New Data on the Longevity and Mortality of Cats in England
New Data on the Longevity and Mortality of Cats in England
New Data on the Longevity and Mortality of Cats in England I Increasing our knowledge of the factors that affect the lifespan of cats could enable us to make changes that lead to an improvement in their health and welfare. With this in mind, Dan O’Neill, Companion Animal Epidemiologist at VetCompass, along with colleagues from The Royal Veterinary College, UK, and The University of Sydney, Australia, carried out a study using data collected from the VetCompass database of veterinary practices in England to find out more about cats’ mortality and longevity. The study was recently published in the ‘Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery’, the flagship publication of International Cat Care’s veterinary division. nvestigating the mortality and longevity of cats could help us to find out if, or how, different factors affect their lifespan.This advance in understanding could then enable us to make changes that improve their health and welfare; for example, by improving husbandry procedures, disease prevention strategies, breeding decisions or clinical care. This study therefore aimed to estimate longevity, report common causes of mortality and identify demographic risk factors for a reduced lifespan in cats in England. Study data The study initially looked at all cats from central and south-east England with data uploaded onto VetCompass (see box on page 29 for further information) between September 2009 and December 2012. After taking a random sample and selecting for those with confirmed deaths, 4009 cats from 87 practices were included in the study. Longevity The study found that the average age of death was 14.0 years. The results also showed that, as well as a peak in the number of deaths at 16 years of age, there was an additional peak at 1 year of age (see Graph 1). This led the authors to propose the existence of two subpopulations: 28 CatCare Definitions Longevity: the length or duration of life Mortality: the relative frequency of deaths in a specific population Graph 1: Percentage of cats in the study population that died within 1 year age bands. Photo courtesy of Dan O’Neill cats that were more likely to experience an earlier death, and cats that survived to an older age. Mortality Cats that lived for less than 5 years Almost half of the deaths in cats less than 5 years of age occurred due to trauma, and the majority of these were from road traffic accidents. The two other most common causes of death in this subpopulation of cats were viral infectious disorders (6.6%) and respiratory disorders (4.5%). VetCompass The Veterinary Companion Animal Surveillance System, or VetCompass, is an ongoing research programme that aims ‘to investigate the range and frequency of small animal health problems seen by veterinary surgeons and highlight major risk factors for these conditions’. Clinical data from veterinary practices that have signed up to the project are uploaded on to the VetCompass database. Data includes the animal species, breed, sex and weight, as well as information from clinical examination, diagnosis and treatment. Client names, addresses and financial data are not uploaded, keeping the participants anonymous. By July 2014, more than 1.5 million unique animals had been involved in the study. For more information visit: Cats that lived for 5 years or longer Half of all mortalities in cats that lived for 5 years or longer were due to: renal disorder, non-specific illness, neoplastic disorder and mass-associated disorder. The most common of these four causes was renal disorder, and this accounted for 13.6% of deaths. This finding emphasises the importance of carrying out routine health checks, especially in older cats, to increase the chances of detecting renal disease and optimise its management. Neoplasia accounted for 12.3% of deaths in the study. The authors proposed, however, that it was possible that many of the deaths ascribed to non-specific masses (mass-associated disorders that did not have a more precise cause or origin specified; 11.6%) may have been undiagnosed neoplastic disorders. This suggests that neoplasia could account for up to a quarter of deaths in older cats. Although malignant neoplasia often shortens the lives of cats, routine veterinary evaluation in older cats is recommended, as earlier diagnosis may allow for treatments that could prolong life or improve palliative care. Advances in understanding of the mortality and longevity of cats could enable us to make changes that improve their health and welfare Purebred vs crossbred The study found that crossbred cats lived for an average of 14.0 years, whereas purebred cats lived for an average of 12.5 years. It may be that, due to a smaller gene pool and inbreeding, purebred cats are more likely to succumb to recessive disorders, thus reducing their longevity. However, other genetic and non-genetic factors are likely to contribute as well. It was also found that the longevity varied widely between each of the breeds. The Birman, Burmese, Siamese and Persian lived as long as or longer than crossbreds, whereas the Bengal, Abyssinian, Ragdoll, Maine Coon and British Shorthair breeds showed reduced longevity. There are six life stages of the cat. To find out more about these and health issues encountered at these stages, visit www. advice/life.stage Demographic risk factors For information about chronic kidney disease please visit our website These differences between the breeds may be due to differing breed bodyweights and predispositions to specific diseases. Further investigation needs to be carried out in order to better understand and manage the difference in longevity between purebred and crossbred cats and the variation in longevity between different purebred cats. Bodyweight An increase in bodyweight was found to be associated with a decrease in longevity. Of the cats that died at 5 years of age or older, those weighing less than 3 kg were found to live, on average, 1.7 years longer than those weighing between 4 and 5 kg. This finding, however, may have been affected by the different breeds in the study and the effects of obesity. Insurance status An association was found between insurance status and longevity – the longevity of insured cats was 1.1 years less than non-insured cats. However, this finding was proposed to perhaps be due to fewer older cats being insured because of increasing costs or exclusions. Neutering Neutered females and males were found to live, on average, 0.6 and 1.7 years longer than entire female and male cats, respectively. There are various health benefits to neutering, such as reduced risk of asthma and abscesses, which would support this association. However, this finding should be interpreted cautiously as the age at neutering was not factored into the analysis. Reference ◆ O’Neill, DG, Church DB, McGreevy PD, Thomson PC and Brodbelt DC. Longevity and mortality of cats attending primary care veterinary practices in England. J Feline Med and Surg 2015; 17: 125–133. As a group, purebred cats, including the Maine Coon, were found to live on average 1.5 years less than crossbred cats. Photo courtesy of Animal Photography For information about different cat breeds and inherited disorders in cats, please visit our website CatCare 29
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Longevity and mortality of cats in England
O’Neill DG1, Church DB1, McGreevy PD2, Thomson PC2, Brodbelt DC1