HU-HD3310M-FRK HU-HD3310M-FL HU-HD3307M-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3307M-FL HU-HD3310M-FR HU-HD3310M-FLK (RHD) Accord Sedan 08-12 (Euro Type) (LHD) Outside Handle+ Cover FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome Handle FR:72141-TL0-E01 FL:72181-TL0-E01 Cover FR:72143-TL0-G01 FL:72183-TL0-G01 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Accord Sedan/ Coupe 13-15 (LHD) (EX, EX-L Model) W/ Smart Key Outside Handle+ Cover Handle FR:72141-T2A-F71 FL:72181-T2A-F71 Cover FR:72143-T2A-C71 FL:72184-T2A-G21 Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3309M-FRK HU-HD3309M-FL Accord Sedan/ Coupe 13-15 (LHD) (LX Sport Model) Outside Handle+ Cover Handle FR:72141-T2A-C71 FL:72181-T2A-C71 Cover FR:72143-T2A-C71 FL:72184-T2A-G21 Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3307M-FLK (=RL) Honda Accord Sedan 08-12 (Euro Type) Outside Handle+ Cover Rear LH M:All Chrome Handle:72181-TL0-E01 Cover :72183-TL0-E01 HU-HD3309M-FR HU-HD3309M-FLK (RHD) 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3309M-RR HU-HD3309M-RL Honda Accord Sedan 13-15 Outside Handle+ Cover Rear RH; LH M:All Chrome Handle RR:72641-T2A-C71 RL:72643-T2A-C71 Cover RR:72681-T2A-C71 RL:72683-T2A-C71 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3307M-FR HU-HD3307M-FLK (=RL) HU-HD3307M-FRK (=RR) Honda Accord Sedan 08-12 (Euro Type) (RHD) Outside Handle+ Cover FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK :Front LH W/o Keyhole FRK:Rear RH W/o Keyhole M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2309MA-FR HU-HD2309MA-FL HU-HD2307RA-FR HU-HD2307RA-FL Accord Sedan/ Coupe 13-15 Inside Handle Front RH= Rear RH Front LH= Rear LH MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing FR:72120-T2A-A01ZA FL:72160-T2A-A01ZA Accord Sedan 08-12 (Euro Type) Inside Handle Front RH; LH SA:Silver Lever + Black Housing FR:72120-TL0-G01ZA FL:72160-TL0-G01ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5309P-FR6 HU-HD5309P-FL6 Accord Coupe 13-15 Window Regulator P:Power W/ Motor (6 Pin) FR:72210-T3L-A01 FL:72250-T3L-A11 HU-HD5310P-FR6 HU-HD5310P-FL6 Accord Sedan 13-15 FR:72210-T2A-A11 FL:72250-T2A-A11 10P/ 0.6'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) HD2370SA HU-HD2307RA-RR HU-HD2307RA-RL Honda Accord Sedan 08-12 (Euro Type) Inside Handle Rear RH; LH SA:Silver Lever + Black Housing RR:72620-TL0-G01ZA RL:72660-TL0-G01ZA 20P/ 1.4'/ 3-4KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HD2370SA HU-HD5310P-RR HU-HD5310P-RL Honda Accord Sedan 13-15 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor '13 RR:72710-T2A-A01 RL:72750-T2A-A01 '14 RR:72710-T2A-A02 RL:72750-T2A-A02 10P/ 0.6'/ 8-9KG 463 HD001 Case Qty:10P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD3515P-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3515P-FL HU-HD5306P-FR HU-HD5306P-FL Honda Honda Accord Crosstour 10-15 Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black FR:72140-TY4-A41ZD FL:72180-TY4-A41ZD Accord Crosstour 10-15 Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR:72210-TP6-A01 FL:72250-TP6-A01 50P/ 1.7'/ 15-16KG 10P/ 2’/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P HU-HD5305P-RR HU-HD5305P-RL HU-HD3515P-FLK (=RL) Honda Accord Crosstour 10-15 Outside Handle Rear LH P:Primed Black FLK:72180-TY4-A51ZD Honda 50P/ 1.7'/ 15-16KG 10P/ 2’/ 15-16KG Accord Crosstour 10-15 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor RR:72710-TA0-A01 RL:72750-TA0-A01 Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P HU-HD3515M-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3515M-FL Honda Accord Crosstour 10-15 Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome FR:72140-TP6-A01 FL:72180-TP6-A01 50P/ 1.7'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3515M-FLK (=RL) Honda Accord Crosstour 10-15 Outside Handle Rear LH M:All Chrome FLK:72180-TP6-A11 50P/ 1.7'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2305RA-RH HU-HD2305RA-LH Honda Accord Crosstour 10-15 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) RA:Silver Lever + Black Housing RH:72120-TA5-A02ZD LH:72160-TA5-A02ZD RH:72120-TA5-A02ZA LH:72160-TA5-A02ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HD2305SA Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 464 HD002 HU-HD3305P-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3305P-FL HU-HD3305P-FR HU-HD3305P-FLK (=RL) Honda Honda Accord Sedan / Coupe 08-12 Outside Handle+ Cover FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black Handle FR:72141-TA5-A01ZN FL:72181-TA5-A01ZN Cover FR:72183-TA5-A01ZN FL:72183-TA5-A01ZN Accord Sedan / Coupe 08-12 Outside Handle+ Cover FR:Front RH W/ Keyhole RL:Front LH W/o Keyhole P:Primed Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3305P-FLK (=RL) HU-HD3305P-FRK (=RR) Accord Sedan 08-12 Outside Handle+ Cover Rear LH P:Primed Black Accord Sedan 08-12 Outside Handle+ Cover Rear RH P:Primed Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3305M-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3305M-FL HU-HD3305M-FR HU-HD3305M-FLK (=RL) Accord Sedan / Coupe 08-12 Outside Handle+ Cover FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome Handle FR:72141-TA5-A11 FL:72181-TA5-A11 Cover FR:72143-TA5-A11 FL:72183-TA5-A11 Accord Sedan / Coupe 08-12 Outside Handle+ Cover FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK :Front LH W/o Keyhole M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3305M-FLK (=RL) HU-HD3305M-FRK (=RR) Accord Sedan 08-12 Outside Handle Rear LH M:All Chrome USA Built Handle:72181-TA5-A11 Cover :72683-TA5-A11 JPN Build Handle:72181-TA0-A01ZB Cover :72683-TA0-A01ZB Accord Sedan / Coupe 08-12 Outside Handle+ Cover FRK:Rear RH M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3305-2RH HU-HD3305-2LH Honda Accord Sedan 08-12 (USA Built) Outside Handle Bracket Assy RH; LH (Front=Rear) RH:72182-TA5-A01 LH:72142-TA5-A01 50P/ 2.2'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B11) HU-HD3306-2RH HU-HD3306-2LH Honda Accord Sedan 08-12 (Japan Built) Outside Handle Bracket Assy RH; LH (Front=Rear) RH:72182-TA0-A01 LH:72142-TA0-A01 50P/ 2.2'/ 9-10KG 465 HD003 Case Qty:10P (B11) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD5305P-FR2 HU-HD5305P-FR4 HU-HD5305P-FL6 HU-HD2305RA-RH HU-HD2305RA-LH Honda Accord Sedan/ Coupe 08-12 Accord Crosstour 10-12 Inside Handle (Front= Rear) RA:Silver Lever + Black Housing USA RH:72120-TA5-A01ZA LH:72160-TA5-A01ZA JPN RH:72120-TA0-A01ZA LH:72160-TA0-A01ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda Accord Sedan/ Coupe 08-12 (LHD) Window Regulator Front RH P:Power W/ Motor (1C) FR2:72210-TE0-A12 (2 Pins) FR4:72210-TE0-A02 (4 Pins) FR4:72250-TA0-T11 (4 Pins) FL6:72250-TA0-T11 (6 Pins) HD2305SA HU-HD2305RB-RH HU-HD2305RB-LH Accord Sedan/ Coupe 08-12 Accord Crosstour 10-12 Inside Handle (Front= Rear) RB:Silver Lever + Brown (Taupe) Housing USA RH:72120-TA5-A01ZC LH:72120-TA5-A02ZC JPN RH:72120-TA0-A01ZC LH:72160-TA0-A01ZC Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P HU-HD5305P-FR6 HU-HD5305P-FL2 HU-HD5305P-FL4 Honda 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 10P/ 1'/ 9-10KG Honda Accord Sedan/ Coupe 08-12 (RHD) Window Regulator Front LH P:Power W/ Motor (1C) FR6:72210-TA0-T01 (6 Pins) FL2:72250-TE0-A12 (2 Pins) FL4:72210-TA0-T01 (4 Pins) HD2305SB 10P/ 1'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD2305RG-RH HU-HD2305RG-LH HU-HD5305P-RR HU-HD5305P-RL Honda Honda Accord Sedan/ Coupe 08-12 Accord Crosstour 10-12 Inside Handle (Front= Rear) RG:Silver+ Gray Housing USA RH:72120-TA5-A01ZB/A02ZB LH:72160-TA5-A01ZB JPN RH:72120-TA0-A01ZB LH:72160-TA0-A01ZB Accord Sedan 08-12 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor (1C) RR:72710-TA0-A01 RL:72750-TA0-A01 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HD2305SG 10P/ 1’/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10 Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 466 HD004 HU-HD3302S-FRK (LHD) HU-HD3302S-FLK (RHD) HU-HD3301MS-FRK (LHD) HU-HD3301MS-FLK (RHD) Honda Honda Accord Hybrid 05-07 Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Keyhole S:Smooth Black FR:72140-SDA-A21 FL:72180-SDA-A01 Accord Sedan 03-07 (Asia Type) Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Keyhole MS:Smooth Black W/ Chrome Insert FR:72140-SDE-T11ZD FL:72180-SDE-T01ZD 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3302S-FR HU-HD3302S-FL HU-HD3301MS-FR HU-HD3301MS-FL Honda Accord Sedan 03-07 (Asia Type) Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Keyhole MS:Smooth Black W/ Chrome Insert Accord Sedan 03-07 Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Keyhole S:Smooth Black FR:72140-SDA-A51 FL:72180-SDA-A51 FR:72140-SDA-A11 FL:72180-SDA-A11 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3302S-RR HU-HD3302S-RL Honda Honda 50P/ 1.7'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3301MS-RR HU-HD3301MS-RL Honda Accord Hybrid 05-07 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH S:Smooth Black RR:72640-SDA-A01 RL:72680-SDA-A01 RR:72640-SDA-A11 RL:72680-SDA-A11 Accord Sedan 03-07 (Asia Type) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH MS:Smooth Black W/ Chrome Insert RR:72640-SDE-T01ZJ RL:72680-SDE-T01ZJ 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3302M-FRK (LHD) HU-HD3302M-FLK (RHD) HU-HD7302-FR HU-HD7302-FL Honda Honda Accord Hybrid 05-07 Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Keyhole M:All Chrome Accord 03-07 Central Latch Front RH; LH FR:72115-SDA-A01 FL:72155-SDA-A01 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3302M-FR HU-HD3302M-FL Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD4213-LHD Honda Accord Hybrid 05-07 Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome Accord 03-07 Hood Latch W/o Security Switch LHD:74120-SDA-A01 LHD:74120-SDA-A02 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 10-11KG Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3302M-RR HU-HD3302M-RL Honda Accord Hybrid 05-07 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 467 HD005 Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD4214-LHD Honda Accord 03-07 Hood Latch W/ Security Switch LHD:74120-SDA-A12 50P/ 1.7'/ 10-11KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD2238MA-FR HU-HD2238MA-FL HU-HD5209P-FR2 HU-HD5209P-FL6 Honda Honda Accord Hybrid 05-07 Sedan 03-07 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing FR:72120-SDA-A02ZC FL:72160-SDA-A02ZC Accord Hybrid 05-07; Sedan 03-07 Window Regulator (LHD) -FR2:2 Pin Plug -FL6:Anti-Pinch 6 Pin Plug P:Power W/ Motor FR:72210-SDA-A01/2 FL:72250-SDA-A01/2 FR:72210-SDG-H01 FL:72250-SDG-H01 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 10P/ 1'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10 HU-HD2238MB-FR HU-HD2238MB-FL HU-HD5209P-FR6 HU-HD5209P-FL2 Accord Hybrid 05-07 Sedan 03-07 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MB:Chrome Lever + Brown (Taupe) Housing FR:72120-SDA-A02ZD FL:72160-SDA-A02ZD Accord Hybrid 05-07; Sedan 03-07 Window Regulator (RHD) P:Power W/ Motor -FR6:Anti-Pinch 6 Pin Plug -FL2:2 Pin Plug 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 10P/ 1'/ 12-13KG Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda Case Qty:10 HU-HD2238MA-RR HU-HD2238MA-RL HU-HD5209PN-FR HU-HD5209PN-FL Honda Honda Accord Hybrid 05-07 Sedan 03-07 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing RR:72620-SDA-A02ZA RL:72660-SDA-A02ZA Accord Hybrid 05-07 Sedan 03-07 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor (1C) FR:72210-SDG-H01 WO FL:72250-SDG-H01 WO 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 10P/ 1'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10 HU-HD2238MB-RR HU-HD2238MB-RL HU-HD5209P-RR HU-HD5209P-RL Accord Hybrid 05-07 Sedan 03-07 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MB:Chrome Lever + Brown (Taupe) Housing RR:72620-SDA-A02ZB RL:72660-SDA-A02ZB Accord Hybrid 05-07 Sedan 03-07 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor RR:72710-SDA-A01 RL:72750-SDA-A01 RR:72710-SDG-H01 RL:72750-SDG-H01 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 10P/ 1'/ 12-13KG Honda Case Qty:10 (B12) Honda Case Qty:10 HU-HD5209PN-RR HU-HD5209PN-RL Honda Accord Hybrid 05-07 Sedan 03-07 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH RR:72710-SDA-A01 RL:72750-SDA-A01 RR:72710-SDG-H01 WO RL:72750-SDG-H01 WO 10P/ 1'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10 2 Pins 6 Pins Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 468 HD006 HU-HD3240P-FR HU-HD3240P-FL HU-HD3338M-FR HU-HD3338M-FLK Honda Honda Accord Coupe 98-02 Outside Handle Front RH; LH P:Primed Black FR:72140-S82-A01ZF FL:72180-S82-A01ZF Accord 03-07 (Euro Type) RHD Outside Handle FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2240ME-FR HU-HD2240ME -FL HU-HD3338M-FRK HU-HD3338M-FL Honda Honda Accord Coupe 98-02 Inside Handle Front RH; LH ME:Chrome Lever + Beige Housing FR:72125-S82-A01ZC FL:72165-S82-A01ZC Accord 03-07 (Euro Type) LHD Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2240MH-FR HU-HD2240MH -FL HU-HD3338M-RR HU-HD3338M-RL Honda Honda Accord Coupe 98-02 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MH:Chrome Lever + Glassy Gray Housing FR:72125-S82-A01ZA FL:72165-S82-A01ZA Accord 03-07 (Euro Type) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2240MG-FR HU-HD2240MG -FL HU-HD2338MA-FR HU-HD2338MA-FL Honda Honda Accord Coupe 98-02 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MG:Chrome Lever + Quartz Gray Housing FR:72125-S82-A01ZB FL:72165-S82-A01ZB Accord 03-07 (Euro Type) Inside Handle Front RH; LH MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5210P-FR4 HU-HD5210P-FL2 HU-HD2338MA-RR HU-HD2338MA-RL Honda Honda Accord Coupe 98-02 (RHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR4-4 Pin Plug FL2-2 Pin Plug FR:72211-S82-A01 FL:72251-S82-A01 Accord 03-07 (Euro Type) Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing 10P/ 1.4'/ 15-16KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5210P-FR2 HU-HD5210P-FL4 Honda Accord Coupe 98-02 (LHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR2-2 Pin Plug FL4-4 Pin Plug FR:72210-S82-A01 FL:72250-S82-A01 10P/ 1.4’/ 15-16KG 469 HD007 Case Qty:10P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD3303P-FRK HU-HD3303P-FL HU-HD3337S-FR HU-HD3337S-FLK Honda Honda Accord Coupe 03-07 Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black FR:72140-SDN-A01ZB FL:72180-SDN-A01ZB Accord 98-02 (Euro Type) RHD Outside Handle FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole S:Smooth Black FL:72180-S1A-E32 50P/ 1.7'/ 10-11KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3303M-FRK HU-HD3303M-FL HU-HD3337S-FRK HU-HD3337S-FL Honda Honda Accord Coupe 03-07 Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome FR:72140-SDN-A01ZB-PFM FL:72180-SDN-A01ZB-PFM Accord 98-02 (Euro Type) LHD Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole S:Smooth Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 10-11KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2239MA-FR HU-HD2239MA-FL HU-HD3337S-RR HU-HD3337S-RL Honda Honda Accord Coupe 03-07 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MA:Chrome+ Black FR:72120-SDN-A02ZA FL:72160-SDN-A02ZA FR:72120-SDN-A01ZA FL:72160-SDN-A01ZA Accord 98-02 (Euro Type) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH S:Smooth Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5211P-FR2 HU-HD5211P-FL6 HU-HD2337RA-RH HU-HD2337RA-LH Honda Honda Accord Coupe 03-07 (LHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR2-2 Pin Plug FL6-6 Pin Plug FR:72210-SDN-A03 FL:72250-SDN-A03 Accord 98-02 (Euro Type) Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) RA:Silver Lever + Black Housing 10P/ 1'/ 15-16KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5211P-FR6 HU-HD5211P-FL2 HU-HD2337MA-RH HU-HD2337MA-LH Honda Honda Accord Coupe 03-07 (RHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR6-6 Pin Plug FL2-2 Pin Plug Accord 98-02 (Euro Type) Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing 10P/ 1'/ 15-16KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5211PN-FR HU-HD5211PN-FL Honda Accord Coupe 03-07 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor (1C) FR:72210-SDN-A02 FL:72250-SDN-A02 10P/ 1'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P HD2337SA Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD1337S Honda Accord 98-02 (Euro Type) Window Handle RH= LH S:Black (Metal) 250P/ 1.7'/ 18-19KG Case Qty:50P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 470 HD008 HU-HD3237S-FR HU-HD3237S-FL HU-HD2580ME-FR HU-HD2580ME-FL Accord Sedan 98-02 Outside Handle Front RH; LH S:Smooth Black USA# FR:72140-S84-A11 FL:72180-S84-A11 JAP# FR:72140-S86-K12 FL:72180-S86-K12 Accord Sedan 98-02 (USA) Inside Handle (LX, EX Model) Front RH; LH W/ Hole ME:Chrome+ Beige FR:72125-S84-A01ZC FL:72165-S84-A01ZC 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3237S-RR HU-HD3237S-RL HU-HD2580MG-FR HU-HD2580MG-FL Accord Sedan 98-02 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH S:Smooth Black USA# RR:72640-S84-A11 RL:72680-S84-A11 JAP.# RR:72640-S86-K11 RL:72680-S86-K11 Accord Sedan 98-02 (USA) Inside Handle (LX, EX Model) Front RH; LH W/ Hole MG:Chrome+ Gray FR:72125-S84-A01ZB FL:72165-S84-A01ZB 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3237M-FR HU-HD3237M-FL HU-HD2580MJ-FR HU-HD2580MJ-FL Accord Sedan 98-02 Outside Handle Front RH; LH Accord Sedan 98-02 (USA) Inside Handle (LX, EX Model) Front RH; LH W/ Hole MJ:Chrome+ Blue FR:72125-S84-A01ZA FL:72165-S84-A01ZA Honda M:All Chrome FR:72140-S86-K12-Chrome FL:72180-S86-K12-Chrome 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Honda 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10 (B12) HU-HD3237M-RR HU-HD3237M-RL HU-HD2580ME-RR HU-HD2580ME-RL Accord Sedan 98-02 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH M:All Chrome RR:72640-S84-A11-Chrome RL:72680-S84-A11-Chrome Accord Sedan 98-02 (USA) Inside Handle (DX Model) Rear RH; LH W/ Hole ME:Chrome+ Beige RR:72620-S84-A01ZC RL:72660-S84-A01ZC 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) Honda Case Qty:10 (B12) HU-ACE001-FR HU-ACE001-FL HU-HD2580MG-RR HU-HD2580MG-RL Accord 98-02 Door Check Front RH; LH FR:72340-S84-A01 FL:72380-S84-A01 Accord Sedan 98-02 (USA) Inside Handle (DX Model) Rear RH; LH MG:Chrome+ Gray RR:72620-S84-A01ZB RL:72660-S84-A01ZB 30P/ 1.1'/ 5-6KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Honda Case Qty:1 (AAB01) Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-ACE001-RR HU-ACE001-RL HU-HD2580MJ-RR HU-HD2580MJ-RL Accord 98-02 Door Check Rear RH; LH RR:72840-S84-A01 RL:72880-S84-A01 Accord Sedan 98-02 (USA) Inside Handle (DX Model) Rear RH; LH MJ:Chrome+ Blue RR:72620-S84-A01ZA RL:72660-S84-A01ZA 30P/ 1.1'/ 5-6KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Honda 471 HD009 Honda Case Qty:1 (AAB01) Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD2580ME-FRK (for LHD) HU-HD2580ME -FLK (for RHD) HU-HD5208M-FR HU-HD5208M-FL Honda Honda Accord Sedan 98-02 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Hole ME:Chrome+ Beige Accord Sedan 98-02 Window Regulator Front RH; LH M:Manual FR:72210-S84-A11 FL:72250-S84-A11 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 10P/ 0.6'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P HU-HD2580MG-FRK (for LHD) HU-HD2580MG -FLK (for RHD) HU-HD5208M-RR HU-HD5208M-RL Honda Accord Sedan 98-02 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH M:Manual RR:72710-S84-A11 RL:72750-S84-A11 Accord Sedan 98-02 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Hole MG:Chrome+ Gray 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10 (B12) Honda 10P/ 0.7'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD2580MJ-FRK (for LHD) HU-HD2580MJ -FLK (for RHD) HU-HD5208P-FR4 HU-HD5208P-FL2 Honda Honda Accord Sedan 98-02 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Hole MJ:Chrome+ Blue Accord Sedan 98-02 (RHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR4-4 Pin Plug FL2-2 Pin Plug FR:72210-S84-A01/A03 FL:72250-S84-A01/A03 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 10P/ 1'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10 (B12) Case Qty:10P HU-HD5208PN-RR HU-HD5208PN-RL Honda Accord Sedan 98-02 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor RR:72711-S84-A01 RL:72751-S84-A01 10P/ 0.7'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD4211-LHD Honda Accord 98-02 Hood Latch (W/ Cover) 74120-S84-A01 20P/ 1.4'/ 16-7KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD6008-RH HU-HD6008-LH Honda Accord (K900) 98-01 Prelude 92-01 Odyssey 95-01 Hood Hinge RH; LH RH:60120-SS0-000ZZ LH:60170-SS0-000ZZ 40P/ 0.7'/ 10-11KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 472 HD010 HU-HD3236S-FR HU-HD3236S-FL HU-HD2579MA-FR1 HU-HD2579MA-FL Honda Honda Accord Coupe/ Sedan 94-97 Front RH; LH S:Smooth Black (Plastic) USA# FR:04725-SV1-A00ZH FL:04727-SV1-A00ZE JAP# FR:72140-SV4-982ZH FL:72180-SV4-013ZJ CA# FR:72140-SV1-A04 FL:72180-SV1-A04 Accord Sedan/ Wagon 94-97 (LX-USA, EX, EX-R, SE Model) FR1:Front RH (W/ Power Window Hole) FL :Front LH MA:Chrome+ Black FR:72125-SV4-003Z-A FL:72165-SV4-003Z-A 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 50P/ 1.1'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:5[ (B12) HU-HD3236S-RR HU-HD3236S-RL Honda Accord Sedan 94-97 Rear RH; LH S:Smooth Black (Plastic) USA, CA# RR:72640-SV1-A00ZG/ A02 RL:72680-SV1-A00ZG/ A02 JAP# RR:72640-SV4-003ZK RL:72680-SV4-003ZK 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2579MG-FR1 HU-HD2579MG-FL Honda Accord Sedan/ Wagon 94-97 (LX-USA, EX, EX-R, SE Model) FR1:Front RH (W/ Power Window Hole) FL :Front LH MG:Chrome+ Gray FR:72125-SV4-A02ZC FL:72165-SV4-A02ZC 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3236ZS-FR HU-HD3236ZS-FL HU-HD2579MH-FR1 HU-HD2579MH-FL Honda Honda Accord Coupe/ Sedan 94-97 Front RH; LH S:Smooth Black (Metal) Accord Sedan/ Wagon 94-97 (LX-USA, EX, EX-R, SE Model) FR1:Front RH (W/ Power Window Hole) FL :Front LH MH:Chrome+ Light Gray FR:72125-SV4-003Z-H FL:772165-SV4-003Z-H 20P/ 1.4'/ 15-16KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3236ZS-RR HU-HD3236ZS-RL Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2579MJ-FR1 HU-HD2579MJ-FL Honda Accord Sedan 94-97 Rear RH; LH S:Smooth Black (Metal) Accord Sedan/ Wagon 94-97 (LX-USA, EX, EX-R, SE Model) FR1:Front RH (W/ Power Window Hole) FL :Front LH MJ:Chrome+ Blue 20P/ 1.4'/ 15-16KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2579ME-FR1 HU-HD2579ME-FL Honda Accord Sedan/ Wagon 94-97 (LX-USA, EX, EX-R, SE Model) FR1:Front RH (W/ Power Window Hole) FL :Front LH ME:Chrome+ Beige 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2579MB-FR1 HU-HD2579MB-FL Honda Accord Sedan/ Wagon 94-97 (LX-USA, EX, EX-R, SE Model) FR1:Front RH (W/ Power Window Hole) FL :Front LH MB:Chrome+ Brown 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG 473 HD011 Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD2579MA-FR2 HU-HD2579MA-FL HU-HD2579MA-RR HU-HD2579MA-RL Honda Honda Accord Sedan/ Wagon 94-97 (LX-CA, DX Model) FR2:Front RH (W/o Power Window Hole) FL :Front LH MA:Chrome+ Black FL:72165-SV4-003Z-A Accord Sedan/ Wagon 94-97 MA:Chrome+ Black RR:72625-SV4-013Z-A RL:72665-SV4-013Z-A 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2579MG-FR2 HU-HD2579MG-FL HU-HD2579MG-RR HU-HD2579MG-RL Honda Honda Accord Sedan/ Wagon 94-97 (LX-CA, DX Model) FR2:Front RH (W/o Power Window Hole) FL :Front LH MG:Chrome+ Drak Gray FR:72125-SV4-013ZC FL:72165-SV4-013ZC Accord Sedan 94-97 Rear RH; LH MG:Chrome+ Gray RR:72625-SV4-013ZC RL:72665-SV4-013ZC 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2579MH-FR2 HU-HD2579MH-FL HU-HD2579MH-RR HU-HD2579MH-RL Honda Honda Accord Sedan/ Wagon 94-97 (LX-CA, DX Model) FR2:Front RH (W/o Power Window Hole) FL :Front LH MH:Chrome+ Light Gray FL:72165-SV4-003Z-H Accord Sedan 94-97 Rear RH; LH MH:Chrome+ Light Gray RR:72625-SV4-013Z-G RL:72665-SV4-013Z-G 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2579MJ-FR2 HU-HD2579MJ-FL HU-HD2579MJ-RR HU-HD2579MJ-RL Honda Honda Accord Sedan/ Wagon 94-97 (LX-CA, DX Model) FR2:Front RH (W/o Power Window Hole) FL :Front LH MJ:Chrome+ Blue FL:72165-SV4-003Z-J Accord Sedan/ Wagon 94-97 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MJ:Chrome+ Blue RR:72625-SV4-013Z-J RL:72665-SV4-013Z-J 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2579ME-RR HU-HD2579ME-RL Honda Accord Sedan/ Wagon 94-97 Rear RH; LH ME:Chrome+ Beige RR:72625-SV4-013Z-E RL:72665-SV4-013Z-E 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 474 HD012 HU-HD5206P-FR2 HU-HD5206P-FL4 HU-HD2577ME-FR HU-HD2577ME-FL Honda Honda Accord Sedan 94-97 (LHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR2-2 Pin FL4-4 Pin FR:72210-SV4-A01 FL:72250-SV4-A01 Accord Coupe 94-97 (USA Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH ME:Chrome+ Beige 10P/ 1'/ 12-13KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5206P-FR4 HU-HD5206P-FL2 Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2577MG-FR HU-HD2577MG-FL Honda Accord Sedan 94-97 (RHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR4-4 Pin FL2-2 Pin Accord Coupe 94-97 (USA Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH MG:Chrome+ Gray FR:72126-SV2-003ZB FL:72166-SV2-003ZB 10P/ 1'/ 12-13KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5206P-RR HU-HD5206P-RL Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2576MG-FR HU-HD2576MG-FL Honda Accord Sedan 94-97 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor RR:72710-SV4-003 RL:72750-SV4-003 Accord Coupe 94-97 (CA Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH MG:Chrome+ Gray FR:72125-SV2-A11ZB FL:72165-SV2-A11ZB 10P/ 1'/ 11-12KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5206M-FR HU-HD5206M-FL HU-HD5207P-FR4 HU-HD5207P-FL2 Honda Honda Accord Sedan 94-97 Window Regulator Front RH; LH M:Manual Accord Coupe 94-97 (RHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR4-4 Pin FL2-2 Pin 10P/ 1'/ 8-9KG 10P/ 1'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5206M-RR HU-HD5206M-RL Case Qty:10P HU-HD5207P-FR2 HU-HD5207P-FL4 Honda Honda Accord Sedan 94-97 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH M:Manual Accord Coupe 94-97 (LHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR2-2 Pin FL4-4 Pin FR:72210-SV2-003 FL:72250-SV2-003 10P/ 1'/ 8-9KG 10P/ 1'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P Case Qty:10P HU-HD5207M-FR HU-HD5207M-FL Honda Accord Coupe 94-97 Window Regulator Front RH; LH M:Manual 10P/ 0.6'/ 8-9KG 475 HD013 Case Qty:10P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD4209-LHD Honda HU-HD3612P-FR HU-HD3612P-FL Accord 94-97 Hood Latch (W/ Cover) 74120-SV4-003 Honda 50P/ 1.7'/ 15-16KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD4210-LHD Honda Accord 94-97 (Euro Type) Outside Handle Front RH; LH P:Primed Black HU-HD3612P-RR HU-HD3612P-RL Accord 94-97 Hood Latch (W/o Cover) 74120-SV4-003 Honda 50P/ 1.7'/ 15-16KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD6006-RH HU-HD6006-LH Honda Accord 94-97 Hood Hinge RH; LH RH:60120-SS0-000ZZ LH:60170-SS0-000ZZ 50P/ 1.7'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) Accord 94-97 (Euro Type) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH P:Primed Black Case Qty:10 (B12) HU-HD3612A-FR HU-HD3612A-FL Honda Accord 94-97 (Euro Type) Outside Handle Front RH; LH A:Texture Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3612A-RR HU-HD3612A-RL Honda Accord 94-97 (Euro Type) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Texture Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2575MA-FR HU-HD2575MA-FL Honda Accord 94-97 (Euro Type) Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) MA:Chrome+ Black 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 476 HD014 HU-HD3235A-FR HU-HD3235A-FL HU-HD2578MA-FR HU-HD2578MA-FL Honda Honda Accord Sedan 90-03 Outside Handle Front RH; LH A:Texture Black Coupe FR:72140-SM4-J01 Man Lock FL:72180-SM4-J01 Coupe FR:72140-SM1-000/ 701 Pwr Lock FL:72180-SM1-000/ 701 Sedan FR:72140-SM4-003 FL:72180-SM4-003 Accord Sedan 90-03 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Lock Hole MA:Chrome+ Black Housing FR:72120-SM4-003Z FL:72160-SM4-003Z 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3235A-RR HU-HD3235A-RL Honda Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2578MB-FR HU-HD2578MB-FL Honda Accord Sedan 90-03 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Texture Black RR:72640-SM4-003/ 701 RL:72680-SM4-003/ 701 Accord Sedan 90-03 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Lock Hole MB:Chrome+ Brown (Deep Red) FR:72120-SM4-003Z FL:72160-SM4-003Z 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2578ME-FR HU-HD2578ME-FL Honda Accord Sedan 90-03 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Lock Hole ME:Chrome+ Beige Housing FR:72120-SM4-003Z FL:72160-SM4-003Z 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2578MG-FR HU-HD2578MG-FL Honda Accord Sedan 90-03 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Lock Hole MG:Chrome+Gray Housing FR:72125-SM4-003Z FL:72165-SM4-003Z 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2578MJ-FR HU-HD2578MJ-FL Honda Accord Sedan 90-03 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Lock Hole MJ:Chrome+Blue Housing FR:72125-SM4-003ZA FL:72165-SM4-003ZA 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2578ML-FR HU-HD2578ML-FL Honda Accord Sedan 90-03 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Lock Hole ML:Chrome+ Red (Light Red) FR:72125-SM4-003ZD FL:72165-SM4-003ZD 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 477 HD015 Case Qty:20P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD2578MA-RR HU-HD2578MA-RL Honda HU-HD5204M-FR HU-HD5204M-FL Honda Accord Sedan 90-93 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH W/o Lock Hole MA:Chrome+ Black Housing RR:72620-SM4-003Z-E RL:72660-SM4-003Z-E Accord Sedan 90-93 Window Regulator Front RH; LH M:Manual FR:72210-SM4-901 FL:72250-SM4-901 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 10P/ 1'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:10P HU-HD2578MB-RR HU-HD2578MB-RL HU-HD5204M-RR HU-HD5204M-RL Honda Honda Accord Sedan 90-93 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH W/o Lock Hole MB:Chrome+ Brown (Deep Red) RR:72620-SM4-003Z-E RL:72660-SM4-003Z-E Accord Sedan 90-93 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH M:Manual 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 10P/ 0.6'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2578ME-RR HU-HD2578ME-RL Honda Case Qty:10P HU-HD5204P-FR2 HU-HD5204P-FL4 Honda Accord Sedan 90-93 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH W/o Lock Hole ME:Chrome+ Beige Housing RR:72620-SM4-003Z-E RL:72660-SM4-003Z-E Accord Sedan 90-93 (LHD) Window Regulator FR2-2 Pin Plug FL4-4 Pin Plug FR:72211-SM4-003 FL:72251-SM4-003 FR:72211-SM1-A00 FL:72251-SM1-A01 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 10P/ 1'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:10P HU-HD2578MG-RR HU-HD2578MG-RL HU-HD5204P-FR4 HU-HD5204P-FL2 Honda Honda Accord Sedan 90-93 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH W/o Lock Hole MG:Chrome+ Gray Housing RR:72620-SM4-003Z-G RL:72660-SM4-003Z-G Accord Sedan 90-93 (RHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR4-4 Pin Plug FL2-2 Pin Plug 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 10P/ 1'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:10P HU-HD2578MJ-RR HU-HD2578MJ-RL HU-HD5204P-RR HU-HD5204P-RL Accord Sedan 90-93 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH W/o Lock Hole MJ:Chrome+ Blue Housing RR:72120-SM4-003ZE RL:72160-SM4-003ZE Accord Sedan 90-93 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor RR:72710-SM4-J01 RL:72750-SM4-J01 RR:72710-SM4-T01 RL:72750-SM4-T01 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 10P/ 0.7'/ 9-10KG Honda Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2578ML-RR HU-HD2578ML-RL Honda Accord Sedan 90-93 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH W/o Lock Hole ML:Chrome+ Red (Light Red) RR:72620-SM4-003Z-L RL:72660-SM4-003Z-L 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Honda Case Qty:10P HU-HD4202 Honda Accord Sedan 90-93 Trunk Lock 74850-SM4-003 20P/ 1.4'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 478 HD016 HU-HD3235A-FR HU-HD3235A-FL HU-HD2379MA-FR HU-HD2379MA-FL Honda Honda Accord Coupe 90-03 Outside Handle Front RH; LH A:Texture Black Coupe FR:72140-SM4-J01 Man Lock FL:72180-SM4-J01 Coupe FR:72140-SM1-000/ 701 Pwr Lock FL:72180-SM1-000/ 701 Sedan FR:72140-SM4-003 FL:72180-SM4-003 Accord Coupe 90-93 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Pwr Lock MA:Chrome+ Black FR:72125-SM2-A02ZA FL:72165-SM2-A02ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD3235A-RR HU-HD3235A-RL HU-HD2379MB-FR HU-HD2379MB-FL Honda Honda Accord Coupe 90-03 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Texture Black RR:72640-SM4-003/ 701 RL:72680-SM4-003/ 701 Accord Coupe 90-93 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Pwr Lock MB:Chrome+ Brown (Deep Red) FR:72125-SM2-A02ZE FL:72165-SM2-A02ZE 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2379ME-FR HU-HD2379ME-FL Honda Accord Coupe 90-93 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Pwr Lock ME:Chrome+ Beige FR:72125-SM2-A02ZJ FL:72165-SM2-A02ZJ 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2379MG-FR HU-HD2379MG-FL Honda Accord Coupe 90-93 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Pwr Lock MG:Chrome+ Gray FR:72125-SM2-A02ZL FL:72165-SM2-A02ZL 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2379MJ-FR HU-HD2379MJ-FL Honda Accord Coupe 90-93 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Pwr Lock MJ:Chrome+ Blue FR:72125-SM2-A02ZB FL:72165-SM2-A02ZB 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2379ML-FR HU-HD2379ML-FL Honda Accord Coupe 90-93 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Pwr Lock ML:Chrome+ Red (Light Red) FR:72125-SM2-A02ZC FL:72165-SM2-A02ZC 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 479 HD017 Case Qty:20P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD2380MA-FR HU-HD2380MA-FL HU-HD5205M-FR HU-HD5205M-FL Honda Honda Accord Coupe 90-93 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Pwr Lock MA:Chrome+ Black FR:72125-SM2-013ZA FL:72165-SM2-013ZA Accord Coupe 90-93 Window Regulator Front RH; LH M:Manual 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 10P/ 1'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2380MB-FR HU-HD2380MB-FL Case Qty:10P HU-HD5205P-FR2 HU-HD5205P-FL4 Honda Honda Accord Coupe 90-93 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Pwr Lock MB:Chrome+ Brown (Deep Red) FR:72125-SM2-0032 FL:72165-SM2-0032 Accord Coupe 90-93 (LHD) Window Regulator P:Power W/ Motor FR2-2 Pin Plug FL4-4 Pin Plug FR:72211-SM2-A01 FL:72251-SM2-A01 FR:72211-SM2-003 FL:72251-SM2-003 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 10P/ 1'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:10P HU-HD2380ME-FR HU-HD2380ME-FL HU-HD5205P-FR4 HU-HD5205P-FL2 Honda Honda Accord Coupe 90-93 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Pwr Lock ME:Chrome+ Beige FR:72125-SM2-013ZJ FL:72165-SM2-013ZJ Accord Coupe 90-93 (RHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR4-4 Pin Plug FL2-2 Pin Plug FR:72211-SM2-003 FL:72251-SM2-003 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 10P/ 1'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2380MG-FR HU-HD2380MG-FL Honda Accord Coupe 90-93 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Pwr Lock MG:Chrome+ Gray FR:72125-SM2-0030 FL:72165-SM2-0030 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2380MJ-FR HU-HD2380MJ-FL Honda Case Qty:10P HU-HD4204-LHD Honda Accord 90-93 Hood Latch 74120-PM4-003 20P/ 1.4'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD6003-RH HU-HD6003-LH Honda Accord Coupe 90-93 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Pwr Lock MJ:Chrome+ Blue FR:72125-SM2-013ZB FL:72165-SM2-013ZB Accord 90-93 Hood Hinge RH; LH RH:60120-SM4-000ZZ LH:60170-SM4-000ZZ 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 18-19KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2380ML-FR HU-HD2380ML-FL Honda Accord Coupe 90-93 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Pwr Lock ML:Chrome+ Red (Light Red) FR:72125-SM2-013ZC FL:72165-SM2-013ZC 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 480 HD018 HU-HD3234-FR HU-HD3234-FL Honda Accord 86-89 Outside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) A:Texture Black FR:75610-SA5-023 FL:75620-SA5-023 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10 (B12) HU-HD2384M-RH HU-HD2384M-LH Honda Accord 86-89 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) M:Chrome RH:75510-SA5-013 LH:75520-SA5-013 100P/ 1.7'/ 10-11KG Case Qty:20 (B12) HU-HD5202P-FR2 HU-HD5202P-FL4 Honda Accord 4D 86-89 (K3) For LHD Window Regulator P:Power W/ Motor FR2-2 Pin Plug FL4-4 Pin Plug FR:72210-SE3-A02 FL:72250-SE3-A01 FR:72210-SE3-003 FL:72250-SE3-003 10P/ 1'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10 HU-HD5202P-FR4 HU-HD5202P-FL2 Honda Accord 4D 86-89 (K3) For RHD Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR4-4 Pin Plug FL2-2 Pin Plug 10P/ 1'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10 HU-HD5203P-FR4 HU-HD5203P-FL2 Honda Accord 2D 86-89 (K3) For RHD Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR4-4 Pin Plug FL2-2 Pin Plug 10P/ 1'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10 HU-HD5203P-FR2 HU-HD5203P-FL4 Honda Accord 2D 86-89 (K3) For LHD Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR4-4 Pin Plug FL2-2 Pin Plug FR:72210-SG7-001 FL:72250-SG7-001 10P/ 1'/ 15-16KG 481 HD019 Case Qty:10 Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD3100A-FR HU-HD3100A-FLK (=RL) Honda HU-HD2005GA-RH HU-HD2005GA-LH Honda Brio 11-C (RHD) Outside Handle FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole A:Black Texture FR:72140-TG2-K01 FL:72180-TG2-K01 Brio 11-C Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) GA:Gray Lever+ Black Housing RH:72120-TF0-J01ZA LH:72160-TF0-J01ZA RH:72120-TF0-013ZB LH:72160-TF0-013ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3100A-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3100A-FL Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2005GE-RH HU-HD2005GE-LH Honda Honda Brio 11-C (LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole A:Black Texture FR:72140-TG2-K01 FL:72180-TG2-K01 Brio 11-C Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) GE:Gray Lever + Beige Housing 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3100A-FRK HU-HD3100A-FLK HU-HD2005E-RH HU-HD2005E-LH Honda Honda Brio 11-C Outside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Black Texture RR:72640-TG2-K01 RL:72680-TG2-K01 Brio 11-C Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) E:All Beige RH:72120-TG1-T01ZA LH:72160-TG1-T01ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3100M-FR HU-HD3100M-FLK (=RL) HU-HD2005M-RH HU-HD2005M-LH Honda Honda Brio 11-C (RHD) Outside Handle FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole M:All Chrome FR:72140-TG2-K01-Chrome FL:72180-TG2-K01-Chrome Brio 11-C Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) M:All Chrome RH:72120-TG1-T01ZA-Chrome LH:72160-TG1-T01ZA-Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3100M-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3100M-FL Honda Brio 11-C (LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome FR:72140-TG2-K01-Chrome FL:72180-TG2-K01-Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3100M-FRK HU-HD3100M-FLK Honda Brio 11-C Outside Handle Rear RH; LH M:All Chrome RR:72640-TG2-K01-Chrome RL:72680-TG2-K01-Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 482 HD020 HU-HD3213P-FR HU-HD3213P-FLK HU-HD3213P-FRK HU-HD3213P-FL Honda Honda City 15-C (RHD) Outside Handle W/ Smart Key-6 Pin FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole P:Primed Black FR:72140-T9A-T31ZB FL:72180-T9A-T31ZB City 15-C (LHD) Outside Handle W/ Smart Key-6 Pin FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3213M-FR HU-HD3213M-FLK HU-HD3213M-FRK HU-HD3213M-FL City 15-C (RHD) Outside Handle W/ Smart Key-6 Pin FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole M:All Chrome City 15-C (LHD) Outside Handle W/ Smart Key-6 Pin FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3212P-FR HU-HD3212P-FLK HU-HD3212P-FRK HU-HD3212P-FL Honda Honda City 15-C (RHD) Outside Handle W/o Smart Key FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole P:Primed Black City 15-C (LHD) Outside Handle W/o Smart Key FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3212M-FR HU-HD3212M-FLK HU-HD3212M-FRK HU-HD3212M-FL City 15-C (RHD) Outside Handle W/o Smart Key FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole M:All Chrome City 15-C (LHD) Outside Handle W/o Smart Key FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3212P-RR HU-HD3212P-RL HU-HD2212A-RH HU-HD2212A-LH City 15-C (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle W/o Smart Key Rear RH; LH P:Primed Black RR:72640-T9A-T11ZB RL:72680-T9A-T11ZB City 15-C Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) A:Texture Black RH:72120-T9A-T11ZA LH:72160-T9A-T11ZA 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3212M-RR HU-HD3212M-RL HU-HD2212MA-RH HU-HD2212MA-LH City 15-C (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle W/o Smart Key Rear RH; LH M:All Chrome City 15-C Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) MA:Chrome Lever + Black Knob RH:72120-T9A-T01ZA LH:72160-T9A-T01ZA 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Honda 483 HD021 Case Qty:5P (B12) Case Qty:5P (B12) Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD3209P-FR HU-HD3209P-FLK HU-HD2209R-FR HU-HD2209R-FL Honda Honda City 09-14 (RHD) Outside Handle FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole P:Primed Black FR:72140-TM0-T11ZG FL:72180-TM0-T11ZG City 09-14 Inside Handle Front RH=Rear RH Front LH=Rear LH R:Painted Silver FR:72120-TM0-T11ZA FL:72160-TM0-T11ZA 20P/ 1.4'/ 3-4KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3209M-FR HU-HD3209M-FLK Honda City 09-14 (RHD) Outside Handle FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole M:All Chrome FR:72140-TM0-T41 FL:72180-TM0-T41 20P/ 1.4'/ 3-4KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2209A-FR HU-HD2209A-FL Honda City 09-14 Inside Handle Front RH=Rear RH Front LH=Rear LH A:Texture Black FR:72120-TM0-T01ZA FL:72160-TM0-T01ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3209P-FRK HU-HD3209P-FL Honda City 09-14 (LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black 20P/ 1.4'/ 3-4KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3209M-FRK HU-HD3209M-FL Honda City 09-14 (LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome 20P/ 1.4'/ 3-4KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3209P-RR HU-HD3209P-RL Honda City 09-14 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH P:Primed Black RR:72640-TM0-T21 RL:72680-TM0-T21 RR:72640-TM0-T11ZG (Thai#) RL:72680-TM0-T11ZG (Thai#) 20P/ 1.4'/ 3-4KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3209M-RR HU-HD3209M-RL Honda City 09-14 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH M:All Chrome RR:72640-TM0-T41 RL:72680-TM0-T41 20P/ 1.4'/ 3-4KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 484 HD022 HU-HD3230S-FR HU-HD3230S-FL Honda Honda City 02-08 Outside Handle Front RH; LH S:Smooth Black FR:72140-SEL-T01ZM FL:72180-SEL-T01ZM City 02-08 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3230S-RR HU-HD3230S-RL Honda Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2001ME-RH HU-HD2001ME-LH Honda City 02-08 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH S:Smooth Black RR:72640-SEL-T01ZM RL:72680-SEL-T01ZM City 02-08 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) ME:Chrome Lever + Beige Housing RH:72120-SAA-J01ZD LH:72160-SAA-J01ZD 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD3230MS-FR HU-HD3230MS-FL HU-HD2001MG-RH HU-HD2001MG-LH Honda Honda City 02-08 Outside Handle Front RH; LH MS:Chrome Lever + Black Housing City 02-08 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) MG:Chrome Lever + Gray Housing RH:72120-SAA-J01ZC LH:72160-SAA-J01ZC 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3230MS-RR HU-HD3230MS-RL Honda 485 HD023 HU-HD2001MA-RH HU-HD2001MA-LH Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2001A-RH HU-HD2001A-LH Honda City 02-08 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH MS:Chrome Lever + Black Housing City 02-08 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) A:Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD3230M-FR HU-HD3230M-FL HU-HD2001E-RH HU-HD2001E-LH Honda Honda City 02-08 Outside Handle Front RH; LH M:All Chrome FR:72140-SEL-T01ZM-PFM FL:72180-SEL-T01ZM-PFM City 02-08 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) E:Beige 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD3230M-RR HU-HD3230M-RL HU-HD2001G-RH HU-HD2001G-LH Honda Honda City 02-08 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH M:All Chrome RR:72640-SEL-T01ZM-PFM RL:72680-SEL-T01ZM-PFM City 02-08 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) G:Gray 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD3231S-FR HU-HD3231S-FL Honda City 96-02 Outside Handle Front RH; LH S:Smooth Black FR:72140-SX8-F00 FL:72180-SX8-F00 FR:72140-SX3-F00 FL:72180-SX3-F00 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3231S-RR HU-HD3231S-RL Honda HU-HD4201 Honda City 96-02 Hood Latch 74120-SX8-T01 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD6007-RH HU-HD6007-LH Honda City 96-02 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH S:Smooth Black RR:72640-SX8-F10 RL:72680-SX8-F10 RR:72640-SX3-F10 RL:72680-SX3-F10 City 96-02 Hood Hinge RH; LH RH:60120-SX8-T00ZZ LH:60170-SX8-T00ZZ 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10 (B12) HU-HD2231-FR HU-HD2231-FL Honda City 96-02 Inside Handle Front RH; LH FR:72120-SX8-T01 FL:72160-SX8-T01 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5009P-FR2 HU-HD5009P-FL4 Honda City 96-02 (LHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR2-2 Pin Plug FL4-4 Pin Plug FR:72210-SX8-902 FL:72250-SX8-902 10P/ 1'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5009P-FR4 HU-HD5009P-FL2 Honda City 96-02 (RHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR4-4 Pin Plug FL2-2 Pin Plug FR:72210-SX8-902 FL:72250-SX8-902 10P/ 1'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5009P-RR HU-HD5009P-RL Honda City 96-02 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor RR:72710-SX8-T01 RL:72750-SX8-T01 10P/ 1'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 486 HD024 HU-HD3250P-FRK HU-HD3250P-FL HU-HD2249PA-FR HU-HD2249PA-FL Honda Honda Civic 12-15/ Hybrid 12-15 (LHD=RHD) W/ RFID Smart Key Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black Cover FR:72143-TR0-A11ZD FL:72144-TR0-A11ZD Civic 12-15 (DX Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH (=Rear) PA:Warm Gray (Silver+ Black) 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3250M-FRK HU-HD3250M-FL HU-HD2249PG-FR HU-HD2249PG-FL Honda Honda Civic 12-15/ Hybrid 12-15 (LHD=RHD) W/ RFID Smart Key Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome Civic 12-15 (DX Model) Civic 12-15 (HF Model) / Hybrid 12-15 Inside Handle Front RH; LH (=Rear) PG:Warm Gray (Silver+ Gray) FR:72120-TR3-A01ZB FL:72160-TR3-A01ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3249P-FRK HU-HD3249P-FL Honda Civic 12-15/ Hybrid 12-15 Outside Handle (LHD=RHD) FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black Handle FR:72141-TR0-A11ZD FL:72181-TR0-A11ZD Cover FR:72143-TR0-A11ZD FL:72144-TR0-A11ZD 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3249P-RER Honda Civic 12-15/ Hybrid 12-15 Outside Handle (LHD=RHD) Rear RH= LH P:Primed Black Handle:72141-TR0-A11ZD 72181-TR0-A11ZD Cover :72643-TR0-A11ZD 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2249PV-FR HU-HD2249PV-FL Honda Civic 12-15 (HF Model) Civic Hybrid 12-15 Inside Handle Front RH; LH (=Rear) PV:Pale Gray (Silver+ Green) FR:72120-TR3-A01ZA FL:72160-TR3-A01ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2249PE-FR HU-HD2249PE-FL Honda Civic 12-15 (LX Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH (=Rear) PE:Silver Lever + Beige Housing & Knob USA, CA Build# FR:72120-TR3-A01ZC FL:72160-TR3-A01ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3249M-FRK HU-HD3249M-FL HU-HD2249PE-RR HU-HD2249PE-RL Honda Honda Civic 12-15 (LHD=RHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole (RHD= Front LH W/o Keyhole) FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole (RHD= Front RH W/ Keyhole) M:All Chrome Civic 12-15 (LX Model) Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) PE:Silver Lever + Beige Housing & Knob JAP Build# RR:72120-TR0-A01ZC RL:72160-TR0-A01ZC 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3249M-RER Honda Civic 12-15 Outside Handle Rear RH= LH M:All Chrome Cover:72643-TR0-A11ZD 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 487 HD025 Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD2249RA-FR HU-HD2249RA-FL HU-HD2249RA-RR HU-HD2249RA-RL Honda Honda Civic 12-15 (Si, Si Navi Model) Coupe 12-15 Inside Handle Front RH; LH RA:Silver Lever + Black Housing FR:72120-TR3-A11ZC FL:72160-TR3-A11ZC Civic 12-15 (Si, Si Navi Model) Coupe 12-15 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH RA:Silver Lever + Black Housing 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HD2249SA 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2249RG-FR HU-HD2249RG-FL HU-HD2249RG-RR HU-HD2249RG-RL Coupe 12-15 Inside Handle Front RH; LH RG:Warm Gray (Silver Lever+ Gray Housing) FR:72120-TR3-A11ZB FL:72160-TR3-A11ZB Civic Hybrid 12-15 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH RG:Warm Gray (Silver Lever+ Gray Housing) RR:72620-TR0-A11ZB RL:72660-TR0-A11ZB Honda 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda HD2249SG HU-HD2249RV-FR HU-HD2249RV-FL 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda Coupe 12-15 Inside Handle Front RH; LH RV:Pale Gray (Silver+ Green) FR:72120-TR3-A11ZD FL:72160-TR3-A11ZD Civic Hybrid 12-15 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH RV:Pale Gray (Silver Lever+ Green Housing) RR:72620-TR0-A11ZC RL:72660-TR0-A11ZC Case Qty:10P (B12) HD2249SV 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2249RE-FR HU-HD2249RE-FL HU-HD2249RE-RR HU-HD2249RE-RL Honda Honda Civic 12-15 (EX, EX-CL Navi Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH RE:Silver Lever + Beige Housing FR:72120-TR3-A11ZA FL:72160-TR3-A11ZA Civic 12-15 (EX, EX-CL Navi Model) Inside Handle Rear RH; LH RE:Silver+ Beige (Knob is Silver) 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HD2249SE 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3250-2FR HU-HD3250-2FL HU-HD5249PN-FR HU-HD5249PN-FL Honda Honda Civic 12-15 Outside Handle Bracket Assy Front RH; LH FR:72142-TR0-305 FL:72182-TR0-305 Civic Coupe 12-15 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor (2A) FR:72211-TS8-A01 FL:72251-TS8-A01 FR:72211-TS8-A21 FL:72251-TS8-A21 50P/ 2.2'/ 11-12KG 10P/ 0.7'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10P (B11) HU-HD3250-2RR HU-HD3250-2RL Honda Civic 12-15 Outside Handle Bracket Assy Rear RH; LH RR:72642-TR0-A01 RL:72682-TR0-A01 HD2249SG HU-HD2249RV-RR HU-HD2249RV-RL Honda 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG HD2249SA HD2249SV HD2249SE Case Qty:10P HU-HD5250PN-FR HU-HD5250PN-FL Civic Sedan / Hybrid 12-15 Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:72211-TR0-A01 FL:72251-TR0-A01 HU-HD5250P-RR HU-HD5250P-RL Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor (2 Pin) 1C FR:72710-TR0-A01 FL:72750-TR0-A01 50P/ 2.2'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10P (B11) 10P/ 0.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 488 HD026 HU-HD3250P-FRK HU-HD3250P-FL HU-HD3210RP-FRK HU-HD3210RP-FL Honda Honda Civic 5D 12-C (Euro Type) Outside Handle W/ Smart Entry FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black Civic 5D 06-11 (Euro Type)-LHD Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole RP:Silver+ Black FR:72140-SMG-G04ZD FL:72180-SMG-G04ZD 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 20P/ 1.7'/ 3-4KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:4P (B12) HU-HD3250M-FRK HU-HD3250M-FL HU-HD3210RP-FR HU-HD3210RP-FLK Honda Honda Civic 5D 12-C (Euro Type) Outside Handle W/ Smart Entry FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome Civic 5D 06-11 (Euro Type)-RHD Outside Handle FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole RP:Silver+ Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 20P/ 1.7'/ 3-4KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3249P-FRK HU-HD3249P-FL Honda Civic 5D 12-C (Euro Type) Outside Handle W/o Smart Entry FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:4P (B12) HU-HD3210A-RR HU-HD3210A-RL Honda Civic 5D 06-11 (Euro Type) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Texture Black RR:72640-SMG-E01 RL:72680-SMG-E01 20P/ 1.4'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3249M-FRK HU-HD3249M-FL HU-HD2210RA-FR HU-HD2210RA-FL Honda Honda Civic 5D 12-C (Euro Type) Outside Handle W/o Smart Entry FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome Civic 5D 06-11 (Euro Type) Inside Handle Front RH; LH RA:Silver+ Black FR:72120-SMG-E01ZA FL:72160-SMG-E01ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3214A-RR HU-HD3214A-RL HU-HD2210RA-RR HU-HD2210RA-RL Civic 5D 12-C (Euro Type) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Texture Black RR:72640-TV0-E014-M1 RL:72680-TV0-E014-M1 Civic 5D 06-11 (Euro Type) Inside Handle Rear RH; LH RA:Silver+ Black RR:72620-SMG-E01ZA RL:72660-SMG-E01ZA 20P/ 1.4'/ 6-7KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD2214RA-FR HU-HD2214RA-FL Honda Civic 5D 12-C (Euro Type) Inside Handle Front RH; LH RA:Silver+ Black HU-HD2214RA-RR HU-HD2214RA-RL Rear RH; LH 489 HD027 Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD3603S-FRK HU-HD3603S-FL HU-HD3242S-FR HU-HD3242S-FL Civic H/B 01-05 (Euro Type) LHD Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole S:Smooth Black Civic H/B 95-00 (Euro Type) Outside Handle Front RH; LH S:Smooth Black FR:72140-ST0-003 FL:72180-ST0-003 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Honda Case Qty:10 (B12) Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3603S-FR HU-HD3603S-FLK HU-HD3242S-RR HU-HD3242S-RL Civic H/B 01-05 (Euro Type) RHD Outside Handle FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole S:Smooth Black Civic H/B 95-00 (Euro Type) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH S:Smooth Black RR:72640-ST0-003 RL:72680-ST0-003 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Honda Case Qty:10 (B12) Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3603S-RR HU-HD3603S-RL HU-HD3242MS-FR HU-HD3242MS-FL Civic H/B 01-05 (Euro Type) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH S:Smooth Black Civic H/B 95-00 (Euro Type) Outside Handle Front RH; LH MS:Chrome Lever + Black Housing FR:72140-ST0-J02 FL:72180-ST0-J02 Honda Honda 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3242MS-RR HU-HD3242MS-RL Honda Civic H/B 95-00 (Euro Type) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH MS:Chrome Lever + Black Housing RR:72640-ST0-J02 RL:72680-ST0-J02 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3242M-FR HU-HD3242M-FL Honda Civic H/B 95-00 (Euro Type) Outside Handle Front RH; LH M:All Chrome FR:72140-S10-003M FL:72180-S10-003M 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3242M-RR HU-HD3242M-RL Honda Civic H/B 95-00 (Euro Type) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH M:All Chrome RR:72640-S10-003M RL:72680-S10-003M 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 490 HD028 HU-HD3233P-FR HU-HD3233P-FL Honda Civic Sedan 06-11 (DX, DX-G, GX) Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black JAP# FR:72140-SNA-A01 FL:72180-SNA-A01 USA# FR:72140-SNE-A01 FL:72180-SNE-A01 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3233P-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3233P-FLK (=RL) Honda Civic Sedan 06-11 (DX, DX-G, GX) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH P:Primed Black JAP# RR:72140-SNA-C01 RL:72680-SNA-A01 USA# RR:72140-SNE-C01 RL:72680-SNE-C01 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD5233P-FR2 HU-HD5233P-FL4 HU-HD5233P-FL6 Honda Civic 06-11 (LHD) Window Regulator P:Power W/ Motor FR2-2 Pin Plug FL4-4 Pin Plug FL6-6 Pin Plug FR:72210-SNA-A01 /A02 FL:72250-SNA-A01 / A02 10P/ 3'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5233P-FR6 HU-HD5233P-FR4 HU-HD5233P-FL2 Honda Civic 06-11 (RHD) Window Regulator P:Power W/ Motor FR6-6 Pin Plug FR4-4 Pin Plug FL2-2 Pin Plug 10P/ 3'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD3233P-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3233P-FL HU-HD5233P-RR HU-HD5233P-RL Civic Hybrid/ Sedan 06-11 (EX, EX-L, Si) Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole= Rear RH FL :Front LH RL :Rear LH P:Primed Black JAP# FR:72140-SNA-A11ZC FL:72180-SNA-A11ZC USA# FR:72140-SNE-A11ZD FL:72180-SNE-A11ZD Civic 06-11 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor (1C) RR:72710-SNA-A01 RL:72750-SNA-A01 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG 10P/ 0.7'/ 13-14KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3233P-FLK (=RL) Honda Civic Hybrid/ Sedan 06-11 (EX, EX-L, Si) Outside Handle RL :Rear LH P:Primed Black JAP# RL:72180-SNA-T01ZC USA# RL:72680-SNE-A11ZD 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Honda Case Qty:10P HU-HD5233PN-FR HU-HD5233PN-FL Honda Civic Sedan 06-11 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:72210-SNA-A03 FL:72250-SNA-A03 10P/ 3'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD3233M-FR HU-HD3233M-FL HU-HD5233PN-RR HU-HD5233PN-RL Civic Hybrid/ Sedan 06-11 Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome Performance (PFM) Civic Sedan 06-11 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor RR:72710-SNA-A02 RL:72750-SNA-A02 Honda HU-HD3233M-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3233M-FLK (=RL) Honda Front RH; LH W/o Keyhole 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3233MP-FR HU-HD3233MP-FL Honda Civic Hybrid/ Sedan 06-11 Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome Performance (PFM) 10P/ 0.6'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD4233-LHD Honda Civic 06-11 Hood Latch W/o Security Switch 74120-SNE-A11 HU-HD3233MP-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3233MP-FLK (=RL) Front RH; LH W/o Keyhole 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG 491 HD029 Case Qty:5P (B12) 50P/ 1.7'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD2237RA-FR HU-HD2237RA-FL HU-HD2237RA-RR HU-HD2237RA-RL Honda Honda Civic Hybrid/ Sedan 06-11 (SI Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH RA:Silver Lever (Painted) + Black Housing FR:72120-SNE-A01ZC FL:72160-SNE-A01ZC 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Civic Hybrid/ Sedan 06-11 (EX, LX,EX-11L, LX-11L Navi, SI Model) Inside Handle Rear RH; LH RA:Silver Lever (Painted) + Black Housing RR:72620-SNE-A01ZC RL:72660-SNE-A01ZC HD2237SA HU-HD2237RB-FR HU-HD2237RB -FL 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2237RB-RR HU-HD2237RB-RL Honda Honda Civic Hybrid/ Sedan 06-11 (EX, LX Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH RB:Silver Lever + Brown Housing (Taupe) FR:72120-SNE-A01ZB FL:72160-SNE-A01ZB FR:72120-SNA-A01ZC FL:72160-SNA-A01ZC Civic Hybrid/ Sedan 06-11 (EX, LX,EX-11L, LX-11L Navi, SI Model) Inside Handle Rear RH; LH RB:Silver Lever + Brown Housing (Taupe) RR:72620-SNE-A01ZB RL:72660-SNE-A01ZB RR:772620-SNA-A01ZC RL:72660-SNA-A01ZC 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HD2237SB 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2237RG-FR HU-HD2237RG -FL HU-HD2237RG-RR HU-HD2237RG-RL Honda Honda Civic Hybrid/ Sedan 06-11 (EX, LX Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH RG:Silver Lever + Gray Housing FR:72120-SNE-A21ZA FL:72160-SNE-A21ZA FR:72120-SNA-A21ZB FL:72160-SNA-A21ZB Civic Hybrid/ Sedan 06-11 (EX, LX,EX-11L, LX-11L Navi, SI Model) Inside Handle Rear RH; LH RG:Silver Lever + Gray Housing RR:72620-SNE-A21ZA RL:72660-SNE-A21ZA RR:72620-SNA-A21ZB RL:72660-SNA-A21ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HD2237SG HU-HD2237RJ-FR HU-HD2237RJ-FL HU-HD2237G-FR HU-HD2237G -FL Case Qty:10P (B12) Civic Hybrid/ Sedan 06-11 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH RJ:Silver Lever + Blue Housing RR:72620-SNA-A21ZA RL:72660-SNA-A21ZA RR:72620-SNL-T01ZA RL:72660-SNL-T01ZA HD2237SJ 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda Civic Hybrid/ Sedan 06-11 (DX, DX-11G, GX Model) (USA, Euro Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH G:Gray FR:72120-SNE-A01ZA FL:72160-SNE-A01ZA FR:72120-SNA-A01ZA FL:72160-SNA-A01ZA Civic Hybrid/ Sedan 06-11 (DX, DX-11G, GX Model) (USA, Euro Model) Inside Handle Rear RH; LH G:Gray RR:72620-SNE-A01ZA RL:72660-SNE-A01ZA/ A03ZA RR:72620-SNA-A01ZA RL:72620-SNA-A01ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG HU-HD4234-LHD Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD7233-TG Honda Civic 06-11 Hood Latch W/ Security Switch 74120-SNE-A01 Civic 06-11 Trunk Lid Lock 74851-SNA-A12 50P/ 1.7'/ 13-14KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HD2237SJ HU-HD2237G-RR HU-HD2237G -RL Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HD2237SG Honda Civic Hybrid/ Sedan 06-11 Inside Handle Front RH; LH RJ:Silver Lever + Blue Housing FR:72120-SNA-A21ZA FL:72160-SNA-A21ZA FR:72120-SNL-T01ZA FL:72160-SNL-T01ZA Case Qty:10P (B12) 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG HD2237SB HU-HD2237RJ-RR HU-HD2237RJ -RL Honda 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG HD2237SA Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 492 HD030 HU-HD3233P-FRK HU-HD3233P-FL HU-HD2234RA-FR HU-HD2234RA-FL Civic Coupe 06-11 FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black JAP# FR:72140-SNA-A11ZC FL:72180-SNA-A11ZC USA# FR:72140-SNE-A01 FL:72180-SNE-C01 Civic Coupe 06-11 (EX, LX, EX-11L Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH RA:Silver Lever (Painted) + Black Housing FR:72120-SVA-A21ZA FL:72160-SVA-A21ZA 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 13-14KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3233M-FRK HU-HD3233M-FL HU-HD2234RB-FR HU-HD2234RB-FL Civic Coupe 06-11 FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome Civic Coupe 06-11 (EX, LX, EX-11L Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH RB:Silver Lever + Brown (Taupe) Housing FR:72120-SVA-A01ZC FL:72160-SVA-A01ZC 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 13-14KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) HD2234SA Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HD2234SB HU-HD2234RG-FR HU-HD2234RG-FL Honda Civic Coupe 06-11 (EX, LX, EX-11L Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH RG:Silver Lever + Gray Housing FR:72120-SVA-A21ZB FL:72160-SVA-A21ZB/ A22ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HD2234SG HU-HD2234G-FR HU-HD2234G-FL Honda Civic Coupe 06-11 (DX, DX-11G Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH G:Gray FR:72120-SVA-A01ZA FL:72160-SVA-A01ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5234P-FR HU-HD5234P-FL Honda Civic Coupe 06-11 Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR:72210-SVA-A02 FL:72250-SVA-A02 10P/ 1'/ 12-13KG 493 HD031 Case Qty:10P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HDV233F-RH HU-HDV233F-LH Honda Civic Sedan, Coupe 06-08 Sun Visor (41*16*4 cm) RH; LH F:Drak Gray RH:83230-SNA-A01ZA LH:83280-SNA-A01ZA HU-HD3600P-FR HU- HD3600P -FL Honda Civic Hatchback 02-05 Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black '02-03 FR:72140-S6D-E01ZA FL:72180-S6D-E01ZA '04-05 FR:72140-S7A-J01ZE FL:72180-S7A-J01ZE 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HDV233E-RH HU-HDV233E-LH HU-HD2222R-FR HU-HD2222R-FL Civic Sedan, Coupe, Hybrid 06-08 Sun Visor (41*16*4 cm) RH; LH E:Ivory RH:83230-SNA-A01ZB LH:83280-SNA-A01ZB Civic Hatchback 02-05 Inside Handle Front RH; LH R:Painted Silver Lever '02-03 FR:72120-S5S-E01ZC FL:72160-S5S-E01ZC '04-05 FR:72120-S5S-E01ZF FL:72160-S5S-E01ZF Honda Honda 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HDV233B-RH HU-HDV233B-LH HU-HD5600P-FR HU-HD5600P-FL Civic Sedan, Hybrid 09-11 Sun Visor (41*16*4 cm) RH; LH B:Beige RH:83230-SNA-A01ZF LH:83280-SNA-A01ZF Civic Hatchback 02-05 Window Regulator Front RH; LH FR:72210-S5S-G02 FL:72250-S5S-G02 ('02-03#) FL:72250-S5S-G11 ('04-05#) Honda Honda 10P/ 1'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P HU-HDV233G-RH HU-HDV233G-LH Honda Civic Sedan, Coupe, Hybrid 09-11 Sun Visor (41*16*4 cm) RH; LH G:Gray RH:83230-SNA-A01ZE LH:83280-SNA-A01ZE HU-HDV233H-RH HU-HDV233H-LH Honda Civic Sedan 09-11, Coupe 06-08 Sun Visor (41*16*4 cm) RH; LH H:Light Gray RH:83230-SNA-A01ZC LH:83280-SNA-A01ZC Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 494 HD032 HU-HD3232S-FR HU-HD3232S-FL HU-HD2572A-FRK HU-HD2572A-FLK Honda Honda Civic Sedan 01-05 (DX, LX,VP Model) Coupe 01-05 Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Keyhole S:Smooth Black USA# FR:72140-S5D-A02 FL:72180-S5D-A02 JPA# FR:72140-S5A-013 FL:72180-S5A-013 Civic Sedan 01-05 (DX, VP Model) Inside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Lock Hole FLK :Front LH W/o Lock Hole A:Black FR:72120-S5A-003ZA FL:72160-S5A-003ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 10-11KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3232S-RR HU-HD3232S-RR HU-HD2572B-FRK HU-HD2572B-FLK Civic Sedan 01-05 (DX, LX,VP Model) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH S:Smooth Black USA# RR:72640-S5D-A01 RL:72680-S5D-A01 JPA# RR:72640-S5A-003 RL:72680-S5A-003 Civic Sedan 01-05 (DX, VP Model) Inside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Lock Hole FLK :Front LH W/o Lock Hole B:Brown (Taupe) '01-03, 05# FR:72120-S5A-003ZB FL:72160-S5A-003ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD3232MS-FR HU-HD3232MS-FL HU-HD2572B2-FRK HU-HD2572B2-FLK Honda Honda Civic Sedan 01-05 (EX Model) Hybrid 03-05; Coupe 01-05 Front RH; LH MS:Chrome Lever+ Black Housing USA# FR:72140-S5D-A12ZA FL:72180-S5D-A12ZA JPA# FR:72140-S5A-J02ZA FL:72180-S5A-J02ZA Civic Sedan 01-05 (DX, VP Model) Inside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Lock Hole FLK :Front LH W/o Lock Hole B:Brown (Taupe)- darker '04# FR:72120-S5A-003ZC FL:72160-S5A-003ZC 50P/ 1.7'/ 10-11KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3232MS-RR HU-HD3232MS-RR Honda Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2572A-RR HU-HD2572A-RL Honda Civic Sedan 01-05 (EX Model) Hybrid 03-05 Rear RH; LH MS:Chrome Lever+ Black Housing USA# RR:72640-S5D-A11ZA RL:72680-S5D-A11ZA JPA# RR:72640-S5A-J01ZA RL:72680-S5A-J01ZA Civic Sedan 01-05 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Black RR:72620-S5A-003ZA RL:72660-S5A-003ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD3232M-FR HU-HD3232M-FL HU-HD2572B-RR HU-HD2572B-RL Honda Honda Civic Sedan 01-05 Hybrid 03-05; Coupe 01-05 Outside Handle Front RH; LH M:All Chrome Performance (PFM) Civic Sedan 01-05 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH B:Brown (Taupe) RR:72620-S5A-003ZB RL:72660-S5A-003ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 10-11KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3232M-RR HU-HD3232M-RL Honda 495 HD033 Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2572B2-RR HU-HD2572B2-RL Honda Civic Sedan 01-05 Hybrid 03-05 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH M:All Chrome Performance (PFM) Civic Sedan 01-05 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH B2:Ivory RR:72620-S5A-003ZK RL:72660-S5A-003ZK 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD2572MA-FRK HU-HD2572MA-FL HU-HD2572A-FRK HU-HD2572A-FL Honda Honda Civic Sedan 01-05 (EX, LX Model) Hybrid 03-05 Inside Handle FR:Front RH W/o Hole FL:Front LH W/ Hole MA:Chrome+ Black FR:72120-S5N-C01ZA FL:72161-S5A-A21ZA Civic Sedan 01-05 (EX, LX Model) Inside Handle FR:Front RH W/o Hole FL:Front LH W/ Hole A:Black FR:72120-S5A-003ZA FL:72161-S5A-A01ZA 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2572MB-FRK HU-HD2572MB-FL HU-HD2572B-FRK HU-HD2572B-FL Civic Sedan 01-05 (EX, LX Model) Hybrid 03-05 Inside Handle FR:Front RH W/o Hole FL:Front LH W/ Hole MB:Chrome+ Brown (Taupe) FR:72120-S5N-C01ZB FL:72161-S5A-A21ZB Civic Sedan 01-05 (EX, LX Model) Inside Handle FR:Front RH W/o Hole FL:Front LH W/ Hole B:Brown (Taupe) FR:72120-S5A-003ZB FL:72161-S5A-A01ZB 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Honda Case Qty:20P (B12) Honda Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2572MB2-FRK HU-HD2572MB2-FL HU-HD2572B2-FRK HU-HD2572B2-FL Honda Honda Civic Sedan 01-05 (EX, LX Model) Hybrid 03-05 Inside Handle FR:Front RH W/o Hole FL:Front LH W/ Hole MB2:Chrome + Brown (Taupe) TW# FR:72120-S5N-C010 FL:72160-S5N-C010 Civic Sedan 01-05 (EX, LX Model) Inside Handle FR:Front RH W/o Hole FL:Front LH W/ Hole B2:Brown 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2572MA-RR HU-HD2572MA-RL Honda Civic Sedan 01-05 (EX, LX Model) Hybrid 03-05 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MA:Chrome+ Black RR:72620-S5N-C01ZA RL:72660-S5N-C01ZA 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2572MB-RR HU-HD2572MB-RL Honda Civic Sedan 01-05 (EX, LX Model) Hybrid 03-05 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MB:Chrome+ Brown (Taupe) RR:72620-S5N-C01ZB RL:72660-S5N-C01ZB 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2572MB2-RR HU-HD2572MB2-RL Honda Civic Sedan 01-05 (EX, LX Model) Hybrid 03-05 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MB2:Ivory W/ Chrome Lever RR:72620-S5N-C01ZJ RL:72660-S5N-C01ZJ RR:72620-S5N-C010 (TW#) RL:72660-S5N-C010 (TW#) 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 496 HD034 HU-HD5117P-FR2 HU-HD5117P-FL4 HU-HD5117P-FL6 Honda Civic Sedan 01-05 (LHD) Window Regulator P:Power W/ Motor Front RH; LH USA# FR:72210-S5D-A06 FL:72250-S5D-A06 JAP# FR:72210-S5A-G05 FL:72250-S5A-G05 10P/ 1'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5117P-FR6 HU-HD5117P-FR4 HU-HD5117P-FL2 Honda Civic Coupe 01-05 (DX, VP Model) Inside Handle Front RH;LH W/o Lock Hole A:Black FR:72120-S5P-A01ZA FL:72160-S5P-A01ZA 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2223B2-FRK HU-HD2223B2-FLK Honda Civic Sedan 01-05 (RHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR6-6 Pin Plug FR4-4 Pin Plug FL2-2 Pin Plug Civic Coupe 01-05 (DX, VP Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Lock Hole B2:Ivory FR:72120-S5P-A01ZC FL:72160-S5P-A01ZC 10P/ 1'/ 13-14KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Honda Case Qty:10P HU-HD5117PN-FR HU-HD5117PN-FL Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2223B-FRK HU-HD2223B-FLK Honda Honda Civic Sedan 01-05 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor Civic Coupe 01-05 (DX, VP Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Lock Hole B:Taupe FR:72120-S5P-A01ZB FL:72160-S5P-A01ZB 10P/ 1'/ 8-9KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5117M-FR HU-HD5117M-FL Honda Civic Sedan 01-05 Window Regulator Front RH; LH M:Manual FR:72210-S5Z-003 FL:72250-S5Z-003 10P/ 1'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5117P-RR HU-HD5117P-RL Honda Civic Sedan 01-05 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor RR:72710-S5D-A01/5 RL:72750-S5D-A01/5 RR:72710-S5A-J01 RL:72750-S5A-J01 10P/ 1'/ 10-11KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5117PN-RR HU-HD5117PN-RL Honda Civic Sedan 01-05 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor RR:72710-S5A-J01-PFM RL:72750-S5A-J01-PFM 10P/ 1'/ 8-9KG 497 HD035 HU-HD2223A-FRK HU-HD2223A-FLK Case Qty:10P Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2223A-FL Honda Civic Coupe 01-05 (EX, LX, HX Model) Inside Handle Front LH W/ Lock Hole A:Black FL:72160-S5P-A12ZA 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2223B2-FL Honda Civic Coupe 01-05 (EX, LX, HX Model) Inside Handle Front LH W/ Lock Hole B2:Ivory FL:72160-S5P-A12ZC 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2223B-FL Honda Civic Coupe 01-05 (EX, LX, HX Model) Inside Handle Front LH W/ Lock Hole B:Taupe FL:72160-S5P-A12ZB 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD5118P-FR HU-HD5118P-FL Honda Civic Coupe 01-05 Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR:72210-S5P-A03 FL:72250-S5P-A03 FR:72210-S5P-A01 (A02) FL:72250-S5P-A01 (A02) 10P/ 1'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5118PN-FR HU-HD5118PN-FL Honda Civic Coupe 01-05 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:72210-S5P-A01 (A02) WO FL:72250-S5P-A01 (A02) WO 10P/ 1'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10 HU-HD4208-LHD Honda Civic 01-05 Hood Latch W/o Security Switch 74120-S5A-003 74120-S5A-A01 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD4216-LHD Honda Civic 01-05 Hood Latch W/ Security Switch 74120-S5A-A11 74120-S5A-A112 50P/ 1.7'/ 18-19KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD6009-RH HU-HD6009-LH Honda Civic 01-05 Hood Hinge RH; LH RH:60120-S5A-000ZZ LH:60170-S5A-000ZZ 50P/ 1.7'/ 14-15KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD7232-TG Honda Civic 01-05 Trunk Lid Lock 74850-S5A-A012 10P/ 1'/ 10-11KG Case Qty:10 Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 498 HD036 HU-HD3239S-FR HU-HD3239S-FL HU-HD2573A-1FR HU-HD2573A-1FL Honda Honda Civic 96-00 Front RH; LH S:Smooth Black Coupe# FR:72140-S00-004 FL:72180-S00-004 Sedan# FR:72140-S01-003 (USA) FL:72180-S01-003 (USA) FR:72140-S04-003 (JAP) FL:72180-S04-003(JAP) Civic Coupe/ Hatchbach 96-00 Inside Handle Front RH; LH A:Black (Charcoal) FR:72120-S00-A01ZA FL:72160-S00-A01ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 10-11KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3239S-RR HU-HD3239S-RL Honda HU-HD2573G-1FR HU-HD2573G-1FL Honda Civic 96-00 Rear RH; LH S:Smooth Black RR:72640-S01-003(USA) RL:72680-S01-003(USA) RR:72640-S04-003(JAP) RL:72680-S04-003(JAP) Civic Coupe/ Hatchbach 96-00 Inside Handle Front RH; LH G:Gray FR:72120-S00-A01ZB FL:72160-S00-A01ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 10-11KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3239MS-FR HU-HD3239MS-FL HU-HD2573G-2FR HU-HD2573G-2FL Civic 96-00 Front RH; LH MS:Chrome Lever + Black Housing FR:72140-S01-A01(USA) FL:72180-S01-A01(USA) FR:72140-S04-J01(JAP) FL:72180-S04-J01(JAP) Civic Coupe/ Hatchbach 96-00 Inside Handle Bezel Front RH; LH G:Gray FR:72125-S00-A01ZB FL:72165-S00-A01ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 10-11KG Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda HU-HD5116M-FR HU-HD5116M-FL Civic 96-00 Rear RH; LH MS:Chrome Lever + Black Housing RR:72640-S01-A01(USA) RL:72680-S01-A01(USA) RR:72640-S04-J01/ A01(JAP) RL:72680-S04-J01/ A01(JAP) Civic Coupe 96-00 Window Regulator Front RH; LH M:Manual (2A) FR:72210-S00-003 FL:72250-S00-003 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 10P/ 1'/ 10-11KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P HU-HD5116P-FR2 HU-HD5116P-FL4 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 10P/ 1'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3239X-FR HU-HD 3239X -FL HU-HD3239X-RR HU-HD3239X-RL Civic 96-00 Outside Handle X:Carbon Fiber Look 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) FR Honda HU-HD3239M-FR HU-HD3239M-FL HU-HD3239M-RR HU-HD3239M-RL Civic 96-00 Outside Handle M:All Chrome FL Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD3239MS-RR HU-HD3239MS-RL Honda 499 HD037 Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda Civic Coupe 96-00 (LHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor (2A) FR:04720-S00-A01 (Coupe#) FL:04725-S00-A01 (Coupe#) FR:72210-S03-G01 FL:72250-S03-G01 Case Qty:10P HU-HD5116P-FR4 HU-HD5116P-FL2 Honda Civic Coupe 96-00 (RHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor (2A) FR4-4 Pin Plug FL2-2 Pin Plug 10P/ 1'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD2571A-FL Honda Civic Sedan 96-00 (DX-V, EX, GX, LX Model) Inside Handle Front LH W/ Hole A:Black 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2571B-FL Honda Civic Sedan 96-00 (DX-V, EX, GX, LX Model) Inside Handle Front LH W/ Hole B:Taupe (Brown) FL:72161-S01-A01ZB 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2571G-FL Honda Civic Sedan 96-00 (DX-V, EX, GX, LX Model) Inside Handle Front LH W/ Hole G:Charocoal (Gray) FL:72161-S01-A01ZA FL:72160-S01-A01ZA HU-HD5115M-FR HU-HD5115M-FL Honda Civic Sedan 96-00 (K8) Window Regulator Front RH; LH M:Manual FR:72210-S04-003 FL:72250-S04-003 10P/ 1'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5115P-FR2 HU-HD5115P-FL4 Honda Civic Sedan 96-00 (K8) (LHD) Window Regulator -FR2:2 Pin -FL4:4 Pin P:Power W/ Motor FR:72210-S04-A01 FL:72250-S04-A01 10P/ 1'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5115P-FR4 HU-HD5115P-FL2 Honda Civic Sedan 96-00 (K8) (RHD) Window Regulator P:Power W/ Motor -FR4:4 Pin -FL2:2 Pin HU-HD5115PN-FR HU-HD5115PN-FL PN:Power W/o Motor (1C) 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2571A-RR (=FR) HU-HD2571A-RL Honda Civic Sedan 96-00 (DX Model) Inside Handle Rear RH; LH W/o Hole A:Black RH:72120-S04-004ZD LH:72160-S04-004ZD 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2571B-RR (=FR) HU-HD2571B-RL Honda Civic Sedan 96-00 (DX Model) Inside Handle Rear RH; LH W/o Hole B:Taupe (Brown) RH:72120-S04-004ZD LH:72160-S04-004ZD 10P/ 1'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5115M-RR HU-HD5115M-RL Honda Civic Sedan 96-00 (K8) Window Regulator Rear RH; LH M: Manual 10P/ 0.6'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5115P-RR HU-HD5115P-RL Civic Sedan 96-00 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor RR:72710-S04-J030/A02 RL:72750-S04-J030/A02 HU-HD5115PN-RR HU-HD5115PN-RL PN:Power W/o Motor (1A) 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2571G-RR (=FR) HU-HD2571G-RL Honda Civic Sedan 96-00 (DX Model) Inside Handle Rear RH; LH W/o Hole G:Charocoal (Gray) RH:72120-S04-004ZB LH:72160-S04-004ZB 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:20P (B12) 10P/ 0.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD4205-LHD Honda Civic 96-00 Hood Latch 74120-S04-A01 HU-HD6005-RH HU-HD6005-LH Hood Hinge RH:60120-STO-000ZZ LH:60170-STO-000ZZ 40P/ 0.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 500 HD038 HU-HD3228S-FR HU-HD3228S-FL Honda Civic 92-95 Outside Handle Front RH; LH S:Smooth Black FR72140-SR3-J01ZD FL:72180-SR3-J01ZD HU-HD2570A-FR HU-HD2570A -FL Civic Coupe 92-95 (USA) Inside Handle Front RH; LH A:Black FR:72120-SR0-A02ZB FL:72160-SR0-A02ZB HU-HD2570B-FR HU-HD2570B -FL B:Brown FR:72120-SR0-A02ZB FL:72160-SR0-A02ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 3-4KG Case Qty:10P (B12) 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty10P (B12) HU-HD3228S-RR HU-HD3228S-RL HU-HD2570G-FR HU-HD2570G -FL Civic 92-95 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH S:Smooth Black RR72640-SR4-J01ZC RL:72680-SR4-J01ZC HU-HD2570J-FR HU-HD2570J -FL Honda Civic Coupe 92-95 (USA) Inside Handle Front RH; LH G:Gray FR:72120-SR0-A02ZB FL:72160-SR0-A02ZB J:Blue FR:72120-SR0-A02ZB FL:72160-SR0-A02ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 3-4KG Case Qty:10P (B12) 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Q:ty:10P (B12) HU-HD3228A-FR HU-HD3228A -FL HU-HD2276A-FR HU-HD2276A -FL Honda Honda Civic 92-95 Outside Handle Front RH; LH A:Texture Black FR:72140-SR3-J02ZD FL:72180-SR3-J02ZD FR:72140-SR3-003 FL:72180-SR3-003 Civic Coupe 92-95 (JAP) Inside Handle Front RH; LH A:Black FR:72120-SR3-003 FL:72160-SR3-003 50P/ 1.7'/ 3-4KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3228A-RR HU-HD3228A -RL Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5114M-FR HU-HD5114M-FL Honda Civic 92-95 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Texture Black RR:72640-SR4-J01ZC RL:72680-SR4-J01ZC RR:72640-SR4-003 RL:72680-SR4-003 Civic 2D 92-95 (K6) Window Regulator Front RH; LH M:Manual FR:72210-SR3-003 FL:72250-SR3-003 50P/ 1.7'/ 3-4KG 10P/ 0.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P HU-HD3228X-FR HU-HD3228X -FL HU-HD5114PN-FR HU-HD5114PN-FL Honda Honda Civic 92-95 Outside Handle Front RH; LH X:Carbone Performance (PFM) Civic 2D 92-95 (K6) Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:72211-SR3-A01 WO FL:72251-SR3-A01 WO 50P/ 1.7'/ 3-4KG 10P/ 0.9'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3228X-RR HU-HD3228X -RL Honda Civic 92-95 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH X:Carbone Performance (PFM) Case Qty:10P HU-HD5114P-FR2 HU-HD5114P-FL4 Civic 2D 92-95 (K6) -FR2:2 Pin Plug (LHD) -FL4:4 Pin Plug (LHD) P:Power W/ Motor FR:72210-SR3-A01 FL:72250-SR3-A01 HU-HD5114P-FR4 HU-HD5114P-FL2 -FR2:2 Ping Plug (RHD) -FL4:4 Ping Plug (RHD) 50P/ 1.7'/ 3-4KG 501 HD039 Case Qty:10P (B12) 10P/ 0.9'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD2569A-FR HU-HD2569A-FL Honda HU-HD5113M-FR HU-HD5113M-FL Honda Civic Sedan 92-95 Inside Handle Front RH W/o Hole= Rear RH Front LH W/o Hole= Rear LH A:Black Civic Sedan 92-95 (K6) Window Regulator Front RH; LH M:Manual FR:72210-SR4-003 FL:72250-SR4-003 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 10P/ 0.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2569G-FR HU-HD2569G-FL Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5113M-RR HU-HD5113M-RL Honda Honda Civic Sedan 92-95 Inside Handle Front RH W/o Hole= Rear RH Front LH W/o Hole= Rear LH G:Gray FR:72120-SR4-004ZB FL:72160-SR4-A02ZA Civic Sedan 92-95 (K6) Window Regulator Rear RH;LH M:Manual RR: 72710-SR4-003 RL:72750-SR4-003 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 10P/ 0.6'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2569A-RR1 HU-HD2569A-RL1 Honda Civic Sedan 92-95 (W/ Pwr Window) Inside Handle Rear RH; LH (W/ Hole) A:Black Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5113P-FR2 HU-HD5113P-FL4 Civic Sedan 92-95 (K6)-LHD -FR2:2 Pin -FL4:4 Pin P:Power W/ Motor FR:72211-SR4-J01 FL:72251-SR4-J01 HU-HD5113P-FR4 HU-HD5113P-FL2 -FR4: 4 Pin -FL2: 2 Pin 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2569G-RR1 HU-HD2569G -RL1 Honda Civic Sedan 92-95 (W/ Pwr Window) Inside Handle Rear RH; LH (W/ Hole) G:Gray RR:72620-SR4-J02ZB RL:72660-SR4-J02ZB 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD7110-FR HU-HD7110-FL Honda Civic (K600) Sedan 92-95 Door Lock Front RH; LH FR:72110-SR4-A02 FL:72150-SR4-A02 10P/ 0.9'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5113P-RR HU-HD5113P-RL Honda Civic Sedan 92-95 Window Regulator Rear RH;LH RR: 72710-SR4-J01 RL:72750-SR4-J01 10P/ 0.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD4207-LHD Honda Civic 92-95 Hood Latch 74120-SR3-000 20P/ 1.4'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD7114 Honda Civic(K600) 92-95 Trunk Latch 74851-SR4-003 50P/ 1.7'/ 18-19KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD7110-RR HU-HD7110-RL Honda 20P/ 1.4'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD6002-RH HU-HD6002-LH Honda Civic (K600) Sedan 92-95 Door Lock Rear RH; LH RR: 72610-SR4-004 RL:72650-SR4-004 Civic (K600) 92-95 Hood Hinge RH; LH RH:60120-SR3-010ZZ LH:60170-SR3-010ZZ 50P/ 1.7'/ 18-19KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 10-11KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 502 HD040 HU-HD3238S-FR HU-HD3238S-FL HU-HD5111M-FR HU-HD5111M-FL Honda Honda Civic 88-91 Outside Handle Front RH; LH S:Smooth Black FR:72140-SH3-A01/ 004 (Hatchback#) FL:72180-SH3-A01/ 004 (Hatchback#) FR:72140-SH4-A11/ 004 (Sedan#) FL:72180-SH4-A11/ 004 (Sedan#) Civic 4D 88-91 Front RH; LH M:Manual FR:72210-SH4-A010 FL:72250-SH4-A010 FR:72210-SH4-003 FL:72250-SH4-003 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 10P/ 0.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3238S-RER Honda Civic 88-91 Outside Handle Rear RH= LH S:Smooth Black RR:72640-SH4-A01/ A21/ 004 RL:72680-SH4-A01/ A21/ 004 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2568B-RH HU-HD2568B-LH Case Qty:10P HU-HD5111P-FR2 HU-HD5111P-FL4 Honda Civic 4D 88-91 (LHD) -FR2:2 Pin -FL4:4 Pin P:Power W/ Motor FR:72210-SH4-J01 FL:72250-SH4-J01 FR:72210-SH4-J02 FL:72250-SH4-J02 10P/ 0.7'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5111P-FR4 HU-HD5111P-FL2 Honda Honda Civic 88-91 Inside Handle RH; LH B:Browm RH:75510-VXF-000 LH:75520-VXF-000 Civic 4D 88-91 (RHD) -FR4:4 Pin -FL2:2 Pin P:Power W/ Motor FR:72210-SH4-J01/ S01 FL:72250-SH4-J01/ S01 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2568G-RH HU-HD2568G-LH 10P/ 0.7'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5111M-RR HU-HD5111M-RL Honda Honda Civic 88-91 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) G:Gray RH:75510-VXF-000 LH:75520-VXF-000 Civic 4D 88-91 Rear RH; LH M:Manual RR:72710-SH4-A010 RL:72750-SH4-A010 RR:72710-SH4-004 RL:72750-SH4-004 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2568J-RH HU-HD2568J-LH Honda Civic 88-91 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) J:Blue RH:72121-SH4-J01 LH:72161-SH4-J01 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10 (B12) 10P/ 0.6'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5111P-RR HU-HD5111P-RL Honda Civic 4D 88-91 Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor RR:72710-SH4-J01/ S01 RL:72750-SH4-J01/ S01 10P/ 0.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD2568G-2RH HU-HD2568G-2LH Honda Civic 88-91 Inside Handle Case RH; LH G:Gray HU-HD2568J-2RH HU-HD2568J-2LH J:Blue 100P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG 503 HD041 Case Qty:20P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD5112P-FR2 HU-HD5112P-FL4 Honda Honda Civic 2D 88-91 (RHD) -FR2:2 Pin -FL4:4 Pin P:Power W/ Motor FR:72210-SH3-X11 FL:72250-SH3-X11 10P/ 0.7'/ 15-16KG HU-HD4206-UP HU-HD4206-LO Case Qty:10P HU-HD5112P-FR4 HU-HD5112P-FL2 Honda Civic 88-91 Hood Latch Upper 74180-SH3-013 74180-SH3-A02 Lower 74120-SH3-003 74120-SH3-A01 50P/ 1.7'/ 17-18KG Lower Case Qty:10 (B12) HU-HD6004-RH HU-HD6004-LH Honda Civic 2D 88-91 (RHD) -FR4: 4 Pin -FL2: 2 Pin P:Power W/ Motor Civic 88-91 Hood Hinge RH; LH RH:60120-SH3-000ZZ LH:60170-SH3-000ZZ RH:60120-SH4-000ZZ LH:60170-SH4-000ZZ 10P/ 0.7’/ 15-16KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 18-19KG Case Qty:10P Upper Case Qty:10 (B12) HU-HD7107 Honda Civic Coupe 88-91 Trunk Lock 74800-SH2-003 74800-SH3-003 50P/ 1.7'/ 17-18KG Case Qty:10 (B12) HU-HD7111 Honda Civic Sedan 88-91 Trunk Lock 74850-SH4-003 50P/ 1.7'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10 (B12) HU-HD7112-FR HU-HD7112-FL Honda Civic Sedan 88-91 Door Lock Front RH; LH FR:72110-SH4-A01 FL:72150-SH4-A01 50P/ 1.7'/ 17-18KG Case Qty:10 (B12) HU-HD7112-RR HU-HD7112-RL Honda Civic Sedan 88-91 Door Lock Rear RH; LH RR:72610-SH4-G02 RL:72650-SH4-G02 RR:72610-SH4-A01 RL:72650-SH4-A01 50P/ 1.7'/ 17-18KG Case Qty:10 (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 504 HD042 HU-HD3229A-FR HU-HD3229A-FL Honda Honda Civic 84-87 (Wonder) Outside Handle Front RH; LH A:Texture Black FR:75610-SB3-013/003 FL:75620-SB3-013/003 Civic 4D 84-87 Window Regulator Front RH; LH M:Manual FR:75310-SB4-003 FL:75320-SB4-003 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 10P/ 0.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3229A-RR HU-HD3229A-RL Case Qty:10P HU-HD5110M-RR HU-HD5110M-RL Honda Honda Civic 84-87 (Wonder) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Texture Black RR:76610-SB4-013/003 RL:76620-SB4-013/003 Civic 4D 84-87 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH M:Manual RR:76310-SB4-003 RL:76320-SB4-003 RR:76310-SB4-013 RL:76320-SB4-013 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 10P/ 0.6'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2567 B - RH HU-HD2567B-LH Honda Civic Sedan 84-87 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) B:Brown RH:75510-SB4-013-B LH:75520-SB4-013-B 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:10P HU-HD5110P-FR HU-HD5110P-FL Honda Civic 4D 84-87 12V Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR:75310-SH4-003 FL:75320-SH4-003 10P/ 0.9'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD2567G-RH HU-HD2567G-LH HU-HD7109-FR HU-HD7109-FL Honda Honda Civic Sedan 84-87 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) G:Gray RH:75510-SB4-003-G LH:75520-SB4-003-G Civic Sedan 84-87 Door Lock Front RH;LH FR: 75410-SB4-662 FL:75450-SB4-662 FR:75410-VXB -661 FL:75450-VXB-661 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 17-18KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2567L-RH HU-HD2567L-LH Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD7109-RR HU-HD7109-RL Honda Honda Civic Sedan 84-87 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) L:Red RH:75510-SB4-013-L LH:75520-SB4-013-L Civic Sedan 84-87 Door Lock Rear RH;LH RR: 76410-SB4-013 RL:76450-SB4-013 RR:76410-SB4-003 RL:76450-SB4-003 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 17-18KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2567J-RH HU-HD2567J-LH Honda Civic Sedan 84-87 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) J:Blue RH:75510-SB4-013-J LH:75520-SB4-013-J 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 505 HD043 HU-HD5110M-FR HU-HD5110M-FL Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD4203 Honda Civic Sedan 84-87 Hood Latch 63510-SB4-003 63510-SB4-662 Case Qty:20P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD5108P-FR HU-HD5108P-FL Honda Civic 2D 84-87 12V Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR:75310-SH3-003 FL:75320-SH3-003 10P/ 0.9'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5108M-FR HU-HD5108M-FL Honda HU-HD3043M-RH HU-HD3043M-LH Honda Civic Sedan 80-83 Outside Handle RH; LH M:Chrome Lever 80-81# RH:75610-SA0-013 LH:75620-SA0-014 82-83# RH:75610-SA0-971 LH:75620-SA0-971 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3042M-RH HU-HD3042M-LH Honda Civic 2D 84-87 Window Regulator Front RH; LH M:Manual FR:75310-SB3-003 FL:75320-SB3-003 Civic H-Back 80-83 Outside Handle RH; LH M:Chrome Lever RH:75610-SA0-000 LH:75620-SA0-000 10P/ 0.7'/ 11-12KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD7115-RH HU-HD7115-LH Honda Civic 12V 3D 84-87 Door Lock RH; LH RH:75410-SB3-662 LH:75450-SB3-662 RH:7541A-SB3-660 LH:7545A-SB3-660 50P/ 1.7'/ 17-18KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD6001-RH HU-HD6001-LH Honda Civic 84-87 (2D=4D) Hood Hinge RH; LH RH:63410-SB4-020ZZ (Sedan#) LH:63430-SB4-020ZZ (Sedan#) RH:63410-SB4-010ZZ LH:63430-SB4-010ZZ 50P/ 1.7'/ 18-19KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD1043A HU-HD1043B HU-HD1043C Honda Civic SA8/ SA9/ SB4 84-88 Window Handle W/o Zinc & W/ Alum. Cover A:Black B:Brown C:Baroon 75330-SA0-00A/ B/ C 250P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:50P (B12) Case Qty:10 (B12) HU-HD3065M-RH HU-HD3065M-LH Honda Civic Sedan 73-79 Outside Handle RH; LH M:Zinc Chrome RH:75611-679-000 LH:75621-679-000 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD1018M-1 Honda Civic 80-83 Window Handle M:All Chrome Zinc Black Knob 75330-634-010 200P/ 1.1'/ 14-15KG Case Qty:20 (B08) HU-HD1018M-2 Honda Civic 80-83 Window Handle M:All Chrome Zinc Black Knob+ Alum. Cover 75330-634-010 200P/ 1.1'/ 14-15KG Case Qty:20P (B08) HU-HD1043G HU-HD1043J HU-HD1043L HU-HD1019A HU-HD1019E HU-HD1019G Civic SA8/ SA9/ SB4 84-88 Window Handle W/o Zinc & W/ Alum. Cover G:Gray J:Blue L:Red 75330-SA0-00G/ J/ L Civic Sedan 73-79 Window Handle W/o Zinc E:Beige G:Gray 75330-679-010 250P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 250P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Honda Case Qty:50P (B12) Honda Case Qty:50P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 506 HD044 HU-HD3250P-FRK HU-HD3250P-FL Honda HU-HD2516RA-RH HU-HD2516RA-LH Honda CR-V 12-16 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle W/ RFID FRK:Front W/o Keyhole (RHD= Front LH) FL :Front W/ Keyhole (RHD= Front RH) P:Primed Black CR-V 12-16 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) RA:Silver Lever + Black Housing RH:72120-T0A-A02ZB LH:72160-T0A-A02ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3250M-FRK HU-HD3250M-FL Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5516P-FR2 HU-HD5516P-FL6 Honda CR-V 12-16 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle W/ RFID FRK:Front W/o Keyhole (RHD= Front LH) FL :Front W/ Keyhole (RHD= Front RH) M:All Chrome CR-V 12-16 (LHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR2-2 Pin FL6-6 Pin FR:72211-T0A-A01 WM FL:72251-T0A-A01 WM 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 10P/ 1'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P HU-HD3249P-FRK HU-HD3249P-FL HU-HD5516P-FR6 HU-HD5516P-FL2 CR-V 12-16 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black FRK Handle:72141-TR0-A11ZD Cover:72143-TR0-A11ZD FL Handle:72181-TR0-A11ZD Cover:72144-TR0-A11ZD CR-V 12-16 (RHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR6-6 Pin FL2-2 Pin 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 10P/ 1'/ 12-13KG Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3249P-RER Honda CR-V 12-16 Outside Handle Rear RH= LH P:Primed Black Handle RR:72141-TR0-A11ZD RL:72181-TR0-A11ZD Cover :72643-TR0-A11ZD 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HD2516PA Honda Case Qty:10P HU-HD5516P-RR HU-HD5516P-RL Honda CR-V 12-16 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor RR:72710-T0A-A01 RL:72750-T0A-A01 10P/ 1'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD3249M-FRK HU-HD3249M-FL Honda CR-V 12-16 (RHD=LHD) Outside Handle FRK:Front W/o Keyhole FL :Front W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome Performance (PFM) 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3249M-RER Honda CR-V 12-16 Outside Handle Rear RH= LH M:All Chrome Performance (PFM) 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 507 HD045 Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD3515P-FRK HU-HD3515P-FL HU-HD2515MA-RH HU-HD2515MA-LH Honda Honda CRV 07-11 For LHD FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black FRK:72140-SWA-A01/A11 FL :72180-SWA-A01/A11 CR-V 07-11 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) MA:Chrome Lever RH:72120-SWA-A01ZA LH:72160-SWA-A01ZA RH:72120-SWA-A02ZA LH:7216-SWA-A02ZA 50P/ 2.2'/ 15-16KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B11) HU-HD3515P-FR HU-HD3515P-FLK Honda CRV 07-11 For RHD FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole P:Primed Black 50P/ 2.2'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P (B11) HU-HD3515P-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3515P-FLK (=RL) Honda CRV 07-11 Outside Handle Rear RH= Front RH W/o Keyhole Rear LH= Front LH W/o Keyhole P:Primed Black FRK:72140-SWA-A11ZS FLK:72180-SWA-T11ZS 50P/ 2.2'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P (B11) HU-HD3515M-FRK HU-HD3515M-FL Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5515P-FR2 HU-HD5515P-FR4 HU-HD5515P-FL6 Honda CRV 07-11 (LHD) Window Regulator -FR2:2 Pin Plug -FR4:4 Pin Plug -FL6:6 Pin Plug P:Power W/ Motor FR:72210-SWA-A01 FL:72250-SWA-A01 10P/ 1'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5515P-FR6 HU-HD5515P-FL2 HU-HD5515P-FL4 Honda CRV 07-11 (RHD) Window Regulator -FR6:6 Pin Plug -FL2:2 Pin Plug -FL4:4 Pin Plug P:Power W/ Motor FR:72210-SWA-A01 FL:72250-SWA-A01 10P/ 1'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5515P-RR HU-HD5515P-RL Honda CRV 07-11 For LHD FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome CRV 07-11 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor RR:72710-SWA-A01 RL:72750-SWA-A01 50P/ 2.2'/ 15-16KG 10P/ 1'/ 10-11KG Case Qty:10P (B11) Case Qty:10P HU-HD3515M-FR HU-HD3515M-FLK HU-HD6515-RH HU-HD6515-LH Honda Honda CRV 07-11 Outside Handle For RHD FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole CRV 07-11 Hood Hinge RH; LH 50P/ 2.2'/ 15-16KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P (B11) HU-HD3515M-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3515M-FLK (=RL) Honda CRV 07-11 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH M:All Chrome Performance (PFM) 50P/ 2.2'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P (B11) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD7515-TG Honda CRV 07-11 Trunk Lid Lock 50P/ 1.7'/ 16-17KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 508 HD046 HU-HD3513S-FR HU-HD3513S-FL Honda CRV 02-06 Outside Handle Front RH; LH S:Smooth Black FR:72140-S9A-003/J01ZD FL:72180-S9A-003/J01ZD 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3513S-RR HU-HD3513S-RL Honda CRV 02-06 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH S:Smooth Black RR:72640-S9A-003/J01ZD RL:72680-S9A-003/J01ZD 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3513A-FR HU-HD3513A-FL Honda CRV 02-06 Outside Handle Front RH; LH A:Texture Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3513A-RR HU-HD3513A-RL Honda CRV 02-06 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Texture Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3513M-FR HU-HD3513M-FL Honda CRV 02-06 Outside Handle Front RH; LH M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda CRV 02-06 Tailgate Handle W/ Keyhole S:Smooth Black TG:74810-S9A-J11ZB 20P/ 1.4'/ 16-17KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3513S-TGK Honda CRV 02-06 Tailgate Handle W/o Keyhole TGK:74810-S9A-J01ZF 20P/ 1.4'/ 16-17KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3513M-TG Honda CRV 02-06 Tailgate Handle W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome Performance 20P/ 1.4'/ 16-17KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3513M-TGK Honda CRV 02-06 Tailgate Handle W/o Keyhole M:All Chrome 20P/ 1.4'/ 16-17KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD4513-LHD Honda CR-V 02-06 Hood Latch W/o Security Switch 74120-S9A-A01 50P/1.7’/ 16-17KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3513M-RR HU-HD3513M-RL HU-HD6513-RH HU-HD6513-LH CRV 02-06 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH M:All Chrome CR-V 02-06 Hood Hinge RH; LH RH:60120-S5A-000ZZ LH:60170-S5A-000ZZ 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 50P/1.4’/ 9-10KG Honda 509 HD047 HU-HD3513S-TG Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD2513A-FR HU-HD2513A-FL HU-HD2513MA-FR HU-HD2513MA-FL Honda Honda CR-V 02-06 (LHD) Front RH W/o Lock Hole Front LH W/ Lock Hole A:Black FR:72120-S9A-003ZA FL:72161-S9A-A01ZA CR-V 02-06 (LHD) Front RH W/o Lock Hole Front LH W/ Lock Hole MA:Chrome+ Black 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2513B-FR HU-HD2513B-FL HU-HD2513MB-FR HU-HD2513MB-FL Honda Honda CR-V 02-06 (LHD) Front RH W/o Lock Hole Front LH W/ Lock Hole B:Saddle (Brown) FR:72120-S9A-A01ZC FL:72161-S9A-A01ZC CR-V 02-06 (LHD) Front RH W/o Lock Hole Front LH W/ Lock Hole MB:Chrome+ Brown 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2513E-FR HU-HD2513E-FL HU-HD2513ME-FR HU-HD2513ME-FL Honda Honda CR-V 02-06 (LHD) Front RH W/o Lock Hole Front LH W/ Lock Hole E:Ivory (Beige) FR:72120-S9A-A01ZD FL:72161-S9A-A01ZD CR-V 02-06 (LHD) Front RH W/o Lock Hole Front LH W/ Lock Hole ME:Chrome+ Beige 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2513G-FR HU-HD2513G-FL HU-HD2513MG-FR HU-HD2513MG-FL Honda Honda CR-V 02-06 (LHD) Front RH W/o Lock Hole Front LH W/ Lock Hole G:Gray CR-V 02-06 (LHD) Front RH W/o Lock Hole Front LH W/ Lock Hole MG:Chrome+ Gray 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2513L-FR HU-HD2513L-FL Honda CR-V 02-06 (LHD) Front RH W/o Lock Hole Front LH W/ Lock Hole L:Deep Brown FR:72120-S9A-A01ZB FL:72161-S9A-A01ZB FL:72161-S9A-003ZB 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD5303P-FR2 HU-HD5303P-FL6 HU-HD5303P-RR HU-HD5303P-RL CR-V 02-06 (LHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR2-2 Pin Plug FL6-6 Pin Plug FR:72210-S9A-A02 CR-V 02-06 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor RR:72710-S9A-013 RL:72750-S9A-013 10P/ 0.7'/ 11-12KG 10P/ 0.7'/ 11-12KG Honda Case Qty:10P Honda Case Qty:10P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 510 HD048 HU-HD2514A-FR HU-HD2514A-FL HU-HD2514MA-FR HU-HD2514MA-FL Honda Honda CR-V 02-06 (RHD) Inside Handle A:Black Front RH W/ lock hole Front LH W/o lock hole FR:72121-S9A-A01ZA CR-V 02-06 (RHD) Inside Handle A:Black Front RH W/ lock hole Front LH W/o lock hole MA:Chrome+ Black 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2514B-FR HU-HD2514B-FL HU-HD2514MB-FR HU-HD2514MB-FL CR-V 02-06 (RHD) Inside Handle A:Black Front RH W/ lock hole Front LH W/o lock hole B:Saddle (Brown) CR-V 02-06 (RHD) Inside Handle A:Black Front RH W/ lock hole Front LH W/o lock hole MB:Chrome+ Brown 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Honda Case Qty:20P (B12) Honda Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2514E-FR HU-HD2514E-FL HU-HD2514ME-FR HU-HD2514ME-FL CR-V 02-06 (RHD) Inside Handle A:Black Front RH W/ lock hole Front LH W/o lock hole E:Ivory (Beige) CR-V 02-06 (RHD) Inside Handle A:Black Front RH W/ lock hole Front LH W/o lock hole ME:Chrome+ Beige 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Honda Case Qty:20P (B12) Honda Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2514G-FR HU-HD2514G-FL HU-HD2514MG-FR HU-HD2514MG-FL Honda Honda CR-V 02-06 (RHD) Inside Handle A:Black Front RH W/ lock hole Front LH W/o lock hole G:Gray CR-V 02-06 (RHD) Inside Handle A:Black Front RH W/ lock hole Front LH W/o lock hole MG:Chrome+ Gray 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2514L-FR HU-HD2514L-FL Honda CR-V 02-06 (RHD) Inside Handle A:Black Front RH W/ lock hole Front LH W/o lock hole L:Deep Brown 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD5303P-FR6 HU-HD5303P-FR4 HU-HD5303P-FL2 Honda CR-V 02-06 (RHD) Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR6-6 Pin Plug FR4-4 Pin Plug FL2-2 Pin Plug FL:72250-S9A-A02 10P/ 2'/ 14-15KG 511 HD049 Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD5303P-RR HU-HD5303P-RL Honda CR-V 02-06 Window Regulator (RHD=LHD) Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor RR:72710-S9A-013 RL:72750-S9A-013 10P/ 0.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD2513A-RR HU-HD2513A-RL HU-HD2513MA-RR HU-HD2513MA-RL Honda Honda CR-V 02-06 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Black RR:72620-S9A-003ZA RL:72660-S9A-003ZA CR-V 02-06 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MA:Chrome+ Black 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:20 (B12) Case Qty:20 (B12) HU-HD2513B-RR HU-HD2513B-RL HU-HD2513MB-RR HU-HD2513MB-RL CR-V 02-06 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH B:Brown (Saddle) RR:72620-S9A-003ZB RL:72660-S9A-003ZB CR-V 02-06 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MB:Chrome+ Brown Honda 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:20 (B12) Honda 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:20 (B12) HU-HD2513E-RR HU-HD2513E-RL HU-HD2513ME-RR HU-HD2513ME-RL Honda Honda CR-V 02-06 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH E:Beige (Ivory) RR:72620-S9A-003ZD RL:72660-S9A-003ZD CR-V 02-06 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH ME:Chrome+ Beige 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:20 (B12) HU-HD2513G-RR HU-HD2513G-RL HU-HD2513MG-RR HU-HD2513MG-RL Honda Honda CR-V 02-06 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH G:Gray CR-V 02-06 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MG:Chrome+ Gray 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:20P (B12) 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:20 (B12) HU-HD2513L-RR HU-HD2513L-RL Honda CR-V 02-06 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH L:Deep Brown 100P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 512 HD050 HU-HD3242S-FR HU-HD3242S-FL HU-HD2601G-FR HU-HD2601G-FL CR-V 97-01 (Rover 400 95-99) Outside Handle Front RH; LH S:Smooth Black FR:72140-ST0-003 FL:72180-ST0-003 CR-V 97-01 Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Hole G:Gray (Big Clip) FR:72124-S10-000ZA FL:72164-S10-A01ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3242S-RR HU-HD3242S-RL Honda Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2601MG-FR HU-HD2601MG-FL Honda CR-V 97-01 (Rover 400 95-99) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH S:Smooth Black RR:72640-ST0-003 RL:72680-ST0-003 CR-V 97-01 Front RH; LH W/ Hole MG:Chrome+ Gray FR:72124-SX0-003ZB FL:72164-SX0-003ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD3242MS-FR HU-HD3242MS-FL HU-HD2601MF-FR HU-HD2601MF-FL CR-V 97-01 (Rover 400 95-99) Outside Handle Front RH; LH MS:Chrome Lever + Black Housing FR:72140-ST0-J02 FL:72180-ST0-J02 CR-V 97-01 Front RH; LH W/ Hole MF:Chrome+ Deep Gray FR:72124-S10-A11ZA FL:72164-S10-A11ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD3242MS-RR HU-HD3242MS-RL HU-HD2601G-RR HU-HD2601G-RL CR-V 97-01 (Rover 400 95-99) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH MS:Chrome Lever + Black Housing RR:72640-ST0-J02 RL:72680-ST0-J02 CR-V 97-01 Rear RH; LH W/ Hole G:Gray (Small Clip) RR:72624-S10-000ZA RL:72664-S10-000ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD3242M-FR HU-HD3242M-FL HU-HD2601MG-RR HU-HD2601MG-RL CR-V 97-01 (Rover 400 95-99) Outside Handle Front RH; LH M:All Chrome FR:72140-S10-003-Chrome FL:72180-S10-003-Chrome CR-V 97-01 Rear RH; LH W/ Hole MG:Chrome +Gray 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD3242M-RR HU-HD3242M-RL HU-HD2601MF-RR HU-HD2601MF-RL CR-V 97-01 (Rover 400 95-99) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH M:All Chrome RR:72640-S10-003-Chrome RL:72680-S10-003-Chrome CR-V 97-01 Rear RH; LH W/ Hole MF:Chrome+ Deep Gray 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Honda 513 HD051 Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda RR:72624-S10-A11ZA RL:72664-S10-A11ZA Case Qty:20P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD5301P-FR2 HU-HD5301P-FL4 Honda CRV 97-01 For LHD Window Regulator -FR2:2 Pin -FL4:4 Pin P:Power W/ Motor FR:72211-S10-J01 FL:72251-S10-J01 FR:72210-S10-A010 FL:72250-S10-A010 10P/ 1'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5301P-FR4 HU-HD5301P-FL2 Honda CRV 97-01 For RHD Window Regulator -FR2:2 Ping Plug -FL4:4 Ping Plug P:Power W/ Motor FR:72211-S10-J01 FL:72251-S10-J01 10P/ 1'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5301PN-FR HU-HD5301PN-FL HU-HD4242-LHD Honda CR-V 97-01 Hood Latch US Type 74120-S10-A02 50P/ 1.7'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD4243-LHD Honda CR-V 97-01 Hood Latch W/ Cover EU Type 74120-S10-A01 50P/ 1.7'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD6242-RH HU-HD6242-LH Honda Honda CRV 97-01 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor (2A) CR-V 97-01 Hood Hinge RH; LH RH:60120-ST0-000ZZ LH:60170-ST0-000ZZ 10P/ 1'/ 15-16KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 18-19KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5301P-RR HU-HD5301P-RL Honda CRV 97-01 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor (1A) RR:72711-S10-J01 RL:72751-S10-J01 RR:72710-S10-J020 RL:72750-S10-J020 10P/ 0.7'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10P Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3242A-TL Honda CR-V 97-01 Tailgate Handle A:Black 74857-S10-003 74857-S10-033 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 514 HD052 HU-HD3519P-FRK Honda CR-Z 11-15 (LHD) Outside Handle Front RH W/o Keyhole P:Primed Black FR:72141-SZT-G01ZE 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10 (B12) HU-HD3519P-FL Honda CR-Z 11-15 (LHD) Outside Handle Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black FL:72181-SZT-003ZE 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10 (B12) HU-HD3519P-FR Honda CR-Z 11-15 (RHD) Outside Handle Front RH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10 (B12) HU-HD3519P-FLk Honda CR-Z 11-15 (RHD) Outside Handle Front LH W/o Keyhole P:Primed Black 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10 (B12) HU-HD2519RA-FR HU-HD2519RA-FL Honda CR-Z 11-15 Inside Handle Front RH; LH RA:Silver Lever + Black Housing FR:72120-SZT-003ZB FL:72160-SZT-003ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10 (B12) HU-HD2519RH-FR HU-HD2519RH-FL Honda CR-Z 11-15 Inside Handle Front RH; LH RH:Silver Lever + Light Gray Housing FR:72120-SZT-003ZA FL:72160-SZT-003ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 515 HD053 Case Qty:10 (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD3601A-FR HU-HD3601A-FL Honda HU-HD2602A-FR HU-HD2602A-FL Honda Element 03-11 Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Keyhole A:Texture Black FR:72140-SCV-A01ZA FL:72180-SCV-A01ZA Element 03-11 Inside Handle FR:Front RH W/o Hole FL:Front LH W/ Hole A:Black FR:72120-SCV-A01ZA FL:72165-SCV-A01ZA 30P/ 3.7'/ 13-14KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:1P (B04) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3602P-FR HU-HD3602P-FL HU-HD2602G-FR HU-HD2602G-FL Honda Honda Element 03-11 Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black FR:72140-SCV-A11ZB/ ZL FL:72180-SCV-A11ZB/ ZL Element 03-11 Inside Handle FR:Front RH W/o Hole FL:Front LH W/ Hole G:Gray FR:72120-SCV-A01ZB/ ZC FL:72165-SCV-A01ZB/ ZC 30P/ 3.7'/ 13-14KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:1P (B04) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3601A-RR HU-HD3601A-RL HU-HD2602E-FR HU-HD2602E-FL Honda Honda Element 03-11 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Texture Black RR:72640-SCV-A01 RL:72680-SCV-A01 Element 03-11 Inside Handle FR:Front RH W/o Hole FL:Front LH W/ Hole E:Titanium FR:72120-SCV-A01ZD FL:72165-SCV-A01ZD 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD5601P-FR2 HU-HD5601P-FL4 Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2602A-RR HU-HD2602A-RL Honda Element 03-11 Window Regulator -FR2:2 Pin -FL4:4 Pin P:Power W/ Motor 03-08 FR:72210-SCV-A02 FL:72250-SCV-A02 09-11 FR:72210-SCV-A03 FL:72250-SCV-A03 Element 03-11 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Black RR:72620-SCV-A01ZA RL:72660-SCV-A01ZA 10P/ 1'/ 13-14KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5601PN-FR HU-HD5601PN-FL Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2602G-RR HU-HD2602G-RL Honda Element 03-11 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:72210-SCV-A01 FL:72250-SCV-A01 Element 03-11 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH G:Gray RR:72620-SCV-A01ZB RL:72660-SCV-A01ZB 10P/ 1'/ 9-10KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5601P-RR HU-HD5601P-RL Honda HU-HD2602E-RR HU-HD2602E-RL Element 03-11 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor RR:72710-S9V-A01 RL:72750-S9V-A01 RR:72710-S9V-A02 RL:72750-S9V-A02 Honda 10P/ 1'/ 12-13KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P Case Qty:10P (B12) Element 03-11 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH E:Titanium RR:72620-SCV-A01ZD RL:72660-SCV-A01ZD Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 516 HD054 HU-HD3213P-FRK HU-HD3213P-FLK HU-HD2213GA-RH HU-HD2213GA-LH Fit 14-C (EX, EX-L Model) Outside Handle W/ Smart Key (6 Pin) Front RH; LH W/o Keyhole P:Primed Black FR:72140-T5A-J01ZE FL:72180-T5A-J01ZE FR:72140-T5A-J01ZS FL:72180-T5A-J01ZS Fit 14-C Inside Handle (Thailand) RH; LH (Front=Rear) GA:Gray Lever + Black Knob RH:72120-T5A-003ZA LH:72160-T5A-003ZA 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3212P-FRK HU-HD3212P-FLK HU-HD2213RA-RH HU-HD2213RA-LH Fit 14-C (LX Model) RHD=LHD Outside Handle W/o Smart Key Front RH; LH W/o Keyhole P:Primed Black FR:72140-T5A-003ZC FL:72180-T5A-003ZC Fit 14-C Inside Handle (Thailand) RH; LH (Front=Rear) RA:Silver Lever + Black Knob RH:72120-T5A-J01ZA LH:72160-T5A-J01ZA 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3212P-RR HU-HD3212P-RL HU-HD2213GA-RH HU-HD2213GA-LH Fit 14-C (LX Model) Outside Handle W/o Smart Key Rear RH; LH P:Primed Black RR:72640-T5R-A12ZF RL:72680-T5R-A12ZF RR:72640-T5R-A12ZT RL:72680-T5R-A12ZT Fit 14-C (EX, EX-L Model) Inside Handle (US) RH; LH (Front=Rear) GA:Gray Lever + Black Knob RH:72120-T5R-A11ZA LH:72160-T5R-A11ZA 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3213M-FRK HU-HD3213M-FLK HU-HD2213RA-RH HU-HD2213RA-LH Fit 14-C (EX, EX-L Model) Outside Handle W/ Smart Key (6 Pin) Front RH; LH W/o Keyhole M:All Chrome Fit 14-C (LX Model) Inside Handle (US) RH; LH (Front=Rear) RA:Silver Lever + Black Knob RH:72120-T5R-A01ZA LH:72160-T5R-A01ZA 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 0-1KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3212M-FRK HU-HD3212M-FLK Honda Fit 14-C (LX Model) RHD=LHD Outside Handle W/o Smart Key Front RH; LH W/o Keyhole M:All Chrome 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3212M-RR HU-HD3212M-RL Honda Fit 14-C (LX Model) Outside Handle W/o Smart Key Rear RH; LH M:All Chrome 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 517 HD055 Case Qty:5P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD3005P-FR (RHD) HU-HD3005P-F L (LHD) Honda HU-HD2005GA-RH HU-HD2005GA-LH Honda Fit 09-13 (Euro), Fit 11-13 (USA) Front RH; LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black FL:72180-TF0-013Z (Euro #) FL:72180-TK6-A01ZE (USA #) Fit 09-13 (Euro), Fit 11-13 (USA) Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) GA:Gray Lever + Black Housing Euro# RH:72120-TF0-J01ZA LH:72160-TF0-J01ZA USA# RH:72120-TF0-013ZB LH:72160-TF0-013ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 10-11KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3005P-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3005P-FLK (=RL) HU-HD2005GE-RH HU-HD2005GE-LH Fit 09-13 (Euro), Fit 11-13 (USA) Fit EV 13-14 Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole P:Primed Black Euro# FR:72140-TF0-902ZQ/ R FL:72180-TF0-902ZQ/ R USA# FR:72140-TK6-A11ZE/ YB FL:72180-TK6-A11ZE/ YB Fit 09-13 (Euro), Fit 11-13 (USA) Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) GA:Gray Lever + Beige Housing Honda 50P/ 1.7'/ 10-11KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3005P-FRK HU-HD3005P-FL Honda 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2005GH-RH HU-HD2005GH-LH Honda Honda Fit EV 13-14 Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black FR:72140-TK6-A51ZL FL:72180-TK6-A51ZL Fit EV 13-14 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) GH:Silver Gray Handle + Light Gray Housing RH:72120-TX9-A01ZA LH:72160-TX9-A01ZA RH:72120-TF0-J11ZB LH:72160-TF0-J11ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 10-11KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3005M-FR (RHD) HU-HD3005 M-FL (LHD) Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2005E-RH HU-HD2005E-LH Honda Fit 09-13 (Euro), Fit 11-13 (USA) Front RH W/ Keyhole for LHD Front LH W/ Keyhole for RHD M:All Chrome Performance Fit 09-13 (Euro), Fit 11-13 (USA) Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) E:All Beige RH:72120-TG1-T01ZA LH:72160-TG1-T01ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 10-11KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3005M-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3005M-FLK (=RL) Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2005M-RH HU-HD2005M-LH Honda Fit 09-13 (Euro), Fit 11-13 (USA) Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole M:All Chrome Performance (PFM) Fit 09-13 (Euro), Fit 11-13 (USA) Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 10-11KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5008P-FR HU-HD5008P-FL HU-HD5008P-RR HU-HD5008P-RL Fit 09-13 (Euro) Fit 11-13 (USA); Fit EV 13-14 Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR:72210-TF0-G01 FL:72250-TF0-G01 Fit 09-13 (Euro) Fit 11-13 (USA); Fit EV 13-14 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor RR:72710-TF0-003 RL:72750-TF0-003 RR:72710-TX9-003 RL:72750-TX9-003 10P/ 1'/ 13-14KG 10P/ 1'/ 10-11KG Honda Case Qty:10P Honda Case Qty:10P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helping to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 518 HD056 HU-HD3230S-FRK HU-HD 3230S -FR HU-HD 3230S -FL Honda Fit 07-08 Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FR:Front RH W/ Keyhole FL:Front LH W/ Keyhole S:Smooth Black FRK:72140-SLN-A11ZB (Base) FR :72140-SLN-A01ZC (Sport) FL :72180-SLN-A01ZC 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5005P-FR2 HU-HD5005P-FL4 Honda Fit 07-08 (5D, Hatch Back) -FR2:2 Pin Plug -FL4:4 Pin Plug P:Power W/ Motor (1C) FR:72210-SAA-G01 FL:72250-SAA-G01 10P/ 1'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P HU- HD3230S -RR HU- HD3230S -RL HU-HD5005PN-FR HU-HD5005PN-FL Honda Honda Fit 07-08 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH S:Smooth Black RR:72640-SLN-A01ZC RL:72680-SLN-A01ZC Fit 07-08 (5D, Hatch Back) Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:72210-SAA-H01 FL:72250-SAA-H01 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 10P/ 1'/ 10-11KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3230M-FRK HU-HD 3230 M-FR HU-HD 3230 M-FL Honda Case Qty:10P HU-HD5005P-RR HU-HD5005P-RL Honda Fit 07-08 Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FR:Front RH W/ Keyhole FL:Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome Performance (PFM) Fit 07-08 (5D, Hatch Back) Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor (1C) RR:72712-SAG-H01 RL:72752-SAG-H01 RR:72710-SAA-G01 RL:72750-SAA-G01 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 10P/ 1'/ 14-15KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P HU-HD3230M-RR HU-HD3230M-RL HU-HD5006P-FR HU-HD5006P-FL Honda Honda Fit 07-08 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH M:All Chrome Performance (PFM) Fit 07-08 Sedan Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor (1C) FR:72210-SEN-H01 FL:72250-SEN-H01 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 10P/ 1'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2001A-RH HU-HD2001A-LH Honda Fit 07-08 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) A:All Black RH:72120-SAA-003ZA LH:72116-SAA-003ZA 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:10P HU-HD5006P-RR HU-HD5006P-RL Honda Fit 07-08 Sedan Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor (1C) RR:72710-SEN-H01 RL:72750-SEN-H01 10P/ 1'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD2001MA-RH HU-HD2001MA-LH Honda Fit 07-08 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) MA:Chrome Lever + Black Lever 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 519 HD057 Case Qty:20P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD3230S-FRK (LHD) HU-HD3230S-FLK (RHD) HU-HD3230M-FRK (LHD) HU-HD3230M-FLK (RHD) Fit, Jazz 02-08 Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FLK:Front RH W/o Keyhole S:Smooth Black Fit, Jazz 02-08 Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Keyhole M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3230S-FR HU-HD3230S-FL HU-HD3230M-FR HU-HD3230M-FL Honda Honda Fit, Jazz 02-08 Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Keyhole S:Smooth Black FR:72140-SEL-T01ZM (Indo.#) FR:72140-SEL-000 FL:72180-SEL-000 Fit, Jazz 02-08 Outside Handle Front RH;LH M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3230S-RR HU-HD3230S-RL Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3230M-RR HU-HD3230M-RL Honda Honda Fit, Jazz 02-08 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH S:Smooth Black RR:72640-SEL-000 RL:72680-SEL-000 Fit, Jazz 02-08 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH Performance 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3230MS-FRK (LHD) HU-HD3230MS-FLK (RHD) Honda HU-HD5230P-FR2 HU-HD5230P-FL4 HU-HD5230P-FL6 Fit, Jazz 02-08 Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FLK:Front RH W/o Keyhole MS:Chrome Lever + Black Housing Honda 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 10P/ 1'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3230MS-FR HU-HD3230MS-FL Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) City (Fit, Jazz) 03-08 (LHD) -FR2:2 Pin -FL4:4 Pin -FL6:6 Pin P:Power W/ Motor FR:72210-SEL-T01 FL:72250-SEL-T01 Case Qty:10P HU-HD5230P-FR4 HU-HD5230P-FL2 Honda Fit, Jazz 02-08 Outside Handle Front RH; LH MS:Chrome Lever + Black Housing City (Jazz) 03-08 (RHD) -FR4:4 Pin -FL2:2 Pin P:Power W/ Motor FR:72210-SEL-T01 FL:72250-SEL-T01 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 10P/ 1'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3230MS-RR HU-HD3230MS-RL Case Qty:10P Honda HU-HD5230P-RR HU-HD5230P-RL Fit, Jazz 02-08 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH MS:Chrome Lever + Black Housing Performance (PFM) City (Fit, Jazz) 03-08 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor RR:72710-SEL-T01 RL:72750-SEL-T01 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda 10P/ 1'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 520 HD058 HU-HD2001MA-RH HU-HD2001MA-LH HU-HD3610P-FR HU-HD3610P-FL Fit, Jazz 02-08 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing HR-V 99-06 Outside Handle Front RH; LH P:Primed Black 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 3-4KG Honda Case Qty:20 (B12) Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2001ME-RH HU-HD2001ME-LH HU-HD3610P-RR HU-HD3610P-RL Honda Honda Fit, Jazz 02-08 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) ME:Chrome Lever + Beige Housing City 02-# RH:72120-SAA-J01ZD LH:72160-SAA-J01ZD HR-V 99-06 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH P:Primed Black 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 3-4KG Case Qty:20 (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2001MG-RH HU-HD2001MG-LH Honda Fit, Jazz 02-08 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) MG:Chrome Lever + Gray Housing City 02-# RH:72120-SAA-J01ZC LH:72160-SAA-J01ZC 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:20 (B12) HU-HD2001A-RH HU-HD2001A-LH Honda Fit, Jazz 02-08 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) A:Black 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:20 (B12) HU-HD2001E-RH HU-HD2001E-LH Honda Fit, Jazz 02-08 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) E:Beige 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:20 (B12) HU-HD2001G-RH HU-HD2001G-LH Honda Fit, Jazz 02-08 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) G:Gray 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 521 HD059 Case Qty:20 (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD3216P-FR HU-HD3216P-FLK HU-HD3216P-FRK HU-HD3216P-FL HR-V 15-C (RHD) Outside Handle W/ Smart Key-6 Pin FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole P:Primed Black HR-V 15-C (LHD) Outside Handle W/ Smart Key-6 Pin FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black FR:72140-T7W-A01ZE FL:72180-T7W-A01ZE 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3216M-FR HU-HD3216M-FLK HU-HD3216M-FRK HU-HD3216M-FL Honda Honda HR-V 15-C (RHD) Outside Handle W/ Smart Key-6 Pin FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole M:All Chrome HR-V 15-C (LHD) Outside Handle W/ Smart Key-6 Pin FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3215P-FR HU-HD3215P-FLK HU-HD3215P-FRK HU-HD3215P-FL Honda Honda HR-V 15-C (RHD) Outside Handle W/o Smart Key FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole P:Primed Black HR-V 15-C (LHD) Outside Handle W/o Smart Key FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3215M-FR HU-HD3215M-FLK HU-HD3215M-FRK HU-HD3215M-FL Honda Honda HR-V 15-C (RHD) Outside Handle W/o Smart Key FR :Front RH W/ Keyhole FLK:Front LH W/o Keyhole M:All Chrome HR-V 15-C (LHD) Outside Handle W/o Smart Key FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3216P-TG Honda HR-V 15-C Tailgate Handle P:Primed Black 74890-T7A-J11ZE HU-HD3211A-RR HU-HD3211A-RL Honda HR-V 15-C Outside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Texture Black RR:72640-T7A-J01 RL:72680-T7A-J01 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG HU-HD3216P-TGCS Honda HR-V 15-C Tailgate Handle W/ Camera Assembled P:Primed Black Case Qty:5P (B12) Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD2212MA-RH HU-HD2212MA-LH Honda HR-V 15-C Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) MA:Chrome Lever + Black Knob RH:72120-T7W-A01ZA LH:72160-T7W-A01ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 522 HD060 HU-HD3102P-FRK HU-HD3102P-FL Honda Insight 10-14 Outside Handle Front RH W/o Keyhole Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black FR:72140-TM8-901ZD FL:72180-TM8-901ZD 20P/ 1.4'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3102P-RR HU-HD3102P-RL Honda Insight 10-14 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH P:Primed Black RR:72640-TM8-003ZD RL:72680-TM8-003ZD 20P/ 1.4'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD2102G-RH HU-HD2102G-LH Honda Insight 10-14 Inside Handle G:Gray 10-11 RH:72120-TM8-A01ZA LH:72160-TM8-A01ZA 12 RH:72120-TM8-A01ZC/D LH:72160-TM8-A01ZC/D 13-14 RH:72120-TM8-A01ZE/F LH:72160-TM8-A01ZE/F 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3601P-TG1 Honda N Box (N One) 12-C Tailgate Handle P:Primed Black 74810-SCK-013YB 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3601P-TG2 Honda N Box+ (N One) 12-C Tailgate Handle P:Primed Black 74810-TYO-901ZK 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3601M-TG2 Honda N Box+ (N One) 12-C Tailgate Handle M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) 日本専売(にほんせんばい) HU-HD3601X-TG2 Honda N Box+ (N One) 12-C Tailgate Handle X:Carbon Fiber Look 日本専売(にほんせんばい) 50P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3101P-FR HU-HD3101P-FL Honda Insight 00-06 Outside Handle Front RH; LH P:Primed Black FR:72140-S3Y-003-ZF FL:72180-S3Y-003-ZF 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2101MA-FR HU-HD2101MA-FL Honda Insight 00-06 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing FR:72125-S3Y-A01ZA FL:72165-S3Y-A01ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 523 HD061 Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD3618MP-FR HU-HD3618MP-FL HU-HD2617RG-FR HU-HD2617RG-FL Odyssey 14-16 (W/ Smart Key System) Bush Buttom 4 Pins Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Keyhole MP:Primed Black W/ Chrome Insert FR:72140-TK8-A21ZD FL:72180-TK8-A21ZD Odyssey 11-14 Inside Handle Front RH; LH RG:Silver Lever + Gray Housing FR:72120-TK8-A01ZB FL:72160-TK8-A01ZB 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Honda Case Qty:5 (B12) HU-HD3618MP-RR HU-HD3618MP-RL Honda Odyssey 14-16 (W/ Smart Key System) W/o Bush Buttom Outside Handle Rear RH; LH MP:Primed Black W/ Chrome Insert RR:72640-TK8-A21ZD RL:72680-TK8-A21ZD 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:5 (B12) HU-HD3617MP-FR HU-HD3617MP-FL Honda Odyssey 11-16 Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Keyhole MP:Primed Black W/ Chrome Insert FR:72140-TK8-A11ZD FL:72180-TK8-A11ZD 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:5 (B12) HU-HD3617MP-RR HU-HD3617MP-RL Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HD2617PG HU-HD2617G-RER Honda Odyssey 11-14 Inside Handle Rear RH= LH (Sliding) G:Gray 11-13 RER:72620-TK8-A11 14 RER:72620-TK8-A21ZA 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2617M-RER Honda Odyssey 11-14 Inside Handle Rear RH= LH (Sliding) M:Chrome 72620-TK8-A21ZA 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD5617PN-FR HU-HD5617PN-FL Honda Odyssey 11-16 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH MP:Primed Black W/ Chrome Insert RR:72640-TK8-A11ZD RL:72680-TK8-A11ZD RR:72640-TK8-A02 RL:72680-TK8-A02 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Honda Odyssey 11-14 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:72211-TK8-A01 FL:72251-TK8-A01 Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3617P-FR HU-HD3617P-FL Honda Odyssey 11-16 Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Keyhole P:Primed Black 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3617P-RR HU-HD3617P-RL Honda Odyssey 11-16 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH P:Primed Black 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 524 HD062 HU-HD3615P-FRK HU-HD3615P-FL HU-HD2615MA-FR HU-HD2615MA-FL Honda Honda Odyssey 05-10 For LHD FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black FR:72140-SHJ-A11 FL:72180-SHJ-A11 FR:72140-SHJ-A21ZC FL:72180-SHJ-A21ZC Odyssey 05-10 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MA:Chrome+ Black FR:72120-SHJ-A01ZD FL:72160-SHJ-A01ZD 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3615P-RR HU-HD3615P-RL Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD2615MV-FR HU-HD2615MV-FL Honda Honda Odyssey 05-10 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH P:Primed Black RR:72640-SHJ-A11 RL:72680-SHJ-A11 Odyssey 05-10 Inside Handle Front RH; LH 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3615S-TG1 Honda Odyssey 05-10 (EX, EX-L, LX Model) Tailgate Handle W/o Cable S:Black TG:74810-SEF-003 100P/ 1.7'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD3615S-TG2 Honda Odyssey 05-10 (Touring Model) Tailgate Handle W/ Cable S:Black TG:74810-SED-901 100P/ 1.7'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:20P (B12) MV:Chrome+ Olive (Green) FR:72120-SHJ-A01ZA FL:72160-SHJ-A01ZA Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD2615MG-FR HU-HD2615MG-FL Honda Odyssey 05-10 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MG:Chrome+ Gray FR:72120-SHJ-A01ZB FL:72160-SHJ-A01ZB 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD2615MH-FR HU-HD2615MH-FL Honda Odyssey 05-10 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MH:Chrome+ Light Gray FR:72120-SHJ-A01ZE FL:72120-SHJ-A01ZE 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD2615ME-FR HU-HD2615ME-FL Honda Odyssey 05-10 Inside Handle Front RH; LH ME:Chrome+ Ivory (Beige) FR:72120-SHJ-A01ZC FL:72160-SHJ-A01ZC 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD2615ME2-FR HU-HD2615ME2-FL Honda Odyssey 05-10 Inside Handle Front RH; LH ME2:Chrome+ Beige (Light Ivory) FR:72120-SHJ-A01ZF FL:72160-SHJ-A01ZF 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG 525 HD063 Case Qty:5P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD2615A-RER Honda Odyssey 05-10 Inside Sliding Handle RH=LH HU-HD5615PN-FR HU-HD5615PN-FL Honda A:Black RER:72620-SHJ-A01ZD Odyssey 05-08 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor (1C) 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 10P/ 0.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2615V-RER Honda Odyssey 05-10 Inside Sliding Handle RH=LH V:Olive (Green) RER:72620-SHJ-A01ZA 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2615G-RER Honda HU-HD5615P-FR2 HU-HD5615P-FL6 Honda Odyssey 05-08 Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor (1C) FR2-2 Pin Plug FL6-6 Pin Plug FR:72210-SHJ-A02 FL:72250-SHJ-A02 10P/ 0.7'/ 11-12KG Honda 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 10P/ 0.7'/ 13-14KG HU-HD2615H-RER Honda Odyssey 05-10 Inside Sliding Handle RH=LH H:Light Gray RER:72620-SHJ-A01ZE 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:10P HU-HD5615P-RR HU-HD5615P-RL Odyssey 05-10 Inside Sliding Handle RH=LH G:Gray RER:72620-SHJ-A01ZB Case Qty:20P (B12) Case Qty:10P Odyssey 05-08 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor RR:72710-SHJ-A22 RL:72750-SHJ-A22 RR:72710-SHJ-A02 RL:72750-SHJ-A02 Case Qty:10P HU-HD7615-TG Honda Odyssey 05-10 Trunk Lid Lock 50P/ 1.7'/ 17-18KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2615E-RER Honda Odyssey 05-10 Inside Sliding Handle RH=LH E:Beige (Ivory) RER:72620-SHJ-A01ZC 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2615E2-RER Honda Odyssey 05-10 Inside Sliding Handle RH=LH E2:Beige (Light Ivory) RER:72620-SHJ-A01ZF HU-HD2615M-RER M:Chrome RER:72620-SHJ-A21 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:20P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 526 HD064 HU-HD3613A-FR HU-HD3613A-FL HU-HD2580MG-FRK HU-HD2580MG-FLK Odyssey 99-04 (DX, LX Model) Outside Handle Front RH; LH A:Texture Black FR:72140-S0X-A03 FL:72180-S0X-A01 Odyssey 99-04 (Base Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/o Hole MG:Chrome+ Gray FR:72120-S0X-A01ZA FL:72160-S0X-A01ZA 20P/ 1.4'/ 3-4KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3613A-RR HU-HD3613A-RL Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2580ME-FR HU-HD2580ME-FL Honda Honda Odyssey 99-04 (DX, LX Model) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Texture Black RR:72640-S0X-A01 RL:72680-S0X-A01 Odyssey 99-04 (LX, EX, EX-L Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Hole ME:Chrome+ Beige '99-00 FR:72125-S84-A01ZC FL:72165-S84-A01ZC '01-04 FR:72125-S0X-A21ZC FL:72165-S0X-A21ZC 20P/ 1.4'/ 3-4KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3613P-FR HU-HD3613P-FL HU-HD2580MG-FR HU-HD2580MG-FL Honda Honda Odyssey 99-04 (EX, EXL Model) Outside Handle Front RH; LH P:Primed Black FR:72140-S0X-A11ZD FL:72180-S0X-A11ZD Odyssey 99-04 (LX, EX, EX-L Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Hole MG:Chrome+ Gray '99-00 FR:72125-S84-A01ZB FL:72165-S84-A01ZB '01-04 FR:72125-S0X-A21ZB FL:72165-S0X-A21ZB 20P/ 1.4'/ 3-4KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3613P-RR HU-HD3613P-RL Honda 527 HD065 Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2580MV-FR HU-HD2580MV-FL Honda Odyssey 99-04 (EX, EXL Model) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH P:Primed Black RR:72640-S0X-A11ZN RL:72680-S0X-A11ZN Odyssey 99-04 (LX, EX, EX-L Model) Inside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Hole MV:Chrome+ Green '99-00 FR:72125-S84-A01ZD FL:72165-S84-A01ZD '01-04 FR:72125-S0X-A21ZA FL:72165-S0X-A21ZA 20P/ 1.4'/ 3-4KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3613P-TG HU-HD2613A-RER Honda Honda Odyssey 99-04 Tailgate Handle P:Primed Black 74810-S0X-A11ZK Odyssey 99-04 Inside Handle (Sliding) Rear RH= LH A:Black RER:72620-S0X-A02ZA 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD5613P-FR2 Honda Odyssey 99-04 Window Regulator P:Power W/ Motor (2 Pin) 72210-SCP-W01 72210-S0X-A04 10P/ 0.7'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5613P-FL4 HU-HD5613P-FL6 Honda Odyssey 99-04 Window Regulator -FL4:4 Pin Plug -FL6:6 Pin Plug P:Power W/ Motor FL4:72250-S0X-A04/52 FL6:72250-S0X-A51 FL6:72250-SCP-W01 10P/ 0.7'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5613P-RR HU-HD5613P-RL Honda Odyssey 99-04 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor (1C) RR:72710-S3N-003 RL:72750-S3N-003 10P/ 0.7'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5613PN-FR HU-HD5613PN-FL Honda Odyssey 99-04 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor (1C) 10P/ 0.6'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P HU-HDE001-FR HU-HDE001-FL Honda Odyssey 99-04 Door Check Front RH; LH FR:72340-S0X-A00 FL:72380-S0X-A00 30P/ 1.1'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:1P (AAB01) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 528 HD066 HU-HD3611P-FR HU-HD3611P-FL HU-HD2601E-FR HU-HD2601E-FL Honda Honda Odyssey 95-98 Outside Handle Front RH; LH P:Primed Black FR:72143-SX0-003ZA FL:72180-SL9-003ZL Odyssey 95-98 Inside Handle Front RH; LH E:Beige FR:72124-SX0-003ZC FL:72164-SX0-003ZC 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3611P-RR HU-HD3611P-RL Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2601G-FR HU-HD2601G-FL Honda Odyssey 95-98 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH P:Primed Black RR:72640-SL9-003ZK RL:72680-SL9-003ZK Odyssey 95-98 Inside Handle Front RH; LH G:Gray '95-97 FR:72124-SX0-003ZB FL:72164-SX0-003ZB '98 FR:72124-SX0-003ZE FL:72164-SX0-003ZE 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3611P-TG Honda HU-HD2601V-FR HU-HD2601V-FL Odyssey 95-98 Liftgate Handle TG:74810-SX0-003 Honda 50P/ 1.7'/ 13-14KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5611PN-FR HU-HD5611PN-FL Case Qty:20P (B12) Odyssey 95-98 Inside Handle Front RH; LH V:Green (Fern) '95-97 FR:72124-SX0-003ZD FL:72164-SX0-003ZD '98 FR:72124-SX0-003ZA FL:72164-SX0-003ZA Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2601E-RR HU-HD2601E-RL Honda Honda Odyssey 95-98 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:72211-SX0-003 FL:72251-SX0-003 Odyssey 95-98 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH E:Beige RR:72620-SR4-J02ZG RL:72660-SR4-J02ZG 10P/ 0.9'/ 13-14KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD5611PN-RR HU-HD5611PN-RL HU-HD2601G-RR HU-HD2601G-RL Odyssey 95-98 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor RR:72711-SX0-003 RL:72751-SX0-003 Odyssey 95-98 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH G:Gray RR:72620-SR4-J02ZJ RL:72660-SR4-J02ZJ 10P/ 0.7'/ 9-10KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Honda Case Qty:10P Honda Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2601V-RR HU-HD2601V-RL Honda Odyssey 95-98 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH V:Green (Fern) RR:72620-SR4-J02ZF RL:72660-SR4-J02ZF 100P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 529 HD067 Case Qty:20P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-IZ3555A-FR HU-IZ3555A-FL Honda Passport 94-97/ 98-02 (S Model) Outside Handle Front RH; LH A:Texture Black FR:8-97180-790-0 FL:8-97180-791-0 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-IZ3555A-RR HU-IZ3555A-RL Honda Passport 94-97/ 98-02 (S Model) Outside Handle Rear RH;LH A:Texture Black RR:8-97163-260-1 RL:8-97163-260-2 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-IZ3555P-FR HU-IZ3555P-FL Honda HU-IZ3555A-TG Honda Passport 98-02 Tailgate Handle A:Black 8-97137-977-1 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-IZ3555P-TG Honda Passport 98-02 Tailgate Handle P:Primed Black '97 # TG:8-97181-733-0 '98-04# TG:8-97185-529-0 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-IZ2555E-RH HU-IZ2555E-LH Honda Passport 94-97/ 98-02 (LS, LSE Model) Outside Handle Front RH; LH P:Primed Black FR:8-97180-790-0 FL:8-97180-791-0 Passport 98-02 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) E:Beige RH:8-97291-379-6 LH:8-97290-672-6 LH:8-97394-050-0 (New#) 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-IZ3555P-RR HU-IZ3555P-RL Honda Passport 94-97/ 98-02 (LS, LSE Model) Outside Handle Rear RH; LH P:Primed Black RR:8-97163-260-1 RL:8-97163-260-2 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-IZ2555G-RH HU-IZ2555G-LH Honda Passport 98-02 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) G:Gray RH:8-97175-356-6 LH:8-97175-357-6 100P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-IZ3555M-FR HU-IZ3555M-FL Honda Passport 94-97/ 98-02 Outside Handle Front RH; LH M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-IZ3555M-RR HU-IZ3555M-RL Honda Passport 94-97/ 98-02 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH M:All Chrome 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 530 HD068 HU-IZ3553A-TG2 Honda Passport 94-97 Tailgate Handle A:Black 8-97087-431-1 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-IZ3553M-TG1 Honda HU-IZ5303P-FR HU-IZ5303P-FL Honda Passport 94-97 Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor (1C) FR:8-97165879-2 WM FL:8-97165800-2 WM 10P/ 1'/ 13-14KG HU-IZ5303PN-FR HU-IZ5303PN-FL Passport 94-97 Tailgate Handle M:All Chrome 8-97045-224-1 Honda 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG 10P/ 1'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-IZ2026B-1RH HU-IZ2026B-1LH Case Qty:10P Passport 94-97 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:8-97165879-2 FL:8-97165800-2 Case Qty:10P HU-IZ5303P-RR HU-IZ5303P-RL Honda Honda Passport 94-97 Inside Handle Only RH; LH B:Brown RH:8-94430-421-3 LH:8-94430-424-3 Passport 94-97 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor (1C) RR:8-97104998-1 RL:8-97105000-1 100P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG 10P/ 0.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-IZ2026G-1RH HU-IZ2026G-1LH Honda Passport 94-97 Inside Handle Only RH; LH G:Gray RH:8-97150-646-3 LH:8-97150-6476-3 100P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-IZ2026B-2RH HU-IZ2026B-2LH Honda Passport 94-97 Inside Handle Bezel RH; LH B:Brown RH:8-94430-427-2 LH:8-94430-430-2 250P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:50P (B12) Case Qty:10P HU-IZ1037B Honda Passport 94-97 Window Handle B:Brown W/o Zinc 8-97150650-0 250P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:50P (B12) HU-IZ1037G Honda Passport 94-97 Window Handle G:Gray W/o Zinc 8-94436757-0 250P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:50P (B12) HU-IZ2026G-2RH HU-IZ2026G-2LH Honda Passport 94-97 Inside Handle Bezel RH; LH G:Gray RH:8-97150-648-2 LH:8-97150-649-2 250P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 531 HD069 Case Qty:50P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD3310M-FRK HU-HD3310M-FL HU-HD3233P-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3233P-FL Honda Honda Pilot 15-C (W/ Smart Key) Outside Handle+ Cover FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome Handle FR:72141-T2A-B71 FL:72181-T2A-B71 Cover FR:72143-TG7-B71 FL:72184-T2A-A01 Pilot 09-15 Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black FR:72140-SNE-A11Z FL:72180-SNE-A11Z 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3309M-FRK HU-HD3309M-FL HU-HD3233P-RL Honda Pilot 09-15 Outside Handle Rear LH P:Primed Black RL:72680-SNE-A11Z Pilot 15-C (W/o Smart Key) Outside Handle+ Cover FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome Handle FR:72141-T2A-C71 FL:72181-T2A-C71 Cover FR:72143-TG7-B71 FL:72184-T2A-A01 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Honda 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3309M-RR HU-HD3309M-RL HU-HD3233M-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3233M-FL Honda Honda Pilot 15-C Outside Handle+ Cover Rear RH; LH M:All Chrome Handle RR:72641-T2A-C71 RL:72643-T2A-C71 Cover RR:72681-T2A-C71 RL:72683-T2A-C71 Pilot 09-15 Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome FR:72140-SNE-A11Z-PFM FL:72180-SNE-A11Z-PFM 50P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2310MA-FR HU-HD2310MA-FL Honda Pilot 15-C Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) MA:Chrome Lever + Black Housing FR:72120-TG7-A01ZB FL:72160-TG7-A01ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2310ME-FR HU-HD2310ME-FL Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3233M-RL Honda Pilot 09-15 Outside Handle Rear LH M:All Chrome RL:72680-SNE-A11Z-PFM 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD2702RA-RH HU-HD2702RA-LH Honda Honda Pilot 15-C Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) ME:Chrome Lever + Beige Housing FR:72120-TG7-A01ZA FL:72160-TG7-A01ZA Pilot 09-15 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front= Rear) RA:Silver Lever + Black Housing RH:72120-SZA-A01ZB LH:72160-SZA-A01ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2310MG-FR HU-HD2310MG-FL Honda Pilot 15-C Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) MG:Chrome Lever + Gray Housing FR:72120-TG7-A01ZC FL:72160-TG7-A01ZC 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HD2702SA HU-HD5702P-FR HU-HD5702P-FL Pilot 09-15 Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR:72210-SZA-A02 FL:72250-SZA-A02 HU-HD5702P-RR HU-HD5702P-RL Rear RH; LH RR:72710-SZA-A01 RL:72750-SZA-A01 10P/ 0.7'/ 13-14KG Case Qty:10P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 532 HD070 HU-HD3703A-FR HU-HD3703A-FL HU-HD2701MB-FR HU-HD2701MB-FL Honda Honda Pilot 03-05 Outside Handle Front RH; LH W/ Keyhole A:Texture Black (Painted Texture) FR:72140-S9V-A01ZA FL:72180-S9V-A01ZA Pilot 03-08 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MB:Chrome+ Saddle (Brown) FR:72125-S9V-A01ZF FL:72165-S9V-A01ZF 50P/ 1.7'/ 13-14KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3703A-RR HU-HD3703A-RL HU-HD2701MF-FR HU-HD2701MF-FL Honda Honda Pilot 03-05 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH A:Texture Black (Painted Texture) RR:72640-S9V-A01ZA RL:72680-S9V-A01ZA Pilot 03-08 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MF:Chrome+ Fern (Dark Gray) FR:72125-S9V-A01ZF FL:72165-S9V-A01ZF 50P/ 1.7'/ 13-14KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3701P-FRK HU-HD3701P-FL HU-HD2701MG-FR HU-HD2701MG-FL Honda Honda Pilot 06-08 Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black FR:72140-S9V-A11ZL FL:72180-S9V-A11ZL Pilot 03-08 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MG:Chrome+ Gray FR:72125-S9V-A01ZD FL:72165-S9V-A01ZD 50P/ 1.7'/ 13-14KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3701P-RR HU-HD3701P-RL Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2701MV-FR HU-HD2701MV-FL Honda Pilot 06-08 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH P:Primed Black RR:72640-S9V-A11ZL RL:72680-S9V-A11ZL Pilot 03-08 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MV:Chrome+ Green FR:72125-S9V-A01ZA FL:72165-S9V-A01ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 13-14KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD3701-TG Honda Pilot 03-08 Tailgate Handle 74810-S9V-A01 50P/ 1.7'/ 12-13KG 533 HD071 Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD2701MB-RR HU-HD2701MB-RL HU-HD5701P-FR2 HU-HD5701P-FL4 Honda Honda Pilot 03-08 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MB:Chrome+ Saddle (Brown) RR:72620-S9V-A01ZF RL:72660-S9V-A01ZF Pilot 03-08 Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR2-2 Pin Plug FL4-4 Pin Plug FR:72210-S9V-A02 FL:72250-S9V-A02 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 10P/ 0.7'/ 12-13KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2701MF-RR HU-HD2701MF-RL Honda Pilot 03-08 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MF:Chrome+ Fern (Dark Gray) RR:72620-S9V-A01ZE RL:72660-S9V-A01ZE 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2701MG-RR HU-HD2701MG-RL Case Qty:10P HU-HD5701PN-FR HU-HD5701PN-FL Honda Pilot 03-08 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:72210-S9V-A02 (A01) FL:72250-S9V-A02 (A01) 10P/ 0.7'/ 10-11KG Case Qty:10P HU-HD5701P-RR HU-HD5701P-RL Honda Honda Pilot 03-08 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MG:Chrome+ Gray RR:72620-S9V-A01ZD RL:72660-S9V-A01ZD Pilot 03-08 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor RR:72710-S9V-A01 RL:72750-S9V-A01 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 10P/ 0.7'/ 11-12KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2701MV-RR HU-HD2701MV-RL Case Qty:10P HU-HD5701PN-RR HU-HD5701PN-RL Honda Honda Pilot 03-08 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH MV:Chrome+ Green RR:72620-S9V-A01ZA RL:72660-S9V-A01ZA Pilot 03-08 Window Regulator Rear RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor RR:72710-S9V-A02 RL:72750-S9V-A02 50P/ 1.7'/ 5-6KG 10P/ 0.7’/ 10-11KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 534 HD072 HU-HD3903S-FR HU-HD3903S-FL HU-HD3902A-FR HU-HD3902A-FL Honda Honda Prelude 97-01 Outside Handle Front RH; LH P:Primed Black '97-98 FR:72140-SW5-Y01ZM FL:72183-SW3-013ZQ '99-01 FR:72140-SW5-Y01YE FL:72183-SW3-013YF Prelude 92-96 Outside Handle Front RH; LH P:Primed Black FR:72140-SS0-013ZD FL:72140-SS0-013ZD 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 20P/ 1.4’/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD2903MA-FR HU-HD2903MA-FL HU-HD2902A-FR HU-HD2902A-FL Honda Honda Prelude 97-01 Inside Handle Front RH; LH MA:Chrome Handle + Black Housing FR:72124-S30-A01ZA FL:72164-S30-A01ZA Prelude 92-96 Inside Handle Front RH; LH A:Texture Black FR:72140-SS0-003 FL:72160-SS0-003 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2903A-2FR HU-HD2903A-2FL Honda Prelude 97-01 Inside Handle Knob + Base Only (no Handle) A:Black FR:72120-S30-003ZA FL:72160-S30-003ZA 10P/ 1.7'/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD5902PN-FR HU-HD5902PN-FL Honda Prelude 92-96 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:72211-SS0-J01 FL:72251-SS0-J01 10P/ 0.6'/ 9-10KG Case Qty:10P (B54) HU-HD5903PN-FR HU-HD5903PN-FL Honda Prelude 97-01 Window Regulator Front RH; LH PN:Power W/o Motor FR:72211-S30-003 FL:72251-S30-003 10P/ 0.8'/ 14-15KG 535 HD073 Case Qty:10P (B54) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD3801P-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3801P-FL HU-HD3801M-FRK (=RR) HU-HD3801M-FL Ridgeline 06-14 Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole P:Primed Black FR:72140-SJC-A01ZJ/ A11 FL:72180-SJC-A01ZJ/ A11 Ridgeline 06-14 Outside Handle FRK:Front RH W/o Keyhole FL :Front LH W/ Keyhole M:All Chrome 20P/ 1.4'/ 6-7KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 6-7KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3801P-RL HU-HD3801M-RL Honda Honda Ridgeline 06-14 Outside Handle Rear LH P:Primed Black Ridgeline 06-14 Outside Handle Rear LH M:All Chrome 20P/ 1.4'/ 6-7KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3801P-TG Honda Ridgeline 06-14 Tailgate Handle P:Primed Black 74810-SJC-A01ZJ 20P/ 1.4'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3801M-TG Honda Ridgeline 06-14 Tailgate Handle M:All Chrome 20P/ 1.4'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3801P-TGC HU-HD3801M-TGC Honda Honda Ridgeline 09-14 Tailgate Handle W/ Camera Hole P:Primed Black 74810-SJC-A21ZK Ridgeline 09-14 Tailgate Handle W/ Camera Hole M:All Chrome 20P/ 1.4'/ 6-7KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD2801B-FR HU-HD2801B-FL HU-HD2801B-RR HU-HD2801B-RL Ridgeline 06-14 Inside Handle Front RH; LH B:Warm Gray (Brown) FR:72120-SJC-A02ZA FL:72160-SJC-A02ZA Ridgeline 06-14 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH B:Warm Gray (Brown) RR:72620-SJC-A02ZA RL:72660-SJC-A02ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2801G-FR HU-HD2801G-FL Honda Honda Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2801G-RR HU-HD2801G-RL Honda Ridgeline 06-14 Inside Handle Front RH; LH G:Drak Gray FR:72120-SJC-A02ZB FL:72160-SJC-A02ZB Ridgeline 06-14 Inside Handle Rear RH; LH G:Drak Gray RR:72620-SJC-A02ZB RL:72660-SJC-A02ZB 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG 50P/ 1.7'/ 7-8KG Case Qty:10P (B12) Case Qty:10P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 536 HD074 HU-HD3600S-FR HU-HD3600S-FL HU-HD2572MA-RR HU-HD2572MA-RL Honda Honda Stream 00-06 Outside Handle Front RH; LH S:Smooth Black FR:72140-S6A-J01 FL:72180-S6A-J01 Stream 00-06 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) MA:Chrome+ Black 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD3600S-RR HU-HD3600S-RL Honda Stream 00-06 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH RR:72640-S7A-J01 RL:72680-S7A-J01 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG Case Qty:5P (B12) Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD2572MB-RR HU-HD2572MB-RL Honda Stream 00-06 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) MB:Chrome+ Brown (Taupe) 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD3600MS-FR HU-HD3600MS-FL HU-HD2572MB2-RR HU-HD2572MB2-RL Stream 00-06 Outside Handle Front RH; LH MS:Chrome Lever Stream 00-06 Inside Handle RH; LH (Front=Rear) MB2:Ivory W/ Chrome Lever 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 100P/ 1.7'/ 8-9KG Honda Case Qty:5P (B12) Honda Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD3600MS-RR HU-HD3600MS-RL Honda Stream 00-06 Outside Handle Rear RH; LH MS:Chrome Lever 20P/ 1.4'/ 5-6KG 537 HD075 Case Qty:5P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HD5603P-FR HU-HD5603P-FL HU-HD3237S-FR HU-HD3237S-FL Honda Honda Stream 07-10 Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor (1C) FR:72210-S7A-J04 FL:72250-S7A-J04 S2000 00-09 Outside Handle Front RH; LH S:Smooth Black FR:72140-S86-K02YA FL:72180-S86-K02YA 10P/ 1’/ 12-13KG 20P/ 1.4'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:10P Case Qty:5P (B12) HU-HD2200GA-1FR HU-HD2200GA-1FL Honda S2000 00-09 Inside Handle Front RH; LH GA:Gray Handle + Black Knob '00-01 RH:72120-S2A-013ZA LH:72160-S2A-013ZA '02-07 RH:72120-S2A-J01ZA LH:72160-S2A-J01ZA 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2200RA-1FR HU-HD2200RA-1FL Honda S2000 00-09 Inside Handle Front RH; LH RA:Silver Handle + Black Knob RH:72120-S2A-J01ZC LH:72160-S2A-J01ZC 50P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:10P (B12) HU-HD2200A-2FR HU-HD2200A-2FL Honda S2000 00-09 Inside Handle Bezel RH; LH A:Black RH:72125-SR0-A02ZB LH:72165-SR0-A02ZB 100P/ 1.7'/ 3-4KG Case Qty:20P (B12) HU-HD5200P-FR HU-HD5200P-FL Honda S2000 00-09 Window Regulator Front RH; LH P:Power W/ Motor FR:72210-S2A-G02 FL:72250-S2A-G02 10P/ 3’/ 15-16KG Case Qty:10P Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 538 HD076 HU-HDB030 Honda Honda 16V 35400-692-033 250P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:50P (B12) Accord 90-93 Wiper Ventilation Net Clip 91508-SM4-003 2500P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:500P (B12) HU-HDB001 HU-HDB010 Honda Honda Accord 90-96, Civic 88-96 Inner Fender Clip 91512-SM4-003 Accord 94-97 Grille Clip 91578-SV4-003 2500P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 2500P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:500P (B12) Case Qty:500P (B12) HU-HDB002 HU-HDB011 Honda Honda Accord 90-93 Bumper Male /Female Face Clip 91502-SM4-000 Accord 90-96, Civic 88-96 Door Pad Clip 91560-SP0-003 2500P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 2500P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:500P (B12) HU-HDB003 Honda Civic 92-95 Wiper Ventilation Net Clip 91508-SR3-000 2500P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:500P (B12) Case Qty:500P (B12) HU-HDB012-RH HU-HDB012-LH Honda Accord 90-93 Front Bumper Sliding Female Clip RH: 71190-SM4-000 LH:71195-SM4-000 2500P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:500P (B12) HU-HDB004 HU-HDB013 Honda Honda Civic 92-95 Hood Support Rod Clip 90672-SJ4-013 Accord 90-93 Rear Bumper Sliding Male Clip 71595-SM4-003 2500P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 2500P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Case Qty:500P (B12) HU-HDB006 Honda Accord 94-97 Car Body Protector Cap Clip 90505-SM4-003 2500P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 539 HD077 HU-HDB009 Case Qty:500P (B12) Case Qty:500P (B12) HU-HDB014-RH HU-HDB014-LH Honda Accord 90-93 Rear Bumper Sliding Female Clip RH: 71590-SM4-000 LH:71593-SM4-000 250P/ 1.7'/ 4-5KG Case Qty:50P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. HU-HDB015 HU-HDP01 Accord 90-93 Front Bumper Sliding male Clip 91509-SM4-000 Acura 2014-86 Honda 2013-79 Honda Accord 1993-90 Honda Civic 1995-92 Pedal Pad/Accelerator Stops (2 Pieces Total) 46505-SA5-000 46904-SM4-300 2500P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 2500P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG Honda Case Qty:500P (B12) Honda Case Qty:500P (B12) HU-HDB409 HU-HDP02 Civic Ferio 1700 Bumper Clip CRV Front/ Rear Bumper Clip 91502-SM4-003 91503-SE3-003-A Honda/ Acura 2002-76 Pad Pedal Brake 2500P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 250pcs/18-19kg/1.7cbf Honda Case Qty:500P (B12) Honda Case Qty:50P (B12) HU-HDB520 HU-HDP03 Civic K700/ K800 94-99 Grill Clip 91503-SP3-003 Honda/ Acura 1999-84 Pad Pedal Brake 2500P/ 1.7'/ 6-7KG 250pcs/18-19kg/1.7cbf Honda Case Qty:500P (B12) Honda Case Qty:50P (B12) Toute utilisation de marques dans le present catalog, n’est fait qu’a titre de reference afin de qualifier la designation. All items showed in this catalog are not original parts. Piezas adaptables no originales. Alle die in diesem katalog abgebildeten artikel, sind nicht original teile. The vehicle brand, that are mentioned in this catalogue, are of manufacturers ownership of the cars to which they make reference. Their use is this catalogue, as well as the genuine codes included, were used with the only purpose of helPin to identify all the vehicles models in which the spare part must be set. The HU SHAN items, though they are not genuine, are perfectly adaptable to the cars to which they make reference. 540 HD078