Qi Gong - bienvenue sur le site de l`amiform


Qi Gong - bienvenue sur le site de l`amiform
Le stress généré au travail
Le Qi Gong comme moyen innovant
de prévention et de réparation
Docteur Yves Réquéna
Porquerolles, le 30 mai 2016
« Le stress : ivresse ou détresse… »
Hans Selye
Le mauvais stress décrit par Hans Selye est une
perte de l’adaptation de l’organisme.
Les conséquences sont somatiques et psychiques.
Somatiques :
 perte de l’état naturel de bien-être,
 somatisation diverses : digestives, thoraciques,
cardiaques, urinaires, sexuelles.
Psychiques :
 apparition ou accentuation de l’anxiété,
 angoisse,
 insomnie,
 perte de la compétence et de l’adaptation,
 dépression,
Immunitaire : l’autre menace du stress est d’ordre
immunologique : baisse des défenses immunitaires par un
mécanisme complexe « psycho-neuro-immunologie » qui
implique :
 les émotions,
 les soucis, les préoccupations,
 le système nerveux central, centre de commande des
glandes hormonales,
 le système neurovégétatif sympathique et
 les hormones,
 le système immunitaire.
Conséquences :
 baisse de résistance aux infections,
 maladies auto-immunes –hypothyroïdie, collagénoses…)
 cancer
 maladies dégénératives : fibromyalgie, sclérose en plaques,
En médecine chinoise :
L’état de pleine santé physique et émotionnelle
résulte d’un équilibre parfait entre le Yin et le
Yang du corps.
Le Yang, le jour, l’action
Le Yin, la nuit, le repos
Le stress interprété en médecin chinoise :
1- Ça commence par un déficit de repos, de
sommeil réparateur, d’insomnie : repos = Yin
Déficit de repos = déficit du Yin
2- Ça s’accompagne d’un excès relatif du Yang, car
il n’est pas compensé par le Yin.
Yang = action
Agitation intérieure, irritabilité, sensation de
pression de l’environnement et de perte de
Pour faire simple :
Le Yin = système parasympathique
Le Yang = système orthosympathique
3- En médecine chinoise trois organes très
réactifs au système sympathique sont les
tampons du stress et donc la cible :
le foie
le cœur
les reins
Selon l’organe qui essaie de parer l’agression,
les symptômes vont être différents.
Le foie : vide de Yin (sang) du foie
Symptômes :
 anxiété,
 angoisse,
 douleurs dans les côtes et la poitrine,
 seins douloureux,
 crampes,
 spasmes, tremblements,
 troubles menstruels,
 troubles digestifs.
Syndromes :
 spasmophilie,
 tétanie,
 crise de panique,
 cauchemars,
 insomnies d’endormissement,
 préoccupation de 1000 choses.
Acupuncture : dénouer le Qi du foie, apaiser le Yang du foie.
Qi Gong :
 exercices musculaires aérobiques,
 sport plein air et défoulement,
 les exercices du Qi du foie :
viser un Aigle
l’Aigle ouvre ses ailes
le Tigre
l’étirement du méridien du foie
et de la vésicule biliaire
respiration abdominale
Le cœur : vide de Yin du cœur
Symptômes :
 anxiété,
 rougeur des pommettes,
 agitation,
 transpiration nocturne,
 oppression de la poitrine, sensation de vide dans la
Syndromes :
 angoisse,
 insomnie du milieu de la nuit,
 transpiration nocturne,
 crainte d’une maladie de cœur.
Acupuncture : calmer le feu du cœur, nourrir le Yin et
Qi Gong :
Exercices du cœur :
le Tigre renverse
la montagne
l’étirement du
méridien du cœur
le son Ha
balancer le fondement
le Serpent
Le rein : vide de Yin du rein
Symptômes :
 anxiété,
 rougeur des pommettes,
 tremblements de crainte,
 lombalgies la nuit,
 lombalgies au moment des règles,
 genoux faibles,
 soif,
 éjaculation précoce,
 troubles marqués de la libido
 dysurie nocturne : 1 à 3 fois par nuit.
Syndromes :
 anxiété,
 angoisse,
 majoration des problèmes et des dangers,
 insomnie du milieu de la nuit, respiration abdominale,
 pertes de mémoire, vertiges, sensation de tête vide.
Acupuncture : tonifier le Qi des reins et stimuler l’énergie vitale.
Qi Gong :
posture d’embrasser l’arbre
se pencher en avant
les quatre éléphants
étirement du méridien du rein
marche du rein
4- Le burn out :
 le Yin nourrit le Yang, lui permet
de se reconstituer,
 le Yang s’épuise en dépense
inadéquate et de plus en plus
 quand le Yang et le Yin sont
épuisés c’est le burn out.
Symptômes :
 sensation de vide d’énergie
 insomnie grave,
 dépression.
Syndromes :
 perte de la capacité de travailler de l’adaptation au milieu
 désintérêt pour le milieu familial,
 manque de goût à vivre,
 sentiment d’échec et d’incompétence,
 culpabilité,
 idées suicidaires.
Traitement :
 arrêt de travail
 repos absolu
Acupuncture : reconstruire l’énergie Jing, le Qi des reins, la
racine du Yin et du Yang de tout le corps.
Qi Gong :
 l’arbre, reconstruire le Jing,
 exercices du rein,
 respiration inversée
méditation accompagnée
Validations scientifiques du Qi Gong
Titre du document : A Review on Neurobiological and Psychological
Mechanisms Underlying the Anti-depressive Effect of Qigong Exercise
Auteur(s) : TSANG Hector W. H. ; FUNG Kelvin M. T.
Résumé : Elders with chronic medical conditions are vulnerable to depression.
Mainstream interventions for treating their depression is however far from
satisfactory which stimulates the interests of researchers to look for
alternative therapies to alleviate geriatric depression. Qigong, a Chinese
mindful exercise, is demonstrated to have anti-depressive effects. Results of
our earlier studies shed light on the psychological mechanism underlying this
effect. The neurobiological mechanism remains unclear. This article attempts
to review extant evidence and suggests possible neurobiological pathways of
the anti-depressive effect of qigong based on the neurotransmitter,
neuroendocrine, and neurotropic perspectives. Further research to
consolidate its scientific base is suggested.
Editeur Sage - Identifiant ISSN : 1359-1053
Source Journal of health psychology A. 2008, vol. 13, n° 7, pp. 857-863 [7 pages] [bibl. : 1 p.3/4]
Langue Anglais
Titre du document : Treating Survivors of Torture and Refugee Trauma: A
Preliminary Case Series Using Qigong and T'ai Chi
Auteur(s) : Grodin Michael A. ; Piwowarczyk Linda ; Fulker Derek ; ...
Résumé : This paper seeks to explore the potential value of qigong and t'ai chi
practice as a therapeutic intervention to aid in the treatment of survivors of
torture and refugee trauma. Design: The common effects of torture and
refugee trauma are surveyed with a focus on post-traumatic stress disorder. An
alternative theoretical framework for conceptualizing and healing trauma is
presented. Evidence is reviewed from the scientific literature that describes
how qigong and t'ai chi have been used in studies of the general population to
alleviate symptoms that are also expressed in torture survivors. Observations
are presented from a combined, simplified qigong and t'ai chi intervention with
a convenience sample of four refugee survivors of torture. Results: Preliminary
observations from four cases and a review of the literature support the
potential efficacy of incorporating qigong and t'ai chi into the treatment of
survivors of torture and refugee trauma. Conclusions: The incorporation of
qigong and t'ai chi into the treatment of torture survivors, within a new
framework for healing trauma, merits further investigation.
Editeur Mary Ann Liebert - Identifiant ISSN : 1557-7708
Source Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y. Online) A. 2008, vol. 14, n° 7, pp. 801806 [6 pages]
Langue Anglais - Copyright © 2008 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Titre du document : Über die Einführung des Subjekts in die traditionelle chinesische
Gesundheitspraxis : Eine kritische und notwendige Auseinandersetzung über den Wert des Taijiquan
und Qigong für die Gesundheitsförderung in der BRD
Introducing the subject to Chinese traditional health practices Women and health : health care and
Débat sur le rôle du Tai Chi Chuan et du Qigong dans les pratiques médicinales traditionnelles
chinoises Les femmes et la santé
Auteur(s) : HANSES A. ; WACKER JüRGEN (Editeur scientifique) ; BASTERT G. (Editeur scientifique)
Corporation(s) du ou des auteurs Frauengesundheit in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (FIDE) DEU
Résumé : Taijiquan and Qigong are forms of physical exercise and the art movement with roots in
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). During the past two decades, they have become quite popular,
enjoying a growing number of practitioners as well as receiveing the increasing recognition of public
education agencies and health insurance schemes. The reasons for the widespread interest aroused by
these exercises can be found not only in the charm they exude of the foreign and exotic but also, quite
significantly, in their health-promoting qualities. The value of Taijiquan and Qigong for general health is
presently under review on several levels. On the one hand, within the context of holism great
emphasis is placed upon the concepts underlying these methods as well as on their various heating
qualities. On the other hand, current health policy discussion has intensified its demand for scientific
proof of the rehabilitative and health-promoting effects of the exercises. Both approaches follow a
similiar logic, focusing on the cause - and effect relationship between therapeutic technique and the
resulting health condition. In this article, three examples - from the areas of psychosomatic medicine,
biography research and systemic biology - will serve to illustrate the proposition that this type of
health-related discussion is much too abbreviated, and that the question as to the correctness of a
movement technique must necessarily be supplemented by a discussion of the entire context of the p
Editeur Wissenschaft & Bildung - Identifiant ISSN : 0344-8622
Type du document Conférence : Workshop der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Frauengesundheit in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (FIDE),
Heidelberg, DEU, 1996-12-12
Source Curare A. 1997, vol. 20, n° 2, pp. 311-322 [bibl. : 48 ref.] - Langue Allemand
Titre du document : Komplementäre und alternative Verfahren beim
Fibromyalgiesyndrom : Systematische Übersicht, Metaanalyse und Leitlinie
Complementary and alternative therapies for fibromyalgia syndrome : Systematic
review, meta-analysis and guideline (Schwerpunkt)
Auteur(s) : Langhorst J. ; Häuser W. ; Bernardy K. ; ...
Résumé : Hintergrund Die planmäßige Aktualisierung der S3-Leitlinie zum Fibromyalgie
syndrom (FMS; AWMF-Registernummer 041/004) wurde ab März 2011 vorgenommen.
Material und Methoden Die Leitlinie wurde unter Koordination der Deutschen
Interdisziplinären Vereinigung für Schmerztherapie (DIVS) von 9 wissenschaftlichen
Fachgesellschaften und 2 Patientenselbsthilfeorganisationen entwickelt. Acht
Arbeitsgruppen mit insgesamt 50 Mitgliedern wurden ausgewogen in Bezug auf
Geschlecht, medizinischen Versorgungsbereich, potenzielle Interessenkonflikte und
hierarchische Position im medizinischen bzw. wissenschaftlichen System besetzt.Die
Literaturrecherche erfolgte über die Datenbanken Medline, PsycInfo, Scopus und
Cochrane Library (bis Dezember 2010). Die Graduierung der Evidenzstärke erfolgte
nach dem Schema des Oxford Center for Evidence Based Medicine. Grundlage der
Empfehlungen waren die Evidenzstärke, die Wirksamkeit (Metaanalyse der
Zielvariablen Schmerz, Schlaf, Müdigkeit und gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität),
die Akzeptanz (Abbruchrate in Studien), Risiken (Nebenwirkungen) und die
Anwendbarkeit der Therapieverfahren im deutschen Gesundheitssystem. Die
Formulierung und Graduierung der Empfehlungen erfolgte in einem mehrstufigen,
formalisierten Konsensusverfahren. Die Leitlinie wurde von den Vorständen der
beteiligten Fachgesellschaften begutachtet. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerung
Meditative Bewegungstherapien (Qigong, Tai-Chi, Yoga) werden stark empfohlen. Die
Therapie mit Akup
Editeur Springer - Identifiant ISSN : 1432-2129
Source Der Schmerz (Berlin. Internet) A. 2012, vol. 26, n° 3, pp. 311-317 [7 pages]
Acute Effects of Qigong Exercise on Mood and
Auteur(s) : Johansson ; Hassmén ; Jouper
MANAGEMENT. 2008, 15, 199 - 207
Titre du document : Acute effect of Qigong training on stress hormonal
levels in man
Auteur(s) : RYU H. ; LEE H.-S. ; SHIN Y.-S. ; ...
Résumé : We observed the acute effects of Qigong training on the levels of
human endogenous opioid peptides, such as beta-endorphin, and other
stress hormones [adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), cortisol, and
dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S)] in a group of ChunDoSunBup
Qigong trainees. At pre (-10 min), mid (40 min) and post (70 min) time of
training, blood was taken for the determination of plasma level of hormones.
The level of beta-endorphin was significantly increased during the mid-time
of training while the level of ACTH declined at the mid- and post- time of
training. Cortisol and DHEA-S were not significantly changed during training.
This result suggests that Qigong training, as a stress coping method, affects
and plays a role in hormonal regulation related to the maintenance of
homeostasis in man.
Editeur Institute for Advanced Research in Asian Science and Medicine
Identifiant PMID : 8874677 ISSN : 0192-415X CODEN : AJCMBA
Source The American journal of Chinese medicine (1979) A. 1996, vol. 24, n° 2, pp. 193-198 [bibl. : 17 ref.]
Langue Anglais
Titre du document : Effects of Scheduled Qigong Exercise on Pupils' Well-Being,
Self-Image, Distress, and Stress
Auteur(s) : TERJESTAM Yvonne ; JOUPER John ; JOHANSSON Caroline
Résumé : Psychologic problems is increasing among pupils and has become a
major problem in Sweden as well as in other Western countries. The aim of this
study was to explore whether scheduled qigong exercise could have an effect on
well-being at school, psychologic distress, self-image, and general stress. Subjects:
Pupils, 13-14 years, were assigned to either a qigong group or a control group.
Intervention: The qigong group had scheduled qigong 2 times a week for 8 weeks.
Measures: Self-reported well-being at school, psychologic distress, self-image,
and stress were measured pre-and postintervention. Results: The control group
had reduced well-being at school during the semester and the qigong group was
stable. The qigong group reduced psychologic distress and stress, and had a
tendency to improved self-image, whereas no changes were found in the control
group. Self-image explains 47% (R2 = 0.47) of well-being at school, and stress
explains 29% (R2 = 0.29) of psychologic distress. Conclusions: Scheduled qigong,
meditative movement, is a possible way to improve well-being at school.
Editeur Mary Ann Liebert - Identifiant ISSN : 1075-5535 CODEN : JACPFP
Source The journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.) A. 2010, vol. 16, n° 9, pp. 939-944 [6
Langue Anglais
Titre du document : Yoga and qigong in the psychological prevention of
mental health disorders : a conceptual synthesis
Auteur(s) : Posadzki Paul ; Parekh Sheetal ; Glass Nel
Résumé : The study proposes to explore two alternative medicine therapiesqigong and yoga for balancing the essential duo of holistic mind-body and
consequently offer a solution for stress, uncertainty, anxiety and depression.
Qualitative research methods have been used to create a conceptual
synthesis of yoga and qigong. It is suggested that an increased sense of
control is the interface between these two modalities. This conceptual
congruence of qigong and yoga is thought to be a selective, curative method,
a prescription for ideal living and a ground of human essence existence.
Furthermore, this essence is thought to enhance the mind’s self-regulatory
processes and prevent mental health disorders. The two alternative therapies
can prevent mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression and,
minimize mental health disruptions such as stress and poor quality of life. It is
suggested that patients and/or clients can benefit from this fusion.
Editeur Springer - Identifiant ISSN : 1993-0402
Source Chinese journal of integrative medicine (Online) A. 2010, vol. 16, n° 1, pp. 80-86 [7 pages]
Langue : Anglais
Copyright : Chinese Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine and Springer Berlin
Heidelberg, 2010
Titre du document : A Review on Neurobiological and Psychological
Mechanisms Underlying the Anti-depressive Effect of Qigong Exercise
Auteur(s) : TSANG Hector W. H. ; FUNG Kelvin M. T.
Résumé : Elders with chronic medical conditions are vulnerable to depression.
Mainstream interventions for treating their depression is however far from
satisfactory which stimulates the interests of researchers to look for
alternative therapies to alleviate geriatric depression. Qigong, a Chinese
mindful exercise, is demonstrated to have anti-depressive effects. Results of
our earlier studies shed light on the psychological mechanism underlying this
effect. The neurobiological mechanism remains unclear. This article attempts
to review extant evidence and suggests possible neurobiological pathways of
the anti-depressive effect of qigong based on the neurotransmitter,
neuroendocrine, and neurotropic perspectives. Further research to
consolidate its scientific base is suggested.
Editeur Sage - Identifiant ISSN : 1359-1053
Source Journal of health psychology A. 2008, vol. 13, n° 7, pp. 857-863 [7 pages] [bibl. : 1 p.3/4]
Langue Anglais
Titre du document : Cognitively Oriented Behavioral Rehabilitation in Combination with
Qigong for Patients on Long-Term Sick Leave Because of Burnout : REST—A Randomized
Clinical Trial
Auteur(s) : Stenlund Therese ; Ahlgren Christina ; Lindahl Bernt ; ...
Résumé : Background Despite an increase in the occurrence of burnout, there is no
agreement on what kind of rehabilitation these patients should be offered. Purpose
Primary aim of this study was to evaluate effects on psychological variables and sick leave
rates by two different group rehabilitation programs for patients on long-term sick leave
because of burnout. Rehabilitation program A (Cognitively oriented Behavioral
Rehabilitation (CBR) and Qigong) was compared with rehabilitation program B (Qigong
only). Method in a randomized clinical trial, 96 women and 40 men with a mean age of
41.6 ± 7.4 years were allocated to one of the two rehabilitation programs. Results A perprotocol analysis showed no significant difference in treatment efficacy between the
groups. Both groups improved significantly over time with reduced levels of burnout, selfrated stress behavior, fatigue, depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and
sick leave rates. In an intention-to-treat analysis, patients in program A had fewer
obsessive-compulsive symptoms and larger effect sizes in self-rated stress behavior and
obsessive-compulsive symptoms compared to patients in program B. Conclusion This study
showed no differences in effect between CBR and Qigong compared with Qigong only in a
per-protocol analysis. Both rehabilitation programs showed positive effect for patients with
Editeur Springer - Identifiant ISSN : 1532-7558
Source International journal of behavioral medicine (Online) A. 2009, vol. 16, n° 3, pp. 294-303 [10 pages]
Langue Anglais
Copyright : International Society of Behavioral Medicine, 2009
In : Méd Sci Monit, 2004; 10(6): CR264-270
PMID: 15173671
Yves Réquéna – M.D.
 Directeur de l’Institut Européen de Qi Gong
 Directeur de l’Institut International de Qi Gong
 Membre permanent du Comité technique et pédagogique de
la Fédération Européenne de Qi Gong
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