West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin (ZUT)
West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin (ZUT)
West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin Dr inż. Zbigniew Sekulski Chair of Ship Structures, Mechanics and Production West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin (ZUT) The ZUT is a university linking the long-term tradition of the University of Agriculture in Szczecin and Szczecin University of Technology – the merger took place on 1 January 2009. Presently ca. 14,300 students are following full-time programmes offered at ten faculties: • Faculty of Biotechnology and Animal Husbandry, • Faculty of Chemical Engineering, • Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, • Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, • Faculty of Economics, • Faculty of Electrical Engineering, • Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture, Baltic Connectivity Conference, Szczecin 2013.08.27-28 West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin (ZUT) • Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries, • Faculty of Maritime Technology and Transport, • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics. The University employs ca. 1100 academic staff members (professors, assistant professors, assistants and researches. Baltic Connectivity Conference, Szczecin 2013.08.27-28 Baltic Connectivity Conference, Szczecin 2013.08.27-28 Wydział Techniki Morskiej i Transportu Faculty of Maritime Technology and Transport Faculty of Maritime Technology and Transport ca. 40 academic staff members (professors, assistant professors, assistants and researches), ca. 700 students, 6 units: • • • • • • Chair of Ship Structures, Mechanics and Production, Chair of Thermal Engines and Ship Power Plants, Chair of Transport Machines and Systems, Chair of Oceantechnology and Design of Maritime Systems, Chair of Ship Protection Engineering, Chair of Refrigeration Systems. Baltic Connectivity Conference, Szczecin 2013.08.27-28 Fields of study and research activity: ocean technology, transport, safety engineering, yachting, yachts construction. Baltic Connectivity Conference, Szczecin 2013.08.27-28 Research activity: Integrated transport, Reliability and safety of technical systems, Logistics of LNG supply to ships propulsion and fuel basis on the coast of the Baltic Sea, Innovative technology maritime transport, Design and production technology of LNG vessels, Strength and reliability of offshore structures, Multiobjective optimisation of engineering systems, Sourcing technology of raw materials from the shelf and the seabed, Sourcing technology of renewable energy from see zone. Baltic Connectivity Conference, Szczecin 2013.08.27-28 Industrial cooperation: Shipyards: Ship Repair Yard „Gryfia”, Maritime Repair Yard, Gdańsk Shipyard, Crist, Betamar/Finomar. Classification societies: Det Norske Veritas, Germanischer Lloyd, Lloyd’s Register, Bureau Veritas, Polski Rejestr Statków. Design offices: Genfer Design, Groot Ship Design, Inocean, Marine Design, Marine Teknikk Poland, Midcon-designer Sp . z o.o. Baltic Connectivity Conference, Szczecin 2013.08.27-28 Research projects – international cooperation: BALTECOLOGICALSHIP - Environmentally Friendly Ships For Baltic Area, INBAT - Innovative Barge Trains for Effective Transport on Inland Shallow Waters, MARSTRUCT - Network of Excellence in Marine Structures, EuroVIP - Virtual Integrated Partnering for SME service, technology and information providers in European maritime sector. Baltic Connectivity Conference, Szczecin 2013.08.27-28 International educational cooperation: Erasmus programme: Fachhochschule Stralsund, Germany, Technische Universitaet Hamburg-Harburg, Germany, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, Turkey, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. Erasmus Mundus programme, EMSHIP - Integrated Advanced Ship Design: Université de Liège, Belgium, École Centrale de Nantes, France, Universität Rostock, Germany, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy, Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" din Galaţi, Romania. Baltic Connectivity Conference, Szczecin 2013.08.27-28 Plans for further development: Centre for research and design of yachts, Heat and power installation, Offshore wind farms, Underwater technology. Baltic Connectivity Conference, Szczecin 2013.08.27-28 Thank you! Have a nice meeting! Współpraca międzynarodowa Udział w Inicjatywie Środkowo-Europejskiej (wsparcie wymiany wykładowców i studentów pomiędzy uniwersytetami krajów Europy środkowej i południowej) organizacja letniej szkoły Maritime Transport of Refrigerating Cargoes 2010 wspólnie z Odeskim Narodowym Morskim Uniwersytetem (Ukraina), organizacja letniej szkoły Risk-Management in European Transport-Logistical Systems Involved non-EU Member States 2011 wspólnie z Akademią Morską w Warnie (Bułgaria). Współpraca z DNV i uczelniami skandynawskimi (prezentacja osiągnięć naukowych i dydaktycznych, wymiana doświadczeń na forum odbywającej się corocznie konferencji pod egidą DNV) Baltic Connectivity Conference, Szczecin 2013.08.27-28 Współpraca z podmiotami gospodarczymi Wspólna Organizacja Interoceanmetal (prowadzenie prac w zakresie poszukiwania, rozpoznawania i przygotowania do przemysłowego zagospodarowania konkrecji żelazomanganowych), Engineering Committee on Oceanic Resources, Klaster Morski Pomorza Zachodniego na rzecz integracji gospodarki morskiej, Klaster „Polskie Jachty”, Związek Pracodawców Forum Okrętowe. Baltic Connectivity Conference, Szczecin 2013.08.27-28 Laboratoria Wydziałowe Badań Cech Pożarowych Materiałów (akredytowane), Transportu Chłodniczego i Klimatyzacji, Technologii Budowy Konstrukcji Stalowych, Siłowni Okrętowych, Maszyn Przeładunkowych, Laminatów z Włókien Szklanych, Akustyki. Baltic Connectivity Conference, Szczecin 2013.08.27-28