Midian Shrine Topics July 2012 - Midian Shrine Center Wichita
Midian Shrine Topics July 2012 - Midian Shrine Center Wichita
vol. 67 issue 7 Potentate’s Message MTopics IDIAN July, 2012 Peace, Love and Shriners! Wichita, Kansas Hippie Party TERRY SCHRANT Well, July is here and not quite as busy as some of the previous months. I would like to remind everyone that Midian’s Stated Meetings will not go dark in July and August. We will have regular Stated Meetings and attend to our usual business. The decorum will be casual. The Divan will shed the coat and ties so come casual and enjoy the hamburgers and hotdogs prepared by the Midian Chefs. Make your plans to attend. A special thank you goes out to Our 2nd Ceremonial Master Dan Krenke and his lady Jodee for a great Hippie party on June 23. The temple was invaded by all the hippies that evening. There were many great costumes and the Jim Bob did a great job as always with the music. I would also like to thank our Chief Aid Gary Gelvin and his Lady Denise and their great team of executive aides and aides for a great job setting up for the party. The annual Men’s Golf Stag on July 21st has been changed to Braeburn Golf Coarse this year. With the assistance of Assistant Rabban Lonnie Nichols we should have another great time. The Chef’s will be cooking hamburgers and hotdogs for the meal after the golf tournament is finished. I am looking forward to the tournament and I feel confident we will all have a great time. We don’t want to forget CSSA, August 9-11. I know Cedar Rapids is a long ways but I would like as many Nobles to go as can. We always have a great time at CSSA and also see many old acquaintances from other Shrine Centers. I would like to thank our Membership See Potentate, page 3 The Hippie Party on June 23rd, 2012 was far out man... Boogie Fever! Topics Reporters: YOUR ARTICLE FOR THE AUGUST TOPICS IS DUE JULY 15, 2012 e-mail to jfrazier@midian.kscoxmail.com 300 words or less in lower and upper case (not all capitals) Topics Contents: Pg 2 Midian Officers, Annual Schedule; Pg 3 Plane of Mercy; Pg 4 Clubs Articles; Pg 5 Units Articles; Pg 8 Current Month Calendar; Pg 12 Business Directory; Pg 13 Ladies Article; Pg 15 Event Photos Midian Shrine Topics Page 2 Shrine Bowl News UPDATE Can you believe it is already June! That means the Shrine Bowl is less than two months away! If you need any information at this point or have any questions at all do not hesitate to call the Shrine Bowl office at 800-530-5524. The ticket packets have been mailed in the Isis, Midian and Mirza areas and Abdallah and Arab will be mailed soon. If you don’t receive your tickets please let us know and we can send you another packet. There are a few new elements to the ticket packet including the 110% Club and Patient Ambassador Sponsorships. Please note that as you are reading through the packet this year. Support from the Shriners is why this game is so special and the reason we have been in existence for 39 years. We would love for you to join us in Emporia this year for the game and all the events listed below. Your attendance at the game means a lot to the cause that we serve. If you would like more information on how to donate to the Shrine Bowl please do not hesitate to contact the office. All contributions really allow us to publicize the hospitals even greater and increase the effectiveness of our game. As you know, all proceeds go to benefit the Shriners Hospitals for Children. 2012 Event Details: The Shrine Bowl will be held this year in Emporia, KS, July 28, 2012. A schedule of events is listed below. If you have any question regarding any event or would like further information on how to participate please visit www.kansasshrinebowl.com or call the Shrine Bowl office. Please pay special attention to the Parade Reception and Shrine Bowl Breakfast, both put on and hosted by the Emporia CVB and both free to attend. Hospital Visitation Day for participants, sponsors & special guests Thursday, July 26th @ 1 PM ESU Student Union Shrine Bowl Banquet for advanced ticket holders (If planning to attend reserve ASAP) Friday, July 27th @ 6 PM ESU Student Union - Webb Hall Parade Reception - Drinks & Snacks Saturday, July 28th @ 8 - 10 AM Emporia Arts Center (On parade route) Shrine Bowl Parade Saturday, July 28th @ 10 AM S. Commercial to 4th Avenue Shrine Bowl Screening Clinic Saturday, July 28th (Check website for updates) Flint Hills Community Health Center Shrine Bowl Charity Motorcycle Bike Show - Free to the Public Saturday, July 28th @ 10 AM - 4 PM 1809 Merchant Street - National Guard Armory, across from NW corner of campus High School Football Combine, High School Football Players Saturday, July 28th @ 10 AM Welch Stadium, Emporia State University 2 Mile Charity Open Run & CC All-Star Race Saturday, July 28th @ 6:20 Welch Stadium, Emporia State University Kansas Shrine Bowl Game XXXIX Saturday, July 28th @ 7 PM Welch Stadium, Emporia State University Shrine Bowl Breakfast for participants, families, Shriners & Guests [Free] Sunday, July 29th @ 9 AM David Taylor Zoo - Free of Charge Like the “Kansas Shrine Bowl” on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, @KSShrineBowl Midian Shrine Tentative Schedule of Events Subject to change JULY July 2-5 Imperial Session July 10 BOD Meeting – 5:00 pm July 14 Automobilia July 18 Stated Meeting – 7:30 pm July 21 Midian Golf Stag July 27 Shrine Bowl – Banquet July 28 Shrine Bowl – Parade & Game AUGUST Aug 9-11 CSSA Aug 14 BOD Meeting – 5:00 pm Aug 15 Stated Meeting – 7:30 pm Aug 25 Post CSSA party SEPTEMBER Sept 8 Midian Family Day Sept 10 Circus Meeting – 6:00 pm Sept 11 BOD – 5:00 pm Sept 19 Stated Meeting – 7:30 pm Sept 22 Casino Night OCTOBER Oct 1 Circus Meeting 6:00 pm Oct 6 Midian Men’s Stag Oct 9 BOD Meeting – 5:00 pm Oct 17 Stated Meeting – 7:30 pm Oct 27 Keystone Kops Halloween Party NOVEMBER Nov 2 Fall Ceremonial Pre Glow Sumner Co. Feed @ Midian Nov 3 Fall Ceremonial Ladies Luncheon Nov 5 Circus Meeting – 6:00 pm Nov 13 BOD – 5:00 pm Nov 17 New Nobles Party Nov 18 AIDES Appreciation & Christmas Decorating Nov 21 Stated Meeting – 7:30 pm DECEMBER Dec 3 Circus Meeting – 6:00 pm Dec 8 Children’s Christmas Party – Scottish Rite Dec 11 BOD Meeting – 5:00 pm Dec 15 Midian Christmas Party – Airport Hilton Dec 19 Stated Meeting – 7:30 pm JANUARY 2013 Jan 7 Circus Meeting – 6:00 pm Jan 8 BOD Meeting – 5:00 pm Jan 10 Awards Banquet Jan 12 I Am Done Party Jan 16 Annual Meeting – Election of Officers JULY, 2012 2012 APPROVED PARADE LIST JULY Wed. 4......................................................Hutchinson Parade – LU 9:00am – Parade 10:00am Wed. 4.............................................Park City Fourth of July Parade – LU 9:00am – Parade 10:00am Thu. 12.............................................SG County Fair Parade –LU Cheney High School parking lot 5:30 to 6:30 pm Parade 7:00pm Fri. 13.......................................................................Wellington, Annual Wheat Festival, 8:00 pm Sat. 21........Pretty Prairie Parade – 10:00am down Main Street (75thAnniversary “Ks. Night Rodeo” Sat. 28.....................................Shrine Bowl Parade – Emporia, KS – Line up 9am – Parade 10am Mandatory – No other parades AUGUST Sat. 4...............................Sumner Co. Fair, Caldwell, KS. Line up 5:30 pm, Parade 6:30 pm Sat. 4........................Harvey Co. Free Fair Parade, Newton, Ks Line up 5:15pm at 9th & Main Parade at 6:00pm Sat. 11...............................Halstead – Annual Old Settlers Parade – Parade at 10:00am Sat. 11...............................Isbel, Ks. 125 year Anniversary Parade – Parade at 10:00AM Sat. 18.....................................................................................Mulvane Parade - @ 11:00am SEPTEMBER Sat. 3......................................Atlanta Labor Day Parade – Atlanta, KS – No details Sat. 15..................................................Sedgwick Fall Festival Parade, Sedgwick, KS 10:00am Sat. 22....................Conway Spring Fall Fest, Parade at 11:00 am. Staging area in High School Parking Lot is set aside for the Shrine Units. Sat. 29....................Burrton Fall Festival Parade. Staging 1:30pm Burrton Ave and Market ST Parade at 2:30pm Sat. 29................................Clearwater Fall Festival Parade – Details to be determined OCTOBER Sat. 13..........................................................Towanda Day Festival – Parade at 10:00am Sat. 20............................................Haysville Fall Festival – Line up at 8:00 am – Parade @ 9:00 am NOVEMBER Sat. 3.............................Fall Ceremonial Parade – Line up 3pm – Parade 4pm - Mandatory Sat. 17.............................Hutchinson Christmas Parade – Line up 9:00 am – Parade 10:00am Fri. 23.........................Light Up Anthony” Parade – Parade at 6:00pm – Line up will begin at 5pm DECEMBER Sat. 1...................................................................Kingman Christmas Parade – 6:00pm NOTE: All Motorized Unit Leaders please see that all your members that parade have a current liability insurance certificate on file at Midian and a parade sticker for their vehicle. Stickers are available at Midian at the time proof of insurance is submitted. MIDIAN TOPICS “I pledge allegiance to my flag and country for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.” Midian TOPICS (USPS 347-600). Published monthly by the Midian Shriners, 130 N. Topeka, Wichita KS. Printed by Valley Offset, PO Box 298 Valley Center, KS 67147. Under the auspices of Midian Shriners. Periodicals postage paid at Wichita, Kansas. SUBSCRIPTION RATE...$4.00 PER YEAR $4.00 of the Annual Membership Dues is paid as a Year’s Subscription to the Midian “TOPICS” POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Midian Topics, 130 N. Topeka, Wichita, KS 67202. Official Publication of Midian Shriners Wichita, Kansas 67202 MIDIAN SHRINE, 130 NORTH TOPEKA jfrazier@midian.kscoxmail.com Recorder’s Office........................................................................................265-9676 ext 204 and 205 Oasis............................................................................................................................265-9676 ext 209 Circus Office.................................................................................................................265-9676 ext 206 JULY, 2012 Vol. 67, No. 7 ELECTIVE DIVAN Terry Schrant..............................Illustrious Potentate Lonnie Nichols....................................Chief Rabban Ed Day...................................................Assistant Rabban Wayne Wells.............................High Priest & Prophet Alvin “Bart” Ogden....................................Oriental Guide Bob Bulman......................................................Treasurer Michael J. Kelley, PP.........................................Recorder HONORARY DIVAN Gary D. Denniston ~ William L. Cozine APPOINTIVE DIVAN Rocky McWilliams.....................First Ceremonial Master Dan Krenke.....................Second Ceremonial Master Fred Smith....................................Ceremonial Director Lynn Ungles............................................Marshal Jeremy Woodson............................Captain of the Guard Kurt Siegrist........................................Outer Guard Gene Payne.................................................Chaplain TRUSTEES Robert Giesen ~ Bob Baker ~ Randy Brown EDITORIAL STAFF Darren Schopf - Editor Richard C. Schopf P.P. - Co-Editor LIVING PAST POTENTATES CEREMONIAL DIRECTOR EMERITUS Ron Van Etten, P.P. Judge Tom Raum........................................................P.P. 1969 Les H. Brown.............................................................P.P. 1970 Leslie D. Hostetler......................................................P.P. 1978 W. Nolan Artz..........................................................P.P. 1981 V.E. “Gene” Lygrisse.................................................P.P. 1982 Verne F. Thornton........................................................P.P. 1983 James B. McNerney...................................................P.P. 1984 Stephen A. Wolf...........................................................P.P. 1985 Jack U. Russell..........................................................P.P. 1989 Douglas G. Roland..........................................................P.P. 1990 Tonk Mills, D.D.S..........................................................P.P. 1992 William K. Himebaugh...................................................P.P. 1993 Berkley Conn...............................................................P.P. 1995 Warren R. Rensner D.D.S...............................................P.P. 1998 Martin L. Sharp............................................................P.P. 1999 Roger G. Snellen...........................................................P.P. 2000 Michael J. Kelley............................................................P.P. 2001 Ron L. Capps...............................................................P.P. 2002 David A. Schopf...........................................................P.P. 2003 Jeffrey L. Sowder........................................................P.P. 2004 Gary K. Gates...........................................................P.P. 2005 John Auch..............................................................P.P. 2006 Ron Van Etten.......................................................P.P. 2008 David Byerley........................................................P.P. 2009 Richard C. Schopf....................................................P.P. 2010 David Pate...............................................................P.P. 2011 ENDOWMENT/WILLS/GIFTS HUGH GILL, IV PUBLIC RELATIONS BRIAN BYRD STATEMENTS OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC., required by the Act of Congress of August 12, 1970, Section 3685, Title 39, United States Code of MIDIAN SHRINERS of Wichita, Kansas, for October 1, 1988 State of Kansas, County of Sedgwick Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2012 Page 3 ”PLANE OF MERCY” DONATIONS MAY 15, 2012 - JUNE 15, 2012 BOB BULMAN CHAIRMAN Honor Roll Midian Bowlers Donations Midian Nomadic Chippers $100 Club Joe & Karen Patton Get Well Wishes From Antique Autos To Curtis Gilbert In Memory of Delbert Fowler, P.P & James Steele, P.P. Ella Fowler In Memory of Orlin Hilton Karen Sherar We respectfully hope that no errors are made listing these donations. It is never our intent to make errors, but they can happen. Each donation is important for the Plane of Mercy to exist and is deeply appreciated. MEMORIAL DONATIONS IN MEMORY OF Bill Boggs Ronald & Lee Maynard Gene & JoAnn Hutto Wilbur & Grace Geeding Les Brown, P.P. & Lady Bertie William E. (Bill) & Cindy Weber Gene Bradley Bucky & Janice Moore Maurice Claaassen Pat Sauble Jim & Ruth Decker Jack & Norma Carlton Ruth Towns Dee Simons Terry Cushman Hope Leighton Duane & Barbara Allender Midian Nomads Dave Byerley, P.P. & Lady Pam Marilyn Hall Janice Barr Iven Kelty Ronald & Lee Maynard Ron Van Etten, P.P. & Lady Dorie Wayne Kiser Ron Van Etten, P.P. & Lady Dorie Auggie Navarro Bill & Betty Frazier Edna Crase David Crase Robert Maloney Brenda J Compton Hugo & Connie Huslig Redella Lay Jim Edwards James House Jan Kelty Gene & JoAnn Hutto Al & Phyllis McGuire Les Brown, P.P. & Lady Bertie Jack & Norma Carlton Ray & Anne Barber Roger & Lesa Lusk Andy & Cappy Roberts J. B. & Phyllis Hickerson Denver & Donna Bland Ruth & Chester Cremeen Frank & Maxine Bible Nadine Bruner Ambassadors of Midian Bob & Mary Maze Bob & Gerry Norris Lawrence & Betty Roney Pat Rank George Finley Dr. Frank Galbraith & Karen Joyce Madden Duane & Barbara Allender Art VanDresser Dave Byerley, P.P. & Lady Pam Ken & Dorothy Pray Bonnie Mann Jody Frazier Bob & Mary Maze Irene King Lawrence & Betty Roney Midian Nascarts Randy & Connie Pierce Dave & Sally Balderson Ila Ventsam George Finley Ella Fowler Greg & Linda Leighton Gary & Janet Harris John & Shirley Stewart Carolyn Beaman Dorothy Drummond Frank & Barbara Bible Matthew & Cheryl Stout Dick McClintock Les Osterman Louise Mead Wanda & Ted Seal Bill & Betty Frazier Terri Friday Gary & Carolyn Miller Nadine Bruner Earl & Willadean Coffman Jack & Pat Solter Clifford & Margaret Leighton Greston McCoy, Sr. Tami Decker Dottie Payne Marilyn Hall Ron Van Etten , P.P. & Lady Dorie Ella Fowler Alvin Schroeder Marilyn Hall Judy Schroeder Marilyn Hall Charlene Smith Duane & Barbara Smith Dave Pate, P.P. & Lady Pat Dave Byerley, P.P. & Lady Pam Greenwood Co Shrine Club Otis Smith Bill & Betty Frazier Roland Belcher Ernie & Bonnie Barrett BORN 07-27-1941 12-30-1925 10-30-1941 03-26-1947 11-20-1917 03-30-1928 01-18-1939 10-04-1925 09-17-1926 11-11-1932 11-29-1929 The Eighteenth Annual “Automobilia’s Moonlight Car Show & Street Party” will be held July 14, 2012. We have Registration Forms Available at our Midian Shrine Center. If you register before July 3, 2012, the registration fee will be $25.00. If you register after July 3, 2012, the fee will be $30.00. Midian Shriners will display their vehicles on Topeka Street from First St. to Douglas St. We will line-up in the alley on the west side of our Scottish Rite Center before 3:45 pm. We will enter the staging area at 3:45 pm. You cannot go east of Topeka St. on First St. as it will be blocked. We will have our Oasis Lounge open for sandwiches and drinks from 4 pm to 9 pm that afternoon. This would be a good time to bring your friends to see our Shrine Center, have a sandwich and a cool one. If you have any questions call Noble Bob Giesen at 641-0375 or Automobilia at 264-9986. I would like to see a large participation of our Midian Shrine Nobles. Richard Sybert Marilyn Hall Hospital Van Drivers June 2012 Don Van Burkleo Dave Byerley, P. P. & Lady Pam Harvey & Carol Owens ~ John Parker & Clayton Scott Ray Kennedy & Ken Dainty ~ Myron Frick & Sean Smith Glen Taul & Ed Miller ~ Lee & Robbi Humbolt CREATED 11-03-1973 05-03-1997 05-21-1966 11-07-1987 05-08-1953 05-21-1966 05-21-1988 11-16-1956 11-19-1966 11-03-1990 09-14-1978 Thank you to these men and women for their dedicated service to Midian and the St Louis Hospital for Children. They, as all concerned persons of the Shrine, volunteer for the sake of the children. Thank you for your support. Glen Taul, Van Unit Commander 2012 Potentate May 15, 2012 - June 15, 2012 NAME Larry L. Huffsteltler James R. Edwards Phillip G. Post John R. Fatzer, DDS Otis H. Smith Norman R. Carlson Billy Y. Smart Robert M. Nease John R Winkley Dale R. Hill Marvin E. Gardner Automobilia 2012 DECEASED 05-23-2012 05-23-2012 05-23-2012 05-22-2012 06-02-2012 06-11-2012 12-06-2011 06-01-2012 09-17-2012 03-20-2012 03-06-2012 Chairman Dahl Carmichael and his committee for a great job this year. We had a very successful Spring Ceremonial and the calling committee headed up by Myron Frick has done a great job with restorations this year. We must remember that we Can Control Our Destiny – And Create Our Future JUST 1. Nobles, if you can’t find just one, help your club/unit find two. If every club/ unit would just find two new members this year, we will have over one hundred new members to finish 2012. From page 1 In closing, there are many golf tournaments, activities and parades planned for this summer. Some will schedule a family vacation or outing for this summer. You can’t be at every activity but try to participate as much as possible. Your participation is what makes Midian Shrine the Temple it is. Terry Schrant Potentate 2012 Page 4 Midian Shrine Topics Harvey County Club & Hobo Unit Harper County Congratulations to Lady Cheryl Moon, in April Cheryl was the lucky winning ticket holder at the Annual Harper County Turkey Shoot. You may remember Cheryl (wife of the late Noble Harold “Bud” Moon Jr.), was a Guest of Honor to our Potentate Terry Schrant during his public installation last January. The Harper County May meeting was nothing short of spectacular. The tri tipped sirloin and all of the side dishes at Noble Chad Tompkinsons were great, the beer was cold, and all the stories told were fascinating. Most of the stories are delightful to begin with, but when we get done adding a little extra flavor they sure are a treat. Club President Noble Sam Denton got so excited that he accidently lit up the end of his thumb and tried to smoke it. He actually took a few puffs on it before Noble Travis Womack spilled his drink on it. Next month’s meeting will be at Noble Gary Wohlschlegels place. I’m not real sure what Sam will be smoking, but I got a pretty good feeling this will be another great time for our members and guests. We will be busy Butler County The Midian Dance Katz performed in fine fashion at what has now become an annual event, the Butler County Shrine Club chuck wagon feed at Noble Jim Reeves’ place. Some of the guests were quite impressed with these “professional” musicians. Yep, the talent at Midian is showing again! Jim figures this was about the eighth year for this event. I’ll have to check the history books. It was a very tasty brisket dinner, some fine music, a visit with some folks we haven’t seen in a while, and a little bit of dancing all bundled into a real fine evening. A big, big thank you to Noble Jim Reeves for once again arranging Pratt Shrine Club Well it’s been about three years since last report but here goes. Thank you Capt. P.P. John Auch and the Motor Patrol for finding the Miss Kansas Parade. John doesn’t take directions very well, but had a nice scenic tour to find Hospitality at the old VFW. How come the Yoshi had no problem. Thank you to Yoshi for coming out. Doesn’t anyone tell the Parade Marshal Noble Ray Richecky what they are doing? GARY UMMEL Reporter pre planning a Golf Tournament, Harper County Fair Parade, Fundraisers, and possibly a Motorcycle Poker Run to our upcoming agenda. Everyone is welcome to attend and you may even become a quoted character in one of our questionably eloquent Topics articles. Heck, you might be quoted in the Topics even if you don’t attend. Fast forward to the June meeting, The T’s were treated to a back yard Bar B Que at Wohlschlegels. Classic Americana, tailgates down, burgers, brats, and brew. It kind of had the feel of a Sam Elliott commercial, Real Beef, its whats for dinner. The dates have been selected for our golf and poker run, and once approved will be published. Nobles Larry Gaug and Jim Ireland may be planning to star in a remake of the movie Easy Rider. They have asked Hollywood for an alternate carnival type ending in which Nobles Kirk Moore and Gary Gelvin Jr will play Sampson the Giant and Tiny Tim. I can’t wait. Bonus Topics, Tenth Avenue Freeze, oh say, say it again. ARV KRUMINS Reporter The Chuck Wagon Crew and hosting this event. Noble Joe Dunsford was dealing with some serious health issues and has been taken by the black camel. We offer our sincere condolences to Noble Jack Dunsford and members of his family. On a little better note, Noble Jim Brewer had some recent tests and is hoping the doctors will give him some good reports. As they say, participation is the key to enjoyment. We plan to be at the Beaumont Hotel at 6 pm for our July 11 th meeting. So come on out, help us conduct a little business, and be part of the fun. LEWIS HILLARD Reporter District 30 Blue Lodge has been quite busy doing degree work in Pratt, Kingman, Harper, anthony and Kiowa. District Deputy Noble Jim Murphy is chasing his tail putting together another Clown School for 2015 and needs lots of HELP. Don’t be afraid to voluntier. He is the official chaufer for the fat blind guy. Till next time, thank you and good night., The Bull of the Woods The busy parade season continues; Hobos having been to the Benton, Midian Spring Ceremonial, McPherson All-schools, and Kechi events. In a strange twist, as of this writing the struggling Newton Chisholm Trail Festival itself had been cancelled, but the parade celebrating it was still held! Next up will be the Harvey County Fair outing August 4th. There wasn’t enough notice for the Caboose to make the last- minute revival of a Shrine presence in Wichita’s RiverFest parade after many years, but head Hobo Noble Don Dody says he’s glad Shrine units are again able to participate in this struggling event; adding what we knew all along; a parade just ain’t a parade without Shriners! The Black Camel continues to walk among us; this month visiting Noble Ralph Lowry, who died of auto accident injuries, and Grand Lodge lecturer Steve Crane, who finally fell victim to the heart disease he had battled for years. The Camel also visited Mrs. Lois Prater, for years active in the Newton Chapter of the Eastern Star and widow of Greenwood County June was a very busy month for Greenwood County. We kicked it off with Eureka Days and had a great turnout for the festivities. The weather was perfect for the parade, we had our hospitality at the Community Building, and then over to Noble Lonnie’s where the hospitality and fun continued through the day. Many thanks to Lonnie and Melinda for hosting the afternoon pool party and also to everyone that worked so hard on putting together the hospitality after the parade. Once again, we showed our Midian friends how much fun we can have over here! Our first steak cookout of the summer was next. Our attendance was a little low, because of other conflicts, but those that made it had a great time. As usual, the coals were hot, the drinks were cold, and the fellowship was warm…Just as it should be. The cookout committee did a super job putting it all together, so thanks to you all for getting our summer officially underway! I have to apologize, when I listed the graduating Seniors last month, I inadvertently missed Jason Cook, son of Noble Raymond Cook and Lady Carla. Jason was very active in school and participated in the Masonic Band at the Shrine Bowl for two years. He is a very talented trumpet player and has also played taps for the VFW on many occasions. Jason will be joining the National Guard this summer and also attending Hutchinson Community College starting next year, majoring in Radiol- South West Shrine Club The Southwest Shrine Club held their June meeting at Arkalon Park. The food was great and the entertainment was excellent. The steaks were cooked by Noble Mike Brack, (who is also a Master Chef) and was supervised by Noble Jimmy Johnson. A big thank you goes to the SWSC Ladies for providing side dishes and desserts to go with the steaks. Steve Leete was available to sing and he persuaded Chaplain Noble Gene Payne to sing with him. I’m sure the JULY, 2012 JOHN HECKMAN Reporter long-time member Noble Gayle Prater. Our sincere condolences to all family members and friends. Noble Jerry Smith continues to make the news, this time as he and lady Shirley attempt to ride a tandem bicycle across the United States! Knowing Noble Smith and spouse, bet they’ll make it just fine! Stay tuned. Noble Wilbur Geeding, honored recently by the Wichita Bar Association as a WWII veteran, tells us the high point of his military service was working with Indian Mahatma Gandhi not as a famous unifier and peacemaker, but as just another attorney struggling to do his job in troubled times. Noble Carl Younts in a Prius? Yep! Noble Carl, who, to put it politely is not a small man, said he needed something economical so he sold his full-sized car and pickup and went for the gas-electric hybrid. Said he didn’t exactly test drive the little car; the event was more of a “fitting!” Just another reason to come smile with us, the fun-iest Club in Midian. CARL “C.F.” COX Reporter ogy. Congratulations to Jason! We have three new Nobles that have joined Greenwood County. Welcome aboard to Noble Derrick Metzger and Noble Steve Julian who have joined the 3-Wheelers and to Noble John Hill, son-in law of Imperial Sir Jeff Sowder who has joined the Shrine Club. It’s great to see some new Nobles get involved. The Nichols tribe keeps getting bigger. Congratulations to Noble Kyle Nichols and Lady Stacie on the birth of their third daughter Brynlie Caroline Nichols who arrived just a couple weeks after Noble Kent and Lady Emily’s son Jack Owen. Now Noble Lonnie and Lady Melinda have two new grandbabies to spoil! Finally, the Black Camel has again been to Greenwood County. Our sympathies go out to Noble Travis Wiggins and Lady Beth on the passing of Travis’ grandmother, Helen Wiggins. Also to Noble Raymond Cook and Lady Carla on the passing of Carla’s mother, Carol Davis. Our thoughts and prayers are with these families during their time of loss. Please keep the news coming. I am not psychic and don’t always hear everything that goes on, so someone has to give me prompts from time to time. Not to mention just plain forgetful sometimes! By the time you read this we will have paraded in Moline and Toronto… It’s time to raise a glass and wish everyone a Happy and Safe 4th of July! Gary McCarty Reporter different Clubs will be asking Noble Gene to sing for them at their many functions. Big thanks go to Potentate Terry Schrant, Chaplain Gene Payne, and Larry Wilson and Lady Jackie for making the trip out to Liberal from the East. Noble Terry gave us an update on the Shriner’s Hospitals. The Southwest Shrine Club will go dark until September. Everyone have a safe and sunny summer. JULY, 2012 Midian Shrine Topics Kingman County OTTO STUBER Reporter Wheat harvest came early this year in Kingman area. Its Keeping some of our Nobles busy. I had a hard time trying to find the Oasis. I guess I will keep trying to find it . Have fun this summer. Otto Dodge City Shrine Club Circus followers expect that this years circus is going to “Top” last year’s performance every time when the circus hits town. In all my years of watching Circus’s I have never been disappointed. Please note, I know I have said it before, but “PLEASE” put on your 2013 calendar that the “The Shrine Circus” will be back in Dodge again. The dates for that will be – Feb 8th (Fri), Feb 9th (Sat) and Feb 10th (Sun) 2013. This is what part of being in the Shrine is all about. Helping to raise the money for the children that the Shrine helps during the year, and this is our way of raising funds for this cause. You truly do not want to miss it or help out with it. I would be amiss to forget that the following week “The Wichita Shrine Circus” will be held on the days of: Feb 14th (Thu) – through – Feb 17th (Sun). I have heard that there is a plan being made to hold another “Introduction to Shrine Clown Training” in 2013. The dates have not been set but the planning is in the works. This is truly one of those “once in a lifetime “ events that YOU must attend. As more information comes along during the year, I will keep you informed. I am very happy to say that “Noble Kyle “Fuzzy” Nichols and his lovely wife Stacie Jo Corbin-Nichols”, finally brought into the world one more “little Nichols” and she is here with us. Her name is “ Brynlie Caroline Nichols”. When she came into this world she weighed in at 7 lbs 11 oz and was 20 inches long. She was born at 7:13 am on the 23rd May 2012. Noble Kyle says that Mom and the baby are doing great and even Kyle came through with flying colors. Noble Kyle’s father, Divan Lonnie and Lady Melinda Nichols were out during this wonderful event. From the picture you can tell that the grandparents are very HAPPY about this new grandchild. Congratulations and many blessings to all of “The Nichols Family” from the Dodge City Shrine and “Doc” McCosh Reporter Clown Unit. That the upcoming month of July the Dodge City Days are slowly or quickly approaching depending on how you look at it. Remember that the Dodge City Days are from the 27th July to 5th August. The Dodge City Day parade is on the 28th July and the Shrine Kiddie Day Parade is on the 4th Aug. We will really need to have some help for the Shrine Kiddie Day Parade. So tell Paul what you can do to help. You can reach Paul at (620) 225 - 3720. NOTE: We truly do need a lot of support for the “Kiddie Day“ parade on the 4th of Aug. That is a Saturday. The July meeting will be on Wednesday the 11th. The meeting will be held at Central Station Club and Grill - at 207 E. Wyatt Earp Blvd. in Dodge City. Social time starts at 6:30 pm. Dinner is at 7:00 pm. Always keep the circus going on inside you, keep it going, do NOT take anything too seriously, it will all work out in the end. “Good night America wherever you are.” “May All Your Days Be Circus Days” SOUTHWEST NATIONAL BANK •Main Bank, Douglas & Topeka •Motor Bank, First & Emporia •Towne East Bank, 225 S. Armour •Towne West Bank, Tracy & Taft Member IBBA Member FDIC Ambassadors The Ambassador column has been “dark” for a couple of months, following the loss of our regular reporter Iven Kelty. New Member, John Stewart, Has volunteered to take on this task. Please help him by forwarding your news to him. The Black Camel has visited us too often in recent months. We lost our popular, talented, humorous friend Iven Kelty (2/17/12). We lost WWII Vet/banker Jim Edwards (5-23/12 and most recently, former Mason/ Shriner. Ambassador, Dudley Hanstine (6/3/12). Our condolences go out to their families. We were blest by their time with us. The Ambassadors have been busy with our monthly gatherings, doing what we do best---eating out together. In April we had Sunday brunch at Rolling Hills Country Club, sponsored by Floyd & Elizabeth Piper. The food and fellowship were both outstanding. In May, Al & Retta Bass, along with Jim & Mary Bartlett hosted our meeting at the airport Hilton for a fine dinner. On June 6, we were at the Lakeside Club for another fine Tin Lizzies Not a whole lot has happened in the last month with the unit. We were one of the few units to participate in the Riverfest Sundown Parade. The weather cooperated and there was a really good turnout. This is one of the longer parades and was much better than the last one we participated in a few years ago. Hope to see more units next time if we are invited. And by the time you read this the Tin Lizzie Open will have been concluded. Tiger didn’t make the cut so Tommy and Fred filled in. We still are very interested in recruiting new members and are reprinting out ad from last month. This is a really good deal and hope Nobles take advantage of this chance to join us. Attention Lizzie Lovers! We are looking for a few good or reasonably sane members to join one of the most Page 5 BOB NORRIS Reporter dinner, arranged by Earl & Maureen Youngmeyer. At that gathering, the members took note of Bob & Gerry Norris’s May 31st Seventieth Wedding Anniversary celebration. The Ambassador float, “floated” in the Spring Ceremonial, May 5th”. There were about ten crew members aboard to assist Asst. Director, Ken Loffland and crew chief Ward Marrs. We did not run out of gas this time. I’m told that Gene & Betty Lygrisse and Floyd & Elizabeth Piper attended high school reunions recently—different high schools and different decades I suppose. I’m sure that they looked younger than any of their former classmates. Ken & Billie Loffland are touring western Pennsylvania, checking up on her “kin”. We are always in need of new members. If you know of any Shriners who are premium people and who might enjoy our company, invite them to join. Art VanDresser or Al Bass will supply the application forms. Yours in the Faith ALAN TURNER Reporter recognizable parade units in the Shrine. Come and join the veterans as we aooooga and wave at all of the smiling faces along the parade routes. We especially like to see all the kids faces light up as we drive by. We also like to make people wonder how in the world we fit ourselves into those tiny cars. It is a great time and we are making it really easy to join the unit. Right now for only $19.95… err I mean $125 a year for dues and insurance we can put you into a Lizzie to be one of the elite. We also have some used Lizzie garb available in some sizes. If this sounds like something you would be interested in contact Commander Fred Thompson at 316-6172628, e-mail grimreaper976@yahoo.com, or grab a Lizzie at any event and we will be more than glad to talk to you. Looking forward to a Lizzie infestation! Midian Shrine Topics Page 6 Hospital Van Drivers Summer is finally here and for June our trips have slowed down but so is the number of drivers with so many on vacation. We have making several parades so far this month. The Windwagon Riverfest parade and Eureka parade on June 1 and 2 starting the month with a busy weekend. At our May meeting Ray gave his belated report on the Van Drivers meeting in April. The important part was how to handle questions about first party billing that is new from the hospital. These questions should be refered to Angela Martin in our financial counseling office at 314-692-6426. Do not attempt to answer these questions. Ray also reported on the plans to build a new smaller hospital on the campus of Washington Uni- RAY KENNEDY Reporter versity. It is to be completed in 2015 and open that fall. We also heard from Jeremy Woodson about upcoming events. I am glad to report that we had a great family picnic on June 9 with great food and fellowship. If you missed the picnic this year you missed a good one! I was in St. Louis on June 12th on a van trip with Ken Dainty and we learned that Hospital Administrator, John Gloss, plans to join our Jerry Smith and Lady Shirley in August as they bicycle across Wisconsin as he is a cyclist also. I hope everyone has a great summer and can join us in some of the parades on our float. As always drive safe and God Bless. MillionDollarBand An international star will headline our benefit concert! A renowned jazz singer will help us raise funds for Shriners Hospitals for Children and the Midian Shrine Plane of Mercy. Wichita’s own Donna Tucker has performed in Japan, China, Europe and at various US venues. On July 27th she will perform with us in the Scottish Rite Auditorium. The concert begins at 7:00 pm with the Midian DanceKatz and concludes with the Senseney Music Community Band. Admission is free. A free will offering will be accepted. Net proceeds go to the Shriners Hospitals for Children and the Midian Shrine Transportation Fund (Plane of Mercy.) The benefit concert is our big priority for July. As of now, our July performances otherwise are limited to the Polkatz who will play for the Boeing Retirees on July 3 and for Stated Meeting on July 18. In June, the DixieKatz were busy playing a special celebration at Larksfield on the 8th, RICK MILHON Reporter performing before Stated Meeting on the 20th and at the two Cessna plants on the 25th and 26th. Polkatz played for Cessna’s Open House on June 9. An abbreviated DanceKatz played for the Butler County Shrine Club on June 9. Those folks to the east sure can dance! Where is it? What did you do with that instrument you played some years ago? Is it at the back of a closet, down in the basement, in the garage attic? Dust it off. Get it out. Bring it to a Monday night rehearsal. DanceKatz 7:00 pm, Concert Band 8:30 pm. We’re having fun. Come join us! Now some musicians definitions: AGENT: a character who resents performers getting 90% of his salary. ARRANGER: a guy who writes to support a drinking habit. BALLET: an art form for people with eating disorders BANDSTAND: the area furthest away from an electrical outlet Chippers MEL GRAVES Reporter We have a full field of 36 signed up for this year. Thus far I haven’t heard any vicious rumors of any hole-in-one or other such notable events, but the season is still young. With 3 points a week available and 6 weeks of play, that is 18 points in play. The leader board looks like this: “A” Flight: 1st place Nobles Mike Latimer & Brian West with 18 points, in 2nd Place are Nobles Bill Gregory & Marshall Gregory with 14 points and tied for 3rd place are the teams of Nobles Scotty Clark & Jackie Broyles and Nobles Kyle Rhorer & Terry House at 13 points each. “B” Flight: Tied for 1st place are the teams of Noble Gene Payne & Potentate Terry Schrant and Nobles Bob Whitney & Glenn Holmes with 16 points each. Tied for 2nd place are the teams of Nobles Devon Olson & Tom Marlow and Nobles Mark Brown & Jeremy Woodson. In 3rd place is the team of Noble Brian Mauden & PP Gary Gates. Perkins, Smart & Boyd, Inc. INVESTMENT SECURITIES Steven R. Boyd Sr. Vice President 1050 East First Street, Wichita, Kansas 67214 316-263-8444 ~ 800-369-2920 Member NASD/SIPC www.dignitymemorial.com Oriental Band The OB has found a new talent in our group, entertaining at Wedding Receptions! That’s right our Director, Noble Jerry Craft & Lady Tina’s daughter tied the knot June 2nd and the OB ballyhooed at the reception. It cost director Craft a lot of cash feeding and providing camel’s milk for the bandsmen who showed up. It was a top drawer event and everyone had a good time. Noble Frank Wheeler went to the Mayo Clinic the week of June 11th for a 6-month checkup. The whole band is behind him 100% and we hope the news was good. Keep him and Lady Susan in your prayers. I mentioned it last month but the OB preformed in the “Wichita’s Got Talent” contest at Rib fest. Even tho we didn’t make it past the first round, we were the first act up. This made us the first act of this year’s river festival, since it was an official river fest event! Speaking of Noble Frank, he was the ramrod behind getting us in this fun event and we had a better than average turnout to play….. JULY, 2012 “OUT OF TOWN” Reporter July 22nd will be the OB’s pre CSSA party at the Lake Afton Shelter where the Nomads normally meet and greet. We will be serving Steak at the lake and camel’s milk with a lot of band aids side dishes….wow, can’t wait. Of course August 8th the band will board our Village Charters bus and head for Cedar Rapids, IA. Hope it’s not over 110 that week! A couple of weeks ago Noble’s Mike Hartup and Bill Bailey made a run to Texas to help Judge the competition for the Texas Shrine Assoc. Oriental Bands. You can search ASOB on facebook and see some revealing photos of the party! The first picture this month is our favorite Oriental Band honorary member, past Treasurer Merle Cannon getting ready to help us out in competition at some past CSSA. We all miss him and remember him fondly in our memories. The second picture is some OB drummer in trouble because of his playing ability and volume level. Duck! JULY, 2012 Electraglide Elite Another motorcycle tour across our great Country completed last week as Nobles Steve Towns, Bob Bulman, Dean Godsey and Dave Byerley along with Bob’s Brother-in-Law Terry Moran covered 3,200 miles of American Highways and Byways. Eleven States, Ten National Forests, Three Mountain Ranges and the Atlantic Ocean at Charleston, South Carolina were included in the run and if you do the math you can see that we averaged 400 miles per day in some of the most beautiful country on the planet. We’ll put spots in Tennessee, Kentucky and the Carolinas up against familiar tourist locations around the globe in contests of scenery and breathtaking sites… and we’ll win! We included Ft. Sumter in Charleston Harbor, Churchill Downs in Louisville, the Wheels Through Time Museum in Maggie Valley, North Carolina (a must do for motorcycle and auto enthusiasts) among several stops along the way, but there were three additional visits that we are most proud of… Shriners Hospitals for Children. The Hospital Staffs and Local Shriners at Greenville, South Carolina – Lexington, Kentucky and St. Louis, Missouri all made us feel right at home. And talk about beautiful facilities, it’s no wonder why Our Kids all like to go to Shriners! Don’t pass up an opportunity to visit one of our great Midian Shrine Topics N. B. Forrest, K.G.C. Reporter facilities if you are close by on a trip. We promise that you will come away Proud To Be A Shriner!! As we worked our way back from the Coast, dropped off our buddy Terry in Springfield, Missouri and got back into Kansas – we realized that we were going to pass by very close to Howard and our Bro’s and Sis Nobles Mark and Derek Cookson and Teresa at the Hardware Store. It was a stop we all needed on several levels and they welcomed some fairly rough looking characters in with open arms. These folks have done tons for the Masonic Community including Midian Shrine and it was great to see these Electraglide Elite Members on our way home! One old saying states “all you take with you are the memories” and that may very well be true – in any case we came back with a train-car load! The visions of the Blue Ridges of the Smokey Mountains and the smells of hickory wood burning early in the morning along the twists and turns of one of hundreds of mountain roads, is a call that just won’t go away! Make some time to take some time and go get your share. Maybe we’ll see you along the way. Check out the pics courtesy of Terry Moran! Thanks Bro… Follow your heart ya’ll, it always tells the truth! Golden VIP’s The Midian Golden VIP’s had their annual picnic on June 14th. This marks the start of our summer get-away from monthly meetings because the VIP’s will be dark in July and August. Because of unavoidable circumstances, our President H. Gene Payne was unable to be there on time, so Noble Bill Weber called the meeting to order. After a prayer by Chaplain Joan Harris, and a Flag salute by Past Potentate David Pate, the picnic began. (As usual, when there is food involved, our president H. Gene Payne arrived in time to eat). This being an informal meeting, most formal meeting actives were eliminated, however it was noted that lady Lucille Childers had been in the Hospital recently, and will be returning soon for more evaluation. We all pray that it will be a short and successful stay. Among the noticeable absent, was Mini-Cycles Well, I’m sorry that we missed last month. At the May meeting Noble Jimmy Decker volunteered to place an ad in the Topics to inform everyone about our Gun-A-Week Raffle. He was so anxious to get the ad in the topics he said that he would also write the topics report for June. I think he may have had too much Camel’s milk! Oh well, it makes for good conversation and a good start to the July topics! Speaking of the Gun Raffle, make sure to see any Minicycle member or visit our web site at minicyclesgunraffle.com to enter. On the website you will find all the rules and regulations for the raffle, along with a gun list and entry forms for the raffle. This is going to be a wild success as we are already experiencing an amazing amount of interest! Provost Guard To all of the new Nobles who have joined “Midian Shrine” the members of the Provost would like to give an open invitation to join our unit. We meet at the Shrine on the First Wednesday of every month. We visit the Gun Range every third Tuesday at The Bullet Stop on West Pawnee. If you are thinking about getting a concealed permit, the Provost is a good place to start. We believe that care for the less Page 7 BILL WEBER Reporter Noble Glenn Holmes and Lady Carol. However, that afternoon at the Chippers Golf Outing, (Glenn being a no show) there was a rumor going around that he had sprained his ankle while chasing Carol around their new apartment. (Wonder what that was all about?) Also Noble Floyd Piper and Lady Elizabeth just celebrated their 69th wedding anniversary. Congratulations go out to them!! President H. Gene Payne introduced as our guest, W: James Craig, Secretary, Albert Pike Lodge #303, who reported on the progress of the Full Form Second Section of the 3rd degree which will be presented later this year. After some closing remarks by the President, and a closing prayer by our chaplain, the meeting was closed. Taylor durr Reporter So get your entry form filled out and sent in! We are limiting our raffle to only 1,500 tickets, so you better act now. We are well into the parade season, with our annual appearance at Kechi and the Shrine Bowl just around the corner. We will be having our Christmas in July party at Noble Roger Smith’s House and anyone who is interested is welcome to come. It will be held on Wednesday July 4th at Roger and Tricia’s home with food and drink provided. Thank you Roger for all the hospitality you provide for the Midian. If you are looking for a fun, active unit come check us out. We meet the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00PM, or come and join us for some fellowship at Noble Roger and Lady Tricia’s home on the 4th of July. RICHARD BENNETT Reporter fortunate, especially children who suffer from burns and crippling diseases is our institutional calling. During the year we have fund Shots and gun raffles, in order to support Midian Plane of Mercy. The CSSA is being held in Cedar Rapids IA this year on August 9 and 10. If you plan on going be sure to check with Midian for detailed information. Page 8 Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2012 JULY, 2012 Midian Shrine Topics Page 9 CENTRAL STATES 2012 CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA August 9 – 10 – 11, 2012 Midian Housing – Best Western Longbranch Hotel, 90 Twixt Town Rd, N.E. Cedar Rapids (to check on hotel go to www.thelongbranch.com) Room Rate - $100.79 (tax included) – Registration $20.00 per person Cut- off date for room reservations June 25. Hotel and CSSA registrations must be made through Midian Shriners. Tentative Schedule of Events (subject to change) check for updates at www.elkahir.org Thursday, August 09, 2012 8AM Oriental Band Breakfast 8AM Horse Patrol Breakfast 9AM Provost Guard Competition Noon Market Place Opens 1PM Parade Marshals Meeting 1PM Legion of Honor Meeting 1:30PM Motor Corp Association Foot Patrol Association Clowns Association Provost Guard 5PM Oriental Band Ballyhoo 6PM Market Place Closes 6PM Legion of Honor 6:30PM Hog Roast Scottish Rite Kirkwood Hotel Cedar Rapids Police Range – Pistols Otter Creek Gun Club – Skeet Riverside Shooting Range – Sporting Clays Harding Middle School El Kahir Shrine Center Rosewood Room Marriott Hotel El Kahir Shrine Center TBA TBA TBA Marriott Hotel Rosewood Room Marriott Hotel El Kahir Shrine Center Friday, August 10, 2012 COMPETITIONS 7AM – 3PM Motor Corp 8AM Market Place Opens 8AM Director Staff Breakfast 8AM – 3PM Keystone Kops TBA Clowns TBA Foot Patrol TBA Horse Patrol 9AM Provost Guard TBA Oriental Band 6PM Market Place Closes BANQUETS 6PM 6:30PM TBA TBA TBA Motor Corp Directors Staff Foot Patrol Clowns Provost Guard Parking Lot Veterans Memorial Stadium Harding Middle School El Kahir Shrine Center TBA Hawkeye Downs Equestrian Ctr, Kirkwood Community College Cedar Rapids Police Range – Pistols Otter Creek Gun Club – Skeet Riverside Shooting Range – Sporting Clays Scottish Rite Ballroom Marriott Hotel Embassy Club TBA TBA VFW 33rd Ave SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 2012 5:45AM 6:13 Sharp! 8AM 9AM 11AM 4PM Jester’ Breakfast Open Breakfast served Parade Line up Parade After Parade Bash Market Place Closes Kirkwood Community College Campus BANQUETS 6PM 6PM Oriental Band Horse Patrol El Kahir Shrine Center Kirkwood Hotel Kirkwood Community College Campus Kirkwood Community College Campus Kirkwood Community College Campus NOTE: CSSA PACKETS MAY BE PICKED UP AT BEST WESTERN LONGBRANCH. TIME TO BE DETERMINED - DELEGATE SOMEONE FROM YOUR UNIT/CLUB TO PICK UP YOUR PACKETS. Page 10 Midian Shrine Topics Yoshi TORRIN REED Reporter Greetings from Yoshi: No, we did not move to another part of the country and join another Shrine. If you haven’t noticed; we all have been busy preparing for this year and have we have raced in several parades. Maybe you blinked when we drove by and you missed us. Last month we wrote the same article in the Topics as the LOH, we’ll try and be more imaginative this month. News from the unit has our President, Noble Brian Chestnut and Lady Becky selecting a date for their upcoming nuptials early next year. Congratulations are in order and we are looking forward to this ceremony. Yoshi had new members join our unit this year. Welcome to Nobles Jamie Blubaugh and Jeff Blubaugh and their families. They have already rode in several parades and are doing great! Please join us in welcoming them and their families to Midian and Yoshi. Vice President Noble Chris Hurt says hi! Lady Becky and the Yoshi ladies are continuing to sell Midian Shrine Ladies’ bags and they are selling impressively. Fill out an order today with any of the Yoshi ladies and get yours tomorrow! Don’t be left out on Midian Classics The Classics met at Marque Motors for their June 13th meeting hosted by Jeff Breault and Lady Shelly. Many thanks to Ron Boese and Lady Carol for contracting the meal. It was a great meeting and good food. Ron and Jeff had made a trip to California and visited several classic car museums, including Jay Leno’s facilities. They also attended the Jay Leno show and were quite impressed with Tim Allen who was one of the guests. Jeff gave a power point presentation on the cars and different facilities they visited, and gave us a tour of his cars. Many thanks to Jeff and Ron for this interesting meeting. Those attending were Eugene Alexander, President, and Lady Melinda, Gary Harris and Lady Jan, Cliff Premer and Lady Kay, Bob Fox and Lady Donna, Bob Giesen and Lady Feryl, Jim Groff and Lady Judy, John Stewart and Lady Shirley, Ray Jones and Lady Liz, Andy Snow, Kevin Roland, our Liaison Chief Rabban Lonnie Nichols and Lady Melinda, and Illustrious Sir Terry Schrant and First Lady Pam. this fantastic designer bag. You can fill it with all of your stuff to take to the next Midian parade or Shrine event. Buy two and have one for a spare. Visit Noble Vaughn Smith at the Pour Haus Restaurant and Tavern. He recently opened this restaurant offering tasty burgers and fine beverages. We tried the Juicy Lucy, a.k.a. “Lucy’s Older Brother” and we were not disappointed. The Pour Haus is located just east of the Kansas Masonic Home on West Maple. You are likely to see a Yoshi member there enjoying a flight or two. We are looking forward to the parade season and already have had a few practices preparing for CSSA. Noble Aaron Tabing is our parade captain this year so look for word from him. He will be letting us know which parades we are doing as well as the CSSA practices. A Yoshi gathering is in the planning soon and more CSSA training sessions. We had a huge turnout for the Sundowners parade. Eight of us started and eight finished strong. We hope to see more of us on the parade circuit this season. Let’s kick those tires and light the fires! Eugene Alexander Reporter The summer is flying by and President Gene informed the one’s that are going to CSSA that they need to get their room deposit and registration fee in to Ron Boese. After June 25, these fees will need to be sent to Jody at the Shrine. Ray Jones and his Lady Liz were out celebrating their 52nd Anniversary, was motoring in their corvette and got hit from behind, so their beautiful vet is in the hospital. Doesn’t look good for him to parade for a couple of months. Cliff Premer is getting his car completely redone. His new truck and trailer are patiently waiting for the trip to CSSA in Iowa. Bob Griffith was and still is fishing in Canada. Have not heard any fish stories. Our next meeting will be at the Shrine and 7pm on July 11. Come to our meeting and enjoy a fun evening. Guests are welcome! Our Membership Chairman is Bob Giesen at 7214178 or 316-641-0375. If you want to join a fun filled club, give Bob a call. Our next parade is the Wellington Wheat Festival, July 13. Directors Staff The Director Staff had the black camel visit. Lady Charlene Smith passed away on Sunday. Please give Nobles Ross Smith, Fred Smith, Scott Smith and all of their family our condolences. We need to let them know that if they need anything the Director Staff is here to support them. The Director Staff held our annual Steak Feed and Auction on June 9th. We had 54 people in attendance, and raised almost $1700.00. It was a great night for all those who attended. We also need to thank our auctioneer, the man with the gift of gab Noble Ricky “Flipper” Brotherton. Our calendar sales also were good to us. Our champion Keystone Kops This month I want to honor my fellow Topics writers and the outstanding job they all do! You all know it is a volunteer deal, just like about everything else in the Shrine. Every month they have a deadline to meet and must write about what is going on in and around their unit and anything else interesting or meaningful to the Shrine and Shriners and Ladies, many times without any info to write about. I salute you all for the outstanding job you do for your unit and the Shrine. I am not patting myself on the back, just merely stating that these writers do so with heart and soul for all of you to enjoy. I know that what I write is sometimes misunderstood, but I assure you that it all has a meaning to me, the unit, the Shrine or someone in the Shrine. Let your Topics writer know you appreciate him sometimes, often or even every month, for doing it. I hear Ceremonial was a good ole time for the Koppers as was the Eureka parade, especially the afterglow at Liaison, Assistant Rabban Lonnie Nichols and Lady Belinda’s Horse Patrol We had our last Horse Patrol meeting on Thursday June 14th in the Oasis. We are going to the following Parades, Shrine Bowl in Emporia on July 30, Then we will be heading to Cedar Rapids, Iowa for CSSA for competition and Parade on the weekend of Aug. JULY, 2012 GARY GELVIN Reporter who came out on top was Noble Greg Treadwell. We all need to give him a big round of thanks. I also want to thank another special Person who took on the onioin sale all by himself Noble Chip Hansen. Thanks for a job well done. The birthdays for the month of July are Nobles Jim Branstetter, Kevin Coons Sr., Glen Davidson, Dean Lauterbach, Jim Bob Montgomery, and Ross Smith. The Ladies are Jeanie Brotherton,Sheena Godwin, Kim Seigrist, and Ruth Lauterbach. The anniversaries are PP Ron Van Etten and Lady Dorie, and Noble Brian Byrd and Lady Hidi. “MOON” Reporter house. It seems there wasn’t a lifeguard on duty and everyone went into the pool (even Reiferd). The 9th Annual Keystone Kop Coed Golf Tournament was a blast also. Good weather and a full attendance made a wonderful day on the ole golf course for all. Thanks to all of you out there that came and played! It seems Jackie and Moon ran into Stan Williams and Lady Janet recently at Fall River and invited them over for a steak at the lake. Stan enlightened them that he had fished with the Kops twice at the Shell Knob Shrine Club Bass Tournament. He also told them to tell Howard Brooks that the Kopper steaks he had down at Table Rock and at Fall River were the best steaks he had ever eaten! Rumor has it that Jackie Broyles is a heavy tipper when he eats out. I Wonder?? Is it windy every Memorial Day weekend?? I Wonder?? Will Team Zebco repeat?? I Wonder?? Will waiters stand in line to get Jackie to eat at their table?? I Wonder?? R U Calaboose material?? YOLO! GEORGE FINLEY Reporter 9th through 11th. Then the next weekend is Mulvane the 18th. We will have a very busy time in the near future. We do not have any Anniversaries in July. But we do have two birthdays. Lady Nadine Burner on the 11th and Noble Gary Mason on the 22nd. Until next time. Williams Construction General Contractor Commercial - Industrial New Construction Remodeling METAL BUILDINGS Allen Williams, President 316-264-1964 TRANSMISSION INC. ONE OF MIDWESTS OLDEST & LARGEST (316)263-8232 All Transmission PARTS 1730-1746 E. Douglas, Wichita, KS 67214 (316) 263-8484 RON FISHER President JULY, 2012 Hillbilly Band As most members of this standalone Unit also perform with several of the “—Katz” groups affiliated under the Million Dollar Band umbrella, and no full-time replacement for deceased drummer Noble Iven Kelty yet in place, the past month was busy to say the least and the near-future doesn’t seem to offer much relief. May events for the Hillbillies and “others” included; Boeing Retirees lunch, McPherson Allschools band parade, Midian stated meeting warm-up, Old Town Farmer’s Market, various rehearsals and a block party in the neighborhood of trumpeter Noble Wilbur Geeding and lady Grace. June saw performances at Larksfield Place, Midian’s stated meeting, the Kechi Fair parade, two concerts for Cessna aircraft employees, and numerous rehearsals. Threatening weather spoiled a last-minute invitation to participate for the first time in a decade in the RiverFest parade. Wouldn’t you know, skies cleared after the decision to not participate was made. July 4th, Hillbillies will parade in Park City, followed by a concert in the park in Park City (got park on the brain), thanks in large part to the persuasive powers of Midian Shrine Topics JOHN HECKMAN Reporter sax player Noble Cecil Goldsmith (who just happens to be a Park City Councilman)! We’ll return to the Masonic Home July 13th for an evening show, and will work an evening public concert in McPherson’s Lakeside Park on the 20th. The schedule eases in August, but come September, Fall Festivals will keep players in all the Midian musical units hopping once again. And now a shameless plug for two area firms who really helped get our old Model T over some indigestion problems. Owner Jim Hake at National Automotive donated a new carburetor and the labor to install it to cure a chronic “cough-and-die” problem. Alternator and Starter Company owner “Ned” Dakobic came to our rescue as well, diagnosing a mysterious electrical problem at no charge (pun intended) then scrounging up a brand-new but long obsolete voltage regulator at a very reasonable price to fix it. These men aren’t Shriners; to our knowledge not even Masons, but both said they were aware of and strongly believed in the Shrine mission and just wanted to help! Sincere thanks and God bless you both! Motor Patrol June’s ‘fair is foul’ unit meeting was at the Candle Club with Captain PP John Auch leading the assembled crew. (‘Fair is foul, and foul is fair: / Hover through the fog and filthy air’ from Shakespeare’s Macbeth) Noble Paul Morris brought Rodeo Champion John to the meeting to introduce him to the unit. A motion was made and passed to wear white t-shirts and orange sleeper pants for CSASMC show car inspection to assure uniformity per the rules. Yes, the rules say uniform for inspection and a past potentates fez is not uniform when others in the unit have fez that say only “Motor Patrol”. Yes, we do need to wear a fez in competition for inspection as the sign of being a Shriner. The Board of Control changed that competition dress motion to be our short sleeve white MP emblem shirts and dress slacks, black belt and black shoes. The unit will show up at competition with about 13 Jeepsters in ‘near Chicago’ Iowa. The River Fest Parade saw 5 Jeepsters from the Motor Patrol. Captain John Auch led Nobles Jerrod Cox, Jeff Breault, Paul Morris, and Mickey West. The unit hauled enough of the Divan to include Recorder Mike Kelley who was not putting someone away that afternoon. Eureka Days Parade had 8 Jeepsters. Captain John Auch led Nobles Reiferd Acord, Mickey West, Divan Lynn Ungles, Paul Morris, Jerod Cox, Norm Conley, Bruce Detwiler driving a Jeepster again and Dave Johnson in the War Wagon. Hospitality by the Greenwood Shrine Club was outstanding after the parade. We appreciated the BBQ and libations. Some of the unit ended the celebration by going to Chefs The Chefs can do something besides Hamburgers and Hot Dogs!!!! Saturday June 2, we gathered to prepare and serve a reception for the Craft Wedding. Roll call was 9:00AM and this reporter would have made it with time to spare but forgot about the River festival “Run”. Getting off Kellogg to go north on Emporia was definitely the wrong thing to do. After a lot of traffic, backtracking, a lot more traffic and a few back alleys, I finally showed only 20 minutes late. The crew consisted of Bible, Fuller, Guthrie, Taylor, Wells, Wilson, Wright, and Yohn, which Executive Chef Guthrie whipped into shape and lined out for an efficient project. Vegetables to clean and chop, salsa, cocktail Sauce, and finger sandwiches all to be prepared and served in the proper manner. Of special effort was the shrimp to be peeled, deveined and finally cooked. Frank, Gutherie and Larry spent a lot of time on this. Rosco and Hank did chicken salad and ham salad finger sandwiches for ever. At least Roscoe’s ducks would enjoy the crusts and heals. Mr. Ron Fuller who always wants Rabbita at the Chef’s Extravanza managed to leave to be with his wife before this venture started. An extra large salute to Rex Yohn for wrap- Page 11 NORM CONLEY Reporter Rabban Lonnie Nichols place for family fellowship. Thanks also go to Rabban Lonnie Nichols and Lady Belinda. The Pratt Parade for the Miss Kansas completion saw our Ill. PP John Auch lead Divan Lynn Ungles, Paul Morris Cy Lampe, Jerod Cox, Ron Capps, Frank Galbraith and Mike Johnson. Mike thought he was going to Roland Belcher’s after the parade. The unit carried Miss Kansas candidates in the parade. We wondered why Noble Roland Belcher missed a parade in his own town. Hospitality was wonderful and supplied by Noble Lewis Hillard at the VFW. A tip of the Hat goes to Noble Lewis for the hospitality. It was Noble Cy Lampe’s first parade and in keeping with Jeepster tradition of something happening he lost his new tag on the way to the parade. Some ‘new bees’ have lost engines, transmissions, front wheels and other assorted items in their first parade. We are doing the Motor Patrol ½ a cow, 1/2 a pig or a turkey in a box raffle again this year. There will be members with tickets on sale now from Motor Patrol Members. PP Vern Thornton would like visitors. Noble Charlie Kelley continues to recover from back surgery. Noble Archie Moon and all the other brothers are in our thoughts and prayers. The Jeepster pictures and History of our activities are found on the www.motorpatrol.us website as listed on the new Midian website. Facebook people “Like” the Motor Patrols Facebook page and I promise more content and a few stories. https://www.facebook. com/pages/Midian-Shrine-Center-MotorPatrol/299640453435380 HANK WRIGHT Reporter ping bacon around the chicken livers until the cows came home and left again. Best of all the Bride, Groom and especially the Bride’s parents, Noble Jerry and Tina Craft felt we did ourselves proud. Of special interest, our non dues paying Oriental Guide “WW” found things to do besides stirring gravy. Pictures are available on face book I told for those that don’t believe or accept this fact. Next up will be cooking for the July stated meeting. Hope to see you all there. Menu is under discussion but will be either Hamburgers or Brats, cooked our own special way. Other news of interest to some, not most----Roscoe had for sale signs on his truck with the new motor at the Nomads gathering I’m told. Roscoe blames others for the effort, but maybe that new motor isn’t that good. By the way Roscoe is a VERY PROUD new father of some baby ducks. Don’t know if this is Thanksgiving dinner or he just needs something to keep him busy. Glad to report Ron Fuller’s wife is doing better but will still take some time. Until next time--------Make-IT Smoke boys------It’ll taste great when we serve it up! MIDIAN Midian Shrine Topics Page 12 ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICE Ron’s Accounting & Tax Service Ron Kammerer 309 Windrows Lake Dr Goddard KS 67052 316-722-9353 AEROSPACE MANUFACTURING Capps Manufacturing Ron Capps 212 S Edwards Wichita, KS 67213 316-942-9351 AUTO COLLISION REPAIR Frick Body Shop Myron Frick 1346 S. Mosley Wichita, KS 67211 316-263-2825 AUTO SALES AND LEASING Dave Johnson Sales “The Gunner” See Dave, Mike or Rusty Johnson Tyler & Kellogg 316-721-0442 www.davejohnsonsales.com AUTO - TRUCK SALES Joe Self Chevrolet-Cadillac Used & New Cars & Trucks “Big Al” Ceynar 8801 E Kellogg Wichita, KS 67212 Cartoon It has been a while since our last article and a lot has happened. The unit rolled out its new trailer at the Benton Days Parade, Saturday, April 28th. What a great addition to the Cartoon Unit. Thank you to all who helped get the trailer up and rolling: Nobles Tim Berry, Jason Armstrong, Mike Ward, and Doug Chartier. A Big Cartoon THANK YOU to Farold Hoover and Family for opening up your shop and home to the unit and for all the extra work and hospitality you extended to the unit to make this happen. A good time was had by all, even with the hard work and a few vehicle mishaps. We would like to send out a special Thank You to Noble Nick Young who has helped drive the tractor in multiple parades so far this year and Thank You to the Barber County Fire Wagons for letting Scoob tag along on the back of the Firetruck in the Anthony Parade. The Cartoon Unit had a great presence at Ceremonial in May with membership by Top Lining 8 new nobles: Roger Snellen PP top lined 4 new nobles, Brian Byrd top lined 2, and Derrick Hutchinson and Farold Hoover top lined 1 each. Great Job Gentlemen!!! We would like to welcome a new member to the Cartoon Unit, Noble Kevin Farlow. Noble Farlow is a returning member to Midian Shrine and a previous member of the Pipes and Drums. Welcome to the Cartoons Noble Farlow. We have also had a new addition to the Cartoon and Midian Family. A big congratulations to Noble Kenny Rinke and Lady CONTACT RANDY BROWN FOR PLACEMENT randy@dmprinters.com BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL SPONSOR DIRECTORY CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES Home Safe Hearth and Chimney Bart and Lesa Ogden Come visit our showroom!! Wood - Gas - Pellet - Electric - Tools - Doors - Caps - Accessories 504 S St. Francis Wichita, KS 67202 316-265-9828 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS SALES & SERVICE B & B Electric Motor Co. Bob Giesen 332 Lulu Wichita, KS 67211 316-267-1238 EMBROIDERY & SCREEN PRINTING Shurt’s Logo Apparel & More Kurt Siegrist Embroidery • Screen Print • Vinyl Graphics • Promotional Items www.sportswearcollection.com/shurts - www.shurts.net kurt.siegrist@cox.net Office: 316-721-8900 Get your name out there… ™ Cell: 316-461-2426 FINANCIAL PLANNING/INVESTMENTS 316-689-4353 JULY, 2012 Carey, Thomas, Hoover & Breault Jeff Breault - Vice President 8080 E. Central Suite 200 Wichita, KS 67206 316-634-2222 Douglas Chartier Reporter Abbi. They welcomed their 7 pound 15 oz. daughter Chloe Kaye Rinke into the world on Monday, June 11th. Congratulations Noble Kenny and Lady Abbi and welcome Chloe to the Cartoon and Midian Family The Cartoon Unit would also like to congratulate several additional New Nobles, their Ladies, and Families for the new additions to their Families and to welcome them to the Midian Shrine Family. New Noble Jon Mills and Lady Catherine welcomed their 8 pound daughter Ayla Rosalee Mills on Friday, June 1st. Then Just a few days later, New Noble Jeff Blubaugh and Lady Maghan welcomed their 7 pound 5 oz son Samuel Jeff Blubaugh on Monday, June 4th. Congratulations Noble Jon and Lady Catherine and welcome Ayla, and Congratulations Noble Jeff and Lady Meghan and welcome Samuel. Birthday wishes go out to: Belated For April, Ladies Tina Woodson and Judy Lemaire, and Noble Jason Armstrong. Belated For May, Nobles Travis Kvassay, Wayne Price, and Harold Brewer. For June, Noble Farold Hoover and Ladies Kami Berry and Julie Ward. For July, Lady Sarah Herndon and Nobles Dean Lauterbach & Lawrence Lee. Happy Anniversary to Noble Kurt Siegrist and Lady Kim On the Lighter Side – A Thought to Ponder – Why is it that Scooby Doo never helped solve a mystery in a Fire Hydrant Plant? Have a wonderful Summer from your favorite Toons. PET FOOD & SUPPLIES FINANCIAL SERVICES Strategic Financial Concepts Inc. Vance A. Burns 216 N. Waco Wichita, KS 67202 316-262-2929 FUNDRAISING AND ADVERTISING JT Enterprises Inc John Auch - President 6320 E. Crestmark Wichita, KS 67220 316-652-9200 HEALTH INSURANCE Eagle Financial Services O J Lichlyter, CLU 1033 N Buckner Suite 1033 Derby, KS 67037 316-788-6303 316-619-5556 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTION Hub Supply Dave Byerley 2546 S Leonine Wichita, KS 67217 316-265-5263 PRINTING/MAILING/COPIES Direct Mail Printers Randy Brown 231 S. Ida Wichita, KS 67211 316-262-0211 REALTORS HOME/BUSINESS REPAIR “A Handyman 4 You” Alvin Ogden www.AHandyman4You.com CW Feed Products Jeff Sowder 1009 N. Mosley Wichita, KS 67214 Realty World Alliance The John Head Team 8414 W 13th St Wichita, KS 67212 JohnHeadTeam@cox.net (316) 734-2609 TRUCK SALES/LEASING Roberts Truck Center Ed Day 5549 Chuzy Drive Wichita, KS 67219 316-262-8413 WINE & SPIRITS 316-265-9608 Antique Autos Noble Curtis Gilbert stepped down as our Captain effective June 4, due to health reasons. Curtis, the Antique Auto family wishes you the best, and want to thank you for your leadership and hard work. We will look forward to seeing you at the various parades and get togethers in the future. Again we wish you the best! On June 2nd, the Eureka parade was attended and we were well represented by Nobles Lee Hufford, Jerry Elscott, Kent Butz, Curtis Gilbert, Wayne Orr, Alan Orr, Fred Booher, Larry Light, Jim Smith, Ray Richecky and Gary Gelvin. We had some ladies in attendance also, Ladies Susan Elscott, Rose Mary Hufford, and Sheila Orr. Nobles and Ladies, if I missed someone, I apologize I am working off photos. Great showing! At our meeting in June Noble Curtis’ resignation was read and accepted by the group. Noble Kent Butz stepped up to fill the remainder of Curtis’ term and appointed Noble Grant Richecky as Lieutenant. We also welcomed a new member into the group, welcome Noble Edward Chrisco and Lady Christal. The upcoming events are the Kechi Parade on June 23, Wellington Wheat Festival Parade on July 13, Automoibilia on July 14, our July Social on July 21, and The Shrine Bowl Parade on July 28. For an enjoyable night June 24 and 25 the Scottish Rite Signature Theater will have its summer show come and enjoy the talented young people that Deb and Richard Campbell find in our community. They always put on a good show. Show time is at 7:00 R & J Discount Liquor Matt Hess - Manager 3015 E Douglas 316-681-3761 DALE GIBSON Reporter Sunday and Mondy. Our Antique Autos group would really like to see all the members that want to attend meetings to be able to do so. Please call me at 361-0758 and leave a message. I will make the arrangements to get a ride provided. Birthday wishes to Nobles: Fred Booher, Mike Cooke, Delbert Michael, Virgil Schmidt, Alan Orr and Ladies: Linda Gibson Allene Daniel, Judy Francis, Denise Gelvin, and Glenda Sill in June. Nobles Dale Daniel, Jerry Elscott, Grant Richecky, Bill Weber and Ladies Trish Gilbert, and Chris Roach in July. Please help me with birthdays as I do not have all of them listed on my spreadsheet. Noble Randy Edwards had surgery and is recovering well, but will return in July for more surgery so keep him in your prayers as well as Noble Curtis Gilbert for health concerns. We had a good turn out for the meeting this month. We voted on new shirts, red breathable fabric with black flames on the sleeves, as well as a cap. This passed so we will soon have new shirts. Put Thursday December 6th on your calendars that will be our Christmas party at Hanger One at a time to be announced. Our next meeting unit meeting will be on Monday July 2nd, at 7:00 p.m. at Midian. Let’s get ready to be represented at as many parades this year as possible, and to have as much fun as we possibly can; but let’s be ever mindful that everything we do is for our Shrine kids. Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2012 If your Unit, Club, Lodge or any affiliate body had a function you would like in this free listing, then just get the information to Jody Frazier jfrazier@midian.kscoxmail.com. FROM YOUR WICHITA SCOTTISH RITE JULY – 2012 Every Tuesday Donuts & Coffee - 8 – 9:30 AM Everyone is welcome, come and enjoy the fellowship Thurs – Jul 19 Knights of Saint Andrew Meeting at 7:00 PM All Scottish Rite Masons & Ladies welcome Thurs – Jul 26 Free Lunch - 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Mon – Jul 30 Masonic Unity Council Meeting 7:00 PM in the Knights Room DaughtersoftheNile We had a great June Session held just before some of us headed West. Portland OR that is for our annual Supreme Session. By the time you read this article we will just be getting home. Read all about the good times in the next Topics. In our June Session some of the ladies shared their stories and experiences from past Supreme Sessions. After hearing some of the stories, here’s hoping we all stay healthly and have a great time in Portland. Mark your calendars, we are having an ice cream social at the Masonic Home on August 11, 2012, from 2 pm to 4 Arami Court The LOSNA Ladies attended Grand Council in Norfolk, Virginia the last week in May. Two of our Nobles also made the trip. What a view! The host hotel overlooked the Elizabeth River and the Navy Ship Yard. The tours were great and as well as the food at Joe’s Crab Shack on the river. The Ladies visit various sites within Norfolk including the Naval Air Station. After the sessions closed the group visited historical Williamsburg. The sessions were great. Lots of old friendships were renewed. The Past High Priestesses had dinners with each of their respective classes. The class luncheons were also a chance to catch up with classmates. The line officer’s class luncheons marked friendships and another step on their journey to east. Each of the current Line Officer’s class meeting was a chance to plan for the next year and exchange ideas. The most exciting class luncheon is for the Second Ceremonial Lady. The Grand Officer for the class unveils the class, songs, name, and symbols. The 2nd Ceremonial Ladies makes lots of new friends. Congratulations to Lady Diana Clay, Arami’s newest line officer. Arami’s Unit Lady Diana was selected to make the class response. Krazy Tales tied up a few loose ends in their drill performance to “YMCA”. Congratulations to Lady Jan Hiebert who was installed as Grand Princess! The new Grand Council appointees got to show off Page 13 functions functions other other than than midian midian derby lodge #365 biscuit & Gravy 4th sat every month - 7am - 10am - 125 E. Market, derby HAYSVILLE LODGE #112 200 S. Main, Haysville 2nd Saturday – 7am – 10am each month Menu changes monthly BINGO Rita Rodman Reporter pm. There will be lots of goodies with homemade ice cream. Everyone is invited. Don’t miss it, it will be a great time. Joke: An old Indian chief and his wife took their first train ride. He got thirsty and ordered her to bring him some water. She ran down the coach and brought the chief back a cup of cool water. The chief requested water several times and finally she returned with an empty cup. “Why you don’t bring chief water?” he roared. “ Can’t,” explained his wife, “Paleface sit on well.” SUSAN ELSCOTT Reporter their new dresses and start their year of duties in support of Grand Council. Congratulations to Lady Terri Wells, Lady Betty Argyle and Lady Billie Whitney. Meanwhile back home, the rest of the Court members was working on Arami Court’s Riverfest Parade Float….”Party Arami Style”. The float included everything you need for a good party…a huge cake, with the Riverfest Chicken on top. No float is complete without party balloons. Arami’s Unit- Kandy Land Klowns rode their bikes and rode on the float. Thanks to Noble George Finley for the trailer and pulling the float in the parade. Thanks to Lady Carol Hemphill who is the new parade chair. The float was very near the end of the parade, but it was great fun! The Ladies came home and went back to work preparing breakfast for the Nomad’s camp out on Saturday. Everyone in the Court is looking forward to our July Ceremonial. A hamburger cook out and cover dish is planned to celebrate! EVERY TUESDAY MINIS @ 6:30PM – REGULAR GAMES @ 7:30PM BEAR’S BINGO – MERIDIAN & MCCORMICK STS PROGRESSIVE JACKPOTS & PULL TABS SPONSERED BY THE LOSNA KEYSTONE KOPS CALABOOSE DEGREE SATURDAY, JULY 14 @ 2:00PM - VULCAN PARK One mile west of 79th & Tyler, south Limited to first 36 Candidates - $25.00 Midian Dance Katz & Senseney Music Community Band Concert July 27 at the Scottish Rite Auditorium – 7:00 PM Featuring International Singer Donna Tucker Admission free – Donations accepted Proceeds for this event are for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for Children and The Plane of Mercy Electra-Glide Elite Patriots Day Poker Run september 16, 2012 Electra-Glide Elite Bad Boar Degree november 10, 2012 MIDIAN HI-LIGHTS FOR JULY IMPERIAL SESSION - JULY 2 - 5 JULY 9 Masonic Night Isis Rooms - 7:00pm JULY 18 Open Meeting – Nobles & Ladies Recognizing 50 and 25 year members JULY 14 Automobilia JULY 21 Annual Midian Golf Tournament Braeburn Golf Course – WSU JULY 27 Kansas Shrine Bowl Banquet – Emporia, Ks JULY 28 Kansas Shrine Bowl Parade and Game Page 14 Midian Shrine Topics JULY, 2012 JULY, 2012 Midian Shrine Topics Keystone Kops Golf Tournament 2012 Page 15 Midian Shrine Topics Page 16 MIDIAN FAMILY DAY Saturday, September 8th 4:00 pm - 12:00 pm All-Star Adventures 1010 N. Webb Rd. More Details Next Topics JULY, 2012
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