Great Lakes Wine Institute


Great Lakes Wine Institute
Great Lakes Wine Institute
Michael Moyer: Director, Enology
and Viticulture
Why Southwest Michigan?
Lake effect
Well drained soils
Ripeness without high sugars
23 million people in surrounding areas
Michigan’s Wine Industry
MI ranks 13th in nation’s wine production
107 commercial wineries
Growing 10-15% annually
2 million annual winery visitors
15,000 acres of vineyards
2,650 devoted to wine grapes
Support From Industry Partners
Great Lakes Wine Institute Advisory Committee
• Domaine Berrien- Wally Maurer
• Fenn Valley – Doug Welsch
• Gravity Wine – Rockie Rick
• Karma Vista – Joe Herman
• LMS Wine Growers – Mike DeSchaff
• Michigan State University – Dr. Tom Zabadal
• Round Barn – Matt Moersch
• St. Julian – Dave Braganini
• Tabor Hill – Paul Landeck
• White Pine – David Miller
Michael Moyer, Program Director
• “Jamais en vain, toujours
en vin”
• MS in Viticulture and
Enology from UC Davis
• 3 vintages in CA: Clos du
Lac, Etude, Peter Michael
• 7 vintages as instructor of
wine science in Walla
• 5 vintages with FFWE:
Leonetti, Doubleback,
Figgins, and Toil Oregon
Enology & Viticulture Program
Viticulture: Grape Growing
• Site selection
• Canopy management
• Pest Control
• Harvest operations
Enology: Wine Making
• Fermentation
• Aging
• Filtration and Fining
• Bottling
Business of Wine
• Logistics
• Marketing & distribution
The Program
Fall 2015
Spring 2016
Summer 2016
Fall 2016
Spring 2017
Short Term Training
ENOL 101
Introduction to Enology and
3 Credits
VITI 110
Establishing a Vineyard
3 Credits
VITI 120
Maintaining a Vineyard
3 Credits
BUSA 207
Small Business
3 Credits
ENOL 220
Winery Operations
3 Credits
Pesticide Licensing for
ENOL 105
Wines of the World and Basic
Sensory Analysis
3 Credits
BIOL 120
Plant Biology
4 Credits
VITI 220
Vineyard Diseases &
3 Credits
ENOL 290
Enology Co-op II
1-3 Credits
ENOL 212
Science of Winemaking III
3 Credits
Vineyard & Winery Spanish
ENGL 101
English Composition
3 Credits
ENOL 210
Science of Winemaking I
4 Credits
VITI 291
Viticulture Co-op II
1 Credit
ENOL 211
Science of Winemaking II
3 Credits
ENGL 102 Eng Comp OR
ENGL 103 Tech Writing
3 Credits
Forklift Operator Training
AGRI 110 or CHEM 104
Agricultural Chemistry
4 Credits
BUSA 100
Business Math
3 Credits
PHED 200 Healthful Living
or PHED 212 Health &
Fitness or PHED 214
Personal Health
1-3 Credits
HOSP 111
Responsible Beverage
1 Credit
VITI 290
Viticulture Co-op I
1 Credit
POSC 101 Nat’l Govt or
POSC 102 State Govt or
HIST 201 American Hist to
1865 or HIST 202 Amer
History 1865-Present
3 Credits
ENOL 292 or VITI 292
Co-op III
1 Credit
ENOL 190
Enology Co-op I
1 Credit
ENOL 291
Enology Co-op III
1 Credit
14 Credits
15 Credits
7 Credits
7-9 Credits
14-16 Credits
57-61 + electives
Hands-On Learning: vineyard in
summer, winery in the fall
• Associate in Applied Science in Enology and
Great Lake Wine Institute
• Midwest’s first commercial teaching winery:
Lake Michigan College Vintners
• Future GLWI Facility
Potential Students
From farming families wanting to diversify
Current wine-industry employees
Looking for a second (or first) career
Recent graduates with science or business background
Retirees & hobbyists
Career Opportunities
Sales of equipment, barrels, and other supplies
Custom crush
Warehousing and logistics
Michael Moyer
(269) 927-8617