David Mary.......................301 Joe Katie......................... 104 Sam Rachel.................... 203
David Sara........................103 Joe Margaret................... 101 Ted Theresa.................... 102
David Sara........................205 John Susanna.................. 306 Tim Mary........................ 304
Don Lydia.........................207 Matt Lydia........................ 204 Tom Katie....................... 108
Eli Anna............................303 Mike Sara........................ 105
Eli Brenda.........................307 Mike Theresa................... 106
MILDEN Sec. Joseph Mandel 306-856-2040 *856-2044
Box 279 Min. Peter Hofer
Milden, SK. S0L 2L0 Min. Daniel Hofer
Switchboard 306-856-2305 / 2306 / 2308
Dan Rosa..........................203 John Johanna................. 304
Don Lena..........................306 J. Rebecca ................... 202
Fred Julie.........................206 Mark Linda...................... 207
Gideon Amanda............. 307- Mart Lydia....................... 101
Joe Christina....................204 Mike Elsie....................... 301
Joe Lena..........................302 Mike Martha.................... 305
Ext. 201
Ext. 203
7-2-2006 / Dinsmore, SK
P. Elisabeth ................... 205
Peter Mary...................... 104
Peter Nella...................... 201
Peter Sarah..................... 103
Steve Lisa....................... 303
Tim Emma...................... 106
Lehrerleut 2015
Joe Sarah.........................102 Mike Matilda................... 105
Milden Engenious Phones
Daniel Hofer (Min)............114
Fred Mandel.....................116
Gideon Hofer....................119
Joe Mandel (Sec)..............120
John Hofer....................... 112 Peter Hofer (Min)............ 110
Mark Hofer....................... 118 Steve Mandel................. 115
Mike M. Hofer.................. 111 Tim Hofer....................... 117
Mike Mandel.................... 113
MILFORD @ Sec. Ben J. Wipf 403-752-3151 *752-3120
Box 244 Min. Joseph J. Kleinsasser Raymond, AB. T0K 2S0
Min. Peter P. Wipf
Switchboard 403-752-4175 / 4289 / 4756 / 3392
Amos Katie.......................105 George Martha................ 204
Andy Leah........................502 J. Anna / Annie................ 205
Annie Wipf........................202 Jason Justina.................. 206
Ben Judy W......................304 Jerry Susie...................... 503
Ben Judy Klein.................101 Joe Sarah........................ 403
Dan Julia..........................501 Jonathan Esther.............. 506
Dave Barbara...................404 Jonathan Katie................ 303
Dave Rebecca..................504 Joe Jolene...................... 302
Eli Ida...............................401 Joseph Lena................... 106
Ext. 201
1918 / Milford, SD
Mike Annie..................... 102
Mike Lydia...................... 103
Mike Susan.................... 405
Paul Elizabeth................. 301
Paul Michelle.................. 505
Paul Susanna.................. 406
Peter Dorothy................. 201
Peter Margaret............... 306
Rachel Mandel................ 402
MILFORD Sec Ben Wipf 406-562-3533 *562-3396
Box 9605 - HWY 287 Min. Daniel Hofer
Wolf Creek, MT 59648- 9605 Min. Joe Hofer
Switchboard 406-562-3439 / 3429
Albert Rita........................211 E. Annie............................ 224
Ben Annie.........................225 Eli Clara............................ 208
Ben Sarah........................206 Eli Sarah........................... 210
Dan Barbara....................220 Joe Rachel...................... 223
Dan Elizabeth..................221 Joe Susanna.................... 227
Ed Susanna......................226 Josh Joni ....................... 219
Ext. 221
Ext. 227
/ Milford, AB
Paul Elizabeth................. 205
Peter Sarah..................... 207
Peter Sharon.................. 204
Randy Dora.................... 222
Tim Helen...................... 209
MILLER Sec. David J. Wipf 406-466-2339 *466-2355
5130, HWY 89 Min. Jacob P. Wipf 406-466-3470 *466-3471
Choteau, MT. 59422 Min. Benjamin J. Wipf Ext. 101
2-22-1949 / OK, AB
Switchboard 406-466-2421/ 2538
Ben Susie
101 Jake Dorothy
Dan Annie
205 Jake Frieda
Dan Lena
107 Jake Laura
David Dora
202 Joe Tabitha
David JoAnne...................306 John Julianna.................. 303
Ed Judy............................305 John Matilda................... 401
Jacob Anna......................203 John Susanna................. 105
Jacob Mary......................201 Larry Martha.................. 404
Sarah Kleinsasser
Paul Mary
Peter Susie
Rebecca Hofer
Steve Frieda................... 304
Will Helen....................... 301
Steve Frieda................... 304
MILTOW Sec. Sam Wipf
Box 68 Min. Samuel Wipf
Warner, AB. T0K 2L0
Min. John Wipf
403-642-2129 *642-2001
Ext. 120
403-642-3905 5-18-1992 / Millford, AB
Lehrerleut 2015
Switchboard 403-642-0004 / 3886
Andy Rachel.....................121 Joe Lisbeth..................... 123
Annie Wipf........................118 Joe Rachel...................... 109
Arnie Mary.......................128 John Anita....................... 131
Dan Margaret...................103 John Dorothy................... 122
Ed Katie............................107 John Elizabeth................. 111
Eli Linda...........................113 John Judy....................... 134
Elizabeth Joe....................112 John Rebecca................. 110
Garry Lydia.......................133 John Rosa....................... 102
Gideon Rita.......................114 John S. Mandel / Ruth..... 105
Ike Linda..........................101 Josh Linda...................... 125
J. Elizabeth / Lydia...........108 Larry Katie...................... 132
Mary Sam....................... 116
Mike Bertha.................... 115
Paul Judy........................ 119
Ruben Elizabeth.............. 106
Sam Dorothy.................. 104
Sam Katie....................... 117
Sam Mary....................... 120
Steve Margaret............... 124
Tim Lisa.......................... 127
Tom Eda......................... 126
Switchboard 406-667-2139 /2169 /2187 /2196 /2298
Abe Susanna
103 Joe Ruth
Albert Rosa
106 John Julia
Amos Susanna
303 Joseph Rebecca
Brian Martha
101 Kevin Rachel 307
Ernie Tabea
207 Mark Margaret
Ike Dora
205 Mike Elizabeth
Joe Annie
204 Mike Esther
Joe Rachel
305 Peter Sarah
Ronnie Teresa
Susie / Lena
Tim Mary
Walter Sarah
Will Josie
William Mary
NEUDORF Sec. Michael P. Wipf
403-946-4801 *946-0272
RR 1 Min. David J. Wipf Ext. 121
Crossfield, AB. T0M 0S0
Min. Benjamin Wipf
Ext. 127
6 - 1992 / New Rockport, AB
Switchboard 4
03-946-4051 / 4751 / 4951
Andrew Katie....................117 George Elizabeth............. 113 Leonard Pauline.............. 144
Ben Rachel.......................127 Gideon Rebecca ............. 138 Matt Julia....................... 123
D. Annie Wipf....................116 Jacob Rebecca................ 115 Mike Ruth....................... 143
David Helen......................125 Jake Lisa......................... 126 Paul Leona...................... 135
David Rebecca.................121 Jerry Frieda..................... 112 Peter Dianne................... 136
Vacant.................................... Joe Ida............................ 147 Peter Mary...................... 142
Eli Justina.........................145 Joe Mary......................... 124 Sam Rachel.................... 111
Eli Mary............................141 Joe Rebecca................... 146 Ted Deliah...................... 137
NEU MUEHL Sec. Edward Waldner 403-364-2235 *364-3646
Box 890 Min. Michael Wipf Ext. 118
Drumheller, AB. T0J 0Y0 Min. Will Waldner Ext. 102
Ranch 403-364-2009 10-29-2000 / V. Valley, AB
Switchboard 403-364-2733 / 2736 / 2261 Hogs
Chris Susie.......................101 Elias Sara........................ 109 Mike Barbara.................. 118
Dan Linda.........................119 Jake Frieda..................... 107 Mike Katharina............... 111
Ed Annie...........................103 Jake Justina.................... 106 Pete Matilda................... 113
Ed Judy............................120 Joel Annie....................... 117 Ted Becky....................... 116
Eli Hannah........................115 John Dorothy................... 121 Toby Rosa....................... 110
Eli Sara ............................108 John Rebecca................. 104 Tom Ruth........................ 112
Elias Hannah ...................122 Leonard Greta................. 105 Will Ruth......................... 102
403-388-5162 or 587-787-18909
MOUNTAIN VIEW Sec. William Hofer
406-667-2291 *667-2371
14435, Oswald Rd. Min. Peter P. Kleinasser 406-861-2396
Broadview, MT. 59015 Min. Tim Wipf 11-10-2002 / Golden Valley, MT
Lehrerleut 2015
NEW DALE Sec. Joseph Decker 403-599-2115 *599-2139
RR 1 Min. George Decker 403-599-2119
Milo, AB. T0L 0L0 2-17-1950 / Rock Lake, AB
Switchboard 403-599-2118 / 2116
Albert Michelle.................105 George Cloria.................. 123
Ben Judy..........................116 George Sara.................... 108
Ben Sara..........................117 J. Annie Gross................. 119
Dan Mary.........................109 Jerry Lydia...................... 120
Dave Mary........................112 Joe Lena......................... 118
Dave R. Decker................106 Josh Rosa....................... 110
George Annie....................115 Mart katie....................... 103
Paul Justina.................... 101
Robert Clara................... 113
S. Rachel Wurtz.............. 124
Ted Adina........................ 126
Toby Bara....................... 111
Toby Helen...................... 107
Toby Lisa........................ 124
NEW ELM Sec. Edward J. Entz 403-758-3255 *758-6038
Box 130 Min. Peter Entz
Magrath, AB. T0K 1J0
Min. Jacob Entz
Switchboard 403-758-3255
Ben Barbara.....................205 Jason Diane.................... 406
D. Rebecca Entz...............407 Josh Kate........................ 306
Darius Martha..................105 Karl Annie........................ 203
Dave Lillian......................401 Ken Wendy...................... 201
Edward Dorothy................404 Mike Sarah...................... 402
George Annie....................303 P. Kathrina....................... 301
Jake Margaret..................302 Paul Rosanna.................. 104
James Lorna....................304 Peter Magdalena............. 202
Ext. 202
Ext. 302 1918 / New Elmspring, SD
Richard Marianne........... 102
Rosa Entz....................... 305
Sam Linda...................... 106
Sol Elizabeth................... 206
Thomas Christina........... 103
Tim Matilda.................... 204
NEW MIAMI @ Sec. Sam J. Mandel 406-472-3365*472-3382
Box 400, New Miami Rd Min. Jacob P. Mandel
Conrad, Mt. 59425 Min. Joseph Mandel
Switchboard 406-472-3310 / 3244
Amos Sarah......................305 Jason Cary...................... 402
Ben Christina....................304 Jerry Tina........................ 407
Dan Justina......................102 Joe Judy......................... 103
Dave Mary........................207 Joe Mary......................... 104
Frieda / Rebecca..............101 Joe Susanna................... 201
I. Judy Wurz......................202 John Anna....................... 405
J. Elizabeth / Dorothy.......306 Joseph P. Wipf................. 206
Jacob Dorothy..................116 Mart Ruth........................ 204
Jake Dora / A. Mary..........303 Mary / Susie.................... 404
Jake Matilda....................105 Mike Justina................... 107
Ext. 303
Ext. 103
2-16-1948 / Miami, AB
Mike Sarah..................... 106
Nathan Mary................... 307
Peter Esther.................... 403
Peter Rachel................... 301
Phillip Donna.................. 302
Sam Linda...................... 204
Walter Joleen................. 203
Will J. Wipf...................... 401
Will Teresa...................... 406
NEW ROCKPORT Sec. John Waldner 403-733-2174 *733-2173
Box 10 Min. Mike Waldner
New Dayton, AB. T0K 1P0
Min. Jonathan Wipf
Switchboard 403-733-2122
Dave Judy
242 John Annie
Dave Lisa
244 John Esther
Dave Rosa
273 John Susanna
Ed Debbie
250 Jonathan Debbie
Elizabeth Wipf
275 Levi Diana
Jake Annie
115 Martin Lillian
Ext. 251
12-8-1932 / Rockport, AB
Peter Sarah
Phillip Julia
Rachel & Mary
Sam Linda
Sarah Wipf
Simon Dora
Lehrerleut 2015
Jake Susanna
Jason MaryAnn
274 Micheal Katie
240 Peter MaryAnn 261 Steve Dora
270 Toby Julia
NEW ROCKPORT Sec. George Waldner 406-466-2112 *466-5823
NEWELL @ Sec. Arnold Hofer
Box 360 Min. George Kleinsasser
Bassano, AB. T0J 0B0
Min. Jeremias Hofer
Switchboard 403-641-2121 / 4847 / 2081 / 2082
Albert Susanna.................203 Jacob Anna..................... 101
Arnold Margaret...............104 Jeremiah Matilda............ 204
Ben Ann............................402 Joe Abigail...................... 105
Chris Theresa...................404 John Clara....................... 201
Daniel Rachel...................405 Kenneth Rosa.................. 501
David Sarah......................301 Matt Rachel..................... 307
Ed Martha........................401 Peter Margaret................ 304
George Mary....................502 Peter Rachel.................... 305
Ext.104 P & *403-641-2051
Ext. 502
Ext. 204
3-7-1961 / OK, AB
Phillip Dorothy................ 503
Reinhold Matilda............. 202
S. Elizabeth..................... 103
Sam Annie...................... 205
Sam Matilda................... 303
Will Dianne..................... 102
O. K. Sec. Tobias Kleinsasser
Ext. 222 *403-752-4726
Box 540 Min. Paul Kleinsasser
Ext. 204
Raymond, AB. T0K 2S0 Min. David Waldner Ext. 307
4-13-1934 / Rockport, AB
Switchboard 403-752-4176
Ben Mary.........................104
Dan Linda.........................302 Joe Judy......................... 303 Paul Katie....................... 204
Dave Annie.......................401 Joe Leah........................ 205 Peter Katie...................... 105
Dave Lydia.......................307 Joe Rachel...................... 107 Peter Martha................... 407
Dave Margaret.................405 John Rachel.................... 104 Steve Emma................... 106
Jason Helen....................406 John Rosa....................... 201 Ted Lydia........................ 304
Jerry Judy........................102 Jonah Debbie.................. 402 Tobias Mary.................... 206
Jerry Leona......................202 Judy Waldner.................. 207 Will Rebecca................... 305
Joe Annie.........................306 Kevin Susanna................ 203 Will Susie........................ 103
OAKLANE Sec. Dan Kleinsasser
Box 4300 Min. Paul Waldner
Taber, AB. T1G 2C8
Min. Edward Kleinsasser
403-223-2920 *223-1071
Ext. 205
10-24-1994 / OK , AB
RR 2 Box 131 Min. Elias P. Wipf 406-466-2400 C. N. T.
Choteau, Mt. 59422 Min. John J. Wipf 406-466-3002 C. N. T.
7-29-1948 / New Rockport, AB
Switchboard 406-466-5925 / 5926 / 5927 / 5928
Albert Christina
502 Joe Katie
304 Paul Judy
Andy Theresa
407 Joe Linda
501 Paul Mary
Dan Linda
405 John Annie
305 Peter Anna
Dave Susie
202 John Debby
309 Rachel Waldner
Dave Theresa
203 John Mary
205 Robert Christina
David Dorothy..................402 Joel Helen....................... 503 Sam Lydia...................... 204
Elias Barbara....................301 Jon Brenda...................... 406 Sam Rebecca................. 401
Elias Dora.........................302 Mark Rita........................ 207 Steve Clara..................... 307
George Justina.................102 Matt Susie....................... 404 Ted Rachel...................... 504
George Mary....................101 Michael Rosa.................. 104 Will Rachel..................... 107
George Rebecca...............303 Mike Esther..................... 103
Ike Susanna.....................206 Mike Susan..................... 403
Lehrerleut 2015
Switchboard 403-223-2950 / 2940
Abraham Emma...............102 George Ruth.................... 307 Paul Esther..................... 104
Albert Theresa..................105 John Ida.......................... 206 Paul Susanna.................. 202
Daniel Adinna...................204 John Susie ..................... 201 Peter Marian................... 303
Donald Esther...................103 Joseph Kathrina.............. 203 Peter Susanna................ 106
Edward Anna....................304 Joseph Susanna.............. 207 Phillip Deborah............... 306
Edward Elizabeth .............205 Ken Abigail...................... 302 Ron Clara........................ 401
Elias Anna........................107 Mark Susanna................. 101 Will Ida........................... 301
George Esther..................305 Paul Anna........................ 300
George Laura...................402 Paul Dianne..................... 100
OLD ELM Sec. Gideon Kleinsasser C N T 403-758-6627 *758-3199
Box 220 Min. George Wurz Ext. 109
Magrath, AB. T0K 1J0
Min. Simon Wurz Ext. 126
8-1-1918 / Old Elm, SD
Switchboard 403-758-6623 / 6666 Rotary Line 403-388-3600
Andy Lorna
117 Isaac Elizabeth
105 Pete Frieda
Arnie Pauline....................101 Jack Judy (Kl )................ 122Rebecca......................... 124
Ben Mary.........................115 Jacob Judith (Wu)........... 121 Simon Leona.................. 126
Dave Clara........................104 Joe Lydia......................... 103 Sol Bertha....................... 106
Don Lillian........................102 Joe Nella......................... 125 Toby Mona...................... 120
Fred Susanna...................114 John Annie...................... 118 Will Debbie..................... 119
George Lydia....................109 John Helen...................... 113
Gideon Debbie..................108Katie............................... 116
PARKLAND @ Sec. Leonard M. Wipf
Box 729 Min. Arnold S. Waldner
Nanton, AB. T0L 1R0
Min. Nathan Wipf
Switchboard 403-646-5788 / 5773
Andy Clara........................204 Jacob Lydia..................... 216
Arnold Susie.....................208 Jacob Magdalena............ 201
Ben Susie.........................211 Jason Lisa...................... 228
Dave Abigail....................227 Joe Susan....................... 215
E. Kathrina........................203 Joel Lydia........................ 212
Ed Susie...........................223 John Clara....................... 213
Gideon Esther...................214 John Justina ................ 206
Glen Annie........................209 John Mary...................... 210
Henry Esther....................219 Justina Teichroeb........... 217
403-646-5761 *646-2865
Ext. 208
Ext. 220
7-10-1972 /Macmillan, AB
Leonard Dorothy............. 225
Leonard Mary................. 207
Nathan Emma................ 220
Paul Linda....................... 224
Peter Helen..................... 222
Peter Kathrina................. 202
Ruben Lisbeth............... 226
Ruth Waldner.................. 221
Tim Barbara.................... 205
PENNANT Sec. David Mandel Ext. 267
Box 100 Min. David Entz Ext. 228 Cannot Transfer
Pennant, AB. S0N 1X0
Min. John Wipf Ext. 226
/ Abbey, SK
Switchboard 306-626-3252 / 3213 / 3215
Dan Melissa.....................223 Gideon Kate.................... 238 Sam Rebecca................. 227
Dave Theresa...................246 Joe Mary......................... 231 Sarah Entz..................... 240
David Susie......................228 John Mary....................... 226 Ted Susie........................ 239
Ed Esther..........................229 Rueben Mary................... 241
PLAINVIEW Sec. John Hofer
C N T Box 240 Min. Paul Waldner
Warner, AB. T0K 2L0
Min. Mike Hofer
403-642-3729 *642-2085
Ext. 411
3-10-1975 / OK, AB
Lehrerleut 2015
Switchboard 403-642-2111
Andy Katie........................413 Joe Susie........................ 210
Ben Katie..........................212 Johann Hilda................... 414
Darius Heidi......................415 John Katie....................... 211
Dave Martha....................213 Mark Darnell................... 217
Gideon Judy.....................112 Mike Sara ....................... 215
Ike Leah ..........................315 Mike Susie ..................... 411
Joe Bernice .....................214 Nathan Lydia .................. 216
Joe Lena..........................113 Paul Katie........................ 110
Paul Linda....................... 314
Paul Mary ...................... 410
Rachel Margaret............. 412
Tim Mary........................ 114
Toby Marie...................... 111
Walter Teresa.................. 312
Will Susanna................... 310
PLEASANT VALLEY Sec. Peter J. Waldner 406-736-5204 *736-5294
Ext. 104
Ext. 206
5-16-1989 / New Rockport, MT
Peter Mary...................... 205
Peter Rachel................... 107
Peter Rebecca................ 303
Philip Mary..................... 302
Sam Anna....................... 106
Sam Rachel.................... 204
Samuel Savanna............ 307
Tim Justina..................... 405
Toby Sara....................... 306
Tom Lydia....................... 403
HILL TOP 406-736-5169 909 Spring Creek Rd
736 5170 *406-736-5171
Stocket, MT. 59480 Pleasant Valley, MT
PONDERA @ Sec. Isaac J. Waldner Ext. 205
300, Pondera Colony Rd Min. Leonard Kleinsasser
Valier, MT. 59486-5444
Min. David Waldner
Switchboard 406-279-3629
Andy Elizabeth
106 Joe Bertha
Christina Waldner
104 Joel Magdalena
Dan Rhoda
401 John Rose
Daryl Laura
306 Jonathon Amanda
David Esther
407 Jonathon Katie
David Helen
406 Julia Waldner 103
Ed Becky
305 Larry Christina
Ike Margaret
202 Leonard Rebecca
J. Rebecca Waldner
404 Mark Debbie
Jake Debbie
303 Mike Amanda
Ext. 102
Ext. 407
7-19-1994 / Birch Creek, MT
Mike Susanna
Paul Frieda
Peter Susanna
Sam Martha
Simon Rachel
Steve Glenda
Ted Kathy
Tim Bertha
Tom Lisbeth
William Mary
PONDEROSA Sec. Phillip Entz Ext. 0
Box 752 Min. Andrew Wipf Ext. 202
Grassy Lake, AB. T0K 0Z0 Min. Noah Entz Ext. 104
10-14-1974 / New Elm, AB
Switchboard 403-655-6016
A. Mary Entz.....................103 Jerry Barbara................... 303 Noah Hilda...................... 104
Andrew Susanna..............202 Loranz Sarah.................... 405 P. Rachel Entz................. 406
Dale Lisbeth.....................301 Luke Rita.......................... 203 Phillip Matilda................. 101
Eli Rebecca......................401 Mark Martha.................... 302 Judy / / Dan.................... 106
Henry Rachel....................402 Mary / Susie / John.......... 400 Ted Linda........................ 404
734 McCoy Road Min. John Waldner
Belt, MT. 59412 Min. David Wipf
Switchboard 406-736-5205 / 5208 / 5224
Ben Matilda......................304 Joe Anita......................... 402
David Elizabeth ................203 John Elizabeth................. 207
David Justina...................206 John Rachel ................... 104
Ed Rosa............................401 Mart Linda....................... 407
J. Sarah girls....................101 Mike Theresa.................. 408
Jacob Elizabeth................105 Paul Leah........................ 406
Jacob Elizabeth................202 Paul Rebecca.................. 201
Jacob Lena.......................301 Peter Christina................ 404
Jacob Mary......................103 Peter Julia....................... 305
Jacob Sarah.....................409 Peter Mary...................... 102
Lehrerleut 2015
PRAIRIE HOME Sec. David J. Hofer
Box 147 Min. Jacob E. Waldner Wrenthan, AB. T0K 2P0 Min. Jacob Hofer
Switchboard 403-222-2334
Alvin Esther......................205 Jake Anna....................... 301
Daniel Donna....................107 Jake Rachel.................... 207
David Mary.......................204 Jason Emma................... 307
David Rosa.......................106 Jerry Frieda..................... 306
Emma & Sarah.................101 Joe Elizabeth................... 203
George Susie....................202 Joel Rita.......................... 305
Jacob Sarah.....................105 John Rachel.................... 102
Ext. 106 *403-222-2335
Ext. 207
Ext. 105
4-21-1997 / Plainview, AB
Jonathan Greta............... 303
Leonard Esther............... 302
Ruben Amanda............... 407
Simon Katie.................... 304
Steve Linda.................... 406
Ted Evelina..................... 201
Will Emma...................... 103
RIDGELAND Sec. John J. Waldner C N T 403-787-2876 *787-2485
Box 220 Min. Joseph Kleinsasser
Ext. 107
Hussar, AB. T0J 1S0
Min. Joe Hofer Ext. 204
Seiu Lake Product Destruction 403-787-2854 / *787-2853
Seiu Lake Plastics 403-787-
Switchboard 403-480-4316 / 403-787-2100 Albert Lorna
101 Joe Annie
Amos Rachel....................305 Joe Susie........................ 107
Andy Rebecca..................301 John Mary....................... 302
Arnie Justina....................306 John Miriam.................... 102
Ben Debbie......................106 John Sarah...................... 105
David Rosa.......................203 Jonathan Matilda........... 205
Jacob Margaret................304 Leonard Susie................. 206
8-20-1991 / Clearview, AB
3002 /
Peter Katie
Peter Martha................... 103
Philip Judy...................... 201
Sam Dorothy.................. 104
Walter Dora.................... 207
RIMROCK Sec. Jack Wurz 406-937-3045 *937-3040
Box 159 Min. Elias Hofer
Sunburst, MT. 59482 Min. Walter Hofer
Switchboard 406-937-4600 / 3050 / 3055
Albert Becky
301 Joe Katie
Ben Debbie
220 Joe Lydia
David Lydia
226 Joe Priscilla
Ed Rebecca
216 Joe Teresa
Eli Lena
206 Joel Julia
George Lydia
211 John Martha
J. Katie Hofer
201 John Rebecca
J. Susie Hofer
223 Jon Julia
J. Susie Wurz
215 Josh Mary
Jack Kathryn
219 Mark Nella
Jake Susie
202 Mike Katie
Jason Lena
214 Mike Margaret
Ext. 213
5-20-1963 / Hillside, MT
Peter Amanda
Peter Anna
Peter Gloria
Peter Katie
Robert Gloria
Ronald Teresa
Sam Rachel
Ted Laura
Walter Rebecca
Zach Lydia
RIVER BEND Sec. Samuel Gross C. N. T. 403-534-3967 *534-2136
Box 37 Min. Peter Decker Ext. 309
Mossleigh, AB. T0L 1P0 Min. Fred Gross Ext. 136
11-25-1976 / Newdale, AB
Switchboard on next page
Lehrerleut 2015
Switchboard 403-534-2166 / 2177 / 2144 Sand & Annie Decker....................125 Eli Brenda........................ 134
Chris Martha....................112 Eli Decker........................ 132
Clara / Donna .................111 Fred Judy........................ 136
Dan Josie.........................119 Jake Martha.................... 116
Dan Rosa..........................128 Jonathan Kate................. 133
Dave Clara........................137 Levi Jolene...................... 103
Dennis Debbie..................123 Paul Lydia Jr.................... 104
Gravel 403-934-6688
Peter Justina.................. 309
Robert Theresa............... 127
Sam Esther..................... 101
Sam Kate........................ 117
Walter Anne.................... 124
RIVER ROAD Sec. Jacob J. Entz 403-344-2083 *344-2053
Ext. 120
Ext. 108
7-1985 / Rock Lake, AB
Ruben mary.................... 106
Steve Esther................... 114
Tim Justina..................... 109
Walter Lydia.................... 118
William Annie.................. 112
Zack Elizabeth................ 116
RIVERVIEW Sec. John J. Wipf
C. N. T. 406-456-3338 *456-3310
1145 Dugout Rd Min. John P. Wipf Ext. 107
Chester, MT. 59522 Min. Ben P. Wipf Ext. 201
1-22-1980 / Sage Creek, MT
Switchboard 406-456-3369 / 3370 / 205-0049 /4403
Abe Debra........................204 Jacob Rebecca (WU)....... 306 Paul Anna....................... 305
Andrew Elizabeth.............104 Jacob Susie.................... 103 Paul Freida..................... 302
Ben Annie.........................201 Joe Lydia......................... 303 Peter Lydia...................... 405
Brian Emma.....................603 Joe Rosa......................... 108 Peter Mary...................... 401
Dan Mary.........................203 John Clara....................... 402 Rick Rosanna................. 602
Dave Dorothy...................304 John Margaret................ 403 Rueben Barbara.............. 407
David Katie.......................308 John Susanna................. 202 Sam Anna....................... 408
Don Barbara.....................206 John Susie...................... 107 Steve Diane.................... 307
Edward Amanda...............110 Lorenz Mary.................... 208 Tim Anna........................ 205
Edward Lena....................106 Luke Annie...................... 601 Tom Judy........................ 404
Elias Susanna...................105 Mark Delilah ................... 102 Will Julia......................... 406
Garry Rossanna................207 Michael Cindy................. 109
Jacob Rebeca Kl..............101 Paul Anna ...................... 301
SUNNYBROOK ................ NEW DEVELOPMENT.......... Riverview Colony, MT
........................................ 406-456-3349...................... ROCK LAKE @ Sec. Leonard E. Entz 403-345-5358 *345-3896
Box 1297 Min. Edward Entz Ext. 124
Coaldale, AB. T1M 1N1
Min. Chris Entz Ext. 107
2-1935 / Old Elm , AB
Switchboard 403-345-3892
Caleb Becky.....................122 John Esther..................... 126Rosa............................... 110
Chris Bertha.....................107 Ken Ida............................ 106 Sam Annie...................... 105
Darius Rebecca................128 Lawrence Helen.............. 120 Sara Entz........................ 108
Dave Ida...........................104 Len Bertha...................... 121 Simon Martha................. 109
Ed Sara............................124 Mike Rachel.................... 131 Steve Sara...................... 111
Box 180 Min. Peter Entz
Milk River, AB. T0K 1M0 Min. Daniel Entz
Switchboard 403-344-4433 - 403-388-8834
Ben Mary.........................103 Joe Ida............................ 115
Dan Rosa..........................107 John Mary....................... 104
Daniel Katie......................108 Jonathan Lillian............... 119
David Rebecca.................113 Joshua Lorna.................. 102
Fred Clara.........................110 Mike Elizabeth................. 117
Gideon Lisa......................125 Paul Susie....................... 111
Glen Lydia........................101 Peter Mary...................... 120
Jacob Esther....................105 Ron Clara........................ 126
Lehrerleut 2015
Eli Judy............................123
Eli Katie............................101
Henry Ruth.......................117
Ike Bernice.......................130
Jerry Martha....................103
Nathan Debbie................ 118 Steven Tabea.................. 112
Pete Brenda.................... 102 Ted Julianna................... 119
Philip Elizabeth................ 125 Tom Becky...................... 132
Richard Judy................... 129
Robert Debbie................. 127
Box 40
306-644-0001 *664-0022
Loreburn, SK. S0G 1A0
ROCK PORT Sec. William P. Hofer
Box 460 Min. John P. Hofer
Magrath, AB. T0K 1J0
Min. David Wipf
Metal Siding 403-758-3147 / *758-3174
Ext. 306 Ext. 302
Ext. 304
1918 *403-758-3667
/ Rock Port, SD
Switchboard 403-758-3067 / 3077 Flour Mill
Amos Linda......................207
Dan Lydia.........................205
Dave Pauline....................304
Dave Rachel.....................301
Don Nella.........................402
Ed Linda...........................104
George Dorthy..................303
Hardy Rebecca.................105
Jake Elizabeth..................201
Jake Lizzy....................... 203
Jake Margaret ............... 202
Jesse Lora...................... 403
Joe Clara......................... 106
John Dianne.................... 308
John Miriam.................... 404
John Rebecca................. 302
Jonathan Christy............. 206
Mike Judy....................... 107
Peter Emelia................... 307
Ryan Elsie....................... 103
Sam Elizabeth................. 101
Sam Lydia...................... 305
Simon Donna.................. 102
Tim Christina.................. 401
Tom Dora........................ 204
Will Katie....................... 306
ROCK PORT * Sec. Benjamin J. Hofer 406-469-2284 *469-2243
Box 100, 0700 West Min. Jacob J. Hofer 406-590-9837
Pendroy Road Min. William J. Hofer 1948
/ Rock Port, AB
Pendroy, MT. 59467
Switchboard406-469-2247 / 2256 / 2293
Ben Mary
104 Ike Rosa
Dan Rebecca
401 Jake Lydia
Darius Margaret
103 Jacob Susie
Gary Anita
203 Joe Mary
George Mary
101 Jonathan Rozanne
George Michelle
403 Mark Linda
Mike Lisa
Mike Lydia
Peter Ruth
Randy Rosanna
Tom Debbie
William Sarah
ROSEDALE Sec. John G. Waldner Ext. 201 *403-666-2007
Box 569 Min. George G. Waldner
Etzikom, AB. T0K 0W0
Min. Samuel Waldner
Switchboard 403-666-3939
Amos Rebecca.................203 George Susanna.............. 104
David Mary.......................501 J. Susanna...................... 502
Ed Ruth............................102 Joe G. Waldner................ 302
Edward Barbara...............603 Joe Lena......................... 401
Eli Tabea...........................304 John Laura...................... 101
George Brenda.................403 John Margareth............... 103
George Evalina.................202 John Rachel.................... 201
George Mary....................204 John Rachel.................... 301
Ext. 204
Ext. 503
6-11-1953 / Hutterville, AB
Mike Ruth....................... 404
Mike Susanna................. 402
Paul Sarah...................... 303
Peter Kathrina................. 504
Phillip Rachel.................. 602
Sam Melissa................... 601
Sam Susanna................. 503
Lehrerleut 2015
ROSE GLEN @ Sec. David D. Entz Ext. 424 *838-2039
Box 117 Min.John J. Entz Ext. 327
Hilda, AB. T0J 1R0 Min. Benjamin Entz Ext. 423
/ C. Spring, AB
Switchboard 403-838-2272 / 2544 / 2545 / 2546
Andy Debbie.....................322 Joe Clara......................... 624 Philip Martha.................. 526
Annie K. Entz....................326 Joe Lydia......................... 527 Reuben Debbie............... 426
Ben Helen.........................423 Joe Mary......................... 623 Robert Maria................... 425
Ben Rita...........................228 Joel Rosa........................ 525 Sam Judith..................... 323
Chris Teresa.....................324 J. Annie.......................... 327 Simon Debbie................. 622
David Margaret................424 John Justina................... 524 Steve Becky.................... 227
Emma Entz.......................422 Mary Entz........................ 325 Ted Dorothy.................... 522
George Brenda.................427 Leonard Tabitha.............. 226 Tim J. Mandel................. 523
Jason Matilda...................627 Paul Rebecca.................. 625 Tom Amanda.................. 626
Box 1509
Min. Joseph Kleinsasser
\Rosetown, SK. S0L 2V0 Min. Jonathan Wipf
Switchboard 306-882-3344 / 3112 / 1991
Frank Matilda...................207 Sarah Kleinsasser........... 209
Ike Frieda.........................204 John Justina................... 214
Jake Dinna.......................218 Jonathan Helen............... 201
Jerry Leah........................213 Mike Bernice................... 212
Joe Katie..........................217 Mike Mary....................... 208
Joe Mary..........................202 Paul A. Wipf..................... 203
306-882-1919 *882-2404
Ext. 201
10-16-1970 / Millford, AB
Peter S. / Susanna.......... 216
Philip Elizabeth............... 215
Sam Sarah...................... 205
Will Junia........................ 210
Zack Matilda................... 219
Will Sara......................... 211
ROSE VALLEY Sec. Peter Hofer
C N T 306-642-3942 *642-4241
Box 1928 Min. Johann Wipf Ext. 101
Assinboia, SK. S0H 0B0
Min. John Kleinsasser
Ext. 402
7-13-1986 / Baildon, SK
Switchboard 306-642-5736 / 4877 / 3277 / 4607
A. Becky / Andy................204 John Rachel (H)............... 303 Sam Anita....................... 404
Ben Rachel.......................205 Mike Matilda................... 201 Sam Elizabeth................. 406
David Rosa.......................403 Paul Lydia........................ 306 Toby Rachel.................... 206
J. Rebecca Waldner...301/302 Paul Susie....................... 401 Will Margaret.................. 305
Johann Elizabeth..............101 Peter Matilda................... 304
John Rachel (KL)..............402 Phillip Sara...................... 103
SAGE CREEK Sec. David A. Hofer C N T 406-292-3590 *292-3590
470 Laird Rd., Box 519 Min. John Wurz 406-292-3309* C N T
Chester, MT. 59522 Min. Samuel Hofer Ext. 227
1960 - / Miller, Mt
Switchboard 406-292-3510 / 3599 / 3655
Andrew Mary
238 Joe Susie
240 Peter Esther
Ben Barbara.....................250 Joel Mary........................ 237 Peter Martha................... 252
David Anita.......................257 John Justina................... 226 Peter Sarah..................... 225
David Esther ...................228 John Sarah...................... 234 Phillip Elizabeth.............. 256
David Esther Kl................236 John Susie...................... 231 Rachel Andrew............... 235
Ed Elsie............................242 Jonathon Susie............... 232 Rachel Kleinsasser......... 249
Garry June.......................255 Leonard Rebecca............ 254 Ron Mary........................ 223
Ike Lisa.............................258 Matt Frieda...................... 247 Sam Anna....................... 248
Jacob Rachel....................243 Mike Lydia....................... 224 Sam Emma..................... 227
Jacob Tabitha...................244 Mike Susie...................... 245 Tim Kathy....................... 241
ROSETOWN Sec. Jerry Hofer
Lehrerleut 2015
Jerry Brenda....................246
Jerry Julia........................230
Joe Linda.........................225
Randy Martha...................246
Paul Justina.................... 222
Paul Mary........................ 239
Paul Susie....................... 253
Terry Susie..................... 218
William Barbara.............. 229
Tom Dora ....................... 260
John Tina....................... 259
Ron Susie....................... 251
SAND LAKE Sec. Albert Kleinsasser 306-298-2068 *298-2032
Box 278 Min. Amos Kleinsasser
Ext. 201
Val Marie, SK. S0N 2T0 Min. Andrew Wurz Ext. 301
2-1966 / Old Elm , AB
Switchboard 306-298-2075 / 2076/ 2079 /2078 add 10 for down (101 is 111)
Albert Teresa....................304 Don Tabitha..................... 207 Mark Katie...................... 407
Amos Mary.......................201 Ed Katie........................... 306 Matt Hilda....................... 403
Andy Margaret.................301 George Julia.................... 105 Peter Helen..................... 307
Annie A.............................106 Hardy Susanna................ 204 Ron Lisa......................... 305
Annie D............................102 Joe Laura........................ 104 Ruben Ida....................... 205
Ben Esther........................203 Joe Martha...................... 303 Steve Lillian.................... 406
Carl Theresa.....................401 Joe Rachel...................... 103 Toby Linda...................... 302
Chris Helen.......................107 Jona Bertha..................... 404 Will Sarah....................... 202
Chris Tanya......................405 Larry Kathryn.................. 402
Dave Mary........................101 Leonard Justina.............. 206
SEVILLE @ Sec. Edward G. Waldner 406-336-2430 *336-2450
Box 1409, Pardue Road
Min. George G. Waldner
Ext. 306
Cutbank, MT. 59427
Min. Joe J. Kleinsasser
Ext. 104
Edward Cell 406-460-1808 12-9-1983 -/ Rock Port, Mt
Switchboard406-336-2451 / 2452 / 2456
Shops go David Kathrina
303 John Kathrina
Edward Ida
404 John Mary
G. Rebecca Waldner
203 John Rebecca
George Clara
306 John Rebecca
George Kathrina
106 Joseph Mary
George Sarah
207 Joseph Rosa
Jake Mary
205 Joseph Susanna
Jeremiah Christina
302 Ken Katie
407 Joe Susanna
105 Matthew Helen 102
to page 37---- 700 Ext’s
Michael Bertha
Michael Rachel
Paul Anna
Sam Margaret
Sam Mary
Tim Anna
Tom Susanna.
William Anna
William Susanna
SHAMROCK Sec. Mike Mandel 403-545-6843 *545- 6290
Box 399 Min. Paul M. Mandel
Bow Island, AB. T0K 0G0 Min. Edward Waldner
Switchboard 403-545-6190
Aaron Amanda
127 John Rebecca
Cameron Jolene
124 Jon Lisbeth
Dan Rachel 123 Ken Theresa
Dave Linda
112 Matt Emma
Ed Martha
111 Mike Annie
Eli Debbie
117 Mike Rachel
Elizabeth Entz
106 Paul Brenda 121
Joel Nella
102 Paul Lydia
John Barbara
109 Peter D Waldner
Ext. 151
Ext. 152
1-7-1997 / Kings Lake, AB
Peter Katie
Peter Leona Robert Julia
Ron Rosa
Ruben Lillian
Sara / Elizabeth
Steve Sheila
Steven Lena
Tomas Lisbeth
Lehrerleut 2015
SKYLIGHT Sec. Fred Decker 403-485-2376 *485-2379
Box 1443 Min. Ruben Decker
Ext. 109
Vaukcan, AB. T0L 2B0 10-14-2012 / New Dale, AB
Switchboard 403-485-6053 / 6054
Andy Diane.......................128 Jacob Matilda................. 103 Ron Sarah....................... 107
Arnie Christina..................113 Jason Matilda................. 115 Ruben Linda................... 109
Don Linda.........................114 Joe Hanna....................... 112 Susie Wurtz.................... 102
Ed Elsie............................101 Joe Katie......................... 110 Tim Emma...................... 105
Ed Leah............................108 Joe Rachel...................... 127 Tom Debby..................... 111
Fred Martha......................104 Martin Mary.................... 116 Walter Teresa.................. 125
Jacob Annie.....................106 Mike Dorothy................... 126
SILVER SAGE Sec. Ben Hofer Ext. 241 *403-666-2201
Ext. 228
Ext. 229
6-6-1999 / Sunrise, AB
Mike Rachel................... 234
Mike Ruth....................... 233
Paul Rebecca.................. 237
Tim Tabea....................... 238
Walter Adina................... 225
SMILEY Sec. George Kleinsasser
306-838-2030 *838-4211
Box 10 Min. Joe Kleinsasser Ext. 225
Smiley, SK. S0L 2Z0
Min. John Kleinsasser
Ext. 226
4-16-1968 / New Rockport, AB
Switchboard 306-838-2048
Andrew Rachel.................224 Jake Katie....................... 227 Mike Ida......................... 260
Arnie Roseann..................264 Jason Rachel.................. 262 Peter Esther.................... 233
Ben Tabea........................237 Joe Frieda....................... 225 Sam Annie...................... 230
Dave Helen.......................231 John Rebecca................. 226 Sam Mary....................... 228
Ed Debbie.........................232 John Susie...................... 223 Tim Pauline..................... 235
Eli Rebecca......................229 Lawrence Diana.............. 234 Tom Annie...................... 261
G. Rebecca.......................222 Leonard Pauline.............. 263 Walter Adinna................. 238
George Mary....................221 Leonard Susanna............ 236
SOVEREIGN Sec. Peter Wipf 306-882-2447 *882-2467
Box 307 Min. John P. Wipf 306-882-4307
Rosetown, SK. S0L 2V0
Min. Amos Wipf Ext. 102 7-31-1995 / Rosetown, SK
Switchboard 882-4302 / 4304 / 4311
Amos Rachel....................303 Jake Elizabeth................. 301 Mike Pauline................... 307
Amos Susanna.................102 Joe Mary......................... 205 Peter Martha................... 304
Andy Ruth........................203 John Annie...................... 101 Susie Hofer..................... 103
Dave Dorothy ..................104 John Elizabeth................. 105 Tim Clara........................ 305
Dave Gloria.......................106 John Katie....................... 202 Tom Lena....................... 306
Ed Barbara.......................302 John Rosa....................... 201
George Martha.................204 Mark Janet...................... 107
Box 482 Min. David D. Hofer
Foremost, AB. T0K 0X0
Min. Joseph Hofer
Switchboard 403-666-2200 / 2123
Ben Julia..........................239 Joe Ida............................ 229
Ben Susie.........................241 Joel Annie....................... 231
David Justina...................227 Leonard Judy.................. 226
David S. Hofer..................228 M. Mary Wipf................... 230
Ed Debbie.........................240 Mary Hofer...................... 235
Jacob E. Hofer..................236 Mike Anna....................... 232
Lehrerleut 2015
SOUTH BEND Sec. Sam Mandel 780-879-2170 *879-2185
Box 216 Min. John R. Hofer Ext. 121
Alliance, AB. T0B 0A0
Min. Joseph Kleinsasser
Ext. 107
2-18-1965 / Winnifred, AB
Switchboard 780-879-2170 / 2140 / 2190 - 780-628-1886
Dave Annie
105 Jerry Rachel
104 Larry Lydia
Dave Mandel....................114 Joe Bara.......................... 112 Mike Brenda................... 116
Dave Rachel.....................101 Joe Clara......................... 120 Sam Martha ................... 113
Ed Linda...........................106 Joe Elizabeth................... 107 Steve Miriam.................. 119
George Clara....................115 Joe Lena......................... 111 Susie Kleinsasser........... 110
Jake M. Hofer............108/109 Joe Rebecca................... 118 Walter Elizabeth.............. 117
Jake Teresa......................103 John Margaret................ 121 Sam Office...................... 200
SOUTHLAND *................. Sec. Jacob Wipf...................... 306-784-3571.... *784-3374
Box 459 Min. Daniel Wipf
Herbert, SK. S0H 2A0 Min. David J. Wipf
Switchboard 306-784-2603 /2604 /2605 /2606
Andrew Susie...................115 Eli Lina............................ 113
Arnie Mary ......................112 George Rachel................. 212
Dan Linda.........................116 Jake Annie...................... 211
Dan Mary.........................314 Jake Lydia....................... 111
Dave Clara........................118 Joe Esther....................... 311
Eli Lina.............................113 J. Elizabeth...................... 117
Ext. 116
Ext. 118
11-18-2012 / Beechy, SK
John Lena...................... 114
Kelvin Rebecca............... 214
Matt Michelle.................. 315
Mike Katie...................... 313
Philip Hofer..................... 312
Tim Edna........................ 213
SPRINGDALE Sec. John D. Wipf 406-547-3382 *547-3449
Box 770, Birky Rd. Min. Joseph Wipf 406-547-3895
White Sulphur, MT. 59645 Min. Joseph J. Hofer Ext. 405
/ Millford, MT
Switchboard 406-547-2290 / 3490
Arnie Joann
203 John Sarah
401 Steve Julia
Ben Brenda
204 Joseph Lydia
402 Ted Clara
Dave Mary
101 Joseph Nella
405 Thomas Ida
Ed Rosa
307 Leonard Emma
104 Will Mary
Jason Susanna
304 Peter Susanna
404 Will Rosa
Joe Annie
202 Sam Rhoda
John Margaret
201 Sam Susanna
Sec. David J. Kleinsasser 306-463-4255 *463-4624
Box 2650 Min. Paul Hofer Ext. 209
Kindersley, SK. S0L 1S0 Min. Jake Kleinsasser
Ext. 216
7-14-1991 / Smiley, SK
Switchboard 306-463-2318 / 3246 / 3538 / 4335
Andy Susie.......................210 Joe Christina................... 211 Paul Katie....................... 209
Chris Susanna..................218 Joe Rebecca................... 207 Peter Wipf....................... 208
Dave Sarah......................220 John Margaret................ 206 Peter Lydia...................... 217
Hardy Adinna...................213 Kevin Justina.................. 214 Ruben Tabitha ................ 201
Ike Lena...........................212 Martin Rachel.................. 204 Sam Theresa................. 215
Jake Dorothy....................216 Peter Katie ................... 221 Ted Laura...................... 202
Jake Katie .......................203 Paul Elizabeth.................. 219 Will Julia........................ 205
It's not life that is great..But the people in our lives that make it great
Lehrerleut 2015
SPRINGSIDE Sec. Peter P. Hofer Ext. 408
Box 120 Min. David P. Wipf
Ext. 107
Duchess, AB. T0J 0Z0
Min. Samuel Waldner
403-378-2369 Sch Board
3-10-1955 / New Rockport, AB, MT
Switchboard 403-378-4734
Adrian Clara.....................223 Elias Sarah...................... 110 P. Annie Hofer ................ 105
Andrew Linda...................118 George Mary................... 103 Peter Rachel.................. 308
D. Anna Waldner...............106 Glen Jessica.................... 222 Peter Rosa...................... 102
Dan Dora .........................122 Joe Magdalena............... 120 Sam Linda...................... 109
David Martha....................113 John Dorothy................... 125 Steve Heida.................... 116
David Sarah......................107 John Mary....................... 123 Steve Helen.................... 224
Edward Clara....................117 John Wipf........................ 350 Tim Ruth........................ 124
Eli Mary............................101 Margaret Wipf................. 104 William Martha............... 111
SPRINGVIEW....................... Sec. Joe Wurz....................... 403-641-2141 .. *641-2182
SPRING WATER Sec. Amos Wipf 406-632-4783 *632-4773
Box 782 Min. Peter P. Hofer Ext. 106
Harlowtown, Mt. 59036
Min. John P. Hofer Ext. 302
11-26-1982 / Martinsdale, MT
Switchboard 406-632-5512 / 5881
Abe Ida.............................402 Ike Brenda....................... 101 Mike Lena...................... 403
Amos Mary.......................206 Jake Susanna................. 404 Mike Magdalena............. 103
Andy Julia........................304 Joe Margret.................... 105 Peter Laura..................... 406
Ben Matilda......................202 John Debbie.................... 201 Peter Rachel................... 106
Dan Julia..........................301 John E. Hofer................... 104 Ruben Clara.................... 306
David Anna.......................204 John Sarah...................... 302 Sam Sarah...................... 205
David Katie.......................303 Larry Margret.................. 405 Tim Rebecca.................. 401
Eli Lydia............................102 Mike Bara....................... 203 Will Anna........................ 305
STANDARD @ Sec. Paul P. Entz Ext. 104
Box 390 Min. Joseph J. Entz
Standard, AB. T0J 3G0
Min. Toby Entz
Switchboard 403-644-2224 / 2198 / 2169
Abraham Linda
113 Joel Laura
Andy Rachel
115 John Lisa
Andy Rosa
127 Joseph Mary
Dan Matilda
105 Joseph Sandra
Dan Michelle
107 Ken Deborah
Garry Abigail
123 Lawrence Susie
George Julia
110 Lorenz Helen
George Margaret
120 Martin Matilda
Gideon Elsa
114 Mike Esther
Ext. 116
Ext. 122 6-15-1987 *403-644-2196
Paul Mary
Peter Linda
Phillip Sandra
Phillip Susie
Steve Lena
Ted Dorothy
Toby Deborah
Will Dora
William Judy
/ Acadia, AB
Box 314 Min. John J. Wurz 403-363-0627
Gem, AB. T0J 1M0
Min. Benjamin Wurz Ext. 202
12-15-1979 / Bow City, AB
Switchboard 403-641-2160 / 2161 / 2162
Amos Susanna.................203 Isaac Tabbie.................... 102 Mike Teresa.................... 406
Andrew Dorothy.............. 307 Joe Elizabeth................... 101 Paul Rachel.................... 303
Andrew Susanna............. 302 Joe Marie........................ 404 Phillip Mary.................... 204
Arnold Judith....................304 John Hanna..................... 402 Tim Lydia........................ 403
Benjamin Pauline............ 202 John Rebecca................. 201 Will Barbara.................... 104
Daniel Judith....................407 Jon Lizzy......................... 301
Ed Mary............................405 Martin Dorothy................ 401
Lehrerleut 2015
Jacob Lydia
Jake Judy
103 Mike Mary
130 Paul Lydia
Sec. John J. Entz 403-867-2330
Box 400 Min. Samuel Entz Foremost, AB. T0K 0X0 Min. Thomas Entz
Switchboard 403-867-2299
David Barbara
108 Josh Nella
George Sarah
301 Katie P. 304
Hardy Elizabeth
107 Kevin Lisa
J. Anna
203 Larry Lea
Jason Bertha
103 Matt Carol
John Justina 102 Mick Clara
John Margaret
206 Peter Barbara
John R.
101 Peter Mary
Ext. 302
Ext. 307
7-1-1989 / Crystal Spring, AB
Phillip Rosa
Ruben Rosa S. Mary Entz
Samuel Sarah
Ted Lydia
Terry Debra
Tom Mary
W. Christie
SUNCREST Sec. Paul Hofer Ext. 200
Box 780 Min. Paul Hofer
Castor, AB. T0C 0X0 Min. David Wipf
Switchboard 403-882-2476
Andy Helen.......................104 Ike Susie......................... 301
Andy Margaret.................106 J. Annie........................... 101
Ben Dorothy.....................204 Jack Julia........................ 103
Dave Katie........................401 Joe Rosa......................... 404
Dave Linda ......................405 John Leona..................... 306
Dave Lydia.......................303 John Melissa................... 205
Ed Elizabeth.....................206 Len Emilia....................... 407
Ed Judy............................406 Michael Susanna............. 307
Esther & Joe.....................201 Mike Helen...................... 403
Ext. 108
Ext. 401
1983 204
/ Castor, AB
Mike Susie...................... 203
Paul Clara....................... 202
Paul Frieda..................... 402
Paul Hofer....................... 108
Paul Lydia....................... 107
Peter Katie...................... 308
Sam Lydia...................... 105
Steve Lila........................ 305
SUNNY SITE Sec. Jacob J. Wurz Ext. 407
Box 180 Min. Michael Hofer
Warner, AB. T0K 2L0
Min. Ruben Wurtz
Switchboard 403-642-2407
Andrew Anna....................406 John Judith..................... 404
David Frieda.....................425 Joseph Martha................ 430
David Justina...................421 Larry Becky..................... 403
David Linda......................426 Leonard Lillian................ 429
Gideon Melissa.................418 Mark Lena....................... 417
Jacob Donna....................409 M. Elizabeth.................... 420
Jacob Mary......................408 Mick Susanna................. 402
Jacob Rebecca.................407 Mike Mary....................... 424
Ext. 424
Ext. 422
3-15-1935 / Elmspring, AB
Mike Susanna................. 423
Ronald Diane.................. 427
Ruben Justina................ 422
Sarah M. Hofer............... 405
Tim Linda....................... 411
Toby Martha................... 412
SUNRISE @ Sec. David J. Wurtz Ext. 521 *403-666-3727
Box 588 Min. Andrew Hofer Ext. 103
Etzikom, AB. T0K 0W0
Min. Jacob Hofer Ext. 307
2-22-1978 / Sunny Site, AB
Switchboard on next page
Lehrerleut 2015
Switchboard 403-666-3787/ 3725 / 3726 / 3728 / 3729
Andrew Lydia
301 J. Elizabeth
Andrew Sarah..................103 Jacob Mary..................... 307
David Elsie.......................105 Jason Matilda................. 108
David Justina...................305 Jonathan Anna................ 407
David Mary.......................201 Jonathan Elisabeth.......... 102
Henry Frieda.....................207 Joseph Mary................... 205
Martin A.Wurtz
Mike Ida......................... 303
Rebecca Hofer................ 101
Sam Wurtz...................... 208
Tom Dorothy................... 403
Will Dorothy.................... 401
TOMPKINS Sec. Lorenz Mandel Ext. 119
TWILIGHT Sec. Paul Wipf 780-837-8360 *837-8911
Box 728 Min. Sam Entz
Falher, AB. T0H 1M0 Min. Simeon Wipf
Switchboard 780-837-8120 / 8360 / 2920
Albert Bertha....................145 Jacob Justina.................. 143
Amos Julia.......................205 Jacob Linda.................... 138
Andy Lizy..........................201 Jason Brenda.................. 206
Ben Linda.........................142 Jerry Sarah .................... 147
Ben Sarah........................141 Joe Katie......................... 203
Dan Lorraine....................144 Joe Susie........................ 121
Dave Sarah......................202 John Lydia....................... 134
Ed Martha........................148 John Rebecca................. 112
Eli Emma..........................146 Leonard Susanna............ 204
Elias Magdalena...............113 Lorenz Katie.................... 114
Elias Rachel......................137 Lorenz Mary.................... 136
Gideon Judy.....................118 Paul Anna........................ 123
Ext. 124
4-13-1986 / MacMillan, AB
780-837-8944 /
Paul Mary....................... 132
Peter Anna...................... 125
Peter Gloria..................... 122
Peter Mary...................... 135
Phillip Helen................... 127
Sam Martha.................... 126
Sam Mary....................... 131
Simeon Dianne............... 124
Simpson Delila............... 117
Tom Ida.......................... 133
Walter Nella.................... 128
Will Susanna................... 116
TWIN CREEK Sec. Jacob Wurtz 403-644-2283 *644-2290
RR 1 Box 4 Site 2 Min. Paul N. Decker
Standard, AB. T0J 3G0
Min. Amos Decker
Switchboard 403-644-2204 / 2292 / 2908
Amos Rachel....................203 Jacob Susanna............... 105
Andrew Bernice................106 Jacob Susie.................... 302
Andrew Sabina.................301 Joel Kate......................... 307
Darius Elizabeth...............206 John Annie...................... 208
Enoch Mary......................304 Lawrence Christina ........ 204
George Matilda.................306 Leonard Ruth.................. 104
Glen Lillian.......................308 Mike Dorothy................... 205
Henry Rebecca.................103 Mike Mary....................... 108
Jacob Rebecca.................101 Paul Elizabeth.................. 102
Ext. 202 Ext. 203
1-20-1998 / Riverbend, AB
Paul Nella....................... 202
Peter Lydia ..................... 305
Sam Mary....................... 303
Steve Elsie...................... 201
Ted Kate......................... 401
Tomas & John................ 207
Will Rebecca................... 107
Box 309 Min. Joseph Mandel 306-622-2440 *622-2243
Tompkins, SK. S0N 2S0
Min. Isaac Mandel Ext. 114
1954 / New Elmspring, AB
Switchboard 306-622-2012
Amos Sarah.....................113 Lorenz Justina................. 119 Ron Debra...................... 122
Isaac Lisbeth....................114 Lorenz Sarah................... 103 Sam Greta...................... 105
Jack Judy.........................104 Marvin Rita..................... 102 Sarah/ Mary.................... 118
Joe Anna..........................121 Matt Justina.................... 116 Will Barbara.................... 115
Joe Dorothy......................124 Mike Tabitha.................... 120
John Barbara....................106 Peter Elizabeth................ 117
Lehrerleut 2015
TWIN HILLS Sec. David Hofer 406-734-5216 *734-5350
4177, Beaver Slide RD. Min. Peter J. Wipf Ext. 105
Carter, Mt. 59420 Min. Joseph Wipf Ext. 303
2-4-2002 / Glendale, MT
Switchboard 406-734-5250 / 5280 Canadian Lines 205-0080 / 0045
Albert Miriam
107 Jacob Frieda
204 Joseph Rebecca
Brian Mary
402 Jacob M. Wurz / Phillip 202 Joseph Sarah
Cameron Melinda
404 Jacob Sarah
302 Melvin Clara
D. Elizabeth Hofer/ Helen 301 John Annie
103 Peter Christina
David Linda
104 John Martha
304 Peter Susanna
David Sarah
102 John Michelle
403 Rebecca Hofer
Edward Susie
207 Joseph Annie
205 Sam Sarah
Eli Frieda
206 Joseph Laura
106 Tom Lisa
VALLEY CENTRE Sec. Will Kleinsasser
306-377-2032 *377-4605
Box 430 Min. Joseph J. Kleinsasser Ext. 201
Biggar, SK. S0K 0M0
Min. David Kleinsasser
Ext. 307
11-28-2004 / Golden View, SK
Switchboard 306-377-2062 / 2082 / 2083
Anna Kleinsasser..............105 Jerry Annie..................... 102 Philip S........................... 203
Dan Katie.........................103 Joe Christina................... 304 S. Mary Hofer................. 104
Dave Annie.......................307 Joe Judy......................... 201 Tom Laura...................... 303
George Susie....................306 John Frieda..................... 302 Will Katie........................ 106
Gideon Susie....................204 John Mary....................... 205
Ike Katie...........................202 Larry Tresa...................... 305
VANGUARD @ Sec. Jacob Wipf
C. N. T.
Box 40 Min. Joseph S. Entz
Vanguard, SK. S0N 2V0 Min. Andrew A. Waldner
Switchboard 306-588-2394 / 2395 /2396 /2397
Andrew Margaret.............113 Joe Linda......................... 114
Andy Rebecca..................115 Joe Susan........................ 111
Ed Susanna......................106 John Barbara................... 103
Jake Esther......................112 John Lydia ....................... 102
Jason Amanda.................116 Joseph S. Entz................. 104
Joe Helen.........................109 Mike Clara........................ 107
306-588-2588 *588-2589
Ext. 104
Ext. 113
6-22-1980 / Waldeck, SK
Peter Frieda.................... 105
Peter Kate....................... 110
Peter Rosa...................... 108
Tim Susanna.................. 101
VERDANT VALLEY @ Sec. John M. Wipf 403-823-4388 *823-3707
Box 2860 Min. Benjamin Wipf
Ext. 108
Drumheller, AB. T0J 0Y0 Min. John Waldner Ext. 112
Shops 403-823-3722 / 3960 3-16-1974 / Handhills, AB
Switchboard 403-823-4380 / 4381 Abe Mary
101 Jake Leona
Amos Susanna
106 Jake Linda
Ben Kate
108 Jake Mary
Darrel Barbara
102 Joe Rebecca
Dave Clara
115 John Debbie
Eli Pauline
118 John Elsie
I. Helen
110 John Lana
I. Helen 823-3717
John Magdalena 100-107
John Susie
Mike Glenda
Ron Sabina
Sam Donna
Sam Esther
Tim Christina
“ ‘God’s love stands when all else fails.’ “
Lehrerleut 2015
WALDECK @ Sec. Peter Waldner 306-773-6871 *773-6571
Box 790 Min. Mike Entz
Swift Current, SK S9H 3W7 Min. Paul Entz
Switchboard on next page
Switchboard 306-773-6103 / 3807 / 3808
Dan Kate..........................305 Michael Annie.................. 103
Elias Lena.........................304 Mike R. Entz (SR).............. 104
George Mary....................401 Paul Rachel...................... 201
Jacob Annie.....................101 Paul Tabitha...................... 204
Ken Frieda........................205 Peter Katie....................... 402
Ext. 103
Ext. 204
6-22-1963/ Elm Spring,AB
Peter Martha (Wa)........... 203
Peter Martha (Entz)......... 105
Will Christina.................. 303
Will Magdalena............... 102
Will Mary........................ 202
WHEATLAND Sec. Benjamin Waldner C. N. T. 306-587-2909 *587-2655
Ext. 117
Ext. 102
6-10-1987 / Kyle, SK
Peter Debbie................... 113
Peter Sarah..................... 101
Sam Judy....................... 114
Sam Katie....................... 105
Sarah / Amos.................. 106
Ted Lena......................... 424
Tim Susanna.................. 419
Will Margaret.................. 108
WILD ROSE Sec. Fred Wurz Ext. 207 *403-485-2498
Box 1060 Min. Elias J. Kleinsasser
Ext. 106
Vulcan, AB. T0L 2B0
Min. Thomas Wurz Ext. 102
6-25-1990 / O.Elm Spring, AB
Switchboard 4
Dan Tabitha......................211 Jacob Anna..................... 105 Mark Eda........................ 205
Dave Frieda......................209 Jacob Justina.................. 110 Paul Esther..................... 206
Ed Elizabeth.....................202 Jacob Waldner................ 201 Phil Michelle................... 203
Elias Anna........................106 Joel Edna........................ 212 Tim Lydia........................ 208
Fred Judy.........................207 John Rebecca................. 108 Tom Clara....................... 204
Ike Sara............................109 Lawrence Debra.............. 101 Tom Susanna.................. 102
WILLOW CREEK Sec. Robert M. Waldner 403-625-3592 *625-4981
Box 1238 Min. Jonathan Wipf Ext. 120
Claresholm, AB. T0L 0T0 Min. Jeremiah Wipf Ext. 118
6-26-1995 / Parkland, AB
Switchboard 403-625-2978 / 4814
Albert Evelene..................128 Jessie Judy.................... 125 Paul Mary....................... 124
Amos Mary.......................102 John M. Wipf................... 109 Phillip Hilda..................... 116
Andy Bara........................111 Jonathan Miriam............. 120 Robert Matilda................ 119
Chris Bertha.....................106 Luke Linda..................... 127 Sam Elizabeth................. 112
Dennis Rosa.....................104 Martin Clara.................... 115 Sam Katie....................... 113
Eli Magdalena..................107 Matt Lisa......................... 101 Sam Mary....................... 114
Enoch Elizabeth................122 Mike Annie...................... 108 Tom Judy....................... 129
Fred Linda........................123 Mike Esther..................... 110 Will Carol........................ 103
George Rebecca...............121 Mike Susanna................ 126
Jerry Rebecca..................118 Paul Katie........................ 105
Box 110 Min. John G. Wurtz
Cabri, SK. S0N 0J0 Min. Martin Waldner
Switchboard 306-587-2571 / 2574 / 2575 / 2576
Ben Matilda......................111 John Lydia....................... 117
George Annie....................109 John Mary....................... 107
Jacob Dorothy..................103 Mark Theresa.................. 420
Joe Annie.........................110 Mart Katie....................... 102
Joe Mary..........................115 Mike Debbie.................... 422
Joe Sarah.........................423 Paul Susanna.................. 112
Joe Susanna....................118 Peter (J) Lydia (S)............ 104
John Judy........................116 Peter (P) Lydia (J)............ 421
Lehrerleut 2015
WINNIFRED @ Sec. Amos Hofer Ext. 226
Box 1177 Min. Peter J. Hofer Ext. 131
Medicine Hat, AB. T1A 7H3 Min. Paul R. Mandel Ext. 125
/ Millford, AB
Switchboard 403-832-2184 / 2185 / 403-488-3134 Main Fax 403-832-2052
Amos Teresa.....................126 Josh Bertha..................... 133 Peter Margaret............... 121
Ben Susie.........................131 Leonard Linda................. 141 Sam Lena....................... 132
Dave Christina..................134 Nathan Lena.................... 114 Sam Susanna................. 136
Edward Mary....................123 Paul Mary........................ 115 Steve Adina.................... 144
G. Barbara Kleinsasser.....122 Paul Rebecca Mandel...... 125 Tim Mary........................ 124
J. Christina Mandel..........135 Paul Rebecca.................. 116 Will Barbara.................... 111
J. Kathrina Mandel...........113 Peter Laura..................... 143
Jake Helen.......................146 Peter M. / Kathrina.......... 142
WYMARK Sec. David Waldner C N T 306-773-7420 *773-4552
Box 876 Min. Edward Entz Ext. 101
Swift Current, SK S9H 3W8 Min. John. J. Entz Ext. 104
11-15-2010/ Vanguard, SK
Switchboard 306-773-7290 / 7291 / 7292
Albert Sarah.....................103 Edward Rebecca............. 101 Martiin Lydia................... 306
Ben Julia..........................204 Jacob Anna..................... 302 Mary / Susie / Rachel..... 102
Dave Margaret.................105 John Elizabeth................. 202 Mike Martha................... 203
Dave Mary........................305 John Linda...................... 304 Ron Rachel..................... 308
Dave Matilda....................301 John Mary....................... 104
Ed Martha........................303 Lorenz Linda................... 307
ZENITH Sec. David M. Waldner Ext. 220 Box 1109 Min. Paul Entz Ext. 108
Cut Bank, MT. 59427 Min. Zackarius Waldner Ext. 119
Switchboard 406-336-5400 / 5410
Andrew Gloria...................105 Joseph Rebecca Sr.......... 112 Arnold Julia......................111 J. Kathrin Entz.................. 118
David Frieda.....................117 Kathryn / Elizabeth........... 106
David Susie......................120 Paul Katherine.................. 108
Jacob Rebecca.................107 Peter Rachel..................... 109
Steven Barbara............... 121
Walter Anna ................... 104
Walter Elizabeth.............. 110
Zack Julia....................... 119
Essential Oil cautions
Do not use the same essential oil exclusively over a long
Period of time. You can become sensitive to the oil.
Always blend essential oils ina well – ventilated room.
Do not take essential oils internally. Always follow suggested
Amount, however, use less rather than more if you are unsure
of amounts.
Keep essential oils away and out of reach of children. Keep
essential Oils away from eyes. When adding essential oil to
the bath, drop directly under running water to avoid high
concentration and skin sensitivity.
Secretary..........................700 Calving Shed.................... 726Essenschule................... 752
Kitchen.............................701 Chemical Shop................. 727 Feed Mill #2 / Office....... 753
Laundry............................702 Day Care.......................... 728 Grain Dryer..................... 754
Book Shop........................703 Dry Goods........................ 729 Green House................... 755
Carpentry.........................704 Duck Barn........................ 730 High School & Gym......... 756
Coffee Room....................705 Fire Truck......................... 731 Laser Shop..................... 757
Dairy Barn........................706 German School................ 732 Marble Shop................... 758
Electrical..........................707 Goose Barn...................... 733 Slat Shop........................ 759
Farm Boss / Parts.............708Hatchery.......................... 734 Seed Plant...................... 760
Feed Mill..........................709 Metal Shop....................... 735 Sheep Camp................... 761
Garden House..................710 Paint Shop........................ 736 Soil Mixing Plant............. 762
Hog Barn..........................711 Power House.................... 737 Kitchen Basement.......... 763
Layer Barn........................712 Root Cellar....................... 738 Pullet Barn...................... 764
Mechanic.........................713Scale................................ 739 Ranch / Feed Lot............ 765
Plumber...........................714 School / English............... 740 Plastic / Sponge.............. 766
Shoe Shop........................715 Colony Storage................. 741 Dam / Pump House........ 767
Slaughter House...............716Warehouse....................... 742 Leather & Glove.............. 768
Steel Fabricating .............717 Water House.................... 743 Cordless Phones ............ 769
Tractor Shop.....................718 Turkey Barn...................... 744 Windows Mfg................. 770
Truck Shop.......................719 Rafters & Sheds............... 745 Car Wash........................ 771
Welding / B. Smith............720 Sewage Plant................... 746 Batchin Plant.................. 772
Bakery..............................721Quarantine....................... 747 Geothermal Plant ........... 773
Bee House........................722Cannery........................... 748 Manure Seperator......... 774
Boiler Room.....................723 Cheese Plant.................... 749 Wine Cellar..................... 775
Broiler Barn......................724 Coal Boiler........................ 750 Canola Press Plant.......... 776
Brooms............................725 Egg Packing .................... 751 Vegetable Packing House.777
These extensions may work for all colonies in Canada and united States.
Activate today to be in effect immediately.
You can actually twin these numbers if you want to keep your existing numbers in place.
Call Tom or Travis from Tele - Byte l Networks at 800-565-1849
Colonies that have adapted to it at time of printing are listed below; Hope your name
is on that list soon. For information call Jake at 306-651-2317.
• Rustic Acres • Slver Lake • “@@@”
Send any comments or changes to:
Phone: 306-651-2317 Fax: 306-978-1416
Sec. Isaiah Hofer
Box 1160 Min. Arnold Hofer
Carberry,MB. R0K 0H0 Min. Conrad Hofer
204-834-3986 *834-3661
/Riverbend, MB
Switchboard 204-834-3678
Arnold Rhonda
Conrad Dwyla
Danny Elizabeth
Eberhard Carrie
Eli Barbara
Ike Susan
Isaiah Edith
Community Truss
866-834-3208 / *3861
John Amanda
224 Mike Thelma
John Katie
226 P. Susie
John Marian
220 Paul Annie
Johnny Katherine
221 Paul Thelma
L.. Marian
209 Rankin Carolynn
Lowell Rachel
203 Theodore Sandra
Margaret Waldner
213 Thomas Janet
Sec. Tom Maendel 204-274-2422
Box 967 Min. Andy Hofer
Portage La Prairie, MB Min. Edward Maendel
R1N 3C4
Switchboard 204-274-2606 / 2176 * Add 1 for upstairs
Andy Martha...................... 226* Barbara Baer.......................213
Bennet Lana...................... 218* Dan Annie............................214
Eddie Lana..........................208
Edward Cecilia....................211
Elton Kathryn.......................224
Eva Hofer........................... 223
Ewald Wendy..................... 228
Jake Rose.........................220*
Joel Rachel........................ 206
Kathryn Maendel................ 215
Katie Hofer......................... 239
Kevin Joyce......................230* *274-2316
Ext. 211
2-1971 / New Rosedale, MB
Levi Sharon......................232*
Martin Edith...................... 240
Quinton Laurie................... 204
Rudy Kathy........................ 225
Theresa Randle................. 207
Tom N. Maendel................ 238
Willy Violet......................... 241
Sec. Zack Wollman Jr. 507-248-3191
35227 - 290th St. Min. Zack Wollman Sr.
Henderson, MN. 56044
Switchboard 507-248-3786
Conrad Melissa...................106
David Lydia..........................108
Frank Janice........................111
Gary Esther.........................112
Jacob Amy..........................110
John Monica.......................115
Mark Delia......................... 133
Mike Rebecca.................... 124
Pete Kathryn ..................... 113
Pete Susie.......................... 103
Randy Beckyann................ 134
Richard Lisa....................... 135
507-248-3784 *248-3409
/ Fordham, SD
Samuel Rachel.................. 109
Sam Rosa.......................... 104
Steve Debbie..................... 136
Tommy Justine.................. 102
Zack Rachel...................... 105
Zackie Linda...................... 114
Sec. Levi Waldner 204-274-2782
Box 70 Min. Michael Waldner
Bagot, MB. R0H 0E0
Switchboard 204-274-2046
Ben Elizabeth......................221
Dan Linda............................231
Daniel Amanda....................230
Jake Justina........................226
Jake Kathleen.....................222
/ Huron, MB
Jake’s Office...................... 225 Mike Loretta...................... 233
Joe Miriam......................... 228 Paul Hilda.......................... 218
Kenny Margaret................. 219 Tom Dora.......................... 223
Levi’s Office....................... 201
Levi Rachel........................ 232
“Advice is what we ask for when we already
know the answer but wish we didn’t.”
Erica Jong
Sec. Josh Maendel 204-252-2357
Box 490 Min. Ben Maendel 204-252-2645 *252-3529
MacGregor, MB R0H 0R0 204-252-2333
Better Air 1973
/ Rainbow, MB
BARRICKMAN Sec. Ben Hofer 204-864-2803 *864-2752
RR 1 Box 200 Min. Stephen Hofer 204-864-2267
Cartier, MB. R4K 1B8
1920 / Maxwell, MB
Switchboard 204-864-3027
Ben Susie............................216 Jake Margaret................... 219 Mike Mary........................ 207
Dave J. Elizabeth.................213 Jamie Lisa......................... 246 Phillip Shirley.................... 211
Dave Katie...........................206 John Priscilla..................... 205 Robert Dorothy.................. 247
Dave Marilla........................202 Josh Lorraine..................... 220 Ronnie Bernice.................. 245
David Elizabeth....................208 Kenny Dianne.................... 218 Sam Susanna.................... 209
Davy Lena...........................233 Mike Heidi.......................... 225 Steve Debbie..................... 214
Jack Martha........................221 Mike Katie ......................... 204 Walter Helen...................... 243
BIG STONE Sec. Elmer Hofer 320-748-7961
75217 Colony Rd, Min. Clarence Hofer 320-748-7916* Graceville,
MN. 56240-4715 Min. Jonathan Hofer
Shop P/F
Barns 320-748-8112 1958 / New Elm Spring, SD
Switchboard 320-748-7117 BLOOMFIELD Sec. Hardy Gross 204-274-2400 *274-2166
Box 112 Min. Peter Hofer 204-274-2745 *274-2343
Westbourne, MB R0H 1P0 Min. Daniel Gross Ext. 104 1954
/ Riverside, MB
Aaron Leah..........................103
Charles Joyce......................114 Danny Debbie......................104
Daniel Jolene......................102
David Rebecca....................110
Gary Maryann.....................109
Hardy Cathy........................111
J. Katie Basel......................125 Jake Joanne...................... 112 Paul Becky........................ 124
Jerremey Melissa.............. 123 Paul Joanne...................... 106
Joe Leah............................ 101 Paul Sarah......................... 113
Joel Rhoda......................... 140 Paul Susan........................ 105
Josh Joanne...................... 107 Pete Lissie......................... 126
Kenny Sarah...................... 113Rosanna............................ 119
Kevin Lorna........................ 164
Mel Margie......................... 108
Box 24 Min. Jake Waldner 204-745-2085 *745-2081
Homewood, MB. R0G 0Y0 Nov 15-2014 / Rosevally, MB
Switchboard 204-745-2084 *Downstairs
Arthur Juanita..................209 Jake Rachel.................... 201 Rennie Judy................... 210
David Susan.....................202 Kenneth Rebecca............ 205 Ryan Thelma.................. 211
Gerald Pauline..................203 Levi Margaret......... 207/208* Book Shop...................... 219
Harvey Esther...................206 Levi Sharlene.................. 204
BLUE CLAY Sec. Mike Maendel 204-427-2680
Box 23 Min. Tom Waldner
Arnaud, MB. R0A 0B0
Min. John Maendel Switchboard on next page
Ext. 221 1998 / Blumengart, MB
Switchboard 204-274-2181
Switchboard 204-427-2319
Arnold Lydia........................227
Dave Lydia..........................213
David Rebecca....................216
Elias Matilda.......................233
Gerald Elaine.......................228
Henry Sandra......................222
Jacob Sandra......................225
Joel Benita......................... 226
John Katherine................... 234
John Marie......................... 221
Larry Margaret................... 220
Michael Delores................. 235
Mike Betty.......................... 224
Mike Mary.......................... 214
Mike Rebecca................... 217
Nat Lizzy........................... 232
Paul Annie......................... 218
Paul Janice....................... 223
Phillip Evelyn..................... 219
Tom Lorraine................ 215
Mike’s Office..................... 200
BLUMENGARD Sec. Paul Hofer 605-324-3243
35075 - 148th Street Min. Joseph Kleinsasser Faulkton, SD. 57438-9302
Shop 605-324-3433 Hog Barn
1952 / Blumengart, MB
BLUMENGART Sec. Tim Waldner 204-829-3687
Box 375 Min. Ike Waldner
Plum Coulee, MB. R0G 1R0 Min. Luke Waldner
Switchboard 204-829-3607 / 7820
Cornie Geneva.....................225
Daniel Candace...................290
Hardy Marlene.....................219
Ike Esther............................217
Jack Susie Wa.....................213
J. Susie Maendel.................203
James Becky.......................210
Joe Becky...........................221
John Katherine....................216
J. Mary Maendel............... 201
J. Rebecca Waldner.......... 208
Leonard Anna..................... 220
Levi Pauline....................... 211
Luke Jacqueline................. 214
Mack Margaret.................. 215
Mark Julia.......................... 223
Mary / Helen...................... 202
Matthew Katrina................ 226
204-829-3527 *829-7983
Ext. 214 1922
/ Milltown, MB
M. Annie Waldner.............. 207
Robert Judy...................... 205
Sam Rose......................... 218
Sarah Waldner.................. 206
Soloman Susie................. 212
Tim Rebecca.................... 209
Zack Gladys...................... 204
Tim’s Office....................... 105
Sec. Samuel Waldner 605-463-2422 *463-9512
31232 Colony Rd Min. Alvin Stahl 605-463-2555
Tabor, SD 57063-6503
Min. Robert Stahl Ext. 219 Barns 605-463-2114 7-15-1874 / Ukraine, Russia
BON HOMMESec. Albert Waldner 204-267-7187 *267-2449
Box 10 Min. Clifford Waldner 204-267-7189
Elie, MB. R0H 0H0 9-27-1918 / BonHomme, SD
Switchboard 204-267-2659 Clifford’s Office
145 Albert Dianna..................217 Emma ........................... 204
Albert Elizabeth................205 George Betty................... 211
Bradley Melissa................216 J. Anna Waldner.............. 215
Brian Julie........................212 J. Clara Wollman............. 214
Clifford Martha................245 J. Susie Wollman............. 213
Danny Lydia.....................208 Joey Sara ....................... 218
Dave Barbara...................207 John Judy....................... 216
David Christina.................209 Jonathan Wanda............. 216
David Helen......................209 Joshua Brenda................ 205
Davy Diane.......................243 Justin Evelyn................... 220
Dustin Becky....................209 Kari Asnath...................... 208
Albert’s Office
Levi Darlene................... 207
Paul Sara........................ 206
Pauly Natalie.................. 250
Peter Sarah..................... 220
Rick Kathleen................. 222
Robert Glenda................. 219
S. Sarah Stahl................. 221
Sam Margaret............... 223
Steve Denise.................. 246
W. Frieda Stahl................ 210
William Marlene.............. 242
BOUNDARY LANE Sec. Sheldon Kleinsasser 204-845-2589
Box 40 Min. Dave Wipf
Elkhorn, MB. R0M 0N0
1-2-1997 / Plainview, MB
Switchboard 204-845-2111
Cameron Bethanna.............203
Cornie Judy.........................204
Clinton Rebecca..................233
Dave Hanna.........................211
Edwin Mary.........................202
Granite Memorials & Countertops 2 04-845-2201
Joseph Anna...................... 212
Kenny Maryanne................ 231
Levi Lydia ......................... 205
Melvin Leighann................ 206
Paul Lizzie.......................... 213
Rodney Melissa.................234
Sarah / Joseph..................208
Silas Carolyn.....................217
Sheldon Yvonne................219
Tom Ruth...........................210
BRANTWOOD Sec. Johnny Waldner 204-267-2527
Box 9 Min. Ray Waldner 204-267-2682
Oakville, MB. R0H 0Y0
Min. Cameron Waldner
Ext. 240
Min. Mike Stahl 3-24-1995
/ Grand, MB
Switchboard 204-267-2311
Shop 204-267-2557 / *267-2236
Alvin Katherine....................230 Ivan Sheila......................... 253 Katie (Dave)....................... 214
Arnie Elma...........................219 Jake Esther........................ 224 Kenny Susie...................... 216
Avery Brenda.......................231 Jakie Sharon...................... 220 Leonard Annie................... 235
Cameron Melissa................240 Joey Margaret.................... 213 Ray Susie ..................... 215
Corny Dorothy.....................218 John Barbara..................... 229 Rick Frieda .................... 217
Dave Cathy..........................237 John Ruth.......................... 225 Sam Lillian........................ 234
Glen Doreen........................227 John Sarah........................ 228 Terry Shirley ..................... 239
Hardy Eileen........................238 Johnny Irene...................... 226 Victor Susanne.................. 252
BRENTWOOD Sec. Michael Wurtz 605-598-4589
15442 - 343 rd Ave Min. Sam Kleinsasser
Faulton, SD. 57438 Min. Elias Stahl
Switchboard 605-598-8### and Ext. number below
Jared Karen...................... 114
Joe Edna............................ 113
Joel Serena....................... 167
Jonathan Margaret............ 132
Jonathan Peggy................. 156
Kevin Ann........................... 108
Levi David Ann................... 133
Mike Kathy......................... 131
Mike Lena......................... 115
Michael Maria................... 105
Mike Mary......................... 116
Nathan Johanna................ 129
Sam Mary......................... 107
Ted Claudia....................... 123
BRIGHTSTONE Sec. Timothy Waldner 204-345-2526
204-345-9687 (C) 345-3092
(C) 941-9772
Switchboard 204-345-2596 1959 / Maxwell, MB
Box 880 Min. Thomas Waldner
Lac Du Bonnet, MB. R0E 1A0
BROAD VALLEY Sec. Richard Wipf 204-372-6992
Box 850 Min. Joseph Wipf 204-372-6498
Arborg, MB. R0C 0A0
8-20-19 / Broad Valley, MB
Switchboard 204-372-6675
Darlene Wipf........................118
Dave Anna..........................116
David Judy..........................108
Dorothy Wipf........................115 Ernie Greta..........................110 George Becky......................120
Glen Glenda...................... 140 Ike Juanita......................... 142 Joey Anna.......................... 114
Jonathan Joanne............... 106 Levi Marilyn....................... 103 Levi Ruth............................ 112 81
Paul Mary.......................... 105
Raymond Margaret ........ 138
Richard Susan................... 128
Sam Betty......................... 111
Sarah Wipf........................ 119
Susan Wipf........................ 122
Corny Judy..........................106
Darrel Dorothy.....................134
Dave Elizabeth....................103
Eli Elizabeth.........................130
Elias Rhoda........................173
Jake Susie..........................122
Jacob Josie.........................102
Jakob Delilah......................125
Ext. 130
/ Thunderbird, SD
28971 - 447th Ave Min. John Waldner 605-327-0034 *327-0037
Viborg, SD. 57070-6315 Shop 605-327-0036 / *0038 7/20/2013 /Rockport, SD
CANAM Sec.William Waldner
204-776-2334 *776-2374
#1 CanAm Rd, Box 9
Min. Paul Waldner 204-776-2120 *776-2275
Margaret, MB. R0K 1J0
Min. Alfred Waldner 204-776-2080
Pole Lam Factory 204-776-2259 2005
/ Wellwood, MB
Switchboard 204-776-2135
William Office
Adam Elaine.....................227 James Vanessa.............. 237
Alfred Anna......................218 Joel Karen........................ 214
Allen Tamara....................216 Joseph Edna................... 208
Dave Kathy.......................206 Mike Ruth....................... 205
Jake Marie.......................204 Nathan Miriam................ 202
204-776-2259 / *776-2242
Paul Helen...................... 201
Ray Rosanne.................. 207
Sol Darlene..................... 203
William Joanne.............. 215
Offices W \ P \ .....226 \222
CASCADE Sec. Mike Stahl 204-685-2145 *272-8072
Box 730 Min. John R. Waldner
204-685-2146 *272-8073
MacGregor, MB. R0H 0R0 1-2-1994 / Bon Homme, MB
Switchboard 204-685-8062 / 272-2106Hogs
Benji Lisa.........................221 John Rebecca................. 217 Paul Judy........................ 224
Clarence Eva....................222 John Susanna................ 213 Phillip Lisa...................... 223
Cornie Sarah....................220 Johnny Claudia............... 228 Roy Andria...................... 225
Eddie Anna.......................219 Joseph Susan................. 215 Simon Pauline................ 218
Elias Miriam.....................227 Mike Dorothy................... 214 Susanna Stahl................ 226
John Rebecca DS.............230 Nathan Rebecca.............. 216
CEDAR GROVE Sec. George Hofer Jr 605-337-2404 *337-9712
36926 - 266th St Min. David Hofer 605-337-3038
Platte, SD. 57369-7103
Shops 605-337-2382 5-30-1972 / Bon Homme, SD
Switchboard 605-337-3512 / 2391
43828 - 255th Street Thomas Hofer 605-425-2040 *425-3163
Salem, SD. 57058 Min. David Hofer 605-425-2041
Connect 605-425-3165 Business 605-425-3164
CLAREMONT Sec. Jonathan Wollman Jr 605-793-2352 *793-2448
46271 - 184th St Min. Jonathan Wollman Sr
Castlewood, SD. 57223-5223 12-15-1995 / Poinsett, SD
Shop 605-793-2355 / *793-2356
CLARK Sec. Ben Waldner 605-532-3396 *532-3582
41181 - 11798th St. Min. Timothy Waldner 605-532-5348
Raymond, SD 57258-7400 3-18-1955 / Jamesville,SD
Shop 605-532-3142 Woodworking 605-532-4150 / *605-532-6008
GEO Drilling 605-532-6012 Stainless 605-532-3142 / *605-532-6005
Switchboard on next page
Switchboard 605-532-3397
Ben Susanna....................212 John Linda...................... 220 Paul Rosa....................... 214
Clarence Hilda..................231 Jonas Rose..................... 271 Paul Sarah...................... 245
Edward Kaydora...............235 Kenny Christy.................. 219Rachel............................ 228
Fred Katie.........................213 Lena & Kathryn............... 222 Sam Elsie....................... 227
George Adina....................237 Leonard Elizabeth............ 215 Sammy Maria................. 226
George Susie....................225 Lydia Waldner.................. 211 Tim Carol........................ 230
Henry Rita........................232 Loren Maria..................... 270 Toby Judy....................... 234
Ivan Theresa
272 Lucas Rebecca
269 Walter Ruth
Jackie Diana....................221 Marvin Helen................... 218
Joe Kathryn
229 Mike Anna
CLEARFIELD Sec. Jonathan A. Wurz 605-779-2711 *779-5071
40248 - 293rd St. Min. Samuel Glanzer
Delmont, SD. 57330-6908 Min. Larry Glanzer 2-28-1996 / Greenwood, SD
Switchboard 605-779-2712
Albert Margaret................224 Jerry Linda...................... 214
Albert Sarah.....................241 John Linda...................... 219
Cornie Mary......................209 John Rachel.................... 222
Dale Liz............................212 Jonathan Jamie.............. 271
Frank Rita.........................220 Jonathan Maggie............ 210
Herman Clarissa...............266 Joshua Miriam................ 223
Jake Lillian.......................207 Kenny Melissa................. 268
Jake Rachel.....................208 Larry Kate....................... 280
Paul Magdalene.............. 254
Pete Bertha..................... 215
Peter Miriam................... 205
Robert Melissa................ 267
Sam Rachel.................... 225
Sammy Sarie.................. 206
Samuel Mary.................. 216
Steve Sandra.................. 221
Sec. Henry Gross
Switchboard 204-436-2331 / 272-2107
Ben Maggie......................210 Jackie Verna.................... 214 Benji Roseann..................208 Jake Tillie........................ 215 Brian Rosemary................245 James Sharon................. 205
Clarence Lydia..................211 Joe Justina..................... 216 Corny Rebecca.................212John................................ 203
David Irene.......................226 Jonty Becky.................... 218 Don Pauline......................248 Peter Lena....................... 217 Henry Katie......................213
Rodney Melinda.............. 246
Roland Klaudia............... 219
Sam Katie....................... 220
Sammy Sarah................. 236
Simon Rachel................. 207
Steve Debbie.................. 242
Victor Teresa................... 243
CLEARWATER Sec. Edward Wollman
204-467-5671 *467-5500
Box 103 Min. Joseph Wollman 204-467-8367
Balmoral, MB. R0C 0H0 4-28-1960 / Poplar Point, MB
Switchboard 204-272-2108
Clifford Maryann...............247 John Rebecca................. 233 Edward Katie....................254 Jonathan Ann.................. 232 Garry Karen......................257 Jonathan Marian............. 256
James Sylvia....................241 Joseph Lena.................. 240
John Katie........................239 Leonard Susanna............ 255
Martin Rita...................... 244
Paul Susie ..................... 226
Peter Mary...................... 222
William Thelma............... 228
Box 250 Min. Roland Gross 204-436-2321 *436-3046
Elm Creek, MB. R0G 0N0
Prairie Pallet 204-436-3090 3-18-1987 / Whiteshell,MB
COLLINS Sec. Joey J. Wipf 605-625-3121 *625-3122
19606 Collins Ave Min. Mike Wipf 605-625-3117 *625-3117
Iroquois, SD. 57353
Switchboard 605-625-3118 / 3119 Collins Precast
Ben Elsie..........................225 Joey Helen...................... 229
Clarence Rachel...............223 Larry Rhoda.................... 233
Corny Judy.......................232 Leonard Dahlia................ 224
Dale Marcella...................231 Luke Sarah...................... 253
George Karen...................234 Mark Susanne................. 227
Joe Susie.........................243 Michael Lisa.................... 221
Mike Dorothy.................. 228
Mike Katie...................... 226
Mike Rachel................... 230
Philip Judy...................... 222
Tim Corinna.................... 235
CONCORD Sec. Peter Kleinsasser 204-344-5196 *344-5917
Box 10 Group 50 SS 1
Min. Sam Kleinsasser
Winnipeg, MB. R3C 2E8
Min. Ronald Kleinsasser
Switchboard 204-344-5840 / 5485
Dwight Joanna.................220 Joe Mary......................... 210
Esther...............................224 Julian Louisa.................. 207
Fred Katie.........................223 Kenny Frieda G................ 214
Jake Janet.......................213 Larry Carolyn................... 216
Jake Marie.......................208Lena................................ 222
Jeremiah Sharon..............212 Leonard Bertha............... 227
Joe Betty..........................225 Matthew Delilah.............. 221
Ext. 226
1987 /Crystal Spring, MB
Mel AnnaMarie............... 215
Nathan Marlene.............. 218
Peter Lillian..................... 209
Richard Marlene ............ 219
Ron Ruth........................ 226
Sam Annie...................... 211
Sammy Thelma.............. 217
COOL SPRING Sec. John Waldner 204-865-2363 *865-2250
Box 1015M Min. Arnold Waldner 204-865-2204
Minnedosa, MB. R0J 1E0 Min. David Waldner Ext. 213
3-20-1998 / Newdale, MB
Switchboard 204-865-2472
Upland Mfg204-865-2373 / *865-2215
Arnie Elizabeth.................201 Jacob Katie..................... 224 Mervin Sabrina............... 226
Arnold Pauline..................218 Jacob Rhonda................. 216 Michael Judy.................. 214
Bob Esther........................238 Joe Susie........................ 222 Michael Lena.................. 215
Bruce Naomi....................225 John Margaret................ 239 Mike Eva......................... 217
Darryl Leanna...................255 Johnny Sarah.................. 229 Mike Susanna................. 228
Dave Debra......................219 John’s office.................... 202 Ronald Darlene............... 220
David Lena.......................213 Josh Hilda....................... 221 Susie Basel..................... 230
Harry Clara.......................223 Melvin Debbie................. 227
CRYSTAL SPRING Sec. David Kleinsasser 204-433-2511 *433-2512
Box 10 Min. Jacob Kleinsasser
204-433-2530 *433-7118
Ste. Agathe, MB. R0G 1Y0 Min. Edward Kleinsasser Ext. 529
1954 / Sturgeon Creek, MB
Hog Equip. 204-433-7178 / *433-7540 Electronics 204-433-3025 / *433-2537
Switchboard 204-433-2# # # & numbers below
Albert Rachel....................504 George Sarah.................. 526 Leo Pat McAdams.......... 506
Andrew Susanne..............504 Guest House.................... 534 Martin Lillian................... 528
Benji Dorothy....................508 Ian Jolene....................... 673 Matthew Annamarie....... 516
Bruce Leah.......................518 Irvin Jamie...................... 672 Mike Katie...................... 507
Chris Leanne....................671 Jake Judy....................... 514 Mike Rebecca................. 500
Clare Rachel.....................501 Jake Marie...................... 530 Mike Sarah..................... 513
Conrad Angie....................670 Jared Mary...................... 521 Paul Miriam.................... 525
Daniel Susanna................520 Jeremy Candice.............. 533 Simeon Joanne............... 509
David Anna.......................502
David Lena.......................524
David’s Office...................511
Edward Judith..................529
Eli Miriam.........................510
Jerry Lynda..................... 527
Jim Anna......................... 519
Jonathan Rebecca.......... 505 Karl Marlene.................... 515
Lance Miranda................ 517
Tim Lydia........................ 503
Tom Anita....................... 765
Tom Becky...................... 522
Victor Glenda.................. 523
CYPRESS Sec. Conrad Hofer 204-743-2302 *743-2064
74077 Rd 39 N. Box 69 Min. Joe Hofer 204-743-2148
Cypress River, MB Min. Joseph Hofer Jr.
R0K 0P0 1-25-1975 / Homewood, MB
Web site:
Switchboard 204-743-2185 Computer Office 204-743-2324 / *888-315-3243
Art Susanne...............248/262 Jackie Pauline................. 269 Josh Corrine................... 226
Conrad Eva .............222/282 Jerome Darlene.............. 213 Lawrence Katrina........... 211
Danny Lillian....................227 Jerry Barbara.................. 217 Luke Christy................... 220
Dave Susie Hofer ......272/223 Jerry Susanna................. 267 Mark Lorraine................. 210
D. Susie Waldner ............218 Johnny Eva..................... 225 Paul Karen...................... 215
David Dianne...................209 John Marian.................... 219 Robert Katrina................ 214
David Kathleen.................270 John Thelma................... 221 Sam L. & Family............. 247
Emma Basel.....................216 Joseph Anna.................. 268 T. Betty & Family............. 212
Jack Susie........................271 Joe Becky...................... 207
DECKER Sec. Jacob Waldner 204-764-2481 *764-2343
Box 12 Min. Samuel Waldner
Decker, MB. R0M 0K0 Private 204-764-2126
Switchboard 204-764-3631 4-1-1981 / Brightstone, MB
RR 1 Min. Tom Hofer 204-727-6282
Alexander, MB. R0K 0A0
Min. Lloyd Hofer Ext. 1212
1959 / Riverdale, MB
Switchboard 204-725-2083
Truck Shop 204-728-9125
Annie Basel....................1201 Jake Anna..................... 1223 Pete Linda.................... 1220
Carl Lorraine..................1205 John Ruth...........1209 /1215 Sam Lisa.......... 1218 / 1202
Chris Frieda..........1217 /1219 Lloyd Edna.................... 1212 Tim Katherina............... 1246
Edmund Annie...............1242 Mel AnnieMarie............. 1204Tom...................1206 / 1213
Edwin Liz........................1210 Michael Grace...............1203
Jackie Kathy....... 1207 / 1208 Mike Dora.....................1211
DEERFIELD Sec. Solomon Stahl 605-439-3455 *439-3453
12434 - 364th. Ave. Min. Harry Stahl 605-439-3493
Ipswich,SD. 57451-5606 Min.Nathan Waldner 605-439-3258
Switchboard 605-439-3493 7-4-1971 / Plainview, SD
5543 - 129th Ave SE Pr. Harry Stahl Jr. 701-437-2391*
Enderlin, ND. 58027
“You aren’t wealthy until you have something money can’t buy.”
Garth Brooks
DEERBOINE Sec. Melvin Hofer 204-728-7383 *728-8238
DELTA Sec. Levi Maendel 204-385-2988 *385-3154
RR 1 Min. Leonard Kleinsasser
204-385-2411 *385-2484
Austin, MB. R0H 0C0
Min. Karl Kleinsasser
Ext. 111
1-14-1987 / Sturgeon Creek, MB
Switchboard 204-385-3105
Becky / Judy / Bertha.......108 Joe Marilyn..................... 106 Sol Mary......................... 116
David Delilah...................120 Johnny Becky................. 136 Paul Rebecca.................. 110
Edward Anna....................104 Karl Lena..................111/211 Paul Sarah...................... 103
Eli Kathy...........................126 Len Rebecca................... 123 Paulus Elaine.................. 102
George Katie....................115 Leonard Margaret....109/209 Philip Margaret............... 105
George Lillian...................107 Levi Mary.................117/217 Ruth / Esther.................. 121
Heinie Marie.....................113 Martin Debbie................. 104 Sammy Thelma.............. 119
Heintje Carolyn.................102 Mike Susanna................. 114 Tim Marilyn.................... 122
James Marge...................112 Nathan Josie................... 118
New Development................ WEST VIEW COLONY........... 204-566-2338
Newdale, MB.
ELM RIVER Sec.Harold Hofer 204-267-2453 *267-2069
Box 1060 Min.Rueben Hofer 204-267-2084
Newton Siding, MB Min. Marcus Hofer Ext. 242
ROH 0X0 1934 / Rosedale, MB
Switchboard 204-267-2857 / 2504 / 272-2111 Furnishings204-267-2275
Alfred Sarah.....................226 Irvin Evelyn...................... 243 Marvin Joyce................. 254
Andy Bertha.....................219 Jake Asnath.................... 216 Mike Clara...................... 215
Anna Waldner...................212 Jake Marge..................... 213 Randy Debra................... 249
Dale Marie........................207 James Karen.................. 244 Robert Rosie.................. 262
Darren Peggy...................250 Jerry Susie...................... 217 Ruben Elizabeth.............. 205
Don Rosanna....................220 Joe Thelma..................... 222 Sam Lydia...................... 220
Gary Margaret..................218 Lenny Tilly....................... 204 Sarah Waldner................ 209
Harold Rosa......................233 Lloyd Janet..................... 252 Steve Janice................... 255
Harold’s office..................253 Mack Marie..................... 208 Victor Wilma................... 251
Herby Barb.......................221 Margaret Maendel........... 211 Zack Mary...................... 228
Ike Lizzie..........................210 Mark Mary...................... 242
ELMENDORF Sec. Leonard Wurtz 507-427-3305 *427-2059
42668 - 600 Ave Min. Garry Wurtz 507-427-2283
Mountain Lake, MN. 56159 1998
/ Upland, SD
Switchboard 507-427-3041
Ben Jolene.......................143 Herb Marlene.................. 134
Bill Pamela.......................104 J. Susie........................... 111
Chris Maria.......................146 Joel Louise...................... 106
Dennis Rhoda...................133 Johnny Pamela.............. 219
Dwayne Rhoda.................124 Leonard Dora.................. 102 Gary Kathy.......................209 Leonard Judy.................. 148
Hans Esther......................110 Michael Julie................... 141
Henry Betty......................119 Mike Kathy...................... 128
Moses Janet................... 105
Nathan Willma................ 151
Sammy Debra................ 107
Stanley Dorothy.............. 149
Welton Julie.................... 163
William Katy................... 218
Willie Miriam.................. 118
Emerald............................... Sec. Jonathan Waldner.......... 204-385-2694.... *385-2832
Box 87.................................... Min. Michael Waldner............ 204-856-9122......385-3404
Gladstone, MB. R0J 0T0......... ............................................. 10-20-2012 / Sunnyside,MB
Switchboard on nextr page
Switchboard.204-385-3292 / 272-2150................... MFG204-385-3063.*385-2409
Adam Katriana.................217 Erwin Lisa....................... 214 MFG. Cell.......204-871-7818
Clinton Rebecca...............218 Jonthy Kathrina............... 219 Michael Gloria................ 216
Christopher Juanita..........212 Josh Judy....................... 213 M. Sarah & Girls............. 311
Daniel Kayla.....................220 Michael Katie.................. 210 Wesley Darlene............... 215
EVERGREEN......................... Sec. Timothy Hofer
..... 605-324-3303.... *324-3423
35691 - 156th St. Min. George Kleinsasser
Faulkton, SD. 57438-6106 9-5-1952 / Blumengard, SD
Business Switchboard 605-324-3492
EVERGREEN Sec. Paul Waldner 204-744-2596 *744-2123
Box 340, Min. Joseph Waldner 204-744-2130
Somerset, MB. R0G 2L0
Min. Elias Waldner Ext. 118
11-20-1975 / Rosevalley, MB
Switchboard 204-744-2807 Layers - 2309
Alvin Loretta.....................164 Hardy Esther................... 120
Danny Debbie...................158 Jacob Dianna.................. 161
Danny Dorothy.................122 Jacob Elizabeth.............. 169
Dwayne Cheryl.................166 Joe Lydia......................... 114
Edwin Becky....................165 Joe Sarah........................ 119
Eli Sarah...........................118 John Melva..................... 113
Eli Susan..........................148 Joseph Margaret............. 143
Ernie Glenda.....................170 Josh Kathleen................. 160
George Debbie.................162 Josh Mary....................... 121
Marvin Sarah.................. 167
Mary Stahl...................... 116
Michael Clara................. 163
Mike Susie...................... 117
Paul Lorena.................... 159
Paul Mary....................... 115
Paul Rebecca.................. 144
Raymond Karen.............. 168
Sam Margaret................ 112
FAIRHOLM Sec. Cameron Maendel 204-252-2386 *252-2512
Switchboard 204-252-2548 Arthur Anna......................113 Jamie Evelyn................... 128
Cameron Elsa...................129 Jason Eileen.................... 105
Chris Catherine................101 Jerry Mary...................... 109
Christopher Krista.............119 Mark Justina................... 121
Derek Jenny.....................110 Mike Annie...................... 114
Jake Anna........................117 Peter Clara...................... 102
Peter Sarah..................... 103
Peter Susie..................... 123
Tim Esther...................... 122
Walter Betty.................... 112
Wayne Ida....................... 126
FAIRVIEW Sec. Jonathan Wipf 701-883-4457 *883-4407
9644 - 74th St. Min. Elias Wipf 701-883-5782
La Moure, ND. 58458-9038 Elie Office
601 3-2-1984 / Rockport, SD
Satalite Phone 701-883-6###
Shop701-883-6641 / *883-6645
Aaron Pauline...................602 Johnny Marian................ 610 Mark Marie..................... 608
Daniel Pam.......................609 Jonathan Claudia............ 604 Marvin Marlene.............. 624
Danny Mary......................628 Jonathan Susie............... 615 Paul Rebecca.................. 614
David Debra.....................612 Kevin Michelle................. 622 Raymond Wilma............. 613
Eli Lydia............................600 Larry Jolene.................... 623Sandra............................ 621
George Anna.....................611 Leonard Helen................. 617 Simon Rebecca.............. 616
George Margaret..............629 Leroy Sandra................... 620 Steven Janet.................. 607
James Leona....................667 Levi Rosa........................ 626 Vern Caroline.................. 619
Jerry Matilda....................627 Levi Tillie......................... 630 Wilbert Lisa.................... 625
John Deborah
606 Lloyd Coleen
618 J. Office\ Fax \ 603 \ 669
Box 550 Min. Peter Maendel 204-252 2790
Portage La Prairie, MB
Min. Chris Maendel
R1N 3B9
10-19-1959 / New Rosedale, MB
BUILDING Min. Samuel Wipf 701-749-5309 *749-5304
3361 - 134th Ave SE
Tower City, ND. 58071 Wheatland Steel & Trim LLC 877-822-3530 *749-5304
Switchboard 701-749-53## below
Matthew Kathy...................07 Phillip Brenda.................... 05 Tim Margaret.................... 08
Moses Hilda.......................00 Sam Linda......................... 06Kitchen............................. 09
FAIRWAY Sec. Andy Wollman 204-763-8707 *763-4381
Box 330 Min. Joseph Wollman
Douglas, MB. R0K 0R0
7-1-1995 /Sprucewood, MB
Switchboard 204-763-8967
Andy Hilda........................106 Jason Jennifer................ 110 Richard Janet................. 129
Darrell Mary.....................111 Joe Alice......................... 112 Rudy Frieda.................... 109
Dave Barbara...................108 Joseph Maria.................. 127 Tom Rachel.................... 105
Dave Mary........................107 Mark Lorraine................. 113
FORDHAM Sec. Gary Glanzer 605-532-3585 *532-3764
533 Fordham Dr Min. Bill Glanzer 605-532-3957
Carpenter, SD. 57322-2101 6-14-1974
FOREST RIVER Sec. Jonathan Maendel
4068 - 35th Ave. NE, Min. Joseph Maendel
Fordville, ND. 58231-9525 Min. Mike Maendel
Switchboard 701-865-4294
Ben Anna..........................241 Joe Rachel...................... 219
Brian Carol.......................258 Joe mary......................... 235
Daniel Eileen....................247 Jonathan Marg................ 217
David Michelle..................253 Lizzie & Susie.................. 233
Ernie Sharon....................251 Martin Anna..................... 231
Greg Doria........................230 Marty frieda.................... 255
Henry Dorothy..................227 Matthew Amy Ruth.......... 254
Jake Emma......................239 Michael Jennifer............. 257
Jesiah Jenny....................259 Mike Linda...................... 223
/ Huron,SD
701-865-4112 *865-4113
Ext. 223 1950 / New Rosedale, MB
Nathan Joanna............... 245
Nevin Rosanne............... 256
Rita Stahl........................ 221
Soloman Sara................. 229
Stanley Deanna.............. 220
Tim Brenda..................... 249
Tony Kathleen................. 237
Wayne Diane.................. 243
Zelma & Emma............... 225
GLENDALE Sec. Jerry Kleinsasser
605-472-0772 *472-1479
17866 Glendale Dr. Min. Johnny Kleinsasser 605-472-1247 *472-1247
Frankfort,SD. 57449-9650 Min. Joe Kleinsasser Ext.
1949 / Bon Homme, MB
Switchboard 605-472-1248 Alvin Jeneva.....................129 Jerry Maggie.................... 148
Ben Marilyn......................103 Jerry Rosa........................ 106
Brian Brenda....................130 John Clara........................ 144
Clarence Sue....................105 Johnny Justina................. 101
Dale Marian......................127 Johnny Tillie..................... 134
Dave Liz...........................125 Joseph Kathleen.............. 107
George Mary....................135 Mike Lena........................ 104
Jacob Marie.....................139 Nathan Kristina................ 129
Paul Kathleen................. 137
Paul Liz........................... 147
Paul Rosa....................... 146
Ronnie Mary................... 126
Sam Sharon.................... 138
Steve Joleen................... 140
Zack Katie...................... 136
Zacky Matilda................. 143
16950 - 400th Ave Min. Joe Kleinsasser 605-472-0105 *472-4165
Frankfort, SD. 57440
Switchboard 605-472-0616
Albert Marie.....................119 James Lydia.................... 117 Mark Debra.................... 118
Daron Elaine.....................115 Joe Greta........................ 112 Neph Tillie....................... 114
Darwin Jennifer................121 Joel Linda....................... 116 Wayne Sheila.................. 113
Elvis Debra.......................119 Kenny Janice.................. 120
Fred Maryann...................113 Larry Melissa.................. 111
GLENWAY Sec. Harry Hofer 204-427-2311 *427-2032
Box 182 Min. Sam Kleinsasser 204-427-2863
Dominion City, MB. Min. Zack Hofer 204-427-2361
R0A 0H0 2-6-1966
/ Milltown, MB
Switchboard 204-427-3139
Brian Darlene...................251 John Clara....................... 261
Clinton Michelle................240 John Susie...................... 253 Derek Lillian.....................262 Johnny Glenda................ 254
Edward Teresa..................217 Kathy Waldner................. 247
Hardy Elisabeth................219 Ken Suzanne................... 255
H. Sarah Hofer........221 / 250 Kevin Suzanne................ 241
Jake Anna........................218 Kurt Betty........................ 215 Joe Anna..........................216 Marvin Carolisa............... 257
Mike Bertha.................... 213
Mike Dora....................... 222
Mike Kathy..................... 256
Paul Sandra.................... 220
Ray Jennifer................... 249
Sam Rebecca................. 214
Zacharias Anna.............. 211
GOOD HOPE Sec. Ron Wollman 204-252-2077 *252-2824
Switchboard 204-252-2814
Allen Christine..................131 Fred Mary....................... 125
Arnold Frieda....................113 Fred Sarah...................... 121
Ben Christine....................132 Freddie Judy................... 146
Corny Rebecca.................145 Jake Rebecca................. 138
Davie Hilda.......................133 Levi Annie....................... 117
Eddie Sandra....................116 Mark Sarah J................... 160
Paul Susie....................... 146
Ray Anna........................ 150
Ron Emma...................... 139
Sam Annie...................... 130
Sam Sarah...................... 147
GRACEVALE Sec. Paul Hofer 605-256-6948 *256-0483
23843 - 446A Ave Min. Samuel Hofer 605-256-3100
Winifred, SD. 57076 Min. Gerhardt Hofer 1948
/ Tschetter, SD
GRAND Sec. Jerry Stahl 204-267-2292 *267-2457
Box 10 Min. Mickey Waldner 204-267-2176
Oakville, MB. R0H 0Y0
Min. Marvin Stahl Ext. 210
4-1-1990 / Bon Homme, MB
Switchboard 204-267-2826
Grand Manufacturing
Aaron Katie.......................255 Jacob Elizabeth............... 231
Archie Katheen.................240 Jerry Helen..................... 242
Bob Sandra.....................256 Joseph Clara................... 253
Brian Brenda....................250 Joseph Susie................... 254 Ernie Gloria.......................212 Kevin Jane...................... 208
204-267-2196 / *2458
Mickey Linda.................. 206
Paul Helen...................... 239
Pete Susie...................... 243
Peter Sarah..................... 241
Randy Amanda............... 257
Box 1177 Min. Ben Waldner 204-252-2334 *252-2074
Portage La Prairie, MB
R1N 3J9 2-28-1989 / Poplar Point, MB
Ernie Maryann..................211
Gary Thelma.....................209
Harold Sandra..................234
Irvin Norma......................233
Levi Ann.......................... 207 Raydon Jolene................ 204
Mark Sylvia..................... 252 Wesley Julie................... 251
Marvin Mary.................... 210 Wilfred Elsie................... 232
Michael Susan................ 213
GRASS LAND Sec. George Waldner 605-439-3001 *439-3061
11865 - 370th Ave Min. Samuel Waldner 605-439-3040
Westport, SD. 57481-8105 Min. Paul Wollman 605-439-3060
7-2-1990 / Long Lake, SD
Satalite Phone 605-439-3### Shop 605-439-3020
Alvin Sharon.................... 077 George Sarie................... 055 Peter Esther....................054
Cornie Rachel.................. 038 George Susan................. 052 Randy Mary.................... 065
Cornie Rebecca............... 064 Glen Mary....................... 058 Robert Carolyn............... 026
Danny Anna......................072 Jake Clara....................... 078 Ron Lydia........................ 076
Darius Senna....................075 Jason Marybeth.............. 025 Sam Annie...................... 041
Darrell Tammy..................029 John Rebecca................. 042 Susie Basel..................... 074
Dave Vetter.......................028 Leroy Thelma.................. 037 Tim Ruth......................... 030
Edwin Gloria.....................059 Matt Amanda.................. 027 Tom Susan..................... 057
Edwin Linda.....................053 Mike Ann......................... 073
George Mary....................071 Paul Rhoda...................... 060
GRASS RANCH Sec. Leonard Waldner
605-778-6777 *778-6778
36570 - 258th St. Min. Alvin Waldner 605-778-6776 *778-6776
Kimball, SD. 57355-7100 Min. Levi Waldner 3-25-1990
/ Platte, SD
Business Switchboard 605-778-6793 / 6149
Blacksmith.......................259 Farm Shop...................... 262 Old Hog Barn.................. 281
Butcher House..................240 Feed Mill......................... 265Plasma........................... 266
Carpenter .......................261Mechanic ....................... 258 Turkey Barn.................... 278
Electric ...........................260 New Hog Barn................. 280
GRASS RIVER Sec. Calvin Waldner 204-352-4286 *352-4409
Box 79 Min. Joe Waldner
Glenella, MB. R0J 0V0
Min. Corney Waldner
Switchboard 204-352-4167
Adina & Sarah..................217 Ervin Marlene.................. 220
Andy Elizabeth..................224 Jerry Eva......................... 204
Ben Susie.........................214 Joe Debbie...................... 212
Calvin W............................205 Joe Susie........................ 206
Cornie Sarah ...................222Katie............................... 210
Davis Kathy......................211 Kenneth Lorraine............. 209
Eddie Tilly.........................216 Mack Lena...................... 223
Edward Irene....................219 Melvin Diane................... 213
Ext. 222
1974 / Grand, MB
Michael Joyce................ 223
Michael Lorraine............. 215
Randy Heidi ................... 221
Sammy Leona............... 225
Sammy Pauline.............. 207
Terry Juanita.................. 218
Zack Elizabeth................ 208
GREENWALD Sec. Ben Hofer 204-265-3315 *265-3367
Box 3140 RR 3 Min. Sam Hofer 204-265-3526
Beausejour, MB. R0E 0C0 Min. Joseph Hofer Ext. 247
10-10-1957 / Barickman, MB
Switchboard on next page
Switchboard 204-272-2117
Aaron Clara......................208 Jason Talitha................... 245 Phillip Esther.................. 234
Ben Katie..........................201 Jerry Joanne................... 232 Ricky Josie..................... 238
Benji Savannah...............257 Joe Sarah........................ 207 Sam Martha.................... 205
Brian Virginia....................249 John Rebecca................. 206 Samuel Corinne.............. 253
Calvin Sharon...................235 Joseph Tanya.................. 247 Solomon Elsie................. 233
Daniel Julia......................240 Leonard Karen................ 243 Waylon Melissa.............. 229
Darryl Elanora..................220Marie.............................. 209 Wayne Rosanne.............. 236
Davy Julie........................215 Mike Mary....................... 210 Willy Delilah.................... 214
Jake Ann..........................212 Neil Marilyn..................... 251
James Mayranna..............250 Peter Dorothy.................. 213
Jason Talitha....................245 Peter Mary...................... 211
GREEN ACRES Sec. Harry Waldner 204-824-2627 *824-2654
Box 279 Min. Paul Waldner 204-824-2307
Wawanesa, MB. R0K 3G0
/S. Valley, MB
Shop 204-824-2392 / *2761
GREENWOOD Sec. Marvin Glanzer 605-779-5221 *779-5211
28781 - 402nd Ave Min. Simon Glanzer 605-779-5141 *779-5141
Delmont, SD. 57339-5911 1-1-1971 / Jamesville,SD
Business Switchboard 605-779-5471
HAVEN Sec Jonathan Wipf 507-584-6687 *584-6722
67374 - 310th St. Min. Nathan Decker 507-584-6622 *584-6622
Dexter, MN. 55926 1989 / Roland, SD
Metal Shop 507-584-6300 / *507-584-0215
Box 38 Min. Larry Hofer 204-755-2293
Hazelridge, MB. R0E 0Y0
Min. George Hofer Ext. 201 1995 / Lakeside, MB
Switchboard 204-755-2325
Fabricating204-755-2520 / * 755-2521
Conrad Evelyn..................214 Jake Becky..................... 209 Paul Margaret................. 205
Dan Josie.........................207 Jerold Tanya.................... 211 Paul Rachel.................... 202
Dan Sarah........................203 John Annie...................... 221 Roland Sharon .............. 212
Darryl Jackie....................234 Larry Kathy..................... 217 Steve Rachel.................. 219
Dave Kathleen..................206 Nathan Kathleen............. 218 Wesley Barbara............. 215
George Marlene................201 Paul Katie........................ 210
Jake Katherina.................216 Paul Lizzie..............204 / 213
HEARTLAND Sec. Alvin Wipf 507-368-9589 *368-9518
2171 - 100th Ave Min. Jerry Wipf 507-368-9633 *368-4645
Lake Benton, MN. 56149 6-23-1996 / Plainview, SD
Switchboard 507-368-4601 / 9584
Electric................................. 1 Hog Barn............................. 4 Turkey Finisher................... 8
Carpenter............................. 2 Mechanic Shop.................. 5
Feed Mill.............................. 3 Turkey Starter..................... 7
HEARTLAND Sec. Roland Hofer 204-755-2413 *755-2354
HIDDEN VALLEY Sec. Roland Maendel 204-637-2506 *637-2519
Box 69 Min. Eli Maendel 204-637-2465 *637-2521
Austin, MB. R0H 0C0
Min. David Kleinsasser
1968 / Sturgeon Creek, MB
Switchboard 204-637-2170
Aaron Gloria.....................225 Gary Susie....................... 204 Mac Rebecca.................. 205
Alfred Christy....................220 Gerald Kristi.................... 223 Mark Shirley................... 216
Corney Irene.....................215 Herb Rachel ................... 207 Mike Mary...................... 201
Dave Rosa........................213 Ivan Lillian....................... 212 Ray Evelyn...................... 217
Dave Susie.......................203 Jack Lorraine.................. 211 Richard Jane.................. 221
David Esther.....................208 Jonah Maria.................... 222 Roland Kathleen ............ 209
Eli Lisa.............................210 Larry Susie...................... 219 Steven Roseanne............ 224
Eli Rebecca......................202 Luke Melissa................... 218 Tom Betty....................... 214
HILLCREST Sec. John Waldner 605-532-5700 *532-5724
1004 Hillcrest Dr Min. Mike Waldner 605-532-5616 *532-5719
Garden City, SD. 57236-9711 1979
/ Riverside, SD
Truck Shop 605-532-5714 / *605-532-1339 Butcher Shop 605-532-3860
Switchboard 605-532-5709 / 3399
Ben Fiona.........................238 Jake Susie...................... 256 Brian Paula.......................240 James Naomi.................. 243
Danny Lena......................235 John Mary Jr................... 117
Dennis Tammy.................254 John Mary Sr. ................. 236
George Doreen.................204 Junior Paula.................... 220
George Helen...................237 Lee Sylvia........................ 252
Jacob Jolene....................239 Mark Miriam................... 234
Jake Susan......................242 Marvin Dahlia.................. 253
Mike Waldner
Marvin Martha................ 250
Michael Angela............... 251
Michael Tillie.................. 119
Mike Sarah..................... 118
Paul Dora........................ 116
Paul Ruth........................ 255
Ron Lorena..................... 205
HILLSIDE Sec. Darrel Waldner 204-763-4370 *763-4934
Box 6 Min. Aaron Waldner
Justice, MB. R0K 1C0
Switchboard 204-763-4446
Aaron Laura......................111 Darrel Diane.................... 113
Aaron Sarie......................133 (D.M.) Family...........................105
Anna Waldner...................128 E. Elizabeth Hofer............ 129
Calvin Riva.......................106 Joseph Rebecca............. 107
/ Rosedale, MB
Peter R. Waldner............. 104
Roland Thelma............... 130
Stanley Glenda............... 135
Susanna Hofer................ 108
HILLSIDE Sec. Reuben Glanzer 605-635-6363 *635-6426
18248 Hillside Lane Min. Walter Glanzer
Doland, SD. 57436. Min. Thomas Glanzer
Switchboard 6
Midwest Laminating
Andrew R. Glanzer
229 J. Eva Waldner
Darell Lillian.....................230 John Kathryn.................. 233
David Susie......................216 Joseph Rebecca.............. 212
Dennis Laura....................254 Loren Rachel................... 255
Fred / Teresa....................215 Mark Sarah..................... 211
Harry Esther.....................231 M. Kate Waldner............. 242
Henry Elizabeth................241 Paul M. Glanzer.............. 225
Irene & Christine...............244 Paul Mary........................ 232
J. Elizabeth Waldner.........240 Randy Kathy................... 246
J. Margaret / James.........234 Rebecca Glanzer............. 235
605-635-6237 *635-6237
Ext. 210
2-6-1961 / Huron, SD
Robert Claudia
Ronald Miranda.............. 248
Ruben Elizabeth.............. 227
Samuel Margaret............ 247
Samuel Rebecca............ 226
Thomas Marlene............ 210
Tim Margaret.................. 243
Walter Rebekka.............. 224
Zacharias Rosa............... 236
HOLMFIELD Sec. Tim Waldner 204-523-8886 *523-7003
Box 1056 Min. Nat Waldner
Killarney, MB. R0K 1G0
Min. James Waldner
Switchboard 204-523-7217
Blaine Matilda..................249 Jim Dorothy.................... 209
Brian Rosanne..................230 John Judy....................... 253
Cornie Elva.......................214 John Rebecca................. 216
David Marlene..................233 John Theresa.................. 239 Emil Dorothy.....................229 Joseph Anita................... 224 Ernie Betty........................226 Josh Tamara................... 254 Jason Maxine...................250 Levi Susan...................... 221
Jerry Elizabeth.................248 Mike Christy.................... 213
Jerry Emma.....................238 Nat Kathrina.................... 212
Ext. 209
7-25-1975 / Riverdale, MB
Paul Lillian...................... 231
Richard Anna.................. 220
Sam Lucille..................... 251
Sheldon Linda................. 228
Solomon Linda............... 223
Tim Marian..................... 210
Travis Melanie................ 252
Zack Anna...................... 217
HOMEWOOD Sec. Jonathan Gross 204-772-2551 *772-8094
49078 Road 4 W Min. Edwin Gross 204-735-2362 *272-8089
Starbuck, MB. R0G 2P0 Min. Jeffrey Gross 1962 / Lakeside, MB
Homewood Mfg 272-8079 / *272-8093 Mile Ten Mach 2 04-272-8078
Joseph Marilyn............... 251
Joshua Verna.................. 218
Kelvin Lorraine............... 237
Paul Bertha..................... 219
Richard Kathrina............. 252
Sam Betty....................... 215
Zack Claudia................... 238
Sec. James Waldner 204-353-2704 *353-2720
Box 329 Min. Joseph Waldner 204-353-2347 *353-2833
Elie, MB. R0H 0H0 1918
/ Ranch, SD
Office: James Ext.216 Joseph. Ext. 215 Switchboard 204-353-2836
Bill Susie..........................206 Henry Emma................... 207 James Josie................... 213
Dave Marie.......................210 J. Maria Waldner............. 209 Joseph Elizabeth............ 217
Don Kathleen....................208 Jacob Susanna............... 205 Marvin Vanessa.............. 202
Eddy Sara.........................211 Jake Tilly......................... 204 Nathaneal Karen............. 223
Gilbert Delores.................203 Jakob Emma................... 212 Becky ........................... 214
HURON Sec. Marvin Wollman 605-352-5647 *352-6852
40068 Colony Lane Min. Terry Waldner 605-353-1305
Huron, SD. 57350-8001 5-1-1944 / Jamesville, SD
Switchboard 605-352-2799
Albert Tillie.......................245 Mike Matilda................... 246
Dora Darlene....................247 Johnny Linda.................. 235
Jason Sonya.....................261 Justin Susan................... 266
Jim Lena..........................276 Larry Pauline................... 250
Jimmy Leona .................251 Lloyd Vicky...................... 237
Joey Rose........................263 Marvin Lizbeth................ 249
Paul Dorothy................... 252
Philip Verna..................... 253
Terry Betty...................... 248
Willy Rachel.................... 236
Switchboard 204-735-2833 / 2118 / *272-8093
Amos Amanda..................217 Glen Joanne ................... 249
Amos Reba.......................220 Grant Katherine............... 205
Anne Gross......................216 Herb Joanne.................... 232
Clarence Kathy.................221 Joe Tilly........................... 209 Edwin Annie.....................222 John Dorothy................... 213
Ernest Kitty.......................214 Johnny Gloria.................. 207
Ernie Susanne..................248 Jonathan Malinda........... 253
Garry Lisa.........................250 Jonty Justina................... 208
19087 - 413th Ave Sec. Alvin Waldner 605-352-1452 *352-5312
Carpenter, SD. 57322-8200 Min. Corny Waldner 605-352-6594 *352-5886
Switchboard 605-352-9711
HUTTERVILLE Sec. John Waldner 605-395-6580 *395-6588
14625 - 401 Ave. Min. George Waldner
Stratford, SD. 57474-7204 Min. Sam Waldner
Switchboard 605-395-6 ### Ext. Numbers
Alvin Hilda........................112 Johnny Liz....................... 102
Chris Wipf.........................127 Jonathan Marie............... 109
Dave Helen.......................117 Kenneth Rhoda.............. 118
Eddie Eileen.....................106 Lenny Marilyn ............. 126
George Katie....................104 Levi Jeanette................... 128
Hans Pauline....................119 Levi Martha..................... 114
Jake Kathrine...................111 Marvin Leona.................. 101
John Margaret..................108 Michel Annamarie.......... 213
John Pauline....................113 P. Anna Waldner............... 103
605-395-6584 *352-6304
7-28-1982 / Spinks,SD
P. Sarah Waldner............. 107
Paul Elizabeth................. 120
Ronnie Dorthea............... 129
Sam Judy....................... 110
Simon Jolene.................. 105
Steve Margaret............... 125
Tim Linda....................... 116
Tom Helen...................... 115
IBERVILLE Sec. Alvin Gross 204-864-2058 *864-2363
Box 435 Min. Paul Gross 204-864-2508
Elie, MB. R0H 0H0 Min. Jonathan Gross
1-15-1919 / Rosedale, MB
Switchboard 204-864-2667
Adam Pricilla....................212 Danny Barbara................ 206 Martin Elizabeth.............. 226
Alvin Clara........................210 Eddie Adina..................... 217 Paul Susanne.................. 209
Andrew Margaret.............200 Edwin Ann....................... 216 Richard Ida .................... 220
Arnie Susie.......................211 Emma & Bertha............... 201 Rosa & Miriam................ 204
Brian Margie....................222 Ernie Marie...................... 213 S. Susanne..................... 208
Chris Magdalene..............224 James Margie................. 202 Sarah / Judy................... 205
Clifford Shirley..................203 Jim Mary......................... 214 Simon Elizabeth ............ 219
Conrad Susanna ..............218 Jonathan Annie............... 221
Dan Kate..........................207 Levi Blandina.................. 215
INTERLAKE Sec. Sam Hofer 204-886-2107 *886-3630
Box 138 Min. Hardy Hofer 204-886-3009
Teulon, MB. R0C 3B0 4-20-1961 / Rock Lake,MB
Switchboard 204-886-2574
Darius Matilda..................210 Levi Bernice.................... 212 Sam Marie...................... 214
Derek Shneen..................216 Levi Linda....................... 205 Z. Elizabeth..................... 206
Hardy Sara.......................213 Marvin Julia.................... 218 Zack Lena....................... 209
K. Rhonda.........................217 Patrick Kim...................... 223 Kaleb Candace.................224 Ray Tamara..................... 211
JAMES VALLEY Sec. Edward Hofer 204-353-2827 *353-2353
Box 324 Min. John Hofer 204-353-2148
Elie, MB. R0H 0H0 Min. David Hofer Ext. 251
10-30-1918 / J. Valley, SD
Switchboard on next page
Book Centre P/F 204-353-4036 Fax.888-979-9176 94
Switchboard 204-353-2006
Hog Barn
Aaron Mary......................225 Eli / Naomi...................... 246
Aaron Priscilla..................238 Eli Thelma....................... 237
Alvin Eva..........................256 Ernie Ardella.................... 248
Arthur Michelle.................232 George Michelle.............. 243
Clara (Joe)........................244 Hardy Katie..................... 206
Danny Bertha............249/250 John Elaine..................... 235
Dave Lillian......................240 John Sarah...................... 239
Davis Cathyn....................275 Johnny Betty................... 236
David Tilly.........................251 Josh Charlotte................. 219
Donny Joanne..................245 Joshua Krista.................. 261
Edward Jenny..................231 Leonard Sarah................ 253
Martin Lena.................... 226
Patrick Betty................... 202
Philip Glenda.................. 203
Richard Susanna............ 208
Ryan Tracy...................... 259
Sam Lena....................... 233
Sammy Evelyn................ 252
Tim Janet....................... 234
Travis Gloria.................... 273
William Lisa.................... 262
Book Centre................... 242
JAMESVILLE Sec. Edwin Wurtz 605-364-7307 *364-7518
29568 - 436th Ave
Utica, SD. 57067-5103
Min. Leonard Wurtz 605-364-7311
1936 / Roseisle, MB
KAMSLEY Sec. Sammy Hofer 204-744-2040 *744-2172
Ext. 218
2-12-1998 / Oakridge, MB
Ronnie Serena................ 241
Sammy Anne.................. 217
Sheldon Chanel.............. 244
Stuart Melissa................ 243
Thomas Sharon.............. 216
Wayne Serena................ 246
William Claudia............... 230
KEYSTONE Sec. David Hofer 204-322-5089 *322-5691
Box 7 Min. Sammy Hofer 204-322-5214 *272-8088
Warren, MB. R0C 3E0 1995 / Rock Lake, MB
Switchboard 204-272-2119
Outback Trailor Shop
204- 272-8083
Keystone Meats 322-5505 Patio Blocks & Paving Stone 204-322 5332 / *322-5435
LAKE VIEW Sec. Joe Hofer 605-487-7992 *487-9550
28748 - 386th Ave. Min. Eli Hofer 605-487-7798
Lake Andes, SD. 57356-6730 Min. Marvin Wipf Ext. 221
Joe Hofer Cell 605-491-0110 Eli Hofer Cell 605-491-0111 6-4-1988
/ Maxwell, SD
Switchboard 605-487-9577 / 9596 Cabinet605-487-6191 / *487-6001
Bob Linda.........................235 Ernie Dorothy.................. 234 Levi Delilah..................... 245
Brian Dorothy..................243 Gomer Lena.................... 256 Marvin Judy................... 221
Cornie Leah......................239 Jason Lorena.................. 211 Mike Sara...................... 214
Danny Lila........................248 Jerome Angela............... 241 Oscar Jayne................... 210
Danny Margaret...............225 Jerry Brenda................... 238 Oscar Margaret.............. 255
Daniel Evelyn....................281 Joe Mary......................... 217 Randy Dorothy................ 219
Dennis Nelda....................215 Joey Annie...................... 258 Riney Janice................... 230
Donny Margaret ..............257 Joseph Debra.................. 213 Steve Janice................... 259
Dutch Kathryn..................254 Josh Kathleen................. 216 Susie / Larry................... 220
Eli Becky..........................218 Kevin Krystine................. 253 Tim Rebecca.................. 212
Eli Rhoda..........................232 Lenny Joyce.................... 227
Box 147 Min. Dave Hofer
Somerset, MB. R0G 2L0
Min. Dale Hofer
Switchboard 204-744-2864
Dale Serena......................218 J. Lizzie........................... 225
David Betty.......................233 Leonard & Mary ............. 232
David Rebecca.................234 Mike Rebecca................. 239
Gilbert Janet.....................213 Paul Helen....................... 214
Joe Elizabeth....................235 Paulus Karen................... 240
John Leona......................242 Pete & Mike..................... 226
Johnny Sarah...................215 Phillip Rosa..................... 231
LAKESIDE............................. Sec. Sammy Hofer................ 204-864-2710.... *864-2614
5600 PR 241 N. Min. Josh Hofer 204-864-2391 *864-2297
Cartier, MB. R4K 1B1
1-15-1946 / Maxwell,MB
Douse Woodwork 204-272-2097 / *204-272-2162
Switchboard 204-272-2120 Arnold Anita......................213 Jacob Doris.................... 216
Ben Sarah........................214 Joe Betty......................... 204
Ernest Lisa.......................207 Joe Liz............................ 205
Garry Esther ....................210 Joe Lizzy......................... 212
Hardy Pauline ..................217 Josh Katie....................... 209
Ike Debbie........................203 Josh Mary....................... 201
Ivan Pauline......................220 Kenny Marie.................... 215
Kevin Leanne................. 260
Mike Rachel................... 202
Peter Lorreta................... 219
Sam Eva......................... 208
Tommy Diane ................ 206
Willy Liz.......................... 211
Zack Sandra................... 218
LISMORE Sec. Amos Wollman 320-325-5485 *325-5256
80391 - 330th Street Min. Herb Hofer Jr.
Clinton, MN. 56225 Shop 320-325-5599
LITTLE CREEK Sec. Dave Waldner
Box 205 Min. Tom Waldner
Marquette, MB. R0H 0V0
Switchboard 204-353-2110
Amos Miriam....................204 Joe Lillian........................ 203
Bradley Cherlyn................208 Mike Martha.................... 209
David Thelma...................210 Thomas Janet................ 201
Josh Susanna...................206 Tom Ruth........................ 207
2004 / Big Stone, MN
204- 353-2589 *353-4093
204-353-4027 *353-4496
2009 / Waldheim, MB
Hog Barn 204-353-2494
Tony Rebecca................. 205
Steven Elizabeth............. 227
LONG LAKE Sec. John Waldner 605-439-3410 *439-5317
36848 - 123rd St. Min. Andy Waldner 605-439-3484 *439-5358
Westport, SD. 57481 Min. Arnold Wollman
6-30-1967 / P. Creek,SD
Shop 605-439-3410 / 3660 Hogs 605-439-3409 / *605-439-3401
Turkey Barn 605-439-3442/ *605-439-3422
Feed Mill 605-439-3362 / *439-5328
MAPLE GROVE Sec. Joe A. Waldner 204-858-2661 *858-2004
Box 40 Min. Zach Waldner Ext. 222
Lauder, MB. R0M 1C0
Tube Mill
204-858-2487 11-8-1981/ Ridgeland, MB
Switchboard 204-858-2647 / 204-272-2121 Plastics Andrew Dianna
106 Joseph Marian
Barry Cherylynn
117 Leonard Mary
Darrel Diane
222 Leroy Janice
J. Susie / Linda
111 Lloyd Cheryl
Jacob Eva
107 Marvin Jacqueline
Joe Anita
105 Michael Joanne
Joel Allex
113 Mike Becky
204-858-2365 / *858-2632
Randy Nancy
Rueben Susanna
Sarah Waldner
Steve Suzanne
Steven Gloria
Susan Wollman
Zach Lydia
MAPLE RIVER Sec. Jack Hofer 701-375-5018 *375-6271
9262 - 93rd Ave. SE. Min. Ike Waldner 701-375-5043 *375-5044
Fullerton, ND. 58441-9774 Min. Ike Waldner’s Office 701-375-7541
Northland Steel Trim 701-375-4470 / *375-4471 1968 Switchboard on next page
/ Blumengard, SD
Switchboard 701-375-####
Albert Kathryn................5025
Amos Rebecca...............5053
Andy Esther....................5010
Annie Waldner................5052
Ben Shauna....................5017
Calvin Thelma.................5070
Clarence Darlene............5026
Corney Delia...................5003
Darrell Mary...................5021
Edward Susie.................5038
Ed Annie.........................5061
Esther Hofer...................5012
Ext. # below
Harold Donna................ 5000
Ike Mary........................ 5015
Jack Betty..................... 5001
Jack Susie.................... 5039
Jacob Brenda................ 5027
Jake Becky................... 5024
James Marissa.............. 5041
Jerry Rhoda.................. 5011
John Mary..................... 5035
Johnny Julie.................. 5045
Jonathan Marilyn.......... 5060
Keith Thelma................. 5066
Kenneth Angie.............. 5022
Larry Bertha................. 5002
Lenny Becky................. 5006
Ned Susan.................... 5029
Philip Alma................... 5068
Rick Helen.................... 5028
Ryan Sylvia................... 5065
Sam Judith................... 5062
Sarah Hofer.................. 5004
Victor Annette............... 5067
Zack Lena..................... 5005
Zacky Sandra............... 5077
MARBLE RIDGE Sec. Darius Hofer 204-372-6438 *372-8405
Box 310 Min. Jacob Hofer 204-372-6747
Hodgson, MB. R0C 1N0
Min. Jonathan Waldner
Ext. 212
Bernina 204-372-6173 10-4-1972 / Bloomfield, MB
MAXWELL Sec. Peter Wipf 204-864-2975 *864-2976
10450 Assinboine RD Min. Victor Wipf 204-864-2709 *864-2175
Cartier, MB. R4K 1B8 10-4-1918 / Maxwell,SD
Switchboard 204-864-2369 / 2410 Hog & Poultry Fax 204-864-2175
Arnold Elaine....................222 Jason Laurie................... 231 Larry Eva........................ 227
Calvin Anna......................218 Joe Ann........................... 224 Mike Evelyn.................... 213
Clarence Susie.................229 Joe Betty......................... 217 Peter Irene...................... 228
Corny Tess........................220 Jonothan Jolene.............. 223 Peter Julie...................... 221
Eddy Katie........................230 Jonty Kathy..................... 214 Randy Janet................... 226
Edward Amanda...............210 Kenny Sarah.................... 225 Ray Pauline..................... 212
Jake Lilly..........................219 Kenny Tammy................. 276 Victor Elizabeth............... 215
MAXWELL Sec. Mark Hofer 605-583-2861 *583-4538
42805 Maxwell Rd Min. Ernest Hofer 605-583-4661
Scotland, SD. 57059-7200 1949 / New Elm Spring, SD
Switchboard 605-583-2821
Sign Shop Ext. 168
MAYFAIR Sec. Solomon Gross 204-523-4617 *523-8300
Box 1360 Min. Jacob Gross 204-523-7734 *523-8484
Killarney, MB. R0K 1G0
Min. Richard Gross Ext. 245
5-1-1970 / Riverside, MB
Hydef Cutting & Services 204-523-4483 / *523-8908 TM Lazer Engraving 204-523-6275
Switchboard 204-372-8512 / 8944
Alum Lite204-372-8769 / *372-6044
Chris Justina ...................223 Jackie Lena..................... 238 Leonard Rose ................ 267
Darius Dorothy.................215 Jacob Susie.................... 213 Leonard Sara ................. 222
Darren Charlene ..............241Joe.................................. 211 Mike Judy....................... 268
David Doreen...................264 Joey Marilyn.................... 247 Natty Lydia..................... 269
David Rebecca.................270 John Sarah...................... 217 Peter Lorna..................... 257
Donnie Lisa......................246 Jonathan Annie .............. 212 Peter Mary...................... 224
Eddy Annie.......................221 Jonathan Lizzie .............. 216 Philip Susan.................... 242
Garry Shirley....................249 Jonty Sonia..................... 263 Rick Marilyn................... 210
George Thelma.................262 Karl Elaine....................... 265 Sam Rachel.................... 214
Gerald Thelma..................261 Larry Charlene ............... 245Tim................................. 256
Switchboard 204-523-4268
A. Irene Gross...................208 Glen Linda....................... 254
Andrew Anna....................261 H. Susie Gross................. 272
Andy Lesa........................219 Harvey Kathleen.............. 253
Arnie Pauline....................260Diane.............................. 215
Arnold Alma......................220 Jake Ruth........................ 214
Benny Sheila....................263 Jonathan Colleen............ 218
Conrad Pauline.................258 Joseph Rachel................ 205
Dan Betty.........................207 Joshua Katrina................ 270
Danny Cornelia.................265 Judy Gross...................... 248
E. Rebecca Gross.............217 Larry Greta...................... 269
Ernest Esther....................271 Marcus Laura.................. 209
Ernie Eda..........................255 Melvin Lillian................... 257
Michael Josie................. 264
Mike Lydia...................... 213
Nathan Susan................. 259
Paul Judith..................... 262
Phillip Laura................... 249
Raymond Sandra........... 243
Richard Rose.................. 245
Soll Lena........................ 244
Solomon Susie............... 206
Steven Mary................... 252
Richard Office................. 267
Soll Office....................... 266
MAYFIELD Sec. Joe Waldner 605-625-3307 *625-3333
43188 Mayfield Rd Min. Eli Glanzer 605-625-5116 *625-5116
Willow Lake, SD Min. John Hofer 605-884-6060 Cell
57278-5401 4-6-1987 /Clark, SD
Mayfield Truss LLC 625-3314 / *625-3315 Shop 625-3305
MIAMI Sec. Edwin Hofer 204-435-2447 *435-2076
Box 131 Min. Levi Hofer 204-435-2610 *435-2761
Morden, MB. R6M 1V9
Min. Jeremias Hofer Ext. 231
4-1-1966 / James Valley, MB
Switchboard 204-435-2878
B. Rachel Hofer
215 James Melissa
271 Marvin Julia
Ben Sarah
236 Jared Evelyn
259 Paul Adina
Benjamin Christina 268 Jason Katrin
269 Paul S. Vetter
Benny Maggie
230 Jeremy Becky
263 Richard Doreen
David Rose
213 Jerry Tilly
231 Robert Shannon
E. Rebecca Hofer
218 John Miriam
228 Robert Shannon
Edward K.
249 Johnny Miriam
244 Sam Margaret
Edwin Lena
245 Kevin Anita
223 Samuel Rosaline
George Marion
221 Leroy Tamara
276 Wayne Bernice
Glen Rachel
232 Levi Lydia 229 Zack Becky
Jack Kathy
235 Levi Thelma
Jake Susan
224 Mark Tamara
MILLBROOK Sec. Wayne Waldner 605-996-6639 *996-2177
41659 - 256th St Min. Michael Waldner
605-996-7957 *996-9186
Mitchell, SD. 57301-7828
Min. Michael Waldner Ext. 304
/ Rosedale, SD
Millbrook Feeds & Dakota Blenders 605-996-5224 / *966-8767
Toolbox 605-996-0376 /*996-8894
Switchboard 605-996-2855
Fabrication605-995-5020 / *996-8894
Becky Stahl......................326 G. Mary Waldner.............. 307 Joseph T. Waldner........... 315
Brian Jolene.....................325 Gary Lena....................... 316 Mike Leah...................... 304
Clarence Linda.................301 George Delia................... 306 Mike Sara....................... 305
Cornelius Verna................323 J. Elizabeth Waldner........ 318 Sammy Rachel............... 313
Dale Esther.......................302 Jackie Margaret.............. 311 Steven Susanna.............. 314
David Kathy......................310 Jake Anna....................... 321 Thomas Mary................. 320
David Sara........................303 Joe Anna......................... 308 Tim Rosalyn.................... 300
Doane kara.......................324 Jonathan Debra.............. 309 Tommy Lorena................ 319
Donny Wannita.................312 Joseph Lisa..................... 327 Wayne Geneva................ 317
MILLERDALE Sec. Michael Waldner 605-853-3908 *853-2854
35350 - 206th St. Min. Leonard Waldner 605-853-2598 *853-2021
Miller, SD. 57362-6703
/ Milltown, MB
MILLSHOF Sec. Paul Wollman 204-827-2134 *827-2190
Box 399 Min. George Wollman 204-827-2118
Glenboro, MB. R0K 0X0 2-14-1994 / Cypress, MB
Switchboard 204-827-2461 / 204-272-2122
Brian Delilah.....................210 Jason Sandra.................. 256 Ray Jennifer................... 249
Edward Danelle................255 John Susie...................... 233 Sam Margaret................ 214
George Marian.................212 Mack Esther.................... 208 Samuel Rosanna............ 254
Greg Lynda.......................236 Matthew Tamara............ 220 Steven Diana.................. 239
Harry Mary.......................213 Paul Susanna.................. 211 Thomas Sonia................ 251
Harry Tanya......................244 Paulus Andrea................. 234 Tom Rachel.................... 207
James Debra....................253 Phillip Doreen.................. 252
MILLTOWN Sec. Joe Kleinsasser 204-353-2838 *353-2224
Box 250 Min. Dave Waldner
Elie, MB. R0H 0H0 1918
/ Milltown, SD
NETLEY................................. Sec. Simon Hofer.................. 204-738-2828.... *738-2854
Box 100-897 Henry Road 90 Min. Chris Hofer
Petersfield, MB. R0C 2L0 Switchboard 204-738-2825 / 4602
Millwork Ltd
Andrew Sieglinda
215 Jake Sarah
Charles Tanya
203 Jodi Doria
Chris Claudia
216 Joel Tamara
Edward Ruth
209 Johnny Doreen
Eli Becky
226 Julian Glenda
Hardy Lillian
221 Leonard Edna
Henry Anna
218 Marcus Jenny
Jackie Adina
213 Paul Hofer 206
4-1-1996 / Interlake, MB
204-738-2729 *738-2994
Richard Kathy
Rudy Dorothy
Simon Marion
Tom Emma
Tyson Shastha
Walter Lorraine
Zeke Kathryn
NEUHOF Sec. Dan Wollman 507-427-2507 *427-2125
40394 - 570th Ave Min. Amos Decker 507-427-2500 *427-2515
Mountain Lake, MN. 56159-9752 1994 / Spring Lake, SD
Switchboard 507-427-2510
Shop 507-427-3502*427-9947
Adina / Esther...................207 David Kathleen............... 216 Mike Elma...................... 208
Amos Dora.......................207 Joe Katie......................... 204 Thomas Kathy................ 211
Amos Marie......................206 Junior Mary..................... 203 Tom Darlene................... 210
Dan Ann...........................205 Michael Matilda............... 209
Switchboard 204-353-4111
Metal Shop204-353-2741 / *353-2029
Arnie Dora........................220 Jake Susie...................... 206 Mary – Basel.................. 219
Chris Barbara...................207 Jason Doris..................... 254 Michael Rachel............... 222
Dan Emmy.......................225 Jason Melissa................. 252 Philip Junia..................... 211
Darell Valerie....................251 Joe Annie........................ 213 Rodney Juanita............... 230
Dave Katie.................203/221 Joey Linda...................... 214 Ronnie Ruth.............217/218
Davis Sarah......................210 John Annie...................... 212 Sarah Basel, Tim............. 205
Ivan Lois...........................253 Mark Esther.................... 209 Tom Mary................215/216
NEWDALE Sec. Joe Wollman 204-725-2049 *728-9143
Box 20058 Min. Mike Wollman 204-728-4542
Brandon, MB. R7A 6Y8 Min. Jonathan Wollman
Metal 727-6020 / *727-4309 3-14-1974 / BonHomme, MB
NEWDALE Sec. George Waldner 605-542-4271 *542-7221
21336 - 484th Ave Min. David Waldner 605-542-4031 *542-9482
Elkton, SD. 57026-6628
6-1-1979 / Hillside, MB
Shop 542-2069 / *542-7221 NCD Feed Mill Equipment 6 05-542-2421
Switchboard 605-542-#### and Ext. number below
Aaron Kathleen...............5613 George Dora.................. 5602 Samuel Susanna.......... 5609
Alvin Matilda..................5608 Jason Anita................... 5615 Simon Edna.................. 5603
Curtis Mary....................5612 Jerry Miriam................. 5607 Thaddeus Gladys.......... 5614
Dave Rebecca................5616 Jonathan Edna.............. 5611 Tim Clauda................... 5604
Davey Sara.....................5617 L. Kathryn Waldner........ 5606 Titus Delilah.................. 5610
David Debra...................5601 Ray Elizabeth................5605
NEW ELM SPRING Sec. Joseph Tschetter 605-928-3254 *928-3157
41844 - 269th St. Min.Thomas Wollman 605-928-3672 *928-3674
Ethan, SD. 57334-5206
1936 / Maxwell, MB & Alsask, AB
Switchboard 605-928-3256
Butcher Shop....................... 4 Garden (Darius)................... 7 Turkey Barn (Brian)............. 3
Carpenter (Randy)................ 6 Hog Barn (Levi).................... 2 Feed Mill (Levi)................... 5
NEWHAVEN Sec. Dave Wollman 204-467-8790 *467-9320
Box 100 Min. Mike Wollman
Argyle, MB. R0C 0B0
Min. Jacob Waldner
Switchboard 204-467-7266
Albert Rebecca.................113 Jack Jean....................... 118
Arnold Dorris....................109 Jakob Lydia..................... 101
Cornelius Clara.................117 Jason Arlene................... 144
Daniel Susana..................103 Jerald Rochelle.............. 150
David Elisabeth................138 Jerry Maryann................. 119
Edward Anna....................114Marie.............................. 149
Ernest Elisabeth...............105 Mark Janice................... 108
Hank Clara.......................133 Michael Sarah................. 102
Henry Waldner..................137 Mike Dorothy................... 104
9-26-1977 / Clearwater, MB
Paul Sarah...................... 136
Peter Susanna................ 107
Raymond Janet.............. 106
Rebecca GRW................ 110
Sarah J Waldner............. 111
Steve Sonya................... 143
Tom Margie................... 148
NEW ROSEDALE Sec. James Maendel 204-252-2727 *252-2117
Box 460 Min. Arnie Maendel 204-252-2250 *Ext - 150
Portage La Prairie, MB
Jeremiah Maendel Ext. 110
R1N 3B7
1944 / Rosedale, MB
Feed Mill 866-825-9288 Or 252-2053 / *252-2667
Switchboard 204-252-2119 / 2720
Andy Eva..........................141 Glen Marilyn.................... 139
Arnie Marie.......................123 James Liz........................ 132
Becky Maendel.................134 James Melinda................ 148
Benji Joyce.......................238 Jerry Susan..................... 110
Carl Krista........................231 John Rebecca................. 128
Dale Brenda.....................166 Levi Miriam..................... 131
Darius Greta.....................135 Mark Alice....................... 152
Raymond Paula.............. 149
Rebecca Emma.............. 127
Richard Helen................. 140
Robert Louise................. 157
Rudy Betty...................... 138
Simon Theresa............... 121
Stanley Edith.................. 146
Darius Hannah.................133 Paul Rachel..................... 136 Timmy Yvonne................ 184
David Irene.......................129 Peter Carol...................... 147 Zacky Loretta.................. 153
Edward Susie...................122 Philip Hilda...................... 125
NEWPORT Sec. Joe Wurtz
605-294-5808 *294-5809
11796 - 414th Ave Min. Sam Waldner 605-294-5885
Claremont, SD. 57276-5808 Min. Glen Waldner
Switchboard 605-294-5878 2-27-1988 / Deerfield, SD
499 Westwood Rd Sec. Johnny Stahl 604-448-5076 *448-5078
Britton, SD. 57430 Min. Ray Waldner 605-448-5077
Switchboard 605-448-5078*
Sec. Joe Stahl 605-629-6978*629-1304
20426 - 482nd Ave Min. Jim Stahl 605-629-6973 *629-6976
White, SD. 57276 Joe ( Home) 605-629-6971 9-13-2013 /Spring Valley SD
Switch Board 605-629-6974 Hogs 605-629-6972
NORQUAY Sec. Elias Waldner 204-267-2545 *267-2629
Box 69 Min. Reuben Waldner
204-267-2003 *267-2161
Oakville, MB. R0H 0Y0 2-13-1993 / Milltown, MB
NORTHERN BREEZE Sec. Ernie Waldner 204-239-4396 *239-0640
Box 1030 Min. Mike Waldner 204-857-5120 *857- 6193
Portage La Prairie, MB.
Min. Brian Hofer Ext. 212 R1N 3C5 10-5-1998 /Woodland,MB
Switchboard 204-239-6050Electric 204-857-6192
Brian Barb........................212 Jake Ann........................ 210 Josh Susie...................... 223
Dave Sarah......................225 Jake Margaret................ 211 Mike Marian.................. 213
David Sharon................... 215 Jerry Justina.................. 221 Philip Kathryn................ 220
Ernie Martha................... 224 John Sarah..................... 205 Robert Linda.................. 214
OAK BLUFF Sec. Jack Maendel 204-746-2122 *746-2121
Box 819 Min. Jacob T. Maendel
204-746-6559 *746-8101
Morris, MB. R0G 1K0 6-15-1952 / Elm River, MB
Switchboard 204-746-8933 / 8405
Amos Mary.......................216 Jack Leah........................ 203 Miriam / Lizzie................ 213
Andy Shirley.....................204 Jake Tillie......................... 223 P. Sarah.......................... 212
Brian Roselee...................206 James Regina.................. 205 Paul Lena....................... 211
David Barbara..................209 Jason Rosanna................. 218 Paul Lisa......................... 207
David Frieda.....................219 Manuel Janet................... 217 Philip Rachel................... 220
Dorothy & Annie...............214 Marvin Jolynne................. 221 Sam Lydia...................... 215
Edwin Kathryn..................210 Mike Sarah....................... 222 Susie / Mary / Rosa........ 208
Switchboard 204-267-2750 Business Switchboard 204-267-2306
Amos Anna.......................318 George Ramona ............. 351 Lyndon Diana.................. 360
Bob Frieda.................310/363 Harold Wilma.................... 312 M. Elizabeth Waldner...... 307
Chief Anna........................316 Jacob Damaris................ 315 Rueben Edna...........317/352
David Betty................306/354 Keith Mathilda................. 368 Travis Tanya.................... 351
Edwin Edna...............309/350 Kenneth Sally...........311/362 Wayne Myra................... 305
Elias Elizabeth..................369 Kevin Tamara.................. 319 Zack Lena...............313/359
Elias Lydia.................308/304 Levi Mary.................314/355
OAK LANE Sec. John Wipf 605-825-4293 *825-4233
26730 - 423rd Ave Min. Jake Wipf 605-825-4296 *825-4285
Alexandria, SD. 57311-7110 Min. Mike Wipf
Ext. 116
3-15-1986 / Rockport, SD
Switchboard 605-825-4285
Abraham Joni
230 Jacob Sandra
234 Mike Kathy
Barry Mary
233 Jake Mary
211 Mike Miriam
Billy Julie
266 Joe Rose
232 Robert Pauline
Danny Helen
219 Joey Linda
216 Steven Rebecca
Eddy Ramona (Junior) 267 John Sarah 214 Susanna Grosz
Erward Mary
229 Joshua Stacy
268 Tim Kathryn
Elias Susie
231 Kenneth Esther
213 Tobias Judy
Frieda Wipf
212 Martin Naomi
Helena Wipf
226 Michael JoAnn
OAK RIDGE Sec. Jonty Tschetter 204-526-2726 *526-2891
Box 279 Min. Harry Hofer 204-526-2491
Holland, MB. R0G 0X0
Min. Edward Hofer Ext. 114
/ Barrickman, MB
Switchboard 204-526-2186
Anthony Sandra................143 Jacob Barbara................. 105 Konrad Janet.................. 104
Arnold Alma......................117 Jacob Rita....................... 145 Lawrence Jolene........... 123
Bryan Katerina.................132 Jake Linda...................... 112 Lucas Heidi..................... 144
Edward Ruth....................114 JJohn Helen.................... 113 Marvin Marilyn............... 109
Garry Sonya.....................110 Jonathan Liz................... 107 Sam Anna....................... 102
Greta / Leah.....................106 Jordan Susan.................. 108 Steven Eunice................. 111
Harry Sarah......................103 Joseph Linda................... 118 Victor Kathleen............... 115
Jacob Barbara..................105 Ken Marlene.................... 142
OAK RIVER Sec. Jonathan Wurtz 204-566-2359 *566-2437
Box 38 Min. Joey Wurtz 204-566-2353
Oak River, MB. R0K 1T0
1-1-1998 / Deerboine, MB
Shop 204-272-8063 Hog 204-566-2444*
Switchboard 204-272-2127
ODANAH Sec. John Stahl 204-867-5143 *867-5149
Box 990 Min. Eli Stahl 204-867-3864 *867-3864
Minnedosa, MB. R0J 1E0 Min. Johnny Stahl Ext. 143
7-1-1995 / Grass River, MB
Switchboard 204-867-5148 Metal Shop 272-8096 Sales 272-8097 / *867-5332
Bob Krista.........................142 Harry Cynthia.................. 140 Joseph Susie.................. 129
Chris Dona.......................107 Harry Rebecca................ 108 Larry Josie...................... 111
Clifford Asnath..................134 Jack Elizabeth ................ 107Margaret......................... 110
Clinton Rachel..................109 Jake Lydia....................... 103 Michael Deborah............ 113
Eli Miriam..................136/114 Jakie Martha................... 104 Nathan Susan................. 130
Eli Pauline........................105 John Susan..................... 137 Tim Dora......................... 106
Gary Amanda...................141 Johnny Laura.................. 143
OLD ELM SPRING Sec. Sammy Wipf 605-239-4399 *239-4349
42021 - 268th St. Min. Joseph Wipf 605-239-4693
Parkston, SD. 57366-5206 Min. Jacob Wipf Ext. 212
1998 / New Elm Spring,SD
Switchboard 605-239-4781 Truck Armor
Danny Barbara
218 James Rachel
Dennis Sonia
227 Jerry Margaret
221 Elmer Anna
211 Joe Asnath
George Becky Jr. 225 John Grace
George Susan
222 John Rosann
Harold Sarah
219 Jonty Elizabeth
Jacob Elizabeth
279 Josiah Vicky
Jake Betty
212 Justin Rhoda
212 605-239-4884 / *239-4869
Leonard Bertha
Mike (Sandy)
Ronald Sarah
Ryan Sheryl
Sam Emma
Simon Becky
Tim Kathy
Travis Anna
ORLAND Sec Willie Waldner 605-363-3667 *363-3668
45050 - 246th St. Min. Paul Wurtz Sr. 605-363-5338 *363-5339
Montrose, SD. 57048 Min. Michael Waldner
Mfg. Shop 605-363-3676 8-10-1995 / Jamesville, SD
PARKVIEW Sec. Darryl Waldner 204-967-2492 *967-2045
Box 70 Min. Jacob Wollman 204-967-2591
Riding Mountain, MB. Min. Alford Wollman Ext. 128
R0J 1T0 4-23-1964 / Huron, MB
PEARLE CREEK................... Sec. Matt Waldner................. 605-546-2452.... *546-2316
21085 - 415th St Min. David Waldner
Iroquois, SD. 57353-6705 Min. Christopher Waldner
Switchboard 605-546-0257
Annie & Bertha.................245 Darius Lorraine............... 252
Bennet Susan...................255 Dave Margaret................ 236
Billy Doris.........................253 Gary Karen...................... 256
Brent Jolene....................238 George Frieda.................. 242
Christopher Brenda..........258 Jake Emma..................... 248
Conrad Janet....................254 Jerry Annie...................... 249
Chris Mary........................241 Joe Mary......................... 250
/ Huron, SD
John Becky..................... 251
John Marissa.................. 243
Mark Susanna................ 247
Matt Kathy...................... 257
Moses Esther.................. 234
Paul Theresa................... 244
PEMBINA Sec. David Hofer 204-246-2182 *246-2080
Gen Del Min. Paul Maendel 204-246-2081
Darlingford, MB. R0G 0L0 Min. Kenneth Hofer Ext. 118
1-1-1961 / Blumengarth, MB
Switchboard on next page
Switchboard 204-967-2010
Alford Esther....................121 Eli Tilly............................. 130 Levi Elaine...................... 147
Alford Wilma.....................108 Gilbert Dianne................. 127 Peter Jeanie................... 150
Ben Eva............................112 Greg Shirley.................... 122 Ray Marlene................... 105
Benjamin Glenda..............162 Jack Lorraine.................. 129 Rebecca M..................... 146
Brent Debbie....................131 Jake Martha.................... 106 Richard Tilly.................... 149
Corny Anna.......................123 Jerry Maria..................... 143 Roman Irene................... 168
Corny Verna......................165 Joe Lizzy......................... 132 Sam Mary....................... 126
Daniel Matilda.................158 Joe Mary......................... 109 Sammy Sandra .............. 148
Danny Alice......................118 Joey Kathy...................... 125 Steve Julianne................ 152
Darryl Jennifer.................153 Jonathan Sue.................. 113
David Julianna.................119 Jordan Heidi.................... 119
Switchboard 204-246-2369
Bob Miriam......................138 Joel Roseanna................ 123
Cornie Rose......................103 John Margaret................ 112
Dave Sarah......................104 John Rebecca................. 120
David Elizabeth.................119 Johnny Lisa..................... 105
David Margaret................106 Jonty Kathy..................... 117
Eddy Mary.......................109 Kenneth Irene.................. 118
Ernie Thelma....................110 Leonard Sarah................ 136
Fred Elma.........................125 Lisa Maendel................... 111
Jake Annie.......................113 Mack Eva........................ 122
Jerry Maryanne................115 Mark Claudie................... 124
Jim Liss............................101
Mary Hofer..................... 121
Mike Darlene.................. 114
Mike Mary...................... 126
Mike Sarah..................... 134
Paul Margaret................. 127
Paul Susie....................... 108
Ray Lena........................ 102
Stanley Judy................... 107
Steve Elva...................... 116
Walter Esther.................. 135
PEMBROOK Sec. John Hofer 605-426-6518 *426-6434
35955 - 139th St. Min. Solomon Hofer 605-426-6501 *426-5300
Ipswich, SD. 57451-9706
Min. John Decker Ext. 3133
8-18-1974 / Tschetter, SD
Switchboard 605-426-6616Hogs
Amos Brenda.................3149 Joe Lydia....................... 3143 Ray Leah...................... 3144
Arnold Kathleen..............3145 John Eva....................... 3147 Sol Bertha..................... 3135 Dale Karen.....................3131 John Norma.................. 3133 Sol Clara....................... 3141
Elias Sara......................3139 Joseph Gloria................ 3193 Steve Ruthie................. 3137
Harold Joann..................3138 Kevin Lisa..................... 3150 Wayne Joyce................ 3194
Henry Dorothy Jr............3132 Linda Hofer................... 3136 Willie Laura................... 3134
Henry Dorothy................3130 Mary Anna..................... 3148 Blacksmith ..........380-9476
Joe Abby........................3140 Mike Celia..................... 3146Turkey...................380-4755
PINE CREEK Sec. Lorenz Maendel 204-466-2822 *466-2698
Box 299 Min. Randy Maendel Ext.114
Austin, MB. R0H 0C0 1972 / New Rosedale, MB
Switchboard 204-466-2925
Dennis Debbie..................103 Johnny Elaine.................. 127 Sam Rachel.................... 107
Ian Karen..........................108 Lorenz Clara.............102/111 Sammy Margaret............ 110
Jason Pauline...................112 Michael Riva................... 116
Johnny Carol....................125 Randy Leah..................... 114
PINELAND Sec. Sammy Gross Ext. 206
Box 130 Min. Jacob Gross Ext. 205
Piney, MB. R0A 1K0 Min. Robert Gross Ext. 229
Piney Manufatoring Plant 204-423-2367 1996
/ Iberville, MB
Switchboard 204-423-2118 / 2199 B. Susie Gross..................220 Jacob Sarah.................... 219
Ben Susie.........................207 Jerry Christa................... 214
Billy Joe...........................232 Joseph Sandra................ 201
Dwayne Josie...................223 Martha Gross.................. 209
Gary Betsy.......................228 Matthew Becky............... 239
I. Esther Gross..................222 Mike Lena....................... 217
Isaack Rachel..................216 Mike Marianne................ 221
Jacob Matilda..................205 Paul Annie....................... 233
Piney MFG 204-423-2368
Paul Susie....................... 204
Phillip Victoria................. 226
Robert Benita.................. 229
Roger Pauline................. 236
Sam Lisa........................ 206
Tim Margaret.................. 202
Titus Jonie...................... 235
Zacky Linda.................... 203
PLAINVIEW.......................... Sec. Joe R. Waldner.............. 204-845-2691.... *845-2638
Box 430 Min. Joey M. Waldner
204-845-2164 *845-2580
Elkhorn, MB. R0M 0N0
Min. Gary Waldner
Ext. 221
6-25-1977 / Waldheim, MB
Switchboard 204-845-2461 / 2435
A. Emma Waldner.............204 Gordon Joanne................ 218
Dave Diane.......................209 Jeremy Krista.................. 201
Don Stella.........................212 Jerry Kathy...................... 214
Eddie Irene.......................215 Joe Ruthie....................... 213
Eli Rita..............................216 Joey Malinda................... 207
Ervin Karen.......................208 Katie Waldner.................. 205
Garry Tanya......................221 Keith Susan..................... 245
Truck Shop 204-845-2179
P. Ruth Waldner............... 223
Peter Andrea................... 220
Peter Annie..................... 224
Rachel Waldner.............. 206
Ruth Sara....................... 211
Wayne Sarah.................. 202
PLAINVIEW Sec. Ernie Wipf 605-426-6672 *426-6445
12465 - 359th Ave Min. Joshua Wipf 605-426-6476 *426-6240
Leola, SD. 57456 Min. Ronnie Wipf
Mechanic 605-426-6252 1957
/ Spink, SD
PLATTE Sec. Dale J. Stahl 605-726-3142 *726-3194
35271 - 270th St. Min. Joseph Waldner 605-726-3112
Platte, SD. 57369-6007
Min. Albert Stahl 10-21-1949 / BonHomme, SD
Business Switchboard 605-726-3141 / 3193
PLEASANT VALLEY Sec. Chris Hofer 605-997-3306 *997-3306
22941 - 487th Ave Min. Andrew Tschetter
605-997-3162 *997-3162
Flaudreau, SD. 57028-9444 Min. Zack Tschetter 7-4-1977 / Big Stone, MB
46527 - 189th St Min. Levi Tschetter 605-873-2630 *873-2703
Estelline, SD. 57234
5-3-1968 / New Elm Spring, SD
POPLAR POINT Sec. Reuben Waldner
204-267-2560 *267-2444
Box 910 Min. Joe Waldner 204-267-2772
Portage La Prairie, MB
Min. Amos Waldner Ext. 2034
R1N 3C4 1938
/ Huron, MB
Switchboard 204-267-7134
Amos Barbara................2034 Jerry Matilda................. 2017
Chris...............................2047 Joe Sarah...................... 2022
Dale Claudia...................2044 Joe Susie...................... 2028
David Kathy....................2020 Joseph Betty................. 2018
Herb Hilda......................2013 Katherine Basel............. 2015
Jacky Barb.....................2023Katie............................. 2024
Jerry Joanne..................2027 Larry Sarah................... 2033
Leonard Debbie............ 2029
Lizzy Basel................... 2032
Paul Lorraine................ 2050
Paul Margaret............... 2016
Rachel Basel................. 2012
Ruben Catherine........... 2021
Steve Darlene............... 2054
PRAIRIE BLOSSOM Sec. Larry Maendel 204-467-9864 *467-9602
Box 936 Min. Paul Maendel 204-467-7161*
Stonewall, MB. R0C 2Z0
Min. Joseph Maendel Ext. 111
Prairie Truss Toll Free 877-354-3330 / *204-487-9602 12-1967 / Oak Bluff, MB
Switchboard on next page
POINSETT Sec. Carl Tschetter 605-873-2969 *873-2322
Switchboard 204- 467-4772 / 4773
Calvin Annie.....................114 John Mary....................... 109
Dwight Anna.....................119 Katrina Waldner............... 122
Eli Susie...........................101 Keith Jennifer.................. 113
Jerry Ann..........................108 Larry Glenda................... 110
Joe Lena..........................104 Leonard Kendra............... 116
Joey Nancy.......................111 Michael Melinda.............. 121
Michael Rebecca............ 115
Michael Sarah................ 120
Paul Annie...................... 102
Paul Eileen ..................... 105
Quinton Helena............... 107
Sam Debbie.................... 112
RIDGELAND Sec. Jerry Wollman 204-866-2970 *866-3084
RR 1, Box 508 Min. Mark Waldner 204-866-3064
Duglas, MB. R0E 0K0 1-27-1967 / Springfield, MB
Switchboard 204-866-4314
Adrian Rose......................257 Keith Wilma..................... 253
Cliff Melanie.....................250 Kelvin Diane.................... 230
Gilbert Helen....................222 Mark Tina........................ 214
Hardy Susan.....................236 Martin Annie.................... 227
Jerrold Angela..................255 Marcel Barbara............... 255
Joe Doreen.......................224 Melvin Eileen................... 217
Joe Irene..........................219 Mike Margaret................ 226
Joe Susie.........................228 Noel Anna........................ 233
Shop 204- 866-3558*
Peter Katie...................... 216
Peter Thelma.................. 239
Phillip Heidi..................... 245
Sam Clara....................... 218
Sam Rebecca................. 223
Tim Janice...................... 220
Jerry’s Office.................. 244
Sec. Gary Wipf 204-373-2650 *373-2053
Box 9 Min. Ben Wipf 204-373-2729
Ridgville, MB. R0A 1M0
1997 / Maxwell, MB
Switchboard 204-373-2728 / 2223
Ben Ann............................216 Joe F. Wipf....................... 224
Bill Barb...........................212 John Katy........................ 217
David Cheryl.....................206 John Mary....................... 214
Gary Betsy........................211 Johnny Rebecca.............. 209
Harold Janice...................215
Paul Annie...................... 210
Paul Katrina.................... 208
Peter Sarah..................... 213
Ryan Coleen.........................
RIVERBEND Sec. Mike Hofer 204-834-3141 *834-2107
Box 100 Min. John Hofer
Carberry, MB. R0K 0H0
Min. Mark Hofer
Switchboard 204-834-2381
Aaron Betty......................213 James Rebecca.............. 202
Albert Becky....................221 John Rebecca................. 218
Dave Judy........................210 John Susie...................... 223
Glenn Tania......................208 Jonathan Cynthia............ 217
Jack Lena........................214 Mark Kathryn.................. 216
Jake Mary........................215 Michael Susan................ 211
6-24-1969 / Oakbluff, MB
Mike Susie...................... 204
Peter Helen......................212
Rebecca Katie................ 205
Richard Talitha................ 219
William Rachel................ 209
RIVERDALE Sec. Sam Hofer 204-385-2057 *385-3158
Box 360 Min. Lorenz Hofer 204-385-2739 *385-3075
Gladstone, MB. R0J 0T0
Min. George Hofer 204-385-3038
4-1946 / James Valley, MB
Switchboard on next page
Switchboard 204-385-2288
Amos Elizabeth
205 Eugene Judy
Andy Gloria
249 George Sandra
Dan Kathy
206 Herman Joanne
Darren Lorraine
253 Joe Esther
David Diane
247 Larry Susan
David M. Hofer
207 Laurice Hofer
E. Susan / Helen / Sharon210 Loranz Rebecca
Edwin Marlene
208 Margaret Hofer
Mel Rita
Mike Lisa
Ronald Katie
Ruth Hofer
Sam Eileen
Steve Dorothy
RIVERSIDE Sec. David Hofer 204-368-2284 *368-2454
Box 278 Min. Eli Gross
Arden, MB. R0J 0B0 Min. Andrew Hofer
Switchboard 204-368-2296 / 2465
Andrew Denice.................219 J. Helen Gross................. 212
Chris Grace......................218 Joe Annie........................ 216
D. Maria Hofer..................203 John Marge..................... 228
David Marie......................208 Joseph Pamela................ 217
Davy Jolene.....................205 Mark Sandra................... 227
Elias Marilyn.....................209 Mike Eva......................... 220
204-368-2416 *368-2325
Ext. 219
/ Iberville, MB
Nathan Susan................. 215
P. Anna Waldner.............. 222
Peter Jolene................... 221
Reuben Sarah................. 223
Elie Office....................... 210
RIVERSIDE Sec. John Waldner 605-352-7462 *352-5012
40361 - 200th St. Min. Kenneth Waldner
605-352-4188 *352-2425
Huron, SD. 57350 Min. Jerry Waldner Ext. 251
8-1-1948 / Rockport, SD
ROCK LAKE Sec. Ben Hofer 204-322-5231 *322-5268
Box 10 Min. Tim Hofer
Grosse Isle, MB. R0C 1G0
Min. Sol Gross
Bruder Built Mfg 204-322-5279 / *5426 & 204-480-0556
Switchboard 204-322-5314 / 5526
Andrew Naomi.................216 Glen Eileen...................... 204
Ben Marian.......................209 Ike Eva............................ 214
Ben Rebecca....................242 Ivan Carolyn.................... 234
Brian Doreen....................241 Jerry Caroline.................. 240
Chris Rita.........................239 Joe Katie......................... 202
Edward Judith..................248 Josh Annie...................... 205
Elias Julia.........................249 Leonard Diane................. 213
Gary Susanne...................219 Mike Gladys.................... 201
Ext. 217
/ Iberville, MB
Mike Mary...................... 218
Ray Doreen..................... 208
Robert Liz....................... 215
Sam Susie...................... 212
Ruth Gross...................... 246
Sol Mary......................... 217
Sol Sara.......................... 203
Tim Ruth......................... 207
Switchboard 605-352-0391
Stainless605-352-2615 / *352-5014
Bennett Susanna..............240 Joeallen Sharon.............. 250 Nat Ruth ....................... 252
Dale Rhonda.....................284 John Lena...................... 236 Philip Sharon................. 229
David Lena.......................248 Johnny Judy.................. 246 Ruben Ruth................... 257
Davy Dorothy....................237 Johnny Susie................. 232 Sam Mary...................... 241
Ernie Eva..........................256 Kenneth Eva................... 242 Samuel Lisa.................... 280
Jackie Kathryn.................245 Larry Betty..................... 243 Tom Kathryn.................. 258
Jake Katie........................259 Levi Margaret................. 244 Zackie Mary................... 253
Jason Maria....................226 Mattie Sara.................... 254 Turkey Barn...........352-4823
Jerry Susie.......................251 Melvin Anita.................... 249
ROCKPORT Sec. Donny Wipf 605-239-4422 *239-4372
26209 Rockport Rd Min. Joseph Wipf 605-239-4784 *239-4430
Alexandria, SD. 57311-7201 10-18-1934/ B. Homme, SD
Switchboard 605-239-4425 ROLLAND Sec. Jonathan Wipf 605-693-4425 *693-4418
48088 - 210th St.
Min. Sam Wipf 605-693-4421
White, SD. 57276-6613 3-1-1978 / Gracevale, SD
Switchboard 605-693-4469 / 4490 Livestock 605-693-4467
Danny Laura.....................103Judy................................ 126 Sam Joann..................... 124
Darrell Becky....................106 Lawrence Alma............... 107 Ted Dahlia...................... 125
Jonathan Annie................101 Lynn Jenny...................... 104Electric........................... 112
Jonathan Doris................108 Sam Alma....................... 136Shop............................... 110
ROLLING ACRES Sec. Daniel Hofer 204-966-3525 *966-3214
Box 95 Min. Johnny Hofer 204-966-3202 *966-3870
Eden, MB. R0J 0M0 2005
/ Riverside, MB
Switchboard 204-966-3525
Bertha Hofer.....................207 Irvin Debbie..................... 204 Len Thelma.................... 210
Colin Michelle..................222 J. Greta ......................... 202 Maggie Gross................. 215
Cornie Asnath...................206 Jake Susan..................... 208 Paul Justina.................... 219
Daniel Jenny....................216 Joe Christie .................... 213Rebecca ........................ 205
Ernest Glenda...................209 John Katie....................... 211 Willie Barbara................. 200
H. Margaret......................201 Johnny Lisa..................... 218 Zack Bertha.................... 212
Ike Becky.........................203
ROSEBANK Sec. Paul Maendel 204-435-2388 *435-2623
Box 273 Min. Paul Maendel
Miami, MB. R0G 1H0
Min. Switchboard 204-435-2315
Becky & Anna...................208 Ike Susie......................... 225
Bill Marie..........................223 Jake Mary....................... 211
Bob Mary.........................224 James Rita...................... 210
Conrad Glenda.................206 Joe Cathy........................ 221
Donny Esther....................209 Ken Kathrina................... 212
Fred Anna.........................215 Levi Emma...................... 220
Henry Norma....................213 Michael Rebecca............. 214
1998 / Hidden Valley, MB
Mike Mary...................... 238
Paul Becky...................... 239
Paul Elizabeth................. 217
Paul Rebecca.................. 216
Ronnie Delia................... 205
Sol Annie........................ 222
ROSEDALE Sec. Eli Waldner 204-353-2497 *353-2728
Box 130 Min. Mike Waldner 204-353-2251
Elie, MB. R0H 0H0 2-2-1918 / Rosedale, SD
Switchboard 204-353-2037
Albert Elizabeth................222 Kevin Darlene.................. 216
Becky...............................209 Levi Kathrina................... 210
Eli Colleen........................207 Matthew Rebecca........... 221
Eli Elizabeth......................220 Mike Diane...................... 205
George Christy..................215 Paul Susie....................... 217
John Marie.......................213 Peter Justina................... 244
Kenny Karis......................232 Philip Rhonda ................. 227
Ronny Julie..................... 212
Sam Elizabeth................. 208
Sarah / Margaret............ 219
Sarah Ruthy.................... 214
Tom Bernice................... 246
Willy Anne....................... 218
Zack Sarah..................... 211
ROSEDALE Sec. Joshua Waldner Jr. 605-239-4526 *239-4346
25986 - Rosedale Rd Min. David Waldner 605-239-4222 *239-4259
Mitchell, SD. 57301-7515 7-1945
/ Rockport, SD
Switchboard 605-239-4282
Darrell Lisa
Davey Suzanne
David Sara
Dennis Jolene
George Glenda
George Margaret
Harold Dorothy
Jacob Miranda
John Juanita
Josh Sarah
Katie & Edna
Lena Kleinsasser
Mark Sara
Matthew Rebecca
Melvin Linda
Moses Sara
Nat Sarah
Randy Kathrina
Ronnie Leah
Ryan Rebecca
ROSE VALLEY Sec. Edward Waldner 204-828-3338 *828-3279
Box 93 Min. David Waldner
Graysville, MB. R0G 0T0
Min. Richard Waldner
Switchboard 204-828-3500
Art Kathy..........................202 Ivan Jonni....................... 218
B. Dora Waldner...............215 J. Ruth Waldner............... 203
Brian Lorraine..................203 Jake Mary....................... 212
Clifford Debbie.................221 Joe Katie......................... 216
Darren Adora....................262 Joey Linda...................... 209
Dave S. Waldner...............204 John Becky..................... 207
Davis Christy....................254 Johnny Elizabeth............ 210
Diane Waldner..................225 Johnny Thelma............... 223
Eddie Clara.......................208 Jonty / Rebecca.............. 201
Ernie Sarah......................217 Joseph Amelda............... 235
Ext. 202
3-16-1958 /Waldheim,MB
Kenny Rebecca............... 213
Kevin Amanda................ 224
Marvin Tammy................ 219
Matthew Anna................ 260
Paul Ruth........................ 214
Richard Kathy................. 206
Sam Joanne .................. 211
Sammy Anna.................. 222
45545 - 242nd St. Min. Aaron Hofer 605-256-8184
Madison, SD. 57042-7214 Min. Nathaniel Hofer
/ Wolf Creek, SD
Aaron Dorothy
Benji Janet
Benny Helen
George Becky
J. Mary Decker
J. Rosa Decker
J. Ruth Hofer
Jerry Dorothy
Joey Lorena
Joseph Rebecca
Larry Lisa
Leonard Rachel
Michael Marlene
Mike Becky
Nat Mary Jane
Ron Sarah
Simon Renee
Steve Carol
Steven Amanda
Tom Maggie
SHADY LANE Sec. Elias Hofer 204-723-2056 *723-2729
Box 117 Min. Elias Hofer 204-723-2056 *723-2729
Treherne, MB. ROG 2V0
1-18-1993 /Barrickman,MB
Switchboard 204-723-2726
Dale Melinda....................201 Joe Sarah........................ 211
Davey Pauline..................203 Joseph Kathy.................. 222
David Christine.................204 Leroy Melana.................. 219
Elias Mary...................... 205 Mark Dora....................... 221
Ernie Margie.....................213 Martin Eva....................... 224
Eugene Mary....................202 Mike Maggie................... 208
Hardy Rosa.......................207 Mike Sarah...................... 212
Mike Susanna................. 206
Mike Susie...................... 209
Paul Margaret................. 210
Ricky Evelyne................. 214
Sheldon Denise.............. 217
Victor Sharon.................. 216
Wayne Pauline................ 215
RUSTIC ACRES *.............. Sec. Thomas Hofer................ 605-256-0880.... *256-0353
SHANNON Sec. Ben Wipf 605-485-2244 *485-2288
43952 - 235th St. Min. Mark Wipf 605-485-2236 *485-2237
Winfred, SD. 57076-7005 9-5-2011 / Rockport, SD
SILVER LAKE * Sec. John Grosz Jr. 650-532-4081 *532-4082
17354 - 430th Ave Min. John Grosz Sr. 605-532-4083 *532-4084
Clark, SD. 57225 Min. Randy Grosz 10-30-2011 / Hillcrest, SD
Central Plains Ind. 605-532-3829 / *532-5475
Switchboard 605-532-5680 / 5681 use 700 Extentions for Barns & Shops pg 78
Calvin Cheryl....................329 Joey Marian.................... 301 Randy Julie..................... 304
Darrell Wanda...................306 John Anna....................... 305 Randy Maria................... 330
David Dahlia.....................307 John Tanya...................... 308 Stanley Joleen................ 303
Eli Anna............................316 Justina Waldner.............. 332 Steve Janice................... 302
Emanuel Katie..................313 Loren Melinda................. 334 Terry Sarah..................... 312
Gary Laureen....................309 Lydia Grosz..................... 314 Wayne Norma................. 310
Jerome Norma.................333 Paul Johann.................... 315
Joe Lydia..........................311 Peter Geneva................... 331
SILVER WINDS Sec. Zack Hofer Jr. Ex. 110
Box 130 Min. Paul Wollman 204-626-3372 *244-2521
Sperling, MB. R0G 2M0 Min. Zack Hofer 1998
/ Ridgland, MB
Metal Shop 204-626-3381 / *626-3326
Switchboard 204-626-3372 / 2136
SKYVIEW Sec. Mike Hofer Jr. 204-435-2089 *435-2086
Box 279 Min.Michael Hofer Jr.
Miami, MB. R0G 1H0 Shop 204-435-2834*
SOMMERFELD Sec. John Hofer
Box 69 Min. Mike Hofer
High Bluff, MB. R0H 0K0
Min. Clarence Gross Roll Forming Shop 204-243-2522 / *2523
Switchboard 204-243-2831 / 2016 Annie / Clara Gross...........215 Jack Sarah...................... 226
Arnold Lillian....................214 Jake, Joe, Lisa................ 228
Benji Krista.......................219 John Susie...................... 216
Clarence Susanna ...........263 Johnny Marilyn............... 227
Conrad Kathrina...............282 Jon Susan....................... 264
David Lena.......................283 Jonty Mary...................... 218
D. Mary Ann Wollman.......221 Joseph Lorna.................. 280
Freddy Judy.....................222 Levi Doreen..................... 286
George Elizabeth..............217 Levi Maria ...................... 225
George Thelma.................265 Michael Elisabeth............ 211
/ Miami, MB
204-243-2453 *243-2250
204-243-2693 *243-2257
Ext. 263 3-23-1977 / Rock Lake, MB
Welding 243-2033 / *2229
Paul Melanie................... 212
Pete Dorothy................... 262
Randy Joanne................. 281
Roland Irene................... 266
Sheldon Maria................ 284
Steve Amanda................ 285
Terrence Renata............. 248
Victor Lorraine................ 213
SOURIS RIVER Sec. George Wipf 204-769-2102 *769-2110
Box 149 Min. Mike Waldner 204-769-2330
Elgin, MB. R0K 0T0 Min. Harry Waldner Ext. 420
7-17-1977 / Maxwell, MB
Switchboard on next page
Switchboard 204-769-2045 / 2121 Andrew Angie...................422 James Sandra ................ 417
Brian Anna....................... 409 Jason Carolyn................. 446
Chris Sarah......................416 John Susie...................... 405
Ernie Bertha.....................418 Johnny Benita................. 462
George Edna.....................404 Justin Amanda................ 461
George Tina......................411 Kenneth Michelle............ 460
Harry Christina.................420 Mark Anna....................... 421
Harry Rita.........................412 Melvin Jeanette.............. 419
Jake Annie.......................410 Mike Elizabeth................ 444
Peter Claudia................. 414
Phillip Shirley.................. 445
Quentin Janice.............. 459
Ron Lisa........................ 415
Sam Lana...................... 409
Steve Sarah.................... 447
Tom Helen..................... 413
SPINK Sec. Paul Wipf Jr. 605-472-1269 *472-0941
18206 Spink Lane Min. Sam Wipf 605-472-0602
Frankfort, SD. 57440-7207 2-4-1945/Bon Homme,SD
Switchboard 605-472-0940
Brian Mary.......................212 Jerry Margaret................ 232Vacant
Darius Jolene...................225 Joe Barbara.................... 220 Matthew Anita................ 221
David Margaret................228 Joey Susan..................... 219 Mike Dora....................... 229
Elias Linda........................215 John Dorothy................... 224 Paul Bertha..................... 230
George Martha.................222 Johnny Rebecca.............. 231 Paul Jolene..................... 227
Jason Donna....................223 Jonathan Rhonda............ 218 Paul Katie....................... 216
Jeremy Doris....................210 Joseph Linda................... 213 Sam Pauline................... 226
SPRING CREEK Sec. Sam Wipf 605-358-8631 *358-8751
36562 - 102nd St Min. Thomas Wipf 605-358-8621 *358-6115
Forbes, ND. 58439-9027
Min. Daniel Hofer Ext. 132
Shop 605-358-6104 / *6114 Electric 358-6109 / *6120 1-14-1964 / Maxwell, SD
Marvin Maryanna........... 144
Matthew Jonie................ 126
Michael Julie.................. 103
Sam Katie....................... 122
Stanley Sara................... 128
Thomas Miranda............ 106
Tim Marian..................... 145
Timothy Helen................ 131
Tom Judy........................ 129
SPRING HILL Sec. Mike Wollman 204-476-2715 *476-3874
Box 849 Min. John Hofer 204-476-3646
Neepawa, MB. R0J 1H0
/ Sunnyside, MB
Quality Processors 204-476-2457
Switchboard 204-476-3737 / 5233
Brian Thelma....................222 John Hilda....................... 210
Colin Lisa.........................254 Johnny Wilma................. 216
Dave Anna........................205 Joseph Dorothy............... 211
Dave Barbara...................206 Kevin Judy...................... 255
Gerald Amanda.................219 Larry Sandra................... 212
Harry Carol.......................207 Mack Elizabeth................ 213
Henry Susie......................208 Martin Betty.................... 214
Joe Lena..........................209 Michael Linda ................. 221
Nat Tiffany...................... 258
Paul Susie....................... 217
Paulie Judy..................... 220
Rachel Wollman.............. 218
Rodney Sari.................... 259
Steven Amanda.............. 256
Warren Barb................... 257
Wayne Mary................... 215
Switchboard 605-358-6### Ext. below
Aaron Sonia......................123 Glen Susan...................... 138
Arnold Elizabeth...............142 Ivan Mary ...................... 147
Benny Laura.....................141 Jacob Melissa................. 127
B. Susie Gross.................143 John Maria...................... 137
Brandon Heidi...................150 Jonty Rebecca................ 124
Danny Lori........................132 Joseph Barbara............... 130
Darell Lorene....................140 Lenny Tillie...................... 125
D. Glenda Wipf.................148 Leon Grace..................... 121
Donnie Brenda.................149 Leonard Lena.................. 151
Frank Jolene....................146 Levi Gloria....................... 134
SPRING LAKE Sec. Paul Decker 605-482-8101 *482-8523
21727 - 452nd Ave Min. Simon Decker Jr 605-482-8384 *482-8187
Arlington, SD. 57212-7309 Min. James Decker 6-9-1978 / Wolf Creek, SD
Switchboard 605-482-8030
SPRING PRAIRIE Sec. Cornelius Wipf
218 498-0221 *888-277-9444
6189 - 170th St . N Min. John Waldner 218-498-0229 *498-0253
Hawley, MN. 56549-9094
Min. George Waldner 1-1-1980 / White Rock, SD
Switchboard 218-498-2249
SPRING VALLEY Sec. Henry Hofer 204-728-1693 *725-2946
RR4, Box 38 Min. Sam Hofer 204-728-3830
Brandon, MB. R7A 5Y4
Min. LLoyd Hofer Ext. 217 1956 / James Valley, MB
Switchboard 204-727-6989 Pause before entering Ext #
Bob Brenda......................205Jonathan......................... 212
Dave Martha....................206 Jonty Esther.................... 213
Eli E. ................................208 Lloyd Rhoda.................... 217
Gordon Marissa................207 Marvin Karen.................. 211
Henry Emma....................220 Michael Julie................... 218
Henry Marlene..................216 Ray Betty......................... 202
Jim Lydia..........................209 Sam Margaret................. 215
Sammy Racheal............. 219
Steve Melina................... 210
Thomas Darlene............. 204
Zack Dora....................... 203
Zack Ruth....................... 214
SPRING VALLEY Sec. Joel Waldner 605-539-1361 *539-1816
23064 - 365th Ave Min. George Stahl 605-539-9128 *539-9130
Wessington Springs, SD. 9-13-1963
/Platte, SD
Switchboard 605-539-9305
20426 - 482nd Ave Min. Jim Stahl 605-629-6973 *629-6976
White City, SD. 57276 SB # 605-629-6974 Hogs 605-629-6972
SPRINGFIELD Sec. Josh Waldner 204-268-1548 *268-1849
Box 708, RR #1 Min. Ruben Kleinsasser 204-268-3786 *268-3216
Anola, MB. R0E 0A0 Min. James Kleinsasser 204-272-8055
6-1-1956 /Poplar Point, MB
Woodworking 204-268-3786 / * 268-3216 Private Line 204-268-3333
Switchboard 2 04-268-4219 / 204-272- 2138
Andy Dora........................101 Keith Claudia................... 108 Rocky Helen................... 120
Benny Mary......................102 Kenny Delores................. 112 Ruben Darlene................ 121
Cotton Theresa.................103 Mark Laura..................... 113 Ruben Katie.................... 122
Danny Annie.....................104 Martin Gloria................... 130 Sam Rebecca................. 124
David Katherine................105 Mike Linda...................... 114 Samuel Eileen................. 126
Edwin Rebecca.................106 Paul Helen....................... 117 Susie & Mary.................. 125
Gerald Cecilia...................110 Paul Kathleen.................. 116 T. Susie .......................... 128
James Sarah....................107Pauline............................ 115 Tommy Lisa.................... 127
John Esther......................109 Rachel / Emma................ 118
Josh Dorothy....................111 Ray Dorothy.................... 119
“No matter how busy you are you must take time to
make the other person feel important.”
Mary Kay Ash
SPRUCEWOOD..................... Sec. Joel Waldner.................. 204-354-2318.... *354-2344
General Delivery Min. Joey Wollman
Brookdale, MB. R0K 0G0
Min. Ryan Hofer
Switchboard 204-354-2272
A. Sarah Waldner..............220 J. Maggie Wollman.......... 217
Clarence Wilma................208 Elie Waldner.................... 210
David Andrea....................236 J. Susanna / Maria ......... 214
Elie Wollman.....................215 James Debbie................. 211
Garry Colleen....................240 Joel Rosa........................ 213 Harold Rebecca................223 Joey Debbie.................... 218
Irvin Colleen.....................219 Jonty Susanna................ 221
204-354-2157 *354-2319
Ext. 204
3-1-1976 / Spring Hill, MB
Kenneth Angela.............. 239
Larry Rose...................... 212
Michael Eileen................ 209
Ryan Susan.................... 204
Sam Lena....................... 216
Sammy Melissa.............. 222
STARLAND Sec. David Decker Jr.
507-834-6601 *834-6813
59917 - 236 St . Min. Herman Wollman
Gibbon, MN. 55335 1993 / Pembrook, SD
Switchboard 507-834-6124 Shop507-834-6915 / *834-6813
Arnie Ida...........................133 Emmanuel Eileen........... 150 Larry Lissie..................... 119
Conrad Alice....................158 Herman Kathryn.............. 112Luke............................... 121
David Elizabeth.................118Vacant................................... Mark Elise...................... 109
David Ruth.......................148 Jerry Ruth....................... 154 Mel Lisa.......................... 115
Dora Wollman..................122 Joel Becky...................... 149 Sam Greta...................... 151
Eddie Esther.....................116 Josh Sarah...................... 111 Susie & Family................ 123
STARLIGHT Sec. Leonard Hofer
STURGEON CREEK Sec. Joey Maendel 204-633-2196 *633-7746
Box 285 Min. Peter Maendel 204-633-2866
Headingley, MB. R4J 1C1
Min. Andy Maendel Ext. 206
9-20-1938 / Blumengarth, MB
Switchboard 204-633-2364
Welding204-694-2398 / *697-7535
Andy Margaret.................206 David Sarah.................... 204 Mark Phoebe.................. 208
Ben Rebecca....................202 Emma / Mary.................. 210 Peter Susan.................... 207
Benny Mary M..................216 Fred Elizabeth................. 223 Peter Susan.................... 214
Benny Mary W..................220 Hans Myra....................... 201 Rudy Betty...................... 260
Cliff Marlene.....................218 Jacky Heidi..................... 209 Sam Becky..................... 222
Dan Emma.......................212 Jerry Marilyn................... 221 Sammy Marie................. 211
Daniel Michelle.................261 Joe Katie......................... 213 Wally Christy................... 224
David Beckie ..................215 Joe Susan....................... 203
David Doreen...................217 Joey Clara....................... 205
204-735-2761 *735-2774
General Delivery Min. Jacob Hofer 204-735-2849
Starbuck, MB. R0G 2P0
Min. Gerald Hofer Ext. 221
1-7-1991 / James Valley, MB
Switchboard 204-735-2229
Shop204-735-2367 / *735-2395
Andrew Julia....................217 Henry Marie.................... 232 Mack Rebecca................ 219
Andy Dora........................231 Henry Susanne................ 214 Maggie Basel.................. 220
Andy Emma......................227 Jack Edna....................... 218 Michael Kathy................. 213
Bennett Sharon................238 Jacob Anne..................... 224 Mike Sandra................... 216
Dave Ruth........................229 Jacob Martha.................. 222 Nat Susie ....................... 230
David Johanna.................236 James Dorothy................ 223 Paul Karen...................... 239
Gerald Marian...................221 Josh Lena....................... 235 Ray Shirley..................... 226
Harvey Erma....................233 Larry Liss........................ 234 Ron Laura....................... 225
Henry Marie.....................232 Leonard Ruth.................. 228 Steve Mona.................... 215
SUNCREST Sec. Joe Keinsasser Jr.
204-433-7961 *433-3306
Box 4 Min. Kenneth Maendel
Touround, MB. R0A 2G0 Min. Daniel Maendel Ext. 254
12-18-1969 /Crystal Spring, MB
Switchboard 204-433-7514
Adina Maendel.................218 Joey Sara........................ 221
Andrew Hofer...................216 John Annie...................... 209
Andy Esther......................204 John Barbara.................. 201
Bob Elaine........................217 John Debbie.................... 214
Clarence Marie.................206 John Melissa................... 205
Corney Rhoda...................208 Johnny Lorena................ 222
Dan Rhonda.....................254 Josh Rebecca................. 220
Darius Frieda....................210 Kelvin Loretta.................. 256
Dave Annie.......................213 Kenneth Margaret........... 223
David Edna.......................207 Leroy Sophia................... 212
Suncrest Farm 433-3437
Matthew Lisa.................. 251
Mike Mary...................... 211
Mike Sanna.................... 205
Randy Marlene............... 252
Sam Susie...................... 203
Steve Sarah.................... 224
Susie & Anna.................. 215
Susie Basel..................... 201
Victor Wanita.................. 219
SUNDALE Sec. Sam Hofer 701-427-5331 *427-5318
14226 - 75th St. SE Min. Ben Hofer 701-427-5897
Milnor, ND. 58060-9645 Min. Reuben Hofer Ext. 136 2-21-1985/Spring Creek, ND
Switchboard 701-427-5616
Adina Wipf........................137 Jason Thelma.................. 179 Peter Betty...................... 143
Amos Susan.....................128 John Elma....................... 131 Phil Ruthie...................... 181
Ben Justina......................129 Johnny Margaret............. 141 Reuben Alma.................. 136
Brian Marie......................182 Josh Paula...................... 177 Ronnie Clara................... 144
David Kara........................188Katie............................... 139 Sam Asnath.................... 134
Elizabeth..........................138 Kurt Jolene...................... 176 Sam Elsie....................... 135
Harvey Sarah....................130 Larry Rose....................... 142 Thomas Heidi................. 153
Jacob Elaine.....................189 Mark Debora................... 132 William Elisabeth............ 145
Jake Malena.....................140 Mike Susanna................. 133
James Barbara.................183 Paul Ann.......................... 178
SUNNYSIDE Sec. Cornie Waldner 204-267-2812 *267-2270
Box 1076 Min. David Waldner 204-267-2825
Newton Siding, MB. R0X 0X0 6-18-1942 / Miltown, MB
Switchboard 204-267-2147
Albert Margaret
220 Ed Kathryn
Andrew Heather
211 Jason Alice
Bill Lena
217 Jerry Ida
Charles Lynda
276 Joe Annie
Cornie Betty
209 Joe Sanna
Darren Miranda
273 Jordan Leanna
David Laura
224 Joseph Lorna
Kevin Norma
Mark Evelyn
Matthew Michelle
Raymond Isabel
Zack M. & Marilyn
SUNSET Sec. Tim Waldner 605-448-2168 *448-2973
41632 - 109th St Min.John Waldner 605-448-0004
Britton, SD. 57430-5506 1977 / Glendale, SD
Switchboard 605-448-2980 Shop Fax 204-448-0083
THUNDERBIRD Sec. Paul Waldner 605-598-4229 *598-6778
15185 - 346th Ave Min. Michael Waldner
Ext. 121
Faulkton, SD. 57438-5204 6-9-1964 / Glendale, SD
Switchboard 605-598-6731 / 4566
Albert Katie......................102 Harry Sarah..................... 106 Paul Lydia....................... 127
Alvin Claudia....................131 Herb Julia........................ 157 Philip Kathy.................... 160
Andrew Janet..................103 Jack Jolene............120 / 147 Ruth / Anna..................... 107
Andrew Jeanette..............105 Joshua Sara.................... 109 Sam Mary ..................... 124
Andy Gloria.......................116 June Emma..................... 122 Sammy Ardella............... 128
Andy Wurtz.......................153 Michael Susanne............ 125 Sammy Kathrina............. 130
Chris Annie.......................129 Michael Marilyn............... 121 Samuel Kathryn.............. 117
Daryn Anna......................168 Michael Tracy.................. 125 Steve Rebecca................ 159
Dave Lissie.......................126 Paul Amanda................... 167 Tim Lillian....................... 104
Harry Lisa.........................158 Paul Emma...............223/123 Tommy Kathy................. 115
TREESBANK Sec. Jacob Hofer 204-824-2567 *824-2663
Box 328 Min. Joe Hofer 204-824-2306
Wawanesa, MB. R0K 2G0
Min. James Hofer Ext. 213
3-6-1984 / Hillside, MB
Switchboard 204-824-4401 Minus 100 from * Ext # for up or Down
Don Dora*........................209 Jordan Betty..................*101 Mary Hofer.................... 208
Jack Lydia*......................215 Ken Sarah....................... 206 Ray Anita*....................... 212
Jake Eva*.........................201 Kevin Katrina................... 204 Rob JoAnn...................... 210
James Elaine....................213 Luke Mary....................... 202 Sue / Dave...................... 203
Joe Liz............................ *214 Mack Rebecca*............... 207
TRILEAF Sec. Conway Waldner 204-535-2179 *535-2336
Ext. 113
6-26-1987 / Parkview, MB
Mark Hilda..................... 131
Randa Amanda............... 109
Randy Delilah................. 113
Walter Rachel................. 108
Wayne Marlene............... 118
TSCHETTER Sec. Herman Decker Jr. CNT 605-928-7430 *928-3087
27709 Tschetter Ave Min. Michael Decker 605-928-3697 *928-1493
Olivet, SD. 57052-5902
9-1941 / Barrickman, MB
Switchboard 605-928-3194
TWILIGHT Sec. George Wollman
204-476-5439 *476-8884
Box 2380 Min. Kenny Wollman 204-476-5304 *476-2373
Neepawa, MB. R0J 1H0
/ M.Grove,MB
Switchboard 204-476-5784 *476-8884 Twilight MFG
204-476-3126 / 476-0681
Benjamin Karla.................227 Gary Janet...................... 205 John Edna...................... 206
Dave Mary........................204 George Annie.................. 202 Kenny Caroline............... 217
Davey Mary Jr..................208 George Katie................... 215 Sam Betty....................... 216
Ernie Barb........................201 George Lorraine.............. 218 Wayne Matilda................ 219
Box 219 Min. Joseph Waldner
Baldur, MB. R0K 0B0
Min. Randolf Waldner
Switchboard 204-535-2274
Arnie Judith......................112 Joe Barbara.................... 103
Brian Kathy.......................114 Joel Grace....................... 117
Bruce Tara........................124 John Rosa................106/105
Clarence Noaline..............119 Joseph Lisa..................... 104
Conway Susan.................123 Josh Annie...................... 115
Debbie..............................110 Leonard Judy...........120/121
Jacob Judy.......................107 Levi Clara........................ 122
UPLAND Sec. Clarence Wurtz 605-996-7105 *550-4075
24221 - 412 Ave Min. Mark Wurtz 605-996-6953
Artesian, SD. 57314-6009
Min. Clarence Wurtz Jr 6-7-1988 / Spring Valley, SD
VALLEY VIEW Sec. Ben Hofer 204-836-2023 *836-2294
Box 366 Min. Jacob Hofer 204-836-2218
Swan Lake, MB. R0G 2S0
Min. Levi Hofer Ext. 106
5-15-1986 / Elm River, MB
Switchboard 204-836-2263 Metal Shop
Benny Sana......................105 Glenn Wendy................... 144
Brian Nerissa...................116 Harvey Delores................ 119
Danny Marion...................111 Jake Esther..................... 104
Dave Justina....................107 Josh Barbie..................... 164
David Heidi.......................108 Levi Marion..................... 106
Dennis Maria....................117 Mike Edna....................... 113
Ernie Marge......................118 Mike Esther..................... 145
204-836-2698 *836-2357
Roy Diane....................... 109
Sam Nancy..................... 115
Sam Susie...................... 110
Timithy Claudia............... 163
Tim Sara......................... 114
Wayne Leona.................. 150
Zack Helen..................... 112
VERMILLION........................ Sec. Eli Hofer......................... 204-736-4854.... *736-4688
Box 179 Min. Hardy Wipf 204-736-2787 *736-4252
Sanford, MB. R0G 2J0 1-2-1990 / Homewood,MB
Shop 204-736-4715/ *736-3918 Windows 204-736-3726 / *736-3727
Switchboard 204-736-4301
Ben Sara..........................263 Jack Kathryn................... 243 Pete Sue......................... 210
Derek Linda......................211 James Marilyn................ 205 Peter Sharon................... 244
Eli Judy............................209 Joe Margie...................... 215 Ryan Diane..................... 207
George Lizzie....................264 John Betsy...................... 212 Sam Anita....................... 214
Hardy Anita.......................213 Katie Hofer...................... 218 Sam Marie...................... 262
Hardy Hilda.......................261 Mike Margaret................ 204 Shawn Janet.................. 208
Ike Elizabeth.....................241 Niel Julie......................... 206 Willy Donna.................... 242
WALDHEIM Sec. Samuel Waldner
204-353-2187 *353-2834
Box 322 Min. David Waldner
204-353-4149 *353-2024
Elie, MB. R0H 0H0 1934 / Bon Homme, MB
Switchboard 204-353-2143 / 2473
Annie................................213 Jack Elizabeth................. 211Kate............................... 210
David Dora.......................217 Jerry Hilda....................... 219 Sammy Margaret............ 206
David Sandra....................229 John Elizabeth................. 208 Timothy Helena......225/229
Edward Linda...................205 Jonathan Elisabeth......... 216
Jack Elizabeth..................211 Jordan Rhonda................ 204
WELLWOOD Sec. Robert Hofer 204-776-2130 *776-2230
Box 200 Min. Lawrence Waldner 204-776-2206 *776-2392
Ninette, MB. R0K 1R0 6-30-1967 /S. Valley, MB
Trucks & Welding 204-776-2313 Farm Boss 204-776-2375 *776-2346
Switchboard 204-776-2083 / 2263Electric 204-776-2339
Bob Sandra......................207 Peter Elizabeth................ 205 Sam Dora....................... 229
Edward Susan..................212 Peter Katie...................... 216 Sol Linda........................ 206
Jack Annie.......................228 Peter Susan..................... 224 Sol Rachel...................... 226
Larry Bernice....................227 Rick Liz........................... 210 Thomas Mary................. 242
Leonard Liz.....................213 Robert Helen................... 201 Tom Liz........................... 225
Marvin Delores.................249 Ron Lillian....................... 219
WESTROC Sec. Ben Gross 204-274-2090 *274-2209
Box 68 Min. Arnold Gross 204-274-2666 *274-2207
Westbourne, MB. R0H 1P0 3-6-1992 / Bloomfield, MB
Switchboard 204-274-2208
Arnold Alma......................129 Johnny Susie.................. 110 Matthew Louise.............. 154
Ben Katie..........................118 Jorden Tiffany................. 156 Michael Jennifer............ 155
Ernie Frieda......................116 Joseph Janet.................. 152 Ray Jane........................ 112
George Esther..................114 Levi Betty........................ 120 Robert Caroline............... 149
George Verna....................115 Levi Dora......................... 121 Ronnie Mary................... 119
Gilbert Kathleen................117 Lyndon Eda..................... 150 Ryan Edna...................... 151
Ike Lisa.............................111 Mark Thelma................... 113
Jeff Sandra.......................153 Marvin Bettyanne............ 130
WHITE ROCK Sec. Simon Kleinsasser 605-537-4871 *537-4897
47788 - 102nd St. Min. Joseph Waldner 605-537-4737 *537-4787
Rosholt, SD. 57260-6422
Min. Leroy Kleinsasser Ext.123
Fab-a -atek LLC 605-537-4414 2-12-1968 / Rosedale, SD
Business Switchboard 605-537-4873/4837Pallet Factory 605-537-4417
Jerry Jolene
Joe Jolene
Joseph Hilda
Kenny Kathryn Leroy Michelle
Mickeal Annamarie
Mike Marie
Mike Sara
Raymond Adina
Ron Claudia
Samuel Anna
Samuel Clara
Simon Leah
Simon Leah
Susie Waldner
Willie Emma
Zeke Sara
Fab-a tek LLC
WHITESHELL Sec. Walter Gross 204-348-2029 *348-2390
General Delivery Min. David Gross 204-348-2914
River Hills, MB. R0E 1T0
/ Iberville, MB
Switchboard 204-348-3988
Chairs 204-348-2770 / *348-2548
Albert Tillie.......................211 John Rebecca................. 215 Marvin Melissa............... 241
Colin Charlene..................233 Joseph Pauline................ 235 Mary Gross..................... 216
D. Katie Gross...................236 Kevin Evelyn.................... 227 Mike Esther.................... 209
David Betty.......................201 Levi Sue.......................... 243 Paul Delilah.................... 242
Hardy Marlyn....................103 Mack Lydia...................... 221 Wally Geraldine............... 220
Harry Erma.......................210 Mack Mary...................... 217 Walter Rose.................... 202
Joel Susan.......................214 Margaret Gross............... 204
Joey Margie.....................218 Mark Janice.................... 225
WILLOW CREEK Sec. Tim Hofer 204-529-2178 *529-2015
Box 5 Min. John Hofer 204-529-2506 *529-2531
Cartwright, MB. R0K 0L0
Min. Dale Hofer 204-524-2694
2-2-1982 / Greenwald, MB
“Before trying to keep up with the Joneses,
be sure they are not trying to keep up with you.”
Erma Bombeck
Aaron Janet
Albert Annie
Allen Dalia
Arnold Dave Lorraine
David Lerena
Elie Marian
Glen Lena
Herman Katherina
Switchboard 204-529-2237 Canuck Andy Helen.......................479 Jack Lena....................... 418
Cameron Donna...............469 Jarvis Janetta................. 467
Dale Gloria........................404 Jason Delilah.................. 459 Daniel Janet.....................453 John Sarah...................... 415
Dave Sarah......................411 John Susie .................... 414
David Hilda.......................408 John Tillie........................ 409
Elizabeth Hofer.................403 Johnny Suzanne.............. 413
George Ann......................412 Leonard Kathleen............ 401
Glenn Tanya.....................450 Lloyd Hofer...................... 427
Hardy Frieda.....................430 Mark Marilyn................... 425
J. Helen Hofer...................421 Paul Emma .................... 417
J. Sarah Hofer..................402 Paul Katie........................ 420
Pete Ruth........................ 405
Phillip Delilah.................. 431
Ray Matilda.................... 407
Richard Hofer................. 480
Robert Brenda................ 448
Robert Clarissa............... 434
Ron Judy........................ 406
Ryan Elizabeth................ 465
Stanley Bernice.............. 454
Tim Evelyn...................... 423
Walter Selena................. 416
Zack Dora....................... 419
WILLOWBANK Sec. Calvin Wipf 701-493-2060 *493-2150
8827 - 78th St. SE Min. Levi Wipf 701-493-2350
Edgely, ND. 58433-9591
/ Fairview, ND
Willow Bank Sewing (Mary Ann) 701-493-3393/ *701-493-2364
Switchboard 701-493-2146 Willow Bank Components 701-493-2046 / *701-493-2945
Albert Alma.......................135 Johnny Mary................... 132 Paul Rebecca.................. 177
Alvin Rachel.....................137 Jonathan Katie................ 146 Pete Christy.................... 133
Calvin Cynthia..................208 Jonathan Ruth................. 136 Peter Marlene................. 164
Daniel MaryAnn................140 Jonty Judy...................... 150 Ryan Clarena................. 133
Daniel Sandra..................149 Ken Mary Jane................ 138 Samuel Marie................. 191
Joe Maryann....................131 Levi Becky...................... 160 Travis Laura.................... 163
Joel Vicky........................131 Lucas Sarah.................... 211
Joey Debra.......................162 Mike Kathryn................... 134
WINDY BAY Sec. Ernie Maendel 204-825-2182 *825-2168
Gen Del RR 1 Min. Lorenz Hofer 204-825-2405
Pilot Mound, MB. R0G 1P0 4-2-1978 / Fairholm, MB
Switchboard 204-825-2468 Metal Shop 204-825-2401 / *825-2912
A. Rachel / Rebecca
122 Cornie Adina
123 Lorenz Barbara
Adam Vanessa
144 Craig Jacqueline
159 Peter Susanna
Alma / Reba 142 Ernie Clara
127 Raymond Shirley
Benny Thelma
121 George Ruth
125 Walter Marianne
Clifford Paula
158 Glen Grace
134 Z. Clara / Mervin
Conrad Crystal
132 Hilda Maendel
120 Zacky Susanne
WINGHAM Sec. Leonard Waldner 204-436-2589 *436-2145
Box 45 RR 1 Min. Ernest Waldner 204-436-2629 *436-2629
Elm Creek, MB. R0G 0N0
Switchboard 204-436-2727
WOLF CREEK Sec. Paul Decker 605-925-7253 *925-4790
42906 Colony Rd Min. John Decker 605-925-4405*
Olivet, SD. 57052-6601
Min. Harry Decker
10-26-1964 / Tschetter, SD
Industry 605-925-4868 / *925-4307
Switchboard 605-925-4850 118
WOODLAND Sec.Jake Hofer 204-243-2642 *243-2301
Box 160 Min. Johnny Hofer 204-243-2183 *243-2338
Poplar Point, MB. R0H 0Z0 Min. Cornelius Hofer Ext. 218
1-31-1971 / Rosedale, MB
Switchboard 204-243-2010 / 2012
Andy Marlene...................223 Jake Judy....................... 227 Rick Christina................. 224
Annie J. Gross..................214 Joe Susie........................ 211Sharon............................ 209
Cornie Josie.....................218 John Emma..................... 217 Susan............................. 218
David Rachel....................221 Johnny Sarah.................. 219 Terry Margie.................. 208
Garry Cathrine..................226 Kenneth Anna.................. 225 Wayne Lisa..................... 222
Gordon Sarie....................210 Michael Christina............ 212
Jacky Shani......................229 Nathan Colleen................ 220
Essential Oil cautions
High Blood Pressure: Avoid Cypress, Clove, Nutmeg, Pine, Rosemary, Sage
and Thyme.
Epilepsy: Avoid Fennel, Hyssop, Peppermint and Sage.
Insomnia: Avoid Peppermint, Basil, Lemon Verbena, and Parsley Seed.
Gastric Problems: Avoid Cinnamon, Clove, Garlic, Oregano and Parsley Seed.
Chronic Kidney Disease / Urinary Problems: Avoid Juniper Berry,
Eucalypyus, Parsley Seed and Black Pepper.
Estrogen Patch Wearer: Avoid Geranium
Sun Exposure: Before going into the sun or using tanning beds, avoid
Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime, Mandarin,
and orange.
Skin Irritants: Use a maximum of 3 drops when using the following oils in a
bath: Basil, Lemon, Lemon Grass, Nutmeg, peppermint, and Thyme.
Cardiac Fibrilation: Do not use Peppermint and Rosemary.
Asthma: Some essential oils may help but proceed with caution.
Low Blood Pressure: Avoid the use of Marjoram and Ylang Ylang.
Pure Natural Honey
How do bees make honey?
And... what about why they make it?
It’s truly amazing to think about.
Honey is made by a colony of honey bees living in a nest (in the wild) or in a hive if kept by a
beekeeper. A typical bee hive will house about 60,000 bees, most of them workers, industriously
making honey!
Bees certainly have to work very hard to make it.
Here are some great facts and figures. You might like to htink about them, next time you’re tucking into
honey on pancakes!
• To produce a pound of honey, foraging bees have to fly a whopping 55,000 miles!
• That’s a lot of honey bees, working very hard, because each honey bee will only
produce around one twelfth of a teaspoon of honey in its life!
• Oh, and that’s despite the fact that a foraging honey bee visits up to
100 flowers - per foraging.
• So no wonder it takes about 556 foraging bees to visit 2 million flowers,
just to make a pound of honey!
AB Silikal Hygienic Floors
For a FREE
Call Today!
Silikal® Hygienic Floors for Colonies
Silikal® floors
for dairies,
kitchens and
We help address
food safety,
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Why AB Silikal Hygienic Floors should install your Silikal® floor:
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• No downtime, installed live
• Ready for full use one hour after completion
• Virkon, bleach, milk, acid, and manure will not destroy our floors
• Excellent for contaminated, old concrete
• A floor with a return on investment
• Repairable without removal
• Long hygienic lifecycle product
New Elm Spring
Lost River
Rainbow (Robot)
Scotford (Robot)
Blue Ridge
Call Walt at 403.269.6888
51re Fee
1 a
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nc Of
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Colony projects of the year:
Structural Bare Steel Pipe
Yellow Jacket Steel Pipe
Insulated Steel Pipe
Drill Stem / Tubing / Casing
36” & 42“ Land Roller Pipe
4” thru 16“ Piling Pipe
Large Diameter Pipe for Cale Crossing from
72” O.D. thru 96” O.D.
YARD Location:
Camrose AB
Office Location:
Saskatoon SK
“We are The Steel Pipe Experts”
1750 Highway 35, Kalispell MT 59901
Phone 406-752-8121
Fax 406-752-8187
Call us for all your kitchen and smallware needs.
*Daikin Mini Splits
*Captive Aire
*Manitowoc *Imperial-Brown
*Wilbur Curtis/ Bunn * Goodman
For over 30 years, Anderson Pump House has been ensuring
that our customers in central and northern Saskatchewan have
reliable water, wastewater and water treatment systems. Your
colony counts on safe, clean and accessible water every day.
Count on us to provide you with the water systems you need.
We supply parts and service for all your water needs
Grain Carts
Heavy Harrows
Apollo System
7000 Series
Air Seeders
Mid Row
Banders®II I
3320 Paralink
Hoe Drill
3720 Independent
Coulter Drill
3320 PHD
with a 7700 Air Seeder
Highway #4 North
Box 1454 North Battleford S9A 3M1
PHONE 306-445-4690
The Bright Green Building!
We extend an invitation to all
Hutterite colony’s to visit our
11,000 sq ft warehouse and showroom.
We stock 90,000 sq ft of linoleum at
all times, plus ceramics, vinyl tiles
and all flooring accessories.
For more info, please call:
Larry Sager, Dan Sager or Lloyd Waldner
C & J Sales
Fabrics • Fabrics • Fabrics
Direct from the Manufacturer
Poly Crepe Prints, Poly Cotton Prints, Suitings,
Denims, Shirtings, Gaberdines, Broadcloths, Poplins,
Quilted Linings, Quilt Batting, Fleece, Flannels,
Diaper Cloth, Organdy, Voiles, Knits,
And Many Others - FREE SAMPLES!
65 Pine Tree Lane
Ripley, WV 25271
800-338-0019 (US) 304-372-3983 (Canada)
Fax: 304-372-3683 Email:
The Water
Davies Custom Builds Water
Systems For Your Specific Needs
•Water Treatment Equipment
•Water Purification Products
•Level & Flow Controls
•Chemical Feed Pumps
•Pump & Control Pkgs
•Variable Speed Drives
•Submersible Pumps
•Waste Water Pumps
602 48 Street East
Saskatoon, SK
Phone: 306-933-2433
Toll Free: 877-355-3377
Branches Also In Calgary & Lethbridge
Rob Bennett
cell# 517.202.4380 • office# 517.482.4395
e l l i o t t f o o d e q u i p m e n t . c o m
Calgary Branch
302 - 50th Ave SE
Calgary, AB T2G 2A9
Tel: 403.259.6671
Fax: 403.252.6039
Toll Free: 877.855.6671
Heating Boilers / Condensing Boilers
Hot Water Heaters
Custom Heating Panels
Solar Panels
Pipe, Valves, Tools, Accessories
Water Softeners & Water Treatment
Water Well Pumps, Pump Wire
Controls, Pressure Systems
Effluent/Sewage Pumps/Lift Stations
Hydrants, Valves, Casting
Aquasafe Waste Water Treatment Plants
4417-Manhattan Rd. SE
Calgary, AB T2G 4B3
Tel: 403.287.3222
Fax: 403.287.9299
Toll Free: 888.243.0233
14635 – 121A Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5L 2T2
Tel: 780.450.6262
Fax: 780.465.9954
Toll Free: 888.450.6262
910 – 66th Street East
Saskatoon, SK S7P 0C6
Tel: 306.653.3040
Fax: .306.653.3044
Toll Free: 877.653.3040
14635 – 121A Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5L 2T2
Tel: 780.643.8787
Fax: 780.643.8780
Toll Free: 855.643.8787
411- 33rd Street N
Lethbridge, AB T1H 3Z6
Tel: 403.327.0911
Fax: 403.327.9808
Toll Free: 877.327.0933
Red Deer Branch
Regina Branch
7280 Johnstone Dr.
Red Deer, AB T4P 3Y6
Tel: 403.346.7521
Fax: 403.314.3345
Toll Free: 866.667.6607
2329 – 8th Avenue
Regina, SK S4R 6T4
Tel: 306.775.3040
Fax: .306.775.3044
Toll Free: 855.775.3040
Bar Soap • Chemical/Cleaning Supplies
Fast Ties • Gloves • Light Bulbs
Poultry Bags • Produce Bags • Toilet Tissue
600 3nd Street South • Great Falls, MT
PH: 406 453-7671 • FAX: 406-453-7673
Toll Free: 1-800-992-7671 USA
Invisible Zippers
Laces & Eyelets
Coat Linings
Bias Tape
Shawl Fringe
Office: 724-863-2233
Fax: 724-909-1100
341 Burning Oaks Drive, North Huntingdon PA 15642
Mr. Bob Garry Calgary Alberta (403) 542-4141
Food Processing Equipment
Commercial Laundry Equipment
Skid Steer
Supply Corp.
LED Lighting
Tires & Rims
Construction / Concrete Equipment
Ken Kingsmith
Box 1237, Three Hills, AB T0M 2A0
Martin’s MCailo
n Street
1827 West
Ephrata PA 17
Buttons, Zippers, Hair nets
and much more
Call for a catalog
Phone - 717-738-4133
Fax - 717-733-7089
Cultivating our relationship for over 50 years
Working closely with you over the past 50 years, MNP is proud to be a part
of your community; providing accounting and business consulting solutions
that help your colony grow.
Contact Scott Dickson, CA, Vice President of Hutterite Services at
1.877.500.0779 or a local MNP advisor near you.
Toll Free:
Grande Prairie
Red Deer
Swift Current
Pulse Raising.
Raise your Pulse with N and P.
Give your pulse crops the boost they need with TagTeam®, the
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See your local retailer today, or visit
TagTeam®, MultiAction® and Monsanto BioAg and Design™ are
trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC, Monsanto Canada
Inc, licensee. © 2014 Monsanto Canada Inc. 237-1 08.14
*115 independent large-plot trials in Canada between 1997
and 2012 showed an average yield increase of 8%. Individual
results may vary, and performance may vary from location
to location and from year to year. This result may not be an
indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and
weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data
from multiple locations and years whenever possible.
Call Northstar in Saskatoon, SK for More Information
P. Quintaine & Son Ltd.
R.R. #5, Box 29
Brandon, Manitoba R7A 5Y5
Phone 204.729.8565 Fax 204.729.8744
3 miles east of Brandon on TransCanada Hwy
Hog Buyers:
Neil Couling
Quintin Pearce
Cattle Buyers:
Jim Quintaine
Cell 724.4077
Cell 724.4043
Garage 204.725.0147
Cliff Penno
Darren Carvey
Res. 728.3435
Cell 729-7509
Buying Station 728.7549
• Lower Long Term Costs
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• No Paint, No Epoxy
PENERGETIC CANADA 1-888-737-0907
For more information and a Distributor near you, contact:
Comments from Penergetic Users
• Lower Long Term Costs
• High Residual Value
• Excellent Corrosion Resistance
• Professionally Engineered
• CWB Certified (Canadian Welding Bureau)
• No Paint, No Epoxy
734 First Avenue North
Saskatoon, SK S7K 1Y1
P: 306.244.2521
F: 306.244.4151
TF: 866.460.2521
Point Optical
Scotia Centre Ltd.
~ Eye Examinations
~ We Handle All Types of
Contact Lenses
Confederation Mall
University Heights
~ Latest Fashion Frames
& Lenses
~ Children’s Eyewear
~ Licensed Dispensers
Licensed Ophthalmic
~ Garry Oleksyn
~ Marianne Oleksyn
~ Karen Basky
Licensed Contact
Lens Technician
~ Jill Olenchuk
Saskatoon, SK
It’s raw power in its purest form.
It’s reliability painted too-much-time-inthe-sun red, and it only knows how
to make hard work a little easier.
It’s a powerful beast that’s always tough
enough to get the job done, but never
toughon fuel. No, this is not a tractor.
It’s a provider. For you, yours and the
rest of the planet.
And you can get one from us.
Super Edge™ flighting for
grain augers, combines, &
seed cleaning plants.
BC $2
Left and right hand available in all sizes. Helicoid & Sectional
Complete Auger Repairs
Rosetown, SK
Phone 1-866-882-2243
Fax 1-306-882-2217
We have over 16,000 square feet of Inventory
and over 500 different sizes of Flighting
Check out our New and IMPROVED designs in
Replacement Bubble-up augers and Combine
components for every major Combine Manufacturers.
If you are wanting
farm land, please call:
Bert Legault
Saskatchewan Agricultural
Land Agent
Swift Current, SK
Cell: (306) 741-1686
Fax: (306) 773-6553
RR5, Site 28, Box 32
Prince Albert, SK S6V 5R3
Contact Doug Sand or Mervin Fremont
For Drag Hose and Pumping Service
Fax: 306-763-4747
Diesel Fuel
• Improved Fuel Economy
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• FormulatedForUseIn
Ontario • Saskatchewan • Fort Worth, Texas
1-800-827-0711 •
The Farmers’ Helper
• Powerful Surfactant • Economical Mix Ratios
• Non-Foaming Formula • Reduce Consumption
• Increase Yield • Reduce Downtime
“With the
increase in
crop yield, I cannot
afford to farm without
Tom Montgomery
PLUS NF cut my
chemical useage and
application time by
at least 20%”
Phillips Bros. Farms
1-800-922-8392 • 1-800-827-0711
Canadian Farmer
“Have not
had to stop and
change/clean spray
nozzles since using
Darius Tschetter
P.O. Box 220
Leader, SK S0N 1H0
Estuary Tire Shop
Cell: (403) 581-6034
Bus: (306) 628-3655 Ext. 316
Res: (306) 628-3655 Est. 102
The Sewing Machine Store
For Pricing or Information:
Kathy Kennedy
(306) 652-6031
Anywhere in Saskatchewan:
• Full line of Pfaff and Bernina, Babylock and Janome sewing
machines and sergers.
• Service to all makes of sewing machines and sergers
• Full selection of needles and sewing accessories.
• Bulk orders welcome.
• Training Provided
• Prompt, Reliable service
• Always fair, competitive pricing
111 - 294 Venture Cres.
Saskatoon, SK
1160-101st Street
North Battleford, SK
(formerly S & S Sewing Centre Ltd.)
Custom Cabinets, Countertops & More
Walter Stahl
Estimator / CNC Programmer
Tofield, AB T0B 4J0
C: (780) 915-4755 F: (780) 662-2549
“Custom CNC Cutting Available”
Distinctive countertops & more
6934 - 77 Street
Edmonton, AB T6E 6V2
T: (780) 485-9540 F: (780) 485-9564
“Custom CNC Cutting Available”
Walter Stahl
supporting the
Hutterite community
since 1991.
project information
The Finished Line
15 Waulron Street,
Toronto, ON, Canada, M9C 1B4
T 416.641.8370
docket #:
bill to docket #:
artwork description:
die line #/size:
print process:
colours available:
line screen:
upc size:
5073 Wholesale Club Tagline
digital file information
file name: 5073LCL WholesaleLogo
job folder name: 5073LCL Wholesale Club Tagline
software/version: Adobe Illustrator CS5, Macintosh
fonts used: ––
printing inks/colours, substrate, die line
Pantone 293 C
stock information
mill: ––
stock name: ––
colour/finish: ––
weight: ––
special instructions
Client is responsible for checking all copy before project prints. Colour
separators, pre-press service bureaus and/or printers are responsible
for verifying all technical/mechanical specifications, including but not • This mechanical artwork has been prepared size as - 100%
limited to tolerances, registration, accuracy of measurements and • Placed images in this artwork are FINAL Hi-Res, to be used for colour separations and printing.
construction details before film and plates/cylinders are generated. Any
changes to accommodate print requirements must be submitted to • This is a digital colour mechanical, no traps have been made. Trapping to be applied by separator.
client for approval. The Finished Line makes every reasonable effort to • This proof/PDF is for colour break and content only and may not accurately reflect final printed inks.
ensure all artwork is error-free; however, we cannot be held responsible
• Do not open this file with software and version other than that specified.
for any errors present once client provides final sign-off.
production file history
start date: August 27, 2013.
date last modified: August 27, 2013.
date released: ––
Shop with us
& Save Big!
British Columbia
Calgary South
Edmonton North
Edmonton South
Calgary North
Red Deer
Fort St. John
Thunder Bay
Prince Albert
Swift Current
222 58th Ave. S.E.
14740 111 Ave. N.W
6904 99th Street N.W
2928 - 23rd Street N.E
6350 - 67th Street
1706 Mayor Magrath Drive S.W.
5101 46th Street
9116 107th Street
1725 Ellice Ave.
319 Fort William Road
16 - 10th Ave. South
2105 8th Street East
921 Broad Street
4050 2nd Ave. West
1501 North Service Road
115 Souris Ave N.W
Robert Waplak
Tyrone Barteski
Ian Morrish
Alexander Chan
Randy Lishchynsky
Jim King
Curtis Gehrig
Amanda Bossert
Lyle Wicklund
Deanne Saunders
Tricia Cameron
Brian Loose
Heath Leader
Jody Lussier
Berni Pleasnace
Janelle Grant
Free Membership • No Minimum Order
Pantone 1797 C
Process Yellow
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Someone who fights for higher yields,
giving crops the nutrients they need
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who trusts field-proven technologies
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time and boost the bottom line.
Be a superhero. Ask your retailer
for Wolf Trax Innovative Nutrients.
Better nutrition. Better crops.
Better farming.
©2014 Wolf Trax® is a trademark of Wolf Trax, Inc. Not all products are registered in all areas.
Contact for more information. 22716 HD
The System Approach
floor heating & snow melting systems
electronic controls
distribution manifolds
insulated PEX pipe
potable water systems
Call us at
or visit us at
Available at
2744 - 1st Avenue North,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 6M5
Tel: (306) 933-1033 fax: 931-6704
regina: (306) 525-6581
heating solutions
n heating boilers
n hot Water tanks
n control systems
n integrated designs
n condensing boiler
603 - 48th st. east
tel. (306) 242-3686
n training seminars
Cervus Equipment
- John Deere Alberta
Cervus Equipment
- Peterbilt Saskatchewan
Saskatoon..................(306) 242-3411
Bassano......................(403) 641-3813
Lloydminster..............(306) 825-3553
Brooks........................(403) 362-3486
Regina........................(306) 789-7383
Claresholm.................(403) 625-4421
Estevan...................... (306) 636-6320
Coronation.................(403) 578-3744
Collision Center..........(306) 664-3368
Cranbrook..................(250) 417-0272
Cervus Equipment
- John Deere Saskatchewan
Melfort.......................(306) 752-9344
Prince Albert..............(306) 763-6686
Rosthern....................(306) 232-4852
Saskatoon..................(306) 933-3303
Watrous.....................(306) 946-3362
Drumheller.................(403) 823-8484
Olds............................(403) 556-6961
Pincher Creek.............(403) 627-4451
Ponoka.......................(403) 783-3337
Rocky View County.....(403) 280-2200
Stettler.......................(403) 742-4427
Trochu........................(403) 442-3982
Cervus Equipment
- Materials Handling (AB, SK, MB)
Cervus Equipment
- Construction Bobcat (AB)
Edmonton..................(780) 447-4441
Calgary.......................(403) 243-6011
Red Deer.....................(403) 346-9011
Edmonton..................(780) 432-6262
Fort McMurray...........(780) 714-9200
Lethbridge.................(403) 327-4611
Calgary.......................(403) 243-2011
Medicine Hat.............(403) 527-5563
Grande Prairie............(780) 814-5951
Cervus Equipment
- Construction JCB (AB)
Red Deer....................(403) 346-9011
Regina.......................(306) 721-4608
Saskatoon..................(306) 933-3383
Fort McMurray............(780)714-9200
Grande Prairie.............(780)814-5951
Winnipeg...................(204) 233-1611
Red Deer.....................(403)346-9011
Agricultural, Commercial
& Industrial Applications
Proudly serving the agricultural industry
for over 30 years with advanced roofing
and insulation solutions
(306) 931-4422
North Corman Industrial Park
PO Box 26034, RPO Lawson Heights
Saskatoon, SK S7K 8C1 Fax (306) 931-8885
from the
lake right
onto your
For fresh, top-quality, steelhead contact:
Wild West Steelhead
Lucky Lake, SK, Canada
Phone: 306-858-2208
Fax: 306-858-2286
Wild West Steelhead is one of the largest steelhead producers
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• Supresses Brake Chatter
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• Outstanding Rust Protection
Ontario • Saskatchewan • Fort Worth, Texas
1-800-827-0711 •

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