Library News - Taylor Community Library
Library News - Taylor Community Library
Library News T AYLOR C OMMUNIT Y L IBRARY 1 2 3 0 3 P ARDEE • T AYLOR, M I 4 8 1 8 0 734-287-4840 W W W .T AYLOR. LIB. MI. US MAR-APR MONDAY - THURSDAY 10:00 AM to 8:00pm Computer Lab closes at 7:30 ——NEWS FLASH—– NEW LIBRARY CARDS A new barcode number (beginning with 29026) is available for your library card at your Taylor Community Library AT NO REPLACEMENT COST. The new barcode makes available online services exclusive to Taylor Community Library patrons now and in the future. Ask for a new card if you intend to access online magazines (Zinio) or free foreign language software (Pronounciator). FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 10:00am to 5:00pm Computer Lab closes at 4:30 SUNDAY 1:00pm—5:00pm Computer Lab closes at 4:30 LIBRARY CLOSED MARCH 25 MARCH 27 Editor: Sharon K. Richardson FOOD AND WARMTH DRIVE IN THIS ISSUE Book discussion synopsis New Library Cards Available Expanded Children’s News Talking Books and Braille Assistive Reading Tech Lab DRGS Article (Genealogy) Free Library benefits 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 WHEELED WALKER WITH SEAT AVAILABLE AT DESK For your convenience. We are pleased to announce that through your generous donations during November, Penrickton Center received more than 100 hats, gloves and scarves; Fish and Loaves received more than 100 pounds of food. GREAT JOB! THANK YOU! >NEW ONLINE SERVICES< ZINIO Read your favorite magazine online, free! Zinio is an eMagazine service, free for patrons within the City of Taylor. You may access this service by using your library card beginning with 29026. The 25 most popular titles are listed first, with the rest in alphabetical order. ODILO A second E-book service with additional titles that may not be immediately available in Overdrive. COMING SOON Consumer Reports on-line “FOOD FOR FINES” APRIL 1—APRIL 30 A popular program returns for the month of April. Fines reduced by 50 cents for each non-perishable food item, with a $10 maximum for the month. Watch for donation boxes. Bring in your items beginning April 1. Book Discussion Group You’ll like participating in these lively discussions of interesting books, both current and classic. Jennifer Klunge hosts on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm. Mar 16 The harder they come by T. C. Boyle (Inspired by a true story.) On a vacation cruise to Central America with his wife, seventy-year-old Sten Stensen unflinchingly kills a gun-wielding robber menacing a busload of senior tourists. The reluctant hero is relieved to return home to Fort Bragg, California, after the ordeal—only to find that his delusional son, Adam, has spiraled out of control. (Amazon) Apr 20 The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy. Hailed as one of the world's supreme masterpieces on the subject of death and dying, is the story of a worldly careerist, a high court judge who has never given the inevitability of his death so much as a passing thought. But one day death announces itself to him, and to his shocked surprise he is brought face to face with his own mortality. How, Tolstoy asks, does an unreflective man confront his one and only moment of truth? (Amazon) Future Selections May 18 Old School by Tobias Wolff Jun 15 The Last Bus to Wisdom by Ivan Doig TAYLOR COMMUNIT Y LIBRARY CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES EARTH DAY PROGRAM MONDAY, APRIL 25 6-7 Registration Required SPRING CRAFT Thursday, March 24 2:00 pm—3:00pm 6:30pm-7:30pm and Wednesday, March 30 2:00pm—3:00pm MONEYSMART STORYTIME Thursday, April 21 6:30 Have fun learning about money with stories and a craft Registration required NEW LEGO™ CLUB 6pm—7pm—First Monday of each month Jan through May 1st through 5th graders Registration required. (Donations of gently used Legos™ will be greatly appreciated) STORYTIMES January through April FAMILY STORYTIME Thursdays 6:30pm All ages are welcome, stories are geared toward ages 3—6 yrs TODDLER STORYTIME Tuesdays 10:30am Ages 0-3 yrs (See calendar for specific dates) “DO NOT FEED THE DUCKS” Why not? You may be surprised when Special guest Dennis O’Connell answers this question on Thursday, March 31 6pm 2 WEB: MICHIGAN ACTIVITY PASS (MAP) IS BETTER THAN EVER Michigan Activity Pass presented by The Library Network runs May 24, 2015 through May 23, 2016. Click on the balloon on our web page and on the MAP page enter your zip code and library. You will see the many available places and activities available to you within easy driving distance. Clicking on “GET PASS” shows the number of passes still available. Make your reservations as soon as you can. Passes are valid for one week. All instructions are on the home page of your selected attraction. (Passes to the most popular destinations go quickly.) Directions, open dates and times are shown for each place. There are so many destinations to chose from you are sure to find several fun selections. Fascinate your family with a trip to the Michigan Science Center, Arab American National Museum, Detroit Institutute of Arts, Michigan Firehouse Museum, Michigan Philharmonic, all within 50 miles of Taylor. All Passes are either discounted or FREE with the compliments of participating organizations like your Taylor Community Library. Pronunciator is a fun and FREE way to learn any of 80 languages. Go to our webpage and click the pronunciator logo. It will take you to a registration page. Then go to the website http:/, log in with your name and password and follow the instructions to learn any language you choose. The online lessons are interactive and you can work at your own level. Learn vocabulary, sentences, phrases, conversation, all at your own pace, up to 22 months of guided instruction per language. New to the site are ProCitizen, which is a citizenship prep course with 100 instructional videos, at http://learning. id=19489, and ProTour which gives you virtual city tours useful in planning a trip. The site has also added feature films, streaming major label music, grammar textbooks, and poetry. Learn online, and get our app for your mobile device! Convenient, fun and a great way to learn. Why are we collecting bottlecaps? Heritage Park and specifically Taylor South Little League, has been the home of the Junior League World Series since it began in 1981. The teams come from all over the world, and the final game of the week-long event determines the world champion. The plastic bottle caps you donate go to an Indiana recycling company which converts the caps into attractive plastic boards and benches. These will replace the current aluminum bleachers and dugout benches, providing better durability and a more attractive appearance on the field. Thank you for your continuing plastic bottle cap donations. Grand Opening Celebration Please join us in celebrating the grand opening of Braille & Talking Books @ Taylor Community Library on April 11 at 11 a.m. The Braille & Talking Books program serves Wayne County residents unable to read standard printed matter. The Grand Opening Celebration features a short presentation and ribbon cutting, as well as tours highlighting the library’s materials for people with special needs. Look for more information on a separate flier or contact Vanessa Morris, Braille and Talking Book Librarian, at: 734-287-4840 or BROWN BAG TALKING BOOK DISCUSSION Join us the second Wednesday of each month at noon for a lively discussion of two books. Brown Bag welcomes new voices, and is open to anyone interested in books. Books are available in both print and Talking Book formats. NEW: ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY LAB In conjunction with the new Braille and Talking Books service, Taylor Community Library created an Assistive Technology Lab. The Lab is located between the audiobook and large print sections and includes a MagniSight Explorer video magnifier with many features to make reading easier. A four-wheel walker with seat and basket has been given to the library, courtesy of Library Access Foundation, Matthew Edwards FOP #123 Lodge and Associate Lodge. If you call to let staff know when you arrive, the walker can be placed near the entrance. The rest of the time, the walker is kept behind the front desk. 3 WEB: A Tour of the DRGS Library continued ABOUT THE DOWNRIVER GENEALOGY SOCIETY Our tour continues in the “Reference” section. We have arrived at our ‘Military’ shelves. Among the research guides to doing military records research is a comprehensive volume titled, U. S. Military Records, A Guide to Federal and State Sources, Colonial America to the Present. We also have How to Locate Anyone Who is or Has Been in the Military. Ladies from the Monguagon Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the Revolution have donated several books and periodicals on the DAR and patriots, among these are the 3 volume set of the DAR Patriot Index, Centennial Edition. We also have – Revolutionary War Bounty Land Grants Awarded by State Governments; Guide to the Draper Manuscripts; Grassroots of America: A Computerized Index to the American State Papers, Land Grants and Claims 17891837; Mariners of the American Revolution; The Lost Soldiers, An Index to the Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Soldiers 1784-1811 (4 volumes); Soldiers of the War of 1812 Who Died in Michigan; The Toledo War; Index to Mexican War Pension Files; and Some Applications Made 1850-1859 for Bounty Land Warrants, Pensions, Back Pay and Extra Pay. For those doing Michigan military research we have an excellent book – Michigan’s Early Military Records, a Roster and History of Troops Activated Prior to the Civil War. This book provides information about and rosters of Michigan men who served in the Pre-Territorial Militia, the War of 1812, the Black Hawk War, the Toledo War, the Patriot War, and the Mexican War. How to do Civil War Research is a small volume on resources. If you are wanting to add some ‘color’ to your Civil War ancestor’s life then the book, Everyday Life During the Civil War, a Guide for Writers, Students and Historians should be of help. Two books about Michigan men and women in the Civil War are – These Men Have Seen Hard Service, the First Michigan Sharpshooters in the Civil War and Michigan Women in the Civil War. After the Civil War the military turned its attention to the lands west of the Mississippi River. We have 3 good volumes about this time period: Soldier and Brave, Historical Places Associated with Indian Affairs and the Indian Wars in the Trans-Mississippi West; Voices of the Buffalo Soldier, Records, Reports, and Recollections of Military Life in the West; and Fort Huachuca, the Story of a Frontier Post. Note – we have materials specific to those service members who live or have lived in the Downriver area but these are shelved in our “Downriver” section. Time for a statistic: The library has 203 titles in its “Reference” section which includes 58 titles of ‘Military’ books. The 203 titles do not include ‘Immigration and Passenger Lists’ and ‘Native American’ books. We will cover these in our next installment of “A Tour of the DRGS Library.” Drop into the library and we’ll be happy to give you a personal tour. Mary C. Pincek, Library Director The Downriver Genealogical Society represents 18 communities in south-eastern Wayne County, Michigan. Specifically: Allen Park, Brownstown, Ecorse, Flat Rock, Gibraltar, Grosse Ile, Huron, Lincoln Park, Melvindale, River Rouge, Riverview, Rockwood, South Rockwood, Southgate, Taylor, Trenton, Woodhaven and Wyandotte. We meet on the third Wednesday of the month (excluding July, August and December) at 7 o’clock in the evening at: The Copeland Center 2306 Fourth Street (between Northline and Eureka Roads) Wyandotte, Michigan 48192 For more information go to Or call 734-374-8774 for how to join. Our location in the library is open Tues, Wed, Thurs. from 1pm—5pm X-TRA! X-TRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! “In it’s continuing efforts to support our communities, the Downriver Genealogical Society has developed a program to support the direct scanning of 60 years of newspapers from Wayne County, Michigan and surrounding areas. This “Newspaper Digitizing Project” is a long-term effort to preserve the local history, customs, and traditions that have made the downriver area what it is today. Heritage Media Group, publishers of downriver papers for 21 communities, has chosen us, the Downriver Genealogical Society, to preserve the history of our area. This honor is a testament to our 33 -year history of preserving the past for future generations. In January of 2013, we became the custodians of their collection of newspapers from 1943 – 2003, currently in a storage facility. Our objective is to scan each and every page, convert it into a searchable format and provide access via the internet free to everyone. While this may seem an ambitious project, we are confident with some help from our supporters we will succeed!” - from DGRS Website. Volunteers should contact DRGS by phone, or go to the website for more information. YOUR LIBRARY CARD OPENS DOORS FOR YOU Your free Taylor Community Library membership is a passport to entertainment and knowledge for you and your family. Taylor residents have a wealth of fun and learning at their fingertips. Online language classes, e-books, movies, documentaries, books on CD, internet and Wi-Fi access as well as children’s programming, Braille and Talking Books — too many services to list here. All these are free with your Taylor Library card online or in person. You will find the latest in fiction and non-fiction, and if it’s not on the shelf we will find it for you. Your Taylor Community Library card puts a fabulous world within your reach. Take advantage of the many activities and services obtainable when you step into your library or explore the Taylor Community Library webpage. You’ll be amazed at the unexpected new worlds of knowledge, experiences, and entertainment available to you. 4 WEB: DON’T HAVE A (FREE) LIBRARY CARD? YOU’RE MISSING OUT on a host of valuable free services, information and programs provided for you and your family at your Taylor Community Library. In addition to books and reference materials your library offers free activities, programs and services for adults and children. READING, WATCHING, LEARNING AND LISTENING MATERIALS BOOKS—FICTION, NON-FICTION: NEW RELEASES, OLD FAVORITES., CLASSICS, REFERENCE, HOW-TO DVDS/VHS -7-DAYS – NOT RENEWABLE ADULT - MOVIES, PBS SPECIALS, TRAVEL & FITNESS JUVENILE – MOVIES, INSTRUCTIONAL, EDUCATIONAL MUSIC ON CD – POP, COUNTRY, SOUNDTRACKS, CLASSICAL BOOKS ON CD – NOVELS, NON-FICTION, SELF IMPROVEMENT LEARNING ON CD—FOREIGN LANGUAGE LESSONS MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, LOCAL NEWSPAPERS, USA TODAY, NY TIMES, WALL STREET JOURNAL COLLEGE CATALOGS AND SELECTION ASSISTANCE INTER-LIBRARY LOANS OF MATERIALS ONLINE E-RESOURCES* NEW! PRONUNCIATOR—LANGUAGE LEARNING ONLINE E-BOOKS —DOWNLOAD BOOKS WITH “OVERDRIVE” AND “ODILO” (New Resource) NEW! ZINIO - READ AND DOWNLOAD POPULAR MAGAZINES ONLINE *Available to Taylor residents with Library Card in good standing.. WEBSITE at – ACCESS LOCAL AND STATE PROGRAMS DISPLAY TABLE HIGHLIGHTS Your Adult Services Librarian, Jackie W, keeps display table items current. Look on the adult side near the Computer Lab. Titles change often and range from biography to history to current events. Whatever your interest, you’re sure to find it here. KNITTERS, CROCHETERS QUILTERS— Drop in and share ideas in our Itch to Stitch group with host Jackie W. Practice new skills and join a friendly group of stitching enthusiasts on every Tuesday from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Want to learn a new technique? Have a problem with a stitch? Looking for a quilting pattern? Here’s a group to help you find the answer. Yes, I want to join The Friends of the Taylor Community Library Name: Address: City: State: _____ Zip: Phone: Dues are $5.00 per year. The Friends of the Taylor Community Library is a non-profit organization. Give registration form to Library staff or mail to: Friends of the Taylor Community Library c/o Taylor Community Library 12303 Pardee Taylor, MI 48180 ACTIVITY AND DISCUSSION GROUPS KNITTING GROUP BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP BROWN BAG TALKING BOOK DISCUSSIONS CHILDREN AND YOUNG ADULTS - 2016 READING AND ACTIVITY PROGRAMS CHILDRENS’ SUMMER READING PROGRAM TODDLERS’ AND PRE-SCHOOL STORYTIME PROGRAMS CHILDRENS’ CRAFT DAYS LEGO™ CLUB—JAN-MAY 1ST MON OF MONTH (1ST-5TH GRADE) GENERAL SERVICES AND INFORMATION INFORMATIONAL PAMPHLETS PROVIDED BY YOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVE PROVIDED BY VARIOUS INSTITUTIONS BUS TIME SCHEDULES FOR THE METRO AREA BOOK SALE BY FRIENDS OF THE TAYLOR LIBRARY FAXING —$1.50/PAGE PRINT CARD—$1.00 COPYING/PRINTING— .10 BLACK & WHITE— .50 COLOR COMPUTERS – ADULT AND FILTERED YOUTH COMPUTERS NEW! ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY LAB - TALKING BOOKS NEW! WHEELED WALKER WITH SEAT—(AT FRONT DESK) FREE WIFI THROUGHOUT LIBRARY USED BATTERY DEPOSIT CONTAINER USED EYEGLASSES DEPOSIT CONTAINER FISH & LOAVES FOOD DONATION BARREL BOTTLE CAP/SCREW CAP COLLECTION POINT BROWSE OUR LARGE PRINT COLLECTION Remember we are adding new titles each month. Check often or ask for new books by your favorite authors. You can always put new books on hold. PUZZLE & CHESS AND GAME TABLE Stop in and add a few pieces to our PERPETUAL PUZZLE near the adult Nonfiction sign. Or, make a few chess moves. All puzzles are received from generous Taylor residents and maintained by Janice Black. The Friends of the Taylor Library hold used book sales at the Library in the Laptop Lounge on the 3rd Saturday of each month except May, and December. With funds raised from the book sales in 2013 and 2014, the Friends have supported your library by providing funds for: a Nook for your library’s use four adjustable tables for the StoryTime room new PBS series DVDs and current new movies on DVD. refreshments for Library events subscribing to Book Page and other publications for our patrons. a laptop computer and a digital camera for your library’s use books for special donation programs Ecology books for Ecology Reading Program shelf labels for shelving the Juvenile Series books a laminating machine for signs and notices complete set of Shakespeare plays on CD Subscription to Michigan Gardener Your Library benefits when you join the Friends, shop at the book sales, or donate gently-used books or movies. Friendly faces are always welcome on book sale day. Officials of Friends of the Taylor Library Virginia Christie, President Lynn Maniak, Vice President Caroline Archibald, Treasurer Sandy Bates, Secretary 5 MARCH 2016 SUNDAY MONDAY VEG MICHIGAN DISPLAY IN DISPLAY CASE THROUGH MONTH OF MARCH 6 7 14 LIBRARY COMMISSION 7PM 20 1 21 WEDNESDAY 2 SATURDAY 4 5 11 12 FAMILY STORYTIME 6:30PM Itch to Stitch 5:30 – 7:45 10 9 TODDLER STORYTIME 10:30AM Itch to Stitch 5:30 – 7:45 15 TODDLER 16 STORYTIME 10:30AM 23 29 30 Itch to Stitch 5:30 – 7:45 SPRING CRAFT 2:00-3:00PM HOME OWNERSHIP SEMINAR 10:30AM 4:00PM 17 19 18 FAMILY STORYTIME 6:30PM BOOK DISCUSSION 6:30PM Itch to Stitch 5:30 – 7:45 22 FAMILY STORYTIME 6:30PM BROWN BAG TALKING BOOK DISCUSSION NOON—1:30pm Itch to Stitch 5:30 – 7:45 28 FRIDAY 3 TODDLER STORYTIME 10:30AM 27 CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY THURSDAY TODDLER STORYTIME 10:30AM 8 LEGO CLUB 6PM-7PM Registration required 13 TUESDAY BOOK SALE 10 AM – 3 PM 24 SPRING CRAFT 2:00-3:00PM & 6:30PM-7:30PM 25 26 CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY 31 DO NOT FEED THE DUCKS DENNIS O’CONNELL 6:00PM APRIL 2016 SUNDAY 3 MONDAY 4 5 LEGO CLUB 6PM-7PM Registration required 10 17 TUESDAY 11 6 12 TODDLER STORYTIME 10:30AM LIBRARY COMMISSION 7PM Itch to Stitch 5:30 – 7:45 RENTER EDUCATION 6:00—7:30PM 19 TODDLER STORYTIME 10:30AM 25 EARTH DAY 6:00-7:00PM Registration required 26 TODDLER STORYTIME 10:30AM Itch to Stitch 5:30 – 7:45 FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 8 9 15 16 Library Board Meeting 7:00pm 13 BROWN BAG TALKING BOOK DISCUSSION NOON—1:30pm 20 BOOK DISCUSSION 6:30PM Itch to Stitch 5:30 – 7:45 24 THURSDAY 7 Itch to Stitch 5:30 – 7:45 TALKING BOOK LIBRARY GRAND OPENING 18 WEDNESDAY 27 14 FAMILY STORYTIME 6:30PM 21 BOOK SALE 10 AM – 3 PM 22 23 29 30 FAMILY STORYTIME MONEYSMART 6:30PM Registration required 28 FAMILY STORYTIME 6:30PM
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