Model 310400510550600810850,1210,1250,1260 Grease
Model 310400510550600810850,1210,1250,1260 Grease
PRODUCT DATA uilts0il CentrlfugrlAlr Syll.|nr Dlvlslon CORPORATION S Y R A C U S E .N . Y . r 3 2 2 1 lnstallation& OperatingInstructions for Series '510', "310","4o0", "550","600","910","950""960", "1210","1250" and"1260'Air,InletDriven I. HANDLINGT Move bare machineby lifting fronr benealhbearinghousings. Move completeassemblv bv lifringfrom trencirth steelbase.Locateslingapproximutely underthe centerlineo[ machineandmolor respecriiely. NEVERlih s irh slingaroundshaft. 2. LOCATION AND ERECTIONT RemoveshiPpingskids.On a firm levelsurfacein a cleandry place.set rhe unil ()n the six baseparlsprtrritled. Locateone undereachcornerand one underthe approximaie-cenl er of eachI beamhasememtier.ttiuardrhe heaviestend.Do nol holt down. lf studsare usedto positionthe not fastendtlrvnwith nuts.NEVER grout basein concrete. Removeshippingcoversand conncctpiping.Do n(|l all()wforeitn nrtrterialt() enterthe bltlrer erhluslc'r.tlsc flexibleconnections hetweenthe machineand pipingsysrenr. 3. ALIGNMENT* Blower/exhauster and motor are properlylined up ut the factory.hur MUST BE CHECKED afrer nrachineis positionedand pipingc()nnections made. D I R E C TD R I V E A diol indicatoris the bestdevicefor checkingalignment.For mostcouplingsa straightedgemaybeusedon top andside ofcoupling (holdinga light or pieceof white papcrbehindthe couplingwill help).Raiseor lower moroi by shim adjustment,or shift sidewaysto removeboth paralleland angularmisalignment.In machinescapableof over5.0 PSIG diffcrcntial pressure,the heatofoperationwill causeenoughexpansionto producemisalignment.To compensate. shim the motor sothat the drivenendof the blower/exhaustershaftendwill beabour.005"highwhcncold. Realigncoupling againafteronetotwo hoursofoperationwhenmachinetemperature hasstabilized. The betterthealignmenithelongei thc life of the bearingsand coupling. Rccommendeddistancebetweendriver and driven shafts must be maintained.Follow coupling instructionswhen included. B E L TD R I V E Sheaves and beltsmust he cleanrnd dry. Do not pply hell dressing.Frrrnraxintun'r belt an< mustbe in goodalignmentand bellsnlustbe underpropcrtcnsi()n. Check alignmentwith straightedgeor cord acrolislhe facesof both sheuves. This shouldshowsquareconrncron if theyare paralleland with beltsrunningat right anglesr()rhc shaft. both sheaves Use !-gnsiomete-r for determiningproperbelt tension.Beltsthat are (oo tightcausea sharpdecrease in bearingand belt life. If_too prematurelyand decrease machineperformance due to reducedspeed.-Belts maystretchslightlywhenfirst placedin service.Therefore.checkbelt tensionafterIhe machinehasooeiateda feu days,Belt tensionshouldalso be checkedperiodicallythroughoutlhe life of the drive. It left out of serliceftrr a lengthyperiod,all tensionshouldbe removedfrom the belts. When replacingbelts..move th€ motor towardthe machine.Neverforcea belrovera sheave.If replacinga nrukiple belt drive,replaceall heltswith a marchedset. TIMPROPERINSTALLATION WILL VOID THE MACHINERY WARRANTY. (l&10 Pag€1 ol4 RE1/.6 25..11.25 C.nlrltugrl Ak Synlrmr DMdor ELOWERS' ETHAUSTERS nilsl|r PRODUCTDATA CORPORATION S Y R A C U S E ,N . Y . 1 3 2 2 r 4. LONG TERM STORAGE The storagearea must be maintainedat a relativelyconstantlemperaturein order to preventcondensationand rust. The storageareamust be free of ambientvibration to avoid bearingset. Machineshaftsmust be rotatedby hand ten or fifteen revolutionsoncea weekto avoid bearingsetand shaft warpage.A mainten€nce log of weekly shaft rotation must be maintained.Prior to start-up, removethe bearingcaps.Thoroughlycleanand relubricate accordingto instructionsundersectiontwelve,LUBRICATION. At start-up,if bearingnoiseis detected,remove and replaceboth bearings.Relubricateaccordingto instructionsunder s€ctiontwelve, Protect the motor d ver pruaccordingto the motor manufacturer'sstandardinstructionsfor long term storage.Frllore lo rdherc lo ah€se ctdurrs rill rffcct lhe mrchinery wrrrsrly. 5 . IDLE PERIODS An idle blower/exhauster shouldbe treatedin so far as possiblelike a machinein storase. 6. OVERLOAD CAUTION Centrifugalblowers/exhausters shouldnot be operatedbeforepiping connections are made. They are under heaviestload when inlet and outlet are wide ooen.If necessarv t() lest the unit. close off the inlet with a meral plateor boardplacedover the inlet flange. 7. MOTOR INSTRUCTIONS lnstructionsfor electricalconnectionb. careandoperationof motorare attachedto the motor.Motorsshouldhe connectedby an experienced electrician.Be sureirowercharacteristics on motornameplate agreewith available powersuppry. 8. STARTINGINSTRUCTIONS Be sure that alignmenthasheenchecked.shaftturnsfreelyby handand shippingcovershavebeenremoved. Start unit with inlet (or outletl closedoff. Open inlet lor outlet)only after motorhasreachedoperatinuspeed. Do not perrnilmotor loadto exceednameplatefull loadamperage. Admit maximumvolumeof air lwithin m()tornameplatefull load amperagerating)for periodof four ttr file minutesto purgeblowerandsystempipingof loosematerialbeforefinal connecti()n to processequipnrent. 9. DIRECTIONOF ROTATIONAND SPEED A raisedanow on the inlet headshowsproperdirectionof rotation.Changewiring connections to correct.if Full loadspeedof all standardunitsdirectdrivenby a frOherrzmororis approximately nec€ssary. 3550RPM. IO.LACK OF PRESSUREOR VACUUM l. CheckRotationand Soeed. 2. Be surethereare no sioppages in pipingand that pipelineleakageis minimal. 3. Checkmotor load:A machineoperatinSbeyondratingwill devekrpreducedpressure or vacuun). 4. Check rubbersleeveon inlet. if used.lf it shouldbe collapsed. exchangefor outletsleeveuntil ne\{ onecan be obtained. 5. If inlet filter is used,removetemporarilyand testunit. or cleanthe filter. t t . V I B R A T I O NA N D N O I S E Misalignmentbetweenblower/exhauster and motor will causevibrationand noise.Restoreproperalignnlentat once to preventdamageto bearingsand./ordrive. A worn or damagedball bearingwill makea shriekingnoiseand causevibration. As soonas abnormaloperation is dctected,replacethe defectivebearingper serviceinstructionsheet#25.51.25.Usebearingspecifiedby Lamson Corporation. Somcblowers/exhausters operatingunddr very light or no load will surge.A blower/exhausterin surgemakesan intermittentnoise,a rapid poppingor a stuttering,dependingon volumeof piping system.Increasingthe air flow will aliminateit. A blower/exhaustershould neverbe run coniinuouslyshut off and neverif "ln Surge". Mlsrppllcrllor or lmp?op.r opcrrtlon wlll vold the mrchinery wrrnnay. 25.41.25 RAr.0 Page2 of 4 08&10 PRODUCT DATA Hrhs0il CenlrilugalAir SyslemsOivision CO R PORATION SYRACUSE, N.Y. 13221 I 2 .L U B R I C A T I O N Correctlubricationis of prime importancein nraintaining l<>ng trearintlife. The mostcontnl()ncituseso[ olr'theating.noise and prematurebearingfailure are t>vergreasing. use of the wr()ngtype of greaseilnd us!' (rt grease. contaminated and the useof any othertypeof grease rvithouterA specialhigh speedgrease,#5, is requiredin thesemachines plicit approvalof the LamsonEngineering Depar(mentwill automaticallyVOID THE MACHINERY WARfrom the supplierof the blower/exhauster or directfrom LamsonCorRANTY. Crease,#5, may be purchased poration,Syracuse. New York. Blower/exhauster-bearings aregreasedbeforeleav-ing the factoryand,undernormaloperatingconditions(2000hours year),require per peryear), requiretheadditionofa smallamountof#5grease several timeseachyear(about| &. in thegreaiereserr oir ofeachbearingfor the"310"and"400"series,2 thegreasereservoirofeach ofeac[ bearingin the'5 "510 l0 & 5J0'series. 550'series. -1o2. 'l250"leries. greasereservoir reservoirol of each eachbearing in the grease bearinglor for the "600", "600', '810", "850".*1210"& '1250" "600', series. and 4 oz. in thegrease e-ach bea!i!g bearinefgrlhg for the"860" q reservoiroj ofeach & " 1260" series). Do not overgrease permit or contaminantsto enterthebiarin-e :'860: chamber.DO NOT USE STANDARD CUP GREASE. Lamson Corporation recommendsbearinginspectionand relubricationin accordancewith the follorring exceeds185'F., relubricateevery 1,500hours.\\'heresererc schedule:Wherebearingoperatingtemperature operatingconditionsexist,i.e., high stageunitsoperatingin continuousservice(morethan eighrhoursper da1) shouldbe accomplished on a I ,500hour cycle.Greasetheblower/e\hauster bearingrelubrications lr hileit is runor immediately ningand hasreacheda stabilized operatingtemperature, after it.hasbeenstopped.The preferred removeplugat top of bearinghousingandplugfrom bottomof bearing timeis whileit is running.To addgrease, cap. Pressin throughthe top holethe quantitiesof greaseindicatedin the paragraphabove.Replaceplugin lhc top holeof bearinghousingbut leavebottomplug out of bearingcap for approximately thirly minutesto allos greaseto flow oul. After thirty minuteswipe off thc expelledgreaseand replacebottom plug. old or excess ofabnormal abnormaloperating Onceevery Once everytwoyearsol twoyearsof normaloperationorsix or sixmonthsol conditions. thegrease reservoirshould thoroughlvwith a non-toxicsolvent.Afterall solventhasevaporated, thoroughly evaDorated. becleaned reDack repack oneone-third to one-halffull of newgrease(aboutI.6oz.foreachbearingof"310"&"400"series.3.Ioz.foreachbearingof"5l0&550"series. for eachbearingof *600",'810"."850",'1210"& * 1250"series and7 oz.for eachbearingof "860"& " 1260"series). rsof operation oneration areconsidered to be:Highambient H ishambienttemperatures, temoeratures. severe severedust dustconditions. conditionscorrrrsir t' Abnormalconditions corrosile atmosphere,long periods of continuousoperationor handling of hot air (275'F. maximum permissible process, it is of criticalimportance DISCHARCE air temperature). During the relubrication to proteclboth thc' bv dust.dirt or anv otherforeisnmaterial. lubricantand the bearinsfrom contamination PARTS I 3 .O R D E R I N CR E P L A C E M E N T shouldincludecomPleteblower./exhauste r nameplatedata.particularlr'(hes!'riillnuntlr('r'. All correspondence l s s h o w ni n t h e r e p a i rp a r t sl i s t .l f o r d e r i n si n r p f l l c r { s } . G i v e t h e i t e m n u m b e ra n d d e s c r i p t i oonf t h e p a r t ( s a indicatetype required{radialvaneor backwardcurvedvane). mustbe per LamsonCorporationspecifications. Replacement bearings,if purchased elsewhere, I 4 . M A C H I N E R YW A R R A N T Y LamsonCorporationwarrantsthis apparatusto be of first-class materialand workmanshipand rill rcplil rrr partspro\.idr'd replaceFOB factorywithoutchargewithin oneyearfrom dateof shipmentany defective thilr lhc purchaser givesimmediatenoticein writingand examinalionproveslhe claim.Dismantling (rt' ande\anlinitti(rn the apparatusmustbe by authorizedLamsonpersonnel in the field or afterreturnto the Lamsonmanutrcluring plant. This warrantydoesnot covermotors,starters,etc.,manufactured by othersand doesnot covererosionor crrrro. ('or agreesthat no otherclaim for damages will be madeagainstLanls(rn sionof the apparatus.The purchaser poration. NOTE: When installationand op€rationof the equipmentwill be delayeddue to exportor otherr!'ilsons iln c\tendedwarrantymay be obtained.The purchasermustrequestin writingand be grantedin writingsuch n crwarranty,will providea detlilt'tl*-hcrlrrlc tendedwarranty.The LamsonCorporation,whengrantingan extended to be followedpertainingto the blower/exhauster. A similarschedule will be pro\irlrrl t\rr rhc of procedur€s with the motor vendor'spolicy. moior driverconsistent Frllure lo follow the specifiedprocedureswill rulomrlicslly void the extendedwarrrnll. 086-10 Page3 of 4 25.41.25 BEVI CcntdlugalAit SyslcmsDiYision rlMsl|ilPRODUCTDATA CO R PORATION SYRACUSE, N.Y. 13221 cRosssEcTtoN A I R ,I N L E TD R I V E N OUTTET ----@ AIR INLETDRIVEN by TAMSON R E P A I RP A R T SL I S T ITEM I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DESCRIPTION lnlet Head Imoeller Baffle Ring (550,850,860, 1250,1260only) Gasket.Head - eitherend. Inlet or Outlet Bearinghousing eitherend,InletorOutlet BearingCap - Drive End Shaft Locknut,Bearing-eitherend, Inletor Outlet Lockwasher,Bearing eithercnd, Inlet or Outlet l0 GreaseSlinger- eitherend, Inlet or Outlet I I Shim. lmoeller 25.41.25 REV.6 ITEM t1 DESCRIPTION Outlet Head t 3 Intermediate Section I 4 Air SealLabyrinth eitherend,Inletor Outlet l 5 Bearing- eitherend,Inletor Outlet l 6 Gasket,BearingHousing- eitherend, Inlet or Outlet t ' l Wavy SpringWasher l 8 BearingCap - OppositeDrive End l 9 Shim,Bearing 20 Locknut.ImDeller 2 l Lockwasher.'lmoeller 22 Tie Rod Joint S€alant- SiliconeRubber